The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 20, 1866, Image 4

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    ,9 iVittoburgb 6agette:
Death Seems of the Modern
Her Arrest and Commitment.
The Trial and Verdict
Her Condfict White In ;Prison
She , Conftsses Her Guilt
2rl t e • sheriffs Office Bfattgeti
Scarcely had. the public time to breathe
freely after the s aturouncoment of the Boyd , s
'tiggSfit Wert another, more startling in
its details was thruSt,tiS In this case the vie
thm was a arOman, mad -the perpetrator was a
woman. Ontlialtithol43l 3 llU-St l l ls 4 3 tr. James
VaratherS earidiefirriplaint before Hay - or Low.
ry . Charging Mrs. HarthaGrinder with larceny.
This wee a mere blind, ne the - mil:MI : will show.
°terse GrialependhieWHe Martha were at
this time 'residing inq pull} two story ,briek
Yens on Ginins - alley, near river &Ventre, near
• - the , ELand.:street - Bridge. Grinder had
beate figOOdeliartteter;and WtO,' meted for her
' sooisbtlity and klndaess of heart. Her hus.
band wasp. laboring man amidellicient ixtforee
Of character and intelligence. For Several
months, an unusual number of deaths hrid oc
curred to her house, but it was not suspected
that foul means had been employetl. The sad
den sickness of numbers who had eaten at
Mrs. Grinder's table aelength awakenict ens
- piston. and a subsequent investigation of facts
led to the Conclusion that she had been in the
' babit for some iionths of admMisteringpolsou
Among others residing near Sirs. Grinder's
• was a young man by the came of James S.
Caruthers, formerly from New Castle, but at
- time doing business for Mr. James H.
()err, of Allegheny City. He was married to
atlas Mary Ca - reline Phillips, of New Castle.
On the Tan day of last June, Mrs. Caruthers
took supper at. Mrs. Grinder's and Immediate.
ly afterwards was tish.rm seriously ill.- She
. gradually recceered, when her husband took
, .
her totht country. ••
crtilsrettirnAi.4,slrped with "Slre. G. and
was_leanSelf taken 11l I,rt like intinnSr 'as his
wife to Whom he telegraphed to return.. lie
:iemearartr, nvtletscentilltlLoartaLiahoog
tilion ill. Mrs. Grinder paid' r
frequent vlsitS, paying her every niteation,
and carrying her delicacies, until the Ist day
of August. upon eldch day she died in tena
ble agony.
.the 151.11 of Angu4, Yr.'. Amanda John
, 604, 40. I , fe of 31r. James, r. 3i.';l t th e n r :on of nace
ny, 1.21 'Ahem at bad gon eto
board, having taken sapper with grinder,
-wsusrapereploind was at Sirs. Grinder's house
' for slit al dayv in a very critical condithani.
..r4gr r tar. `47,,iTh".&.r
nation.of ether ripseS.,nraused Mr. Caruthers
and , Jae drtelmineff to make , information
tgletsuttlor=3C sikti;v:crttltry7-oilligr•gt;
Mg. 0 -e house
for p
e e was arrt
_ "and 'Linea for' Several hours antil research
could he made A-number of artieles belong
, to.lir.s.
were found in her honse.
num.beinata. , ages of drugs and other a
- • deafer:Odin her hmme were taken possession
of and,pinced An the hands of Dr. Watts for
chemical analysis.
Abect this time 0010 4 number of persons
rementbeeedro hat - 0_ been taken sick after.
partaing of food et Grinder's. A Mass
Jeanie Buchanan had been talt , on sick' at her
' house and died, and circumstances pointed to
• 80% Grinder as her murderess. An old lady
by-,the ~naman of Gallagher, a Hr.- Grinder,
- brotherot - hey hustrauttp au- infant child of
yarn, Grinder; and the - Mild of v.:women who
-,, CoMer?freen Cineinnati settrelt of her
." - boisbanfl—these raw wei .fe among the many
whoutit.COuldlyetemonbered ha,i died after
partaking Of the fatal hospitalities of airs.
-. L ONA ; 11211.... tlinO the report et Mrs. G
'. multiplied. The be_ gus baby Luse,
- *tiff rimixt - tprorged murder of Mr, MuyoOkh.
- 16r4FltbeMARettm -fire... yet frt,h in the
• • ...otrultltlplect open horrors. A-1110t a..
- 4 '-eingiiformen.srlsonrutcanottor was raided
_ stood aghast-r;,;aand rn p t
rer:...ngr inTotirlflo a n made again.t her
by 331 - . Lanitscrs, and also .one Sir- John
her with an attempt CO WU his
wife, were read toner on the 53th of August,
11 at which time slie.was only under arrest for
litree_ner. , .. She exhibited a g.reat. deal of r
prise, and denied the aecusaiion from bee
sing to end. In default of the bail. she
committed to fall, to await further de. e
gltnrstieriolv or Booms.
Ottl Art„.mst,.CoratimEitattanon es
juzned thebody of 31Iss Jennie - If. Duelist Ilan
in the presence of several gnntlemen emu
• were empannelled to net as a Coroners jury.
and ts portion of the abdomen was taken out,
and peseed in the Lands of pr. Wntn,
ritiecciaml analysis. The nest day, the Coroner
OCteeededloltiew Castle seith a jury, and the
renlattk bt Caredliertt were`taken np, and
ealioy-tictnaarthe stomach given to Dr. Wnth
for eoltytte - TtietrelitagtOrtof the °hem
ist-discoVeredpobo2 tit both bodies, antimony
beliWbeAl&loyjinc,Agent need by tbbi mod
ern Tu. rlle - TattVr ettee. ar=riti,
1.17.,1. COMSLITM VAT.
I'lle - Coroner t s Jury in theca," of Mr,..
, ihr" - -Tut4linteatreintlo4 theirlahori on the eth day
l• :rtlleiVaCtrleinkare...Tbei,,Verdlat,n44.lle Jury was
• that : WM a
nithers cattle't6 li;er death by
means otpoisons administered .by 31rs. Grind
er. A commitment rna then lodgedilgtatlP.
' r is i
charging heth the murder of ldr,
.2ntb rye
MORE wr corn.
Oa the lath In Corinna's:a - score rumor.,
reached the public. ear. In fact, each day
added to the accumulation of horrors. It was
amid that she had polsoned.a lire. Ilancoce,
wife of a hackArtver, add her Mother, an old
lady named Carr. - also, two children who had
'Mired with her in a honso in thq klfth want ou
O'Hara-street, between Penn and Pike streets;
-also, a young girl named Annie Gold, who had
_ gone to live her. In this younggiriN case, the
"•••• ...r.....-111hsawthsed ',roan Id;roja decoction made from
. s - the burrs of "gytupson' , woceir - ghese devel
e '
op nts were made_irnown to lErw.Orinder,
r saner, mental distress betamo very great.
.•.• __ /She was afraid to may In hay cell alone at
; night, and Mr. white allowed.alemale prison
e - ' ' net° stay with her. •
, ... ..„..arili. snOTtlan Arrsams.
'. On the lath of-September another attempt
... to poisona woman tnmo to light. In 3iayl9ll,
a widow woman by the name of Mrs. .Often
'Parker reecived a remittance or 013.) from her
, husband, who was then /lying in "Chilfornia.
Mrs. Grinder, who was then living to PU.SO6
thull..ol2lfand street, formed the acquaint
ance Of Mrs:Parker, and induced her to visit
-her.. She went to the house, where she cam
, ,• ; - planted of a head ache. and laid -
down and took
" .. a elect). When she awakened, her pocket
f . " yoQk And moneywas gone, and there being no
---.:' person nl4= the. htitevi__lieellir. and Mrs.
• t• rs - Grinder . • she - s uspect Ch -.-of. ,stealing
• 1,, . ...
it. They -Mean.. veM.. • Indignant: at. tho
`,) - r` - ' :::the Insinuation,-osseMig.theirtutteeence.aml
v.e.i. ~ ...proposing - that Alm tett Dellarrtised. Mrs.
.'''" ,_" 'V rather ;Treed to this, and-W n the Dint Of
. .... , 3. I • ••f t',„ starting, when ..M2a...Grind e r told her site
-"---. - ' would attend to It for tier , and Induced her to
• ' rir 0 cOffee which she prepared. After
~, 7,sgita j tAgittitafer.stle woe taxon v e ry IV,
Is fair invariably follow the
- ce: She remained in this
timely tope 6. Mien she managed to
.' ; ...' ~,' /,'l, . c°a .,,,, , --- ,,,5a s, Wmporary absence of Mrs.
' '-. ' ' . Grinder ---- i L ' z." ;nr il litrated suit Oscars Mrs. (I.
oe, ~ 1 . t,.. , -
~... 1 120 InV, fOiSall a formidable. s aza d y .
I t
,i ir
! 1 ., 1r ..„.. an ,.... ac q u J.-Wk. or atatathat due.
- - V ' ..1, '''' s nta..tlita. rindeee house she was
- ~,, .• ; an Jett tO warrant, abuse. and abardod wit • .
• o.' ' _being a woman who had . strayed from tbe
, r paths of virtue. t •
' .., -
~. SAXIIEL Cint6mcm!xtitijmo •, ,
On UW)lsl.ll6iiseptehleer the bc,,Ve1€6,14
3 ()rimier was exlitunodo.4ingbeen burled '
'' 0 „ I..,eeeldmrlfb• A. oubsoUrlent analysis emir
that he had died from poison zi..,,,,,,.,,,, e‘ , , ,
':_"...,' i nn, and was home on a furlOugl), durin •
', - which time ho visltgd his brother (~, e ume and
~- • - . *bile there, was pes••• ed- Zofare he dile'd h
: - said to his brother, "She (Martha, tirindevyjult.
. poisoned mo, and Will (301SOn the ithoittlrind-:
s _ ,- - es famtlr.u er Jerembd , Grind_er mid a elumur,
;.4 ..... • :-. 'Airs. Grinder ' ate burled at ~,,,,4
~.., „ 7 , n is be li eved t they all tutu from p0t,,0„,,
?„.,.,4 ~, swain* th is woman. - .l.frs:Alltba ~ tr
'" 2- ,,." : - --- "-' • " Of ilfeGr der-family-and three or A:
, 7 ''.
- - ''' /*MAWS chilaren - vreretaken Stew after a visit
*.... , 5 . . ....,,.- .. - ,to,Mta. G. , e;lnd a dirstilhil, Who had eaten at
it.' cf - - V.' , . cabs Grinder table, alckelted saddled.
...''" . .4 il:1"--' ,,, _ - , ..iiilir, or ISSJIThA GhIADEn.
- • , if . .!,.; • ,', - Tne Grand Jury returneda true bill against
- • l;','sl •' ' . !dm. GriniferfOr the minder of Mary Caroline
• . ' ,i'. .• Caruthers on the lith day of October, and on
Monday the ?Athol October au) Waspnt on trhal:
•••% 3-f -- -.. sor her l Judges hterfhttatna ' St ow e ail ere.
:;....._ ~. ..... :lrod t ep i .iTZ t o eOunsei for
-'.. •„ . L 4,,i,t; :. 2, ..."ga-t„ movii.?..,llei. E., 2.0 c,..11
-, 4 ,,,, ~, -Or theefenae were Thos. - 1L: Marshall, M.A.,.
',i • ';.:.', .1011_0, .0,". S. Pearson, and Mr, Flonflten,
~..... u. mOn being ,arralloied, the Indietmentyrne.
4x•1,.. - 46 her, and the usual questioalymnr se, ply - '
'.---... . *- -- ':' , .ip" -
.calitinbriet.gligY.N,haVinaVA pat to eV ,
n..etk Otelts'nWw4e,./am not galtoilo
/3hettrellOss will yeah e tried!
. ~ . . it/I ving-4 , 7 04 at Fay 19=10
8104.1515/14,130 TVA SVEY.
Mr. Matabari Mated in a motion for eontion.
sure, that he felt satisfied that an impartial
trial could not be girds her at that time, In
consequence of public eMmor, and the extra
ordinary pabliCation that had been made. lie
tad been assailed In the street. and asked how
be dared to appear for the defense. tits motion
was oremded. Notwithstanding, she had a
right to ['Mileage peremptorily twenty of the
panel Jurors, and as many more
,19 as she could
see legal canoe for, yet a e lary Obtained,
accepted and sworn by ti teen minutes before
five o'clock' tlie. same day the trial was com
xne„d. urors were culled of
w-hich f j
nineteen were challenged f or ra , ,,,„
twenty-three peremptorily, and twelve tweet,
The case was opened to the jury about five
o'clock that-afternoon, by District Attorney
Kirkpatrick. The court room wit crowded to
excess. About three O'clock in the afternoon
a peculiar noise, like the click of a pistol was
heard in the lobby, which created antic a sen
sation. The Court desired the tip staves to
ascertain the cane Of it;but they failed to sue
cecd. The Court reminded the liners of the
g reat importahee of th ,, e ,, ea , :?,.and
e of t a lg tie llia. 7
gc=ati l tr.V7hlilf . past '' ' fl P vl3 l ; &art .7-
Journed. • -
The seemul - day's preceedings commenced
with the exainiaation Of Mr. James McCune,
and uncle by Marriage of Mr. Caruthers. HIS
examination was sery brief, and Mr. Caru
thers .was called to testify to the identity
t h at h body which had been exttunsed,as being
h of Mr, Caruthetn, after which CorOner
Clawson testified to the effeet that he bad held
the inquest. • Dr. Otto Wuth then testified
that he had analyzed the stomach of Mrs. Ca
ruthers, and that he found antimony and ar- .
sonic In it. 11 tons theretialnisturaMy. Dr.
Henry Pembertpn and Prof. B. C. Jillson, who
were present, and assisted in the analyda,
both testifisd to the Sarin tlikag, Tile IMAM
der of the day was spent in the exabilnatioß
of Mr. James. S. Caruthers, the husband of the
murdered wenian. Ms testimony went to
bLow that during the illness of his wife—he
eing ill at the same time—everything Mrs.
Grinder gave her made her worse, and in
creased her -agony, while on the contrary,
what others gave her would relieve her. Due
log the entire time, Mrs. Grinder was very
Officious, getting ten, coffee, milk, veal soup,
crackers and delicacies, and apparently show
ing the utmost Interest in, and desire to alle
viate the torments of the sufferer. But strange
to say every act of kindness only brought
with i t additional torment, while at last; after
having suffered the most awful torments,
reaching for the ball of fire which she ,said
was on her tongue, and rolling in agony,
death came to her relief. •
Tiro third day the examination of Mr. Can
was still suffering frornthe effects
of polson—was resumed, at' the close of which
Drs. McCook, Sr. and' Jr., Doi. Irish, Herron,
1 Mahon, Ring, Rogers and Brown testified to
material points in the case, how much arsenic
and antimony will kill, de. In the essamdna
tionofother witnesses, testimony wasadductd
to show who bad made the weal soup,- and the
effect It had exercised upon those who ate
of it.
The fourth day sheared that Mrs. Grinder
was getting impatient. She wanted to get rid
of some of the friends who were waiting upon
Mrs. Caruthers. She was not pleased besaattse
Mrs. Smith prepared a cup Of tea for Mrs. Car- I
others. - She foretells Mrs. Carnther's death,
and about the time it would take place; and.
and after the death Of firs. C. she makes press
eats erf.sOme of the deceived property
to others.' The veal sOuleisthrown - outiand a
dog that cats it ispolsoned. The evidence is
of too recent date to make more than a brief
mention of It: At althea manatee -after four,
on the 53 h day of October, the Commonwealth
closed the case. Tbedefeasethad ne evidence
to offer- The jury were neat addressed by Mr.
Miller for the prosecution, followed by Mr.
Jones first, and afterwards by Mr. Marshall
for the defense, the elosin .g argument being
reserved for Mr. Kirkpatrick.
Theillith and last day was an eventful One
to the prisoner. She appeared to be greatly
depressed in spirits, and the stoical Lederer.
cure that had been observable during the
trial had entirely disappeared. It was on this
day that any meet ion ot insanity was made for
the first time. Mr. Marshall in his argument
Introduced the mutter by sayinC , r if the jury
should believe that the defers t, Martha
Grinder ' did administer poison to the -de
ceased. Airs. Caruthers, and that she died of
the poison so administered. yet if the jury
should believe that the defendant was con
trolled by an insane impulse which the could
not resist, the is not gurity of murder."
Ile furtherd.hl, that it Mes. Grinder was guil
ty of the charge, she must be regarded a a
moral' uneasier, not .ssiscisible for her arts,
and underlie nneontrollahle impulse.
Judge Sterrett, in his charge to the jury, re
ferred to the same subj ect as follow.:
"If the prisoner administered the poison and
thereby tainted the death of Mrs. Caruthers,
she La answerable for the net, unless, at the
time of doing so, shes insane—nu to
suchen extent as to blin d her to the nature
unit eonsequenees of her moral duty, and to
"destroy her perreption of right and wrong. If
she was 'Tisane to this extent. she would not
be amenable to the criminal law."
Tide law is Mat whether insenrity be general °,
partial ll In bat De co great as to control thew - 111
of its subject and take from her the freedom
cif moral action. There lsa species of insanity
that nes been sometimes recognized. consist
ing of an iremistsble inelluntlon to kill or
commit some other particular offense. The
doctrine glitch aelthou ledge this mania is
very dangerous in its relations, and eatd be
recosmized sonlv in the eleares; cases. It
ought to be sliOwn to be habitual, and II
should be confined Within tbeStrieteVt limits
If juries *ere to allow it as a general mo.
tire, its recognition could destroy so
dal order as well as personal safoty-
To establish it as a justilleatiord{in any par.
Gelder ease. it is necessary to show.
by clear proof, its marteroporaueous existence—'
evinced by present circumstances, or the ex.
}Siena.: of a very habitual tendency devel
oped-in previous eases—becoming in ' itself a
-Settled natnee. The proof of insanity
is` on the party alleging it, What evi
alexece of insanity is there in this ease t
The prisoner Icon offered nonvat all, and where
are we to look for - it In the testimony of the
Commonwealth 1 The whole testy one Is for
your Consideration on this as we I as other
questions Of facts involved in the -me
-.lf you Should acquit the p er on the •
ground of Insanity, It will be n essary Cur
you to so express It in your verdie ."
The jury then retirmf, but. tuned o agree up
on a verdict that night—tea bean for con vie-
tinu, rind two for acquittal on t a ground of
insanity.; This we leave. recent( _understood
was the ease. although at the tt it was. re-.
-ported thatthe two differed f the other
ten, on this ground that the body f theorems°
sons not mule out—the crapes, ice, 1.9 t h e
lavers have it, was net 'estableheirt.
On Saturday, the oith day of October, it ham
Mgt t enitnernmeed that the - j nr) \ ind agreed
upon a verdict, the prisoner Wileb rought into
Court.- elm sheered - no slam of viernars or
nrostration, but walked' with a low. atintly
tread. When the verdict of "Gui ty" acts an
nounced, she received It with up arentiy the
11 - freest indifference and was as unmoral us
any spectator. Toying with the fringe of her
shawl, she presented the spectacle of a woman
alike teeth pie Of pity, fear or remorse. Sire
was remanded back to jail arallens ended the
trial of Martha Grinder—the molt rertmrkaide
and exciting in the history of the country.
RESTE,Ce: or Sr:. 0111.30=fx.
on Saturday, November 4th. Mrs. Grinder
hronght into Court nod plarej in the'
doek, preparatory' to receiving her sentence,
tot for some reason or other, the Jnilgcs post.
pimeil It, awl she was taken back to jail. On
the 'nth of the same month:she was agate
brought into Court. tier face was deWny.pale
.homing that her mental entrerinmi must bare
been great. When asked if she had anything
to say why the sentence of the law shOnlit not
be passed upon her, she replied, "1 hare noths
tug to say. I am notavaity, that is all I hare
to say.” Tho Court then pronounced sentence
against her, after which she said, while the.
tears were conrsinCdown her cline/ as
'•I have only to go the bar of God; it La the
only place I hate to go to, to show my inno
cence. If it had not been for Mrs. Caruthers
getting things from others than from me, and
Crolltholie hat itte from my borne, I would not
have been suffering here Jas 1 Ma. Mr. C. want
ed to take a girl up In) stairs, and the trOuble
grew out of that. They then tried to separate
me awl my husband, and did all they could to
do so. Mrs. Caruthers 11 16 , a One woman the
was a good woman and a dear woman• Mary
wnsan honor toll.: Caruthers' family.
Invent Mrs, Caruthers as I did my own life,
and Just for that—there the prisoner again
mime overcome and wept -bitterly,' f can't
express illy feelings. Mrs. CarutherS Was too
good a TrOlUall over to go under the n a me of
Curotherr. She was an honor to the Janine
she was too gOOll for him.
The prisoner uttered one or two incoheren
and unmeaning espressions, and became seat
ed. After the lapse of a few moments, the
Court ordered her to be remanded, and she
was conducted to her quarters in the prL4on,
Shpported by the Sheriff, and attendeu by
Julfor White and others.
Q/I Tuesday, the Mb day of December, the
death warrant of Martha Grinder arrived ,and
the name morning was read to her. As the
door opened loud wallings were heard within.
She was approached bv her colleen, Mr, Mar
shall, who endeavored to calm her. , She sat
on the side of the bed clinging to his hand,
and after a period of violent weerling, became
Calm, WIMP m ores
warrant MO read As
the spee , utOra were leaving' Lo [ room she
swooned, and fell back upon the bed. Better'
for her had she never gained her conscions•
Since the reception Of her death warrant,
she had suffered intensely. Sometimes the
would appear remarkably cheerful for one un
der her, circumstances, and again would be
very nnich depressed. Do tlui day of the axe.
cation of llarsehall and Freekc, her agony of
mind was terrible, he. antielyatcd her own
doom. She M i
O spent most or the time n re
devotion, and has apparently been pre.
paring a herself for the heal act. During the in.
vtlgtion of tho Board of
P es hysicians - she was perfectly calm . and ..
ecif.pmemed , although - she afterwards'
admitted that she knew' their ma
tive iii visiting her. -liar • last, interview,
with herlittsland was very affecting. - Raising'
her streaming eyes upward, she appealed to
-- Heaven to attest - her Innocence, mad said
- "George, you know that I•am- inzument, and
whatever tho World may, think of me, yrs:twill
aiwaye cherish my =mew won't you, hue.
-pind4^ , fihos-has persisten clung to the as
ertionee hor innocence Mi 11 yesterday wohn
t urea rumored that the had confessed, or was
cOnfessing Le Bev. Mr. lielmes, her spiritual,
' -, • •,-• tow One ?Assn -Tunas DAT Inane.
,The doomed . wonum. spent , the night uOo
th q _bour_Qty three recKl.p..#lllt4 o . IT; 111 : 11 1i11 . 7 1 11;1 3 1 ,
her *lariat tulvisce, D. /tonnes, awn
,ttev.. StAaabangh. , ' Who time ,Was SpOttO In
sliming, prayer. and ,religious converse, and
.nreavaedheraelf tally prepared to meet the fate
*hen the-reverend-gantlet:ma lett her, she ex
nick availed here •',AI about eleven o'clock
' .......Z_' • 'a...VIA 'vs 'lunctt;wati sent - in • - her cell. of
• - Lurn4ra, GrinderDaWoo- freely., When her
atrei gN " -We vi rße re u r ii " i l l e rit ' at i giPlin 7 r l
ACV= Aveloor tt te ll en.ori t gg ap syhen - ste Again
met ' _Lox
.BllBB4 of -tit° flight: previous.
... Arraanaace Ago connACT reAi l •
On being awakened this morning at doyen; '-
Mrs. Grinder quickly axeggea meffew, and AMU.-
' - Partakdng Of IL I l eartr . brealthist, iIVBB 800 U In
prod tamer:maim With her spiritual Ad
re.'jn,erder to.reather pb...1(111 la
-. undetxo. tIM teirlblek ottleal before - 111M0. .
6.0: IdevandLes4 vette wak resent, tOCL1LOO"
- by the arm And4alked- virt her trona •
-t ile step -- watt :Ann, - ntt she aa3ured
'the: Doctor that she would Ascend' the
8811ff6M in gu undaunted Manner. Du•
tJ ' tin - FOO/ILOS 1 14 C nal very
cheerful. ,aact 'errirceraed freely wit h tho s e
around tier. She appeared Derticularlr
Etnzloua about her appearance Oil the ,:eats ml,
and at an early hear ID the morning. even
u idle in converse with the minbdcrs of the
Gospel, was having tier hair oiled and plaited,
awl seemed more ani,lons abont her per.rlnai
appearance than the dread event 40 ,-.011 to
take place
♦ SONG Of rrtAlsv...
At eleven o'clock this morning the solertut
stlllne.s of the prison was broken by the sound
of vocal mustc proceeding from her cell, in
bleb the voice of the condemned woman was
distlnetty beard- °pito ;Lis hour, me one but
those In charge of her spiritual welfare had
been admitted to the cell.
demons Ora CONFERSION.
We Oar° Jaet learned that (lOritig the night
Dr. Holmes sent to tho Warden for pen, iuh
and paper. and it. Ls taimoreil that Xre.
er has made a confession or statement. which
be mad on the scaffold, or handed to the
reporters for publication...-
ShOrtirafter eleven o'clock the spiritlidi
visers.ollllrB.*'6rftder OUR _their; leave, and
her female attendants proceeded'tO, none her
for the dread Ordeal through which she was
=Oath Difea2 She bildo them = affectionate
adieu, Wilding theaCaoteolail being with het
IS lb/Ailing* Our ofiher execution. • •
A. few moments before she was condneted
from her cell to the scaffold, Thos. M. Marshall,
Esq., her counsel, visited her. She was Sitting
on her conch and"teas being pinioned, yet
teemed as calm as though being arrayed for a
a bridal ceremony. "Oh, Ur. Marshall," she
exclaimed, "I am a great, great sinner, hitt
Christ is a great, great Saviour! I would
rather have died a different death, but it is all
'right." She then.. *lade hint an affettleanda
larewelL'• . • .•
3192 sews won Cll7 09 Tea.
Shortly- before the time need for her execu-
Mit, Mrs. Grinder sent to Mrs. White, wife of.
the Warden, for a cup of tea, which she drank
with 'evident satistlyction. at lher same time
expressing her deepest aelmowledgMents for
the.nniform kindness she had received at the
handsof this lady t and ail others Who luul In
any way_had charge of her Eennor4 'wants
during-her confinement.
At One O'clock: Sheriff ..Stewart and Deputy
Sheriff daisy ascended to hervell, Land found
her engaged in prayer with Bev. Holmes and
E.4nsabangh. Atter the conclusion of the de
votional exercises,. the Sheriff entered her ecU,
arotinformedher that hertitne had come. She
expressed herself. ,prepared, and . stood up in
order that she - might have her arias
pinioned. The Sheriff thou left the cell,
followed by Mrs. Grinder, supported by
her Spiritual - actiriSer, , Mr.' Uhlman," and Mr.
Sinsabaugh. • She came down the stairs with lt
firm step and with a smiling countenance,
and looked like anything but a 5T0111411 about
tO be'hailffed. She was (Messed }in a, brown
merino dress, low elipperit, white steed!' gs„.
a white crape collar around her neck, her
bands bare and her hair very neatly
dressed: As shee came in sight of the
Instrument of • death, her eyes took it In
withAs rapid gianee, and immediately cast
them down again. Sbe ascended the steps,
took a seat in the chair,co/d fora few moments
leas engaged in earnest convetion with
Mr. Holmee. She then shook hand, with him,
and turninttO Mr,,Marshall, shook him by the
hp 'at . 41 gnalgilfritT eff orts 1 2. h, etyrik .
nod of the bead expressed herself icadv, nor
• feet or e
bound, and she was aisisted
to heefeet. Daring the entire time the Is-mid
' table smile never left her countenance except
when the rope was drawn about her neck
An expressiqu'of deadly fear t lien took the
place of the amilatbr a utoment,..but It soon
returned,and when the cap was drawn, her
eyes were closed, and she W. engaged
in silent prayer, her lips moving,
but ao sound audible. The drop
fell at Just four minutes past one, and she was
struggling attbe end of the rope. As oho fell,
she threwiter_balla up and• seized her cap, bat
directly tiler be•a , me .Cramped - and felt from
her face, one falling alongside of her, and
with the other she, seized the edge of the trap,
which she held for upwanls of a
minute. Ider ", hand then relaxed its
hold Although her straggles continued, and
it was evident that she was p s ying from stran
gulation. Before the dro fell, Dr. Holnies
held her by the hand until he saw the Sheriff
was about to spring the drop. When ho let
she raised botlands tot I. eatt lied,: of prayer,
and Martha Grffider the m untetras Wee Tannrh
ed into eternity. tier body hung the limo re
quired by law, when it was taken down, leered
in a cotton, and handed over to Mr, De rorei or
interment. After the execution, Dr lialtne,
handed tie the 104011412gC010.4114i00.
. Site. tialitoca'seOSTEltitoa.
, rarrft.liß9ll, ,lanuary loth, i ale.
- 'ln flew of my depart - ov, In a few !mars
Worn earth, I went [elm)! that I acknowledge
my guilt, In the clam' of 'MM.' Gam:dime, and
also the ease of Miss Mahatma, Bat lam to.
hocent otallthe other - charge% made against
me In the papera r i'er, poise:ling PessPl , But,
bad aa I have been, I feel that God, for ChrLst'v
rake has forgiven me, and through Ills merry
I hope to find as entrance into heaven. I die
without any hard Peclinv to any one forgiv
log all In hi...power to make me comfortable,
and I prarthathe may - beasilsted his duty
and rewarded for his kindness.
Mr. white ha% also been very kind, and har
treated ire with respect alwaye. May God be
000 ti to him !
If lhadbeenfaltltful to my church dint,.
it would have been different with me now;
but I em thankful that God le va good as to
return to me new that I do try to come hack
to him.
31ARTHI I , ll;niTnin
Witne. , re—.4lA.7loLmte,
.11 cloven minutes aßer the drop ten, her
Ise:ceased toditeat, and life sews extinct. The
bode was suffered tx remain rome fifteen min
utes longer, when Sheriff Stewart detailed
(bur men to remote it and place it In the colitis.
Th e body was xlien calico up, and the iktPe
taken from about the neck, which exhibited
considerable diseolorattim on one side, but
otherwise there were no marks visible.
' the cants.
yrbe body was.then placed - in the coign—a
plain brit neat receptacle, lined with white,
and ornamented with bright !screw
nails, set in diamond-shaped plates.
After that body .wes placed in the collie: the
white eap vas'retuoired, and the features
of the deceased exposed to' view. There was
the same placid appearance of countenance
and pleasant smile playing about her lips.
The lid of Alio coffin was then put on, and the
fonn of 3lrs Grinder was hidden from mortal
view: '
DittnATUEN rarxrxr 'roll NEW CANTLE.
Among these present at the execution wen,
dicssre. Robert M. Allen, Jacob
. hawer,James
hook, Alex. Htebardson and James Phillips,
father of Idea Caruthers, the woman for whose
death by poison rimier, suffered the ex
treme penalty of the law.
riptsoso rstozzT
In addition to those entrusted with the exc.
cutiou—SiterigliteWarf;Dcpiltp. sl Mri tT
Warden White did her aplrlrual adslecre—sr •
notice lion. John IL Kirkpatrick, Thos. 01. '
,Marshall,W.:C. 'Mare-tang, "Bev. Moore, Col.
Sass,. Young; of the Cleric Benner, J. .1. Soil.
enecic, Alderman Butler, nat. Ciallaahcr, Chief
of the Chn•cland Police_ Alderman utrale, and
euzie.elgtity others.
ezezzaa rums - I=r E.ES tat ED.
• .31r.James li...lkagb, of the Philadelphia
Prtas, and J. C. Fitzpatrick of the Now York
Ikm/a were present at the execution, end n 111
doehtless send full reports to the.pmen. which
they respectively rep recent.
Illnnehester Coyneli
Connell met riguvulay evening, Jan. igth
Members present —Me.srs Harper, Park,
Beans, Mothcral, Patterns.. and Borgcss bam
uelConc. -
Minnie, of special siert log of Jan ea to: lgth
were read and approved.
Went lute election ol onniers and -
ng the result :
Clerk of Conned—.lobo C. Harp,.
Itegulator—Wrn. ItellenrE
Borough Treietur er —Th 11. I • led
• Borough Nel o,
Borour,ll Printlng—Plttsloirgh fro ;co..
Borough Constable
Street 'Commissioner Isaac et els.t i!.
Tag Collector
Suit Iturpecton—Joseph Allen.
Wharf Master—R. M. Park.
Janitor—Mrs.,Matllda Ilwntee
Board Mensurer-'-.R. nark,
W m" Trininle.
Mr. Barge's announced the following com
Finance—Ales. Patterlion, W. 11. Phelps,
(3.W. Idotherul.
Ordnance—Thos. Ilarper,W.l l . Phelps, Alex,
Streets—W. N, Kirk, C. W. Motheral, Allen
Clot W. • Motiterril, W. 11. Phelps, Thos.
ta er ri
g—Allen Means, C. W. Motberal, W. N.
lifillrOads—W. N. Kirk, Allen Patterson,
Burgess appolated Kirk and Harper a coin
rillttee In charge of Mrs. ti ranger, injured on
chortler street.
,Flrut Tuesd regular meetings. ery month urns
appolattos for
Adjourned. • •
Literatare.—aiesrs John P. Hunt
41P, street, have Just re
ceived their supply of the literary weeklies,
for the week, viz z
The Round Table; The Nottoo; The Bolton
True Flag; The Now York Weekly Magazine;
York.plipper; The World; The ,
.M Trt,
o The Wazezly alagazinei and th e Lithe
tflo,•xteadteris Monthly for February.; ttr
• times lieme 'Magazine, for February; aud also,
Ners7man , a Monthly for rebrUttry.
Aeknowleagoteirt.—Wo tender our than:tip
bathe Conneaut' the borough if Manobestor,
for laming eltmf.od the Garxrrf, U iheir Ofeb.
dal paper, of botheities and all !surrounding
boroughs,- laeh'ufforde most. gratifying
- testimony of -the Dahill: appreciation of the
itforeeter and principlea 01, the parer,
. .
1111aistrsee* Weelelicrie.—Xcesre. John P
Hunt & co.. 510.tieattellall, hale full supWlee os
Harpers ,Illustrated Weekly, Prank Leslie , :
Illuistratcd Newspaper, - National Political Ga
zette, New York 'Weedy, Scotch American
Jouruel; Emily Batorday, Literary Album.
Also; New Turk Weekly /Jerald 'and Weekly
The Inevitable , q:keaLm—"Fretidy. Dow,
ww, locked up last night In.the Allegheny
tombs decidedly :very drunk. In cense.
of the execution to-day ho was
charged. I , reddy te very valuable hand at
thedroveyards but will get drunk. Another
common cause was disposed of.
'Harpers atanthii.— liarporb Monthly
Magazine, for rebruary. has boon placed upon
our tablo Olin W. leitior.k; Fifth strain, op.
. I ,m i tte th e rost.• All latest puha ,
cations aro to be found on his vounter.
-flairpeles Mugs&lnea—This excellent end
ever .wejeutne uumthly for February is - Just
outa-,ltlsprafasoly Illustrated. Fur sale by
JOU r;liuntlit 4:0 AtaßOallt Clth,l3
The Affoiiibliee.—Tallocee nigattne,
'Beadle's, an.q. other raontaltea - fo * *-Fenruare
aro on lanni3,,at taldellfennra,WoL 0 Emu...
Tbe.twor 'of Iles- . Grinder—She fa fur
clibed with Poison, but Declines to
Take ft—Bold Attempts to Induce tiler
to Commit Safefde.
The public expectation ha' been singularly
dint:pointed in re g atil to the manner in whirl.
Mrs! Grinder would meet death, it being t h e
almost universal belief that she would be nen-
Ale to walk or even stand on the day oilier ex
ecution, and would have Nix , carried to the
Scaffold. Another impression generally pre
veiled that she would commit suicide by
poison, or bt revorthm to any other means
a n bin ber power to avoid the ignombeares
death of banging. In this also the public
' have been deceived, as we have been placed
hi possession of (nets dearly proving that she
not only had themeans within her power kir
Committing saleide, but was urged and en
' treated to use them: To these entreaties she
turned a deaf ear, anti persistently refused to
lake her own life._ Time facts are substantially
these: ,
At the October *Ann of the Criminal Court,
eoomannvni=deliary Glenn, slier Mclntyre
was ,
the crime of larceny, and
would have been 'Sentenced to the Peniten
t fiery, but becoming 1111 of typhoid fever, and
' 1 obtaining the sympathy Of Warden White and
, some other partles,she received Wail sentence.
i It being necessary to haves female attendant
In Mrs. Grinder's cell, and Warden White hasi
hig confidence In this woman, site was
I placed in the, cell of the murderess.
Some two or three weeks ago, the
Warden discovered itilthat Marytifetutyre was
. `telegraphing" to some of themen in the low
er ranges of cells (that is, letting letters ox
notes down to them by means of a string, anti
getting answers bank in the same way) and
fearing that them might be something seri
going on, ha irindulded her finveruly for
her conduct. The Warden had always been
fearful that Mrs. Grinder would procure po n
and commit Suleide; and he consequently X
atoned the mostalcepleas vigilance for wee
past. Mary know this, ant' was told to wet
'Mrs: Grinder cloaely. She lately began to in
sinuate that possibly Mrs. Grinder had poison
In the cell, and said that She needed watch
ing. On Wednesday she stated that she
thought Mrs. Grinder "had something." In
the evening of the same; day Warden White
visited her cell, and ornwersed with her en
the subject. Aud here we - may elate, no one
who visited Mrs.Grinderhadas much influence
over her as the Wardenomd no one Who had
access to her was more mteentdor respftted by
her. Ile asked her whethef sill 'would do so
fearful an act when abe replied that she would
not—that sho bad no-desire to ipeitiOn or kill
herself. -The Warden informed her that his
suspicions bad been amused, and taikeil of
removinglier to another pelt. To - this Misty
Mclntyre objected, anti beggedthat they might
be permitted to remain there -at least during
that night. _
Nothing more occurred tmt ilThursday Mere
, Ing, at one o'clock, when the outside Watch
man, Mr. A. Ferguson, heard a: noise in ono of
the cells, and arousing the Warden informed
him that some ono was sick in tote-fonude
apartment. - The Warden hastened at ones to
Mrs. Grindeits'eell, and on entering found her
apparently in a dying condition, lie at once
exclaimed (addressing Mary Mclntyre) "Well,
she has -beaten von- at last r , being
'fully convinced that she had poi
soned herself and was -dying. She lay
:r i ll ° te ci r-
a b t 7.l 4 , n sale t i t irLd-almosLmot r i t e . l a igs n s g .
water ttpon her lace, end e e n avr ira Av is td melee
her. Marg . denied , t shei h:111 taken ir
We Until
ea t at ,tha t7 nt for, anVirtsient r y :
esthetes he was In the Ceti: Ily this time Dire.
Grinder badrevived" and denied hauler
taken anyttilig. - _ - The' Warden desired her
to take . a drink - Of ,eeffee, but elm 4,-
clinetl, as she .had an • aversion to coffee
having once taken an =Latin in it. Ile urgesi
her to drink the coffee,and she stated that she
would, if they would ailleave the cell except
the Warden. When they hey
gone out she
drank the coffee and vomited freely. She
then told the Warder, a most startling story.
, the substance of which is that Mary Manly,
had procured from a vagrant named Meg
Clark, a quantity of morphia a few days he
, fore, andthat ever since the poison was
obtained Mary had been urging her
to commit sUleide—telling her that she should
[ never go oUt tO be hanged, Ind Oegte e, ad
means to try and cheat tile ennews- "
p . c . ralstently declined to take th • Inas ,n, a
DUSTY ads (Wed lirr 10 open_a vein in her arm.
and when she had bled nearly to death die
I (Mary) would give the alarm. and pretmel
that moan-had been ~tone unkann , 11 le her.
These mAtuitatlons were sorteunent and per
ststenttlaut they annoyed her very much On
Thursday between hand I oadoeli a. m_ s idie
' she (Mrs. (jrinder) was sitting reading In the
Bible, Mary got the poison stoat where size
had it hid, and procuring ii spoim was unit to
mix the Lital dose for her. The thought that
she might force her to driulf the drug flashed
upon her inind,and silt ssonned, and it -so
while In this condition that the Warden found
ii,,, he
Wastradteme n d t i d wa n s o t Sed Opbla us l i t b l e
fort ha
element, and he immediately began to
eearch for the Oreg. Mrs. Grinder told him
that Slag Clark brought It In unit gore It to
Mary, and that Mary at first sewed It in a fold
of her petticoat, but fearing that the %Verdes:
might search her and find tton her, she hid it
about the wall. A number Of pictorial papers
had been stuck tip swab:ail the wall, and muter
One of these the poLeon Mee fon iid,consisting of
about jthree grains of morphia, wrapped Is
paper. Mag 'Clark had been in jail :m a charge
of vagrancy,ang had been permitted to attend
on Sirs. Grinder at Mums. - Witten her term en
plred she went Cast, bet after obtaining the
poison she went before a magistrate and
got a commitment on her own -conies
,ion. when she came -, to - the Intl the
Warden was engaged with the. Board, or
silo would not have been let In without hemg
senrehed, as Mrs. White, the Wardens wire,
anspected that she might carry In poison. It
was afterarants proposed to sear her, but
s the had already been to some time, they
not le let her have any 11.CVMS to
Mrs. Grinders cell. When questioned about
the poLmatJlMag said it came out .of the di..
in the jigl, hot Mr. McCandless was
present to give Om lie to this assertion. The
paWarden subsequently learned, through a
rson of of Mug, that the poison had been pur
chased at a drug store. When given to .Mary
Malistyre, it was wrapped In a note. addressed
to Mrs. brinder, in which th e, writer stated
that she wished to save her from hanging,
and this was all she could do for her. The
note was signed "A Friend...
After the above discovery, Mrs. Grinder was
stripped of every article of clothing, by order
of inc Warden, and placed in another cell,
where she remained until taken out fur exe
cution. The altempg .. th induce her to take
pother) were most di lical, and It is suspect
ed that some parties yet behind the scenes
were instrumental in placing the poison Is
her pcsesession.- We are not advlstsino to
whether any prosecntion will be Instituted
against the two parties known to he invitee
We may state that this was not the first at
tempt mute to induce Mrs. Grinder to commit
suicide—poison baying been eoaveyed ore her
on another occasion. We afro re
In possession of the facts, end sr Id refrain
from saying anything further on the ontdeet at
present. .
Warden White deserves great credit fur the
vigilance which he exercised over the con
demned criminals. lie did all that man could
do in order thatthe law might take its course,
and now that the criminals are executed he
ran take that repose which for weeks past fill
responsibilitiCS have prevented him tram
enjoying. Linder the present system of
management, it is simply imposaible to ere:
vent prisoners from obtaining poison, so long
as they hare parties outside who are deter
mined that they shall have It. All that he ran
ibis is to eSerelso constant precaution and
Satehfulness, and Wit ho has done to the bent
of his ability. lie has proved himself trust
worthy in even respect and folly competent
foe the discharge of , his ditties, whieli are
mach more onerotu, than most people imagine.
Persatuil Mention.
We deem the occasion a fitting one t o net n rn
our thanks to Sheriff Stewart, belmtY tole)",
Harden White and Mr. Smith. for the many
nets of coartcny tendered no yesterday. That
their duties were of a painful nature no our.
will doubt, hot each and all of them deserve
especial mention fur the firrn, eourtenus
dignified manner with which they nconitted
themselves. Sheriff Stewart, we feel us•ured„
had the matter been him, all I.lw green
backs that mutt have been piled In his oilier,
would not have tempted htra to put the fatal
rope ilrUllti t/rinderrs neck. hut har
ing been O
elected to the duty
of Sheriff, ha
deemed it his imperativedutrio perform alt
octo made obligatory upon blur by the laws of
the cornmcmwealthi and ill the discharge of
the duties which devolved upon him during
the past ten days, Sheriff Stewart hat merited
the respect and good wishes of all. Slay lie
never have the snte ordeal to pats through
again during his term of oMe j e nor those who
may fulfil the duties of Sheriff after him.
City' Mortality
Dr. Met:odic, Pbyslotan to the Board orb V.lll th,
makes the following report of the death , oc
curring in this city for the n eek ending .Inn
nry 13111, 1360
Males 15 IFemales 91
14bite 181 Colored
The folio king were the (fiIICIVIOS old age, I;
congestion' of brain, 11 hemorrhagO. variewv o
Weer, 11 typhoid fever, 4; COunninption, 2;
bunged by the neck till dead, 4; typhoid fever,
1; diptherla, 11 burn, 1; convulsions, 1; eon
sumutiop '.l; dysentery, 1; effects of drinking'
lye,i; in than of lungs, 1; MlO lO4OO Of
lungs, 1.
Of the AbOMS there were:
Under 1 year From M to 0 0
'From 2to 3. • 4' v to to GO 1
G tole .31 '` 50 to fo 1
t. tot° ....... • ('BlO 100 .• ..... 1
puiE wife vitivEcitii
Corner SheMeld' and Beaver Sts
12Post MaaohoOtor',,Pg►
isonw:m. ^
LADl fytt A ir v i E our l r ll T:W ili gur .
C.AnTa i atStMphrerd . . ICE
Can a1i417-21,1trianar ;t o sidut ,i 2T N
. arart
- • • iOUNII,2I 0 4 1 Mtn - 'iw
dertimrilt W., mar Rtnoat.
FAMILY LARD.•Just received a
P a rL f ie4fa Lg
i u TAT
for raa rgsria.W
iMb . o lool 2s l t C M l t th°
t oe R
fia ) -Ittl tAtrtr ' 4 I
Bankers and Brokeri. -
NO. 75 Fourth Street. Pittsburgh,
l/r•ler• In •11 kluele of Gorertic,ul 1 •• u
Dud Unr.orrr•ol Baal
411 , i llotuent IF. Exclvtua,
Dtpo,ll , ryrritr.lit, Par Yon.t• .1•1 1 , •
tu itarls of tltv Culled 6tate , on uao,c I orate; .•
Only, extenl.l Ith dlepateh In eve. , thin; In
he lonian-eat the Itoetou. York Ptlk...lelphia,
uti I•lttehurgh Broken.' tsonru.etnetlr nil comma,-
Draw nll.l. 11.EWS CO.. New J. roorci.
1.1111.stlelttlila; 11. rEtt-
IINS:: Lio-tcon.
~A : - ~1~ 4:: ~
COIQEOTEDET 11001360 . 3, Y. CLEAN A to
Fuluas Jun. 19, kind
Oreeed. Asked.
ICC 00 -
10. 50
. 99 75 U n ,
g 7-
137 00 -
60 Tr
30 00 tin no
- I. 00
51 Zs)
S. IfNita
M. S. &Vs,
P. S. I , W,
17. 8. 10404 1
t!. R. Celli/le - ate.
Allegheny Conlity Fives
• Connells+lllo 8eret........
Lawrence County Sixes.
Monongahela Insurance.
Cash Insurance
Allegheny Valley It. It IS On
Conitellsllllo li. B. Sleek 10 m
Connellsville R. IL nondistere.d f.
CitikeiteCNittional Bank 83 Oa
Exchange National Bunk....
N. & M. National Bank 57 at
Peoples National Think 105 On
Bank of Pittsburgh 58 00
Fourth National Batik. Ili .0
Third National Bank .-..
Columbia Oil
Monongahela hut igatlon
V. S. Telegraph t. 0
Coope Piro Arm. co
Gold In New York at it a.
There la no Material change to note In gold.
a.. it still ranges betweenit.lo and 140, though it
thought that It will go still lost cr. I.overn
intent bonds are in efintinnerd gooa demand.
topecially seven Thirties, and a Idle there I,
no decided change in the rates, the teutiene).
for the present at lea=t, Is tip's - aril.
In cur local sleeks there is but comparat
little doing. Bank shares arc In ice tied,
na holders experience no some tilt' in realle-
extreme rates. Ineurance and Ibillisay
stock• continue dull and neglected, aria the
same remarks will apply to ells. There I. sl 11l
some Inquiry for Columbia, and see have sales
reported to-day id The direetore of
this company have resolved to lecture
d,•nas quarterly hereafter instead of monthly
n, has been the case heretolote. This Is an
excellent move, as It will enable the cOultet ny -
In take advantage of the oil market. It is re
ports that Ore new well belonging to the. Dal
tell Co., has increased to 120 bbl. per day.
-Drexel k Co.'s 'semi-monthly clients, say.
et Mr. Mort - Bra funding bill
"It being now certain that Mr. Stet alloch
ill he granted the necessary authority for
nutting the Matting dept, and the passage °I
Ihe bill at present before CC/rt.:Teas being eon
.ldereel probable, the market is preparing for
the ,tringeacy in money and ills (all In prices.
s Well are expected to accompany ht. motion.
storks mot gold have taiffereil u henry de-
IL l I ne, and - though both have rallied hat
tram the Imrest points to which they were
foreca, the forme- weak at present not:,
thutu, and uppestruneen Indleate another tall
to disposition for arise is manifested and the
market presents the tilitintlul apuenrunee of
ase mane) sad decllaing pricey. This n Ili
I. taken
by Con brobuli gress, and may precede a more mho'
nud serious deeltne In values of all haul; hut
the market appears to Ire effecoul MO, by fear
than by ren -enable precaution. The eharnet
of the eeplug ihtnulttro.l lo Morrill.
ei.diles Soars ililulet‘ thou 111 , eirylOUStltoeto
seem to warrant, and If it imimrently ~ ,,, (en
on the sr r t Oar., ett raonlinary power, nre•
tel , of Ike situation
that In reality the bona-ilde bitsiness interest,
of the Count, v have little to fear from eral
measures. as - he may at Present be able I,
a.lopt. Any moven:teal toa - arth coot ruction
TAlrte, be vies.' with satlgthet ton be the roan
tt yat lance, and most for , a long time, tic sc
gradual that the. Influences can !Nara.]
or principally. to speculator, 'I he pit,
gc tit the MI/ In its present form Ix some
Ma doubtful, and although no lurk of eon
hienee in the secretary felt c pressed
,ti. believed that no action Will be Sunellotun
will linz.nol Sire e tlinonde Ilanneinl re
—We take thelfullow Mg in r.-ferenee to Ile
NfOrrill'• thinner. blll from tn . ,- ben I'.,k
'The radical bear, are hat dineuu, cited
by the opposition s bleb Is being developeni
In Mr Ilorrill'irucw finance bill, the passage
ei which they discounted ai far as possible
last week. Their secret belief in that even
congress passed it in lint Original form the
Secretary of the Treasury would be unable to
a vail hireneif of an authority to any material
e steel coast:fleetly with the interests of the
country', but they openly Say he would sego
tiate foreign loans to an Immensenroonnt,
a ithdraw the currency from Circulation and
some apeAlle payment., bankrupting the
financial and mercantile community of course
in the ordeal, but earning anlntttry effect
upon the country. The absurdity of this in ap
parent enough, but that grave apprehensions
have he,n aroused by some of the provision.
of the bill in certain. its most objectionable
feature is that creating ti distiftetly forstiml
'dock, the intereat Of width L to be paid !elite
coin of the country where It happens to be
bold. Thus the Treasury Department would
require to hare agencies In Leyland, enlace,
tierinany, and . possibly the kingdom of Slam
and the empire of Japan, to disburse this in
terest. At the same time, too, the forelin
market which is now open to our bonds woo d
he shut off by this competition (or foreign fa
vor, and possible areturn of the old bond, in
ne,nd. This lasi in the elite( danger attending
our debt, briny Largely held abiorati for It mar
at some time happen that we shall be drained
of Our ptold to pay fOr these bends, and it to a
settled fact that the more our public debt is
heldat home, and connerimmtly the lean it 1.1
held abroad, the safer and the better tt L , . We
obaerio that the question of the constitution
ality of the government dealing in foreign ex
change has been mesed among Inentliens or
I engross, and It is clear that there is nothing
In the constitution outfit:wising such a omen.
ilore.and practically It would be prodnotlTO
of far snort evil then It nou/d pusslbly be of
good, Ire:sides placing on in a dependent atti
tude toward , countries whose hontility
wards the United States was but 111-oencealed
dP,ring the whole course of the rebellion. A
foreign loan Is, boa ever, on purely financial
grOlitida, to he cOndent Oed, and Mr. Viet alloeti
will probably recognise this I lee of the case,
New 'York 'Tribuni• nays , •
"It is generally assumed In Wall •t. that the
foreign Clam. , u ill lac struck out of Mr. MO oh
loch.. loan bill, and that no inducements will
_he given to European capital intim um_rof con
venient receipt of Interent. If the hill is payed
allow log the insue.of to-roar nib per cent wad
bearing Dotal., there will
be no lack of Euro
petro or dominate buyer. In btrgn runonnts.
The country Detain a security su Itsthle for
pertnitnant inve•tMents, for, strange an it May
out of aa,9lu,neo of Federal debt, and the
entire Mat of Mall Way mortgage*, there It
nothing in WIIICh to employ trust funds. et•
cep( for my .hurt perhatn An aboollite
eni bloat at per cent in all obligation lota
a bleb the fnecrotney of the Treasury ran rea
dily tio.ctirrency Icht oolntaloling
and all the gold-beat log imnits frilling do ,
orb, to pal. 111,4 the noon', he -at- 11 , 01 It ir
11.4. "
Pork Parking In the Neal.
Tbn ( Ine In nati Priee mot of I Ito I:1
...I. ...our Ittforntat ton a. tt, 111 t
otullt, of hog- pil. kt•ti lii Itttettur 11011i,„1111
.77=61. n 1 u... 0, . pork Ong nr. thr
mono op Irmo n•unal• of florrnKposulen , .1. in
iifli•rc.n 14 , t oto .rnnnn ry Gtl. In 1 , 11,
•••Ilnr r • 11 , • Md. I• 1 t•••%. I l• nd
I ov6vlv; %UN
/1111101 A, 21 lost 30,AVy
Oblo, 18 ow W.. 1.3.1Z3
1001 atln, It!Low wt.
)11Nr•Our1.0.1 Le.ta In
Totals. 1:11,93t Sts, - 1S; ;s7o,hor,
Now, by adding the. probable 'wk. log at
Louisville, this city and Chicago to the atm, e
mituutte for this Real.oll, and the total pack lug
at the places glum last 111.:14011, there a ill 1,,.
furnished apevcty aevumte bast.. 11]1013 111 , 11
in make an mtlntate of the final result.
Total part,,l,
I:ntimate parking at thii plar.
Warn abort., this ream"
Clnehanntl.. . .
Detail this year ett,433
This Ia equal to over 33 per cot+ There to
nothing to lead VII to suppose that there will
be any inereaso or decrease at the places yet
to hear from to essentiolly change thin ratio,
and If this will:not vary, then the whole num.
Ler packed will hardly exceed 1,E00,000 hogs.
There will be an Increase in their weight,
however, equal to twenty per cent, we think,
which would make the crop equal to about
I,Hoomoo hoga. alionnarasult, may reduce the
delleletley from thin estimate, buttl it seems to
us now pretty clearly that the crop in pounds
will not exceed two million hogs of the tome
average of that of 1841,5.
• Wo would again repent what we did last Oc
tober, that Rork le ItOt a luxury that will by
consumed without regard to price, tad phut
no matter how scarce it may be, the kcilvatual
who speetillttestU lt, atcates Waive It [consum
ing point, may And too late that he paid tc
dear for his whistle.
Finance and Trade in New York.
• • IN sw•Yeax, January 1:346.
ltatlway Ppcculatlonin opened heavily this
morning. Upon hoard, there was more press
sure to sell, and the weakest stocks wore Erie,
Pittsburgh. mut Rock Island. On the stock
exchange, was more steady and
ruttier batter In some respects, with demand
fur stocks generally. Tito stock market of
the second regular board, with the exception
of Pittsburgh, was steady—Pittsburgh fell
from line,,*On the street, to BIN at the sessions,
and afterwards sold no to e 3,4. Dealings ht
this stock,have:very large and formed
the grfttfcsture of the 'market, Tho board
'at the last session', wasEengtoredtri private buS•
MM., anti MUM, open its - door, until atter
hours ter closing business. Money eantLanes
very easy, ot - nyo,tozig per cont. Government
stocks were dull and heavv. on gold bonds,
• but steadyOn Aptes,vitti. & fair demand'
GO Co alld and Silsee
M st s qiet llatieolisnoru sad prak
ii*Ett‘ltt4,l atalttLET
• --
0111 CZ OP THE PA.TI,I:IFtqI is aIT74. I
YFIRAT, Jan 1 , , 1 Stt
The gederhl rcarkets - cont., critter i
IA//, owl the demand lot tire ha I. tz
11.1e4'ii , _ restricted tilitdeed cut. t. t
1) tit,: the mart , 11. rte r ,rt,:c of . ., • . . I.
.• MI6 I,,n t d Wt .11or
tan IN Prime 11 , .1 Wl,•At onal
11. 1 . 1 g.d 2-5111 c 01 1 rear Nes 3lictiman 1' att.- al
Corn 15 selling in 501511 lot, from 51 ,, re
at 7C67 - 2; sale of I ear Shelled at G. 5 Oat, com
ing pretty freely, but there no change as set
it prices; sale of 700 bitAbrls tiara ,t ,, re at IC;
also, small sale , . at 50. No movement in live
or Barley.
11.01:11—Is quiet and nom finally unchalkzo.l
s mo lt ,Meg from store at gra for osnug.
and elt1 1 4(310 1 :.', to Winter Wheat brand,
Buckwheat Is du I and
been made to-el at 4t'.. par tat. I:.e
Flour is very . di It but nominally naellan
ged--nn occasam:l =mull sate Irons store at
,60 1 .1 per
l'ltOt 'SION'S— aeon Is inlet end unchanged
—small sales tit 1 to for Shoulders. la for rlea,
and tn toy Sugar Cared llama
kettle rendered lard is quoted at la ; and coml.
try at lieig. Dtelfgell flogs selling at t0t:4311.,-...
cor rot,- to c oo
SE.IndS. ale lor C/Orelleel. fro m
tired hands, at F i t/0; and 6 X./ do do at F. Flan
seed is selling' n arrival nt NO de
mand ahateve for Timothy Seed.
POTATOES—Peruand fair and marlcet steady
but unchanged. regular sales from store tat
b ut
per bh1l: according to quality.
APPLfr...--11ay be quoted Arm at e to 43 per
Lids for prime to choice, in sound condition.
Bt'TT Eft—Goal roues s cry (lull with a supply
largely in excels of the demand, and goat to
prime 11011 mum Iw fair:v quota , 'to in, al
thoughl,l! 1.18 , 11` small stales reported at =fp
I:GUS—Dun but urielianzed—.Vc.
CHEESE—In 'riling at in for Rinul,urgi awl
for Goshen.
__ • .
}lll.l. YEED--Sale of t nor prime White
NI Wettings at 11.55 per rat.
cltANDEnitlE4—Verk - lull lat nominally
unchanged—tam l 5 per ), , t1
OIL--Lard 0111. quoted Il rut n WI a fair de
mend at V for No. 1 and 11 70941,73 for No 1.
11.1 Y—Is dull but unchanged —air. it 111
vles Ot to $lO per ton.
HUM I N quoted of 4;,8
liericr or Tan i'11,5111,1011 1 •
Fat a,r, Jan hi, Ilaa. 5
There a at tome inquiry for both Crude and
liellacil , ter present cTI ac tuture
dells erg, hat buyer, and sellers see wide apart
in their view A and feeltar,p,anit,eoticennently,
e have no operation. of any importance to
oceord. For Crude, we ore cognizant of 20';
having win offered for one thousand barrel. ,
nil refaced, while at the same time, tight
gravities are offered at M. without binding
Layers. Quotations may be fairly given at ti
i. 21, bhp. returned, anal 520126. bids Matadi:di
of 100 111 and 170 tail.. (Ti gravity) at
tibia retarneil. Bowled oil is In demand
both for ',regent anti fat oredenver,,bgt there
1. a A Ifference Of from Gto A rents per gallon
Lets een buyer , and seller., and ns a matter of
vource, trunaactiotic an out of the question.
We are In hopes, however, that hayetn soft be
enabled to advance their figure" somewhat
'thin a few daye.thongh It ntnct he eoufecceil
that the Indication, at present are not very
encouraging. Free Oil 1. dull uud entirely
n. 1,1111,11. tall then ame reinarl, v , ill oppli to
N:114 P•a nd I:CNalUtlal
,`,*-10 to the rittsharo Gazette
4.1 1: -Drill, at 411,774k.e0 for f+priog tiltra.
ty CIA 1f..-Whdlt roOderately active and Ic
lower, nt kl,?-31/1,...M1-; for No. t, and 01 1 0 for NO.
Corn steady, at Cto• for No I, and
Mr rejected. 0.5 , uto , q , 000 easier at 4s+iq
If" , C for No 'I, and tte for No '2'. 12yr neglected
Harley more tudlve. at fur It) No. 2 and alerk,
for sample 101-.
Wood( -.Nominal, at 62.17152,15.
rkov mica! , -Weaker 3lmet York deellned
salve of 1,4:01 Md. at 4•31, 2 e4C17. 50 . Bulk
litmta In fair demand, at Ile for rough Side,,
and lit! II aye for ttlotolden front line. and blFc.,e
paektol from ltreaqed Hog , . §lrCut Nettled
H a m, nominal, at Ettgliab Meat,
quiet; .tale. of :VI boiett at ktltie for Cumber
land. lard quiet and rallirr; .11,0( WO tierVe,
at 178111.:c fur Steam, and 17': . :c for Kettle
Dna,laso !loos —Dull and riffNe lower, at
a10,:za11,55, 1 g weak at 0.111,75, receipt.,
lave hour—lleceirpl. 6rr.17. .hippelzurop;
market deellne.ll2 , „:, nut,. nt
Bwer lallre—NloOprately truce, al .51,50$
Money Walter , mach an gel' E nge at par
lb{ tAutpr,,,lll. >CHI
P6TROI.F.U: 4I %T 04304 t( NEW YORK.
special DC-witch to We tern Press.
rw l oAL. January 19, Its.Z.
The Petroleum Stock market to-day was
.; oar active anti a large business 11 - 10 1.111219.
noted. Mutt priced shares were generally
strong, and many stooks' selling below Ave
dollars were better. There was an increased
demand on Mining Btocks, and there was a
Otarp rise on some good chores. gales of Pes
t r edessin Stocks were made at the following,
rates: limancholl 13,10; Rynd Earns, 93;
Empire City, 45; First National, 4,65; tlermania,
23; Bum lifeClintiiick, 3,1.4. Northern Light, 593.
till Creek, 1,65, Palmer, 4,504 Pithole Creek,
I t,so; Clintock, 1,73; Brooklyn, 33: Adamantine
en; Commonwealth, 30; tleydrick.4s; Buchanan
Farm, 75; Bruttley, 45; Shade River.3.oo: C oiled
Itrvevort, 7,111.
epee sal ftuzpatch to the rittsburgh t,azette.
Clsers,,n, January 19, 1 , ,t4;.
l• an," 1.0, A—Dull, unsettled and lower; Mc,.
lark generally held at 3-t9,50(M7j; sale, not
well known; New city brands, irr.l,l - .4323,tr0 and
rtt,so. Clear Bides, Wife Sugar-cured Hams ,
all pocked. Bulk Meat. dull and lower;
-ale, of Shoulder+ , at Ill•;e; Sides, Clear
hlde, td,c. Breen Meats; weather too but fur
tran,"ltiuk, with Inomlnal prices; shoulder.,
7' r;
. •
nnd nominal prieel, at
gm.... 611(1 , 11;01.1 0 A (or Li"... and ado,
({II,OD (or rocvspt%. In pen , . 1,-.9n.
Special Diwatch to W astern Pre , ...
N cm" lona, Jon IIArY 19, laa,;.
Tbr Pr* rolrom market, still r o u ti ne , ~
rttaltny dull awl lamvy, at .13tAaSto for I rude.
and :xl.lPar tot Itednedin Bond. 'No cal,
or. ..'stn 411.1Q1e . 41 IT I,ll , kiwn o Iha
I WV- geitcl , llo Yr 1010111 tiecldeti
-Ind! ?war,. illl4i 10a. I•lwur, and
team,...! , 47,N007,a1 for
r,.tut E 11.olv Ohio .
Trum U. murk.d
. A .1‘a.1.. . ,tate and We%ter“
~., li,-,11 t 11111,( id onunon grade,
tlt Wally tower. ttarattide C,S. tt
ulet. Itarlal doll Barley Malt quiet Corn
lull and u tower, dt by unactata •
:41.3 0 , , for count! Mixed cvtcra In ~taro and
lellverval. (tut- liarsand lower at
for unsound NV stern ; Stler37..? for :aloud
Western. •
to , r.. i la.!.
ti 1,3110 Itki,&ll.l
36,.5.1+ o,i to
W, I 14,3:10
NY oot—Flrm.
Pl:Trott' a—Dull,tl 6-o I.
33-,ic for rode
nmig.kle fOr Refined in bond.
Gnockaum—Coffee more active. Molasses
Orin 4 14e. ()titan. 11501,2.1 ; Porto Rico 63e:tee.
,ot,mr more active ; Cuba Aluvocrvado 12014.
l'uostaloas—Pnrk lower; r5,a11...e1530 for
N e w mess, closing at g.,1,2,1* for ca:th 0143013
1,00 for Prime, and r.. 3,50 tor Prime Mess; also
5,4:50 barrels Now Mess for January, February
and Moron, sellers' option, at e1,5734030rd.
Beef Market quiet, at .16,c000. ,ou, for Now
Plain ig cg y, and ir4,00Q:40.1 for hew Extrn
Mess. Beef llama tires ; extern 4O@lte. Cut
m ea t s , quiet, at LICILIO for Shoultictra, anti 1.51 i
f 11 7 1,4 for Munn. Bacon quiet, at 113 for Caul
berland cut, and vs. fur bellies. Dressed Hogs
qalet and Mary,. ai 12%12111.50 for Western.
Hosing at 12. 4 01.2.;:ii414‘u for City:. Lard
lower, at Also. t,lsohOls for lettraat7
and arc+, ne Icrle option , at 1801LS.14e.
Bwryan—tlaiet, ut for Intl°, and tt3tin.,
for State.
100,09 D
373,0 M 331.1,61 X)
350,0 M 730,147
1,11;•:20 1,707,13d2
Unseae—Lower, eit 113401'46e.
Philadelphia Yherket
i'IIILADEXPRIA. Jan. ISt—Petroleum i• in bet
ter demuud; Crude .330340 ; Refitted to bond
52‘....115.3t tree 70Q70.
riouriluill Superfine t7.zYttatis; Extra. asfy....
Wheat dull, with a donlininf, icrlettey: Red
42.1501izi5; turd Whito 40..40(1.2..a.
Cora firm; Yolloa Nell!,
Whisky, atl.tallitta.2l.
stooks steady; t Peuusyleantu s', sit; Storm
t anal 78 Reading Railroad Who Pounsylvania
Railroad 54; American Cold I'.ari 2 ; sight Es
change on Now York at par.
New York Stock and Jioney Market.
:SIM YORK, Jan. 19.-111oney easy at 6 per
eent: Sterling dull an heavy at los ; , , Apio , N.
bold Leavy and lower, opening at 138Ndo
dining. to civaing at =S. biovertunent
:docks dull and rather easter. Stocks strong
er; U. S, Ws, 5.60 Coupons, '63, 1.01%V. n. ties, 74
Coupons, 11%.4i V. S. Fe, One Year Lartitkates,
sew issue, 56 , Ni Tres.sury Notes, 7-N's, let
seriCil, Da; New York Central, 033,50 Erie, 00 1 1;
71 LLAsoll,lo.stii Itentling, c / o ”.i Fort Wayne, bat
Michigan nauthern, 11'41 Pittsburgh. A 1 44;
North Western. do, preferred, o 7; licn:k
BA trodona, Jun. 19.—Flour quirt.
.in—whcat emu, with au advancing ten
dency white, a2,Satirt,fie. Coro Ulu ; Bff if at
Me for While; with light augplyt yellow, active;
eaten at Fee. Oata dull.
l'envisions drx. Lard Oil at lac for western.
Sugar dull.
Whisky dna and excited, at V.:,1143 , 1,51 for
' , V Weill,
?falr Soma, Jan. 12.—Pricen of Mining Stocks
bid in Balton 40,111 4 4: CopPer 4 Flol , 4,ls'; frank ,-
Iln s 7; Elanoork,l:4, lele Rapti, ;4; Atnu, 17,
Qv Spey, 65; Bey eUtt , . t.; Weyer,: ,
:art vale: m the el.: , lei tt • a ,
t -uthiant that there v v,.,,
v eat he! 1.• re:tart:o:kt p,r./ a a •• • I• ..
v r nt,a ntl the eloatly eland ,t ~v • ..t i .1 •
It roll d In any Other el •• i,•l , - I•.u
-I,e hat entirely att.:wile° tram the 1 oadiaz,.
aad it• it taPyv iu a gateral roma/tit , . to rr , , , • 0
fretyist BusIne•••• ni it.' landing prOty
nail a gad UC4I vt Ire iatht va. offer-
Tram' w ere II nn the Ire ye 4tr. r•
du> at Cit, :311,1 111, ill 11 . 1 C Al 16STIPII,
nt lanai rein:toted linnet• though
'1 he America, Capt. Golding, leave., Illy do
rid iile w 111001 hitt. , he would has
left hod night, lint hifr freight Si,,. not all soul
dew n lit time ow lag to the ivy c,,ndit ion of tne
%townie. Unlitw ll lent, the.
,L, l tor ot. Lou, , hoot Intl. TI,. 53,10 re,
o.ltrAt ✓'A - 111,1, prevented the .knieric.l troart
going also preverted tier.
rho new Parkereiturf ?lune consisting of t
/kayoed, Capt. Moore, 1' nehe,ter, Capt. shep
herd, end frorc..t City, Capt. ttordon, ,, e
ready to go into operntion, out Will ware re
gularly,ntak Ing IH-weekly trip.. bet. ern here
and Parken.burg. The 11' inehester a a rer. ,
Ruud-owe new aide wheel steamer, and wilt
form a great the old line.
The .7.t evade, Capt. Ernes, b, the nest in tern
for tit. Louie after thetanierica lent c one it
partly Wailed now. ..
The Columbia, Capt.'Porter, will lens r n.• ti
In turn for et. Louis after the Nevada
The Lent Leoti, Capt. Campbell, will lea..
for Cincinnati and Louisville us 900 n as cIIC 1.
loaded which Will probably tie to-tiny.
Tbe Board, Capt. Geo. IL Moore, a ill lear
on Monday for Parkeraburg,.taking the lead
of the now line in the Article,
The ice last evening*as getting pretty well
cleared out, but during the day it .1411.4 Pretty
honey. No arrivals from below the Arsenal.
A number of boats WO on the way eta
from Memphis, from Nashville, from Clew Or
leans, nud from 01110;, , ..T1iey all had to go to
one tide to let theseee pass, but wepresume
Ihry will be dropithlig ie-to-day: The river
v rising all day, tile upper-rivers being
hoot exception 01141le swell. We learn that
the Minot, has been Steadll3 on the ride for
several darn. At Naples on Month's% th e , swell
amounted tofeet,Wnd it wan still increas.
c The behoyier and !aeon were all rtght.
People eta] eroasing on the ice at Giriggroville.
I The tee NEW carried armuy between Naples and
Grigg:it - 111e. McKee'S.Creek bad been on the
rampage.—St. Loofa Democrat.
?1.1 , fork alnrkel
Jan 1:
Balt'Wore Market
Boston Bintng Stocks.
lj“.• I'Lver L4at.tauht. lt: ,
Jo.. 19-1 hlal glass, Baleen ell & cu; 21 b",..
tarsi:l', 160 hirs rye, Kerr ,t Emerv;
I ear 15111 Neb, .1 J 6 bids dry apples, 1.11
1 - wart, 2 dressed hogs, la be eloverseed. Kirk •
pat riek & Herron; s ears jog maul, hibrdsk &
1110 dO, Wood, bons & txrirS.D harm, F Se//vr. 3
lta t. shotilders, J 1-IppincoLL; 150 bgs wheat; J
Liggett; 100 bbls flour,Shomaker & laug; fee
lard bailer.; Iwbbis dour, Lewis ±
CLIETSTAITI, & rt4TROUO.O2 Van. Itoso.—
.1 an. 19-Iso bills dour, W 11 Kirkpatrick d co;
1 lix butter, J Herbert; LS rolls Monier, Geo H
Anderson; 2 ibis tallow W P Back &. cot 4
t: ressed hogs, I. 11 Ybigi A co; 3 pkgs butter, T
Jenkins;kell bgs barley, Spencer McKay; 7
logo lard, Atwell, LecA ro;g4 Bella B
Young; Mdo do, Lemon & W0140;15 do,Dau
b.r, C I 0,0 & Co; 61 tow brims, W Lirthurt; 3 butes
all, Stein & Itro;tls-doz brooms, Watt .t WIl
son; re labia flour, It Robinson ,• 1 ear metal
Nit:nick co; 1 ear wbeut, I).Wallace.
.11.0. 10-19 abs oats, OA flaxseed, 3 kes lard. T
1.../enkins; 50 bills paper, Pittabu;gh 1' per Co;
M boo loob, 15 set tress hoops, 3:Woods:ell; 100
hide., I: Seblems1;10 11- do do, Popp', Baker to;
I ear heat, It Knox& Son.
A Limns:err STATION, Jan ury ears lam
r C C Boyle: 2 earl; wheat, Kennedy & Bro;
S htils T kes butter, B Moore; 100. Mats floor,
stew - art .t Bro; de do, A Martin; 1 ear oats,
,1 W Simpson; M bbl' flour, 9 ears oats,lt Knox
It Son; It dressed hogs, Emeriek co; 34 bales
wool, Childs Sr Semple; 110 pkm. Chairs, Hadley
h'eo; doz brooms, A Enahr; 0 bale, twine,
11 lierwl 7 j.; 10 doe brooms, JiA scott; sks rags
thsiirey b. Clark; hide3,l bbl tailor, P Ague.
ANTED —ADENTS --Ex per 'en
, ccd Canvassers iftsnt..l to ran. the We-l-
I wt NWT,.
bt i"OtTlt Z" "A. 'nu Nt ta N-
C IL N. Ju-t s ett.u. 4. arid far -up. rips to anything
now tw.fore the hnhile.2: W K.sOP
nr, At.
ran Sober
i Industriou. LEI VY-1: hue
ph., awns. Apillat HEYMEE &
.Iy.shtt Nes. rx. athl Wood Arryt.
1866. Searrat 1866
CO3IIII ni ED. .
to pri ng Ibe fulk.• lug tire I -1.1, -,^F,
lA , Illr r Olt (IT 1 4113-11..;
rittsboirgh rrery 31010.3) 101 Tbur-dxy
11 o•etoct., A...
Irbei.nrl7. ercry "Monday etiA fltur.d.ty
a. In.
I.rsarr Plltaburgh erary Tormiay unll PrHai.
1100 a. tu. .•
I.catra Whrellug every Turailsy 'and Friday.
PO) p. m.
trhre, Pittsburgh urrryti'utat,day sod Saturd
at It a. m. • •
Isar 0.6 llllevliazz Wedur.utay and Saturd
at tta.
Is‘sst, Parkersbur47 rt sry Monds) and Thur-day
1.113 S ez Whet-ling t•Sexy Tuesday and Folds,. at 7
t. ewes raria;slitYrit sad Friday. It
it heeling tier. Wettnt end eat u Nay.
eTE a Mital IVI
Leases Parkarstarth every edneada) and saturs
its) llt . tn.
Li u a ser loa heeling Etter) Thurada) . antl Sunday, at
Aleconnections going down are triad,. at Wheeling
and Itellair with tiler:lea - eland and rittaharKh train.
at :UM a. tn. Also. with Mill , of ritt , burgh. Fort
*en, anti Chi a g o Railway, which learea
a la and at Marietta with Marietta and Chr
Handl Italtruad. and with steamera to all taints on
the 3luskingnm River: and at Parkersburg with
tarty Cain on toe Italtintore and 01110 Railroad. and
with Pally Line !steamers to Fioncrny.
Gunton. eons - it:loo[4i Maysville and Cincinnati.
Ii n up trill. connections ant Wade at Dellair
s Ci,eland and Flttstnargh Railroad, I:00 a. rn.
train, 0) which passenger, anise al Cleve end at
. o. tn.. and at Chicago at 7:0)a. lb. next morning.
JAS. COLI,INS fi CO., Agents.
At hitrf-ilt.t. Foot of Wood et..
V. hr r. t relghl will to .ccist.l each day. up to 500
AND ZANE , VILLE.—Thr due nteantei Fr.d: Itt
Cet. C. IL nrrLL. kern for the
ohm, end ei Irrtrrteedtate portaerrry TUESPXYI
at Zancenttle reery FM-
I/Alt . at; am. J.U. UULLINGWOOD, Agent.
°VIKA N.`, pctr •Itlc-n'ttecl
It for ztto•v nut! tall Ictrinettialt• ports
Tut lc 11 - ”1". al. p• krt.
Fog fro lig,b pu rtlu ‘ r I
J. tb, 4,11.1.15 t. WIN - 1M Agt,tt-•
8, AA II 4let,"'
did pm—. Kg,' ninrr
MIMI-NI lAt. A. Me , Aux%
li-n, N. :I e.; DAY, St it. nt.
iva,agor to
I I - I. t, K Agynts.
.• 1.01 11.I.1:. •plun did
. apt ../
I.vase i s2cruialar . ...a:lk. at I I OI For Re tglit or pan.agc apply' on hrd r: to
Jal9 JAM:. oa oAgont.
TITIN I/AY. at I p. m.
Vor filf ight parragr.pors - ort limn!. or to
.1. 19 FLACK S. er)f.r.ISI:ITIHrIt. Agent..
Luut,-ArrElt TILE
Thr 4plcndla 1.5.11 W steam.. .
call. S. EVA&I
Win 10-a• aborn announced.'
For frrlghl or pal , age pp 4 on Mani or to
jalv . FLACK & COLLINtiWOOD. Agent!.
1711.T.F, AltalPllll. 4 AND - I'OlW
rlltLEANt 4 . — The tint steamer
CITIZEN Capt. 30110 IL trinn:
I.ea., for the above and all lultruledlate ports on
sAT ill/AY. =Oh. at 4 P. m. " ,t o ro
b I , 7flll " o SelyinwtoirAgeut..
UTSPEPeLt.--- Dr. - 19trickliutd , s
TONIC • 'a concen-
.. :__
.e.urdfirxraltille it . if t t i t , 4",k) , Mti t
actil3 and Carailnatlro to /C:\
idrengthen the stomach and 1,....., i, .
nen.. syalcin. It Is a cct. ".•
Wilt monody nor PrtPePto• CZI . t in
or Indlicratton. Nei-ons.
Ac id Loss of AppcUt, •
Acity of the Flooath, •
Flatulency and debility. li -
la not aleb - ohollui therefore, 4/ ? 4 0 14 01
particularly sultedfor weak, '. - ,
nervous-aid ily•peptlc per- . .
aorta For sate by all drug
i'',. ev ‘ :n " .4. '" " 1r r E l . " :i t litLETir& CO.,
IiIiSTMICILLAND , B Mellifluous
Ct•eun trautku . 1.
warranted to be the only pre
pa ,
rstlim ittrotrif , to cam
Cooghs, Colds, Hoarsens..,
Asthma, WboopthE, Congh,
Chronic Conyh onautnp-•
1100, Bronchitis and trronp.
Being prepared from Honey
and litany, It 'shoaling, Si:C
oning and expectorating, awl
partleolsrly suitable for all •
affections of the .Thrzat 'and Lunge,! For. sale by
jaraggists ever:abut., - • -
0tt3:44 ..• • . • lIOLT-SALE tiGnatT.
..Dy . hae CUED tho
o u.
sande of the wont coo o f
• . •
BLIND &lite ..1/LEZDI.I:II, C u it
1 1 "ctitOnernata • E.
and effect" • pertly '. •
Dent cure. dteectlf. ' FOR .
ie le "rerouted to cure.
For sale by tarn ru egte re, at
LO con t s per IOW". PI LES
B. F.. FTATCF.ItrO.I 0077 •
Wtrit i talj.". 4ETT.
Pectoral Syrup
Cures Bronchitis
All Diseases of the Lop
b el
inytt< attettlion to SOt of the teo4 eXteel
.eary cures ymy
Pectoral Syrup;
fl rrt It home. vn 1 nay one tu w
.' any j
eW ugreof tae peceonsw hoharebccn enre~L7
Attend to Your Colo.
~,cc of E% r yeac3 . .tandluZ cured b) DC4ke
Prxxsnrea fr. January ti,lltou
De. S cc...rt.—My wife has been afflicted with
bad conch and dlifteulty of breathing for eve..
In e c n i4 cre blob. for
ased -4,Ye`ct,lbp= had
=l u g
editary, and she had been treated by strreral pity
Mans without any relief. In this state of
procured some of your PECTORALCOUUR NMI!
1 nonght, the drat timer a fifty ctlat bottle r : whiehl
!loved be r very mach: I then cAlledged got ads(
bottle, which eared her entirely, slid
we as Saw
crate of the former disease; exee_pt weakness:-
would also elate that I used the meaMine myself I.
cold and eongh. The medicine cured me break!
one doee. I expresis my entire astisfactlon with!
medne, and you Are at liberty-OS eablishtht.
you desire to do eo. WM. WILSON. •
Alderman, Fifth Ward
Prgtfammon, November D i {NI
Dn. NlMS.l3l:—.Allhoegh net advomtteo rap;
edielnee, in e generni, it affords me pleasure IM:
scribable to r commend your PECTORAL lan
As medicine It is well worthy the attention of n
perann who may in any manner be afflicted ve
coughs, colds and hoarseness of any kind, and forr
peculiar qualiflcations for removing all thai dC
geveable ser.astion attending a severe cold.
I have been, more or less in MY Me, affected w:
the ore crest of colds and hoarseness. At times:
throat would become so closed as to prevent
e peakleg &boa e a whisper, aud try taking tenant. -
of the ahoy e Syrup it wou ld relieve me entireD'.
In recommending this medicine. 1 /mot unnesi ,
tingly soy that it Is the 'best remedy I ever Msgr.
purporting to core the above, nOr should any Tarr
be without this remedy for diseases so prevalent.
)'oars, most recPectlhili,
Cashier Citizens' Deposit Dent'
Sytrinix. Ohio, March It.llW.
I have aped Dr. Keyser'. Cough sir up toes '1
cough of se‘ eral Tears Standing, and can cheitrft-,
say it to 1110 beat medicine for the Edirne that:
cv crtuLen. J. W. r
SYRCP.—Dh. ExTEXu—Dear Sir: Excuse tlni dt
army neknowledgbag the excellence of your mt.,
Cough Syrup sooner. I take great pleasure@
tug „is all you say it Is. It knocked thi n.
out of Toy cough. and the worst one I wasevergni
ed with. I have not used more than one-halfot
bottle. and I can and dovish that. all who M . 4110:1" ,
ed would give it ao fair a trial as I have done.
they wilibe proud tunny, "it 151109Utkkgaistllet1ll . :
I would not culler another fetch an attack
consideration,' or at any *Mt. lam coundent I
breathe more *rely than I ever did. I shall alw'.•
aaknowledge • debt of gratitude for - inventing.
eallent a nartrdy. You Art at liberty louse Cif 111::
1.131/I.4sesvml as you think proper.
• . .
Messenger Common Council, Pittsburg 1 3 . 7 ,
X. sin no stmagertotnyikiloWnltlre
all who entertain doubts cart et:Mull me Pe metie r ":
READ TUE EXYgxstr-1 haw '• •
dal:Udder who 4s takenlieir - iisedielnes for a
cough without benelt.ametog theta Ayclott
, Pectoral. I purchased - a.bottla ag
Peetorol Syrup, and before the badttscd half: a
tic cite was rrheved. The •second bottle maid
entirely of her cough. JOHN DARIII,‘ ,
Robinson atreit. AUeglieu
STIWP.—I Live in Peebles o
township, glint . ;
county. 1 had - cough and spirtiag. which e:
meneed about the 4th or, Febretaty Met, and eon ,
nod eight months:- I employed terabest• Moat.
In the country, and my ' , cough Mintinued tuAN:
until early In October. At that time 1 was ...44
to try your Pectoral - Cough Syrup, which
alter I had taken one bottle I was entirely gree
the coughingand spitting. I had despaired of t
getting well., and I think It should be known
(bid vatkable remedy will do for others 'riddle
done in my case. JOKY C. LPPri•EI
Wane": E. 31. %EWA. Peebles townsAL:
. .
PATrea Tcowssate, Apritlt 15
A ICONDERVIJI. CURE.--tiome time aOD az: ,
s w lea c h h hAr c o r l; utine; , = Vr 2 Lil i t . w io lth a ta i Leoe , ,
relatives told that he had taken every
they heard of without. benefit; his
see him ale, mid 311 were confirmed to belief -,
be could not live. I had - about the third ors bt
or your Pectoral syrup, which kgsve and
tlrely cured hits, to the utonleent or all. II .
ak. the ease more remarkable, is the extreasa;: ,
or the mart. be being about eighty can old. , It..
¢¢ doubt the Pettosal sandhi, I t o.
JOIIN IrcGlNl✓l3'
DR. REt nr..R . SPECTOILAL SY - 1113 - 1 . IN =AI'
V il.L.E.—Plessekend tai another supply of your;
has Pectoral Syrup: Almost everybody atonal
has the cold, and are WIWI.; for • 4 Dr.
Pectoral STrult." We Lave to ld gateau bettlei!
past weeks end are slow entirely out. air. 6.64
and 312, alaher, both or Blairsville Pa., Lai
they would not be without It la their . fatrilitel.'i
fact, all
Y who use It onceib llT. wans It again.
ours, sespect
January SO.
• •
• .
FEU'S PECTORAL 131102.—1 t had peek trod'.
Ala, a cough and cold for several wpcks—ste had.
It that I could not sleep. riand the advlsieL arida ,
seriptions from three of the best physicians te
city. whom I could name, but du not do se. i 1 ti
procured • bottle of Your Pectoral BYrath loY.•
cured me entirely.
lblgnedl J. W. rtnlONiift.
No. ?AS Liberty street. Pit isburxk s
JnnuarY nth,
"bTOPTTIATCOMIIING." — "Ifow earn do;
Go to fie sere, on Wood street, and get *bolt;
his Cough Pectoral, and if that don't cure you. s •
ease masts be dormant. indeed" This is • /local
or the colloquy one hears every day in coldeatel
perioperiods of the year. And we can, from &tidal ati
chterfolly center in the adviser's? &day
ton as above, for we Dave tried the "Pee Oral
a most stubborn • case, frith entire success. la
two weekaagowe went to Pittsburgh, with*.
he most distressing, contrary, realise. nriselidel
coughs we ever experienced slues our adventu
this mundane sphere. We coughed steadily an 4.
boriously for one whole week, in hope* ortirtl
out, built was no go. In fact,:it seemed tithe,
have ;improved by practice, and to hue - pegs!
strgugth, poten t,'
e,' Anil ,dlstressitelly by the oil
sloe. In tel sieg e of stele. we coughed our,
to heyeter a, No. PIO MOOG street k preeltred aQ
cent bottle of the "Pectorakt: too it aceardlni
direction and In fortr-elght hours we were nari
of the field s, ,
the enemy having unconditianallyl
rendered, after a brief, bet unequal etuntlet
formidable ad adversary as Keyser's . ounens
Pectoral. —Brorcnreals Otlppsr,
41 , - V,
W'lttisi=ouxaki, riortzVel
pornAcur. 13.121 EDY.
G 0 U
wo 4
A SURE oviti
140 Wood Street, Pittsburgh,"
.1 •
1 prepared and sold b
Prepared awl ■old by
Price, 23 Cents: