The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 22, 1866, Image 1

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... _ ..
zn.priTsiruAGEr GAziorr.
i . Jr. B. PEISTBYM.IIV e r
- m -, . „___
• lartisr,GE. muurrr, i
, 711. CO&T.B/LBON,B. Bus:mass ARVOMB.
No. 8a Fa'ru STU.Fr. Pitt.vbtfgll.
. Trncars:
74 . 011KT8n Ennio,. br Mail, per year. ..... .441 --.
/... . ..... ..i.. 8 e(r
Berred by Carrier.. 3.toaßruß or ErENI:O4 per
week - . •
....... : t . li
lte Witto!)tivilt 6'axe
Leetnres at Due.* -•Cottiniereial College,
So. 1a Fifth Street.
For Um. coining week
By r. Thiff‘ThO Injurious erect of tobacco
open the conetitnticm of tho young; how every
• iinersaytipt. rich ftuldresm to the Umlauting
- Du?—Thevottlement of Joint ao•
, Counts, with part of the joint property sold
and Dart nisokt; a/30, a daily lecture open the
lied the practice of Peninanship.
FOrner—Construoting the Darhook
In - Jotuind form, pith sPdriaratiOns and tam,
- '
..!-W% r ;_liclltiieb; ESQ.—On Commercial Lior
„X_(‘ompeicat 116okketkr. /ottlress Ttor °aloe. .
• Physielatas,Prearyeri and Poets
Vas a
cliak Saye e: r (Barbers' S .- oap. °ray thirty
'cents • -
likairyeem Railien Soap
Zs zifee—.l.27 it: 03:x11'11:arty cents a;o:Lice.
-Tor Bargains in D 37 Goode
Cotolbe,thial (164 . 1E4 *di sale of Barker
:44 Ifarlat st:reet. ' .
• rll 7 9, m e!CheaP
At the great iltutt stilo'ot .Birke:..t Co., 59
litarket street..
- • • Cloaks atid.l9hawm.
'Crest harzalosAtt the closing out sole of IS
'ker k Co, 40 bitirket street.
Silks end Memo Goods.
Great hargalnB-.10 the final clastng ant sale
lb r autker & Co., D Iltirkettitraet.. •
Coiaster7 "Nerehaitts stook should, beforointrelutsbag
visit 'the
_establishment of Barker Co., SG
Market street, as they hare full lines of
Bleached and Drown Sheetings end Shttkings,
Prints, and ethos staple goods, which they are
ening at midi foss than..Basteni prices.
-•- _
. .
dlible .Cape :k
-ror diarrhea, dysentery end cholera; is found
In the inedlelne'prepared only by Jae. 'Plena.
fog, drOgglif4 No.Pi Marict street. In view of
. 11 estiMeath Ofilvatholern, no, family enoold
.be velthout lhle yaltial,alo medicine. 'Sold only
at-Flendi en Deng and PA - tent gto re,
e 4. Market atroot. ' - 4
IL Certain . Safe
. .
And effectual care for foyer and ague is hyped
• in. Flemitigm ague mixture. When all else
13113 Call and be cured by a . slay,lo bottle of
thrs 'wonderful medicine; it bas never failed*
.tootre9thers and It will our* you. Sold only
./3 Pittsburgh, at Fleming's Drug and Patent
Altaltine Store, Fro. 81 linrliet street.
Dry Goiata at Wholesale.
"The in - 4 plate to buy them, ettiter in the EsAt
serWost is at Barker & Ca. , B 53 Market, where
.Inta be Senna the beet ageostanent of Sheet-
Sbletings, Prints, Prmletah`s:and‘ other
staple geed's. - •
• We Ai* Informed by Meaara Scar It Co, Um
The valnable 'oil territory tiOently tden
On Island MID, troarer C,otinty, has bead amle
nb3.9,l, and that Melara. Thonison
Or;-aria rrltchard (;0., are prepared to
azeentOleave9 an tills Justly celebrated ter.,
t 71144-;
11,1e - 4ost Favorable Tina
alerehatits' aro generally careful to -"turn
ing" their itoOk at oertaln sea2tsis. Tito 'pro
dentibtouler sleets his store of stock at des
-Ignited thicken, event! he has to sacrifice thon:.
rands :of, dollam by the openitton. If ttds
grandaeeret of businiis was. more gencrallY
andersiood, we' should Imre a much less num•
ber of baukruitcletibecause the accumulation
of stook Is deem forerunner of rain to the
Inerehant. rablnson Fi Co., Cl Market street,
have,Octomeneed to clear their sales rooms of
the largo i•tecli of bco"Dte and shawl which has
t been left- cernr. Spey Jaunt .dlspoto of crazy
:pair of boots and ehocs in de house, and their
'prides haWe been greatly - reduced. This LI a
great Sacrifice, as precious : to the present
"Ileirantsseale thta enjoyed the flattering nsp
b-tatlon of.:.betog the CheaPeSt 'dip° house to
-the Weit. , ,eor Madera 'will do well to give
'Zoe ddrlng the eentlarance of this great
clearance rade.
'With the Almost
Certain advent of - cholera amongst as iv tb
1 2 ..; spring, Ire say again to our rewiers
do not be unprepared for it. Have what you
...,.3rnowand_whatexperloneoluts demonstrated
t . :4 be, a Strictly tillable Medicine Co nip it in
'•- the buTorpon th Mist pr6incmitory symptoms.
1." •Deno trast - to new and. untried inedleinel;
i - what-3 , mi Imo* to liato etniil will euro again.
'' Fleming, drugght, No. 81 Market street, pre
, , -pares a medicine that wasused with infallible
I• t imooesi during the. last visit,ol tho cholera to
•• - this city, and. we tralensitatingly say that no
. in the world is super i or to it. Don't
he Without a
tiottle'oCif.,. thatii Ohr adviee,
and when the dread seOtrthe does make Ifs ap.
• - petiranee,-you roreariparitively scours. •
4 ' ••• onlY iti-Pittahurgb„ at /garniture D '
I:tore NO. 642•Dtrkotairect,
kiesitit liontif saving?
fit IS, protect it. It is &jewel as easily loSt
'told in some melt as; died e. ult to re
'awe,. 'Nature, our. Climate, and espcial
ly at thL. season, reqtdres to be occasionally
retnf*Cd:-Bitt even ythingdepende upon the
tonic Used lor this purpose. The medlelniil
.".rtinetcuistritate . ii . fate'lhusett on Common cd. ,
soli r ot, dinenrUis. clairibie, as everybody
sods out who takes uttekotit: lea alolipOlsol..
pherie latineneriesista; , and—brielsity. '. This
powertalvreventire is litistotteestedebrited
Stomach , Intters, compound or the pureet
stimulants ever manuraitured,'Joilrh 13e Most
.effectire -tonics, .alterittlrcs -- :7,,reguintors and.
, stopteraters . that, elmoditt±, yet extracted
Stein the :I.rotaztioal kintslonns , Conialeecents,
' languid andfeehic7 , trent i4rent 'Jack:toss, will.
Ind thin Bitters ati;*outparable Restorative,
not disairreeble to tturtside, and eminently In:
71gorating." Yip other'sttuinficut produces the
--110100 erect as Wit &anisette. It does not ox.
-alto or flutter the tieremi; r oecaston any urt.
-dub arterial 4it once Seethes and
;Strengthens oi:wryer's system sad the an
imal spirit7s.' ' '
f _
Are eold Wholesale and retail nt sail% low rates
at Yleinthet, t.Drarg• and Patent Stedlolne Depot,
04 Market street, corner of the
attar /earth 'street, •
will sad Whiter Goolis-
, pleasure- .
ft a with great, s wo call the atten
on of nor readers to the eubgerb stock of Stall
~a sul,Whateitlootla knit 'recolvett' by Mr. John
•Weloc.Mtfatant 'jailor, No. 195Yederal street,
.allegben L y. Eta stock embraces, some of the
ostbeautifel Meths, Cassinteree, ,Ctiergoat
age and 15mthiga ever brought to the western
. .
Inarket lily eiusorttnent ihiCniafthall 00 ° 48 ;
CamPTlbtnß atria; Ilmwers, Callari Neck Tics,
alligkerrhfclb, dc., cannot Ito stp•passect east
:re wait. or ready - made Pont
• Coate; PoatiAnet Overcatte, will also . tie found
Ait Pcnonli In want of any
thing In Oa clothing Hue' should not fail to
• .alltelfri,Proter,
Thciensiii vr. parry
Practical Rate ZoOters, and Dealers In Ainerr
:can hialgroivarOlis Color& Office at Alexan
der Leibillta'a near the'-Water Works
entratra. Itesidenee, N 0.73 Piko street. Or
/era protnotly attended to. All work warrant
. 04 iretei Prete. - ,ltipairlng done at the short
oet notice. lioabartre forrepalrs,prcrrided the
,Sof is not 'tinged alter it is pit on:
There arti one hundred distinct nervous
diseases, and there isnot °Roof them that will
-ant yield ., to ;the groat. inyhrorunt, .13Lkoreno.
Why si r - ilia torture of nereous weakness
fora dayl Theillkorene will pro you instant
. 4 ielLef and peisennent strength. Sole neat for
Plitsburgh,4oealahneFnieg, Druggiet;ilO.el
- Warted fdreep.,,,Sent by express any where.
7'6e Worid and . hfit Wife,
And grow/et:LA Cnnghters, aro troantmoosoir
.ono point. They declare. tuareservedly
Sorodont ithlessing to their menthe, that it
bosproves and preserma their_ teeth, turista,.
'OM thelr,:gatrui arid acetone every breath
Cheydra* Keno° they buy it. As Domfale
datapson says,. the sales are pro.dt.gtoua,....
‘ifirinft rettirned atter as Absence or threm
tears in the army, I hero reopened tar shop
tor allsorta of Jobbing in the carpenter . line,
'tt the obiatatol;th - g1a411.67, between
doh* street and ChorryAtley. Orders sol.eltelt
cad promiktlyittended to.
• Tar. London Corrospondent of the Chicago
Tribnne, antler. date - of December La, - writes
that John Thaddeus Delane, editor of Dm Lon
don Limes, has been dbitulanod from his posi
tion on that journal, and on the first of Jean
ory the Times was to &miter render new uuspi
cep_ This
In ge chan i x said to bo duo to the fool-.
log that ft tessr•y to contract more
friendly relations with the United States. The.
cerrespmatent adds that Samson, the money
editor, will also _probably go out. ,
Carr. Dangerdeld Parker commanding of
orders SP.rir4
' nix, whose arrest
was orde y ,fad p
his refusal to obey the didenrmtif talencrintrTtr2.l'
quiring him to prodiage an allogod boat-bur
noa, in his. custody, . refused. 1.0 arrcstosi
amrGen. ilntfman, poSt.coMMandant, fold the
Marshall who. Came to• take Mtn, that his ar
rest would taro-slated bymilitary force; Judge
ninth% has referred the case to Fletcher,
for his action in the matter. •
A BILL .wee introduced to the Keritticky
Sonde niewslays anted to incorporate a negro
bank in Louisville . Tho bill passed oftor
havittg bten amended by adding a provision
Wi"that the said bank shall bare no connection
th the Preednien's Coteau, and that no per
non, shall be permitted to act as 0212cers who
have lived in Dostsn, Mass:
Two men and a.negro hoc attoMPted to row
across the 2:lagers% from Black Bock to Fort
Erie, late Saturday afternoon, when the boat
was crushed in ta co lee, and one of the men
- was drowned. Tito others kept upon floating
Cakes ofieefor three hours, goingmeantim e
Seven miles toward the fatts, and were rescued.
almost frozen, by some daring men who beard
their cries.
ON Friday afternoon, a man, seriously labor
ing under the boltionce of lightning -whisky ,
went through the, window" of the Dank of.
Cleveland,acatterilig. gold and: greenbacks
every direction. IS not, bellevedthat ho had
anafelonions intention of making an appro
priation for his.own use, but that ho had lost
his equililirium and in his eagerness to find it,'
scent throtigh the window, without- thinking
what he was about.
Two proprietors of the' principal New York
hotels had n meetg VriditY InOrnitt . g, and
adopted resolutions to• exclude berearter.all
i 'dendheads7 from their -respective estatilliti-
Meta/. Said deadhead.% it is intimated, were
connected chiefly with the railroad and steam
boat interests,
Gas. JesTua 310Ersivrtir, who was dismissed
-the service for °Metal dishonesty by Sentence
of a military court at St. Louts, is In New York,
_at a cheap bOarding-bonne lu the Dow
was a great McClellan' man-In the
election of Lat.
Tor llonghton (Mich.) Oneeffrof the Othlnst...
says thatSt.... l Laryallfineral Land Company is
'about to dispose of atlas lands on Lake Supe
rior to a company of French capitalists, who
lire to pay,thereferVAsoooln gold.
Ex-Govsason Asnitaw, ifessachusetbr,
ban received a complfmentary letter from
Gen. Grant, respect ing,hts valedictizryaddress
approving of both the 'tone and arguai ,
tat" of
the document.
Titc.2Lehanon, Ohio, &or PayS that Mrs. Mar
garet Littleton, Ire of Dr. Littleton of Deer,
field, committed sulcido on Towday afternoon
bYdakinalloLso . n. Domestic infelicity the al
tread cause. _
A STRONG/ StrOrt. IS bein Math) DI the Wtscon
ale Legislature, torratorecapitat punishment,
the abolishing of which has not had the result
that was anticipated.
AISOTHICtS riWolutionery survivor has been
found in the person of John Spears,, who lives
near Danville, Ky., is about one hundred years
of ago, and still enjoys good health and tie
'natal vigor. . .
D. MOTT, of Union. College, is failing
feet. Lan week his death was looked v (or
daily. De .innot artry/vo many days.
Doz. G. W. Joust,- of Indiana, received at
Washington, during.the peat Week, inclosed 111
a threatening letter, a large piece of a negro
scalp with the hair attached.
. •
A Neiman of American vr.stels. are among
the sufferers from the recent frightful gales
around the English coast.
ExinnaarYogearJrjy - ts W.-Bristol, Enclose.]
riertilling hterrhoni tor Salt Lake Lay.
Tar renewing tan:list . - of the Feennsylvanta
' salalere tparoleit'prisenere) wier-swere lost nt
ea last Aprll In the ataamatilp General Lyon:
M. ilobblns,lith,Pa; IV. 'Williams, 1421 Pa. IL
Ely, 7th Pa. Ileierseal F. Christian, Grist Pa ; ,
101.13 Simmura, 9th P.
Cay.o.T. - Sturz, 140th Pa 4 il."Johnson, , Intl Pa.
Cay . ...; J . Gales, lelst Pa.; 11. Cochrane,
i 197th
:Ta.; , ..A-•l'fortliani,,s3 - .Pa.; .7: • 11...ltrallef,
mosr daring robbery was perpetrated on
- Saturday of lest weak, at the rosiden4crof Mr.
George Mehl, in North Middleton township,
Cumberland eordrty.• Three. masked villains
entered the qibuso and bound ..k.ff,'-Kiehl and
wifewith cords, after. which, by a flourish of
knives over Mr. K., they conspelleilll int-to toll
where his money was secreted, which they
secured and fled.
11.Exo, Om. Cases.. Aso. rixdotin Rupnoa.n.—
.Abouteight - tallead, isdidupon this
road anu the work is progrouffing at the rate
of Lair a mile per day. Should three be good
weather thin-week, Crack will brobabry be
laid to lifeCllntockellle by Monday night next.
The new locomotive works finely.
- ,
Tirs'aireetnent between the Meadieg Rail
road Company, and the Atlantic and Groat
'Western Company, to destined to make some
changes in railroad enterprise- A new conic
to Now York, by way of annbury, Shamokin.
sulli'Mt. Carmel, It is said, will. be established
In the spring. _
A ass was spring..
near - Pleasantville,
Yenango county, on Tuesday night last The
man. vras found on the koad - turning.. oil' from
the plank road at PleassuryWe, 'and had been
assaulted, robbed of CIA and brotally mur
dered, the body being horribly mangled. •
A ears, numbeforprdposals are being re
mired forthe fifty Company, oput down bythe
Reno Oil and lurid and the chief
difficulty wilibe to decide who, out of so many
good bidders, must be rejected.
Dna less by the full of part of the Reed house
at Erik it is said, will reach .103,000.
AS iron"firundry basil:lst been completed in
t ytt :xu llad us elp!tda—Ad
Fenton "S).—Thero .was a large
Fenton meeting -hero was art.
',imaged :by' Mr: .7'..3. - £ogersof Sew York, B.
. Eloran_Kilitan and others.
called upon the American people
'tar be• septette In trruting this • Fenian .Inove.,
meet it was the proper derelopment of au
• Amerleatridem, Henreid that riretrne diner
'Seat, is or ought tube 'a true YeMs.n. Its sue.
case would give Americana what they sadly
Wanted, foreign !..i.natio4like an In
dlrldual, becomes morose when &Ways look
ing into Itself and finding fault with Itself.
Forelpi piney , 61.2.ffiegtaryears ago, would
bare saved us from civil war.' Mr. KUltan and
the other speakers were prooltaronsly ap
plauded. • •
- • ::-.Flaricht Colcmhtatton-fieheme.
"a"le ttsaioa , - ,Tat:' 51. 4 -The Preatdent pro
km. of the Senate, haarecelved the er.dentials
of Mr.. Kirk - motel, of lowa, for Senator antll
.12e-trh - of-Ifareh, SSG; and these' of Secretary
Harlan for the long term; conunumelng on that
Col. Osborne Assistant Commissioner of the
Barran of Refugees, Freedmen, !Lc., Tor the
District of Florida,. has - submitted a plan to
Maj. Gm. Howard for the consideration of the
Government for Colonizing the freedmen In
Flor de. Ile suggests that - the States
nurchaso:froin - Florida nil that portion of the
State bolow the - 5 - th degree Jatittide and
give it a - territorial form of governoienti mono
but freedmen to be - permitted to big or
lave abase land, and each head of a family to have
11.CTCS. , .
De Preflitenta received. m em bers of
including a ntanber of - of
, .
rinniactnewskitti.—A Coloarl..KUled by a
Hotel fieeper—Storza—Salearitaad*.
''Crirth - aiir Jan: difilenity occurred
last night Inencen Colonel libott ani Captain
ILines,proprietor of the Planter's hotel, eor
nor of .Thini street and !;roadway, about the
charaCterof a lady boarder In the house,
which the former was fatally stabbed by the
• . -
The stoisntm Friday ni:ght was very serere
In this aeltdlborhood. At Losingtou,
tuehy• Mrs weratorn up t , fences prostrated,
and chimneys overthrown. -
Ono hundred and fifty thousand dollars
worthof bonds, of - the-Dayton and .lEarall ton
Ilalinnui, held by the city of Cincinnati, was
one •
sold yesterday, lor bemired thow,and dot
lars, matt •
. 20alrof !.tre—caufbar
Nutt. Toni. Jan. Z;:nA Fortress - Monroe let
trvygpAgz IrriZlrathelp4tVvoart tho
f chip.
Antwerp, vrith a cargo Of petroleum, with
the item of avers, stmtned trod shottcred, eight
hundred barrels of oil thrown overboard, and
sjx.feet of :ntitor ' hbr. Wild. The ship and
ca o wa:s 'insure in
- -
• c schooner rattle Alartht, of Philadelphia,
was wrecked at llattcras Inlet en the 7th, and
Captain health, of Camden ,' , J., act a colored
cook were frozen to death. Two others were
rescued: :One 'WAS badly frozon 'after remain
fog on thewreek Live dart. Forth° last twenty
/0w...D01= they fed on the body or the negn.
• Sitar= in irentneky and Tennessee.
Loinsmi.ts, Jan. 20.-- , The weather was very
warm yesterdayafternoon. At night the leer
cury. fell from sixtyqo nineteen degrees. Soon
after midnight a heavy storm of snow dot In.
At IV:ushrille there was a: severe storm Last
night, blowing down several houses In Edge
told, -with alleairy rain and snow.. The mer
cer). fell to. three degrees below zero. -The
rm-Win an inch and a half deep. ' _
14 - Walker Benedict, of the firm of 1). S. nen.
edict 8 Jon= dtmliast night of pneumonia.
44, Fav .mOrritnt of i Petroleum.
. rintanstrnin, Jan. ar.—tno linty t.rweaster
salted for Antwerp this toonaing with the tar
-gy,st cargo of petroleum ever taken from the
United States in one vessel, taking eightlhon.
sand and seventy.tbree barrels, Containing
Ivrobendred and seventy thousand one hun
dred andninety-one inallonti or credo 011,
tied tf over two hundast thousand dollars.
-Ilrond Aretident,
press train collided with can ine r at Delhi
thit morning, upset' lug.the and caus
'in-g th"le3tb of the ellghnie. Several others
were wounded:
iternlnited and Reprimanded.
1 Itienatoro, VA., January 97.--31 r. Pollard was
.nrptiAned before tho Itorom or Dolmans, to
day, - for brooch or doemum on the 6th init.
Hewes, on motton, reprimanded by tho Speak
.or,and dirdiargtAl.
- - -
Ism Of the litUryilrers.
my pi, 11_71
Our Special Dispatches
Southern Claims for Damages
The Reconstmeiion Committee
Homestead Bin for the South
The Gold Product or Motitava
tlll2° '. sbq.. elf Ct
Dispatch to t boPittsburgh Gazette.
CLAIMS Pen Dmilea .er Tile Walt.:
The Quartermaster General is literally over
whelmed with letters from parties residing lu
the late rebellious States claiming, praying
and, in many eased, demanding compensation
for damages inflicted on their property by the
United States troops during the 'rebellion.
Thus far he has flatly refusal to consider any
claims, even those put in by thoroughly loyal
person:, fori rents of property used by our
foroia in reirellions districts, and Where the
subordinate Qnartermaster has given the gro
per reacher&
The followingdeeirion, recentlymaile by tea
Quartermasters Bureau, in regard to the
claim of a man ;of undoubted loyalty, reSld.
log in Winchester, Viminla, May be eOnsider
cd ala eliPllcablei to all sinillar claims rigninst
the Government. The Quartermaster Goner
s] says: Winchester was a hostile town, cap.
tared trom an enemy who did not surrender
on terms but were driven Outty force of arms.
Everything in It real prize of war, As at At,
Tanta and Charleston, buildings wore °cou
pled for shelter of troops, and for sick and
- wounded soldiers. -It does not appear that
the alilitaryDepartment should order the pay
meat of any rests under such circumstances
This decision was made In a ease where:vouch:
ers had been given by order of a eomumucling
General. for the use of a blacksmith shop and
tools, which were not Belted for palate sac
until three mouths atter a final occupation of
Winchester by our troops.
DeCtelea is lize.Utt, To ilotricriel.
The following decision of the First Comp
troller of the Treasury is of importance to
soldiers clisinsing bounty
A man obtaining bounty under a contract of
enlistment which . ho is either unable or an- .
willing to fulfill obtams at fraudulently, and is
told. entitled to It. If paid by the United States,
List, money Paid rightfully belongs to the Gov
ertuxient ; if paid "bylocal authority, it right
fully belongs to It, unless such-local authority
was by the fraudulent enlistment credited with
a recruit on account of their puede; in which
case even local bounties belong rightfully to
the United Stites, as it incurs the expense of
supporting the recruit while nominally at, ,
tached to the army, and loses the benefit of
services which the local authority wino bound
to furnish, and from which it had been cation
orated by the frainnueat enlistment of an in.
rand or incompetent recruit. Only In case It
ire proven that that the reeords on (be =War
ta and muster-out roll.l are Wee; or 'that the
money deposited with the paymaster by the
recruit war not received by him as bounty, -
can it be refunded to theaoldier.
reverriciATioN ST Tan eteolSTltrarlen COY-
Colcraol J. Tr. Shaffer, late Insiet of General
Butler's Staff, who has recently returned from
a two months tour through Miasisolppl, AM.
Musa sad Louisiana, as account of which arms
published specially to these ditputches, has
been requested by the Itecoustructiou Commit.
tee to giro them the benefit of his observations
In those States. Colonel Sharer will meet the
cottailltee to-morrow. neTeral newspaper
correspondents whet hare trended through the
South hgre als4 boon requested to appear be.
torn the committee.
During the week ending yenterday, ei 3 ODAO
in National tank currency area issued by the
TFCesra7 to tho banks, making the total now
in eircialation
of Surgeons and Assistant Bur:fel:lns of elan
teafiri was dfderCd ur tug War-ar
yeateidai: D"
Tat/MIMI 111FICIT 1.2011L.4111 ONO.
The Secretary of War has ordered that here-
When'distitirains, oracors, hi.paystieriu of
""Untat draw cheek* or drab., On, funds
placed to their credit, w assistant Truism:r
em or other dePositers of -*lei:Unit& States, •
they will note upon thd• receipt taken, for,
such pay, the number, date -and snotort. , of
such check or . dratt given in payinerd,,:.attil.
designate the aschnant. Treasurer or Deposl.
1 , 017 Upon Whom_ draVa. ,
PZiAIDT 'WILL 0105 Tnt 111P1/411 LOB DILL.'
President Johnson in the coarse or emcee:.
Cation yesterday, said that he wouldsign the
bill enfranchising tbo negroes of the Distrlbt
all noon as it was passed. ,
The Special tionunittee.of earen.on the, pro"
posed Air LinO Bniiroarl betweeti Washing - ion
and New York sAJournesl yesterday in order to
receive the opinions _ and 'impatiens of .a
- number of prominent railroad directors who
'lmenbeenrequested to appear before them.
'IttATORRRSCTiRed for-ten thousand copies of
'/;ton. (biOrge W. JUIRLIVIS' iiIIOCCR on the gum.
:o(l7efeuffinge a= belng.,the .ono which, In
their opinion, most (ally meets too case as pre
sented here.
A !MIN 110.11C3TeAn L itt.
The Committee on Publio Lands has !Aurae
tad Its Chairman to report a blll oirtendhig the
provisions of tho homestead bill to the public
lands In the Boutb, and Uniting Gm number o:
acrd . exempted to eighty, and stopplug the
sales' of lauds la thoso Staten. The object of
the bill lab prevent speculators - from obtain
ing control of large tracts of land.
The House Committee On Nitrall,larairs hav
ing had:before them thetnemorial , l of certain
hilsaLseiripi river gunboat pilote,praying that
they shall be deemed to hare hoer officers
within the terms of rulesi and regntatioas of the
acrylic on that subject,-and' entitled to the
fume extra pay and rationatts other officers In
the same service, whose monthly compensa.
lion was the same, submit the following re
port : That any farther or haw legislation ad
the subject is Inexpedient, and the Committee
lind on Investigation that a very large proper.
non of persons intended to be benclltted by
further legislation, were and 'am now living.
In States lately In rebellion ' and Were, prior to
the late war, engaged in pilotingvessebt in the
rebel service in those States, add were, in
many Instances, forced Into the; service of
piloting war vessels -of -the Milted States
spank their wishes, although they were gen.
civilly oat of employment. The Committee
also ilnd that it la not just or expedient to
class such persons with those °Meer* of the
navy who. vohmteered their services In behalf
of the .oc/ferment, and they submit that If
them are any exceptlone to the rules above
stated, such eases can only he reached by spe
cial legisLation. The Committee alio Mid that -
all persens employed In the 11101.1100 SPOClihjd
law° been as well paid by the Government as
they were before, or bare been slum In cavil
service; and that, so fur from having been in.
luriOnsly affeeted by it, their baldness was
generally Increased, and In many instances
they have been materially beniiiltted.
101(09. gidOoyEdge6to2l, G0V.:240r of Mon
ts sTerritory t who fa nowhere, rations that
during the pant yearthere yips taken from the
mines of that Territory, over sixteen
eollanr, on which one raillionfdollars rev. °
tax was paid. fieernya thot bitherte, gold tins
been mostly obtained by. placer raining, but,
moo recently, extensile mills havoheen erec
ted for ortudung quartz., alt of whlet4 aro pay
ing. lie states, oleo, the population Of the ter
ritory at thirty thoulick,
Thorough Investigation to be Made
Sttlikage Bill in the Senate
Capture of Bagdad Disaprored
3Ehtc , .. Into .. Zito.
speetalllispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette
tTsanismees, January Sl, tail '
The Pieconstruction Committee is now fully
organized, and has began luwork. The mom
pets found, after a thorough inquiry rupee
tiug matters, thatit would be 'impassible for
the wholo Committee to mirk* the reorilred or
advlsablo examination Mall the States lately
in rebeilloni azirtit has, therefore, been div
dad into four sub-committees. Each of „these
sub - comMitteesjhas is Senator at its head, and
is assigned to the duty of making the necessa
ry examination in regard to two or three
States, and lila undarstoodthat their reports
*lllle made, directly to the two Houses of
Congress, while the Committee, as a what,,,
will make a separatoreport, with recommen
'Pweirof the anh-eommitloos, at last, have bo
gun the examination of witnesses. Several
gentlerden who have inadejorirniiyis otgreatcr
or lees length during the last rizmontlm la the
tiouth hare already , been summoned to appos.r
before ono or another aribLeematittee,itnd oth
era have been. directed to bold thensielves in
' readiness to appear When wanted, Thoth are
imlicationa that the ease of Tennessee will be
the first reported upon, but there is no probe-
Linty of an - Immediate report even in respect
to that State.
With respect to the other Stites, it need
only Do said that th; examination will be
thorough enough to keep there on probation
for some months to come.. The witnesses
called before the enti-eottnulttees will not
bo wholly Northerners eir tamporaryresidents
of the Smith, but will embrace persons of all
classes, thoroughly Identified with the States
to which they live. This rule will be followed
even in respect to a Rate so tarawayasTozaa
from which 'witnesses will be summoned at an
early day.
111.A116 Lan tatOClrr 01/ 01717•9 - 03 . IMPORTS,
Btatistles now In course Ofprepstratlon at the
Tresuntry Department for tranatulaston toCott.'
grass ehosi that the average, duties waxy Tart,
oas menu factures of common goods imported
Into this Country during the years 1063 and
Ifat were thirty-Az per pent.; upon woolens,
thistpelght and a half per cent.; upon silks,
thirty-accen per cent.; upon hemp and des,
thirty . ..throe and a bar, and upon Iron and
steel, thirtyouren and a belt per cont. In ISGI
the duties on cotton wore raised to forty par
cent.; on woolens to fifty-two; on silk tosizty;
on Imam and nee to . tbirtPelght and a bell.
and on Iron awl steel to forty-ono per cent.
la the last year the GoCernrocat has received
• —• • •
lois Motel:mg than in elthcrOf the two previous
Sears, on lean/sit of the falling off In the L.
ruination of the article." enumerated, the rev.
mines on the total of the Imports haring au
en off from thirty-dye triltilons of denim to
teat to twenlyssevun mi/llons in DUI It is also
discovered that the protection on they manu
factures, afforded by the present rate of tariff
is reduced dune as low by the charges of the
excise Matins upon them at home as it was be.
fore the wari
While there le no question as to the ultimate
passage by the Senate, of the tegfo thtarilCe
bin, there is is probability that it will be
amended by that hotly so as to make any in
terference in the election panlabable with
henry II ties. Several of the 130 local beciators
express their tkiterratnatlcus tonnlie nixes taus
isoleptton et Such a clone In the District refs•
tl7 lair.
tbro of the. beat arguments In favor of the
Ixtunedlate Rootage of the eurrroge bill by Coo.
gem is costumed to the fact that the George
town, District of Columbia. Councils at their
weekly meeting on Tburalay last, eleoted
Town Surveyor ■ an Who served to the retied
army during the war, wed who hart,opt yet
been pardcmed. Thu rebel received ton out of
tho fourteen votes east; While tiro4toOal Caton
mon who were running agalost him, received
wily two votes each.
artatow trr woe raltasear.
- .
The amount - Of bunion In the Tr6sury on
Saturday was about. torty.osearnlnlons.
zits carton at DLEIDAD.
The Government, op to vestentsy, had not
• received I M,Saidai loWiligoneont relation to
the reporte4A:n.l6l** of Bagdad, Iderloo, by
the negro SLlBMlstere. Immediately upon the
receipt of the repoft here, General Sheralen
was telegraphed to investigate the ip atter
and to enuarairlly punish nil engaged the
unlawful entorPrisc it is reported ttist the
French Minister has addressed a note to Sec
retary Seward, reenesthag him to ocontruini
tate to the Trends Legation, the earliest ond.
dal Information inialation to the edfahi which
may be reeffed Woai Government.
• sneelasems or aesagrass. = !
The War Departenant has Instructed tieneral
iteDoereW- eammandhig.- the .Caltforeds Do.
gartment. tintaxneltatelg.release dens:nem
• frogi the roluutecir Orgsnlistious ImpriScaed
laldi Department, and to humid" them 'fifth
traniportatiem to the headquarters or the
elder mustering lancer of their respee . Ure
fdates,•who Dandah them witha discharge
andeueln other papers as thisr . ,ltuty be entitled
to.' In eases' 'triter* noYsy is lies tputimerto.
tier still be furnished them to their homes.
- . -
A pelltlon, tinuterourly Maned b 7 copper
head members of timber throughout the coun
try, praying for the pardon-of James A. Camp
bell, late Assistant Secretary of the rebel
confederacy, will be presented to the Pre...facet
tomorrow. Campbell, It will be remembered,
loft bls seation tho bench of the Supreme
Court of the Vetted States to Join the rebel
Paymamters will /cave here tomorrow for
North Carolina, to payoff the troop' still re
maining in the learvlce In that Department.
Thla completes tho payment of the whole
artnyup till the 51st of Deem:ober. The force
ID North Carolina now, consists of two white
and one colored regtmetrt of '!Volnntoori,lind
two or three regular artillery companies..
AAAAA OW ssyrsraren POBTAOI.
The Post Office Committee, of the llowie
have under consideration that' section of tho
post Wilco bill, which provides fertile prepay.
• most of postage upon newspapers at the pub.
Motion otacts. ' Thopoetmastar General and
other ctfliclahl of that department favor it, and
the Committee is kbottt eiPtaili divided. They
:7 111 /PrehahlY repertlhfayerfof Ifihowerer.
befirel Trench 4 . 3llicers of high rank, direct
from, Maximillaeq ,eapitel, passed. through
Irothindien odeY, en route to Paris, They
' give a rose.eolbred accefunt of Ifasimiitan's
prospects in Mexico, and report thenuinher of
Preach veterans In that countrytit twenty.dvo
thousand, which force they clairnwllibo equal
to meet an emergencies likely to occur within
tho next Dix menthe,
• • .
A petition sigaed'br Go?. Mettler and the
Stlite offleerl oflndlitna and ton thousandelt•
rens of that State, against the pardon of JotY
Darts. wan presented,' to the rresidont yester
-4107; by speaker Colfax. Mr. Johnson limit tho
petition andwith aistallo saying, "•I'll la• it be-
Lido Ulla bundle,. pointing to an Immensopile
of manuscript width is Just as large iteetßien •
for his, pardon..
• ALIV VAIII'S 07 . 11.tP111LIMITATiOI, '
Theprobabilities are thattheltecoestruettett
Committee will tomorrow mako a report to
both branches of Congrees,and that the Joint
report {that ofomes from them will be propos-.
lowan amendment,totheCormtitutioii relative
to representation, •
soars-Tense 8 /CONSISATIO3 HPEECUPI... .
Bona!ter ' COlfni has down on his list, thi.
names of forty-thtee 'members who closire ' to
•peak on tho reconstrnetion question.
• • ttiZOorroCire Covir
this not before it, the me Of thO OILY of C.
cinnati Ts. Male D. Arorgan and others. • It Le
an appeal from the court Of the :Southern Dis
trict of Ohio, wit:Larvae out of a lona, by the
city, In lifO, of six hundred thousand dollare,
to the Ohio and htintssipli t The id r
sue is as to the priority o the lieu. The ari T
gnMent began yesterday, ad will he coniind;
Loss About $15,000
SPOduil Diniateb to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
BRNO, Pa., January
LOokerood's Refinery, to this place, War
bunted last night, together With about four
hundred barrels rednedolL Lees, about dfteon
.thoWiand dollars.
apinny to the Spanish aring
natini Dangerously IU
'Mao Tr ono THErfsiqx.malteiss
Humor, (N. 8.,1 Ja . in.—The Royal Hall
Stesdashlp Asia, from Liverpool On Saturday
Januirysth, via Queenstown January ith, ex
rived this morning.
Political neva unimportant.
There has been a revolt on the part of t
Spanish regiments under General Prime, but
it makes no progress, and the Insurgents are
aro Dein puratiod to Mb mountain.
Trench mien° closed at GN. Sic.
in the Liverpool Cotton market., oti Saterday
prirea had a downward tendency and
inelnarket was quiet; sales, 0,003 bole.
'ilneezhnuEsvet7 dell. Provisions quiet and
Consols dosed on Saturday at 870)81 , s' for
money; Five Twenties, OtirmErlo shares, SiktsG
ektellgois Central shares, Itifilll77ll. •
The_London Times refers to the satislantorY
aspect of English affairs, arid tracts Maos-
Poets Of hMtillg • peace will have so En traph
on the military administration of the-
=Powers, and that there will las somealleha
tion of Gime burdens, which everywhere
W_ Gk.% so heavily. The Itasca anticipates
that by wort Jthe Emperor Napoleon
will have wlthdi a =hls Preach troops from
Mexico as well as from Rome.
11/Wlll/ is dangerously EU in Loudon,
The cattle disease is again Increasing.
Arailway train containing the Lord Lieuten
ant et Ireland, and lady, was ling at by some
person, neer - Mellinger. , The driver
Ol' l ge engine bad a narrow escape: •
Taroyoung men, named Henry Miami and
John.Clewn, said tonere latelrretorord from
Agnates, have been arrested, l'or VARIII2IIII6I.
Anne, ammunition and treasonable therm'
meats are saidto have been found on. thick.
The Army and Navy Gazette; referring to its
annamleement Last week of rednotlonsinrthe
• artuy,aays: At Meant what is actpallyee
eidedompan,ls theta:soh battalion in the United
Kingdom shall be reduced from twelve to tan
compaulas,and regiments abroad will be re
ducod in like manner on their return bonne.
Mr. 11rWht4 reform speech at Rockdale is
lumivermilly.regarded by the press an a want!.
cation of his reform demand and as fedicating
that he is prepared to accept such moderate
measures as the Cabinet may be expected to
propose. Ifi. political enemies oredit him
with being far ton oPeiaalve than In any of his
prehena epeoches.
Time Apectal n for trial Penis
t e t n h s, th restuned C its ommiss sittin io g. atthe of
Dublin, ma the
Paaxec—liVeckly returns of the 'Rank of
Fiance show a decrease, In the cash on hand,
of twos/y.oe mi ll ion s ipf franca. The Bank of
Frazee on the nth advanced Its rate ordlsconza,
one per cent, making If. the per cent.
Tlos Senate and Corps Legbilatif have been
FUE111310130(1 to assemble on the lik2 of January.
It fa elated that the opposition deputies held a
p meeting at Paris to consider their course of
rocedure the
tbattbry d ec ided pp to direct their ettorte c h ie f. lsethe illectenn question.
Jaras—Thes Hiked°, of Japan, hes gtven
formal sanction to the ratification of the trea
ty for opening the ports of (Imam and
andthey are to be opo and on the Ist of Jeanne
ry e open the tenni, of the existing tariff at
Menthes open ports.
Leaden money market.—\o Nrl that,. 1.
log the advance In ,tbo bank rate to s pea
couts,the demand continued of a dull chance-
• The city article act butea the
tine of toetwee ri
London mangy market to the en condi -
limited consignment. of good• on credit to
America without any proportionate returns,
• ettEcr us bunion or DDroduee. Erigitah rands
• are rather steadier. Sartag. Brother,. tareu
lax 'Ayr; American Per/natio, la common
with all others, are depressed.
LATIST via Qv amarows, fen. 7(11. -The
military cos - ultra Spain I. not extenstre. It to
reported that General Prim commands the
Litrepoor, Jen. nth.--Cotton; the regular
weekly reporter the cotton importation was
forwarded by the Nora evert&
Manchester market InscUre, price. trod
'downward. Briradattifily dell, and still
tVakedeld, Nash Co., and ilichardson,
Flnoti report dour dull and emninal.
Wheat, very Mill, and :id lower; winter red at
lat MC/lased. Corn Muth' at Mallirril 11, fur
mixed. Provisions dulL
AthaYS d Co., end Gordon, Bruce
Co., report bacon ESL Beef, steadyy. Pork.
no *ales. Lard, inactive at Satires/od. Butter,
quiet and steady.
The Brokers Circular reports sugar castor
Imp Coffeo, firm.
Bonit, English & Co, report petroleum quiet
at U.Sid.ifilaild. far relined.
London.—Barinra Circular reports wheat
doll and IOS. lower. Flour, Grimm; American
Ws: Sugar inactive arid pa.rtlaily la. I Mitre'.
'Tea tending dosruward. Petroleum quiet at
Et.rd. for renned.•
LI rerpeol, Jon, i1..--Cotten quiet with a dowm.
ward tendeney; sales to•laY, gAtx) I:Wel, in
eluding 4,1E0 trates la epeculators and deport
• Brotudettlirs tiny dull. Provisions unto'.
London, Joie; o,—Cm eols for money, 5701744
U. S. Vivo' srontim, Ge 4; Erie shares, 50
Muds Central, 12:Ne7.4.
a joint retelution extending the time for the
complatlen of .the Burlington and Missouri
Railroad was passed.
Mr. Lane of Indiana, called up the bill auth
orising the PrMilitent, instead of the Secretary
of the Interior, to appoint pension agents And
name the boundary of the pension districts.
Mr. Lane, of Romani, was opposed to th 6
.lie believed that there was no necessity for
parsing it, because the National banns would
distribute o l_ p ienssikn
o r tohge
i u sa
tufo with this provision.
The bill was read three times and passed
without amendment.
On motion of ,eir. Fessenden, the House bill
making appropriations for tho yea, ending
Jime,l9t7, was taken up and passed.
Mr. ftewart asked leave to call up the bill
for the admission of Colorado.
Mr. bonnier hoped that MI, would not be
done, as wartd an amendment to offer.
' Sterye notice that he would call
ulthr.TruhlijniViA bill to °Merge the
power, of the Freedmen's Bureau.
Mr. Cowan moved to =cad by re,trintln
the operation, of the Bureau thu States
lately in rebellion.
Mr. Trumbull said that this would hay& the
effect of excluding lientuckv, blboouri, Dela
ware and Maryland, where ihere were Many
emancipeted alasets whonecileil thaprotection
of the Bureau..
Mr.Guthete 'said there wa thereasn why
Kentucky should be Included In bill. Ken.
tucky did not want the relief proposed. The
freedmen were a part of the population, *nd
\could be cared for as such. Lie believed the
States themselves corthi take care of tbe freed.
men unieli better than the Freedrumealluroaus
The loo! throughoutenate was providing for
'am the Southern Stntes, end
Kentucky would have. no such in her borders.
The bill before the Senate could not be Intend
el as a matter of cConotuy. If that was the
object, it could better have been accomplished
Vho immediate admission of the Southern
meantid not understand what the gentlemen
when they toad that the war was Clot
There had been no hostile forces in the
field for seven months. In May last the Presi
dent failed an amnesty proclamation, looking
to peace and Union. This. had beau looked
upon as ,too li President hodsmith but he wa.s
pony that the not gone further.
do It woo, there were thirty-five thousand ex
ceptions to the procintnation, and .among
them all the Misfortunea Of the war would be
distributed. The south lost ten thousand mil
lions of dollars worth of property In the war,
sad he thought they deserved. It as p Colll4a
queue+, of (restaging in tho war, btit was not
that punishment enmkt t ough I
In conclusion, be here was no reason,
lathe world, why Congress should sendornoers
of the Freedmen's Bureau to gulate rela
tions between the enigma and freedmen of
Kentucky. Ito was eonT tosee the apish; that
was numffested In Congress toward tha South
. Cr,, people,for Ito believed these people were
hon Est and sincere in their professions of wit-
Iln_ttnets and ongle4 to return to the Unlon.i.
sir—Pomeroy was glad to hear .from Mr.
- .Ontario an adridellioll that the constitutional
amendment rendered null and void, - all slave
. .coden and laws relating to 'deem:
Mr. Guthrie said that was late opinion, and
Aso that. of a very aide lawyer, of LeringtoO.
:from wham lie Laid received a letter on the
subject. .
...Mr. Pomeroy acornued his remarks, pasting
Matto would othing to the Sosthern
Metes for revenge, butonly for security In the
. • ' p rendinruned.g the discussion, the Senate ad.
Currency Cancelled—New Counterfeit.
WAMMETON• Jan, tl.--Blnce Angina last the
Xreasury Iteportmout haw destroyed, by burn.
lag, corer forty.olght Winans of dollars, worth
Of mutilated and cancoUednotes of all ' , fedi,
tad ten mUllon a additional will sOor, bo odd.
td to tho sum. The Dedartutent has dittos",
tren.tilatthere Is another now bouutorfelt of
the tWonty-fIYO cent nolo, !rho sum of ILOYOI,
dollars has Just bean returned to tho Depart,
tent through the coating - atonal, as a matter of
tonscimme. nnaheases, which Decal' occoaton,
tub ttra OnIYfOr9UUCU Beal,
Iltus of the Mexican .711Ini=.ter
Saw your, Jam bt—Tho Cosatireu e r i w 2
Meter special says' Romero, the Minister
the Republic-of Mexico; refuses to ereitt th
reporis of the withdrawal et the French troop
from Mexico. Ile bases his Opinion up on th o
fact that the Imperialists are preparing a vig
orous campaign in Northern Mexico, which is
the stronghold of the Republic In that country,
in order to crash opposition and also to inter
pose au army between the United States and
Mexico. The repOrta of ,the withdrawal of the
trench are bated open Unotiloial Statements in
the newspaper., detrital, he alleges, for We
purpose of public opinion in this
country. Romero asserts that Louts Napoleon
is Intent upon a scheme of territorial aggran
dixeumn I.; that he has counted the coat and will
only withdraw when compelled by force, or the
entire Submission of Mexico to - tdsagoot Maxi-
A dispatch from Washington says
oral Howard has plat received the eonsollda
ted report of all Fro colored schools tinder the
oontrol of tho edmen'e Bureau, wh!ch
shows there are at : present alt hundred and
thirty-one schools filth one thousand two bon
drod and Mary teachers and sixty-flee thou
sand eight hundred and thirty-four scholars.,
in the . uthersi Stales ander the direction of
the Freedmen's Boreal. Application was
made to the bureau yesterday for one bun_
dregcolored laborers - tower:a on the railroad
in Maryland. The remdaltion will bo prompt-
Another dispatch earl: Gov. Aiken of South
Caw:dins, arrived yesterday. Lie says the no.
Rom are doing nothing and the neW crop is
likely to be entirely a failure, pul ess
is done to tired
the negroes to work. Ile
has Deana ppoin Gen eral la the `nudger before
the President an Grant, and see if
some means cannot be devised to remedy the
The Fenian Senate net his morning. Pros.
ident Roberts has approved of the resolution
eAßing a Congress of the Brotherhood to meet
at Pittsburgh on theleth of February.
A Charleston dispatch, dated Lfithsays:—
Hilton It Co., of this oLty,auspeadodpityments
Yesterday. Commanlcatton between here
and talumbia. by railroad, has born re-opened
and trains passed over yesterday for the drat
time since the advent of Sharma:ea army.—
Arago and
The stea i . e .
tta lars City of lle ß d today altimore, fPrusala,
na Wa tea-E
taking $891.0:0 tn. epochs. urope,
Additional advices from Panama say Xlie
Chillan fleet had returned to can of the South
ern forts, waled, received auPPIIM‘ and nailed
for another erftethtioti: The *.vornment had.
made arrangements tor alma from the banks
:of the Republic.
,In Peru Presi ent Prude was pushing for
dard.. his games of
refoeu anti Ir. props
rationwrigormisly... • . s
The Peruvian Governmentind not yet form
ad a eCallltiOn with Chili against Spain, bat the
general expectation Was that it would moo
In the ansalen of the Fenian Senate to-day
one of the ofdeurs of the brotherhood, Irbo re
cently returned from Ireland, Whore ho d -Pl
ed thousands of people, mays if pecuniary
conouragemestt bad been given to:tho Leave
went there, a singes of battle., for Irish inde
pendence, wouhl bemire, fought during the
atonater. The charms aosinst Sir:ears Sor
rel, Pleany and litullen, for repudiating the
ooneeltutten, have notyet been presental.
Several of the returned rencers, say they
bad interviews with Stephe _ ,as who wai not
pleaeed at the ceolleiet of O'lLahony.
DISPNITHE3 1 7 11031 GO. 811ERIDAN
Efia Opinion of thaßagdad Affair
Correspc- nclumen e pis
Statement of Affairs in Mexico
how roan, Jan. fD. Zhe .71usajes AasntoL
ton ePeeial says telegraphie diapaishes of the
ISSIt inst. from GensAhrulden. at Now Orleans,
disarms all knowistlaebn lila part of the fill
boaterinis attack on Ilevind, nod Stator that
bison:tars to subordinate often have been to
preserve a start nentrnilty. lie disbelieve+
the popular account of the &daft and mushier,
tl a sensational story.
A Brownsville correapendent `free the tell
°Metal correspondence bet woo. General
Weitzel, and General Mega, amportal com
mander at. Matsu/or/GO and General Crawford
GM Ann/Goan General, of the Wszican Itepub-
Win army, le/rotation to the F-opublican
oaers eon/len/nod to be shot, at histamoras,
accordance with Illasimillan's decree for the
caccutlon of all those found m
his forces. General Weitzel, in the name of
his government, protested against this barbar
ity-, and Hogs responded that It arena matter
In which the Americans had no right to Inter
fere, and that the egecenen of the decree must
be_ proceeded with. .
To another letter to General Weitzel In
which in acoordance with General Sheridan /A
instrnetiens he informed little that In future
correspondence with one olricor■ he must not
style the Mexican republic an bandits. The
imperial General again repels what he Consid
ers foreign declaration, and repeats Clint all
future communlestlero of similar purport
Rill =Mhz =answered, '
It is rumored that MaJla Ls to be superaeded
at !Sulam/Gas,
The fir trees of GeneralsEscabodo and
Crawford for another attack upon liatamorzu
continued, Out the Imperialists hare greatly
strengthened Its defenses since the previous
assault. The latter *Mettle efforts to raise
men in Texas for Juarez do not seem to meet
With suOctes. /t is suspected that Crawford
has a Woe financial spocrdatton In his eye,
which can be greatly' sabserrod by the capture
ot Matarnonts, and whlth Is thought to be
touch dearer to him than the Mexican re
The Imperialists are reported to be prepar.
Dig for a new mad vigorous campaign to the
A statement of affairs In Mexico, prepared
by the Imperialists .for circulation tu Europe,
and depicting a firm and nourishing condition
of matters under liinalznilian's rule, repro
scats that the llepuldican military force hare
nearly dbappe.ared, and that mnantd of
armed opposition to the imperialists which
still exist, hare degenerated into mere preda
tory- bands of robber'', and that order and cis
ilitation are being rapidly established
throughout the country under the benign
sway of the Emperor. ,
On investigation by the Provost Marshal into
the attempt to capture 'the imperial gunboat
at Lcree near Matamoros, reveals the same
facts as h eretofore published.
Capt. liaison Plato, fortnerly actln Chief
Quartermaster of the Army of the Sam ••• hat
been appointed liupersising Qteteterma. of
the Die Grande. •
Capt. W. 11. D. Cochrane, fortnerlyf the
loth emps, has been appointed Depot Q ttrter
master at Brazos.
New Thus, January 53.—A. dense fog over
hangs the water and city this merning
yeeterday, Ed. O'Brien was arraigned La the
Essex county court 4 , r Ofer Ana Terrain r, and
plead not guilty to two indictments. fo man
slaughter ha causing the death of Mr, onion
and a boy at the time of ttni recent timid
disaster at Newark.
Thu cashier of the Farmers' and Citi
leen' Bank of ' Brooklyn, modifies
statement that Ma messenger boy was robbal the
of seventy thou:sand doUttrato checks. •lt was
amen thousand, making the amount Stolen
eighteen thousand dollars.
The World'. Richmond special says t 't Vie
Orlin Is, to-day, as quiet as the State o New
York or Masnachusetta r and the people, Lille
Sr blank a re eußbring from nothing but r
crty. All th e instnnatimm about the vir ant
antagonism between the whites and bi irs,
all thohleteons ossertiolui to negro Mon
tion as the result of the oppreacive unman
of the whit s, towards the inatim, aro all vac •r,
wicked invectum.
Gentlemen from the Interior declare that
never were the elegance more quietly disposed
toward. those who were their former masters,
towardsr werethelatter more kindly disposed
thaw Who.were CO lately dependent
upontttem. The negroes and gradually giving
up all notion of the millonlum that was to
Cane with New Year's den. and are rapidly
seeking and obtaining work' quite as rapidly
as the Impoverished 'mallards aro able ai,om
ploy and pay them.
From inezteo—Jaltres btiven itne
Wdettll , oloe, Jan. 2 L—Ofgelid news PtOtU
El , PeacyalexlCO, up to,the. PM. of,Meeenzher,
aro reeekred. Tho Pronoh marched gpcai.
foroo against the city fat ChEauahna, abando n
Mexican Government had to abandon go
• the ath. . •
. Pre binot a Idssident nd Jain= left Chihuahua' with pile
ea army, and came to El p,
• arriviag there on the loth. oa
The French OCCupied Chlhaabria on the lid
of that month. Tho llezleen force., under,
Gen. Jerrezaa, rornaincdilve • male, trout Chi.
huahua, swatting the Breach. Tre•blout
JetUrtli VIZ very well receleed by the paoplo
et El Tam. The news from the Interior le nap
rcecitted as Tory good for the nun
' out canto.
Steamers Akirrf*odl,
Nirr Yak= ,Thouaryo.—Tlid steamier City or
New York, from 1.1 , r0r . „ Ong la, from
15cuziela. Antra 1.4 ftlllo 11.11Wpititt&
Lo Half a Million i/oil:a
C'anadian affair, in CrnrrrJ
New Tons, Jan.2l.—The
of Millar & Conger Nos. 3.78 ands_ ti ao,dt, c r e „. ,
and 4 and /5.3 Coates street, between
and Rutger streets, were destroyed be n
night. Loss about Italia Million. The build
ing contained cotton. hay, rags sugar a rz./
Iron. It von, owned by rar:ous part lee
,ftePort f•api the steamor which has InCO .
tutu out here for some time, has gone to su,
as • Clailla pris nowt to prey upon ankh
bedmerce, ' Three gnu are al.° 501 . 1 1 "
uilding for the Chi 11, . ,, gorerument.
John A. Cooke, late cashier of the Cattt 111
N. Y., National Rank is reported a default,
to the amount of n i nety thteuelnd
The directors of the hank, zt. is added, ha re
obtained collateral securities enough to czrver
the defalcation.
Mr. A. T. sten-art I. the party "eon who-,
affidavit the publishers of the . /5/e,
were /1.1-rtitti yesterday. He urs mo,„
a fib a istews not liariLeien, libel in the la
Issue Or their paper, a Pen.tiOn artlele
porting to glee the particular. co the 5t01 , ,,
dboOPPeattolte of a Brs.l st reet broker lady recently connected. with the r tam,
Theatre In thin city.
The Retold'. Montreal di-patch say, Tito
Ire bridges on the St. Lawrence beina
at-all points, teas led the cononAnOer, 'or
Mitchell to look after state of the fort., That
at Prescott. has had new guns mounted arni
heavy Arrnstrong gun.s are being placed in tn.
battery at Quebec.
A great quantity of lumber is rinitigtug
hands at Ottawa, that It may go fetal Into th••
United States, while tile treaty is in force .t
Bostonfirm i 3 making terms for the °scrim:fr
of three thousand dar loads before tho Cab of
The firratcPs Toronto snorial says the Ca ns -
dlan tr-ado reviews profess to know that ti,.
United States Government has eon/tante:l to
renew the Reciprocity Treaty, it CR - Oadas
111180 the provisional rin s, , duties to 110.
American standard, admit _certain mangy,
tures tree, and enlarg °the canal., the I - 5151 .1
Slates bearing
_part of the r encase,. Ti,e
whole matter to be arrangeal by the respective
Legishatitres without a treaty.
C.tptain S. S. Smith, easconfedemte oniner,
under arrest at Toronto on a eharae of rot. ,
bing an old man of four thoo.oul dollar.. in
LiniteaL Statesporlds, at .Windeur, where Smith
_keeps a hotel.
AlneiPnt iTetiettia ('i ty DiAcuri erect
Arse Yout, Jauttaey 21.—A letter tram the
city of /1111-21 no says that In order to gassed
against the depreciations of guerrillas Mae:-
Ilian has the unttre road, (rout Vera Unts In
thn eapital, patented hy n rntiltary pollee, and
though the toter hi not c ere nutnernu., it
said tom:lever the purpose very veil
convention he maintained that President
Joluasou and it,. are, by posttlon, as a- all aa hr
Interest, natural allies. 111, help.. me, sa 1.1
the Emperor, I will help him, and we ntll
raise this Continent to such a degree of pros
perity and greatness that at alien soon it..
able to dictate to the rest of the • orhi, Gag-
Mad included.
The erplortng party scut by Maxilan tn
the intermr of Mexico, found In the midst
• large forest, the ruins of a city bunt long
before the time of Cortes. This city Is or
considerable extent' baring It -I 'streets paved
with poltabedstone.. Atany due specimens of
architecture were dlscovered.
Later South _American ad elecathat
communication had been sent from Preaddnat
Lopez, of Paraguay, to General littre, leader
of the Argentine forees, which Wax generally
aupposed to contain proposals for cc -satinet
tar between Paraguay on one aide, and Brazil
the Argentine Confesferat lon an.' Uruguay o
the other, though some snal,f‘et It aLihe
a trick of Loper to obtain Information of the
mnsuments of the allies.
The land force. of the latter wen, still press
Mg after the retreating Para4llll,`llian. and oth
ers reported that their advance had reached
Prina. Five steaniera of the Brandt:an fleet hatl
pushed at. the river nearly to Corrientes On
the Vat of Norembes atinf-ewiscaimementi for
of acne-
scene of action.
The London Times of December =Us, in as
article on flounces, urges the English Unseen
meat to abandon tee pine for poYtng the
National debt in four hundred years,and
American clews. It uiys the United Stale..
Government believe., it run liquidate it• debt
and It 'seriously talks of doing no, not to four
hundred year.. but In thirty years. Shottlii
the United Spot, dud themselves clear at debt
at the end of this centuev, and should ire, .m
the contrary.find thus be ye only low - en-Soul
debt by nelmhty lallll.OllA, 11. ' , Atli scrim
hundred and thirty million pounds, the con
trast will not/ only be shameful but dangerous
in the event of mtest between the old and
ne.CutintrT. The former will start with n f BALMORAL SKIRTS,
heavy burden Of debt, proved to be inepo„,yibi,,
Of parment, and the latter willatertelearfilto- I to Wool
.111,1 opened at WILLIMI sFatri.r:S e
getber. That IA a question which trill be fully
discussed In American public opinion and
feeling. We mht. be able to stand reproach, eze
hard as we have ig been upon American repnea- LINENS,
tore, hut we shall not 1m able to prevent Amer
leans thinking themselven va.tly richer and . wrw.l.,3ll.Empf,E4;
strongeri and better than ourelyes and then.
fere more likely to come out of a fresh
OfecLF.ShiET—WOODS—On Atondat, Septesine
it, 1885, at the residence of the cranl . 4trr.. T
, itla d Ult4 NL AV . eoetag . ity, B.IH , LIEL ~AIE,N Y.
170LSTT11P—On 2T01? IDOYDIDft. tat& ost..
ANNA I..EN A REITELt, only daughter of C. an.l L
Better; and wife of Otto 17015telit, years.
Da filen& of the funny are respectfully lur lied
:to attend her ftuaerat. [runt the relidvnee or her fa-
Vier. on Spring illll, on MONDAY, January at
o'clock, P. r. Carriage. will tear. Sauanann D.
SlAitt street, at Plsi o'clock.
EINEING OIL, 6.u.r w.. 7 urn EX *ELI
N 0.130 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Ps.
Tools warranted made of the very best SL WU
Well borers riaradalled at
Mincrvvioat i1Da.01.11.1..z13346191,
With lath article. as are accessary to cond.,:
MMus, viz:
z p . ATVIET73;
WAIFS, (641 S
, WinAC/DS,
ASI.Y I - 11 . 71,`5•
AD or which I have coo iataly to store. odlcava
R. S. Xaltlo.llV3r, •
Nu. =Ohio Strect, Alleabene
Particular attention Invited to his Patented Im
Lossam and Joints, made of J ttolatta
U. h., and Moor iron. In standard' stoeil a t
numbered,. that puts eau be ordered by tallier
tolexraph, and tbend • perfect at at all tltoca. • .
e also bunt. ropes, beting. crust/, te
these who may wt. It. Engines and es achrnovrorl
made to order. Orders by mall promtly attended to.
Lam prepared to grant lteenpres to other ma¢ufietu•
torero for these Improsemente on liberal terms.. Moo
U dt %Val 0.
No. Go marturtum errrsnUMß:
Lettcrlniat all kind. exreuted prampllY a.d ..114
unanrpasetal elegance.
Beanallail Show Card, on enameled paper et
Won, and tint Kin n, on slate ms.lo Ornc
sent to a .
_pall rts of Ina country..
CO antle
Plete r. rtal Matsui executed IA Wear 'Vita.,
H".O Moth's Clone with retard to darahlilty
harmony or color, and nestocu of nabr,,
AT All work at reason rote ratro. ,
TILLIABI g. anowx,
(Late of the ana of lisowx 6 3(0n60w.)
North Eaateorner of Third extCyllarkel. Street.,
M llll . ls .CtUre4 6r XX net Ohms. 'There Chtmet.7;
the tuteetled for the Sat damn, battles partatt
eau equally, taut eorpolzsiriprl&rteky4.
ag ilhett Pitt Ole!, Werkr, Wl:Varan
Staritzfactarcr of
R U. LECki
PI 7 . 71711 rr
' - lf , t, anl fl. -'_
T. t.. ~.~ 1 . .r
•Iff: 7114120. T FIE UTIFT-I.
XIV TFiE ~., i
lion Ton Skating ilnlmorabi,
U,1,,. N-b,.
The; are s trr is, 01 and
Gentlemen will always End 2
Splendid assortment of
Custom Made
FRIA4'n CALF 800T5.2
I o .1, 9 61k4-11 at this
Xo. GO Fifth Street.
T1f.,1:6.1.ND DOL./AU:A
Sir • '‘
NIL ISt;lf'S. CLAIM/11Ni*
MI••• 1.11 , 4 I ..lritg
.KI'N %ND CLAYI-111:Kw
AT 1.)",14T1T A
ilt , Tik`.l- •
At A Vl:FAervpgris -
I 119 USP:
H. iStIMCIE el!, QO.,
OEVALLA. elb capc2-,
11/11( STRYKr.
rik - nt STILEET,
Opposite the Opera sous.
1 ka/1 1..•% opectel at WILLLS.AL 5E.311.1.E.5.
so-.. ratt..ra- tqww.4 W1LL1.4.13.1. SEMPLX.I.
npenrd 3r W!LLIAM tirITPLk,
A./ate, optturit at IVILLI.OI SEMPI.II,4
An widths. Just openedz WILLIA.3I SEMPLE'S%
rAW - The attention of the trwle L I rite./
above guqta. .o atock is ertnialeie. 4 j t := ul'
".3:.l•;";`glricE:YlT'lr="Na ,•`°'
Annual Clearing-Oat Sale
Mr 1:41E1 G1C>=,
Hosiery and Glorex,
V Ell Ctit:A/
Embroideries of .171 Kinds,
Woolen Goods,
such x, Hood,
wan - LOW.
Ladies' A' Gents' Undergarments
ALAl:qu> D"w.N.
"" I "
_ .
.74 and 80,..narket fitreet,
CARP Eirs, SOIL cLopiEs„ . B .zs
ikIWAILL.mrs irroita
s 7. Fourth Street.
Mosaic and — Aixtoinster Ruvil
Embroidered Piano Ewers,
Nrinxecr-mw ica.ococar-es,
i° 3 A. 4 deserlptlcut of easpeu.
itEDI;CTI IrMiemornlr
c:lAL.xtm.Ewo,' =
Prparnory to ta?rtnit t nu; Attinal %Tett% ys
rialiarTAT: ga'4lolirraimas
aplect ogiti az-Lai/Iva
Oirpets. /loot Oil Cloths, Illadow-Stuurft
arldl4 c 43- 0 1 1tallis f -OM
7 +. l ces. Tasßgls, ImaPs an 4 ::,
Pemm.OT FSliaaar iertßh at
1101 - SS tt.
•v w i::cs ... n. ct D.
h 1, .0/ ron
1 f ILI -