ESI . ~~~i~.#l ~~~~~jl'r~ftc.. 12 hy. FRIDAY, JANUARY s i mcE*C. A DVEAT/S4LS wargirett that hereafter .11 TIU, _.... - -74014prisertIsemeirts retired tlatrothee matt be w .1;9,. ku °5 4 in,neen e the ease of 1c !:. -14 tPrillez 1 4• whore .b!!is , wtll De reddens .~a~KtrlT an vavaT ;! ~hdretlde~e rill please k , cnn e. ta for ad' 11.2 + 1 rntntnd, idi4te lank.- 14 .T - • •• - •*, • ertee ofOaf ktatvtall - and .Erertfeg eAlitioan is ..tilt...eosin terve . trotaper,borr. e!:rlld_P.T-Plo,4ql#VlP.T.X6i.t-E1; I t l !• - .04T RI OLOnt 116. 0174VAss. j" . 4st'Ye44; qui SW° Corttetitiox, of the -- two political• paities into ahichtho citizems '..F,eniiiihranlit, arc diiided did not meet , tilitintoPte Stutnner. On neither - side was 'of excitement en , gon'46 rargy - o,fing tc , • the tsbhll4l afentliiininitetieftlieoffieestolie • • 111141tonl thd - peattlint tionutioned .1. .. 1 iitY.;. - Voittikkiiittkiheanbalion: The demo " yr k te .: (4ol s lo l-0n- kt Mhtthi".`:*l *ere Ibt ellrlEY'lliaillegfiAfillt.b, the; result, 3ome , , 44014atue or 4,1 a %mates: on, ac: Waix.aexi the chair - : A lau •. „Y f) Itettiao; with the fl .: mt.emteriaotind thomost ottrnent ein)rbvi •-• This' .yetti are ea ,led (fait' that Or tith itenioern.4 ifarch bt thntiltlfreoiitithenistn March ' A tilt ' eitioinintni;;pillets of , congress aro to bo elletietti adAltion ttismentreottheLsgis lump ir,tel tiousind irtmtotileern- 4sl ni• nod ittatehtlitteratmittplodteof 9tlr Cow-tn . , whole termer noctitieviet‘pirern ' Mare). it It, Intselstledbr.he l',.tol4ture now lobe ,ehosau,. = - • Ovoi• anti - beyond ihtee considerations there lare, certain element:, which wilt neetts „sortie; enter Into am tsztenst%:Xelating not , -'at unteitttm lintess of tho ~itaten*Pa,lo principlm. inVolved in the • • different( pallciesstot recottstructiow which ltavtfiieiltrt c!tgial"--iieicattei be, presented, Nu dealt azt attempt will-be madotodrag gerieraltimithin of Negro fluffing° into Such attempt. it. ,seents to us, 1 1 ,6hiciertirwnt. Iran amendment of the Cmistitution of Pennsylvania, touching . Alutt.polrit. wee &Arca, ittmino‘ by the terms , of the Constitution itself, be initiated ' for seVeral years to (tonic , . No scheme ha's yet in xes bowed fortionl in Convent' to confer , the right otsufrage on the blacks in the:State moonily in rebellion. An ameachzwei4usj-Ildeed, heel;k' PrOPised to the Foderal-Constitution whiclvir ratified, - - will - mike tt par4Mintereet:prm'e Soalhera Striusler adopt manhood suffne, , , , e. Noth , ing nu* * , Is intended, or; at all events, likely to snowed. Thin: the Sitillugalluestion will ultimate ly Matte up for rbview• in the different ;statue is more than,probable. Such review nuty , be poi4nmed, hut it cannot be pernm nent4„':nit*ed. .Xmonir all. nations tu twiticho the. popular- element is respected AltitfOlti” a i t ypay drift. of sentiment, towards manhOod ter universal suffrage. Even in Imperial-FmnoNtothe full extent in which the people - are 0.;16:110Wle4,0d a-, factors in thelgnforinnent, every Male -citizen, no matter what bin color, in allowed to vote. In the ifttibid Staten the proctsa of investi turo halo intett ohatractod, and men turned backward; but they prevailing current of the'%l4edmrldartliStand will ultimate. iv be ibit nab followed. Isl:ttextbb suffrage quention mines up in vyrmayanfa, we judge from what we ti.e todileari . ithll4llho proposition will be for a conclitionedhlain, smut that an educational 0n0,,;* '4Wuxi° glero arc) persona in each of the pontimi.parties, who, animated by very Algo.rt. Ortifotivw, would prefer a pr.,- patials4 ti/11:11 . hpod voting. Ail such art. n sc. il't•Tni ant tXnatequential- n'inatter, it hi worth while for every citizen to reflect fully before deciding. pr9eisely what policy to fn-Var svielt- tq Icrotrat the suf frage question, not from one aide; but (rota ail sides; piat. 4uehing one. race!. hat all :+a64e need bi;no Merry or precipi tation in ' , defining positions. It IS more sq fully before reach ing a conclusion, as to make the doelsion F.. f.irriyed ataliproughly Intelligent. That an active yeditlent eanvatia ha+ inti lieitlea, as welt for the hinders QM for the r masses, of. liar people' . does , not - admit of Mirtalli..atfords - great advantages ass popular educational three. Ceamily:lg that acme men speak - lathering.. who Inadequately comprehend the principle they undertake :W - PrEP 4 2. , ?,44 tlth9rta. aro oak icabned with those grand semi merits which in= t 'Are sumensful , nppeals to the higher and fat i Lulties °llium:in nature; and that - Stilt r ottn;re rumore.linent an :alma and Si4tintivon Mattel:4 of ticrienii pitliand mo= nient,kelittuustheconfussN thatetthorough caniliss TalitW faith Many iphakers en !felted Pawers; Sandalled with =' Landsat hnowledge, and animated with enlarged patriotism and philanthropy. , • ••li!4P - Piltikellk . fr of this igNe..F_,S.arteapow , erruthitiitMee;. fibeaximblnit'efforte of allot them lilt the marunnnity up to a' higher level of thought and conduct an all putilie4nSilicidS. - • baring the last - few yearn this hag been abundantly - verified. But for Ifheinketoddtr•of politkajsubketAin popn :jb . Os• , na: ' lrymen.itlramtntef3tgence . and permeated with loye for the Union and and for Liberilr,.the repablio would have homillariithrOwr4 Without the coatinu. anoo of such *disonsalon at least ball the ad vaptagitliii.frnstit ltrt4gle "will be frit , -terestawwpantbipot ,-- fosever..-- - -Tho discos _ blow of thoitcaittiir and autnmn, will 0F42 exhaustive- and wet Montt not the victory will bo on the side of substantial., ingress and- -enlightened TEE NEW JUDICIAL DISTRICT. , . The bill having passed creating a new ju dicial districtout of WlWhinz•ton and Beaver ceuritlet4enir, friends in Thimo counties are ousting - qt . /uit for a candidate to fill the place of Judge; Happily, there is stanaik ance of g00d...;. Material in the dietelet, awl this removes . sR.. excuse for appointing a urangeif the place. Wallit,'Aet county, it is said, will pro rent W...6-iinUmort, Esq., a gentleman In every way uittililloct for the place, and one it hb will ptefilde Willis . dignity and tuba nanity imrptiseed only by his legal 'AUL The Beaver County Bar, we lea= from the . Xtestyer titrintS, Lag, asked the appoint, E:C.. l . l o l nruLuii req.. of Necr t ilmJi - pufs46:6l n o is etto:''Oatir;ded, refined, high-tonal gentleman,..ind-is always found acting the part that =fleets to•adit- uon a profewinrial twit. , bis'irtunding, l ie is universally .admitted to...ite,a- very -finolairYer,' Well read in an Ste Irranches. -Noare ago the ta. Rgatzecv loader - of the Bar said - to the writer ad and that Chemberlinf, Was-the best rohint inforine4t MAU the ficovatattir.:Ave b'elieveMe- remark to ha literally true. Not In law but in liter. ' , ErtUitiMtd Sai'Mee rifr- . llrtlsJaetly llil lttfid to be more - pronetent than most of ,ibejeadinglaWyers or thee sta..miephar. :faner. la • .5b0):'0 I le,ig, always fatiral 66 - Minnie of morality p ti d Eittedi,,,d inible im independentin il t t aillmroneep nbies,alwayS, r pritict p] and equity as he muter. stands it. Ts ills friends; , ble parly, , hle country, he Iwo ever !Ten ruitbfli'• Cu 7 (4'4 DfoLsolf-macrilleing:' muliOl Of coursu, Mite any part in n wiruggle betWomi these two gentlemen for - this Im-t we &lire ib ray it, stir - VirnolhisigiOn - eininty fees uhi dust w.. hive *Mown Afr, ( 1 4a,unutimar for ninny years, toad that he is fully • deserving of all the praise isulkiwod upon lath IV tidy extrrul, 'We royilll an duo from us - 'to an old and valued friend, without inienghlit to. Mke arty part In whate'ver difforenec* may arise theat!tOr'ilealn-naftitstroltoloo j e.± tlr,4 prop4i.nusttr. .11.1 DUE LA II HENCE ON TAXATION .lodge Lamfenee of obio, in discussing the it-rnArfilment 1., the ' , op:that... propos ed by the Joint 'intunitten on Itneoristrn.•- iiiin, took the position, :t ~,m otet o, Ow tei et...rapine report, I lint pro..•nl it bin ow,-11: to be apportio n ed - oulite basis of the adult male voters ca ho IF.. that di rect taxes might to be apportioneti on "tin. basis of property." . WhLther the Judie: talked liku flit . acommlished Statesman or . an shallow demagogue,. this, meagre report do, - -s not ciutble , us to determine; but we half suspect he acted the latter character. The firm: clonSti of his proposition would , throw out or gigc9mpplatipti fOr represent- • tathin allthese'i . ,.'cliers4o - ,tho ...Northwestern Stites , - Who ato AMC -citizens, -that Is, the.. aliens- who are allowed.l.o.roto upon IA declaration ati,Kolehatentions to become , 4ot lietarana property 110:Iasi% Of. taxation is -teat . 1 50 apporortt., So touch lon' clap-trap !Rea' reinded to on.. this paint, py,politicittnaxtto ate pot staies4, turn - that RV diSfia.4 Ither'theiilfeiligettoO r oate liOnesty l 4%M:o9Onmottly bot.4-_,,t4 • :Moulin° e s Paratin or 8110 . , phra2lesi : ",'. per ' end thelike , terms Mar score to isnvreen ditraept sorts of - Possesalons; 'but, in es .kneerat deseriPlitlMS of property -ought to ; 14 "Pi ri t e4 Y.50 j ,f il )./i. " ..ifOr 4err4Ying public For along peri td and untie "quite recent is.. Ahem nus . u strong_ pro,dttitiort', to satinfolanOti .. prOtrlynithail: direct tax es.: for the attpport . • -ofrtho . f gaVernment r. ..9 ,61 k 6 r" Pi ; Pd. generic'. 4.;onottiep.irt mown, mast. ardronitatitner 'of other :ovalky,'Or niOM ° prod ue air, which has restiltedfrom the latest typo of 'tiVilliatfoa; bas - roodified Ideas and prac flee in respect to taxation. The principle trigerted tho new' 'federal system is so just and efficacious that it has forcibly corrimeadeditself 'for adoption in State and munitdial c hmation. A nom has Os absolulo a property in his capabilities of physical or mental labor as he can have Ira railroad stocks or in houses and lands. : The -mart who tan command slv. WM:lt:sand dollars a year for his serchw-s, L I no matter in what kind of honorable cut- I ploy mem, has a capital of ono , hundred thousand.dollars. in his capacity-, which is as available as it would ho In any other cit , seriplitinuf estate..- It is, indeed;liable to the peculiar etneertainke of fining health, and tho Certainty of approaching old age. But fluctuations in value from these anuses, and exposedness to losses, are not so linneh greater than Itt many other kinds of per sonal property, as superfiCial observers sup. p 3 1 42. is there any reason why property In capabilities shanicvescape taxation, than. does riat . npply equally well to ocerellt3ns of real property which are the product of these. .. - apabilitiest If them is a reason, we hay, failed'to dissever it. el h•s4 1 S Judge Lam - tame§ is also, if we under stand him aright, open to another objw. Lion. Under a system which makes every adult male citizen avoter, and yet assesses ull the direct.taxes on ono or a fbw sorts of property, it is easy and sometimes pleasant fora majority of the voters to decree heavy rides of which they bear none of the bur den. This is an extreme case; but a princi ple is best 'contemplated in the light of ex treme instantvi„ It was just this view that led to the adoption of the sound maxim that "taxation and representation shotdd go to gether." If a man pays no tax himself, he has uo right to occupy a position that ena bles him to vote taxes to be paid by his neighbor. The amount of taxes that a man should pay to make him a voter is an altoce. ther different ques tion. Taxation , ought io be strictly pro portioned to property; but property ought to lx , conStrued in its broad and natural annse, and not in a narrow and artificial one, if a men PaYs but a dime a year in sw end that is really ratable to the property. Ire possess6i, that contribu tion ought to give him-as full a voice In the znunagr;roenterpublic affairs, as if herrsid a million.. In partnerships and corpora tions a more stringent role is applied, of gi Nina , a man votes in proportion to his property interest. This rule grows out of the fact that all the interest. involved, Is one of property. Government reposes on abr sit much widerthan Ahls. VITTSBIIRGII AND CONNELI9VII.I.I.• IpITLROAD CO3IPANY. • Tho city of Italtinaore in 185 t. haaned $ cuo,coo to this Ommatny;tbe whole of which runt was expenided . in Pennsylvania, In nnotructing the work. With the accrued interest, thboadm la now $1,00 , 3,375, and Is secured. by :first mortgage on tho road, rOlingstoolt and,rovenue. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Corn , pony hold Oahu Of. abollt 853,793. This claim &oaf - data hi: part of 15,000 shares of Alleghonystook., which cost about 0,000, and the whohi gives the President and prl vote Stook directors of the Italtlmoro and Ohio Railroad Company the control of the road. The ?resident and Board of Dirac.- oars of the.Connellsrille road are chosen by them; and - some'or till:Pavan, stock: direr tors of thollallimore and Ohio Road are In the Connellsvi/le direction. The growl earnings oftbe road amounting to te191,33.3,- ,X, hott ye ar. are controlled by them_ 'This statement explains why the city of Biltintoreis resisting In the coons the re peal of the Conneßsville charter. At onetime theitaltimoreand ohio Com pany proposed to buy the claim of the city, and aim:ugly made an offer for but the offer was not ..nmepted. Afterwards that company, upon an overture being made, de clined distictly to make the purchase. The reason given was that the advantage in dis tant* fcom Cinnbarland in favor of Pitts burgh over Wheeling would be detrimental to the Wheelingbranch. These facts are all brought cut in a recent message of the Mayor of Baltimore to the City Councils. After detailing the nets the Mayor expresses the opinion that " were It not Car the violent opposition that has al ways contralleSl this President of the Balti more and Ohio' road, hacked by the inftu ezweof the powerful monopoly ho contruL4, an independent road from Pittsburgh to Baltimore would now be approaching com pletion." This commode very strongly with the pro teatatiens, rec'ndy made Ina publiespeeeh, by Mr. CannErr, the President of the Bal timore and Ohio road, and to which we made reference immediately follow ing its delivery. Wo make no question but the truth of the cto7 is with the Mayor. Tau :NOW York World, referring to the bill introduced into the legislature of Vir ginia, to repeal the black code of that State, Veaks of it "attlite Lcat kind of evidence of the Justice, the unprejudiced good sense, and the maim] wisdom with which the ne&-ro Problem to being taken up and han dfed by those who are to hive with him. They show that the real friend of the blank Is his white neighbor, and not the `klorthorn fanatic who elatners for negro suffrage be. cause he thinks it a means of keeping hold of political power." If It had not been for "the:Northertilanatic," however, thbOdll would never have been Introduced. Vir g:olin find.s;_fitim the stubborn stand token by the majority in Congress, that nhe ha's no chance into the Union until she tiliewit something like justice to the negrop. o nd if "the- Northern tanatica.7 in that body, Lad not taken thislirnt attend, her block code wauld have remained 'nano: }sided. She yields, not from °good senso" or "pruntitati whalem,” but frOMneMssi 'l'm: Itopublicofts of Lanca3ter.. have Willlritlitted .11.1114 IL Hatiti:' fo mein- her of tfi , , Logi,luttloy in ihnopi DAY Llo4l/111t,t*MW,:fols- MED T PtSit A It V ring the progress nf the tt or. ittithun,l the ,sssitary ill, Tr 10 T 1 1 ,1. 11 . 1' ti•vosJ l 4 of 111011,V, 011 ....IP NM mains it o•tild got, 111.43, this WM, 1 oxis,lient fur getting large stints on te3ltertrzy:ll*lt. which could not uth,,,o_ li ntot.l.t d for the use of the goverrtrn,tni, not that necessity has passed away. The government isnow reeed ring enecighmoney front Its daily tovenue to (tarry on Its ope rations, and the occasion for. this temporu ry loan basing CCVE4I; the law atithorizlng it should be repoaleiL at oruvi for, Just now, when the Slatelkiholielary. affairs Is riot very prom- Lsing, lenders thadit saferto puttheir money intolhe halide's:Pt-the ..govertussent at tiro par cetit'Ostito§etArk call at -ten days ho , . Coe; lAkeir seCoriaiy. - orlizsuciaLlitiossg beisis. The oonsequetax flint c' gcNenament - ireceivem uTuslr to thersa quarters of k ftssisill.).o,44,Shise When It does not ve it, and is ttnisotnnpllod to pay Interesi on - racisey;whlsh It luieps lying Idle in it, vaults. The halunco in the hands of the pinnint Trensurer, nt New York, in now nearly' ninety millions, and it is daily in crtntsing, otx3uteßrenty millions of which ' ten days: call. The govern ment is thus 'guide a Mere convenient, e for indnka Men, who have .moro money on hand,lemporarily, Omni they know how to neoprofttably.. Before the wax the. sum of km ultilion4 good working holone.• at 'llie'lqt.W.ntrk.sitU2Treasbry; nod it iithytiurt If thle ternixwar3j Loan- goi ricl of; twenty nilUlouv *wild bo u tettonte now. Then, carry a bmiant* ninettnillioni3, upon seventy millpmv .4 which we nrettet!lo to Internet, and fro'u t which we are ro 2 SlVlng : no 'Oat whatev..r? 'N'Venubmtr, therefore, tint the low au . .liorfaltittlierecUlpt • of temporary deposits on . interest,ishould be at orOo•ropeoled, atul :tra Huth There le eerintnly now n:s'UOOd'finkin irciN:ernsunit should make' itself the hanker of the temporary leadeis Lho comnitialy. ' "Ifitanarormir rArresponclents of the Philadelphia Ilawspaperek agree alas there tv no bopo•eatorbainel fur tho plecsa,zu of tht. bill arteorparating ther'Oent ral Railway tirrnptimy of Penntßylvnoln.' Tho Harrisburg correspondents of the Philadelphia newspapers probably know no more to this. subject than some other conmspendents.' Our advises from Harris burg are of a very different tenor. We are assured that there Is but one difficulty in tho way of passing the bill to incorpor ate the • Central Railway Company;, and that is eta' explanation and understand ing between the various local intorrets in volved, and looking to connections with the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad. These applications for incorporations are so numerous and represent so many inter ests that they clash and interfere with the. general and prevalent opinion that the Central line through the state should he seciwpd. If therbiAs failure it will 1111.1 muse just here. KOONT; AND COFTRUTlL—Referring to the repoit of tho Election Committee of tho }louse of Representativee in favor of Cot.- rrarn, in the contested Election case from the Somerset [Pa.) district, a correepandeut of the Chtunbersburg /repository says: Becaoao VollfroM voted for the Anti- Sla veriamexAdmetiL/24neavion. soma mem bers belleVa that It is (hie to him give him ncrw, no matter how tairly or unfair ly he was elected. Wen COFFNurru dove trio vote for the Anti-Slavery Constitutional amendment, we stated our belief that he did it with n iew w this very nwult. Ile we, fearfully in digunrit at each an imputation, andao were his fritmda; but here in proof of it, ow r.nrifixt. GENERAL NEIVIL Tea Llivetamt Lftyrad of yesterday hoe en imeourit of the terrible sufferings of a funny of refugees flout Mormontom tbe only aunt. 'ar , of wEbtokWakfticuoil a taw dasicatrote near llotmilJrnikariu. Laurent. county. fa., /slog uPart lbogwge4, :torso olden to Matta. ny her amount, abr. bay mother, aunt two young er abiteraAott from bait lako GUT, and her mother tutd_llisturs perldbed by the way before they reaches:Ube Sthise. She tame on and as r fog at„ldiddloseat,liereer county. re. tier, ahe halual for alms days; not stoppinit, • how u‘er: in s amittesbght.itopid barn near the town,. pettngner. eta , to ;this place alm"foll among. Iblosdipichoise . tbitives. Then,: .eiontsclibkOonfOsSea, took advantaged her poverty and apotasity antiVolated ber person, and then Adae horse, put, Afterward thereou, and tl red ert 'her to 011 Afterward iptio wal found .fitti. o 9adithrrt statad.above. Yanlateategattament in London lathe great co:44 l BTO_ tkiktilSteSatherfhe'S Docks, which de.tro3KPrOgerty to the Omourit Of masers! talloneor ddista, and lrbt bls auppreatcl to have been.the 'work or inectutlarles. These eniebrittegfdbeka; comprising two docks COll - by. a •bariin„ are Mtttnted liounallately beloli - thuTOwer of :Ando°, end cover an es - tent of twhitty-foor acres, . The combustible matertaleadvng the goods on the docks had protablytaUchlti do al sore:Whig the names and In Making the harp one of the grcsitest tiebs that harp visited London for Loney yeaviDasi. Tar Tleorta eorayspoodcat or the gresth Lloyd refers toe recent Interview of air. Mot ley, U. 6...lllltlster to - Atolrlit, with Goan, idensmierfis arrirreign A Mites of frantic flceeph,- whlrti the American illplottuittst Jerold& to. hero spoken In strong butdrieadly-terets. of-the stlnastlshirtion pro. -decal la Lbw United States to consequence of the alleges' enlistment of troops in Austria for IhrixtiningiVii arnay,Lentl to the probatitllty su: the event or the ountlnuatlon of midi erlletmtuuttasj,-she's Preeklent of the Unites" States would retaliate by permitting 'recruit ing in /Merles tor Tap WaahlaVoa Oronmespondent of that rel. el caul Deteneratfolournal, Ihe Richmond EA ft/n/haT, giVC. not ea that repmpa. 10.11 at the rebel-al WILT debt. to Iw WIC of the planitsof the reronttruclr,.l SOu theca platform * .l'here u• no doubt of that, and the elrutualo.. cation la Arlarb It t, elated by oar Richmond cottruporary Is entirely utiuec.:ansrv. 'rile 0011th in (or repudlat Is inattur lot roar..,. uli the Northam Democrat,. are with them Ceittigo IZE7Votlei /Imam lusimics lino recently finished a fuLl length statue .01 Elam,' Everett, ululated during the lifetime of the subjorl. !le is at prevent at stork upon en bleat bust or tie," the daughter or Oceanus Mal Tethys, whom •• Apollo deserted for' teuothoe. 14 is pro. nodneed by competent critter ednal to auy of ills fOtmer were.* wooderfal beauty. A tiroams paper expresses the opinion. that It would be sound policy To cooler tbo right. of "ufrnago IMOn certain Masses or cOlormi per. seise, and thee rdsethe .retruatalng classes In. centivea,to intlitoYeinfirrt so as to secure for then:waves ateo kids inestlivable privilege. Tar Congregational meeting house to liumstorn, A 11.1., built in EMS, anti tit whic h the thliegu • commtrisensents have beim veld for seventy 'w 'years, as totally de. firs strayed by lest , Jusersi. Peahen, Of Stoneham, Rano, I, ninety' yeareOld,tual has one huneredaud Oro of ehlldretfitpa greagramdchildrn. Nine of them war n s the war uudehrht of them re. turned, all Mat trite rlthOut a scratch. . A Year WaXge paper spenks Of what it ealli Mnportentrailrotel project, which condone plates the construction of a road tram nu. eenneS,.//lci s to, ImUanapolls,yhvocr Yort Wayne and TOICIP). A coltrelf r hay been /boned In Gents - vide, fry., 10 prevent the e antral destruction elfish In that Mato and to Introduce artificial prep, Citation of them., idea boron! the Legisluturd .unlne , into to n.emne and pay all the war debts lanurrea by the vations cltler end towns, • Jr lw obtimated that thirty towe o(a bite pa, per are eaeddaily lu Liu ula.a u Owl urq ot papet collars. On. bus lwnn atrnek nett,. Ort.mtnr, kin., hnly fifteen feet below .111. e.ortnev. ML. - .AL2 . gI . j• • Z fa,i-FEMAILE I.II3V4ATIOVe-The Min Or rEIIittrARY A NI:S4: 01,muti,res1rh t ,, t i Court Moan. where - a rew '0.011i1.111114 ono Men tic admllltql. • 1494"./4" --- • . NOTICEs.- • lertut bi 1,1„ d." v.hranr cm ftndarker trial chin on pre. PlOrez— 7nap Ivl Irnt National 114nkj - .3Jr.,2ltvai At/ Trr. 3111,111 a. . U 1 IT6UUY ll' Jmnuary .15th 1411. t tfas-t—iit,;llll,l•4ll4V,T;CT°i" o hera ,A , c:o4 , cor hay'. de , 11,0,..4 rlanr r o F r i fin_ so Aix Inueolo, of PEN 001 ut, iarowtkir rtsiti stud Ile Ye IO Tweasti. ,thr.v . ..atuun s . 0r.4 antPwr b" r"'"'"in."tha l iViLI. J . • . . WANTED—A AT Olen 5 Spinner. A inn er: .:t7i \.T".''''."'..'.''l'-nd Z, ..tii..„;..WA:IILD--1-0001; b 1 , .., I 111 WI IC f: Y I C. 11 . A TED..--• V) . A 4; Oti Eli .-- A Sober , ..I ~, :rt-irl,,.t. DIU V }:/: cAn awl nteAdr vta plonA••ti I . A pils-,1 ILEYMEI/ A - B.A. iY./Iti So, 1 . 33 and I. WA,' . IVa lt p N ro l. l„ E abf!... - 1 et tialt:e illlnAlie rat a t i t e t r i A l , n „ In BI t.lng Ism la. A .lAre, for tin-, da,.. ' .1{1.1A Lt .. . Ilm IA Ann 1 . .... t Odic, Alirgharny count,. 1 . , 12 AA. .11:.,d IN n , —.l ,;i 7 ! ANT ED.-.A -61-8 AND aTEAM FITTER. Rolle nerd apply eut tint raze hands. hocel .Idl 1:1Ut. Enquire at T. T. E\\ h\ y successor to AMY ma. 106 Wood JO_ ALNTE.M-.A -Purchs r r for over FOUR LIRNDRED of Land in lowa, oranPachangc. tcortSty Froprt.:.he land if In Rawl ton 01.1//tY. adjoining Webster clt [ryes. The or art cm IX. urea at the Otarent ofnce, Carty day. from IV 0. X. tentll ht. , • AVAATED.--AENTs. T work of at:garbing Int t sall e a na .r a ralSre.-.l.lrant and bls• aktfo.m.. " r. °l i*` , 74? wain; . . 1, .,_ 17 fj . • • EttgV•Poliginrk."” WANTE.E.Era " red Carormers wanted (i sg A r io tts tairigehlsiku.rkyka. hut Isanctl. sattl. ri r u !„ r , now Hon 1412...r0ndzrrai2,11.,,!7,4 V:ncaing. wywrEa-u.acrei table flo r„,,a, kie`rllMllljers e cVKLA ' AV Y AT,,i I Y O iftin:p o t 4 OMVir "r i pt; ya b r . pßinaefh." Reforette•regols.l. . ?I t vet ..2.110.11,:t0C41°°4717:13ir .ud the EtlZTflitgig.Vt t ine'CliE" r tertesT '411 7 /1744 :Fdret :4"7:.111t.P1 M IT. G ttonz.sio , ig n sg rY A" b 'r 4 . "' 'e n"' 1' _ . vL , Ain I, thr., ,JurfMuth.. r and .ppc, xA iradt Vt'a b .t n t111•••:' - . • i.-o%,"‘"Zildr,",st:f nd naciadare. Ail other cheap ithirbloes are ‘- . ITSItt ' AZ ..I:3l;dAtr Gr e" . .its..dr.odx&wy __ iv' AIIITED—AGENTS...EINIPLOT ,. ai' Eon' leuTtlaNED soLtnric, ~ p ALL 0 1113 , 1.74—tirent Lode of Arrretrr, .Itvernare a, A. . the Ilainittan A 00. 'a lIICEAT GI. T OP , ..IMIAL7TION. Onragrata am making from MI re to ; 'Mar L ,i7„,"tr.v .. ,"4:7 = 4 . 7, : , r , r, - 4 . :ar t ..!.:7 f.r.o° AIMon Lotlar...Atpl • nalo ' as.orl wen I of Watet.., ... LAW. • 1.3 Gentivallea • J. , ..... r. of all klsolt, of the 11104 la•lflonAbto patt.rn. ... lna at sleanh. Send V.crott. for cortificato, and • ni will ----741 4 1 e What ynu e t re 4 gl.:1.1ell TO; op ,dellaS/, fi n.cti.n,.: ;,....ret.....T.,,1„.-n74 onrW7 b n an 7 or ' fi " : " .• .% llt ' llif ' ' ''' ' O'grlid"r nialitin'i'.ll4l" iTZ'ic r4 s „ "#.`6""N„.' , l l 'or47 . ak,ri.., 31.11o•rti •trcal, New TOM. I no 1. • 111EMENGS. SPECIAL - I; NOTICEO—An Agiourn cc! 11..0t0g of the trtcluibitat Captain, .11i Itc held 01 the ittionfuhr the Agent+. No. IX Walt, tt.. out TIILTINDAY MORNINCi "Mtb Inok, t to oclock, A. tt. A full &Coati:Ace &Amt. 11. ti of Itnport.ce wtll be brOttglat before Oho turellihr. By anier. Ja=:ltd or.C"11,111. ?Alm Iv,. NU CO.. Jkn TaKinig WILL , BE A oa/7 SPECIAL ` ItEETINIi of the Mack/solders of Chi. Cutostly, at JNO. fj, 81/INN'tt OFFICE, thertma strcct fv• Agittg:d T)FWE en:t! 3:101n.t.. et 7 Welerck. Ilaportiot bpatnen toe brought beforallue Mettislir. O. METCALF. Hocretary. VAST LISSEnTT...The riettlOid. -A-cccs LIPSkmI oflurtilUVA .I.lhe TIVIL rty mad vlclutty, Art. re1ue....1 to cut.ct at ,1100 UOLSE, of bald clllagc, 00 TUMMY' EVEN V itt L , [Att., ut 7 11: a ' nla k ri s ? i tit z h is pi ' f u ' O c c i bit tt i kr. " flefrdl l 4 , ttidrlLES, L . I , Ccnto Val?le..EVE4li. ilL / DISSOLUTIONS. DISSOLUTION OF PAIITNEII. ItHlP.—Theirtstuershly heretofore cc Istlns be meta the ottbserlbers.... the gym of A. H. 1.1 Att & CO., le the flame and Lumber h 0 tan., on Herr's tyland hay beta dtseolttd by L0utu01......1 the tastes 011ie company .ni settled by any of the members of the Una, at the office of the Comps• T. on flerVs Island. or at the other of Heckbard & t-ong. No. es Wed...eel Areal. Allegheny elty Al! Perseus ladebttd to sold Arm Will please ket. 107;r4,,...,1td,Ah05em 7.,ha,4,el,ll,l;lia.tztui the arm I lk t ie PHAN KOH t;r111'101 t 1 , 1 ['Ai Junta, Ihtta. la. - -,attltf TION OF 1.-I,llTNEil :;i..?."i.."7All2;:crtigiVeatntl'ao. 0,V67 a• r<1.11C1) FLI.r, I 0.. Ills Ines dteyolve Ihr too- Mal rob bb January /Xt. *A Id KOK., has - Int bought ...a sttdtrebtelfete. a hs.ln& .ta,tt rood eh ty.ttles, cont met. and 11, s the otallos tt.IVVY llt/Jl..kt/VIC .6011LM. Pityslivacp, r.. 4. I , o4.—jba wi DISSOEFTION.--Mtte Co-Partner- I 71t, :i.4% - ;r2 - 16i7A"e1: 1 "1!, , bleb disr , ,rel tr) ir.retat r 4.4.• 111.1ebialte the ban liens rettl lest Make p.a meta al./....04 those haying dainty yaln •ald eery. 0 1 1 =.l,°,leTal fattoreeP7-":'2..Z"."ftt, dallearbboy. J. ' W. /MIMIC? H PDX' AN RA oL Azubsituar. Jae lisk—lbia.rwr .1 - 11firsiiiiTricx or r beretahh, AsWhit untie the 4rmof • 4 4...11 , N LS a (X," h .41..Nhohni 4/ mama touusuf. Th e b0a.11.4 girt .. tU " Ur 14 '" '4"..a T. BUM'. tx ISET111110: ebeernottrftycs. 21 1. 1 . 1.4/.llas T.10:414 a. pr, Jr , my gl .I= I :"LZILr a % - g",=',7 4 ," 4 !,17,!1:1;t; of !AIM T. 116.. T Sailui, sae Itivbers, JA.3111. T. 111(A 11 1 PUBLICATIONS THE - • 11.- BANNER. Thl+ paper, in mtilitllltrlu 131•. t&tumble butler In noimellie am.. root.. to vow. .publithioo • .stem of britrir... •inrcom,r.eiri,,N, botrrti tfAßtlLLimbm ^ IT. /Muhl. , .1 the Thmehogleel Noaoloary or Out The,. art,. Ore are prepared with veal nate 17 atm. peat men, petent to the took, owl Ontibteco mock Tit:able in. fermne/leti teneetulng' he early lilmtortc ot4 tenulln•, !mting alvlues led 1. 1 141c1/tam. bablt• of Ilfo, rt..., or that parr et thr'ennut,m, meLLII an ho ob. coined oo tore Otto. TWO ST.'IIIII3III Wee ehreely appeared. 1.4 bi" Reel : vbn mead la their acme. AT ONl•t: root obtain thy tumbrro ft0(0 goo bririontos. ho Tlllfrlt olcb opt,. b F.X 7 It I. KA, mill bugle tanned MU - atlas. The bibs of the II A &NEN or, K... 00 or, ottoorm. to ttotrooro,t atilt:,;, whew 4041 tort 4 h 7 the rams. °A or 76 lAtlrtil &tr. •t. rittmLur&h. Andre*. JAMES ALLISON & CO je.r.:iumwr ENTERTAIN] ENT I. o. o. r. ENTERTAINMENT, TO Mr Ott r N TO 'Ulf. GRAND LODGE OFFICERS, LA FA I' ETTE MILL L, Nlonday 1:1 ening% Jan. 29. INGO. T(l► 'Ff.% N.., ..-Itobett 4.14t1•41. Nu. , OKL-IVTn. 1111,411, N... Jock- I No. no -,1.1.1 Melt half Frotu %bom Llatt• may b., übtathri. scr +4 , 1 , 1,-, in P. U. tii,krus EDUCATIONAL. • .• TILEITESTVIIIIESItnt Actacmv T • Arils 1.111.1T.11CY I —The liethlod of l e zr i , , ,h e n io4 L iale o n;• ,n t.:4 o,, flJ . l-4 Ho) einirt,"`„„ thOmniolly prepared fur lin doe/sine Coll. ye,. niorfival,' who II ittiio the firad Wacker:ll slid MN be TE'S iif tool And experinsre. fiarct.iied lilt lerpe Sel.r,litonerfluvairlV.N.l Clieder. lately Otto /1.1110•111 die u1111...7 nu...go id pro...ent, Iref tdt . reletd-1114 nOtlrtshltie. it 111 , "r t." ! t4U ' " M T !' 31 1 1r4 " 13 I\ IdVes. l midP, .1: I t (le, Poona: ECM= §HAWts WAIATJP, X2O If'irtlka S'itwoot, r .{..1, u: W 4.e• Sih7i A T clm' I .'w pluf I.; a. VARIETIES AND TOYS, I - ti .1 i oiron:4., to mum , . 811 .‘ TES- 11111.1)11.1::18 , tte.. • 118888. 01 J. 11. I,..AUFR••••• • Sn. •8/1 J.e.A 1881,1 •Irrtt. nr-sr nrth. BKAPING PARK. DES? ICS OF THE SEASON! V.. 1114 14111,1.1 04/.1..A. L., I • *1,3, =II WAI TEL . . 1 1111 SALE, the stork ao. - i I:tter ,•, oo •• ( Al. 1,-.7.0 1 1:1-1 . -113IENTI, , IN .11.1 I ITYAnds. a. tho proprlrt or s I. shom to roo. •. Lock Doi tio. 1 3 4, A /leitfi,,,T .14:7 FOU BA LE -- 155 acres of Coal, tttuale In equlth tow ..,hip, _ ll aaPlngtori too at: V. Penn.. Dear Int line of tilt httoben. IlatiroOl. at 311alwa) Itiollut, Shoot:I rolloo from It.. city. For further mgolloofl.i. li. ft/WEI:, talale Agent, Nu. RH Fourth .Irret. ono XVII. LI Aft CAIII . IIELL, on Ito. oremlvo. Ja:Toti I.on 4 two story Brick on Wexera arenue. Alleghrup. roma to. lug t ,,, krs room., bath-soon, large null and nu Rh, rarret: hot arvatold . voter and gu, In torry r. m,. Lot :-,I feet frulltby lett: strew' car. the aTt Lou, lip t l&flafe..spply era! rtryeL Allrghor(y. , — SAILET-41:.first clasitlfe.4l - 40 , eufabberY taut ;onto. Ntable arid goe-Aoon; Lot to feet fe u by (rot Atop; iltugto'orr aretald bank; • Allegheny. A 1,., 11:" ` 5117 .f !'). 1 4 11 .- 8 ` Tr £ y w ort. """. .11.411tald h coal!' ' t:0V:4 4 .4!/.i.1.:. .11 . V i . J.2l3l‘rdn FLILEt• On TO ttIENT-.-4 ttafgrAill°,! L iqz.T d na'Z'A PPM" a t arg Ueentotir4. l lt, beeck".7so‘;l".."P:t To°,°.'„%'.` her of years. Tin location good:aa Mar 1... eleafteur Wanly, trade. For torn and partjell faro. apply or J. KENNY:DI. 7i Federal treat, ,allegheny, 1.22,21.r.1 F°B BALE CHEAP. OF FIVE AcnEF, In McClure toaenshlp. the plertnlaot Jatnoa Old and J. S. 0.1,,:zet . t. Ito Irnpros, meuta an. plnln Prone Il•rellIn Frame Hero. Sr.; a Vint .4 on, ann..1.12 n 141,, Antal/re Iln.nund 11116, WIT h Trult In full bearing. A delightful Indlillng atte on the pl o ran be ....111 got to 114 the 11.-u , rr road ar AV ..••1•' Run Street kl'', 10 .1 1211 n . aA 1 11 1 1. E. No. le, 1'0 , 14,11 at.. W eln AllaFbeolnalreoti. or., 1 -1 ad1,111de.1,.. . I lph . la (AII ai Alia N. . 1:01/ BALE bIt.TU LET --. 11. c1 , 10.,d t.. 4t..7 sins , w 2 1.4 rrrl, trot enruerorcltalham, with wide ha/I. 11021/”. par. Jthing room a4l.ll.lteh4;j/ Ina Pro tour: roo.n. eorreapondlng on floor: roarl,ln noutloa le t•oar. large JAI', ~thin w nalnnteo walk .ton, on Car end of nal, Int, larre I. doa * a.l ce Iwo on, liar len It. or handing. 14.0.11. re of Dm 1. wtreet. o.t. h. Et - m• er. uert •rd .h.livered la Plit.harrh or Gen)'. Plow 11. au., and Pit Po.te, al Wew II 'rate-, Y. on .41.11tAl”rri(1, /Wortm, manly, kddreae. 11. K. Oh & e l.l •t !diddle, 31, o r TIP IS. N. Bon ilt7. or No. I St. Clair .4.. burgh. .1..1 . 011t %. 4 li LE •, - t. Voila:into Country Leeldesare at Kdry Wood Station, Pentenrivania Ur Prowl. unc and foot. 11.1lklunhara, seres a flne 110,0 I)w Ina conlatt lag ten root.l artn collar underneath rrnlt other 4.trOrt ••{1 11,. DO ttte premise, Yo, .furtber loin-not floe, eau al No. Kal Fifth .trees I'lltebosia., or the Prrrlie,,• .07:dy 1,1111 SA LE, EVITIII 11.11311EilLiTE A Et/S , ElsolflN, TIIE 31 , ./I ST 1101 . 1. TT. AT WOCIDA . RES ST ITII , --TIM., sr.., of Load. Brick Drrelllnf.. odill IQ ,o.r. lurol gorr.t. Plrrit) of .oft owl (roll of 311 kl.d.: [cf. UfJeg . .llk horn Fedimd .tract Derti.N7lA.ez, t/TIMIL I. NtitTII " ILLV:VIVOgg °e9l Mod F4)11 SALE--AN EXCELLENT - Nrar Wood.' Hun. ean , lettop of ncre, with broad Obey front non eitendlng to the rnliron.l. it .‘tittiv.itanted for any hind of bcolunet. Pot term. WllOl. Pi AliNti.tAt tit Bearer 'trent .•11.-rbrn . I t s. I • :011 11.1171 T—A nelit two %tor) Ultltti lIIIVELDINO, Are tplitutc..• walk fru.. lb.. Court Ilculac. Apply at MI 4.llorty ta=;:lt - FOB RENIr—Two Rooms. iultpi- BANAML th , En * gc sTosr, N. I l i l , lantand•treet, riti•oorkh Is= At puoiroGnAria ROOMS TO LET, In buildings corner Of Federal and %Tater A Ilihetor. lneor rt... would It ',cry to k Sort.) ad an), kind nco Foreign and Domestic CORRESPONDENCE, ..ei.Z2 - X3 EDI r_Ut Dlscuseleg,the leadimorle Oe day—printed onitjAVls LIM liEt. ANIVELKINT: TYPE. THE GAZETTE NOW CLADI.S.T.O BP. The Cheapest and Be4t NEWSPAPER In Western Petansyiranitt Adveritisincr I=6 ISTrall!E ADITANT.MIE OrtiaL ZDITIONY. AT E..."2,1:1122 Azaciat ME