The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 13, 1866, Image 2

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    %Itc VittOttrgit
d; Y, JANUARY . 11, 1.7.71
Hakea^rar piv,n that hereafter a . •
trecieed at thli office 144 , 2: 7. •
paid fo7 haadial In, except In the ea:, 0:
yearty sive; ,74, , ,z:;, 4:host lAlls will ho resdera4
,neeteilr. a: a,aal. Advertisers will please te , ',
sote . et Ws. sta the rule of cash payments ter
sartlaa*catta of the chateeter stated, 1,111 . 1 ye
prioroc war tzlOnilzg and Egeralit' edltion,
TiittEE.CENTS tt the connter or from CCIVSI:O7,
cart}szi atXSZTEEti:OEST3 per ,reck
THE FonslziLLsv iLLg go.tu
The Philadelphia Ledger, referring to the
10=4 of bit. President OannErr, of the
Ohio Road, that "the mer
thanfe, the manufacturers, the capitalists
and the people of Pittsburgh and of Wee
tern Pennsylvania , demand the construe.
tion of this road as one man," asks peril
'whYia it that the feelings of the
people 'of Plitilitirgh and Western Penn
sylvania terr * thim alienated front Phita del
phda;an. t they ahoulii 'as one marl a.
monde new outlet tot*: seaboard th.. 4 , tai!
give rhiladeli.ha. , the 4o by-?" Why Ls it
Theso are questions that the merchant.,
capitalists, manufacturers and p:iople r.
ainiald demand au..aana to.' f
They mi to igrvc deinand,l ,
these Cell ',110113 any time wi n
ten ye:de., and it is but little to their credit
that they have not demanded them. New,
when it to tee late, they begin to ask, a, !
:ivontler, :old to ceuipreheml dimly the'
monopolies canner ext.t long in a free ga,c
ernmentv and that the people who are op
incased by them wil , l seek. the first and beet
appoittwhy of escaping front them.
IV 41 do :OM taar , that we eon give t he aus
, - trors fast: hvldxfgrr clamors for, Lot we cai
tell , it wi'y, lot)Ling nt the matter from
Pittsburgh eland-point, the people of they
" 'Orta ofthe State demand a new eaatent outlet . :
It is -
• FYrst,- Recause they are oppressed by thy
monopo.l2. cot: tho-Pennsylvannt road, which
them, and ignores
'nliCeget her in caloula
- flow. ,
80onti. VS:lntl:se thebest proteCtion to any
people against imposition is Comperitioa,
Il is e..S , Fsentitil to 11-, to have a competing line
to the east, in order to give us tle• local ad-
Vrii . ittio which eery leading locality. west
of as And
Third, Peeaue there is more linsines:
here than any one railroad can attend to.
.T¢e Pennsylvania. Bond, with all its capa
city, is anableto iitcomodate the trafilo nat
orally,c.interingrhere, and we need another
railidadsoitwo to provide for it, and en
oourago its growth.
Beyond these reasons. we wont the Con
nellaville mad finished, firer, to develop the
resourixis of Clic, southwestern rounties of
the: tate,.and screart, - to give us a shorter
Mute tei Baltimore and Washington.
Pliiiailalphnihnd ever been truly alive
to - her ovcri intereSta,.she would have seen
not only tine :zalicy, tut the necessity.
of two competiwg lines to that city front dim
A comprehension of this necessity would
have promplecthei to organize a new and
Independent Company, to build the South
ern Pennsylvania road, which would have
opened up to a rich country, as well as
anew outlet to the W6st. Bet instead of
that she threir that nada into the hands of
.the Pennsylvania road, which has practi
cally clakil it, and now, when there is
-.danger that the / trade which would have_
ponied- into Philadelphia over th,
will he diverted to Bultim
. like many of
o to cries out,
;7: 7 ; Lnec -
tritle+t a wny
ices, • `too Intnt^ and wants to
tow the reason why 7
Contint.rts D'Down, in lb, nineteenth of
series of articles in Bloc/mote., APrxt
zihe . .Upprz men and woman, and other
. 'Things in General," has some quaint and
caustic criticisms on late Biegniphies of fa
tuous men, which are deserving of citation.
He defines two sorts of objectionable me
. mortal mongers. • •
1. Those who imitate tit' wretches who'
strip the dead. en t he held of battle; who por
tray their hero in his hour ofsiekness and
depression; in his times of exaggerated
gaiety and folly: in his moments of excited,
vanityand success. "Was.the fatal marks
itthe maintop as terrible an enemy of
poor Nelson as the bi ,opullter who lately
wrote his life at Dresden?' "Dad the Great
Einperor such a foein all his fiery career, as
• that-Doctor who chronicled his late yoirs at
St: Helena?" "Olvevil generations of gos
sip! Why will von revel in your neigh-.
. bong.; nhort 7 comings?" "Was there ever
you that man whom Biography could nut
;;nave littler" "Take him who. de is with
1110 greatest theme., —wlth the highest poW
-448;clininand has he not his ills and
"Jinx . ents,.hisdays of depression, his seasons
Of frkfranoss and imptierssi, and his times
of distrust and disbelief? Is it of these we
ask the registry? Do we want the chroni
cle of the words he uttered in his pain or the
bitter syllablt.+ that broke front him i n his
"Those who hold a brief from their
hero, and make him out a monster of En
hfitigated virtue. I declare, if I were deir
en to the choice, I had rather have my •ILfe
taken' , by the former Hum by these."
111 this country Wa.SRINGTON has uni
formly been depicted after this fashion;
FIrASEVLIN frequently; and now Lnvemr.s's
hunnualtyis suffering by the same process.-
Catmerpgres series of sketches in the In-
depencknt may tw taken as a sample,
~..ferting to -the—`Uses , of the Chancellors,'
"has added one more to the terrors of death;
for if Ido not outlive hlia, he will write my
r , C have a friend who combines the nor-
Llmilitetitles of a Puritan, with the Intel
lecttnd freedom of a Philosopher. A scion
• of a house of colonial and revoluilonary,
farbe, whk..blends the polished carriage and
manners of a gentleman with the de
: bamehed mends Ora cavalier. met this friend
cm the street cue day and accosted him
"Sir4tualdhe "If acknowledge your, virtues,
m i nicab: 1" fie not imitate then but allow
; to/my:your character would be more
if you indulged in a ; few. levitte4,
:2.4llocollealtutryour friends that you tire
• huPlun."_.
- 611114Sec1al attention to the manner
Speadrer Szt.tinir of the House
fltepreael_ itatirshas emit ititltted the
-Committee. It consists of Davis
(C li ) att ;licrt3a; QnlgleT , and Fier.
ner,nll of Philadelphia; Markley Of Mont
-B'o°7, Slittat. of Lanciader,, Osterhont of
Wyoming, Adlunt of Blair, 'Weiser of Le
high, Sturdelnint of Crawfonl,gekitHleYnr
Lurenie, Glass of Allegheny, and ':3le.Afee
otVirestmorelend: 'lf the Vice president .or
ponneylvanin, Railroad - Company had
selected the Committee preeliely to emit the
Interests of that Corporntion,,bo Arould:rai;
. havesbangod this listof names. Tho cam_
Witte° ht-fully itt.the hurula of that Coin.
puny. Only four Western members are on"
R. And this from a SPealter ;dais a West.
ern man and was elected by 'Western votes 1
TEE rONVIASTCII of tho city of Wroth
:, ington : hfr. BowEzc, is in ardent friend of
ifanlaadSnffrage, and..Prwikient of the
4,"="s...,tBtagtt-AfASpe;atlonoflhe District of
Colhict*. hen - of that
city, =tilliq upon the delusion now so prev
rz ‘'alent Clam:lOU:at the Chrititry,qtait the Pres-
IdcuL ifyrapathized with them, demmided of
h the removal of Mr. Bow= for during
fgfetatlr :Pleiteirythainegroett airmen, and
'4l entifleda Matherrghta of men. The Pred
der*, 14.hinktigh honor be it spoken, has 1 , 3 u
tirdompl , with this demand, and 3f.r.
`Bow= ienudni itt ace,
I- -Etna
of 14 • C'..; - Y.ft . ;• s , •rae: , ,- of.
• wa a :
.'; 01, 44. Aiat • ./
"T'.> clijec , : • ! •'t. c-on-
L. Imutide,pao.e Ibuyo...ave a lbw eruitl.,4
T:..• lu.i b-m
Intl' , I , eo
in ihelr Ceara:lpr, end tl_e• nr,t ete
the ..:Ivrtto ti State at Penn
VI , 3,111 h is to learn Cu
the paitiN- - fibre to vt 1'7".7.11
ten 01-6.p..4 the 81:1t.,, 1111 i to with the Ea‘t , ra
Prtv , yivania Railroad,' and flietre by the
orria Railroad bat into New
Truly; and why nro? PV ,-
plo az good a right to go in New YL , rk, if
thry want to, no to go - to Philadelphia? To
it a erimo in them to wunt to "get into NA.
York"? Must the pow - or of the Supreme
f' , .;;rt ho invoked to promat them going to
New York, 'without firs: going to Philada
phia? That appeur.4 to he Mr. CCYLETezi
.7.1. Ile qts out with treatlngthe idea
to ' - got inio New York" 4-5 being
as that ofOuvEr.
T,1,1 was in t 1.1 ., eyes of the astonilhed
as::ed for "more:.
1'hi15.1,11..a.0 will do well to moderat.? her.
lu 11,6 r.iir,azd... The people of the we-,t
I , lreadly the privilege of a through
0..1:e to New 17c, k, which Pc.nn
-) rood llurri!ihurg, anti wt tddz
i'L;~une plus allo4cther;iud if this through
may exl4c., why ntay not another,
inany al capitalists inay iihmie iT
'l question with regard t , :
Lew route is, whether the Vi -m-m
ra..11 , and travel shall go over Lin. New
1 or:: raids to Now Turk. or he diverted by
;h. uoa route through Pi,iu,7lvaithi., giv
:t I"..,iladelphia the full ele..ine.
if call, and which .ho doe, not no, et-
. may plant her--rlf in the way, and
Az not C'/1111) into Penn-ylvanin
a - , h gpcs over the I'en.rt,.s - :catiia
(" •r tril; hat kale will come ni poor apccri in
hdcavor cs Dirs. Parnuglou (Ili in
try iug to fore, hack the t:de with her mep.
TT: Con. , ertat pap( r'S scent unable to
vo the proceedings of Co - agross
on the reconstruction question. The Om
iticirt,ol ir.formed its readers the other day
that - VoraoutErsi resolution endorsing the
restoration policy, had been carried, 107 to
33; andnow we have the New York Teener
putting forth this averment :
•' .Anti even Mr. Ilinglunn's amendment
to the re., ciliation of Mr. Voorhees—which
was patissed on Tuesday—while it was sit
moved in the hstcrest of the government,
is so framed as to convey an expre.i.ion ot
confidence in the President. The solemn
declaration of the House of Its %hiding con
fidence' in the President's disposition to
unite with t'ortgress in restoring to 'equal
position end rights' the States recently in
rehellion, ought to be u long step toward
A. , the Howe did not pass either the re
°lotion or amendment, but simply referred
both to the Recortstruction Committee, the
consolation derived from the passage of the
amendment, in the above paragraph, is
slightly premature, particularly as the editor
of the Times, Mr. ItArbtoxn, was one of the
majority Of thirty-three who voted against
But. if it had passed, we see in it no
ground for,onsolation to our conservative
friends. Mr. Ets.v - ftofso, in his late 'speech,
took the broad ground that Congrens had
nothing whatever to do with tiecons tr
Hon, the whole t ne ng,esclusively hh
the 11 of the President. With what
then, can this mune Mr. 1611310 ND, in
his poser, chuckle over the (supposed) pass
age of a resolution declaring abiding confi
dence in the President's disposition to "es,
operate frith Congress" in the work of re
vonstruetion? It is the Radicals who assert
the power of Congress over the subject, and
the Ctmservatives who deny' it; and if the
tsappeuecil passage of a resolution asserting
the possession 'of this power on the part of
f 'ongress, is a cause of gratification to any.
the Conferrativesochodeny the right, must,
If they laugh at all, laugh on the Wrong
side of their mouths.
likarr ARRAY OF COCTOiEL.—in the
ntiirccal suit now pending at Philadelphia,
the following array of counsel appeared
Theodora Cnyler, Esq. and Charles Gib
homs, Esq. for the Pemisylvnitia Rail Road ;
Judge Rigek and Judge Church, for the At-
Ivatic Great Wts4ern Railroad Comm
ny ; Jitdge Porter, lion. Alga. Henry, ap
the East Rennsylvania Railroad Company;
:eo. M. Wharton, F:s(l., Win. IL Drayton,
and Francis W. Hughes. Esq., for the Cala
w 'sea Railroad Company - ; Geo. W. Riddle,
Frj. anti F. Gowan, ESq.. for the lituding
Railroad 'ompany.
li o n: Robert 4. Walker tone of the attor
neys for Sir Forum Pato> was also present.
VERY KIN p.--l. Philadelphia member
has introdueisl a bill into the
legit:Wore to levy an additional tax or 21
min* upon the people of this county. We
are much obliged to this gentlenum for the
Interest he takes in our affairs, but having
Rix memberstif our own there. (of which
feet, perhaps, he is notaware,) the people of
this county naturally prefer them, ar repre
bentaticcts, to the Philadelphians. When
we want a Philadelphia member to attend
to our local business, we will lot him
Wu are Indebted to Judge Advocate ll.n
MCII for a copy of the Argument of Hon
ions: A. BESOIT AM, In the trial or the As
sassiztintion Conuplrators.
Military Trials in the littOsth.
among Bid papers presented to the ammo
from the Bureau of Military Justice, relative
to recent trials in the South by military eons
mission, are them detailing the proceedings
In the cast of Edward W. Andrews, of Orange
burg, South Carolina, now. serving out a sen-•
tome of two yean; imprisonment for killing n
negro charged with stealing bis horse. Judge-
Boit, to whom a petition or two hundred citi
zens of South Carolina, fur his paribm, en.
domed by the Governor was referred, says that
their very numbers famish additional grounds
for the enforcement of this inadequate MD.
tence. it shows to be SO iiieeplb' seated, and so
widel spread, the feeling or deadly hatred to
the black Luce, amengtbose who no lately held
that men In 'abject bondage, unil the will to
see them Crashed' without a protest or remon
strance, so strong and ready that the Govern
ment In imperatively called on to carry out,
with the utmost resolution and sternness of
regi c eneV, :Irn e ea d ell . got
i rrA i sg
the- protection of this helpless people, whith
the overthrow Cif it treasonable - war against
human freedom throughout the world has
placed under its almost exclusive guardian
ship, -
Tax report of the Sudo tanks for - 1&13. lea
Meagre document. The volatile, which usual
ly contains live hundred pages; now !ladled
to seventy, in ettaserinon.w.lar nearly all of the
' State - Banks Mir ing - placed .thetaselece Under
the proteotion of the Nationalism. , The Banks
which stilt Operate smderrtne State enactments •
aro but eleven in number, as 'Bank of
Lawrence Gynitity, Bank •of • PittabUrgh,l Far
mers, and Mechanics'! Ilank, , (ShipponsbUrih),
Farmers , Bank , of tiebuyikill•County, Jersey
Shoe Bank; Kitralaratiff Bank, ktauctiCliunk
Bank, , Natimtal 'think of Pennsylvania, (Potts
ville); Oil City Dank, Strculdsburg Batik ; 'Loge
County Bank.
The foncrwhigsayinglnstitatlent also Made
a s - Cann.onebarg Savings Fund noclety,
Carlisle Deposit Bank,anphla Deposit Bank,
Ilanover. . Saving Fund Sotlety; , Meettattles
Bank (Itanisbisrg), needing dartigs Bank,
Shrewsbury Savings Institution. " t
The aggregate amount of specie held by all
theta' fnetitutioton In Noyccuber, ,
, f,315,708*001 of 'Treasury'notes, VA 4Z to; of
.b0nd,44153,144 10; real estate, llMAnt r k7, and of
mortgages,' but: 43, 009 . - The capita stock ac
'tualls-paid in wait *419 00 15 air the notes in
900 c 7sa a m tio t n o ; c i * tt l i .4 l l eat ,l e 4 n s WP d M ep ° a s d it p s o it7 s c 7ft.461,-
Lofts sr
OL.toN .teelll4t•O•tnutaking ns for
ao tme-helvOLOnd.,., thenestlem is lc - bother vrn
fu r nish it to The
thiai evltlireldeie o - i n t •
following esieletit stall° hrtOO
omoonterreMbe Into the retest ens
". 141 ' to glTe him' s. handle foe' his Age., it
setsnert so modest a rt"that the principal
tr ce° otossee arrest/ tons and items settled
should furnish what wns wanted. No sooner
them that .the platni - homely; Ash
'had the - woodusanntted the Starto his , Dor'
'Pose than he began tying About Mtn' On
sides, the nob eat trees tn"tho,fOrest.
The Oak now ebeing
Ceder . 'The first con-: whole. taattOr too whispered to the
cession has lost all; if we had not sactillood
our humble neighbor, wen, h a v e y e t Steed
for ages ourselves:,
aneatiodofformit Statoorganitation
Ly agitated In Neiguaka Ith ninth antrit, pub
ally Oppose the 1:11(1151:ki and theltenututeaaa
of filen:awed tatation and the. I
than of the Pacific Railroad, being cOnviderw
tione lavOlTetlita the (No mon.
1L1124 . J.11,T(3 LETTER,
.1 ot. •pt I"l.toart-1, e
HA ir,enno,..nnua-y leekd.
--!lure:nna I.....rtMerir.tuntrte,l4.
Lot o. • e., rp-alle a=tmet ,
.1 th v.-m
-o,w, o 1 be' Le:tont, trig berm given PI , nevv.paperi. They repre,ent
the.: he really ><at very rdiscrabie when he
we..t away. A got. , :ore an 1. ,, A1 me that when
in el. ool:. haeU ILA the Governor an hour
'before his I! f•paii:uro for Cues, he balseriotis
dont'', whether he should ever welcome him
burl alive. Iteeent letters from biro ntate
that ho to idtproving, int - het bk. Anythccdut
phyelcian Ls not witting th
take the reaponaibillty of recommending his
return before the -CeirnlngltufiaicalLof • m ad
weather. The GeiternOriajlensibly perplexed
bet seen bus duty t 0 hindiseif WWI the duties he_
owes the Mato by-reason of his °facial pok
tion. It is currently reported bore that tho
Governor will roinra, tit all titenis, ci mid
dle of February, . That he deelhes to ismay u.
tionable, Vitt 41114 he will is by no mcaus cep:,
Min: • •
The Secretary of State and the - Attorney
Generateroanatou-s to - - have, the Legislature
adjourn, to-.the middle of February. TIM •
'members are decirOuSdif proceeding with
"titicinetic. , Hence; two cpaestions have been
mused.. L Whether' bills. pissed. by the two
ifoucea, and sent to tho Executive (Member,
Will not become laws In ten days, because not
returned -within ten dam The opinion of the
Attornvy_ General has (con obtained, - and ho
decidec,that ihobiles most be presented to the,
Governor himself, and that- the ten days hes run at the date of ench presentation.
The words of the Constitution seem to be
plainly:to that
. effect. 2. If bills should be
paseed-by the flomees, and held by the Coinpa.
ring Committeea., will not the 'business be fa
ellituted. TO thts it Is objected that if the
Goterner should chance to die—which all hope
he will not—Sfr:rdeming, as .Sponker of the
Senate, would be put in the peculiar attitude
of deterintatim us acting Governor the fate
of upon which he had acted as Senator,
and whose passage he had actually attested as
speaker of , that. body. /u this per loaf to
there seem: ea yet to Le .ouch diversities of
op !also. that no liked conclusion will be. reach
c•.l for coma, days.
The projector starting a et te Itcpubican dal
ly here, has been indefinitely postponed, main
ly bircause soma ctimblultsg all the pre-requi
sites could net be lee: to conduct, it.
A pleasant story woo told me today, of Gen.
I. et - . Gouty. home little time agO,'sbrao gen
tlemen of copperhead proclivities, waited on
Lies hie to Lee II he would consent to
the sac of his name in -counts:lion with the
lic-mocratio nonthiction fOr Governor: They
began 11:1 present the doctrine. of the.Chicni;o
Convention that the War was a failure: that
the Wilt and purpose of file Southern people
V . 11.3 tlUbri.,kePi and all that soil of thing. The
General listened Itti lots patience wee e xhatiet
then. drew his pl , tol; tend them he had shot
Letter men than they were and ordered them
out of his house.
I,le not Mid the republican members of the
Leg - Mature, with few and insigulllcatitereop
tict,, smitten with a disposition to Urn baste
made In reconstrtiCtlon.and wlthoutgunrinties
for Int urn tarlatan). On the contrary, there is
u strong feeling that a settlement should now
bent prinerplo, rather than compromise, arid.
that secttrity Shoulirbe exacted and taken fOr
the - protecturn 01 the rights of loyal men in
bath seCtionak, o,nd fri - espectlve of color. P.
Corrandelice of the rlttatesziah Gazette
IttatitIBIKIIII2, January 11, Mk&
The reasons tot and egainst adjournment
were discussed at length in the fietutto yester
day. This branch or the /egishttnre many de
cide to.uajourn until the Governor returns,
but It i.e not probable that tho 11.0u.50 will
Mr. Lowry, of Eric, and lir-Bighorn , have
each offered bills which aro Intended to open
the Comincinwealth to ralltoad improvements,
thus changing the.preitent wystern. western
the gentlemen. from the interior and
Counties will-Moth infra= of whichever of the
two bills maple:mix the bent to bring before the
&nate and home for consideration; but if
straws glow which way the wind blows, the
the eastern delegations will be solid against
out h Pittsburgh
The Pittsburgh and Connellsville matter is
again before the legislature, bills having been
introduced in broth branches. Ono it but •
cep ?.u....
ofth r lother, and reads us follows
, kei act of the Lenialature, which
beinme a law on the lath day of August, A. Di.,
entitled/In act relative to the Pittsburgh
and Connelbiville ITaliratd Comy, purport
ing to nirolre all the righta,iuchisos and
privileges of said Company to construet its
road orthwardly and Eastwardly of Can
nellsv ille in consequence of which suits have
been instituted, and aro now pending in the
Circuit Court of the tatted Elates for the
Western District of this state, and also in the
Supreme Court of the Slate, which litigation
threatens to indefinitely postpone the com
pletion of this very important line of railrixid.
Brit en. T,t imp lath
M, mat ed, rat relative to the Pitts
bur;alland Connellsville Railroad Company,
be, and the aanieN erehr repented. Provided,
that the said Pittslnuh and Connellsrille
Railroad Compan shillf consent to a connec
tion of Its rend with the Fontbern 'Pennsyl
vania Itaaroad, at such point upon Its lineal
location as may Deselected by said last-named
Cum patty, and also, that , the said Pittahurgh
and Connetlsville Railroad Company ahl,
within three monthspat tits ro o d un de r
contract. and complete the same within taro
air. graham. yesterday, read a bill incorpor
ating the Bon. nankiiii trugurance Company.
Messrs. Goo. B. Diddle. o.ll..Geyer, Joa. Craig,
Arthur Hobson, 11. P. tiwartz and others, are
horned as inenrisarntors. The capital is named
at alle,oo, and the cc:Ttration is to hag e pow-
Ler to basurerfrom loss tire or otherwLso, all
Linda ofproperty and the Brea of Indieldnals.
The proposed erect ton ofa Workhouse, In Al
legheny county, appears to meet with the op
pr,,v of nil of the d I egn t Inn. The bill berry
volyruluous, coundolog thirteen ditihrest too.
Gans, and, in brief, authorizes the establish
ment of n Workhmac, which Ls to be under the
control of the laspactars of yonrcounty prisna.
Tbm: are to appoint five Managers, who are to
hold oilleenne year, and whn arc to purchase,
subject to the approval of the Board of lavers
tom. not more than arty Dare, of land, and
erect building. They arc site to appoint a
Supertutendent. Matron. and Other office,
When the bididinggas are ready for omen:oton.
pcgtone are to he transferred thither, from the
prison whohaire More than tarn days to nerve,
1010 61:011 hare been committed for vagrant,.
drunkenness or disorderly conduct, and attain
Inmates as the Crank:al Court may direct.
And hereafter,any committing Itaglstrate not
send there a vagrant for not less than thirty
:lay" nor more than Six menithp; a disorderly
peracm;for not leis th an thirty dors nor more
than three months, and. a druolaird, not et.
deeding thirty days. All inmates are tole,
kent at :Kane useful employment unless phy
alentlyor naturally disqualified. There is Mad
folk , ceumeeled with It an Inebriate Asylum.
Mr. Negley,of Dinka., has raid In him place
bills us follows r..
A joint resolattrat requestiog Congretis to
pass a Ina equalizing bounties, so that tho.
L-Art ler soldlorn of tho late-war should receive
the same ammmt of bounties as t bo later cll.;
And a 1.111 to retire taut continue for atiotber
year the-Arts of Assembly providing for the
paytnent by oho- State of one soldiers for the
time they were la the sere lee pros WWI to being
mustered into the United States service
The shrewdness of the thief, ate% seem. to
leg no readily to him at the time of the com
mission of Crime, a ppearb to desert 11110 nllncrit
entirely when the circumstances of his Ws.
deeds are lobe concealed. This apparent Ire
consistency may appear either Inconalstent or
curious, but It Is nevertheless true, and It has
engaged this pen of the norellst as well au that
of the recorder of daily events.
On Saturday evening last,.tho Utile town of
Stamford, Conn., was mystified by the appear
ance, tit thelbetel, of three Men, who came In I
cue by one,.andoffended the taste of the entire
'Allege community by striellyjnindlue their
own imstrie-ss. They bad esident 13. never seen
cacti other before, and had very little to say.
Tito hearty farmer or iroter came into the
barroom of the hotel and remarked that the
weather was extremely cold. • This was true.
but the three strangers merely nodded Mel,
heads, and were not to be drawn Into coneer
saticrn. Othergossips also dropped in,but
a ere not mote suces,efnl than their neighbors.
The eilenee of the strangers was something re
markable. The way they shouted each other's
whittle}, was also remarkable—at leant It
would have been remarkable to ehreteder
servers than V1)11,0,, goadtps. NeVerthelesa the
(reentry was alive with the terra of a great
robbery, alnl It wasn't bee to 110. It stranger
even' about adult country. village—as swipicieti
is a atrangehrespettor orpersocts.
For once In their lives the dull ' , Minors be
gan to grow abatis. • The experienee- of this
novelty caused general self-satisfaction. They
eyed the Strangers very minutely, studied
their pbyelognOmdes, balanced their eetione,
and drewtend conclusion. form their least
Still, the fact that they did not speak
to each. &her' wail it ,tionelneing proof that
they did not- know each other—mins - liming,
proof to theeimple :Starefordians, you know;
tied therefore, of,eotirse, It Was 60 Much more
mystical. . •
One of them .expressod a to hire a
back,.kfor thrtpurpose of, Prooccuwing to hoe.
walk.,ltodld not Wish to be tteceltillaniod
a driver,lerhe Wulf going to take emu°. Indies
With him and them would not, ho room. ttere
tha villagera scented mouse: . The gentle
man offeredliberul terms fox the carriage, but
the not Wanting a driver was Mate 1p u
..a.earriagewas tbereforo not to D 0 had. Mir
!Vona tea_pprar, lids circumstance was the
oceatdon *title Aurae strange becoming ac
quainted with leach. Other: 'UMW autlatudY
grew affable, anti cernrented in dark eorners,
held secret consultations, and eyed each other
dLstantly. Thla Shaved that these men were,
not. oleo, for they were probably the thieves,
whose eleasia otamald and,rubltioux criminali
ty wereetill ringing throughout-the country.
They lied beep strangers to each Other through
policy{ but mutual anxiety made them close
friends; • they Mid been shrewd, .widc.awake
re,,enea, for sitetrit sake; but emmelous crime
.suddenly transformed them hate tretribling,
apprehensive villains.
to procure n carriage, tile three
strangers remained at etamford all night.
The "all night' , at Stamford wag fatal. All the
teiwn Were - awake, and they all began to whts.
PM of the Eapress robbery, and to 100 ntthe
three strangers in a wanner more atlaawAlra
. Of penltentiaricit Ilian of wino breektbste.
In the MOraing.they went tONOrwalk,whore
Uaeywere alto remarked. Their first move-
We.t oat to procure a conveyance .and pro..
coed to a house.of.,a shounaker, named 2'rLi•
lam, who Fold e d ma a hill °heck. of, the town.
In 'the - meantime, salaptclon bad been-the
limit of the village opinions regarding the
Movements of these throe teem but their no-
.tdoris grew more end more noteworthy. , They
• remained at the shoemaker's all Sunday night.
and returned tei the village neat morning.
At tile name time,
_the Nome elicieMaker was
observed to proceed by train in Now York,
with a clumsy bundle In his possession. By
this time the detectives were awake, and the
wan of Crispin teas takeii la hand, Ills bendle
was Insavy•Ailth. good-plunder. The two eda
complices were arreated eoou afterward.'
The amount taken Included about P 43,0001.0
geld, and CAW In fractional currency, but was
1 6 , 0 0 111 0t e u till o n o g f
w iess wri in or6. t v ot , a o 4,
w th a, tu n l o sj a oori bt
f rg
• tha ear by arcideut. • The thlevms took away all
of their tools °lnept:the lanterns and not only
broke into the :Iron tar from E slde door, but
broke open three iron aides, each of them pad
locked as well as fastened with -the common
Locks. They understood their work and per
formed It tliorougltly.—Fre . Fork Tribune.
covivy coNTETioN
Th. 15c.:0n Tfeirobibran sa , et; of ApeghobTr:lobby
üble , terttO.ore,suble at h. r... 4.1 p1..,0s for bold
lug .;,..tion3lb the .`7l oaSAT::III.OAT.
1414 uul <Lou. tle:egub - L. cue., to
(ouuty Convect:tun, pu I MU ,,
tot, al 11 L. V., at the ['lon fluoie, th;. pnrpnac
Of i:e/ecting DEPIEGATF...fto
ZION, t 3 be Leitt Efserf,burgh, La WILLI
-nation ti [Jr
The el ieflon of be by In fhb
words borough.. botwoen the hub , " of i guo 7.
P. and to th< toeruett:p3 txtween the hair of t
.isgent O'clbck, r:m.
tlybrder of the County . EX, , i ive Cpm=l,t,e . .
W,t. d . Cha.lcroao.
",--„lcbey.i. OV. THE EOG2G i-MEN , S BIBLE SO:
TrOßl't 24 Ek!irg t 4 bVi?
EVENING, 77,fh Ind., at 7 toewls. The
port, of tacoperations of the troelet
. an 4 enauclal
cood.i.G9N-win p,r.tLasuted. swill b. , de,-
3 (=APel Itra 2l , el) l ll l irrh h ,
pa,lor of the First- Eapt67. Chur , h. Also brie r ( re
marks arc expected from Ger. Mr. Ellis, agent of
thromstria , part, ofthe ;gate. The publecArt. coo
-m.11)-111.104M Itttgld.. J11.7.x.1d
A1.1.11 , 41E2: Y CITY. EXCEI.SIOI;
corner et fent rhl grid blreets.
EVH !S rrirq ct- 104 tn. - ano - 7 D. rn..
yr,r-ral. etin, on WI.I)!.F.YDAY MT-SIN.. Inc.
publt, rc II:v.11.110 attend.
It, It A1 . 7,••T NA: ,; 'I
ItCl/ Co! A.
Ti.•S I.:114, 11ti. rburril •b.
N . A. I Y. 4 11.1 HALL, 401 rpt t, Pre ,, hlnr nt
/.,:ntor, 1.1. .A.N 11:6 b. I/ luxEnyvN.
1.01 - I/ AV it 10 Tn. mrawn, • n.:
th, public :“c Cot - daily tavitcl to ttc_ll. Scat,.
Ywl, Milder., Boller Mokera, sad hlaithfac
turce,. gt 3, ore requcated to caot . t at lb.
1..1 . 'll:_k 1 , 0
1131 S, to WTI 7",
Jams! al :IS Weiner, 1. ti., Dar We purr.,
u.orlst lot unotlitcatlo. t 1 3, ..
11... 'I m^ r
our r‘prt—, utatlrr. at IA" sib-
Ingtoti. 2l order or
lablolttlaa CO3LII Lila: I:.
1 of the ,StockSoldcrs or the PITTeIIitIOIICAND
/11 1131thile/1.k.11 l'Are4:. , 11.1•111. HAILIV iLY10:11-
PANY . wlll be held at HON ONkr.k.lo:/.A 11 .
rlth , burgb. on MONDAY. Januarr ISth. 1' at 11
o'clock a. it.. at which tlrae mad place on clecth,o
Cor Plroctioo will be held and other burthes.
jre,tdath. W. K. 1:131ICS. Secretary.
I rrN M kfCL
bITY OF PY.YO4•A., corner or Ito:e turd I , lonlonfl
ekketke, on Tl.,Thl , Alf. January Mb. ,1956. ot
o'clock, Y. M. An addreek by shoretlelnk Yrriblcui
PlTTearvinil, Jancint - r inth
The Mosel Or Directors of the COLUMBIA OIL
COMPAITY bare tbit day declared a dividend No.
Itt. of TITO ttt) PK.II C 1 T, an Out (*pleat Stock,
parable as MONDAY, the Lath inst.
Jalltlerlt E. WESTERVELT. Serrotary.
1-0"110 0 41) NOTICE.
Vrems or Pirranratoit Gas Coarei.i&,
The Troitees e the Pittsburgh Gas Comiuny bare
this day dedareit a dividend ou the Capitol %Oa of
Out of the-protita of the Company payable forthwith,
at the (110 CC of the Company.
ja3:3td JAIII.SF L CiTHISTY, Treavuvre.
NY, PA.. —Aiameetivia. of the D i r e ctor a of Ult. It sok,
held January 4th. MI, • dividend of
Wan declared, payable on and aftertliepnb Inn.
J. N. DAVIIMM Ca.aler
PirrizamtGri. Jammu., ice.
8 DANK .4
THIS of ME PER CENT. free or (tavern
moat Tax, payable on anti atter Jam.xrp9th last.
_Prrnetrealt, Jitztz.zzY Lead. JaZZ:trxm
russovon •&.sotice is hereby
alvesilllni_ , syteership lately eitis . ting
treed OWIENh andJOUN
o. 7e Federal ruder. Allegheny My, 141..
'der the ern or
d KENN EDT, 1813 dis
solved on the tst day of January, PICA by inereal
reagent. 1.11 debt* owing to the said p.rtwel,hip
are to be received by the satd P. (WEIN, and ad
demands on the said partnership are to be prevented
to Um at his oflee. No. le Federal street, Allegheny
r>., tor payment. rn
m. tWV:MT: tl a tlM;.krria;Lltni
day bere dbooterd by routssioobsettl. amen
Indrbted to the Meth . = will - Verse teethe paymen
of once. sad throw boring elac alratual- sold Ono
e t
present them for payment bothrenotriY• O.
old *land, /earth.' rthmt, or NI 71 t. 11;g634 , 31,Dth-
Mood, Allribroy.
WlltrltT ? Le.
A Strrarrer..Tormary thth:—JaStherre
+-Jr raytner.hip tuTetofore nul.ntut
Under the dna at •••Y, JiiNEMt CO. ••Is dinutarrd by
mutualrue ..-et. r,. buuluryu ut the am 'fill be
beltlctl tutu' : uccraubra. JA3tr T. ,[ANDY
IN urninso frein Thathon... 1 1 ,1wri4ypray.,/,..
nunn.i JAl.les T. IntAllY & In MI and
COCA nTNI.IisITIP.—Tho sindetAignad Mont woo
oioted I hoto t.g.l.r/ under thr neat, and stole
J Adl.t.n T. BRADT S (.x.)., Banker+ and
jotnnX .111A31.4.
cm:carom 1340Claira3
Cln MONDAY EVENING, Sat:mare nt
o'clock. gilt Alcl'lcliand'n Auction Ilona,. keHon.l
Fifth street, will be eold, hr calalo4uo, n
book, enihracing lefeerkle Life of Al.oktilnictoll and
F liceverth e Works: Nkorkk of Ad,lientk.
iiirlt-ns. Moor*, Byrne, Berton. lthekspeare: Mat..
knonl•M/1131111i: Encyclopeelek Gear rank) ;
bee.' Pawn for the l'cople.. Warerir Novels: Art
Jountel, G Tule.; rlelorisi itu.ento or kolmalcel
terra 'OO, of liolti.mithi Work% au
}'arming. 'Medicine, Re., Sc.
VataLoguca 0111 ho ready for dtetritrotion &Moeda,
morning. Licinke un
Jail T. A. kIet:LELLAIth, Auctioneer,
IC 0 'i t 'll 'hie.
•t U....emit. 1 1 01 be aoll On acerient of w botn ti may
concern,. on arrant floor of Commercial balm
Home., 'IM Mtlithlicht atreet, 11 Second mortgage
Ikuols of the ritttherith Mut Steubenville ltatimail.
for VW each. wilb 16 roar...attached to each Par
Interest due and comina dim thereon.
, A. JaIeIj.WAIST, Auctioneer.
CIIECK 111001i9
18T_LA.1 4 .7112C .130033.10,
Treapping and jla 111 tag Papers .
Mailonery of Erery Deccrlption,
Jan ltd Nti, vr - rhi sIitEKTA.
A v IL Di EtiBlloll4 ACADEMY.
is r LEDDE.N. A. 8.. Prlnelpol.
J ~frte. %A •A LVDDEN. A totlytnOt. •
Nucb Rost...lance nillne oldalned nn ttto :rani* cattle
Er boot mount)
Flt.t will commence on HONDA
rtto - olse work,
acholar natted for taxa than hilt 11 griston
and, no At cl Utt Ott AqslrocAce, eictot op Keegan of
tlekutim; . '
Hatch of tniflnn for erimlon nett re meek*:
• yrltooll.mroneht.. +1,60; Voittoon Branchvl. *IN
Lotto. and Meter lYnidlob, $l2.
and liefinady 111: sto• t l3 .
.veryettortlclll.olltOado to th i s taakc •rhal.
1 . A,StripLOGY.
•siritiuri. :t..o:Mr.g • 'Aso . ' .... ...,
, bate/Mee ea opPeor . I " j f •,...,
trinity orlincrwlng your r.cer •BY dir i , „ur;; , r •
ortirety deg and reirnirrie Priuri,,, ..... gez ~ . .0 ,
of wiild y moue porserelbe rlecrcr, r r \.••••-1.
can produce a correct Herber. .41` •
sour future husband or wife. Ili
• ',
Lending prugetrr agr; color of eye. .• •., . •
encl heir. you will receive the vinare . , . 1 , 4 do ,
orlon: . future partner by minim ine11..... avec
of )(Air marriage. ,iaddrtar,encloi rig tor; _
rout. and red etarop,_3l ulster. ULU:Yr Lid 1. ~ ".P,
iinrwer dr, Drtrolt. 311rhiunin lair dirprii. irg
• - isi:iwaxacar -rariziiiis-vt
..V.l . tubruntr, Jazga4.l loth 15011
FOUND. Ai unscaled Envelope.
Ile T;lT.git`g a _ 4 9!? itsttninpectegne.ktarle
(6c.NTi BONDS, boo been MU NN/ t.
lonby li. Y. Vonbonbornt., ton. 'De owner eta kayo
them by proving 'property and paying - no expense
pop pat
. 111E3rItY. LAblliErtT. Controller.
.. = LOST.. •
c c ] 0 .IREIVAIW-AOSTOn Fri day
w Inn Inet., somewlleee on the ronta,;.ffain 'Ur
ractorfron Inn fnr,Vanirafkr,3:44
Vg .r,&711 1 ,a4:`A,111c, - 414 a" id a otor non
honored donor. ay lintlotraa CrAjey n . % The ahoy°
reward vitt NI paid on
the same 0 , mix
.orynn, or gm residence of the undersigned. Corner
of [Abort! and Morton I,treclB, Ninth Ward.
Jannito . srxwAirt slom.
NOTICE . - TO :JVll.ollll.—Perifilin
d'swissinstruid to attend as Jurors tts the , court of
Quail... Santana, de., an Ma ad wad Stli MOND AIN
Or JANUARY lest, will lake nolleo MO their at,
leadaiseo will not be required, said Colin ad
journed moll March T., lruiLl
W. A. Iteßl2o3, Vert.
Ir . A NT': D.- i 80 . .47.1 to run light
r . ..Al4, , •isharri 111.7k771,171, Rum I:J7s 11,1
77 talS ynrs .71 age. Ar 7,17 s. on C• 7177 DAY t nA
1 , 1711 4 17...rn• .of Wet, • A j ;
--_ • - .
AV ANTED--Three Good Mark
, kultSh. 1 7 ,7;7 7 lA•,P 71 7. If
t'gr,t, 9! Ict .4 394 :-.13. - trt
e 4er...1-ut
ANIS 9:E.k.1,E FITTER.. :it., 504'0 17-1
tr..l r5 , .. , - 117.z.1e. 77 , •••••0
meal. 7:11117.7a7•....5c , ,,,h0r
& WornlxtreeS. .
~i` ANTED- - To give away. in or
., 7 a, r tt• Ee! t!,lr 11,, fl
7V-h the T/0N5. 7 . 7 0 , 7 , OD. 71.4
441 , grento•-1 A . 4 .
S.: .1 7t at atilt,. vn-:.•••• -nt• , 7 •
peuae of fm - wardhsa. LA
n o r cittuatit.ol:lo. •
A F N UU ?i iri t r l:l3 t itED ..S.CX I PL I Purc has e r
for r over
or 47, exelt.sage f•sr Cslty Propert). Tb" 74L4
lintallion County, adjulnla4 Wth-eler 0 7 7. I" 7 *
The owner eta be Fern at She G&Zrers: ery
liar, frotr, 10 A. H. until 1 P. ix.
ANTED.7-flo me Employ niellt.
VT t GOOD SIANtAI; ASTLD In every Teo , la bud
rbunly to itt rclied, t ,tr.• able lret-rhte } onlj
quxllfirstlons r , quireJ are tat eat 7:4,
deer, with ',amp, let rutrbehl...b, lii T:
1111.0* - N, u. U Utr,tad /Lee et. JL t - , ..,,1
Jall %VI
• ' .
Tir ANTED- - (4. IL: NTS IN EV Ell V
rottllty or Pron.ylvxrds tor 11P.. N • 'Q.
:...n1 .r
not I, broal or wearas t. It oNs.bte , .ItOt.'lN,
I.ltourto ',dupl.:lad of In keen tot In, hand., t - t
All.t r irs.rnn beta In so t0,..L.,4, n
r ,Ing a 1.:4,1141ft, toOli are rtya.rc•: alt , pt
built.. It I. ILI, only nutt , ...ful 1,11 , 1. of 11,. 1.
n . , rand,. Intdo, •tsrOp far , Ir ./14,. o 11
t ht.reld, and addr , .... J. A. /lOW , ' r
'1 T
rare J. 7.. Raven b.. eln.rtnnarl. 1411.0.1,1 4
All. eTIIIALS. bait t I .1 , , , , , .1rj,t11,t• - nn,
Or :In TT , ' Ph, Iltdo A t'n., ill:II NT ~ Ir r
'll ON ,1 :a.-
'noir y Per da, And •-.1 .12-i r I
Dorn lA, ,r.' d e -:,..1:
ta , . Milton 1/011.44,. Anplo. Old n•-orton
1V ateit. Iffiwn. -• an.) n •
lug 1,11- ticcul • ~1 r• .: ,
ike ellAt )On ~'tided to. r.r •
1. tt •
o, rttOrdl,i, or for thirty.
for our tom:. to Arra.., t o yl r
avt, .tr • r ,
littoral tirit, Now I. you r rlt.. 77. t r
dame, rduusy nod .tote. to ILiltllt.T./N
1.1,./. to P. 0.. Neu,lart.. :4 I Ilo.rt,
t Now
','OR SALE--A Valuable ( ountry
,nd tut; rill , . 1.1 1 -
n one
rel.— of laud '.n lin. n.. ! t .
lux c." 111101.11114 It r, 61,1 c• rui iti.;
ult utl“ cur., 00 -
turn. I No ICA Lt.
1.111:.1wrO, un ton prct.l,4
Ton SALE--A VlCii finished two
Or NEW 110 USE y I i...trr.d. nen- , -orn
of bol r).
1.. nadn 1.11. .10unie dinina
ran.. and ..
on tr.;
wart, man: , I•ra.'
yard; w!thtit a -•
lnquire. of ••T FAN! r...•re,t.
1 , 611 %hr., .Tort• 1;1,1,
lion %o. „to 6,••••orolm-rol. 31.1r1.01. Lo• •
Inv, t ., ti rlanali., hu.h•le•• 0n...1, row,. trot h v t 6 do
6. 6, Ithl h
Brokrr In etorkr nod Roo] ti•t.t..
)al] ST Fourth ttro4t, Flurlcr'r 1:01•1:o[.
-.GHEICITFOIL SALE. —The two story 11rIck I ,
corwr of WeUlla, stre ttol
fr..n !It. on the NV it 1s C.1(4111i ri t a• , r.
ach 100 w autl Intl room.
. .
flrnker In Blocks and Peal I , ',ie.
J 313 57 Fourth •trhet. Burk. , 1tut.1.14.;
k , YOU SALE.—The then; morn linink Da elit te•
.o. IS Sandusky stmet. nontaltatia ten roont• go.
and water; houne m good rt. pair and in a pit a ...lit
neigkkorional. 0. BRYAN.
Broker In Stock. and 1451F...tate,
Jolt 5: Fourth street.. Burke •• Butidlus.
FalSBErialo3.l. T7lll 'MOUNT lIOPE rnortat•
TT, ST WOODS' BUN STATION.-7,lftom acre- of
I.and. Brink Lawn/lingarlth 10 omens owl cam.,
plenty of sofl water and fruit of all kande, ten nata
l"' walk from Federal strhrtLlppot, All. ghen
Foinire of the ombriber, at I.l'. v.trLIIN P. AN - 1.
OIL TIXII. worms, y and 31 oblo 'Met, .klieg .
111111 Hr. FOB hAI.II. of hall. two parlors.
room, kitchen, two /owl or ;tor, poe^7., tour room.
acroad floor. kWh rmoo skottdool attic: "el"
fixtures Pr Voice room,: Fl Net drool b) Lo deop.
rrc'etind on lap greets. Term, one-third ~..h. r..
m=inder in mu.. two, three Ind four y. or.. For
prim , and oration emote to
tu, v t•tif twinB , fl 5; S. 51 Marl. 1 .1.
-•-• Theme two neat Dwetlings. Nor. 111 and to,
fronting on Elm and Congreas street.. are t..Bertett at
low prices azol , mit em) lens,.
orN`grt i sTlt:tata ASing, n itls . ll ' ed . latt gam' •
3.7 . 1 I n n ' at!"
wrfereellow. •
. • .
ALAO, that splvo.ll.l two story Pwr o 110.
(rooting' Om ittlesbetr) rivet, a n tame lot.
Appty to All IL M.11.1..t N •
A VALr kuis
to 110 - tutslyhom. loyytor ca.b.. Apply to
J. klekl.E A 111.0., lltrtnln azo,
J. A. Ca...1111/T,
p19:olm No. el You rib otroot.l.lttotrurgt,
STREET FOR &Mr.—That large and wwll an.
toned three elm, lbirk Dwelling on WI - Ile rtmot
near Firth. ill/lobed In modern etyie, containing 12
rooms, kitelten, range. bath room, bet and cold •ra -
ler and gas Dino:glow [he Tlila la one of
Inc nowt drricable prinsertla , for dwelling or bu•i
carnal tor wale. Vow , don April
Near 39. M• Rua. tonaliting of 3:4 are,. arida
lanoul river (root and caternillog to the railroad;
for auy klud of boalrointa. For tern.,
olitd3 le
Jean:4oM W If NY A KLILVd,
113 Reviver veraet. Allegheny., Pa.
ati Wl' LIN
TURSteilek Ls' at 1 . 1., ohnloek., hy
order of executor. of the estate of N. ru.ey, d e g
Ohl he sold (or renal by 314.11,raine, aartlonyeer, ai
Conauverelal Nalco Roman. 103 limithar.l.l atreet, that
dealrahle three dory
iirilT' " ' ' e ft i ". No."4°
YU' 't"'" Lot
atuivala W 111.1.113 tax nTH
STuRE,M kRI( ET sr
TWV.1? . .‘11 6 .E. 976 6 1:1" 1:01416,
I, .666 N•l6 r 111 Er
Lo.totts ut 11 M 11.11. i• ZZ 1. ,
Arrust,.es it L tn.
,144 No et I.ran. strset. tient Pint.
- -
FOR RE T.--Intending to retire
from the Pork and Provision notions, 110i...1.-
ersihur 017,0 VMS 1:16:N. - T 1 , 1. Went:Hot:Nl:. with
180 large ,11111 it: adjoroine, situated no
Front ttrrvt, Vast of Martel. 1 . 1”..0,4-..intl elven tin
toodiattly. Enquire at the corner, First and Mats•
lvl streets. ((j AS. 1.. CA LItWKI.I.,
TBLET—Two three story Brick
itta3 , lA, tontalolaJltall and 1114111roma. earl.,
situated on Wimlllnstois 101 , 1. tllme 616p014 horn
Wylie rin-ct. Apply to JOUN I. LOUSE A CO.,
sarovi of Nod thfirldand Water streets.
1866. i
J. I'. Mint Z l / 4 r Co.
.17 vacastlawo Co-vox-ma,
O. 41, P. for Ow Ire.'
S. BRYAN. Broker to Stork'',
k- • ISONDS AND )lEA E ESTATE. 57 Fourth st..
SBurka . . Building.) hat Fa arid oulla on mum ' , alma.
tank, /hallway. Inaurnateu, rum/ daunt and other
Idttahat And thlaentUddlt, Italltray and other Bond,
andante - a...S b tu ha lekgraph thu Non TUrk
al3 and
`ll ihtu or rda. •
.j . nortrssox- is,..COVSI
51.1311-Ali tic,lL
'll , Zariclwy, tixo 113t3a. 123.5 t.,
Thar ett•Alr !Jock has horn tualtke4 41,11E10 4od
grtally reduced prices. to look.: roots
Fumete Opridg Mor k .
Retuember the Number,
61 .Alarlizet Street.
Writ Door to Barker, Drt Op.& Mort.
--.___ . .
R'umen's Morocco eUetom-tuadt . Boots $, 73
Wulnetrn Urals" Boots ....... ..... ........ . . 2On
511,... than Boots 100
Ml.scs' thra Buskin,. sn
. 10thsts• 01001 1 30.121 s GO
A. 1.0, a large assorts - neat of t...kating and Polths
Boots, Balmoral, and out torn at vOry lalrprlets.
.. slO . No. Pa Markot Ai., .. , .1. door 11 , 00 ata.
AND FOll 9.41. E lIT
Corner tibefileld and Boavetsts.,
Waist ATeszseheartar, X.
.) , 7 - I . ?v A r z :
rs-: •; • , 1! 4 , 7 1; - 'Kw -
- • •
. .
d "
,•• r ,
'1") . '
• • •
arm •rbeu • . tic 4; to q I...;6trytr. r:ie t: •
c-ane , ..":•••n nps - nr.unt of 1,1.1n1
n,•.. 1 . 4:• , •••r. q• 4 •• —LN
. . , .
titles le Itt, S 14, Vice ',tit., en tit.s.,> rry
ern ideate In, y" ins
‘k. :tt ttl , It .
a.r.tpt t• • '•••- VrP , '
In by p - IP rstt rent,.).,
rrtptp,t•-..and t; t!•prz tt - tt t
: tr.r•
P .tt Dirt_mtmrt
nnc! lorr
Fo. for &Z;
i ", ;f
,:.e 'f
1 , 1 , 1 AR I •.4'l;
cT..a f f :, .
. ----,
. CC -.---
..= .'"= I;
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c= . • . 4
i- . .: ... .
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0 . -7
= — ,?..-_:
... w, ?.• E g I.'S- .4
~_ ,
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--...6.... id i...„. r:,. ,•:2-. ,e,
= 01 , 4 z • •:4""
:r. ?
;c. ~..,:.z . -,., : i .--,_
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(D ... 'E , -=' - ,L,
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111-7 j X .:.-.2r,: - , -N ',...)
-E- - ; . t.': , 7
Ef ,-.' k ' ,, f; •,' t.-__.4 (-,
A 11` . .i. ..• -2 . ; , 1
Li Ei ...." %I , P•••• si: ' - ' 1
N... ' - -: r,- a
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.0 ..4 - z_7 ..1 .:1F ....
••• .--- .. ~.,.:. j,'
7 ' . '' 7; 5 C . -
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f. ...!.! Z:: ".. `:4
5 = co E..r.r. c.v. ,: —:
—4 -_,...r. .. .2.
c.. t... ...t.; , ,-, ~ ; .
L. .- . .....-- E. , z k..i
A ..... -.",.. ui ...., e r ,
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.._,.. - rwr r. t'..2. '
Z • :;:.• F... ..
3 = 0 ,-...,:,
= 1 - 1:" - .za
Es - - ....e0.., X ._:..' 7 a. , .*;
,1 E--, - N- 1, •--
No E.. .--, a -....
C— .- L Z - .5
-o. .1.1 ' ' .E . ' 3 . ' ''' ' .t
Cm , ..., ; E. :E.
Or girt Lxatrr-Iforsa cm - , t
ST ttEE, rnorns A 1.8 will I,e receive,/ at thb. at
tire until 1 We/nth P. it.. on FRIDAY. the Kb day 01
let , ruary . teat, for mtppiring the Light-nowt! Es
tahlt-litnent with tolvty thou...and gallon* of the he'd
quattty purr winter-strained (111,. either La.v.l or
p.pernt, to be diettirti Into rout lot.l, and to be deliv
ered at the time. undermentioned. liOngalie of the
(invert - anent nr at the warehoqtte or
othrr of de to 14,41erigriated hy the ln aped--
I nit ..tlirer or other authorttltd agent of 'the bight.
hone. Iloard. in ,drone, tight. Iron-bound.
madetqzltaltie for ..hippin e ight y order• tt•
teapael a tv . earls of trout nni tit gallon—not
o exceed the latter. Tho , oilnisi Is delivered at
Nt• , o[l or New York, at the option of the bidder-.
The place of delivery In each roue moat be tli.,tinet
-1) .10 the Ltd., and will be embraced lu the
The river leb will lw dell erred as follows. .• 1,
Lot No. I. I i net. n thousand gallon.. ell on
th, Oil day of 1. pelt. 1.91.. or a. soon thereafter I<l the
swop., te.t. and gauging eau he c.olPlotcd.
Lot \o.:. iltevo thousand tla.litioi gallons Clint
the'iln, or April. o soon thervafter
the proper tr. , and ganging eon tad rompleted.
Lot Jn. 0. 1111teu thou•arol i14.101i gallon, rill on
Mr •to) of Rine. 116,1, or a..00n thereafter tht
proper 1e...1• and 'rousing can be erdnpleted.
Lot So. 1. Fllleien thousand 115,0) gallon. 011 on
the ter ,lay of August. nit, or as . thereafter as
the proper terd , and gauging can bp Completed,
llm Dfor 5,060 pr0pr allon• of l • will 'e be
lra or rect Lhlrd O ved
IL at the 'same
r to he de-
Ilverml as above stipulated, at Detroit, MICA., on
the 1.1 .1a) of
be Ma.r .
he hid will oneldortti ante.. from a manoras
rn rye of the an
o part Of the oil proper,d for and to he embracer,
In contraet• under MI. advertisement will be ne
er pled, rocolved, or paid for, untilltt ba••• been
pros ed. to the entire nall.faellon of the per.ori or
1..r.0n, charged trlilt esnmlrratlon. ted, and In
lon. tot.. of the nest WIU/it) pore
r.l 011. and fee. rulatury .Ith other or Inferior
011. end ndolteni ion..
The i/s.l 111. u. for determ Lohman./ character and
quaint of the .emn . e emp oli e-I. is: -dwel
t/. neat its. burning. the anioc b h gar u insand any
oCher propertesm ua
arrite at essinTt couelions
that ma , d/ nuel naves-are.
The laid oil will be .anyeeted to special test, and
will he eMecteti utile.. (wand t•. to La regard to
burning and fluidity Under reduction of tonmeratimr.
and In evert - other nespeet. °nuance that fifth° stand
ard adopted by the Board. at' which a -ample will be
furnished on application to the Eight-boost Eugi
neer at Ito.tan.
1 . 1 - /, ra.l. mu, he ganged under the dtreetion and
perseweal supers-I.ton of the In•peetina adhan. by a
rustem.lionse or other legally autbori Isal and sworn
gauger, arc-or/ling to the United `Antes standard. and
ino.t inarLed and aempteel before time art remas
td fro. the cellar or warehouse Of the contractor.
Thy temperature 01 the ell will by /accurately noted,
and the mensortmenta mstueed to the standard tem
perature at aids g. ratmetheit.ny tables prep:seal for
the purpose.
Prop./tits will be received and esinaldered (or Carla
lot .eDpooretell• pr fur ail of
had 111 `4°ll.l.`tititgt
the n t ity
h bat
hat spectiled en ne iltlt;to be delitermi
at one time and 'dace. l'ach expitelt.
ly. wrlttt n out infoit, thekind ofnil offeni. l.wbeth
er sperm lard or colenti the rain per gallon. the
number of the Mt or lots bid for, and the place of de
livers. ennformlng to TM, advertMetrient..
Bids submitted by different mcniliers of the mine
arm or copartherslap all/ not tw considered.
The I.lshishaime guard. ander the authority of the
m • this rtuitt to reject our Md. al
though It may be the lowest, fprOtbeemmaideratiolu
than the rice.
/So idd rttl Do conndernd for ann other kind or de
w-I.ll,lJan of oil than those specially maliedfue in this
advert kenictit.
A bond, with seem - try to the saUsfaetion of the
Department. In a penalty veinal to one-fourth of the
amount of eachcontract made atuter Omar pro
sal., will be required of eachnontracteri.icendltioned
for the falthlui performance of the contract, robe
e %rented within ten days after the acceptance of the
bid. • t
• Eath-OfriMmtlat areampan led by i written guar
antee, .Igned hl out or more n spanalhle persona,
and knoun to the department as such, or certhled by
I. ti states dirt tict judge. attorney. nary agent.
or collector of the customs. to Out effect that, If the
Ida lie accepted
the bidder will dy execute a con
tract In itood faith, coming to the provisions and
term? of this advert ac isement, it tht tea days after
planer;necea and that Ir. ease the 001,1 party days
c oital fall tesenter Into the centract. as aforesaid, Ito
or Mt y convincer to make :toad 'the difference be
tween the offer of thecald party and the next 1.'651
.bidder. All bldg most he scaled acid endorsed “Pro
ponala for 011 for light-houaett," and then placed in
another envelope, sod directed, pthpald, to tho heo.•
rotaryof the Light-how, lloant, ashlnctotiVlty.
All blda mill be opened publicly, at the hour and on
the day spreitivd.
Pal 9.. t. dill he toady fur the several lots of 01l
...Mort thirty dans after they shalt have been recett
by Ike United Mates.
By order of the Light-hon,e
Jarld'aud'imm .ctoret•ry •
A k
Proposals for Putting Down
Fifty Oil_ Wells.
PROPOS.% TY trill wr rreYlYrd byt al2LCon rY ffiL z
t for P.T.Ls
DlM`—'lVl=U'lrSTenro l trand i Taurk.r''ugines.
Fuel, nerrfeks and Yielders.
tth h h
Beyond—For .loln, the wQrk, 1:AC . .010=7 supPIP
le4rlbgcr o le:Wat w aj r tis r .. 7
„ rain
ev laglms y gUyu lli wens VraeiTed• t'Y to pot_ dosrla ode c 0 morn
I,l7 b =f, k %:,21=XP":1,
ergeticallray sod Welt uutlLeleted.
or sithliint o &M
Bow 076 Lxo Lazio CO., Betio, rs..
:24.11.115Vil A A'N
N 4 `NV V4`l4 ?-iii
A Large and Desirable Stock of
, G,-cacz)3aai
Suitable for I:ro.3'erit-,_:
• r %nil 111.r1..
.*. •, TV. La:,
A ' , I ~, xrno:nrrnry, Ir. Ea. •
1.3 t 1. Lt.:, t.... 01,." 1. 13-.K-g.r.,1
17,j flasist 4 , ) -Lp - y 11,14 B
t.,SI-X_s s<CD
F • '2 La
,Ite) pan
n,,rlpt:,- ‘l,
ircra,lttard Z. p .
.; C. , 11] r...:1,11..s 1,141
tt-vrio. , .11 ze,
i.ALY new e:71. , . Jr- , 1 rre ,
..r-Eokay Sale
Embroideries of 411 Kinds
I 11F.
VT:. , r4AI VATTY:e.N;
D11,C11.11 , / F.
1. 1 I.IDI. F.... 1 VA BUTT. •
t•FlT•rk GOops.
AND z , LE.E i " & :HUDSON 3.
E'rt rt cy - Gods.
Rr Ls. , mla• 01, de-part:atilt a SP'ECIAITY
W ret..4l , tag
Every Day During the HOlidapSeason,
FINE is-nr:x
?E?. 1 , 771.}:".
rt:E.Frmi; -
c. ;A I: dr AN DS.
06 C ASK, .'
) ANCi - CO5l AN.
-timers will rind our pd.,
Lower than any Other louse tithe n City
Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street.
'x 'r sOrpozmrr.
in order In redoes. our etoek,-w e ha r e !MARKED
DOWN the price of
WOOL Sie /Stirs too, comForrrs.
E.31.13E01.11/1111tiz AND LACK C.DOISK.
A /plendl.l asaortenerst of •
Of elegant pricr,..,than crer before
Will tad tt to the to ativantagi• to call and examine
19 Fifth Stteet.
AT •
az Tlier.zisar-cot eat,
WOOLEN GOODS. 1100 r SE 112T4
CO/, ac,
rim GOOD9,_ .
3101111140N9 STAIt 41111[TS. ste
J.§ MOORREAD.S.IIII Martel strtet.
I-SAVINGS BANN. for g nionthe egtilng Nt,
tember 30th. 19 , 13. ,
lAA nrt.irrtrac,
Amount due ilepONit."l. June ' .
I.t, t*e.s 4 , ,' , 4. 46i 03
Amount reeeteetifrom Depot-
Bor. 1c..1 Ms tt.ratt. 4.10. 31.1, :el
Amount paid to Drposttor s s -
during bid ilx Months 38.3.13 OS . .
Amount or Conttngent Fund. •
June lA. mrA
Ins or Contingent Fund
I .
Loot *IA months ,4.17.3
Amount of Contingent Fund.
$ 109.Ge37
A mountof Dirlalvotl due Dr
po•itur, for 134 Nix uloutll%. C.rer.t. ft
pi. m4i. 04 41
pond., and Bortgagea4 5Z,422 34
peal Estate t3.09891'
1 1ji
_Pitt...hunk Ranks.... 93.175 0„
Ni 6 per cent- 1t0nd5.....1:33,000 001
Ir. S. &per cent. Certlocates.. 14,070 00 P
I:• s. eper 6621 t. Bond,. 1181 . MOO 7;
U. S. 7-30 Treasury Notes 323.109 70:
Inns Receivable 117.40 fti
Lash on band 47.314 94.?
--..-----#l,lO l M4e: 41
The Tru,ters have declared a Dividend* I TIMEX
PER CENT. out of the profits of thelast ex months,
free of Government Tas, payahlo Ibrthwltit. If not
draw n, w ill [mar Interest from lk , cembet 141, 1813.
C. A. COLTrc
PITTSM:RGu, December Mth, 1E14.0N, T ssurcr.
The uudereigned. Auditing Committee, respect
fully report that they have Wed the Totamt tar's
Report Tor the last Ms m 1669 ca b
rh, 1.903, and that they have ezaiddricdttle Assets of
oma, con Bonds and Slortraltem, Deeds of
/l oaf
Estae, Certificates of Bantißloct. Bills of Ea
clamlga. U. H. Ccerldrates of indebtethlcsa, 513 6
upon Ronda for hMI, 7.09 TrefoLll7
pi:,..te,r,gllFlU" on hand. and but
theumedo be
correct, and to Correspond with Ole said Repo .
IM'Aft 14 - 11117
rro•ecay.n, 13ce. jan
latZ. glitlledlttr
400ritrar.8zr - sr.,
112.117.1t.TirM'tVPacl Trea , r.
office. No. 2 Duquesne WnY,
(Naar Stisperulciri Bridge.) ,
13u - nas - Jus - er
'lbis Oil cannot he excelled for harratin properties,
c r o ef o hourl tf irbel e te sfto.r a nd U l M rpt ittp h oP ttell cololT t! bOaßr
- IMitarrOlts—John Wort, Itobr'rtta". tieo.
C. 11. lia.rron,_C. L. Caldwell, Ih. 11. Cohlils, .1. W.
rortor, Robt. Wallace, 1) W. VA Candi!.
VEW puß
J. R. REMrsis; TB Furth Itreet.
4,71 Ti
I . • i •
a 4. ti- Ca. ,ree
Ito :1 - Inna - n4t.:
OE en nes OW
p. P.
- , 1•4 Tia, rnr, Fr0n..4.1 LienSi
11.:.1 . . • C.c. e 4e, Wean. j4Jtr.. a.
.et' tic r:nr.a Affnittin
Mareet:c ere-. CISICA Btra
jee-.1 . 1. titan - 4, Ear-anne.
itkrtzt:, Ott cure. Spizsl Dice ti.le4.
re: j`• nraiencti: (11
Jenne , th, he,. and :bear .t4t atta 1 to o l.
4cl In en" c,nl:y. Price :a cent.. it:
tv4pnnt.44le de nice, in. Inkcalt/nal.
• nr,
Czraer .537athrt,:d 3.43Forath Strettl
DEI:NE/1 N A STO%ES.-IPluLe a to
at Cl,blL AL:Ct./cc, br• vr•ler uftbe ti.e.N•ntarref Wax,
t,•tt.e 1. IJ.
A A N L I ALCO it L d, U at D r C. 0810, ON
a:A dee , . tollo , nt,e.
Art.onre- EittraC3,, n'tl.l:
, •• 110 f/C.
en]. 71.
, er••••r.t... verven I parterr.n;
.11 . Itnre 11aeket_t, :+: kl6. n•-I:nt., nal, -4,
4 Cl;. 71, now •
1 •• • ;......n . vth Bore (In.ant., cal rr.
and FULA,. fervirn. nerto,,
I" 1 .nnt P.x...-rcle..l Shot t.t.ta.;
717 1••••. t • •41 , ••nr I•et.101-, eterl6o. pattern:
• I'u.: wr•...lnre
:' • I.:,lllCanalry :rub ree
Horn- Ar1:11en• ,r.are.
enl N . ( ; INX.trr , ' Sa - NN/1:
4 A .1101.1..
, 111.11;nr. wro, Urtvcr , . Wipers. tn.
I' ,r elr, roppltle/
• /
1,, nt,-• r4ler.e.;
i'.Nj• net ..-ehea,11....
• •nn f'ep P..nettn.:
"11 t're.rlli-e Here.. Infeo , l7. eel raltn,
• Cerra-Ide, ..
• 4t ,5 tg141:1:;,... N. C. Of.tet r., eel Flaki/t
• •I•
W et ...
1. rou:C.110 tur llnpor
:az R0..r.1.1.3,,, , a/..;
A.. . a rlcAUntl:ng Axe, EA3.e1...
rule Vote, .s.r.. Lc.
•I II . 1.6 nnady at LA:,
In Government Fund. ,
A •
!c1,1,.'t00 rcn.ol..<l L.r...e , lll{oir. . 4 0.-Pottao OC
T. C. BRADFOIID, Ord., Ht. 314. O. N. - A..
Crlnmandtlis Mune.
G 011r/1314E3E T SALE OF
stt I
6 , eiti - Fre, 8' NT HT
ee,'l•l.r Dee F6r
tr t: • • et.) . ••e. T1:1:41/.1Y
kit...14.1k 2 1.
i.e . , 'Wt.,'
6 out,
6 &eta Dertel 216ree4
• Pigeon Hetet.
f. s ‘ t r o t ,: 6.
1 Tebie,
12C 1514,1•rw Sarb.
rtrew Crer.t.,
4 1.4 . %ti,r 11•11 - e - 4•
1 itereHltrol,
2 tot
it Ceiba,
1 pole Coraitlii , .
2 Drill.,
2 heck, tia.D.tri.
6 Clisis - 6,
ritw - 1.
34 -
11Z Itir.
1 Bread
3 Auger,
1 Ad,
14 -.
4 Wow)
ti.w Ellen.
1 11 31f Pteentl
Firir Compwstica.
Grtediturier eartiNcte,
2 lisu i rew,
Tuyre from.
Clare . ll3rntner.
' l ' t6ll ' ll.
I Pi 11... su,orte.l.
: He 6 , 1104 Toole,
1 Trier,
17 Iland Saws.
31 pairs linatfruff,
6 6,6orted mu:6re,
4 Water Dipiture i
1 Saw set,
2 II e
2 1111 Stone-.
e_iinte Hier et.:
1 .6161,_
10 1,141 Blade,
3 Brace Bits,
Ai:boiled 14144.
Auger rats.
13 :46.4t.irted ChDrle,
I ifitreHe,
1 Clluebteit Iron.
: Tbuttati (linger.
1 &treeing . Nipper.
WtiVel6. r.T.
Tr4v5—.4".1411, Ca 14.1
United States Ordnance Property.
V7lll be. sold at Public Auctlon,_by T. A. binCTI.EL
LAND. Alnilone•er, A- I .I.EGRENY ARSENAL.
Plttshur"..ll, Pa.. comnaruclux at to o'clock a. ta..
MONDAY. January tail, INCltta 031.1ual0g •
4 iron Cannon.
= Upper Caeema re Carriages, cart Roue
= Sets Artillery Ilansce'
Foreign Muskets and Rifles, new aid re
paired. .
13.902 V. D. Musketi and Rife, new aad repaired.
=,ar Foreign 3fustria and Rine,
Itkerd U. S. - Muskets and filers.
3, ant Dressers-31°2,1113g and other Carbines.
a= Colt's and Sharp's irides.
1315 portiog
36 Shot (inns.
h. Mutlket and Rifle Barrels.
19,r0s Bayonets, triangular and sword.
2,113 Resolvers. •
I,CgEabres and Sword,
4,1X0 Seta Cavalry 'Accoutrements.
6.1M0 Sets Infamtryystmotdrements.
3,500 Saddlo, Casalry and Arrilery.
20,020 parts of florae Eqment, bridles. /torso
brushes, riary-com uip bs. ere.
3,030 Saddle Blankets.
3,000 partz of Artillery Barnes,
4.00 pounds Powder, carman. masks, and
= Inurropleto arts of wrought iron parts for
Casemate Carriages.
CO tons Scrap Cast Don.
if tons Scrap Wrought Iron.
ea tops Load and Antimony. In pigs„ Type
Metal. • ss
BD Wrought Dolt Aalcs.
pounds Lead Dross.
riz Packing Bose,
A. large tot of appendages for muskets, carbines,
C. dc.
arge lot of Artillery Implements and Equip
large lot of s_pare puts for SDiskets
large lot of Tools and Machines. •
Purchasers will he required to remove the imperil
'thin ten dayvafter the sale.
Texam—eoeh. •
Lieut. Col. of Ordimice acid
Itrev. Drift. °ca. U.S. Army
. •
Dr_rriT QV...TF:10.13=3 GiNtram.. , s Orner•T
PITTIearIIGH, PA.. Jaw pin. • ;
Will be maid at Public Auction, to the tut
der. on TIM Dna DAY OF JAN DAILY DM at 111
I . BeVO:r " l4ll e et•et e;Ak i t li •P Gß°L"."l6.
2. Aviles. roperty VD.
13 Dorset,
1 3lare.
I Calk.
818 3lule Irajon..
S. Two Florae It ad...
Anstodaneea. •
1 Can.
I single seta SYbeelllarsaes,. •
= do do Lead do
1 do do Cart
Terros—Cosb, 11. 8. Corrtney.
- - •
mad Lieut. Col.. and DeDoti , Q. EL Goal
03122CELTM19 : 1523...".•ZW1L1S
2,500 PAIRS OF
ladies, Gents and Childiens
• -
In Every Variety, for Sale Low
.7 - 83Y=13 3401.•
Skates and Stelghs,
. . •
I• at J. U.. L.kVEIVA VARIETY AND TOT 31011 E,
No. 101 Market street. nese ?MU.
1.1 3 :.. Wboleaale an 4
ily_ioch.Y - DZARY - hErf,
WASlillennan,,OetNAN boStls
wirEnEmy satisitulary.evl
dente yrearnted to tbe undersigned; It bla st en
made to oppeor Clot the IA olstans atio . n4 or.
Kew Orleans, to the City of lOolrOrle >a tbo
Parish of Hew Oriewas nod. Nato or
itcndup,ornanitcd utnler and according ba tber re , .
nalreratets of tbs nets of Con,..rress, entitled An
Ad,e peg t‘fe s National .Correney, secured br a
pledge of Untied nut. 'toads, and to provide ror
Ore cfrOdntion and findemptton rbereoli4norored
Janet , 10 , 4," and has complied with Alt tbeprorls
i,ryid set required to be compiled With Deform
Oottattenclog tbs burl %ma o r bantams suldensald set.
.Now thorefOre, I,FaximuiSlCLuunr, Cosontroller
of at kllrrena• 4031 7 , 14 writ') that "Ordloaal
sct Ns loral wank or New Orleans, In the City of
Tivirthleas4. - She' i'Srlett iitor.Orleale and" the
. - 6 ,ll i teetbanayre o reo i lizltneasnw_bsta Luna ot
razigns Vidul .Mayerrorialer.
The bank 'till be La operatitna or me •atti
OCTfCg., t
Pa.. 3a. Bth,
to tbr bidder,
xntr: 10OLBl0 OHLPERIN
Warne. BoWoad:Depot,
J A S"L'ART 23d, lila, at
•Ilowlng Qua. - terinitster't
6 Punches,
florae r.a‘p.,
I Screw Plait, Tlpf. to,
Spair B. H. Tong.,
1 Nionley_Wreszon.
laud Wrenches. _
1 Tenon Saw,
1 Compass Saw., -
1 Tin Cans,
6 Stose Pipe
Mintire Forts,
8 Hoes,
2 13.m.adbag linus s r.
c- l o ron Kettles.
" 4
Cllllor Nida.m.eedi •
Boer L
IS Lsmps,
I Draw Range,
I Saddler's Hammer,
1 11 Horst,
6 Randle..
I Coffee Pot,
a Rakes,
1 pairSaddlers er",
1 Steak/. ,r
I Claw Tool,
1 Edge Tool. . 1 1 .
3 Ana,"
8 Tin Boilers,
10 Baits and Chains.
3 Wheelbarrows;
t e _ " l= 6
la s.amp 't'' Chlmne_ni
10 pound Mack Wax.
its ' 4galssf, 'c
3 Books, 50u15...9i.
pound Lamp Black.
gal licatstoot Oil.
2.1 pounds Horse
3 Ladles,
- 3 Picks and Handle,.
1110 Joints Store Pipes,
H Cooking P. 0.1.
1 Saddler'. Matte,
'., 1 tillooßnige,
1_ Shades,
H ovals,
1 .42,411:V1. 6 '"'
I Camp ICetUea,
Stowe P c tE n C v :ps,
rt s A a Graters,'
I a Hammer Handle;.
" =wadies,
38 pounds Hoop loon,
tilde Harness Matter,
Eheeta-Suid Paper.
.3 lea CurrtnieV.
• 'B, C.187',