The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 02, 1866, Image 1

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T Tic
NI. 50 nrrit
88 OA
8 CO
,! •
mvr- as
Zerrod 17 Cxrrte re, Nto,si
the Wittobturlit (r,iautte.
"Leetpresifor This nisei[
Ittliatre Mercctuf iloCollego, 37 Fifth ottoot,
3.lttsburgh, Pa.
g 13y P. Buff—llow to get rich by trusiness—ln
lemptraneo, de fatal consequences to youth—
Atidre tato the Graduating Class.
By W. li. buff—Commercial Forme—The nor
-.feet cords, and how to place them—Also, 4.1 1 1
- Metures upon Pardnauship. -
Ity U. Match, Pte—Commercial Inw-011
Fire and Marine insurance.
'8r1.14. Yorner—Construoting the Dap-boot
Irijourrid form, With sPetitcatio."n4 oxen
elsea—lletecting oquidorfait and altered ban k
hoteA, *blab gla claw! examine and wet
heir protleteney upon a large number of emu,-
F N tryLL lipiallphite of Lime,
Poi preiarring oittet.rer sales by Charlei
Druggist, obituitYlPene and kr. Clair
orelst Bargians
Io and Ilactio keeping goody, as Harker
A Co's, A* u vskot inset,
DOVESTTP Dry Goode, at the very lowest prl•
voie, o¢ the norto-enst °Omer or Fourth untl
Market utroeta.
C. CUM/ or/ Love if BRO .
lit 4( Prints
e)c the Newest style for 25 cents. at Baxter
SO. 59 Maikot Street!
Ilatziaoral Skirts
• A.large stook. at very low price., at al ther
./1( 3 / 06a10 or retail, on the north-east corner of
'lnland Market streets.
C. 1166n0w Loy. 6 800.
Bt 23 Cent..
Vine. Shirting itMuslin, of extra oria!BY
a 3 , ard'arlde for fi orate, at Barker & o.
1,9 klarkot street.;
Bleaakied, half bleached, and onbleachod—ali
the different graven, from the low grades up
cad. Remembar the rises to get them le on
the north-east/Donner of 4th and Market atreete.
C. SI.IIIIOI Lon & Bac,
A BM% CrAwd
ollOwed t he Ambassador through the streets
yesterday, and Many asked the question
whether he was a! real Turk or not.
lIL eptrtted 'Poop b On the meeitsof Hatheerh
Elmdy wee reelered, and no doubt the
-struggiete made many &dime by Its eels. "Buy
and try It," seems to be the motto,
lloutie Co sala.:Two story Mick; range with
lot and cold 'water; bath room; gas; marble
tom:dies; paved yard; 10 rooms; boosts nearly
siewifildshed lailrst class style. If d.l.rod,
Me whole of the fortileblog will ba Cold with
the house, to the pintoes fatally are to dooltu
w health. • The i wtiole, Or either, will be said
eta targets. latteithe at So. 124 WOO 3 street
pil . tse Questloss
altmendly to your friends, as to what prepare'
Ilona they iae-*r their teeth, sod the re.
ppm" aloe times oat of ten, will be Sosodont.
ITU no longer appeasers to irePrees Its merits
sport the yobbo seind. =patient* has taught
Cm world the a mesas tot beautifying sad
prAsOrviNutlia - Seth, lasigoratiot the rams,
sad atvlag a pleasant taw= to thebrestit, it
sae tut rival in either hemisphere.
With the Almost
Certain Adyent of eholera amongst us to the
coming spring, we say again to our readers do
not be =prepared for it. Have what you
know and what Os - parlance has demonstrated
to be, astrictly . .reliable medicine to nip it in
She bud upon the 'first premonitory symptoms.
Do not trust to now and unlried medicines;
that you know th have cured will =re again.
drugiAist, No cc Market street, pre.
vans a utedlcitut that was used with infallible
evooosa during the last visit of the cholera to
to this city, andlre unheeltatinkly say that no
loisdielnelniheigronl ts - superior to It. Don't
without bottlo of it, that Is our ativicel
and "tlistirmit scourgedoegtoske'its ap
pearaaße, you art OOMparatbrelY swim.
Fold Only in Pittsburgh, at Fleming's Drug
Illitaiket street.
TIM quarterly r'exunlnatlon will be In 17n3-
7411.61 1 eQ!",iXr1l 9 tiled wolook Thn rsday
. .
end Miley ettbili week. The Weeds sad ro•
&Oa areinTitiii. to be taisent. The annual
enhibiticia of .Me-Junior class will be gives
rFigQog erreatug. The- next term will ems
' Meted rebniari 6th. More than 200 students
lave %mien is arAsindazioe the present term.
The Vacuity now consists of eleven Profaners
In the different departments of - ancient an I
modern latigueies, science and preparatory
•Nu eta. This Li a State Institntiou, depend
trig fur its Mistimes on no man or set of men
Ike whole inheree of which. end thousands of
. dollars' Waldo; are expended for Iss support.
1 1 . 0 Fur Pose Of the Trustees Is to furnish the
Very best advantitges to young mon preparing
9or buetnees or any of the predesslons. No 11,
perlicial course of study and no temporary
expedients are; resorted to to Increase Its
ittudsor popsdarit7s
Neutral SiOpleilee of Llpie,
Flor preserriag older. For sale by Chant.
itmar, Druggist, oorner of Perm slid St. Mat
streets, Pittsburgh.
Dahlia 'Hetalt—lll. Press.
A dvertiAlng has been pronounced “undlgnl
Sled" by, the medical faculty. A physician
who advertise* A valuable remedy to fifty pea
ls.° In 111 S private practice, would receive the
old shoulder from his professional. brethren,
bould ho make It. merits known to millions
.Skrough the loudness columns of a newspaper
press. 'MB; mat be "dignified," bat is it be
nevolent, humane or just' Whoever is fort n-
Sate enough to' . discover or invent anytbmg
that will prevent or ours, or alleviate human
suffering, is bound to make it known through
•sivery obannel of communication within his
Teach, to the general public. For many years
- I be merits Of liostetter's Stomach Bitters have
thus been proclaimed to the world, and multi-
Vides have been 'restored to health„ or saved
From fatal maladies in eonsequened, Ae new
acts halve been developed in relation to the
-Operation of this moot pore and potent of all
jltorattehles and Alteratives, they have been
Stated in simple language to the people or
leant lands; and if the propnetors of the mod
loins hove derived profit from their dlosemi
's satirot;thousands upon thonsauds of ludivid
dtudi have been benelltted thereby, to an en
tent beyond all estimate- In the West Indies,
• - Canada, Anstralia„:and South America, Elos•
inter's Bitters were recognized as the sole
specific fee Dyspepsia, the best possible wife
guard Itgainn epldemic@,•and the finest hang
ar/nit in eases of Getleolll Debility, and the
only diffusive atirottlant entirely tree from
noxious Itieedients.
A ilos'leitsee Bitters
Jose soht whedesale end retail at wary, low rates
at reminesitilig,and Pitent Atediaine Depot,
No. b 4. Market 81,roct, corner of the Diarnald
and TOurib lert4t, '
Pail Winter. Goods.
lt a With irreaii plenaurei we call the anew.
ten of oar readers to the aubperb stock of fall Just received by Mr. John
Wei Merninuag Tallorilio.= federal stroet,_
Allegheny.. Ills istockbrans owner of the
smostlienutifnl.Cloths, ittanreres, Dieroont..
lags and feet:n*2'ol'er rodght to the western
- rukft , Witt tunsnerden of Furnishing Goods,
leathitrilLeg Shinte . Din ors, Collars :leek Tles,
"aand4Tellletei aO. ca n Met
be surpassed st
Itr vest. Aisne stook f ready sand Pants,
afrAst.fsilCoftta gond OsercoAts, sal also no fond
' :to I , lla estubllshrnent, Persons In want of any
.! .:Ilhlng in tlio - tintldng Dun shonld not f4l to
atre Kr. WCder *call,
• . Illsolalts • vir.a to..
t -----
~ 2 frattiVAlSMte Roofer s ,s, d Dealers In Arna
• .san 1 3 / a lc of sarlOtuf col 3. °plea at !Orman
gar Langlallals lima Um{ Water Works Pitt*.
burgh, Pa. DoOdcnco, NO. 78 Pike street. Or.
Sera pravartlp attended to. AU work warn:ult.
"114 water proof.! Itopalring don° at th., short
- 4 set =tin). `No.Oltr& for repairs, provided the
. 4100 f is not abusiaLl after U. in put on.
Carpehte.r. lobblna Shop.
' .
Haying Fottirna after an absence of three
gearilh the army, I hove re-opened my Sbop
'S6tall FOrt9 Of jobbing in the carpenter line,
at the elttetand, Virgin Alley, bets, 4,11 h,
lathletreet enAbherry Alley. °Word lolicittet
. *ha peentptly attended to.
Nei:aril 'Soli. lift, of Limo,
<„'•oi prrs4, elder. .0 9111:1 ; , y -
corner • i'.:.:l . 1....
24.1.tarcia e 36 •
NOLUMI.. I.\`3
1.) ••• ••.
AB Ihr lira )1,,, of rla -
•Jiti at a gre-at , a Inopt., t.,
Ithmelhte .tuelt In Inn short, , t
in:, at the that Wiwi Hat, (,np
r itttuAt! of Wm. Flentlntt, Su. u.,
treet. rot bargains call 140011.
R's did not believe In '•run•-nil." until we
tried Ayer's inimitable •Piils, and now• we
think the whole secret Iles In the fart, that
purgatives aro the natural remedy for disease,
and Dir.tAyer has made the best of purgatises.
They cure all our complaints. Logo”
Ir Is stated from several dilTerent sources
that Maj. Gen. Thomas confirm. In alt impnr
tent particulars the accounts of the condition
of Tennessee contained in the Union memo
rials from that State to Congress and the
Vresldent. lion. Thomas floe, inn believe It
'confrislent with the public safety to wltlntraer
he troops, or to surrender Tenueforee to the
rebel majority.—N. 2 rib.
DEATS 02 A VETERAN Ors - lca
Jacob. Stlekney, who died nt Newburyp,,rt,
11e..., a few days since, at the ago of had
been elected or appointed to some otace in
Newharyport for eixty-soven 111324302b12.3 year.
--area since 17891 and he had always aceopted
end taken the oath el niTiox till this year, when.
he Wll3 too feeble to attend to U.
Tanßt. Paul Press says that more aeon has
fallen In Illane.otn thte Wrotor WWI at any
time doling ten years. All the Vl.lltie•S to St.
Paul are eo completely blockaded tha t Ingres,
•.m1 egrese is next to impoml.b, The rat/-
made hare received a temporary qulotus,
malls are delayed beyond all precedent, and of all kind• la affected by It.
A recni ;Minn in Savannah, lia., ol , serred
that a gang of ;Jerkins were working an the
t cote., tech wearing a hall and chain. lie
naked one of them why that ball aet ehamod
to him leg. ••To keep people from ntealtrni ICS ,
told the aarkoy; ..heap of, thleven• shout here,
Sra Buthorford Aloock, of England, is now
n china, striving to carry out a railroad trrwm
.itton to Pekin to be built and managed by
English capatalists.
Tr.= thousand "notices to quit" hare been
given to tenants of houses which are to be
pulled down lo make room fur now streets in
Tot: formerly famous Mrs. Bloomer la now
Mg drurnatio readings rn Yleconeln, Under
the, euphonious name of "Lisle Lester."
rums lotriatana and ToOne—Reported
Arrival at.litarea at Ran Antonio—lto
perialaAs Return to Roads&
Hew Feb. I.—Cotton lodes, I.t
kialen, at tee. !heights to New York, in to 1.1v
,p001, 3o; Now York shooks 5..,e discount.
Gold r 140.
• An engine exploded on the Jackson Hallway.
near Amite City, killing three persons, includ
ing, Colonel Forney, It*.e.Chlef of Police, and
a minding four. The engine is a total wreck.
File. of the Mammon:, Ranchero from the
. ...Id to the 27th, are received. The fLincAere
tunic!, that Juares left Paso for Texas, and
that his arrival at San Antonio, before report
ed and then denied, was d.dre to 1w eon
cealed. Also, that he bought a great deal of
nflece far future use. Cortina. loft Browns
ville on the .2kni ultimo. and crese.ed over at a
point fifteen miles below Matamoros on the
Mit, and Caboda, with his entire force, 2.50
"arena, left Comargo, for some interior,
Mexican point. &armies with a small [one.
left. Mier for Victoria, Mt xico. Ile awl Ea.-
beda are at open variance. Tho Ranellero says
they cannot now canape to neutral territory
fur protection.
Boadad was abandoned on the 25th. by the
Liberals, and by the Totted States guard
p:aeed there. The Imperial troops rl , siini.rie.l
it in the 211th. An English, French, and
stinalsh man-of-war are cruising ad' the
mouth of the Rio Grande.
Three Mealesm Imperial war ve.sel, were
o. IIaI3I,LIK from off Btu., eantmgo to the
mouth of the Illotirunde.
liajor General Wright is reported to hare
arrived et Brownsville, to thVe•Ligat., the
Bagdad affair..
There is a better condition of affatra at Wm.
terry. Business men who had left It for S4l -
UM, are retruming, and nearly all the leer
ehants of Itstamems, Mexican and foreign,
and among the former several nromiuent'atui
influential men. The imperialists published
a solemn protest against the course of the
United htates army snd civil officials on the
Texas side, charging them with being rester',
siblc_for the trouble and outrage+ on that
frontier, by siding with the partisans of Jon
,.t a party which, at present, has no more
foothold or basis of operation on their fron
tier than that afforded by said officials. The
protest Is very severe.
OttlefulHesJean News—Rolle lingerer at
Hie White House Arrestect—Prete%t
Suite:it EreetfugeMonument to rim-
elan Mercenaries..
WASH newsh as been
received here, up to tne sth of January, from
ill faro. Geeeral Ignacio. Mr is., one of the de
fenders of'Puebla, has been appointed secre
tary of War, in President Juarez'. cabinet.
The Frenan have not made another attempt to
attach El Paso. General, Perrujo's
was close by, and the place iS looked ,upoa as
entirely safe.
News from the interior shows that the French
arum:rite disgusted with their task of ainab
tithing Maxitoillian'i authority upon ao un
wilting people.
An individual clatming to be from May.-
chneetta was arrested at the Executive Mon-
Edon to-day, having been detected atealing
Sfrom the .martab. of the east room.
Such nets are so common that it is necessary
examples ehould be made oft!. offender. The
allYet7t"ottphdlr"re takes
es rt fc d r :o t give bail
the sum of ea,ooo cc4 to appear to-morrow and an
swer the charges. •
Senor Romero, in October last, addressed
Secretary Seward a letter enclosing a ropy of
a communication from the laberul Colon of
Civil of of Liege, dated the lith of A ngllat
last, together with a copy of the resolutions
passed the day before by that Association,
protesting against the proposal of Limit. Geo.
Peetineke, commander of the Civil Guard of
Brussels to erect a monument to the memory
of the Belgians who tell in action at Mamma
bora, in the Mexican Republic, on the 11 th. day
of April. 1%5, because they lost their II ses in
a cause opposed to libertv.~ and in contradic
tion to the efforts of the Belgian. mole to InJo
to gain their independence.
Secretary Seward, on the 14th of J...nuary,
addressed Senor Romero it note, u,k trig Lim
to accept his thanks for hie court,sy in com
municating interesting papers to the Depart-
florrill•11 New Loots HUI
W .sumo rob, Feb. I.—The hill Introduced by
Mepresentative Morrill from the Contuvittee
on Ways ono Means to-day, provides
711,t, That the net entitled an act to
otivide ways and means to support the Gov
errnment, approved march :kl hai.3, shall he ex
tendedd avid rook rued to authorize the Secre
tary of the Treusur3 at kits own discretion to
et calve any treasury notes or other °Mhos
cons issued wider any ant of Congress.
is !tether hearing interest or n o t, in ereliange
for any description of bonds authorized he
Yet to which tits Is no witendment. and &mho
dispose of on:, .lokicriptioo or bonds author .
ite 11 by said art, eltber in the United Matt,
r elsewhere tostich an amount. In
such manner, at uch rates. ss Le
may think advisable fo r lawfut ney of
rni,od for a ny Tr.•11., • : m0
certificates of indeliteduess or certificates M
~po-et, or other repro,..elet:ll lien of val Os
wh which Mier been, or may be iiinwsl cinder any
A. t of it on hEress, the proceeds thereof to to
shed only for redeeming Treasnry Notes or
..ther Mitigations tonne.] by act of loagresei lit
nothing therein contained vhdilrbv ninvCriseil
10 aid hoe lee any increase of the pnbiTe dean;
provided that tbc, bends, w Web may Is. dips
oseci of elsewhere than in the t: n tted
may be made payable,lenth principal and inter
est. in the Cain and currency of the an try In
A' 1 . 1 ell It eY see Made pay al.le,hu t shalt not oar
It role intermit exceeding live per minima
per unman, and provided farther that the act
to which this iv an amendment, shall continue
in full force in all its preen Inman, eximpt xs
moilifleri by thin ant.
Malloy at Nro—llicit• from Roadorich
I.lantio, Chian amt Japan,
SAY ER ANCIfo 0, Feb. I.—Theerew of the
clipper:lllp White ,11 . 3110 W ,111 A/ urris f non
NOV/ YOl k, were nrresteti for mutiny, ahile
Off the count of 500th Artier-kw.
Advices from Honolulu to the eth no
Mule tuneh trouble exiyta lth the
who ore setting all roles and regal:l4lo. ni
Them hay been a new eruption of the Vol
cano of •tragnalna.
Advice. from Hong Kong Ware leer n2t., mates
that titere.had been no new ins:um : oat move
ment. It appears as if the Imperial Govern
ment halm extirpated rebellion all/lathe tams
The murderers are endeavoring to conform
to a more enlightened policy toward foreign
er. bring frightened by the appearance of the
lirltlsh Minister atrekin. Piracy continued,
From Japan we learn an expedition with Um
ministers of Great Britain, France and tho
Netherlands, has gone topegotlate relative:to
the opening of Port Furs :ignore aro
better treated than ever before.
The registry stet panted the State Senate
;net evening.
Gunboat Wrenk—lreninn Alarm In Can
Yl.l:ll,Fet).l.—TlesitentnAhips NG' a' , 0(11,
Pnntaeola and- Key Wert art ive.l to-Dight.
rtiniboat NarolssliA, (rota PCIIA:le011. for
Net. York, ult. totly hot at thn month of
Tan' pa buy, IN itta nil on hoard, attoat in I:aty
A . Trrn ntl itpateh In the Herald %taint; an
attack on the frontier towna,f,thonrly expoet
ed Train.. OUP ready at Hamilton and Toron
to, to !wad troop. at unnuenta notice. The
'military In nit the vrt,te - rn town , aro in arms
EAplorin of r I•.ourl—The Rook*
f•ns,d— o l.l.l of M Dea 2ll d to be Publiwbod.
' • - •
1. , t tart Feb. Int. latiel.—Tho Albany Lea
pt, • ;.), :quanta' Charmer went Lo tiro
worelt of the Id lennurt on Tomolay morning'
:ILO -net:mated In getting Ow boata safe 11111 d
0t:01,..3 91, Wallave, Clerk, ban anno to Evann
ville 1,,
oCtlain Imanonetifth of them and will lto
oti.te to make out a complete lint of the tont.
1, ',malt", of rapt. Illtrtl'n tilt, 'sera reenv
, 0.1 Iron. the wreak fl , terdill . lir Ler11013:1 No
hr.; I I t hate et been ./
The 1...p10f.10n of the "IlfonlitApo Jinn
Orrfl nod Flay Live• Lo.t.
1.-31tmrh Is pal erl for-
I lit I itlg 1 ! lenlnra of the ea 1,10410 n of the steam
, .)I;an, lon the A, IniTve•lo. HI er. The total
nntnsaa , t lit as lost tt W Probably Mann 011 e
hundred and flay.,h se,Pll of thr
an , 1. w n 1I
yw to he aa Hai Filly Imadl, w puked nr puked MI and I,ried 31 I.l.ldacc of Lon .1.-
liospds." - "'
10 40= are fatally Injurej.
1,?1_ 4 •
VERI LATESUr ELL; it ili .
Operations of the Treasury for
Detective Gen. Baker Convicted
Rpeeml InApateb to tbo Pittsburgh Garette,
li'aealsorea, February I, 18311.
I:ocelots, relcaltunosments and transfers of
the Tretumry Department for the month of
January last, amounted to 1113V2.4,599, while
the disbursements, redemptions and transfers
amounted to 5PM,271,11,11.
In the ClOlO of the steamer It. B. Hamilton,
aporopriated by the United States military for
the conveyance of a regiment of troops from
St. feels to Mobile in Itlfd, and which was des
troyed by a torpedo placed to her coal bin, the
third auditor ban decided that the owners of
thr veseel are entitled to the full payment of
her value, notwithstanding the foot that In
demnity has not formerly been made except
In cage. where vessela hove been destroyed by
armed enemies of the United States. The
total number of army, navy and other claims
revised In the Wilco of the second Comptroller
during the month of January last was : , ,tdd,
involving the large Rote of edsr"cc..,o9l.
The bodlee of Union soldier..' who fell on the
geld at Puila Church to the drat year of the
war, are being taken up and brought to Ar•
ltngton for 'burial. The extensive cemetery
upon “en. Lee's former place, is being rapidly
filled by the bodies of the Union dead.
The evidence before the Reconstruction
Committee in regard to the state of the South
of a startling character. Nearly all of the
with ernes concur that the state of things has
been daily growing worse since the surrender.
Citizens from Tlrginia and North Caroling
represent it most deplorable condition of of
f:ars in portions of those State.. In some sec
tion,. all Union moo who are able to do so, ant
removing with their families.
♦ nOr THEWS rumwo OP 00103 PESO, [RN
Air, Johnson, of Salisbury, N.C., well known
KY the friend of ou: 4oldlere Imprisoned thorn,
primeval through here to-day on Ler way West to
tale up her reel:tent. In Curet:roan. The
of our eOldlorm owe her every kindness
and attention.
The ( orarniesioner of Pension., during the
ru.A.tu of January, admitted 7,1114 claims of
,4•1,2•, and 2,647 claims of widows, mothers
orphan.: 453' e of the former,•ml 334 of the
... vieware ro)eeted during the name period
, 11 this dumber, 1,214 Ware grante4 to parties
IN New lark state, 1,013 to Penneyirantane,
sud to Ohioans.
The trial of General Baker has been ronela_
Lied. lie was found guilty of false Imprison
ment, but not extortion. The trial will pror,_
ably be bet the Bret of a serica of develop
tarots concerning the pardon brokerage 1 , 4,61-
ne.i. The eorruption revealed in the eoorwe
of U. evidenee, equal. that of any case of
v hve_h the country ban any knowledge.
.locument from the Treasury Deportment
chows the amount of fees and emolument. of
the clerks and Commlessoners of the l'olted
States courts for the nocal year ending le Jane
lass. It chow. that In the Western District of
Ter.iii-31 - raula, the commissioners moms ol
nine hundred and fourteen dollars, and the
lerke four thoiulasid, eight hundred anti se•-
ty.tvo dollars. In the Northern District of
• thin, the Commlosloners received rine thous
and and tl•e dollars, and the Clerks two thous
and, v., n hundred and thirty-tve dopers
In :he District of Indiana the I...ommlssion,
ors received two thousand, one hundred and
elght, -seven dollars, and the Clerks nue shun
eand, seven hundred and seventy dollars. In
southern District of Illinois, Commissioners
one hundred and thirty dollars; Clerks....
hundred and three dollars In the Northern
ltt,strlot of Illinois, Comcolseloaers, sit ban
and fifty-lien dollars; I !Orbs, four thnu
-and eicht hundred and fifty-five
in the Eaotore District of Missouri. Comma.
Am, three hundred and thirty dollars;
clerks,, three thousand nice hundred and
ninots dollar. ; In the Western District of
Mi. souri, Cniumiasionere, tivelve dollars and
nurty cents; Clerks. two hundred and eighty
flee..dollars ; la-the District of Kansas, Com-
Inlsetoners, sixty-seven dollars ; Clerks, ono
thousand nine hundred dollars; In the Dlstri-t
of Wisconsin, COTLICIAP3/0130r1 1 , nine hundred
tel sixty-six dollar; ; Clerks, three thowand
L undyed and el my- tight dollars
Y'' ily maintained lithawelf as' one of tke le,et"
era ef the flow,. to-day. As at f hickamauga
I, stand by (see. Thomas and hepied him save
e no here stands chinuichingly by the
Crane party, and la an earliest !worker In the
riest ta•S, of saving what the North has won
•e attention was given to his speenh
thronghout, and: ltsr closing passage Drought
Icsolbers arnund him In a 110.17 has
many aide Representatives, arid .li. A.',ar
t!, has achieved high rant: among them
Me turn !.aval Commlttiva of tonarta.• are
1/ red Inernaa• the Yalu ni a ; naval
ofr•ars, and wdl urdnahly agraz So a gan, 41
ad , ailed Of ai per vent.
the reception r fenatnr Morgan txnnlgnt
cgie of the ntoct orer gt s .
n.n4ngtogs neren huntircd porn Ons ca 11 1 ,41.“
t:.! .-ourne of the CV ening. Speaker lilt, is ',dent,. a A%at.n ern wof trd tut late tio,r
!-ULlttr,nt of the ro rk , llll-n "r the N Y./ 1/
I:onk llg AVno.lllll4.fl, of mtu••••• .11
/I, h. '•l:ltei.: of the Mr./ Sion , lay nt J ut,qary, and Di,017101 . . .1? .est,e4.l. 17.11
Inutte .
it. 4..111 e, Furniture 1.11,1
i II MX pkid .
/11101 ,, and n . O, ca.h it. 1,111
Other U. a. bond. and bCCurttle. 112,001,590,00
Bllle of other banks 21,466,444.6 , 1
peels . . . 144.010,3.1
01 To er lee to] money 1147,e411;46,16
.'tale and other, Item•. 17.00,711.,6,1
Surplnk bind
Note, In elreolutims
n cleponitx
•n it ut Pei devinstt, . W,717,3k1,1.5
Stu V • Ila. k circritit onaptand-
en Ll' Ito.
't Oa Y I.LAKR 4.
romp, rnllvr of Itto Tt ttAtiry,
It t ,tt r 1 FAl.rtutrly At. INA.
Tr.. itv ID,irn arm err,
I iyri,X or 1, rUN el. It RI,Nt a.,
VA...NO f.'s, January Zr', I m le
for ,-- Your letter of the till Inst., to Cie pr.,
w /lora ctl the Ink - U.O. neer 1111,1 be,. rt. - le/tit/el
„ once I reply that the lam rotolrlog
' , atop , upon Cot:we:a/teen, Bonds an I \'',t en,
I otth .5,41 ttetoher an , llllmt
ate Itleemtry loetrumettl hotted tr lor
to thnt .late. A hotel, for the payee et of
Silidurt le a '.tamp /let y at the
of Pro cell'. tel for Carl' one hundred /loiter. or
',tett ft.,enortal par; thereof,
pi toted e% nlnnee of money to
demand, or nt any time de•n,n I.
A per-Mod frond given ',entity for the
-lant of any definite or certain ,tin of mom.)
one noucired dol'm I u 1011.1 n. , t
dtec;.vr butidrOd enid.set. .•• •
Aity Mints
11,4X.1. 1..0
000,r0, -
214,,C) 'OO 00
II "5 30
9 241,
. •,;
prior to .1.1e0.t1. may be
nnole ‘elid l.) et.tropirb, tt rt... re ed 401 ,
tin: le3 of the aei Anne :Intl., If 0,0• Ali
11,at date tlic emit. falls n•. 0., .-,11.1.,11 liA
of raid act, as amended by the act of Sl:sr,ll
!..1, t=. Very nempeot fully,
‘elr INmtlnnt - , rva.,nt.
D. C.
neonty Cnmeni.slnee
1 OWllll‘. Ent.] • Berryville, V..
Convention of Directors and Others
Special ilimpatsti to tits Pitatiurgh Garotte.
W ANIIINGTON, Februar7 1, NW.
11 KXT Ifs Of Nto\ 0401120 80111[04 DOARO
Pursuant to u call issued In December last
by the secretary 01 the Interior, a board, tO
conalid of the Government Commissioner.,
Directors and Engineer. of the Union PaxMc
Ila Grout, convened In this city in the Interior
Department, nt twelve o'clock belay, for the
purpose of adopting soma uniform ..tandard
of road, to which the several companies orga
nized tinder the arts of July let, 1.100 and July
.2.1. 1%1 shall conform.
The following named gentlomen are Goe
ernment director, George Lehman, of At..
Jesse 1.. Williams, of Indiana, Char
les L. Sherman of Ohio, Springer Ilarbaugh,
of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, T. M. Corter, Of
Illinois, The CommUsioners are as follows
oloriel J. U. Simms - to, of Indiana, United
, rates Engineer, Major-General s. a. Curtin,
of lowa, Dr. W 'llium White, of Connecticut,
and William Prescott Smith, Eso
The Secretary of the Interior sm. loosen!"
to-day, also representatives of the vacioce
connecting lines. The Convention organllq
to the Washington aqueduct buibllng by to
election Of Col. Simpson as President. and gr.
./ebn 11. Gillis U. S. Assistant Engineer wal
fl pp.> int eti Secretary - . The represent...V./es Of
connecting roads present wore lion. (label
Ames of Sioux City Arnett:lC It. It. tn., C. Ps
Huntingdon, of the 1...tri0 Pact.- It It
lion R. Si ....hivemalter, chlei engineer of the
I ~ion Pacific railroad, eastern 11 vision; 11.0 a.
t..orne MeCoot, Alto . ..sic) of U. t plea lirsello,
railroad. eastern division; lion If to,h li Jest
Ott director of the Union Pacific railroad, m 3 .
or,, division; lion. J. C. Pomeroy, Prosi.infit eft
the Atchison branch Lelon Pacific railroad:
Won Mr. Of stout City PaelilC
The con•ention, without trancactlng any
cry important 1.0. M.., adjourned until to.
morrow at ten o'clock.
geport• have been received at the Free&
tnen'a /Inman In relation to the organization
of colored schools in the various Freedmen`,
Itlet het s In the south, which glee the attnaber
et r.0h0..h. that have been e.tabliehed b)
Moreau and otter benevolent lt,ditutiota
kg:, watt 1.2.14 teachers, and pwardi ok,COO
pi:ph, Besides these the, etre So , .choolB
wialett he,. been eetabliabed and are tapportr
ed h) the colored people theiaselver. mutant
to ott art aggregate of about 1.19,000 children
floe tinder lattruction.
r CJ.,lr.trTe. Or 2111131T1R,...L.
F., the past ....ell months endl g January
;i , 1.1‘03, AMOIIIMIS to V.100,1=0, , gn
'-yeetrl Ut.i.►t'L to thr Fitton:l - Rh k.oc.tte..
u.•, Fr!o - nory La L, IVA
Mr GI ahem proeenve.l the r.t:t,•.n of the
eltlrene of Plttatotrgh aslulaz for the rvetleS-
I.iea of the Charter of the Pittsburgh S Wa
r elteville it.
Mr. 11,...ehokier (nitro citizens of `tome*
County of alustlar Import.
The epeaker presented the annual reporgof .
tt.e Treasurer of the Dollar baring. Rang' of
Buts m mars,—Mr. tinge Introduced &hilt
authorizing the ronsttgo howl Companj to
build a ratirosal from the "hi,. mete
Plltsbargh wadi Erie easel. lit. 1 / 1 -azttsca.—
nethotirtnig the Kosevnette!‘ . an/ C.Wil" OLT
Turnpike Road ( ompany to borrow money
Mr Drone-autittortatng certain cities. man
tle. wad borough, of tie 1 ommonstealth. to
settle suite arts:4g from suuseribuone to
•acorke of Railroad t onspanles Me White—
r. t •.^.t Resolution trot ruct ,n g Serwton IC
gnaw., w rote for the amendment to the
Comitttntusn, fixing the hauls of repreecolAe
•,,. oh eh passed the Haase of •
• •r,s ut uub.gton yeeterder
The !tenet... reettentel tile .11ems•iset ne.
,•• •uffr•ge resell:it... Mr tires
.c and Mr Latta optemmg the .a.,
The Senate adjourned until throe o'clock r
The .1141 - noon .1001./.tlln 414, 01,4 to Ir.
con.aderatlno of the revolu NIP
tion. net rutting
our Stanton. to vote for negro rage to tee
Pistilet of COI ernhte
~,,tor Hun, Etvpuhi lean. of Blair oppoye.l
the ;meant, of the revo!Ottons, are! .Ivelare.i
ar against any nne whn read, leer on the
.t , ll untl: Lula r•nuh.A at 7,,
Mr Bfrollg rend In place • bill to :ricorp- ,, rnio
t Ity of Mewlrtlie.
Tl,e following bills.rern is •flp..y. A
41,pplement to act act relating to cat rytag
,l weapono, •il • •upplconen, ~n h,t
,nlatlug to lc-at 41 °eds.
The Houne rol) ,, urned unt:l tn,. , vnning
sere o'clOck. to ronshle: tl.c
rcbolut lOUS nn reconstructlon
Speed) Return of French Troop:
*3* nto of thc. Iliatsirlx. .3. tow
[Tar, Fe , 1.-1 he Ateatil p SI rl , .t. Li.rtr,.ool tto Ite I .l)th la•t• ,, tto
2.1n1, ttt lwon date% nt
(Sr..' clay, later
I.lrerpool cotton market np..nat t.en•y
Ana declined ; liubsentiontly rallied and ra
nm evell the decline, on toldcllinic. hale. n( the
wecit. 31'.000 buten, and on Friday in,no Nor,
market closed Arm.
frreedstraffs are tinier but greatly. 4: I eel p t
which showed downward toinit.ncy. Pro.
.inlet said greatly.
1:,: Lilo, in rt:frank of England. hag taoren , -
eA pounds
00 Paris Prrtss agsurtg that tho Emiar , r
Napotr , •n has root inegetinato to Ole
1.1 1. Itgu for rho spool y return of Ida k conch
active semrell Is lath gCII ;Lg . o. I la Irk,;a. I
Inr Head Ccutre Steveux.
Me ',Tool, Jan. a, —11..... Mt tiffs pal.t bat
•t uely. Provision. Mealy.
London, Jan. von I reg °meal al'arle , .•
uot.V±tute. K4airea Erie Simi , . • - eltie
5714, Illloot. Central Share.7elgln , A.
/err, says : Mr. Glad tone will Mayo... of Car
p:ll, revenue by relieving a number of "mull
Art Irani tariff, and by the modillaution of
" netitish ALI VINIV Ray that Gen. Prim Is be-
Met. the Mhal:Lela and Portugeuag Iron-
Ihe filet, my that It la doubtful whothor
tho Intoetwt.ou the Sim:lean debt will to, pull
—the rondo In Europa toning L.Lally extuaustrvl
nod It 6 nopooothlo to rhino new luau. Pnrin
toot le new, renter &1 francs 020.
Fe ANA, Fch I
ul ;shout fuel o'claell that a a ilng, .1
.1,3,111 x enly tour Imadln,, , 10 (111 lac
„O alacti %PIS' the, I ..1 , 4 . 1
etuntord Theater luiliclalg and I
Nlivermle completed, e. 4
1311fie•I .11 tI11:f I, 1)1014 dollar
ola 1.1111 I. VON orrtl Ly 1.4
ill N•tltt
thelltee l h
t,rolze •
Nle t per, eflet Il..•11 ill,
el out %IA ieela ee• tuet 1 , ee
the Illetriee vent re, et t antee.. •
I he ehs , :pArt n
1., .1 11:1- AII t,e
' , Neel:lnd Inn! I It.rrse4l.
I. The ear
• I I IS
gr . _ 1 4 r 77
.F:,.;!;' .
INTERESTriii I full R t-11 NGToi
Suffering, Among White Refagees
Lonferenee of Prominent Genera Ls.
Tnantion of Curroory Thank• QOe•tUOU
Nark- Tong, Yob. I.—The Tribune'r Wash
ington special gay, Among those pardoned by
ibn President, Irmo Uren. J. T. Preston, of ..4oritti
A highly interesting report from a Collector
of Revenue for a district on the Canada fron
tier, In, mercy notorious for smuggling, was
ye , tcrday received by the Commissioner of
I astern, The officer reports that . 1 1tlee the
1-stie of strict orders by the CommisOoner for
the nuppre.lolloll of Kul ugg stns and LY enfortx ,
int lit In several case, there ha, been a great
diminution In contraband traffic.
A medical report of the Chief Surgeon of the
Freedmen's Bureau, for Kentucky and Ten
le +.oe, received yesterday by general Howard,
Kimmel that destitution and iddifkrlng In far
greater among the white ref.:iers than among
the freedmen. Thin officer, ,taus also, that
Medical dispensories have been net obliaßed in
the principal taw 111, of the :Mat. mentloned,
and at Malty the freedmen have bkrmekl
benevolent .tietellek, tor the relief of antioring
among the ealoreil people, by levying et per
caplui the on all able bodied adult (real-
Ideal- (nen limn( haw iinoted un order an
nouncing the organization of a purautount a
tiller}- board. to which queetlirila relating to the eirtill,r) era - nice may be referred by Lilo
inneretary of War or tieneral-In-Chief, and
which may also originate recommendations
In regard to the efilconey Or Mt...reel.. Of the
urtiller); and the following mimed ualcars
rompnee the hoard, Brevet brie eon- J.
Hulllnt. Col. Third irtillery, Brevet COI.
Howe, Major fourth Aril/Ivry; Capt.
Jobs Gibbon, fourth Artille. - Brrivet Lieut.
Col. - Iterilaniln, hapt..2lel Artillery.
The Times' Wa.hinggtt eperlal ,see 61eot.
Gill (into! and .11ajor Goneral• nhermaln,
Thomas and ktrade are In regular etroiLon at
the beiiiiquitrtora of the former, ~‘ or the ar
my They meet earlier than Congress
nod ell about an long, and the rennli e(,their
delitneratlocis will noon he laid before the Mili
tary Committee of the Senate.. SonatOr Wil
son, I:hairiest; of that Colimaltt7e, eini fern
with them and it is re hitimble that O. btil wilt
iM frumed , them violent) ing their
. lulot ;;;;n
-clonionn Gen Brant dextrin/ the Views of hi•
able Li, ilLerottits on tide euttloOtohnit tie Iber,
fore etitomonett them. Gen. Sherhinn would
also base been valleht but for the ciigeertr• of
the i-eri lee in the eouth went Hr Int, not
ient for, and in not experitoil, all tomirte to
the n. ti al y notwithstanding.
The A-taunt'. Wanhington nwelal ear. The
ettathmieut hat tog !men made that
lion of t hr sun ride to the captors of the itaea,-
•inu riiniiiitrators sOlahl be Matte rester
dui, has ttrawri a regiment of claimant.. to
We-Long-ton. each of whottrls unanzioun
p.n.:Lanz 'Tinr lint of aw arch le still In the helots
of the War tie{ .t w buioiredn
those Justly entitled to them remain vl.
cob 0.n.0r week extuin•tues the rt.... 1 ,0. of
their limited purnes by the payment al or
bitant hotel bills.
. .
The colored delegation each recently ar
rived at VI itAttingtrim from the different Atates
of the I nisei fa the 5•11[1.,.... of prultLng their
elatnui to e.•irro flaffrlLVV, ti,,(l - 61p3111e.t ity the
COMMitt.oo of the National Swim)
Uuffrage .I,uocciation of that rutted on
Chief Justice Clinue oa Tiontilay isfleam , in and
had a cog micro lee with tats .
The World!. %It:tubing/on te:cisil says The
of TATIIIg the Lkirrvn..} React , at!, tie
argued In the hopreme f curt this ie. ME If
leo Court ileelde that the WS la law ful ace.tril•
leg to the ilectilloh of the Cciamlnitoner of In
ternal novena., then its... lordltutiono Will
min to u apes:lu) Ina nye:hi:Um; taint OM
such a tut
en,l up toe t unman:tenet An' , a I tnent
hick waa pa 1,4 by tha II mow. ye*, r. lay.
and wnultt etatlea(or to pre.. it before If,
tttettate LLIVII panned There were a tintnher ttf
Mtairt Lee i-tatnrett rn teem at ito nt •nd It
ant dealreri to get the Amendment Iteltti,-
. .1.” st en early tot(
Mr Hoe gird called up the rewthattor. offered
6) him aotte•• time rise reatommen•l: tit: :he
trial of J.R. Darla and (r, (
uattnit. Inr .atotin wit , ' in the a.- iaatn,
lien (Sr Lincoln end theal. - nation ~ fa - tan
aw • maid tattaa,/, tot war
Mr Iletwael offered an amen nta•.l
Is as lota. Feb 1.-- riari itdrittronii
news by the frt., bas t.een received
The reernt terrthle ahlptonft .Ik•nston noutto
tto the leadlug theme of the No ztleh
TBe w..ettbet continue. stormy
The reamer London, .ou•n was fon 'tared
to se, codueot at 6414[y-dee thousend
poroones alert one. and het outrao was trostortel for
Iwo tonedred and twenty thousands pound.
aterllng It Is ronflrmed that th. Kew lot
ti noll), the .e* lhoohop of and to to
Urenke, the actor, were ennoinf Ott passel,
The death of Uwe°, the eminent eeulpte
Ihe ,ottiedlaease ns England contownes t
, ncreaor The latest returns show that th ,
nuenher attacked In a week approaches 10,
TLe Fenian trials continue to pro;freas s•
louldln. A ,nantlty of untfortn• suppose.l to
nop to Fenian officers. were 1!..C0N ere ct
to the Ithsd of l/cretnher In Issttitnde to
nrth. and ito4cltiolo 43 rest. what
wa. •
{nord to la ono of the A11an... , t 4.'dr
~....en t , y a pn...lng 1.13 p
The har..t P . • Ns, of the 1 4 th.,nnounoo, that
Iluron SollarTl left Not. on the IDth 1., It.
pu•tko, of thattng the neoo.o..ary ArranTr
nzent- wtth the Eloper,. for ....le
r,Ourn of the Veruch from little.) at
the earltoott Dotoohle tate
The rek'y retuen• t the hmnt i'nwe
row 4,,re....e In Ca•lr Inll.lolll glt
Tr e on the lir!. ~ crae.l 14..•nte
•-f ::ti
The tank rate rernalaa pet tent
1.n.10n Is at tlt the d4.ll.l , ll{• Itlaz ket. la
Ft+ r”rve
Row nien A t ...ugear rrilner.
hit,...1‘<1 Their 11ia• , .1.11.44 aro aA.q... a
thr.teaa.i I.altt , els •ter. tug
H, .o,s rrport« b u L.
vrk Ire A12101 . 1,11.0*0f 11.1 . I,llt
iiVe art' fit
—The . 3,1"1.01 . 112...1 ,LlOl-416.1.1,00.Y., Lair.
O. mid 11 ing, Orient, Int, 11 ,, -
1,14.11 , I, .40.111,1 g .14,01110 15 , , 0, fair u
2] 11. middling upinnel• 19i, .1k••I
Owl. in fun, ••411, ,
at 41 ,Slit tuales, nt w 11..11 1,c,0n0 1 , a1... ry
7hr MartelsebtA, =at Oat 14 Illrtneir Bread
•...lrt Ard •trady
• 1,, I , ‘C. k..11. , 1.1. \KO; t , re
I.pri .1,11 I•tit .0 ct
4trit.l3, Red Wlnietr, to. 441 1 . Mrtt
nd w 14311 Mired,
Pro,l.lnn• °met ifitlei
%:11, it, o, and t..or.l.ett I:r I •• , r• p",•,
k :ma -Tr., I, Kt tj
w Ames Lott 15.4.1 fir tia to"! I •.d
ig F.ll 1" , g1•., Lar‘l tetk.l. dor. 1, r.l.
I - Ircular, repor''' 111,'"1-
.turr. uulrl 1..11 tolotatmn.l'itrel7
t.•ti. I II
N 14.1 , 1 PlOO,lll/1, ,v.anl .1 1.
I ATVPI • .rp..01,
Irth. 111.twu
UiPS, :i,11%) to. ap44,Ii,t,IVIS. 1111 , 1
'mirk.r'. Orlon J.L't 131,•'1-
xttlifr I'll' ~t,-n.llll-0,
tortri” , l, /..“”nr • Pll.l, ..1 , 14
in..tio• +7 , ,. .• I .
illlflol. j. et,t riLl othstt I, 7!Aory, E
:J• ,7
Affairs in Louisiana and Texas
Saw Oat,Raan,Jan. 11.—COttoo li•alr, opal.
of five 1 houaanl balea at 4.0.
told, l4o'
In the Louisiana Legislature thr llertitte bill
authorising the .loci ion of l'arli.rtiol ortiner•
In oil Parishes on the remind Moody, In March,
plumed thy Hoare to-.lny promptly.
The llOune Judiciary Conti:WU..o report.]
adversely to all bills and plans looking to the
slay law.
The tPaehlta TIV., was ri.lng on the irt 0,
hut on cotton Conning tato Monroe from the
bent country.
The st4.arneri Cni. Chenille, CYO Itirnard
le, loft here for loilreylon ly Atebatuyala
river, met 0 Vtlr Off Sabin., aryl broke
In Inn. The pilot I. uriese worn
lon, The Cr.,'• env , eal
;313v 11.11;1133n 11
1313;31111.3.31 Al...zundrr
.11i33:flo3) 010,./ 1.1 .11..
13 nue•ot 1,1
111.• Bunn:, Itna ;r1i3t33,.• 11;111-
tu33l 333 I:avr , lnk; liirtmat; ;“331 .1 'ring
phe 133331313 4,3333t1t. 330;;;;3303155,1 Aut. 3 ;ht.;
, euht , toll haud .1 1,301, ;11/
13 3 .33. 3,33 331. .313 , 1 Kar33331. it
NW N LOC c/11.11on c ~11111
..!• . I f• !.• “Ifni 1.
role hill 1t1w.14.1e 10. e .RIP t+-Re
pvlltar of Itur •p.triinb
..1%-it ttt p 'llltir 4 .11 at 3' 1,114 s ttl , ll it, I"' :tt
i lit ttt 11.1 t•ltrt • tht t t , tlt. ~,,, tt, '•''" " at.
. n-I\ll. 111,1• thi -.1m.h1.1. tP•,
a. .1•,1111.1' I.ttrit,hlo. 111 k. I
1,, Pt
on I -01,114. r, .4101 ,. . 111
.1., it! Of 111,. h3er err ~,,, --
4,111.111 atto-Turip
he 11 . 11,1 e of Chill hyl-k
\ Yeltrue ry - rho 'hate
her of lou. to eltheA it regular tuenttily .
th.l tteg to-.lay. Thu chathlter dented
e ettitem• nt. reeetty publixheo, that it .ttn
ingter. of that Iteov lint e . ttlitet uOOO
J^t^,Qll?4,l-10,; I_,
tI1,11( •Jr 4. Oil,
Ptf.Hl•<lu\ uF Al2llll YHIGRaIoI TO 10110
Etta.. Mitc,.. Into.
Feb. 1. —Eng - . lawn. Wtkrrry, or
Gen , clioneld• nrrierkti trnm
.-xpoct. In nanain tn I t.dy
lb robugh u Inter:
di-tow—too renranlion, ryatire
ning In a tuition, on Grand street, (11-1.• Man
sounded, risnl other plank , a erg
In n !titter tle•lining the linited itotertitirnati
rondtip of Georgia, Alexander If. Stephens
My reasons for diclimug need not Is. stated.
They will readily suggest denial ea, to vow'
we minds upon reflection. Earryouiy
owl, ow I am, for a speedy restoration uf civil
law. perfect
. pcace, harmony road prierperlty
throughout the whole country. I do not, under
cSiaLing elreUrnatariCee, see much prospect of
the ayallntilHty of My services to these ends
In !my public position. itoreover, so far as I
am personally cOucerned, I do not think tt
proper or politic that an election should
postdOned with any View to a probable change
of present. eirrimistanc or probable change
~t position on the subject, aml I trust that
110 ruoirdscr will give even a complimentary
• to to me at the election.
Dispatehes from Washington any it Is ru
...1 that the Governnomt is about to tem
p.arily revoke the proclamation issued some
unfol.Lor ago, w herein emigrants were allowed
topos-ced to Met leo, and carry arms for te el r
telly id nal protection. In no far us the Liu If
Department is concerned the resocatlou hue
already taken place, and will be made to apply
to the Northern and Pacific ports as well,
Llmuld It he found noeessary.
The Chilian Minister and a high Cbill-ts no
al °Meer recently made an iuspection of tile
monitors at the Navy Yard. As it is lowan
that the Government ls anxious to buy
t w o or thi cc war vessels there are surmises
that this Inspection was preliminary to an of-
Irt to alivrtion, but it ro nnderstond the
too eminent N. oidfl not at present make a sale
to I hat power.
roe Nar Departinent hay ordered the lin-
Colltlnuaner of the M ilitary Districts of Males.
New Ham psi, N erniont, Stafeeichusettn,
lthodr Island and ConneeticuL Ail regimen
tal officer , . on only thereto, are °microd to
their commands, old all others are directed to
report, by letter, from their respect Iv ,
The secretary of War has received, from
friends in England, principally in Birming
ham. hi , thousand dollars, for the benefit of
destitute freedmen. It has been Uremia! over
to oenersl How aril's hero-to
W •Ft a war 0., Fern vary
sr: nisitifni of Mr Brown, of Major, at was
Rm. Merl, That the Joint l'oninsiited on Bos
isonstrnission Ise illmeted LO inquire into the
I.Wii.WW, anionslings the Constitution of
tin Coiled :Oates so as to ilerlare o ttlf greater
rertionly the power of Congress to enforeso
and detertrill.r isy appropriate fillgillilll/011 aJ
guarantl,7l COIAL4i/WWI in that instrument,
and usors sally. drat, that which cern,.
the I.essisie is Is hoot sl:stingulsisin then: 'I)
roles or soce, and those who are gs
to lisso
m:sent:if Is cis
Second—That .111.• ti the eit,fon.
earl etele alt tit 1,11../ ~.L1,111.4, or
elttettne of the .et et e I ^l..ilra
Third—Mal Witli•ll t•nJoln. Up4ln Ca, I nitv.l
Staten to guaranise to every State a Rep taliti t t
ran Finn it ltOvernment
. -
Mr Ne.cult.h, at 11,,g0u. Offerod t
U 1.••0111t1CM.. bi..11 - .CO' zularptv•l
• tf. That tholtton on Cote 111.• ere
.e. tr. eled to enquire Into the e ope•l.ene r of
mak :11, • an nppropr.,lnu far toe:11.1,1 . 0••••
of hr % get [l , ro of the lolotal., mei
Willaraelta Tille[3, a.ntl report oy or
etto CO to.
ur 1'011.4,1. of \ groloht. offer,-1 t...
log %I.!. h IWIL4 ..e2 , 1
“Rrot.‘,eti. Thai the( onatult1,••••olo,
nri h.. al I no , n p• tt,ll-
, "nntilLtlicnal , ty 0( •••Innalng SLI-
15.114 . 111.0 of the lulled .tatln4 ornrull
luouyibi •ertinst soy person for art.. ,tone ate
der the authority', or tu ald of the rtillititry for
m I ht. United soil also of a.11.a•
brOtnal ac.all,l any p.!Yonnt for rtn) ant t •
• l
slath, Inn alit nnt‘l y tn .111,11 s•• 110,1
Letireiierete Mates, and report by bill o-+
n s• Ilb
tionr thou.
Mr a.rd sald UAL% on a n ..: Val
• ember he submitted a reacbutioa
Teepee:wag the chemise upoa ettarth fia•ts ea.
eunfined, and in reeporme to this the Presi
.lent sent a brief message ac.morripan red ny
s o eornecuniratiOns, one from thesetter ary
.f War and the other from the Attorbey ....n-
ever Mr. Howard having road ertre , t• fro
t hose too documents, proceeded to con t rov e r t
lan position of the Attorney iterreral, that
Ira •la must toe tried for treason in some one of
Pin states where the treason was COMM it [C•I
Jr there he , art expectation, said Mr. Moser •1.
v I. nth has been more prevalent than another
among the loyal people of the totte.l
.1 or thy. That it Is due to our diznlty ai a
natter.. rind to the obligation we cis.. ..t the
rit.stittatnin ..1 the Nation. that there
arra 'gement anal pun...lnn:mit, ace • •
o the Menne of law, of some, at least. • the
. In leaders of the rebellion. It was !fiefs.
....remand that the-. 1 the blood, or ram...lithe
.t..ath of more than a quitter of a intllion of
and the IVILAt* and destruction of more
than ge,OeCt,,XX4fSsi of property.
Fir flossed then entered Into a long arge
ha. at ha opposition to the Attorney larrlerri'a
• 1. • Ile held that Darla might he toed be
fenyli anis or Ohio. or In any other +tate
a s hln lee the war wratrhei under tae or.
d as
arn of the Prestdent o the hit- Con heteracy
Ile lonked epon it La 010 117 ant of toe
tire, to try CO rani yirt Duel. In any of the loite/y
• ehel !q.v..", no July could Ix fout,l
there to •let him.
tt the reneleslen of ht. remerts, Hr How.
5 r,1 lOU, Wu. no olumtmn be weal I
tl e to to t ... a .ote upon ht. resolution.
Meer. Johnson and hentshury announced
Int. talon to Ar'JIL/G , the re ...lotion
T et pl re.tion of the tot.rnlng hour prerent
e.l art on the .hove, hy calling up the 1.111
the prof., sou of a.ll porson• their rlrll
:tett , . The yonding •,ur.tion the athentl
- of Mr Ttutistotll..lotittrtrif pernronf. In
I re I ntted ...etre not suhlect to any toretgn
t.• el Io ellt.r.ths of the United States.
tie Trurulth:l'.. amend to rut atnen•lra, .1...
1,•1 mg all •
1,, .
r‘on born In the rutted %tate.
j, for,. .$ pl/P %rcpt Ind Lana,
not taxed. to to rlttren• of the L ttit...l
er , thoat any til.ttnetnat on nlont of rotor,
vrnn 11, a a 'opted h . , the fn an
l .ote
1,•• Anthony, t
, Agin, oollttle, Fr.•ena ,. .. I. trot°, Fo,ter.
t.rutne, Hart Is, tt engirt - not, II oward I •,,,on,
h a a
/011, inttiatta, Lane of hanaaa,
y, Itt,tnet y. `brogue. rt. wof t,
trotnt,ull, W.let , Ottani, ...n1
t.K,k iLr 110 hr•t LI and
at Ichg I:t
the ....a. a ulO.O.
Mr M... Id reported a 1.111 Atlll•ital el! of
'Qv law !It4rch .".1. 10•`x. proldltnC w• ap•l
for , atr)loll... to.s. rypnen•, 1 , 0 , 11
a- made tbe lwetal 4 , 1
hl”r1111. reply to ”1
. . . .
„ s , , ,o, that th. I ,ott,• lilt I •kol Nvl
n rl.-1 n, no [lto rrinort of lb. - hon.% , l V • ,;ta
al -.11,t, .ali•I I h , r 1 ,.. r. rm.: 111.1 ~,t0,.101..1 I.
.ropo.lll4es, lo redact the l.t.x 1.,) x hi,..ny 1.. a
oloilar n grtlnm.
NI; nnrllnn pra,Vl/ird t t.r oi the
I ronlntnre of Neu rt La
Id , at the jolt of Nen 1 °TIE tn creel
1.t.1..1 r. fl.r tempo,...) •olurnottno pm pone*
at the port
flat [nowt presented a MeMOrtal of oni.
rr.. of the tot au int:react nf pray
Mr. lepnelly Introdueett a I. prorbte
f.., the ;to'," ement okf thenhot ton of Iho
A1t... , ..5tppl iv Cr the elites of Minneapolts
' , I Luny, :n the nlute of Nititnnnota.
•on nonlon of Mr I la. of hatysas, resoln
tho. wu • n. to ,lirrr En, an ettuntnnt lon ..f
the Inn, of •• Meci. , ,n, tile 40.1,n of an,.
It, and .ervoot, and that tho renurt Iln report
ed to Ito Hon,
? , 1 i I . la I', eler reported ta e 'k front the ( OM
tnlttt, on rlrnli are, t hr resolution hei Otto
fore referred to, ill,lllllilt Le the expedienuy
of gradont log lb. rates of lam °barged by rail
road companies tor the transportation of pa,
sengrrs end freight, In order that he revenue
to J. derit ed therefroni shall be Kit to the
troleet lon of the tag, lehlturul interests from
ittbr.7itiodo`d'Y47',Pl.l3llinnts..l3l","ep." e Of the n ever
sit, of legbilatioa. naying that the reitironde
in the We s t wry doLng It bat the Constitution
proldbiLs, LI - A cannot levy 07,110..11W,, hut
rellroodn de' this is effect, annihilating that
me. Witehtlarne, 1111110121. said the im
provement of the Mississippi arid 01,10 er
mild afford relief to the producers
at In , .
West. hot Railroad 1 onward., s err heL.lo,nz.
the river at rbllost rerry point, 3..1 °hair.,
InE thr navigation of the rivet
Tnn runoltillOu a ”y , relert..l to lno I VC,
ti trY on Ways And Means.
In u discussion on the hill prohile t mg . any
trieriea it easel, whirl tailed tinder a foreign
114 timing the rehollion, from enjoying the
rights and privileges of A Mertvan vessels, mr
tatilleltl, of Obi, declared that he .Ilt 01.11,11.11
to all monopolies, of -bit , l,ulldrtx nr Others,
aml he lookedupon thin hill as a
•InttAILI 0.1111. It, IL. 1.04 .IP, 1.0
our eboatierce 10 the slates, and on the limit
nf thlo. ootutr
,111 prop...trot lev-Itttl•tn for the 'shot,.
..,.utitry, ?mot u grato.ty to
It puni•ll t
nl totr r 111,• 1..1,
.rtl.t prr !. c•
l a , dorts4 010 conttotastoce ol tt.t.
7n, rtar) ‘if LI, Tr, nmary Imrl tittnrtn...l
1.1)•• II otm. Brat hnt,..11,t [hr....awl time
twen Ita,l•• tog
.Sar Ithlntll , o an.; Ith. l.r r.ttAu
hand, ot I/111 Nl.• irl
• tt. riirt• I furl, rrO 11,
" • .1%. 11, 1,11,1 11“1111 . 10 I• 1 111 1 1 1 111
1./ . 1 • I , l l llg hit tlll y 1 11 `. 1- 1,11, , Si ,1, 1 •1 1 ', 1,,
-1 , , 1 1 . 01111ti1,1 1.1/ 1 11. r
1r -11 - 1.0 row. I.'l I tttu,at .i.ll , 1111 . 111 , 14 -
1 41 -, i of I lit. 'Urea,. tC.
'4111014. : %. 1 rAtt., r• •
' ' •• •
, ,Y
..1 ti. I y .1 , 0 V I the (04 ,, • • • •
1•01,11 %.•01,1 tAr ,t•!•••,,j0 , ... •
turn thtur bark' no I he loc,l
Ur Banks, el Massuch..-el l - , e , ” ‘r1.... I thv•
the measure under 41h-ell-semno: vl.:.
but proctsiunal. lie said In .:1,t34111 .,
11$40 HI,. Lea deserted h.- nog rlln -tea;
from peril should not resume hi, high priv
ileges earrpt by authority of law
Thayer, of Penn.:, IS Arlie, i" , 411.111, , 4 It
for the best interests Of the e(ant , lust we
sbnuld have a large snermntile.tuavy. 11a wAI
at a loas tO larg e
how lay ms 0 00 1 vot . o
for the do6truction of any pert ef .
• Mr. %V °Annan:in of Ithuots ln :cult 1 the
charge this bill was h - :1 l!i•,
not of the pOliCy l ol the ((yvern went from It.,
teardeet fOunthatiOn, and that the otum Stir
on ( ummercu had carefully cete—lered the
sulueet. Is. owlet Of the letter of r se. vet ary,
the r e bels, socesalonleta and copperhe.l I. too.
shenol not enjoy full privile,:ce I..ey .sneers
their country In t.lnae of War
his. remarked that Lac “...111ctals
treto I%lsavachusette, Mr. Banks, hal s.L (hit
e.a, the proteseltlott to operate opals teen a 11 , ,
had It wane not, hew n. 41,
It hLv.but against Ile
uuhl •ete wttb a the gentleman to ti1,f11.1,11 -
r1 , 11 , 11.71. ry . 7 ,,, 1. ,.. 21.,: t 11 1 / 1 .111t ,.. .
, w O 7 .
h tl2::: . a
t a u t 1: 1 1 5. 0 n i n .
uf the tee.l.reusent. The secretary the
exclu ral the Lin' w w:dingwa
to er I.le fu
so doing•
Ihe bill %as thou pzuwesl by a vote of ninety
nine yeas, against fifty-two nays.
The Hoene revunsee the Gon4ltteration of the
41.11410 kid to enlarge the pourer', of !Ile Freed
men's Bureau.
ri,,ggelly. of Id innealota. argu..l • h... int
Bureau m Obi afford the freedman : tat tem
so that he could protect hitneedf x t o,.
reau was withdrawn. We mull Itt
enlarged national aptrit. and me-t tett tte
the oppremoon of the ftouth, h .t
do llinee thing, neeenaary to the • eta.
the southahe demanded Ineet
Afters pea k Ine ge Lie rally On lhe,nhf.n l. yr
Donnell) conclude:l by gtem gub.trari. n: ths
Meek resle, of the •euth alma mg Li,.
freedmen a Geld be apersilly itemlavei tits
um:emu:mit did not rntertero. The of,
.nIT: age I, necessary to the neat e for seif it" w
Section. but education iv eaten more reeete•,are
Ile. Oat field, 8:1 Ohio, after expresslmL at.
belief that the pendlna 010 was neeewsary to
the condition of the freedmen, sold be r.t...4
not able to agree a Ith the President a, to the
status of the 'state, lately In rebellion hut he
lid not admit in any large or cOmprehonatve
h , that these states are ant of the anion.
In the contemplation of the law of nativa..)a
state le a sovereign e and capable of doing all
thit.;-.) a sovermgrn itrbenkull tar
Commenced by indiT idtin ant: carried un v br
soneletned notion of state .governments, whn
to their power tato the soule to hteak cap
the rovernment of the, I" ailed State..
If a State can levy war and commit treason,
, done Lint only by theytoople, hilt by the
htatha. or fltatea fie repeated whAt he hail
berettolut, Raid, that they had forfeited their
mgt.!, ion had not rulte‘ed them eels es of hot'
oblizat ions Ile proposed to take eannsel iron,
the opals of our Ipeetanthens.aml to de: ail te a t
•e: its at cesmry to Scour.tatli.irt :II 1:10 fut , i/e,
trr‘ et and.err it. The art el . etnanripat em,
four millitine. of pereenne been mlded te the
pipulatton Of the ,rnintry an I It O. :met that
leery hOOOl.l he protected In Itte, liberty aael
In the tsturse of hternar, Sc ...grow.) inn'
ryngp . ... en, instinct by the ente•tnateere to
ettmeitriter •to every htate republ man fume •:f
gamme:L. aml that the right of suffrage
should be gives to every esbn m
education, may be fitted 10 ellerC/ar It
The 11, awe adjourned •
Eargtv Car and Cout.,nt3 Barnett
t-ad Aa.l f 5.,•,arS
z.!irht el - pre.% train, from Jerry
cm the NV.. 1 odd. anal Erie, rra. neaar
Lot kourven, en the Delravrerr ler:•ion. a fire
II" ch.oo‘ered In the lag,,y, cAr ht
.hitle We-tern it.tarOnd. Tbn :1 , tin
ne on, •,..ry
cot.. : 1.11.4 mule lo rl um...,
• tool guairKl bend a That •
ut :‘• :443 safes II
the cOntrnta 4.1 e. -
I rtirel• dextrnved
r...n and It omen of New `j ..l
to rlUn thr %rnen.trn..nt
n prohibit -11g th,
G•org• •rnith, cho Ah. rms., r
ii . a• rod the ob . pn t eir meeting, Itrol Int: in
los ed E.t.a.
,eward's procturnat ton doctoring to
• amendment touching-4sec , , had virt
••••...inse a part of the onsthution a th•
- 11,1 States Ron Sella Martin. Frederl•li
Use: Rios and others. addressw-d the meeting.
The grand r•ceptton and Nall of the :Ca U.,.
elent, to.ilg plate last nista, the Arad•isiv
Masi, It a a most brilliant alai- Au
°retire , ey General lila. opened woe t. kept
g st, •-••
pre evedin., and the dancing e pt up till
aril bout morciumg
Tl, Yrl.ll New York .ite.t,litta R.,,rlroont.
,111.,',ring tire hundred au.l.:‘,.
r, uncle r •Oirainft . ll - tt Of itr,r..t
u . „1 n ....i v , It I laryly.n/yerF. arri,..l In
•I. • .•i trim ft .•11.7...tty1,‘ 5.. lay.t r. pr.>.
Hurt'. 1•11.n. - 1. t pyt.l.l
• n , ! Y-nn t• I heir :Init. d0..-11nrge Ink la
tn. of I.llr
Statement of the Public Debt
Total, 2,842,391,500 71
1 —The (6.nlen tng to the
Rcatement of the YoLlle Debt of the Untie I
'Leta• on 1 br Int of irtgugry
Debt bearing coin interest $1,167,10.:41.M ;
debt beating . nirnney intere5:,111.1g7,295,881.05;
matured debt not presented, for payment.
$l".&'U. 0.31 , debt bearing no int. rest 114 3 5.343,-
...47 53 Total debt, g...,Sti..Ttl,Me ti. Amount in
Treasury in mean, 01,443,161. M, eurrsner,
1441,10 13. .tmou::t of debt, Ms. Treas
ury, $2,71a,Ket,15Y.6.1.
The , ruegting I. s .er rert -Lite:ll,lA of ":1.•
,11 , 1 h. debt asa
ri ppear. flaw ;me bent T ,
T i m el and the rethrs lb :ht. I.eparthaosht
on :hot.l vt 7tLr
c, 1 n • Vt-tk I -.llr Ilarnh.t 07.
ht..lating .1, , 471 h. on oot
ol the dolent. ;ty I trilwrial
the •
°tate tit Teltnentepee, of t republleon forge.
of ?.om) under ltt•tterul Ylgat ron, with o In.. to
Ito er ot one hundred killed, the Itlatter-
Al • , t• g to hair boil only ett
.1 v •0,001e4 The glut, ot .10,03 at
lninpleo lin- het•o •teolort..l rornetro , l ht
I; 11 , si r. i•cot, of not 0•tt"tt0 , 1 , •....0-
•In hlti • olt colon, p.ntle•l
e hl.•
olott l.enerul Porll,l, ro
0 ro—. •.. „1
telt!, ht. hove tutu the otate 111 thcto..e.
♦ Iritu C t i 1,4132
Itleave. F.. February I.— The ..enate
meuel, ..41./pted a Joint reeoloilou brlelav
clariny I hat the people of V IrglnLa coed,.
allytipprvve of the renen.truounn
thou ~f
mid ple.lge e,eopera
The wl.rand t ust metion he b., e.uuenee.l.
'the eerouoa rew,/utiea clen./ule erbrms tl
the rtlo. 1, a el the., repreeeutu ,
lw tilt! rent (tom thee.. we tort
Unertlin• on tbe orobbrbee.-Smallpog.
Among Freedmen.
‘11,40, Tet, 1.-- tate Mobile papers state that
clot Toro forme riser is infested with guerilla.,
who the Otto aud plunder passlng SZCiarler,
A Ilnref• !lAN been sent to ?ttololle to de l
troy or
dlsperse Ilium.
The stnallpoS prevails s.l Mobile. It f•
the Increase et Montgomery, and very bald
111310 , kg the freedmen.
ew Jersey Legl-lotare.
TTCNTOII. N .1 reb. h,ee
tIeaDIZOOOMIV agreed to o into Wt. meeting
on Weal -,, the 7th g lent. Mr.
eolut ion opposing the w it hatewal or Feder
altroop, from the 'date , lately In reh.ellom,
id he reported by the Committee on Federal
'1.11 , 41... re lee..der de xt.
• eer -a e. Feb. I.—The eteatner ALinot La
19: ought rd.:9.110)1n epee: r 9, and I•unuinn 91atee
lbe Ltd, A toong Ler puefenuer99 are 11tr Hoe
a bleb., V. b. Mleleter to reorador, on lens.: of
909.9enve, bed exLeoeurnOr Ittglor, of Callfotnln,
a:991 Crw'''.
Npirro Tootimotty to North Coro lloo.
I:.i rum, Feb. 1 The HOL/1.• ~ f
i . ..11i In utd, the eimeli;erut ~r h••
IntAtifrfrev,lmeti•Ue, a ere:l..l. (0.-
..1 against e.llow ,r.g t , . teutife
Ropportod Arrls al of T.o cariv..• 0( t
q , IIK
Ore,pMlVltt I•rwi ,
of Africa,- 1,1,1•1. 11.11 b
.4.... time.
Ireltlata :fleeting' in cilleitll3lbl.l
rat IT. Pt • t . Ft .• l -
tart Hall last
(.. rwrll It I:
Alt 11. \1:11.E
• , • r.; vul.;
. .4%4
.11 . 1 E . v.,.woLreFi li burl
, y Illjt,nylA4
EY:sJi I a a:lr !'iH:~Ati►~it I
Two EDITIONSwitT parcrrn
1.1. C.l-C)()L,F.II
! Winter Stock Particularly,
F'rlLivi.e CDc•Ert.
All This and Next Month,
Welt Ode, •Ibove Wood Street.
No co<lurct‘o. w,th other hou. I dws Oaf
, s2O , 000
111.% N7T ACTT/IMO • •„ 4 ,
H. mimic - yrs ces
H. 181711L7IMEr db 0 4 1:1 1 6.
S. 19113.X . X7EL eb CiCN.
Opposite Use Opera Bootee.
A RSENAL. 46,'LAiiS WOll.B.
Stmatursceorars of BLACK aud GRELIf (11,&46-
It ARY L , Dr - usgtsta• Ware, Bottles, Deseljolian s O.
te. ~rettonse—lie. 144 WATER tITEEITIt
between StsltbllCl.l Itt.l lir t streetit, Plttataargli
NN axe. to be auperlor to any maai
utactsred weo, ofthe Mountain.. Alaraya on baad•
above deseripilort.a ordeal
pr.,,opt!, - to, Particular WA. paid le
j MM MINIM & coy
Cira • rha "rime* ESt.,,
V. [CALM. .1 OYU ~ .101111
Brow pad Ana.. Meat Waters. Malaga Or
tor., Carbon aa.l Lard fill Dumas, and al 4111Nela
a , le. of;sae by laza Illakanaimagy
cedar. promptly Word. Be. la SZOOND STISE
Ftylmaib. Pam.. oddy.
t • .; SEVF.ELLNCE, No. 38 'FIATS'S
• • orldX£T, Pittsbargh, manntsetnnirof
rr y lilt ,WF.01.71411T SPM_ES, common and
of description.
raltlenlar sized or sksyed Spikes sad Meet& WT.
or "clad, wade to order at snort 110464 • geed ie.
eoetsosimi constantly on band.
t, n1N..1
luatia.irr 11 - 11.12 A SLY, Undertaker
,4.-r-taking Iv all its brancbea. =stater.
oat ao:1 farnlatilag eaecyltag It arsaal7
'4 iff -rv A 9 3 . lr Va ' arte r. Ta P aar t alaa n t7ll ' ; V.ll
1 , • a at trnarjaaAle Lerma. dO
A'-- stick;
2fo. /ownla Meet, PlLLetoargh,a.
•II IiLOVEA, and P everi=l,
of Fos:Ler:o I:rol.blng Gout. fun:dittoed. 8,0111•1131
open ,lay Hearse awl Canis".
Da, Id li, - , LED.
J ilt , oll. LED., Thomas Llrtag 1.5q., - jactob
L user. L
aco "Idyl
M. Mown.% sl Unnecoter Livery Stable
Krn.r ot Cturtlen au °eta.
rvir 'SIM= AnCill..7 City
mpt., to 10.1,430
I.IOUNTIES.--.411 Ili%charged Sol
.l "r the Ile", 1,rea,,,1 butdlera, ' 44
If :he Or
B Yours So=-cr - loco,
A h. nere fn.. 0 1 oiker
r .. eeaatle
lel:bunt r.-elving their ltoerromeator , Li.
'"'“. t •i , ' S r 4 r }t d
. V u .
11.,00.1. , . Pensions Sad coy
n. ,
101 VII II h h ,rlt 1, ;1.r.1 door bOtOte the Co,
......... Atvrne, at L •
T • I UVNT* nTIt F.ET. Prrr.unots, PA-. Ate
qfar r 04 , ,eztng - the tqatt Mal
= und moat picturesque viuoe Seplllttre‘rtle
.t LIU upland, leglnedlsseir north of All ear
ettr. NE.. Brighten Read- .rerwwu w
trlret Burial Lois .UI urqtry Ltut Baperia
tut'. Who, at u. leutet.c.ry. Titte Deeds, PcrtitlA,
Rrd all other battletad ulin Ira attended to at the laedit
archortic of doe undersiged s corner of Peden.
Vi4d Laseikl Ara
(.TORE:—Iso bbls. flint 11ont1ny, 2o,L,
1•r art c,pdtly, 100 obis. MI. L . { Isar-ban,
do, quarla , ,, 13 do do, Pro -4 .= do !MITI's, pits 1,,
is do do, pits out 20'do du !Sim:M.ll'l . 9_, 10 do d,,
11 , ..rberr1.,.. 10 do Trench ors - ants:2o do Tort State
Dried Amara. SO do link , .10; F. do old d, 12 , dos..
rase d Trot, read., tiC dos. tio Tomatoes, 71 kap
Country Lard; Talon, sn
;To ' Wertein
do. du bldg. Ftellbark
ris N g. t ;S:llS '', l l' l :AO 7,L",.' l'raotnrrtne; 1g do Cldei
torsari 311.1.. German 'limp; 23 bbls. tre.h Eggs:
Nn do Poiscliblow Polsturi,s, do Western inslon•:
' , Jo sari/bunt slolaisrs: 3 0.. prints Adonle Butt,:
2i , do IS bite }lssas, 10 on . s.. s t, is t a: b ua.
ots . Wai
eCo lbs. btralond Honey. For sate by
1a.261.. 11. VOTOT.
.iiiinfiTicALlA SEALED VED—
oo dwell Fresh Tematoes. 2 and pounds.
NO • • •• Yeaslitea, 1 and 3 pounds:
100 • • •• Plot Apple. 2 and:. pdand.,
NO ••• " Whortieberriesi
103 • • ' Black besrles
'' • • Plows:
50 • • • Cherries . .
50 -, • Ilins Beans:
50 • • "reels PC-1.11;
(CO • • • Corn
OIL 0.0000 trd rhoire gush:). Wa also offer a bugs
...rock of assorted PIT.CIT. Ketchlkgis,
Nantes, l'lstles, Se.. Sc. REICNIEJI it. BROS..
J. Nos. ITS and IZEI wood .tree(.
11 .1- 1 7 or k' otto V n .1 1 1 1! ; fl i nt ill a7, 47. 1a . 71 n ctn U rrid tahh;
nat ot nieateb; Jost acre!, od and otr aby ths
,hart or gallon , St the Fami ..
}'anvil} lt mem Store Of
3 J 1 , . A: RMNSHAW,
117 S Comer Liberty and Hand Went,
B 1 TER. HElittifliG—Jutst
• trash supply of t•-•-• e'. -
i s a ut, IS box. _ • h.,
A earn:!/W. /W.
;• •-,4,4,011441.1/4444X1ik
3,7 Imat f••• •r 1,,
o vst he 111•11 run
No. 60 Fifth Street.
w w_utrrn
AND EOM' (Ir n igi
lotlC3 ROVb• OW?
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rAmfrngt* BOUM
ca !WTI! trrltEllfr,
K'Cra'u°' misrALLto