The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 18, 1866, Image 4

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0.01*0411..- - (oAztite.
inlral and Departure of Trains.
Pennsylvania Central Railroad,
Day Rape.. 2:13 • m Arri ro
114 a m
Altoona Aocom'n 744 a m Pam Line 2:0 a m
Cinelnnatdizp's dad e m let Wan Aceom•n dIZ a m
lknu.. II:40 m Ist Penn Ateom.. Me a m
73.tpreds... adr, pm 24 Wall Acebm..• t o a m
Johnstown AVEL. CIS p ra:Johnst.ri Au0m.1044 m
1.r44 I.lne 11400 pMIPUt&ErIe 14a11 -12M pm
GM). m Bdtlmor. ELsp'• 1410 pm
try:•• 10, a m '&1 Wall Amara... p m
24 .• 13
444 p in'PLUl`a Express.. 2,03 p m
in Penn deecon`nlinEo p 4:4 Penn Aecom.. deZ p m
" a:o4p m Altwdna Aecom.
Enalgt. Train... 01:90 p
Tte thareb train` rarer Walla• Statlon every
ft.,: fl y 2:pda m.; reternlng. Irysver Plitiburgb at
12. m p. me '
• 'PitfallMTh. Cohn:alms and CinelnizatL
Fast.Lin De e IX"*.
2.i1l a ... past Ll3m.
IWO •ci Mall ...... :111:mrn
' Mall ....-
Express .....• ••.. 2:la Pus frere5e.,,....,...th65 a m
A. reurtearllle Le
i- tailisodatica .. 4:00 pm commodinve .. tome al
Pittebuigh. FE. Wayne and Chicago.
I,o 9ane.
Express 3:02 • In !resew Arrive*.
...... .... MCI 3 a in
4/Lapses. 1,51t1 na Express ........... fill 3 p m
... frir Sa _A' . _ . .....
;111: - : Uri ......—..
trE P '3'
NYTWermg . RAO's Enlap m ........."' "'' ' p ..'
New Brlghwn ACCOmmodatios ;eases A ll egheny
depot ail ass., 1140, iLn)p tn., and 6140p.m.,
Rechester, 21.6 p. m.; New Caine. sMs p. , m, ; Ec OEI
- ltritlp. M.; Wellsville, 3M) D. m.
rittgbarill. CleVeland Rad Wheeling.
Divan. 1 Arriv.s.
• Espreas " ...... tr.= aet Trpress Slapat
. Mr" . swap=
(1.114• ta Express
~.I. . 2:13 a ns
• ntenbeartlle Antonamorlation leases Allegheny at
SAO p.. izt.
rittaburak raittOonnellxville.
Depart.. Arrirse.
11,11 ''.ls • =w. tIII3DMM
Empress I:00 p ralloprems 10:3)a m
;et a inlet Blelierpan.. Orso a m
1,1 . ... 0:13a mid . .2:G. pm
Auezkeny Valley nadLread.
14.11 •G. aen Ex re a"."
. ILeOst le
e Ex '
Eri l
.„.„p,...., .
.... ~... 10 pco Ma 11.......,..,. .. 6110 a cm
pr , ommodallos. 1:40p m Aoeaturoartatlou 0;00 •na
oryie.burste end o Etallroad, to Oil
. City and Franklin.
441,10611`. epart.
: ,-, -0 E.Pme.• 1 : 6 0 eciNO. = topres.. 0= i la
Va. iltraburgil,
_Pert !Lyme and Chicago, arta
trews. alley.
nrownsallle iteet--Grant and WaterSts.
Arrive. Depart,.
v. a m il e.. ..... ilreak itle t m ciiii .. vii 0:00y CP
sMa 'T' • arOu a, ra.
Boiler gptisige..-No. 6 Ed. Clair Street.
. Amine, - 1 Depele. ,
133ig. m. 5 rm.
Weina 61 a.
l li dt" . ldage-..-nere's Hotel
;r S, p. le.
.....„ .: vler; I
- oe.o=t..
410 ITIIXxxI3.6T.
.1.1.11:1E3 DAIS dt SON, Proprietors.
Dahl AIM OA RIMAGIEId thrntsbed for all
eralna, Also,.Carrilages for runerals, Weddings and
Partley at abort nol.ine and reasonable men. STA..
we nisi' it understood that tie pi•fie
ea oar Morning and Evening , Editions
sold by boys On the street. or at the
When mere is aereanded. Wl* bripmef.
Book Notices.
een .s.m, ; or, Noddy Newman on a
• Cruise." A story for young people. By
• Wirer Optic: Boston Lee & ishepard.
;The Oliver Optic series of books t' fie
young has grown into great favor, and Is at
• Wang daily to greater popialarily. The books
ate vary readable, to both old and going s and
• always carry a good lesson with them. "Work
and Win" is a naval atot - y that will be sure to
please the young folks, as all 'yell-told naval
stories do; and it is mire to be souht after by
all who have read any of the prev ious woorks
KAI the author.
;For sale by Davis, Clarke A Co., WoOdetreets
• - Pittebtlagh.
• '..farrovazisliktur: A treatise on Providence.
Ity William S. Plummer, D. D. Philadelphia ;
4..8. Lippincott A Co."
. a. very neatly ftnlibcd book; and the reader
palgllere== r ft%ilim name on the tlths
it drawn together, here, a
grFat many excellent observations upon a
theme of 'deep interest to all Chris - tlan men,
sail every religious stmdent will - be glad to and
• them accessible In such - a convenient form.
Tko work is characterized by—the knwwell
talents of the anther, and on
Mat accrete needs no commendation. Wu do
not see any objectionable sentiments in it,
imilmone or two ; ;dams the old leaven shows
as... sis in s. `'What shall be the future
whkracter of the busy millions of America
• ';• - • • Shall they be free! Freedom
• is a boon worth all it even cost. Still, Joseph
lebdins Rasa man whose presence made
• others feel how cultil goodness la. • • •
Petit dates ecereral of his epistles from under
• the: throne of Nero, flat when we ask, atoll
this nation be virtuous! we ask the gravest
onestion, " Al, , doelftr, freedom Itself Is ono
of the natlonal virtues and the motion that
• e hiadds it cannot be virtuous. •
or sal* by Davis, Clatke A Co., Wood street.
itairVlC., or rrr Seem ns Ey C. 11 - .
Denison. Phil n
ad ei elphia T. B. Peterson &
This work comprLies a full history of Gene,
al Sheridan's life, battles and camping-as, writ
ten In a modest and comprehending style. ft
Is too soon, of course, to write the life of tteii.
Sheridan as it should be written; but the his
t ,of his campaigns may be • written now,
pe " Citaps, better than at any other thee. The
author of this book has li.ed great skill In cot
rnalcilaLs, and has been careful to
glee all the facts, and nothing into facts. The
story of Sheridan's campaigns is - qs a thrilling
waneyeted wonewomen read this ri.irrAtlverwith.
out feelinx the most absorbing interest. For
- Tdr
halejly j. 1 . , Bunt & Co, 'Masonic Call, Fifth
Roans:me; or whore is Utopia 1 By C. IL Wil
rbiladelphia: T. 11. Petcrsou& Co."
The publishers tell u on the title-page, that
this hovel la "embellis s, hed by fourteen illus
. trations, from. original designs, drawn ex.
prosily ior this work, by Darkly." The pie
' L'ire', however, upon inspection, turn out to
be anything. but " embellishments,'" and ifs
„Mg witWthe drawer of them, the spirit was will., Wiz; most in tha the Rosh was week.
It•appearsto becerta El Story of t
Southern life at the
time tif the Revolution ; and is probably as at
tractive and Interesting as works of that kind
nssuelly are.- We confess that our taste does
not atm In that way ; but to those with wham
it does, lißoanoke" will prove a work of ab-
sorbing interest.
tree sale by John F. !Lunt& Co., Masonic
fifth street.
..MORAICS igaSMlNGgriArr.7llv-ZElizabeth A.
. • -"Taltfliton. thiladelphia: ',LB. Lippincott it
recirea firpoems, we confess, has little
yt Won for us; bat thhi volume, we Mid,
moehlretter than the common ran of works of
poetry....-Ziko authoress seems to have in her
the trot; poetic, rein, and her poems, most of
them Short, will be read by most readers, with
real pleasure. Thework is dsomely print
ed, and wocommond it to th emttention of lov
ers otpoetry. For sale by Joho P. Hunt & Co.,
ZjitsOnlo Hall, Fifth street.
Sewickley Soldiers' Elowurecnt.
It Is stated izi:the papers, that the citizens
bf Franklin, Venango county, have subscribed
the sum of 8;40 for the purpose of erecting a
Neither! , Monument in that town, to which
sum Is to be added 01000 voted tfac county by
. " -- "lneriltalrargn Sanitary Fair Managers. Par
agraphs are often to be seen in the papers, an
us-sssalnitakitill#,: with ofmat.ticrarlall, that this and
ligation.° and wealthy community have rats.
ed from two to three thousand dollars for the
• same noble purpose. Here Is the - oppulent
'town of Franklin, with a thrifty population of
Some eta to ten thousand, which has rafted
- with the aid of the Pittsburgh Sanitary Pair,
2 little over three thousand .dollarti. Truly,
Franklin mighthave done better, and we hope
will do batter yet., and we. hope that every
county Wthe State will-honor themselves, and,
do an actsit justice to the noble men who lost
their lives. in the late mighty struggle, by
: erecting a worthy monuments to theft mem-
iiiit Messrs. Editors, we *lithe beautiful lit
.t-le borough of Fewlehley, in this county think
, we have a little cause for congratulation for
; what we have done, with our small Depute
glnowa colluparisml with morepopulonsneigh
,4+,...!,.okt+ We hrtiVritimeap.lbed them= of ten
~„. • - tbeli'nnd dollars for the erection of a goldlers ,
'.. . Monentent, and the work is now going on. It
• .- is tObe built 'of white Malian MarbleTtrom a
, . . frharttleilgn by Ilane. Broome, Esq.,ats artist ,I
• gel:almond ta_ste,- residing In. PlUsburgh,f but
, . whoic. merit, as a sculptor , are but little.
a ... _ _ ' knowrr to your citizen: The Monument will
• -
be seven:Lett Square at the base. The die is
.....' " ' in thelform of a enme. and in surmounted' a
. • . - ettettal shaft and lonic columns, on which the
twontri rests, and upon the latter is the states.
,ot roma, in a kneeling posture, hotting Ultra,
mitt hand's Wreath o n futPah ' t h - ethwa the
s who sleep underneath, while•withAcr
left she clasps her rtrrmipet as if. About to bM'.
... i ., a Joni; and lone blast to their fame. The height,
..,,,r,',. th a . , o B ,ll:l=thr to the top of the etatne, w . •
original and efrirssfigi, and tbo p Cfay dc . r i a g f
the statue which is about colhimeted at Mr. •
Bnxxic , a Aeon+. en !EA-Clair etreet, bows that
the conceptions will be carried srith u vigor and
• Thn+ you see,..tisay. flatten,- tzhile you
have been talking about 3 our trk a
in Pittsburgh, we of the humble vilfa u g m e ca o .
kley, have been through and th wt b y
-, --lime you have. got g the talk,4bw:
- ',ban bare dedicated, we think, one of the.frti
rat . Ziontunents erected to attesnerncoy or fir;
-----ewlferewbo lost tneir lives In the war of the.
great rebellibtl; In this country.
• -
• cnnaldaleo.—ltre were mistaken in
sayingthat 31r. B. R...ltsy Tina defeated for
Astststant Regulator, in the caucus held by the
pie:ahem of Alio ay Councils . Br. Ray
-• 'mpact erand has not bees' in the
3.wition lir past. , lie was a candidate
Ter Rity.assessor, harlog 'com e onto on the
• daY oitte caucus. and - received some twelve
• ,rotes. Tble explanation is due to Mr. Bay,
nactwo take pleasure in:placing lank right,
• - Peforehla triezula.
-..7 -. r, ,,,,,,,,, ............,._weh.r. tried
bis article which is feet being introducettand
--alavelound it superior to any other prOduced
• , drom petroleum. it gives a- cioar light and
AWACS not make or smeltdike theandinary coal
.‘dideil,wad may
. media lamps' without
• .:.'lleys !Or household purposes. It Is sale,by
741(Clantur :Ileitennan. Druggists, agents for
-- jVAC Ql7/taktutiMatigntirigB l ;QMPallr •
TIII'MSDAY, JA-N77.4 RY IR , 1568
igeTievigi; :JUL-
/fess(+yd. Thal 3 tariff which will at ell times
develope the industry and fester the hest iti
teresta of our agriculturists, manufacturers.
niechanim and lherere i should be entertained
by the Presiden it t and Langres, Self protec
tion is a law of nature, and on this principle
Congress 'Mould legislate for the dommtle in
terests of &great people.
Resolved, That the President, In a5...110t
the chains of our Ministry for proper redress
from the English government, will meet the
entire approval of the Democracy, AO did the
act of .neral Jackson, when he compelled
Prance Minty the lust elatme for spoliation,
osi Our cartimerm. The poorlynmsked hostility
of the British during the rebellion will not
coon be overlooked, nor yet forgotten by an
Resolved, That Preeldent Johnson's plan of
rehabilitathigs.the insurgent States to their
constitutional place in the Union should meet
the approval of all loyal American.. hone but
fanatical malcontents would be found arrayed
t'reLif thrivls'ATittiffgthillublurtuo":4
In the footsteps of the eld hero of Orleans, and
he will be eustained by the people North . 304
Smith, and the radicals consigned to the grave
like PackLughat.
//ruined, The; Congreas would hest serve
the true Interest of the errantry were it to ass
tend itself' universal publM good rather than
limit to leglidabing exclusively for the
negro. It is the duty of Congress to grout!.
and protect the Decide in all their conatita
tional rights, by sustaining the President In
his laudable egorts to place the Union of the
States where Jackson left them, prosperous
And the people happY.
R.soieed, That the gratitude of the country
is due and we hereby express oars, to Lieu
(tenant General Grant and his brave oomruiles
in arms for their successful efforts in sub
duing the military power of the so-called
Confederate Statea, and that thweountry secs
with the highest gratification that the Presi
dent and this eminent soldier are in accord In
restoring the civil government to the whole
Renoir d, That we look upon the navy under
the command of Vice Admiral Farragot as the
right arm of the Government In restoring the
Untanned in protectulgthe Constitution from
the grasp of traitors.
Resetred, - That the Delegates to the State
Convention be and aro hereby instructed to
vote for and sustain On. G. W. Call. for Gov
ernor. We know the man—with a character
unsullied and an honorable reputation as a
public mom.
htThe resolutions were adopted as read, with
but a few diaseuting votes. 4,11
Aballot Wan then ordered for the choice of
delegates from the city district-
Jameti Irvin withdrew his name as a condi
date, and Col. J. B. Swearer and Fret:tele Bally
were chosen by acclamation.
The ballot for a delegate from the dbitriet
between the rivers resulted an follows: It. B.
bizteleir, D; Jame" it. trephine, Sinclair
was declared Maly elected.
The ballot for two delegates front the dis
trict mirth of then rivers resulted James
Sante:met, 47fteL nays, Trt Capt. Large, Mt L.
B. rattersonrl7.
On motion; Messrs. Saulsbury and Rays,
haviag the highest votes, were declared duly
elected. •
sitaarteesnente, • .C-OIthRDISOW.
The to for Wilma the conveetion
Tnxesrt,The play of.the Workmen of the tembett , haring ' been • transactd, Charles
Werid,Mr the Carrie of.Drinki is barbs app mrnett. moved that' the County Executive
netge ;boo. e 7 eek, ituktgdineyron Ctratuitts: bed
to call an n n t r i t i hrtg u s i t
so:rating the Character of Martha (Mahe. Thy ,Phsee dadlienant be;015.10,44.911°"( Atiel"
in the same play that drew each large henses finder Mellieldne , •
dmin glsturaMeene , sengagement: It leitdaur- This was tnesinal for a ‘grand row, and a
ably put upon.the stage, and Itcre4 performed
• grand row reneed. '
ifi llflidOSentelegateS rose in behalf of Mr.
throegbent. Thee workshop scene, with the 'NMI/wine, and above the voices of nil of theta
new engine 'working complete order, fa a Was beard Diet of Alderatati".Strain, who as
sated that 1143follwelne was as goad a Dem
eight ' c ease:qua% It W.Dieue Of machine sorted
oerat anima - in the !Arty.'
ton the man who of John Mel n dele gate
d with up:
p e w repotted to-night.. . thundered out, hnters* e tones, and .. • Orzne Honer—Frank - Dye.. th e "b r a n . lifted arms, 'oh 6 drafter, and I can Drove
it In .I .lle , sti a drafter In
..ER.,ifPf OD, still keeps the audiences at the A scone followed this annetuncement whteh
Operalicartie IP a roar from night to night. beggareall..descrilition. -Ten, twenty, thirty
The piece preeented Inst night was the give delegates bad tab' floor at the . same time, on
Vasednn, or Thece-Degrees of LOZll3ff. The henowlng at the tops of their voices, but no
three sestneswerecthe bright, tho gloomy and one being able to make himself understood.
the dark filature, extending over a period of We have heardnf .210138 and Matiftudonn -be.
yeand 'ending In despair, crime and fore, but this was noise and confaSiOn can.
death. The afterplece of the Siamese Twins founded. ! '
-by Drew and Sefton wan a rich performanee, " The - venerable , Cheirnstin way disrd
Between Gib piece, Miss Fanny Pierson, late entiry, sad rapped hisknuekles on .t
Of litUrOtlealLl, 'mug the beautiful Spanish until tim Inkstands danced a Jig, ss
6{Thg • entiTied - X.a.'Manola in a very artistic bellowing continued, when the Clieltillan'eUt.
Thalia er. Michas a /tweet voice, sings well, end down until the storm eomewtuat abated,Then
ri6hly merits the applause elle receives: be arose, and in en excited mannerbegged the.
To-went Drew win out...tiered Herod: The delegates to treat him as a
.gentleman. A'or.
Tema In. which Frank en voices cried out, u lteeneet the Chatiman,"
pr ewasmeare as Topsy. If there will not be shame don't make a beer garden out of
tomethleg !i c y, b e secu,..we are mistaken. . the Convert [leap et i
CFO's esi tte.4.-Alderman Taylor had before : • S t O rM er m i ale in iin v iiit t emp i t t r o es s o ft c i d datt i gle Gen '
hint Yesterday tyr e aft a n
enoh charging =Latticed Bar hie 'assault upon Mr. Mellwalne
log o Mor e t tetti.tb,..._ftvanlV and' butt!"7 - ' t h e
late Met ..Maideman voted lbr Lowry at
6 3 .i. - Ge o v i rged Ann Fahey with attempt 'the late election, and that Meg before he
Alin bran cht the tiata Ut
Y . Of her countenence, and
Waldemar* had Passed to oat esaur kraut and
114,, eub. ,rbe
against the_ Aux • aping; eratany,Mr. 'Malleable was voting
runtish the requisite Ae r . l.s „„g u a_u3'.._ D usted to Gm Democratic ticketi
once at court. wr I Mal , Puitr* Another tremendous row followed, and the
discordant °temente could only be stilted by
Central 61--;;;-11.1"—s-r."r carltaffa pun lento Adjourn, which win done..
'lr the weather Permits there
r Ward Webare Men a manlier
hubbubs In the
Will be agra.nd democrat:to eantih - but this wan 'toe grandest
march On the hict this afternoon, at 2 1 ,4 o'clock. n eonventionaln row we ever Witness
Mask by the Cheat Western Read.
The manager announces the beat toe of the [committee/.- . pave 'Wags° were committed
season, as nil who visited the Park yesterday to jail for t wont y dart cacti, tr Moyer
lineal:On and crvning art rears , son Cho, tnornto fr. y Warr!.
motln the absence of President McCarthy, on
ion, Mr. John M. Killen was milled to the
chair. .
The roll-was called, and the following mem
bers answered to their names: Messrs. Kin-
Lea="l";bWallmakeket F t p t ie4, l ( y ta i haal , , m irgt
Killen, joSeph
Minutes of last meeting read and adopted.
At the request of the Chairman Mr. Leonard,
.Secretary of the Association. stated the object
of the meeting to be to take Onal action on the,
admission: of the Stewart Hook and Howe Co.
No. 1 into the Assoslation. He then read the
proceedings of Ore companies Daquesue,Gooll
Intent,•Vigllant, Niagara and Neptune, which
had instructed their delegates to vote for the
admission - of the new company. Cu motion
the new company was admitted.
Me. as. Frederick Myers, Fred. Heintz and
Elijah Hall tendered their reslg - aations les
members of the Association. (30 motion the
name of Mi. Myers was stricken out and the
resignations of Messrs, Mali and Heintz ac
Jos. A. Butler, Es was admitted to MI a
vacancy in the (mod q i ntent Fire Company, vice
Mr. Thompson.
William Rorke, of the Neptune, wan admit
ted a member of the Association, vice Fred
John McMortry was admitted a member
from the Duquesne Steam Piro Commany,
vice Charles Owaton.
A commVuileatiOn was received and read
from the Secretary of the Western Peunsylva.
Ilia Soldier!' League, tendering a vote of
thanks to thp Association- for the use of their
Hall for tho purpose of holding zneetingc
On Company; of the new Hook and Ladder
Rose eters. James McGuire (otie
y_eary, Joseph Bustle (two ye-ars), and D. E.
HailLthree years) were admitted.
Capt. Platt. was Instructed to procure seats
and' enim for the new members, and also suit
able accosamodatlonsfer the Chief Engineer
and Ills assistants.
On motion! adjourned to meet on Monday
evening next.. •
The Tete of Mrs. Grinder;
Speralation baa been rife In otireti•eete
in a day or two in regard to the probable fate
of Mrs. Grinder. Now, It was reported that
she had been reaplted, and then, that shd
would certainly be hung. With many se,
tire people, the suspense was terrible. Hut
tired. expressed a hope that the scene of last
Friday would not be re-enacted, Wilde, on the
contrary hundreds were crying eagerly for her
blood. To the unfortunate woman herself,
this suspense was worse than the reality. She
bad received information of what was going
On in the outside world, and that an effort
VILI being made for her respite, and like the
drowning man who clutches at a straw, she
Seized upon the hope of prolonged life, and
awaited in an agonized state of mind the final
moult of the efforts of her friends.
Influenced by the importunities of persona
g themselves in her behalf, and wish
ing that nothing bat jostle° should be done,
Mom EU Slifer appointed a medical commis-
Con, composed of - Drs. Curate, of Harrisburg,
Reed, of Dlamont, and Ring, of this city, late
Surgeon General of l'ennsiEvarda.--geatlemelt
who rant high 1.11 the Medical profesision, par
tierdarly that branch of it relating to the mind
...who were instructed to examine carefully
into her mental condition, and report imme—
diately. On Tuesday evening, Hon. John IC
Hirkpatrick received the following dillpateh;
john N. Air Hatetmencao, January Id, /855.
A medical commission has been anti:Haired
to examine into the sanity of Mrs, Grinder.
Mures.been influenced to thiS by representa
tions I thought entitled to respect: I should
be glad to have you present at the examina
tion. Dr. Corwin will reach Mr. Blarsimll's
°Hee this allernoon. Unless the gentlemen
will unite in reporting her insane. she will
stmoly be ereellted On Friday. I ot
that anybody can be harmed by theexecution
Eta tarke.
emmegtence of the detention of S Dr. Der
win, the Commission did not meet until five
troloeit On Tueitlay evening, when they pro
ceeded to Mrs. Grinder's coil, and wore,.until
slate hour, d in conversation with her.
She anspftted who they were, and the object
of their visit, but did not say so at the time.
'1 eaterday morning the inquisition was resum
ed, and alter coneunting sunicient time to sat
iTgtheir minds, they returned to the office of
tmas Mangan, Esq , order to consult.
Messrs. Marshall and Kirkpatrick were both
present at the consultation. It was announced
MI us as early minim o'clock last erennig that
the res Ult of their deliberations worn fatal to
the hopes entertained by the prisoner, and, in
deed, long before that hour, Alm. Grinder her
self bad been told to prepare for the worst.—.
that there would be uo respite. about half
past nine o'cloak last night we roeolred the
following diapatch, which forever sets the
mutter at rest
Alittora farett fl
e, snaisor ma, January 17, 1866.
rel. ti
tel Lx ;rer gfa ) . ' r .,7 4i h n a sa ye ne t . el Pi g o r g he liO
1 be grant. p
We Immediately repaired to the Jail, but
was Informed that Men. Grinder was aware of
the decision, and that her fate was waled. in
anownr to an inquiry In regard to the matter,
we were informed that the was very cheerful,
Baying entirely recovered from the drat shock.
AbOut four o'clock she was visited by Mr. Der.
toot, her first spiritual adviser, who was in
hercell about twenty minutes most of which
time was spent In earnest Prayer. She re
marked to Mr. D. that if abe had followed his
advice, oho would not now be where she Is.
As far as we can ascertain, abo has not made
any, confession of her guilt. Lait night she
was visited by Rev. Chas. A. [Lames, Pastor of
the' Methodist Episcopal Church, corner of
Seventh and Smithdeid streets, who adminis
tered to her spiritual consolation. A watch
was kept over her during the night as is usual
in stich cases.
TO-morrow closes the earthly career of
Martha Grinder. Whether she dies a victim to
her own evil passions, or whether she suffers
from a diseased mind is known only to hod
and herself. In the present Condition of the
public mind it
be th would be unwise to speculate
as to what will e moral effect of the death
of this woman by strangulation. The fate of
a criminal should not only carry with it
r lll /118hInCrIt to the perpetrator of the crime,
but it should also serve as a check in all simi
les etses. Will this execution carry with it
that effect Isa question that will force itself
upon our mind, and, it is not one that is born
out of any morbid sympathy for the criminal.
Ls treating with crime, two matters should be
kepXeceastantly in view, one that the party
charired with the mime La morally responsible,
.and deserved he punishment prereribmi by
LmAllsd the second thatlt aboold bo so Infillet
ed AS to operate so as todcterothers from stin
gier Offence. Competent geatiamen have de
. aided in this instance that the party to suffer
is morally responsible, and deserving the fate
that awaits her, lot us earnestly pray that the
second may result from her death. God grant
that the scenes of the past week' may never
more' 'be enacted in our midst.
reefing of Iron Iltanufacturepa.
A meeting of Engine Raiders, Roller Makers,
and manufacturers amorally, was held at the
Board:of Trade Rooms, yesterday afternoon.
The meeting was organized by calling Mr. A.
W. FoSter, of the "Ilorron Works,” to the chair
and appointing Mr. William Rea, of Chelan:no!
Robb:ion, Rea &Co., Secretary.
EThe Chairman stated that tho meeting had
been eidled for the purpose of taking into
eon.sideratlon the econdizatioa of taxation,
compelledes of industry represmited were
to pay a tax upon their manufac
tures from which the mercantile and rations
other Interests were exempt, This tax had
become enormous, and although they were
willing to render w ished poi support to the
Government, they to see the farmer,
this dealer in foreign goods, and others, do the
same. •
Mr. William Smith of Arm of Smith, Park
Co., 50gg1,26.0 that the gentlemen present,
who bail made an estinente of thetas they had
paid Orr their manufactures during 1 855, he re
quested, to make . I dement a to the meeting.
A number of gentlemen retorted, when those
who were not repared tog
. 60 were reques_ted
to peer are an estimate and nand it to the aec
rotary before noon on Thursday.
Mr. M. Bole did net believe, the Govern
ment intended to oppress the manufacturers,
but they were doing 50 through the counsel of
their agents, who did not understand the
Meaning or design of the revenue lawss. A man
could erect a house without being taxed for
the materials, while six per cent was required
for belle:rig. a hteam holler. The engine
Unildent were compelled to pay an
enormous tax, while they were receiving
one-fourth less fur their manufactures than
creased'Neer little in price, and wages wore
the slum:. The mechanics however, wore not
receiving too much, and be would rather in
.erease than diminish their remuneration. The
toeetio:Vabould take some definite action in
the matter.
Mr. Smith moved that a committee of fire be
appointed toprepare a memorial to our repre
sentetivids at IVashington, for the modification
of the Revenue Tax tar. The motion was
adopted, and the following committee appoint
ed--Messi-e. Alex. 15". Fowler, Wm. Smith, D.ll.
A e e e ". lll j el a t t in e' fi t the a n a a n dlorl i - rn M e:d to assemble of
the call of the committee.
' iliremects'.Association.
A sp. Mel mooting of the Firement. Atioets.
tine ant held Just evening to their room in
City Roil building.
r=ite+ll V./tikes Dist riket Court.
Irenainonsr, Jim:n=7 17.--Court In,l this
1 - 7oraing, I Jodgo Wilson Itecandle,, on cite
The men ion heretofore all n •, In rots. loa
to the steamoraßounie Rom, and fi. A. Rich•
mond, seired at the port of Erie, far smuggling,
was further argued LI, tnorata g . Th e
Court, after mature con... Aeration of the cane,
I.n.ued a decree that the bill Of Libel in
the case of the Bonnie DoOn be disMisSed the
costs to Lo paid by the United States. i n re
gard to the H. A. Richmond," a :certtacate
from the Court, setting forth the facts in the
case, Rll9 ordered to be • satuszcdtted to the
Secretary of the Treasury, in aCcordance with
tha provisions of the Actof Congrca3, together
with a recommendation that the schdone r, with
the stores seized with her be discharged with.
outpenalty or foiteltare,
The trial of James Prentice, Intl:ate:l for
passing counterfeit money, was tbea proceed
eddwith. The only defense set up :by the e r e.
cooed waaprevleusgood character, and a large
Or witnesses were called who testified
tO tbat.eff
eet. The ease went to the J•w at a
late hour, and we shall retort]. the verdict to
anoirOw. •
moe ea t 1 County Convention.
delegate:selected at the primary meet
ings on Saturday Inst. assembled at the Court
Meuse, at ten o'clock Wednesday morning, for
the purpose of choosing delegates to the State
Cm:mention, to be held at Harriaburg. on the
sth of March next, and wan called to order by
Alex. Menwelne, Chairman of the County
Executive Committee.
Mr. Jacob Whitesell, C. D. Strain an/ .1 J.
Ewing were chosen temporary Secretnriev.
The crsnichttnis of delegates were theta re
ceived, when It appeared that there were
ninety-two members present.
The nomination of a permanent chairman
was next to order, when Mesar, John H.
Sawyer and John D. Guthrie were nona,namq
for the position.
Mr. Mcllwaine, as Chairman of the Count:
Committee, returned thanks to the can relation
tot the unsolicited honor conferred upon bin,.
and, after speaking warmly of certain
Melons," "shafts of personal etimity,•",,,ves
to grind," cm., alluded to his life-tong services,
and respectfully declined hi. po-ittou no
Chairman of the Coun Cmittee.
D. H. Korr, Esq., Cbarle n Barnett, and a
number of other delegates, called the Chair
man to order alleging that be could nut re
elan to the Convention, hut moat lay that
mutter before the Comtukteo which elocbal
Dir. Me[twain° endeavored to pursue th•
subject further bet was "choked off;" and th
question was caged on the choice at Preal
I A ballot having been taken, the result was
I annoUnCon as follows:
.• John B. Gnthrlo ..... .......... .
John H. Sawyer
Guthrie was then conducted 50 the chair,
and thanked the convention for the honor con
ferred. Flo alluded to thosuppres,ra of the re
bellion and the preservation of the [ln len, end
then tonchednpon the insportant question of re
construction. Ile hemrttlyendorsed theroorso
of Ihntsident Johnson on this question, and the
convention heartily applauded the endorse.
meat. Some of his Republican friends nstglat
ask: "If you are eatisfied w ith the course of
the President why organise an opposition par-
To this he would reply: "Because wo
0 not confidence in the coimervittive wing
o 0 Republican party being able to pot
down the radical wing." The idea iseems to
be that the "Democracy" expect the aid and
co-operation of the."conservatives."
On m ott os of Col. Kerr, the Clialrmae al.
the following Committee on Rossi
e p icns: R. H. Kerr, S. - K. Rodgers, J. 11. Wyer.
Janina .1-1. Hopkins, and Wm. Andetvon.
Col, George B. trays, Col. James A. Gibson,
John H. Sawyer and James Dlgnam were cho
sen Vice-Prealdenta.
The temporary Secretaries were
y. continued,
with the ad of S. Murr
• On motiondi oftion
Charles John
Barnett, t he non yen
lion proceeded to nominate candidates for the
State Convention.
Cot. James K. Kerr was muusimonsly heal
nated for Delegate at Large
For the city of Pittsburgh. Francis Btlley,
James Irvin and Col. J. R. S weltser were nomi
ILFor Allegheny, Wm. M. Stewart was ribmi
bated by acclamation.
Between the Rivera-James 11. Hopkins Juo
C. Barr, Henry Ifenold, and ii. B. Sinclair.
North of Rivera -Frank Hutchinson, by ac
South of Riven-James Saulsbury, Col. Geo.
S. Hays, Capt. A. Large., and 1... li. Patterson .
The Convention then took . recess until one
Alrra!MOON session.
The Convention reassembled at one o'clock,
and was called to order by the chairmen.
01. Kerr, chairman of the Committee on
Resolutions, submitted the following as the
unanimous report of the committni
IV/seams, The rhity of •n American l 4
stand by his country in every emergency, by
anstaining the constituted authoritle• In all
their conctitutional and Lawful efforts; and in•
asmuc as a lare National debt has been ere.
ated bh y
a war fo g r the stability of the Vision,
we, Ai friends of a common oountry, de.
Mare that the public faith and -the proud
honor of our nation are held for the
payment of the same. We cannot admit that
o national debt is A national blessing;. sneti
a dcet.rihe may best atilt stock gambler., but
not the sober, reflecting yeomanry who Inaba
'that a arab:Mal negleet, or repudiation of pe
cuniary obligations bring a national corer.
We then, as men, proud of oor inheritance,
will stand by the President In all hi. maudli of
, lion.] acts to maintain the plighted fnith
the national credit, and in carrying oat the
doctrine of Andrew JaClunan in the payment of
all national obligations, Therefore,
Rezelrect, That it is our duty to uphold th e
general Government, we care not who may ex
ercises the duties of the executive, providing
be Jenard - A the Constitutional rights of all 'Mt
people, and maintains the lawn of the land.
Wo consider the perpetuity of the Golan
above all price, and now that the am is over,
let the &loth be represented in Congress un
der the laws and Constitution, and our country
freed from sectional strife, nod each State to
Judge le bo alien exercise the elective Cranchl•e,
without dictation from any power not of the
/Ere. Grinder's Present ContiltiOn--Hoe
Elopes and Wears—A. Painful Interview
with her Husband—She has (liven Up
nII Hopes of despite.
Pies. Orinder, the wrotel”..l woman who 1.1
surer the extrr.ine psnalh of the is w Cl,
day, is su ff ering the extreme., of !woe, title
had seen it stat..l of the morning pa
pers teat run, i ..r.- mad,,to have her
In-pied, and of Ido ha,l i. e . a ra!se•l
rile cam, very rmorful.und would converse
pleasantly with any whoentled upon her. Thus
morning she w. In fenmsl that there woo no
hopes at a respite, rind that she must look for
ward to detth on kriaisy an a certainty, as a
terrible reality. Then she broke down com
pletely, became hysterical, and her
condition at present is truly deplorable
Ifer husband was admitted to her cell to-day,
but his pre,ence appeared to further depre...l
her. and Ike scene between them was truly af
fecting. They conversed bat very little, but
mingled their tears freely. Warden White,
seeing they the presence oi the husband only
tended to deprive the wretched woman of
what little strength site bad, and that It also
ontlttcd her mind for that preparation sieees.
ears - for hcr, Cat the in t e r 'leer alert ILlpalalble.
advisers eXpreared desire - that her spiritual
shall Plait her this eynnlng, and it Is to
be hoped that this interview will tend to calm
her' feelings; and put her Ina more proper
frame of mind to prepare ~for the deaf act of
the tragedy. Mr. White Infer/Tried as that she
'clobseased a eery kind and semettive disposi
tion, and appeared to be mach pained lithe
thought she had given offense to any ,person
having charge of her. fiho frequently asks
him, if she has done anything to make him
angry, sr If be is displeased at anything the
Las s_dtl or done.
There is a singular desire in the minds of
seme people to see thin woman bung. We are
informed that Owen women have expressed a
desire to witne.. , the execution, and to some
instnnecs have gone so far as to say they
would like to put the rope around her nick. ff
nhr Is a monomaniac lot her be respited.
The general belief that she to a monster In to a
fruiter or less extent the result of prejudice,
and although, Lettering hoc to be guiltv,
hare no s - 3mpa'hy with her es a criminal. yet
we hare sympathy In/L:1 L e r as a ar
man, and as one who may probably b ene tiering under a mental malady,
wi.leh has impelled her to commit the rrtilio of
has been found guilty. livery exe
cution should carry with de moral Oren% and
in chi, In.tunee, under present elictitnst nee%
WC thin L this effeet'srould bo wanting.
Supreme Court.
The fo:L.t, lug J ud gmentacattuc .1 In
LI., Ourt Tumutt:
srliii:lentu.rger rs. Ilr!Mon un.t Merylue
•111 iOr. Rule illsmheied
The Punneylviintu R. R. Company
i. Pennock. Judgment reversed.
/he Treasurer ot r Jeffer•on Co PII Shun
non. J ridgmneat reversed.
Prate rs. the Philadelphia and Pete R R
Judgment affirmed.
Gralutru Ye. Tho Commonwealth Sentence
Grim et. al. re. The School directors of J ark
son Township. Judgment eflinned
Ring dt Pump v. Yowler. lienilltel
below with instruction to blrtke . 4
41 the
Issue and Pula -meat
Mostallation.—Tho YVA-ViCes connec Led a :lb
the 1 1 1sta/tattoo of the ite•. A. A. liodae if ft
as Pastor of the 9(orth Presbyterlan
Allegheny, will take place in the Chapel of the
Sem i t tor y, on
o li o ld , ge stre et, ‘ on Thursday e
to f i ho n lie%7 - . h l). Alio7 w n irport,7,l; . ' L°;cro
ma'am Bev. J. n. mitinger of s.aisink.
/eysille key. J. Id .811111,1,o? Sharpshor4, and
Rev. Thomas .. Oir, of the entralChlreb.
Allegheny, will conduct this InterestMg cere
Conilirmeti.—The Senate, on mm olay last,
Harmed the nomination : . n( 1 R
R. t amain.
United States District attorney for West
n Pennsylvania. and of .1/exalter rtlork,
- United Stated Atarsl.ll rot tin 341110
Femur' Tuoaday mornMz the
body of a man named Thomas Konkey was
found dead on the farm of Samuel %Vanier,
near Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland county.
The deeeeard Is soppoSod to have been froreo
to death while Intoxicated.
. _
'1111.4 Stitt' DEPARTNIE
• OnTelt LIGIrr-IfOna Rs .RD.
Alhin,4o7Dll (ITT, Janouy Y..
SEunlit C o clocktt LS .10
FM CIA Yhe reoriyed at tut tar.
I o•clp . A
at.. on . the Yin lit of
February, MBE for topply Ina the Light-ltouse ge
tattilettment with al .7 thousands...ions of the be.t
oaltey pure whater-stralted o . Water Lord or
sperm. to lar divided Into Sace tot• and to he deliv
ered at the Mines underlinentlotted, aim:geld, of the
Ilovernotor at upply.esaels. the ...thou. or
other place of d ors/411.C. be destguated by e L I.locer or other authorized agent of the Light
house Board, In steno', tight, iron -hound.
made usks, suitable for shipping In good order, o.
:oreateaeWit7eaclhaltne'r.n7hannoil- tat%lygti t he
tig:t?;;;I or al
Boston or New York, at the oath. of the bidders.
The place of deliver, In each ca.e mu. be J.....
II stated to the bids, and .111 be embraced to the
Th• roue lots 0 111 be delivered as folloars, rte
Lot No. I. Elfteen thousand 11:01atta gallon. 111 on
the ld day of April, IWO, or aa coon therea ft er at the
proper tests and gang., can br. completed.
Lot So. 2. Filleen thousand ILI,COut gslIon• nU on
the 10th day of April, ISM, as coon thereafter
the proper les s and gangin g eat
eat be completed. -.ail
lot It Fifteen thousand I L5,..01 gallons .41 no
the lot da,, of June, LIME or an coon thereafter as the
PT. and wanton
he renap
toted. gUn • Mt on
Ilse lot day of Ansa., MSC or as 160012 tberealler as
the proper tests aad gauging ean completed.
Separate prep.'s's f t be recrJ red al the stone
tient for 8.01. n gallons of false or Lard OIL to be
t red aa above attpulatml, at linens.. Melt.. on
the let day allay, lte.4.
ht, Lld n2ll beconalde red octet. fry& • manor.
Corer of the article.
lib part of the 01l propoaed for and to . mot..
In the contracts coder title •Ivertisent•nt run
eepted, received, to pall for, until It .hall bare bee%
Prosed, to the entire sallafaetlon of the parent, or I
persons rturr•.l with Its evantiootton, leot, and la
rilon, to la of the pure • Inter-Arai.
eel alt.
free front oat tlore 'etch Other ur Inferior
oils and adulterations.
Tbs. tints! 111.104 for deters In Inn the elite/a-ter a 0
qualify of Use sperm all otll ter einplosed. • i and rn
he area It y.burnlng. the amount of laa Ida UM.and
oth. r4 , :oper test• to cotton at correct esuchtslons
that y denned necessary
The I rat 01l 111 he subjected to special and
fe..le,ted he
foernd to be In reeard to
burnt and ai l and, rednetluu of Polperature.
oa.l It. Ir., other re+pes, ef,ONJ I that aline •taud
rrti at, pled by the Hoard, of which a sample son be
furultked applleationt to the Light-hts.... Laki
n., at Itn•ton. Mass.
The be gauged tarelre the direction and
Eer...onel •opet , lslou of Ilto inopeellstf: often,. be
ttat on.hourt or other legally thoei leo and .wows rattger areortilug to the tatted •u htatel standard. sod
Lutist. be marked and accepted before they are retool.-
efhr d trot, the eellaror warehouse of the con Ertel.,
ttieporat ore of the all 0111 ha arettralt.l, ttted,
and fth utra•nre-toent• resit/nett to the standard 1 , 04•
peratere o(0 deg. V alireutten by table. prepared for
we ptif,,,bes.
. ..-o..i•r • I. iy little r. ,Plll4 to
bare hem, .I.T ”Nti. •I in tht. a w an And th e
••••,11 uitll ion. of gold demeilt. now in the
Trett.tiry i nal,. fipiwat to ).• chiefly useful an
..Dmiling to the ,:alms m .11.. mi, tree of,
elm, gr. the Inelthic• for .prenlailon and for
...le keeping f.f min, which tornierly I hey had'
Its pay heel II) for at the Bank of New York
-I he Ivor" ;e 41,1.1. nag of t h.. Ni•w York
l.noiL• •'iii 1, , 1,. ~ a-. 1 riii e quite
1.0 111411 Ra t1a0.... 01 the New England cotton and
w °Men nitionfeelorte.. Under for Intl nerve
of depreciated currency and Inflation, all
banking estatillsbmenta appear to pro.per and
declare large profits hut when reaction comes,
and the correney he enntramcd, many of them
fad. ••In the ills Mend. of 1.5, 20, Le, rind eat.,
cope, tont we see, mays, the (I, onsele, the re_
halt of the first Waif of this ctrele,•'-let re.
hope that the .reond Luny: not come, and that
w Latium and prudence may provide agalnvt the
evil day. I toe of the most finggevt No fact. re
lative to the dividend. of the.. banks 14 that
.some of them having the largest capital and
and the safest management aeriM to wool the
more livilted profit.. Of the dividends on the
eighty millions of banking capital In Xew York
the fonallest in.titilt ion, beam to curry oft the
hugest prize.
-The dry goode market flay, thr PI, ilmbil
phot /Adger) Is finite stagnant compared Vt. ti
what it has been.-Mull in almont all depart
"amt., and w e of e glad to see I but most do
ine• lic fabrics are tin - reed .at lower prier. The
'Ot ton crop in a embed filth much i•ollifit fide,
end mid, III() 1111111,0,1011 that thr supply iv 111
in' eery abort, bolder ) of cotton good, refuse
to yield, and I.u) era, believing in lower price.,
are disposed to hoht oar. The trumMacturlng
oftereat ha. leas tent large profits the past
year, the hut; nearly dividend, pawl at the
beginning of i hi, month, In Roston allarrie, by
the New England Cotton MIN, numalnted to
nearly three and a half million.. 11111. not
only reflects the profits realized, but Writ. to
the strength of the manufacturert The
PROPOSALS will he received by the above romps- i coarse of priers will depend Much on the
t o at their ogler, at Reno, Pa. until Januar, MU. money Markel. ..1 contraction wll,l very
liefm:ailing down FIFTY V, ELLS on their hale .
at no.
'tartly bring down priers of eotton g s, and
Bidders will Makepraporals la &Mime. vies 1 , almost everything else. The decline in brad , ,,L l l..igAclV, Z 2ll,ll:4l'k C" wading i '''' r stuffs commenced a week or mpre ug . 0 00 .
becoml-For dolor the work- the Comfuel InPtd7- I thitm and the adviee
~,,,,2„.D.,,,ru..k...,a,,,,:,, ~,,,,t,,,,,,r7.. u, ..s, from the west •port a
'YThird -For doing the work, the Company lading stringency In MONty, ...iprehtlly sit I 1,17,0,
iTal ng tllS clti Mat t d r and the grain , peculation there Is Kr: !natty
wells. nut.% /or egg'. .Lul, X ~' 5p ,,,°,7,1; °°" ? more yielding be the force of elrcurnatancoa.
u pits4ark matt be: CQUIXIII3 00 ae not as practice- ' , -The Boston n laieo7l b ar the follow ng lu
in pruponds are accepted, and prosecuted cu. ;
el:Dile/Li claliabd, etigiultlleorsiet i v r t ad. / referenee to Mining stocks :
f . Or 'JAY/ratEN/illtik, dart , . Mahn stock, cOntinnOdepreeved. T e con-
Brsvo OIL A/CD LAND 0.. Retie. Pa. f dltlon and pnaspectsof our best working Warm
1 wOULd seem to warrant better prices for their
513 ares than those at which they art, now sell-
rik .. 141 . 01 . r5ii. . 4 . 41 . iii. „_ • .
~, . . 1
IfiW a i
copper was sold at an average of
an averago of 21 news. To
' I day the lama product commands 53 cents. and
• SALT MANEFACTIMEcer COMPIs I ; labor at the mines in comparatively abundszt
i copper rAlls closed at 94; Franklin at Waii
I. DUT Pwwtildc at 3,45. The Copper
tattle was
reported a few day, eine% to be making from
ET I . eight to (twelve thousand a month over all ay.-
pet-pone. The capital of the Copper Fulls le
5400,000. .It, headguarters are In lictston, and
I its past Cash dividends amount to 560,000.
of . I _me following comparative statement
I shown the averri.:e condition Ot the leading
: Items of the Philadelphia Book. for the p. 1.1
I,and pre, lout week t
D R . V I Lied Week. TM. week
ICapital ' 5 14 .54Y,13/3 Ol ylit,ine
Loans-. .• • • 18 ,314,150• 47,3311.123 1 , . . 517.., 73
I Specie. • .••• itiO,C9.s 1,107,10 e Inc. Pid,llol
YEILI Lefral.tend'rs 17=d,31X1 1 1,1E1%412 Inc 31,0951
Depostin ..... 116,81n,001 30.047,70 U Inc atbo7.l
t'llmilat Pm • . 7,:10,523 7„.. 1 .57,1 1 711 Inc 1v.144
Prop mis will he remOsed awl COU 4 lder , -.1 for each
lot separately, or for all of thsluts, at the option of
the bidder; but no bid will be et-onside red for ale..
qianithat sPered m one lot, tom one lot, he delivered
0100.11c n m and place. M .dssels Old ecomtalate e
ly. written oat fn Nll. the kind of oil trtfored.f.srbeth
ce sperm s lard or tomcat) the rate ;set pallor, the
n visa ix., of Om loit or lots bid for. and the place cf do
-1 !reef. con forming t this ad re rtiwernen t.
Bids submitted by different members of the sante
gr'fiel.rstlfArd'Orseh&s7rd", U ' olte hr t. f;:e " a l tfrogty of the
Itcpartment. reserves the rte. to reject any obt al
thoorh it Mfty bottle lowest, fur otherconsiderations
than the pore.
o p hid t, . selUoltroe.oan 4.Ltr‘rd, ct c lt i Lrfa , n r d or do-
colserecnt. to
A hood• with security to the satisfaction of the
g ent, Depart in a penalty espial to one-fon et b o f the
amount c contract made 1113(iel these props.
eats, will be 'misfired of each contractorp•ondltloned
for the hithrttl performanee of the contract, to be
executed witbla ten day. after the acceptance of the
Each coffer mutt be accompanied by a written Amor
/dime, *lined by cine or more real:towable' persons.
and Itooleo to the tlepmtenent m loch, or cc riffled by
• relied States dirtrlet judge, attorney, nary ag_ent,
or collector of the customs. tettbe affect Dux ir toe
bid be accepted, the bidder will duly eaecute •
tract In good faith, meordlnixo the proclaim. and
henna of thie adeerthirmant, within ten days after
acceptance; and that In cam the maid party carting
shall Pall to enter into the contract ea aforraald,he
or they guarantee to make 'mod the dlfferean be
tween the uffer of the mild poet y and the next lowest
a blda oniet moled and endormel •Pro
goltalti for Oil for Llght-home.,`' and then placed another envelope, sod directed, prepaid, to the ti.e
retary of the Llaht-house Board, is asbloaten City.
All bide Will he opened publicly, at the hour and on
tie day opcdfled.
Ithln y w 4o be •
:pf oe
s th :l
ad by the Dolled Mate, Y h
By order of the Light-house Board.
piiiiittawd2wm beeretary.
Proposals for Putting Down
Fifty Oil Wells.
Wll.l. D UT
Sulphuret of Iron.
16..1[ ilempftteturlng Co . . intr.C.
folrner Pitt 811Tet and Ntuesne way.
)3OOKEI, EYATIO - Ntitir
100 ,
.1. R. READS, TS Fourth Street
130(iviTs EIMERs
1711/1:11247 alar,Miclll.ls4rgreTtlife7tLrYllettltifjtg:
Cog ent neeur GeeenAiOnara fa re oodn' U nua,
conveni to !In, tenntnue of the Ytttohurgh and
ihaletwater.btreet 'Unread. 'end the Wood.' Ilun
Mallon on the P. Y. W. &C. ILA. We lee nOWOrt.
pami in fneAtavitewl nab, lymithe,cut Flowets and
Bas eta ofFlowers; alae, next Pot Plants c , llf
tut &matte !Or w l / 1 507! dfcvnitielt, 141;111;
lankci•s and Brokers
Tio, 75 Fourth Str.'et, i'llbbargh
1`!..r..1.• 111 om. ll , v
v• I .1,1,-. I
1. I
it,red OD etton. cns.l ,
n,nt p
s P ert. nf the Uhlt,l State, ro
ost fern
x - Pe - ”t.d with .11. p tet , c .,.,- rthielz In
tl.t at the nil,oft, rtt.l.vlt,Phia•
~ 0 , 4 ur,‘lt It: r.• on conlell,-
/kreow nn A. CLEWS Nen Turk, J.
Pht/ndelphle; Mesa,. Tin , . r. if. PER
KINS. Ilosteon.
(coanixTro Sr aonlasorr,m Ct CJb & :a
WEDNGSD•T Jan 11,1011
op. , e el A and
.103 50
100 50
91 00
07 50
136 08 --
71 09 --
1 5.193 t .
C. 5.
V. S. 7-...VPs,
V. J. 20-40 . 0
U. S. Certincates
Allegheny County Five.
Monongahela Insurance 1. 00
(1.11 Insurance 54 00
Monongahela Bridge Company to OS
Allegheny Valley It FL ..... 71
Citizens I.,4tim m i Bank al
hischange National Bank'El4 50
M. it M. National Bank h'S
Peoples National Bankln:. 07
Dank of Pittsburgh lid 00
rourth Notional Bank
Third :sailor-. ftnk IA
Lbt-rey tlusO Pittsburg%
P....5e1l OIL..
Cherry lion Central
Vales, I , AI - it'
I'it 1.3140rg1i A Nuns To: 11 01
Monongahela Nayigation.
C... Telegraph Co. ..
Cuperlor Iron Co. kilt Int
Cooper File Arms Co
The tone of the Stock worker ha.
a marked improvemont within the pa, '
drily The rear, at drat telt that a hartay cob
[rut [lon would rerun from the financial 111,,..
are now before Congreas fire pa.irinK
o v Id la !Other •trily, na.l ittuedr at ettont
Mt, in the New York market. l'...tabai-gh
buying rate. 137—selling 122
II: Ea ay C'er,rht lea have rc.o. e - e.l
t tally from the heavy iter/tr f lay last
lc kiltsbureh Stand, at 7,1 Tort
Wayne ha. tnuchial X twain tha ernments
are tending upward. again, Seers Thirtlei
being in tlernand at 9 - -%Uffe, for different
•Sete• There al bin .tiffereacti bet or-ea
tie rates Mlrreilt In New York ar.ti thoe- here
The .1..•1,1 at nuutatt• th,"
ply, and they will mean nearer to pa,
The, 1- no change to note In th• heir: •tie
:bit Buy., .011 have a derided pr, f, for
Stank Share., and though om 'qtr . at. opinion
as that own/ilia/or ero already ll:ater than the
Intrinoc nine of the .took, wt wnrcent,
there I. a fate probability of htehor rai.-, rath
er than lower. Iresimince stock. lea little
tftlirr.l fee. 14.1.1w1ty nbax. dull—n J hit trier
reported '
c0,n1,1, It.-- a " in ..mail
Int. et that : l at. r•• T. !ng g•
n ere elne.en d ' or. I'.. r:o.n neid • •11
Monday Iti•it Ittiteman Geo .Itro Alden t lah et!)
Ittchey, Treasurer, Anittr.ln. Hartle. tt
Shreve, of 011 City. . It ITt ir, of Nev. 1
liter anti It A adevart. The company hat,
received derta the Da-.1 1/arr3l3
The average tatty yield for 9a.5 tin), ba. been
'PC barrel , t'vrinetlrm for elle la,t sit month.
id 1 , 6.5 excet•il, that of tlet .1a month, in ts
• ,nr e than tlion , and karrel., w l.:1•• tt
,3eCU leirret. Frenter than •III! Mg the ar-t
of tOt'. I he company ho. a denlat-J d
der t ; ) 1“ I t The b/ , 011 , 1 of SaAlftii2
or, fa per cent On eapital,el. or 2'_, e .,,.
Mill., or 40 per cent i•ti to rate at land, the
...••11.3 [3,3 , 4 6 , 11.2.:2 in Uri. boat - let l I
i• onneeramry
Dairen anti MeElia nrre the mo, •re
oil •toeks in rhfliolotphin nn Ttioatl t a . Ing
0 ..Purts of both or thee, rompanie.• haring
made good atrikea The former aold iln :0 •.r.,0.
,Lad %Le latter athruncod to 2. In how York
the moat prominent luature •tori.. on
tunailay MYr, the decline in United 4;a1.• • to
—The Prennehoff Run Petroleum Company
ha. declared u divldend of five per cent for
the month Of November, a dividend of nee per
cent for December, sad also an extra dividend
or five per rent.
—No in hank, hove !wen errated underthe
nattonal banking ..ystoto during the pail
beok. Iho 141aole o otnner thus authorized
now gtand, a, on 1a.41 batultlny, one thot
.2ll(l Six lianttreil and h. onty-sti. with a to
tal capital of 310: .if.. Atnount ol Ent-rota
tion boatted to the toltional bonk• (or the moot.
muted n pr,.• tolosly "tt10,004,5‘.-:
agit'...t._.l.Oott There arc. { r de
orodt role., nr publte notme) 4 de l.lli nuted I , y It,
bocrethry 01 the Tren.otry
—The P A.rrne, tz ICA r onirte col 4. ttr*r.on to
the failure of the gold b.f.- 1.4,2 icy, a, pros,'
It, the filet that the net, gold note, hure not
41.1tarIng th e morabAutl ore o, if
1•••••1 popular than vra tlel Lull th •Ir
promoter. We
-tt It 11,i) reln• nd,r, , d , hj,t.
guild t..dr •
nunountN or enin
nn11ty.,...1 f:nin Inarda. and nt'ln nnunc
nyndernn, u:iv I I,n• Knit! '3 :t1 in Indio bnov
r.ltnent •,/..
• Louisville flog Market.
Lou ov Jan. l.i.—There are *till a
bed Comber of how, eonilng 10, nod 40.4 e rro,,
freely offered, though drover* eoutCod for
hlghrr rates. The packers, all but two, have
elated-for the reaSon,w/th the kale' nod
day of 700 hog* at le,.e The pack log
sums up us folios, :
pr,„.00,,,, report of the 111 .11311) ,, r killed. 00.052
Killed to-dap..... .• . • • • • 700
Number pen.— ....... .....300
The booking at New Albany, Indiana, which
Is Ineluded• in the above eethnoto, /*pretty
near Over.. Nero. McDonald, Brown d Co.
have thus Jar slaughtered and parked 7,30/0
hoga, the average weight being flu, and
they have rondo abOnt LOCO barrels of tpork.
home We More bog. are expert oR to clove their
PITTNINI '4 , 04 P 4 •
0 rrt,.. - Or Te fl , lt.ea 00 , ,re
T. Jan 17,
The penera: qr , • •
neglecte.l, ti , re N..; in‘lic
preNent y :rnj... -, ,•tr: ;n1 3
.:. ,•
an a nn • ; In.:: : , n.n I .nt
rat lonb LO rert,tl.
1 GRAIN—Whem Is In fait dernan-1 an. I li-t ,
sopply; sale of I ear onto Red st 1.2; ivn.l
ditto at , p,112, 100 seller in pay vt , .ruge tn rue
e 4 ',•.
rotor—!e pr bushel. Oat, In leu-ter de :nand
and a fraction higher; solo of 2ends at in; 2 do
do at 17, and small sa l es from F[o, at tuB.A.
Barley la very doll and too Irregular to quote
correctly. Salo of lon Shelled Cornet 4.1 No
thing doing In II yi,
FLOC - ll—Continues Octet and dull, bet
priced arc nominstir u,r1,,,,g m 1 . 6, 1
, sit ,
yrom Korn at $.35.44tp.N for Spring Wheat, and
410 1 4ft:0 1 i for good to choice - brands of Winter
Wheat. Eve Fleur le dull and nominal at tn..,
01543 i per 'barrel. buckwheat float 1., Ail.
quoted at 1.5 to 45 1 4 per cwt.
PRocislONS—titcon is quoted steady. with
.mall sale. at 15 1 4016 for Shoulders; elear
nide& at 19a/.91.5% and Sugar Carex! /tams at
2..3,41e7.?..i. Pride kettle rendered Lard is ,t.ll
(listed at la; sale of 17 kegs and 2 bOld country
at 17. Dressed flogs may be quoted at 10 , ,
AV ltd . :. Notking doing ill Me., Pork or Bull.
POTATOES—Steady with a very gaol local
dem 7aspande at $1,15 to 6.1., 20 per b.IICi. and 66,51) to
43 ,r 001 as uality.
APPLES—Are, to
ar q m with a good demand, and
we eon report regular sates from store at yt: i'.
to 27 1 4 per bbl.
1174:101) FITUIT—Se:e of 12 h 1,14 apples at Ilfg
Merida per ponial Ptstrhev may lie quoted
at lie to 23 far quarter- awl halved.
Oh lONS Ittiith a , lipply Co, 1t1.,,,b1y In
n xf•rs. or Ihe demand 11/ e nate tru - vni , inal
ntoill • sales s I 42.50 per 01)1.
and L-f No. i
I Lard 011 k quoted at 42 per gallon
o. 2 v I ttf , at 41,70411,73.
1•101LEIIII.S—The graeur, markt t iv qu!et
and without /turnable change in
earl report ri. bale of It hhds low grade emat
SII ias—to the trade—at 1.1 1 4.
I UTTER—There Ls no finprovesuent to note
In Alse demand for Butter, and the market
in dull ttn•l nec.leeted, and the arri‘ al, can
ti age n.oderately lures. lee 0 1 , 11 . .111111: I, give
the ruling rate. at ^ — '7 *.3.l far god to prime
8011, although sou.: holder, itre 0- ging .22—ff3Zk
1.11 I 1 ,. EnE -11 quoted quidt but •b tidy 0121
r Iln rtilavr*, and 22 for beedien
,}-} LS-2t[`
ixs-g1 Li noinina:rbiy unehanged
0. 4 _. - sir:.':, 4 _. - sir:.':,p. I, .i.. , ,1. i':oveoo•J 1, held at
4,a fiann store, .: , 'mood very 11201 No ..I++lry
Inv Timothy
EGGS-1 , 1. y iv t,nole.l cultd at .s't•„ i - /••11
pa ek .. - I
0 121•/0 , I - 1
.10-..,5 -- s•es.... o'tl.
at. : ..t 41 7"O - 2,2 , 1/ per 1.-1-.1
Ili 00
I) 11N)
PlTT,rit PU1I101.1:1:31 M tit ii 1:T
fly I'rt„nrnou 1; kTErT, P
Wo ,,, DAY, Jan 17, I 5
, nt. •nTkertvetnent to note In lie ,an•
I t , uta or tar Crude market-in riv-t,
• 1•• !•••• dcmnnl fr, the Itrlte:.•, and
are uaalde toreallre. nut ,tt,lund log
apltrat WU. to oak oottoe-iont.. The
ly to,wan 55 tybl 2.".,1,143
7 and a 4,0 alladatt, L'ht, returned,
1 'aft - 41, ht - . 1. 1111 . i lilted, the prosy !ling
ea. It la , aot Ilatd them nitre otr,,, to ,e 1;
w;nst t.t tII otatlon, hut we proatitit
'.11;`,1. No: a thera any it
r to :”,to- r. t:. , tlttrft Intl ler leOtled
el, tether for pretetnt er future delfeert
ear of It being offerett freely ut 50e. free on
'e f t arc, here, u ithout fluding taker, and
I look. noel a. tijOTl,Zij our refiner, ta ill bite
tt rzake u •1::1 reduetlon in order to
:To Inate, Free Oil. alt., continues •ery
prte, are .till
v.i ,
a: 7 , 7 t, the out,,fle 111Avre for hut,
Naptha rar,ly ever thnntione.l
n•11•1L..1....t 1.7 per b4l. , 1.....trere.1 I
CU:C.OOO, J.lflMary 17.'
. .
}I : cr. -1 , :'! d nominal: • ery ltttlr
la So 1 Spring, litl Isnitor
o. 2 4piana, at
alead% aol arm, at 37 , .,,c for So 2 (iota
'y hint u.ot. at •Mylr?-1 , . for No 1. nn .t n
for lire, quiet at I:, for No
arlc , t.rglet .:•ir
ore a.t luv r, , n, 42.17-0
; Pant / 4 t. , .—.UOrn act, and firm, Mc...Pork
active; sal,' of 4EOO t/tds at 4g7ft5.12 , -, for city
and InSl,so for country Eu/k bleats, firm and
sal,. of I.l.l,neltc at 1.:?-p- for bulk Sides.
and 10?i-11'..c for Shoulders; loose street pick
ed hams wore In good demand, and firth:
:etc. of SOO t Icrcee, at 165ie17 , ,,c lireon lianas
sold at IGe; fildka, at 12c, and !Rano/dors at at,
ryas: the block Lard, firma; actual Sales, 1,300
lerocs. at 17.113 for steam. and r e fur kettle.
Nblpped, SL:. The Market la active, and ty;4! e
bolter; fades at
Lt vs flogs recetrod, 9.313.
, 1.;pp,1. non^ The Slaraet dcvlos.,l
o to bear) recoiptc. ' , Ors, at fp,orafta,7s.
dl ..r - rbs—Cattlf, dal/,
oncy matter, ut•hanged 1.01,.1..".
'per lei lt , patehto the l'Atiehttrgh (:11,ett
Cssels *act, Junnary 17, 1•46.
Pnet.:•,es•—Yery quiet and /title oliqes * L.
t eou to hey or :all. basal! sale. of City New.
Pork .1 hut nothlog done lu old or
/looms yolet; *ales of Shoulder* at
It: r, (dear • ale, 19!,,c; Stlwar Cured llama held
at ,t,ir Bulk meat. unchanged. Green meat,,
wrukrr. C Ith rates of shoulders at Ir , cc and tO4c;
'de, 1.14 4 : Hato, mud /7e Lard firm, a lth
kale* of Ito tierce.. of Pratte C City at Ise; keg
Lard I, held at ttsc
—"Urn at L.1.r.00, net. for Itre. and $lO.OO.
. Country I.ll,...A.,terlinval. 01.1nall,30;
speria/ Otspatch to 'Western Press.
New Tont, January I:. lafit
There 1+ more activity In Petroleum speml
lat:on with the chlef activity on Palmer and
Itennehoff Run: :talcs Ivory at tau following
rate, Bennehoff Run, ht.=; Buchanan Farm.
7e: /h-aelley, m; ler simple, M; First National,
IN I'.thol.• rrek , 11,70; Excelsior : ttb
stales, Webster. I,OS; SOntlmmi, Pal
mer. 1,423.
Specla/ - Diapateh to Wehteru press.
New Tons, January
ri , noce.ter—There la more tone to the mar
ket; ISCO Mill Crude cold on the spot at WA: ,
:Z.., and cm bideltetineu In Bond at GOCr7S.
Finesse. nod Trade In New Turk.
to Yank. Jan. 17.—1 n the Stock Eschan, ,
hi. morning railway speculation assumed'.
ntmlan, and ` in-re Was roller morn II
Inantl for stock, generally with come onetto..
mem the lending speculative shares. The
largest rtse and greatest activity I...tart Pit Is
hurl& and Ind itotathern. These stool. are
In 3.1.11,1 bertoultig demand. The late boar
combination, consisting of Ilse strong gyms,
last week, hove taken the opposite track., and
rr englncerteg Is hull movement. The mar
ket became weak during the day, with 401,13%.,
pressure to nell, tint closed quite firm and
ilightly better. The folio% Ing were the clon
ng prlees at JO); New Yofk Central, /SUS;
Cr!,-, ~ II ed-on River, /Mi.' Reading. 101%;
INltchigati Southern, oh; Clilittland d NW/-
brgh. :Silt Hock Island, lot ; Nort hwestern,
3/ ,•3 : .; de pre frrrtli,
GOTCITITIVIItS cont !nut, firm on 7-15 notes,
with • fair demand. Gold bonds are dull,
needing the 'receipts of later European ad
viers. -Money contlnuelvery abundant, with
considerable loans at 5 por cent. There was
re Mite a
Is speculative feeling In gold to-day.
The gOOd demand for customs. The
market closed at 1.1916.
New Tort Narket.
Nrw Yona, Jan. 11.—Corros—oteaq, With
ti moderate business doing, at Sly for
Trorn—Ze bettor for Itxtra White, while
pretty much all other kinds are dull, at ISSO
B.SO for Extra State; ipl,loga,7llfor IL IL 0, and
Ia,PIM/10,M for Trade Bnuads, the Market clos
ing dull.
at W $2,2S.
fiat—Quiet and without decided change,
GLAIR—Wheal dull, and nominally unchang
ed. Corn without decided change, with one
a moderate demand, at nig/Me for unsound,
eagftem. for sound mixed VreStern In store
and delivered, and al for White Southern.
Oats dull and 14:le lower, at 11447 e for un
sound Western, and for mound do.
Protoxr.rx—Rather more steady, Crude,
341.4e35e; Refined In bond, 3d 57c.
itoexe ssa — Cofiets_qttlet. bugar unchanged;
Ilawanna,l2.,MXClee. Molasses quiet.
Pariviszosor—Pork opened more active and
firmer, but dosed dull and lower, at 5.11431,10
for New Mess, closing at OM cash; G.M1f.11,50 for
Old Mesa, closing at WAD cash; gli,gotrAl for
and #11601114 for Prime Mess; also,
4,80 Mi ls New Mesa, for January, February, Aprll fled May, seller's and ' buyers OP-
Lion, nt I& Beef Cattle were active at
6,60010. Cut Meats qulet and steady at 114 . 13 a
for Shoulders, and I,MIBM for Rams Baton
dull and depressed. Ilogs'elster al SIX,.' )012,73
for Western, closing at 512,50; also, l i rm Mils at
all,ntela,Mfor City. Lard firmer a la@rityrn
also, 1,7 M bids far February and March, seller's
option, at 19:Cris:Me. Butter dull at 301i,3c.
Cheese quiet '
New York Sleek nod Nene". Nwyket.
Saw Youz, Jan. 17—Money quiet at iii per
cent., chiefly at the fanner rate. Sterling i:z
ehange dull, at Wielep.
fiord firmer—opening ut advancing to
itati', and closing at 140.
t:overnment Stocks ere quiet and without
decides' change.
'rocks—Steady; r. s - Sixes 'SI Coupons, MB
Treaaury Note:even Thirties, lot series, ..x4l;
Treasury Note Soren Thirties, tit series, bill
TT easnry Note Seven Thirties, fie, nOJ;
T. S. Sloes. One Year Certificates, new Issue,
P 5 'N; Oblo and Mlnsissippi Certificates, Mtv,i;
Quicksilver, 4IN; Reading, Mirnlgan
Southern and Northern 1111n01i,6.7%; North
Western preferred, 57 !;i 1 i P.lttrburlt_b, 1 5 14:
North •Westerit, 321 Hoeg Fort
Nsw Tonic, Jen, 17.—The price, of tiu(ug
Clocks MA in Roston to-An, wore w< follows:
Copper Fulls , mit llooewsk,
1.1, Boyml, Nlitiueno.a. Quincy,
cril . 4
PITTS/II:11[00, FOOT it - Arne t Cmesoo. 11 It.
. 1 41 , 17-11 bglp Osts, •Graff & Reiter; 2 rocs pig
meool tal, J Moorhead; 7 do do. t co; /6
1. apples. 4 ears potatoes, retter. Aiken &
shepard; ru !ibis 011. Cook t (loner; 6 bales
bons, .1 Whiter 2i empty' bbls, Spenorr & Me.hay; 110 ohs wheat, liltebeOck, NteCreeq & en;
10 01,1% hominy, E 11 Myers; 10 do do, liftoff &
Reiter; I ear bay, 11 Itea; 51 this teamtJ B 80. -
field: 100 bids itour, T Jenkins; 21.3 sks oats,
I dressed h0v,;•,2. tors butier,Aleek & Armstrong;
1 ear middlings, J Mcßae; 10 Oxs cheese, T C
Jenkins; 1.111 ham, I - sellers A en; 178 ngs
middlings I
I Ilea jr, f car oats 1 ear corn, hell
cx.r.l-EL.,,D a PIT, Dr ,ton
Jan. 17-100 bids flour. 7-li...inakcr d Lang; 15
bow: cotton. King & 271 ",ka oata, W
Itingbam; 173 do do, Tl_ Jenkins; bz4 cliecce,
hteln d 11,01 4 skc rags, rk le
M co, 55 , ks bar
ley, cCollough, Smithvoi . 1; bbl, oil, s
lloyd 1 co, 5 pkgs wash bowls 1 , Ittict; 2 bbla
dry opplos L II I olgt /t co; I car metal, Nico
le': d co; 1 ear lumber, J d A liay4; lot nun
,,rl es, W Armstrong; do do, Weldon lc Kelly.
I . rT7SOCTIOrt, COLCURrYit AND CI 7 , 1-13 - a ATI 11. R.
, an. 17-158 sks Wheat., Hitchcock, McGreery A
o: 10e bhls floor, ""botuaker Long, 1 car mill
feed, II Knocw A. Son, 4 bxs tools, Whittoorn,
t, co; 8 Lblt bean., 10 .lo dry apples, Win
Loupe., d r 0; 1 car bones. 31 Austin.
A IA rnnrar STATICIIT, Jlllllll7 ear corn,
It Knox hon• 6 by , . tobacco, E lilcasony 306
II tl es, Topp, Baker & co: kgs lard, 2do butter
Id ylie; I ear 4i1xV1,24. J 3levers; pkg,g leash
bonW Iille•on Eatnaondi IS do do, .1 Moon at
non; a do do, II Walla; I ear lumber, C C
1 enr wheat, Kennedy & Jiro; I dresred hogs, J '
M, :e•l‘
liirg 111 -4)10 Z.
t • ! , 1 0 pr, I .1,
are ~ .11 . ust the weather has ri•oderitted
asiders7dy, and mailers hat e nadergOne a
:ester[:,]. The 7 denonirahela has takes] a sud
den and very 'me apeeted rise, and baring
eaclusl a height of between eight and nine
feet wan again falling last night, with eight
feet two Incite, water in the channel. There
has been a gorge below I { - heeling, end the
er between here and there was II ned with
Leary shore fee, beside, a great deal on the
middle grounds and shoal places, which will
all be broken up by the rise and sent oat. The
pool e the dam Is dont - die'ss broken up, hs
the ice was running freely out of the Monett
gal.ela all day. The Allegheny river remains
urea}, and nicht , is not much prowee
for rise from that stream for some time to
entne. The wharf Is a glare of smooth lee
from the pavement or 'rater street down to
ILe Wiiters viige. and hauling freight to the
boats is a dlnlcult and .hazardous business,
several ateninure are preparing to !mire, And
if this rise Mtge/eared the river below will go
out during the present week. No business is
doing or can be done at the landing until after
warm weather dudl have cleared away the
trobrien, (-Apt Golding, Is the 111•Nt boat
to 1014.0 She xHI start for Nu.hrllb. to-dny
the Reuther niffilerale. ,o that Irvlght. and
emi he gof .100 n N , her.
The 1.-nt Ivotl,l:npinin t Lonrho!' it nearly
oaded. and 0111 leave fit no early slatfor Clu.
Innntl and Louisville.
The A rlllrn itl, C:Ipt1:11 liCeall um is about
headed. 040 has only been awaiting the move.
no at of the Ice et Louis, and now that it is
zone, she wit! le aye with dispatch for that
lo the
sienmer)nst built by Capta i n Haslet, and now
at the ti hart_ We shall notice her more par
ticularly in a day or two.
Captain At. Shipherd.s new side wheeler for
the Pittiburati and Parkersburgh trade Is
nearly ready totake her place. "be will run
in connexion With the Bayard.
Captain li. W.../ohnson has just completed
and brought up to the landinghi•
Glascow. Site to built (torn the
The Emma Graham has been laid up at
Zanesville, but may be expected up on thin
c ,7l —? „ ::;.`iTsa d .'dElt-'l'o,'“Z'
Till, EVLNING. will be preacotbd the F - rmei cub-
Asti.. Ida), entaled the
Ilsrtb3 •
- . ........ Matllde Ihron.
~.t 1.1,0(4:111.
Act 11. —7 Lr MANSION.
Acl 1111-11(IrSEOF TV?' II l h. ti,.
.1: M N
—•— • -
AND MA.N.I,Er. A • • EItrAME.
Last night hut two of the great Comm.. , llan
ho grill a pp .: y r a l s, a i n ny Lu lh , tl , l2 . • great moral drama
Amtle ElLra. Petite Ida as Eva.
'MI,. EVENING. January Ldh, alit I, presented.
Harriet Ils ,Itsr r.towe's pre,: mom/ drama,
stx arts...htltled la
In r.n.o.gur.ner of the great knob of the Di
nt he
,121 no utltreplere.
T 1•8 l'at.ln 4.n Saturday afternoon.
The Innnanc ment would r..o..erfrolty Inontmet
11.1 th.,:y Lave . ..cured. for one Isoel, commenetng
Miss )11ORE has !aka. every Friar nonfood...l r•d for,
agcrul and all 114 Ss:lmila- and Ss al pr.assist
llot Actors. lhousands... troiral Par - l. (Isl
. nr., shr a forum asno
. p, old
.1 GR.I.I'D
1%111 W girrn r)21" AFTEWSIMIX at
!'‘':;;l3t Hoar. will r rote .arluua, other 411,,".za
• price, ut athal••lull w lU trt, as c
e.tictots good.
bo t le room rut MOW "poctatut,
Me tutioetc Of the day fur noilee of her arrln al. So.
The yotinges4 and most brilliant war earre.pdssident
ill dellser his celebrated lecture with am abor
tills., ander the auspices or tin- TENNYSON CLCII
On MONDAY EVE:VINO. Jan - nary= lifez.
Seats may tic secured:at Atelier's Musk:Stare, No.
1 Wood street, commencing OD ti:ltUrd.%l. WM /Mkt.
Ttetetsloeents. NO eats charge for resersod seats.
Nobler. of season tickets eau abe st.:=lll, meat. with
out extra charge. - •
3. It. IlmTitirila..l3. 1 / l elollr BELL •
31. MTStrait 3Com,
) taatt W. KI'..N.:IIT, G. T. Witin..2.l - ,
lalt I. GAZZAar, Seel,
JEtEc;X . r.a. , rMornEs,
In Lafayette Hall
Alla. .7. R. 1V13771:71MX,,
Itched, and. r e tme had •t 1 •
it Noma, aat thed.r, 4 be
on UT
lotermed/ate rbk , art
6/4whed 4ddam'
Passenger Steamer, Bayard,
l'ittabargh for Paritersburub every Uondar
aud Thus-oda,. at o•,Pa.
Least, WEseting for Parkerainargh every Monday
and Tburaday, at 6 cs'elock,
I. ,ParkeainarhtlOT:PllbUrgh every-Tue.:l.7
i'l-liksAt?il.ftritrai4rgt,tyery Tuesday and
Friday, at p. •
Leave. Wheeling foaltLitattrgh eterylWeariesday
and iiatiardal, at 7 It. m.
0S ". ("Ign Cd?"' JlVTaltiall.l g e n:, Ag r gluts.
AND EA ESVILI.E.—TIas' nee ataltmet
ORAMAM. Capt. 0. IL nrets.. 3341:264th.
aboNa and all Intern/
m. . calate porta everPrtrEgrentAT-1- P :
O . I), ;Irv,
Pl2lll+l4.l , lph tn
t. I'lll .t 11 tut, • ; •
^.l fir rr.l Corn to 4. •
-Me, of 3 rho , . At
W14,1[1 —Firm in: 42,,
..• I. /.1,4-1:11,1(1.11,1 . ,'..• t
tIS , 1:elloonl. In tion.l At 0; it „
Philfisielphiri 'locket.
ra! ism - rritl.i,Juu.l.l.—The Wheat lu.trl.e:
!luost ot o stand. ited 1 - augeo from VI
pet ;Ish 1.,r arul.4u.ility
my 27.: for White In Rye noih'
mes foru - ardslow/y and '
late deellue. Sales of lOW bushel
esets—in the ears and from att
nAF et e1.11:1.
About 8000 bushels l ouodo East Barley sold
at $1 per bush.
demand for ("los erred 1. .•rtrem
i noted. Sales of 400 hush commonand pr
at P 3,2.5 up to 11 , 7,73. Priers of litho
ore nominal. Small sales of Flaxseed al E
4t'3 IS per hush.
Whisky la dull. Small sale. of Oh
at ti,V, and refilled at Cl=
) r. Ef'S
Pectozal ASYrER
yellow at 78
V. Oats are
<Cures; 13ronehiti
G e lurees.aLEktlaaaX
All Diseases of tho Lint
, 1 . r: r. 1 . t . e , 1,;1; ,, n , I 100 to , orne of t r •I [s=2
Pectoral Syrup.,
Th. r are at /acme • •
Izcaalre of the p . ei .' ::; , :tl,7la ' ba
evc Li en cure.7_
Attend to Your Colds,
A of fin: year.' cur,d b 3 Dr..
Pirrsurrern, January B. ta
Dn. Ervainr—lly oder has been elfin:tad wit
bad coughand difficulty of breathing for are or
year., which. for several years back, bad gradu
Increased to violence. The complaint has heft I
editor' tend abet bad been treated by acme.' ph,
f., without Ba t y relief. In this otate CTOEAL cojEgr
tee l ' hiefig ed
ht, Tifst 7 tt r jy cent bottle IA
Berea her v e r y much: I then co/led and siot add
bottle, which cured her entirety, and she as not
trace of the former disease, except weakness
would aloq state that I Used the medicine myself
cold and cough. The medicine cured me by tai
one dose. I express m 7 entireantis:action with
medicine. and you are at liberty to publish Lb
you desire in do so. 1 , ./11. - WILSON,
Alderman, Perth War
Firrsumoon, November 18,
Dn. Ksrarm—Altbough not au advocate orPal
ecitrines, In general. tt afford, me pleasant!.
mnbabte to recommend your PECIOnAL STRI
A. • medicine it I. well worthy the ottention*ofi
meant who may In any manner be afflicted r
coughs. cold. andboareencss Grotty kind, and for
poet liar qualification. for removing e 4 that CI
grreable sensation attending a sere, cold.
I have been, Mi d a s or less In my Illb, affected
the severest of and hoarseness. At thane
throat would become so closed as to pecreet ,
decoking shore a whbaper. and bytaking &f dr
ol the above Syrup I t would relieve me entir ely.'
In recommending thls medicine. I moat aches
tingly uy that It la the-best remedy I ever too
purporting to corn the above, nor should an y tat
be without this STEI.II7 ab ove,
60preval eat,
Yours, most respertielle
Cuhler C E l D tise Wa rts` D Dc j posi . .7 TRan
St ocean, tbLF, Ohio. March 14,:1td
I hare used Dr. Keyser'. Cough Syrup for a
cough of several years standing , and can chant: y it L. the best medicine for the mambo that I
bVtI IlLkett. • J. W. PRICI
AYRUP.—Ds, Ekrang—Dear Ale: Redeem the 4:4
ermy acknowledging the excellence of your Peck
_lF " el l air &Ire ylft . 4 tell grlettroTerlitents.:,,
array cough, .....d s the wo..rtene waseveratn,
with. I have nottised More =me one-half of
and I can and do wish that all Who are .at
cd would give It at fair atrial as I have done,
theywill be proud tasty. "It Lena quackmedicinr
I would not safer another such an attack for -
heelt airy cost. _I ant confidant I
breathe Moro y than / over did. I shall alw;
cencloordedge st debt of grantude for Invntingme
ll tit a remedy. You street Liberty tb Usenet y to'
in this regard as you think proper.
Messenger Conaznan Coturell. E. Pl P ths . bu ltArr ege,
N. B.—l am no serangeßromy feller...citizen., 4
all who entertain doubtu can consult me personal
_.iSDCSGI7, April:L.ll4
— iT Dia Krrawn.:—l herr
daughter who boa taken several medicines for • r
cough without lament; among them Ayers Chet
PectoraL I purchased from yon a bottle of y 1
Pectoral Syrup, and before she had used half a t;
tie the vas reßemd. The xcond bottle Cured
euttrely of her cough. JOHN usurr.r.
.P.abinsoa street, Alle2ghen4,,
SYIII:P.—/ live in d'eohics" towed:4, Allegh4
county. / had a cough mad opittinge Which a!
[nested about the Ills of Tebrusay batearatt coot
ued eight months. I employed to best Mayen.
in the country, and my cough continued - ane.b t '
until early In October. At nalt lime 1 • was add;
7 .
to try .. Pectoral Cough Syrup, which i did, le
ater I bad taken one bottle I was calmly (roe ft
nettleing mid slatting. I load despaired e
well, and / think it shoold be known ti
this valuable remedy will do Mr others what It kr
done in my case. JOHN C. TATTLE,-
Witham /J
:B. M. Rims. Peebles towns*
Parrott TcnegalfrP, Aptil a, 131 i
'WONDERFUL CURL'. -- tome time ago an i
riLechhtr.r4 one lll wi th a ittal . : . ort
relatives told me that he had taken every ream
they beard of without benefit; hi. brother came ,
Ore him dic, nd all *ere condensed to
be could not lire. /bad shoe/the third of a
I'll your
u E ;e7 fa. rat Tr' its LI2I.=:!:P:uTI lT
=ekes the ease more remarkable, Is the extreme
of the Mari, be being about eighty_years old. Ihe
uo doubt the Peetosal saved his life._
... JOiLM hictiEß/9
FE.—Please send on &bothers tipy of yowl,:
gable Pectoral Syrup. Almost everybody around:
the cold, and are endhlia for "Dr. Reyse;
PectoraLtlyrup." We hire sold direct bottl
past erect, end are now entaely lue. WI, All
S. All
and Mr. P. Maher, bothof utouweille. Pa•. told,
they would not le without it la their families.
fact. all who ass It once want it again.
Tours, sespectfnlia.
lam 4. ti. WATTERSON . 6
bra' i PECTORAL bYRUP.-0 had Owen trout';
with a cough and cold ( or several Ireeka—so bad Is,
it that I could not sleep. 1 had the advice and'ird
seriptions from three of -the best physicians La 11
city, whom (could name , bet do not do en. Lanai
procured a bottle of poor Pectoral Syrup, - wail
cured me entirely.
(Maned? n. W. SIIIONTO.V, 4
No. :id Liberty street. Pittsburgh, 110
J.aary 9th. ibeh
• •STOPTTIATCOPGIIING."—"Ifow eau I dolt
2V-PolV-Vg.ogitilittoSdlfthnanorige ay
mlie mast be desperate Indeed" This Is a special:l
.r the colloquy one hears every daysuccad-c.icati
Leriods of the year. And vre can , fuM actual eapj
rfruent, etteerrull weavr Wede adtlsero admos,
floe as above, forhave the "Pectoral:"
tmoat stubborn ease, twleb entire success. ie,
wo weeks ago we went to ,Pittaburgh. with marl
them ost distreuStrig, contrary, :mu li sh. bduall
roughs we ever experletleed &Mee our ent opt:
this reUndane sphere. We Conned Ora 7 and Li
Aortously for one whole wear, in hopes of tiring;
cut, Molt wee no go. In Ont. It attn. rather,-
have -Unproved by prxtice. and to he • coquli
- etrengtb, pot.ey nod dlstressillility by the opt 4 - •
1100. la this st.age of thy sit cue
to Keyser's, No.-140 Woodjetreet, procured a gti
cent bottle of the "Pectoral •_. took O according 4
direction., and In fortl - eigh ' i =MO WS were:earn
of the:Lela the enemy hoe ing v unconditionally en;
rendered. alter • brief,
_L Ult gentil: sena 4
wddable ad aatenary as akelaelOw famous Coe ,
rectoral. — .liroxnerf ire Ciipper,llpi, Is, um ; ..-,.•
prepued !wit .014 1.,
No. 140 WOOD STItr:ET,
Pitta btu'6.h.Po~y~•~
A SURE CURE,'`';; •
rr , sold by.
140 Wood Street, leittsbargbiri.
Price, 2lssinfs