il 1;;& Aim • di . 0 Ifi MEI GAZETTE . . . . . li r • ,•WITITSTILI..V.itur.T-4. _.l _ .j • 1.• ~ TU. CMTAM.A.4.:NA.,. c.Rh - 11,4;vrtne...... i.P17111.15.111:11111"TPO (7.4Z87 , TR A ssrpu A Tiny . 1 , •.- 1i,i,.67 FIFTH Pittsburgh. . . ~ • , . TElrlts: . . . -,•Ltrni7i,w-o rorrimr, by way, per Jest • ¢4 o. ;..."7,7CE.N1V0 EliErlol. 1 . 10. - do. .r.'j s,. .-, ift.pea by A.:errioret. 3rotpaivct Or EY4'.91:40, per ~!;' 'reel' - . CITY -ITEMS . 119Tr.,to:do i(ur;il uur uldn 4 - ce from Impurities and `iinprocpyolii coniplextOn by; usbir,Sairyer'9 ..y..rnrbets'.SoaNtlilrly:centsnniska.l For Cloaks' At bargain., ger to Barker & Cotes, Mnrtoc preeL • closing out )3 , trker - .6.4,1t1ai1:et Street.— . ' • • . . • Fine Shirting'', Spslinc,:',seentflinximysid wide,do., 31 cents .. . 7 ,14.33;trker Co',n.t) Market Street.. For Stumm!" AtieddrealgiCee, go to/Wirer iC04,59 Mns •-• ket Sircof. At Wholesale. . fllown and Meibehed Skirtings, Prints 'and 'ether staple goods, tt leis than Eastern prices at Barker & : • Of . Condi int find tear, 81. atetwu . oik. yeti Lull and 'and m fox an t4ey caitilnd theixi a nyplacc.iße =- ' member wo are now - on ilia north-cast corner; .cf Voarth and Market street.. • C. 1 1 / a ieiox Loci a Bic.. TI-6,111101,4; 7 At - yery lowp SefH, °ape northeast cornea. of, s rourth uitt/hirketutrieta. - " , • ^ • - C. ILutscas Loi! 3 Mt). Dresi . Goods, t Clotang out stvtrylow prices on the nortlieast corms rourtliiistiVeitcet streets. . tr7T, ',.*ldracir*liiiiirts,} i , ry kdvdpatOck..;atotaztiavipricea, on the. 'nOrttteast coinoi . :7onrtix and lts=ket street,. C.llamsoa Lava a nao. . ._ ' Neutral KulpOtte of Lime, 'For pieserringralder. For sale by Charles . Su.l , Pr , Druggist, cOrner of Pato sad St. Clair atreta, Pltlabtumb, ,000 to .40,0c00, Firs* ciaslcursar -Arixacuta: by Brick chyle, requiring only two hone power. It is' tie wonder of tho age. Seo odeertLeement in; another eatuan. . , 15eutralSulphite at Ume, For yresenidx. it alder. Tor ale tiy CharlesSn ' vet;Draggtati ,06tnat St. Char • ptra - Countr7 Piere r bants Zopisnishingatook should . , ttotore purchasing; slat, ..th4estivir.ituxico" it or:sfirkoi: co., bl suLikot stied, an' thiy_ hove rail lines or menob ea and Th:nrti, Shootings and Bhit - Lb:lgs, Prints, and Otheir staple gtitalsr; which they ars selling at nauchlois than pastern prices. , . Dr 7 P 4O Pd ll . The be;tp - hiee:toburth - ein; eltnetlto. the La.; •er. W0at,1,4 at Barker It Co:la 39 Market, where 1 4/11 . 1 bo. fonixd, 'the but assortment of Sheet - tugs, Startinga, Mits. rrmt studh and other staple geode. 121 1 .2=0=1 For:iirCscaiint, C 7 Parlei -Super, Druggist, comer or Penn and St. Clair street, Pittsburgh. ' ' .r;lt .the clueati°" Generallyto youttrlends;aeto.Vhst - prepara . rions they me for their teeth, and the re. -spen.le, iliac tunes ont of ten, will be gozodant. • TIN no longer necessary to impress Its merits =pimple publtel 3 .4*tertto ha", taught slni,wOrhl that.,ae;* atianetsr bettittlfr4g and preserving irtaieeth,liirtgoriting the gums, - and glring a pleasant aroma to the breath, it •has no rival in either hemisphere. - . !Adieu' . Wars at LQW- Prices. It is a WeRIC , II,Or fact that the drat clas,r Sit Cap angl_Lidlizul iii,.. - fionee of. Wm. nein ' tog, N0:139, Wood street, . has for years main pained au etivinbill reputation for theauperior quality,atylesand.darability of its goods:and 'teat, but ti 4; prides at which they axe sold - it it only as fa say that Ste.,reming • tailalt selling OS las extensive clock atgreatly reduced micas, ;in ir.q.k.plignyc for bolaelimt - cost) to cdlse quite a rash for hitiinita; " • •Westirard tbs . . titer. of Empire Stokes Tie gernaleeDriontg ramedyso longlracron r.:-2neaeterO9. 3,l 4 . IrleAt'lldirldeliefewlPsr aa gg shuttled ouch com motion - among the old fogies 'Of the Medical. .prefession, by the celebrated • - treatise on. ther:Attlele.h! the ,Matstant B us ;* gems rind ?repeater of. Chemistry in the Cal, •• outta. AV:idled Oisidege, Is now for the tlrst timeinteodnoediato pas otrontipr by the -611' i:434oll*4l,:ctitialleaT AliajDn4,' B. UFO:nes - tack A Co., and. Mr3Clarren,..ttre -the wholesede.agente fer this place, where the ipivaine IlaatteeshCaitdy can be had. Price, Ode - • .a.adal,Co Per box. ~I totre genuine' without the .imprint at the Sylvan :Oriental Company, 111 Washington street, fkotna,_msesteli box. gush• -7 Is the 'experience at thousands. tiew -enjoy continuous health.; _To what does the -occasional invalid attiibeiii bit 'uncertain .00tillildon 1 to ltintaell, of emarse,"; =Fie lap' • the plat:peon ,the climate, perhaps. IL is tec, hat, or too cold, too damp? or tn.,' dry, or too variable'. But does he take. theproPer course ter9ftififiWn6laatitation 4 11 d. tiCdll n 9. elWiirca.o. lo * - eomplalns t ~No. • Ile mri,,PerlisPa , this only all Iron men Could bear each great heat, .or ebeh-violcut cold, or such sudden 'sleben - odes. Why then does he notrisort to the great Ton ie and Preventive, which, if it - will not make • him an Dom man, will at least quadruple the capacity of his system to repel all external 'agencies that tend to prOduee sliseasel ilos 7 tetter% Celebrated stomach Bitters, takeo faithfully according to the direetions, ;rill so • stres,gthen'itlao tdomaoh, - brace the nerves, fea.t.e...the-lifei, and; rigulitatteffie'rigerate rho srliolti,nnlM4lrmilinery, Omit:he system, =stead of being at the mercy of Alio weather; and liable to bo prostrated by every change ; ecroperature, become caile-luiritened, as , ./ were, and almost Impervious tO'cleaatio Ingo.; eaCelii - it is to this preventive principle that 'llostettees Bitten' owe their great Popularity: _Smthe Westlndies, Brithh,Amerbm sad i."' nostettei.* ntreeis Are told wholesale and retail at very low rates at Ylemittes Drug and I.'atent. Medicine Depot, lie. 61 tiarket street, corner of the Diamond, near Fourth Street , . • r!' ...NUM the Almost • Vertatn advent of cholera amongst min th sond ng "priest, we any again to our readem ' to not bp unprepared tor It. Bare what you knoW and what , experieneo has detarobatzated tope, II 'strictly rellablo medlobto to alp it to „She buttUpu, t_ thedrat proneidtpty eyetipttens. - .l:Hineit trust' to new and untried modiobstm What you Irnow to bare cured will cure again. drur,gtet, No. Si Market street, pre, Damao nvelleine that was used with infallible StiOCOS OT/rlPg.thi *St . ,l4;iit et Om cholera to. • MIS city, ilk 40 ' tinhesitatingli—tay tbat no Medicine In tho world Is supenor to it. Don't without 'a . bottle of it, that LY our advice, And _when:the die.idisii:kutgO does maim its ip,L, Dearance; . yon are ooiSpuritively beCIITO. 'Sold only la ritt4bl:ll7,Tr‘ at riCllallalr , Prt , g . s4ol,N,l.lo,p,Dittiatistrcbt. , Carpenter .IfobbLum Tett:anal after an abaenee of three eartrln the ariny,l..baoe ro-O.Pollud ,b O P tor all ficrrte ofjotibuig In Clio carpenterlino, p.i ttio old druid, larva Alley, between dreith.. tlotd street and Cherry Alley. Orders solicited etad.prorriplly attended to. Pena err. • Tea It"s with gloss ' pleiStt`ro sil3 cell the rdient ,stit e[Orirreadertito the sabperbstock hf Fell •Onltlr Winter Goods Taut recelted by ]ir.l John' •Vreler,lferelucat Tailor, N0:195 Federalreet, 4.llegheni. •Ilis stook embraces some of the *.litosb_boantifuLCloths, tdidNeethltscreibrougbt to thompatern .litark - tt. llSSOrtAtent of Furnishing Gorsls, =prising Shirts,lXraweriti Collura Neel Tleli - 31andkerehisficko., cannot be ttrpa.iscil east ter west: A largo stock of ready made Punts, ;A:leats;Vci.ts and Overcoat a, win cdse. 1,, found 2 FlAttds establtaltruent. Persons in leant Of any :thing In the clothing Mc should not tall to Sete, {Toler A ea 1.1., ,Tttaxnas elate Itoofers, and I: Waters in \ !Meath Van Slecte of rations colors. °Aloe at luessn. 4CT l 4, l l 3 Libli, We near :the Water Worke ilhltrgh. llosidence, tto. 75 Pike street. Or. DrelAttly attended to. All WOTIC *stunt ,A4Mtter prooL .Ucpatiing done at the short. est notice. Nochargo forrepalrs,Rrovidod the iooti9not.abusedaftertlepu4 on._ . 'Tennessee Negro Testimony 131111!eft,eil. Torincese4 llonAft lte;:re‘ - en-at•tvu: re.leVtuy rnascil W. 11 , :- /gro trsticeestr I'M • • Tens, 11 Aire r.J VOLUME LXXX.---1 UNARM OF TUE PRESS. PITTATIL Mill Dw.Y 6 AZETTA -We are glad to see that the "old Gatefien is giving manifest Mn sof rejuvenation. The evening edition has 'lately been enlarged to the extent of about twelve columns. The price of the :morning and evening edtticms in now uniform -either la delivered for fifteen cents a wick, pa) able to the carrier. Single copies of', the Weekly al,SOper annum. The Curette has boon the chief agency In moulding the present 'sen timent ot this region. We are , glad to rnic° that F. li. Pennimun,"ESq., of lionesdal ,e ,has ri bee added to the editorial corps. This is a ver valunble.,fteeMision. Mr. Penniman 'ln we k nown th roughout the State; and indeed we y say, the country as a thorough going Un on man, as well an an able, tome and Fig ° us writer. lie Is' besides one of the most genial of gentlemen, and a vcis i pleasant corn -pardon,s- I.Cire•rentember art, lir. Penni man'filen the electoral tic et ire IMO, and has fined many distingtilsked positlord in the State. Our frniliCol. Russell Errett, one of the. beet political et itora lathe country and one'of the most incorruptible of men still re., l ninB his position In connectien with the paper. William Anderson, Esq., one oT the most able -end exeMplarycity editors; 1.11 still Chief of the , locabilepartracut,and.lo - itimported by an en .aergetic ancl enterprising corps of assinants. ir. R obert _Thornburgh presides over ;the counnerelal coinmn, and furnEhes the most" reliable tinanetal and Malket reports. Last. - though not least, Thomas Costamegna, Esq., Inenag,es the business departmen4. - . and those 4u - bp - in:LW Idnewili have nolteattatkenv ht Say ing that he in excelledhy very:few lel a annu ,elat and business:mane The -Gaztfle is much improved Inall its edttlens, and la - .'even more .vigorous than in its yonthrel . days. 'lt' is an excellent paper and deserrra an.exterilve patronage. Sec prospeelaein attaPleeaditalt. . Coifed Presbyterian. - - . , Ferretti:men Dana' asserts,-Thi a old and reliable. ltepublicau paper has recently been enlarged and otherwise imprestd, and now cats a really beautiful appearance. The .presents is the oldest, and has always been the most influential journal ill Western Peonsyl. aura, as the immense Republican majorities in Allegheny county folly attest. An addition has been blade to its corps of editors, T. B. Penniman, Esq., favorahl) anown as a writer of abilny, having been added to its list. We are glnd to tind that our old Itiend and further townsmen, Thomas Costautagna, Esq., has also been addedto itscaups as businesS and Oman- Oat manager, end those who know him Srlll have no hesitation in saying that he is excelled by very few: as a flnancial-and business matt. Mr. C. tem been the tuebiteet of his own, for. tune, and his noises In life is attributable en.. iffely to , his own unaided efforts, his indomi table energy and untg iminstry. We wish . Coelenterate and the old Gazette abundant success,- politically end nriancially.-Csartisle /ferald. 1. s TUE PlTTeStrafilf. Gerais.-F. D. Penniman., Esq., of lionesdale,Pa., heti - become tap man aging. editor of - the Pittsburgh Gm.d•-• k. Mr. Penulmatahns long been connected with the prese,has taken an-setts - a part In...the politics of Pennsylvania; and Is thoroughly conversant with one netionaLuffairs. ire Una able writer and a gentleman of groat moral worth. We welcome, him to the editorial corps of this .'6 Major Eussill Errett, whose ability as an editor heti long been recognized. In this coni ' tenuity and tineughouttheState st EL retsina his connection with the Gcmtle. 'ho bllgineaS manager Is Mr. Thomas Costamagna, whose reputatlqn ter fidelity and untiring diligence ' artrwell . knome.-Prealffdermii Bonner- - • Wtlead guilty to remissness in not untie. Mg t he Improvements lately made in, the Pittsburgh (gazette, Within the last twoweoks it made Ica appearance in an entire new dress, pred‘oting a decidedly neat appearance. In Addition to this, the Hon. P. B. T.:outman, a 6entleman of experience and ability, ,as a ernes, has lately been a..ociatell with our old friend, Sir. Erretr, in the editorial manage ment of the ploper. to an ontspolteamul fear less advocato of the right, the Gasser smells foremOstranorigail. thopapapclik this irsrt of the Stattl.--WoOdngforloner. Tan Pittaintrgh ,- Hoteffeappeartitt last Amok In asuit of beautifalnew typo,-and is now um. au/passed among our dallitai_in typographical taste - andMeatnesa..HoMF:ll.reardroan, an en:erten:led -and. writar„`l7a4.,recontly. heed associated with - lir: Erma in the edito rial direction of the paper andit is conduct ed with great vigortand ability. It is devoted to rightfor the right's sake, and deserves, well of the Unicet , men of•Wastent". reansylvania.— CiSombersburp'Repubtfccin. • weloome.F..B,Penniman,Seq,at the edi torial chair again. has become .associated %kith - Mc editorial corps of the Pittsburgh Ga reth and will bring additional vigor, and abil ity to that:already tolineutlal journal.. Mr. Penniman is one of the ablest :and clearest political writers walla:Vein the State,. end we ere glad to see hire in a joasitiod whole he can be so embicutlrescful.Cigmtberaburg Repos, 1105..F.•1t.. Fit:Mina* torn long time retired from the callorialthidr, ban takencharge of the Pittsburgh" Gond Le.% 'Mr Penniman wields one of the ablest pant In Pennsylvania, and we are very glad to welcome him back to his nor. vocation. The acizerti Is one of the drat papers In the States, mai with this added talent 'amnot fail Medd tells already high repute. Hon.—rings (Many ...491toter. • , Peunbnan, of nOneednlc,Fanaty/sunis, has assumed the editorial conduct of theEittstourgh acrette t awl we two glad to" :Malec .already the aette halal restilts of thistle!, connection. Is one of the ablestuien In Apt, State, nod will very noon bring the Gauge np , toits.old atelalmfalari.—Phikatelphto 3la. F. IL Peardwan, for -many years editor :ortimilt.esihae Republic, bats gone to: Pitts burgh, abet ehe takes charge of the Gasttr. Mr. renrdman, during .hla, /nag residence in Honesdale, has battled - feariegsty '.for • tlatt Bo publican cause, and theladnettes MI Ids able pen will be missed in•Wityne county, We wish him stlecesafahisnetiunderMkiug.—Scroshm , Itepubllcan. - r. J. • . B. PAYMICAZi Iliaiihaelkoome one of the (More of the rittehurgh Gazette. lle is en et perienceditrirnaltatandagentleatan of varied u Witten, who =not fall to add to the already greet vcputetteut the ,, Gamtte as a powerful Col,ol3lCreltli and neare journal. We wjelt him EUCCCbS /1.1 hie writ imiliou.—lfurri. f erg Telegraph. Tax rn-r4tman Aztr.rm—Wenboterre that it..retrnituazi'Lls - takna hold of the '-tditorial ear, and. is the, principal editor of thl4 and. journal.-.; Li one of. moat political writers in the :date, and under his management.. the tiazctfe wilt lota none -of its former popularity and poWer:.-I,aftedee , laciminer. Eao., has become one-of the editors (.4the Pitthburgh. Ga . ..a.te. - -Heti an ex perleneed journalist and a,.. , entlvnian ra re d ablittles, who cannot. fall to add to the at. rcluky great reputation - of the Grate is..iikPow erlulpolltleal,comtnorclal audtaewsjourital,— Lcteta•urg Chronicle. - r.p.,,formerly ibellones, dalc Repvbliabzx assumed charge of the Pitts -1,1,1.03 (;‘ ,. ..a - ge an •ditonln-chief. The (ituette has mis.. been enlarged mud improved. We fake pimento in reecauniendlng it asAhae.of . lbw 1,10+5; reliable poltilcalionrnals ba Western reniCmylvania.—liedford bvpstrer. Tau Pittsburgh,' Gazelle. _makes its appear ance In a new area... The 64..e11e h. the oldest newepaper treat or the Allegheny Mountain., and no of the ablest jinn - nals to the cone -117, ant/knot are glad Lb nute3t. inapouretnent end general proxperity..-Mt riltcHipublieun. F. B. Yeavt.tres _has etemeettal tiltnoelf rith the rittaburgh Uocrite at editor-In-elder. Mr.. rennin:me. hatl - a.,long expoelealer In thlO Stutetta tni,eallor and . jtolltlelau, and la a !hula ll uhlic apeatterena nett at an easy and graccfrd Irtiter,—..lfmdeffie-Repabfiedn. F. It. 1 . 41,5176A.,i; formerly of the flonerdale Dtrotxrar, Ima.'lnecnne one of the editors of the Plttoburgn Gaulle. Mr. P, la one ,of the beot rievipaper.wrlters. In the :State, and We rteleomehla return to the editprtal,fmternity. —Bradford lirportcr. • Tee Pit t oh urgh Garret'. uppeara ill an entire nen drera, angles mach haprored In it , s' typo graphkeal . appearance. It IP a goCal Ifrc 1re...- patter, and avterVeS all the patronage It re colvOS,andirgreat dealtoore.—itrenllog Record. On Monday. the Plttsburnlt - 6'nzito, appeared in a new (Item, IL leg ol.taintalamallettYlto thairjbat ~41.1101.1 It l'orfo'etly uneal;litlite ICeti of eipiteelius been galuot.—l'hita. Tan 'Pittsburgh Ganifr. following the exam ple of her. innuedlatt , eotoroportules, don., new typograptileaktreas, and /1111104 improv ed fn appoantttel . ..7—Tl.OoFtlfe .IftyttZti: Tlse‘teluifibliwi. Navin° Ineeteewee Com paux—lFlre in Iq New York. w T OOK J a y tri cot 4tkr of thustoek holders of trio ebltunblair Marine lamina:feu Company was held yestenlay utternoOn, ut whleleuctroff In ta'ithe lale suspension of that'inStltatlou *id:taken,' It Is'estlinutod, that the.COMpaayls' assuts":ara::stiflleldlit to dinharge all Its liabllitiMAlld leave or over &million of dollar - 1 and Itwus unani mously resolved-to iiiltluto 'measures for re suming: busLuesiS with ite4pllalatiteteeTling last-night brokolOut LIM Sixth 4 a-- dielal Cowl. lti6 ittatil floor of No. 93J 01V0.11 WRY. : Tile :tains 41/ . 111: Verdict. - . , N,;w Irttirert CorOner4 , irtvedjga tlon of the tiretimatancesattend tog the:death, of Martha Holly, resultlutc, to, alleged, from u I.l,,tol6ltot.xourldrltifltettNt liv.llenry Cur win; eeGr7 mate of the htchinshtii3lanlhatun, dth.i tog a light on 4ot:tilt...that vessel On Toe,tlay aniOng SCNeillf Or the Vihroloyces thereof, took Phlee)*WerttaY• -Thahvhieneelf, witne4tivr-wad ' taken, after which 'on the ren dition of a verdict by tho Jury, finding Cur: ale guilty of firing the faint shot, ho was eahl. malted to await the action of the grand jury. Railroad Robbers Arrested: Saar Yost'', Jan. ‘.`.5.--The detoetlres of this city yesterday arrested Albortile s tels and . Win, Goldris, tno poop; men. lortnorly - 'die .oms ploy of the hew ork and' Erie It.stlro-ol Cora. puny, OD the charge tpf haring owl - malted nueorpodon of roltberkitt on the trains of that, road, doom - ding lit oil tOtwer 41001(1.., A. largo amount: of the stolcin prillerty -had broil sold to citizens Of Port Jeri: lo,nut !Iran county - pI . :OW. York, trldets VMS netted 11,1111 i; 11011 e hoot for nt,lsientlon. • Another Cubing Murderer font - feted. Tonic, Jan. 25.—Tho trial of rellienr, Print is Indicted with ‘iouritien for the Murder Joy,. fiorein Otero, Wu., lirongur to it eloie res. today ,u the Brooklyn Cbortof Oyer awl tor•. Thopiry, after I.34ilbiP.liets of one hour, returned into court •inti rendered a verdict of The primm it er exhibited me. 1111 l Lion on thin an tionuct , lnvnt Imlng made. Otnizalen and be both orruhpie.l for at ten o.Clc.ektAlNfOnnopoin. Chunapiou Uflhl rd Mittria. Ci.rvst , Eb, -0., Jrtit. ir . on the 1011111V1 fnr rhamr. ..... -101, fr: L:10 5t2tC.11.1t tri Detv.3.- y- • .71 lir o Tj - A • -i= r^- ME lERI LATEST TELEGRIMS. OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES FROM. WASHINGTON. COTTON CROP PROSPECTS. Swings of the*. Freedmen. CONSTMNIDEAL AXE NIIMENTZ. • SPeech of Hon. J. A. _Bingham FREEDMEN'S BUREAU BILL PASSED. Freedmen Agents to Act as Pro- iost ffirtrishals Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. WAIWIBOTON, January 45, t 8&. THY 1111[CLITTI PROM INTISIMAS. ILZVZXCII Tolday, amounted to dye hundred and seven tydlve thOussad, Tillie. hundred 'and seventy eight dollars. ANTAJAII IA BOCTIi e.lloLirsA. Letters received here, today, from Mario. ton, South Carolina, represent that there are still two million balelof Cotten . to the South. They also state that there t also la vast 'ac tivity in the sale of that product, and that, dotwithstiaidinfi::the impression generally prevalent, as to its scarcity, it is Pteadtly be ing brought into _the market. The prospect of securing a fair yield of cotton to the Ottani or of the State is encouraging, and the freed men are, generally, industrious and self sup porting. =1 The National Freedmen's Baring and Trust Company, chartered by Congress to March, ~ I ESS, have since the' estaollshimint of their `different .brinehbs resolved on deposit over two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, of which fifty thousand dollars has been return ed to this freedmen for the purchase of home stead,, and for other necessary purposes, The Company no oak of Congresa an amendment thplicherter Ivlitch .will. make their, vari ous offices depositories for such fends as are held by Treasury officers In behalf of the On Ras' sturnia rime. • - (Italian 'number of Fatima - al Hanka haying objected to the payment of the dutiee on their stuplasmkot tlic.plesithattliey arp net depos its, Gen. Spinner hie notified them that he will withhold their dividends until they com ply Witlftheteitalitions: . , = • The Committee on Commerce will soon iv.- port a hill sutbortzlng the Secretary of tho In terior to sell such of the marine hoopttals throughouttEe"counttrj_ae;tnith tipfn Inn can lie dispensMt with. There are between MlMl end forty of three Inatltutiona LI-11.tacon OlzfrMAX. I.OIIIIILT GlU—Noier. Announces himself as an applicant for the ItrewAhrheollect,opihlp. • LIEMIIT. . Of the let Colorado Cavalry, has been brovet ted Colonel, not more on account of morttort ono aervloee reltdered In the several eanipaians uga„lngt the , hOstllo ~loctlan.a of the, West than for the decidil',trpakikhe boa taken aiyatnet-the -SindCreek Or Chivington Intiattatore.L It is understood that no action will be taken by Congress' in reference to the Reciprocity Treaty until jitter the report of the revising Commiesionent, which will probably be com pletedw !thin the next week, Is received. I= The Cormltteo oa the District of Columbia will probably' report a bill appropriating two hundred thousand dollars to wards the e mellow nt a tEfpf:hoi 311=19 of neft., bothOt are 'Mach Doodad- biatitatioas here Just now. 110V:.101111 a. filiOtiiif TIM iVII4 01 ■RIIT 'Oro of tboseeme.rkest efforts stitch have giv en the Ohiu delegation In the nous* sash a high nositlon;trasillnde‘toslay by non. John A.Zingham., It attracted universal attention, sad has done much - to brzumnise the views of the party. .Tbe following are ilea mats points of the speech: The public safety demands fin. perutlvely, an amendment to the Coast lintleo. The loyalpeople who 'keyed the 'republic by arms, must save it , by amendlatvits organic taws. If fibs notdoneoro may And, a hen too late, that the ballot in the hands of craisplre,, t ors, Is more dangerosui to the publis lb= der bar:Met: 'Yhe'amendment pending hioileots - eveitt If we pass Mit tide ono I tremble. far the frau= of My country. Others are essential—one prebiltitlng the payment el the rebel debt by the biltal States, or any state. and tOpierent Stites trout;pensioning rebels or paying Went:damages for sneering* in We rebellion. As the constitution new stands, Congress cannot prevent We when these States are once restored to power in the Unbars. A fahher essential amendment is to empower Ciongtutis to enforce the guaranties of the eonstitution and secure , equal rights to sit citizens of the United. States in every State. The amendment pending canto rs tones. power upon uny State, either exprosaly or luipliedly It leases representation where it Ls now un der the Constitution, but seeks to enforce in every, State n , respect for the express rights of every eltiatin of the United States, sad lm. poses apinis4 for the denial of those rights by any State, upon any Class of attunes' on a:- count of spet or color, by restricting to the, estentof such class no denied theirrights the political power of auelretate in the ...sorer n roeut of the Pnien, , CS = Scuutror Brawn has intrailtleall; idid the com mitter prtiplatlie,jands -has apaod to, a bill jr'lN idling that nil locations of land. In Idle taut:, pnrpot i ting to have lawn 'made by virtue of or rtilliatenhisiiedurilicrairact oil Coegress, for the reliellof the county of New niadrid which are in‘falkl in eoneiiquenoo of having been mode, or lii&tted, after the axial: floe of the t two speellied by 'law tnr making Raid to, cut lima, shalt be, and the same are ft telexed to tet valid and binding, as if made and roal - 111,41 . 11 within the proseut time. /11K.I.PIMIVA attinutr DILL TASKED The benate llnnlly passed the Freedmen's Bureau bill le-day, by a handsome vote of thirty-corm to ten. Mossrs. - Ilundorson, Watt Winkle, Willey and Creases:li Toted for it awl Curtail dodged. The tall for the prat mien or all persons )u their rights oat at once Laken up, eald Judge Trumbull will press it from day to day till it ie pas.o.d_ Tho llousw event the entire day on the propeoce eenstl tutionsti amendment trout tilt lleconstruction Committee, isnd ended whore it. began in the morning. Tho mania toe speech-making : lieuroa jitatas atsceig now as lild four days ago. JAPePh• B...aildretl4" into :surgeon. in charge of the Eye and 'Ear lipapital ct Chica go. line. been ippoSntad Swat:dog !Wilma of I'4:anions at lima atty. e Wu, f,.titt *east& tontsnlttep have not any nouctrtsloti in . Mrpird to the taxAtttgr trixtots,bii:Xiseinn. .1 Ifni r - batch. or TrCattay tlf.rkt, will W, tll,tin -, tett on tholgt of fe.bitutri. V 1131.017 WAIT. 21/6alittLX , lIVILDI3O, The Ch ilian (los ernin ont has thruo first clas s war litres:aces building in England. Two or them ore 61ocal:oil to ho toady for , qes about" for inbidlo of March, tint it is doubted' wheth , cr ility will b. fillwavol by On TiritlAtrau thorl 114* to salt• 11113 Chtlian Minister here denies any kuhn testae or Um vessel seized a COW (1.014 Muer at NOW York on suspicion of being a thilian Orli:atter. 4t,la eilr ea that •titis•ttekt mtmtkily +tato tnciit <7O - t show a ilueremo .Iti'ilii3titinciinti,Waentuiwituil with the ,A , Ce'Llir,A Or A.MAI42 t 4 anolllorr:witys Good* Want, at tbll 3/rib/Ningbo. w6d4t Eng' party ff." olllcroventog, ytlts opou by /.4-crOtary , t/tAitton,fOr epocttb, ottd respond. oil Li %to:tin/ming laconic ntylut" / am glad to P.,ett'you =I ft his been firtlM:cai by :be wur iiep.rommt, that Mar:titer, to the sattfamenf of tlmelefb. fez neyMit9ttf„ y r feyaf eer tallfUets illajbeirffe4 'titter Mnreb IT4, the same iiiTiOutil of 01011 r. im; Will be obese` - al. us in the ease of boyliore. Feel collier , Oft bo erodltfal a. RAI the amount of ,•Inthine dor for tbr prrirml of ttelud servive trow lbe data of ,allstamot or ll= =I Will PIIfsBURGII. JAINUAL 21;. I,•uU, [rain the dale of the last settlement, In (1130 n prior settlement has ben made, and will be charged with the amount drawn during the sumo period. The same rule Min govern in al settlements of clothing accounts of volunteer soldiers wide since that time.. • MOIVISL . 9 SrtOiIITYCIIT. Quite a tight is being made in the Senate over the coalk-mation of Gea. MaNtel, as Sur veyor of the port of St. Louis. The main op ponition to him comes trolls the copperhead? , in that body, urged on by' several of the mere suit.mmnbers from Ifissouri, WhO were elect ed to Congress by the votes of the radicals, and who have voted with the Democrats on every vital measure Introduced Since the commence meat of the session. The - opposition has its origin in the prompt and effective methods which the General found Of dealing with trai tors, whilesorvinginidlasouri. There is. bow ever, not the slightest doubt of his confirms Lion. TWO OP ROM MOST Brilliant receptknre of the scam were thate Of Secretary McCulloch and Spoakar Colfax, which took place this evening. rearlingieli 'iota - man rnovost 1CARA113.1.9. The following order hes been lowed today itICRYOND, January IL, NM, General Order No.' IL—All ofacere In the ear• vice, acting rut Siipertntendents or Assistant Superintendents of the Bureau of Refugees: Freedmen end Abandoned Lands, are hereby invested with the power and authority I.u:city held by Provost Mamba.. By command of Maj. Oea • I A. If. Tea uc . E. IL SMITII, Asst. PAN °eel. CIIMEI3.6L CBARIPOZD The filibuster General Crawford has been ar rested on the Itlo Grande, by order of Goarral Sheridan. PEBSYLVARA LEGISLXTURE. Special Dispatch to the PittAtrontti Gllzattt. Jannary es, 14c. beitava.—Mr. [Ridgeway, from the Commit. Pic on Corporations, reported, a• committed, en act incorporating the Artlzan• insnranco Company of ritsteargh. kir. Graham, from the Committee on Rail roads, reported an act authorizing the .11.1e gheny Valley Railroad to borrow money, and doing thenumber of directors at seven. Bills in place—By Mr. hogs An act to estab lish a ferry over the Allegheny river at Miller Farm, In Vcnango county. Mr. Schell: An act relative to unseated lends of the Commonwealth, imposing an ad ditional fee of five dollars for calculations, on unpatented lands, and empowering county surveyors to take acknowledgements of deeps, affidavits, ST. The hill to increase the toll, on the Pitts• burgh 6 Washington Tarnptko vsesed &nail y. The risidutions instructing Senators In Con green to rote for the LIII granting suffrage to colored men In the District of Columbia, IMP! postponed until next Wednesday. land made the special order for that day. The act to incorporate the Porter University of Tarentntn,was calladvphy lie. Grattarn,tort Hnally passed also an act to authorize School- Ml:email of Nevtuo tonenahip to levy a ton for launty purposes, passod finally. Adjourned until Wednesday evening nest. lloran—Mr. Adair tntrodactal a bill author. I z ing tbo enunnittee on Itonds to nuild a bridge at limo. Mr. Maas, a bill from the Coma Moo on hallronds, to Ineorigrate the nbor Lino 11 tn. road. Inns In place—Mr. Meeklingto prevent soil ing liquor to Leecbourgh Mr. Kegley, to grade the streets of Butler. Mr. Sturdivent, to theOrpOrate itte Titusville Water Plpe Com pany. Mr. 'MeGeary, to extend the Act of July =ad, 1865, relative to the Philedelphia and Erie Railroad Company. Mr. McKinley, to ea tablish the offices of the Lawrence Railroad to Pittsburgh. Kr. McKee, an act retell,' te. B. croon to the titles of Pittsburgh one. Alleghe ny, and the Borough* of Manchester and Bir mingham. Adjonthed. LATE EUROPEAN •AD VICES krrlval of the Steamer Hibernian. I AILIIED L • F4l.lllAtifi_-.III3IESTFID. The MPaniPih liiturrection FEAEFICL VEATHEE AT SEA. Elitato t3scr 'Zioarlr.4sta. rtaitmiTilu,..T . ii,lrresT:?e'.ll.lberflia; from 'Europe with news to Jan. tlth, vie Loudon. Berry 12tb, has arrived. The Balnasens . , from rortland, arrived out on the lOth. The American, from New Torii, arrived out on the IBA. The Cube, from Boa -ton, arrived oat on tlin /tan. It was reported that tWeraysone aimed Fen ian. had lauded at taiga, and wore immedi ately arrested. it was reported that-the aputilsh Insurgent, under Bei:lmre-I Prim had defeated a gorern meat enthrall under General Cancan, bat the etllclal dispatehea represent the Insurgent to be discOttraglia ana reireatiag.: The Latest - advice% report no change in the Oblation. The bullion in the Bank of England had de weaned keli,ooo. The weather In Englandiao/ moderated, bat tau effects of tho recent gales continue to be exhibited In dienstcre to shipping. Tbe. Sioux= .ITerettster .- /rum Baltimore reached Liverpool In a very crippled stste. elle emt:uttered fearful "weather In iglu chan nel, and had her foremast carrieu away and an o th erwise dal:taxed. The steamer Palestine, which returned to Queenstown would ex go to laverpool for coal and rvpairs. It was pected she - would be able to resume her voyage Inn few days. The chief engineer of the Palestine was, It Is reported, washed overboard at sea. ..- • - Owing to 00 storm the telegraphic ne.. tweesi Liverpool and London, - we., entirely Auspendetl. The commercial and firtanebd news from London iii only toThureday night. Cotton opened at a decline of bet partially retanered, and clewed firmer, at ado. cline, however, of Xiald on American, Tan ,aies or the week were totmi bake middling Orleans at .Ode Friday, 10,000 hales, clorlng Breadatutra firmer. rrovislons i , trady. unsols barMeney, , X,l4(ya7; .1.-3Sre .t ht , 0 - 01:5; Eilf! re*, LEttrai! , .i Minas Central, •5076. The following le a mammary Of the news out by the other steamer, not yet arrival : The Fenian trials are progressing. By un rn , . orden of the Richmond prison, maw der trial for Lidding titalphorm'n.ettrn. Madrid was under martial lunw, MN. 15,1 , Done. There Irilbaollat. cuueww, t at Barcelona. • . rrri grot, iiilll, 11 .-1 1 / 1 1/Cbt,iter tilarkrt t Ilrenfifftufra nteady, Flour :11,1 nominal. {Thant firmf winter red in, id el". 40. Conti/Met rir..ibi tia Id for tnix„.l. vi.donif steady . but Inactive. 13wef quad but dm. Lard easier at GAr. Petroleum and steady. London—Breadstuff. , easier. Wheat t, tower Suffac tend, downward, Coen Easier. 'nrs. rem. Oil quiet, Ss 4d for relined. RESIGNATION OF SECRETARY FOX. Gen. Sherman in Washington_ FUG!INTL ITIKEE&i 01 TDE CATTLE DISEASE !him on the Itio Grande , . NEW Term, Jail.'"b3—The Tribune, Washing! lon special says the Republican of last evening ...annozinees the resignation of Capt.. U. V. Fox, Assistant. Eecretary of the Navy, to take effect, on the Ist of Unroll nett.' It ['either status • that - he resigns In order to accept the iieney of the new Culiforttici• Steamship unni• • pony, rtmentlyorrgasitzeil in New York, at a,ooo. tOcn. Sherman will ho at Washington site n alb. summoned hither from 1.4. LOU. by ties, Grant, for a consultation upon the new Army Mil. The Tribunes Washington speotal say,: Tim- United States - Consul, at blanchuctor. Erutimi, under date of January Oth,thforn3stlie Depart ment of Stole that the cattle disease has mule frightful progress, the easel. for. the week ending the ihtto of his dlnpatuL belebi 7, all, nn • increase of 1,437 upon the - returns ortito prey!- ' ons weih. llarrOorth that blio authoritioe are wail log every exertlonvograblo to restrain the plague, but silthout the silglite-st appear: ..0 . The tllwwww, he nsports,ltas boon tli,rovriewl to ham' wontestrilwtou analogiel to wnali.inn, anal many experiment, in yttnelnation are twe ing mde. lio NIVel that ninny td'the limn.; prohibit the Oreving in at beeves for ottunt. t er. tool require Wattle); shall he/ailed whore fed awl the. went only brought to market. Thu whole number of, axes Ctitts reported for E,,o a nd olone, In anti or this illtnater 412_ hare either died or bum' ircith 'Tirelierehiri• Worthington spoof. . llni town! of uilnlirals inentionea con erotorr ,tt t tut Navy Delotrtniewit In Washington ts for a., pot:Ito-00f e%laralllng ihto nor merits for pro motion. or oillttert. of the nut y root ontri.n: corps who hove toren at notion •turingt the u or. Ttto Tr." es , lea sls tonnlat Gust. talitnni rt•port cogs (lore rorOtl. t:rtt,le 411 grit oriloglt iti lirtli.l, 4 lVilk . , lotl no dan ger et n) troton, tint, Wright Int.. wn• .11 0 I •I n i CI; to tiro ;sr: 1 , , o• .. STATIVCS OF iIANTFICTU RES Washington Municipal Government NEW POST OFFICE LAW eibc.., deo., db.,. Rasta:soros, Jan. D.—The Secretar y of the Interior; 'response to a resolution of the Rouse, communicates a list of the cities of the tutted States, with the statistic* of their dnanufaCtures, including those having 10,000 inhabitants and upwards. It Ineludes 102 eilles,beginning with New York and ending itith Newport, Ky. • 1 4 110104 d capital employed le 1411, 1 2 1 , 3 i. Mande/ ettiploycd, males, 410,49, females, 117,- 000. of prodnots. gdd 4 , 011 4 11 . • Neir - Tbik stand, Bret on the list. Capital RG1,1t2,757. 'Males employed WAD, females . Value of products 1111D,107c. Phlladel 'phia emplit e :ro i s capital of 18,885, male sipareMaes , females APO 'aloe of pro -11404n CLucionatt is third in order $.4060,000, capital 1118,000,M0 in round enisbets: oston, prothicts $11,003,000, capital crp:_tritdpal cities prOduCe as follows: :irOotrlooo, _OW; Newark, ODOOO,OOO St. pauls, OWl_BaltimoreArd,lloo,ool San Fran lse°, Lowell,$111,0:0,01101 Providence, , ar-, , ow,oooi Richmond, 12,000,000; Pittsburgb,llll,ooo 000. New Bedford, 11,00401:0; Chicago, M4,0111,6:01, ' Now Orleans, 010,0:0,000; Manchester, 1110,000,0011 ; Troy, ale,- ' 000_OXI; Rochester, 410,000,1100. no President has appointed Catain 'Sidi otos Smith, of Kansas, Minister R esident to Greece, to reside ail Athens. This Ls the first appointment of a Minister tel that country. ' Tho Senate, today, coadsmed Charles •11. Domine, of lowa, to be Associate Justice for the District of Washington Territory, end Gelirge J. Clark, Postmaster at Los Angelos, Sir. Morrill introduced a bill in addition to the several sots for isetablishlug the perma nent and temporary scat of government of the United States, which was referred to the Committee On the Distill:it of Columbia. It re peal* the seta Incorporating the cities of Wash ington and Uoorgetown, and declares that the Legislative powers delegated to said cities are hereby resumed, to be exercised exclusively lis Congress till otherwise provided by law. The executive officers of the District are pro vided as follows Three eommiutonere, a private secretary of the President for Cm Dietrich a solicitor for the District, a 0011 a-tor, treasurer, engineer and sure eyoroi board of health consisting of three commissioners, four phyelal mho board Of education consisting of the commissioners, secretary, a superintendent of peddle In struction; a onperintendtent of weights and measures, a board of police consisting of the commissioners andaix citizens, ofticers of the ilia department, eta: ' The principal of these oflleers are to lie op pelotas] by the President and oonfirmed by the Renate, fora term of four years. All the oth ers ate to be apuoluhed by the corainissionera The CtitqUiteslirtlefe, Seefelarl, AltoroeY and Martha' are salaried at el/ thousand dollars each, per year. Mr. Dixon has reported a bill relative to the mile of postage stamps, and stamped envelopes on credit, with an amendment limiting its op eration to the .I.lth of Juno, PM Ile asked foe theprinting of an explanatory letter Of the Postmaster General, which. was ordered. The object of thejaw authorizing the sale of rwe.tagestampSlOrr crutltl, as appears from the letter from the Postmaster General, to the Chairman of the senate Post Office Committee, is to enable the Department to circulate Its stamps throngh the States lately In rebellion lie sato this cannot be dolt° to any ea:underla id.. extent, for the reason that the law only authorizes the sale of stamps to postmasters for cash, and that there are many places where there sin no peraOrta who can tate the mirth. Tne po,tofliee• are (or persons ef sufficient means toe:trade them to purchase stamps for cash. Tuve are many persons who canna I take the oath, who earl Meath goad bonds, and Dots accommodate a very great denim. ] fur stamp.. 110 hulleUrta his Intention, If the hilt passes. to appoint, so far ar practicable, assessors, collectors and other of of the tatted States. Whale the cot - opens.- Lion yroposie Is small the permit les prov hied atOarrvere as In the rase of receivers and ens•tallans of the pub li c money. Ile Aar., further, It hi laillsved that a measure of the character proposed, will not only prodnee cm, siderable rtn - C.LICIO to the Department, but will tend to promote u feeling of contentment amt nuhortilnatlOn among the people of the South er-a Btatea and at. the .arnt• ttnio protect the Department against lore, The Commissioner of Internal Revenue 1 - 10, reeelved a communication from a farmer In quiring whether farm pralucts sold in which had been asseaSed in Plat, are liable to taxation. In reply the Commissioner decide. that there Is no pros Won of law for exempt ing farm products from taxation whim • ameMnt of thetrltalring putt a tan areesly And In the second place it la clear that io mainrity of moues, aw It is only apparently fact that a Seeculd tax is paid, andocalsequent - ly thetas will be assessed uponthe Vain,: 1 , 1 an Increase of cwt. The Treasury Pepartmont to-day received from a lady In this district one haedrod add sixty dollars In conscience money. In the let ter transmitting the money, she represents that the amount was received as compensation for n slave released In accordance with an net of Congress, and that she cannot retain it an amount of conscientious scruple.. Ono hun dred and fortywth dollars was also forwarded 17.. J .ece E i07 1 7. _n r qeers er , 4 th C a l t t eutu k re ti rl a g been overpaid him on his thud settlement. One hundred and dlty dollars had harm re ceived from a former employee of the Govern ment who confesses that tt hile ongaged in the Korfolk Nary-yard he an.tractod articles he.- • girls to the Untied State* worth one icon tired dollars. During the last year OCIWICierICH money, lea swum 'varying from oue cent to (Inc hundred dollars. ]n the aggregate amounting to twenty thousand dollars, has been depos ited la the vaults piths Treasury. DEATH OF FREDERIO A- BREMER Suit Aoinst Emigrant Agent Metter. NTATI: OE MEXICAN EINVICE3 Y nag, Jan. /15,—Tbe Pew. W.htnatun ..p.ortal mays: This morning the fanultan tt.l - for the Reetproelty Treaty were heard. it li cOnnhlere.dcertalu that the treaty cannot 'Tt renewed except by reel?r.peal Irgiehttloo. t , otne of the wore importaat results of a treaty run be reached. The last Sloane., brings news or death of Fredeltea Bremer. The Insurance on the Atlantic white Iced works, destroyed last tilitiht in Brooklyn ntnnuutu to IgM0,000: The estimated loss w all roach 0.10,030. Lieut. One, lire's addressed the Chambers of Contsneree this mornin, log Court ttositty, ltltralooth Thorn limn"; ht ion against ,tau S. Mnreerd other, ns ~nt of the New England .l i d Society. Society. , he o °Forge+ him with having sold her worthltots pa•toage tickets tor the steamer Continental, violating that the stontner, with Mere,. hourtt, out of the port elwntle.tinely. do xfllitnelt of the plaint it; tin order eras grunted, rot ut natqu 1 0-atiy, and requiring the t (or orogen and Mexico Stertni,hlu Company 1,. .how totter why they should not to restrain. from •tirrondertng the property of the Sow Kngland tintlgrunt Society, but the nett ninon t, CI, postponed until Satan/or. Mrs. Thorn elaindi that she paid Meteor fostrlumdrod lure, find tilittard the COntltteutul, fur ch and other property v,a ued ut two .Ired More. several Inches of snow fell bore Met night, and It commenced raining this morning, tut- L ull: 0 7: 3 1 ,1 11i the day. The streets train a very The Central Connell of the Fenton Brother hood are inolltoll at tho bead.puirters on Union Snare, no rly all the official appoint ments hare been mimic. The hoard on military and naval affairs ha, been thoroughly °Noeb ced and to thud to be oompeeed of officer, of the United States service who achieved prom. Thence in the Into war. The clorkalti the Ilona Mimeo' have boon beefily engaged attiring the pant fair days, ON Jere to it large amount are stthl to he pouring In. Agencies are about to ho Instituted lo all the principal cities and towns throcmhout "the country. . A.letter from E. Rollins, Commissioner of Internal Iteranue, to parties in thin city, suds s contract, has been numb for.printing not only the adhesive stamps, OM for Imprinting the revenue blimps upon various Motel:moats,' such as are usuully ferule/45d by stutioners. Designs will be prepared by contract or Inc stamps %pen cheeks and.. other instruments furnished - by. stationery, and all parties do. siring inch thanks stamped, will Ice treated with equalltY In the contruct, or themselves alit to sold stomped instruments. Orders fur stumping theta must Im made-upon the office atWasltinFrtOrh, SkOoOtapartiad • brthe money. in parraccd allus name. it-ls net Manned !idyls. obis by the Sedretury of the Trensury to hove revenue btralpa printed titmore than one place. , A letter fro th VereCnia, dated 'Bit., sayithe greSteb.a drawback of the Etcoire Is the ..tringency of motley.. It has no E.achequer, and no tneitnalof formingano. - No sooner have s tea dollars aecUntala . o , l In the Custom llooNe Kt t era Cruz and other ports, than they are checked tar by the ltinh.ter of Finance gnat withdrawn, (Aileers of the - Government do .njt even receive their pay with any.thigree ot,,, , mtlfiritt';:and sever:ll,llneh rest..cned on thai aceourti. Appropriations for piddle one. vices nil wort, or nubile int in V cannot he eol• Irct eat, and the decrees remain, in taut, null gnat void. In the of an a..9,roprluti.n of trio ..tstiiilon- Llo• mon, the decree announcing It. tro., signed ltheut Ray exact•knoUledgo of tits manner le Web the amount was in ho proonred, or cey -ign that It was to be supplied al all. The Too on Shoe*. t_w Yotru, ./ttn.l.l.—..k.MeCtlng of the ...Me. inuker ,, Proteetten .%•emotntion took pluee In 01, ett y ht,t otooltor, ut which rosolotlom ere wlrmlell tt fas or of repo,lttn, lht tax nn SII(Pen, net ItJaLla emoparn ittely per.m.} ow ntlyof nearl oe Ilopmuonl workmen In thli It in Kay n Kohl 1 but out, them hundred mot imy the tat. City Chns•ter . of Louisville. I.ormviLi.n, Jun. 14. —The beginhitn , 10 ki nn. , 11.0 n pi 0nn.....1 :uunslnn•Tot K.)V •Ivoav,l IDDITIONIL FOREIGN NEWS ,4[ll,:nrOC. t k °me wiliekt to ml Um Committee on PenNtit, .403 FAILURES OF THE SPANISH REVOLT, ""ien.° Fenian Landing in Ireland Commercial Intelligence Nr.w Yonst, Jan. 23.—T he following athiltlona nett' , by the Hibernian bee been recolvell : • • • GREAT BlRT•in.—Mr. bgaraell, as leader o the Opposition In the House of Commons had juste Od the customary guesting their attendance""eoan to e h et gttir r Z ary when the Queen would deliver a speech. - It is stated that twenty-one Fenn:dol. Deny sewned with revolvers and other weep..., landed at ISUgo on the leth inst., and were Im mediately arrested.' 'Great alarm prev.iied et Sligo. Tho police tiffThablin, on the same Any. becTited.• large Quantity of pikes and nem.- Elan caps, and arrested two perm°ns connected with their manufacture. Tee Frceman's Journal says Stephens is still believed to be in Ireland. The-Duchess De Chartres has given bl rth to a prince at her residence ricer London. The London Tinier and other Journals have attributed the pressure In the money market to heavy export to America on credit. Got ten are pub IshOd from commercial meet, re futing inch argument, OEM showing Dust the remittance. bac° been most prompt, and that heavy cotton receipts are sot off against Brit erports. Therdiscdtmt demnndcantlnned moderato and the bank rate remained at 8 per cent. It was stated - that Ur. Galatea Is to have a sent In the British Cabinet. The military revolt in Spain, under General Prim, ban made no progress. The Insurgents had gained the mom:newt of Toledo, but wore pursued. It was suppdsed that tieneral Prim, ho was 111, would disband them, and endea vor to eseapo to Portugal. The insurgentligar rison of Aville, had reached the Portugal -tuir der, and were disarmed. It, is stated that Marshal Loroma has irone to Gen, (Mocha's assistance. Serena is honey ed to be at 1, illamblma and Gen. Prim at Upla. A state of siege has been proclaimed in Ara gon MI a prom:dim:mu measure. COnalat2l4- No uneasiness prevails at Madrid. It is Me dally confirmed that in consequence of hostile dernonstmtlons at Barcelona, the authorities ordered the troops to tire on the crowd. Sumo persons are reported killed and wounded- The crowds were dispersed and order re-el tahlishod. Atodrtd, Jon. 10, r. a.—The latest °theist dis patehes stale that the insurgents are dismier aged, and that their are still marching telexed% the mountairsol;Toledo, pursued by biome. Ha vana and aolieqtnie, lieu. Concha is returning to Madrid, having boon soperceded. llraw•av—TbeTnutaylvenlan itlet has berm prorogued and the deputl. autall2ollol to ap pear at the Diet of Perth. The question Of a union between Tranaylvania ant llnugary Is loft open. Cape uf Liood flope malls to the Path of De cmber had been received. War bet ween the orange Free State moo end !Walt. enaLlnned In desultory manner. The mail steamer bane um lost near Cape reef. fireepeol, Jun. 1?....-••The'Cotton Brokers' Oren lar reports the sales of the week, UMW bale. 4; of n'ttich, 5,7eu were to speeuinter and 02,fgou to exporters. The imtrket posed very drltt, and declined 14.01 , 0, bat aubsequently partuds ly recovered frtnn the depression,closing firm er, at a decline hon•orof of gr o w For Arnerl can. The authorized quotation% are: Fate Mlddli Chicon., &41; ,asli fair Mold/0. 2 /di LflJdllnlol., fair Tpland, 21 , 0, Mid 000. The sales to-day, (Frulkr,) nee ...nlynn lani tit 10,000 hales, the market closing .teddy. The stock In port Is estimated Tr... 02.90 bd.le4, of n Won, 1.0,0 n are American. Breadatuff*, arm or. Provisions. steady. . - Satherwattn's eireulnr, Of the evening orihe 7th Loot, says tho advance in the hunk rate of dlsemod toe per vent. causes some doprotil on to Amertcan securities, which WWI notnewltst increased by an catraordinni7 article in toe Titacs on .Itnerican c.redit, but the taltocles, or rather ornL”lono, In the fine? .11...m00t. were ee ;hiring, that the effect tics little more lbws momentary, and to-day, on nevro rd in loured quotations for stocks, and nllOOlllO to gold from New 'York, the market rallied and cloned firm. Flwe-torentleo, after melting dawn to 6P., hare advanctol to 641.4051.. Illinois Cen tral, steady Si 714.1176 i Erie shares bare Lm prored trim cervip4. The rad. Om,. to firmer, nefltel once on the lath tilt. tit Of Sic. Telegraphtne from London still continue.. sasponilvt, owing to Um tinmago to the W by the snow storm, The following ere the eloling London quota tloo.s on the nth: CotuoLs, for mottey, PIG! 03117, United Nutt el Flee-1 wentlas, k.rie share, L6C: , I int.-A.l , m rat, Litwryoot—Prlces to-day are about t.ho sable us itt.ovu. The bullion the Ilnuk of Euglan.l nu, de ...Cased itiNgt. of:IIREVIP4:4II:iivxmIE.ONXI):4 Mercer'ft F4male Emigrants tilltrt OF 17LTMLIT VIE 1E11(6. Neve You, ran: alleged privateer Meteor to still tying at the dock. Two °Meer* horn the Crites Mates linsibalis Onto. remain on twarcl, It Is Intended to 'object her vari ous apartments to a critical search, probably today, The owners of the vessel Insist the she Is not of any hostile character. and foci aggrieved at her detention. l i tio Herald's gortreaskicturoe special says The steamer Continental put Mat Norfortk on the evening:of the Ed, on account of rough weather. The yettnglady etalents produce quite s sensation In Norfolk. Though some of them have lost their emigration enthusiasm, mo.t of them are impatient to reach their home en the Pacific. • The Commercial , . Washington special says t here la unchain-is of the namese of the usnondment in the Tne Government Is deterintned to enforce a strict Puutrality cm the Rio Grande. General eltertdaten orders are Impgrative on the solo jret. Ann Inyeatigation will tales place about the Itaadistfair. The Peof 'Washington apealal says a number of .leading Pennsylvanians, Including seven members of Congress, had a cordial sad lengthy interview with the Prealtient last evening. The President reiterated his opin ion that (*.mares, should admit the rebel Suites to representation in Congress. lie thought the passage of the negro suffrage 6111 untimely, but did not intimate an Intention to veto it. Tho Hernld's Torouto.speetal says the Hon &mai Poard of Trade yesterday adopted elves. elution favoring an enlargement of the Wel land canal and improvements In the naviga tion of the Ottawa close. The Custom Com missioners have ordered tho Imperial statute to be reformat forbidding arms to be brought frOm the Vatted States. Theire Montreal Garage claims that the Ottawa hapaper. I itsbadly l,.ut at stal Pre in y...gqt. that the volunteers bo d The hill for the ennwebbition of the Finfralo snit Late Huron told grand Trunk Itailroad,la :main to he hitt...bleed Into Parliament, It is I...flirted that It will he paseed. Amount 'looting of the nomsehotett• Anti-Slavery hostel,. lionTON, January 25.—The fifth annual meet ing of the: lia_sanelinnetth Antl-nlav ory No,lacy held to-cl.O - , Lannon' quitter, the l're4. tient, to theclalr. Among the reAoluttone sell .1 u fl,r. one to dissolve the Society, whleh aye rice to a long ith-etis,lon.,. in it thee Wil liam Lloyd Garrison presented Cu expoiltion of his a lice. Mr. lip rime said tho nation hail ilecrech, by Its organle hue, utter os.ttor two of %laver, Tlp i.nnuc tlmrat, we. connected with. eontlrieed In It, devotion le freedom, mini the foot of war had lidded Its crushing tread to the eatinctlon Or riot inv. The word Anti slavery has no longer any distinction. To•day the country was auti.lavery. The men no, wittnen of tills society wore fanatics, Moen-M -arins or infidels no longer. They had not gotta down to the millions,lint the had mine up to them. Lleneeforth, the member. of - the society mean to enter oil a now work, not:tett-slavery cork, but the education. the elevation, the political rights of property, and frunchlse to the negro man, and fu tW. IVO could he supported by mad act with the masses et the American people. itiendell Phillips and others Opposed the proposal to dissolve, and on a vote tilt, resole tlotewas defeated. New Maned, of the faculty were elected Its follows, President John A. sergeant, Vice President, Miss At. T. Serrento, corrv.p...linirseerowy, Charles Whipple. From Non Francisco nastiacci, Jan. M.—The decision of the ‘qprunin Coon of Nevada, against tho tzLoleAbe controot law, hos been ro-uti• n en.'Steele,theeftser to the late r; ell. Wright lu the command of the Columbia Department, arrived at Sacramento yesterday. The strainer Pacific, from Portland, hits ar rived, bthiglog four hundred and nineteen thousand, seven hundred and nine dollars in treasure. ,There IRn derided improvement in mining stock.. Hale Norcross, 3,50; Yellow Jacket Gould A Corry, Legal Tender, 70 . 11 Flee, In Ptillodelphin—healed , Ymir.gnrzgnts. Tari "Z.=-The 'hardware store of Biddle ft Co. 1M Market gtreet , w , entire iy destroyed biAlre it this evening. Loss not as. twinkled- The ildloining buildings weru Innen damaged by water. The masked bail of the Coterie Carnival at the Academy of 3lmic, this evening, Was the gYeatest ball ever held here. At 50.0.* tho cyan .1 wen so dense that hundreds enuld not get near the doors of tho betiding, and inside uu...1.g was entirely impossible. =l== llionsetsn, V .t., Jam L'S.—Thu S :mute pa s•ed pm, to-day, authorizing the maimed CUllilee- Lion between Wing:Lester and strasimr„" •-• tend bills regulating the status of freedmen, and conferring varLons rights and privileges on colorrit people were also passed: In the /louse, the Couunittec .reported against the pa, mus t of the claim for a steasner Belled by enter of the government, in leaf, on the ground, rib lofty, that eller the passage of thcrordnanoe of .eccws lon, all uctS Of the alehmond mettle:l - a etc %sit hont authority, and void. fleelolnalloo of the MnpertutenAleot of the Illinois Central 1134111r001. A , ...61/. I:I.—AV. IL lailett. Ileeerol 11., Wit:tablet the litho.. ,•,,t a. lc 11:”. M. II • • I RitE UN XXXIXIII I ONGRESS—Fitis I M.r. Grimes w PreUntell f 1. ,) 01 Collin:kite° On Public I,nnd, Mr. Scanner presented n petition from citizens of Pennsylvanta t ...Mg that thc coal - antee Or arepublican form of floverrle , el enforced,wliiCh ...referred to the Comm 4tt •••- on Reconstruetton. The loletitkin Of Pant Fsirlics. ark ire for Li relief from a contract for the building of a I Bel was referred to the Committer on • a vat , A Mr. Cowan presented a petition tram the citiscnn of Pennsylvania, asking for •uch action ,Langan prevent the Stale from making say distinction in civil- rights on account of color. Referred to Special Committee ou Re crinatrnetion: 31r. Cowan also presented n po tion In favor of a protective tariff, walch woo I eferrEfl to the committ ee on Irinattee. Mr. Hendrick - it; p from the Committee on Politic Lauds, reported a bill to eitAblblh 611 Rddiiio/111.1 Lll3lll Oilier in Lisa State of oreann. which, at the request of Sir. William'.. woo taken up and paaseaL Me. Wilson collo.] up the bill to restrict the exponsen of collactngSolillers' claims, making it • penal offense to energy more Matt tee do lar. for collecting a •oldiar• claim. Pending the considenation of the above, ttio mottling hoar expired and the bill to enlarge the pt.- set ol the FrOeelmen. l lll:lrelilU MRS [star up Mr. Davis, took the door agained the bill. Mr. Wil.en called up tbe Senate hill rclatica. to the expenses of collecting aoldiets' making it• paned olifenai to char-v.. mare than ton dollar. for the collection M • 4otstser, claim for back pay or botratie.s. Mr. Whiten explained that the bill hal licen amended in the committee by mahluit it a old cable to the claim+ of. koblier. "lice,. he said. were better capable of protecting. hem• lielc ea than aoldiera; bc.iiies many otilma's had accounts tosettle with the department,. wll/..11 Wight 1/1V01,13 a gond deal of labor. Mr. Saulabury tienied the right of Con ore,. to regulate the compettiat ton bet WCI:11 01.111- and Attorney.. .11r WIN n, amid Ihe fees f o r sfolloctuig pen. Cone were regulated by law, .and why mit WO fano collocting butiatico and hack pay. Ile had received a letter from n solder Who host been ehargell $l3O for onneetlng a Halm 01531). and others showing that the widows of ad /Born were being def . :added in the volleirtlon of bock pa). The morning hour era.pired and the chair an. nnuneed the bill to enlarge the power of the Frotoimen , i Bureet,'wite before rise %en. ie. lir. Davie wam entitled to the file. Davi, spoke aguirti , the toll 11. toil. tit. eal b4,11T144, the majority in the •ento• r %elu ded Swinton' from eleven "cater from their rate 1n tho senate. Ile the passage of thbi arid other ninon- tit*. clonal iineatin the me:entre wit, lancorilltutitinal, In propio•iiitg to Freedmen'. Bureau in Itle jtl,llcl.ll pow er, IMCRUbe it he I . nioili•ti to assign to any tinny oilier r, the el erenie ot judicial povrer, bee:luso It broke down (11-• prr. titian Of p.mof goN ereittlorlt.thr Const lint been lite it deprive I t tut,. at the right of win; t. 5 jury in et,: rouse it v art a neliehat de. Went to prawn,. In. Justice and olirriniiihin upon the peo,,le Of the late clove ' , Wan for the benefit of tor freed negrovii ant engendm 5t.r11, Set we-n the two Meet; in. oa. wasteful and linneeec.tary erpen.ltture of jolt. tic tretoture, 0.12a1 beitalllic it war nine 01 the reckless and uneolidttionnt tante. of ineaintiv devised by radical party to cat, tdt: it te tilt pow er and plane. Mr r.hornmn rate the .o\ottar of "-nth Carolina hurl writton a long I, ter on 1 . 10 Iwo Jort of (to section 121.1 Itch, Inn t• Solt, Urn. Shorman . a oraer f.. • itooroo anta Carolina had no rein , aaat 111013 110 butanltten whether than Sonata. lnol not 1.• tier portpune dual:,. :Ulu until the letter reforroO to .ne ho.forr .1. ahtch e , othi , • b• - 11.,- roa Mr Trunthull , othl that Ito , , t11.1.1f . ant alter or attend the bill, now that it bee, read three time, v. It hoot a re.voti,ll.,3t ern el vote., and prirltap+ a recommittal to the tout tatttrc. Thorn tea. ?dill an apportirility to amend the hill in the blows, and he thought 0 hurl better be sent there a. ipeetilv at p If the letter of the Gevernor of et i Carolina eionlaliteitl a haul reason the ....ellen referred to should not la• adopted; It etellil Ire stricken out in the House and tent back to the Senate to amended. • Mr, Cannes:. said ho e oWd have a reenn vide. ration. saulsl,ury dorrtdodcni the yen, ood OD the pusange of the Lill, nod .they o ere to derod • - Fun-MessraAuthouy, Brow n,Ciskodler,Uti Cordns., Crsigto, l n•nieell. Dixon. I ioolitti.•, Fe.n.estilosi, Footo, Fontes . , tiriturn, Hat Berson, lion - rust, Ilowr, Kirkwood, I..ser. if Indiana, lAD.% or K.111119a9. Horgan, Mot .YO. Norton, Poland. 1 . 013i,m.y, IL ins r - moo, nprugue. Sir. nit, nousuer, Van Wink - Ir, :1!..13.i. ,1.1 1 atm . N tine?. itmdmlt • Lat. le,le, tbeentrirtte, Johnson, Steno:lgal! Sunishury, Stockton arid Wr.oUo Co Ito lull passyd. Mr. Trumbull moved to take tip tbe Nth protect all person,. in tilt ell)o,elelent m t!sett [tell rights. Mr. Howe said he would endr.vor to 4,01 up his rreOlUtion for the, appointment of rrorie- Mord Uorernors in the hoothern Stator to-mor row, and would then submit acme roma rk,, ry to his collewgue, Mr. Doolittle. Thy bill named by Alr. Trumbull ea. to kell tin mortma of Mr. Dixon. the senate w at Into I.:ln:Wive eteebron, and ...ono alter atl }nurned. 110CSE. lb, or 1,1 g.. IlltrtriJurcd a re.olutimt from tttn Comlll/11.41•‘ ull rrinting, that thCrt, be printed tt,litt) corie, of the reports of Gen. Grant and Carl selt art, with the atcompartytng documents on the eon d it ion of the late robelltouv Staten. tlu amnion of Mr. Cullen, Of 1111nota, it alb , 1: , :o4etl, That the Commlaidoner gri t...ALUM 1.0 requested to contd:minute to the liot.e n StUtetal.t. :showing the amount of revenue received from auy source NW., he took charge, and a atatementlof the did,'" rte.- went. and annual cost of the bureau. fiesonsd, That the Cotton lite., on Commerce Inquire into the expediency of remunerating ow nem thrown overboard or other wise destroyed at son I u order 'to preserve o men life, in eases of shipwreck- It wee resolved that the Committee on Bank ing and Currency be Instructed to Moult, into the expediency of rephrting a bill by which, In case any Lank desires to surrender Its charter mid close np its luridness, It shall be allowed to do so within a reasonable time. The Committee on ruldlo Lodi-in structed to inquire Into the expediency t.l rr porting abill to restore certain largo tracts now withheld from the market to the Scam of filichtitsn, and to fix their price, anti that the proceeds of the Sales be retained fur railroad purposes. It was resolved that the Committee on the District of Columbia-1m instructed to report bill, with proper reetrictions, to exclude Rom the right of emigrate In the District, all persons wno have velum..., ily Lorne arras against the Government • ,if the Mined Staves, staved in att) taN it rayaelt2. Su the so-called confederacy. Ste Benjamin offered a pt.:amble ' , Attn.^ forth that It appeared,. from °Metal communi cation., that certain persons hate been per 11 - forming thli duties of eflicers without tat, Mg the Oathrequired t, y law: therefore, Resolved, that the .1 Iciary tommittee be to Inquire and report whether tiny of those nth 00Ta arc required by law to ex cute odlebil bonds, and If se, a bother their , sureties are liable for any breach thereof. The resulutlou was adepted. Mr. Schenck, from the Committee ne ty Affairs, reported a bill, which was, authorizing the Seeretary of War to grout the use of a portion of the rullitaxy mow,. fur railroad purposes id Port Heron. Sir. tllisms asked leave to report an :oneed mem to the COLL:Sib...WU, that the House ut Representatives shall be composed of came here chosen every second year, and electors shall have ouch qualinmdloris ai shall he pro scribed by the laws of Congress, to be enacted lor this purpose. , Also, an amendment that Congress shall make all laws nevesKiry to can Into OICOUI4OII all powers vested In Can g rrra or In any department thereof. Sir Lehlond objected to the rw•eptimi P Tr i l i lt o Se resumed the cers-idera Don of t her . onl suffrage om ..... Mr hidrldge, of W laconstn, said he believed there was not time to effect such a radical purpose, and further there were other States than those now represented, who. wore enti tled to be beard. Ile then referred to the hitherto declared objects for which the war wee prosecuted. it was to preserve the Union with all its dignity and rights unimpaired, and with a due regard to those belonging to the several Staten. lie Malutaltimithat these promises 011gbt to b. fulfilled. There should beau nufaithftilness.portldy er disregard of principles enunciated,. but gentlemen should hasten to Make good their plighted faith. On the gromul of good faith he demanded a union Of all _the , States, as opposed to the theory of the gentleman from p e nawylvanin, Mr. Stevens, and others. Ito Insisted that the tusu.rgetit :states were. no:out of the Union, and rould not go Without Sao- 1 cessful revolution. The rights Of -States were not destroyed, and those who sought - to over throw the Government hare incurred the pen t:ally atm to their ponduct, but not vengeance Of infuriated passion. The late rebeillOna States are to be' held In t h e grasp Of despotic power In order that tilts riscentlaney Of thelll9. publican party may be incurred. Sir. Stevens expressed surprise at the extra, Ordinary Manner that tho bill and resolutiOnS to Mimed the constitution are pressed on the consideration of the limes. Such pro post thins to amend Organic law are broright In as if this was a State iNgbillatUrt, afar , the con stitution railroad company, asking amends meets to Its charter to build a sidelltig or turn out. It would not be sanctioned by the peo ple. This amendment wan intended to anect the South s-s aliens, foreigners and conquered territory under the law of nation.. .But these Staten were not out, of the Vnioni and the Northern states do not desire such change in organic law. Those he have been elected ander forms of law In the South Should he admitted hero to participate in prooeedings re's eaboting their Interests. Give 1.14 a whole Cabal and not Merely a portion of States, Sir. Ashley sold Vint star 141 . 1f,tliali 1,11,1. of nece that the ameutiment might ell mett,,,,, to o th e r pert 1..0( the eOO-iLltiii4un, when Congivss could he found to so e rotes. , the amenginitad, that It would not Infringe oa tLe powers 9f the constitution. tut tie fir I , ior. attempt eat Made I°4l L.-criminate 0- wi o •diutild exerchle the elective franc Ito belle'reil however, that the rool.'"i^lib' S old 1..5. inlet s• to A.ece re it- I+. •x•' to i t tie e othet par , .e e" atituriOn . : tar. Rtnifttait adViiediast c"'"“ THE WEEKLY GAEETM. TWO EDITIONS AILE PRINTED. . and :rig u:',/ . 7 n. &atter trg ar.l , . 't h 11: rouh the. onto ',hi ',tn. 1I •'".. • ere.,:ltqe on It ceonstruet Ind !. he se:t.4 demanded hp • r 3‘.1 I Lion of the country. Vnli'm Con e. %hould ..end to the, people the neee,tan amendment/ for the future n n Pt the tetmhlte he ep,P'"learnd that meow te h. • .Is woul h''' l le e hen ft we. Ire) late 1b ., , Ms ballet la the hands 0, • n%jorator+ Wa. more danceroe. than the b.Yemq ft the resolution reported from the t •etrn nt it tee ,Itould Led be reveted, he , hoe 1.1 item ble tot the fit ere of hi, enuntry man forgotten that the- tu e - Ith +ngular unanimity, M•tmto the the atnettatnettl to toe .. ut atuen i t ., Intended tn. Ih. authority or the {fermi.. to denier% ny organ.. law that neither the Ilnlted States or any State of the Polon Allah , ev , r e m r assume a td o o rra , h v ,r a i nz . e d;lo t t . or i l a tab o a r ivrtyh which shall hereafter be contracted or inewered for Koch purpose. 110 t they sax went that the beret,' ,of the Republic rumeratively dm:amide& hot simply that th e amendment eitould be I - malted, but that there should be additional provisions that rtO State to the Unlma should ever raise by taxation any money :to p:ty tallinte or pensions for life to . t.hose who !Seer& engaged in, Ali the Constitation ititam s there wan Re power to .restrain i taxa for, such purposes. The Toint Conimittee' Of Fifteen dial not consider they bad fully dlecharged their duty; by reporting this amendment. They have tinder eentaiderotion a nut bee original :amendment to the Oehstitn - I ion, which looked to eying the power ex reeasly to Congress, to enteree ' In belmil of every citizen. in every eteto Ad' Territory, the rights which were granted to them frogs the beginning, but willelltilUltlattply,hitel been aleregurded, simply for want o .power ;:engecas to mirth . ' them: thei The distinction of tree end bond citizens nolonger existed. lie agreed that the point made tryhe pending reopened amendment to theCoustitution, was w bother - the declared intention of ourrathers -Mould he enforced or aUrrendered Olsen all arc free by the amendment , of theComditu t Om. recently ratified, arid whether a ntictori -15 should disfranchise a majority Of the Ott o. of a State. In further explanation of the proposition, he .01.1 that It gave equal political power to vel7 State in the t* :don, provided Its require len 4 shall be obey ed as -reported. Ste re treated. this amendment would not accomplish t hat 'lx as desired. but would be one atop to aa rd the attainment of the end. :So question more importance cottld come -before the Horse, Say., that the Constitntion be so amend •••I ss to °afore° guaranties In aid of !hill prov Who. Mr. 'Dr .:noon, of Penaeplvania, Said he offer. at the proper time, no amend ment tothe effoct that reprenentation and di rect taxation shall be apportioned among the ,tst es according" to their 'respective numbers, counting the whole windier ..f persons in each oxelading Imliens not taxed; provided. berever the elective frprichise shall I,e do led I , y.t In. t:oteditutiou or lases of any State, io any portion of the male eltisetia shove the age of twenty-one tetra, :the Milne proportion "ball be excluded (rpm the barLsOf represtmta thin. lie claimed that the proportion thes amended; would remove the ohJegtions which lint been argot: ti"lin,t the original , reAolu ..• lion Mr. Darr.. of New York, raid the Gov orn ,nt was formed Ina spirit of ,onee.sion. and when "Orin leting opluinun of all sect lons' u ere reeonellesl, and he Ishewed t •ptrit .hoald Control pr.•-,nt arlutration. Thata roat evil e•aist ..V.•r) one eoaCedeel, tyrCatt4C then; wan in,inalliv of repre,euta{lon. Mr Waid, New. York, oat not antinfled s lb the onginal proposit.on, one with thn ainenthstent ro,tree 4. tie intended to offer au nmendtuent tha • no persons shall ho de ',rived of elective 1 eznehlse 'ln any State by n of tax or property qualification, or any other which wa. not In force on the first of January. 14:6, and any States where the same applied shall be excluded from the basis of ~P fe'dlt lotion. Nr Yieholson, of DelaSare, briefly 001 his ethonid vote not only s= list I hi. but all other proposed oMendmunio In to the eonstitut ton. The -temper and iit9pod inn "( Ito House were ouch as not to alatilol - - i, .11.• , 1 imp. , n in organized la vv. t,e floes wit lived taking nun quest km, MOIR r.rya—‘l thr re,l.lrncc brother.onWedo :seta• eth,ht arr! LESTER. la ,th of hi, aZ,. Amend ',II tote place ft.= the reeteleace of Ip• hrother, Pitt alley, tllelhen3 Clte on FitI,DAY 24th iawt., at 10 o'vlark. The Mends of the,re rt,pertfully Incited to attend. • . • 1.1 lI.LJDA LE CEMETEIZY,,, , .A. ril -1.. and pl , tare,que piano of itepult?elt uate on the uptan.k. Immediatel north of idle en,' It on the "hew Itnghton Road. Persons shin, •eleet P.x.rial Lots will app!i at the Supertritepd eat ogler. at TN. , resttcr). Title Deeds, Peewit.. ,1 all oilier ,cl,l he attended to at the Deng ""d. "" undeniFeted, Carnet of federal ."` tWir IA and Tee... 1.0 BOOTS AND SHOES ZN TIEL'Er_ C 7 Bon Ton Skating Balmoral% FOR L.I DIES, TB BE STE\ I\ WININAVS el TO CROWS GONG t I If 11111 81108 gTORB, i=l They are Rare to fit and sore please Gentlemen will always find a Splendid assortment of Custom Made FRENCH CALF BOW I=l FIRE SHOE ' RITMO No. 60 Fifth Street. UNDXR TRK OPERA. FICIONII. spo , ooo 10-61 ALAR W.CCO TlttilleSA—YD DOLL ~nuc TitorseHlP POLLLfS agall VCONTII 10, Rgrat, HEY AND ttoYtl• CL‘Yr AT LESS TRAM AT LESS TITAN AT LESS TIMIS 4%f vrxcilluEn.S. 0081% kNul A.O Rams , TY te.Tryjamtj, AT TUE 1 , 11931.101. I' THY I)PULAIt. AT TIM POPULALC I Lot lIRMAR LoTIII.NODtraZ t 110ITSS. m a - 4 ,„. 4 • 0 IIYTII 0 FIFTH . STRITET. tl VIITILSTILEET. Opposite the Opera Molise. A LEX. TTZTX,X3XI.T.HI333,EIte ISS tons - Sta street, I`litshary[h..Fa . opprnrs et yll k Loth., CRAPEO, SG -GYM, and eTere37 sl. l of Foos-rid ForntWog Goods flsrul open day and night, tirsutse and C Kr/sr-Elms - 4-11c.. Dwstd Kerr a M Se p W. iatobuiq Tbassas Ewing En.. Jaw. • GUI! r; Soo. niuSeutp BOWS - • nOWARD - a. WHITE, I:73:3I.CIOTtitaLOXVZIP Coffin liootu g; et !Inner kfer 1.47e77. %tab' torn, of Snethrla and ChArtlers edretts• IT order, iron% Alleabcny City andaiclall aittnan4 tn. G ra ; and V... fOll ud • ..r,..r ,„ , .land • 'I. Oil, ,‘, „ .1 4,1.m 1. 13 1,41,11 Jilt' jay',4 S Cl• 6 ill - store:for It WC.. • •••• in-104-42 bales t• ; v sakt4 Pula% El I! Ell