THE PITTSBURGH GAZETT E rr tl. PUN - MIAN, rurrons EItILICTT, ' ' 70. e(r3TAMACINA. NAS A. En. FURIJSIIF-0 AT THE GAZETTE ASSO , I y Nu. SG ring STRICET,,h. M Onso.Vil rolTler , r, by nigh'. inn . rear. ....... F.VT. , t ISUITION. berv• - •1 Irh C•rriers, Mono.' NO or EVONONO. prr Elie Vittobutqlt 6auttc. CITY ITEMS Ranted. A trolopef era Bookkeeper Add re, Itoc B A D., Gazette Otlee. Physicians. Preachers and Poet • rTe hawyrr a Planers' $.4). Only thirty =E Plawyoroa Barber. Soap n 1( . 4r-try it. Only thirty COMA a eat. For DOricolcar hi Dry Good. tin to *be Ilnnl. closing nut sate of Dail,— .t 51. Act .trece. Dry . Good. Cheap Al , b. great anal sale of Hark, S. Co., so bxrcrt xtreot. t.looks'ond Shawl*. 4; r.•:d bargain!, at the chasing out sat, of filar her co., Se Market street. Ureot of Bolti :Whet. flelto A e wade , trlelc requit Jg .per. It IA the a Looter of the ago. OCT aelvottlgement In ego Column. Dress floods 1,.-Ing .out at awful low pekoes, an the !SOW. Esat corner of Fourth and Market •t r*ei C. II ....Nao:t Loc . , & Ur.' Wl.*lewd° Dry 6 . . nu S. ' , III amd complete stock Just opetoNl the Northeast corner of Fourth and Market C. BANN OW LOVE ot. Rao. Love , . DI) Goo.'l:‘ xtorc Is 0.12 the northeast C . Ortler ~f Vomit, oh '3lnrket streets. • Blanket., Wl,l, and cOlored—all sizes, gnalitle.. nmt price.— on the northeast corner Fourth and Market street*. C. 11,,,50:v Loy. R B no. Country Merchant , * itepienishing stook should, before porehasteg .risit the . rolabltshment of Barker Co., re Market street, as they hare full lino* or Bleached and BrOina ROMlting9 and Shirtlag4, Prints; and other staple goods, *tack they art. stsouch lean than Dsgtern prices. • ' Miry Goode at Wholegato. The List piaci to buy them, either in the or West is at Barker & Co.'s 53 Market, where fsin by fOinidAhe beet assortment of Sheet togs, Shirtings, Prints, Prtut stuffe anti other staple goods., Oil Never We aro infOrniod by Messrs Hon.& Co, taut the v aluablo otl territory recently In litigation, Sun, Beaver County, hail been amlo -ably adjusted, and that Messrs. Thomson Orma, and,rtitchard di Co., are prepared to execute leases on tats justly celennited ter ritory. rut. the Question tiencrally to Your friends, as to what prepara tion. they We for their Loath, and the re- Aponse, pine tune* out of ten,will be tiorotlunt. 'Tle - noldhger necessary to e impress its merits upon the public min 4, exprience has taught 'gm world that, RS a means lot beautifying and .preserving the teeth, invigorating the gams, and giving a pleasant aroma to the breath, it Las fro ri ral in either hemisphere. Hasheesh. We under Stand that some of our wholesale drag:gists hage made art , .1.' 4 % with the SylvanCtricatC,oraparty of.PMstialilfor the sale of HaebeesliCaudy, traporteatindipre. Pared solely thur,ComparrY.. We tre glad to learn that Mir ettizetutaratiatr - to have en Op. .partunity-Of leating.themalte of this wonder- fel Oriental ;preistiatient; prepared under the direction of a, thorough medical chendst, or. cordingto •the formulas of „Eastern countries, and sanctioned by the Faculty of the Calcutta Medical College. retaining its medicinal greill - i„ kleif, but modifying by chemical combinations itillreedarbable influence on the mental fecal - tivorke* taken in a erode state. 5,1111 e =ION= of Philadelphia have beg a r&atelnalitts/XeCently by somemost remark - Our* la that City by the use of ttii. sulactiy. We are pleased to assure our readers that ihis article 18 altogether a different thing tram :that of %similar nalne,introdnoed here come time 011.00, :116 concern in New York. but coin urns, we believe s 's defunct. - Bell IttleiSay, Stela To•llorrew. =cell is the e apesienee of thousands. Yea ueley continuous health. To what does the occasiOnal 'lnvalid attribute ib uncertain rosiditionl 'Notio himself, of °lmmo. He lays the Warne.= the climate, perhaps• It is too hot, or too cold, too damp, or too dry, or too variable. 'lint dOes he tike the proper course gI fortify hie constitution and bodily organs spina the ertiemes and changes of which be complains t No. Re says, perhaps, that only an Iron man could bear such great beat, or such ylolent cold, or such sudden cicissltades Whythen dm, be neVroaort to the great Ton- It and P: creative, which, If it will not make Minim Iron man, will at least quadruple the capacity of his system to repel all external agencies that Lend to produce dlseasct tios tettees Celebrated Stomach Bitters, taken falthfulb - aceording to the directions, will so Strengthen -the stomach, brace the nerve•. tone the liver, and rcgnlate and InCigorate the whole animal machinery, that the system, Justrail of.being at the mercy of the weather. and liable to be prostrated by every change of temperature, will becianie case-hardened, a 3 It a ere, and almost impervious to climatic indu emits. It is to this preventive principle [Lai Hostetter's Bitters owe their greet poi e tlarlty in the West Indies, British America lola Aus tralia Hostetter•* Bitter% Are Sola wholesale and retail ut very iow rate. ►t I , lenting, l t Drni and Patent Medicine Depot, Ho. 114 Market street, corner of the Diamond, Is cat loorth Street. With the A15....S ( ertnin advent of cho:cra amongst ns t, t', 1 , 111ing spring. we suy again to our re .ter, An not be unprepared Mr It. liar e what you know and what experience has demonstrated to be, n strictly reliable. nirl keiic to nip it in the bud upon the drat premonitory symptom. no not trn't to new and untried medicines: w hat yon know to have cured will cure again. Fleming, druggist, No. 'Pt Market -street, pre pares a medicine that was need with infallible success during the last visit sat tile cholera to this dty, and we nnheritutingly say that no medicine in the world to superior to It. Don't ter w ithout u bottle of It, that Ls our ad v and when the dread scourge does make its pear:lute. yen areeamparitively secure. Sold only in Pittsburgh, at riclrling , drug Sko,, No. E 4 Market street. Fall sad Winter floods It a ith great pleasure ire rail the attra ct, of par readers to the suliperb stock of Full - sod Winter Goods Pist received by Mr. John Merchant Tailor, No. 11M Federal street, Allegheny. Ilia stock embraces some of the beautiful dlothe, tasanneres, Overcoat. ngs and Vestings ever brought to the western enarlict., 1119 assortment of Furalstitrur G.0(11, COMpitSing Shirts, Drawers, Collars Neck Tim, It saulkerchiefs, do-, cannot be surnamed east or west. laigc stock of ready made rant • Coate s Vesta and Overcoats, will 11.1,0 be toned _at his establishistent. PCr4011 , 1411 wool 0f,,,,ny :thing in the clothing hoc should not Lill to ;Ise Mr. Wcier a call. Mime's W. Parry & Co., !tact Ica Slate Roofers, and Dealers hi Amer; can !Ante of flitriotts coin,. Office at Alevnn. , der Lutighltilla near the Water Worha Pitt* lourgh, Ta. I:cadence, to. 75 Pike street. Or dicrs promptly attended to. All work warrant «r water proof. Repairing done nt the short• eat notice. lie. charge far repairs, provided !Lai vaof to not abused after It id pat on. RUtorene there are one litualred distinct n 01,0114 diseases, and there Lsuot °neer them that w 111 mat yield to the great Inelgorant, Itlkorene. Why suffer the torture of nervous weakness Or a .tayl The Bikerene wilt gave you Instant Julie( and pOrawalant strength. Sole agent for Pittsburgh, Joseph Vlemtng, Druggist, No. at Nat het street. Sent by e.sprces any 'share. . • Carpenter Jobbista Slaving reterned after an absence of three ;..rare Inaba army, I Lave re-opened . my ehop Ur. alririala of jobbrng . 1n rho eurporaer hoe, .!.. 4 11.Iiltie (Ad eland, Virgin Alloy, between Smith - 7-)/18 1 ,1 street Ana Cherry Alley. Ordure .allelte,l *id :PrOmPtii attended to. VILLIAASI Y vans* x.. •• • .t.• ''tG!==. VOLUMELX X X CITY ITEMS I=l It ,„, the following 14111/MUII CR, ion from Mr. Wrtltxur, of the firm of l'rlnce wmton tt, Co. , Cmeinmtt!, condemning the use „f the above Calltlo4 by other parties. We think the ,hews of Mr. W., quite correct, and ill,. protected the proprietors , of ltoback's Bitters as far as we coold, by refusing to Insert advertisnients infringing a• u e bought. on ;heir "trade mark Pirr, at' rtort, January 2.14.,...r5ie, Pr I .111:14.4 or Tut GAZETTI,--frenzarrn_en Vv attention has been called to the intillirttse meats of several partici. under the bead of "Greenbacks aro Good.” A. you urn well aware that as it hos cost no very considerable money to advertise "Greenbacks aro Good." for the purpose of calling the attention of the public to the merits of our beandinavian medicines. we think It very unfair for parties to lake ad , untage Of our enterp rise. We claim that the USA' of the words nGreenbacks are Good," which we follow with ftotetek's are "letter, is original with us, We have never been interfered with in any city or Man before. in Cincinnati alone where we et ended upwards of O. thousand dollars in a week advertising in this way there was not, single instance where 111 person at tempted to use our derive or "trade-inark," "Greenbacks art. good, but Hohnek's are bet ter." We feel no disposition whatever to have a difference with anybody—on the contrary'.' we think there is plenty of room and w ale enough to advertise without conflicting with or copying from others. The writer called on two gentlemen In this•citv, namely, Mr. Pit lock and Mr. Duuseathi wtiono doubt thought lessly used the words 'greenbacks are good,o to head their ad•ortlgements. I found them grid/morn, and willing not only to ilisrontlnue the use of thew ds named , but to make any amends in their power.. 0.11 - 41/reounacks are good lint lb - Mack'. are healer." on the ground that health is para -110011111 If, wealth, and because we know we hare the best medicine available to mankind. lfebart..i.Sionmeh Bider., after years of expe rience and trial s have proven to he the host remedy extant tor all Complaints, when a ton ic and stimulant arc inquired. They contain the properties Of a gentle locative, an efficient antistdllol39 agent, and arc the best stountelite known to the world. Our SugarCesited M.N./ and Liver pill, are the most active and thorough pills [lilt has ever been Introduced. They net SO directly upon the Liver, exulting that organ to such All extent as that the system does not relapse in to Its former condition, which is to apt to he the noon with simply 4 purgative pIII ;„ burg thickly sugar-coats they are especially adapt ed an a remedy for children and persons who has e a dread of swallowing a pill. Our Blood Purifier cores Scrofula, and all diseases aris ing from an iinpure state of the blood. Many thousands have been cured by the 050 of Ito hack's Blood rudder 3r1,1 'Mood Pills, as pre pared by us from then riginal formulas of the great Sweedlsh physician, Dr. C. W. Reletek, now retired from thelabors of his self-semi tieing profession with honor and (deservedly) un immense fortune. 'The Purifier in the best alterative known to Solonee, combining, 34 It does, the syrup of Stillingla with lodide of Potassium, which every physician of educa tion knows lobe the Surest remedies. It also contains a pasture herb Indeginons to Sweden, Dr. Robaek , s native land, which we import erprellaly to use in compounding the Blood Portlier. We leave the matter in the hands of the pub. lie to decide.. To the press of this city the writer returns his Amok.* for the courtesy. liberality and urbanity shown me during my short stay. Very truly yourF., •st. W. Ni autos, 1112111 (if the ilro of Prince, Walton .1 Co., Cinon 1111 l ti.., Plaid rim:se's Al: the popular makes, at very low priee, nn tue northeast ts.rnur ul Fourth and Market street'. EN EIIAL ERN TtitE Pope on receiilog the congratulation of the Cardinals on. Christmas day, replied that Gott never abandoned the Church In tem pestuous times. His Lioltness called to mind our Lord sleeping In the storm on the Lake of Gennessarct. "al the present time,' said his Holiness, "Christ seems to be sleeping, but be is watching for the defense of the Church. The future WM the hands of God, and the tri umph of the Church IS inevitable . Toe FA.RESILSattIitI FIRM—The fire at Geo. Wells A Co.'s oil refinery in Parkersburg on Tharsdny last, was unite extensive and de stractive. Over k 03,040 worth et property Woe destroyed in a very short time. The ate Came nearly doiroonneil more damage than it did. 84 the flames were nearly communicated to the oil boats in the river, which were con nected with the refinery by a pipe. Two o AMMER., Rained Jack O'Neil and Jim my Young, quarreled in rolcv's billiard saloon in Detroit. As they left the saloon, Young shot- irlieti throngs the head, and t ben coped. O'Neil O'Neil Is throng dead. The Free 51)s ea he was taken away Inn hack '•he gate utterance to most horrid impreearlons—t,s, foul to he reported—intugledwith 1111Pl1,,1•1 to beast' , for mercy nit his Soul." DR. Tartan, of Richmond, !Baptist i, to the columns of the Sew York Examinee, says "Southern ttaptists are conscious of no wrong in the loaners cm - teeming whirl, they are charmed. They have 110 conassalon• to m a k,. Th cr il e s, broad gm( whlch Iles between the sections llama been dug by the North, and the North only eau fill or bridge lt," • • - ON Frlday, for the llr,t time our eonntrv's history, a colored eontructor received pay tor h o carring the mall. Ilia route la to rirgmla. hot ands Mat t h e Virglnlane cam no oh jeetion to having their mabag carried by eolored man—lf they can receive their letter, In no other way. • •. -- - ra. (Sum Ow arnly veto In this wise: While hte trglnient war at Nashville hear lee applfrd (or leave nratAener and WI. I efosnl. Thereupon the Indignant Fenian took lite eliSence thout e leave, which latter alleretardi fo wi llowed th Jilin, as known. • Tur. N. ridladelpink Chfc ,, • that last work Mr. natuuel ntartn wa• m•idenly killed while in the act of loading a Large •taw. log On to fonr-stbretrd wagon. Tne tog r.d led bark track upon him, crushing hL4 hot% 111 horrible monnrr• CT RCS MCCORMICK, the reaper millionaire, bag presented General Let:with filLatio to found a profeaeomilip bearing hi. name at Om VI, ,11,115 College, of which the ex-rehol leader Prealaton t. Seca S. the tack of hon..- room in atlanta. illVti% are lining In tents.aml they cannot el no get enough of that uncertain nbelter. • TINT: wife of Cori innehe.ter, n promiceo Lonitrille lawyer, golete.l her nerre*no , ended her llfe—a i t chloroform, the oft, PI& trot urr• ern the most regular attend Ipr ante of the Chleago daily prayer tneetlngs rent r. to a t ni !last their Mneet Is proles .lunal, not rut ig 1011, 1100. /./.1./, Lk, IN, Ilmunrer of the I . M Iml-1 phta and Eric Itailrnati, hat recently return, his pnsltion l.l.. 'tint 01 Tux Bnlun tt r'r.nrrrr 14 .Ivs,l, tithe life •, nearly forty-ten c ears. It .lie .1 of 01.1 her Imu Tue UnroOf Sass John Morriss...) has bac nn 3 Wall ,el mfillonnre. Ma. M cat . , a's nargo 01 emigrants dwoolled at that to 75 wad f 4) men, widen, It they all get to tVashlngt , til territory, will tultl,,sate the evil of male preir...i.l.•raosi• to the extent of only It after the steamer Contireentail lift the n leurf, Tutesdas. six erie. men were sent ashore with their baggage. They were from Maine, hail been 111 the nit} some months. at Innell expense., walling lot the sidling of tbe steamer, and the eupealn t them ashore beernitse they could lint e e, the i r They of count.' iii dinnantt nod hml ninny hard words for M.o. rer, by hum they 'declared thxy tint Issue 41upe.i and foully wrong,' zlim months line they may halm reasnti to be glad that Of .• r left theta behind --.S . prinwleld Ifrptflalecw. rurssis C.,trai ',C.V.—The Re , Dr . Celia! has published u pamphlet on American :rain, which is highly COMMOntied by tut., German pre,t, but y, hluh 111 , i is it us f Henri tli CSS in It•til lag press there mil uguiii•i hist] t 'ILI. rfl.. .11,1 -how oth•epNuated bintiluy tlu. 1... ret4toied, 0111111 as Iteput,lic ,at Tiic crunieUt Lai 111,10r4C.1 th k sours, :ul , l i c1,,,4,•1 all 2typointiutlit io Dr..rehalt Vrofc,,,,, 4 ,‘ thr ‘therisity 01 , h.r a hh•n v,ittuu he had -trout; reeollid p r,•, that. a good Osanco of success. A Nos, Plagve lot Pru... 1411 New TWIN, Jan. ttn — The Woettf's het me respondent. records the prevalence of a 10000 in the Prussian capital, second only to that caused by the appearance of the cholera. Tue trichina• disease, a or w and terrible malady, ravaging Prusstis„ and 01 t 110.10 at.taelcuil by it, at least tit cuLy-flvg per remit. dleu in.,11,1u death surgeons tram the origin of the mal ady ton speetes of aorta that attacks the pins and an the Germans are essentially a pore eat• , lug people runt prefer thcle loud 011 ly partially cooked, the nee scohrge has utterly ditlorKatt /sett their huhltf and caused a (eidlog .1 in tense alarm to pervade till Banta Robber .4 rre.t.4l -Itniirond Sr, TORX, Jan.m—Twoleo named yid erhiß mid George BOyer Itayt: treen arre-te.l wait I.leht.lliell Ore rol.heee of the of the Partner./ Rini Citizen,' N.alanal II t. of Williamsburg, on Friday eine to ti money Intl beets asi4.irtioneii On r.atarilay afternoon Mgt. Simile. flu fo an, in the employ ttf the Harlem Hall r..a.1, %rte. liy it panting train of ear. Inthe 114•1 at Ninecj-second st M==l Sew Vona, Jan. #.—Tho Iferraer• Washing Um speCial says Information has been reeei•ed *bet on De, 9th, Juarez fled from Ch Manton, with twenty-five men, previously levying fhb nes on the town. Imporallsts entered the Sake with ot resistance. !The re 11C01111 to be 110 doubt. that', by the last steamer from Ellropo the atlas Department received positive Icarian test teem Perla that the French troolll loin In. Ar 111.4 ra n within stated 111111 early period Arrival of tiovertior Curtin nt Harr', burr. 114%U. ..1W iti). •1411; or nor Curt in r. rived heru 11...tay IMO 1.1 revolt's: 4: ta large 110111- i,, Of YitOr.. Iltli rne343ge W II 11 0 the I,4l.lature wiz( DI lay. Illee-ftridwe Formed Bl wibi bwmetl below !jla4aria Pall, ou :7.111011r, e xtendmg three mile tlown Hie - 1110 I ,:15 , {t mama for AGiaaj Yckm V. 0.. THE PITTSBURG{ '4 GAZETTE. BIOME VERY LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH Our Special Dispatches FROM WASHINGTON REPORT ON RECONSTRECTION Bill on the Freedmen's Bureau THE rreatr PEgrels VIM %El kia‘TS Marriage of Mrs. Dough.. ADMISSION OF TENNESSEE MEMBERS Pre.. dent on the Suffrage Bill 'pet tat Dispatch to the Illttsbargh tinzette W0a1H17:01 . 0S, January The first Instalment of the report to be made by the Reconstruction Committee %WI pre, , ll. 4,1 in the Senate to-day by Mr. lessenden, uud In the House by Mr. Stevens, In the form of an amendment to the constantion. It is substan tially the same as that propound two week. In thb House by Mr. Blaine, of Maine. The ertutmitteo change the phraseology. but rOttLin and indorse his slow, viz: Not to Intorfrre with the basis of representation In the loyvi • tale!, but 14mply to exclude therefrom all who tnay be denied political rights on roe, or ecdor n amendment aro, ALance Laken up to the Mouse, and 14r. finger:, of New deroey, Anil Mr. Conkling, of New York, mode net ••h- Co thereupon. Mt. Steven+ha. given notice that he will coil the previous question to-morrow a ttar noon, but the pressure this evening tot on es. tension of time foFtlehate, may induce hint to cimnge his purpese, The pasonge of the Freeiltnento Bureau bill by the senate, onhotanttaily, no it comes from the Judiciary Committee, to assured by vote. taken. The most Important amendment pro. pooett restricting the operations of the Outran to the States lately In rebellion, and leaving !Maryland. Kentucky., Missouri and Delaware to care for the freedmen In their own way: gave rice to a spicy and entertaining per-ona del ate between MCoars. Wilson and Cowan. and was finally defeated by three to one. Toe other amendment to make the agents to heoe four Staten onlotrdinate`to the elntl thorities thereof, morel nod urged Ity Mr Davis, was loot by eight to thirty-one. Mr. Sauloltury has the floor for to-m. 11,1,, 'l.l VI 111, cour4e, object to the a hole bill the vote on it.. passage may rWrlal,p, to reached. tomorrow though that it will to. talk. d off till Wednesday teems more proba ble 13=1 The War Department hat aatlgned any offi cer, of the late Veteran Reserve Corp" to duty under General lion and. It WWI found ale./ mutely anent MI to give him an tnerea-ed a unt tier of military men Of whom to matoe agent, In various •ection+. The plan of =kW. citi zen. Fitch agent, ban not been very aucce.ttnt In any State and In .eves( Ln a failure. Com uileeloner Whittle; , of North Carolina, tor tn %lance, has found It exeoudlngly dithetalt to timi citizens who would act, and o apreesen It decided preference for military men tooter:Ll V. deon, of Georgia, In tal. aslant; for on an •lgnment Captain:. and Lieutenant,. to n bin Department. wont General ceott, of youth Core- Una, mole It a condition that ,enernl rtmuld b. given him before he entered upon Out) bete. t.. 01 Ward prettehett =clerking and ?eatertlay, at the Foundry Ilettealltt t botch tht• eft'', and railed ten tbhuttuoti dollar, at the t n -errirett to pity off the tt , tt of the t.ltreh. Preaklent Jobtlwra Ira. pre-eat In ihr tuttratng, and thirteen hundred •lalLsrl ere aute.ertheft la few momenta to mak , Lou a life member o( one of thechure.h Nuan's The Illchatond Lann.intr calls Ws.h:a.to4 the YankeoenDlTal• General £.tree, of Ohio. ha. teen appointed ne-retary of ;hat state, and Captain Pratt. formerly Adjutant , eneral on Gun. Mitchell . . .tail. United slalom Mar. - hal for New Merle°. General John P. btough, of , Colori.lo, ha. re. rei•ed the appotattueed of lidad Jostict• for amain:llc territory. l'reminent North Carolina Chianti...are m ;dog a pmdlilleat lon of the toot oath. NO that to shall he exeiuded from oilier by it. pro tyjoo., who will mate oath that any aid or nmfott they may have glen% to the rebellion a. not pre:opted. In any degree. liy ho.tptie to the government of the United -dale. tient:cal Sher - max is expected here .Om. •1.. y thin acct, to motor with Genera? (,rant to referent-et° military Wait, Mn. Doughty to to be married, to-mn. r»a. to Bros et Brigadier Gen, ral too., t b.ates Army. The ceremony will la'', pia., at 311..Douala,' rcwidenee • h,ly the n...t lima In friend. of the bride and uri•le,fro • o .Lr. , 'r idled I...e.tipt, from custom, at 111, f.•• 11. c.irit• ;poi I. ul el,try I rmt rt.ii until 1311 ht Yt.. ntnoursted In Inn ts,,g-i-e•titit, scer arr , LAnt012.1...p 1. rant rind a nn .• or ,11.1.1,Igni•thed Inflitary , kti nut 1 twrv, hate pltuutio,rt ty • pry* tlt 31 the grnuA , L. the , • ,Ith Keg - Imo:1V thn 71th In.t writ rtercit,l roLlot,rielt in the ,rreu.thirly luau:-..r.•••.•••• •1 At Ur Ttuarury T.L. , r• alto 0.t.-a.l 01 lb, .4.• Thr 1V...m.011000n C 0111/11 it t I up th, ,urstiou of Ow rniont,o , . and Will ',port on Ow auldo•cl.. a5..”0,1 IS, legt.lato , u that. -:ate opt, the uow lo•for, , ,nferis,r upon ixtg,o , .. the MOO to ,• lig the court', hoat I ~,,, mon. ao • a aro' n Mit,: to Ow Tunnh gat lun, Its, pla. , s I =ZS v, 11f 1. 1111. t• , • „1„i r,•••••1.• err rll4fiugicinn.. , ,l onnA:s —1;efr0n, ,, 1..•: „, ..ft1.1.11,1 :to:11,A rote! In.forel Pi tli.• annent , llinent lug log 41) ao.ore Andre..- eoguis(.l Srlitl!Or Iron that ',tie tip t r III March, IK.I, nod the Colon %It tottol i 0v.., sios of le6l o. ot tier. ~,,,,, ,„, . 1 1 ler Pt00.1...1..0t I von —lbno ono 1 . -re. f non 1. re. 11,111) thviondul nohle 1• tu Ihr I 0 •1 1110 i". • 1n.114-ItOCll l lO 1,11 tiro doh gd 11011erntood,can take the troth, and t ninnt thin,, Lore (Ought la the Uoion army. Thenti iniintir to Chinn seamy in plane the „. of Tonnunnee on different grntoith (rout the tont. of the Staten. The dirdre to pre* t a !optima: bet neon Min PrentilonT rind r °stare., liirOlued sane to favor ((,.jr or/ink...lon if Tsglnlot Lyre pun e.. lo ir • aver rt log the right. of her ortioreil people. Tic President toeluy, ht converindlon with lion, Mr. lon renre, 4,1 n•kod ill/. following ••Wortld yon 110 Jodi hod no loavoroor of Pi, onylranur or on 10 ,01• nor of Tonnes/roe In slgnlng by the Logonlistide, agolnn) sr Lich AM.—tenth. id the eitlrenn 01 (110 . 1111!1.1 had entered Molt pretest e Ile thou remarked that 14 1 • Cl/1011.1- ,* II 11101,11 filarial ont the pooltion he in d h sited, ton arils the ',ron)o I lily IMO I lot Lb tit I W 11. Penell.', of 1111. 1 atria. liongille lorpn, Ina boen In in:row:1o, Annistunt. I..oninvindooo: Yr 4 . 1 . 1111 . 11 141 liogintrunl. Von for ii .oat to duty ill that dutiortinool El Et! LATEST CANADIAN ADVICES Fcaxs of a Fcnian Invasion Nen 1 ert. Jae. tr.—The Here/tr. rorremi tent eta! the reason fur fl,.- 'test poncnteut of the .1311,LifIg of Parliament 3111 Monday next. in the fear that the Fenian hie, nice may be made Bering the trim, The Provincial Fonlans, though In favor of o'3lrt honey are not opts:n-4.41 to Inca-ton by General Sacco)' 4luring the winter. One night 1n43 creek word was gent by discharged volunteers at Ogdensburg that renlues were Lamina. The garrtetut at Fort Wellington turned out to re erlve them, whew the vs-VUlantettra tired sev eral Own., and the garrison, it b. Mated. be ver The v ,, 1111:.:, larst9,2satblicd with thy sport. I= PITTSBURGH. TITSI).I Y. JAN;•_liii: :2:1. 'Still PENNSILY 1M 1 LEGISLATURE, ec lal the ritt.lburgh Isazetta. HAIIIILSBCRO, January 22,1ga The Hon., was In soablon today, and we bate the following busine,s tran.aeted to port: Mr. Herron read in plate an act entitled "an art to Incorporate the ennaberland Board of Publication." Mr. Glans, in place, offered a supplement to un Oct approved April let.h. 1.611. Incorporating the Real Estate Bank. Mr. Black read an act to allow the trustees of St. John's Church to convey and sell certain burial grounds. Mr. Boyle read an act to validate certain $0 knowledgments. Mr. McKinley road In place an act to Ina Or. porate the Mew Castle Market Company. Mr. Welsh offered an act proposing to extend the proviaions of the act which now regulates the licensing of eating homes in Bello Ventura Township. Fayette county, to Monongahela borough, and to other townships in Washing ton county. The House trhtisarted other ru-Inosl +filth Is of no importance to your reader.; after which it adjourned. The senate win, not In session to-dity THE CAPTURE OF BAGDAD. Prospects of the Imperialists Operations of the Ile‘iean Republieonfc EXTRACTS FROM MEXICAN PIPERS. The Brownmille %emitl of the Wain ce, 0.. et! 0 .. fib 0 N c: Vona, Jan V. —The He *fling - ton rl.relnl ?Lay, The. Ntinister ban made a demand on the tit tie lkinart twilit for tniorrnallon 11.1mA, , to the recent rapt ore of Itagdnfl, Moue°, 1.7 Y Lice tf Ili boater, Uri to No turd Ay night, no official Inform:a:lint relit; e thereto bad bean cerebral at the I icpart linen t. inwtructlorts were traniina I tteil to tot,. Sheridan trithataftittely, on the ...rept SOU of in• t . ltl genre of the affair, requiring Lint to mak.' a thorough lf,eatlchtion and vonlith the of fenilera. e+ coal prominent reach oitteery direct troni thy Max ituilisn imwernment Nfesloo, pamie.l through the i apital yowterday their way to l'rnoiw, and give Mattering aerount. df the Imperial pro+peetw, 'without giving any apectrlc details. Thoawuc paper . . ran Vrataelloo enrre.poßd.. ence re pet:went. the operattim• of the Mexleatt Itypiihilear , in the oorthatedern mutton of their country, a• Mlll earliest on with great roe-el/mm e mol eaorgy twen. oxneon, core 000nicr of the Dopartniont of Jeithwo, who was mane time ago in this oily, war about to have Min Fran , teem, In the hughllng of thin trona h, for imailnlatnru, the capital of td. Mate. having the authority and mtasna k. rnii-e there a form to take tilt, geld against the thiperalibtf. Gen. Alm:trek it• rn , l encamped near AC:I - and bail pommuumit of all the +surround ing aid that entann ttOn, had been matte to bit. Ntn,.. the oert , rtng of tale amen*. went that .attritted him It tat not the In tention of the renoluti,.. to Inelude criolod that.. Ile TM rafore withdrew thw amend anti, lon wwr Up:ft pawe-d Sir. Trumbull railed op the to enlarge the pole or. of the Irmohrien'• Ban-an. The .Itierdlort WV.nimo The amendment of Mr Cowan to limit the lorlrellotlon of tb^ Sturcau to tho "tat. , tat cly to rtotolltott The amendment ootsl.l not h•. •tti/rtrbl. It create rebel lion . Mr trusercll. of Marytane, hoped is err, not pas,. It v oui•I Int• 010 , lervlend trom the a-firm of tin 'di]. and eould thereforec had rllfeet Ile had harm r. It e hly 1/16,111. thill..retuvrned rvhel re erre peracent the Veer...ln...a In Nora land, and the Inters on line of the i rehthstert's floreau • tt. to pr.. Yent rfflsOn tariff }tient:o4lre remembered that front (Ito tllrte , lltt - 111=1:71/11. on Cher Cif of July. 1•111, reported in favor of making free the plea,. treed by the rnbele for milltarypurpovee, up to the throrlh the Itortmot 'tepee aentativer, the o th er •, of the 4e ff rage td.ll for the Iti4triet, tried fr rode cud determined orpOnCnte had predicted el 11 mutt. to follow the action of the Caton party on the..." 'objects, although in every elngle their preen...- don.. have ',ern tallided by the Inotm, and all rominO tittle .111 prove they were wrong, and 'h.' the friend, of th.l. sorb. of Ineasarte vreekrtievl the enemies nf the ,L,t,try and strengthene.l It. f r lenda Thee, mea•ure. r.l the ernintry up In the err, of the (...hrhalart and I.lllord world nod brought down upon It the bi,,..•lng of t/trughty trod They atill out lune to proptleey, rani 1,1 Oppovo the Coin plettoss of the serlas oftonaehree that in to ea tobileD nnlvervel , In our country. When the Intl for the abolition Of slavery la the Ilhstriel 01 1 ol unable wee parted, henatOnf pred e•t• timt the ni,t,ict would bo nthatd, that poet:lly eta• prevail, and that enerelly w.:n ',en the bayonet Vol put Into the hands of the black ~ . Wier to fl 4111 for their canal rt , they Cold ne In the Or t t het they would not iltrltt, and in the ond Warr that chair men would nert alien, 'at, him end that ho. otsl.l vtren.y.thrn the„n•Lten of the rountry The ansvhet eras put loto the hand, of 1f. ,, 100•t• v./Wien, bwl oh WI," they lon,-tst nit it •I eLltts Ovrotens ussvurpa 'Lard. and white. ...Mier. of the flews` Ile tnnght 1..1 bled and Ito d wait them, end t tor rnmhy v en, It. I.ot h , •orm, to otter II -It' to twir 1••••, If th• tr .12.. es uonl I fight for I It.• I on. Ir•tc.rwev, the spurnexl 11.wr IL.O utotilit not fight to t Ntort the proctstutstlon of , lpattort V. vet, lob: that t 4.7 country mail L% ruthe.l.--tha.t. t••• ovr. porrlthat 1.1 that T....d0:11 to 474, mutt a half Ink:lin:l4 of tma.le A , .ruloatc. • , 4.41110 Inc tuost of the 011.1111.1y,strynythf.he.1 o.'lloll, awl .1.,41 , thr I.ack-bot..• the t nevr•pu per , . h•• 1 a.. ,J 1 putzu•oge to lotlCl , m, the a••ii• , n I.ottrev••• lie .. , +1.1..xv If, et who t..Lt h4.ogltt In his 1,41 • •• ha II n.,t h.• botigb .1 :1,1,1w, .• and •LLMlthem!ln , n, nag. r , 8 , 111 , _1, Iruy or eel' h. .11 11,1 111 the • I,ltn With ,•:",r• illr711• , 11 . .1 14, 0,1111ni.• n i I l , Ight ~f •. 3..1 r 1.1.4.• xllll lb.. 11t1 le. puny ~,,, r 1. ,01 , 1 ntn• nt Awl IL. ) •1•11/ I h•nevr.,,,, titl rat , 141101 ~1 for ht. antrotai-tt• I trim tn. onnt ttottrn thetoe. ertuutett wa• tom liniltrit power Boreati could onlr 41).! II) a trine hi war power. too rrainent. anal he was °planned to nv.ina th• loyal Mate. lett Itta the gra,' of thrne Isar pow ern 1,1,1 Kola neede ea :eh hurt,. w Ithin her bortlero Mien'. leg for a larger nutobor of lemplr Mau the nettator flout \ts tepresente,l, h., eould gat that Inc people of r. , .“‘” I vim. w. , re opponod tt• such lettl•lot The., ete oppose.' to the w hole hattat tit atnenament, to WO Craintltat trn, 4..) ...ay in number nnw pending Ile was Isz favor of Mate right, not MA pro elatmed long .1111.11: I.) a .rtatu not ul men. 1,1 the legitimate cud Inwful rtatt, of the atntra. lie belle reel the Staten hail right, an ell as the mitlon. It wan now proposed, after ha, log treed the negro, to glee him the right of iattrragfe. What would that dot minply Inv ere eillll/11 , $) fur getting his head broken at Ibe 'toll, by n stronger rate What next' Let lulu hold tiftl , , Mlle.. wan held for the 0:11,e ut the ,sod a let luetion It ennferreil; but , 1 euttld roofer no soMal met lon upon the near, Thu frienda ut the nag, ought to he a 1111110 to treat the negro lust a, Ito la treat. in l'unn_nylvanla o root lunion Ur, t3tivetin that If • Freed men a must exist, Its oprrallonn ought to be I outland tt/ the Illniti ut the Intel, retnii- Iltin Slates. 111 tddlirle dented that the anti-slavery men •• r chts COLLIIE/ N had kit...troy - 041 sta Ttt • ia.. aft, the battle of 801 l Run, t r i, crow httl till their knees Mali declared t thd thcr toad.• ant nub for the Constitntlon It the lolly and the Inatlncss of Iho cetcs .,ollll,N of Mc booth that did it. H.. troubl slt Jen' Darla, In his dying cot -, to say who twitted Win to rally the people of clue so d tn a eontel the standard Cl' seectlion, and he t.• ir he would 5.1) they were Ite tootnlter, of Ito anti-%tuvery s' s'tetlrr-. .4, I .ot I t rto “Ilotted to the rentark• tntele by NI 1. , . , •, 1111 , i •Itlti Ile' .11 the .eloptiot .1.. I .111. i 111, If tf.Al Llm n•lnt ttt..-••‘• at," 4/1 1,4 rt•lutlto ttlat..ry, mn ht. tlt•I itttt Itellt•st• tlt• rt H.wits .blkgr , .-Iton.t I Act I , lt. t ,i.ere It. Ile itt•ttld ~,, d • ••• 11:li•.1 . "11 I It that In tdit• 1111, ittt,•lottatul• t•lttt•tlttn, ttltrittlltat • INttrittetttlt, tEtt t;ttt Ittt• tolt l l'm hnittlt••••l Um...and t !tilViAll , ll,l4 All Ihd ttstlttertet• t tlt I to 1, n4Tttinttt nod Ito btllle•tul slots It i 5.... tlt—tltted .t. 311 to tot.. Int" it/t The question was on ton of Mr. Cos ainerolineni to ero.3 It the operation el the. Mao,u to the elate, lately In rebellion. Mr. Ileintrieks tleManileil ties yea• and nap., t. hien were trilo'n with the following resnit Ittutkrilss , 141,111 1)4,14, Johnson, NleDougal, New. 1.1.1141L1,1 , 11.. ban Islowy anti stookt YI Clarke, Coo o Cragin, Foote, F.ter, fl Flowe E Lone of Ind., llne of Narl9lllol, Snyder, Morrill, Nye, Poland, Pomeroy, ltammey, man, Sprafino, Stow rt, tune Tru lul, , Van Winkle, At ,le. lialo9, Wll4 ot. aaQ atee—ta. eu thiamonament Ira, not adniltoEt. ■ ita ed ,nit It. pr..l f•V. ncane niildarvimistliction and pate. t,•. (I the agentN and employiv , i of the Bureau The amendment via. 4 ilivagreed to. leas. e. 21. An amendment wail adopted restrlet mg the military Jurisdiction to the exe.rerieui the entre., pertaining to the Bureau. Mr Minlybury moved to strike out the setend naWtil)ll, which anthortai , the President to di v lite each district tnto aut.-districts and ap- Feint an ugout fur ouch. The amendment was rib-nerved to. Mr. Dart...offered an amendment atzthorle , lee an appeal from the'decnilOn of any assts. taut con.° katoner o" commissioners, of Judg ment t.. a circuit rourt of the United States; thus tw agent, r hatcher. Thh. n uCa' i n. i n t ri: th i'di e 7" b : l airr i ;e t i rej7g e n d"' S lL' e ':i na bm'ir t ' e tp:"' w dlw e r'n ri egr t . the Into executive lay.inn. and afterwards ad journed. I= Jr. l'ineic Intraluced Lill o.cribing an oath of ° 100 arid repealing the test oath of 1861 Referred to the Coranaltice on the Judi ciary. Messrs. Jencks and *Tem .ever.ny Intr e duced a bill revlatlng suffrage In the District of 0 - durable.- Referred- - - - • Mr, Bradford Introdozod n bill providing for tho admiselon of tho BMW of Colorado into the Union. • • . General, resolutions were introduced In structing the Committee on Ways and Means toliiidaire into the expediency of taxing to batten in the leaf, and into the expedlcuoy of rednoing the tax on common leaf. Mr. Stevens introduced a resolution, which was adopted, instructing the Committee on Judiciary to inquire whether further legisla tion is necessary to compel compliance with the law requiring nil officers to take the tent oath. Mr. Williams intrail need a resolution, which was referred to the Committee on Re construction, declaring that the loaders of the rebellion ought to ho tried by. court mar tial or military corurniasion, and that It would he Inexpedient to try them by a civil Court, IA hen the Jurors ill the South would be the equals of those itemised of crtmes. Mr. tun Horn, of :colt Jersey tritrodueed 1.111 for the construction of a ship canal around the lulls of Niagara. Referred to the Commit tee on Roads and ltunals. Mr. lirmlford, delegate from Colorado intro doted a bill providing for the admbodon of the State of Colorado into the Celan. Refer. red to Committee on T{mriteries On motion of Mr. Miller, of Pennerls-ania. o resolution was {adopted instructing the Committee on Manufactures to inquire Into the expediency of reportingollk gradtmting the taxes on articles munc4oturod and oola t.lthin the United State.; aeon to quality s Mr. Steven, of retineylvart* leave to offer a resolution instructing th lamittee Cu Foreign Affairs to inquire Into thetlaropri.e ty of the United elates granting a loan, on proper security, to the Repttblie of Rtizleci, to enable her to prevent the estaolletadmit of o monarrhlal goveJnment on her soil. Ile sub. roquently withdrew the resolution in eons.- oenee of an opportunity not being offered Otto to explain It. Ili. Ashle) intminced an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, providing that In the event of the death of both the Pres cient and the President of the United States ate I hie( Justice oroldest A.ortate Justice, .0011 net to President until there shall be a new election; and also that when there chill he hi, .lotion by the people, the choler shall be toed. , inCott grassby the Senators and hen re.... ta. This was it.ferred to the Committee on Ju dietary Mr, Steven- otTered the following, which A an adopted. Wu amass, several high odieers have corn- Men lea Leti . the fact that they have appointed to offices, Mid allowed to bet, !several rebels ho could not and did not take the oath re quired he law, therefor, Resoheit. That the t linatuittin on J Ise lost ructed to Inquire whether. any leers's tit e me is necessary to enforce 0b....11ene.. ene.. to th e lan, l,y oil men, without regard to rank or color. on motion of Mr. Walker, It was resolved, that the Committee on Militury affairs lee in structed to inquire into the expedience of providing, by Law, for the payment of officers and pri•ales I t the Colon arm during the the Mtn rebellion. of monthly pay from Ante of their discharge until notice was given of the accepSance of their 1C514. - 'IIAL.k.M, Or until re.. Ileved from dory Mr. crlder, of Kentucky, offered a series of rewot talons nasertlog that State Governments cannot be dissolved, that the itepnesenuttl•es from the South should he admitted by taking the oath to support the Constitution of the United State*, and that there should be gen eral hisidnese and cordial forgiveness for the poet. consistent with the highest attributes of oar oature sad glory and protection and safe ty of initials., Unit it Ls illogical to hold States to the t nice to tote for the Constitutional amendment and not drive, them representa tion , OngTells, an that to tax the people w bile denying them representation in Con gress, is contrary to the drat principles of our tlosernment, anti inconststent with the Gam otitut tun and equal rights of all the people The resolutions were referred to tiro cote us tn. sr as Rerunst ruction. r siren-, frrmi the Corn mitre*, on 11,,,n- •truct,or, , ITere•l the loLowlnz punt 1 ,, n b., tL, sea,k aa,l Ho, ,se R.,l,e , ara•- •1111,/ , 4101.4a/r• 4 errentiesl, nre-lar ear of bolt Ifouse.t TIME the following article to propcaed to the legislator.n of too 'novena btates, a. an amendment to the Constitution of the l'atted states, which, tv tom ratified by three yourths of Mid Legislature* shall be valid as a 'sari; Of abet' Canasetatta.Call Representation and direct taxes shall be ap portioned among the several statassehich may Le Included within the talon, aecording to then - reapectlre number., locluding the whole number of persons la each state, excluding In .l)arts nnt taxed Provided, That whenever tier elective franchise shall be denied or a.,ridged in any date -on account of race or color, all persona of stuch race or color shall bo eteinded from the baste of representation. nr. St, ens supposed that, the 'members bad been discusaing this , cluesties for six week, There Isere twenty-two .tuten crhOae leglals tnr. s were,,ln sesainn,..Mlo of which would ad plum In two or three weeks. It was, there. fore, very desirable if the proposed amend maul was pawned at nil, that it should be fa.sed at mice, no on to be acted open by the legislatures before their ar yournmeht. It it is opetted that It any thous of person. were excluded, the States that extent were not to be entitled to repro- sentatlon In Congress. It did not deny to the mat es the right be regulate the elective Iran rhne; hot It tint say LI you nut nut natar.l !red or MatlN r born peraLna front any MAO" to the I nton from voting, that elms+ of veran• ranoat lorin a part of the ba•la at lepresatita• lion M. Bolger.. of New Jersey, from the Ft,eon .trunt tot. ntuzanttee, 0vr.0......1 The amendment, arguing that It to the ifinnnf,le whielt j r e finTertunenl foun.lnd, el, Itepteseulathol toot To uTtan together It was designed In dear,le th. w nolo MT. f mad.. rnv mendment, situ sfig thy' prop. fety Witt Iro • , 1 the ion of Mr Wtevelof Yu. Tlo r enn.f.lermf Inn of the ~,,, ,11111 to..mortoo AdionTned tppoin Imeu t• lkui•Euvane.t__(l,,,,,,,,,,, In ftv• came Lawn. ss It 11, TOI, Jan —TO , Sena, execut e fteselon, rtaittAlnant the fellsowinz nucultia. Loans . tarn Liar, snouts, of to la. sf rreddral of I alto,! Mato, at net s•coLgt, o Flag. resigned. Judson I. If tipat ,.C.., of Sulk, tube Mint-ten plentelntee fAry 501 hill. sir, Tlacts Il St ils..n, le I • 1 Vill:r1”1 . , of guntuok to be Ntlntst.,,, s lee Bradford I: Word, rostaor A Si I Ight. ui hollows. td br t lie rt to • Norman It ood. .intowl. John Ilay. of Minot., to werretat •of I.rltai 1011 at Pot N E t•I 14,10 to tm 5 ousul General t.• tr. I. Si rigid. of hot , to tr. Nacre:my of L. 5.51 • t 10'0 P Pouter°, of New .5 , le.l...tmant sem s.lAry I. s eszatoo• at P., N I. lia.• him )r , 1 . 1 , 140,1 110, 11..:00• • 01 Penn, lonia, to L., t omousstoner tool, thet unseat MS bet weon the United states And 1115 1101,1 mates of Columbia ; Rohl M. Beale. of 1 0 . C., to he Consul at Ancona. t .1 Hewitt, or WimiEngton Territory, to oe I'hlef J Lista, of Washington Terri) ors':.) oh n task la, uf Leor g M. to hr J udge of the ',harl o t of ttenegiat wearbuck, of North Carolina, to be District ADOrton tor the District of North anrolitm, J 1.. trlllianavon, of Tonnes tie, to he District Attorney for tae Wo•tero Dist Met of T 121111,110,0, Edwin E. I 'mg, of N'ew Jerses. to be neeretary of Legation at l - W r EA tinge, ..1 Sew 1..1k; to ta•Seel eLv ry m , Legalion at Lima, Sire, Jam M. I arr, deelinewit Alvin It !loser, of Indiana, to he Nlinlmer at. Peru, 010e.11tristophar Rubinson, recalled, John Bigelow, of Nl,' York. to he Minister to France; .! A. Bates, Jl, to be Assistant Paymatder to the I.' S. Army, The I:ss•emult Commissioners will 'worn taint the nbol ition mars on watched, plain carriages and other articles in achesinle " They disapprove of nubstltuting th tan on sal, for the present Inermie The National Lomita 11, New York. 31assachn sets and other states which hare more than their apportionment of national ourrenry will protinlay have the amounts of notes which they are out horiami to issue recalled, to order to elle , a fair •pportlonment in Southern Stat. • =I b. 4,111% lux. January n.—The river I. inking 11.11 tune feet of water en the +boats. In the ; , ete, to-ituy, the Fr"r hohool hill wa+ defeateal bye vote of Vto a The bill, As • bill, Is triunity dead. Cotton, dull; receipts light, prier. tlet3e, 'I he Nosily We Blood 1101”0A++oolattion offers a einge, to be run during the spring meeting, of +weep •tage,, for all ages, three mile !mut+, 000. 1.;- ‘ ,; ranee, Sal; profit, s2,ueu, to he added by the proprietor. The condition+ are that two of the three ;ant champion+, Norfolk, Aste roid end Kentneity, before running elsewhere, enter and tall In then stake. The race Is open to all other horses in rime two of the three need horses TAM Entries arc lobe Made be fore April let. The rate In to be run on Vi vines of the week of the apritig meeting. From Fortremo Monroe w 1 ortx, Jun. 'lL—The flrmi r Fort rena Idonme correspondent rapt: The removal of Meet. rol. Baylor from the ordnance talent at ' , twice. Monroe to owing to the fact of lit‘ employment of no many ez-rebel xpl diers. It to believed bin explanation will be natinfactory. it to stated that great injustice had berm done severad indivititints by the peremptory order removing nil South[whets from Fortress Stou ter, as they had been Union soldiers. strung ettorts wore being mode of the For tress for the erection of a monument. to the its thousand Federal twidiers burled tit that vieinity. =I DO, TOS.J.I. TLc First 8a).,14 . In ( rtml 1-I,llrport if rr. 11.• ".1 Ina totally destroyed ur tlro tbla tilOrnlng. L Oin cms, it 429,CW ,Qns-tut:uf wltla IA icauxua. Ila PRICE THREE (; I= 4.1 Edgar, 1.1•0 t,.,,r , ul Tnmaultpa, orrtv. d her. [ en rrut• Pn Wa..Glngtnn. 110. -Ay • 'ortrrtar, DOW ocrupu— ItwplA.l Wan hundred men. • ittuicr•tou.l tb, ••••11 zei prove:. of the action of our onicer. In the re capture of Bagdad, and ha.. arrc..1....1 SOme. All heavy ordnance ha' been crd.. red from liraztte to Browner Ille. CoL Hawks, agent of Attanu.' E orn. pany, Vas robbed of tificnh imndred d.dla ra sn diver by some of liens( lark's 0011M1.1.i. PreparatlOna of a belligerent character con thine both at ItroornsvilleSfatamoraa The barulatr sap" C11•2/0 t.4sllfti a lotion t 011.13 solcliers adl•tring them In submit to IraPbrial authority rather than unite 3 tilliteastering expedition with Yankee, Tbo vote for the Texas convention we. •suit e smell. The delegate , eleeted were mo.dir ut the censerveitive elemenL Thn Smith county (Texas) ha: be., .1 iheontin ed. ULU,' prominent citizen- -a' De -at, are under military flrrl"otat r. . port charged with murderitignegroei. C•tarkterfeit—nnsala)!AMOrlraso TII• mr•Lph—hioutbern Lhor Quewt Ss w. hex. January I.l.—An evening. paper announce., Mt. appearuneejiK felt lnll. hundred .lullar nal tonal currency not.-, well executed. A letter trims Nt. Peter-burg announce , . that the Russian ha+ ,l-iced a war re,- sr' at the cli.thovul et the t "OM. Overland Tel egraph Company. ant I.a , en liotti uctluns to the Rmedan elt t ntrorti every pp,- bible 111.1S1.11"1., IC th. C , P1.11p.1 111 111 their 0p...- allow, • • A letter from Itirbmeind say- that through- Out the whole state of V Irginm cyan.. ineel• lags have been held, for the purpose of its t,u the priers afbitfevor. In tuant instanees they hare been I iherul, whtie In vlbrrs, they ha. e agreed ova rates a blob wall he C u u not, to the working, classes. and prnJu^tivr ai trouble the future. A alleputeh from h.ngt .... r .• hi- roport ornlng the mi./1011. ment of the Pree...llnen . ... li. ...t , .wth Of North Carol ma, mlol.• o, ,k th e Superintendent at Fayetto , lle. N I . . Intercede In the all - m... 4 ho. Anogliler. lug In ilnrnol county. :Lll.l to a 'PR.e ment with her negro. , who 111,1 bren eel 'Flo) od th. pamtneither party I•emg I. Come to terms. Erem Plexteo--Aerapalea Deneeted-- Preparation,* to Idereir• fiel• rein ry Seward at Havana. NEW Took, Jan •11.. tteanter 1.d.. rty. from Havana on the Irtn. na• arm. tot let noes a unimportant. The dates from Melo o CA, a•••• to the 91a riot. The prospect , . of the Imperialist t. by their accounts are cc, rt•l Ode The Met lean force of I topernillatt which left liam gettnolo recent!, found the ith battalion 'tars log and it itit a mull it nate of sick roe whole populatton of AerapUl4 . o 0111. Ig - rat rd after dettroylng the mauls. The dutertiont from Um imperial vent gnat. to , • lfnr Mlnt•der Plenlyettent Frame and about three hundred told lei • be- Innalng to the lort•ldn leatialum, pad arri e•l at V 4 .1.4 1, rt., The do,ith ut th , •11 , 141a , htna , ot. ideated to hi, WV/U . 110,-0 , 1...1pre., Cnrinl ta—on that 61. b. Secretary Pena rd hod not yet nrrit..l vona The Captain lienernt ha met,,t tip bb counir> it i al, pap., atione to receive hint in an etitlinstamlit ta. hie manner. =I Jnn. dark in the WO more Yost OOlhr, named Alonzo lint,h in., han nePn 0rre4t.,,0 for rolling the npechil o! the Pont Vtii. a Deport Mont hl.l+ anal en the •o.cood arrest In tilt thin owutb4 Yin. est Tltnavllle. 4Liirr, Jan. 21.—A dimpateb groin I the L.t,ei trenlll tatea thorn were twal iirge Ih re., Inert. l a.l night Tkn men a erearrearad eh:, r genwilh being innendlartrri. Tie} ai are llair tried 3 Vigliance Compintree if Will be hung at. ein.e. PROPOR‘TA. TREAST;III . DEPARTMENT, 0r1 . 1 , 2". Lmte-111.11:751.3 Vinbm,... - Tryl. LITT, J.ltia.m7 3. 1.4:15. 1 SEAL El) FTIOPOSA T.:: will he received at LW, of bet until I o•elo,k F Y . the 01.1 day of February. LIM, for aupp!rtnz the jA tabllth.ment with ately thouealibldrLiore. of the beat luality pure winter -..tralued etther Lard or Spent, to be divided Into foal tote, •_t.l to be d A tte. ered at the timed un.fertnipll9.l9.l. AIOSIS•i.Ie the tioeernmeut apply-Tekeel, or at t. Ae `rarer/on , . or other place of dephAlt . to be de. , lgni tholitepet,, lug Otter or other euthorlreal s went of the Lignt hot., IloArd, to -te.,nx. tight. lan-hound. a. 21- made rack., mutable for ,Ipplskr. In o, .parity , earh, frorn Bft, to H' re., ed Tt.. r,e r• '1 at -r bre tomb st te ..pt1..0 nt the ol.t.tera. Tt.e p/a<- of tenter) fo r a. eh tot., .14..ttlYtt- Iv cloned It the bid• •n.I ...111 embrare.l In th• e.osstraete. I=e2=l= Lot \o.l. Fifteen th0u...14.U~ gallon. oil on the :al day of Aprtl. leoL or at ..con thereafter . the proper teat. and ganging'