The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 22, 1866, Image 2

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    he Vittlburgh 61174dit. '
MtYkrDAY, J A N 1941
Nehru le hereby given that bereeft, rr.‘e
BART arletrthements reeelred at tab Came La
pelt, pr when handed in. except lu the ea ge et
whose bllla wili be rendered
quarterly, as Usual. Alirertisera will plum, Mate it
sok*? Oda, as the rule of cash payments for ml-
Verttu la or the tharatte r stated, kllll be Inns
• The price Of tmr Morning and Evening edidons la
TITRES CENTS at the counter or from nen , hovi,
1100141:17 pennants as ITTFTEEN CENTS per work.
The aetioa of the House of Reprtneutn
tives;in passing the Suffrage 'Bill R.r the
District of Columbia furnishes matter for
.'..toongratulatiOn Mitre particulars.
I. The bill is clearly right in itself. To
plptlta!, to-Sipe the blacks 4berty,. and yet
7 . 4 4 4 thqln thehallot,is 'simply to render
the boMi . eoriniaratirely'vtilrielefis, becano
of little effect, It is impossible ihr the
littleits - to Malt' ttain their rights unless they
have the ballot in their hands. The ballot
will not Bo match enable Went to govern
others, as it will arm them with a potent itt-,
atrutnent far self protection.
All through the war the blacks of the
District oyinorsi a loyalty far superior to
' - that trtirdfqated by their whiterneighliors.
.4octeef.them sought serviqc 11 the red
while ntl&istirscnre of them
mitered thilTnion,Vnarra r each indiv i 'dwil
among the white Inhabitants of the 'Dis
,,t,FJot • - -
:310 9 conscrwitivea.:ir . LYilit .011 duaditied
suffrage; that is, anaiigo based en a given
degree of education or property, and
tiotAbr onerititei, but for all races; let them_
bring forward their scheme. It may itrivo
left4tht that Si* nonnoend it to, aceeptauce..
;; e4QLsHn assertion by tn 2 kgrOvi, in
this form, to fun ction, thelaw-making,
pow"; oi r the.naticin, was greatly needed.
-alialftesionto so oomincni, in conservative
cirelt to speak Cif-Chogress, not in distinct
terraii,-bnt by'implleation, as a surpli.issage
1 . 12 E 9 lgt•SetltMertt, ao far, especially, as re
• tided ieconstruction, that a
.2rfarkiettand sharp exercise of its authbrity
was demanded. The eauitV tejoie& a that
Poagretts has not consented to sink into the
insignifirsmt position of a facile registrar of
pre-apmedgt4 decrees.—
The National Intcffigracer, in its old age,
laittetrnis to grief. It is afflicted, by the
paiestgethrougl_: the:House of Representa
tives, of 'the bill for negro suffrage, in tho
Distrid:Ocpelthihiet.. Its affliction arises
trom two eausiderationa. I. That the bill
"13 . 01:510f.e . diti:i the decidedly expressed will
of thirtoedileketha District," 2. That it
"is Copini.vd:tis the Wedb.known rice's of the
.PresicientieithrilJnitsd States.”
-."loor*reoo3set that the wile inhabl
trAi tilialitei;."BlTttogt all: of whom
an; eithissimlie,.%otisocissilon spapath - Ise"
+mind O.IMOStWs 'only that their black
4rithlici&latiotilenot.bckTe the right
- r itteuff.:,,,,:-"They-isatedthat way as much
to *pits - the blacks for their loyalty Its to ,
eintione So degrade them hecartsk of their
p4ott . ,But, the blacks comprisi a hcrire
OMP Of the -1 . :pcoilo of the District;" and*p to the owl
' •diktution of Cotigii_ss. •
It may be the President differs from Con
,grais on this matter, and thayd4 . views are
well-krioifff. But - no confess We do not
'Cilasl 7 P - srVeK* whereld bag proclaimed
*, -iltiviiniontivo.u) thin: tivic.: What 7
ever hisiiessssrsay be, he has a clear right
aethin on
1 haw . Psi tiree'sti a right to ihioyin-
,Porxqba 9 , &'''MPanMr
t grmf. — - rwspropre. , t fanciest, will
teach illetettentlitheliftNlVN bettentatinPrs.
he derhoca-ats of Al
-I.shinyetri 'Goitntreenvericion.lasembled,
pass.Niedetnitpdpitttionn o to thin end, among
ethens. " Pl& and
' 7l-e rTiligtrii;gi - bilt - rtetil they die in. They
Imre not earned- the commendation of tits
xlisanorlAtt rrty i t.an4 ip r osrler to do "so
riii&Cl4ns6 theiesiffA ur's , ofing. ft will
manr.uch censures
u. bring. those-gentlemen into a troetablo
• •
AN 3 kkINICILL ••,
tif e lpto,.thet
o have been numerous reports
- -' - '4 l 4ciLl'iTalnagtonf to the otfect that' ThO
Frusta' irroperoi Lid resolved to recall his
:rreame.frtialtexioe, cin,oase ho should not
bocompellod to an opposite course by such
a pressure atil,Vould raise a point of honor.
:.‘'.n r e.".44d 1 .1 10 - 7 Pfts9qllo9eTe4an_ the°
15C0 far - freina withdrawing regi
ments:Midi ones arc Constantly arriving
from France.
ffordo.wolplievetuty more in the maser
tions;. frog' neatly - Ventured, that MILSLMIL
- lari—riirlinisly °onto inplates' abdication.
Thooondition of Mexico Ls that of chronic
iiieertahiTY. aro unrest. Thepeolile aro ac
'..Mitoined:tei.vvitrtesis violent changes in the
,wirairdstrition,:and, absolute revolution in
tho forut,ol_tho government. A. sense of
iiitapetnity oppresses them._ A cooscious
nesei of instability leads them always overthrow of_whatever . govern
'llo`Coptearist. : _ihgioad this, We do. not
'i.iarttfaiVtimcenr.r.T r i r ithiaving as satisfri — e:
torY a trine of it as any Mexican ruler for
qf4l 4 mr,.tor-of a centpry. Iu the een
tridirnvinces he succeeds in maintaining
....act., and is exerting himself imp - cove
thoprospecta of thd inhabitants Alongtho
northern border there is the ordinary
mount of distur'banee. Sti•itietut society
would not knor. what:was impendlor if the
booming of cannon in actual war should
• •- • • g ISTS. . -
Wit;hlnetan aspatch says
"A - letterwktterrby-Hun. A. 'IL Stool--
ohs ; late Vice Yomident of tho Southern
Cotiftaltalacy,. has been , received honi In
Wathinuton, in •whieh hO says that tho
otigintsiithrion ntencof tioorgia suffer groat
orperseention now on account of their Mau
' thnehis, than they did darini the days of
: i .
- Georgia Journal in addition to tim., roprcaeity.alr. Sruer,tr ,
'1614 as islyinkr that 'be lininetlOorght
laths° tot dition; on his' return home, than
ex.Recied. And .Mr. . testtmo
: irkin - i*MOMesiLtiy: - ...ii.s.lici4 of ‘kituesses
. 1111.3ep °Thiene° it is impossible to doubt.
s Thorat:priof:tioferft; nalistble,'"and
• - .vereaVtturtihe - 17itioameir of-.tho
IoD Vrk e P a 1 412 g 1V4e4 ;'•
3470:44ektal,NAICSS $ ll 9 J,.1.070 0 3.49,.
agalhht the' 'oolllleal su
*liettuu.y. of relmla. Theoniy way to 4o filet!.
• I.ll4oetoblikrunlierietstiltiage. Give votee
to the hiyal men of the South without re
_pard to color, and there will be no danger
"the P ! Irlit4isupyemacy of the rebels."
iiXerst; nig kitriab.
A MU has been tuttudneed into the f.kgts -!
hi tura to elmrterWeeinpany for. the purpose
• of constructing mratlrcsul from the corral,
- .?aoiti!Afulo FY - 9,_ r 0ht6 ;4 4 / 1 /Nraisy/ Mb!"
through the midland rmintiM 'm
-th Stiff=
gap mnrlnS l'itierrlAUTZMaX,,
./ .I. 9.rti ' Vatlaild:-
IFLB' 4.'0 - iira hatorino;lllg , bilbtoh t tebb
lien ffp rwartt, not" the Veil f '144
I , l'.liffitnnallitigin' hifliM 7 b - w 7 ainial:;* i t -
f or the ~ , ,mtevigtnihionlf thla'great eivIDE.
10!0,:lnit.tosvold: all , powdhle Prate tat poi/
- .-
litillObili. -- :42f igll 4 /t4talPt6fiP made
10 Lant aer• slii t uhki Comm! and,
whierkitglalrimpuMtlii, to defeat i :lac.
' .the people who are- , intel.a. thetensa•
vicAlalow of thia.lmportaftti,.woxifcnafefally
~liiitOprirents Da .tliOYl44l l M4Ari. 'in tAO '
' Capitol-- Eighteerrecurtithls siOthtely and
:.'''lthreetlreinworneticlto,dilallds. - :inefiann? ,
Inuinadi;'At lenitcWWeqt . iir pobiltl¢4
. VOtildlig liiittliditearbbistalcibmiebi: !WAD..
nneongthe inempOle:OrthlfThgelientpl.lo4,.
Any that these neatille ' s . nt4,n ot IlinTg this .
si: ` l ‘ . " -
, ...%i0
'fur. Hn lionl toot 6.4,/ ,Inv In Congntla
with lion Wade in thct &man.,
apti Ihi rows for im(inalifietlnegrasnlrra4" I
lho hint rill of Columbia. The White eit
-171.11,1 of Washington and ln,orgetott n
is moristrithsi 01110.41 u:h.hihe,tlsl
hteasillre, ht.! Wit i.C.1.!
Ilislni-t of C..hitybil is . 1
1 - 11;041 w :".. froth N
South, as th.,l4,ltels r.,me thore
1..1,h 11. , 11.1.h.1if 1 a of Lee ms.l ',Antal, and it , ht
of the right ~f cufrraqe - to this
tmdt "pelw.tis? What a rare
the I h)1,111111.•ht ? What a LairleAfino
111,i1 UK/ allegMl rights Oi the peoph,
What carienturt. ttpm n term
contemporarv , has a wet, km-o. It IN
rosily sip a•ked:- ,
"l"- cettsidettog how often it ita4 been ,adt
...l to that sensation. I 'se ought to hove
1.-oth nett ifs nerves, and It; have P'S.eluptod
fr..xn t ht. weight of atany In tlietion,
The i 7 c, no farther than to
insist that this is ""„6 litOfr-' man's goveru -
Otcnt." But even, dist shows an ipprovo.
ment Ten year* ogo It was a, stroonOttaly.•
oPPoe•ed to admitting all white mat./ LO par- •
t fri pa ti on itt the govenament through die
baliot-is3r, 'as it is no* to allowing hltielt,
men tO vote. It Waisted: pfur Mid over t ,
ogo ta. aith Wheat that conservatireS ought
t o avoid, that thuraipt. 4 !4% white man's.
~overnmtnt;' in tha sensinf inatiding all•
the white inhabitants'o ttiit eoimtry. Only
a certain dais, it maintained, ought to bit
allowed to aPProaelilitO:liontd-h0x,... Tharp
was: a'inhereteiate, tt passion, a seurility, a;
bitterness in its invecilvt against
cis...!es, of - white men that noradical ever op
-protteheti on this side.of the . .Atlantle. By
. degrees its rage subsided.. 'lt tool; a atoPlia:
advance ; consented to the doctrine that all
. . .
white mon, under uniform and lipetni con
ditions, should have the right . of still - rage;
ono of its proprictontsonght arsdotielitiOd'a
-democratic nomination tor , a -seat to Con";
grens, aad was elected by the. votes
of the men he had persistently
This shows that, than). Is an 43Iement of
progress in him and his lotirnal... Whii stn
tell bat ho may yet goaollir BS - to take a
seat in Congress mainly,l;7: negro rotes?
This is an ago of pn ,:igress, and App.° of
themselves,lhe sturdiest - conseecalives jog
along. •
ma Banishing correitpcntiont of tlie
Philadelphia Press, iirmigaing thin
the millea&monOpPlY, says;
this groat work, in what, non-,'
dition would our State • best the'Prusent . "
timer Cities, towns- and.- vilbsges hand.
.1.-prang ttp Ohne' ItS - linev mills - and Mend.
factories have been erected on and near ItS'
track; thousands and tens of thousamis
have bepume wealthy from the facilities it,
afforas . alikO to the manufacturer, the far . ,
mer and the tradesman: and an army of
employees are kept busy morning, noon
,night• in transporting over its vast
length our merchandise, agriculture AMA
mineral products."
If this means anything it means that. the,
towns and.cities not on the line of the Penn
's:FlT:min load havo no tight to prosper, and,
that the right to build mills' and tnanufitc. .
Aeries not be e xtended 14, , <Abell
portion of & Commonwealth. Is this the.
ground of the. friends of the monnpoly? ,
But, aside-from this, the sroccialfriendaOL
the Penracyhtnnia roadneed not boulartned:
The .tonAtritetion of another lino of road
will ruin that mid:: It .Ni-na have.
enough to do; and thwtowns- and the;eidos,
and the mills and factorios thal. . hatq gPritl=
up, along US track will still be:teivresperous
as ever. The only differeneo be that
other towns and cities enthrall+ and facforF
lea. will springenp eleewhere,natii the 3 Inju
ry of those already existing, buttO th+ Man
itiTt increase of the prosperitY.of the Com
Ti me who cheese. to: maintain that the
rUsourcel of the' Sh#C!‘*flall4. - not‘ tie devel
oped,-an.: that Mare tbali.te famperitY
eacept mill:tin:Mt hnnlera; albag the lino of
ono particular road.,mroiriticome to the tnak
of defendia.g4m4a*talikt'artEintioPoidtion.
.GRA..NT was invoked- 011.,IVARV6tIOn .
solution of-wliteh be lihtl no •special cape,
bilitlea. That ijaestionlniatel:l . .to the-Atpad,
ness of the - St' inthrrirree'ple' and, 13hdest.tor
.restoration to. their. forfeilefc .rigiata and
franchises.. Ike gaso4ii . qvipicar. Itjstant
the cotLserrativei, Iritiiiehasephuaslii4
'opinion co*lcl4r l 9 . ined. that ti ought to_
snake en era to all riebnte
Quito retently Gtr.' cin4.l7, ban oxPree
en Inn opinion on anoiluir paint, sizioliy .
within t4e", lino of, tan . propniTa -; and °it,
istieb be has high claims io ..cnnstaenn.
licitleciduithat it IS unssfo trimortovo tit/
national troops faint tito - igcnitloict Worm,
'The conseirrigros, ston& , ,, oxtail& azollrl4 .
e<l dizarmition of mrPoct.for.bliopir4ons...a
There is no leek of names in connection
with the Under nontinathra for Governor.
indeed, the list fmro which the selection
MU be made. promises to be nnusuallyfull.
Allegheny has - presented the Hon. 1. K,
MOOE.EIEAD, and-appointed-A very mile and
expetienced delegation to urge his Claims,
Bedford and Franklin . have instructed. for
[4O Hon. Jearx C.E.s.ssA. The Th4viAgifet
tor and the Lancaster Examiner strongly
urge the selection of Gen. dons W.tUttunr.
In some other quarters the Hen. IL C,Totry.
son, of Crawford, is itamed. The 'Luzern°
delegates aro instmeted for the Hon. W. VT.
TftE N ational IntelZigsncer Bars that "the
first i;giment, the first oompany, 'and the
first soldier ever raised to defend Mei, Cialea
against the =bets were In the city of fiVaah
ington, and were composed almost to it
man of 'natives and old residents therm as
the original rolls will show; the most ac
tive inert recruiting • them being natives
of this Distrid and of Virginia." The in
telligenevr Might add that onty,o4 regi
ment was so raised and Mit 'lt *as: raise'd
for threh-`month , s;• the membeis of it ea
gerly accepting. their release from Military
duty at the end of that short perlocli
IT must strike every ono viva reads the
correspendenre between our thraldom In
England and France and the fonniAL mi.-
hdere in those countries, that, whlle otir adri..
latent are courteous and respectful tol a do
..gree - that might almost be cliaracte4zed as
fawnieg, theEtigileh and Preach Swrbtaries=
who rally-t 4 ttm -jot_ It_Asiopt a ha)ighty,
superellioutt and ,overbearing tonei Sup
pose our rainistell Were to try the haiighty,
tont . It certaintrweald bo a relief / those
compelled to read theireorreepoaden e; and
we think the mutt would bo good.
Bmn: , &o , l,agbsve, intimated a. B plOlOl2
thatittedin would tha' year blast
Alt;Ctrickree tofplraticina for theft. -
patorla runnirultkW.: iin they tltd tioyo
rare. Flits sine _ dieetosed eorro ittti:
:It/mil opinlea.;. The ,demOCrata 'cirbauptitn
county have instructed Weir 4teleke tee to::
- Rapport Gen. Ci. ir. - Citza.- - The' ficacrel's
TOL' te/ePt PhIC Aispatelten few, the last:
week :bhve had.Rmiatwell- in -Wabh.nwton
asking few /iewdoii 4 fln tna nth histait
Crum:Lord. ledegre:phed • to , l3enatow Lone to
Imow, IGit xrua trut. The anawer came next'
day na Lo a4p: Ile la not hero. I lwould
hire nn, s ghf J. li. Liona.V—Tbpekd
, - ; -.x.cfliari*.r.ll.veli until ova: kills Lbw,
be la (legit ,Od to 1.611
diri:- . onoss—Th TinEcn 'couThnt7 i rtgita ,
tdr; .natienflutroper XOlOB2ll Penn
sYlY4l44l_4l.fijVi* pc General
49 1 33 4 • -PEA,IFIrlorrPPYaRfr'" Several
otherpper#l.6l.lic; SintO!lniiit In the gaiino
Irii onfidng thElndelphin Pres.!.
' r n_r o ,
: T1TP , 914.e„ 'Republican Prgssr with,
ore the Ram
cif . i i i 6
cal sPe.ccitLat, Mr. euriz t mluteElt, i ,
Colurolins:cliiirlet on, -thi Bocontatt e Lion!
iideft.lou.. ' Thin thews how the wind blows
lu Ohio. -- - : '
v"l:l4itai 1iu;11 - 14ipiapti m ars'
xcietUngs - 1 744ford•ett).tr For Goivrtior,
rusfOr CDSO,A 8 i ,1 #0*;.;)35:5. Mt!. cts**.
xi. afflict! tOu ricep,o4h!!•4l,-And Mr. Jon;
irAtt tight'
1 . utoL GEOLVVZItS , ..C.CriPrIP , ITION.
ZCe dire,l attotitton't , In 1, -tin V . A
paper fora Wool .lirots - tl. - Col:all:n[1,m, to
meet in this city on the stn. of Fuhruary
-1111 , i • ,
prim ing, o, 1, 111 niny represent
ed in the pr..p,sed me el'ltg. The oldeets Lite
milers of this (-anvention 11.39, In view aro
of the to im pmmon e to those enzaged
in wool-gamiing, and to make their arlinn
otrectivt; they should bv Wpfccil trpt,y the
entire !me, of all tile portico in interval.
Tut rtnsLrofig ,Democrat has el virigo.
!O4 name to the 'AfinEbOng hepttblir-In.
Etntv, foxnierly of tho ricovor 1 rg.,
tow txceozno joio , tpxOprio tor of it, lo pt Ou;po
harldsoino 'Oppearoner..•
Meeting of the Volt.. State Central Cam
taltteo*llmtfilied lett:Lathing the tYn.
JCR SPlce-VPUWegat°"'
, • ThWinainhern sof the Union Slott , control
Ephatnittee,ossettibled in the city of Dorris
titty Friday, at 3 o'clOcle.
~ , Ziore:•John Cessna, Chairman, Antiled the.
Ctionnitict, to order, and on the readlug of
the rilli hy A. E . .' Benedict, Secivtary. a larg,
' [mintier 6f gebtlereen oppeared PllfiStitUt
Tor. the regular htenibera of tho Committer,
which substitution ware unantutoxisly
, eopleft.
till *Option of lion. W. flail, of Blair
4/Crolltyot was .'• • .
itcsol cot, That the tirtto for holdhutthe Union
flute C,onventieut by naval for the .th day of
'March, TOGO, at 14 o`clo.Ok noon, in the city of
Tiarrisbarry. . • .
. .several: amendments .wens offered to this
inotipn, ono by COL 'Thomas, of Delaware
county, that the Iline he fixed forthl 4th day
of July; another, Dv Gen: Elan, of A legheny
county, that the Cie:mention assomb ou the
7th day r ofJhno.
These anlendinonff Were severally Voted
down, when, .
Anaraotion' Of..llon.:Gcorgo Connell, of thila
delphin, the. originaLmolution, Arlan the day
.for holding the State Cenvention on the Db. of
Marehi - Was .tmaniutoasly adopted.
A aericsotmobithanasetruthen introdoced,
preposingto.elitinge the ratio of representa-
Con in 11 oleo State Conventions.
nom Steno Conaell apposed these resoln.
.tions, co Unturned & ti3at. the fitstbrapportion
.mcsst .entirely coattolled.auch irepresenut-
Sion.; behcfr - .• ..!
Cm .motiort of John A.. 1164.inii; of
easter Any,. the resalutlma were laid on Abe
Osr:lttotton thievecontaittoo adjourned to
tut et at th of•theiJhatrmaa. , - - J.
. . .
Senator prtito.o 'and 'Boino other /eta eon'
IMICIICAM wen, (4.dt/sussing the reconattnetbm
enesilda, rrMees out Wove that. 11 tho rebel,
communities are of the trokie, or theY .
arolerrZlories,..Androw. Mast be" an:
Mereforesmt•el biota rho Preal....
:dexter,lf they WM nead e constitution - Of
tbelinitedStattay they, discOyer that the;
-inhabitant of a terMtory. may ba eligible, and:
that t h e pretended argument theW Mg is weak
and dectuttee. TheOlitfanitiaw rhetoric ba:sed
r=rAL'Ptropi.,,_entars,Lalipa:f ;, a and:isop ' tilst Wa r t.
,Tbenagh iossateedlework-maybe necessary In
making-]m tozdomenth , oircutitatanees, the
manic grand area nll/ remain anbjeCt to the nag
eintaerrirfoot o n t i or at au time pate
sassed by this aria mutiny, In Union oc
enpattota.,.. These exhausting. flights of alto!
. nuance about - Motu and the draerleantig
aro alltbosh.P.- Thatanueb abased bird ir
as much at home in South Carolina ati. a ton/.
anty, - as itmser wasinSosttli Can:Oxman &State..
and umarst.toeVt. 21bern 4 when those: ocamtunni
ties come back, it will be with-.germ the and
roMtivii.llrliantam among their citizens, and.
Ilaib bwbore4 with rt ,
Sioateiallabetrtalmbinutta,- •
It would be well for some of those wboadvo.
catothe Xicsidengs :pain; and :who declare.
that be has never =eat -4.1 a treat and• regard
••theSmith tis States trothoUnion, tor:ante rUown
from theirssiread.oagto alithaiand to. telt us,
t li r al n ite is sa t reo h v ti OnaLG o h r o ma y sa .d t d o.
' diet itte-to aturgetleztVitnion what ordinances
It shalt rasa, or 4lrmurd of a Soda Luislaturo.
Ildsg.rret c e ng o rittuta t v_ raliminary teal
• take & C s oath of race. ...ftsve edOecr7ms t' is t r . ;
fatal tothe whole scheme, and tho schema It
twit-adistbo fallaret+ ,, -
Frcoafferussoscothara comes up a cry tgainal.
the abandonment a that dtat. /war. Tb.
'Unica Arita; alarrt.tirobtaugs-al gore amends
military government—anything but costars.
tion on the _Prenident's plan ; for under -thin
plan tho Into rebel majority comes again into
power. ,tor.pectsecate and destroy Annul who
hadrabgeffOpposed , to Theta, and who profrat,
some sort of affection for the Cason. Suffrage
for the blacks would help to BOIVO thls dues
tion.—.N. Y. Com. Ade.,
, .
girarttrr ItscrastrreActrri.—LTMS following
Cooltogillegtremi Mintlver to, the war between
Spain' and Chili appears in an Engasti news
paper. It nemi•cro comment
LtutIMOQL, Dec. M, iStiS.
_ . .
bacn.otfored today a char
ter for a cargo of mats for the Spanish Gov
ernment., tabs delivered to their ships-of-war,
on the Chillan coast.
l;aa y,
Tait , Warm us if this is .Englis.Englishne utralit and. bow it Lathe, the Gov
ernment has not leered a proclamation tbar
British ships from Caging coals to either tre7-
" P VW itg, Sir, T - rah Ottr t
. en servants,
nneuvrein arirrosvise•.”
taP. - }l64ll,so7sdifititrAllikif:44lie
• wo r ttailaw 111: - V, 11 , 71,1131013131%
the tath YE
ealioath, where a, raw athpiars ttt
Oro thee be asthattarct..,, .. isZllreed.ath
• ' • STOLEN.
Alitllti4l: 4 •l74 , l*At;Fraltt7gtr;
fi fterta ate gatts.:l= l 2 i i
raortonratTaT , poretorolne or. ea gOutfloi [hr
awns; ea pirokrtairso bean arop‘4l: • • •
Z.' darrOl . Tranter IX% In lA,. or
'l5! co -pown. par s o 'Krum, 4
v7tritt i : boto'bri , IVIA rat
r ionsartityrraeos Three' roonT.trr,
,pny L oOlo at hr , l2.e.
/taboo% for 111.00 TA. • -•
OTTorklECo.: Mast Morarabor INA Io
prionors gown. at TO Soy., payable at Krasner
!Trion's, for /0:14110. . . • • • •
PM, To AVOI or
tOrre, mouth!, IlyrElp _ _
to James % ve.4
!brarer,no llerrlconto• andiLon furl:won , It t ollrinsl
ilorakr.TOT M OD. .00;otorata
1ROVIVI)«!Oti Wedne*any morn
or; I7th Ins t.. In Op rittoburelfirket Hove.
it'SW.IMIT BOOK on tn. Dollar vlnigt llnak,
belled LAVXICII... URMIIIt, 'which owner
' nte s l r e=fgel Tirp. 0-!7t,t11111,0 , tadMg
l Eckboldein 'of the itfLLY,N. lIENZITVE
C0...111 no field at tba ofßes of the Treasurer., g
Flhhrlttnbuisb on IMUNZISDAY.•
darrof dannary; tpral, at in o'clock.
Pra. M. f ark or.tho
9u. rl3ro= l :l l'l =l . 4 Ill h 111T g •
PAST .1,116/rAITIG—The. Ere#Cikld.
not rapt Li., y trodvitloit 7, aro . , ritqui eel
to taret at,BURCL/YIELD . I.I, poLThilt, Jn
'UM Yillagre„ on TIMIJAY EVICNLI ..I , l:lnst.. at
"fo'clawAt. Teartno frport of tbo .omrtatteo on
8''".17 0/71114 1 4r 011171VV1V. '''"g4. •
I.4l A tAC„ , ft:FlEtar c ßl Leit. f Committee.
iATRICK Ja.,,,ltd
trti7ldloswcorserof , Vv3tral In! Water ±ts..
¢0c' "1 7 4 71 . r Rl 6 ck . '"°° : ze:rtlg ° Tcr4l:27..B "j igr k tt
' lng.! 4 Tli:froundeorrred 4101,7 62 feet. "NUM`
oasecood floor 4t3mmac
janalltf n, IL DAVIS.
afloat. on tbeAlftroongehele hirer, le IdeSeos
gur h . f .gw...,7,..l...,wit i ttfonumu h burr?,
Antirt grat...
end enjoys • good coantel ca. oe, Posner Von wlli
be given 1r bee bold. Title ludispntable. Ter,,
tber brormstioa, SPply on tha premises, or address
7 4 2 " 11 4. UZO. I 1 um, lieffeespori„
Loose Bonding, corner of Bt. Clair street' and
Duquesne War; numberrn deeirnblelr.o9l9, trnt.•
14:1°19 In "' • E D ""ktTlS'oriaduourr. Hier.
#l7:twx, Al rtreoty
.• :I 0 '.1 5 .4 .0. ii it - 4 03 i , iFri!Sl FLO*
- SQ ' o n o B - 0 Or. Yl{l , -bylnhirltable file . an In.
p rc lag aona co t MA, boy , 4 aphlnn 11”ro, or
:, ~ ?.1
.. •!: • ' .11.;ii4t:i: ROOM. • 1
' Corner ibiThlrenzal into { 4q.j. re lindenioldar 77
tagov suica itiec4 . o4l ro.or c=c.c.A9. plOrmi '
, Jan ri,t'- ' 4'.l • 1•14 - 04 - ASTIM a A ZZA 3f ft. CO:..
• 11 0* Fro 0 # 1030 :° ,0 ° CO T
. 1411 GM SECalgi•firfaar
,R 00.11.13
Ealtalint .1111.11.514.14 oAiaaat a (4)..
' -. • tom',
aS . . Na. ie pmwt , (nc 4 kr Fifth.)
• '
-,--,- ; -7--.- ..piii 24 .gfla i ta.i. , eu n g , `4l466: l ll l ..l •
THE 00;1 1
117;01 1 , MAE:OT 0 8_
ttuxreavt &MAWS:dog Ourn . 7 4 7
that. oat or th e net. earnings I t g.f e r d b rit ,u . •
' r " 17 , 1/71111 1 :411164° A.V.igit41°41.1=
00. 7 - AD 11,14
Tw. pouffe Cr gut,: 7.`v
i. jitetigitt 1011V;t: roisFro. aoc
T527,1f.v., ELLIOTIr hay.
"yo=rcmn the
ACII-9 0 .140)32TP SIG xTEemoFa Iru L
F nmm ,° llB / 5,
ft9t. ttul atEs ti ' "t4tF t tt
eA 6 relirp
rnu,..,..1 „tl.l.lotly in toy work.,
nW U. L.
udioloootrAl rttpl , •t ty ,n>
(Tr n kt, notiog, 01./ el.t., , lfttltg l• oo
of the lorrollt-- brh,rrmr . nt nnn
t „,
there tell. way thing omettluit to thu curio,lty,
di. Wert—, log to ttokuind,Ln I ho outplOvtocal,
It au, of the mOsA tnnuotootto. char:wt..,
. . •
'rite letter n Well I held In my paral 4011
hen they en H 11 1 ,11114 their des:
termu movement , , ti n contained in arlo.,ely
,,ealed .32{VOCIlio, yellowed by tlath, and d (rent.
e.l In II peettl tar hand to "John fja eh. r
ktn, yew York," and the date on tit,, tamp
Ira* ••tletober it , lh, 1.857 - -making the letter.
two }errs old. I know not what inagnetimm
pa4cell from U r inating me, no tau notrituallsts rttrpprl withif I had not ,yet era the
lappet.; and the only thing I could fix alma as
the came of my , at tract inn that- h t th e
• date tralloatud tit she eneetope r l had .heen
resident of Blank% Ulu, imenty, r oom
)11,antjgpxue ithout tttat date!
Yet, this was notrlVlNe for rny_ngitiition • I
vas not of as innUlaltlye diVOSltrotti nor d id '
nJohn Owen , belong to Um ei'efe ori a y
nualntance. t rat there with such a
ii g
expreaton upon lily lure, that one of inty
IWA 5. ,I,lll[ll king my mood exchilmed, je.e.-
'lllalyx . . .
"What is it, ItedLthlt A check for a hundred
thotioand t"
•'ll3l sore I don't know i Ihnsen't opened it,"
-T ttend,dt tatitiOrtl and with - Chin lent the
'wfapper, impelled by some Ktrongly-detinial,
irreabdible Maumee to reed the timosnalued
sheet inclosed. It tan In thin wise,
Dann tinuts-IL% too tmd to. disappoint you.
Could not - exeunt., Tour order, as everyisady
concerned will discover. What a chartning
day I --good for - taktng a picture. Trutt old
,frlend 1 introduced you to %on', tell talon, and
-you hid Mit zbettes;bothee yournell to 'visit
hint. The nest time you dad yourself 1p time
arms, don't fuel to his left hand pocket for the
broken tooth-pick which I. lent him, Ile in
well come to- it.; 11"- - yoniro-at the plane -of
ottyment,l shan't be there not having fit/till
ed the order, and having given up my cmigi-a-
Alon protect, much against my will; no govern
youreelf atoOrdingly. BorrY your ProePont ,
are no pear, and believe with the greatest
possible esteem,.
our disappointed
To explain why this brief epistle,' nett r
/meld nor Interesting In itself, ahonid rot
weawit I must go hack to the time at
Which it watt written.
~Trsdrze os n. 140111.
WaH.Jato In the &nen:MOD of a cloudy,
windy autumn day, that I left the ofiloetof
Jam' kkq., Lib's lake tea
epautt, thy otening Ms fa mily. 1 was
a law student in the wilco, and sus laVorod
Morclining ordinary klaidneas by biro ma
aeConat ottifrieudship which had existed be
ta-cob hint aid say detested Lather. Although
I &dm& hoard= his house, I was almost like
• a member ef the .family I Share was always a
place for mast bit table, with liberty to came
and go as 1 plee.gegik This being Saturday, I
was expected
butillaylf to go b a n e with him, and stay
over I idcod
. 'We quickened our ateps an s few Move drops
were sprinkled over us out of the darkening
clouds,. . g
"It will be a tarry nisat,e eaddhlr. argyiL
nt I:any clear away pat," I said, looking to.
ward a' rift In the-treat, through which the de,
relining sun wax pouring a ariasuuna stream. lie '
shoottliend dotahtfuliv; and tro hurried ap
.thesslottEitito the house, to escape. the tlarea,
aged drenching..
"' Entering the parlors, we found no one but
Jaines,.itneplaew of Mr. .moll, a young man •
orebout my own ego,tounging upon a sofa.
Where Ire theater.
xneerhavenn descended from the heavenly
regime yek •
.Drees. Mg- themselves to death, I canoed,—
.tv..6gtanfty evening, I remombor," smiled
• the indulgent father, passing on Into the 11.'
teat down lrytbe west window, and , looked
outatlthetotaingetOrtes. I did not like James
Argyll taneh, nor be me; no that, as much as
we were thrown together, our intercourse con.'
tinurd cemetrained. On this occasion. how.
'ever, be seemed in exeellent spirits, ['enlisting
In talklog on ail kinds of indifterent subjects
despite of my brierrepites. 1 was wondering
, whetrtileanorwouldreakeher appearance. •
At last she came. I beard her elllk dress rue.
tie down the stairs, and my eyes were upon
her - schen she. entered the room. She was
dressed arta unusual rare, and her face wore
ti Wallah*, expectant smile. The smile was
:Or neither of tot Perhaps James thought of
14 tipant moo t did with Secret sultering—with
enhatti yang wh ich I was ashamed of, and
fought inwardly to conquer.
'l'veacatiO,teentnt to the window, and as
'sbe stood by my side a burst of - glory stream
ed thrototh the fast-closing cloud", enveloping
her bra golden atmosphere, tinting
hatrlvEtt purple,floshilagbarrlear and
the pearls about her throat. The fragrance of
the rose she were on her breast mingled with.
'tiro light; for a moment I was thrilled and_
ovcrpownored; butthe dark.bine eyes ere not
looting ten me—they were regntdlugthe won.
• ." - /folv king that It should rate to
alight," ,1'=,..,, ...t.d .. thc, di v a ~..,,,,,
. VfXlO , lO9 Wept over her thee, the blitekases et
•atett elated over the pirate et ritralet ' an .d
-dent,. that are caplet hardly dia.:win h 11 " e,
..""the rata will not keep Moreland tot' o a t i," rl
"Ofoontoe not—hat don't wanfhim to wol.
- a - edit - MMus Op from the depot-, and Dill?' has
put tryrthe airrlaw* In view =lt= storm.
At that 'Moment a wild gnat of wit= Want=
tbehmay - so that tt shook, and thorald =me
nowndrith A roar that lam deafening. Eleanor
913 1 f bt i n i rr a ndt bare troalded ortrartr., to
Weir [Mr I,oor dre , 4art," pouted Mary, the
yOtrarer,dmter, ',idle had followed Eleanor
drcp talon , -there ta 0011077 brre to
.. &ty,-Jamre and rnyiwif objected I.lbOng ,
dabbed 11015Vg ic. Th °willful youngboSn y said
all th e WO she pleased. toiling no she
parlainty shoal not hare worn her Mae =Lk,
umpu.llod hertz.= far as
- ...Nor for Cleary Moreland - eittiett—hoinervi
loitho taloa after the Ent minute, .E.dwaitod
-people arnao- stupid - . I wish be and Moaner
would make BM end of ta if I'm aver wants to
beltridolatzustdri want to be—ll
- "And clear !Lad anu-nreld, mu. atolla."
Jened.-ber 00.aati. .COnthei play that now
polka for me,"
. "Tonopah:la% brat it. if
ad d Thy hid- 13
dairying a Ponta Eld3 cmning, ul ito rind to
dancing to E."
. 1 •
lie laughed toadly..-more .lordly than, tho
idle fancy tartans - a,
"Let. smut, Woe taiMriot Mahe antra noise
than thestortoo, he =Alt.gollaw Lb* Natio
andthurapingtint tharider=4 Elam
that he could recall,,. was not ,a mgatattin
bat it seemed to me tiarawe:auto= discord.
thaw, the:law of melody :allowed 4 and Mary
(=tiler hands oret bet eon. Wain= away to
the other end of the room,
For the neat ball-bone Abermin camel dawn
in wide tbeete, dapping against the windows.
a.s the wind Aew hither amt. Milther. !James
emninaed at -the Piano,. end • Eleanor buoyed
restleiele sheet, stealing glancea, now and
tben, et ber tiny watch.
,All at ewer Ono °courted one of those
pantes which precede the fresh outbre•dr. ing of
• storm. At 1r startledby the madden lull,
Amen Arian ,p.s..ewed Ln hisplaying. initt. tben
the ebrliil whistle of the locomnuve ;aortal
the ■ ilea ee with more than usual pewee, as the
fill tn n i tY ti r i 'n m e r r e n i ci ir irWiralv h a 6 y, c ri ' n7l "4 Pinl
oil fate the depot In the lower part! of the
village. .
There is acanething unauthly In the Servant
of the "mean:eve gl e," e a when heard at
eight. He seems like a eentleat thing, with a
will of hie awn. =bending and Irrataitable i
and his cry .Ii throatoolng anti deUnt. Tate
'n rose neon ilia storm prolonged . and
` , Agent.' " 2 Crow net bow II soanded to Um
lathers, but to me. w boo* imaginatiOn tyres Al.
ready, wrought upon by the tempest Out by
Preseuce of llip woman I •Ininelessly loved, ii
emcee with an cheer perfectly overwhelming i
it tilled the kir, even the perhusi ,ed lighted air
•at the parlor, full of a diurnal wall. lt,tbroat.
eaed—l know' not what. It Wanted Noting
some strange, unseen disaster. Thou at
into a hopeless cry, en Pall of mortal anguish
'that I Involuntarily pat my lingers to uty ears.
Perhaps James felt something of thy some
thief:, for be started from the pleno-stonl,
walked twice or thrice netoss the floor then
eying himself again upon the sofa, ono ' for •
long time eat with Ids eyes shaded, casino! ,
speaking nor moping. •
bleenor, with maiden artifice,. reek up a
boOk, and compesed herself to pretend to read,
alie Weald not titer her Inver to knots! that she
hail been ea nestles, while awaiting * Ss coot
eg. Only Mary fluttered abo ut liken bum.,
ming bird, diving into the aweetaot 'things,
tine Music, the flowery, whatever had henoyln
end teasing the In the letervals. ' I
/hate mild that 1 loved Meatier.' I did, so.
cretly; In site tied and regret. against II J edit.
went eat wiii,matbeeauee 2 conk, not elp le
I gis tie In cortainlbut Janina hired It r also
MO 1 fel sorry Torldmi sympathy witataughi
'MIPS' rap Olen arornrlngs, though! leaver .
felt ntUneted toward Me Ohmmeter. 'll seem.
tAI tO ale to Ite,tatinir Still= ineentliny s well
•lii' v en2pti',,tragr.o,ll4.lriePtrggltztuf
.i r itliZtesTitLlClrelidered hint noaviee- -
'be. illt dePendeet ppro rue tutcia—euraptsAin,
.41,piaptlio which made him appear mei table.
. 1 nit ell, williont pAyttrilele et hope. - leanor
Was,enitageite young gVaao,Waa i l every
.warlitortliy, I l l t
bier o f
tine eterneano ,high ati.
MAT Itestitloni nad"unUleMtshod morel harm,
1.e.r.,..its _much mit bee, many mdagre may
have exerted rienry Morelaudithey Id not
.111,0111 e hin. TO elle tbe - yOutl etiople goths
AI wastotibeltillAtheill woul bo Oa f theitie
. "-Matchrktbeille In beiVilti"--In age, e notnt,
itindelly. elre=sianeetbbeaaty and col venial •
tone wan orate tOrresponfleneo. t' •
r. biandatid was .erigageil with •Itils father.
tap bunking imbineile to the eityrof Ne W Ylerk.•
They tinned it Summervine In ulanltyilla, and
,It had been 'daring his weeks of Nam Mtn idle.
*nett berg that he had made the .acrolelntance
or,'manor. Arirlit. ' • . ,
Attbla :Season ef ttioicar bleimainets kept
high in the. ettyt 'but lie was lit [hte ltalgt, of
Maning out every daturdaY. - iifternoen and
ependlegriebbeth at the lIOUSO or DIT. A rg; 11 ,
the marriage which, !twee to : tennbr a . be
' MAUI Of nearly two letarabeing no flatcar; .
faraway, .On her nineteenth hi rthd whit*
eagle, In December; „tideenor . wtS,M, mar"
Another balt-bourpiaited li on dud beach,
'ported griest did nOt sortie, r lionotutll reach.
.ed.tba hal:Jiff/ll'. diteen Vainetes
h ie , ara o a
Ya/ Or the trivial I could beg that is e rothed
was playmichervorudy Witbller. grtdi chain
thelagh the kept, her ores gxeft,ntion book,.
it. leVus Stave tea Item hungry, said.
itir. Argyll, coming out of 11te library. "I bail •
E , lOng. ride
dinner. Not vat waiting,•
Eleanor-11c: won't be hero tomfght"—he
'pinched her cheek to experts his
Val ^, .
(or her disuppolotment—"a..llttl e lishOwer
didn't ilke to keep beatreirany..wh II was •
b. But ittuay hare been raltdiac'd 0 there
half the day—the storm cameo rent chill , dl•
teeth/a. James, aro you esielni - r
!'l , ll aeon see," cried Mary, pal Verne the
band from her, muslin/is face*" , !James,
what fa the triatterl" „ A
lierattestion caused us all' to 10011 at him;
his ince was of till ashy . paleness Cher eyes
naming like coeditor gra • •.' : • • • .
' ' "Nothing ts' the matted --refs refs bgen half
nitteep," heenswered,laushing,tunlipringing
In tile feet. ' ! Wolin_ ea r m l have thetanort"—
site /Oa t Wit offered arm, end woltept Into
ten; attr , which went Wick to rho pp or And.
palace' a Tnerl7 el/ell/lig. • ' ' •
• .• touch iff chagrin, a. roar ;that Wo would
intid•ot: hoar _deeply- elm was ;dissepointod
-eatised Eleanor to' appear in nanstallY high
spirits. Vibe - tang e natover I `iteditta of her,
aha ;.1.3 - etla.ute tiallutou, music; fa k.l ;NJ/ 11,1
thr wit ef',VTR tt - fth koettar brtightor
puttee. The Mita bluoaaett ../tt bta elttu.ka.; the
NUICtI Ice, In Itlet , eyelf, It ata•uot nitOXCLIII,
harry excitement; I km,/ that prldo an ,‘" I:re at thn bott ,, ut It It
rune , Ilvr 1,1 1111,101% Ip•a•1111,1
4.1 tielllett 6 ,4 ,4: .4. _a • 4
Len r' all , . I 1 4 .1,11•4 4. 11 1:
thatfitful - the watt r 4 4 44•.11.1..1
the at rang Inanwion :14 it were a rall4l. I roalit
not eleep. 1 here wait ...111.2111i11g :CA NI In the
stortn. If I bad Itad ionett •iitper,:tlou
idiot. Inc I 4,1.1 4 .141 •• -at t Ili d 44 1 , 1111 4 4 note
aid oad
A he
Inns, of a :OM, vritm v PI inviet
nutlet.. lett without n k a ta,
scullfear, I wal still all...deft idraugety
911)IllliCred lay loft bed; the wild all idea 411
toe 1000MOth, lingered in my runt; eotnetLiug
beAdus rain warmed hunting at the windowl.
Al:, tr.) teal! I knew aft erw and what it ma.,
It wa- a human soul, illsemhaulled, lingering
!ivot 1340 place on earth molt dear to it The
re. 4 of Ihiiinuiteliold Merit: Well. 10 (dr 1 ~e. 11.1
by i idlielec aad
ti riming 1 fell aaleep When I a wolre
the rain Ti as aver; the bllll shone brightly: the
ground wru Coyeted with gay uuttunti le, el
shaken down 11l Ibe wind and tall, The f.ty
promised 4 / 4 ell.. I shook off the itnitre—dowi 4,1
the ditrkricas,,dria3i4ril air the
tirealamit-boll bad rang, klevr,ritting,
Joined lb• habil!, of Itoid at Ow table. In
t he turrtnl of our cheerful repast, the door-hell
run The i.ervaill crime In, saying that a man
nt th g. e
door ulabeil to speak s ill, Mr. Argyll
and it r.
• "Mc says it's Important, and coot wait,sir."
e arose nod went out lido the hell, elaslng
the door of the breakfast-vs. , ' inthind O A.
. • "I'M - very sOtry- , -Pve got bad or , r ,_l o ar ,.
you tren't"—stertimerect the messenger, a
rant (mut the h,otol.
"'What Is Ill" detnanded Mr. Argyll.
"The )ormg gentletuau that eomes hery
Moreland's his-name 1 heitevc—wav tutted
011 The roodthis morning. -
I i hey leant you mane down to the topcoat
They've got Lim lon room nfour homse. Yee,
think It's a Cl,t-9.ltore'a no marks of anyilllng-.;.
The father und I looked at each other the
lips of both Wore quivering ; we both thought
oil Eleanor.
"What Obeli I dot" '
"I don't know, Mr. Argyll. I haven't had
time to think."
"lean not-1 can aot.--.•
"N or I—nowt.' yet. ant Cal, toll the you
ladies we have gone
a t.hOt t time on bus
uma—and delves you breathe what you Iln
heard. Don't let eny one In until leo return
any ouu to era Miss Eleanor. Be
Iter frightened face die not prmolse much
for bat' discretion.
Hastening. to the botch already surrouniled
by many people, we found the distreysing
'Message too true. Upon' a lounge, to a pri
'vide stMtrig6rootri, Ivy the hods of Henry More
. landi The coroner And a couple of physteiana
had already astivutl. IL.was their opinion llint
hatl died from natural causes, rdi them was
- not the least eihilence of violence to be seen.
Thatace was an plena:int as in slumber ;
could Mistily believe him deed until we toueli
ed the Icy forehead about which the thick
ringlets of brown hair clung, saturated with
" this I' exclaimed, one, as we began
,to relieve the corpse of Its wet garmen ts, for
the perpoge of a farther examination. It was
a stab In Um back. tint a drop of blood—only
small triangular hole in . the cloak, through
the other e/Othing,.in to the body- The levee.
gallon soon revealed the nature of the death
wound; it had Leon glacif by sane sharp dirk
or stiletto. holing and forcible bad boon the
blow toot it had pierced the lung and struck
the rib with force to break the
blade of the weapon, ,aboutithreeeparters
of - an inch of which was found la the
wound. Death most have been Instanta
neous. The victim had fallen forward upon his
faco,bleeding In wardly,which accounted for no
Who& having been at drat percen.ll and as
he had fallen, so be hod lain through.. .II the
drenching - atom of that miserable night.
When dluromerod by the firstpassersby. after
daylight, ha was tying on. the path, bythe aide
'of Alio streetoshiell led up in tlie.directionf
Mr. Argyll., hW traveling bag by tit, AO, his
face on the groand. , 7lm bag was - not touched,
resitlterthe watch and money an his person.
making 0. evident that robbery was not the
object Cr the murderer.
A stab In thtebsok, in the double darkness of
night and satin° 1 What enemy had leery
Moreland. to do this. deed upon hlm
It is useless noN to repeat all the varying
conlectures - rising In sue minds, or which con
tinued tO engrains the entire community for
weeks theixafter.
While the inquest Iran proceeding, ?dr Ar
gydlemi errielf were thinking more of knee,-
mar than alter murdered Myer.
Tble is wretched tandem., Richard;' said
the father. .1 ate no unnerved i can do noth
ing, Will youtelegraph to his parent& for
ftlekareula—here was more misery. nail not
thou t or them. I wrote nut the draulful
roue go - which It ought to have melted the
wilrtwarttb pity to carry.
n`dad now you Intuit goto Eleanor_ She mast
not bear it from atrangerei lad enn m ast
will tell - her, elll you norl I
will follow yon home, taarnotilately. As aeon
nu I bare made arrangement+, to have paw
henry brought to our house when the Inqueit
fie wrung my band. looking at me so ho
seech Wyly, ibat,loth as I was, lhad no thought
frithlec. I felt like One walking with fro.
ten foeta. I palmed out of she chamber of hor
ror Into the postcoital ...alight. alony, Iho very
path he had last trodden, and ne the spot
where he had fatten and bed la in so man
hours WidisCOveroo. grOund , 'Which a crowd
was massing diaturbed, excited, hut neap/ov.
The sandy sail had already altered tbo rein, 00
as tape Dennyi there arab • stothlng to glee
e clue to the muerers footsteps , whither he
wont or j wbono• be atom—what impress they
might.lTc made in the. hard. grayetly walk
bad ...
Washed out by the storm. haw pa
sone ware searching carefully forkhe weaponr
erbtrh had been the tnetronacm tit dmall, and
which bed beerthroken in the Pound, thinking
11.1zIghtt hero been test's - war ha the vicinity.
(l sinuses toselarrowo
WWeffi. 7 .4l.ldoVgitt;::: l o/ober
and IA dus trlOas DIIIVP.II can tad 'mead, e=-
Dtorn.rnt• AVena ILVTIUML (111.°1.
Jrztrit No+, Int .d Ul Wood *treat-
Wl fi as E • D'''a rs 6 M T 43 B 7arg El yW i rbliVes n
Va l = f.. lAI
3yy ,1 tAfi il
t l irwr...i6 r m fn. l
i rtzgr:
Raz 111%, • • Ja.mtiwain
• ABM &TRAM pit= Now - need , ato , ply , ixit
Vat ratm bawl.% G 0.4 woras, anci-Mt.wir oy
bout. Nnepalre M T'. tUe otOols• dAdy
Ewen. MA Wood ' Jd
4 1111ol t rve . awr i r ea t i p : s r;
INVENTION.S. worth Oa, of the frebieot
Tide to the greateot •rifft ere* offered Ce tbe;
loud Toorsofare. on 4 Mc IWe im runt.•ln
penso of foromdlog• r.otaa, Sot :112. utot
emboli, Ohl.
. . jairaeram
WANTEIII«AI Purchaser for ovor
iUUS 411)1wlnD &CUM et Lunn in lowa,
." CUY Pr+Merl,. 'Me land I. In
Iln=llton County. nollolnlnx Wenettet CUT. lows.
The 011.11lt b• 1.1111.: tn. (3,7.21711 often, vc ry
day.. 119111.10 A. Y. Kiln 4 r. .0P
nnoc 1 9 810 ter
and carry reader ahneddlassa tt. lea Star and
rolltleaLl/tatary, and la at own &he ell PEST
and the Una; Zilamlna then Judge. I p.a...
2:oPoritalta, Alai; Bertha reenea tr. Al.& lir'
Elt Term. a era liberal, and
Mt* clear dal from littO to gm. Addrtaa Tun
ithiern. Pentl.9tunn CO.. Auburn, N. I.
rsiprtoArlk w aiNN-Roirß ri eiViv Kr" our
tattfit".ls. Oren nt. Mate, under an 4 upper feed;
Are year,. Above WU', Of 11ritc comml,
paid. The ON IX tdaehlne *old to ['rated otate.
for lc. than • to, which are P.Oy Itotand top lion.
Illurefer & Wt/son, Grocer & Raker_
_, Stragro! & Co.,
and .64tAttder. An other cheap Maehlnee are ',lF
rrt/hOortirTre. areutorefeee. Adder. ocean up
on filAlY & CLAIM, Illd eford, Moth!.
lIIENT TOR RRTURNED 1301.1ttE1th ?N1)
ALL 01/113th.—Oreat Wear Jewelry, Slierrtrarr,
Ar. "Thellatiallton C 0... tna:AT (lIPT
TRIBVTION. Our &grout are mating from. Vint to
Thirty !Malan day. and we nerd not.,. Lao.
Invoirra fromYampa have •wellytt our •tock to oryr
Our 11111/on Dollars. A aolendid trtyontnrut of
Ntatehrt, Moir Ladles' and tieuttenten , Jewelry
Of all kinds, or a the wort Orthionablo Fly ens. wil
,:thaLell Yank. bend tiecuta (or certi art, pod y,rt
what yon art entitled to; or ad el, for five
tertitleatra.'ar 116 fur thirty; or ayud a thrrt,ortat
atantp for ourtertni to attort. width ...of me moot.,
liberal kind. Rote in your time. Write Valhi, your
ear , , , , , i ,. ..„7..,, y ettt, t e t o llA-111LTf a t i N i ,
'greet Y 4 ear?tYlf. " " nottetut
FROM N'6 tirit:E.N-110r.SF-5.
j F Yrntnhed• F dolly at the .I.nreir7 Ntore J. R. ! , 11. ,
KIJDEN'a CIL, No. OS fittritet street, Pittgonrgh.
ilirttoff reword our Oreen-Itoosea to Woods' Bun,
eyneenielif to. tho terminus of the Citteborgh nod
I , luttrhertet'Street Ilatirond, Asnd the Woolf.' Ittos
.StatiOn y 77 W. 1 f1.11..a. •We ureonur pre
pared to for tell Bogoets, Wrenths,Vot Vio*ersoo4
Itatlittsof Plower.; olsoi nest Pot Mantua:f Craw-
In, ' kete.rerseinelfrw decoration. ‘lB:iern
• , *LOGY.,
4-7tlEVlltiloo lure nerve ltn'ciEpoo
toottrof igria t '''' • . 4 `
:AM% tht
• Xlng.ue youi • ant 'color of eyes • •
and Wart Yell Ul treetee tbc plctunt
of root nacre partner br rotor," mill!' alto the d ete
or your Enorrt:f....Addren:eutaveciv
'lan .Irn,LIMUVF
7. nominal(
'yN 'so. .Foutrru trruzeT, 'Rain WOoD.—Tlat
Anteetibere .tosantaturn antl,kucp constantly
../nuitts ever ottlels In theft line, viz: Congests OT
Itultettll, Larhl/0 I Jonsla Comfort.% rettnny 1.41
turn. Prompt attention. la ylyen to ell enters for
coll l / 4 1.04 laying 40. n Ca4)ll Cloths- to
tel Ttil niers a itunßicie.
By baying your ot4 Table Ware
vaTclit4l.3. i tiva avo2.oi. C 4 X
Cui Oho re.l4.ete.lA4o ma_d_e to Loy AND %EAU
,FALUAL :EU W . ,16.7a 11 4 .114 .
cu LiApi t:c.
det2lsrstt. • 714: 'film , Mtes•L
'lbetak admitted to
AN terrZnzsr
To Alto Doti the tnt butont.
W 1112/1012E. vroLrp, DI7 Tr at CO
rrrrtlinrEON, Jatnarril, Ooo.—Toooloo
Iter4t ling...tie Oil eL,r4e.
Revd 3Lagnellc 04 cure ,
,d • “r, e
11- , e' • Slst;note 011 curt , Wrmk
Mn..-a,•. 4,11 1.t14 alt..
e run'. MAC Joan,.
Itreel'A htne: chres Esrarhe.
Mproen, tdl rot,
M.tmetie ‘ll,
the In, nllll , puAt ratto-Fillter 1.411-
tn. ht in the . ettutary. ['rt.:. ZS Celll4. Fur e* ,
~ , y.•,trl4 re tn,lll . ltie-.
Itin Chrnertqnithlltltt and firiunh Ebro!,
I. OR MIL E , luisnedlato pos
a two 41,n 'Frame I.ltuate thr
NI ...I.:. {V a 4.11,1.1. For r pante
/I T.,wEIL.
Jur, ...1 No 11,1 Fourth Cr.
lon. SALlik:', the Stock. and Inter
eat of on • of the II NT MILLINERY AND
LOOK ENT ' ARI.IntINIENTN IN ‘1.1.1..1.A 1.-N
I ITY. a. the proprietor• labout iu quit bu•lnoas.
Addreaa Lock But No. tai. .
FOR SALE Oft RENT--. 1 two
',or) ' , rune 11 , •u.,. In th, 111,, of
rontalulug hall and .1 t moo.
1,111-ht n and tar,. thy 00 1 1sr. and oat., out
hulldlnga, • tar,'t Litt, tt ••111/11,1 will) fruits.
Lath large and ennall. Enquire of G. 11. SF ARIL
sewirkle)t ra. Ja=:.:2a.,l2w
- _
I.OR SALIFI--145 acres of Coal,
-a- situate tll ymlt LOA rinallingt°ll county.
Penns., tear I nc of the Stglibenrille Railroad,
at kfhlwa.) ,tallon, about tollosfroto the city. For
further psril:ulesre, emit., to 1. 1 TO W 1,31, final
I.•at. Agent, Nn. Irrlloorth ...eel. or to WILLIAM
1.. t A.lll'll 1,1. L. on the or,
1 - :011 SALE CIIEAP--11 acres of
a Lsnol.•lldet•• In Scott township. A Ilegb•ny G.
1'.., on the Weihingion rood, at, .at aye toil,. from
the HI,. The lan`, rot. [p.m, are a Frame House
Wilt 7 ro , •to, and ball, frArn , •table. •prmg hon.., •
good ~r rhard Of apple. pearl, pear anal plum areas.
.1111. pi op. 011 I. s or) ...Oran.. for , ounto
dr. nee. For iorther Inft•rmallou •-tiqn tr. of
t.. 11. To WF. .
Ja9:11104 Real Estate Agent. IM bomb .t.
.11? !4ALE
at tal Nowlekta-y, at built originally for •
Roardli.o N , bnOl. 1. ;'rll fret wide rte I.T, het long.
and ',malt, large and email room.. to the cumber of
FI.OIITY. Three urea of ground. with shade Dees,
garden. .hrubbery. dm It would make • good
Roarding Dom.e. for w Wel. It ITAto used tan yew. or,
with • little additha, of back hulldingw,would make
• row of good dot Ling-boupeo. Mr
aloe.. apply to n. CtiTIRREILT b 80.'S,
5.1 MarketStrevt.
Toe KALE. CHEAP.-14 Acresof
bill.. in •ecalt township, Allegheny
county, n Fn.. on the old Mind:Lingle,' eon& shout ere
tittle. Row the city. The improvetnenni are. n
FISAIIK. HOUSE. I, tL.rven 1,41111.3 and hall, Fenian
tapir, nprlng floa•e. a gooil Itn•ti,,,l of Xpole ,
/.. arL, 1 . . sr anti Flom tree• This pet - le very
Je.indsle fur neonate, es:Ode:roe. Far further in
forination. ingnire of G. 11. TOWER,
Rent Estate Agent,
.ha.l3,l.indro No. 161 Fourth St.
VOR MALE—A 'Farm, containing
'ssist= &tree; situate In letferaon township,
Allegheny county. , on thSionanNahela rivet,
one mile from the Borough of W ort F.llialseth. The
Unproven:mats are a too atory Brick Rout e wills six
rooms, Yrame lions., two stories, with ere rooms
and •good cellar, torn crib, wog.; aliedeund other
outbuilding.; shout kb sert.s of the eery beet river
bottom. This property is well located for ordesaing
purposes, mid will be sold ak• nsty reduced price.
Call yule/41y out aceure one of the beat forme o the
litononzalieri 0. 11. TONER. Real Estate
Agent. 90. 163 Fourth aireet. ialGstf
'Veit SALE ' on TO LET--4. wen
databedawekatorrNEW NOCILon.W Ito itreso..
tear s ummer of Chatham, with wide hail, double por
on', ' Valor room and kitched eotrat floent rooms
eorrearmang aecond door; marble mantle*:
amt. roof; Large yard; within a few red/antes' walk
of the Post ()Ere. Also, on far end of same lot,
Uoat conwentent two story Brick. coutalning four
rge roottu, two down nod two up, Oar whole
length of building. inquire of Dr. STER ce RETT. =
Prow street. 1117:ad on.
on P. np.,1,0d.. avenue,star tall-sate'carh
1.4 3 , 15 , 114 fr..% to an JOHN D. DAILEY,
jar , Wlllehi• HAIL
BrR. —TM,.1(17 - frrt ot loch Taint; 10 to Is feet
long: 1C0.0.0 fret rorerd
.ofdrat rt , l t CI Ti mber.
Khceot t.
o °rare
T t e , mow 7 ..e1 t e 0 Pit h
111111.1terr.s. on Lme of Erte had Plttobontla Hollrood,
Mercer roomy. Po. Address U. K. WICK 4i Cl).
Wr..t Wltddlexer, Were. Co.. Pa.. or TllOll. N.
1/oz I=7. or Ito. ♦ Pt., Pitts
tough. pa.s:ltotl
von, 6.41. E--A Valuable Country
liteldt tier Edgevussi Station. Penneylestala
len.4, one and s - half mites hum Witiettattstrg;
Elea en accos perc hen Lantl; • emu aim itsrefl-
Ins CO ntalulrtg test rcuirrt and cells! . unCierntuth:
Fruit end other conveniences un the premises For
further Inforpation Ma as No. an VIM ftreet,
19 a.V1 .8h, J. 13. }USU.
rtlonSLl:filitta", .Tllll moah-r nopc PROPER
WY, AT %t OOPS' ICVN nITATION.—FItiorn sere, of
Lad, Brick Dwelling valtn So root. and garret,
OW My al` oat wirer and *tat o( all Muds; tan
walk from Yetloral olrort Depot. Alligheny.
tionatra of r
aliO auto,riber, al tale aurraN AND
01I:TOOLWOILES. Ohio &trent. ALI gllexty.
Dirronrituln. 113•• for eaxll. Apply to
J. . & WV!,/llrrolnybun. or
yarnerar No. C 7 Fourth tweet, Plttatnargb.
SIA.M.MdC2I7III- 4 0) sriT,
Near Woods! .Itort. con/ doting of IN saes. with •
broad river front sea extending to the rsiltout; ell-
Irsitaited Cur bbndor tedindortoosa. • For terms.
AsP3/ Id y-la WM. /L IYAKKILLNI,
Jsrb/bwabb it/ Rebter street, Allextien . Pa.
. _
$ 1 ,00, $l,OO,
rnderchiri or a Pair or Drawers,
siorlb sl,2;s
JaJD NO. 19 F19T73 KTILF.ZT.
$1,2,5, $1,15, $1,25,
Thto Io a ne+malrJukt Int nAured. Sold al whole
a/o spr i b)
„ ... • .. _... . ...
-a for Selling I boom, 111..1 in the Clerk', 11 Wu up
to Jana., vth, INA.
NAY.. 61 , P. Tl. 1.17 P...
Ed, McDermott, Taverns, lm Word, nttAbiargtt.
Oswald Heckman, do do do
Frank 11'elgand, do do do
ITM. Sloan, do do do
Marla 0'5.1..1, hal Ing Ito., do do
Thor. Malik. lal ern lid ward do
Chrl9 'Wel/rung do 3d do do
Peter Dean, do g• 1 do do
Marker itts9l l / 4 , do 6th do du
Thos. J. Illaelanore, do Lo o do
Wen. kleKee , other irooda Gib do do `
John Lundy, Tavern, 9th do to
Itudolinti Ilrehtold, Eating House, letth w'd, do
Hu.. Callahan , Tavern, 0.0 ward. Alegheny
Thu , , Conroy, ot her amnia. 1.4 do do
F. IV Hardin* , 91.1ng Ho., .9.1 do do
4 P. lactiolenian, other goods, hi do
loatie Stem do 3.1 do do
Donne!, Fa., 410 3d do to
}Tacker L therternaget, E. 11.. 4119 do do
Jot.] Mayer, Eating ileum, Duna. E. ItirMingham.
ilito. Schad, do do Lawrenceville.
Thou. Clark, Tavern, to Licht - Import.
John A. Slelhel do do do
1- " ..1.F°1 " 4° ' lEating Hone... We,t Pittsburgh.
John Co.kle,
Cho. A. Ott, da do do
Ford &Fadden, other g 0.949, ilo do.
CAM. Franey , Lat i na Houma. bora. Temperaneer'e
' J. P. Swaney, do Findley Town.hip,
Archl. MeLees. Tavern. Midilo do
1 . 1111. o... Ming. other g 00.19, do do
Dant Moble, Eating Hoorn, Mello, do
Lewl. Manly. do Peebles du
Deo. Strlttlairt.. Tavern. Fitt q.
And. 111.-Queety. doMott do
Jas. McCormick. do 1.. St. do
Jat. chilies. do Ter.. lie. do
And. Baker, do 'Wilkins do
John It, Myer.. do do do
Thu Court will Olt on WEDNESD A V, theuvri 4,7
of January MUG. . 10ov-hick. A. at., for bearing the
...hove appiication,
Appileauta will Ole their bonds In my Mitre on or
brlore the day of hearing
D em.. rim9<e* mast hr tiled on or before the day
of hearing.
Certificates or lierme• granted ., be taken out
after five anti wil bin fliteen daya after ho, Ing been
or they will In. revoked according to laar..
lalriAld W. 11. ON, Clert
Where., ANDREW 6. CUMIN, lioverndr of the
•ald l'onnnuou'rmallb,lll the name and by the author
!'" thereof, did. on the drat da•of Deeernber, A. D..
isth, Irvine • reiterant under 1119 hand and the great
heal of Ilse Mate, thoriring and requiring me.
JOHN 11 , SI'EAWHT au , High Sheriff of the County or
. A .l4o : ' ?i ' Aitiiin ' t 2.7crir ' l ` , ° 7. t gl '°- .1 . t1 ' .ll7 ° O r t
November. A. D.. lg., 1,7 the Court of Over
and Teri:Meer of mild county. that Um .14 Martha
Grinder be taken to Ilui fail of 'aid bounty, arid
thence to ilie tilaee of eserintion. Mal to he banged
here neck till vim ler dead. to lic euted Upoo
befwere the hoer* of It a. in Nit. na.. of
Friday. the kith day of Jannary. A. 11 ,. 111 the
man., directed by the (Al, Section of the 0.1 00
tieneral A.,erubly. angiromil C 1,,. 31.1 .la 9 of March,
: 4 ;r;:.;r
c e,mbored, that I. JOlth 11. STEW
ART. hhcriff m
.111egheny younty at aforrnabt.
ou Friday. the 'luth.lay of January. A. nun, at
or about ottilarter pnot one o•eiork, p, rn.,,procirmd to
elernte mid did exemite dlartim ("rind., b y
raitainjt her to In; 11,.7,k.4t,11,Ub0t,
;1 1 f11 , 11:12 V a l jnIlt ll o rertionn ;4 4e1l
said tisrrant otthe
laid finvrroor, and the Act of Assembly inmeh roan
made and pto.ided. JOIIN !ITER A lIT.
hherldrof Allegheny Cotutty,
Swore to and i oub•cribmi•liernm mo. 61. :nth day
of Juttuary. 'tat. WV. A. I1F1:1:11..
jot rk , u,i of !r. ;kn.! r,
Ci 13001"3. MING S
pRi( t • 1: ik DIM 1.
174:3, F,27 '7"
At Vcry Prices,
Negligee !Shirts for lien and llo) s:
tests and Dia Ile 4•I'M of Simlier
Flannel. Wool and Nterino;
Warm Gloves and Woolen Hos-
Woolen Scarfs. Motllcr4 and ]ti
biae; '
Wandrnade Zephyr ides;
Woolen Gaiters and 711itten%;
Balmoral NI: iris for Ladies and
1:.1 n,a. Ulf &
1.15 17 rirrli
WOOLEN 4.04,1)S
Balmoral Skirts, •
Shawls and Cloaks 4
Barred flannels.
Country Flannels
And glankeis
Vcry (hip.
Tlio Mixtl2 - o Stools.
Boots, Shoes, Ba!morals, Gums,
Blankets, Flannels, Hoop Skirts,
!Hosiery, Gloves, &c.,
T cctl,rC Drr.lcee. to rt.,. out Winter Stook.
at tbr P01 . 17L Alt E311•ORIt 11.
Ill'Clelland's Auction House,
55 and 57 Filth Street.
Holiday Sale
Embroideries of ..171 Kinds
FLSE E; TA rern AND •
Fitiikey Goods.
We bvv'e made tIIL aettaelazest a SPECIALTY
We van be receiving
Every Day During tlittioliday Season.
rrs - n—rvpmr
CM erex!ms,
rn Nor CONICT,
ETC., ETC., F. C.
Cirmorarrs alll lad our vitt,
Lower than any Other House in the City
Nos. 'is and SO Market Street.
In order to reduce our attwk, we bu•e MARKED
DIJWIS the pelt. of
WAR tililatrA l iilPPLl E tTEN
Or elegant 471 e., at le, vele,. llama ever benne
Will hod It to tlarlr advantarr to call sad cam-nine
19 Fifth Street
Patent Pia 'antis,
Shaker Ilan nas,
Al. •
03. TITElsa-1.c.,0t
" cE A.v i l ) ;;lrv l n r t.ll‘ ) , E fnnr . ;
woviant Goons, lP ~515T9.
"I:SETV. Gc., ac.
11;EN rillNGOnm,
CaIkILEA.M.S. al Market
...tenth', January Zld, at fla o'cl,k, will be 'old on
second door of Commercial Sales Moms, 106 Snalth•
field street, Three Lots In )Jecda• Plan. situate on
Dnqueine Borough: I.lng Inl 69.
feet front on Franklin stacet, and extending beak
same width 110 feet more or ICSI. to low water mark
the Allegheny river,conve)ed to , David W. Bell
by Jame. I—Denham. by deed recorded in Ilecoxler'r
office, Deed Book, voL I.ll,Oann On, and harin
thereon a two story Frame Dwolling. now °eel:Tied g
byJohe Wentivy. Fosaewlota sleet April Ist.
Terms cub on delivery ordee.i.
jalt • A. SICILWALIJIL Arletioneer
-. DINO, OAEIPETS„ etc., 4r , AT AUCTION.—
Thuredsv Morning, Jan. entill, at 10 o'clock, rx
Xfatonk 11411,Inction ilnuae.,s4 sod rlftn street.
olu told, a largo quantity of and
kitchen Fornltur,, Caro,tsj Be. embracing
dreaainx and plain burr aua. sideboards:2 new book
clOsos, sias. and round tables, cant-teat, wood and
afln cheer, and
rocle re , Claude, dining and kitchen
table.turn-pn , d and- cottage botlateadv, wash.
inn trundle bed, feather beciaand bohtera,
~Dno , hnak and stew eoretv.s;
tuetitivarr, l e r tfteri,tuut. sloe ' render", clocks:
liege nodomald karre.h, 'Co and Fee
s no-band to
earrrvg, cif c. , th., u , mtting. Cage and gener
al aQtorimrni “f bon.,•hold g,aota.
Int% 1 A 51. 4 . I I'LL thlx. Anti 'r.
pallardralt Flannels,
Canton Flannels,
itt NT ...LE.
_ -
\T! , -111"
i'S 1 4 .7 C -
4 01.04:=1"V1EL:i.Z.7
I.'w N:441 u.,
) =AA Itt.! r. NT' •
•• 1,1111. I'vrha
4.50.1 VO.
1.010 India Rubr etit.blo
LOW Cpnras be lltrtumttet..t
I.(0) •• Itlntti.t
LEV pomr.l:. Oakum
}tat, t otton M adding, T , Pe•
Mar A .tr.a.,l non ;or., , o rtkrle. are
..rand-loud, alto .(111.1: goid eg-16.ratel rt. great
. I part are ut,w awl in n e rigiltal pac). y.
81317. antl 11. I. t .louct U.
11e:114,1 Purvegor
-1/1.31.VED 08.11,N.t SCE Will be sold
at Public Auction, by order or tbrScerret:try ar f
at the C. S. ARSENAL, 0.411.1:,}I 0.011 It., ON
Sltth PA Y. J.% l,:041, al lv o a. a.
and day. inF.
/4 pets Artlll.7 heel;
`• .do do 1.5.0.
Aottrtan Carton., roL ue,
LOA Carbine., aar1...00. pattern,
40e,. 1 1 1000th Burt. 110;•keta. r•I
700 Ans.trim Illtleldnaketa, n.
4.000 Pruealau tllde Alu••10. - el, cal. 71, 0.. w.
4 4 . " • Smooth Bore Nlnakela. sal . 0 n .
oezi Illnateta sod Illeca, forri,n.
11l 1 / a mble Barcried isbot
7.1 0 Heat:dare Pistols. variona
ID F 4 N 4 I Artillery ~.aned,
2,015 Light Cavalry Sabre.;
14 florae Artill.r, Sabrc-;
ta.o. Mucielana• o'. 0 /10i... - 0-0'
4. 111. Ballet 310u14t, iatrioub:
10,0.0 11.1Peregt. ',mu . nrt, t lt r.. A.
4D wt. Uorse Ilquipmpul.,., .0 al, r.ttup.ctc;
Caralry Saddle, !Wile ,• .1 I , 44,
100 Saddle Blanket.,
Ed Cavalry
.151 tittroltagiet.;
an, 1110 Bayonet Scabbard-,
r41,C44 Cap Coacher;
01, , 00 Cartridge 11. ates. infirdr•
:r...,C1.00 Cartridge Box
. 10.11, and r . 1441 f 4 4
L " .,CW Lino Sllngs:
1,(00 Sword Belt, Y, C. fallreer•, and IS oleo;
55.050 Wand Belts, pris airs, and plate,
5.3.500 Br C1 . ./lU. CoP , (or
8440 Codre, cartons,.
=.6 po t: nd s Hemp Bove;
p_ontuts Boesit iss
1 Horne.
Alga, .• lot of Clek A xes, !tar:, PD., el,
Tinton Or eAY.C.—Ca44I to alneertthp:ut,
Arltelce to be restored 11atutnliateli , 001 eat - acute or
By order of T. C. 1111ADF011.13.
Capt. On', Bt. /dad, U. ft. ~
Comm...llllg Ataeeng.
Assts . /Ant Qv' itergußawrlnn, fra r rult. 1
Prrteturnoll. PA., JAI, nth. IWO. i
Wlll bewild at Public rot, to the hi"'
,x 21 1 4,
at the tet)N 1:1113.1F`11' a rtatE P -
bTRI. PT. oppreete the Fort W.. ......1 Depot,
In ibis city, . TUESDAY. JA.I tug =el, mak al
It o'clock, .1. 31, the I allow lug lanartelmasttr•a
btorrs, via
94 Double Maths. 1 A Pi: ruche.,
0 sets Wheel /largess, 1 Bore 1310. pt,
6 Ottlee D.A.., 1 Strew Plate. Tape de
6We Lead Theme.. , 2 'AM..%
610000 Li'''' , i '‘ ca r l. l , l •r , I' IPTIZI.:
I C.klag Store,
1 thller Sten ea. i 2 lland 1 , 1 'teams,
31 htoola, I Ten. Saw,
I Table, .1 compaaoSsar,
1 Lights Window . ......b 4nu (~.„
4 ,*.1.'7,`;11 4 1,.r. 1 t!.;11,1 - I 'f',:::, -- ".
1 prase 10111, a Dots.
'2 Cold Chinels, 4 I Drandl ex Irvin ,
1 soar Comps,. • 3 Iron heill"e,
2 1 trills. 4 ..ottor North,.
3 Seek Flatten. e Boller 1.14...
8 C
lock, , ... Lup.,
I C I Ora.. .. 4 .44,...
2 V. •
asolt Tonen. • I ..endelle • r s lisencarr
i1tr11C...1•!,:,'1,:.. , • Bort,
I s Awl Ll.mdlen,
tte. lb. Ishtar., 1 Cog," Pot,
. 1 1 I=e ' Br u tte.. ' It: i '' ' ''' ; ' ‘l.ll r . 'Pia ere
4 • 3 C. I. ;
.I. AMTIL., ; 1 .3e - dem - .
2 T. 8. 8e110w... •I I Claw Toot.
1 Entire., . .1 SteleUer't Tickler,
1 Broad Atte , I 1 1,1 4 2.1 Tool,
N Augers, 3 Ado.,
I Ado, 8 Thl 4
3 Brno.. 10 Italls and Chaln•
1 Wood Film . 3 R bretharrowa.
10 Saw Flies. i 3 Ottrwbun,
I Flat/Bound File. 1 We. 8a1a...
0 sa-orted Hammer, 11 LanP Uhinner.
1 2
pair Co passe.', 1 ,ie pothad Black ../a a, '
riadstonee e.aplett e I 1 PlemwElne,
3 t angre, 2 Mots, llowlits.
I Tugre Don, 1 2 nuoka. 4 aniv..
1 Flalehet. 3 Books, I metres,
I Claw Mummer. 14 reound LattrgeStack
I Drawing Zultr. I gal. Ntatathot. Oil,
LI balk L1ne,3.4 1
pound, Bone Shoe , .
6 Planes, 2 adlee,
11 Planet, assorted.• A into iLud liundlee
2 Heading Tools, 110 Jo tnta Move Pipe.,
I Tele... , 21 tlookthg Polo.
1 Vt.en, 1 1 Earidier'sEedfe,
11 Band law., I Vro .k aliaelle.
34 pales ThendnEt. ' r 3 4
I ancoted Sena. en 123 a ore..
a Rater Dipper, 1 elcytteand !loathe
11 =Argent's. „..' 1 rg . l ith ow et,'
2 OP Stones. 2 Camp Et•ttlle.
1 Epoge Share, • 2 Bake Pima,
1 Awk i X pound Bonn,
1,11 Awl Madre, I Whitewash Ifruehes.
1 ChanneLler. 1 *Store Pll3O Capt.
3Elnutte Bib, 4 X pound Chalk.
assorted BID, i 6 Rove ramie.,3 Auger Mts. 'l, Ileunnerdlairllles.
13 areorted C11.1.1a. 2 Awl If andleta.
1 Dante, 126 pcidlitilleroul warted,.
I Clinching Iron.
2 Thumb Danger,
X rgitarn it tTeXiter.
1 Shoctrug Winer, ,15 lbs. llors. rhoo Nall. ,
i grArn. 7 Sheets band Paper.
Tagnes—Ctalt, United Etstea Curregg.
'Bret. Lieut. COL and A.Q. lie U. S. A.
Plumbers , Material,
SHEET .L.E.111 8:1110.1' PIPE,
For ,ale on the bfrst 1,1115 La the Trait
IC En:Oilfield strea.t. Pltteborrts. ra
• I:T i rjzilit i litifa ,
c tIif ; II A,, c y O,IINELLS-.;
GAGE TURTLE CREEK Dle no!: nosys.-Uolder. are hereby notified that the;
be un the above Ronda Coe Pet/marl,
I.5Ga. will be !denpa and after that toy on pre-;
g.etttation and delivery at the ERA National Bank,
Plitalturtrh. 4Ntl. rttliE, Jn., Try-sumer.
.FEAT--2 cars prime Wlscon-?,
aln Wbitc. Wbent In mid now arrtrang for *ale ;
Jet 7 Nn TU. KNOX SON,
. Diamond. Allegtorco..
DWI FRUIT-13 bbls. Dry .11pplei;
To arriat on adearunr Kenton. o
for do
b Tenth., y
GORS--t car prime R4olled Corn'
In Meow, tors ale by R. hNOX & S ON,
JO: No. 73 DLomond. Alleigheny.:;
0.1i . 7 e t -3 cars flow a i r: o l2 - 1 1 nZ s for:
JED No. 79 Diamond, Allegheny,.
LARD 01L--1.0 lads. No. 2 to arm
I'' hI
1.1.171 "11
r"441 for
DX - KEY A to.
/333.A.TM19 13,13 -61.Trir7et t
2,500 PAIRS Or
Ladies, Gents_ and Cid Wrens
In Every Variety, for Sale Low
.7 ..,2L3:MMES 33C)12PMT.
Skates and Baeighs,
tale Ho. 101 Market rtreet,a tau. FULL
Wbalrsa/c and UetalL
T rEivissizvarii~
i= 2- sertacrinpa i
Sulphuret of
reanc)lrlatn Salt lbw:Maurlzg OttO,
Corner Pm Street and Duquesne Wait
Ath iftiAga