THE PITTSBURGH QAZETTE F. 13. rwy. , 797. Av RUSSELL e.l7,:vrt. ""`"" 11:1 , 1 ,, 3 1 P C.51/11:17EDD Y 1111: No. at Flrru 1%w., TF11,1,3: tifYRNINIr yr.:" r ‘-^ - Her Sud by Cur rit re. M. 0.: s.Nri I • ••4 he gittrobittlit 64 - 4 . gttr. Uri: Y ITEMS. " • Queen of the Toilet. Satyr:es Barbers Soup is now an. ind,pen ablo zultelo to the Toilet: No one .hon:d be without It. Only thirty cents a cake. %kitting. Skirts. .All xtylea and colors,, on the northeu•t r , ,r . .cr Of Fourth' hml Market atieete. C. Ili..sos Love 8 Ono Dre.s Goods, Closing nut at a great sac - 1110e, On the elatetl .6 ast corner of Fourth anal starket etreete.. C. HANSON Lora t ❑ ao. Neairal Flaliphito of Limo rot prof:erring odor. For Palen by Charles Sewer, Diaggixt, carrier al Peon and St Clair street, rataburgh. I =l= rrintt , , Gingham'', Musllne, ''cuing es tow as they ran be purchased In the EtAtern el L IN.. Remember we are twiw on the northea,t corner of Fourth and Market etroeta. 'C. ltdotsoN Lore ft 13nr . Blankets and Flannels A very largo stock Of all the leading makes, at a great reduction on former rate.+. Remember se are now on the northeast corner of Fourth end Afaiket strecte. C. IptsBox Lovn ItnJ. Sere Chartee Einem> tor sale. Two story brick; range wII h tat and 9?l.l . iwateri, bath room; gal; marble mantles; paved yard; 10 rooms; house nearly newilintshed In first chum style. It doalred, the whole or the fernialthig will be sold with th4 4 2loyloe, as the owiier'e fatally are In cleelln lik-hottlth. Tito whole ; or either, will be "old at a herein. Inquire at No. 131 Wood street Pat the titeestion tic nerally to your friends, es to what proper.. lions they. use for their' teeth, awl the rit- Spouse, nine times oat of ten, will be Sozodont. no no longer necessary to Impress its merits Open thepubbn mind, experienee has taught the world that, as a menus tof beautifying and preserving the cloth, invigorating the 1011:119, and giving a pleasant aroma to the breath, it leas no rtralAn either hetairmhero, Tile "Outs" and •• Ins Mayor Lowry and his police force h..° re tired from ,t heir official ;positions, and have been succeeded by. Mayor McCarthy and his newly appointed force. Whatever difference of opinion may exist In the minds of the itea pre as to the relative mOrits of the-old and new ofdoent, there can be' none as to the supe rior excellence of those Gents' Calf Brims, _pitting Balmoral Boots, and Blankets, Furs Ind Woolen Goods, now offered for wail, at McClelland% Auction Eniporiam, No's 9 nod Plfth street. We may add that In Para'the _greatest bargains aro offered In Capes, Collars, MuffOlerthaa, Viotorinea, Cod's, In squirrel, ritab; Bahia, Martin- desiruble colors Now la the opportunity to procure bargains Prt ►ate sales day, and evening. Western reAversity The quarterly examination will be in Uni versity Mali, between 0 end 2 o'clock Thrir.34ay and Friday of-this week. The friends and pa trons are invited to be prisent. The annual exhibition the, Junior edam will be given . yriday, evening.', The 'neat term will cern Mence `. More than MO students — bait; bean. present term. The ?amity imys,conotsteief eleven_ Professors in the different departments of ancient and Modern langaagna; .science and preparatory English. nate isa State , Institution, depend toff for iteeilitettedian'ito man or-set of men the wholeinecnne of „which; and thomands of es dollars bides arc expaadal for its etippark The purPose of lboTrusteee is to furnish the nerkbeetadylintagles to poring men preparing 'L lin' bailee& many of the Professions. No en. perfielideonriie Of: Study and so temporary . expedielts',.are, , reeorted to to increase its :wads or fiepadailly.' • Netitralt SalphAte of Lime. . ga p er; TV preserilig eider. 'Per sate by Cbartes apereDnqmisti,:eoryier of Penn end St. (:,'Lir. , . eireete,,,Plitel.444; .. .. . • - :susie nobbunl esir,Aria.ri; only er, VS. $lO, tie, $2O, Poi's/itt a' beathiltd set of teeth. ithilicilailtation of nature. Call and examine elemhore. No. 246 Penn street ~Artilleml.oyes, nose and palate, perfect in] its,- 4:Seth Of:Natare„: made oNer at tile lowest pOseible tmica, and warranted to give good Call and thiamine specimens. Dr. C..$W, Ito. $4O Penn Street. Dead the 6,1- 140wing1 ~ A eet, of teeth far . DO such as other Dentists charge froth Wl.° ItSS,and warranted perfect in every respect. Owing to the twin ties have. for manthactnring Artidthal • eoll4. and': always taxying . oar matosthls!by • .•largo quantities, Qua golilng a largadiseetuat en ourbills; we are enabled to make the same'ocet . .or went ItS yer cent. cheaper than any Denitat nest of the Alleghenies. Call, exam . tnenid Judge for yourself. Satisfaction guar anteed" - every Cabe. A Indy always in. tendanee to receive andassist In waiting n you. Call and examine our variety of teeth and work them, and then judge for yourself wheah er irt• do not mato the beet piece of work: the least mouayof any Dentist in Pittsburgh • An examination Wall that 18 necessary to coa t-taco yon of the above facts. No. 24a Penn -street Is the-place. No. Da Porn street is the ,place. No. DS Pena threat is the place. N. II No charge whatever for administering the gas and no extra charge for extracting teeth. Public Health—The Press Advert.tafig baa tieeri pm:Lot:tun:4 "undtrat 14.4 i i. by the medi cal facv,lty. A phy.A44aa Who lidverifies a valuable remody to fifty yle fn ht: ftrittate ph:Lollop would receive the OldabOulder from his professional broth ron, Itoula:ho make Its tuortti known to milltohn -tbiaugb the bualiteaa oolusann of a newmpaper -lircos ! . This may bo -"dticatflad," but Is It be sterol/ant, humane or )nett Whoever Ls torte. %• sakehtuattgls VS . dtsoover or Invest wry - Llama , • jklat wzil prevent or .core, or buman silt - thing, Is bound to make it known throlagh " every channel of communication within file reach, to the general public. Fcr many years the merit d of Hostetter's Stomach }littera have . thus Scon proclaimed to the world, end multi. ttides Wens been restored: to helath, or waved 7.1r0m fatal maladies In consequence. Al new zeta linverbeen developell In rotation to the " •Imemtion of Ulla most mien and potent of all Edninachlee and Alterialcna, they hare Wen -, , -.stated la simple language to the peopli,or . 4ieny !wide; and if the preprietors of the med- Rine hayederlvectpront from their diseurni -Xatlon, thOnaaadat upon thboaande of hull/d -uals have been benefitted thereby to en etz - lent'beyend.all estimate. An.the Wend lodine, ea'neda, Ans4itilla , rind fiontheorlea, Jetter!O P4lST'siffart•recofulif , ' ,l apeO"Ille, f9rAdyerpepela, the beat 'pomade earn guardagainct dpideielci, and the anent Inyjg braid. in cute of fn nodal 'Debility,' nod the OW& difindre'atininiant ;entirely free frda ,Yoiiceikingredienta. Akeneetterit flitter* Asn aoll-wholeule and remit at very ior rates etEentinriDenglinil PatentMeMetnopeDoll. Ho. di itarliet , ;istntet, ormolu' of the PiauV+. l ranith etieei. ' • ' Said Whiter - GOMIS. • , ft wilt( great plasma* we cal the atten• *lon of our readers to the silbParb stock :of 7411 attdWlntarpocide just ret'elve4l by Jaya . Weler;lfirchaut Tailor, No. IMFederaletreet, Allegheny.- Ms stock embrace*, some of the moat beautlfa clothe; - Cnisimeres, OTercoat lugs and Yestates emer Drought, tone western market:: Illatiaaertment of FurntahlugGcodn, PrishagEhitt epDrawere,Collerallock TION IM s Nkerellief B ;4e.,:canitot be surpassed cait - Or waft: A large stock .- of ready mad' Pants, conYtT oBl4 and orFeoata„, will alsci be found to trotesiabllsliment.. Potions In want of arty • talog-ln . the,clothlng linit , sheOld not fall to etroldr:rtreler a call; ; Carpenter Jobbing Shop.. roturne4 after an absence of Ulm(' • iyeare fit tbe`tutak; fliare. - rOoperied my shop "Yor all sorts of Jobbing . In the earpentrix lino, at dm old stand, Virgin Alley, bei,sren Yield stnxt and Cherry Alley. Orders malt:l44 ;and - promptly attended tow, is 01.1..tamt ionnssn Thomas F. Parry 4t Practical Slate No°firs, and Dealers In Moak UM Blatu of various colors, Wilco at Mora/o der Laughlln , s near, tho Water {Yorke 'Onigh, P. Residence, rib, 78 Pike streot. Or ders promptly attended to, 'AU work warrant watorpnaor. Ileptdrlng done at the short. OSt, notion. No charge forrepairs, provl , lo , l the •• .• • nasest anent Is - har oar , • Ythatrel Plalptilterra SOrpreserylarcolder. Yoesale by Charles Su Dyngibr; eorrum of year' hail 51, Chili qtreets, ruts , Fsh. . VOLUME =MEE" =IIMEI :“:,1 y, ant natty t the ye, k t,,, her vt,+, r.sai Turk ..• u,kt. Ink cite oo t;e. ,t.. of Irtt'r , uh 1 un doubt the male many a illtrie by Itk 'buy 11.111 i Ivy ACTin Ito the motto The Nonr.iter Broilnerl. gerfortn on Control Park evrry art.trnoon wroLl,.r !Will' itt Ina) 11 ; The New Yorh Weekly Slngsratoe, Number 5, for February, contains a further mstall meet of, How I made sm Fortune in Wall Street, and How I wit Married; The , Itouner Bell; The Store Keeper; Sclentille: Mau '1:1 the Conservatory; What I I/realm...lion Nev Years Eve; A California Adrentur,;; The Streets of the World; Under hipuneion; TOO Burgeols of Parts; A Plight In the. Ihtrk; Thrilling Adventure; Bidder go and dec. Hap, Im Poem from the Ibtalshi-A. Natlnsmas Hymen, *se. Just recetved, and for 7tlle, by .toot w. 'Pli.tock, opposite IJth Post ()Rico. BilspiCarrie A. Moore The St.rt Orin 1 - Iltiopn, xitl gtvo throe or Lveantiful- erltibitterus ut (tent.rel l'ork. every Ifftß l l9oll 3 (vvetattet. permit:Aug) 11 , 3 .. 4 A 11• • • V.ienth.c., 4 7 14 1 . , — HAR _RISB • U Rer LETTER. !Othe Corn:spoutlow., of the PittsbltrO Gazette. /1 w afixantrno, Jan.. y 1133. A.Y. IntCreerlid number of 1.:1.11 - 3 /nee been pre.sentell 10 both Houses in favor of and against a bilealtich bnslocen oireriel, allowing passenger railway cars to run In Phil.lel whin on Sunday. There 14 no likelilincel that the hill will pass this winter, but the public or your Sister City at the Eastern cud of the State have become se excited on the ilaesilmi that it promises to be bi might prominently b:fore the voters at the next election. The majority of the people are certainly in Paver of baying toe ears running on Sunday the name as On other days, but their I.egislator4, or at least many of them, are aft - Aid to touch the matter fearing defeat when they con, a,' for re-electiOn. • , The isovernm's views relative to charities are those of a largo rintroier of tile Senators and Reprcenntu - tiveS, and a great re.luctlon to the amount appropriated will he mole. Of coarse, I refer to local-charities—such as tat. Flume for the Friendless. Meter Hospital, Pittsburgh- Infirmary, St. Paul's Orphan .1.4 y.. lum, Nem Brighton - Insane Asylum, urn! the School of Design, all institution.; locate.l in your section of ;be State, and which drew from the State Treasury last year, In all, nineteen thousand for handfed dollars. . . Gen. Barry White haeprcsen lei a bill whioh provides that where a re-enlisted veteran has heen credited to the quota of any locality, and has not been paid the full amount of loml bounty as specifled• In the Act of hfsreh It shall be lawful for the proper authorities to levy and collect a tax sufficient to pay the Caine with interest. • Supplements to the Landlord and Tenant act +=thine to be presented to the Legislaturu. The last ono read in place extends to Alder, men the same authority as is conferred MC• Justicea of the Peace by the Origins/ t. .11r. Sturdevant had preilously Offered one repeal ing en much of previous acts as relates to no mads, and providing that no warrant of po— se,udon ch.]] Issas until flee days after the ren dition of Jusineut. If the tenant givesAe on:tray for costs and for rent he can carry his appeal to the Court of Common Pleas. sometime ago a bill was passed by the Legis lature authorizing the erection of rt forty overt the Allegheny at or • near the place where the road leading from the Clarion and Tionesta road to Plamesville crosses that stream. It was not, however, suffiteently explicit In its provisiona and it is now ilexigned Is. ecdathiiih the locality morn definitely by naming the mouth of Pithole as the point 031 the river where It shall be erected. Taaea ere fifty-four mtllwn acre, of land liltnnesota, twenty-tier millions Are pied, and open to settlers ender the howelites4 Linod foams are cheap titer, Atlantic and Great Western lanilrorid— 'rhe Aril...Von Estate—Secretary Be' ward and Spain—Western Question. New Vona, Jan. 31.—New Jersey papers may the Athletic and Great Western Railway Com pany, under the terms of their agreements with the Morris and Essex. Railroad Company, have contracted for grading the whole of the branch road from Danville to Bloomfield, a -distance of twenty. tulle.. Toe work on the entire line of road is to be pushed forward with all possible dispatch, and the contractors heve to have the Whole completed within, twelve Ir.ozrilla AM:tort:4g ,per egyat. .14 - a-Meibert Lee is brilt =m. un at° of many, leading men or ir la, and [be eouth tobear upon the Pres ident, in favor. of the restoration of the Ar lington estate. •The'Refuld's Havana correspondent says: At the banquet given u, Secretary Seward., by the Captain General of Cuba, Mr. Seward otter ed the sentiment that Spain is the only 1, aro peon poWer that, has any right to a footing to America, since Spain bad always teen emi nently. American. The Paris Journal des Debate say. in an ed itorial : .We wish Mexico had not beim:tam such nn embarrmssinginatter to us, and an obliga tion originating In a false pqint of honor Set MI try to see the cartons and actual dangers which threaten the French Policy in America, and which snake us Wish that our government would take. one or the other of the two resolu tions, either to beldir engine= our army of occupation In Mexico, In order to prepare against an invasion by the adjacent power, or use prompt ineworos for cvacuatloa. From Texas—The Snares and Oen. Or tega Dlapute—Beports About the Beath of President Johnaon'• Brother Contrattleted--Tesaa Polities. Now Onions, Jan. 30.—Galveston dates of thu 27th state that Gem Ortega, at AA. Anton io, publishes, as President of the supreme Court of the Republic of Mexico, a protest :mains; the deems ofJuarift, aimed at Orte,,,, doted Not. sth, The Galveston etitfiern. a steady. Union pa per the truth of the reports circulated No;t11 shout President Jutinso:ls brother, when be Wolof a wound. The other Halves ton and Houston paper s also contradict these reports. The Coillein says all delegates eleift to the CrarCentloll, an far eve heard from, warmly sup port President .14.113.D001CS The election of Jcdge Hancock, at Austin, over ex-Gover nor Pease, is considered as the President and uppoiiing Gov. orniitOn:Wno is considered no more in accord with Lb, radicals than with the President. Card from Recretrupy Harlan—Corrected Eitateroaat of Ms Views. ABlSlTircroa, Jan. kJ—The lion..tain, Har lan, in a card to the Laity C'heonyile, sari that It part Of the rep - ert of his remark. La..t Friday evening, which referred to the President, la no imperfect Lie to Change the scuae, and adds, niter referring to the. danger app renonde by ' , Me to conferring toe elect I VO - traileiltaa on it Vann:ll3lM ads of persons co recently rulc.ed f slavery, and danger on the other !until of xclaAlu, cc large. u portion of the thoroughly 14;111 pert of the popul.lon !role voln, lu V.-organ:ration: expresids , l mi further con fidence hi loyalty than intellapont treuron and added that he had never (I,s- W p eed ;he reference and wonid not do to tie future.' lie cola:Pale, alt an expres.lon of condilenee to the x lydnnt and virtu.. ol the Pre:Went. for whom he wea not authorlte.l to speak, and who bad id:Ori able in the malt and oulii be able In the future to dirieltr3o his own view, ' tixterantloe Aceeinmodations-Col mbl. an Marine snsuranee Company-. 1 1 . - xxv Xons, Jun. meeting of the Ile - A.lth Commissioners was held yesterday, when royi physician Sayre reported on his viii to Albany in reference to Quarati Coo ....Imo duller., anti a series of resolution, were eclopled relative to vaccination. At the second meeting of the stockholder. of the Columbian Marine Insurance Company, held yesterday afternoon, the committee ap pointed at the previous meeting maths their report: The decrement exhibited facts which It ad a depressing effect on the hopes of the meet ings In the view of the commil tee, the amount to be conaldered as the net Avants after the pay. Meta. of all - liabilities, was remolint,ooo, eon slitting of 510,0110 of their own stock, god VW ; OPO Of claims against Great Britain. The ap proximate annual elate of the company wad tend by Mr. Morrison, who claimed for the as. sets mere value than the committee scooted Inclined to place open thenl. From "lava... • Nati , Tong, Jan. 31.—The steamer Moro Cas tle arrived from Havana on the 37th. The royaUdeeree has been received disapproving the formation of the noelety tending to .111 j. press the sieve traile, nail ropremundlng the Captain General for countenancing It and or dering its suppression. There is no cholera at Havana, but consid erable small pox ut a small town oppo bite the city. - A report nays the Gulf is full of Chilton pri. vateers. A schooner and steno:lllr had boon peen flying a suspicious flag. A steamer 13 reported to have left New Orleans nail to Le cruising on the Gulf. IVar risks are being effected at Lin rants, ITV ,hop-owners. Ulm company retuned to take thew. The gleam. Tern Cm: icrrived at. Ilavann from Vera Cruz on-1.11.3 Pacific Railroad Meeting. BooTo2l, Jan. 31.—A meeting of capittlisp. and rnerehants,ms, held in thin city, at the rooms of the Board of Trade, to consider the interests of the Northern Pacioc Speeches - were made by Edward S. Toby, who presided, ex-Governor 5m4...0f Vermont, the new President of the Co. any, lion. J. F. Briggs, of Michigan., lion. h. Li. Ilothrook, of ldithorCeptain Mellon, the celebrated °s lit.. rut and engineer, and other gentlemen. The policy of the company we, announced to be the Immediate constructlion of about seven hundred tulles of the rood, to connect the waters of Lake Superior with the slissouri and Yellowstone rivers, morel:sling thence to the navigable waters of the Columbia, hi' whirl. steam moire uniention will be opened. ,It In I:,Ttru":ls.t}ttut r. this work shall be comptotod PervonaL Cl.ll. s, Jrars. ,--(1471. Roberto 'MIX Gen Bweeay here Wit night, pnw , orig 7. . ILO girt R. if) - U r 1- 1 P k . •1\ t , =EI Mil I, T1:1,1,1;11 OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. FROM WASHINGTON Judge Chase ou Negro Suffrage CANADA SMUGGLING ALMOST CEASED Collection of Tax on Distilling INDIAN DELEGATIMS wm THE PRESIDENT Ametdment on Representation Passed RECONSTRUCTION SUB-COMMITTEES 'Special Dispatch to the PittAbu rah Gazette. anittnoron, Jan li, Initn, Th e e delegation of colormd men from the dlf fer,'n Mutes of the Union, which rommtly or ove.l here for, the purpose of pressing their laino , to negro so llr age, saliall, - lant evening, on Chief Justice base,'lsictannlianieti by a corn mitten of the National Stflrratin Ansoci. Milan of thin city. They were cordially re eeived by Mr. I ba,o, who heartily tablon.e..l their views, and who urged them to persevere in the gland work they hail begun. lie further slat d, that although the President held lila Own rattioMor on the titinfoct , 'hat nn was limn In the tainvtction that ho would all,. inately prove the champion 01 inittartlal sut fi age. The Cotonallsloner of eredouis to- lay .E— -eelveit n teidiet from ono of I. udliers, eta: tinned at a point of the rt Int.. ron , ,tortnerly notorious for lirougglour operatioo, stating I nut eouttaband trade had /1/11111,. nut Ir , l) -.risen within the - Hollis of Itlq , ledriet, • The Chief Surgeon of the Fennettsion's lln rena in charge of lientueley, yn,i Tennessee, report, to tem Bureau that he OM recently visited the cities of Memphis, Louie, Clime tarmogn and Columbus, on an Inspecting tour, and states that the small pox reg., to n Ono widoroble extent In thrive eitic, and that every effort to stay its s l.y the ....,tabihrhnient of medical dispensaries Is being mad- , re hint Ile Staten that the percentage ot des:de:lnm and sickness is far greater among white elo per.s than blacks, most or whom are self-.up porting. The Senate Committee on Public lands bon reported favorably on the hill granting lands for the coaStroetlem of a nblp Cll.llO from seen Bay to Lake 3114C-1111,701..a. Senator latie,af Kara,, has introdeleci for the esnest rut lion of rk nal 0 4 4 11 . 0 0 .: 1 the southern terminus of the Leavenworth; Lawrence and Fort I 0.,1 'Ow/ to the northern boundary of Texas In the di rection of Galveston Bay . It grant. twenty sections per mile on each side of the line.. Senator Stewart has Introduced a bill gr lei. ing one million acres Or public lanai for the support of a seining college to he located near Austin, Nevada. Scrip Is to he lasucet for the amount which is to be cold ire tto• state, and the proccods are to be puten I ntered le.. .11. stock., the Interest on wheal shall Me usi.l the expenses of the school. Gen. Grant has given live times:in.. dooms Misers% the construction .11 it new Methodist Church here, and Gen. 11r/word Ili given one thousand dollars toward the support Sc .11e new Congregational Church. Mr. Morrill and Senator Foot, of Verni,t, together with several Melt] , c, of ;oe ti e r. and Means l amtulttee and half a dozen otner tongressrnen, gore a supper bi-:light t• 1 t l'artedino delewation which at here In the In terest of the reciptoclty treaty. General J 0. I•reston, late of the reinarmy. and four other Conte Lana/Inas., were pardon. 401 to-doir The. 1.111.1ura% quietly, in daily twoomlng more The Commtmooner of Intrrnzal Revenue has )net promulgated the following eirce L. rela tive to the renewal of disti/lers' bond I The attention of collectors is eatto.t to the Mit -third section of the Intermit Revenue >Let, which provides that the bonds msy be renewed, or changed from time to time to regard to amount and sureties thereof, accord • lug to tho discretion of collectors; also, to In• structkrus to Form No. 9J, Distillers' Bonds, which specify that the penal sum named In distillerr bonds shook! be twice as great us the probable amount of monthly tax. tee also section seventeen of Circular 57. The minimum amount of penal eu-n name to the distiller's bond, should be doubt, the amount of &Mien upon monthly prod-Ist ton of distWicry, notwithstanding, any portion of It May be planed am hood. The collector should at once examine the bond of eitall dis tiller in Gla district, and If he does not tied that penal sums In every case conform ta the above rules, he should require a now bond do ing the several 0050, at proper eminent', The Collector ;should approve no bend unleas the accurlties upon It make oath that they hove no pecuntary Interest in the dlstlitery,mul thatthey are worth,over end above their delds the amount for ,bleb they qualify The Col lector should receive a new bend whenever he has reason to believe that 4e,llTlties to any et them have acquired an Interest In inn 'list titery br that any of them ore unable or are about to ecome unable to respond In the amount lot a blob they have qualified. When %distil., relative to whom o nt -one suopinion Le entertained applies for col:entrant a ill ice that the. penal ,em Ix of am ple amount and the !securities of abundant mean, to respond to damage. The, seoU rr taco must be commensurate with the risk. No Collector a ill nuder a distillery to be Iperatott tinle.6sl the mailers Comply with Uncle regal, tions. An Interesting Inteiv.ew took place at the tosmolon one from the Choctaw, Chsokoomw, se..k, netokee and i,utnolc Indian , . were Int.o , ed by floe. tmoley, , ummlwdoner of Indian Allfalra, and Iton. J A. Wolk, United %tale., agent for the nosithw extern hellos., 7,1 r. Jones., on the pArt of the hl. kowtows., ad.lrewood the PreJltient at stone I. ./ fah Ile veld be roald Ray, not w itiietandlng the I Ade oaten :dada eon Illtte in which we had been engaged, that the tribe ho repreeented were friends to the goeerrintent. hide by side they bed fought with Unlted :Antes aoldlera at l'eneacok, Yew Orleans and ebetwinere. While they ezeerated the erldie which de prived the United States of their chief ni.titts trate, they congratulated thomaelvea that hie suncennor woo the great and noble It.,tennian they bad now the honor of beholding. Mr, Boudinont, of the Elierokees, stated that there were two delegations from that tribe, called the loyal and disloyal. it wits the re colt of fla old fend existing lance POI They were all loyal now, however, since the serrou der last spring of Fort. Smith, In Athens.. Chief Sam, of the Creeks, addressed the President in a few words through the medium of an intelligent colored interpreter. Be way followed by a Seminole Chief Moo through the medium of sectored interpreter. The Preeldent 'renpondeil most happily to the Indians lie thanked them for the com pliment they had punt blin in calling. lio stud the Government always redeemed Ito pledges, and whet they come forward conform ing their error In this manly manner, he ex tended to them the right hand of fellowship and amity. lie wan glad of thin demonstration on the part of the tribes. Their geographical position ought to persuade them that peace Is their proper policy. The C,uvornment was powerful to protect and punish. It Is Jost It wilt exert 11.19 powers with an eye single to Malice. lie wan gratified to meet them and receive their assurances of friendship. Their Lubin ens relations with the Government would be properly attended to. Reports Most in the Fromilmeri . 3 Bureau, show that more than two rufLlone n( dollars have deen deposited by the freedmen, In the violent, saving banks throughout the South. The value of the taxable property belonging to the colored residents of Washingtou in one hundred and twenty-three millions, nine thou sand dollars. Of the twenty-four thousand colored reaidents of this city', the Freedmen's Bureau estimate that seven thonaand, four hundred can read. About five thousand site scribe for newspapers. The scene in the house to-day, on the pas sage of the conatitutional amendment, was one of the most Impressive over witnessed there. The speech of Thad, Stevens was the moot powerful effort he hes made for years. It WWI a complete demolition of Mr. Raymond. The vote shows a oonaiderable gain of tluion strength, over Lim vote on the suffrage bill. Several member, from New England who vu. 1i:-1;1:1WIT. '1 I=l3ll • Ihat I. :111. that It raja not In , -11.tke•n. • The Joint. i'monottee ft.. mall -n It , pt., tou,ly , lattt in them .it-pat -to .“elth h:to tine 4,1 on! ontteen thee. utantle°intelt The-ik ate as follows. Fit st, ,aiors ressenavo and .TOll-2,°. nod Ite.:ire,e strat,. to whom /A harllntr,i the general Ltonnee, et the rowiloitt•at and the nontin.ttiOn of rerain , on the eonatt,o o or the :month. an.‘ s e Second, t:onntor Representati Mal:Joint and G rider who make the it wr,n,l ;nreetlgatioq 1,1 to Tenn,. Third, ill/Mani, Representatives Ctinkllng and Blow, who gollert twit - Wu, re eci Ing Virginia, North I arolloo nail south °nab. :senator Harris arid ilepre entatlve, Morrill and Bout well to examine altnea,eg regard: he the situation in Georgia, hint ant, M and Arkansas;had Nth, Senator AV am, anAl litiprosentatlvel Washburn° and liogeto, ho ate 111 okiog the ner,sas y inytt.y abitut •Lintiatetia ain't Trans. One or morn of the fiul tees is to re-sion for about two lion ra evoiry 'nothing. that an Tenat.stwo tieing leo th,niir ty too., - - PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLAT[RE ,pec4tl D.l,t^h to the Pitt.-bT2r,fli 4.sutt, .N111.1!lry 31, Lhhi. SEN• - ra —.Sr. Connell, front the Committee on Finance, reporte I h. bill dr.lng Cho .1,10. of certalu othoera of the Common wealth. ?In• htll thereasee the aalary of the Governor to 11A,91 . ,u1at1, and the totlari. of the Jtelitea of Oho eocritt in Philadelphia anti Allegheny to 14. 5 1Ak Al Gra haw, front the same I oulcuittne, to ported as ecm matedan art regulating ll cent., or earning honor. ln Itenoogltheia ho roulgh. Mr. IMitelor from the Judiciary Lozal Com mittee, repo: 1. u.. Ct./ll:nutted. ito net , tnthor• izin. the Ferst Evangelical St John tiongrei ratios, of PM irburgh lain ter Isr In their green trril ; also a.ww ltted, an act hiltherrl/1/14 the appoin toter 1 of addition. ail \teatlea Politic In AM.-ghee y count:.. Mr. Bigelow reel In r I.fl fixing ths tint, for touting tenni, of i_ourts to Alimflooly sinty, imfoLiting Ine priszeollng, theeireto Tho henttte nroentaleal to eorptifer the r0$lo• Intlo i n.. - airetrnetlng .'enutor. In tlongran to rote for r,.6111 g ntntlUF .wage to •ydored tarn In the Onitylet of Cnlumhla nr. Landon 'poke at length is (at or of It. adoption 11og.c —Bl7l+ Pae•ott —An act to n•lahltql, Motive n( lo,luttfry In Allegheny county; au act to prevent C:1111 lest.tne marriage.; to au thorise the St. John', Evangeheal Cartroh to ten grout,ln. In line,— M: , aek, Intortstrute the Central Skating Park of Mr .\i ten, to Incorporate the Ilnllltlayaburg Work, Adyntrned. FIRE ON BENNEHOFF ALL THE PRINCIPAL WELLS BURNING Potrokum Centre in Great Danger. ,- :4/ 1/inpotell to 1,3 r r r n 1.1 I. KY riot A ' , lre Inryc gee ham bmken nut nn !Iron, hc.rf rbn All the principal arr:P4 ar , cyn urc. and tile burning oil •tnnln •toa r. I I.r the creek. Tbere Is 41,41 danger pf Inc tern be lay burned Tb- !Ire ea, caberd P. a .park (1010 4 slunk...lack. PTTIVJI cry LtNTILE, PA., Jan 3,1-5 r -1 lxrge Orr Coeur; l` , l 11.,111C1101711, n lht. alter. noon a. t•l3 e,elork. o,:gthating from a trk from an marine. which nrlt,onarcunteateal to a aril liti 1 . 14,W111K eerie. Ma "..- .tope, to the neoate. l'et e uonajatay, Ne• or6g, anO t wo be:oar, ing to tee oath ern Light l`etroleuut Ct./anyway, o( Ne w lurk, it era lierned. LualuAlog 11,0001,We of .•ella uu The total luxe is estltuated at elik,001). T n era to oltilireglug, hut le now .nal.tesol control able. 411 the walla wratwatr4 of No. t 3 are paved The town wa• at ona time ronalttere4 aTeat clanger, but la not onnpasettve±7 arta. FROM WASHINGTON DMA for Proposed Prop»albs• RENIC‘AtIC PF Ar4ettlif 1 1 .‘101 FIPORiiO ConferoncA of Senior Minor (3.1/101'a18 k% BOSTON fkl i NT KIDNAPPING CASE Ilion ey Order Cr:Fices Ordered E El MECUM OF TREASURY CLERKS :Caw Tout,. Jan .11.—ThaTr.t. r. spat:Lea par, It la ...ant that If ttn, t,,; f , r ant mg. urn Grant the tank of hill 'tt comea• lum, tt w 11! by on , lt conferring the rook of Limilentotl I, comul npgn •hermetri Ant Shortdon 4 1 . 1.110 r•I ?arra gut .111 be Ilkely o Cs. math. •• 1,1 Atltuiral the litre Admiralty to the t• y `eine equal to the grade of Llectenunl iemera I In the army ten. Thema.. Oree a very cheerful account of affairy in Tenolueme•titute the upteteute of the taco of GoyernOr ltrowelmes letter to bpeak Colfax Ile alll probably tor call•,1 to g 1•0 evidence before t , he Curatoitteg uo •ortiotruel lon. The limatd's epectel Roy. that owas eartegt to tcu.hlngton, ruiner ant: tor a I It., ri,,lred lilt ~•11trY l'r WA/ moutoNll,l Igo, and la nuid II 14 , ..10y, hut the ht,toott, In hcri. 111,11 noFelt:Ole thtal*. T orltr • sprelptl mp spun Tho Hot Ptulttne r -1:1! •peptopt In 7/info:loft the I el tor nn 'lnt•army. n n.I o pop I I p I. 7M Pt to t Plc Mot.: at an .1,, , Pi ~oro renxon to ma htfroap that thore 1.. nay . . poilltet to.tar eon tbu )1111titt tonpitipt too. of !Ito Peo floPeo In regal to, tho 1,1 , 11- ,r ..r mon of a high the foorganozell . .1141 M.. G...14 . 1al °clienck, LhAirttesn of tho Ibnnno'l uchtulttoo, favor,* the Irmo pOsnILIO s9l.l.lldiad. :The 61 . 11tottlee on Eleuttons wqi tre..ter In- Ogle 130011 the eon tertelt mom of I oorheel wad ttehhof Ile, of Indiana. A private letter trout Amain. Texas, datqui lan navy 7, Mate' , that the State Convention reeeta On the 7th of rchruary. The .11nrons • Wavllllllo.oll npeerial nays: The eonforence of the nenlor Major Generals of the gegnipr Army, now progressing here, 11 en.ll, Mg the most eztermfve speculations us to the rooulte to be attained. Among theoat brae- ItnlJln theories yet announeml, In the suppo sltlon thane °Mom, here been summoned mre to give their tut tied voices concerning he e 'leathern country they have travelled, and as to the necessity for governing the South with !Loops, than for u Council touching the Immediate affeireor the Army. 'I hie proposition lathe more creditable, from the introduction and passage of a resolution In the Veneto, to-day, asking the President to transoilt Major Genteel Shernum's report of onservat ions In the South. it to supposed that Mr. Johnsen is principally desirous of obtain ing the opinions of rho Generals, and that Congealsr will adhere to its original )(limo( del imb-cominittees from the Joint Bocon ot ruction Committee, to make a trip of 0b.,- rut tont !trough the excluded States. The Tim's' Washington special says: The ro oelpts of Internal Revenue, from rho lit day of January, up to this evening, amount to ono hundred and ninety-nine millions, eight hen il red tbrowind dollars. Tile SPortif's special says Tho Bowie Com. tultthe on Commerce hove a proposition be fore them to reduce the emoluments of Col lectors of Costume to a reasonable figure. Under the present syStetn, their salaries 30 , 1 flat)) reach the ...tumult, nom of from flay tweet, hundred thousand dollars ¢y oar. It In proposed to abeam!! the Whams hur veyorr. and Naval mikes, which °Mem, It Is sold are very 'iterative, being nearly equal to Col lectorrh The action of the military court martial, re cently In session at Boston, in regal,* to the alleged k Plummier, of Mormon emigrants In Ititeton. In the siiitimer of lOU, and the sub.- omit forcible enlistment of the latter, is very unsatisfactory to the Prussian Minister, at the 4srManet of whom the court was appointed. it al-pears tholl 471101 . 111 i entirely the remon strances of Baron Geralti and the ditTorent foreign Consuls at Boston. The court WAY also ellent respecting the mode In which there au grunts w ere swindled out of six hundred dot lure each. The city received about woe hun dred recruits by the maxim adopted. The re sult is (hat the Prussian Government end the other Ilernsun States will prohibit the making ~; 3110 re labor contracts, and will other . iso impede emigration to this country. The at motion Of emigress will he called to the matter. 'Washington hpental lays on Monday final, tiftydivn hew money ordor orn s.4, to be opened, including Richmond, limilehUoi, Savannah, atntillu, and many other Rupottant. place., in the Soulit and ut lb. torritorten. It to iitatoil that Ono hhtt,tred and tlfl V elerka arc I. be ttlrellared th- '7.7 f r om t v:n .. r 1/eitat I Int Itt • k). I lirit, teuiporar) Loan \i (ill =Ell IMPORTANT BANK CASES Swdry Bi r th, Presented Yester • ia mato. , V -tr a., 3; h • oil-ten tort,. Ti,,' necretary or the reeasury. that the Treaonror of the Called Stat ~ and the A Lint Tretanur. rs at N. A Y•t; k. and Boston, and dooi,znat...l ;top ',Atone. at Baltibtore anriCtnectnat I, hove been tnltl,l^- Intl 10 digeontinne, on end after the liras of ebrunry, recelvtag cloy...cilia for te.mporory 100.216, at tix por Coot They have In'en I Lint.] t.l sach ,deptteito in Inlefol thettey. on and after that date.. at (Ivo per eerti, Intereot. payabin on ten days 11J tn:.o after the ;late Of eeposit . Fse.V.rn e,A,t;§ In voting the right or n tat, In ab „ rehrdder, of Nuttortill hank, 11on latvintent an the Out - mune . Court aric• on ot rite of error Lu the l , o :rI 011,10. L ir or Nee - 1 Ora by tiro Second Nat„..,! !tam: 0 , :17,1 too APiatty bank.. That la Mogi° a inVOISed ery ininertatit Otte, and the rase excites tntic.ll interest hutting peranno Inter - cote. In INaliennY Banks. They are Laot brought, up under direction of the Eteoutt vu Committee on Rational thous. Who ronvtitarttonai amendment ern 't by house ttooluyalaTers trona the on. pre ‘ reports] front the COIL 11111 Lou of , In !titling ont nil allusion le , limn l La-er .1, not changing the constitution tit that respect. The effect of the monendtuent is .11.10 o' to 00 bliule item the baths of trept;esentation all to who* the elective francid.e la dent.ot o , atirldife d On account of Curti or ;role!, The r nincrittruent is precittely the dam, airport and subetaneo, an that tetra/act:o nyAir Blaine on the Stir of January. - . • • . The lOU reported Venterdiy from Or Corn- Mhtee en Yorelos: itelathols: for III:: liost• Inuit tied sat:v:1:01ml of claims of Arno: lean titieenv for spoilattOns einitmittod by :to Frtneb pt tor to tho 3lat Of July, lwll , proof by Una vattstuetion Khali be aurae to an r It, et Urn excel ding flee tnilllon.4 of dollar- Three Comm thelotierr ore to he appointed to and Jett saline the validity mod amottat of thorns. The elantim to be pull when: our Con - gra:v.:that! Wake an approprlattott for that purpove All elanns not prevented to the &ado:l:Mod:me to: within the. period of three yen:. from the pasm,,e ot this art, blmll loe for ever I,arred. A bill w. t s Intl - ester...a by liorrest ntatke 9fnrrl It ennerolatoty •• vrtoo• part.. of Cie In fel nal Rev.-. oe I. It amt.l.tro+ thatt ttlefw Or II lu Necticn IA), • • al I (11, Wend, lu scrip or M o a,gy thereafter declared , hue. nit w nerevr the i.enine .I.all payable to stoekhol•lorm. jollity holder, or'," en all moan •Itvidendv In scrip or money wherever pxyanle, Ancl tilt re, pulley hol , qt, depostl,e, or pat t lea ilAthOf I ,:r,led In;. notorewnlente br.lll, eLlaxent• or mite,. • In .ration T.!, the ward , tocir-lioLliev•• Shull Include uon-reehlent, whether ell LLor. ter aliens. • It .s 4eelarett to he the •lely pc, is teak leg 'teem. ef lists of Inc,el on property taie.l, to state whether the aro,,eat, its en ale 'dated aerenllug to I,hetc Value la currency and that the permit Dot Itereeesl Lc 1.% In ry ease of •eresal at , to onus, snail ho eliStired lay the :Laseasora. • Seetlon 4, al•lry Iry that a here 'et...tree are •Lated In Cottlo,l thevs,or •h/sll reduce alien to la ses c orreocy. Thu , JerlitSrlf , of the Treasury /I.lllttutltast to prunot . boa thin prtnelple Iv applasd tit ail return lists, allat-rAltlt,LA listl etlileClloll2. Tho aect...t.o.ry Ito. Troadotary In 1 nnto It. If/ re. ntettive rt., of' !Pinot, n cif t on:matte, .1,1 oxpr 1;s d100,.t In Ito, liou-O 111:1 tAf.a.bliff/f g n I "rt Neu OricanA. Ito th.nkr Il a1..1.01 the 111,. rlot. (Wt.." , 4nd Nntehes.,:in•l to,tuno.t: Ya the obirf I.lllt of etarr, Itoonntlol tlr ioao• Tho rudo - ur, :n prop. ..1 :LI:. t Ilh o I.iere chem. no grand rvtotoon,halhh. on.n,n,to hot u..lcle the rule 1., e.tutult.ll port, of put - ) .111.1 n cOlt,vulvnt ren,hol po:utx,wll.:to Itn ply. tnerutinu , ll3r alibi^ tho b‘,:o -4,t1., of,. untr, •1 1 1.3 , 0 / , : u 0/, ilenenel, trln gJut o yne , 4, fter tle / • rim ' s IthiL tatt) To perzult With fore Ign ott to pa, Op , oo our prIlo•l -p.0 ,1,,u to ht. Lout, nothout brtug prevtuuhly paid r rlicourntl. grouhl open tbe .14411 to .tnugh...nril. which vv., the COnstant prenettee of m t. 4 J , . on would fall effectually to t.:.0l he.— uo rt . 1601:1 for malls;;1,1114 a Islet of entry, that avUl not r,onlly to , tuctun,tl or, Si ceased. their gettictsphoutl or Mound el and •pprtYvo the 01.)t s Of the 101,, •-•,“ In u b•rat • is ar, with 1.1.• h t nn ntlr.• ;), 4, r Ir• LATEST FROM EI:ROPE Skipwreck---Great Loss of Life TITS .YL'ri• BILL The Spani.,h livoirrection vaw Ton., Jan .n.—The aft•acoer New tort from Itromen, rt. yofthatopton, haa arf , Yo.l alth thru, 144 • :Bkt, tInWO. 'rho ah,p 1 tans, afhloh mailed on the fat of n.. wtalrrr, fro,. London for now York, been, 0 arrovk about Itne-omber nhh,rublynty Ifotaroan Lon•lon an., New lork. Tbr o : ll c.cra,rrelr,al3,lll.‘•••,l gri n ware .11.cor e 4 by the Tartan, from t al the n,.h p I , kgl.!ort nusArre. , l nt %p. Two tit. ,11 ant. e I.lvr• Wert lost Miltren nt the crew Alvl three. pa r gr r• . IM=== 11,..w li.form Jllll vat heftier the leet Ito- lin Inst hilt only In the t ~r ,irofeet Russell soil itlitil•tione •re th , It 11. iris of It. It will ',A tIA• roil heed 1,1 •y it tbe session lit, I..hriatian and :it! lit to Ileittea s : ant ho Emr 1,1 milli •t attl , i Jv .5t1:3.114.• 4 ray lig+ Nn n 4.14 .rrewl. zur, b., 0 'Aiken platte The London Star asse• Who iirnporor Var>. It tot root Intimated to the Witialt• Ingtoo laitihrt htn wlllinstriena to withdraw Isle Itranta from !dealt° at any moment, an roisditton that the United titutett rreogn I re. 11Inn Mon a. Emperor or Mel it, Tito tifonirettr stye Piet no farther doubt, are onlertnint tt In 7tlttottlil that Looter.] Prim sill I,e naUpl44.l to surronaer or era., l'orltignl ithin throe duty, lie In atatett to hate do ceirettl lila soldiers try reprosetiting that Vito purl° dirt,ted the revolt Marshal Dorinall .tittered nursali tint not i'r Ira on,.tare , 1 1 / a .lri.l u. quirt The , tu. , .teru, pni tv that k•rnerul Lonclia u - uuld to/ ru a ur ulAnet. /./I.+ - p00t,./t:n 19 —Flour itn.l Winter 11,41 la 11.1,11 C., ..1 Coven n. .v• pt Lll.ef 111.1, Pt/rt. 11, Tr er. 11 , 1 t tet. Nte9ly - 1..... I .telfiv. , ugut I .Ore no Z./Ail,. e r.11,5e.1 .111.('''. • (•,,,1.4.1% 1.,, nu A VNm.I , I A Mi I rA.A.n rmno, I rprni, Jon 17 - egtitur and very Ll.lll and lIIIf h311,4 ,, t •a/I, {V ed n... or 7.01 , / inellel . 1.01/0 letlen to .pecti,tor. Mid I' ‘llOll 1111,E1.,n1Li ae , t. %Vtentl 1. tyeupt inril, hioL I.full. Thul , r.elovo mark vont and Jrrw 17.-1 nltcd :7410,en r !thttre,, 57 , .. Qtllei Moon,.—.S 0.14,1 'reeittiuy umelante.l to 11.00 letle%, lo t•lu.l leg 3,4)001.o eye, tthLtol,nll.l mut tie* .r,ler. with downward le,le.icy qeelal e, en DJ,' barely muinUtleed In 'soma, on.en, end le other+ they era, t, ~I .vor nauellester market Tel .1,111 RECENT STEAMBOAT DISASTERS TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY LIVES LOST CINCINNATI, lnn .11.—The “earner 1111.1noori had one hundred and twenty peraong on board, twenty-eve of whom , were reutengora. The latent Information front Evonavtile plane. the lore of We at about ono hundred. The Missouri wan one of the largeat painionger steamers on the river. She Wan valued at ono hundred thousand dollars. • The steamer Mlema had about t wo hundred and fifty pitssongers en board, among whom were ninety-one men of Company 11, 13th U. S. Cavalry. The accident occurred at seven in the evening, Jam after supper, while the pansengers Were assemble l In conversation around the stores In the ha l l • . The exple•siou wan of ouch force as to rend the cabin floor asunder and let every person In the (met part of the cabin down Into the mems of fire mud steam beiow. A grrat number lost their lives by Jumping overboard. The total lone of life Is supposed to berme bemired lied arty. l'hir ty of the soldiers were lost. Another Fenian Alnetn In Cannon, T 01.1,0, C. W., January 31.—A telegram from London, Canada IVent, nays: It is under stood thai a dispatch front the fIOULIOT won received lost night by thetallitary authori ties containing news Justifying the planing of extra guards MI duty, and calling for e Linton. nary vigilance for come Important coon I. A dispatch went over the wires to Ottawa, yecteniay, purporting to give information al the collection of Fontana on the western (nutt ier. A fellow profeasing to be In Gen. wets ny'a service, who was hers last week gave Information that Sweeny Wits organizing for an attackupon Dloutreal, Uttawa, Windsor. Sarnia and the Niagara frontier, and that to n sent here by General acre:my. lie hal re turned to New turk lie Is a Canadian, and has served Lu the southern array. Attempted Escape of Nesro Pr'sorter. ?it:1..1011a. Jan..3l.—The tialyeston a, of the 12th inst., gives an account of n desper- Joe latCtirlpt of peg ro prlsoners in the conuty jail to vocape. The Mheriff attempted to ma sonic of them In Iron., when they attacked biot with brickbat.. A Board of the Ista Ohio was called in, when they trttacked them •10- lently with bricks. The ringleader seized a aergeaftt . s pal and attempted to brain him with a atone. 'Tbe 'sergeant shot him dead. Two others wore wounded. After a tavern saragBl4: plianntrd were secured. A v d r i 1 0,T sEs;pri WM MIMEO ME ,•••• u! oft• 4 I: p. k• or .tbolitroti ..k “Il At:l-Ill:It rt.tor. wtr:.•h Au% rel,.•••1 In LI, h.rvaot..te Mr All 1. in D fra,e eotrle, 11, /11 0 IA s • rh •14/0./P. 1,•-/,/,‘• CU! age erre ea 1.11.1, 1 In you., t•.e under etul Ilive 41,11...1 lot s. we.llll, ~/1/00, 00 1, tor Wept.loli.3g. 11M1 Mr. ,tritbony from , ," reported In fttrnr of pltot:e.;/K./ t...p.t, the report of the H.C4 Nab I.:0 "..A1 it, lit i, In end tee 11 o. 1.. v. um% al of joyott.. Iluot public ~ Mr. 'Troth , . expliiinvil th it the Roe, 1 , 111 ugiuld or In reuu e rho Out* 'in i.purtud put cent. Thu nu tiitu i•t P•:/. 10.01. he wit - 1 In inontt s, it After that ton. 4.01 hill). three yeuru. on phyttiunt Of I.lpur Thu use.] tueituutu 1, , 110, fur their w .1- Ora,. a, ...hp, throe pxyiuutiL of to 11. huol that t hi , thu uoulit bu to the aAruat age, (Sri, pl man Mr ?11, gag, Y3rk. •h•I no! 13. tho 1,11 inono,r tn , . Anier,r.Lo ram.: to• r , r, of hot IA 1-e ho 3Lo shl n 4 LI." , . Ito. I) •part• fnent. It on, Inor • 1113,314 , to Inipor,, ti/ell tile Were L., to llltlraolttruc. -Ur, 1.-3f,nflen. of s.lfu nfL suggoele.l Liu, It u.0u1.1 r•. It, ill, otIL n.ol II go to t 1 tn.. ~1//:.LeE •on.t F 1110,101: tv 1/0 li+ed POI . 51, gstei ohjert col to likh Mr Trutuitil, Ilhnohi, cane , : for t.le vs;4'- 111211 tiler hieli the bill for the proiiii - Ilan or all persoli. 11l thril C.Vii The 1 entllng was tiliciu thr nntanil ul or 311 Lithe, of to the titioh,l• tn. nt of ur Ti uuthull, so LO st re.ol that all per,oui hem to We I. !Vt.,' `gates, a.isl not subject hi :Lily torel,io pow er, t ltothal, noLliority, tire heroby be• i•liiresl to he carte:l,3f the Culled Stated. . Dank of Kentucky, spolth .Hamel the tali and amendment 11° ?Mali they were not eft lacto., umler the constautton. Mr Lune Wel" ti le wubdraw htsornendment, Pk • •k 10 heti 111 It /I/offer an amenament to 'nuke the (trot section lead that all porn , ,.. bore In the l n 11.4,1 °totes not subject to any .ore go tcwer, mad Indians 1101 ding laud by allot neut., are hereby declared to be C!!leouc of the l'olttel ' , tate. Ile then mot col toxotend the se floe 841 propo,ed ) °Corday, ay lusi•re tag th 'sortie, "or trthol atchforitV," attar the wor Is ••ful , Iga powers." This was 800,0. y utl tly wllhdruen. Ole. I . umbult then moved to amend ak to make It read, that “per• la born in the U fated Staten, not subteut nay foLvigai•xecputig Loa.aus not faxed, are berebi Oce.dred catagens of the rolttel Sloth. Mr It. nor' k., of led ,Onjectet Lo utak tni; pa) Intt,t I,i lit SO, u a;mCot iou for [111214- or Mt Trt.inttell o of he opinion that the aceentuntott under your olerntion torat. ro a ;ir 1..11e that eh cry loan biro In the t oiled whs a citizen, but it 1..,1 Let, bolo eittly by losit a o thoritto,. Lit Clat k., of .N Ilauilatture, 1it.1.1 rout touch Mall I. 11. ritizen of L titted nt_ttet. toolor Lite CoLtAttutlon. lie lora, c0...r0n to, tole t lie uti not iOll Of the Coustat at to., Mr, Brown argued that. Longo,. `_ia I a rig IA to make them citizen. ailing tho diwomaiou, the ie.. a• e 1- Juni nett. FEE] The Iloune ,t+ne.l u bill Mal th , of Pr •1•4111, r/v,r ust Attterat,as 2.101 e.t • ,t osr arrd tts Bruno, o, Isy oltst• s tio ,•:: I- Inn starroe hell, no s t, in a ',sots :11 part, 1 , 11111.1.1....1 14.1.. I IA 1,•4 ESSEMMIO=E to W.,lll.purns, (max tnuommatee on t cut rt . , rep.rted a ULU rept-411;N oil ❑,O. In, butusuca, .1/1011 wa. not ac,.0.1 Cu. llr t.,110f, Iffa.,-actaf,-4•11., roporle.l a 1.111 fl,rt ho.r ts• u etr.l !be ...frtAteryf h : of ve..l•. It ff. to rn utuler 1111.. g. tiffrfLof fit re1 , ••111,3,1.-f-id not f.• IMMUALZIMUIZZOMMI r-pt utuler pru‘u.ouot.t ari •a t.. , n4re" author triIIK ouch reglater, wit:eta but not • otc.l Mi. VC••:‘ , orne, from 'the Commit tee on le ,l .lnte;,llnent theitqo, vlz tt, 114 U 1at.../ .11E III! i 0( .1.1) oiler .; [Lan:, 1,u.5n.:.5.. ~lt: nor .1.11 the hy . .cker cutert..A.ln any ptup,..ll;on 1.. r o. for .1 pvnof!. tn. LW, rule Iha.: ,nivrfvre • Its, the pet forma.n., 02 .11st Mt ua.te, the!on ..2 tog oc• n..e..t , n, • Itt tt.e •14...1 r....- woof tale .Itrert p.att m lne ,olotn.c.ttea . •,1 :se! el Mt Naohl.ut no o platuoa that the rule dt.l not narlude but Tun, Med for the ocry lees e,n. Inctuorature of tun late 1 - nes:dent Lanoota, and thew... prOposaal by a Late member of tote ?dr Devi.. of Mar" !Aa !. th. - mght that atlen ion hadl,4 been Val Mt t ....on The capon+, of alghtlng and iloatlng nettle ruble, tan..l buaidera hl. t novo hal n Itren • .inake pu h/ n/aollt/g. hut t .10.• of ...too nth t. had 1...0n OpUll ritleo .pite (IC the watchfulnean Of ollll,er* The new t ulr a,. then adoott.d. Mr 41 Int/I/ore, ,I( 1l Intro • jolnt /trll t/I L.ll ,LILAIu of Min., I a teat:.,. tn.l Ilho• .I,i pay r.l .1 1111:1"..,1,1 aoidlera and .Bleats in the, late wax. . . 'tenth.) of Minneootn, preannte+l a I th..- mortal of the- tonr4 Trude of St. foul for the It, anent 0 the Opp°, and (or e he. reelpro,l) motion of Mr ketchatn, of New York, It 11:w:sod (bat the 1-Anntutl.loo Mtln...ry ',trent* Le Ih•trueleLl to run, Ire into 11.. e• 0 yof inoe.,.lng theTo o slll of e.nn o• 1nt1... t tem• to nil n tr..,,ner.. of war fur the period of their ountnu talent, and th.kt he,- rel oft by 1.111 or other go Ise. Mr 1,1... h home nrportett a bill author) zing I L.•a•cretury we Treuxury 1.• •soil I be high. st untl 14,1 rntltler, nfler !a uu ot Lce, crtt ruunne b0xy.14.1. n lithtln pt,lta,tlll4 u• tny br .lo*.weLl n...1v10u 'le uncl proprltti a; the yrawr...l. of the NMI) , fle en to the Marque llonpltul t” , tuloil,ttnetlt Mr Ste. , no (ram the C ruction, ,pol tent back tto• jot, tt ot% 1,1J).0.214 1.“11.11/11)V 1., Ine •a•t.tut .t/ ,• 13 H. umenornont I,ffi r t. 3.1 a. (”I .vr • Re ..4111,1, or the &mu. (roof iiott.teor oro es of :ht. I • toort .I,otes oi n tor err•• orottotbrotljAret-foorrit.; brit furnny,tlutt tit., follow log at [tete be progontott to the Logt•lttture. of tno •••••Onli Tatra n &moot - Imo:It to etc boort o I ion o ,t 0 f the ru.l "111tCh, N hitch, w two rmit.o.l ef t tort ,.. 4 ,„„ t h, of naltl Legt%bat ore, what!! he I, .rttor•ted pat t of raid etnottltutton. t Ir Itcp reern l ittivt, , L.F.11 I, :Ippon boo,: Among tlte oetrora: Nbates that roAr be 10 , 1u , 10 , 1 tr att. In title 1 1.100, ace,. .Itng to t belt' rostro-I:ve nntultortt, cot-m(111g the tt holt• nu ott ber ctf per- NMI'. In each State., eteltollng lioltasetinot I . l , llVidell,Mhenover the olot tire I'r:tut:ht., 1 , 0 till be dentotl or It brolged In ony 000 ti e rot tteeotiut of rac,. or color, the pertroo• t In of entit race or odor stotll he eAcl,ole.l (10111 1./, 1.•/II of reproiroutAtoot I..srlbg Mi. etes U.'s.spcb cIl to .. .apt...rt. of 11... It. 001UtIon, be LoOk ....talon to veal; of I iv...1e1/I Jo.lotot an bat log but revestfl, pill It zit iiiii at In tor commas' at t..ry Low °bait:an wus 0.1 m. 01 it enJwcnt. flits Mr I, In direct vlohttlo , lof the fir, liege. of lb., ), and if It bat' b.,. Ago I,y . Britlnb king to l'as 's.sibent, oo 1.1 Imre ..o.t him 111. 0040, 1,11 111 11114 .1 ty MY to/eruut Of Lett ;outwit and t6a 1a..., 01 er of Kentucky cup eit (Or !tier ct h i , o f lb.. perectoethich Mr , ttiveiot re f e . i • 'I he onpor nee th.n rend:be/11C tile 'n nation between the Pronlilent ..11i.,1..11ed , u the outtite, of tilt unilmen:. of the Conionetton, ktr Sli.s la.l Bull Ira throe fourth. tote Of .ttell hone° Ciaigre-oi Kit en for the utnesolutent, it 000 la ht it inn, tr. reeptietive of the elgriel are of the ['reel :cut too horn It btu] not to be priken Led for uriprii •al. The finnan roireird Mr. Sehonek'n &mond ment, providing that apportionment shall lke aceordlog to the number of male oat... over tweet)-okke year. of ago 'having the .kuallatat ion rkatutaitv for the electors of the sao4tV mamma branch of the State Legislature, by a %ate of Ai to The House then voted on the resolution re. ported from the kiecOnstruetion Committee. yeas, PM, nays, 49. The speaker esylipg tro thirds having voted therefor, declared it The !tenon resumed the consideration of the bill enlarging the powers of the Freedmen's Bureau. Mr. Dawson addressed the lin.e. He op posed the enlarging of the poseurs of the needenen's Bureau . . At the evening session Mr. Dennison oppos ed 11., amending of the Constitution. Mr. Kelly favored protection to American Industry. Adjourned. Cemetery on the Anslntents Battle Field. A s Arotts, MD., Jan. St.—The Legislature of lryland to-day appropriated WJ , oep , mak log in all $160,00s appropriated, to emaplate the work of enclosing, grading and ornamenting the Antietam Cemetery, which 0111 bu roatly early an spring, to receive the bodies of the. heroes who fell in that memorable battle. Their remains, to the number oi m.ooe, are I y lug in the nelds in that region. bforyland has now done her part, and the Comm INIJOLICrI note legit for the prompt notion of the loyal State., to enable them to properly inter the bodies of the soldiers of those States who fell is that battle. the Hotel Earner, nem for Worll Ye Propeirollorta Contra, dieted—Southern Post °Mee. Sew Tons, Jan. al.—United States Cotnmis %iOrler, Osborn, rendered a decision hold ing Biartin, the alleged rebel hotel burner, ror tral. Tr, lbmnic*cter's Wnxhin g ton speoinl save the Navy Department poettively contradicts the story about the fitting out of war vessels at New Orleans to operate on the Din Grand. ISndniaster General Dennison, yesteeTA T di. upwards of a hundred pcgunkos fo be r,oisnrd in the Southern States. Virtinla P.olltlas • Nro. Tonic, Jae,ll.—The Herald' Richmond correspondence Says that au effort lv made in the Virginia LogiqiaLnre In derive the election of BetuLtore 1:m1.11 . x - owl and Aegar Illegal. Gov. Plerpolnt and John Minor nom. are talked of as tbelr mucce r vvors. Roth big friends andenendes are trying to gollkorernor PleridAnt to recign—the tormor La ardor that a Military Governor way be appointed, and the latter that Robert N. Loo, or some °tiler prow- Went VOW, may Do vlwAed. Szi I el _ _ ME 1 2 , I= .a. 41 a con*, loon, -4, 4.: Ai fit ~,,pvratala he eillt ps 'rt., it n Acwitnn; , i f Ih t , tin lieu: re I , 1 • fir with much tbs. p'o,ll, New York. , JAil. —lion II 1h 11(...r. ( .In-lice C! Montana, dell, ,ro,t a lectort• lan! evening 4 the Traveler,' Club, ha tilt ohnilultot, reoo4rces athl provvae(4 of til It territnr, • llr 11,ietA, the Amite eplnr,.r, de:l4cr.4 1., till.e tied vs-ening' at the Cooper haul lute on Iceberg, of whloh he glare ng, Ale de. riptlon of the frozen North. Dep.Nit* for Ternikwary Loan* Xso lona. Jae. 31 H-saUf . . .tritue• t..ry mute, ~.tyn the :.,orr Lazy of the Treasury h:tA Instr.-tot! the A•st,Latt. Treasury in dis t bnllntse alter thr fir-t , if Fehruary, teculr. fur teroporaiy luausat six nt Int ot They a tit nor,after eueot . re d 'i"” - ‘ , • tit. 100 per •octet let ores L t ' pays. 1-• nn .1 ton na ) ,Lrirr ttaei treni ploblou of the 31 1........ri—5izty Lie 31 N. , . 11Imny Toe 11,11.101 ..! „;„ cu r r.:O Wav lin c;al , - Thu c-4.10....1, I,olly Injured. = i•inn,.l.‘ii 31 —Ti.. tamer for rittiwinci 437t),- i,j In trciwoirn, of which e 7014.04 co New ate ekii ere tidal:a:mg ( ..-..111e -1 •r,te Yet 2.5,), Crt,x Polro.l7lre. Sale N.C. I es.. C. 10; jmte liO. From San Franri.eo. N T,RK, Jan. 31—The ,tlll. , 'l2.leitatll has y. L !runt! t runcisco 131221311 .‘ , F.—BAlRD—.llttnary 11, N. N% att., Mr. J %NI A LL.A.,:E, L lit. , It ELLA B I RD, • Ito.;YR , —WOR , ESTrIi—On Tu.-)day. Jnn. Ptb• nt rt 61.1 Halback, Hll3, 11E111001, pt In ount., I. the firl y. Mr. iturl,xt-, 1). HOG EIS. of Plft,toTPTh. and h k !I. il. 11 Olf.- t' Eli of the fbrine;r place_ OIL WORKS WOOLDRIDGE OIL REFLRiLiti COMPANS, OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA WATT, President.' 1. HEN 11. LONG, bee'r And Treesir. VVORKS IN. TEMPERANCEVILLE Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, I= MAN t:r,,- - rt•erta UI Ives WHITE. 11UTUNTINC31. COLE, Brand—" Lucifer." - ....moot M atrell...7Dn. Jo 7 1 11,:r . ;ft ' L.W.. " nr " ' Er, 1,11-r . OIL ill; Itti r. 1 • .1 11. 111@L~,k. Julio NV•tt. Robyn L 4.1. it Ilrnen. c. H. II J /1.01. a. W 411... e. C arg, STANDARD Potrolouaai CLARK A. SUMNER ilSid 411905. Collins Township urrlce la ririsx.r.ort- 14 WOOD STREET. These wsrko im e ht,„,.,..,expulty In the enna• .7• The mad/ lauds ths high., test,hi country Mini in UMW: for quality an.' 6re sad the ofl vat Deseonrd barre ls. prrys-red eapeelally for as 34..,,tactomn, of BOILERS. STILLS. TA end In.,yrnw.slßortug Tus.l.• far 4,1 Wsls.. den) 17 *,„;crE.itautt OIL EAGLNL'S. W..are U keep on hsod. IL p. nor •t) of 17X , T C311%7E18 WITS EMIR & COEION 06 MILLIR VALE& Kr Its psrtlts netttiftql rngthes for this pnrr WW to cal. sad seq. as. conics Si PIKE and li•LiAltd D ttity Water Vi'hrls. h ear ApKi ATlrsti HK.ArifILL R co. iL ALARA/ CaLl..b. PETROLEUM COMP A NT. Otttee (or. of Penn and Wayne Streets. / °moony oroomed on the Stn tort. under Frnn.y tvani•lHniog and Mnaufacturing 7 b. la, rrHory or lbe ,omoony ...U013.1 the land. a/ time Iruntard l'reek Upton thi Company, Of ltd. city. • p. two k ......... ...... &RS WO Wort! Yn.. . J:CI Va.r , a.o o re of rad. ehor.. I an CtVlar) wad Irra...orr.r—H. W. RITCHIE. • • • A .1011,,0,c, ADDS I. •+. Rio Dow • rr.Apix SO Yl.tlt, J ties.AnAx . 1 , . I , CiaL.6l . . W C. Kim,. ),..rd . 11. W. RI, lit. - - COMMERCIAL. OIL WORKS. Tsars great ple.a.n, In arnan taring to hia notooroate nst.not r% and the pottle that his porde.- .. an•t arrangements for th e (.11 season am nose 1,25, lag hero personally selected from taw -. lm. cloth boo-eA In the F....tern cities. such a Masa of goods 13 cat, really he racrordoesX h, offered, erhtch et . ..tin - aces the nevreat and moa n sppro ,, ed materials and styles. the entire stock las toe ery tare, v•rled and ael•-ct. 51r. Hale ilaft much oonndence to Inviting en early It:Moor:ion. black. co,ured e oat, and doe skint, at o v•rract ed ha t " Ii co ors. and sound tarts,. Aleaon Cloth, and other new coating., new Krig tau, 11 .Tilt KY (nr mitre suit.. •ar.rt• of Out easalmeres fur Panty (•-stn, for mot - vine and e• ruing a, PURE WHITE BURNINC OIL =I AT TUE IA )11 r.s - r &IA It K 1-1 T ItAT IJ IR. C. .1 J. li. SAWYER, J.4,1E5 WlLlillkS, nrowtx D nu~cx is CRUDE AND REFINED OILS, NLI'• Mock, Duquesne Way, PI tilabt.llll ffir Nnreial attention 1,1 en to the sale and suit , - anvut I . ..trolcuni and 11-1 I, .0. ro.tcare Box In salt,ly • Pio. I ST. CLAIR ST., Pittsburgh Vorwisrdlag nod Comml•slon. A n.l dealer le Oil.. Illuel'eatlng, ',cerebrating, C. cer vrtroleatu Ol'•. It.. cu ,trant:y eta bend ran4i (..r ter low Olt elarkrt pre,cm„ Cou,lgogne,. a...Corder' ....11,1tV an" ...h. . _. . J. WAIL:NO 1.1.1,111 . li. KIN. \\ &KING &. KLING, CuMMISSION MERCHANTS, PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, And Denim :n RednEnz Material, 0,1 ‘I A TIK I . lti •norgh BoNDED ii.i.REHOUSE . or PHENIX WAREHOUSING COMPANY, Foot of Iledati7 nod Ilnertsoq Street. Brooklyn, Y. Y., .Storage for Refined Petroleum, In Tan.• and barrels. brr utr..,”trs. /hi- I If ßre, No. 111 BEA`.I*,lite+ Tort. ) y MEDICAL 11 1151APANAKA, (.13WiCITA C31=1'3E133) retrisrksiltie srlicie sod tto,lti et cere for S( la YCLA, lt 111:111%1 AT I ell. S EVIL/. LUIS, D Ya- PEESIA, ITCii, EISIPLES, and ALL DISEASES OF THE SKIN. Ada Tonic, it melees the sppetlte, perfects tile,- lion. sad wholly resror, vi r tue.tical •trenstb. It areas hot a trial flt lest its SA lISAP A RH. IiaNDELIoN, lODIDE POT ANSI CM, • L A VENOM.' FLOW ELM, ` WIN fEittll:F.EN, Ell/OP/MILE FLOWERS, SIEZEREON, dr.. Im, de.. Well Anowu for their purifying awl renoem.lnE Pproperties, Ste used i 'eine, hence Its groatn the preparation of this meo sneers. sod toperi or, sli h preparatious. This is the may orit ins y tance a I.ere the lbw, talustde cerallee remedire toter brie harmoniously mailed so as to produce • perfect 331 C) 4 0 as . 11.1 . 0 For mile by SIMON JOENSTON, Druggist; coro q rSmithflo.l awl Fnorth Steve.. STMDRMS. BAK.ING POW- A) I , Elt, the beet in the. mart.: • fresh supplij.,, duxes, lu pantry .11.1 tin rAna.. wad for ..I.lty du.t., or .t mt,tll of b. of }al COner Liberty and hand street,. LSITEItSAIL. CLOTHES \9HING -1:1,, %% kstifiltS. NI) VIA /Mt strrtns.— articlea'pre the hart In the market and 11 a raurfaction.: . Call and see them at J. .t 11. ritiLLIM - tar %and :I. St. thath etrveS, LOCO N1V151...-3.,000 COCOa NU4 ma. rneclvrd lor ash* by/ RHYMER 2 BKINEL. ftryl EAN l'TS—,s %acne In s'orefOr p by , JVal NAIAD DICKEY ItCO. OTT es to arrive for ‘J.-1J ..waa.tu vt,...fizx 4 CV. THE WEEKLY GAZETTE =I I'OOTS SHOES \uir I!, 1 111 E .t 1 EPTED TI,TI OM= ( 3 7 r 4 t)41 0 11.):=N ,Winter Scock Particularly SELLING LESS THAN Ise Coot. ItVOI.IIEN'S RUBBERS' $l,OO, Iti PIZOPORTION BARGIINS! BIRGAINS!! All This and Next Month, CONCERT RILL SHOE STORE, No. 60 Fifth 'Street. IVeit plde, above Wood Street. tonnectloo with Lay other bout.: la the city pt 3. CLOTHING • • 520 , 000 TB 0 USA ND DOLLAR I "J1.01:10 THOMA NI) DOLLARS = 51EN ANP )10TH• CLAYELLIVEi, , 11:Y AN I, Bt , SS• tt EN AND B , )YH• CLOTILIMO, nn A N 1.7 A CTURERS' COST =ATM: 0037, 3C3. E13E3C3C7173E3C de' 4:14:71.. 3E3C. EIWILX•r3EC KAD 4:3E:).. 3EC. 11933 L -1•3•33 c CICIP Opposite the Opera lietial. ps REERCHANT TAILORS. Boys' OVEILLCOATN. BOYS' SUITS, All Styles and Sizes A LARGE ASSORTMERI Al Greatly Reduced Prlcea, pkom fir. alifiliilVlkilliMiNktfiA GRar I LoG.ervr, IILIMIC G. HALE. DEESCHANT TAILOR, NOLTERIST CMS 01 PESO & St MR Etlaffl. 14TAN1TFACTURERS ttsk.l,lJ: GLASS VI OWLS. MODES, RYRIE St CO., Stanufxttoren of BL ACK Ittal GREENG7A-SS NV ARE, Dri 1.11 Cs"- t..ys, at. IN ~rls,use—No. NV ATE STREET lx-twer4 tm.l[ll2lcl.l uud 4rsnl ,treeta. ritiabackL_..„ P.lon. • • We warrant our Wary* to t o superior to any maq• ufactured west of the Mountains. .I.l,rnys on tuna., Wass. are of the above di,urrlptlon. MI orders promptly attiooled to, Particular attention paid to viva, moulds. ma:ly J AMES IRIVLIi di. CO., =I OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA cDtrico, 3.0 . ....... ETRIGIFIT. Britt/33E1a awl Itrtttnnla Cu arNon mad nn.l s'l differ 1 , r1,..n1a ' fletUre e, s7 p , z onippy No SECON2STILEET I :ns. 0.7.17. IM • SEVERANCE, No. :),S WATER ET, ittdot main:facto:kr of /WILK@ 6:i V ROI:GUT common end rallcoisd. .r cry dekerlptlon. Particular taxed or .Itaped Spikes and Rivets, large mrtmall. made to order at . hurt notice. A pal Nl'. ent eonstantly on band. UNDERTAKING OFFINS ! COFFINS ! 11122213{31 BOUEItT WILLIA3%IS, ICnaertalter, Undertaking in all It, Drunebes. Diatuterrilig layiug out and Metals/dog everrkalog Wit theproper Late:lurid, promptly. atua de / to. r Ifs - A mph:wild Hearse and Cantab. always - 0. 4 at ereaxmable turn,. _ _ A te. 172%73:MX4."1" Nu. Iu F.Suribtrre, PM...burgh, COFFINA of oil mods. ti E-',., and every slutor.ript.loss of VuOrr-Al Forol.3u, fiooda innalalled. Komi& o Tlr d ig:V P's-b itr i . h = l :rit i t ' s7 " , W. Jacobus, D.D., Thows.. jjatil Wino, Ebil. ,rll/141. fia WHlTTE,'wiAjcv Vuciorttslzor®► ttita Rooms at riancester Livery Stable. uOnneel tendbeia and Chattier. street.. air .1 , rd. rdi! om ALlteactif 'City Imtd ortaivity pn.,0110-, nottsdli WI/ CEMETERIES. yi ILLDA.LE CEMETEREe.A rn mt.nd cu.& Sletttreehhetnch CITYcn theta pten hnteettl.rtlith:,,,j'A i tp- CIL•e, on the 'l.e. sh e Nn p e rfume( to 1...1.V.S Build Lola v,th /WP 'Ma be tos der' to al the Wiz " 1 " 1.4 th • 'f 11,c'enderriened..enrner of Tw in , e"en=“r""' j art. b 7. 7 kMLLY, etereterf gni ...tlntleieet • -- - swkovimKens. niofter virAkw-lwrtc„ Igrk a ‘ c ' 4 1 / 01 17 6 ;;4 5 13AttiV:41:1 ':" 6v, , ,,4l,;.:„limzgagrifittegyal:% mak a AA Mat Wink 41:421 EVER ITIIING ELSE Nl"Waif ORTH IT 0 ItT AT T.FAIM TRANI AT 4.ESto THAN AT LEAS -MA-% AT TIM VOPITLAR AT Trig 11 , Pl7I.Aft AT WIZ POPULAR 1 , 0TIIIMI:11UUhE 42 FIFTH WTTEEET 0 FIFTH srusee, 63 FIFTH WTWEL-T. === PITTS. BVICGII. PJLI I= UETALLIC: METALLIC[ MAI3OOANYI kLAIVYJAHT IiNDF.IITAKINGI UNDEKTSKJYti OMee, No. I,7IITOVICTUSTHEST.