The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 07, 1866, Image 1

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Y. At Pr/INTS. p p . ,
. ilrbuLr. Erawrr. "•
In7 , O9I:YTABLA(iNja, ptrinenee 11Lket01,11.
straznatirnarras aAgliars..4ssoutJ2-1,).:-.
N.. 16 61r171 577.5/Er, Pitt.sbur,h.
• .
.......... qp,
••.. ..... a oo
byt:arriera,...oliNiN - G or Lie`qtxu, per
‘i Mete. .......
the Vittsbinlit 64ette.
pfirorr. thOse zto try' Saw - y..1-i Rar
boh. anal", nvt r Cl ange for any other.
Ohl) ut3 a calm
Neutral Sulphite of Limo.
per prraetvinir cider. For toile by Clout.
linis:r. tiruggiat, corner of Penn and Re. Clai
t•rt. P. 1.. Pittabureb.
Potanti and Satin Ash
Aro a till selling at the old ratca, at Fleratog's
Drab store, No. Ft Market a.reet, where may
lee.had the most complete stock of Perfumery
+cult Patent Medic-Met to the city, at the low
hies. Itemetnher the place.
The Free Exeursion Train
• •
To lot Liberty, for the great sale of ball aoro
life; at Conine• Park , 1.111 leave the Patme-yl
-roots ftepot t l ll,.afgozmoon, at '2 o'clock. No
'Sots So the *hole IMravgth of Emit. Liberty are
ruoregealraLle for elegimt home,.
Vealle and Ruble•.
white teeth orOmArig from out of ridges of
rubel., a breath splay as the 0.11 . 11 from Araby
*be rze,,t.. Who can resist such faseinaportsl
TO real Ire them, to perpetuate them, totrake
the mouth uenaket of pearls nail rabies, and
emery slab a gush of fragrance, all ion; Jiave
,10, fair ladies, to tease that rue tchlO4 - 3 rega
l:tittle gr,xluetton, Fragrant Sozodont.
laliet , Furs
CC- eat-berg-aim; fire Mira being offered in T.
elies'Tuva at the First LC. Hat, Cup and La
dies. Far Houso of Wro. Fleming , No . I..te Wood
street: One ettlek-is the largest and finest in
like city, consisting !a part of fall setts of Hod.
kij S11140,:311:11c Sable, German Fitch,
'Water Blink, Siberian - Squirrel, Black and
fiiites, roggas, Berthas,
Hanle Ladies' SM.
liagferptOerdertiveaps, Collo!rs and Gloves,
Men's Yoatlist and Children .s Unto and Caps
the sites styles, all of which will be sold
Sit egret reduction in order to close out our
ppim, on inimi an Physicians Aimee.
`Oct of ton thikiimed regular ehrstolafle you
; - , .ritniniklind'onewW.Wll m..
.1 not: say that at
- Santa and latrigarants are absolutely necessary
. inabedietelpriletipe:. and Yettabygone years
littautrie practitioners- have hesitated to ad.
'lminiater there, becalm; the fiendish ingenuity
WM wretches who make merchandise of human
int:trinities had so pebated and deteriorated
them that the remedy 'M3 deemed - as danger.
028 as the disease. This perplexity la imp
', ylly done away with. physicians know, lie
"? cause the *lst analytieal Chemists of the age
2taireidinhoriefented the fact, that Hostetter's
Celebrated Stomach Bitters are absolutely
I , Snit entirely free from all pernicious Co
l' linctits. nonce they have been introduced
,:_lotuthe PhltaftSMtes Army, and are socept
. md,wheiever the tekticamay of the wise, the
llelligent and, ea - philanthropic is rated at its
, tnait value, an best protective against and
for all &swims iirleing from_impurity in
the air or Other unhealthy climate influenees,
that has ever been tested-by experience. In
; Aimee., of Dyspepsia: end Complaint, we
I state without qu llilication or reservation,
, that the Bitters iire aa neaalyinfallible as any
thin eprepared by human skill aux be.
lissaihetterne Bitters
are Sold wholesale and retail at very low rates
' at Fletninea Drag and Poloist Medicine Depot,
Market street, corner of the Diamond
, and Fourth Stretch
Nembrid Salplilto of lame,
- piekSe - rylag
,eader. For sales by Charles
,fimpe.r .Dnaggist, warner arena sad Bt.. Clair
• lartef;;Fittebargia
• Pan and laantee deeds,
e*Ltb mat pleasure . we call the atten-
len.o.fatir raiders to.theratrporb stock of Fall
sail Winter Gooda )vat fecoft-on by Mr. John
:treivrtMerchant Tailor, No. 1M Irederal street,
stliftrhany. Ms stock embraces Some of the
Cylps, Csatinzeres, 'Orarcoot
i Java and.lresities ever Dronglit to the treats=
&act; ; katfortm ont of Furnishing Goods,
) W
<OA priaingghirta,Dra-sfein, Clollars Neal; Ties,
igandkarcliusti, ko.;intrenot bo inirpatisea east
largattiock of ready aad Pants,
f l tsae.Sts and Ovormata, win also Do fonnd
' eitsgillakotant. Persons In annt of any
Mani tit tba olottting lino should not fail to
etre lie; liretnr
„ .!•Itutanast W. Parry A Co.,
irartleril 81tute Roofers, end Dealers in
r_spit &WO ot Itarloce *Wars. Ogice at Alcamo
! /Mir EAaghlfa4 nsuir the Water Works Fina
-1 ;- 'Residenee, No. DI Pike Meat Or.
c. 1 1 ,” torsbrosoptly Wooded to. All work warrant
, , Ikt water PrOSL; Repairing done at the short.", Mt 1101,14 e; 2fo 011640 fOrrePaire, Prom/dm' the
*sof La riot abased after it la put 013.
""Carienter 'ebbing Shop.
Saving reformat after an absence of three
rears fxrthe army, I hare re-opened my shop
BerellgOrte jobbing In the carpenter Line,
(1,1 the old. stand. Virertt AIM/. hetecen s=lth
:head street and Cherly Aney. Orders solicited
land etonaptty Mewled to.
IfellLeli Ittaphitte at Lime,
Srsr preseratrig eider. For sale by Charte3 Sl2
'per, tortissist, corner of Penn and St. Cbur
Ctreata. PittabrErzh.
' Nr. Clairlea Knap has Just added to his col
'fiction of plettirestwO beautiful landscapes by
Illerridadt, and such rail,nely that artist can
paint. One is calindlifonnt Adams, and repre
sents a scene In Washington Territory, ore
gen; valleyer represents a scene in the la.
mous of the Yosemite. Both are pleas
leg pictures, and painted with all that delica
cy antilwaderness for which Blerstadt is re
markable, These pictures, by the same hand,
exhibit nature to opposibt Moods, In both of
which 'the' artist has grasped all ite details
withgrcat enemas. There is the same delicate
Wending bf undertones, the Pam esquisite
Bundling Of color, the swine wonderfui expres-
Mien of light and shade, the crispy, carefully
aulintettloregroutid, and the marvellous per
ispoetive, seen in the artist's great pictures,
and whic h have made them famous wherever
art is truly appreciated. We are glad to hear
that the public will In a few days mire an op.
I•ortenity lot
° seeing thes o e d i ne pictures, Arc.
tbairiobtZvirlFtXnaemonnted/rltc//Vencerc".hem on
A Negro Duel
It anyboily doubts the capacity of the negro,
the folloWing paragraph will dissipate his
eketalchan, especially 1.1 hu be a believer in
the code of chivalry :
Aa "Entire( honor" came off Saturday at
liutchinsonts; Island, near Savannah, between
knighta Of the cleaver. One negro butcher in
'suited another, when a challenge rehear - ed.
The princips/a. with second., repaired to
Ntitchinson's island, when they blazed away
Wt each atber,.and succeeded In wounding one
Of the aeooade, but meaped without any bodily
Injury to themselves. This occurrence antle
r/LW the woendedbonor of thecoloredgemmen,
Wad the whole party made friends. After
drinking two bottle, of whisky, and playing
Several games 01 "seven up,' ' they returned to
_lbee_tty, mitt were wrested at the market Bat,
today evening by a Me of soldiers, and con
fines) in the barman. Verily, these are queer
-311nea 'relive In.
Encellorratrartn . Goommon , s -Orme, or
l r ernestatEloputaus.—Governor Litnaphnsys, of
pUreia 9 IPPI,An a letter' dated January 19th,
denying thee report or troubles In Kempoe
Itotmte, and. the interferenoe 01 Foaeral
'dies, writes:,
Orno disturbance or disorder In that
tounty thaV.needed toy edtentlon. I have
tune,er doubted Um valihngness and ability of
the Mows and • volunteer cOmparties to
Inaintain peace and order within the State
without, the :assistance of the United States
...I have yet to learn that the United States
troops aro nem,dedaa rtßefal In restoring peace
and order, fret, on the othor band, barb found
'them a distu,tbing element, a nutscmce and
• Difghting CUPse.--to the qnlcc, p
of rosperity and i aine° r% luo g 'hernm n% o nrn l elonfmr their e:m.
titanding Officlara.”
. 7 / 1 11 EULO.fir LITON PP.Z.S/DENT LIWCOL.N.-
-immidny, February IS, the birthday of the late
President, Abraham Lincoln, has been 'fixed
Inman by the Coe sional Committee
Am. Solomon mmon Foot, of Vermont, Chairman,for the testimonial to Ma memory by Con ass,
s e the Capital. lion. George Bancroft, of Net.
lark, has accepted the Invitation or the corn
-24111c.0 to pronounce the eulogy on the exit
afid. theperem on ies trill to place In the
. Of the firrose of Represents /ae., In
teee of both branches of Congreaa, the Preni_,. dent andOrbinot, the Judges of the Supre me
• Court, the foreign Icgatlonaolistinanbth ed
fioere of the army and navy, ac. The details
ANlthearrangementsare riot yetoompleted, but
karmilet are earnes tly
T lEg l i i ,c tot
t L
air: and Mrs.
at WM be the
:vacate of President Johnson at the Executive
by Fprobit invitation of the Presi
dent, during their visit to Washington.
ttossagoil correspondent of the Londoo
Dally Weiss rilkorts that Admiral Goldsho—
caigh had rerctved orders to proceed instantly
With all the_rrptrerfnl squadron under his or
ders, out of the Mediterranean to Lisbon, tak
leg with therm the entire twelvemonths stores
symetstrerienna possess In something ry.
It was b Ted this order had to
do with eta of trouble on the Rio Grande,
bad that the. declination of the Arimitara,
Ililt.pdrett la the Quit ot..iloalco.
also rta Goer ASO iP,,,,S lirie
Edit., Gcvlt, .—Am your pope,' has aver
tunn ideated a live in tirri,t in matters pertain
‘ tag to the oil trade, the writer, haying Jest
I returned froda Valente, takes pleasure in
t, giving you some items which, Jost now, it at
iliought, ail] be of genera/ interest. In no
portion of the oil region Is there at the pres
ent flute greater activity than on Dennis Ron
and Crest H ickor3 - , and certainly, at no other
Petra Is the prospect more encouraging. On
/Sin n is, there are twenty-one predneing wells.
: are flag in yield from ten harrels to two hurt
' dres:f barrels per day, and what is remarkable'
there has been , but a Belgic thlinre on th ii
stream to obtain oil in
_paying , inentity, and
in ihtu wen, olveiea la :Air. Retteock, or Ro
chester, .N. T.,_the show was very promising,
but ft was feeint impOselble, with two Reek let
constant pnmping, to exhaust the water. •
dultOnt the titatt ells et. Obtained. are the
Reeler. ,n burials Jennirtg, eo barrels ~Sebita
hart, :4 barrels • Reynone, /ill barrels; Pil:
kiln/ .klt barrels t ' Stecittni,.W.A.barrels, !The.e
gab res are not exaggerated, to is too' oleo
the ease 'in estimating thilvyleld of Ott Weld,
but are giren el the re.sttitsat es:roftd ixlv °ati*
ntliin. The "blame" is near the headwaters
of•Renrfls Run, and but la Sete.rods from West
hickory: 'As it is now tholatgest on theigan,
pttiper t l ;i r t nn the he/Alva:km Of both Dennis
The lend lT re 'l f " Uo ils 4ritxusl7 9 oll C 0.," edits
prising horde acres, orrintto its Ortiz( ul its
t o the large product:or-wet , iv regarded as
: ory valuable. The COMpang are. I - easing in
lois of one act.; at one half rdyaltv, and from
their 'agent, kl-. J. eh Weible, / learned that
already t wentydive to thirty deater had been
ntade, and nn :avers! cf which I noticed that
operat,ons had Senn .:amen/sea. The Rals
ton, rout New York sad Allegheny On cou t p,.
:des, 0 hi:Low - a the I:Usileti lateren id 1 , 1092 Of
the_produelne Well:, on Dennis Ann in view Of
thine present daily receipts, and the large
sttseirdsa-of wails* in progress, ehoald rank
ard , lng the best olleclE/Illinlya in the country.
Altgetlie, the proSpeet for those interested
1, Oils region IS most encouraging and err
tA lily is not stripmen b y/WS-ether 1 13c 1 1 " 7 .
Tito irankliu and ./reaven tallroad, ltiVss
graded two-thirds of the distance to Irvin..
Elation , Pittebnrgh tad kirlerlittitroad (fon,
teen mass from TatiOute,l la Ander con traot to
Dr, in running operation in May next, when the
ollabtenetilkom Dennis Run, and the upper
-. onion of West hickory can be shipped direct
by call to any Of the eastern.marketa.
Aa I propose makinga trip down iiireSt Hick
ory to the ris cr, I will, in my next, give you a
slitter:tent of a bat is being done,
&c., along the entire length of this' s:ream
Frerneur exchanges we extract the follow
ing items of informatioa In regard to the pe
trolmarn regions:
On, Cnestre-The Maple Grove well, on 'Blood
farm, is pumping sixty barrels per day;
coLlierwells Imiy, and the Wilkins well th the irty.
Ocean seen, N 0.2, on the Stovensau farm, is
on the tame three clrr dewing tw pee
a farlit, is o hundred and
day barrels per day.
Thet.l. W. SlCClintock farm has now thirty
seven producing wells. No. 111, struck Lleeern
her lb, is pumping efts barrels.
Carrettay Rtra..--The Criswell well 1/4 produc
ing one hundred barrels per day; the noun
lain Well, thirty-flee barrels per day; the Reed
well, sixty barrels.
Millis ralt34-4.11 one mile above Shaffer, on
the OH Creek Railroad. The pipe for carry
fa oil,from Pit Pole enyles Itself at this
There and
n tb e e p ° rOdu i el h al P ;el T a rtitirletc'b market
a Ills
oral offer by ono of the prominent companies
on log lands near by has eiLltlaulist.,2 work.
lic,sanore Rt se -The present daily pro.
duet is estimated at twelve hundred barrels.
The number of producing wells is fourteen,
The befit weil, d
the Remote, le stated he dewing
two hundred barrels per ay, Ten new wells
- are nearly ready to be tested.
PITHOLS—Recent ad vices from Holm
den Farm state that No. 1 Twin well is pump
ing fifty barrels per day, end Ta - In well \0.3
twenty barrels. No. 42 14 pumping ono hun
dred barrels per day.
Engine.honses of wells Nov. 1 and 2, lease
were burned last week.
Ca csca RtN.—Thie run enters Oil Creek,
near Titusville. The Eureka soil Is pumping
thlrty-dve barrels—the only prodipemg
There m considerable activity In leasing, and
several wells are going down.
Wnsr Ifickonv.—The Paxton Farm le yield-
Ing-abollilOne hundred barrels per lay. It is
stated that the original West Hickorr well
bus paid its owners over sloo,fee net proilt
u Rhin the last five months.
4nrdele of a afteralleters Gerteral le Ms.
INo manifestation of the continned exist
elite of the spirit of rebellion le more roma,
donabie than the disposition occasionally
eLown to perpetrate acts of violence uo
and even to murder, northern men w h o m a t e
their homes In e mith, end who are of no other offe n ce s
than establishing them
selves In that section. A notable hist:ince re
ported recently lathes referred Why the Mee
mond (Va.) Republic of the 31st nit
"A paragraph has recently gone the round
of the papers, and which we have not yet
seen contradicted. stating that on the tith of
January, General T. 0. Osborn, of the United
Ctates volunteer service, was murdered by a
body Of eitizena, near Greeneville, Wailes feel.
It appears that the General, who halls from
Illinois, bait recently purchased a plantation
at trreensville was waited upon by a self-oon..
at ituted committee of hie neighbors, and muf
fledd to leave the place In twenty-four hears,
and if found there afterwarda, be would be.
killed. The result is announced by the para.
graph itself in the words that 'be stayed on
his plantation and was asaailed and idiot.' We
presume that not even the most fanatical hater
of 'Yankees , will be found to apologize (or,
still less approve, such a barbarous deed, or
to deny the perfect-moral and eenstitutional
right of General Osborn, or any other num,
from any State In the tinien, to settle any
a here within Int ltsi nor will they be slow
to see that the recurrence of such affairs will
most infallibly delay forms Indefinite peeled
the rehabilitation of our total governments.
abd prolong that military occupation and ad.
Ministration of affairs which every patriot
must wish to Fee soon and finally supereeded
by the civil power. If they cannot see this
lost, we assure them that they have a very le
adequate idea Of the determination and power
of the tufted States to protect all Ito loyal citi
zene at whatever cost. , '
If this is to be the entertainment prepared
for the people of s inagnanimotzs republic, and
each terrible deeds are praetised even while
1 heir authors are applicants tor elemeney, de
m ruction will be a more appropriate destiny
than.reconstrnetion for the men base, coward
ly, cruet, and wicked enough to perpetrate
tl..m.—Phil Preis.
Wrtztsur roc sic sr
The Condoet of the Rebels.
It is now no longer to be denied that In mane
eases where the Government has bestowed i fs
confidence upon returned rehola, it has been
shamefully and cruelly abused. The mnrilur
of General Osborn of /111nols, by an organized
band of ruffians n Minalasippi. ban been fol..
lou ed, it is said, by such a storm of indigna
tion in hls State that Governor Ogilaliy
ahmit to ask the protection of President John
son over all those from Illinois who go Into
the booth (Or husinesa and other purposes. A
rnion dele,,, , stion from Alabama are now here,
instating that the spirit of secession in more
rift: there than ever. A letter is published in
thin morning's Chronicle, from a distinguished
gen tlenese in Georgia, to one of the
northern friends of President Johnson
declaring that accession is politically
stronger than before the war, and Unionism
mote under the ban than ever. The friends of
the Republic in Eastern Viral obi are greatly
alarmed by the violehoe and brutality of the
natans who were In the rebel army, and are
now Leek at their homes. The state of things
In lilaryland you have Mud fully ilexcribed to
300 in the letter.. of IL Occiodonal.•' In Bast
e. n V Oldenu the bitterest expressions are con •
slimily heard against the Government, and
the most violent movement,. would he resort
ed to if it were not for the presence of the
Union troops. John C. O'Neil,an old citizen
of Pennsylvania , now resident in New Orleans,
in teveral lettere to his friends bore, declares
that the secessionists are more defiant and
nolent than ever. Another well-known eta•
zen of Philadelphia, Mr. John C. Eerier, now
at hie Rome, Mates that the loyal whites
and blacks in Alabama are In constant dan
ger. What Governor Brownlow has said of the
rebel spirit in Tennessee, has been published
In all the papers. General Fiske, lately in com
mand In Kentucky, in here, and glees a to rr i.
bin account of their machinations in that
state—proved,as you will , erceive, by Intelli
genre confirmatory of the worst ream of the
patriot. inch aro a tow Items only—au f rom
the best authority, and all contrlbntlne to the
same conehiefoni namely—that rho policy
adopted by Congress Is the best, If not the only
one—that the loyal men of the South must he
protected and entranehlzed at all hazards, and
the( no morn favors should be bestowed upon
limiters who have again proved themiudres
unworthy of the Government they tried to put
to death.— Washington Correspondence Philadel
phia Press.
TM: BrandOn An.saissippian, of n scent date,
says tha
John Rayburnamn - Ler. nO born Jas.
Browh,and Felix Ra wont
to the residence of Alexander Ha
h ow recent
ly, and concealed themselves in ' crib,awalt.
lug his return front church, with t i e Intention
of waylaying and killing him. r. Magrow
did not return; as they expectod, nnd they - set
Ore to his bOuee and left. Mr. Ma w return
ed home next morning , selected a ow friends,
started in pursuit, overtook them n the even
ing, and in attempting to arrest t om, killed
Ft Aix Rayburn and captured Joh Rayburn.
The others made their escape. A w days a
te, ward, having learned that Ja es Brown
ens of the incendiaries, row and
blends proceeded to his rcsidene to arrest
him. An soon an Brown saw that h house wa
nurrounded, he got his gun and o f at the
• read, killing (leor•ge Walt. klagr win party
Wen area and killed Brown.
Ilia. 2%1 - emcee, of Do Soto county,
.l, n rites to Urn. Fisk, of the Free. { en's El
oe., concerning a colored girl wholhad been
old easy from her parents :
"As for recognizing the right of freedmen to
heir children, I can say that not o ne time
n nor woman ID the WbOlo South rhcogniens
hr negro us a freedman, but as stolz4property
orceo by the bayonets of the dam ie United
Antes Government."
Mr. Yancev's Views
doub certainly entitle him to
hop in
• ordon. ht a t t. anti
se like Id willavn' take all the tha oaths be with
sertly—and keep them as long fillittnrysee St.
Grade af General Created.
Wesel:rotes, Yebruary , e.—Tho House
Committee may voted to report the bill
creating the grade Ge neral of - In the army of
We united States. hay le increased over
that or the Lierttenant General one 'hundred
and thirty dollars par month. Thet4te no In
crease allowanee or oommutettl of taY
• —..----
rrredmen's Bureau Aces'
J(sblle Harbor to be Cleared of Ob.
rtroetlOns—Cotton Shipmente.
C•fno. Feb. C.—An agent of tbe Freedmen,.
Helene was recently murdered In his bed, At
Pontotoc, Mississippi, by enemies of the t.ov
Mobile Harbor is to be examined by engineers
with a view to facilitate commerce. The
removal of plies and other oh/Arnett/Ins in
o passage to the forts, comes within the
'cope of examination.
One hundred and eighty thousand bales of
, ton, weighing over eighty-four and a half
inilliOns of pounds, opts ahipped from Moire
ph last year.
Neer York State Workingmen' s a s ".„
bly—Dedleill Society Meeting.
Atnnirr, February:l.—The New York Stale
Workingmen's Ainiembly met here to-day, and
The Fish er as quite larg..
Notlce won given by Mr. , of New York,
that be would move, to-morrow, that on Lb.
:01h of /March all trades throughout the Stab
..trike for the of ht hour system.
Tho State Medical society convened in thin
city. tzeday. UpWards of MO m embe r. an I
delegates are to attendance. Dr. Kennedy of
New York, int roibeNni a reaOluttOti approving
the Nov York klatit4 bill. •
OR spEGT Ar: DBPATCHES. • vacancies in ilie;a7vy Medical forpg,
apt ti 01.p.atcb to the Pittabatrz,llG,z,•Ve
Aaaaissrao, Yeti_ C
Northern Men Not Safe in the S
S outh.
The floral" rpreaented the annttal,tatoment
t b., llo . gahe l,, NTA c o d ; „ any , , CUR PEtATIO&S WITH FRACE MEXICO.
Mr. Ilighara presented a petition from the
eltiZet. nf Mi/Illutownsh Ip, Allegheny county.
satinet an increase in the number of toper- Blockade visors. Running During the
Mr. White preSeiterd a Joint resolution, nu-
ttioricing the appointment of a committee to
confer with the Maryland authorities is rein- THE NATIONAL B
ties in the a stabllsdarnent of a Nat man! Come- ; ANKING CURRENCY
Let, - at A nt:etam, for the bohlters who fell at dbc...
that battle. Adopted. deo.
Tbe Senate Concur re.l 01 the rte-elution of I -
the Mouse, asking the Governor to return the
bill Incorporating the National Lii.uracue
Company, of Pittsburgh
The bill for the 'better ctlon of Juror, in
Fayette county atm c , insidered to rcluntritttoe
of the Whole. A 190t1012 to ma ko iv general
1:614 toted donn Amendments adding; the
counties of York,Crtml.ria, Wash ingtetn, triton,
Adam,. nod Montgomery were adopted_ Thu
hi.. passed ton
Mt Graham called nip an act ineoroora ;do g
the Pittsburgh Lire L l, llllO/00 nod Tru,.t Cubs
pn_ny. Pateed dually .
Mr. Hoge called up a apt anthem. dtg the
thenango Coal Company to build a rallrott I
from the Oh in Sifif to line to the Pi itaburgh and
Erie Canal. Mr L.-, mr opt need the h,ll, and
Characterized it as a scheme of the A tinntte
and toryalWestern Ralf. ay. The bill passed
tbefligt roffdlne, and pm.tramed for one week
Mr. ; A r .not In, orporltlug the Al
- Import:feet, Company of Pit is'mrgh,
Pnebe!l Loslly .
Mr. FrOge, n.n fI,T !n",-po,ht:uti TI:LI•villn
ant: Taal Itqa.l r„ , ac t
The ful lon lug blli pu.,de,l litany. An act
for the vacating of part of street, Pitts
hergh; to provide u poor-house In Lawrence
county; to enable the school d (root°, of Ktb
tanning and Titusville to borrow money; to
incorporate the New castle Market Com puny,
and the Kittanning Water Company; to yettla
the estate of Presley Irving, Into of Allegheny
county; to authorize the First Evangeglem
lutherun Church of Allogheny, to conv e y
certain burial, grounds.
Democratic Mayor of Loamlilac
. .
Special Dispatch to the Pittaborob Gazette.
PB-,Fobrizary i, 1901
The Democrato of this city hare re-e/cotod
their Mayor by 179 majority.
-- -
More the: Bagdad Raid
Ntsr Tong, Feb. 6.—A meeting of the Joint
Committees for the erection of a monument
In thin city, to the memory of the late Presi
dent Lincoln, battiest taken place in this city.
The following preamble and resolutions were
adopted: Whereas, the sum of fifteen thou_
sand dollars has been raised for the contem
plated monument, therefore, Resehrf, that
a committee of finance be appointed to receive
subscriptions to mate up the mulatto amount.
The Richmond Wleq nays Col. G. It cad
weeder hiving been directed to Impact Belle
Isle, In order to ascertain the camber and con
dition of lithe Union soldters there buried,
reports that a tract about one hundred yards
has been sot apart on toe tale enclose-1d
with a euhateusttal board fence, which contains
no hundred and fifty bodies, of
hundred and twenty are legibly marked with
rind head and foot boards.
The Posra special says that the HOC!. Naval
MrMasltteelme agreed *Pon a pay bill- The
number of paymasters is fixed at eights . ; pas.
ell paymasters, forty, -and aulstatit pay
master*. thirty.
The case of Dodge against Brooks Is to be
argned to-snort-ow, on ita merite, by the Com
mittee on Elections. The request for an exten
sion Of time, tO take evidence, ban not bees
The Pacific Mail Companywill at an early
day, ?In upon the route to Aspinwall • peer
*bin, superior to the Henry Channoy.
The Norfolk Fir - Odom le informed that
Moorhead, of North Carolina, was arrest
rd by the Federal authorities for interfering
with the sale of some propertyproviounly ad
vertised lobe sold by the War Department.
An order has been Issued discontinuing. the
If nocruri an a military command.
The Hertdd's Havana letter gives the ex
perience atone of Idauutillan'a garrisons at
Mended. Ha says • We saved ourselves by
flight but., hoar, being a fugitive bu managed
to know e ll about what transpired Is not ex.
plained. He charges that the attack on the
town and Its cant uris entirely the work
of American aoldiers,principally colored from
Texua, commanded by United States ottlerors,
~and lei - tied across the river Ilya United Staten
revenue russet.
He given the particular., of the alleged hor
rible scenes of pillage, rold.ory, murder, out
rages on women, and all manner Of crimes to
which the Captors for souse hours devoted
their entire attention, and In whiztt It Is said
they were assisted by General Weitzel's °di
cers, about twenty in number some of whose
names are given. Indeed, this Imperial
torten WWII declares that even the soldiers
neeovr by Gen. Weitzel to preserve order,
took q_ual part with the raiders in the pil
laging. The +polls, are described as Ito
immenee in quantity and value and greatly
enriching many. The American Waders are
said to havebeen all deepatotted ulnas the
1110 Grande to Clarksville and Brownsville,
Texas, and thence were transported to Brazos.
A letter (torn a gentleman In Hayti, giving
an account of a Tian of Secretary Seward to
that 'republic during the West India trip eeye
the int erste a between him and President Jef
frard was very cordial and friendly, nod lass,
ed shout two hours. Upon the departure of
the Secretary a salute In his honor was tired
by the Llaytitm war steamer tiolates.
The fear of Russian eneroactimunta in Con
trol AMH, has latterly artun English new phase.
It Is now conceded by the Press that
the slow but sure advances made by the Rus
sian Government in Central Ante are cadet,
treeing the future safety et England'n lbdian
The Bombay °mete admits that England Is
utterly helpless to prevent Rush; from pro
ceeding in her career of conquest, If It Is her
will to carry out her policy of anima - mien.
The same paper bean testimony to tee won
derful civilizing influence, which the Europe
ans are exercising On her recent acquisitions,
and adds, that Ruda is the only power that
can successfully accomplish this work.
In Cashmere, the progress of the Ithaslans
has 'minced the Anglo-Indian Government to
send out three native spies to obtain inforusis-
The Bbootan treaty recently concluded by
the British authorltl., has been the subject
01 much . 111 l moat In Begland, and trill prob
bly be made the ground of attack upon the
CaMnet as soon us Parliament assembles.
Promises to Withdraw from Mexico
Reeve,,, Feb. o.—The steamer Palestine, from
Liverpool on the M 1 nit., has arrival.
The Emperor Napoleon, in his speech on the
:at nit. Royal hat arrangements are being made
to withdraw the French troops from Mexico,
and It in hoped that this will pacify the people
of the United State., who were invited to Join
the -expedition but declined, although such
expeditions are not opera.] to their interests.
The remainder of the speech refers to purely
home question's.
There WWI little doing hi Liverpool on. the
Cotton—salts of 0,000 bales; prices are
dispoad to decline; but quotations ere un
changed. Consols closed dull at London on
the TM, at Set((2S7 fur money. and tiTti@sn e ." (or
armlet. Erie shares and United Five-
Twenties opened strong at an advance, but
rinsed rush,.ltttots Central Stares were
flat. Money was easier.
Nave Toga, Yoh.
:Aar, the government .11reetors, eocumia
atoners and englueerre of the raelne Ttattroad,
ho have born In seenion at WreMingum, ad
journed yesterday, after adopting regulations
intended LO Secure the speedy ConfltrUCCloll of
of that road. While in sovslon the a board re
ceived highly eneouragirm report., from the
west. relative to the progres s of the great
Many vacancies esteting In the Ifediee
Coryes of the. navy, a or upelleal oglen
will convene on the 12th of March for the e
satinet:lOn of candidates for atimissicm le as
sistant sermons In the nary. One board will
sit at Brook tyn Nary lard end another at .
Chelsea, Maemeleueetts. Gentlemen nearing'
to appear before then boards for examination
will make application to Secretary Welles or
Dr. Horwitz., Chie f of the Medical Iturewn,
stating their ego. place of birth, and the par.
tictilar board they desire to appear before,
with testimonials as to persoted el:tartlet..
Applicants are not to be under twenty-one
or over twenty-six years of ace.
The military corineil, orentmeinl p 1 qt.: e l rale ilirrsE
Thomas, ellen:nen arid T . .,, , ,;., - , ,, , , Li, „., ~,,, r ,, ,4
Ti 4
le -maker fold before lle• Ito,. the rr
Cent , - ,- -
, I rl, „ ,, Cllall;ti In Washington, has pert from the I need Steles Revenue Comm 1e
.f.'"?..//e,l its, hci awrtitione, the result of w blob I:l ,, e.lonere upon the ,aspen' in the Ned.. tee
Win he laid before the Committee on Military ee - anciei ~.) et..., Au. , a sinking fund and toe
el:fells within a few days.
allOn le general, by Samuel ~ Ileyes It War
company of northern moo referred the LOMMlttee on 'Ways and Ileae,
Who went South with e rte.v of Mr. Darling, of Sew York, presented a pett-
Investing their Money end establiehing lien of the menufsetereni of wi Bow ware. for
homes, hoes retelelled, satisfied that the lives a ee nnee i n th e mann, of Imre-wee the Get
and property of loyal men are loot safe under on ertr e e,,, man er acte r e d e, them, which we.
the governments now established there. One referred to the Committee on Ways duel
of their number, who purchased a piece with- Means. .
in eighty miles of Viekehttrg, wan notified by a et r. 1.: , ,,, w 0 rt h , of !ili,, introduced a hill
mob to leave within five daya No at once set providing (Or [lie publishing of notice. of
his freedmen to work building a email fort on lead lettings, witch we, referred to the Com;
which he rooted the Americkn flag. He then ih Pt ee on the Postollinee and Post Roads.
armed his freelltacia and notified the mob that u r RI,. of ma r 's, free, the Comnal thee on
he wan ready to /eerie if they were ready to ItiiYal Atililre, reported back the Senate res.
form him away. The mob had not dint:Li/ell kitien tenderint the trunks of Confer.. to
him at last amounts.
Vice Admiral 1. armgut, and the ottletire and
An association of State and city school au- men under him for gallantry amt good oond 1 t
perintendents, meets In Il.hinglon to4sy, b Mos
e s, en the of ef August., leet.
to make a Pihmotteent erim ,ll ation• Prowl- The House retinined the coneldemtion of the
acct among the subjects of ilieens%lon will tat Renate bill to wines the powers of the Freed
the necessity of a Nationid Burette of }A.m.
_m en ,„ B ureau
tier, The leading educators of the eountre The lieu. dret voted on the amendment of
are to be present.
lir. mith, to the original bill, namely, that
General Sherman wa.% In the gallery
the none of the provielon. of thin act shall extend
Senate during the dell, any of Mr. stunners* p,, or be in force in the State of Kentecky
speech. Be wee to have left lust night for hie This erne rejected by a vote of 30 neatest lit
poet, the Convention for which he anti rate The Hews next considered the substitute
Or Generals were sulamened t.O Washington olTered by Mr Steven, Nearly all the
having ended its consideret ion of the carton, er e B leb provisions of the hill. are retained in
military inea.uree before I 'ongrosa
the substitute. The principal mollecallens
'WedsThe Worid's Washington special ears It. Is now,' are as follows.
'Wed that ° " t Unve "A ed at a. In the fourth section, authorising the Presl
t h a t with the French Government,
e n;: t to receive from sere or from settlement
and that to all intents and purposes the dial. ender the pre-emption law., and to led apart
cult) between them is settled. The French for the use of freedmen and loyal refuge.,
are about to leave Mexico,
Mates Government tuts *erred airy intention in Florida, Illealestimi, Alabama. Liminess
to enforce the Monroe do - trines Thera did and the rn 't e d Male or female, the tmeeen pled puelic lauds
and Arkisne., and from the conflecated land,
probably be no recognition of Mexico, but ef the enemy, not exceeding In all three
there is is a pledge expressed or Implied that the lions of acres, of goon land, to he allotted and
United States will take no overt measures to aned In parcels not erect:dem forty acres
depose Meximillan and put Juarez or any one each, to loyal refuge. and freedmen , and In
else in his plate. While it is not likely that
the fifth election, providing that the E:sets
formal diplomatic relations will be opened tit tae lands, ender Major Gement' [short:nen-a
with the Empire, a aryl recognition will re. tsp.:lel In Order, dated den L,,,y. tem., ar e
snit from the present underetendingi that Is,
Conente will he appointed and erolnoeril In son shall be disturbed in, Or deeded from said
their proper loathes of protection to Annul- .cenfirmeci In their possession. and that no per
iftweearilOn rinless n set tlement shell le made
ran trade In Mexico. It is not likely that the with said occupant be the former, owner, sat-
French will leave Mexico before the rinse of f a / new " to the ner or the rreed
the year, and while they are going their plare .....,• Barents provided that weediever the
will be supplied by A cuttrineui, Belgians, and" owner, of lan/Ls inempied under Major Goo
sed:lh Ilex teethe an acc‘mt th e Empire.
teal ehermen's field order stall make al,
The T. hnne's eProlai Washington diel , xt , h plleatioe for the restoration of the lethal, Use
l'aYel Tan Government is taking the ground Commt.lerier to authorised upon the agree
that til.kade canning was apart of the rebel- meet, end with the consent of the oectipallts,
U .. 1 am! that all property osedi and all the to prove. other lands for them iry rent., or
tweets made In It, are subject to the rule* of purehase not exceeding forty acre, for
war. Agents have been sent South who have of ti e or to 'set apart for them out
seized all the cotton and other property fen of the public blinds assigned for that purpose
tended for blockade rennine, and have Called of
acres each, h e the terms and oondl
upon all eteraged in Valor betonnerea to state, an- ti0f f ,,,,,, , f forth in the fourth avetion
der oath, their aissoetetee, the amount of thole , The substitute of Mr Stevens Iran red«, Led
business, their
001,1 lee
de Mcen of the wit- b e a vete of Si, twitin•rt thl.
ederted from the Committee o Free.irnen . .
gorge, were sent to prison on eecount of their
~_ Aerates, foe the Senate bLIL- It ts newly the
but van or In to. l o. 'n ;r o ,.. rnll b t ' l ly ' u n n c tb t rA r n t g 's t . o b: ,, , i7 ... .. Tbe Home then voted on the
n ulen d Le. re.
refusal to testify.
itime .the aettate 11414 with the following pg.
One Of the Inspect Ctockhoiders In this an- act, st rat i The sabatitute provides that the
terprlse was the lien el A. Tronbolm, ' laze act stint extend to refugees and freedmen lei
Secretary of tile Treasury of the so-called Con- all parte of the United Kat.,
county Peed..
federate Statee, thus carrying on the double dent may divide the section of ry with
business ofgrardlng the tasafederets mone in witicld the privilege of the writ of babe.,
and filling hie own pockets at the tame time, corpus wee ethepeadedi on the let day of Fete
in the cementer We examination, which took rear , Hrs . It also roo .k o „ o r. o i tto tk oa o f th e
place on the 16th ult., Mr. Trenholm etated eo n of ocean end privates, that tus per.
that Just before the evacuation of Richmond, eon shall be deemed destitute, euffeel
ag or
the total amount o . f specie In the Confederate dependent upon the government for support,
~ ,i1i . * „. .. ...a5.„..innil / 330 ,c0T to $ lOO . OOO . :Or which within the meaning of this act, who, bat.
' nrn ' ' unt. ''' , " . " ... in the t r ess 7at Binh - able to find employment, could by proper Al
mond This e.103-CCe was earned o and die- ti ts t ry and exertion avoid such destitutlbu,
trlbuted, partly among the soldiery of John- suffering or dependency.
rap mt 4 t' artl l amore g 11. mi ltharyee• It further pr.:irides that whenever the former
coot of J e ~ D avie, at t attn. of their disband- owners of lands occupied ender Major Gen
oral Sherman's field order shall make applies.
Mr. Trenboim elated, that in hie °platen, Mon for the restoration of the lands, the Com-
Mr. Davis and the other office. refused to re- me...loner the authorized, upon the agreement,
Celina ally part or it. The exalt:Munition of Sir, top o . ill, th o ..eiffffn eons/sot nf the occupants,
Trenbolm, as ee- Secretary and ex-blockade cue Other lands for them by renter per
runner, was
quitequi long, but showed much chas e s not exceeding forty acres for each ones
franan;see on Pert In r evealing en he knew. ant, or to set apart for them out of the pub-
The Worid's special rays : The House Corn- Ile lands assigned for that purpose in section
Mitten on Banking and Currency had under IC
of the bill, forty acres each, (
consideration yesterday an applleatten el a terms end conon. theme needed.
hank for an amendment to the National Bank- Th e eorerntaa nnse , fa renein t d to prpepre try
ing 1, ... , .0 as to allow more .We bask. to great or perched. each lends within the dm,
C rime rota the
of the lan-
trivet named . ni t sji be erg Mend for refuge.
enuniitee deeld. ads creole, than establtah. and freedmen de °dant on the Go•erument
log a Prectident fOr an snob rotore aPPilca- for suptmrt, end id all provide, or ....e. to be
tlonn The committee are ngelnat Inflating ereete s t, •diltebie building. tor elylunts and
tho currency by Increasing the national bank- aeh oo l a Th e above ar e the moot %pitted.]
leg tett:Rid. Therornmittee have done nothing n,mott,tfees.
on the prorosition to remove the Bureau to The subetitute for the Senate bill was peeved
New York.
—le. IX% nays N.,
Ihe fellow lee are the yeas and nevi on the
passage of the Venedlnen'• Durum" Bill.
" V a i.s— Meson. Allen, A Wenn, Ames, Ander
son, .tehley, of Nevada, Ashley, of °hie, Eta
her, Baldwin, Banks, Barker, Baxter,
• Bierman, Benjamin, Bel well, Bingham, Maisie,
Blow. Bout well Itrandlegee, Brom well,
Uresonal, Bundy, flack, of Ohio, Clark, of liadi.
SA, Cobb, Conk ling, Conk, Callum, Darling,
]ladle, fleece, lieu . ... Delano, Deming, Ols
on, Dntrellry, Drigna, thirmont, Eeklev, Eg
gleeon, Elliott, Farnsworth, Farrintrar. Perry,
Gertleiii, Grinnell, Griswold, Hale, Harding,
of Illinois, Hart, Hayes, lienderwsn, Higley,
Lilli, Helmet.. Hooper, Hotchkets, flubbard, of
lowa, 11 utrharll, Of Weal V irgin la, !tertian!, of
New York, liobbanl, of Coen., Hubbell,
James Humphrey, Ingersoll, dank., Juli
an, besson. hells . , Kelso, Ketchum, King, Ken
dall, bailie, Latham, Lawrence, loan , Long
y nee, lynch. Marsden, Merlon, McClung, Mein.
doe, Melte°, Ilelluer, Mercer Miller, Moor.
beset, Morrill, Morrie, Mennen, Meyers, Mer
rell, O'Neil, time, Paine, Patterson, Perham,
Phelps, Pike, Plante, Pomeroy, Pelee. Kimball,
of Kentucky, Raymond, litre, of Maine. Rol
lins, Sawyer, Schenck. SetiOneith Shellaberger,
Sloan, ' , mini. Spalding, (Starr, Strome:, sti 11.
well, Thayer, Fennel. Therm., John L Thom
as Tbornbridge, Upson, Yen Aerate, Van Hor n ,
Si' Y., Van Horn of Missouri. Ward, Werner,
Wasisociree. of Dinned, Wenhlierne, of Mak.,
ehnsett., Walker, IS rot worth, lal.elee, %Hl
land, NV litloll, f•f low ii, W I bon et Penney It %-
lila tl. Minim. Worelhrldee. 137.
le • ye—Wears Boyer, Brooks, Chanter. Devi-
Mllll, l'.ldritlge. Finch, Glorthrenner, Grinder,
Hai .1 leg, of Kentucky, Ilarrla, Mogan, Huh_
it'll New York, Jae. IL liunaphrey, kerr, lee
lend. Marshall, McCullough, Slblack, Nichol
son, Noell, Randle'', of Pennsylvania, Ritter,
Roger., Rousseau, Shane:lin, isltgre roe,
Strouse, Tahoe. Taylor, Thornton, Trimble,
Mr. Rousseau rtiting in a privilege question
read from the remarks of Mr. Grinnell,of Lowe,
made yesterday, as follows:
'History repeats Itself. I cannot say wheth
er the gentlereati,Mritoueddeau,was four years
In the war on the Union bide, or fuer y.r* on
the otner aide. Bnt I any he degraded himself
and uttered a sentiment unworthy an Ameris
can oilleer when he nisei that he would to such
an net on the complaint of a negro ageing ,
Gorernment interference in Be
halfor Fenian, asked.
Sew Yoga, Feb. O.—A epoolnl report by Mr .
Mays, Of the United Rte Itercnuo COalftlit,
aloners, was submitted In Congress to-day It
recommande a stwtelal permanent tax of 7-10 of
one per cent. MI Specie or one per neut. to laws
Int money, upon all securities and other ins
dentednean of the United Stntes, owned at the
time of the paasnge of the net either in the
Coned States or abrond, the proem , is to be
Id Id idol applied as n L 1,141. Ultno (or the pays
Mont oft he poldie debt. The tordority of t h e
Coto. Ls...toners were Imposed to tiro propoa
-I.togr d that Mr. Hoye might present
It. at Itb hitt q.. 0 .11 , 111td011A and 1.11.4 (IV - LAW/II al-ge
n.-nil to support thyte, In tp. a0r.,11.1 rottons
and that it ould meet the approval of the
I 01:111111,A0111:l I. for blot to do wt..
Judge Chipman, ill the l n Up,/ !4t.1.0.ey Circuit
C-11rt, Mot grunted the motion 1 ,1, 11111 h the
Indictments angel ni t Harney FtliPitln antis
CMlllllOOy, eilarged with lACllling forKed Cos.
torn Meuse bond, Mc as satisfied the Court
Mel no a.m . to try LIU: erase. The I.l:pressanyu: A Movement In
In Mi.
meal the telllahorsy rattans to solicit
the Interference of Secretary Scward In behalf
of the IrtalisAmerienn citizens who were found
tliniT,r.inFotenrihet'ard.he,r.thffrorn":ll:lln h.lrrneAarTi'srt
of thirty Britlait who constantly watch
their movemeatn.
From New Orleans—Election Bill V
toed—Depredatloem of Liberals oo the
Naw Fett.C.—The Governor vetieed
the bill for the election of rn,rochf,,) and mu
ukipal °Moore on the second Moxday of March,
Toe bill v. 11l pass over the veto. Somewhat
of a feud exist. hi New Orleans between the
civil and military authorities, and It Is under
stood the matter has boon referred to Wash
ington, It luau about the conduut of the May
or of the city. Public opinion sides with Gyn.
Canby, whose conduct meets with general ap
• Brownsville letter says Escabtolo has gone
Into the intoner with Most Of his force, and
the Liberal army, with Site exception of few
roaming bands, are committing all sorts of
depredations on both sides of the river.
The government will make a grand mistake
by mustering out all troops, as the people die
pond entirely noon the soldiers for protection
and assistance.
Seeratar; Chandler and Judge Waterson left
New Orleans this evening via river for Wash
Cotton ontetisales of fifteen hundred balsa
Middling at 476.18 e. sales of threedays, fifty
three hundred bales. augur, 14Y,ii1d5..Z0.
New York Ctieeka. pan Sterling, 144%; Gold,
Freights dun. Tonnage plentiful to
New York.
Extradition of a canadiatt Prisoner—
Colombia Collex,
New Yong, Feb. 6.—An Order was yesterday
roceived from WarbingtOn (or the extruitition
of George LinstOlT, who was held in this city on
charge of adtniolsterlng poison to 000 He
/Lennon, In Toronto, eututda. One of the LT. 8
Deputy Dittrahntlx will escort the prisoner and
deliver him over to the Canadian authorities
An annual Intermediate examination of stn.
dents of Ligumtilit College n d y,µter.
duy and n 111 cOlatinUo till Friday.
Fenian Excitement In Canada Abated—
Express °Mee Robbed.
live. 'lona, Feb. o.—Tbn firmer's Toronto
npeelal, flitted February 5, nein the Fenlun os •
eltetnent la aornetvent slated alone It appenr
that Sweeney In not In Canada. Preonatlons
ate not neglected and the pollee amd tntlitar,
or,. on the alert. The oittllststent and alarm
la atilt wide spread In the tones along tin St.
Lax renee river.
Vickers Es - prone Mlle° was robbed last
night of sl,%e. The Provinolal Telegraph W
ave was also entered lay ntthbert.
La. risawr nau Destroyed.
Cexcsoo, Feb. 6 .—The St. Charles paper
at at.. Charles, Illinois, the largesttabli.ll-
nient of the kind in the Wept, was burned on
Sunday night. LO (010,00ei thawed (Or
„.. 1., ((els. of Ile.,
Wale tx4,01., Tobl'llaryl'.. lead .
l l hs , en , tttey ht: , aitt•n_t % te. he the,
1 M) r .avt - en• r. of tts
.. , I l',al tor r.1111•Ple
NU . Sherman beettOritonl a petltlon of the c,r. ,.( Ihe (sire. tttr, af % ..; µ. TI fit R... grY.•3.3n.1
teens of Obto, asking for a red aettp, o f f ,,, ~.. i
r 5 ., a . . , t.,1 0 r, t.l tne pttopte of Jr fr.r , .
on agricultural Implements. flee rre.l tot um- . the t rata : sr, „ I f I,°°.::',.' 1u75ti.7...1'11r,P„!.:"1.t‘:;;',„1,,".
ri,,5.., ,
la. % irtfln la could not over, try an (U', osLr t nl
14r. Chandler, of Mlchtgan, from the Corn 1 '..:,,1jr,7.7,:-.2,),;dol.teelataturht, •..itadt-ta t es.
Mittee on Comme&,. asked to 'on (Iteallarged i (....quplete :hr arrsnste u t:;,.7,'l 4 . . 40* rt'tCs ..':-..
from further conaideratioe of the propcsotton : stir. Slovens Luse, OU•IT, ..Vl.• ....! `h.,- '-n
to appropriate One hundred thousand tin/tars j. of the co -called V irg I n I.) I eni..l r st are, n. 3 -I.le r
to tattild a Prhif Of:floe and Custom nil
at To- ) ) " . ..., ' lf ' Z ''' T "'" :,;,, , :',l'',,;•.'i
~,,,,,. f. ,,, .... ~.,
peke. 'tango., anti It was no ordered great fllll inn. Ile mr041.? , ate ' ;:,,. ' ,'.... ' e ",,',; ',.!:
kir. Willey, of {Teeters Virgint.r. ' , Mr.,: I 3 tievtok they could trau.der an.. pot ttoa ot
reaolution, which was adopted, tnetracting t conquered territory.
the t ommittee on Juthetary to inquiry into 1 Mr. 131gham repudiate)! tSe tlozzat. corn,.
the expediency of repot flog a lifil to provide ft orn what quarter it might. taa• West t.,
for the payment of Joys' citizen,. of the lately there wan conquered terr :tory Th. Itnt! 0.,
rebellious Pietro for quartermaster's itOres there bad the right to const.:nte a s tat.- Isli( h
taken from them and en •d by the army Of the 1 they had done.
United Staten., I. Ire to place snob claims ape I , The lull was patisssi. Tear. I ILI. nays. 21
an equality with those of cittzeus Of the loyal , The House tool a r0e,...) id: l- - se t• y ft t-
-peach ranking.
The morning hen r having expire:l, tn.( loin( I / . ..3. 33 SPARIOTI —Ur ' , collet{, of Pen s ~.t: r 3.
hestterolotbta to amend the coustitutio, in rola. j Olt, made a few remarks concerning thehxr•
to representat lOu, wan caned It,. ) Ito,- r f Erie. Nobody else (I , s:ring to ai .k.. s
!dr. Itthattlle, of IN inco-thia, offered the f ft. ), hrt czhthe !lease adJout ne.l.
iow•ng, which he aalti he Intend...l 11% I ',W.'', I. '
tutu to: the !loner nmposttltmt strtko out all
after the enacting CILIUM) and insert the fol
lowing: After the census to he taken tn the
year I 8 a. and each succeeding tenants, re pr.- shl he ppoUed %Mon, te
aesevera/ Statesa w l a
hteh =ay be n
Included within
this ()num, according to the numb, in ea
c st ate, of male electors over [went% -onn year. h
age qualified by laws thereof to ch.°.
Mernbere of the most nurnerons branch n: Its
legislature : and nlrcet taxes shall be. appOr.
tinned among the several state. ace,orllng to
the •ulne of real and personal taxa
ble properly sI tea led in each ' , tate
.'', br ), :mlfing to- Oho state or to the
%D 11.414 istlti,e.
lir Sumner, fromthe Committee on For e:,.ta
Relatlonh, reported a bill to authorize tee ap
polnimett t ttf a diplomatic represtur t... 1 Ire to
Abe Republic of Dominica.
Mr. Sumner resumed the n 0.,,. In son...ens
/lon of Sin lengthy apeeeh eon% sneered ye:ter.
A r: er Mr. Sumner had COIIP: 011-11 :115 mpoech,
LbC' , rre t(1 ROTA tlltO an
Only this much was read, but the recedin
remark to which this referred was a s foliow. g
The lion. gentleman from Kentucky, Mr. Rims
seen. declared on Saturday, as I caught his
language. that If he wore arrested on tho coin
p>int of a negro and brought before 00 0 of
we agents of this Bureau, when be became
free he would shoot him.
Mr. Komeeau sold: I °renounce the assertion
that I have degraded myself as it false, foul
&lender, and unworthy to be uttered by any
gentleman on thle floor.
Mr. Grinurll—.l referred to the gentleman's
remurka as I understood them, the gentleman
has lug withheld them from the Globe. I b a d
no desire to do injustice. I criticised the gee.
tleman'a language, and I static by that criti
cism. If I did not correctly represent what he
said, I beg pardon."
Mr. Itott-scau—"My object was not to got an
apology but to any what I have said. " Mr. Grinnell: "The gentleman'. language Is
no offence. I stand on my rights as a member
of thin I.lollhr, and discharge my Mal. as I
understand they should bedischargml. When
I criticised the language of the gentleman
from Kentucky, I did so from a eenne of duty,
and I thought that language unworthy of an
American officer and or his own State."
Mr Boriaseau-1 understand that the gentle
man is n preacher of the Gospel, and yet he
lacks "charity to all men." I am a new mem
ber of this House, and have endeavored to he- I
have with the utmost courtesy. It dm. come •
ma i m, who
bud grace from the gent!,
maul, ho idept in safety, whilst others were
tigtingon the battlefields, to make such a re
mark concerning um. Ile could not exercise
t he
most ordinary charity, but when R gen Lit,
bud gone out of his neat, he got on tu
ntlit him, mer, to the rules Of 1.110 II !dr. brinnell—i have only to say, the ge
mange has paraded Me profession of arms before
this House I have not paraded mine. Tar
enOIIeILISII Says lam a clergyman : I have So
, bef
...wig I was a man o was a minister
I claim to he a man and an re
American citizen.
I um not ashamed of my origin and profession,
andstand by my eoustituunte, my principle:.
and mv country.
The house proceeded to the consideration of
the bill giving the avaint of Congress to the
transfer or the counties of Berkley and Jeffer
son from Virginia to West. Virginia.
• Mr. 'Legere, of New Jersey, opposed the bill
denying the power of Congress in the promi
ses and contending that the assent of ;no Le
glainturo wla noce.ar7. The sub-
31rfullorb and the Retenue Report
C.— , eeretary fderu/lo.Lt
In teioilng in tbe report of S. i , flays, of the
Hnimut I.ontelltitlern upon the property In
publlr lands and •noorne therefrom, the flux,
els; l.ystem, tee creation of a nicking fund,
and taxation In general, saya to an accompa
nying letter that .11r. Maya' mega are ably nod
clearly presented, though he eannotighimeur In
aL conclusions, but It ti due to that gentl
nygn that h:s report should be printed and
carefully by Congress. It La known
nett man:, persona render their receipts b. the
ofbeers of Internal Carmine on a gold bails,
but pay their tales ou their eniOunts In paper,
and that while the bonds of railroad cow
panics, held by eltleens to thin roan try are'
touct. the &deign holder, of such seumutie,,
ore r em pt.
Mr Slort-ell, ehairman of the Way, and
Mesdah t ommittee, h. prepared O. 10111 io rem
edy these ilef.cia, and It will probably be
pie.seil to-morrow.
It :a believed the Committee on Eieetions
I.a, e orgr”rd to report In favor •r %Yeah-
Currie, the contestant tot the Peat occupied by
Mr. Voorhees of Indiana.
The Pacific Railroad Directors and Cornelis
aioners, also have reoently been holding ai con
vention In the city, left WastlingtOn for New
I ork to-day. where they will again Conveno
for practical toodneas, the meeting hers being
only for the purpose of obtaining and com
paring Aeon with ofneers of roads connecting
with the Union Racine.
The following notalnations were confirmed
ha the Senate to-day, In executive
h. Garfield, of Waititngton Territory, to he
surveyor t•eneral for 0.1.141 Territory George
N. Black of Illinois, TO be Re...elver of land
for the Distrito of Springfield, 11l ; John tell
00. of Peoria, 111., to be Consul at Ant warp ;
Saw Umber, of Indiana, to ho District Attor
ney for the Northern District of Florida
flurry Whinny Ilazeiten, of Columbia' Gallo
to he Colle , tor of Internal Revenue for the
Second Collection Dien let of Weseepen , Fitz
Gerry Warren, of low., to be Mui.ster real
dent at Guatemala.
./Olclel itotllientlon has been given that all
order. heretofore Issued, re, inns I 'lst tran
sporlation shall he furnished lo furloughed
soldiers, are revoked.
The United States Consul at Rotterdam. In
it dispatch to the Statel4artment, dated
January 18th , says The e pingo° is .1111
on the increwso In Rolland, nes tetidei
io the province of North Rrubant.
This morning In the Criminal l'ourt lilstrict
Attorney Carrington arid he had twsin
tell b 3 One of the counsel for 1.. C'. Raker to ask
Vic court to postpone shimntenee until other
indictments against area dl
t of u .
Fisher replied that he thought tbat was
the hetter course, an It will probably be to
wards the last of the term tieforo the other in
dlettrients are tried.
The rules adopted for the redernptloo of
fractionalcurrency and other United States
notes. which, from whatswer cunse, knee be-
COE, wan few eirtriLiilleh, contemplateo.o,l
the ee - OPerutt.Phr4 all national banks
hut ore tleulJrnatad an deposttnrte, In the
Work ofreaereptlue....cot auch h , otes a. by
th• of !he Depur•me:, ele4lumnt.c4l
m...1r1,e,1 •
us tuutliat4,l ant by the term
• uoitti.e.r• is mount n.•toe not worth their
full face value.
konia of these bank, do not stern to have
Understood or have been Elwell/bag to aceept
ibis duty, Holders of money which 15tight to
he retired fivrn circulation, should have more
ample incan. for the redemption or exchange
of ,I -fared Pelted States notes and fractional
currency, re d such notes a. by bald rules are
deuned as mutilates:l, and •übject, therefore,
to discount at the Treasury.
Additional ruler and regulations have been
adopted by the Treasury Department , in which
e v ena other things, It is provided that a bolder ot any rafted Stater enure 5y
shall present tone ASulatant Treasurer of the
United States United Suttee Depository, or •
yatSoual Bank which is a designated deposi•
tory of the United states, notes which in mg
erects shall be of the nominal value of tiny
dollar or over, which notes shall have been
carefully labelled and then put up In one par
cel, In conformity with the rules approved by
the Perrotary of the Treasury, April 15, bath,
for the redemption of such notes, It shall he
the duty of •lich oilleer or banks to receive
tnvil parcel of notes and give to the owner
hereof either the value of the same in money
or a receipt conditioned for the payment of
the procerde of •uch part whon the return,/
therefor shall have beenrecelvo..l (row the
Treasury of the lented States,
- - - .
SUPCI parcel moat Do securely don• up with
the owner. name, the amount claimed, and
the date plainly written on them. No atition
al bank notes, whether mtitilaten or not, are
redeemable by the Treaso ter, miles, they are
notes of banks in circulatiOn. Such notot are
redremaine only, by the intake which lstme.l
i.e In New York Harbor—Georgia AG
New Tote, Feb. 6.—East and North rivers
and our harbor are tilled a ith floatin g
Navigation ha nailing vessels la Impossible,
and steamer. Make slow progress.
The Savannah Hermad stairs that railway
connections to Aug orris, GIL am now p,k. ct .
Bishop Elliott. of lirwargin, give °Metal nu
tie of the reunion of the Episcopal Wares° of
Georgia, with the Protestant Episcopal L. bomb
of the United Staten.
Add/Mons/ 11.1 of 1.0...11 by the Car/4
Lor IPVILLA, February e, Mrrophfr.—ArtriltiOn
al among the passenge, reported missing fro•
the explosion of the steno., Curler, are id is
Sort, of Owensboro, hentucky, lieuerat gift([ of ' l etas, and Mr ilrffron end daughter
Among the saved are (yellers.' Hobson and limn:
er,ant Mrs Heftier.
The RCePtIIAI7 of War
r 0 1 ORE, Foto - nary a.—Turn fketad'. Mmeta
I oltat n 40) e that rumor. of the contemplate,
rsignaLlon of Seerettary of War SLIM ton, wee
gall, ea. - rent In Wtwhlngton, yeAter.lay. Gom
t Oman anti Montgomery flair are both
ag oit.talon.l among military mean.. tho
La, ing a chatty for tint
Virs-InLe Leglxlstart.
n a nosy, Fob. 6.—The ifon4c adopted ascii,
nil 11l te, io-day, for the loyalty resoll‘LiOn from
the Senate, expressing sounder sentiments, In
different language, and providing for a 00111-
lIIIttIY , of each flouse, to proceed to IYaahlog..
ton, and communicate a copy of the resolu
tions to the President.
Election or !love.. of Lancaster.
Ps.., February
dors,. I Democrat) wan ee-eleeted Mayor Over
John B. Livingaton, (Republican) to-day, by
one hundred and seventy-ninonanlority—u Re
publican gain of ninety.
Case of Detective flakes
- • •
New Yona,February B.—The They.. Washing
ton special says! The District Court announ
ced yesterday that the sentence of Detective
fisher on verdict of false imprisonment,vrould
he gluen to-day.
Carl Schurz.
Kyr 'Foltz, Feb. 6.—Carl Schurz will speak
Brooklyn, at the Academy of bionic this
T 40R--On Monday e, ning, Yehroary :oh,
MARY JANE, tfo of Iteuben Tn)lor, In the
h 'ear of her age.
funeral will take place from the maiden, of
her huaband, Gay alley, Allegheny, or TIIIIKAL, A
At TA.111.000. at: o'clock. The friends of the family
are rcepecaftlla !netted to attend. 2t
41 I:11--thA Mnuday. Nth Inst., MARY, aeffe ofJamea
Orr, In the Nath year of her age.
Funeral from the maiden, of her husband, ISO
Leaver Street, Allegheny, on W. 1,1 CSOAT,
In•t., at 2 o'r-look p, m. The Mends of the family
are reapeetfully Insoed to alt.nd.
...ral and touet pletti
. fritie . place of hepottore, ott
otlf• 012 the 0p1.d., . north of Aieen.,
.try o e the 'New Brlgbtoa Bawl. rersona
.4.llCet Burial Leda will apply at the tloperlutend
-tit'. °Mee, at the Cemetery. Title Deeds, Permit%
.nd allhe
other lividness will be attended to at the Oro&
arehou.e of the undenlined, corner of
Leseerelt streets, Allothen v.
tiaisiwuire and Treamrei.
Ah Editlot. Just out. It tea. Ike. )uu
(au lovet hole to rederra &Leavitt: rompaulo ‘ us.
Otegif.'ahartritPzr Prtlir . Pilich'ir.V r y e )IA ELIA, or Go.OWN PEILSONvi. Every Fuly
have one . Prtoe,_sl.oa. Se.rid prier of either ur be •
WF. A. tEFEIN & ,4 ole &Kent& No. to
Chretieut Phileavinta h• and mode,
mall. le sotlod ea velooo. A Wellorpdrootrr"
We icipoippeky awaloom touts
GovEn NME T 5.41.
Large Sale of Fine Surgical
be fold •t A.:ether, :it :he e
Public is• 111.
4. BOOTS sgoEs
3 , 0 lienebetlOperat tog i•e..
:3 31Inor do oo
Ex•eettniCand Monter:l 1,11,
1 1 11secting Cae tom;
.1.0 Pocket Casco, two toidt, •
2.0 do do tbri•e
t:.:` Stec . ..v.l3 Pump% part Ccitc..l3.7 -
l'lretti Retracting Instrbmrbt ,
Le5.113...0'. "wii-113)cettrig •
Cupy.c.•tag no.'.
Trunse, .13•Ic .r.d doubt..
3 (pp 'rout, lec.its. Fintb-rte •
Ru New.lf . Ir e...otted
in Set , . Sp.,
ribswi 1•37•••
3 .rti. i••,• b. - 0 . r• ic•eittel
1... -I. mod e , •• o i dat. Ae balitsce nre.
.. • .cet •33.3,
Calk, boontli. I
• IDY 1,1.• I Ar 7
New Blank Boobs Stat
Wrapping Paper. and :1,000
standard Medical nocitai
, ••• , :sie• Of - "vt's
Dungltho-, 10.RtIdo
Yrartl, o
pert, Wat-on M •o me .
• DaitocCePhr ,
• Virthoo't Ptitholoßt`..
Li., • • t`orgeur - drrt,4, Er
Re., etc.;
• t - .
.0 Bock
, • • F`ssrigh.,, P1 , 17-a.tto•
o • • Tt , oraptutte, Wooa
`` ..tior Scroort
. 7 1 • ' !tut rgtml ato=7:
` ht rdatry, rooa.-4,
Wittutor•• Pletionory. At . R r., 4
Mit k Rooks, 4cc trot,.•.
N. 4 • • • snnll; C.
` • `• One. who. hanatt;
Iteamt trr;tl2o I d t.;:er, cap. Ottlor and
70 •'µ f'-;`PIRS a•
lakt.nelo tarloa• pattoms,
Ea v. , lope,. ~tea: Lod'.
Blank Hook., ..1s0t11400,51;
Yort 2,110 s ;
Pelmet], Peos, tot. Ae.
Some oldie Medical book A aro
out So -old eoporotely. The book. d ttrumen
eat, . 34. ;eted the CV' before tOo,ole. -Catalog%
u.. 1) Oc o nape licatio
I:6i3ERT il.r TeLTER.
Mrg. Byt. oinne/ U. H. Vols.,
Medfral YurveTor U. B. A
in Original Package. 4.
Will he .Id at Acction, at the Medical Purrert,
Warr howte, tie. 1, market .trees,
TC/"..11..1Y, lebruary 139.1.
MiWriZiriii , tr43l-- -
:I= Hair ltiattrantu, jointed.
15,040 Hair Pillows:
0401 Aed Tleta:
Tr.,000 Coanterpaera, Lhorn and
7/.1118 Hulalto Ran.;
Sl= ?Ulu/ Cane.;
tl,OOO Pll Tlets: Sheet,. Llnen and oottoo
40i44/Clerrirr2a G.
C. COO Zihres".
!Iran re,
70 ' Z r :;;; -'4
..os, Flipper,/
1911 : 7 1 44 73://..X . ILT-Mell.
al,roo TOl • rei.. full Orr. I/0ut...Al
17 : 40/ Roller Tweet:, croon:
I,ouo Napkins;
OEO raid+ Red Flannel:
Ottta Pe - cha Cloth •
4,011 Latta Pereha Rianket•;
10/0 India Rubber Croihjou and
LOCO Cant,. Harm:nets ;
LOOS Blanket Cates;
10,C03 pounds Oakum and Tote,
Cototo Bata, Cotton Raddlog, Tape. am.
ligp•A small port/on of the foregoing articiee are
nee:and-hand. and be sold separately. The greas
er part are new and In original paelrag
legues may be had on ^pollution.
burg. and Bat. Colonel D.
JalAltrid neural Purveyor IT. S.
Wit be sold at Public Auction. at FORT Ni0.N1207!
Al:shN Al.. Old Point t.ocifu-t. Vu. on THOM,
lAA Y sne eth elsy or genres,. St 13 o•CioCk,
mL . • 1ar...q..1.1t, of !stores. coasisslag A. 1.11 of
she following articles, •is:
eA Field, Siege sad Sea Comet Cannon. erycnsght
and east Iron, smoott. -tore tad (Med,
Bala rarytagfrosn three to eleVen melt:
la &lon
ea. including 1 - 1-.141.1.r0n Guns, ntiguilsh.d.
sad 10 inch. ers, east-Lrosi. 10 gulfs, r, gd au*
Shot. Shell , spherical case. grape and rani/p
-.m% for smooth-bore and rifled grate, of
calibres •arylne Gong, pdr. to 10 Moth
fig Breech-Loading Carhines, • • Barrieldes,
•MerriU •• -31 synard's•• and • •Illorsh t•
veer Sadrepaired; La-teen and Rides: 0.
10 Mtstrtraelfa,...77". d osZa P a ' ise r' 4l . i ' re. ' sew
d repalrest.
4.01 Parries an Rides, "Anstrisa," saw
and repaired.
ST tonooth-Bore Pistols, cal. 114. new.
Reweeb.howdiug c'arblees, "Bareshis•s • "
• •Merrill'a. " `•blaarp's• • sod ••ntare •
..fteary•s" and - Ppracers.••
ifs,' Muskets sad Rides. a. and for
farture. of various calibres.
=1 Revolvers. ..Colt•e" . L iteulltigton'a" and
1.0:1 ?Sabres and fi .Le
fenchens callbrcs 41 and his
1. .
siikAo Rounds of Hall Cartridges, for offhLans
minflets, rides and plstote.
A large lot of Artillery loebtonents and kt.tpilp
large lot of Infante, and Cavalry AccOttatre
taro is and Bone Equirrn•nte.
A lot of Rope. Paulin,. liacit'es, Rang, Re.. he
/tether wioolsh • large quanc:ty of Smith and 4.krira
Samples of Small Arm• eon he seen 51 Port /foams
Arsenal and at the U. e. V, ilea:see Agency, No, 46
Worth strwe. New York I .
Thirty day t s will be allow . e4 for thetensor-41 of
heavy oriltiance. All other stores will be relulred
to be resna•ed within tee days lonia date of ease.
TILIWS or Itlahl--CA.11.11.
fa t. of Ord. aad Bvt. CT 4:11.84.1"...001.4"''
PreTannltall, PA., Jan. "Ann, LAC
Will be cold at Public Pale. to the highe.t bidder.
art the GOFER/ 4 ;3IEN? STORE 1101:SE UN rEtrx
EITRF.ET, oppoatte the Fort Wayne Railroad Beg!,
In this city on TIIITITSDAY, PEBRUMIT litti,
at -to o•elock. a. M. th e COndrdan
Clotting, , Camp and Rs/ratan fAinipagt, vi . :
1 : , . 4 . 1. 1..3 „.. o. e la, 10 (tuition.,
4 Burled,
I telform Jacket. P.. 3 FIB.,
1% pairs Boot., 2 Guidon Caea.l.
Bed dark., .ingie, 3 Drums
.10 do double, I IDromm.temet.,Eatter
I Dru log
2 5 pre. Erns* Stinks.
110 Kn•ptacks, 1 T nut. wall,
On Haversacks, 17 Tent Flies, wall,
I Bogie, E. H. P. 1.5.1 Tent Pins, No.,
2 Bugle Cord. o.lld Tx.- 1..3 Tent Pole* i wall lee
PI ( teens, sf XI Tetite,LOMMOn.
:0 Ate.,
... an 1 Tent Plan (nomad
1: Axe EMIT sets,
3 Tents. eapits!, .
144 Camp Kettle., I. Tent Files, lloaphal,
an ideas Pans, 7 Tent Pules(Hospital)
13 I emp Hatchets. sent.
12 Hatchet Bandied, 213 Teuts(Shelter) pieces
I I-!seelenn Flog. I to Net Axes.
2 Garrison Flag Rai- On Pick Axe Handled,
2 41:nan"Ilag, I 2 Color Bells antlltick•
atel Tent Poles toommonl' P ots.
ANe Slin,
1.11.5 Tent Poles loom/ on) . Picket shovel,
I Itruor'nirtgheport Cook
1 lamp Color,
Tratist,--Cadt, Unitcoldtate Cu h t- cy
E. cAltr,
Bret- Lient.Col, and A . (. M. E. S. A.
- --
AV. 87 Fourth Streit
Mosaic and Aixminater Rags
Embroidered Piano Covers;
Nr3zEL.l;7m^r, zr..zuscrcrixEi
Iv And every dnserlption of Carpets.
arrratery to eating our Anus/ Inventor., .14
s r . ?? rsx burs for pring, we ID wirer Int
o ck "'
lour Oil Cloths, Mallow Shwa;
c Hro and Lace Curtatna, Coe-
Tnceela. Loop and Rands.
uklt sAnuturcartot , ttra to mate LIOLIDAT /op:
Mtlet. Dartaaa eat wattle at a very mod<
•.„ tna!MPIP
o- IN tiTORE:-140 bbl.. Eltot llotoloy,
t•tarl Hominy; MOLL:do. keaChes, here • Fthyt.
oterters: M d•s do, pored; 21du herylra, ;fig Its
2do do p i otit; h 3 do do Bl ackberries, ID do do Et . '
.tert LClrles • do French 'Curran tt •. York Mt;
Oro d Aim e.:"...da Ohlo do; Jed* old do;
carted Fresh Peaches,; WO don do Tomatoes;'
Coontr7 Lard: t 2 IM/o• do do:IS do do Tallosr:SMi
t i . .o.,:= l ,4 S c l i t gL it ,TfiLSde r,, Tl i ll e tsotltt e d , r
Aot FO do Eog , hth PoIIT WY: 70 do
bble. Stfr/I r b n ark 1111-`.
ury uts: Stade. Fresh Roll Rutter; tto boil hhio
kqr • 1T , .. 1 " , / 0 .; 40 entoberrlrs: 23 du thdto ,
Vt:teg tr: SO boxes German hoop::, bhls. fresh Ecy,:: ,
di do du Peaehblots Potatoes: SO de Western Orthms•
31 ddoo Verntl,--,:74-dt 11.7g7.:Vtdb1.2'111'.
t.; btrain.i
( ... , 4131--- VN—/ <I bales, to arrlvo,tolt
osi; 01 out, LlalAtt RIONLTIiat
ni%743-x - rame.
ETER. A mum OA tuna sorai,
We Invite partite needing engine., for thin namf
m rail and see them, manner cyf ?ILL and (P
mil'. Block, Duquesne Way, Pittl,tnersli
meet 4:l77etr j o le t cT i a t n ° ll a 1 . 7. ' Jrctlt h . aila d cat
na.praftilly Posloace Box HI aka:if
Forwarding and Corarnlostou MereitAllll
And dealer ln 011. Illorninetleg Lobrigar.log,
Crud< Petroiesse thlr. de.. ernerrararly On /Lad mini
ror., rne beweat market piker. Conslipnerrentill
and orders anlklted.
- ____ ap7sen 4
commissioN mERcRis-ni,
Azad Dooley', la liegart4l
oemay No. a MAREET.ST. OttUbcoTlO
Foot of Dative nod Daryl*** lliteeet
ltrooklysa, N. W.,
Bkwage for Refined Pdrokumr
I. Take ad Dane!. Bee Clemlarr.
AlpVac% blo. A BEA VEZ reset. oekly
1. n, Vleensed Soldiers , Clatuli 48;014
Bountimi for Wounded tloldlere collected to eft
ttn g i tty m :B.
fla - Ortl lie. in Grant street . Plnaburgh.
W ith arse and Mervin:moo& • ••,
tf every deur/piton, collected by the aeoecrleer, o .l
he follatetng rases, Pedaloes, aII7PS.
cldthae, 044._ C. L. TA N, •
- Dlssoond stree. OPreeiSoWo bo •
Ft. —No themes ore mod* if Lee claim - does atlf
rOOLC<O. Ma aL Irtformstl./a Oral. /Mal. ~P4:17
. .
orronum AT
mon, zro.
011 , / CA'
• . •
• "
Two ITHITONs Mug - riamn,
Tre.facrttery g 515.1 M. WAR, on &Vandals.
The otitloo La fotwarded vrltlci trill rea4 Me •1w 4 tbe marl Ma.
la Y:
C C‘ I : b t73 : of ten d n a.d
.1 t: 4.0 N% II V VOG Sllol'l.o
lat .) --.,-
anal w the
evat ho.t . - ......13 . 111de IA the world.
ar every pale they pelt.
The, yuc eau tee I lt•lr foot. tt. do good Ureic..
4. They rebate, free, an•thlng alley sett.
F. They rise t all naaklug IL woes dos.-
a Their wort tx th 5.151045 elegant and genteel la
the CitT.
7. Theirhe co rk :5 the row.t unrable and perfeet la
.. It 141151.1 r prove. bad Yoh thn,ttr pair rye.,
.. You eau buy lower h as •I any other ~Incta.
They Cr. tn.. be, good., and yet the 10.4
p ertLetlltrt thaae. and sold les. t h an ma
'ljrh.r..Y de,
, tarteet - iftt . sll to 1.4
t.oods for the Least Mown-
Fit} It Etn.c.t
r'...1,1.1t Tit? , 0 1 . 10:A LI .1".
Right hand side coming up.
_ q. 7 . 4 L - MEING.
t 520,000 Tn°l4ja-"114-144"117
cn.• TIT.) rSA ND 11411.1LAILai
if ()Irrn
(1 `7 , 411
R T:lcz.cyrkia*
2 , Eri
cn.OTE111(0 110II 9 H
LArT/lING 1.1101711 E
segna. qb c
4 ..
r lrru 67/MET.
at I.(FT11 STREM
Eh O pera
JOITN WATT, Pre.l4ent.
BENET M. 1.021, Seey azediTtesat.
OWce, ?iO. 2 Duquesne Way,
(Mew .....pealloa BMlre.)
Tale. Oil .13100( be excelled fur
color or:17, tuvr..ln.r eilisoaaileioat
171. D.
DoraLCroar—.7abt: Watt. Robert Le's Geo.
C. . Herron, C. L. Ca/dac/1., IL . Uoata....W
Porter , B
6=d b, Wallace. D. W. C. Carroll.
Potrolotuiy Flollaa.elrjr.
Works and Wilsey Collin* Township
OrrICE nr Prrrsticacn—u wool) SMELT.
These rrork• hove obe bor.df.t c.P.01f7
tr 7. fl, br a s s ktand, tbr Obi...COWS
nod Erol., for quality and Ore teat. . tie ia
Id pot In well seakonrd ba.rrolo, prepared flip
t q ' anrfho l loren of BOILERS STILLS, TAMA." 4411
looprored Boring Tole for Oh Wells. de10:17
Wr are constructing. aad u - U keep oo band. • euk
pctlor swic of
con. cas . and for sale
fL C. d J. p . RANFYRII.
N . . IttiOD STREET.
DEDESII Aj DrlilT. 13
No. 1 ST. Cl-AIR ST.. Pittsburgh.
rtr../ty U. CMGs