-'.....".. . F • M* ~,,. . , .• 1, . 0; burgh itf,ztitt, MONDAY, JANUARY 29, ISG6. NOTICE TO ADVENTESEWS stotlee II heitby riven that hereafter al: ieto ausoiladrertleeMents received It this oCtee must be and Tor when landed la, except irk the ease at "testi! atiaertf‘ers, whose bills will be reaaered quitrijtarlywaa nasal. Ativertheta.will please mate Rote Of Ihls, se tie rale of calla pastries ts for irerutiesneate of the aurae - ter stated, will be little N. - Italy .loiromafal, • nnifirtio Sewer Morning and Eventbr e4llllorl vtgti,tst.gywrs the counter or from be , robom, sillerTilgleptitrrtera at FIFTEEN CENTS ors reit: it eibilltillAClTE VOtI. ID ADE. Tils 4i,lr ' Stitgir . Tato Deft iity' - Engin eet taittigittvt - yor 'eT tell- t York, has made a --aitlie4i?ktpall:which 'w . iis_ltransmitted to thelingin lature, and by that body ordered to inaTided. In this doetiment be con- Mg policy of-Peonsylvoitla in sel lirithireanali, and' allegia . ULU she thus stof!only plate'nerlrellit . al. the mercy of pri- Irni 3 OP9Mic ,pßons' i bilt Imputed heavy bur: deupon the coal, oessinners of this utd Xulk?,aittliii-SWee .-- they lioina;vompelled tb, totuti the- ambit[; [ions of comp:lraq+ wr oonnect the cheap with exj4sive , rat 4 . lor lives *O4 lOrtoYon.. By this metkca he 4,o- that-thz mai eanartmerslice depriv of the direct benefits ore-area 'lmoWpm "Lb*, , f !tilt' average cogent, Mbar and mate . tials rosining b as e, Mit :increase.: since 11,61 more than ov l'Andred-Per cent. ....... iii r.8 ,,,, m7g ,, 7 ,- lOU accomplished ,en rMib*, tint-tre• Let totallyi , ignorant of The t notation; fiiita relative to Penrety-1- .. xlial l and her °Ma - trade. how she has placed '..ti 'fat the mercy of private corpora- 1 .'.' ,bitilli lik htit . rte , - - H l l, is- More, than zi. etOritilloh - 20.4rintimiy 4 lauded-al:0i the itiii&!. •1 lii attributing ‘ the high rates for coal that ..„„Illiv,zitiled (Or Three vets is pis, to "comb;_ •=nunf' SitnWeildef," , he demonstrates .L , -, ftetioes notimow what :he is talking, '.lllll oO t.or atver.4.lsf.the most powerful of the _. -Lo i. every fortnight, put ...-PnP 3 -ektllVAbortsand tons of coal at pub . ale atictiM aAu the -Merchant's t xchange, in iioi7xiE;tiliuttikhlitihave been so fairly initnearlitthit ht the -WOW : biddOr, that niiithilflilaXM7lllibritten ba.4 ever been M11410, / or4litlnfelon of its exis&nee enter tained. 13Ottabuslnean- man understands . lbatamoriabinatfen, or4;the pc of the sarre,, roduianies, do keep 1.10.. Ye - A.l; tuella` such a Ilysteln of sale cm tMcouldiera be Mai* /Mined Ult should he at ' --0 But fhlt id-not the whole of the enAe. The, grdater nyrolier of the t'empanics engaged in transppitisig , Mini' aro simply common carriers,. - They awnliot a ton of the coal ahoy; take itilimrket. 'There are other Com pante:it-that Mine coal "and trade therein. iSoino of dune transport- no coat but snob AB belotopt,tolliem. They work their own „... 3tni*,,,„ aprbtty . 114 "rn,......... Di Hind' operaterr,- OmffifliettkfT . oktlelivery on-the main track , . , , of tillrotr.d.These latter Companies could,,, ' indeealtiiiblTAAnaillon with ono -at4tlter;-httlAf 4# liappena thaftheyare the w . e.ty eneir'whicli 'makit, -- .The treat auction 1 ^matte,' tf =air. ..t.Oniptittlea&livid endeavor t ,, tforit.rine with „the former class of Oonman- , . , ..im.fabilranarra.ntentlY.o l2 falf,liccuarr a - ! . tlattt,lo - 4 - iirßanap qolddnotatipulate for the Walt _of Imam; orootil la? which they were , s, - ,i - rin- ‘rn - rii 'tit iiCials7 hut simply traimpottOL , w'' tittiinecific rate per ton. ..::4:T(Coblsn.'tsowningthobratthey . cagy, 140 0 C.b4e 110- 4 e, to? Oeigat l 44 o 04-- Agree ' ' : “40tint!''.a 1 - 7 Xllte ,hadlVidtfar - operators who • - .roM,4 dielltoduct of theft. Mister to market ,/,"ittin. , * tEttid3 . ctf.itirapiiait that ere only `.tltitillt44s4l: l 6that. MUD - hot' of these op. 74k0litlifIfOrq*Wahrraitlable-obsta ..'• '-- rill :.*fein4Oni s toft itetiont , tut if an -agree idtaiiitl...hetutilly I be' . compassed, it ... 'idd'ijiaiiik 3ioliMltenyait.tivuirichilit oi: : 7 it a ;ft •.: - • tii•zi,4o,iii.d.lbricEortay,trEout•iite certain I lea_ -; . td' alba* the_priee of his cocci rather than '...•,:':.: ' -MI duidll.f. 9Ztti4' , bast proiled the a o ,Orig. l lP, l_trCh idtelrortiit Lb maint•du ecunbi a. . - . ra4i,Pl o o o ,, ~.:tiPtit /*Aar( past. A ' - T4,lKd i ,and.ll34 the price of coal advanced ',” 'XitlsUiene4ent. ::-One-retition was the, in oz:Of cart6h4, and theriMposttion of, ' ' taxeawiritp*hel:Wia a Suddenly in t= - • ~ H itazied tilMutrOtalloUti -, tho - means of enp, .lil - ...., ti.ixtionee . the, ji 'did, nf '•minhii, . iiii9fk-tainelitioYondachatldr.SVinitT Itft;',l /, . •,.... : . ~.: ............ r . v .,,, mai ,. rltteintly , rdarpt Ed to be --1 47. —, "4* ` • l'i tae:, Li eir MipLdllttettgillthlithe profits to4.,Mil..LtirkO44.osittialitk.... Otlbtiond tre ---,- , si i 'i - o L a n ,.. ; • ...., ' JOl*AtiNtti..zo lute the -." thin . .g- aolakito alai* ex • -' a .-.. _ . . . is: 7o '0 . 11171' JOY of running -• • - rue roviinrFacrvivs or z - • ,lihrt common with ttu3inerchants and man ialacturersof this city wo were tunonialuxl Sri grid the eity'of PittSburgn set down, in ihaTeport of the Secretary of the Interior tO Comptes, published on Friday in our *604 11 1 6 report., as producing only 811,- •' V 00,600 of manufactures yearly. 't trortmesional 'district paid .id,Ver thratir m 11116113-0 taxes on =udue , .7 Ah l zes,3fitatyiarr, this iSmartifestly an egsl,-, Onus' hiller but It 'hi 'enslifftixtunted lbs. • . The Sedreinty 'the Interior hag . made ' 10X;18i$ xeisatiffen..l.ll94.retyres of the • Olistikooft*: iniiilasiticenita3 Produce of rsztm;p cd-JyY . .the census • ,L• Liman of the city proper di, y; ni d not linoWinl.; that but a small ' itolion of our factories are within the city his ,Eport ,i(14.. a., I Li Fun t.s2ntiOnni3Y) 4‘e grossest injustice. '- The largest portion of our manufactories )'re located in WO,* I'i tlebe righ, Monongahe ' I;orp:t , i,gh, South 'Fitt7.bunult, thetwo Mr . Ailinglimna, Pitt township, Allegheny, Ilan olv-stur, 6leivsburg,„ sea the" re turns m these points are therefere scattered in, site eel:urns-report; and, the +Secretary of the ,aiderior cannot be oanectod to know widah • ow:l4am, or how many of them, belong' to . tuttJaknown aclieral p - arlanceas Pitts \ 'kun - gb, although not included within its ilt-orporato limits. -. + see,,in this, one of the dinadvantages nder which we labor in our present dis pinted municipal condition. "Pittsburgh:" ordinary conversation and writing, ' em races all the corpoitttions adjoining the ME itproper; Intl ! "Pittsburgh," in all ofp... kreporte, enahmetai only th. 3 old city, and lnllttnitblinhed statistics, titerifore, Wit* . •Id " „so teszlA.toplionbroatf ao proving !that: • ~,_•11,o-citq4:06.40f.cfftieLod,:to, m a tithe of Mei 'rs...i ii i,a;kkrooUyV for her:: Ntd it mug be' V., unit' tv %Cell ositsolidatbl intO, lime city. • 'the volume of - the ;emus "Manrifok.: - , hus not •yet.elsOeu issued- `lVjuni.lt jte we shall compile the sto.tiotios mosso* inFhotc the vent condition of the ntma4gn.4: tiring interest, as in' NA ,4 1 Y4r 01 if :premising that min,. [Wm our numufneturea Inv° nearly doubhsl, and ,43 •`tDastsintli nereaSing. .-• • NeitTrinais etas who huvigone South to • 'do slum the closing out of the rebellion, Ili-Lath It ISotts - tmsafearfd unprofitable iiitiCohkithraugh iron their old °mos, newspapers of anti-slavery proeliv . res.. As ono „hall .reeently expressed the act, "the only way that a Northern wart 'tom live therein safety, outside of a tary inest,isto-prafeas to ;be a Democratwith Southern IMI '....!....... __ ~...6 . T.FE Octilnnir) *-ti-ti.l4.- ejtOgethei.mishikel ' i t liatuibuting our position on the Suf* 2uostion'in rcrinsfriania to a teciiit - lion of prudence and - wiratom.7 Ida i t 4 artie OM, fortified. by fullness data: MS tablitty=4: hereof, owl pro 4 nal:Aran - woeks" '10: 2 lifinaio talioe . uO' other 'poltion, DNA Tiff VICOF TUE REUEL L'EADERw Nlondny tont. Mr. Tlinm.‘-.• W si-• in the 1i0n..." of ItepP , OntatlV'S • ~• hlti, n l 1011 , 11illa 11u. 4. by • M I , I,— , I , ~ , : 1•• .1n.111.1 • b :..1, 4'‘ , t• 1 , . t. iiit , 4i marred and ii.at o .• are itol need note ie give a true cepn 1 the gi is as f ilioo j.ir•ll • • }1.• ,. it a Tuition of the starvation' and of U. soldiers as prisoners of oar in the la i.ii- isf the kite 40-called Confisierim• i•I 11111,1 i, and other violations of the i! , 1.1.4101 i of nations in that betaini "I e presumed eamiivusee of the exe,tatly, ;‘ , I of that government and the of its armies in the field, it hits becomnT the — duty of Wed Pr4idont of the ttiletl , ,,Sta64.l„ to order itho -trial of those Priaenited funetioimries, and 0 1 I other otli- C , •, , of that gove,„. os t, civil or military, are behoved to hae e either authorized or been catteenting,then4a t„,,nilui,,,,,ion for s v relation of the laws of w'aq and in rase of the conviction of any • o r t h em, to.olestute the sentence of such b y _irdlieting much punishment its 'nr? burials , 1 , - . .;. he ,,,, ,ti0 dire,.1 by them appropriate' to' the offense- T b. k. fauter the special circu noltances' the arraignment of any of tholead , , the rebellion,c,or the c rime of treason krfbre.atr'it.f.lhO.Auficialiiihniitils of the r ennin - , Is•sictes bring of questionable pro prletv In _so ,long maintenance of (te bellizernnArclation, - ' _would lx‘ attend ed with no valuable practical results, 'nom It, constitutional_ necessity of a trial with in. tiro rebelliona AigriCtn, whero the peers of the delinquent will be flood other than the partners of his guilt. Air. -Farnsworth moved to insert the word, "court-martial or" before the words "mill 4itry comrniesimt ;" Mr. William; lossvied aihament, and moved the reference 'of tbik resolution to the Committee on the .Inflielair Which woe carried. Vv - cll 7 -111Torined man believes the idea ie my longer entertained by the talminis t: ni inn of .Putting Mr. Davis nr any other of the rebel leaders on trial for treason. 'flare ivais a eignilleance both in the *ords as:.l manner of INC President, a feu' days sss.zthen the remonstrance of Gov. Raker, thy• citate oft:Webs and ten thousand citizens of Indiana,"tigninst the pardon - of Mr. Davis. as presented Ho took it, smiled a peculiar smile, and said., "I'll lay It be side this bundle," pointing to an immense pi:, of ntanuseript, "N, laieh is Just as large n petition for his pardon." It doubtless remains true that "treason is the greatest of crimes;" but either a purpose that it WWI not "be punished as such" has been formed, or reasona discovered•for conelndirq that a trial would not result in a conviction. be seen'that Mr. Wlt.t,tams'areso lotion does not contemplate the trial of Mr. Dnvis and his associates for treason, and that a reason is embodied in it for suppos ,iop-,4,at their trial for that oftenee would notrermit in conviction. If t understood that evidence exists in 114 , War Officv abundantly tallneterit to chtitiet lm'l'ie and others *of complicity in the assassination of President LINCOLN. A deep MlSTileian exists,botli in Congress and ont,that-a.tiaterrainotion has bean matured that no trial of these offenders shall b' or .dt•red which will be likely to bring them to ' • • If this is the fum, we do not see what end is to be gained by pressing and passing Nl.r. Wit Unlike resolution, boyoral demonstrat ing to the apprehension of the . patilie the etis - timee Of'sneh filinteMlfrintion; and we chit 7Eiee 4tioryl , Noy)3 - I . u: which even that end might be altogether frmstrated. The . . rniaiihiriktitm would hrive the appointment of the Inembero tif the Conunissions:the des fgrrMiop of the: Jtnlge AdTomte, the pro ,duntiOn .!.f• tootimony, and Aim opprord-or,disapproval of the finding. Dt7TY OF itgarmaNc. Dir. OSTER/LOUT. Or WiaMing County; s s hostrroirght forward a Mil In the Lioreio ti rrisbing to emit& • jarretie tirelvil suits to testify as witnesses In their own =sea, - The priaciplo.ts issit4eot; -but .wo should be 7 glad to hale r ? obtuse, Inserted giving out psrFrto itai Ail:a •to use the othor p4tVimatritnese, glnintigs, and defend- Wit!, Pieettith, Infow mote of • •thit.mm . hee, , attisstle than any other parse It is jMit to maVe them tell what they know. (r course ttadrtastltatalywouldtarraeOlved .by jud,,eafraadjtudos as interasteod. - -ItztotamfroAcsiqf ttlat a 151"in infr or deferntiiire iirotVtly - talus a 'nitticeamOldlTALtaisklatOtozda o band:ordy rtytt ) off. plo ,case,,v,hat. he bb:a 4 , laitts‘too-tibSobiteli - fobk Such Is --homaltznature tt many n alm2 does not trife - 8011. of tee- . . t:mariy vciio woad shrink back aghast es thaMdr - 5 drought Orcrozipitig — `upon the wit-. true eland and giv - 44:irith his own I.lm tith . :ideventkia,of ids case, that he octsitTdj withoydru , L bittsh, to , ak to obtain thronfilittelestiihot*Or third pentane. gnforacif tgO?Rit r ieaiiirokiko farther in • 'tee direction Mr.. ' , NTT:ABOUT now Isropo , ,es to hove trave/ed, and the apprehen slonsntd of aidett:gem, the old rule of ex.- eludtnglhe testimony of parties themselves hare not bein ANT33IIACIiT. COAL TRADE.-Thr , Potts ville ltfiscr's Jeered giros the details of the Anthracite Coal Trade of PernnsylN anis, for 1865: The aggregate amount seat to market was f,5188,89‘3 tons, which at the av imago price of SS,OO per ton; gives the sum 0f175,..fit,1n4 as the total value realized. Tin:Mercer Dispatch contains o commu nication advocating the nomination of Gen. MO . OI:II.S.ILD us the Union candidate far ICE= The Voice of the Soldiers it the National Conventiol a of soldier:. re. oently held in Washington City, the follow log res.edutlow were adopted: :,. Resotra I, That we earnestly protest against the adnifsslon toe seat In Congress of any tie presentative or Senator from States' lately in rebellion who is enable to take what Is known ai the "teat otith,, ,. . as it world be an insult to every Union soldier In the Republic to allow nice trboos hands arret red with the blood of theireomrades to le gi slate for them, and for the - wives and chitchildren of the gallant dead who fell= the battlefield or were atrociously starved inSouthern prisons. Brsehrd, rail in the opinion of this conven tion no State lately in rebellion should be al lowed to cinne back Into practical working re latiOns with loyal States until, they have given unmistakeable evidence of a desire to" cher ish the Unionand protect the great prinelples of Opp libertythey so lately attempted to de stroy. Bessfred, Thal we fully concur in the often . repeated declaran of the rdent. the' 'United States thtfat..e P esi "treason is a crime ( and should bit punished," and we have been Wait ing most impatiently for a practical eten tfon of the principle to the leaders of the late rebellion.- " . 128 e5trds That this : convention, Composed as it is of seddlors arltiallons,reprosenting many ,of thekiyal. btates of thisilfulon, desired to orate It Wiring its testimony against. the hors, ruts etiohltfee of the leaders of • the late lb. Called Cbtifederate States andarmy r that Its ' head fleditrontl.feliereenDavis,'sliould beheld ortoration, of all persona of all na nnirivilestre imbued With the principles of Christianity, oral common hoc:lenity; anti we here declare it az nor •.settled conviction; that lie should tie tried by a military 11010Mitsion fortatremense not s commuted - in vltllation Plan the prixteligds of vitalized, warfare; and wo hereby:refine:Ad. our Senators and Represents tivasin Congress to pass a resolution calllry l p napalm tho , Prosldent to speedily convene a tu7 cmie 'em thee in es W , fo t 7th' ‘rpulTioVefif our able" "4- Tear the majority of the present Legisla ture of lientucky tb as disloyal in spirit as any that ever Mtn 13.1. ittehmond or tripouth Caro lina, is net to be doubted i that, at is their de. SIM to Pereeente, drive out of crush Union Men.ithey base made clearly•opparent 4 and that tt is their wish and their Intention, it possible, to .re.enalave the freedmen, they do sotprotend- to deny. Vie 'mut pop cilar.men with the majority or the Legislature today, are • returned. - rebut soldiers, who freight thieligh the War !to• destroy thelievernthent, and the Most pariepular are returned Union w hif e n, and LniOn. Men ho -stuttahted the Government' w tiiktrugh the bloody a:sag& for its llfo.—Clin:Mdette• ' Tut. Vii . UYBLM TkielalDS —The Now Raven (Conn.) Journal, has tho following important 'cnteat : "The ease of ltobert Schuyler and e l titgainsttheNew.llaven Itallrosel, other wise known in the New York Courts ae the .cennibasault, was decided hi Docember by the Court of Errors, of Now York (the court of ..{{fist resort in that State) in favor of the plain • Tiffs. The' judge awarded to the plaintiff,' judgment and costs-to the amount of peo,ooo. he ease een,goneturther, and the company pow. - . - Suede acranKemtnts to pay the judgmetrtym4 costs. On Momply thoOlreetore „MOS ill:i4v . 9MA to inortlwe the capital etnek of thqx0a4.0.0,000,000, which will realize cnongh tunclitoluteet , On amount requir,,La • . 3r itta, WAVY, aa - other texas In Minot., Ap. re taken sttps 20 start sots. )1i factories. For the Fittsloargh El-Goverstor Tod's. Project. he facllr gwltlvwca u..n L,,,„. h .„ ‘ , tiameN awl 1n1113 ,,, ' to they robot ,„, v , r .„„ r . Tod. )o propn-, t,. In tag L. the ~JUIP. of r,te 1 t v.ek, and It. •0 • I,llt 1 , • I ,h,, - ;• t"'' • ..11 , 1.1,11,11 It. nit u. 1.1 1.1..1..4, .1! 011 the v. It, rt... 0-11 Mal r-, i;1.•1, t h e N ort h . e• too it -eel,ematielei. and on the 0,, to set then,.. by T. a ley , . llon Mu-burgh otf from the Baltimore and Ohio when completed. lII* td , a Of !siding our facilities for trade with the lakes by carts - log 'its road through the northern border of Alleheny county to me Creek, and thtnce tolled down had nix up to that point, seems too absurd in theory not to have awakened our Citizens from the ,ouutolencynud atolidity which so olewe red their vision as, not, to -ice that the Go c.•lmer had any other scheme in role wing eifOrls to :accomplish hit ferns,-, viewa„ defeattol at tim tune of his limb essay to shut Pittsbergher. out from their • .,poiatiOM on the hue of trade and tinsel- tei and from the East and Went. 'Fronting now. that out Senators and Repre sentative/1 #in &irefully ponder and scrutinize the Ordikeohences of permitting the Cleveland and hlithoning it. R. to inft-de the territory of Allegheny croup ty to promote the completion ofo Railroad which cannot fail to prove eml nentlYdisastrouilto:our future welfare, wear. • • atlases of opening every rive:mu/to the fake and•Woitt which Will not combine facilities that may exclude Pittsburgh or Abstrnet from • suchits wo_pew enjoy. For what object then does GOP. Tod 'prosecute 0 lice 01 road to pref• crane to the Valloy of the :Reuter and Oblo to Pittsbur rational shorter than via. Pll3O Croett But one conclusion is left, 'that is-to pel e to am advantage which legislation may give him o raaah Blairsville or inter cept the Baltimore and Ohio before it gets so this city, and cstab. lish through lines of freight and travel both to Philadelphia and Baltimore for the benefit of Clerclandi • and to the utter es:elusion of Plashergh. To those who ant acquainted with Gov. Tod be is well known as it gentle man of Imposing address. winning manners and 11, fertlleinexpedients for the security of tiny object be juts at heart, Dakota accomplish, ed - In -the former:• Trusting three' crude and u p o c d n i 1/ TT rb e le eorrfs and=3nol.arto ringu4 awaken no thisecd the Governor, to the best biterests of our city, though we 11113.n0t without the hopehtinay Also arouse our friends in Beaver county to a proper exertion to: avert fromtheta a disaster tomrhieh are are alike exposed' in the prosaism TheGovernoria his sperieh to the iron-maatera any, he done. - want our money to aid 4n.lus ' project, no indeed, tie boo not the hardihood Of , consetunco to ask our money, as ho well.knows that would be obtain log money under fable PretellgeßOlS the com pletion of his groat scheme by . lotarcepting trade at or on -the Baltimore and sareto Verifyln the end. n Tirdettharige tre 'Change with them," an laphiartinit deSeendlog 'to 'us from the u ttg of amatent Berne,' more-tersely and beau expressed in the Mosaic language of that mcerld.rehoorned oltv, °Tempera enufantur et as triviantwe in 1060 bits achieved another illustration of 110 pbfitleogbical trothflandas herein oar midst, at the bond of the Ohio. • •Ew-Governor Ten has at length lomat willing carstia a long cherished object fraught with incalculable trail to the - prosperity, growth and population Of this eity. surelY be altogether forgotten - that Ole adroit and Influential gentleman some few yenra ago In thrinergAlon and progress of the (lie' - eland end liaboinlng Road had matured and well uighi secomplishod the great project ho had en hand to contract Cleveland with Philudel grerhitliby g4eniC4fthg ga ng latter tit ' Uleverano, ng Pittsburgh "out in theoold," boastinthat they would have a through line between these eititn, as the Penn sylvania Railroad bad - made a large Levee- Inca : to the Cleveland and Atithealng, and when teething - Blairaville. their brakdsmen would call tint - that passengers! flit Pittaburg,h would change cars, Whllst the through. to Cleveland and the North-west Would keep their mute, thne making - Pittsburgh h invite tray station ref Western trade and travel, or, as - leo-fact would prate, giving tts the go-by al toget 'fbetater her. ernor, in hts speech to the iron mas t erA, 'nye be don't want our money. No, verily I The. great object be cherishes, Is to seise A N.llnection with the Penanylvanis Railroad at Ittaltemille, by , min); the Allegheny Valley RS blind to covet-id now 1.14 t hat which wouldnate betrayed his design, and keeping out of view the Northwesters', to that point heady cora .llll=r• with which Dbe. tai rrezoottee.= gbeny rivet which he never p ; and 'should he sloes, he can Intercept the approach to this rily, end thus abstract the trade and travel both, from Philadelphia and Baltimore by. pnwouting hi, work to the ilonormaheLa above Pittsbargh. No, no ;ho don't want our runnerl I,filticiat4on lawhat ho desirea gto of morn eourdleas value to It to. his _project tbnn any entitribtitieh we would he likely to make le airratature iraleidal Of littrbeld inter. ea Rol the tlovertgrapersuadeathenewilling -a venue openingatiothre avenue -for Shn•-•teettegaitrigalon of ore from C sustWeitatOt•Tcdttritoi 14 oar smelters here. • ,Calfithrilltattbelbentnneligicgran atoilditr 10 4.bus-legattrely no an -nee'llg see that IVlatefila 4 tft:AO:OOTOtObt4l' IblanirVO thio oily. sikobt Two tithe Raba:rat t.o WM the P 11.14. •1=0:444 . 3-grin - Toga, Which Arquitt *Cord to 'aim MO zoo ..toOto to Woolly-ono hundred :and *bp WAralsOrter than lasland -their ore at-CWlretanal , iloett t. , ate Weiso - It alas to bechtigitt tivithstoett - hater AVMS Wont's-base ua Oaratlowl And what. • oottipti. 1,4413140U01,0f the . 0 ... r `tiftjar ., ; Sinitektar. iZelEia A enontrso tragedy took piing, near Belle math utesesce,s, a few daysare. Mr. Maack, wife endeve children were to bed, when Mrs. AgOWNlPAltakWilr3 - funWditerbeitierin dateee. 'Sbel.telbertetheteliein Of four dtiftdren whet were In an adjoining room. Mr. Wks* fall lowed an Indent Later, but In his broke through the burning door and fe=l ` the Mittel .73ehgletplthitsi effort, and argult suffocated by _beat aril smoke, be reached the bed which he had left, and and greelst., thelng sleeping babe, threw it through , ...4crit i ttehadlirolte outtinalsupan tet r ie4 l %). - :heisome,,erhis. er, bet beret awn by the window through which he had t his child. Upon reaching the outside, beard; the cries of his wile from the ecn i Z '‘ ll . e . t a irl easti' .4ll"r gdtireA ire = occ Haar u pied t by her' children, until s he hers elf had became sur rounded by flee. Through ahnost superhuman Wartiherimoiressuntti teethe door, M tegenigg Brea -t iers terribly unted. They now every ezertient to save the children, but all to no purpose, and soon they were - enabled Mace the four stand leg together in the middle of.the room, cling ing to each other, witirttlide eyer'falsed ward heaven, which , Relation they were ward by the idlelt sight of their etteeteed parnate, who could lend them neat& fete`ool; - ,re CiftO had list emerged frees snob s. teat Ala ere .tave recent) y terminated, would be wilting to admit a defeated Within, Asicettigine thlotoeition of the reboil...me Maas. top free share in the common Cloven:uncut awns inny terms, until long yearn of peace ha& pe r mitted the ebullition of indamod peseta:a to subside. But nistiatten rOulddream fora moment of giving,e, sections thus vanquished what woold be' talittettrottet tra double dare., man ree,maihof.polttimil power. Yet thlels what w 6 will virtually do, if we perfect recess. struMertweilthoot first securing some each change in the basis of representation as Id pro. .1/04011 la the constit enamel amendment that is now being debated In Congress. The &epee. tionsnentofeleetonsand repreeentattees being based on popni4ion, three or four millions of freedmen — id, though deprived of an political rights, will increase the Influence or the shed. Mg States In the national councils, awl In Presidentiel,elecdlons. as touch ad in elq hai Inahhetrit Tudalthl ettleens willhdd lathe Do !Meal power of the north.—Phlindriphlo Press. Tar San Francisco directory, publiatual on ho tint of January, contains nearly 45,000 ernes, by which the population Is estimator! 120,000. The naniber Of bantling§ in tat Vabnyls,gfl'ihrOz'boafil worn!. I C A rterc /i wing the last year were very costly, andof great architectural beauty. There are 17211 liquor palatine, 176 attonteys, 218 physicians, ed (drug ld arcs hotelsand boarding . totems. 'Alt . . . reel:read leiter office In Wastilugtiin, a letter aa, recently rteelverl, containing a • heck r V.ODO in coin, directed to a lady in honer requesting hor,“to, accept the is a return for the kindness •liown my father and mother," and dated at the A.tor .liociae r suui atipced l•John,” who was to Start Prtmedlutely for Europa. , The roatnnictec *Gencrel4llnectottaltiorough search for the dy, and at tact Correa emir oilBo6,—ltescra. Nell Broth ers, of New Orleans, who harp. the beat teeth- Ilea for fudging, catignato the cotton crop of 1.410 at 2,500,00t1 bales. They think extraordin ary effort. will be put forth by all classes.. black, white, Southerners and Yankees—to I , n4acPas largo cropita possible. It la not considered ale for-tnerehtrnta to operate In this ',Virile with a view to higher prices, and accordingly thorn is no speCulatlve spirit in 001tOnr Tg hotel , New York, pays MO, rent; the St. Nicholas and Metropolitan g7o,ooOesch; the Astor and New Perk 0.0,003 each ; sod the Everett 010,000. A. T. Stekrort qirps the Metropolitan and the St. NioLhbb A t 'stpg Fwrylif the Astor Lionise, • 'The iiney . zt . ,mineen and Jersey Shore Vl , ' ditto—both published In Lycoming county-, have declared their preference for General; OC r y ,an the Union naming° for Govetapr, d. env., that 'by doing they expreee the VI tettibitepribricsraftffilde County. lien. Sherman, It Is said, has declared In for .or ' of-negro suffrage, as the. only moods of 'Yee tngta . chock disloyaGg, parileularly - in mad.t of Generalon now within his coga- Tho is no politician, and G he has reached each a conclusion, it is froM the disinterested observation of a soldier. TOO people of the borough of Chester aro de. sirens of being pieced under city rule, and hove applied to the Legislature to leave an act •of Inoorporilthei paseird. The city Is to have the tame boundaries end the same number of wards se the.preeent borough. Von (Mahn a GertnannObleMan, whose wife hiving/it e f fridnst bite mann , for divorce on the ground p lea-t,reatment, is In. jail at Claicii.3 o under lailnre to procure Salt for 11 30 , 009 . IT In proposed to have a copy of ovary pub lie deentnent...tnirited tryConn - mei sent. to cloh refloat lir the United 'States. This will put an eind tb preetlenl" OdUentiOn,lind only udd'Other intrdetinto the Treustiry,—Tribuns. Tea elty.cetinkil,or Tgitiitioille has passed reimlutions offering the State of Kentucky spp,Ooo for the ereetionoftintdlerbuildinp, in cone thoespitol is rOll3Ol/ea to that city. Ex•tiorreen R. DI. amraitr, of kilisoori on Tuesday, fell on a elinpery pavement In St. JeFeph, 'breaking a leg. ft Is feared, owing to age and infirmity, he will not recover. Tits-Coraga Marabou to Nay. York State aro to M. mined for prat, marl, nll or most any trlitlJA Volnrarly with 11-I,OCOCou capital hay Mg I-can't:cgs:axed toe thatpurpose. • A TOrKe lad by the name of Warren killed a*.chooltustaatlloaat Clymoto, allahlgau, by Waling au Inkstand at LW bead. Tuurr murders, In utmost nx matey' Imam, are reported as baying occurred in Indlanuptr 11E, TM:lmlay wruitig, Tux Kentucky State Senate bac vostponed electloa aLlEfattcd Senator untitnext PUBLIC NOTICES. 1 . 431 , 1,111/11.L.E. EDECATION.--The Tw. 8E". conarne nce thr It' FERRI:ACV NEN I". Diamond Stn ' 1% ill , . Court Mout, whore • St. eptilcal.' c • n IL. T. 1 , . admit t.•d. _ __.• NOTICES. • OIL rt . 011, sT. I 11,1, ,1 . 01,, in ',gr.:T., k 1.1. PERSONS HOLDING •1 i A TE.; tly in thi. °topaz, and not ire to.fi rred to there on the hook,of the. Comp ny. 11111 findfindlt to their Intermit, either to 1101 e the ..atee trtionterrect or notif) the Secretary of their ..enl ,111 r SI. F. 6.1 III)N ER. Secretary. paoludoil 1:011".D—A Pocket Book, near the 1 A , logbelt) City. qhfcti the xtv, „..31 Nice 1.1 h iiid 1E Fe drrul rect. '4.1 pAying n.rr Je7:;it.4 - - DIVIDENDS. • 014=1(.4:14 on. Conies v. t Prrrsatama, January Ifttb, LNn. 1 711 E BOARD OF DWECTOWI OF Amo Nmei 01J Henning Company have neutered that out of thenet.eturrange of the last Hs months. edixis Member n is i , ukz.a dividend of TEN DOL LARS PER %HAHN shall be pant en and an, fel,. marl /ern, and that the remainder oraald cora- Inns, Two DolLsrsgr share, shall be reserved In tho 'irritator) as einl fund. yaladtatxt JOHN J. votrmo. neeretary. E 8 iiND TOYS. FANCY GOODS, ROCEII4G 11URAFS. SLEIGTIS. SKATES. CIIILDRENs , c.%.RTB, ILVILIW WS. Bc.,Lc., 1 . 1)0i1,3i,` and Retail. at J. U. LAM:WS, So. jab+ M•rket street. near Fifth. • ,Ivmwwmml SZTRATED OR STOLEN. - .A small ...-, SORREL MARE, With mro wbita 'Dot* bath, was elthcr b elt Or sitrrad from ihn F table laa i . ggnlrLirjrx6Csbo"ftr7rtghT4:lll7o7l:". AL of 0 . . , 1 Ty tier...bout., at Howard'. Llvoiry 1.4b1e. Oliver in Itteborgh•or'lLanchutor, P . M 11 rally revardrd. I•2lihg.i.) 401 IN D. WI /18. NATIONAL BANKS. Ms Breit a Non Nortoseal, U awn„,or Prrmurann, January.= ( B AUTHORITY FROM THE Comptroller of lb. Currency, The FROM of this Boni, Lave declared a divideod of fifty pee cent. out of the reserved profits, towable to shares of oew stock to the amount of doe hundred thousand dollar* 14500,W0). wah ltat M he O e apial fiflem hundred thou. sodnML nr der ssetil hamsredit en the (woks °tribe Blink with one new share o f Illy dollars for tut, two shares held on this twenty-sixth day of January, A. *hen this allomseot males one-bait of a, abase a par/in the dend, tka owner dollarsmplete the abase bye payinentW tvanty-tive or receive that =nut u an equivalent& but this °pilot: will cease open the fOropletioa of the lucre's. to Ute cap (tat, oboe all remaining frantic.." Mt. paid In cash. Usittert.sdfrwT) U. M. MURRY, tosts'e. GO AND SEE 'EMILIE MELVILLE In her Great Shadow Dance, MONDAY NICHT. ME= Ify lige :4 ....1 X arse STOLEN the night at the MI Lori.. the hardware More Of JAYLa RIMS, 131 Wood strata. war burgiously entered and their nat. blows open. and the follow log 0172 wore stole. therefrom, and the poetic is motioned against purchasing or negotiating the muse, as stoat has been •topped W. P. Bebell, dated October ltd. 1.16. t, In favor ot Junes Down. at 10 days, payable si tiranler for sl.=. to W. P. Sabra, Would October 2, WI. In fa•ot of James Damn, at three month., pal soli. sl fixamtr a liatitiVa, for SLIM VI U. Club 2 Co. dated hererober tesh. la fa or .!dames Boise. at SO days, pr) aloe at &mullet Rohm's, for 431 Sc. King. dated January 11th. IVIA, In favor of Jobs S. Bath at three winratkr, for On Is. A Cbt,clr., No. signed by E. T. 2.l:mode Bra., dated January 19S1 142, para.!. to Janes hewn, or bearer, on larrebarita . and aLsnallaetorera` Nst tonal Bank. fur Oh SI. - DRAUGHTING. DIMMING OFFICE Zlarvii, Woes:teat 12\a - oza.cr7 Do. u Et tit 01222131.. tour Sorpeallos BMW, %woven , curtue.g. ATTORNEYS. L . P. STOWS, • • ATTONNEY AT LAW, tyrnor, nt rotaltosin STRUT. oprooslte , tits C-eart liernae, rittabwrit, Km AT M. Q. s. uesissia soldiers' Chiba AVM& zonate' Cur Woonded edle9cti collected, labia 110 1 =1= Itru 60.2. H 1 t '" -1141 X rowan. ` .aniattrAt uw, `awe aiiiamiettiutsb.g.. P. CanttWap,Posvertn a t t plbectta rlasoori4gilbau.sal.prn , lY .cure r , pursittir, Dousima.'sAcx ;gnaw OW % tI:IOT=A th, Ta t o. fntlu . • . AIII•rf .110 Ir. Mandl stsron , arMalitt the poart &use. Sztt i am=d i s o dassir kr. woraarr. oto. I. oocaaal. MOFFETT 6 ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OITICE. NO. 00 WUXI RIIIIELT. *Zama r L. :11/01):4131 FROMM& SCO hoses Ooehen Cheese; 190 Hamburg do 30 Wk. Dried resales. helves: bbls. /New York " Dried A pples: Eastern CrXMI edTaberric. , D • 111 In dried re erl,lltmat/II •• bil•soart Etre CUT. 00 Natianio.l :15 • • Hods Alb, For Ws 01 JNO. D. CANFIELD, 111 and 10 First •trte - PAT - TENT WEATHEIC STRIPS, I.lllllllttettO tarp Oat cotd, wind, STR OPS , dust. kr., And as firstly ba pat on doors and windows. A lase imp ply just ?aortae.' .se for sale at the India rabies Nos. a sod Mat. Char street, by .itsai , J. &11. PHILLIPS. I TNITERSAL CLOTHES IiTHINO t-. STAM/Itßb. AND PLOW& SIFTEMS. The attire AMIN... ate tbe brogt In Ho Market and ;to t..allefactiou. Call aid to them at 4. d U. PHILLIPS. 3.27 IS and a K. Olatt strict. riA l n,'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR MIN EWEIL 1 c... ji EVIII It will teamedlately roßture the F AIM. Ntvr.o Hair In ite natural color, awl I' Alt.& li / VEll od are anew a fourth where It FAILS. Int veil falko off, ithd It will atop p. FAIN. Ili rvEn falltoir out of the hair lei a few rm Lm. NYS.= days if faithfully applied. FAILS. tor *ate at tho CENTS IL f,1:150 uTOILII, corner of Ohlo and Federal streets. Allegheny. _4.'71 OF O. A. KELLY'. rONIIIGIIMENTS. OD Obit. 011100•1 tO MAI. tack Oniora: 80 bolgeoLemonli Ult War primettscon . Applet: I Wirt Ca:T*o7'o.o3er; bo • • II b P . l . Wl t'utnY•'• • rioLittesors °Mere omtirtattly oft baud., whole, anti retail.. I'UTTER, A.kvai snEPAIM. JabsWO Liberty strtie WINE VlNEGAR—Genuine Un poldellOti the Ilheot manOfadtnrod fok r . 04 . Of Edolgloo:' Pudi received and for' side' b floe dwarf -or (Mos t arUio. Vl= ll}} Grocery Btolll 0 / 45 ` " e 01404 ateli wuoAllennEuittinfoutif,la is ll g i lnaragf r hl b AMlL'lt a pl. ineten al he 7,0411 r Grocery Kototo • •'' • 4lllO. A. lIENSTIA OZ •!CzilmLthertr anJMnJ strrit VLOITIII • MX) bbl.. 'lttar of i tlto 103 0 9111 e 100 " "Clty tipctogileld: 60 "." ``Llueleyo Farorlte;" " • Ity• limo; F'orsela to lot.' to watt vorebasers, awl delivered anywhere within toe city amltei free of absrp , , It. KNOX d. )45 Dlssoood, Allatibero• -- SIUNDRIES---In store and to or 1 -- rive for sale: Cleat., Yeathere, (Itawng. liceswat, Dry Apples, rsanul, Dry reaciltra. Cedar 80ard..., With Most other kind. of Tenorespo Produce. POI ItlAlAll DICKEY it CO. PISINOPIIICIPS BAILING POW A , DEL the boot in the market: • teeth oUPPtrian received An meet and tin cane, and for sale ny Olcoxn. or at -r4all, at. the Family Groser7 Mina ltiO. A. RENSHAW. Ist Corner Liberty and Hand Went, • DRY APPLES AND PEACHES.-- BDIs. fipples, ektra qnsllty, BPI,. Vesettes.,Extra Beres, Now landing from *teaser Kenton. For sale by 37=7 COL CLOTII of Ild t lea Sad De pot, gal b ()V Ciotti 0.. Li L 4 " th° JAW if EBUINGEI.-.400 Wis. No.? 1 lie 11 floss, Just received end for side by ItEYM Ell & TIROS, Nos. 15 and 129 Wood street 7.#161LA1te...10 bble: Pecans jtts received and formai, bp RETXER a : BROS.. N05.1.3s and otreet, AVID bbl, . No. 2, now viz WANTS ANTED,-1111.1GONE11.--.t sober Y And I , l.lu4rtou. 1 , 1(.1VFI: ran • •. Ap11,1,1 Ch YUIr V . 4 VIED.- .1 b Ile. pa 1 tier i • • JAL% ttd XV ASTED.-- A FIRST t T AND STEAM f•'ITI VII N. • • n.• I q,p:. r., • T. FWEN., to d•b .4 En 1.,. Wood .1r....t. AV A STEILI.--Acit:vrs-- . 1 . 0 WWI a rtY - • •k. r.% And ur•n , 11 , ,•0. • ',he r:3l3n • CAmpAlgt, l•lit,,agh • , .- ANTED-AGEN'I ' S --Ewerlen ' err r- oord f he IV e•-t -prt ot rt. no, ci n iirosiAric punt itAix OF Any kti.ot Li\ .041. for-Uperlar rrn, th .. besux the pthlic. Add.-. Y Ito% ITA. Va• Av A N 1.300 PER TEA ! —we wake, Arer.tiT,eerrs here to .ellour 1:11PIttrli TTrr TY -1/01.T.Alt hE WIN A• crivir_, three peh kinda. wader and Kinn, feed. vrarronteer ),Kre cetArr or large eornsela •lon pall , The ONLY Machine roht to Chile.l rate. for Irma than MC. , or hieh are jcsl Im lac,..sed by 11..er, Whet kr k 17110^ , DTk , T , 3 ingo hart Roehel.l", e l ll other cheap lii.ehlhea Krt. IN - I IMAGE:I)4,II, l•rril LICA rce.. Adam,. or call up- OU SAAR It CLARE. Itlettlerortl, lathe. dtrOalcodUkh,F IVA IiTED—.AGENTS... EMPLOY , MT:NT roR TlETritsEp SOLDIVAS AND ALL OTMCll.—Oreat ..talc of Jewelry, Silverware, Ar, A. The. llamileott A Co.'. OILEST ..LIFT DIS TRIBUTION. Out agents ore mak inr front FIT< to Thirty Dodgers per day. and we treed .tilt more, Lein Invoices from 'numbs hat e our .o,k to over Our Slllllon Dollard. A ilitent/14 assortment of attbes, Mara! Liman...rand Gentterheni• Jewelry If all albeit. of tbe most hoehionablo patterns. selh ns at encb. hand rents for next ideate, and you it 111 tee .110.1,6 are eat hied to; or send *it for at e crrildratee. or $A for IWO': or emsd, a throne:tent stump AT our terms to art.( ...bleb are of the room liberal bind. Now le loot time. Write plainly t atm ”• le. oily, county and Mate, to iIdbfILTONI L ro., ..Ir4, V. 0 te. Turk. Salesroom, Se Liberty ,enrea A ew York. t020..3rAg _.FOR S A T.V. FOR SALE, the Stock and Inter est of one of the BEET MIL,LLNERY AND LoAli EaTABLISTIMEN VS ALLEG &EN t CITY, as the prbpsietora Is about to putt buslorae. Address Lock Boa )to. ID, AllOaeherly City. Jaentle 1:051 SALE, with immediate pos. session,newostory Fresno How, titantc to the Wars Intc.f oft 'Washington. G. H. TO Yor fortl WE tersrll , .. enquire Pstilltstd Real TAUS.. Agent, No. k'ott at. VOR NA lOWA LAND—SI,6OO —ABOLT WILD HUNDRED AND TUIRTY ACRIS OY LAND, attaated near Webrter (jay, Hamilton count], Tor*. Ma the Ithe of the Parlac Matra:W.) Ia aCemt r pate for Farrar": Irt\ Dnu , 1•01.1,1111. cash. Adatreee Orrics, ]rite, 1 :0111 SA L E--153 acres of Coal, altos , . Rtnith township, WltihlArton county, near rebus., the Line of the Staub, le Railroad li at blway Station, about tinittlearron, t elt.. For farther partitolars. enquire 0(0, rowEi rus.i Eada.taA gem No. tad Four th =net, ort4ll/11„ LIII CAMPD.P.A., on the premises. J4o!tf_ 1;O11 SALE--A MIA claim Evil dente, canteens u 1901:11f. fltlisbed in modern st)le, wink niattle maeitlife..gas 9Tery room. with Lue shrubberyand fruit trete; beet carriage house, stable and lei-haute: Lot M Met front by =1 feet deep. althea On monad bank, AJleithums. Also. Leiacres of Timber Land, senate in Elk county. Pl., Within &few eaten( Philadelphia ate Lee R. P.. said to underfed • nth coal. Y.uquire of J. AL VAN ruvrETE. - No. ny) Finn 14 . 011 SALE OR TO RENT-- Frame lionee. and Leit,militated at filefcce 's Station, on the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad, Sppostm t Nictitation. Rouse emotes:meg room. d tore {loom, and he as IL been used more for a num ber of years. The location m good, e titer if an excellent cower! trade. YOT terms and times., Mrs. apply to T. OWENS, or .I. H.TtiffitP.DT. ?federal street. Allegheny. fitle.:ffsr l FOR SALE CLIEAP. =1 OF FIVE ACMES. In Slellora tot:vat/Op. .4 oao.o, Bo: prerolvoe of James old and J. c. 1,g. t .0t t. Th. Imptvverocuts are a plain Frame Dwelllitc. Fenno. Barn, B V)To.rard of one Pra tt T ea', , balance orgrocind - SUnd teltb choice fall bearing. A dellslitrul bolldlox rote'n the plate, tan bbaaally got to b, fan Beaver or Wools Una Street Cars. Apply to JA AIF.S T. BASIFLE. No. es Federal is. Allegheny; co. addre-o J. L. C ALIN ALAI, No. ST. Walnut greet, Fbllroltl peas. pa.s,:tf FOR BALE.-WHITE o_l 6 I.UM sEt:-41.k0c0 IVO of 7 ruin plau,k, lo 1010 coat latil a tro rem bnvlrl cat to order 11 4 "tiVe girr, .'ivr"or litla ' arnes.tin,llse . of ' kale and ritt..norghl'lllroao: Metter coaOty...rx. Address 11. If. eo , Wort taildionelt. jfiret_,O Co, rs,_, no Tee% ti. D111.7.1ar, gook. 1.M7. 00 00. 4 Bt. Clkir .1, rut.- JuSilm4 VOA tialJE—A Valuable Country licatdroclmt baron:rod dealer. Priontrir Itaiiresd. one and a - haltitas from V - Ilictooletrg t ag er won SNlNtrchea ad:a fine ;taw Dvea.. t containing ten Neonsa and anar anderneer.b; Trait and otter coneonlefacre on the Ttetal or o. farther Inrennatton,, it N. AM 'NUN. groat, Nitcatiag elo Nan nrctraau. s. Kra 'OR SALEtWITH IMMEDIATE g MOUNT ItOPZ PROMO- - Ty. AT woo triXTIO.V.-01Oxe.d'acres at 1 ,4.- *ri c k IP tOOLNII 50.4 iturat. rizag n logrgalttrztgl .11 kio lesepstre .to• •Onertbre, ay. nu — MOUm Vtlemotier was psoi wOow.ttiat, JOOtbeo/. i . 1 ,10:0 :I. :444 pa..A mita - IgArairitEL.iMtjttVt: Errosir, u5..111 .11.... e Plulogect 0.3a.r BOTOMILIPIT BOONS . TO LIM, lo balldlav corner of Federal and Watar stA., All eeeee y T ..kate recess would .alt very well rue% fa t lSoeittLo *lxid Reveling sada for botany:Ct.* tort. Flte d Wren:a - Is 1011 y eq rot. asdrs ea urecnatto r of aims IntDdlna. Jaletaistt IL ft. DA FIOIMItzIINEAPIE.GUI),T MILI4. port. • WYMAN (.1 ta.l - 1* Mee. t aihnei . g VA . , settle abundant Dowse. and esmennit machinery; in, sod older, KU Mill la well touted for pa .. a tot d irPergeritelNftis c roV 6 uta r trlerKT Mar Informatlon, apply on th• petals., or acidness by mull. KILO. OMIT' McKeesport, P. larYnxialt 'DTBSQLVTIONEL TUE FREW OF PAENTER. lIA CR. ETT a CO. Is thlo day,ellssoleed-C. K. TM T ER gad J•III.34FILLEIIIisIE basing sold their en tire Interest - In the *AM. Arm to the undersigned, who still continue tl business of II Egl hrt- Tent.ttni. et the LI Bir.rver ou. %VOISIN, suitor the style and Ana o:Maj.& HAMLETT &CO. JOHN A- NUKES. jor THOMAS HACKETT. C LM . 118. Odin, Duquesne W.V. Tomer of Hancock street. Psyssurssads, July Ist, 1131.-MViterd DISSOLAUTION OF PARTNER. t . c .Y.WeigterigiTeibi.folNTlVlAVl'M WARD C. HE...11.EL old., DM Inn. neme and style ofEINLHO & NEOLET. has been dissolved ^l' th e errant:if Kindig , had by the mutual cossentofthe andentigned, Isentstug partner!, 'the said John KWH, basin/ibis starsoldnis entire In terest In Bald late dr= tasaidlgeglay. Its Mains. piths late Ur. sell; be united by Edward C. Nagle?. Ali part lea / edehtest to roue will pleapecall end set tle, and thnae, basing slalom preseal them atth. 014 .ra.a, as East whr th 0•14 Boot.' Will continstel to business, D. C. 14E0 .1: J anearegnh. Jultli 11. KINDIO. 1)1S1901.1DTION OF PARTiI ER. be t kri u 'ael b r. ' SVll r tnt. l 2lPf , uuder theyllu. nam• and style of 'KINDS° A 11111/.. of diett.lred January lit, ma. to) almost tt.ussot: Owing to thr..lesth Amer Of the .11.1 Frank fatu.tig. the hosloeb",uf the late dim otll .ettle.l , 7 the onderslgue.l, at st n mi. Alt pmetles in.tehted to manalt tll plemme ra and sett., and those 133.1 mg claim. m 11l present them to N. Is 1.,1 , 10 January . ..lth. I )18S0 I;ETION OF RT\ 11t- HIM . - The partnership herstoeurt I•tlmr 6,- 1.7,n the ruhserti...n. ns the 111,n or A. II it It % El A 1'11...in the caul I limner bast..., um 11. re's Inland has tomo.l.ssols ran, mual r.tpatly lA' ut , AI of Ins It of Het u Meal •1 tin onhee It, Comps o rr' . 7 Clod of Pt the male: nr Ttrekbard A I mr. No. el Federal ..beet, Alleghen) It 7. All t. • •.r. ine. em. al ...mid dm Will pies,. msl, ...I -11...um. and those b•vbao claims strotust the tiro, prrnrut them fur payment. A 11. IIAItVET U. K.A. S4 .4E N EN Ll 6. T 4111* Tirranconst. January 1)188OLVTION OF PARTNER- Kinr.-7The partnership heretelbre ceststing loader Dienes. of -rt. JON En it OD. •• is dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the gm will be rued by tittle suoccason, JAMEd T. BRADY • U . /WXI. JON g T. LILLDT. IN DETTELhitt from Cosiness, I cheeriiilly recom mend JA.11.1.n T. READY • CO. to my friends mod parrailla. MICHAEL JON3]I, raPAITTNERSIIIT. -The undersigned hare !asso ciated lb einicisea tOK , thar undo the ,salt and style of JADIEIIT. acev% a Cu. c.utar. Ltrolsen. tAntEd T. HART, seal& ALVIN A AUL AUCTION 1 , 7 `ire LIU ABLE BUSINESS ALVIN DIVELLINO DiIOPERTS AT ADDTDI7O, Tbo fanning deal:able and centrally totaled Droll - DT .111 eoid at INAlle gale, on the premlenc, on T No. =I I..iberty Week be Rand &tenet and I h,rrl.on Alley, at greeted occopled Ale.. Kinn. bo. haring a fr ee I DS feet footnc, ek tend- Ink back 107 re.ttllne,yo n rtlloy. 'DDT AND WADE/10111dt% No. Penn. street. between Hand street and Gar et...lt alley, having • front of 2n feet 7, 7 n incite., el . n:1 1 .11 bank 107 Nona inches to • gi fool alley. LOTh Nos. •Iss Aso= Penn atreet, adjoining •bOre Wnrebonee, having each • front of Id feet 717,7 Incline. cc - tending back I I feet I Inches to AD footalley, on which I. erected .1, bone:Dal story Prick I/welling, contaltt Ing each I Demo and kitchen,with gao tiro ghoul one Dav in, 5 brick and one • frame stable fn ream: germc at Ale. l'otee•clou given on all or cheer of the abode, An ell tel Iten. Pon further portietet tar. Inquire of NV Itoll.lll.El', 731 Liberty street, or at NS and 57 Filth street. jtV:etnl T. A. McCI.EI.I. A ND. Aitei.r. TIESMABLE DWELLING AND LOT —1 have at private sale store Brick Duelling House and Lbt,.situalc at So. Wayne street, near... Penn street, with Double Parlors, Mo ine. Boom =ld 'Kitchen on Cent fluor: hers on Second, and 3on third door, gaa every room; New h , hingle and !date Route. and lu good condition throughout. Lot 32 , ..5 hy Cl feet. Alto. 0111 be cold with the !louse, If desired. the Furniture. Y. hich Isconsue”tively new. l'osscs lion uteri) April Lid, I%il, or earlier If elect ssarv. Fur further particulars Inquire at GI and 07 POI, street. 3Y27 T. A. AIeeI.ELLA Nth LEGAL NOTICES. A DMINISTIIATIMOB NOTICIL— A. Whereits Lettorsof Adealnlstratlon on the es tate of.PATRIONE4DF.II.IIOTI; late of the Seventh Ward, llttibutgh, demised, hove nteu granted to the undersigned: • strpersons Indebted - to said es tate nlll ,nlesse man haT t e i ttj 4, and th ose hav i ng V, l 2Veat ! tro= a- e Tr',Vre.lir kgf 11.1trail t 2 CI I ITICIUYI3 la7.7t:td' Adtalfebtrstets.. MEOIC AL I II M tPI% H 1, 4 1: C.:> T_T rt. E. ALL DISEASES OF THE SKIN • I•~I Xll ll 1 . .'1 I 0,1 I I:- N.. • ' ••• I, I • It s1.• , 111 1 ..Nv I •. • .t... t 1,,n6,14; re-o,J, • r 1,, I- (h.. 9107 10-tIn••• t.•rc th. ur.. .tu ..trative et.T.Dis , 7, • • ~1.•Ln.noul.1••• -., 43 t. 11,0411. 3. 1,3: rl• C, Cure. SIMON JOHN Ton, DruggiNt, r'o r;er ttl.ncid and Fourth Strews BOOKS. STATIONERY, &c. Tim MON OF 114.11T11A (11:1hut-U to. her tr ot.P.P.bett in 1p51u1341. , 1 form by P. II PNT .t 4. 1 , 111. b torero. th.. ONLY AUTHENTLP 231 ATEMI NT the Uri and CRIXTRA of ,ho .11 , 11EILV 11,11:G1A. It most STARTLING }(}'V}7l. ATM' , DLit DELI), AND )I•)TIVE, that arpote , l them. •nd Nin - A JIERE R Ell A of 1111. OY TIII: DAIL Y PAPER , . )lAHILES FOR 1 *3 *3 , J. R. It/. , A1). So. 1$ Fourth Street. GO AND WEE EMILIE MELVILLE, IRE FEE OF TILE AMERICAN 9T.%..t Monday Evening. !BM PROPOSALS. NOTICE:.-.Propoatlm are Invited son all: De recent.. hs :to. Board of Directors of the Boor of the. Ity Allegheny, until Yrlelas . the llnd day of February next, from too to six eceioel p, ta.„ for furntstaliag Plant, St:slued Comm., Lot:lin:hen, as nosy ~ rgered by Nald Tnreetors. ieroprasla Ott also .tote the prin. of delis ere at the tart, or either of the Cerneteri”. Any farther Ins forpsat lon can be obtained by calling on BeBONNIBLE, :Secretary to Third Board 8t of orY city Directors. Ilan. • - CI TT i'o,TßOLLatt', OrrICZ. t Fr,rettruntt. January Dltt, Idt , , PlWPOSALS,addreseed to the uuderralgucti. will be reru•lyrd .t =ld OFFICE relit :IA TI ItnAF. February 34.1.56e4 at to •• ,ock, 0.. for 6144,1 Ting the city with TA- I, •NElatY AND , BLANK d•YUELS dually the Hanel lag lebru L JOIINVC(VIin Oontrotl• r. G GOODS A l : Erfir RARE RID GLOVES $1,25. $1,23. 61,11.5 ) ./I1 A GENUINE KID CLOVE nth I. a rtewtsteli.rp.t Intradcw.d. Sold ra tali t. 3 I= pIUCE4IWDUCED $l,OO, $l,OO, $l.OO, =I fadershirt or a Pair of Drawers, Worth $11,Z5. MACltrair GIBLISLE, $.l. PD. It rirru'Erryzi.re, NEW . DA* NEW ETTLEI NOIIIIII NETS: OfilETIll75 0 21 - LIFT9p . TIII: 11/ AU stae De* vt7te• jusS reedysd a 4 MARA= it CLAiIsLE.S _;qIMOS, ,ORGAZ,q3_, aco- El3/U/MOZYpr)(O/IE, ELI eicTiornacktr ir Co., Phgodelph is, 3PIC 1•7 fEll. TheEtMeg eceo.'sCottatethgaii, AND AMERICAN OR(*N. Acknowledged br, tho beet mooed West to the Unitedlitatca to benuperlerts tn another. In pewee, qitellty,aL Um% and tbarengh trerh.• ,•' ' • meted.and:eats note tar resin Oen. CO Erse pretaltnne, over all all competitors, et the redo.. mate one emery Yalu. In prices they ire loser teen any others. All eertahhd for herr. years, & DARR, No. Iso st, Mir fltreet, Pittsburgh, Pa NOW DElPita RECEIVED, 71IAT ELEGANT wrocs: OP CHICKERINGPIANOS, L'eltcted twroral n y s, b , T t dortn: a r SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS oar now open. owirt,.t. for e,nrilnotlon. 004 :ar public nrc lu•iic4l to call Lad aO. tbcm. ABILANTED FOB FIVE TEARS CHARLES C. MELLOR, IZ AUBE'S GREAT UNRIVALLED a. PIA No P013TE., ,, . —Thee, Inttrntarnt• art imps riot to an) other In regent to tone, tone/, workmen thlp and I unailltly. R NA ABE'S SW_ AE PIANO ell here the new Im proved (Mend hula and Anrale Treble. (TIARLAYTTP BLUME, 43 Plfthatreet, dole Agent (or the &Onto, and ;leo for Elednve Broa'. Celebrated Plano and Printee Orgaro and Melodeon. 3.19 PLANO AT A ISAIIGAIN.-010en did nosewood Seven Octavo nano, carved legs and pala7 Unproved, horn Prone e, oterstrunrtrata, In on onb tnreo months: cast 1504 .1. /II be ecild for WO. Moo ono tax Octave _U_pright second .hattd Plano. Price CHARLOTTR NLlThir.4 No. 43 TUTU Mare, 5.9 &Toad door abovoirood *Una. CLOTHS. ,_ McCALLCBTS CARPET STORE Xv. S-7 Fourth Street.. Mosaic and Alicoaintler Rugs VELVET RIIIE:S, Embroidered Piano Covers, SHEEPSKIN MATS, • viamecrwor TT EL7EICICOOSJEI 109 And every El r.t . ri ptlon of Carpets. RED IUCTION I 1 PRICE OF CU5...1ELP33744, WENTY DAYS, liberal concessions In prices Our choice and extenolve stock of Carpets, lour 011 Cloths, Window Shades Damask, Sep and Lace curtains, Cor nices, Tassels, Loops and Hands. Yrablloi our customers to wake LIOLIDAY PIIR SIL:NTb of permanent valeta st a very moderate ex Tx'oac hie/MILANI) & COLLI w NS, n and 73 Fh t. e • lamas linuus to thei ft Pm( Oorrrem qtr,9**f_z)cotli 1)R. THODIAa U. ELLIOTT barn trig returned to Allegheny City to resume the premier of Medicine , Allegheny hit professional entree to his friends and the community generally. OtaCe, TILL THE FIitSTKAT ADDY total the Drug Ettore uttlhts A. KELLY. coma. of Itubizma and Lea. cock streets. lvd DRY GOODS. TRTMISIINGS O. I. FICI: \ 1 Il NO Man .11:.:T tiPENED 1, and 1 11111.0 %It \11.2. Mott tilt t NUT' \E% STYLES 11 mdeni.v. I.I.1: ('0• s. Nos. 7r and '.40 Market NO. 3. -DECIDED EMBROIDERIES .11 us. 1% and MI MaiKct istreel. i.rS . No. 1.-BLANKET - AND BRllijaisT SHAWLS isms - x_Axvcr c?I9T. At Macrum, Glyde. & Co's, Nos. 7.S and SO Market St. NO. 5.-wiNruit BND 431-X,ONiNUES SELLI.II4 I 'ERE 41'11E., P .1 T Macrum, Glyde & Co's, Nos. Ili and SO narkel Street. 6.-FIUDNISDLNG GOODS, FOR LADIES AND 61LATLENEN, VERY 0.73 - 3all-1 . ". .it the Trimming pore of MACRUM, CLYDE &CO. SALE WINTER DWI GOODS, Itedliciions I'c'ln•x,arv• First. BATES A. BELL'S ,yam pincEs MAUKED DOWN We , now clokivg orit our WINTER GOODS At Very Low Piices, PREPARATORY TO TAXING STOCK I= Negligee Shirts for Hen and Boys tests and Drawers of .Skither Flannel, t►ool'and'Merino; Warm Gloves and Wbolen llos lerti Woolen ScarPo, :Buglers and No bias; Handmade Zephyr Artieles4 Woolen Gaiters and Mittens; Balmoral Skirts for 'ladles and Misses. F. H. EATON, &a EA TON. If A01:03( & C 0..) (J BEATER IRAH4,IALRB =I THAN EVER The. 1:123.tir0 elitckcar. Boots, Shoes, Balmorals, Gums, DRY. GQ9Dq, Blankets, Flannels, loop Skirls, AWLS, MS/ IWOOIP PODS. Hosiery, Gloves, &c., el" =MOM PRICES. to closo .- :iout 'Mater Stock at thePOPITLAIL Itiggft4ll7ll4 ' • 12.= Auction House, 155 and 6t Fifth gtrect. girEcieu. NOTICE. We would reared telly ezmounee WEWLE, ALE AND RTAIL.Tesde, tbat Annual Clearing ut Sale- Bas Gicaii^ixa2.o2lLoael., ANI) Th sOW • IN - FULL :PLASM 11Flit Hosiery and Gloves, REDIICEDMI DUCE. Bainterests, Yrtr DUEAr. Embroideries of ,4111 binds, •. GREATLY FROMM ' , tact& Wooten Goods, bud, .5 Roods, Sontaga.ad Sit.l.la. YELL LOW. Ladies a Bettis Undergarments MARRED DOWN. FANCY GOODS AT COST. Oshokor or our fry Goods' *Oil Le sold ex lIDLEOS OF COOT. Al nicurm, CLYDE & 44: S, Now. 7S end SO Market Siircet nuT;Es 13= WHITE, ORR .& CO., Z.7c.. 243 Firti:Ciati-c.ot, -oil tbrlr maxi nine of Dress Goods, Cloaks & Shawls AT CatEATLY 121.:D1:CED rltlcEt, ja= BABGASSI BL A II T GA . p9II W. W. 3100RIPAD'S, o]. Xiltaximit at. LacE GOoDS, zmuneruzuret o p0L4(4.+09MA10 . 01 , MUMS, " CUESEW. ic; GENTS' AND LADIES ,- FUESLISHINIIOOOIA s 110REINLYN STAN SLIMES.% • soRHENIINI. , I3 .trteL CA.RII4-31cCiLNDLES6 ff. CO; a-A7L W11...50N. C.+=6 a C 0..) Wlndenale dcalerr. In FOREIGN AND DOWrgTir DUN" tannin?, No. o 1 Wood street, third boa. tbora Diamond alley, l'ltlnburgb. y, Jai . . QINGLE LADIES AND - I.. , I„:ENTS, you have now an.oppor trinity of know t ng. your fate. By an ,54 . - r, rutin:ly new and stlentke proJecs% 4._ of which I alone possess the secret. I • eau produce a correct • itkeness ol.sir yma future husLand or erlic.c; By • - inVlTy e oriVi r lltrce IW3Tire ; f fit Y ug of your suture Park.' kJ' retarn *silt siscabe date of yourrunrrlnge. Address, cadosing twenty-fire cents and red stamp, _Madame ILELEN CLAYTON Drawer ed.. Detrolt..llllehtran. - ialtamdl...tztwi, . JoSl:ni virtu ANTllO:rt. ItZrcis. JOSEPH • MEYER & SON, Mann factneera and Wholgvale and Haan Dealers in FIIIitiITQHE FNM CIIAIRM, No. 47,1 PaNN , BT. above the Canal, hive on handea Urge assortment of FANCY AND PLAIN Wahana and Mahogany, ot-tnele.Oven ro - Oattractore, and war romxrd equal In quality and ttyto to any inanntscuirv -11 In the 011". and art( Mei= multistate ttrtovo I,, ter•?•ll 4 :ialozi - - - S s. ItItYAN I Ilrokor In Stocks, BONDS AND REAL EtT4TL., .47 'Fourth St. S(Burke. ikaldinq ) mad sena on commission. tank. Tt►lt.ay. • reuranee.. retratetun awl other Stacie. and Government. Gallant:, and OM*, nerldll. Orders , - reettedby taterranklt tho Sc tv Tort 11 , 312 rididdriPbta Stenk hoar. tali 1: 11 . . , .: . ..2.:,,,, "•::i/.'t1;1.. • . ~ . ....z..i:.,5 . . ,:.„.. . ~ 4, a GOlngi SALES. ( iOr. ERN:WENT SA LE OF STORES. crt-ARTESINI.‘t,ri-it'A °Tina t-rowltcn, Jan. 'Nth. MS. ,„!,1. - ! It ht rcpt blddat. • .•,VI'IINIINT ON IM2M • 1.. ,•:-.,.r. 1,... Depeor t. ' • 1 r A:1 .1,0 1 - la rte. kn,lon , Il I Pr, at • MUM =! 11.1zy u Fslerf P 1,41 r, : 1 , nt i'lt. • . .t I • at 1 . 1 t,, II . I' Nall Leta Tfot 11 , 51.11m1, l'on! f1..4 ,1,4 . T.-ut Vules,Eltospital7 t. I..rrtOthr/ piete. trt Colo. 11r, 411.1 o/rrt soh t/.1 -tone. 14 rent rub e Paulin su t runt v... 1:31.1p nlor Morntl, 1:// R/./a/i. Ta.nms--Ca.h, rnIIM tqa.l4/// Curry:. • Urvt. I.leut.Col. ant 1. Q. ttl, 6. ON ERN MENT SALE. 71CrESIVE. AA LI? OF DRY GOODS. BEDDING. &C., In Original Packages!. Will be nil at Auction, at th° of Parcr7othi Ws rehouse. No. 17 llartet sltuet. A a , k•llic, SS TUE.S.DAT, Feb. - no/7 a. ma. 33131:133:: 0 =n 7 t ,(1741 f all Staltrasses, jointed, tdd:o Halo Pillosset 47,0 k) And Ticks: =OW elklrliterptrits. Linen :end :in; •MoCe Mosnulto RArs; bl.CtO Pillow Casts: te ISO Illlots DO, OCO Sheets. Linen sot CilaiCrr2ElF2l. 7 0.000 Sheets; Draw Gri: 7:Ndst Dressing Gown'. 194t0 Socks; Indke Slippers: 10,1= ictsbt c. 0.; 81171..a51VL133f3. 54.000 Towels, COll Lite, buckabscs.. 17,000 Roller owcL, =ea; 1.000 .51apttns; • 2000 Ita.l.Flannsl; " Ontta rercbs Clgtll 4.000 Gatta Perdu Blankets', LOW India Rubber Cluhlova and ['Mows; I,tOrCanyasnaßldiPta*:'. 1,000 .‘ Clamant Cask: 10,011 peon& Oskant and Tow, . Cotton Vala s .o9tton3Vaddlart, Tape; to A mall tar lion of toregontn at-WU* an 4e , co d-h.d, 45dMIlltbeso aoparatet7.• Itta mat tun new and Akotigtast paqaarta. Cots lo„uea may De IDad'ort RCR Ours. and Ilvr: Camel C. S. )410,1Gtel - - Veidleal Patrreor Dr 6.4. A. GOVOXIMENT 1341 . 1 E. • • • Large Sale of Fine Sargica'. Instruments. Will he sold al Auction, at the Medical D. rseroe' Wmrebense. Public humus, linahrlll. Tenn.. dm TIIDSDA.T. Feb. 13, 153.5. ^AA General Operating l'nset3l 15 51Ior do do :5 Es n sectlngund Trephining radc•. C. 5 Poet Along= (..3ses, large ; 1W Dissecting Caren 5500 roeke. Case., two aids; TAO do .do Sh/MelbidSs 1W EtOmn eh ?Mops, put flute-key r A lee - Pb Teeth Extruling Instruments: 500 DAvldson's Scli-InJeclitlikSTringc‘' • I.oool4earillestorU ' , • ' IT-050 Cupplng.ol.tssei and Tins: 1,50/ Trusses, Ungle - Ind double; 1,400 Sels.cof4s . . ,o:oToneniquets.•&ll.patterns: I,FOrilard Ihabber Sdrges, ...tog stge.• ' • '. 1900 Sets Splints, all Arm Stethoscopes. Tongue Daprognars. STilngot Itypt desscale, &., Obsteirlenteusi, Speculums, Laud, &e., &c. &s. 3 Loud, sod t ialf 6 s , h , e , f t oregoltig articles arn . seconi I punter. The be sr entirely ues. rue general Onegathlf caeca contsl. 110"truments for ompotalionN. ex4octiotnt, calfoperation, operation., and sets' of Catheter. and Mounds. At ~ ,m e Parr, on REDS Dr Y. February Ll* IN - 1.1l k noltt. .11 ...dr. of New Stank Books, MattOnerf Wrapping raper, and Standard Medical Books, coxszsriNdes r.tar 140 conic.. Gray's Anatomy . 50 • Pangllean'a Medical Dictionary " Practice 'Medicine. Wooda`. Be. neva,) Watson'., de. tr. " Daltorro Y./1.161010M EC , • Virchow`t rntholoiey; • " BurretT=Orasib - Ertcheen , Fereneo• de., EC..; • • s•ID'U. B. Diapensa - toryt 60 • • BeeVstlnrieprmience: Ea ••• 1ortal:0d Plearmlar. Co" ThempenticabAymod and iittlie: `' Minor ' .Surtelml •Anigomet To Chemistrr Yownea; ' •• Webster' Dictionary, dc.. de., 61.0 Blank Book., 4 endues Cap, hound; 1..14_,~~0. . 1 0.1=le Ainnd: f: ice pew= Wrlttatil`aper, mei, letter and net 3iranndur.: • sunned: I,oo`l Intztinada,:eamlona Patternat` =MO Eneel k Es. *Astarte= tablitan Ord..Zabecilaneiroet • - bantesof the Meillearßoolo are second-ion& iw,- I.ll.lacaoldfice_tar t = 44. l.Ytaluga, rlitetirient olittn -111 ••• t miErviame, Eyt. u. ''jiii.rid c " - • • written! PurreytirO. .11 Alum sA.tx 'soir CONDMIE. , I.I4CVD'ORIANANCEMIES. ii..118E1C3.17 Old Pora`CcintA e ' 4 ldi UdatillseArdirtof taimi.maklownwo.k. -..w . g1nut.1 1 145.455.r.15F1Z414°E1f T 46 • )11CO, P eWNIf f i l iallitia C4Rimr d elf* '1 igAftt•carytitArniirerteliildriaa. . • et, IntOullw=ciot-iiildlO~railtads 3 C ' liortamot..l{rotta: Rdr.,24 ,pdry 3 41 lindlo v el. ' • Z.= antteriCal dist. g7itiettld cant! ttir, for .einewtiwnPre and 113cd wand. , punreatarybestkoarliPpdr.ioletneh. •=tßecentt-LenalN , Baii"Addnae, ;d%1I 1 " . • ELLo Meite..ROTrPalro`3., SID Musk eteandlitnim, trinianfiCl3re. t _nevernd repaired: •• - • 301 idirelinit rElSesift&usll-UN's Vilelol. Arid repaired: r. • O Vemottiellorerfacti; 41. 51,'ne.we Ir. Bowerlitlmadias. Culikno, "nrearlirs , and "Starr`a. , . 21 4- Brder: "ftenrybifw Mal ellpencer`e." 3Snaketa and Bides, V. Fa and ;prelim man; facture, of warions calibres.. l"2,7.llewoheeiti-u•Colts.`` "ilietrdigton `a" m le.f.ancheni • a.nfe. at wady. I, VI Sabre9 and Bwordl. • '` 3,441,000 Barrels of limn Cotilddeo. Bow earbi 3 i A I.rict i rei . 2l . lAl:iniiit r il nt gent; ar4 r 44 WO tot ei. Infantry and Carolry Account,: 'menu and Rorer Lonitnnents.' A foto!' Bops. Munn, Buckles. Blom, t voter et /oda nismiltry-df Smith sad Gainel Ora . Toola. An=Dina of Small Arras ash be seen at Yeit4Moti• ikniu and Ulna it, 8., Ordinance Adear.l. Worth divert, Sew York CLO. • Thirty days will be allowed for the reneweto heavy ordnance. All othere mares writ bee denntr.' to be removed within ten days from date of tale. Trams tfAiii—CAMida ' - • ' ` _T. O. BAYLOR, . Cant. pfOrd. and Uri: Col. U. A., Coral., Jan:T . :kb • HASHEESH CANDY HAsEußtski HASHEESH, HASHEESH, HASHEESi TIIE CLI.EIIIIATED ORIENTA.L VITALIZER, 33 GENERAL DIERVINE:i - TLS BYLVaIi ORIENT CO.MYAN , of Poste .$, the onle Importers of the employ tio3hoosh Chart cw introduces° the cdttsens.of.Pittabargia ,and iy a remedy stitic.h tor ages boa been. known eastern countries as the moat potent tot the 'cure a ondtittide of diseases. and in the language of::: ociehlated, Professor in the Calcutta Medical Ct.i lege,. has forages constituted the principal 'elem-71 I. oath, popular medicine. am ong. the uriente. The article non offered to tpe Ameohnsn public the genuine Hasheesh Candy,-so wltritirr - tleworlb; by Bayard Teylor. and which - , for cantos:Les bent the theme of pact,' and philosophers, but c,- . 7 In to•its remarkable , and uncertain Minton. the standedien taken in. crudastate. Width° e. 7 aggerated accounts siren, of . by entinattet,- tourists, degree of dlstra It has beretelbre exist . ore tkupart of the people °Chile country. se to t practical benent as a ° popular modlelneytnd pr bap. nothing bat , had a greater tendency Idltteresti.l thhilllottukt on the Patti of, the.anost. intelligent oar people than the worn retently pursued by . ::; certain New York content: by offtring to the pd lie an utterly worthless pre_paration . Mader the rept fie name Of , hasheesh fldyt, , artd at the sat time-catering to the morbid curiosity on the soar% it"l thousand& to altoen its effects so described - to Costal Of3lorste Cristo, and Other eh:War outho:-. irp - aiirti - Vie genuine: linaleesli'Caddy, eilikrating properties of tbo crude I.lashei”h oxixtlettl•l*.choutiesleorobtraSions, thus -rsirderll7,--; It • safi l eieuara apd cFrtalu cure Fur • Etlidi.GL4 • LOW SPIRITS , NEILi'OUSNE4 - - - - - - AND ALL DIEASES OF TIM HEART AND tmcGs. N. SL—Beware of a worthless article under • liar name, 4.1,1.1 purchase none. without the. papri;.i . of s et. Boston, Orient Company, IN Weaning - G.. street, Boston, oroteach box: Price SO octal an per boa. Fur sale 1, , ,e Drug Ca te gcacraliy Wholesale Agentsl for I cansylvanla--Totinqto.. BollowaYl.Coaden. rhilasielphiat B. 1.. . I fatuat . lock &Co, and DlcUlarran tr. VG, Flltsbargh. I atiLit:cothis EDUCATIONAL. rrIIE WEST CRILWER ACADEN.:;.. AND '2IIIILITARY • INSTITLITE.,-.The Setot Terro of the,bcholaatb: Tear, continence, on the 1:!: ofFebruary, and close, on the .TAlt of June next. Boys and - Yonny'hlen thoroughly preparettfor alnesa or College. The Illinclyu_U who la abo head teacher, le wasted TEA ‘ gentlemeg of A0l 4 ::, We, tut and experlenoc. Haying burchaeed the largo And gehc.l property neat Ntmel Chester, lately occler,Ks by the Penneyivarda Illlitary Academy, he dealgt rcreorlng hen Echoed theta In wrewweelle Atter mmotal.the Military department. thumbge prese: very crack newed gourleblng, will be - ILE - engaged. 1 7 -:, VPr elt'z'lr4e-aihtfarliTT.PliPlVta. taletlmer orATO4Cheatere PenelL,' josEpri ADAMS, Dimas*, Con ( 7, }ot tepz 2, 3 r oupt l ,corna-g p inAmozn u M. P olt Ottt.CClMOxkus Ito= l i t h. Emu,. .aMN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers