bal:i we*/ tlev4 F. R. PrY ,4 / 11 4 71 EntronR. BUSSHit. t war:l.ll. T}{. Cthie•MANKA. Basucan 151.4skaat. VUBLISHEb Br THIS OA ZIT Tin .5 3SOC, A TIB Y. 8.5 /It TEC iirturx - r, Flttab¢rCh TERIM`. VOIINTs , r.Ol 71.1 Y, tty anll, $.3 110 tr.Y.41,0 EOrriOrs., do. do. ' 00 rrol by Carrier. or Erg3l,d, pot 15 (;11:Y ITEMS li:tßSrr'N Pk-a—born Soap Le nice—try lt. Only thirty coats a. elk,' =I • "'lie_ Greet Final Clueing Oat Sale or Cloal:a Beg Shawls, at Barker's .4 . Co., No. :e) /Be rket street. 1:92=1=113 Deal. Good. 21L great bargair., , , at tat, Maul clortn out +rule sl.,l3artsers a Co., O. Market 4trect. I=l Clonks Q Slanwls - 011. about 'half pride, at the float doelott out `4.210, at Itarker . e & tio. 59 Market etreet. Grrenbaeh. Dry Goode Dialer, 'RIB And a complete stock, embracing a fall line of Menthol:l and Berlin Sbeetingq—and BLlrtings and Prints, together With every oth er kind of Goods required for the present and tenting season, at Barker's & Co., No. 59 Me, Iget street, at mud, less than Eastern prices. Lauithi!n: Gas 'lifter. Free Dr. C: Sill, 553 Penn strict, who has boon gir log'the Nitrous Oxid gas] for more than two Sears to the people of Pittsburgh, continueS to ndrriinlater this delightful agent. Ms rooms ihre crowded every day with persons delight. 40 with his success. Teeth are furnished at his well-known and responsible establish •-ent at $lO, and as high as $lOO per set. An ierperieneed lady assistant is alsrisfs in ellen. Ounce. 14111.. Lis Union Skating Park , Allegheny. ids delightful place of resort is again In condttton for Orating, the managers hay . at great labor, removed tan sleety cover ing', thus exposing the smooth and solid lee beattath. We presume that this afternoon and oventrig, and until a change takes place in the 'Weather, the Park .rill be crowded with ' Anyertittrand . beauty." Truly, the living nano " r.d.atiaaliresentedat the Union Park on a Meru. • - Satufternoost, is amongst the most beautiful ',Wig ,ts webrive •witnessed. Crowds of skaters, glprally expertiind gruceful, gliding in every . -.Vossibletnurement—straight linos and cm veQ, kh4zainlaral cinclea, fast and slow, grave: nd —gay:precise and abandon—the moving life on See{ It is worth doable the cod of adunmion o behold the ladies Furs At % great reduction, all that Immense teal: Of Audio; faaldonable furs, will br ,01 , 1 at a yo Cat reduction, at the thad class Hat, Cap and Ladies Fur gauss - of Win. Fleming, No. ria, Wood street, oonsisting in Part of full sots of Budson Bay Sable, Mink Sable, German Fitch. Liberian Squirrel, Water Mink, Black-kind 131 L os;n Sables, Ladies Skating CtIPF, Ladle Fur 'Floods, Gents Fiir Caps, Collars and Gloves, all At which will be sold at Win. Flemings, No. 139, Wood street, at teas prot.slhan any other - Louse lu the. city. p. Good Iden.—Netv.-Itestouroni on an Extensive Settle. . , E. M, Breen, comer of. Sixth and Liberty Meeks, has been making extensive improve „Meats in the prendse.s occupied by him as a 2 . estaurant and eating hon Se. The various _ departments have been enlarged and refitted, sold every cinivesdence necessary to make it the most extensivo, as well as cite of the most .yierfect houses of tbokind in the West boatmen ihrnielied. Entmniense range, the most per- Ibei l in the eityi has been placed in the cook ing /bow, and day or night the hence will he -jgep opentor visitors. Mr. Breen calculates . e n , biting labia tofeed two thousand persons a A de* Kid cspeqta to accamtoodate some two • Itiudttsi week boarders at the low rate of ... Ysre ty t live cents a meal? The premises will .bee issouirt'alrittiadi Iceffittui reputation ' • VI 0 PrOPTietqr , il,) a Mtererorill, we doubt • 1201 , rove ligilat accommodation totho pub • lie, a d a stiooessful investment for the pro -341.9 • ' - -... II Umtata Worth. . : If ittsiprotectit It is sjerwel as easily lost as virtue, mad hi some cases as difficult to. re mover. Reture,iis our citteate, and especial ly ut this season, requires to be occasionally reinforced. lint, everything depends upon the some used for this purpose. The medicinal . •2jaetar , ,,s, anal' tchiet are based on common at pohol, are dangerous. Quinine, as evegTbody suds out "who takes mach of it, is a slow poison. one sato protective from all unhealthy atmos pheric llallueliCi3s exists, and one only. This 'powerful preventive is Rostetters Celebrated 'Stomach BitteMs, a compound of the purest Iltimulants ever martufactured, with the most letrective tonics, alteratives ' regulators and slepurators that chemistry has yet extracted ton the Dotaaleal : kingdom. Convalescents, -Imignid.and feel/18.60M recent sleimess, will find the iiittemin — bacomparable Restorative, Mot disagrSeble to the taste, and eminently in- Tagoratthg: Ifoother stimulant prodneefl the .some citrates this Stomachic. IL does not ex -,Cite-or flutter the nerves, or oconsion may on due arterial action, but at once soothes and adrengthens the nervous system and the. an al spirits. - Itostetter:s Bitters 41trOIMIti :wholesale and retail at very low rates Mt Firming's Drug mad Pa tent Medicine Depot, No. 44 Marketittitet, corner of the Diamond, hear Fourth Mara. Baim`is Creepers, *So ho had of altifroa. et 133 Wood street, cue the oracles to preserve your neck or limbs *ow being brOktn, tuns sleety weather. Cull and see them. . - Fall and Mater Goode. It s with gzeil plearare we call toe Atte:, mot our rtadera to the subporb stock of Fall Smailtrinier Geeds Just resolved by Mr. Jobe Wcier . r.,Vderchant Tailor, No. 190 Federal street, All%.beser. His ;stock embraces some. of the .:Most beautiful Clothe, Cawdmeree, Overcoat. Saga end Ventage aver brtmgbt to the western His aslortment of Farnlahlng Goods, Dernpriaing Shirts, Drawers, Collars Neck Tice, itandkerchiefs, gn, cannot be earPaSSea east Or west. A largo stock of ready made Pant 'Coats, Vest; and Overcoats, will also be found Ott ala establlehMent. roams in want of any tat* In the nitrating tine atiOnld not fall to all. WO Mel Ton Tr 7 Goo's DrapepalaCure; it will help you. Con - Iltipation, one of the causes of.lll health,COM. Vainly cored by the ass of the Cure. All dis.. 'lllKLE4fii of the stomach and bowels, like slek- Xeadache, heartburn, cramps, pains or colic, Ate .controlled instantaneously by the Imo of o c o ie o yki bpa p e te Cure. Hole agent for Pitts lbtirsh)plt ViernbaZ, Druggist, No, 14 'du .It - ot street. . • Thiktas w. Parr? * "'tactical Plate Roofers and Dealers In diners; Can Slate of various editors. Office at Varian der tsmiblin , eiiair the Water Works Pitts harsh, Pe. Itentileace, No. 73 Pike street. 01 , Skein prenspily 'Mended to. ell work warrant irater proof. Ripiiiing done is the khort est notice, No charge for roars, provided the eof is reit abused after it is pot on. itilcoreu; . are ',mid hundred diatleet Ferrous ifsettatW, itztd there la not ono of th era that will net yield ;to -they great invigerant, Blkorene. Why stater she torture of nervous weakness for a der The gnu:weep wlll siva yon !natant relief and permanentatiength. Bole agent for irittebargb, Jereegth Fleming, Druggist, No. 81 Warket: street.. geneby erprese any where. The-Wawrid And his Wife, And grown pp daughters, aro =salmons On tigne.pOillt. They doclare unreservedly that eniodontlaSt biassing to their mouths, that it Improves and preserves their teeth', insigne. Ades their gums. and sweetens every breath they draw. Mateo they buy It. As Dominic *stepson says, the sales are pro.dl-gions. Cankllter Jobbing Shop. flaring remised after nu abmnee of three yam in the army, I have re-Opened - my shop fornll aorta of Jobbing In the carpenter line, at.the obtettusd, Virgin Alley, between limlth geld etrett and Cherry ilia?. Orders solicited end prOMptly attended to. IrmttAm Fonnerr • T.ll. New rortTiwks earn The finest Matt- Sag park in the country la at Allegheny City, renaaylianta. Itnomnrisee moven acres, with ••elear lee, and a half mile once course, with Landings and reoeption mom for ladles. The budding *low> cost 00,90, 01,1 - 31 E LXXX.---NO. 15 (:L • I:11A L Li 1 , -W 4. Ar.cainr.c affray occarred Saturday on a t r,t in of ears on-the Memphis k Nashr ll:e ltail rood. The train was near CollorofUe thnKy miles west of Memphis. Two colored soldier., nrobsbly intoxicated, wore on board. Ono of them charged a white moo with stealing his Canteen. The white man thereun 'totalled the negro, whim tho latter tireW po pistol and shot him dead. Miscellaneous shooting then commenced between blacks and whttoa, w Lich one white man was severely and several slightly injured. Tito negrowho killed the white man Jumped OH the train, but his earns rode was riddled with bullets, and ttsd his threat cut from car to ear. = Tee greater portion of the late King Leo puld's immense fortune to invested la lauded property in Austria and Lower Ilunicary. Among the meet Valuable °Staten, on account ets precious wines, Is the domain of Palm. Leopold was 'a, thrifty and prudent manager, and himself directs d the operations of his agricultural agents. All the princes of the Co burg dynasty are noted for their dabbling to the cattle trade. They monopolize M=o , 4 all the rattle marketsof G ermany. and hove shots acquired immense wealth. Isopoid also made money in tale way. DEM Tan Huntsville Adoorale tharlily reprove, the Alaborna legislature for lta fool isn nedro Code, rind pertinently asks "Can't oor Legtsla ture,leorn without being pricked by the bayon et into getting every lessout The negro,ta free; the Atune•dv oath said so; the Conventlon ordained It; the Legielat ore 0/Institutionally ratified It; and now why dogs the Leg islat are deny It by such Jegislation TIM wonder of the day at Cincinnati I+ the discovery of an all i gat o r in the Licking river, opposite theca', Ho was diaeovered tly some bars while skotlng, under the lee. Untoet,ll 7 the water in that lotltuto had proved too ent,i for him. and be was frozen still. On being dug out, ho was round to heals atc a half feet long lth a jaw eltlren incite, lon Ile suppo-sed to be one of two that some so diers brought op from New Orleans eight months ago, and wltl,h e'cnped from them. IMM THE Manchester (N. 11.) Aw. , ricort reports that the water at 41.1nOakerig h-nib ha- not been so low for forty years as it V:33 last Monday and Tuesday. the Merrimack river has been down to nearly tow water mark ever since lad August, but the sudden and severe cold of Mon day and blondes turned the water into lee and froze up the tributaries to such u depth that It looked for awhile as if the mills would have to stop. All the water of the river went through the canals, sort it WWI dry walking below the Fells. The river is now tilling up again to the scanty quantity It has yielded the past Mee months. • Tun Cucten or ENGLAND AN - D Tar Itr- , ,ts Cllte.Clt.—A meeting to consider -.liggedions fer establishing intereOmmunion between the Ciisirch of England and the llu.snin Church, which was attended by several high digni taries of the former and prominent 11 usSian gentlemen;was held in London on the 15th of last Novemlo,r. Among the speakers was Prince Orion, who warmly favored the ol.lect in view. hat thought that it should not bepro cipated or urged with too much ',lien cr. The Prince, in a letter giving an account of the meeting. sacs that note:0111[ton, were adopt ed, but that all present "agreed that the cam, should Do promoted cautiously, but incessant ly. - 1.. HALL, a promising void., met hying with hi, Lather, Lye of Rooky MIL 'Ct., was instantly killed inn grist mill at thatplaoe on Saturday. In pa:sing near a bevel gear, Ito was in some conycaught in the machinery, and the upper part ca of his body crushed almost to Jelly, the cogs crushing the tack part td his head and body trom the heck to his waist lie was about sixteen r•ars Cl ego, and an only Tar Illeinphi..4r7u.s.sny• a perfect epidemic of stielng for dent in, broken (nit among r ht. people of the nel,, , hhorlng coantie- Tenn e. We pre,urne it li the ctn.-, or nom, will be, in Mlssimoppi, and slimed every state In the late .Confederacy.” -The long pour-up waters of litigation, no lorimt re-trained by the presence of oar, have broken too,. sn 1 threnteuto Inundate the whole country. Gm - annex L. F.ara... n prombient citizen of Malden. Mao-,.. died ..riddenly, on Monday. ot Lockjaw, caused by a splinter in 11.1,.. hand. The splinter lodged bpiween the thumb end the fore. finger "some days ago, and was only par tially 'extracted. Ho tooktmld, anti the wound becoming in fl amed, Gnally terminated in the loolc3evr, Hq tra9 previously in perfect health. • A C.itrt.r. Behltirrtent , (Vt,) Prce Peens ,nys Mr. Henry Wilson, of lilacs burgh, has recently lost the coifs, out of a herd of forty, by a disease apparently the same in each ease, and terminating in Loathntsnut twelve h ours from the attack. This cans consideruble solicitude among the dairymen In that quarter. But; as yet, it is not known that the disease has appeared In any other herds- Tlll:deciion of the Indian Commi•,lonee, is ptiplished, stating that the Boisfort band of Indians still retain their title to the gold re gion of Vermillion Lake, Minnesota. The la. dian are now on their way to Ws sti mg. ton for the purpose of making a new treaty. The Washington correspondent of the Phil edeiphia Lcdger states that contribut ions from abroad and from importers in New York are flowing freely into the treasury of the nee Trade League. it is stated, on goo-I authority, that August Delmont sent to it last week las cheek for esmoo. Dn. Tnoo as W. Eva,*, of Paris, the well known American dentist. proposes to form ransom:ale the coming Loire rsal Exhibition of the various ingenious ins rations made by Americans daring the war, for the relief of sick and wounded : soldiers. - Tee Hartford Pres, says: - A raged little fellow was seenskating on one of our lands lately 'without shoes or 'stocking's, his skates being strapped upon his bare feel. lie said it WUS joliy goal fun, and that his feet were warm enough if ho kept on skating.'• Two temoval of the Currency 'Bureau from Trashing - ton city to New York, finds hut little favor thus far with Congressmen. They fear If taken there It woadsint bcse ineri ,. Wall. street- affair, and subject to undue financial tot politic:al Influences. Tno petition for the commutation of the sentence of Dr. J. W. Mahal. tieing virmrs trusty circulated at Cleveland. and is reeeli lag thoiiamcs of many citizens. The ladies hare two copies in eirculattor, A wart who was guilty or a crime near Alba Y., bra Imial all the time at liberty on ball, and finally escaped alto,mither. while his victim was, kept lot prison from May until Jan arys-efght months- as a witness. - Poor. Borksow, an American citizen Icy adoption, has bccir appointed Astronomer Ito3nl for Ireland and Profeieinr of Astronomy in Trinity College, Dublin:Jo place of Sir Wm. !fatal ton, deceased. A raorosea, will be submitted to t oneness for a new Presidential mansion, which will la- Oil'l2 a heavy appropriation. Tnt Treasurer's cafe at Greenfield, /I ancoeit county, Indiana, was robbed of on Yet day night. Tor Athena - um states that Sir John Herschel has completed a [mutilation of the "Iliad." Jona .Thren eta. is reported in Paris in a h o d state of health, but a good,atate of fund• D. Evans, the American dentist In has been appointed dentist to the Prince arid Princes, Cf Wales. Tan camels In Texai are to be sold by axe. They seceded, but hare been thoroughly reconstructed. TiE We”tern farmer+ complain that It co ~t,, three bushels of corn to ,end one to bushel to market, • • Tire wealthiest ma,retuis of Naples dropped dead as he sta, about to bit down to Eoine Do G IDA ALI.", who 410 t. AIDIDLDr . CDr- Tel, has recently written a Ptrung letter against Gs". SerfOrzttn tins Settled down in Paris for ibe CIInIFTMAY 'lay was celebrated In England by se. end •Ife mordent. ==! A tin accident occurred at the depot ier day morning about 7 o'clock, The head ew Myatt Was trying to uncouple the ear nett in rear of the awftching engine, the car, being In motion at the time, when hie foot clipped , stumbled on the switch rods, nod he fell be neath the mire. lie lied partially tregaled out, after dragging alOngthe tracks little dis tance, when the engine commenced backing, and the driving wheels passed over Ma body and one arm, crushing him to death. The name of the;unfortnnateman le Buck . lie war reputed Lo be worthy and isoluitrions.-3/cott• ride .12rpubticon. Truman KELLY, a brakeman on n freight train, was killed on the Pennsylvania hall. road between Lancanterand Philadelphia, on last Saturday evening. It in sappesed that he was streok by a. bridge. by whic.h death wa.. produced. The deceaund stirred in the three menthe' ..nice in the army, after which be joined Welsh's • regiment,. aryl remained with tt imttl - the clone of the rebellion. Ile was a single man,nliont it yearn Of use, and had resided at Columbia minor tun dincharge from the army. Ms remains were taken to YOrkeOulllY, ',Mere 141. parents reside. Tun dwelling horse of David School,ln Smith Muntlogdon township, Westmoreland county, wax destroyed by die on Monday, the sth Inst. It is supposed that it caught fire from sparks from the chimney. AieSt of the furniture and articles to the. home wore hayed. Three hun dred dollar* that Mr. School had secreted in a lied was dropped on The whilst moving the bed,and • was burnt:loss is hoary there being no Insurance. We notice that S. p. Rates, Esq., b, recom mended as Eueemor to Mr. Coburn as State Superintendent of Common Schools of Penn sytyanla. Mr. Bates has acted for some years as Deputy. Wu understand that a gentleman from the . east buoys in Corry makrgrraTgements for . the publication ofoh additional nevspaper aatpl Jos. rent, the hey who was horned so badly at Meadville on Sunday, by the explosion of an oil can, died on Monday. lie was eleven years old: Arum at Franklin. ncnanno country on Thursday night, destroyed Quo thoonand 'bar rels of oil. trICGT. SWAIVN, who r allot himself in Now York, was afflicted with delirium tremens. duet before committing the deed which caused his death, he went into the state-room of to. Whitnev,ralicd theDoetor by alainiff and said, "I um going to leave you." The Deo-- ter, Suspecting that Sviann was on the point of executing 'his oft-repeated threat of self destructirm, got out of bedew] followed Savant out of his room, when Swan said, "Good-bye, Whitney raised bin 'revolver from his side, f e u i t tt n tilh o l=rt h p r titi ‘ e l f i tte v tr r igo e ' a a f n o d J.= F to the unfortsmate man, when the latter said, - "Lay me down, Whitney, that I mardie coca fortably." Dr...Whittle,' tildes he was request. cd, and then commenced an, examination of the wounded man, to uncertain the extent of his Injuries, when Swine said, "Whitney, you. need not feel for it; the bullet has gone through. I my heart, and flume foundont where my heart 1, this time." Shortly after this he died. • e r F - r I - t) > tx r A , _ . • VERY LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH Our Special Dispatches FROM WA?iMMFFON. REPORT ON PUBLIC PRINTING. Officers in United States Service A* l ls4l4.:l:tillliV:l33l6olAlNE ✓lction of they House Com In titres IMPORTATIONS FREE OF DUTY, Prevention of Smuggling. NEGRO PROPERTY BURNED Fenians of Washington City Eto.. Etc... Etc. spect..! DrAlat:b to the rtt Libnrgh Gazette W• 313210 20r., January. 1/436, The report of the Superintendent of Public Vrinting tor the year ending ou the lath o bliptr.mber last, waylaid before Congress to day. It shims that the net Cost of public printing and hintaiug tor the year' one mil seven hundred and thirty-one thousand d niters, being mOrelitan two hundred thous and dollars less than it would hate cost under the old system. The Superintendent adds that he bas about forty-three thousand dol. hire worth of materials on hands. [ B As to the condition of tho vrork ordered to bo printed, ho says that the hoot volume of ileastis of ISGO 'mill be finished before the ndtournment of title seissloni of eon reed. It mill cost one hundred and thirty theusend dollars. and occupy eight of his tar grot presses, tor, 1t... Yeast all - months, to finish the one hundred and lift) , thousand copies of the report of the Uoramteslonor of Agricul ture, already ordered. To finish the report of the Commtsehaner of Patents for Nix. and Mal, al:I require several months, and tort user lotndrcd and fifty thunsand dollars The Superintendent twills attention I,' the tact that In June, 1.44, cOngreat ordered the printing of a Coll roll of all field, line and ...tuff e. - tcart or volunteers who have been in the re Mr....lnce the beginning of the rebellion. It way thought tht, -would make ono volume wit rl. route he oth,l for oue dollar. bat he tied. o r will male form large volume,, rotting not than one dollar and a half each lie tia., the work begun, but only part td the copy ha, ees tarn:shad by the War Depart -t, and he ran give no Men whoa it will he form-hell. concerning the report of the arm/el of the United States, ho kayo a.very largo omit/ quantity of `ThanoSeript ha* been furalitued. bet he has not bran able tat Begin work upon lt, thous-1111e hopeatO tithe It Up very soon. lie Judges the 'work will make uol less that thirty In rge elurnei, costing at least }WA°. The , erretary of War has laid before the note a statement chewing that on the Oral of January there were In the service forty. nor ...13 Major C:enerals of olunteer, of whom tu enty-cne have Sim, been en - len-et to be rn t•• ne rrd out, while of the renlalnde/ .^Vent,43l2 I:001MM nil tog Depoximolat., an throe roma marolin Dlstriet•; tiro are on r•peelal duty and ono on leave of absmee. Al the *awe Lhere were in the service 151 nrirradier t, , rrerais of lreluntrers, of whom 11:e hive s:nce been ordevd lobe mutter net, while the remainder, wrest)-three are 0C1111,..A. tiz Departruents or 014tricts. six are on Court ,m4rtial duty, ten ors engaged 111 ,I%entut duty. 'iv are engaged by the Freedmen's Duman, and Tour are on leave of absence. It Is al,o shown, by ofilelal records, that there are, in the regulararmy, one Lieutenant t.enorat, five Mayor Generals. airtrea d!er Generals, and fifty Colonels. The tnonth l•: 4'044 to the wantry. oft.lie-se luxuries, Is na t , •'.+.lour: That of a Lieutenant General, al'ah of Dlajor General, N 11: af a Brigadier General. of s l oloncl, It ellmo appear, that the totai numher aeon:rata:Atoned oftleers In the rev, afar nnny is .frly MaI:A.3A our. hundred o,: twenty-four, and of privates and non ef,nand-.loned oflicer-A, twenty-lair,. thousand ,Ten hundred and ;ninety-live, =I A considerable body of colored men or ,tla- Immo have remonstintest against arming the Mate militia, flg propme.l by Gno ' parlim and ( .„,1 0 ,ed by Gem. Thomas. They "anent help Ill:eking of what thd Mack florae Cavalry are n'abtly doing. to the neighborhood of 3lont goatery, where black men dare not buy mole. or poly other property that can be Lonibly ta. ken from them. They remember how Lately the men of these Militia tompwales were members ol the Vigilance Committees. and what was done by them In that capacity; they reran speeches made In the tegistatore, In shieh It was said that negroes should be taught their places as soon as the State was tutored torts relations in the Union, and they tour that the arming of the militia moan. nothing bet wrong and violence anti oppres don to theft peOpin. The House Committee Co 'Yonrign . .1 Maim agreed this morning - to report a bill aproprl hong .17000 to tumble the Government of the United States to be represected In the coming French Expe.ltlott of acionee and Industry rind also agrerd to the Senate bill sanctioning the action or the Smeretary of titate alrcada . taken in regard to this matter. The II must J tut Misty Committee have 0 greoll to report an amendment to the Conxtlt Minn providing that the actual number of elector" In each State shall eOnstitute the basks or rep. resentation In the lower 1101.0 or Congress. This I. in artordenteovith the recommenda tion er the• Cidon cactus. tio per report of yes. terday. Tb r How, 4peela I r•etnmYt tee on Freedotea'n Affair.. bat c agreed to report the bill enloteg tag the powers of the Irreeflaten'ti Bureau cob, stantlittly Itko that reported by Senator Trnlril• troll grid now pending' to the ttenate. rhe Pt thletent. to-dity !writ to the ernahe ow' name of Bres et Moor Gerter...4 MrSell ,tur. reyor of the port of Ft. Loot, Th• United !Iratet Trcarturer, Mr. epioncr, 10.4ay received arreral specimen. of new counterfeit twenty-fire cent notes. The exe cution of the apnrious notes, which 14 on' the taH I.suc_of the fractional curroncy of that denomination., tsverrpoor and COO be readily detected hi altee4 ovorybody. IT= It has been ascertained by the Treasury De partment, that during the yearn poi and,los, forty million dollar, Worth of. goods were ire- Ported into this country free of duty, of this quantity twenty-seven million in each of the above named years .tecre received from the British North American Provinces antler the Reciprocity treaty. The other thirteen mil lions each year were made up of articles im ported fur The woe of the Government, domes tie'produce brought back. MN' .ilk, dye stuffs, guano, rage, and !its ,produced by American fishermen. it has also been discovered that In the last two yearn the Government has lost nearly twelve millioaa. of dollara.of revenue under the reciprocity. troaty. DILL 11.13 TEL•RYTIOX 0/ 17(1 - 6 . GLIM, The bill drafted by the Commissioner of Customs for the prevention of smuggling will probably be Introduced to-morrow by Mr. Chandler, In the &Mite, and in thy House by Mr. Washburue. The bill confers upon Cu,. tom officers the power to search for smuggled goods whererer they have reason to believe they are Concealed, and makes resistance to such officials • rated°. meaner, and if such resistance is accom panied, op the part crow assaulted party, by use or display of deadly - weapons, a felony. The bill also authorizes the employment of female detectives, whose duty -It will be to search persons of their own sex, euepeMell of being engaged in the smuggling business. An either provisimi.Ofthe bill looks to the sup pression of thounfalreonsting trade now cm rieekipOietwOun tlie.npper and lower lakes, - .llCreirtisti 4r'coourD NZN'S plormrrir. 'Vie infernal spirit of slivery still dwelling here, made an attempt last night to burn the PITTSBURGH. THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, poor negr,es nut .d rhos': an•t and tee colored Presbyterian Church, on l'irteen th street, the principal African che:ch in the city was fired and considerably damaged. Tan colored Baptist church, near General iloward.a °Mee Was also fired and somewhat damaged. A hotel satiated north of the Quartermaster Generals office, and kept by a eolored man, iras also fired and an attempt on. made to tire the residence of one respectable negro. Fortu nately these fires wore all discovered before they had made much progress. They were kindled by lighting pieces of cloth rritleb had been dipped In benzine. The D'atabOny Fenian, of the city are out in a card, endorsing the action of the New York Congress, and condemning the conduct of that double dyed traitor, P.J. Meehan, of the Inch American, newspaper, and repucLutting him us their organ, and resolving that they will not recogniee any Circle that fails to stand by O•rrtahony as the Head Centro in this country . They have called a grand meeting of the Broth erhood for to-morrow evening, at which, Sec retary P. Doran Killian, and other, will speak. The feeling developed by the Union Caucus lust night, was that of confidence in Congress to carry through all measures of rueOziltr. , Hon which the party may demi necessary to sicuro the gains of the war, without regard to the character of the opposition or the quar ter from which it may come. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. , pectal Illepatet to the Pltt.•hurgh Gazette. llaanlsarno, January 17, 1t,1; The. I . ...nusylvania Legislature aaserubled 11,13 morning at the usual hour, quorums being preount in boil, finnan,. The following hunt [lnn WI. transacted Ilocss.—Mr. Glans reported n bill to Incur pornte the Iltrmingthatn, Ea•t Illrmlngham and :±outil rittaburgh Gee Company. Mr. Row reported a hill to connect Warren county wilt the Twelfth Normal School Dix trh t. - The follow lag IJills u ere reao.l to place • By Mr. Barr—.l bill to allow the Cornoi 1,4011- era of Jefferson asunly to appn.prtatc moucy to build a court house By. nil, Ituddtmsn-1 supplement to an act In relntion to toe dredn. An art to Incorporate Lb, National Insure:lee ompsny, of Allegheny City sein read and dually passed. After which Ma House ads JOurned. Rea ATE—From the Committee on JIM Mara I:.meral, Mr Shoemaker reported s ..ig dire reeommendation of the supplement to the meet:antes' lien law The fallowing Nil+ were read In place By )Zr. Graham—An act entitle.' an net to foem porate tit. iertor Uni•nrstty, or Tat ot, turn, to Alleghen3 couoty: al,a, an net ontill,l an act to lueorporuto the Enterpr“e In•u• ranee Company By Mr. lloge—An •art to eatabltbh a terry over the Allegtowly ricer, at Indian Roca, V,. mango county. By Mr. Lowry—An act to theorporatc the riiwinrfi )(Mina Company; also, an act Incor porating the Corr. and Water Company Mr Householder introthiced a Joint resolu tion autliorintng ttio appointment tot Li 0011111%- ler to report n ntilforta system of revenue for common school purposes. The latter rrsalo• lion Wl5 agreed to, alto! which the Scaatc journed MRS, GRINDER NOT INSANE No Respite will be Granted .• 1 0 .p•I• tn the PI, t.+l,lrgtl El • etw:•urio. January IE, 1366 "Ine vergroe- eppolcord he% e telegraphed, report Ing Mr. Grinder not inane 1"..r7111. Y 01 bn wrzitted THE • FEMNI SEIATE TO MEET Three of the Senator. to be Tried Kerrigan the Winner of the Late Prize Fight. Eto.. Eto.. Eto ~,rt rota, 4:tat:ary 17.—T raternay sat a bany one at the Itolterts Heady oartera on Lt oadway, all tht att•olter.b.•lna a.ltvely en gazed In snaking preparation tot the meeting of the 'Fenian heonte • which t. to take place to day. The objet of the Renate is to try the It rcr Senators Ito Joined it. , Uohlahony Von. The charge, against him hare not yet horn prepared. but the lead tag one is to In• rinds a spoclgoatlOn that they have t tolat.,l this oath of °Moe and ref/toll:4W the contt II lion of the motherhood. Itagemare Karrlean Waa Winger of the prim itgbt Instead of l•beellan. 11:Ighteen round. wen) fought, Y ben. rl.ll..N.Atrcn g th fallvd The drat agetnantg meets - ell gave victory to thy. Wrtnig party. Ivorttartnen prowent are road to bo, been di',otloflod regatllng the tight r. a mere eeNtling blateh,rbeellan havlag ixee tl men fn about every round ihmiaceattoa aa , mtna , ll. at Union .quare, tuna tontine. The delegate, to the late I ern • grews bare nearly ull ?Mt for tnne. There I. a rumor On ale atroeii ilia! a well known , government Matrettve ha. suddenly diSaplieareti and left We annOrlionie drier hima don't, In del a. Tie Anh-deteetl• cs hare enzillbt to learn ht. Place of coneealtuenl. but wit nOni metes. /Award B. kieteham, who was recent ty ron ylctcd of farit,l7ana 4eattenced tu,teri ea term of four yearn and nix months In sting Slag, ha s been piseett in the shoe hop of the prison. Itoberta,tho champion . Millard tst,if Ifitgland, has Balled for tbty eunntry.ttlitii It Li very pr•ss able that an International match laftween thl• champion end Joseph Mama, M (Hotta, aln sot take place. AMERICAN COLONIZATION SOCIETY Condition and Prospects of Libe:ia. /1 , 411‘0,0e Jan. 17.—The foety,int lk an neal meeting nf the American Colonizn lion , ocirty, ow, held last night. It wit, not 40 lamely ottenitoil the meet lag , * have bents fOr several years past, but a number of Mu oldest and time-honored leaden, were a inuriz the auditors, The report state, that the balanoe in the Treasury at the commencement of the year was e 1,523.31. The receipts have kwon. From donations, ki,w1.27; from tprolal doom Inn for the Iturbadocs expedition, $1,101.73 ; from to a:3 ,7205; from the Government of Me United States, (being the Anal payment for the support of the recepturml Afr Mans landed at Liberia In largo4lo,Cal-50; from Invested funds, realized, to meet the expenses of emi grant/4.11,700; and from other sources, a ISMS V,. The total amount for the year The diebnrsementafOr the Name period were ei1,724.57, of whieligt,lMOS was for.patsage, anrt the meld support, ge., ofAtileticari emigrants) twx7,1311. for the Ourbedoes Expedition, leaving the cash en hand,. January drat. 1990, 4 1 , 0 F 3 . 35 ... - Of latter ef,*3.17 fOraitting the order Mille Liberian authorltiet, and the Lab unct, 10.9,M) Li to the credit of the Society. The number et emigrants to Liberia during the past twelve Month sine fifiVerceeding the emigration Many year since IMO. One hundred and seventy-two emigrants, who were Bent Oat by the fall expettion, from ..paltimore, and who were of the st known es Court:Mien, and who were from, and near Lynchburg, Virginia, arrived **fel In Liberia. The prospects for the future are t hat the 80- eiety will soon have a:wroth= ever to do, Ili Intelligent freedmen are continually asktag question.. relative In their transfer to* Though the Afritan Republic, daring the !loather years, has been deprived of much of the aid amorally tarnished from this countrY, it has been untiring much progrels la material a usefulness and influence. Pissutneyotr,Jau. la—The Board of Piece tors of the American enlotdration Society, at their meeting toolay,roolectbd John U. IL La trobe, President. All of the rice-Prosidente, seventyslatne in .panther were re-elected, ex- Cowinmes Daily of Mbodasippl. Iron. Thomas of Ohio, Daniel Turnbull, of Louslann, and David Renter, of Mississippi, who died during the past year. Senator J. Al Doolittle, of Wisconsin, was elected as an additional Vice• President, and all. tho =cern Were re. elected. J 1 member of the board tinted that he had a consultation with (ten. 0. 0. Howard, of the Freedmen's Burea,U,SrlioYavbred their objects, and expressed his willingness to aid them in their work of colonising the negroes. Heel , presseda wish to know Ellhe society would as sist In sending colored men to Florida, there to bo colonized. This was opposed by some of the board, one of them giving as a reason thrsefor that he believed Africa was the prom ised land of the negro, and that he was of the opinion that they would all sooner or later be civilised and christianized in that country. Destructive Fire Lowstii, Maas., Jun. 117.—Tho Ilosford it Chase mill was.burnea this morning. about .150,000, which latprobably covered by insomnia,. The gra took place in the drying UK% FROM NEW ORLEANS. Order .41lowing Churchen to be Reopened. SIIELMING OF THE LEVEES LATEST FROITI MEXICO French Troops. Falling Back. Attack by Filibusters on Bagdad. ca,... crb a ~ de o .1 Iclrtv Oacran,, Jan. 14.—ti.en. Wanda, com manding Alabama., l.,:ted an Older shoring theeeveral churches to be opnar..l and mln!..a inn to mamma their duties. Mr. Becket han•arrly -l. (kr, Wells returned horn Al- ran,tria Gen. Fluniphreva, Govogiimeut tigJoeor, el - lived at II Lion Rouge, on the 12th, to go up theconat with twO or three engin:tout.. to re build the levees. The Era/Ilion, Miss., Rep icon gays Many planters have secured a linftletcat number of a bite laborers to cultivate tile ptantauen9. On the 3d Lngt., a citizen of San intoa to ar rlved there In ton days from Monterey and Salttlio, report, that tho French troop. had fallen hack to San LAMAS Potoat. . . . _ 140 Ranchero of the sth non ta ins toe follow. ipterday several officers and men cross od f tnm Clarkeviile Texan, and took up quer tersapparently for the night. Shortly after midnight the guard at the ferry along the riv er wore eurprised and disarmed lip this party, and Inch lighters ri te ere at hand were intoned atelyt seized, and wi them entered. the mill "nrl.l-fOree at Clarksville, who wore one hue drodetroog, mt.tly rte roes. They cr.tood over to the garrison of Bagdad one hundred and soy-- entyntron g and completely surprised and cap tured the Oonnimindor of the Pont and Captain of the Port were taken prisoners while in tied. It in mended that the former was killed and the latter escaped. Upon taking the town pillage and plundering was Inaugurated, warthathaem wore gutted and the contentscrossed to the Amoebae side. The'gnaboat Antonio wits called nn to cur render when she answered with a broadside, whichlicattered the fillilnutere. A shroud de mand Was made and emitter." In a similar. manner.' The Antonio to on route up the !let,. A rwtrien Sergeant on her was killed. At daylight the French • men-of-war in the harboropenetl fire, compelling the fillibusterlN to Lake range In the upper part of the ton n. • Lastaocounts ante that the filibuster, still hold this town. The death , . are reported to be thirty - on each side. It Is Stated that the 11111- buster% are commanded by Col. 'teed. Gen rairfOrd has started from Brandensvill, , for the seen Of action. Later amounts iay that twelvothundred Lmperlall.te left attatamOra, to attack the nllibusters. Larch,--Four hundred illlibusters, under col. Reed, cro4-ed the BM Grande from the Ameridan aide, below Statitruoras, takingprte otter, the Imperial garrison of .710 met, Capt.: litinhoy, of the steamer Everting Star, Lroke 4L , log on the trip oat and dim!. FROM WASHINGTON Arrival of Commodore Winslow i'HI, MARY ANN GILROY CASE Verdict of the Coroner's Jury Mt SUB Orr OF PA YMASTYKS ST6PPED Trial 0111. R. Pollard Postponed PARDON APPLICATIONS DIMINISHING !, zeta:oLn, Jun, 1.7 --The 11,- , , thr I W W.l/ LI-in-- toll xpemal wiy4 Commodore W ludo. - the p: •gttin•tt "entme, ha, arrt t -.1 The rtrate a 111 Lctri^d Pflril 4.lny. tee:tend Int expeetto to be nettled in Linnet! retriaernant 'Whittington to Mout a went. The rtrate tlf•pateh tk.Ly. SANlretsry MeVol och hw oria.ngil for the Coofernee of p r , tort•' Ituleq•tc• ILE Itac lOtodatlll, Of Wiayv •uft New,. The Pre.'dent nomtnattd flenrr Sault,- eon olleolor of Internal R.. 1,11 t.i.• for the EIIZO Irt•trlrt, lion IL Erenen. ( - onstntattloner of Public lluddluze. le taking ttler• to refurobth the White Eton, ',fort the do, of the 'moral:. rho)ury on the Inquest In %boomer , of Mary tolroy, frozen, (one of the of the ettip Neptune) touelutlnd their Intreallga lloh lard nigh! 'lhr, repettnatt 'lf( Capt. Pea holy and found Pr. llertirk guilt) of neglect and Inettnoprtenry, and ronaltlenett hl.. row a proper one to get 1,-fore the trruntl Jory. Ile Iniettarge of the Vol neon natal the aullon of tho rrinaltsal autbortttre. The 11 ,, urv••pt-v lot any. Strong represent., tau). are t‘olug made Itv influential partlett In Nen tort to favor of tie pardon of Solomon liann.tatuto, .1110 aaa .enleneod {0 ten ) oars' Itnyrrt.onment on a et, rtre of havlug defrauded the t:overntaent. Bra, Admiral natlth. of the Nary linpart ment.hi Infantanor elng Into the Brooklyn Nur ) 1 ftrd. AA nn experiment, a new spinout of oderlug the men. which prouder. to sane the threernment a large amount of runnel , and thho and cheek fraud's. It I. •Imtlar to that to vogue In the Central Park. Ike Trytdrner Washington •peetai +Aye The Board for e•andnlng applicant. for onuatnto odor, in the regular arm), are closing their lf•thes• and will adjourn In a few day.. The muster out of fiftyniiiiittonal Parmaid err, erbleo war to have been ordered during the pre.ent Month, has beim postponed. owing io the pentleteal romilllon or t 4. , troop. render inn It nerearary to retain the present force for some time loatter• 'rho 71ribunelt Richmond .peelal tat.' The ea... of the Commonwealth agultod It. It Pol lard for the attempted taunter of R. V Ilrooliii, the New York note.' e. respondent , wa. call ed yederilay noon at the Mayor'. Court, and pardPOilial until today, the %vitt:mule. In Pol lard.. Lethal( not haring been euirprenead. to reference to the letter of Valiant. in yesterday monilnoi. chrontrie, railing attention to the Richmond iti,..tlpubtirit . endost of the tray a. the correct Ono, it it but Jose to state that It teas written by Mr. nialker,of that paper, a per sonal tetrad of Millar - it who, on lent: tat tho hotel on the do) la attention, humudia ely en tered the celliee of the Rrpt,tolkr The p millng trial will condi - ea the correctuess of LLL u .IV clot tllwpatelow The Wort 41 . .• 7.7 1 ,1 1 , ,.. 17,1i : Ltpit,.. l ' lnVe he o ett re r ' ere ll . ' lee.; at the Itiorn r iq L. 0111,e of ithy Naas Owing the pr t•Wont Organising.. of the Went Virgin' Leit- I atataro—lmpostor Arrested. Wi. rrla sr., W. Vs , January IV —The .egis taint eof Weal Virginia organized ye.% rJay ha rulonionwly by the re-clert lon of their f rater oilers,. The Governor's 111“..1114M If a clear and forcible doctuncsat, and the rostalt r f the tinuncLed exhibit of the .I‘aditorls and T ensu rer,. reports Is very flattering. The re .rt of the Atifiltatki General shows that Wes Vir ginia furnished to the Union army 31,100 men. The Governor recommends the free soh As to the fostering cans of the l.eglalatUre. ill also ereonimends a liberal legistaticm to fa Mete the completion- of the James Hiner ant Ka nawha Coaxal, and WO curing,oa a. cuss. Railroad. An Impostor, signing himself General .. IlleCoUk,Of the celebrated McCook fate y of Ohio, Wan Arrested. hero yesterday. I e ' has been h .- atoning about the country perao • &ling General ILLCCOOk and carried on very oldly. A letter found on his person, indiated at he was engaged In counterfeiting. Ife srll ,have hearing Wsmorning. Frosts 2floabolUe—Ftre—lbsttery 2dbeter• ed Out—nuederere to be lined. tistlitottia, Jan. 16.—A fire broke out this evening in the store of Thomas Gorman, on College street, damaging the stock to the amount of P 3,000. Illeigel Battery, teolored,) for a long Gm.' stationed In tuba CUT, was mustered. out yes. teMay. , r ~.. Era(' finding and sentence of the Co rt Mar ital to the ease of the murdering of i m. /114 ferman, • has been approred, and rowel Thomas has directed, that the semen be car ried Into effect, by belnit_puhlttly ha ed by the necte at Or near this elfy L on Pride Jana art • alith, uinder , direettow of lonet W. 11. Shatter, coutstanding like ; Post. The nal:finer themnrderen are Jam Licought, Vim. Perin alias liteChtelty, George Craft RIM, George Reid, and Thomas Perry—ail Govern ment etoployees. They are all now confined in the military pr and up to the present .time have been coadde Lson, nt of their hlti male cc •outtlfd. Ptilllltdcllktiin Ptah= Cirele--OrMer . Shop Burned. Puirtnaurtua, January a meet( Fr of the Plrtla.lelphla Ciirleof the Vonian Tiro her bond thy delegates of the Circle to the not ConF.rrsS ramie a fall report of the prop ngs of that hotly, Whereupon reeoiatlona ore adopted exyrt-vilng Klttrr,tton at the ro ,on ime.entrq. - - A lin• o'elo,•k tilt.. morning dr , tr the wipe nhnp or Mcrrirli', tonn le 3,eortn r of Firth arnt Washinaton street, Toe loo!. ill not Ozer On 41n,0c0. • fin huge shovel factory of . ..11esere. T. ft tr laed it hone, et Milltown, Montgomery county, was entirely desttnyed by tire this morning. The loss will he very heavy. The Tonneau.* Legisleture—Alterentlon Idetereen the Members—The htcantery. 0. Stseadard Mourned, Cnterarparr, Jan. 17.—The Gozritea tashvllle dispatch says : During the debate on the bill griudingelvil right* to negroes, In the Muse yesterday .n tierce altercation took place be tween Messrs. Mall and Arnett. The lie was given and returned, and the house adjourned In great contusion. OMNI A dispatell TrOarNew.Orleans says the steam. er E. O. Etandanl burned in Ouachita river She was Titled at 550,01 e: Insured for 1- 1, , 000 . s MI CUNGREss—riaST a ON WT•su^raros. January it, M. 6. 6E.V Arr.. The cLie..rliari laid before the S'ennto the r " de "" .l4 I VI.IIL - Ici A. Graham, Senator rice! from 141(11-th Carolina, which wore order ud t o Ho upon the tabi rt. Mr. Aothonr. fr4An the Printing Committee, reported a reaulut lon f.” the prlntiox Of e0P1. 4 of the late Message of the President, and re' ports of Generale ~rant ana 'Schurz an the condition of ttle bOutlauta Btate e, "rifle), was passed. Mr. Willey ihtroclueed a hill ceding to the state Of West Virginia certain lands and ten. animate at Harper's Ferry, belonging to the United States which was referral to the mil. itary committee. Mr. Chandler offered a resolution which was adopted, calling for whatever Information the Pr - evident may have retehred, treating on the relation of the neutrality lima, by the army occupying the right bank of the 1110 Grande. Mr. Wilson railed up the bill to increase and ilx the military peace establishment of the United Staten, which was read and passed. . . . . . ttn motion of Mr. Howe, the bill reoomin end log the establishment of provisional govern ments for the Southern States was taken up, and Mr. Doolittle addressed the Senate at lare D i o n o lii i mos o a itg r n e t a o se tTo t S h r o el , olut e r ..t. Length, saying in the course of his remarks, that w rad i cal ideas brought on this civil war, which has cold the nation more then half a million thee, end untold million. of treasure. Fleet, that no states had a right to secede, and now nod, that Mowery la a blessing. The s ender of those two Met. by the South, I t e be ets of a permanent peace. The question whether t thorn Stapes nre still States in the Union under the Consti tution, to no vain abstraction; no idea without Immediate practical and molt grave conse quences. Is it of no practical consequence, whether to adopt an amendment to the Con stitution, it requires the ratifleation of twenty-seven out of thirty-six States in it of no practical importance whether eleven Stales with their ton millions of people shall bo taxed and governed without repress:int/Won, or with representation of lees than one-th .1 of that number of peopled Our fore hen, because the Parliament of Great Br in which they had no represen tation, ed halve to tax them, declared the tndepe nco of these States. Is It of no praa / tical I rhlnce whether these eleven State ' and millions of people shall govern the - set - under a republican form of governor • L, out only to the Constitution of e Un ted States, whether they shall be old subject vassals to be governed for on I elin- OWrtle .14 trlc't? unli mi tedo o iao ' p i r il ac 1 0 1 c C e s ', tance, whether the its of our co for which half a out illou have. laid hotr ii, en, anti which bents 'thfliy-six e as an emblem of out Lttion of thi States irillaake a nation's truth, or is °nitrous fafgehoodi Theta and many likeAthes re I nrol Trd lo this dtscaisitato Ana dept tt the answer to the trot - TM:CU therefo - any judgment, a question Of the trot Infiffis ("ate, a -question which must bo met—n, tit:medical' vrhich neither men nor portless tau avoid or put usi.le- I t demands and will have an answer. It is a question, too, open which there is, and there can berm compromise, and no neutrol it y They are Mato.. In the Union antler thecen•titution, or they lire not. We moil affirm the one or the other. We moot stand upon one chic in supporting the - Lincoln and Johnson policy of .ro•Pq. , nifig the' union of the States . . .tirte.ax_ the constitution to be unbroken, or' we must take our stand with the Senator from Sitio , sad di uset t.., suit maintain that the Union Is la - o:en. that ...session in a coronet and not A fall err, to tar tit least, as to withdraw eleven on from the Unlon, or reduce eloven States to the teritturial condition. I rattle mind tip. in,- an [p.p . of President Lincoln's pro.,lsm, i•,, of December stit, Istl. In that he said "I make boost., that whenever tn any Of the States of Arkanya• Texas I. hme-I Mississippi, th Tennessee 'Alabama, Ireor4ta Merida,, 50tI . eareth sand North Carol I rbt. number of persons, not less titan one tenth In number Of votes east in each Stale at the Pro.- ttential election, of the year of our Lord !blo t each has Mg taken the oath afore-mid, and not latrine since violated It, toad being a (prat Med voter by the eleftlon law. of the orate et l.tly.t Immediately before the so.ityleat ant of sevens. ion, and excluding all others, shall reestablish a state government whieh shall be republican, and in no wise contravening said oath, such shall he recognized as the true goyern meat of tile irtale, and the State shall receive the behetits of the con•Litutional provision, is lath declares that the United Elates shall guarantee to every State In the Union, a re publieun form of government, end shall pro tect each of them against invasion." Mr. Doolittle debated:at length, lirestrient Lineoln's Iterion.trailloti" Polley, a. fir.t up. plied to Londslann , and showed lowa it was ap-. proved by the members of the eatrrnet and the loyal people af the emu/try, who nomintattst LMediln at rialtimOre, and 'ate e/ected him DresldnXit. fie argued thatell was not only natural, but almost • necessity, that Mr. Johnson should follow the policy begun by his p redromon The President would hare been ::al repast - id In him, and robe to Close who Glee loci 11.10, had he done other. repolistesi the assertion sometime: mlttle, that ilr Johnson by adhering to its policy of reconstruction ws• ready to betray the Union inure or the great measures Of. the I blob party lie SAld that if the states lately to .rebslllon had gone out of the Union, they most has e COllO b) IMU or more of these way., dist, by pear, ful seer...ilea-6y voting and re solving themselves nut; Or rennet, by success f ul I e•alution—byy fighting their way oat ton ~,,c,i e ssful independence, or, third, they have berm put out try act of toregrnr.. The strong men of the South barn maintained that the erst way was always open tot/tem; they Vest-C -.-4 the right of pful secession. It oat over - pounced by the logic of Mr. Wott.ti, titl• body, and resisted by tbo Iron will of An drew Jackson during hi, administration. In their folly and madness, the people of the South appealed to arms to disents• the salts cation on the field at battle. They tried the second way, namely, by way of revolut ton, to rut (Mir way out with the ma ord. Taat fur a time they trade fearful progress to that dire. L i on , no they denies Tod till they succeed 1 Nu man North or South dere attires it. 1. real generals leer. found at last capable of organising and wielding one Mncuso, forcers. The Mune men under their command, crushed the rebellion, wrenched th sword from the band of react utton, and le th last tribunal know n to nuiskirid, doeldi d t owl, • way as to hate no doubt in any an • Mind, North or South. that Up State ma g • out of this Union by way of peaceable stet - Mon, nor by way of successful revolt to .. They neither have the right nor the pot cc to 'do .o. Mr. Doolittle min It remained le consider the only other nay, the third it. ay. which for Mr, lay he would call, is Nth nit d isrespeet to his honorable friend from Itassaihusetts. the Sumner way. for Staten to go out of the l'uttio, namely, by an art of Cmigress, the senator haying at the funeral ceremonies here upon the death of Judge Collanaer, taking ...Mon to announce his theory of diattilinta, arteardlng in a great measure the honor, if honor it be, to the .lecrased, of separating tins reed/ States (VOW the Union. sir. DixdfiGn then whoweil the Southern States to he In the 1 . 111011 Under tire nom r tit, lion, and inquired: W bat in their true situa tion • it lint rights have they, awl what duties devolve open thrust I have shown, he eon. tuned, that, in view of In low, nothing run be more clear than that a state does odnsla in the form of ha gOvernMent that 1s ape one of Its antecedents, that may tie democratic, aristocratic or theOrettc. It may be relittan, tt may be republlean, des potty. or niOnarchial. It may have been "MU one of thefts forms, or a mixed one and yet ft is a State. It May Change Its gOrernMeni eve rt year, awn tree casts off its foliage. The Jain net won. cOnsints of its form of govern- Ment than men consists of the garment lth %shish he In clothed. A state to not destroyed by the declanstion of mar• tial law In It, nor by war, unless conquered by a foreign power, or dismembered by revolts. don. To he Invaded does not destro3' it, if it expels the invaders. To he torn by Melt war and even to be drenched In fraternal blood does not destroy It either, unless the foal of arms shall be &gaited It. In th? course of his argument, Mr. Doolittle said: congress not only empowered but re quired the President to perform two-third dely one to make war and the other to stop making war-after theeed Drenched and maks, peace. The first of these great duties, making war, rested mainly upon rresident Lincoln. The making peace, rusted mainly on his successor. Thank God, lir. Lincoln was permitted to live untll the drat great work o r crushing the rebellion was almost done, and the second hardly less important work are. construction, was already well begun. I haseldresay called your, attention, to his tent ptiblic speech, just before his assassi nation, la which he explained, and defined, an d enveloped this Volley Of reetaystrnetion. It was-a moment of exultation. When che , , prayer of Ma soul was massacred, ho fell by . the astassinls hand. - This - great Mee Of PresidtritsProeldeintially fell upon Al e . Johnson, with p, s duties and nil *Da rtslitlMSlbllltlea--tht grayest of them. All know that the armed forces of the rebel nap have surrendered, end it is the second great duty of Making Peace and then disband rag army. When be took the Presidency, there Were more than •MilliOn of mean pon the rolls Of the army, and many of Menthe! ar mies were Mill la the field. then consults eyed the most Important, and just at We mos meat, perhaps the Melt practical question, • namely; What were the powers andlna - posed by law upon the President, war and making peace; which :mast precede the disbaud lag of the army. What tertas,he asked, had the President right to demand us conditions precedent to peace and the withdrawalof the army I Flesh end before all, unqualified submission to the c oaa tited ton of the United States, and all laws of Gongress,passed in pursuance thereto, becl oud, the amending of the acts, laws had pro. eeedinge by which the States made or mit duted war against the United States , . .h a s b e o s u n htup nhe h s e i m ti nc m u w di h g c hhh*l wr - Goa of alarery, for -and on tteeonnt of which they reado war, and for the Minority of swill - Acquiescence, and as a suproine test of It, good filth. the adepthus of the Constitutional - Amendment. • ICEN MEM These are the conditions in substance which Dtr Lincolh, three yesrs ago, announced as the terms of pacitic-Aticmoted to which ho pledged the support •of the Governmeut. "'here are substance of the terms °dosed by Pm...Allem Johnston, Huveral of the tltates, or the people of several of Alio States haxo accepted and offer now to resume all' their political du ties ati States in thle Union and practically en joy their rights as such. Doolitticstated other considerations In support of the Prestdent , s pottery, including that ot nuance, and imlostiv. Let yto,man mita Imddrstand Ids petition.. With gt.Utll leaders, Who excited the people of those states to re, volt, hg bad, aAt spttld hare ria vropatkr. PRICE THREE CENTS LOM=3 on:ng.,rit ration or a:ruction th , Nisi rr u L. trepo,ilge. Under the old confederation, the union was made perpetual, and the Constitution cots fenedyi to make it more perfeetnnion. To ad mtq tto,refore, either the right of the states to accede, or the power of Congress to repel them, would be to admit Into our system a principle of self destrnetion. The Coastltc lion eery part of It, and the spirit which gives It life, are against peaceable nt•CC..310,1. Ile said further that every set of the Presi dent, every law of Congress, awry blow we struck, every shot tired, every drop of blood shed, was not to overthrow these States, nor to open tho way for them to go out. nor to re duce them to terrltOrtes, but to keep them as States CO tee Union and to compel theta to re main as States 111 the Union under the consti tution. The flag of our C 0 ,113 try bears thirty /OS Belize as the emblem of thirty-ale States; throe t.Mary-sla States constitute the groat re public which the world calls tho ttilted States Of America. Upon the conclusion of .14 r.Dool whinesmeC Itti obtained the door and the ,citatr rnL El= The Han a lai•I on the table the .bin to In r.rnoraMtho National Protection flortl,...stead Comp y, by a vote of hal ngu loot +L i Mr. Lougyear offered a resolution, which sea. adopted, directing the Setretury If of the Treasury to Inform the Hon-o what, nay, deposits of public mane}, w,re made Unclee the 13th and Itth seetnnsof the art to regulate the et public moneys approved 7urte Ihr,O, together with the Liar: • k.ed amounts of such depodt • rmpoetively,e whether the If any, or how lnuch, reinain. so deposited. and with wile t ste.t, roo,,eti v ro, Mr. Blair presented the credential% of John Ndelegalp from the terelt ,ry of Arisolio war rpialitied end took his Beat. Mr. Ashley, of 10, r'sented the petit:on of Mr. Batton o testing Me Goodwin', neat Mr. Seheack end a resolution, and asked Immediate at on upon It, requesting the Som rotary of Br to suspend the sale of Govern. moot build s and other property at Point Lookout, aryland. Ile explained that Point Lookout as a point of land on the Maryland aide, w e the Potomac river floors Into the Chesap ake There wero three or tour hundred acres a which wore belldings, previous to the r, occupied in connection with that a'a ring place. During the war the,' balid• in were taken for hospital purpose. The • verumont established there, a 'depot for risoners. The buildings were worth only a comparatively small suni, hutithe government expended perhaps 51.50,1,0f0r the construction of other buildings, a'nd improvements. The Secretary of War had adverilied the sale of this property and furniture, to take place to— morrow. In the meantime, a patriotic lady had secured the title to the real estate, and proposed to present it, as a donation, to the National Military and Naval Asylum, as a home for soldiere arid tailor; provided the government will al , o give its property to the same asylum. The wuniret had only come be= fore the Committee on Military Affair* this morning, and as time ova: h tired to further Investigate the imbleet, the above resolution was introduced. Inc rvsointton sva, then agreed to. On motion of Mr. Kagson. Mr. Chilllcott member elect from Goum•do, was allowed the mlvilege of the door until the pending case sand: bo de,lded. The Rouse resumed the conliderntfon of the hill to Incorporate the Nutionai Proteettve HoraeftearEerimpany. Mr. linker, of fillnolki, mire his reasjaA why the hill ornilit not to pa, On motion of Mr flnk, the 01:1 was laid on thr table t.y n Vote Of t 2 ,) yens. against ae any,. Mr. Nelson, of lowa, with n rine- t4n fun un d erstandtng, proposed that nt hall past three o'eloe.k t-tniiirnor, the iioUhe take a tote to re commit to the Judiciary Committee, the hill et:coding - ItTreige in the liirtrict of emlumhin :bough ant apprOvin K. Le ne , ,eptc4 a FS,: of the motion to I °commit the amendment. pro by Mr Mule, hi the etiarsetnr of inltrue- Mr ! !!ek' !o ft, r!-Ing :o e:planat'on a • !!! 01.•1.on int NhlUct , i lay r.1:11 UZI the loth proeo-mA 1,1 Amendment to the matt t• !!!,1. th.• !!!ted slntes been so clang !, on,e, in the printing, me to make non , Ile therefore wished to -ny, that the I,esi,o4c of 111 , amendment was not at OH In re et thebaeli of representat ion to Citizens. Tte eortl ••person,," dtepoced of that • ,cotton The solo pnrpo , • of the amend- M•ot was to get rid of the phenent tn. p.stlec amt inequality of reprs , entetton axis mg teem the fart that four millions of people who hare no polltical rights, are not represen -14,1 In Congress, and the entlsm ohjoct a mode to adjust the repreacptallon so that wherever. In the United etate.A, the ek"- tire franchtec shalt to dented or abridged; on account of TACO or win-., all pap - Le/us of such rare or color shall be excladea from the hmts of reprement orlon. Mr Blair sold that male,. he sat rut•ataten, the re-olUt!on rend. •'whole nmanera of est, 'en, of the r uttwl Gate,, r Mr. l.crlakllngsniol tlxoterrn should ht, =IMIE iesatood Qir e , :rl.l , le;u4{au of tl.2e bill to extend suffrage in the District of Col umbia., by strikint from all the Wall and ordi nences vu the subject the word `'wts-tte.” Mr. Darling, of 'Ow York. I..llotieg /AU the Tight to Itre 2 liberty and the par. snit or happhiet , .., utt.. ) - el lit b,? 11,a% es^fore they conferred ripau blot b ze political right of anfrralre, as con templated by the bill under dleetti,lon. They should - seek to elevate their Social con dithim; ~soot up from the depths of degradation and lgnOwance in *Well many of then, are kept by the receding wapcs of the of rebellion. There wan propOsition be fore. t h e 110:1..., to create n commission for the government of the city, and in order to give a opportunity of maturing, a bIII for that pur pose, and presenting It to the consideration of the House; lie moved thl.t the measure now under ittscusslon be postponed until the first Tuesday in April. Mr Flute addressed the 1101.17.1, In favor of extending the right of suffrage to all, without regard to rune or color. who can rewi the Con stitution of the United elates, to them who are assessed for, and pay takes on, real or per tonal property; and to tivose who hate served In, and have been honorsiily dlachartred trona, the sollitar) and no,ti eer• ice of the United States. and to from the right of suf frage those who ha• i• •orne arms against the Untied States, in the lato rebellion, or given to It nod and comfort. Ile denied that this is eseinslsel3 a white man's Government. It Won founded lu beliait of lean , without regard to race or color. Mr. Thayer said that to pass this bill was clearly within the *rope of conAltutbnial os. er. The question to he discussed was, Is It consistent ith fustier, and was It demand ed by the people of the United Statta t In ad. •ocatin v f the bill, he held that equal and im partial ustlee Wail the first duty of the nation Mr an Horn, of New York, replied to the remarks of the gentlemen on the Democratic aide, who had argued that this wee a white man's government. Ile asked, Why not accept the new order of things, Itudead of defending the horrid crime of slavery in the Oast. The Government was DOC only for the white man, but (or all of whom it commanded Obedience nod support, and the time now la :when the black man Imo rights which the white man Is bound to reSpect. Ile argued In favor of Impartial stiffarge to the District of Chltimbia, remarking in this ', connection that the kicks had been consis tently loyal and that if It had depended on the white citizens, shivery would have been in ealatrrura at the present day Mr. Latham, of Want lo trod tired a bill granting lands to the state of $1",,, Int, for railroad purposes The House adj.:trued. SERIOUS FRACAS I RICHMOND. One Killed and three Woilnded New Yana, Jartuary 17.—The treraiirs Clit etp.k. im special states that a serious fracas of a pidttl character Nieenrrod at Richmond, Rennie of which two families natneit Pia: hill and Kavanagh were the principals. Some slaty partisans took part In the affray. One man was killed, three men are , supposed to be mortally wounded, and half a dozen others severely Injured. Ea-Gen ends Heath Pillow, flood I4ucetiseet and o th er southern leader, hare been In Cla. Orman lately and engaged sllt.e.eD listmlrfui white laborers, and purchased eight li neared cotton ploughs. From WasbvtlliN, Ah)1111L/.1. Jan. 17.—Tho river is Mang vith nine feet on the sboshi. The steamer lciels. mond is being leaded With cotton for New Or- Irons, being the dret shipment made to that F ort.. Cotton has en upward tendency ; gizotattons are from Vito lie ; 4.lbeing the ruling dgure. Renaud bd bake, told ps hake, snipped 204 • —. The announcement of the speedy enectthe,e, of thee Heifer:man murderers affords general satisfaction to the community, and the (act of theft eieouti an being a public one, is considered a wise order. The prisoners re ceived the announcement of their execution with apparent imconetan. Rhe name of the HnoxviUellniSroad hasbeen changed to the Tennessee and Pacific Raltraud, the Intention being to connect, by way of Item. yids and Little Roek.withthe Southern Nellie Railroad through El Paso: Several 'prominent railroad men will discus" thq ,sobject et the capitol to-morrow night. Canad4na Utelpmetty . , OTTAWA. C. W.. 'am 17.—Tho , 7Coniereatlro organ, In en article on reciprocity kayo prop.. sltiotta to place the Canadian tariff °lathes:lmo ;footing of that of that:3lllod !. tares are Impm stbte, and would be dlspleashr. 'to tho Homo Government, and probably noF be allowed. TolonTo, dtspandt froin Wash. no- i nterview Kithtul delegate there and ecretary :31eCulloch and the Committee of Ways and Altana to-day. Norytand nous. of Delegate' Opp." 4 " &other Witiolsowal of Troops from the BALIDICIER. Tea. 17,—The HMSO Of Delegates of T[nryl a 4 to -day parsed resolutions IttdOrs. Ins Gen. Grant recent Letter, opposing the ItbdraWll.l Of Federal troOpa troll:1,0w late Inautrectionary dudrieLa. and oppo t t ht , the L ,rnong of the =nig% qPriLttater- • New ,kerter Lettanture—eonntlintional Amendment Passed, the House. TrICNTOSI, N. J. Jan. 17.—The Joint te.tnin! dean in tater of the Canttltutional anleaLU mcnt paned the noun of Assembly to-stin br rOLO °fit Lel. COL Quinn Exoner;ited Cartes 00, lan.l7.—Leiters trotn MaiOr-Genes. ea Logan, Prentiss and Leggett, are, publish; ea 111(3 1, 4 , artrsmiLillygo i li t eratint ro c7gorg Mimes frrClerre,l against filar Atte In the. 110:13Watird: 1 1 1 Vdffe_r= 1- 4Niiiii4 TWO EDITIONS ARE PEENTED. IV,lnevivtay erni the other es 83,J...fru qd:tloa I, forersrded N< rii• .a.Lest tte nail run. le , iute. Of Ito uyoat dl.''' ==l RETURN OF GOV. 011 RIV. Another Incursion into MeTria Sc.N, I.n 17.—The steamer Lute, [rpm Havens, has arrived. Th W.:came:nip ,:i.l . lahattatt had retuned to amine, with her machinery broken. among the paooengere by WI Zsifloaro Gov. Curtin. of Pennsylvania, and faintly.. tifr. Roberts, President Of the oPposithilat Fenian', will soon issue an ImPOrtarrit meat to the brotherhood. It will Ind forth tau views and purpose of the President and Mem. to r. of the Senate. it is announced that the senate will under no eircurestaneee ,ecdolOwa ledge the authority of OnfahOny. Letters from Brownsville Texan, spy a Nal. Graham, who has arrive d , there from W s Mexican capital, gives the Lutelligence that Maxinallan has recently' mireserredly Mpressed himself ready ton:take his exit from wA° whenever th e t r nited.fitathaisludi ride. it . . It appears thadUse AmeriesinGienelel d.Cleg Crawlltril,whoas efforts to smilers force In Tea as for the Ifissicanlleenblicatis/hasehwentlp creetly discolleted the Imperalilts - on the border. Be ineugurated his recruiting Opef• Aliens, by tssuiny, a porter araionneing that torsi/tees of import/tate called him to Retire, and that to ware his !miffy he required an armed - to ic each volunteer for whielt• he would. ray fifty dollars per month and expanses. I raw fon] first: acted Gen. Melia, Impalas on - inlander, for the required escort, which thp'latter declined to give. Gen. tarns has lately levied another forced !oan of one hundred and twelve thousand dot tors on the merchants of Matamolle. The American., refnaed to pay, and were promised protection Gen. Weitzel. The,.rOpubl canGeneralXseobedarWaleildierit ea to shortly return with his - force:to that ?lam Rum hiceterey, and renew the attack= eiego 11 - on Iraiihington Says yvater4ar be hag Lehinet day, no visitors wore WartlieNeil to to toter - view with the President. All the mei:Vlore of. The Cabinet were 'present eXaeZ4 B , :eletitry Seward, norrabsent on his 'Ahern who , :ras reresemted by Aetln Setirttiv ry uf State, Mr. hunter..' - Yemen Convention. 1 117rrA i.e. Jan. t;.—Chicago letterttsi tAidayi mays: There will be a grand Fenian tor , entlon In this city on Fe. . . • Benz asga, of Italthzere,have Vt. I,a a very large con t ract with the-Hrtaalee Government for building ears:gad lopfaattras. It rethembered that: Chia/ ware the br!.l4 re , s of ti, Unseat: pad SG • Fetersburgh 'Lutz oa.l 1.5',, evening, 16;2, Inst., nix JANE LYON. • Futersl Iron the rtetelence of her Orother-hotosl lalleth Lecke). Correhtll, Centre ekkatttle.T . AgZSD.kir., lAtte . at t of A. 10.4 Alter, Li d• r take, I‘4 Fourth soma:VINE o'clock. • . 1111.L.DALE CEMETERL...A rat— i sad ,Z.Vag,"LTageiyerigthBOPrMr •r. r. the new ertghtem Road. Perserts St. •elt•et Berle! Lots sell'. apply at the By ~,•• oak, at the Ceteetery. Title Deeds, rental", all Other te.s Leers seal b attended to at th elpileM the undeeedgeted, cone of jodogia Lesoect, street., All.eitLeay. OEO_. A. HELM rismefteyand Treasurer. BOOTS AND SHOES. 1865. DM GO WHERE YOU WILL You cannot fail to see .the Relics of 1865, BET AT TIE CELEBRATE, CONCERT RAE SOB Mil, A Thousand Pair of Shoes in a Dar, LARGE AND FRESH STOCK OF Fashionable Goods, Kept constantly on band anti ,cuing cheaper than rabbi.* elsewhere. (losing out our Gent's French Calf and Heavy hip Boots at Copt. THE BEST IN THE CITY. No. 60 Fifth Street. Tn 01 78. 4 2a) DOLLAA W.Mf. ittOr3AND DOLLASS 'IIIOIIS.AIiD DOLLAII4 BEN ANC) BOTH , OLOTHIN4 MEN AND BOTH , OLOTIIi, MEN AND BOTH' CLOTH 31 A A N S T7A 4 CT CTU ITR R E E RIP M. C CaB Wr l.' .1 !it' ACTUREUS• ator. •• W , C.: EMIRS 4 04, is 3 FIFTH IiTHHIST, 0 FIFTH HTHEET, 63 FIFTH STILF.4I-Ti opposite the Opera House. la 17 'AUL% It. Loxu.-...twur 7 MINE & CO, • _ . SIGN ARTISTS MB HOUSE PAINTER=. Ho. 4 SUPMESIECLD St., PITISTWEang. Lennie', at all kliada ezeedlad Ptplajday ted Rseal /al Snow . as ow emu:ult.! Mee et a Aare, ed tall .. !ado W -0rt :2 04 get e grore;uta tot tietly . Must °ur Al:atlas done wi th a regard to dazteduar . /Y' All Woe. nealat e of Cala, eas • wort at re sad iva aaahl Ay mums U. BROWN, (Late of the Fna crtßwirx allow:tow' 116 .SF . :4.*l:i §101,4 F'.4.l3lrEn. North: r 12% comfit or ptird aad KFtestrfeti. rirsz us tries. CM 1 7 4iTPIPffit JEWEJ t fin ma - ••••,,, Gold Watches and DimOnllkilanlanntel for ONE. DOLLAR. EACII. I `JO cm I ncir I. J. R. KENNEDY & viva 811 EST. tepike 3tasonic WA) lan bell a lituOo u • Case -thiVror.T.Ll g PalnUn ßta irs, e Albticas • - • Lever Xxiensiosi - And ONE. ITUNDICF.II , I7I"IIERFIIW AND AvricLus, all at int alyzaiceFD:e, Conlexa6 ne tllepfaa At pale: • 5 ; ,4 4 , 40.141-4 0 9_, ;sbalow ilgtas 0000ATiVrIE4 1 / 4 000 cis sa MO& ott. rnefrad 4--11,1101-1"1"al $O6 rhill CZ= EnZ2 I= WUERE THEY SELL, =I sire' ii : I Bati ==l Mr tifiTH ROUTII VI LMS T TiLLE LP2SI HAN AT LESS TRAM AT VIE POPI.6IL AT THE POPULAR AT TILE POPULAZ CLOTHLNG - 1101181i CLOTIII2IO 1101nE CLOT/UM/HMIX kl_r;1!Oo :lz