The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 08, 1866, Image 2
T,tl t Vdto' Inngit eattlite. • . EOM TTlrninmx, FEButrarrx s, R~.n 4Ai -4vcta;~;, Mottos te ten* eves that hereafter LI rewr— ites* stbrettleatepts thcalcid at this oltee meat De Veld Joe whew bawled tn. except Is the tete of MAT alrezileere. whote, bills citt be reseeree eeeeteebt. se cum). Adwritsere wdl pica. may. 4201 e 911.3. Oa the rale of cash p.m:tents 1., ad earteat the chenteter eteteSixtil be i.e.. - ' . nutOrtee ef sex Itontlng add EniPt2 , 4lt eSitlexe WlELtiCh r antltti st the amittss extreme ecteetwbe. -toted br earti!ers its inprzips, , CrZtiTh per weer. oussELvEs. Our funr cyltador Press to so ont of To- Olt Shat hyrorks badly. Thera Is no rem edy for tho oval blit FP:f 'thorough an over. bidt4ulf atrwanid deprlia ukcif therm of sho press for sorao wetilte. cidretogneritly -err,.have orekterOil a bldlding li ;i 2 triticii4llTtie i6Whialzty . dye or the , srealmita. , Wia n 1t ,reaehas no, and teTtiitigioi; ae - tinP 12.; letteilirees shall pqruil that-of any.joral in the United * - .Piti','l 7' , `,1 7:?; '7 OA TrJ29 , ' Dipontime, wo have Institntedench niwis weikthat aftei Vow 4 , 34 our prcas-'Work viol bq da04413.,1y. Iniprov s e l d over-what it Iwo tom for soma weeks las!E RAILROAD OTIVTRII ,. OP PIINNSYL. Ten ao. ;located that ati the great lino cotruneree oatmeethiipthe testein with tlieweetertrStecoti . tritissioce 4 , 014:i peeeNtreAgiiiic of IA tor , rtn, l 7. -17 .tiift1Wohi . ;ieeaNbie *.L 1,-' ,001: .P"'eleitteniliiirmitithititbser tilta jilm**ki44 - 4 , " kora , * , gseeot stieetaa 0. 11 .N140 - 314 4 .0***0:a4 3 make . 9gf!geta#o4so.4'etti4 l , arJente hi* tr*uk , conhi. • those bene ./1944/itilikitttigOitten tur.,,,rucamertv**-40itort ! pul Ippdly . 40 ' igeg r ai4 Unto when ; it wag pushed 'lbrttardivitlCgmat enerATT , :#o 01201300113. laPegi9 tWigb. tbs . :4lons *lien; which Itesketweetteug.eityapcl - ch*ezt tarsal ai Ott aliikidienikie:f the Ohio. it was ttgr ye niod*On that. groat • IdOrliiNziallandutt Maki not follow the route Indiditted biLnarli*, jvhfeh - led directly to ,lii;artrstbeaffilatalptimpoihrrotr, staccato ihir Way to he °emoted brate completion of the Conitills , _o4o4o47htbgnm .}?ttzabht-sh,,:to ettty;i: iineiltd.' 'We heistger--fletire having compfteWed „ t ivr. l, t) , ,Yu7v.vr, 127 trio eohtherri shore of Lake alien tinitnirth and the Ohio river on the ^,:."St4, al - 44414081: - ti;ne of hiteienuree and amosilaigie beglilen the Allentie border . ; Mehl t artaMitlestaa, with its great. cam :SlillAgaitiMtUtstatathist popnlatityto, .zigmeNrizzleits.: Wems. mad :144ttleiccondlObswaggeititzuNe b ail - Arith*lllatintlit ta 1.0441 , 4404 la 'I , 1...10.1 ger°lollo.2VlAliroivelge• 4 lo , o bets* located, &meg"' tompie e 4 0460 0 11 9Wgitig. 'fie'iut,,,tealieh the leir 41t011!14ttehiqtpiteniStipt Amen. L4 6 :i 3 iNUCtia'. ~ " .Teratoettomootato 00 , 01044'de and ecivel. =I 1., ..,,,,,,,. , blSl 9 :4 l k-.ooMs7. , ETQuit.iiivialufla of thb ,- .. :.o: 1 - 4;hoisty , w/ttek*4lthreAbidyerted 'pill ~ V, l 'l%:.i. t .l..4iiiil 4a 2 t aiiVsicolz: P iclitko:ltieii:' '''';WOACltg, h#' 1 01 ) . 44 40 , ?ne:ctilii' ,3444kimilite-icitiiraiu;4lo.' uc'tirC*.64-', - .'.'... 1= 11 * *,_AO - 14:00ueurned; ~..,. uttledz.lzderestd.." corpora.: ''' l:ll 4.o 6 iftillgiofg44.i4.'igh iik*.eutisyl... *Vld4bigilTdautitilvvuut7,63l tt4tierie, '':,!E'.')l4l4lWc gtigi::Vaileggnite oervflz - '''-.-1::::411M-:-., C...1 - :-I±ZMA: .t,n • ~,,, ---oSl*annntia iza to tiOis . ` 'lwor i t•,W i i.fttls/ittin states,. ,;:.*rP44OphiftroAii Peuru -- -:-; ilaitlrdtsl4ildtEd Lila sliiiiiard#4---the far. • tier ti*HteOglingtbieggir- mdthdie EferyerUV, .1 41 9Icttecti4 11 *.1155rON'tak Atter .belie , ' ' 'fatOatiiiellgrqugbritfsiD thre4o:, r'` . ' !'!/. 4 4 l 4.prW7.4 i dsVWT#4ra. giCdr , ilia , -- **ll, ~.! t iolitillielliredeilkii.riq " ' .l ' .'"'-':'"ill"Yesuigtrk-,';0°1.11 truly: -6 1 V 364=a:dig; i's it ~,its..l .^ , i•-'s.(. l *.imildrutoutievitidttamebardutd. '' , .. , " . ..duei' 1 1 0 1 4. 0 3 3 4.-. l ' . ** ll l. l l at, ex .gept, *0464461*i :'(iivi:kliAiiii, dainties:, ~, , • '1414 ioa4; anti- P 64 It, Z wair; .IVr ie'r ~,,, 4,,. t entazisqn. liontmlgni fair the .trzeb3. ,:= •' : •l7i4ltalien4l lf gii'tcal•tikt 4 fOr-ei!t I °PO* f. - ,..l:::..,,ii.itteiniieii•iiiiio4ll6i**te: quo stur v ' • c ' r -ic i i l o r veg l A t tOPf.P f W10 ,14 = 1 - -7 Viiikutjiiiiidi et tiianucceraeutttwirese , . 4 ozilszcf "V9:44••4:44`A4itigr, lie** '''''. ''''' P 3:ititi:re.a= F.! ,srrz. , T . , ~..,. I -tififtrl4B,-equanY, .pith - '''grgts ' 4 4 11 je4Pz 1,T# 25 7/vanili %' . .,'',' , 1 - ' giil2A - CiilA.6lilliite Mnlpeilttf.4. illatkil#lo:o4lk -, r6114C . iir..7 Mkt', Torki , the „-:lNtiiitiatiffie4 ( Clatkitli in its - Aagennait ti, r :• - i liT . ~- • 50-P.W.t!ttlo.-tef#4l'giMS and the ~ 7 . , ',:. .' • 7.7greek•—•-• eiellevagainettheblz. , ''''c •:” *WA. .;044. +4.4;,;s_ilif:thet tr 4 : itata a'' i. 4 ,,,'• '". , i ; tV, -- .:::,1 112 .,44 1 Pulerita• .:-*0 ,--• -,;:*- Illk; : '1 • • Altlik-roitabia. nuercbauts of 1 .1 ~ -IW. ' '!:!1%1 1 ":4 .1 j4)A s i b *A. 2 „lAfflr.c. - LArayruf :tba , Pcuutuy,llugdii'.. Ocdial ''' - IP* t 6 #ol:4o l 4e3ralik. ' , ,•:, ; '.!." - 'i!g4fir '' '' " 'Altiitlis the ecßpeti- , , . ''OtO 102- • Al** hoe to? . .cimitend . iiiktiti r tally to trillg,lgi., - • ga;:.zwitomtiranzrur iNtE.!::: ~ rr - .. a irr, 7 4., . r . .. '. __..*SrgralYhtrfrl4,-. end vy.l4t we shill .1 ..., !., -aur a s h i .I.lsiri,WD cannot 4 doubt but dud ,"' ,W 4 14 . 1 4O -4rintii refuee to imtuitht3itase a nd giant emote?! . 0 1 0:5444-4;g 1 X 4 tc 1 i:4 44, 0. O ra g iitar , , und,:chudpiemtr3no -erCemsollavilLe atkdfiyud'Atiatii4iihivti , ,stk utp, A , ~. ~ , n airabAlpteut3etauould-d. ,i at,. •'1 " r .r d0 5 0" 311 1,74 - *OluriP l3o th "MA 6 i - - T:::::l:o4l44.oirsitlitufeiiAtoilt Lunch .0. A* Dels • Wate - skEimileti; some fitti .....L;;',!..:iiiietibiotldiidelitte.',,••• • - The Itiel Milked' vid be'ciadeyed 420' r :tn . siViSTiiiiir , Wf ! roctionoininsty tgliii:be ` ... , AslTO.C4iiidiliiibaPti-Qatbiglenl shalt ha coutraettd; thootbermluurtbe. .144 . "4:40: * ilri c lu°4' rf# 4o k=f4.4 shall iota: — 'iai ' itad ilieilaTl s A l ' ' ' 4010134 *i* tliwWhtbillt great eonienetton has become ` EMI the pixcheiteief 'week into ten put t % . - ,,,2 „; ~10441WttO; 44,1tflite;ruitith4iret4 Nest - , 'Raki ty.ttpee Now Jeteez #44liti th. en. t :.-7: 2 ; til'l 4 4 lloo - 04ii * iva l i d 12'4 km. 7 0114- abs, .. q,,-.. Id-itte make lineweetor p . .4 —We beintreftettdi,oor4ll44, „ I; . ,'. ' 'WU " titetikinat fth Catinenrifill ... i' : A. 0 . 3 , . .43 Ckfropenyi . IWitutri been . , restored, sad a greet:Wong latithint - rectified, we ere ea . surte:Atiev the - m3%211111E4:3 link already oomplethrtuj nviguent li is . cityeud to e iclk th and the , • . ent*lrtere•ertithive'e ne 'nor; oompating —-. - 1 ' Itit&fl Obi ' ' BeitiP 3 Rid. ' i ' llite idaihilit . 0110- ba ri j ir :.;:.: 'dein 'lie asentinnation } of the Pittsburgh, • 1, • ledit, aree end Chicago road, the Pitts . endy.rie tied, the Pittsburgh and . .- . Oltnehtialroaci,the Storthentino road, and the Cleveland and Dfahonin g road to itaiti. • • , inx.,,i;,,woiadvitan, and-the entire vidloy of the Potontee- ctiloreaver, it will develop° and . render aviiilelilo one of the richest „te#o44inionitti eitr' country; for almost 1, - :. l 2:f.,iieery itap . k rosin this city to Cumberland,. `'.... . 7 , -;•-* la rinkhitxtediirsm, limo or tlre-claY; and V yery ritenk Of it - le either excellent farm Aarld i cc -. 4,00k0d with, meet valuable Um- , Walliave Alriattly spoken of the eatdern fkinneeitonsof tho Atlnntic and Groat Weit• tem re* lot WI now glance at its western bearings._ The main line will erom. the Al ' iegitpn4r fiver . siitoefilitrb lietnept. Br a d j o B I''q' ,e And. be. theoeo rarrlod westward tothe present line of that road in Mclver &runty, WilAtlee it 01 . 099!9 the state line into Ohio, and so on to St. Louis. That at no great distance beyond the mouth of the Maim:dug, in Armstrong county, it will cross the line of the Allegheny Volley . Railroad, and thus put thlif efts and almost linear conwietlon with It ; and there in no reetstrt why the track of the late ter inay not be ninth:to conform to that of thin vroat rood, thus un nn unbto• ken I no of road to New York, as well es another great throuhg line to Philadelphia. 1 hos we shall have three distio , t and e,.mpeting lines of railroad from Pitt/. tvurgli to the seaboard, diverging widely RA they proceed eastward, One terminating on the Hudson, two on the Thaws - are, and anti on the Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac. All these are imperatively required to bal ance . tlia'wrennee;of commence which now radiate from this city westward, north weetWard arid south-westward. :including the Ohio river. lc to absurd and ridiculous to talk of the Pennsylvania .Snikoad—ad mirable an It le in Ito ow:earned= and ratinagemeat—being adequate inn the wants of such a centre of baldness and such a focus of trade in transit% as this. In addition to the toads that .Rill centre here In Pittsburgh„ we shall bar the main line of the 4.thintio tmd : OMat Western read running through ;the centre of . ..Our State from eMa tajwitst,' and crossing , the Ohio State line abontlnipritY between this city and Lake heating pastas aiarge por tion oftteiirtunnase tiommerce bgtween the graatemeitioireederiediltates and the Atlan tic harder ;- -ti commerce which if is 'vastly better for our merchants and rantiafactu :.reFft", APP4 1 44. 18 a distance than be crowded, seat pmsent, , upon our already overbtitAeried ilieredglifutos- lint it Is as they shall dovelopothe untold .mineral Wealth of tiuwe portions of our State through which they will par thatthe. greatest utility and value of the Connellt: vino and the Atlantic, do Great Western Road; consist. Of the former We have el. ready spoken. Of thus latter it 'b the sober truth to say, that from the/Delaware to the Oh* Stittallds li.travejsce eon- Untie:Li minima teglen.' 'Tile 'greet math, racitecoal and iron fields Ile mainly east of the Susquehanna, and hardly is it clear of.hem until it enters-the-bituminous and seint:bitirminotte coal fields' which Ha Inl prrsimity to one another .from the IvS' i ippf the Stusquebenna to the western bowie of Ihe State. This, too, is a region .rich in bed throughout its whole extent,- wbileVery much of it -is covered with on -icreehta white pine fentsts—untouched be cause tat remote' from navigable streams for theduinber to ba'jbatedj.o .market, but whhthersold be worked to great - profit were asaihoadoenstructed thrensghthem. This . °tibial:ollAF%, of the present scarcity and hiGh prkes of lumbar, is a matter of no small Ireperterieo. In these local 'peculiarities the routs, of the Atlantic and Greta Western road con trasni strongly with-that. Of the , Perussyl mole road. Both pait- through tins agri culturallegions r but .thht—exeept in Um' lied districts on each aldietthe mountain, where die latter runs through or near to iron or caset—is all they ,have is - common. Througiunst ihientire length, witlithesa ex cepitterey,thirreerr parsies south of all the - essatear442onitn,brit , littita Iron ors Is thatirrastairearit ars ed no appro. -,cl4l.4o3:934aratikvitoy VirehlOVlZl -4003442*** . to depreciate thasgreet - rojitilinvozbal . axatedier oath , Behar opop. n th* 'Antra oadatn for Is, that Iris not enough, nor Mal enough, to do - the through totalnitothat Is to he done; and as tbr de velopthgps Tut latent wealth of the State, :34 1 .ilver454 0 fai, and never can do, olio. II :lc/at - al what that qgc=idoent road: of `* l 4* . ti are Speaking will be able to AC- Ida* 4 R/11 run, fn tkte Mitbelatrat midway. between the line of theiNcepSyliftuala mid 'awl the northern linti!Oftlacr State—the moat central and the el oar Commonwealth. This last xonntrk is true in reference to the threkilr*Ootiona through which It will pses.ethst from the Delaware to the Sus - qt!'s 4 i L l i 'Ai*O l e 1 .0 .6 .1)er1i .aectlon ; that loo twee ties Etasquebstmasnd the Allaghony :STE:IIO6y Mime, coal end lumber; and irtaitottiteAlleginary, a region (emu- OititneTlltint and ,"tuaderiald, with az- ' 'hauoOkiantinea of coal and tnnl, theit.ts :needed to seenre both ;b«ie greni, aveattes of . trade and agents preeperity •Ss a little legislation. Ito city or county la celled upon to lay up tin itself a arnalting load of debt, as was . necessary! twenty. Teem ago. The capital 'i§ tilt - Al - 4, atcd, tbo work will go forward ifitisineslFouvaoort as the fettorawhich now bind ,brolcen. Let the poop> whole:lN!tq see -oar oath's Com mt#Wd4th prosper;and particularly those whose heal intereete shall be advanced by Chess - 'beiteflcent enterprises, combine In • dmaamling the hyrgeot Mercy In the eon rgitiacilon of mil:nada, in every piece where Cher' ) -PiLtal s iugM anotOrfolronunt the ex - 40tIN 17. , The Cirichmati Cimmerciat says it has, a runicalrcon Kentucky,to the effect that te .bOratirt4iree s -41 1 .the -Loxitillttare were in• fluenced In postponing the election of Uni ted 8 ;4 34 Senator by the hope that the a long &Oath atßitkillin'Aardqa of-Tim-N 0. Rascumultouwill be sucomatal, fa ittdch cue they intend :Muth:tate and elect:him iftherAhro the numerical strength to do dn' 'We tsati-443 idle patted tAtitiea 'ammo. - - As a conKrtnation of this :tinier we find in theLotudville Courier a strong article in • aver of Bitucornkumore election; so That I bier plain each a pterTtosele en te itai cvL , Would allele Moms have found Meads if the "Conservatives" of Kentucky had 'net been ablct„to tvinnt upon the eupport MA old of 1$ "Conservatives" of thu north? We think not. When this war was over, these gentucky "conservatives," in com mon' will their friends throughout the tilmlth; Vote mild and submissive, and dociked lb:Ward only to tho • certainty that the ROWS would bo pardshed as they de merit* but the formation of a "oonamva tive porttekthe'llrarthi demain.lhig the in stant restoration of these Rebels to pond ca_powei, has Oniboldatted and encour aged them so thatnow the returned traitors :Ws Kentucky, and are laying their plans to send their cliinf.traitor 'to Abe Senate. , That is otie of the legitbasto Amite of north ern coplarv.ittista. "'grriEtt* - rite "Conservative" "itarters,!altab.l6-tarappreoiate the splendid minute of TuAlvatzinzts, 'thwart) them. aelyeainAirinalsw hint. The 'Washington i'9'l:•l,Vtithat otitis 4tchniond (Va.) Beintem betrayer, has more magnanimity. De , satitiag the ittstacono in the House on the adottiOn of the cestiditntional Amendment, he says . • "When he began this :horning the tiouse gathered, around hint as Monet on Prato Were AbOut tO declare an irreversible ;edict. The Itemotiratecanio from their distant side and stood patiently while he scourged, lashed,. lacerated, tore them plocalmeal. The Republicans, who had wits near tarn, kept them tenaciously. and those who were Rtr off sharedthe standing room of the aisles with the Democrat,. During all the time h e spoke a perfect -ettljness pervaded the satire ouse—floor dhd galleries. i The Spkolteespost, was for a time, a sinecure and genial Coln= lminedeagerly fotward in his chair anxious as the‘rest to hear. maim', AS bp is, he Lean intellectual prodi gy, and the Homo "without distinct ion or race or color," paid him this homage." In the vote in thollouse upon the admis sion of the Arkansas claimants: to the privilege of seats upon tho floor, Moser... Lawrence and Miller, alone of the Repo - 1,- 11cm delegation from Pennsylvania, petal with the denmerata and "oonservativee•• for their admiatdon. It we understand th prevalent tooling among the Repohli,exu. of Mr. Lawrence's district, then, er., very fen - of them would have cast ouch z, HON. THOMAS WI Ll.l AMIA Tli:s gentleman Las rkamtl, mad.. ' • movamenta, in the licose, :of special our ' portant:o. The that IrMei nvortoi in our telegrams on The: day. It k a proposition to amend the Constitution In the last clause of the eighth sectioa of the drat article, so L. to co nfer en Congress anthority to make all lows that shall be nets:as:try and tamper ; for carrying into execution all p.nsent vested by the Constitution in the government of the rotted States, or in any department therrof, and enforcing all obligations, pro hibitions, or disabilities imposed therobj , , on the several States eompos . tlie same. The other movement was a resolution t.. iii.Lse a. spceial, comiiiftiiii to inquiciLwielt obstacles have been lntorppsed by 'hostile kltlitelegielnttonle pnnent, the completion af.hoConneamille.neiltnad. Both4theee protioattions were objected to by dertiecrete,inidetthoi Tectufrod unani mous - consent; Meta Over, but they will PC4dB.3/E-6.1*(4- . . Mint callgteas ought to have clear and in. disputable authority to make all lank re gtifrad , the execution of powore vested in..thefievernment, le a proposition that no Tian Will seriously argue against; and yet thitra are large interests that do not want **Vega armed with such authority. What4l.r. Wroldsme le driving at coo. c ' icriting,the ConnellevillellaUroad iv doubt lees to obtain such action,neder the rigida( Cowman' to regulate post.rontev and post roads, as Will do substantial justho to the corporations and individuals who hove in vented money in that enterprise, And as will remove all legal impedimenta to Ita comple tion. proasing this measure to a sue. cessfalhonclrogen, be will lay the people of his own district,. ander the NOICie mien to he benefited by ihad railroad, under pc.. cellar ebilgatlonad INDITSIIIF OF PENNSYLVANIA. The Phactelphieh .Board - or Trade !dates that the yield;of anthracite coal last year mall 1140,228 tone, Atgaint4, 12.,658,412 In iQaL . 0f Petrolsom, it. dotes, the yield was .:4943,864.bb1e.,ar 27,4150,830ga1ic0m The pro (la ealoa of pig iron was t*B7o tons. Aik: pegatbig tbs. Table of the throe articles, Anal atl7lier ON all at -Zanier gallon,. and Axietal at Pa par ton, we have for them is rOost. Anna -4 *ost pe Cost trotetaa. io A , lm eca,m; • V4irlros. 17,991,50 D Toth .136sONMS Ming to thin the value of blooms and tolled iron, made in the state, say 310,- 0 0 torte skiW Per ten, P.ucl the lii,/t4,6-N.4 pillars of oil refined in Penneylyenia, at NI Oiled value of 85eta a gallon, earl the abovetotal grows to $171,369,825. Nothitutqa hero said of the production 0, bitimitteaus coal in this state, which is a rOpitny growing humiliate, nor of the roan- I:Mentes of steel, loather, wool and other slats products. Theta would doubtlem add yory oonsidershly to the total value of Pennsylvania trultuttry. Cannot our Board of Dade glee the yia. tittles of the bituminous coal trade of Wow tent, Penaeylvaala during the tan year? TUE 'WEST. ' Tho iron aultmlacturo is rapidly 1w0r.0,.. trig throughout the Western States. &glow ars the statistics of production for the 'nit Tam, Tans. AMlttli. Bar, etc. &mist. ANS IMMO 22,314 4.1,55i,e0) Sod Lk= *.t 'o UAW ;ori.ixo dtaxx, 1.9 /19,1:14. 10,7147 Z 0A5,4313 otai /MVO. DAD 1,455,373 6,4t0 mow rn); 14 - °° ' 45°° '" TOW. WM 1 11 XISPS Man $ ll . N Otal viltie Of pig Alla .11ronght Up% A amend Woolen Factory la about to go into operation at Minneapolis, Minnesota, at th. great bala of the Was agippL Ar rangoatentallave been niatiir with Baton capitallsta for the erection of a cotton mill at Bt. Paul. In various other plume new alanufactm , ing enterprises have been started. Thi divenshication of industry in the WostA4 moomientlatio right direction, and um.; be afiendad with beneficial reenitt. 'Ttreplea *AV certain quarters that ittheitignitabgin tho corulutituon must be stib l dt . zetloPresidentfor his approval, eiteX Wink Paelied both !wince of Coo grew tritty9 - inte,,lorit - y, Wile up:tele-hod by .tha Sweat. OM% at the Fehrtou7 tem, =e r go the.CSale, of Hollsysworth vs. Tixgionr„ capalies, SM. In that ease the objection rente„snado, that tbe eleventh amendment to the Camatitation had not been imposed In the form prescribed by the.Constitutlorr; and therefore war void. Upon sa 4,4Teetiol% of the original roll, it appeased that the ithrsendment had never been submitted to the President for his wp proval. The same argttmentanow employ ed were need then; and the Court, the day after me azganent, otnardwonaly decided that the annendmeathett been constitution ally adopted, notrdthatanding disjoint re:s alaam proposing it had never taKm sub mitted to the .I . 'reeident for Ids approval. LZA.Zilho RECIEZSION oaosit In Ala bama eayie "Jr is prudent to lan by Ltiol , r maty IWO we Aare tan by the sword.' That .1a thelicei of the prascuit Southern policy; and it is itt promotion of that pollay that the Irprillesu eopeervetlvee maulieet e etrong thspoelthyn to land their nid. Junta; 11.Prorwir.D.--Ocwnrnor ~ orrri has appointed 11. FE Cu New Brighton, Judge or th.• new ,”1 dintrint; enrnporoed of Ntilohingtun and Beaver. Judge en4..muratt.Liem Con will Tun till the first Ntniviay ~r eember next. An Merlon for too lnll vo-o, wfll be held in Ontober. Gunzunaronzai--The York Tra. erne and the Huntingdon ./cco:ai American have declared in favor ..c" I r eAor,l Grum. The Huntingdon recomwnda General DAVID M.. OftEroi. Tun Philadelphia Board of Tr tde brtv appointed a Conintittoo to proceed to Ilax rlsburg and urge upon the begisintu re the tnerrease of Ibe rate of intoroot to torron per teat. Time Washington Reporttr ileetatem Mr. MOOParian for Governor. Munelitra *Wanted We 011 Cary mod 111 1 / 1 010 Eainroad. The.ea4.0031 6 011 Oity and nati road Gosainuay, vs. the Warren and Frianklm RaiirOad Company, wag decided, 'l7 tint Court of ColßAlfal, Pleat. In.ittalyik st Emt*lto, In favor 01 gm Plaintiffs, Cu Wedneseay The maniasbronght by the Pithole and tnl CA/ RailrOltd Company,. fort .the Pnrllote of Obtaining atrinitmetion restr a ining tho War. Ata sod Franklin itallread• CompanY. from hindering the building ot the 011 City and Pat. bole Railroad. Tito Subject of charter rights and privilege. was- tiknronghlyriaMinoti, and the case ably argued ou both aides. Tile tea. ihnonv and pleading occupied on (unite 4tyy, On. Wednesday mornnig Ill* Honor Judge Camplxll rendered We decision, granting to the Oil City and Pi th ole Itailrma Company a prellnsimtry ininnetlon. thus restrainulg the Warren and Fra.aklin Railroad Compan,y from Interfering In any tray with the boodle ; of the.ollClLy and I.ltholo Rallrond.-01( flap heparin.. The Register adds UM the Warren and Franklin Road wag backed up by the Fenn. eylvarda Road. • • regSr Cowan.. The Chicago iourreat SSTs of this gentleman • ' , We do not regard Air. COwan• as a dungerou, man at all, Hu has den° the worst. Ills dim. gerona days are Over. His power laze depart ed. limi becausear he may have een mite ebeylons,lt WM* therkas It tonot now. The moiety of brains that was adequate then far the purposes of the factious are unequal to the purpoee now. The present ends of the seditious are Immeasurably beyond their ra pacity. The oopperhead is at this writing, the moot Inoffensive of ',initial snakes, the tiowun oar. perhead especially, who adds to the crime of In fidelity to Ids country, that of pirfilly to his perty. hut Cowan's claws are drawn, en that I,,,rover may be his oholerto encice in the fit ore, they Winn be ashanulean l 3 those of his ro.laborer from Kentucky, and us diverting an the wrigglings Of s, lobster on a huckster's Zue Richmond papers , hint that the robbors n n.I garrntene UAL city an, otrriily Union inen,'“ fortaorly Of Phlladelphlnt I'lll% Llt 1T67 ex arias tlitecntkcni =CEO TLIP New Yoh, Pa.ta 1. IV, nedoirr•...l organ of the rebellion flaring toe war, and ow 4 is part conduetod Hon, Henry J. awynoontlbl . wookanoipation • lo [Mooing torete for t laereo rear nt,g1,,,, - Ea-z-te, , eclotniy Lot Coe Te..a. e Tret holm he, te , tlaed !pore,. th.• of Cburlest on. that at thn downfall of th.• t oafe.f•ecet ha•. i• bn„•!^',l and twenty 11 .orktt .11•11.. r. o IU no!bg r •1• or. pat I.IIOT any tn ,. tn , ..r tk , !Mitt te.ol: any of this, but that it o a. paid not to the col of Johnston% arrn lIN x e r•nr of tntrudeneo. efinaflert, the wife of t nr noiorf ot, uanrin um] en let, 101. alo.tay an, to the Trrayhre for fneleinntlicattOn for a e'e to:n usontn2L eTlO , nero, the propertj. of no' hu.t.and. r0 . ..41 or nuproprtare4 I.y no, arrny on rt, entr) into Itiehmono. Thr hue not ,01../.0,01, Fuld, owtOs to the ealatanne of some little doubt tato la 1.410 the grosu product of American won facture?, wee may 00861:07i, or, matting ul• lowanee for arnisairma in returns, 4,200,000,00 e. In taut they reached the enormous aggregate of id.csS,S6l, 674; or, as minor eetahllabwent• were not reported, at limo 12,800,000,000. tour population in the interval had multiplied four*inflpo•half-ibld, bet our manufactures ten fold ! Al this rate of Increase we will soon lo in a position to supply , hour domest to want, and bid defiance to foreign oampetttloo, Dot as, In the meanwhile, we need large reren act to defray the Interest of the nationLl debt and our increased national expenditure., it Is vitally important that taxes should be levied In snob a manner as will render the most effective a:mist/mea in the development of our troth:Arm' interest% ao that.prOntebleem ploy meets fat our citizens may be Increased, and complete national independence achieved.— Philacklphia.Proa. • IT is rather remarkable how come of the men who neecito curse and defame Andretv Johnson hero taken to praising and nattering bum. One of the most cm:riot:is illu.trations of this change to furnished by the Memphis dr pus, a journal of powerful rebel and Demo cratic sympathies. Here is one of its latest utterance*. `ite we Whew laid before, and repeat now for the ussarunee and oonsolatiou of onr ton de sponding friend., there Is hone in the firm ness, the eourage,ldie honest purpooe of that east iron man, Andrew debt:mon. T. - cte, bit one man—a tingle life—that etundi be tween no and the The—the foes of their coun try, and their hind I but that man, let as tie well assured, Is tall elk, and with the rust powers and patronage which an unparalleled war has centered and left in Mc hands as Proddent of the _most powerful and warlike liepublie of modern times, be may weltstand as • rock-fast, immovable breakwater agamst the inrolling tides of destructive radicalism." MEETINGS A. ?EMPTIER° OF TUE STOCK. Hot:inns ovum LONG'S RUN of I. COM PANY - .DI be beld•Vthe OLeG of the Compaaoa THURSDAY, Malik last , 0 4 O'clock r. roll sag llama{ atteliallaa. is de , tred, 11. farrow I be buslne. Importamee la trilaeset. ivrAir 4" 4tht frAree94llTOTEß, Clerk. .PLECTION fiOTIIIE—An Election ...for Prestaunt, Kummer* earl Olken of • 'The COMpla y [Or erecting ktrlrle over the A Iler he IV Elm-, opposite Pllteburzh, lu the rottntv or Al 'bray,' trill be behl At the Toll lloote, At the South eat :X tha Hedge, tat MONDAY. the 4tO 4.1 of Biarrb next. at: gittotk T. feSrlsweltArWM. Rol3Cllrllft. TretAturet (utter. or InattAltannha Vnttra IL It. Co.. / PTA ramAthrt. Feba may Lit, I& A sIiCAL MEETING.—Ia accord -1 aara the prorlalona of the CI art. r 4I'SIV:I'dt - otrhtebeAtt. IV r 1 •.% rt. han• 'rill he held at the ' fgure ' of the C (mono? la Plttabnrial, on TVlPlellt Al. rebreael 11th- It etk.e% A. N., to IlteePrel the Repot VI the Ile ' dent and Mannirare to alert a hoard of ha the anaalhn Tear, nod tau:natal each ottea ea tan, be preatetel. fen.tal .1(1111i BALLAWITIcr, j. NOTICES N. OTIC'E TO 011VNIER9 or Doak v 4. nAexe. Is bereb7 Otto oarnero of Dray, Carta, Carelogtoa, hctber reatdocts or non-roslatot In the t 'l7 of rlttobni , pay Incto owessl I Le Tn , teeters ofllto of the tsly of Iltntisorgh. FURTH W ITNI, In accordance Ittt an Art of Aosombly apptored Slafsh Xt. Man, and en llis3l.netarn of tb, Week, It, ati It, I its of llllta.uryti, Its•ted Aprll It, all ran-sm., stn. "nom or rents.. to tato on., L....e5.0. It' 'obi, I 'la penally, to be rroosere4 lscfore the. Maser. t ..cunt of the Limiter. • 4.1 r•,•10 , 11S 'cars twit re turue, nt Lll. V. LAW , *r ',Lett for er..Lvt% nr 1.1,1N9L L...LL Par itcrw. V,. Fart TV* if Or.• Verliel! Fla.. roar b io r. . VcbteLr. . ....... . . . 0mu1t.....e.t. 4%0 drawn by Dorsey, tich. tor coth latorle In any orate six". whirl,. fl 06. W. ETCHBATIM. Trita..rer rITTE.STLAU. rrbruary Dth, --- STOCL KHOLDERS OF TUE EV - COLS OIL ANCSWING LOMP.LNY Lae M e 4 r l ° CV, ' Ll c °. Ileg e ltree l o ' b e. Nitlt/R T Y " " e t ‘ . at o'clock, to elect officer. toy ISt ece,, alto, to roles MOM', to C.ll on the wort nt the C Ol= l. By order 11811i 1 VILT. Jrt NOT/CE to AY:XL-Lb.-1,7. feet LN loch Artesbo Tultlng. B Robes, Comm. bob., it ., complete. hoeing be en n cool to [setono ill wtle cheap b 7 4.'02/ ISAIAH /111.11iXT 1 Co. DIVIDENDS. Os 1 - it:Sur rflE 414,110PA1, Mixt. uo. PrObitet/COMPAN tr. Pr? braog, P•L mu, Cod_ 111:4. ti 'ME BOARD OF DIRECTORS or the store Compaby Itnre MIA (ay fleeter., na •- Wend of it/11TY PEI: CENT.. obi af 14.. eter.tlon tor the boo els encentb• oo Cleptbl Monk; IL/ pee Cent. In rash and =per ow the f3ertlLePte• orb,. 'At - 4'4'711% =Z111 4 4411; tbe Mtn t: 00124 Inst. :ten C. WERMICII, Setretary urrics 07 ram.. UM Coal? ailtT: I rirrescrwl, Jansasry is I ?ME IBOAlin OF DMECTOUR OF •at Mc Pearl OIL Pedals, Oct Ave atearml that opt oftbe nei earals of the Lai al: maffit.. retain/ Deacon, SW. 1P a tilitatud of Tft3l Dot.. LAM- rEt. fliAlll eau to paid OS and after na no" mt. ma, sad that tbrtma•hailtio of geld dam pa, T.• Dalian Fr *ham •itallbe raserfed =a ta 14/11 4 4., Toento. AUCTION SALES. vaLrrommr; AverioN SALE or (nry PROPT.LTY Nish CFA- - TURING ASIA SinittlDift taVN TIII: PRRII/SEb. tela NDAY, Tit AT & N) DAY. itcb. C.IIA /11/a &ACIALA, a btreen,tt., det.ctlbed.. •• • . 12 , g. e n. 6 , 1 1 5 tf , 4 7 4k. , r i z : of 34 fen, encoding but 03 fen to Volt:Trey •Iln. an widen Is erected • 100 elorleg bollghtc. being Tore. Nos. fa nearly opposite Agra Alto. go me 4sr, ot3 r. theme tn.. wort -le .trat le lAMS, nit tantut on corner ofilmttnnedi s - ..letrawto...rry alley. Lanni' emit • front of 7.0 tom on Palltlltleq,itowt. exutOlog Inc! tu bert, on nbieb erne ea two 3 etory Itrfeb ttoildlng, 1.7 ..a , b • Fooo atom roe., Irttb porter, dlotg. lona . ad kttebem and green eitatabor. with gat an. 'water Kt pretent °mooted by el unto 111.•nt... 44, Py.. bent. No, 17, moo 1 7b w 77. TUF.4I)AY. Yon. , at 10 •. 0., Tlottatog gebOoltiou.r. on. IT, ha. log • frost a feel on Tomb.. *lron. I neadlog book, 111 f.... Intim. to all foot el le,. A1..,0n atone de,. it 11 , a. te.. *twit ot Ihor. ..treet, beginning r' foal from lb., north...rut r of &emend Street, batting a bout at . 2) tort on I:..• atreet, rstendlog 11,164 I--t to• hoot nblch .rooted good Wick Ift•ble Man. on tints giy, at 3 r. ilirn.lnght......ll - corner or Gr.,,,00r d l'ar on to laving *tot fru (Orion of a rm fret, retrn4ln.: bark TO feet. ortilrb *lit be ,1•14...11 It. fallow.. 1...) on rut Out 13... n, v. front of Wet, evirtultn.; trot to • a foot 01107: the ad; p.n.( ...en tot trs• - dog a front/If elle. t, e tten4l 7r , fort, •-.14 tatlt it, there >re three ea....tau:141 bthatihng•--...,.r non notf lno honor,. Tel , I Ith. al Ir. V.. in I , tl tovrothlt.. rrn. tulle frrr rity line. to I LOOT Work,. tbr dr./rattle 11...neeterol Prooe ). containingl7 arrre.which ba• rat tittull.‘ 1.-1 ~f ollo•••: ;re th.. w north ohle of rallrovl built g trt thre..a. o: •are log In drr r frhen 157 to It, ire t. I.ola o 0rr0t.... t orrr • On thr. rh , -7 fret,. lo Thr.• or. 15101, thrn t Le-in...4r tot- ono In tlo t..•tr g of v•ey r•••• wrens. h , ft. , rite'. bat 1..4 .1•I• rnntaot. or ..tret Tr 011.., to F , lto En dl( Ala 11,1)1K11,Tritibirl nil E. 0.11 1.1f,1V A Tr 117ti‘IfthNt.r_.. to lit, soon/. rid* of l smattel'• itallro.ol. 12, ..ontalnls, a',out 1 n. r. te Ohl. • 111 be .ohl our. h ##### • The« hit bnrc • r front .of 1,2t0 fret , and tat...whim, 1 the rt mfmrtny on bu m M..•re , tortr•bl n e l o cal iot.rto ring .I'l. then' em. 1 1 ,1 hot o. rellroa.l being on a ',el with toe propert , .. roltch• ...001oldings could he eonstroctrol with roropurn tl.e little r pram sod r,•, tot.tot•ettlettrt. to thr , onr.• /le blithn•y. On Ono of the obese valuable. to.. . •rectel connumllout and •ohalan tint built story helek tlorlling boon., rot:lea/01.g 1.1 room, Ihe yartlrular estlention raplltall•t4 and others 1...11- reetcrltto,thia larg.f.olo of valuable property, II ...lug for the Uturpoar el Olnalng the este to If the late 11..0. eel P•lenee. tlroenord. Term , at nate, T. A. 11.:( Anct•r, 11)CH 111 ST. PETER'S CHUB( H TErIiDAY Yre. loon, nt o'clock ot e .014 o ....row' floor or Comm...relit) ttto wt. 103.tult n hnehl etrorr, by urn., of trltninte. ior of I' . M. Boats, deoensett, the ott:gtloly attn.. n P. tec., Yo, C 0.74 to tit. Poterh. Church. tea: A. Blelf.WAllVt., Anethrbuie. ELDUCAMNAL AIRMAIL (lAN& .Them is a sr tall,2_ jpeota JIMMY swrtyni , j 4 l :.: 611g agilVennigagTreeNg411. AII atbesp wish pg biota the 4.150 • ploaro meet .Ith ua.aA FAT NAT U QUAY r Fob _7J. J4 ^- 1:IwE THE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY Tarot di ' A i be ll st l / 4 1LoNe l ar, T tnen . ,oa bo' Fccond the let o(lf:bream aad closes on the tab ofJane natl. ileyeandTneng Men garner:slay prepared thr bee At..• o l' COAX,. 7110 Flit:101ml, who la St WI the 11,4 teachur, , teevlatitt by TEN gentlemen of abll th.VirATM: tern had cernato 1101 Schoul_property near „ feat ebefh.rt, taut). nor..n•kd by the renntreauts !Mary Academe. lap +alga.; remenTag &hoot tber a fro imalt s A rtssf the revenval the 11111ter1 dep.,.,:. nt, tho..tatt alpatunt Berl otarlent and Annriattle,r. will be . trt.b o / * Or CeLateoet a ed. he Prtoolnal, Ivitla.1"11 M.. Iran at Weal Cheater. Penna. RFZE'REIIIIMI2NTS. NION SKATING pig` -TLS EttSTAUItANTI I I6PAHTIthINT 15 now titlark, fer furnlDlng ladle. visiting the park M." aad Itefreahroeuts la the ' , Attlee Reception throat. The Saloon II reaerredetelooltrate for path:alert rr.otring refreehments. The elzarkea the tune ns at Any ..ther Drg rat-onm! fteolaaraut. A atllkjaer &apply of Etat.; will be found 5t th e hkate Root. 11531-15 d - UPHOLSTERY. ftCnAnD N. nointall n ot ,. I FOUIETIII STREEI'IIIPI.IIOI24TEIt No, is FORETLI STREET, Mull Wood. —The inboorlt , s msnlarActore bed keep constantly no bands ert , 7 allele In their Hen, fir; COrMeen, Or mament', Certain Goods, Comforts, Festliere Beds, at razor of ell kinds; also, th e crelebrste,l rotout ktpelog Bed s, . All tilde Of Ohanda, Minds sad Fla tutee. Vratapt altrellott Is gives to all orders fo: G.ttiogAsid taring dawn Carpal. Oiletc. EtotOtt!lt. D4 ( LN . AY josEPH Aokis, Dentist, Con ., neny's oOrnift of J.IA fdrits D pm, GIIMer ^ Dr. A . Ct. Indft btlae.l4.••• ihni.sl4l:l4 I'AIA kli lel WANTED—At the House of ite - fore.a FEMALE TEACTINR. +to Tallorea.. thalary . - _per aottiaro. with Itoardlt,. Alto, TAIM uFFICER. Salary szo utt annuto, wlrh b. 3 tldiugt Appllouttoo to made ar In< House ci Iterb,e before. NV t ttL None nerd apply 0r.,..4 well rt •••••••an • f•-7.lwowP WANTED- DRUG STOlcl:.The advertiser would parchoon lIET %IL OKI BTOEL In tue Citter, A ' L%. 4 " . IL F. ataboraio r oat-011tlatu ' 117;;;F:17.11 W ANTED- - AGENTS- -For some rain/ nen. ••A, NttIVLI. C1112 , t Lt . ` laor uto, uontle t rful loyention Snitald, ton LIP klutt, at I, k gnat Rot .tt It lut InnilNl on rr riot ntltt. anent.••Out por moult esit, Anarre• J. .1.1 8 u t ,41 ,1 ••lonatl r , nhfc (.:.:twat . - WAIiTED-1:3 1 • IPI,OMENT—IIs a tung Ilun, In 'tt • IV ,r• rs.ttoot or MA au f,• Ire watt Ttnol,t.: t.L• ••n f•-r... t.a. la.r ••.16. nnd nLlin : mak, hin•••••.1 ••••-tql. •-• • •. I. • , V(,r_ii T rlllll.--AGENTt4--To hal a r . Interelt and ; ,,, nro.ncrit - - Grant and hi, C1113;,11,,, byH. nr. A ILO. • •• ,, errnala 444 111 A lac ~r 11,1.•• ter V. Cul, wa - msa. p.rtitularn, SOily A YL LIS, ,Zl , ,,trth .tr.. L. Yttl ,;:n. I . n. r YEAR —We +kn. .S(AIN rs, everywhere to .0.11 our IMPEOVI*O TN 6 , T1.0.1 I. s 1 SEWINO %- CHIN Yr. 1.110, t 1,14.. 01.1 r•-•-• 1: .rr0n•• , 111... seer. A Do, ,O.ry .or,ior•- 0100 Tbr I.orsl.l' Mrchlor +0141.10 :••Inarr for tLon or. llerns,l 6,t0 Ler 6- 1rr0:.:.6. 444. 9 Irr ,a.ll up on MIA IN s. L.\llli, tilrOcior4. Woo,. . . Ai: A NT ED-- A GIFINT%.-- EMPLOY 51V.Ti FOR Irk. ft:UN Lid OOLL/11".1,1 AND ALL 0 tale of Jern-IrT, !oily erAmm. &c. 40. l'br Ilanallton .t •. THI RI rlf /N. t/ur Not,. .re =lax L., Ir.= I'lor to Thirty Dotlacr pro d.ry, ocol or t , l more. La, Invelrer f rom Lump, bare r well. , our ,:oek One Million Dollars. Aapircul“.l aabo,nr. ..r Watch, - r, klng , ll.44llve and trrittlriur.o•- or all kludr. or life moat foohlhnattle pattrea• WA'ill Hob. Mud r rotItl•-•1 or cort , tlrAtr nor I. al r.rr wh ono .ore Jis errtlflc.a&r. y{ of It tor thirty: or 4..04 o eat pilau:lp for our taw , to ..g00r... ar, 4.f •h. in,l ral kind. foe 1.,-,trt.or r't, r our name, oily, rouritt ,fate. lIA 1111.1 , f,t.. lira bar,, P.Of.•. York. n0i.....r005a. root. Tiro York. o FOR RALE. _ . ( 'IIEAPEST COAL LANDS IN .4 L NTY.-1Y 111 be ,old ch• than say o:Ler laad f/flltt- r/ . 0//a ft . • cnd e9tialdl...ltmec ham ate city. IG uoderlald . 1 11 the the 'ho.t rcut. There. / 111r.,r0u,. tme ,t2lta.ble torn flue In th. t,l,‘ riser, the mil,. tm lJd lop Fp e vpe, &c. I hr. t • un:t•t, two r‘rtn., rut, with .ler•l , .uf barns, ..tAblev.. fru" orrhard, ri,. rval I. of tie 71 ry Leo wa.slitt, tr i/11 0-/ /a; open //c the ptl,.e.e. Th.: --a..., Al,! I/0 rau•- ported o•er the l'ltleburgb mad ht.ect , ,,.11 , a. road. Yarm. 1.1.4 clo the tow, of 115....0ekt. /OM ny th. 11 ahht autos . 1 . 1 k• I tinily, tr.,en • J. , 111 , i 11. HAI 5t0..1: .14 Item Latate Beeler. 103 Ilkins Hall, Fourth elec.,. j, ' OR %ALE — RARE. ITHALSCE -The lined ' , ATI and gtocl• of a !EAT. 0. 0 11 . AN ft LADED , !'CI( 1101CRE. Ina gc.od location and 4.• Ing ettood Pnainesa. Ise... tan year. tr , run from Aprll ! , tore b•nd.ornel atted . 1,34...-4- •1.51e1w , e any hetwera In,. nod ((lb Amount cf capital required from ir..e.D Andreae A. IL, Mara ten Orrl, a.. fent( FOR BALE-`' Pllol' I , I:TY AT lIAV,NII .ITIt line • F. I% s C. Its 11. A large•t.n , tal ream, Pa riling. if 5.0-ie., atyl... bith-rooro And ors- n-hnt.r: 11.4 a•. t v .• ter: a .pletplid new•e- felling nprlog, 611p,1,111:: a.lf -11.-tent water fur nous. a,1•1 porpo.• ./. ,Lard • - nriect. Ault An. The an. , ..• r ty front. the unit. ets.-e, land ron•let. et ere. hien ..e and Into ; .t. uhf pur hseer.. Ano Ipformat.ot. de•IN. , I Cal, NC 51..11,011 l apt J, rl. II 5 Y...n thc •,, P. T. IS A LIFT, Y, te.: Fifth .teo•ei.fe. Iog BALE OR RENT.- TO - 11 'ante out c.adern bulls 1111044:. cont.:,,n; 1.-ra, At V. liatru.tokrg, J • Vorparticulne.., aopil on the prem,..e,, -I JAAIF:O. fIFIEY . J it.. P ntLat •tr”et, Math XV..rd, Pittsburgh. FOR SALS:SI.6OO -A IIUCT Ft.irit lir VDRE t A Sit rnirTT t. , lt 1.5 ND. attn.:eel u 14. r r.l i e Lona. tam th e line lineraaAr 11.a11ena...L.1• .4:w rod Par .a: for Fia its ilerePn.r (a..L. Aa Irv , . - OP. it tr•rr• I , rrtrn. 1 )11VELL1NG BO UNI: I'oll ‘.41.E.- -n- Too atnr7 Prick Dwelling n, •tret: and ars ...ten P ., rantn.,e the pr.,. F.,rterm.,aiply nth .treen. fel:, A I. ' oll B.ll.E—Two small Brick In the Tient VV ord. A l'oeghen•, on Mob. In al meet. hob. I and 4: atm r eacit. In ”rtlee I% ooms arntil rear-, 1r a miles fros ala ci:v Wnll at a bargain. 1. again ufCASSn F.Y . RAI 1., ILval rotate Agent., No. of nea•ee xtreet, AllmSb. ay. FOB SALE OR TO RENT..--4 A Frame Ho, apd I ot. at llcCoy •• Matins. nu lice.( ad and ritt-abond, nalLltatl, opsonalt. the Seatlon. 11061 , 1, eMZlteloa all ep.pmaa,,i 'sod sae he vaed a. • .tore for a nom • her of rear. The IJoatiaq .• tart.(. re excellent .onnt, Fp. ter=n •nl anu s late. epal, •to 0W171 , .1. or J. Kr S Clrr. Cal. Irte. •Iheghenr. )a..21,21•41 1:OR MALE.—.II Unit Clara Rest -a deur*. containing I 5 eonctu. fm . ...tted In modern tity le. with marble with Co. .Itrubherg sad Croft ter., .trick carriage bonze, deep. ten-hdttee; Lot SO fret front by = feet deep. sithatt on seeou.l rant, Allegheny. Mao. I.aleartso of Mater Lead, apacts Etali . Pa., wlt/ a few =ilea of rblteattiphla and Erie coott P. r.. L , ) underlaid ettlA run:. I:cPpalf• V r.rvrizta, 1(1 M VI errert. EMI 1:011 SAIJE...WIUTE OAK LEM twe.—trAme feet of i Inch pled. 10 to 1,0 fret long. 1 , 0.0t0 feet bowed eat to ordor Tnd 0,11,1,4 le rtttahorgh Allophody. Crud. ie.. Plow Bear.and Pll Polio. UM* at 1V"I tll 1 here t. oa Una of trio and rttrahnrE h Moro. r rotary. re. Add,. ., 11. H. WICK & vv.•i 111ddle.ei, norm. Co.. /ht., r TIP,. N MILLYtt, 177. or No. I It. Clair at.. Jalhtload VaMonte Country ErrXlarito at Dago - wool Citation, Prtivir.prsols lirord, crtteriad a half call. from %Mize/oral Eletrn acrrs IX percher Of Land: a fiat rirro DrreU. In ratitalplap tea Moats lad cellar tiailoratalla: Fro ii sal oar, opacrof roots the_prear le a - I • hiritior lafortarlioa. can at No. 118 ilftti I. .l , liefl p fb. Or oa the promisor. J. C. VAIL NAVE, wrru IMISEDILATE IIOTNT tiorr mortal- TY. AT WOODS' RCN scre of ed, Brick Dwelt:rag with 10 rooms sad game. i!ralto Lod Crillt of all Clads; tea ado. Im i .e t• walk from FrArral *tract frfpor, of the miliarrlber, Cl his ILACIII.I4I. LI. VII TAarLICONNS. OhJO street, Allortiony. 0c31:44nd 1;011 BALE CIIIIAP. I= „ 1 FITP. ActILS, In AleChltlAt tOwhabia, adjolalng prrralaea of J.Lal”, "II sod J. n. Lipett. Tbo 17 , 91,, , ,,,e o err t i,:raln Praau .1 - earns Horn Zr. cut p-nr old): 'Atari , * of ground Ailed with , lauler Froll f r•ra, twit hearing, A dell,,hten hugging •ite on th, pia." ,an DO' 0,1 t, br itaa,er T....a or Wooda• Atntet haat. Apply to JyllEf,T. hAPIPI.F., NA. It Federal FA., Allegheny; or, addrva. J. No. r.l ,riat rt. Philadelphia. )31 . 4,11 'Fon NALE—A, Farm of about SS. alluate Elltaheth tow habit, .%11..ghney Hwit, Pia., about one toll. awl a half fr , ,rn that a•rot , gla of 11clierAporl, half mile of the llonortg•- hri• river mod the aneure from tb• Y.whinFtxesty. Ti.. imparove-,teritt are, Ant. a I 41 ' 0% 4 1 rtaoaa. Stlll a goad well of watt, , tlio , ageood, . two Yeah,. 11 ,, 0ae, with ft., room., with two good oprlixge of water, third, :Log Boma., with two rootba, a Ram.. hank , er o . with t! e a rry hval atalitllng, earn carriage hotae anal .tear The tract la all under,l4 with . 1r in AC a.o. 1 thattatoue. Thia 20,111, oflitAr•t,a.. I. worth all that la uolirA f..r the progwart• 1%4 - o , r. tr - .-r Nit - tie...l.u. Inquire oi.J. 11. tot,' eu, _k g ... to. lii 1 . mirth rirtrtt- FOR RENT. TO LET- Thir Store Room nitu • • ... 4 .• .r.. 11 .fr otratl LlN.rt) •t .1 pt . ltr,ln. .. iit l.l!fr.y, L 4) ! I ,"11. 1 : 1Z I' l : 1 .13 I,l P : fl:g i t n° ni" 11 „:! Fv. , II I:AN/i. i.k.T. - 1 . 11 . i% in! ill 4. cc • (1, l• • 1 1 1t.C1 , 1 I: • r .1 E • • Lou RENT--STEAM GRIST MILL, Ilv+b nn the 91000r.,15 els !Irv,. In Allrlte”.• 1.. r! 1.1 t ,13r1l.(11-T 51 (LI-. Your ruu bun . Ile I nut! ex,..l:ent k,34.4r. rood o II , I p r?r nu b: I :1117 4 ; 1 W 01. a .twrl • (.10 . to, till'. Inrc.rt9ull..n, •on ter prmllara, ethlrr.. lo a. 4 , 1 C, :Olin!. licheemport, Cu. talrrlniv REAL ESTATE. TIESIRA OLE DIFEILLING AND Limo at private ealu a •tory Betel Dwelling Hoene nod int, Monte at No. 70 Way. stmet. near Pena .treat, with Doable Parlors, Din ing. &tont end Kitchen on tint Coot ; 4 lltinito net, on nrrood, end ton third door, will, ut In ever morn; New bilingle and Sint. krzalb4 SMIla good con y tiltlon ibrtingbout. Lot =„le I. feet. Alvo. will be told vtlth the Moue, tf destred, Cite Furniture, which II entagarattvele new. rouvu•- 1 9 n o r e it I r7li n ertgr U itlit'air ilo o ta r Lr e e " .? . L and ol 4 ii J 77 2. A. AIrfCLE.LLAND, Loot', FOICW TWO STOAT HOUSES FOR BALL', with poeveevlon net. with lot of ground at fart frOpt on Dank Lane, by el (eat tiotp On COD" rent. , Alm. • 'Meg Dwelling Done, end inrge.lot of gronn prone,Lt atreot, Allegheny City. n. For c tie., appl• to tieTintri - rr A SOS: h, frl hi Market .troot. CLAIM AGENTS. 1/01:311'1ES.--A11 Dloscharge4l Sol. *ten, or the Beira of Decca , od doldlon, whe aullatod to tho drat '7tevexas Bor - 171°o, And soldiers uhoirent discharged from aor other con Ica without 1.1500 I rim ig their tiovemmout or Lo al liousstics, are requested to call or Fond their ad. arm to T. W Alarm DA Y, Solicitor for Bounties., Panaloa• and Pay, No. IMPIPT/1 fain:ET, third dour b e l ow the thearal. W. J. PATTI6BOM Notary Puglia WALL PATTZSEDY AMOT66W at J. & BALL PATTEHSONJ 144 r • yoURTA BTRIZT, Pyrrantraon, tome,. for Collecting Claims against the Owe eed AVlr d lAti mrum.reocr (31001 4: g At - COUNT?! nitrYLltD AND OIff'MATES CY NOn•INDENT/ILlNgnig ?MOO RCN FARM iiii • tolvni & SLACII ,__ Nave on hand a Lame &aoorhnont liOWL".:11 IdAO=EB, LIQME trraew CTrTTSUZI BC MBES AIID HAY ILIUM& At No. 2$ 034 30 Otito St.. Allegheny DLSBOLIPPIONS J 4 .' 4 01.1E - Tl°7( OF PAR • III? r Pr2 l trlacnhlp her,,fore oe :, • AD. 1 . 1 13101:F. anti W. 4. rtrlder the t tate o[1). orr.}: A 00 ly tic.. by yontnal ennoryll. The ~.150•.• nr In, n 1 1. V e tett.le4 by the, c y2nn,nany. 2y •• - 12 kin, up .22.1 1 n •1321 2•. he under.tined n•. 4p erd the a•u.• .ty.e ..s NI%11 , 02( (I)...her. thet are Bete n. artle c Flour oceoh! t o von- I” tip. =ar :I,r , (Or , reop• tfuJr f• , ..xt, all. wad pArtlrriArly ^A: t at r e el.a..., —1 LL.: article or prim, ..11.31 . .61. wJ. M.•,1 I= pont, that, basing aahorlated nt•o „ elf ith , •Il YORE ar.a Me ‘I A - EF. u•ler Lhe h • ~•• a ot)ie of GILNIOI4 k.. MINIV, 4 .N ; . firmer') enu duet. •11n „1 :Sr.a IN „le KN. at redera.lstreo t. will h. -. : ha w r , oa, Prhroari 0111, If,. ~ t 1 +011 . 4,, )ISSOLLTION OF PART 1. En, the partrarr•it r • • • al ..oua•.t. 'll{. uff••••lJahto.h . .. t. .1 lr•asXlN.S. ,, , ( how the .rrn. In , r -,11,1n • 'artc.• r. „ aill eunttultr - th.• I•k ..r In, Peen hair° the waihe an 4 1•1`r FM' , • N W. It. EV VR, , .• - OWL ill VHF - t . I. 4.I6AFk 1,771r.1 torr-0, firm 717, the le of EV Ert ,, N. 11, , 7. 4 m. to. P,....t0th and . 1.. hr7l7, I oberrfull ,rnrnrw.n.l th• rte.' firm to !Mc.. 00.1 11,. , 11010, gtr,rallv. J. 110,K1N.,,C. - _ - )rsmourrios OF PARTNER .- Tlay partnerablp heretofore eilatlng bo- Oo•ert sub7erlber, an the nr7s, o A. H. HAR7 VBY & CO.. In the Barge and tom., f 04770,, ,, , On Herr') 17Isnd. ha 7 been dhosol7Pd by motto' 7 , ,,sent. Th. affair. of tb. comp., wthl he iettf e.l by .tot of theta , sm bet, of the firm. it thr Mice of th 7 Colo, 117. on lirrr . ll tomand. or at who,. of floekbar Long. No. CO Fader:ll 77 lry. All 27-1.70n7 indebtia to "14 far. alit t tl• mon,. and (boar hoeing eicalnit ,ne Om, fin pre•ent these, for payfroont- A. 11. HAHNKr. H. Mo a; El LL. VRANK LI rtrl.L.ll3:ll. January =Oh 1i,034..-J0:71,1t, BOOKS, STATIONERY, &a y AL I.ENTINESI I'alentiriee/ = TORN P. HUNT & CO., No. SO Filth Street, Masonic Hall, It..< ' , al...cum. /lock, whiublh , y at), =I To the Trade and tttr Public Daini}:s Eon 1. 13 43 El , J. R. RE.ID, No. TR Fnurtti Street j•, PIANOS, ORGANS, &c. THE DRAJDBURY, NEW YORK, • AYI., Schomacker $ Co., Philadelphi a, X : " X A. I'V 0 iOl3 The Estey dr. Co.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORCAN. Act netel,lied by the boot Dents Wen: In the Colton nat.. to be enpertor tote allothere In power, Quality of tnue, and tbosveyt, Thee. a. th.tratnente hoer for year. ettto, the ant gt . :[ : ; 1 1L11;1;:OUVI.)' 1) Y1:11 1 .. '" I ' Lr e y ' re ° :::: . ItT:r; nay ether, All warranted lug five yr4r• AMMER: d, HARR, No. 12 st, Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 7". NOW ILIEEYG RECEIVED, THAT PKISIA.NT STOCK OW CH ICKERIN G PIANOS, jeTOOVd ,I y7 , a thnem , . SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS it. WA/MASTED TM FITE Tr-Alati. CHARLES C. MELLOR. _ tl Wood Stzbet. IiABEM GREAT UNRIVALLED PIANO FOET,Lft. --Tbe ay. Inetruxo.ta attempt,. elor to any otbet In regard to Woe. too.. wottnso- .6i d darabillti.. Ainve syvARE ruaio all bare tln new im prove.] aimed bean, anel AtraSe Treble. F 1.411 CLAITTZ tifthortnlet, Rot Agent for the above, .4 alto for aloes Bro.'. Cotlebratt4 rinse and Prlnee• Orme and Malodeona. late pi&IV fiTillrlitAßGAlN.--Spleu. did Rosewood Seven (News Plano, carved legs end pedal Leoproeed , faro rnsave , overstrong Lay, In use only three nonth a• c 04100; .111 Co eold tbr Mon ALIO one Els (Wave Uneleht second Iwo( eta.a. I'l4. tux. cuAsufrrtz 8L1211.E. No. 0 rTIPTA BtlBL2, Moron./ door abort Wood nrix4 PYRITES. PrAloisiLvAlni SALT MANUACTTREVO COMNYI WILL BUT I=6-12-I=I...TrIMISI, Nulp hure t of Iron renneytmenti Sell Sias efeelstleig Oo •8 AESeq Corner Pitt Street and Duquesne Way, deleateams PAINTERS. I: ° SIGN ARTISTS AND HOUSE PAINTERS =1 tt.r•ng •f all 111,4. , Itcutmli per....yptti and It vastarra. olerane, nd l.ard. nn anara.lnel t aV a ta. orth, .asd Gent • p..rt• of th.. , on-tr• . 11.V.,t0 • la: Dcalg, as e.,,,tea in a Itilzhlf man, r. Poto. 1 ., 1[1 ,, ng dor,. with r.[.:.1 to dor - At - 4114 - INArnoon fl Al' y ofort, ntot De1611:1•.3 .1 t • ,00kbto WILLIAM U. BROWN, u at; .•r u.o e z r rnows & toanoa I(UGL6 di% D Phi?. PAINTER, =I PITTSBURGH WATCHES, JEWELRY, Sic. 1 fw) BUYS EVEKVITILNG.-- c.• ,,,, Hi,ld Watches ‘4,1 'Nunez/ Riney ...dlll,e hrr i)I.I.AH I.ACH : etnnething mtlr,ho new J. R. KENNEDY & CO., t 9 f IFI it eIREY:T. (opposite Alasonic LUIL•I .11 i.,.14 Hunting Cue Watch, !Weer Hunting Cue Watch, SOU of I , , , ilee' Jewelry, I, l llPeintings, Albun, Silver ratting., Care, And U\L lIIINDEZEI ovum, SIVA' AND USE. UL AIiTICLZB, aL at the average pee, of OM: CMIIO se.? ese the plan of sale. KIANNI,DT CO., Street. (1.0 deers Delon Xxlsreullgloe,) 01 4 11_1 1 0$1)!/01 STATE AtatiClTl .TITIIAL BOCIE TY —ilia gnveting of the Pennsylvania State Agricultoral fkiciety, Yell e; liarflaburg on the 11th of January. i tt tt was resolved to hold IM Annual Lahlitt lion this year,on the asTn. Phu AND 2.Stli or 55 1 TEMBER NETT, aud animinte4n ...- mitten to receive prupoloda from townsor societies ofthe Statt. offering Inducements for holding it at the different points which their propositions will tiesiltnate. Bald committee are Messrs. Amos E. FLIP, Northumberland. Ws,. Bisset., Pittsburgh: JOHN H. Eir.oLin, HarrisburgDaStlEt. 0. UMW S - BACH, Beach Haven; Joins D. crnmurettoc, Har risburg; A. B. I.4.6odartt. bunrelary, Norristown. and the undersigned. at liarrlsburg. AS commoni callous thus addreaited will be laid before the Execs utter Committer, on the ivy of ]larch next. ontil schleit time competition for location is invited. eatneod A. BOVIS HAMILTON. Fl4lBl FIIItBI FIIIi9 I y - LAND, NINES AND MILDRED) WI3EILIEII, nit Largtat Lai lad Compkie lam Byer Offered in this Mallet I'acCORD & CO.'S. Vii ocaci itissakoti DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, Jo.i. HORNE b. tO. E!!'illl Are Offering their Entire Line of (.00d, . N %I s.• I s b ma Alamo) 1 1611,265TX,4" lelOl.l_,Y7D HINDKERCHURIN, ' -44. t!'", Collars, Sleeves, xx.coorio sliC.x.rt..ria AT DECIDED BARGAINS POINTE LACE GOODS Cif I,:_l:U* CAII JONI:PLI 171014.VE tO.•ti 77 and 79 Market Street NO. 11.—IRENCR CORSETS. ' 100 DOZE'S JiiST OFIENKD AT 104. 78 and SO Market Street N O. MOHAIR READ NETS. FEW STYLES JUST REC'D XT macit Ulf!, LI'DE & CO'S, Nog. 74 and 40 Market Si NO. 3.-DECIDED BARGAINS Di EMBROIDERIES .4 Nos. 7S and SO Market Street. L'alestlinev: NO. 1.-- BLANKET AND BREAKFAST SHAWLS 3313337,0•1717 OCHEerr, At Macrum, Glyde & Co's, NOP. 7A t and AO Market St. O. 3.-WINTER HOSIERY .A...15T3ZP 4:3 1- 1.,C01171111Ei SELL LTG F•E RI" CHEAP A T Macrum, Glyde & 1:30 1 S, Noa. IS and SO Market Street NO. 6.—FERMSHEIG GOODS, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, 173E1VILlir 4:7321311L8 r .itt the Trimming Store of MACRUM, GLYN. a CO. EXTRA SALE WINTER DRY GOODS, Large Reductions, 1- , "eirritary Firrct., BATES & BELL'S. Aft prucEs MADUOJED DOWN We re PO" denims Dfll o'l,l WINTER GOODS i. ~0.,4•,. orayga AstatmaYl = GO ...', P rnw ting , lextg x . er d e k ct i. .leal e. Dg , : d4 aar7 .. -... GO :: all N ,ti, irrigoor, V:Z•l' .i Ztol ig a ty ' • • „, _ory . : ,_ liO .` Bppery .t ori:pas, EtteAsea. Ferri...4 tOlg . 11. 13.1:11:peaastoryg. - aii pr - Pri .Jo r ro not7aaoca; in.. Tberatgeuttca:lVood mad &tile; =I " Itlaar,stugcry; (71 . " Roraima Anatomy; - 0, " ChenaltigrnFOWlltii: ..A .. ' - Webattel. Dictionary, dtc., d.c. • &.•••• WO Inset notdurg :4 841ras Cap. 14 lxiggad.: 1,000 " malt.% to; . • 225 "• Q 'tiae;ttjtele-tioctird; l ~ . a , ItefFuqrlflagEagn, -c.v..letter sad motet: roPP A' - 2.O.Ortf'l4, . ,03) Inktrtizatil - gratladBTatternal • -• • ,P,O,to:llBltralotitaetairretrat • • :- ~-;•„ • • 3, 00)13Iauk Itooka,olottllinidtgal .. to gi v.i rktloa -' - • ' , %ma of Cbe 711 m Alc i orDA. igta feta:A-ta:LC tigieoldntelv.z Vb. bk,ltil and Inantionata anal* lospa the da - 15eTopttbesala. Cataloging, tosi ben.% 4:021.13 Ett• tlolli ~ • . . - ... - - . .COBEET 111.XTIPSR., Sure, and "BM Coloiial - U. 8. Volt., St=l:Stit • • alatlleol Pargrry•Or U. X. A. F. H. EATON, IG , (5-uovairara to 3.1.2'91t", MACEIV. If e C 0.,) At Very Low Prices., BARGAINS CAN SD lIAD IY Niplmp* Shirts gar Men and Boys Vests and Drawers of _Stinker Flannel, Wool and Meino; Warm Gloves:and Woolen Mos iegq; Woolen Seam, Itameginna ;ta blas; Handmade Zephyr Attielesi' Woolen Gaiters and kiLttens; Balmoral Skirts for Ladies and Misses. ['Ciro Dvivim diom4 WHITE, ORE & CO., No. SO fattroot. 01cr (or ~le thrJr rmaltving •tnt.4 Dress Goode, Cloaks & Shawls AT ORPATLY REDI:CF.T. PRICY, 13ARGAUliS1 11.11WA13f8t1 AT W. W. MOORHEAD'S . , 131 11114 - 43.1%.c.t LA( youvs, 11.11KROIDERIES, • ELANDEE3ctIisFe, RIBI.IOIM, Art)LRIC 1.+4 . 1. 1 1 8 1N1 . 00 ,.. 1. !A MM de- E. EATS' ANT LA PItS , YUAN - IM' LNG (100.1"... ittI.R.R.VON • 9 tiT A R. $U LETS, • oll.lf TA b•tt y.rkr, =ECM CARR.. McCANDLOSS & CO., (I Ash W11.40,f, CAtth t C 0.,) DR R arab.. Ict pow Y DODDS, No. DI WosKI strecu china hoh. rs Disxhoull hticT PUtsbursch. lyy MEM 619 Qiel: B 13 Islelsis) 01 N Ew MAKE lUD GLOVES. $1,2.5, $14.5, $1,14 OENUINE KID CLOVE. T 41•1•• ur...osl3•Jurt Introduced. Bclo .t .W tt imie or atoll by _ : pRICES REDUCED $ l , OO , *l4OO, 61,110, WILL lIVT A Clf,trl) Endenhirl or a Pair of Diatrep3, Worth sl,2*. ardeltU.W LIRLISLE, jal9 NO. 18 FIFTH STREET. ER ELAM. NEVI, NEW )5771..r, MOrtAIC NET, EOMETIELNO 2EW FOR THE E =I DRA.UGHTING. GENEILLL DI/AUG.IITM OFFICE N'ertomit .A.spimey No. Pt St St. Clair St., near Baspaastaa Bridge B. P. (tENGEII7II2I^,OI,II ltnOrtaar na.,,taaaa a 1.,. ulLr aireas. RE-PuLnud. LADLES, SAVE YOUII---MON-EI cA?rp , ns, TPA SETz., V,' krr pc.LK,. IL S. ISAKInT,,, se., (~ 5 15i.9 ‘ , % 4 1 . 1.17 ,H :1 ‘" thalh 1cZ.21334, =I =I MEM Nesslank Books, Stationer)" Wrapping Paper. and 3,000 Standard Medical Books RA E: ~-esas or DRY GOODS. BEDDING. &C., = In OrlginalrPackages. FID be sold et Anotlon,'es t 1 Stadleal.Parreywl Wonebostre, No. IT-Market. street, NnehriLle. TUESDAY, rebrias.r, C.,C03 Sheets. *LUX Dravrern: ' :r.,0:0 Dreading Gowns: ifo,CCO.flocks; supp,l4; INCCONIght 917Wasz Ti SLOOO Townlv. nine. hurkabarl; 11,ONI Roller Towels, lamb: LCCO "Sanklas; yards 13:ea Iliz..nal; " flatlet Perch,. Cotb; 4.PDO Gotta Pemba 131.sakoln; . l.0:0 India Dabber Cruildons std rtlditrer, 1.00 Cnavne Ho moots; 1004 " 'Blanket C 11.41 • • to, 000 pounds Gat and Tow, • Cotton Rain, Cotton Wad ding, Tape, 30., ,For -L small rhos of the fbreitntr.R ttTetarn ,,,, T aeenud.lannd, and will be sold separately. The er pain are new "Si fi la ortolan] packages. Cant.; I°° ' " m'Y b‘ tad " ai.V.ITAIPFLETCLIES. Barg. std Bel. Colonel 11. M. jails:ma 2 , feelleal Purees°, L. I AIME SALE OF CONDENEGEW A-4 ORDINANCE AND ORDINA-NCE 61'08E23. WHIN. sold It Feblle Auction. at FORT 3101n10E; AItI4EIiAL, Old Mot Comfore. "Va., OA MUMS, DAT, tbe.dtb day of Fetrsnsry,• MS. at In o'clock. A. i Inrge. quantity of Stores, consltUng Impure if; the follouleg aNGee, via: Wu Field, Shlee and SeAronieCantion, wroustit, • mut cast fro_ Anioott.-...n and rued. calibre, vuOilegfreel tr : ay are to eleven inch. lnatellnerM , cart.lron aunt, ntinnishwt. ;5 Meets - Vs; cast-iron, to pde., at pdr., I taal and 10 toe!, 0..3 Shot groP6 and casts tor, for smooth-bore and eland gunk ofi calibres Varying- fressald pdr. to 10 Inch. LLreach-Loading Carbines. "Biarnside , e," “kitorld. ' 'Maynard's , ' and '`ltorth , a. SS. and repalredf Muskets andittillas, U. S. Mearlitzesart, new- end repaired. 410.ktnaltcta and Rife., U. 5. insuslacturs, now mt Yratli ftd / I LIM, vol. & 111 8 Sod repaired. voitooth-Eon Pistols, cal. ft, how. Breeeh-Loading Carbines, "If nrnsides,•l: " . Ilerrill's.” ..Sharno , and "titar , ra." I 7 R iles, "Henry and 3penner. . 3,t fluakete and Jades, U. 3. and foreign mans' fncture, ofwarious calibres. - I td lie, elven, "'Celt's , ' "Repaint:M.l'. '•Lefanchran's,!' calibres a sod M. , Lan Force mad Sarords. - 4,414,W0 Rounds of Ball Cartridges, for iartaned maketa, rifts and pistol". , A large lotrof Arallery Lontementa and &Islip.' camas. . A large lot of Intuit and Cavar?• attontintrewj mesas end Hortaßqulpments. A 10t of Rope, Paulin", Buckles: Engel, - de- . telE nether - with a Mega quantity of - Smith ins; carps*-! ten , Toole. &alnico of Emelt Anna eon be seen at Matt kferare•- Amami and at the 1... 6. Ordinance Agency:No.o Worth street, New York City, Thirty dna vOl be allowed tot the removal of heavy ordnance. Allother (tom. Iretire4, to be removed within ten dye from dote of a c. • Timm cm Bakx-4..;ASU. • • . • T. fi..ILITLCR. , Capt. of. Sad Bet. Col. U.S.A.. 01014. isiltatieb Eanm MAriltrld a CAA.MIEILM, 131:211==! -WEE' c iramE YS. PATI 13 •11 - OCTOREB , 'lB6l. - EL&CltrAi A CAItLLSIJ .tk, 10 10111 . 11 Street. , elf X - C. 11 t The,. elateiallYt (bhklied fOr the bo, besting all parts *1 e sad doe" no ezpoge tocrsttlxi E. D. DITMIII.IIIE. Tett Pitt Meg Wage. W.1..th10 RI on greet. RD'S r P•13941._ • HORTICULT =AND OAKLAND OREEfaHOUSES. ,- • - 4011% IL 'A,. 3MRDOCH. EVCOtrt . .l to 31eVGC1, HIIIII - EItI7 , _IEN AND FL O L'iSIN PI Itr,tr,zirra. satclatiou to Uttlt oi Ltat, ritastetaValcv twiezt.t.. grape 'luta sc,4,mtro, "Atte Maws. Yu atm./ / . 1.2-senr,sr Cars uncul . .vires masa &Lanka, SKIRTS. 5 / s ..iirr FOR I N 66. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC cos DOVELE; SPRI.IVar SKIRTS, is••:;.•.1 , :tr4 , -;,41y-by te Rl* ovn: a Ps:mt. IIESTS, B11.11)14E1 S. CARY, 97 Chambers, Wail 72 .5..1 Ttratle S, e .. re - Mrcv* offTWO fn,i. ten: ~. red -••••-: Urelhtel •cul tierul• teu,tuSte dre le -d 7 fortir, !Ue rtRoS c• rssT . And dsdnkldas T 1,7 , Atli not .en e 1-1 a the siu, upriuea, but .81 erne t thrtr gracernlntu...c 'hue, •-• nett tho.tor tour oe dL rhorrh, [Le to Cr tour, tl.t. nr u .uuer tout. otlt! cone Ma tar, daArroo,.. e t ., s t et welet.ent wlth that .t.t.r4ANut urNett., n ntOk. h.* rt.e DUPLEX ELLIPTIC THE STAN ryry DARD SKIRT the. fasTiondble world. Merchants will Do supplied go. Abate tn.% he . Plets• t.u! Jobber. und Indite lu:hu le•t- .A.u. Nat,: IPIOJ In Wei city. Intl.'''. for Bradieri Duplex Elliptic Skirt, fel:a:mood-a —t ALL STYLES OF TOE CELEBRATED DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT AT LOWEST RETAIL FILMES. 1 - 437.11 • 1".11-17L, 1:1331AMa3:01.1.9 ..!upplleh h. - the houn at toueel.t meet. :31.1CRU.17 8 CARLISLE, ce 19 F n ift Eft:root. GOVERNMENT SALES. U OrEiumr.vr SALE OF STORVi. Assrsts.tra cicastrarsaaarza`a OPTICS. Pirrsacearr, Ps., Jan, Nth, 11711. Will ha sold at Public Sala. to the hiahrct biddet at the (O:WEANKENT STOKE HUME. ON P.XXX STREI:T, op.altr the Fort \rape Railroad De rite, in this e, on THERSDA k. Y. FBREARY 4t h, at tO o'clock, a. xi., the following Gonda t lottar.g. lamp and Garriton Equipage, tie.. 7f;at a s a Coy e rs, ! 30 fluido .us • 1 Uniform Jacket, P., 7 rl o -i 6 r L s e , a ' . 5 paire hoots, 1 Golden Cit.. 1,6 Bed flacks, angle, 3 Drams, to de dooms. 1 Dram Head Batter, ** 7 j tr.:ti, • 2 Drum Slings, 5 4sirs Drum thick; no Knapsacks, N. Ilareralc.. .g T:2t*Pii,.., wall, I Bogle,E. 3f. r.. Pd Tent Pl., No., 7 Bogloorde and Taa- 13 Tent Poles (wallies W., 203 Tents, ...con, 41 ratiteotas, 1 That Pins (cow. NO .1.x., T Leta. 15 Are 1 1 lees , 3 ents. Hospital. 14f Camp Kettle, 2 Taut Tn., 11.91111, DI Mena Pans 7 Tstatrabni (110a9itat; '' '' _ . 1 Camp Hatebota. I cot., V!. Hatc➢et Marne, , ra Tents(Sbtalter) plea. I Barrie. Flag. 54 Plea A. 44. Gnarls. Flag ILO- *Tick Ace Handles. Buda, - : Color Bella .4 kook : korafal3dN crta. 3114 Teat Pole* leomacirial 4 Paollaa, Sets. , I Axe. Silo", :id Tent rote. Icon:mon) I Picket MoTel. NO.. ! 1 Tampa, I Camp Color, , I Mornatp. Report Beet Tin-Vs.—Cull. tialted Plato* C0.. - anol• E. Y., CAMS. Eat. I.leat.Col. owl .6... Q, M. U. S. I. BEM Govorni.nE_NT SAL). Large Sale of. Fine Surgical Instruments. Will be cold at itnctlon, et the Medics.] Perveyorl Warehouse. Public 4 qoare, Moab , 11/e, Tone,. 04 TrENDAY, Feb. ti. tehl. Central Opera do tln,6- Cu do ts; Ktpor • • klynecting and Trephining 66 ?Oat-Ito-neck Cases, large; 700 Din*eetingCaenal Pocket Canes, tno folds, .;e do do three folds; 130 Ittioeseb Puraps, part ante-key vat., OA Teeth ra.trscUugthttriuneutal bob Davideon's belt-Injectlvg bye - Inel. MOO Firartileator,. m`.o:o Cupping (hoboes and Tina; 1. 1, 44 64e Tr. lab .., ithg to and double; &Abe Tourniquet% 4.116.056 rue; LIAO H oe d Rubber Birth's% aseerted Om; ago Sete *pilots, all Are,: de a gi th c, °'.s." &e. o . b727tWeal ' D' Caee P 7, ' '.; r3. eeal e rraa, a4" ag e .s . .te., A Dorelon of the toregolag artieloe ore fet hum( and will be *old' ite pars - tell. balanc4lll.l omtlio 'l 7 titbui , /the getters& operating canes contain lortrumenta for Lava tations, ex.ettious, lath* operldions, and Woof Catheter* autlbotbada. At male 1i...0n, on WZDNE3DA Frbraary sill bo sold, stack of C07.5157V0 IN 7A la 07 7333=4:1112%14:31-. 2.tra"Rair Mat.trasat% JotacM r 15.W3 Mar Pillows; O,OXI AxATlcts; =0:03 Coma terpanrA Tanta sin 4 7ilsrstrars 7:0:0 Ilessltilto Bars; sa,oz Pillow' , Cases; AM/ 11 1 lowStsisa; • 80,C03 neeta, Mae% and COMM. Cr44o7.32Craw' 171TIIEIDGE'S I PATENT OVAL LAMP CHIMNEYS