The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 06, 1866, Image 1

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• fella 9ffita. EMIC"Is.
1713L1898D8 TT8&O1gBTT818800l1 TIO
Xis. is Favirlirisorr,
Erma Erma fanner*. by =ll, . 00
aprnoir. I DO
by Carriers, brOZFLIM or .2Cir.1 , 12r0, par
gbi Vittobta9ll 6uctie,
Ott eil cram, but those who try Sawyer.' Bar
bera' goal,, never change icy nay ollwr. Only
Stitt) cerZ 4 cake,
central Rhatinz.Park.
Tito Queen will skate tb afteracion wad ere-
T. I. T. c, o. r. o
5:16 annonneemont, Yeb to 1350
I Eargalin in Print.
MI of theleattookAa find
;tat; at Barker fc Ifarket attest.
• Cheap rine &101rtinz
Iduelin3,ll3o;ratra quallty, ylird wide do. 310,
• e Darker .t i/3 X33lcet street.
Salts and Dress Woods,
Greatly reanced to Ilarker
Market sttost.
f"r.v.` -ted. '"_ e uitc, Of Limo,
Ver Preserving cider. For sate.. by Chutes
Fever, Druggist, earner or Penn end Be. Clair
street, Piitsbargh.
Oftettopenr, hitt there ty none :.;tout Sawyer's
Bar.jerfo Soap. It is the inrd and cheapest
Toilet amnpound fa uio. Ouly thirty cents
CounirS 4erch.ot.
Ivpi find full Jinn of llfoaehed awl. B r own
eheetlage, and 'Mirth:iv, Prints and other eti
role kende; at Barter & pa Market street.
Val leave the Pennsylvania depot at two
WelOOk on Wednesday afternoon, for convey
ance of Ladies and gentlemen to and from the
Pale of half acre lots at_ Collin's Park, East
Liberty. See the auction advertisement.
SimstrakStaphlte of ILlooe, •
irer prom - wing ct , ter. For- mato by Coodeis
Super, Druggist, corner of Yeas xtrul St. Clair
treeta, Pittsburgh.
Flannel,. Fihrsket., .to..
Yanked down to eloie rut the stock, also,
Balagems.l Skirts, and, a good stock of lien
,JC111:1111. Tweeds, he., he., greatly re-
Armed, tit Ittualap, 'Luker A; Co 'e 133 Federal
Street, Allegheny.
Wertllsell all oar .imuatooe xtuek of Lai.
Wes' rurs—at greatly reduced prlees. If you
would eedure Mates Lu Ledie. , Furs, call
Without delay at the flrat Hat, Can and
Ladies , For HOW, of Wu. FLEXING. N 0.1.39
WoOd street.
lout Ilf.e.Aved
A large stack of bleached and unbleached
Inneline, all qualltion, widths- and prices,
bought Since the decline in goods, which we
=seedling it great bargatna. All woods Co
il:teed dt Dunlap, Luker 13d Federal
Street, Allegheny.
• Dayers Of Dry Doods,
dernevolx , r, Barclay are selling
, their eta* of flannels and blantets at great
ly,! reduced prices. It • Will • pay you to give
ktiliti - a - call before making your purchases
elsewhere. Theo . reseabers
,are 74 and 76 liar,
let street, sign of the Golden Bee Hive
pearl■ and Rabies
*Alto to r ethciopping from out of ridges of
Ruby, a hzesth spicy as thO airs front Araby
alifralest: trho can resist Such faseinationat
To remise them, to perpetuate thcm.,-to make
the month a casket of pearls and rubles, and
Ocry sigh a gush of fragrsoce, all yon have
Co do, fair ladies, is tiollio that matchless vege
trade production, Fragrant Sorodont.
To the Shoe Trmie
The entice stock i ti trallOT L. Mclntosh, V o.
Alb Federal street, Alleghedy, will be sold by
.4.Megga.te, Anettoneer, on Wednesday, Feb.
2nery WI, at ti o'clock. The stock consists of
'about ten thousand dollars worth of brat class
toots and sboes,,unmade stork, French calf
akin., tippers and other material, all of which
',DJ be sold in pacizage lots.Ln the trade. •
zfT.,,;Mal.,ll,wail, lung
There are two elaSses of 'individuals
are alwayeeiring humbtig: , 7those whose nat.
laid those who following the trade of humbug
ginglthentselres7hut.infferurs from Coughs,
Zama and Lung difficul
ties, or any diseases cif- acenerrousAystem,
Meyer, ery,linmtrusg,,after a , fair_ trial of the
Rytran Offeeit mirheisdizitridy=prioefii e'Unts
. per„bos , Druggists, hoop it. Buy it
• - •Cantml SkAILIAT P.rk
nja ctiarDis A- Moore, at Central Park to-
111Maint Ois - Vdett alt Physielaine d•Mrep-
Chit * Oriel. i ' rhodehntt Feesto*r Phssicansiou
esincOad Quo who will not say that stlrou=
lents and Invigorants are absolutely necessary
in• medial practice. And yet to bygone years
hal:Mine practitioners hare hesitated - AO
kittriste tires; because the lidudialt ingenuity
of wretches who m ake merthan disc of human
lttfltmitlq bact_soptillnted and delerisMiSkilli
tieze that the remedy won deemed as 43~f•
Mas as the disease. This perplexity if hap
piii.dcme • away with. Physimans know, be :
tame the that analytical pi/masts of the age
havo.leakaestratea the fact, that Hostetter , .
I;eleliritted--Stomailt Bittern; are, absolutely
and entirely free. fro& all pernicious Me-
Waits. Hence they have been 'lntroduced
ifitotlie Valtedptatcs Army, and are accept.
cif:Wherever the testimony - of the wine, the to
the - plillar . iilitorto is rated at its
jitit wane' atithebeet protietive against and
-Inifelisralidisaases arising • from impurity in
the air Or other unbent thy - chmate infinences,
Oat has ever been tested By experience. In
4asee of Dyspepsia anti Liver Complaint, we
State without qu Melanin or reservation,
that the Bitten! are as nearly infallible an any
thing preimied by human Skill can be.
• , Illostetter's Bitters
Arei sold sr holesaleand retail at very low rates
man Drog and Patent Medicine Depot,
Ito44Markfit !street, corner of trie Dlamoad
wed Fourth 'street,'
EMi and W .LCr Go9as.
ir with great pleasnre . are call the atten
inn of our renulcr.s to the s silver b stock of Fab
.. and Meter :Goods just received by Mr. John
Ifele4 Merchant Teller, NO. I% Federal.street,
Allegheny. His stock embraces some of the
bidet beautiful Cloths. CasSuneres, Overcoat•
lags and Vesunge ever brought to the western
arket. llte of Furnishing Goods,
Yboinprising Shiite, Drawers, Collars Neck Ties.
Iltuatlkertittefsi de., cannot be surpassed east
*Wee.' A •:ergo stock of Candy mad Pants,
teat; Veda and Overcoats, will also be found
his establishment. PcrsOns in want of any
tiling in. tht% clothing lint should not fall to
fidreD ... 14 . .47 - eier. a Gall.
Inlitklullt W. Parry, & Co.,
"Wake' Mita lissitera t 'ind Dealers in dined
Slateroirsarions eolors. Alezaa.
der Langidinhi near the Water Work 6 Ditta
Eby gesldenee; Ifo.lB Plke street. Or.
:Awe prinnitts attended to.', dil work warrant.
Water 4 llatialrlog: done at the abort.
IlstriOtioe. Methane for repairs, provided the
AIN:4 not abluledittior it ill put on.
Carpenter Jobbing Mop.
Hiring .returned steer an absence of three
lean In the army, I have re-opened my ! shop
prat' aorta at Johtate; In the carpenter tine,
at the old itind. Otxt,in alley, between S mi th.
Geld Street and Cherry Alley. Orders enlielted
end promptly attended to. •
Neutral Sulphite of Lime,
, r ifOr. preßerylng vidor. ,For ealo by Vharles Fat
par, Droggii4,:oornor of Penn and St. Clair
alsecte. PlZabliugh.
Central likatina Pnrk.
, T h e skatatial Qu en this afternoon and eve,.
Yoar., Feb. 6.-11 is stated that A. T
Otewart, who is inosucuting Cultou'o.
editor or the Tnbour. Knapp, usetstont
of the
proprietors of the St. Louis R, pu btk a ,, for
übl, has several wore libe: touts ou tho apts,
"against several correspondents of the West..
ern press.
The Carter Ea Cidmion,--St esmer General
llialeck Earned,
ltilorents, Teti. 5 —The steamer W. 11. Carter
blow up and was burned, On rriday, thirty-live
nines above Vlekoburie. ; per,„ o „,
were killed, eleven wounded and fifty MAYO&
The steamer General ffallecir, lying at the
levee here, caught tiro this morning and burn
ed up. -.
Tairriasm, Nano, Feb. 6.—Tho steamer St.
G6corge,Arem tilsagoir op the 18th, via Leapt'.
•-• de arrived at 7 o deal{ tilts a. M. News
4nticipatetL - - , .
Epeelal Dispatch to the Pltteburgh Garotte.
Hannlescao, Feb. 5, Ma.
Hores.Tbe House met at seven and a half
o'clock. Therenot being a quorum of mem
bers present no business was tranaacted.
Swasrz.—Tha Senate was not in session.
The New York Militia Agency
Pl'ordtnen'e Bureau and Habeas
The itonfrreliik Of Generals
"Pb.c. 41:7 WE% et Or el CO 7=9:ICL OM.
Now Yong, Feb. 5.—A Ti thear speeial says
Colonel E. R. Goodrich, formerly in charge of
the New York BLitt. Agency in Washington,
was on theist instant relieved by order of Gov.
Fenton. but allowed to retain fall rank and
pay until April lot. Col. J. E. Lee. formerly
captain of the Nth Independent Battery is at
present acting as State agent. Since Its es
tablishment this hereon leas twee of ineatima
tde value in relieving the wants and settling
the claim. of New, York soldiers, and the ne
cessity for its continuance will probably exist
for tyke years to Conic.,
Gen. Splnnel'onEarellaylnailed tei Europe
for collection, ..three --wtureci Aran. of 650
each,Fawn to. COL ilarelson, of Jeff. Davis ,
milttafamily to the Order ofeeeretary Teen
holmhod by hErn endorsed Tepee Brown. Shalt'
ley etto., the rebel bankers of Liverpool. Sev
eral captured .Entglittlf, drafts barb heretofore
teen ,shat forward for collection but returned
with the endorsement of no funds. As the
Government has knowledge that these are
good, the lictionof the Liverpool Bankers I.
%waded with special interest.
The Herald'. Washington special says: A
rumor bus keine& circulation to Washington
that it the Freedlieen'is Bureau hill shall pass
thd Manse of Itopresentatives in the same
shapellint It tree received from the Senate
the President wilt issue a proclamation de
claring the privilege of the writ of habeas
corpus ..e restored in !inStates.
the border
'Dunes speetal lays: Ithavlng, been
reprefented to rnited State. Treasurer Spin
ner that tCndmber of National -hanks located
in cities where -clearing hottaes are in opera
tion, habe eat - bleated- deposits subject toduty
from the balances after exchanges at the class
ing hoeses, and . not from the balance. at the
close of the day as required by the regula
tions, dee hag iseuet.l a circular letter to the
Cashiers of the Nation - A! locals-
Gies, In which be says that the former method
Cannot be accepted as correct, and request.
them to inform him whether, in making up
the semi annual return of their banks for the
six menthe preceding January let, ISred, they
estimated the average of deposits Irani the
beinnets at the close of the day from the bal
ances\ alter the exchanges at the clearing
In conclusion, the Treasurer requests, in the
event th at the regulations In this respect were
not plied with by them, that an additional
rem be fureiehed, which ideal contain - a
statement of the average deposits, estimated
from the beianceof deposits at the close of the
day, it excess of the average of balances so
retorted as mode np after the exchanges at
the clearing House, and-that they issmit to Ms
oflice ., an amount - equal to one-quarter of one
per at. on such difference. of computation.
Th Second Comptroller hew, d ecided that non
commissioned officers mustered out on the
consolidation of regiments, before the endue
lion of the army commenced, are only entitled
to the installments of bounty which accrued
*bile they were in service.
The bodies of the Union soldiers who were
killed in the skirmishes near Falls Church, in
tasi,• are being disinterred for re-burial in the
seldiem' cemetery at WeshingtOn.
The TrorkPs Washington special says: The
[lnflect/States Consul at Honolulu informs the
Department Of State that one hundreitsearnen
capturea on an Amencan whale ship by the pi
rate Shenandoah, landed on Ascanvlon Islands
Midi - cached UOnolulti en.L.route to the United
,states. - - -
-•- .
Clone/nib Grant,Shorman,Thomas and Meade,
olio have been considering Alt of the military
t h ,, 7 beforeCeitgress..have returned Mein to.
see ntor Wilson, Ciiiirentin of the 'Senate - HIM
yr Committee, with their suggestions In re
commendation. The increase of the army has
been materially! changed. by these Officers.
Tbey seete opposed to giving them any otter
a haterer, for natorpoeation in the regular ar
my. The other suggestions look to a ports,
ilea of the regular army bill, anti will probe.
tt be adopted - by. the,Committee.
'Ube Mil for,the reorganisation. Or
the State
IliAlitiolneets the foil approval of Officers.
T vitals° apprarraof Wte
Weal: rela
Topes to increase the nmnberof Cadets one
bnodredaedilftx,•giving to. each .State two,
irfurseventy-ilvirto=be - seleCted•trom ameng
eons of soldiers who fell in defense of their
The Thorn' Washington Medal says:, The.
Pr,estdent alitleabinct hare had nnifercorisld.
'Millen the arguniefitbf Semmes clabaleur the
tisht to be discharged under the Sherman
oilmen parole, but have come to no definite
istuchision thereon.- Until Mils matter ls Mts.
tIO.CIi of then.' atil be 00 detail for a court to
13! Semmes, and there Is a bare probability
that the trial may be postponed.
Regiments' and General 011icere
.17naired Out.
plat Os.r.asss, Feb. 4.—The weather is en
-est:ally cold; thermometer, 17 deg.
The steamers Flag, Star of the Union, and
Fang Shney, einiled for Sew York on the =lilt
The military 'force of Texas consisted
nineteen regim eats of in faniTy, five of eavair
one rampant ponloorders. and three bat
teries of artillery; the Department of Louisi
ana, len regiments of infantry, three of atva I
rv, and one,ot artillery; the Department • f
dye regiments of infantry, and eta
liatterieS of the sth regular artillery.
A military committee has been organized at
Mobile to ingjaire into the late guerrilla raid
" We th 'irt ' i t e e' lt i t e Ls lte l3 r rn a toq letter of the alai
says Today, Generals Weitzel, Smith and
Clarke will be muttered not. Five regiments
sill be mustered out in thirty days. i'eeoe
prevails along the Rio Grande.
The Ronraero says: One Colonel Adolfo
c.nrcid was arrestor. on the Texas shore for
sl eating fifty thousand - dollars north of goods
In Bagdad. lie gave bail hi the sum of $5,000.
'Vet Screw Rams Completed
Slaw Yeas., Feb. s.—The Africa:a matte wore
delivered In this city yesterday. The follow.
fag additional to the dews telegraphed from
flallfax :
A line screw rain, built by Messrs. Laird
Bros., has flailed from the Ideraey for Valparai
so. She is a sister vessel to thereat now lying
in the Thames for the Chiller. Government.
The rain built lay Messrs. Laird is milled the
Oscar; that built in the Thames the Minerva.
Notwithstanding the announcement that Ba.
ran Laniard had left Paria for the Purpose of
making arrangemerts for the return of the
-French trooptf train Mexico, it .Is certain that
orders yet unrevoketi, and which are prepar
ing to be acted upon in Toulon, prescribe the
sending out Of 1,600 or 3007 more troops.
A duel has taken piece at St. Germain be
tween Prince Achille Murat and 131.1loolmfort,
a writer in the Figaro. The cants ball arose
nut of an article published in the Figaro of
January 7th, Oaths evidence given by Prince
Aebillo Murat, in Miss Cora Pearl's horsecaaa.
the Prince challenged the RairlialLst, and a
meeting wan speedily arranged. The seconds
of Prince Achille Murat were St. (Jerome Bo
naparte Pattereon and M. Espelletta; those of
31.1tochefort were 31. TaxUe Delord, of the
dente, and AL Plunkett, manager of the Petals
Royal Theatre. The duel was fought with
swords ip a riding achnoL It lasted only a
few seconds. The Prince's shirt was torn by
the point of his adversary's award, and M.
Rochefort received airtight wound in the hip.
The seconds then declared honor satisfied,
and the affair terminated.
Kansas Legislature—Resolution Endors
ing the President's Polley Tabled.
New Tone, Feb. s.—The Tribune has a epeolel
from Topeka r liansas, dated the &I, which says:
Yesterday the Senate bill anpropriating the
sfKi.Ote sores of land was defeated In the House.
The federal-resolutions endorsing President
Johnson's policy were laid on the titble, with
ten Ilissenting votes.
Thin. morning concurrent resolutions were
intrOttneed into the House asking Congress to
submit an amendment of the constitution pro
hibiting the re-election of the President.
rtreint Ofmego
A tnnay, Feb. 4.—A lire In Oswego this morn
ing, on the west bile of let Street, destroyed
Ile dry goods stores . of Morrie Chase, and
Thee. Iklnortl Allen and Burenarth Leather
dealers:J.ll, Goldeny, exchange ottlee; law
yer's 0/flees, end the music hall. rho loss on
beildinal was about 440,1.00; and the IDS , oe
goods, &C., is large, hut the nmennt is not
International Law on Privateering.
Now Tone, Teb. S.—A diplomatic correspon
deuce of somewhat important character, at
affecting the relation of belligerenta at sea,
has passed between the British Ambassador at
Madrid, and the Spanish government. Vie
British Minister protested, on the pert of hie
government, against the Spaniels order, that
all crews of Chlhan privateers, not of Milian
birth, ehould be treated as pirates, which they
conaldered to be contrary to. to the interne-
Mona] law.
M. De Castro, Spanish Minister, neatly re
forted that British Ideas of ternational law
were not always In accordance with the TIIITS
of the moat dtatingnithed oracle* nd the sub
ject. M. De Castro further uphelde tbe policy
porsuzd by Admiral Parej a, and -Vertrundi Sir
Jelin Cranipten that England herself declar
ed as far back as 1194, by her treaty with the
Polled Stater, that the subjects of either na
tion, exercising privathering againat either of
them, sere pirates.
The Parts -Journal de-a Debateesintains a col
umn article from the able pen of M. Gleardin,
recapitulating the history of the Mexican ex-
Witten, and terminating with an earnest
call to withdraw the Prenth troops at once.
Tile general tenor Of the above article went
to show t h^ : snefeeling of the .people of the
~.T IMCZ was strongly hostlite o;wee- e
lan and that the Government of the ttilitv+
States, while constantly reiterating tide fac
in its °Metal commenMattons to the French
Government, bad eggialantly abstaincu front
menace; that the language of the American
Government bad been as conciliatory - and as
free from menace in teed, after their victory
over the rebellielvas in treett, , at the molneat of
their greatest Internal ratite; that - in alt this,
both the Government and the people of the
United States had shown that although deeply
offended try the Mexican expedition, and al
though hostile to-- the continuance of the
French flag in Mexico, they ne•ertnelcas de
sired to remain friends with France. and wore
willing to forbear to the uttermdet, in order
to give the Emperor time to make full trial
of the experiment, and to retire without
being menaced.
The Virginia Senate hiu adopted resolutions
cordially apnrovlng the course of President
Joharea on the eueetton of reconstruction.
They do not desire to review what has been
o conclusively delten l2 l../....r to permit any
one subject to their control to violate any of
their obligations to the United States govern
The Charleston amen, report• the mal
treatment of a party of Pennetylvantaus who
epelted Johnson's Island January 9th (or the
purpose of buyinglanda. by a party of uegrOtit.
They were taken Into mistrals and threatened
with death, until dually relieved by the der.
At a meeting of the stock holders of tee Col
umbian Marine Insurance Company to-day,
it was stated that eight hundred policies had
been cancelled since Saturday, the notes of the
holders being returned on their payment, as a
pre rats premium for the time the risk had
run. A resolution watt adopted. calling nn the
present receivers to resign. and a committee
appointed to Investigate the afkalrs of the
A Fortress Monroe letter says: A set of fur
niture for the office of the Secretary of the
Navy is to be made from the remnants of the
The iferald's Paris letter states there was
great anxiety about too anticipated speech of
Napoleon at the opening ol the Chambers on
the2:-.` I ult. The Emperorwas desirous of ig
noring the matter entir ely in hie speech, but
111 deforvoco to the Unanimous mister of the
Cabinet bad consented to touch upon it, and
the supposition was that ho would promise the
withdrawal of his troops from Mexico at the
eerliest practicable period wlthin the year at
The correspondent also gives an account of
a grand Lail ut the Telßerle". Among oar
countrymen, the one receiving the most atten
tion from their Idajesties wets Gen. Sottofield
To the General the Emperor expressed his
pleasure at meeting him, and told with what
interest be bad followed the march of Sher
man, and to Minister Bigelow he mussed very
neat compliments on the beauty of American
(Octal Report on the Cattle Plague.
Arai Soros Crrr, Tob. s.—Tho Secretary of
the Treasury has trawl the following circular:
On September l 0 1N.5, an order was Waned by
this department, under the power conferred
bv 40 of the Internal Revenue act
ot June 80, 1%4, directing that articles
reatinfacturtd in the. Matra lately In
• rection;ldier -ter the.: eafebihriPtieut of
illecting Dletricts therein, but retainedin
poestaalbn of the Manufacturer total after
such eirtabliahment:ead them made liable to
the current rates of taxation, should be held
Live fretn present assessMent until tr - anspor red
beyond tim Mutts of the above mentioned
States, and shenild then be subJeCted Only to
the tax dee at the time of their mannfeet me.
The reasons for thltbnernaptton were stated
briefly at the time of ita - allovrance. ttetre
Induced by the fact that manufacturers had,
in Ignorance of the law retained large dean
tst pa of their pzerlocre , theirorre hands, and
by the supposed edditional fan the property
to retained bad greatly deteriorated in value.
Abundant opportunity haring been given for
-the dbpo.sul of theme mann fact,srea there is no
reason ter continuing a privilege McDade., t
with the general provision of theism', adveree
to the into:este of Northern manufacturers
and susceptible, as experience has shown, of
eery-great abuse. ,It le, therefore. hereby or
dered that on and after March Let, tilt ail
ramthern resumfactures we. .ban ds of the
Manufacntucts than bee .hold subject to-the
Prc , Lcll' rate , ' .rdut.T.s.oohjectionbeing Made
In any ante nixacconnt of the Manor the men
et are. (Signed) ' 11. DlCCettocit.
Secretary of the Treasury.
Tbe United States Consul at Liverpool re
prrte to the Department of State tinder date
of January 14th.1691, the loss of throe Ameri
can remelts the Harry of the Went, the Ilerid
ten anti the Ttgreas, and the rescue of their
Firm the dispatches of our Consul at Liver.
pool, dated January . tOth.
we learn that
the cattle scourge in rather on the increase
Ilion Other% i.e.. Ile says that during the week
previous In date, nine thousand two hundred
end eighty-thren case* were reported to the
authorities. Thus far upwards of seventy
thousand cultic) have either died with the
plague or been killed after Mifflin It. The
Consul pay. Ibis In reality forms but a email
proportion of the netted O.S, for honored, of
eases are never reported, and thousands are
enlightened prematurely, and harried to mar
ket before the plague attacks !tern.
1 seelnel .9n preventive.
11 Is protatbl,, too soon, however, to report
definitely upon its snerree, there seems to
be no doubt that the e sperm:is:Ma, or far as
tot,' hove gene, have been favorable. The
High Sherltf of Cheshire vaccinated ten Cottle
and exposed them to the plague, and thus far
they have not taken it.
The United Slat. Gressel at La Rochelle
reports In the repartment of Slate, under
date of January IS, that a terrine tempest was
raging off the el:stet of France, at the date of
this dispatch, and three shipwrecks came
11110 the port of La Rochelle, one English, one
Trench and one Austrian.
The following append - meads were confirmed
by the senate In executive sestina to-day:
S um 11 .. . Kellogg to ho Collector of Custom., for
hew ; Brevet Meier General Price,
Acting Pas master Genera), to be Paymaster
General with the rank of Colonel. A multi
tude of brevet amointrnents ill the volunteer
MCI vies, numbering bets ern 3,000 tel 1,000 of
all grades from &wood Llentenantto Colonel,
were also confirmed.
Terms of Canadian Reciprocity,
New Teak, Feb. a.—The Stewart libel suit
against Knapp h Coltmrn came np to-day In
the United States supreme Coirt. Mr. Knapp
expressed himself'slntro'ss of making further
retraction of the matter published - than be
bad already done, and Mr. Stewart weasel!.
ling to give him math:dent time iu which to
have the matter oorrectod, and consented to
have the case intlednltely postponed.
The case of Colburn will be brought to the
notice of thezrand fury without delay. This
le Ws desire, as be bas waived a preliminary
examination, and prefers to Mend hhi. trial.
A New Haven 'freight car ran Into a passen
ger ear on the Fourth Avenue railroad to-day,
demolishing the car and killing two horses.
The passengers Jumped from the car, and no
one was Injured,
The Piers Washington special says the
Ways and Means Committee will bold a special
meeting this afternoon for the further con
ideration of the Ilsolprocity Treaty. There
is no prospect that they will recommend a
new treaty on the extension of the present
one lint it la probable That reciprocal legislation
will be approved open the following bests
The tax on distilled spirits in Canada and this
country to be similar, so as to prevent smug
gling. Navigation to be open.* e looks of the
Welland Canal to he enlartred, and tolls the
HMO to all parties. liamortatlons from Can
ada to be taxed here. so that they /Mould pos.
'ass no attruntage OVer our own products, and
the free ports to be abolished.
Jelin Beberts, champion of Great Britain,
Dudley Kavanaugh and t
elvin Foster, with
other billiard celebrities. leave this evening
to take part to the Memphis Miliand tourns.
vent at which Mr. Roberta will make his first
appearance in America, they purpose making
Mr.our through the West and South afterwards
Cherie. Norclllf accompanies them as
business agent.
Amendment to Von.tlintion orlrlettlnin
Hiensioan. Feb. a.—The Senate to-day passed.
the House amendments to the State Coastal.
lot., after reducing the required period
of residence In the State to two
striking out the clans° requiring voters tO
Mr) . 71 Pls.
The HOllllO passed a bill authorising a rail
road from Lynchburg to Danville.
WA.anotcrroar, FebruarY 5, 1461
lir. Doolittle !tato:3 that he would have vo
toil for the bill to guarantee civil rights had '
ho been in the Senate on Friday when the vote 4 ;
was taken,- •
Mr, WiUon Poeaeritell the petition of Gen.
Sheridan auld otte ) r ofneere for an inereave 01
pay. The petitlein was referred to the Milts-
ry Committee.
Mr. Howard presented a petit lon of the c I if
rearm( Detroit, asking for a protective tariff.
Referred to the Finance Committee.
Mr. Chandler, from the Committee on Com
merce, reported the House bill to prevent the
issue of American re tern to vessels whoa
owners procured foie gm registers during the
war, and asked that it be .passed tramedistely.
Me. Sherman asked that the bill lie over n n
Di to-morrow, as it Was very.important, and it
was so ordered.
Mt. Foote offered a resolution which was
adopted, canny On tto hrezetary_ of War for
the report of General Roborts setting forth
his views as to tba - best mode of reclaiming
the 'swamp lands in ;be basin of the Missis
sippi. -
iiit••Pwmeay. of Minnesota presentettri me
Triodel from the citizens of Minnesota asking
for the establishment of a Bureau of statics,
lion at Waahlngton, tobavo mutere of the ed
ucational interests of the country and to e.
tahlish common schools in every port of the
Kr. Clarke, from New liarapehire, from the
Committee on Claims, reported. adreraely up
on evreral petitions for compel:motion for Ina*
et caused by the Mending sztalee in Virginia
and ebnewhere,
. _
fievada v iallett up ei MU for no
r 05 . 1:,, ,
t e L o )
egnaQ ..tnl'rnmeni rum& iuolin from 111. gain.
in the decision of the above measure, Mr.
V. liven, who opposed it, stated that the do,
erument had lost morn than a quarter of a mil
lion through the negligence of paymasters
since the commencement of the war. Ho
thought It beet to hote errors one of them to a
stt let account, and tint tel a bad precedent at
this time, when there are ware so many settle.
meats with paymasters being Made.
Pending the discussion In the shove, Mr.
Fessenden said: I gave notice that on Mon.
day I would ask the Societe to proceed to the
onuolderatton of the Joint resolution (or an
amendment to the COnstttutton reported by
the Committee on Iteeenstretetion, and as I un
derstand that the Senator from Massachusetts
L trreparcd to speak on that measani, and
other gentlemen understood he is to do so to
day, I shall make o motion that all farther
consideration at this lull L. postponed unfit
Tuesday. and that we proceed Loth° =odder
ation of the joint resolution.
Mr. Stewart, of Neruda, spoke of the neces
sity of taking action on the bill for the admis
sion of Colorado.
• Several Senators replied that bill for the od
mlselon of Colorado could be taken up at any
The joint re.selntion was then read prdime
ing the feline to amendment :
"Anncts—, liepresentattees shall be apper
tained among the several States which may be
included within this Union, according to their
respective number., coveting the whole num
her of pe-tons in eachetate, excluding Indians
not taxed. Pre:ruled, that whenever the
elective franchise shell be tteribtdOr abridged
on account of color, elf persOns of such race
or color - shall be eluded from the remise of
Hr. Sumner took the floor, and after a few
introdectory remarks, called for the 1 oodles
of the following propositions o ff ered by him
as a substitute teethe above joint resolution:
Witirgais, It is provided that the Coestltn
tion of the
Staten attell.georsintee to j t
every State in the union, g repel:Men form of "
government, and - ' '
le arecas, By reason of the failure of cer
tain Ststes to maintain • government which
Centres eon rec.:were, tt has become the du
ty of theVnitee State., standing In the place '
of g unrantor wheel the - principal nu made a
lapse, to seem e to each State according
to the requirement of Xtte guarantee, a getv.
eminent republican In Arm; and whereas
further. it br provided in a recent °enema.
ttoiaal amendment, that Congress may enforce
the prohibition of elevery by appropriate leg
islation, and it, Is important to this end that
ail relic: of slavery should be removed, le-
eluding all restriction of rights on amount of
color. NO., therefore, to carry out the gray- '
Sty of a republican form of government, and
to enforce the probe...Hie:iv et slavery, be it
Repaired, by the Sertato and House of Repro.
sr:Marra, ,he., That In the States lately de
to be in rebellion, there recall ha uoolv.
garchy aristocracy, caste or monopoly threat
ed with privileges and power., and. there
shall be no dental of elate civil or political,
on recount of color or nee, but all persons
shall be corral before the Law, a ba th er in the
court room orat theballedebile; and this stet.
uto made in pncuance of the coustitution,
+hall be the supreme law of the had, anything
in the constitution or laws: or any such State
to the contrary notwitlastatffUng.
bin Sumner lessee briefly nu oujectitan to the .
proposed Constitutional Arc went, which
be characterized as nothing else than another
compromise of humane rights, as if the
cousin) bad net already paid catwalk in easily'
treasure. and more corals blood for such oum
promises to the past. It was wrong to admit
is tbetionstitution the idea that man could
hold property in man. ands* alto the kindred
i l t i atignaser: ' " h treire a r= le l .
the Independence. and the enamels*
'of a repel:etc:an form of government.
'There" are tour million• of altiartla now
robbed of all share lu the Citorernmcot Of their
countryortien at the some time teey are taxed
directly Or indirectly for the support Of the
tiovernment, and thts taxation is without re.
present RUM: lt taunt/ prop:teed to rectigatee
t his
as not incensistent with ona•Uteeleonal
rights and the guarantee of a republican gee
es meat.
Speaking with a aineere deference file thou;
valued friends from irtneM hp, hel nut.
mitted that rho elute bad , come at Cat, when
all cowmen:tees or human rights should
cease. Especially there shoat/ be no *bought
of &three handed compromise, which, after
degrading the Constiteolou crammed a bent
Scent power; and lastly, beirrowing an exam
pie from the times at roatIo• Pilate, hurtled
a whole race to alerfeee.
If r. Srtmeer tilers proceeded to his argument
on the powers - of Congress .tet procure equal
rights to+ all, and begu n
hy exerted:lg • heart
felt aspiration thabt to day might Arson come
a hen th e Stales late y. lb rebellion coat/ be
received, into the copartnership of polittcal
power and into the full fetecrehlp of tbil
lie saw full well that st -eras 'Me SO eXPeed
thin day which woe so much longed for Until
we had obtained that security for toe Meant
wfilch was found only to the clue 11 4 11, * of
all, whether in the court Mud or bel.otehox.
The powers .of - Corkgrete . On, this Sub
ject were as ample &a Way were
Imneflcent. Prom their 'special founts
they flew, each suffklent for the rsrpose, all
swelling Into an irresistahle ClirTent, Aral tem.
ding to ane coeclusien. leirst,fthe necessity of
the ease by which according to the analogy Of
the tterriteries, disloyal Stales having no
local government lapse .nucter the authority
of jeoneream, secondly, the eights of war
which do not expire,or lobo thole grasp ex....ept
with the establishment of all needful
guarantees, thirdly, the COnatltatfortal in
' jonetion to guarantee a Republican form of
Government, end fourthly, the Constitutionni
' anientllitent, by which Conarovv, In wont, of
ye:clear energy, le empowered to enforce the
abolition of slavery, by appropriate le:flota
tion. All these powers lead to the Mrisdie
: thin of Congo ss over this whole subject.
No matter which road you take, you arrive at
the name point, The two first powers of Con
gress hove already been d1arn......1 1111 , i OX him.
bed. The latter have been lent rot...bier...Land
It less OD Ibeno thal, he propowal to oneAk to
Feartury 2, I&2,
He proposed, with the permission of the
Canal*, to .Ilon the I,ccessity one duty of ex
ercising the Jurisdiction of Con,f,cs., to as to
impute that rntlnl , ndltmo, the equal
right. of all, and be put Lodde at the outset
that metapleyscal question worthy the school
men of the Dark Ages, whether certain States
were in the Velum or out of the Union. This
is a question of form, not of eulietence; of
words only, and not of fact; for the substance
Is clear, end the facts are unanswerable.
All are agreed, according to the authority of
President Lincoln, In his latest utterance
before his lamented death, that these States
have erased to he in practical relation with
the Union, and this Le enough to sustain the
Jurisdiction of Cnngrene, even without the
plain words of the Constitution. The two
separate texts, necessity and duty,comminglo.
If what is necessary is not always according
to duty, sandy duty la always a necessity, On
the present occasion they unite in one voice
for this great eiutructee. It is at once& neons
city and a duty. Glancing at the promises of
the fathers, he should exhibit first, the over
riding necessity of the times, end mooondly,
the positive mandate of the COnetitutinn,
compelling Ult to guarantee a republican totem
of Government.
Mr. SUMDIV 0011thIIIMI at great length, and
before bo conelpiled. the • Beast. went into
executive sapient WWI adjourned.
lfr•Blatne introduoed a bill, which was re,
(erred to the Committee 'on Recoustruction,"
providing for taking a census of the Celts.'
'States, prior to the-(drat of October nett.
Mr. Rees, of Illinois, funded a resolution for
the' amendment of the rides so that one day in
the week ebould• he devoted exclusively to
public business, and be known as the white
man's day.
On motion of Mr. Washburne, of Illinois, the
resolution was tabled.
Mr. McUlary, of Maryland, o ff ered a rosette
tion instructing the Reconstruction Commit
tee to inquire into the expediency of report
ing a hill to levy contributions on the seceded •
States, to defrey the expenses of keeping up a
standing army to preserve the. peace, .k de
ltaic arising, the resolution went over.
Mr. Drlgge, of Michigan:o ff ered a resolution
which was adopted, inetructin the Commit- ,
tee on Reconstruction to take into consldera
t.on the subject of removing the National
Capitol, In order that its site may be. inseam
ugodated to th e rdrputation, and greater sma
rtly he rendered to the Legislature by re
moving It from the possible attacks of for ,
iP'4et and
d 7.TV a T en % e.e r.tilrlo:f,louee abUl t p pre
scribe anOatn for puede officers and mutate" r.
Of 1 he bar, which is required to he taken by all
ofecere, civil, military and naval, and the
ease of every attorney, counsellor, solicitor or
proctor, as follows:
° I, 4. fi r , do solemnly swear for affirm), that
hatel never, as a citizen nr officer, member of
the legislature or conveutinfi of any State,
*ruled for, signed, nr advocated the passage of
ac)' ordinance or secession, or voted for any
measure of hostility to the United Stated i
that I bare never sought or held
any off ea of the so called Coated•
rote r Government, other than merely
ministerial, or below the rank of Colonel){
that I hat layover voluntarily homed or:donated
env money or propel - trio soul pretended 130 v
ernment or invested In its bonds • that I have
not, while an officer of the United Staten, aid
ed, counseled, or encouraged nay ~`, " , . .10. 1 1051
Crum, or .61S r seised the United stater i iota 1
do farther smear for affirm) that to the b.,t of
my knowledge and ability I will support ant
defend the conatittwon of the United States
againge 'all enemies, foreign or, dornelttei
that 1 Will bear trim 'faith and altegiano.. to
the sante; that I will at all times Use my
beat.eilievore to maintain the republican
Toren Of Orernment in the State 1 , 1 w bleb I
am an habitant, and to the anion of the
United Otates, and that I will well and faith
fully dibeharge the do OM of the olnae o• pre
reSSlOn Inm r.b3ut to enter. do help
ale tIod:"
In TigenV , ti ter perjury in
o thg ... e y n:o Is et
table s:f holdrn e , r t j e ' ll ' e 'r e. Tho ":' bill Was referral
to the Colomittee on Jndielau.
/11Ileon, of lowa, introduced a bill to Or
a stindn.rd of weight. and meshures to take
effect, tf
_possible, on the lot day of July, UM.
The'prallaitnis of the bill fix all the various
well/M.4nd re ensures in aceordaneo, It ls
der with the Frourb deeimal system.
111 f. .Ee l
introduced a joint resolutims, pm-
Frnit SP. w article to th e Constitution, as
Whenever any State within
tble Unlon,through Its properly coustitutea
authorities. and through I. he forms of law,
sliati attempt to abioll, Its citizens from their
alleglanCe to the Government of the United
States, :end shall by force of arms re.
lieu the authority of the general Gov
rehha ent, and shall be deolared by
the President of the ("oiled •Statiss to be
In a state of rebellion, such State shall be eon.
entered sis having forfeited all rights and or,.
lieges de it State, and as having reverted to
tbeeandttlon of it territory, subject like all
Other . territories to the dispoaltion of Con
grilse, And the President shall immediately by
proclamation, eleee the ports of entry to soon
state, ltbd stroll prooeed to suppress such re
bellion' and to hold such territory by mtlltary
anther4y, until Congreso shall have prosideil
a neve Meet for the came.
Introduced the following joint
revel:l4am rafiscrrol sissw , 7
tee on ,Iptilelory
Ri.vofted, That It be prOposed to the tierersJ
State flPthe colon to amend the Comdltrition
Of the llnitect flat. in the last clause of the
mak al h,seetten of tire Mt pedalo tnereof, so as to
thc name road a+ rgi'lowc
"To Make all laws that be nooossary and
PrOPeerfor carrying into exeentii.: all powers
VeMod r the eonstitution in the Gm. ore meat
of the sited litotes, or in any eepl: - ..lnent
thereof, and enforcing all obligations, prohlio
tionVelldhshaltietrimpo.eil the4 - eby on the sev
eral States composing the same."
.A.,reaOlution was adopted that the Ware and
Means Committee Inquire into the expe , leney
of repealing the provision of the Revenue taw
all Owing a majority of floe. for Infractions of
the laW to go the informer.
The Senate bill to protect all persons in their
etch rlghts was referred to the Committee on
the Judiciary.
The dentate amendments to the bill making
apltrObropriations for pensions, were agreed
to. I
The Rouse resumed the consideration of the
bill to rater.d the powers of the PreedeserVe
B dte r .laysnonil stated that the letter from Gmieralaherman to the President, had been
given 1:1101 for publication kis se an ds,
relative to the neg roes on the sea inland., and
wad fUrniehed by a gentleman from South Car
oliaa. It was not given for presentation to
Corigreas, as la (erred from the remarks of Ur.
Chandler a few days since. - •
btrAlaymond then .poke In rarer of the
eilmase resumed thetconsidbrattosof the
Se ars bill to enlarge the powers of the Pecul
iar 'll [tureen.
Mr. Trimble, of Kentabky, opposed the bill
toliresmons lint forth at length, regarding It ma
airpkihg - down the very foundation on which
/thtrty restgotrel abrogating the rights at the
citizens of all the mates.
Mr, tirtn nedl, of *Mem while supporting the
bill, teek ereasion to reply to the gentleman
•ft AP had instaddressed the *louse, daunt:inning
thltwrong, oppression and crime which had
been perpetrated, and the Injury which the
gentleman had defended.
Mr Tumble wished to know whether the
gentleman was personal to Ids remarks,
Mr. tirinnoil replied that he applied them to
state ehlvi the gentleman had deltooded, and
while proceeding with his speech mans use of
ths jettn—••Yone President,.
tie, Randall asked what the gentleman meant
by lulling "your President."
Mr. erinnell replied: The President, the
genuine Caine Man, who said at Nashville
that'll., would be the limes to load out the
children of Israel.
Mr. Randall said he esteemed the President;
he supported his poliey, because It was colt..
laird to restore the Union an of yore.
Ile,Grituaell replied that betted the boner of
Flews the President his vote, while the gen
tleman from Yesonsylvanhi voted for he had
loageorgotten whom.
Mr. Grinnell maul he was tire President's
hared, and read front some works of the Pros
fillet in favor of protecting the negro anti se.
curing him In honorable and men% employ.
mint- *le them Mired Mr Randall whether
he approval of the Freemen'. Durum
Mr. Randall replied that ho did not knew
what the ,gentleman had said, tot ha co
chleae(' the policy of the 'President who wax
arituatird by patriotic mottoes alone, in ha
endeev ors to restore the Union. The Preaidant
Ohl not recommend such a - hill as this, ankh
WOO in violation Pt the letter and spirit of the
,Ulituatllution, and - proposed ter appronnate
A 9obeyt L b 2 l l ar fra:"gr.on., .ctet ;ia doe. en
dorse Monbstanee the ouh.atanoe the MU_
Kt. Pavalalt—W here In the proof I
Xtr.'Grinnell—ln thelangnowe et the gentle-
I. .
. Man rennailVidlill, i endu e dendu e d lmT , Ark ~.'
altrogiss.ll:=Wolue,Of enteltdela ottnielitted
u freed people, and Windex* to Um .nnielpt
n tacenorial ham theirtrbenda In Karel=
tooling pootettlen, and staying thole anima
Eopmee bail been burned near enough to Wash
tagion for the games to light wtheritpltel.
tt i oi , l .
o t u tird= n otr thet r
tlmn i =lil t r o t 0 1,. .5e , , ,, 5ta.y.
freedmen where they now are.
, r.ritiCkiee, of Ken I neky...taldflitosa who op.
Omni the bill ate thesse who 'marketed every
thesomee to ci - tuoli treason. They peel:MOM to
, E prolnue tyranny and Oppmniau and wrong
Ihtleithe nation:desired to protect nUpeople
mote, When the President tooled his Much..
motion calling Mr troop', it was denounced as
ei murpatlen.'
Ast for himself, he only Stood on one side In
the contest, and that was anti', side of ht.
enentry,lind dulcet ..tetation and epprw.. stern,
and, along with boners! I:rant, said that
Moth white and Mack mutually rettalre the
pretettlen of the Government... This did net
le cattle pence. Although Kentucky was not
included to the proclamation declaring ems
into States to rebellion, she was the most em
beldam of the whole crew. ' Ile declared
elgerestrinnent conUnned in ley.
el hearts against traders and disloyal Mon
Ile defendooldbeloonstituflunialty of
' the bill,
and tall they hail failed ex yet to bring the
Chivalry m lowdown smiles Might to be, to
Order that just rights ralght be given to their
fellOw Men; tlietlme had gone by when hotnati
beluga could be treated as brutes by former
Ilir..Elikit, from the Committee on Treed
n en's Affalrai Offered several amendments to
thepending hill, sons to provide that the rie
tehlistibig of the *tureen shall extend to refu
gees and freedmen In all rtarte of the United
States, antlierislug the President to dirt+,
ghortections Of country within which the pets.
Urge of the right of hotens rOrpor was sus
pended on Febroary let. Pgri, containing such
refugee, and freedmen, Into districts, each
contaLtilug one or more States, and not toe:m
inced t• else in meober. lie mid this amend
ment limited inejurladletlon of the Bureau,
and confined It lot the States where the welt Is
now suspended.
Mr. Eotlnt then proceeded to Aefenti the till I.
The objection which heel 'teen urged that this
toil relt nod to . thew
tole cottutry, 04. ',-
toot en,sutudantlally, y the other amend
m, rats prnproed i.e the Committee on Eret,sl
- dealt*. The nee objections were eie
pie ..t to the Senate's bill, and not to the suts.
stitute now pending
lie then reed from vitriol,. edictal letter. roe
luting hoe freedmen had been ilersoeutulAnd
en y. a lgement for their protect 1011, and from
other' , to olive hoff ninny white refugee• hod
horn iel let ed. It A thinta, throe hundred fam
ines of white reloweess, It sms statad, would
suffer th I. .Inter, Uniews they Am Woststott by
tour ernment agent. T. them, the latter had
vivo I ran•portstlon and rations. lie de
manded the pre•lntingtleettOo.
Re. Stevens said the hill, as It stool, con
templated turning off the neuronal at the coil
of three years from land on which they had
been located by; the gm cement. lie moved
to oti elite out tide objectionable Clause.
lie Smith moved an amendment-that none
Of the provtoiuns of thin net shall extend ar be
inferred In the State of Kentucky.
Mr. Stevens offered a resolution pitting
apart evenings for general debate, arid In per.
seance of this the 'tease took a recces till half
past seven, for that purpose.
kmimite 111Zioll011.
Mr. Hubbell, Of Ohio, made a speech to show
that Abraham Lincoln, in his proclamation
and other acts, contemplated the re-establish
ment of loyal State governments In the South
at the earliest panatela moment. He elortred
an amendment to the constitution to change
the basis of representation from population to
voters, or something equivalent, so as to 0313-
torts to the new order of things, and afford
ample and complete protection to freedmen.
Mr. Randall affirmed that the rebel States
have never been out of the Union. To say so
he to admit the right of secession, which we
have been at war to prevent, He Sustain.'
the President In his declaratisn that %tate•
cement commit treason, but Ind Ivldenhi oOuld.
Mr. Lawrence, of Ohio, rind tented thg policy
of the tiovernment in relation to tholunish.
mem of traitors.
The House then adjourned. .
From New Orleans meta Texas.
Nrw On.i.asits, Feb. 6.—Tbe steamer Mary
A. Benner, with eight hundred hales of cot
ton, was entirely burned nn the Sd, at the
mouth of lied fiver. The passengers and
crew were eared.
All the merchants of Matamoras are trump
ing up claims tO be presented Or loan in the
Bagdad affair, believing the United States will
pay them all. It In reported Eseobado la mov
ing on Monterey.
The Ale:loan newels very unreliable. Fight
ing is taking place In every direction. There
Is a prospect Of further forced , loan* to Mato-
Expltoloo of the Ntoosoor Coffer—Ove
Ono lloodred Liven Lost.
VICK, ell no, Feh.3.—Two hundred passengers
wet.. aboard the Carter. One hundred and
twenty-flvc were lost at the lowest estimate.
Eight bodies wore taken item the river yea.
terday and Among them were Mrs.
Cbdertnan and airs. David Noel, of Texas, Mrs.
Morris and Mr. J. Brewer, Paymaster of (Min,
ail of whore were identified. Or. Carl Bern.,
of Yazoo City, Dr. T. L. Vick and Uf111t6.141.[
Wlll4 .11P, of Viclemburg, are known to he Ina.
air. Johnston, of Texas, who was tainted, .11e4
Idamensmid,e. Fehrnary 5.--Tho Governor
beevetoed the bill makmg valid all aordrecte
between the whites and the freedmen.
The Senate bee paesed a bill &Gold=
Cowl to telltiTY to their OWQ behalf in cr
esai bray.
Georgia legiwiature
Terns Peoonstruction Convention
.ss.t.ri. Feb. s.—The steamer Carter es.
.eded Ler boiler thirty-fire miles above
I,rtr.r.bnrg, at lone o'clock Friday morning.
lee holies passed forward of the idiot hones
tearing away the forward part of the cabin.
Alter the explosion the boat took Ore and
borne.: till ..even o'clock, compelling all who
had escaped death by explosion to jump into
the riser, and the boat soon after wont down.
Capt. Hurd bed just gone off watch when the
caplomon occurred and was not afterwards.
Seen. The steamer Evening Star nicked rot
an the survivors floating on the water and
carried them to Vicksburg. It is not yet
known how many lives were lost.
A areetal to the lAnnateretuf, *hard Ant.t.lnt
Tries, February lat., may.; the Presnient 01 the
Texan Rereasion Convention hat been electe.l
to preylde tile COO vent lon at.Actin'tle.l
bete to reennetroet the State Government. A
large tnalozity of delegates to the con ven:lo,
are nece,taiortlnta.
From Neer Ortestnn—Slarkets—Apprant
rnentS—Aflalrs on Me 1110 Gruntle—
fan fta attzttost the Bagdad Flllbl:talent
Nirw Orttesw.. Feb. I.—Cotton dill). The
miss wero two th..usand bales middling at 1.,
r firm, 1..1mq - tine pip. Corn active at
1095,411V4. Sugar and molasses declining;
stock exhausted with lint little coming in; fair
to prime ..ncnr 1.4415%; molasses 60080. New
York t,hrek, 5. , ,,(p.t discount. Sterling
Geld la.
The araintment of E. T. Parker n 3 Sur
veyor to tnlspbrt gives universal satisfaction.
Tie 21.../..ndorftts tam. It says: He Is one
of thti VulOn Men.
r num of great enen gy, character and basins-a
Fix-Wive:er, Andersen, of Ohio, and C.d. R.
M 11011 al, 10 as•uum command at Braze: 00
0.0 firm.
T'r ~nAtrina trorpi at Bagdad are elta
rilabdca by 1_ olon el KoMallek.
The :4pan tont:orient at Matamoros, with Gen
eral Mclnnis and pincers, left (or the City of
Mexico 00 the Slat ult. on Important 'nosiness.
(Asti proceedings ware commended by Texas
State officers at Brownsville &goblet parties
Implicated la tae Dagdrul
lien. Wood, oommanding the District of 311.
iusppl, has loaned an order that no it:Bunsen
texts le executed by the military In prosecu
tions against colored personator which white
persons moy be and are punished by the laws
of the State.
It appenre that there are upwartiv of forty
two thwart:tad alevtituto pers.. In Al:thatn
wile will resulte an ezpentliture of upwartle
Cf two per annum to relieve their
The Trovreete nn the Red River plantation.
were ebrermg. The freedmen Were dl.po,sed
to *lre better Barlatretlo•.
SG rust-port claim:ht.° tm•e the Larg,t not ton
bovine,ee of any Inland ehy-tn the South, The
reel Ipts of goods there are very large, but do
not meet the demand.
The Beelpioelty Tee?,tY
W .5.11[0T015, Feb. a.—cea arc requceiterl to
Ray that the datemeat In any paper of Satar.
day of the propoeals made by the Proeletomil
tielegatee to the Committee of Ways and
?dewy', r ith reference to the, Reciprocity
treaty, 1., In many Important particulars,
cornet and incomplete; and further, that no
authorised statement can be gtren at this
atage of the procoodlngx.
Diuorer of Oslo" . Tabotar Boilers.
Lotus," o February View of the ro
c-mat arc/dents from tutrnior boilers of the
eteumbonts, and the fact that the owners of
severs/ boats ore removing such hollers, the
nntlerwritere of this city In consultation to
day, decided to take no risks where the tiltro
tor troller, are used.
NEM TORE., Feb. b—Tbe @reamer Kilt on Full
Lion, at the foot of 40th .trees, North Hirer,
etterday arternoon, and snout ono hundred
tad of tattle that wero on board were
rrow Tied.
I =1
W rbsitoctitos, N. C. Feb. s.—The first snow of
the sttainoti toil to-citty, bud molten.. as It tell.
Thin evening It in rind and steeling. Titer
toemietur twenty ilegrtien above Zero.
fire to elsbeismaltl.
c1C1311.11, Feb. J.—A tire this afterllooll
patt, , all) tleolhoyed to building No. 130 West
Filth street. loss about floe thouzund dollars
Dinah of the , Chief Jostles of fieditisoky.
fi-asoow, iC T., rob. 5 —W finnan 11. Sampson,
CAW' Justice of Kentucky, died to-day, after
a painful and protracted trOness.
12GIttG--41, itandaT teurrang. Yabruary :11, at
• 1.1.. J AN!, ItVan, •ge.l m >ear..
.111 take. place (ram hIG •1.•
mar C,GI, Jabn 1 Gann, J , .. In Itabiasoa
Tc 310ah...u. Gab leant.. at II o'clock.
iiiiltiktue clear6riiiir". , - - 1. -
rta -- : -
land swat plcUiremque placle of SegeaclanA cli
ate c. Um Ap!aaAm.ilclemiclaiAly earthed Aclegbecor
City, a clic Ali. Urlitclata W.A. Permixam rfclalita
io melert banal Los. will apply as Oa AmpartatestA
clat•aeclike; at the ecaetery. • 21tia Used. Peraicli
a ......
d utter, tratirmcle.lll be alteviled Cu at the lima
Was+4 warm et the a mdercliied.. aclAer or reciclm
sod Mena, AL.. Ahem. •
us.i, A. A ILI.LY.,
tleemesmr• ma. Treasania.
)IFSPEPSIA.... Dr. 8 tricklamdi
4 lONIC • •
. •
'toed lio n of {tom
att4 410 UM-
Ertl. and comisattre 0r....0t
.tr.obes ate .tasuptat wad , -7 .0 0
•srvot. croon. it la our
tuft refr.erty fbr lnsprbts. CZ)
tbdtgrlute, .
tiro, Lora of App4lll4,
Arbllfy or the btuasset.
boalebry and de
he re. It . (0,
b nut •frbobollc: there...
tortio.larly ralte4for wok,
bb• and /OPOPOr
coat. For ode by an drug.
gl•t• ..err.ltas as gliherboclair.
•ortssnad to ho the only pre
parallax. k 117•11 to cum :'' OuG . 4
coughs. CDlds, Hoarseness,
&O M& Whooping Cough, ~V .. . .
Chrome Coufitts, eoneolop- . .:,— . - .. 1.1M , - e: -
Stun, brooch Is and Croup.
~ ~
Suitt, prepared hunt }lousy
and He r t... It Is hesllttg. sal- OR
ening aDd expecturatlng. and
airserlutria"Ve‘brbi' rtnt fi' t L a d
LaTatT ior sale by
th-aggtain svargashano.
I. 6. TIELLERS & Co.,
1317 d WlloLnAnt.l Assn?
_ , -.....
DR. sTrucKLANivs pat.*: KL:11 -
Oas CUILICL , Woo-
1,114tV Virrrril!agiNl: 15.une
rellrt: •nd efrr-ct4. perina
cum. Try It •Itrectly- •:
II b. 'meranted rirr
. : 7 . • •- bale. by all IlrugtgLats, at
cents per bottle.
a. a. k co.,
ov13:Iy0 W1101.10 , A1.. A
.i,•ee me alt nomleiire selde a acquired by Phyla
...ea. My lona revidence In this city. and the amount
.4 patients treated annually by me. are sulllnlent
,40.4 of my yuctmet.
tiI'IIIthIATLIKEHMA, or Sexual Weetnem. anti
dMeame attains therefrom. are carrd In a mach
.O Er time than berMetrtre by toy NEW VEUET
OLE REMEDIES. Medicines sent to any el
!he Votes. All lettere meet domain • stamptope
return postefm. Corretpoadroce held mend.
eve, a SMITHFIELD STREET tame 'Hamm.'
A d
alndrem. J. W. BRA NSTEUT. M. D.
Roe lel 'Mecham:h. Pi.
()TM!: mei rEmit STREET, new. [WM/
For the to
of daysse. of a priva ature, la
froze two to fou, by en entirety or. and sal.
Moo, Seminal Wtalneta, and all other
disease. Of the linhhlti unions sod their preronUoo
Care own . ..sited or money refnodeel.
la;r•-7 to 10 a. tis nod to II P. In.
W . laebt Peoniarroole - .00tt
Manuawaren at 151,kel mad GLAIIB.
s v A ut . D 871F 044) , 'tt are, flottlee,lterottloblve,_Car.
JOT. arehakc — No. 144 Nv ATEIt STaalaT
between ' thaald sad Gnat streets.. l'ittabaras
warrant our Wares to be imperial . ta any ma.
ufirtured Iron of the Mountains. Ale's). ou baud
tilvutware of tbe above deacriprlou... AU order ,
promptly atteuded to. Particular attention paid
,vlvate mould. aua:l7_
inwuv co,
fiCirflicia; l 8 ndrarsarls.cot.
• p.Prrseuenti. PA.
TU.. 1. LOLLIIISuses. *moue
`OLLINEC & WRIGHT, Brittonla
4, -/ Bros and Sheet Metal Workers. lOUWO. C..
sor. Carbon sod Lard Oil and all .11Serels
ets le. of Brltessula used by Mass Manufacturers
Order. prosuptly Bled. No. LISS:MOODILY tlirll6ll
vittaburtb. ne7140
*.;`, SEVRNCE, No. tid4
ere s Pluobarattorkaautacutreref uteri
it V:Ts, lIT La EIS, common aud nUlroad
ry dearriptluis•
Parilcular Aced .r shaped Spikes sad Meet.. tarp
Of malt made to order at shun indica 416 .1r.n 1 aa
sontnnnt rnnatantlt on hand.
a-a ord.r of the °retinue , Court, the oridentign'
In exp ,ta Sale. at the Conn House. in
lllly orl'llt o.
.borgb, on e sTUIIDAT the
:nth du) of P. 1 ...7. Ink at to o'cLont. • LOT Or'
It In the City of Pittsburgh. ou thecorn,
Logan and Decatur street,. being Cony feet era.
op Perot. Street try Ofty-fiAlr Rot coop. dild nay -
WV thereon erected • three story Brick Mr*Ulue •
*lto. a two !story Frame Dwelling &arise: ..LO
fronting on Logan street.
T.11111,--Cailh. then n...nisei. totlaray2=^`
aid derma. r 0.04.1 be gl r a . er x.
VIAIReit tteury atnrFhy, do
Thursday Evening, February %, ts 66.
con....nttd to as..tAt un flat tn-t•n.lon. nn tn ,
rrctlon tin ir 11,tder, Prniet , ,or lit: A I:F.
I. • .filoria.." Cr.,,,0 filvd{.l) , Mt M.
ami t tsoru... 1,011
on. 111, MmAiry. 1t,,. anne.i.2.41 , 1 Mr.
• 'Tho. var. " MiuuttwrlJNlr. ty., , letrturr
nd Inlet, Lth Ctsonni,— , / or Am
• • Lamb:lll.g tt.; an-t
,. 1.0 S•iutart4. ' • Stews. Abel ..1
, Ogrii. Mr.. Cote.
v. 1 •- •-0 Virginum .• fro,.
!Itk, Na r..1013.
6jUs A11,111.4 " I '
brck M.,.1111
9. j;,., IA And , - 1;1..1.- -.4r.
.rK . na.•l 110.1,
10. 1 tmru• irom Ely:, Rr Inr 1,41414.
born/ : 4 041.1).
PART ''N i,.
. . .
I. Churn, unA Mart, • Luu.L. B
.u,l blo,nry.
2. • IluKuulruxt.•• o
( ‘..grus, 311 u. Lou Bregrlna.m. •
awl ( u-t.
Sedutnip," K.... 11 \lr. blau,
V. ;4n! ••A vr Maria." Mr. tr. lle
•• lk al dt.tplvr.l." l'rvol the 51. •...14.1
I. role and • •Jtaollat r Deo. • Devtle: .
'LIT Beck acid (
7. (:na rt. Ile. •-tvandeavntiv."
i,. Warovlint . NV a. 1.;
m an •
• -
F. polo. • - Vlre.l Prodeotivvlrna.
311•% P.rlnhart.
1. Doett. "Ave Karla." (Waincllnt I Mi..,
A iivellaurn Qtt
It. Ser.u. Mina Ilreirelnaan.
11. Grannor.d C ('hero.. .v
iMedfear-1../. By the
l'eor. open .9.1 7 o elock. Concert to comment • at
11. krt.. r Dnt.T.AII. (feet-41.1. I
ag IPltrsl.:( will be received at this of
Sc, unttl I o•cloct r. no FRIDAY. the Ott
Yetrehary, UM, for supplying the Light-House 'r.. ,
tahlishm, nt with daty thotnandicallons of the her
duality pore erenter-etrsined (ari a , either L.ert
14perro, to be dlsld.d Into (Cut hate, aid to tee drolv•
reed at the times undermentio fed. slongshlc of tip
Gov, thamen t supply-vessels, of:.• the warehouse
other place of be designated bythe it.p e et
In 001rer or other authorized agent of the 1..40•
home Hoard, In strong, tight, Iron-boand, wet:.
made casks, suitable furshlpplrtg.ln good (deer. 0,
trapacity, b, of from fifty to eighty gallons—no.
o excerd the latter. The oil may be delivered at
Hoglon or New Tort, •4 the option Of arekhlrlierel.
The place of delivery In each case most be
stated Is the bids. =hi Will be embraced In the
The four lots will be delivered. follows, clot
Lot No. L. Fifteen tinfimand (13,003) gall°ns oil on
the 2d day of April. MI6, or se won thereafter as the
proper teats and ganging usa he completed.
Lot No. 7.. Fifteen thousand (=Aar) gallons oil on
the Isth day of April. 1511 i, agm soon thereafter ar.
the proper tens and gauging cart be.mpleted.
Lot No. 3. fifteen thousand (15.000) gallons ell on
the lot day of June, 151.5.0 r es soon thereafter as the
proper F
Pats and ganging can be completed.
Lot No. 4. ifteen thouaand 115,(M)
the let day of August, 150 e. or as sou, thereafter
the prop. r tests and gauging can be comp leted.
reparate proposals th i n receleed t the ous,
Pam (or 1.001 gallon. of (sutra nr Lard to ne
red u abuts stipulated. at Detr,lt. tllcb.. ns
the e Iri day of %lay. 1.1.
No old orlo be rousidereol 001. la from a m
tun r of the artlcle.
• . -
Nu part t rue s under d for ...1b.,. c he
In the conts tha• say ertisrm. *rid
anted. rocel•caL or paid for. Quill it dish bare
proved. to the retire satisfaction of Inc person
persona charged .11.1 t Its ciatiatitattua. tent. 3411 In•
worth.. to be of the best quad"' pure winter-strain
ed oil, and free from mixture with °the/bar inlet-lan
all. and adulterations.
The usual raeao• for detercatningthe character an ,-
quatliay of the sperm oil will be em_yaloyed, vas: enaora
!g -
Of ravity ,burtung. the amount or realantllzt.a3:ol and
other proper teats to seder /A correct conclusion.
that may be deemed necessary.
The lard oil will be subjected to spicial testa, and
will he rejected halms found to be. in regard to
burning sod fluidity under reduction of temperature.
sd 11,1 every other ees equal to that Of tbe
tarnished hy the hoard. of which a *ample will b.
tais on application to the Light-house PlRtao
seer at Donlon. Mass-
The ema• most be gauged under the direction an.:
perwonal addieri talon of the In ° Meer, by v
custom-house or other legally
_math...fled sal stench
ganger. according Lathe I:WM.Id blades standard. and
;rg . ant L : k a 7 e d lirr d or ‘ .:fre ' T ' ao h'fo aq lbe
The temperature of the oil will he acctiratela note.
and th• rt• reduced to the standard too.
perature of On dcg. galarenbeithy tabie• prepared
the inilepue..
rosposals will be revel red and considered for each
lot *eparateis. or for all of the luta. at the option u.
the bidder: bat no pfd will be considered for a les
quantal, tham a that specified aa one be delivered.
at one time and plac. state ex plieta
ly, written out in full, the kind Oltuffered, hetia.
_ex spertn i lard or colt.) the Ate pr.. gallon. lb.
wester ortbr lel or Han bid far. atod tile place of dc•
diverr. cootbraddlrt.iltds ..dwirthigrdent.
ithirs submitted by dllferent mentberai taf the Mum
firm or copartoership will not he considered.
The Llght-buoae H o ard. under the authority of th
I eepartlandn. erlnerreq• the right to reject any bid, 01
though It may he the lowest , for otherconaldc ratlon-
Mao the price.
Nu bid will Le considered for any other kind or .1.
werlptton of oil than those opechdly called for In tat •
advertise meat.
A bond. with secarit7 to the tattsfactlon of tit-
Department. la a pcoatty. cleat taunt- -fourth of Ct.
n. cacti contract made nevi, [bet , . ?rap ,
forti.ill be rivals-int of eattb coutroctor,lcoudatlaor
for faithful turrfonnanc• of contract, to lt
executed wittito ten dm), .1.11,, the acceptance of tn,
Each offer most hetc,ompan led by a written guar
water, signed hy ne or .note spot.lble person.
••and anon. to the lepar tmcn.. as .nch. or certllied ht
United State* dlrtelr Judge. attorney. cut 7 sie t
Or collector of the custom.. to the effect that. v
bid be serepted, the bidder Trill duly execute a con
tract fo good faltlt. according to the pro, talons mn•
tern,. of this advertisement. nittitn ten days one:
aem:ptati arid that la cue the said party rtfferlu.
shall tall inenter Into the run tras , t a, a toreaald,
or tbry guarantee tomake mud the difference ne•
Ince° the offer of the .aid then d the neat es•
bidder. All bids most M. seated mid endor.ed ••I•rt.-
o a als for oil for Light- houses ," and then placed
other en•e/Opee. d directed. prepaid. to the See
retake , of the I.lght- an house Board, R a:dangle. 1.111
All 1,140 5.111 he opened publicly. at the hour and or
thPdne p . 0111
he made for the wereral lott of ot,
within thirty day. after they *hall bore been
ad by the United State..
117 order of the L..igh4.-tinn se boned.
Nvort LaX I .
- • • • • - -
The follow lug desirable and erntrelly located prep- .
eny will he sold at Public dale, on the premise., on •
Tuesday, Fehreary 6th,at r. 4 48p. us.
No. :II Lito-rt, street, between Hand street •44•1
Garrison Ate). Si present occupied by Alex. K
log o front of 25 fort 714 Inches, e x tend-;
ing hack lo: feet stticties. to • tr. foot alley.
No. MI Penn. dreek lo.tween Hand street and Gar.
'lion miles. having a front of 20 foes 7k Incl., 01.
lwding back Ur feet 6lnrhes to a Li foot alley.
LOTS Nuo. Ms
Pe street. adjoining above W eirelionse, basins
each on •
front of 111 ft•et ars Inoue, eaten Ongtisck h
het n inches to Is 75 non sties. on which ert-co .1
substantial J story !trick D. - clinics, containing cot.,
a end kitchen. w Wigs. throogliont. one h ie.
-„ a:4 or
of the eh° .c. A Trite t
pril 161. 1.1. For f 16ea.loa g 1 ea urther
tors imiutro of WM. GiiIMILEY, Jl 1.1111. My steer,.
:! '"1 " ' Y e ti
loC CPd I, C . LEM. A NO. Auel . r.
I 1 1 / 3 l t i ' tTi t t VF 3 E NaggT ° B4,4 t , 7C T . I•! I S
kNINALFeb Gill. at 74, o'clock, soli be sold ..o•
seconn door of COMM.' rcia Sale• Rooms. 105 snitch ,
acid street. that saloahle oroywrty tam on nolo: •
woo corner o f Fourth ont 14- trey streets. being I.'
feet 8 In. L oa front nn Fourth Arcet. and of s•ru •
wtotto Eat feci 5 Inches along Feety street, wheri,n:
are eroded the too -story brick lirtwery store m ih•
con. r. now , omuied by K. Fiance., and tww - .ter)',
Ilrl. I.welling. ` p 17 Ferry street alit, yard im•' .
(wren the. h
tore an d
dwelling. Title indlsontable.
Teems, one-half cob; balance In. one year, relti. in ,
terest, sew-arid by bond and mortgage. Powessloo,
RR on April tat. !motor of D. I Y. dA. r.
13FL1... No. lit Fourth One,
few s Iferl.W AIN E. ACM,
7.Yi . o'clock. will be sold cm the premises, at Cot
1 a Park, last Liberty, Thirty-one twantlfally all
opted Half Acre LOA sub-divided from the Conlin
Past Pace course. These lots Ile handsomely los 7 ..
In the fluent dtuation. • Five EU-ardor& frail. ot •
leave the Pennsylvania Depot at lo'clock, for th
free .onveyattee of ladiesand gentlemen to and food
the sale. Terms, on-third cash: 'balance Inoue ••••
Iwo year., wlthloteresLaerretby bond and mon
gaff °
RO F 5 c"b
o b'
paid o
A. YeILW RINK. Awn. 2
at 7rs ci•elock,_a ill be sold on second door of Rum '.
morels' Balealteorn. WiSmlthaeld street- by owter. , .•,
• sem:tier of Joseph Allot, deceased, one share Plt t • I
burgh, Feet Wayne and t bleaCo Railroad: Eanhan
Allegbeey Railroad: 100 *bares Pittsburgb
and Steubeni Ille Iteltroad: one renotruction Itoo4
of Pittsburgh and Steubenville Railroad (or
si it h aeven y tars bark Interest. '
f,3 A. McILW APSE, Acct. 4 7 . • •
AUCTION.-stn WEDNESDAY 1101011.Nt.:;
Fib. 7th at 10 o'clock, Will be sled on the premise , .1
corner of Washington and Liberty streets, the twCr
story Teems Elutidlio known as the Soldiers' Ham . -2
74 fort tong. 72 feet wide, with felt roof. Also. Di"
Lumber In rosesarental same: Palllngaln front: th4 - '
has Ptpes and FlOnrca, Water Pipes and Itiinko l •
shout RO yards good Bidet Pavement.
Terms, gash. Building, Ay., to be removed in
.I•y• from sale. T. A. SIOPI.ELLAN Li, Auct
AT A UCTION.-it , ednesday Moral.
F. Dreary 7th, at 10 o'clock. at No. DO Fled atres
ill be fold to one dr more lots. .boat Ten Thoswarcti
Rushe sads Damaged Bexley Melt, ttilked•••" 4
" b ',.
for distilling nityponw. Terms. cash.
fc3 T. A. ItceLELLAND. Acct- ••
TUESDAY EVENING, Feb: rat. et 7 1 4 2, 73,,v, 04
11l be sold on second door of C0 3 k 31 ..ft •• 6. .. t 3
110019, ltd
to ahem*S miittb ab de tldt street
M shares C i t ize ns`NatioSnl aMI Ih_li
ang u‘
r 5 A. 31e g in AIN R, nettoneal. {
- -
pk,sw Ir sr. PETER'S CHURCIT:; . .
111. bo told on second floor or. Cosozurefil.tial;:ll'
am... too tr,lthfleld stroot. by Order of Admiral. 7-
Ir a oto r r .„ o/:Y 2 ,. O Xf.
. 78 r w oo s is e ne
. d i,, r t As .. oll eh t o bo e
mb, 11:1041lItnN:
rt. A. MelLlWAll4Z.A.nettimeer
Vl-AlatiViNG.—Landlords ItoostkeeP. , :.
W 0.1.4 rar rd. teropi,
jai r.
'Ow. ew Wectswedei mut LL 02Aer aw Saturefae,
T. eatiou t flarwarled which will mach clia aa►.
ambers 80612.13 u the mail ran.
B lttgla *ante,
In guns of dye
In uaM of ten awl
- REAsoNs writ-1 . 0u SnOIILD
3211:1'''V -
1. Tb , 7 in the traria.
'fart wer. - 111oalr thcy ••11.
3. lit... gulmoter irk Ir go-31.1s to do gr.ol aer,t,e.
t. They tvpalr, frre. an) thlug the' acil.' •
l'ltry rt. r t all trwir work.. milking It more der
4 Tbe, work 1.1 the. most etripat and genteel lit
TL., work is the moat durable and perfelbta
the elty.
r. I ra pair pru , r. bad rot, ,t new paje
eat" boy L, w. r thanat azo other plat,
lu They are the beet good., ond yet the lowN
11.'ttylom made. and so:.1 leis that t.rwit.
Ct. The laret, ayaorttarnt to 9.0,1 from to the
.1 b o+4.v. • ni,vs do =1..001
The Best Goods for the Least Mow,
No. 60 Fitth Street.
UNDEI2 Tiff orEir Repersr
Right hand side coining up.
w •itrri
MEN AND mort(lNti
.11KN AND IRYS' carritrNu.
ElAdrpl73l-3 (11, CYO«.
3E3. gEindCOCW3E3C (9,
I,i METH s•TicYrr.
J ill rif 'MEET
Opposite the Opera Rouse.
•cciprxtriE.ALw - sr,
IletigY M. LONG. 6.,e : A.nd Treas.',
Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way,
31: 111 Ni I 74i Cr' OIL.
Brand—" Lucifer."
Tble Oil alarms be exe.ellEd for borningprolaftlabee
rotor or ere teat, awl Is pet up l weft seaweed bit ,
•el suitable for 110.11 E 1.: 4 -E. or E
1/1 4 .1b eel . N. P°lrr; loft.
Robert Le'll"'
4 . ilerros,46.-Lr.-Cm!Clßtt. see%
eurter. Hob,. Welt..., 0. W. C. Carrol/-
X.Not - roleiaucci Ficri3lx:Lor-p.
Rork• mad Oalee. Collins Tewitstdp
The, worts hare the largezt eapaelt7 In the WeIA
. The brand stentle e highest In this
•rtl In Ettrttp, for gnat.) . sad lire teat- and=
put In wed ceawned Itareeltt. prepared wrpeelalli
lannf •rt acto revs BUIL E ItS, $T ILLS, TAJPIIa Site
ttnprol d !tatting Tot•lt. fur lit Welt.. delltltty
lc ofc We.
nor Aso constructing, Lad sal t cep On band..• m.
CIPX:La E.117 , 0,1:57 - ELS
r Write pa rties receding orortnes for MIN porp,elli
and [brat, corner of PIKE and WELKE'S&
,4 TILY.ETN, r.c
A • IM
ki . PH I I.L & 00.
talk. tor. of Perna and Wayne Sfreefa•
This Cc=party orrvalzed on the Inst. Uhler
he renhvylv•ron Mining tad hthouloctUrthr Lams.
The territory of the cherthanyadjoins the thaw:U.4
ose Demi:art" Urrek Union Company, of thts
Capital Stock .=ll.OOO
H °eking Yug! =CCM
Pax Value of coca Sham ie.
. _
l'reolAent—S. A. .1011NbTON.
ni..cretray And TrcAwar , r—Ll. W. RITCHIE
- -• • •
JAvr-I GluulAS,
FAA,. : - .AIDAIL.
V. D. 1.1[11,.
Iv. 17.1
Constantly on nand and for Ws
n. C. Q J. 11. 19.LWYEIF,
No. 47 WOVlDstrczrr.
Ittl - CILEit AND DI , Val IS
%al•. Block, Duquesne Way, Pittsburg%
ear bpecial attcaucns given t. the We and adv.
ol Petro/cum wad t 4 pra!acts. CouslgnsMAll
%Aspect/Idly .11orltka. PnolnlPer en. 10. watllli
j . BEIgN,
I ST. CLAIR ST.. Pittsbctigh,
and Commission Merchant
And dealer h 01 14 ketbrimmtnja
'rode Yetrytennt .outwar d, of twat
.nr eate the lowest market price. anZatimment
.<1 orders aoildtalL ap7A“
•nd Dealer% ID liellallat ilaterlalS
Ita 11/ Alt K
Foot of isala Rad = bboiln il Streets,
&forage for Refined Pdroieutni
In %nit. 9.4 Daman. Bee Ctecatar. -
Otßoe. No. 93 BEAN I= BTZILL'7, Yaw Tut&
4IN trIOUL:-140 bids. not Hominy, M bas, -;
, 'eorlltOminy,_• 100 bbli. rltd Peocbco. Ures -32 dO
!9,quarters; lb do do, pared "A do' Der . nco, o pt:l:s. '
ortod Ap?lolac a.Ohio dot o 3 dod do: =0 dor.
-mood Froolirotetteotooo dos. do TOLOOStool: 7) kfri_
Yonlotry • Lord; 13 dO do: IS dodo
3 .(: 1 0 , y, Nita; 2o bag, Ity. IC, So • Tllaota,t
111 Otaxr.s attar) , Cb toga:. °do w :01 , ,,, , t 7gr,?.
mr„...a.b,n,vgalgl!;•bbi,. do: • ,
• U d":° bb".9`Z”Zratz'igi,*Fldt
v—gs tero • •
m o v _•
; tto ' ' !
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