Litt Wittoburgh 6nctir, avrsDAT, JANUARY 1). TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Arrival and Departure of Trains Pennorylrania Central Railroad. Departe. I Arrir,e. pr....—. 2e4 a TELMLII I:7lim Aeroin 4 ll 7:10 R te, Faal ..... :;414 tan , allunll tal.. F 7710 s Wn11.5.,c0111'13 111 •••••••-•• , ......1!:910 1,4 Penn A 1 7 , 10/11.. 7 pm pi Won Amian... 5:50 a in JOPPIP:OI.I4 WM. 9:45 pri,.74.4hu.'n ACcopa.lo:4ll in e. I,°;;;;Tt , p' ' ll ' l Id' " 1C.A.5 el 13.1 Wan p " m 2:CLI p re, ;hi 1 :4511..AVp21711%!) . p ta ~rj renri p ':WPW 4T17447=7:01.55pm I,Z4X l ell gtla t ZrPC=lng ' . V =4, l .R=4;X:2; rittakcsub• Pen/album and Cinelanati. Tut Lin ."..-240 vast Lino ... . 4 ; 7., MILLI .11 . • MO a In Hall .1,33 p ,F....41M1 , 11 6 44:.4 4. U2O pm Kaprela. ux *3ltube e AO- iteubrnville enUm ie.t.l commodallOn ..10:10 ato Althampria. Irt.'wey.e sod tebmg. , " txpre e z . : Mit MI Lai pn514.....4.44444.. p 1 4. 1 • iiat. p m tic, Brighton .4ecammodstion V ....7.159.10,1 Pit p. 19,.• Artfitlattnigkrelevelnud and Wiles Mfg: " ... 4.... 2:5.11, • 'Ur " ' • fig: rt, attZ2 . ; 0;40p. m. , /Pittsburg b and Connell..o.l • /WWI •• ;'' lo a m 1.1 rlte . e7 . ; l f .71 Pc;C.:p 63Sa im . 2 . 4 alleirbelay Vaalcyje " a • Arrll,l • Dryads. 11 Oa m s. " occomm..oacsou 9:00 am and Erie Frankl Railroa in. d, to on Depart"... Fnipnmer!: p o . '27 I: 6.13 A m ettubarro. rem. 'ayne and LlTlcago, lad BCOVA r Bro.-draw: Soot—rAirant and Water Ste. D•Pllrts, pm113:0 am 00 p.m L.• afirnaolarftealt, lit. ctair Arrivec egroti • litairceor-Nct. 9 Si. "yUtq t• aglen ktake—lincee' J oilc;tel Arrives. I Depprts. 6.005. m. EICELSIOR OMNIBUS & LIVERY STABLE, . E=! 4 4„,.,m5 . Now & SON, Proprietors. OMARBBSSEb A.ND (7111nLiCrs,d r. r an VsittS, Ala. Parrleas for FunGtra/i, antl so TIS.; B dX 1 14/1D emir .ET b Weettog or CIO' 440...41.1 A regular meeting of the biry Connell. tatra plitee hist night. win Seleel eisenei.i, present, bleasea. Armstrong, rlarekley,'Brolriii, Coursin, Galisifer, Uertimari, koeiii, McClin tock, McMillan, Werrow,-IKtirminei . Philipp R.-ea, Shinto*, Thompson, White, l% Ueo4-ails. McAuley,. Pres."• Theiniinuten of the preeolme, meeting were ltit n rend, received and adoyit...l. • • clerk-of select Council wa- [ben rirf -- inuested to ascertain whether or notithe'mem; oG.Cealnetion Counieli were ready to meet . Irtjoint sewion, nod on being informed they tierce theytidjourned to Commoh Council tre cuekutre • . • --r7'" ""' 0, agoa met lit Chamber. : . -• • -Tiff rollosdhg commuatcation from the City Cona.oller was read, and referiiii to the Cytuthttteq Appeals tror4, Asaasalkents: Ike HMS. 4reeldent.arui eorgte and Common ilArywddlliabe "air' ha y and the 'Finance ; Committee e t h y l App " IWtTo m n, Ordinance, with the estimate q pis Erpenditttres for the year L.sSO, asklng for the adoption of the same, Also the Finanoo Gomm 'Mee. by resolution, Imaniniotisly recommend the election of Jacob F. Slagle, for City Solicitor. I band you .wisity,. - aftidayits 'attached . for liantnelse liaoneratlotra : Hier, Foster At. hilerrbleGuicess Dickson, hos. L. 'McClelland; James. Howard; Marshall Co.; titotgeon Brobi; James _ittlatu - s. ! Also. bills rota the City Begulatoeffi s office, beingldlie foil street crossings $3.701J1e - ; View - ars' 'bill for assessmeat aLMOCe!C,„Heich _, spfarra bill for self and' assistant asigHle. whidlil if you so order.. Ls pfoperly drawn Att (rant Contingent fond. I appand, the reso '-.lution, accordingly. :,Heielersl o ..That tiro: entreller be, tut, be. Ly• Whereby authorized to dram his - cork to un 111.0an fayordlfl—lteichapfarr for the . ot peiten_hill for street prossinge t vor's MU of ^.... .ment15133.00. l.a, a popy,Of an.Orlitna4ce which fpr•paasage Indenting the . L..rgi stage on of TiTiOU,S ileSetip." the portidn of re 'FM° 131C-19ttaig. litlOt reepeottgEly submitted. Yours ilespeetfolly• liceirroo, tli Ordwin inereasinz - the raterof wharf'- : - agt,:anti the percentitgo to the City b 7 bosz4 • . =cr. • tier-Ist. Be It ordaine,Laral enacted by the ?Mayor, and Aldermen of the City,' of rifts but gh, In 'Select And Common emanellasscon. bled, and It is hereby: enacted and. ordained b the authority of the-same ; Thai, the rates of wharfage On steamboats, keel-boats . ,barg maalboats and flats, be, and they are hereby Intl eased twintycliive,er cent, on knit above . llie..,present schedule: .. • Vt." Shot - the per centaffe 'tb9 re; mints of board .measurers to be paid - th . the city, is hereby increased twenty-tire per cent.. em thegrcatsreceipts.-_, • 1.• bre..S..Thar all ordialmens or. ports of °nil .maneca so far as they ASV inceinststent here . s‘ Mi. be • and'i nee here by repealed. Bind three times and rasa' ea. ' ; 211 e follow - 1h gordleancennakie g propria tira.e for the year ISGS was then read stilt posed withthe exception-of the ttil sectlcm,.. nhich trui amended , on motion of Tarr: Nor. ":row, by increasing the'ante of taxation from t errand a Ouarter mills to four nod a mills:LThenletrandrtanebctog called [erre . -: , ;Nolrai tilt follows:7 yeas, lanays. .01 . 1122311.A . 25C 111g.ST30 arenornxerto2lo FOR TIM YEAR IRhi. ; Be' It ordiliDetLarid emoted by the snl6itf futeitizetul. of I'llt9bergh,7l'l aee i? " r ll T 'bl* Ont It Is hereby enacf by the 2rtyt alarm, r - That thwßeitrettae of sahl - city, forCtho year - Inciarihlngip the Taxes, Loans, and other •ttourec,._ to r with any moneys in the Trensitry • , - Ottllbwlldishappsopristed, are hereby abropriated for the - folloning pur po.7est w .1* - .zsmistinwo irraornr.trunis Fon , _ App. No. 1. Interest.-- ........... 00 • nl.llO Of t ,• . 1 41 . ,-Yetettng 1.00 10 4. .V.lgo I..nrinWtigtfti nolo • many, '9•"'"r ' ) . ..1.114/ Ou '• • • • u, Gag Lighting .-14.000 Ott ' " Diamond 31ariol , 2.27. 0 . .• .• 12. 11. Weigh gh ticalt•4 . 4 4 144 Contingent Fund 13.000 0) • • tr 1 'lour,' of Hen, h . , ' yo 12, Log, due and falling doe—. '."11, "31 .0 • Pi. 1414 Pro.pert. 22,000 ' • fitattandlitg Warrant_ In) oto • • • ,1 , 1, }lnane° Petit loan 11:1 Pl.Cnu Ott " g t. L. urt t zertufrrz Or nZs'Llres ran 1....<4 4 it). TPX,,,,.... J 1a6100.00 J.346N6. - "AVM ORM TSWE .ir.014114... . di,. - • 1.4 161,(03 CO 'Tltefcljnri r iiii ... " ..... ..... 7.1 ; :i 2. -. ' 2:7. 00 .....4401/0121ja e • .. 4....16. • .. ~ 15,000 CO • , .....:::-.ll.monetlilarkets Jr , 111,003 00 cO leas :lid S ' a C i 10,CO3 Vetlessnxing• ... v ` 1.230 CO ' 11000 :Isle hispectlng, , Ditl 00 s.lsoccer, 11,0X1 CC/ N chicle License - 10,0.10 CO , yazn cer V111W1)1. . .vihif -- . 'e e l..%eritfii aio,y. =9,2;5C0 , „Storms That fertile purpose of oroyiding smalciern • rertmtarto meet the ordinary nenSys thehltr, and pay the Interest on the Vends authorized by Ant of ag gu . April ,1841; and • Atnee thereof, the rates oft 4= 1 ,, r "" g' cre ureu i. , Juereb t ler i lUthorizedlry fointer ahail -•.:1101.Sed /18 ARUM Ira, ina the ye ar ' pee b 10110 Yin Upon: all property taxiblo for kimt e or , ":Coanty purposes thfrteen upon tab , lor e!' rim xid4nstlLOa. • J. ;. rip c in ntl goods, wares and merttliod e -- and upon all nrtleles of trade and com merce : including Wes at aripttort and otherwise, two •ane, ono fourth mina. On - WO tan -I • , • the lactualsmW of each and everr .hersonj or 9.rft erg* in Us:4mile! • • business or otermatieno forns, her or their leenetit, vinous, rxneated or litstilled Honors. and On the actual yearly sale of cacti atut even' hereon. or flrrarged the ness or occupation of an eT4oncer, e mills on the dollar; excepting the Bonet of aback, , re.o (*ban UZI at eaniboau4.the Tide of which ~hail be two And nnn'Teerth wills dupe dol t. On the average quarterly brisineia of all , --"loward in g and arm.miailinttnerelausti4brokere • and banks, -lardrina inst 3 tations, and on the a ccrsicirdnarterly receipts of iniurance eon " ' onies, insurance agencies, exprossoc armn i m , .ainteearallit oomPowtos. two and inig-Tourtli lonia on the . • - .and at the above ates the City Asssor. .Whid tastes. e said taxes. ffrorton 3. All Ordinances or parts :of Ordi. nfinOeS,.solarLAS the, band , are ineeli.l3oll lierewitn, arcinereby repealeA. Mr. - Atorrowl moredlo further atom!' by the insertion oftrzedttem.taxin.^ the capital mac ;idraniting inatitutions, , Telegraph, insuraacer, . • Trans - pat eda.Expreas Companies, film mills,:,Whig t =lost.b.y,it vote of six ilyeen t sd _thirteen rittylC% Gallalidlnaweado atoned the latisPletteli by Making aujappropriation to tip. ary , Committee. .hir.,Aletaintock moiled to take , ,•43,0)0 trans appropriation number • tire, and , wive it to 'thgrßanltary, adtkat. rat' 44 by a vote'of Year nyesto Afton nays.. !Thelotknried communication Prom the/day. . -. - - - 4 frAtig.t.4.. e a.t . S a ttt,.4.q.YAFAret been reltetla onkrcion ...t/l/11 r@l in. To th f:f r,f Iv.", , nr.-t ‘ 4,. .r . untinlti..,lcou 1,1 ‘111.16. tti str , llo,-r - runEL..l r , • fOr 4-11,11,•1 a. ~ 11.• i1t.i..1 I. • t..- .Ll,l ppyd '•• the newt whp• net ra •••• mystery. 1 ••• 113.,1 1, ••• , 11-..., 41..111 , 1,1, 8114.0 Jll' , l ..1 etrdemmr. ad w•• th :•• .• my ❑ h. I ,r,v 1 0„,,11,1111 public lc! , intpe!md to ••tf• r ; r•• at • rte • b••u•••• ••• dollar . tet he a pprelcm-own anY •••n ••• • 1••• n v11.1 . m tIIIII,IFL:S . ,. le the .r . “: 14, hirrit Mar-eh:all :1114 a ogttet I r• • I”. v ‘ l:,,,, tt. ;eared:and alter protracted In let el vin a • manna... labor 3.0,1 •••••••=•; ,w ,; t‘tit ,,,,, prv•I:113341011 of their :relit J u t l'onelOSlVO to mil meet hw trial, and they w . ,J e ttur , p. m y p . tried, eons tried, 60nt0ur,...1 a,.. „ ttt , r lire oltieer' , st err Intlefattga., , ,,. o. tut , , ants to bring the Inurdereri octtt. not too lupine roma:Kl t " , " mew and Industry el nit° utt, hlel ut,ifty Police, "'"" " el I 'lr : rest end ' , my let lon irinnr " wiww i wi wt in making the arrest The ollicern ho c. tmy. , worts , were Lawton. JOrt n ll . erron,JnO. AJ. hem: , rsrn i t ;lor ilmOt, ea• w• whom are and 'po raft share of the reward entitle- ito F therefOre recomntend that t hey be l i ttered. w %rdingly for their et, lire ill tin, paid n ,:wartni ease. I are, gentlemen. rely respect folic , your Oberlicor J sins Low ry, Jo.. liar" The repor tOf the viewers on the grad. • ! peon street, at the old Canal. VMS rea d. ak.„..pc .0.1 and approved. .p no.rlon 01 re,olutionA to regard ton prop , - sit lOU of Ex.-Covernor Toil to the litduTdrial A.. 01001111.10 0 11 of the .city, in referenve to the loVelaltd and MatiOning I:nitro:01 wt•ro and on motion considered road tilt - T:01,Mo I nussed. A erstrummication in regard to the grad in, of trlekroy street. W., ref erred to the ffl rLet 4 ..- 12littee, Nil Lb or.or to art. A number of atiff or bills Wet , 1 . ..L.1 and . • • !erred to different Committenv. Select Council concurred in the action of Common Council in all Imnines, them, and on motion ndjournod. counow cur, IL. Present,--51essra Beck, Ito. gs, Bra .11 Pearl, Dickson, Ford, Hare, Killen, Ha haunev, Moreland, Al'Essen, J. M. kt•Quew an, t. it. M•clol an d, Araowan, o•Neni, ,/.4.len. Patel, ell, I:chips-13, Robb, tseibert, a son;•Toel ey, fernor, Weldon, Welsh, Presl. Minutes of tact meeting read and approved The chair ntated that the ffr.t regular Ideo neon would be the ,tneeting of the two branchei of councils In Joint session for the Par , nee of electing three members of tbe Boar.] of Iledith v Ice Joseph Pennock, Fourth Ward; M. Me l'uteheon Tenth Ward, unit Jame , McCune, Ninth Ward, whose term of °Mee bah expired. Select Council then entered the chamber or common council, President MrAuty Ooropy mg the chair. The following persona were nominated and received thn vote %et po,,lte their namrs; the three bizhest being Dr, James King sees sees.. ix Henry Hays Wm. Metutcheen James McCune uU Dr. F. Venn... The Select Council then withdrew. nna Co.. into Council proceeded to transact ttt logiti nut tel./slur., Mr. Brush presented apet ition (r.ort )(Ayer ' LtOry to relation to the nr,.tt )tar-.'tall and Vreckt..,_atel recommending odic,. ',eft. al Ray, Clap, ,sener and other , be paid the re gard offered by Cosmetic for their arrest. Mr. Nutipson presentrat a minim anteat ten from officers McCollister and Mentay also claiming the reward. The Chair presented a communiesa ion fro. .1. U. Hampton. -Esq., setting forth the claim. Of Dennis Lau ton to the reward. The commerdeAtions were otterr"..l to ss, Police Committee with instruction • to reort. 17.11 h !On itol2lJooGray &C 0., rece iv ed, a,king compensation for the los, of thre e Ataisbert,•valued at Reel, drowned on the 17th inst., in the Monongahela river, near lock No. 1. Referred to a Special Committee, con sisting of Mestr hllliu , Moreland anti Wright, of and Shlpton and Phillips of S. C. Mr. O'Neill presented a petit ton asking that all Hucksters oh Market Street he remov c 4. Referred toeSierket ComMittee. - -Mr. I offered a resolution instructing the Diarket-Counialttee to inquire into the ea- IsdfffellEfof converting City Ilall Into a public market, with instructions to report at nest meeting. Passed. Mr. Odra presented a communication for the bu il ding of a sewer from Ferry street and Diamond alley, and a tminch from tho corner of Diamond alley and Decatur street to Fourth street. Referred to %Tater Com. mittee. Mr. Reek offered a resolution .4141E1g that the roof of the Niagara engine how, be taken off &oda new one pot on. Referred to the Committee on Fire En:lntro, 'nth power to act. Mr. Ford presented a petition from the citi zens of the Yitth ward, asking that new nl ter pipe be laid along Mechanics strret or 001- 11clent tine to furnish the .regaisite euppiy of water in case of lire. Referred to Water Com mittee.. Fatchell presented a communication :room citizens of thegirth, Seventh and Eighth .tyntsh., complaining. that the • IL-11(M pipes were too email, and asking that they ru mored nett eight inch pipe be Midtown in their place- _nermred to Wter Comnutte, air. lota presented a pet ition for the rem°- . •val Mae iron clad stable In the Ninth Ward. A Motion tolay on the table was lost, and the petition was referred to the Committee bn --Wooden Ind/dings. hir. Welsh presented a petition asking for an increass of hoed for the Independence Fire CoZtusq. 'Referred tothe Committee on Fire Fe ea and Hose. Welsh- presented a petition asking :it investigation in relation to thecost ofgelding and paying Smith Street. in the Ninth Ward. . Nei - erred to the Committee on h tracts. MBMMMIM=I .11r. asled for an.explanation of the necessity tbr the large increase of eertain err , props..... air. Controller McCargo being present went into an explanation.... air. Odeeill then moved to take up the ordi isanen, section by section. Passed. Mr. 011•11e111 moved to increase the approprf;; anon to the Board of Health from $5OO to 84500. Mr..lforeisaul moved to amend by busktua there= VOW Tpo faitesidateat was *erupted, Motion arid-nays caned. Yeas S—nays Motion lost, • i 1 Mr. belbert more& tliat Iwo bo tairen from the contingent fund and added to the 10113 street near/get llPPretPriation. Te-33 and nays =died with the - following 'result: Yeas 18-- " 10. 'Robb moved titif the inx on real estate be reduced frOm thirteen mills on the dollar of valuation to ninon:tins. Lost. Air-IcarAmoral that article second of sec tion- second, be referred beak to the Finance Committee, :a ith Instructions to base the rates taxation on profttajante44 of sales. Motion lost. kir. Moved toamend article third of section second, mating-the - tax on the sales of gpirttioes liquors five mills. Adopted. • Theordiztanre was then.passed as amended and sent to S. C: for concurrence Mr.O'lelll,olYered a resolution, which pass ed unanimonsly,instrnoting the Senators and Representatives from Allegheny county, .to oppose the vacation of /Etna street, or any other city property 'without the consort of councils bell:Latina obtained. • ' Ford offered the following resolution which was passed: Rezzilrert, That the :Itd Role of Connolls be amended by striking out the word Litre" and anitinscrtlng An ordinance passed In Select Council re quiring citizens to procure proper vessels for the reception of garbage, and providing for IVlrrompt removal, was laid over. Some other Gino public importance v. as jrati,acted, after which Council adjourn ed. Stondirox Committee. In Com:Keno The foll Owing aro the Joint Standing Com nitteca of the Select and Common Commits of . . He cfty Vir - Pntatu.rgh, appointed by the Pros dents thereof, January, PM: *Pinarece-44. C. Phillips,lletllman and llrovu• riteCiosran. McQuawart, Tomllnaoa and DicClelland. - 0117,01 (10 -S. C. Drown, Am strong. 8111111.0.13. COT& C. C. Wright, Moreland, Weldon, , Me- Ewen and Dickson. directs.—S. C. McMillan, McLaughlin, White and 'Gallaher. C. C. Bare, ardary, O'Neill, Weldon and Boggs. Claims and etccounis.—S. C. Coombs and Thompson. C.C. Patch ell, Fora and Simpson Mononhela Whari—S. D. Morrow and Cof fin. C. V. Dickson, Torley and PatchelL diLmArny C. Thompson. C. C Verner and Brush.. • ' • - - Ordinances.—S. C. Coursin and Morrow. C. C. McEwen, Weldon and Simpson. , f; • ' Gas Lfohdiw.,—S. C. Shipton to:id MqClin: took. C. C. Rebman,llare and Welsh, _29_ight.Ponce.-9. C. Phillips and Barclay.: C. C. Ford and KilUn. Firy Engine and tress.—S. C. WilSon :and Barkley: - C. C. Beek, Dogs and Welsh:, Karkels.-13. C. Meese and Armstrong;D. C • Opion r Beibart . and Robb. . " Prinfing.-8.- C. McMillan and Nonnina. D. C.Botacutet, Beck' ndlnebl. Wbockos ButiOloos.—S. C. Wilson and Waite. Beck, IdoClelland and Lang. • Appeals , from City - Arsettments.—S. C. Mc= ClinVock and 1. D .cetc. ' C. C., Atawhinnon. Boggs and PatPbelt." • . Citg.Property.—a. C. McLaughlin ,. awl' mqui minc.,.,Tor/ogand Railroads:4J. C. Thompsop tt /RIMMOO C. C. Mnwhinney. Robb SD4 1)11a0A. R., ' 1 SanUary Comm{ aee.-8 0. Cleillabori-AorM- Vkaomw, Itattl67; :n tl i tyilvdn,' Mctllatock The lecture this Evening, In Egetlnter llnll, Allegheny, promise), to be one of those rare intellectual feasts which evil" , one reAreta not to have participated Ist, after h . is boor. Miss Sunni:All Evans,. the el• - o , 2e ent young orator, is one of the very few women who have bad nerve ertough and talent enough to ii mount the social barriers which. `hedge abort her sex, and prohibit any devia tion from thebeaten paths allotted for women, Whiler , rbrbtrra mere child in years, she, h atnecneighbom hoe feat, and creased the channel to achieve a 'llkeb.iruccattaint&algir. .fgagrlfee A g e nquers . by .cimiertnces, _di a . :teethe% truth, and grace= elocution, winch sem ,s with her, a natural_ gift. We congent inaveiehr readers upon the - opportunity of hem - Innen° who, for Immo time p_ant, hasoccn. pied DO much Of tlie public attention, Recoveeing.—Wo are pleased to leant that tee -young-daughter-of John ii,llllleu, Esq., who leas so badly burned &short lima .alsoo, 173 a a fair way to recover, although not. yet' Ontot danm.: ,t , debt tide and arm' vras linreee.brezo:ll:oriiilhT th 13r of lhe terrfteraeoident when ate US reeerered,, .._ i~:,,~.... sr.t. t •1•1tt..1 ptwit 1. '.pit that the ttotst stettograpbet t ~1 1,1 hate'tent up on Is it, and eren the clerk ..ratchet - 1 Ms bead :n tatter despair. Two ul th.. ',tenting paprrq, •pef-tally appointed to re pot tht. loos-et:di:lp it tee represented. but t doubt whether toll; -r et then, will have to. ot. Ingible report in thir morning 1.40 - , theta.-n. it )os nave no regard for your hilve nlittie merry on the corps re pert oval ler wish to do you ant and tll cc. if von will only give us hull lance. la ettg - Itt the bu.tAness Wan to 'Oct, 4,1111151011 that IL was impossible one ball the time to tell what con were doing. Take up things In order, disitose it one thing nt a time, do less tnikht g , and al.mre and •Verythillg will pass off morn •11104 d hit. and be more satisfactory to all persons mote ei_rtted; therefore, Tie it Rescitrett, That nereatter w will ellen and every one of us be in our places at seven o'clock' precisely, sod that I,siA as OM: sub. jest is belore the house w ill not beton tor s...TA Linother,but will confine -tut selve ly to the matter at 1,111• l'w.seed ununit.....l) by tae ii•-purtet Tn. Arai —A very brilliant fridlem II en., /I/ b/041 to vi ;tiles. Mrs, laude,', periorm' Knee or l harlott e Corday Not in, ing been able to be present.we are unable to spook of the pert'," mauve from aid nal observation. but are Info, meet I hat it sea" in perfect keeping w ilh Mrs. Mender's excellent .tyle of noting. To night she appears for the •teorel limo to Sheri dan Knowles' beautiful play of tore; or, the I ountess and the Serf, Those vibe saw her In this part the first time. we dioitd not, will avail themselves or the opporttm.l7 of w ttnesslng the second representatnin. Urn.. Queen- of Eerie , , Mks Emilie Melvin!, made her bra bow last nign ton ern. fled house independent of her Line style of acting, she like a nlghtusgale The slcat Mg or Mks Carrie A. Moore si Il• an attraction. Possessing a very handsome (arc and figure, and being, exreedingly grace ful, she alto very ranch admired, To-iuged Mies Melville appears as Josephine in idle Daughter Of the Regiment, otter which Miss Moore will gl.e another exhibition at her skating. Masns - to Ham..—Mademoiselle if Mlle Gen. , . n soubrette actress, who Id mg, air, het a out Enropean reputation, appears tg lit for the first time before a l'itta , ,nrg:h audi ence. In the ciimedy of - Tile shoemaker of Lyons clod , . style of acting is antit to be exceedingly attrUelhe and spirited. 11.. r perforrnamies la hew York. Phllaitelphln, Bal timore one Washington hue , erented 00 Ind miens() sensation. In c cent I characters she. line no count In Europe. Reserved seats should be serer ed early, a. a grent number have already ~ ,on taken The Grand Banquet tendered to It:. Grand Lodge officers, 1. 0.0. F.. at Lafa yet to Hall, by Curtis' Hall A,loCilltiell, name off Aunt eve. ning. The guests assembled lu the hall of the Aseociation, to the Thtrd IQ atnival Bank !tall- ding It. G. M. Ilieorv i c Fling. and G. William • urtis, being present Mier the friendly greet ings a ere over the party adjourned to belill , r4 dining rooms, corner of Wool anti 1 - ourth streets, andipartoolt of a sumptuous supper, gotten tip in the proprietor's best style. The greatest good feeling prevailed among the brethren of the Order present, end the dbit in. guished guests seemed highly pleased with the reception extended to them The Gramt illleers will visit Brow oscine to-day. and re turn through this cite nn their way L , 1130 to morrow evening. The Discoverer of Petroleum. -The 011 ity Rev JO, thus awards the credit, of discos. cuing Petroleum, where It Is justly due, to .n eaterprhong merchant of Pittsburgh. ilr t. hi. Kier, well known i.e among the find to manu facture illorolnating oil from petroleum, hi a resident of Pittsburgh. From an early period this gentleman had been engaged in boring for salt In Allegheny county, Pennsylvania. It was el:timbering a salt well that petroleum was find discovered In any quantity. The idea of utilizing the product. for Illuminating rurpOsef, Occurred to Mr. Kier, and the re.oll Is well known. He fu stall harocly tc .n the oil basin... lEttle Elenderaost—Mrs. Ettio ilenderion. the secorriplthheil lady of Elanagef llendursoo, of tho Pittsburgh Theatre, arrived in our eas iest rash t after a moot successful tour through the Canada,. Her last engagement termina ted at Detroit, and although reveral engag Went% have been offered her throughout the west, bar new enterprise of the Anatomy ox Music demands every moment of her tins, at present.' FROM YESTERDAY EVENING'S GAZETTE. Strike Among the Riblilair RIM Band■ We hose ntreudy alluded tp the red notion 'ln the prices paid for bollio nail eut tinglotte, as agreed upon by the iron Manus lecturers, at a meeting held on the 16th trod The sew 103116.6td0 is ae follow n.> Per Ifothng 117.01 per ton of egto; aloe per tonof V.,2,10; Ray hiGlEicating SLOT' per ton of :Mgt Bar • ?dill Catehlrg ail; cents per ton of te4o; Guide Mill Rolling—To take; off last ad. ranee, leaving the SLAV list as present price. Muck Bolling, LO cents per ton of 140; Sheet 1.4.1110 g,. 2) percent. reduction; Plato, No. lo end heavier, Van% per ton of e,ito; Roll Turn ing, eXper emit reducG ' on• Rolling Nail Plate *To. cent* forte kegs Nails; ileaGng Nall 00 ;Rate 51, for . MI kegs; Cutting Nails — take off last dvanee. ...The boilers, game fide or six otiths 7 ago,' ir 'cre peril 10 i M gir ton, bat a reduction of one dollar per ton was made. Now it-s proposed .selosockeigauother doiler.which will reduce. their careingaliout one dollar per day. The. reduction bathe, other branches will amount to some twentiror, Mr.eritysalve per cent. The rms rates are 00 take effect Ma anal alter to day, and the workmen were notified no:lords . :.1141y: , They argue that '.the prices of living are finite la hip now nett any time sham the war began. While some few articles may be lk litUe . cheaper, the principal staples have not been reduced, • while rents are higher than ever before knewn, pod adeaneMg. • Under these elmornsumeen they are not willing to consent to . the realms. tlon„and hare quit work. We learn that all Jonesmilts have Monied excepting those of & Laughlin, in Brow - stows; ; Ullearth, Porter Ai Co., , South Pittsburgh; Shorts le C 0.,• Monongahela Borough. it en stated. that at the two former establisher:Ms, the old wag•ria are being paid, and that. no reduction boa been demanded in the latter works. The mills in Wheeling are also reported stopped, and the I•strikem will probably extend wherever efforts to reduce the wages have been mad. On the other hand, the iron manufacturers, after having carefully investigated the mat ter, have come to the ohnolusion that they cannot pay higher rates than those set forth in the aeh edrde. They have “counted the cost" of the exptairmint, and If they cannot operate their establishments upon the terms proposed they .prefer that their stock shoald remain idle. 'lib being thestate of the rage, it In the ms . s t ible to tell when the mill will be again in The Protestant Episcopal 'Lino loch Home. The anniversary meeting of the Protestant . Episcopal Church Home was bold tart evening In H. Ardrew's Church, (Dr. Preston's), on Band street. The children of the name wore present; occupying the front seats, and rho church was crowded. Bishop Kerfoot presided, and after the introductory exercises lie dolt, ered an address, In which he warmly com mended the institution, and pledged it his cordial support. The anutudreports were then read try Bev C. E. Swope, from which it appears that dur ing the past year fifty-four children have been provided for at the "Home," nine of whom have been placed in good Gunnies. The remi ts, new consists of throe adult inmates forty -lire children, a matron, a seamstress, three female teachers, and a gardener, making In ull fifty five. Thirteen of these children are soldiers , orphano, placed at the "Homo" by the Her. Dr. Burroughs. • The "Ilame ,, is not full, and the manager, are willing to receive all • who come, believing that the church will no bly snstam the enterprise. The Treasurer's report showed the receipts and expenditures for 1565 to have left on hand a cash balance of only 6345.70. After the reports were adopt:ed. lion. Thoma lll. Treasurerof T a reaa'rustees,d a report Howe, by which itap thel p kl ea ard rs 'that the whole receipts since the Organization of the ' , Borne... coven years ago, hare been e1f,M0,83, all Of, which has been a..PO-kk , tO the extinguishment of the demean the "Locust Greven property. The , Trusteell are still in arrearso,ooo, with accrued interettsi making in all the sum of 11,800, and when this amount Is pablithe church be In full and undisputable' posSession. of this . •Argdltnrinji permanent °Meets for ISf4 were' then • elected, President. 11m. John_ -fliboenberger; Vice Presidents Id* Av"tsuf. Johniiton;.lleinntary, Mrs. Mary H . Crittenden; Treasurer, Miss Indiana Traner, together with lady managers from all the o Protestant yf ' Epts- Chnrcheir, .ond tOrrfolllng gentlemen ;a4 Thomas John D. Shoenberger,: East., /10n.''Thcanas Howe Joalan King, Esq., IL •: - B•tralutaLEsg., John Oblelett, Br., Tsg., F. It. :Drawn: Esq.. and N. - B. Hogg, Xsq. Some. :amendments to the Charter were then author tied to be made, the Legislature consenting. and Messrs: Mow* and Ifarglvin appointed GO .•present the subject to that body for Its eolith/. 'HAMM. . - Her. W. A. Naively then delivered an appro. priato discourse from St. Matthew, 2.5:4.0: "In. &stanch as ye have • done It to one of the least of these, ye have done it unto me." After the 'sermon a collection was taken, and the audi. dime° waa,cUranlesedsvith the bouedietion by Bishop lierfoot. Temperasseervillo Council. The Count:TU;(4ole Borough wet on Tuesday ovnuing, January Nernbort) •prcumat Mows. Cuddy, Jones, Geiger and Burgeslßal lantlue, , re Tl m ie . za d in:i p tf . s of e t a b e previous meeting were drag h m i arr.n u the t. B in urz:s or 1 hawing: O'Neil & Anderson, bill of prlattng $l 2 , 17 0 ' Pittsburgh Casette, main:Mirka ordinance. w o r th n o ti o thortred to ehti •reeemb• Services as clerk of Cognell..^.3 00 IR:Gowen & Craig, establishing grades • and lines •or stree t s, making plan of , . streets 186 CO On mation,Votwati mourned to meet Feb r l°l. ry 2Pittimen, J. H. DALLAISTIRM, ilfrrgrii. aerk Of Council. Committed.—" Bell" Kelly, was seneto the bill tor drunkonoss, by .htia, or alorriaosk, this InOnith B. She wes formerly a aohool teacher, •butichow .utterly depraael, 'owe tkS Vet with characterl OTtbo cticatJean, Pinto inl4 —A 11 o A to l o nor In o m 0,4 =Eli Grand Itanqu.f 1 1 1 4, i1letby 4on nl4 I tonal Assol•l Mtn I 1.11. n \ I IMMIE , hi y .1. , ,rt .ttut .Iv 111, 111.11,• thiln .01 !ht. 001.11 010111 Vr,t. lb. .k% I . I •• , • 4 / 1 11: ire' 1 . . - 1-1.11.”1 F • 0(1, -11 „. I 11 1 - .aton. 1 -.1., Ro•adnlr Tw rd l'lru new snot is sou:Hist itt , I of Fourth tdiss . t. in Iltirsist . ranliten or In.. polio here the Inttstno an tool steitnenvillt• It.i road 001.0* the ells It, proprietor. Mr it,y , 'lr, tt old and eneensstul coal dealer, hal log horn for .er Oral vearu engaged di running noal Into the etly fro. the Fungi, toglueny Ile In now working large holly of •Plentlid coal nt Mansfield, inintettnitelv on 'he line or the Pittsburgh and stunt...v.lllc lin tlroad, and is prepared to fill all orders promptts The railroad rompany 1,24 Just put two oral I ruins on thin road. running out as fur tt. Walker's Mills, And I.lle, will 11.• too urn,. mtl henceforth. until the h , ,., nosy grow nuttleiently to wet rant nu , Inenase of rani which it In sure to do soon. Mr Steen .10 therefor. I.r atile to loch up a reg.lll r n , nl ett. I'l i suppl). and xre have o tioultt sill lnd a tu IA market for all he n e a , ta =I • . 1 - 11 srcr‘ , ONG.Tlilt. A ,t ,, lltn•l lent ot Lb. lung t.opnlar uong, of the day. l'ailactetpl!ln. ,ttop,n A k. 0." A lively rolltn.Lton of E....Pt tint 1111,e Innn, nu,l ~till popnlnr nr, 1 0 0. o,lly f,,nnit 0 hen n nOlOO, pt tr , Itt • tl,. colun, Ito. ...sae.. Ihe Huron 'tom, of = I= ••NT A IT Ern, or th llorn,on Don. ' ' No.. • , usqueh.tutin Usnger.. Nilnf 44 ~11, • ,r.r•-• “STORY oy T1114..)1 . U • osrl:enernl I Ile_telle A Tna•.ran in? Toll, A ••.1,3- 1.•(.• NV It 1% , ,Ilt•••1: 1'1tt.4.,r4h John I'. limit. - No 111., or, ILI.Ion- ~I t••••••nt Noveletteg. - Mr PL - 44,11l 'Mx e•" No 19. puhltelted c% Sni , inlay. I,y .1.4111 l• Ithnt, Pltlmburgh. ..110.TON Tat Fit •".. flag n. our kI la lon“ ".1,1; and 11,ston ••\P , World " ..A A I , 16. by hfri. Henry Woud, being nu r•ntlrr•l, new story by tLat cuterpllslug it.atbore , , chat rr.•tertxcd by her fwelillstrltle, u call 1.. llct , t.ry-ctlliag skill. 0104)(C• L Jor C.N AL lor Fohr wiry nEv tut SA • ." No S. being, Ow no:10...1 hl that earellon I ork for January IL he ahoy. :or dotle l.v John Ilunt aCO I Itth 111 , vt, 31.hnie Halt. .tlmo.d s Hogr.—Orricen aui nu-- her, of Allegheny}', were called upon the. room ing to visit the Union Incrtee Yard., A rov, lag anticipated between certain eartle deal- It appears that about a wcok sinco, a drover by the name of , lreenw tilt, purchased some ta cat). head of stook, at Sheriff'n sale, the property of another by the name of McCol lister. on numbs y the latter look forcible pur nennton 01 the lard the annuals were In dna placed a padlOeg Ott the gate. This morolee, f:reenwalt broke the look, drove the- the Int(' 651 adjoining yard and wan Compellod to nsk the protection of the pollee. 111gb ward. occurred but the presence of the °Meer,. held a check on the coadnot of the pollen and no blows were atrunk. The affair Is likely to glee /1.0 to considerable Iltlfrattort. Consfeted of aaaidaftghters—tPlllfns ru tL itorktnan, or Lancaster County, Ilan been eon . ieted of the crime of manslaughter to the Lilting of John Ilogentotder of MounOrille. The deceased, while riding i nn buggy with two ladle., on thotkl of JOIr 18.4, ran tiff.lnst Ihe buggif, of Iforkwas and broke it Bork map eaught liogerntoblerN borne to percent him from driving away, Mt hen llogentobler struek at him with his whip. llorkman then drew • pistol and /hot Ilogentobler, killing him ale most Instantly. The whole affair was bra the. work of a minute, nod the pistol fla•itted In the faeo Of one of the ladies The killing IMO doobtleße fn the .hoot of bloOtl, - hut wen who are so Quick at quarrel should be ettrofni not to carry deadly weapons on their person. aserilaste Aewisbewal.—Sadle. you nix rtrl, aged about sixteen' years, wise serlonsly phased un tristay last. at Armstrong. Oro. Co.'., cork manufactory, ou ThinisdrocL Hp, was engaged in the tactory, and haring °erasion to go !spell:to machinery, her hood aught between Lao cog wheels, drawing her under a Lepsy shaft The workmen, noticing her position, threw the b'iit MT the driving w'herl, and stopped the marhinrry. They thrn lined Isel up, when It was roand that her right arm and ahorlder-hone were broken and her slde terribly lacerated .' The utzdhritt oats girl was removed to the resldeneeot het mother, on Webater sterol, Sixth Wont, where she Is b tug In a precarious coast/Lien. !Railroad Aceittania..—.tames of Teny county, and env:o,rd as brukcionan in the Pcnitsylcaula Railroad, pad bla tight arm entailed to a jelly, and Injured so•oriOustr Internally, by being caught batsman the - bum pen of tog ltaight cars, at the Pattatton depot, on. Monftv night, .that-;he la eat C - to ltro. 4acob - /102fritt; a Lraketman on the Penstrylvanta Eattrettil, we, rue over nod kilt , ed atront eight o'clock on haaday ?horning by a trills% of q.tria new . White MO Etation. Tint &Malaita icasTmly years of age, nod ttaidad Coh=ra, whore he 3 P. 11 " liitte and atieral it. • • 011111 tEntoVDIMIthior atildt.--On Wednes day naming last„ ficutan SteCorsokir,-re sidig in Altoona, was henifled on waking_ to find that Iter lardead beside her. The eland. a One boy, air moral:mold, was lo Canal gOod health on settling to bed; and the uloth.r er.s. distress U rendered the mom polgdanl from the fact that she ht entirely Ignorant as to cause of its death. She cannot believe that she smothered it, and yet. it Is probable that Its death was caused to that tray. The alpipswpetatteat Ordlisainer.—City Cotlpcllrslllheld. a regular monthiT mei-tics .1.141 erenhyr, sad the principal hi:sinew.. will be the consideration of the appropriation or. Wow:we for LIYAL The rote of Mystic., we dcrstand, will be considerably 'increased, ow. log to tbe increased expenditure. I. carry log on the city government. M. Valeentiaebs Dag The anniversary 01 ht. Valentine- the patron of sighing Dwaine and tovessick maidens, le approaching, Wad the shop windowa aro displaying those horrible cartattlineasolach have become io thseragrably cow:tooted with thoobsersanco of the dal. At Cbrirch.—This Allegheny watch attend ed the various churches last night, and thoir presence had tiro effect of securing geheral good order. --- AVT - ORNEYS. P. STONE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, orricr. lit DI IVOND 5T111:1:7.01!15.rie , 11 , ,, court House. Dittstscreh. Ps. 11 C. CiiIIELL. • DIA • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Q. A. Lleensed Soldigre' Claims Agent. Bounties ter Wounled Soldiers collected LI *la !ten to twcutr_dars. AIR-Otase,_ ID Omit street. Plttsbutga. Sell srLth Pischarge sad two witnesses. soZill •r - uoli N. swum ntran ,r . artortn. B&TNE & sniwgre, • ATTORNEYS AT LAW,, $1 Diamosid 6ttcet, Pitisbargb. P Court Boldness, Tgarn intng Tines, Copveianelftg. - collections, and atilatadsonnonlitustncss. 9r*l vottended to. AILLITAIEV CLAIMS, PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, BACK PAT and Military Chains of ecciT description. Collectedtilis tabseriner, the foil - oriel rides, els Pc as INC all other "2" ". C. tZsosTql l Vt DlU oo "llreet, oPdte be Cgdillonie. N. E.s- and made lithe elOns does not lineseed, and all Inlorcestien Oran dentle. seldy ws. S. MOM= /OFWETTI & co mar, c°"4 -A- ATTORNEYS AT LAW. orrice, eti catmi - T taltrxr. t2.9:8c0 rrrvolfritnn PA. PAINTERS. 'Alms n , - JDU L Loma & LANE, SIGN ARTISTS AND HOUSE PAINTERS, No. GC , EMITEIFIELD et., FITTESCI:CiII Leteio g e all tlnds execatedlpataptly and in unsurpassed elegance, aeautiftd tibo. Cards on enameled piper of till - Colors, and -Gilt Slans oh glass, made to order ant aunt to ail parts of the country. spanner. Pictorial Designs executed in cc btatily irttstts lions. Painting done srith a regard to durability /lemony of coley, and neatness of daisb. l!sir mi work at reasonable rates. WILLIAM H. nuo*N 3 Mate Of the Wm Of DroWft a Stonnow.) uoraz AND eicix PAINTER, !Oath East aorner of Tlard and Market tlsrectu. PITTSBVB GIB .1:l s • -7 111 s 'Tot, FANCY GOODS, TOYS, BASKETS, Loc/cnip /TOSSES, SLEIGIB, SKATES. CIIILDREES , CARTS. WHEEL , BARROWS, &C., he., )I:9l6Fale ttrtd Retell, kt J. G. T.AISF.II , A. No. lel ku • • Mattel st.cet t urnt fir b. ROBINSON, DUCLEAN & CO =I Banker% and Br°Ler. No. 75 Fourth Street, I'itt•burgh, 111 IE FINANCE AND TRADE V V : 1••71-1,n., No. r .1 n , Opening ut 1.0 n, t-fro, ) l isWl", of 1 •1.1.1 rt 10. . r , port It . vl.llllEtl ~t it."l 4.,1(..t.r,:gh. 4.1. r .14 lit k • t, t • t 1 pt •.fI a k %hat . .., 11,1 11, ..tivrittg. me .1:1 I l't le .ti Nlittre- .1 .1. a,.•1 entlrfq ,• I a•” 1,11,111 1(::111 , •4 , 1 4 4. 4,4 1441% . .44;,. 4 4 4 4.4.4 41 4 .4 44 4,0 41 11 4 4 111111.14 • hr I Itur,rllo,‘ t •~ t:. ran tn_.bu :~ .. Mr Th 'aryl ..n n• 41.1• . • ni • . ~.t .1. K 'hothead, torr.,-I IJi 111 ' 4 . 44 ' 1, 4. 4 4 4 444gi444.44 that Ph t-i , gh 4,11.1.411.01 411.0.01 , 1141 , hh•li 44 444 lorwar.le.l to Mt st.,• =I ..,13/[1 . 1: Vau, u n• and tell lye out or nr,ler 11,F I. .1 m a t,. u. W.I. No 77 11.+1u2.1. n tarr". I/t I , .•bbler ratlppl3.l (.•10:,r I Ittl Th.' In:- ..(rnt•k .••1.1.• I nn.l attntrall a., 111gb y : LI lAirrel4 Inter day fur Wait ll...nibs the Lal tel states at, r aged 'laity XI) barrel... It as ,tat, 111, the cause of the failure 01 the t nitel • flooding through of the nen well, going do. a In the vicinity. It scents the must pr.l itett • e part of Pithole ten - !tor] ha. now as many wed., pun It as can be successfully a itched. Sea wells arc deemed detrimental to Old oncs a new :inn powerful engine, pu , ap,nit out the seater, ft In possible thal.,t he now ,a llsr U.til tat States may be paella/1s re,orrsi. movement Is on Dint In Phrlarlelphia, to ..tantisb • Buren° of lulorroution i ALI that outworn. flit milling *alarm , - Lot rL•LiOOOd into thy market, or • ill•h Lite protioo4.l to tie oat., toll toil. Au i.xovilont projoot, it it • • •3:1•Lc.1 to too, of onlmponolintilu integrity —The laet et eau., from k .41 , 11,4 : number Cl gentlemen to Ne. Co (non Montana, Idaho, and N., i• 10 sell to hutng and •doet. Ooroponteo for working the-Ante. Th. • dele gation la nut lime oul) one. a. tho have , ern lull of .perulatnt, ot •ImitAr elem. for lire They are .Ir aoing ..... r, ulttulled 4, IxantlLlea from tho poi•kei. m v erd..nt N , •ra for Late, but complain 111.11 the neo .trapera baceaatalltal them and prerentr.l muoce,i they ell - K..1,J The) tbluk it uul Ind of the per-. to trent them thus, and refer to the g+AtAl they .111 perform In deVeloptraX the re-entrees of the tetrltorloa sod enriching the tybole Country. Comparatively few ot enter prieco, altered, or to be offered in the enAtern market, are chimer legitimate or bonnAL Ex, perieracc it a dear echool, but It to n gooil Ono not verbal. It may be well to aline thooe w ho Ins, too ranch moue) to lose in ••d. I,l4.ptna mining property." —The-Dillies of Nevada yteldel or IX, ho ql3.llrter rudlna .73 la;‘, metals to the amount of a:AU" W I , Elr the quarter ending 'nue 30,140, the prt..tu. t of Wave taints was valued at .3,1.W0) —The following tahle shows the pars t/Ye exporta of petroleum to tOre4o tout.- triev, for three years : InltlspelphL%..l,Z,74:lB 7,7C0,149 12.414m3 3. Now Y0rk......1.,674,997 njimora • 1._43..V8 P105t.0n....... 4,00,720 1, 9 =Oll halal:mare 9=oll r." 3,117 Other places IMMO Total— --VAI7,LO Erom the &Dor° atatcroant It will Lc .oen that Ihtilatteopbta Increaacd In the hoactlty of hcr CliKat to 1%.1: Ower 1161 ssewi Imston Increased It: ,it Italtintore increased 43403 New York demeased esm,Ml —lt is understood that the coments.nn 1, 9 is noire into the pftit meatus PA. obtaining to_ venue alll report to favor of inv .- Vag a tux of from live to ton cents per pound tor cotton no taintninna:' It in believed, also, that a Mutt nut4on Of the taxOs on certain inanntacturnd snicks, over which foreign articles lisve an advantage, Will be recommended, wherxby khrtrugh the protection thus obtained, 0r..., no tine' will tdlntaintiat' and the re, In creased. Renton W•el Market _ The tim.A.faathei s on.,the._ whole. I L , ‘• .A. a tiulet durina the past work, In symputhy with Its fabrievend general merchandise Opera. 'tons, 19.71VVVCr, are restricted to tome extent by the low water In some of the smatter mill . ~ . streams, which princtit marilacturers from :honing their machinery on fall time. A few !arse buyers has, °eine Into the mar b. t, however. prompted undonbtedly by their embattles . well as their views otitis future ciolrse of trade, and taken severe! large tote of fine and meillurnwool at about pre•lour rides. As Matters stand, there la neither great anxiety to sell on one-side, nor to boy ma the other, and holders look forward to a steady demand during the halanee of the scusonvriths out much variation in price.. The stocks of doe tie and Peansylvania a 00l hare boon much reduced darling the lest few weeks, fund the bulk Of- wuppli. from the, 4 former MAP:thus ere - CcrMe forward to the _eastern market a.. The, portion of the product of severe alio les, Including riichlgua and New Yor already give into consumption and s cannot he re placed. lo fact, Un t o assortment ot domestic wool, as usual, fs growing meagre Ad (be sea son advances; and It to highly probable (hit, by the arid of March, the Inferior grade* of orator, alll be sought for mid snapped up with aridity by consumers. This prospev t will go fur to console these holders of undialmhle wooi r who her e hems looking In vain for runtime dining :he lust t wont three month, The 1 ,gist lane, it it said, has sernewbere n turn: end oar western friends, who invested tlintespare funds In illinots, Inallum, lows and Wincoteslo wool early In thelseason, expecting to omit or lin :nem. torten., tf they but held out faithful to the end, luny perhaps get out of their little spettleSeculaof dement i sfor thetive trunationa wita eek f b a whol ooet skin. up alc.thil ll,s ut about ale pronto. ninge of M some ss sae fur 0 , -act, and Wax for super unit extra pulled. 4. few choice brand, of the latter err held above these rotes. Tho bulk of trainue lions has been, ILI osmil, In Qhlo flecee, at oily 'Mc, it:eluding the common and choice grades : any price outside these figures Can be obtained only for selected and fancy Clips. Remo choice lota of New Toth hors been sold at Manic, and miscellancOus parcels of western at 15...41.*e, as to quality: , In PaeldO wools, there have been ' , MICA of t.allfornia at Noil7fao. and a.m. , emit= tiregoq as high as tad. lo Cando, there have been small sales of cOmbliiii at 73fi,s0 cents for fleece sad pulled do at V4.07.1e. to foreign, the wales have been unimportant at unchanged prices adjusted tette geld basin.--Itufteffn. /Review of the Mouton Grorrey Market (From the Commerehil Bulletin Jan.lif.) Coffee—TM. market to very quiet, andprieca gradually Cooing 0442a1tb scow:unlacing .tours . email Balea Of Java at 416120 per lb; trommon Pt. Domingo at lac, geld; nu & Cape at 210142 e, eurrenen Rio norhinal dt30(1111e. Sugar—The market lkdoil and bOavy, w ith Inlyerti: holding . Lall,-.autt-fairortible Iternunts (rum Cuba in regard to the new erOw. eta nOO ;liner . 3ncllne&to wet" tales, land prices for all grad. taunt be quoted a little lurcr. „Entail of 80 - bna tip. 12 at 13c; 100 bas No 14 at 14GliXell3C0 bin No: 155 y at 14141•1300 bones Nea.l6 and - Mal ICe, leas per cont. li, Mango., vado small palm, of Cuba ut 13 , 4;71 bbd, City cane at 1114 c. loaal per,ent. Relined angora are boiling at ruov,:c for crushed, powdered and grtu;ulated, and 14144416 X for coffer. crushed. Moltoscs--The market is quiet and rattler unsettled In:antlettgitigar of the. new crop, some Small lota of which bare been received aud-offered at ariettom; Pules of Centrifugal at 170 E 100 Idols ilemedihs at 65e for ordinary; and G. for choice; CO bilds Cienfuegos Musco vado at MD, 75 h ods lingua at &Pm-, less 2 per coot. In engnr hoed, miles of 200 Mots and 100 bbla on private' terms.: It distilling, aulea of 700 blob Centriftlgal on _private terms. By auction, a blots new crop Itarbadoes at tile; lit idols do do at 70e; 55 Midi do at 5t2557e; and 5 bbda Porto Rico (inferior) at 400 per gal. Flab--The market for eodliall Is steady, with a fair demand for Southern shipment awl coo sampler; at prerione rates. The stocks of ex tra large and thoroughly cored Usti, are quite moderate, and wonted by the home trade at very full prices. Sales ofuoullum and hirge at OW'S, inelnding French and EnglW:l; small 04,5445 per qtE ilrace are in moderato request at 113,5:4111 per. qtl. Pollock are selling at alai oevoil. outside figura for lots of English. Mackerel aroecarce and the bettexgradea are belling at vary full rates, while sogieholdad are asking an advance. Pales of.lioti bay at 1117617!(., and ?10. 0 are worth nomi nally amgprokipter bbl..._.Motive. are selling at o tf73.4 per MP. Picklatherrhatt dull at WV', - 0 per up:li for coon and Labrador. cd do, digteo per lox for Yo, paid ME V: • 111,. i II I•rlf 182EZIIIMI =MEI =EI INAlle =ME viri -.lst tu.ti Ntithtins. =IEEE M= =I St •r.•Tulrte••l a 5 1< ,q. , , 1 .1 •t• ,55 Flour is 0 d 5111 quote ht • 15' ..•• +.; lAA Pio rt 1-111,NF- itaeon ,tc•.,tr with no , l• • • F , •• •••••lii , nt lt,s - 41, , t oto. , !lams Lat•l 1.• for V=o; .n.l ...“;.; 1,1 • 'ti.:lo I Li .11-0 in 41.1irt1, , / p. I I I. ! - I. Ins, •r 11”411m Si• 14, I •1.. r • y: • :N an.' If •r HANUF y:s 1 «.111 . 1:11:1/1.17I. NI M tftl(l,:T Ell Ell ery 1) iteh tr. i t”, •, • ••• .1 f =I =lll I=ll =MEM th , re. fatriv ;IVVP at I , ry.• l• wr,z. 44' tto.• .1 tn.!. .,! hnt., I 1, It • • •:.tuut./ , ir!1.1” =I oi i 4. , Cf. And, .1,0u.i r) 145, I, - 4:.Yd7,12 . .; rod , prd, t:ra, toRAIN •,,Trong Wboat, qt.iet an 1 !W! , trvt , er, at 47,1,2 . 1',n 1., N.. I .ind rn. \""o2. re focind ora .letoaudl art,, dulrl n , t ”aqdel. at a. (or ~ NI, a" , Ir./L . 2W fat No 2 I:Tr. at n for No. I Barlry, W. t. al rat/91.P , --Hare actlve Me., Varaan- in .1. tnand: •14: , •.).? k.nglpd.. Mr al., In Brood drat./n•l. aalea tan Got t!• -13 , 31, Y.ll, allddle.. 11 1 , 11010 11IraLo •al , , 1,n.000 11 , r Itnttga ••1111-1. 13 ,iondeletw. ••••ot 1 11 1 , 111,1 11+m..•t 17 .r-en •1 at Laird, dull awl now t d o f rrirtit , team .117 c; no I,lcor. Ilaraftrnflocaa—AcTivP, and 1121 , twlt, •al••• on.r.! 11;r6 Lt ra lloo.—lteceived, 7.11, •Ilipped. 1,1. n Mo.ierat , ly 10 It. at, and lac O•din a! 5a.n.0d1.30 Car,..—Quit sad uochand..l. al 4:4:4446 PRII-WELPHIA CATTLE MARKET •perfal Dup.41..11 to the Plttuburgh 1=11]5!M!I CAT77.I:--.l;ecf Cattle condom ,lull and prices nre enthr, Dose,; I+oo head arrived and soh] at (rota intfiti! a cents for t. I 1 en; Itiff/f.fOr fair to 000 d, and Ind 1.1 pee Ili o•r common, al to onnitty,—fire .11 od c ,1 toi 'and , Sib sold at the i ttlfft , '''t ) ot Oa at loon bi:u./;;,:k •the 100 I nett. irt•-•-•Pra-e. ara rather batter; If, head an:d et rphitee fp, Nytregeta, ao , l 1:704100 per brad for Mich t sIIET.I . --Cnntlrote (1 ; 77..0 errs, rd and sold at from 6,371, cents per lb, grog*. for good tat Sleep. CINCINNATI .31 ARYUT feeciaDisPnich ttui , httaburrh Gazette. Cl I. SF/. TI, January o, 15tt, exerriarcialle-4suil susd• Inactise ; Neer City Mess Pork offered at 4=,zoi buyers at Os; not 011 - ertki. Sboulderat,;;Clear Sides, Sugar Cur . erl Amu, Canras.nd,Vk All packed Bulk ]teats quiet; Shoulders held ut bides, 161.1; Clear fi1dea,161.4616 , ,,c, parked. sales of gS hhds of Rib hides at 11l Green *Cita StellArl.3hoOlderS;sl%; Sides 12 , i; Ileum, Inc, Light do, 16t,. Lard dull; Prime City, ket tle rendered 'hold at ITi.,trl:c; !lead, 17;.le; Gut . 6' .0; sales of Keg at II ous:—.Act.Pre and Closed at Vre higher. Rale% of Llr r, at j9;.0 gores, at 611,Viir11,:r3.ucl: e,l, $110,11.7.3. iteeelpts ap"TDCIEN EN NEIN YORK epecial Dispatch to Western Pre.. Nets Tone, January 29, Like. There wa• le. activity to Petroleum affairs, but the market ra• decidedly- firmer, especiaL Iv Ara Ilenneboff nom Pit 8010 Creek and 'Tril led Stute•, pressure to sell, has been abandon ed and there /stanch betker fee/ Mg generally. Palmer 100; Bennetoff Icon 15,50; Excelsior W. Webster SO; Oil Creek lA% Pit hole Creek 5,4; United State. IC M. NEW YORK PETROLEUM 3IARKET. Special Dl:patch to Western Press. Nrsr Tonet, January 2 . 4 , , l'etrolearn eontinues dull and nominal. at '4;9, tor trade; 34Q35 for refined In bond. , 4:lo33iiii:ll:ir4viti3ti)MVJ: =I Jnn. xpeculation opened heavily Ole =keening at. open Uoard, nd Erie Dt oite down to which carried 1. 11h It the whole market. At tho Stook change there wan nahnaught recovery from lower rate. There was vetyllitle dtiwaltlon to op rate cither 5..) . . and the totumc of Maniocs , . Nen. Ileht. • The following arse the clasing prices at 4 o'clock, I'. Id ,—.New 'lurk Centred, 915.,',i Erie, KIN: Hudson 11free, 101; Rending, 0404 a Mehl wan Southern, '09,1"4 Clerotane awl ritt.burgh, Rook lalanrl,oBoCarthwesterv, 27.4, ditto, preferred, 13X; rost. Van Government Ilst was heavy and 'ewer on gold bonds, and steady on 7- notes. State bonds, were dull and heavy. Miscellaneous tocka were without any deckled change In Quotations. Gold was more active and firmer tO-dv. Cu.bgold is ecareo and worth from i; por cent higher; closing at HO New York Market N roc Y Gan, an. .--tfotton dna et De. Funa-I.,)uletf prime. generally withoet de cided change, at .7,7457.90 for Extra Nude; soi.toC eon for Extra Itonnd Hoop Ohio, and ate/400,W for Trude rtrand, Market elfedng firm for Extra State and for 'Other kind, ' * Mrsaraar....Dell and nteritoilea - $2.,X.W417 for IVratern. Gams—Wheat gullet and prices nominally unchanged, and sellers are wide apart. liar ley mut Barley Malt dull and, nominal. Rye quiet and drooping, Corn withont decided change, with moderate demand. The firmness of freights materially checks the export de mand; sales at 71%1;8154e for unsound and AZi Me for sound mixed Western In store and de livered. Oats dull at 43445 e (or unsound' Western, and filittinn for sound do. liye dull. Baoczturs—Coffee dull. Sugar dull Pgreor.ars—Ciull at ariesm fur Crude, and aifrilo for refined in bond. - • . Paommons—Pork irregular and unsettled .atipulaw fdr Nevi Mesa, closing at F.. 5,00; ti for 010, du—closing at F.N cash re. ,50fir.11 for Primo. and.M , lfii,so for Prime Ideas; also 3,740 bl,ls Now Mess, for February, March and April, %ellen opticni, at 4114,50(0.J. Beef steady, 51i1,f , 0620 for hew Plain Mess, and 4111Jh1 for Now Extra Mess. 'Reef (lams unchanged, at i 4, 0,4C04L Cut Ideals quiet and bean; at lig 11,40 for Shoulders, and lififaliie for Rama. Be coa firm; Cumberland cut on the spot, and for February delivery, sellers option, at Dressed Ilogs, heavy and declining, at I.l%flii3e Western, chiefly at is- 13 and 130 for) City. turd market heavy, at 15 1 4017iiic, and ehoice hie. Butter unchanged ; sales at MOM for Ohio, and 2j h e for.btate. Cheese dull, at New Turk stock two Nancy. Bletrket • lifoar—gutet and fiteadr at 54i;Ge. Sterling dial and steady ut loggia 94. Gold firmer, opening at IST4, declining to lato„, and closing at 140 , 4. Uovernment /stocks dull,and without derided change. Freights to Lirarpool quiet and firm. . . filocice--pulli Ohio and Iffissludppi Cortid efiles, 211.,„; New 'fork, tilf;lirte, 803 i; bilehigan Central 10 . 4,• Bllellfgan Southern, 4WD Pitts burgh, Maifiortli )Vestern, es.; do, preferred, :Tniedo,LOGS.ltock bland, 1fe3,14; Alto n , 103; tort Wayne, Wg. WrGRLY 1200,1 C FTATrMYST,—.I.OaII9, I , 26—lncrease of 61,073,65111 Specie,4l3,loa,tsa—. deereawe 01 42 . 155 ,% 1 LC11eu1ati0n,.0),M,7M InCercaso Of *426,413 611i5.01.1.151--tle. mimeo{ +3,731,4f31 - Legal Tefidtts Vfo;tl.%-iftt— decrease Of te..t3X,701. r. lark l/r, •Imorkvl = ~~", IM MEE I= EMl=ll= =1 o - • 1, jtjlie SI 1 or •.1 :II 1 . 1 . , ,11.1 r 7'l na% t. • •• =EI ME I= • a.ll ."• ,•• • • • • • orn e #1.7.• I • .• tr, 1,1 4. ..•11171. i 11.,•I n ti,v a lit lkilIlt10:11i,011, , .11 1.0 f: fie \ 01h11,4 I=2 =EI .•• • F , n, h. !up, , 1 , •14! N. re, hl •In (..•111 , y rrogo v 1,1" barrt,l.• • un ...1. 1:4‘1,311: ....1...., , arley. Culp .t .-/-•••1..I 11 1 untie W.l • .. -ks . 10) 1.1,11 liunr 11 I mi.:, 1$11,•1•611i Greer;l •••,, arlll-1. I' dry apple, kir...zl , ton: I ear. b:kr. 1111111=1 . . •. 3. 8r... CRI It. dt rt.'hart. 31 zu4.1:11, Ni 3 2 4... 3 11110.1 -.. 244 p..•:.1 , C1 ri..11..1 A 1ta1r.....•^ A.." a 71 — .• I: !flaw vo, Itl-kv.Thutna.. o. 12 I lIt• kr, :5 baron, .!:. --rd I L 0517.1. •p. I r, 'l,lOO 1.1,1- 1 aakin, bt.!... Mar, 4...1, Kell a Ititellard; t do do, It & A 7,C var. a twat. II Ttrlic,k, re,4lry =MI 11.1.11 Leg, /.14; I ..otter, Nlcanor .t Ilitrywr: tt" 41 J! la I IL 1.1. ye Iron. Ander,...2. (AKA: .t co roil ,Pri rkt rscrxsvrt flour. NI t.k, do. W co; .. , 11r1" Lenin!(. I /I Vuiat a 4'o; 4 11 bbls flour, G & J St4STI at t: 7 'obis art peurl,.., 1 1 - R ruler: I bbl.. lent, liirkpat xl.l.: a Pro. i wl nnl. , /1 11 Durn.: I box hard ...ewe, .7 lion n: I !wilt..., a kee I ba r ing,•.l.:l I .toOru., Atanlr, Lee a cs, A: I :ton J...tary cal-sons. • r W !Oa., P.•arl Oil • 2 car, 5, 16 r:•••••Iy A Itro: I 0..66,1 1.066,C110.6 11, rno: 1710 hag . . tlittr6roJ. Ilatni1100: 10 I 1•616, A Kirk 7r. ro: 200 I.,.tura trarlt-y, Ileok. 01121.111 4 *L. corn Mercer A. 11.01.14 , 600; 6 • • ,1 21, 660/, 601 . 606, Prom, A ro; 1 .4 , 1 augur. Itrytner A. /1,6 I car brick., James 4, rad: 2 ea: 6 I ututasr, l 1. 14,610.: car, whelt, II ..::6011: d.,.: I ,I,• .1.,. 1 •11, •••Ir6, 150 16 1 / 1 - Of or, I: r••• 1 A -401.1 r•lc 6,115 :c•61..1 60npaon, 1 1,11 e , i rn -1,•••• art A • • 61- la Leal, 16 , ..71 , : A 111 TORTM nr nn En • 1 . , I: ',I n N.. I. lipgk. c. flakes , Nl, Pc:: c. A co; I urnish, Leg.. Oa. W II mw on; oil MA, Js. I..knocJ, Jr; 11,1 , 1.1 r, youche., A Canghey; .21 (ln 1. A co; n 1.1. e. cotton, U 1, k s (wish Dickey it co; 7 bOres glassware, T A IS, an. 8 co; 71 Win while rce.,liertituan A co; 2j(kgs toloicCo,F. (teazle ton; 9.11.51 is willowy, C co; 5 barrels lard oil, Gr. to oil hbls S McKee; cow.. .ban Morph} ; bales cotton, .olcr A on.; 1 plies toruitarc, W RIVER NEWS. ARMIVALn. Nn. 4 - . Todd ...... Al.pore r i),t4 re . •Te LEA Vtb.• l' t W313111(18 rut - ter.— Lottitb. V 1 E., 14 r. -,111[R, ETC. 11• e deer aas falling filowly List evening, ith :Ise feet four incite! in the Channel by the Moncingattela pier marks. The weather Has Quite soft. and the appearance and feel ing was that of a [timers] break. op. .11 dts patch from MI City states that the wrother was warm, with tadieattons of rain, althea:ll the lea was still mrang, and teams were cross slug open it. Business at the wharf yesterday was ciliate lively notwithstanding the fact that it was blue Monday. Tlx talon ing bon:+ comprise the port list: tram:ll4a, Flitar.cier, Lin ena„ Armadillo, Sil ver Lake .No. 1, Leonora No. 2, Kenton, Pei.. ware, Unto Putnam, Columbia. Rubicon, Julia No. ti.Glnsgoir, Importer and ',Dyer Clou'd, all fifteen boats. All the boats at the landing ye.tcrday wore their dug, at half-mast in token of. reapact to the memory nt Robert L McGrew, of this city. and I:obt. Rogers, of Cron - oscine. fr. Mc t•rew's funeral wns very largely attended, many or those pre. eat being hLs old steam least friends with whom he aar largely .9• slatd ha life. ar7rcomfortable t trip tot:inc:matt ulaville continent' up to the. Wannitta, Capt. Elliman which leaves this morning at ten o'clock. Site Is fitted up to A..,1 .tyle tor he benefit of paasengeri. is onimrod by. old and experienced steamLoatmen, and has every comfort:and conrcalance that a passenger can .0: for. Go down early this morning, and taken took at her state rooms. The Columbia, Capt. It. J. Porter, is the St. Louis packet for to.daT. Tins Statzneli , and reliable craft belongs to the eelebmtetl"l)ein Line . ' a line too well known here, to renutre any commendation at our hands. Her ne er/tea:iodations are ample, and Capt. Porter is one of the moat courteou, oftleen. on the river. .t patoage to St. Lou!- on her will in tact be a pleasure, trip. The Rubicon, Capt. Haelett, is fast illling . up with freight for Sew Orleans, and will leave to-Morrow evening for the ( resorts City. She is. bran now boat, Liii, being her first trip, and cannot be carolled for comfort on the r.tern waters. The Glasgow, Unfit. W. Johnson, Is nearly I,ldril, anti In the next host out for Cincinnati 111/ /..00.1‘" ills. I,ert II ig caw evening Ithouttall. she is also a nun boat, this be. her lira; trip. The Ititporter, Capt. John !Voss, came ronod to the landing yesterday, "hand up, and tail o'er filo (lusher." The importer is one of the viaunelient bruin that was ever built at this place. The trial of her machinery yesterday v inn VUry satisfactory - , and she auswerettilier helm Illot'u top. The Silver Lake No. 1, Capt. Todd, wrri the only arrival at the landing yesterday. RigrassintENTs. • UNION 3 SKATING;A Piki ENT tt! L , t e . for fhrniohing ladies yisittnn thepart ....L. !nods and Refrrolunents In the Ladies Reception Room. the S.aloon to resen - ed earlualvely tor gentlemen requiring refretiuneuto.. The charge* the same so ot ony other nrst-elose Restaurant. A still larger supply of ralotns "11l be toned at the elate [Wont. ta2lllwle pATiiiiTED OCTOBJEIL M, 1861. PATENT OVAL LAMP CHIMNEYS, .• blanuff eCurrd of 'XS Flint illattt. These Chimneys re m t. tc . nitrit , . for game.. hesting dorm not espor Il ,sll par . ts of - Foieritt - OlasslVOrks. Wat.hington strret... son Pitt tno It. 'tons. - CEMETERIES. 111LLIDALE CEMETERY.-. 4. rtt. Milan* most planers:me Mom of Seputtnee. At 2tnate on 0: oclandL.Augmlllr o sanog h of Allereny ... y ..l:sl t artal ' ,l7ota fent apply at 11 47I=utVu n i a n d o il At the ectstetery. 'Title Deds. Penults, and oil other business will I. &flooded to at the lirui Warehouse of the undersigned. corner or redCIC andLenneek idrects. Allegheny. • _, A. CsSerelars and Tremruft. • BOOBS. 7-- -7- Et i/O-LOVE I- OH, ttouns• cir-EacATELI INP gmapra't/aIoINGICA.. FASU eaches Ton lAT ONS, II ity 7 1n Pgutro m t t r, ovamAlT PRIVATE /u0342' for MAR. have one. Price, li,cor,JT"' itl7 shonl..• n/grce of either or both io P. A. WIE.L.W.I A CO Che• tom street, Phllsdelphin, 1112 In sealed env/ -7-iajamelir" also accompahr each btPl A " '42 INSURANCE J r • a of • the Feanklin,llAlegphlt and s ite i nteeeee Th anwi l eAgneatte+, x•ci •ves Corn,. iIMJI) and. • W ONEtlolgent forth° North cop) leLlfgat=illTlVAVNrillii-A." rim, itiai • tiet - mretari of the w ir t Vga i parit , AlT. WM= I. I 1 1 CEEB MEE ITPLIUOII OIL ENGINES. 17e are eciestracttor, and xfl ken, da hula. .4 perlor 8,1510 of rrbscalamaTiaft wilf tilt k 4440 x OB Tr* realliTi to We 'Deli* parties if:welling tim4/;.es forIKE igrom.4 itrartZiThwateVS4 arts. • Se= XACKIBTOSH ttrarrifiLL a CO.ii _ SKATES Ladies, Gents and'theca In Every Variety, for Sple-Loa THE CHEAPEST PLACEITO'Bwa.:, - Skates axtd r tae! . I.Attr.llllvAitterr AxivrorErroms Nytty,trUtel. "eitripik, STEAMBOATS HtiU SPEED, SAFETY AND COMFORT, 1319113E1 1111Eill \C. liGiElr I PACKET LINE r , .• • I •••••• P 111 ! 1...11 • 11:1r ,re.rvr 1: 11 xY sr.n -. In .A. 1.1 •! I M I! IN! II AD.! • 6.1, RE I=l - %; I: crry 1211: I VII' •7 1 .INI ..PL , 1 I Ii 1 . .. Vat t ••nt• • ler. Nivtaan • •,••1 p m I .•;,, r = 011717 \ 1 sr.!. l'Arlrr.tvorg marl ru , -04) .n 1 I= ksl! It WlNrttp*Er. r,lr) rrrr)rbrby 3nd ,I.oday, gnlng down are mddon at Wheel& I tertland and Pittsburgh .11 h t 3 Tl.d..burgo at ntld nod with tralu.. Plttaburßl, Ft L . p. n• nod I 1.1.-ago +hien cares 11l It )P.. • and at 31arletta with Marietta and Cl • • ILO •ttaint.r. 101111.0u:14. Mull ..gun. Hirer. and wi • "') ou th• 13altim..rr a., Ott,, ILallroad. • n Line brendoer. 4.• 11 1P0 I • , i „. t. n. May trill.. anal elne.nna_ .11 up .rip. con.etton. arc toady xi Bell: a 111, 1 InTriAnd and P n.. at.targh Railroad...C. a.. • Id ..111.-h arrt, at Cleveland I u . sad a: hicagv at 7 . 1 , 0 a. cn. next Murat[ J AS. ( CO.LINS Fs CO., Agents, .0 f 'Wood rL r vor act . tot ttt 1;0It Allijaka 1 .ll' 'VI 1.1. —The 11.. andt strnmPr I.E. Cq I. l• • W. J..11,1•r0x. w ill Icate ror the the and Intl-ruled:at. 1.. rt., un TIII - 12914.\ I. /. 4... b. I , 4 P• 4 .4• • board or to ' .V . AVF7•Ti.i i ,t r i l, ,Z,: . A Iv No. t W ou.l street 1:0 11 CA IRO AND ST.aM ‘plendld .toarn•r ,0 1.1"31/tIA It. J. POin V 1 frosr for the above and ail Intfrmodlate pd oh Tr FhtlAY. Xnh la,. at 4p. m. PEGUL.AIt PACKET: WS .• FOE NVIIEF.LLING, 3LUtIETPA AND ZANDWILLE.—The 6ne eteattter taIAIIANI, Capt. C. E Errt.t.. will leave for st.ove and all Intermediate part. every TUESDA •t 4p. to. Itcturtat leaven raaneATllle every n at Yam. J.l). I , JI.LINGWOOD. Agent won MEMPHIS A; liE.radE n —The new Nide-vat Wale, Ta , N Cupt. mar Will e for the shore and an lntlrmcdlate go 71110 1111". at I p. tn. For freight orja , t i t i ngtktp A p ( l : ir . on hoard or to .1. D. COLLINGWOOD. l A V." von CINCEUVATI AND I.OI'IS4LLT.E.-Ihe tf.alter_ _ _ _ WA EA ...... ........ Cap. T. Sham! Lt,,s - res ma Tills D.A . T . . p. o m.. r or It"to OIL WORKS. OOLDitiLDGE ItErll4:l6 COMr•ANY, OF PITTSBURCH. PENNA Si OIIKS IN TE3IPEHANcE - mv Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, • (Year Drldiy-1 St A S I:FACTURE:M. OF PUB,E ITIE JECIL T IriNiThiGr GOII Brand—" Lucifer." ThD on cannot tte me-Ded torn I.II:Pr,PM, eulor or are test and kanut up r ti rti L W !seasoned b tuts. tultabld for /.10. Un or TACT. .0 DEMI bIILICITED. L Liar Mntb—Jobn Watt, P. Eta. O. Ma C. B. Lterten, _ W C. L. Caldwell. U. lIL Calla., J. Portu- , Eobt. all ll ace. D. W. C.'caeru._ Jahrtgand STANDAIID . L -t Petroleum XLegltuersr . CUSS 8 SUMNER . Works aad Ore CollinShrowaskti Ornce rl Itrresssiecn—le WOOD. ?Def. works hare the Wren Wan to tae c., .try. The brand' stands the hlghetittn this cow, nod In E.ce, for Quality and Ma teat. and the It put In sw iteasentd hat Tels, prepared espentn for expert. Pianureeturers orBOIVERS, FM*, TANKS a' I n•prerred Bortnr Toolttbr On We • delikt; 1 4 1 •LlNi N•7NNt • . : f. COXPANT. MME=Ea!MEI ; :i.- ! ,,,. Cosomal as it tgatz . ed .t om 2 abe-Ith lust- tgx,c3 Lac "rZe r teertgry o f the eampanY .41WLMad., the Deztargl erect tratelkoll Cam , of Mtn el', ; Capitabtock„ .... . 'l. ~,,, t Votking Yana . • - . Par,Yallacat itsch &bare...-. 1 Ir OITICIMS: e Preitdent-S. A. JOHNSTON. _, A ,.._ becrtglary and H. --11. W. ILIYCLIIE. -1 - . 1 2.121.!CT055: . 11, A. Jonysox, ...I:, 8. Britgelf.. g FRANZ fiSllllllOl, • JAXESRILLWAM. -; Y. D. GESIV4 , Nr. O. WPM i' ,IMII4, . IL W. . 1,11..1‘.1) :11}1E11{1) 111:111 _ 4 PURE WHIT . E•BURkIHC 01 Coststaatly oa nand aiLd AT TH LOWEST . MATtlinT a J. a. sawirzn, Fa c WOW) Amt:s wmuisti; miss ssu usassurtS: CRUDE AND REFINED 10113, SW , I mock, Duquesne Wn*arittsbarg 1 .221 4 2 1 ?jA 9 =21 . 2 e Zr:fieD ren rer MU 'IL' AZ neerpeetfttly Iso/Ictted. roatoSae Nark& minas _., J . BENN, i ,t 1 No. I ST. CLAIR ST., PlSpargb, 1 rozaardlng and ComndaalosiNerebax t And dealer la OIL. Illscaltnatlat t embrleattli Crude rtral,m MU. ie. eattatan • ola Utast ter aa.k at Me lovrmt raardettprl.cts. ortslarnmet; and order" eollelleal. , aptalar T. J. WARING u=tn Y. ant WARING & KEW, C031:111-virS.ION MERCEL,V.MS, AND DROSERS PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUBTS,i And Dealers m Refining )latertali Pin. SI MARTZET.ST. BOLDED WAREHOUSE' OF PHENIX WAREHOUSING COMPANY, Pool of Baltic and iferrf sofa Streeti Brooklysc S. s Storage for Refined Petroteuv - 4 1 In Tants and Rarrela. Bee air Mee, Do. B:, BEA VEZ lITY7Wr s Re. reo «...s•ty • SKATE. . 1 6113....410111315 23.13.43LiVE11as 2,500 PAIRS Oi M 3 3-420T3Ellqii, ; seam S2ICOVICriv • arm No. I'3 WOO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers