ES THE GAZETTE 7.N.rintAx Itttss 2. r l ia. ERRETi. EmTea ''" . TH:•(X)STAMAN NA, II OS I neon N itAG en. IML/111373 I> BY THE GAZErry A 53001.4 rro No. SO PIS2IIZITom,T , Plusboffh. TEIM =rem: gorrimr. by moll. Per , Z . .Y tt • No korytoz, do, ber..l by Corriere, I.lo¢artzro or Y:rz:iii;a. imer Elie Cutfte. UIT Y ITEMS. fitasulard ?Luanne Beducx.t, .Ikellaby t Ilarolare. • Great Barcsina b M. 0.,. and Monte ktno_p_lng good, et Barker I Co:8., 5'4 Market street. A. O. V. I. T. C. A. P. O. P:0 14 0 e. un,notateement, Feb. 10, Iwl. • lieutral Sulphite of Lime, ror preaerviag eater. For .else by Chart,' Saper,Dnigglat, oornor of Penn and sr. CLAIr lehrett, Boyers of Dry Good., Bornemher, Rhoßaby .t Barclay are selling their ttnek of flannels and bianket.,4 at great ly re.lueed prices. It will pay yon to give them a call before making your purcha,..4 elsewhere. Their numbers are 74 and 74 Mar -bet street, sign of the Golden Bee Ilivo Indio Soda Alb and Potash. Of the best quality; and for the kart money, at Flom:does .Drug Depot, No. 84 Market greet. neelmsek, SDraatle, 'American, and all the other beat brands of Ninth, selling very cheap at Shot .laby d. Bambara. =MI Often occur, but there Is none about Sawyer'e 'Barbers' soap. It_ ta the beat and cheapest Tollet eetopoUnd'in use. Only thirty cents a cdke. per Sheeting and Shirting .lindliaa, Table Linen Shirt Frosts. Napkin, Towels, 6c.1 at Terry low pricer, at Shellaby Sarelay's. New Styles ladles' Toro . All the hew etpleit of Ladies' has will be told at a peat reduotion In order to 6090 oat ouf Indiana° stook- tn. the shortest Tangible time, at the fleet class Hat, Cap and Ladles' For of Wm. Fleming, No. LW Wood street. For heroism call wpm. MILT. gleCastray Was au Thursday, inaugurated as Mayor of the city. The erreaulEeprestoas a supper we. sensed up to •Bir.lifoCarthy awl his friends. Pittook, opposing!. the 'Postaface, serves his rustainegsArith Albums, Gold Pens, Pocket ' Look*, dr., at the losrest rates., Ilia, latest and Greases* Discovery lit Dental Hygiene, is SOZODONT. It hits ansperseded alifhe ordlintry dentifrices, and, for this riason; that whilett contains no solventrrhiciple Ininrions to.the enamel of the teeth, it obliterates tartar and every oth er dental concretion, provenis 'canker of .the "gums, removes blemishes, both from the mo lars sad Incisors, and leaves the breath pure stud sweet. Put the Question eienerally to year friends, na to what prepare ,eglonestbey ese4er their teeth, and the re --iiponse, nine tunes Out often, will be desodont. ohs no longer neoessary to impress its merits upon the publiosairid, experience has taught she worldthat, salt sauna le beautifying end gresecring , the eetb, inTigerrattost Steve:sae' .and giving i' the eirestif, it /menu rival in either hemtichere. Geai Arniy Blankets, Together with a tine itock of white eastern anCiontintry blankets, closing out at agreat, reduction on former prices, at Sheilah, and Barclay's. Call and see oar stock of woolen goods of every &wet-lotion, of 'which we have a very large stock, and we- will sell as cheap, if not a little cheaper than any other Ileum in the city. • t Pelmets and Rubles. White teeth cropping from mit-of ridges of =by, a breath Splay as the airs from Araby the Blest. Who can resist inch fascinations? To realize, thern,.teperpetnate them, to make firtiStot 'of-pearls Abet rubies, and every alike go's?, of frairrane4;,. an you have to 40, fair ladles, le Louie that matchless yoga ttibleinefitiotftli. 4'owatt - I 44tOdont, MUMthug: Humbug! inarriduals who aro Always . utyhair humbug—those whoee uat: • usal'orednlityrenderethem etiilly hambtuuled ?. ? .,:aaApo,se!Viopiliow,iagthettade humbug- PeuteiOrie—htty'inffirezi from Coughs, /Alai dtricta' tlas~ any dthi 4 iee _et Pe, .-Parcilas system. - -hbutir'ludiu eryteui-aftei a 'fair 'trial of the Cknufw4rioe id mite - and $l. per hei: Diugglite Beep,it. Buy It j Neutral fkalphite of • Limey Tor elder.. .for. sale by Merles lii.par„Droggiat, corner of Peas sad fit. Clair treats' Tittabtirsh. IPtat;ll4S . Bt4ileb—Thip Press. I.;l 4 vert - isinglois been pronounced uaraligni by. the medical faculty. A physician 'who advertikea IS - valuable remedy to fifty pee late'in.liiitPlrivatet practice Would receive the jthishctulder froth his professional brethren, ihould Mindfa,inolen to millions through the husinessoo/umlue of a newspaper, grew. This may be "Molded," but is it bee 11Mitelatit, humane or joint Whoever is forte nateerlouth ;to &obeyer or invent anything that Will pretest or sure, or alleviate human iktonmd to make it known through every channel of COMMUllleattOel Wlthlik his reach, to the.general public. For many years the merits of Hostetter'. Stomach Bitters have `thus been proclaimed to the world, and multi tudes have been restored to health, or saved from fatul maladies in consequence. As now fseta hate been evetoped in relation -to the ',operation of this molt pure and potent of all litomachies and, Alteratives, they have been stated to simple language to the people or many lends; and tithe proprietors of the reed- Seine have derived profit from their dissemi nation, thousand. upon thousands of indivtd male have been benedtted thereby to no en „sent beyond ell estimate. In the. West Canada, Australia, and South America, ilex -letter', Bitters were recognised as the sole - specific for Dyspepsia, the best peesible 4itfe ratard against epidemic., nod the flnust *rant 10 reads of Geneoal Debility, and the only diffusive stimulant entirely free (runt swains, lnifrodients. lioftetter•s Bitters .are Fokt wholesale and retail at very low rate:, at Firnang'ir Drug and Patent Medicine Depot, 140. 04 Market street, earner of the Diamond And Font th Street. Fall and Winter Goodw. It 9 with great pleasure we call the atten ben of our mallet% to the eubperb stock of Fall ,and Winter Goode J net received by Mr. /oho Merchant Tailor, No. Int Federal street, Allegheny. Me stook embracees come of the tnost taidutitul Cloths, eassimeree, Overcom ing* and Veering!' ever brougbt to the western arket. Lite assortment of Furnishing Goods, .autprLsing Shirts, Drawers, Collars Freak Ties, ..liandkerchtela, &e., cannot be surpassed east tar west. A large Kock of ready mad Pants, COats,Veste and Overcoats, will also be found hl Cetabllshitient s Persons In want of any teing In the clothing Une should not fall to give Mr. Wolof it can. - - vo” amcnealßiato Ri,o - fere, pad Dealer, in aniert ran6llite of i' - trifyiur 'colors. ' °Moe at Alexan dar,Latighlin.a near rho : Water Works Pitts -41,16411; Ps. HeitdacCc .No. 73 Pike atreet. 43r _arlaPraraPil4 attended to. work warrant ed waterprPOL - Repairing done al tae abort. 4Bei notien.; Rocha:go forrepaira, provided eke Peer riot. aimed after It la Put 00. - • amplifier Jobbing IRWIN rottlinail after an obsenoe of three gear* In tho 'why, I home ro.npened toy shop *MA I Botta o (lobinng in the =mentor et the old Blan d;Viraln Alloy. between Smith. SiOldltrootandaiatTy Alloy. Onleroinalletted sad promptly atmadea to. =I Neutral if olphite of Lime, --ror Pre.errLot cider, For solo by Charier, 9n .StOr.Drugglrk, Coiner of roan and it. Char preoto, Fatriburgb. in. l olloll oltarrlentiore.Ernily liolvllle and Mrs. Lnador, at rittlx.los VIZEZIM 12=! • • Valentines, Allnanans, Ignanzinee and I' Pillork , , • . 1 • Arreth 13 lr,. >4 , pltle lilmber /A 1$ .1 .I. 11. , I)onough rllotogruphs 101111 .it 1.111.,r1:•“. l'ltZlnaacy VOLUME LXXX.---NO. WE did not lx9lt•ve In ••.• , I,all.- n.O 1,4.1) tried Ayer , s inimitable and now we think the whole coordt Iles in it. fart, that purgatives ore the natural remedy for down4e, and Dr. Ayer hos made the hest of purl:olives. They care ail oar c omplalutw—Lovuu IL , Pres.(' Serpents 1912323312 o 1 RARRTOURG LETTER apecial Corre.spondenoe of the Curette. flanamanto, February 1. WA. The Senate has been occupied durinir a greater part of the week In debating Mr. Lan don's resolutions concerning the Republican members of Congress In their actiou In voting for negro suffrage in the District of Columbia. The moat able speakers on both sides of the question have expressed thetnseives at length in advocacy or in opposition of the reaolo. lions, among the former being Mr. Bigh.on of your County. Three emaiona were geld yenterdey and to clay, tend the dbiceasion is being etteus.rd this evening. The telegraph wtu dendloes glee you the result to-night or to-morrow, but there la no reason to believe that they will re, verve the support of the majority, some of the Rnpgblirnn Senators being oppose.! on the ground that it Ise q. cotton entirely con deed to tliettlatrlct and with which we in Pennsylvania - have nothing to do. Mr. Bighad spoke lad r ern Mg advocating their passage end strong ly denouncing - he Democracy. ;qr. Qnay, of Sesser, to-day, read a bill in Ida place, to the to lueorporate the .tuettee. Minna end Ohio Bellroad Company . Ti,, Oil, pennon. named, are D. A. k Macy, Marion heat, J. R. Barrett, J. Hervey Robinson, Lvaac Gordon and other's. The capital Mock is ti cod o at 4--L,000,000, in one hundred thmtadad shares itSo each, with power to increase to an amount not exceeding 1de,000,00.0, and to bor row nn equal amount on per oent. bonds, .-ered by mortgage, each and tieing for elm. The company are to have the tight to build and equip a Ilia O or donde truck railroad teem a point on the line of the State of Ohio, In ifercer county, to Om town of Lewisburg, in I Mon county—by was of Frunkl in, Cherie., Brook ville, B.nfoldsrille leas - Geld, Itellfonte and Aaronstie re; rail of which shall be points nu the lint), with the right to connect with any read in Northumberland county, or at either end or Intermediate point. The grading le folio commenc proceed Franklin or at the eatern end, anded after:randy in one eon tothoue line mad completed. Section Kb de clare. nthatfor the purpose of fully protect ing the mining, manufacturing, and all other interests of the canteens of Pennsylvania, It Is hereby specially provided that all testae carried upon said line, or any part thereof, ex ceeding one hundredimlies, shed be carried at the minimum rates per ton Der mile or per passenger per mile that the same - classes of freight or paasongen may at any time be car ried for greater distances, either. on the lino hereby authorized or In cemnectlon with any other road or roads or other moans of teeny. portal:ion east or woet of .its terminus, or be. tween those points; nod any violation of this provision abseil work a forfeiture Of the char ter by the Legislature, and the State may thereupon take possesSlon of the road for public use. Mr. Hoge has another railroad project on hand. it proposes to allow the ithettango Coal Company, a corporation organised under the laws of Otuo, and- Wathorized to bead a rail road from ite ooal P ennsy lv a ni a übbard Run to wnship, the State Line, to eater the road train that boundary hue to the Wheatland Pareanes la Mercer county, The balm, Senator has presented a tmple meta to tho act intiorpoietlng the Penneyl- raffia Tubing and Traitaportatton Company. It makes the number of :directors Seven and allows them, in addition to the privilege, panted hy the original ant, to stream, any of the tributaries of the same or of tin Creek. The capital is to belnoreasted to 4M A (I "b to e wes. Th e Motsth been read in the Hewes. -The drat to authorizes the Connellsiville and Southern Pennsylvania, Hallway Company -to lalli/d/il goad from s point at or near Connelleville to :Pittsburgh and to connect the game with any other railroad at either or both - of It. termini, and to construct hranchee."The time for balding the Connell,. -Yale end 'PeacuryliranreVitailway le extended throe yearsiend - thle main line is to connect with matte in litizeisaid, Virginia and treat 1 -Velll offered by Ida Slack to incorporate the Central Park bkating,totapany, of Pitt.. Vl.h=rn .407 1 7c:h j xrk . . 7. :111%; tl in. C. Idorelari,r. Hervey MeCanaland,Jno. Magma and IL C. tioodwin ea incorporators, giving thorn power to grades piece of ground -in the Math Ward and In Pitt township, upon which they inn erect the buildinge noo. ereary to adSkating Park. The prioo of admis sion la not to aneceed fifty cents. The Dalin ' relation to the compensation of Surveyors and road viewers in your county, naakesthedally pay of the foremer, when mn- PloYed,thretts dollars, and Of the latter, one dollar and eaty neut. Mr. Hernia ha* read a bill making it lattni .for any person holding Judgment. WM/an; the Allegheny and New brighten Turnpike Com te fame a writ'of Agri fades thereon, mud make a levy-upon all the property, do, of the corporation, and sell the same at public sale. After the money realized ha. been usld forties payment of the costs of sale, the balance Is to beArvidedpro redo among the judgment crest- Mire, Confiscation of aontborn Property. A memorial or rather rernonstrance het been - prepared - by gentlemen of competes, t ability against the Testi:oration of certain coast lands in South Carolina to the traitor. of that State, whith lands were appropriated on ,. der an order of Gen. Sherman to the gallant muddler. of his command. A certain Mr. Orr, formerly a traitor, propounds to the Preset dent " the question why a planter on the sea coast who was driven from his home in '6l, shOrdd not have his land reertorod 1 The an ewer is plain; they,like Orr, were traltors,and have no righta which title government tinder the monntain load of debt and toe. of mi nable lives involved in the reconquest of that thrice rebellious State, is any manner hound to respect. By the treason of their owners, them, lands were righteously forrelteti and Justly bestowed by Gen. abertnan upon hla brave soldiery as a reward for their valor and enduring fidelity to tbe Government of Ca !suited Statei. But the traitor Oct gomou t•• • o rot bra plea I,y ranting thrive lands had le• u tdengla by their former nueuoarits to • , • I:alte,t state of eidtivatlon and prudent-. 0 I rata, but omitting to mate they were thou ut to ts dgree of I mrovement 1.,t gh he .10i eat hi and e toll and er p unlty nod I•Liody lava of the overtuer throngs a perlml of tw 0) butyl nut year. for the Its trunonuenjoyment tit tneo.overy trnitorn 10 0 horn now. ibrouzh Ibis faun Orr; un appeal In made for their 0 rvatoration by an edict or the Prewidem and Cout,,une. In thin appeal he has the profound arant-e to argue that shoo Id the occupation of thr e e lands be contlrrned to tlo• band, in hitch Genetal Shun:llan ha., placed them it 111 be a gey= dlinmter to theft font., rev, •01.) traitorous) proprietors I:1Ni gr:int ibis o r may 1., fully and mord:am:ails eooll rimed, Ino traitor Orr and all of tier triviton, tw the ••ount rats note it hatamiltm. air t here IV liot,eral fromt tut dues r .1511 g. torte mareb through loo t to t co:oln,t Britain, w lioiumuunted the authority to part;- Olti the :With, stud thhoUteh to of the eOllllOOO - for. too devoted, 1,:o 111,1 pair lc art,t v. that General it W. Tc-Sly noon, oil, Ind his chilli-4f,, overtqUl/ChtiCILIS 1 - 00Oht,'114, Itruml -were, d, ep wido hy• one thou and mitre and achierni the sir l•I iie relvellionn stales, through which :, S ullen Penn t rated to the South Carolina roast lands, grunted to hie bravo 'wintery, 11) • ho se -wart arse, fearleMb ellft tirlaw per „ever. urn their unequalled G••neral proceede•l witivout a tingle repulse of note frOUI j..0h00 to Atlanta, en•annah, and that prol I f•• la darn of nil treason. l 'harlaaton, to tar neon ration and bestowal of these-imast Minim upon his followers in that glorioita and yrtp,,,,,i,1„, 1 catnpulgu. 'Wilt then this con, re.. or the President miter ./1121 authority, venture h) the fano of nein., ual loyal w•n timent thug to Insult their undenuandlug, and east u reproach upon that moot elinhnt bold. ter, Gen. sbermes through Who.,. wonderf ,d t tly and grnerute i,ip In more than one ht.,- 'bred sanguinary battler, lite great victory it are won, and - the States, through which ho march ed, comced into obedien.a by utter subjuga tion! It cannot be the President or a patriotic LOngrest, will lend their hearts or minds to suds an net of perfidy, tiny robbery. of t h e latave men to whom these ester., wen, grant ed 1, ()entre.' Sherman. To this day, many of the tith e . to lands In England ean by traced to Cteser'it grout to lila soldlorY. "Let bins that I, onjout be unjust '• Shall mini an Ignominy tio the tin - mown' role hely of the bravo men, by w hone valor thune land, nen) won, rest upon this young ration, by the- art ••1 tuiy one mu,,, however exulted In station Then, holt•ol, would he re rtflo•I the fact that "Republica are ever hon by Itch an art would the President Pt elk,. in rifest IrOto Ito •rei.Xlolool - 1 of the I•rilind Shoes leo wot•ls vI, II utility, Couto,” ...y1 ',du. t o o w hat In ihv corrupt tat currants of tbig Knrlt men..., by atJ cry tongue or inairri hatla , May aiIIJVC by Justice," And t hilt tear from the hands of the Sir worn and mat dated veterans hose valor a, 011 these fertile coast fields, a:hereupon they located forward to a grateful government to enable I hem to eon vote their swords into pploughshares In the cultivation Of thtete lands or thetri.selitul and their ptederlty. Yet this mama Orr, steeped in the double treavou of violation of kilo oath as a member of Congress and personal aid and countenance to the rebellion, has the torrent. ery In approach the President and Cong - rmin for the restoration to his brother traitors of Ito :r fertile Ilelds, by the laws of war, and rig I:F.ef eOIII , IIICOt the property of our devoted sou Fiery, antler the order of their 1 our, correspondent, though whaneoll In vers. Myelin octogenarian. has bad the prlVl ip• "r reading in part the remonstrant.° ielt boa netaislinied these remarks. lie has U, no mere part IZIII3 politletan, eter. yet still te to his noun try's honor und rmnre 'atonic. nine, most eon] lady tifinVoVP. it.. in 001 r. tenor, 04 n 01114 approve still brie entrer and more yin -410 I in a or.l. of caution, warning and retiams. rim.' to the President and Congress against he ninin,ll-0 prayed for by the adherent, of reason. nl3ll the indiserlui itinte exorcise of the wt . doc inn rarer, than whilew.hing then, of rime and rewarding then, for ireunbery to In. Gni ernimont, instead of rendering it od io u tt " earls Prof .. ..tens from TH.E , PITTS I.} ',l', .G 1 - •5-_-;-- 1 Ela LITESUIT.I.EtaI HIS. OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. FROM WASHINGTON Equal Rights Dill Passed Senate ITS MORE IMPORTANT PROVISIONS River and Harbor Improvements. THE SEA ISLAND PROPERTY, Letter from General Sherman AMOUNT OF STATE II AR DEBTS. ••peeial divatah to the Pltt.burgh Gazette. WAPUIXOTON, February 2, Is.6i. 1=1! The ..7 - .ertate pasued to-dat, by ¢ Vole nt tbtr • - t}.llll - 0 , 0 to twelve, WOOL la conceded by every body, to be the most Important measure brought before Congress store the passage of the eotivtitettmnal amendment abolishing ~lavery. It was Judge Trumbull's 1.111 to pro tee! all persons in the United States in their eiv 11 rights, and furnish the means of their vledleation. The first two and 1.44 s,enon, arc as follows: section I. All persona born to the States and not subject to any foreign cower, or tribal authority, esoicding Indian.. ari. hereby declared to be rittisens of the United Stoles. bection 2. There shall be no discrimination In civil agate or immunities among the in nal,- (Mute of 'any State or territory of the Tufted States on account of race, color or pre‘ ious condition of slavery, but the Inhabitants of sorry race end color, without regard to uly rreriOtin condition of slavery or Involuntary ,servitudes except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly con vic- ted, shall have the same right to make and en- Pore, 000(1114111, to sue and give evidence, to Inherit, purchase, lease, - sell, hold and "on soy rent and personal property, and to full and equal benefit of all laws end proceatings for the security of person and property, and Shall be subject to like punishmc it, pain. and penalties, and to none other, any law, state re, ordinance, regulation, or custom to the con. I nary notwithstanding. Section 10. That It shall he lawful for the President of the trotted State's, or sorb per-son a. he may empower Inc that purpose, to em ploy such part of the land or naval formw of the United Strata., or of the Militia, as s hall be necessary to prevent WO ViOlut 1012 of this cwt. flu leat section Was strenuously oppose.' Ire Cowan and Elenarioks, but was adopted I.y thirt, three to elaven,and is a copy or a iect:on of • bill passed during the democratic a, innalstratiouof VIM Buren. lIIOE2 atlD MA/MOS IMTIOVIIMiIvr, The Committee on Commerce have ander cor,theration the subject of appropriotton• for riven and harbor,. As no 5em...1 , 113n lot, have been made for MOTChli years, the toren patens of the Committee are taking a wide rang-, and being very carefully made It Is noderatood that the whole subject of the Im provement of the Ohio and .1118.1.1ppl ravers has been referred to Mr. honJamln Egglewton. erhoseintlwate acquaintan cc with the Desl se•n of the West is a guarantee that It trill lte folly and ably attended to. 4FLD ct. Alar ♦LLOWSO Roth Ronan of Congress have finally. after years of delay, passed a bill 01 1 / a cting the Secretary of the Treasury to pay Char's, Y. Anderson, architect, $:,500 In full. for horn, I.or and expense In preparing plant anl Urn :ogr for the Capitol extenaten. Ms Accrete," of the TreesUr,' r •-ettr 4 an fteetlyelollllcornrourdratlon :oa forty-one Interest beating note-A amount ,nit In the aggregate to dee thousand dollars. Tl.o tale 01 the note. was ordered, 'n , h net ted e1tz,61.0. The letter was postraurted t eeru siy Ist, and read as follows, Ile. Hugh McCulloch:—The eunioeeol if, mon, ry that rightfully belong@ to the l'oited etate, Though the world would any that I came hen •stly by It, I count a clear conscience of mer” aluethan money can represent or express. TIM ISZCIaIIi 111011 t . t sivimra Todoyamototted tO too htuul red and six thou reind one.htutAtre4 and seven dollars arid Oily varte cent. riLRAZY MIITRICT DlScoNTnrcrn Orden hare berm issued disenntinuing the P.:Mary district of Mississippi, from mid af ter the drat lint. The ease of Vicksburg. Junkmen. Natehes and Meridian are designated me the principal pent*, and Grenada and Colurniats ae stations, lion. George Bancroft and htt wife artll, dtt. r:ng their stay In the city, connequent upon he delivery of the scdogy upon kir. Li n.,1.1, be the guests of President Johnson. Secretary howard was at lb.. Caputo! an I -I the floor of the beanie for the drat tilt, to. close the attempt L. tuansainato !SITU. ttcn. G5O. 11. Tbortina was nu tho nrk,t ;,,.. note (Or the Brat 11u.• IT hi, it Urn Shorman was upon the floor at the Li rnii of the lo.yagn anarautneing elell :It hr.. Grh Thollll.l and Mende were with great entbuslionn In the Mu..., i.e. (• 3/ Oeld iondiieteel l.en, Thornnn to the apenir.- •re Judge , pauliling iiroposeil et eet I, which were it:erb elti by the flee, I'lltrinv !I, year 26: Ti..aeur) their p.nitinee,;and •houl,l tar pi ~e ut 1.111 providing for an lacrea•e of pay h e defeat. rd. a much larger numl,er will prol,ahl, ra ttle.] The }lfnine will tM in meowdeu to-unerr.w In Committee of the Whole nu the Prete' Men). Bureau 11111. iliewdre. henlueky, mini I.trelk w 111 Dinky op..ccli., 4 , ; the.. o.Lieuien act w Ith the Union party. Judge Spaulding tAectgy Introdueed authorizing the Mauort.ary of War to repair said Improve the harbor. of Cwweland tool Fairport, and appropriating tor the for mer and 6.21,0c0s for the latter, %Ale!, rot or roLl to the f outmittee on f ornnteree. lonfor '1) of thr Font thlry delrgal lon here rerni to di Lox In•ydreLlon from Ihr %our., ..hl,ll Nopply the pre.ent rt.bri Lei/1./Mery or that 01af... 11,•!.,) our of fiat.. grril Irmo h y ro ol•jr , flon. prerrhll Ihr lorrodertlon of a • .11aun IT Mr. Meher, of hentuoLy, giving the rt-cler nl Court• J urln.llellon In •lIuLL•.f to filch men are :mod for use ur property tot military services , am tile present courts or tie Mate are In nearly all tames awarding damages to relml• for property thus taken, eatfYlN AND TFIC er.A le LAND lItOr.211,• Ti... SOOT h t arolina gentlemen who ate hereto secure n ret urn of the Sea Wands to their for- MO/ on nets, net who, of tourer, axe seeking to defeat the Sea Island section of the Fri ed tecn's Itnrean 1,111, had a lona conference with the Prtadtie.n I, yesterday afternoon, clutch en -0.11,,1 in Ide addressing letter. to titmeral Sher. men anti secretary Stanton. wanting of each en explanation of the tdretteastenees miler n Idt h General Sherman'. special field order No. it., was Issued. Thn follow log I. Onneral I:ermtin.s reply. which will ist preneultsi In :he House. to-morrew: WA• 1,1 1•0T.."1, re . To .1 net,. tr J , hriAon. 0. / (~,1!,,f / bare the I.•.nnr to a-U/-1s the reerort even log of tour letter of February the 01,11 lr, 1 . 0114F10.111 . 41 • Ith our refit/or/ In clone herrn Ith a eopy of hold „rd, IS tl,lr , brief I.lNtnry of Ito Origin 0.0,1 roust., for Innk Ing The Bon ntnniem, n, effitf , ry of Woe nano 1(1 ,n, u nnah non utter It, Orellpllool3 by the to. undto tu e (hand, and (001 erred I,ely 111, me no to tb on(e bent method to pro f fete for the to..t numher of negro, who had folio% ed the farm) trite the InLerlur of bleoricht, 0-'Ol.O for t bac w he had iolnull near if Han fiend and were 'till C , 1111114.: Inleer Inn, We: Ilirre.ld perfectly Nett the 3 mod; and ahle-lomlled (nee shoold hr COIIIOIII, roldlere, or employed by the (:11/1,- termaliter ut the neemmary work of unimullng chip.. chid her rsny purr/ova; but (la, left on our lambs the old and f eet ,. „„,, the ~ ,r rich timid child, en, w ho had ne(o.ol,trij, to 'eil by the (Insfed olnten. .7.1! t• t• 0111 i. tallilivd it largr tiomb e , of I= 1,(;11 ;01 .11, 0! ..0...(/I.led plantation+ on the .ros Island.. and along the nnylgable waters, take re of t himasel / es. lirrequested OW to draw up n plan that would uniform and practicanie. I made the rough draft, nod we a ant over It very carefully, Mr. Stanton making many changes, and the President's Order No. IS resultml, and wfan made public. J keen, of course, we could not convey li tho/. to Land, fool rem sly presided posseroory tiller, to Lc good F.) loin a. the war and our military power lastml, and moody aimed to make prevision for In/green who were a/klO - dependent on the Veiled States, lea, log the value of their pence stuns to be deters mined by after events or legislation. At that time, January, 1./3, It will be remembered that the tone of the people of the South wall cry defiant, and none could foretell when the period of war would tense, therefore I did not contemplate that event a teeing so near at hand. I am. sir. with great respect, lour ;Wt. S. - v . 1., W. T. GprtixA./Ir, MAJ. Urn The 103. et el stem, a ith the cemmtion of Kan. loam and Michigan, and the three Pacific States have furnished to Mr. Blaine, of Maine, ehairman of the Saltmt Committee oir the Wir 'Debts of the Loyal States, the amounts ox. p. nded br the them severally, In supporting the late a ex. The footings In most cues im elude the amounts expended by coundea, CM., and lOWIII4, and the aggregates, In round micnber+, are as (011415 $l2 atiM,C4O: Now Ilamithiro, $17,00,000; Vermont_ 1igt,70..005; Muu•settuseLts, V.-Lb/DOG, State alone without Including town debt; Itlioln I 51anti....5,:t00,000; t onneeticot, $14,000,000; Now 1 ork , .111,030.0001 Now Jersey, 15.M,1M0,000, !Inn n•ylvan In. V1,00t,000; Delaware, #1,100.00; Maryland. its,l4o,otob Weed. Virginia. 42,0110,0ni 411,10, StiS,000,0110; Ind inns. id.,1,5in,10,1, Illlnobs. tr. 'route, }:.•,000,0(3; Wlneon 41n. 612.....t1e.tarh Min. n rent , SI 2,5014 , 1 11 0; M I -W./Ur I, Kr n • tot by, SI alOtt,tuO, by State RIOCI4I, not Including hountios or tow us, PENNSYLVANIA LEGLSLATERE. 131.pateh to the l'ltt,hurtgh Gazette lIALIZIAIIt en , VOl.l,lllry t IC' IMEMED ?leer..hum, t:yrthant hn.l 1.0 Its rfe.eht-• e . pet :tion• of oil Urn. of Pitt...burgh, wilting fto the TtaaArifiliUll of the Charter of til.l Pitt. Lurch end thou nollui lite ltallroatt. AI:. raham offerc•l a phi Ilion from at Pnnts Orphan A.,•11‘ In, of l'ltt•tharigh, I=l Mi. Bight.] reported from 3 u , lloLary Lc. rat , 01:11S11 It tr,l an art tiling the [line for hold. log term. of court In Allegheny etionly, and regulating prooeedings In the same. A1.,0 (rota the tunic, at committed au set pun lahtng the buying and receiving of scrap Iron and other metal from minor" to Allegheny county. Mr. Graham, from the toturnlttoe on Vier) .1 Immorality, an itvt, regulating the grant. lug of Urea.... to rating betides, acid punintt: lug th. unilven.e.l•ale of lo; nor. to All..ghonk o a• tioentnilt Mr Lighaux read to plat.. act to exempt the hall of twe TOMO,' .IlboOln tioo of /'Mb hut& from taxation. Me TileConaughy moves' that John floras, of tSet tysburg• be appointed an 1141.1M0/IAI ,I•or_ k. e 1.., of the Fenate Agreed to were pasard foully at. follows: An not authorising the Allegheny v..tier ttallroatt to borrow motley, an! ineorp o .,, Lgi !to Short Line Rallrotad Company. An sot for the 4et for sr , •I n,tro tuttpnrtLa/ .0. isetlon nt tutors ot talettey ounty, was oohsltlertsl 4n t 4.tottnlttoe of the Who's, awl an emeodtne nt 04ered to make It gonors/ taw on tin 0nt , )4.41. The till tvg. postiwnool Adjaut nod till 104.04103, al 10 Woloo4. MIMI Mr GI 6011 read a retak., (rent ,nanufaetta ter,„ ioa yerh and hnnl nrM In 01 All-gamy cunty I reetore the rharter of t.n the ouncilt o Ita:Irotol Not Idln4 rrad aye .on fora retry at Parker.. landing. on the .1 Ileghtmly rtvar 7be Lho t:/, , theuy,‘onapsay Dam b•er of dir,lor• nally. A•ljeraro-./ uutt: eiculaq. FENIAIIsIIII IREL.IAD I.r it. !ilcDon ell'N Indian Fhpedition New TO , IOM, fen. I.—Tbe Dntrllc eorrowpond rul Of the Ilernad, under Jute of Jann try lath ta.) r Thrl 1/01.10110. 1010,14 CaLIA101,11•001 1,l im; rt • nrionlzatlen. Nt• one ...mail lo ti to,t t.t, that 1 anal sLrtn •r. pr, ferllngx, up' thrtn~t,..„ rant of pletnature ..tatt.r• - nitt• Mt LL kw, gaunt:l ganertal n.. rbai atnee at . a urgnattrati•inal Ltztn , le I, wa a the folliterara u of Staid:ono wlgorondly an 4w.-.1 11, the k rk or la rtatrlng, Cra an appani to .trtna, I loey are ,t the preavlnt Om, It I. tart a L., aLnakanlr hymplunt that tbr 11tat.nt .'oft , out ICLI,I I I. urtalLrs.g bent ten ',me. , To— rent- ot fotrsaw ara tnr. u.ur ..14,...t tlto . •U r. ',Lk Ina • •, L;arirtal and totatt.n.a ....LI II a•t tuft,butte,. Eire I, nt,l . ( .14,rription, ~ hrin t , ;l np Ltalrtra. etnaret turctln,‘ ore• helnZ :.t ••,- I. 110 h. Imallt..l to the 1, ~f ••/garderitlin/. and whin, ita t.rtatz k at In rs;•,•I Itsol kip 1)) tontner...4 at I•nter.o:nt,l ni•• , l ee1,.11 ltd, of I ,, blattl a gton. tat all} How all tha I,rz In. n.+of - , ollancl, and upl •tor , , 31,.1 n.ta .a. o the lan pr•-•, , ,,1 I. Ihn r c... urt. / Tug to Lb, nu, 41 a ntun ago,to tr.n.t..•f Aral ~ . 1101,1 wan,: un otten lLle Bare theoultuut the can t ry gllmpta-• ale annztit by n Inlet arariera of,do of t rntllt tar,. arrnt.. Cr pruaLntlna 111 it; 4.10, - , i• 0•1. Tilk: disciple.. of F. natal•na ant. attf nrr • tanking ever) pr.lotr tll,m 030.11 11. w, 6, WV, ltiltlAt,ll.‘l., the T 1... 1...1 a. rtinent I. (Ally Lao lie.taltget, Lk Loot I t •-rt .Laol mgt., and orl . • tonara az, onn the In 1 I". Ir - ink tro• f t I al it., elerN ,tt .t ,, ;••lr, r . •••!IK • ',II : • ..: •.I l!,•• prlllll. • •• .\ -.l,rt I r+// , t. , ti,.• .ut rut. 1.4.1 ul ktett,,, • , • r•rt, -, • f,O • 11 1 •• • 11:: nt e L: F•rmt 1 mat a. P. ~ , t tig gal et - m.11a., I,•ttrurt•lt lute ri , 3l. f•rt tha• uf krpporloc th.•1t14.44,- = 'no. -now , vorreatoroolotent rort:tol wur t Fettoott toroott lir Apace. Indio.. lot o t t a roo o o tovalid toenotrul MrDow ell, with groat t tvtor. Thf , .•rael'al loft Man rraht . lmou to av• 11.1.11 mtaiwritrlvnotrnex of tht, uprration• I.ltwd for o tro4tir. to the. meows ~ f Itootttlitlew Tlov loollan trtto, aro I,o,op runtlhg Olt!. Lbo national forene the A pail,. lit Oerloot r.ri. , ponctilat of the Lout t.ot nroo, oolisfeto that , toterloo. Inet t eur la Hamburg :tort Itromett. I contrary to 'VIM( WS. tortnorlt tee (is." Whmt vo.y pu•or people, ould lay toy few !eater, too•arry ttovuo over, a eckwthleraidon nuntloor of of the etolarante ranoriet of farmer:, with tone or two tbroutotrol thaters. The Distriet holTroire DlD—Papers It. Wins to the Imperial Express Co pony. IV Feb. rezulating the 1.:1,th,, Eranchiee In the Med Y let or Co lumbia reportoil by "dr. Anthony, granting the rig ta of eta ff taw, to all black. pen.. au man entitled to vote In HOZ, and 'all °thorn who may rrvtde liere OGle year prior to any eloct tlou w ho are 45 . 51111r11; tint' to make no illidlnellon or color. The pato,/ s, relative to the organisation of the Imperial !lexicon Express lam/pony, In this eottull - , , , under /Authority of Um nosatlltAl Man lwrote! ;co, were troortnittef /41 d to the tile Hoosr lie UN tile President / l.elon het s;11., Isoa, senor Rot ~,,, o run,' t Ofl lie seeretor) of ,tate to thin c xerelso of noinorlty au ail t ent orow called Don / ci hued,, Max Intlilun, of Hapsburg I oder dote of NON ember let, NI, Seward Urt,em huger..., or el t. 1.4.. with Meru, shall Intl Inge. In ony w ay. the issw or trootan 4,1 the 1.4441, or the WA'S Or OILLiOII, effecting the Republie of Mello. the p. oise, tooosure , of rod roe, olii be pion/Idly token. Ifoomego from the Pre...Mont on the Itroonnittot% of the DOWlttlean .age nom I li , l'rttt.l,erit on as roccortrol 1,3 line lit, 70 dort, mid II frepreretthrO tort' Ingo I hat tint commercitti interortot of tour .It t stolid be ontotool II formal ....cog nition tor t bc intici IL numb,. Republic, N Idle ut 11nnitinucc rcromrolt ion would I In milli . . coolOrmily with the ionlm) of the United ntalt, I lin vc, tun!. nett view, nominated to tilt, Onlitl . .l . till ,111.11 tot MIIIII4I grind. , with ilac"en, 000 r toorteoltb .1 to lino itropnid nt lint tI, ittol rrenta mi an ap e. propriat ion he mad t ottmortow tow anis mom Ming tor hi- 0 01E111011,4 lion. (41goctil A‘Paßit. The 4:ermrantoun Illtt;(llcree7Convirlell. 1',111.1.1,1 I'M 'l, I .16.-( j,l Viet, • VII, 111 t.::•• 1104( 111,51•ne '.lll Ir.. Lzr. .ply. 41..1% mi. MN 11:1).it , .11Y 3, 1866 I iteAL t; Opinion of Chief Jubilee Chase W cb ciay the• follow lug to We `fen 7. , Ow •"^tale of IS, fatted The iterompaning tiorre,poiolence 14 Inus. UM fed to the Senate in compliance with a resolution of the lath nit„ rieinesting the Pr , Went, If not Incompatible with the pub lie Interval, to communicate to the Senate any coreewpontlenee which may have taken plum between himself and any of Li...lodged of the Supreme Lourt, touching the hohlinpf of tht Clrenit Courts of the United 41.14,Le4 In the Mann ectionary States, tar the trial co admen against the Vrahl States. • • /Planed) ANDiteteJollasoN. Executive Mansion, Washington Feb. X. W n nlfiSoroli, (lot. DiAR Si, It may become necessary that tilegovernment prosecute the high crime anti misdemeanors committed against the United Oates w ithin the district of Virginia. Per mit me to inquire whether the Circuit Court of the United States for that district In so far organized and in condition to exercise Its !UM:tillna by yourself or either Cf the Assoei e Judgesof the" Supreme onset, at to hold a term Si the Circuit Court there during the auteme or early winter for the trial of Cause, Very Rospeetfully, Assess, Joe Coos. • EISTEMIME 11'..en !NI, Thurldny l •ott in g, ik•tolrer 12, 1865. 1 - 1•43 r —Your intern( the :id inn., dlr.:n od to Clryofand, and forwarded to Sandusky, reached in., the night before lan. I left fur itaidongton yesterday morning, and am lust arrlysil. To your ennui,. ar lb ether a terra of the Circuit Court of the I_ toted Mates, for the District of Virginia, will ho held by myself nr ono of the Associate Judges of the supreme Court, during the autumn or early winter. I respectfully respond In the negative. Under urdtnan circumstce., Um regu tern, authorized by Congress an yrouhi be held lar tic fourth Monday of November, which this yea be. the twenty-seventh. Only a week will ir tenon° between that day and the com mencement of the annual hem of the supreme Court, w hen all the Judges aro newinired to be In attendance at Waahington. That time Ls too short for the transaction of any very im portant [malmsey Were this otherwise, 1 so (b eh doubt the propriety of bolding circuit courts of the riled `dates In , tatea w bieh hit•e lams" de- Hared by the %.cencitive and teat-lath , . Do partmente of the national gm ernment to twi i rebellion, and tberidore sol ) ented to mar tin al lasi before the complete restoration of their broken relation. with the nation and supereedure of military by cleft almin. Ist ration, that lall] an *Mitts Pa bold •tich court , . In such Mates within , my eircult, which includes Virginia, unit' Concresa shall have NA an epportnnitv to Conn bier and art on tile whole artidOel.. A civ il (Curt in a district under marital law , orl cal) art alth thesanction and under the ~ .a-pervlnkm pervInkm "(military hower. I cannot thlak it become. Janice. of the Supreme Court to err :or turiediet ion under 'urn o•cani I tom-- In this Cif," it le proper to toe i hat 111 J lice Wayne, whose ho{l3 I , in the !Or el Snit., eiimarit with me. have hinl porl.untty• of eonsioting with the oiLee (icon, but ii... num - erne Court has bi tire to de elined to rounbler canes bronglit briar.• it by appeal or rise ol error from t lie Ct moo t or libv trlin t. mine In rebel portion+ of the noon in..very rellabie foreneu C. 1.12 Ledra a in thi+ action, tor when eirinosatance+ have chnnus. , .l. the I curl huebut no (at an II gory, it fa. ore the cone) when arrived at by m.neli and insure tip ayue . IA .121 sit ens retip,et, Ou-s V,ry truly. P i na it TOE NATIONAL DEBT—MoNTIII.T NTATEMENT, General Howard's Leoturing Tour CASE OF A SEIZED STEAMER DECIDED ro 1 .li, 1 , •..t, 1. -1, 11 "...h1n,f1 11, r•.gull./nor/thly •11.:otno.. S:11101,0 fo n t e iro,ll Lanf'rofl4 tho T:e11.4111y lontrr l oont It .Low. on looms!, of ..ov 111:1/ lon. In toe I. Lod., t0.1a.....1urtn,, the to , ::4h of 7114' P , PI ••it'lLirto, PIP rII IP ,t 1 p., 4.(1 A• h m .'zlK tniar thro,gb 11... to rtt., nne nut - I.:rot! nt ("Is err..., kn.] '.l". Lbw/ rrooiee.i la in be Jevoteel lc! tbw tio,l rtrmtf fot the ert,tloo of the t o a 1 ! I oreg it!!. city Doting u•• c ••• It I. •uolereeosi rot el • •••••.1 Levier!!! fortnlybr, !... tie I iltaritelCie aril will tern o4lerge of he 11.1,1 u.11..n . reets-.L. :roe! fl .he !leo ol eteaelner liana 11 ton. •the t01t.,21 Mtiliter euittor it 2 1 , 66 ,r.n.ror•.:lon of trv.,p4 from +I 1..5141• to on. .loin op n r pitter.lln Lioiontel,bln try rei.10.1.64,1.., I hr owneo • !i:e eatitiod to Ule eglue of Cho .oaoe. de.t r 4.1 A• e.stetAlan I.llg n prooel...t fc.Cl le of ,on.l.l , :titttle Ico;.hrtyn t ,, !urge norule, of other , rehttoto were .1.-eLtoyc..l Juno): the wnr. rbr total norc.'!er .antra. '• :••el • I 'IP re . Of ILA FreCGOCI elu!!ti.., cc, 11.!, of J•o•••ftry wa•!)g t he ^l4 , llnUtlt of 4.1c,,t4fe1l IMEMINO=2I I...terral trltenr.,n, 1.. r.... ,lltrr, to 1 t....qr) IMpart Mont 1. , : • ,pt, or whaa),l.n.•4 g.miaerty, Lts unc•ur U )la nootc••nsiclorinir r t klnd, r. •, l 0. nee of Lit.. pre,. I •.111. Jut m•-•1•3r: aril! 5. takrti :ry 11.-n th t t 0.11 I• , 1 llth IONGRESs—FIRST sEN.II.II V , •• '•r 1111 i rt Ntr t• 111,to •• t, • .-rt. r It, • • ••••If 1 1 0aLl• I I: • :11 1 •• •I • : 0 V Nt 1(•• tn•Nn.l 1 ha, hn I •Itrt 'r , th.• ,•(. lk. 14 N tri pi 111, i.t.• Flt ookn I haw.oti , •fne7o.1o•olo,o, tutor:lll,, on lb, ”t th to roint, tolo ralontl to,. • •o% 4.rvilv-ta 10 lb., lowa I,raoon 1 -.• o 11 ~,,, tot to t Jot t ro o• l , •1 1.••••, I. l on tu. 1..);I =MEM 'I I n wt ' ll r /IT • t f• Nr f I, ~,,, 'hal •1.•,j1 I, 1 11•11011. 24•41.4,11 vll/ vo4 VT. Of 11,. trt ,, lltivt/'. ',L., 1 / 1 , In% IltAl Me 1it0. , /.• :e. , •1,1 t Mr. (...lierl.l to use, ts ..• tel., KU that la,)t,t. I , , snotak ol 1 it • tu tier .11“:1, meglit h.rue tit }tem.,. Timt. , 11 , ,,te ~,,, • na,4l 1.4.1. T.,. nip, let , Ili. irr , rlsen,rat M, lAA to'"1.1 t.•er:irict. w.l Al,l ,, Gen, ILI Tl.snin,,, hog n v• , nr 11.0 Sig, ter thiin it. I , ..reir the hulowlng brief millret• “trenitymeo cif Mr /toot. or ~,,, While time thn.ll hog, aryl t at ItPplthl ill than eedure, none , of tit eau otrr tall to be grateful to the offir•yrsi einil tolgiee, w h o peth o l e tiles for itt pretervation. True a the truest am/ brave tut the bravett, w ere Major tionerui Communlier or the Army at the Polo mite, and Major titurerui Photons.. ourtunwier of the Army or the I otnty.rlund, who,. I by,. the plenturr, under your , to int ritiore t " r:L .- ?.iiri ant r eo n , plant. /rota all rm.. G. ' 31. 1 ,L a 411.1 reepetritiod. The {Mute gui.orten apilollp rulyil.vomr gentlemen rallied upon Nor lierierar Thi Mr a lipeeetl. to ...terra wild iiit Col nor my intention to toty anything but to mat to trent:rut Mende to tityrytt our /yellow., lott tinge you vally.l upon tuc, all I 000 nuy k I concur w Ith Mo. In remyaural he hat twl.l, and thmerely tit you Cro the ,otnplitak•tit., .Applante.) utr.c.l for three elle, rt, and thoy 10...1n 1113 ev•ut MO, eat tientrowt, If poettbly, t Min All th e mentbert were on their /tel.. tool C:1,1,1 after writ tip In•h1114 t•horun, Athol Lb. of butt. u,ul hnii•litemh lllnr 1.% lay rtioiril I o •-•-Il•rr• rilly uutotii— s • ....lowly.. DI r. Dow • !m011' 01.1.. rt ti.,• • pa 0.0.n.11 •••• Jlr 1 I th •r t 01 tt .1 , 1 Milt.' notu•• • ,••,: y .1:141 - • A quul rt u•t ol yr K. ill. Ito) It, 1,. o. 1.0 lir/ r• 4 , r • rnuo.nt wurrlzoo,/, m The purl •al New lot k tor the rt....T.1m. ih•l/04, 01 Sri, Poi h.aof a .....“ 1 .11 .•... n .- 1.1101 Icing end tom the t 1.1 1.1.1 , 1 uverontr) of Ihr \,1., 1,1 pht•••• 01,11 vr,usrl., lit the 0155..61 11.• e. , IIIIIA.IVS of , lm, entitle lit Nett Port. It 111 t nilitty 0.1111.1. • 11 1.. t , ).1 .t 1 •iilli• Lur.lre.l ttml 11113 . - t h.. 11,, 4.1 1 - 61, %1,0 enlirtr.l aft.. A 1.. i n, 1. , 1, , t.r1 urwl..ll,l4;3.‘vre re, mire 1.3 iliiiiilllll3 1.1 , 1/1 red in 111 r• Iln, .1111 y. 1 . 1 0.1 110 h. , 11 .1,03 !!.. *G- A Z 'T F ai re, sell ho du t tug the • in, erusl ell s • —1 ..! ear,. of more, a them Olt toolin g arab ivoldien Int,/ il•Aer war . eLI to l •imissittee on LL,ltisey. .. ' • .n pi ' , tutted a • Jet it lon from l'arrlage Nyennfactureer of l'h.ladelphiv and • ei pinei a. runt/commuting an tneresiseed du an t tinge lit f I. erreu ins ouirolltire ii' Mr Weskit/urns of Illinois, tt vne r.—i•tt est thin the Lomnsittee no Cona n., be the nit in ii Monies, nny Loit repott r n legliante is nneessnr pr o •• 'A OA' I not ”nuapnt.,l,3 pile, oteteamboalson th e W••stern Ricers, and seratel, lieliure Int. the pedleney 01 . , 11shIng the "met . or ngs nsal ozllcern and snreeyor, and l o t, th e ore , t lon ol .lerlean trad e on the Coast of Atrl en, and s hat mensurev, it any, are nreessary to extend and protect IL 'I he House resuleted the rionsialervu on of t h e Senate hill so enlarge the powers of the t When Mr Kerr, of lo.l,sott, easteludel his speech commenced yesteeih,e, opposing it. • lie noold not end In the nonstl toll,. the fatnteet she. of authority of the earrri.f. of the power on the pan Tor Co n . grr Adjourned. IMElllii=llll SENATE. Mr Sumner Introduced the following joint resolution for carrying out the gueranter ol remit., en form or government in the et..- .attn.,a of the United Mal., and Inforeing toe , onetlt utlnbxl mama...tit for the pro hibition of eiav et - ) %Cone rss, It Is pro•ltied in the conatitutlon that the I alted state., than guarantee tannery state in the I blot. a republican form of goe n cent, and *here., by resew, of .hr tail are 01, state. to maintain go•ernmenta ongrewe run rocognize, It has became 11, , lot!, of the Unload States, clouding lathe place of guarantor, where the ::oople Mot made • lap., to secure to such otales according to there ,n, guarantee, a governe re ublican In form; and w here., further It Is oro•ole,t in the rm'et,i tutouttlt 01100.1 amend el,t that snug rev. may enforce the prohibi tion of starer) by appropriate leglsial lon, and it Is important to Ilan end that all relics or nin•er:. ..oul I Sc removed, Including all di.- action tit right on uonount of onto, Now, therefore, to tarry out the guarantee of a re punlo,ol form of governmeat. and to enforce the prutiltotiOn Of alai ery, lie tr re..lved try the &moue and 110./ 0/ Rep. that in all the Stalest, lately des 41 . 1 *red to be in rebellion, there chat! be no ...flues eh', aristocracy caste or monopoly In chsieti •Itli peculiar prlvilegee and power. and there shall be no dental of rights, civil or iv,l; account of color or race, but all person., chall be °goo' before the law, wheth er In the court rotou or at the bailor boy, anal the, statutc,matie In punt:twice of the Coo al action. chall be the cupreme law of the land, artylhing In the constitution or lawn of .11ply such elate to the contrary not withstand- theideauable tan ti , resolution were lan/ on !tilde mod or d t.e. Mr 'linnete tha h t he sould move tit gav In joint reaenution, as eoun ter prop t to the e.m.1'1..10.0 amendment 1 , 1 6y I t.r. II ~ L l.-e Mt Nrsamth lot roci I,twi 1 , . grant lands lu .e.; of the ethst rurtion of a rail rout' and t. leuraph hue Iron. the 1 entral Pactllle Hall ,,t I ndfornta to Port land, In Oregon or Ile.l4alde ater• 01 the I°l°i:obis river Ito • e pry . ..anted a petit lon of el t I rent of IV I a oubln adt .na that persons of Afrio.n seer , in the lately reb.lllons Ntut. be admit. tett lo edlree•ldt, 0,1 rlubt• as a oon.ll- lion .• , 1.-„t lo the realm ,no ton of thoeo mates. [left rte.: to thy lancruittee on Roo,. Struellon Mr 4i1,13-11. • petition of I thin lug fur the e,ttaliaatioll ul Iv, 1.4.1e1 / the l nmmlttee•on Malt . a fin • . • Mr Srr areted a iiitat rttolution, at . .pt...::ringthe secretary of Ent. tea'sln to art Korot a room In the Patent Inr ill , tit/IP/II:on of •pecltueus ofgall uJ alsnr Th. hilt for the *ale of poo.agn and StAMP,...a cu•elopen on Cr edit was paaa Ur te•l Trtorinili en'ini up in the Mil for the oro err, o r t all omens the enloymaint • ight, it: Del nnik the floor In routlnuation LI • yestnrclar, sad ulfernd ent•r, irhnia .trite out the fir.t see , tor. h.t. nl.l Insert u pro, lido. that the ..f nun ad.ate he retitled to be cltitent.t.rf `l atctl ✓ 1, runthuli replied to Mr Davis' speech' Mr fie, la lied deuttunned the bill, he .aid, )14 ....natrnua. Intolerable and uncontitltuLlonal, .Al.l ily hes-a use it donlered Chat all men should in.e.rvat it. the en,jer meet of their rivil rignt• It w no bill for the heneat of the Mack urea white meu. It Limply proposed to hr down down the barrier. which heretofore de .td ti r tgbt• to irrilink men. It bad nothing o e tin Ith ;,oi/Lier, sod did not confer lit., right t , auffragn It airuply Beetirtsl the nigh rels oar. adteptlou of the lonstitutlonal ..rnetiolituent Isle it iihrie 11.1 not think the lull •mt war. • esi the t onotetution. or Sound polley. rio- ' , tole. !ion fur the black WM Use[13- it , nul amendment. as rnored to atrike ono the alb tom, it iota., ring the use of the and s 'V I enlist., this prorinton. Mr Lann,• of ludLana, scored the hill. Mr. V. Ilion repiled tpp nOme remark Mr t.iiihrtei. • few days alhee. Mr, rowan denied the porter of Congress to ,irs.l the attste teen relative to persona. lie. ruustotll replied to the argum•u t. aistain•• the hill - anuintoire moral to arlJOurn Lost. A rote wan taken on Mr. Ilendrickis amend. 41t rat, a high wan Wet. air Oath' amendment en, then votad r Ilaniftbnry moved w amendment, 'nattily, g after the words °el s/I rights," thin words 1.. - ntd the right to role." Lost. swol in ci rrioi•on fMr Norton an en.] rorn t a t. ktiopino of ant that portin of ten •.t/ so-rhino imposing a Oar of nue .itte. 'l • 11 , i., in the ease of She encapt t. u • it I rue ]l, h.,, IC_ s....,etitriand till Monday. COM ~ en. aborraan•• Sea Inland Order—Ur. enn•truetion tormialites alarihrra Piscine Railroad. 'I,. 1 enc. geto L—The Workit• Wa.ntngton • that !thermsau stated to IN. •.. It.. !rot. .othl •rolJna, that blq y•t log over land. In that •I ate to ttl•• g 00.., ran out Intended to Int.t too, r pence w a drelartal, and the re•ooltt . • !, •. • I-e , r r e m r.• at .unto ttted t. I I • , ,itn. It•••••rot V, otntottt ha.° .3, k k I • t'a l k S . • 5 8 1 1, Cea. to regard td Is-. ,5 Trotn,... •ery TR' 0r.. , .10 • • mretl..g Nortturn Pnelde .• • tn.d.Lnt held In Ito.ton, It 111,•• It • i• .• I •,•• ,:••• ol Inc t p;n• • • o eof the ettl, on e r tn le • tI ale no ith the .dao• e I nanallt.4llle Debi—The 13.eirbrO elil ♦ n 1 •s, Ihe 1 KAI, II••• !!:r •novr t`,. Ix 4. 6 11 r, 1r....0c100m0 A 'lll9l 111 bi lm 1.11.i/ted woht rx,-11n,, Itn.l I: , rt.,rwl go% s. ov.ln it un -T7 12 ••,• • =ME -Oh,ler for t ..1 rl Wn•p....ted n.. o b f ls. 11.141 - ttnal %flair trrl, ni of 11.• et• stgato Ile.porle4l. A 'lll.ll^lt. .4 I wt ..r11,1,, Ilse 11 ,4.1 ad tt1“1: p• a !L. r op in ill, I atil • .Ig,aanct, brra,t Ith I t• 1•1111.11,,1 11,41.1, 1,41121,1 til i • 1 tt.o,„,„ 1, 1 ; 4 . rli • •1 ,:ataLigl), lieported Collu•lon between the , I.llpanleb 311oleiry end the In•neireote. eh t Madrid eorritottentilent of the Lootton T.T.r• dm ta t rating to pre,. a votiouiiiri lintweett the rebel Gee Prlto,e be Li. to lieriteiteoll, report re..l as en ,ete-te I , rtupl tor unfelt . . tail the othrerii of Ihu re,nittri ttrerly. Thin corn...rendre, tingtotittares vemtUrtiii upon by ing reee are ettilleite. Those who Incline to titilt.•ve tri kee rvt iterettWlthrig bet n et, Pi tutunit on cell Ift,lgltte that I Iwo titleot of t litt ter Ma, nod lu, to fright., the Queen autt semi her to that ittaticution a hteh to e iilllll . oter rash at tutujilitig to fort, upon her at Liall/tri, Preelmeo Kohl Abroad am Pills% es Inc Nitiloll write,. in ti tenor to d Lot he limn been infortno.t ..f on• 'NA, tit lag hired tiner prett tt,,, lot old into Iltivery. Nogrot, ar, hire.) -itlli tit itoneering lloritto or torttridn, i n for o n It of any kind, no .It-tout tie to fur , tt t t for tatting tin•tn hour.' t"1- anti iiiry urr tent titer to ntnt. -h a , nrehant.r, tiro readily faun.!. ,411 .tugu.ta. wtlhl . ol3 •I 1.11361,1. i s thee., 1i VA, i VI•li 'thicket on hoard. livid, i t , utit. In the padt net oral mt. .i•O4 in l'hurienton haie mnJo v ory to, th:thin outute.t. OEM Report or dearest Sherman. 1 , , h. The l l .emtleni Iranknotteil le tiereit...the reeert of 31 •ier Sherman, rela m te', to Irpartmeni of 31issilsoino I I relate. mainly to • ' ' •le A rkaree, and he Intimate,. Ctn. tin, InCeresls .1 that state, no 111 the military nnl,l Lc etilee , r‘ed In anlleg the completion 11 „13ennIrs of ,n•rt alt. lailroadm ahleh restv ,1 !rrent ilanoore t,l material talten rim: thew T.. rt.. Ie• reeoto menth the ar emple3 tn.,. nt neure regiments eet l ins n mei or , letmeo-O i e o 1 ,1 / 1 1- ~11,, 11., rallromi ()tea ep teal, I Rooh. Factory lharm..l. .1 Pia" •1 II LEE UNT: Dentb• on Obiptoonett , — %me -!ran Manta er Lent— All on Hoard fee Tn nx, reh Th!rt • eurrel en the firemen .r.t•p o hirh urrivol .11j vnyug, of eerenly 'rota Cl .n. . . . . . 4r a poi - helloed moot tam:Leo:no.. ....L.tto• Lor Lnz the vitale of the t0...g0 ~f Un—.. ...h. it.l, righteen were , cM:•Lroti altl V • , ,t RA tilt, The U nited :Antes etearner Narr..o,ie 1 during one of the I,oCrit +torm• ti, to Tampa Ban, Florida. and aton'. 13 ; sone, CI on bOard, pet lehed, Explosion of the Otiosetort—The nook• hosed—List of Dead to Os Published. Leolsott./4., Feb. lot. /wit,—The Altissy Led -0.7 "The Steamer ("I.anat•r went to the rrtek of the Bllenteurt on Tuesday tn.irti,h,s lk torceedett in getting tho boats site tascilis j Mr. Wallace, Clerk . . lien gone to Kann.- ille to obtain possession of them he able to make out a complete list of the last. The remains of Capt. finrd's wife were rwiors rel. r, tan the wreck yesterany afternoon. Yin other i:otlies have yet been ti•scorerest. - • Szo mvi 1 li P:L . P r vll::ll . l a4 to ry . the !lola _ ( Feb. vpeoial divOetteh t.' th. r,, the volall poAls,proys.ll. 14 en elernateg extent through haw:typal - ix The untentlle Ineßpenelent i•)• that home ore . ..nixed etinet). mateeeneet It. pottereeat, It will become atm.. The rte etno. • tveett •er the tnenl. tou,:l.r, r. Tnutte•rt., ere filled tette account. Of npri,a• Temperance IllocAraty im.agipg—KoLlogy an the Late Dr. at•gg... .tr. , Fel, I—A ',Arica inwetlak 01 the ne. National Temperance ,sciwty a t. . held ervnlng at ca.per InatltutA .1 cuing , on 11 , to Dr ab , ntLn. \DA t erhlakr wn.l-r the ausTaN, A of the New 1 orl 'octet, W., Ilan, by Dr. ng S. ti.oforA,l,,foren a Defelewtion In Offle a . Ne:. Tong. Yet , —4an Francisco pat,e, bring the details of IA defalcation in [Lel. n:te-i Rtatea gut-Treast.ret s omen, it is nutd•••scd by Wm !lacy, brother-in-/ate of the gun. Treasurer. W 101 Chessman. Th.. am.. ..r in about $3O,uOU--0,000 In currency aid V.v.., to gold. Fire et Now Haven. iw II•v as, C.r., Feb. 2.—The largo , boll fac tory of the 8. 8. Stowe Manufacturtrik orn pany at Pes lantm•111 WWI destroyed hylirn d evening. The fire made a rapid cl t es: tnl.Tisas A te la ryro n :. -'r of persona Ware. Ty out b : f been r eag e or e me . tn. No farther partteularK Fenian Attack on Canada Hanel, E Potted. • lon x. Feb. 2 —Mae Herald I Toronto dneoateh of la.t evening otatax that the roulaa .Itark on the etutuittlan frontier towns in boor etpeetefl, that the, ProvfncLal mllltAry nr , ` under arms In all d:rnettona ttnd that* trxtos t• kept smolt xt tltst pace xa4 Hamilton to r.nxport troops to any rogniN'.tn point. An and Robe's. io (nnnda. 1/0f11,,,C W , ye, 2.—Ueneral 4.-hreny rind telt - me/ 1.11,1.04.1 through thin elty lout etentng. on the Exproak train. Colonel Ik.oker, the Mayor: and the ehlef Pollee 0.- .1 through the train and •terre.] the sineper., Riatement of the Public Debt The follonlng Inn statentunt ,n( tho Ont.. c del:t of the t r alte4 State. on the Irt roqr, eary. DEIIT INAP.Oiti COIN IN / TLCLs, .1 /I, I. !,/./.- ! • :an SO ;.• / /yrol • NI it/ 1. I. I•: / t. ..r St I DV, • t RUC., I ' , TIRE, I. it., 'AV) CO 0.7 4. S. per rent. Tern- 10da..' notice Loan, after 10 days 11l ertineete. 'LW.. Ned- I yr. tram date. GO. 00 1 a 011: }ear jar r. Lt. I lei l_ fro a ea ra from ,de, flat,.. %. Ar 7307 r. • ~t r, 3 A, (r, at 41.1 4 7.,1 1 1 1 .•41 L/4 NAT, /440 i•znr Nt/T l• • In, 17, 111 noun.... nun, • T • n.p..ran! Loan. Coln • ''''' •• • •• * " CO r'•‘•' ........... -• •• • !MAX Nt.l IVO IN Stang, . • • VC.. :23 , :art Innal 'u taLI.:LI L old rrenn,,( I/;poWli • Tntal ut0,41 w Tre••tary— ..z g., i.l g moor, of Debt lk Cosh lo • ,- ,•r0,0r rorrort statemo et of the Put, , Drbt. ape:wire from the Books sod Tresstir. , r•• C. tort" US truant, ota the in of Fr briery. .-• fir Cft M , Cut Keeretary of the Tr.ksetry. ABRIED. 11 .cxtr-rr:rrx3iGlLL-thi, J.Attury 7.".•1. In aoolli lioatoo, 11ass.. at slit fosiarriii r pi tha liriiir•• fattier. to, th. Row. liirarlatlle S. A tr,iolt... M of city, to FiZA.Sti...t 8., at iigr, lau ail- , or I! Pettroglll. PUBLIC NOTICES. pI:NOLUTIONS OF CITT at •11 -I a to, of the aelert aced • onto,. 1, of the hree th ell , of Pltt.hurgh. Jatioa •oo sl tr. ,t• rot.. taatonte and re-olatlon . , l o us, a rt o re od na,.ed tir tia i. s , At /Ayer: uf Ina la./anti - Jaz a Mat .01, oor 11v. pryoaito. on 1.14 e Xll Tod, In. ootent of the • oor•oatnt au • .11 , 1.4. e, flallroal • orlyt.,. to • trod maid ar.noan I rou, It. pre, a. ?Yana. to this alt. *lt 11. - 111. • pr , •te Ylorrlptlon, oa the pa, orour peonte. a•ltlua on,' the pop, It e 1•11, t, 1.• • ?yr l• .oto lo do ao. and herela th• repro '. lou ha, Inct th general ftvor. and wool., tt lad Otli grant bevel. 11. 4 .1,i". I county. and euahle nor manufacturers, .4.4- ehanta •.•1 rueetsan le. to forward Without delay their the r;. IthOta a• ha. frennedtly n the ran. • hating to dull for day. tor tratollor tatlo and nottol. grunt extent, prevent.he .the n - of out. It) In he triulty of rskiroad depot, front 1011, •• I, el.a.alrel Rona day to clat and meek to a It /An n•aded drays and typal,. therefore, R , •••/,,, That et. the repave...tatty., of the Oen ple of nit anorrh, yr.... 1, req., the Leer 4ature 4Pr on, antrt •• •to tn. • le.,.:,nadautlla honmY hiailroad Company an Independent • hart., to. t, aot rio -a. road al ••;,,,, n. .11 •I t: • t neee , ,ltle at d a t our It de ,I, olut. ••••,“rtne a•lditlonal nroduel , ot uur tosoulaotorle, and work•hopa. could r• ..tu , •• folly urae upon tn, at, oter, ,•fr .pr legloator, at Ilarrnamy .the • I, 1.1 Vr.• r•l4 • Ith nryper and neflyeardod re•irlet tan., ;•.• .1' n for the 1,11•Itug of railroad, anc.raere •ut our 11 tatr, Ito a• to•lr one re.ourre, •.• too,. • - ,-10 and thoroughly developed and ..n. •I•• peoplr free and independent.", rallnnad no.. alai or ma, tiaqvart• r rim, Ir 11,., rot. of the,. re , olutlon, for • n ••••• I. or our rept - t0...4,y at Itarrltho . rit. 11 l't.ll • lark s. ley Cott ne it. H ,, 1.41, Coonnon PIANOS, ORGANS, &o TilE BRADBURY, NEW `EOM., !if h 0171 tuckerPhfladdph la, i i -41- i c S . The Estop & Co.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORGAN. : A rknoar,•dged by the heat mnleal talent Is Ihe n lteat ale t-. 9 to tar..uperfor to to y °awn. pqvret. burl , y NU.; t,titt4ty ..1" tone. and ttwrongh wort. tans:p. The. I...strum-q.t.. ha•e for years .ten the brat pr.toerr all all pate petttora, at the various , tate 4 ', not Fair,. In pile,. they are any .+.lbere. All warr,uted for live year• lowty s. WAMELI NEC di. BARK, $2 NI, Clair Street. Plttaburgit, Pa IN OW BEING RECEIVED, THAT 1:1.1VA: tNT STUCK OS CH I CKERINGPIANOS: rit o pflr.Onkll7 ter the aubarriber, lode, a re:a ecut •IJ: to the /actor, SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS op , u. atttl rPaAly Tor examln...n. rn t•tiv try L 3 • 11,1 to con and t .e Orin. WARRANTED FOR FIVZ SE.%RR. CHARLES C. MELLOR, vt ITNuI ;: - - I: . % ABE'S Gill:AT rtiItIVA.LLEYY Mau l ttrrEtt. - 1.. In•trontento ate supe , S, riot other in retrahl to tone, Y ! k II: PI &\t) all h . ., n.o t A NAITI. it: K ItI.XI/ K. la O kt et., ••tind for ,„, t•. httee•• ire...jar, and Stetotlet)tu. Mtn I 'IAN 0 AT A 114111GAEI.:pen., did Ito-et... 0.1 t_n Octave Flom, e,teeed pedal hope,. d. teem ranc. lelr ”.‘ l 7 noet VOO , ollt +Ol h.•;..• t `lx th-to‘ •••• • • ' Itsattte CO% o'lAT:writ Nt. r..-T” S . nt on + IT7odl - ert. • , • iME WE 4 MELY GAZETTE. - -- , TWO EDITIONN ARE PRINTED, 1 '..11 es. trefueddi e trod :Ad at!, •71 Solace . e . ' The edition I. fortesnled latdcl. will ra Lel the eel,. •cctbere soonest us tile mall no. , aplea ,• at are la 1...0b s of ten and oporant BOOTS AND SHOES. NOW IS THE iIICEPTE'D TiVE .ek I .1 . )() ILleis; * Winter Stock Particularly, SELLIND LESS :THAN Prim 8 CsoEit. moo is RUBBER-9 91,419, EVER TIRING ELSE I N PROPORTION BIRCIIIVS! BIRGIINS!! All This and Next Month. [WERT HILL SHOE MU, No. 60 Fifth Street, liVe-.1 aide, above Wood Street. No with oilier boa. le t6e etw CMMmiG ,-- ,4:4. 20.000 THOIIMAND DOLLARS 21.011 THOUSAND DOLLAIM W.XO TIIOOIIAND DOLLilit FORTE FOUTS( B 4 NB .g-fi AMU BOTti• LOT PkaftigaZ: MANI 7 MIMS , kt ATYY zatti AT TEI7I cn CLOTHI f NG UOUlilf - or' " E fll se U FIFTHATEIZZ. U ;Ira! VgPlArlP, 1 - MIIPCCI J •• .Oppeettge the Opens Mouse. .1.1 AUCTION EiW2!t VERT GREAT BARGAINS M'CLELLUttI'S AUCTION EiIitORIVM. 66 and 67 Mb Street. cibite, Brava sad Gray a/. IWdesed Pricea,- ; - 12111211:1 SIL Plail AT TSB-MINA% 121:21111 Woolen and Winter Geode OF ALL &1a D% 'Mgr OIIIIAPt Boots, Shoes, batters, Ever Shoe, Ake the Usual Low Prices. • REAL ESTATE. firsoLiniLE DWELLING AND I , , r,. —I have at private sale • I etar7 Britt I /at-Ling Konen and Lot,pantie at No. JO 494 pee tear Penn street, with Doable Parlor., DI.. I ng Room and Kitchen on ern Soar; 4 Chinthere PI a- coed, and 7 on third Apr, with mull rope; S.!. !shingle and Pate Root, and to good tlae st, reuglwet. Lot 2. • : - • nY KI Kt. alos,e - 111 to sold +IP the Elope. If desired, tip IF et - pecan. which la colnpanitlvaly sum. Peep. •lon gPrn April let, Ma or earlier It utenum For farther particular. Leven at 66 and 17 oil roet. Jr I T. A. IiCCI,LLLAKITO. 41.1.4 T. 1)°, ..anotr PAT RENT but call and 17tE reit •er7 `..plot In Ole village of Meant W ,blr eon yonreelf • bonen, betome • land,; money, anel Invest In thereale elate. , let. ehlre lam atabOrilied to en •1117 uq ,g .4. Fur turther_parclemilars ea eintne of O. H. TOWLE,BeaI *w arm d. Ice. Mw btreete =I AVO STORY DWELLEIM FOR e: to o story frame Hnes, with bar* Inr o..ut /mini roots. and front basement, dobcrts street, South •1 Centre Avenue. Lo 4 t , y spolr to _ 5 and heal . b. BRY r AN, Broker In Etrola ate. - X, to Fourth (ISurke's WATCHES, JEWELRY, Vic. („. DIU S Earn:XING.-- awl E1...J.2d Mpg" septa ACti Sromethtag entire/( J. R. KENNEDY & CO., .•rxEr'r. eortpool. 14.sonle Liall.) • 1.-dd Renting Claw Wale rd, liantiny Onan Warta, nem of Ladled' Jewelry, (41 Palnlinps, Allnanaa darer EZI•11110011 , nca 0 , IF ri VE ND it 0 , 1 - 6 1 . 1. ff. NEW AND Mi es.", price of ONE DOLLAR LAM: Lowe and eoe am plea 4sf sale. J. FOrh !knot. It.o dew K N S E z D r Y CThlOc.eess , .1 RE-PLATING. • I DIEM, NAVE IFOITILMONEI. W C P 4 / 3 T tireAr /CH 1iW005,7 4 " 4 .0 belvanimee audios& so_l4o3c Asrn gookr, To zirw AT A MI. • • MST. de 3a.ainzwimu l2l4tiA, • Clattelt.MA. F; 7ZI pa TO LOVEI o_ll, DEL SI. Hi Luang. CELLIMATZU INPALLatritt LlACTltcye 1111110LOGICIALPILSCMAt018. AA Eat stba, hnt out. It Itwitrololt to Altars atop* ~,,0 1 ,,,e ; botr to redcoat etrA costpardons, ac. , 00utirts roArt_y_orctrt_n_l• t . , AL 3, rt.., AKer-AT t• ' , 7.1. II fttr ALA It arDor It Wit PERBOrid. Prtry lAtty thonitt ~,, t one. ~Ort licad.prtee or olthar or bolt ,trF. A i In4r.'tphswliel LIU ii VriUttii7ettrelj. 7 A. tbZgi4j.,Vint tr., atoottmatereatit to Walla FfILLDALE CENll6l6l6EZA— t.stviditri. re of Eepultnroru it 14. or. th:&cretrl g ll Ztal.r ° l - 2.5 0 0 f Al s '14117 1 s tv:,l liorlal Lots wilt sprdrat the lisupertoteml d :all tu1,n1.77,74, Porollts, ..'-rof settlerrilyencd.'tUrnot;ritlettflesYezli' ,nd on: sts: A ttl erairr sst;T cru • azi• ttrri,matmr, • 6TrAi. 3R TEE EMIM2I Lo I,t3ls..Extra amily Flour nu Ry* do - prim(' White Roan', choice OrrollatlVie -Penebblo. Po:ato,4; • • •4 •HorgiLuto 4 *f r ? * r't OEM • at it , I ts AT LE TEAM AT 71141_ AT LIMI THAI!