Zixe 4buttfilt 6aztitc. A Noble Itaaniple Occasionally the pure ms call,' upon io no. tine Instances of li.. t where-Mils in .11-t'• d(tlon ere a vo:Ele,l 1,, Lilt o: th o m and left to their dreadful fate, with a cold. InurtrdJulto l ll:lettyrlj untlerth eirecra- Aimee., may lic l , oott tired ma I ietouB. There hove aLso been notable ofhuman ity, rennin , and tenelg•rne.c-i 11110110,1P...1 Upon the Ut,e".ol, in which the highest anti herd ward .-bates of human nature have been employed In 2hernieueorehlpirreeked crews avid pas,en ger.e. To the latter should certainly be added the* noble conduct of (.:tiptoin Burke, of the Anieriean barque l redenia, which .arrlvert ut Boston on Sunday last..: On the Ist of. January the Fredonia fell to with the British chip I.; rat- Snide, at ilea. The latter was In a leaky eau. • clition, and In great danger or sinking. There were three handretl, and sin persons on board. laptain Burke might hare pleaded as au *s ense for not complying wltlr the a pOealg upon behalf of the Gratitude that were amide to Lim, Mot the interests pr his owners and eon. - Apices -required, 'that hi, - should waste no tinte,nualthathe deal neither food nor .useoto modal lons for solarge a number of parlous who'were In danger. fist Captain Burko is Iduntly nof a man .of that selfish Ile believed In doing :Mho would be done by. Ile responded chcerfelly, anti resealed to save 1111 - who were im.danger if it should be pos. -• Ito neconllngle latrine the Cinititude, and as the era was city reugli, and passage from one seeped to the Other difflatat, It re. ooired three drip, to transfer all the parsons In 'danger td the Fredonia Woes all .were on board, the brodOnia, u small ye isel,was found to be so much erowthalt• that supiniary meat. ales nets` necessary to accommodate them. A portion of the cargo was, therefore, thrdan Afiverlrestril, to give room for the reseu7o per -AC/US. Furthermore the stores on'the Fredonia were not suing:lent to fe,ed the lafgenqinber of T ansoes fully, consequently all hands hind to he pot on short allowance, and for eleven days all that each person received was Ii halt pint of water and a biscuit a day. Ceder all them disadvantages Captain Burke sudeeeded in bringing therredunin .safely into port, with out the huts of a single life. A else of human ity andmaguanltulty like this deserves some thing more than a formal record among the .ship news of the port of Boston. It Ins grtioci cnxiitiiple of what resolve and benevolence may do under the direct loWof Oman of Irtml heart and generous principles. Captain ,Ituvice de `nerves the th anks of the people of the 17E111,1 States tend Great Drltaln for his splendid es 'am Ile of courage nud kindness. Ills tuition . no doubt, nicely./ the commendation of n thGoventments of both nations, and what in has tlono will, It is hoped, have its Mil mince berext f ter upon those men who navigate the al eat writern.—PATlod4phfit Enairrr, Spanlib Dlfflesillies. The most unpopular person in Spain at this •t Mei Is Queen Isabella- 11., the only remaining -Bourbon sovereign in snrope,now Qnly thirty - tire yeins old, though She has nominally been on tbe throne since also was in long clothes—a baby of fife yearsl -- Culippy, if not Worse,ln her domestic relations ; at once avarielous end extravagntit (the classic reader all recol lect how Sagest descrilasi Catallnens at vets a spendthrift anda ccivetous man "prryaras 5,5, (dim, oppete-m)"hsthglatv and fawning; a she-braggart in prosperous hours, truths Wei ghed creature at th e ardad of peril, oho has al tered the influence of the clergy to suggest, almost to dictate, how her country shall oc pCiverned; she tta. alienated the nobles by fa miliarity with low personsnf • douhtful char nctert She has Offendedltbiiininititude by run- Axia out of Madrid-4111e approach of the cholera, and remaining away long after the scourge had done its land Work and vanished; untr'sire - ints irritated her 'Ministry, of whom "O'Donnell-is head, by insisting that her vapri -Cearrither than their deliberate a 1 3 ,1 responsi ';hte•..ludg shall govern Spain. It is —considered no means improbable thZl Queen • Isabella may bo inv Red to ,:titilt:ithe throne, retiring open a sonicient pen -'(am. Tlutdialculty nate her successor could -'6,1-trelt., tier eldest sea, the Prinee 'lst Litle more limo seven years old- and pop ulareninton in Madrid to• . . bunt-or - any of his four Sisters to big putative futher,.lkin Pninciscorl'Assis, the-kin.-;,on - sort, who is the queerilir cousin. The Duchess ofillontivensicr, thew:creels only sister, might be consideredby Ilipanlardif as eligible for the Abeeciiihn,lf vticant„biftiSfpoleon 111 vrould I.robablyyeto her eloctiOn,ll3 her husband is iltthshn of Louis Philippe of Flnnue. There is a Strung party, however, in Spain, which loofa very ftiTor4b l ) CIIStIOIIIO linecrps depasi tori, to the electionetl Lontsl, King of Portu gal, now tn - evary'.-scvert years Old, a doll 'toil, sensible and liberal gentleman, eon-in-law ,of Victor Emmanuel, :is one la whoSo person Diu whOlcilhcrinpeninsula might ones more be united tender one scent re. He Is In no goal orderVith Queen I.saliodln.s part v. however; foe when ho lately visited Madrid, ho was COM . pbile,4l6lllAit, his residence there to four ..bouri— It is probalgratat France and Buv,lan4l woulditot object, if-thp olior were made to • -"King Louis accepting tiro Grown of Spain. For tunateyotfat;hlitather was a Coliourgi—Phd •-ectriphio:Prehr, Ceittennarin6s in Europe. rridielt jortartaUstO,J has _made a list of the number of deaths in the :year IES of persons who attained the.age of 100 xeariftuid ripcords, .:France not tneladed. England holds a respect efie-plaeo In the list, hating Ilya nation oat of MO - 19 neDboted frent this :uncle world. The .10 the list, width might bo added to by further "Investigatimi `Mrs. Burahcil, 100 yearn; Erlititcan Ere. JP:Melt% Ross, 105 years, Alsrkstitattlttont Ere. Mary Fllan, 100 yews, .Londotwllira.hlargarol Cartel, 103 years, Shal ton-Ttecto- NorfoLknErs. Sarah Englelleld, - .. /01 years,WaYroiltild; Nano - eh:tens, lot years, ' , Drustela; roabell Boater, 100 years And eight, months.. DeStedhergen, - Jlelgirmr, Catherine , ran Welle, 101 years:" Alost; lormarti Ithiso, 100 ' years, Itossighone .IL. Agrdhange, Coo. jnierly" abbot 01 the 1403810M' COnvent. of SL -4;eorge, Crimea 108 - yearn; DM Austrian Oen ' end UountElyalart Del liappanconrt. leo yeses; l the ntlion-Warrior, Bloody Ilaad, 100 years, at Cattaratignfi; Madame Angelioue. Dover, 115 ,Tears, at Qiieboot Middle Gagger°, 100 pears, at Ji.len'Oa; Luisa Marla Do tnireira, 107,yeats, cr isp ient do Lontal Portugal; Jan ncltlag elrn eitt - ,117, Vienna; Madame Daniel Eoutnra, 50.15MUlb.Lortil,,,Danada; Eabello DC Penafiel, . Portagiti, yeara. j . The,,PrOposat; Eat:0E1010n of Bounties. It aPpaara from an ofEleial`statement that .‘totai niuitbOr of Men who have received •c'eslieet *Ste or elenbounty during the war.wa51,730,341, amounting in the aggregate to nearly.ol;ooo,ooo:.The, total enlistments o -Oaring. th war were e,t.ilooo, of whom I.p -wards or two received no bounty. Miswer to an Inaniu by Gen. Schenck, chabnman.of Use military Committee, respect ing wproposesil Jaw. emulating the bounties of -oh soldiertvwho servM.liirring • the war to sup- Presa "rebuillon, - the Paymaster General soya thetsunt ratpitt d Carly each soldier on reprivie,ritittivilto bring Uptis'bounty to nice, the largest anus paid ;is nearly ipsxt,ooo" and. dbli large.irt sum•required to pay each soldier such higher bounty, In proportion the time of t‘Saltaotlatalsodzo,aon. !The Paymaster Gener a.; snysAtter_finniuSitstitrated snt:neens4ary to no an4 uroposed, If even reduced by nab •.ball,-give an ambunt so enormous and .etartling.inittaproPorttona na • to awoken the .aravostconaMeratton lb Um-expediency of tbeineasure, it indeed ; it can be regarded AN at Fall praetietible 'at UM present crisis without gunnelal ruin: . 1 N collection of , trur , anneetlotes, it is t d . hat ocertainsold3cr was slogolarly lucky .) ttoqingittatifoin oridor the - act tone in which rh. vrgiment Vas eagaged, The drum. heat -4 gatrafiefone he,bad llalotted bhp - dinner, I e rust la Pik of hauou, too precioaa a woe o !Usual - precarious times to be wa,ted, tato I relatgooket lot tits coat. After that battle s • over hu yteeovered a hoilet In the buena: b everafterwaratywbun thankfully ruxlet t thetllTo 0f124 railttealoha racapc. he used thsibhg, wee doubly fortunate, the that o had "ant caravad litbaeon, but that his TacOn had olio him ' . . Giirt 1 auciic Ex_renrrlcer.—.l Intr 1111g11811 pa rer nays . /mem. prontlAr that the Fressien'North PObt . ,expeditton,ne project ...it by Dr. rettenztitirt, will really bo anderta lren zttntt.year, ex both Vount Ittsuatrlr. and general vonlttota (thb;ttml.ter of War-I are In lacorgifit,tutd hay.e itronab.ed the as , dffts nee of the state;:..General ton Boon a - t Abed that Attstria ehoultl iota: Whet the • prnposal Ltentrileelbled,prObably f- TO M 11,1311n0141 reason, ~ttld-wgiutpx.PPAPpl asoreit?' • - ; ,, FOICrksfDRIES. PORT PITT FOUNDRY„ I,IIARLEB KIAP NEPHEWS, • .I.A.M. t 4TVO.Eit., Of • 11117 ORDNANOE, .ikszkizeraunis.orlinavr eASTLM4; Special sttration peLlt to HOLLOW; MILL WORIT, MAST MACfII2fYUY end RETOltri. ItErAIHB atteattell to raroMPIT. As heretofore. the bebt mote als will al ways be z at seitt thtelfeW ?; ttri Our. ?Mc FLY eFUEEL VATTMIN Ineeseseirfeellitte3 for dttlog up the lame. cial:trd ktrntIISILIRGII rOlll/11D111'. 4110 1, Druir.leaSrd, r4Gir - ET•ed:ie A. GAB,RISON & CO. (Suectunw . to D e4rnn. 0 orr - YOUNI)E118 AID !ItelliIISTS. • ,„„„„ 4 .,„,, r Dollors of al St .e for Art., Itrosa t Mar. Cu r, ravrr, old. roll , • /Words, Pope:. wad India-Rnbber Works ,also, Roit roit Mill Coatings of all descriptions. Hark 51111.4 /Wont Double Grinder; with a variety of other pat. r l ena• op band. Bind.fitted .to order ou rbort . 1001100 And LarrOre/do terms . - Odit.:o and Warchoorr, stratt; - I , lttsbmth. ra:ty A. NIADLET W. TA;51CL1U5........1. h. On ADI.I`II /ETNA STOVE, WORKS. , • A. mummy & Co. Ilaniitactfire every variety of .PARIS.k.AND .11EATISG STOVES. Ceif bratpd ELR£SA. TROP . IO nd TALI . (Coal, ktoves;) VLT- F./kAN sad ItiAbilslDllS (Wood Cook slat...) Al. 418 - 111 'FRONTS, dx•i: Cairo and Wanshossii, corner of Scsond ald:%rsaA' pltruste on Se toad altta. Arrlnt • SZECIAL NOTICES. zir t ' S TUR Ti i . ITT Dit/..41'.:RIM11;110' • TURKISH LIAN A TitoVert`ti Tun Kt. II ,:eztot.oul • to more scoop, .t Or 11, In en rtLlno 1 1 , s.• . ott ""i nlll rt . ttus Lop. by •t t..dr rront onl. retd--11.c tt ontur-...•0 tor. matting It up tordtne to 011) per.ou 011 .1,- tr., I .. ue ,t 1 .0.1t0l It. nt. I;rtwutt . lt r . 1.. toe, nutl Itectorer uJrt 'al .•• kt v. n Fraor . e, Ir. Ent.titted. A • • I r!" •VI• , the • •nandolertion• ' 't pn-ci..‘z, ,, .. the ne phtO utter: of Ilutr 11.: I, I. ..r it It free from all u. 01.0111.0 It.l l Voltet.. 1004 Half . etotort 111. tl.O t of tuony gl) ,, Grr• 110:I... Loot Ilfulli idt!up. an ornament to I.lllot. l'er tale b} . ..0t1.1/ru-zl-tt sod Terfereto - 1, 0t.0.1t... de `llt. 10 1 11.1.1. 1 .11 , h 1 It. L. 1. A11:401Tht: IC Co. Prirtrlpal . t INC heel ttlilett nn,i 0 =3 ~, . . % I' of, he. MLet -tr:•••. delo:2lneml.toT I'lllintel t 0... -• • CT. IRE, for llse sonmly en, of j..l.,,TUtrnt Per-ne•Pnal e. 17,1. fr,dred the mho h "4.. • - oe. 4,ln,lingioi&glier,7 dere v. , tl. lonia of toMmotir canner... rtr and Ague I. not the ortly ~,L •rqUotl, ni :11.. mine - Matto potent. A ft,“ vori , ty o .{ arlgeb Dom ID Irritallim, - In mallet—a • di, rid.. anotig. Which are Neuralgia .1:1w1...z ,t.t. liTooth:loM... Eme..rhe. ,orro. AfthMa. ratlyttal lon, Painful A :feet ion of the Dyeterlee. rtun ht the how,la, c•olle. DrfangeMent at the : use all or wh v hen orlginating to this thus, ',lt flu the liter...lo hemoul. peeindiehl. 'Mt. • - 4 n : • , 1.. : • 'the from the blood. , and . thel , m.r• he . 0 ante.. 11 t• not only the nont o•gc emat rro et' .Ilenovered fur title elms 3 of cutnyla tat tut • ft: Clll•npr.t and znon.orer .Pelrfer % , Y r•I • ""--• milt rt.., front ItAhae, and tlse pat len! nhe.l en r••• 1 I • left as h. t, a. If he th e er th ° tun th he eat , / of any other en, for f nu I V: It - true of thl.. and It. imptham :m•0- altaetta nit!) the romidallit nothat he or rr I :al t od, ta ut le It lo cure the Fere. and Agoe. th tt 1% May bn truthfully sold to be a certain Dealer mntrinalti that lt h not e good tmol to th entl berauee one bottle mie, a le MA. Prepareil tn .1. C. AY . L . I{ attd nOW by B. A. /ALl:then : rill% hot , . 0., l. and by all _ . _ ..a . l - 10ITTSWaiiiil SAW %VORA fi HUBBARD. BRO. & CO I= PATI2T GROUND MCI:LUIS Warrantr.l CAST STEEL SAWS. of every d....•rirt MCI, Mule), frees-Cut, rarli•tlr.s. Al! kiwis of ENIVE9 end -win N 4 ,5. made from Sheet Cael-Citecl ; Ertra Itellned IttiAt'll: A':l , MOWING, /kr Warr house and Work, corner W kern sag StltOre Sitar:re, I'ltt,burgb. Particular attention pall to re-I o 4tllnr, cult u,:r.,/ and etratuhter.lug t . trcular .3o r I, r • or ati Putod:ll., and Drllltog dot, at rea.oot Ible rate, a: Mf r.' Will. BALILNIDILL & 011. Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers, Nos- 20. 22. 24 and 22 Penn street. Ras .st secured a large yard. and tarn r.! I t Itli the ma-t append mactiluer), yr.....a Ca mar:afar:are turf demrtptlore BOIL EMS In the bur: rnaaarr. Ind warranted equal in ant marl/ em.alry. `CUL:AN:EY,. BREEUIIINU, Futr; 1 . 11`17. , 11011.. ENS. - W., SERS, ti.ILT PAN:, 7' ANeK . I. oil. AGlT,vruns. SVITLING 13011.177: IsEtilon, N 111; AB l'A and ItAll.N LULL N PAT EN 7' IlIALLI:a. a dune cc the 71lortrq uctier. ueuur f L. SUPER.IOIt COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS, =I PARR, IS.cCTIRDY & CO. Mannfarttrar. of Sill: ATEIINTT TIE l 7.lEjtl • D 1101.2 COPPER. rirL - 1.1:1, I. t'r 1: .0,, E•4IaEII 5111.1. 11021'031n, SE £.1.1 Drk. Also, linnoltcra and rlcalart in All - T. l / 4 1, F ELATE, I.IIF.EI' ,tc. 1 ono ...R. •.:. baud. TIT:NER•'IIIA. L.'S and Tta...l •. %t-:re pt.., N 0.14 ., VID,T and STI.IEI4. ItDrylt. narclat orders of Copper cat tn , •Ict:t. pal Icrn. n:Il•LAn'T ''31.4.144100D Bow 11:03T -110W lIRSTOICED!--Jual Inahll..n• T. in acand at:elope. l'rior idN et vit. A T.T.C.• I RI. • Tfl , NATURE.. 1 iIEATAI ENT and ltadicat • ...- Specmatorrira., or Joetninal Wral. ran , , I 11 Lmi•tiona. Kemal Debility and Imia.dbacr.i• ilarricgcfcneralic; Nrasonanotts ‘ eautionntl..ll S t INErx and Fite: Aleiatai and Eliatical Incapnrit , . re lulttngfromFtt-Ablbautxrt .1. I': : 121...1.. arttborof Dm • •Grcen ;Lc. 3003! 20 TilOutioiariS of Art - frxtrus,• • tent and., Aral, In tAplaba envelope, to way_address. ;oat p0..1, on receipt of All rent., or tut , Do•tao - c 01 a 2 : 1 1". DT C. KLLIII, lloircry, Nen Ton. tinier Box. 1.656. ' nor:d:4.lu T GE& PLITTS. W. D. 111:1:1.1..4 j. r 11011.1: F .. 4 1'. LA BELLE STEEL 11VORILS. I = 4l-MXILMEEIL CO :ilantfurtarPrAof nAST STEEL; 5P17.1 SC, PI, , NY nog BLIoTER STEEL: sriasuS, AXLES, Cll9 ',V -15.1.Et5. .to. far- Older No. 14 {TATER NTREET (op stain'. Pittibargh. , Pa. JYT-' as• — nonutisoN, REA br, CO., (Sue ' CO.rs to nOILIN500.: )/12115 WASHINGTON WORKS, • Founders dr Machinist.. Pittsburgh. 111nurtfoCTrar. of ILOAT INII IT .1 T ft .0. 1: I STEAM ENtilSll.4'-, BL ,T Efi1111: ES. 1.111.1. M - CIIINERT, GEARING, eItAFTINC:, CAsTING , 1.11/Ic,riptlou.s., CUL TANKS silt,TIL LS, 1,911. ANTI . 'SLIEET 1110 N WORE. .: 4.o .lMA d =flaffliPTX:Parb PATENT LNJECTOE. Igir TO NERVOUS :SIIIFFEREEts, OF B rtl - e rXF4 .—A reverend gentleman having been restored to health is A (tar dav after mdergoing theusual routine and irregular c ape satv.. ode of treatment without austral, couvldery It ht• sacred duty_ to communicate to:his attllctvd - Crtattliel MO meant of core. Hencaoo the n - celpt Of an addressed curt:lore, he will tend, fr.• of the tlitt preatet ptiott Y Direct to tie,JOHN H. DAG): A.I.L. 130 y Fulton strera, Zi. . Endi.siT COCHRAN & BRO., nofaelurers nr Moss - VAULTti AND VAULT :DOORS. MON'It - AILING, WINDOW SHUTTERS, WI.NDOW &e., No.. In EECOND smd THIGO STL,ELET,-Inatrrren Wood and Market., have 013 hand a variety of new palter., Lind and plain. .unable for all purpolea. Sra - rarlicoLar esittnzion paid to coclovlng Grant Lots. Jobbing donna) thott notice. and BRIDAL CHAMBER; AN ESSAY Or WARNING ANT/ IN- Erntrrnow FOB YOUNG 2IBN. Also, new and reliable treats:pada the UrlAarr and Sevnal Fp:Totem. A d•lre,s Or. J.. SKILLEN HOGGHTON, Howard Asnoelatlon, rhuzdoDhi., Fn. spirt) lar SENT FREE. .A Pamphlet of Immense baportwace to the dld wad imam?, married 004 gin-io, of both 'w.aes, b, Ant tree. by . itry . ...!sjpg,:lorttbAaaa2 erti!oatO. tbo PglVAtct -91"" CO., ";:yitlyndlV BORiqq,TPOLS JAMES BOWN, = IMPROVED -BORING TOOLS, ran EINEING 9./.0 i 4 WV.1.1 N 0.136 Wood street, Pllttxburgh, Ps. Toots warranted made of the tern brst .itt LOW 3100 E IRON. WciLharera taraLsltted.al X.llo.l7CrOar2 Clasisks .Pritacthis. With such artlelt• at. are ov , essar) w,no4on "Pt rat 102144 . ANVILS 1 II VICIIET , lIELIAIif S. S.IWA, . VICE! , Sql : A L:F.,. F•Litn(l?›, , Cli Ingl.s. HA:MIER, , WH1:NC1111 . .... SIIOVELS. 1 . 1...1 N /.:,, VICES. A X L NS. LE V I;L", : li 111 S, RUDE, LEA•rtivit A•so Nail RELTI•o.. All or whinti 1 boor r.)0.. , tautly llPtore.o...'el :Zs 41 . ... .. . I)ETROLIA lIIALCIILINE WallEi§l. R. S. xant:ax. - sr, • • !in. 13 . 2 Ohio Street. Allcirbeny. Mutat:v.lu, of un•Rov no POISING TOOLS, AND YI X T rsti) IN SINKING on. Als 1.1 5.1 LT m . ELL,. Dulleular attention inrlird 1.9 provemento to dap, and Joint., made of notatta, s.. and tow Afar, Iron, to standard a lts., and . c d, " part, earl be ordered by initti telegraph.and fonrul • pergAt fitat 111 time.. or We Ms. forni•b corns, belting. email real. Jr.. t.• rhooe who may wiah st. Ermines sod machine work mode to order. Coders b 7 mall proton) stten2e.l I am prepared to grant IICl14•3 to other ovum riag•tli • toren for theneihaprorenodittorllbcral terms. Bur - . OMtiTTE!;,.9I4 CLOTHS. Bra, mccitmws: ..Vo. WY .Fourth Street mosaic and Aikidnster Bugs VELVET ItUtis, Embroidered Piano Covers, SHEEPSKIti:MATS, 'P , l73=alV 1' 33C.A.13CIOXICEO 119 - MO 01,37 dq,ertption of C.rly - tt • GIULF-NBACKS • ARE , . • -,GOOD. REipillcuos Ey PRICE OP OgßpLr'l'~9t, • Preparatory toted:log one Aunt:tat loveutorv, ,nI Mating gear NlT•lhkipt, Plr erring', ehall Ofrer TIVEYrI DAY!, Ithoral emekeetstona fu eyelece oar Choice and extentivel atoek:Of Carpets. Floor on Cloths; Vi - indoso filhacter Damata, , ltep and Lace Curtains, Cur. Were, Tamely Loops and lianas. - - - Emetutne our ruktomers to mute ,1101.711 PIM bh:Perti ye' Ilettahneht 'slop at arery moderate tn jktraf. KOFAILLAND et!HOLLINS, ,u3a ra Fin - 01% • Ne2tg honer to the Poet vote, FOR SALE-FOR RENT 1 44 % 17a! ) of 44 , •Q • u.,rry-.lx . !In 1-31Zal,Ek., n I , y county, I . . AA. urpr.,v, IS t • rd. h. Tr lax Quelling n tratn• b . .pt hAru nn l c.a.ry out both/tor • , • r.n..d I:,rut la ot urn! coal LAd r'S O r a O. I ‘cry ',CV.. tO i• -1.. . i I i. At. 0.., 3,1 a A II . 1 . r , t.rtnr f‘: 1.,..14 1 , lily. I be Po lar...A). n 0... 131 1.1 au-.•tur• Lain,: tip) 1.1 Lrul IL., u in the i fel. eng g .t.j : IK, rho retnalud• r Mcll timber. ot. inn Land I) goo.l, o lin no iti/ -'do.'. produeo La...crops of La,. I lo Very rut patrol to etierrlapv, LoOL", ettparen g'^., or. ThL. property will wdd •err ti;Pav mud on pass . ter:ea. Alan, arm of alai.% CA aians. :Ito it'd to pt. %Cheat lipid f Townolalp, Indiana enmity. 1 0101 TL , tmpolvrinenta a..goal. comfortable. two".tury a /cramp Rona, with 6 LOOM-, Large frau, barb, .7,tr rim Loann, g part: trio, wrolt bona,. Or!, 431.1 111.3,11t111 about i Pleared and In tit:Potty and 00 oter:a e....d.yrb. , 1 of •daialf linteatone. and Out a ' idior fnpOp coal.—TlitiP property " bp aontvery r hti. Al so, a Farm Of about:lo anreo tudioininy toe 4. •n . Tln• IMprVVC.Sara at, largo. two atory tog II lase an (tonichare: rf; acre" cleared. mad ruder good state Of cultivation: a 300011 4Pila °rebate pyrailli-hoe.m. Tildie two fano, united l..gfil'dtmateldret-rate S.-o. Paella. or will be aold separatelv. Alma. a Yarn of I:nacre& Metaled In F.anct Wheat. fieldLudLana ra. Vac Improve men la ate a laXgv Frame noes. 'with 10 ' room, lor barn with a 00.1 aboclall teronefli 50 Mearedi l• o• *P. le I's , awi applo arrenrd, very corn pin.nt to church, whorls. aroma. 4.. A _p,r -tlon id the plitelleoi tlitinley taken tu wril laud in ona. P. , so. a k arm Lvi aere, Eliza. , townsidp. Alleplowy roLan.,. Ti.i ac of tile twit a very !urge orchor of the btst trait. 1:1na mrl/1 an, 5 , 44 at a very reduced pricu. rna s"alon given on tiir lot nor of dirli. tor Intl firm In Falrnelit tow‘iliip, %Veal nentand oonniy. ronialtitne 2/9 nr,..; wouti. of the ra. Railroad. The o r till are two large hewed log promo.; ono or the larr,t and twat frame barna in to Oder two oppit. urvinard.. The " - halo farni le under a high eta.- at cultivation. TLo (cueing Li tili No. I. The 1an.1.1. of the ve beat Ittneatone; hut NO screw elearod. beta. ry , In rood Wilber. s i' o oaarailon on the Unit day of April. Tina property will be .Ffeat o .rnain. The tortierr artal.e., to eugage oilov huidniwa. 41 , 0, several ot Ler Farms rehiring from 00 to M .0 o. a Farm of ion neves, ritilste t.lcOandle. A tiegiwni eoutity. Fa— about Ilval/e) from ette, 'fir earn are a loot. ['Liman. a rood horn. • youter orchn.nt dl apple. , peach and ia-ar. I will soli %hi. valuable property Very cheap on.l terra, ton ft,Llner Ttt n Intpille of Ilatete Agent. srin No. 11l Fourth ...vet. GIMMICKS ARE GOOD. F M SALE. A WELL ETTINISHED TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING, IL to SIX 1:00 ELI. newly H•opered nod Eslatod, FL, I , 1 . 01:T100, ED RANT Maio undu 2tekte the TIER LOT 0 Fortydlyr fuet front, by one Hun dred fait drep, FINE GRAPE ARIiOR, FRUIT At . EDI, Au. Pootoe,don oil: DO glint: on the End of At. red next. AI., A UOIENE:.: STORE-ROOM WITII ONE DWELL INt. 1101:9E. Fote.e: - ...10rt will be Oren on the lit April rest. 7 rtrire s tither wgl or rut:lnge Co[ Eropect Tcret. cody, Inquire of 6. H. TOWER, No. 111 Vocrt.lt Ktmet. J. T. 3-1.11.1. E, 10 , Arr, Ind Inatreanco Agent, o:" xi Federal street. A:lout:any. SALE—One Engine, 13 inch -. ,Itotttettr, 4 feet 6 Inch ottoke t Stk../ 1,4.1%47 Fly !;L• hot .r,t3 0,l l water t , .rce potops, blow or' 4..frtr• poter,tos:4tine le to,rty ivot 1.:14 ot. bea;.,crlor wo rk.roo.n,lttp, the o4llt.:, Let:, 1.44,47. 1 1 -140: FOT.TH :Art ortr.d.,, :nob Arolle s 1.4:114b14 ot: r4:14. that :4 n 44. 14112 the Qtly , ha-: • ht., 11111 e toc , l. t'oM7LETE :421 - 125111:111:1 , 'N 11144:ING, t0,1•441..,1 0.111 4.o.f.tottlt: elo, t .-rott • Sr. AT4.44, 1.7 , 0 feet csf pomoltorralo, rod/. a.o. L.nnoo Cltor000!. A`..o• 1."11 tor, or 1 , -eot. Hoop In. Woctter.. Totolt.4 21 feet 4- '` • '• .1 4., , n.. ttrt.tge. 12111 t I=l THREE t‘TOIII BRICit HOES ay:, •nd t.a.t .-ntr pf ITI T I .).ItMoN, naat II • “tio trllit and rutaned ildnu;'n, In a e...1n-rior .-ErLdard with ea arl ,enzrenlancr and isr.,-Linavant ni, and st pr....-td in iarta , .l. 4d-d dna of Ur, clear:n-1 and .• .Ittzal!nua L. Alkrbady. l'osaesalon T amd E Olt 11=1 , -PA I . at rrdocad prier.. tr•rd 1•-It woe R oatra,oplardconnt . r. l . nnua.. on.h .a Nor.ll-11 . n.rnr - n Prun.al, ann.' r...llrnad, bb./131 I•ro of Apollo. Pa" and rontalu• /an rari Laya ms of LIMEN'II”.4: and FIRE CLAY' and arra r•nmplrie WATER TQWEI!. Inr runner µarticular. Ingtdrr at the la and Claim 1r..10t of • I= HVIIIT I GREENBICES IRE GOOD. -„EsiDE,_"VCE O rottiiEs sT. FOR LF..—A well C.:dotted tn , Salary Brwi. leg Banal, with grassed Wick front and lde, with t.. lot. of ground 41 feet front ,t/f to fret Ss; teeth,* deep to (Auden street; hall, tyre parlor., large k en. ltth lhree large chatnhers. Path room and dol,hed attic, wardrobe, e1e.e1..., hat.e-nrre, large collar, t.•.:•o,1 mom. paper.d and painted: IV Engll.ll Itudrn shade tree, lido., lard. and ..hruh .4.r, id...a5:107 loeatod tno Moans frdm Penn's. (*beset. •tre.t. t: 1. - ff.llll7lrf a . 1 4.1a4. Jell 51 alarlet street. I,OA COUNTRY ItY.SIDENt - E, .Itualed in (Minna towntblp, fronting nu the rttlrette roatonaor - I`e herr - RiTe",..",l,lY.,oh t :.`i4or. ,n,? I a th o . d ' r A lth r o Inc Y tolet. Liouao. a Ith el, en tarn dubbed rooma. a tarze frond...ole. earSilgo house, zar h hone. ettal Lothar and other building,. rarkty pf fruit teem. Tuba property will be told on arry roootonahlo term 4. Pat n(llljede',Tfof A tt ril it i al eta: tf Ural PotatoAFrac. Itt Fourth ht. 1.,`0R 14.11.1. E.-1 am authorized to veil f fly nen, of land, 4iltlStfd to Charnel, Vol ley, only Ore, • half mile) loon the liee and three-fourth. of n tone from the I%tt sloargh k Sten thorrtne Itollrood. Thin property well soiled for gardening purpo rt-. betng afl kilos land. and protect. d on the north by ailltl and hatch]; o -outht rn et ressure. It is vigil adapted tsar u tatuntrr eside:lre, has lag a fr . tcLftn taro public roads. JQIII "VALIABLE 1111.11:FACTITIRING • I'M/PEI:TY FOR SALE EN MI:MINIM AM. -SilDaled on Centre ,tree[. rcontog through to Franklin, haring a trout on Centr. street of tad reel •, di' Ik. p reet; uena *dawn is tasseled a TWO•STOLLY 111:11511 Llll.y Enzine. and Boiler nil ernapirte and In good nrat tkiso, to Brick Doelllng houtars. 111011 re on LIXCI dirt JOHN W. Mel( FE h TiTtrt. GREENDUIS IRE GOOD. DWELLING ROUSE ON WVI.IE eLy " . m . ",i ii;Pir:r t 'j*F . 4ll.V 01- near .1/lltn. Ertldbe l l I nn oil not rodIMILLInd root., Melon. rouge. bath rdoid. hut odd cold Ma ter 01211 gag throng ml the betiding. one of "gbr most dmilrable propert ; for dwelling or fetal. hean purpoarl non offertel For sale. 1',,.. aalon Aptil Int. Terms reme. !only to Jalt.ntf Alal..‘ I N 4741.. I,: I north slot T'ITO STORY BRICK DWI:LT.IIIG irrot — Pr: Ft ti: 411. E. or pnriort. dining roo n, tl.tr, port It. four room. enectrtd flour. hate' , Korn mid Iltamh..l attar: watt r as tore. 'ln !beet roam.: ittel trout by MI dent, fronting. SW', • t mainder In one. taro, three urt.l four )a. ors. For grier...l location, apply to Jolt t: I IIIE.1,1,1" kbrel I IIIIELLING ROUSES FOR fti.mE. Illose Iwo neat finellinga, fronting on Elm sod nongree. street, our offered al low f,l 1., =n4 oT, Ivrot•. A; o••••I dr, No•. I dn.! fronting on IA nt-Nr's MA, to Rood 'II! , 30 ' , • 1 ,1.",11.1 o.t err No 11 0 . Ind Ott Alleft,, , n, our,. Gni i•.!. .appl% to .b.. 11 Ft. Met.): %": R I'll. SATE OF BRICK It 'WELLING "Oa. 91 SVY 1.1 E .TILE. ET.--1)n Tl.a..nlaAY EVENING. tall, lad.t., o'clock, ny order of w‘t•flllot , of tine m.t.tte • , r will Id. bold for ~ ,ts by A. A1.:1t...1n, awn r, •t rommerclal dales Int Fnalthfiebt tin t t, .leatrable theta •tot, 111111• If OW ELLIN , .. .a.utoln nba. rut., ant) b• 11. On Wylie ,tart, Lot f=liT Piwt. atom or 1.1:111•111.1 W ILLIS 1: 1 )tlTII V. GREF:NDICIiS AltE GOOD. ',IAN() AT A, BAGAIN.--Splen .. 41(4 r.Oiewon.l . IN 14e ern 0ct....1'13R , .1.774 pedal IMproyel. Itom Vrxn , e, at , r4trung le nsr only three mouths. -mete:an bc .old for IFON. one Stz Ortur. , ripzlzbt srrowl band Trice Iwo. AB4.ollrh: 131. UM V., No. 43 weir lisseravr. .122 If..eosi.l dont abote Wnod sdreet. liILEE STOIII HOICK 1101. 7 NE v.):):. -The three. -Leery Crlek - Dwelling Don., N0..52 Sarmlateeet. below Merkel. contain ing ten room., bnsi It. was 4 roonlond bath room. • .• .h. MASI:YAM. rroker In gt04....M.7 heal F•MIP. jOI3 57 roUrtlk ettedt, Buthllne. TWO STONY DJ ICIA IN ALM:- Infra Foll a at F..-Tbe.two isteu tag. Corn.. of Wnh.tez street and Water sitey. •frontlng on the Went Lorarnon,. containing ten room, Ixeldea Rath room end bath zoom. G In sor e st, Lurks al retate ).12 Yount. s Dtalds4. SkNIGUNIZI SIDEET DWELLING /s l / 1 : SAi i. m thrtctLry Dela N 0.14 , Sandl,47 ntrest. tontairoLA' (CA roams. ga. snJ .(vr; luxe. La' poll npalr autgaagssLetS P "L ' ia ' 94.l'"". llroktr rAtaie. Jnti - Ilorliet. VALUABLE COAL PROPEIITY YOU 15.1LE.—rz acres o 4 excallent COAT, odv root ',to. iltuate 7/ rod. from raltr.d. In???! ril t ,,t,u rg h, with .401..1 %al 1.1. Ito rail rod 4. Will 4 '' 6"4h"ri-1". A g V Ar'llinrltT .t SO N 9 :F A • • 01 Sl:ukrt ruel . EDUCATIONAL. .WILIiriaBURP A.C3pEMY. lAT-Y: AND SI.IhIALT: ENGLISH AND'CLASSICAL SCHOOL. lAMDT:N, A. D., Principal. Tine. FAItA-LUDDE:N. , Aesistant. Nur oestelance wlll be obtattled as the wants of the Behool require" " . • - Firat Fcselo°wul colorneuce on SIONDA T Janua ry titia, on 4 contfune Dreier:Weeks. No actkolar admitted Or tree tban half a seesion end po deduction for abtranct, ezCept on account of 1 Rate's °lgnition for erosion of twelve weolet Primary lirancbee.lo3.o ll : Common Branclize, 100; Latin end 11 , 1che k;;;alt Eui ti t ti b iT lnl n . 10: No !Nips, Parrfy rao raax — rt wur bc " ntsd: /ulna thle 1:121.5t-eIMI Echoof I.x GIIEJMILIICKS ARE GOOD. UM ritiOlgii.ooTS AND SHOES. GNU ... --iipechal attention IWO rt- Buffalo, Arrtir, Pelt and Qua > 7 * - 15:14:-.ILICPU.S. EEEEMEM 1 a.IIP WOl-1110,1 sar. lioou, •dle..• d.• An-I/ f•nvn, Ladle, du Fett 1.0dIn" Fell tTer.r I .adite Yels Ctalters. I-.du,. 1:000 qver-Slton, Ladles` Uturtk ber.dals, I.o4k.•ltudVo Chrt.i . -10110.0, Artle 1011.. , •••• (km Over-St.tso. Si•od•10, 1.1•4 n o .• Aretic Liatter‘. 1.114 n la's Ginck CkV e' -MI6. Ib r • do d. :•1•1••• Wool-tiued 'Vot• flip Do.d• 10..0, do .I.d, do Mett . o 40 dr•tle Gekliters. Tle.n . • do Fr7t dr. Mtn'. Full ittrulMod to Mtn'. Fg4t Oven 01.000, Mink .• Gum do M , -11 . 15 Ciudifigazdols, Men'. tinm'Foollol4•, Ltadfslo Goer Toe.. AND AN lAIXENSESTOCE OF BOOIPI, shoes and Gaiters, lad ie,, Genia and Children, AT PEITLELLAND'S EBITORII7Id. 55 and 57 Fifth Street. p 4.7. SA7t Gn k .}.2 4 l 4 .cus ARE GOOD; . A. RORESSON & CO.'S =I CLEARANCE SALE BOOTS & SHOES, WILL COMMENCE ON Ifercoaelevy - , the leilt.ll3. lamest., I= to - Ir cadre gtorh hnn tonna matt,' don - ft,lsed fOt rota nt great') redutod pricon, =Lc. room or that Spri n g ac t. Remember the Number, rl Market Street, terkee. Dry t.owd. Store I , OOK HERE! Men's Hand-Sewed, Oak-Tanned KIP LEATHER ROOTS Cost 5..25 to .!lake ts.'• ott Mc - CIA:LTA ND . S ENI" ) Rll 3l . • ez I if 111 b - TKLET. rist.tpergh. r OUM SHOES AT NEW YORK PRICES. GREAT 11.1.11 GAINS TO CS WARD IT 2 MEAL STUEI, IN BOOTS AND SHOES. pnTrES NIA BE ry, twm•N . Being drt , rtntriod I. rtnek, I bwre tnartrd down Mt In tLx lob clue+. P G l e r l 7- K V . co,l 'e , ° ;_, , ,yrk to c ei oth wiu " ballati.d. MIEWM=M 110LIDAT GIFTS TUE MOST L'SETTM. MOST Dr 'RAMC. Mms. crse...4l lLan anyth.lias else. 'Jeep 7vu fret and dry. Go to Carnahan tr Co.•s TIOOT ANS) Hwy": wrottr.. tor 51,1.0. St ant] We rlttsbarol, Yr (KEENIfiCKS ARE GOOD. LADIES, GENTS', =I Boots,.Shors and Gaffers, royLvs, tomer Fifth and Wylie otnvt.. aii-Prictv tttrtat evrrybody. sult C4IEAP4IIII CHEAPER!: Wonarn'a Morncro Custom-toad. , Bout, 751 Woraren•• Gra a.. 01.11 Alleres• Oran Root,. 2 (62 I al ?dime Gum 10n+ain• 10 611...er . Gana tlanco6l.. 10 Al,o. a large aasortrarnt Sluallns and Polleb Ilalmoralr and lialtors, re r 7 par.. H. 110FLELAND. jal3 No. %Market al.. Id door from tth zjayssataJitAy:oe;iafzi tttl. SC M]}.1:..., J. t if GUM 1.. .1 r. ‘, rcr 11 - 211. S & CO., EEISZMEI WiIEELER & WILSON'S LO(K. TITCII SEWING MACHINE, I=l N•. run, Street, tilti,tirrati. Nu. 7. Main .1 , 41. Wbrollog. No. DS rinpririor Street, Cloyciand, Ohio. Mar', ()pram ilouge, Cincinnati, Oblo. N. Mlnontri Temple laul.l Nmibicky. No iita•p‘anL, Ntruct. Indianapolis. L. hREENBICKS ARE GOOD. ( MOVER & BAKER'S Vi:1711Ajit14:110 1 4 Hove Iran anorotroll the YIIL. , T 1111:311U !I,tl t Ow InE fair, rut Ihc 1 tar IStio: ro,I Pon - aim:li for best Waohlae work at ran.. Stazo Fula. tint preantorn tar to—t Machin., work Ititor Tor/ ~late F al, . Fle•t Premium for beat Family Machin.. at Ml* Stye Fair. pie intim for beet manufaciuring Mactilnii at Cello Mato Fait. - Floe premium fur lic>l. >lanuhcturing>laclLLue at >Habig:en &ale Fair. Flrat Wean for beet,›limufacturing Machine nl ialationtin State Far. First ,Premlqua for bed htsoafooluelna Hacking al Lawrrnae Canal, Yale. P - V:rat Preraltiso for best afaehla• far general Brae. p...aes. at Lawrence Count. Pali, Pa. Fleet Prelahlin for beet Y.arallx.ktacblne. at neap Count} Valls, . • Find rremta es for Nog klanufaeturbag 3fackaaa It necks County ratr. Pa. Yleserreinlarafor best Manafecturlas and Pulp .11ahneathralagaelcl Fair, Ohio. Flret Premium for beet 3tanaractaltag and Tama" Itarldne.at rabasyra Fa4e•fil. T. klrel. ries:ohm Ibr best .11.mila-taring and 3lneblege Sleflotk Courel_Yalr, N. Y. for best ; uudrecturtn, and Funny MlCZTat.bcfoarr Catlnt7_Valr. N. I. -•- First Poo turn 'rot- I t: f ret! pebble for all purposes Yl ' il l s e tlrjl2:f n o t r Y beit ;foliar taring Machine at A.lleelleay County Falr. , Pa. Jilr4 Prerniam for best Machine work 11.111..00ra) County Yale, Va. Aud bbettecT el/Maned. • A. F. CHATONEY, I= o 7.eodualt igyirtli St.. Pltto,nrll►. GREENBACKSI ARE GOOD. szvev $26 and $33 Sewing Machines, TAB4ES'COMPLETE Thry Item. Veit. kittteh„ Embroider and Quilt. 'they do ot, rental/no and Coat Mantua, and 01111141.4(4 larallySeir inn on the dome sLachae, and tba een - Ing will loot longer than theJeanne_ ,nt Even. Maeldne la Warranted for YIVE - YEALI.U. MI Linda or) amity tcyring-proMntlydorice IG LON% 113 {lrma *tract, acne rtfCh, neln:Crneed rirmimati. re.. , 125 DAYItTLETT 'SEWING 4. CHIN r. . —AGENTS WANTED TO INTRO. DEMI THE. BANTLETT NEIVINO MACHINE. Cl_zets ONLY ' VE ONLY CILEAPMACUME N UNITED -bTATES Iler.wwd to • toe • MCI' & WO.= or under ltr.4. Afrositt Are clear, F_LEhr 11.50 PER Norm. OMOT fights eV "1"1' 44" rai a n n i l itME.111, is ir -IT 4 X6il l7 r Mtn) AIM% Vag% Qiith BANKS .A.IVIRS. Tule, nib= 'NATIONAL BANK, Cr. S. Government Depository, .5.5 11 fIRKET STREET, rties rgh, Poziaa. =32=l Wlffb ffll/Ir Irmo to Inerritnon To. .. ~. W v e comobtoodertoc oltr: Irnuk. roan Rank, tkroughoot Ms coutry, on offer tot-A.l fltalltleo to (boon doing torch... with to. 7 13-10 raTcrtes, Aug an Date./ ClOrernalent reetarltbro, berniabeff In on. to call purer/I,o.er*. Lleficolte reochod nud eerent Ills:wed by tpoClnl IffitoffienL THOMAS DONNELLY, IL 11. KPH; D. 10 2 SMITH, N. J. DlaLt_,Y JAMES N, BAILEY, JOHN F. blFtliffOrr, THOMAS SMITH J. KIRKPATRIOIL THOMAS INNELLY, PrustAAAL BUTLER WARD, Cuhler• AALIgr3cCAATV GREENDICES ME GOOD. BANKING lIOUSE. N. HOLIES & SONS, 3315.3:30t0ri5, N 0.57 MARKET STEER; Pittsburgh. P37,117..17,.`. 1 7,",41‘.. 1 ;N • h F e e p e rt c+.1; 1 07:::r . the latllted Stat. and Canada.. STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Sold on Commission. Psetteolos attention paid to the purchase nod sate of LITTER STATES SECURITIES. I liCI.CDINIS I - on sr! dates Slue. of OM: Ito. d o Viht, Ito. Flora of 1040.; Ito. PateeneThlrelto; Ile. Certificate. of le.lrblq"es.. Order. and Vonehersbovaht or eollentr4. Jai. - ty riOLLAB SAYINGS BANK, No. 59 FOURTH STREET. CHARTERED IN MS. Open daily hoot 9 to : o'clemk, also on Wednesday .0.1 !Saturday evenings. Prom 9lay tst to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and from Normals, Ist to May I.M A fr rece i v ed o 8 lan k o'c. Deposits of sums of not teas than One Dollar. and a dividend of the profits declared twiee a year. In June and December. Interest has torn declared semi-annually to Jape and ilectunb, sitars the Dank was orguntled, at the rate of el.. per cent. fo r te r rest. If not drawn ont. I. pieced to the credit of the deporitor a• principal, an I bears the Irmo In tereys from the Brat days of Jane and December, colutTountling Melee a year , elthout troubling the de pooltor to call, or even to prent his pass book. At se Hoak. rwtcfolnl ß t tier Charter , ItegulaUonx, foroohuti gratis, on application at the office. PlicranoNnt—ClEOßGE ALDREE. Vritc ram 00.9,6; Wltilart J. Anderson. j A. Polock, M 11., Joho Ilukoren. 1 Robert R.obb, Brill. L. Fahnertuck, ; John 11. fThottabergei, Jumes Flu - Oman, ; rhalle• ti la I di.•, Jarnc• SRAM.", Alexander ISpeer. Isaac M. Pennock, ! Christian Yeager. TuOsTirtet estrin Adsms. 1e A '71 .. Jahn C. Peter G.tar}Black, /11 . 11 Burg win. John Marshall. Waiter I'. Marshal', A lenro:As Cartier. ; Jamas, B. D. Itteeol, haates oltuu. j John IC McFadden, Wm. I , cogits, Jahu One, John Evans, Den 1.. 11110,-csalt. John J. littlesple. Wm. E William O. Mayen, ; Alexander Studer. Pet! r Dunker. ; William Val/Lira. Richard llay•,8! I Wm. P. Weymou. I Jam., D. belly, ; (sane Whittier. TIO.SNOTSIt—CII C..1...TU.N. SLeftrTAILT—JAS.. It. Ti. MEE Dn. .1:011,1•./) GREENRICKX IRE GOOD. T n. EXCIIINGE NATIONAL BANK or w•sterob.u-sit... Cluirtored by Mot* of Ponn•a. • • IMO. Oryonlseel =wiry National Low. • - 1003. capjud. • • • • • • • • 81,000,000. rah Bank ha• bv. 5.1,7....4 a Depository THE t SITED STATES TREASURY. and a ppotated •iy•al for ilia Salo of the 7-30 Loan. tvery facility will be oScra.ltainveatnra or pant.. . MUREAT. THE PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, Of 'N'ilt - toollmoisiv,.ls. cArrira. r.ro aw. IV :to rear Mt.: or ............. . Au, GM DAnkin4 lurtsae colth En FEINT AND WOOD WIRY:F.7h. This Bank, organt.d under ton National Ranking 1••••• tern. la now rat.par.4lto hurterat Ita Banking noon. corn., or Wood and Fir.. •I rt , ta. litallectlona mule on all a0rc....11,113 pulp. on tog, COO IbTorable tr of ttiwotal Agotat• for JAY KY. for tbo b il e of ihe U. S. SEVEN-THIRTY TREASURY NOTES RA.3IT - EL C.ZA, rn..ldent. If M. 001:DON CaAble,. rpa J. C. I.IcCIIPMSON. T. 41, JAMES T. IMAM I & CO., ( suoctssoas TO S. JONES d. (TO. ) cmasorar c 1:31rolz.o x" ma , COE. YOIIDnI AND WOOD STA, MA=WrZI MEI --- ;ffXgt),l:FEptts: ' MODES, RYRIE & CO., Ifunufactemers of BLACK and GREEN W 7 wl(F Drugsw ts'Warr, Bottles, Ll o ohms, (lat. bus, de. W aro. 144 W trrita, betvirru linalttitterbld sousc— ad iti Gina( streets,ATl:lC Pittsburgl gh, Peni We warrant our Wares to be superior to any Win ritactured west or the Mountains. Always on Woad, tiLassware of this above deserlptimi. All orders promptly attended to, Particular attention paid te private moulds. natty GREENBACKS 'ARE GOOD. " MAN UTACTIME.I4I OF OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA, coma°, I.l3llTarls.ot PI PTV, RBON. PA. Oolat WRIGHT 1"191.I .INS VIRIGUT, Rrittanio Drto, nod em et atrial "%Porker, Brittanla Cu tor rbou and Lard OH Hornets, and all tlltfinvn sty 1., of tiro uuul by Hiss, Illnnufaottren dcr • Prninptly 011.• d. Nu. 1.2/ bECOND Inlet:HT PI ttsborgt, Pena", 007111. SSEVERANCE, No. AS WATER • STILLEM Plttaburgt, manufacturer of BOILER oivETS,,IdracrINUOUGHT sr Lii.ES, <0113M6 •Cla Hallz•ad of every ptlon. Partlenlac sited °et-bayed Spikes and ts, large or Ptuall, rustle to order at shun Burke .AN d as .rtiorot constantly on hand. - - D. & W., KENNETT, Kcutolacto recant:id Importer" of (aGESNefIYARIL. No. 111 lIU3IOIDD ATILKET, •bototon Wood and illarrset Plttannrat, 1 , 4 Watt • OIL P ATM:NITS r -sit*" HENRY IL LEEDS . & MINER; Almaotlcorkoorms. Ofße'es, TWOS Liberty Street, To he rot]At Auction on Viliini4F,STIAT, Trtera- Y YRIDAY t:vEzirmus. Jeuunry, I7TA, 19th and i9tlf, at *pit:lock etch tlift•tkillit, At theItIL 9 ASEL. DORN tiALLettY. No: Me next door to Tiffany .n. The XXxxxviter ANCIENT AND MODERN OIL PAINTINGS EM . l3l: r elit t l . re a ltacok tehn • ft In s 13 AVieiluts.taingit M tLhe 014 =stem ArkunletirrnaltaitotatrtkoKowa — WIT. let the iseleatloa ot tlne pletorerteM fawn and flint 00114K1tna lytartatiblod Ot tot .& trt thte tonally, The latt owner, Kt. B to anta frdll6",. " VA ritrit _ f b l e r ei t i u MdUri many o f arivii l were tZrOLLSOO etPO4lO7 eaten I semellon untie Isle owner chutes spelled O t . eft? 700(0. Whs • always heen esteemed - the - beat representarlre Uallery ot the Old Masters In the Cattedotatee. There are no otherpletures emtmrseest , • In thleentalogne, lteoreprlalsot the entlre rolleettow of the late Ur. fleeter only. The sale will be tag, leaf he - rte , red on anti after TCI:I3I:IA.T, Jan uary a. at tee tiellertes SS aboe. Cantlognee mat be obtained at the Oalterlen, at the eke of Ideuro. V- IL Lim - Low CO., Ito. 3 Pine street, or at tho omee Of the . Auctioneers, NO, 33 I,lbetly street.. , , , , CitalegtEts can be Obtained at the enact of 11313 PEI . sa,:ndsOnsoS . ARE GOOD. RAP POADS 1565. DAILY ...AA, 011.N1L.1.1. 1W 11.—T a.,1.1.% DAILY INAINS, flu and after MON ()AT, Nor. Nth. mine teltit loser the Colon Peeeen r T.p01.. cot net of 14 sal, Ina tee 611.11.1, et) nello , , V EX 1 . 1:1-,4—Leeree ruw.arrh , J,tte ettteVect iteleelpta ttt Am , ea et 0( :nn 111. ror, erit a at.; (Br-W1 . ..W.'. 10:2 A I.A( Hven, L!.:!r.m.;; Hari L , ,teg, • 1:M r a.: BAN LIOOn. t St,et 41.! Near York. .1. Au., tow, Ms r. 0. Phuad.iphln. r. 0r5,43• Ne. A rINN .111 EXPltTe.li—T. , arce Pitt •Itur,7t, fitse A. Y., atoppluer at neatly all station.: A lt.nnta. t at 1 r. Dart - tabors,: aaa r. a..; arArluf C l r 7.1 11 17i 1 t. ) Pituborsh at 11:1 A. It.. =l4 et li=t n "'" Mro A A L AT.7ta i trtiat : phis At 4:10 A. M. PUILADELPMA EXPNYky—LenvesPittalmrSit at iskl r. stopping only ak principal stations, Arrtvs. at Lota.rotteS 1:40 r. ts.• Altoona. 111 h r. 2000. •, lialthroDre,!7:oo a. se.; New Tort, via Allrnt [1:1/1:01 21.1 nalaggelphls, • fit. to,-,r•i r rzL,) , — York. via 'h la d larle:ts T. K. through no this train from Pitts- Yuri Yuri, to via hile troort nto Pidladtlphia, tad to Few CANT LINN--Learea Pittabordh at tn- CO r • mvong tettly at prlnolo,l La.t m ote rat a:co H at s .u.l7 isyy ore,t 1204 T. ; hew y or k P. 11. Philadel IL • and New nalatielphlt, r. at. •Nreedefort. 'Dinner. Watts 011 OVICP Eltendlys exl4ll7 '. JOHNBTOWTI ACCOIMODATION—Dzity(ezete. Betbdayalat ettd P. M.. ntopplog " r -- be t .teni..fttoburalt and Ceocuutugh,seeet c o p., at Jillairmllle intersection with trains on the Ina Branch and WestVentarylvania IMilroad. A.LTOOIkA. ACCOIdDIUDATIWir —Daily fereept undays) It 1110 - 1. v., !stopping ataliregolaemation. otweett Plttaburyth and Altoona, and mallets elo•• connection Kith trains on the Indiana Branch, West Petatsylvsnla Railroad, PiticnabOrg it Creation Rai- Mind, and liollidayaborg Branch. First Accommodation Train for Wall's Station... (,11V( 1 11 fatly 'except Sunder.) at OM A. Y. Second Accommodation Tram tor Walt', Statism Leaves dally.lcarept Sundays) at 10:40 a- Y. Penn Accommodation, No. I—Learee dally le adopt Sunday.) at Mr. as. Third Accommodation Train fur Wall'• Station— ',ravel daily (extent Sunday.) •4 6:01 r. u. Penn Accommodation, Ito. I -Leaves daily (except Sand•p4 at 10t3) 4. Y. stopping at all Mations to. tween Pittateurth and Pettu Station. The Church Train leaves Wall Station every Snt, dal at 0:02 A. It.. and arrives In Plttsburf h at 10:1 A. Y. Returning ,leaves Pittalmrsh at 1..30 r. and arrives at W a/I'd SLAIIOa It 2:o0 r. Y. Returning Train. arrive in ['Didion/13 a. follows: Mau 140 a. at. t'sat I.lnr 1:10 A. n. V 1 1 .1.1 Wlll/ . 6 Station Accommodation V.= A. Y. ME! Penn Amommoduilon So'osd WAll;li . t ' stlon Areognmodatlon.... pvemmiitt!tNql7ttfli ....... . ...... . • Baltimore Expres IYd r. a. Altoona AcTmmodation and Emigrant...lo:2o P. a. W Third all' Accommodation..... Aocommodaon..... 1:00 r. x. Philndelpht Expreen .;1, at Penn Annette...tattoo. No. 2 r. x. Pittsburgh & Erie Mail Mao" r. x. An Agent of the RlGeldlOr 0111111.1. , C0rr w ot. lnkr po then n tli p ro cUtta. ‘"z an h d t deLy b' er k t ‘ Us ' g r g ' age an e y part - of the city. Ottirt, No. 110 Penn eireel--open day inn& night—where all order. for the movepuent of passel/ germ and baggage will reenter prompt attenti on. Baltimore Erprras .111 arrive with Philadtnptila Ear rev.. at 2,10 P. at., on Monday. m e: cane of lo”, the (ompany will held theamerrea reaponallair for personal - baggage ualy, and for an amount not ‘ e v ard . ing(rtlft I Agent. At for Pennell VII. la Central Railroad Passeniper bta- Mon. on Liberty and Waellington streeta. GREMBACKS ARE GOOD. pirrseur.Gii, WAYNE & CIII. AtiC) ItAILIS AY AND CI...E(ELAND t PITINEUEtriI EA-11.1:0A13. INC& I% Inter Arrangement. 1810. On land 3.flrr htv. em x .r Ink 13=1, trait. nlll nasal mww,. rii . itrq• For Fur ;Ix 1 , 114 . 6 , 4rph enfrogn I rkee . IFAss.tgar. Exp.. . . k:zprceo 1.1.5 r. . 2-10 r.Y. ar,--I t k 'or Newcastle. 4nd Eel. nit tUralike arri•e at Pitt..lnserls. P.. Ft. IA tt. C. 11. AN .-I.,as A Y., .3:10 P 61 V. M., 9 . 00 F. R.• P.zt.7 , r v v r AChUttfSI.4 , ATIoN 71141:s, Leave All, rbenr roe Ni. - If es..tisses —.lir 1. Y., I/ tNe u. sad 5:40r. as. 467.-3. r till. 11 11 A I X FAVTIOXI 111:211 . . .{N LX-1,10 I st Itttarcilug •rrt.... at AIV b, ny P Ft it st,lllN-..rsA r5.a,11.4 •11 , .I , r CI, awl I.: i t X. • & it. 11-1010 likout.r. P.tEKIN, Tleket olon Pro—. nr. r , tattor, PltLabargh. P.. . A. Q. LevsC.LllLltgl, Ticket Artat, Al/erten, City. nra F. IFYFR. General Ticket /treat. GREENBMS BE GOOD. co-amliipm M111'.4 A !CD CIN- I\ AT I II An-I:0AD. THE GREAT SHORT LINE ROUTE I= t;ol.0 zritust MBEIMOI 111=0:2 " 11 VY.T Ot and after RIONDA T NOVEMBER '2oth, 1114; TrOns lll lra tt and arrh r at U. L . ?" lON DEF. ae fvtluwa: V•fnes. Fast Line Uall .... . ... 00 , 0 • • lrar. n. ............ r. L. SU:Om:0,111e A.ccutrun,nl . .0 ../0 •• 10:10 A. IC B. F. SCULL. 000 . 1 Ticket Arrta.b L. D. el.olllELnrilf.oll. Ticket krent. Union Dope., Pitt.burrS. 6;i16.:E.74111-4CKS ARE GOOD. raTTSATRGH AND ,• cvsNELL4vILLI: rt. c. Winter Arrangement. Ps and niter noNuA Y. OCTOBER 30tb, INAS, Tbr tratta• ottt lei... th. 1 , , pot, ,srucr to.. at otc: .trot,, as,.. IMIIM!MaME MEIMMEISM3EI 122121 ==l =Ea • . . . . eundey tltereb Tr.oo 14 And from Ifeßerepo v rt 1 rO3 r. Imo ..'n. le For Tkrts opt d. ;I: o bLIA_SK. Agent. ors-tv W B. TOUT up•t. A L VAU..EY RAILROAD. 0)S. • CHANGE or TIME. On and alter M D ONAY, Nov. Zdb, Parsengcd tin , wilt w e arranged to run as follows: MAIL TRAlN—Leaves Pitoburgh at 6:11. A. X.. arriving at Kittanning at P:D S. Y. Leave. lilvtAo titrVies' l rrlrea at Pittsburgh at Y., arriving at Pittsbargt at 1155 a. Ca" I;st- r e: Pittsburgh at 3:10 P. a., arrivtag at Kit tanning at Ttto P. N. ACCOMMODATION TRAlN—Leaves !kola Walks at OM A. It., arriving st Pittsburgh at Ikas a. a. LPIMVII Pittsburgh at Des P. arrOing al RlAU tainetaa at 9:54 P. K. Saprintern gent, DISSOLUTIONS. nissourrios.--The Co-Partner ...•atkly, heretofore existing between the um/ends-a ell, under the style of alAllttON G K'.QX, has tale day been d1e.4.1 by' mutual content. All her/cote indebted to the late Arm will please make p.m m et otter, and elute haring elotruo aratert Bala fi rm prereet tbrm for pay mon immrdlately. at the tti d •tand, Irtlrral etrert, or No. M. Wert Ode Ma mood. A/444.4. J. W. 14 NINON% Itoio:RT KNOX. ANDREW KNOX. Al/Arlir.NT, January 1.. t, w:::_1_• - .ter BLEONBACKS ARE GOOD. rtISSOLUTION OF PARTSF.O— -sull'.-114 partner.hip he exteling owl, the drni of • JON Eh St Olt.. tO4 , olve Iby rootual roh-,nt. The tot.h.teen °I the Arm will l e ttl‘ct by ILL auectmor, J2Olll, T. IlltAltY CO. 311C11AXI. •• .1.3. b. tal rh frt.tn Ifootto,•, Ott...y(llllv rocom rtrn4 JAAIES T. BRADY I CO. to tva frt.nits a 4 'tetra.. 311(at&EL COrAJITNI:O.S7I.Ir. —The anderalgned have D•5O - 41.hcm.• el e. together under tho name and atele or J En T. 211Z/alYr .t C0., 3 r. Banke and BrokADY a. A.M.IN . -BR CALVINAD.A.Ma.. H0L521116.--.A.11 Dficharged So arr., or the 1(U, of Dee .:a ..Soldlers, who col6teo In tbkarli 8 oars Boi-crlocti Aaa soldlors.who were dLtaburgal from lulu *titer service without .11VOCIN ins their Illaverntnent or Lo qt Roujlliej. are requested to rail or send th eir ad are. TO T. WALTER DAY. Pollritor for Bouotle* rrdslons end Ps] nrru WIREET, ttUrN door below' the dr. tbedral. psis Giftwoimichs ARE GOOD. v. 4. . rabUt /LUZ rArtIIMION. . . . . .. ...;..Attartiow at Law W..fOI:IRTA STlMltV i fTrreittmtt TTER9 rk 144 At t a nurr,mvpalleottat Clatica azattut tltartita4 Irnlted titatel fittalat o l'orLtouliTY..ll/117K . jAls E szni u riA t te. 01 , 9191,318. tEAREM:4I , 24 - sMalix7 7°Arh ' s "Th. — ThrStatANOE , AtriatiMC ..•- JGARDENER COFFIN Agent ot , ana rraimes, Pfdlsdeplds, and thdthoort 10- Durance Cdmpludes.itdrth-esst.tortier woup and JO ' Aeent tor the Notth W_. Ar . • er ibrd.‘,FaVPZ,S,•,:irPVl.Wlt.'442llll,°.4. SAMUEL READ deeretat7 of the tknil7"Ga4mL". "ULM. . fcarfl UPHOLSTERY. IttottAtt.w. ....... nOCartea - VOUIZTIE STREET UPITOL !STEELY Xxo. a roman blittET, XtAll wOua —m 111111.1iben, xpeneficture and Auto nonltattl •on .I.Das k etts rta tq , l•4l.¢ thtlglnt r t, NW. Cage or t l-101 = 1 . 1 .0. 1 ./Mrtlniletl Pole 4; Al!Ped,. d . dada ot .11bsodo,'Illhadlood Fla turas. • pt attention Is MITZI to all Orders tot NMip I Q!Q -I N , iinVN.ll7l".:44lTz. • UNDERTAKING. . fratri. HOWARD & " iiiilTE, . COMA Romani At nomeenter Livery Nibble,' °omen. bnatalutt sad Martinet streola... fir orders' 'wan Allegheny CU? and vitt:llly ' ' deSttrin • 111 :14P11111;1 . :t. - II • tr” ern, • tt. trttr - • ,• •,ott Empteplzwek r• 6 the nr.,••ap.e. reedl , lnt , periecto 11.:1•,Ifd v ,61 • J, —too tat 1.. g • etutlent tk. to be 4.. 0 1 CU,/ rrryl:s n . • EY11.6 (.3 1.14, ur 1..• , , fonts 4 • 141AR14111 oi o. .1 • . 6 ' 111 - hFNTEI.Y, lntislog or. 1 u.:.,... C.ollr . • ' L.11(41.E11. As.oset 7 • • cII.I`IIIEY, Culdf, Cron 10.14 . • NEUELAIAI/A.... T003134.•115, an echo 9 " 17EADACI1E, Stek - Heads. be. 11 10 " DIE.F•FICSIA‘ SUPFII.E.II I .I3I). attory end I/3,3.1341 • nods. 2 " 11CORE114EA coughb:n3 . 13 " CH DT, hoar, 11 °• SALT RTIEU.2I. rut, TlOns 13 RIMUSIATISBI, eillrooom st .9 pnins 81 18 "JL.IBII 0.416 hurl Parer ..... .... .38 Ir * I . 7l.Ealhtensal or °menus. . IS,LBIY, sore, hafAsond eyes., SO :; ° J4A11.11,11, scale or thronic. phlo InfiTridu 4:04.1.11/, spattsod/c " 1 3333 11VA oppn d .. • Dltt.kgf;e4 : •largo4 glands .as EDDEAITF, pl3l-0:31 snarteS/1 .31 " DI4OIIOF Seno— • SEA SIC/3.1 0,/ ~ MS,Sewall- or stet:L crec es o + 1r ..A to rldlag e 4 hIDII EY DISLA . II., (irarcl. 64 1.1 h F.121:441. - 2 1/1:1111.IFF. ser3 - IA , I • , • ..4. nt ‘ios tar nhlti,t3ry dl.schorg.s SORE morfu, or Cooler ..... 24 ' CEP. 1111 INA 3 4•I4TENES( E 81 " PA /NV 1.1. 1 1 1 14101K9. es on. alto I•l3,zis . r t a.. A3oge or Lan 1301 1.3 '• EClLEl • hlf.etta3. 4 , Its... Unl3 30 DIPTILECIA ulcerated •,,re tnr.r.tl 1/.4 rAvr, C..pl• of fu morn-en ease az.l •1 te C 0... • of 'An ZrgP rlsl., lc tr,roc• o a. 4.1 51 : ( as. of Zs large to seise Aud so.A Case of so Outset/40. Ito go • aAt-001. • 3 J. a. Irr O ' N Ntitolr33l3 Agrcl , l . ll.•••Ar s l 1.3 For 3413 by F M I %LI: S. r.t.ltbdeld d FLF.3111 , 14. os Marts. -tart tr arrtn Pittsburgh, and J. rasr. o 141 I. ••••ts r tr Allrgbony. - EtZEICI ertil DYSPEPSIA. ---Dr. Strickland's TONIC ta cermet.. • .rt n ajed f anti. 2 , (% wit. adds mod carminative. co etrengtben the etotromb and 4 ele bervoue sy v tem. It le Beer- ' Q. taln remedy for Prspepla, Ca or IncitireAtion, berry , neari, Lora of APPento, eidlty of the litomactl. Flatulency and debility. It it not alchohollet thertf,s, parstectarly tu-ve, p fted forweal. 171 nerroue and dyst/e per num. For sale 1,5 di drug glen. eTcrrs hue is: per li. E. ocnird wtrOLLe,LL Attuxto. - RR. STRICKLAND'S Sifillfluous .--, COCO ti BALSAM it „ _ ,. ..„,,,, warranted to be th e only pro ~..-531d. t.pr i f tf: : , paration known to car itc . . ~, Coclgkiva Colds. roamed., ~,,....;..,„• „,,,..:•••• It Ai therm, Wit.P .a cough.- ~.:iee„"r, , ,,7 rr; Chronic Copgka. lWii,„.cliPv .- 1 / 2 ' , .t.1N1 Ul,- - 4,,Tri item, Broncattia .d taroup i.....1P..1 . . •• - • 11.-...Zrt. ,r. NSprey e 7l! QomA 2jP ' -''W - I OR , minx •nd xpectorating, end L a st—--. ....? particularly minable for all aclertlon a of the Throat and Lung, Foe aIP b, Druggieta every where. - ate IniIELLEIP , a co.. ootilvd — • — 1i..." 4- rki WA I . 4101..1,W1./ .1GG!“. IrSTRICKLAND'S PIE E RE.M - an - hat CUILED than— toaxida of the tnornt mmen of "Tr bLIN - D ANn n LEEDI3fi' in relic tET It give, tn.medfittr' t. nnd tdd e tta a per m ... It cur, Try It diraclly. , MF4iO;,Fti:T , It la ntarrunted In cure. u., lur naln In b tllrn 1;4,1 ,4 it Es. 4 .14.444 S otl:4lyd= EC* ..tta •:t Flowri YEARS P ACT I E =ZEN SFXr I , 4=T ‘ , l'- 01.4., me a knnerl4.4 4 4. nr.julr- I 1.. riatt, 31y lon, re.ddnaru to lld. 4.11.. an, of pattrnt• Lra.nted auctudily to int. arc . N rP L l:ft3l.A ' 'I TA/1711.F.A., or Soo Whskurre. all dlsrages arising therefrom. •rc cur. d shorter time than herethtdre 1 , 1 ,ny I: h - 1,./..; Ft A iii.P 1145rEutEs. 31e.11.1ne. -rut to 11 y t o 1111 Union. MI tette,. must routs Io A stole, to ph , rat return isrestArs.. Correspondence held sher..l. Ike. eh E3IIIIInELIP UTRFET. 1”....t0uLt Addrese. J. W. LIRA I% 7 unicala Buz hll. l'ittel,ers.h. P. . PRIVATE DISEASES. ...TraftrAL9l.s9.t.T l l lll For the bore of all 01sraar, of a private nature, in frrae two to fan, day., 0y so entire!, r 4.0. nod safe trratyrrat. Also. Seminal - Wcakneoa, awl 311 other disuses of 1130 genital organs and their preveullura Can warranted or 132021e1 ream/rd. (Wirt hours-7 4310 a. 11.,,yi to 3. and 6t0 5 r Y. - taadrualetten W.. rears Ftrect... 1.1.7 I DIAN A POLIO, ST. LOUIS JOSEPH ADAMS. Dentist, Con. iddly`k llWlding, corourof BLAAION - 1, (MAN - luvula, Plitgnur,rh. 1:16.rgr0,cr..., I , r. A K. rullotii. liallucL, Tlncedigne Erna. WOOLDRIDGE OIL REFINING 4,x tr ea1‘ 21 ' 17'.37-c) ~mule= en OF PITTSOUVH, PENNA. Eig Ani.o ll/1111 ,,,fr. HENRI " STrt •'r ^M-&iMallE Clean WORKS TEMPEILLN CEY ILL E. Office, No. 2 Duquesne Was, M HUI ACITErus VF rUltEllY il IT 11 1.317/1-INI a 01)11.4. MEM MEI rUMMXM Tlll-(111 en rmot 3r.1 f..r t•urt3lng prapertlel, Color or are te:t, 4,1 put up In well ee....ee.1 hare eultatllc for 11 , 31 E 1:-.11. LICTORT. DELIMI t.t 11.12 17f I'. EtiMESM === Ilfilrr W Les., (; , .5. Mart C. 11. Elvrrtm. C. 1.. I 11. 11. f. J. NV Prbrter hunt. Wallace, D. IV. C. C... roll. 1.12,11 ad - • STANDAILI) trcolLow. 17-43151.2a.0r-jr. Works and OS Mee. Collins Township Orrh rrrrsurlani—L'i WOOD STREET. Ilter.o works bare the largest capacity hrthr Coml. U. The brwald Manila the highest la thls country Isln Europe, tor Quality and Ore test. and tbr oil Is put In well reasoned barrels, prepared especially for export. Manufacturers of MOLLEMS. STILLS. TANKS .4 Improved Boring Tonle for Ott Wens. dedOtly DUNKARD CUERO. PETROLEUM CtI3IPANY. Wilco Cor. of Penn end Wayne Street, This company was Organized on th.o :Mb [net. under. the Itfo.nsDennla Mlnlug and Martufacturle o Laws. The tcrtnory of the company adjoins thr motto .t the Drinkard errek Union Company. of this rl ty. Capital ntottk ICS. Wort tug Fund ........ ........... tell rar Vahan of each Share I et orrtcAA, Pr...leant—S.7. A. JulIN:: roN. Trramb tor —I!. W. In it_ 1111 • • • • Inurcl.3l:s: A. A. TomcsoN,l 1.... , . ttinons. 1 , 13...L.PM I.):14. inltti t.rz ‘ll , m ~ D. SNT W. jv3:lld H. W. ltrrmil. COMMtIt(:LfL OIL WURIVA. PURE WHITE BURNING OIL AT TUE LOWEST MAIM ET RATES No. r: WOOD STNEE we lune constructing, .14...113 keep 00 Died. so. purists style comm. xavaklavr.o3 RUH DIM I„ mom OR ITIWUR Bain We tinllc partite, ntnllog englirA for prrp toe to mit and 1. l• thrmavrrrer or 'pixy, mad O , llllWt trITEETS, pear CltyWaler Wotto. • • le= IItACMSIO9II. iMuntrra. JAMES_ VVIEILINS, ItrOlCLlraleo taLispit IN CRUDE- AND ,REfINED .OILS, sups Meek, MageoseelVey.Pittsbur:?3 , .. . Spectal ottentlort_gtves._4o tito Tat Meta of Petroleum and It s prOdUCtol. ContlimmeuM reartetltdly imitated. PootoSto .11oz 1,=.; etil=l . No. 1. wr. cr.lau ST., Plttsbaltbs Woriftii'dlits and Conizamilin 31eri2ial, • And deals? In Ott,. Ellominstlns, Lubrlesttle. Onrde Forster= (Mr, de.. toast-antis on hand mid for Wit d$ Skit 'emelt IstaskdA prima*. Cuadra:seats mad orders solldted, • • *Vial. w e Aiinco ItY,NICY 71. IDNO lirittNG ConmssioN lIIERCILVOrti. 'AAA BltagrllN IN PETROLEUM AND RS PROORCTS, And Dealers - in Netlabia si l ti n .j a i. 0,-may 1 , •10: 3311.ARICET.ST. BONDED TEAP-movsE OF pHENIX WAREHOUSING COMPANY, Foot of Bel s r"""'" son recto, Brooklyn, \. T., Storage for - Refined Petroleum, In Tasks and Mimic Pee circulars. ►YOl6rc. No. oSIIIAVEIL .51 - LtEET. N'ew Vert. g - QIIANGES-4O bows Orsinges to ,to'snirf"4-ibr,..trAirti Fnuiruzaß. A (0. 15/ 1114 LI Woad stre- IISEIiftAL pi)cii':iiiiniiiitlV4 OIL WORKS I=III Brand—" Lucifer." CLARK & SUMNER. I= C. et J. 11. s.t.wrtm COMBILSSION MEitCHANTS •-• • . ~.n—:,:e.,.. .i.x.m.a . E.cin, t ui N .4*T1F,1444). ~AWVQ. X— ti. , 004 ... ,•tl i tipit4__ • tit PLE4/14:1111.114 A T ......, •Dt:1.1.111[3., ..'.1.. 2>trtwt. Sc..l. 'i ..NLN binllatog. up,,,alte A I V V. 1 , ,v0:. .Orti 1 4 P; ICA frtt• 7tici - zu,zonlilsgtort spit ly 'frf4 : l• LX - Y 1%. - I , IA Itsiilol£l"A 0, .IT. E .11 d0n1.:2 . 3 In Forclin ~9 1., 4 n, I PtttiburAß Ci. itALES C. hill. L - AlVi. Produce N 114•. 1. th , ..4.X!.rc.u. siil,l37Y nTitlctiT. et. Whototal. 4,11, I lhattrr. Chr Isrd. Pgrt e irnrc. 800.. th Veaerc. Itr,wm.m.•• t.nt...cl. 111 , Drt,•l ..lon•. Clout, Ttn,tily Fl..r G.r.P I,A e.tterl3r. gitr, 11--s4v, RT. 1.4.314 L:r1,..1 Drbl •c FlOur Gr.:.l-... * Pe,lt.r+ nr, h.,c,e No. :ZI 75TFEET li. B. JACK I==l acr ______PrrrS3...'3Gß. PA ,Trri..E, BAIRD & PAIrI'ON, Who:-,..- lit were, Mgramts, Proriticg, trim Baum, Cheese. nth, Cmtioci and Lard WI, trOn, Hate, Crlzas CkKtos r+rna ent Pittsburgh mariallielmeti ChelYll7 mil 114Mbend str i ct, PllLibmgh. o=l IZEII¢II . _ • • - • • • - - • -- ( £ BIIF.PAIID COUIUOIi9BIOII Flertilazt , end dealer-a In 'glow, Gratz azd Pro- Jut, ltl7l-lbrrly ntrert,.Plttatntrga. (13.1.4. v• L.rarale of Fleur for fraketsarid Fimidly tee ronetantiv ItAnd. rartlertlar artztttlon paid co order 4f,r 31errhazdtac generally. ocSay r. pErii ....... ~....... ........ 21103- nanEl2l.l.. 11 1. 71 ., 0rfi . et i r 3 e l f . t iC P I ttt CO., 110 1115 Whnlewe 4 7 "'-r ota t. 4VVt.Tor i :, Tit - t s tlt egle'ru Prvoince, i:our. Orals. 'Sew., tiraen sad Dated Fru , ca, dam., Sa:t and Lima. 3716 1011 N 11. CANFIELD, Commission 1•113 Fornardlng Merchant and arldlearde dente.. Yard.II(CSIN Ie Ohne., Btitt,r, Lan.l, port. ,Y 1 wr Fi sh , Pot an:Ll:Pond Aahra, rialleranne, Lin•col and Lard 011 t, Drina Frain. and Produce arnorally. Yin, 141 and Itt Pro= arrten, Pi:tannin. a. /Sll , lo . 7irare ..J. 1t1REZAT.8.1CE......1. L. FT.u.SON FIIIIIPATRICIL, BELO. & CO. • Note , 01, to Joteph Kirkpatric Onto, ro.. Wt.:41,51! Grocerlcit. Pro hi., 141. Che,3e. 6311, :`ia.lll, Glas4 an Oils Nos. tot a1.d11..3 Liberty ct reel, rlttAbergh. iyz D. P.M 71. - R — .. 7. ............... .k. • .... ............... - (ZRAFI , •15. 'MITER. PRODUCE, and For...ll=c .•...nret.sr-le, Vre;1;.;!':-1. "I's.:.s."...fl7ll,Ve'tyriNr-rh;rlt-V•ggoct,r‘a.. DAILZELL If. SON, :11anu "t,. ,r•r.k aud Merchants urcLaet ALA Glak , Conn , m. t lletued Pe troleum. hos Idand :13 WAN' PlP—burgh. en • cadr 4 IlarrtAlitAl7B . .. LAN G,lAholeale 1 Lfrn:r, in Groceries., Ilmv, firal.. Pr.• Cnrtur: anl .74 , A otrcet, our co12:1, . Cr01.0:1 vsn • U)an:Gr err Crss. TTEAD 04. ItiIETZGAR, Grocers and Merchants. and desist . ..is all t 4 A. , suutrs Produce au 4 l'lttsburph !Isrla factures, No. I's , 1.1 , -,rt,t upporlts Itela of Wood street, ste rah• spr.:l y 14:1ETZEIL & ARMSTRONG, For. mr.rtllvg nu.lCirmmt..ton 51crchazt*, for the .sJia 11.K.r. G - 11.113. Flacon, Lard, Flutter. beeds,Dried e 1,4 11,1.1.-e gvne.,ll,, .513rketbdtetot. itr.t. LE. COMIIIi , 4.ICISIt .Mer • cL.L., Wholt.iale Lrealer I aPloor sad Grain. NA. Llzeort, ,reef, PLnn,rlrunia- B. H 1 ,, P0t• Pittgte;rgle. Pa. r.tor.ige WureSon-, corner ry 4,1 Pen/. ,r. IT RIDDLE.,I!*3 Liberty - st y • P.t,0‘..,g1.. C•.eltra,ion Merchant. and Who:t sale lrea.cr In Country Produce. Groeeries and Pit,enenrh ruunntletoree. 'Cam], advanced on Cori aud po.d for Produce generally. nazi I. r. Lir 6Ell'. ........ 011 w I. t AT S. LIGI:t:TT a: CO., (.Ity Flour t, • lng 1111.. rumor 1...1tx - rtl and Athu.. atreCte. l'lt • • nurgb. • ifter , rr. I. prr apt IP Ist 11,10Nr.., • • . ..„ 0.11:\1. 110CSE N. CO, Viliolesale t? 0,4mt./el.:Ann Merrhant,.. Corner of t•tr./ Ml.lv.rd Water arre.t, iittabnrgh. • • • - - .)OBT. 11).ALZELL CO.; A Or‘vera, Commtlston and Forwarding Mew enrr.o end l'ealera In Produce end Plittleargia elbeturre... Liberty edrent, Fltitborgb. - • • ••• C •• • 10IL.N 0., Wholesale 31,...rchant., N. rt . r Wool and Liberty street, Plttststrith. 3a19 liAntrs L. CALDWELL. (Sue ,' reNsor to Jsmor llaLmes & Co,. )Poet Part cr and deokicr In Provisions, curacr of norkrt and Froat Wort, Plltoburgh. JOUI WATT. anddealera PrOdnet and 31anahatuma, o. 156 Lib trta utn•et, littrburzt.t. 1 SAI AII Dll 31E1 & CO., Wholesale 1•oma:le-an)n Mcr,hanlet. and dealers IY mr Water etre. and of Yrout btraad, l'ltt•ncry.h. I‘Slitir L 901G111 , 1 H. IVIGIIT A: Co., (Successors 0. lam 0.0 ruitto Produre Owl Couisals.lou bier _ rtgrrt, Pittsburgh. P. larr ' J n. .llrrmr.r. LLTIMS. DEllanat Si. BROM., (Successors to ISeyener 4t. Andrrion,, Wholesale Dearest In For :o Spa }tops,!`: and, oles, 'onfectlonory, t a bort 12' "I L IV°°4* . bir"lirst% D .44'm m. EDGERTON. Whole sale, Grocer and Coramlsslea IftreimAr-ItCr Wood Ktn•eL Pittanurgb Pa. re:ay AJOILNI —TOON !MILTON.. A. C. Mr.....1..L•CL. I AIOBERT, SHIPTON & CO., %Vhole.ilt Grotero and Vroduce I).lmA NO. It. 1 , 11 Ih stryvt: Pittaburrh. ,al.ll STEEL. WORKS. I) I TTSIWRGR STEEL WORKS ANDERSON, COOK di CO., (at' ct. I.s , Ulta TO JONES, BOYD It C 0..) lan Lfarturar, nt tit.. best reflood Cast Stel,l Square, real And ocit,,a, of all Atars, nt- Plat., LI., leer and t.btrt Ciot Stool, Cast Stool for REAPING AND MOWING MACHINES, sTEET PLOW WINGS. SPRINGS, AXLES. cutEri—lns, Am. Cast and Common Plough and Spring Steil, (titre—rum, nr First and 80-Asti-rots. Oro blorla abort tot AfouguZahrla So.> , 5t1.7:07 I iLACII. DIAMOND urzwr-a "OPCOMLIEESI, rirnin Timm. rA. PARK, BROTHER A; Co., 31.ufactortra of Ilt.i•T QUALITY EEF/NED EAST STEEL. Square.. Flat and Liottifom of on 'Warrante4 eq.! to any imported or matosaatured tats " Li-Offiro and warehouse. No. tra sad at Vlnt. sal Moor rrt arr.oud erect, Pitt-Murata foUrydl &c. ntrurivinc 1 NEW CASTLE. d. 111'1'T0.1' & CO., 116,6zir aid Itr!ail [Wen, Yale• hiretl I= Hal 11Lo" nn hlr.A alarrAnd cnrefully solettAl anx,i. 4N-cascorcil 33asclmvairo, Whirls Silty has c purcharcd for cash Snake Cute.■ =cries.. wad ❑i dISpOs• of on the most lotravita [Coca terms. Xhcir stock.c.solits lC part of C,‘l7.ltlAGf InlVmu , cow:. Ens ; TA IMF. WINDOW SASIIN.s, A Gni c " P , lL7At ' ci ' ll44r.t_ a _Z 'lvEl• • CA HPENTENA . • avvLS, rtnEu 5111.141,_ Woun WORN EUE eall IMILDIVAICF. IN LINN 4T VA.11.1.L71". A. lIIETTON A. CO.. Are tbe sole Agent, In New Cistitabr the .roskiiiirefi Trashing aterehtne, AND TKVIVEIRSAT. CLOTDDIWRINDre. . FMK DRUM & SLA.CK, w ivc on hood n Inge Assortment o[ Irk , WlhG NACTIINES, tiont4; CUTTE.Its SCITIIES A'SO 11.4 ! Y., RASES, At So. 91d and 30 Ohio glegherin eIS MEDICAL, J. W. TAYLOR, ECLEcTIC PUTSICIIII, Rerpretfhltrahnonnees that be 1. located-at Jenne street, third door from the bead of Vata of where be will mason. patient,. from 9 N. to 9. )1.. winded with .coomnoptlon, Illopepatae Liver. Complaint- Nervy= .131fiesacs, IMatunatlam, ;mod. la,. hitt, Swelling. and _teen' varlet). of Blood and Okla Disease., and all 4 1 9oroota Inmoliar JO Females. Doctor 'railer mold., the tower all modlelnea that r'are a ellsealint .toltdlllion of the. Erg= after this Maury di9c o to bag bOen roinorod; bath as Calomel I tar Palette. ittlanotvf. Ill4.ltedlaine; Ar0..0.....FT.Ttab01,..4990T3 AND NEDlentAto Tbelr groat anottloriz, and, lavartabl aarol•l•hat boa lllly.provrol tonalseda of thO 190 1100011 and go litons GM'S. Thertre Anted to a flora aild.ooortitotions, and anierd to Mt* ra .nod slap oral Dr. Taylor boo • lho-bent of leocranol tbk Otty a , 1•1::. lto. • ,1: . ellarsti• fur cantrativii art oe TWO; W , ! 1 IN=I