THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE 11 113. r ..rSN-nrix ; ED ItirSSELL Eitxr..rf. rr " - , 111. COSTLISUONA., Bust-Ness B.T.c.:Aas.n.. U.E(LISEITDB I" THE GAZEI-78 .4.5.30074270 E 3 No. 86 Firm Sriargr. Pittsburgh. TE113113: MOW:Two' EDrttar. by mall, per Tear. ...... 00 ..L'veNtNo ErurlON. do. 00 }Served by Carriers, 3lonrcrs . r. or Evr.Ntora, pe r week • ..•• .............. . Ith CITY .ITEM Phis!elan's. Preachers and Poet■ Cos Sawyers planers' Soap. Only tkirty lent. a cake. - 1 5awyler's 73arber• soap La atm—layit. Only tart:mita a cake Tor Ealrltains Di Dry Hoods ao to the final closing out sale of Barker Co., 5 Market street. . Sono of Ireland 6110Uld hare the Fenian Pin, to be And only at rittocks, • BirWooda Cheap .at final ealo of Barker & Co., 59 !11 the p., st Die* soak, trday at PlttOcks. FlWived -Cloaks and Shawls. Grostbargnins ut.the closing out sale of Bar tii a, 0,059 Barka streot. Tramp. Alinanne . , "Silks . and Daciaitiocals . Vrkat bargains at the .flnig closing out sale Baraer & Co., 53 Zia:kat arnet. .Pitoet~. kittorks. MI SI/e LEader. Greenbacks al* Good an - exchange for Geld. Pens, Albums, Pocket 4001:6, de,t4Pittock,s. ll=l Mrs. Gen. Lander Itt the theatre ongtonday. Card PhOtographs Of the lady and others at Plttock,s, Vre;entateza are Qoadibut Etolbaek's - are Better. It Will be seen by an adie ' rtisoment In Panther Column that Dr. Rob:mho: Cincinnati, Phi°, .whOSO liitornacif titters and Scandlna. "lan Remedies have achieved a world wide ikenutaHon solely by. Virtue of their Intrinsic 'aid one:piled merits, has sold out his entire busine -to the enterprising limn of Prince, ,Walton '6: Co., who wilt continue the business St the olajitand, Nog. 51, 51, CA and C 2 East tdreet, Cincinnati, Co.sTrewiresis orliabitual Constipation. From these afflictions arise many of the ailings of jean. II We hear daily, people Complain of headache, *lemons debility, etm. and generally the cora ' Valnt - Can be traced to their constipated hob- Its. A xemedy for the cure of this trouble is What they want. Wereconmiend Dr. Boback's , _Sugar , Coated Pills as the best remedy we - allow of.. They .contain no mercury or other • allneral poison and act like a alarm.on the and intest ines. ,Give them atrial. elrainte - says hour-Mutual friend, by Charles Dickens, is •probably the best novel he ever wrote; but the best :mutual frienewe know of Is Haack 's 2ilttertho That fellow's head is level. Flew HIIMACILE, can be cured. How many atatdrefis, nay thousands of the human family allow themselves to safer with nervous and lick headache, when the great sovereign rem adylltoback's Blood fill% can be obtained of litny respectable druggist. "Dvorxrsui.—There is probably no one tits- Cast with which Mankind are alllicted which is 'IS the aoirive 4f mao.6allments as Dyspepsia, WAS It la.' more commonly called soar stem . aell, and thMe is no more ecrtaia.remody than ZObat,k'a ,Stomach Bitters.. Tim Onp llsmantc.—Do not his deceived by . .vorehaslng, lay of the quack nostrums under the mirlotta.names of Bitters. Purchase none Tither butrtr. RobtLek>s Stomach Bitters, which 41ireCOMPomided Of the purest drugs, and in ahleh the afflicted can reply. , . Drarrrata.—Do not suffer with Dyspepsia *hen relief Is so close at band. Twenty thous -and people have•been cured of tins terrible sLesseln the last year by the use of Roback's ftomacli-Sitters. qtanaentirlitereana,—"iltere is maap a trim - Word spoken fri jest," slid agentlMrdni vho remarked that, "Greenbacks are • ;:zraid but lloback's are better." El • Is Minh Worth Hastna.? „l it protect it. It is ajewel'as easily lost ' • its SITU:ie. and in some cases as difficult to re vel-cr. in our climate, and especial . - 17' at this Selman, requires to be Occasionally • telitroired.. But everything depends upon the 'tents: - used thr, this purpose. The medicinal 'tinctures, all °Pence are eared on common al- sonot,.aro dangerous. Quinine, as eVerybody * ends. Ord.4elio takes m nch of It, Is a 810 WpOiS011, 'Ole safe protective from all unhealthy atznos• • ,-pherin haftuenas exists; and one only. This preventive is litistettees Celebrated - Stemach Bitters, a compound of the purest latithuLuits ever manufactured, with the most tffeCtire :tonics, alteratives, regulators and depuraters that chemistry has yet extracted, SrOm the botanlcarkingtiona. Cenvaleseents, languid - and feeble from resent alchness, will: and the Bitten an' Incomparable Restorative, ;lot disagrecble to the taste, mad eminently In- Raioriitine, So other stimulant produces the *ante effect as tbisaccumichte. It does not or- Cite or flutter the treriMl, or occasion any un due arterial action, but at once sootbCs and attrengtheas the nervous system and the ttri lnialtpirit2. Hostetter's Bittern Are sold wholesale and retail at very low rates 4t 'neminfra Drug and Patent Medicine Depot, WO. at Market streat,oorner of the Dian:loud, Dear Fourthistrect. MSG . and Winter Goods. OWltli great pleasure we eall the atten -onefour - readers to the subperb stock and! Anil Winter. Goods just received by Mr. John Velez., Merchant No. JIM Federal /street, Allegheny. ‘lll5 Idea embraces some of the ImOst beautiful Cloths; Cassumeres, Overcoat.. togs and Vestings ever brought to the western market. His assortment of Purnisbing Goods, comprising ;Harts, Drawers, Collars Neck 'Pies, randkereltiele, de., cannot be surpassed scut Or west. A large stock of ready- made Pant Coats, rests' mid Overcoats, will also be found .at his establishment. Persons In want of any Shin in, the clothing line should not rail, to Ire 51e.liticr a call. Lasiiktrig Gas Given Free Dr. C. 8111,246 Peim street, who bas been gi v lug the Nitrous - Oxid Gas for More than t ,rears to the people of Pittsburgh, continues to administer this delightful agent. Ilia rooms Are Crowded every day with- persons delight £d with his success. Teeth arc furnished at hits weildmown and responsible establish- . . . trigtit still*, Arid as high an $lOO jper set. A einerleuved lady astistaiit in al suss In at ten tJaCncc.. . • "'We Bid You Try Coro; it will help you. Con- Olipat one of the causes of 111 health, is nom al/ettly cared by the use of the Cure. All Ms *WU of the :straiaelt and bowels, liko sick . Ilecidael*/teirttnru; irartips, pales or colic, :*re writrolt9l irnltantaricouely by the use 'a Coe's' Dyspepsia Cure. Bole agent for Pitts &Urdu, Joaopti: Fleming, Druggist, No. 84 )iur lot street. Trawllas W. Parry & Co., rractloal alatnlioofera. and Dealers in Amer Caa RAW °tendons Colors. Odic° at Alexan der Latighlin , s near tho Water Works Pitts burgh, ra. Residence, No. 73 Pike street. Or _dere promptly. attended to. All work warrant od nate? woof. Repairing .done at the short. .13et notice.. No charge forrepalra,provlded the Oof is not ALnied otter It la put on. Bfkorepe. There are one hundred distinct nervous lisearses, and there is not ono of them that will ,mot - yield" to . tilts great invig,ortuiDikorene. Why Stiffer the torture of nervous weakness :arts, dry(, Thu BLlcorene give'you instant relief andportuanent strength. Sole agent for' Pittsburgh, Joseph Fleming, Druggist, No. 84 Market street. : Sent by erpresa aay...qrbere. The World and his Wife, • And . grown up ,daughters, arc unanltneaq on title.-point. ..Thty declare unreservedly that Botodent b a Waning to their mouths, that it tsuproves and preserves their teeth, Invigor ates their 101113$ and nweeteni.every breath they draw. Renee they buy It. As Dominic Satup.sen says, the sales are pro4l-giou4. Carpenter .lobblng Shop. Having rettuTied after an absence of three years In the army, I have reopened my shop tor all iorte of jopbing . in the cerpenter 4.t the oldAtAnd,Tligin Allay, between 13mf th. etitet littd Qom -Alley. Orders 50i1:1443d • 4014 promptly attended to. WlLLiAlulonaraT AXE NATIONAL TELEOEAPII INSTITUTE: F. W. Jrninl se, ,i, C. sierra, A. 31., , Principals. ALEX. COWLEY, 3 De Cottege Ben'(ding. Corn Pearl end St. (flair of,. 33 " 3d " ,i. ,i • odd Fettotex But Ankiti FUN id t' _ 'Nu. 3t owl VI St: Mi r si. . Ilnlrals fi r the week ending jannary 2:1, I Rez • . . WSturgeon, Fairview, Erie County, Pa. %W.L.. L. Stevens Meadow Gap, gnat-inviter' an . tg iii. l per .g, _ l i t gilt City • • .1.20, Menalnter, Mt.° e e P r a . MI . i ' a r , 1:7alon RA, N County , ... t Sell, Wellabtirgli.BroolreCo., W. Ta. O. P. lirown, Allegheny CitY, ra• CD. 11. Anderson, East Greenville, Stark ounty-ill/MX • • J.M. Tharp, Wheeling, Chid Co, 0 . • F. Rarainty, Altoona, Blair Co , Pa. G. k'. Bell, " . J. 8. Stoc, Shelby, Riehland Co., 0. H. C. Mentzer. Canton, Stark Co., It. J. C. Wilson, Bavington, Washington Co. Pa. lir. SticeLand. Temeerancerillo, Allegheny Co. S. Bradley, libcenn.„... G. W. Cunningham, New Bawler, Ha Er 1.6011 County, Ohio. J. 8. Graybill, New _Daimler, liarrcon Co, O. J. Gilson, Sandy, Columbli, Co, 0 . 8. L.lPisler, 'rowan do, Bradthrd Co.,C. Pa. W. Schooley, Ilanoserton, Cohnabla Co., 0, 8: A. Carson, .' , D. R. Johnson, Pittsburgh, Pu. 11. lildingv, Warren, Trumbnli Co., 0 W. F. Okey, Woodstield, Monroe Co., 0, J. M. Sturgeon, lairviese, klrieGo,, po, 6. D. Dean, Pittsburgh, Pa. J• M. Kiehl, Todda, Morgan do., 0. For terms and information EDECEETting the College, address Jrttrixt.. Sacra & Cowt. yr, Pittsburgh, Ps. DI Aries The Most Frivortsble Time. Merchants are generally careful In -tura. mg" their stock at certain seasons. The pru dent financier clears his store of stock at des ignated times, even if he has to sacrifice thou rands of dollars by the operation. If this grand secret of business ,was more generally understtiod we Should ha s ve a much less num ber of bankruptcies because the accumulation of stock les sure forerunner of ruin to the merchant. Robinson It Co., GI Market street, bare commenced to clear their sales rooms of the large stock orboots and shoes which has been left over. They must dispose of every pair of boots and shoes in the house, and their prices have been greatly reduced. This is a great sacrifice, as previous to the present elearineo sale this enjoyed the flatte ring rep. utation of being the cheapest shoe house in the West. Our readers will do well to give Joe a cull during the sou t i nuance of this great clearance sale. Lartgliing Gas Givers Free, extract teeth without the slightest pain under this method—'a oltiCh there is no don gerl I fill teeth In the . most approves' man. ner, for which I charge a fair equivalent. I insert artificial teeth, of every description, giving persons the choice of cheap or expert sire, as they may select. I correct all irregnlttritiee of children's teeth. i do all and nothing more than any other lir,t claw dentist eon do. Will too roll and see my ten dollar , AM 1, of teetLt C. St.., Dentist, 24d Penn Street. • CnonarY Neretilmisi Replenishlug to should, hefory purchasing visit 'the ,entablichment .Marker SO Market street, as they hwre hall Lines of Bleached and Bro" - n Zheetinga and Shlrtings, Priutsinsid other staple g6od4 which they are selling at much less than Eastern priees.l • Wholesale Dr 7 Goods.. We have Just opened a fall lino of all the leading makca of Domestic and Staple Dry Goods; to which we Invite the attention of the wholmle trade. Remaniber we are now on the northeast Corner of Fotrith and Market streets. • :C,llassos Love & Dao. Dry floods at Wholesale, The bestidstee to bny.theM, either in the Ens or We Is at Barker & Co.'s al Market, The can be found the best assortment or sheet logs, Shirting., Prints, Mat stuffs and othe staple goods. • Greenback, are Good tut Stri-ArDeilitZke.,--NaSei'lif *el vet or Teeth SW mule-by .Dr.4petteer./V far Prefer able atti - time: Sem - ember tio:DaPerut street, you tbut tv1:01 to exultage. EKaatfue our DO 'sets of teeth. And where to;buy them—;a full freth stochhast opened, on the northeast corner ot Fourth and Market streets. C. Ilansox Lova& Rao. Derr. IbitxHis • At a bargain, on the northeast corner of. Fourth and .11arlret street.. this esti:i n t :a:l ,s e s h G ro o n tl i t i 7 Truth Rsrploat• AN. the rav, yet. I'lttock nella thorn Nee The Leader For a full -ilecouut of LI. Execution All the Dull/e. And Weel,ll.. Pittocio,' Harper For February, LSI PILLorkA. The'Titusville Herald of yesterday has the following statemanfOf the present daily rmo• duction of the principal wells on Pithole : Reclaim F.txx.—Lease No.. ~44, bbLs.; !Cabe 18, 04 bhls.; lease 18'4 250 bhls.; lease 16, 75 bids.; lease 17, 'At bids.; reuse 107. 55 bbls,; lease 110, 400 WA.. t 12 D,P)a)18.j lease 105, al bids.; lease 107,10 Ltd..; lease 10a, 37 bbls.; llarthlll well. lease 4 7, . 370 bids. ; • lease 100 Twin well, No. 1. MitObble.; Twin well, No. 11Xibbla.; lease;4l, tf3 bbls.; United States well, lease 4,50 bbia.; Pool well, lease 54, 400 bbls.; Eatreku, lease 148, (00 141)10,,- !ease a 5, b ib.; leaself7, , &4bbbt; lease 76,65 bbls.; leases 119, 14411 and 15034ipeluslye, 250 bids. Total 3,085 labia.' These ure some or the producing M Pitholo and t.hir reputed prodnetien, but there was never u greater mistake than this moddef calculation. Many of these wells al though when at work really produce the above amounts of oil, but they stop sometimes, for weeks . , both to repair and for other purpos es. M e 'oust al., take it for granted that other% ere over.cstimated by the owners, who think It impolitic to depreciate the_production of their wells. Now the real p ion of these wells is only 0,110 b ar rels. This it has taktm a good deal of trav ouble to ascrt, hut such L dais fack.,We he not been able,., yet tons:certain the real produetion of all the wells In l'lthole, bet in a few days the infor mation will be ready, wlien it will he publish ed. MORE Xtw " STaIGII.,. nr THY. CENTRL—WO lean from Mr. Ifarrts. our correspondent t Petroleum Centre, that three new strkes ha a ev Just been made there. In the largest, on lot rmrie-three, Benneltoff Itun,-.lyers Codington a nd Wm. J. nuncio hold the ooutrolliag truer estd4 each, %rm. Spence, 3-16; J. TnJas. Spence, !,(,; Charles Moore, 145 . titruck esday evening, and flows at the rate of :i.56 barrels per day. The other two are on the Central Petroleum Ccmiipany Farm. The Ten ney well, struck Monday evening, now doing too han - els. Owned principally ky E r /avid Ten n - ey. Messrs. K. Anon. dward Vox nd Si. C. Martin are also de in rs tetusted here an In the Arnold well Just abovedlolng 'Mont EV bar rels. Struck Tuesday. The Mhole Record annouces that on Satur urday last a netv well wen struck on the fats near the Teisiparanee Honey, Which promise. to be a very good one. Almost IMMegliately Ou etrmutencing to, pump, oil wan found , nOti dun. log the twenty four hours following atm pro- duced from forty to fifty bearrehi. Thu foarth nand rock Is found In this locality at an aver age dpth of abt 2 feet., Tntt Ocean We ir ll o at .2e Petrofunni Centre is said to have increased Its flow recently. Fdr the ratntalXitionths wells been rated 1/.1 a three hundred barrel The recant increase w eaned since the strike on No. 27 nearby. It In not attributed to the finding of 01l by the lat. ter,but t shoo blowing out of puratthe front the crevi the third sand rock by the heavy pressure of gas. There Is mina reported an Increa sincese in tin, Dry Hole Well. No I, on lot 163, dratvlng the sucker rods last. Thursday, Prey Jou. to that time she WAs doing about fifty orsixty barrels. Sow she flown from Otte to IWO lulu dred.TE•soxo hart - declined toot 2.2 per barrel for oil (Rim Plthole to Titusville. Three months ago It was 33 pur barrel, but at the present rules there is greater actors! profit to the teamster. Ile can make - the round trip every flay-on the planknroad, and the wear of learns. and wagons Is as nothing compared with their past experience, TIM /dater WO! is pumping about fifty. barrelr. . THiGreat. Weatera on comp.", of Ohio, have wade a flue etrlk.o of luhrlcuting oil, at a depth of ninety-six feet, anon their lanits on took Bonjour mile, from MeConnollsbnrg, Morgan county Ohio. The oil i 3 bald to be of a superior quality. • • Tire Bergen, (Ohlod. Compzuty.'s two. well. are now-produulug about seventy-five larreta of ell per week. One fa a flowing, and the other a. pumping well: The same Conzpany -owns the Coro -.t: Blair well,- on Horse Nock, which is producing about ten barrels daily. 'f.ha was strucliat Stryker, *Ultima county, (]rentOhio, on the: fah' Met: reot excitement i s causid Inconsequence. The night of the LUlz, &rein of gas from the well caught are and -badly singed one man. The well Li 2.0 feet deep. CITY ITEMS IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE DIT Goods C. Ra..11110.1T Natettels . utri Gentlemen, cheap, et I'l,, Olt k On. INTELIMUENCE. zETTE .• • ... _ • VERY LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRA P H FROM WASHINGTON Our - Special pivatches THE .FREEDNEVS -BUM Speech of Senator Trumbull Pith-FlArtCr ICA LE.ttING CITY Wegro Suffrage pill ELIGIBILITY OF JURORS Sim Cobden to Senator Sunnier ES NAVY YARD APPROPERATION:S Eto.. ' Mita.. Etta pecia/ Dispatch to tip. Pittsburgh ire ARAI IVOTON , .1:1 tt t“,r3 IS, DNA ''' PIENATOR incainete Os Inc ecotone:es . - 21 CrEAC. The - fellownig Ls a earefel and correct pb . atract of Senator Trund,nlC% able speech to y day on the bill to enlarge the pease of the Freedmen's Bureau, mitt In reply to Senator Hendricks. Sir. Trumbull said: The iledgn of the Freed. men's Bureau is to care for and protect Ehe riegreti,"nardattOeS 'and others, Ictimait - a re , snit of the war have been - thrown lielpiesson the Government. Tho Bureau ' already exists, and the authority to establLsh it is therefore settled so fur as it can ha by legislative action and the authority to create such Ith a Barest, is in the ;war pow ers conferred by the Constitution upon Con gress in the provision which declare, that the citizens of each State shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States,. and the recently adopted amendment abolishing slavery and eon ferring on Congress authority to enterer the amend ment by appropriate legislation. • .... The exercise of der poses does not termi nate with the mantel of arms, hot eon tion es until peace la completely restored and civil authority firmly reestablished, beyond any reasonable danger of interruption. ' The pet, plc of the rebellious States are still under Mk 4 itary controland the State Governments a /itch hams been set up would be inertantly set aside (elite; undertook to interfere with the mth terry authority. They are allowed to assist la Preserving order. The President still contin ues the privilege of lilt writ of indica, carpus suspended, and the army is constantly exor cising authority in all Insurrectionary states. The Freedtrien'a Bureau ia parr of the tulll - tary eatablishMent;and may; therefOre, ashen ' civil jenedietlem Lacomplitely restored, exer cise in the rebellions States, anymilitary pi, era conferred upon it. The exercise of its psi- dirk! ,owes bi'llmited telthat period ; other powers conferred are based On the Coustitii tiolual amendment, which, in abolishing sla very, abolishes the incidents of slavery. All laws denying to colorrd people, etrll rights, had their origin in slavery, and were enacted in its impport. They mast necessarily (all with slaiery,'lnid Congress, its legislating to i r/htbit slavery, has authority to annul all dis tinctions In sup Pois of it. In the M . comp/lshruent of ' tilt+ great object the departments of the Government can co operate with the President, who it...pledgee in hianacssagegestlic.pglanipleofneelarlag equal Iti l t lellrat r lietitiecifel idllaert. if accomPlislied, a great obstacle to restoration will be rei or,d. The friends of freedom will feel' relieved's:rhea they see all the departments of thoGos'ernmmit harmonizbag and determined at all hazards, to make the colored racy eve. rywhere equal fie-fare the law, The people of the rebellious State§ when they see this deters mination will speedily conform in their own. Isgtslation to what they see is inevitable • 'united arm:Mega and resolutleda are what LS noweatist needed. Slavery peel:shed, it is the true: policy or those antoriglebOttlit .formerly existed to elevate and improve the negro. If MeV will adopt She policy stith tlio same earn clines, they formerly exhibited in debasing and degrading the negro, they will treat with Justice and fairness those among them who arc sand halo been foynl from the begintdog, and 'honestly conform to whit they admit to he inevitable. This Congress will not adjourn until all the States will be acting in full communion, and all[Dimait;amilia of the zurninmnuf life in liar -1.11013i0113 nedard.. /naked of dinpuilaiL about ills,trict questions of reconstruction and bunt ing after points of divergency . , let us set upon then, practical 12101 , 911 res :Ibollt a ll can argue. SENATOR silitsnormos LATE OR RLA TRR 'ln the Senate to.lay, while Mr. Trumbull was speaking on We Freedman's Durenti hill, Mr. Saulsbury interrupted Ittru to nay that, Delaware Was the first State to ratify the Con stiltithan, and tart to abandon It. Ile thanked God that Delaware Os, the lust State to 111041 up Slavery, and lie one of the !ant le give up bin shires. rrrea T-04t rrortit NCIFFP.AOr . t.n TAM n1,1•It If the negro haterx of Wuehington, ff - hoao: rage at the p.a.:ago of the suffrage bill, fa un bounded, carry oat their tit reata, there frill be a fufr chance for northern raputllieta to Invent In real estate In this Diet rfet. Many of the old reattlenta denture they will emigrate a, soon as the bill beeonwea TICE RECI rrtorrrr Then not tho alighteat pronalont) t ha. nhg 4-• 1k 111 extend the reciprocity treat . eyou.l the time limed by lan for an exPlra On JOE Cu ON/ . .TATI TION 4NIVII/TrELL 1 motion Will lie made in the Moat`, to a fen" 1113 s tit:charging the Comm fitter on liecott 7 rnettort from the further mirmidecatitm of he TODD 0.0“... vreilentialm, ittal referring them o the Comm it Inn oa Eleut 10114. If the motion liecendn, mintilar LOORL/TIII , I Win Int prepared to regard to the Arhartaan ihAtta INCIICAnN Or NATIONAL lIAN, clot, I ANION. The Committee Iv Kum Icing and Ca rrunoy, it under.tood.hgaln illtortivor one flirt her in. realm of National bank circulation It. w fill a. IC proposed Iran,(, of thy I. orrttney Ito ran : 1 . - eir 1 orL. 1 1 13 . 0+1,. The Treasury Department resitn, to a res . elution adopted a few day. ago, by t Itu !louse, culling for Information a, to with what States deposits of public maney. were made under the act of June Pra, has prepared a ,tutertiont showing the amounts loaned by the Govern. !neat to the different States. The debt ls, twentpeight million one hundred one thews; and dollars. Non - York It put down as debtor to the amount of upwardsof four million and Pennsylvania and ;Ohio each ut upwards of . two million dollars. The report allitte sent to CO - nits,' in a day or two. nooTmo. In A lton. B o ron Ti Maynard. doted Jununry 15th, In whleh he urges the admission of Tennevsee drlegntfmt.plays. The, rebels of the Whole South flatly grow more bitter and denant, In middle and West Temannsee they are Increasing In lift terns: s • and If the troops ore token away I think Men could not lire la thi+country, TON DlyrnfCT SE01:0 MCVVILAGE BILL, Mr Bubhell, of Ohio, who was abelont sink when the vole was taken ou the Suffrage bill In the Ifouaei thin morning, Inn question of privilege, asked permission to have his vote rcronicd In favor of the bill. This renders the vote of Ohio unanimous on the question. Little doubt Is entertained that the suffrage. Mille ill pion , the Senate by n decided majority, and it is .belleved that in ease it door, the President will Sign It. It Is well known that nine lent. In eon veroatlon wJtli a prominent member of Congress, be declared himself In favor of suffrrigv in the ',notelet. ll=l lion. John P: Sloop ha. Wen ,tprojut,,k ChloL Jiiitfeo of coloiaAo Territory, rice Dcne(llll;removetl. 1;= Senate Judiciary Committee lmve reported a bill providing that uo person shall lin dis qualified loch. upon any grand or petit Jury by reason of having formed or erpreased any uptuiou upon the Matter es cMe to he inbuilt- ted to such Jury, founded_on public/ rumor statements in public Journals or ecntimon no toriety, provided ho be otherwise coalpetent ace. COBOAK TO BLITATO6 fiCX•I4. • • The last English mail brought topertator s umner, as President of the last State.coren thin of IffaSsaelinsettS, a letter from 1114 widow of the into Mellor,/ Cobden, of „which 4 t oi fol lowing is a copy , Ate. Atitdrenwr, Dee. it ISS6. Air DrAr. Ate. Scat Nr.U.—Con behalf 0 Aloysell and children, I beg most kindly to thank you and the members of the Republican &Atte Con vention of Alassoehusetts, for the re nth:do si lo Passed by them , of sympathy with as In our terrlblepterearement. These resoluti are rendered more salualdo by the lett from yourself which accompanied them. t The expressions of fLempathylandeondnlence which hare reached me from public bailee and private 'individuals In your and °thee, coun tries hove been deeply grateful to my stricken heart, for they assure me of wide spread ap preciation of the efforts of my beloved It shand to promote the cause of internatioua . Pros. perity and peace. From dzSerica. they are cspeelally grateful, .!. , for his sympathy with the causenf 1 1berty70 the slave was undoubted and intense, and It was on his way to Parliament - t 0 speak on thr.Cas [ lndian - question in italtetatiOn to the ./ilecterl ran Milol3.,thatdm eontraeted the illness Widcit ended his dear And noble/1k , , s. I'm?: !tki*erc. Ike kindest rentembr4eo Of inyi-elf andvbildren, and believe me to raaialu yours, very sincerely, C. A. Cones,. ATPROPRIATIONB TO Navy rsnosi,.• While the naval apprOprbi , tion bill ia, in the Committee of the Whole today,l6..;AFalb burn moved to strike out the clausevitro prioting 100,010 dollars for the extension the Portsmouth, Navy Ford. Re supported ;WII -son in a stonny , spnech against unneels , Anany aspenclitaren, and the motion prerailed by , dliT-sercn to forty. The rote is taken as an indication that the lions° will alscf reject large appropriations for the I.loston and Nor folk Navy Yards. erttest OF COL. OZISING, fine of the beat speeches of the e,essinti. in the 'louse, a - as that made by Col. Denting, of COnneetlent,lo-dlty; Dottie animus of 'repels. It was elegant and ilnlshed in the highest. de. [tree, and at Its close over fifty tnetahers crowded into the area In front of the ape:Mars te tong - total:de him. _ IiNASYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. SDeclnt P 1.111 1 .11 to the Pittsburgh thszettO. 11A ems rev au, J4ll[lEll7 19; 1886. The Senate was In session to-day. AU OPI. sole of uu nnusal character ooeurrcsl. It Iran the appearance In the Senate chamber' Ofa grandson of the celebrated Indian elder, Colra planter, vho proceeded, through the aid clan interpreter, to represent Ids grierhatees, s„ik- I leg relict from the Commonwealth. We ease waif referred to the Committee : cialius: ' hix. Graham called nip the supplement town act mintating the Allegheny County Prison• and authorizing the erection of a work bong., The 'bill way read and finally passed. The same gentlemen also called op the aot entltlh4 on act to incorporate the Ben Franklin In auranee Company, of Allegheny city. went through the necessary readhsgs, had was finally passed. A bill was Introduced appropriating the lam . or tive hundred dollars to the grandsoffor Complaziter. tt was read and fleetly paw, The Senate then adjourned. The House was not In session la-day. The Union State Central Committee mot• day, and have Issued a call for the Colon hi; publican State Convention, to be hold hereon Wednesday, the 7th day of next Marth. • New rift/ Cent Postal Currency. Decision of 16e Treasury Department STRICT NEUTRALITY TO BE OBSERVED ON THE Rio GRANDE.' Murderer Convicted TWO BURGLARS ARRESTED 33t0.. .lEttca.. Mite • Nair Teas, Jan. IS.—The Teptine'. Washing ton special says: New fifty cent note i.enied yesterday by the Printing Bureau of the Trcase my. Department. The Secretary of the Treasury - will reduce his clerical force from 2,70 to 1.000, and ilieble the pay of the former number among the tat Ser. toloncl Loomis, sperill Treatmry %gel nvestigating the matter of the Gaming.. twenty thousand dollars' worth of Government cotton lit HlMunond last Tuesday. John Humphrey, Collector of * Customs In Hichtnond, to at Washington arranging for a new bonded warehouse In the former city. Goneral Curtis and sW:fee - ail muster out Washington. ht The Herald's Washington Inertial says a case seas recently brought before the Treasury De tnitrtment for declidon of considerable interest to holdersof certificates Of Indebtedness a nit Other government securities. The holder of a thousand dollar certificate mailed it to the department for redemption,, without tilling the blank space, making ft payable to the . order of a partieular person. It was stolen from the mall and sold finally to a party fra Roston. The blank was filled by thin holder, and the certificate forwarded to the Department the second time. Both parties forwarding It for rederimption promptly no tifying the Department, and on its dual an each chanted Its possmsion. The De pertinent held that by neglecting to till the blank, the New Yorker lost possession, and unarms) its posseision tuol payment to the Boston holder. The World's Washington speeinl says the F:renlag Nate states that - the Government will at onre notily our officers on the Rio Grande that strict neutrality inust he preserved. New Your, Jan. I9.—The trial of Gonzales Fernandez for the murder of Otero, was con cluded yesterday Fle was found gull tx of murder In lite tlnd 4legrev, and reinandrsf for sentence. The prisoner has all through the trial preserved nn unmoved and manly ap. h p e ca lo ok e d h O a n g ga th r e d, b et t b e t r aye d the signs l of weakness or fear. burtng MY summing np the counsel for the prosecution now and ,then turned and finas.l liim, and on these (evasions be emed rather an dons, a nil tUrne.t. his - eye sln anot her direetion. When the jury retired he went, attended by Mu. ofileer, to the timer of the uncut House close by the. open W pldutr, and seemed to en- Joy the fresh air. lin said a few words to the °Meer and birdied. Ile understood just a few worts of English So soon us the verdict was declared, It wa a transluttsi to him and then his dark complexion grew a shade paler, but It wits only a motnent and he quick. Iv regained his ortitnary demeanor- Chalet and Letrls lAndour wore arrested, in this city, yesterday, attd sent to Newark, New Jersey, f ur exarninituttlem, on charge of ha, ing Wen concerned In the robbery on the ash of Imt month, of nine thousand dollars worth of Jen clry, front the establishineut of Bald win, in the latter place. Dl'. W. Foster, formerly Soperletendent of the rutted States /sanitary Cernell.loll at tell. ruington, Numb Carolina, and whose address Is box lle, IViltnington Fostoffice, N. C. publishes In the City papers a list of the pa roleilprisonera and discharged sokiMra wh, were last in the steamship Gemmel Lyon. et the tith of March. LATEST FROM MEXICO City Captured by the Juarists NEW FRENCH CORIUM/ ARRIVED President Johuson'N Message Received NI, lons.lan. vent Cruz eorn-seetrdent sends Intelligence of licpubil ean successes of important character. Tobu en. the ancient capital of Mexico and st city of twelve thousand hiluthitants, had been cap t ;nod by the Juarlsts, Utttier NeVUQZ and Near- Shal. Ibizalne, with all the Imperial troops at hand, had •started from 3lcaleo city, to at. tempt to retake the position. /hare is a rumor, apparently well founded, that a couple of rateable el/ver mince have fal len Into the hands Of the J uarlsts. The fighting It, tee ratell o ; llPPearli to have resulted en unfavorably for republicans, but all amounts unitoon thopalnt that Abe pOsition of Max mil lan tea most critical one. The now French commander, Arlllll rat Ohio lot, haa arilved at Vent Craz, and pro&erled at °emit° the city of Mexico to conceit with Marshall Maratha on the subject of the exist- leg relations between the United Staten, Prance sod the Mexime empire": The latest advlces state that he Was-preparing for active President Johnson's message had been re ceived In tile City of Mexico with a feeling of made, that 'war was not to be irantodlately on the Imperial GOVOMILIOCIL: The Vera Cruz papers regard the Outbreak of hoStilitles between the United Mates and France ter inevitable, end only a gnottOfa of time. LATEST FROM EUPOPE. Reform Teasrre in England. A CREAT FIRE IN LONDON Cattle Pl4gue Increatling Pourt.ol,o Sian . 10.—The steamer Nova Scotia, from Liget - post! on the 4th, and Green- Castle on the an, hue arrived here with new, five days Inter. The Mancheste'r market was firm and steady for goods and yarns. Breadstuff, heavytrith a light inquiry, and priees weak. Itakeileld, Nash & Co. and others report flour dull and easier. Merit 'very dull and has partially declined Uttid.per quintal. Corn Inactive, with a slight decline; linitade-cs ad@ teed- Previsions inactive; Blehardson,Spenee & Co., Bigland, &thin & Ce.Juld'others report beef quiet. and steady. Pork quiet and steady-. Bacon heavy and declined letc. Lard dull and easier. Sugar quiet and steady. Coffee inle t/re. Petiolotim quiet at as Ild . London, Jen. 4 . — Breaddarri dull and 'easter. Sugar steady. Coffee quiet and steady. Tea Rem. ConsOlSelOsed at 1nt.443873.4 for Money. Amer ican fitoekS; C. S. l'ive.Twentlea.oso4FAC; 1111- -laliateentral, 7734075; Erie natiroud,an,4:os7. S atterthwalte's Circular of the erecting of the 3d says: Since our last, the market for American sectuntirs has been, as usual at this Onto of the year, very inactive. On higher quotations from New York, ti-Ssci have lm. proved, closing ut 65, , ,(063%; Illinois Central Is now quoted, ex-dividend, at 77%@7N, equiva lent to an advance of N per cent; but Erie, after Onarating 1 per cent, closed flat at 34 un der Last week, or liciyitt37. The tank rate bus Just been adraneety to 5 if cent. Mr. Bright had made another great speech on the Reform question, at Rockdale. Ile ex pressed his belief that Earl Russel had taken up the question of reform with energy thirtyy - ears ago. The meeting adopted a ree f - 'MUM tO Parliament prayhtgSOr the eaten slot, OL the franchise and voting by ballot.— onohe dre west S. Catharines' DO C l L L eadoll, was of the disastrous for years. The loss is estimated as high as .C 400,00) sterling. There is little doubt but that it was Incendiary. The following is a summary of the news by the steamer City of New York, whith has act arrived: The Fenian trials conoluded at Cork On the t.d.' Several more prlsonent were convict tett and 'sentenced. The trials of the remain der were adjourned to the assizes, and many were liberated on bail. John BiNatiarty. and W. Mackey, being alliens,• were atitatttod to ball. Tho Judge told them if they lett' the country they would not be called for trial. These men were cheered through the streets by large crowds. The British retinue returns for 1803 are highly satisfactory. te e theNalave the usual New leati , recep tion diplomatic body . lie expressed his'mpiness that the past yea. had strengt b reed the bonds of pthee and was overy for long day of peace and prosperi the world. Count Invorney, Second Secretary of the French Embassy at Waslaiugton, had .an audi ence with the Emperor. An alliance bets ein France and Austria was spoken of. The bourse was firmer; Rentes 6 4 1' 45C. The new Italian ministry bad been complet ed Enlace the Presidithey of Lamorgath. The Pope received tile congratulations of the French army, on the first Instant. Ile re turned thanks and said It would probably he the :tut time lase fend bestow his blessing on them inn feared the enemies of the church Frenc woildh tr go oOps to Rome after the departu of the . re raTINIT—Tho-T.lnee anticipates that by next Jana-sty the Emperor Napoleon will have nitluirawn hls troops from Mexico and from Rome. -Official returns for the week ending Decent her th , show a largo • Increase in fresh eases of l the cattle - disease --over the previous 'week. The - number seas six thou/arid two hundred sad tiftpsix, and in the last week of December It was serest thousand six hundred ,tand,nlnety-threo. . The ..71n.m , airy article ease: Few persons tioridOubt that the main cause of the present Condition of our money market Is to be found fa a aerie, of unlimited Consignments of goods UpOacrettlt to America. We get no propor- Donate returns In bullion, cotton, wheat or other produce, the receipts being far below Inn. strait or above the usual quantllle9. TDE ADA3IS' EXPRESS ROBBEBI, The Maimaere in Jamaica rialter - Mexican Ne•Ws cw Yana, Jen. 19.—The examination of t be pante. arrested for the robbery of Adam. Es press will commence to-morrow. Ex :Judge Stuart, of this city, and Mr. WilNon. of Ccm neeticut, are engaged for the prbextern. The Company It we employed the halt counsel of the State to act With the District Attorney to pm:mouth'', the offenders. The toss fit the, late fire at Lowell, Otis a Etta,sucho- ID now said to he fully n million of dollars. The pro pert quarter of a y was insuredus lar.. for two hundred and seventeen thoand dol- Wheeler W. Deforest, no Old and prominent merchant of ibis city , :lied this morning, The counterfeit _stamp case was continued before the United States Court today. The Lastirnony In the case was concluded, and the parties are to submit the point on Tutrislay next. Letters from Kingston, Jame X.., say, in the late disturbances the urgroes killed thirteen persons white the government to return shot or hanged two thousand one linnalred and for ty. Ilosides the, there was u largo number killed by marines and soldiers In the Interior of whom no report lamarle. A letter from Vern Cruz. says it is notierst4xxl and credited thorn that the French and other Imperial troops Will be withdrawn from the several States now °retuned In part by them, and concentrated at the City of Mexico, Lois Potosi. and Orizaba The States of SonOrn, , lnaloa, Durango, ChOmatta, and ono or two others, are to ho eractistial immediately. On the Partite nide, Mazatlan, old one other port will only be hold. The French authorities are constantly sending large sums of tuoncytont of the country In sptsle to rfatice. The newspaper,Of Vern Crur, has been °facially prohibited - Crain publishing correspondenee . Rent to it from the United S tates, rolatingto idealism shay affairs. On tho Meld paper Is ulloWed to publish anything about the thatter. Rear" Robbery to the Street• of lie York — Exatoteattost of the Aflame Int penal Itobberw. NCR Yuan, Jon. o.—Thle morning Jame. rarrony, oung man In the o the rmerr an y d Citizens Nations{ em Bapnkloy of f Wit liantsburg, Wu.• despatched to thin city with .11,01 V In Treasury notes , and 87,000 In cheeks for exchange lu the Park Rank. After leaving the ferry boat, and while .potting through William street, Semen). was Bopped bv two men In a butchers fart, one of whom Inefaittly Jumped to the pavement anti struck hint auto., the fare with it pistol, knocking hint doe n and snatching the Treasury notes. life 1 , ..11ant [lumped Into Lite cart • anti drove awn). and hall not yet been arretaoti. Th e flizeutt hunk offer $l,Olll reward for th e rovorq Of the money. I)n Thursday the two men. Ane tbd tot Trk t in tool Thomas Clark,teho robbed the Adman Express beVerall Oaya ago, were brought be fore the Superior Court ut Bridgeport, on bcneh warrant, itntl put to plead on a charge of grund lemony. They plead not guilty, and were each required to give bonds In On snot of lea,ooofor their appearance before the guperlor Court, for trial at some future ace dim. They failed to fled hondeuen, and were comnatted to Jail to await their trial, which probably take place at the Marsh term of Court. Prevention of Whinky Prautla. .1 Washington letter to the itoeton Troarllrr Wrya: "The efficient system now carried out at ashington has resulted in the detection of many Trends upon the Internal revenue, es pecially in the distilling business, and- means hove been lately adopted to prevent their re eurreure There I 9 a ease now penning of a whisky distilling gm in Illinois, who are charged with (rand upon the gnvernment this extent of three-quarters or a on which they 'chili to settle by acknowl cdfing ludelitcduees tho extent of half a ml lion. Thin, however, the government de cline to accept. In Order to atop theta frauds In whisky trade a plan has been adopted of placmge government agent in each distillery, who will keep an exact account of every bushel orgraln plot Into the mash tub, and have other means of ascertaining the amount of liquor manufac tured. Some of these agents have already been appointed, and instructions will be is sued for their guidaneo within a feW Isel.ler ?Mot—General Nweeuer. A 4. diem". NEW Tone, Jan. tu.—The Fortress Monroe eorreepondent of the lith,Her. Wm. C. Rlcalt,pa•dor of Dlnivlddle M0[11'0(11,4 Church In Port/mouth, was probably fatally shot. The supposed assaselu leg negro nano) John Matt. The steamer Henry rhauneer, from Asplu., wall, Is coming up with Culleornla malls board. ou Ir , ratcr. Toronto dispatch says S.reen) ndilres,i, promlalug ho4tages fa r Lilo Fenhula eouvloted In Ireland, hell renewed the fear* of is Peithin In VII.IOII 111 , 11.51011 of Canada. The Toronto Lender pronilAiN Sweeny a hal to If he mine, Within Canadian Jo rlatinq um. t i a' , Wo puller iinuerte that the VOillUtenni Inquired badly when called out for dui) d' Wing a recent Penman !Tare at Yre,Cott. 'Suicide or the ape lab Agit:Wind IretreJa. ICOw T yorte, Jan. Ill; he Lima Cutnerrio,' speaking of the suleide of the Spaulsh any* that on the afternoon of the fatal dayjrarept had conic upon deck after dinner well, with his oftleert. shot revolver in his 'hand; with which his,„ two birds on the wing. Ho then went down to his cabin, from whore, shortly afterward, a &hot -was heard. On somebody rushing lu the Ad. nilral Was found dead, And on the table a let ter, in whialt it is stated' Poroja said that, as the Commander of the Covadingahad aot had courage enough to do his duty, so he. (ParaJa,/ had not enough to surrive the disgrace of his tag, and finished with tho wish that Ids body Wight AO; 1 1 / Chillan vrAtergi XL‘llth CONGREt4S-FIRST SESSIuIV nwearsoron•, Ja11111317 19, 13,A. SENATE. Mt W tholl Offered II hill to re:4[lot the fees of soldiers, claim agents to ten dollars, and to rolnkb, by tine and imprisonment, the ext. , ' tins, of a larger -mu, under any circumstances, which eas referred to the Military Com mittee. Mr. Sumner presented the petitiop of the citizens of the District of Columbia, asking for I the abolition of all Isev of distinction on ac ' count of eo/or hich "as referred to the Com mittee on the District of COlnmhin. Mr. Doolittle, of Iti'lseonstrt, presented the credentials of Wm. blare/it, senator "feet from the State of Florida, a hich a ern orate red to lie upon the table. At one O'clock the bill to enlarge ta r era of the Freedinentajlureau teas taken 0 , yiendeicks, of /ethane, took the Me don ' t . ta opposition to the measure. Mr. Ram.sey, of Minnesota,_introluccd a bill, which was referred to the Military Comm._ al on, for relief of certain officers of the colored ! troops, for service, between the date of appointment and muster-in, giving them pay. Mr. Lane. Of Indiana, called up the bin to re lation_to the pension agencies, giving the up.. pointing power of pension agents to the Pres!. dent, instead of,as at present, to the Secretary Of the Interior, andjil:ing to the President aLso the right of denn ng pension districts. Pending the eonnide Mon of the &novo s,,t, ject, the Morning hour expired, and the Chair announced that the ball to enlarge the power of the Freedmen'', Bu, was In order, and this bill ryas according op. Mr. nendrieks,of Indian, spoke at length In opposition to the measure. air. Trumbull replied that the - tincaticm w. taken on the amendment confirming titles to lands under General Shorman'a ewer. Pl i ed at Savannah, for three years Instead of re original. The amendment wile subject Pending the consideration of thehe Senate mourned. The House went into flOrSl.l. a Committee of the Whole on the appropriation bill, and struck out the appropriation of aIOO,OOD for the Pur chase of leavers Island, adjoinin g the ' Pottsmouth nary yard. The bill as laid aside. The Rouse proceeded to the discussion of the President's annual Message • Mr. Deming, of Connecticut, said he would senora as a condition prelim Mary to re-admbs elan, First—That the Government shall be ttb solutely protected from the repetition of re bellion by the insertion of a provision in the organic law. Second—The freedmen shall be secured In absolute equality with the hites, b efore civ and criminal late, and be en do wed with ever y political right necessary to maintain their liberty. Third—Tina pletethe piddlepro credit shall Le p levied comly us it be oraic law, and as that there shall hr ut., can repudi by atio g n n of ' the public debt. Fourth—There must be protection from to v at Ma direct or indirect, for the payment or the rebel debt, and Fifth—An amendmint to the eonstitnt lon, as proposed by Mr. Bingham, giving Congres. the power to make all the taws necessary and proper to secure to all persons In every state Mornroteetion to life, liberty and property. Morn t itan tills wc 'night reasonably demand, but not a Jot less ran we receive. filar. Smith, of Kentucky, mild in reply go , it was Impossible train the eharneter of our , ernment, to withdraw a state from the onion, as the South attempted. No one was more op ts:teed to treason and rebellion, with all the accompanying horrors than himself, and he was fully Impressed wish the conviction then vi e should teach all men that treason 14 a crime and must be print...lied. There were In the South large numbers of men, who never atandoned their love of the Unloo and their devotion le the flag. Whatever number of curb elm's., whether large or small, in the Southern Status, they were entitled to the protectien of the Government, and he and 1. t. glad re assert were freed their now p omroteca ted, nd their sects religious and political rights under 'the Constitution. ile argued that the southern States are States for all practical purposes, and part and parcel of the nation's life. Secession being; wrong, and 11 violation of the Constitution, it seem, strane that any Man, especially a priblie man, shou ld maintain the position that they are out of tne Cramn. Before he concluded the Commit tee rose and the house adjourned till Eimaday. From Mouth Americo. Niur Tong, Jan: 19.—The Henry Chauncey. (tom Aspinwall brought V. ,00 , 00 . 1 In siuude.— The Sucramentosalled on the 9th for Sun Irtut elsco, With the Chauncey's Outward passengers. and 'wren hundred United fitate eaalry. which were transported from New Orlea r ns to As rowan on the steamer McClellan. The Isthmus was quiet. The dry NCO-4:lllhas not In. The President elect of Columbia is I•ceted daily from Europe In the new war steamer Colmnbia. Copper not yet advanced All alit fn Pero. The tufted States Minister of %pia, noti fied the government, on Instructions from trashingtcm, that the United States cannot accede to the nets lave In regard to the emu ditiou and rights of foreters in the re public of Columbia, as binding In any mum where It contravenes existing trestles or In ternational Insr The Mittens of ea eh roan ley are ent_ttledto prompt amtion for ati Injuries to their rights the, other, and the I plied status uovernment 1,1111 Insist on Jos i lee to its citizens, When their rights are ho isted. 117rurru3 Mercer, lbe Murderer of Pr ton Nair Yong,Jan. 19.—The Iferfrkr4 Washing. special Foy% •—William 11. Evans, bite Lieutenant of the First Pennsylvania Regi ment, has been summoned as a %AMCss to the trial of General Blereer, now pending ra t,n- S anuab, for executing several military pris onex'slust before the oeeuptition of that city by our forces. lie will testify that in a given day, in 19e4, just betore the federal occupation or Savannah, Matter rate over to the post prison, and ordered the summary execution of seven federal soldiers, merely to prevent their being recaptured by our force, The I.lentenaut remembers the order given by 'Mercer to be. follows :-- .. ltring out and hung those damned Yankee soldiers higher than human ever hung, and send them to hell, where they ought to have been lona ago" ease of General Menter—Bodles of Per. was Lost by Piddroureck Beeovered. SAr..INNAII, Jan. la.—The trial of General with mu 'Mercer, late of the Confderate nruir, charged murder In shooting seven Colon col dlers, Who had }Dined the rebel army, for de sertion, was finished to-day. The Lt•stlnlotty Warrinvoruble for Mercer. and it Is believed he 'ettj be acquitted. The bottles of the raplaim and lady wows:iglus, of the lirig Neva, lately wrecked off St. Johns, Florida, hove lieu:, recovered. The bodies of the captain and pilot were found to be mutilated, and the mate ham been arraw- Lethal. Jacimsolisille, on suspicion of murder ing them. Importation of Hides. Itt—in view of the recent order of the Secretary of the Treartury loriiid ling the landing of importotl hid., the do partment has revel% fed a number or applica tion. from por.ous owning crtruve. of hides, atiking to he allowed In hold their property; not a lien evittentat has Main itrodueed dtorrin g that they have not hem, front rattle who have died of the attic Wage, the rettiot.t• have heeit qi anted From Jumbles. 1 ofta,•11.11 —Tlir ate:. in, Mont I• 7.1/ lna l lslngsion, Januthal. dat.... The , • ;thin. sland wan quiet. Lou' the Chrlstntass huh s pasaosi w Oho.. :lief hr 01.1.11. apecial oumnslasmo U. try polituatl lately confine.' at %loran.' nay. foltgs ra 'tic =4l. Several pro.. t l, had 'welt In brought I” Klng , tor. by writs b I.enc corps, From Nashville A, .fen. I9,—The 13 1,1 lig ultrtly, with In font of wilt., on tloi shoat Tho work on the suspension bridge ga,,, ,lowly. Another cable has boon Iflar itorris.4 I o-lay Cotton—Prices nominal; from 11(142 ern 13. liervipts Lind Ailments light. itltrllke or Itoilrond rocineers. Cincwoo, Jan, 19.—The engineers strikr on the Michigan Southern Railroad, resulted in Do detention of passenger trains. Freight trains a ere stopped only twenty...lx hours. Both passenger and freight trains MVO manning regularly to day. The strikers hate en been dir.eltargeti. Ficrtlntt yona, .Jan. 19.—The reuntit Senate adopted n resolut lon requesting President Roberto to call a Fenian Congress at Pitts. burgh on February l9tll. it wEll he composed ohe f doeleb egarts tes from all th e Circlet, favorable to t R party. A General Robbed. arerwrs, (Ga.) Jan. la—Brigadier General King, CoMinandnnt of the post of A nguata, while riding near the elty thin afternoon, ac companied by his wife and another lady and gentleman, was stopped by higlia aymen and the party wan robbed of three home, Governor Garvin Relieved. Allll - 12tOTON, Jan. 19.—The Government ba relieved prOVIPIOIIIII Governor Marvin, and zerognlzed I). J. Walker as the constant lon ally elected Governor of Florida. TUE Louisiana people would not onleet to make terms. They adopt the Constitutional Amendment at. the name thee saying that. "any attempt on the part of Congress to legis late upon the political status or civil relations of former slaves within anyy. State would be 4 violation of Alio Con.stitutlen of the United States." This decision will save our Supremo court some trouble. Ent the urination arises, What is the use of a Supreme Court If we have a Mulattos Legislature! Either the one Or the other 8 unneceuna Y. TKO TIM Directors of the Lehigh Valley railroad resolved, at a late meeting, to erect a moan tuent errer the remains of Jacob A. Meyers, an bla engineer on the fidelity road- in The comm deceased, emoration of conrage and . the Saturday before Chi Ist teas, remained on on his engine at the sacrifice of his life, in the at-' tempt to prevent the collision of a nas.lenger trainin. (of which he was engineer) with a freight tra Os List Friday James limy war drowned a short distance below Brownsville, by breaking through the ice while attempting to walk from New Albany to that place. Tie wits a member Of Capt. Abraham's Company, of the alth Iment and raidded Nair Genera. ail oily way rckrverc-19/1 tkC Palgrilog THREE CENTS STATE A Al AT II:101Pd Rufus laisobara. 1.,•i,,,,,,1n.• 1., ill king springs, Berk . (Moats . co as:utile.] aft-Isle by banging himself le ill,' onto of i• - aial Rill ingfelt, in Adarruton n, i hat eosin ty. on Tuesday slight. The unfortunate man was, apparently laboring under an aberration or mind, as he stated Just before he eonttn,tied the act that he had been bitten li felt (ac, be. fore by a mad dog, that he felt hail end hat s notion to destroy Ma life. lieeeastst It, , es Hilo and live children. Oir Saturday morntn u A yr , . re; marl Henderson, from Philadelphia, who had heel stopping In this place forborne time past, sea found dead 11l his bed, at Thomas Nf,,,,,e, Building., Entail° street. He 1 , 4 05141 to bar, been a line, gentlemanly young man, but ...I dieted to drinking, which, It 1 , . 0011p0Aeil eons Cd his sudden death.— Tioornvo Citmen. ' Tuts lute Brent Punkrllle originated from s lantern In the hands of a ferry passenger, ,ti, e Heidekoper Petroleum Company are lie la.. era_ Both rigs Complete on tensest; alit 7 with tankage, estimated at $.3,000; and 1,L130 barrels of on eattrnated at $7,000 14- Cl . The are' was extinguished at three o'clock on the Morning, but caught again from is hostel - 1/ In the hands of Peter Anderson, vent, Ira. , , cry v e. l ly burned. It was, however. sum, smothered out, awr's Itersrty, at Titusville. took Bee ors the evl, ing Of the rah, frosts the emotes,- lag pipe being , which disarranged the saPamtus so a with the tire to Swing the 01l In eanteet and tile 10,19. The oil on hand was not burned, The only .laiiiill o I to abort 6.140. AT Pit bole, the other doe, a man was ridtis:n on a 4.,ndadslion nit' to t he .1 ustli'e at m lt,"Ill netheraikg„.sato. The loaner had t• ll up a rnllvetrias Mr li 'co., fan ily lately depraved or the assmsiit.l l.tral 'Paltier and pocketed the all pr0e,..0,, ,„ j ~,. ~..' ~,,n ; of WM, el FATAL Armor :cr.-We Jew, t 1,„, „„ ~,,,,, day, 'January 10th, William Johnston, in .1, data township, Clearfield fount). , thrown 1.1 years wn f, mon wasa sleigh, that hr so seehiusli 110oied 11..,1 1, on o Ti m ei day, the 11th. :., An Areinesr.--On Thursday 10.1. U son of Christian ilreeldoll, ,sisitnz"oa at Greenvillage Franklin county, Pa., sr Isslrt t gaged In sawing worm wok a circular.., a, si caught be a shaft, and no serionsi, injur that he died a few hours afterward. Toe machine and pattern shop of C.. I high Crane Iron Co., at - Pata4stasslia, aas s at toyed by lire on Tuesday mOntleag, 167 li its Loss, about 615,000. No Insuratiee. MARRIED. TI IItSYTII Thro, • .•aln:. . 1 ,11311:111 tan., at the rowl.•oa. la . h, parents. hy Rev. W. D. lloworyl, D. It.. W. 11. FOINT. of Allegheny, to E31211A 1.., daooluer of R. T. Kennelly. of Lawrenceville. KISCELIANEOUS Now READY. ligAztsmi 611113 Containing: full parfitaular• of the Arrest, Trial. Castilelion and Execution of the Female Poisoner. RS.IIIIIIIII GRINDER. 41.40 10 ‘ 730 .M 3 M.L.1M.W Vonlaining the hill detail. of the Execution of RSCHALL IND MIRE. Together vsith moth other Inter. eating rending matter. reliable Market reports, AC PRICE, FIVE CENTS, In Wrafiperr.. rend:. for Mailing )am:lto SPECIAL NOTICE. or me ~ test SLIGO AM. I 1.1 Wel/ borer> fornlqbed •t " "9"' X. c > we' wit CIE4‘II2--171r10430a. With F(101 Zrll^J , a • Are neceettary coat:bun •7o Annual Clearing-Out • Sale 1 32Cezio C7cozrammork.cse,cl. AND IS N“Ni N 1.1 .B 1 ...A..';!:+rf MEI Mosier", and War I?I,DUCED 1.!:1.C es Balmoral.% VERY \ _ . Zdanlnfm.rlurer of I:osbrohferfes of eft( K ith dig. I 07. 1 . a 1 4 • 11 ., , T VEL'ati (./:EATLY REDUCKI , rit IT ^ oolen Goode,. NI - Urinal. attrotion Invited to Me Patmated la vrotrmentr In Jnr, and Jonas. am:Lent dnnitUtao 't" '.. ' I .. ' 4 ' ,tiro '' d Eb.s "' N ' l °' "" 1 ' utZi;ni.r..l°, ti t ' l s ;ta l' 7.. 7 tt i lr ' c r s ` 'n De ' Ill ' lt i'd trd b ` P '"' ' n il . Ladles' S Groats' raidergartnetatm I `l•l;eo"rZWi:in.'dp:r b• r grirtigi t txtr& e ., i s MAIMED DOM %. ! nn0.......h0 mat %lab ll. ' Engines and Insettine wont_ . , tin:,t,letro4Zeri,,rd I ;l4fiat] pfomily atteall.l ta. FANCY GOODS A T COS T . ) ~. , ,r • r.. 0,7, 2,4,0, ....u1ak1arii=. 1. ra. 1: lqiben. .. U. -fl Th.. nu.nrr or 4.0 r 1 1 1 , 1 .o.“14 .ill 0, 4..10 Rl I d0:."....Xia.. if. Lecznr: ~ .tI:IJLE.,., Of 4 ObT A 1 : - MACRUM, GUDE it CO.'S, Non. 74 and 40 Market %greet LIFE AND 1 ONEESSION• MARTHA GRINDER, Wiac. sumo 313 L or 1 . 4 r , Cover with Porrral, 111= MARTHA GRINDER, With portrait. amyl.... Pare In r.. 116 31A11.E71 1 • "STI'Alil. I[Eurll•T ::JOAN P. HUNT & CO., Publishers, 57 1117 h Street. Masonic. nal ALL ABLE STOCKS.--Tue %Mat y old EVENING. Jaavara =A. at 7, o'clock.. vrllt aa.a.aa t ul Poor aig tulthaeld Waal, SO Shares Trodesunen•s National Bank. 6 • • Allnsbene d tn. `• ACcetern Insurance Company. A. IIrILWALNE. •- PEW EV CHRIST CHURCH.- TUESDAY EVENING, Jantu7 Comm o'clock, setil be sold on second door or Commemi Salesrooms, lOC Smithfield street, the eligibly situa led Pew, No. V., lu Christ Church. ,InfiD A. Merl-WAIN E. AnetlnoSocr. SHELLED CORN.-3,000 Dualist" Prime : Lrllyd Cora. In .tone and for otale Lr cULP WS, I,2Nert) strect. pEC.41101.--10 DUN. Pecans Just rcul:l‘vtl anti fur to ItET]f EL ' & ov 1.7. and ati J.Tao IprERBINGS.--500 bac% No. I Heri rlugr, Just rwcelved - No 9. 12112011 M, trrn_ 4 GS.--4100 drums Choice Elgs Jug Medved and for lab , by ittYltry.n ROS., Nos. and Wood stret. - Cto - AKS kin 08It & CO., No. SS 3P1.1113. 7E3troot, (lifer for sale their large stool or Lei 0.11/Vi .1.3 D slLlifrLg to At 7,771rtc14. THE Vv GAZETTEI TWO EDITIONS ABE PIIrSTED. 0..• OM Freinnt sal t4e .sf:al. .5.2rnr177 The edition 1 ,,-. Coroalmiod trlacli reap tae eao .mbtrs soonest a, the mall run. BOOTS AND SHOES. 1865. You cannot fail to see tits Relics of 1865, WERT HILL SHOE A Thousand Pair of Shoes is a Day, LARGE AND FRESH STOOK. OF Fashionable Goods, • Kept conKtaurls co on hand and wiling cheaper than rubbish elsewhere. oNing out our Gent's French Can and Heavy hip Boots at Cost. THE BEST IN THE CITY. No. 60 Fifth Street. CLOTHING. 77- EMICX et" §61.-. clb H. SECLECH et' _ - • Opposite the Opera Souse. 1O LFT in; , }.(.4 , s x D ttil4pit.ool:S. . . _ . ....We f. n. nottoltopo or. .trago; slow, boltof 04 collar' Appjy of - Worottoo.... NO: tiro L/BEE-rr I.IIIIEVr Jyl9:ta to J. Y. Met. AVG 141.12( & 00. WRING TOOLS .JAMES I3IPROVED BORING TOOLS, FI,It SZNKI?iO oil.. .S.7g (ICHEII IFET.I-s Nu. 130 Wood 'greet, Pittsburgh, A ?il7l, lIA NLNEL'i HAM:MEE , . 1 7:A.NE44, "k . Il E s' , A XI.V-S. inovE, 1.E.% TIIEtt A N 1) -(11711180.3.1rix., All or w 1 e La gtOre. )ETBOLIA 111ACIIINE WORKS. R. MIC. a 2 Ohlo I reet, 11 4 S T_ r triP * ; ql!taPrE{B ARSEN ' A I. GLaSS 'YORK 5.,.. MODES, RYRIE & CO., SI .../e..elArer, of . M. A( a am DJLEF.SI . tILA.4I- Sl . ( la:. Drogue,- Were. Dottie', Demijohns, CM.- leo. e. kr. ;1, erehou...—No. 11l WATER NZILBET. heieorn Stultlttititt reek Grant streets, Plitenicirkly Peo We ns. warrant on r Warr. . be superior to 'r tly.Munie nrsetorre e. or the 11Won kiln. Always On Cliall, of the LI hol r de.crlptlon. All• enters promptly attended to, ranker. stem:atoll P.M 111 or, rote moo., angdy itCa..; .- 7 - 7 -...- : ......... lf ii irtiiii JA2IIEt yawn 64,- c 0. ,. ...4 A ' 31A N ACTURERS OF OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA, co-ince, 13 .71XeLrAcet 491 t.,, Is: PJITSBEIROR. Pd. 1 i.;..1 , . . ,i,i7,,,, ... .: .. - . 77. -- Traitrr COI.L ' t"S lii, iiftitilif, Brittonic' Beaus and "Sheet Metal %Yorkers, BrlDAhlk co tore, Carbon and Lard 01l Earners, sad all dlfferea styles of Britt-antsuse d be Dix," Manufacturers Orders promptly ktled. No, 183 SECOND /STREET' p oetty. Pittsburgh, en.. S SEVERANCE, No. 58 WATER ;if; FaliMElPA".4.'ilii'W=7:llB=2. " ISrt . . l 7lSofrs r a s p ed Spikes and Medd. Duke or - small, insde . =ll to order, at stairs nodes. A Hood as sot talent constan t ly oakand. . _ n & .w. BENNETT, Nanotactli : ..-f • nomad Imponers of QUEENtIiVAIIE. No. 81 DIAMOND &MEET. between Stood UNI Market streets, Pittsburgh, Ps matti -- - MEM PAMRS. JAVIrs !.. ZAMG ,opt r lAAL LONG, LANE & co., SIGN ARTISTS AND HOUSE PAINTERS. NO OD !•11ITIt tn...PITTsIII:IIIGH. =ton Lettering of all kind. e teented promptly anellall 070 G r~naacdauiftnl i:11:41.-tho on I enameled Ur:a:isle • sent to all parts of e conotte. tn Pietodal Designs enecuted in a highly artlitt• anner., • ktouse-Tab nag done arab a reined to dorablittg tuvjalqor color, and neatness of Latch. mtatar ow- An worn at reasonable rated. ILLLAH B. BROWN, ;Late of tire arm of 120W+ & 1HORO0w.) nor.E AND sly:: i.ArsTr.n. East corner of :hill": anti Market HtteCta. MEI LOST. 810 nEwAnu—LosT--onrridav;r, ,th....M.MW:',llll".'llf:o,"_ ; b ey= R.a t° , th e r s aarit %the bilntla7Vard"naMEATLlA: Lunar.' deflate 11,17 A l onare "m-- ing_ Mr= reward will Sc: Dahl on leaving ing—ie as VIM . vr .Olr ibe es, , or o tlx t r „ . . elde v iote artlin t, = ARTirragleiingt OEM t••^r an and 1/p. art. Go WHERE YOU WILL BUT AT THE fELEBRATIO H Ll*. I HEY :NELL U IT'LL FIND A. DOLLILP IPOL/.Aki '4 4 :" t- - (-j- Mrs AND B.F.S• (I.OTITENG. 3t7; AND BUY:. CLOTIEUPI%. AND 111. rid• cum:mfr.. AT 1.1.::36 THAN AT LEli THAN AT LESS THAN 1 1 , , ` - .1:1A(..71 7 / 2 111:8.WT . .11 1, S 1'2V.44111Z: T THY POPTTLAR • Tl2/' PUrt3TAB T TUE Ft/PULAR LOTHII4 1111Chk . 1 .0T1111+13 HOUNP LtriNINN HOITZ.E C. F IFTH STREET G. 1. lETH STREYT' 6.* Firm sTextr: FOR RENT .1.1 Nt'l ACT t'IZER Of DUSAia? ri rrs a altos. ---- '4