The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 11, 1866, Image 1

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, ,
Y. 11. PSAMMAN . )
imegr , r , 1.113.11ET1 1 , ( Er l ° n3.
TI(. (}OEITAIEMPSA. DtmivirzeghlAulorst.
2io. S3 'UIU &num . . lintt•buril).
',tweet Dorricirr. b 7 1113.11. per yrs/ 4i 00
E rto , yVir rannox. do, do. ...........000
boned by Carrion. 1405:r1:50 or aIVENINO. per
Vyr x _ ITEMS
Of cloul;'44l:siOrass goods, balmorni 4 and
'e/Oth.• Barre it Bet.c.,_
' .10, . iii.l.VeatafoO t .
oils, at Om Iciareat ratan at
Fletaittiii - brui, Depot, No. 8.1 Market street.
satiate and Flnnuels
On the northeast . coiner of Foote& and Mar
ket *treaty
gAslos• Lovy & Sao
. .
Sewing Alaiblues,
Used but sabot(' tbne, offered at a discount
and warranted, by W. Serener Zt Co., 27 Fifth
-*tree!, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Nee Dry. Goods.
.. Opening daily--nee goods from New York
ontho northmot corner of
Fourth attei:Vnike
Itew et:motile
C. ecns Lots d 800.
lklugesal, Pry Goods.
In to our present large stock, we
irrrivelpt of Ow 'aid desirable styles of
Dry. G'Ooda suited to the present season. They
were purchased by one of our firm, who is now
'l.n the Eastern 'markets. Remember our story
fs On the northeast corner of Fourth ood Mgt
"What the Illustriotta Abernettry Said.
"Weil. sir, whans.the matter/ ,Said Aber
' netity, the great English snrgeorirto a cadavc
:,iousdoolang Patient, who had gelled to consult
-."014 nothing serious/ was the reply,
my stomach and liver aretiut of order, that's
~ D o you cull that nothing scriousr , said
'Abernethy; "I tell you, sir, that when these
two organs are out of order, as you call it,
theks not a square mah of the body tiMils
not more or lesddlsease4, nor a drop of blood
jolt thstLet a healthful condition.. Neat
tug ted. be reete. true; therefore. it Is of; the
.7ery higiiejf importance td. keep the Stomach
and-liver in aylgorous condition. If the one
weak - ittlithe other irregular in its oaten,
tone 'and control them with Ilbstettera tele
orated"Stoemell =tag—the most genial leg.
etable ,r;,estoinitee end Alternative thithas
, ever been adreialstired es a cure for Dysiiep
sla and Liver. Disease. It Is reoomeeended by
distinguished surgeons and physicians of - the
United btates Army, by °Moira of the army
and - navy, yy our • first. authors, by eminent
clergymen—la fact, by thousands of the most
intellimmt of every class, as, an unequalled
protective agalng-epidentle and malailous di
seases, and as a perfectly innoquou.S,but at the
- same time powerful, invigorant and altera
nostetter's Bitters sold obote3ale and retail at very low rates
at Fleming'a Drug mad gnrnt Medicine Depot,
Ho. pt Marl:et street, corner of the Diamond,
tainiFourttt 'street.
Fall and. Winter Goods.
it - 15 with great .Plea Side we Mal the Eaten
- henna our readers to the eubporb stock of Fali
and Winter GOOD Dist received by Mc. John
Weser, kteretnust Tatior,No. lMFedernl street,
Allegheny. IDS stock embraces , some of the
mixt bea mita Cloths, CaMimeres, Overcoat.
-Digs nri . d Vesting! ever brought to the western
aarket. 'IlLi assortment of Furnishing Goods,
comprising Shirts, Drawers, Collars:Seek Ties,
..11andikerchiefs, de., cannot be surpassed east
_sir -west. A large stock of ready made Pant
Ctiats, VeSte and Overcoats, wilt also be found
AthisiMiablishnient: Perseus in want of any
-thing in the clothing line should not fall to
ive lir. Weler call.
Gies!' Gift Sale
The Flit sale of Messrs. Simons Co.. 71
Fifth atieet, has: become most popular with
:the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity, if one
.Juia tit . the immense crowds that
throng the store day and night; all seem pleas
-ed with tfielrvrays of doing business. Among
the -articles sold this past week, for on
- - - - .
dolliti each, are the following: two tea Netts,
fifteen ice pitchers, ono hundred and seventy
- fire castors, twenty.flve cake baskets, twelve
;,--;,watelies,-tWenty-tbree albums, thirty butter
41 hey remember, all articles hold [or one
:the pretttnazne of the prineess - in the fair 9
tate t and Freya' lady nmay be a Princess Sweet
' lips; bbe ehbOi sto use the fragrance breath-
Sarodoni. This rare essence of Innumer
- able aromatic 'herb?, removes every blemish
- ficak the teeth, gives a blush-rose tinge to t he
guinS, Mar 'renders the mouth as pure aud
fn . -Ai - Minn infant.
Thomas 'W. Parry it Co..
j.-airkiliii.siikte Roofers, anal Dealers to Amert
caul Slate,ol: imrioas colors. Orrice at nee ran
I:.4l4iit's near the Water Works Pitts-
Ipurgh, Pa. .Bc-sidenee, No. 75 Pike street- Or
' - Acre itriattippy attended to. All work warrutat
- ',.esi.Oraterjo - pOf. IteialLting done at the short
; -est notice. No charge for repairs, provided the
reels net ahitsed alter it to put on.
returned after an absence of three
• yearg Lir thd army;l. hare re-opened my shop
aorta of jobbing in the carpenter lice,
at the old stand, Virgin Alley, between Smith
' field street and Cherry Alley. Ordero solicited
• • • • ,-.l ,and intinnpily attended to.
_ ALMLIA or Locator.
r White Lend
. .
That exnnot be excelled by any In the roan
try, soh' at low rates at Fleming' , DrI1; Store
£4l.llxrket street.
Decided Bari dno
I. In Nyinter:4,aw - le, balmorals, binnk.•ts
. BATE. S:
..h.rllaril oil.. Buy *perm and lard oil at very
lute intea at: Fleming•* Drug Store. NO , u Nlar
ket utreet.
New Ct.bmere Sha d.
doer opeued. D TEM F BEG]
Slcatest otos Skates !!!
All varieties, st James BoTra's, No. 13G Wood
• 'Atliite`nisd Colored
Planketr,olVolier,: Tlvirm R 8.0
linve7cr's Rather. Soap
Ie nice-try IV Only thirty cent. a cake
flat isorni Skirts
Of an Linds
' Black nisd
BATE. k Bet. I.
. , .
I:ulan Passenger Railway Company o
3 -Philadelphia provides ono free meat per day
et Its eastern and western depots for all Its
.eerldnetota and drivers, numbering one hun
dred and fifteen men. • Two-other meals of
geed,wholeseMe, substantial food are atso
.'-sertred daily r of which they partake at a cost
of thirty tents , The expense or feeding
the men per week 14 about g.Sie, or SlO,oxi per
—3111Z111111 . ,1ng4 Out ofthe treasury of the WM
. MAncratat Exvitioanotany.—A 31r. Rein,
tiVnlnfin by birth who weighsonclhundred and
'and I
Miss /funnels J. Duke, the lowa
gianieks, weighing lire hundred and eighty-
MVO pounds, wore married on Friday evening,
-the' MelhOdist 'ltt.piseopal Church, Fourth
betinVArch, Philadelphia. The Siamese
Minn, Chang and ling, and ether celebrities,
csarapostalthe bridal party. A large crowd of
• :*ect,
Enka weeks amee . a
plate farmer icsading
abedthel'ets Mlles from Meadville; in the di
rection of Emgertown, discovered some spec!-
, - MactOOf orenponhis farm": • • The specimen of
ore which was brought to Gas place for scien
tific examenatien ;certainly eiblbited a niece
. of puresilver, of csoneLdeturile sirs, together
- *With .ore of copper and of iron.—Kradrifts Re
publican.. • . :"t• • ;
Le haus belonging to Mr. A.. 7. Ferguson, of
- East sWaterford, Juniata county, Was totally
. --estroyed bi ore jut week, together with four
.horses„ tan cows, one hundred and fifty bush.' .
.ote wheat,: carriage, gear., de. A yowls;
- 'emu name Mathirate has been imprisoned en
- Ilse charge of having fired it
s • aid gentleman, 'who bag been editor of a
'neutral New York paper ler thirty Years, was
. -.cleaned out” of his. railroad passes, and his
• looth,brrisli,at Corry, oa Saturday, by pick-
Tocka.. „ questioned in regard to the
; extent arida loss he replied that his wallet
hal teen taken, but as isle from the railroad
- pusses there was nOtlting,in It of value.
• Truss ii certain Presbyterian clergyman of
isTilladelphin„ upon wham the degree. of D. D.
end been conferred; deemed' It desirable to
etainrin additional degree eafio_tor tam k tn ty . raper ppt,h-r
'holy- declining the heno , n s
`:-'- edtg-ad fftion of 103 CW degree—"D.
...i-l-eyat,beg interpreted, might stand
-dor Oil,otor nwinity,popinetp
A commies. occurred on the Pennsylvania
Ridiroad. near Marietta, on Tuesday morning.
JiSlonatnotive,whtlebeing taken Ont the round
'bonne at Colorable. wets accidently started off
read, Under a full header steam, and
castle with the Lancaster train Mist,
1. sialashiag both engines, and the baggage car of
down, train. Several of .the pusengere .
skere injured;,. "
•tan members of the Lutheran Church, 'at
Miura, have contributed three thou-'
als~sti.dltllaretawards this endowment fund of
' - theTheolegleat Seminary Hof that denombia
i lion located at_ Gettysburg.
Tun Meadvile -Republican states that the
whole ,:count of capital Invested In buildings
ruining the lust year exceeds' .111,00 e.
VOLUME LXXX . .---NO. 9.
Mrsionist Cornea ro4T PEABODY FAMILY'.•Orge Peabody, the L don banker, is to
erect a new rhumb editice in Georgetown,
Mass., to accommodate the church and society
lately formed lu that play°, to mutate the
faith of their fathers, in opposition to the new .
divinity there by Rev. Charles Beerher. Thy
church is not cal intended to arsoonamodate
those ho have ten up their anolent house
of worship, and e fond intended by the do
nor, M r. Peabody, for their rise, but is also in
tended as a memorial of led'eral generatimts
of Mr. Peabody's ancestors, Wrho were born had
lived, and many of them ilo buried in that
town. • It will unquestionably be one of the
Brest churches in this ciountry.—lfdreehtll,
(Mom) Gazette.
Tulip:try in Wm Brooklyn City Court has re
turned a verdict of 691,000/111 favor of Edwin
Whitney` proprietor of a Wyk' boarding school,
in Connecticut. Some timeainco a led of nine
yearn of age was scatter the kohool with a view
to the improvement of his temper which, it
seems, was rather' ungovernable . Ile wasn't
long there before, he set fire to the establbtr
went, causing damage to theamount of WACO.
As the boy luttlaT,ooecoming to him in his Own
right, when of age, Whitney sued the estate
and got damages as aboye stated.
OwEto to the excessively cold weather, the
telegraph wires have contracted to such au ex
tent as to snap in many eases, wberelbeee was
not enough slack to allow for the change in
condition. In some of the northern and east
ern parts of the country tho mercury froze in
'the bulbs, and the temperature could only he
ascertained by spirit thermometer, which in
dicated the. astonishingly low stage of forty-
. .
three degrees below acre.
Toe Treasury Department has Urea of late
annoyed by applications foam persons having
lost r oupons, and ask the ilepartment to sus
pend payment on the same, and transmit
them to their legitimate owners. Recogniz
ing the fact coupons are exchanged as money,
and that if stolen end In irbssession of inno
cent parties suclaholders Weald be the torero,
the department has decided that in no orrut
WM they refuse to cash coupons presented to
it for payment.— Washington Chronicle.
Tee late Bet. hamuelriske,("Dunn Brow - ne"t
'Once prayed In the pulpit "that the Lord would
bless the congregation toisembled, and that
. portion of which was oil Its way to church,
and those who were at bottle 'getting ready to
come, and that, In' infinite puUence, lie
would grant the benediction to those who
reached the Rouse of God just in time for
that." By this eccentric method the clergy
man succeeded in breaking up it bad habit,
which had resisted all legitimate appeaLs.
As officer recently returned from Anderson
ville, Go., gives some Interesting facts con
nected with that notorious Golgotha. At
present there Is but a small garrisou -of about
twenty men stationed thete, who aro gaordi.r.."
the old stockade and cemetery, which aro sti r
undisturbed, although numerous threats to
burn the stoekitdo have bonnmade bythe chiv
alry of the surrounding country.
Neck was said during the war about Massa
chusetts tilling up her quota of troops with
negroes and foreigners. It now officially ap
pears that out of 12,11 G three years , teen, fur
nished by . that elate to the army toad navy, 977
were forelgners, and 6,l7.ootared troops. The
state 'show. out k1,L94 above all calls.
Os the tl inst., John Ilendly was executed at
Lawrence, Kansas, for the murder of John
Sutton, In June last. Ile dled perfectly re
signed, but protested to the last that the act
was done in self-defence, rind only after Sutton
had shot him In the arm.' fondly was a riffu
geb from Mississippi, were he and his wife
were hounded almost t,death because they
refused to Join the rebels,
ritom the Cumberland Clrilinn and Telegraph
we learn that considerable excitement pre
vails conCcruing the discovery of lead in Alle
gheny county, Md., and 'Preston county, W.
a_ Several hundred pounds of the metal
has e already been taken out, affording favor
able Imile:diens of its onantity and quality.
The lauds in the vicinity are being rapidly
A verso sax ; at a ball In petroit,. white
dancing • sehotieche with a young lade, fell
dead before her feet, which caused a profound
sensation among the company, and broke up
the butt Soule were disposal to pronounce It
It a judgment of t.od for dancing, but a peat
mortem examination shOwed that he died of
heart disease,
It is the pleasing eastern of Killimanyare, In
Africa, for the women to do all the trading,
- anti they will not permit a man to make sales
in the market place. in Some districts of .1 f
rit., when the husband 14 permitted to sell, he
Is only the factor of his better half.
On the evening of the 3th Inst., P. Tuttle,
assistant paymaster U. S. liary, while at The
observatory in Washington, discorered a new
comet: Mr. James: Ferguson aaslstant witron
omer '
from obserTations obt a ined, announces
"that the comet I' round, of about two min
utes of urn In diameter, with a slight conden
sation at the centre."
A restruts-r account of the geological sur
vey of Miami county, If ansalchas been pub
. lished, showing that salt and petroleum are
thero in large quantities; The work is in ad
vance of the general report of the State, by
Prof. Swallow' and Major Hawn.
Tao: lee on the Missouri Meer to eo etroon
VpLiT e gclarl. , 1-1..?, the Atchison and
u d Compapy aro ermedng
Cars and locomotives upon rails laid capon it
for that purpose.
A NALr-nnoryr.o of lien. Forrest itte, been
e..entenced to be hung In Alabama. We believe
the other half ho been pordoned.
ST,,TOIS SiSinner hit. 4 Written n ening-tette
obituary' notice of It. Winter Davi., Pot' oto.,11•
cation in New York..
A M AN has been wetenenti to tbren months
Imprisonshent at Yor n k, England, for uttnmpt-
Int; tu.hattg himself.
Toe trial Of Thomas Morrissey, who wat. it.-
,Ileted together with William Prout, La w
ranee Prout and Charles; Craig. upon the
charge of robbing the wagon of the American
wilecomP..yArew weeks ago, at Chuatgo
standing In the street, SC olla,ooo, woo
concluded on Tuesday afternoon, having con
sumed nearly two day, to the hearing. The
returned lirloging in verdict of guilt
and sentenced hint td the State Pri.onu Cro tho
term of Ore year,.
TrioTeunwww , UniOnigi held a meeting at
the Capitol ttt Na.hviile on night
Mot when n memorial to Congreei teas adopt
ed i
, rr addition to the tohlrems to the President agreed upon, in rebated to -
Ktruetion. Documents werA prepared con
taining ..t.rtllng repro , Oototloo. of the con
dition of strait, in the Otate, and the Union
iste prefer a t grritorial government or a mill-
tars governtrient rather than the establish
ment of rebel rule in Tennewgee.
R Toe Secretary of War has ordered the rn tied
Stutcv liospltal at Jeffersonville, with allot Its
:appurtenances, to be turned over to the State
of Indiana, to be Used as a Soldiers' Houle. it
original cort, was over a quarter of a million of
dollars. There arc a large number of medical
stores and supplies on band, which will also
be turned over under the order.
Tim train that left Nashville on Monday
night on the Northwestern railroad, ran off u
trestle at Maul ou Springs. One man an. -
killed by a dead body, contr.-I for tr,amporta
lion, falling on him, and a negro .roman 011.,
burned to death. 'Ten persons sustained inju
ries more or less serious.
. .
Monier dates of the nth inst., report the
steamer Hazel Debt snagged and sunk at
111arir's Bluff in the Alabama River. IL liens
ens, of Tuscaloosa, one unknown passenger,
und sevenil negro women and children Were
lost. The bout and cargo are ,uppomed to he a
total loss.
tire. Ifie. FISITLE, of the Baptist Church at
Lonisville,svas rnocked clown and nearly beat
en to death ice ruffians, Tuesday night. In the
lower part of the city. Ile can not recover. U
A smt s - r-nartan. oil well, fourteen miles from
ashville, on Marrowbone Greek, is In Opl,rn
lion. Flowing wells hare been Struck CRC)
miles up the river.
llon. George Bancroft to Deliver the
Eulogy on Lincoln, And lion. John A.
J: Cromwell that on Cleary Whiter Do-
WASIIIINGTOF, January 10.—The 4cnatc to-day
nordirmed`the appointment of 11. L. Spl nit to
be Secretary of the Territory of Ducotah, tine
John Hutchinson resigned.
Senator Foote has received a dispatch from
Eton. Geo. Bancroft, 'thrall's - imp his acceptance
of the invitation of the Joint committee to de
liver the address open the life and character
of President Lincoln before the two Houßee of
Congress and in the National Hail of Represen
tatives, on Monday, the 12th day of February,
=. That time Wee appropriately settle
these Caren:tonics, it being President
Lincoln's birth day.
Tbe 1..1. Cresswell,Senator from
Maryland, has been Relented by the Committee
to deliver the mangy open Hon.lfenry Winter
Davis, before the members of the Rouse of
°Melia infornuttlon haA been received at the
Department of State thin the examination of
passports on the frontiers of the Austrian
Empire has been abandoned, and that travel
ers ran now enter, leave or move about In the
Austrian dominions without being called upon
for their passports.
AF incident occurred at tit. Ismael on gator
day laid illustrating the' (art that mules are
not only the most sagacious ofall four legged
animals,' bat they sametinies do things on
purcl yacientldo principles. A drove of about
two hundrod",ol these;large-minded beasts
'Were brought to the nimble shore, opposite
the city, and hams ton bled that the best
way to get them acrrcis ao [Qatari them on
the Ice and let them wa k over. As soon as
they reached the ice Instinct taught them that
they had embarked on it dangerous Journey,
and instantly the oldest mule In the drove—
one, ton, that had never heel at a circus and
had no eduestion—took the lead, and one at a
time the whole two hundred "fell in h
and fol
lowed thcdr leader In Single file, with safe
spar. between, and thus, stretching them
selves Into a long line, they crossed the river.
The -circumstance was witnessed by %number
of gentlem illustratione Impressed with the
wonderful of mule sagacity.
Chief Sasislatlve Clerk Appolated. •
Wasuiterrox. January 10.—Noah Small. of
Maine, for the last four years clerk in the of
of the United States Senate waY to-day
promoted to the position of principal Legisla
tive clerk in lace of Major Wm. J. McDonald,
Who received the promotion by a resolution of
the Senate of chief clerk In place of General
Ilickory deceased.
/Reeling of -the IllariLtusd Legialatnre
Jan. Legislature of 31a
*land met at noun to-day. Governor tionin,
- Meaty:l4year ago under [bonen - Constitution,
,toolc his, scat' to-day, and will transmit Ida
Inoirsago to-Morrow.
- •
The weather is becoming quite mild.
WO of Old Nary Cannon.
Hew Tong, Jam IO.—A largo side of old navy
cannon will take place at the filmy Yard to.
day;,and will be eonSinnedtantorpqw,
Our Special Dispatches
Unanimity of Union Members
Speech of Judge Kelly
Troops Retained . in Virginia
~pedal Dispatch to tbo Pittoburgh tiozette.
wumucuro.v C.Tr, SoowtrY 10, IW.
Mr. Allison, of lowa, to-day succeeded in
getting nu order issued, from the War Depart
ment for the immediate muster out of the 12th
lowa, now stationed at Memphis.
litt‘ gOllB out to Kansas to manipulate the
Legislature and attempt to SERUM
FIDIOIDEIItent of the President's policy. IS is
reported that he ha.. bombed that he wcruld
have the executive patronage wherewith to
term{ Ids enemies and control the next Sens
torlal election.
Brevet Brigadier General Scott, of Ohlo, has
been assigned to duty as dasistant Commis
stoner of .Irredmen for the State of Small Car
olina. •
The Ray,, and Means Committee had befor
them to-day the question of extending tlx
time to; bonding goons in the warehouse-r. N
conclusion wan arrived at, however.
Authorities have extended an invitation
the How, Committee on Freedmen's Affairs
to take et trip over their rood. The My - natio
a 11l probably be accepted.
lILIIMONT axoao CatOSll/I=3.
The Unionists in the house say, that the dis
cussions since the recess have greatly strength
ened and harmonized the majority, and that
the line cannot now be broken at any point.
01,2 E OA Tilt NEU.. errIIII,O6 DILL.
Mr. Wilson. of lowa, brought up the bill for
negro sulfrage in the District, and rondo an
elaborate speech In Its favor which attracted
much attention.
Mr. ,eboileld'b sneeelt on the sorne subject
vas noticeable for the earnestness with which
be rout the whole the radical length on the
question of suffrage, and fai his idgninenni n' -
ferenees to Tyler and illmOre. In connection
with shot bad been said of the President's pul.
Judge Kelly quoted the President'n 31elmage
to Allow that he was In fat or of negro suffrage
In Tenneasee. Ite said, of Coupe, tfierecore,
Le vas Is favor of It hare, and then added that
be WAS able also tosoesk authoritatively oa the
subject, tiet r aute the Pt - ethical. himself had told
him w.
le the Senate, Ma Ilowes Speech was over
t.o Lours la length, and was coaiidered quite
able. Timid ttoOple, who have, to their iguo
niece, been afraid of Senator Fotscadeu , s
course were eapetdally glad to note that
as throughout m attentive end el 11ea61r an
approving listener.
yinsot,lo7rlDZlLD TO Dr 480110 TDD.
The names of the following ex-oilleers of
3114.40nri Volunteers batalbeen lint dower at the
War pftleafarprflhatjon.hrbraTet , Brig. Gen.
John McNeil to be a 3Lajor General; Col. Thol.
C. Fletcher. Governor of Misaourl, to he a Brig
adier General; Col': Samuel B. allup4on, Adju
tant General of ItssOuri, to be n Brigadier
Cern-n.l; Capt. Wm. IL Judd to I , D a 31afor
Thr three litter officer , wery In lb, 31eIt 111-1-
DOL./ Infantry.
The War Dipurtment, it i 3 said, has ordered
a Court to try Gen, Merritt on the charge of
drunkenness and of using treasonable lan
guage in a speech recently delivered in Texaq
to a rebel anthem.,
several of the revenue agents for some days
pant bIITC been in consultation with the Com
mishioner of Internal Itevenue preparatory to
a tour through the various collection district+
In the South, for the purpose of systematizing
the operations of the Bureau in that section.
They are a 1.., empowered to investigate anti
report upon any delinquencies among revenue
othcers, and to issue instructions whenever
,Smong those present were Alex Reed and W,
1. Lox n, of Unto, and Vharles M. Jackson, of
AMOS'S their other objects in their southern
vl•tt, will be an ee.IO2VOT to find men win , ran
take the oath, to fill the pliteetl of assessor, and
Judge Kelly. In Lis speech brought
opt the moat authorltativ e quotation from the
Constitutional authoritica, yet made in oppo
nitiou to the President's theory, that the
Statt, thevaaelves have exeluelve control ore,
Ihe subject of suffrage. In the debate. on
Constitution, section eight, Debates, third vol
awe, page three hundred and sLtty-seven
Madison Said In reply to a question by Mon
roe : "Should the people of any state be
any means be deprived of the right of
of suffrage, it was judged proper that it
should be remedied by the tienensi ore
meet. It was round impossible to Os the thou
piece and =alter of flit ettlettOU of Itepresen
Louvre In the Constitution. It VMS found no
c-miry to leave the regulation of these In the
lie-I place to the State Governments
us being best acquainted with the
situationcof the people, subject to the control
of the General Goeernmedt, in order to enable
it to produce uniformity, and prevent Its own
dissolution, and considering the State Govern
ments and General Governments as distinct
bodies, acting in different e nd Independent
capacities for the people. It was thought the
particular regulation should bo submitted to
the furmer, and the general regulations to the
latter. Were they Moles exclusive control of the
State Governments, the General Government
might rushy be dissolved; but if they by regu
lutod properly by the State Legislatures, the
Congruisionni control will vcry probably "eye,
bit elereitied. Tbe power :appears to me math.
factory and an unlikely to be abused us any
Part or dbo Cons taut
This quotation produced a decided sensation
in the Mouse.
The following statement exhibits the gee,'
expenditures of the Treasury, for the quartet
ending Deeember 310t,1895 I War Department,
971,W5,016 48. Natty Department, 915,903,773 U.
forme, 0189,032,960 99. Interior, Indians, and
Pcu5i0n5,92,578,11 1 119. Treasury and Customs,
42,424,0118 14. Treasury and Interior, pity= OJ.
Treasury Proper, $3,993,481 91. intenuil Iteve
nue, $170,484 42. Diplomatic, 0398,487 at. Sala
ries, 3119,517 50. Total, 11290,91f3,139.4,9i1L
The repay - musts made during the same pe
riod will decreane the above sum rota/blare
blj, amounting In the War, Navy and Interior
Departments, which are the heaviezd, to up
words of twenty million.
Secretary Stanton, who scarcely ever upperar
ut the t'usotol, met on the floor of the !loose
The order of the War Department coun
termanding the muster out of the troops In
Virginia—referred to in these dispatches yes
terday—was again countermanded by order of
the President; so all white troops now on duty
In that State will be Immediately mustered
out. It is known that tientral Terry earnestly
represented the continued necessity for the
presence of all the troop» now on duty in
- •
A commission compose'l of several of the
mast eminent agriculturists of the country
will leave hero to-morrow op a tour through
the Southern States for the purpose of exam
ining and reporting on the agricultural -con
dition °film South. 0. If. Melly, Esq.:, of. Min
nesota, has been appointed Chalrunin of the
Commisalon,.which was appointed with the
rrteddentbt approval.
A mace., et the Union member., of the !louse
was held this evening at the Capitol. The
principalkoatter disc:lased wee Judge Hair.
District of Colnnibia Negro-Suffrage bill, which
19 n&lr befOre the HOnse. On the question as to
Whether it would bo policy to preen the bill to
a vote and pose it, the motion area Wet. .
sla committee wen appointed to report a new
bill revlaing the Election laws to the District
of Columbia, prescribing certain mialbileationa
for all thavoters in the District. - A committee
of nineteen was also appointed to report the
result of the meeting tonight tothat to be bold
Ou .Tbeiday next. The probabilities are that
they may have something to submit from the
Itecorustruction Committee. Three Haien mem
bera were also added to the Judiciary Ccimadt
tee, viz.: A. Jenks, of Rhode Island, Beaks, of
Massachusetts, and Hall, of New York.
The object of the canon, which area called at
the instance of Thad. Stevens and other mem.
bore was tosecuro harmony and unity of action
among the Chian members In the vital quer
Dons now before the House.
Appointment of Committees
,pedal dispatch to the Pittsburgh liazotte.
liarititentrlto, January 10 , 110,0 .
Both branches of the Legislature awiembled
this morning—nearly all of the member,. being
In attendunce. The following vrat
tranructed :
has sTs.—The Speaker of the Senate an.
110IIileell the various committed of the session,
with the following gentlemen as chairmen
Committee on Federal Relations—Mr. Lowry.
Committee on Finance—Mr. Connell. Commit
tee on Judiciary General—Mr. Hall. Commit
tee on Corporations—MF. Ridgeway, Commit
ice on flanks—Mr. !litho., Committee on
Rullroads—Mr. Nichols. Committee on Claims
—Mr. Landon.
. -
A petiti o n was read from the Monongahela
Water Company, praying for au act to enable
them to borrow money, awl allowing thorn
the privilege of Inoreagtrig the capital stock.
Mr. Connell read In place an net repealing
the levy of tax (or State purposes, on real ci
Mr. Lowly read In place an act relative to
eertain military claims; also a supplement to
the act regulating railroad oomnanios.
Mr..lNntte introduced • Jabot resolution no
the subject of Reconstruction.
Mr. Graham read it place en Art allowing
the Birmingham Water Company, of Alleghe
gbeny county, to Increase Its Capital stock'
also, an Act providing for the appointment of
an additional Notary Public in Allegheny; also,
an Act authorising and empowering the Con
troller of Pittsburgh to administer oaths,
which wan read and finally passed.
Mr. Witham read In place no Act &Venting
with theinseent COunty Auditors, de.; also, an
Aet to ineoritcrrate the Artesian Insurance Co
of Pittsburgh; also, an Act authorizing the
Allegheny Valley Railroad Carnpany toborross
tannery, and also axing the unlimber of their
Director. at acre,'.
The Senate then adjourned.
Moral—The Speaker of the Moose an
no:mord the various Committee. for the pros
rat seudon. The following are the geotlemen
appointed as Chninnen on the different Com
mittees: Chain:um Of Committee on Ways
end Means, Mr. Quay; Of Committee on Jmttr
lary General, Mr. Waddell: Committee no
Railroads, Mr. pert.; COIIIIIIIILCO CM Claims,
Mr. Demos; Committee on Corporation.. Mr.
Menton Military Committee. Mr. Dome*: Com
mittee on Federal Relations, Mr. Thoma•;
Committee no Danko, Mr. Negleyr.'
Glass offered a resohitlan appointing .
her. John A. hank• Chaplin of the
11r. flanks offered n resolution asking Con
ams.. to par, n law equalising the whiten.
The following Bills Bede road to Wass arnl
referri•dlo the adpropigits Cdnsmittes. , -
By Mr. Glass An Act dot elation to landlords
and tar ante.
717 Kr. tacit An eel to ineorparat • the Ns
Clonal Inallrinee , Company; also, an art 'in
relation to the COtrteoller of the city of Alle
By Mr. Mann : Art art in relation to liees.os,
tnerrastng the rover of the lodges of the
Courts of Quarter Station,
By Mr. McKee: A supplement to an act in
t orponattng the Monongahela- Water eonspany.
By Mr. Thema., of Paladelphla : An act in
relation to the Allegheny Sinking Fund of
The Senate went Into o:invention with tile
110 nae, for the purpose of clectinz the state
Treaanrer. When the result of the election
was announned, It appeared that W. 11. Kern-
Eaq., of Philadelphia, had been elected
The Ilona° then adJoantted.
Details of the Adams Express Robbery.
Nev Vona, Jan. lo.—The Florida Times of the
'Mb ult. says It is currently reporte4 that the
military authorities at Lake City itaco tliseoo
crud heavy cotton frauds, seriously implicat
ing a person Or petsons high in authority, but
action la withheld on Lc:aunt of their posit ion.
petitions are being circulated favoring the.
amendment of the petition law., 40 as to equal
tie the pensions of °Meets and privates and
their reapective families, making then, uni
formly the saute without regard to precious
• .
The Sew Haven paper, this afternoon con
tain particularu of the rubbery of Adatibe
press on Saturday evening. Three men called
at the hotels in Stamford, and registered their
names—two of them as Lockwood. the other
a, Clark. Their acting toward each other at
first was' that of strangers, • and no one sup
posed they were acquaintances. They endeav
ored to hire a carriage to Norwalk, but were
unable to do so. After their failure to obtain
the carriage, they were seen to converse a, If
acquainted, and their manner excited suspi
They remained all night at Stamford, and
the next momfe took the train for Norwalk.
on arriving at Norwalk they hired a convey
ance and went upon the top of the htll back of
the village to an old shoemaker's named Tris
tan], who Is an uncle of Clarke's. Here they
stopped over night and retarnedto the village
on Monday morning. The old tann, Triotam,
come down with a bundle, which appeared to
be heavy, and which ho refused to hare check
ed and leas , also scrap:lonely careful to keep
It in his hands all the wine, on bis way to
New York, where he took It.
Suspicion having fallen upon him, word was
sent to Now York, and Testi= was arrested,
but not till after ho had disposed of Ms bundle.
Tifetam's bowie was searched and the two
Doekwoods were arrested, but the one who
tailed himself Clark, btui e.staped. When Trite
tam rune to Now York, be lett st bag "'antra's
lag gold and some eurreney with a man in Ill
vision street, who has been arrested. Tin
whole suns recovered i5C.38,000 In currency val.
ue. Some burglars' tool., a gold , watch that
was In one of the safes, and other property,
tens found In the posseeslon of the Men arrest
ed at Trirtam'a bout,.
Fredalea', Mira is Louisiana and Vissisalppi
Proposals to Build Important Levees.
Nair OnLsa as, Jan. o.—President Juarez rind
General Negrole arrived at eau Antonio from
Elwin°, on the let inst.
The Oateexton Bulletin notions a number of
troops piteeing en route to the Itio Grande.
There Is a general decline to dry goods and
groceries at Galveston and ..ILonston.
eaptvially superior grades, advanced.
Bishop Gregg, of the Episcopal Diocese of
Texas arriveilhereon route for the N orth on
Church -tatters.
Accourda from the Louisiana country papers
represent the freedmen as indisposed to con
tract, refusing to make any agreement except.
near towns, expecting something extraordi
nary to turn up. In the_parbsb of ht. Jdmcs,
mince the let, work him latoppcd entirely Xin
several largo plantations from tlda cause.
There Is some complaint In other parishes.
A number of the principal planters of the At•
takokas emigrated a low days slued to licliaro
Ornernt Humphreys, United Rates Engineer
advertises for proposals to build a number or
Important levees on the Mississippl In this
State and Mississippi, to be done by the middle
of March next, and tObe paid for In cash by the
Encouraging reports have been received
from Mississippi es 'to the behavior of the
freedmen and their willingness to maim eon
The entered troops are font leaving the places
lately gurrbmned by them on the levees. •
Cotton; sulo. of 1,000 Indus at I.Botne. Gold,
Me. .
Ncw llAcra, Conn., Jon. 10.—.% firs broke out
here Oda monting In Werthallosoxtonalco cart
nAge and car factory. Throe buddinge worn
burned, and others, scrlonaly damaged. Thor*
being no water for tbo englnca, tho car shop
say +need by Knowbeling ft. The total ItYlf le
hoat 00,0C4i nomred for alOpoe
Secretary Shinto on Jeff. Davis' Case.
New Tom; Jan. 10.—A dispatch [rem Wash
ington nays the muster out of Gen. L. C. Baker ,
Chief of the detective force of the War De
partment will he .followed by the breaking up
Or the Bureau, and the discharge of all lie
employees lithln a few days.
G. Igulfdrit, United States Agent for the
exchange of prisoners, has been ordered by
7 ,,,,
rotary of War to turn Over all moneys
and other property in his possession belonging
to el r Federal or COntederatolprisoners of
war„ to ILA!. General Ilitcheock, Commissary,
General of Prisoners.
Sei,President, to-day, transmitted to the
te, a message in reply to the resolution
calling upon him to Inform that body, .upoil'
what. charges Jefferson Davis is confined, and
why he is not brought to a trial. The Presi
dent encloses reports from the Secretory Of.
War i and .the Attorney General, and at the
same time Melte* the attention of the Senate
to that portion or his annual message, which
refers to Congress the question of the bolding
or the Cimttit Courts of the United States,
within the districts where their authority has
been interrupted.
i WSu FizridrrXes7, i
Walintnoroa, January, fth, 1163 ,
ii ri: In answer. to the annexed resole.
tie 1. pa s sed by the Senate on the flat
day of riontaber, ISC3, referred to me by you
for'report, 1 base the honor to state first that
Jefferson Darts was captured by the United
States troop., in the State of Georgia, on or
about the MIS day of May, ISM, and by order of
this Department ham been and now is confined
tniFort resalgonthe,to abide enchinetton as may
taken by the proper authorities of the United
States Government.
Second, =int he has not been arraigned upon
any initiate:tent or formatcharips of crtme o l,at
Indicted teethe crime of high treas.. by' the
Grand Jarg_of the District of Columbia, wh la li
indictment ts now pending in tho Supreme
Court of said District. Us is also charged with
the crime,: Of Melting the assassination of
Abraham Lintels!, and with the murder of
Union pri soners of war by starvatim and
ether barbarous and cruel treatment towards
them. •
Third, The President deeming it expedient
that Jeff. Davis shonid first bo put upon his
crimesfo a tr ea son eten mart and Jury for the
of be wIIS advised by the law
officer of the Government that the most props
place for such a trial was in the State of t tr
giri*.t That State i s within the judicial circuit
ea !gond to , the th ief Justice of the Supreme
C ithohas bald no court since the spine
:iallon of Davis, and. who declines for an la
de alto period to bold any court there. The
fo T i d,th lam e T re ° aso sta n t ao a r re tiord ' hok U g r Drivi l s i ft.m n co i n n - •
flu cat , why he has not been brought to
tri , dc.
1. iurth, Decides Jeff. Davis, the following
rc n
ne ' a who acted as °Mears of the rebel gov
ern eat a rc imprisoned, to-wit : Clement C.
CM ,at Fortress Monroe, charged among oth
crt trigs, with treason, with complicity in the
Murder Of 11r. Ltncoln, and organtzing bands
or pirates, robbers and murderer* In Canada
tobuni cities and ravage the commerce and
Mists al - the loyal States on the lititisti fron
tier 3 M. L. Tulee, st Fort Pulaski, charged
with treason, while holding a seat in the Sea
.etc of the Vatted States, and with
plotting the, capture of forts and armo
ries of-the United States and with inciting
war against the Government; S. U. Mallory, at
Fort Lafayette, eharged with (=moorland or
ganizing and setting on foot piratical expo:lL
t ions against Milted States commerce and ma
rine On the high seam
The other °Macre of the so-called Con federate
Government, arrested and ImprlaoneO, have
hems released on table to abide the action of
the Government in reference to their position
and trial for alleged offences on their appliona.•
UM 'for amnesty and pardon. Among these
are G. A. Trer.holm, Secretary of the Treasury;
Jolts .111.Csnapbell, Assistant Wretary of War;
James A. Seddon, Secretary of War; John if.
Reagan, Postmaster General; it. M. T. Monter.
Senator:4lo.74nd er D. Slovens, Vice President,
and sundry other persons of less note.
Secretary of War
Ares Gmegast's Orrice,
Jan. 1, Iffsl, i
Sin. I have the bon*. to acknowledge the
receipt from you of a copy of a resolution-of
the Senate of the United Mates of the flat of
December, hies.. la that rrrotothm the Senate
reapeettatly reeMbate to be informed upon
what Mathes Jeff. Darla le stil held in
must, and why tubas not been Pal upon his
trial. •
When the war was at its crisis Jeff. Davis,
the CeMinantierstreChlef of the army of the
Insurgents, was taken prisoner with other
prominent rebels by the military forces of the
totted States. It We, the duty of the military
an to take them. They have been heretofore,
and are yet, held as prisoners of war. Though
active bostllities have ceased. a Gate of war
still eglats In the territory In rebellion. Go
tta peace shall come in fact, and in law, they
can rightfully be held as prisoners of war.
1 have ever thought that trials for high teen-
POD cannot be had before a military triburnal.
The civil courts have alanejestadlction of that
crime. The quelitton then arises when and
where mast the trials thereof be hell. In that
elauoe of the Constitution mentioned la the
resolution of the Senate, itts plainly written
they rated be held In the tate and district
wherein the Crime shall have boon committed.
I know canny persons of learning and ability
entertain the opinion that the Commalltler-ite
Chief of the rebel armies would be regarded
tos constitutionally rms.:a with the insurgent.
who prosecuted hostilities and made war upon
the Northern and southern border. of the
loyal States. This doctrine of constructive
presence, carried to Its logical consequence,
would mace ell who had been convicted with
the rebel armies liable to trial te nay State and
District Into w itch any portion of those armies
had made the sitght.rt Incursion. Not lee lug
remanded of the correctness of that opinion,
but regarding the doctrine maintained as, at
least, of verp 'dentate; constitutionalpy.
have thought it not proper to advise you to criminal ,proceedin a to be Institut.)
against Jefferson Davis or against any other
Insurgent la the States or Districts to which
they were not actuallyy, present during the
prosecution of hostilities. Some prominent
rebels were personally present at the invasion
of Maryland and Dennaylvaubt, but all, or
nearly all of them received military paroles,
upon the surrender of the rebel armies, while
I think that those parties have no ultlimde
protection, for prosecution for high treason,
I have thought that It would be a violation
of the paroles to prosecute those persons for
crimes before the political power of the gov
()raiment bee proclaimed that the rebell
ion has been suppressed. It follows from
what I have ..sttid, that I am of the opinion
that Jeff. Davis, and others of the insurgents
ought to be tried In some one of the States or
Pistrieta to w filch they in person, especially
committed the crimes with which they may
b chargod.
Though active hostility and flagrant war
have not for some time existed between the
United States anti the insurgents, peaceful re
haulms between the Government and the. Peo
ple In the Kates' and Districts In rebellion,
have not yet been fully restored. None of the
Jnutires of the Supreme Court lave held
cult courts in those circuits and districts since
actual hostilities ceased. When the court
mi e n o it
e r
n i
e t n e o r a e w ca those
p at e e u s Whasd
people rebelled against thogovernment, when
his peace shall tutvecotee in fact and In law,
the persons now held In military custody MS
prisoners. of war 1111 , 1 who may tint have been
tried and convicted for offences against the
Meteor war, should be transferred to the cus
tody of the Civil authorities Of the proper dies
tries to be tried for Stieh high crimes mad elle
demeanor" as May bo alleged against them.
1 think It will be thoptaln duty of the 'Presi
dent to cause criminal prosecutions to bo In
stltuted before Um proper tribunal, and shall,
at proper times, against nom* of Choke who
were mainly Instrumental in Inaugurating,
and most conspicuous to cooducting the late
I should regard it as a direful calamity. If
many_whom the sword has spared, the law
*boatel spare also, but 1 would deem It a more
direful calamity still, if the Executive la per.
Corral/whin conatltuticmal duty of bringing
thoseerthtlll before the bar of justice to an.
nwerfor their critics, should vie to the plain
meaning of the Conatitution, or Infringe In
the lewd Particular the living spirit of that
1 have the boner to be, most respestfully,
Jwitas Breen, attly (ion.
Death from Somnambulbm,
Nrw Yonc, Jan. 10.-1.1181 Anna S. Inektnlon
lectured last nlght at the, Cooper Institute. '
Last Friday night the "'rife Of John Kuri weal,
of Caldwell, N. J., arose frota her bed, where
atm had been confined sometime by illnesa,
climbed to the summit of the namintutn. from
which ahe walked off. She was diacovered at
Its foot, in her night-clothes, Doren to duath.
The.Altimni of Dartmouth College residing
in this city, gave a complimentary dinner last
night to Ana D. Smith, 11. 11., at the Bt. Law
rence Dotal.
The Chem Toprnament etmtin ued yesterday
at the rooms of the Now York Chess Club, and
on the Opening day d large number of experts
were present Two materna* were played ye:s
terility by (haves and Martimest, or ecumal
clang, arch getftlerann winning a game: Gen.
Detrobcr was beaten by Mr. Dili.
Y 4 Jan. la,-,A Aro broke out thin
*visaing in the clothing store of .1. L. Andrea
on Carroll strain, and destroyed all the build
ings frOinJatton'a Market, on Carroll stroot,
to Hitchcock:a:Market, on Lake street. - The
buildings worn au of wood, and of
. little value.
Thu loss ts principally on stocksof goods and
the atoppage of the buninens of tho merchants
°coup.Ong the building,.
Papers Communicated to the Senate.
Wsaneswros, Jan. 10.—A resolutical passed
the Rouse to-day, requesting the Committee
of Ways and Means to inquire Into the eXPe
diency ; of lessening import duties on cotton
fabrics, and that they report by bill or other
wise. Voluminous papers relative toVehel
emigration to Mexico, and the scheme of
Owian and Maury were presented to the Sen
ate to-day.
Senor Romerefirst calls the attention of Mr.
Seward July etb,lBM, to the ad res. °Oilers. Ma
gruder and GovernorVidauri reply, showing
the understanding between the traitors in
Mexico and insurgents in th United States.
He intimates that the French Minister Lo
Mexico, M. Montholon, wrel looking. to that
end, and that armed emigration from tho At.
lantic States and from California was to im
mediate contemplation. - •
Under date of Tebraary 6, 1655. he. further
notified the Secretary of his understanding
that a settlement had been proposed by Na
poleon, by virtue of which the Mexican States
of Tamanlipas,New Leon Coahullawith the
porta of San Luba, Potosi,, Aectoss. Durango and
Chibualluaarul almost the,whole of Sonora and
the Peninsulas:ft LowerCallfornhi to be ceded to
France{ and that to make so considerable a
concession of Meticarsterritory acceptable, the
Emperor would plant there • military colony
which would shelter the remainder of the
country from 11111hr/steel:kg attacks from the
United States.
TWA arrangement, ho protests against, re
minding the Secretary of a fact slightly return
itt i e n c L re ti fcE r Wv nt sr m h e m nt t -ti r b e f t e " xTer p ta ro ti t r e e s s X
against the treaty conelvded between Mexico
and the United. States, of much less impor
tance than the present, only because of a vague
rumor more or less well founded, that it had
been concluded, and before they had Official
notice of As execution.
Mr. Seward replies, under date of February
uJth, 1865, that a protest has been placed on filo
us testimony to the course of Mr. Romero.
On the 10th of April, Mr. Romero communi
cated to Mr. Seward the torreepondenee be
tween the rebel Gen. Slaughter and the Mexi
can Gen. Mello, relative to the capture of the
Mexican 'steamer Orizaba, as an additional
proof of the Identity of the political interest
which exists between the Insurgents of this
country and the pitrtisans of the French cause
in Merin,. ,
In a commanthation dated July 6th, "Romero
addutes further evidence of Mexican compli
city with the rebels, and states that. the cone
mandar of the post of Bagdad Informed Gen.
Slaughter as follows:
Reload secret instructions to permit the in
troduction of arms mid munitions of war that
might be desired, and that they should pass
freely for the nsis of the confederacy. lie also
asserts that there was in Monterey An
agent of the eottfederacy accredited to
agentS of the French, and' that Gera. MOM
bad promised Gam. Slaughter that he would
to everything he could in his favor. lie also
shows that the trade the Confederate Stites
were carrying on with Mexico, and otter coun
tries through the ports of Mexico was carried
on with the coneento( the French In Mexico.
To all these statement. Mr toward promis e s
to givethe attention to which they are est-
On July sib Mr. Romero communicates state
ments and letters relatiagle the schemesof
Mr.Gys Inn for orgardstng a colouy In
Mexico, and showing that Gee. liaraine had
authority to lend him MI needed aaslata am.
Gamin writes after the surrender of Lee :
...troong the intercepted letters, It one from
Masser to Beni. Wood New tort, in which he
says Soule is In the 'Galan enterprise, and
the French Emperor will give him all th e aid
he desires, and thathe will go out at Director
General in charge of a peculiar kind of col
Mr Seward writes to Minister Bigelow', July
11th, enclosing these Intercepted letters la re
lation to Mexican colonization, and. requests
him to present them to laL Dronya De L'Huya,
and frankly informs him that the sympathies
of the Mexican people are Already cantsidem-
My excited in favor of the Republic of 'Maxi
ma, sad they are disposed to regard with impa
tience continued intervention of France In
, the counDT. that any favor shown tO the pro
reeditage of Dr. Gstin Of . the Emperor of
Mexico, or the government will tend greatly,
to increase the popular impatience. •
The lerestdeat,to4ay, also Mint to the Senate
a message in compliance with the resolution
lexpectizsg the occupancy, by the Trench.
troops, of the Republic of Mexico, and the re
cstablishmengef a monarchy there enclosing a
report from the Secretary of - tate, and the
documents by which it was accompanied.
The documents are very voluminous, corn
meneing etc far back as March a, LIM, and end
s:ailing with December t r laz.
Tile tired LI:. letter from Mr. Dayton to Mr.
ecianzannlestlastlhotaet that negotia.
I Goa for a loan, in behalf of Maximilian as £m-
Math of Menke, had tmencompleted on favor
able terms, and that he would soon sail for
Mr sieward.lll a letter to Mr. Bigelow, dated
seats:mbar 6, 1655, says: The intense popular
interest awakened by the civil war during the . .
few years, has tended, in some degree, to mod.'
crate. the aoLicitude which the situation of for
eign affairs was calculated to emas., but that
Interest isnot. rapidly Subsiding, and it Mae be
reasonably anticipated that, henceforth Con
great, and the people will give a large share of
at tent ion to questions of 011 extraneous chance
Chief among these is that of oar relations
towards France with regard to Mexico. Nor
dues f t seem unwise to take into consideration
the fact that the presence of the mill icy force
of the two =Dona, sometimes confronting each
ether across the Carder Iva a tendency which
troth refrret to produce irritation. The French
Government has not shown itself inattentive
to this inconvenience hitherto, while this Gov
ernment has been desirous to practice equal
The dispatch Includes letters from the
French Legation with reference to the Mexi
can refugees In New York and W.ington,pre
paring a 1310 , C1:11Ctit to favor •f Juarez; the
not us far back as July, WU.
'Withdrawal of French Troops
from Mexico.
Saw Vona, Jan. In.—The time for the reeep
iron of applications for space at' the Paris
Univeroal Expo,ition,has been extended train
the Ord et January to the next of March next.
Our producers, mechanics and artisan, will
NIX, farther opportunity to Rend in their
applications for space to the in New
York before the closing of agent es Two
much attention cannot be given to the limper
tone° of having the rharacteristle productions
of our country properly represented at the
Exosition. Pamphlets containing full infor.
wanes, as well us tonne of application, may be
oldninedbY wilting to J. C. Darby, Agent for
the Freneli Exposition, No. 5 Spruce street,
New York.
The Cbranniefor,s Washington special says
that en early withdroiwl of the French troops
from Mexico 1s looked Upon as certain, by all
who have perused thorrorreopondence sent. In
by the Preoldent yesterday. The strainer now
about due, will bring Napoleon% speech to the
(*bamboo', and this may contain the important
enneuncenient that the troops are to be with
It is considered here as certain that tho
scheme looking to the appointment of Congres
sional reporter. by Congress, will fall.
The Chronicle of to-day euloid, zee the part
ing address of Governor Andrew, and prints
copious extracto therefrom,
seeretary. Stanton lo to be called to at
defianceng the rebel provisional governors In
of a law of Congress against such an
. The Halted States Agricultural society held
their fourteenth annual meeting at the Capi
tol this morning. Preliminary arrangements
were made for an Agricultural reunion hero
in January next.
The Senate District of Columbla'ommittee
Rae rejected the bill granting use lifted out'.
:rage hero, but will report, bil permitting
negrOeS tO Vete who bay, resided hero six
months and can read and write.
The President, as a means ofning
during the cold - weather, has
alarge quantity of Oro wood, belong
lath to the government, to be sold in quantities
of leaf than ten cords, at seven dollars and a
half pereerd. -
Thu well known ease of thn rloyd acceptan
,,, purchased by Thomas W. Pierre, of this
ton, .is now before the Court of Claims.
Death of IHNtingiambed Ardeultur.
hit—Bobberii of the Adaras•Express
New Yon:, Jan. 10.—Prof, James J. Mapes,
tho distinguished Agriculturist, died at his
residence in Newark, N. J., aged sixty years.
Three noraOne implicated in the robbery of
A dame , . Express Company have been captured.
They were traced be Mr. Seaford, agent, and
come private detectives acting under Ms or
:walk,Two nand partiez were arrested at Nor.'
It. 1., the other in a low house in
this city. Nearly three-fourths of thu money
was found In hitter's possession. The ;whole
•aultfunt taken front the cafe did not eseetd
alpenlier Volta* , Reception. .
WAnnixtror, Jan. le.—.Bpcaker Voirea'n ru
neption Aral COMIZINICO- ads residence on
Thursday evening, January lath, and will be
continued every Thursday evening thereafter.
The reception of Speaker Callat'll mother and
sinter, Mrs, add .M les Matthews, and four ladies
and gentlemen accompanying thou, will com
mence next Wednesday eirEning.
The Adam* I:sprees Robbery—Counter
• fetter Eteopett.
Nrw Tonx, Jan. .10.—According to later at.
scants, the whole amount of money recovered'
from the Adams Exprexs robbers Is $2.7),e00,
and leer =mare under arrest. . '
Roberti, a. counterfeiter, escaped from the
Jell to ItroOklyn last night.
•. Shipwreck,.
llowroa - , - Jnnitty
C 1 o.—S o o rera
I E w ra oCk 3
c ra r o d Cap Cft p Fras o , f T m burinamo,r
l f l o A sto u ,
Loaded with augar and molawea, ottlioh ( lath*
Notch St East &ndwlob, nod' went - to plottos.
Fifty of tho ere,* frozna to death. CIPi• rat*
ang 100 Irma wnle snivil badly frpgw.,
, . •
• •
Relief for Freedmen from England.
The Increase of the Regular Army
Proposition to Employ Col
ored Soldierg.
Mto., ZMo., 33t a.
New Toni, Jan. 10.—The Trot. ne' 11 - eolith:xi:-
ion special says: General'toward Ls In receipt of
the November report of the Superintendent of
Colored Schools In the States of Missouri and
Arkansas, in which he nays there are now in
Operation in the fOltrner State nineteen freed
men'. bettOOLS, with twenty-three teachers and
1,319 SChOlinTS ; and that to Arkansas there are
thirteen schools, with seventeen teachers and
1,473 scholars.
The Birmingham Association. in England.
shire the close of the war, has largely contrib
uted towarsl the relief of the destitute freed-
men of the United States. Their lust ihvolce
of goods, mostly clothing, amounts in cal ne
over three thousand dollars,and the Secretary
of the Tr usury hies notified the Deputy Col
lector at New York to hereafter admit all such
goods free of duty. -
The Secretary of the Treasury has directed
that canal halts duly enrolled and licensed,
and OP which tonnage tax has been paid, are
not liable to the Internal Revenue tax_
Brigadier General Mulford, late agentfor
the exchange of prisonera,, returned, from
Richmondyesterday, where he has been for
setae months closing np the business relating
to the exchange. This'll° has succeeded in
doing, and in compliance with orders he has
turned over to General Hitchcock, formerly
Commissary of Exchntige,-all .the propriety •
forwarded try Union prisoners during their In
carceration, Including boxes and money,
amounting to between kl,ooo and 40,M0
and dollars. -The money will be' restored to
the original forwarder, and it is sollposed
that the express boxes will be turned over to
the Freedmen's Bureau.
The ncothcna trains ore still considerably
behind, in consequence of the ice in the Sus
quehanna at Havre De Grace. •
The. World's Washington dispatch stir*, F.en.
Grant's bill to Increase the regular army is in
the hands of the Chairman of the Military
Committee. If adopted, it will increase the
regular army to over fifty thousand.
The House Cetnailttee on Freedmen rester
. Iles tillthOrized their Chairman to repoil a bill
Coittlnidng the Bureau, and enlarging Its pow..
ers, in accordance with ' the reconttnendations.
of Gen, Howard. The 1011 authorizes the'
President to set apart In Florida, Mississippi
and Arkansas, under the Homestead; Law,
3,000,0e0 acres of Government lands, the same
to be allotted in parish. of forty acres eacitto
freedmen, at such rental as may be agreed on,
giving the freedmen the right to purctum the
laud at any time by tra) lug its valuation.
The Tins.' Washington dl.pitch !My& u neat
la Little Rork, Arkansas. to-day presented to
Gen. noward, of the Freedmen.' 'tartan, a
tproposition to employ the colored troop., in
hat department in the completion of rail-
road which connects Littler Uaek with the Mt,-
sissippl. The men are to tie paid extra-pay at.,
the mice( fifty cents per day In land Op thy.
line of the road. The proposition is Caroni-,
lily endorsed by Get. Reynolds, commanding
Gal , Department of Arkansas, and by , Major
General Sherman. 4t has been referred to the
Secretary of War.
The orldia dispatch says that Alfred Has
saureck will ecturnto•R'ashhigton on the int
tact., and resign his mission to Erpaulor, to
take edltorW charge of the Cincinnati Polka-
Lititz. .
The Tribune's Washington despateh sa - ys the'
Secretary of the Treasury has decided that
vehicles Of every kind coming from contigu
ous foreign countries Into the United States,'
and loaded In such-a manner that -each box.
and barrel can' be satisfactorily inspected .
without unloading, will hereafter be permit
ted to enter under such prOrtelonw
Mr, Wilson intreelnetd a bill to fu're' 4
c ase en
the - vlittalT rorans-LettlibUslaraal: •
Unitesl *fatal it pronites turt "..
United Statell army , gun hereafter eonskt of
seven regtmenta.of. artillery, ten resibnents of
cavalry and slaty regiments of infantry. In.
additien ,20 the four regiment.. of artillery
now Organized:there shall be two new ones,-
one to be composed of colored, and 'ono of
white. persons, officered hy selection,' from
volunteer ofacem. Two new regiments of
cavalry are to be of white and two of colored
person In the infantry there shall be eight.
regiments, composed or men from the Veteran
Unnerve Corps, and officered by officers of that
tor. There shall be one Llent . General, live
Ma or Generals, and. two Brigadiers.
he bill wee , referred to the Military Com
Mr. WRiscet Offered the petition of the Colored
citizens of Satrarmah, nakine the right of suf.
(rage, which was referred to the special Com
mittee on Reconstruction.
resolution was paused, authorizing the
printing of 6,000 copies of lien. Grant's mlbtary
Mr. Morrill moved to take up the bill to rlg
elate the elective frur.chise in the DiStriet of
Columbia. The bill waa read.
Mr. Riddle stated that the consideration of
the bill be postponed until Tuesday.
Yateslr. moveitto teem:tit the bill to
Committee on the litstrict Columbia. The
motion was adopted.
31r, Howe offereda rosolatlon declaring that
tho States iately in rebellion had forfeited their,
rights a State., and it Was for Congress to. ay .
when those rights should be restored. .
Dlr. Jlowe proceeded to di,enss tltr rdiestion
tf State rights and sece,slon km, a:Miming
hat by the acts of secession and reliellion'tlat
Southern Statce had destroyed their funetioni
of civil government.
A memorial of the American Free Trade
League, praying for the removal of the_protee.
live tariff, WIL9 referral to the FIMILLICe Com
The House 0111 anthorLving the appointment
of an AssLstnnt Atiettemr of Lnterruil 'Eh:venue
by the Secretary bf the Tres...airy, Inateod of
as now by the .Axiiessora, was reported from
the Finance Comuilttee, but not acted On.
Mr. Johnson obtalnkl the floor, when the
senate went into executive ntlYsioa and wan
utter adjourned.
tea motion of Air. Conkling, of New. York,
tbe President was requested, at not Inerimpato
able with the public interests, to Inform the
House why Jefferson Davis, Mr. clay and
others were kept In confinement. 1
Mr. Davis, of New York, Introduced a reso
lution pledging the 'Douse to support the
President's plan of restoration, which was re
fermi to the Committee on 'Reconstruction. •
Mr. Wilson. of lowa, made a speech in favor
of extending suffrage to the blarka in the Dia-
Diet of Columbia.
. _
Mr. Wryer, of Penneyleants, replied, con
tending that this 'is a white man's Govern
meet, and defending the people of the District
of Columbia from charges of disloyalty.
The new appropriation bill reported Dona
the Committee on Appropriation ,s and the
reseed of the proceedings of the Tobacco Deal
ers Convention at New York will be referred
to the Ways and Means Committee, with a re
quest to inquirer into the expeolleney of ea
amendment to the Internal Revenue Let to
conform to its suggestitme.
The Committee of Ways and Mean.: was in
structed to consider the erne/limey of dispens
with the Income tax entirely or assessing
only on incomes of over twelve h undred dol
lars. and of reducing thepresent per tentage
The Committee on Freedmen's Affairs wee
instructed to Inquire into the truth of the al
leged innedlee of Fouth Caroline planters
toward the freedmen In their
The COmmitteoof Ways and Sienna was in
structed to inquire into the expediency of ex
empting the manufactureof crutches and arti
delta limbs from the internal tax.
it bill Was Introduced to punish eountetTelt
ing with death. • •
A resolution was adopted caning.t.iiinforM
alien In reference to the Imperial''-Exports
Company, organized in New York; under 'an
thorny of the so-called Emperor of Mexico, to
carry on contraband or other trade.-between
Mexico and the Called States.
Several resolutions heretofore oreeed were
Messrs. Eehodeld and Kelley spoke in favor
he Douse thertadjournesi. • •
Gov. Grownlow's Aittlresit to the Preett.
tnet► of Nashville. .
KIBUTII.LY, Jan. 10.—The Fisk Freedmen's
School was fled tented yesterday. Speeches
were mode by Gen. Ilsir, Gov. Browulow and
others. it is intended to be a free high-school
for colored children, with secommodaticms Pre
from one thousand to fifteen hundred pupils.
(toy. llrownlow: advised the teachers of the
colored schools tO be eXceedingly prudent nod
cautious. Lie Stated that if den. Thomas were
to take his troopS and leave here, the prod out
limit party here would not allow them to oc•
copy the nehool vreek, dad that the logiste ,
titre over Which he was placed would he hreitS°..
up by a mob in ferty.eiglat hours. The tt e ''''"
nor does not. believe in reconstruction, and
says be is in for the fight during the We'
Meister Out of TrOops Te" 8"
OBLEADISA !Jan. h.—harshen, ;Ton.
An order Irani Department headquarters wht
b. prom „ rate d to.urrosr. tlrstShag out a
large corn of regtenenh, doing duty in Tex,
as. The has la not... Mad& known, bu It in h....
l terra to Include *Dont metre thousand tR•
n il b u t tbm. rentraerltt The Tenth leoloreti
Infantry hem trete hd_Tpus
Ar m,. at the lontteeOreMetl and. slave..
dares on the first 1.9 nnanctoefuL Thny now
receive five and 4.1 dollars per day..
.hi le quiet in {lsland City:. ..trelibta on.
NAMIKILIi 10.—Rlver 'with
elx nada half foot on giant& •
Cotton dull; Prices from - 10 to 41 Cents.. Re.
celptn, 41; fltipmonte 174; aa7es 167 1410.
. . nada of ei Prominent Citizen. -
Jeco. 7.-4ion.' Peter Cowe, for
navy years prominent citizen oi-nuniak
0.. • no,,f.ertery and the olh, on Saturday
Th. Mitten Is farorxrded netsin• n 11l rend i tie gal
.eriber. roune.l . 11 - 16rIall MD.
...... ................. al
1 TS
l'lutu. of
th '1.4. of ,r 1 pward
Important JEUittrosd Enterprise
Pae L•oxzenis, Jaa.lo.—The contract to pre
grew. of negotiation between the 'Atlantic 6.
Great Western Railroad Company and the
Philadelphia d Reading llailrondGarapaili has
been finally agreed upon,rand goes into, effect
immediately. It provides for lnying a tine Is
the narrow gnagc upon the Atlantic lb Great
Western road to Cincrnnati,- Cleveland, and
other nesteru clue*, and also the immediate
coustrnetion of it line of narrow image
rood through Clarion, Joffemen - c . . Cent".
Union and Northumberland_ counties, to
connect the Great Western with the Calawint.t
Mod, thus forming or means of the latter
road and the Philadelphia and Reading road,
a riontinnous line of narrow gun° ratlrced
from all the great cities west to Philadelphia
and Now York. one immediate moth of this
contract wllll,o the establishment Of 44. line of
steamships between Philadelphia and Eng
land, for the building and complus oferhich
the above companies have contributed half
the amount rocts,snry.
In the .ult between theCatatrlssit and Penn
..ylvanta ralletwoln to he etwett /n the all pri
n branch or the Supreme-Covet tomorrow.
the Leading road becomes a party will the
CatateLvsa rend.
Fro= Louisville Revenue ' Frew!'
inemetßem Murdered,
JarMbrle—Tho Coll ectioto o r the
Infernnl Revenue wetted two hundred and ter.
tp.ri en box,, of cigars, from New York be.
esuse of the fraudulent Government stamps
Ile, Joseph FY-her. one of the most !Mil:lent
d iv leen of heel nekv had his, skull fr actured by
n 4ang. snot On thO fourth, llonday evenlng.
Ile ie, be insensible ever since, conaol
tation of illysfeisns wua held this afternou.
They report that there is no hope of his recut - .
cry. There be no Clue to the assoasolet.,'
Pr./posed Railroad fronillawedoloJer-
ALa sr, January 10.—A. mmtting of citizens
from different parts of the State was held hem
to-day for the purpose of discussing the feasi
bility of constructing amillroad from Oiwego
to Jersey City. A plan was funny adopted lo
cot:garnet one independent:or-trunk line be
tween the two points. The distance in this
Stale win be ?in miles; and 1g . 15.000 was sub
scribed, and - 10 per.eent paid in. The company
In to he known as the Oswego and :few Yorks
31cALLISTER—SthEL—On Wedersie.y morning,
the 10th biet., by the Bee. John Donßlsce , P. D.,
Til 03tAS3ICA LUSTER.. Esq., =RI MISS 1.-971 S
yIGEL,both of Mark tourtty, (Ale
---. . - ='33OOTS - ATID SHOES:
.E.N I=D..M
lhan any Other lipase
Is. We have three 'Mann factnreru constantly ran. •
lng. making our own g estls nom selected abet.
' td. We sell more goods than any other Area La the
United States. '
We hare an ogler on Pearl street. Bodo%
where all mantitatwarera to New England know that
rash is on hand to rotate any bargain, and when •
goads are fur sale at auction or-otherwise, he is on
baud to boy then,
4th. We bare an agent n nCourtland atree4
b.. York. worittoi entirely for our chain otlintile
saltt and 'retail, the principal oflrtadi la
No. 60 Fifth Stre e t.
. . .
M.o. Lave one at the Woodland Avenue , . ,l3eiroit.
One at go Main Street. Wheeling. West vir.
One at t= Federal !street. istleghetry, Citn Fa.
One at PS Columbia street, FOR Wayne. Ind.
One at= Superior street, Cleveland. Ohle.
One at Kilgore lialLeiteubelirllle. Ohio.
The largest and beat ten/ducted BOOT AIMS/10E1
ESTA.I3LLIISIENTS in the country.
We .11 more goods and giee better altlsfletlon
than any other house in the United States. , lull
ea .r.wrizi. ismrainiErr.
Ife daire Worm sll pmnfifis int '
33 40r Pa" - fil
Thattil JANUAIIY fah. we honestly all trade
I . l . t ae se , l un o s i s t lfaTett from our largo tortwf. teat'
Actual Cost.
Which we Sell for the Best
• Every aliment wis caret/illy made by niirseire
If you pregrr Tour clothing made from saeasar,,
we have a full line of
Cloths and Vestings
And our Citteria mabter of the trade. ' •
For the pre t. we sail make to order, as ttsar
rant entire satisfaction. as Prices below' ourd Wili a , D o o o r' not faros with your patroasto
a, la J. N. SMITH & CO.
Blank Books and Slatlottery.
3a10:1tal NO. 72 FIVTIT.TREET.I
Orr 'MM.
6 6
J. n. 111 WS. -IS Figath Sheet
a t„a: =i i sat:
cENEETERYwo-A ru—•
-and sada:wet tol=ljnes of tkpoi t ta: tr a,_
u t s TriirlAor lielabton
be ealr
C Lou 1.111 snit at the liniminitu
Ei tStw i t . tel . 'erouZri"ir t i , ge e lleeda, Pericata,
Wareboc. of the underitne cony:rrr i t=
aaa Lescock rtretts, ny. -
F , eretari. and Tr* • su
ch, X5AX.733.71,JS •
A let of Ladles lima' and rhtt4rerel, m.ovr.
• :NETS, tialatliEArk.TlLlß.6.4 •
, ay.; tektati the bast:tem-, Li.
(Lint! tee lanaileast beldam !Kenai:ad by rbral
clans. Say long reableare to tar.. landibe =mutt
9t !Atlanta treated atuinapy gaa,nyn anyna4,4
rir. s g r angliarLi ' Signnt enirnegt;. and
all disease& al:Laing theretroixi,.4ll . * Vred In a Mud
shorter than tbarLberelotone by ray YrEW vzferr- -
ABLE 111017.1)1E% lledidnea • sent AZT Pan of •
She rulon. 4 Int,aczn innalalenntaltils:alb
oared. par
Von Tia.ll.l.7rWlLEa t o
Ad ran*. . W . ..I . III.II:STRISP,
Jitaray Zox SOO. rittobtart, rn.L
11 . a.. : 10r 4 .1m. ETr.Bpautanicitt ! . -
C.O Waal I 2
Matti inreits, VW.a1qx . .1044 K .4 21 ' gat
• ..— , ;%.•,:vo.
' - - . •, • .