The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 01, 1866, Image 4

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    Ecii(':"Vittobutgit (r;•, .:t•th4,
iIIiSDAY. I Hilt:: itY
arr.ral and Departure of Trains.
Pronsyliraula Central Railroad.
departs.. ',qr..,
_ _
~,,,y eispmiA ..... 2rfg) are ' Mall - ::...o' at•
An..pas Atirion'd 7:10a so VI.; 14U. ' cinelunall Kip'. eiAO a tri 04 Wall Aecom n 61.7, a Ili
MU 1/ AO ani let Pot Are.... 7 i :.. am
raira Express... »:r@ pin 2 , 1 Wll.ll ACUSIII... Ikall aak
rpri . ir o . A ..n.
i tV P .I.,guust:l3 Aevorn-l1)..1 A to
ist a Wall firearm.. CLIO 1 : 1 1i "La""laU •' '' a.'
Id i. '• 10:4:1•M 3.1 4 1 t 5Tir 1.'1"
' d " " CiOSP a rhtl'a r ' .X7 ' . a...
Its p "."
li t Penn dlecoili'nlo:37p ia VI renn A=... il - tii m a
~ Id '' '• aide pin Altoona Aetolo. ea
a Emigi Trai n—a:Z/7p di
The elitterli train' eaves Wallr.',.. Mallon era ry
Ileadfn i tlialre • id.; returning, leaves rittsbUrgh at
riliabilillii. Columbus and Cincinnati
Detlarts. Arrves.
Vao3 Line 20;0 a m Iran Line
0:00 ir tallish
Express b......:. 2:201, m Val mesa ... . .. . .
Strubcnvillo Ac. loleuben•lile .A.e
rOmModattoo .. COO p m .mmodatiou -10:10 a
Pittsburgh. Ft. Wayne and Chiang&
rapiers BAC a is ftpresa ..... . Arriv .
3:91 a la
Biped. BUS pin 'Ex:pee-Ss ...... .... 11:13 p a.
EiDighla ' ' , AA y m La pre** ......, .. . ]:tip 111
Halt . 13 a na itt0.11...............• iiiii O a ,
IA heeling lrapre 5:13 p 4k.
Now Brighton Accommodation learra A Ileshar
. rot at 9 a.m. 140 ad.m., CZ , ii. ra.• s nil 10 .R..••
Fioeknfilee, 2:Ls ' p. in.; Near r Rene. aild D. in. , ham
mg, 10:30 p. m.;. Wellsville. 3:: , 0 n. m.
Plttabnrstis,CiereLand and Wheel Lai. ,
Departs. , Artless.
Famed 2= • re 'F.lpreas 105ePo
Ex arli e p m Express gill
er=a m Y. pre. 0 ili -
tHlhibantille ACtallassotLation 1.e... Alive ...if
Pittsburgh and Connellartile
• Depart,.
Milli .... .. . ........ 7:L5a elliall.. . . .......... , , ......... P_ __.'''
Fix pees* hod mg:spa . .!.._,•,. ~,,,::?!. tt
ate Maier:port-Iton a mint Sies , .." , c7
... 2 ,, ',., .7,
a .. .. 2d nntwi.o.
Allegherap Yet... , '
Aerie., ..,
netaidts- rote 11:00 a ea
man ttli:lra
..t.xti. m
• ' Karma , .... pmp a Aceommadatiou trig°. a
A ecommodau
1 aqualng* and nd Erma:l Erie
ti, to 011
,pitE ain. 11,.
: I
Arrow.. •..ox -.1 II Expre..i. 0:5.4a 171
114 i rift/WiiiiilerM i k aod Chicago. asol
... ••••" Beaver . 1 '
, „.147.6,iiiiksfri ' , toot--Grant and Water Ilia.
elrrieer..• 1-m an d
rtS.... .
eio. - OM ni...... 413/ pm II:CO a m e Olio ea
. , -
tLr ' '',..., ilighl•Ong hi Bt . Sts Clair NI.
e • ' - Hriver.
it, la. 1 • emre.. r. .
...z,..494J9burevr!io. 0 St. Clair Street.
Arri Fas. Drparis.
ci. ........ _
U . MitiSlKleess litage.--five's Hotel - I
Pi D. Is. • le.- , rjf-t:
JANES DAIN & RONerroprleloral
- OHNIZIDEIS/6AlslloAtalAtinlArrnlshed for HI
Halos. Also, for rugligsli, Weddings awd ,
l'artlestat short notice and mammal/le rates. STA •
Mayor Lowry and llli Pollee.
Two yeareligo this morolupeelomes Lowry
junior, assumed the °Moe of Chief Magistr;it
of the CHR..cif-Hialistrarglarm and that be Es t
chargod .ike arduous duties devolving upon
, kitu s ioannierward times, with an eye single to
thetreat interests of the community, no one,
~,,. also -presume, will attempt to gainsay. Error
a'f‘fria,pitty baneOWTllittOdi in his official eapaelty
•-and what Mayor is or ever was in falliblet--
. bni they were of tile bead and not of the heart.
it is riotsstoesinuch to say liatt during his es
tiro °bolsi career Mayor Lowry devoted his
whale-time and energies to the legitimate
duties of his office. Whenever a crime of mag
truths-was -.limed:pa:rated in our midst, he was
ruitirhig in his ettorts to apprehend the cal.
• pm its, and tbeieeords will show Shut ho-..was
a- cerasful in un eminent degree lie is now
dirt aced of official powerrand wim uuderstaud
Will departlor NC Lettlagiatchr•z,New Orleans,
and Galyeatliti:Vissamoon Jirklay. cia aprivate
business tour , carrying with `Elm the hest
Wishes of hosts of friends.
tin the day that Mayor Lowry was inducted
into offtee, he surrounded Mimic; f with the
:allowing Day Pollee m Cater--dames long.
Assisfona-ricorge Culp, hamlet Lowe, John
Herron John Messner, George Kemp, Chary.
Day, William C. Wray and nobs. Wllthon. The
only change that oryourred in the entire two
pp the appointment of Seth Wlimott
to the•vacanoy occasioned by the death of Chi..
Day, and the temporary appointment of Mr.
Strain vine
l l'illitom. who was prostrated' by
sieknees,tygie - wWe on Lila recovery.resurned his
duties on the , pollee stag. The "greatest bar-
Many at all times prevailed between the Chief
• Jimingiatrate of the city, the Chief of Pollee and
• lthisirbor4nates, r....h seeming to vie with the
. _Other itr - frtpremapt had. ft.tthfaildieeltarge of
'ivalUtY. 1.1 was enr e fortene, as reporter, to b
• - three/Fri In almost daily °untrue. with the da;
po in search of "items," and found them
4t, cow:icons, oblighig and willing to
..f information in their pa... Melon, when
hid not: conflict with the interests of the
--gmlilailla,Ansisholr retirement they carry with
them the eye:twice:Lances of baring faithfully
discharged their duties.
' - We - canned close this hastily penned article
on the crocifet Magistrate and his po.
• lice, without eilyTit h TAW& in referenoe to
two others, mem as. Snowden, Clerk, and
William Heed, Captain ef the Night Watch.
Mr.` Sistorilendade a faithf ul and efficient
Clerk, and see Wills oppo Utility of than k
..-, lag:him for his•p oaaiacy duricig
Ids clerical term. To Capt. Heed we - are arns•
Indebted for man favors, in the way of "Lsto
- nowsi+ He had ge .v.? eig. epricio in the dn
.. ticsof Captain of 'Mhel we have yet
to hear a single co Oa ; Hither against h/-3
honesty ogenpardtr, ...
Since writing thinetgertrwe were present at
Lo alvert,,laiit evening, ish 1
- • Mayor Lowrv, to lihol.toe and a few perta
- frl t ai r itis, at. the.H.L.rad'O e Silloon.
Ater the Mayor;policcanig gue,ts hal as
Seta ledi the meeting was called to order by
the appointment of W. 0. Davis, fisq., chair-
Man.. Chief Longron he ath ' of his brother'of ,
seers, made a nest address to the Mayor, in
• which he thartked-hins , fernithe many OO TO of
kindness he Mid they bad received at Ills hands,
wishing him and his, prosperity and happiness 1
in the limo to earns. In Minch:m.Bton he desired
His Honor to accept' a splendid geld headed '
, cane, as a token „of:the high, estlinntin • , j
which he was held byllio retiring slay . omA
Mayor-Lowry restina - dedin a neat speech, in
which he slid that much; if not ail, the credit
of lasi admird4ratiOn' was due. to his thilet
..aria-hb - akhAlsigsitaratti. • lie siaii, they parted
~"1: - - tonight, and Itnaight - hkffe Trovideneead
`' . ``......oolllheyr„Wisnict 1101Pirrf gamiadtble together'
" - -...M anze ••• . head of
so lung
". pollee
Mil; to
don .
ill It
41Cup,f4tect: f 71.44 ter4nany 14,11
fielnpl rebel was force d frArtna Ao there is no
Shoto.dostn WaLare ho is ir..haeheePhould take
`*mot to with - 10in no that - I3e cusy he enabled
things coolly.
Supper being announced as result, the party,
some fifty in number, sat down to a most
somptuon.s repast gotten up by ]]fr.Woseph IL.
Dickey, of the Eldorado Salneu,and the boot
-compliment that wo can nay hlm as to say that
sitar the Party had fully ' dtscossed Its merits
wveto of thanks was nuannnonsly passed In
Ina favor.
. .
During the snriper all present indulged In
•epecchos,. Jokes, Depart. ; and pans, and
seemed enjoy themselvss to the lop of their
cent. Among the guests !present we noticed,
-Jared M. Brush, I. B. Courgon, Jar.% Itoese,
James Marshall, Joseph spencer, James Black
maw, Maj. Jo. Brown, Will A. Walker, Wm. C.
McCarthy, and others.
, We were informed, during the evening, that
~ "sinergeney men," before going on their
•IlfottiliViVereashdreiited by Mayor Lowry in a
feeling, parting speech uf terseshlch they
parsed a resolution .In which the retiring
- Chief IdagLitmte Is highly complimented,
igefpye tbetiParty adjourned, the coast - luny
prektlattrlthll iMenor - 'with two magnineent
pound cakep, which be was enjoined to carry
" home ll'S' a present from them to his hotter
Upon ain intimation from Mr. Dickey, Pro
prietor of flittsiEl IDOratte, that the tat4l., c l
to be re•fet tor the Fontana, the pasty tadiger t s!„.
ed about ten o'clock, well pioased whiff 1.,
ennight entertainment.
Thu Dooms Epriernlt Ed. DieCoOk
.3orne days lithe° we made mention of an im
p:Mos who had been traveling as a member of
the McCook family and 'ran arrested to Wheel-
In 4 and was transferred to Philadelphia. The
bogus General' had 4 hearing Lu that city a
day or two since, and after evidence war
taken, was rally committed for trial. One of
thetotneariey, a tailor, [...stifled that on the
ld of Novend,w, the.prismier ordered at Ida
pla ce avdreuit of. Major General's uniform.
fie eshilbo was May. Gen.-Wean: of Ohio. When
the clothes were done, word was neat to the
defendant tO tome up that thesoalder straps
pa properly adjusted. it was found
. Ont. the dewindant bad departed, hat had lof
word that the snit should be forwarded Lo t
lirtlecling. This was done. Subsequautly
envelope was received by the v.ljness, pe e
prase, andOrsed as containing one tanaftta
and: thirty fire dollars. There woe notnina
Midden& it except four pCnituger innutp4, throe
sheetaof,paper, scribbleilover With inetnoran
.4l2Mo,llLnd aletter to aotaeliculy pnknown, say-,
ink , that future aadreseunicl be at
Broirnsvillc; Tom. •
..yerionglar .isawred,alE,Selenril that on
'Tuesday night, as ear NO. on; the Citizen,
Pahaefter—Bitsiiway,pirwepaesing the corner of
Penn and Wayne stsce,s,amun named Martin,
who hails from somewhere in Ohio, in attoma-
VarwMp upon the front platfciTni of the ear,
tenths g, and falling taars the track,
thocarpna ed.over his lags, breaking them
th. lie Pus taken to one of the hospitals,
'tint at the hour we heard of the occurrence, it
Arm-LOO into 10 learn the particulars.
r 1.1.: Lt`
, a I
-b , n% l
•Te•my vanes
he• church '+ •14
• tb.•
'Per :a?! , 11 , a1 earl It pr,•wate.l
as ane ‘tien, howev• , I LIM 11.4 h,
' i " . "' l ') o6lS altegeteer imprartefaole
I yet nr elat , e,tinbit 1.. elleied 1.0 ander woe
1 ' , taro% In starting ine, a ' , meg r‘
Ut ah,• ef t
1.. mull light for Ihe e'roes, or debt ior ',tan
roe.. would beet.: 1..17.1;:enic5.-enry 05-nyte:,l,l,6,,uttr,,tnh;
strongest foe, his di .
drlnk. The efforts of drinking eel , ' to he =eon
eve , ywhere , as well in the peaceful been lei, ate
in the demi of infetny in crowded eittee. ,1
sweet little V llLtcOln tenles.nestling in a peace
fulnienntai reeently re
valley amid -
Het realization of this fact. A
brought up am el ell the pious sur-
YOung el-fearing (anti! her:e th
• roundinfs aca.te,;
meted morning Lid evenin:
„, f ' ; ',,,l l „ Y i, a i e t ta r ting the devotions of the
- b - - death of his tlear lather , embarked
17, -- eancee for himself upon ' attaining
li e, majority. It lea, 00011 observed that
~,,eaethinz wax wrong with Mat, but where
‘loollli //WV, W 3.8 80 general, that attention
vent not paid the circumstance as though It
lied happeee.l elsewhere. Soon his business
deeertrd hlm and he was taken in charge by
Lin triende. He managed to escape their MO-
Inure, and upon search beinglnure, made for hlm,
he was found dead in a well. Ills femms geth
ered to his funeral, and drank each others
health out of the MM., cup that had
caused their brother's ruin. In Intemper
ance, there were two phase-the begin-
Meg and the end. It was the beginning
that we had to do wtth. Let bat the sin be
Crushed in the beginning. and there would be
no fear's for the end. There were many per
son. who «et their faces F 14.111181 00-
Mal enjoyment, who wore long (sees,
looked as though they bud been
washed in vinegar, and rubbed dry with
a nutmeg grater. These people are to ne
avoided. There arer i enty of innocent antes.,
meets that one be en oyeel without detriment.
Life is n Journey , fill with ups and flow e-a
- truggle; and cacti has a work to perform. It
o not a mere passage from the nursery to the
grave, or like that olthe profane poet who
wrote hie own epitaph
..ef an's lire's n vet., full of wee,
He eut• a caper, and &nay he goee • '
Walk etralght MI the path of ditty, turning
neither to the righter to the left, and there to
no danger. There are many Maus to lure you
-feennee,ke path of duty. and the sigtibefard of
the tavern -atsisaya allures you to the left.
Good reeolutions are like feinting ladies .
They want to be carried oat. Many per
eons place the human heart and the brandy
bottle opposite Paoli other, and eay that it
10 01117 a Led they tare united that the angel of
happiness is born. It la u fatal error. over
netherPt come, but honeet poverty et no dirt:reef.,
can it cleat away the love of your fam
ily. Intemperence In a tliscrace, and drives
love from the threshold. She gave the old ez
nA.iile Of London logic, where the eon proved
ertils father and mother that there wore three
fowls noon the table, when in reality there
were only two, sad gave the application. The
hat the glass is genial is nor of the
i ' n=Nts. falsehoods that sat an ever whisper
ed In the ears of hid victims. • She paid her re
set-sea tei the fiteLyoung mon of the day in a
manner mach 11301-0 aitpeatie than complimen
tary. She referred to Byron,: Sheridan, Poe
and others-fast men-not as rules, but
its exceptions, anti In mentioning their
unseen she - disclaimed any Intention
elf - wetting. ix •preastinut won dle,l pa 1.1011
The (not man of the present , lay wears patent
leather biota, broad cloth clothes, 0114 8.11 eso
4.111.841, au fall in all the small talk of the
any, is only interested In the Meet thing In
tt est sere, hair oil, and the poseney of hair
.e. He could %litre SO night in the giddy
e nit., end not effect hie brain, fur the reasteß
that he. Lad none. These were henie of the
last rime's aecompilehments, in - Which/se ma
trieuluted and took hie degrees. The picture
.4 the dust man %mills 1111211 was moo. t faith
telly 'aftereeieldly drawn. A aynopels of too
mingladees lecture only does her injustine
/ bh1,114.1 'be heard to be appreciated. t pen
tel mei 0.C.C.n.. even the Named prie•mets
the el.t.relt wan not sufficient to keep down
tee applause that would thtd Trot. M iss
E 1 toe pee -resell a sweet (aye, and g.•).1 !Mtre.
tier diction Is elegant, her anteMation die-
Heel and her manner of delivery graceful and
note,,. We eineere,y hope that we eitell e.fn
net e ~eteer omen - lenity of listeel tg te her
3 p
Notwithstanding the fact that there was no
anneunei verse made by the public press, nor
any other advertisement save such a.. iras
posted upon the street cars,thero were not less
than three thousand persons present at the
Central Park to w tense the debut of M lea Car
rie A. Moore, Nzict to be the moat amstelplistitsi
Ludy skater in America. The windoiis of all
the adjoining buildings, the board pilot, and
even the tops of the etreel, rare were filled
with a curious multitude. At half pant three
delock, the lady appeared within t topes,
and as the braze band In attendance struck
up a lively dance,she ginfed gracefully
out into the centre of the arena_ tier
every movement was the personified poetry
of motion. Gracie was her attendant hand.
maid. An involuntary exclamation of admi
ration sprung from every lip, and rapturous
applause accorripameal each eirle.cesslre feat.
The waltz, varaovienne, galop, waltzing on
the ends of tier tees, and a hundred other
movements which it is beyond our power to
describe, were excreted, the fair skater never
for one moment losing time wi th the melte
Ilex performance wisesimply wonderful. There
la no comparison between those 1.111:1g1 terse
en parlor skates, and those done on einwhlth
defer 'lee, with a pair of ringing blades be
neath the feet.
She Ana drcesed in a very nett skating cos
tume of purple beaver. trimmed around the
Lut tom of the skirt with a deep border of fur,
a basque (we believe that Is what they call it,
of the same material, trimmed in like manner,
a abating cap and a mad' completed the cos
tume. Her hair bung Lug - olden ringlet, nearly
to berg - Li-Sy. As she moved avalftly backwards.
forwards qr in circled over the emootb surface
of the ice, she looked the embodiment of grace
and elegance.
After she had mired from , the bee,
west:lkea by )outiLlaster..
tiaLniHoag, of Gil ies-o,
a lad of not mcno.,t . twelve aers. who
exectited some v hillilant and dttlinult ma
ne nvres. Dfulngtis performance, a deaf and
dumb performer bytho name of denies Dia.
usendaleo entered, and esceutod same Js•hing
?lea - . Bulb were loudly applauded by Lae
This afternoon ills* Moore makes her second
appearance, outureetwing at half-ti atthroe.
At ball-poet two, the Meagher bridlierro (rum
Chicago will titer the arena, and co through
Ith their. pterfortnanctw. If the lam trail does
not - s h o.A.M.treitlons enou6.; h to draw pat ron
"ati.yro certain s;are Itt a loin to know Alter°
{4[70110 WOOld ¢o to Mid It.
Amusement •,.
- rtrlttt.—Mr.. Lander vtlll ron:ln nes to
till tittiilleat re with largo nod intelligent au
tilatneea. To-night hho appears in 2110 ha:anti
pi play Of nlisaillanco, It being her I.t ap
, peartillep hut two.
()PM?, OtTrl t.—Tho Interest In the little
' , fairy queen lliehellle remains llllttba [WI 411141 oho
.01a-tl i tt.houay night utter night. Mt,. !loop, s
also an initrien.,e card of attraction.
To-night 311,43 Melville appears a. Katy
U'3lityl, In the beautiful connaly of that name,
and -.1511hs 'Moore giver another of her w opter
fel I.ertol ruunees.
I ruby,
in .14-
C -
n 3 tug
-8 to 1.
• cbuy
The Fenian Entl.—The Fenian Brother
-bond gave a ball lent e v cuing as the City Wall
.whleh.proved iL grand amens'., there being at
leant (our tI, ~ Imed per...present. So great
wha the nowt that lancing was utterly out
ortt'e onention,.and the happy party had,
Brit t mean n re. to eon tant-lhein‘ el yes with
plee.dtit eon vor,c.. So great was the number
In attendance that It we,. found nece,ary
otsinr nonlwr at a number of salooms-ho one
In the city having burn...lent capacity to en ter
tutu /ha entire party: Wo were preannt at
the El Dorado Sairson when about oiveuty-tier
couple partook of sapper, gotten up under
the nopertntendenee of Jim .VVlgglns, the she/
de cisisme of the establishment.
!Mating ItllnL.—We hair., heard incident
ally of a ploJect on foot to build u rink, to Iw
In readinees for the next Skating sididoa,
whirl, will be something alter the style of the
rinks of Chicago and Montreal. It will he
covered, and enclosed above a certain height
with gloat), will be well lighted with gas, and
so arranged that the tesonciature Inside ehall
always be at thirty degrees, provided It is no
higher outside. It will he located soruoWhore
near. the heart of the. city, and will be a big
thing on lee. We also beard It suggcaded that
_none but pennon tickets would be sold, and
that all holders of tickets would bo expected
to appear en colt unit.
Important nee tlng.—Tho observant read
er is aware that there Is at present a - strike"
of the "hollers,. "rollers.' and others connec
ted with the manufacturing establislummts of
this City and vicinity. TAL en Mg there
will be a meeting of Nos. 1, 3 and 3 of the Bolt
'its Union at their ball on the corner of Fifth
end !Smithfield Streets, at seven o'clock, at
which time final action will bu taken en the
gamier. at IMMO between them and their
employers. We shall endervor to give the re
sult of their deliberations.
teams Parlt.—The leo at thin popular plaen
of amusement is In nplvodld 0011.1iL1011, and all
day yesterday the Park was crowded with
any skaters. Lad nlght there wan 0. perfeet
carnirat, and
w fernh early morn till late
at night there ill be a throng or eisltora. Will
boIDU gentleman present please keep Lally of
the visitors for one day t We have a bet on
band which we are sure to win, after whith we
shall retire from easiness, and present our
eelves Ith silver set, suitably inscribed,
It.—That is to psy that
everybody who gore to the Control Park du
rtnrho iffieukoen, and does not wild! to /env°
in the evening Just for the purpose of getting
their, supner, steps into the refectory kept by
Jonassetrifthr and orders wbutevor ho or the
wants and they get it immediatelyserved up
in drat own style. AMU, 1.11.050 *allot eau
A Ropper.—Wc learned at a late hour last
evening that the Incoming Chief Magistrate
and his newly appolntod police partook of a
helper at King's. We hare no partlquh,,,,,
ave no doubt the party enjoyed them'.
pelves, en King never does anyt'aing by halve s
In the a ay of getting tap entertainments.
Concert.—Our readers will bear In rated
that there will LaConcert given thin mo
ping, in the Mansfield Presbyterian Chtirm.
enromeneing at Seven o i rlook. , 44o4irti oY me
ttle Will hear some lino singinff by attending.
Fined.—Two &Daimon enema Were lined ono
doilarantiflfly cents, and 000th, h3' the Stayer
of Allegheny, yesterday morahm.,
a - t• Ut, , 0241:t
ren In cultl‘at....‘n (..r lino, but 11,.
Ile, nem' h, follows.
. .
I:O.Es -.H. r .r.:6a ILr r,r.
ry urn We, roc; brigut ,10.:
, lus;l.•1,•aa:-
fill; one ar the lnilinperinitble roi.e . n
H. F, Ettgenlo Ver.tier•
full Conn; line baba.. • •‘•
Tee. 1 1 1arechal Niel: similar to thn beau: if al
yellow lam, Isabell a (irev i but '5
every reepert; truly n vbarin in); rose
Tea, Madame ierlot: white, tinted with
Add to the above the of :••r Retnon t ant rose.,
Jules Mat rgottin. General trtiequln mot. to the
Teas, Flotre do tillon, !Wine Talent, conning.
de. 2. !textile, .!t i ne Warr:an...lff, and M•me
William. Thera are many other deserving
varieties. The tae ve ts.inica ne eateinutt,l
In the largest c o llet, loth.
DIANTHOII II emu : It. tn - 141t. 11 pl., n
charming addition to this beautiful C 1..., nt
rinks. The plant Is very Ittnal, anal covered
Ith non,.
VGAZI[NA-I.lism Kate Baum. To 'be had at
John It. and A. Burdocivi "u riiery. A besot.,
iitripeit variety, lank and white; largo flow
ers; good habit, very desirable.
NR.TOII.In aerea—A giant. flower, Very Gout)
le a Octwell grown, perteetly splendid.
Zi/NTAPS.. HugeN Dwarf. Early Caul).
(Miser, 'rim oarlioko ; very dwarf; Ilrm amide;
Indifferent to season.
. . .
Rad French Breakfast CI 19p, free in-om
ill g and not liable to mil to audit
Pot uteet—Betrly llootirleb. Early, large and
pro.luellte. PI"01:11i1,1 to be u great. itetiu
Tokohama Squash From Japan; trmetel
from tax to ten pounds; flesh deep granite
color; sweet, dry, and lino grained. Rene al
hiesa looreut potato to dos or. Keeps until
FN.—Carter rnrprLro; blue, large pails, very
productive. Eugenie— eh I :0, very early, ex •
ceedingly product tee, large peas, itad one of
the best.
Bean—lndian Chief. pole bean , tender, tc
eulent and productive. Tn.. pod. remain crisp
longer roan any other
Gen. Neg v's report on, accepted, an t i a
vote of thank:it tendered 111 w by the Society.
After trantotettntt I.ome hocin,•se of manor
Ira ports two the Soetery adjourned lowest on
Wednesday next, ILL ten o'clock.
Applleotlona for Tavern Lleesame.
We dropped into the License (meet to-day
and found Judge. Sterrett, Mellon and Brown
busily engaged In hearing applications for li
cense to tell liquor. The list of applicants to
a large oue, and considertng the nature of the
testimony, it 14 sometimes a eery ditneult mat
ter to arrive at Jost and equitable conclusions.
While we were In court, the applicatton under
consideration was that of Mr. Skinner, (If we
„heard the name aright,) a resident of Coulters-
Mlle, Versailles township. Ills petition set
forth the usual facts, and we+ signed by the
mum number of "good and Isis fill citizens: ,
Lie is the only tavern keeper left in the place
and his house has been kept as an inn to
dlx years or more. It was therefore
es mad necessary for the accommodation of
"strangers and travelers." ' Now, fat this
looked very well on paper, and we have no
doubt that, had there been n001.),110114 ulnae,
the Judges would have felt bound to grant the
teens, But the, wore serious objections of
fered, in the shape of a remonstrance - as
long as your arm," signed by enroilderaniy
over one hundmel residents of the
This remonstrance net forth that it place, to
sell liquor was entirely unnecessary and
agelliat the Is leh of a vast majority of the
ei.Mul malty. Justice Love was capi•il upon, in
suort of th e remonstrance, and testified
that pp he knew many of the signers per
sonally. and when he last saw the re
monstrance it had the signatures of
t least one hundred residents of the village.
A place to sell whisky was not one of the rei
cult - et:nerds of society In t hat neighlsorbood,
and E. TO the fist, angers and travelers' , who
chanced that way, they would find Ample m
ementos-1 AtIMIS at the private bolt
tin samnlning the 'dot. tuns t rotift n
'S.fulre Late found several , dianes that he
rould not make net t at all win
tle others who
had signed the pettflon did not reside In the
village. fit her witnesses war e present Cut
Judge Mellon rut tile mattes short by remark
ing that further tenlits.o4lV aas
If thegooti people of Coultersv the ciAl not desire
tavern there, the Court 'ld not. There ws
no use In hearing any f urthrr test linony, l a t
a apparent that the people regards-A th e
tavern kg unnecessary, atiti t hey ought to know
better than the Court w: it c as useful for their
comfort and well bele.'
Ibe eceelt of tip. :of, sot kfloal cc that,
o het ef er proper ,r,,‘ tOlO.lO, all Li k-
In; houaus or tavern. , not üb-olotel uermaosa
rt , (Todd... halm...ed. People farm ' , loin of
lot erns In their to 'flat, ft.! even grumble at
the Court for granting license, when the food
is really tbe:r own. Appliconta coo
generally make out a very good cam when
there in nO cote,, to be heard oatalnot them.
But wherever a reopectable number of eat
zees appeal in person, or by reformation.,
agninet the granting of licence,, the Court
wail not only give them B. patient hearing, but
the deeinion will generally turn In their lo-
Tbe Ntimbe Nellie,
'the Poliee Committee, with the e, , nedrrenee
of Mayor IleCanny, hare Made the fotioer tag
am ointments of Night Polio,
(:.t T. Mares. W.Lev. la I 'hark,. Wilma,
I.ItCTIRI.• STN. Alexander Haughey
Wllllatu J. Wl/mmx, J. W. MellvaJne,
Dec 1:1 eampbeLl r Thomas Adler,
James Munn, Thomas Jordan,
t,.. ea ge 11111. Thoma• M e(..• ern,
W•TC HIM, Patrick Murray,
llehtrt X. rallam, ' Pet r lek Leoll a r./ .
JoLn W. hay den,
,Wllllarn Alexander,
Gorge EtneKharl, 11uall Killen,
Williern J Clark, John tdenn,
Thome, Farrell, 'Peter Drasaler.
Rich al d W neon, John Mn,,,,
James Huston, ' Joseph Knox,
Joeei.h C. lien a. J R me. Vi uk.1 , .,
L. Dour, James Eagan,
% illiam White, ~ tr.l in Ilurphy,
Cho ries J. %ink, John Iloiruily,
Thomas Bogue,
Job,: Iludgeon, k..
M VOrg.• io °twiner.
firri4 White,
David Elder, Thome: ',,u,,,,,,,•
Jima. Mooney, Dash W.dnine,
Dennis Lawton, tonal II lloutgoinei
11. W. Garrlism,
Tile torte now number. iiiivir•nly men, lb.
"Ltriergene3 .. pollee being for the
pi - erupt, Mayor IdeCattily hi.bllnx thu view
that they were appointed without RUE horny
It is probable, however, that (~,,allelis .1.11-
thurlec an increase of the for, to curthspoisid
itb that of the year Just doled.
The above appoint...a:a,. ith eveeption , i,
ate new men, and hate)et pro. p their at •
area for the position. The Lai - Asia. Di W
Lev is, Lao., In an old . •typo,“ and I. man pos.
fif ' , sing the reithlaite exiiiiviencii and intvitt
getite to wake it good officer.
Rosedale Coal Vera
nth new rani ie nltuided at the heal of
Fourth street, In Ifitrdiuridible, near the point
where the Pittstairgn and intenhens Ole Roil
reed enters the city It, proprietor, Mr
David Steen, Is an old and .lerensful coal-
Ut Met% hat mg been for ne. mid tear{. engaged
unumg tool lulu the , 'try (loin the Yougt,
loglieny. lie to now curbing it large Icily or
opletodni coal at Mann o ileld, immediately on
the lbw of the I'lltelturol3 end Steulainvalie
Railroad, and is pi epated to till all orders
The railroad rompany Mtn pint put two .
trams On thin road, renntott out 4.1 far an
Wiliker'n :tittle, and limn" will he two arrival,
daily, henceforth, until the bunion,, grow.,
mirth arotly to warrant an 11 or
e bolt it is sore to do '5,0'1 t Steen will
IM-retro-yin /title to keep 11 p it rim-liar and in..
plot. ~up 1 , 13 , hove on ,Doerr( be wt,i
find a brisk MO rket for oil he run bring In.
Captured.—On Tueeday night at rt late !out
the fit 1.13 t 100 of iblliCer iiolomm wan alt: or t 4. I
ton tnnn In hi. 410,1 and mine, a hat
unnipg eit the top of hie /speed soon lln-t Lane,
Allegheny. Ile started 01 purantLand suereoded
In rapt n Out the part y. Lot , Until the
latter had fu raped Ir. to the canal, which wan
partly fillet with totter. The prisoner proven
to ho the veritable John Smith, shoemaker,
is km bad been emotion] in a row at Ilioner't
thVern, a here be lost his hat and bad a val Un
hle tout torn Into Allredn. On he...outing duly
sober ho wan lined ono dollar fifty, and the
A•annit Upon an Ofticer.—As officer
smolt 11, of Allegheny, was arresting a drunken
ohmmeter on Knuth common last night, a s oli
k nom mehuracter by the flame of John Hunter
1,12V11 It bat:llan' and burled It at the ()Meer.
It struck him On the heck of the head, Inflict
ing an ugly wound. Officer Joseph Campbell
being on hand, Captured Hunter after a brief
chase, and locked him up In the tombs. On a
hearing before the Mayor, he was held to ap •
pear-thia evening at r eveal o'clock.
Attractlona at Central Park.— The Meag
her BrOtbera, famous as flkflters, are exp. , teo
to arrive In t his City this evening. upd If the
Ice Is In condition they will display their ..kt II
at Central Park on Thursday afternoon, bl,-
LIVIFYaI half-past two and half-peat three
o'clock. Those who wish to see what, can be
done on skates /1110llid by all means attend.
lti ****** Int; Exerotats.—There will he In
tervening Inh.alonar) el:err:lmes hell in Ti'ln it y
N.E. COttrelt IN fulh Ward) on (next Snigoti
Her, Dr. E. 11. isnrder, nutter of Christ Chu t ch,
r-. 1171 . proaxE at O'eloelr, and the 'Rev. Dr.
eoltneß Will deliver en nddreAs on the oven
''°n of tolatqanui-v annivert+gry of the tab
bath Schaal at o'c Ica In the. afternool. There
will also be aery icce In lbc evening.
'Jody Forma.—Th e ta t tiy of a young rnao.
PUlTetitYl to be that of Franz lingda, 01
whot.o my motions illsuppenranoo wo
hate already antletal, wan (canal in the Ohlo
river, oppndll c• l-nethtla/- .tut lon, on To wiay.
(..ortner Clan son will bold an 'moan to-day.
1- •
. ..
01 UNTIEN.--All Discharged Hai
diets, or the Heirs of Deceased &Adler., who
enlisted la M r fin,'
a "Irock,z-as
And soldier. Who Were disch from any other
Icr,lce Without receiving their Government or L.o.
Cal Bounties, art revicsted to all or send their ad
dress to T. W A Oren 'DAY,
tiniicitor for Reunites. Pensions and ray,
ICO pinta tiTitii.Y.T. third door brio* the Ca
thedral. Jars
Yr. J. FATTrcnis..... ...............
—Notary Public
HALL YAITElifOlr Airtiancill at Law
• putitlTA BTREET, Prrnintrucn, I At
t'r,l2? PirIInbrOLVATII2
EiTitA PAV 00,04, ore - lOttttli
Llitgitp9li Ittrar
ET: . .ll:,cr. !Itro@i'er.
No. 15 FOUrill Siff.Pt t Pi 11,4,4110.
i• I . 11. r
OVPICO or 7,10 PlTTnnt,lloll 07171,E,
IV 11, e.O T Jail. 01, land.
The etccl, and gold market hos Improve , )
Fr,111..0 1.01 within the plod forty-eight hoer,
Cut dews not Ito yut evade, any great imp -, e
moot In quotations. Goal tOLO . I/0.1 111 In Non
.1 ark, out of half per 00111 810 ring the slay.
Governmerds Improved one quartet per cent
n rtve Tweet ice, and the currency notec were
a shtick better, ls Ith improved demand from
The disagreement between Secretary Me.
Cullough /111,1 the Imam, Committee it Is
slated on what appears to be good authority
ss 111 after all be More about detail, than prm
elide«, The Secretary doe. not &duet to
amendments the original hill, bet links that
its main f,mt erea e hoe id la, preeery eel, which
will probably be done, save in r, epeet to the
foreign loon , l 1;• ~t nIVJ In regard to the
eonYeredon of the different londs of floating
debt Ie Ili he granted to him, It. c.l an to time
and amount, but the form of the new lots
will be definitely tined, and we )edge, It wiil
nil be made pay able at lion..
The old home of I. Lye , To ty bond+ were
welling at IWI in Our market to-day. Sew I,
tie at 1e1 1 ,,. Seven Thirties at 1e54,Cr.0., for
the curious 186000. C 0 1111)0110 (I Intern-el notes
are firmer and in brick deemed et about the
lollop Ing quolatlona • June 15; 1 4.107..1n1y lull,
1011 1 ....kngest IS6q, 10.1; oeteher. WS, 11,1,11 . 1 her.
103 1 s, tiny. Ise3, lei'.; auguet and eeptelife ;
We', ha; ,
't he ,l, ;mind Sdr Bank stocks keype 01.. Ind.
Icilny lenge aboutfollows Cyel :
front 101 l "ark / WI; 1 &
09101 d Itink et
Pit toldirgb , in; Allegheny Bank, bite. (doom,
P 3 1..; Iron lit), NI; idechaniesd, 71, Peeples• Oa.
!lentil, ICC: National Bank of Common,. les,
;second National, 1 . 20, Third :Cation:o.lWe.
Refits ay .beck 0 , 1101 Solos reported of 11.
legheny tea' ley at 611. ND, and of Pittaburge al I
Steubenville at 410. The's, nnoeo sdiow a,I R.I.
s ant e. and uPr, toid there le still it nine ela
tion 10 rat h t
01 110•111 at the atm, Sicoree.
-We rant see It.' tot perhaps t here 1..
Oils du!! Columbiti it little :Ono, ;tater oho
ptcepret of the lien o, m tide eti berm; taken
of e mould it he enken of ux prove: oat by toe
Rel exude Commis:dotter.. the sleek will he
molt ,hurt nomtee mouths, if not
tnd't der tali nom , . Pit hole e offered at Is
on the t eel, 11 bor. We are told
I Loon uld lc In pretty fat; :summon et UtSlper
share 'lll. , /cme 1 1 gures arts led for y tenons;
1 Blood - Flom Cherry lino Centre! Is °Moot
for nale nt :1 1 2, no bey ern. Philadelphia. 1,1,
caster ,t Cherry. Ilun,.atcles in Philadelphia et
but there t. nothing doing In out ket.
There in quite a war of ord. the Or,*
York papers or over the prnpreition tol.oue
thirty your straight-ant geola-t,aring tuck In
ournediato eiehartgo for ottrienney &deg.-aloof
not Uric until lti67-e. In repposetion to
I, the counter pone) to rodeo, In et
greoloril 003 . If it shoulri ird found en.ey rre,
practicable, the volume of gereonnnelro, at Ira.!
In proportion to the Istrrenslog volume of No.
liven! bank-note currency, and no nett, ti trolot
as the trelfrfe, ette . h.o,7 , and tne.r.ov mark,'
rnight Inn lie. look;:.,; to • lic 1 111i:11.0.e reLurn ., /f
the Gun ernment rho old aprecor otar,rlar..
reel Ot e ro erpevially to !reviling the tau de.. r I I.
../ c l ffintion, now aggregator, .c3ele.-
olve of cern r.r.tenri-raterorrt ero•er. t r r
docer rte Peon dol ors. will, thin , -eight In , Itlon
elorlarr of author:l,d rti r or a r b a r r a e , t
In e The Pr re, nee eel r l
,fit sat
untny, refer, Ina to the flr,t or stralghl-on,
hurt y roar loan project a blob herr Iwo, pro-.
pared In I% all O rr.t Hatt Knot to the tinsilt
eoflA 0, and an Waohingelon. nok
e•Vil.r, en tint, of torero, we should one., to
pay h per rent for thirty year+,
I,eu In the elnrkeot hour of the war or ne,e,
oncn-n to r,ortrautc.- this high rale of tntereet
for [llOl, t 111,11 LIVO to to enty veto%
It.dred. I hat It IA nereo,trA I h.Otnore,ol
- I.oncla than the &-.":
rile Io onneo the,holelera of the 7-13. t -
C 1 0 ,1,11 I hem If,hlabe.o or Lad bettor not
etePangc them. They will glve or, no trouble
for man, months to cuter The first vet tea of
thee hundr . rl million re, three,. nor e .late roc
tall Inc till leo-15th of Augort.lBs7, on.! the re•
allolrr have nearly vent longer to r
that Lime arrive,. the improvement
t$ r p•,1 , 11C credit and the growth of our nate.-
nal n h will •nable- uo to . ..hate n• At:
r rerratrng peell leo, an.l wt . orto.ll pr 01.1,1,
d r 7,0. and the •1-2‘.., Into ~ ./nn.ll l•, 1
tn. Ir funds',!.., a ill he nerd,vonAldero,l,
1., Ile; pt Mon than the .30-3 ear•lsco wrrilial no.
otnno,n‘l. If. a- In proponcti. 1100 En tritons of
I h. rn err.
T at nhort Intervale, entnpoll on the
market e• he to o prole...Woos Lend to Oppw ,
cite coneognencee—the Ilrnt Kill favor a t1u.13
money market, Inzh prIA-en and an eaoy col
lect le taxe,the othor,rtrlnKonev In money
lnattore, and, It to arguo,l, an early reatop•
ion of ovecie paylarott Ur.
—The following comparative vtatemont
el,ua e the are, a,c. etettlithut of Lou lee hug
'trate of the Rank, for the th4.4t
and 13,1 , 1ou• aheek
1.444 'Week. Thin wev•te.
4141.42,150 4 , 14,42.1:4
nn, . 47,rorreet I, t e a,132,5.4
t•prr 1,1 , 12,14,0 1,t0.,4m trot 4,1:0
1.tme.1.-lethie'r 17, , rdr..N3 • 14..41,m Dec
Itepreitr 7.t,31.1,4:44 vt,u21.34t1 Ito 000.,771
Uttrulatitak 7.411.4:57 7,442;611 fru. 61,1,14
The' .ill,ll/rllt ,if average. of thn leading
n: nu. bank,/ rdlow. 4nt her mor,
it y. Th•• loano. In , reasod EV.2..6, and the
6.11,u, it,ru., ,1 ,
..1“1, n , nc. and,
a.( to the on nenall, tat g aninuut 1,6±,;72,
end IL, ga:-tend,.t
rom v ohm tnlnx. report of tho Intrt
LIM re, vno, roultulrodott, oort.ko tto-
I.A t rat t ref, enor to l'etl 01.. ti ni
I..netpto from :enned In.trnlnurn an
1,10 oil Lune I,ecn
For the fleet etturter of the , arail
Ire the Internal resent.. reettipl•
(tom the tag tot pet
I•i! tor the riiii/torrt trig ituer
ter of IVA, receipts worn 41004/itte. /dive log
gain of 11/...i.7,011.411.
.11.0 Earp.•t•nl.ennruit len ef, per
[Alton, anti Nein oil then/tie/ 4. -
oilvelt . hi, I I ii 11 Stint, So, 14,1, utter alilets the re.. were {went) and n teen cent,
'.II) I he ittneniled atit of Mn - .-h 3, twit. u duty
1.1, use, if .I..riet•ilitr viitett herrel
crude oh-urn tit forty-tit gifiloll. Thu
.” 4111111 1 , -, • 11(11i lOM tile ti./It . the tree Mro/11
tit. err. et 101 l tho elove 114.4 y
.. -. """ 10 . Yor
v. to hoinitdr 101 l In the .pe
ci I oil •No ."1 . 1. 111.2
11/1.,•011 1 , 0 31.1e0,1 ..but ..1/
45 thus
•ei I tin pet r , iir.o to .4'
ILI Ih, of t:,:enril oil, putr ,,
ripe.,lk 1.71 , :r5r. , be no al
'I h, elm, of the opinion that when ear
i•e. o , el II I 01 netr..lmon. and of
li,. -, lel i f . olt; LitPt 411:1/1/
1 ./1, .• W. '1 III", V.lll, .Ir., It will
totstlh lirt••, • I idtion to , thrlvo
111, I, ..1 gt• 1. , 1•1,11. ..,:1 11. al, EU (Rio, wit.
ti tout er rut, of t _,,. e than 1.4 11.1 W 1111•
r 1 0 1 ,4.
1 •1. nt the no t t , ea, , tit, oornmission be
hove Mat c rm. 1 , 1 +1,00 , 1,050 m t)
be relied to I won ao
mint 1 coal col and mare
!, mu.
--The N.w York nod New Harrii Railroad
Company have 111.111.011111,11, In costs,
111•11“! 14 the 4,M 1 mit; to on t heatOst them
by 10 , Now York lout I of Apotta:., hit gmceo,
It, fur or of the Itottiors of stool. (Timdoloo fly
Issto d In lad, by limber( Schuyler. tnelr tram
fer agent tool president of the Company, the)
0111 pay off the amount by an Issue Or no.
stock, w blch In tollered at 7.5 c on the dollar to
registered stockholders. In the proportion of
four new shares to every ton now hold. Thu)
have also, it Is told, merle arrnoMmeenti to
pay ; ther!jtehvreent and tonnes. 'rho dm:dawn
i him:tincured try of the bighted, possible Ito- the purchasorannd holds** of the
shags' and bonds of Incur atoll. en ptutle
settling - twit - dots with tne.senl of an'
tile qUestiOn. that.-00ip0fa one' aro
10/(11.11 for the fraudulent Rut* of ' , their one
sitrot.toi it will be rementil erect tbaLtlloyler
sucetosted to atmettull Mg to NurOptl, Ith
ell-Rotten gains of $2,110,000, 'and that about
tau 1 rats Rio the Holders of most Of thoframh
ulenlly Issued Marva, wearied by thetiOrll4l.4
Ins .alt, Colliplintilisial 11.11 the c01 , ,, :t1Y..bY
Neel pt Ink one share of the genuine s ck - ,tor
oof the .parlous. Ti. pro•Ille for Mit* ar , e
ran grteent the capital of the eon] pin? , Wocie ,
a from three to four millions of dollar*,
und nod 0,•1•1: It o as further itiereaSC
WI, v• hi. 11 0 11/. 11 114 thOUKIII. 14 . 1•1.1 the 'nolOpllt
11,4011m1. There are etmllet lug opinions as to
the t•ffert of this movement, but et. present the '
genet id Inspr. , vloll nee.. to ItO that t his new
I- so,w 1,1 nottench depress the m arkot prim ,
of the stork, 11 11 cells id, about 110. Of
I Ile r,+. , 1 , 00,4 1/111Motiort, 00'
Vandertnlta Judgment
Is reported to e ',moot liiiiioJloo, and A, ilelmonl ,
the, lel. Tl,.' remainder is scattered lo sttotll
,11111.1 xr4arage.
r.rynTrT. •.T'J
• r !ir, AT - 1, Jan, Tn.—Thorn Wllllll brl.k .11.•
W! In clover ettlly It, Ito week, and the re-
12,10 hritlg 1a11n1p0111111.11.1.1 the thodeoln ell, pew.,
tol , nonfat in 37.72..227.,.2., 1,1 the nincicet
littlker !heat. rote, The a t..e•h nor.. I.
~,nott, II AI 12 Lt. lu 1:1,151) bnahela, lea IL I.
chterly In The hand. of .ot.eulator... anal 11,411cr
1. HE terreinahl than ent4l.l now lan re..112..d.
• n Ihnl 11 In 110E1 out of the tnnrket at
Tato In% In model aleregnant alt
1111 1111,2 pr nod obtained onk .
for ,•bolee lota. 11115 In In i10...1 rto, 12,1 at
1 , 2,:r0 hi. The neer Ipts nee light.
Jan. 30.—Wheaj— het
,er tra/r, 1 ear Orrollo
ri 0.75; I err elsoler N.,2 1 real at 1 , I.O5: lad°
inch telected Oa 61.20: 400 loll) No I Sprotr: at
$1,4 Y. lora-IL..IWe eornirat at ivel) hemp
and ranrliet Irregular. Sales I rile glow obeli.).
al :Oa; I rut Jar at I:kr; 3 rate di:, at 51.0.
untl Inuit lira II.•Itl rut :',011 , 40," trout Mare.
if, r-11011. otatng dow
,1.1,111 11. 11,
61..11, I I inc, •
- . .
801.. Sale of 100 lulus t 5,11 :it cut ID
bag:, hhellotf at 71. Outn---iglii of 1 •wt
at 45 :tab.. innall nab, at the usual •:.••..
Nothing doing In Itve.
came EI:I rlie grninnrr tnark , tlA •10 , 1
hut J-1011.,1V %Ilk nitulerat.i jobbing 41.•.nruld
al pr.r Joh,., not at lon% Ifni Coffee in g
'ill , to a) In, fair to pi lira . , unit 31 for hint
.1g va, 41(142 Curia hugar, 13,414 fill t••
lota fort,,
Cr;t Inn, 15 to 15' .. 0,10.1
.j CritTne,, and '11" ditto; 17 far;. ,
Bien Moluanes vo 1605 glee, 10 1 .411 for Ran
goon, and 1'2 1 ,413 for Carolina.
FICA. bti tidy , vlth a ninderatv heal •lii
wand, nail prier n :ire pr ty well
ll.' nut, regular riiii LA at C . , - • 5 . ,
hprlng Wheat, alit ' il••
oblt bungu of 1 , .: lino. low grade Spring it *7 l ,
lis v Floor lo tall at 4.)L rvr
%L. at 14 x‘ol at ✓ry
with a 1,.:
tilng demand at 115'Y15 for 011oal•b•ri . , an•l
u:•..3 for SnUtiol riol ll,m. salv non .,.
of 11.0 kegb noun, y Lard at
liegg. at hi, City Lard melli,g at 1-
l'ot kln nominal at titl Nu tnovetnent 10
Hulk Brute.
hi . ..LDS—hale on '1 range of F 1 ix,/ d
nt .1e1.74.1‘071 1 rout -tiiry
147- to the Irrree. inivitti -evil 1. noun.' Li a:
I) , 11,1 I :11,e
car , ..,•,1114: At:}
1014.14.1 i at 30433
hViil.lg ui a rt..4t.lar aAy at .::;;
2'l for Ilatolotriz aa , l
ILA 1 —l,setlrnt.: ta a rt•gular war
111 flit , to dIM per ton, as to ottalttt
A I•lnt.i.S.--al candy with a fair local , ItotAtrl
at $7 to /1-a1,1,1, for prlnto to ch01t.,..
-Wit, II I Nl Tto, ilomatol Is Imp,. an I
r.xl or
Itl/1, an, 61,1341,110 pgr burin.
I Alll/ 1111.—No. I la aelllng at tl.rtral lta
Ht.A NS-1/ernstrtl lawn' tug. bat pt ittr.
rhangrl. rattan at 41,:a-rftt per ousb Nr Y., r
Marrow Fitts quoted al ir2 l ,
111/MIN I gaoled I/ IC lat 3 -44 pot lb
LEAD-1 1, g rut quotrtl at 12
tlt NstiE RH I Fla— , talea at ,Itrylr
PrTmoLuu It m tm I: ET
Oryter Tur 1 . 17-.Braon
.1, I; Iv,
1 , 1 I• :n • nly ,•••••: .1,:••••••1
far Ihr• 'Ol 1•11ita. •••rcelrig •I, .1 Inn, lA,
pan( darn- our a mlngl. - tr.m.a.rtl• , n • :
1.1.1 t, vqt( I or I rt 3.1.• .t• ,•
stn.l IPlrther rem. ~. 14.1/
V. 1 ,131,1 brothto .....,[111.1..h tht•
purpote. but 1p u. 1., are a g•ry 11m1t..l in I. n,n
b..r. and the fna ail:, take !lola a ors
ingly. In fl,. abaellee Of , tat..n•
tnny 0. all/vn at wtte
,u, retnnn. au.l
tr:N, Iddn Inel ukb-II In Ivan! an•l
1.• PlClo+ll r!). thrrr Irnirnz r.•
u. deulai:tl &Oro a:ly quarter, IP. W..,
•.• unchang..l A r.n.l,l,,ratoln
an, 1.11 cli , obtle,,
r..vo.:y low rigor,- but "nr r,-finer.
ft, n . rllllln4l In loatl on. va la: an , Itlg
Ik Dian Of utante ant 110 In, 'wet an.l bp•tt
pro - i, lie...taut,. and N.Aptha •lu.'
and neC.cirtrtl
Lan' i 01,1,, non. On l ily rep', It'', 0 bet •
Irr 1.. r'.l, u. 1l 0..
o,Allin a m linl Ind( 1./, 0 0)•• 1n... irv.l 0' 1).-‘0g 1..11. '0 ti.:rl
rr !0,4 ver 111.,. 01,r,7000u.
I al./n:0: otrt I.) ti , • !
10 10rullly
MAIIkI7I - ,
Ins} tstt - h to Ito Pt
' at tt .1. rt. F...
r,‘ r‘rri. Oln littlit Me. tt.,
l.'s (1.11:1. - .:0 , 1 ItougLi at
I t v. AI tor
nn t i f.,r rt,ll otil
31,1, -...c. At
I.rd of Prt.
...rartn at and h,..00t at 17',,. 1,,,tri,t1
.1. , 11114,1
SA.) 10,11,
.1,11, et... Lit 4.'.7:mu0,50 AL:p.
prtl 112
I AT:It at
It I' richAngetl
• Lem,, !A' .
I lint: If fo) It 13 •
S.. I. •354.1:, to/ 1
nt 31
101 Nu I ut,l (V:1 o' ,•.. itle
-trndy 141 bOaSI; tot '0
90103 ,t
tti.^44,sl,/b for 1•MIII Irate
WnJncv---qulrt, emelt, •t 41,174 - 2.14
310 x .n—(,old 01.40.
lo+patch to the l'lttaborgh ...netts
t iv 3an,okry 11.
I•l,. v , —lnactlvx fur ronsumpt,,, Iry
und. Nalco, best cal Wl\ rids new Me,/ P.•rk
a - L0 50 Itaonn a trill', lower, Galen, bou!.l.•rn
Il‘, e, `1.11.3 10c hulk
' , boulders 12e...1.1rn Wit.; Clear "Men 16' e •
Planted Sugar Cured flaran 2.16.3•. I•.trkn.l
l:rten Meat.. Illsher, sullen 'boulders
nide. lan, 11/tAnn ItO n nrltnr.e Lard In In 0,, e
denind, 11. y lieltlo read, t... 1
7e. Keg held nt Head 17e.
- .% - the An.l litgLer .'t
IIL :5 And , 44,11 nr:. I 111,
•nlly a 1 ill 7!., ( our.try Drestwd 11 i
1: en 11 t 1,.00
rtp0..31,1 ittrltal.t.h to Wr.tern Prtotti.
Net., Ynarr, January 31, 1.6 n
The Petroleum stock market, with few oa ,
ct•ntnms, WIL3 lower - to-tiny, rapt, kl 1) an
ntatc. Sale. errs at the tolleta
rater Ifrookl)n 35, Palmer VA). .:,to ;a;
enango 350: Ilennehorr Kan 1700: Itueltattaa
Fein: 75. 111Iren 3ao; 100% o.trt Itra,lle, 34,
Chef, y Rua 15, Excel.torns; Ham Fist Itato,k
475, thl Creek 175; 210, I . ,tlJoie
t tech ?:at, II rant,. 111. 1 • 011,44 Mate, 1,00,
4 • 0
~ T., r.)
ni , c,lll 111..11ntrti to IVt...lursa Pro.,
\7W Sortx, JeLnuar) 11, 1 , 4
:‘,11 ;
ar. , l I.t Olntl, riot, It , 41,;&:b
Finance and Troth. In Nen Tork
A jam 1 - 1 ner.JA ern,. I
leg In ..t. n, speculation 11., non nut.r.4e.ll.
al in to of ernet.l I/I in wee. a a.l
wand tor etorl4.l generally .% the r, -nle.
board. the ach once trne not loteututod and
market urge all lower, liutit•r
reallAu pt oats of the Mae. The Marl", tea,
^lmply at the one oleloek seeet..ll
burgh I et t .1 to nearly the Mull. et polo.
of the morning At lb., i t ,
woo generally firm, without nay mar Led
'the fOllOO . hair worn tho prlcom at 110
r. . New York Contrul, Ere., HP,, 11,1-
oon , 101 I,; hemline, 1011; Mlehlittin son thorn,
iros,,, Illinois Ctmloul strip, II:I; Clevolaiel
14 , lolisrkh hook Island, tot ovoro.
nt Storks 0001.10110.07[1.100ue1y 01111 I,
no 411.114,01(.010 to exchaugo wem bole. prod ut~;
tit.. Lao es - Minty of (bogus upon the flnanoo
bill. slat, of WSJ., treilothlrticis aro ;nth.
or homer. Gold hits tttkttna abort turn .I,r. o
ant. The Uovorncoeut Ip am000,..1 to be
nguln In the inurket so [Ur bf••
arnomits busing been thrown upon the
Let. It clooml ut lat%, but grow et roue ,,
the Board.
The money mark et to easy of 'etril per cent
on call with tooth:rule demand. oldie b0n.14
n ere dill unit without uny decided change In
New York Ilarket
SION YORK. ./ 31.—COTTom .cry !Inv, cut
leset act 11 r, at Ciliftik.: fur middling
Ft.tto it—purr artlyci Priera without due c.c.' ,
at a 7,7.027,90 for extra atata, and f , .!Joct
ii,t4l lot extra It. H. 0.
WIIIPKV.T—DuII and nominal At 4f2,;
°HAIN—When/ ilullotuil ',Hoe% without de.
iidled cyan e, Sound Corn le bettor. and
lair demand. at IfOttlaile (or untound; 4 fie , ; for
0011 , 0 d tufted otaitorn, In sloe.: tool olallier...l
uncl99 for prima white Notation, aural all and
=rig. at 400420 for unsound we're] , 1111,1
for eintind do.
./ . /MtOLltt,a—thall, for eribla, atid
414550 rut' reflood I, lxind.
tatoexittiti—Cofree gulot and !lowly
dull, Cuba DJ...not - ado, Ile; III,11(1,
dull;attn sales by auction of New
l i aorpooNs—lifirk doll at tot
now moor, ei1,31,1g at e-.N,b) $t for 01.1 .1
closing at 0'511rt.451./ (or prima max.;
3,700 tibia new tacos for February, hiurea and
April, at nellere' o p tion,4 at *Pi.,fidfe_iii,7s hoe s
.truly al about prorioua'nip,. Beat h
flint Cut riletitv .tautlylit I liliete for olloo.di
it,. and for hunt, Urrn.rd hop
...rawly at 12 1 n, lii ii fur western, and
for illy flacon In fair cll.:nand at for
loot , ribbed on lint eipol, and abort riboa.i.m.i
..too t strut for February at aelloi 0„u.,“ al
. I.nrd uneltan,..l. Ratter :lei 't 11l . 20
42r.:(. for Ohio, mot Ind ieie for Slot, Choesu
fair dernaia! al
New York /Week and Money 31ebeketa
Sits You., .Inn. 31 —Money stoady nt arT
oer cent. St‘u - llng dull and lturnlnal 43 to,
G. 1,1 I rreirular and unsettled, opening at lit,
ads unclog to 11l and closing at
rt toornl :stocks It shad," driller. fret:l,l.lA to
Liverpool (o.let and sign,.
Stoel.s .tend)'. Unitdd States G's '52. do.
Ito„ Fulled Slut,. s's 10,10; Coupon, K. 4.
30, 11. q. rrtrs ../5;,; do. ncoond 6011014, 95%;
1.;01t. tool NI i•., (7 , 1,1drtt... Fort WAyati,
Er.o '15,0 171.11 , 1niv, wt..; 511.11 Iv 10 South
t 10, 14'!,; North H relol n Prur.Tra
I . I
n.• n h..,
,rd::t - ot• ol
11,.tt0• ro -ilarkut
-Thorn' I,s no rd.',o, • ',• 11 , /
. :1 ',retook,' , •
Nes `rork uudf,.; to.. ,
Chaelnrinal llnrket.
1 . ,s ri, Jan. 01.-It CUR-Qu.e, no:
~O A, - Wtest norm, sn , l In go, - .1 .16)11.111
N ew Red nthnnosdto plot orn
st fr - No I 1,11 xed. “nts dttd prlre.f
loroor. No. I. LIS ,
,439. c.. No 2, 30g.:ff'...-
11.• .111,111. 10, No. I.
it P. !,11 . mg , •.1 and undulot.
10,..,N-sivooly, 01 el,' for NI
of", -Dud snot nofolnA• Froo• of
fury,' s' hoot Imp,.
XI or,“ 51Auxx - r-L0. , 11, Ilu.
' • , t,
floor and Grain in Store
/I , ^tni• - ,111,
.n h'ealo. on ..a.t111 . 0 , 11. 3 H:1 . 4 . .•
V , •1 , 11 / 1 )1..Er...5. It,- Lb
I'LL, ler , .rtc.l
pvrelat:. Cl .210 &Jar° or 'Fri,
r.drt WATNE A UN, 4., C. a.
,tr. Idg rntdal. Nltnlek
in Itr:, anwhr V. 1 ,r .tare.. ltd`!ert
raw. I ar hay, haf ,, rty. Itt4 tong.. wheat, .1:1
Idgg. tt .1 it milt. J ewr ww.lnut
• llR•nn't, A 14,11,, 1 he In. Itemphlll
1 d 0 I. Latlglmul. +thy?, .1 J
Et. 113 • • .11. ”41, A cur t.ol.
1111'.. 1.111111, •litilton. I ea. •0. J • Finolt.
Iti, strtrryß v.'. MI
.I,el•ntd, .r .In hn Ganqw wh,
N bl,l mew,. Chad. -a , ulvie
. t 0 htlin
i,..rr ,t hiss, hi
:11111cr E R1••1,1.1...n, 1,110 LlO, Wnt 1t ..e.rldlay,
13 , mrl2, ale J tlralr, but
t, I. J It Mrdioow n.
Lrvvl., , orp S nrl - 7.4l,,erart r Rn•,—
Jan. :!1-1: toll. paper, I . lltrOoTtrgl.l
I ‘,..1",1, 11 11.. ch It ,
lrkl Atrlrk S 11, ron.43okr lmt , uno: S
If ,Ico. 11' II 7,1 nu do,
A,:rnr!,,7: R
,!Is taw, Hne, &51 ve ,4 r, dn
J R IV -Id), IG Yew.,l.nnrl earl. , CI, Isay It
I.pplet, I II A ~.10.1
~. I.llmlr, NV 1.1,1 tmrt; :'n 0014 oil. l•nv •1 y. 13
rhy, It co, 7 .10.
,numun, 32 LAr.ri T
.r 1 n•h ally
5% ~ e r '. . I N1.0,7r 3
r• pl.t , ...NO t T IL rAr tu , •tal.
N•tulr4 A c• • .kr.
Ai I 1..114 , , TION. Januaiy '4l-1 orit
MI Itnar; wbult.
hi Apetty t It, u, 1 1 cur c. on, It hn , x
n? ear flats, I raylor: 2.10 rem I all Wheat.
r metal, !, k A ••.,. 1 rnr
t..• • tlint 11 i,erw, A co, In do, FIJI,.
..1 , ••• , •.1 Mn.. A 13 , 1 , 11 paper. 1 . !IA•
310,, brrpt•m, 41 1/ 1.:;lott
w all ; w 4.31.21,
•..1 a.l f . ertr'ng II v. Aro,. 1.-4 Is IC!
• bi f. • t •• P•t,n,
. !• r N. v. ir. Nr ro
Ircl4lll ....i.lllg
• ••at.l•llg
ht . l•npt h.,' tit
1 , 4,1.11 prong f• I,lo_
It t.• Slo ..
nr. ,ur a
th. I “orlll th, n .
tOl , l 7114, Pat ker+l,l,7
N 66. 1866
• ..n.r.r4.lng tA< 1... tr. ardt- - iisaa
Nt• •Pat t •
,•eaiyrr BAYARD I.po 11. Moore, Nia,ter,
..nArrN% IN. IiEST Elf. Ana N. Nhejob.r , l 114 Acr.
1,4 am, ITT Juark 1.,rd00.
14)%7 . 31 TRIP —` , TEAMFR 11 YARD
I •••• ...ry Mood.. and ThunKlay. a ,
avol. N Lrellng r•ery Monday anti TLaraday,
X p
I 1 . 1“..:gb every 1 and I rtiay.
3 03
I Wheeling eery ♦ni Fr:clay. i• yr. FORF7,7 t try
oinr.lay !,,,,,!ay,
I I.V Wtdlle•dAy ail I ,4 urday
TRH' - , TF A 11P.11 Y , RrST TT
mot Par cer•t. ri e. rc Vltout,) 113,
I !“.. an, r err Tuesday an F,llsy. 617
I.ta•vJ ru\eretura et I.rnc.a a-. 1 Fr:l43 - at
;1 berll,;
I. traer•nura:. ray
7 n.
to %, horltar carry Thuraday and Sunday. at
onto rtlot. ,Dina down are made at SI ner:lng
.Ith th. I to. Hand and Plulanarat train,
~ .as,r, Pl.-burgh at !..41 , , p. rn.. atllle•cland
at_Mntn. A Iw. Itb Erato.. of Pltlabo-a S. or
, a, ne •nd Rath...F, which lea•ra I hteaga
at lop. tn., and at Martrtta -Rh Harlot to r.:,4 Ctn.
clon•ll mot .103 alearnura to all points no
rho. Ma.alnaurn klyrr, and at Park ernourg/ with
earty tralotLe Ita;llmore and i_Mlo and
Ith Daily LOne ateamorn to Pomeroy,
l g ortamouth. May sank: mud t Ine,noat
.(4,441up trip. - uncertlona arr made at BrIIIIr
allb t les 'land Illt•turgh Rellrnad 4.Cr/ a. tn.
tr.,tn. try pa,..naors arrive at 4,e, Inn, .6
ant.i at 61,... ag-, a. in. next morn:LA,
Al Whulf-ibtal. Foot
.01 Di crret•ed cAt . tt .1.,y. up to
P• . 2 .
II L. I r cat
.02.2 ,•.2
.1 I .•..f.,
• !, HIE 12 , 1 1 11. It , . I,t,
It ( I IRO AND 5 . r. z , ;, 21..r 7 ,..4
i ..t I -plc Int ...cant,
1•I 1:1.%
,pt. It. .1 I' rmat.
t,tr a.
/ 1..1,1...4 •pply . noar.l,
I . k .1
1)17 1 , 1 1i t !41 4 1 n 4
1.1 :31 . .... r Tr,trjabrZr4
AEI , LAN} "VI -1 he Mse etemrsi,
M. t It. "111 It•ave tbo
• e nu..!rt , rat •timo. 'wort.% evelr TUE:II, 4 ,y ,
ft.. 7 t;u•
'von mKurizis NEW...
0111.E.ANb. - -'ll:te 11,1 S - 111,19 kittl;
1:t ill! , ...• • ... .. dtpl it ALLZT - r
%I Lii tt av• !or 11... raw, J.. 1111
1111,.± T.AI, .L 1 p.
}or firlya, j;r i . i . , .zp.4p. , 4 , .,n ,onr,l
.1 It. 11j.1.1 . 11, A
:0 In I CIN A .11'11
• IA 1.1•.• Tb.-1,,11110
C•pt. T. ntumaa.
'I Ill:4 DA V. at p. m.
) f el,rbi or appty bo‘rd nr
4 , 11.1..1NG W 001),
( ANS'
‘.../ ...ler of the Orphan, Court, the 1 rn1er..,..1
"111 a apo-e to l'utni , .ale, at the Court lion., In
oe I....burgh. r.ATUIIIIAI MORNING, the
1 . . bruar, . 166.. at 10 o•eloet 1.., Op
1,1.1 SD In tlbr VII, Vlttsburah. on thr eurner
I and Decatur 1%,, , ing fort, re, ilOlll
"LI ealur tlfty-four (net tx.%,
thro tiara Brink Iln.
.o.n. nry Frame lanelllng
Loaan street.
rit thr pi rehaaer to pa • to, all paper.
.11 Aden 'eo, 1t..., %I
I.I.E1:111EN tOUNTY,ss.--In the
o..rt or 1 00,11/011 No. N.
r.llO, OH. .Nary Prime Itall"sray. 1., 1.. u. at
lin 4%1,111111.n hltcaldes, is. Wlilt..llllathan.b,
h. f.h.b.,.
tuft 'bow •r l. L 2
I. :1. lartA. the
a;hitt.l In
nubtnls-loner to tot.,
ca.... In the et, y.
t... nn 0.0110.0 Pa/nn al/0•1 f.
la thr "tut appoint Dr rno ilo
AI ahltna, 10 tali. I.•sthnony st
lbU ebbl.l.lololubb to hr. tirr.. - t.d Ibl • 114 10 -tint...,
up,.n t. notice 0, put.. 1t....
Attest. Jll..tit It. W A1.11.:11.
In per, ores,' anose 1p ••
•lgta , nunnt,,sl..nrr..lll L. ate te.dtup.-
n, In Int ca.e, 1.1. odic.. N.,. 1.1% It,th
. I 111•1...ali. on vATI' %1 .
Innst p. arin.d sul
r, Ard ...ay attend. I101:11,
EltA L roset.ozat .41..gcurs. y-
19. St St. Clair St.. near Stsapenrlon Snag,
t. 1.. ti5R/tr.Clv.itiEnent.,
B , Cdruedl ho. I.llJor Earn{
fir•• lark Dry Good• lorkra
IA t T5O
9 , ,351
7!.1, 17 , 1.•151.930
34 sal 9/7.56:•
y N 1 r.ltl-•eta. xatl
r,..lrr to I LIN, .1. ••
, e•oon 1.1 ,10,:
c [ - ~~R AIV TEi
Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc,
Il3'ClriLitlil f ins
Bra,. work. ar all .1.0:• lllnek Tin (or.olla
Fountain, all I. In 14 eri•nra and Laa l lb, Ileac;
My, rip.. 4 ,, ap1Ang•:..a.4 ripe and VI taus., 4.!a/II
deaarlptlOLa. lrpt Larsalan., l an Land at
Addy, Williams it, Bartley's
Jai .odn.le ecmcni
1)L1L 1111BL'114.
3E" I rl -1 er i DQ - ~
farllltlet are not •arp5....4 by nay la the
trwie Oar .tork ,vf Ina.tcrlal I. !erg, •nd ell s
Our wortas., art aad attratlre.
entru.,J °tic rue ,celve., ar•,eupt at
t..ntl—u and our pl,r , vuilkl superetslant. Vr 61,
187 FolthEell Atroet. Pitt.Surorh. P.
C•rr folly attended to by exporlosaced and prattles
rot - amen. A Line assent:soot of
m tan :IT on t-nrad and m•de t4r.rder.
• X."1"1"1"1:NT
ell+ ES,
11 A..iINI
E WEAN 6 (0.,
tEL eruror to 4Slya Bloon.P.)
Nu. 165 W ood St„ Pittsburgh, Pa.
T. T. Le.e. LONOII,I
5.1101 i E BELLS,
Portables & Cigar Lighter&
En. - E.Ars s
53temt.or to Addy &
SLIT tt."..1 No_ It's %V nal St.. Pt,? cocacn . p
MY, waruuns
Plumbing and Gaa Pitting.
or ALL DESCRII - 110,4 IL
5 tv - cusor la Addy 2 Etotw,
166 Wood St.. Plttsburrh. Pa
1 - 11E.1 13:11( DEPARTMENT,
0,1: - E I,IOIIT-1/01,11. 80AND,
WA/T:11,0:0N CITT, /lANI/A47 6, Avid.
PEALED PROPOSAL, will be received at this er
e, until i übiork r e.,on FREI).IY. the 9th day ot
February. 1.96 d for oupplylng the Light-Haase Ras
tablishmeot : 1 1th tasty thitosariAlgat loos of the boat
`lull liy Pure sr anter-strabsed OTC.. either Lard or
:pert.. 41 , Med Into food tote, sad to be delle
etsd xi the times uodermehtio red. sloogaide of the
ttoveroutelot Supply-sesseta. or Z.! the searehotme or
other `` dace ofd~ppaa
tog lhllcer or gther LrlKe t " ij h t ` h l <T,FiV:
Iwo, Board., to strong, tight, Iron-bound,:bll
ade casks. lable for *hipping, good order, at
carstmy. r of from fifty to eighty ❑a - IR.:is—not
to exceed the tier . The oil may be delivered at
hosts., or Nee Tort. at the opttob of the bidders.
The tbact of Belle era In each case moat be distinct-
It •tated to the bids, and Rill be embraced In the
Th. four lot{ will he delleered as follows,
Les No. 1 fteen thousand (11001 gallons lon
the t.l day . Pea. or am soon thereafter .a Chu
prune Noes. • d gauping c and coos plehed.
Lot Fifteen thou(l.4.oml) gaalone 0 Li on
Ifth dry of April, Pith, or as Coma thereafter as
Le poyper ts rt. and gauging fall be completed.
No a. IriN, n oil on
he I, day or,J one, Iwic, or as e'en thereafter no the
ssper t.ods sCol gauging ran Ise completed.
L.: Nut. Fifteen thonyand (Mora, gallon.s nil on
he t day rfAneu I.lfififi, or as soon tber,-ftera.
se lwr -ea istd gangolg ears be ted.
a.par ate rliownis • fit he t teed teed At the s f•r bate ame
the, Sc stlpclated, .D.truit, an
t•t day of May. 11,fi.
S.. hid will lo .. , stisidessd Ralf from • nt.ratne •
err e( the Artie,
N oirt et the oil prooored for ..11,1 to !le eta br. , ..r.1
romrarts under ibis ad•ertitement will be ac.-
;.ted. I d. Cr re.ol fer. nnt sl It snarl hare Gwen
st to the en! ire , snefartefis :to. person or
r -11.,t,nyl Itl. etenattsation, mat, and In.
t yf the tw, quaJity pt. re nt ter-It rale
d 011. and reds from nal vire with other or Interior
2,1,4 sdu , ter,
1 ie. se,enl mean. Car determining the character any
finality cd•the sperm alt • tl/ be employed. eta, stowyl
c gra. 1 burning. the nltlount ..r mod
, Abct Prep, te•ts to arrive at correct G1r....1.104*
Lb. Tr. deemed necessary. • •
The lard 011 will ta suhjeeted tospecial tests. and
4. ill be rejected valets found to be. In re.gard
Corning and fluidity and, riNloction of temperature,
ind tut. ere eth_er 1,9w-el-Chat to that of the stand
.) adopted icy Phi Boned, of which a sample will be
urul.bed an applleatiuu to the Light-hoase Zap
eerat Itesslots Vas,. •
1 ea“.t must he gang..d ender the direction and ',peevish. of the Itemeeting °Meer• by a
cystom-house or other legally Authurt led and sworn
ssi r. according to for rotted States standard, and
must be marked and accepted before they are remise
s u f, rte the cellar or waceboutee( the mm tractor.
Thr least...alum of the on Will trop faith note.,
and the usca.surrusentss reduced to the standard tern.
lwrat are of wr deg. lahrersheithy tables prepared for
the pimp...v.
Propywato will be received and considered for each
lot separately, or for alt of the luta, at the option of
the bidder: hot o bid will 'be _considered for a lees
~uantits thamthat specified as one letyto too dellrered
at our time and place. Each bid MCit state capitol',
r, written out intuit. the \Ando( ell offered.l whet!.
r wyw rm. lard or esslmti the rale per gallon. the
millr of the lot or lots bid for, and the place of do
t,em . conforming advertisement.
Bids submitted by dal:remit members of the same
Orm or copartnership will tfilt tit ennaidered.
Tb Light-bullet Calder thy /authority of the
Derma intent. N.,. the right to reyret say bid al
u n glee pricen It ua Or the lowest, for other conslderatto.
will nr tun sldered
• e N r
1 I ' s hid ll o n , prero r da e
ily Oilier:hind 4,1;
Ader rtl.etnent.
k Wot. npb.ecurfry to the •illsfactlon of the
.t.nart men I, n pcna.t. te,nal um—fount of the
or ..act . -outran matte under these ppropo
,at.. sill be tn.., red of each. controctor.Ponattooed
tor 0, ran In .1 performenc• of the contract. to be
nltLin tot, tinj 3/ after the ac,eptanne of tha
t' telt off, Inuit hi' accompanied by a written
togoed by ,slie wore rvapobatbbe persons,
l too n to tht. ib.parttorot .abeh. or certified by
:Ito•al ,talet dtrtrivt )totsr, attorb, nay a,tritt,
rollector or the truisms. to the erfeet i/
, 0,1 tr ercept , d. the bidder Will duly etrc .: evu
ti<l good (sills. arcordlog Is. the prorialoaa and
ti tat. of 0,1. nil. ert, Ineut, within t,z day. after
....eittattee. and that lu ea.. the said party offering
iot t fall Ir. enter Into thr contract be 'tortLaid, be
.r (he ) goaruntt to make Rand the diffe,ner be
tneen the offer of the ..aid pan. ind the teat lowest
bolder. AU lilts moat be sealed and endoesol • •I • r,-
pnrats rOr Oil for Llatit-bookea,•' and then pleteefrin
other rtrrelope, and ilrerttd, prepaid, to the dee
retell of the Light-boo. Board, lifaattlngdon City.
All lotto will lie opinard punUcly . ai the hues mid on
the dat epeettled.
l'at litchis will 1., bi ole for the nevcral lots of ell
e akin fillet. Ist after haro been retadv
111iy the ril.4 Matra. lt) order e( thu Light-V.4.e Board.
Ills balm artrointo
"A:ti 147fiifl r IN OWL -NUM.
Tads toil= tho 6rnt moon c. -
W Wirt,
LIVItGit. J. wiry u, Wo Zo4too
Otherwise Imprcfvec'
4y i 'l*llt)k'a~►l I
The Afternoon Edition
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alas been Enlarged to the 800
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