The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 31, 1866, Image 4

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WE'rriNES DAY, JAN L'A R ti!
irrival and Departure of Trains.
-- • Penundreitila Central Railroad. •
Departs. ,
. I AMices.
1131 Express 2:e e ...11 tn. Mall 1:W am
Altoona Arront'a 2,lDa In Past Line 2,t0 a m
Clad mull lisp'. 0M• milst Wall Aneom`n G am
Mail ...,... 11:40a ro,lsePenn Atecrm.. 7trA a m
PlttPa A.X.prrro... 3:53.pr0'51 Wall Aceom... San a ra
Johnstown Aen. 11:13 pm JobastM Atmont.lo,C4 a na
Past Line 10M0 p in PIU&Erto Nall.. t24:2 p m
tat Wall .s.cFs.m.. elo•sm mathno. Xater 1 = 33 P M
IA • . 11):C. am 34 Wall Ancona... ton p m
ad " " EaX, pm Mira Express.. 2ml pm
lstPenn AteonentOralp m 2,1 Penn Atcom.. (1:25 p ea
Id " " . lat.3p m Altoona kerma.
& Errant Tratu...ol4o p m
Tho elittreb Ind& eases Walls . .Btatton e v en ,
Panda,' at 0:03 aa l : returning, leave; Pittsburgh at
1110 p. in. . .
rittabUrilb e (*Cnha. and Varian:ill .
Dwarfs.. Arrlers.
%sat Llne :":60 a m rut Una, ICOam
Man a4O a m Mall ./
V.xpress • r2=l pm trprese...i...... CMS lb m
ettiebenvale A. itenbonsUle Le
oammodatlon .. 110 pin oommodation -10:10 aat
' Pittsburgh. rt. Wayne and Chicago.
Departs. • .[sloes.
hatscess 203 a to Express...; 243 a m
Y.apress I. t .. . ....11.0 p M Elam.' •••i•••••• Poppet ,
titre ds
" •••' --- 11,1: 4 ,4E,=... , —:::: 6:13 I, .
._brells . 4: 1 1'" od.tion ..,'m Anr/thmaY
oepot St p r „, 1.1,,10 it. ‘ m , trip D. m.;.and 5.40p.m.,
itosbester. Cap. m_. , Ns Guile, MO p. m,; Econ
*nit, ildt p.; au: *tau s: 3:3/D. VI.
riattbsulthiVisre and Wheeling...
Dpat", - Arra..
'Aortas igui ala press .., WA p m
Zureto . 210 p .r.presa usis ps.
• ara •as Rtpress .. i
•••0 s..
ilttaleek•lllo Acrommociatton leaves Allrgbra/ sl
tots. a. .
rattablinli Ana Came Havana
44parf4I. ,5 .
Mad ~ .. las maid......4r144
. ... .....
i tt:
m1:15 mai
Alieldiend Vane, 7Vinld•
Man D""qa 12°1'
decommad4G3 9:CO m
wsa wad... Erie Railroad. ter 011
ca d Trasairalln.,
10 Faansa. ara 1;49 p miNo.= E x proo o.. ad 3 a m
u. misbersiv,
et v ase y. and tmloogo..nd
lankaraltgle Boad...6lreatand*ater ate.
, • """.
Cal pa ltda 11.1:61 :49'
'1. ... 4:00 p
,A my Mace, SL Clair SL
• rrlap.
• I% p, m. I if2r t zt.
Muller tillage.—No. 6 at. Clal,rBtrein..
Arrioet. .
1 .Dv.rts.
Wiari l. ots Eitege..lllsA Hotel
drafts,. . Bum.
23i P. 116 I
JADES DAIS & SON, Proprietors
ObERII3II23_ES AND CARRIAGES Girnlahrd for all
for Funeral!, Wedding, and
riirtigri — TH• e =and reasonable rater. fa -
BIM EN DA.'f A.NO NIGHT. : noTard
The Mgr Espinollturee—ltutrejassed Tax
stiol:l—The Ronson Therefor..
It will be . Seen by a glance at ttof appropria
tion ordinance, as passed by the COunclis, that
the rate of taxation has been considerably in-
Messed. This Is by tao means plet:6ant, but it
is essentially ristosuarg. The tax on property
OAS been increasod from nine to tiuirteen mills
on the dollar Of the valuation!. The othe r
items Of taxation remain as heretofore, es -
canting that on the value of Honor-,
which was increased to five mitts, by
amehdlnent -of' Council. The following
acts Will explain - why it becomes necessary to
increase the rate of taxation: The appropria
tion for the Wager Works in leriv was VAiffl:
.white this year It is V.VS,CCO, an! increase of
- a33,ooo,,rendered necessary from the fact that
the boilers tutulnliChlnery, which have bees
In use for twenty-three years, are no longer
safe, and need: renelibm. There is another
tact which should not be -- lOst sight of when
of the expenditures for the Water
Works, nolneiy i The angle Item of coal alone
now miens the city, in retool number*, ilql,:x9
Ar i aneum more , than It did throe 'years ago.
Appropriation last year was
VlO,Voo, , but this year it has been increnseti to
WA:00, entirely for the purpose of liquidating
unpaid hills of
last year. There is ao increase
IMMO in the appropriation tor City Prop
.:arty, rendered-necessary from the building of
-LIFO new engine houses. rise cam appropri
ated for the Night Police in 15r..5, was Itaa,MO,
'bat this - year , tliti naive is lived at. plate; the
pollee 'Vireo hawing been largely increase d
last year, and es eonsiderable aMOOIII of lb
expenditure notbeing provided for tiro
The ap
. prepaid...ban for sire Engines and hose has
bn, moneyed .lrolO 317,N0 to MOON nod the
'Us:Tease • .on , leani due and tailing due
' anulunts-AOLIIP,ON: The appropriation for
•: Salaties-has
LUCTelPted., O,OM, to make
,up far,tratusferafrout the approptlablon of laos
,year tor the benefit of other appropriations
h t ith e ' ii h v ad prov beeeitk riau e . es f h o n r o o...s stcsi .u . The in .
g in . eje h r h -
Very large, was caused partly byanpulying
Alamo anions
of gas for the UM of City Mall
and Wilkins Ilall, for the acasonitnodation of
ettldlers, but mainly li :btu from the feet that
the city has been - held liable for the reverms
tax on the amount of gas; consume , '
free:ft/Yaws million ii•e him:trod thous:log
feet). noder au arrangement with the Gas Com
, patty. This tax has been accumuhiting for t we
-oP threayears pas, and It must Sow ho invid.
Thernelneause oAthe increase this year Is to
%apply the' nefletetary of last year. ling . the
appropriations - Of last year met the ex peng I
ntros, there would have been no necessity for
an increase this year, and there is every
probability that the rote Of taxation
will bet .Wttee4 next year. Thoseiwito posses
* precticalturnaaf mint!, however, wilt ha, ,'
no difficulty !open:lds lag very milid reason--
for our &crease la the rates of taxation this
y.eag, and Councils hate ma
and In pass
"leg the bill asitosme from the Controller.
]; :The Came Clearly Bt led
A verxedilniated dlicrosion catrieotl to Com.
Moo Council - on 'Monday evening On the ealor.
ilea of the appropriation bill for ECG. it wont.
that the taxon real evtata hits been Were.°
from nine wills tot/011mi on the dollar of rui
nation which It iseatimined irtnluce over
flOlo4addithinel revivive, a bum: require.l to
ineeictertnin deficiencies fo the expim‘lit.r.,
VIIII6,Vatid to °noble the city goiernmeat to
hly during
. the tent. of Viso.
" 7 / ilorc e l s v opitsitloo we, rolioul to this portico
.;lar Up:vase , of, taxation, and the owner. of
;•.reailblo tc.ttemtut.; demanded to know why
, .
,Tahelai'eS on real estate, should hi no largely
itteresinid Whilst all other tax paying branch
, es froth which revenue i, derived, bad not
: - been increased one single farthing.
- • In reply to the seemingly ansitms inquiries
of the geollemen,the answer was that when
the estimate for IsG3 was 'made, no additional
tax. was placed upon real estate, !but that on
the estimate for lain the Float:tee Committee
bad deemed it proper to tax real ' , estate up to
the standard of OMer interests from which veer
nits nos derived. Considerable discuusion en
sued upon Mr. Robb's motion to Feiluce the tax
estate, - which seemed tei be In a fair
way to pass, when Hr. Ford, of the Ninth
littarrido one to his seat and stated that the
owners :of real estate, ou wbleh tenement
boast shad been erected, had already rented
:.;their honsea nt a heavy Increase of rent—they
: -had incrt'ased the rotes of taxation on their
J< tenants for VC, and they should not now cam
- plain If Cannella " followed sult,e and taxed
show, In return, particularly us the tessee
watild be compelled, In the end, to lloutdate
- ill the tax. Unlit might be ussexaml tIII the
lessor. This was a pledge hammer argument.
and themotion did not prevail.
In this conneetion we may state tird the
hue and cry that liar gone forth ugnitod land
, lords, Charging landlords with extortion In
innrCase of rent,, has its; ram-wino.,
There are ...till some men left In theld
•• who are Willing to live thearsolves and wor let
OtherSallter 4 . 0., who let COLlfitlielleo have
something. o doin firing the mien of rents.
'e could name, bad we his permignion, one
landlord who la the owner of a dozen or more
rentable houses,- which rented fast year for
pie per annum, open which he has truly in
-creasedwhen bb could just ni easily have
commanded /Meer 03. M. Such a ulan deserves
and will receive: the good wishes , of Ids toll
ants for Isle future health and prOtYrltY:
Trie4ttnlololL:biliiiiatiOf staden 11; tike. We.
Amu Unicenity',irlil take place ottyrtosy es
fog, February `Ma, commencing M. halt past
seven. O'clock, in the tlediersity building. on
Diamond streetC. The following ir the Order of
exercises which will be observed during the
evoninir, :
sa3lo; prayer ; Music. Original orution,a,...
Republican Goveroment, Robert C. Moore.
Utilitarian EdUestion, John 0. Petty:Mneie,
L. RJearn; Rest, Thos. it: Kerr. Music. - orig.
ins.l-I,oratkens-.!-,Snerctiness of Mau an Life,
Chau, Dickey; The-Pen and the sword - ,
Wilkins Updike: -Music. Original Oration.-
tynt,bingum arid LineolorT. Dallas Wilkins;
ThexettirnofTenee; Robt. G. Taring. Mtede.
Di/anal Oratlods—Adrantages Of Literature,
Wm. D. Wilkinin The Socho PrOblent of the
Age, John C. Noirmyor. Music,
The Occasion Promlees to be moat tntsrn,t
tDK the friends of the institution „should
not fall to attend.
Erecutlwo Committee
in [Otrip/itinctimith Instructlond:of the Board
of Detarn Judgd of the tato primary election.,
15 , :50,44 Turd, Zaq., chairman, h 4.1 appointed
the ibUtitfirtij I:Zeta:Miro committee to serve
stnritiglbe castling two yours:
11.rst. Word-14 C. ElCptt,',lmirv.4
eorOnll Wisra.-4T. W. Parte, It. M. Minh_ •
MOO, lititra—U, ps,leton W. Is per .
.tfOarth Wora-kleo, M , Aolery, W; IL. itrow”.
'-1/11.11.Woird—Itt .T. ildkrimu, mf.,:k.
„gum M, Zrown, .1..11,410rt050n.
SOvvltttilertifita•MOSti VtrotlVOOP , Wobett.`o.
Xtentli 314-
- p r .t3tly. ,
Territts39oC ,T4trtittlt/4,1 1 .:, Z. Mast. •
- - 11 , 0110 eatitr.Thistitrtly.
iriform,ttleli flaw°
Anlerman-Iteny,›Onst ging Atoxander 3f.ths.
Tv: with Me anal/tinily: l o, It 84fIrtl$ that tha
mmantriir 111 0 ,4 an a servant. with jilt InnuL-
Ke4ii-Intr of tint ntifonannt anring ttur lost
WI stet potrLteer, -Trhere thq defendant
to-ottplend *lmre tho allegtui crime, :took
~ DAYPU.w.ts, 4 toCektly rettrrlatl to it
/of a t e nay, win do.* not WA')
ate siado^6dero t o of her now Thern
B.rnah troloa.; fihrelOptel il/rnrg.
I hi.
••Tbe !•IPpwit.”
Nits, Suoritn.l l Evart; 1.1144,liotitw::1•11,1W,Ili
Orutor, 11 1z inn. on Ow
vvening. In EN,lriint Ifali,
1171 d, 111, (111•1.1,e, Of \1; ,
A:4o , illti,rl. The hu,
utnao , t C00:1,1, ,-•. • ..Cr, citi-
V.( mans ito,ll 1,1 r tl '1.o,l•
We not i......! tin • (01: ~ 14 .1, ~ I :,•.Ise•II .11 the
platform. I:k . • IV I, 11.... :4rd. I. It. Iter.
.1 nr , n l'ung a- I. I. lien .lot.n II , 1,11,, I). I)
3:et .19,. or Mug And .1 ,, ,:. h li:•,, t.-.. 1 While
in the an tr-rooln Ito , . EsunA 0 rpro...oul t i de.
0.10 thot the exerelAe. Olould be Introduced
by player Ilr. Howard, having been canto!
npoo, toldreAsecl an appropriate ornyor to the
t hr. nr orGn,cc. Dr. (-lurk° thou introduc,l the
Confer of Ida , evening, who delivered on. 00
;be moot bri I &ant and elruitient leetneas it h a.
been our plc 'guru to listen to. In ant:telt fa ble
fixture.. Is , id to have had ono hntntrfnl arms,
l'ut the %old( Vs empty Pill'elre ha§ A great or
Clary than all the arms that rnytno lo 4l..; ,
to Ito het . .., add IN victor, T it ' .
nit odour, Fpenk4 of a pure Ti
t' elevated
p.! riot 4-inlndomitable coury e z hr o i°
duces, a mighty wort; acres* .. , 21 .1 . 4^ r ,-
bin 'rite
mindo us of our duty to tilt'
and children
We could not do justicc_to_,_till,y_mT,g_Ali o rl
masterly effort Ina 5f:7.7;,,..,,'",r0T::: her
majestic, h ,7_,,t t ra ° ol; fascinating her
rh. '!,„ ° ‘ l , e ..r,'"'„''',.'" 0,411 and elegat: We only
f,,, e f.,U,,, * ti, - ,, - ;&iorts of every one who heard.
,__ ,_„, eyc .f.g when no say , that she more
, i 1 L......,,,,,,a,,cd 0 1t0r cis-Atlanti c and trans-At-
V is k ;, " E s P l t r i
( wool deliver another leeture thiS
~ ~/ , ,g, in he Second U. l'. Chnsch, (Dr.
7fi",.1 South Common, Alleheny, under
`l„,"sunptees of the Same Assoulation.
: “Trateras sea!' to order to afford'an
yet to theeh who rcutY attend oho
prayer meetings in their respectlre churches,
we are antherised to announce that tbe leo
tore will not commence till!!! o'clock.
We call attention to a communication In an
other place, suggesting to the Library Associ
ation of this city the importance of inviting
Miss Erase to deliver a lecture on thin stdc
of the river. The reputation which ,the Made
1.4 evening will ,came as largo an &mil
taco no any of our balls can accommodate.
TREAT/Ir.-Lore, that passion which levels
all distinctions was most beautifully tutrt rayed
lust night by lira Lauder, In We play of that
name. There is an Interest - Ai - Mrs. Lander's
acting which carries away the sympathies
and feelings of the audience with resistless
force. The scene before them is a living and
breathing reality. That it is mare acting,
mere dotlon that Is going on before their eyes
nester for a moment enters theirminds. There
are but fete women on the stage at this - day
who can ooeOmpiately control their erotica...
To night Mrs. Lander appears se /MIS, in
Sheridan Koos le's great play of the 4turteh.
back. Those who Libre seen her perform thls
Impassioned character will.apprecinte the
rich treat-ln start7fOr [taxis, 'who.,roloit• the
theatre Utisevening. Tothoso who have not
seen her, we can only say, go.
°ems Her.c-We knew that Miss Melville's
engagement at the Opera Howe would bo a
success. We prmlicted It - before we hall aeon
her play, Just from seeing iter face. And
then when we heard her sing, that settled it.
Pretty and - petite, lively, vivacious, rotitral.
easy, grueefuh st Ith all the elements of suc
cess combined, bon could she be a failure.
The Idea Is simply prep.. tomes. one song of
hers is worth double the price of rolcuhisson.
To-n I g tit she it rpearr to, the Pearl of Se coy, or
Marie of the Mountains,
Anther great source of- ottrneSion is the
skatlirg of Miss Carrie fdraire. IL h:is hem* our
misfortune not to be able to see ter us yet.
but from all quarter. we bear her poken of
In terms of the highest praise. W e hope soon
to see her on the lee,v Mb a pair of rlnging
blades under her fee., and then we shall have
an opportunity of judging of her merits.
OVritne Gases.-3fasonle Hal trercrotwde,
yesterday evening, on the otleaston of th •
debut of this celebrated Soubrette, and sh.
achieved a decided trfornph. She Ira. raptu
ously applauded. To eight she appears to Coo
thew eat characters.
W. learned last night that two accidents had
eel:mired on the Connellsville Railroad some
time yesterday. One of the mielatentsozenr. - ed
but a abort distance abOwe the city-a brakes,-
man by the namo of Walter Dunn having fallen
otr tr e train while ander way, by which he was
inju. ed in a manner that it note:area will prove
fatal. The other accident occurred at or near
Alpsr Ille, ,a coal train has lug jumped from the
true! , making a complete n reek of the car,
and niuring two men fatally. William Craw
ford, Of Neliecapori, had his skull badly frac
tured, and the brains 007,1 front the fracture.
Ire Will probably be ilMollry the WOO this arti
cle goes to press, as there Is not Ihe remotest
chance of his recovery- Phillip Miller, of West
v. ton, .of , run r hl the train, and his
legs laid I a ornalked ov
and there ls ...arm a hope
Cillortuirral 0(110111nel recovery. Wo were on
stifle Is , ascertain tlir ram., of oi !tier of tho ac
cident., or any forayer particulars is regard
to the Jo-r , Otoi . injunol. .
We cannot forbear congratnlating Mayor
liclari by on his Judicious choice of Clerk. in
the per,en of David Mercer. Esq., :who has
been r lathed in the position be now hold.
übder M.S.' Low ry, aod which be previously
held ander a former lot m inns( ration. Reside.
Mr 'Meteor'. ample experience , to the dude.
of the position a hieli he has hren called
to occupy during the next tro years, he
to possessed of those brislnes, q in
cation, ro requisite to the prompt and sat
isfactory, discharge of the duties ofthe office.
HI, courteou, detneanor omi affability be.
rendered him at all tunes agreeable to trios
baring boldness fn the oflice, nml the members
of the press base always reed vet,' tile TOM e.l
ti, aftritat at hie hands. Our readers may
ILenfore rely upon reociving In the future IL4
thew hare in, the Pont, all Information trans
piring in the ofilort. the nubile:Sion of ttrit , eh
tun, 001 otos, tletritneutal to the It 0.!to w.
Ta ' , h..' Lep,* rg , unettrtr , f the faheora Is
c•attnt of Piud•arah:
Gan vl.rwrlt:—l'errn:t us to suggevt torte th•
trapiartanceof Miss Susannah Evan
the partvalled Welsh orator, to delivers lee
tore-before your Assoclatios at an early day
It Irak, nor privilege end plea.mro to bear he
deliver alecture In Eseelstor Hall, Allegheny,
last'erenillt, On . the ..Soldier's I:Mpty Sleeve,'
and we are well assured that yen would °outer
n favor On your 'nucurrou3 purrOrol, If you
would make an rtrrunionnont for et least on
lecture. Lt e think we ran assure you that a
boil in the oil y could a•rotnmodate the amll•
ear. wottal at tract.
Fastens • Pstper..—M....An. 3. 1. linnt A
Co . Musoute Ilan, Fifth street, here Just re
ceieed the Allierieffll need foe Yebre -
ore, the New York Ledger, Leslie's Chimney
LOrner, the Boston
IteeelrlhC lioney Under Enl•e Pretearr
Ne♦ el
Sometime daring li eee mber ( si t, a g tp.,,,y .
woman by the Liana. nf Mary Coin, hot whose
real mono appears. henthhanna Bryar, enter
ed MePuna Id's tavern. to the around Ward, Al
legheny, and after remaining for a time ist
Coated is farmer named Andrew J McCoy
residing in the ity of ilirtyN Run, abater
tea intl p. Fhe at ated that he had trouble OW
bl. wind, and %imbed to know the ramie. Me.
Coy enngitt a prig ate !Mem-sew. informed the
ppm, tie, he had lint a Mintide bor., awl
that he o oilt.i put her handsomely if she...slot
.eure II- of ..bad a •:reta!iter..•
and um (mid l In en ty deli. ... in - (;/ . .rnIaLe), "
her t a lee al Menamild mud (at la-I.
Tuesday • Mt repaired to the house of her ittipe,
rem:, inc.! MI night, and,,., Wed. net, morn
lug demanded more looney nLot 'ay had
told a hog for Inn dollar. the ((eon''.!,((eon((eon''.!,. ul
bleb be handed 0. Pr to , Mrs. Bryn, —die
reMarkrapai I LIMA !bal. , Iser efforts to nail
nut the whereahonts of I he horse aould in all
probabillt) Int unavailing mile, I,e,
dollar, In specie to work LAMM The Oster 01
3.1 a oy thereupon case her au English gni-n
-en, rip. slider half-dollars and Ina her frsne„
pieces, a lifcb Phu thtmetitateLv transferred to
the keeping of a Mites Mary U...., who :or
componied her. The parties left (after re
eventing quite a [luminr of e, eatse which are
yet to come In pmis,) with the promise
lint - sioulti meet McCoy at kiellonal , l's
forenoon Lit ten o'clock, return him the lu,:
animal, and point out the thief. They
failed" to Comply with their promise,
honorer, and 'teeny becoming 41111,16013 s
that nil was not right, lambi infer
mathns against the parties for obtaining
money under false oretemem. - thief of Pollee
Elkin sneeeoded in imploring the parties ut
the market house, and the Mayor compelled
them to hand over thu money they had Teach . -
ad; which they nut. and were, 416eliarged—the
prosecutor deal/y.4,1C push the Cahn further.
ef:ley nrinidated thy ,'bubo for °oats, and ims
probably learned a lesson whiall will keep him
from being inveigled la a like manner again
Rosedale Coal Yard
This dew yard - is situated at the heal of
YOurth atrect, In Hard/scrabble, near the point
where the Pittsburgh and Steubeuville Rail
road enters the city. It .0 proprietor, Mr.
David Stern, is' an old and successful coat
dealer, having been for efiverul years engaged
in running noul into thc o Ar z fivrtsi the lough..
ingheny 10 . Ilenow ir large body of
splendlo coal at 31anelletIll, immediate', eu
he line of the Pittsburgh and Steubouvlllo
aßroad, and Is prepared to till all orders
The railroad company ha. Just put Iwo coal
train, on thho road, running Out an far its
Walker's 91111. , .0 there will Ix, two arrivals
henceforth, unlll the bu,lntont grows
sufficiently to warrant an i11eM13 , 40 of train!,
which it sure to do soon. Mr. Steen will
theriatbro be able to keep up s, regular and co.
plOtn. 'apply, and we have no doom 00 wilt
And a Oriel* Martel for all he run bring in
a-k .IttentlOn toftlle ciilvertkeineui
to-gin; 'a paper of the eonevrt t. , in. glee.. at
3fons - fleltl, On Thursday night cent.
arillaAtancl that the progrnan„,
14. at i...:sunOt. fall to glen ft1111.41,.....4.,,. ',Oct :K.
4.ltht , bust 01110112.13112 in the Li ❑1 lake p
. t
A .1. n;ut froin over the I'lllslml - o.i A Si,
lam v 111.• Med will leo. i• he.l.•Do!
6.111 r. Tbnrsaav .reetthfg. r , tatn/..,
(rum 31:.,nol:e1.1 oil 11 o'eltJelc. •
Vaplonlon.—On flutantu,' InKt a vrorl:-
trtar, gamed Anthony,. omploymi
- 3totlia,_/trirrlO smel t lenh," anti on 41,-
LWOWIIIIV/Ilg rnOVI I!. :1 lighted
lottd4 to I{no out photo the ICOL w. thr
emPl..gtrartignitnd, and tuatltatiy a
41ra14 phinlPO Gennrit , i,
'Orfl iffin vonyttstr'y ri+7eri.r.4 /Ant
ttc, 111: u tncut titsrell I.llj
of(Alifri} • l•te tL7 IIAC Abe
an] . .v t:
•,11 I iltlll4 ottrren
ot on. bon-owl for t ~.•
j w.l eot. I. I.lon lI.'III•ror t.r
lin! .loreit Maim ere 111
fer , l indirect ogettr, tin• arrta. cil
Me re hull, n untie the to - 11-40f roeire Wl,s effect
ed by two other+. Tile., two Claim one Anil
Of the reword; but when it Is rettOileeteri,
that, at the time the reward 'Vol
offered, It we+, not known whether the
murder was perpetrated by one or several in
dividuals the anteont could not In) fairly di
vided In the manner proposed. Perhaps the
fairest plan would he to neeertaln tile names
of all the °Ricers concerned In the arrests, and
dlc Ide the whole amount Two tufa. tiapposint.
the. number to he eight,each would he entitled
to one hundred and twenty-live doder,,-4, IWO
quite &efficient to compensate them for all the
trouble InentTed, and leave &handl:Lome honor
bealde. The 'Police Committee will ecarnine
into the (octet, and report to Councils, when
the reword will no doubt be equitably d 'so lit
31. E. Ctuareb Items
Revival meetings are numerous throughout
the COnitty,;and much interest is exhibited.
Thiit7 hew members have lately been added
to Smithfield street church, Rev. hr.,
pastor. At the annual missionary meeting.,
over twelve hundred dollars were raised
The cite MLssionnries , report for the months of
November and December, show. thirty-live
Setreleitis preached, one hundred and stvty
[oral visits, four thousand page. of tract.*
distributed twenty-four nee...slows to the
church, anti twelve
of Beaver street congregation, Allegheny)
have rer,ttly shown their appreciation of
theirastor's set, leea , by remembering hint
'ilia hi p s basket and hip store.e tionitiloni
have been numerous.... lie, 1.. 51cl:tile...of Wil.
kinsburgli ell I.m...was rcrrntt. pre.eitte.l with
tiJii by four young men, not MUM born of the
church The memher o anti friends of Tenn.
perancov liloetatinn, It fe. die} ago made their
pastor, Rev. J. E. n hew rear'• pros.
eat ofa new pocket book Containing eighty
dollars Tiin brethren at McKeesport, with
the generosity for which they are distill,
gulahed, recently presented the presiding
elder of their district, Rev. .5. J. Endslcy, with
a roll of ugreenbacks" amounting to silty-d;
Tennyson Club—Drs. Dr. linen.
It will bo seen, 1,5 announcement elsewhere.
that Mr.. Dr. Henry S. Giles, a lady 0: rare at
tainmenta, and a render of marked ability.
11 , 111 give lihakspearian readings, under the
auspices of the Tennyson Club, at DasOnlo
Hall, on Thursday eventtr. The reputation of
the lady as n reader, taken in eonnection with
the Interesting source from which her solo°.
Hans have been made, should smart, a large
attendance. Tickets of admission can be ob.
tamed at the, le and book stores, and at
the ball on the ot, ening of the readings. Those
who would enjoy a rich intelleetual treat
should not fall to attend.
Pocket Pleked.—A. lady who kcepse board
ing house on the northeakt corner of the Alle
gheny 'Diamond, pa.t her pocket picked of
twenty.lx dothirit in greenback', and some
Nmall change, st hile attending market this
forenoon. Information of the theft wits gly•n
to th.police, but they went nimbi., to ill , scos et
the perpetrator.
Ilemlll and Kelly.—An English pap,
states that Kelly, the champion oarsman. ha! ,
agreed to give riamill the privilege to rou am-
here ho pleases, provided ise vidt. England
upon the terns already minted. The. I. all
Ilnm ill claims, and, If Use Mat iv n. statcal, the
mulch will arson:ally Caine arr.
House for pair. Two story brielt. range w , lll
hot fald cold water; bath room. maNde
mantles; paved yard; 10 room*: boor. , nearly
newt Imishetl In lirla airs. ettylo If I tc.ire.l,
the whole Of the turni,hing will he ,01 , 1 s ith
tho house, as the IVI nor . . family are in .leei
log health. Tbe hots, or either, will be .010
at a bargain. laitul re at N 0.121 Wns.l •treet
JOHN WATT, Prrshi.m.
ItYSKY K. LONG. S4-ey •att Tr," •
Mee, No. 2 Duquesne Way,
iSrar Suspension firidne.i
IFIT:111\11 N . 46- CV" 1,.
Brand—" Lucifer."
Tbts 011 farrow ba e s relied tar Warming praprrrtrr.
" ""
"" 1 1' "' art alt, " tar " VlrPtlr.
gli"ig i rs " rll IiI1!
• .
DMIr.CI,I/I—Joatto *AM. Itotsert I. tie.. Ck.
C. 11. lierrop, C. I ...10rell. 11. 11. CoMa., J.
Portrr, ROM. Wallace. D. W. C. Carroll.
Petroacrsucci. rtefLicavelry
Orwcs n Pirmartoti—ti WOOD STREET.
- - - - .
Thaw works have itatiaravut capacity In the coua.
try. The. brand Wanda the hlgheat in ON coon
anti in Europe. for quality and Ira tad, and Me
la ant well seasonal Barrels, prepared empe./.1
for rota...
Manufacturer. of IiOILT.E3 MILLS, Tallith and
Improved Boring' Tail. fur Oil WML. deitoly
odloo Cow. of Penn ondllraxsto INtrooto.
Tido (tympany *Poniardon the Mh teat. end,'
Le Penns,is•nia Inning toad Mantifsetarsag Lane.
he territory of the ono:softy adjoins the lands et
tie Donhard Creek titian Oil Company, of this cIM
Capit s 1 Stork..• • 4 11:123.0W
Washing Yowl":
Par Valor Of eseh.Share 11 12
Crtoldent.-O. A. 44gccros.
tleereury and Tresstrrer—H. K. BITCHILY.
R. A. Joussom. - 1.. H. H 100.1,1.
FAAA - A bAna*,
F. D. Uwurt,'
U. W. 13.1.4:A.
Constantly on brad iod for we
8111•• Mach. Litiq eeeee Way, Pittsburgh
LT rtal attrntloo jrlTrn to It, Italic and alp.
sr, ttf It t•olt Ism mad It• proluctr. I%mkt grttit-nt
w. t y Pootonee Item =kilt IT
So. CLA IR &IT., PlitAburgh
Eon. erding and fommtsalon Mere t
And deal. r In VII. Illuminating, Lnl. , ,atlnn
rednolnnin oil.. nnn•daollY 0,, ~n nd and
for ..I. .l Inn Ind. id luntlet Drlr.l. C0L11ig11112..11,4
and ordnrs ood .p 7 61*
(1)M311PSION 31 Ell CII % NTS
Aced Dealer+ In Uodaslsm !Interlnd"
Foot of 01113/.. , and Harrison
Storage for Refined Petroleum,
In Tank. and /tarn+, line (*in, I..rn.
FirpOler t MIA
SirEllloll OIL ENGINE%
Weare et . .tending. and nil ken, Oa baud. a iti•
ptrlor •:, le of
We Nolte polka. seeding .stKII. , " tv lfir =
rrZA, -
I,= MACKINTOSH 11A11 3 1111.T. &
• FT41I15!:-1.0 1/010. Plll , l lloaday, vl utd‘..
Pearl 110/mloy bbla. Dried 11..a.c10, hO 0T.o: di.
000,ter.; 15 do do, pA,TP,I; lurtl.., pita Iv.
12 do do. WI, out; 10.1 u do Mat la-cries; 10.10 do Vt.-
dertrrrira: la do Yrrunlt'Curranl , . .V1 do hark ataT.
Dried Apia., IQ do Milo do: :IT, do old do; 121 dor,
coard Vre-43 Nfarbtqa; 2 0 X 1 do.. do Td o natot , l 1, 91,
Country Lao .1: 12 lads. do do. 15 do do Tallo*..*
boo. Clover. ato.l: . .to bap Ityr .11, Timothy 144.,..1.
• bozo, Factor) 41), ear .10 do Wcrtrrn
4 1, 4 , 1:1101,11 11.10 do, 50 I . l Tla. gltellbart
ory Nut, 0, bid.. Roo n1:1.. .14,
.1.1 kgF.
g"•1" , 1 do; 40 1,1,1 a I ; 4.1,1,1
/Tna..llrrinass 11)11). !oral, Egg,.
rt. do Poi nTory; do WaaTT' , ll
do Norgliom 7 do prim. Apple. Iloilo,
• do NI I.llr Itrall•: lu do 4 loatoul.. oIL.
0,01, Mt; . For .
1•7.5 L.I.
. _
'WINE VINEGAR --Genuine imo
p , ,,atlou; itk« 11•I.01. .anarer: rvd Oh*
...o )0.1 rtra.1.4.,1 and to, ..alu by Ilia
ynal f ~r rilis/15. at Iltt: r.
JA, A. 1110;41
.1,4% Corn, I.ll.rrly and flood
rmAhrulpty of fresh Inottrel 111,,alolletr11,
pt.l up la atusll ea for family a .TT 0.010 cj
Mt Jost. at the Family I rre f ,,,,
3 %0.. A. 11ENr.11 SW
Nao - Corner Lit..l, an./
NNIe.I . Go
74,40..•-246 _ _ 14A45.3
, It.-
and Broker+,
No, 7 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh.
.11. d •11-z:mtelf..? ev.l7llllri-;
1:,..h• now,. ,trirtly no come.
, I New tor, J 1 . 0011. E
X 111E0. it T.
h I N.,. 110.t..01,
Ti rso•T J►n. Jo,
The \ et, toll. .141WIC market was reported
bony - ant sod Mils r to-day, ow tag mainly ue
the misarec in gold. which ranged bet weer,
and ltd. In our market there Is but little
doing, the demand for local steels being very
light, and, consequently. we have but few
transactions to report. There appears to be
considerable inquiry for Union Lobrle ttil
stock at an advance, and we hear of la and Inc
being offered withorit dealing sellers.
The loug list of bogus oil stinks that flour
ished In the market several months ago have
quite vanished from eight, and the losses
which they neettsioned aro yet so Well remote
bertal by the thousand. who invested in them,
that row persons ran ho nolocod to touch an
oil stock on ally consideration. This prejudice
however, to unfair to it number of companies
that nee doing Well, whose dividemls are reg
ularly paid, and whose management Is in goad
hands. It is not to he expected that the same
reckless spirit of oil speculatioa will ever
again manifest itself; legitimate operators
should not debit() It, for in the end it he detri
mental to all concerned.
—Sale of Stocks awl Bonds, on Tusasla'y orso••
log, January :OAS, at the Conatams lal Sales
Itooms, laS ssolthileld strret, by A alcllssalrw•
Anr-tionscr •
hank of Pittsburgh . GO Is
lit Ott/ ea It a Stpubelx rifle lL 11 10 V.
,\1111;11111 alley R. ILI2 ",e
the .lain we learn that on the 1:41. lin
slant, note ithstaroling the strtogoney In
Money slot the gen...oil dullness of lousiness
Anwrican seem hies recsat from thole no
depression. Via.- TM elated ut 66,
Illittok Lent ral mrutottentery
On the resent arpersion.. of the British at 76(6
77. Thin Marked improvement illllllll.ll tali
the bakomes to not as Irt rgt•ly against Iho
Country as liar Iwndon now. declares. In
this enttnect lon, non ever, should be mention
ed the current report t hat eertai° Brills:,
linen lonee erportGd goals hen r II y to southern
parts on their wan account, and ha.., had to
borrow money In Loudon lu consoquenee
being disappotnttai In their returns. but Int.
I Mann of ventures 1. of neectooty ery limits
in antr:int. The preset.... of IA fear much
In an r yt te of Ito- public tenni lend
oiik..rlzi.; .4 - plausibility 1.. The story a•ttn,
he Englo.ll statement. too, say.
:01 ( 7tr.ri rt.,
••11. ~ nll,;lrne 11,11 la.l rear 0upp,,,0
mtor Int gel)' in ltt Irte,4 of . Ilettleth 111.1111411 4 1.,
lure., It 1111 t. a e nt rel luso 1,14. :lour
Ind pros Intro, le.. of petroleum, goltl 4 4 1 , 1.1
• CI, 111 11114114, 1111 4 neeotent. lint one e%-
purl. of I tut In Iwks w ero 4:k00111elle.,aculo Li
197,0‘11 hale. In Lwkl, and tilt Item will foil,
``l Orttrienelett in ex port.,llte
rrtiluul L kr,Uon,ooUnuti kluptel.utki
in gold Stir le tell. uU, our Ltoek of notlon l•
pr..hlthlt I,2reigei huhu, anti the p
Itiot dot t lo• ne tt •Ia month, heronr on,
to a vent; I. teal hreval, on Li. nine. Intkuu tette. a tuortlbaelettut emit it
In oll.ett lug our Cuerettl
1 lot . os thr r Lt.nt of 103a0u,v11 (or the Ita.e
te It. etl.lit ho, to the L dine of all the Itretel.
.1 1., i iIL, I...troirunt And otheritroOttev • ..•
thus t I,elber we look, thereto:,
..ur prt pOst Lion Or al Lieu itrultultle eou rue
oi t.etut Toe I i 34. nee Ort triont.likoire mar cartel,
eto.r I nut there 1.. no tortutlallon w 'out eet
11 4 : 11111 ktatenient made by the I..trolun
lroof lint the 1,141.4 C of the rite In the lien k to
.titzlu ...I rate I. to lie .aught rwl her In the et.
ce.• , 1 r 00 1 1,1 t he orreloiik tnettelk to the ett.t.
11..1, 1.. any heft lon- Art. - lug or like!, t.•
Pi 4.4' 4 4.1 .4 el .411 t.• utt.l ounlinerre lit., 1, 11,
O unt
-Thern hat n ray" tire Philadelphia
Pr,...) o the demand thresaghoot the Wow
for the digurent clam,. of the puldic •43.. I
ti e ., b o th of theold-hearing nod rorreni,
obi cr Utile bane, g in largo and tomtit anion n i
for iniefdli erit. There sere a good many fin
wale by parile• alto needed oinney "lino
rporo ungl oni on •••oouf‘t, any Inei
their ,0 for they ate deservedly pop-
Ma , itlth nil eimain, mot ure emnittlontil
taqr g among the safent and moot Ineratlyrin
•e, nnnt• the market. It will take lane,
then for them to ton p•rfnanentlyplAnt•l aeon,
like it,, moat valuable of the local vie tr tile,
but thi Oat is not probably far dlttant alien
they •inLe n. •can-r and brim: no high Pl , " -
rniume es any of the others, In ',mien - met to
the pet hni.. al dividends dented from other,
en the mum,. of coo Then the.c tin. for
eign demand w lileh t ill ataxy. 1,4
for them, se Ins,' a, the intermit P. prompt].
—The Ne York 71,Lune, of ifsetuelny,
marking nn the oft,-et of the di, pen in
railroad raining, say.
- To corn peahen,' the etTeet In tnglaret r.
decline m OUT rail aay earnings, au shoal
taiga th e Encllnh 3 foe furl a trold haals for
salation.For example, If the Lein thillwal
pave 1n 1W.5 eight per cent dividends to cur
rency, the prOduet in England is, tie and
thycl•aLintrteM per Cent In gold. It, WOOD de
creased earnings, the dividends tall to .it mir
cent In rem - Riney, the dividend In gold is. et
the name prenlttan I forty Per cent, shoot 001.1 t
and a quarter per cent. when rate. arc eight
per eetol., flnglatift. there 1. of megrim no 1,,
docctnent to ISIVInA, In _American
which pal but four or tine per cent:hence ti,
telaptatien, If money rates high, Is to .en
American Railways and hitt-stet home .e
OTY.I. or Ins PITT.VI,OIIG taErrr,
Trnonar, January IN;.
I'ATTI.I'—The sepply of rattle tie sal, al
though a little larger than last week, .11.1 no.
eare..l. '4lO aOl 11unttre.I hrs.!, and of this num
her r.laq-en ?rY and IWO head 11113111:1 1 0 11A1210 , 1
the hairiness twang left over no nest week. or
I.lOrrert Last The quality of the cattle up'
veal. to bar. been
sienna hat better than us.
010. and. a 11 tle The market was mixt et,tely 1111-
11 , / . . there Itni.rovenient to not. in !oleo
and quite a nurrther Of dro•ers elatni to ass.
lost eenshletabl). 'the demand... has
the rare tot loom . three IV kx post. 1.11. • ri •
.trietrl al ruostentirelyl r, aupplying the au,-
uf the retail there Tsang bet,
r astern tuners in attendance ...oil to Pr line
fat retailing cattle 101.1 at felon : In. reel,
arros • tall 11l 10 at 1:40 1 nnn Ines for
10 11411101t1011 at 0 ri e1... 7 . Inetinied in the raw--
art oar.
le. Cdoo..itcers. erairlna ICS sold hy Jo
rob Needs to Andy Ackley . rear.,
II .hroild he lane, In allllll, hoverer, t, thlr
.Ire Iru “. of eattle, the te,i 5,11 e lel
deithr lin hos I.era offered at the.- ,
r,14 til,-
scroe h. and the price rcultzeil, Uteri:line ran•
iwt i.r talon as a full - in.losi,f the market tor
Ile-.of cattle
IRA,— .-t yttrt uo.l .lull ..111, Imt tithe
from -111,1,tylitg roine
14 ntr Ilir 4.1q11 / .
Ilrick A .• hi hr,tl, ntvcra,l.g tram 1%
.t 10, an./ Ittl• , 1111%
perolliotf rt•portc.l I :I rt • • •• •
U. L.- 1.4) 1 ,, cu Al 10 t, II .nt, I •
.1 f
41..m."1.1 for ' , beep •••••,.,,,.,
Ivry licht ntifl the ninrket 1.4 dull 3.1 , 1 01,
I:n..11 11)1, a•c g
Fri. 11,1 t.riqzg sl/t, b• A i
.rttt,t.t.t ttltt t tow Itittstlvr-tt ttt•ntt I. at a • ttal
l Ire
h- ~,
Inti it ...I, 11, 1,111.t,r 19 /1,1,1 i i‘r
AI, &A • head ..11.111/1 t,, ~pe
of her taut yr at 7 , , Thfn•hcs
c:.11lr Pt ,4I
Fri win t• tolled ear 14,4 Into 17 , 1 7,
t , d brad , t fat helfrry at ',a.!. , c ,, U
•el , l Het , . 1., :C OM,. r. at 11..0tt7
I..tallell 12 In ad of I.rim• F •u•
I ut•hy e:Ctth. at 7 , 47).; ; 1,11,
!1,. 01 5' r lip ad left te n. er. J It. Va..
Irr rclalhal 15 hontl ul falrkt, Übto cattle al au
avert elf
w. Park re? 3.1 Till Ind 01110 ratlla nt
2417, awl W ra .01,1 ?.0 common ittiert
and ht-lfr, at
Stutz to llyer4 Itrn. 111 head nf vnrr
man rattle, iterating alaatt 900, at tX, rraer
retalled .1.0 head cued rattle at 2.ti..V..; !Ivel
A. Jiro retallt brae! at place, rauging from
6,41. t 0•.
tereCtittalii .t Kahn retailed 19 l e for
Montgomery, yud 1. on their oven aeroont at
ft - um A to 794.
ILLitta d crouAu 40 head nt 7e716
10 head •t
kw It. R Trump/in ett•Ueil tin h•,l
In eutUu Leati ut 01110 11...P.k
at aa
h. 31A ey. own,.
Mimes 1.1/ICert y retalleil 17 head of ~o nsirana
Indium, rattle for Hahn at 1a0 4 : to head of
Ws•lithrtoo Co., !Sienna.) rattle for Welt' k nt
44466t4..-17 left utnt. tiood 4. Kurtz r 6 head at
4. ,1..11 ley 51 144.01 ol , 411.1 4.14 , 1:t0 , t
" • 'O(.io) .1. 4,r , vrntrolg 1475 11,..
114..1µ4 lo Cook I:. 001 of .141043 g% .44 4- 1 .
otteolattu to I. tO,l A Co. 15 1..01, nv...r-lqiu,
Lumber Proupert a.
141:• (M0•1411.;00, .Vess, rot, 11,
tesoet,telet Of le ggiteg 'lone Inter 10 thy'
phi rich of 11,1.1 vleinity ,Ory 141111.-11Fliter
i.llO ell te, van. I, .t • 1 . 1.11-1,111i,1i,
11111011111/11111 1 -1 . 1 .1 / 1 . 11111/ ,1 1.. nolonoo,,ture
oi hut plug r Aarhag 1t... I . l l llllng 'wawa pr •
tee he 1111.111111111111, 111.11111.011. Iltor lltet•e•
c , f tell tlti. the. , oopr.,erelent,,l t111:1111.11 .
lit/ 1 4 1.:1 hare :u the 11 1 1 6 1 I.
I 1 , / !I AI / —Cotton llrin rr. ,1.,111
It IN. b,r Middling
I t g.r•J: dull IN II bout ....hong.. err p.
r", 47•Mir,50; Extra, 45,0
1 - :Intl , mill randy 610,214{i1,. , C - brut at 0,5 Our I
111 11. 11. . If rill .11 hM, tor:N o .lBl,ok,,
dull nt \ I
W nib 1.1 1r --Kleskil) nt .2.25 for
AI thing Meets N.
~„ :xt —oogilliAljugV""'-
).....1 0. 1.0...00 oprut ria I
I In': Illivet .1 ,
01 , 7 t( St 07 AZ P. TTn tog 0
I i-nti. 1.4
'NI, I. H, \ ut,t
4,r ,r,i,n. L. 11.1.-. ."..1 1• , l..•. :11 -•
rr Alr,r,/ n./1 • At
figo I.) Um •Plinf•
IN—Thrlt. eta' , not a •tnnn• mn.n."'n. ,
in Wheat In-day that a e cnuld la. a ud. Ronne
Red and White In" !a demand. a MI ,
ttimpt,trm to lig. aninpal nn•al,..hle hd • •an•
he wait fl aI 17re 4•. h.• prink ,
wales Cttru rvin . lvd at :3 q
1114,1 turn) It !Lyn or 'tarn.).
1.0(11- -Is .4 t , ally n 11.1 i u ...le :Ate lot al •10.
wand, and Price. are prett) well 'untamed
We ii, I' regular sa reotirtisl at plot' , On
Spring Wheat, and filtitel , tor Mrlt-er -I he
oittaltle figure oti4 ho hale 100 OW.
at 350,. Mori'.. heat Flour it. .china .t -kir..
Per ex t. 113 e flour dull and nominally un
mert4 with a lair jolt
demand nl tinettunged rates, Lard i.-1111
quoted ut 164117 for enuatry. and 15t..0 19 fur
prttne ally. Mess Pork noir be !al rlr graded
at tall- dentinnil retry light No trio, emu nt in
Bull: Meals.
DO-So le of 10 Lag. 1 lover 'OOOl-f 117.
771,;;..10131, at 117,50. l'oot I , lz Is
Fin ore. 11 10 n•vt .41 at 02;4
1 , 1111.10 FDA IT- o nlee ,ot 101,10 Apple. 31
;311; 15 do do at In. reuehel n, ling at 1.
55 for .itaafters, and LI to 15 for hair,. -a l•.
714 , 1, 'III:seal" at 353
I'OTATOE, , -Sule of "JOO LLI. Pouch 11100
reported at per 1,1•1. and 10.0 do at 0,,
In .04-k, mule, at +1.1f,p1,20 r
A 1- . /'l.l - ...,.-ntefoly tt h a fair 100-01 demand
•tl7 to per Ltd, Tor prilno to 01011••••
Dl TTED-0/11, a Or 1 p4c. rOUll”..el 1101.,
V; I do I.rllne do at 3: l tL.T.f; orb 0 .10 tit) Ch.•l4
•1 35.
mnal 111/MI?ILO at
HANBEnnt rtprrt.,l at 0.
1.1 the 11'g", imlyerr prlmc
I. Nt•—t-atlem ofoot.l to to 1,.o• tilt, At
tlN,tjr.t im•t . totsit t.t N tt ly I.ot M irr,V•
ut.mporle-.1 of
Al.l—(..)ulet noti . nnellurtv,ett—t naln .t, do
ut 41...3 per 1,1,1, nol, vered
111/%llNY—t,tuott.ti dull .1 n'
Orr.. Or Mc ionr non 11 t]t - rfr
1 N r, Jul
Th.. Cool. Market 1.. 4..1.1011 ,11.1
0.0 • I1It4la0• . .loNt 11, 1,,01, hoNO.. •
.00 . 20 0010011 To roollzr Wc 10, I.ot to 0
4a . e, to T el)°, 1. It 1,1,1. ul Itt .114., 4010100.1.
and VINT 1,14...1 \Co h 4,141 II NtaLa .1 1.11
often. 10.1 1.40, Notoin to r.o't at 1, 1.. T..•
dellverrcl On the npolung ni tatty igation.
nn The other - unovo.l that hoy .0 4 ar•
01f..710, It, • it 1 0 ,0) lor
1110 .1, in I. 110., Nortned in• 10.,01,
• bui NI r NO.l In tto. n 1
e KIN r wi for t„1.111g rut..., It.. .tt
ttuv...„ Jl,O Offer lug u 1.. :1r. but,
r,ttn• t'n w lug to. 4..11 It f1u.... tluttr , ..
tw. tt“ t. t: ull wit.t w t,, lly unt.l„ttzt• I
,af t .t. • n tno•rtnrnt In - N.1,141m wr It•-•1•11utu
to 1. met. :11,111.nwIt taweltat,crwl
It frotu ttu it ,
, ill
111 Itoo.. tilt. ruark,t I
t 1 um, tl wt w nit •r ;••• ;
•;; c! , tr.• !L.! t.., I,lht 011. but I '•
.1%11. It.. bra, v Sr., tt) "
I : la,
.r 4: -W ti , At 4 1 for I. ,n , l 4 1 -
,' fel for Nn. ...prinfr torn
at 4 :11 ,7 ‘1 for No Y. and .13 , ,(01e for rep-..1 , •1
at. MC{ and l, L e two vr It I 2:ftito,l',. 1,
11)e at ."..f.%.11. fol N., I flat le)
It --Nonl,nal a'Ji
art I. r hat 11, me- 11 , --
Pow I. a,ira nre.l !,01, %ale. I,:taf
tut:: f • re. n llama In (air denlll.l,l A' I
live, nod (ram .11 • - I ne.g,•oi
plc, elf t.retu Sal.. .old at If'',an.i
Should•r, off There r n.n goodlngnl, for
Efitffhl , Meat, Mt% (infers an•l
apart In tbvir Ilnlk neat. and
Pl , ltlf-.1 atglerted rnor.. a4-tt. •
and at eady V. p ley of 2,0r.0 at 1;t417`,.
for prime L ittle and
Mora. rt. 11 ,
10.7!..“11.1:a", • - 11,:11
g attar', at .1,/,7::411...11.
jte , o Ipt.. 4;a:4. •1t1i.p.•.1.
t. 7 1 I rl Etc-et :,u4;
lha Mx, la mlely ,n.l 1 , 2
Irrt trt..alra hett.l al all,ao
I Quirt 20.1
• ..-rtskl D.patch (0 th•• wrlrrn, with a WY doman
ora. of !ou barrels, City. now, at 10., ,co
•: 10. r. treat ~I, l e. ',la at 10t..c. Bala Hats
Anil; Shoulders MO; oldas anbl
awe., 117,e raelt..t t.reen Moats arm, Mio.ul•
.tart. 194acrIldea,4X(111kt, Flans, 1.411 , 1‘4. Lazo
in 4rumntl. Self, of X* thrive. of I . rtoo.
City Settle at 17 , j1r; Heal, ITe
It CH:P.—Active and 10c higher owl,. ..1 Thee
at $11,150111X0 net, and SIIGO gr., De e.... 1
bog. at 111,00611,0 RI-taints, 1,4:0
Uprotal Doquttch to Westurn Pro..
"Imo Tong. January 30. lan
Thr relrolcunt aloOk market vra. Orni t. , •
day ern! cruetall) better...peel/01y oa
I•t•trlt. Pa/met - 14; Drumli - UT Run IT .15, ..n
11,1 IZT3. neINIOr k 01,
ott , Crr..k 115; Wet..ler Ion;
!IL UV; llutte.l .totr. 12.30.
SESS Vttllk vinlcutA:l 11 31Alt1s1:1 -
Lttsiottolt to Woliora Press.
rat rttlatain 1. tall Salt, 1.40 I,;•rrel•
•t SZ. and Elul tart r 1• , t•u,lar.l r.
I ==221123213
tv, “, Jan
it .Liam` a lift an. Timornlit n
Plitebtrrgh. roused s toile t..•
a hole rya .snit ptlcri were hp.qt.
r.r. LLe
41111, dttn,d.t.rra , llon Its.:14 , 11l i
enitr..nt 1..0 •”,, 1146.5r01
r..nt r.l 11.1al
Ihr Itull •x v Iltret , vat ...I 1,1 we., s
it • . • ra ,t , l I
'The 15.1 Li,
Bayard.. an, Trier, Iv,
arils erl,l .11,tritInt. , Idelp,,,,I
The l'ollao.t 111, `pt- 4.,•••••.. - at t
int :Ile. Itsp . ..
M 4, rT - Ip lull - tlcliturt t ,,,
ply. Thnre MR. 111.• tr r 1., t•....-11. Anellll}l, i.ll I cr i ,.
l•••LII-1,1131.1.• 01.• pet 1.. ,1
7-3.5 prt ri I'h.. •.1,1 tr.
11.111'. tlitt aft er,t,,,
146%. Th.- ro, r ht 1%, 1, I. dirlir
pll and hrttee Ca• 11 1 ,• -.• .t.
toortel. sere 4.1.•1 11,11 11 .• /I/
41,1. ll' v.. 'Ail, 11, LI,
Neil York 'Rorke!.
ii r.l log )11.1t11 1 az
g g; • goutt a 1.1 41.04.-1 rig t-tta
at 47. 1 7' Illtun r. 'A 6,, 46- r • f.,
I It II , .01.1 1. 0.
ISt mt- • 1 • 10,10 t !t—itilt tI.
p ~ t 11101 °tut 1101.011.
5. —11Ilo•nt owi.•l .141 i.l rnrr, w S.
:sill ~ flaw] N.• I )1.1'4 ••
1.0,11 I (~,ire ,
0 . 71, In l .inr. . 11c0 , 11t11.11 e•t‘ •I•tr,
Pat] , y nn.l 11A110 Ball :55,1 "5515,55A1
rnrn ftl/
/1101 "IP 101 1 ,, "21.1k1 f1X1•11
rrn lu r•inn , anddrllrrrrd. urt. lull tt,,i
1...V5, lit 11 , e1 lc 105 j ,
1•1,L01.1,.t, at— kt SI.. for Crtvle.nnel Ur tot Lc:-
nil , . 1 In fund.
(inn, ugly. firm •Inlet. augur very
nut], Luba Ildu , ren into, 'n
$l,lO. •
Pei, 'molts —l'ut I: °pencil flrmrr, lint 4-Loved
henry Inn er, ~ tiror Mn.,
for at.t. , ,1.5 for Old dn.._
0103144 at V-t. 2.0 tnah, e2.0,13:.144) fur
Id 4t2,251tt: M 041..; oleo
lOr Febrnary, M a rt h and Av. Li, vrt
1r rti find tiny era' Olitinn. fit !rDt.7tloth , .. 17 1:,..
vt.aitv, at :16,7. ;in f•ir Nen Prat.
li.r Main •
time,: We... 1,, 411!
lIQ •
11. 14,T
04. mot i.,1
llog. I, it.> 3 11.. V. lor It
and 1,...).13.Y. 11.1 111. tirav3
lila.. feu I'e•bril.4 Itar•• LI on I
.1 opt hi... , . 1.4•
.24 arr 4.h w :kn.! I , •t • I, .•..,
thin, al
New l'oOk
. Jam :So I uric' I I/I 1,
xi iilail,nr•
tr all 111.1h11. 4i7:{141..”11.
tl. 411,14J4,17,.:44 c4/1111:14alt,
f' - I' 41.4. 4110441,51;
Cruallt, 4dr.675., OtAllll,l,
ode . ,1•11'1 yislt 'Jo
.itnalliy, 11 ;0:4',
r•ortntllt.ll, 10 1 4"; in lootl , o
!Am % . 4, I 441,--Etint per 1)4,4 41471:.:,/
01 , 111.. • 41..: 4 / 4 , l,l'4l:,numeou. #54./.1.14: 101 l
rl..r. 41 ..1 .; 1,1 Ime,
:7 , 11, brut, cora-led, 11 4 10
I dl-fad, lir 7 .4 i1k . ..,
91h. nil. 11 for herd o nine tt• clop, tat.t•
y rreelltta ttf unit our t pt Ire. a at,
11:tt low! . tin nor, la-tv
Inittleotturr to t too. rl
1.11,1111 w ut -I rah'. pritro , . All tAttrri
t.rt a trifle Ina t•I. tool tt, • owe ttrutlo. fully
,r per 1101111 d
nook—Mom . planl y, tool lea et uttore r
t•ttpl total tun.
The total receipt.. of .11 stork., at all t
rarde for this and last wr..t. a ....• .
follons : Total ttbh week, h.., m . 1 , ,.„,
lAtr,iYSLvalica,7l7l;, hbeel) 1.41J1 1J111. , . :.••
1•NI.111(., tO,llll. Talnl Inat wow , IN't•11.1.
e0w,.::• 9 ; cal Is -
+kr. ork Dry Good+ Iforkot
111 , .15.,
, i,,,4.1‘
.••• •0
Jt• n 111 , 1 e
e•f 1 , 11,1/1.4 ant, I nit, , %Moll “n.
1,, I
- rivo4-1. -13,1 il• • .4.•
New York %lark and Mosley Mori-,
so 11.4 df: :016 - cent so :1.,
!nil P todd 'per, opeolsg
Aomg to lII', anti sjoslog .11 II.)
Got s too-ot Stock e quiet wful Arlo. strwhs
4iee.ll, I S I,.ki Coupons 'Ol WI!,
Itilr r . I'
iserles do !Mr.! serfs, 'l s e. one
11 , . Issue So.`,. NewlYlwektero tV,„.
.Nang Cal olnik N% ustern Union
traph , 'sew York * est !JI , o Mw!!
onlllkr+Y IS:q;krle sO.; !few' ingl o 4 Southerni..hl.4lol I eotrul
14 :I,: 111 Isl , urgL •I.
W. •I•rp preferred :Z. ~k. o rt
Pailladelphlw ,rfigHael
1 . 111.“, Jan. :1.-I'otrnlen, .1,11 31
IFF.e.te for I Ind.., xn,l :Ayr.rrj, lip
~, .11.1 F.P.41 . .r. frr,
heat lull I.Frl Ow; • ntln- ,
F . lO, FC.IO 2.1,
411. , tii•••,f
1 . 11r1.211j.,1
Caltiraore Vlwrkrt.
I - 1,1101" lan 1.1 .• -
,Artr, arc' loner
111 end o
, we , oe•
; W
ehile tr.trne; lellt ..oe.
'talk -.1,3L'e1• I f
• \
Detre.' Lumber Market
I.r it• ./... rt. pro
...lily 111, ther.. 1.•
rmle he rt•,t
.• WI 1114 - I..trt 1 , 11 1,10
lit Ihrrr
I: II) ..1.11 1.1/ ,
I•. II t• 6. 10 ~.1., 1 1414:411 1,1
i• 01.110. froin Ow Torr....lris, .11-le.. I.
`.• .." •111,..1 In. r.•
aa: • raaasa laaa. aaa sarrawl alliarna ..aa• a ta ' a •
.1 laa Iral a, 11 ti 'll .iftl4l iaar onaufaat aaa a taut
la a y a I.a. Stag:nuns ltatt 1.. •••.azar
-taaa.a , tar In Malted, !MI. 1 11.
a• I.i, IA 1.0111) lot tr . , Ike t •-a10.1 1 11.-.1
pot lora It lA/ cure log,
;tll 11... nt Inal.,t4tmo, , t It,
r,.• • 4A . MII'• I I.Jr ,
II I. „is th.l the detuatlal vtll 1,.
:".,1 I lien. I. to, ',meson t.• t.,11..•e that 311.4 her
• I,li. I, In Itu , le +lutllar I but ol
.:lur Ibe nieutunieturer, 11.+% t
mi.lacd In tit. former emate..l wtll
rit •t-tn ta, Olt :r rah, :kn.! Ilia, all
11/•• nr,k ”aturr.
11'•‘ if
71.114/ tiGhl
t tmt
1(.I • t , .1• 1 . • 004 41,,r,
• •
, 1/ •I° .I[l.l
.I.r rt. r I -Inn Mon
.1, .e. nod char
.1., .1.. I,lllssum . .7..r0k.,.10. xl
hill -I . •.1.,5..,1.7,,t,
1.. .k 1,1;,; 1.. 4,1,1 x...,.
.•e.•l •1,,,4.•-..k No. I
, •....1 .1. , 40 . '7.1
.4. 7..,
1 kith .
1' , I L• 11. FORT WILTNR R I Hie •Fo% R
. a.• pig 1n0.11.1. .N Irak). .% v.. I:.
/(1,11, •IA Po. 1,11; 2 t 1:•,
r 311.1,, IQ) run. VII to, t
I'4 , , n, I Cyl 1..,''.11 Rett. ns,,t)
.1 111.1,..,54.111. 1•41.7.
ie .1, 1.t...f.te, r-o;
%tf - V t 11.• r• I
• • --I A )1.1111,4, 14
4 t 1 . 1,r•r4,44.44‘
,” -- 1,101 ..hott raki, A 1.. 1.-
I..ti e • . Il•.14 Itraning .). 4 hos., ....I'.
I ,t try lor It
A c. I .to R I. F:ahnc..trrek 11,1.
~ o I :11.r., ra ,19 rum, Jo, W 1 ~ .r ..5
' tltter, `AI 1...A14.1.,
1.41. ch./I ot WI. A )111111..•.a A ...•,
A4-..r 4 . v.. t 1444.1.0, kA
•-• . larnt, It Robt-on A t.,.; IN
Ilcarprlon; Mkrl.l,. A
I 14,,t A 1 t.,1.1 r
I Ict, I 1.1.1 butte!, hovt.. A su.ll/1 kg •
114.4.1. 4. H
i • T• 14C rou. Ca, C• 11 1 ,•• 11. 3. r , i:
J. btu,. fltmr, Jaft tour., 100 ,lo
.iss • , •natth, 4 a, n l,t, A
i.pez. Plltsb‘u - gt. I . .per 1..; r rel
I uller, I Legs egg., 3 Itt.v. weeds..Nl II Ls
tem, asnrteell A. Brum., 11 clew, : , ki•
-1 • r A )14 -Kay
I 1-IfOIAT3IF STATION, January ••-.
Mmit, Ilaiker cisim
Im I inr mill J W oiir
.•..rr 1.“...‘ Soll: . 3 Mrs tmy. J 1113.M.A. , •ti
Ili, 131.1. .opriert rikm. mil
& u:s; 4 1,41r0 44.14 - , A II Child., 14,
S A l'ammnini iiks corn, Cb :
bog*, J. (ill:min.,: I 113mM...32.1.1,1:mar
.1.1 Mi. Frazier b Lim; IS link,
A I• 1 1 e wheat, ii.rmirilv Ai . ••
t... rlti• ar
1:111,cou Nt•••
Ih. ..•ty
• Ithln 11.. I 1..
• rtlon rut, 4 It
. • 1.. t .1 1.. I t!,
It , torl•ls
Wn 3 up ••t ~ •1.11 14 At.vl
11, II .1 1.• I ,c 1
an .0 ts- .111ellerilenl 4.11 nil lei
tin tno•I o tog I. Itho.
1) lot foot e.lll.trikrt
it . • 44•11:1 /1,1 . .1 ilt • N ,••••
•.• r. itat .1 5.,11.0.1
1,11,e nI,ol 11,r) I... 411.•,•••• • r.(11
1 u
dot f1..1, ',II. It 4-.11.11,
I, I !Aft If., ••11. 1.1 1
. t ...,. If,
1',n.,•, .u.
• • I I • I :t `, !I
11.1 ..k:11;,10• nr , ..1 n n,••• 1;,11• 1.1
.1 , • .1
t.t PI
• olle, :k1 110
11i1111 11111 1 • t ,l ll .
• 1% Nl . l, 11 1 . 4 . 4:1.. •111•1 :ilk
1 11 1 1 ,4111 ,•1 1 •1•1 1 .1. 14 1 4 . 11 It, ritt.••
11,...)1 11. 1, 1 1,1111 11 11• 1 ••
1.•13,. LI;411
- 11,..1 111. .101 111.111•14• ••
01,111,. 1111/111 t 1 :11111 . 1•41111 fr,t 1...14
1. 11 , r. r, hi 111.1LNI ‘l , l .11J .1,1
lh I ht..,) la U 5 itolzeuten S Weiderbolt
Ikl arc -tin . , •
v 3, 1..1 It Th.
1 ,
Ctut.l,l.t ht.:Tufts - or , 11rt I L rrlurn 4, fur
-13.,11.31 Ity It. It. /lulu. 1. iry
13 ev.MVlct,...
ntll be coMinendetl by Cart 1..1.1.
B. 1)onc. u II \ , ll fll, I 111
occur.; the oille.• ss nest cit.!
ill En . all. Juel Bute, gue: nul .• Ilnt
mate. Henry lin.w 11 Will James M. Nu.s arc
her engineer.. Robert Hamilton, one of Ow
oldest ate . ..lUa iu the rat ut , takes charge Of
11. 11,111 , .10d Tor I , ..rlitt
ion to Ulu-- 40IT. ring
"Uric- The Imp...rt., h." ,0 40
it 1111. , 1 o. T. , tan I*.pr ill. at.. upp.
d.t ,.„ ~! alt.! T.° utpeti., 1,
.1 v.. n.:L141.
11. t • , -I
‘,ll u 1..• her rum lorttl., i nn
1.4 \111.:..1 .1/1•I
, I • .11 111. 1 l• • .•1, r r 1,1
11..- hand•orne poet,. ono bunllni; at our
tor •nitlnimi t and lout-rill, Is I
tr. , ior and tlnelnontl
11/1 1.1 II st bull! at Illov.torrllle, by
np1a....1.1am.1av01,.., un.l Is 110. feel trel,
11..• 1.. t en wilt, Iltr f,rl.l..pth or noltl,
r.l .1 icel t0.,1 111 !eel. Tier-
g sour, It ere 1 , 11111 ',ION( ilcu, 0f11,11111.,
(111.• I.ICII I avol four DOll a-half
et II
11,1,1111. at Itrow
lOle, I,) 1 rt noon. A •. , hns fifteen lengt
ul slabro. 11 ,1 "In- lois thr, ft
lot 0.% Kr.l tart., 111 .In...icier. K,ll,
1101 , I DCII. !mitt u 1•3 .1 • It n
•lol7llr, herein.. and set y hand.
"• 1 / 1 10 1 ,111 ,. bn was don, +atme
j.ti ly If , r ror,. I, no,: 'I I:. t
I,i 1.0,
01 Stilltlitlel.l eel; 11..1 •ti rt•. wale.
an.l nurr.llB,, or, r ere Itttirgitt In 1 . 1..
lit r tnlrt or. a VII' (1.111.11•10 . 11 by .1 .1 tlllespio,
anil her n 1.1101.11,, nr P.ll 111110A011 ( ,( 11 ,
1k ill 1.16(1)(111I11111111(4113 . l'upLain I. II .101.,1..3,
Nr. Ith Mr flue len Tullman.
known on W' "tern Writers a, t ••1.... Ni
Illtibtlit go. , Oct nu her an ,
I Itt • ••.. • c.
'lnn Winne.. of 11...1110Ng0a is 0:2 1.1
forty t1,0,i-au , romploe.
1.01,1) 10....11 : i• : 'it 1, 10/ 0:0,1 Gt
Tlttv -du) . • • , uln , •
thu Ow, st HI r, 11 ..., .•••,11 . 1 .N
bOr CXX • ClIrni • I • 013111, I (1. • •I•.• 1 .
tli , uugboul 4.1. t..•• • 11 t, It • st.
,-,ll 4 , lOAWit thitt
'''" .rx
'C I r.l.rr. ,(1111
• 1.. / 17 it•ll,/, fit 0"
11.1 ••••rllll Flll- •• t11.44.5ttr.t.1 Ire
t tau.
o ‘ Is 0 A II %ter Alizoo;
- , lac 1100 111.'1 Pirrth rl old ; the
1., • . 10• 1113.14 . 1 wr• by Ihe
J;i f
• •,-,
I r Th., •rr n 1,11. toy rttl.
• ` • 1., •,• J., 1.0 I
1.1.11 11,1 t.i,-1111/ . 11 ',take et
:t. ..1"Iluc
•1 put 1..•;.. ?••Itt, I. , •11:1-ortql ' , los • cor
, Ain Rut It Vtrlt lerk r alatAtti
Hir•lt,ll: t.tynn,l3l.tte,
...t. R .rter. f n;;lttet r, Jot, ..11,..etmtIttrt htef
Ilr tetntiagt. I• -to 1,75.11.1.
•• si 11 Irukt. for the rsty, of Neu ttr, , ,,ltt,
Aflt•rttonn ill tour o'clock.
ZeiMt 181 36-
iiil•t,lt , a0111.116,-MRIEITAS PittkilSlEßG
foliv•lng Or•t-cia•• I.•••eng,
r SY! Ma , lire n. Maar,
•hN „,. • \\ T , ') alon.lay Tturada,. al
NI) . ti W ItraTER
I 1... oily and FrAny, •1
Lng ..or. T., day and Yridny. at
•Tr 011 It f.'/•T city
A. CY.
I • a•r• %%I, •• r•In• •cln) aLi4.l unIAT
I II 1 FIII . •••1I •011 •ITIF•I CITY
'1•+1r• 1•.14. r• 3r g •-• • • • 110nda,..0.1 l hur,d.a,
I • ..Vt •N% etl•• •• • I fq:•-•1:,y .11.1 FrI•1•17 . . mot'
• • Fart. r•t•Z,IA • I ...:sdn; and •I
`Tr \l l - 1•. WI St 1.11... T •It
1. •vet Par k. tt • 41,10....ta, an.l ..tur
a p.
t :111.1\11,11u, rt.: , Tn.r.d.te a.. 1 1 -unalar. al.
Canna rtlnnt palt,. are tatfe 31 Wheeling
at •111ella1r .111, 11.. I -r
•1/0 m
1 . 1,1 antral; tra/n.
Ira, • rill•tatar.“ at Steit ;urn urt.ll.rtrlantl
tn. AIL.. • lat halo. rai I . lttatour •.1
tne and I lii{l.l4o Moll. r. whirl) 1r a, t' 11..10
a• 14p, and at Mara,tl .tika Maraelt. • tt•l
rtnnatl fl l .llr,arl. :tad .Itl4
~I •1 trt ••u
, ta ‘lll-klt,ern River: anal fart re.l..ra ttl.
•rll barn .11 1 he Italtrtnure anti Okto anti
mil. .11, Line clearttera t. I - omen - By. 1.111•,..11..
1. totl. I•nrt ,ntott 11, ilsesellle and Clitutuatall.
•I I I' p trt,, rounrelltsta• arr wade at Ratllair
• 1 1 ... and awl rittattt Rta
rgt, .ti:tstrf. 6:m a. 13.1
U. pa• pert , teller •I Clurel.ll.l at
u. anti a, t ••
7,1 y a. m.aret morning.
4. ak
4411).• 41,6
JA! , . ligrut4
At NC ft,hoot. Vottl ttf Wntttl
NI I erg Ight •111 S. r• tel•ed .a•• 6 day. up to :•:(u
1, Olt CIACINN 471 . 1 1,1111,,,,
A ,11 \II I - be,. mid rie-MIZMit
:1 4 ..1 pa.... n , r Lt. rt. 1..PAN , 1,V.
•p , I% J. Of •• f • • ill !rave for tbe above
.:. , no. clo.le port.. on 11,1C1t,1,11. 1.1.
ear X ' . i‘b t or pa...3g. apply 0111 hoard or 1..
J i•t l .. Ag. e,
No. Mr' .1: t
• t — T lie •plen , ll.l
r. 1 11 , 1 111 A. ..... . Cap: It 1 .
t 1 le a (•,r nr , ••• mud .11 km, r0i..11 It. t •
UV . ..1 , A T. 041. :r,..:tit.. to
••r , ',pt.., or
h ..11.1.1M.ttin , 1:
1 11 E111s1 LA It PACKET ratat
lt 11E11 17‘1.. 31 NETT.,
V •Vit, 1 Tb• 4111 11:31:11/1
; iv r.t. H Ort - t v.. will leave for (F.
•. port: erere TI.TrSDA
• v. Iv, 1:. t urrong, leave.. Zan...villa eve:, VW
,) a, : J. p. 4114 IN( /WOOD. ArrAL
. _
1:01O mt_mrims NEW e_ i .,Lf" =" .....24%
~f (1 VAN, -'11:• uvw elde wheel
• er
pr .. . =pt. FT 'rt.>,
W iv. for all In tvrale.ll4l. port
Tub 8.11. at IP. 1, ".•
.1. 11. I 1:1,..1.1Nt:N WM.
1.1/111 CINI'INN ATI AND , —
If' , sv I. f.Y.. splen.ll,l
WAN ' . I .% .... ..... T. ,
T/115 1 , t1... 4 I , m.
11 4!
1)4 TTEIt SO N . .1 TIN' ON az. 4'0..
..11 1.1 , 11,41,0 Mt . r.l`.[lt P . 1.01 - I[. fit: V\ %SO
tit:, el: 1 • R01 , 1".. V. 1.t:5 I.F.Rzw, Noe. .'ww sad
T.. I, law 'street. erwitJ New nalding. oprewlte
I P. wr.:l7
),,,,.•••• • J. P 4
'•• • " .
- -•
gFECIIA NT:" and dealer. to FL It fil:NT,i
~,, pRo kr , Ver....,..1.1 etrv..l.lrrtwt-ru \Vo.d ..11.1
mtvllllrld, I . lllsburgh. .11:4 suss •IILES q alta:PP.attO•
Coantnlaelon Nlerehautn.and dealer. In rurelgn
d lameatle Frall4. Flour. nutter, Clee-r, P
rot and pewter/. general!). No. 3 , 1,
STREF:T. r IlJtal.negh.
( , 11.4.1RILJES C. BALSLEY. Produce
• and Comanbaaltna Meretnnt.iVart.l...3., ..1. ,n
iI 4 ENTV Pittablar&h. Pa.
• etu hum, t beet,. Lana. Car.. Pork. 1134.4..
!lean • Tallon. Feathers. Brunt... Pvtataa , .. 11 , n,
".% lirt..l Yrolt.. n Fruit- 0na1..n.. Flou
Ural, 41..,er P.tatry. Particular attetatl..t. al% qn ID
Paaaduee ”41 4 .1,111.4 . 131
'Lot Gil ts. CO.. Succemsorr to C.
• 1... r Co.. t %NT°
vi n no ‘ a ‘ . ' ! ' l74g tIT N P Tl ' ll ' h U . '
ra-h a•taan..ta ut h .10 c-ntL-4-0-Pnent..
IKNOX SA. SON. irogulisis.ion
t • stF. 111 II a a. Fl I N.
)111 I. ? FFIP ao.l I•1:q.1.1 7-
,41.1 It? HAIL ny • .t?
folflie,o.” • ,I , ,rt
lion, 1.1t:1- 1:11 ',TUE/ r.
1 1
11. J.II h.
i. P 1 TTSR
I I'l'll. BAIRD a.: PiTTOY,
• V. s.4lton I/I•17: Sad
111 . • • .."•
(I LP 4140. 4 tni5..444.4
1.. IU h 4 ( - U.. N tb.lilSro
I OWH.I .t FIELD , /oruna 1...i0n
.rte rfi.ig , l"Nlair
t....?” But, r
It,. on, l'irur. I Vot nA
I in., ti 1...r.1 01/ •• Drl,l Fruit .t.. 1
I u: I 1.11 3utl Frout
I< J. ,I.X.VATItI , tk,r,
ti, Bit°. 8. CO.
-1, a, I . TV
i lll. au. 1 .1 lItL
ullia,4 J A. fin tn..
1....,•.nn anti Forarardinr filemnsa•*. an.)
are .,
al: I Itistlllrrtl liAl.lllracltll - 1111.
Cll. , 1 ~, at,rt...l . lClaburgh. Pa.
. -
aci.res...of Lard /I{l. and 4 oultdia•!•.., %1,,,d3.,5t la
ra. rtl:ii €4 4 ruda and
In Ito., al and 711 t% ate, street. I . “teialsrarn.
Ad€ anc.. wads
1.;,( 1 11101 , 1AKER h LANC4Whole,ale
t la riour. Pr 04.4,,
r L.lun. I ,:11. l art.., N,,.
171 Strr.l. mar liberty :Strrt.l.
Ill; A D E 1111:TZG ilt, Grocer+ bind
cthumi"iun rcL.aut• aalkAilde
1•1..1..ner and Pirt..horgh Ilaimnfhrtn.rea
1.1 , ert t.
. ET/ 1.11 .41.112%1R0N G. For.
:.11 J. • ..L •. :
1., ,,t(r.. n. Lord. (tut, r. l(rli , d
i (tali (~ (-o
•• (-.113. No. n. )(Ark., ' , tort.
cort,• r Vt. fZ,-.13
IjCE, tom us cm .11 yr.-
• •
r t.:., .1, I.(.,:wrin Floor
1,3 (. ••140!!!•il.. i. 31... f: li
Ntor.,,. N.n Lu
W. ol no ' 07,r
- .
iI R IDDLE. No. IS3 Liberty St..
• .14h, I ( I, tor. ..0.1
0,31, ,00ttr3 Vroduce, (I, 3 aiill
.1 on
elgumauta. an• u
J. ......
I S. I.ICGETT 6. CO.. City Flour.
• 1,, N 11134. rorto-r 11.(1,1 nod .lr.
•••1...1.111..1 , ... ! .. I. i.r.1.1y. •;C:
1011 N I. lIOUSE 6. CO.. IV tiole;.alt•
1,1,1,, mill Comm 1.31..1,
)011T. DAILZELI. CO_ II hole-
Lt. I4.trtirol--1,,u 4
4..:..rataba.,ti kt-t,
.5 nt.}:% AI.IIIIVELI.,
r 11. 1 , •• rl.lll, L.. 1.1 .114 F,.
. . .•
NN. .I—' •0 4 ". - ; it s
orty •Itt.t.f
c'( - )T?.
Fur. ca 4,1 - s!
1.4 , At In tbelto
, , etenrAnt reAn , A 1.11 I I , nbt,
. ta rood, l•rge rnendo• Ilich r•dore
..T I. •'cy nAftli.llo
L. .1.1 • rhea•nd on ea', tetue...
a ia. - an a•nnt aereq. •itn.tted West
IV Leal neld TO. • I,•• .L..rtnry. l'eneTyr
rrno,” ealenta are • god, euitif
r. 1.1., • Ith ...ow, a l•r,c e.•roe burn. na
me, han•e, comseirit• wadi hoe., lame area
and a two-vdoey ..totte rctrin.• houirt ai•eat .ort,
cleared and 112 abd Oust • ovela trsl of
ePPLe• Peal'. Pea and qat m. tree, The jeneing
gcurrally pro.. The Wh ui • quail". +nun
dance al - limestone, and hat s .duirt iltdollee from
rma l, ibis property willhe .014 sere Ox.p.
3 Warm of aboutlacy-'toone.toloin.r ihme,
The imprommeats are o •tury item.
and • large frame ban; trim-me /mated mut under
A good east. of cultivation: a :mull apple orehord: •
large Voreateril too New. united
• uldeshe st.eltafate We
Parm, ur be,31.1
. 7r• n' o,l l LannOof 170 ger.", slitt.,nl In Last :heal
th-Id too nahlp, India.. caned,. Pa. ill, Irooroer -
meats are •• larg•Fraino nn t 'itho ,
burn with a good 'abed all around; 53 a.reeetcarrtl‘'
too tenement .0g dwellings: app's rruhard • swear
con. ..ent to rhcreh. stoi - ea, Ar. A poi
loo •
uf the ',sternal! money • be ILA... In • ell Lo
cated land fn lowa.
Alm. • !Arm of LtY aeres In Filmhedh township,
Allegheny tennis . The land I. of the beet ousditYt.
a very large orchard of the best cartel y of Iran.
tano till be .01,1 eta very reduced price. Vas
.don glee. on the lat'd3r of Apra. LOA.
Aiv.o. toe beat farm Id f tu•mmhtp, Wag.'
moorland county, Pa., containing 310 a -mai siaray
Cmile. south of the PS. leallroad. The nutirme•
meats are two lame btretal homes, one of i
large/11.nd beet frame bards In tie. town•Illp; cm,
apple ortharat. The ..lack• farm I-under a top,.
abate of eilltleatton. The fencing I. all No. 1. Tha
land te of the eery bent limeetonri aliout 333 *env,
cleared. the halnitre In good timber.•wint of
the Mat daa of April, lit, Tide idbiseeif veiti be
••I ' i tt • VT. , bargain. The owner ori•be• to engage,
In r on•lne..•
meeral other ran. merging . frota $:3 1 0 tab
g A la n ,•• Farm or 150 acre.. atatate In illeeandlem
toven,..hlp. Allegheny manly.ahou Smiles froth
the city. The Improvements nee a
guod barn, &young ember,' etiiple. peach and
pe e r. I • ill eat tide •aluable prcverty eery cheap
and on cap terms.
For lairetter partleuteu-s, Inquire of
TOWEbh hold Estate agent.
aeZ No. hie Von rali street.
I,oon SALE.
Karin g SUM ererly Papered awl Painted,
FINE Pt/Wine:O. FITDRANT lu,tde ao.foutele the
LOT 1 Potty-five fvet Cr..., be GAn Ree
der.' fret deep, FINE GRAPE AMA tn.
THEEn, w 111 be Oren on the nest of
April next. Also,_
12•0 IIOUSE.
?nave.ton will be &fen On the lot of April neat.
The proprietor will either sell or exchange for
Ntllltry Property. •lvtaaclayl_:lnntgla ` trtnF
- ITo. Itt Fourth street.
Peal Eetale Itroter. and In./ranee Agent,
anXlN.trtf IL Federal etreet. Allegheny. .
I'OH SALE—One Engine; 15
ta diamrter. 4 feet 6 Inch ytroko, f,,et bonny ty g
Nrheei with hot and cold water forte pomp. Now
oil aafdy valve, patent onetime. Trim spot
nearly LI,. and of aokerlor worknixtublp. the
esatlnge beta g heavy.
Alan, ENGINES. ell inch ealluder. 21 In.*
brad,. •121t61.b for on well,. One in new and the
otben ii a ( s .44l4l24 • Vs ' EVl'S 1L1G111214.1.
Including bull abillagoal wheel*, boring tools. exit.
loge. mpea, de. Allto,.42Tifeetof Inch tithing,
bras. Jetutit, putnia•beaTehl, Yuda,
Thirty barrels 80. Cbarsroal.
About tea
of born Maori Iron.
T/abteen Wooden Taut. 26 feet dansev.r. bet
.tares, capacity, I,23lbariels. horde,
I,OR SALE—AL Farm, contalnurr,.
Wont MC aerlS situate In Jefferson township,
Allegheny coonty. , ort the 3looongshela riser.
one tulle front tlso Borongh or West 1:11 , -beth. The
hoprovstnents are s two story 'Brick noose with 41.
r•snos. Frause Noose. two stories. with sit rooms'
er r. corn cribs, worgon sheds mot other
o s o o i l b%raglo: j' ahrost So arms of the •ery best river
bottom. This prspert) ts. too-sled for sonslyolog
rposs sod will be sold at • very reduced pri es.
and secure one of thy hest form On I
hlooongshele riser. 11. TONER., Res? Estole
Aseut. So. lid Fourth street. lalonf
WtU be .la TO-DAT at reduced prices. This trIWI
Is bltuate to Wenn:sorelaud coaut 7, Tema.. Mk.
North-W.3,n Pennqlvaals 'Railroad. about two
of Apollo, ra_ rtratAt tm two ey
l . Tgg ` k l ll --ti F"` zcLAY
;twitter particolArs Inquire al the Law sod
Claim Orme of
kiiiß MAT,
ao Yourth buret Fitt b 1.1
Araii n t
t .1n loom„ rrr
~ Lot.otycjick. b:42
Cornet:anent and sfarkeestrfrete;',llfasrrreat urr
and 79 Thlrd Vett; beeertd Floor (Mel., Ne.
9treet. Ewell:re of
Jan IfeIfA9TER . t 3 A.t.Z All
I•6l . Varavr,
13r0;119 \O9. a . ANT) 5C umnir p irr ST.
AL.SO, T 0 LAX<IE .BECOND 8106' 1t.. , I/
Er. T 4 AN U GO 314.11 M ET STIIE
COrNTICI , WIESIDEXCE, situated In WI in.
township. Ironing on- he Citizens' Passen,Ter Rail
road, about= feet, wdg as width on the leght-sty
River,oosalating about %%acres of laud.w lib 3 doe
brick Ulnae. sr itb eletonmrell finished rooms -3 la,-
frame stable, earrisenbeesse. leash bhuse. coal
and other buildings; • satiety of that trees. Tioi
property Neill be sold cnieery reasotoblo term,. l'.•-
sesalou given the fleet day of eft, lahi Por .
thee Information etakutto•t- (Li 11. TOWER.
d•tlaf Res] Eststo Agent,la4 rourt,h
Li BALE . -4 am authorized t o
sadl any acres of /110, animated In Charlirri
ley. only three =Mahal': miles from the Clic. eind
three-fourths of • mile from the rittsburyb
b n•Illr ltaflrya t.
This propert Is well suited tor gardening Purim-
ot. being all nom and protected on the
north by • hill and tarring • southern exposer.. It
I. well adapted for • couotre residence. tin, In
Omit on two public roads. .1011 X D. MILKY
de `X. MLitt. 1.1•11.
(INLIF $12,000 !...FOK SALE.--
'MIA Large rwo-s-roar
situate at bellyful:lee ) and built orl7.lnally f o r
Unending Schaal. If Is It feet wide Ire long. -
and contains large and .mall rooms to then:Mu - Otero( I
VldlltTli. Three acres of ground, with I.hart,- tree:, 'I
Carden, shrabbere, , ae. It would Make a good
wending House, ter which it trarnseel lam „year. d,
itha little addition of hullo:tidings, would neako
a row of gaol dweLling-lidd•es. For thrthcr yard--
ula appll to S. CU - TIMM/MT .1 SON'. - e
tabu GI Market Street.
tiTIIELT fvlt ?ALE.—Ttbat large and well tin
,hed tiercestory trick Dwelling on Wylie stern
near Fifth, finished to tooter. style, containing it
rworns, kitchna, range, boar room, but and cold .ra
ter end ra. tilltbnethout the building. Till, is one of
tuod desirable properties fur dwelling or beat
ne.s now offered i.e sale. Pueession April
Isl. Terms resonnable. Apply to
Isintlf 11cLAIN & kO.. IT. Fourth street.
_ .
itochr. [...1L1% of hall. two parlor, (lining
notn, kitchen. too guest cellar, ern. four rooms
seeond Lou,,. bade torso an.l tlttl,lied attic - , water'
d. tures In three neon.; fso-t float by twab , b.
(rentingon tun, reet,. 're rud.. iiiii cash, re
re:tinder in one. tun, three and four years. For •;
pr., and location, nods to
Jolt a. 11111111bIlff & SII:SI•t. SI Market sir
Theo, two ndat I/weelllnets. Noa. ill and tie,
fronting on Elm and rosier..- ,trects, are al and ear,. term,.
Al nral ! frootlog
on 1 . 1.1,n, I. anla A•ctic. ann.ln-a g5..v.1.1}1.s and
Dont zw.• Dwelling, No 110. -
re..v1..0g .I:,rgboty rtsee, auot large //./... _
1311 11. fIeLF.A.I CO. ,
1.01 NTI:Y SEAT.
IS ILLu ote..• v. 010 Do::: Ferry Landlna. The
ler-e ntol aris' nnt,bed. with itt•y
wi ,r”, an:l railroad. with 'arr.-, or
gro..i.d. arranged w 111, garden and (roll Or,at
abut:lda,. re. wrier...lan/ It. .o...luelgLhoria..mi..
.dabl.r and carriage. boo -1.10) .
ion 11. %fel. 11N A 1.0.
1 , 1 FIiLIENV I. ITT. e ee.l, well
31111,10 E Dwelling Hon:, In a plea,ant
..tiort dlNtance from Federal wet., lorth lot la, „
tet Dont by DS', ors-p, Lail, s. I.eo rwoon, ntandled
lir. gas and water restore,: w lit he aold at a bar.
~.111. bar prtce and terro, nnlo at the 124-al La-
I,e ofErc of b. Cl:Ti a ll:l:in' hoht.,
;011 SALE tAIEAI'--1.4 acres of i!
Land. oltnate In broil tow oshlp. Allegheny to., ',.,
on the Washington road, abont flee mile, both.
10, linprosetacutt-are a Fratal, 1101,14.
vt d hall, frame 'table.
g.....10retu Grapple, Grapple, peach. pear and pleat In-ee.
Pd. peoperte I. Ver. de.leame fur a con
Fur Inforr,tatlon Jr Il• 1 . 13 if s r
t:. IT. TI/WElt.
Real Fatale Agent. 181 Fourth .1.
;on .ssi..E.-012 the !Kent/tali LLia 1i ltroad ,
'te, eh/Wiest:2m the city,
Elena and Water Ilourlag and SZIT 11111. sad oth.
Pni.mj.ral eleente. SOr Turther laftertnall.rt
(Opposlte the Cathedral.)
Gr.... 1, street. No. 110.
' .Swot On, awn:...( rich around. : Ina clink:o to.
ralll‘..At Oallatnt, t. : n aw.0rt,...110f
and L:10 frvltl. Floor tan
Vrutue, of (nor r...otnn. a %Wile 1 :pat;1/3,;,
t o rt ba !arit no the prninn ty. "
• • 8.
IteGki-r In S[-del. andl LteallEatale,
GI Intretti.Gtrert.
04 L LAND 'FOR 1.4 411.11, on tilt,
• Sloorenyebela Ither, In the 1181111 lee , ll..near
•df ell, tee. In - 11 - G.,ldeddreldnel r.dortl V. a te-ad-.
Id 1.„
enta ale.det TS :W M,. p‘rtlelotarG, apple a
• Streter
Jan Yoortla thsrl,e•G
V SALS:.—Two large three rtert nrirk elllnx
liouseG, selth:arpe !et ;rdele.l. 4itusle on Star-.
d. •treet, near I.theri,, tlarlt
• houGe I. go,f.
o.• ad CO. enk.nlly artnncedl.. finale,rhetp bs•
S. LLTlll.l.ltr A Sttlta
- 01 Market st
cel /WI it ILL PIVIICIIASE a good
'ot-lotniv- 7 Prick Sheenier. afloat, on Alain
teinas, apply at the Rea/ kitty
•il In.:trance ISlllee
n ILL 8. 1LW:17.8
Jan/ ,
n/ • • !loer Gtreel, Lawrenceville
reoperty, Gltuated un the car.terrlN
Book Gut! Allen /Arent... For ton., apply tog
Lztale sod buurvace Ur2oe of •
1 OR g IA itorntliti:lte po
• .• I:. sit.uatv
• ,
enrivlrpf I,
rt Ei ro • -
.ILI - 14)8.NZT.9".1.1 .
tio. 96 6=UL - street. (near Yllth
tiny," •,r,',