The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 08, 1866, Image 1

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. • - c .r w —n• n riaM ix a 1 Ezo
Til. COSTAILAGIEC, Istrutriumrrona
1 .N.lora Firttrltr - r. rlitabugl.t.
__- _. _ —____ -
0",.. m 0 p.w.ilo.y, A.' s e ll, pero
ier ..... .. ..11 le ; —..
IT.Tamm).LewlOrc do.
Appre4pyCarriers, MOr- , ING or I. , rreteo, per
riltr 70
,Bitiburoh 6at-Tttr.
?lothlux New Ender the Rust.
7F,lozoon bad not beard whenbe auxtu /tile
?. - - *4prilcoi of Sawyer's Barbers' Soap. Tbtrty
Tiry rood Store i s on the north-Emit Lrorner et
. .
Yon rtll unit 'Market streets.
wimes Love S 13;to.
lwbitioral ifkirss,
Ir ^?s' &lest), on theNorthcalt corner of Youtak
ein,rllurlzet streete.
t*e t.took oloelenr on st, greatly redneed
te.e.s preynentnry to re citing one Spring
_ rersolis wishing -•
- lesinsaitioniel give
F4, ll 'berclP Puroluti rt . elsewhere. Re.
p)egenerivre Ara on the north-east eoruer of
Fourth - sad strents.
6. tresses Loss it lino.
pv•Zierylig Mar: For sal° by Marls'.
- huyeri - Vr.amrst,- mraer -Paul mad St, G'tair
-rc - -
nannels, Dlnnhets, ay'
C NA iked doom to extremoly tow prloos. Per
:l eoelu i% - stni of fors,- Bankoht, blankets, or
sitithitiliftvtattcdresa goods or domestic hoo t
-, ..t0tz1111 well to cal 3 at Dunlap, Luker &
-1 , .'":7 1 '1-atia tonmino their stook, thoy havo a good us-
Fortin rot, stud have marked all
gouda down Co
6 . stittthe..ii.imtS. Cali fiooll and got some bo.r.-
' : g
g th a ' Dmilir4P. Luker 6: Co . '., I:td Federal
street, Aliegbenr.
fittlle teeth Orooplag from ou(of rldge, of
- rnbyin breath oploy as the alra from Araby
the Rlcst.' Who eaut realat etioh fanclruttlonal
'l'.?7ealipt tbetn;3:operfpetaato them, to nia , to
- Ate, Mouth casket of pearls clad nobka and
every sigh a gush of fragrance, all you, have
to do, fair holica, fa Wine that matchless vege
tablaproductlon, Flagrant Sozodont.
A Point on Mae:ball Phyolotans Agree.
Out of tta thousand regular physloians yon
•eannot end one whO will' not Amy that stuns=
tants raiddnvigoranta are absolutely necasaary
nuedictil prude°. And Yet in hi - Tone years
attxVike. inictatosieis liave pesitatad to rtti.,
bi4ause ingenuity
igttrefebk; tioiconcrelandise of human polluted and deteriorated .
thernthatthe remedy waideoiMid • as danger.:
• one the VieitioN ; Ufa - partaiscity is hap
-Fly done away :witit.::llsysietatis • know, be
valise the first 1401iiical bhetoista of the age
rinds deniOnatin — tedthe 'faith that Hoatettcra
• Calehrateiklitornach Bitters absolutely
and billWoly free from .all pernicious
ymmis. Hence they have been introduced
tritei thelfzdted gtatee Army, and are aeoept
ed,whcrever the testimony of the wise, tno
telligantaad the philanthropic, is rated at Its
',net valne,.`aa Protective against and ,
cure fur all dlsetnieearialng from impurity in
rbe pir:lir*lttntlheatTlY lontioneen v
-that has otter been by experience: In
...etiffa ofIItAP: elicial - and Liver Complaint, we
Wit Without Ottalititatten or reservation,
hat itni Bitters me 6e nearlyinfallible as nay.
Wag pripared tip h u man "skill can be.
• floatettersl Hitters •
re :sold Wholiaaliand retail at very low rates
PlezolnesDrng and patent Medicine Depot,
Zit:LP{ Market street, corner of the Diamond
'TO rourt4{ street. .
..'Weiturfa:splrodto or Lstoo.
For aides by Charle!
atnper.Drnifirat, Corner of Penn and `it. Clair
and Whaler Geotts.
h A will4reat Pleasure we eau the atten.
hail)" diti - tftdeni to the einpenr nook of Fall
Wrongred by Mr. John
No.l46Fed . street.
Elleglihn7.. ',Ma *tools
.embraree some of the
terAt brunt/15st Cloth* Chseunerea, Overoo4t
. fogs limarN!tat9 O'er brotrgin to the scestain
noo gisoorto4*.t orrirouniogooocul,
orrrnprizia.l; Ghlrtirartitsrem, Collars Meek 'Flea,
fHandkerFEhmhM, , lhe., cant‘Of be. summed con -
~ 7:lli l O bets j 'A sool l 3.lthet orteadr ins. 2 hat*,
g; CostaiTestOoo4oiibeeeito, wl.ll, into be fctiad
bre estabiGwn... , . :Pet oaefTawantef-any
R. 1 ..4h4gAR5 1 0,#4 4 4144tt1e.0.0414 raii
, , ihMe Mr. lifletOONll., 1
`.6. Co,
. .
r ..- EractitsallOroksßoatpra, WSti- - Wak.pra La &kid
imig*W; cifigripas.colors, 0j1Soi• at Mina.
4 , t^r 41 0.54EstOtwa-swat , tka - - Water. Works Pitts;
. 1 Elad4eario;"No..7l Pike street.' Or.
, .starakstp2ODUl.attosaied,to::. A.llWOric warrant.
statetwat 'ltepalikEt dcmokt Old shiSrt.. ,
elt etwaVes.l7, ll iy:,rosidea tha
, 41
put ..
cr4iierriiirJetihithir 840 p. • .
lliett.netungeed leper an absence of three
-settle* thcithrtar3l4Te MoPorted my sap
- tar an,torte - ar,largemir . in the ,earptater li ne,
t ttieeld IttretreAlier. - histoen smith.
Ish 3 4 l ldreetited - ctierry Ailey. orders o.l4cttea
, -• •••
'' Saliibiti'at Lime,
presurilt molder.. forealo byVbarleA Su
• pera)raggisti Asonier'ok Pena and au oaf:.
Et ' , -
,o TO.—Tye 2fetional •Aasoolition of State
School Superlatendente mot in Washington on
himulay, It to composed of those who hare
Mul,the wideet obserratioit and Mr rest °aye-
L'rleace In education- In the different States.
prenthient aim i'to devise a feasible plan of
imp sehools for th o Southern 'States, to to In
tr.:slimed and 4ntstaineet, not by gongreaslonst
ederelon, balatby their own choice and support.
The Preslden of the aSioOlatlon, B. q, Nor
thrup, of leassachnsettS, la already in Conlin n
aleatlon With tome lesfjug minds at the South
who favor this measure', and ask for a beau or
rbll Or a tree 8013001. system," to be proposed
for legislative adoption. A major in the retort
army, who Ls: a graduate of Yale College,
writas: ol believe IllaTery, and fought for
It; but now that. It is gone, there Is no Security
fOr us bat in fitt 8011.001a.,'
A old gentleman named hedgers, from
Texas, who wan toning his daughter to school
_•nt Chicago, toOkpassage on the Illinois, veil
.zralredlroad, at Cairo, a short time sine,. for
'the Garden CIO, lie engaged a berth in a
• tdeeping ear, and retired about the time the
train - twit Centralia. Lie was taken from hi.
• berth' and roliCed by A band of desperadoes,
and Lb town Overboard about two miles from
• where he remained on the frozen
t.'ff =r l b ' f ' ig l e call liOnT2l r i a ig g Arlll!ar
• - condition net eenveyed on a hand gar to Tus
cola, where be died about s.,week or ten days
„afterward. Ilia daughter did not, ascertain
•." whereabouta in time to kee him before his
,t. death. •
Tor Fina.son'; tr IxtutAxn.--Tbe London
- .T , liino," artiele on the }Onions says: "The
OcCastea la peculiarly favorable for makmq
lITOTILIO.II.IIt the e ease of the for the
/lateen Catholic priesthood in Ireland. They
are emlering,[and are likely to sinter for
• ',their adherence to the Canso of peace aud or,
• They wonl4 speak with more bold...els
art intherity against Fenianism ft they were
sasureriufa Prokialon not depending on a me
' --lmentary popularity. Of all the money that
shend An the; ear the hallmlllionsttUtt
Itallght devete".totals purple° would ylekihs
the reheat end beat return."
• Bti, irrist'W.itii.,-.4. well at the mouth of
Ifsa Run abOottivelve miles below I'mnklin
- habeen on gra atseut Lei:LA.3v and seeds thP
larlaree of. btorting gas to a bight of slaty feet,
, illluralnating the heaverut for many miles. ita
• loafing Min be heard 'for two or three Mlles.
-4111"cl:forte to extingulalt the fire have pi - eved
Therre , ll" another burning - well a tow rode
..trotu the March House, on the Lake Farm un
"*. 4 - 6t.te front " -- Plthole' City to Flmnor. It WflA
snotra about:three Weems azo.—Erie Dt-rr.deh.
,A Prmactiestal, lady of title has" lately
Acornuittaltittien to the French Acade-
Y-Ofigeience,"in Ohichahe declares that she
theeause of cholera in &micro.
-:. ,leects ticople Insect whleh she calls the "winged
o and irlitchishe says, is developed, 04-
-. ~ : plsalq In marshy and illthy Tau de
she gives in relation to this animalcule
and Its eonnectimil with cholera is so minute
tho; acadenaY, whieh commenced by
latighMg at the. first paragraphs of the retort.
......iinistred by. deoiding to Irrecatlgate thematic,.
keit:nod in Vow "York, on
......liredeeeday evening epee the Indiana. eS
,titnittecl the Indian population of the United
dttatui at between _=o,ogland 330,000. Ile
tictor the er.tirelesterralnation of the red
ctt tr. , th e =tutu States and Ttuvitorles
ten years.., .
Fltiits 15 SADLTIC, of Madison to vanhbiP.
- gutman county, Indiana, recently drank frm
bottle; which he. found In Ws em which
7" r ,';;Olosel, What he tholight_wro whisky. it pro,.
441" to - be a solution of corrosive sublimate,
- trent the elects of a hich he died niter lever.
- • 'alders of sintering.
Two'cOmnall,lonirra two. Just Mann their
departurelor Mexico, in order to carry to the
harlote:, the property which also
- ...iltaa...inhented tr a m late king Leopold. It
said to amount to twenty millions of franca
.. ,
""F "ibuttlio Zit:novas onlyreceive the Interest
thatimm—the late Altar hat - ingmd
ea the
plinlefauch a way that it cannot he foetal.
set Pripe.r_
A Snorratit a i sou ,- Dr...llnidenbsr g , the
for Of.ltobert .B.2llhturo, preached the
est sOrmon, at his funeral, ever
took AC his Colt: , L: o lClatt dote the Lori lo-
suite of ' thee but to go justly, and to love
. 111/Crer:6llll to walleithrubly ith thy (los," to
which -the preacher wiled: hc;,- asd
. `-"Tttfit t , TI-111,.
.a:APOIte. I
C,ll.+Jisom to:ma 8n..,
In the &nate, Sir. Wilson railed up his rem
lotion to amend the Constitution of the Cotten
States go as to provide that "no Payment shall
ever he . made by the United states or any
State for or on scoount of the omens! patio n Of
any slave or slaves, or for or on account of any
debt contracted or Incurred in aid or the re
bellion figairod the National Government."
la support of his amendment, Sir. Wi1.,,,,, said:
Sir. President, When the rebel thief. raise.:
U. ebanncrs of revolution, four and a ha!! mil
l:ors of men bold as beasts of burden by con.
atltutions and laws, suedes and and.., i n sr_
LI ea States, were valued by their yersessora at
more thou two thousand millions ni dolt.",
These thousands of millinns of capital in vestc I
In human sinews, hedged about and guarded by
constitutional provisions, legialati re env-t.
manta, judicial decisions, the quick instincts
of personal interests, the
_Maloney of olli, and
the pride of consummated power, thus a •
trolled instifutiona and States, and directed
public eounetta. In the pride Of assured pot.
=casino the lentders of these millions of briir%..
made - In the Image of the common rather
of all the tants:And .kindreda.of men, and ri •
. these vast material liderissis,
..then placed all
open the hazard plaint war., That civil ics,
closed In utter defeat and overvrbel in init tbs
aster 14-I.lloner'doUtinating possessors of lin
; ritatschattels.- Theenfour and a half millions
of slave, are things no longer, but Inert ever ,
. . .
lunge. Tide capitol invested in the bodies of
bag fellow men was wrested from the gripe 111
Its possessors by the band of the war Invoked
to make slavery and the mighty Interests per
t t.draing to It a perpetual institution.
When the 'rebel a lareinaaters saw their
',noted Confederacy crumbling and tailing
attend them, they, true to human nature, to
r &tilted the delusive nope that some grutual
system', toe emancipation would be neingurat-
I 2 . .
ed, or that Some compensation for their lost
Millions would be made ho the tiorernmont
they bad striven to destroy. While they were
indulging,in these illusions, the'f resident re
',cared them to amend their State Con stun.
I nuns, and to adept the amendment to the
Coast:tut/On of the Vatted States for the utter
1 extinction of slavery. Coining to the roil tie.
lien of their defeat, di-aster out ivimrliation,
they yielded a:reluctant consent to these re
euirementa of the President of the United
States. Though interest dictated a prudent
rolterve, ititeraneesin Georgts, Lou ;stone and
other Statca give warning to the nation that
the rebel slavemaaters hope for compensat mu
for slaved emancipated by national authority.
Georgia adopts the Constitutional amendment
with the distinct ayowal . that It will ant pre
clude her from seeking compensation for her
emancipated bondmen, and political conven
tlons In Louialana etnplantimlly declare their
,Ion - pose to seek such compensation. Muni
, festatlens In many forms- In other anctlons
f of the Bank etre unmistakable indications
that - Lacy are hiding their time, trimmer - in,
in,these chambers they will clamVi for
conapensatiott fOr staves wrenched from
their possession by federal power. Prodon.
Idol consider-40M. now impose silence upon
- them I but the ° nail:nal leaders. tif - the smite
know.frill 1041 that, when - these'nuseant chairs
are again filled by the representatives at re
organised rebel -.tidos, the demand fur corn
pensation: for elate." by our de
ereea„wilr fire the 110ethern heart, and rally
a n =tits the. anuthenummiplepen the "shoes
. Liza, oprn hiteasmonern Sumter tired, °tilled
' toad it tit tbe spring of lift. Who to •
there - nnion , i"us - titat doel not believe that
ese reconArtietad but unrepentant rebels
will tinekithei flint, the last and every occasion
to wring from the nation some compensation
for the millions emancipated by the nut °film
• NiattcmalGosterdment 1 That atatesman la in
deed little read to the school of human nature
who tedieves the people Of the rebel State,
.will mat meek by all the Means et their com
mand sti sal ort,tromthe.Federal Gorerrunent
some consideration for the loet millions in.
vested. in tom millions of Men, made free
' wlthOut their moment. and against - their will,
by the authority of the nidian....
,- 'To these two thousandettlincms lost to them
by'enforeedernandipittion Litt, be added the
Confederate debt amounting to thousands Of
:nfillittair.mtire.• The: honorable Senator from
• Kentucky ilir. Guthrie) told um the other tiny
that the South lost by the rebenlon ten thou
-. sand.mtiliorm. of -dollars. impoverished by
:those 43Minetlile /oases, surrounded bys the
wastes of war, by the malmed soldiers of the
- rebel armies, and the widows and orphan chil
dren of men fallen in battle, the rebid leaden
Icannot, will not, dare not cease to demand
some rompentatlon, and to labor for some nom.
pewation;by @rem , means within their power,
or to war open, the national debt, ell ich takes
from the people of the rebel Lions stains a por
tion of what the losses and waste of. a fear
years , war left to them. Ilia who eapetrlw other
notion than this from the leaders of Mothers
opinion is but a pouratudeat of human natore, -
. and eareelally of shoveholdbig hrunan nature.
. To maintain the unity of the Itenithile, and
preaerse the menaced Oro of Ito nation, the
Government of the United States strata,
more than two million, of met, to th e flew ,
organlred vast armies, created naval squad
rons for the blockading of nouthern nr,..rt,,
and cs Mind en for more that, four years a wai
of gigantic proportions. To support these
',tat armies. to create the.e great n a ral so und.
eons that hovered along the tam therm roald.
TO= the Potoma° to the life Grande. the liov
erntnent wan compelled to call upon the loyal
, t,no_ple,tornearly throe thousand millions of
.ollars. That people, an bruited with the sams
, !M and self-rstmanclag pattiptlstra tha car
ruedthellsomi to battle-4,-h., tit this ran ri
their countryloaued these millions to feed. 1.-,
clothe, to arm,. to pay the soldiers of the
Ile nubile, and to pension the Widows
and orphan children.' heroes fallen ;a battle
for the existent° of the Republic. With the
same holy real that Oiled the rani:ll.d ono wet
wasted battalions, that contribute] seven ty
nye millions In charities to the sick and
wounded defenders of their wont ry,st he loyal
o , opl e—ball kers, merchant.. l',, ',hers, tn.._
ebonite, laborers,. all roodit lons of m• - ti,• are,
wotrien,too--In the dark and trying , ley. of tio, I
~bellion, when teen of little faith doubted 1
lbe retail of the atraimle for mole:int , -tie.
,14.0• and rebel synaplittbizer4 and rebel 0104,
glits_prophealed dlnatter and national bank-
r uer" , , tnteied their Interest. and fortunes t.,
t lie lab th of their endangered country. l'hsse
ntilllona of the loyat people, loaned u psi, Net,
plighted faith Of the pulite,/ nation, created
the tirtnies and navies that lined the coast.,
and Swept. the folds of rebellion tilt ths slave.
masters' c o n federsieyernrabled into dishonor
ed fragments. This national debt, treat tat by
ow Vol errmient. for the
resrvation of the
national Ho, Ism sacred EL p Y the e inood of Our
heroes poured out on nor hattle-tields. This
natlonni debt is the price of national exist
ace. Faith, honor, In turfed, all alike demand
that it 'Hindi he guarded as wo guard and
chnriih lb., averred heroes and the wbto,,, a n d
orphans of the nation's dead.
This va.rt nation at debt, larger, if men reel
he Interest, by the Annual cost of oarrying it,
than the debt of England, will bear not tightl y
upon the resources of the "Mien. To fund it
at reasonable rates, to provide the means
promptly totimetthe interest tipos it, dad to
extindpiali It at m) distant period, to melee the
burdens Jeer air clonally and Ilgetly. possible
sport all interests, will tax the resources of
:srateamanstripiond the patience, endaranne i
and pair IntIRM of thepritipleforYtmts totem,..
Not only are.the I:elders:Of these stational on. I
ellrlit ISM Voneerned in whatever affects the pule
he credit, lint all conditions of men and all the
pursints "(life are also ooncerned lit whatever
agents ft. I The national debt has been nnide
the lauds of our banking system and currency. ..
Money-lenders and money-borrowers, mar
,.1,,,,,,,,, senntenoiturent, business men of alines ,
eupat lons, depositors In savni„,-
end the lancirersisho carry lino. to w, and
children the frults , of flail/toil, all now have 0
direct, a personal interest In ;the milintag
neimpaired the faith of the nation awl the
credit - of fin securities.., . , . .
. .. i... s .
Pearls and Ruble.
. •
The holden. 'tit the *bile securities, the
people, concerned in all theft vital Interests
la maintaining the ersellt of the nation, in
Nod I oly, the pnbiteldebt 0110 W rate* of I oter
e*f, anti providing for tie Ultimate ettinguian.
Meet, :tad 10 the 'return at an early flue to
sleets pappents, new tiornand, and they have
a richt isnpentilvey. to doubted, , that the na.
'tine/it seettritionn which are blended all
public and private interests, shall not be put
at:hazard by oxpertmental ioybti4tlon. Isia
•flonalArrislit,.llke iinclividnel credit, is ever
Sen*ltiVe. IL feels h ac
e approach of danger, be
It estitim Stealthy . . n its astral:tees. ran hold
en ol the puldir securities cannot but aux,
Musty note multitudinous hnhentions of cam.'
LLy :f tiger. With the clear vid.on of solf•lia
tei cat, they see, tecl, realise that the
Ir r.
tod, , p of th ose thousand., of millio/wn, a
tenant. incurred 14 put down the rebellion,
a - pewit *afely entrutted to rho defeated
rthcle. The holilto , * of the public mecoritlea,
poiooor* of the currency (wooled upon
the public faith, ,thee scarred icy+ of
the Itcpuelle., iota the heirs of fallen
A ours run hurdle r ead; entruvt their in
horilaber, be that It ever oo email, to
the men who havolost two thousand millions
Invested In the MiIICIRS of a rime emancipated
by the national authority,
and the holder* of
theiniando of Millions of Confederate bon&
and obligation., They iill.OlX that bellied
and ruined men, smarting under defeat, pov
erty, and wounded pride, trill he ready ever to
make combination* with tlit”e who in the
dark and triniblett :tight of the rebellion me
t:kited the don:, or the reptutlgt if .° of
FERI • LITEST 'TELEGRIiIN n • tc t Tbo holder. of your ,
people whose vital Interest,. require that
these securities shall be piruled agairist pos.-
slide danger, Imperatively deman that irre-
VerAble guarantees shall tie halite that the
nation will never assume rebel debts nor pay
for slaves emancipated by the needs or will or
their endangered 0011 n try .
The loyal people of the United States who
rleked their private interests in support of the
national authority have a right to demand—ft
1. their highest duty to demand—that the Gov,
ernment shall require, as a condition beer.,
tient to the admission of robot states, thst the
fornlsmental law shall be so amended,
make it forever Impossible that the publto
cent shall ever he endangered by the payment
of a sing!. dollar (or emancipated slaves or
Confederate obligations. Lot these words or
tords to the aline cffeeh ineOrporatedinto
he Constitution Of the Gaited States.
paymen: Mall ever be made o f ta United
Stoic. or any Stole for or en amountthe ',sign
cipation of any slave or slow., or for or On ac
count of any debt contracted orineurred in aid
ar rdwil ion apaLndi Cie National Onorrot,tent."
Let the Confederate States be required, no
condition preeedent to their admission into
these chambers, to adopt It. Its incorpors,
Lion into the organielaw of the land will hedge
about the national debt,wlth additional guar
antees and seouritica, and make safer every
interest of the country and the people.
Five years ago the leaders and organizers
nf the rebellion, withont One grievance
redressed, one wrong to be rhghted, ono right
to be vindicated, left these chamber., turned
u tour basks upon country, duty mad !town - ,
end sought, through the !Inland blond of civ
il war, the ttlanietabentiont of ittle Republic
and the death of the nation. Timed hundred
thnrosand loyal heroes, In the bloom .f life,
have died that the nation might live. Hun
dreds of thousands more, carrel and inalut
ed, ot Posed by a a,t lug d.wabo, I mger nmont
and a dela ot
the futvast proportions
burdens the beaustries of future.. These
aro legarneol treason leaven to the nation
home boo, them., poopte that Ilre years. ago called
their repressentardireo—theee men who
mile vacant these chalrii-...again seek admis
stun " to those halls. Sanely, IT is the right awl
I.llmin. duty of "far-seein statesmanship t••
•!claalld and take reasonable
le security for the
future of the country. for,, the represent,
tires of rebellious Mate. come nneil a loyal
I , coplernav require note gltaraotarg for the
safety of the country, tared by their mono.
and tlelr blood,
It to, Corny poor oncuprehenslon, tone teat,
to dismiss the mooted prabiena enetho, the
States lately in rebellion ate or are out .11 the
rnieu The thseassiona of: the schoolmen in
the Middle Ages were hardly ;lens fraILIIII et
yr...acid results. Otte thing hi clear to the
practical sense of the aountry —the people 01
tip rebel States are us sohteet,
and collectively, to the power, will, and au
thority of the nation a. are the people or Sew
England, of the t antral Staten, or of the West
Those innumertionarY Static, declare I they
ronlit go out of the UniOn-o.theriation said they
should nat. They fought four years o,
Get oat of the I. Moo—the astion fought
tour year, to "- holey them In. Thee
jvv• defeated, And their power
hilated. Nut a flag of theirs waves, not anni-
l.ayonct of theirs glitters to the atmlight. The
lag of United Anierlea floats over their strong•
bolds, over city and hamlet, and the tramp of
her conquering leCons rings In the car of a
subloglitelli.JlBople.- Cerullo and custom houses
and collectorsvi are open, Judicial o •ntri and
thud of foreign ant Internal rove.
ones are there s and the authority suit- power
of thiiNational GOvernment arc as oomplete
there now as on the day south Carolina led
the dance of secession. The protmition •If the
nation for person and property- In the rebel
States is now More potent than at any other
period for the pastKeneration , for all the por
tant, of governmental authority over the peo
ple of those States, the Union Is entire and
True, the p nutlet] relations of tho nat.), In
the Colon are not completely re-established.
The Senator, said Representatives from the
Fqates are not yet here to portlcl
pate in our legislation and to frame laws for
the country they have striven to blot from the
map of nation.. They cannot yet tut their
bends upon tile atatute-book of tho country,
tier aid In stiaping the future of the regener
ated Republic. When they are to come la far
the Congress of the United States to deter
liituo• bre Choy ahall come, we own it to our
conntr,t, to the Interests of its loyal milUOne,
to see that such conditions are imporod ms ims.
tare and liberty, the endriting interests of the
whole nation and the public safety require.
We may not rerinire of the returning rePro
sentative, of rebelliona Staters, as aondl-
tions of admission, that they shall
always vote for taxes to pay the au
rnial Interest of the debt their trim..
‘-on imr.osed on their country, or for the ex
tinguishment of that debt at no distant period,
nor may we reordreof them that they Shall
rote to pay thatmnalons pledged to our scar.
red veterans, or to the widows and orphans of
our slain heroes; bat we Call require, and ire
should require as a condition precedent to
their adirritssdou, the complete repoillation
falt rebel debts, and the entire abandonment
orever of all claims for an tananelpotra raos.
The people of the loyal States. If (;aagr o ..,
glee theca the tumorttinity,,will sorely
'Rotate Murtha ituodamental law of the land
them, words, or word.; of Ilka Import: "No
).laernt shall stye be made by the United Styes,
.r.t.,7l4y.s7Qi.iftn• pr cat' areount tirtes rittestutOtot
Ifuvo of oxalate Crier Or on a/Omura -if any (. ,•
con:mete or loan - reed in old of gas rerri/ton
"Dalai: Neatest Government."
Assumption of Rebel Debts
Guarantees - Required to secure It.
spec. tul Dlspntch to the Pittabt.rzh :,zot
WASHIN4TOX, rehraary 7 144 i
ntorehil Pupate/. to tho Pittsburgh Gazette.
ifaanniivaa, Pen. 7, Igen
Mr. While presented the petition of the
udicens of the Commouwealiti In favor of a
general railrosallair.
Mr. .Ingham preeonted the memorial of the
merehanta of Wocid street, Plt4bvrgtt, miring
for the removal of restriction* On the Plitt.
burgh anti Cnanellerille railroad troy extends
dug their road towards WanhiegtOn and Phila.
Mr.Ornhiliard r eie)aled eight petitions from
the eitietna it..Alleghony county, asking for
the restoration of Charter to the Pittsburgh
and Connellevirlarallroad. Also, one from the
mombell Cattle Par of Allegheny cone ty,prays
log for an Increase et Wary of Jtari
county.gua of sale
Mr. Connell, (rote the Committee en Banks.
reported as cornea/tied, an act Inaorporattrig
the Nipples Barthg.Beak of Pittsburgh.
Mt. Graham read, In place, enact to ineusroo.
rate the Pittsburgh Fruit Elmore Aftl,,,CLl.tiolll
Mr. flogs, to incorporate the Pithole and Ti
wllle liellrmed Company.
Mr. Ilall. to reorgenizo the Periesylraule
itti.el Company, and l u 1 nerease its coedit!
The bin war considered cal 1, 0 ,1 a.
Mr. ehoeintiker rallel up the a r etextendlog
t•e time for the oompletton of the Buffalo,
Pre:lfortl anti Pltthburgh Eaßroad. Pavxd
Mr. Graham called np the net 11, ran4Ing• th.
capital clock of Cho 6 lrmlugham . Ea.nt Blinn
linnhatu and South Plttaburgo (•,a,p,np
Mr. Waddell reported ae
committed AO net
relative to the terms of Court in the Twenty.
Eighth District. Also, au act to °Mario, the
original ittrholiction of the Supreinc Court.
l'ov4ed finally.
Mr. Lee reported as committed an net to to
eorp4nate the City of Mestdvllle.
Mr. McKinley presented, with an amend.
meat, an act to incorporate tLo Latrohe std
helem Railroad.
.iitt.Ls to Pt.acn.—Sfr. [tenon presented a
eupplement to tb• act Incorporating the Or
phan... Asylum of Pittsburgh and , illeKhony.
Meliee,n bill to allow the Cotntunoilon
ers and Can t rollers of Allegbany county to pay
certain tooney : for laatsn
Mt. laaaa , n f./i W provldo for Lilo pogroont
01 motley to Lbu Agt (cultural so.
/11. tic r, lig, ■ bill to 03t , ,,1 thr provt4lonot Of
.0 art,' relettiro to the I.lootii of Health of the
:It y of Pittsburgh, to stlJogstog boroughs awl
Mr. Quay, n blll to extend the Ilanta of the
town Of heaver.
?Ir. Ft =levant, a bill to incorporate the city
f Tit usvllle.
Thu flow, adjourned until N o'clock, to
ontidet resolitticnia on BOOOnstrUctiOn.
bestructive fire
Yob. destructive Ilre occur.
red this morning ma the aide of
Main "tree t, bet aeon Washingten and Poplar
:atrerds; arid seven building's were destroyed.
PoThe tire originated in the dry goods store of
Meatoll.4 Behlnliter,' on the north corner of
p ar street, and rapidly nprearL to.the bedd
ing!, on both . ernes, including the biter brink
stone belonging to Mr. Lori, but ocoupled by
Sohlldger, dry cootie merchant, Mr. Minor,
Lnoota and chore, Mr. Brooker, dry goody, and
Mr. Blomonthisl, Yeinth & Co. The ere, howev
er, nt the came time .11netrOyd several smaller
lani/ness estabibilimentsadjohileg. There WRS
only a small part of the property Insured.
The furniture of aoveral furnillea retailing
above thesaurus wan also, as well an the stonlr,
nlmted entirely destroyed. The lon. le esti.
Mated At over t.u•O imndrod tl ttttt dant! dollars.
Len* Government Nola—Orden Re,
voketll—tionerni Thomne.
New YOEN, Feb. 7.—Thu I ribune'r Washing.
ton special soya : Uu Thursday of this week
Ihe trOvernment has a largo Bale of tour hun
dred ea %Min. .thirty'-,ix Mortars fievou
Lions Of Cart riffr t eo, vied it li?ege uninber Of IL
1:0 MI
., at Plif t'o at Gnaw ,
and at Alessnifriti
nn tti nf it will . 1114 , 030 of Isit,oeri fool of
loot bor.
otrdor, pas, promulgate:l by. .tioneral
moot yeetenley 71:Yoking all onleni lioroto.
fore 1,81.101 i, rognising that. trnauportrktion Ho
flirobtbil to furloughed soldier,
IllejOrt.eneml Tnomm Liev loft Washington
for tho theatre of his official doty.
Idaho Leen!Mare.
Luta, Feb. 4.—Tbo i.cylitlni ore or ).la
ho Itlmoirnonitly Indorsed:the Uentinat ruin lon
policy of l'renident Johnson and the admittia.
t j . ut ion o f Goy, I,yon, nod plodging to both
their hearty inipport.
They urnated,•a territorial charter for a
irrnotrh of the Poelflo flatiron , / from , talt. fait.
t 0.11:.142,, thronqh ts:t.ri.,..fpi,l6,l[l.
rj.L.;:e • _ -
- - --
More Adams Expresa Robber:
A Chilien Agent Indicted.
Terrifile Tornado in Georgia.
DEAT/1 01 A 191.:L4E.NOWS
Nita. Yonx,Feb.;.--Furthor arrests have been.
made of robbers of the Adams. Express Com
pany, and another large amount of gold recovv
erect and turned over to the Company.
An extensive mom meeting 01 Fantails way
bald at Jersey City last night s Speeches warm
made by o'3l.ationy, Hailer , .7. J. Stagers as
A meeting Of the Historical Society was hold'
last ervernlng.-dohn T. Aiken t Ewn, read a very
interetting paper on the Illstory of Ltburty.
After OTIS &king of the progress of Liberty . In
England of late years, and alluding In tOrmirof
the highest prance to Richard Cnbuen Johd
in lab t and others, the lecturer rate: rod to sr(
Morton ?etc., and to a speech delivered bYhtifl
at 'Bristol since his return home, in which he
advocated reform and showed that AmerlO4
a as an example worthy of the Imitation of the
nations of Europe,
Henry Coats, tone of the alleged rohnerz
the National Bank of Wellington, Ohio, nes
rived In this city yosterdav, on board the
steamship Alhambra from Charlestown, la
charge of an emcee cur:ate to Ohio, tostaitllk'
b.. trial.
The World announce., Hist the Grand Atty.
have Indicted honor Benjamin V. AfoKenna,
Chtlian agent, wawadge blilprnan yederdAy.
Issned a bench nt for Mx arrest, which'
was caseated by Marshal Murray McKenna
L+ now In custody, and will be arraigned before
the Circuit Court to-day, The charge L. flftlag
oat an expedition front till+ port which wax
said to hare sailed some time since for the
destruction by torpedoes of theMpantsli blOoks
ri ding fleet. Alleged particular s or the affair
were printed menthe ago; and generally re
garded as entirely sensational.
Rumors prevaLlori yesterday to the effeet"
that the U.S. 100p -of-war, Brooklyn, hadbeen
w retard at s, and that all bands OM board
thath a b
th ee at It n loswas t. H th m e Mononah
uors subsequela entl thaty i
g had hiu t
1. l
tea lost. There is not the slightest foludias
Hon for the report In either shape, rind no
news of disaster to either vessel has boon to.
reired in thhicity, at the Brooklvit Navy Yard,
or at the Navy Department, in Washolgton.
A terrific lllfllll4o- pallied over the village pi
Newberne,Ga. IM the 2.4111 ult., leveling house,
frees, trees, Se. swearing before It In an In II
. everything 'ln Its path, and killing (oar --
and injuring about a dozen persons. II
A boiler In the mill of the Mechanics' Mann
fsotartng Company. at Potereburg, Virginia,
exploded on Frida y last, shattering the builds:,
leg and killing four of the employers and
wounding ten of them.
Our !Ivor,, olifuh wen for , teveral day.. an•
ttrety OIVCIT of lee. have (WOVE ailed. No •tatte.
nye bee teen done. etaLl R to the vete. of oCk-
NLlernble delay among the vnrh,lit forrio.,ansl
• *talon by calling croft it atint.t Unpauel•
Mr. Benjamin L. OLLstry, a well kinown arid
esteemed printer , used at the Pare
tel., on Monday, of disease contracted while in
the army, Mr. tilastiy,sello ern IA dexterous
and compositor, learned the an of
pr r' nting in the *Moo of Co Providence
arrest of the Parties Conirerfie4
New Tuna, Feb, :.--Late on Saturday Offer
noon, District Attorney Dickinson rermited
Internist-lon that aortal partite, la this nay,
were engaged in fitting out torpedoes and tin ,
redo haste, to ire used by the Chaim son:no.
meat In the war with Spain. Acting up:maga
information, the United States Grand
bre.errted two Indletments against Denlicign
MeNenna. anti Stephen itogere One of the
co cats of the ladle taw t shargee that the de
fendant McKenna, eat on foot a rollitary R.
peditlem, to be carried on from this
syalturrthedombilezi Cif the Qtiten of 1 411Tlfr: •
The fourth count charge, that he prepared
weans for is mlhtary eXpeditlon. Application
as made to Judge Cliipmas for • bench war. I
rant, which was placed in Doc hands of Mar.
shsl Murray for execution.
The arrnabef Mr. Rogers, the CCrasal, was
made without trouble. More difficulty was
found to the arrest of McKeon, out he was
Snail found and taken into cadeely. neon..
tide arrest. it was insult to
x iii ‘c ci te ck d =hl an ti representation. an Offense
against the law of nations. Mr. lei:Kamm
spent last night in Si. own house. carefully
guarded by tiro of executions itarshaf.
This morning the of watrantl not
communicated to the District Attorney 'Si
Marshal Murray.
At an early hour lifr. 'Houghton and ether,
called On Daniel S. DiekinsOn, United States .
District Attorney, and as council for MeKon•
na Indignantly demtioded lib. mimeo, alleging
that he was CAILhos eMbassittior. Telegram,'
were scat to Washington respecting MC
ticana's Official position. The first answer
received from the Chillan member, was that
:fielteimit ens not to be considured In belong
to the Chalon legation. The scoond ewer
returned, was from Secretary hewani who
said Mchenna was not known in any ometai
rapacity to the State dement. Acting on
these replies, the atithpuarti Dies here held the
Aer they had boon. in custody for a gtor.
limo, they were taken into court, and McKen
na, who Is told to be the original promoter ot
the scheme, fral held to ballln the Wand
dollars to appear from day today, while Rog
era, who to n ett so L deeply IMpl touted, was heid
to hail In five thousand dollar,. Messrs. teem
G. Dobson awl Theodore W. filley luteame it,
bail for Mei:eons, and George Dickson, Jr.
became the ball for Stephen lingers. Ti,, par
ties wereinstified before commissioner
after execaluation by Ethan Allen, El.l
and the parties wore roleased, theft bonds,
however, requiring them to appear fro.. day
to day .) rem the present indications, the par
ties will be placed on trial in a few .laye.
Tho Chilton Ministe,r telegrayihs to District
Attorney Dickinson, that Mr. 11. lieliensia
may not be cm:odder.' to belong to the Chi
an legation. Messrs. litefienna and Roger
have Loth given ball to apprar (1,. day
day Mr. 11,Iliellaa in 410,0*. c u d
Mr. flog,
SM,Citn. The torpedo boat, two In number, at
lying lu North ris e[.
Demme coSuli,van won arrest, 1 today r ,
driving a team eontnining 01.0 large box.-
his muttons being considered eonspielinn.. H
confessed they were military equipments fe
the Fenian*. They worn claimed by Colon,.
o • Matiney, awl the prisoner , ILscnarged.
A •Idpinent of pistols and ammunition
Were true for private use ha, heen preterite,
oy the eutherities at Washington.
It Is presumed that trade inarms will 1,,
•oneltieriot free lode. It appear c hat the army
re !Wended for belligerent use.
Shooting JA)•ay al Richmond
Nan lona, Feb. 7.—The rost's 4pf,plal says
the {Pays and Monies Committee has entirely
failed to oencinde an ligrcument with the Ca
nadians In relation to the reciprotity treaty.
The propositions •übmlttod by the delegation
from Canada hare been rejected, and counter
PrOPeal/law Imes the Committoe were re
jected by the Canadians.
The members of the Union Cinh oftitle oily
have tendered an invitation to Gee. tiruht and
etas to unite with thorn in a blubleef er th eir
loom, earner of Fifth avenue and Tarentv
first street, on WashingtOn's birthday.
To-day, in the United thaws Clroult Court,
Piero, the late keeper of Sing Sing, was cos•
rioted of counterfeiting and remanded fOr men
A I Inane! occurred In a restamunt In Court;
I and atreet, to-day, during a Melt, a wan named
Carli was shot dead. one of the participants,
nanital Stripp, was arrested. The others ca
pe .
The aloha:Lined Whig, of the atli,sitya: it was
ruored last night, that Lucien Polk, and
Ca m ptain Millwood, of the SpOttswood Motel,
ho had an altercation tlio.other night, met
yesterday and eanhangod shota...Captala Mills
wood received a wound to the stomach.
The Charleston Courier says a gentleman -
Who la traveling In an official capacity
through the Southern Stat. for the luirp,3o
of making n report on 00 Ugrietalturul (plinth.
Lion of the country, called at our Wilco a raw
days since and gave nit arnao Ilitericalng I n for
tUatinn 001.coruing affairs In the tnterlor. no
whorellll 13t39 nlyto dPicover, t ea ptations
being workud Profitably, and h plata
ors appoutred cheerful and loopeftil. It 13
thought the yield of cottou this year will hu
fully oar half of that of ordinary times.
Narpollsond• Spee..b.
1.109T0N. Feb. 7:—Pandre received ',sr Steam.
er /Whiting, contaiii linvoleorpH ppet,4 to the
Freneh - Legisintilfe. • -
Lyndon, Jon. .tte,--Tbe Faris en vrespcmdent, of
the London [kitty' Nee.oi, miktslhat It Ito t moo
plred In Court circles that the Emprror Nap..
loon Is greatly tillplectsen With }:taper or Nfax
itellino on Very truth) , grrninit, e9rocl.lly on
ni,i , lllll of the bait reception ifINMn to the
rneli Colo
encn:el . ler of stae and to liliotteo to
tisk e the an baud ,d t it is WO Minted
Unit this In one l'elsbn tor the 'A' ill - IM 0 Al/ or
the French troop..
Gen. fir bury's Lorturo.
N.W Too.. lob 7 —Carl Sohurz opcned tho
fratr , rnity tour-. 2 1.1 1,) tart i;;ht 01 tho
Ur0..4; lyll Ai cumpAvatycly
midle»mt, t,T .1-
The Montana Delegation with the Their Interview with the Presiden
W scorao - re's, Feb. 7.—A letter from the toe.
retery of the Treasury to the Speaker of the
Mouse, with enclosures from Revenue of
of explanailone to the collection of income
taxes °fish', tram the estates of persona who
died after Dteember 31, lsrff, and prior to the
levy for that year, Commissioner Rollins
Oars that ouch taros wore collected for li,G3
as far ea practicable by , the direction of Com-
Missioner Lewis, and that It doe; not appear
from the records of the eriffee that nothing has
' bean refunded. •
He further States that such taxes of ;sat, up.
on Incomes et portions whet died during /Ma
were collected; Out afterWlerds refunded; that
lemmas, of 18641 In almffsr cases of subsequent
death, were not asseetilsd, In accordance with
new tnetraCtiattli from Commlastotier Lewitt .
Thom, rules, though different, were uniform in
their application. Be does not uedertake to
explain whether the Commissioner changed
the rale. In view of the supponed effect at
sums amendment of the law, or from n change
of opinion,commlminei tlrton y
ays. that the regula.
Gone at the Deere at the time referred to re
quired executor. of administration to make
such returns, tint does not Remy whether the
requirements look upon the ground that they
reeeived those estates charged with a debt
due the United Mates, or whether upon the
idea that they were the trustees of the heirs
or creditor., though inellning to the opinion
thateithergrountimdght be taken. Be nays,
further, lie dove not feel authorized to pay
back the dot y as erroneously or illegally as.
sceeed or collected. when It was paid under a
rule of the office then operating.
The amendment. In the Diplomatic Appro.
printion bill, 'reported today from the Com
mittee Is 02,000 for salaries Of COMrnbsionen
and Cot:unit Generale of hlaytl, 1./herein end
Detninlen. . 1,1
Ttife morning a large number of citizens of
3loatrhri terdtbry;tiotellt Waribingtott, called
upon the Preeldosit. Ur. Pinney, 8. Mar.,l
chat for the territory, Chief Justice tioemer, '
and twenty or thirty others wore nok , ' the , '
number. mr. Pinney addressed the Prodettl
on behalf Of the delegation,
; tie said t yr. President—ltbeectures pry duty
se a Member of tub delegation, to astute you
that the prindiples announced layout; arinnal
inemage toCongreee, and yOur.paLtc, in rata
tton to the present political oonditti t of tete
country has gladdened the hearts - of e peo
ple of our own mountain land, Bon a.
We are using no Idle unmeaning words when
we aaeure you that we take the greatest 1.
el. pleasure in saying that ire moo In
you an tho Chief Magistrate of this great Ns-
Milt a Portal , WhO prmeas Mac. oputut mind,
tilt general treats/edge, tbat Arm amt patri
otic dorntidn to the real interests and welfare
of the wbele country, Thick are necessary to
carry. it safely over the ocean of political
wPaeulatlen and ( labia..
lie continued at some length, discussing the
resources and prospect. of Slontsout, after ,
which the President replied a. follows
Gentlemen . tt le no little plelliinro for mo
lOnaegt you here Oh this_ occasion, and to hear
the Peel Talents yeti - taro immenneell. To re- i
tulle SO Lame Melt Ithle a body of Tillie:it
gentleMtn [rater remote regio of the
eountryfrom whien you come, Is ly grate
Dying to me. In responee, sir , isslrtrea•lng
Plutley,) to the eloquent manner 111'w/itch you
here expressed the eentlinents end feelings of
thoseyou represent on this Oecnalou,
I might content myself with nimply returning
yth %eke for your kind expressions, but you
has e midst some allusione to which under the
cirmutietancee that a re me, 1 cannot be
indifferent. You hare alluded to the great
principles of our Government having been
In a paper sant rt short time einem to the
ongrese of the
b me of th
I g nited n States,least aws,a t s h e declaration
sell of impul oe I ri wathe resultfta
ough and calm consideration of [Mile great
truth,' If I should take bold of a pieta of ma
chinery that bad been constructed and trained
to tun harmoniously In one dnection, and m
-1E2,1, by muse action, to start It in an ote
te direction, tt would he eomething emir
thelliac nun, that 1 thiek no one eon
va r y tatt l e trine of that 'melange . It IS very
easy ter pereoes to Misreprestent it, and to
make, nasertlone that this, that, or the other.
his taken plate, Or will takoldace,
But I think I may be permitted to my to you
ea ibis omealett, that taking all my amerce
dente, going beek to my advent in public life,
satteentinhleg down forthe preterit time, the
°wane decimate set in that paper have
been my constant etude. After having gout,
Wang so far, it la too late for ma to turn and
take different direction. Taty ill Ise toy
geid•from chi, time onward, and t nom, who
ander/Mead Berm may know where I shall ut.
we,. 1 lona /when principle tr. Involved.
fin • tat me say to yea to enter to Omaha.,
the public mind, as Inc ILN it poseibte for an
tO do so, that my madle earner
ieetkutgls de,, on 14.) , Dalttical
glass his nearly run mat If 1 -7 i'ets nisposMl
to refer to tuyzelf, / might trace my career
ha k to the log ealdri, Bien an Ablertmat and a
Mayor le • sillage, thee through both bran
tenelo the State Legislature, than for
censer:rot Ivo years la the National
!louse GI Bilereeentattres t then through ;ha
Gmbernaterial gualg 1.1. m. eta Pel
ted States, then to Proviotonal tietvenior,
with a slig ht parttelpetion in military alone,
. toes YleePeeeldeet, and now to the position
which I oecupy before you. Now, in this pe.
Bitten, if I tan be tnetrnmental In restoring
the government of the I.lnita.l Stater; in re.
'torts: to tbotli true pcaltios In rho Union,
those htietee whose retailers, to the eational
goveramiint bees fora time been Interrupted
by one °Nib mqj jri antlo rebellions that ev.
or warted In the world, etli tan are.
claim once more, that we are a salted people,
I shall feel that the measure of my ambition
.hae been filed to overgOwimff•
In saying thin, In the performance of my
duty, and Ln response to the encouragement
you bare given me, I feel that I em In a condi
firm uot to be arrogant, not to feel Imperious
ter mine, titian,* I feel that I can afford to do
right 1 nod so fouling, God being Willing, 1 In.
teed to do right, and, m, far an to me lies, I In
tend to administer thin Government upon the
prinmpiee that Ile et the foundation of it
I can Inform ail aspirants who are trying to
form their combinations for the future, who
want to make one orgarratlan fur one pur
l...and another for s...M.ther, that they are
nr.t in ter way. lam not a candidate for any
ps..ettion, and hence I repeat, lean atf.rr.llo
ri glut, and being In that condition, I will
aksi thin announcement for the
of letting knowthat my a Ora Is to restore
the Cos ere meet. not to incite coun'ilo it
h e
r efercneo to any future candirlary for the
Presidency of the United Otago.. I have
r nulled the utteest round. My noniirun .1,
fur as that is oencerned. .11y °Meet Is Sr per.
rin my duty and that I will endeavor to do.
Let us then alt)) in in this great wont of res.
to ration and whllawe are restoring and re.
Iryparing the breaches that have been
ie alto unite In the work of making new
and popnla ling them with a le roLo
ore a orth) of the Gorernment which protests peo
them. and let those new Mate Government be
founded on principles In harmony with the
great machinery devised by our Intim,
o far as regards ens aid or assistance that
van lin gins,, here, 111 the progress, and in tile
cOn•ylnniltion of this great work of building
up pee stairs, ha well as In the retention of all
Ilse former States, yeti e1. , 1 and me a willin g
and cordial helper. tretrundren, 1.11.111,4 ca
per( thin demount: ation, hot yll , l will ple.nne
accept my tlieuloi for the compliment you
h e paid me mi 1 ht. occasion, and the '
rouragementyou have given roe in the 4if,
chars.. el cry duty. All I can any, In conch,.
nion,ls to on , ut pot that any assistarres yen
may need from this quarter, will be must
cheerfully gin en, to advance the I.II4IrIMLII of
the community yon represent.
The gentlemen present ware then intro.
dared pensonisllN to the President. Genel
11. narrows snbudtted to the inspection t he
Prialrient, On behalf of the delegation, a largo
Dumber of specimens of gold tioarieg
obtained in different portions of the territory,
which w ere examined with muck interest by
the President, anti the Interview terminated.
The Pope Still to be Supported
Eaw Yo6a, Feb. T.—The following la a pi r.
Uon of the Emperor Napoleon's speech to the
Corps Legislattf, January 224
. I
• tepo'gtveyontny TIOWn an in pneeefling years,
;rill examine With YOU the prinuipal guess
Cori which Lutereats o u r ho
. Peace iseems assured everywhere, for every
where the means are sought for of amicably
settling dißlculties, In place of ending them
with the sword. The meeting of the English
anal French Reece in the same ports has shown
that the relations formed upon the field of
battle have not been weakened. Time has
only cemented the agreement of the two
in regard to Germany, My intention is to
continua to observe a pone, of neutrality,
which, without preventing us at times from
being diselliasati or satisfied, leaves us, neva,
lheless,'s ran me to Matters in which tautln
tern:de' are nos directly a
Italy; recognized try - air= the powers of
Entopn, and strengtnened its unity by Inaug
urating Its capital tri Rio c a n o the room
seta, we may count upon a scrupulous execu
tion of the treaty of the lath tiepteulhor
awl upon the indispensable inaletenanee
the power of the Holy Father.
expiessed the hope last year, t bat our ex
pedition to Mexico was approaching Its ler.
caluatlmu, I am Coming to an understanding
with the Emperor - lidarlmithan 'to flu the '
opoehlor therernlj of our troop s If their nuern
eon be efrecied without eoniprotoloing the
Vrtamb tereats 14 Welt we have been defend
big in Mat remote country.
North America, twilling victoriously from a
formidable struggle, tuts re.entablhthed the
Caton. and solemnly procitiluted the Mod:: km
of slavery. FnuitThe which forgets not a Wait
noblepage in bee Linton', offers up her sincere
nlnhes tor the prouperity of the great Ameri
can Republie, and for the mnintainance of the
,ml,olllreiatiMm whilst] anon "Phi hare had a
continuous duration.
The emetten produecil In tho•Vritted states
by thopresence of our traps nu the Alealoun
nOll will tie pacified by the frankness of tier
declarations. The American People will
'prebend that our eape.dilte e was not
opposed to their interests. Two nations.
,CriartliY p( air independence,
°kalif to ereT7 tit,* whoth.dalght la,. I
)1' •s mi.:rots. Feb. 7—,t Delegation eitasat
log of re presentatives of colored people ef,
various Statee,ealled this morning at the Ex.
t °c h ' it: I' l' l v i e esid resident f '° o ' r a Plie p
d had urn_:o l o W o
Int nep few e,,, w ,,n it s h
i heir •lews on the quest:aria now being vitt
sldered touching their general intonat, and
ofaseertidoing the ideas of the President In
this connection.
beorge Dowituag, baited States (Colored)
Representative for the six New ichi,,„,t
States, Drat addressed the President, mating
the benefit which would accrue from confer
ring the rights and privileges of eltizettil of
the United States upon the colored people.
He asked for the 17413 of suffrage, not only in
this District, bet throughout the land.
Fred Douglaskoserat spoke, and said .they
wire not hero t 0 enlighten the Prissideet cu
to his duty; but to thole' respent;!ind to pre
sent in brief the condition oftho oolorod race.
Ti e amendment abolishing sLivery he desire.]
should be enforced.' He each/ the colored ratio
were subject to government taxation, to draft
desiredar the burdens of the Slate;
o be endowed with - the right lot exer
cising some of the privileges of citizens of
the government,
The President replied that-he would make
no speech. The bes was to talk plainly
and distinctly. If he he had not given evi
dence in his past canna, of his friendship for
the colored race, there was nothing slow ho
could do to that end. Be had said, and he re
peated hare, that if the colored mart could
lihd no /Risen to lead him out of bondage he
%paid he that Moses, and lead them to the
land of wombs:, and liberty, but he was not
willing, under the ehlanastantes, to. adopt a
policy which would lead to theatiedding of
their blood, end the imertilicts of their lives.
Ile believed that lithe policy wale!, some
are peraiatingin - af tifir present time was car
ried-eat Lt..Votthltresalt;ln great dalllgile to the
ecdored man, lie itald,..Scrstise the , colonsd
teen now in - thelicrath cot! at x alle tread
bowntranclilsed liwntorrue,'lr t would ; .,
, it result to hint I -
' • Be then expresged the knit:Mae on Whiati he
was opposed to - Slater,. -Dad 1a1d... 4
had now beam/000;ot and a national gen,
antes given to regard to it, that could lot be I
revoked. He slated the evil malt, which
would accrue b,yl forcing t hepriaCinin of ltliti
extension of s thVeople of either 1
this expo - toned District or a tato, In opposition to the i
will of the majmaty.
At the eonalitalett of Ils.remarks, /fr. Doing-
Ina said he would have to refer the great quell.
i Tha tQ
_p. a. wing PMDIC I ' D DIA tid3Hill ' ' ihe ' -e 1
of tne r A•esteent. In ' re time of your in-
quirks, mot to make r e Speeehabout thla met
ter, tor it in always best to tail: plainly add
dittluctly about smith luestlores, I will say, if
I , hitSiernift gives.-outdone, In my former
course, that I ela a friend to humanity, and to
that portion of %which constitutes the color
edpoPtilatiOrt, . A eat Rive nom/idol:ea hereaf
ter. breszthing that I have had, both as re
ta n
lfe d prosuse,perity, hat boon
and I feed and
think that I undarstand,set to be e'gothitie,
what arotrld be the trite d irection of this qua.'
_Lion and what anurall of. policy would result ln
the amelioration and Ultimate elevatiou not
only of tho colored, tint - of thin great miss of
of the United Staten. I say that I pee
'hare' alit given evlden' e that am
a friend .of - humiLtiVii tad: :.especially
lly - a
friend of the colored .man,. In My past I
conduct there' Is nothing that' I can do
that I would repent: e All that I pejavessrol, -
life. Utrerly_and property have , bee put in
connection with that • queatim,'wheh I had
arervinilifeeintal hebrent to take the other'
ounrsei by adopting which I would hare isc
eomplialteil perhapit ail that the moot ambi
- Doug might have desired. •
If I know myself, and the feelings of my own
heart, they hare been for the. colored man. I
ha , v Owl!fd ilavelitird bought - slave% tatt-!
~c"„oid me. I might uty,ltealgrer‘dhat,
practically, so farminty connection withebria
has gone; - 7 - 1111V0 'been their slave Matted or
their being Mine: - Som.p IMF? even TOlig.;;,-
me here, while Other, tillithltotTlSHligi /Ed kits
„toying my property, with lay ea-anent.—
l'or the colored mac'. my , mine),
my three, •. t 0,,,, all halter been perinea.
and Dow at this . late day after glying
evidence that IS tangible, that Is practical, I
km Ira , . roily that] do nut like to &I arraign
ed by frtottle - who'can get ' , le handsomely word
ed periods; and deal in rhetoric and tadrabsut
abstract ideas itif liberty, who never pert/lad
life, liberty or property. This Lind of thou
rhetleal hollow friendship eminent to bat very
While I say I am a friend to tho oolcrred row,
I do ant u ant to adopt a pally that I hitlieVe
will end in a contest betty.. the 1,410 which,
If r..ecistol In, • ill result In the extsrmloss
inns .if one or the other. God forbid that 1
should he engaged In sorb work. Now It "en
el beet to talk
,praettellly and to a coin
'monxeaae way.
, I havegaid - ovidi repeat here, that if the
colorrstmen to the United Slates eould Ind no
other Moses, nortletyllowita that would be Were
Able and oCalentthan myself, I wont h. t... 4.
Moses, to lead them from bondage to fre-tom,
and that I would pass them from a Lead where
the ilailllred loelerery,tha land, lilt rc
as Crof .11SA. '1C15.d...q..%i1-won,. lied best to the
Land of promilia to the land Of liberty. .
willingsnAder either circum
stance, to adopt a policy which I belle., will
only resell in elertflee of his life and shed
ding his blood. I think] know what I. say s !
feel what I say, and I feel well ensured that If
the pottery urged by nonao, - be pennuen in, it,
will result in great injury to the white a. well
Its colored man. There Is a great deal of talk
about the sword ID one hand, aosompllatting
ais end, and the ballot Accomplishing another
at the ballot-box. These things are all very
well and sometimes lave tbreltde spoilt-Az.
tee talk about justice, we talk about .•1..i,
we say th at the white Man has teen In
prong ID keeping the blanks in slavery an'
',sag as he Liss; that in all true;, we talk
,j,,,:: th e declaration of Independent squad.
~.7 I,,b r i - ehe law, you suiderstand all that you
k„,,,..,.......,...ppree1ate; new /et as 100 t each
other in thelhee.
Let us go to the great mass tf colored men
tbroughwut endth trthern States. Let u 3 take
the co Lucca
alb snot At preseat,
and It is bad enough sve al` _chow, and suppose
by some magic touch you - could say to every
one. . )Vin stall vote tewmorrow, bow much
would that ameliorate their Cal:Edition al the
time. Now let us get Moser up to the subject
and talk bout It.
What re a lation has the colored man and the
white man heretofore °eel/Died I . t 'he souttil
I epposed elavery on two ground.. rirnt, it
. 0 peat monopoly, enabling those who
conti•dled to COriStltate an arlstneratey an..
hilng the few to derive great trona, and rule
the many a Ith the iron rod as it were, and
that Is one great objection to it in regard to
Its being n monopoly. 1 was oppowni a It
seetninu m on oe abstract prtuelpie in Felt lug
clear ofpOly. We were getting clear of
sdavory at the mane time, so you Dee Mena
were 10 o ends da the aeonaldhalmeut of the
la,glawr—Mr. President, do you wish—.
Preeldent-1 em not quite through ”L
elavery has been /abolished, and a great ha
clonal guarantee has been given—one that
revoked. I was gettin white res,
lotion that existed between the man
and the colored mart. A eery small proper
Lion of w tote persons, eohipared with the
wt... 141 number of eitish, OW Ilea
ple Or the south. yet°.
I might instance the State of Connecticut, la
11111.4 ral.loll. There were t wen ty-epe•orl at°.
odarrholdlng, and yet the tifave power con
trolled that saute. Let tir talk about the matter
as 11 Ir.. Although the c010r,,.! Matt 8I re
In the lang owned 11l property In the bea In and
umuauage of that Inuallty and of
e..! 11,s that
yet In comparing his conditions
Lion 0 Ith the eon4a% eholders,
he - usually est anated his imp. rtanee Jtoot In
prnpurtlor. to the nut/leer cti slaves that 1114
mast., owned, with the uon-slaveholder.
Have you never lived upon a plant:Wont
bonglass—l havr, your L'zeollency.
The President—When you would look over
and are a man who had a large family, strag
gling hart; upon a poor piece of land, you
thought u great deml lens of him than you did
Of lfr ou l r) o7la m" tro r l . I.
The P u e l lident--Woll, I know ouch wan the
cite,, et it largo 'maturity of son in then: nun- .
tier., 'here such Is the ezute, we know there
is, hate. • The poor white man, on the other
lusd, was appealed to the slave and his Mae
cr.:m..4le colored nutmend• his canter eon".
blued keot Wok Malavory, by depriving him
of a fair participation to the /abet and Pry
duetlone of the Hell land, of the country.
Don't you cwthat the 4 mlortid Ma li n go
ing to hunt a m, on they called/S. for Um
next Year, preferred hiring .to a, num who
owned altrree rather than to one who did net I
I know the fact, at all events. •
bettMr. Doughtes-.liecauee they treated them •
. .
The President—They did not consider It
qotuite toreshectaide to hire to a pan who d. 14
h OVA degroes
Renee re to One who 414.
Mr. Donglass— he wouldn't be treat
ed as well.
The President—Then that la another argu
ment in favor Of what lam going to aICY. It
shown that the Colored man appreciated the
dare owner more tfighir than he did the luso
who did not own alavek Helen the enmity
between the colored man and the non-slave.
holders. The white man was permitted to
tote. The Government was darned from him.
Ile Is apart and part of the politica machine
ry now by rebellion or revointicm, told when
you come back to the objects of this war you
end the abolition Uftudavery not its Object.
Congress and :tho President declared that It
wt.. on Our part to suppress the rebeilloa. The
cbolltion of adaucaltea, eon. as an beeitihnt to
the supprcaltaltt et the grcat reheillom ;Ito an
omident, CO should give Into proper direc
tion the. Colored elan went
_the ee l- 43111cm
bstave, by the operation of rcOelliOn became
ut a freedman, clonal to it freedman
other. portions of the country. There la
a great deal done for him oa this point
The nonsslavelminer, who was forced into the
rebellion, and Pa! as.
as thOto that lived
beyond the Gnats of Um State, Wall Carried
Into it, and his property, and In a number of
Instances the lives of such were
o ut and he who ban survived hoe came out of it
with nothing gained, but a great dual lost.
Now., ulnae PrineiDlO Of Justine, shoal, they
be pieced in a coaditiou ditrerent trout what
they were beforot
anelhand one has gained a great deal, on
tbe other hand'une tuts lost a great deal, and
In a political point of view scarcely steads
where he. dal before, Now toe arc talking
about where wee re going to 0. S hare
got at the hate that twisted but wren the two
The gear). Comes up whether those two races,
situhted /145 they were iwirore the war—without
premtrutloe. td;hout time for ) 1 4140011 0111 m
ileno.4 t tu.t?4.11D144110:1:1tVoylo.. itissool4l,l.• In r
"rif po,e.on
- —___..______- -- _, - it
.- _
thrown together at the ballot-box, whit _;. . ~,h 0mer. ..,,,.. , ry „i., --i
treat .. 4n o r
the nacirulny -
enmity and hate existing between Mew. hour
The query eamee up will we not then nom. I ne -,..„,,,. b!ll cis - lett the /ran . In 2 errrt
-IWeece a war of races, 1-think / under , lege to lira. Mary Lincoln was then pann'it . :
tide thing, and especially la this the case when The House pelwed the heinate bill, iin - titit,
you force It upon a people without their ,:011. the Burlington end Miming River Rnilroall
. tent. Ton havespoken about the %tire rrtment—Conspany to e 1., ~p orthira of land, brovio n d c e
Where Is power &mired from! we SaY It IC di- hilr_i tu ellle It ,uruPletett
tim e . r a . — ,c, , „
Tired from the people,let tili take it no and re . Trill df-DCOember next. Ala% the Seatiareso--
far to the District of telumbla by. its of illus. lotion apProprintingalo,ootf - theof eases of
:ration. . - the Committee on hemabtriction."P
Suppose, for butaitee, here,' in %apolitical The Hone tlfen reFtlihtll the corkeige rat i oa
community, wit/ch.-to a certain extent, ma-n of the nary appropriation bill. 8e
Ling have government , rapt kayo law, 'and put- for the BrOonlan . 1 ...,,Tavy rerd Were strietea
Zing now - upon the broadest bailayon cup pp r ;out. Neatly ail the tteraa fa r the Norfolk
it, take intoponsideration the re/talon which Nary Yard were stricken out. Twenty tho
the white has heretofore borne to the entered- 2 and dollars were tipprOpruiled 'for the use .4 -
race. Ts ft proper to force upon thls cornmu- the Norfolk Yard,
Oily, without their consent, the elective frau-. . Emits& • • •
elitsi. without tiogad'd to color, making it Sal- . -The everilairsession was devotes/entirely t o
remelt --, v.= • , -.- ," .. = • ' • Itpsechee, br 3103.511: Walker; Of - Obit, trend,
Now, where. do you hcgin I The Govern- eon, of Orc . fon, and. Kelso, of ..111esouri. Ad.
meat must hare g (Merrell/rig power; mutt Joru-ned. - - -
hare a lodgment. Fortnatanoe. suppose Con- • - I---
grass should pass a law authorizing an elec.; • """ -
11on to be held as whlah all over liwenty-One
1 years of ageorithout •rega: rd to color, should
be allowedto vote, and Um majort should
decide nt each eleellots that the Wee ve frac,
°lune be uni vernal, what would yen 'to shoat
it 1 Who would settle it 1
u r_7ll: deny the first wrest nrittcipla of
atrtllltu °e'alt"Daingigarrri;)!Ail?arlidvaa'sy
of 43,7 1 1 :1, 6 1 y th
~ 4 Peog le shall receive a state
The query to *Yr : ', r i h t4 nc l e t d still
( "Ines 5 11. When uudevaoh tu r f e or t..
(bun ; ., 1.1311 Govenue, e rt, co - m a m '' Men poe
this principle, and has existed ap es lt "- tl'
new you Prohosc to Incorporate - sant ni sn t
that did not exist before In it The ''.
come, op, In undertaking thts thing whether -
that will commence the war of racen: "her
I feel a conviction that forcina that metier
upon the peaand the commanity will remelt
In the injury of both twee, atm the ruin of
one or the of God knows, I have no la.
sire bat the pied of the whole human z ace. • 1
•sirould It were 30 that all you advocate cooed
be done In the twinkling of an eye, But it 13
not In thel nature of things.
1 natal:mg° down here to the ballot-box to
morrow and vote directly for enlvernwl std.'
tinge, but if a great majority Of thit people
said no, / should concider It woold be. tyrant:
cal and areltrary in 'me to attempt to torr.e it
upon them without their will. It 19 a fund..
mental text la 1 1 3? oreed,that the will of the
gaetrile anything - 77Vong w or ep act ral f:l7l l Mr "t
WsaltraosOn, February' Id!. WS,
Etendr leke.froul.tho_CanstattleS
elletagt, reported {hat , no farttiti,leittlitiOnq
was, neesimary to eaerept Northerzi,crlllitOrs'
iron the operation of ills - Bonthern Stall:01
llinitatiorie, la the itibleidt wli covered by the
• met of Junie'llth, ,
Chandler called up. tti• toPre:
vent tbeirs.teatie of the L - Zeglater to
• Aram - kaa scald* whose replants *era el:wis
ed ditrlat t tbo par, trlaleti we, paseed.• Yeas,"
imesid'r. callow] up the joint, resolution to
the Constitution-by prohtbaluirativ
Stater train thi itatattioltiation of slaved, ,vriunis
was Warred to the gisconstruction • COl3l.
kilt tee:'
- I
ClarkS. frau the JactialarY,COrtiotitteo,
retxutod a bill &opal:dab. ltidsta_pyang of 'White
er col ored pe mane by aline of goo tO OA or
=ra n sit , s , trt .ei.. .exotted.l7ll7
i nstril ich. o4 bot , t a;
lmovringly, ears ales aubfeat t oe Y heavy pen.
Cosiness . introduced a hill for granting
land for a rallrolltl from San Franelsoo to
R The Joint resolution litrelation to represon. !
tattoo *as tiariin up. •
Jfessenden took the Ilnot nail spate . se
length in favor of the resolution Of the' cots- ,
'Watts. and reviewed portton4 of Mr :4u uauer'•
of 1
;E!" I
St Ans: -I str e o w poslt t i l' OlS iMP"‘c"''b
Mr. Clarke of Sae , - r •
introduced e
grameeg aleasale railmoe Mel
graph eelimses tea
tQdle4; ter t te.
b reteferexffe
arepor;.:-'l',4;f:e detia , reti , Scre 'Crtearat., ttee of Ways
".stlmli; ring_ . meanbag of certain
;;44 of-ehe teinaliferanue Act. The Wart,
divilleffeeln scrip or noiniry•tbereatter.
ceplared due, and when.ever game ..11111 be
payable toilelb:deem palter hoidens or de.
porde/W:4m wordesteekhoidervemutil mean
all persons oepartlei wtettsoever are atradty
be - eatcektioldtire, • in non-restlentt
whetbereitizetas or aliens.-
- The words, "all each interest on cOupon4.
dividetnemer prune whenever the same Medi,
be payable,e are declared to applyed repsmehr
Interest • on ealipon.s," dividends oei prefitm
whenerce thleasaneltrate dr , may be payable,
and to..Whateyer !parte or person the melte
are, • er'reity 'be payable, Mantling non-real.
demtswtHather °Mize= or aliens.
Erection a mattes all persona to Make re
turn. or list Of Income and' deb:Lae:Oa phileirtst
charged with ane. date ortnnsirreff to declare
In once returns weather theeeeelalretetandi
amounts th mein contidtteteseettgled , Sioeord.
tug totheir ealtie terlikegreermaiT . entresmd
le case of neglect or re even Mate tO the
Inc such the - peal'' , tent -'easevebe Nelsen, return* Or Deist sea aeatetrinetamee.
ter/smutted to Madre returns or nets for leure
persons on neglecting' or refusing', as in.the
rum as• mg:teeth:4. or reftuiLeg to'
leek° the elle or.returne oquirol by, the ' in.
tetvnt revenue Oct. and to t ewes the tintrnad•
.re. add thereto the =tenni of penalties ito.
petted by Inc la cas uch. neglect or rare
tit Wheat, et the rateset etateratesontained
tattle Ilsts or returns - sheieto - mated to emu;
it obeli be the duty, of each assessor • re ,
&twine the sable to resinde each rates Mad
amounts to their eel:eyelet:lt in legal tender
currmicy, according to the-value of such cola.
ed rner.ey is sald currency at the - time and
place where said lints or re t urn. ere receives
tee, and which value the epees= shall tletete •
Mr. Morrill_ explemed. tem -the first parkf a if
the bill referrea rallroad.aecurities,
held abroad, and required 'taxes to be pal
upon returns as aanpated ba legal tender, &ad'
not cm the =mint in coined money.
The MU Ins
Mr. Rice, of =aetoisetis, from the Cola.
ml time on Nara] Affeirv, reported* bill furtiter
to regulate the appointment of Rear Admiral.,
and the transfer of volunteer odkiers to the
-.der Nary. It was recommitted to that
cominlttevi •-• York preseuteO ere.
Mr. Breek Of
dentists ef t hee membowr.. the „
r ,
He supposed they woad nen. ) to ,o to the
tomb of the Cape/etre , iVaicoe— $
"there so.”
The credentlalewere teen referred, withifet
debate to the Conamittee on Eames tructiote
Mr. llr o oke said that tre held In his handa '
petition signed by, a large nrusiber of women,
claiming the right to vote. Cin ]poking deer.
the list of mending committees, he amid net
find any suitable crearmittee which It could be -
referred to. 'He thought of tho Committee of
bet he did not knew whether the ,
chairman had sufficient gallantry to give the , ,
Pespetittion tonelderatten. fletbought too, of the.
malts. (Laughter.) Committee, beatese it related to
Mr. Darts, of New York, suggested that the
petition be referred to a select of committed
of old bachelor,.
Mr. Brooks said that he badalso thong/It of
asthe Brooks
to how far Co mmittee, but wee not satiseede gallantry of the chairman
would be extended to the mableot. truthore
fore asked advice as to what committee the'
petition should be referred.
Mr. Stevens. of Now York, suggettod
Special Elammittee, with the gantlennua front
New York, Mr. Etreolts, as Chairmaa.
kr. Brooke said the Committee of the gen.
Demur, from Pennoylvania, Mx. Stevens, ab.
sorbed cvervthing, and he suppose,l that it
earls absorb this petition. - I
Mr. Wilson, of lowa, said it should be refer:
red to the Committee on Elections, Co that the,
gentleman, eir. Brooks, could have an opporl"
lenity of advocating It.
Brooko—.ol am now serving on that Com.
palette, and I don't • like it.” il,aeghter.]
The petition was then referred to the Com-. 1
mitten on Reconstruction. '
Mr. Jtillan, from the Committee on Public!,
Lands', reported abill providlnd that from end,
after the plumage of this act, all the publio:.
land, In the State, of Alabama, Mississlppl, ,
Louisiana, Arkansas and Florida shall be die..
posed of according to the stipulations of the
Ilomestead Law of May ieth, /SP:, entitled an
act to secure homesteads to actual settlers on •
the public domain, and the act 'supplemental
thereto. approved March 215 t, 1591., but
with tel. restrictiou .• that no entry shall be
made for more than a quarter section, or '
eighty acres, and Eliot the uelto: Lauds In sale
btatee shall be disposed of p in no tither raitauer,,
alter the Palleagent this set ..Preelded;ttiat
no distillation or discritnination.thall be Made
in the -• construe:lßM of this act on coconut or.,
race or color, and no alumni Made shall ha
liable to entry or bettlenteet under /tepee.
there a
.11r. Jallan read et:ortatereent to chew that
re these States -16,330,000 sores. of
' land. Only (=Mann of 'them beteg-improved.
The bill walk/merely to exile, lad Die. privileges.
of the homestead Princlldei the. liberation Of
the poor Lemke created the:necessity' for the
Pessage of this measure. leateadOlt/eaernv,
the bill"cotifeled the' hOmesteade '
to eighty'
acres, and there 15 to be ee sale ef Wide,
-item[ Vats provision, the rebel speculatiore
may lease the whole •of them. - -Of the three
MIIIIOUS of people le those States only Mull
man out of lliteen le a Lairid holderil
Mr. Teillond, or Ohio, aild: the iltwis not
cempetibie wit/L. the /mat Intermits - et the COY
Mr. Bice, of Maine, stud that hi introduced
the origimtl bill. It would .de more to aid re.
coustruction than any other metteure. it pro.
Posed to distribute the Lend, .the laboring -
Mesa, and said tty - treogetee to A:tatty - ate the
wilted draw around yen yeast wiven and chil
dren. Thls would be the best defence ageinst.
those- who. had °televised teem tn the past.
Liberty will grow then,. provided Jun protect
them in their -n
for wherever YOn
fln h L a Ineltiplication of ferias there you Mad
likfr.%bor of New York, Bald the bill pro.
posed to Mlle from the market all the public
Mnds in those fitittes. Ile offered stn amends
mini as follow.,: "P uOttla/C ip this
act shall be so construed as to preclude these
who have Leen pardoned by the Prealdesat for
pfar /Le ticipation in the rebellion frone the ben dts
O Provisiona.' Ile bettered that if sneh
men could have homesteads-it of be better
then to turn them loose without occupation.
Mr. Chase, of Now York cold this ORI in
voi•esl the •ery Bret principle, of the rights
Of property. While proftotaedly preventing
*peculan oub it prCnls
ionto other. The ohicet of LllOlOll tr u e
t eon unehng the scent, u.l;
foen to hold the held et the
roe. , of e
tide ul end
p.m pAitple. The quattion I. not
IL,: neHro Is to hove the'lantl, bet
that rn.• white than Is not to hove the bind.
lir 'lnn/ lop. of flitnel,. that the beat
hotlit la wnre brie ey Reece
hue,. destree omel pro•islon extend..
w-mad 7 sligno:xl
Sc, .411.,,a.
F x'7l 414.1
THE 'WEEKLY oi.zii-rE-
'MO tiPttioNri AKE Aiken-rya.
..(1111,x11.11 . 4,11.de3 . 4. 31:11 .111 rtleS vaa (11.
_ .1,113.1. LL
In tcf,
etg VDrico
S Hi ERA 010111}ITT '- i. -
. :taw rose, lob, 7.-4 he stealthir Mexico.
froth Havana, with City . of MaXiao dates up to
January lith, has .airlyed? MertMear Elmo to
Mar to Europe - for s.ithig nay: .7Lindres, tne
new arritexl inuastoe - Minister, had au boor
PriTet• a:dere:kW Wit hathrithlnditl
A seml-colewlalourtud atinounoes the dike
., ...
ferested Laareention of Xapoleort.
The in Isundererean &fist tatieeeti Maxim date
am the Pope will sotha ha azideably, adjusted.
it was not yet heard aChlealeoi that Juarez
had left Chihuahua,
_but it was,ktiowa that
Gm ft eltrate ties et Sanisitbillo. --'
piaartha, the Liberal Qetteral Operating la
_with tape/Weir add retreated toward
e aboaterkbei /a Talititatepeo; itself, a INxty Of
;tee /dberals whipped LW:, Garcia-Cody.
The'Llberahrwho' *die 404'ththe City of
Meidoo for trial; shot. •• Col. Patio°,
Liberal. who wasto.havebee n shot at Mau iina,
Mapbemarctt totheritrar•//e-tle°-for trial.
ill elattlatlihis goaeta
IPPtrt g i n
S a Fr w i a at n - o e .
)thftrOrCfMrit„.=Qilateirry mo r e-
azi entab4VP"Bent
Croaareme_ol - .Lower Califor.
ate, who tried toltuitten, - the.poople to submit
• eltdailr-toi Martadikall a r athlortty,and fail.
tharti.4o, ltlthatteftilsereatttitn-ztt. minter"
- forte is LOOe Bch; there, to -fOrtel Obedient*.
'l'r: '4/ 1120. l othienarel hail- bawl eau by
, f."..
IN D EAro j:410/krtitipgze to SUS.
• taintark,"atid s l.
, - .11. - piot agalast the/Ire:oc I.Vilihilhan , e War
su luster :who disonerecL ;raiment! bereocks
'were &treated,- therti:behig tWo-rdr.Colcuiede
iiee,,,ig,them, .4 - -....- I. -- .. '...... ri..
The - liberal leaders. at - Latte.mere, defeated
br the - Imperl'Allstri ithore - Pate de Noeil/a,
and bid tatetreati Got.d e ettuttuldertowa wile
also defeated by the Imperialiste.,...;
Lit? ?r
. . '
'Effect of-t*'tiiilii44eitflPee.4.
EV A CU P I atiOrti 4 POWIRIP P or
Span lap e ets4o , 'Li , : ••• •
qp, On, .Fth.44. 6 athlp city
sa . _
anhlnictOn,7trank the -Nth/
C a.rVarr9l,l2.23th 0/r4 jar/Veda& to-aighs.
sand be.
. bases that car gaverliimeat ups, -rip" eager tit
A`LieToftenr,f2VZ.l Print
ge4 pie tend weterhavirteteredttkerrartaggeop
Arrtiters*, • •n . ,t .Parli Oorreeon4oLlth-ortlitnal atreo
n 2 lnutemecoun Vol 6 althaValota - esr wittL.
Napoleon 012 b.itintrlll4.,dotastiee
Instroctions weresorba eaCtaalY ar c
t, o
rept-vadat toplaxisolllan that the nine IMO:
.xilv4 tam 44 0.J 1 Y /46 ThltareE: , ittel Freo
Tba nowt ,bar Gattitfrailailiaqitir arjean
annallula lialErrealea•nretaebret Mexico
• %tette* Inue a ant:on:and aoserVaproduk
ittosiethboottrltlet4a ,Tocrailotaa newt
IlV ek tfltrlMV:VZ ith
. 411
tralaAirinagratareitettne, Assert,
I rie, 144; .*4i
Mint tglgief=44.4
Inv** -jam '-g/..m87; Asaerf.
- fteeuritlertiorreM 4:74 • -
_Thekuterathaeottan Sale(
for We AbryseitOOODattarl,s:ol4,4 tots
and barPorkons; It* market:Cl 44/1i 4 doCIIII.
a rtert4 *Penn -
aitd dento4 at itoll,p latarltiiictiCa
Sq l C,ll7‘to flimerj rergePegaTe;
can 4 Yaqn 41.4" ! 1 . 114 M5314753 Chetag
Taneerisitse,•' s t , trp.
Barg'r ..colaarizutpthro.
~!e onto% at ea: thleitul,4,o4l6(lt7a.
, Pthroleans uzithakw
osreva-"Tkont--644 tiny 64gar steady. V6r6o T#GA.ELtipta
Tallow Otrlat. Tar penthytt4A9pper Mt%
at iprevialle decline of TA . _
Am Dikixmco,---FOr_. - 4.—AtvAltocau C.
aulate nes received
_nnual. Cam Urine
ftem Jnarft ann. the% aintlatiiretV Rea
/aUcate, - daiaa El; Pase_
U. lAlithe Generale ...eap t !tu Moral
fames saironi tbetaaintecion; and,epprored,
=sienna ancendtas..lnareza Pregnancy.
sante Prenatt Unopeatarted In'the dinette_
arra PaenantirrebutaCteDnenurnes rn•
teas .learns. --Theq.paprinneaurrexPe et el
Puri ere rimy prepared urn/414,2N ear&
seem/ theystampttocarryntertinkreh atandi
al utak Inipanesnuon.- ...• • -, -,
Gan. Nter way inatignen „
DTeember,k . ...r of wm
L drcl
torn., Teras, caubrindedj ip - 9 San' Mit
. .
ci n en ieektn — iixinnee t i e - -
. ,Ceetenethmiti
I - Iteitattt_Crlfh• t:•-ini'Zhnteira- - tie Steee
:Conoet•tionitteiZAtitt bars csoklay.-
Jet si tie-in -Wei Corthßeny fl ank
Honxes Inghae. onfen.llitenut, was om,
nutted tor 13000nectr ttrenitemettak ea wee
Liao, Eplutaint.L. MI
,:Aertarch-tor Lisa
tenant Germane, • P hn ehnddleteethi the
Contention Ite n
the nomination, , The renatttlans -olor , te4 IV
the Conventioniendoreettio roothinvnaPOUL7
of President ;mown. :',. -, - -t.:
Taos ektopile**4
ger reliretakw,'Wili lion&
the oatteue. 'feted .14 feTer.otstoireltes the
"Contract' taw,, Iry_a
a. Wfavazinr the T9.etposeintmtot *the Oat
gressional slatted autism- r
ou A
ip d tunteat ispatch fro with-Mnt: Portlanded Nee is n 4
etoo at Colitia
to the lee bleekodha the Acadia Rot, Mia m
ette ette has rowed to altos beetle* kap.
New Thairapthiso *'-ralogayerso o ;arkdoiat
Democratic; State Coneentltallun w
lion. Jlt=
Cl.. at Bethi ninfiltfitir Go.
ernor, and Co George Plate; of Doeee
for Railroad ilonradoilaraar:_,Traxaaolatlon
adopted endorsee President .intason in Ws
endeavors to have the aontliern - Statas repro.
seated-in Conssone.rsulti:ditootpuepemol
Nizleiiii 4o 44 B 10 .th° C.Cquatatierl.
-Cmcastu t ti,re b.. 7 . --i ne - Axilikardisizet pa
Ike telegraph which-1w tom, Jay Oil
.Instruotton Scrawl:4st elzmotatuit Mem%
Johr# V il I l AAM, 4 oCgt i otillonttqty . Wet
comp) teel, *goes_ to oberattoi tacttas
MID Ls dm ' t lokt. MAAS ; b.:mai:46W OA+
Ift'N'Xi Ma 0 4..thP-71,944—',t-.0
. . ~,
al,lll-4. a 1 . 1',-4 ) l2: ll r iefielrali;4las. • I ,
tilitavildetula tlta.beragattaiip. X 4. =
. I 'S•Dteq4ing. pax.. Itz. liirOMMA,V4l4qt,.
- 20sx144.'vr e •ZAJArri
04" nra tioc '4L ne*".l3 74
WArly . ,
• 711 . ,t Nnzni . lllltaki; Own - hap 4fi ; Te r aina:inn or
her -Inlibind;;Oninl*:-IlientieniVoll•Thiriao-4X
AinUnexcerte,stia Ilkplitlia alto 212 , 47
arr r.n.cuswybuipkskosP,PkL-d
ummoND_(.- sonnetoinijnairML-th lain;
pnd 7,.
o#lrfroa ilt.C'r4Adeace Qr
• her pa:63t0...1M/V-lihninil Weft Vingl • Qtrard. on
.1-4,4,ADATATlrinwfnce - 2 .b!slntEc. - 21%* Mends
- vi Hie toistr Re ttepc et.rani4nsiteato t stend. •
. - - - - ...............0.---..
111 I IMPALE : CEMMEIreId. riv
itirlWiletaresque plaonor figni=
eh: thui the an f.m=edith_ tragnorthef
. t:ity, en the enr Brighton non Blaming
Is &Cost met. Li Leh "eel awe. II the 114 71= -
'ten, o Mte, an ino Orrn er 7 ..Thispe' 4l4 . , Math
41,4 a:l9ow Ixrilnege win be attended to mil:et/mg
AV etehoe.4 el ibe.creitirefFe. ) CLAD : ye 94113
trollimesek meets, ~
A11:XJ614,15. - .1.. , .
tierristarcanq Tregrzr ha
........--,...,1„, , --------
Q,lNt:c.r.. LaDJES. AIM- ; .
, k , e.. a - ra, 7..r.i bare not an Orx l r - Gre 4 7, 5
~..:„., u....,.....„.. lone . all "c„,...,.-
...tin :r D. • aa4 Kira C•P
eJ* =L. N.1.7: 7 •T ;
. - of e .4.1, 4 r , ree Perms 4 . f 147 .
re.r , . • a.. mrsvel /1/.!_ . ~ .n L
.., ~,,,
...,... , hee".• Or k r a i...4q" _
.... .
; :: ' ' ' ' ' ''' '' llV(4l " 4'.l 7,y th rigru' c '"i - icithedma.
• r L'r7ive• P" rii, asia.a. r 44-eii,• , e urrau mlo:l4 cL swia l igze .
. • laud re(
i . " 4 '...ea. arerrall. ilablian _...,rettsbeillicarair
linir nirreir. B 2w7; 17.wroargilitel
ker. ta_stackcs
- are/AT/walla ' ;bays sod sells ea
tb ttathesy. sew , r•uviemar.,
"= 7 , — *