The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 24, 1866, Image 4

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    Ourgit Ssautte,
_ .
drivel ud Dopartnre of Trains.
a isviranis Central Railroad.
Ur r d 9 a=a l en VS:: it
mar L ' A
.. 2:411a
4AlidAngetitsire baba or tat Wall A1=6 , 13 afts am
4 - 1 12:11,Ri t A;: p a'AV
JobuatowirAt'll 66, oseam.lo . o:e. m
•'. • J Fast 1 , 16. .1001 P pm;YttattNie Ma1a.42:2416
w,til • Battmene p M
I iIFa• WallAmorm..
Ist Pees: Ateam'ale:ool::rd Deno allrrad
ta 4.• &Sp m Anatol Jtegors.
Tratu...olo pan
Tbe eharrb Sala , eaves Walls. 8413104 every
&radio' at 9:0:i a vs.; 'returning, leavel natal:orb at
D..-.:7 ,
ritildnuttla. Columbus and Clnelniuktl.
rrin - Taan tiVPlA 2160 Sal net 1.113. 1 . "kej. BOIS In
.. . . teCO•m ..... pra
Lalste;a . sa 2:2opm Itzwera.,_ ~...12:SS In
Stet:ben:rat A.. DeabanTlM . At -
Olattaa4allon iStO pm eormarsdalloa..l6:3o
rapna • rolnetaa '2:13:1 a m
- laws, .. p in:Agree/ p m
;i1V":"" -- iit=.
WltegiVritaw.• :empfo '
her BeighWn_AreacureetiMlOP ledVeS Allegheny
4tlP llgeteUr g 9 e a. :761;!!;1t ;174. 4 CJU. I Ttig. d h 3 l, l l ° E ' et . ..
. 11 /. 16M4. au; Werteritlr. 3.16 D. 66.
rittitnienb, Cleveland and ViTiOeilliß.
Digares — , i Arrtees.
Erpreasca r , .. - plee4lll . . .... p
Exprets ."10 p IA prase .......... Mtsp
6.• F a as I.%prmo dam
lasabeavilledses , madatloa legate AlleSl:ep7 nl
a:10 p. o.
rittsibutali and Coenellasille.
lie/ra_ I Arrlea.
..... . .125 In:llall CIO P
tc o:tn . .... p Exprese ain
14 ' 'C''' ' ' fr .°" :: l 4l7,: ' I 2:A ' a
Allegbear Valley Railroad.
4:4 1 2 ,g,ii. 11 Antra.
fi,`,ll"" 11:66 a a,
6:10a m
4 ACeornenAganOn 9:0
a/s 6
visow s* and Axle Railroad, to nu
• air end Franklin.
Irsteas. r pepar„.
- t lift r ii 4 4oarWa l la l SZ‘S'e:Plr 7 ., t 4rlXl\Wai. ' " "3"
, and
h.e.rre r•ilh r.
rtrewass --tirant-and Water Rta.
tre• - I Departs.
tra . '1 m S:Cn m 6:00 p
• ••• 6: a. es . .
Ittaller NO.' St. Clairlitreet.
• • .d!ranc t t . I Departs.
• • a 416 to se to nlse it 'hare • l it:get e
• Arlicer. ; 1. PrAamSs."
*nue.. In.
41 srnErr.
JAMES DAIS & RDN ProprietorL-
-7 0WWWWW•BILS xtii) fi A IUtIADFS tkrtedistinggge all
~......Fo lmr fer l'inserale. Weddings sin&
Voile at • re end ressonsige rates. TA ,-
SUM-0 , .A, D ND: lIT. no7i2g3
. .
We wina It smderstood that the prlc.)
et ear tuid Evenilis Edlii
' sold hithetti oil the otroot, or at tho
Whig i litiore A demanded, It Is Lapps
biaMilAgatOlPliuvLIMLAND AND
In roely,to Gor..lTod , a prepOiltlen to brie!
the Cleveland and lifahonlnglie4- ioj
city, the un alldersigned zero merchant
inantarexteeept mllreszed to h im the folleiving
rt:Taer non,
To Hon, David Tdd, Preltdend M. 8. R
Tonnortmen, Ohio. •
Draft Sin We.beatedress the for
i• - •Tsnring olimMinnoottioseto yen, giving a few
• teeter otrthlyttpli'rek. nee of obtaining for this
city an Independent and additiOn. onetso
-the lakes and northsrest, and for your read a
,Obilanee torsufeb. lids treat feeder, whteh can
' not do otherwise than greatly enrich and add
' mnoh value to-that portion of the CierPlarts
and.- Draboalng_ Railroad • : fr I.3.PeFation.
Tbekoad.from Toaltrgetown to Pittnburgh, we
are ensued by competc.nt engineers who nave
',blade surreys and :careful examinations, will
be Of easy grades, and can be built comp
re,"Te g aeS r dw l u rat ttetelf
, .'eluding theClyofZeg gu=r 21
as, eontaining a populatien of
Wlttitiattiel bounds In - b leb this pope ' On
live sad work. we have
71 Ikallng mar, _ , Capper Rolling Kills
'ZlYlnebine,ShoPs, 1.0 Gila , * Factories,
CI Boiler Factories; 'SS Rednerbia,
lit 5 , 801 t esid.W,a.-1,- lireweries, dais we. •
ca kaCtorits, . 1 11 ; 01 tOne.rOe/Ories,
( -kiPPO; Tanneries,
Werke, 133-Tobacco Factotien:
RizietfitVefl." 44111 il.3"l , 44drizttorles
• - evtxxl. o etVerkir tt: Chew teal Factories,
♦ ht Iron- Tutect Wonsa Funnies,.
• I . cAIICICCITIar;e Fularles.
n . 2,lbl:eta Potteacs. - - . •
jesetaried • • • •-• :I.: .17 Fr:ring Mills,
• ` C noe - 10.3.12drr e
1-S.?• - • • 2 Ca.n . Ste 'Sal•iratos. ries,
- ries, • • .i, scand Shovel Man
rGart•Carrid Pactodes.; ufactories,
... 3 Chaitilketoriee i blip Tara.,
1.0 Torre, Smakintflarge :liarde Works,
Shafting,!ste. Wagon racterfes,
s plough atid...lgrioul. V. 3 Larvi3Carialsetories
tflrellmenient r .e- el einthing,lnot
tortes, or. shops).
- i.'"qtn. 3 Tile Fa cto ries, 1 'We Cie s tttactied
. 5 Steel Works; ! to th e Coal :Truth, O r
wa_ Caron Toundritty..l • the qtr.
.107414 M FO t •
The prOduet front the shonii'llir,e nokannts.e
n.flng establi r .eunent, , i; ith 'several hundred
lesser, though- not - unimportant-is - ink-Si/CPS
facto_ flea - prorir.cing variety of ':wares
. ..11hrlinerehendissi not enumerated, absolutely
_itaduldo additional !rail redlines to get their
product to market; and would gladly welcome ,
a now outlet to a o northe eat, the ir ch ief mar
- tort.
l' The rolling Mille and rem:Arles have a ea
pleity to eceisumd. when running full time.
frousttrce to tour ilicatired thowani toms of
pig Iron annually, a largo portion of which Is
brought to Pittsburgh from the furnaces situ
ate along the Hallooing valley, on the line of
the Cleveland end }labors leg Ruffin:Kid.
ThecreLllng mill', of Pittsburgh, with the
si - yen Wast, --. Terrinces, require one hundred
thousand tons of yaks Superior Iron ore per
'annum; all of missies most be brought by rail-
Mad from /ate trio. During the past three
sic four Ytlxes...tans.ror, r.:-r , particularly
have been raison a . seu naa , tla a'svaat, of great
, es. facilities3o get supplies to the nolll, and to
get the manufactured apt joie? taken away.
Notwithstanding the rapirritherfScc of menu
.. taring in Pittsburgh, it has been retarded and
, much he t bark by!the want of sufficient rail
rossirfee the This want and the.
Ca apti,;,t,d frisk manufae rl
.•• two leg rot ng mrthi In Pittsburgh, to
. kb - ail and . .ltuild t their blast furnaces in the
: i o n ntrale 1.;7177. 1 41M g e ° 0-11gr irhere ed r a tk ert
ties for tbotransportation of their iron ores,
namely, both canal:
railroad, the one line
r &Meads Cleveland icing Inadequate
burvgh.anapory, the supplun needs:lig to Pitts
To increa se the blast furnaces at Pittsburgh
to twice on more then twice the namber, ell
that is wanted 14 to insure the irou
toren, that they can rely with certainty on
transportation for. ore from Cleveland, and
that the railroad L 9 then provided with docks,
and room and facilities for handling the ore.
The, local business ening the line of a road
from ..pittsbargh to Toungsfolblnlth *the route
which is proposed, would not be exceeded by
y running Into Pittsburgh. - We may here
thattlialoraistrafae on all the roads run
Ofag fattOPlttaborgk, 19 very great, and yields
Coal, !tint ore mid tiniestone Ls found In
abundance Wong the lice; in addition, the. whOlatktent. of the poestpasses through a for.
47 1 . l"ttlo farming district. Well Improved,w th
otlier road to 'enter; into competit ion i
local tratilc,Which [lade it Is nebunsate to say,
would of itself pay the interest on the ooa
struction of the road, to which the through
-bustneaS is to be added and the trade .that will
. natura ll y:o thrown upon the road 'from its
connectiOnat Clertlaud from the west, and at
Pittsburgh from the east, and seaboard.
. Ita tOon rof the rO,lO is open to tralej, town,
and matinfietbring ostati.liihments will spring
sap Increasing Its bn,lne.9. We are satisfied
Arid firm the m;ini - iction that within less'
than live grate fruente open lug of road to
; trade, that a doilitie track will be found nem
sary to Meet' its welds. To Jon - Ger. Tod, so
4 conversant with the west,, of the peon/mud the
ngessltles for another road from: Pittsburgh
,• bpyrieCkte lakes, we !feel that ttii annetesetary
•1_,.." -to add 'further, ~true trait la that you will use
4,3iLyOur Annus:lieu Rath take early measurer for
'the prosreert fOniuldl compleafon Of your road.
YL ritto o us*. • ouypy)lcat people will hall the
making thence r,d•t i :•.,fter the conso l e ,
• libn d - fiTaThordni l road to
wthdjamakiagami:WEPlth.ffrethers,„l. err best •
httetafirliarfit Wally' , When they now to
c° a l'lnntbl: to getP
le4nYSfrilrlLs a4iy,iat preceut
read ts not more thud ablecroperly to accom
li:Whit, the form traffic. . 'he local business
offered tri the tie-ir p•fi,til a long its line lil from
.. 4 (1,1 *1e , 40Ab_.... month of the COnnoquenes
', slog, Will be titihoet. :competition, and the
..,s• through hnsinesa ,uttiiriily falftnglt tOltisrl be
longing to the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Rail- ".
road andto,treClinf l
latal and 3fahoningi - clad
when eonvldeled;wi lbe ilia( the eiyid tWO
rends ileareeteeny year..
J. Fainter homillron NI/milts 3 tutir;
, _Graff. flyer , d CV . lion nalltlfaC Ur rn.
IN. Holmes & sons; itioaterk,
Singer, NI iek .1 co., ete*eNfni,,,re,;,,, r ,.,,
gpang, Chalfant &leo., Iron Ana •
,Haran,pllyer it Prirkrn, a y-% z .. ~w iceu,
Lloyd & 'Mart, In it. IhuittriCturerr: ' J '
...jorkeA 4. Loughl!ni • A . .merlcun rt.rel Work%
• on, Vhorlt It 10. k.llgo Iron V., 0F4.1.... _ .
miliaria, ilii.a in a ; co, Argatet . i l e s pr i a. ,
N.:Njl e -in,er & iXanuridrutfv7 r— :
Roldoson,Mra A Ca, t.n,7lne liaiktort, in t
..„. l ion
A _g
_ F°'' ' ' o d' t ' t r i_._'o.' - , Ell ia ,
C0 . , r.,... - Vr l / 4 .• •
€ Ilt, 41 1 31.i1i AlarlSO A. AlontleClTO rur.
. JIM WPM: ition- !PLO' Trw , 'PIT." , ._ ..•
Chem Smythe & o f Igall laanalhoturera, - .
. A. rawilock. Son & Cog,r72ll4llllADsg&
'-'' nr u lkiriconn —r- y — it diii Glib . fiilikttl2ilii.
\ ' mos°. az. ~4
,A,Lnuloghana3 St Jeolpollf, I..;latta AtaL446 32 "
fora. i • -
• 4
Wolf, BOWard & cO.,
Glass MannfilaCie' l,
John IL llrrrollt Co, fs -'' ...A.
Co.' Iron ' 11 rip?.
• • -
,+,:: •Nfr Jann4i . ..?.. or.t. -
t . •-) -... s aut e , : l i t l i e, tesicaut re ?. lc , ~,.,11;
x -.-• Erataaintor Jr ., Cotton famufacturore.
. , ..- ' Jam e s ' n LI: (Alex , cp„, mcreliaa.i. i
- —ams Omni, 111 i Cvlaltz7i it o.
Berner & Bros. Wholesale Confectioner?.
L. c. h$ , Copper 'Manufacturers.
Mcfandicr.., Jameson & Co., Whole.ale y
It. L. Frilinestnek, Fortune & Co., Wholesale
ill - ncelsl , and Man Oreturers Wilde La,d
B. L. Felon e,tock Fkorttlile t C0.7G1a,, Man
ufart arc,.
Stein Bros (Gibing Ma flora, urnec
& /fa lil.ll. Manufacl urr r‘. Of ',diner).
Ilardu - are.
klet.lroy. Dick son t t 0.. Dry
1:ocals Merchants
Logan & crege, Wholes .le Ilan'. are Mer
- Whitmore, Wolff, Dna A CO., Wholesale
Hardware Mem-bunts.
A. Bradley h. .
o. store Manufacturers.
Moorhead & Co., Sotto Iron Works.
McKnight .t Co., Birmingham Iron Work..
Wood, Matthews & Co Hiawatha Nut
Graff, Bennett & Co., Clinton Iron Works.
Bakowell, Pears& Co., Glass Manufacturers,
Jan. 11.1.y0n & Co„
A. It D IL Chamber*,
McKee & Co..
NIMIck & CO. ' Iron Commission Merchants.
Slimes Cooper, of Copper Manufacturing
, Jno. EfoOrbend, Iron Commission Merchant.
Reese, Graff & Dull, Iron Manufacturer..
$ Carr. McCansiless & Co., Wholesale Dry
GoOds !derehatita.
Wharton Eros. t Co. Ormsby Iron Works.
Beck, Phillips, & Co.: Glass Manufacturers.
Park, McCurdy, & Co., Copper Manufactu
Park. Bro., h Co., Steel Manufacturer..
Lippincott & Bakewell, Axe ; Shovel and Saw
John Grey & Co., Ices Manufacturers.
Joe. Graft it Co., Axe, Hoe and Ringo Mann
j. Reiter Co., C ashier fla n ktu
John Harper, of the of Pitts
Jam. Marshall, Preatient of the Farmers' De
LeWl9, Bank.
Bailey, Daltell 1 - Co., Vesuvius In
and Nail Works. $ $
$ Robert C. snerd , 0 1 0. 11 .11anufaelurer.
Maxwell &te., Forge and Bellow - . Works,
Wm. B. Smite, Forged Irma Mannfacturer.
Porter ft Co., Etirine Builder-Rand Iron Foun
d Coleman & Co.. Tube Manufacturer,
John ILafrett, Brass Founder.
Price & Sine. iterliu Foundry.
John Trlesel, West Point Foundry.
Watson h lionroe West Point Boller W. irk.,
Roeinson, Rya & Co., Washlngtnn Found ry
and Machine Shop.
D. P. Hatch, Morton St. Manufacturing
,Bus. Marshall & Co.. Iron Founders.
ll ugh M. Bole 3. Co., Industrial Machine
B. Y. Agnew & I ka, Penn Boiler Works.
Wm. Barnhill .t Co. , Boller Makers, Penn
St reel.
James Thor n t Makers, Duquesne
....R.4bert - AliCdrens, Machinist, Allegheny.
Carroll hnnyder,Boiler Slanufactuects,Short
and,Seeond Streets
Robert Lea, Engine Builder and Foundry.
Shoenberger t Co., Juniata Iron and Nail
V. illiam It. Holmes, President of Mechanic's
Ent:, Oliver h Phillips, Monougahela Iron
Morrow h Barnhill. O'Hara Roller Works.
Pennock Totten, Fulton Foundry. _
Samuel RiehardSon, flu.
Molsune & AnJer,lderchant ain Grain, ho. l-a calrt, Shipton .t Co, Wholesale rocers.
O laimnoen & Orawford, by M., Saddlery
hardware Manufacturers.
W. & D. Rinehart, Tobacco Mannfactnrers.
E. W. Lind, Queeasware Importer.
John Ton, Whip Manufacturer.
Wm. Fleming, Hat and Cap Dealer.
A. Prowenfeld h.. Bro., Manufacturers or
MeWhinncy it Rare, Wholesale Dealer. in
McCord & Co., Wholesalcland Retail Dealer.
in Hats, Caps and Furs. T
Isaac aylor, Wholesale Dry Good..
Mair & Davison, Saddlery Hardware.
11. Keeler & Bro, Piano and Music Dealer'.
J. J. Myler 6. Co., Wholesale Notion House.
B. Perry & W. J. Perry, Boot and Shoe Man
S. Snowden & Hagiman, Manufacturers of
Sam'l la hn entock, Wholesale Hardware
Kaufman Oppenheimer h Co., Manufactur
ers of Clothing.
I. If. Layman & Bro., Importer of Hardware.
J. J. Gillespie, LOoking-glass Mannfacturer.
R. W. Hartley &- CO., Saddlery idanufaa
T. P. Kauffman, Importer of Fancy Goods.
John F. Patterson, Wholesale Notions.
A. IL.English ft Co., Wholesale Pahlishers.
eller: C. blellor,Plana and 3111910 Dealer.
John 4. O'Leary; Importer of Queensware.
Walter P. Marshall, Importer . of Paper
Tomas $ Palmer, Importer of Paper Rang.
IsT .gitiibtil•gh Paper Manufacturing Co., by C"
Merrick, Sec'y.
Potter Aiken & Sheppard , Produce and Com.
mission Merchants.
J. Hammett & Sop, Tanners and Ride dealers.
Jas. Connor, Wholesale Grocer.
Daniel Wallace, Flour Merchant.
William Unhart (suosessOr to Efaokeewnd
Unhurt), flour Merchant.
Culp & Shepard, flour and Grain Merchants.
James McKay,Dlatiller and Wholesale Liquor
SpetMer & McVay, BreWers and Malt/Mors.
Segliznyer & Voskarap, Wholesale Grocer..
Knox ..Vorr, Wholesale Grocem. '
J.ll. Watson & CO., Wholesale Liquor..
D. B. Galway, Commissionlie.schant.
Martin Heyl„ Tobacco Manufactory.
Knox & Malec, Flour Dealers
Oahu MoDevitt, Wholesale Grocer.
Rohl. Brace, Jr,_.'ProstaionDetaler.
$ J. Adler & Co„ Wholesale lAquor..
Sturgeon !tr.., CoarnalaslimMeaschants
Allen, McKee & CO., Iron Founders.
S. Luart & Co. Wholesale Grocers.
Kerr & Siwing, , Prceilnee anti Cornuitailon.
h. N. C-Dtmeari lateens
Illmtlean, Dunlap h ' Cri., Refiner,
S. George & Co., Grocers and Produce.
hell h Ritehart, Flour and Pr.:slue. devices.
Samuel Lewis,umberman.
Willlam Goraley,' Wholesale Grocer.
'Godfrey & Clark, Paper Leiden,
Watt h Wilson, Wholesale Grocer-.
Henderson .521itsc..Drttgalsts.
G. N. lioffstatt, Leather and libles
Richard Paird, Leather and Hide.
Hunter & Wholesale Grose,.
Volgt & Co.,Commis.rms_Mes
Wm. 11. karkpatilek .5 Co.. Waolcsrdle
Pohl. Dolan]] & Co., Wholesale Grocer,
Arbuckle & Co, Wholaude Grocers. •
Kirk - yet - rick &Herron, Wholesale Grocres,
M. McCullough & Co., leholes. le L., s h s
T.. Jenkins, Commispinn 3D-reliant
Fettling ling
blechling. Wholesale. Impaor I ',d
-& Co., Iron Fcmnders.
Do Lange & Chestnut, Leather Des ter.
De Lange & DeaMllarnese Dealers
J. T. Glass h. Co., Dealer in ORM
and Ise,.
John Flop& CO., Wholesale Grocers
Graff & Reiter, COmmiaslon Merolla nt,
Wm. Cooper & oi, Wholesale Grace,
Chas. C. ilaialey, Comsat, inn.
Graff & Ilugns,Wmdcrn Stove Work.
A. W. Ileltfernsc, Paper and 'tag Dealer.
Kirkpatrick, Bro. ..1 Co., Wholesale Clroe.•r
S. Lindsay, yr., h Co., Flour Dealers.
Wm. IL Peek Jr Co.. Wholesale Grocers.
11. Riddle, Grocer and Loinculsslon Mer
Siebert & Morgan' Wholesale Grocers.
B. Wahl; Jr., r.,
C 4., importer. of liar./ a e
F.l3rartn, Druggist.
W Idaekeown & Bro, Druggists
Jas. J. 'fauna & Co.,Pork Puckers
Graham & Thomas, Whole Sa t, Groe,
Flour Dealers.
- Wm. Holmes, President Mechanics Bs nk.
John Halmem„Wholesale-Grocers.
John Porterfield & Coneerocer. •
James MeAuley,Preiddent Iron City Bent.
The Pennsylvania "Salt Manufacturing Cu .
T.H. Pemberton ' General Superintendeld.
John Graham, President Bank of Pittsi,gb.
R. Moody,
Beery S. King Commission Merrhant
nun a Speer, Plow Manufacturer.
Thomas klakewell, Glass Menai et are,
B. L. Gray, Steamboat Captain.
Jno. B. Campbell, Wholesale Prod m.• Lei
Zug & Co., Sable Iron Works.
Adams, McKee & Co., Novelty Work..
Anderson, Cook & Cu., SI ..01 ManuCter a rers-
Wm. J. Anderson & Mononguticla f.-on.
A rsenarExplowlosa )110fferers.
A few days ago, a petition circulated g Jime
tiatClast fan for signature, asking Congrc+,
to grant pensions to the sufferers from the .11.
leghen,y Arsenal explosion WWI forwarded to
ottrrepresentative at Washington, K
Moorhead, by n. Ely., who yes
terday received the following reply:
Hone:nor Itcragarstra•rtv Y.Y. )
11. C. MACltrirfLi., Eag
Dear Sirrl have presented the petition ask
ing that pensions be granted the sufferers by
the explosion at the Allegheny Arsenal, and
had It referred to the Committee.on Pensions.
I have also spoken -to Mr. Lawrence, who Is on
the committee, and-will give the matter at
tention. .. •
go before the rosorolt tee RDA rndeavor
to have a favorable report, P.; It is truly a mar.
ltorloas case.
Yours, truly, J. K. Moonnesn.
The mime In every way is tt worthy one, and
e sincerely hope that Congress will take an
early action in the mattes, as NOMO Of the SW - -
term. in -view of the advanced rates of Dying,
arc really in Want. it'e think that they are as
justly entitled to the pension, 114 though their
wounds bad bee; received on the field et hat..
. .
0 0Lo Ittar, THE VT; It It, or The Crow Cliplirr.
A tile of the lirent 1 . 1131/29. By Captain II
ThLab the title of ;in American Novelette,
Insflanned by the Anaerluan Non+, Company,
New Yorit, bolo& No. 311 n 11:t nori.•c of Inert
'tan tales. Prire IS vent.. For hale by rittoek,
oipoette Peat Mice,
..422igrr's Leur , a Boom," for February, thaa,fa
fo band, and run be bad at rlttoek'a
Fifth Olapoaite. Post Office.
...Fs/ix IE9I .14.4Ve hfao.twar., ,, for fl.
„4,, ky y. ual of good reading ntutt,ami
illusiratiofor tale by John Hunt t Co.,
Matonie ThWyrliViroet.
Njongy for Febrar7,
ffa ° ll Iftfrlf.it4o v. Ma.
bOrliCt Balk , Itifeef.:4lfra"
. _ . .
new roit. caiwighlr 0 40113cejtopart
n.lit Maya ea Um/ toe
, olloulng now po k t„
rld i tloal
bete. ea: At Yo • 1 51 - 1 /uStittotb wan.
+%tnEbotrulappo Atm Joatuut'aer_trn . oet•
.I. o ,Kaav„ ~.tfli le e la on route, horn CuMmr
•".,...Rld ; tohee ,betlteenjtanUano and
Villanro. v- At ilavlltle.i...Pll.llll," Cambria
corallY, awl upp o l o a, Peter (layman ',oat
, muter, - This °Mee *lll be„..rapplied'on route
2 ,Wat, in .rauee or gust,Ridife, and alternated
min Platteville,
Ii ENT h. -- S4lemel Seerlsb.rumter
, • bale, nettugadu county, Pelfia„ vivo
E. . 4a6orrt.Velormed.
owturro Isantfor.—oroocr Sill Wilmot ii 11.9
at fife, lilayoN aftlpiaythe..j,,uowing article.width arc m wont Or- ON:letv : A (Our
canor;:and salt callar,:lnarkrank, s wim ,
, tsotrera, smom co., uorttont. 173 .•1
AIM) a lot ot.tmaloome ,a pair .r
white catc, - , claut. cAra ba+ktl, and .• flam
bee of other &ratio,
Cnurt reoecedings
PeeTRICT COURT— Jtelee iVI/119 , 118.
Tr efleAr.,Jbetlerr 21 —Eisenbrirge ,
The Harmony Fire and Mn Me Joan
mnee Company, or New .York--an fin, Inon to
recover Ike amount of two policie., be
I he pla int iffb In the Company of der. iniants on
a quantity of crude and and refl..] oil—one
for *demand the other foe $1,500.
The plaintiffs were the proprietor., Of an
oil refinery located on the bank r the Alle
gheny river, In the Ninth Ward, wit eh was de
stroyed by lire, oecasionect by the urninz of
the Patent Leather Tannery of J. Y Iletaugh
-1132 A Co., on the opmrsite Bide of t e street.
The orl insured was "Ilette to M I's in the
cellar, whlett a - al not dmitroyed, an
tantti in a shed is the lard, wirt h was
recover.t case,
pfor idtdhge4Aftenefdete:arnawnhonotiplaierti;;;3l7l:llmotilt:44eilosics°uodCC,tbni;`i:li
ba the gr .I.ttrat,
that there was no stiftletent eriden 'to go to
WEOthe Jury; and second, that the 01l destroyed
net , neTered by the pOltcy. The !court or
dered ajudginent of noninit, on the ground
that the pledritifth had Oren no auftiejeut cri
dence to entitle them to maintain the action,
with leare to plaintiff.. to more the, court in
bane to set aside the non -suit.
A motion to Oct aside the Judgment 01 o °:‘ -
faltdiraS made by pialutitra counsel, and rea
sons filed. A portion Of the all didrclyed
lard oil, and It t, alleged that the Court erred
In ruling that the policy onlynovered refined petroleum, and not retinal on, of ati kinds,
and further that it.only covered oil refined at
the works of plaintiffs. ,
/no. Barton , R. Wood.. and T.
appeared fez iffs, and J it itaandon and
d ' i "o r t d e tendon t 1
Cote OP COMMON . Tuesday, ,lanU•ry
24.—J edge Sterrett on the. Bench.,
Jno. Oieininger, ra Adam.. Reefer. .In this
case the plaintiff claimed that he was ratttled
to $.7.10, which bad N. been deposited Itit'det ma.
ant by Ids minor won, aged :Moot
years. This money had , beenbounty money for coll.dingg in Lb...arnica,
army, ,rithent the knee ledge or consent of
the lather; hence the parent claim. thi • imm
ey no received by his minor won. The defend
ant avers that be 1.3 not hound to pay over the
money to the plaintiff. for 'the reason that it is
the property of IV illiant Meininaer, son of
plaintiff, received its a personal lamely. and
deposted with defendant. tar safe heepi•ta.;
and that previous to ihi.•
Meltalnger had been .11-torn front h fath
er's roof, anti compelled to seek his support
by his personal exertions. The Jury returned
a verdict In favor of the Plaint lit, for the fait
amount claimed, subject to a decision of the
Court,(on a point, of law raised, a, to whether
a father is entitled to receive the bounty mon
ey of a minor son, who call-Its without hi,
- knowledge or consent.
S.M. Ellis & Sens vs. Pennsylvania Railroad
Company. ActiOn for damage,. The plain
tiffs allege that In October Pet, they shipped
per the Pen asylvania Railroad, one thousand
Imrrels Crude petroleum oil to be delivered in
Philadelphia. Nine hundred and thirty-six
barrels of the oil was received in doe time,
and the balance of the shiptn ent 9i ity-fonr ha r.
tads, never came to hand, hence the notion to
rt cover damages fur the missing 1.1.1, Which,
lilt Interest, will amonnf to seven or eight
hundred dollars. The defence Is that
barrels of the oil acre burned while In transit,
for which they are not liable—hot a-v and al
ways have been willing to pay for the twelve
barrels, 'which they admit have no
t been de
livered, sod for which they could not account.
C W. Robb appears for tAlnlattlfH, and John
H. liampton for defendants. On trkal.
Barons Jens Srowr—The case of Elope,
Rand & Co. vu. Rhodes Alletinistrato,—re•
ported heretofore—went to the Jury on Tues
day afternoon. This was an action fur dama
ges for tinting a pair of coal bar,f,.. at Lou
isville. The Jury had nut. rots, m.d a reedit
at the adjournment of coon.
lttee's Castle "Watered
In yesterday evening's paper we noticed t he
arrest of LaWrenee stinks, on a charge of
being a receiver of stolen, goods, and the fact
that an immense pile of plunder was found in
hts pomession. The goodsiwore found in every
conceivable Klee, under iloors, under the coal
In the coal-shed,and other places. fitieks had
a hearing before the Slayer yesterday after
noon which resulted in his Ctimlnittn nit lu d .
fault of WO ball for &further bearing on Tours
day. Ills wife and daughter, a girl about
eighteen years of age, were with blot at the
Mayor's orrice. The daughter was very much
allotted, and wept Utterly during the entire
examination, and while they were taking her
father out. The evidence 'against him oho wed
pretty conclusively that he was in the habit of
buying at very reduced prices, from little boys
everything they would bring him, totally re
gardless as to whether it was stolen or not
Among the things action are tools belonging
to Sloes& hole, Kees, llertnpee and others. A
perfect wagon loadofthinga are at the Stupor's
*Mee awaiting identification, slid those who
reside near the Point, opalong either elver
who have Idit things would do well to call and
see if their articled are among the Latter.
Among other things are Ilot Of bag. marked
"McCoy's Mills." Iney are supposed' to have
been stolen from W. H. Garrard's gram a are-
Louse. There taints° a lot Of silverware, knives,
ants, ropes, copper, brass, chisels, hammers,
and an almost endless variety of artichnt
The three bays who were brought up with
stiwka were each bound Over in the sum of
aILO for their appearance on Thursday. The
mother of one of the Inds test lifted, or rather
made the statement, that tracks carried on hi.
heathens in such au open Manner that it was
p ell known to all in the neighborhood what he
was doing. Boy. were seen going there every
day w ith articled which they had stolen, mud
.:timid bring away looney instead. hbe also
-third that there s. as:mother .fenee" hear the
•awr place which was equally notorious. Tire
poiler is now ton fair war to make a clean
cep of them fellows, w 10,14,, trade It 1. to
t our youug lade' n tree. tine Of the th,,a ti,).
tole the Mayor yeeterday we. only seveny ears
of age, and the oldest out have bee:,
.orrorrn, yet his mother said ho was beyond
The Dever Mailer/A Again-
1 eeterday, In snewer too telt correepontlent
+.•low better (Imes ma ere were liable to pay
cm mile tax r we stated that we were not mar
nth oily versed In the lairs re:Tab:Woe such
:natters to give a delhzdte abswer to the nocri
had contented ourself wittrreprodneing an or .
ic:e pot] the subject which we found In an cc
riar.:•,..u. Shire then we have examine) he In
temul rver.Utt LAW. "PP..."'"
u LI2 tnfir )larch 3 . IN6s.and ou p5,..1• :4 141.1
,L.• InI•Ors mg:
and site.
elothtne. , ; 'root.
72... , Men, lei nonivaelto., eapa.hatn, and
itonneln, Or arbor artrclea of drenn not Ott/er
n:, a-sensed and taxed It. annuli tar the wea.
of men, a °Men, or Children; Nye per eat/ I. :a
Lid v alorein : Pros - W.4. Lot arty ta t tor, h.,at or
.Lot it/akar. hat. to p, ar bonnet maker, in ill:.
nen r Ori.,wmaker, telto.vely engaged m
tonnu o tarturlng any of ,u /he foregoing a rthie.
In Orli, MS en/dd . , wark,
_and not for 3310
ant/Iy. 0., ailldav It to the Mon,-
stir or to-dstant anaeanor that the ntln
amou„t of runt loan afoot Linen no wad. tide.
not ricer.l the corn of ono thounatut :It .11ur.
yin Onntilii, ru exempt from duty.-
If there fa an“l.tog ei•e on the nub.fget
ehnll be thankful to any One 114,rilitil in Ilia In
ternal rearm,, Isa • to point It out. In the
meant lore, an they et/3' in regard to non hilt ,
;surd. note fr Would lw well fur ladle, whir
hue ant' drOSSIni to •• Make up - to tuak.,
note of axe above grated paragraph. It seem.;
cleat that all that ran in, charged to flee per
cent. advatiorem, on the coat of utak log up a
Man.:Otter the Income of the drat, n tudi;
khan have fact/! oar thOthinnit do l ll4l - 3.
'loin:, this She In exempt froth the pi/y.111.1a I. or
3u ; .1 uty a hatuver.
Tnl : —To attempt to ;give utterance
out Ideas in regard to the maxnitleent m.s.nac.
in which Mr,. Lander performed the part o
Adt Irene, the Actre ,, i. lot night, would I, to
but to with faint Pral•e ". ti c p.w
-10 win nee moil t.. lie oppl
Tonight she appears in Bola ill heantlial
p'oy of Hsu "Lad:, of Lyen+," u play, a, at'
will know, ..tanntling In t.e.tutiful langu..g•••
and Milking . picture:, Mrs, Landers
Medt necessarily be 'tweet, Claude Merdotto•
vlll he personated by Mr. 'Cogswell, aria all
that IT have to say, In re aid to him, it that
if ho partaine hie role with ne much fault IC,OI
- as Ise has the omit two nights we hare
no fears for him. Ho has surprised his belt
Or", Itnese.—We have seen but little of
Iss Yarnle Price during borultort stay lit our
city, but that little has sittbilled us that shell
eminently dears - ring the hl:h talcoultuns be
stowed upon her eise‘there. Slit: Is a highly
pleasing 0et17,14.
're-night alto appears In in hut in our bumble
odgment In one of the hear le4 and most
cult female cbaraeters upon the stage—Lucre
tia &maga. If Miss' Price can sustain - the dint
cult- role of the Itorgia, al.O 1, qualified to per
form Any character upon the stage. l.he ha+ a
fine color a colurnanding figure. end base
no eleoht bat Abut she will meet the p , 11.11 , ,c
Watch Presentirktiou
One of those episodes In hUtoou w bleb
tend to hind closer and clo,er the brotherhood
of mue, took place yesterday at the Mansion
House. The OCeltillull WA, the presentation of
nstontheent gold watch snit 'the In, vultied at
$1.X0,10 lir. J. P. 9preammn,.rda , l foreman of
engineers and foreman op the/Western Divi
sion of the rennsyls anis coot rat Ra ilroad,
his fellow employees. The einnualttee to pro
cure the lestlinoulal, roue-leJ of 31, Jr
win, Stoll on, Itaddlev, , h err and Melin I .
Pan 1101loh mane the presentution npeeeh
and Wm. C. Moreland, hsq,4 replied on beleth
of the recipient. Tho efforts of both gentle
men were hippy and approprMte. Alter pats
Inking of u bounleoun cOlatlOn, and ringing.
the necks of sundry bottles: of sparkling Co-
manila, the je tt y separated, highly '
with the entertainment. Mr. Sprchiman 1.4
w 031 by gentleman, and eery) natty fuels Proud
of the handsome and valuable present bestow
ed upon himiby those who know him hest —the
men who are, to a certain patent, Under Ins
direction and control, end whocan bent J udge
of Mu qualities is a Ulan and his limes, for
the position ho holds minded the valuers who
control the road.
Child fi.rimalsly Burned.— An intereging
little dahter of 31, Jon. h il l lee, member of
Council from the Eighth Ward, wan norlously
if not fatally burned yegterduy. She had Leo.
"sweeping up the room,” and when “washing
up the hearth" her broom caught fire and le
attempting to put ft out, the, name, uouuunnl
rated to tier clothing, and ~.xoa
An older later with great presence Of mind
ran to her reoMatore Op thy carpet and a rap.
peel Ler In it. tier phymelana are of the °pin
lon that alte Is not fatally Injured.
Abondoned.—Tho (Ivo bf From +, tdael
againat her humband Peter %ma for abandon
ment cu ne up beton) the Ileyor yorterday af
ternoon, and was continued Over until Thar.-
day, 1 . Lavin {(17C11 bonds for his appear
sl....• The". win route rub
sk,o Lutz ctc.o wince le Dc tncy
- • --
wad Point- hlng.—Notorl,ltstautt-
Inp I e heavy cull of snow Itniit rack, we, :a
full ll:ntt last Wiantlr tllnntlinvost.
a ••I tiled with slaters. The gnaw wag/de:lmi)
off at fait as tt fell, and tun surraee of the lee
kept in good condition In the meat‘t on e , ti t ,
riots were In xplentlld 41er:thine mottling],
and Were tilled with ruorry sielahers :toot -
halls Hew thick and non, and those who bad
the run, also had to run the eauntlol it( 1..1
Vivu la fun—that's French tor'-go n, , boys.`
12.etin g of thin Firemen:es A...elation
Aa adjourued meeting of the Ilrentcn . ,
SOCilli lOU ivn_v held hut evening.
The following mambord were. :
4ea,rB, W, or, .IkUrarrOrnery, Andr,,, v .T .
da :11.11 - le, A. J. Cuppleq, Jo,ph
W. Leonard, Charier 1. rortar j c ,,,0, A. But,
kr, Thoirias Little, John Walla,c..l,,:upti:
so int, John M. Killen, Joleph Little, .I,..bmt
B. Nobb., James McGuire, F. J. Sushu , David
F.. Hall, and Pre•ddent McCarthy.
The minutes of the previous me e ting we ,
read and approved.
Mr. Leonard offered a re.olution prerektin ,,
(or the appointment nt CotinGlittee of
three to recommend to COmlcilm the propriety
of granting an annual appropriation to the
Stewart Hook, Ladder nod oot Company No.
I. The resolution woe adopted, Emit Menem.
Leonard, Swint and Coppice appointed said
Mr. It. A. Colville pretented his eredential4
from the Neptune Fire Company as a member
of Ito .1..4 social ton, to 1111 the unexpired Corm
of Mr. in.d. Meyers, Which was aceepted.
Mr. Met arthy (Mr. Killen in the chair) MO,
ed that the name of Mr. W. 11. Davin it, , with
drawn from the Committee appointed 1 re
v the Con•tltution of the Ai...dation. and
gated that he did mat the re., of the
tlrman. The Mat len Icon •irlopt. - .1, and the
name of Mr. rn Int for that of Mr.
tin motion of Mr. Little, the Committee on
coe.tittnieo, H In-teuote,l to report the re.
..ult al their lal.or. at a meeting to by held on
the ..eenna Monday of lelireary.
Mr. Leonard tnoved t h at u rommitt..e of live
te appointed to t hot llarrtiburg, or corn...-
pot,' with our Ilepresentutti to 111 the deals
ater, in I •t:A..I to a IneoW n tho , t ee or
111 1 .1. rela 11,, to the apprittll Meta ot it /Are •1;a1 a a llotrhony that..etel rire
Mat dart may it, elected by tile Firittritia of
Pitt -Wei ti, . In-teu.l of being - ippointed by tit..
t ••t . rt • I 1..• 111 l do, wan tliai•n•Hetl tit e
eta' • th. an, r ulti,h it %\ %V IVI4II.
Ur 11.11! 4 , 1 that the Attittetatieit ri•pi. tt
the t ••itil to Iv,• eft., appoint a, lire Marded
tde t lib, Ln i••••i•r •if the tint Iti•ttart Lava! of
Pit h.i•afriit•l n l 01-
: I :lerwhy... 11111:y t.l
The Down Monitory - —R4, • ery or Melon
TM, Intern I net.'its a boy employed In the hiaek
Dlrommt Tobacco Works, st. Clutr titre,. was
passing the board yard on the bank of the
riser, below the stiop-n •1011 bridge, he ttaaers
ed the edge of a louttllat-tlek lag from under a
pile 01 hoards. At it ,t he thought same ints
(mit sous person might has . w tapped up it
dead tviilmal and plaited It 11-tre. and k
mak hig any rturnitintion he wont to Ow
arks and Informed 001115ut h shoptllAt,
of 'Leclrentmeanee. eral or theta went
to he pine , with him, to set
ok out the bundle.
mid iota.' It to contain eight. or Man tine new
revolvers, a brae/ tint! - oeattral bits, n
burglar. "Jimmy,"a dark lamer, tat
steel Noodle+, and a pecuParly ehnlw.t till
tube. 7 beat , artiele, had ail itsen wrapped up
In a want. They It stk them t t the shop, anti
but ing read of the rribisto of (F r ,
store they had no tilitleulty in guessing as to
how the goods came In the hoard pile. (our
or Pvc or the pistols were taken lathe flavors
office, and flute! Long. übsequently Obtained
wo others on slotting the tobacco Works. One
or two are still missing, but will be returned
to the owner. 'The Iwiys whd made the disco,
Cry were each handsomely rewarded by Mr.
Bairn The tin tube alluded to was the article
used for getting the powder into the ear.% al
ter the hole was drilled. A number of certlM
eaten or reeelpts rut oil stoek, stolen from the
safe of Mr. Higley, root merchant. Yrus also
found iu this ('untie. proving conelnsively that
the same parties were concerned In both bur
glaries. The coat in which these article. had
been tied up, w was stolen from Mr.lkawn•s steer.
The parties who conarultteal the burglary urn
experts at the buainewa, as they hare taken
the preeuntiou to rld themseises of
thing which might fasten guilt upon them li
art e.trd.
Griad....--Thetalleettelli of Respite.
tom statement s ramie in some of the papers
it lute been inferred that no respite oouil have
been obtained for Martha Grinder, notes. a‘
medical mitorniamitm bad declared her la fillip.
We have It, upon the beet authority, that her
cettn.ei Thomas M. Marshall, Minh/ hate
obtained a respite far her, even at late as the.
day of her execution, If be hail so desired.
Why he did not do to, can only be Inferred.
We know that he took a broad, comprehensive
view of the cave; and, after discharging his
whole dui) towards the wretched woman, by
making the beat legal nod argumentative de
fense in lila poser, hr deelturd to follow the
ease Mettler, preferring to let the law take It.
course. We know that, when the death war
rant was read to her, he warned her,
in the most imlomn and positive
manner, of the utter hopeleasaese of her
case; and he had probably determined at that
earl) day ,to lease her to her fate. in other
words, may we not infer that Mr. Marshall
u cranv tttrnrl of tilt- guilt of the w0men...41,
having served tier faithfully under hl•Oath no
tariusti, hi. duty ended; that the sanctity of
the ire, the vindication of leetiee, and the
will he. ag of these enrnmun die., depended lot
he • Ina: , degree upon Ow pra,Mpt I.osaLnlanteni
of npan brI.M., a. flint fors hich she iva--
rent is , w1l; that no one mere fully aupreetata,l
Use in. 4r14114e , and ;weevily of punish.a mt
an Mr. Marshall; and knowing the effect
- hod; r.enerally tolloa P. the granting of a re
-pit e, he acted w hely and honorably la dm-Ho
ng to Lo.e the power which ho
In the lo• or port of the fiat Ward, ohout
the Peent, me a number of young avampl, up
to all •peniew of crinte stud ralllany,tuati foot
g fort be le , . ',liner. For some thole
•Iner Itin l-ern Lasing theurm/Y. In
pilfering tuolo, etwupa of iron, and whatever
Ow of slue they could inch up on the 'dean.-
boat sad along the u hart. Lately they began
to al ea; ••14-attit...l. entting MT largo are.
tin e tune, and after ettopping them into
ohs Ilier Ovens, ...elfin:: them to o second-hand
dea • r. to: turd Lao rvoro "tick, far two roma
p.r peund. The r;teontity nt lints thus 1.4[4011
IN at .' - .l large, anti ut the present high
,ce e,•n.../••:1\1.11. anti monoplane
reaulicd In •
Ito. oer. ~r (10:ain; emit. A
1 101 . •one he.l rent in length wco•
ty •1•114 0. a 1 I , enly lent cat up anti
Sold , ennu . dedniyed
116+.1:. t. Oh olio,. of the Moyne..
e re , t• .% bete of the 11.0).t,
•nti.•ll .1.,t0 •o-• vroy azot John Cooler,
rbargett With h.iv •onrrrand In Ihear
la' t• T 1... 400041 1•4•Ion:t•ol t••
llogh . no4l a•• portion', of It sr. 4 ,
Iv !`ltel. •n he wo. arreattal 011
a a In. 4 , 1 log 04..1,1 good*. Oh Intel. ,
•lion leeatel no an ate,' near the e.t.a In
tio• r.ot - 11.0. 3,1," mol k ilittag It a
cart heal ro
of lop., old Iron, tool., .111..,
found alei 1.1.rn hea-c• .;m1 of In the pole c
PI ran le • •di pro , e,hly h:lren ire,.tlniitu.
Ate rn.e,o
evr Parer
7 h, the name Al noco i t .w cr pod
dal lc.: at Fait good, Vie,tiott Yttgo,la, 11.,
Boyd. Thc paves i.. ably edited and
11PM proded. Vett tint I , llrt re wltl rapport
1/1%,1 Iglu doctrine, la apparent Nom thr fol
low in g ntrnee in thb editor', nalutntory
• 'l% 4,13( . 1111% f• world Inovort. that MAUI:J.S
In hod acquiring n knowlrolge of the true prin
. q.len wbicli underlie 1 . 17 tl go, et ninctitt; that
dark cloth,, of iupts , tlifral utol
tt , t vtinlshlng liefore thr rhing .nn of a bright.
higher n , are anarel,-
1$ ahwg• itl a peri.l not far 111 the rut •.
n Idw All bight , will be Aceor.le.l to
A3l MI,. except I ronlnal,
'Phnod It tt
1. , ”1-. 're,. latlarr :tad 1 - rta•
the .Irahlintal,aa Irt vel,a3 to ,
$ 111 mm O.'
00111iP. District court.
01/I't nvt 0ur...100
In lin. a ,. of Jo ,, ph rn rnp..rl••lyes
irnlvy•l'hull.o-.1 n 111 nnvlnn In In , p01.n...4100
, onnttrn It 11101Ieyr. Ln.L lit
tin. jury tii urne4 u t orltint of nut guilty.
United St;stt•s r.. J. 1111.1 Mn Itultet
ed for doing ttn.incs• an a enntractor and build
er, n Ithout 11..ttto.r. In ILI- •,0• a rennet of
guilty n 1174 rettortunt. , frlen•lant Nentenetnl
to pay 11,1, 4 of ono dolt, and thin anft.r, of
Jam.' 1.1119: tadieimaat,
yn•-•10n, reit 1110;r[
y het, frullty,
and ilen•inann....rneacrd 10 pay ,0-11 01
pro..reution, and untinrgo an ;lain t•nansvu I la
110 , Ire,turn I'vnitrutlar) for Ow lona ,•(
Adioot rod to Moot 1.-toorr.,, tmarDing
Very outechtl vorry•pottlttl
of Iht New York Irotthr. It, tit -0,1140 U the
rem lon of 31, l.rrwh.r, " •I rut.,..
I Islng ti 11. h.. rvi” .
..tip !,.1111atlt frmil lit 1t.:., an.l
no bluing at the 1,11 1..•1-4 entl.lo .1 tulubly ,iTort
1 , 1110 put up one o: her loin, itnulllrloolly 10
ruxr It down ugolti to yr lotr Itottortetl hen
tun ~ dole , hutotertlngt the nal ire
yof a mono." Thii In very 11,10. hut It It.
not 1 toe IL 13 , 1,1•1 1.0...1w... ltopo-t
-sittle 00 lo•r, pinlomol tot co
nell• tl ho rap, o !thou: 10 , 31. lo Ilto bawl
I. kith 10:111 her ur-014.
Wale Prelenteri.--I,lsl.lstoplier bole owl/.
mill I , efhre Plerninn I'.i. nn llust in.n. Ate's,
bolt ”14.0a,.41 irum litn
nnfler fklwe imelen•••• The "(Inn.. r.IINI 414,1
In 3lt Itt tiny lug It Inn Ie to I ruin tile that
Turn, u nremtlisw loin to he tooled. si Idle on the
Clint the molt; ulo.eripihe.l at the dine DI
the 'ale pro-een,r lint 111 ,
tenthmt knew lint the animal uu,
at liar llnge be weete 'the hale, alel he therer•ore
ell Ihra a wurrnnt :night
held It, nolh IVarrant I.•ensa
Thn Gold ILaellemenl.—Thr hortnonl
I We-I r•f"'""%ly- It 11. +nor( tune itgo filly gold 'not
I:nen rln.e.lvded In I, county near I Irmlnit.
lon. The anudunnement eutn,ed tlo• rellhw
LO breakOM till K. extenAlvely nmang
hued ctry folks, bol Mo. (l in t
nuhenhnl 1;11C11 It 1,1, dincertalnr,l that the
gold m prnellgully it no
of it., Inueue. , ll , llllv. f.lno nrbte.l by a four
foot. CIL Of `
IliereVreed.—lviiterilay moral a:: the note+.
I ontlP, and other pope., .tote, trove Mr
hot tuningrolileiry of tali, More,
on VI "lel tract, Oa Saturday night, wide
found under a stOhe In a vueunt vellar on Ma
rlon al en ur, Alleg4o4. Mr. Coleman. thr
on uvr on the cellar, promptly v.:tort...a the
paper. to Mc H 41111.11 on a er.
A fiturf.lllol3.—Sume puzzler hnq I nvntllnd
the follow leg: "When I first met ns r. A, 1 PA.
0. 4 nil a! Inc,rts, unfl Inn Ir el, r vo.n tate,
he trim; N. n - vuel
A•aanll nod Battery
lta Yorker cow plaloe.l to A 111 erman
1 Ito thnt her h o•tbon.l, .1 or k +on For
. o Jai t.. 1 ,1-.• or pro,-
oratli..n. attackedmod hoOlon; lief .00 , re-
O Ich lava. rd avarran! might I.-
-0. • The Aldo:m..o con.analell to her potltloo,
lan( n u, sa.a. th have come 10 a
nlO gonilo eannot and du ,
the Ithanly nod I [olllna anotsetnend of boat
log hi- tt ile ili.Otat lacltag 611,....:0.1 tap laofore
an Alderman. anatt.ernept hnoeTer 1,--
condhp Padalouahl... nod any than:: that la faoh
lhoald. 1. aaltnetaoned, O.' 11•1 VII, Wit", to
pr.n n.e their Inlekt Air t he vital
N. / 1 .--11 e tukv, from our
propri-ty he lea rn lug that the rieltt. and dig
nal y of man have beep tr.amplod un,ter foot,
and th , a 001.0 - tot too lorrter ca In fall, having
then a!nahle to furl. Of 1 . 1 ...pant
Of tell.
(barge of Abandonment-- 1
a;.. we notleed the fact that Peter q.f
chsemdmrg, had been Indueml to marry I. ran
t,. La -r-tr, of !stesvart.down, by means of a lit
tle Mt of strategy, In which She was u 5 41,0,,,1
by too female friends. Peter on finding that
he had been cleverly humbugged, entered 4.11
snot nut the woman for Canspirac y . but the C:,,. •
on? d•stukied upon hearing. Peter not sc
ing :sale to get any sat isfactlon for t ne wrong
.:one him, deterthined to leave his wife and
return to his non home. TI-dey !ill, Prams—.
W... wig - waxed before Mayor Lowry and pre
ferred u charge of atutodonment atralnat he
huatind.alleglae that he refasea and eagle. t
to topport Ler. .1 warrant nan I•,ued fur lit,
Banker% and Broker,
No. 75 Fourth Street. Pittsburgh,
In r. In ,t' !dn. ,
r, I n .-rr• Ft,.
rI lb. SL.II , Un un,“
• n A. (Ico 11i)
A • c,.. rolltnlelphns.. 11.11.P.A. I. 11. PP It
111Ni(41.11,0 A7(1) ItItOKEIIS' It() MD
01,1 i, of THE Pltr,lll . rt.N 1. c..;
L I. n..r .i/1/1
U. s. Zattntv ttILl
I'. a 7-tvea, . ....... t•t _to
S. Itt-1 , -
•• Certiaratea . ••7
I , le
I. 01 , 0 ... —
1.41 1c 1. I
Buller 1 .
Alton - mt.:Alan:* In •Imattrat . - I. 03
arlt la-Itratea•
51,anan het.. Rri,l. I out,. ty s w -
Alb On Valley 11.. . • 1.• ----
C ,1111 . 111,1 n .• R.
Utt,•-••• Nall, nal Hurl. . ...... ti M.
E. Kea National Bank. ..
M. A M. Natlnttal honk.att
l'eopl. ND t! , 01:t1 It n 1.1: 103 no
Rank or Plttaltn - ,....11 so M
iamtttiv National Hank —11 l
Third Alatlonal Maul:, . 1 / 1
I 'l:natal - re Natant...lll,l. _lll of
l'olutaltla 011._.
111.sal .
U. s clezraph I a•
1 . 0.2/10.7 . Flee A t 10• •1.
Ln.l na New In, at 11 a to
The aban•lat.a.• and .•ht awn sa n. a .t.t v
together aOn the :spoor. no absence of ally
thing cut, ulster! to distort. the On.o ,n the
current troo root:It-of I role, are eN
uttisfactory floor In iho market. The large
nocipts from c10d... on torulgu good, since
the New Year, alit the rothirlts of tfoutetsttr
Metorots in the Man ufact rt rag state+, 'leant.-
preporat ...• for it. ordtic tool tsar I ,rod-prang
trade. The continues! rerwipit of cotton at
the `mat horn porta are equal to affording r
chant:tr. ..Ifficient to meet the preen I fettle of
importation, w Ithout touch laws .tailor rut
trent/n:las ton of I erred stab,. stoek• There
will doubtless hoar. er r continue to he a fair
dernatel shroud for alleti state. aecurales.
w Limit but odds to the foreign laboree atminst
et.. The price of Elsa T. entity in London re
maned steady at the latest ads leer., Wing
quotrd at ../4 1 ,, wbhir equal to the rIPAr of
67 1 ; hero,. the maturing of tire Januar.
—Ti,. Lontlon Tones has the folloartne on
tin egret 0; the Litrektole no [be topper mar
Let and the copper amplify
"The blockade of Valparaiso and [Lo other
porta CAl:knot *Metre fait the Chilton.,
tI they are in earnest., Loll It paralyze,. the cop
tree mi..% and the Insane in 'that metal with
Engiarol The immortal of the stratfatnalterso
Aasoclation to Lord Ll.srendion, exhililtri tire
proi.nbln consericome,l Of this titsturttanett,
and the wwy In which It will effect the mills
and orannfictorlea in certain districts of linsat
/*oda. I..EltstcJl that forty-eeerten th o ,y•
and tons Of rappor t or more than four nines m
much art la yielded by the English nainea, were
e zippered !mat yea. from those of Chlih Month,
whi Viapna- hciore the smelting eatattliehment•
can resume full work. The great dilncolt,
mule-ars to not to much that of Keitlnif the
r from soe of the smaller porta
which aro atilt Open au list of r."« , ..0.# ootalat
enough for the aorta, of course the alllpplrig
inlet eat -puffer* equally, and we published a
few werk• ago x long Catalogers. of British Yea—
aria trt filch had been notified of the bloektple
and turned back off Valparaiso tertween the
etch of betitember tad the illth of Iletobor.
France is not equally projudired by the wor.
but Ten rrance is by no mearts indifferent to '
the inconvotrience aldch It entails"
—The inapt rttrittritat for the pArri. week, In-
eluding the dry geode Saturate our Nat vapor,
r. ntaotti trl,tidgth3,as against Abettor al vatries I j
lahlf.o,ilat some week last year. The ovport
cant - ant es of domestic product amount to
11.1,00.[Z0 a an, ost Ilpi t arit,hfff as ton amok last year.
The export of votteittalmoner a to iptl3, , L4
against PtharJ•ame weok heat year. The coat
lofflv Ice the wrap an' 02731-faff. The receipts
flteottoa coast Wise anal lay railroad, arc .10,074
Insley. The [arline, of enilgrAnt pa•tonger•
aryls cal during the work, y
Of awoke, Tuty•Lay evening, .Ititio...ry
nt Gormnerrizt/ Solo ROOLOt, Inn Stnlthrled
tittitret tot A. Melia auctiotovr
Alit-Owns , Nallot of Ittok ...1 'Sr 00
Wyatt., n teem ..111pa) u.>
row ho. ];t In hbrlst's Ulm ll eft . .12:1 OD I
-The IshihulelPhla irceffrec. et.nondol. hos a
iflog nit it lout frrokere, !non which nluake
follow.. fillet rot Illy •-strict
know,, as tar broker'. hotalnurte 1,1, lar
,utr loud and Inikril of daily by almost nil, roe
perdu.) It the large Otte, probably
nor ut•tot entirely and al generally inlet
acv per, .eta, In the corm
t) look aloe stock bother, we sharper-, en.
_aged in ,heating the outsble public when
1111.‘ Can, and earl, other t hen malting ttorro
irit iinnts. They overluok Ulu foot that
1111 :11.,0nt InVeat. , l fn various atook
in value Illat of nut other Mottle
branch to Industry. arra that lint for the nick
broker the ,Cod;lrdirm Of those act•ttr''-
1t!l•S and uncortaln, to the rr,.,t
ntecontradonec of those aeckleg AM. or bur
chose, tool to rho great deprevintlon of the
itpritta valor of the securities. So with the
rmrreorty broker. Every cunt of interval is
charged the same Ignorant trr Ineonsidetate ,
per sons °sato notch clear !wont to the hookar,
too want leans tidal. that but for the brolrer
theta w oit;,l lot no discount at nil. It tut•os
'nitro , tabt [,tilt dicta I trs•allre the Met rho,
iiivil.rr, In the It 1(01, hi the , J 1 1 ,1,...
1,4 Hi WM P.l • • •.(111 . 111Cla
to ,, rt y to t at 1111,111,1,
It Ili., e. 11• I 3•.1.• .
• Ir.). r11.. 1 111 11101 1111111 : 11 .
.•,•I ••1••• kll .•L, 1 , :11 .1. 1 ,1,131.11 1. , li•
. 0 . '.; • I a. 11,
4,ll,tint ro NV• .1 .. n• ,l
••.1, ~ LI:. to
holt, t1,,,u 1 11kii .1. ,
It, raouklmartll...r ~ t nieJt 111 wl, of Lurll , lnult
tjuitt mrtrc pro , .ity land floe
111.. lit 1.4.111 , 1 r/1
rtkklt non, kort•t• AINY it I u ul.. It. K.
.)nn ..111 1 . 011.01 , 011. 1 . 1-111, A Itro; , Are
do, .1 ‘lll4lpni t:lorlir, pig ppslol, Nilnlek A CO;
J 111 , 01 , 11 mi; I LP , oln, Jto. %rood, t' 4, 11 , .
00111 . , 1 Pip A ... , 11..par..1; r•• 1”
oil I, 11,. rtitmt; ••lopl) 1a.14, .1 In.
I • .• ):.' 1
.11l 1: Iran 1, Iv, r,•1.1g.;.p•1t A ••••.
.1 Thyrll rol 1t1.1, , 0r. I. 1.14,
FhNt, vot lottl, °it , . 10 11 .2.1.
,11.. r, A ta..; loo , ott, ,
Or'' A .1 I. 101.1,.1 ,111.1 tip
tt...../1.111•11k r l'ult , t,oo t o tot ..... St
1.1.1 ,,, ht , t. 1 I al , On.
14.101)1,i. 11.• or, It' 1,11,.111. ,2.'4/ 1,01, .1
1: t
.t 1 . * 11 . T.:1r1101.1 st, an ,n.
rt 114.1 A srtil.tront, 1 libl !nit to•r.
t..11..1 .• 1 L. t .
Ent!: uali, Pal Ilrolo , Ammon: a, 4,11
1 , 4 1.11. /10111 . . }. 11 11.• r.
A. 5.... In .1.. .1., hail A 1 - 111.-tt,tri;.. Ivin•
A hrtst.... l , 1,11 1,14.. .5.. .17 , 1 , .1 r
ittllC'r A Co.
I . " 1., rstsss. ( •ssr r um, ts I's, • kTI It n.
•/,111. - ti./distils. , .1 )(sqh st
1 , 1 Ilt r, .s s iss•sssal,•—. I. II
,s, 1 , .1 I 1..11 ststsser s .issisortsyss
!lon, i) lienter
,t s ss, Oa-, II It 1 , 3, 4 1/5i 11 . 4.6 hoal
11 Witllsts !roll, II I.sdlslio. MO( ss sgist
Al It Gut • 7 •. 23-5
lur. )1. i. A I:ottll,.mk; 14 do d.r.
Pro !twit. I Affill ir.•.1,11 iiM.PA .4 Son; Iw
1,I•1• tlr.o r, I t .1 W Sllnll+4,m; I
1%1 I 1.. y Ic• F I .1.. tlll.
.1 A11.1171/.71 I ..111. 111;vol.,.1t T :
inhuccl/, II W .liankinnon.
T 0.% Ihlrkinw In Chlenn.r.
'll6e msrliois of I.lvt: Hogs for Illy ce k
atatiott/ ."1,111 tor Ihn
a.•vloto..andlq,7ls for Ow
WWI. la...attar The ret..-11.1a of ', ijoi r .
urn" n 51. , 11
for Ow ,ort. "or!. In 1.,r.
The Ishhouro I of Lire 11414. •Ih,• week
and leg I o•rhi o err 1 , 17, again:A hrO week,
0 ,1 n cox, for hornrro.lototoor week/11,d yen...
.i,ii.meot of it rvoond Mom. wore 37604hti0.,
16.0 , 4 lu.t x , "ek, and 11.7.11 for the eorre,poud.
el. in 1•45.
Ded net leg the rhlpinowt.. honi the rerelpt.,
Intl.tove trolle3le phoot 000rher
h• ft oli t for parking amt butelit , rlng:
her:Opt, from •
•• 191,.10
1131:Ince left fm pacto•r. nud
Imteher. ... . :1(,.16
Mr Ileorylsictvil Ilizure, the pack In; for
I kn• 'Fill. , tr rr.1,15,0
t e or 'me C;.rrrrc.
rog” 01d.,1 wpt nl",,
• 11 t),ca
1.1 •Irri -1 •I , •1
1 . 0
UI! 11.1 , dro d
Ittol ntt t t
„ i .:
iIItAIN—ICL• ••• 1- r:n ~t ••• 1 tut band 1 ..A1..
Of I , ' , ...t anw Mal . .72'11 Ilan at .i:„ in . ~ .• ,
z,..1..nt - tp/3 - anJ -1 11:.• , 1.... r..., , .., I -a:
Ca JI-d, rdnall ~1•-, tt In ti,u.tladv A ,n
— sal , ..kl 1. or ••nelkd 7 .1 ';'.....E7 7 1:' '!”'/ 1. .
-;or, , at 71, ISOM:V ., Mr in T:, 1.•;:. 1t. , ..
.., ...
u. ,ti and nuvhanged.
I'l ~ I 11-1,11.110, lirt , nomina 11, t: .... , 1-1.. i
-....trt,d1 ntlll, 11,171 Sl.O 11 at 11.7 7 0 ,q.l ... 1.0 5",,, ,:
1% In, al }amity, old CO. /37 it/ .. lor ii ta t, ,
Wheat. 110011 twat lour i, .t.i Ilia;., to
per awl. and At. 4,11 repoll u. ~.,1, 01 I!, • I E ,
it 40,3‘.},ti Idol.
FR.% 1 , 14,,N , ...-11nonn i- itt f-.:- .Intst•tutl t• -t I
we run report jobbing -min , at U. , lur •daatl.l
- Ittuntt,. fat I 'car`ti.l••., and N1,,f..2.:•'.• for -d
-nar t urad . luau,. Lard ti doll of 1:01s 1,..
irk or Bull
131 TTYIZ-1. bit? tlior.• i. n ,
pros vrll,lll. ..t 1.11
I lit Z.. a 1.1 prEnt •
I. and riv. kits t:.
•iuti litt. ittlflS. , l -•th•-...
/ 1.-4. I- Si Ii •Z
I Inn”ig
l.R.IS I I:1 Rh:l- • III,..: 1.L.1. 14 ~,,.. I . ,11,
41,1., id,l
1 , /t1 k.l, lit( IT -SA •r: 4 'OO- prim.. %,,,•1••••
al 1 , .• I•or Il•. I' .1011 , ..... .' ~: •t. I .: I , T.N
ft •• . •:wo • . , , 1,1,1,.
ill.l '''•'
:•.11 I- I. lief .1.1.1 11/1•1. I 1 , 1,1 , 1 V . 7, L.,0
IPs I :0 • r p
'IJI•Pt Ir.
II 11
Ii: • \ 1 e.l s.tiv,tl 4.‘ 1V
I'll 1 1;(.111 PI Trlttll.l L. t , / 31 %Rh ET
i. Oki
at in: ani 'Wino On At , : rin• Loi i• • lid
11, he .a. ~ ..1.-1 .'• in I'ol for
m. .it p • 11,17. •.•ir r••(lner. •t^..
n RII , I I I• I, :I re 5 , ! , 1.• pipart in it,tr
• . • .ad (roc: %,•117.‘t
:elle , n 1 lee eliell eteeel voter. e1 1..1t1111 el ~,p --I,•nal
-1 , •nal • mit I: •/.1.- •••••,g", , , tor p•
• I - rht-, , i• •,..)1• 111!,1.1
1,11 far; .pr 1.1" (1. ,, t,er•
I•h i•.1,4r... No It ..1/.••t1 it] Nap,.
patch to the ritteburan Gazeit•
Calr.V.O, January 2.1.
nt r. Dull anal almmit nominal, at
Npris..g lietrua
tette, Wheat elninol firmer than
yeatentay; 0,t4.40 , 11.= fur No. I. and f o r. al
for No 2. Rpieet,4l torn, moreactive unit firm
er, at .W..,,(1.11e Outs; dull a n d 4 . 1.11 CI L , at lin for
No I, tool 21 e' (or \". 2 Ityr, qll , l
Io Itio or. at Mt N., I. 11.arloy dull Lind
at te..%17a. 2.1 e.
aml henry. )11.•.• Pork
Quiet: Dale. of r.) , 661.0. at Bulk
neire-1441. Sweet. 1 . 1,1.1.,1 .1”11:
I nito h•vg., at I , -014 at I.anlyq4.let amt heavy;
.ale. at 17r 1., prlme steam
.-rn orene.l arm ant
n.ll,uat y y..ster.lay•• elnyf
1,521 n•,.
The I , lnrk“ I. ;..I[l%t 31.1 Iw-tt, .t
ll I,
Pt patch to the ?In.:burgh Gazette.
C1S1,1•1••• r, January - . 3, liar,
V tier oodNe—Meady , Ufa a good eon...wimp
:li, demand;
Moo li,ek Irregular, mates'. of
City, at .I , 9",g:Yergt..T., and Math atookagon.
ernd'y held 1 , 01 of the market. Ilarott
bUt ..:seem Shoulders, no: Clear Rib NM'''. INC;
( Car .11111, peeked. totgar-,arod Ram.
chard to We. packed; Cans - 2.84,2Ln Bulk
pent. sellr e, ealey of Clewr ' , ides at
clualna of 1 , 7 , ,e; Clear 17.1 b tildes, 171! 4 /.;
We: g - ander,. 12' 4c, all peeked. lAN dull:
Pr!me city bold at 11 , ,,0, with no buy , re over
17' 4.; 11..9•1, 17r, ,
Flu..--Aotir. aml . Lle higher;
lllogo at $.9,.715 , 1 . ./,en pint., and *11,75 nr : ; tll2-
to Dressed, yll.OO-, revelpta,
Pl..lltol.lKt 31 WeOCK.4I3II Atilt' YORK.
ntseeht.l 111.p:itch to Western Press.
Nita - Tear; January ZS,
There F. twee ronsiderub'e actio;ty
shares testlity, with a strong pressure
to .01. Sales were ti the following rates: Hen
n, oil Ruh. 11 ., - ; Hnchannn Farm, i'n; lire
roott, font Yen Simple, 'A; Germania, to; 011
Creek, 1,•70; Palmer, 4,97; Caton, 14,50; Pit Hole
Creek, 11,•o; United States, is; Shade Meer,
;Jo; litndley, 10.
Ill•pntah to Western Press.
Ns, TottZ J2.1:11t1.1 ,
I'l,ln - ileum Is still very dull at M'....eforCredr,
nue redi,d. No sales sr, reported.
e•illtli 3 3iig3:ir& m Ml*, titi * :
I loaner and Trade In Sew York
w 1 owit, Jnn. 9.3.--Itlll way speculation
sac very hens y this morning, and lower prices
s re mad.• at the Stork Exchange. There was
increased pressure iN sell, and the greatest
I,l' was In Pittsburgh, Hock Island and
Vert Wayne. The tone of businets was de
cided!) bearish. Fin bthonmnd seven hundred
.hners of lidichlyan Southern were sold and
6,lfe shares of Fort Wayne. During the day
the market wax stronger, and was firm at the
The follow lug were the closing pricau at 4:30
New York Central, 91 , 1 i Erie, f 4; Itudonn
River, K, Reading, 109, Michigan Southern, Gs,
t leveltoul and Pittsburgh. 104: Rock Island,
• a.... North Western preferred, 50' Fort
N 1 as to . Covert...his continue dull, hot
0 41. . o'd rose l,rl the issue of Dern was
• • .'soli'. rsutinne dm but are lo.w. ae-
.übp yore eAny but the demand In
• 'n. re .111, (kb! In rather easier.
t.:n et I. welt nttpulled, en! not, inn
ntt C: , t• demand from Importer,.
a • lightly ntoneutvtirtt. It clutenl
.:t ! , mtin are quiet, at untiring... 4
vr_r and rat h
i • • 314• for
It •1 -- n.• art, In Error buyer, with
• lo.Kler:tte dentarol, chiefly to *imp Iv the
Ith want.. ofjobbm It at f7,75,e7,.:i for
IS,::::1.!, - 41.410 for 1-.:x Ira It 'and 1100 p
uh to, i...5.1(T 1..1J Air Trade Brood., the market
vlns!ny Itenvy.
tt II to s r IVestern, tr' 27.
RAIN-.. 1 4. beat dull and bpring tends down
nerd at 111,7 u for good Afiltrankte In store, and
for New Amber 1111waukle, afloat. Barley
Intl and dmiluing; Canada West t $1,15; State,
PG, Itaricy Atoll, quiet. Corn, dull and heavy
at .1, , f.,r unsound; 854"!Itele fr sound mixed
wce,6,-r, In ..,c1;. ono delivered, and *lc far new
V,dlost Ssnithran, Oat., quiet at 3 , 5412 c for un
•ound IY,,tern, and 111105.1 e for sound Western.
San fur Crude,and SSq to
lot Refined In Ltinti; ilvtined tree, nominal.
',IC P. me-- 01Vgle, (inlet. Sugar, quint; Cuba
51 e ark, LI:// in; Havana, 1214 e. Molasses
In Sc.l i' reqta,t; Non urlean., 01V,1,23; Ports..ltico, ;34, /0c; Itarbarloc.,, - ea,
Pork licavvend unchanged at
via,7] , ,tl*,C.o I. sr is closing at 4.29,75
ea• 1;, and .21 ..,75 lot llrinat, and iq;014? - ,...n,..50
for l't den LON New Mess, for
I' and Niarcb. •,•11cr.0 option at CM,OO
29. W, 111,,51 • quirt at prat tour. pricas. Cut
Mt at- quiet and tt rm.
Ito, rn Dre.,,,d Ylog.. brio at 121,1413 c for
11/...,..; and 1:P.0030,e for t'lty. Land rustler
tirn Id , tarn. hatter dun at lAkidde fur
..end_ -
Nl,l 1 non, • , ,—Uurnnt for the wok
• t VI; 111,411(1.1.1
OVkii M. tki }1001 . 01.; nrtit
..rdinut youlwou, trxi
0 , A.: ill Irrlor
4u:tilts', 1 uni IR
at,, 1 , 11.; Notuuloo, 10'
_q . ll 1411.-ru.., lug
tri T. A , rl SUP••• t *74.8i
t'Atilmon, lure-
".m , I',•,a
l le l y eorn.fed, 11 11,Tht and
u)••oluns.u: • t I')
The Werke( ma.- dull. 1,e0:). nod lower, for
I mv l 4nnpl) !Main eawmmllng the At
; price:. a ore lgi, t ...I per lib lower on all
scull except bent, awl the s er) poorest range
the same nv list Week, Hogs ,ohl to lake te,
tent at onr Ountattoth
Tulal reeept, of all nt the vards, for
hi, and last v ref:, were as follow, Tot,' I hte
week, beers, Ifts7; row. 20; veal calves. PM;
odteep and Isatbe, 1.0,1E0. Vidal last wlook,
11,9A2: 011'0e, 101; veal calve,, 410; sheep
mid omille. 11.40.
New York Mock and Money Market.
Nt.7, YORK., .ion 01.—Meney gUlte rouly at t
0 percent. Oterlltlij LIU:111ml heavy at lle,s
10t^%. (101.1 Renter; opening. at deolinlue
to and closing ut (soros - iv:neat
storks ann.
5t 0 0,,, dull, U. S. el-. reg'd, le!: do. do.
eidlomm, 10l3„'; .ficoond aelln., Ohio
et Mb, eertlllente.2o Coo ton, 1.1,• Cumberland
preferrod, 46" ;Inntie S. S. Co., 11l ; quick
ellver, 40 3 1'115 estern Union Telegraph, SI; N. Y.
C. 81;,;; trio, fel , :.; MUM. CPntral, le2; Reading,
49.;: • Noel hwt...l;•en preferred, ; hflobtran
SOut'bern etm„' ; rite V.l; NOl . ll/TVe,P.TII.
Y 14.; livek
%).1.1:(.11ii:\ 1 U UTTI I: ti
! } ~,,a
r „ Tn,..~. u.,ne
4' ll - ‘P
t. i• t , n Ittly• r•• tn atZt•n•l•ta. - •
nnf..t. tatt••al nn 1.41,11
ut• tt I t:j• - •tigh - • i•.i We tll tilt's. ••
in 11., 111.11.1. ot Ittr•titl••”- mia L.n hi .1r rr
zt, tr dt•nt..r., anal r 1 .tatall Inttnalt•-
Illy c.tufMt-t , ,ttlllln Tit^ at , " ht ..,
•at•!.• .Q/1,1 ;II trim 7 , . 1 , . anti tuft, t,t• CO
~I fTT.T—Ti„ A m oy nurna• an at I h
tn.:- .6,1,111,r tha r,.out.
An•I , 1 , •• nork..t; rtll , l
.• ituLtrygtontt no In...lurid} eltantra. tJ to
7111. 11111110 n .r 1 ,41/ lt r• •t
01 tront r,t_ in 7 yen!. inar iuttutd. nnial,t•nan
I i.rntll l ln Lea.' t•ra,ritt:: 111, at; It
l'rt• t• v. In -a 1 ,, w4 - CI V
11 r henalt atha Etnill to II inr.-, 1111 hatatl
ot • —nt1•,..4," nt ‘l..l:tp. • •tt••a:t t.sitattarn
in all • • .11.•-tatta..,
li ll r,— . lhs it aO-,sel .ssasslissg• %
y ma
on a lis - at -eats- fur saaass star*, the de
mur.rr 111,1,11.11111 y rlc4el aluirs-L
ssuisplyan s i the „ wt ssi ills. retail trade. 1'.1,1z
n0,, are sr j, ri“g. t p“, sal
vs Osslsta, are .a Irsaits t s la.
In a retail ss • .t 1 I'l zi! So. ts
10 10' ,r,
•1 1 • •• 1.
lir :11 • • ' .1.
I It.. oat..
ti, for Vio a. 1.1 _4e I.‘r
t . 1 ., in t'e I t7.ln i 7 I •‘
11,...,1 . :•S
. .r . 1 • I I 51 F 4 ~•11Cy
• .t ;rfr4;'
,t a 11...T6.11
Kal,3 oil 1:4.11,Ch11d- A 1..5•,, •
Ist•silucky 2.1 .11. - I ,
ommon :A nsid Vcl.j n:,i.: r•.-
1, , I 4 hal
Ih/1.1/child- A rtqafl,l Un 11., I. tOI
}lt I to 7.• t•r:.
I. 41Lon, to hit,13,1 '2l! 31 1/.., A
•t'••,, 1. I n liv,l 1:11,114. .
t:. ;1,4 9J of fulr
pt In, rattle a: vor% .t Itro.
t 11003 .7; 1 , . ii•.111C11:1 , 1, et,
II Zi I • r 01,4 rel . Nut rl.l
'fru n A )L4 1,1 rt•tail,4l ' , out
100 14•1 a .41 111.4 A.
A.I.JAT,ty r ,i;...1 :^+ ,;1 . 4 tit
01 rt. .41 rt•tAll4.l t , . 1 1 - . • ' • • t.. I
Ilit. r.d, "I
onminnlly unetiangeil. There
no fir, , I.or lumber north speaking
• I Ir. ten het. Lot- com be l.! . readily token at
I.lll' e hear a rumor
of sale at HA. it is thought there tiny
Is a fair amount of big% got nut On the ca-tern
lb. state, Attie/nigh if the country hi
not nine.. tiivnticit nALsnow than at pre-ent,
it ensittt. In' large. iiun.ateralilti ac
tivity at points. vi here log. have only to M.
hauled a sloitl distanee, but in loraliti,
mote linen the -teem.. tier,' is nothing doing
rcpt alien• the sleighing I. good, which In
inn in the peighbfirleard of Alpena, and
on thy:. Tlttelein 01111 n 'lnert> rivers. We
•Ivin a retail priers at The yank as Milner,
lest clear 00 00'45 09
•• , nr••1 d•
Isu I .
itarn bIPIIT•1^•• • ,
wnntl;nF..... • • •
1 ere+-4-.1 clvf,
4., .10 8./48.8.1 ell,. '2l 034
.1. ,10 com ~,,, II /8 074:020 00
40 /1 , ...ri11g, .:888.nil elm,/ . . /C, 0004
'l.. .144 ,- Oln Illnll % 000 - 10 00
fill ..tufr ..... .... ....... .. . . ... /71 MO/LS 00
1/1/4/1, 4/1881‘.... 40 08fr —2
di %N o /o. I
8148 .1 .1., 7 WO. 7 :4
Lal It 4 WU 1 2.4
IMlolzm Ntoek a.
Y , RX, Jan. :M.-I'lle., of tnit,lng vtori -
Ctoltrol.M; Com, Folk, Cr.;
; 1.41 e Royal. 14: 1,44, 4 0., 1,
17,1 , , s ; pv ,I P •
- -
1 cr. a•. la,: night, utW live
and u feet In the channel. Both river, were
running full of lee, viand', honorer, was not
en henvy a,. it ha, been. fora few days past.
Th. a tether in enjoying a ' , pen." It COM
laa,fletl at snow yeuterday morning, and for
got to lease oil laid night, and the 0o:1.f-toner
1. the, Is a large at oek of Ariz.:bin; and snow
bulling nu hand.. Dusinesa at the lauding le
••white," although one steamboat
ritaala looked .me what -
A little seini-oetnsiortal freight foam] its way
to the landing yealerday, and went on board
the Nevada, Lent lecoti, Wounitta and Ib id.
vr 11,h boat.• err respectri ye toasting for
Lottis. New Oritonsj and
st. louts De-rn , n.ef. . Of (Le •sins
the follow lug : •
st lout., the acre of the Wed, thr 7.reat.
ot thy llissi.slopl sutiering
..11, atwitter dash of winter. She LsgrtmLly
east down. No steno-shoats 'meat her wharves,
Dud reporters turre no opportunity of puffing
them. Iler greatne.. of a day it gone. She
I. again much nut elf from the rest of man
kind. The weather lately has been the cold
est of the winter: There is plenty of waterto
Cairo, probably ilfterrn feet in the channel, but
failing here. There seems to be little appre
heuldon entertained of the ice gorging below
this point, owing to the high stage of the
riser. The {CU 1. Plan Swum in the upper
risers, and Mutton:o, is set back considerably.
Vre arc eLad °tone little thing—the wind was
from the South •during the last of daylight
y,-sterday,and where the nun shonc,itt warmth
eatssed a rapid thaw.
Thy Not-a, Capt. Deviuney. was tousling for
Pitt sbnrgh.
On Saturday there were ton feet water In the
Cumberland, and the river was rising.
The followtng steamers lay at the wharf . , bes.
terra Green street and Popular, the ora,
tulir loaded for the Ohio, St. Johns, about to
load her Vielcsburg, South Wester, for Mem
phi., Montana, Nate Kearney Julia partly
lowled for New Orleans, Atlantic loaded and
ready to sail for New Orleans, T. McGill
partly Waded foe New Orleans, John Kllgour
nearly full cargo 013 board for Newttrleans,W.
U. °shorn, Just In from New Orleans, Dom
with cargo, really to sail to Memphis, Maria
Denning, heavy cargo for New Orleans,a ferry
boat, and Virginia Barton loading for Tennes
see. This presents over a million dollars of
property which would be exposed to destruc
tion in the event of the riser closing again
with these boats Unmoved. But the Nora hal
steam raised last everting and would probably
bunt safe quarters last night, and it is under
stood that the Julia and Atlantic, and proba
bly others would retire Mat night behind pro-
f eel iOna In the river.
I; on cot lONALTI ssu
LOYISVII.I.E.,The splendid pas-
TTA ;737." • Capt. T. Shuman.
1. on NVEDNE3DAY. 24th. at 4 p. m.
lot f night or passage. appl, on board or to
J. 14 Yl. 4 , 11 VOLLIM4 WOOD Agent,
1866. r*L2rw..t 1866
r 1C VI n W 1111.1:11G, lIRIEII.I h PkRKEESITR6
„ it. ll.oßing drst , l4 4 µ ra4, uger
nal' A 1111: Urn. D. Moors. llaator.
/11.1 ST Elt: Ana S. shepherd
I. -la, 1 .•111.St 1: III"; John Gordon, 11...,
I.tare PlUmburghevery Monday and Thutsday, at
11 o•cloA,
Leareo Wheeling every 31onday and Thar,day, 01
oral p. en.
Leaves Pitt.burgh CA ex., Theyday and Friday, at
11:n., a.. al.
Lea,. Wbey:ing rya,: Tuesday and Friday, at
. .
Learo. 1 . 1, cry V ctineNdar xmlSatarday
11 it. la,
....• 11 brcilnZ CA vry Wmlumtlay Intl Sato Nay,
p. m.
1 I•—Y[l. VrR 1,1 - MST ( - ITT
I•a.-:er-.tmh rlrry MundAy m,l rbur.lay
I : p•
• {N hevling v‘ cry I tte,day snd Irld.r..t 7
STr..s:NIER 13.tYA.111)
1. , ..‘• • ir.k.-1...,.bur1; Tl.rsdAy and Frid.ty. at
ctt tV.I ling Wcanezday and Isttirda7,
7 ""
• •
I. v.., Pa el; ershurgla every Piedneaday and ;sautes
err; Tlar-day and Sunday, et
to. •
11* - C onnectlon• aging down are made at Wheeling
Idol Bel lair elth the ddreertand and itatinurzb train,
it leases Pittsburgh at StOlp. m.. and
at :terra. to. Also. with trains of l'ltt sburgh, Fort
Wayne and Chicago which leaves Pittenger
at lop. m.; and at dberietta with Marietta and Pins
inhsll R e urnad. and vett h steamers to all points on
the Muskingum Biter; and at Pariterebarg with
early train an the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and
with flatly Line Steanacra to Pomeroy.
le en ton, Portsmouth, 3Laysville and Cincinnati.
lit — (ln up trip. coaneetionsnnade as ltr!lalr
v lilt CR...viand anal fltraburgh Railroad. el:Ou a.
train, by v hlrh payteuxeryarrivt at Cleveland at
I. p. and at Clairago at 7, 1 0 a. on. neat morning.
JAW. t 01.1.1741 S & CO.. AC:elide,
.1I Whiter-Boat, toot or Wood St..
IN to re_frrillit sell! lie reel , rid each day, up to Zoo°
PACKETi &gag
AN D AN L.Sit ILLY..—The tine yteamer EMMA
Di:ADAM, c(. pt. n. Ettal, .111 leave for the
above erololl Intermediate port§ every TUTIODAYI
At 4 p. tn. Deturning. iCaTc.l2aneevllll, every ilt/.4
DA 1 . at 7 au..1114. 4 't7. - D. COLIANDIVIN)D, Agent..
1;011 MEMPHIS & NEW 'in
0111.Y.ANN.-1 lact. near aide-whce
. -
Itt KIM?: rapt. RAZ,I.UTT.
Wilt Irave for tlu• al.ove and nri Inter:44ol*e porIS
111 IS'. of 4 p. rn,,
I, iroght or 0.,,....Are apply on boardor to
J 011.14 rt.ncic,
J. 1,:; cohu:saWoon, I &Tent ,
1;011 CAMO AND 5T.=1. 26 1. 0 .
. I, , kriN—ArirEn Tint Au3nzsTu.
It. ,r.fruditlpabenics httitztv's ~
NI:YAP-1 It '
Ca1n..W..5. Erase,
\V 111 iv4Vc as obose. Onnouncycl.;
For freight or pasmtgettArly up%or.r,l or to
ItID , ( t...1.1,111.titN001, `nectr
re,el%,d mad limtalt•
• 111,1711FT:_ WWI,-
•,1 o•ot It-94,4611UL
t 111 . 1 / 4 CLARA 'S
NEW toaa
‘A . 0 . 1.., 11."11:r 5 Vlll-..n Un4er-1et..1.
." 1 'MO loa,-
11, IaWL.
) N er) %1 . ..1...a1...1 r, Mir. YEA
..:4.111L St, lug pr.auptly dyne.
N. 11.1\7111.
tip 1-111,T IN at t
lonoming4 y az
First rr,..1.2 fr... L. Pcnal,
mate Fair.
lint premium for br.t :avant.
Olio Mate Fat,
trAlt premium s het Illanc.f. - tu Vin;, NI, rtslue it
Fleet ' l . r-oat:en fur beat itanuEictarlng
rileconetta State Yale.
Eire( Premium roe beet Ntanafactortn; Mac/4ot at
Laurence Comity Fair. Pr.
ret Premium foo beet Alachlort-f....-
peace. at Lawrence t'ounty late. Va.
Fermium for beet Faratll. Machloo ui en 1t
County Fair. Pa.
111, Premium far hr.! Manuf.cfariug
Dint. ('mitt , Fair.
11,4 Prent tan fur Atanofarturlug Extut
Mat-bine at ttprtuatit.ld Fair,
Drat Preruttun fur twat Itatautticturin, Fa..l F.
.11aebtar at Palmyra Fair. N. Y.
Ylr,t Drittlunt fur bc+t Atanaf,turtn, nuf Dimity
Ma , Ldne at Sault: Coma . .. Fair. N. Y.
Flrat Prfn.ltatn fur twat 1 1 / 3 .1r.111n , ,.1.1Ef.:17
Alw . hlut at beltayler County Yulr. N. 1. '
• •
.• • . . .
Ftrne Pretilimn . for beet )11aehirp2 for 14/1 perp.•-ea
at Alleglaeoe County Pair.
erre, w pattna for best 4 V"
eetloulaty Fear. Po.
Pleat Premium cor be,t ,•.r: Ail...a-hen
Coeu , ; }str,
r • Mona. No IC., q,., rlorreargli.
Wow , ' CHIN —mit.,2lH WAISTED TO I>TH.I-
Ht;< r THE. nArrramrr St vriNt; %rActiv., y.
I THE UN IT1.1) tha
di lerS IVIIioA or uudcrr. Agents omelet,-
r Irmo ..14 to rt. 31,,,11i. Coact}
r. • Ageulo. oeloSe glom; n41134%14,
Val•L Brori urns,
1,112...1Na111.F Gen. Toledo, 0/00.
11 r ham.l Use largeot and bent azsortmeut In the
ell; of
• Ewr
Cs ooa --
10 0041.., 00
All Nos. belt; si cord to No. /•rlßlrrn this Tlrrs.l
Fret •uy!rlortty over s'.l others for both hand or serrins.
17 rode 00
11 00,0)
17 0(4418 a)
00e --
t 5 orw
Spool Silk,
Of the best quality all sizes and colors,
Saddlers" Silk,
Linen Thread..
reg.oca •toga, Sewfing Kochliet of say [toil .m-,
find It gretly fu their atleacte. to Silks,
Thread. a., from oa, aa are tiny cot:natal? a ,
rtme n t of the .trontost sad beet toartafacturc
earn-1.6.1 y
p adapted for Clachite etc, and !en It at
garters, rice..
Agents for
2'7lFifth Street.
Se.lecled p.rsonalty by the subxeriber. &tr.,
mat :co the FseloaT.
are now even, and ready for etrantnatlon, and En)
public are Invited [Grail and are then.
PIANOFORTES.—These Lastmuments ant Nape..
Got to anLothe i nin regard to tone, Louth, workman
'b!ilit'ZlE4'lrtlLLtßE mow all hare the near Im
proved Grand Scale 504 Arran reble.
CHARLOTTE BLUME. 43 Fifth street, Sole Agent
for the above_, and 1.100 for Ifaige• Bros'. Celebrated
Moo and Prince's °Motu an 4 Melodeons. Soil
. .
the eight of the 19th Inst., the hardware Btors
ord./011ES DOWN, 113 Wood street, was burglonaly
entered and their Sate Woltz open, and the follow
ing NOTES were stolen therefrom, and the public Is
cautioned again-i purchasing or negotiating the
..r.rot. pa)) treat has been stopped*
W. P. oaten. dated October 81, 1.855, In favor of
James liowa, at 60 days, payable at Kramer .8
I:altm'e, (or $1,1Z.: 00.
. dated October 81, 1- 6 57., to favor of
Jan... Nose, at three tcontha, payable at Kramer
I::thm . w. for 41.,•0 no.
isrt de( 0.. dated December "79th, 14C5. In fa
or. .1. Down, at CO days, payable. at dimmer d.
iiiihro's. for 87"- 6
1.. W. King. dated January 17th 156 e In favor Of
.lotal S. Hall. Utter,. month... for i 177 79,
Al reek, No:, slgoed by
H. T. erosivity/ Bro.,
.tatcd January lOth. Dor, pa)ahle lodate. /town, or
I.rarrr. on Merchants` and Kant:dictums' Natlon tltI ur a rrr.
Hook. for la 2 isZktirkie
- 6Pid 11 at ce, Dilmond Mugs selll fur
for w
ONL DOLL6II EACH I btu:netting catit,ly
ne I •
ri VirTII STREET. (opposite 51...1501ate Mal.) will
tsold Duo t tag C.. Watch
:11Tel .. Math. Ca.patch,
tictt, of Ladtea• Jewelry,
Cu Pah:drags. Altasins.
bitter Eateastoo Case
Vl:t. ARTICLE!, all at the istra;eige price et ONE
Come and sec the plan of Fah..
43 /Mb Street. (two jdon% bel " orEz Ep pre Y s a sV C 2L . .)
Im ir
A LLEGIIENT COUNTY . ; ss.--In the
CO.l of Common Pleas. .No. 46, December t
TrTo ' d, alla 3 l ' qhl P l 'l' „ld ' ca ri , :11171,16 wa
In Di•wee..l,l4,l'
and now neenaber mod, DC , the Court appot;;
Don id Reed, r.s.q., Commissioner to take teatlmonf
In 11th case, to the cite of Pittsburgh. AndJannary,
It, De. 6, on motion of Mr. Palmer, attornry for Mei
lard, the Collit.l.Sipolnt Dr. bkinner, of Ttlatil=a,
Alabama to take testheonatnticalooari s Ala a,
on commis:don to be directed to said Dr. tikinatr,
upon giving ten day, notice b 7 publication. Later- ;
Attest. JACOB 11. WALT% firot=-.
In pnrinance Of above appointment-kg. TrAler.
ogur Cosntnl4/.loner, vvill proceed to take testieno.
cc In the above c.c. at Illy °eke No. 104
ircet. Pittsburgh, on NATCHDAY..Febretary lOth,
„I, 2 X., "'hen and where all rxyltu4
1nter.614,1 may at mad. DAVID ItEED,
4 7 11111ii3.10:
19Nu & LANE,
Lettering of all tints exeented.prenaptly and in
untennessed elegance.
Brantlfoi bhow Cards on enarncLed piper of all
colon, and Oils Flgris on glas4 made to otter ant
scat to allparte of the eotintry.
Pictorial De:4ns caseated in a Wahl) artlettt
Roast relating done with rtrarCl to duialtaltr.
hannoay of color, and nestaego otLnl.A.
/Er Alt wort at reasonable rates. • milt:.
Mate of the Oro+ of Dr.Oefx Moo
North r.“ wriw: 7.ktrst . Market Str.-.01.
12. ft. I.4iNil„
I 1 ()ranihi .1, Filth,
rtT•:•.••• r
Machine Oil, 114 e,