The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 30, 1866, Image 1

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E ' vr"g '
(7(.I9TAMA6NA. Roamans MAN . /ann.
031.784.1) ft T TiTE AZETTE ASSOW Arlo .9
1. U P Un.tHriizzr. F'lttsDury 4.
JlMOzNrre r.DIVION. by tnall, per .......
EtttuN, do. do, ....
berYed by Cankers, Ifommso or EVZNINO, pOr
Abe4?ittoturg4 Guritt.
Nr..l) ybnr mktn free from Imp ri I and
improk e our couiplezion by axing ~. r
Itarbvr., , Iroap, thirty crate a cako.
Cloakmand Shawls.
Ores); cheip, at Barkers Co.'s 51 rk
N ' eutral Sul[ Mite of Lime,
PO? preh6rring cuter. For sales by Charln!
SoPer,DiUggist, Corner of Fenn and it. Clair
-Street, PS taburgk.
TLe Torikish ambassador
4FbouAl tlie weather prove thvorablf. • wif vistt
/bur eit3 . :.metirrie during the present week.
410 b , e - sp clod to bring important documents.
t9lllis'artt Dress GOOdx,
stry Oratly reduced prices, at Barker h
ro,•:42:111 rivet street
liou.e7. r sale. Two story brick; range with
fief had_eold water; bath room; gas; marble
tlaallesiimyedpiz:d3 10-rooms; house nearly
•Asiii;tiniatied .1n tint Wass style. If desired,
=llSil - 014 de:oe firoishing will be sold with
the bees; aspo owner's family are to deelta
thik LeaTtih. The whole, or either, will be sold
it a barmiln. Inquire at Ito. 124, Wood street
At 2.Se.
mitts nf - Prtnt+, at Itatiier &
TA& beg!.
t Mari , •i
lt igran the ;skin from- all !Impuritte, , , pre
etifvei It' font chapping, Rod ttiveln ch7n7and
teattlry ! appeniaine to the complexion.
Samyees Barber's Soap, only thirty Cent , . 3
Cake. ' , , .
So to 'Joseph Ileadnes Dior Store.
Coriirr Of the' Diamond :and Market ?tiara,
when ye; wish to procure any-thing that can
peso ly kept in inn flrot classi drug store.
Slits Stoel Is the most .extensiie and varied in
the city and laver; off iclo' that goo colt of lila
Widablildrent, Is guaranteed to be of the beat
qualify. the best brands of white load, oils
llnd varnishes at low prices. IlLeinember the
Vice, TWephllentingis Dr - Oz .. Stoic, corner of
the Dianicad and Market str eet. If you have
IPletowuy.lan hand, take it to his establishment
atad Procure the highest cash prico fur h.
' I.egtelit nolphlte of Urn,, !
ror.. preaCnrlog cider. For sole ttry eltarieq
VolFori tilinlat; conic? of Penn and st. Clair
Flue Shirting lithalitt at 31e. extra unTility
rinst wit. 'Muslin, at Barker k Cu.'s 39 Marko!.
Greestineks are Good
We ba4enottang to say In regard to ; the eon-
Irovers.vl about greenbacks, but would flimsily'
State [bat they are taken at pox at the Firdt
Class nai;Cap and Ladles' For FIQt9C of Wm.
.IFWminCl i NO.l37 . Wood street. Wo are now
Selling or immense stock of Ladllisl Furs at a
great' - t*'ttnetion, in _order to ol4e out,. our
at,ne-r-nring eider. For sale by phdrir, Sn
per, Draggiit, corner of Penn and St. Clair
Areete. ittObturto,,
• 11,,mryl,Boirts ifi l id • SiL • ois at . cos - t
Ist McCul
loa i price of Moots and Shoes i at .Iteelln
Or. Federal street.
Ire,Theusand Dollar*
Biob stati Shoes Selling ¢t coat
Zrde ,
2. 3:04,tf , .4). Slices at McClintocqq;??.
. .
• -
'BOmorik skirts
Mkt e or retail; tlian you maik
tticikasewheri, en the nortbtant corner
itoeyountli - via ti...Ftet streets.
" LoV,cArtno.
' ,-. • ' ' 'Dry' 60*M ht
. 8sfwll:
e'en ti 4 Orteal stock
greatlat redpeedtolo.3.4,' tar the, lioarpcee or
"redwing It . "iftretinititory getting in our
eve aris:now on the
Aottlaenit-,neurner, of, Fourth - - 'Market
rfti6t.ta.'. C. HAlrsOtr Leir. S Bao.
• , •
`` AdrnghSa beenProuounced "undigni
Ifijais' inSdkal - tionty. A physician
.Ikliondrertisent valuable remedy to fifty pas-_
tleinhinpriinte:Priotieeirtittld ree,elve the
-I:oldationlder from Ids professisMal brethren.
41.1tOuldliernikeeitimedits Imowoje millions
- • • .1. 11hronititilie btisineas ixiluiniti of tinemiPstrei
inityibe7."4l,tnided,"!but is it be-
Yunnan° Or just? Whoever is forte:
;.., enough Le discover orb:treat anything
• , ',in prevent td cure, or alleiiitte,hrinian
• .linteibiti botiad to make it ImOwarthrough
levery 11=61 Of communication within his
tO thekedusrril Fotimany yeah
; , She xcietitis of flestetterilStomactalitters have
, thus I+4Preeigined to the world, and multi
tides Lave been - restored to health, or saved
- . ,2rota fatal .cOnsequenes. AS new
sliets.have been developed in relation to the
, °SU:dal:nest pure and potent of all
ISionmetdes and Alteratives, they have been
,tediin simple lantinage to the people of
- , .._Mny ands; and It the propnetoth of the med
leine have derived profit from their dh‘setni-
ItatioU, thotteanda ppon thcfusaatTs of individ
. Male have. been' henefitted theriby to an ei
2. ent hQyond allestimate. la, thou West Ladies,
• Citiditleollititralla, and South America, Flo+,
"iettel`e Bitters were , reeognized t as the solo
, • ....epecillo for Dispepaini .. tlip best Possible safe
, anardingaingt epiOeinice * and Orel:West. inrig
• • - Went ;',in Mims of ,Genert4 Debility, and the
: "-only diffusive stimulant entirely free
. • Merlons' ingredients.
- ifoidettera Dltterje
- - Jkie $414 tiboletialettn4 t:etall at Very low rates
Fiera Wire andkatent Medicine Depot,
2to. Sigarfiet street, corner of the Diamond,
pear ;'otirth street.
,rifesltward the Star of Enatotre Makes
- : its WaYr"
Theigennine Oriental remedy so long known
do easinris coantries,and which a few years ago
Mused such commotion among the old fogies
;of thel meilleal profession, by ttie celebrated
zeolite - on the article by the ii...ssistant Sar
geon and rrofeSsor of Chemistry in the Cal
anttal Medical Co llege, is now yor the drat
Vine hatrodueed Into this conntO by the Syl•
from drienval Company of Boston:
E. I4.Fahnestocl: 8 Co., and MeClarren, are
2111Ou3teleSale agents for Mils plAe, where the
winni6e naalseeeat Candy can be had. Price, 500
- sued ed,Ol per box. Bade genuine without the
dttap#,atUt the - Sylvan Oriental company, 151
;Iffitsnin via street, Boston. on each bax.
Fall and Winter Goods.
jt• with great pleasure We call the atten
Sten Of our Leaders to the subporb stock of Fall
,11Indlybster Gpods jast roceivedt. by Mr.' Jigin
111/eletillierellsut Tallor,.lfo.l%lFeeteral street,
atock enshracetl#, some of the
-Itaosit;riearrtifel Cloths, C11861133CM, I:tverCollt.
gni grid 'chafing's ever brought do ale western
..11twns;. newtreent of For4lol4Goods,
spoprisingSbirts, Drawers, CollaralfeettTtes,
andkerchtefs, ac, cannot be stirpassat east
111 r ask; A largo stock of ready itnade Punts,
ACtlatkVesti and Overcoats, will pis° bereandt
estaidislrment. Persons ',swain or any.
2bthin the 'clothing line shoe* not fall to
give • . Water ei call. • ,-
` Thema* W. Parry . .tit°.
Write lent &de Roofers, and Dealers In Amer'
itantte of various eolma. Office at Alexan
ger , ugatin's near tile Water iWorks Ruts.
31210. Pa. Residente, No. 7 l'itce street. Or-
OttilAy atteradocL to. All*ork warrant
:lid sr ter proof. Retatring donef at the short.
bet 1:, . No.ebargoforrepaprcrrided the
,TOofi s not abased after It is snit ba.
rat the question
tptil Ful!,rtc , 994 r AletoS, as to *hat prepara
21enlis 'they use tor th eir teeth,i and the re
erpaese, eseethees est often, witl be eozodont.
1746 longer oecess arxtO impress lt , merlts
t' ipei the pubbe rand,. expertentO has taught
V:ithe Irorbithat, es a means lot bfretitying and
apteitrting the stilt, vivre keg the elms,
prol'evieg a pleasant , aroma totloi breath,
in' either. hcsoisphe*.
I Carpanter Jobbing Stiop.
ring returned after en nbeence of three
, In the army, I have ro.opened my atop
soite'onobhing In the oarpontor line,
• • 444 stead. Virgin Alley, between Smith.
rtreet tool dherry Alloy. (*dors solicited
ptompttY 'attended to.
The Clii,ago .roornerf says a private letter
received from London saya:—'Negotiations
are In progress for the extension of the Atlan •
tis .t Great Western Rail Road to Chicago. If
successful, floor will be carried to Philadel
phia and New York for 1401,2 per bushel, and
Indian corn at et cents per bushel. Time
grl2ll9rttiled at four days, and no terminal ex.
Friday afternoon. tan goo. Of 0 510001 Boyer
residing near krernont, Ohio, were out in the
woods hunting quail. A flock Yren started np
when the oldest, (icOrge, dlicharged his gun.
the entire charge entering the left breast of
his brother,f who stood shout twelve feet dr.-
tant,) killing him instantly.
A Benet An in New York was knocked down
be the, master of the b o n n e, who had
Mien wised by his sertrAnt girl, and on
the irrrlvSl of a politeman the robber was.
sceared. prisoner gnyo his careens John
Belmont. saying that be was nnativn of Geor
gia., bed screed in the rebel army and 'laugh-
Torcd many Vartlices:
Woot.t. - 2 fnetOrio2 Will twos be started at 'Lai
enn and NA auk - egad, 111., and Kenosha and Bur
lington, Wia. , already powsess thorn. lowa
contains-nearly a donr, and a sew ono has
pet 14)en MATted at lowa City , with senatOt
Kirkwood no President, and aeapltal of 3150-
TIM articles of Ineorporittion Of 0 nest
road courianv culled the Creccent, Itoch
ester. and . Yin'Mon liallrOsil Company," ha
been filed with tic. Miratesola Secretary of
State. The Object. Ls to , construct :1 railroad
from the Mississippi river.iiirongh the south.
elm tier of Minnesota to the Missouri
river. The Capitalis elOACKMoM
hcsammomecz hits bech received from Ilas r sta
that the flop eror has confirmed u concession
to sir ]torten Pete, me behalf of Messrs. Pato,
Petts and Waring litiithets, of a railway, in
prolongation of the one from ifiga to Ihma
lmers and Witch:lk, unit from the latter place
tot tie!, a - distance of GOO mile,.
A antrear an undertaker in eincinnat I, of
ter coffinhig the . dead Milo:100f a poor widow
presentedlis bill of sixteen dollars on the
Opel. The mother Could only give him eight
dollar, at the time, bat promised to pay the
believer next day, and gave him responsible
'wearily. Ile would not wait for his money,
but took the Maid child. out of the cotta and
et oCf. •
A nrrowr has obtained currency that Brig
ham Young 1.3, purchased, or obtained the re
tosai of t wo of the Sandwich I%lands, to which
he intend , rem°, ing the polvgamote. Pans.
di, when compelled to make Lls hegirafrom
To cNT heeling I ' ,te i nencerie rellably inform
that at the election in Ritchlelown on Monday
last, a mast In the Washington Mulls gold Ms
vote to the Democratic party torn fen - buckets
full of swill glop ! The vote was sold cheap—
and so wes the slop !
Tug John Brown soug seems to have been
adopted in the British Navy. A serious ,llstur
lettlee recently took place on hoard 11cr Majes
ty's +steamer Leander at Valparaiso, which be
gan by - the men vete-dug to come up when the
a niche. ware called, and Leg - billing to shout
and yell In chorus, "We'll hang Commander
Patten to an old apple tree," dr.
Mn. E. ". CARPENTER, editor of the Bloom.
Angtonl.ll.,.Dady Terrtfograpts, left his home
021 the 'ltth inst., to Thin his brother, who was
at - the pointof death 'at - Lyons, N. 1. On his
any he became insane, was taken to the Bur
tdo Poor House, and died here, without the
knowledge of any of his friends.
A St. Faui special reports tonic to the aver
age depth pf.three feet, front St. Caul to Cott
AbererOMbleitTAMlles: :Blatt - ale and all kinds
(Maximo is very plenty along the James hirer,
and the Indians ere reaping a rich harvest.
LONGOSZCSTTR, who shot Mathews's . , at Indian
ardia, has heem - arregted. Ile was found secre
ted is a hayloft, near the Terre Ileum Depot,
With Provialota enough laid up to last him a
eonplo of Weeks.
IF the Esit Claim, "Wiaiiairiain, martim, it
is said, sordetbing over three thousaui deer
have. been brougut llt within the three
LN one parish In Louisiana, sixty Person , s .
:order arrest for killing negrOes.
d. sze Ala gu.s.; the famans British poi Meal
economist; truly says that "the countries
which has - o, at the same titdo, cheap food and
greatinduatrirstprosperity, are few in num.
-bee." .Thieis but another way of crossing
the well known fact that the estubßshmeat of
domestic manufactures creates the best and
most profitable market that a farmer can oh.
tnin. Fortunately, our count:Ml, blessed with
facilities for producing - cheap food, which can
not be too highly prised; and which gratrt tat
an immunity from the dangent of famine;-en.
joyel by MS other people. Instead of fritter
ing away that advantage, we should endowror
to improve it to . the - utmost, and to
I rani.
nentiy ' obtain; ' for . the feed than C 3.9 pro
duced, the largest ponsible quantity of desi
rable and necessary cammodities, by bond,
lishing - Endstdactures in Ottr midst, and arol4
the losetoprOduottes, which reanits from
the transportation of bultv article. over im
mense tltstances.--rka• Fm 2..
Carars . ras or All L.CAN Psrsas.—The New
York prittn E 11 3 ,. that those who gronsble at
paying Cone cents for daily and ten cords for
weekly papers Isere, would do well to nutlet,
what Lurepean papers cost. The
. Times etakts so a year: Thit
Dally„NewAGle; lieraid sad rust. chute'
the same rate. The London Evening Mail
published three times a week at 311 ay ear.
. The...Londonaeml-weeklies, elf. The French
primliapnts„ , largo ones, are same
es the London printa. Those about
a the bout the
size of ours oast '2O and $l6 a year. The Gar
roan..papers ectstilrom Ca, WiY4.l a year. The
cost of paper, composition, and indeed every
thing connected with the make up of aP
to uutch less in Enrage than to this couitrry.
so tnattbe American journals ore even cheaper
than would appear from the disparity Of
In ices.
- -
'Heavy Forzerleo or Dank Cheek. In Bos
, Boarokidamill.--Some excitement was ern
atetonState street, - tbis-morning when the
-public were informed of an extensive and sne
ers-o%d attempt at forgery, by some parties, as
yet ruslosoWn. It was diacovcred that the fol.
/owingforged chec, on Boston Brokersiwerc
;paid at the. different, banks on Saturday. Two
checks on Messrs. Stone & Downer, amounting
to Bre thousand dollar., were pahl at tim .Mer
chants National Bank,twO checks for Mx thous
and dollars, on Messrs. J. EL Clapp &Company
acre pald•by the Third National Bank, ap.d
two checks amounting to four thousand eight
hundred dollars, on J. Ilammett, were paid by
the Bank of Commerce. In addition to the
above, a amok for ilve thousand dollars,
on essrs. E. P. Cooraley lc Company
was presented at the Boast % croon National
Bank, but was sot paid, as there was no stamp
upon it. a forged check on Mr. J. W. Davis,
for tweoty-four thousand dollars, was also
presented at the Hide and Leather Bank, but
payment was refused. Thc name of Burnett,
Drake & Co., bankers, at No. it state, were
forged on a cheek for two thousand dollars,
on the Second National Bank, and was paid.
The signature of the firm was very well ore
! cuted, and the money was paid without quo,.
NAM Ittanderbern—lierts Post nines I
New Yorit—Yeellog In Regard to tb -
President's ' lectlonation On Unrest
remotion. -
Nate Tong, Jan. 21—The statement which
appeared slew days since, In reference to the
proposed purchase of the Crean Brun Ponder.
berg, by the Government of Chill, proves
be untended rumor. Mt. Webb has no Inten
tion of disposing of her, while our Govern
r•Fieents prizes ,ni her
not t be highlyreal
o fur
rt with her.
some months yet.
The steamship Cuba, whose recent move.
teems have been declared ensmelous, Is now
at Baltimore taking cargo. the belongs t•
the Baltimore, Havana, and New Orleans
steamship line.
The Commercial's Washington special says
Congress will undoubtedly authorize the ap
pointment of a rommission to locate a new
• yOSIOITIce site in New York.
Tito semi-ollicial ea - position of the Presi
dents views on reeonstrnetion and the Con
stitutional amendments creates quite au et
cit.:meld here.
Addrens of the Council of the I►lsh He
co. Yona, inn. 2.—Tho address of the Council
Of the Dish Republic, dated at Dublin, le pub
lished to-day. It says the work of preparation
in Ireland id done. We know our strength
and are not gimping in the darksa point has
been reached and we can see the goal clearly.
.We Cdli Quin you LO.sitlthe Irish army et to
dependence which will soon stand face to face
.withtcwouenly. We ask a loan which shall be
• patcysrithin 8t.% months after the establish
mint of Irish independence. The address,
which is quite lengthy, is endorsed by u thol
from COI, o , HotsOney, Wong 'prompt action
by the Fenian BrotherhooM
Laiy" Stained land Party'n Havana.
lime Tana, sip.imer Creole, from
Sew Oricane, via Ituvacia, arrived here on.
the =d,
The Dr Seta, with eceretary tleward and par.
ty on board, arrived at Ilavana on the pith.
The C.,tain General's offer of lain country neat
for their toe was declined, and the Secretary
went to a hotel. On the 21.0 ho received n host
admirers, first of whom was the Captain
General. On the 224 the party visited the
ciga.rette -manatee:tory, and the - Messrs. Sew.
ward returned the call et the Captain General
and attended a banquet given by General
ding o p u a b t l t i h cb u il din g s, which
I ll w u l m th i nthatoe sdurrono-
Yenerable•Colletre President Dead.
ALCWST, Jan. Z,--Eliplislet Nott, D
President or Union College, died this morning
at 3 o'clock, in the rilnety-thlrti year of usage.
lie hnd been tor sixty years President o f Union
Slight Fire on es Steamship.
New Yor.a,Pan.23.—The steamship Leo ar
rived hero yesterday from Savannah. When
she was off Capallatiqrsts, on Saturday last, a
Oro was discOvered among her cotton. Site
had a large cargo on-board, hut brgreat exer
t ion it. was extinguished in a few Lancs.
W reck of the Steamer Itlehmond, of Dal,
Itabmwonx, Jan. V. The steamer }Rehm= d
of the lialtimore cad Saran= line, which was
wrecked= the shoals off Cape Ratterns, on
Weilnesday, was valued at lksl,ooo and Insured
for .48,0001 n New fork offices Tho most of
the freight and cotton would be cared.
Steamer Inarned—Stoverai Lives Lost
CATEO, Jan. Mt—Tho steamer Ashur Ayers,
sub ono thousand and Monty bolos of cotton,
was rntebtly burned on Altamaha riser Ga.
The bokt was salood at 150,000; insured for
}Co". 'Most or tho cotton was saved. Five
or niir r 2iFgraco, wino ;clt.
19iLtUx FsclltlsT
- _
. . . -
.. D D - 111 -
: :-. :. ...-., ~.
.. , ..
~. ~.. ~.; ~ 4 .:-.: -..•' 4, - --g :--_. i- R;- 2, -,,:. -; :._;:i GAZETTE.
New Counterfeit Currene)
InvestMations recently made by the COM•
tisMonor of Customs have developed the fact
that the hostile Indians of the North Western
frontier have, for a long lime past, been sup
plied vrith fire arms and amuultion by CA./.
dian stnnggler,
The President's Declaration of Polio.
vinots, srarr .10VRIIIPIIPNIT.
Debate on Reconstruction.
Freedmen's .11Tairs in Kentucky
131.pateh to the Pittsburgh Gooetto.
H-d e, mustering ont the Ist lea - a and 3d
Michigan Cavalry have been issued by the
War Department.
It seems to Ire the Impression in welt In
rated °titles, that Congress will next year
pa,. a bill equalizing bountica, hat in Ilcn of
money, a certain number of acre, nr land will
comitiered equivalent to the hundred dol.
Several Co:npnnie. of Regular troop.. have
been ordered to report to Gen. Terry at Klub%
11:c Comptroller of the Currency ha+ re•
•iced a new counterfeit of the national cur•
ey, of the clemoralnatton of twenty dollar',
the First National Bank of Indianapolis,
dlana. The general appearance of the bill
ralculated to deceive, lint It will not bear a
. - -
close scrutiny. The engraving is coarse and
poorly executed, hot the lettering is consid
ered well done. The United Stittfl. Treasury
~.trunp la faint and the ink paler than on the
original. The numbering is the mime, the fig
ures being thin and poorly defined.
The track of the bill with the picture of the
Baptism of Pocahontas is poorly engravod.
The paper is iriferlor:to that upon which the
genuine Is printed.
The President tuts appointed 11. B. Anderson
Collector of Internal Revenue for the Sixth
District of Illinois, and Edward Kitchell. of
ASo'.or of thnEleventh District.
Cori ifiCaffol of todehtodnfool, to the amount
f $7..X1,00a, were Insueni by the Treasury tont
1 he Herrlpt• of the. Internal Worm..., from
,the 3flh of June last, np till date, amount to
, man Hundred and ninety million .lollut.
The impudent attempt of the t7nited Stele.
Senate to pass thel Freedmen'. Bureau bill c
without first consulting Governor Orr, of
sontb Carolina, I. thy.: commented on by the
new party organ of Lls city
"We learn that the letter of Governor Orr..
of Sentrit Carolina, whjch, It srm requested.
should heaven by Senators before the passage ;
,of-the Frembsteres Bureau bill. which reason
. able request met - with edixeourteous repulse
undeetbe whip and spur of the caucus Meta.
- tion,Xtatia that the owners of lands upon the.
sea islands are willing to bear the expense of
providing for the idle negroes now mem.
pying fhentif their estates can be restored."
xim rampalyea act - usaatiox.c.
. It has been very 41101eult to convince the
Union men In Congress to-day, that the report
ed emsversatlon telegraphed aver the country
lit 4 night, as from the President, hod his malle
t:on. This is, hOweVer, true.ho-having review
ed the statemeat, approTed It and directed it;
teitcreeat tattle' Asiodatid. Pttnra, "Nita -these
Aitlaiationa fIA a text.
Mr. Raymond epoke for two bourn to-day,
taking the exact ground of the President
against all amendments, attacking the Re
conatructionComutlltee, and ityling In a Com,
inittee to xtvernstrinit the Government of the
United States, and calling ninon the House to
emancipate lteelf from each domination. •
At the close if Mr. Julian's speech, who fol
lowed Mr. Raymond, Mr. Griswold, of Sew
York, moved to recommit the whole subject
to tao Joint Committee on Reconstruction,
withered instructions, end with permLssiOn
report at&DV time. The vote upon this reso
lution will be taken immediately after the
reading of the minutes in the morning, end
there seems to be no doubt of its passage.
e neral [Luger, corhuisuiding the North Caro
lnn Department has proutined Speaker Galax
but the L.Nlth Indiana, now in service in that
tate, rhall be the next mastered out there.
• . •
The following - 1s an extractfrota a letter Ma
iresSed bj Go Ver1101" BTOIMICIIr of Tannimacti
n Ilon. William D. liellty istiiirisYirliniti.
der date of 24th :
"These seceaslemists, the eloas of men In this
State who are loud In their praise of the Vres.
hlenVe ree.onstruction poliey-1 have flraght
them for the hist quarter of a century, and by
the help of bad I will not surrender to them
new In my declining years. Should the Fed
eral Government turn us arer to the tender,
TO cretcs)ofthegalvanized,amnestled i 1.12 el, lila (1-
cued rebels of Tennessee, I will take my Casa•
fly . and go North and Lire anedie In peace.
orarRAL ruicr. Oa 477•11IIIn xastircrY
Geo. Fiske, who has arrived bare, says that
on bit return to tic will, if permit•
ted to do so, repeat his Cinciniintt speech
fore the Kentucky Legislature, and preterit
to that body.for examination the Meese: rE.
turned notdicre and their families, who have
been maltreated. The tieneral bears tcettmo
- to the cordial support eatendod him 47
Gov. Bram'Otte and the loyal people of the
Siete, and elates that in but few of the coun
ties of Kentucky are the freedmen treated
wL h brutality. Lettere from Kentucky Uniori
lets to their members of Congress more then
confirm the statements made by Geo. rbdie In
Message from the President
SprelSl Dispatch to the Pittsburgh tiarette
lirnator Oberman presented to-day rceolia
i.e., of the General Assembly of Ohio, paSsod,
on the 24th inst., to tho effect that laws fOr the
equalization of bounties, Sc., should be made)
applicable to soldiers only, and not to parting
holding discharge papers.
The President sent a. message to Congress
to-day, enying lt-was not deemed advletible to
make public the orders nod correspondence
respecting Gan. Sheridan's position on the
Mexican frontier.
A man was arrested et the capital, today
who wan going about avowing his purpose to
kill senator Wilson at first the opportunity.
Ile is believed to be partially insane, and Mr .
Wilson has asked the Government authorities
to give him temporary accommodations at the
I mune asylum here.
Adrices received by the Indian Bureau (rote
Brevet Major General Gorse, commanding Use
District of Minnesota, convey the Intelligence
that a general desire saints among nil the In
dians, except the - se engaged In the massacre
of lare2, to make peace with the whites. Elev
en lodges hare surrendered to scouts et One
of the stations on James river, and make the
same report. It also appears that many, of
those engaged In the massacre are anxieuj to
come to and surrender, but Kee apppreheredve
of ill-treatment.
A gentleman from Fort Garry reports that
seem of the Indians, about sixty in timelier
engaged in the insurrection, are LIMA' In the
employ of mailers along Hod Itivor, in the
British territory, and an effort was made; by
the balance to unite with the Blackfoot, and
meghlholne, but Up? latter iicidlued, and he
gothatiom tormhottml ul trouble. Gettora I
Come .1 ate, that he in Inclined to holime
'halt rtmtim may be conNumated before the
ring Oper) A.
Maj. General Thomas told the Fteeonstrue.
Lion Committee to-day, that it the troops were
wholly withdrawn from hi, Department tho
agent, of the Freedmen', Bureau and all oth
er loyal men would ho compelled to leave:
(.en. Flake, Aealstant Comml-Aloner of Freed
men for 1 enneeeee, will appear before tLe
Coninittlet to-morrow.
The remittent refttses to interfere with Gen
eral Tcrry'e recent order annulling the co'
grant net, passed by the
. Vlrglula Legielature-
Several or the Virginia delegation milled
upon the President to-day, to enquire as to
the report telegraphed from New Torte, roll
tivo to the deposition of Governor Plerpolot
T.tey were informed by him that there was.
out the slightest partiele of truth in It.
Proscriptive and Hostile Re-
turned Rebels
Po.tuge Stamps for koutherit
PeClu, Dirputch iV ale Vitt .Iturglt ,:arett,
Tho,f who oppo.ed the nonunatton and eon
firm:llion of General McNeil, as Surveyor al
et. Unita, made the following explanation in
the editorial column• of the Intellig , ncer thia
"The confirmation yesterday by the Senate,
of the nomination of (On. McNeil. as Snreey
or of the port of sc. Louis, is said to have been
made at the instance of senators who porson-.
all) know that the Poem (lent had under 'Qv's.
Meet important representations ;Averse to
such an appointment. We learn, upon unques
tionable authority, that the President did ea
preys a desire to reconsider the nomination, In
a conversation with Mon. T. it. .N0:11, of the
Mouse from Missouri, which fact was made
known to the Missouri Senators, before the
canary:lotion. It iv possible that the nomina
tion would have been withdrawn it the l'rtaM
drut had been able to c , +mble Lc tits inre.4l,Tn-
Lion of the matter."
nit 0.1.3 utast, PII•M1 MAT, s. n 1.1.421!.)._
The Aiel3lllallll.7olllTeli ray• c•ener+l
on, from the interior of Fairfax county, rep
resents a sad state of affairs existing there.
The ex•rebels who have return...l home, em•
boldcned by the leniency shown thorn by the
State and National Governments, arcycaoro pro.
scriptive and hostile than ever before, and
even detertelyted to drive out every one who
sympathised In any way with the Govern•
!Vent during the progress of the rahollion.
They do not hesitate to denounce the Geyer*.
men! for the probe .tion which it b* granted
the freodmed, and taunt thti llnioo men 1.1111
the fact that the government till not grant
thvm to much.
The Senate not beteg to to-dey,227.1.
the liouae being ot °opt." mith speceitet a
large number of the Imo: here availed Mast•
ee15 . ..3 of the opporetinfty . to pay their respeati
to the rreeldent. In the oourse of the day sag
during. the morning, Senator (Manlier !olio
geet,l to the Proeldent puife rt party of !La
in-antler, now I' tAitlitg Vroyhtllgton. •
A private letter from l'ortre,. Monroe rays
Mat the. FOrtre betmg vit on a atilutirat
toot tag. • All gone
lia:re't,eon tatan - We"
the %rater battery and the run , d. approved
armament put tn. Nothing smaller than tyro
hundred pound rilled mans now, no rmooth
horse toile u.ed. Port 11% , o: in saw, prorr, res.
Int: rapidly. All the building , on the point
are to botakitt
Senator Wade has introduced n bUI to pro.
ride for the improvement of certain harbors
in the state of Ohio, which make, the fallow
ing. appropriation*, for Improving the harbor
of Cleveland, flfry-nine thousand eight ban;
hundred and eta dollars: for Ashtabula, thirty
four thonmnil seven hundred and eight dol
lars and eighty-two cents; for Conneaut,
twenty thousand fire hundred and thirteen
dollars and seventy-form cents ; for tiandaslty,
thirty-eight thousand firs hundred and eighty
dollars ; for Miran, thirty-nine thousand dol
lars; for Vermillion, fifteen thousand three
hundred and fifteen dollars and ninety-Nor
cents. The bill has beta T fermi to the Com
mittee on Commerce.
Postmaster General Dennison ask, the paw
gage Of ,fl talf etitherliteZl llol to sell stamps
on ercifilt, and in explanation says: The ob
ject of the Ws is to enable the Department to
Iroulate Ito stamps through the hates lately
in rebellion. This cannot now be done Lowly
considerable extent for the reason that the law
only authorizes the sato of stamps to Pests
master," for rash. There arc many places In
the southern States where there aro neither
person■ who can take the oath required by
law for the cpaalLtlentlert of YOStmasters nor
persons of ernfEclent mmins to enable them to
'purchase clamps for cash. I ant advised that
the demac e t for stumps la so great In those
Stales that there may be found many persons
of respectability and Integrity who, though
arable to take the test oath, are able to give
;oral hands, and would eheerfully become re.
quirisiblo for the clamps entrusted to them,
and ,sell them fur the neenmaiOdatiell at the
community where Choy rookie.
In response to a resolution of the
milling upon the Secretary of the Treimury fat
Information Isoncorniag the apportionment al
Currency among the National Barna., the
following report will bo transmitted to that
body on Monday.
Maine was apportioned a circulation of 45,-
415,000, but secured sixty banks with 4.7,412,091,
circulation. Now Ilatupahire was allotted s3,s
312,C00, but scoured thirty-seven banks, writ
114.000,0 00 0 t oiroulation. Vermont was allotted
i 13,103,010, and [secured thirty-two banks and
0,000,1X0 of circulation. Massachusetts wan
aotted 01,735,000, but accurst° two hundred
and seven banks, and ssui,e3o,o39i of circulation.
Connilettrot was allotted and secur
ed eighty-throe banks with 6'8,003,114 of circa's°
lion. !Model stand was allotted $1,7111.000 and at ,
cured fifty-eight banks with $3,41‘9.0 circula
tion. Now York wits allotted $4470,190, and
secured two hundred and ten banks with $71,. •
I :S O ,e,OLM t IVCtrZII o w iifi l y °7 o3 .e ir w t:t s new tt l e il i t
-661' eirephiga n on. ae ldaryland was n allotted $7.:
137,003 and scourod thirty banks with $7,5133,000
circulation. Delaware was .allotted 41,090,000
and secured ton banks with $1,003000 circula
tion. The District of Columbia watt allotted
SCAMand secured eta banks with 61,293,0 30
circulation. Virginia was allotted 113,319,5Vand
secured eleven banks with 43AW.10.33
lion. Ohio wna allotted $17,623000 and accurod
one hundred and thirty-eta banks with
$10,531,500 circulation. Indiana was al
t ail 0,015,000 and secured seventy
ants with 410,940300 circulation. Il
linois was allottod $11,839,000 and secured
seventy-nine bankawlth 0,003.3)0 circulation.
Michwan wall allotted $5,100,5(.0 and scoured
thirty-eight banks with $3,614,400 circulation.
Wisoonsin was allotted $6,01,50'1, and secured
thirty-four banks with V,700,900 circulation.
lowa was allotted 0,408,500 and secured thirty
ninebanka with 49,105,50 A circulation, Minna
eata was silottdd $1,050000 and secured twelvo
banks with $1,193,040 circulation. ilanwis
was allotted $510,500 and scoured two banks
with 4188,000 circulation. Missouri was allotted
49,411,101) and secured twelve banks with Abel;
760 circulation. lientuclty was allotted PI0"-
030 and secured eleven banks with 61.974,5 00 etr
cUlatiOn, Tennessee was allotted 4.4,76.^,017 and
secured seven banks with $990,030 circulation
Louisiana was allotted $10.591,003 and senurod '
one bank with 4450,000 circulation. Nebraska
was allotted 'Lupo sad scoured two banks
with slo3,Peo circulation. Colorado was allot- •
tell $193,000 and secured ono bank wu.h $180,000:
circulation. Mississippi wan allotted 4.5,•- 115 ,"
and secured one bank with $45,M0 circulation
Georgia was allotted 40,493.590 and secured ono
bunk With s 1 11),400 circulation. North Caroli
na WO allotted 47,540,500 and secured WO
banks with 403,090 circulation, south Carolina
• was allotted $1,550,000,n0 bank secured. Arkail
cas was allotted $2,714,4100, no bank secured.
Alabama was allottod $7,425,000 and secured
two bunks with $770,__000 circulation, Utah Tern
tory ohs allotted 40117,000 and scoured nono,
Washington Territory was allotted $ 4 1. 903
secured none. Oregon was allotted wo r noo and
secured One bank with 493000 einattlettion. Cal
ifornia was allotted 0,013,00 but soeured none,
Nevada, New Mexico, Florida and Dacotah,
v ere allOtlvild,sl4,l - ce but gccuxed none
Y. JANUARY 30, 186
was allotted 4,ita6l,nto and ,a . 11,11 01, httliii
With II thi l ,ooo circulation.
The total issue of circulation hai. woo two
hundred and at‘ty thlltlons.with four bnn,trod
eapitaL Three httnilreil iin , l nine
11111111 one of circulation have been allotted to
thews hanks, but forty-nine utilliont hare not
yet been issued.
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
tl..selettreo, January e,, ISad.
n c-1 . I , t. tinn kf r Mel:inlay. to increase
the Pay of °Mears In Lawrence County.
Mr. MeFerron, remonstrance against the an.
tboriznig of a vote in Mercer County relut ive
to the removal of the County seat.
Mr. Roos to repeal the art repealing he I'.m
-riellsvilic railroad dharter.
DILL!. IN Pt. act—Mr Persing, ait to ti a the
lime for a haul adjournment.
Mr. Mann, a bill to Inlize the liquidation of
foreign attachments. Also, a sepplement to
the Creek Itailroad Company.
Mr. Welsh, a bill reiative to the
time for holding court In the T.ronty.
seventh Judicial District ; also one to
compel the Burgess and School Directors
of Washington, to report to the emirt
Mr. McAfee, a supplement to a I is . relative
to the education and maintenance of the
destitute orphans, brother. and sister of
soldier and sailors of the late war ; also, an
act relative to the selling of liquor, &a, In
the coanUes of Westmoreland and Indiana.
Graham presented a remon
strance from the citizens of Pittsburgh
against vacating Addell street and Carson al
ley is said City; alto a memorial and remon
strances adopted by the Board of Trude of
Pittsburgh favoring a general rod roa.l
Secretary Seward and Party
Meeting of Commanding Generals.
DE4lribution of Priie None)
t w Yana, Jan. —The 7''u Washington
rectal says li.npbael SOILILLINS, 01 Alabama mr
tenets, hear Admiral and Brigadier-General,
fte.,Ltas himself prepared an elaborate argu
ment which was presented to the President on
Saturday afternoon. by Ids counsel, Judge
llnghes, in which ho claims the - benefit of the
sherman-Johnson Iparele, and that under
this parole he in entitled to be discharged from
prb.on until ho shall be trial and convicted.
seeretary Seward and party returned to
Wo,ldngton on Sattirday night In the steer met
De ...eta. The De Seta proteeded directly to
it. Thomas, tool then made a complete tour of
the Went Indic% Pfein St. Thomas in the east,
to , anta Cruz In the west, stopping at San
Domingo city, Port an Prince, the capital of
Iluytl, and Havana, stopping a row days at
each port, and being most cordially and hos
pitably received by the authorities and people
everywhere. The two West India Itepubilc•.
the Dominican and Ilayttan, were unexpee...
e.ily found at peace, all the recent trontdos
hat(ng been quieted. At Marline, the part.
were hospltalsty entertained by the Captain
General. The entire party have been greatly
improved in health and sign?, eSpeelally the
Secretor? nod Ins. inn, who nee now able to
walk without the rise. ore:mentor Gm first time
in altneet n year. The lantesof the party, Mrs.
F. sensed and her Mster, Miss Whortati, were
abso mach benefited.
"The licrabra special Washington, despatch
Reyes eirentar has been issued by brevet Ma
jor General lienelacm, Chief Quart caaiaster or
the Military DWI/Mona Tennessee Timatestbig
aurereas, ebaplaigui, agents of tin !sanitary
andireltriatian....qoarterappiters ,
oilkers and sOldlervi who may have scree.. in
the arm? at Markle:Le during the war in Ken
tueky, 'Tennessee, 1111,,stsitippi, .Slatultrue or
Georfsda, tuavinglienowLedusi of lithe locution of
cemeteries, placesaf burial or ort hr alietter.t
Ses of any of our ; bravo soldiers In the
Stat.. above mentioned, to send to (kept . C. Il
VTLittelen, Aellbstierit, Quartermaster t ?ilk',
fasodsan! of•Ts , mtesysst,seek informallea an will
he usefetto him fa Identifying - la alt castes of
brwial wherever ear ern:llea base served.
(apt. Whitman has been assigned' to tbe
sperial duty of visiting the trattle-rrounda,
c:lnoteries, and phew* where the Union dead
have been interred, In that military division,
and report - thereon', with a view to the newt
Gliimeat Naticrast Cemeteries, lad cue pa.
moral to these of rho dead, on the plan of
those already Ini process of completion at
Chattanooga and Stone River. The ahrivols
pent of the general plan already imecevif
Ir.nugurated by Maj. Gen. Metes.
The projected assembling In Washington,
during the present week, of Gras. ehercallt,
Thoreauf-MeaSla atul.Siterklan, is causing nu
merous surmises hens as to the'subjekt of Oil !
ImpOrtantlatleGagl - The most probable
lloet is that they have be in summoned by the
President to Ve hi= m
true atateeat of
affalta in the /several Military Div Wee., in
view of congressional proceedings relative to
reconstruction. !
The Tribune's special says that thew have
Desert directed by lien. Grant to carder is Ilia
him at h6 headquarters relative to the rochu ,
lion of tho military fem., the .lisprentlitei of
troops and atralni generally wit hint he thrills
of their reaped is c commands. tither pmrots
Men t reviler army ofdeers would have Dena
ordered to ho present et the conference had if
not been that they ttre stationed at points dis
tant from army headquarters. !
f for the four hundred vacancies in eft , rezultn
army there wore over Mateyo-sand ap ( licant,
The proptrrilllbilanlyt of the polltions, General
Grant remarked n few evenings sinew, had
caused him more anxiety and labor than the
management of all army La the field,
Itut one National Dank was established last
seek—the Cluittaboochte, of Columbus, Geor
gia, with a capital of 4100,003. The tolul noun-
Der now in operation It. en).
Deliveries of National Currency ra m atoning
to Were made last week by the T
tine Deportment.: The Natal amount delivered
up to date la ig.4,17,1,110. The illeintrsemonts
Of the 'ereanury IhrpartMelat, Including trans
fers, for the week ending on the elth instant,
emanated tokr,,tl=l.
A Committee of the National Amt.-my ed
• • •• -
tieleneemn FrlAaF after - 11km Inst,held u confer
ence with the /louse committer oo coinage of
richt, and mna!•ttrno to consider the feasi
bility of introducing some new item rola.
e to these matters.
Much tuqnlry baying been mad., (is 10 when
thelnouov - wla he 4114triblited on the prise
Unto for the I..:hailotte and Stag, .o to rat hp
the United Slatei IthlP , Malvern, Moratongtn,
Wltaerucsa. Nnur.ctooncl, A. II %anee, Monti
cello and Launch:No. Kix, it may ho Interest-
. .
Mg to tunny persona to know (hat the 'lets
have upon recrlybd at the °Mee of the - Fourth
AnAltor, and theillstrlbutton will be made la
the coarse of a mouth or no.
orders have beta illYdOti for the reduction of
the clerical forte of th.• Ordnance Depart
ment trout 2.4.11 Ili 40. The redoctum to take
place on the Ist proximo. The aeldirauts dlcd
for clerkships at the Trmsury Department
have reached 4000. •
The World's Washington special says wes
tern members of Congress opposed toe remo
val of tbo p.roltibitton on the Importation of
matte, as they nay the cattle plague Is known
to exist in New Fon ...nand.
It ban been ascertained that upwards oft°
counterfeits of the rive Cant Curreney are In
circulation. The hecrotarylof the l'reasory
lons ordered them to he caleld to mid another
plate prepared.
Gov. Drownloir on Tennessee Patine*
Ncw Togs, Jag. O.—A letter from GOTCZIWI
Brownie*, of Tennessee, to Speaker Colfax,
was pablistledthtsmorntrig. Gov. Dro ls ll/05C
favors the. admlSPlon of the Tennessee. Repro
sontatlves to Coligrecra, tanners if the removal
of federal troops from Tennessee must neeee.
eerily follow the. telmissiem of the Congreee
sional delegation, the loyal mon of Tennessee
bcg to be without itcpresentatives in COll
gress, though he thitilcil that members oto be
admitted and II sufficient force retained to
control tho rebellion. lie says with Out law to
disfrunchiso rebels, and force to carry but the
provisions of., the BUJ 3 wIU pass lo
bo the hands of rebels, and a terrible state Of
affairs is follow. Union men will be
driven from the State, forced to sacrifice what
they have and seek homes elscw horn and yet
Teuneesce ts.ln nem:Lob .better eowiltion than
nay of the revolted Stat., aud affords este:ln,:
loyal pupulatloa.
Counterfeiter. Arrested—lyre at Mouth
Orange. N. .1.
Nxw Yoax Jan. 29.—A number of ncreOna
were umusteil In Brooklyn, yeatorday, for pa,m
leg counterfeit-and other worthless hill,. on
vtirleueNew Jersey banks. On their Pease.
1.1011 were 'found l e Of the defunct Commor.
Mal (tank of Pe.rth Amboy, eonnterfelt 10's On
the State Bank of Newark, and altered Ws on
the Farmer's Bank of .New Jerky at //fount
A See occurred yest,erday.Morllll l k ni Set"
liall College, Sduth Omnge, New Jamey which
'vaulted in this destruction of the main 1110,
lien of the Colibge and beautiful marble belhl-
Ing which boa been used for the purpose of a
Seminary. No /Ives were 1041. The
library and UMlelea of more the e ordinary
value were oared. The building ens Insured
for about 620,009.
Fire at Piewarli
N rw sus, 0., ',January 23.—A tire .robe out I.
the south tittle of the public squre, last night,
lo a room occupied by b. Christian a. a lager
beer saloon, spreading rapidly west, and des
stroylng in a short time the bundle pa occupied
by sir. Knoahe, barber saloon lcceper, D. MU.
ta I grocer,.Baldwin. and Son, leather store
an r
r Markley. The buildlu ,
all frame, and. were corned by 600. W.
B. Weeds. The total loss is about twelve
thousand dollies: The stook was tnOstly saved.
Baldwin and Markleyqi lose is covered by in.
Bosuns°. Melees to the Insuranee Colli?oltde
is t b ut ono tUonunw!l +Unto.
Cl' . an Iwwrox, .InnuArY 29 .
Mr f.rnnee offered ttUrdnt reeOlattou tend
er,r, g the thanks of Coln:re-9e to Rear Admiral
rarragnt, and the otheere and men oraterj, im
tor thoir gallant conduct In the engagerannt
on Motile liar, on the GUI ct August, 1(04.
(er red to the , ounnittee on Naval Affair..
nberman. °Renal a bill:Whlab was refer- '
red to toe Militate Committee n'uthoriziag the
to up Ant. at the request Of Ono Col
lege of witteating one hundred and
fly Yourta hen, n mllltart , Ofileer to set an
Presiden et hu
structlons t
In theperintendd
to . , to r is e
Mr. Sherman. front the" t:Onim I ;lee on Ob
it,' Lands, reported a bill to grant a million
of acres of the pnbity land, tor the use of the
poblic schools of the liist r i c ,
A resolation was introdueeuand refferred
to the Reconstruction Committee, that eo
State nor .Territio -hall make nny dist
lion between 'cittzens on aecia nt
and that all eitizens, Rithollt tlintlattia n
race or color, shall he protceti,l in else and
political rights, meludlng suffrage .
A bill was introduced Ineticaning the nu c
her of cadets at the military academy
Mr. Ramsey, of Minnesota, presented ran.
mortal from the St. Pan! Board of Toole, ask
ing for th e improvement of the Upper if
slppl river, and such commercial arrangs_
meets a ith the itritieb Provinces as si - ill se
cure the It eclotu of navigation of the St. La w•
relief Canal to American vessels, and the en
largement of those canals by the Canadian
government to capacity nollicient to pass
vessels of one thousatol tons from Lake Yae,
Superior or Chicago to the ocean; and also
tout a Joint e0=1111.11:111, representing the gov
ernments of the United States and proviocei
tdiall be authorlzedetwith a view to agree on a
satisfactory system of reciprocal trade.
It eferred to the Committee on Commerce.
Mr. Yates, of Illinois. MU...limed the
ing,w which was referred to the Joint Committee
on Reconstruction
Wuenzas The Constitution of the Unitad
Sites abolishes closely in all the States and
Territories of the United States, whereby all
the constltntional laws or regulations of any
State or Territory In aid Of slavery or grow
ing out of the saute, are null hod void, and
Wasters", fly virtue of mild lattellition of
010,057 nil men in all State, and Terrltoriee,
are citizens. entitled to all the rie o lits and
privileges of eltizenasubject only to legit!
applielthlo to wh . te persons., It Is expressly provided that
Congress shall hare power to enforce by ap
propriate legislation, the aforesaid erovesio o
abolishing slavery, which cannot be done
without protecting all citizens against all re
strictions, penalties or deprivations of right
resulting from slavery and securing to the m
all their civil and pendent rights, including
the elective franchise, therefore be It
Resulted, That no State Dor territory of the
Vatted States shall by any con.stitOtlon, law or
other regulation whatever, heretofore In force
or hereafter to be adopted, mate or enforce,
or In ad) manner recognize any disitnetion
between the citizens of the Ifeltsl Stares or
of any State or territory on account of race or
color orsondition and that hereafter nil elti
ie.!. without ellatfuetion of color or race will
be protected in the full and equal enjoyments
and exeritte, of all their eivil and political
rite r ta iv ir il t , Ad i l i n , g eight_of
need abill * t u e ffi l i ttgr e ease the
number of Cadets:and to raise the standard
of admission thiherhillitary Academy. It au
thorizes the President to appoint two addi
, Ronal Cadets foe raeh.State represented In
Conant..., and who shall be selected from sons
et inlieers Mid pitrutes who' have died in the
military mnilee of the United States, and aps
pointed to the net eras State. Recording to the
number of temps furnished dorms the war. , •
lir. Harris, eC S. P.. presented theremon
strimee of cilizene against the renewal of the
Iteciprinelty Treaty.
Mr.-Ilarrni,of New York, presented the re
monstance of citizens against the reelval of
the Reciprocity Timely, which cob, referred
to the committee on Foreign Relations.
Mr. Wilson, from the Committee on Public
Lands, reported favorably on the bill to give
a million acres of public (ands for the hesellt
of the Public schools in the District of Co.
lir. Wilson, from the Military Committr.e
reparted,ajoint resolution authdrining the,
Secretary to grant the use of a portion of the
Military ,regervelon the tit Clair river, In the
State of Michigan, for railroad purpo,os,
whieh was panned.
Mr. Wilson Milled up a.. bill restrict the
amount of fees for collecting claim, of sol
o:ere to, ten dollars rash.
Mt. Clarke, of New Ilarripshire, offered an
amendment, to eXeept cases in trnielt the ac
counting collect shall eertify that the siervicmi •
rendered are worth more than ten dollars,
which was adopted. Teas, =, nays, 7.
Mr Truer-ball offetcd the following amend
ment to tic thscrted immediately after the en
acting clanse in the first section "that all
eons of African deseenthiMM ha the United
Slates are hereby declared to be citizens of
the United States."
Mr. Trambell proceeded to address the Sen
ate on the above, which he said was necessary
to theenforaemant of the Constitutiimal
Van Wtnk le asked Mr. Trumbull if per
mne of African descent were not now ettieoi.,
aster what authority could Congress make
the t 0 citizen.
Mr. Trentribral Wild that CortaTess Medd do
so milder COngtitatitmal enthority ter establish
uniform lawn of naturannation.
Us. Onslabsey-looned mach this bill its 'mere
dantteroas to:ctrtriWertt Maestri ***ever
introduced la the Senate. Me denied the po
er ter the tamostitntlostat amen me at y to
iron ind such a law. The teemed - ot th e
amendment never Intendedsuch an loviselori
of the rights of citizens, arid If the amend
ment, instead of aboliehingslavery, had
aladished :all cleathtetton of color, then then
billusight beJtrittlied.
Mr. uowara sated Mr. Saulsbury whether
the intention and meaning of the constitution
al amendment eras not to render his, who
was formerly a slave, a freeman.
-air. hanlshary replied that the am,ml
- dill nothing to the glass but remove
the bantam of servitude from him. Hu
bettered. that if the hill was prised,
on Id tee eOtttitarted alto to grant
the right of mileage to neeTees, and such
might not be the intention of Its friends, lent
nbeh would certainly be the remit of its pan
isse. If the President nigne d the bill, and the
bitttor the ettlargementi•f the poser of the
Fr, admen's Bureau - he would sign two
acts giving liberty to more of his countrymen
and more advardageerus to tbo eitaren I of the
e oeotry, thanany sets that Lave pass
11 - 001
thy Mandell,m of the goverumeat to Chi pres
ent, hour.
Itter the executit it sewing the 000310 al.
tiot t
W A:IWNI:I63, Jail.g.„. isto.—The Goose tank
uo the Resolution,of Whack offerctilast
Monday, declaring that the refusal of the
Preeident to accept the present of a carriage
Eel horses from friend. in New York, was
ender Um- cirtninatances evidently prudent,
commendably and patriotic, and expressing
as the lease of the Moose that the pructiett en
common Of giving presents for appoint:neat
or promotion is detuttrultring and ought to lte
prohibited.. The rtuoltition wastpossed.
Mr J ellen of IndiAno offered n resolution
which amt over that the people demand the
trial of Jeff. Davis for trea , cen and his execu
tion, If found guilts . .
Mal Gen Sherman being in the Ilall, a re.
t. of live ',limit,. declared. The
speaker conducted him to the
e Speaker's chair
and introduced him in appropriate remarks,
ton bleb Gen. Nieman responded.
Mr. Washburn° of Illinois. proposed three
cheers, which were enthustasthally gi von.
The ..debates on--the constitutional amend
ment we] then resumed,
Raymond, of New Turk, made a ',speech
den, leg the poeittiOta hen:Glom assumed by
Dlr.Stevent, and *Others, that the Southern
etotint are out of the Vnion, and arguing that
Conine., is particularly restrained by the
Constitetlem, (rem doing anything to Glow
Motes, which we may not do to the other
litttlt, •
in the ( . .01113C. of bls remarks, Mr. Raymond
combatted the the theory that the decisionof
the Supreme Court, to price cases, showed
that the rebel States were out of the Union,
and quoted from Judge Griers decision, !rid
Richard M. Mana'afrairaphiet to thstein his po
sition. lie orgued that the States hod not foe
f et e d their rights, and could not do it outside
the Cone-Sul ion and certainly could not do it
under the Constitution.
lie eked authorities to prove hi. a4sertion.
Ito declared that the States wort atilt in the
robot!, and Could ouly begot out by expulsion.
Their Representatives wore entitled to aeats
in Congress, and Wordy remained for Congress
to fix t e
rms on which they could- enter. Neith
er Gnome could change the qualifications as
gird by the etmatitntlon, but they could add
q ualiticuttons. Re favored the admissgpm
of members from loyal districts though the
rest of the State will be excluded.
Sir. Raymond subcciltted the following
-points First—We ought to accept the status
of the Southern - States es having ' re"
surged under the President's guidance
their funotlons of self-goverment to -the.
Union. Second—That the liouso thouki de
cide on the admission of Representativet by
districts, admAting nonce but loyal men who
eon - tithe 'the Oath' prescribed, holding all
others as disqualified, the Senate acting lathe
same way Integardteltepresentatives ofStates
Tithe, that we should provide by law for giv
ing to freedmen Of the South all, rights ot Mil
rens in Courts of laW and everywhere. Fourth
exclude from public °Meet all leading Uteri
In the rebellion.frittle,adOpt math aMendutinita
to the Constitutions!! may seem wise to Con
gress and the Mates acting freely and without
coerc io n . Sixth, take such measure. of re
,..„,,,struettea an will prevent the overthrow
in any Stale of a Republican torm of govern
After the conclusion of Mr. Raymond's
OW"Cti, Sir. Julian of Indiana. steak,' tor
few minutes, declaring he was against adopt
ing a temporizing policy . The rebels hate the
negro, not simply as the ally of the Y ankee,
They would nolvOluntartly_gire equal politi
cal rights to the negro. There should be a
constittdlonal amendment or law of Congress
guaranteting ballot to the negro. We must
out make enemies of four million!! of people,
among whom there were no traitor!,
Me. Johnson, of Pennsylvania, obtained'
helve to finish his remarks.
Sir. Griswold wished the subject recommit
ted without Instruct loos, In order that the
thunuaittee may report.
to view of the disenssion, tir. Stevens dill'
not know that three men had agreed upon
any plan. . .
Sir. Griswold amended his motion ao as to
exclude all propositlorrs.
r. Scbenek ineffectually sought to have the
subject referred to the Committee on Judlel-
u 7fessrs.. Steven, and Crinkling, members of
the Select Committee, °fleeted to the pnvo,
ed reference, The Jattof raid all propositions
having been before the Committee to good
eouldrceult tmleas the fluute gave lustre.
Nr-Griswold, said If the Committee atter
the debutonhauld rope rt bear the same
resole ostOt would go eery far to etrength ea
hVklutlebt of many r Ao are now t
eoutututtog the giOJeCt.Z4: stotwe [OP:ma:oil
43 THREE rs
Operation °filet Pre.ent Nye lent
btu Vora, .t an .29 —The ',Metal peen crt Ina rr
report of the Revenue Commissioners is pub
balled. The Commission have adopted the
p'aa of taking up specifically for Investl,Taticro
those sources of Revenues which their own
allinjulpee and the expel - leave of other coun
tries hale indicated as l holy to be most pro
ductive under taxation. and most capable of
sustaining its burdens. The result of these
Investigations, they propose to submit in the
term of independent and special reports.
The Commission complain of the imperfect
and incorrect statistics furnished them by the
t_iovernment Marcelo, and the great difficalty
4, - perlenet:al in conducting their investiga-
Ulna. oalng to the abnormal end disturbed
',edition of every brastettilf trade and indus
tryFlLlCt lint, the fregifent ciltenitious of
tit . .. tariff and the inauguration of the internal
P. 114' syeterrl
. •
si an y I.r s fiches of tree , and Industry have
he• n curtailed during tilt- period from thirty
tt , t •-nv e per omit. I.:eery - advance made
in the ',Lela alai In the e,clu• had been witted
ma I turee, end speculators, an that tip,
Inent I.n cl ay
'n( myr nia° Ur,
7'7. I I d i:. etia l
ete Of
.1017. ISM. the date when the. advauoes in the
ter on distilled spirit s of from IMF
one dollsrs and fifty cent, per rents to
feet , there were made and store r nn 'a' a t' l 3k pa °.
tins of, his advance, at least forty enilli t o t n i s
grille., or a quantity sufficient to supply the
wants of the country,for at least • year in ad
vance. Of cigars,
is estimated thist 'trona
,peenty to eighty millions were a lone m afeetersi
aml-sold in the city of New Yore: . In an
ticipation of that tax.
The stock of spices imported Into the aeon
try previous tto the advance or the tend, was
also probably equal to nearly two years . s no
ply, 'while In the ease of the insignant at
flan of matches, on which the tax ts only ere
cent per bench, the stook ateuroulated, in an
ticipation of the tax, was so large that it has
nut not even at the present date, January,
Irle6, been 'exhausted. The Commission then
glee an account of the revenue system of
Great Britain and the per Centage yielded by
cacti Impost to revenue.
The (20/1311115MCM strongly condemn our
present system of revenue, and regard its ill
fus,•ness as one of its grea test imperfections.
A system of taratnon to diffuse as the pres
ent one necessarily entails a system of dupli
cation of taxes, which in turnleada to undue
enhancement of prices, a decree, both of
production and eon_sumpt ion. and consequent
ly of wealth, a restriction of exportations and
of foreign Commerce, and a Large increase in
the machinery of (Mlle:Oen.
It cannot speak tow strongly of the Injhrlous
I =mince of this duplication of taxation, upon
the Industry of the country. The influence of
tt.e dopttcation of taxes in sustaining prices,
is also, in the opinion of the Commission, far
greater than those not conversant with the
object generally intimate. Were the prie rs
of gold and the .ttiational earl - rimy mode at
once to approximate, and the present revenue
system to continue unchanged, it wont.' he
Impossible. for priers of most products. of
men ufacturing industry to return to anything
ilea thheir former level.
Irt suggesting comedies for these evils the
report says: In respect to the evils arising
from the excessive duplication of taxes uncle:
the internal revenue system. and (roman lack
of equalization between the tariff and the ex
cise, a remedy, in the opinion of the Commis.
sten, should be sought for in ouch a revision of
the present - Internal revenue syxtena as will
look to an entirelaealataoo of the utttitufe
g industry or the Lulled Stites from all
direct laxatism;' - 'distilled and fer,neuted
tobruxo,-and possibly a few other arti
clThees excepted.
Comml , aion are •unhedt,tinalg pre
pars•l to recommend that the change recom
mended ..hould be made gradually and accord
ing an experience satisfies us et oar ability to
substitute Other and leas objectionable forms
of dilation adequate to produce a res,enue
corresponding to that relinquished. As to the
manner, and e;tent to which tills reduction
may bechrrifsi Mat, and at the same time in
sure to-the government en adequate revenue.,
The report saps as the average of the -pres.
eat tar= is understood tO be upwalats of - torty
per cent. upon the invoiced value of those th -
portattous upon which duties arc levied; the
Commls.dem, after making all due alloWance
for a possibl e reduction ol some d tees, anti an
Increase Of' the free list. think it ware to
cathrude the amount of revenue derivable,
from custom-,for the fiscal year, to be at
-least one btu:lzed and thirty COMO= Ot,llol
far, •
The Commission recommend that the tat et,
nllatllled spirits be reduced to one dollar per
gal iquo
lon, and that the existing rate of taxation
on fermented lrs be netther increased or
diminished. Great pains have been taxer, by
the Commission to devise some mode of pre
venting fraud In the collection of toes on
The attention of the Conarnittoo ha- been r,
pecially given to the cotton product of the
Untied States as a source of revenue. -.Am a
result of their tervettlzattons, the ConaMittee
as same that a tax of live, cents pet bale
belevlcd oh and after July Ist, Iftse, uphu all
cotton itte product or the United Statee, and
- that thtlazde be "Collected of tuannfaaturers
at placies of nmscoaracak, and of userchant • or
tartaric-ft at the port, of exportation upOn all
foreign shipments.
In respecrto tobacco the COIIIMIA.l0:1 are
unanimously of the opinion that thetas should
not tut Mid upon leaf. With some notendfncat
of the present tate, and -an account of the ex
hau,tion of stock in the country, made in an
ticipation of the tats which nearly ef
fected, the Cotruntsaton believe that the . ~gove
minent may safely 'rely upon an annual rev
enue from Shia source In the Immediate future
of at least $18,1•10,Ce0.
The Commission thdnklan income tax will
probably - be sustained with les• detriment to
to the cOutairy than any other form oftaxa
_ tint. Discrimination at present in the rate of
Impost tested on Meanies under and tp et
erss• of dve thousand dollars is, however, un-
. - - -
past, being in fact s tax en the results 01 zinc
cessfUl industry and business.enterprisei and
the Commission recommend that this d (Scrim-
Mat ion be abrogated and the rate equalized.
They recommend that in future nsseeamoat
of incomes on one thousand_ dollars tie ex
empted from taxation, nod that In assessing
Income tax no allowance be Mad, for noose
rent, or Pt least that amount allowed to he de
ducted for rental should not In any al
lotted to exceed throe hundred dollars la the
With the changes above reemnrnemidti, the
Commission believe the government ma) 'are
ly rely on an annal revenue from this source
of about fifty millions ofdollam. From taxelse
on Lent:sand rail roads arasreceivcd du ringthe
ftsiml year, Ica., $13,57 . ..400 and the' . Com
enhoilon ea:lane the collection of It similar
nmonni for the Immediate future.
;I' De ComMtatien reeOtamends that the tax
imposed on crude petroleum tar repealed,
and that the ra tea or tax on relined coil oil,
petrolcum,.t.c., be retained as at prment.%; that
the tax on spirits of turpentine and f rosin
should not be wholly remitted, and that _no
d raw buck on export to foreign countries should
be fdlOwed.
The Commission are of the opinion that a,
revenue of at least IM),000,000 may behercafter
collected from stamps on receipts of legacies.
Sucemlion Males should yield annually s:s000,- '
eta. t
Therommisslon recommend that the fax on
the grass reeelpts of Telegraph and Espress
Companies be equalmod, and are inclined to
the opinion that the tax on reeetpt , of Eapress
CoMpanlca Might be advanced to a 103 her
fig era than five per cent.
The Commission aasntne that the rerun' de
tit-able from the gross receints for the' II LL ending dan0.71,1c41,,,, will CMILiII , .e a., at
presort about 00,1X000o. They recommend
that the preacnt law, Imposing a tax nt a.l on
evert . SIO,IOO, one of one pot cent
par ;aloe of all stocks sold be repeat/41,4nd in
lieu of the tax of $1 mtaio,Outror anc4oludreth
of one per eras. on the par value , of stock be
The amount of the varlocisestimates'of m
relptst will make an aggregate for the tiseal
year undies June 30 1567 of Irerl,lllO,Ceo.. , Add
ing the amount received In the ducal year 1013,
Rom various direct and Indirect taste on
industry, which, excepting the amounts
derived from excl.° on aptrirA, hem to
bacco, cotton, petroleum, and ,naral
stores, C
a, the ommission estimate IL at
about slxt,y-eight minions of delta cs,
VI, hare as the gross revenue possible to be
derived from all sources under the present
rates with the amendments abort• proposed,
four hundred and thirty-tire trainees Of dol
lars. Setting tondo fifty millions additional
for the reduction Of the principal of the pub
lic debt a snrplussrill restdrossuming the cor
rectness Of the estimates of the Comtnittec,"
applighle for a roductlrin of taxation of
eighty-live millions Of dollars. The Conitnlttect
recemmeridAllat the chanes ho maths needy
and for the prestnt to oegin J uly litiTiSS, or
From the filo !)rands
Sew Toxic, Jan. M.—Tiao itatamoras 4a ache
ro of the 7th, publishes calls by tan Gousuis
of Great Britain and France for m,etings of
their respective citizens upon urgent -busi
ness, to receive important communleatious
and adopt such measures as may 'ap , peas ad
visible. • • ,
The same paper gives t additionat report.
that the General of the Liberal urthy had
counselled his men to accept no aid from Yan
kee filibusters. Previous representations of
the lawless character of the liagrind affair are
Translations of recent letters of Gen.
betlo, give SO= Well of his plan of the cam
paign and the causes of his failure to capture
Mat morns. Ile proposes continuing opera
tions in the northeast, On the Itio Grand bor
der,in the btatesof New Leon,Tamaultpas and
tints Luis Potosi, and says hlatamorassrontdis
have fallen into his hands at the time of hCe.
late siege of that place, but that his 'arrange
meats were divulged to the IMOcrial. st.
epics. ITO' states that he is indebted to the
Americans on the Taw side the riser for
many items of valuable information, y
eorgga Legialsiture—A. 11. Steve n a a Can•,
dldate for Senator.
IfiLfr.nocral.s, Jan..—Senntor Gibson in:
tlealueed n bill in the Legislature to-dny
/owing banks to repudiate debts contracted
tor u nr purposes.
W. 11101-enll' friends Vitt run hint . for the
, inctorsbip tor the long term, to-moue's, re'
b• Mies of his wishes or feelings. .
Getaeral Eterrer Amin Sllrtsell
Leaving the SeZalaDd k
_Jan. V.—Thc Conte:ferrite
Lieuerttl Meteor, tried hp -a SCIIOI.7 I ConnW
Won for the murder of seven Union riePon."4.
wale ReStatti_il runt released from POten T"!
tot Slty.
The steamer from the coast 'Vostea mer brouela three hunare4 tlegroeP fr.* . th c."a
Islanda. retranlugr to tt.ciA Olt Meirtf.
ME WEEKLY - tazzir
TWO T11M01 4 .011 ARE MINTED.
On • on treSnowlrry wad MI 0, 4 1. r •rt Sahleda.
TDa edttish t. Cars. arded will mach Ms sea—
titre rs soonest as the mall runs
secretan SeWatt with Santa Alas-
isi reaLky►riu\ of ustosineN DUllta
Treamtiry Report on AteciprodeV
.I,ION LITT, Jan. ni.—The report of
the Carted State. herelalle Cotheet.•(oa hies
been hue before CongresiC It maim various
recommendations, andpreseeta to of bills,
in order to the taitterinforeethent of the rev
cone Mire, mad suggests itiareesed eenireea of
revenue. The COlntnistart=l.lio append rm
ports on tea, coffee, cot ton anger and sapiens*,
to that end. The Secretary Of the Treasury
aprroves of all the' rtetiellTlelidatione, with
the exception of the dine at 'Which payment of
the principal of the public _debt shall cont
Secretary Seward - had-an interview wtth
eau to Anna, at St.Thetnair int2derdasa affair,.
hostility of the . hfazlcaa leader to the
Empire imparts a degnm of ldcance to
th• meeting that is regarded hero as highly
.Th e President hes deferred larding his formal
proclamation, der:Wing the restoration of the
I' nion, until opintOnafrara Generals Sb
t•rant, Meade, Thennas; Sheridan, Mehl=
others, ran be obtalttedrrelative to the sub._
mission of Southern - Stases 'te• the Cortatit
tional l
uth of ori th t o lm. v .
jil l o t Aoi
lsnitidelps .us t w ed ni llit the
~lnlo egos
u it ti the politimd thory that the war la not yet
'7 be t'sited State"Suirama Coe= today de
nt the deilladelphite Chestnut street
o .ri..lge cane. Air:Justice Wayne delivered on
asSerting the prinetple that. th e power
the Constitution to regulate eomnieree
0A to,hito all navigable waters, and does not
.top at the State - litre.- 'Bridges aro in the
eintrfleter at ferriett" deCree of the Cie.
rust Coon of the Easterec Districted' Pennsyl
vania 14 affirmed with cost... •
The President has non:dusted Col. Joseph S.
nonnell to Co Postmaster at - Leavenworth,
K1‘11 , 93. •
tries of tie Preliminary - -lepOM On the
y of reciprocity with Britain, to
regulate trade between the Crated States and
the Provinces of Minh and North America,
the Tr.-est:try, keiree. G 4o
prepared at the ropiest - of this SecretarY 01
the members of curie .ire. ePde
/ocl On the desks of
of a bill to exten t the, present treaty Sor
further term or one .year from the 17th of
Starch next, ontwindicion that 'Canaria shall
tepee' all duties Mil taxes ou milt, cars, loco
motives, vehicles of all idnilionachine , fur
iture, tools, implereente,soame DOOtse
shoes, leather, borne shoes. hotuar r ae, har
nes., the brads, watchesommie and musical
lantrulheltita, elaCk26: and - ;woodenware.
muslin delalne (I , oartati - shaerl_ ,s. satinets had
sheetings, arid elaktirtgeofortlaTese than one
dollar per pound, and, - taise:her. internal tax
and duty on. spirits .te at:least sevent=
cents per I...alien, wine „messurei and d
clone her free ports on Lakes Him= and Su
perior ; said treaty for extension Man air
provide that the tinned' StateiCmay Impose
any Interval taxes Miethe: prOdnetiOne Of the
Provinces which, they , lays - r upee their Own
products of the Enloe kiniL
The President is euthorizedl tO appoint two
eommlicdoners or en rove to nevitiato ■ treaty
with Ilse Ca Heti kingdom and provinces,
either Jointly or severalty, to regulate eau
murco std navigation between the respective
territories, and the peeplOof Enid provinces
and the United Mates on terms recipressedly
tameticiaL It is to be made
duty of the
ommissimier to provide; ifliciasible, Meth*
permareut security of the fisheries of the
Potted States, to secure h free , interchange Of
the chief products OLart and manufacture, as
ell as the prod nets of the forest and agricul
ture. and outer prod rietsbetween the provinces
matt the Pulted States; to secure, if irmilble,
t di-continuance of any fret ports that may
, Linen gar the rervennepuld collet Lion of do
ries on articles taletl :br,:the two count
lid the removal of all charges for lights county
compulsory pllotngerand all discriminating
tolls and duties. and Improve navigation be
tween lake Michimue and the Mississippi.
around the galls ofliiagnrfi,imdbetween Lake
Ontario, Montreal arylLake Champlain. All
articles produced "in etre( 'Cie Provinces
which, under too provision§ of the treaty fat
extension, if made, shall be freolyadmitted Ca
to tanadn from the United 'States, and nhall,
during theperiod ofexterialikijbeireelySidailt
ted to rho United States Irmatianada. if pro
tiered iu that country, •
The .Ferxiggeorenai;,War.
N Sr rone, Jan. J.—Th e, steamship fisatb
Ateeriea, which left EttrJaiteiro, January ed.
t four o'clock. in the a ft ernoon, via Bahia,
larnambaco, Para and el-Thomas, arrived at
tin, point this afternoon.' Among her valian
t et, Is General Wood, agoatt. of Alm Sonthetit
Bra 'lll emigration enterpuse.
The war between Breit! wed learl;nal was
'Ain going on witlevigorr - ,Trhennaln allied sr
mica were, at last eceounts,,masebing directly
toward! tPasa Da . Petrie," where 'Gen. Caa
trrs, hotly of rteretry,sias watching
the Paraguayans, whoLual withdrawn semis
the Pampa. Gen: Pio:et - had - forthed a Juno.
Cott with Gen. CasireVliartilrX at Thaler - ,
n bout one hundred miles ,fr9at Pane De P*'
About fifty thonrand tirgrpi Itail attired at
Corrientes for the Brazilian army, be:shies
some cevalry, and Incrre.unre - Ots their intr u eL.
Beano, Ayrc-, and isorita..Vidao, and on t
passage the troll clad TOLO2.lldera ha&
reached. The city of -, Corrientes, - aol
we, to Join the Beet : with some other
vesseis in n few . daps. The licefrensained before
Corrientee, en last repattad.innotive, Oat the
river was rising and it erne understood that
shot the allied armies arrived 'opposite the
Paw Da Petrie, thadect wietdd co-operate all
protect the crossing of the troopeet OW ford,
where, however, the Paraguayans" are poste d
to force, and have fortifications: . .
By a - French gunboat from Asenelon tt
known that the smell per had committed
much revageemoug the troops wad citizens or
that capital.'
Lopez had issued another Droblarnatlort to
his troops exhorting them to fight vallautlir
tipsiest the enemies invading Paragneyan ter
m tory. Ifelreetel is said to be protected by
torpedoes laid down by a limth American ere
einem it Is probable, bewever, that the army
that will cross nt.Pass Da Petrie Will force its
way to the rear of the-fortress, and escape
rupture from the Lend side.
In BM, nothing of note,hasocefirrod. The
of troops to the place coatuenoi rums.
The Angioarilian Otani, :Speaking of the
Southern emigration movement, says G.
Wood goes by this packet to the Vatted States,
returning from his mission taints country, a
mission which, we tytelt, WILL be productive of
good results. Gen. Woodlace received the
most cordial recepliOttlroni the-people calker
CU, and we can guarantee thatehke friendly
band wfll be held outto those he represents,
should they determine art-corning. to Brazil.
Tho government of Brazil- is prepared to tar
tish them facilities, snit Gen.' - Wood's views
as to the _government .Inraishlng one vessel
ffutYrerWibuzeebfilairg emi g rants . two
sanction of them inistera agriculture. •
- Now IS Trik. -- i'ecaptiiitifik.
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11 .1 . (4-41)-001-30S1
Winter Stock Particularly,
Ftrix2a.e Cost.
All This and Neat Month,
No. 60 'Fifth Street,
u est side. abo e wood street•
o cfmnectloa with any Other ODOM!, in the 011.11
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