film ugh Cd* EEC „ . trJESDAY, JANUARY X., 1966 1"•••••••••-_ ~MULVELERS GUIDE. .Anirat -ant Diepartire of Trains. reamitoiasts +Central Railroad. Depa m 2 rte.. 1 Arrice4. h 37 Mtpreas 1.-dala Van 1,..50 anions ACM:den 7410 a m , raat Line '' r,a) a m Clailmmu.Ezra saes =List Wall Accona'n filZ a RI 21:40 IL to IM, Venn ;Venom.. 71.14' a m =ilT:4;: tftf;:',3lLaitgl*.mha: - .Pc.:: Mt 10:0:0 p M l'ltt.tEtie nun.. rz:r., p. . ltat'Virall Atomaa.. 45:20 mt , ltalt mart , Nap% I= P a Zi A' ' • 10....11 a m,34 Wall Annum— WA pm 84 .' '• 8:05 p ml' ft Ex prs,... 20. pnt .1151 P.m Accom•nl.o:9sp m , ,:d Penn Atom.. Oa'. p rd • 111 ," ` 4 840 p to jAltoona Acenta. - ~4. Ynalgt Traln...m:M p m • ' Mtn cbuth train , ..ave., Wa11..• nutlet. ever, 5 ..a11, tar OM an , : atdadaro leaves Pitt.burgh at !AV:alp. M. 4 . 1 , 1441mmi1ek. Coltunbiag ands incinnati. helmets. rir.f.a. ~, rag A.lnn *ZO a m Taal Une.. ..... .. li:M lat ',.. r a . . P43"l"' 33X, p n t,.T4i,ii6xi -41 Sneelia Ac- Maaam coMMOdatlon.. 4.+:o pni nommodatlon .. lt,la :, at Plttelnargb. Ft. Wayne and Chicago. Departs. 4/17iitl. Expnem.......... 3AI a mt Tallness ........- 2a33 a a .Express —. 11.41111 m Expreas 943 p na ~..r :la p M afirew0.......... 3:a P a , P3bl 4 l ~, 7411% in ....a...a.... eta P a - 1 vellapExpr.a SAO pm "en. Brighton. Aonommodatlon lawn., Allegnanp depot atp a.m. 1140 a t m., 4:9 a. m., and 51M p.m., Rocbeatet. SslE:p- ta.; New easfie. 3:5Dp. m.: Econ. my. v3ar p. m. • Wellorille, 300 0. m. Pittelnergh. Cleveland and Wheeling. Dorado. Alrite, . Seeress "dl3 a m 'Empress a:a p . , • fart. "td p m Express .ta p.m a= a Plxpraa =I ana bleabraMile Ana , munalatt m an r leave, Allegheny at ' &dap. se. Pltiabnrgb and Camellavfile. 1144.11 Depart.. 7:15 =Mall Exp.-cs p Expreaa ...... ...• 1 0 ; Ht 2. l eKe.-apart..llaXl mea t 31cRee...port.. .a.g 6:16 a nd =MMEtW:MI .rmen;t7. -- " dortc;r: 6:Ra m ss 11:00 a m kforcoa 6:10p m 3 ccl 6:19a px Accommodatin. 71.100 A.rmEmdaEtno 90:0a in au ,s Iwo Bourg:di" to OLI _ . . — they ;ma Franklin. ..drrroas. 'Departs. S a. 40 ESPV4I.II.. 7:48 pm I v lto. = Express . .. 6:53 a o . yi.. Filpbargh. IV . v aZf e a an/Chicago, and Ilretralerille Boat—Altrani . and Water St. Arrives. I Doparto. . eta at ~..tvto pat 180:0 a m tone r A llarmany Star St. Cialr'St. rrives. Departs. /11 , 4 p. m.6100a. M. Suuer staire—N•. 68t. cum,.Street , . Waillait m ast Stage.—llar o *4 Rotel Arrives. ZS O. n. I Ma * le.. EXCELSIOR OMNIBUS &LIVERY STABLE =I JAMES Bala a SON, Proprietor. ;;I=IIBII96ES AND CADHlMMfomishrd for al! Al ClUTlageo for Tutorsls. WoOrlIng• and .PlTllaf. alien wt ao4 rotes. STA • OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. tor7:lyd 0/ 4 Wit11.1611:11111:1MAttil4 We web It understood Wail the price W ear Kerning and Evening IWVI on• sold ti hale an tat street. tir7l the sonatas, is TIMEX CENTS PEE COP 1. filers mere le demanded, It is Impost• re} *._ k iIL4OVIU :Y.lkl =I 'The 11th Regiment, Pennsylvania volun teer+, originally organ ised September, Loll, aid led Into Service under Col. F. T. Stam baugh, who was afterwards promoted to be a Brigadier General, pasSed through ibis city some days ago on its way to Philadel- AAA to be mustered out of service. in this gallant regiment there were two Pittsburgh companies, one commanded by Captain Thos. Rose, who by his gallantry and good con duct rose from rank to rank until to-day he holds the position of Brigadier General, which eould not have been conferred upon a more deserving or meritorious .ofecer. The other ctittiptiny . wes raised principally In Birming • am, but our memory tint fault asto who were the original ofEcers. The regiment entered for the term of three years, at the expiration of which time it re-enlisted so. ti veteran organ isation; and was wind to Texas, from whence It returned • short time since under the com as:inn& Of Lt. Col. W. A. Robinson, and passed through this city on Ito way to Philadelphia. On the 15th inst, while in Camp Cadwallader, anleeting of the officers and men was held, act which, it is said, the following resolution-, Wire Unanimously passed 35t. That we tender to ale - citizens and au thorities of the city of Cincinnati, our warm wishes ssidaincere thanks, torttic kind and cordial' receidion given to no while en -route from Texas to our native State. .4. That we regret that we.eorild not remain 'there to be paid and diveharged, without re. turning to Pennsylvania. Ed. That we admire .the beauty and arch lei:tura of the Pennsylvania railroad waiting room; atlittsburgla--on the outside, and ad vise theta to continne tbe practice of refusing admittance to veteran soldiers returning haste in a winter night, after hearty arc years` hard service. . . litir. That we are frilly persuaded that coffee glitadd be taken only "at the regnlur break. fait bearer and that coal, at Plttneurgh, is Coldly and wares ath. That the barracks at Came Cadwallader are net lit for hornets, much less for nom. gib, That Philadelphia bt the "City of Bro therly Love"—ln the stammer time; and that while the Academy of Music draws full bons., Camp Cadwallader draws poor rations. rib. That If the General Government have any more Pennsylvania troops In the service, we respectfully ask that they be retained an- Magma weather before they are sent home. agth. That we kindly suggest to commanding Officers of regiments • returning home, this winter, to make a requisition for at least twenty. days' rations of coal or wood, before Coming to Pennsylvania, arid bring them ai" . That we desire to expresa our hearty 43. hil o for many kindnesses shown us at Non eerie, In ., Cairo, HI., IndlanapolLs, Ind., A end Columbus, Ohio; and also to testify our appreciation of the promptness, attention and courtesy of the Mastering and Pay Depart ment of Philadelphia. 10th. That we all espeet to run for pine, and take this way to procure votes. Were Root for the vein of good humored 4 tßPLittPl'. which pervades these reml ye. we Shosald feel Incite...l to take Issue a ith them. As CO whether "cotter should be taken only at register breakfast boors," that is a matter of taste l, but titan 'Monl In .costly and team. In Pitts argil , ' Is literally true. We know noth ing of .Camp Cadwallader "nor Its aocommod, time for boniest, nor whether It "draws poor rations," whilst the ttPhilatlclph La Academy- Of Music commands full houses." We, how ever, deem It one duty to let the veterans of the, 17th have their pay, regardless of whose toot they may tread upon. it I. proper to state that Lt. Lot. itoidustin, who bad charge of the veteran 77th is II well. knOwn Pittsbargher. and that darintr the long journey from Tates to Philadelphia, be Si'lll COnstant In his endeavors to see that tbe men tinder his command had all the comforts of food, shelter and transportation that could be procured. Ile is generally idol I 0-. i by Ibe lmv, of the 77th Skating or. the Park• We were present yesterday niteentsm at -ilinend promenade at the Central Park, which, nftei having been advertised to come nil on aevQral OCCasiOns, veto: always prevented by "spell of weather." But yesterday afternoon everything was favorable, and the long looked for occasion canto to para. Abont throe o'clock the Musicians took their places on the, opine sitelsido of the Park from the stand, which Vritafilled with lady spectators. The first ex crone Was whatwan called usweeplng the lark," which consiqted of taking hold of one ',llaothOrS hands, utU line was stretched across the face of the ice, then another was • formed In the rote of the tient, and •So an until all the theft' places. • The signal betng riven, all atarteu•aownoar up the Park no - the ease. may be, literally sweeping the Ice of any independ ent alintera or stragglers who might be oti it. Another line was then formed of two nbrmst. ThisPe slated from one end of the Park to the slither through the center, and when at the op -,poslte end Mni which they started they up, one couple going up ono side of the ~,Pai p c, and one np the other, and . so on until th Ivero all divided off. Needing at the first ea from which . they started, they again came down, thiS time four abreast, repeating the ar rangement the next. time eight abreast; then Sitkitbrii Vh.ilat, ha tuattsi o f : - course moved off, keeping time to the music. The hand then placed cotillions,waltcea schot tisches and other stances, and the skaters west . rtheodgh the evolutions. of the "ley" UPOrl Onqutryat the doorof the office,wo were Inforfacdthat the nttmber of visitors upon the Park trom neon-until dark amounted to eight hundred, and after dart there were many more. • tltdon Park KIM also in full blast. Hundreds wended their was. towards this elegant place of alyinseutent. At both parks the ice was very . flaeoind all enjoyed themselves to the In. WOOS It was amnsing to bear the _.young la. dies! of the word fun. "Wow many times M.:Lyon fall down }tarp" inquired ono. 0, about half a dozen times." Wasn't that -1°" 131 " "flow, of t e n Old you tumble Ater %Vest all." "0, then, you didn't'. hare any fen...! And that is Inn; gliding along over the smooth Ile, and directly coming down ker chuniltlust is fun. Well, we can't coo it; we , trtedi Cal. and limp yet from participating In that poll:toe - of the fun. the sport will to renewed. This cola 4 : , bna 'WM flat last long, and young America have to be lively if they would have much . .1' ant of the present weather., it night the _VW 8 are spendidly il luminated and the _et .'s eXhllerating. - Math kreelropu—We notice the lee rued arc busy. in securing a supply of leo:while the cruel do not think that the supply thfii summerpill-be either mail or bi d .but viewer theprobtable sulTen of cholera, we think that a bountiful supply should bu laid in. Committed for Trial.—The man Swocney, arrested Mr assaulting John ilearlsley, o• Peen street, SunOay night, had a heating thls .7aeraing cad Atm committed tet.atunipar 'a .._tutr issuedlus assault. Others., for the arrest of several '4,17 VODV:IV:4 . Piteib — fr. • noara of Tra — 4e—Pionsoriot In FirvilleOf It General Wallet:and Law. The Plttabutat Board of Teu.te yestonlay ananimoußly nalopted the follow Mg, atentorlal Iprtwietf; for the enactment of a law by the state Legißlnt are. rtuthoriz Ina e ax•arae lion of ranee/arta withnnt requil-ana •beelal lest g6latlon In regard to earl. OW] /1,,,0n for that !Inn., • TO the &IMO, (1,111 Mkde of Penttsyjrara in The Ifoard Tr-...h• O w I z.: v‘t: 3 hvisult of the realm t.b.•:. 11i.n0r...1.1.. 1...1 v. tut to your prc• ern you s% cloy( rn! In ‘i They do so, believing that under the spirit of u go•erninetii. towns. clues, mum unities, eountles and sections of a COM. w ealth, are entitled to the same freedom In the exerelse of their cnergims for their go"' ta pi ii-perity, as comma.. noCkfie, law , repots- I lesn Istri and genet-al consent accords to tree id nal- That the citizens of any particular section of n State should be at .lilierte to roo st:Bet within that section ouch Inibik . • smovenienta as they desire without the gnu,- -a • or hindrance from other districts. P.ailways being in their coOstruction and management simply tinniness enterprizes for gain, though incidentally carrying with their • proseeutlen great public berientst require for the tprotecticus- of rho citizen. of the whole Commonwealth, once restrictions only as law and common usage have found necessary Ina soctations for manufacturing, and n the _Ms noes of individneds• • i Thu p r ,,,,,poeity of aoy section of a State is but the uggt . e gaie welfare of its eitixens, to bose individual prosperity Is in trirn but a result of the prosperity of the whole. Where eachrity after by the construction of a railroad entirely within the limtts of the section, it I, u tyranny that its constXnetion should is, ma de to to upon the consent of other sections.' : Tills tyranny, the offspring Of ignorance, prejudice and selfishness, has for on long op hpre_ssed the prosperity of Pittalittrgh undid! ostess Pennsylvania, that we demand its re moval from the spirit of the laws. We can see nowhere in the rights of 'man, nowhere in the privileges a republican gov ernment eonfereupen its eitszens, It proviso that If gitteibtlrgh desires to - construct a rails rood through - the" south-western counties of the State, the citizens of those Counties con senting, that upon the votes of all or a major ity 01 the other counties of the State, should depend the right. We conceive that the other cities of the Commonwealth, might with as muich_propriety object to the cOnstruetion by .Pittsburgb of a new avenue through two or three of its wards. Nor can we find in com mon arose, or in our republican privileges, tiny reason if an aSsociation of individuals de sire to build u railroad to Pittsburgh, and it Is the wish of the cititens of the counties through which it will pass that it should be constricted, why the other counties of the State should stand in the way of the enter crlse, or by what right they have a voice in the matter. Nor can we understand why the Legislature should be insulted and worried bv the cajolery, intrigues or menaces of a line already constructed, to prcventan honorable competition to the great injury of the whole community, the special deprivation of a son. lion of railroad facilities, and the harrlem out of croutons from a Commonwealth in order that a monopoly may continue its exactions. We believe that unless some great gen eral interest is endangered; that only those whose property is immediately affected should have a voice lu such matters y and they desiring nod consenting, those not interested should not object. We conceive that commu nities have the same right to the pursuit of happiness as individuals, and do not hesitate to say that the neeessityto obtain speciallegist laden to bid:o railroads, from those whose In terests are not those el the citizens who tie- Sire the roads, is in no violation of this right, and without foundatiou in justice and equity. The city of Pittsburgh speaks through the Board of Trade, from experience. Years ago this policy, so unworthy the spirit of freedom, resting upon a narrow, selfish base of legisla tion, shut, from the territory of pennsylvartia is great eOrporation, -which, striving to reach the head-waters of the Ohio, desired to enrich the city of Pittsburgh by making it its termi nus, to the great benefit and development of those countries through which it would have passed. Since then the .ime spirit of leg i ion has delayed other roads of great benefit le Western Pennsylvania and to Pittsburgh their °triplet ion. et t present time, whoa a wealthy em poration proposes is construct a road through a line of northern counties, to Iteei with the city of Ptttsbnrgh. he mane seltish smelt is sought to be aroused in opposition, that a soli tary line may be protected in Ito mcnaopol y LW the saute antlituated conceptions of aegis fallen, other roads are kept Just without the borders of the Atilk te.v.hose completion to Pitts burgh Is of Instant rind vital importance to the prey.perit) of the city. In this narrow legeds tixe coneeption of wisdom has the progress of Pin-slough and the development of thi. see - trios of the state, and the prusdertty of oar citizens been hampered, controlled and trifled hh by the votes of those who, we man twin are in no 1.1.. e entitled to negative any prop.- sitiou for iniproveinent, w Mew scope, vast and derminds are not of the %calm. they repre sented. _ . In these beliefs, and convinced of the truths ita•c stated, "Cask that you will coact ouch a ion as will etudiletrallroads to he constructed throughout the State of Pennsylvania, by fn.w persons, w ahem floc necessity of speciat mg dilation, with the consent of the citizens of Laos° distento through which they may he projected. By such a law its are con vowed you nlll aid to the development of the and almost virgin tracts of mineral and tim ber lands to which our State abounds, and re move from the people the danger of having their interests controlled by monopolles--in cite a rompetition In ;railroads, which 1,1 ns beneficent to the whole people 116 it it to num ufaeture.,i or In emmeree. Are DreamedAkers Savable l'or some time past we have heard It stated that our dressmakers were charged with the payment of a revenue tax on art work mann factored by them. A note on our desk, written In a hand delicate as the stitches of a cambric needle, asks for Information on the subject. We are not sufinclently familiar with the reve nue laws which have been enacted for the past fbur or tire yearn, for the purpose of raising Mean. to carry On the war for the preserva tion of a nation's political eitstenee, to auto er our fair correspondent, and for the present content ounselvoe with repro. dyeing the following. which .0 , 1 dad in a valuable exchange. wistch says: "The Govern ment claims a tax of six par nest. upon all manufactured work. Not only 1, six per e,, h t. ebarged upon the receipts of the milliner and dyne-trtakerafor their labor, but upon the cost of all the material that pass through their hands. Thus, for instance the value of a rich dress may range from one hundred to dve hun dred dollars; but out of this the charge for ma king is only twenty or thirty; the dr...maker, however, is not only charged with a tax of six percent. upon the proceeds of her labor, hut upon the entire value of the material , which has already, In the hands of the dry goods merchant, mild a foreign or donmstle duly. iThle In nos only severe and opprenalee, but It is destrnetivr to the entire trade intermit. Ladles so ill not pay so heavy a taxi dressmak. eel cannot exact It, as In man, instances it out weighs not only their profits, but the whole OIL ',l making, and rather than submit to such extort in,,, litoie• alli have their dr,ses made at Lolllle. They are, to he sure, private dressmakers w ho never pay ally government tax; who hang mat no sign; whets business 1s carried ma secretly unit behind 01.011 doors, who Work for ordinary price•, andiltwhom ladliss may rovettly patronize. nut what a premium bits offers to dishonesty (.1 es cry description. It. In Into such heads that the eat ler b11,111.1.s will he thrown, to t Int rain of hundreds and thousands of honest, deserving, Industrious women. The question appeals not only to the ,1r114.-¢l.llCel./landmil liners of iihe large Cities, hut to little Interest t trottatiout the country. It would he a vorylismall coneern that did not tare out six dr esses a week, aver.ming a value of Ide dress, on which a tax of eight-ea dol .e. taunt he paid; nearly the whole eta nn nt re. calved for the labor. I/Intame•ly. Cane, heeemen a necessity under a ay- ce•,, enormously oppreSnlve.” Another Xt err In our afternoon edition of mentioned thu fact that Ilie t,o,iy of a man n seen floating dew u the Allegheny rly, I. on Sunday, partially embedded on a elk , of tee Daring the evening we learntnt the billowing partleulara which may solve the tnyntary: On ditturdaj latelltOon it yottn g maninamed k ran r flOgda, in German, disappeand tnysteriousty. amities not rime been heard of. It seem., that on t!at orday afternoon, flogda win' tett [hi, city n.coru party with three companion, trial after drinking rather freely, about eight u'etilek thee started home by way or the rail root bridge. When the party re,wheil thq .I.lleghe. ny nude of the bridge, it was found that flog.' a wJs missing, but the pan beteg-under the tu ihycnceof liquor, paid little or no attention to the eirrUlll•datlCe. When, however, on .Coud..o they found that [bete companlim had not Matta hin appearanec at Ills hoarding hon., they at ott, Instituted acarch for him, lint thus far he has not been found, and the serum alt/on Is , that he may have fallen through the bridge and was drowned. The friends of 11N ,1,01...tve piddltdlrd the followthgdencriptlon of pernon, and the clothing he worn: wa• aesent cen years of age, of small build, haring on hie porson,booth, light Trey pantaloons and brown-black beaver cloth suck coat. tin the aupposition that be fell through the bridge and wan drOWDeA, a reward of ON in ogle red for the recovery Of hla body. A Regular Contraband Last evening wet:larked u stoutly built lad of soma fltteen summers, whore cot:epic stun and appearance gave Immbtakahto evidence that . he wan of pure Mclean extraction. lie • ... was clothed in a tattered military suit of trnlcut blue, which he said had been furnished him by a Pennsylvania t`geintnan.r , He in rofnicti pa that be WIN (cora the interior of Hem inbk II:zt his father and mother pre dear, and that he bad two slaters re,tding, in the vi. chilly of Louisville. lie said he cad came to Hied* . on a steanitnxit, which on a teoun t of the cold weather, had laid up, Ile wasibrought epic° a farm, and assured ea that kaew how Hi plow, drive Itoracs, make fences, hoe corn, and indeed almost anything pertaining to far ming. Ile *mid he was willing and anxious to work,and would be Industriorut and saying of laielnonev, that he might nand a portant of bin wagea to hie tasters. We understand that mil ear Thornberg Would take him over to favui todayand givottim a fair 'trial, end !If ha found competent and trustwartlw, give him pertaaneut employinent and fair wage,. Light Wauied. Win the Gas Committee of Allegheny city, or hoover else May. balm the Matter In charge, see to lttbat the gas lamps on Rebecca "tree(' front Its elistern - - Ttli its western mat t `j,,V,., ° ,; only washed at least once a bn every night, when the moon does not shine P., weeps past there bag not' been a Imeauxn thatoJte.nnelind: g.fn.chtoory.,..anvid binale Itlmp lit from the First Wortl school , I.:u p t‘on al e mt be; Inebeee,a street from twelve to three; Woloek to the morning, Imo kn. 1 la proper to Putt% howev w e t , er th o a f t I' 4= tio; morn last made her epee,. r - t nee the majority of the :traps were lit, us., t • that the eta seeme , lashn i t ., T were ilitz -Virg cut LlZev: " 12:1:!!! Ina irh 13121111111E1 01 utted PE , ...yt0.r./Lo Cburel,. of 1 . M.1...rgh. Inn runcoo,tl.• nil Illroorch I 1,1,:.1J, • ht• t.,hv I/111 „ • Ai.•0111/1,•' Itt, the I. hal, and Int nod u.. 4 ,1 the 1.1 .1 1.4,t10n 'rim 1s pung In t 1 cell , Ing tho th/rd 01 Ow of ',Amu ,' I,:ev. John Doug 1., is. is log .wo rA,1 , 1 by ( , M h.. a 4, •lntdv In player Thenintite. of Lb , . prey WM" In..ef hag ovre then read by It, XanagornerV, and on vuotioll of Mr. ILI'. Mill er, wore approved Aecos d Inc ton ,solut lon paad at u per r-uu, meeting, the tittperottendonts,in', 'their in absence, the teachers were called upon to report the system bf operations in their re spective schools. 'Attgentleman a nose name we did not catch, reported hi hehelftof the school connected with the Fifth l'n ited Pres byterian Church, that the teuelt•rs met every Sabbath morning at half past eight octet for prance. The school is opened at nine, o'clock wdit religions Services, consisting of praise, prayer, and reading the Scriptures, the 1111 k not coo_ 14- py - Lngsnore than fifteen minutes. Mr R. C. Amer reported .10 behalf of the Sabbath School connected with the Finn Reformed Presbyterian Church. The mode of operation was IRmany.respeets the same. Most of the elaaseahaim 'commen - • lesson, which is ex, poundefiby the Pastorate Wednomlay evening prroedin,g. William Floyd, Eso., ntrorted In Donal( of the school connected w James Dr. Presiley'S Church, on Sixth street. Other gen tlemen gave In reports, but we did not learn their names. The Rev. 8. B. Steed gave an loterestTng ex temporaneous exposition of the chapter read In the introductory exercises. Mr. MeGonnigle suggested to the ASAOOIII - Lon the importance of establishing a Tom per anee League. Messrs A. N. McCord:tight,john Montgomery and Hugh McMaster were op pointed a committee to see to the matter. The rnlon then proeeedell to the election of oaken, for the year. Mr. MeGennigle was unanimously re-elected President, and Mr. John Montgomery Secretary. The meeting was quite large, and the pro ceedings Interesting, and will no doubt have the effect of stimulating the members of the Association to still greater diligence In ad vancing the interests of Sabbath Schools. After engaging in devotional exercise% the AssoMatien adjourned to meet in the First United Presbyterian Church, Seventh street, on the second Monday of April next. Vtiited Mates District Court. Monday, January 2'2d.—ltofore Judge . C.andleu, The Court after disposing of a number of trifling emses arising tinder the I: seise law, called up the case of the rnited States on. Loots Prentre, charged with having in poems. stop counterfeit government money. The defendant kept p fruit stand in the city, and getting intoWdritaken row, Was seised by the police. It inibiliequently ascertalned that ho had in his poseaston ton counterfeit twenty five Cent Mites, and as they were now It was auSpected that hoptended to pass them. The aecuSed was defended by Thomas M. Marshall, a. W. W. White, and Jacob Slagle, Ego., while District Attorney Carnahan appeared for the prosecution. The defendant proved a good character, and the question for the jury to de cide was, whether the spurious money hod been received In bustle., or obtained for the purpose Of defrauding others. The Jury them! o verdict of net guilty. Joseph Casson ' arrested at the mime time, and Indicted for a similar odurtse„was next put upon trial. The money wee Supposed to be the joint property of these defendants, and they were indicted Jointly, hut o severance was granted on the trial. lie trial Teary eon Chub Lectures. George Alfred Townsend, Keg., lectured ie. fore the Tennyson Clot, in Masonic Hall, lea evening. t.Pwing to the generally prevailing opinion that Mr. Townsend bad fatted to math the city, as well as the Inclemency Cl the evening, the Eindienbe woe not to - lat Vt. an It otherwise would have been. We saw a num ber of our most substantial and appreelail. citizen present, but the effort of the youthful and rather interesting gentleman was worthy of a much larger house. Ills de,ription of the London Teen, Dickens, Spurgeon, N Icon, Eugenie, Dumas and others 14 . 014 C 2141.11,111017 rofroehmg. Ih the evtll,m3 ..f !) remarks bode:Lit come heavy hi"w" ull the miserable manner in which American )enr ali•mle.nstatual. Compared atilt ot Europe, American editors reed' e it mere Ili i All=swit an Assets:trait—Ali rrenee plate on Saturday that wan verynear tray MS ins serious accident A frelzht trail. tar stopped on the ttv.ek at the Penn reet ea- Ing of the rittsbuzigh, tort Wayneand Ctilms.e Railroad Company. net as a citlren pasw.n. ger car an, par tug ay tut street. The dri ver thinking there was room to Ins, tiro, e up and Was In the set of going by. e then the watchman mad• a motion to the engine', .a the freight train to move up • little. The rn. ginner, probably misunderstanding the signal. gave her about four revolutions back, pushing the street car off the track, anti bending one of the salsa, hit not seriously injuring the car otherwise. Fortunately no one was hurt, al though several were very mach frightened. S.I young man Jessie*, noticed entsi tiny la being attested on -AL l iar`., of forgery, swab released frOm a:lnt.:4y by the or, the proseentOr not appsastsug. it is understood that the slams of money drawn by the young Minn will all be refunded, and that as he expresses apparently sincere penitence fur his past misdimds and promise,. to do teat which is right and honorable in We tutor , , one more trial wilt be granted him to win bark his lotmer reputation. Aka% I• Rata Oreugmatiessa.—A 'number of years ago, there was a law in force in loth. I\ll/1, that every man who came Into the Stale had to show his means of support or he was committed 0.0 Jail as a vagrant, and ..old to the highest bidder or lowest bidder we for get which, for the jell fees. If such a course w. pursued In Pittsburgh, how many Idle, worthless young men would be able to show that they make an honest living. The idea Is suggestive. At Heme.—'Mayor McCarthy, who has beet stalking the a...tern cities, le at home again, and till be rends to enter ltpan the duties of his of If ho has selected his Clerk and day police, they are aa yet knower) only to htnasetr. about the Mayor's °dice was extremely dull yesterday, and the ume may be said us the various mattestrates' offices - 1n the city. Net Yet Burled..-The remain. of Iffe. liartha Grinder have not yet been coneigned to their lent reeting place. When they will be la not yet definitely known. FROM YESTERDAY EVENING'S GAIETY ILibrihry Alambelatioal The new Guard of Directors met at the lA brat, Rooms, corner of Penn and at Clair streets, on Wednesday afternoon of last week, and appointed the following gentlemen as Li brary Conitultt, for the present roar J•nia. 11. Scott, J. Collard and Joslah toheu We see glad to be able to announce that the Board, at the same Meeting, unanimously re elected George K. Appleton, Lad , Librarian for lb° present. year. We know of no 0r t ,.1,,,t tor qualifleel for the position than Mr. Apple ton. lie lars perfect book-worm, and Is well nonainted with ancient and modern litera -1 are. Ile Is in himself a catalogue of the libra ry, and aninder to Ito eontouts. We Itave on several otvaslons, been placed und.-r trona to him for valuable asektstrtre rendered 1.14 in the investigation of Important -.object.. Re is, healtles, gentlemanly In manners and obliging in dlsprodtion. The Asroeistion is nor Inn hit;blv r -005 rontlltloo, and when the ne Late been completed it it ill 1,.• L.,14. el Lb•• U.lioLtILI WWI Mt It In I, 111.,t to permrh•• nreitha 11.• t“ it, A. ;.., ol .1 r.lln LI.-ve ~tg .mg Itp. Pl ip.tnv ir.r. pjapo, 1.4,0 k • •• 141. hr f I , le • CPI.; ;b..' II 1-6 1.• t•, pl:p••• cmi• 10,1 i•I lit I,f zrent 1. zpitr4.•, , 111 pt.. 1...1. In.lll gVl.t ..f 11.. p II o , w, plip.••• IVr. rn .• 1.• ma, ttem..h4 th e•• exue•llent ha r r., Lat,nir) Ilt lain 1 t+ owl, "tit - ouo4 Mc e el ran 111,1 11" t/. ft, nor more pronlatilt•Oarat to ',pm.' their I .1.,11r. boor+, n 1,4 tla. prim , M Antatvriptt tin ta the r each of all It alTorla 114 ',learnt,. to na iler that man) of our Ind 110 rl.ll. rrif.l•llttilp, are tuere ,, el , . an , l latt the rolllt, ref., tar ly Rev Hear) Ward Ite.eeher will qui o'er two le:Aare...laq., the wtoelat ion Itie :oh w.. 1 :th •3( Eelirtiary hex, Dr. Kerfoot --111 ahoy NI fen Thurnday morning next the 81.411 , 11n1r , t 'Ti Ite new l•rot.ntnot 1{111.4-1,11(d Din,Cse or Pill nburgli , is ro ennricernted to Tob ( lly I 'l3 nreb. quite a number of Bishop, anti other elm gy are A' xpurte.,l To be prevent, and 44(111.1( Hopkins (by virtue of senleirity) Is 1' I peetr.l to rot"kle• The nod/1111a be very erosting. In the ;,ecniug Bishop .ste veils in to deliver dkaceurke volnineMOrutlVe or Right,.ll , Rev; A /Ann° Potter, dreenned —the same t'..ellvered at the General Convention. and W ~rh is to be repeated by request 01 the ‘,..' , Weentlon of the new ',locale of Pittsburgh. ',lie distinguished ability and eloquence of the Right Reverend divine are well known, and this testntm to said to be ono of hin moot bril liant efforts.' If It shall do Justice to the la- Went./ prelate In one of the most prom local traits of his noble character, it will—ln View of the foot that Ilishopilopkins.the author of the "Bible View of Slavery," and 1141 =aligner, 4, to ptraidatn tho mornln —boa littin_;,• e,nelli km, tu the eereMonies of the linv. We allude to the late Illshop l'ottern, devoted attach meat to the cause of Freedom, and manly ad vocory Of I:lt:rights Of the blast mm/. Disorder In Church...b.—A Dose in Die night Direction. The Allegheny day and night police, in eon. can urn., of frequent complaints Laving been smile, devoted their attentiellOeSUn.lny 11l lilt toward preserving good order at some of the churches, and their presence had a decidedly beneficial effect. Thera arc a number of young men In our sister city who, on Sabbath o /gots, visit places of frequently act In such 11 manner f II to disturb the quiet of the worshipping Part of the roni4regations. Captain Reed, last night, detailed a squad under the charge of Lieut. McCain, of the night watch, to attend the colored church on Water street, hut the "crowd" eXpectcd didn't arrive, foomieynently no arrests were made. If the reform is only 'followed np with the Mims spirit In which it lins bean inaugurated, it will result in the abatement Of a serious annoyance to the religious portion of our community. The law punishing disorder In chxrches is very severe, and we sire pleasoob tOlcnow that Mayor Morrison and Ida subor dinates aro determined to enforce it to the latter. - Sent to the 'lease of ihfloge.—Thr 1. Selbekebarged with aiding In the ,robbor, of Jnertili ITarisron'a. butcher .tall ,robber, Dlanntad market, on Friday (oat with mind. JO tho 'frown of Mingo thin triornit4 uyy pinyOr.frtOrrlson. Finnerty way dischtu-ged, .there bo ng . .grycklunee jo ronnect him with tae then. , , N. T 11. !•si- !Ivy, r.-. 1 1, .: P.`l. zn lb.' et,fag, turn 1 , r• I' 1% I , !rti.p..l 111 at lire The-111, Anti wl an•l NI.. held ; ,• I ; u II.• e %veil !04/1111.1, 11, t`11114,C1,14.1 I. met. her I int, pet The mantle! ehw n• nut gs,tleva or m , . p •Mu, t., the Hie • In ..... ~n.l !II the han.l. or Mt. Inn 1., IT 1/1 It u 1 tha ruin., 14 pniven. she n ,I•ry s, ell •tapported by at e .Lowmwell 11 nun ritt 11i111.1.11 fre-h itptm title M enr.7,l tan. ern! I liner apple tided. To-night Mr... Itypennt for the second blue, M. a 11.11 11CV1141013 the Ipt•autir..l 1,13% 01 ...Jule, the Aetrene,” a 111 be pre he. e t o rea.-nt ly.itmltt bat that an :net. antopleludilly comuteore.l. st 111 le , a .•..ntitllll,l Plllll-Pliv.. Or ER Fanny it, young 1.1.1 minirining bon to u Pittsburgh ItUtilf.lloo /Ont. II at the Opera 'lotto.; in the charu , ter of "It a:whet - tit, or the Crgekmt." Primo has a very aspen-' si yr face, a bennt Ifni sweet valve, and art. her part in a very artistic manner. ‘Ve heard but one enpr,,,,,,,i0n In the 'opera llntnse lastnights and that was nue of eat reme_pleasitre she i. admirably ouipported, by lit ilauchmtd. Tmutighl a 111 tim preseritOd thebeuottroi art play of the ...Rival tiferehants m Loom , Slutrifleett Min° play st - 111 he repeuied during Miss Prime's engagement, those who wish to see tier in her esittrt, role of characters will have to go much night at her engagement, Malicious Misehter.—John Maul was role milted to Jell 10-day by Mayor Lowry, to un rwer n charge of malicious misebief preferred 13i Benjaallll Granger, of the liinth wnr,l Tne offense consisted In the smashing of the pro-- eoutor'slarurri. Withetl.—A countryman, a ho dee! ined to give his name, was arrested on Saturday n Ight, L. ottloer Seott i while drunk on Fedora! etre., was looked up for the night. unit upon .1 hearing Wan lined two dollars and ,oet. by - Mayor Morrison. A New Organ.—A Contract ha.. been made for et new organ for St. Paul's Cathedral. It w 111 hr the largest organ west of the Allogin nle..—thlrty-scren feet high, twenty-w•eo feet Mide s and sixteen feet deep. It will and ikloooo. The present instrument to prn too x eak for the spacious church, and bonee the change. Dead Body Alloat.—Tho body of a yours= mum Is reporlel to have been seen floating Inwn the Allegheny river, yeaterdny, mmtl embedded In a entre of km. The deer bo ing covered with doming Impossl- Me to secure the body. Fismlly Committed.—Thomn, Wn Isom tho individual arrostcd on a charm, ut •ttealing n imat—valued at two Imildre4l —frotn Mr. Denny, o( tito First ward, Allogio, ay, bad a deal hearing Imforti Mayor Morrison thh morning, and was oommittnit for trial. 11)rowile1l.-1 lad named Craven, oi New Brighton, was drownist a few dill,. ago, in Bea ver river, while sledding Ti,,, body was re- Ittawrc—Thin Alnoaao la prevailing to .t eontiPlornble fluent In the upper wants of Al l~F~wy. Phyalclunti pronounce the theeazie con tag-lOUs. ROBINSON, McCLEAN & CO., Bankers and Brokers, No, 75 Fourth Street. Pittsburgh, In all I .ln.l.o.l l .ovrrntiat.nt n.l 11. ant / °reign x l n.l ri. rir rt. llrixtalturc..l,c.l in I . .vr futach sn.l urrun. , , on tin, .1.1..1, •.11 , ,tlown• 1 aiire.l Ntatv• on wo. tat Jrdirr. r Ica ..ttb evert I 4in! It ...... n Y.., anal l' //..,trsl• strictly also. Draw on A. 1 - Lk:W., ,,.r \, lurk. J ... M. TIM., .3 T. 11 ['Ell. FINANCE AND TRADE _ U 1 1ND 'WOK rits , no ut nrr - r - r+n , ll2S, Nl.,u•T Jun 1 U.1••“ , Vlerrd .1.4 1413 10 JOY 00 I •' I.l'. I . • ..1.1 ,11, CertitleUtel. Allegheny Lunnly IM=M=E La w rein. ====l Cash Irk.trraylce.. 51 00 /I.lOhnnizaholA iScldge Coulpangr 2. 14 U 0 Citizens National Bank o. Exchange National Ran/ M.& M. Nnix.nal Rant.... Proples Natl.tna.l Mak.. . 1.06 60 -- thank of Pithsburet .03 oil Fourth Nattoaad . Ll 6 So Thlra National .......1:31 no (..,,turuht. 1111... . . . '7l ta OS H I'a. ..... 73 *I Ll2lll There le little or on .bang. t. not. to the gold market—lat., to In, the clovlog 110 n to New York at noon toolay. Here, ont looker, and honker" or. tonying•aux 16,10T.16. and there to tent very little offering, for 'ale Government bond. are .tend] with u emotre tied fair demand at full rate, In our 10.-al stock market. the, 1. little Or nothing doing. hank shareo art 10 demand but the extreme virtue of bolder, ha. a ten dency to reran! operation.". For GiLizenn Na tional 0310 bid; 64'i for E xchtunge; 576 k for M. a .M.; 100 for Peoples; 60for Flank of Pittubarght 121 for Third Nat tonal; and Fourth Na tional offered at 1131 i. -Monongahela B. kige to la wanted at 0; and Caul) Inuurance at 31 In 011 ebxrry there U. net to nettling dolnit Colombia le offerml at . /.5-2.4.% Ind. This stool Is certainly •ery cheap at these figures. 141 :t has been paytng at tbo rut, of 4 per coat a month. or 2 per vent On the Par aloe, 'Change to.luy Mr. Jot= L Balky Rold 2:00 shares of Cherry Run .1. At 14 per share. Inelltding t,ommts.i.n, we to equate —A C 3,143 ban been de:tailed by the Treactny Depart ,nr tat -WhiCil in of et.. .terabit. Interval to bolder...l tortltleatc, of In.lebtatoesc atut anA ,t r tto, ern men! . ..Tornio+,. The bolder of a Ilifin,.and ricrtitleate Maned it fro. Nes. 1 fli - b tfl the I , ll3llrttllCllt for ratetuptiosi, without fl lima the blank cbaeu, ...eking it ,pit all, ,e the order of a part tool., II a ,‘• frflni the Mdil. .09,9 finally n party in Poedon, the blank tilled by tht. Or, and the cr rtiflealc forwarded bi the De- I.! wr nt Ibr eactnil !lute 11. all part ie. for c.crclllig II bd ricietupilron protnpfly nflitfled 1 1, separt thew, and it. /1110.1 art . ' and Caul 1 . 1011111 , 1 I • p”..eccion The I.epartment held ili ;! 1 1, negloellog to all the blank, 11.. New 1 erLei i“ct peccce—clon and awnellal as pa Inelit 14r he 1/4. E(.11 hold, it" \'e'. "Viii,!!.,• 111,01. 1 lu• ,h. : t ,kit• all. - topting. t.. rood 41,70,1.U0 vllllr . 101.• ll\ !Kg n \ goo.' dr../ noen Ithoul hr 1.•••In e-I \ ......1.q.1. 1.0.11/ .41 0I Lt 1,11111 I• M. PI "./I •1,•111 It 1. .1..111• I 1 / 1 , 11:11 1 / 1 7. P.•••• 11•1 1 !1110 1.1 ...Ile 1.111," .te , tt- I 011,•.1 frnrlW•oalurr• lett' v ncy .1..1”, N 11 ion 1 1 Illt 011 1/11\ u 0 1I0,1\:, 1 111 IN- •1 .4 at, .i.‘ ,I) at..l )',.111 la ....1 a Ent ,, pepto t. It ion. pr•".... , to •he 1....1..erenxe thtil n.. 1 11 1..• Ile enled non Ti,,. 2... int to he lA, In.w to vv.! tl.r \OllOlOl do• , .t in .t rot he g• the Inierext ean In. tor% '.•• , 1 In. Iqe ^e..nred to 4.`th..10 the Kin , ral 6 hr gratlnut.). Th E•antn.l , 1,u1,101,. I,t •hOrt date 14111.1 10‘, Illter,4l, at time a hen rnidtnlla ortltnury tot.loeot. toottm-ttot• fro •••to 15 . 1,er vent. The Goren - not:7.ot, n lent It to gar... a. borrOzl . o4 Ml.{ preporett to .• , irr,ta rate' I. bonds, or dell 1004 00.:. to I otpt Itatnern for to yenttstont !tore .ton.l In the mono.) litarkuir 0 Etiropt " Donlon Wool Wnrkrt •• Tf•N, 41110-A.—The wool market has , with a fair demand, during the ps, a et I. botwlthstitioling the num oat hai• in g•ohi and genet - al value- It Is a noteworthy Met, t h at the late decline In specie prices, though materially affecting the relative vat ill, of 010 dotnestle and foreign staple, has not in , olted any cOrrespondlng decline tn . the lon ter. It Ls actually realising bettor lees to day by none ritlie per lb, then it did while selling at the same currency rates before the fall to gold. ho long 00 It 1101•111 Ito 01011, 01111 1101 s not share the general thrall ward tenden cy Of couunetclal values sellers certainly have good reason to be satisfied. Idanufactorers seem to realize that it Ls bet ter to boy line wool at 7:lc now, rooted than to give that price when the current skin, shall have ap pro-sioted a as gold basis . ey are king round lots of choice staple w but little hesi tation, at sellers prices; and for very 011011, selected parcels they are paying extreme rates, In fact, for the fancy clips of re.aits ylvanta anti West Virginia, which have all along been held above the market, there is now sos antism competition, and commission merchants will have no difflcrilty in disposing of all their reserves at satisfactory prices. Fine foreign wools are coming forward slow ly from the English market. Unless gold shall materially deeilne,they can hardly compet e,to any extent, with the domestic article. There 61 hat much here at present, but a 10(11101,t0 .tuck of Cape In Sew York, offering at rate, corresponding with the price of gold. Sales of domestic for the week foot up noise troetsi lbs, at shout the proviois range of 1110 Lae for fleece, and CO&ST for super and stint pulled. Outside of these figures, we bear of one lot of fa,ooo Ibis choice selected fleece, sold iit air. The Milk of the transactions were in straight lots' of good to choice Ohio fleet, at ea (05c. Console combing Is firm and In good re quest with sales at 7SaStle • in foreign there have been small sales of Copt at 31i/Llc —Bal. lean. Baltimore Market. B sLTi steam. Jan. tt .. 2.—FLor it—Flrsit males of lion and street oinpertne at vi,75, and Extra Fatuity at ii' Y 5. • ' CO at , —IV bite steady at aN ; yellom duU at 7f, 0 Th—Steady. Coyrzt—Flrm ; sale. of Itto at iSq.2l.. PUOVINIONe.—SteIIdy. VAI. Mining Stock• New Sc AZ, J 0,31. 19.—The iollowinn are the 5,1-tease( ttllnfAQ ntneke bld in 110.;,,, tn-dey Capper Fails, 21.1; 37••.; 114:Innen, 1$ • 14.- liernl ; 11%; '11154.:;50, •.! 4 , 1 . ; 5 5; Beig 60414 =MEIN Pll l F• 111 tti• II tv .1, 0,11, nor to, 1 -. 11,Ilil•R•lrl t. nzITY•. / ‘r, Jan •!2, 111 1: , u..4tuc "as il.. t. tr , ..; 1 1.11111.1, tit,. r - Int 11 1,, fr0t1i,“4.1,0 1.11.11 1••• 11 . ..1tt 1,,r1, ng f,lll t. •,f thr kr.t.. Ab.l 11w,, s%ill 1, r ,- ,.l :,I t l'IN• •••111.,k. tlEt•y v. 111 it••••Io•il It„ ~ti thy loi Lwo.•lt ol Irkip.rt 1 , . m 111....1. 1..1 .111 111.• turtni.•,, all 001 ninn•iy inn] la ithoinit plO, ' ~nil nt nt. ~,,, 10 vie', iiri• 011 thut vari oni.nit,l3 tn• tt“treil It I. tii linpi.l.lhertforii, that on(' n 111 tinnottratrn (hi* tttttt neoii -10-0)/1, with their priNenri• ~ti 111 , II nll.ll .41, I„ 111.1 k It it.. •, 011/0 :,11.i 1. 114 ,. 1r 11.1, 14111 C) rt 1.14 \ —Th 4. r • t n , ron ion , 2 lii=lllllMl 11 Is .1 1 Inted st les/ I: nu t ruck. an, 1,0 rs, tor 'mall lota frnto •Inr. 11,1 , 3 1, dull :nut enl toulnal. l'orn Zit i0t.,;:•11.1 -Mall I„t.. ft -Mall In quotes! at rn tn Fla —I% dull nod uncluang ... I. Smell sales null store ut 4e'. to 4ts , „ for hprio,2 Wheal ethl for good to choice W antes Wheat brutut. Reek. heat Flour It dull 3.1 per rn t. unal Rye Flour In •et, II"- PRIA ste:nly nith sale. el 1:4 - 115., fa, stllbulelt 12:, he a for 1 le:e • ..ugur art 1.1 ell 1.111 11 1 / 1 •111lflgrAl at /71111. fnr counla Taohl 11. tor prime kettle rendered Nothlug .lotn .11as- 1,11. Cr 111 ul. A , ll nf 10 'nee. entuntnn aL la Inn. 11.4.11na, lo :It ••• nn.l .! t oo , Peel Is at 12. lii TTEIt —I. very .lull lutt uouli nulls ntt vv.+ •ot clutamlttl. !Otte 01 I.: pkg.. ut tu A. 1.1 01• till nt :la I t. 4, - 1 / 4 411-44••• quOte ut tl•tettO 1 r1I11:11 1 , 111:IT of It Apiti•-• tt 'l.' ..t 14',.; 4 cl. do.' It., ..14.1 'I., do .1 I. ut'Q I.• .04.4.'0 .4 tor 1• It 1'.114 liiMin=l VBo' %Tt•l•.%—i , t•••ol\ with regular •••tlt••• sr," •••••tt sti .01,15 to ti.l,_ll pet 1••••tt And t.. 1.1.4 tly ttt hi unt - olt IvItt•••1 r• i•ort••41 xi 114 1,4,144, mud ••14111, sit IlitEZ•L—intles• 0111Ittrilsurg r•Tortsitl ttt 11 anti tlits•hon at :U. - Ek.l ,, —Flitz•tast,ll-1 titts•tt••l r1,7t1•11,7:, per I ti•th, 111041 t \II, heist :it 4.4 teeth 'Otte \ .• ••••tutsttLl niuttrrt r h•r Timm, MMINM= PEI'ItOL FA' )t ‘l.lllk Orr 0. •• o. Tn. l'Prrolc a.. zw.,(o. 0 Mot.lo,t J ttn. c 4 1•0000. 71.. 1...1m 1010.• 0.1 a g0 . ..1,d br”ak up. not It dial.. 11 , 1[111410y ot glut lon an tlo• 0 10 •00.ny It Ivrr hug having la,n relkllLt,/.tIAA lrlohAIIV, 11l Al 111.04 tur Crud.. ularlo•t u amt. though I her, 1, no Improvumma nut, the tient:lllli, taut la.o. :My Ltd, ,i 1 ;q1.••,0 leo at . 2 , 47 , ./1 . I, .1. el.l 2..07! , .. UM- dad .1 0 , ...1•• 0100 . •1•1.• al . 1,01 1101 NM, 11 .1,, mai 1./. ~..all la. -0 1••••000: 0.. t•n.l ;ti rail art. itt Itlflrant Ft, 1:..t1nc.,1 . .011•I I LI, • `••• ••iii t.r1 , 1 11 , .0 I-. I, =I =CEO • 5 , .•,..11•1:0.),,,, • t• =ISE I= 91 00 1./; 11 40• 30 an s ,t..0.1..t at 41.22. 10. I -prt,.g., mod `1 ~ ~, \... ..prim; at for 11 , 11....:1...1 .Pat. , 1111.1 an I lllrisco .It f, No I. and :I 1... N. , '1 Ity.. lirmtl at tot No sii at $..!,171t..,.1• etn vt • • - rtnt but IP•4 rot k tn tuft a:mand mut Sok- r •u!e. nt 1, 1. I• 1, at .=; It.. 11,11.1 r. battle .•7. en Meat,veer, ea.!, ut tar ltams troth slaughtered bog.. and tu rat uhnuld. ay. eet Pickled llama .Init l -kale_ of Ire tie reel ut 11 , 40 (runt ,laugh tared 110 g. Buil. and ItnallAt Veal, neglected and tunt ou I. Lard dull and peaty with gls ~r Straw at 17e Dressed lingo artier and . ...tier ut 610,at411,23—dnualle at Ile , , ~.,Ina weak air b ael;era at 111 and buyer, at 115.1:. The reerqdr at. .l heard. .1111,61.,11{. 11=M1 I.)vr bead The Markel t• Aull 2,1 'Lift. , • —64064 63 0,0064 4 .1,•::•. 711-1—(1.164 rt Pooll*Z. MAITI ►•—l:nnLun e . I I,n. Pill I.AI/1:1.1PILIA CATTLE MARKET. Spccllrl Dl.ltstrb to the Pit t.thtirgth• Yam . S LIP/1“. Jan.= I I:eet lathe corttinu t , Aultpt rutlwr i•twer: about 2.Y to j teu d , A rri ve l and sold “1. ti, .%•ellue Itrltvt: Ytt,l,l+ nt frt.ttt 19Q,tir r !In.( quality: fur fair Iv 10141:t• poutatl fur taut;. UAW:—err to la: r ttetruttnti nthn lad rat., ..ttatta ittattl ttat:al tat thr .111Tarrnt runlnat trout t at !•••• at t hlif.El . —lnantla ni ann4 :on., `LOO ht n ad ...Id at from 4' t 1. 7. < pctr Ili. v Or fair Inn 0 a:n.l font .nn ••• ;• (OW , — k rt• nitnnant elptugr n .1:01..-an1 -.lnt an 410((0 f„, p ' I 1,1.7.4•1: rtc r •tt • 1 Mt ••t`. t NATI MARKET J;t; U o.pai rh la the elltyburmli Tr. Jantlar) Itkie rtiOv N... I,lty, $129.00 Prat, • ryct vo; d. rs, (.lea( liabbt..l .Side. •ttg:Lr I 11,d Itslll4, '2le; ran P. 1,11 Bulk Meat.,Af!t I vi• 10, liar Ittlp. • Isar Moats. thrlnt, Iglu lirrn. I I:',r. I .tltl lA, . I= PI:TROIA:1 M \ Ins I iM:I IMMM 01'1 " • lk. • rltruti ‘s ••11 Pahole, 11..t.L. iojloti rott.l htenuch9ll Hun, .t11,:k; iltichotnan F'3l, 111 VI. Ellll , ll It 31, Nortllvra (Pit HA; .46, I filed 51'1'111 - Hock, Mu; Ilrulir 111 Y.• %FM 1 MIN PETROLEUM 31 ink I:T. spculal Wurtern NEW Yonx. January Out dull sod nominal :it tyle, anti fin Relined In ii 4.11 MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Tlionnee and Trade In New York New Tests, Jan. ?2.—The Stork niarket I. ktill vacillating and unsettled. apecalationto confined to specialties and those stock that ere not supposed to ho In the hands of clialleri at - 11%11%de downward. Cleveland and Pitts burgh and Old Southern grew weaker at the mottling board. The principal excitement was on the former. The stock market Wag heavy daring the day, and ut the last Board thee.. was a falling Mr In prices, with a strong desire to sell. The lot-gent decline was on lid South ern and Pittsburgh. The following were the closing prices at 4:30r, tit.l New lark Central, Erie, so, lOg; Reading. 109.3 ., i; Madame Southern, tr.,; Pittsburgh, fel%; North Western, 1119; North Western preferred, far %. Money continues easy, though with rather more activity In elemituaL lintel in YOU,o de mond for customs duties and price firm. There Is no speculative. movement. The price fell to 1.7.31y311gi tit the riots. Gn•Ornillout.eurities eeni in. , dull. Medina the action of Contirm, upon the Loan bill. Old Five Twenties were tc lower. The continued stringency la the London Money market has a depressing effect oon them. Seven Thirties are still very firm, n though lc. active. State Bonds wen: steady unit without any important change in quota tions. New Tork Stook nod Money Mark et. Nr.w Tour, January 'n.—Moanv—Quiet and easy at 5 per cant. Sterling dull and nominal ut luttigf Real, Gold rates arm, opening at adentleing in 1.194 and clotting at 18N. i.ov• en:intent edocka dull and n thud,, lower. Freights to Liverpool a shade firmer and quiet, oexa—Fleav y; Fort Warne Chicago, Burlington nod Quincy ithode island 101,4 Northwestern 32.54; Northwestern preferred 57; Cleveland and Pittsburgh P2)l';Weatern Felon Telegraph &I; New York Central 92; Erie 811 , 4. Iteudinit 101' Michigan Southern ca.', Stara 77; Ohio and Misnissipp I Ceti illetetes Treasury Seven-Thirties ttl; Fl ve-T vrent ',o pens of 1955, 102, New York Cattle Market New, Yona,lan. U.—C;avri.r.—llull and rattler los cri males :XI bend of beeves, fair to good, at 14e115% per pound. SOUP—!lull and lower; antes 6,00) head at pric e. We per pound. Lacs are nnehanged In trri wnie, 2,G !wail per It It lrF. I• t,‘ lEEE = ..,j Sl. t! ki I•I I. r, ftl 1t... At .•; 1./ I, , tttcr Our' tor lit I -1,11110 1 tt, I 11 , 1. and 12:0-for t-myta-r ,, 0. 1111 utol 1.•.” r at iLio • In,Mr Nett Meas. , 12,,1rm at 12,, 1., , 0c.p.,1rt.f21-., tor. old . nil r Et I me. 22,2.1 . 3111' afro , I 3:31./ Ina rr..1..,1 5, AI , Ipr lomat t. March and April. at the ' ,rip. It Reef lira. at ap.,:eup2,l., for N. Plain Me , s, and . 21e 1 2 , 12 - for 5Tv, I. ,Iru , , Si,'-, fleet Meat 2 on ; 1, 11. 1.0 But on dull. Cut Wale: It cady at Ile/ 1 " aTT,tI/ 11 22Iti ;1 . 1 M, alMolder, lind 15 1 .4(1. for lam , o - T`TTai I • a ,. • • . ~ m.• o , -.ant 1, 11,,,p, urn., at lye Tt for 5 1 ...tern... 13' •2 o IT Mr Itv laird Lea, Si ..1. 11/1,1'1.11.1,1 rem... lk• 2 , at: .at 2,clicra option. nt P I RIP el / I ' , RE- Philadelphia Market. I•it II •co 1.1•1113 intinary -- • 112 , .- trralene, pen,- range from f 2 Rh " . 'k .150 o fan", Land. Inn , ts—Whmt dull nod quotratione main na,, 2 . ot lied nt anal White :at 1 21.10 M - 1 ma. acne , :, el , . I'l I 311.1 2,1, I a to ell 2, . :Va.° ImMeis mi. tine foretell.. , PM' h 151 Hiatt .old (a..., for W eat Ea,. ,11.1 1: • —lnneth c. Mammy? , ar, , tata o'rar.• Canal, Pi , . It. :TIM:, • 212. I( trold ,11•• n-• .1.••• •. In.. la rt %Thee:lac -21,111 Ex, hang, on 5, et par ayl Rn 112, 2, ...I', taw, ~2.,•, oat - tot tram New To Weekly Baulk Nlektement. , d• ,••• • l'o t n -tolarr . h . +od I 3 , ,!tn11 )nn n. V. /I " ii 1 erlearm, 124 ptu,ooo. tepeole, decreaae. ! . a1,a 2 0.140 Irettlat Inerett,e, „ om 4 Ilelmalta.1, 11 . 1 • 21 1 6 .2411: inerTaae• 1 ,700 ..XE 1 tha Mnaklregurn ert atm nt. Tarser-1,22ra a 2th lawal ...di r. s7•2l,,etri; dryrcaee, 4,3131. 2 en e Baltimore and Ohio Ma trald arm oh cum ' , learner. to Emmert". . 2 ,111p . ,,A, ! 12.2at0a. hartranouth. Mar" int and 1 m...natl. lloeton iron 3larkel. ; Adel up trip. counereim nol, at pea, 114 ILO Chance to am , f %I'll oh. salaaa and Plttatn2rAlt RI 11., 11111H:tot for any dc-el :aid the in a I iTr ` d no. 11,1 I , only for small lota. EMTTIgn pig t 2, ' ad " anal mornm‘. 1.21 inn. Int to nrrivll are ....111/11; n I . COLI.INS -1/,..” ~ler rut.-;. Atnerlean MK le Ilan 2,1 .51 ,M,rl.ltoat 1 , 2.21 to' ,at ha. me, I'M,. Mil,. Mannfneture.l Iron or In halt -apply, a tth a better feelingantotig. maker. I PITTSBURGH. of dona,tie, cirri: ,(1011 I 1ne0et,,221 pro- • 11, fre2g la a....h rear,. das day. up to iym 1,11011. 1 re DI, )nil Me note small sale, of .2 , 2,1, It phi , ' r4t . hcir sdistme 4.1,4435." per ton ror br,t lirand, the 12 , 1.1•' ! h . Feat WHEELING, MARIETTA 1,11, 101 late to arrlve. American i- I AND EA NF. , , I.,—The am. .reamer EMMA .2. • mall 101 a at f' , sofrina pm ton, for t h,• diner- t• It all 42.111. t'. ` . 1,1 leave fnr the i•ra mantras,. ( ply, than at {::rare ataor and all Intermediate tattle /2,017 TI.IE,DAT 1011, 11,11.. llar Iron is hi fan tleniand and lot. •p. tn. Returning. Zane-, in, perry u n. fi. tore art . Nulling at 21111,54. PA, tor English ,l a at 7 atu. J. D. Oil LINGWOOI,, rommon, ti.12.1.1{130 per (On for do roMinytl Ause dean refined bar I. aedling at 21211.3 , lA/ per , Fon MEMPHIS NEW lon from maimfaeturera' handr., and el•2:a.11.• • Ill l t.E. , Na. -- The nem , M , *heel Irian +tore, Railroad iron la "ellinht at ta". gold. per Intl, for Ett o •eltah. and Tor- ~ .. ...... , AMerlcan. 'fleet to milet, at in , h 1 14t 37e la, pound. Euglir,la do le firm al 7, .awl „, 1. „„, I „,„„ M Int am sell alt 7er per polto.l r IOIIN'EL. or In lot a•sortad Mzen.—Bul/rfa, .1. li. 1 4if 1.1,,W1.1./I • - - 1:0/C 41E10 1111 D ST. . 0 .417=ti 4 1,221:11,—ATR, rilli ARMENIA 11., -plenant paaaenger deanter. EVA OA aar a, abme Z,llr. 3! ..". 0, /sigh, 11 all., -.5 ha.rd a, m a I .I.INI2WCOD - Agent. ma- Cleveland Market. Jun. 31—Wheat—Dull -.11 nt- , tt ro-t1 (rout t.tttret at 41..10. t ttor demand and 14..at1y. Salt% 3 rar• .11,11.,1 Eton' +store .1.5 e• I t.or, At \ utit•ttattgett. 11..41 At to 1., NA I frt., t. Atttl 11,11i111,0 7.4( lind.•)-11111 , .“1.1 1.11P011T19 B ItAILROA.D. I•trt•nt not!. FoaT W•r as h 3.81C/300 it. 1: .1.11 1 ear wheat, 11Ilelteook. Met reel) ear- 11 Wallace; hu ter., lard, lei h co: .Ito Put t er•eln h .111111101E3 / 13., 110, 13 ilo , zen pall, etc. Met `ttlieetglt, Mull 1. a , •o: Iln, Little, Batt , ' a / . 3111,11, 1 ear 0tu,e.,4.1 .1 1:a1), Ido st 10-at, .1.4.:41:t a ,•: .2n esrt.ic Wtn Sum., all W )1 Ityrtm, 101 hhl, deer, .kei 1 A..7:1. rare metal, 710104, A. '4, I e_te I:ans , .l, Itag , + mill feed 11't111.,e 14,1,,,m ; I.; Intr.. l'el zer 11 - nr, lc; Irk pAtric:c a 11,re, It.o•nl.e:el, 1 key; I. i.e.. 71 .1 :I 1.11,1 f010a , ,,, 11 Dalton,. IJ tmle, tr•ee, I. A, 11! u'.le 4..14, I'll 1 oun. 1. !. sine!, I r Ark , A petrtllettln..ll.4 ti 4111•. ~. ME= =II /I. O.'. 1 /1.1 kuu“..S. hu•.x. hid I du 1,41.1,r. ,Ll.l. 11 11,d; ..1 , 1/I , ls mph,. I. II I ..tgt 11411 . - 1 3, %C .V.! a 11 ..•., . 41/P. h 111.1.11/ /11 .•:ti .14./1 13 lit,- lard, 3 1..1, II!,1.3r1. TO I.:. T 1 J, /Ik/2/ . 1:ort)r, kag.. c:0vt . 5...••,1, I 1,1 eo, ~.,,Pl,lllO A Prrrearloati RkIL Jar, XX—IUU blda flour, aeglnnver A Toakalap; 1W.1. , do, , 1 - ll•ert .t Alkorgan, 100 C It.. It. de.Li Jr ,t 0., T J MS; I ear wheat, Liggett A S. hid" tole potroleam, JolotAthan I ear loin',. 1,.1 St A I lay I ear metal. .1s i• - k .tro PITT f °cellar. •vb Ito / 't rf .101. oat.. J d W ea I Mao r. It - .natant 2 'Aga, Llt Volgl. CO; l l ef par,. Plitt Paper 14, Z.en LI at y.••, a Ilempb , du do, C C nualth !, A Ll.s unnxtr axtox, Janus y 11-12 float 0 :M . . sr, 1 aar rmta, earn mill luta'. If I‘llo3. rot.. 50 1.1.11. T Nevin ZS 0o; 0 pkg.. pro. daze...W.l.a., A Hata ;trot.. o atmeal, Wm Pram . , 11 aka a 0 01, d nasnplaj 2 cans lumber, J 12 fl aka axseed, Al Suydam;ear lumber. t Roy le: bstbs paper, Pltta Pap, 0; 7 It alt . • I a ' L. 2 reels y If tsar, lg. 7ha cold ...rather ha, again c.ton.l tut t c/ to rectOt., and it Is going /loon pretty cup/4113 lee Is floating beastly In tho rh er. and al though tb. 4ll , gherty leg it ruinolng pa//t the city. I here i 5.3.1, hope,/ of a general break up to that ell er as long as the preheat weather 1.-ar1.1:1) Lb. , oealbol v , :t.- Just enough In h.p p clutter. nolid and .try,-and with a north. a 111.1 blow. log, glee, to chap rapt/11). There a ere but little bu.iat dung at the lauding .t ideh had binned nelosi ht i.rd the rive in the ie The lornakind of and the eonaiiiiiienl nr rein - A.llllz of the rill, ratified dude a Ir. ely titne moody: silt...fn. Intattnon Id dine at all t actil ity, ever, the t runt d difi il , .t 1,./1011 111.. !lII' 1110.1• nd ae lintliallt tod fof tiniii• ly Hot id a il enoti;iii but tint! n.n•lf a.; aal ...ter day M1..111.'011 The Itet, that left nu Itttetturtltty hay., het, trt It lung!: t t lite The Littren told %met tt-a Itt enattlett ttlt a great .I , l.lo(.litticuity to ;1 , 1 through, but tin America :Intl Lucella ‘‘ert e-let - lay mot nip, tie.' tip at Iteaver t ant I in Inetthiuni utpt t .t. 1 rt•er Itettee/ tttlltt,ltt 1 hey hurl It, otAttlit tit , te t e 01 3 1..• u. bout In ...ler', get Durk Th.. II urL Lupt “eo. h Vt..., 1.•:t r.la3 afle•ritoon I.n '11.4- 1,0 Lvofl. Inl,l I..n.l.l.11o• 1,1 , 16..1,:111.1 will lest for . 11. e %Vann Ilia. 1. apt LII 1.” 1 thelnnal alit) •on .1,211.111. v n nal her .1...1tr, 1. Apt Ila”. 1. 11. Lan h.ohnt Ir.. h. ant ,• MA , - Ihn I pal•IL,•1 lin!, me up 1, , 111, Ino.lnt4. an.? nn.•. - lhartni; Iv lea% elvl 31annik1.1.. an;l Nen. .1, In a harp. nu 1 llnnolNonnn how m ,1 1.. 1,,,t0 trel,ll 1..np1 11. r t, an,. 1.. 1 ,, ha. In tln D. 11. fre,,, •11. i ellb yll , l Iliti•relediel I. -hr. I. n . I ler —els, lett , ,he nee, e: el 11 ty t , ,e'd bk. I ..,111, I ej , l `IWO. i. k I'ulnalu :11 .1 11/nlntla, and .tlrer 1. h.... 1 t ;sal% evil, 1 ,, le 4_ eleln.n.l • 1 , 0,11,1 ri..• 11h-Lln4nlnrl, • n „1 .1 I. NI. It. hel.t. , t nth, 1 , r1..•nel ha, kV., ••,/.1 eti 1,11.1.tny far 4+1,110 IL la Ihhughl that the Ult‘ ~,,, 11•11 nut ett St lends Ili.: jne,ll.;ng v. 111 Ise nt1,...1. MEDICAL. I 1 S PI PSIA. --. ' -•- l'klb I , a. eouro Ti al vtl yreyara Llou of Ito. ..1 flm L., aPk am m.lO, Arid carluluuti.e. ..t t • n 4 then I hc .dusa..eb as 1. r‘,..0. ” •tern. II .'pop, lnln ren..., for It% or 1u,11,,,, , 11urt, Nemo,' nes,, 1.4..,s of Appel! Add., of thy Morn.. l'lstul;,ue) and drt.lll. I. nut alehohollq thereto p , Tticular: y sula..lfur . c. • T, ow. aud dylpepllc ye. ~„, toy ...xty tr , sndraT et,' .berg at el i fer E. bo s ta i. ~., i, 1.5 I'. oca7:l, d NVIIOLETIAL !SAGS, r,. Till. STRICIKLAND'S illelLinuotis -..-,, f:011.:11. FIALJiAIf is ty ,• =ti tz , lt o tt . l4, 0 , f , 117 .1 . 1.; ; .::::". 1 3 1 1 li %, 1 nuylia, Colds, .floarseras. C IJ , Atibms. WboopisF Cough, '..,.,.,,,`•:, ChrtallC Cf 4111114, Croup. I\. '...,....... , tiOti, iirOpetlitiS . ;lllllll (.raup. ..•! ,- -. i.7 -, 7 i. ; , It.iny ImltttrTd rr , .. 110 " T . d'illtfE: - at-J.1114,W.. It la bxoling. tort en:og au.dry peTtbrallTlZ, and .. . . ‘. . . particularly suitable for all • .....-....._-- - Off. etloux of the Thrum an.l L. bog, Tor 111 by Druggitts avcry yawn:. t. E.t . YELI.T.Iti 3 C... obutlyd : ._ ll'uoc.a.botat .Area., T. DII. PILE REM k:L/Y pas CLIIIID Oulu- 0 . clod. of lilt ror-t ea. or 111.11% ANII oLEEDI PILES. It 'di InanuAiato ,tsilef. aud effcce.. pernta lertt corr. Try It It I+ vrartanta,l to cure. I or %ale Di at M. per...Lc/Ma. . - FORTY 1 E.IRS PRACTICE IN SEXUAL. UST.. t' , F-9 Glyra me a knotOrylyr aehlum noluloof Illy Ion?, Trodencr In thl, ottr. •nl thjamo . unt of patient,. treated annually Lae. aro anent:lent P' 44rr/Jl4llalli-V. ,10,11a1 Wraknoo, and all dial:ASto art.lng therelrom. are enrol In a notch a A lei t rT Jltn• than heretutaTc by my NEW Vf.tiEt- RIXEDIES. Motlelnea Arnt to anyhart at IhrClalon. A 11101,3 tntt,t contain a ,tamp to ply return postaht. Cornespoutienre held saed. OA Lee, KS SMITEC/Itt.ll EITIME.T. neat Ola cr naond Adthroa, J. W. BILANSTRUP, 11. 1 , , Ja11:1T fal. Pittsburgh_ Pa. I • - pILIVATE 'DISEASES. rEIC:4 STIMET, near For the cote of All diseases oftpert - ate natur, ln from two to Moil days, tfli an entirely ties , and , at's tenathanst. AloNgietnina Weston.. and Oil other dlsetses of the genital orzasts and their preiention warranted 1,7 stoney rethadod. ri e tgaiiil7 t" rigit =1 =II lIMIIII RIVER NEWS - : 0 I rES H. F..: 4 }7tX.V6.4 - 4,4 WIIOLLYALIC STEAMBOATS. STEED, SAFETY AND CUiMPURT I= 1. 1•li. P, iil 1!i4,. 411:111i I ?IL PACKET LINE 1. - " I ' rj ' , 1 , 4 .“" TRIP -1I It RI, I• <• •1. • ••,, . ,r, I: 1% I, 111 , 711 t•tmr,l. er: 111.11111), WORKS. -%‘ .11.1*EVING OF PITTSBURCH. PENNA „ • r conliN TEMPEILCNCEVILLE Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, I , Ji'jUnWn...,n II ridg 11,:s f'} 1. ft:Milt, 0? PURI WWII , ituat - NiNtl colr,. Brand— "Lucifer." 1,, r , nn f ot c d burulu4 prop,ryfr• I 11. I 0 11 , k. IV 11. I:qhert 1.,. Gem. 1114,1 t.. It. Herron. I . 1.. t ni.11.1.1!. 11. 11. co/11n, I. W. WALL..,.. D. W. r.e.rrull. jar.!,ot.l 4„;,I'.I.IiDARD CLARK & SUMNER. ork • and 041 re, Collie• Toars•tdp . . . . h.... aura, bate the turgetl enpanity In the rowan trt. The tnaud stand. the in 0111 country awl In liurope. for quality sod Pre tent. sad the oil put In wen ...anted barrel,. prepared especially tinieeth erre of CP.P TANKS and Oil Wait... 41eintly DC~I►ARD IkARD &Mk: PETnoLtaum t.olll%alt °Mee Co,. of Peon and liaro• fiteenta Thu cart:pony wee org•Ja.ted oo toe Meth %w.f. eader 1,0 ronneils coto Mink, And Mafautlurforio, Lor,. The terettory of the tonallony adjolue the Tueds of Ilse Dm - O...fret:el 1:oloft Uti . - ooepany. ofthla city. f'spleal btoeF M.Wa Working Yowl l'or V slim of each tan, Ver-Idept—tk JOIINNP.N. eecretary and Trresuree—ff. N. RlTeltrE. • lailatArtvi.. S. A. ..OEIN.ON, L. S. R11:0 , 11%, Lt Elslc NwriPLlt. JAMES LatAILAIS V. D. C1N1.,. N. 0. KM - G. jcelyti • 11. 'W. Rt, MIL ('031:411.11 , 14:1A1, WE Wliit kit PURE WHITE BURNING OIL i'...tautly on 'a...rid .ctld I.r kT TII 31AltliET It AM.'S B. V.& J. 11. PIARYETL, XO• r i 1:111:S 11 ALKASIS. =I CRUDE AND REFINED OILS, Elpek. Duquesne Way, I.llllabarals aSpeXX.. ENGINES 111111 MUM A COILMO \ 06 11111.16 BINLEG R. Inv Ite•pnrtir, nredinx eoginr% for pul p m. car uer of PI lit.OL'LlAta • HEMPHILL & CO. SUNDRIES SILNDILIES, for bale at IK.SLiber . .trert,: 1 , 1:1 Eat'111:11—:n. b1:11.. tar:, haler, 1,111" A PITEX , --10 bet-. nal, alw obi. • 11111'1E ' , III, 114 edr.,,Y bnln. ("lint Malin;. LIME—Irk WWI Llrrin: ALT- :L.D.ubli. Extra ;No./. 111:04 ,1 1 , -1,11 dozen oust . curb. ..11:6111' bbb. 6orgbun) • ro, I , VIT Eat-, WA, •nd boor. bbl, and: thataa 1 ,1 1/rlnll--Vt bond:eat 1.:11111! , 4 obi, Labrador; I"L" P • ~ l a. 15 1 1,4r...0r 11tot er• acid Pr..ou,-e .1 01 - 1110 IN'S CONDENSED APPLE JU('}:. pt rap in rine poobd tin' nAtil. • dIGZEi and r Jelly. yr Ideb way be timed for plea sod t o, d ...A1 water, taxi,. sweet elder, for salt. , d A. - It W, . nrnr r 0( Liberty and Raba streeta. ; . bx%. No. I Her- Ine.. yast rrert.rd and for bait! be • • r 1tU05,... I' l and M Woad strcet ( 1 0('(A titTS-3.000 cocoa Nuts r for wilrp v.,tin R t nnos., Nog. Mt and ELM clod ortct. • I)ECANS.-10 bhl4. Pecans .just meet , rd ii 1 3 ,1 for .gale- pp .t nnott. 159und 3 . 11 Wood otnrvet DRAUGHMNG, -- GENERAL DRAIGUTTG OFFICE dad ..riaiteraxit 1114.602acrirs so. 1: St Chß Si., near &spreelie Bridge. ELEDIC.AL. R. WEYSE.III•ti Pectoral Syrup tt RES coat MIIIO Clul'4.l-; litt-(mt•hitis CURES COLDS," Cii.. - t - e s ALsi - taa.mia /3 CURES All Dis(ases f ilio Lung •t..../141 In ,• • It • t. n I sou lo ...Iv, or a.' 04,4 ,Xl7lll e• • •,•• Pectoral Syrup. The.c nrr at as,rl au, nue ws,' f a •n, ante ran luqultr prr.ou- .to , Latr iwela eurr , a bit Attend to Your Colds. A Li% v..," “tatd1111; ',re., 0) Itn xr , YI 'l'RLl'. rtii.nrattit, January U. IttO. LI *be :—Sty bas been adlletedtlP bed cotigh tuel dlinculty of breathing for Site or ear, 0 bleb, for eeseral years back, bad gradnal Menton,/ Itt violence. The complaint ha, been he milt/try. end the bad been treated by pryer-al phyt den. without any erne!. In this meta of her can procured hOlllO 01 ynur I . I.CTOILAtI, COUGH STEIOI I nought, the lir.t time, a fifty cent bottle, whlelir ileved her err, much: I then called and gut a doll bottle, bleb cured her entirely, and ahe - ha now, trace of the former dlacnae, except weakness. euuld .tote that need them edial:m.7.olU cold end ceugh. The medlrins cured me by takis Irep," entiro..lMtrartlon with it tmnielor. and yon ere at liberty topubliett eu delve to Lk. WM. WIS. Alderman, Fifth Ward. Pipratmaom I:weather la, !mg. lye. KS n:—Although not en advocate of Pate 'Lanett:le, In . general. It affords me Veanure tad eel-amble to r commend your PECTO .kl. SYMPA A. a medieleo It Is well worthy the attention *I'M peraon who may in any manner loor aftffeted art cough.. cold, and boarheoess or anv kind, and tor U ta...-oibtr quad:lead...rt, for removing ell that all grreable heeo4llott attendlag a buyers cold. I ha•e b.wo, moor or lea, In my Iffe. attect.d let he ars err. of colds and hoaraetwas. Al timer. liroag woold beromc °Mord WI to prevent a -peaking atm. r aw b hoer, and by taking a tow d .4 , be oat% e estop It woul md retiree me entirely. rrrononcidling Thi• medicine. I moot ever !ugly -.ay Ili. the Oast remedy ever foam rf."d%fr I pin t Boa ice, err tae aboeo, X,a:Prorea. 100.1 r"" ZgWIIM .r. Javrs. Ca•hler Clatena• Depoalt Dank. EX37::171 Luc. Ohio, March H. I have uved L. he) kel . ll Cough Syrup roe a h eo•lgh of veveral • earn stututlug, am:luau cheerful It:. it Is the be, uuulletue tor tits name that 1 hu ever taken. J. W. I.IIIOE. e(11.. PII kTT AND Dlt. KEYNT.TeS PECTOILI STRUP.—Dn. Kt, sr.x—Dear Mr: Errnse the del at my ackunwledging he e arelleneoul your Pteto, Cough Syrup sooner. I take great pleasure in ea Ink that It Le all you Way It le. It knocked rho nor ont of my cough. and tite.worst one 1 was everagli, ed with. 1 lase not used more than one-hair of t bottle, and 1 coo and do wish that all who are Willi ed would give It as tale a trial as I hare done. a they will be proud to say, • •It Is noan quack me-brine' I would not mutter another such attack (or a. et:lnelderatlon. or at any cp.. I ant eonlident I r breathe 'none freelthan ever did. I shall tine acknowledge a deb T oss ratitude for Inventing tors eallent • reinedy. great liberty Louse my naL la this rrgard yea think proper. E. T. PRATT Nleseenger Common Connell, Pittsburgh. t. N. B.—l am no stranger tarty feliowetitleett, 311 who entertain doubts can =uniting IVErrin 21, READ THE TRUTH.—LIa.- otoir.April ha t , daughter wPo h.. taken meeeral medicines for a h: cough without benefit, among theta Ayer'. Cheri Pectorai. I purehsaed fro., you a bora., or yo . Pectoral Syrup. and before she lisulaseet hall' a he tie .he stiff mitered. The second bottle cured tr. entirely of bar cough. JOHN DARCY. • Robinson streat, ALLeghear.. PrrTgannOlL December 31, A GitE.CT CURE 131' DM. NETNEWS DECTOItA bERUY.—I Use in Peebles tont:ably, Aliegte • county. I bad h cough and rpitting s which corm menced about the 4th of Ectunaty last, and corm ineight months. I employed the best physiclA the country, and my cough. continued unabati tntil early in October. At lout time I was is osde 1171 Y"r kigrA r 'bOa the coughing and sparing. I haedespuired es' getting well, and I thine It etsould kin t it bin valuable remedy will do fur others what it h ions in my cues.. JOLT'S C. LITTLE, Whims.: B. 31. Etna, Peebles towurdste: PArroN Totimrkeng, April 14, LSO , A WONDERFUL. CMCE.--einete time ago anc nelgbbor at mine was eey IU with a Ind Coalr, Loch every one supposed to be colvennaptlon. relathe, ttrhl Me that he tad taken every tame; tatty beard of without benefit: htv brother motet .4.f. Mut die, and all were confirmed ha itio better bo lt b• could not live. I had abonatbe Mtn' of f• bolt • your Pectoral symp, which I gave tdm, and ei moat] cured him. to tire a& ton/came= uf Wk. he the case more et:mart:lr, is the °atrium. & of the moo, ho being about -her year& old. Ihi uo doubt the totted hie life. GMEIBEEMI DR. KEYSEIt'S PECTOILII. s'nwr IN uLArti I•ta ane 1113 me .tooter to of your n table Pectoral syrup. Almomt everybady around! Sag the cold. and are enquiring Cur — Dr. Keytet l'ertorall4yrup.'' We Intve sold tizteett tattle. t , P. 4 weal, mail are .Ore entirely out. Sir. A. Alt and Ylr. P. Nlst. , r, tatb ut Itistrevtlie, Pa. told; they yrattid nut be r.ttlaut it In thels fatolilen. tact, all who ax• It unto want It again. J. s. TTfa..S . ON SONS , January .19, NOTT.IIRIt NEW CIUTLIF/CATF... K.ET SEW, PE:I rot:AL oi P.t v. --tt e..t..bech troutd tth a euugh riud cold for arauVal vvvrtar—.o bad* It that T could oat Ih. had Ulu lutrica sad pi arriptivoa Rua. uf the best phaticlarta la t rtly whom 1 eutztrt dame, but du oot do o. / pair urcd a 'Soffit. of your rector:al Lrrpp, urbt, ur, dtar rUtirctj. fitt rt. .; 7 ;.•l .. Pa i tn ' urf. 'X. ,g January ,th. •• . r Illl`TIIAT( OU? 111 •• .•flow can I dolt , rato Keyrerli, on t%owl street, and get a bottle.; t .ough pertoml, and it Mat don't core yOns cast onsat he desperate lashed" This la a spectsM of the coltouoy not b. are tweey day in cold-caSerdL. periods of thcyear. And see eau. from actual exy, 'latent. ehtserrisily conenr In the ads iser• admoh lion as arose, 14 me have tried Use .. rectorar,""/ a 100.1 stubborn, case, tit Ith entire tutors, are: ,„ sst rat Pittsburgh, with one the mo-t dlst rontrary, foolish- onstlialuall roost), see seer ex •rlenced since our adentit thls andame spine • M e toughed steadily awl si boriousts tor of is hole week, id; hopes of tirtnal oat, built was no iro. In fart, fr seemed rattier r base Ito proved Iss practice, and to hare anquir: strar-irtb. poteue stl , stressibility by tae oped tion. sid- 'nag, or the suite, weer...shod our el. to He) Per a. No. 101 11 oust street, petit:tired a ISO. cent bottle of the ••reetural," toot it according ±. dirertion•, sod in forty-eight host,. see were maid! ofthe Oct.). the • tunny Ita, to unconditional/7 sr tends rest. after a rie, but oneynal