The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 02, 1866, Image 4

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wit Nittouro 6Atzdtt.
arrival and" Departure of Trains.
t,y Kspn-s• ..... :Ma m Mall ,Arrirce.l:ZO m
A , e , ons Accon'n 7:10 a m Fast Line ' , U., a.
31,1tmatl Exp's 1L•50 am Ist WWI Accom'n am
WWI 5 11:40 a m tat 7:1.0 a m
Fla.'s Express... 2:45p m b,l Wall Accom... 840 a m
ViA.rittaru AC•xt. 4:15p m Jolmstl. Accom.lo:t6 a In
.t Lint .. pm.Fht&Erlo Ma11..12.:87
he 44 all JlepoM.. 0 :2 1 1•1a.BaltImore Ex p•a 1:73:d '• 10:45a m:11 Wall Accom... I:Wtpm
ad •• '• 5:05 p m,'Fbira Express— :40 1 P la
AO Pints .140ema•PlO:a1p m::Al Pena Acciam.. &X,p
VI • 3 : o3 pm!Altomm Aceom. '
Eralat p
Tttt church raves %%Dlr.' Mallon lever 7
Sands, at 9:516 a di.; ratintang, leat es rillataugh at
ritt.ibunh, Columbus and
:T a iga Line ma • - 2:30 m Tao tirr . •rO
88311 m Nall
Express . .. ••••21 m Fxpress . =l.3 am
NOttwaville Xr; WC: •
roalcaodattou .. 1:00 pm, coma:mistiest—KW •
Pittebrirgis, FL Wayne and Chimes...
lizoters 1:82 • ra txpress 2:03 asr
Vpress s:l3 p
Aro ...... p Express........- ETA m
'Mao El 3 P m
Whaerlag Expel SUS p M •
New Brighton ../Sesommodattos Lesvos Alleglasay
depot Os a.m.. ILO a.. ca., 4=p.m., and Esop.m..
Itociwiter,2o.3 ts.: Na. Coils. LOP. m,: Esau.
ts.; WeiFrirille. 383.; p. Im•
Pitliebrugh, Cleveland and Wheeling.
kwm4...i. . 1 """ , :ea, a In.pms Elllpm
- rress • ' • loop Ns ...... 9:U pm
1L •rs Express ...... . trts ► to
Steubenville AceassmodatlOn loves Allegas B 3 o
Pittsburgh and Connelsville.
Deyorts. Orris!".
Mad los ........ it 3l a
tit MeNeZipe" . l4 .. llTO P 8r:N.714;0i.; 8,,0 • m
- oh: NI 2.3, 5 1 + 1 .
Allegheny VaUeyltnilrotol.
p r e.,
sa.p vs Ms.
• L op. Acsommadalton 9;08.
eittiOsissollatue e Rallroad,
sw on
= •l7 4ress 6,13 aal
rWama, Fort trot an4lllaleago,
Seaver Veiny.
.4,,,,,,noril iA lloal,atinintAusil Water Slt.
a n.... ..... I:4Pa'tL e:te p
ilisenteray IStaise,Rt. Clair St.
• te.
__ = ll
antler Istage.4lo.•fl N t. Clads Street.
SI a' tn.
, . WegirnOttlitl ShOinv.list ilotol
Arrive& ell
~ C ~ ,r
/AMEN' DAIS B SON,,Proprletera.
010411=31, AND CA
rluno lGGAGra ttivTlctied tot all
asenab e rate.. T A.
clAwirraN DAY AND NIGHT. no; aN
tA3 V WO:ii'itNziti ail ;4
Tiso CowieLinville Railroad
The' otiposition of the present Mayor o 1 Bal
timore to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
company, as exhibited in his recent annual
message, as well as in those of the two preced
ing; years, ass' excited a natural eurprtso
nmong our people, knowing how large an in-
terest that oily has in that road as a odor kr.
holder and creditor. The MAyor's complaint.,
liCliinst the present administration of the
a ^t..e ~~
:. 2~
._ s,~
company, are founded upon what he allege% to
be ltapolloy in regard to the Cumberland coal
'l' trade and - the Connelloville raiirosd. The
I latter iuhieeti. the only one in which Pitts
interatited,and it le much to Le re
t-4rtAted that, rat a . gme when all parties eon
, kiertlellitttbe inUnactlato completion of CIL, road
',bourn heartily unite to accomplish It, this Jul
titet family should exist. The .Ilayor asserts
that but, ror the Iriolent OppOSitit. M . the
.PreOdellt of the Baltimore and Ohio Bailrowl
Company, an independent road from Pitt,
burgh to Baltimore would now be rapidly up-
•<,;:-, •
-.44 7 :1 1 , •.`
4.',Z , e!..r, •et
win:idling completion. As Pre,tiduilt l:areett's
report& and addretawa, esacelally his moat ro.
0011t..0.118, are altogathar contradictory of this
Attigatkon of the Mayor . , we !Lk be at la 14,54
Otr trbo telliSlifiet truth, both partlea ace Li-
Wig( troaltlons so eminent, ski - or simple
~fOailonld'vonch fur ,tse./ r. in this tlilom mn
`WeMind, without raising onestions of penvo..
'4l.l , llertioity, look from their tit,toraL4olll to
• thelrekla audio the interests t/sep represent, uad
: , 11ligirillgsOnght for evidence upon the flues
, flans -have been furnished with. the following,
:ffiatementa by a gentleman whose conne..tion
'with the whole aublect heretofore, sutures hi.
:;.,Tep,reaentations to credit, and w hu hold. Min
:ready to supply the proof of wh,tt he
.:.statos, if called upon to do so. we thoreforo
what he nays in his and
grihifYoW.nreaponsikility tor its corructues,.
Real,thent, surto the interests and sets of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, In this
.TiniSlayor in correct to saying
• that .W. 6 rain pany .owns a majority of the
stook of - the I.:Onitellsville road, which they
came by in the following way: /n l ' 4,, shortly
- -- after the Connellsinile road took out it
pa_tettt: tuSd .organized under its charter, the
.....'.BalthnOre and Ohio Railroad Company anis.
,sedibtsi for seljem hundred shares, and paid Its
stibearlyttoo, .amounting to 4.7.4,000. Owing,
however, to a .want of agreement between the
•• twO oompanies, As to the route of the road and
"the point of connective at the state line, the
L.proseffixtion of the work was suspended arid
It Iran not MAR 1853 that ii nos resumed and
carried on, by means of municipal and private
enbacriptions, and a loan from the city of Bal.
diatom first of credit and afterwards of its
Wide, to. the itinCilint of a million of dollars.
With these resources the road was ctpuried", in
7 ; Twisty 1837, from Connellsville ton Junction
the Pennsylvania.. Railroad at Turtle
oreokoind tbeßand Patch tunael (seven.otgb t b.
of s mile In length, and thirty ended from
Cumbertextd) was about half finished. Ti,..
work wan suspended in October, 1e57, the coin.
plusyla means being then exhausted, and the
financial difficulties of the country forbidding
the extension of the road eastward from Con
nddlavtie for the eilauing three or four years.
The tympany, however, by extraordinary
efforta, succeeded in extending their roodtrout Turtle creek into Pittsburgh by the au
tumn of Ittal, the city of Baltimore Ints•ins
rusted her priority Cl lieu' en this part of lb
' toad in order to enable the money to be raised
upon it by a first mortgage. Meanwhile, la
the =RI: of- iItQ, the eteck of the vitv
. of Pittsburgh and county of Alleghent',
in the company, had been ' uttered for
sale under Judgments obtained by the
holders td c,upoo, or ti:t twnde Issued by
those mnnicipalities in pay tot ut for thtfir
stock, the Comoar.y (In coreubm w Bit all the
outer radlrtrad compute lea i but out) to VI il(tYo
sleek they had subscribed; having failed (from
teattility in their unllnislied state) to pay in
terest thereon. The City of Baltimore wa n
adrined by the then President of the Connells
-Ville Cotepany to purchase thin MOCK but
clined. The sale was postponed hue user, for
a year, and In the drat months of 1501 the stock.
was again put op at auction, and Baltimore
being again appealed to by the officer, ja.t
named, and ugailn declining, the Baltimore S
OltiO - Rail Road Company - steppe) forward (at
hiss 1111,UB:fee and tunave its falling Itn
ff , e,pulytamdli) and bought the whole 1. - 0,
*ah . ares or - fliectranty stoats and sulfacfpientl2..
trottnetedivtayai, vie .earen of the at ues,
the City of Pittsburgh. The priee ens 1.1,
certainly ye, low, hat the sale alt. p
perfectly fair, and It was the im.fortune
.f the City mid County that their +foci:
Was thus lust to them. . Tney doubt
lest • had tl sir run Gus for permit
. .fiffg - 'ifs sale, Into ss hieli it I. not 111,(70,-
ii 1427.0' hero to inquire. In this say thr Balt,.
...otOtts & 01,10 Rail gond metal use bc , nine po.-
- ' . ae1 , .13.1 Of a majority of the Conceits. lido Com
pany's/deck witch it. has eitt.• ifferea.-e 1 I,
• purehaaea at market rates, and ut, odiurn
uttfielt to transactions so entirely fair and
alioritiXard. Such is'the (Wert .. .a of the i ti.
more &Ohio Rail Road Company in the Con
, riellsville road so far as its pecuni.try Divest.
meat therein and the consentient proprietary
rights•are concerned. These of themselves
wouleieera to afford a sufficient motive fur
; ' ~ r ~~ .4
•r . i . 4L;F:' .-
Tn 7,..
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it. ' -
. . -
Ste flVoring the completion of
road. hu t
the cottitnerelal value of the line to thiit Loin.
puny far - Mahon a fur stronger reaaou ,or only
'[ by the opening of tliiv route to l'lttal:or
,/ 4 ,-11 Cart
it secure any portion of the great lee trade
which centers here or regain u or a 14.1.1
. ft vainly endear°ra to attract to its lower ter
minus at Wheeling and Parkersburg.
, No* sato the acts of the B. a 0.11. it Ces-ii.
1.. ' ]ORM net appear to have made dvelf justly
CiOntialous to the censure or this minsinunity.
.4Kbough electing nine out of the twelve 14•
goptoniby virtue of owning a lnajority of
the stook; it has practiced no dictation os to
the individuals to be appointed, but has left
effort ont of the nine to be drawn oat at env
„an tartantlar„eitlzena of Pittsburgh and the
'counties along the line, who are willing to
serve; Pittaborgh always braving six of the ae
• en allotted tO her. The remaining two of the
utha hero been, for the last two years, .loeted
frOM members O attended O. E. R. Board, and
theyliaverarely the meetings,. Ti.t,
-three remaining Directors are nominated by
the Mayor of Baltimore, and elected by th e
in ne kk e ideni, in accordance with the engage-.
• meat, the,ConliellSTlßc,.l,9arploa to,ahat
City. 'These last Directari ouve —=.., V. - -
tended the sessions of the Board, no that th•
advidnistration of the Company's affairs, has,
in fact been Wholly in the hands of the Pitts
-.burgh mirectors and that without the ilghF
estattempt at dictation oit the part of the
,'timore R Ohio Railroad Company. That Corn
.”, patty has, on the contrary, nt the rely Gist of the
. ",,parry
portion of the Board, rendered
BIZ/tient aid ter this; Company In advarrcine
- it for providing additional facilities for
tieoolliinodating the inereming Imailleti, of the
geld; and it'is through this uatoatuace that the
liOrk at tho band hitch Tunnel has been rin
• imoluy resumed, notwithetaniling the jeopardy
-,-„,tp,whiclithetOmparly.s obartet 1, place' by
the acts Of a rind Interest. %layer of
tinier° DI mistaken 1a raying [Wit t”.lt a few
men 81e kept at work at this point, and that
under-Abe pretenses. The wee k. i, be Lug
• pressed - on es rapidly as theseasou nad the ',a.
turOUI the workwili permit—the of act rig
to idyl:Mae Shia, 00 tlearie , t seetion of the
lino. so that when the whole work is resumed
• -there - will hOnOilelay On this account in cla,-
- • lug the road:. -
These tuna of the Baltimore unit Ohio Ball.
rot , d - Company should atTord, it would seem.
tuitelent guaranty of sinCerity and earnest
' pea , of that company in its deehuntions . of
i), , 171. , IV complete the whole mud from I I et -
bergn to h r oniberland at the earliest due. Tee
ot eine:es placed inthetwayof this result ha, e,
boa ceer, been thus far inoperable d'
not cert ainly be laid to its charge, for it , bit
terest enemy can not [Lennie it of hating pro
°tired thO net attempting the repea of the
.O, reeiin eltle Charter, and but for which trio
1. d might bare been by this time °rot Ur
t Lao Or OR Mi. CV a Or 14 - ka ;SU ir/
yx. 1
{y .t~
• , r
4 , , ,
•csvaTo3r 1212MARIC,
i rrect, dad that eli ---- letly or entirely Is- rn ~ .ri•
1. l'arnisheil by the Baltimore and i iiiila Railroad
I Company, or through Ile atione• . I I that . it
Mi. - ('CO' , able to de in this eitiolit Loi: 0 ,
it hire done by ZealOnely cowmerist Ind wash 1 lie
I.onuellevine Cont p uny 10 en", l• 1. , r the p r „-
trction or restoration of the , oar, , N., I ~,, 4
of the latter, by meant of app , al, , :P. , legi—
lature and the Courts. .ISt the. the nidit•d
stands at this moment—Ow 1,,,,, , ,, -takes
planted on the whole ti too ~-, of ,, , 1,11. a
from Connell., We to Cult.ol•F "Intl, and I III •
Company ready to invite priipesdl. Loo It.
construction, and proceed w Itli a A.` rapidly a..,
the necessary labor,cai• epinidodeit, • d
;non as the still impend i et, I. ,;..! i in pi. imam,
are 11.1n,,,,h1. stamer I Imo e :.,. h tie ,tiiii al r
quired cannot, of cots re lo• 014:1111 , •ri train
any quarter.
Having shown in the for,•golng remarks
what the inlerrsla of the italtintiire and i pow
Itaflroad Company require it to do tn Ira rcilt
hima with nye Connelleville runt. and wit. ,
Ile nets harm been towards that road, Ict us
Inn sire
:lota t4s' rf W I
roC 1 111 1 13 'o haveor halt '. l ' in L e h r ' e ' n lc tr t r r' 74' " `" ' ' ' ' ' ' 'l
cromection I The only legitimate i ali , id
which the Mayor of Baltimore "an havv in
this aubject is that of the ally of O h kelt he is
the chief eaceuth e einem. .11 will therefore
bk ELASUIIIeII (tilt. it Is that Interest which he
ham in view, but while howY bii "nee he may
ice frijudirious In his way h e
it. telt
us see 7 „„at v a h aautien no Emu annuli' Late
Zl ;,, it a n
1. tor..
tide ti a s e
k brve it f im h n i r e a torL a nf ol h ,i le .
and the Connellaville Railroads will he given.
The-Mayor was for some time a member of
before he be. M o ss f B lVtra tin' te o , r a e Ld during this
t e ti m e c h' r n il h l7; e lY em ri trec'C' r o h:i v nes o crf m n so mew h a t
ints .
part of
i Or .
31a ,,,,,,,E,i not accommodated by either the
„,„7,1,,,,, and Ohio, or the Western Cen
tral Railroad., the two interior railway lines
of the State. Another railroad was therefore
promoted branching from the Northern inert.'
wit, seven or eight miles from Baltimore and
penetrating the upper portions of two Or three
et the counties lying in a northwest direction
toward the South Mountain and the Pennsyl
rani. line.. This new line received the name
of the "Western Maryland Railroad," and Its
ultimate destination was Hagerstown, the
chief town of Washington county. it bad
• been surveyed eight or ton years ago to that
point. Indeed much farther back than that,
for the Baltimore and Ohto Railroad Comimiil
had .csaiin hied the route as long since as i"2,
but finding the South Mountain too high, had
wisely gone around the end of it at the well
known "Point of Roche" on the Potomac.
The Mayor, as a member of the Council, be.
came an earnest advocate Of the Western
Maryland enterprise. and was mainly Instru
mental in getting ght from the city for its
construction, and after inneh delay, tor want
of funds, it was et length opened to Onus
Bridge, forty miles from its Junction wi h the
Northern Central and forty-eight miles from
lialthnore. From this present terminus. at
which It has remained for several yearn, to
the eastern foot of the South Mountain, is
from fifteen to twenty miles according to the
route to be adopted, and which is as yet unde
termined. A further distance of some thirty
miles would carry it to liagerstown, over the
mountsin, upon s line still to be definitely lo
cated. The friends of the work have etude
many efforts,since its arrival at Union Midge,
to secure it 9 extension beyond that point, and
it is agreed on all heads to lie desirable that
it should go as far as F.mott aburgh or Me
rhftoicatown, or to both points, liy suitable
iiriniches, both places being at the base of the
mountain, and in a fine agricultual re
gion, as yet defloient in railway facil
ities . The wisdom of Carrying 11 over
the mountain tic liagerstown in how
ever much more doubtful, and the rather
us that town Jo aunt to 1,0 reached by a
brunch of th . e Baltimore and able Railroad
from near Harper's Ferry. 0 filch will avoid
the mountains anti be not many miles longer
in distance to nil timore. The friends of the
Western Maryl and rotol, however, do not
set mse tinned give up jheir own route. and
as the city of Baltimore has pro•ided for
some farther contingent us istance. and Wash
ington countis allowed, sad apparently di , s
posed to aid In her corporate capacity', while
Individuals have promised a limited help, it
may be that the proposed extension over WO
mountain will, sooner or later, take place.
flowerer wail or 111-tounded may be the
hopes of its friends, their seal i. ~,,,,,,,,,..
[tenable, and, no &mid, honest, and that
of the Mayor duet not fall short of that of
the foremost. And herein is to be found the
mteresq the promotion of which has been the
moving spring of 1114 internal improvement
policy for the lart three or four years, and the
explanation of his opposition to the Baltimore
tclAil oblo Railroad. The Mayor has had the
sagacity to perceive however that unless the
Western Maryland Railroad was pushed be-
N ond ilageratown, it would be after all but a
lecal road, struggling for Its trade with three
oth,r lines terminatin at the same point viz:
TLe Baltimore and O hio
io Railroad. the Cum
berland Valley Railroad, and the Chesapeake
and Ohio Canal. lie therefore conceived the
td• a of connecting it with the °owlet:senile
rat; rOad il, no . in now he spen.
(flmehision to.norretu I
Will. Admitted to Probate.
TIM following will. have been admttte•t
pl'obste In the °Mew of Wm. J. Ittohantnon,
ittegiAter of Allegheny county, during the
s month of January, 11366.
...4.,1 of
r...o•Lanr• tillacue.
(;,. o . kfin,.,-..
... 1.,.... ,m,iler . . . I.oou
1.0.1 s Dinaler J 1.. t.-kma,to, k ... ,an
Sarah C. - Mclickve.r.. l,OO
Julia U. r'isttersou...— ' . 1.3 00
Ilaaktukb ;Iylveoter ....N. 1•. Futterman. 171,0.10
-- • • •••• • • - -- • • - •
30.cp, Cr ) D. 'hne.) mr,•l r D
,/ J. H. Walt), •
.lamer Y. Barr SOU
Mirnbeth Gray J. J. Gray._
,urarl ...... S. E. Colorkbor,.,o 7.,td00
A odrow Steward....!)St..wort tt J Hod) t,:{.141
ROOM, J. Thou;. , . &
'i Jan. 11•Aule• j
Y. Iltiputrick. ....C. ritzpolrick .
I.V.,rrro or rpm...zit 1 it•TIO,
During tine same month the following letter.
of administration were grunted
Some Grobbe lame W. Gmbh... ...A 250
Marl ha Devore......Jos. Wall 1.000
Eliza Campbell... ...lamb Campbell 1.70,
Jno. S. Bunnell Hold. Roble 1 yap
Hiram Multi D. C. }blitz. . Lave
!leery Cable D. 11. Cunningham... .51 , 0
Catherine lohler....Conrad Metzger.— MO
Mary Calder Alex. Calder 'MO
Martha A. McElroy-Sam', McElroy, Jr Ina)
F. Maurer David Manr'r 00
Jaeohr. Stendri.....Catherine -t• 7... v. . Aka
Ed. Conn ay.. ..... _Chas. ( ..,t, way .. . . . Ile
Jno. P. Moore... ....Jane M00re.... ......
. ... . . .. ... ..... . , . . .
J no. W llhelmlna Sehnndelmeyet, 1
chondelsaeyer. s‘"
MAnrice Norris Margaret Norm.. . ..7K.
Jnn. 1-rttler Raehael Cutler. .. . 4.11
• Andren . Wilson Joseph Gant.... ... . 10.7
Oliver P. Berry Th.. Fenny. 12,1010
Ttmotbv MeV ay......J nn. Etonesyrket 400
Henry_ i ogt Mary Vogt . 100
Wm. Huffman 'inns. Any Berman 0,000
Ilanneh John lobn John.— .... .... :00
F. W. Kirtdig Thos. W. Lindsay .. 1,210
Leonard Beery Sophta Geary 70
William Hemßy .... _Mary Homily ..1o)
Jo, Gladden T P. k./. 13. Gladden 2,:oun
cone.ert In Behnlf of the Fri•di.ded . . Aid
The Pittsldirgb Choral I Mon, composed of
einaers of our own neighborhood, who have
been very ceretuily preparing the Oratorio of
”andelis Itarei.ten,.. prove, to glee
their lit st public concert on Ti.rirsday even
ing, I.lth Ins[. The eoneert will be glees In
old tit the fund of the I''ominto
elOo. We It-are that , onneri bills fair to
be al/ that could tic 1 11 In the way of •
musical treat.. Th y dart...ars are among
our best nativ e amateur artists, null them ra
torio they' ha v e selected mile f.r the r/11,t,
tere.til.g in [hie department of music/. time
imaltiost. We trust that is large audience will
show that Pittsburgh can appreciate suet, ef
forts to bring oat tic of the highest class,
and also that she Is deeply, Interested In the
prosperity of the freedmen/1 ante The
h lets/Nen'. Association inert., is connect.- , l ii.-
rt city with the great national m - ganica tom of
w Licit Bishop Pompoms is President, and wiiMh
is exerting no inguerce. In close connection
I. lit tha Fivedhien's Bureau over the whole
/moth The c.mcort will to. gt•
The Beginning .•r the. End
come days ago 'se Maroon Itel eltettit.t
a new Board of Dims:Pt, for the l.titshuritit
and Manchester l'ussenet 11/Myra: tte nnatty,
and hinted at corms in rameal t harores that
would he brought alsott Is Its umnagrotont at
att earlyttit i'r"solent Iletellln the
new Board are huslly engaged in perfecting
the changes and IMprootatteat w Itch they
deem nevessary In the 'meet:to:Ml working ~
the two road, and the bass! Intrrr.t+elf its,,
traveling public. heretofore, tickets ants not be purchased in ales. quantity than 01,
dollar's worth—now, ford mot Ie parTtlet, , l,
from the demure, for twenty-five cent, thus
caving the price of a postage-stamp. utoOd
at the tame tin, the poorer classes are -
r omotedated Thiel to but tan bag inning of he
rind, and we feel confident that hot a short
time vi 11l f.tilJOht , ere we shrill enahlrei to
make an an ttttt ineentent that alll gratify all
alto hare on fusion to travel over either the
upper or sower ru.ol from l'ittaburan to !dun
Res. henry Wised Beecher.
On Tuesday evening next this Clllor.o 494
dip lne delivers the Or of hie aorirrie of lee
tare, in this city, under the B.l2o,lw:eft of the
Young liens' Library Association of Pitt.
burgh. The lecture will take place la the City
Ball, which in capable of seating fifteen hun
dred persons, and allowing Sllll.iiilg room for
about two hundred morn. The pale of rr.orv.).
seats Will lake place lit the huh on Toewlay
morning, the rule being Pest irime first •ier - voil
We expect that the rush for Pents bu far
beyond The ability of the mil:lagers to acoom
medutc,'..:44.*.lisil. w ;`i
ditappialttted, and await the second lecinro.
Hill Horned -The ?dingo Vs!ley }tills,
vitnat.l iti_Nottinghtim towcsittr•
:old IwJonl
log to Do. H. E. !till, Wag totally fleNslr°3"-'?K
lirc on Thursday night twit, tog,rthet ,
about two thonsauil linshel, of whout N•hith.
ue stared therulh. The has ol Mr. Henry
Whitfield. the millet, will stomata to about
one thousand dollar,. The proper , y in
sured In the Cumlierlund Valley hootratteti
Company to the amount of Vissi.ori, ,„d is illaltl will not cover tralf the loss. '1 lie try Inn
belle , ed to have boon the v net of a, Moen
Tennyson I.r
read one of nog lAwrnolt hytwlmn.l's ke•Iole••• •
Mak.keepoutre before the Tenn, Ron (Au') Di Me.
wa Hall last evening. Tire euhicet 11”.
1..-I.llry n'nn, "Men in r,n t
Lute ••lniinent artorthitell ••
isl.edsantlior WAS roar. Ife 4 t I. • t.
e ttre very few teen 'a thaz cam,' ,•,
Or. Gila* n artier. Mr-. 4.i••••••
nr; to rsther pleasant, plrllontrln e•rtr.e.t,
, A ted entmizh. At the r•er,• !a- Ina al Di.
ing the wee latalls apple tett 'l.
For—The *tore building, oLt. n ,
ticket and telegraph office, at Marl: h•-lit, • iii
the BrCraft Top ltallruad,Wah Udall) 4•oll.iltti• - •/
tit e, on Thursday, the lAth turd. The lir,
a. enn-od by -molctowrneat in the cellar
Noinr3 Publfo•--Clutrle+ ii. Built^,
ha t , r A ,eivt.4l I Ito ftvitottxtmont of Uoutry
Ile 101 l% 7tIOILTIfOOI I U linty, •11
, rasivicd.
Al:eabet., opriell•
!1! f ! !!nftel Jr:11 1:!•-.!!!! , AI!! g!
i 4 1
1-1 •eI r r 11 o
th:00 pr AllSll.l
thle Ihe tl iNem.einh
raw.. 11/1- hairman. Mr. Mrltr,rr, out
.1. 01tlle, II ut ..o , aury to en farce atrim:
111 ,, m rule. OM an informal matter.
T 1.... .1.. tloally put 011 the um. lethketli
: . 011.1cueudvil o roatuctlott tf itak,
,tn knit.
A 'mil ion rum then made to pay the , itiperin•
teirieni of the Water Works KIP* OeTnet , n'•
he to lure and pay an engineer Oct .
1,1 that
A Motion %vita passed recommeadlne• that
the salary of the market. fiWeepor
from WO to WO.
The salary of the Market Constable. Ca, re
commended to be ineresaed [TOW
A discussion arose on the propriety of 10,11
letting the office of CAptidn of tho night Puttee
which was finally referred to the Pallas COM
The =Attie Of nripcopeintiona .I.x no zt taken
tip and May dlactunied, toarly every mambo,
Present participating.
IMOttOu well made to incremic tho &iro
petal 'or for cleaning the vtrecta Irina *lndia,
to 615,000. The Lily I iintreller, wwi war Km.
ant, made an explgnation, after w Midi tile me.
Linn was withdrawn.
The quevtlon of taxing real ;rt... rine
to a lively lesetaislou. The ordinance fie. re
ported tlxi, the rate nt vix teen roil'. no the
dollar. Tlos wn.. i1t.,1111..i ton high and amo
Unit made to reduce It to lhirteen mlll,, which
at.E. lout. Snot!. r tantion a made to tit
the rate at (.3i:rid en whi••11 WWI carried.
Following came CIAO ha-love. tn. elkWtl was
fixed at t wolllll.le. no the :1111,1tIL Nal+. ...our
0000 per annutn.
An ordinance In r..te. 01 B
een. w. reeornmetoleo.
it was recommended tha• the receipts of the
Market House he credited In the mitimute. of
revenue. On motion ad)citirned.
It is limper to state that an the meeting was
infornial the action taken last evening In of
no binding force on the monitor.; still It
in highly probable that the interchange of
opinion will be prrxhiettve of good, and at the
next state meeting the appropriation or
itinmme will pass with but little or an
Pittebursh Benner** Petroleum Asem.
An adjourned meeting of the 011 Fteriners ,
Petroleum Association ea:, held at the Board
of Trade Rooms yesterday afternoon. Major
Wm Frew, the President of the AW.OOIIIIIOII,
called the meeting to order, when the minutes
of the previous meeting were read and ap
Mr. -la O'Connor, (luxlrman of the Commit
tee aplo,l lied to 414.litiLl ad. mcrutn., to the
Association, reported VC.") ra• "rat , ' Aecor4
lug to the gentleman',report, the following
refineries are repleamted ln the I..sortation.
Bri I tient, N onpariel, item, standard, Key
.tone, Locate°, Lunar," Wooldridge, Petronat,
n ton, l'enn, Veer', .Engle, /I utehimmn. North
%ttieriean, Hope, Aladdin, Eureka, Champion,
Lucent, Latronft, and several Others, making
M all thirty -mid rod:aeries tepreamntal -The
reort of the COMlllittee vue met•u.t.-d, and
the p y we re discharged from further duties.
Dr. Treadle reported from the anion!: the
utmolnted to Inquire into the feablinli IN of
.Im,plm: oil through a pipe to I.! Rla from
Ude city to Philadelphia. 'the report Will
corded and the committee discharged. A draft
of constitution and by - -lase for the govern
ment of the Asaoetation prepared by a mem.
her, Wan read and referred to a annrult toe , n
four, Otto ere Instructed to report at no,.
Mr. Burke moved that a k•Orlaril:ttue
ib ap
pointed to memorialize the Penn., Isola
ilAtiroad Gompauy, asking ita a red:a:tam tti
the high rate. freight now , Itariftsi t•tr !a"
t un.portation last, of refined oil.
The motion was tartentled by dting fort:
4•••iilo ns the rate p , r hundred pounds, .1: teit
theTeLlners were *tiling to pan. The ea.-a
t.! it,011.11.i011 passed. and Messrs Burke,
Butch man and Morgan were appoint.] to Bre
t., re the memorial, wit tch In to he tail h,:/ore
the sheeting, previous In M-ing forst ardtst
the oillcials of the Penns, Iran. IL.II road Lotn
on motion, a committee arts appointe.l to In
vestigate the system of gllnglng r'-flitegt not
l'ocumlttee—llessrs. Gracey, O'Connor ant
ism. I.
Dr. Treadle moved that a Committee at,
tto need to take inept toward the elite., lab md
01 an unlvereal teat for determining the •,.t tn.
tv of relthai oils, %latch is to embrace t fire
and rotor tent*. The loromlttee eat, apvot .1 t
rd, and oonalsta of Meaara. Treadle.
Itutchluaon and Burke. After the Mxtmactiou
of tame other business of mloor importance.
the A.. 0011.1011 adjourned to meet again neat
Wedtateday etterumm at three o'clock.
T.ZATCII.—The lament of Mrs. r ti, Lander,
whlyn latea piece this cventng, will be nor cal
more them ordinary interest- This lady came
amongst u• with an established re putat lon
but she has made large accessions to her hosts
of termer oximirers. Her style of acting is
chaste, easy and natural. tier articulation IA
pyrfectly distinct, and the audience never
l•wee one word of the dialogue as It falls•from
her lips. There OW by, but two snore oppor
tunities of witriesering„ her performsnoes--to
night and to-morrow tight. To-night she will
appear as Hecht, in Sheridan Mnowies. lasauti
fat play, entitled the Maid of Allariendorf .
This t i the Molt tame that this play has been
produced since Hrs. Lander'. return to the
stage and we doubt not that the desire to wit-
h,. LO reproductioh, coupled with the fart
that it in her benefit will an the house to over
01,2.11 Hoces.—TO-night promisee to dis
pense a rich fund of amusement to the patron.
of the Operant/WM. Mine Emilie Melville, the
Queen of acing, fa rewell n young cornineall
rose takes her benefits Tt,e hill of
fered fee the occasion is Lady Andley's Sacrist,
followed by kiliatlarrie A. Idoere's extraordi
nary performances on parlor skates, condi,
ding with the bdriesque opera of Po-eahon
lasi In the latter pleoe especially, there will
be some rich Names, and we toilet...or friend,.
to watch the performance closely, and not ml..
any portion of the dialogue.
V. L. Climintlass Coessistaniess.
The Yoarth and last -National Anniversary
Meeting of the V. S. Christian Commission
will be held le the House of Bolpreeentetuves
In the City Of Washington, on Sabbath eve
ning, February at 7 o'clock.
The nocaelon will be one of profonnal nation
al Christian interest; and addresses will be
delivered by rmominent °Meere of the ;truly
and nary, ministers, statesmen and others .
The friends of the Cammoisicro thron.rhoat
the country are Invited to he present
undoneaud thv.t the l'ittsidtrzh Branch
of the Christian Commission suma. nest In
the amount of store• and pub!) canon. trot to
the armies do ring the year. Ine..s,—lmoling thev
ton and New York in notount 00mA...huts&
Central Park --W e should be afraid to Vr.. •
tore the annex tiou, were we not eaelted .
Judgment of others, when we say U. tee
( . 1 - 0•1fi in attendance at the Central I' es.
terday afternoon, to sr it nests the perforroanee•
of Mean Carrie A. Moore, and tt. Meagher
brat nem, amounted to between tee n 1 ettee ,,
thousand persons. Roth shier t:i tt.r
were lineal with carriages. Every extra ex,
that could be brought into requllsltlon, s
I.loled upon the Citmens Passenwa Its •la ,
and ever) one was crowded to ILA el mo-1 e•
party. Inside, the Jam we • 'l/1111 ,• 11.• la,
prl•ent sloe 'r tiny aas t ..t her nn
:.z at.le high I•rev10.1,1. I. il :.1 • i• • .
:•. rote lt 13 , tit , , , ling, t •
t Protlit'l , llll NMO. i•
eral of al, el. re. t
-,1•14 xhn gav I.o.llenartei., • t he:•
t r . 4• • " 1111. g.
MI , •1 11,111
. • r .1 will IA: ..einitny arra at.
l'n ton Pork.- 'I be roll enal het /// I
1et,•,1.1nl airfare of il . ll 011 tine wool., /1.1 I
/I ay /////i//rilay theie via• a roost,: inn...,
I loson .n/1/. tCl 'ltr l,l flit..
I.t.nine/nth %Wine , ' of the Ice. Aft., !/•• / road
hail I , rl tine Park, a I( 1..
wank, nhn carefully c1ef...n.1 , 117 Ow noon
ratio, the lee 14111.11 all! throat , up //,.
//I.< ate irons. anti tin./ 111
fifn'air/I with a nheut ante,. Thln aPI
he perfect /y noliit I/ln velar/tag, and Lion." nrlno
/nit the Park eon enjoy ratra due skating
tirewad Clog Dely.—To—lay groine.l hog
tar. It in tile tan upon which the goon/AI h.•
a a nkl, flout hi, init..; %Imolai , anti oireo ,
into the open stir to nee if lie oan to, ,L
,A If he oat. it, be return. , to hi
and Kleeli6 for nix a eekn. If hr connot
n r.
he taken it fin rantiai that the winintter l•
an does not rflgtlrl,l,o calico.
fTr ne t ting tuiaLuad looks into
Lea bee a inn will tel us the truth
thin tittle.
Beating of Bollermi.—.l rrtf larg , meet
inc of Boller. waa he:l la.: es ening in th.ur
Dull. over the Cl Dorado Slons, The pro
Get:ding,. were nut Infele publie, escort .“ fa;
that they reeolwod ananlaionely n ot to rename
utChas. , the; were pad former prices. It
would Ilium Aceln that tho breach oettveon
uad their employer. tor
of 01040 , 4,
I , lAmnic. Ilnw the matter will en time
(^All det,rl.ll/120.
Commis.loner Alppolitted.—A M. Tttrunr,
iif 011 City, VelitiNgl county, ) oater
clay inorolog appolottai tiuitod btatoa Com
rah...loner for that District by lion. Jo.lac IC 11-400
400 31CC5(1111,01. The moue-A for th- aniorint
icent math, by the IMIS
nAI I:IACTILIP. alai the motto.. ion lo t•.
rtotri, by tinged State. , 1 , 1)trt , 4 At torttev co,
huhsw. •
w e ,,:_rrin IJuly...ratty. —oar rem.' or 4 will
1., p., tn
', n or that WIN evening the ex hl nition
,it I be. ,,, 0 lor ci, of the Wedern Univer4lty,
of Diamond ar..l 1to•u utre,•t., t., , ,,,
~ Tho exercise. will Coiolot td oration.
t ! . h e p on ,a moo o f the eta., and prornisti to
ta. . vvra -Intarestlngahanneter.
"re..-Thn alarm of firo Mal night, wrio
nartial hit ofn,, of the roof of
.ur,las and I.nrlnrn IL.nnn
11, is.' In lil.l rear of Trinity Church. TI,••
tido...tea In tbn tool. iron) a drift:n{l,e
kxtlngui•lied %with I 3 1:11.11r darn•
A.m.:ill rind Better).—honors Priavoll
v arrvide,l liaren torture Al
., 7.1,f1 n, ehntv••••l having :l rnrk
1 • lia,,,rty with I\ T a r, ••fvq•al.
• .r..• for viaa•ii;•••••.
I urees.y.— hute Juhuhun yent r,tlar
tic„i to yn , t, hAvtriu rhalgthl
Ith (Toro
111,: t 1 i ,rlO.
lief., to raisll.--11.111ent,
orr hnld ist.,t,o, ; T
- , ~ r thr., hra:c.,d n ~ . „ ' '
Mom b, a ',Erect
vrelve and one r• I , tz v, - lay ow r.ft to
zit. nn It; -tr.•••1 ;:ko an I .•,-
, nntiv h:!!...! ht.'f Ila d ,•!
'Doper. rll Church 19anrIer.-1 . 11•• pppllen
tr t • ti (.11
I It. ttt )ett Ill; tt M
p:. r ;Ind ` \l. MI"
I heeling o.llgrn.—%\ hen In eonire t of an
:te to ye-teed:lv. w. nlleol upon the I ern
the I onatnon ~, anti f , 11110 t'ln. 1,1 or,.
0nk.,0 1. perootol the Ito°,
11.411ing of io . er. o .el
re,egoroo I t ourt, 41141 an Improving to.
lel•ore t- , •tneni, the lola., of tI.•
11114, R e left_ itupreeenni with the 11.11
the Ague of the thaers were Cheering.
---- -
Oil Prospect• on the Pitsobootille
It is not 'generally known to oar readers that
a company has been formed at t tier valley e f
Eldersville, on the line of Use Pittsburgh and
erslornvUlo Railroad, about thirty miles from
Ibis its, for the purpose of making a
thorough test PP to whether oil exlsts_in that
locality. The oompany Is composed of excel
lent men, who intend to push forward the
work of boring until the test is of least mitts
factory, it not suerewsful. The corn pane
cured a lease of six nrilicirerl 31,ra. for the
period of twenty years, tad have their
first well now down to the depth of nearly dye
hundred feet. This well is located at
llanlln station, a short distance f rom
the village, and the work In being
Bushed as rapidly forward as possible. Wei
earn that Unmistakable indications of oil
have been manifested, and the company feel
eoufident of getting oil in paying quantities.
They expect to sink to the depth of &front
eight hundred foot- Shoal.] they succeed in
striking oil, as they feel confident they will,
we may expert lively times In that neighbor
hood. The company is officered as follows:
President, George W. Pofftini Treasurer, C M.
Stevenson: Secretary, Ilugh Patterson. The
stock of the company eOnsists of forty shot. S
of three hundred dollars each.
The Chemist's Bill to the Grinder Peb•
eating Case.
A good deal has been null about the charges
made by Prof. Wirth, for annlyetng the
stomach of Mrs. Caruthers, Miss Buchanan and
surnuel Grinder, and the difilsulty which Mr.
Wuttt hod experience.' In collecting his 1,111.
Borne misstatements has been made about this
matter, which are corrected In the following
note from Mr. Lambert, County Contralto,
PlTTlaritoll, January 3lst,
Musks. EDITO6-1 will thank yon to cor
rect an error published in this morning . 4 ft
patch. Mr. Otto Wuth, who analyzed the'
stomachs of Mrs. Caruthers, Miss Buchanan.
do., dc-, without even yiresontlng his bill to
me for pal meat. placed h In the hands of 611
ttorney for collection. Believing the amount
churn...ft ratm.o) to be 131,1,1•1‘ 0, 1 deolined
IsrOTlng it. without abatement. After conshi
oration, Ms attorney propeNed to settle for
CSn. which sum being ratitfactory, was paid,
and his receipt for the same, under date of !Oh
of present month, In on tile In this Office.
Yours respectfully,
111:1118TIA1(1.1,, Controller
On Monday evening, about tin oielmek,
young man named William Wintery, revild n.;
In Birmingham, end employed In a glees
works in the Ninth ward. won inetantly
by twin run over by a train on the A v
alley Itallroad. ft Is supposnd that he fell
while attempting in Jump on the rare for the
punier•^ of riding cloven to tim depot. The
heels parsed over him, cutting one lea °gat
the Thr body rota shockingly trumgitel
Icy being rrilled along the track under the
once, and death ensued almost Instantly .
The deceased we. about eighteen years of age.
ncl ehe an intimitrtoun young man. Coroner
Cline von ernpanneleil uJoey, but olv , ng to the
&beerier. of witnemer the Witte.. wet ed.
Joni ed until two o'clock it :day miter am', ad ,
Juati r r• Arnmon'•
A t•leert Ing the lulnty A Gricllltural
I). 1...1.1 1 - t-Rternlay, eg le V' utiern.l
I lie f 0 1 ,1.1. Lee t.r stable and r.......1 , 11.d0n. which
Wunay., 11 ban been prol.oanit to anninui•in
the a (.11 grower , of thin and the as ~ t niar
vomit le,. In tlisenen MeSOILI,4I for the uthari , ,
tornt of wool aro. In g; therefore he It
Relearrti, Thal thin Society e aprnin ► deep
Interest la lbi• ithportaut agricul turn! prof l or t
anti c..rdtally to vito the members of the incl.—
ty ant all otitai• favorable to the tuti•eoaent.
to uttioul the t inorent lon to be held nu the eth
of e',rilary.
- -
Wet Ideottneol.—The bad, of the man (nand
in the ol.b , river. at Leetsdale station, bas not
herb Wen' tft..d. lie aa. Al dark rompliit bah
black hart ard s Waken, about flue fret forr
Inches high, end &Novel:et-1y thirty-flee years
of age. lie w. mitred Ina pair of gray pant-,
under which he Wof. • pair of mummer Ones,
three aline grr v flannel, barred flannel and
while court r) flannel overskirt. About nst
neck he a 01e a rod and tarok. Mafort its
pants were held by a tostber bolt around an,
Oa • Henslaw R awe.—one itemben
WlMame started from the other side of tb.
Motiongahela yesterday afternoon on a hunt
ing excursion got decidedly drunk la this
city, repaired to Allegheny, and wan picked up
by ofacce Smith, wbo found him en)oring
llnatarels sweet reetorer" on the paromont.
In the •lehtity of the Diamond." Ile had a
fnilsupply of shot, powder and naps, end an
eamillest rifle. This being his drat offense, ho
was discharged by the Mayor."
Mu Killed at limblesesunii. A Man.
whose name we have not learned, was ktiled
on the Steubenville Railroad, at Notiiestotra,
on Redsiesiday while attempting to Jump
upon • trete while in moth:rev Ile missed lila
footing and fell under the wheels. Hts right
leg was terribly mangled, and bottled in about
an hour. The deemmed was about t W/Sty
rears of age, and unmarried He was an
Irishman, and bad been lint a shun tune In
the country
Colombia tiom Company.- W. nrs la
for -.1 I Inst Use Lotnrnit tee nn Erwin..., to Al
legbeny louttelLe ha•n .leoldett furnlsh the
ntllttla 11090 Company with • suMelont
qnuntlty of hose, •na sloo to malt., Certain Im
p! rments no ttoor build ing, wl, lon Is locates!
o the corner of I.nroek and Anderson streets
TPA •4. ohm:3M." • an indeper dent , en
chat gee the ally n.. ssltsrt•• • end nlsta v. on
bow.' in ens. , Of nee.
Boa-glary In All .—At rtn eAtri noq,
lo , ornlng, the , oftirto attached
It:ea rr3 the orper eni or t to. Ino , I, word,
.. entered by a buiglar, nod -o -.111.1. , dft:. drol•
hire In money earnest off, Loatdo aloAtole
nit of rlott,lng I.elorogl , •g toon ~ f tn.• eto
ph.) er. of the e•ta , oll.oh ment NO ..
CIA., hotel
Le en Lad tt, the t.e,petratoro
Fortlble Detniors. A Met littt ,, t - k -
e , tl l efnre A Ide rman Tay en•tri nn•l
et: tt-rrtl complaint again, aOl.l I, 1... n main ,
of ..ecny, tot hit he ttert t,
threat. cud
fMenace, taken torelltle et 111. tw-m
-ike, A warrant was tanned f•tr the deter,
korety of the Preee. • %I.lerninn
1..t1,.! , Al,lrlAlll. the
McCafferty. ur , nul, r l r I .1.,i.
Lai elinrg , . WOO wll II lb., • %In, .11.1 s
1,4,- , .nal • I" , l I. ar , J twg os.s.
11,eut. irt..cfNet
hand Anwin tlr. •••,1,11,1 ,, 1te , It 'ln.,
111/ ..1 -.qt. , la .,v• tg • le. rie:.l 11.
111,1 , . !I, , ,t 14.1 n•otI to
11111 11,', LAY In"
or, on gc
Dreamt. at Ordirmnre. • - tn rytrut ,
nettn4,l Ilaana ano artr.a.o I.> Lauer
Elkin. In A 11.1,11 , ” v, am,. day, b rill. rill Ina a
Innle in a rectlew , manlier or., Una 1." .-
1 1 / 1 Ntn 11 , at. it. /.•L In fie 'urn al tan dol.
Lantern NI erlallem.— /*rank LON; • ns.l,-
I ruled Wrek , Lbw Sr. lurk Week IY.
11, I rish Auirr-
Ivo:. 1.11,r Jura been r,.f.1,•••1 Ity.fobla
)I(SPEPNIA. ;, - . - c - , Dr. Strickland's
rtattref tervparatton of Huota V km.
en d fiecLa, with &all- c\N't lit A
gltr d o t ' CT " e WI/ /
nerTous .74( = It tee acute- - p .
tale , reined,' for Itztiteple, ~t p t
y er ,..l l(l:l 4 li( cl es l. llon, d ii i e t r: y ou. „
at. , Loa. fa A rep , tlte,
A ticllty o: LIN 1-tomoott,
4 ; 4. C . ) j
la not ilrettnleollet t tbeeefore,
.aped fur weak,
a. ecr• sad dyspeptic per
. it /1 r te• 1 ..
rat. btd •
YL. atiLLY.K9lid Cio/,
re-VI lie
LA. Is/RICINJAND 8 nellitilKO:B
tel WI 11.11.41.A1l S.
warranted to be the Wall pre- 6 .111 U I
pgru lenoven to We --
te& ( nteiet lloarewor.•
e.ef n e• n , hontaul ( out( le, 6 •
A'u, 41.„
7, ,;)
Iteloh pnrrererLd Crow dune), 0 r
en •I Herb, Le (t
It rait, . rot( 1,. ell f.
• n (Ix and e••torettloe and .mtrert.
pante-uteri, suite) eee for I
otree )Mar e elle le-oet sto I I r, by
. erriJwLcre.
n. rC-1,--11",(
tie • tr.. • e
1 )1(1 , .. AUR A A'
kJ I' btu CURED thou- K t
. " ; ~,,,,,,,, ~....
...oath of the mturtt pr4.' ' i a;.,
,;• ....43E'
MAN It Ata It 151./.1.1t/ rat. .
I•II FM. It itltr• Itrtmetllmtm .. ..4,....,:5":-•
rt .1.4. atml ca -, . , 1. • p. ~..- 7- -, 0q3• A T .
ft,. cure. Try It tituretly.
~.. •
It I.‘ warratartl to • mre
►orate 11,01 I t t'utig.". " NLE,
'' 't cS
wreitt. pa: tmtttim. .
It. C. ;lELl:gtirttl
me n -.q.t.... a... 011,4 by
My long in• 'iv
I ftpatients trented ammally by me. me imlcl..m.
'IYrk.rIVAII7I4ItTih. or St moll Wesltn4
all distm.a.. arising lyereli..on. enrml n tntl!h
•1...,:er time 'limn heret. ,, r. 1,, :,,v NEW % LOY.t•
IllL— . at V. any itart el
%Il et must n to pay
1••1 toed
W . i I .•
Pan - tier. and Broker..
No. 7". Food:
r IF IL i • Vir-I,c{ll/1! , , , , 'I"
1111 0t. , ...1" I
cni. 4,1 r.tu 1:1.1 , pcz.”,.., \
Ito;. cnv 171,,, I !woof.. quot.,l:ti 1”.!
for P,‘ 4.-T cooponw 1.04,4 , .1..1 tii
1 Itlrt f.•r one yr..rar
N••••• 1, L. 1 . 114..1.urgh
hao• utivant-rti t., %1...
It,r market the, lon dt,:ro.;
.1.'06. of RIO closruetrr Bunk Kit..., art.
1110+i In tutor, though the trunnactoo, nre
Ilght Sale. of M. h M at go, un•l -urn, figure
offered tot more. ha,luiugg. t. u.intetl ut .rho
CAl—held at FS. Iron City , tier...l ut :thy-7)14.1
131.1, Third .Nathnial,
Cotunterre, 110 40.1it-tl t 0.5 I'voples,O. , 1,1
Fourth Nitlionitl ollgrotl ut II.:
Nothing doing In Ingurunee ot
4lotrit. Thore nlnelll. to be ',line Inquiry tar
Allegheny l alley, hoot ue are without sAle.
For litl whnx 0., the demand entitinne. %ere
light, tool, genernlly nprtyl.. log, the ma! kcl t.
entirely devoid or life or Rntnott i..n We ..nn
report .4 25 •Itai of lottonlbt.y ui 21'
and 25 dine) at A. .n new ilevel,tpnorut. to
klinelone 1n regard to Lobric—Cberr non .1.
VA hole quiet, and .0 on to the end 01 the
The •I.iltuhfowtt fill Company hiss doe: tre• •
dividend of two per cent.. The property or
, s,nottn3 In bested on the Little lies err
111 , er, sod they hnee xeverwl well. prute
—Theit utleirl//nI ontlonal trunk, now
her %ILL on aggrennte timpani el
m. n nil un an aggregate aireulat Inn cif ‘ , 16.
7 , 4.:1n The hillen log bible ho," the pen
gee.. el the national bunking eyntein nine.
J xn ours,
Date. r
.Ittnuary, 1t6.1 .. 104,21^.;11 tzt,ls4
439 M,312,1,45
.1 •, I 7. . 1411..514,1a)
•F u 0 I I ,Ir 9
•lut, I,
1. n, ... .4001400 u ti-. 731.70
(..aturo ,•! the New I'•..L flank
!!!tetaent I. a•-• 111,1.
th. , n , te. t!! near!, t att nri).
utof a halt n* have tuelrumal
(:,an a thilflort. S ew. lorl. Bank,
boob alas daervaaed the?. ape t.
TLia In attributed to It qt.lrtotal. for the ray.
ru-nt raatom .lallen. the rec. - cpta rohneh
n!aout three million, two tool
an.l tent) thounansl dollar.. a,t
— . rho rrporl of tho rOmtrt :beton n path., I
ttf n hot therof on no lora ha•o at la.. .010
tz ft V. 111..1r roport to CortgreAoft. It le a tloon
ot t ttf to Loth Importance, and rill cowman.l
ttott ornal attehtlon Tho mo.l Important ro
of tottutntlatiOn !thole tf y lho c af rutt.on am
• The rxelnvll-.0 of all loeomew below one
thou.-n.l dollars Ittxtestl of oil lion.trall.o
pre..ent, the tax to be 11,g, Per Ortil
411 all income.. abut e that xutn.
ux up.. leaf tolgtmn.
.•,•• tai, upon retail trades, shoemakers
tailors, Ort.qpi makers, etc.
A Ms of dye cents pee pound 4,r1 raw not
I. Jn. itou of U, tax on whisky to OW'
.• 1,110 t ion of flat numGor ot art opoo
1,1 , 1 t ! I. • 0'Y:I tw !Nod and a grudually In
d.• 11 upon a fuo lodurius and no. v.-
rem.. n 1 of ii.ll teN frotn Inem.tht.•lll,..l
t les tlrr, •'
• Tb. ....1.. export+ of domertie prektohe
gocula (mat hen York have
I , e•en to the euriene7. s side of 43.4-19.170 In.
el knlrd In the e sport. has. hern , 011 baler rot •
too, of the eurrrney • aloe of $1,7 - 71,d1e, lob
:here net ., •Ltppe4l to I I ,rrpool NCIe hale!.
1,7 strum..,, leeZ
rw, 1074 I,sle• • v./ 7te.l pt
:•, 41 bale, Twined at V...
11.1.440 .Itirp4A44,:n., of Vi-thln4..l7sj,
V. e rogrM to 1,1 rlOutE, t 4. (4.11ur.1
1. .4-Itoris4all A 0., ...11-knowu
.tova, and how( (I.(x.
lorr-et tieare unable to lean( an,thtng de
r ~ter. gnral to their linhtlitie, or the
h mount or their aaseta, but uncleratarol theo
,'.•• :') pr ..p •tnietonnt in the roar..•
t.. • hi nr•
eb • then he olude pol.lir
They I.e•ef.or • nut:1.0..1 - '4' year, don. • large
ho•lnes• In •tne_lunn evnatntsaton, ant hx••
been reg•rded prthient oa.“1 rmuttoos men.-
I It=
Otretaa op is. Yrs - rase 6011
Tar anDar, Feb. 1, Il6i. i
The trattvactions In Crude nee° unuounliy
:urge to-day, roaching, 1n the I.4gregato, rive
thou.:and three hundred barrols, and 'the
claw Itet, to contettnnuce, I. shade firmer
though price. remain unchanged tale 01 2.1.1
to v.,: tot. of Idtg each, on the stvot at
b 4 Re do 01 )0; !CO do do :light Itrhytt) at 04:
htd• included. and 30a.1, tad,. to be :Wit vereol,,ott
the opening of navigation, at 01. from the
above It will he torn that qtldtallonv may be
fairly gtvon at p, bblt returnod; and it hid.
meth:led, For Rennet, In hon.l thorn t• :tor,
do, u trt , but liatt no tales 11l rocord Wr
basal of Sit, balmy, t..-o oflrrod and ref.:tett
Cr ' , cc I L N.l .art.. l. v. :rd l'1.1.•
a•lrli.L!,, within Ult., da• • Luc
Derr, our rellnara are um in g 45d N. t r 01:
1. .n...: 1.4. wt tram d4tt* , un :•-
runrol tdr ,a lie.l•lnum In mo, rvl, •
*al( • 1k. , .1,61. at ,7S, Id , do a 1.5,111..,
di/ MI VI.
A ta.l.w.rn, from 1,1 t It y nu Wr.11,..1*
• • ..I,:ng Na! • - In th , ma.rl4..t
u• 1. n, , uotr.l fl•rn ul K71ej.5,01. Tho
oi...”;ng of It.. 11,1,0 11.1111 rood
abortt ton,. rel.. •tr.ngthrtt tho tuarl...•t
t.: ,putvik to the P:lt.hurgh Osirt,
Cu, I ...toils:Ll, I,
141.• xtt no.
♦r , . I nn•t I!
I. nud 411, 101 nI, rr,l .a 1,.. ❑rn,
1, , 4 . Elul:t'ftr ‘tt I Rat Itty
at 11, t: for l't lulu t
Nit a t•e. -Quit , . at
l'att , tattta a-- IVO] a 11. i 1,.•.1 . sta•
to•stvy of , 1..
hi .1 .1.1. , ..74) I ou , ,t, . l'l , 1.1•,1 I i,ll
10 , Aer, 5,11.. of 1.0 uat
for .1..111, att.% ,:.• het t;..
1.111. 1 0 114°.• I°l/1! 111,1 et. hi 10.1 , 1,
14,41. •P°
.1.1110 *l ,, 7:. 1., .1. it, Ipt
rt 111..1 !: a I
Sr , ctal Illf.potcli to the Pittolburtai fiascos.'
ClocittNart, Folatutr, 1.191.
l'r.ot,,tomt—Dull nail inantiac; Pori,
l'rt• kult.• of Nr yr City nt 32.,5tt.
qu1 , .1; small Kale!. of Khoulder. 71 11' Glttar
1!)e. 11116 elder, fin Bulk moats quirt,
loud pricer notalual. urcutt meutn 0 , 1170 i
ntt!,• of nOOOlllOl, at 9lict 13c; llama
Lard aetiv• with apectilutl‘c damned;
Kai" of 100 tloret, tru.lo Lily nt 1714 r.
Ift...6—Active and higher; sale, of tiro at
No Country lirt••••en 0f1nz7.13. H., •
1,130 hood.
PCIit01.11:1i31 tiTOCHts \IA'S 101lk.
Pelee Dtepaleh to wester Pre,.
.rfrw rvhfiti ay I, 1,34.
Bctrolr .m stork market wan lower to.
. l ae , •11 Itt.nnt holt Run, on account of the fires
at the k Tht Beeline was about two
-1; per enure. The balance of the ilea was
generally firm, with u sharp lien on Ferest
calmly and Lseelstor . Sales were at the lot-
Inmlr role- For•ot county it; (Ii treck 100,
r Irrok 700; United centre
I. ; Brno; holt Bun PICO; Buchanan to: at , c+:
I antral No, ;.et manta i•; 1:1 , ,14101 dtro,k
-n ;0; lllnton 170; Secoull National 1.e., 111,r,
Ito; tit mann; I:1.
1 a ..t. tliall. lttitte PETROLEUM 11.tlIKET
I-rectal It3-; , :bolt to West.•rts Preto
NAw lout, r. , I.roArt I, 1,1 ,
14711 f•.•1111i. P.•ft dnll, I,iltl
]en 1 ork Iron ftnrLet
, Jun A.- •Thnmarket pI4
• '1 • r u.unl nI 11,14 ann.on, lt x.
I Ili • • an•dara , maim' lc, Inunr , l;,• ,
n , Engllnvon and 1.1..,14
n. L 4 rn an I Id, arrl‘e..}l prhala
to, IV! •. l-•11ip; 1111 , 1 •t. t:' •
~.b. •a :d. , pn
II 01 -I. 91, • .11)0 ;:up ,•
IT., I 11.•. n
:xi . , IS , 1., r- • rk.r
:I is,:; Jrok ,
a,ar nr...1 1.111.1 •,
aI I; fr, r , •lltry. an.l
.•Ii Itttr4 m•allaal at la' I
T T 1.1- la fair local demand ttoi
R., V.l nod prices remalu
- of anoo tii prim. , Roll at itodifO
Fida , -,tiaily Ail gales to intr c at , 41 at ta
a t
`1 - - Ni -from
tor.- al Ttlia o Le. ',mall of Fla,
I,Lit ,•nor
ritnot ..•••dnelln
• d I hauge• at C 2
all!. are I , a) lag
11,1 al
10.11 ,,, ,-I , emKrlti len roport
r of
.. prirri.. ,% 1141.• ,It
11 Swov 1 vrk
int- repot 1...1
I'OT AT. , F..--1t..,(111nr rrnni
ta,r 1.,1 Armand
•i P: to yM por 1,1.1, 1.. r pt to.. t••••hg.l4..
II—ShLie. ~! 41. 214
, and 04hert
1 , 111.. D 1[l: of kr,' !‘t Ii iI"
lr itt. Peach., 40,4,1 • ! 1.,
.411 tu1,1•L',4} . ..:3 for hal ,
1.1 Ml'.—,ule of Ifo IA& ot , i.l r GO;
1.1..% 1.- ,01c-. at 131..:r 10.
!LAI 0011am:0d-41d 10111,1 i•••r.teq ,
II , MIN 1 -Milt..
of tom. l'earb. at P:
Til 1., I, I,in
I .t7'l'l I.: —At uo time. the
10 -II /.110.11m bun the mark et far eitt le 'en
eempt. rely-dead and languid at the a entr 'e e'
Yard, as 'luring thin task. The arrival. a ere
nrit• ll•aith but the attar' tune , ett b 1
en. din, and the transmittona a ere ilinljtr
neant tallitty; Mlk.lttornbly lailow the 'pen,
thr• at the Allegheny Varela no lionelay
compared alth tans erect. prime have •I
.II fur
lhur declined. anal the Wrest ',de we too o re
ported la 71 , grace, nail thorn • as but 'ate .ale
at that —the hula of the beat rattle .011 rang
in, a; In ti
ecta, and froth that duet
~ 6' 'int for ramtnon atm-kern. A Large barn.
L.r of • erten, drovereednellnii it iirPda'al'lr to
en'', here at anything like (a hal t
r... 1 re,totialtle: prier, 'hipped their cat
a on farther East, preferring to take the
chair,. there, nattier Than bull on here, but
bath•a or hot Ott, Las. • acted 1..., time
-ec .I. , rnons, rate. torniin it 'unit be
con tea-.atthat the chanrce are agral,st 1 hen,
li, , ta's-1,1 urk et litw been tuodeelkta'ly /settee
int g 11., past 'week, the ratesin the aggre
gate boing larger than last week, but prices
ure fraction hos . During the latter part
ot ant 14.'4 and the er early part Cl this ..ok,
}ult . to good e•erages sold at from 10', to 10%,
grosa. ie,,terday end towla) the manic
o nail t of Hogs would not curninand more t hen
ft 111 1 . y, seal a• w lil be Keen by refer...• to
lire sales, li.ft tler and common gold down to
aawl N, and one hourb changed hands at 0,
The sla 4.MP/A rent during the week end in 4 On
11•rinaea ac •- °Vet etei cn thou-an-I
e)1 El l —Nl rlret oneeselvely dnll, the aril
, ale I.e/t , g unnanally large, rad the +apply
lirgel) . In race... or the demand. Dunn, the
• tirl) purl Ilkt Beek a few bunches of extra
Ln ell on ' , heel, sold at 17,,fte14, gene., 1,11 for
..•1 tan this the Ind nen,. of
5,5 rll,al, the lest ulster ;
, d 4 IsUiLi 1.01
1,1, • ~,, ri* , ..46. and eommon and
ti. , m that down to
. sl7
992 •440
Selo 1 or 4
ua •
1919 1I U 9
, tAI
1 -I s. rot
No. Alpo
ca 107
-..uoth to 114.44er. 13+ 44 n 54.
Itoolen to Ku .... 131 106 r.
.L.13.1-4(.411. 1:rolen 177 10 , 4. Al
oolong to Or:, rich ... 244 IN f . 4 1
Ilan. toool to ".4r. 541 e. ri
I anopt.O to r . 175
11.0.1h0.h to risocuaNt.. . 11) 100 t 11
Ch1;41.. to Hot., . 323 94 6
241 tin :5
.1 , I n In
n•11,11nn , Dastrieb. 107 114 1
t • .. n 5 t,
re 1.... t 5 75
Jt.l..r.tutl 17 , 1 Is 3 75
No. A 97 * / ., 00f
11.,te I-Non to
Subun t.O Hotlite 946 915 9"o
rul•tb to It 11chret5t........ 109 :C 113
t tut, to Iledgtu . 110 'll5
rtn tt...119-rry& , t 0 9.11) tot
u tit tot sr...ll:terry tt. to. nti
• to 11.-Cfp, tO
B. , tv. Irk to 1 - 1 , ..1g.0. 47 9 49
r to 11 eq1.1.9 ...... 39 05 It .0
K 4 VI I untl 30
lnn~tllthf to 11 Fk) tra , 9 4t)
11• ,, txtt - , 179 2 9 0 10 .31
X 1.11.111. to ulnxer.. 9XI 10 .0
it, , tm..• u 9lngur .. 'llO . 140 J
-ton (.1 to Ullager NO 10
~..,1) to t•tnizert... .... 17.1 . .993 : 1
Itnivettun 9 10g..r . : 1
71 1.1
1,0, - ,llntr t o 91134111 . . . 1:11 170 10
Paltry to 1.111 - trei9t . 170 10 tul
111 ,1 •14.0 ti It. tttletttret-t 197 . .r.t) 10 '2..
MII,r t.tichrut•t. 11 , 1 36.3 10 77.
n t•ilehrelnt.. '.•:t
.1 021 :0
.1. I ...L.:. =T.
111 -t.C. 9 7 Tut 10 I+l
Ito9tut.o. to t..l!t•ltryLtt, ... tZI :t0
OA It , 1 A hah, to Eta, All r•
nine nt 11.• \ r•Ile
h....! , •I .1, rrug,q4 nt
10 )1. Sr , ll, row.
nail ls,
Itt ple,ll 111,.1 o 1 4 rtg 19,360, at Elater
ano, (al
?do., a. n...,d. w.-Igtv-ng
II •I'l 1 , r, • ! tr-11 1..•.! of prttaru:
I. L: •1 t.. N 4. .. t.
...II ...7! 1,1 I, • le,
11 rt r
I • ~,,, •1••• • • •.•41. n.•l 31 •
• 0•••• t• 1,•• ••••• 111“••la dou•
It: xsil .111.. 111 I•••I. .••11 Lar••••• ..• r,,•
r. !I b t.,11 Itt•• .r•••••••••••
••• 1.1 •••.•, ••••,,thene.l7l••• rnnt
,te , utdee.! a I •,a
I 1.. It ot . are n 11::1 , 1 !be ,aLiur nit.v -t .1 •If
a, ~t,• :.•• ii,..111.1r 1.1
I.ay. It : I. 7, 17 t 11, 1... A:. 1. ,
alt.)) dc‘, U -
rx 17 lc,. i d 1., and lttnla:v.i. 'pa I'6-
a1..1 tr At !lag. ituittttlon Jars, .44 . an ,
1.n,., MI I lc vold
itugu-1\ c runtllnue In note it,rry •I.l'l t:
krt for raw. u atilt furtinertleultne of Otter
uttrlet of n er per pound nn rnt , "r '•• o
al,t even at tit,. t ,
atl our: taufett quotations of lu.,r
llf • fer fair to r ,rwl4l rElia•ui urn sitl•er
outside and nom., hut nominal figures. fie-
Il•.ed W.° dull and lower; 1dr , 1,17' If. nit
%L.!, tbafelatir; and y. CP.:kith, fen."
'I r isle of raw an• had Idol. Culu at lu f it
Ti' or,, llteo, iL,11.311, ti. 1.01, Ito rtln,l or, lo f t
111, I lad naden Its, 41.1, 1.7i,4,0143,C, 64 hhil.
e I 'lnt Cuba Tank Itnttom, 11 per
4W/ bags Brown rern.uabooo. on I era, • le ,
.101.:P 1,111.
.Inu to,' Nto
• t r,4 •L::4 tZsv. In nnr. •i 044 t a..
,L 4 4 ..,1,04 SUS -1 4 15. 1 antoet, and to
1,,• Nz
/ : n—Market rottet and ttn^han•rod
red In bag , , Ft teat pr'. 4. 50a “4 , lLi
!.; ;//ja: 111 1./.4“vin , l , 1,11 t 11,..../:.44
t, anpt,,U ruprly, and Lho p
111 /0 I I• 11 1, I . at 35 , c. Ltanl4* rd lr a
n lout d40r,,1 "..1 .I• mama/ 0444 old rat en, 41,0
it 1,;t5 per lantbs. Ityn--We hear of no t ran
t non. , Las route tarn at d I. rail
td prier,
It : r Al., Jan .w.—The cargo of the l
ugeo ag... Ring•, urnlerltaur .4.4‘1
our; a Neu 1..41. t.•nn,
te go' 4% ate it,11.1, tl . lltlr VA. tt it ir.•3
c 14%. at II ',L , cccL 1 . .-
Imre benctl 11. salve. 4 , 444114 c 13 141...,
t• 114:11111 .031 t.• 3.. r. 3.
1014 Vll. 441 1 ,, 4 14 , . 4 4.1.1. rn; t'4101•311,
• • . .
gu I t t 2 , /, t •
ft, chow.. I 11,01,
abti alr.
01,1 . t/0 t.and- t.trt,t?,
("tartan/111 Market
sn, Tub.
.t ti -
111 , r.
1. rl 11
. :••• ti It/.
i t ~.
'P •Se, the rit.-tn.; ot 'to.. at
NI a. a y,,rt • .ntral
• at t.trtt per rent. on rall
ttorerornent • •1(.10 :oter 1. y' 1.1 tniols
I• 0131 . per ePnt better on , notO. S ta te
ttl• tint i.ltt ncry quirt rnnl and 1M.123et•-•
•ttar , , are strong and an lutprroo
nn-nt i•otn. them. Tb •re Very little
ustttlty in gol.l and there In good
I . o .trottoot lot runtotna. The market telo.set ut
'I Ite t monetary art In lays TiSt
-toedl market le (plied There lull it stet. -
ntat ts t. opernt tot,. and for the mottiord prices
tend r. There is rather more toot enter:
Ini.ner in in en I %fork n. hutßho,. arty eltartgr
to pure , The hehe forelgn Imv..
carrel nn h.. t t eotat tos, 4:tot! trtseen 1a . and
the whole tends 'downward Thee demand
for curl hots In la, Fe. The inernaoul supply of
Exchange tends to keep down the premium
The o r p,ntatt for street loans in verz
ow mg to the ttallnena of . nit:Mon The
netts lie in appdirat inn for thee...mat{ ttoottnnes
and exiteetle the demand for paper. There Is
ehtingt in the nat.+ of tilsettnnt °p ert ,
lion. In Foreign Exchange Were "cry I united
tine IMO, Feb. I.—tor ar I droop
mg. sit Sec for Middling. chiefly at Mr.
I. Tot a—Letts active, but pones *Mama dr
ouled cbsugc.
!ski —Quiet and minimal, at
1,11,11—W /lent Slim for good sound grades
atm iluil and heavy for P01.1311, , ti dei..riptton
t Mike New Auld., Milwaukee, 91,7; New
lb lige 311eIllgan, kLUO. ilyett ;Ont. Barley and
Uarle) Matt duil turd nominal. Corn • dull and
1.- Ina er, at sugste (or unsound, ateritic for
-.mud Mixed Westerte In store and•deliserod,
sod NS(IM.• for New Yeiiaw Southern. Oats
null and tb•ellning, at lionise for unsound
Western, and fur sound to •
P,T hi—bull, at stt for t rude; and 3.7.:4
Sir for Refined is Wad.
l• atm as to s— Pork quiet and steady ,a1.11X4,374
q n .in tt
for New Mess, eloslng at id,hl regular
r_.,111 Old to., kst,Nirit'll,to for Prima, so d
for prime Muss; :.,500 barrels Now
;me,. tor February, Mandl anti April, sellers'
optlousd. era,NOuttit,lft Toted stock, Old and
New,Felt sites Ist, leas Gs,Ull Murals • same,
date last month, 34.77 s barrels ; tame plate last
; ear, 1.7.,...54 barrels, Berl e
steady, at 416,5 V
tnr New Prime burn., and esil,CKstylr,Ch for
Neu Latra Mess. Total stock Uhl and New,
Fein uary Ist, Istki 30,5k7 package.; 'some date
not month, 3.;,31., packages ; .1411.113, date last
rear, lh.t.fell packages. Bue(Hams ttnhangul.
Cat Meats quiet, at lli,Th2c. for Shoulders, and
Ildlec for llama. Dressed /logs dad', at 12'4
41.23' for Western ; Ersoillg l die for CUT, Baron
quiet and steady; vales Mlt boxes at Vitc i
t. atee, CUM-
1.. d at, and Inlje for short [d Lard
slug end lower, at 111. 4 .1,17'.,c. Butter dull, at
Xsa"..Ve for Olen: and 1•15d3r1 for State, Cheese
steady. at 12t-ortlSl.,e.
New 'Work Dry Goods Marko'.
1 following are the quotationfl teem the
Dry - Goods Exchange :
Brown Shoetingn, Atlantic, A, Drift. D, 380;Great Fall., 81, 'D. Hoop Bklrta, ittypr', I X 1,,
to pen, and 'Mt. 4811w/is, 48 to 7:1-3 Inch, do.,
6-.• to C.ll. Bleached 81M - tinge, Henheftts.
46c: Jamen, 16 Inch, 31 1 ,c: Greene SLltrinfactur-
Ina Company, 28o; Spragnes, Hamilton.
.24... c: Arnold. tie r . ['Maine,
Latripany, A*: do., AlanufaAtiring Cempant.
ffc:' tninghu
in tm., I.:mounter, De; Glancoa
I r,
I umbrlcko. unhus. Zit.; Marville,
otan Orri.ard, Lowidala, Cot - not
....ann,„B man kekg, Wk.; BlLitt`n, 04; Can•
on lanncln, Ninumkeag, iStinhon. 30c.
Tick*, V. hit tenden, 4 0.; 11 .• Hcf ll . lB .
..rk, fdc; New York, 400.
11. e Milo.. to denpatonca wore floalvad at
he Dry Coed , Exchange to-day.
-T. Lem- —Trude 1.1 rather quiet; Wirer, arc
all afraid of the prenatal high price...
Corinvitm..--Gonds are in better dannaml,
•1 triad , Improved.
t...c.nn Tl.elf et a nobanganl. an.l
the demand Infht. 1 hero are no uneven...lln
..f ma•
- •
I oil nOtblOgnow to report
!TrOe feir for the 'enema. The stock le gen
erully well in,..sorte..l.
Baltimore Cattle Market.
EtA LTIIII Oltt rob. 1.--CaTTL• are In {lra stip
. Beef—The Offerlugs LO-day ware •ei bun
-0- 0,1 and .event) -gee head. The week opened
with a etrong market, owing to [ha short cup.
ply, the revere weather keeping sevens' lots
bank, including two' hundred head detained
on the Ohio by ion. The sales were Ot an ail
nionce of ticr cool. The rates obtained do
t show [bo. Improvement, the iionlity of cat.-
tie not being equal to laid week's recelpta.
the overage price. of the very betit to p.,25*/
brat quality of butchers' cattle is .7socip
quality, hi 1,2507,00; stock eattle,..S i t..i.
The overage price of the offering wan
llouii—The market, was very liberal, and
rhied b• a . the demand for parkilig being
on important, and ricised doll, at 41.7,1W/1440
let for ordle•re to prine live hogs.
recekina cordiooe large. The
hits! for the weak being six ihoutaad note.
Thiv - e thousand being disposcil of at
tor comm., to very goret, and at. tor
• co, prime..
ten York Stock and Money .9telrket.
scr 1 ohs, Tub. L —Money easy at '4:6 per
^en t Sterling exchange dull end keary at
bold n cid.le eaeterl Opening at.
)4 , P.: and declining to LlD.i, . 1101.01 1. 111 .1 at
Government stocks a shade denser.
.1:s heavy; Unitod Stares G's enorsons
;lA.; do 5-10 eoupOill G*3,. do '651011 Treasury
notes 7- 50 let aeries 9 , 4 , , do VI seri,. 71; TeX,
ceinec 80,,'; Ohio ktlealsalppi certift
entre Csokberlan_d., preferred, sari. Cen
tral eeby; Erie.' il"; kaadusk 89 , 4 i It.toritgan
vntral lCe; Mich gan eonthern 69 , 4; Illinois
rrrral l/qn. o Pittsburgh 0.3 ; 6 Nortn WOE
ere do preferred t• 4%; Rock Talked
ors K sane 103.
lllwins Stocks.
Nate I oat, Feb. I.—Prices of mtlitoz itocte
n Bo.ton ln.lar Central l 004; Cwynter Valls
Trenk/In 174:: lianeoek 11; I. R. 191 C
Sno. le' :0; Bay state 944,•80pt00
water pew erafaai.
rrr.,11,11.41i. four ‘v.v .. a CIETC•d4O.
—1 t. , .1 .agar, t. Ile.cletno; e.oiod
poi, Kerr Emery; 3.3 dem .
uelc . tec a efi; 15 do do, Miller Rieketcpn; !cgs
I•ol. or, I T Jrutlro.; eurs.: mrtal, Nirolck
~•, 1,141 011. t i.her W . 0;5 CYO. apples, JII
11....rtaa.d; I ea/ potatoes, I' 1 Jorildoh• ltd bz..
c'.3.,rit are, Geo 31i toralcle; bbl. totiacroi, T.
-K. clove:awed, Kirkpatrick
Pkg ., TITIer and hard, It Ihilzed a co;
••:..i. r•••••••• 1, I at', R 1 t kap,
liquor, Trout mat. a co; lu rya flour, slim,
oak; I a lutn t: dos liroocua.7 Coldenr: tears
o I .at, I.igget I a e0;1". 1.1.1. T. oil, Wilt Day; .1/ du
•r , .1 )1 Par ler; 1 , 0 liPlo dour, Col;. .t Shepard;
250 pigs lend, .113 Lyr, 111 bales tiraom corn.
..muk • r I l.ana, poor , : tdollarie
5 We": •i , '•: I. I..+t 1t0.... IS do im Ion.; Perry .t
lln : 1.I•1- .11. u001e.., Kerr :10.
I.nzettr; 1.) 1. tbour, T C
j, t.•.. 1,, .1„-f Et 1 .1)1 r
vet/v[4.04, r
I .l+ ,, I.ging; IS
1 1 • •r. & I . ,,tltrxtoz 11,33 11•1,113.
I I ,t't-i• 6'x•l, Of .1 llorutlttott
t , 1 tlook or A. 1.30,, 77 1...,1nt,01,N1 ,
16,telt, It 3 , ; doi ttroom., ti" At 1 vr
.4 ,3 ..4:, .1 C I.lprdneutt...47 .10,
.1 1, tkl!, v.-40,, 4. W yolvrton.:,
4 ,1 - 440 eco; 7 do do Markt., ro.l
N 4 . 1, 14 , 171. ILA,
, • 4'4. ... r..ark .4 , 441.4,..t4, II I.
a 14,
%No; ;1,4,1 R.R.
• .Dl' Fenucy;
Z. nap.,
Pittsburgh Paper Co; 23 halt bb.. bob, Wott
o.siri. I ••nr mt!: feral. Knox !t Ann: 1 Mr.
- rr. I lumber, P I
1).• ...I t.l, ~it
I 1:1=
F.. -I. B Ltd., ity.
.3 -6 s outs, IV ._ter tom, In 1,4,1,.
114 OK it to; 41, oil I.hls, 3,10..50
".11 i6:11 .1.: dn. IV,s,lrWor Ron:: 0, lso Flo
.1. flat I. .t 40,i - tenting it
st. -- : uplasS A l piss pro
• .1 it Vat). tr. I hbls ott•gsi tt. Arr.
, • 1,1,1 t Waniorilok. 15.7. j
•;17,0.11 hurt., 0yy0..6e. sundries: V. l . l dmt
hrlt-, 1 . 1 pumps; E. BOUM' 6 1.1.r013 33 --
Jarvis - a. ('O, 15.10; W AL;" m"'
1 , 1 rur. 11,01 S.
- • ' , I • h. ivr 21.0 lurch 3Go flu !d0
mph-, 6 ^luta, C,,'
r. 5 ,1 kegs; 0, C sask• are:4osn 11••r
-1s :1. 3 ht.',uppl.6n; I du purtltrs 3tr hors, 9.
ularL tins. 3fr Cb rip ty. N••
r•••rst r.l uot J 11 :Aurxtt.k..VyitsSi I 116.
~ ...pkJaano-14 ,. i., 1 y•tu ', I 13.1150161,3'1 , :1e5,
6 , 3s-•. .
t,..1 • na tt strsr —T
.1 ..s/ hull ale lAhr,A • til.6 o r,
Ikon A sr...out - 0, 5 Phis corghumi lint, Burks
on, I ',a mot mg, J t
(1„0„.5r, , !•61 re. 11•1 truth,
\ 11111.I'l
Aln . .".(lLa -- _ra • ta
Pa, • Ntokarv.. . . Parker-o.dr,
..1u POrier ...
I ,0h1..” .I.,llu..ntwat
'fl:r MY, I a Little o 40 - It ta•for/k•-" . .
int hark :0 0N ..t O.ycinc;plr, tc•t''r`t.f:
1. av:ng 21 , c Tcrt .cant LI.L tau crarlncl. rha
La. lurne4 qua." cold, : awl
r,:ag . at ,r.arf.a. very
'lhr• Rut , loon tie. been cutAct.t t-tto •t,
,it t t ot- hr ot t lygeti to rotoo.itt tit ttr ttatil
a i l„• .. . 00. • tor u tr.tty to
_l, out on o iii I tn., otott,
T 1 l• 4".111,1 , 1rt C ' S 1 , 1 II
! •- • .te t•),:ty .r ...g 1-.. • • '
Lel-ws,el.l‘ :,• nJaa
, I L a
4 , -kir•l ITrPosqrgll I , rt., •
11).. P I •
u • 1 , •ur••1 ;tt
t.• riA
1... I 1.011 wrty tip. haviag tel
Wriln.l,lAy ening.
p• • • • t•L
r. 31- or. •
:s„, L:•• t.
1866. AgE w t 1866
rp•repriolng folk,
~.Arorr TIA YAIIP: Moors. 11...ter.
.t..ynxer W I NeHESTER... A. VEurt,z
reamer WORF-7 CITY; Jo y Gordon,
ri,v.burgh every llotiday mad Tlovrsday,
11 0,1..1, a, m.
1.e... en heentig every Monday ova'' tovrektny,,
1 l'ltc.tergh. every Tuesday and Felling.'
Wheeling every Taeaday and Yrldag,4
. -
I,e a Piltatmribe•ery Wedneaday mod Sawrail
at 11 a. m.
1. Wheel/Jag every Weduesday and sturdy
Parkersburg r•ery Mondayand Tbuiada
I eaves Wheeling every Tuesday and Friday, as
, 11•04 rarkeralmrg ever? Tuesday and Friday,.
ce ' a ", ;el Wheeling el . try Wedne.nday and na.lardaj
all' a. n 3.
I.eares P rrrrr .tourytt e•er• N caraway and !WV
tT.Sallng • vol Tharaday and bundl7,ll
Arrl onnevtion. going dollen are made at
wd /lellalr vitt. the Cloven.:Wand Pittabunch trail
hich nave. Plusborgh at 4.1e..p. m.. and Clergy
st ::y, a. m. Also, with tralus of Pittsburgh, NO
Way ne and Chicago Raflaray. ',Aka I • Cnical
at 10 p. and at Marietta with Marietta and (m
rinnati Railroad. and with atoomars to all points o
the klusklugum River: and at Parkersburg nit
eariy train on the Baltimore and Ohio RaLtroud, art
lb Daily Line b.soners to Pomeroy, Gallipoli,
Ironton, Port:mouth, Mayinalte and Cincinnati.
ail - rho up trip. conneetiona am made at Baal
with Cleveland and rittsbargh Ealicond. 6:111
train, by which pasturage:" arrive at Cleveland
1:6 p.m., mad at Chicago at 7:ae r ra.,nextmornint
JAS. C0.W201 & CO., Agents., ;
At Wharf-Boa, Foot of Wood et.
Where freiglß will be rent:Tod each day, up to la,
p. 1611-
T.'oll CINCINNATI AND.. i t.
LOVISVIL .--3 LE he new and eta. '
gout pasteng_er steamer tiL.teckow,
apt. ti.t. W. JOHNSTON. will leave for the abdt
and Interturdlate ports, 'TEWILSDAY. P.C. la`
at p. m.
iPer lrelg h l o4lr
7 f.
- .
1;012 CAIRO AND ST.g e gad
LOUIS. —The splendid stinanar
W ill leave for the above and all intermediate port
on TUTSDAY, Zell init., at 4p. m.
F (Vel etaLACK or paseage COLLlNG_apply on boardWOOD, r:
aff Agents.
GRALIA2d, Capt. C. R. EITCI.4. .ALL leave for
above and all intermediate pone eery TIIIMDAII,
tty. in: Returning, leavea Zanes v villeevery FEE,
DAY. at 7 am. COLLINGWOOD. Agent..
OH MEMPHIS & NEW a r i aai
JL OULT.Alie.—The new 41de-whe
lit RICOH Capt. 13...msrt
Will leave for the above and all intarmeglato pert.
711113 DAY, at 1 p. m.
For freight board or to
.1. D. coLLltaiWooD. I Age."
-.- gred
1. , , UIBVILLE. —The aplendle par
TATA 14, '" Capt. T. Khanna.
Lee, • on THIB DAY, 44 4 p. m.
gar f eight or peerage apply ea booed or to
Wrium ,, r;
OtHee, No. 2 Duquesne Way,
(Now OupasaSou 14 0 .41.)
armirrecrtazsa us rcrOi Wen%
Tate On cannot be excelled for blualarnrimperdre
color ern. test, and D ont an In. well seasoned bat
rel. mailable flo 110. M 1312. or zas:rosr. lan
Dm-LOD:oaf—Jobs Watt, Hobert Lea, Geo. Mad
C. B. Herron, C. L. Caldwell, G. H. Collban
Porn. Hoot Walbson D. W. O. Carroll.
work aad 012100. COMMA Tawas.
Orrlca or trnastrwat—ZIWOODISTSIXT.
Thee Works hsoe the IsoleN C.
hig Sli&Chy the eenia':•
t. The brand Mewls the In this ecnottit
los ry e In Europe, ter quality And Ore heat
ten, and the e,
Is pus In weD uearoaed bervelePrePornde.Peubdii
for expert.
Manufacturers of BOlLERB_,.srums, TANK'
Improved Boring Tools for tru deMkty.]
We arle een.wr.ettag, awl etl keep pn band. • er
pertor •Wi• of
X:L. $2112 , 7.43102:2\T1ME1l
int Invite parties needbal eakEtae. r r Han ktrPIE(
to ran and ree them, eorner PIKE and t)
STREETS, near CIA 7 Water M
Odlee Car. ni.Pnala and Wayne SUeet&
This f'ounf ezz ergeolsed nu the =th trot. made
be Vennitylvaal,lllalbje qnJ hienuferturtes Lase
The t•rritor! of the nit:many utthilhs the Wade.
the Decherd Creel liattna till Company, of thlf eltt
uapltsibtout i=l.OOS
Working good
Per Chink of C1C1:1 Inhere
. .
S. A. Jo /JASON. -
- LAS.
5...,a ti. , cs4tll, JASKI tiv..ErA.U.
I. U. - r. W. C. KING.
.1..3:i7.1 U. W. arrcuns. -;
i 0913,1.ERV1A I. OIL 11/01111a.
~.~nr:r. ~ru.r.~ss,
Dluek, Duquesne Way, rittabarej
AO^ Special atteett,n elven to ene tale and .bI
caeca of Vet...Wenn an 4 Ita produel.. Conelganten;
re«, tit fly battened. 114 g, 10. agt.l.:te
Foryvard trig sad IG:IMUld..1011 neve ban'
And , 1e,14:c 2thilalsstlag, IsArliestinA
0,14. retrain= Otits,ac.; constsctry cos tiossi
for sslo We kneed isissilat wices. Coosisintaeol
and tulles. , solicited. ap7Slcs
• t :‘,•. ~ ,t lt4:.
r tht. 1r 3AILII
I M. or o 11,1 . • ••tt ,. .L t 1.• Mall, •
s '• :Ultal: I:L.{ t• for tl,l
Pre.t.test- s. A. JOHNSTON.
Saerrtari su4 Tressurer—H. W. RITCHIE.
e . d J. U. SA Si VIM,
No. I ST. CLAIR t 5 F., Pit .burgh.
AND nytniretts ni
leull Denier. la Retinhag Marlslj
se. LIMA Ram sr. rittsbaraC
root of iroiLIC Lind llnninou
Itroolslyn, S. r..
Storage for Refined Petrotetsit!'ri
In Tant• an.l Barrel, ("Irct.lark.
We - t C.. No. NI RSA V err.s.KE:r. 2i.or Toe'
covrsN, Agent
I:lladelph!‘ .R.M, to ,
v b w . c . : , oapatils,, ortb-,. LITE)
TT. L. JONES, Agent for the Ivort.
• 2loo.rises. ',ate of Penn•sylraula. sod fla;-,
fort I n sauce S'o , orsea. 94 WAT FA ram EC.
QABIUEL REA, Secretary of llt
1 J Cltlsens." Insurance af
Cowinl67. sem.. AILICUSk
a WAT Elf !ST 611,,
081:PEI ADAMS, Dentist. Co[ : :: ;f:
r...117`b B1;1141zng. r..rter 131 InAStO7.4l) a - -^ L,
I:ANT t , Pitt thttrztt. 1, tti U.L.;iC.L , t, De.
1'.11e.1 e,