The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 12, 1866, Image 4

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    ;Ehe Tittdrittlit 6aketiO.
1 - 11,11iLLY, JANUARY 12, ISD3
"t'arrtral—aEd Departure •of Trains.
• - remoseordir cotiiral Railroad.
otadwmdErp . a64o6.miaWaiA . otcom'ali;;; - ,am
'. .-1 3 r114; £Ws.reTs..f..lr2l4p % .,.1 11 ' 1c2r.ft -c e 6 o n :: 14it
s:41.11 6.39 ant erlitraontExp's 1:23 pm .
r x t .12 , t, a m :Ay:all Acc0m......1.e
1-143.1 M 2 IACrODI •1 110.FI;Ft'AP E ACVnt . . erg ft
Id 4 . 3:CO p m Altoona ftccOm. -
. Tfio ;tin:o; (min' ea I A
I rAis Tr Vall -' l,. P e.4 ' :
. amnday at 9.4,a reacja.l2g. Icavta rlttabargla - at .
Pittobttrgh. Columbus and Cincinnati.
Cut Lim "'La a ra Va.: Liao. .....-..
Nall &al am m
I.a.presa " pax F.xprma "'M.:: aas
rteuDenF/iie ACS attutam•tile
comnsoatatiou lAopm commactation -10:10 am
Irittabatrigh ft. Wayne and Chicago.
/nods. Arricdi
Express ....:«... 3AI a in ...... 2:03 a m
I.xpreta ...... ilSoi pm Kapp:as 9,13 p m
• .I ` ite -"
5:12 p
.4141,0 i Areoultaodattokr, ;etre. Allealmai
tpa t t i 4ahm,11.69"..,.,
teuZi, P. "
Pittstarrati,Cleselssail and Wheogitg.
Departs. Arrims.
1. - provnak. 3.53 P a
.2.5 D p F.sprcss...... a - 13P a
.-1411" " s ham I.:Nprc". 239 m
Stcabcn,i iteCOaampelaLloa leave Allegheny at.
210 p. m.
POI ' , burgh and Connelsville,
Drurris. • Arritte.
3 . . 1 M , . ----'
7 . .tr. a m.M.‘u . 6,(P .
4 . : 3 prr“ 3;00 p m E %pre .4 . .. . .. ....IMP a P
1.4 dltlitt.port..UON e ret.t liciit,Oort. • o : s ' , P P ,
PI • ... 6:1,3 a 1;12.1
illleatieny Valley Railroad. ,
Departs. drricu.
:31311 6;43 a 63 _ _ 3 ,rp
3 .pr;344 . A...... Gab m ili Il"" 31:60 aln
6:10 a m
Voortr.o . Ozttos. I:4C p 1.1 Acromtneuistfotr 9;03 a m
ittoborrn, end Erie Railroad, to Oil
City and Franklin.
No. 40 nr A
71 . 0 1, raj No.= Ex Dr proes...
eiM a in
Vta. ritt.tourgO, Fo
Beaver rt
Voley Voprie andtadtago, and
. ,_ .
rimlrnivritio Coat—. Grant and Water Sts.
Ar' 4 ". . - DC1)01..
7:COer 4{o 11 I
ra S:CO am COO, m
IlitirtnOlor Stre.Te; St. 4L'lntr,St.
Arrives. 7,44 net.
m.I . - COQ a. Ist.
Railer tage-..1i0. 6 St. Clair Street.
-4PiPV,P I • Rril,,,Pr4.
. JAMEN DAM & 60*IPIPbpeletors.
4 )M1,111A7 0 8E8 AND cArdittinStantist for all
1 1 :44:321A rkmi
pru,Sl DAT AN ADIf •
Stanchester Street Hallway
-I:.hat the Pittsburgh and llmachester street
vars are a great public convenience, nooneivhci
ims occasion to use them will. gainsay?' Some
people, it is tree, are disposed to find emit
with the tnanagemt oftbe rerd, aced Ink‘the
desescsorpMrdthis wad that ; but as these
faulbtluderscsnrA be supposed to understand
4 11 e,Pritetical managementof screed railways,
nor the didicultles width have for the past two
oillreeryears environed them, their coin
. plaints and suggestious are of little eiteight.
One Of the main causes of complaint tv . that the
Company charge seven-rods now instead of flit
. ..hentisalierettifere. The legislation which au.
;-:." - ibetiCei the company to charge seven cents
was procured to save the , company
front. titter- bankruptcy, and had it not
hived been secured, it is probable
tbehto-day there would not have been a car
. :lower , ' road to Mauches.
ler. And as the law anteelirtag the
~. corn ptuty,
to charge seven cents has but little , ett: on • •
year to run—after which half a dime will car:
ry a passenger to Manchester, as is days of
yOre--the public ran well afford to pay the ex
. tea eltargctfor that brief spaced: time. It has
• been our privilege to travel over thi;k.road for
the.Plkstnine ge;watier•mtweest dathy, and we
have always found the drivers sober, rompe
d attentive to their duties. True, for
e aphrxea street route was la a bad
e - tecili, caused t une i t s d ef March last,
hut ettbepresent
Henryd running or
' %le, awl tt lii*stice to 'FI Irwin kisq.,
President f att,„3*. fie,y that hi
*dawn great c and energy In its manage
- meet. • .
In a. few tiers there will be an election for a
new lioardg . rumor has It that •
important alegblfe7Tee thlanagentent of the
medlar° contetapiatlon. • Among these
, changes Fe have beard the putting on of new
and. superior ears—for which the traveling
=_: community will e,ortlMlly thmik.the new, man,
agemenb-and thb changiret. ofe the line.s, by
Making - the °lower+ , insteati Of the . .upper
' =the' route to Manchester. In support of this
'ellaffgeftr'ft afgeetrlatatto Rebecca street,
route Is More direct and of easier ;grade; that '
, It is not necessary nt present to ems the pres.
• ent number of tars beyond the neighborhood
C the Penitentiary, and that a greater num
-, bet should be put on the Rebecca stfect. route. '
HoWever,let matters go as they will, we feel
• allured tliat the management of the road will
de all tbat Is In their power to subservo the
• bef.t inte,rests of the traveling public. Mr.
)rwin las made an eleleat and faithful officer.
andakArigiLltabe relieved of hit re:poi:Liable
• duties, may his mantle fall on the shoulders of
dtssepside a-man attie.
• life Along the Lowly.
An. incident M • ee ander our : notir;e a few
.eveiii4galgO, - Watch we deem worthy of publi
vatian. A.-little girl, eight er ten yearn of age,
thinly chidp entered the bar-rotan of the El
• 'lltirado saloon, one of the recent piercing cold
Algid; andjtimidly accosted three gentlemen
with the usual request, "Please give me five
•ecints to' bay breed for my mother and little
~ brothers who are at home suffering," Colonel
1"., 'of - Clarion county, declared that no child—
lintfosburernot—lhould appeal to him for alms,
particularly on so cold a night, in vain, and
handed' the little :Thar twenty '- live cents.
'friend gave - her mime, and-the third, ,a
Captain, called, her to him and gave' her ten
rents; with. the offer of a' fifty cent eerlp
tieeaar%if she would kiss him. The offer wan
ageltr . tutd - again vepeated. hat tempting en it
was,tthe innate modesty of the embryo woman,
...4,tatthloeHlerteettleetAtte•bribeiancishe depart
sedamid the planditsof all right-minded men
Preflaa_tew§3lClla sense of modesty la one no
young,ls worthy of notice, and as she treads
the path oflLfe mny it eve r e present with her.
Library Association.
up to time, " 3fr
lattiongh not exactly,
yandenhoff gave a reading befowthe Mer
soclation In Lafalidte flail
last evening. The-evening was one of the
nest ItnrabaSant of the seanoit; but notwith
nuutding•the ineletneney of the weather, and
the — cliaJoulrl • rodothb.t.loir, the Hall was
'densely- crowcted. Mr. Vandenhotrs render-
AnPl werela his usual brilliant and fa4elnatin
ntyle, mart Were duly llPPeeclated by the and
,„ Bee% Hoary: Ward Beecher will lectnee
. lore the Association on the 6th and ith of Fob
-111(76-R1,14;i-°"1,7e1".ef 'v iii ,flake
here s ecured tile.
Arrangethe z rita for secured seats.
. 7. s ai u
AC alneeting.Of MO. 1/11Telors of the Board
~...atlsTradietlißilrJannary 9, it was
.BewOrrecf' That a meeting of ott members of
:-the.Board of Trade be called by the Presl
'dent or the Board, for &Stanley afternoon, at
oclock, to consider the propriety - of reopen
- ;toga Daily Bluuage. and taking such measures
will promote Its success.
‘' aceordance I
the ntr,n: tibia of the
;:abOve resolution the meeting: eiil be' held nt
the Mae and place above mentioned.
• .
doing- Niediact , day
'ulgtiV Ot, yestertlay --morning, tha dram
'• item 01. W- eumeascrr to F. Boll;
in'.:Webt Manchester, Sitt.S broken into
the safe Opened, add about thirteen hundred
dollat6 in money-and a gold watch and shah
(the _Pkonorty of Col; 'Carr, the owner of the
building) taken out and carried off.. (We thou
eargi•end afty-two dollars of the money was In.
tu .......greenbaoks e and rittsburghrbank notee h l i ggl
ale y d
The wateltwa3 a ;arable on 4oe, id%
• . gold 111a1;.•yest chain with hook.
Sitattsali-a Vwas arranged thai; on Salim
day. there would be - grand slating Proms.
widest Central Petit, but we are very much
:,..afrald that the present soft weather will-inter
: ilr= "l 4:47y,=W;at e tua m t= i lit i oly e
for two , weeklf..ordolneneing ,on -the drnt o.f
'Febtai will give her undivided atter!,
• L,' ttoitMettstruCtion Of the Yenng -lady Pa•
arena of the ?ark, in - the - exhillarnung , art of
;':.skating.- For the present however; skating is
abeat wound up everywhere in this Vicinity.
: "Litiesrintro p o ' n
'Le hearing r a Wm.
'..:llertunext,.eharTed 'with burg h
..,felcmconsle entered, the Fiat an2 - W,7 .. atoi n o l t
Mn.Avm.•bou tars , on Wood street, and ab•
I.btructed therefrom a largo quantity. of val
. ~1310,:elnyr and Ir r l i at c h z. waa ha v e come o ff
' C r .:feat reasong •lanWrsuch ti P rge rtk i l e a d irigril
yotild set'forlhe examination. I,a the mean.:
.4'll-14eriePTI:°!4-4--kePlnthe Watch house.
-...,,,101141;;011ica....730hbed.-,-Tho coal office of.
IrbarleaW,ArtnatrOng, at Two 311le Itua , wa9
erea Ott -Wednesday night and robbed or
„Imo go.l.gowder wan plaeod In the lock of Ow
. .rare,ll32 means of widetrthe door wal forced
`arid tb boot)' attained. No arrante hove been
- , ,
. ,
-' " Opel so I.but thoset!oidj_ng 1:11 iti
p t, at the eSeCtlitiOno will entor the
4 -.11 6b6 0 - rem e ' bait oust , twelve o'clocklant res .
wup present phems r
" ' '' ' a:t e tkeTift. - it -7° - street sm . atkow . th_cir po
Ittepaisttlen: of the Bodies` of Use liar
(Over s. , — Atter the execution ant Istarschall
.'..s-:non.l'reclM3l,r;;Dei-An4 trill takeehargo Mille
.; . bongior ?wax, non xesc.tlett it Alsmtlyin
', - terretie4l% 44412-tectinil, will bo banded
oyez'. ...,e - tte, trite wi ll !st ttand to US scud:-
..k.:- . , ± ;ui ,.....,...L.' in.:=._:7 - . .--r. .
. - ring of theltar.—There rstilbe A meek
of the, =embus"' of the rittabutghAnt on
• ... se ay altenaemi at tbfee.oSeeleek.= the
- '' DlM:riet Coed room, to its 'resolutions zn-xe—
'l,' PALMA -111.theettattret- p-Pittunootr, Eral,
Ilie CI the pAr.Or 1414 Git .
Ailegteetty. enumetlit—The Ar.emell
-Irortt:—The Financial . GemUttens% the
Ci ty — lnterestkag.litallstreL, etv
rpeciil Melling - of Allegtieny(7 , 3unrila nr,
held on Thursday evening, litnunry MIL
la &lee: rre'stnt,Mesars. AtArell,lrwrin,
ler, Mcßrier, E. Riddle, Geo. It. Riddle, Amish
Tho Mae, Wright and PreAldeut Mar3/111:',.
The chair auinnitted the reaignntlon of Sin .
Thomas N. Miller, which of motion was ac:
eepted. •
7dr. Atwell presented the =onol report of;
the CllTRoutroller, R. R. Frdneis, Earl., as 1014
low*: .
To fhe Honore?* the Select and COM MOrt Coup Vie'
GrSvt.h.ters I herewith submit a statement.
of-the revenues and expenditares of the city
for the year ending December 315t.,1545, the in
leblednes. of the eltAuad the amount,due
I he ray. •
The e pendttures for the year have been—
Intertst $35,432 1 ,
Second yaythent on Water Works—. 2,000 00
BIM Payable 25,00:0 00
drainer)* Xxpendltures 115,053 37
sa..Tbe Revenues have been—
Cosh in Treas9r7 nt date of Anal
tors report • 7,775 21,
717113 , Dues paid, 1845 43,376 77
Water rents, r " 43,781 96
Itußincifs tax , ' - 3,68735
Water rents, pet. meters lopois
araler rents for 1964 2,033 60
.. 77 , new boildings,•l963, 533 98
156telz -taxes from Want Collectors.... 77,687 ed
'Paxesilem Ward Collectors for 1995.. 1,333 67
Diamond scale r s 1,62.5 98
. -
.c. i fplll Tarr slates ^ 691 08
77...7 .. •
irereTelireliseg - 7' 2:62.3 61
tines, forfeitures and licenses 1299 %
sale of ferrules eta 50
Wharves and landings 1,L57 00
Measuring boards 03 '53
Inspection of Salt 35 05
, Ground rents 2,47) 25
AL 1..• W_J. C. Us n. Co. rigbt of way . 3,24 X. 00
r.Y. Al. &Ulu!, 3'. A. Co 111 75
rdous bag assessments, Tremont st 1,031 61
t4nt o e f d. l . c c . s r it Ofllee .ooo; a c ilMl eo.ited..
,m, 5: . L4 00
StmdrieS 3....7 06
Total reeelpta A17G,318 .10
IC Tao Indebtedness of the city Is o follows;
Railroad bonds 6 4 per cent. tnterett • , itvg,cloo 00
o Il .1,o:0 00
.' • : , itlial " • 6 " d 420, Lll 47
,„ Total fund . Th'eVl'.. for
BondAo A..ll.3l'Quewart,
Water wdrks lot - ' $4,000 00
inter e st o n
l P omeS tfebnnla. I,W GO
a 4
4 Due on Seminary property. 1,030 00
411110 payable 30,000 00
aDutstanding warrants 433 17
Unpaid claims 0,391 67
Salaries Ate -- -3,130 a) 6417433 63
Taal" indebtedness •• a5a1.,740 30
The amounts due the city on to duplicates
fey isdi and 1563, water rents, 41. e., 'at the close
nor the year, foot up5:0,661 e).
. The repOrt was -accepted and referred bath
to the Coulthiker, to be published in pamphlet
fqxprwrith the other annual reports.
Mr. Wright presented the report of the Core-
Millets on Water for 1165, Setting forth the
=*expended in making permanent Ire
lents, also a full and statistical report
of the Water Assessor. The Committee state
that under the management of the Superin
tendent, W. D. Faulkner, the works aro in
complete order, and give assurance that" for years to come their capacity will amply 'sup
ply the eltitens with an abundance of water.
Accompanying the above reportwas the
annual report of Mr. A. Davis, the *ate r As
sessor,'which we give .
To the Honorable; the &red end Comma's Coins
cite of the City_of,Alkgheny ;
Grassi:rams—The annual assessments of the
rates to bee
i Val for water for the year eons
„mcnettig4 ,1805,.1.s pot fully enmpleted,
owing to the trodnetion of water meters on
many of the manufacturing establlthmerits
throughout the city and vicinity; and as the
assessments on these establishments is made
quarterly by the Superintendent of the
Water Works, and the assessments for
building'. purposes is not completed, I am
rot prepared at this date to report the
amount of the assessment in full for the year,
but will apprOximate as near as can be--and, if
desired by Councils, the aggregate amount can
be given at an early date in April, 101. By re
ferring to last years _report, It may be seen,
the amount then reported was S. - 06,418.15, which
ss - sn not in full for the year owing to the same
cause as above stated: When the last quarter
of the meters was taken for the year PSI,
there was a surplus of.criLBl over what It was
then averaged at and 6 pBZ 6 for *stet used in
new buildings .over what was then' reported,
v.whieli..mes 61,050 M of a surplus. This added
10c5 ti elt 5 ar i . d4lCinteigi z to s t t h a e l l' ,. o a r te t r ho m y e -vr r
system is in use there cannot be a' correct re
port given of: tile assessments instil: after the
that of April in each and es - ery
Gentlemen, I take pleasure in stating that
the Increase trora water rents for-the year MIS,
has far exceeded my expectation. Theamount
of the rates assessed in the first. and second as
sessments,extdustre Of the meters and other
Items of assessments, Is 555,4.= 45. Assess
ments on meters up to last of December, 1915„
were 610,467 ESS, averaging'the present quarter
by the formerohe, is e.xrA 06, making 413,051 IL
ssessmentaforbuildingpurposes, 03. lint
ecanpleted, three permits for using hose, $13,00._
Assessments on water-carts, 1120,0). These us..
sessments when footed up, would be ,511 05537
snaking an therms!) of M 4,3.96 53 over last year,
The following is a detailed report of the as
sessments made in Allegheny City and vicini
ty, on the various establishments and dwel
lings using hydrant water. exclusive of the
water meters, the number of dwellings and
manufacturing establishments in the city not
supplied with water, and the number of new
buildings erected dining the past year
The assesmentis as follows - I
4. 3 31 Dwellings - par 412,101 01
331 Dwellings with stores attached... 5,X11
ice Stores and ndtcrs separate from
lay 511seellaneolui
16 Public and private schools
3 Seminaries
75 Churches iron halls
1 House - of Industry - • - oo
1 Cotton. Mill la) to
5 Sawn:dila.-- ns3 oo
5 Planing door Wad. sash MT 01)
4 Foundries ' oo
-2 Floor Mills IS3
Oil Stills and White Lead Manufac.
(Grief. V* 00
4 DYO.• Lipase* - 51 00
. I Bruatr k'actory " ' • • " ' .• 40 00.
I Allegheny Union skating Park.. aro3 00
V./ I:Warding • Houses M 3 051
5 Machine. Shops . 193 00
I Bellows Factory and Tannery at
tacht9l....., ............. .• '
s . 7annFrlo4 • • '
8 Turning an s
ablnet shop.
9 Brencries and Beer Huns attach
e 2 Taverns runt Baer Halls—
a Taverns and Catlin Yards
. . .
-9 Cattle sad nog_ yards
Slau gb teem g noose,
6 Livery Stableo
Railway Station
Soap and candle factories
Bakeries • '
- ..... • -
'Bridges •
Barber shops
Artists •••
Rectifying estohilsissnents
Vinegar factories
Spike and Bolt manufactories
Brick Yard
trri Borten, Buggies and Carrlige4,. -
not Including livery stables.... 087 00
1M Cows - 104
114 licoe for utreetfirand nartnnents... SOO 00
358,4:V 56
First ward and Alsuiellester $1.2,1:72 Gi
Second ward dud .11 , (Ture township... P 2,411 46
Third ward and Reserve towmdlip.... 1.5,550 fe.
Fourth ward and JANnesne borough.. 18,011. 50
Total 6 3, , 4 53 Zal
Tii6 following are the a:amassment, made on
Tho•weter meters up to thu lust of December,
I' 1 itellrond Depotl,l27 Pi
- ' , Plinth: 1.41,0 n 937 04
19 Tannertei endue° Plue'ructory,;. 2,017 40
2 Ilieweile and beer 110110 nttneneo - 1,019 22
I rept Tool Factory 192:44
0 Cotton anlliWoolen - 311110. /,Ont 03
1 Livery Flable 00 22
I Rolling 11111 43 69
Voundrle. 00 50
1.,110ar 31.111,.., . l4l 31
- 1 .Gps il v orks.. .. ' . ..... - 1TA...1
Atelngt of th e p List giftti•tereni me_
tees is :XS %
.Asecement for , building pulp:1002 nyl
comigete, •
.. ‘ 221 ss
• Three permits for esinkliode, _ , 7 12 ao
: Assessments onwnter.carts, - .9100 . . ,
- The number of filw , ( ll, '9 nOtr.istrindied with
water from theworks is GAM, beinganincrease •
over last y ear'of 15 familia:it, In 185 t the re were .
forty-I.w° dwcilinge, threesaw-mills, one' lead'
' factory, One turning shop, mid Mips teel works;
nMupplled.witli city water; there yet remains .
thirty-two dwellings, three caw mhls, cad lead
factory, one turning Mop, and explostml mros/49
tuumpplled with city water. .
• The greater portion of-these houses p are 10.
: owed in the irat and Second Wards. _ During.
the past year itinotYhOw.balldirs have been,'
°reefed In the city, at a cost of 3040, apppy,k.
tinned as foll4wsj Tired wartUT alarteen
end ward, twenty-nine; Third ward,: irtyc.
'ATM: Fourth Whrd' twelve ' 01 this minter
sixty were dwellings. About ono-half of thfic
now dwellings have been completed, and ate'-
tenanted tbgremalnderwlll belintabed in the . :
spring: Therahtm abgl keen considerable en
larging, refitting ...and altering _going on
thronghoat the eiti, which does not appear in
the above list: The 'greater portion of the.
new dwellings were of medium [deo, and of
that class In such -general demand dint Ave
times the number might be rented?
The city of Allegheny need, some four hon. ,
dred dwellings more 133 order to acoommodatei.
its. present, populathin.. Will not capitalists
tnvest, this coining season; In creating mita.,
hie blocks of bongoes° that, the many who de-:
sire to obtaina comfortable dwelling may be
accoMmodateal The eityisgradUallyinereme.
leg in population andlinudings, and with pro;
per care andattentiori to; the assessments, it
corresponding Increase - May bo expected
the revenilee front water rents. ,
Gentlemen, in closing up my
'llona:at theena at another year, p erm i t ., u ,
'return you my sincere thankS for the uniform
confidence and trust reposed: to vie during the;
period I have occupied the Wilco Of Water As,
All of which is - respectfully submitted. -
A. Dwm
Mr- B.lllddlepre,sented therepart of the Mai.'
ket Commifsioners, from which we learn that
all indebtedness ow-amount of the Dark
, IlOnse and City iladi has been' paid, and that
balance remains in the hands ot?.he Treasurer
of 51,516.77. The cost of the improvomtPita
thus fur has been. sG3,ll44 T ,whiett has been
met by; rents and bonnets. ne 1T114111{114 fp.
:von e providing of alMitional seem for the
accommodation D theie bringing produce to
market, as well as the fencing and ornament-
Ina_ of the unoccupied This city. .".
..Hr. Areal-moved t,hatthersseommendations
Of' tho Committee be enders:ed.. _
On motion of ,klr,Myler; the matter was re.
furred to the nor Counella.
31r. Wright ..preeenied the 1111'11A1 rooit of
tho (enmities On fitiroeta..- We learn frOm the.
report, that Since the : enactment of the WS I
of Imams as tho grading andisaving law,
there-has been graded and Payed Ofatreels,,,
Venues and alleyv, t ctl mmgtWentikaYe miles,
at a eo..t. to V,. p:operi.7-f-old. , sod the 42.7
of 0.1.74006.7°., Of which pc 009. T has been to:
eted Sad paid - orer to , -tho proper parties,
teat - tag a bitianOcr duo of /Mpg.% Beildes this
•,.mount, the Soree t pi re nnuntx.ilonerlaricipilecto4
on old claims the bof .I)l,en.Cl. Tar re p "! t
asortgtow thin gra lying exhibit to thy care ,n 1
energy Of .Mr. A. Itoeson.t.trent Comm 'J.: 0 nor,
vita with the limited means at his dlioa,ll.
has Lept the streeta an itA good
was possible under the ertfutnstaneee
The annual report. were referred to the Con,
troller for publication.
-r Mr. Atwell - aubm4ted the foilwing, whirr:if
OR onnniarlinly _
ReW4ted, last the Lana. of thi' Connell arc
*hereby tendered .to our worthy President;
Jame, , Tearahall, net., for the earysaust,etory
manner in which he presided over our deliberf
ationa during the,paat
To Banal Alsvfarrm, Esq., bareourteous,
faithful an , 1 correct Cterk,for his rateable a n
efficient eerwteon during. tSurpast year.
To the geportero of the l ox :le and Lfirperef..
for their correct and cittlsfaCtOry report. of
our proeeedingC, and•TOr tbelr etlttrteons and
gentlemalgy treatment of the Member.: of
tne CouneT.a.
Counalltdjall22lo4 in die.
coxXotr • eocNer
members preseht—hteazia. Be: ❑cy, 1,11 gltth",
074,175 0
kinler. , Pafthrsoll,- Babb, Wm. smith, .7: Fr.
EMith, r Torrecce, Thompson nod President
The inbantes et the lan regialarmecting went.
read and approved.
Mr. English presented a majority and minors.
Ity report from the special. committee apt
pointed to Confer With the °dicers of the West
Fennsylvania Railroad Company, together
with ordinances from each part of the com
mittee: The majority report, signed by
Messrs. John A. 'Eyler, If . McNeil and Geo. h.
Miller, recommended the adoption of the fol
lowing conditions:
flax the change in the grades of the streets
Shall he made at the expense rd the railroad
einnfouny, that the company shall construct a
sower from Anderson street to Federal
street at their own expense, or in lien thereof,
shall pay annually to the city the sum 0fg2,000.
The minority report, signed by Messrs. Henry
Irwin and A. li. English. recommended that
the company be required to make the changes
In the grade of said streets, and re-grade and
repave them at their own expense; that the
company shall give the city the right to con
struct a sewer or sewers in the bed of the canal
from AndeniOn Street to Allegheny river at
at thy Outlet lock; that the company shall Ole
o satisfactory bond with the Controller, condi
tioned for the payment to the city for the use
of parties sustaining damages by the erection
of said sewer.
On motion of Mr. Miller both reports were
Mr. Patterson Moved that the majority re
port and the actompanying doctirnenti
Considerable disenssion ensued, when a tall
for tho;yeaa and slays was made, resulted In
tho adOption of the minority report by the
following cote:
Yeas—Mossrs. Benncy, Falhauber, Hanna,
Mcliell, Patterson, ltobb and President
Naps—Mesers English, Mall, McDonald, Wm.
Smith J. h. smith, Torrence and Thompson—l. Theordinance reported by the majority of
the Committee was then read 'three tittles and
passed. S. C. non-concurred, and referred or
dinance to next Council. L. C. receded from
formers:Mimi and concurred with s. C.
Mr. Bennet' presented a report from the Com
mittee on Engines. The report states that
the Fire Department of the city is in excellent
condition, and that the steamers and hose
companies have been supplied with new and
serviceable hose. The report was accepted'and
referred to the Comptroller for publication
with the city accounts.
On motion the rules were suspended, when
Mr. Beaney offered an ordinance granting the
privilege to erect wooden buildings in certain
Mr. English offered an tlinewiment providing
Tor tbeansponsiOu of the frame-building ordi
nance for ',period of one year. Mr. E. stated
that it was a matter of necessity to suspend
the ordinance at the present time, isover four
hundred (smiles were suffering from want of
suitable accommodations.
..... .
.111 r. Mc:fel thought there should be some
limit to the erection of frame buildings.
The ordinance was read a second time, sad
laid over under the rules.
• .
Bewley offered the &Mowing, which was
unardmonsly adopted :
Ih:rotted, That the City Solicitor be and ho lv
heaeby instructed to prepare a bill to he pro
herded to the Legislature, conferrhig upon the
city of Allegheny the power to elect the May
or and Common Councilmen to serve for two
years, one-half the Councilmen to be elected
each Year. Select Council non-concurred, and
referred to now Conucils.
On motion adjourned sine die.
Oran,. Doren—This evening Mr. Frank
Drew takes a benefit, on which occasion will
be presented the great two act. dranutentitied
"Sliirre Na-Non," after which the operatic ver
sion of "Camille," Mr. Drew ac "lier-On," the
whole to conclude with the amusing buriettu
o:Jc:trip Lind.
TILEATC.E.—Miss Matilda Herron will take a
benefit at the Theatre this evening, on which
occasion she will appear as "Math'lda," ha the
"Lone Chateau," and "Zubena," In “Honey
Captain William &red.—Should the in
coming Mayor deem it his duty to displace
Mr. Reed from his present position as Captain
of the night pollee he will have remoted nn
old, faithful and competent officer—one whom
we know the "locals". will part with reluctant
ly. bas kept hotel for a long time,
and visa. general thing rendered entire
sotisfactirm to hLstruests and tho "public, and
should the fates compel him to retire to the
shades of private life, we trast his anceesaor
may be z' efficient an officer and accommo
dating a gentleman.
Illegal Lague, information
was made by Barry .7. Wood yesterday morn
if 'before Alderman Strain. against, John
Walls, the keeper of a saloon on Liberty
streets, charging him with pelting liqaor
out license.
494 03
753 00
84 00
Bassett yesterday
morning appeared before Alderman strain
and preferred an information charging one
Dangerfleld with adultery with her
(M.. B.'s) husband.
PoserSlow.—A warrant was Issued rester ,
Jay monalug by Alderrans Strain, on oath of
Margaret Howard, for .the arrest of hos lau
band Tbomas Howard, charged with desertion.
Laireeny.--4untlee James IL Berry, of Mc
Licesport, yesterday morning committed a
woman named Anita Small to the county mi.
on on a chum, of larceny, to answer at Court.
Rkattng.—The sudden change in the weath
er has somewhat Interfered with the skating
amusements or the Union and Central Parka
But there to a pod time coming.
133 CO
131 00
33.7 00
GO 00
0,910 00
40 00
490 CO
212 00
345 00
110 Co
134 00
1 0 1 00
147 Ce
GO 00
Singular and Madden Death.
On Monday night, Mr. F. Maurer, who keeps
a saloon, No. 17 St. Clair street, came to his
death in a very sudden and in a very - remark
able manner. 'At about nine o'clock In the
evening, Mr. Maurer was standing behind .his
bar, talking with SQllll3friehls, while be rested
his left foot upon a chair. Ills attention was
attracted by a sound; as of water being poured
ripen the floor: At first he thought one of ids
ale barrels was leaking, brain a moment saw
that the noise was occasioned by blood minding
rapidly from an old sore in his leg, and endeav
ored to staunch the blood, but in vain. So
rapid was the bleeding, that when Dr. Warner,
who bad been summoned, came In, the sufferer
had swooned and was evidently m a dying eon.
Dr.W. soon' succeeded in checking the
hemorrhage. Dr. Shaw who bud also been
called, soon came in, bu d united efforts of
the two gentlemen were not sufflelont to gave'
the mans life, and be died in a very short time
after the bleeding commenced. Sir. Maurer
hail been troubled for years with an ulcerated
leg, and the ulcer had fluidly eaten through to
the tibial artery, below the knee. Ills consti
tution was very much broken down, otherwise
In . . Warner Is of the opinion' he might have
withstood own as great a loss of blood as lie
sustained. The deceased was a German about
thirty.flve years of age. Ile 101...1 a wife, but
no children. Ills only child, n little bey, was;
drowned last stammer.
2,8 00
'Allegheny Mayor'a Offiem—During the
time of the nro in Allegheny, last night, az=
named liennedy tricilto raise a disturbanee at
the-Hope Engine House. • He was arrested by
officers bmlth and Green, and lodged in the
tombs, Where be metered a night's Imprison
ment.- 'filchers Trautman, fonnerly a police
Officer In Duquesno borough, was arrested by
officer Belatein, et abate twin., on acharge or
disorderly conduct. Nicholas was flourieting
a knife, while defending himself from other
parties, with whom be luals. controversy rea
lty° to• thepayment of a bar bill. lic was Ms-
Vhiginvg' -
.flrownoirUte.—On Thuraday
morning text, the store of J. ii Morph)+, to
Proattaville, Payette =linty, wag entered and
robbed or a email AiIIIL money which bad
the drawer,-,The Olaf hloi pro.
eurdda key, `with,willehqur opened the front
.Iloor; = .and is the morning when the clerk
'went , teswit the atere, ,
fonwl the key in
'the door.,,Oabpcntng the door ho was met by..
:;thog,hlerrwlteottickly,knooked him down and
madab capape, 'it not. yet ero
to recog ia niepthitfaCe O f
the burglar,light Malt
but sue
platen -bpon I certain party who Will be
'.close)/ ITatelled hereafter;
-'4lletiltAnegbeet.—dbOnt twelve o'clock
lastriight, a ere bro ' out, in a cooper ahoy,
owned by a man named Cooper, located on
Third street, Yourth.ward,Alleglarny. Flametr
were 'dtatovered by the night watch, homing
tramtbe baddlng,but a good Bubbly of water
bang at hand, the tire was elabdtted.
Tbegope and Columbia colayanle4 were, on
thogrecand.. :Lou q
riantlaiaititariaiteadlogs.—qtr Vandintioil
bill give a rtudlng bolero tbo leoponthe
brarq aasotlattonlO Laftlyettol l a nib even
-Thohntertatement-willuausist of comic,.
.ttugla, an melodramatic: totleotlotts, which
-wilt suit the varied tastoStft the largo auth
once which will no douhk, ttaprenont.
Wo understand that engagements elsewhere
:win prevent M. Vandenisogirem giving more
than ono readltsZut , tbls Limo.
Not Vorrat„...Tlie irtateraent in reference
=to-Mrs , • rich haring been found nearly
trot .• . night or two since, it wholly untrue,
Clan upon reliable authgrity. There
• •
• • all= whatever for the statement- We
ay state, in this connection, that the amount
or money taken from Mr. Dietrich was not
65;007, as stated, but only about 0,000.
19nrely of the Peace.—E. De Roy appeared
yesterday before Alderpaan Strain, and made
information against J. S. Eagan and wife,
Charging , them with .tudng „threatening and
abusive language towards him, and threaten,
lag to opleirle Wm.". The defendants were re
quired to give ball for a furthar hearing, to
come Qtr on Saturday Morning. .
Firma National Musk 44,A71egben7.—The
rol lowing, panted gentlemen have been ()Meted
Directors of Ohs bank for thennsubs , Yettty,
lleein, O. C. Boyle,. 11. MDaels, gr Hob.
son, John Tboalpson, (Allegheny) WEL Mir
baugb 11$nry ci t rrig, ODA Doan, 11. D. Oa-
The ChUdensne-4 yolsonere, hiSrschall and
14i - 4Le, rill be oirea , rl to-marrow, 811 the
aecesaary preparation , io t.. it col beetog
tecocomplcted. b.nd an interview
with his wife one lose chl.4rro to-day, a n 1 the
scene was uou.pially painful. It id not p‘nba•
Lie that, sire will he permitted to se. , him agar:,
titningeany appear, she ham
exprece. a desire to with., tne cheettrua
After sae had left the cell of her husband, bad
00 reaching the fatior's office, from the win.
dos or whiCil the scaffold coo be seen, ohe held
her children op to the Window, and pointing
them to the gallows, said "There to where
yOur father will be hanged td-morrow
/ier grief seems to be of the met
poignant chstacter; and she Sets ni
though _her reason hat been almost dethroned;
It is asid that she is wholly unquialitled foe
work, and that she La depe.n,o,,, upon the
charity of her neighbors for the necessarlesot
life. Mar:hall is not so firm as lie.has been,
alid it Id thought that he will not meet deatit
with that coolness which eras anticipate& lie
still cats his meats with eoasiderable
and - seemed to sleep well Lyst nights lie ex,.
pressed a death this afternoon to be( nhavodi
nod bare his hat dreased. which was graet.ed,
• lcrecke L mere set.oceisperaed than he bait
linen for several daytt, and anys he is ready to
die at any time. While taking hi, iteettatomett
walk in the ball to-day, le he the curiosity to
visit the side door leading to the yard, from
which a portion of the gallows can be Rena.
lie looked on the terrible instrument :at death,
and turning to a companion said : "That Is all
nousense- There was no use going to the ec
pease to build a scaffold. Why don they take
me out Into the yard and shoot mai f am
ready to die, and will bare my breast for the
bullet." Isisprincipal riAtor is Itni-Artr,W,,rA.
eel, pastor of the German Lutheran Church,
corner of Grant and atreeti, and It is
that he had succeeded in fully eenvineloir
Mx. Wenzel of Isle Innocence of the murlcr.
The Don:Ono Dobbe.7 — neeeTerT of $BlO
Worth or Goods.
We have already noticed the arrest of a man
In Cincinnati, on suopleion of having robbed
the store of Wm. Douglas, of Weo street, of
a large quantity of furs. Chief ystarted
DI Cincinnati on Tuesday, in company with
Mr. Hall, who to in the employ of Mr. Douglas,
and on arriving there they found that the box
of fors which had been setr.ed by the palace
belonged to Mr. Douglas. The oast-mark, had
all been taken off the goods, except one or
two pierce, but Mr. Hall had no difficulty j r ,
identifying them. teethe box Wad aeletoilne
belongbag to a lady in thin etly,who had left
it with Douglaa repair. The man who
Claimed tho geode gave the name of - William
Hemmer Bpd the boa' bad been consigned
to 0. man name.' S_pellmen, iln Cincinnati,
who is engaged in The queenswitre bitithats.
The be* was accil,sateli, broken open, el, the
depot in Cincinnati, and the contents expo sed.
The filet that the box contained furs, hile
the consignee was engnge.l in the queens ware
trade, created bus - platen, and Spellman was 111.
terrogeted as to whether the box belonged to
him or not. He alleged that ho knew nothing
about the (era, but it was arranged that the
box should go to his store, and that further
developments althuld lbe awaited. After the
box hod been delivered some time,. Ilornman
Called to see about It when he was `arrested—
Chiefßuffin, of Cincinnati, having beard
through Chief Long of the robbery hero. Chief
Long arrived here this morning with Ilernman
in custody. Harriman admits that ha was in
thin city about the time of the robbery, but al
leges he got the box from a man In this city,
also was engaged In the sale of second baud
goods. Ile ha d only seen this man once or
ty, ire, and dots not know hi, name. This Li a
very lame explanation, and there can be no
doubt that he fa either a principal or an acne,.
sOry In the robbery. Ile had on his 'p ers on
thirty-nine dollarS in money, a new pocket
book, and a new gold ring, with a pearl set,
about which ho exlibits considerable anxiety,
alleging that it belongs to a female acquain
tance. As there were two hundred and fitly
dollars stolen from Mr. Douglas, it Is sup
posed that llernmun had a companion in
the robbery, or be would Yuma had
more cash on hand. The pearl set ring may
bare been stolen In this city, and any 0130 has
in g lost an article of tbisdescription can see
it by calling on Chief Long. Herrman e
from Harper's Ferryand La not known to the
police berg. He will 'has e u hearing this after
noon. The goods recovered are worth aboot
aim hundred dollars, twit It not certain that
three comprise all that were stolen.
comErssioN xeßcriAivirs
W. D. PATTZ.1508....A.. 43010 N PIDILELD.Di.
pATTER.SO.I4i, AMMON & C 0..,
- 1 Coat.lstion bleruhaut, FLOUR, CR:UN .I]ll
NI Penn}Urea. ncolVo Building, oppo,ito C.
& P. It. R. Depot.
ALLX. arIIANT.. . atui.
and Pitt/DUCE, Second etraet, between Woad and
hmltheleld, Illttaburastt. ard1:11.
rib MY/Tilt— —4 014,1 . A. 611CITAIE,
Commission Merrhants, and dealers In Forvigo
and Domestic Fruits, Flour, Butter, Cbeese.
Potstues and produce generallv. No. NBLIIIEILTY
STREET, opposite Passonuer isegatt. Pittsborgh.!
A Comm ls.ion hi , rhant, brarcbouse No. Bit
LIBERTY tsTUEET, Pittsburgh, Ps. Wholesale
dealer lb Butter, Cberse. Lard, Eggs, Port, 13.04,
Tallow, Feathers, Brooms, - Polatues.
lay, Dried Fruits, Glynn Fruits, Unions, }'tour,
Grain, Cloven Seeds, Timothy Seeds, Fiat bard..
Guar and Poultry. Particular attention glees to
Produce 'Consignments. null
t . 511: 4 ao L r to
in 0.0 , a nd n
Dealer In Ilonr end Grain, Produce a rotemlgloo
Merchant, No. DI Lthinirr STUElEl'..Dlit.ntdir h.
1 1. 11. J.Aelk.
LITTLE, BA lUD & PAirralN,
linolevale tirocerr, Comnalr , don Illorchanta, and
deaf ors In Protturr, Flour, Aston, Cher.. Fish,
Carbon and I.ard OIL Iron, Nall*, Gls., Cotton
Yarn. and riadb.ritb .rnannfartares generally
113 and 111 Second . Vlttehnratk.
one err ererar
PULP & BIIEPAIiD Commission
Merebant• and dealers In Ilene, Grain and Pre
duce. No,. 2.17 Liberty Ftivet.' Pittsbergb.
Choice brands of Floor for Bakers and
n rOV o l ' !U re rl:t l i2fiiyersol4at.gg4.
ww. f. EILCII 271011. 1(175: .L.
urn. P. HECK & CO., No. 183
Literty street, Pittsburgh, Pa., Wholesale
Gmems, Commi.loniNtrebants and dealers in Coun
try Proderc, Provision. Bacon, Lard, Butler, flu.
Cheee, rish, Lc., Produce, Floor. Gralm Seeds,
Green and Pried Fruits, Se.. halt and Lime. JTIe
A. 1116711,111.1(.11. : - .1.11711117.117 . 7..1CE..-1. L. 0L0L6600 .00
KUCKPATAICIK, ono. & co.
(Surcewars to Joseph Kirkpatrick t tiro.,
Wholesale , dealers in Groceries. Floor. Grain, Pro
Cheese. halt, Nails, Melia And Otis
?los. tal and MLinerty street. Pittsburgh. .13.7.1
D. 00 7I J A. 0.1117.
Commission and Forwarding Merchant., and'
porch...lug agent.. Pa all killtsbargil 31notancturol.
riarehons, No. Vl:Liberty street, Victsburgl,
lecturer. of Lord Ott, and Connnloalon Merchants
for the purchase and tale of Crude an d Refined
troteura,.Nos. G tt and 70 Mater street, Pittsburgh.
Adranees made on Consignments.
.. 7 , slealerliti Groceries Floor, tin„ Wb°leiale
INV",,ZdkV4 jar P"'"".
m Oil, NO, 172 and
"...7 , iltrect. Pitt 0.0,
(Monde Is, !MAD GI:01141: BUCTZGAR.
TIEAD & METZGAIt. Groters and
lid . sslon Merchants, sled desdersisi ail kinds
of Count Froduee and Pittstrargh Idageraetares ,
No. MLA rty Street, opposite bead of AVOW street,
P. ittraita.....4. a. ILICTMEU Int. D. DEPIP4.
'REIMER & BROS" (Succesors to
Selmer it Aodersono Wholesale Dealers 111 For
eign Fruits, Nuts wad Spires, Confectionery, Sagan.
Fireworks; Nos: 1:11sa41113 WOOS Street, above
Fifth, Pittsborgh.
arding and Commission Merchants, fur the sale
of Fl w our, (Frain, Bacon, Lard, Ihitter,Seeds, Dried
Yrnha, and Pr.lnce generally, N 0.16 Market Street,
corner ot First, Plitiborgh, Pa. fer.nty
. chant sad Wholesale Pealer to Ylourand Grain.
No. 374 Libenyststeti opposite Pennsylvania ft. IL
Depot, Pittsburgh, Pa. s to rage Warehouse, corner
Wane BP4 Penn AMOS: ' :• • • no i7.:ty
Ha lUDDLT No. IS3 Liberty 8t
iltapargb. Y.. COMIIIIII4IOp Merchant, and
/). - 4fr In Country Produce, Unwept...and
YlMMlarab 'manufacture. Club advanced on unu
,,lgnmenta, and paid for.Yrsaluco • pat:tally. anM
J. B. Ltc4rrl Jcanr taNDITAT-
J S. LIGGETT & CO., City Flour
-4.l4,lAgkonitt Jl4o.lf,aucl. Adamb orcet.,
AirCapacltl t ioo barrebrverdisy.
innlv I. ZDWAUn
Jour L HOWIE &CO., Wholesale
Grocers and Cotninisaloll Marrhant %
turner u(
MOO ileld and Water streets. Plltsburall
pow. DALZELL & CO, WhOle.
Ealethwers, Cornyptftllon end Forwardlotijel ,
ehnpto nild dPaletattl'rrodure and l'lttaburpr :
ufnetareclAbcrtTottett, Pittlbusich; "
y• ' 0 esa et- -
Grocer,. and Cconnanaloo, Ik[orthann,- Nos. rrz
Wood 144 :23 Liberty &Wet 1. unto las
01 . ' tlirl 1 •
etqxot to James holxdos • r• oad
Join% wArk• '..._ ' Jonit
Wti t relb : tniZlsll l 9l;' -' 7 2 l l ll l e . r . ft f lt
Prppee !liar Phtabors{6, ALanunatsur”, ,o.
cr946lltti, Pltlabargb.. , z
1 - SAIO.I DIGKEN A. CO., Wholesale
t tveitli Commlexiob la.retuans. nod desle4.l4
f1iV,74 . 0 ,. P? WII!!: arekt,
LLVOIGHT. & (Successors
. to G. Grad.> Produce and Contogatton 2•Ier••
obants, ;X Liberty Greet, rttratto Ga.
M. EDGERTON ' _ mol
ale • Grocer and Condaloolos •Meredtant,
Wood etrier, l'lttalturiet Pa..
LwaznEnT, & co
Wholesale Grocers audProdnee -Dealers,
Sixth At et. Plusher • . • • ate
I GARDINEIt copra, Agent
•.• • therranklie, fhltsdelphis and Baltimore ja
r,. CdraPhaihd. North-caff carrier liQUlli,aiad
Third %treas.
"W P. JONES, Agent for the North
Y I • Mnerbink St4to Of r.m.fflVllrilg, and !Wt.
ford /r.UrOn‘' , ' 0mtm.1... WATEB BT/1 T.
geonvE.L. 11E4, tieeretary of the
Z4cwitAlla'Alsitri="runts.C,tm.v.4l7..,COrninr MARX=
ttnVd . riot 9 rafi ll oir/Wea l gey l o . O k to C lis A g i g
son love% b ow to redoeni stravtar companions. &O.
ittV 3I AIIerATI!Vi r R7 , I°,I 4 TEISIM . iol;r1 rife
11/1D Or B R OWN PZRNoId... Eyeff lady shoat(
one Setl!d ghee orenbee lioth
to F. Alr trEAIBLK 1.41 P. note Agentalo. ISM
Cbet (not street, ildladolphla, and roe-aloe return
man, In: e.dled envelope. A. . Sharpahoot r•• wit(
Ova IVCOMPttur et* IW4II
, Bankers and Broilers,
No. 75 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh,
..] 1e31,1,121,11%
a 0..: 1e0..., nen.-rent Sao. Note., For.o.ra
ar..l 1.1•Osogo, roc., etc.
r-e.:lred Par rond. and l'arreney. 17-
rr Une cleoo..,,,Coileetton4 smote
par, of We p
754 .. 111 on' mew. firoreble
L . rl ,, Lt ',ante.? witL eltanateh for reerythlng to
Va.. Nl:gine:ant the Norton. New York
and I'tl,6borgb .r.• Hoard, etrtelly on•cornrefs
6. I rtr r 1 7 : ) 4 . 111.% r l7 4' .* 4..EIC.PYIEFF
h, Lo.troa
61\63115+• AND BROKERS , EDAM)
fly R. 01111,5411, 1: CLEAN & 00. i
TI.ICIISDAT Jan. 11,1/363
Offered. A skrd.
e. 169 01
s. 90 00
O. S. la/ 75
11. S. 10-44'.. 90 Of
U . n. Certlneat, 97 66
Uold 193 00
Allegheny County Elves 7.3
Copneavville Size, 80 25
Pittsburgh Gas Co 90 00
Monongahela Insurance 4:00
Allegheny Valley R.lll. 9 73
Connellsvlllo/1. 11, Stock ....—. 975
C.nnelb,llle lt. lt. note.intera..s 9 54
Monongahela Bridge Company 21 DO
Cltimens National Bank a 04
Exellange National Bank 84 53
M. & 91. National Bank . 56 79
People? National-Hank 104-90
Third Nntional Bank • 14 54
}lnn): Er PittAburgh , 53 00
Flavin Brahma! Bank .. , . ... 111 50
Trtt6 0.111 en a' 44 , .4. - al al Bank... 155 00
Allegheny h 810.-la.rgh OU 350
Cnlnn Lubrie 9
V: Monongahela Bridge Ca '3 C.)
Gold continues to fluctuate between I:l, , Und
Ctt, and there L. no telling which way It wit
turn, up or down, ina the general impression
Feriae to he that It will remain where It Ls
Government Bond• are to fail demand, but
without derided change.
In par loetti etock lnarkti, there is a rather
LOA., fe. ;ing, bat ne Special nttlY l, /. na .k
arc , in active request, but the offerings
are light and the extreme views of holders has
tendency to retard OperatiOns. Citizens Na 7
tional Is wanted at 15:1; Flx.change at . bIL:.; M. ft
N. at BI; Peoples at 104,.5; Third National at
124 , 4; Bunk of Pittibargh at SS; Fourth Na.
Count otTered at 114!, and Tradesmens , at
We have a sale of 'Monongahela Bridge stock
reprlll - d at V.
lu oil shures, there is nothing doing of any
moment. There seem , to be little or no Be
nd for this clam of stoelot, as people, gen
, rally, ore dlyposed to put their money In
go, erument bonds, Lank share., or. omething
not no much Undated, and more reliable than
oil storks.
—Comptroller Clarke, of the currency bu
reau. authorized, last week, the First National
Bunk Of Sedalia, bio„ capital 5100,000, making
the total number of batiks thus for authorized
1627, with an aggregate capital of $405,865,41.3
and elreolatima amounting to 4240,091,50. As
Feeurtly for this amount the Treasury Depar-t
meat hohis bonds worth 5302,430,700, and fortho
ray of moneys deposited on account ofthe
government with National Baulks, 634,54d,w0.
The foll Owing table shows the progress of the
National (looking system since Jan nary, 1564
Date Banks. CapitaL Lirettlation.
January 1 ... 137 1,11,32 , 1,712 5Z),136
April 357 42,0.14474 12,144,e30
July... 401 93,311,913 23,144,630
October 324 99,017,400 31;43,130
January 7. 1.47.3. 05 143,321,380 75,724,513
April 1 973 223, , 46,300 111,634,670
Jul t 1,375 1 1P.441,M.5,(00 146,927,073
J ry 18U;.1 70 408,56/1,043 240,011,563
—The receipts of the government from inter
nal revenue during the past week reached
nearly ten million dollars, making the total
Income of the National Treasury from this
tom co since July 1, 154 the commencement
of the corrent fiscal year, something over
$163,000,t00,0r a weekly average of nearly seven
million dollars, equal to a yearly aggregate of
aX4,000,000. The Washington Chronicle notlo
ing the heavy receipts last week, says
"The receipts from Internal revenue Miring
the past week hare amounted to the enor
mous sum of nearly $10,010,0[0. This increase
over the exhibit of the previous week—.4,67 4 3,-
7716 Gi—is owing to the energy with which the
Officer , of the bureau have prosecuted their
deities In discovering articles which have
hitherto escaped taxation. (me of the great
est suceesses of the reveraie is cOtton. The Sax
paid on this commodity at Macon, Da.,4lnring
the last three months, amounted to 5130,0E0
representing a sale and shipment of 30,000
hales, VSiIIN at 11113,Cee,(11/ in New York. It is
expected that. for the months of January,
February and Womb, the revenues from the
fame iource at the same place will reach more
than 51.,(00,000.
—The Boston Adrertirer says that, *there ap
pears to be but little doubt that the market
value of topper stoecks has listen forsomu time
past, and is at the present time unduly de
pressed. A variety of quite dissimilar causes
hare contributed to this rasult, the most di
rectly operative of which is probably the wild
speculation of 1103, the result of which has
been to unsettle occandenceatultothrow doubt
and discredit, not only upon the worthless
and undeveloped mines which were then put
upon the market, hot also upon_the whole cop
per mining interest. More time, and perhaps
a few dividends :nap be necessary to thorough
ly reconstruct the opinionsolfcapitol late In re
gard to this class of investments; but at the
Present time a better understanding and ful
r appreciation of the actual condition and
prospects of our best working mine" could
scarcely fail to produce a beneficial effect upon
the market quotations."
—The New Fork Trfbenr,Of legneaday nays
"Government Stocks are generally lower en
der the proposition to issue 40 years his per
cents, for the purpose of funding the currency
obligations of the Government as tile .
step 20-
tritrd o.pecie payments. It lanlyett - out from
- Wash i anion that thl% eminently wise and Jn
dleitms Snot yLnent is to he opposed on the
ground that It glees the keeretary too much
power. It glees uo power any honest and sol
vent man will hesitate to see exercised vigor
ously. It does not give power to borrow In
the usual sense, but it does give him facilities
for changing the due bills the Government
forced the people to take in its necessity, for
Its gold-bearing obligations, secured by the
property of the whole nation and the faith of
the Governlnent, making the bestbond known
to investors. If Crowns. would do the labor
of the country and the .olveut trading interest
a stared seryfee, it will pane this bill promptly,
and leave the speculators who have grown [IA
upon the necessities of the Government to
reap the reward of their Schemes."
Jan. IL —2 ears old wheels, 2 ears 01l MAN, A
Malthus; i ear lumber, Hemphill & coy !TITAN
oiI bogs, J Whirly; E do do, J Kirkpatrick &
Bro;170 tails broom handles, McElroy & co; 19
empty bblc , .1 Ithodes; 1 car lumber, I) long.
ham; 3 cars corn, W D Berry; 13 barristeel, An
derson, Cook d co; 17 dressed hogs, Meek I,
A rmetroug; 23 do do, II Ilea; 13 do do, Kerr .2
Emory; 7'l bags oats, Meek 'St Armstrong; 2 rare
pig J Moorbead; 300 hams, Johnson,
Murphy d, co; to bble mess pork, F Sellers, 79
bbl. fire cloy, T coffin ; 100 ibis dour, T C Jen
kltuk; 10 bales corn husks, Noble; 3 are.
oil, A Hancock; 1 car pig tillmiek it co;
1 err wheat, .1 S Liggett.
Isn. 11.-1 err Intlifeed, etc Cart t et, 12-I oil
bbls, Luecsco 7)11 Coy NO bids flour. tilmmaker
luorri 210 bdls•hides, no cordlignee.
CI.LN LI—LSD 1,31,0 I'lltedlVl2oll II AIL RO 01,
Jars. IL—I onto tobacco, C Oyer; 2 to to, Rey
mer A Ilro; 9 pkgs J Al Sitthel; 10 do do, F
Manus; JCID tads dour, C Jenkins; 10 bales
bauler, elude d cola pkts button, /lead &
Metigar;2o bxs candles, II Gerwlg A co; 12 bbl.
lard, 10 kegs do, I bid butter, Cook. 800 cot 5
pkga butter, 2do lard, Potter, Aiken d Shep
ard; 0 cars wheat, Liggett d co; I do metal,
imick d ro; lot furniture, Facklner d Irwin;
10 kegs tobacco, Atwell, Lee co; 10 pkgs but
ter, Herr & Emery;:. do tobacco, W Field
Ilro; 14, dodo,. P. llanntv.g , flood -
Melat Kevtetts CaLlka:PCArll9, - Bryce, Walker
PbUodeiphis Iron Market
Frimenctints, a . 10.—Tbe market is quiet,
and the sales otptit inapt - cm3tined. to small
lots for immediate use at WOO for tom, and
1-WS) Ibr foundryg.the latter : toy good No.l,
- which's scarce: Nothing fining tivricotch pig.
For manufactured the demand Is fair, and
mostly congaed to flans, In a small way, at-
Imo° ptr con:. ;•
rbllladelldda Heed Harket.
PUILADELPIIIA - Jan lo.—Tbe demand for
oloverseed a las: off, and the market la
qpiet, with:slow rmall Klieg to note ats7,9Sees,
as in quality:the latter for prime. Oflhnothy
dee aretadrieed of a amaltoale at per buak.
gltiaaeed leafrirlng and Belling Menu, at pm.
02,v4 per bnatkel, holden generally adetne lat
ter rate'for. goodlota.'
I:=il4 NEWS
The giverhas,egaln, messiest to ,the old tic
tires, and Cul hear an We could aseertans last
night—the figures On the pier being lee bound
—there wasahout two feet water in the chan
nel: -1t is supposed that the miden' rise, and
as the sudden MU was occasioned by the
breaking of an, lee gor g e, Other .in the
Allegheny river or at Glean noose. The
weather has turned quite mild, and yesterday
the etreetn were quite sloppy. Snow fell dur
ing the morning, but during the afternoon, a
lips mistohscured the atraosphAre, rendering
outsdoor business fatisSi disagreeable. Bull the loading con [MUM "ilOO eat"
, Ire have . no change to note In, steamers at
the landing. The America, Capt. Golding, for
MAI0111e; the first WM going out, and
is prepared to meta,' any freight' tisat may
helcnt down to her.' ," - • ,
Jan. ?skill:ln, who has Veen far A great while
bag-korper on-the Americus, was buried yente e ...
ggy. The bar hen lisiscredikumitrused by air. Attlee
Welsh, .well knoWti as, tine oar-keeper on Wm
ric.onaut :Its. 4, which was sunk in the lest at
St. Louts a few weeks' since.
The weather at present tsfaverable to a g.!n
eral sberuld it continue for a
slay or two longer, we may expect to sge the
river tilled with floating Ice, arill great de
rt, et t on of
PITII.Itt; 11411 31.-;lZikia:7ol
Orrtc...a.rrng Grrin,
Ta z,nlr, .fsn. 11. 1353.
The genera/ rnurio, r-nzt
dull and depre,ted, and Vac, i, st,resiii
enough doing in any of the
tics to establv,h quiitstions Grain,
Provi,ion ,, ,!Gro: -, arc on.. :tnd nerlArted,
with no demand creep! for iintipi) in,t in- im
mediate wants of the retall trade, an" cOn..,e
onently, we have no round lot operation, 1 , ,
record. The money market., it is true, it work
ing catier, tint speculator, generally, teem
more to put their "spare cash" in
government Ltmde, brink stook., or aomrthiog
of a solid and tangible character, than to
vest Irt any artlele of merehand,..
Gl:AlN—Wheat of good, gual;ty hie dent oin 1
but inferior if shar.t unsaleable at any prise.
We can rrytort sales of 2 ear.; prime Pye at $2.
Ilarleyl,t very dull and too unsettled to quote
COrreet/y. Oat , quiet hut steady at iii on
trar.k.,grtd t. 414.9 for mail iota from store. Cora
is selling at 64,1,36 S on track; and M 73 from
store. No movement in tattler.
FLOCII-1n spite! and dull bat nominally nu
changed...stuall sales from store at s.9t.i to
fur Spring Wheat Famil y and 610:,,M103.6 for
good to c beano brands of Winter NI. heat. Rye
I lour Is dulrand unchanged, and Buchwbcat
At e I d SVC;IVFLt
.or the hog pro
duct in this. market Is very light, being re
stricted entirely to supplying the wants of the
retail trade, and there are no uniform quota
tions. Some small sales of prime kettle ren
dered larq in tleroc, nt unit Shoulder;
at VP •-ii.Cli), Bulk Mints quiet, while for Ole.
Pork-ihe demand - iery light. Dressed flog,
mar be quoted arlolell cent,, and Li, llog,
nt 6 , , , ,a9-4.
lATTTLII-1. , .. coining In very freely, and
with a demand very much reltrlcted, Roll
may be ouptod dull at ,10Q33.
EGGS—DuII but michanged; sales reportep
at 310 , :ti—..ome bolder. wilting SS.
Cii.XESE—lnunchangeti ut 21 for Homburg.
and for Goshen..
falr and market arra, and
prices well sustained; sale of prime to choice
at tr, , ? 5 .4 1. t rc i ta . efr
nOt am] fair and market
steady, at 61,15(y1,20 per bushel, and 43,041' 3 ,50
pt bbl.
BAY—is sellingp nt 615 to $2O per ton.
I.IILI. l'E.ED—lnillysale of 2 cars 3liddlines
at CAS.
Outer or - riES Viirsprtol7 GAICTIT
ILICIP4b,i, Jan. 11, line.
, The Petroleum market, both Crude and Re
lined, continues exceedingly (101: and de
pressed, and what Is a' terse stlll, there ore no
Indleations ut present of any home ire.
proven.ent. Rots ithatanding, no made
gent Inquiry, We were unable to Dear of a
single operatics, and as there has been no
thing of any Importance done for some time,
there-ure no established quotations. Crude in
quoted nominally at tIiGX, bids returned, and
304701, bids included, pod these may be regard
ed as the extremes of the. market. Some two
or three small sales were made on Wedne.aday
at but to-tiny, so far us we could learn,
there was not a single sale. It is true the sup
ply is light; bat there arc no buyers, either
for home eon.umptlOO or shipment. 'We have
advises from Oil City up to iredne , ,day eve
ning—the nominal asking price for crude wan
IA but it was rumored -to-day that sales had
been made at $.1,75. Itelined in bond as well.
Into, is shoo exeresalvely dull, there being an
entire absence of orders for either, and while
there is no disguising the fact that prices are
lower, It Is Impossible to give accurate fIUP
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Cram:warm January - Ilth, ISM
Paormoas—Are active and higher; Moss
Pork advanced to s2.9l3s),Z.LelOsing firm at the
latter rate; the sales wore about 2,oae bbls.
Bulk meats are firm; sales of Shoulders at ‘2!.5
@Lk; Sides, 15t6e. Bacon Amara; no sale"; Su
gar lured Maras firm at Be. Green meats
steady; Shoulders, 10e; Sides, 13e; Hams, 17e.
Lard recited; sales of WO tierces at 173401s0;
heavy sale% at 17e;lteld at Inic at the close.
Moos—Steady with a good dernand at a 11,754
12 net, closing with an upward tondeneT,
Country dressed, frozen, ads clared to al tqll,fo.
Meccipts, 2,E00.
Special Dispatch to Western Prem.
New Year, January 11, tars.
rum...marts Sroca,_Generany arm to-nay.
There wen an active demand for Palmer at
3,9434. There was a large business generally
with sales at the following rules: Beratchoff
Run, 19,13, Buchanan Farm, S; Empire City.
33; Excelsior, 0s; Manhattan, .t 1; Bithole Creek,
1.2,115; United States, 21,1 e; Webster, 1,03, Brad
ley, 12; lleydrick, ivt; Venartgo,7,oo; Ivanhoe,
233; Knickerbocker, 13; Tuck, 20; Itrevoon,
7.9:i; Cherry Bun, r2r ExCelilar,S3: 7,lonnt Ver
ne., 40; ill - et National, 41, Ocen.nle, On
Creek, 2..,E0.
tipeclal Dispatch to Western Pre..
nru . Tour, January 11, 11166.
Prruot.kus —The market rules rt , ry
We learn eats or small tales Of Crude at 7.0 - 23
Dtllfe, and Refined In Bond at 66(358e.,
PiIIIIIMNIL. nod Trade In New York
New Toak.Jan. stork market has ta
ken another lung downward step, both bulls
and bears appear to be sellers. The down
ward tendency of the market enables the
bears to lower their short ematracts without
much opposition from the bulls, so that the
latter are deprived of thole chief reliance In
opposing the fall of price,
At the Stork Earhaugs this morning the
market was heavy—the bears hammered
Pittsburgh and Old Rontliern. The, market
rallied Just previous to the one o'clock Board,
but at the second there was more pressure to
sell, and lower priers osade. The dullness
continued at the last Board, and the decline
was assisted by rumors of defalcations and
The following n•ero the closing prices at
1:30 r.
'New York Central, tek Erie, stz, , ,'; Ending,
Michigan Southern. :10,<, Cleveland and
Pittsburgh, 7a.„; Itock island, 102'4; North
westent,3l%; .i4orthtrestern preferred, Ed; Fort
Wayne, 93..
Government securities are quiet, but
Ike praspect of converting Seven-Thirties in
to long bonds, has less influence upon gold
interest securities than might halt been an
ticipated. .Else-Tweiaties and alga+ of lossi
rose ti at Iloard; Seven-Thirties are strong, :Id
and 3d series better.
Dloney moth:tn. easy. Gobi steadier. There
is less speculative movement, and the, shorts
appear to liner mostly cornered. Quotations
are shoot the same as - yesterday, closing ut
Nrw T oar, Jan. 11.--Cotton dull at aoql•k• for
tr'un'k--Cipt•ned stonily hot c4.i. , t1 d.ll and
nominally lower, tit ta,tif..? , ,00 ler Extra atatc,
and...3,4504,GS for r" IL 0.
WIIINUV—DuII, nt ir2,'Z',Cr?.>. for State and
URAlN—Whrat, dull and 24.1 , lower: prime
No. I 1111wnulti, ria•inl; al Itye
but dub. Corn dull and in ntunr.
I . l..ruorrrx—Puli. int XV ;r for Crude. nail 50
er., for Relined in I emit.
Puovo.loss—Pork. limner and more active,
at W. 17 for New ...lie., closing at #3O reFular;
t%),00(5.Z.,25 for Old 31e.ts, closing at =),?.-b reg
ular; t= for.rigurej $.7.,504.33 far prime mess,
On.o, 3,700 bbis new me. for .Innuary, Tehra
n, 3lnivh and April, seller's option, nt
(3...5473. neer more netlvr, at 1.17,534 , 11 for new
plain mere; sllal4 Tor old do; fr=-'.50413 for now
extra mean; 1 , 14017 for old do. Beef 11.5100 in
fair demand, at P. • Cut Meats quiet at
1ii.'4012i4 for shoulders, and MiAltliiij for hams.
Huron dull and nominal. Dressed - hogs firm
er! closing quiet. at $1"45 for Western, and
$12,50313 for ci.ty: Lard . dra:tax,_at L5 , ,,10151ic)
also 5,050 tails for January, Ftibroasy and
March, se ll er's option, at 17,Witie and 'l5O bbla
Tor February, buyer's option, at ' Batter
heavy, at Vag=e. for-Ohlo, and Slittitsc for Stato
Choesothill, at 12.61R0. •
New 'York atoek and Money Market.
Seas Tons, dna. 11.—)toney steady, at 7 per
itTrl ip f
. .rll4ll;l4{cialuq and , ! l . ? 3i - it . .pp , l,at toe;
'Government Stocks, withentlecided change.
Gold, easier, opening , at 139, and closing at
rreights to Liverpool oentintie dolt, without
decided change.
Mocks heavy: U. S. U's of 'Bl, coupons, low;
'do. &26+s, COupens or 'O2. 101 , . do. of
U. S. Ws left Connonsi ty ~ Notes,
7-30's, lot eerier, 9534; do. 24 00r10r.
_do. 3 d
aeries, SISIC U. 13,:bliies, olio Tear , Certilleatm,
new Issue, OSIi,• Ohio Certificates,
enlli New York Centralia.% 41 - e, 03; Ilnilnon,
1013 4 '; Rending, .101 l z ltiobletia.:Centrul, 1034;
Michigan Soulharn el; Illinois Central, ler - 4:
Pittsburgh, North Itinatern, Ro c;
4..,; Vert Waxne, SP.ii Terre Haute,
rr ed. ..!
Oa'Wl: ON Tax rcr - ratantall Gait . ..Tß.
Tat7llSD'ke, Jan. It, f
CATTLE—The receipts of cattle have been
very large during the past two or three days.
and with a good supply on sale, the market
ruled a little weak, and last week's pliaC3-
could not hoolnitined.•lt to. trite the attend
ance of buyent was large if not larger
than last week, but bn rattier uaravorattic
character of the casterll advices, 11011 a tend
ency to make , them hold off, and - as a grucrol .
thing would not take hold unless concessiOns
Were made. Last week, It will be remembered
several droves orprieric cattle _changed hands
at . eta to Drente, grpce, weber This week, the
came quality frould bet firing (More that 8 to
and there wail but ono sale at the outside
(Imitation. Common cattle are again dull and
heavy and considerably lower, and We quote
at C toe cents • for Inferior to fair, and C)4 to 7
mco!run, toeo. 11.
,Wash, of
leyandottc 620, hail t G hree, caraJoade o(
extra Ohio .three year old steers on sale, but
they bad not been eold up to the . acne Ira left
the Taal.. They averaged in: the . :teeighbpr:
hood of sixteen hundred pounds,' and here
fuses! tti guise, asking the even stqat%
1106r—Tim transact nu have nystin
lcte ffetT,Cll4's eve, iLliTtlit"Miatt Utio
ttitut z Ar .
day ,
and 'ruu- day the one, ranged troth
gro,,, 0.10 Ise a Ittl,
e-terday rnd :o -lac, sitzht.
meet in the F.u.At. th:
e1.”!..e, and pr..ce:, ad. u.g. , :t
I-, 9.449%. and tr.- , lay one I,..neh el,e.tra corn
led chant:M. hands dt to rent-, It is a remark -
0 ,, :act that there is ...comely any demo,
1, - .t a ern the r.riee,s here and Cmcinuatl, and
tu pen here and Chicago it,ic eery
Tao of the mo-t prominent Ch ieugo operator,
ee3r.. Tildes and ittlerton, hare he,nnuying
here of and on all reason, for stag:neat Fault,
and the f , :met gentleman, we underatand,
keeps lin aerat here eon stantly.
-ft} •t
sea, a eery good shipping d"-
mond for Sheep daring !donday, Tdesday and
Weise-day, but to-du y,owing. to vot7largo
teats, and the fart that most of the eastern
chippers were pretty well auppiliel t , the mar
ket ruled dull and Ca11...,d1011.1= obe made
in order to effect Nair , . We glee 6Sii to 7.4 .4
•he strvrne. of the market for fair to prime
fat mutton Sheep, although one hunch of ex
11a, u‘ el-aging alu,nt 1131 tr., is mported to have
been aold Wedne-dav ut flesaer &
0., taught nine droves; beitrieh, threo; Pat
cou..t, two; and Inryle and Logan one each.
o-lny it is chid buyers were only offering 6 1 4
to 7 tent+ for fair to prime average., and re-
I to pay a fraction more.
JAN V Ans P, .
lobe i lo,qA
rhiladel7.l,th 404
New Icnk. 7 ,
11 more,
tlt ! iy Pow(
220 lrat
Total 1464 LUX J.:.LO
PARTIAL 'err., or no° BALES.
. .
&arr. No . drat . Prbe •
Morrell to Hodge.
~ e 9 95
Morrell to . 110
Taber to lid Ste
Klemen to Gflehret,.. ^d9 5 :.1 . ,!1(1
Coati. to Tabor 9 ,0.;
Gross It CO. to Logan... 191 NO 0 tsi
:Morrell to /ledge,— . 93 tYI - 9 es
Fairs]] to IleArdle 122 9to 'hi rk Holmes 3.3.9 ZIA 9to
3loatgornet7 to Lveds 102 240 990
Clark. to Taber.— 91 2:30 912
Mimor to Orr 1-1.5 tl7O 9
Cochran to Lamb 43 19 00
Ward to Ilashbou,er 61 299,, 973
Holm. to Hedge. 266 9 14
Critchfield to Cllehrelst 17 9 fio
rook to GilebrrlA. 2 9 79
tn(4llchretst X. • 10 00
GllcLrel,t to Tal,cr 9 03
Ullehrelst to Tabu 74 9 00
Pletcher to DieArdle & Co. m bead of fairish
rows and heifers, averaging em, at !11.56,00,per
head; Lafferty & Co. sold to bead of common
block cattle at $3,33.
la o rt-r .ft Dolts sold tp Warnz h Co. 179 head
of fedr6h .tatlinna slicers, averaging 1100 1 at
37.40, delivered Pkiltulelphin; alto, 110 bead
of prime Western cattle, t.. retcr blezdad at
7 , , here.
Blair & Gray sold to Montague ,t Co. to tiedd
of medium western steers, averaging 1104', at
'liar sold to McArille d Co. CO heiti of COWS
abd heifers, averaging MOO, at 63407 fairish
Illinois steers, averaging 1104, to Pat: Duffy, at
(P 1; 19 head of cows and setters to Tam Dulfe,
at 671 per heady 62 bead of common stock Cat
tle to Peter Klemen, at OfiisV.; 36 common &Ows
and heifers to Montague averaging
950_, at 514; about 100 head unsold. ,
Reher to Mantis to bead, weigbingl9,4,so, st C;
Ruble to Henry 18, weighing 91,575, at 7,27 , ,4
liotchkins to Daffy a Co. 57, weighing 51•013,
at 6!./..
Goldsmith to 31e/t.rdlo Cl head, weighing 60;9120,
at 6.
Ilymen to Montagne & Co. 50 attra cattle,
weighing 58,475, at &
Crawford to Rambo 15 head, weighing iiit3o
at VA_
Young to Adum_s 14 head, Weighing 13,300,
at 6t1,,
Hinnerman to Stmmbeeg 50 ortra eaMle,
weighing 53,125, at 7,85; Etinnerman to Tool , ' 39,
weighing 40573 at T,Si.
Chryst to Mooney 19 head, weighirrg2o,RO, at
s• to Ile.ardle :59, weighing 19,W0, at
Miller to Smith & Mooney 13, weighing 5010,
at—iliirs to Mutter 30 pr.e fat cattleoreigh
ing 13,4 Z, at &
Mascot* Mooney 03, weighing 19,4 3 0, at 5,02;
Adams to Mooney Irs weighing 17,100, at 5,C;
McCall to Mooney 19, weighing 18,750, at
Cline to Aullbritt 15 head of goOd cattle,
weighing 1:0,12.5, at 0; Cmbb to Manna 17, weigh.
the 78,150, at G.
Forbes to Maynca 10 head, weighing 4.1.05 W, nt
Graham to Prow-oast 19, weightily- 13.3 w, at
DIITEMIP. Jan. S.—The arrtvali thisleeek loot
up 77t head of rattle, and al sheep, As was
anlicipatr4 last week, the market for shipping
cattle PA.% to I cent lower than It Was on last
market day, and In fart, If it had not been for
une eastern buyer, it would have been a reg
ular break down, as eastern buyers were
scarce in the yenta The river lo ng blocked
up with lee It is almost imPossible lb get Cat
tle across et all; there has but one , boat load
R one over to-day, as the lea has completely
blockaded the river. The demand:for light
cattle was better; nearly as good as last week,
considering the large supply in market. The
chipping through Canada la to continue as
but no cattle retard in Canada can be
chipped to the Staten for a market in any
shape whatever. To all appeawinced, we shun
have plenty this side of the line to Supply all
that will be needed before next July.
First aallt
second quality
Third grality.
orm to remain about the same OS tact rest
VA -, 5.50 , tem to he the ruling prteen.--71-ibuhe•
W. 5.11,131.-.. J. T. . K. r. • ;RVENTI7I.I
StM%EU & CO., •
No. 2,'" Flftla Street, Pittobuenh-
No. % Main street, Wl),ling. West Vtric ' ts La.
No. VC. Sayuctor *met, Clewlend, Oblo.
erpors Muse. Cincinnati, OhSo.
o. ) Maannle Temple, Louisville. Kentucky.
No. 1! Penal, - Isanta Street. Indianapolis. Ind
t,cl 25 reAnTuerr SEWINV MA
IN THE UNITED bTATES Hemmed to see the
R heeler A Wilson, or underfeed. Agents areeleax
log from 6%h to ct,lo 17311.10.NT11. county Tights trIT
gLo to AgulalS. Endonc blimp and adder.
JalDwdmittsrF Gen. Agents, Tole o, Ottle.
B "8'
• •
• ,
• A nen lot of cbtotce goals
V . 11734.41..Wt.
Gsar di LOG.I:4'
5 •
la No (7 ST. rt.m.r. SiREZT.
Takes great plenum In announcing to blenumecous
customers and the public generally, that ids primate
ses and arrangements for the fall scam* era nose
completed, haring been personally selected /to
ores-chat cloth bones In the gainer's cities. •
such a donor goods as no reollybe recommenTeg
"qv be offered,' which embraces the newest and mos
materials and styles, the cattle nook be
log rely large, varied tind.seleta Ydr., Bale has
much confidence In Inviting an early Inspection.
buperdne black, colored cloths, and don skim; as
us i t , l l l:4l . sm o nde ,i d i f . a 4 s=lls . 7,. a c t=trit g., ? z ta , u c tzt
for entire snits.
flea* variety of fine carthorses for NU* Suit
Mr, for moralug and evening wear. arl'a
.L .rsaravastrso. andaajait i
011 LI; enstedlate pans. 'Tile 13 wilt 01llexhoe1
Passenger Steamer, Boyar?,
GEORGE D. MOORE, MapT..a..i.
ieat•ci Nttabarob tor nirkersburgh oreiy Monday
and T'lliar.lay, at Il o'clock. a. m.
t.rarra IVbeellor fur Parkenburgh Cyr.r z r Mongay
and Tbursday, at 9 o'clock. ..p. m.
Leaves Packeraburgh tor rittaburgh every Tuesday
and, Fridav, at p.'m. •
I.ear alai!ilia for Pittsburgh every Totaday and
Irldav, atm.
Leans Watellag for rittsbutgb every 5641.4117
and hat orday, at 7 a. ta.
For:freight or
C voltam. applyon I:mud, or to
ocC JAI: 0LL1.2:8 & UU., Agent&
A?•jl ß A'ti v Aßtiti. D - 2 21,Pffelfeathei . EMU
0/41111AII. :Copt. nerrlt.; tral I.
above and nit I nternandtate porta eter7 TUESDAY f
nt 4 1.. Z. litturninir, !tart, Zonerrille coory FRI
DAY at 7 am. J.TI. COLLINOWOODZ. A nt.
pforratiiiiiirtais aims;
reairs FOR, koaaa ruitrosr,
OA9 rrsirre , .... AND FITTING:4,
All at lanebt Eaat,rn rate,
STEAM . ITlll`.
riutrEt, t-tql, •
411811 ZRO kktt!3,414094441r
AIsY rarwi
X Nil ite I" tireirL‘':=3.llllt OW7 . Og
Lpboring Under that Disease
System in Curing that Disease,,
I progrlssed gradual?' Mtn the tat stageilf 1ei...•,
marmry Lonsuception., All.hopes of my reelefery
being disapated, 1 was sdrised by myphysietan. Pe
Parrish, to remove tato the 'country. tlgorrestown j
d. about nine miles distant, being my scathe
place i % was relieved tp i fther i • occusyj i nf u two fall
itil ' il r' A e s t ur n rdlert . b.l4/ritiAt' ' of Pub= 3
c...11.11,00n. OD my arrival at ZlTOrrMthnet Term I •
put to bed, where I lay for =env weeks Lewitt; Was O„
deemed I. lee, condition. Ttr. TS:Menthe', Who
had been my father's family physician, end whOlunl
attended him in bin test Moms, was called to sadist.
Ile thought my ease entirely beyond the rem* of
medicine, and decided Most I must die, and gement!
one week to arrange my temporal affatts. linens
aces al my family an of PoustinaptiOn,
oreconcluded that death trom the asease•walet,
had earried all my kindred to the grave would also
take me there. In this apparen hopeless Condi
tion, I heard of the remedies wh tly ich:l now makesaa
sell. It seemed to me that I could feel therm working
their way, and penetrating every nerve, fibre stad
tissue of my system.
My lungs and liver pet en a new action, and (ho ,
morbid matter which had fer Yearammunniated and ?,
Irritated the different orgetriaof the body, waseltta- ;••
Mated; the tubercle.; on my lungs ripened and I re-
pectoratri from my longs as moat a.s a pint of yellow .
offensive matter every morning. As title espootors- .
lion of 'Matter subsided, the fever abating, the pain
'fame, theeongh ceased to harems me, and the ea-
hauling night sweats were no longer known and
bad refreaung amp, to wad, I ball long beats •
otraneer. -My appetite now began to return, andat
timeal found It afamil to restrain =Val fro Mea
t too - much. With this return of health, I gamed
my strength. and thinner fleshy, am now a healthy
maim with &large healed cicatrix in theruldelle lobe of '
the right lung and the lower lobe Impaired with com
plete adherston of Theoharis Theleft long to sound •
and the upper late of the right one la la a toletabth
healthy condition.
( °mu:option at that time seas th ought to •
an Incurable disease every one, plivetstottS Li
as those who were unlearned In medleine—espeolal- •
ly such cams as were reduced to the condition I was
10. This induced many people — to belleveMY err
covery only temporary. rnow prepared sad garb
the medicine to mom:onetime for tome time and made
many wonderful cures, and the demand inereased
so rapidly that I determined to atT,thera to thepob-
le, and devote my undivided attention to ung. dth
exam-. is truth I was next to fumed to It, f or peeple
would send for me far and near, to sweets'. rehear
er their cams were as bud ea , mine. Liming num.-
lion to examine many eases of lung aliment, P.m
promptest to Intent tbelostrunsentealled "'Schenck's
ReapfroMeter," which materially assists me in de
tecting the enclose stages of lung diseases. •
For many yin cotatusetlon with my Principal
office In Philadelp ears,
hia. I tiara been making regulate •
slats to lien York, Boston, Baltimore and Pills
For .'crest years past I have male s many as
hondrid examinations weekly with the ••Rmpirem
eter.•• For suchexaminations my coarse to th ree
dollars, and It enables toe to give each patient the •
tree condition of his disease; and tell him Rankly
whether he will get well.
One of the greatest difficulties I have with patients
afflicted with lung dlsean,„is to convince them to
avoid taking little colds. Many think if thertake
my met:ltalics they should et:mo s t:to matter how cam-
lea, they may be in that way. This to agreater:or
for tf any one will read over the many cams which I
have published from time to time, they will dud that
most of them wore those of persons rho weremon-
fined to th eir beds and could not take cold, lad
of )
thisthis careful avoidance of 'cold the lungs were kettle
Physicians advise their patients to goon: and inhale
the fresh air, beide they cure m doing ? Let th e
hundred, of deaths by consumption In CI - MI. ally "
by consumption in every city mswer the question. :
'I would ratber Mak a patient In a tight, LUirpentl
bred room, than let tbem out and take astia,
cold. 'Many who have been cured by gm mealliees. •
when the atdeeldeS broke, were so. ofTermirN s that
one could horsily remain in them:JlM sad retriker
got wal without egimsure to the open air.
Thereat reams why physiciansdo not thrOcon
-I,l3lLiptiogn Is, that they try to do-too much; they give
• edlebtes to stop the rough, to stop the nightsweats
hectic fever, and by to dolng•they arkars thegthole
digestive system, locking up the secretions, and
the patient eventually Ohm. Whit dole to nest
make se-aerial examinatinstwititrway itespimm•em
and If I 'end lungs enough fe ll I atre., - , the
p bent how to thus oim. l'ot.e`e. f erg wets Tr " ,
irupos(ible to mate new 'omps..or 'r e:ssareVote t tue
portion that L. destroyed, but I know at the Salm .•
time that cam Ir on In the hang, and ulcerations in the
farms and bronchial lobes cantle healed, and jut
such eases are cured by theproper ruse
of "Schenck's
Pulmonle byrup,•• and. •tliandrake.Plk.;•• ward I
they arc dyisig daily paler the ordloary treatment of •
phyans. • ,
It Is a great mistake common amongmany intern
-I,',l"rifrATltolin.a Na e t r litile7bl%.l 4l l== e tt ."1
not be purified:it Is then the] same en otherdimmed
matter In the systemand will turtle be carried out ?:
of the system by the organs which neonppeinted for ..
that purpose and replaced by new„hlood,lthlat con
Mdeabliviroproving the nutritive nincilons and r0t.... ,
a the digestive apparatus In good armkpagerderm — •
The stomach -liver and bowels, once restored to a
healthy conditian. then an abmsdartee of good
nourishing' food will make new WOW., which wilt
push out, as it were, and take the pima ortbat whir h
Is dimmed; and thus supply the want of the holy
83 OPT 1 JO
I 00,. 3 50
3 004 , 1 00
la one of the most valuable medielneo known. It
look. aaol totaling In Itaclt 9
It la readily digested and nbaorbettlnto that blood
to which It Imp - arta Ito Itcallogitropeatlca. 1knol•
that bun done or rand. aa mncli to M.
build worn out and.hroLcu down the
syslavot. •
• . •
distilled from 'seaweed- cowl:aced with tonic sad
Herat's, roots and barks, in each kmanner as to
lake a decidedly pleasant mediaLac;harlugo pow
ful mule effect, with ithe terrible dlsaatresei re
ults arising from alcoholic stimulants. - The Bea-
oed Tonleroduces a lost remilta, Sborooghly fa
fron p
ting the ,tem.un disordlso. system. sad.
knto healthy bloal Ilia food 'chic/Ims) bemsed
or that purpose. It Is'ao wonderful in Rant:feels .1
hat a oiler glass full wUI dl c at ahearty meal. awl I
little of It tat is before breakfast will give tone to
he stornacb, re lbw medicines passers She power
The ManOahe. Pills
alas he taken with entire safety by all ages and coo
dit ion. prodantne nil the good results Murat:six
tallied fromcalomel or any of the mercurial attedi
ines and without an- of their Matra resells.
They oat of the nystem: feculent and worn ones
matters loosened and dissolved by my Seaweed Tonto
and pninteude syrup. Lewitt be seen that aft three or 1
my medicines ere neetial In moat eases locate Con
f.W2l4' that geP,ll:.; - V a- Et:l'lZ
disease than soy combinaslons of medielne owe
la the various editions of nsniphicti I have ymt.
nutted nasty of the most. wonderfal cane of Vat i 4
mounry C9231111910(OU on moord„ Perna., with both
learn elected, nornetimes large cavlliestamse tang; .3
healed ores by my intvilcinet, aro DOW liv and
colored eleellent lealth: 1 wiii give a few cases
and 'meet them from dlilertnt pants of thocoantry.
no that those nbe w lab mal, vino
or rainier themthr
mars positive laforMailon, - •
Rev- Henry Morgan, a' taisitster of binlit repine be
the city of Lathan, tnomeoner the/United
Mates as • man of crest ability, wbe oozed by eating
my medicine after all Other Peenbeent. tu WPM.
has often been wellies Some will rese e d d
tothe facts •
la Ids Mse sad always .Sawn tha
A fait stairwell% DC' n 4 maw Inn be sum in WY' .
pamphlet. /le hadyrofase beinstlreade Of the imilta,
and Was very womb manniste—.
xorefa Saco,
t at Urinal deerPdersliMNL
heath, aslant:A CMlts,areln Med Iled dna qr r`g
bee firms the meanest/ enduring, etisFlipersonit
fn Odle fe fialtAsm remedies. ewe mita traccem.
sygi. pactsgropli, Wart nod tom cured,
ewes Is Men. t, my oeut'si, ter, 1111 Wood
tdsvet ittiburols, e. . .•
'Mau= .4sieicasder, of Piitsbargli, 'Pa., war cared of worry bad 'GSM' nod
Complathaby tbegnawiledTonloand drthe Pills.
Um. Jane - Ds:bee of Weakling/On City, was mired
of a bad case of Dyspepsia Sad 'Lt.!" Complaint.
She Is an eyed:woman sad Complete UCCOTCri
TrUf remarkable. . • • . .
Mrs. Prudence Johns - MA Wife nfCapt.'-dolinsoet
now melding at No. *W. Third Drone,
burg, N. Y.. was cased of Pialmortmy Conranaptlas,
mid - 1, now as as hearty as old lady as can be found.
Pater Styker beektuan.'of gornemille, N.Y. wa
another ormarkablecuro ofPnisnonsayammtntio a
Hiscertificate is attested by kis clergyman ap Elko
pen k..4nra
. • .
DR:kni:XCtS3l.rtitetralotflee rrtNcli Nem' . :.'":.
Birth rtraer, comer Of. Commend , : rblladedp
where all orders row., be addressed, aad came "
there, proresitottsLly,;ENElLY ...I..wrunp..tx, .
No.llo Wood Stretl,l4llolkurib,
'F4~' ~,
,- ~'
- air ;ittEincnirreil