• 111 11 6Acitt. FRIDAY, JANUARY" 12, 181. k; NOTICE TO ADVERTLSEItS bemby Oren that hereafter all Teas Stmcr adrertLscumata rece ("red at MIA once mast too Vat when handed La, c xeept lu t o cue of - yeaLi ;Pen; ihtwe•ittr.s . will be rendered qU.rt.trin Advertiaara will please snake a note Oraltfa; as the role °relish paymeith Tor veritsetstiota of the ctraffeter stated, wlll , be lades lbt.reotareed. - Ttio Defeo of our Nortalis and Eeentad edit's:mats TEMEEVENTS at taa *- 7 1 eassater or tVOISI nest?ors, Served b 7 carriers at T/PTE;',..f CENTS per vet. 1 rievECT or FTOgE TRADE ON Acta "'•'EULTURE. • Some of our wettern Ere° Trade exchan ges' take a. marrow vim of the ques tion of VrOteetlol3, regarding it as a policy ilkOgether and 'exclusive/y.ln the interest. - of the - Manufacturers. Therpersistently in .:culnato. the Idea that iree Tade is most iielvantagecins to agrlenlttuitti, because un der that systeni manufactured commodi ties Can die [ought cheaper in Europa than In this country. Doubtless most kinds of siole goods. car- be parelmsed at lower pri ces in Europe than in this country. But, this does not Settle the quostion. Account . , ' must be taken of the prices at which agri r cultural products can be sold under the two systems; for fanners neceasunly • roi4ly or indirectly with their crops. thitik. it easily demonstrated - t h at -kw?, would he just as eats!. to the farm.4., - e. (4' this country is to manufacturers. The New York Wor r ld , t ,;„ te i l„ . re, days ago, that t h e price of wain for this country was really fixed in _London.' - That is not tree under the es aging ~..si•B,ierei but wOuleietrue to the let :- ietz , under. Free Trade. B r we do not care • totite: this furtherjue.l.lpow; but to di , • irecrattantfon to_auMicripoint. adYucatea. oT keo trade - aim at converting all the world, waif& of Eng . Lintl4ll4o.4raini Tb4 lr' . • 6 •3'Me.nli_lag been -resitteed praCtiCa Mire Conrpletoiy in Ire , iu s Oy . Anakf,c , country, and sire ply because-it haa,belosinostaboolutelyua-, der their 'tontrot: What.has .beea the re . atilt? Ilas„agrietature thriven? "Of count - Zes," says an English' Writer,' 'MAYO,- with'a population of 3.1),- 000; and a rental of only £300,000, has an • urea Of I"000 acres, of which nearly SOS,- DOOviiiwaste! ice Less than 470,000 acres, being vary nearly equal to tim' . whole ex-i• tent of surface now under ettgivation, are' ti•clareslto reclahnable. Galway, witlt • a population of 42,000„. anderrained ;run- - tal of .tmpoty, bas„mrvards of 790,000:icres waste, 410 COO of which are reclaimable. a population .4a 293,000, -has an area of 1,100,0e0 aor2s, .÷.727 being wa sto , and 4 oo,ooooll.ignia reclaidiabla. Even ;the union of Grort. Molvreinim's lie.'plaauttca 4...reliudapt population, lfas • o.c . „.....„ 2 , ttiiirieres,'-. of which .5:10,(.03 , isysjaviikskler for AM) most' part •reclaltrin.:- ' able, tette; pointaticra of 43,000. The BSI on of Emus, that abomination of - deso;a li,eni =O,OOO acres of land to its . 5,000 as-31r. CArrrsa, one of the principslproprietors,says in ldscircular ad verthierciatits for tenants, is at the rate of. may Oner family to every 230 acres; so that if ' - Lat one head of a family were employed .01-cry MO acres, there need norbe a Fkuper in the entire district' r a irtarlichis, oy . that liothing but.knag erne wanting to gq: r 443. ECP' 7 5teP rill in which opin- . 1 coincide." Ahl the wanted employment- There wee ne•riii - emificittion of labor. The basis: or e e nnVellesitglarxr . .404 Pg and. thii' inhabl tua, 4:llWitto tiorerty,sripelled itlieneands and Lens of thousand .--.' More vs•V4t_to ,London . alone than remained 4 , t , • hatti,Tiran !ester, Liverpool and Glasgow, till;nethe garrets and Cell in vitli a wreteh- PoPigatitin, unzious to sell their labor Ttirut petihlugwilir want of food. llttnclirds • ofthongands of them came, to our shores, in quest ofthe employment that wtis denied at -litiftirecu':•—'" • • • Tbe evil here doei noloonsistin a reilando. • ant population er.an nnwilling , soi4 As has „•,..*2er, seen, there is loon , land than laborers viii Viral antk.or emlitains the ;whole difficulty -as consisting - ht tIM, • ... warit'of etnpliryinent—or tr diversitie.l ,tivolgr.,...prwukdi !... m is not near as dense as in e 1110, si•PFC"Pc•rimi I, 4 l iti-bih or itchrie titay,not. tesdetrie as In ninny or • tht.,4l,itttricts of this eouptry where.expatrl aed Lee i n ,„„ n r or t andluspe - thability. The simple fact is, that as British policy ?tea not allow diversified employruente readily - to go to Ireland, trislimtai are corn- Pelted to starve or go to those lands where many Emus or . enipifiyarents do exist. There /lever was a laud blessed with so IA) OtiCspo ITproximate &pop. - ithrrion if its people were etipfine4 to rtgri- Culture. Wtir out tho nnuntraettiring es tablishments or Pennsylvania, New New York and New England, and - ''lndiana; Illinois, Wisconsin, and the graln 'artgat 'producing States beyond, would 'et• - lose bait Ilipir.poptitiulonl. It txruidd be, Sur the! N4O of _"those - t , .82f!k to manufaeturingestablhdt, .rnents„ort a huge. within their own - lairrttet.4l - fOr that course Would, •ac celm-ato • - iheir growth in population: and wealth. BM to deatmyrnanuthctures in the .Iliddle andta-Stem States would be as fatal to _ - . ,thern'aito these States. Mnar manual labor never made a man Tho work of bones and sinenoi may gela nutn_lopd, and clothing end ahelter, but it wilt, not afford i#im PhrAcal ldiu riea. The Menial° yror4. - only in that , 'svoy -1400.11111; better 6ff tharebeastiel harden. • ••• ltrieffact . therm en do so - labor., Thn re • • 'nfunennion of work to enhatu;ed - jusi. is ..7 . 7.7V915 .111,1C9:415 tiny labor crt gm mind is con pained to the labor of, the body; and this "Cortina - fee ono Important' element hrthrlt. Allyeraity, of compensation which dlthirent "vtorliineii are enabled to command. : I T - pt - nlepartmentsottactioilyn a hi n . erynids been iiinde hi lalriercO4-iliyaital- I tamer irt . whohr or In' part , and &non' is'ennstaitly ly ntirtmlatos the cultivation of eir taaftlatiers,-)on'trliaki,itintio a tendency, ' an it ) .PerbrAd ll or llll rtret aloof 1444kinglgynten:ti:41„schlefunilmal *tee • talaitatoeczprineffaltrreQuirettanil , .tb get • into throe inNtlfiritintelllgence . is .117,44,1,16. ; kig;her . l'itliT.'of_ragitot pou to - nia,;,..bi r piidilk toil amb itious- men would ii . aftitra witty from itt ibr..tho 'aOcialsotio n wit,h pitch is the,. gmettropeplng 1-,-;4laptbWlttirpalth'ibotifdialioctil dAtincport, It 1004 ntore,lt. nails/ors to, : 1 4. 1 14p of. they, nnd alt tho doptraticols , ttf: ' kola. BM wealth is 'ilia 'nnitiftikalttio', shim ato truit'onlY of skilled labdr. 14MX itAe. width mote l , the pressure .to.. Ti m * e ,Anir,l44 1- 60jes of,laditstlyi end . not, i t; inn7llclailltlnkci; goiwcmti idnnp •4 4 MN; uniAtereion; 1 9 toil, and dleßtmltkin 4 . tcr lifeby oiir Wlta—!osr toil" aeverorithiut ldirCthinking. But no matter how hard eanplOyment may be, It red if, ,thii whole the 0 late , km:dm:Lem, t!cm. ineit ie 'highest. Men, by- thousand,,, have boon Jo- the carat or largo botuilfee, , in*/ the ecaleof.Mootee much titiOinirliat they - iraie znaldn,g, to' irytho ,b,ntanin,9l..ttai - eamp nud the battle field. , , • :Within pleisyeate,compara, tively,lol64.- of the. cities and large ~ toinlp,r-the dtte: terdi'ht labprlir Mechanical etnployntente: - hit'aireenehortened - ,in - ainntnerll-ona fifteen - '.." 41 0 1 firl'OlOill'Itnd yet' a given number. of ftr these ySim— mf 2001 pite • -•77.4 l 9ot s Prgf4tVOX- 4 44 , :ili&oild.ar the 34- vsliflotektrpj", l ,in*Pfou3 lo 4lo,_ .t.liOrat*!l, zpap..oloone aidnared.-renie aii„ta ; tei *tit - rindriqii lo . ,kientaFflng pro • I* • En . dnetion ratahly to the men employed, b a+ !totting In comparison to the grand results. winch will Isltiminely bo%aohicved. In 'the of mechanical inventitin.drudgcry OiH I. illffill/11011 n, a ilcci-cc iilntovt be -3-4,11c1 pres.nt oonjectilln. ludeed , One pe riod cmtnot he far Jimlant when the /thief' 013 - sic:al jailor., in most an I man ufacturing branches, will conBlst in w:Ucla ing and tontsolling machinery. • I tiolllo of the larger ce - hies of popula tion, the proposition has' already boon broached to reduce the daily term of labor from ten hours to i eight. Whether the time . in ripe for this measure affords matter for serious debate. The progress of improvement in mitering the ram from the necessity of bodily - toll, must be gesuirtal, and Ln due proportion as' the nobler, powers of boort and mind are developisland innployed. Zr all the uneal, tivated men and women is the world thpuld be Instantaneously relieved from; theireessilty at physical toil for the obtain.: mentlif Kubsistenoe, it would ben grealoa,. lamitile themselves und every body else.' Events antorderoci wiser. Nature abhors .. idleness does n vacuum. Hence IC seems to ho a role that until people become active intellectually, they are foreed to be active pLynically. But, work itsele'is a great instructor. Many a man has loart . Iti more at his trade which it, is worth while l e know, than ath- • cru contrived to acquire in Collego,haU.s. THE IN - TERNAL HEAT:AVE. After the income tax WTI-S collected it wilc Levelly stppcsed thiit the receipts from ,Irttenull revenue tax would drop off to half, Million n day; but although they have oc ,casionally fallen that low, the average fer thus past has been fully ri million a• Way, and that overage is kept up with cur sing regularity.. Lastweek, the receipts . -reached nearly ten million dollars, making 47.&tal income of the 'National Tl'easalT, thrsugurce any° July 1,1..465, the coin- Ine*:ituent of the current...U=ll'year, sonic:. i ht e g a r h cr sl en B3,ooo milii ooo 4 o d r o a w r. eekly avort4,l ,V•very large portion of this tax is derived ' from plartufactures, and the largo daily • venue of the got erzuncnt is thus dopen dent on the continuance of the prosperity' of 'the zrainufaeturlng interest. Strike that /down and you strike the revenue down, ea wRh it the Moans of sustaining and wrir k -vin g on the goveniment. A return to free trade must either result in repudiation, tic laqlre.transfi7 of the present fax on man nfueturt to mil estate, if the revenue of the nation is to be kept up, the withdrawal ;oPprotecticht from manufactures mustkiev ably result in shifting the burden of na • tipiaaj taxation from the manufacturers to 1 .ftte holder? of real estate. The agricultural intent, therefore, is as much concerned in Maintaining protection as the manufuetu- 1 l • -• TUE statement made by Gov. fiztows: t un„and given In our "telegraphic reports yesterday, that if the troops were with. ; • wn from Tennessee the Union Legisia eture of that State would be broken up by ;the secessionists within forty-eight hours, Tsirbithy of more than passing attaining., Clov , Bnorrialow,knocrs fully . the charm ;teroc.the,lieople of thatAate,,,,aud his ter tipiteny ciantio!„hi ignored, Tennessee :Ass best f ofithe reconstructed States, and . • Mare. of the real, genuine Union In her population than say of tier othera; and if it be true of her, that her' talon Government cannot be mainte'ried for a day without military hacking, It must be much worse in those States which are made up altogether of secessionists. Such a thing as a erne, loyal government in any of them Ls clearly an Impossibility so long as political power is confined es.clusively the insurgent tallies. • . TUE AI E BOA El.-4110 bill now be fore qua 'nveree,ducorporating-, a railroad com pany to construct an air-line road from Washington to • New York is one that shatticibe piesSed to an early passage in both "louses. The railroad communication between those two cities is now controlled by a monopoly which does as it pleases., and charges wharitpleases. the present writing its midi; is cholced upby rho impos sibility of crossing the Susrmehanna et. . I f.avre:de-Gracc, and these detentions are too frequent to be any longer permitted. The States of Maryland and New Jersey draw heavy revenues from this monopoly, and every man who visits WaShingtonfrom the cal.t, north and west. is compelled to pay, toll to hue or both of these States. Let on, 'therefore, have the air-line mad as soon us pos.ible. The more nail roads the better, ilwaiand everywhere. ;1"11P-r. Trana IN RAILIIOADS. —The rose- Mi n ions adopted by two of the manufitctur ing IC.llOCilltiollsl in this city, on Tuesday, called out by the proposition to cortend the - Cleveland and *Shooing railroad to this; city, have the right ring, and enunciate the right doctrine, to wit that any impediment thrown In the way of the multiplication of railroads, is adireet attempt to chock the development of the resources of the nation. That Legislator, therefore, who votes to sus tain the present railroad monopoly of Penn syhania, votes against the, pest interests of the State, and against increasing the wealth and prosperity of its people. Pennsylvania needs railroads In every diMetlon; onct we' shall watch closely I.lth rotes of our logfsia tom, that we May . truck those 'Trim lend themselves to the work of tying the Vttato to the - apron strings of a single powerful. C-orporation. • Iron. . I .Scovm., (Rep.) on ta king his seat as President of the New Jer. sey tienate,referred to President Ltarcoin's second inaugural, and pledged himself to fidelity to the prineiples enunciated in this latest utterance of the foremost .plitriot of tbe, age.. 2.lr..Scor,nr. said he regarded the. Moderation of Independencio as instinct .nlO2 litsug,,bieattilng poR et •t 4 "in . trt4 truth', ancinat as the passionate; 'inanuca'to of a revolutionary wet, and avowed lilta -4eo:l4,l4Tgiti4Ti..ol#oll2kitid.' • Tiffs Louisville /Maria-at, the leading Skt- Pa of th..4r, 4 '. 87 4,tY men fa,', Kent -I ;4Y, out only.admils that the iiegreas Smith have - behaved' seelL arid that Aci 'reicp of-PO:VG wo uld . probabliiliarebehaiediatirelluiuder the same teraritation,• but declares em I« 'Cully thzi 'atigiirugzsgop, - . Of laWiti the, SOUtiA4 riot tha work of:ilia- r t.:4re but '6l'll'o'l'dd/a .. SQuili deal ibtriregrrmap?Tijalciiai dale; Tits , staryof a daa.4l woman who leil net grave andttirraeutad the'. bteirch iii,l;ilei'is'elßeXtirif emus'? iicals: 0w4 .1 4-sc...at ,beeriselrig , the:m*l4 1 t A,naz old 3 hcox--whlch originally, appeared Uk: of prima ilarlds:paperinlB63,•,and was urlesque b Preto :out at, the time as a:!!selL'..'lt - ,:tvitaillt , liar. cdasei on ipirttaidisre:. • •••• - I _ , . iii illpla4tate.<;o' ifie,telmenh hag l ' Ot_heisu, stnnee, shoNci'lLiat car gaverrurieit VA* res, ()Intel.) , ,roiised !!) '...-reecrzioftt '111.11a.- 1)11 . Air. Franco pronikes 'to irithtliavy her • fiociPs•irlft bn34.*Cryttl!io..thitt *-trianPdVenkirel:kiiiittha,GOVerlitnerit !MA,. I :'" X * 4 qcOTPLE ( . I ., Ceti better' terms thart-tbat.; . , • 1 - - TilE-516:iitiff3;Arbita ftys: "The 'mint: pahatis fi MeV, the North should foregio-ite d a hatrert ro 4in i —4a enge, .cultliatto &Jowl- - I Iy:relations with the .Sontheniople:".• "Anil," tho iirmie .: lnightrliztvoi : added; isms the people of the South to otfltfate', ‘itlieir hafted and telling° without kliii.cri iiinclnu . ice. . , . .. . . 7 Entnrc , ll74 : like kis 4nCtlier 131.0#0C1,0141;07L?011! Remo: ends, • The St: Lome wipers innanitneth a t - be* baSjittnnit- ttie • Pro - Trade: Lrritre prat fanned in alai city. ME EMI ODI 12111111ISBOIG LETTER. Cc., Bice deuce of tni , itt[burgh casette. nAnursitrreo, January 11, 13..“ The great Flab cens - entionjeptordsy .-... a signal stuyeE:3 sli_fas as slumber., were concerned as nearly four gundred delegates ...41 1 A prosentfrom the different eOuntioi bor dering open or through which the susouehan . na and its tributaries para. A bug series of remit:diem. were adopted and a committee was appointed le draw up and superintend ,trie 'Damage of a bill which will cromel the owners of the dame to make such alterations as Trili enable the fish to ascend the • etreatas named. Among other bills presented In lim Rouse yesterday was One by a Philadelphia Member, and in which your county is deeply Interested • It is needles* to attythatrum entire dolegothel low .re opponed te-lt.. The.Pltrlaktaa are as fop The test. section torevidest That in addition to the new &Mbomou:at bylaw to be levied by the tountY•of dialilatheoyforsoreral mural purpOatie;"there. re eye : year litvs,,.an awing yeartuirearter, netll.the principal . interest Ofell, the - draper coat. bonds lamed hY Ant-Cony eountyin oomprumine for bonds issued . saki comity' tothestereralrallrOall• tempanios, Mall be fullyprorided forby par.. meat ari• hereinafter speeMedi be gemmed Med - colleted, at *the same brae and in the sante Manner, arid -by Alm samoofficera as the Ortli. nary countyrorenne,e special tax of two and. a half mills on each enotturldredsloilararalii won of alttaxable.property Monist countyr mild sineendltar. &hall oemnoWTLAS the Sinking Fund of 'token ofwhich shallhe collected in the legal eurrefuT of the United States, the same !chapatti to thee Comity Treasurer, nod -to bo kept. by him separate auddistinct, from all other mottleaof the county, and be paidont by him as heroin directed as no other.wayl neither Maliit honied directly or oullscetly. foe any other burposethart the liquidation of .the principal of the are per cent. bemdsassued by said county In compromise of her boots Issued' sy . railroad commodes, And the Treas urer Matti* bound on his official bond for the .faithful carrying out of the true intent of this ... .. . Section eecond provides that the same Com missioners appointed Under section six, of the act - authorising the Controller end °motels stoners of Allrois my county: to. comp ro mise with , the holdersed bonds. of raid county, in • payment of attlxoriptlana totheMPitablrook of 'certain ritilreatetunpardea, approved January. Z, Misdealt berCemmbetionens of .tae Sinking , Pend herebereated; ' • • 1 ' - Seebeck third,- provides that on the Brat of every Jemmy; wheneres One thousand dollars .. bt.icsmiogrte.the ; Pond shall be on hand. the SeersiarportbeCOmlnbaloners of the Slaking Fund, Shall girt notice In a dallpnewipapir in -1 1ttebnith.ehot:Ing the amount in the Toed • anciliritthdg ['listed proposals' for the rodonap. itiollat , ,_ntv._ , td" 4 on the loth OfJentlary. A nools;:, ifil ' mendhe - ,,VReitntvl ' to. media award the to thopersOn t oi l ing IhpgrosHiteld - reanctlon In the* bonds eld by them; P_Nt. ll iftlit °WONT, 11l athe stall nOtpay Mare , thatarlid DIM Provide! that If no .petaorlb . er"te surrende,r the bonds at .Rlstrer ee_.,S,t e Mine Sha ll berrepariedro the . (aunty Treasurer, who shall aparopriate the mOney totheMoment of thet boudoir' rotation of numbere,haginnieg at • the fairest number-, and thilds, atter oath approptiatieriorhall team to bear interest. .Seetlinlfotirth gives tho COttlat7 Commission" er and theVentroller each ono thonsand dol lar, per annum, lad the Treasurer the same compeasittlon flint hell alleged for receiving i and distrihntingether County money. Section fifth seta ferth;that neglect on the part of the officers neared to carry out the act shall tin deemed a misdemeanor, and punished • as sucht.andthe Birth section • r epeats all acts inconsistent with this. Mr. MaPharson,eif Aimee?, has offered a bill whiche. - switshoa the fee of o surgems e for hold othfircOtun'ityrtextteurdlUudi examinations ecentalssicmers thlok that ['larger [nut should The AM read-1n limas:nate and Bone rola the -to the Controller of Allegheny CL re quireethat officer •to takes an oath and gir o a bond that he ` ill - faithfally perform lals titles, and empowers • hini to • administer oaths or affirmations to - altpermas presenting claims. , Against the elty, , aod testi owners or-SW:oats of nie eitywho are interested lard:tiring or db. horsing the City •Teireal2eli. JiTlegiteny • county ts hat likely tube barren of Insurance Compahlea es two maestro like ly le be addedirte tee nuttier already in ex, ialr_neev 'lll , , , Bighato , read one bill this morn. leg incorporoting : the ..,,,,,ga n ., 1,„,,,,,,,,,,,,, Commucy, arid litr.9lsekene incorogralt e ? the National Insurance Company of ell coy 'City. - The 'Ramer has named as Conon sfon ern Thomas Booty, • Samuel McKee, F. X Fluteltinsee, Jacob" Koller Joahrut Rhodes, Charles' 11. ~L eech,-' James B. Parker, Simon Johnson, J. D. Verne, W. IL McGee, F, an. Belli nett and George IT, Cam, and tato bare a cao. Hal of WOAD. The latter is to hero the wa de . capital end has as incorporators C. C_Boyle, Mtn. Barnilton, A. IL-English, George Geist, Wm Semplo, U. B.P. Williams,"rotes Brown, Jr:, JOlurroegity, Sr., and John Boyers. . The .M.11 . -presented •by Senator Bighorn to dap.' relative to the Allegheny Valley Raoad Company,may .be 'erred . stated to boa. fob Lowe: It anthorlres•ilacr, Company, by remiss ibly, to create *preferred Mock, not to exceed tram which ts to hear math Interest ard of Directere :nay deteratise, the money to be applied to building the toad from Ito pre authorize ahemttsburgh to 011 City. It alss for the same purpose, .4dispose of their bonds to an amount not eeeding fah:ooGO, - the same to bo seemed by a mortgage upoo their road and• Other prop. erty. Mae bill also provides that hereaher there shall be seise directors or managers. A rotoncir boy, mama tualconona aged 11 or 11 yearv, for home months Inthe employ of a into in Altoona, died- very suddenly on litinday morning last. .11 so/ alleged by some of thove aomminted /wi th the parties, that the bora death bad Lem ceased by abuse on the hirereoloyeri -and - Crironer Wideman hrleart ld an of incrbeel on the - body. :Zto elektmes preview, to death . wa.Ptved; there were tOmetimilmli on the Loan and - Some tontradtetory evidence omen - ping bia treatment_ the ernploym wav • -.given. • The 1017 ten d verdict that de creased came to his death from causes un known. Itteezns to to that a little teethes in vertigation would not have been oat of the tipeaking of Reno, the Mass , itic Herald )tom present Indications, the opening te spring will witness a greater activity at Irecto than has ever been di.layod In tile prosecu tion of anyentetpriaela *moll orgions. The ebrupletion of the raftrOact to Tithed., the buil ding of the town - together with several (when tint tealabfactories null the development of the oft - wens; gill gm ataploymeat to thou. sands of active, in ustrious and enterprising men.. • • Sr Air CifStyx my Or WOOL Gnowtos ro or Iltzb AT Fri - tsar tba.--The adjourned eon. .rent lon of wool.growers of Washington county careened in Oho Court Dese on Thursday afternoon of last week, Col. n A. bland:motor In 'the chair; Dr. P. J. DeMoync, Col. A. Blare. . chatter, Maj •John It . E _ wing; San,. Me- Portend and'William Gabby were appointed a Committee to call a State convention of wool groirOns tit Pittsburgh, at some time hereafter to be deelgUated- All 11.41Journed term of the Supreme Court will he held rd the °Obit county,o the borough of trilkeebarre,Luzerno to cotnmenee on Monday; 'ir.th of Jane, At which time and place may be heard Any Casts returnable la Pi a ttsburgh, March,. 120 'whereon the counsel for the respective parties shall file with the .PrOthonotury of (ht, court their written Con sent and tigreetnent to the transfer of raid , • o.l i . Coox, Lao Assessor for the nor: theca district of : WaShintrten county, line Dm dered his resignation. We have not learned • that *successor has been appointed, but learn .that Cupt,ll.untford, of West will receive, the ofileo. Mr, Cook disrJuirgal the dutlettot bleOtnere with ;ouch credit tOLlnOself A =rem° of the Cohn:obits ((a.) and Port Dcpoolt (111d.)itatiroad Company. was held last )donde. ,v and °sneer, chose,, for the conning yeete.,The work ' will begin on tilt toad early ne theiring. Windllour time , ago, daring s hints gale of' , 'portion of the Booth end of the tines- Ixriatid Clatter, in Wayntanorgh, wan blown to' making the building mint fur a place of Ein.r.ILTI4T/(I.I2I..TLIO,NOTART 'PPM, lueob.D. liumpf, a ooldler of tbo 1,41' NUL .tho "kr to put down rebellion, has teCtl 11 - 17170i11tc4 „1 , 1 t'4.4u4 fc 4 ' Adttle4" o r . 4•0444 zasif nitined ,P6/thninit. WWI drowned at canonibuslli Li* ittil tan., . while tewting,PholcotO,tlzut Wlketltcr it Ws*, re -qr ( nNt c ll { rPt 44 1 4Pgt, A ar Uunt rw:pa ln on. conUt bein C3CCW g 4 dean to t a. ictunty. it lON bn ren9 • for opeTr, Uos; 441.1 y. 14 tin ppring. _.", , l.T3Onlicit Sftiti bens tleittiasetil. tßnr. u. VidA•3looebny,, iiii3cloriithrs 41* Aar i r prfiniened ng•nan,tltna•4lo.o,,,nntrAgnd, 00,464443 1ratiaVi z it l pg to Er ins 00 , 4 6 ' . o . "l4 Pri. th . is' , p,i-" FiLtartrtitSllll l , 440 .. pm, 4,Vondiarney sa MVO, GA 31r. ern. 1eXN11140.,. jCip fts plan 13, •In 'din Obi; an , 9 l 3nt, 4sechat it nits chit Mishit ,`a ' no °4llol l l 34l4,Zisn9qpoStith !US tli'm l i 11 1",tir a tirioliaCIA*U UV r ,.., :) . ~,,,, ~, ~. ~.......... „„,,, 13 0101* I _ Mil. :C071.105P mo“ , e•oolle141 IA u t tc. iv 1 Wert/I'm - 0 tbs.rig tb tot' be pisi t s Titgeitc,itiAthr Ohl ittPtiblita' ' ' :itre —lnl i F i erairSt i r e tli ii`rsgi,rl Misties t h a t yl 3 f nen', In Lbe• /. Trill gnl4ll9#4=ll •• • 6 • , k` _ ware arnynn noun— t , gain ,W 0331 YrTzdtxrAugulfopp els pO -calivit DU m-ter I, l 4 l iolittlArdcbsschiorstectirhlYtivileis r cholas, pAct ea „AM! i tittOr9 cil; 4 , ‘ I3 D 4 4 1 0 . the" 4ittrlDOS pr t bral,d, nick hcsonsuiScci wiih” chil int* 11"004p I. of , VarblielmjittAbapogr,upt dna Itnep j,to, 1 nlnYtn7 (I . od. wo land' jgcfne, dun old rdkcalim as, mumps, vhsfs , sad ckse4{ RI de itlm, to, tho hsise lylng,l4pbritii VII gtio Ws „ts. perssists.within, the hist,l'Ole,ytech . i t JOCE4 is ua pg pen ough'ithiiil sip nit, n,t , 1 terlo,contin6it, in chamois' find start , arils thfrn Admit it within tha/ohi. , ' • , , I i u tLis a tttnailr• clear that Ito, Votchil will Any Slagluti C 7 .1 4 ,511( nobt Mon tho '& , olliern ;horizon iti , It will have the t lora. thin mut gray° is souhi pia ezitlilf& i . oWiti. Aram Wisirsairosit V a Georgia jaunt , ill enggettai' is : ivy meet ion of tho. grave , d 11n Portance.- ittthertOi the tadleatleniutorientl a - negative.onswer, Ihe groat own of Wont ob. - violably prefer loafing-in bar-inouivaud Otte. AM storceg pitching permits Ice, drintog and chag plug .tobaeco,` teaching, themehlves ittillutriv do work: ...diet our, cotompOrary Moat • haw, - patience. -,i‘it's duttll to • learn old liege flew tricks. •, Give theta time • milli half -se ranch , lecturing , cut has .atretoli yet lay. debc unite Macke, and they All yot too the. mark. , Mc aro orpoeed to: all • illy/ciliate ill& tinetcni o f an dinalet, that the trainee shallihave • their. fair share of Ferhatcrrer in going-, Don't compel .theta , to make - ccmtntota-ln the Mat half of January, or go withont,work, be t,le t,- I them havatimato think - better:of it if th and , not entirely ri g ht at the start.., When th y.ne. : ti cetialn thatthe - Olterutlee iii 'Moot. di gi-or : .giaptthoril hetakittlthmeelrovloturn g up; the , carth;aini. 4liguarthris , do bate-1U :Working. fariv' thp _urp.7l - of dtle not - common any., Where. , Oerivreeentlairly- the altereativoof . trositortnbread,sutishiteawillevork,l4ough they d 4 hate to,-- , ,X L TrUneile. MEM STATE NEWS. FMMITURE ;,` JOSEPH & NON. Rana. fsetimrs si3 , l Wbolenle szA Urtall Dealetv KrirNITURE 11.4) 1211A11:11. N0.431-ricxx 4. itmTe fly CIIJ., h.dt. ljgre assorykseAS 1,011. r. P.VIthITrVE. 11,11..ni1l na Led osiali: quAyt V.V.% *my umirAtl i al. ' edit% . thc ,dry. Maid .41.1 atlita.onmat vireo. au. li:Ti tt F011 . 31 r irIiTREET InPIIOIL,STEMY No. RE1317/1 r.qTrik:giglika.gmnAetore krzr42: 1 5.7 , Fk."A1it17.2'.Vireatr.,1,m7 1 .74,1: 1 13: t 'ls" 6 " ll2 auraltliiikilvdat. . AGENTS. tt Wlt s t, & BALL'.P. l l 2 rifltatnit,,, / 14,11 n4. Y roPVIIIMEIRLO PIA "9 • %".; Al. Awitnal„friri"T4 % IP ' 2 r. Or U3fUgailWIRM faCargo9" P AI RRA , .fm,(7IKm74I e Mosaic and Alicnanuter. bit )01 000 11 1Q0. 6 ,co'Ci,' 4, 1 rill , . In laklrßnnrdnnonl. tiarrnloty., an 'tooting bin , filltdifNilk Vfd n u ll rnrOrVOr PAW., eoncessloa , ! - Pii, prlter . otir rutate.ana tvtenhlVVrtoel, . • , CAdppsMi 11 , 1001 einitlV,. 'Window Eftto4el,, = ~ mid Este tkietttni , Co{ ales* Xikssols..Leopest ,usestiF; innloiltii nor custoni . rriitc,lio' jee.otio.ty ritZ. SYNTO ;l l ll,noluCtirvlvOOt vory rno_ttrate nrrYA , llLArio , kolOhl•T i 11,11 Novi fin... ino.Y.rt moo. • " • fl• • AJDMIIVISTRATORIP 'NOTICEAr . I or 2 WiTiPh e tridgfPe tlit S n iTtP`r Eaq 1;,17.4 6 M1V1L.." tleagt'n=Mbr P il tmr'n"s sonsigrtf i zi=vairal btod Co tr i t . lll tr a z 441:11 1 grim .adirtigiZe k. 1146: 4 ?[ VCAVA.• C r' i I WA4T -I irrOthunrolllr7**4)lllet, L • LttOdygN .I.l±:hirdikx6.Y EMI NOT/Ma COIUNTIC cONYETION. • • The tnion ReputHein cotter or Allegheny Comity am requested to assemble at the Irma/ places for bold !AT-elections In the teveral district.. ou SA ThILDA T. January lith. TUT., and chose delegates to umet Ia County Convention. on TUESDAY, January Bib. 1561 at 11 A. 1.4., at the Cows Rouse, for the nitrite.. °reelecting DELL° ATT.S to the STATE CONVEN TION, to beheld at Ilarrlaburgh, to place ha 'nomi nation a candidate for GOVERNOR. 7be election of Delegates shall be be ballot; lathe wards and boroughs, between the hours or and 7. P. 0., nod In the toiiialilps between the hosts of 3 and .o'clock, T. M. Dy order of the County Etecollee W3l. J. GILMORE, Chu,. IL W. Tnoxes. is,eret,,,tea WIC AXIMILSONk • • Oa rit e , SLXTEI ANIMAL BEEEnitr IiM I ZA h aVAW N R o rt :.4W Qrl /IV/Y. JanaNlT n . 0 11 14% VgStrecial.;ll4 ibbl=tx"lgrJt,7.le= acted. .oe:tdxi's W. K. 111100 K; _ . Eletqta- TEE NEXT, REGULAR MIEET/NG POT'E : I4 I A in rig iliWgjellatlie BITY OR ao ' .PE?!I',VA, ; 29rnpr llowand .Dlazgolltl ' dl=l' c41,Nri,334147-.1,1%414.r1a-al any.be'ol pect.d. • JILLSON. ht, hec. Ocy. Alleshca7 e dIC Al Efoc D / F t .i .y. • Jaltn4tdmt E "' En N,PFaCEA. t..,,,;.:.'"•44).ririf,,est73svaitim.. ift.r.,— DENS' Ali..4oCiaTlOri HALL. eltrftlidlar s Dia mond. $011.11•To art. Invited to all ttttt . Dy . order of ' GE .N. J. D. EitYELTZEIL, (Inas. F..ktclimurw. Defstiat7. , „ 1.41,1 tat DIVIDENDS. TIAIDEND. 7'he Basra DPlWtoDr7N'ittliMarWl'ir. R I V4`.41;":2;1411 .i .i11:4. 1 .`141`11:cd41 1 1:i" ". r..yable ortaiONDAY, We Rib InTL - lalltleree E. WESTEILVELT, Steretax7, DIIIX YD2tiOTICE. 0/incr.°, P/1753tm0n R.a COxranr. I Oth 3anniry, ifsa this grdtZe'd b.1142/giugleeitt,inWrol TWO DOLLARS AND 17Tr1y =Cm I.tra KURE Outer then ror We Company, payaLle fOrtholtb,iV43lSM:enctrirr. ICE TIIE 9F-D 'NATIONAL lIANX ALI...TORE- • ?CV, Pi...7A1 matting of t6olNloctors of ilLillank. f ul fituTflXlMJ, alaltlf.66 of • EIOJIT DOLLAX6 PER 6116. 1 / 1 1 Wae aerrlanel, payable on Ikon ancr the OM Wet Irandane - J. N.. IJ ANwotON, Caraler, 3 u VIM gi1L'`0,474'.4 1 11 - 1%. 'mu DIM LIAS DECLARED A Lllhidelia of OIX•PER OX.ST,:2l4l o ' . .4,Zrnera. Us. /moble on at oft January n'd aoult u!Starr.z.x%M.r. - Jae:ll,XE I 19 it=;9lteitv.,(!:sd TOSSOLUTIONe.NotIee Is hereby r m . i. 2I7 I .IIAROPArnt,_,-11:::Tdi izidi', 7 , 1 t ~ . f At. /So. 74 FAArrat Atres. Alleghe aly,, P a., ender the Baba OW&Nti & ISEN.N Y./Zoe* dls , soh ed an 'inept t dal o i l 4tutr. 4.11,14..,..LARUAtt.1 ,e ' r:Ne . . 4“.l,t b d Vinet.ta r ° . trweri„"'.. all dern tta on the old sarthrrAhilt Are to or ketaettted to bko ' ail:nit:Mee. No. 76 rettrriletheett Auestattur City, IN., forrsyroeut. . . • ... raxpEracx om7.4Ts. jae.na JOILS Kr......NED1, D I SSOLICTION.--The.cadrartner. oblp.beretonbre etlegoir_bet,erenttdiatadritrgak. td. anger Ilte idyls or b ix i tirbirfl to the latArt r a ' lU idea. mate tur . :_ rm at nom sad thine haring rtait against ilald any wit?preanat 01.112 for paymeat tanaallatelnaltr old atand, dederal acrect. or :to. 7kile„al aid* Dia a - Woad. ADcabddr• VRAPlrira.. ANnitt:vr Ktrox. Ait.rairxr. J'innary in, Isla: U EINOLVIION OF - PAU 11, rimr, —The partarrAlD bere,iofop‘ *Pato& tinder the arooof ...6". .10.'elts - d 00. is ClOottly.lbt„. mat.' coos-est. Tim budares• of the Mill will be, tiled b"bth. ''''''''''' i 11CT.4131, a CO. • a2O. T. B&W • ',. ...., CN lICTTRING fr m flushtep. Toheef (1211Treffto mend JA..1111 T. ICit APT it eVi c stayelea: .ad pain., - corArryErsHir.rx..namig.ed hue u...... clued ilikar.seln, tegethee tiadeelbe mu /04 PIA< of J..1Xf.0 T. DEALT 4 CP. Itanteremouf Looko 3.utza T. BRADT; • CALF - L 3 az.tatt. rs. 1= LEGAL NOTICES. A taxi:mom vourrir, res,...in an am' C4tvt to and for laid county. bold at 7tte"fefttei'o' P .l7, ..l ll4 A 4 . "lll mW;l ' alehs s lltrritl i g Margaret Darr. deceived, at No. Lg. December tom. And now, Jasuary 6th. tlat, on motion of A. It. Drown, attOenc, for heirs of decedent, the Coats appoint 11. h. Yon lance, Eat., Auditor to snake dlstrlbution of the balance in Cl., hand: of aald ne canna/Mt, to wad mots those lexalty entitled to the wastw. D TUX LU%IIIT. rrom the Retied. R. A. 116C.IXt2i. Clerk. I attt nd to the of atone %ornament, aI the will oferr of R. A . A 16. re 11. Putnnev. No , ll. Fifth atrtet, on SA IMRDAY, thr loth day of Te ben- L r lna, al %o'clock. , tebtm nod where )1171tIttettelor"'ll.r.d'...V1.11.1:lANCE., Aaditof. 98TROLOGY. lES W s! , g , TvEyou ant° an•ll4Airon:: tunttyorkn.wta s so* , t • atirelr Imo tricot BeS process of vracts),out poss.. sevrct, I _ :ZTir•Cir. " : DI. , "I scis year SIT, rotor of ens• sad bull% you OW ruttier the Web's* • of your Marc Punster PI mum malf:'•Uo Ito dote of your paarrtogr. Addres, sizelothst tiltolll,-ft Pt