The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 09, 1866, Image 1

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nussraa. Enitt:Tf.
Tu. coiTxmAtiNA, m,c16111.
utrzasnED 8 r 271 E GAZETTE ASSOC! 42-109,
AN)ittniso 411.1n0v, by mall. Orr on
rerloriStrt ICorrum, do. • do .....
N . e do
Paned bi Carri,r.s, Sioux (NG or .:, par
..•• ..... ••••• ..... • ..... ••• " •
Z lit l'iti.oburgh
crry nozras
All the ifest Prints, tne
.ott , GO Mantel street.
12 , 5 Ceuta
•A 3 - 1..1- , Mtc bale of Russ el:L.4h,
,rv , t open-
It'd 111 SheliaLl, A. L`;uelay•u. 71 aml 7•c ite.ticet
l'ountry Merchant,.
IN 'Ol ri,ol a roll ♦t.Yl: of Print%. Mn 21.7., At
sLeL•i.r A :0 the /0141,t
3 Aairt Muslin; ht Me ex, r 3 .. 0.4:t1y; 4-1
~ . - 4 0,11.• width Sle•ei In;,, aI li. re--r
* re•-. lint Let street.
P.hclistby A' Barris,.
v eio.„ltia out their etoek ut tudin.' and
andd,ro•g ..11ex la, regardless of coat.
heren call kutw•c 'purchasing elsewhere.
illanitet• end Flannels
A 'arra stock at greatly raducad prices, on
the North lat.l Carrier of Fourth stud Idartrat
Meets. - C. liArrsoa. I,avEtt Una.
Eqtud Sal'haze
tkilferemou on occout.l of color. Cutorol
anti w hitt man, bsty, unu Mt/ rocommen4
tf .7 r.r.; llnthets' Soap, only twit?' c.utt3
..!ifotret Mollybite of Limo,
7or I.cier•lsg cider. }•ur sale by Chaxlit
Super, Druggiot, eornor of Penn mad St. Clair
For a' Cheap
Balmoral Skirt, go to Ebotlaby.t Barclays,
yeU run get them at all prices, from ft 00 and
titoirards, remember, they hero r. heaatlfal
steel: oftlne slotting skirts, to which they call
the:particular attention of the ladle,
Blanket, sad Fltanuelet
At greatly reduced Pricol, at Sheilah!:
lay 'I.. Oral and ace tlieiratoek before making
“purcboles. It will pay you to do so. Remem-
X , er, the; ere pllll to the old Bee ilive stand.
Dry Goods,
I,ty gtock clolitng out at greatly reduced
'juices. preparatory to receiving our spring
ft•ck. Persons deauing bargains should give
lls a:Pail tieforeputbasing olsowhore.
C. BAR - sow Love & Bev,.
NO. 11 Masket. street, corner Fourth
. Great Rush lib! Ladles' Furs,
At tifo exh-naire Hat, Gap and tell.' Fur
Hops° of Wpo. Fleming, Mo. LID Wood stteat,
Su calor to purchase some of those fashiona
ble curs, pat are now Bolling at greatly re.
*laced prfees. Our stock consists in part of
fuifsetts of litolson hay Sable, Mink Sable,
sllerhoan Fitch, Siberian Squirrel, Water Mink,
Ladles' Fur floods, Ladles' Skating Cop.,
Grata' Flne Fur Caps, Collars and Gloves, Men
and Boys' Hats and Caps, of all the latest
Styles, ran be had at Wm. Fleming's First
Class Bat, Cap and Ladles' Fur House,
'Weed street, sign of the large Gilt Hot.
Pearl* sad Rubles.
White teeth crOpping from out or ridges of
Toby, a breath spicy ea the airs from Araby
tea Blest. Who can resist such fascinations
To tialire them, to perpetuate them, to make
iMe Mouth a casket of pearls and rubles, and
every sigh a gush of fragrance, all you have
o eta, fair hales, is to use that matchless vege
table production, Fragrant Soeodont.
Gast Gas 1
ift ev en persons visited the Steam Deo 41
NotaLashment of Dr. G. W. Spencer, No, 'Di
Penn street, yesterdaY, and had their teeth
extracted without the slightest pain, by the
of Laughing Gas. The above will be quail
lied to by Dr. C W. Horner, foreman, and by
Dr. D. P.alph Led, assistant operator. No
charge whatever for adenintstering the gas,.
And no, charge for extracting the teeth when
artificial teeth are oideirod. Beautiful sets of
taut/ for only /Do a sat, and an assortment of.
Wire tea tbodzatul doliirs Worth to se loot
&Gni: Blse asaistants In attendance I Also a
I.adiOperator. N. B. The artifietal eye made
to order lead adjUsted without the slightest
~11 *Wait on INltiela an Phuralstans agree,
Del of ter. thrunialuilyegulae physicians you
gannet dad one who will Snot lay that stioin
'aids sad iardipitnrata are absolutely necessary
fuTilealimmakse,Aarflretla bygone years
nano prectitientril bawls hesitated to sd
e:tinker there, because the fiendish ingenutty
lbf wrotehea.who make merchandise of human.
Aro:term:Ws bad so polluted and deteriorated
them that the remedy wiadeemed as danger
ems as -.le' tt....ause. This perplexity is hap
.pily wine 'away ; with. : .. - rkyricanna know, no
4eaudo the first 'analytical chemists of the age,
have darumetratedthe Digt,-that ILustetters
'Celebrated Stoma& -linters are absolutely
and. entirely. free from all pernicious etc
kteeee they -bare been Intr.:laced
Ado the United States Army, and are accent
ed.vberever thetestitmonyOf the wise, time to
aelligent and die phUanthropio is rated at its
Suet ,value, as the best protective against an d
Aura for altilisesses arising from impurity in
Ile air or Other unhealthy elunate Influences,
*hat has ever been tested by experience. I n
elaCli of Dyspepsia and. Liver Complaint, we without quelification or reservation,
but the Bitters are as nearly infallible ai any
t. int; prepared by human skill ran be.
Illobtetter's Bitters
haesale and royal at very low rates
YlemtureDruif otuiratent Medicine Depot,
81Mor.ket. afoot, corner of the ntameaa
and fourth fiereit;.
3entral 80 1 9 11 ite of LIMO,
der proservtig Oder. For sales by Cbark,
Drugr,lst, corner of Pond arid St. Clair
Fan and Winter Gooda
yt q with great pietism= we call the atte a
km Of oar reetlerstO the inibperb stock of Fall
nd {Slater Goode just received by Mr. Jobn
Weleri Merchant Tailor, No. tat Federal street
Allegheny. His stook embraces seme of the
most Dibalitifni Cletka, Oassuneres, Overcoat.
Sags and !Seating& over brought to the western
arken Ills assortment of Furnishing Goods,
etinnuteing Shirts, Drawers, Collars Neck Ties
nandkorctuolie, de., cannot be surpassed east
or west. A game stock of ready mad Pante,
treats, Vests and Overcoats, will also he found
his establishment. Persona In want of any
Ching in the clothing line shonld not fan to
efice llr. Weier sr , WI-
?Longs W. Parry ds
rratianal elate Roofers, and Dealers In Arneri
can 61.145 of rarlosa colors. OtEtoe. at Altman
diectungtahos near . the Water Werke Phlo
em:4h, Po- Residence, No. DI Dike street. Or-
Ihrul prOmptly attended to. All work warrant
ed water Mot.' Repatrin; done at. the short-
Illet notice.'No thane forrepairs, provided the
..VOCktle not 4 , 413. red attar It is put on.
Garsorater lobbing Shop.
¢aztng retaroed.otter an absence of three
yeeit*lii the tinny; num reopened my shop
,10.114 Eat" OfjOtotna2g In the carpenter line,
lit the Old stattd, Virgin Alloy. between Smith.
aeldetitet end Cherry2aley. Orderssollalted
and promptly attended to.
WurAmt aO6 age?
Neutral Sulphite of
preascryint; alor. For emlo bp Charles Su
'Ter; riraiglati mom of Penn and Bt. Clair
Rtjeel! YitUbcrgb.
A anattrwAn who lute just returned from
Tontotoo, Miss, states that n few ninths ago
gig-SfelltOrt,taf freedmen , » Bureau at tout
'place was murdered In cold blood, while Mean-
IP Ids bed, by 4 party of relken. Ms body
was riddled lath bullets In the moat nimeking
Inanner. The people at Pontotoc hated the
Inirenti - Intensely. for interfering with them
....InoXiircialtieeentrol over their Marna, and
tn ra w h hl a ch tt i l t Y S t ke e en s u fri ;I ' 7h e ,nt i
erriee. We ore Wormed that the people of
311salsepp1 genentlly sympathise with tho rn
dn their hatred of the - Bureau and their op-
Tression of the Freedmen. They denounce
the President. lln unmannered termA for tn
•llting of slavery', and speak
the Federal Governmen t as a , lespotlgrn, to
111111ClitheyMUSt yield for the present., from.
and not from inclination.
linen are nom pelletfto bons silent and cautions
'Mete wen, In ISA. and look on if they ware
'the etllotlogatell party. The mecesalonistu
them With contempt, apd speak of them on all
Otelnalattaas .. traltant to the South."
Tint Steyr York 71mo states that this country
end more to feed Linville during the
'64, than in the three yearn which fin
kriettkitelk• preceded the late war, The quail
:thy Of wheat tilitepol In the midst of the war
g.R3tRO MIA thtlie-touttliii times greater then
see, while the amount of ham and bacmi
If :an Increased eight time*.
SaoW fell at Oswego, N. Y., on Sunday, to
j,tir, depth of two feet. impeding railroad tray
tiodigaffordlng oattegnnt sleighing.
r.:•stm, yubliAtes thr I •iiorl
mg extract loner w , hi: , lt ,..
a,T,:tierottn of -
thatcltc 0,0 In
.•144e0 on chancy fOr Lily 110r1.1,14 tilt, and
many that aro here wish theri.selve, an av.
The feel Ind meting the 1. - anther:lcl,
, 8.1111,E 11.40,
biller and vindictive than lover 4:111 .
Soil alien . . Itself bn every occaldern.' They an:
waiting for a new election lit then city, wham
they intend to elect n Freltheen - llayor, and
then root Lout-nil northernera. At --their „pa r
ties,• the ladies will have nothing -to do with
northern Indies; and et Slate convent - lon of
the Presbyterians—here vetted , irthodoc—s
resolution Iro3 [xa.34.01.1 to e.tcltide 411 rieLlllro
1101n1sgorulloul their churches, so the ulari iv no
has been hired l,v riertherneri to pnlacii bore,
at fl ,SD A year, 1141.0 to etnil4, other 'due,: In
wlllela to aorehip. A few evening . * soul,
holding n prayol meeting, 1140 u 04, 1 ,. in-olto all
the windows n ilia bt.b.l - Lhat , . Thu- ,04alonnn,re
are too poor to ill, as Itlilllot , r, and too tilg , tc.l
or too corrupt to bare one hill: I tin tier], I
tear t shall turn rad I ant lit.! itninc ter
t inheryittbdo. c Itiet one Of (..40' 44 4,04.1
-greet , . etatlr 1 , 1114,404 044 4 , 0 the r' , 4414 , f - 4 - 4411
Weldon to tioldshorougit—an ontettel-ont t wat
3. " . -, r44 and
more, and 1.,, 4,.•,401 will Icaadi 4041 . 1 r 0 n
to teach f 7, 14 - 011Ildrent, keep on t alb lei:sell."
A ran cicr- of fourteen n.ul dire,"
01101 mer e, renleet (rely, regidll4;,. I
took It into their hetell to got tan ,C11 , ,f, Nett
they didon Wednoodav, and starto.l for tie;
the congenial .104011 tv ortynablegton, The pa.
Rents follcwol and lien a.i the youth sell it, pa.
phrs and the gi et sewing for a clot store . ,
botil happy n, cooiag dove,
Iva establlebrucom of mILL.,-; , , nnsti In VI,
Eagle, and more Mttedy In 311ists 4 q , 1-, 011 1, It
1e said, be fntlea ed by to
said, eetlon to
allahe boutbere Stub.. 'These, inaNi. , l x Ili lm
gurlFlSened•byt. ~ regahrrk, who sell! net. ii 19
tmderemed, in rostJun-tion 01111 t tli• Freed.
fur" Si. P. ,• uvi that t h e
lion Into that Isecrtalnly, to th•• COerad
of it very trio vent-. de,t Inve to nt:t
one of Coe rlelle , i,4f not the rioh,t. state in
the Union —no; only In re,onrees, 'YU In
ally derploged wealth.
A LeTtlen frorn the 1, , n of Goyer,,,, Wino,
has Made Its appearaner, In uht,a lie urges
the Southrrn:p•ople, in it colt, nn.l
manner, to loreet and ono°
again rally urouo,l the nag ut 001 cum:eon
gamialit:t; estanll.htaenL• New o r .
leans Intvo been suppressed by orate,. at , lene
al Sheridan. The Msy., t. remn.,dr,t;a 4 .;
against this ioterf,trence, and an appeal to tin.
President is threatened.
A seniors atraty bet aces some United Sutter
soldiers and some citizens at Darien. Um . Id
reported. edu.d, were freely esehringe.l. And
setertil pertone NI ere severely bandied.
JOOO . H. Snlnn, Republican, tree, , 90
Clay Mat, elected to the flange of Repre+en ia-
Lives, to till the Vacancy 000,,,10.‘0.1 by the
death of Hon. Day Wood, of Lancaster c , rou t v.
The Democrats made no nomination, but in
several districts voted for a negro for the
Assembly. Very loving—are they not 1
FRON oil parts of Indiana, and indeed the
entire West,accounts came that the wheat on
the ground has already boon considerably
datfinged, and In likely to be more 90, 10 eat,
900000000 f the freezing and Unseen, which
lakes place In the abamice of the usual pndec-
Lion derited from &covering of snow.
The Zanesville Signal Says that onite an sal
muted emoting was beRl at .Cumberland. In
Muskingum county on Wednesday last. to
ctelsnier the proposition to run tit., ratlroad
from that place to the Central Ohio Railroad,
a distance of sixteen miles. The meeting re
solved to ruler alun,ooo stock for the road.
AN exchange asks if the poor girls Qover-nor
Andrew sent to Washington Territory arc to
be enld like Circa... sS elan Ji, by en
weight and plumpno. We suppo,eeentutio th
not. We
infer they will he sold at liquid measure --so
much per gal.
A FITS-1901.1.9P note of the national curren
cy was detected at the tr , asury on Monday;
having been transformel by pa,tlag Into a
Only. The picture on the heck %mild he the
best guide in determining the value on such
JnYaa GormoN BLIPSEI, wan rec4Antly incit
ed to deliver a lecture before a literary aaso
elation at Princeton, N. J. lie declined, orat
ing that "his time was ton vala•el+l~, and lec
turing was Only the basincai of Ilteriiry va
Ileum, the medlem, boa been Vl4ll.lry the
Emperor of Russia and the timed Doke Con
stantine. The Emperor has eppotnt•nl Home's
son ono of the pages of the Court; and the boy
will be Indueted Into the Greek Lhureh.
Tax Philadelphians are getting quite ex•
ched over demonstrations In a house in South
I•'ifth /street,, which strongly rfzemble the
spiritual deaoustrytloas• at- Rochester and
other places two or thrOeyears ago.
, •
Consitienaatt age%ant prevails In Co., s
J ac k s o n n4irbsp,y• •tintle", Missouri. on
n,count can , e of Old Limb wimok -
era to• - • • ill of some of choir
nurnberirritt• as , !,
f'non - - - 1 •.• • • • „re cities, New Or
harm is the most thoroughly puritan toed. Se
carnienof Its early capture and of Its long use
es ea importtml.'mllitary post, much of the
Northern element has been centered there.
.1, largo addition to the well-known Glen
Manse, at the White &Wantons', which was In
process of construction, was blown down by a
tornado a few days since.
[lost all of the three-cent fractious.' curren
cy bus been redeemed by the Treasury Depart
ment. There-will bo no future issue of notes
of this denomination.
Tai 1 6 - Lat./Srilll.llB have subscribed $
forlhe endowment of Antioch College. In
Provident° alpne the stem of IM3OO wns rat... l •
Ihe Colored Delegation ulna the Praia
WASIIINGITON, Feb. ft—The following is the
ronidruslon of the report Of the Interview be
tween the President and the colored delega
tion, given yesterday :
Let us now seek to discover the lowa govern
ing this questlian. There le a great law eott
trolling it- Let no endeavor to and out what
that law is, woe conform our action In It. All
• the details will then properly arlpist them
selves and work well in the cud. i,oti knows
that anything 1 can do in the mighty process
be a Lich the great end is to Do reached—Any
thing I can do to elevate the race, to soften
and ameliorate their condition, I a ill do. sad
to to do so is the sincere desire of my
heart. .1 am glad to have met you, and thank
yon tor the compliments you ha, paid Inc.
Air. Douglass—l have to return to you my
thanks, /fr. President, for so kindly granting
-us this Intern iew. We did not come here ex
pecting to argue this question with your Es
'saliency, but Simply to state what wore oar
views and wishes In the prowls,. If we were
disposed to argue the .Attestion, and you would
grunt us permis-ion. of pours.. tvo wrlntd en
deavor to controvert tome of the positions
you have sauteed.
Mr. Downing—Mr Douglas., I take It that
the President, by his kind axpr“,lonn and
hie very full treatment of the 'objet t, mad
have Contemplated some reply to the views
a filch he has advanced, owl in wh:oh we cer
tainly do not concur, and I nay this with dun
The President-1 thought you expect , d me
to indicate, to Vane Client, what my tines
Were op the subjects touched In your st.tte
Mr. Downlng—We are very happy Mcleod to
have be. 1.1 them.
_ .
_Sir. Douglake-1r the President will allow toe,
I would like to spy one or two Word, In reply.
President—All I have done Is simply to In
di, ate what my clews arc, as I supposed you
es vented me to from your address.
'Mr. Douglass—My own iinpre.ision 14 that
the eery thing your /facellency would troll
In the gout he States, can Only in: v •y
the very measure that we propose, and I wout•l
elute to my brother delegates, that bectoele I
perceive the President has taken strong
ground in favor of a given policy, and dintru.d.•
lop my Own ability to remove any of those Im
pressions which he has expressed, I thought
we bad better end the interview with an ex
preesiOn of thanks. (Addrmsing the Presi
dent.) But If your Excellency will be pleased
to hear, I would like to say a word or two in
regard to that ono matter of the erarattelilie-
Muni of the Meeks ma moans of preventing
the very thing which your Excellency seems
to apprehend, that lea conflict of races.
* l4 President-1 repeat I merely want to
trollente my views In reply to your address,
and not to enter into any general controversy,
and I could not well der so under the etreurn
ntelleire. Your statement was a von trunk
CUM and I.tisotight It was dun to yon to meet
It in the same spirit.
Lionglnes—Thank you, air.
The President—l think you will Ond, so fur
an tile North in concerned, that if all a 111 In
culcate the Idea In connection with the one
'yen Urge, that the colored people eau live and
advance In civilization to better advantage
elsewhere thitzrerowded together In the South
It would be better for them.
. .
Mr. Douglass—But the masters have the
reeking of the laws, and we cannot get away
from the plantations.
The 1. - resident—Whet prevents you
Mr. Douglass—We have not the simple right
of locomotion through the States.
The President—lf the masters now control
the freedmen, would he not control his vote!
Mr. Douglass—Let the negro once under
stand thut he has s right to vote, .toil lin will
raise up a party In the south among the poor
who will rally with him. There is this con.
tl.ti that you speak of between the wealthy
uholder end the poor man.
The President—You touch right open the
petit there. There is the conflict, and hence
I .ggeot emigration. If he cannot gel P.,
pi , .llileht hi the south, •he has it lo hi. power
logo where he one get It
In parting, the President said that they
were both desirous of nocompikhing t he saute
ends, but proposed to do so by following differ
ent trade.
Mr. Douglass, off turning to leave, remarked
to his fellow delegate.. : The President sends
us to the people, and we have to go and get
the people right.
The President—Tea air, I have groat faith
in the I
pooplo. I believe they will no what la
Just, anti have no doubt they will settle title
nefitlon right, and I hope It will be submit
ted to them for final action.
The delegates then bow,ed and arlthd row,
Merlon• Ballroad Accident
New Yews Feb. B.—Star Bloomfield, New
Jersey, a train broke through u rotten bridge.
Some of the Care fell into the creek, and were
completely shattered against the stone rem.
dal lon at the bridge. Milton Holt, of Mont.
clear was klliwl. Those injured were Jos.
Bevis, of Bloomfield, very serloUsly: Joe.
rernus. of Montclair, severely bruised; Van
yck Graham, teller of the Montle Balk had
his head Injured; Mr. Brmlegan, of Montclair,
bruised head and body; 8. Arbuthnot, conduc
tor, severely bruised as 110,4, boy named Owens
as considerably la) tired many others hurt,
but not Serlottay.
Irrertsgeentnis for• Uttar Pre.-
\ 1 , 1 \ idz..}.l. 1N 11.111,..0
.11f uC , b 1111, P!ltfbitrßll Guutto
IL, 1:R0 , 111110, FrU.
I',nl fifty es-onleers and pritlltCB etPlect
pit with the Lett hviat.l3 re ttlll , l thtlel - ttnetthe no,
t ,, the renll , ..t of the tioviarili.r,
:he beet prt..grnallaC to adopt ot the r.
wept ion of as the uzufe r f r. turned Peanuts.,
rile regiments. General Itnrrj White proghtul,
:11.1 the Greener ii‘blrir..oil the meeting. A
r•n,latti en nay apikeliiitcYl to report upon a
;qr.:ix - amine next Wcatiesility. The eeleira•
&Jon prOMI.I.B to be a magnificent .Ituptx4.
In the Plttsbur7,h G
Mr. Graham preeentoll a petition of ILI' :
.tt.n3 of Penn townvitip, kl• akin , y
Inking that certain part tal ho exempted front
ttaxn tic tn for bounty on rpo,me
Mr. Latta reported from the Commit.:, .
JutMetary, tt,;ellernt,, with n etm.: Ire Goo m•
men ltat ion, no aet relit Ire to nmrriags: t.
Mr. Ithlgany, from the Umpornt ton tin ,:I •
tee, reported un nut Incorpomt In g Lb- 1%1.,
burgh Fruit House As aoelat ton.
Mr.Bigliarn read in 1.1.0de ,A i 070•.ra
urig the PLUM/unit T,, Allr,L.e.rl. • , p; . 1”,;
(;.3.rdon Po,,entrer E..,11,tdy
Graham presented a • 1ppi0..11,0
prt incnrr,ratttig the Cpring t:.,-den Plant
torn petty
Mr. Wal;acr ratkdA . l r L.. 1.4
311. Ball, 311 not stalt,i'lzinl app i•. loon
orders px...sativ‘g b;v.,!:11 1•11-.1.-
t on.. Puss. to 11 - 111.1 recol!nt;
The Publie Colander w - nc ooalil ,rt , ll dt. 1 ,y
and the (allowing !Alta passed dually:
Au art relative to the duties of Aldermen
.tad Justices of the Peace; an net firing the
time for final adjournment; an art to tar joLnt
•took companies taking charters to operate In
other States and tern torte, an net to prevent
clundest :De mnrrta;•es.
Adjoundsl until seven , sq. thb. ern o
to consider the bill for the relic.' of lne elttzdus
f)1 Chatubersburir.
I , VI, IS. SCS5lO5.—The Boutin resumed the
cousuleratlon of the bill approprutlut: five
It nutlinsi thousand dollnrs eitl,fl.l of
l'hambernburg. The bill ‘r us ably advocated
L. Inetnirers en both Side• of the Hoses, by
Thomas•, of , and Pershing, of
t'r tobrts. and pasbani the House by a vote of 79
TL. bi: in !ulnuenitnA:tlernen and Justtnem
• , t tb.• P••ncc In Allegheny county Yr. p 0,4
Was tworos, February ..—Tito folio Wirl4
the published reply of the colored delegation
to President Johnson, prepared atter they had
t bete interview with him yesterday
Me. President—ln consideration of a dell-
rate wise of PronriefY, as well as your own
repeated intimations of indisposition to di.-
vh4A, or to listen to a reply isitho views and
opinions you wore pleased to express to us In
your elaborate speech to-day, the under
,ignen would respectfully Luke this cueitind
hf replyingtherebs, Believing; as we do, that
UM view, 61114 opinions expressed In that ad
dress are entirely rotsoisad and litejltdicial to
to the highest interests Of oar ratio, as well as
of one country, we cannot do otherwise than
expose the same, and as far SA may be In our
power, arrest their i nfluence.
It Is not necessary at this time to Call attee.
tint, to more than two or three features of
tour remarkable address. The arst point to
w bleb we feel especially bound to hike excep
tion is your attempt to found • policy opposed
to our enfranchisement upon this Winged
ground of an existing hostility on the part of
the former slaves towards the poor white peo
ple of the South. We admit the existence of
this hostility, and hold that it is entirely re,
ripascal, but you commit an error by drawing
an argument from an fn.:Went Of a state a
Altar ery, and tasking it • balls for • polity
adapted to a state of freedom.
The tuletillty between the whites and °lacks
of the South le easily expl aims& It has its
root and sap in the relation of slavery and
was Incited on both sides by the cunning of
the masters. Those masters secured their as.
Tendency over both the poor whiles
and the blacks, by putting enmity between
them. They divided both to conquer each,
there was no earthly Splines why the blacks
should not hate and dread the poor white,
amen In a state of til‘rett, for;tt was from Lida
clre,a that their itia , ors rereived their stare
...tubers, slave drivers, and overinters. They
were the men called In upon all assnasien•, by
the musters She t any fierittlatt teltraSe was to
be committed upon the slave.
Now sir, you cannot but is-reeler that the
cause pf this hatred removal, the hatred must
he removed; as slavery IA ORA Idled, the Canso
Of antadtianistll Is removed; and you Must see
that It Is •Itogglher iikerical--putting sew
wine. Inter:Ml bottles—mending new garments
with old cloth—to legislate from slavehold I ag
and slave driving premises, for a people whom
you have declared your purees° to maintain
In freedom. &widen, even If It were true, as
you allege, that the hostility of the blacks to.
ward the poor whites must necessarily be the
same in a state of freedom as In a stale of
slavery, in the name of heaven, we reveren
tially sak, how Can you, to view of your pro
fessed desire to promote the welfare of tile
black man, depri .e him of all means of is.
fence, nod clothe him whom you regat-4 as his
enemy io the panoply of political power! Can
it be that you would recoin teem] Rpolicy
which would arm the strong and ea+t down
the defetteelessl you, be any possibility
of reasoning, regard this as elther.last, fair, or
Experience proves that threm are oftenest
ainthett who can be abused with the greatest
ulmpunity. Men are whipped oftenost who
are whipped Ca teat. whippe d
but weer, Lb °
races to not to be secured by degrading one
race and exalting another, by giving poster to
One Mee and withholding It from another, but
by maintaining a state of equal Justine be
tween ail patties. Fret pure then pimenable.
On the colonization theory that you were
pleancd to broach, very much could be said. IL
in liner's/tilde to suppose, In view of the use
fulness of the Week man m time of Mahe xis •
taborer to the Smith, and in time of war an a
soldier at the North, and the growing respect
for his tights among the people, and his In
creasing adaptation'to the rkto states( civili
zation In thin ht. not ive land, that there can
come a time when be can be removed from this
country without a terrible shock to its
prosperity and pence besides. The worst
enemy of the nation, could not cast upon Its
fair nano ix greater infamy that; to suppose
that negroes could 100 tolerated among them
in a state of the most degrading slavery and
oppreaston and must be ca.* n way And driven
Into exile , liar no other cause than having been
freed from their chains.
yf:TorTek l3 `l,7,°.:il%. 3 ,° 4 L:. J lT - 1 .
III: lin ki , 3:ifikt:9l3: *lllOlll
Chilian War Excitement.
New Tonle, Fob. 19.—The steamer! Fulton,
lleclo and Bornica, from Europe, arrived this
mornlng. Rowe anticipated.
Air4.—kladrld diapatchea of the 22.1 say It la
onlolaily confirmed that Prim entered Porte
gal. He In delivering the tiorroa and equip.
menu of Its followers to the Alt : lade of 'Anon..
In cone. tinceee of disturbance,. at Valencia,
that Province Ins been procialmtal in a
stale of Hoge. Madrid continued tranquil.
I A tvi.—Titc I oportod death of Ulna", t h e
nrulptor, to unfounded. It l 5 reported Franco
tendered In mediation bet woe. the Pope and
Ituamin. Prince Hahn dloo at Gonna, limnb,ty,
.1/r/ticrurnr. Dee. al.—There la Intoner excite
ment in South Australia by the nil I lan wa
and all rate, of copper have ....00 ntoppull. Th., r,
rebels on the east coast of boon
been deft:Abed anti hurretelernel.
annnlttl War In Chlna-_r,b
arlor. Expollod—l . trney—Trlal of Mutt.
rt Feta netseo, Feb. a.—tlong Kong adviees
to the lath of December, amts that the North
ern banditti are still causing much trouble to
the govettnnent, whose fore. had been de
tested, soil Itriren.towrad. the Yellow hirer,
s hero they had been out 1.41" from oommnnl
t.omplications are likely to arlso between
Fratteirand China. concerning propy, gan di.,..
The French Catholic Blessionarl, have been
Alr.ven Dom their missions established mi.loi
the privilege secured by the treaty.
Foreign resets routines to suffer from M.
rates on the Chinese coast.
Tho native cotton crop has generally prove,l
a failure.
• • •
The tried of the mutineers of the ship Milt()
Swallow, rommr"red hero to-day.
Lened tenders, 7D3i.
The rimer oleierres that the coati Litt:lg n t•
tore of the est/males oft 110 prohable supply
eoaten to he reerlted 'Torn America Ili!, year
14111 remarsalde It state" that General
-hot man, NV bri illra been down the NI i.sts.
to rLans..,. Ina letter datod St. Louts.
A:lnd:try . 1,1, to n t - sor I ,n Lr,lon,
not he ender upprr It ail as to cotton,
'or I saw ettrosirh to ant ISfy me that nest :y all
t tin i,./tton hind Is rlrnr sn.l rosily for th,
sod will he iron Intentthl. year."
the pithlient lon or the (1011101 as of
trial In Jatsialea, mused groat Indiamation.
Madly Journals proclaim that all law was viola.
' ed, and that Gordon wan Murili , rotl. Free the
io• r says that the etidencn causes It to rutin t
flar Gordon WI" not indicted In regular form,
and tried according to the f"rite. of lowa by
triage and jury.
Another Oblast-re,- O , xpin,:oa 11
oererred 11,0 {l . i Ririe !Ivo.
The I ('talon trllls mot Coro 1 , 11011” nontlntie
had Arno detained in Vt. Tarm
t 6 on the point of ,Llllna Tor Peru.
d. 3 laltrta tC , artsm says shot the news of
tlen-ral Prizu , n rote: Into POrtnpll hat! not
u,en fonnrme.t by the Spanish atubenanlet al
1.1-non. There appears to be otherwise on
,l.oll,ted ennflrtnntion en the rte:.
via I,nn.ton,lorry —L... Inn, Jisn..
- The eartle dist:sae to atilt Inezoaslng. The
:t tuber of me r e In the weekly rottirn for the
first time exceeds number ti for
the week enelln,7 Jan. teth.
IP; Telegraph to flOaCentlerry—Llvorpool,
nrokers clrentat re
ports the sales for thin neck at e? NJ thh
tner ket closing heavy et the authorltod'
tattoo of Thersally which aro: fair fiew Ot-
Irene 21,1; mtddlbi Neye_ ti , rletkop IVirl; fair
Mobile :9! Ai-telt! .mg Mobile 113;.‘d; fair ott
tYitli middl i ng npinaul• The Sdook
to port Is estlmatset at hales, of woloh
121.000 ere A tilCrtel.ll.
- .
iitanehestor markut tnuda dolt - law:tr.!. Ilbearl-
Ftuird ntoaxly,ptvrin tnna quiet but stckly.
Lend:bin, Feb Zi.—CtineolA for money 3f 0m
b 3-113. rnitc.l tittaten lirr twontiel
Erier+~•e9•S. R. It. ie53%; Illino lentrul shaLro.
754g7r0,. tUill lon to the bank of Englood
hu. decrease-I F.:5,,41
London 3fccy ' Markel —The fande war*
steady and rather antler. likeount rale or
the Bank of England eontinucd at y per cont.
Tho anpply of money In the alecount market
continuo, comparatively largo Choice bllU
are easily negotlata4 at a half to ono par coat
below the hanktcnininitiol. Sixes hero had
an improvement of 0111% dollar. Atlantic and
Great Western Shares steady.
Cot J. G. rarklns succeeds Gen. Smith In the
WAITING AN EXECUTIVE AUDIENCE. "m 1 a " GI 0 c... f n ' u u .25' 1 1 CorP 4
dlaarnains all parties In brosgrellte
I horbond.
Hl Ds FIR ytN,; cii . TR! : a al. It•ed.Gen rrnetenl's AdinTant 1.
has been arrested for nompllclty in the fts.g.lsr
capt. Pluchdr, of the. Libermi army. ow. !wen
The Importation of Foreign faille. xtcd, charitd with rit.Lltini the avtglrnlity
la% S.
Poi T, I. I lit or rIF.RI,ViT
Nl' .. Yon n, lehrnar7 I. The liertal tr s
Washington special says that the fact
la published that In response to one of
Gen. Grants earls of invitation to his re
cent reception, Gen. Butler address.] a very
curt note of declination, ataLlng that he
neither wished to hold personal Intercourse
with the I.feut. General or any Of hie family,
and moat decline the present or any future
proffer In that direction. Gen • Grant good
naturedly destrotred the note tot Nowt as rend,
and determined If It ever appeared In print
to know positively that It was cutillated hy
Gen. Butler himself. Cherishing no ill-will
toward lien. Butler. he Invited him among
other Celebrities. and feels that In doing to he .
placed himself right on the record.
The .71 - 054 ,, ' I least:noon special saya A
very Largo crowd woe at the 'Mintz Ileum yes
terday, &wal li ng Faccultro saelianee. /roar
ge o,, legrvis were In attendance, one of t IgVICI t y . •
Montana, nr•„1 ng the necessltlea 01
that territory In regard to public roads, and
bringing !specimens of aartferous wealth rag
colored detestation modeled. nearly iml hour.
tint at one o'clock the dole atea of ;public
schools, now holding a convention In tilt/ alt.,
were presented by Mr. Northrop, of the Massa
chusetts Board of Education of the Uneven
ton. The interview was tonna! nod plea.lant
The Pdtotriee Department lately advertised
for bids for ea, eying mails on silt rotates In
Unties/La, ILlsataalppl, Lontstana, Ala • and
Arkansan Only 004 bids were made, and as
many of them are dupilestes and trip lent.,
It Is not probable that half the routes RI be
let. In some cases the price asked la igher
than It was In Vea. although the among of loi
ters carried will be meet leis TheSocein
makes baste slowly to tamely berm! with
po.tal nu:little.
among the Many petition received by the
Treasury Department from permns airing
cattle In Canada, staking per anion tu land
them In the United States, was one ream an
vino cattle dealer, who, previous to the enact
ment of thetas' forbidding the Import Alton or
foreign *toe:, had sent to Luanda 12.010 bead
of heel cattle and .10 sheep to be fattcnott. lie
ask. the Secretary of the Treasury to permit
the return of his rattle, but on account Of the
extent:lg regulation• lit, request cannot L.
compiled with.
Dr. George S. Gale, of No. ill, Eighth A rents°,
New York, has boon appointed 1. S Ellen•ton
Examining Surgeon. Dr. lisle has Freed
nrly four years with the army, nod w • con
siderod one of the most accompllsptui t
of tine medleni staff
The Turs . Washington special *yet IPtelll
--ence received from Ltiehmonti is to theleffent
that John Minor !Jetta is at the head of ihe
movement of certain Union men for the remo
val of Governor Plerpoint. The Ylrgitila Leg
islature have appointed a Committee to wait
on the President with the resoluthms atiOpted
by that bedy. They arc expected in Wasthing
ton to-day.
Napoleon's Message to Mai!Milian.
r• , c +.--The steamer Pert,
v 1.1.11, from Liverpool inn the rat nand Loll
‘11.n , 1, fry inl the :Will, one day's later news,
urrl,ml. The flii•vrn Is Important.
4.tton declined one half penny on tunnel.
ens. The sales of the week were 5,00 baton,
and On Friday, 7,000 testes. Market. 0051114
lircadatutiN steady. Provisions quiet and
Consols, SO‘ii;o3,l-1E; U. S. Five Twenties,
ecl3c64; Erie Shares, 55 , 465.5 3 4; Illinois Central
Shares, 7E41%4.
The bullion a the Bank of England has n.
Crease. , .i.T.LODO.
The Paris correspaaideist of that London
roses gives a minute account of the circum
stances under which Emperor Napoleon dia.
Matched M. Lalliard on lila special inissiou to
exico lie was hurried to oho palace, when
the Emperor said he wanted him to ant oat
a ithout delay for Mexico, with it message from
Wm to Maximilian, trtiat..he conalderod that be
(Napoleon) had fulfilled all Mu obligatlOnS
imposed on him, Mill that the time had now
arrived when Maximilian must depend on his
on n resources without the help Of the french
arm , .
M. Lalllard caked for some Credential*, but
the Emperor observed that there was no tie
crony for any document. All he had to do
was aimply to represent to Maximilliau t nn
conversation he had }net bad, end that would
suffice, and he recommended lf. Lalllard,
moreover, to trete no time In setting out for
Mexico, but to depart by the first steamer.
Secencrirs.—Mmows. Lliatterth.
weite's circular, of the evening of the tith,
mays: Since our last, the Mae( feature mr
American securities, have hems some few large
transactions In Flvedwenty bonds, anda de
mand for Erie shares, for shipment to Now
York. The general publ lc, however ' appear to
be doing little or no business in these ateurl
them. During the week, ti-20'u have advanced
about half a cent. clueing at egi44iild not
withstanding reported large shipments front,
New York to the Continent.. Minot. Contra
shares continue neglected, at 75Q115.4.
In Erie shares there latest boon oonsideralde
duct nation. At one time they were taken as
high ice N./c, but lower quotations per City of
London has greatly depreastal inn tuarketand
tho-{ lean Off nearly te lowor than last went, at
Some demand for Virginia Sires
council aim improvement of one dollar. Atli.,
tic and Ureat Western were steady.
A., T. Aiewart Libel Anil.
Arm Your, Feb. N.—The Stewart libel en,.
woe railed up for the first I lino, In the Conri
.4 of Over and Term/per, this morning, baron
Judge ilarnard. Mr. Colburn, the deli:nitwit.
appeared by hia counsel, Messrs. thto. N , loto
nod John Nedgwick, and pleaded not guilt• .
The trial of the came on the application of M.
Coliburnls counsel, has been uslrod for at (1,4
ally a duy na the cronventenee 01 ti, lour:
permit. Thu CMen elicits groat public
interest, the court being dcusely crowded.
'Moron. Feb. Fl.—Too Fontana hold a moot
ing In Paneml flail lad covonLn. Al.droamt,
worn made by J. IL. Etngera, ChM( a of tin, Man
hattan tnbo, B. Doran
rrian unit others.
Tlic Alncrican Cotton Supply
lnolhn' Coal Mine I:..rialoirlon
, L•. -The (ono, Lll 1:16: l'srm tan has hsen res7eivell :
The correspondent .ay,, Napoleon
never dote, anything wttnoat coma gl.lrld and
•uhrtantlal reason. What Lent rett.-.n Li, In
the present lnstotnee, In sending nn Envoy to
tetfli only verbal Instruction., he
self only knons.
t'w lb —it 1% :IA w.l tht Spahl,h vent In lb.]
Pacific I•te.l...lnert.twefl.
t , rl:.;tN EuiwrE
Penis.. ille.ti.g In Lloston
ElPeeled Proclamation of Re
Ns Tnnt. Pcb —Tbe If , P , '•
too tipeelhl BIT; then ig 11 report .o m rettla
"on tbilf the ofgeo of l' 01 inter.
rat Atieenue. is " to ,
of the feet flail nailer the proa•att 14 t s
of Internal rerenue are dep. , .1 1,1 . 1 ` ,l th
.&*sirtaat Tressnrorn and lotitatdtara, or the
Cnaed'Sta [es. 111111 tPtle or no money 14 .
pa. 1.1 info the ollice at Wealth - Litton TM+ Mon no I
In. a laving of neur..y throe thou.", tol
per annum to the go. ornme lIT.
The Treetterry iteintrtmcnt Is about tt
CI, dibbler lately tomcat, deforrtag t.tau 1 t
ato.* 4.r the redemption of mutilated • ar.
rent, ebtahtishing it Bureau 04101..1411v t•,:
ouch teat:12 1 3110 0 .
A ae r faarto tllO otne4 11 t• ramorod
here, P.nd bellove , t,cinit t he Pt ealdeat AV n. won
fade Ilc,proolamnt! ,, rn dental - lag the rebellion
at . 1 . 11 „a4 4 1, the oar avf.r, up.
anisoyernmeut in all It, - .10101
of the Union.
A uneTnorial !Inn) ;be ne. too Te.lnente,,,n
.Inni Leantnehbann, w hoel, in 11r1 tll,,Let ,
Int ran 11110,,, !Ina botorstrlag ;n the lan regl
u.ent &Tennessee% elan, eaysirv.ahowll,l4
that they never reeetved e , enrmnenniion• uo ,n
-t 3 °spay, Is in NVanhlngton.
A Ilpeeitil to the COPOPfer, •
rrvzioll I:Lupe:roe!, npeech Vet+ goner - AI n.t•
fineti&i. The strictest neutrality will 0.0,1111ue
To preseryn•il by oar goverambn The
utunhetarn elt 31sothfilan and Juarez Jnnet to,
n line decided the Mexleatas On Meth:An
A W33blnxton dispatch says tho
fremletstOrtif at the four jolueLpeni
ditritimiths month of January, a ere
Torki ;441,321 31; P.oston, 111,914,43•1 ;
adel e AU a 003.313 ; Baltimore, $1.4,770 Gt.
Tat '4l/,219,1933 19. When all the port! tire
b from Mtge numbera it is believed,writl
he swelledlo Upwards ef sixteen Millions.
A spboba*lbiptsteb to the Its: Pays: Thu bill
pftaSerd by the House of ltepreientellvfet
portio n ing the 'public lauds In the southern
Stittelltireeides for the dleladou of forty-elzht
Vril/80119 of Belli. of public lands into !lon,.
limeade, 11 bleb can be pre-ample 1 by tree, .
men. .
Anniher amendment to the ecaddit attn. ~ •U
Win Laf.resee tcd. prohddaht, tLe veal
Linn ter emancipated Slaves.
Maxlmiltan'!. .Address to the Foreigu
N 11.77 nent.Ass, Feb I--4...:c0n
Intles 311.1,111ng at
73 tot3c. Sn,lmr unchanged.
nerling.ll.o; Gold, 1334'; Freights stes.t F ;.;
Now TOrk, lc; by steam to Liverpool,
Broatinsrale, Feb. 3.—Gen Wright arched ..t
Gal vObtou on the let.
Col, Brown antecede Gun. Weitzel in tnu eorm
d Ot Uat Rio Grande Dletrlet.
Oortines and his forces left for parti on
k noon. It Is report.,*] that before lie left he
revolted from dearer the of
Generel-Irt-Ch led of the Liberal army.
Your plan-roof artillery. taken from Barldd,
by the Liberal•, and brought to Clarksville,
stereaeLted on the int, end held, by the t' - a
Collector of Custom..
The Yrench Man-of-War Adonis arrived off
the mouth of the Rio Unlade..
Two thousand French town. are expected
on tltr Rio Grande.
An Aid de tamp of Maximilian was at Mat
amoros on the tint.
It is rum bred that Connles was at Reines..
and with a Liberal army taint eacaped ws• be
sieging • Monterey, and Meader with another
ens isteieging lampleo, none of which co.
belieVed at Broanavtlie,
At the city of Mexico the 11.10 . .rmastio holy
'atoll,. Wetted en Maximilian and himprevs,
'dila mesa/are of rundoinntst on the death of
We Empress' father, King Leopold. Merl
-0.11111411 repljing, allude] to the eh:Memel wlth
with the Empress had tw,x, rewolved every.
whey* tin her tour team! from 1 aralan, Irilli•
!Mthilt artned escort.
Uti — neas on to awry ire wettrysetf renitnineti
'you hare been witness to my lesions. I have
thanoen aside those empt• theories entch iced
only to anarchy, and have devoted all my
forts to regulating the milltini.tratlon of p w
11. affairs , and developing the element of p 0-
lie ereltb and prosperity, anti the solutlou of
the greatquestionattuat have chief!, °CCM:Ip .1
public attention. la this alracult task I in ve
nought to have been enabled to festal the m
patient and sheer the faint hearted A day
cannot heal gaping wound•produced by tan
>oar. cruel war, but I have arm cool:L.1.ot, in
the result, and will proceed to my proposed
end with lindefetiguble perseverence. My
strength may fad, but myjearneat determina
tion never. I have specialty determined not
to alter ilernOoratlc habit, and manner*,
I am conclettel that they e.ooduen to elerele
the citizen imbuing him with • couecionnnev.
of We dignity. At the same time I have re
•peeted the authority of the Law. Ile roust be
idled Indeed who does not eve, that reeol oft
nu, imrity In the only mean.. of safety for any
Union Pacific Railroad Survey
W • et, 1 OTOR February 8 —The tried or Cain
it is unilerstoall, has bean delayed
thin long for the reanson that all the proceen
tugs that are requisite to Its commencement
are not yet a.grce.l upon. The names of mane
oartie• high 1fe.1110,1 In the merchant ei
vlca, Writ/Mug the names of of arty
ship LaMar's, who have auiToreil from
th e depredations of Milne-mined, ary known
None of them will probably summoned at
the proper time. It would doubtless faclittnt4
Mutters If any of those who have screed on
hoanl the Alabama, elfin" A. an °nicer or
IMIOIII4 the crew, whose te.stiroony ieotlitl he
ralttebleyett her for the preerention or defense,
should semi their wildresnew to the Jllll,t, AO-
Toente, at the Nat y Department, the 14 t
sel f bring a safe assti, that no pereonul
disadvantage could renulranit to any one s ho
A bill ha. been reported from the Committer
on Naval Adair. by Ito pro.elthill vo I .cr, of
Ni.owistuorelit pro. al Ina that In the time of
raruce the n ambit, of Rear Admiral. on the .LC
tiro tot of 'tie Vary, ha rodueml alamovor
any offloor of I nit at ado +hell be removed by
death, yerugnat. 44444 or oth rn boo, tho roe - L.1, 4 0P
not tom - oat., o. vacancy, but lie filled en lon, I
AS pt . .", Collttitues.
Prlnnotion to the grade of Rear Adualrul
on the rotired list, I. to no made by the ilotrd,
Of not leas than thee° Rear Adtutrals, to 40
a,ppolateli by the Secretary at Ito Navy, who
111ot it select for tiroinot I'm th not C0.,.° tornn
Item the Rat, a+ most worthy ti) character,
ability and honorable service, to be promoted,
one of whom .hall selected by the Prod.
dnot, 1113(1 bent to tile Senate for eonflrotatiou
al hear Adrnittd.
Thu bill further provides that of the number
of Hue °Meer. of the navy, on the active list,
five Lienteniod Commanders, twenty Lieuten
ants, tiny Masters, am! seventy-Ili Ensigns,
shall be appotrited Tram those odicors who
have served in the volunteer naval service for
a period of not lens than two years, and whe
are either now in the naval service, or have
been honorably discharged. The board is to
select the most meritorious among the appli
cants, to be reported to the Secretary et the
Navy for appointment.
Senator Evacs, df Colorado, has written a
letter to the Union Pacific Railroad Company,
now In stswilen In New York, urging the Im
portance of a inure thorough survey to fad
feasible passage of the Rocky ilouutains In
Colorado, between the head of tan Arks:lsms
river and that of thunder Creek, by which
route over nun hundred sullen of railroad will
he saved, reaching Great Salt Lake.
Ey.prowfdleat Pleree cm neeonstrnetlen
New YORK, Feb. s.—At thu New tialuorittro
DUMONT\ LIU SUMO Convention, yesterday, F.
President Pierce made a brief addross, to
whit hhu add "Our country bar
through serious perils, hat I hope that we are
now emerging from the Wok darkness which
nt one time brooded neer It- The present
time calls for the calm, dlspusato.tatu and pa
triot is exertions Mall good mon lu the wore
of restoring not inertly in form bin In coin.
mon ity of Interests, fraternal feeling 51,1
MU a inulftuof rights among all the State.
1 think I cast discern gleams of light.. The
annual seeming° of President Join/sou war .1-
ml.ablu, and. In my Jedgment, his subsequent
stops looking to restoration. have been
guided by wisdom, patriotl•tn and 0tA1L05111,...-
like forecast. 1 um pleased to greet, ar
workers in another CAU4O. all men who dust,
the Itentellisto restorotlon of the southortt
States to their civil rl3lda, and Ott tJeln offer,
In -a, Itag v matt .er mny Ito tared formic CO al,
..n emtntry. tinder any ciremustanees It
stole be abject to dlapalrpf the repuelse."
Woman C.Eutterfetter Arrested.
Now Yogi, I . eh. 11.—A 11.1.111,1 5.311-
Mill Al , lllll. woo urresteLl on Monday !ant Ikt
Woolen etrvot by the government kleteetlves,
IL ho found In her mutt' the steel plate fn , m
LL, h IL is ilk•ged
e the amount or over four
ten I honmnl klotlmrs kn twenty-five cent fr...-
.null currency has been prnite.l. Lek;
have her examination before COkurneLLlone
I,l.ortt 10-Onx
The Otero Murder.
evr Yong. Feb. B.—The can n,let for PeHinter,
recently convicted , d the murder of Sen...
Otero, in 'ironic.lin, Mae gtvon notice of td.+ in
tention to move for a new trial of the Dale on
the ground that tegtimonv nulllclent, to egOnl
pato the pribOuct c3it b. prod too 4.
%I I 11111 nl Nev. Itaulp,bllv In trn , l:l,:ti
sa.: , 1111no :n seva,3l :wt.: to ...t.t1 , 11.+11
. ui. u.l t .y.tclu ni U. 1 u.tenl
:t . tert . c , l to t Judirmry t •tornltt.t-et.
T , ten ( 3,4lge,n2.lpre,ent
,hr.111.14,i/.: Of It, ‘,, aha 1
,matt.. • - I. A. 11. tn.otcmn
t• nn. .111.1 - na td, I n lil nduilat•ter
i'•: - was and c..innll . ,
to ail, ,Lnd la.thfnll3 nnd
6 1".• ,1, 1n1,n; non pnn'torm all dotln-•
Inomnbent no me a• Cirt, it dn.l, . noconlinw
tbe Inn-t of Inn ntuln
of the vonstduidn. •11 l•adr.l
The seeond section provide. 'lva:
Veurt 'Mall roused of and hr ho'deoLi t "
I. tile( Juotice, or Hll itssoulnte Ju..tin of th e
supreme Court, wtN their C trued Jude, oi
In the almenee of the Chle f Justice ut Assoc La Le,
the Court shall consist of the Circuit ion
I ect rtet Judge, or either of the latter 'a
ntsuunsary übsence of the other, may Fit ohm,
hrt . tiOn third tilithOrlZeS an appeal In noes
li.volvla.• fifty dollars from the filed Judt.t
1i...111 II ad decision ofµ District COnLi t tangle
euit Court. or without regard Co Lir:Ann - 1
Loh troversv where the quentlOn ineulved ,
0124: 1 , 1 general truportinuori.
Section fourth allows an appeal tube taken
from the r; on, it to the bepremc Court la
whether snits of equit:, -
I,•oght Into court by ort:iroti prr.eo, Or or•
lions of to'lle Ir:thy and Marl t huo Jurisdiction,
aprmotes appealed from ether court,, 103 to
ritil rrore rut due Crallge shown t., Mu Chit f
and a svoeiate Juctme at the 5t11,12711C ( . 0411t,
sit appeal mar be allowed wlt hoot regar
the um OMI t n controversy Y..trept lona ore
Made under ails reblittve to Inventors or for
too roller, Ir.n of Import dui les.
Ihe tif h ,retton pro% Ides that the present
IL.W. that' remain In MU tore,. except as
lierelobefore stated, In tar to' relates to l :relit
or I 'ivtred l eurts, their dmiges pow ers, pro
cess and prtweeillna,, 1 lerks, t lute and places
or 110i0111g, terillird.ll, of till Colon of
Mr. Doolittle prrsonteol the credentials ol
Jno Poet. Senator elect Irmo North Co rou es,
and In doom so Mi. DoeUttie staled that he
soil it to the senate as well it, to himself, to
state that Mr. Pool has el way - sheen a devoted
triend of the talon, that he was the Caton
candidate for Governor of the state In bYle.
kiefore there wee any hutnediato danger of
scoss'on, he canvassed the State and op
poreed heft:m.2u by every mean, In his power.
to the very last. After the ordluanee of 2222-
ehosioo had passed he retired to private life_
ld refused in take any part in polit.eal af
t/tire mall the peace 22222, enteu t emu eienced iu
North Carolina In anlch ho tont an soiree
part, and did all in bin power to embarroor the
rebel author - Ulm. Tho credentials were or
dered to lie upon %hatable- -
Ste. Cowan presented a petition miring for
the repeal of the Homestead Lew, that the
proceeds of the cote of public lands may he ap
plied to the payment of the public debt. Ito.
forted to the Committee on Finance. •..
Mr. Howe, of Wisconsin ' presented the peti
t ion of the calrens of ti"lsconsin, n-sking that
Congress spend no more time in Cat:us/ohs
the qlleation an to whether . the Southara
motet aro In or Out Of the Union, but that they
proceed to legislate no that they may prevent
the shedding of turmoent bleed bathe South,
and to protect loyal men tiume s ,.witito nod
black; which waS referred' to the Committee
on Reconstthetion. , • ,
Mr. Stew - art offered a 'tn.:antic); which
a. adopted. Instructing the Vtldjelazy Coto
mltteri to inquire what leglehttfOtr,lt any, Is
necessary to protect eat - zero of the United -
States, to the territory at L'lnti, in . their civil
Sir Leer, or hots. moved that the R ea ...
tors elect from Calera:lo Ise adinitted to text
on the floor of the Senate. Agreed to.
It,. Wilson introdoeod a DIU to retonil the
net suthorixitig the settlement of claims
tigninet the United Staten for - property rowel or
destroyed by the army or navy- le the Lilo
rebollior.s Status, which was referred to the
ommittro on Military Affair,.
on motion of Mr. It the hill for the rel:cf
of J. B. Rittenheuse. Floor Payeasster , 21 lice
Pacific 32ituoiron, to isoletuulfy hint for 1,22.
of money stolen from no safe, woo Lake:, alp
anti pate22tol.
Mr. Morgan railed up the bill to extend the
Thee for wi thdrawing goosie Irons public Imre,
and bonded warehouses.
The expiration of the morning hour pre.
vented the final action upon the hill, and the
IlLtio: joint resolution to amend the Constitn
lion, en the subject of repreeentution, wee
taken up
Mr Lane, of lodises, spoke at length on the
proponitiom Ile approached the atsemedon
on the anhject with a aerate of Its greed import
ance, entreating the Senators to merge the
peril ran •n the patztot. Speaking of the con
ot nuonol trunranloo of a republican form of
got ernhoelat, Mr. Liane naked If the
of of North Carolina was repuntlean inform,
he did ant think i t wee . The President, se
commander-in-chief of the army, had right
to appoint provisional governors. When the
war was clewed It was the duty of
the President to recognize provisional govern
tner 1.2 in the rebel Staten. States [net wore
le zot , elllou had lost their couneet inn 2 Olth the
i; , ..ernmeot, sorb to It wee before the war
Ai; „ Lincoln and Mr. Johnson so distinctly
recbgnired - IS their *en reptatedty. The
power of the President neer the robes State,
orased with the convening of Congress, end it
wan far Congress to dI the status of the 5e
t212.1e21 states. A State ander the Conetttotion
has no sovereign power toned except no Gar al
Ito acts stssero with the provisions of the coo
The lately weeded Rata§ are nOt. States la
lirtrue dclinition Of thus term. They have
forfeited their rights na finch. They hero re
fuelled uralost the Cosatttutton; they have
MP. t the (do rn men' three thonsilltiti stations
of dollars, • heft • mullion of Hiroo, eon the
proposition to admit these Matra at prerca
le simply mobs , roes.
We are called upon now to comprnm,e
Cr tmi nine at accomplished by corn promos,'
VI hal act of conciliation tendered to rebel,
hal any tirect during the wart Not one. He
s siflrd it finnan that the nshellion was put
des n by force and by force alone.
rtgrt.,l wi th the President that not gee.-
t len of reroostruetion and suffrage ought to
re left to the States. if the President hal a
tight to regulate suffrage itt he hal it
Ight to ka.., • hi• shell not roto—Le hal a right
tc -ay who shall tote. Ho would wait until
the last trumpet eitiraleil the rebel, to Jude
meet before lie would n fruit them to these
lei la He lid Led know that emaneipated
at .4 tit to rote. Oil they were grille as
tlI for It a. teL.Ol,
Ills plan of reeonitruetlon would ho to ptss
endment to the Con•titution, that after
one two, or hoe row.,every man who can
read the Constitution of the rotted States
"hall rote it. would dtafranehige the rebct4
ho. the ...quote of lime, and when he ad.
milted them to vote again, he would lei no.
On , . vote w Ith them. We were hot ready yet
for restrictions upon rebel vote, or colored
It us% the duty of Conwrtes and not the
proo t i.nt, In present It plau of re:construe..
Goo to the country. It was tho duty of the
United State , . to wee that every State had a
Republican form of Government hot LIII.II
mold he done without the and of Congress.
The late rebel States are to a condltiod to he
admitted Into the t Mon. A mdjortty of the
Southern States ore repel.
Ile would not send retest* to Congrena
man elected to Unmans." from
could take the oath id 0111,a. to Ackerman,
too. In Unlaced mon flied horn eleete.,
ullaht I.e admitted. line thing they were
lain, no man 1f.., any State wouht he n
for with kin consent, till he land taken ;h a
On motion of Ittr.John.on, fort toir con.blor
atom of the Constitutional Autosolnuont was
fo, utvt till I o'clock to-rnorrorr
Mr Trumbull, from the .11ollelorr Crun,s,
rconrlott a bill for tho onlorgoment os tike
!1t..0f T.., F flurnan. sth thy
!bo.. atneullronnLa
Sir Trumbull moved to agree to the flmtse
anieutiments, except that nue which restr let
ml the operations of the 101 l to the status In
which Ibe a rit of habeas corp., had h rrn en..
petided on February Isl. trek Tills amend
ment would exempt Delaware, Maryland and
Missouri from the operations of the bill.
Mr Guthrie rose to reply toeome remarks
on the loyalty of Kentucky, made by the sen
ator flora Indiana, Mr. Latin. He don itl I hat
Kentucky wan ever disloyal or in the lintels of
disloyal Inca. lio knew that Kentocky wits
loyal, and.slnce the governor who was fn of
flee when the rebellion commenced went out
of power, the governor and Lisgislatare have
always been loyal.
Mr. Stimuli= said that the rebels of
Kentucky were the most tronfolesorneduring
the war and the present condition of Ren
ts. ky Justified Congress It. applying the
Freedmen's liureau 11111 lethal. State.
Mr. Henderson would not vote for the House
amendmente. Too only way to protect freed
men was to give them ballot.
Mr. Sumner—That, It.
Mr. Bendersoeresumed, saying if he were
rebel he would rather take the oath than wear
the budge of this Freedmen's Bureau.
The ausendtnents by the Mouse except that
restricting the operation of the ' bill to States
In which the habeas corpus was suspended on
the Ist of February•, intfl, were agreed to, and
tb., bill then passed.
The senate then adjourned.
_ .
Mr. llFgleston asked but did not obtain con
sent to introduce a resolution elect/1011g that
It In unwise to reduce the Internal Revenue
tax on spirits.
Mr. Raymond presented a petition on behalf
of the cigar Makers of .the coy of Now York
for un increased duty On to:toot-toil clear.
(erred to the Committee on Ways and Skis -
The House rein veil Lilt cOtt•ltirrlttlatt ill the
.111 for W. ts disposal of the public lamis for
tromesteaus, for actual settlument, In the
states of. Sieben:to, itilsseoilptil, Liitll4latta.
Arkansas and Florida As amenduil, it pro.
tides that front and after the passage of this
act, all the public lands in those auxins alio,
Ire disposed of ur-chrdiug to tho prOV oloas of
the law of ?day nth, lati, untitled.
an fICT totece homesteads to actual settlers
nut he piddledomain, arid I ho acts supple:nor,
tut thereto, approved ]larch lith, but nit I
the restriction that no entry shall he
made for more titan a half a quarts:
ms-tins or eighty acres, and in lien of the sum
of ten dollars sin acre, One dollars shall lie
mitt at tiro t lute of the issue of nueh patent,
pt .:wiled that lilt distinction or dlscri mitiatlori
mode in the construction of the as;
on account of race or color, and proeli e u f ur .
liter, that no mineral lands shall be t.
imtry or settlement under Its prOei3lollB. Thr
hal tens passed. Yeas, lit; navti,...q.
House telatt in Committee of the Whnto
me In the Chair, reeummt Lim oinisblor,,.
u of the navy nprtrnitrlition 1.111. A m
rt es matte to strike out the nporonrutt ion
9.,10) for
.eattimantlttnt's quarters at rons...c -
In ern.
Mr N.tvy
IVosi borne hoped that the Nnsv tart
',lll not be built; only oho teasel het hoe
imilt there, antl that We* a mos.
plets ?snore: ft Inot to to, bromert to viT I4'
to Ise patched t
Ito not RUM. to see n either this ya.:.
the Norfolk Vn rubrult. 'More were other
so ill where vea.els could Ls;
lot :11 thnaper and li•tt.•: LIU ,
,ra a a lona de:att. , . ton a.Pp‘oori
Pennaeo Sars..yaid. anin t.
I% nnally agreed ',pun, nlitntOprittlhg
thou.sand deltlira for tile prnaerra.•:ot.
ol l•co'ct potent property at l'eaSPCO!a
I An lima:Omani ten , adopted prnyttlinq t .lA .
tueirtt of the drat .colon of the sat J .1;
IF •64, appropriatingtarn hitnarial and •i`ta
ttotteand dollar,. fur Conoco... tor,1,,1tt-t:.
Vann of the euelay'• re•A,ela, ...ball apply to n t
oy.ea of the destru , t ton of ,turblir
meant rtibelltOn and at the =ante rate
An amendment Van adopted !roil no money
nppropilateol by this hill he pot.l thoqn
?attar' to take ate presertbail nit•ti ofll 'a
Tne bill was then reported 1 , 5 the a
alt tluut final action eat laid o• o tit
Tr, I P+tal•lbiltin;os uniiorxi • rrpt
Lem wa. taken - wolf
Mr. Jrneit.s. who had the floor nn Thlt tOM.
gave way to Mr. t;risinell who pot
-anal explanatton4, relativo tO apeenha tea
:lay.. store. and r.wpollOCd to sem. strictures
ale Dv Mr. linU,l . lla.
31,• Mi lion, of 111 , .toakT, said ho had born
:e rd r saylug Slut li.vatticly. was the
1 , 11..1.115i0vh1 Slate In the. etliCat. that,
K.:.: :cky MIN 0110 of the rt.ultt dlolaral 6thtes;
lot el. th , rtd to that atatetntmt ttos,..=
k• tnen vo;,ls:ne.! the protisions of
Lanicruvisill. ft 'Ants then Considorod
.el ,
te.. I, on fins: taken. ' "
/•, •.latttl oct - e rettstitortwt
fir of the harbors
ec: hake Ern . 11 stir ycai
..nera alma.,,:' I.
..•atottgee. wsi ( ~ h-14.rec
revitalise Pros• oo liowittermill •
on's, paper , . asp,— ..•'.steettos• 1:10
lielezatcA no, uo.rt
tones propose:l tar is ciiill:l.ol.iti, or Ilse re
clpromty treat,.
TT bo ()Mt, of fhb , menu M..: -us - ,
result of the teems A.C.,01.2,; 1,7 taut Ca: n•i
ntates will be the tpoi,ly aonfedenit fon ul the
ItrutlsMitmerican Provinc• - a, th•• iii•tettite
cimiity of IS blots LS Itqll ripvistreilt, lilth core
fedurutiOn CArrie.l, • :111im venient of
real communi th• throirirng
opsu of public lands to free settlement,
reiluetion of contom• tariff, the
el:iv/ling of now me rirets, e vigorout pro4iicu
tiou of our arLery and uMaenil enterprises,
The opening up of Um north root, the com
mencement M . an enlarged syetem Of Jmunt
gra• km, a wit^ revision of our t - ptorrs Ot
143,1eril mad carrenip, and the p
plo of Brltinit America meel dirkribt ?hes
gh!ci. prospecte In the future An. bur-Irl
From Nwohville -Piloce of IToter s
la I'4 .-Neldlers DrummPal ChM
N icavll.t. r. Feb. 8 —The Herr has but three
itt..l Mn:( feat on the shoal, m 1. N falliag
rapidly. Navigation is nearly dusp.3tieted.
.otton tint and inactive; prices range fro a
7 , ,q4thr; receipts, shipments 151 hales.
ght .I.llera, convicted by emlrt,rnartill,
I.eia In this city, were to-day drummed net to
time Penitentiary. Their terms of imprison
ment range from five to seven years,they wore
marched through, the street, wit d rutin, heat
ing, four had *hayed bends, their maize, are
John McGee; Tfenr, Kirk, C. C. Tuttle. Wirt
Kebne, Dallas Smith, 'Thomas Welch, Herman
Marton and C H. Newell: all Of the lath trat
wit State, regular infantry. The charge, err
all robbery and aeiault.
Sr. Louts. Feb. S.—Reports from indepe,
fence,Yo., sap that Quite a number Of bush
wheeers appeared outside the town, and
threaton•d to attack the Jail, and release one
of their number confined there. It is said
troops have been sent from Fort Leavenworth
Ui praterve order.
New Tout., Feb. nlbeen ,
'Ay.: The First National Rank of Fort :Moth.
Arkatonia, with Is Capital of V.:0,000, and tho
National Rank of Newborn, North Carollna
with a capital of $100,ts1). were 4e4lny author
i.e.: to comment,, bus•ness linhlred
th , rty-two Natimbs, amks art , 10 in
Bunions• In BI
r roux, Feb. i.—The Eazis from Mayans,
bh. arrived. nubloess dull, only smell lots of
accars are yet received, and decidedly' inferi
or to former years. 31uscOvado, at b..;4274.
Reale; Muscovado molasses, atrillys, and clos
ed at it tt: Reale.
Storyland House of Deleeste• Endorses
tEe President's Polley.
Bs try moss, reb. S. —R,nolutt one of the H ams
of Delegates et ilaryland, endorsing Presi
dent Johnson, sera pasand by the Bonnie to
Ii 6? 4n. I. C,) Feb- 7.—Ex-lioverws,
ham, United :Anted Senator elect:, din to
Inter favoring negro evidence.
Sewing Illachines
Are vatic full:teed tritlaeut any complicatettinitebtri
e, atid tberefore are nut ltatile to get mita( repair.
and are perfectly adapred for every desertption of
arntly netting and Talkirtng. We do not e. 1.11 oar
lua,nicitt cheap entetiluet, as we ha•e Laken off
teateritee prier,. We refer to lb° foLloaintpenons
as refi.r.acer
Ilt. A. AIKEN. No. len Fourth street: Yr. VAN
DER NA ILLEN. No. Webster it L 1.03(.; Mr. J.
N. No. aCol at I. street: Mr. J. 3C4/1' LEL D.
occoaa .tro.t... Allegheny CltA. We 43, oth
er. that that +reran refer to. All tit our abtantees
are Anrrnamell fore fru.. AGENTS WANTED.
It. 11. WINO. Agent.
LIS Stant etreet, near Pula,
NTT."... MAL, PA.
Are universally neknowledgee as
the Cheapest, Simplest a,41
Best, having been awarded
the Gold Medal at the
London and Paris
Warranted for Three `earn.
WM. MEANER & CO., Gen'l Agts
27 Filth Street, Pittsburgh.
Mee neon ' , warded the FIRSI easunars at th e
follow Ina Fairs for the year I=
rty," preptluto for best 36nufactorbti !Lachine et
Michigan tbste Intr.
Ftr.t Prortauto for best Mennforturtog Machine et
Wixroll.lrl Kate Fair.
First Prrtniam for best Manufacturing Mactddlo at
Lawrence (bang Fair, Pa.
rnd Premium for best Stactune for gene-sal pur
poses. at Lawrence County Fair,
First Premium for beet Family Machine Ile Un to
y Fair, Pa.
Premium for own liananocharing ILvtiline
Bucket:aunty Vale. Pa.
First Premium for beet Maarifkrtarlog and Family
klachinr at Oprinuileid Fair, Onto.
Vint Premium for best Manufac.rtrot and F'autity
glachlne at Palmyra Fair. N. 1.
First Premium Air beet Itanufacturtng nod Fenally
Machine at Suffolk County Fair, N. V.
First Premium for best Mane Cacti:min; and Puna)
Marl:ant at eichoyier County lair, N. 1. •
First Premium for Mat Martine for al/ parpooes,
at Allegheny County Pak, Pa.
First premium for best Mannfacturlitz kl.s,ttine, at
Allegheny Cminty Fair. Pa.
' , Pot Premium for best dLadbine work at .11141,017
Comity Fair, Pa. I
Aud wterceer cant/Ste&
oetr.odxt -No. 18 FlCth atreet,ylktabtliCh
IN THE UNITED STATES. licensed to use Mr
Sheeler A Wllsost, or underfeed. Agentsareeleus
from Sal Moo ran atorrlL Conn. rights air
. ,Agenta. Enclose eta/up and addre. ~t
nurtudistaterr Ben. Anent. Toledo, Ohio.
hl 11IOC AZ. l'
Cal. rtatlng In all It, branene.. Llts!latterly;
"tying oat and ntridablag eVerythlng admettsary tot
!uteri:tent. promptly altf!ade I to. .
t " F eplondldltarne and Carrt.i....l.raY• or
roan, rcmcy Ilttsburet, Pa. COFFINS
k I,ls. ciem.cs, taAw ;Lod every de•erjp4lolk
I tivwrit/ furnlAted. KOMI.
'•,.11 der .nll9lot, Hearse and earrtagra runklstil
14,..tuat1..."t0v. David Kerr, 1.1.1).. ltem.
‘‘' LLD.. Tbormas Elvin; jy r m,ti,
11.1kwr. Gra. • - MITA.
........IsoLAAD - *Tufa:
~H~ilSMm•w~nrt . • ...T., gush!
.rasa Jcwate ,,
J. W 0,1,1.
IT Jm~37 Sttin4 14.
01.1. aft Ired.osttar and Ma mMar
Thseentlos Is forwarded slit:Linn teach Me Asa,
Serilmrs tamest as the mast res.
"*" TrJnis: • •• • - ,
—• • .
vinslm 1 r
en 1 • .r.rl4
HE •Atm%ti.nv wov stiouLD
{OM ERT 111141, SIME MIL
1. They tell tLe beat it the world.
They et,y or, r ttley
t. Tltry guarantor their ood, trOlo grerd serefee.
. rher repair, free. .:ty thin; they bell.
n. Tldei tit r t thetr hattkilag It more dor
Ct. Their wort. In rt. molt riegl.nd and sentwel Ira
the tt .
Their woh
.9 9n.. 9 drldble and perfect to
theeiy. .
e. If pair prore,"i r fry, •
9. You eitheetry loser Poe n vary other place.
t& They see..,toe loe., 4 ».11., and yet the loves
G. Goods custo= made. nod sold /eat than tradA.
:Z. The (Argent es , ertmen: ti select froth b the
i - e.mna - m3%,xii33Fm.
The Best Wods for the Least Mattis
NQ. GO ll'ittl-StreoLl
CY111,..P. lei r ' , V ERA lIOUAE.
Right hand side coming up.
8,)0 , 000
73.003 DOI.L MID
WEN A AID rnyr (11.0 . 7131)•(/
'F'S /) MARA. C/E,
Aft, 24 A.:II) HAM' IILORUat
X 1.161 ag cp
a Firm macre.
Opposite the Opera Roam.
Joriw WATT, Pie. Went.
LLCZatY M. 3=slTre...wr
°Mee, %o. 2 Duquesne Way,
KAN ciAcrtatEtts or rails wurrm
TITTRIVE 4 .%i 421 1 " COM/Li •
This Oil eunont be exrelled for teirritnr penparttni,
eoior or Ore teat, and Isbat op In well aeancined bale
rsio, Suitable (or Fill.ME ESE, ar EXPORT. 104
ERS at LI( 'TEL._
.111.5C - roi.s—John . Uobert L. Geo. Mut.
C. H. Uerrou. C. L. Cati:lo - ell, U. U. Cot as, J. F.
Porter. Hob, 1.11.... re, D. W. C. Co.rroll.
t v iW;tT L
Works Mid Offices. Cottlaa Towmaklp
WI,Cr. In l'rn . sitt n 41.1 -21 151 , 1_ , D STUELT
Tbe.e work, have the la eff tCe earl t: In the emu
try. The brand aural, vta Nett., la Ilaseathatep
and In Euro°, far an.t.lEty laud tlrr tett, szta tb. o n
Ita pat to IveU eeaaahed ear,lt, prepared upeclatly
°rpm - LEES, a v tli.4B, TANKS h.(
Improved Poring Tao:a ter OP Wed.. daily
We are conetractlag, and yeti 1.4.ep on fund.
perlar atTle of
WITH Erns A 0003 3 , Ot T6BL7.AE SOW.
, vjEm•
Conscautl y on I.nd /Lad far sole
J .110 E - IV
!Mrs Block, Duquesne way. ritialarliti
AR - Srxr-lal ptlentl , .. even to the salt and alp
• ern DI Pvtruleu= mud tta pmetacta. Cons/Xam
rrayectfully 14,11e15.41. tonataer, Maxlß. ksal
so. 1 63". CLAII ST., Pittsburgh,
Torymrdlng anal Commis&lon Urrehaal
tad dealer sn Oils. 11laminating, Lubricants&
Crude Vet rules=ls, constantly on !Landau&
tor sale at h.. loaest ccurket pr/oca .Constgonseaill
and orders whetted.
I. 1. "'AKIN( LIEN
W ARCM & HUG, az_lur N.
And Dealers la Rellabsig 1
W. 12111AP.EZT.Fr. - Plttstrares.
roe. of Halms as* Ilserlssa Streets. 1...
Starrage fbr Refinedl l eiroiting
la Tarke 'ad Barrel.. Hee
sip. 024, N.. gy ing943.ll73=l:4'lini
u.ltUltrat cu. acrnifor"
~• CIO I'L:laaripbta msd Baltimore
\v .711.)N.
. ". tite -tore
• • Han
.rol 1j•
- -
Sr II El. IREA, Secretary of the
ja 4. l4pg lairect
. F.faramor. eons. id.e.8&112.
u . NDElrr.txtsii
anti moat picturesque pi. of. Sepltre,
' , ate on the uplands, immediately north of' Allegiten t
lty, on the Weer Heighten Bawl. Per.. wlshla -
'e select Mille Lots will apply at the Iluperlnte ,
at's °ace. et tbelleseteri.• Title Doeda,Peratms
•I otter Wallow will be attended to at that/rex'.
8,.10•11{1n Of the anderslgn , t. rerner reIC.W
usestel siZette,
4311;is .11:24,41.
v estaT - Lv - a. PAWL-mile
' Isdles rtilt lug the pstk.:Lerltlt
n ,,;eet. In theol,l Lltdles' Uereter ptimitOOZ.
reserved cy .m e 1 . 1. c ate Ln:
1 'l / 4 ' 4
13 TrY
V; olt Pil
1 Wail
31L , Ls 7 f5VICT . M•
AT TUN P0P11114.117
S,penpino eridgc.)
it. C. a j. /11..S.SWESILI,
nd e+