. •44, tt Ptlk 0) . Aqiit Itil;; ME rt'FSDAT, J r ), Nl7 A itY. NOTICE TO Anviarrisrerts. la btrely time h:rcaftdr sll inIN- Talril.idrarlaritini•b{9Te.elthC4 at:this came Tallat be rata for 'viten italideil bb-esarpt tn.tLc esio of *iitbta htlto Trill be readere t wept.- Edirertbcra , nlll picnic make .1-tLUtZt,allti,;b3 tarlq, a each payments for m 4 b - TertEmnaCtila 'of the claatnetcr anted. will be law , • • • 1;0 , Price or rart - 31orniag..an4 Eirning cdiclutri I :1" 1 ~GENTS atthe counter orfrom nclrsborr • Skorii , f b•T cArrlcrs at..£I.FTV:EN critrg per "reek NTTON. Our 66ltr4ry re:Rtftroxnust not forgot Vito "":3t,pulilican iniuntry tn,t . .ting. Sidurtl.) - 13t11, to eleenclegates to a ' t l / 4 -- ;tinty'tlOnvention which igto . ":4;elqo gat.,4 tO th.' State. Convention-:,ate their ninnti , in now, us t 1 limo is shrirt-, and •11., -is of some, itteporti! . ! t• that ttr:...Stou)d s to it.: THE ALLEGUENT CITY Et:ACTION _ j„,,t Tow "birth! jean friend,. siainld-rosleet cityiy:pf vatting for; the nominees or their,clullee at the; eleeLlun to to-nairrow, vie deem a word tat ex - dterm li tion eve,ary. Allegheny bayfor Many years, tutele her city notainatioaq liv tit, popultritsystent. the late priurry nimoino', a large vote was itist, glowing - that :n •I:ee nominations made, lg fo keity off!cer , and for the ward inaninet..,..tl&poto Mac mindidales Were. selected. The , itelho thus tvionisl byrlrijortgs.4,lle4Pli liea tiraiedllepublieumvoter,, is entitled to re ‘4,,,,..„„ the haity it i Ortrsoment of the park. 10-.jay,lrifttgy . ion. nominated utieordim to purtylelge, ituthg• the S'attlat majoritt • Welate no ri.,woll . lit , belie :k that tit, 'll4 Democrats. reidding..in Alleghtuty wil etiffaitif retvons.for believing that an effort will h. nut& to foment little mmtests by indirect means: such as inducingilisappolntml can -lib-lab, to run on "smooth-twin:" thiketS, MO promising all vuell irregulnrqraminec , The frill support of that-RelhocraLs Lot to tatty trriinYihltentUt—ifsuch there, - art--tlstiht. l use of their names on timid or cit3i - ticket, 11.0i.against the regularly nomi .nato.l can only result in worse dis petutitnre. SCc, toed result eon follow these efferts of minorities to defeat the expressed Will of the Majority. • Let all good citizens and reliable Flepublimuts attend the "polls, to -day, and vote for the regularly, 11001i tutted ticket. In this . way only can the Union Repululiaan party maintain its strength undivided, and exert its moral and lxrlititul Miluenee. The Tempenuggi Association ny, made an attempt to put in nomination it ticket, at n hail: meeting. hot h for city nod natal offices. As a result of that move- Mod, we leant that tickets have been pre parisl for all the Wards, nominally disag. ratted Its "Temperanm 'rickets. - NN'e have knew that the movement Ms:. nor min,' the solution of the friends of Or eituse Of temp...now° In Allegheny, and in theabsence of unanimity of opinion itinong 'them, it ctum4t,'m tiny ei•ent., n jot ill any goisl - to the canoe. So believing . , we would aaelse the friends of the cause of Teinis-r, iimxi--4-liase_ of them who are ''lterithlicans,' at least. and that willinclude most, if not • vast their von, for those pi-I , ons bane' been. regularly designated by a SeajOrhy .ef the vet's of the Republican :early, as the um - aims: , of that party for tit, attend offatc.. if Amy persons of ktmvit 'ititernperate habits have been placed it •tioriiination (and we de not, know of any -• Alai, (the: filenifii.of Teinnentnee can strika. emelt - names •fram. their tickets, and Mus mit, their firhuiples without weaken : :Mg the Repablitall vote. Let the ;.11011 turn ant to-day - Ur& eicet their ticket . by an old-fashioned , Allfgheny majority, Mil : • OFFICIAL SONSEV3F— ' CLand",' the Con the. Cwrrt4lo7i,qtas..elocided ttm woman cannot Ile a Director in u Natirn Hank, Gccettpe +Rol reengni,T ,l io 1 • d , ritezili...The point reaehed, that won • stu,uld no He Hank Directors, may be i .CriOI.WII:I.V.It the reason assigned for. the 1 , 111Ei1t..11 I.lte..rdii neither with the law - with et - admen sense. tiatiVe-horn mothers, wive.: and sis are citizens, airsdutely and by Mean '4 "PlveNceple proct-ei as their male relatioas. ' . helple l / 4 0 A:nit - de infant on the lirwoit it to. 'nether, if ikt , :4l9.ller `nta. citizen, is just nc much ti : _eifizett aft fkg.Presidont r.,1" the rill .ted:fittit4filM4elf. Tfli:Voverninent, in all *:itsl)epaitinents, has retzsgtilzed and acted npetr this; pricoelido wnsttnEtiv, till. Mr. ~:.'‘F,luito:lttiv'eti to stultify hitasolf. • '-'113.e Constitution of ...Pennsylvania arcs - vi r destlitif it person to be a toter, tute , l be "a white • male eitizett.'"fhere arc, then. 'etizeni.; that. are not white, and that are not male. In o:her words, females are 'citizens ass tally'LLS-111:11e 1 .- Tile iCOnsititutium, oh inorerthan two-thirds of theStutos, nee stth „stanthilly the saute phritscolrary Our Slide (putted tilx:ere. The Constitution e .Maserteldiselts reads' "every nude citl- Zen ;" and that lets in the twgroe.. Four S ; or dye other Constitutions employ like • Wortil with . like, effect. The tail Conuitu ': Alen of Nem - Jersey said, ..every eitifpn "I' - the full age of 21 yc , g,rs; and that 0p...a.41 the ballot -box to women and himeks. (.I.fiefJlastice TANEY decided drat Dos! cote svaq not a citizen, and therefor.. no. ;: to bring and prosecute a suit iu lb, "tbderal COartt , .. li,, did not in deehle to ~,,tatuseDr no, him 1., but only i s .calise hr • 'win; ti clave. tmAines doeision, there fore, puts white NI,JIIIn below the l.wet o Mere blacks. -Ho has deeitizenized them ,so..put. _them on the level with .. slaves. We wonder' if lie will not next adapt TA "ma - 's infntnnuv dicta, and say that W,rites, - not being citi7.eig., lmvt , no rights that awn are bound to-resissi. 121 ■ y k CONVEIO..gIiC is 1.11;' IT. ..5-`111114" +l` -sari I.lS'l'r 'ittlgltbr , —he' „prove, he wrxun 111 L, inside „r nuieidaof ...best serve his , lint - pose. ' i...Filintpjittlilittittrnals are eorttlnettil very: `tiitttlfhitcr•thlx in,ski. First totttlo..t th,) , liniffip4o Ire , m itil anti • iitithtFliliogtlry position, on oily ,tulY • jeet . , jtfiit O ' er. imiy suit itie eotiveniette, or. This i5 ,. .1 1 11 , Nt "enterprishlg' - inurtnititortz, 3,, - Eill_ . i.,!LVelltert - jn 56,v : York: 7 . .. pettee il - 1 it; blitlit!yinf77 l TH C ' ttia ' S , hush for time - palith,. - L'aany over 111:, ....*....4/11t,P.-111:11.,O MI) OIL Yort , j Jrcvt .sifter. • .freft.Lrfinyt to lhn roeonf. 'iii, . ;it st.;ertit treaty 14 , 1.o - iota I::aghttol, Frinfeti„ An"tria. ltely ; , • tying. to \t: e. his !wit - , • ti/1'Vne.71)2.1/1:11 1;111,1111'.1) ' cart-Ole port of oty govern ..• . -Inttt;'lltoeit Ott r roternporaryeSir e ' 1:411( Ll.l. r.,4 - decia• re war aaaijiat bra, ii-fultht;" rest of Mailkilid iii wat,11 , 4 j)6 ‘.,'viguroittf * Att Itertrisru, • e•••ve•• h I r 'TA LA. ,~~ i • I raiift. That only. .nlo,3t4andissis doien of.non4tidicals in all' inflnding \Vend and 11 - ayinnnd," find vninonnies,:.Conserfati.i.ne lei,uNitans a fame and a - .trvrindln. DiOn. . -fur `.~ ~' • •••••••-• - - - prE t tab t s boateento , thinks flint lig ,o. ,betyret,P,..Geuw - SC TIE: i CII•I3n4 :".'10feller11:11-tilitIlligidie It m ciairfA i t that fnak: drlir.`";42l.iimAx's o'l%li section _ _ x ~. rivREAsE otr clet3tr44.. • ti Metropolittin Porre P. - ntinti.etionon, in thoir report to the. Governor of the Stast, • fur the year whieh has just el; a sed, gin the v. hole rum t her rvf errest. nni , iti in tlu elty of NA, York us tl.S.s7::, helng eh inerease of nhoul 14,efiu nutrni,t of the 'lnked- log oar. \Chile thorn ha, I tI as gelp-ra.l itivrt.a.so opf olToitsos, Daunt. ~f riolf.,ll.:r to .wards remota+ 6ncc ineron.oil its gretiti•r rat ia: tine total numbor ixnig :KA agaituit for'thr year. The report silows there an• 1.20 a , girls fm -IP/V,..41 tm pretty waiters ht conert S. and that there aro 10,000 places da Now York and Brooklyn whore intaxinat int; drinks are sold, 0,000 of which are a/IA- N-ass:4. • Thoßottad ToNestatett the appalling faet, upon ••statlstical evidenee, that one AVOlllatt nut j prorery sixty, has sufrered the loss of chard i 1 c. While it is not nrcisainoble that full sta- Ihi would ?how a like overage lu cr:vs.:. of 1.0311 e awl innuoenlity throughout the country, and particularly In those :stints-A whirl: hose net been the thea tre of net U . :11 warlike o perations, still, there h o , t i p doubt howl n vat , t augmentation of ESE .•Va.1 . 3 w'llo .o . Thi• is on Of the inevitableconsegnenece 1:1 gr. e t Bart fur tear is Ittrintrisui, rand eau ne trashing else.' It vitllently dirarupLs ulr'Llnew enneeptictits of the sanctity of lir, rand the person end proi ! tirty which it Is the province of riviliza tine end religion to itt,pint. tpe war simply cmailvd n 10,: - of lilt Mal morality upnn trom. .111 trCtlolllporvn+i or. rceognize ver little, 111,4111(iitillS of sex. Hence I h.. ranks of the tmnfortunitust - hart' been ni cruiled beyond all forfficr precedent. Th,s, facts make n ptotiorful appeal not 121 11.1 N. tutu patriots, but I int.ralists `trod Christian S. It apparen' I hot public morals Intro received a violent shook; that the bonds of eustomary and laffiesome restraint have beim loosened; and thal, in cOnSeqUi-n , , .disorder, license and crime, are coming in like a flood, and -sweeping away the barriers raised for the "4rciteetlon at an and most or all air *thrtsumg. It is idle to sit down supinely antLateinrrY tire .sitauttittp. Wringing of hands will not strengthen old harriers or build new ones. The organizations for 1110, y and coligion'have a fresh burden and 1 - Lida - gist nsTonsibilities laid on them. soeinted tel LA'always mots: efficient [halt yliort. But it does not excuse individuals from attempting whatever is witbin'their compeleney. There is enough :11 do. Shall it be done? A MALG A MATION. The National. Quarterly Review is pub lished at New York, in the llihle House. It claims to stand at the top of Itmerfisnt periodical literature; to be eiuct, scholarly, exhaustive, above prejudice and supersti tion, and nanovml from taut. It affects lit acrd ism. ' - - The umuber for Devenilx?r contains a pa pet oft the "Character and Ddminy of the Negro," which is a remarkable compound of truth and falsehood, Ns:is,loin and folly, some and noremnse, furl- and fiction. It is oracular, as become , a Quarterly, and e - MIMS a contempt Tor Indiimutablestati , tics 'which is cooler than the weather has been this winter by at le: et t'arrnty degre‘,. will he - admitted, at all events, that any exlenfilve amalgamation of the white and black•ruces is out of the question; na ive lams placed ton wite a gulf bet WCOII them to render such a result po.sible. Those who assert the contrary must °Whir lu4 tuterlytinaequainted with the history of the negro; or he unable to comprehend the siMpiest and most obvious (pets in natural history." s o u, atcas been nit of our foibles h!. snp posethat the taal,ala !abiea. of the gramral government are reasonably tu-r-nran", and show a very close appronintation to the pietist farts. Turning to thane tables for It.CO, the latest within, math at this moment, 4:74, find the number of mulattos net down ut 400,1100 in a c oloredicopulation of 3."K1,n0n and odd, Of these Virginia had 7tt.0.. against 72,41:1 white ikmoenitir voter:: and the proportions ran alsott the same all the• wry - through. We do not put tleero tem. I..ie tvgvi ter I ILWI! we think there is an , laa Ural or necessary connection isicrecti th, ui. Only the similarity ui veil! striking and might lead supenditimis people to dean uncharitable Mien-net , . lint lids ,is the n-f:Uidichns can prove an alibi. They were not they., Our SOULIIOII lierthron tree.• sn delllOUStratiVO in their 71.418; , aeaVivo , In rtpublicatv 4 ; that it was not pleasant hi accept the enurtesier of Minns'. If ever a republican ventured ameng them they went speedily on hand, In force, with palls of tar, and sacks of fehth ers, rued hempen halters. Such politeness was ellicious, anti not to be endured. In a-t, few republicans had hardihood enough hcprovoire the ordeal. They believed what. is Ito", that discretion, under Muth eirerun stances, Is the better part of valor. •t If the 'ifiarterspirit they lind little; anti their de ficiency therein was fortunate. It kept their skins whole anti unsoiled, alai ;acts!. their .necks. It saved their reputations from the possibility of reproach Unwiring fide nearly half a million uttmgrels, whom the /levity iuslsts, with a gravity bevoming its ponderosity, have no exishatee whatever. - - - 'rbe Report of the State Treasurer for the year ending November, arth, 1300, ti e • total receipts fur the year were £31,063,31S Gs, which, added to the bal a nce of t 440,017 on hand at the close of the lust fiscal year made the toted available funds i52,4V91,3 6 5 95. The eXpt - nd i nre,, during ISill were td ,O 15,96 1 ii. against 12.004,1 94 t. forlerst, leaving a tab mice in the treasury at' the end of ]sal of 519 1 ,401 sl, rather better Oulu in VAL The State debt ha• increttsed purely on war ac count, iCt19,2:10 SO. The slaking fund has increased near tilS,oo o . Of the sinking fund the State Treasurer has invested tt'7o,ooo in War Bounty Bonits , during , the past year. I . 4terabeing no Legislature in sevsion, tier report, of eutirse, indulges in no re•ononen- . Aititions. l'ineinnati Gazette - in an extended a&litint of the lift , 4nd serviees tirAtr. Winter Davis, riieilitions that in the }louse orlteliresAmtatlve, on tin • fweaslon w"' titukl - ag a sis , eeli in reply . , to Are: j ei -0, of the meinhers coo ',Mkt , (Jilt, into iLiluuse all - over the fluor, width ttte Spen_ki...„ , was tiokeeriess !Qs:strain, Pike . relatsed his attitude of intense file:110 0 n, and mintefell : "Well, d— ti you, you are OH Iw+iarSO%tl,r ReinflaiCTlllipetifl, if !Nit ers?.;:y !"' Three mint:tea Infer lit , tens en making 1) heated anti bit,- I e 44cifily• S . F.NATOIt COIL:CELL introdKevti into the Legislature of New York, on Wittinteelay last. Iwo bills to amend the Ban with a view to imPosing tax upon , tilt cap ital of all banks in the state, us per sonal property. , rk , ,se bills are drawn with a designisl aecordence to prineiples of law laid down by the Court of Appends, and embody some very important provisions. In the Slate of New York dirt' strong VeraVnatin, in one form or masher, to !mike thp National Banks pay taxes for Slate and municipal purposes. CITY EXM-,:ssEs.—The city or Now York toitsl hi IStl.l,lor municipal purpa±es, tho Plll/1 of r:::.0,11:3i552;Atttl tlds (114 not meet. the 4.11,at1s nu tho 'Treasury by more limn V. 00,00. Of this sUlittholiottra of Eduen- tiongot and expended $1,757,000. The Cen tred-Pak, wbte4 is an educator of another but.tq , areely rank to schools, took t.zlppoo, The ;wregato valuation pf prop .oriy,, real and perional, was e634,694,9}0. lob:co-led In A cog , bc forelbe Londim courts. lo giving judgment Con 2:-(11.1CSII011 Ple:llling lntclp, sfc 'Wllib, set aside:l,2.o%AM Wee itm or 1119 prod, ceswr.-tinft ratecUthatit tcatator cannot. donut c itctionthor tliertroS)rof rti.ehinNti+mlit t for hits; but he wont both Uttar. , Witt. approve of ii eirtent. 4 (If tbo bit.trnment to Tooke it rAlt.l., II.XTERATIT AVO fr/IN•yrtcg rrrr foutui Ittl.iet w.o. lying lit- , ••1 111111111.1•Ni1 .1 rrt ILt V u i .h Carolii”.l I Inc Ino down to With little I:lot-171y or • I\llel.l.r Iv) at,4 • • • her. ur Trtu Spanbilinuthor Darnago.s give, a hubina. °nabketch of the political ty - pew of hit coun try-mu, which we fled tranalated in.the New York Vononurgial ..4vert6er. One of three type„ is the mot :I fovcrnpten[ ape. the ergature of N argot, and CC bnnnoll, he It found in every eociely, litrt, is coawldered a bore- octliFiemOly he tells tin anecdote tilt felt worth being 11-tuned to, tko the following: A short t hue before 01 l depart gee for the sminc of war, the Quinn gave a state dinner, w hen,.w it h a late voice, elie until tier following wool. •A.leneral! we heart b, wait- Ina Impatiently for the victor(." which thou wilt gain; thou with fre,h return 50 HOW hap py I dto i uld r fell If 1 1 coulil tannin:nut the valiant army that With so ninth intpittleute 1,. OM aitl ag thy arrival. Oh' how deeply reflect ant 6,4;iy cc won: Thy Queen was overcome lay 111110tioll. be Was lent, ilml while all the other:: wcro wait tog tin.. illshe could recover and go nil w ith her •peei9. the deep alleute was sUailunly broi0•11 by a euft, trembling voles, which cried. - 011 I al It w the Hi 1,110 La, spoken." tr n shipyard, one da.y, a tar (rant a mon-el war Naas ObSerratl antralina two mint dragging a rt 6 rini-fent ello , *(olt saw through it Mine oak log. The saw wits dull, the kg yen" dull: nod there they went, ace-Ana. aye-ann . , tati . ll, push, posh, pull. itiek studied the matter orer a nntil he entail tot he ettnelastOtt that they wcre pulllug to. nee who would got the saw: and Cu on VW* an immense lag chap, while the other was a little fellmr, he deehleil to see fair play. Fe, girlttr, the big one a Mow under IC" ear that capsized him 'he jerked the saw out of the log, Roil alstoOt to the small Otle. he sung oat. ' , Now run, you la „a r Tirana its right requisites to snerei , In a law snit —a goad ranee, a Baal Joie, a gianl counsel, it good attorney, gixol witness , . a good jury, a good and la , t, though not lewd. good Luck. As adrertisnment tit cheapti horn a d fn wniangn [Minim In welinntry paper, ns the follo y 'iota Wm! . It. Lae I a t-hing those ebea p shots. si 11l do well to call anti, US they trot last A nOtrantta . paper With, that ',something Is on foot hi Smith Carolina.- ' , be herself 14 fin foot. She used to ride the "high 401,0." 101 l Mill WM. ,* A t•riarrat; young Indy, who trait ationt is Marry a man rthose pulse wnY longer than h' head, Pahl she preferred Ida dollars to his sew ILLI . IOf 4 VINANCES A boolon,,lonAent,l A • That k y us. rqutAtioned, A loving tonaa. ge 3 rl lonol forged It-• cunning no" To mareh the weary tnarelt 1 know nut bow. , !11 , not bola, nor nrong--alltlost I. pad 1 rim cooly sotto do At Dir half dim . % work id door. And this is tilt my port; 1 Wye nr. potent God ty pni.tent heart,. . And irriisp 11Ly lrannor st ill. Though all Its blue be Ulm: Thee ,tripes , no I es . . than t41./Lt , Lead after Chrirlimi Enquirer DE N ones ,aiti that Providently .lee ed who how It little it thought of ritheA by tLe :O m permitted to poAserts . wraith. conrreastonal Nomenclature. As the Congressional recess will terminal e In n few days, and the proceedings of tile Ntis tiontil Isimisinture again occupy a large por tion of putlic attention, it may be of interest to have at hand n statement of the Stales and politleal nfltnities of those members whose 0:001, are daillleatt, and who, In con se entaten. ate not to be confusingly confounded . . Two niprestutatices of the fondly of ksle ley appear upon the rol Peh. , It , M front the new :state of N., :Ida. l mid .141.1 ti- , 10t ml • TCll.l,representative (foto Ohio. Both of these gentlemen are radical reptildirans. Then tome the Clarkes • Render II ,of 001 d, and shiner . , of Hansa , heath of the same Ire 111 nut COIL al. , the Ashley. , Anron Minting, of fientnekv, Is one of the few reprtssentatlees at , Washington, at the "nut ertilled ° dcumernev,tint his namesake, A b iter e. of Illinois, is quite the reverse. The Iltiblairil family presents an Imps-In; appearance, four of ii, members, all ruptibil. stns. appearing upon the list. Those are .‘,.a bet W. of•lowit: theater D.. of taro t irg t mint Demos', of New `fork, and John 11.. of 4 onto:cl ient. tiftenconfounded with thzoo in Calvin T. Ilultlmrtl. of New York. Edwin N. Ilublyell, ta chat State, Is a stoned! democrat, but all li., of 0111 n, 1. , n eon seiett tIOI.IA opponent of all the principle. , of that pr.- idlest organialitton. Jame. , llMtiplirey, of Neu York, is a repittoli .=e'r'rag4ftic'tt7tC‘kt?' "4 "'" '''' 'l' ' 1- "" ""- . Tito fa ti;lly of Lae rein, give+ to the oath ma bsenecii,t;,:orgv T., of l'ennsylvatila, and IV il.. Pam. ofArntio, both reptibllemis. :Mint:ol.V llandittl. a I•1411toloIphia demo-eat 1441411ra:3.11. liandall, a republican of lien tneky. inutt appear. Then - follow Alexander 1 U. Bite, of Ylassachnsetts, and his brother, John IY. of Maine, hotli. thorough going radi cals. Ni..xenre Yrancis and 4folln L. Thomas. .Ir..lLoth c•Ou.scr”.ttl .1 , ;:arslatolot.. ' . lh ecnelcslon. we have Mid Van flora. of New York; sod llobort. T., of Ylis.rotri, Elliot ft. AVashbutur, Of Wino's, and Wm. It., , if .11,ts .arlms...110, and Jaines 0. 1111-.... T. . of !Oa,. a it I. •Tepl+ ell F.. of roluo.fiv...ota, all r..p01.11. - 111.. In I /.t., , e1:11.0 the sosl4 (am li, do ot.l y_ r 1,10. I " fill 4 l I. ttnt ' of bans. olta . ll too. 11., rt • , .., /1011:1141, road Jam.. ll of 14'n as,' Loth me ao ' loqsr of the...torninaal P.,-13,1.-o,,‘Rrr-, Our ligr!cll Governor • F:PITt7r , 111.1attlq tt, e , t i eiglnoct , lth eh , I.ohor iitor fat conottalnw. 11 , 1 one pew, Inept thnt, General felt, W. tear: Tntironlltion I' hklng a goulletwl, la tine .1- 1.4 ~Ittrotion he Id. fairly w1)11 orol the title 01 General. hoeing rl IV/t"t ifofltitcte4rl"l-4rif'f:'tro;'Nlo.'„ltislntil Aulnst, lAtt: l'ltaneoltteville: 1.1. Id and 3.1 4 , 1 Mae, itot3 (lett ',born, 14, tat sod 3 , 1 1.1 till' , let tVtitain.tc - 111, - 11'..1 11 1 , 1 I.lenti , er, out ' Mountain, '2111,1 of Rmember, 11 , 41: 1t Nalnn zsil, N'cofenther.l,6l; It ing01 , 1,..27tt , NON etttber, 111 , 63. Ileac'ectchat Omani, the hundred day , tight irt,•• folltrt Chattumaratt fu ,ttlatin, 1111 the en ne pulp, tp f!lnvantlan and tlc. C.:troth), to the rlra.e3tf the war. faithfully four tears In n anffeting Its privut lona and hone - riling ill• life, we owe him the onire,and let .111egbeny reitn , ty Huhu ttu , honor lit 'welcoming Itifll favorite for the nomination. A,C ntoc,Tu r interim' Revenue iteccipts. The Internal revenue receipts for the p.e.t Welk are follows: Tuesday, **.:3"= 3 . 3 :` ,,, n : : !Wednesday, mat.-XtS.X.:; Thursday. 014eta*Z11.73: Friday, 4:loel,lSlrdelt,entntany, /7211,::01.:::: To:al: Ilt4:21,:19.:02. The receipts T 0e.,4141 Wel) the ItinztrAt mine, the r.,tohiiNionoot of et, Internal itosenuo Iturcau. TbIS LflerCitSo over the exl.alltlt of the previ ous week-1,679,7111/3—(s owing to the en - rot with ableh the ollitsPrA •4 the lotreau hare prosecuted their in discovering article, II bleb 1 i 4 hitherto w,capoti t.xut too. tow of the best rourees of revenue is eotton. The laX paid tax this crane:ln:oly at !Incast.tieor gin datring the la , t three inouthi, aronanted Io 400,tXta—representing sale and shipment ol bales, valued at 03,a0.1,000 In Ikea Tort. It la expected that. for the months of Januar, t'ehruary and the enues (r.en :to mmue the stone 1111.01 rvan , ls that 5,0(0,00. utr A WI:M:11 Its ties liroviefeneefsorneills•lts ("flowing got - , .1 Georg!. users - ImM tome to Nvo , fork sellls looneyenongh io oat' his &Ns Its (sill, but it wools( sethisee“ all Isl. means, and eessolveli kilo to t.nel; other oo n 4 tl st se :s r l i esrg sis t if s. ull N h ; so I, s l o ll 1 1 1 .1 ,Il: s o tors . theui nh ot,. vtorv,oo.ll dir I.lossilsketn •r 1 1 11.11 S ItoprKs-ofe'mineabletodollol,Ono i rht% . • 11011. Ills creditors re:linty took 1111 v so, Vent. of their claims, novo Wt.. `lite.' In Nu. cool elirstvest sestsuroluo.r_ tisr with the lintosee oft his. lllllle2. etseh its, monster 111 whith I Ito NO.O York seerehnots ore settling wllit the loniser SoUthern customs., Tic appreeliutessi It very Stneslisly, .0.12221,1: i3d Wel:, to Ike SOU , It nod pretseh this inttolti .geuerosity 10 our ovenonreouutgrs. 11101 , g"0/ to ref urn things to their 114titral 1122.1 eurrt.set tic many . MO mistaken 1120111110 es, thus.rill the utlssiltsoutries. or other step , • yet .thlten.. IG Is iongunsiilgity In the trioe gemming of the mord, tool wo ninny Zell an tt it 11 fnol ,•intlnir to to 2,111. tII toitt.t .111112it.olf will, n polene) Shot will sur 122.3 altothiir Sts Area Wiscon..lo palters arc dlacunling li.ellatpr Doolittle% cht ons to a -vat cal the 2.npretne bowl) In io li on , , or Mr. Jubilee Patrol., deeca.cd, and thatamat, A deirland , . very political, the Pro:4l - C oll 6 gave IP. 4k 1111111 for that pliwe isnot otnuittltut by MS tjublio rr.Corfl ill de clare unyonstituttottal n My.tenthq of 101 thy laws relating to the rebellion." It says and DoolitUY truighi, to pinch, be 'Moir (tin tiqer 16 _Franc , e Ellalltna,lnit. that lt eater do to-put hint on, the. Supreme Wburu La would a.tirCully illssent. from thy Chief ...lustier; In ninety-three out of eerry 11111.111 41 111108 tbot. WO2llll tanlae before the ieat dye yham, lE!Sr= Woatte, knitfotTint! rllv,•eys er :111:N.—The "Frvett IrOlnon nt ret,i,,,-• who by royal °dint praparcd a code of Ina, WI , ern lug inntlindla unalorvia that realm, Illy It dun. cc a fact That 1 - 116r0 tire thin., . of. at: A proper 1000; Itall 1111ktil 3 A haputtiapla. Ala opor .laaa al wnysanau hln 4 aUu whatover rho wanki; year half poor, /snivelling Wre.i.cli A t tu }Oyes till wife tat Illlle; :171.1 lialluf•hapla 1311 despira , le; bat makes her r do hurliVe Work, mail in .11.. 1i otn: prelons, that If nhn ntai, away all (liq, ho I• curt 11.1.101: 1141 r If 1a,1 . 1. i.llo tics 1.14,,t1." 11Vili11.1 . 0011 Itt. the Pres'.lent, the de, rein ry the Trcmury applnted. thu 1011,kw - log K , . 10. to tank° .t allt 111111110 Irbil iduce.i4 reculVeol at Vlo, 1.;i1110.1 )flub , and tyrant:lle,, for the parpost or ncenclog Mo• conformity to the moommt dlr ogiott to t to.lr VC.0111:AO it.," St ttttt rtiv Hoary Pavt!uport, (MI; PrOfeTi.r J 05,141 1.1e11.1 . y. Torrev, .Itlllll, LU del jllOlll Vll . lrll/111.1 IZOK;03 121111.3.11:IpiliN t rr. s. k Loovllle, N.y..; J. It. Ale sun , ,r. I 11101c, awl Jun:LS It. Met.llutoula - , of P.lt;s rolotr. , a ,t. , r). J0t.44 4,, t0 Eobanon, Ohio; who n .• 11l ~ tit lend StArkan n annul' oulofo tt.t Wrothl put now. two Sr:Antal - Milled ttollltr , fo r , vority.'"rhe Jo 01- ..c>tts.three rttlf.r. r 111 e, however, wvre nrSt',.llCVeit rtfure-4.1 drink with it mail, be. I . 'ollBo 11; AVOtOt ctirt von -nnytlitoFt;” neeofttl, "ut.VoetiSicti.mtui 10 drink'. lweitti au it will cost imA ifahit ttli.ol7,74CLVd‘,4llMl Uligh.i twanwtptto st, “never hiltui what happen - ,o It dote( lit.ppeo to BM PUBLIC NOTICE. cqt TiN CONS ETiON • rhh.v. ,hltit,th.lth a-. tons th .11-1 Cr.unty ban. hut b.a. 7 I AY. .J..41.11 - f h 1 , 4 t. Mll thh no. ttor or ...b., lac 111 I. V EN TION. 1., 1..1.1 at I.l..•rhibu.:l l . pla.A• lu th,hll Batton a rallidatt• rhr (lONT.IENO/:. Tbr rthilith of ilelccuth: N. by h 2 pe,t•-k. ILr " Lerough.... betercea the Louie or r. • and In the eth har bhht. ;L, IA P. M. Cy order or the Cocuty F.xorfairc Conmlt M. J. um—IDA:E. Chau-ma:l P. W. TW,I ,S. k WANTED --Six BOYS to run light Blueksmllll from 1010 bears of age. ApplAat "two nt DSY X 11Al - DEN'S. rorni.,4 Watt r AZUR::;To latte„ll6„'.°l:duaMlF_•-• DEN'S. eon-to Wal , r and ••Iztort Thr•st humb. ran got A 1ii,111....111 ;ph, . I. \ A HAYDEN. fa.1:301 AZr 'r. 11r, rob.. ham), fll 'vac,. ...t..a•lv ..,.ipl•q -1.t4,11. V T F'.\\ F: r l. i:!r oser or 31, r‘rtmno• ltr • . 1. In ll C 11.v3alltoomity. adY4:ll,lg sst.l c:su rr , 1. ,,,, fr..nt II 11.... A\ TED ---;ift 1.1 3 .511 ---1131.11' 111 711 \ VS 11 F . 1' , 1 CI Y.. 11, 111:ITT Y. EN In 1.1.; NEW/ t: 11.N.:111N.k.. arralua tt for 1 1 “. Tll N 1 ail 14 1.r'51...11.‘1, Alvl NTS. bnl.n I;lltr,t. 1 A: 11. k K AK. r( No. IV. I.lr • trt rI. ( . . ).t 111.11NTEU--.11 f• .001 ....,:stwriton 1,1111 noinv 1 -: v hirh :1, , icon ao I ot • zn. , :vvi m:k..•::s.l,ll, • rvcall utl IIT:IA ,rll r,,,r0, •1 Ilbll.lln, ANTED.--*i PER YE Alt! ..n. • T , re Lell our nirnovED sr w n toM A -1 111 V: 101 .r,rrnellcllvt I 1' 11, ',I, -.4.; 1 , 11 itct,st,, oiliftrheld,. t N NI,. 1,01.40 • • NN•11. lip- \\V LA 1.1.11nr. No lt,oadra 1 0.6 !Flan. No. t I 111.:So. Yro 411 1 &tn.., I luclApkot I, D.; "..1/,l,llPir'.. o.ltaugr. 0.01:11. X. V. • 41. 11.1'0 _ EMI.Loy v 01 411,11 RETI'II.N .5./rI.I 1:1:1 .VNI ALL I 111 1111!:1.—Iiroal ',lc of Jo+ (Irv. .•rwar.. S.e. T 1,4. 11x ou (1' liIFT 11111 I'TION. IJur agrut. arrntklua front YI, 11kIrt1 ik..r ila., atol we11...0il mom.. .V. 1. 4 ,410001 opt: ha, s• •uvlte,l our al 10k to o.or Iw,.•Mtillon Dollar, A ..len.litt a,d.rltnent .r atrtre, litugo. esaol 1.. ntleuv , u'• J4.1101, -, ofrt rill loo+l Ir+ttlat (,I oacla. erat , for c..11.1::1 - A ,. . tn.l on 0 "hat you a, (.0.111,1 to; or rn•111 for or SO for Illtrly; o ...ad a thrro-c..ut .tamp for our ter In .rod or 11r littoral kind. 11.1,0 I . I In, Write. p1...1,11, )).n.r I IATION 11 v, county w.lto 11.1 MILTON ,40 .%'71.. Y. 0.. vr 'York. pale-roolu. 1.1,, • A ,N. NY" 101, ho'lL2ra DriTEDENDS. .D lll 441-1,'"f1.611.(3171.111:11:11 GA , 1 Ith .1 amts. - 7 . 1.4 The Tr.,tre. Ow 111 t.14144k Ga., i t a, Oil, day .1.44 an 4 n dividend TWO DOLLARS AN D FIFTY EN 'N I'EO Alt 1". - . 11u11 q.1;1..i . po4ll-or co.p.m‘y: yat'" fortha 111., of V l / 4 . FET,L,Ty. Tre,„oer - . . Till . I DEN D.—OF VIC E ot"ir 21 t: 1 CoNI , NATIONAL ILANIC OF n II I:- NY. I . A. — 4 . 4.414.; of ill, 01111 . 1....“.1 . 1,1.15 want , 1111. V., :1 .11O4old of FIGHT 01..1.1.A1L0 VER 511 lur tt"n • riareJ. 14,311144 4414 mid after thr Mt I. 144 d. bbix J. ,Z 44. 44.144,14 t,., NAri;.. I l•trbdtTitittl. Jantabl 14. d. Tills 134.1 M liAs DECLAICEI) Pit IdettJ a SIT rkflt C NT. fr. 4. 44(4‘,..4- '".''T's" I."' eliJIIIIN li. \i 1r nrr•rt - rsal. Jtvoltar, 14444 i. MEETINGS. THE SEATII •ANNEAII. aoa.ll..a.lers 1.1 we PITT-6C1: 1 :11 St I•A r-NEXOKII It 1 1.W.1 - vdn bria tH Ihr 11. rN(."NI: ABEL 11411 oN Y, Jamtaty it H o'faa.a. 11 ma.lels Ulna. al••:. 14. H.. an ga,a t..:. rut 131ra•cllua alit la, latad Laud oth, ...Int. jt,4:1•114V. K. SI3IICK, H.tat • TIIIE ANNA' AL WIEETING . ' Pt.!: 1.11:ItAltY lN I? MEIII !0:1(....1 . c. , rat x I , 1, Ow 1.,1.....r ••• TA .1 I, 11,. the An.... 1. ..1"" 0 .. , 4 : 1..1 .. 11 ,1 . t. 1 .0- 4 .... nu./ rt., iliF 1.0 , , , ... , 1,,r41.1-pre-qqat,e)l I 4111 NT 1a.1,1 at t Ili 1)1...)M dril MO% U.kr. :r.• i ---- _ 41.11,1.. A: .. ~, pr. .)1. /VI% .in 4, 0 /.. C ." ....4 r STEEL WORKS 7 ta.4,...,10.-k. I ...:....1. , 1 WU. 11. EDIVAr.r. , . — rt ,,, Y • rITTSBr itGli Wrt.3:l. WORKS. ___ ._ FOR SALE you §: OLD TYPE. METAL. .11 411 yi 1:”.1.11 Till , trill it I P.. 51 is on" K4LE--11'S *me ELLE7i MANI I.SYTVITINtt `WM. Nen, 1V...4... tve. enekeng r ne :..11.$r ft.cFor I 'nu, arid% WAKEII MI Allr.Xle , e• SA11.1:-,1 situated it. . 1.111. 1 .,1. te • 111t+yr.. 111.11r..1.1. thel Li., ..1 f,Atticnro lee! tel. 1....r.r 1..• „t. , se I, ...nu- !rant.). Mr' ell emr.ree r 1 , ten. Tire i. i.e. red If.4r.rat Ir•e•lkef, Kier. tlta4l. nit.l r I e.tr r Ilti ;as arcletrtl u. r..; , 31:.I rha ice`. I..te. the ...one,. reel ...1t...1• • Ist. et. T.,- 111 ..4.1,r t 1.. res. ...I.•emt. 1. r I ttformAlre, •.r np -1.1,11.er, .I.oll' , 41111,7 FOR RENT. 1. - () gr. IIE T, 54.% M 311% FT T. 31 -0. T 33 I. 1III•3 -3:3.'03. S flan , %NI) 271TCF.3.1* I:, ~, “I 31 31 3 , T3:11. f./ 3ZZ 3.31 A 0 A 1 - 1 , .,11 - • ,T ILET--Tno three story Brick • 11(i1 , $F , . coulalstin, hall awl 1111.. , r“not- cadt, fLtrim. Orr. , aloor , Apply 1.3 JOHN: I. lloCsE. A 1 . 0., o.ruct Stn 11111...1.3 and Walt, n,rt.. CLAIM AGENTS %fl 1.1. p rrl'EltSON. • k ICTA h•TI:VET. I.llr.r.tf I•., t.,nro- - .• for c•sllcr,l”, thr I .1 F.l “.• for .1 \ TY. it «II t LTA) 17 I) '1 111 Ir .NI E- I.N-1, I iEI , TMINI.^ 4 . . SUN DRIES I JEAN l TS--1 9 % sacks In sltOrt'llltd kali. ley l•Al.,11 t TON--5 bale , ' to a rri't t• tor N I %II twit ry s q. 141.1.-.IT--214pVic47, ' I I, A 17111)t.r.ra nrlvc. for • 1 )11[21{ LES. ,1,1 , Ir.a , , All.l 101.. 4 .r•t 1.10- In ...re an.l to ar" , •• •311. • 1:1,1 'VW 01., J. 3 No 2-. mtvl It Poo.i_trr 1..1.14 :S. PYI E • t lurjb - r , ' • ••• •1:• Nfl •• 'r• er, 1•1 do du' Jcc-t rrrla,.d 41.1 fro, ..Al6 1:1:111 VP 4 Pk. "i.c" . •;.•. 131 and 1..!N 004 -t‘^rl; , • G A 1. 11 Itallthion . 6 Vo•ffro $11,1”..4••••• ib• A •bo .10 • I; rshulat 41101 for soli by ' . It EV II 71/4 15 .• .1 ICON.TViil‘t.ll?..‘Wicbc% ect , c'c't• SSEStUtir•NT NOT/CE:,••••Tlie .c• • •Inc.acc Gu 1l rding,:fo.trlc•ln7ccfr,"4 I I )41' . Pity .10 10 ,11 ijny .v b‘• icccrl.4l 4ver to I • l'rt Volll,-.tion. Cll. (....11-1 11.$1•FAI:Tt. ' n) : A 11.11. , 111. E 4:OAL V.I{OPERTV Flll4 -,11 - • °,1.111.111. 10% (001 vela. Atu.te 'V; r r 0.1, "27 frt. , PHI ~f b• the mill 0.1.: Will •• , 14.1 :st Apr,. f" N. 14111FALf k 0 119 V. ill al 11 1,11401 Het.l. I pun Duct: ON ('0N5114:7431114T. Vrlnu- 1611.11 Purwt I'rnnr,l bled ball. , and ~rEarler Prim , 1) rocci . ..l c. owl I b, • rt A ITO, sWI eh Votal,•; • 11151100: 1.0111 and •Vtlitovi; •: "6000 (111.1.10 mud et. v INA Vpoolir. n Com .31t,t1 nud I,orl V.nrb ; , clod c‘lcic lc 1-..1`•11 41,,1 .110 for boot rate I, LI It \ k ItInTER. ti; 1.1101 . 10 4.01:Pi..141011. uco L6.irA N lf.. . or., for ...‘4•:7ou 1.1t.7r,i0f the Troia Co. s. s. um* A's. rrnl.,, Vrtitb;lri , t. Ilitrloon 1.11.11114. .i.osiNG. our BELOW COST AT 8. C 3-. T-LLL4.TEIA.N9 T TOl' STOKE, No. MI 3tAIIIiET A 1.1 nf Met.. Alia Cbll:llv,._, 44.01 - 1 , 4.‘1)1 1 mmir* NE311..1? VPA.VE.11 . 1:11111 0 N , Sr..e Sr..lt , pen It, letteenen.... 3Ae, BAN g sTIyeRn.PiPNW. (11 ARTIIIILY itEroirry fo - F THE NE of t. w 11:. • ' 11:!• • .1, 1. , . rin I ~ 111 I'l %A r ..t I=llllllll=ll T I a1..141 ..... ~1 ...• VOT;el"n'k's.'l%.‘ll';i;lllll:r!...' t T:. , u,nl cn”re....t n 0 , 1 ,41,10 of le4-r J. 1: lIRAICT... 7 re. yndnul.,ribed bvro, .101 nt January. A. t).. ya3:l , tor. 11. E. DAVIS..__Yr To u, SE('OND STATE NIV.NT I,l — r Iv mEcii.tNik.• DANK IlT101:1 11. M. .11l1Ma0T ISA. lIEZEI Dar by lb., ab 4 . \ I illt.:11“. .pllal n t:lnt 1 , ,1 . itspi.ation ...... lip Iti an /ATldi tid .1 . . . • in' , 1 , i UR1.31 . t..••••• • • . .... 1.. the 1.. 6: if nil PLUXIIq.NG - - -GAS FITTING IRON AND RR .(s (D 4 rumr , r(51; EvEltr rUltl,,r 11.I.M 1 : 1 , 1,. 1 , ',1111 11, I=ll I' ,TI;. ritt )IAIIIIING. G A ITrING, HI., orkru.• 11111 IPI GAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH 7U3S, • .IIoN rt: 1 , kT11,.. 'll 111: , I • 111'1 , 11 r•tt Ana ~ r , l er TATE AL SEVILLE, TeltitaiAkr `TAILORS. lENBY G. HALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, MLIE Wig OM or L CLAIM Sinn riTTS1:1:11111. PA., nuke. great ple,ust 3tional,cing uttnacrou. tnnt•• - • end the nu nne Knnenarl, that Ithl.nrchg• gnd 41:tngrrnAlst. foe thf. ay..on en+ rn.w .dank d. brill r,e.ntlly ..Igcted f:oin tn. flt•lrioth In tho En.tern t l nly p..L. A. n.e , renli y rernnansended. ,I.' t nrnrnd. etnbrne-• th , 1..1.1,1 and mcna thr hs- In no ming ‘n anrrant. d nn.t in ndor, .nlJlnt P. :tn. .•th , and vthei L. , 3t.ag., in . ,1, •..:t• A ,n..nt •411V1 , f.nr rant. and I DRESS AND SCHOOL SUM'S, FUR FALLN;"i7"3O., AM/111 , 4*N. COOK J. CO Ist:. CF qMw 1.0 noy 11 1 ck, 11.Ethr r.• 114.4441( 4.4.1. .44 I'lV -041 7,3• • 4 ,4 1.4 4,4 BEtPING AND 310 WING 41C !INES. 110.T17T IV I OW ININGft. PIPIIIN t I.Ela • 41 Ft( r. ( aid a nd l.mtuon .Plough and !4priur, %tcrl •It- k1../Arli DI DON D Lou er than any Other House in the City isor:w.mr_....vErczoma.aar...Ell. . r 1 - 911:1• , . 11 1 . I GIVE US A CALL, AT 10-1 , 21' !TY IIEI •T P. 61 rqual apßiay liNvortc.l maw', mintred I A " t — (MAX kTai vr•rebou4e. S. I 0 Ivl 1:1 P 1.,. no I 12t.n.t , erontl %ire ritt.norgh. felt:y.l MANUFACTURERS. • .sTrscu.A.NcE, No. a% ATER I.': - r:, 1 4Z1.1 7 113°4 OA", `,!...,".7.7,ata „ %! vr.ry tlyntription. I . 4ftlinto size.] ov •Earnl Fpl\r•ftnit r.,•,t• D.& fo °Orr a4l 14.0 rt untie, 4 , •orisrwol eonslaPtlr nn howl. A USIENAL GLASS WORhs. MODES, RYRIE & CO., SlA.,nrf.turer..•t st..l I:TZEF.• ‘N . RP. Or 1• r. • tr M ..rt Z 1.." `c ar / 1 ATLI. .11tEF.1 n , nr111.0•1•1 aye] "ran, I•lll.lair‘h 1 r ll t .. 11. r rr• In iii• t. Nclorri: A ryl tof he Ifnrulrl• tyr, • 13 atlrll 1 rAr tler .Ir•AAl,l l nr• All •••,.. hN I , ollrAiltcl I, rl IcalAr 01.1, pr nle In•AtI41•. ..11.1.1, MOP 111 'OLILINS 11'1[11:11T. !Fritts nia • I, n•• Mrl.l ••rler.. • • u),,e ir Nn -4 •n i ' , Too T I ECM 11 %, I ki 111, IN , •1 OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA, O VEI co, 3, .. PJTTSBVI:Gii. i• .. • 11 & NV. BENNETT, IllaiutfactAi 4 , • r, t• .o.: illipltril T• of Q•rN.W \ I:V.. • N.. D lit A Ili , p ~I lir)".1 t....,.....•W00d ~. Ila:1... I Mr , 1.C... 1'111 , 1 , 1 , 1h. I. inli BORING TOOLS. pill FS 11011 -1N151N1...11.`11 I 111.11 No. 1311 11'‘,9d N reel. Plit,lntrgh. I. tsl .I.• \ DIV% \11...” 111. N. NV. Il • crvcre mot Cr ia Eat Prl c, co. • , ,rll.l railuvo. ANVIL, HAT( HET'', 1 1 E1.L. , w , VIII s, 1:- , \11 , .. .-01 . %UV, tEVIIIi F.,. 111 , tap. 113...111F:it. rilti-':, 11E 1. 4110 Vt:l.,. PLANE,. 1•141:,1.1.: \ El, I: OOP, N7All_, - tlf 1.E.V1 II I.E .\::s1) 111'31 iIEI.II , - 311.. r "111011 It, ~ . ...nNtai.ll 111 ,I.,rt, ... ,- ....1,.. , 1 1 )1:TROL1.1 ILICiIINE liVitliS. • E,Ol.;• ,% • I'l Vr USEI , ,(!51i17.4; 1-1,1., n 1 1 ,1171,1 111111 , 1 .o.t.tnt.nt. in Jar. unel dotal, itta.l , or Juni Latta. 1 .1 1 ... nod 11...r..1rmi. In .1:111,1or an.l , 11 1 11” 11,1,11 • co 11131 , •11. Int or - dere , ' by u.lll. 111. ;111 , 14, .1.1 foltu..l peri. - I'll , ll al all lime-. e iprol,ll zmall 1^ )114.4e. n he. mg> .1,1111. /11LtrIt.... :Ltvl machinework ro..rder. 1 4 r.111, by Inlll pro/WIT attesl.l.. l I. p. 3 001 py.,•1,,,.4 ri-1,11. n 43. ;,• winl , r in ants t5..111- loan• ro for 1111,c 11.,provrmi-uts..on 1.-no, 11.1 x .I.ll , ;heny .ll, • .1e1111 , 11131 P.ll t I 1.1'111". • LAMP CHIMNEYS. ),I.TENT lEp octropm 44, ISG I, ,• 1 : PATENT OVAL LAMP CHIMNEYS, lijsuw - nctrip of XX Fllvt 6j..”. itoT Juien/i. , 1 for tile 113 t zsrr e ! yrctily.rffit4 - lorzp . Fort Wrkr, =EEO EEC u) 1 _ 319 -r Ml= MX..I tn F. t . ' ,„ 4 ., 44: .1 22: 11 ..- =Ell =ISE , t \f 11,T( ., :. rti t hy of .1,111577. 1,15. Ntattry. ‘11.1%. N I=l GRAF S L0G.1.1 IM=MI=PM P %PK. MEE I=l itettoi ED RIMING T11111..4 rt. S. T_.=,013-""ir, NH. :I?. 01,11/ I=l DRY GOODS. T RI MK INCTS Allit +My p,,cif;. ' AEll BR% 64)9!):, WHITE BLANKETS, AL 5'..,. 13a1itworal Al irt "loth s. Cassitneres. Jeans, Se. Li )4 n rau . otber 4,1•11 , 11 , 1” 1.1 . 1 V .' .. !.,: n':r WILLIAM. SEMPLE, 1 , 40 and 1.41 Federal Street • A. i ~ti I m lIIIISTMAS AND „O 4 ' t•.ti C;4 . - 1'1?-4 EATON'S, 17 FIF'E'S 79T RFiET =I Large and Desirable Stock of iGr. CD C) - 1:0 • :-Anitzubl , • Ca. 're:-4erit,-; 1..- A full 1:111 1.1 , 1 - N II SNli nFAIIIFF, In Era I. Tr:Lnne.,•l, ,T r•-•l Ilt 104. kNt 01. very .Ir,rrty, 11 ,, n Work 1t0...—. Hove.. Boxe• I,3.k•tb. VAL.:) . Dead 33.11-7, DIX C>Rt'N.M.. ISC CIOE3-13 I no of and L'ltlOiro... 1.411. an., .y, We al,l , arlt GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. UnderriollOng of ev..rylf Y10..3, 4'..0- rrd Itcbrd nod Silk. Zephyr ItOlovrla and l'opv,Scart 4 nod Nohin, 11000. and r-katino nor. 4,11.,•0rtt..0 r . I; %171:11 . i for r...11e: and 1..11.11; Lo, •2y1r.., Jor.t rcr.,r.l .1/7. " F. H. EATON, . to 31.1,1ZUM1 No. I: r HEAT Holiday Sale No, •is INII 'O 1111titti :sTREET FRESENTS FOR EVERYBODY , EmbrolacricA of .01 Kltut% Yt NI I•t I II ”•,1 tty Al I. 1.0., 1t11.11., - 1,-11 ItY %ND ..I.“V_E% Nlml.l 1•1" , •1.141,V1 1;1 tr.,N, 1: - '1111<•,• <J4 ()<)(1,-4. Ic a toniir .1 4 ,ormieui SI . T.t !ALT% 11. rt cri• NEW GOODS Etc!" Day During the Honda) Season. N T. Nv"itir. n 4 .% o • kit STINP , . I M . ;t i l . N I I BUM^ rOlll-. VT , , lII= Nos. 78 and 80 TiLarket Street MACRON!, CLYDE & CO lEW f: 4i great Ilecluction IN t ~ F HOLIDAY GOODS MACRUM & CARLISLE'S 3.0 17"2"Ms'X'37:i I3TR:WM"I". Grcat Reduction in Price vi-C: O4 C: O 3CO TNT NIIIT I , flll. 1 1 n kffEPTIW To 41! NIACRUM & CARLISLE, J) 111 t. ES ItElItCk:D WHITE, ORR & 00 No. 2.0 Y''iftb Stroot, ~~n.. ~. ,a, ~ i., , .i,H ~, of DIA:MS*3 ,arGloilDr/J.SC 1:1-:10l I VI. B ii11!4! BARGAINS:! ar NV. W. MOORHEAD'S, 81 Tharaxar-ctt I ,o,k1?-:. E3I,IIIWIDEITIE I, . liANlAKLAtoittlys,, Itinnwss. WVOLNN ‘,OI:I,ET,s, , &v. I\ill r..k ars .lll.lsllll,o 114410,, 111r11111SI , N . S. ST 111 ,1111:Ts,t Oi • . W 1111'1 - 1, ORB s ( 0.. Tqc). 25 ivirtrs. strops, Ila‘o oo li knd a lar, .tok of BLANKETS AND FLANNELS I= i■OTJP Z.`14.1.CM8 --- lINDERTAKING o FFIN S COFFINS! MEM M • M C , l • MAHOGANY I' NI , EILT KIN.:' r,i,Er.TAELN• VII 1.11.1315, Undertaker, 0111 , , co.V, t'01.1:1:11 JTHEE-r rlut uder ./ tng In an ll< i d an.l.,.. pp otit andformt‘ldnd no , ••••aU I{; ', th ijr -nn hand at rva,nnallle terra.. ALEX. Alli.UN", T7I\7I3MX I V 1,11 Fourth Ittrect: corn xs.r .on tILIANT-s; nod tar v_rldtacr , l , tion of Yuncral. 1,1r:1.1,441g (itanta tried E'dpisinalattglltt - livarai . nagl - Carriage‘tbrni slltl. itt r. ,rn,(113,,1).1).. I . l.nrulas l.trioF. Fdaj., "Jat.allt 31111rr, AucrioN SALES. %I.i: 01' 1 . nitttl S , .atts Ortllance. Pruperi) • {. -1 311,1.11rittg • A.: MEM :;,;!;•• nr,•, h • ....h! " Ni k t! h't I f hh .., 1,1 hi,..rtltte Ude-. • ri...tipalar .•• , t.I• I r.; . A.' rend ',lto, 4,140 B 0 00, - 4:etnipant t ot.h. e rr, 141 ult. or, eel .Vttlietry Barn, 4 , e; NOoritOg. Ine . otoplete . .coli erroo,te ...on • pjll, I 4.0ne, , ant., ,yra{. reeoght I ton,. he , tor,- I t . •.I tool So leo NI, t list ‘V r;A:F .1;;;.” %.• to A turge loot of Atop; tt.1,..;•• I—r It: ...t •. •;; St Inr, no ttt ‘t It bin to to ;Lit ..n , t •... "r4.21i,—( ! AEW YORK, WE HENRY H. 'LEEDS; S: MINER, IS fr:de Ite-ttne.' , .. I cheerfully reeotn el .011., 2. 3,1:A11Y 3A13. to ear friend.. ottel• patr te on-. 7111(111A.k.L JONI - en. • Vl:TVElraillr.—Theottoleealgased haa'e r ...1 r • I..retll , Atlrr the alma and style or Alfa \II FS T. 1111.1111 i, TitssocurioN.--Tlte Copartner - ,• •b p heretofore •irtl-tlnta ender the ruttnetof 'ASA till Itltt wt. ' thlo day expired he Iteattstlity , All pearl. lndelded to the late firm willplease testa paAment an area e /w a Enna - clan - tit. axalnat ,t ami •, ent. any. will be preitted for tanrn )aent tunatedl ',tell., at tbe . uld atutd.F.N, 7di 1.1 nritt; atreet. JANIE, -11Aitlt, Tho 3EX1.3. - 2stor U-x.llorp - I ELLturr 11A1:1 , .. Pitt-burgh. January 112 1.36. Offices, No. 93 Liberty Street, 1.i , 1 Ina nu w - i.:InESDNY. VIZII• EVEN:I,,,i, Jazkttary 17th, • A lhth • .•',1••• Ihr 1,1”,,EL• Kin . next door Io • ANCIENT AND MODERN OIL PAINTINGS, it,. entire r.ltrytt...( Ihe In, Mr John 11,n, I. r••eountr, N Y.. r,,rnprt.r, I. nll aearl) ifurf.e. ~r In, old tont!. r.. 'lll.. rale o❑astora to,....nmisoussarart °Mutt -th ou., for o lon “r tine idyl arr., toeing thd large. atol eons, lon ,s td.exhllillot or offered for ..ale In lb I • ...tory. 'll., Into owner. Mr. Bunter. formed the talltrittat part of It groin the year tat until 1., , t no 1.1 , 10 not ha. lug Ittato ottltal .ince Many of the f. .t v., too.eltat t ~.ptalally for him by his Enron/ an Agent. Mr. Ilob-oit. &atm: thy re er olntlnitarY troutolt In gran OSbalance being the careful "election of thy lair t tiero, daring period of drtl Yt. , .tr . t. It has aloaY• 0.70 r-Stattutal the belt rcpre.entntive flattery of the. tdd Mate in On taint Male.. 'Enema , ate other ptetta...epttn.re.l it; t ilt .ill catalogue. It ensaprl.lnk the entire eollect nn of late Mr. flouter only. :The sale rrlll he no,t tl and st lihout reserve. They inas he viewed on lad Ifter TVE.,DAY. Jan uary dti, af tbe ttailvries as aturve Catalogue. may be obtained dt tile Galleries. at the °dice Mesarn.. E. 11. LUDLOW No. :Win , ireet. or at tit, strata. 01 Md. , Auctiondera. M Liberty .treet. alnltot one. .-nit Ito obininc.i at the older of TUTS Ja3tdidaiadt:lS TIANI{. INSURANCE, RAILWAY AM, t ,TOCKS...—TtE.,” EVI:NINIi. January Slit. ntn•rloeto {liltbe ao1•1 on ..etaotti door of C..tutnerrla ' l ' , aka Moon, Itntitnl tittle l,i street: :It Sitar.. P. R sc senhangs. Bank Sto to ck. , do s 11 do 0, e.torn insurance tat ca do Pittsburgh. Alleghour a I tol Mau. lo—ler Par.ruger Itallwat tAai Balm.] 1,11 Coutptattt . • 1.0 do I 'berr Bun 1t5...14011 Monott y gahrla Itiosu.rr lof • ••• ,111:1111 1111 .• rik le (111 I lloro Nook tit In 111...1. • Ao t .1 tile , — a. .1. ILO' ,00 1.. L. lit ~ioonsoo .O • • 1,1,1 lot i Al,l , Win, Ot.i ~ of r10:1: 1 •, 1. gmll ,terrr'r.n,l 4 t.t... ,:erlo. 11 tut. ,rtrot . 11% , art , , c'W.‘" T t • kloldlon :woo Itoll Toharoo: 4" " t:Tn."tl.„„-or. j " 1 AND, LOT IN - .L SEV ENTII W A nil. -- , NV:I/NEtd/ Al' AFTER •N I,N. Januar ,- loth. at . 1 ..'Clock. ou the ..;t i k ‘ ti;:•.. l • • =rt T lt ' a '„a- Iniulug S,hool lug rim room., rlfall and 1,11:0". now rout ,1 a l r mouth. The tot •:•-• 1. el front Idoton, ,rcet, thin one-half t a ts of 1'..0110 aTenne. ;nud exletollpF tract , Le , to Punean.treor. Teriosat. For furl 1,, part/cola, enpflre of I!. 3IeNA3I El:, or J.. , :A. 31 el 1.11 A/ N An ctigrme 'ITIC LIEJPOOTED PROPERTY AT TIIESTV..E . E. SA FRIDAY AFTER MX,N, January lklb, n: on the vormtl..rs. • will be by order of Tru...tee. TUNIC'. BRICK Nos. '.31, nufra. l•In Cherry alley. Det.reell :irkmud Thlrd rr,t 'The lot are feel frOut T. and 4)./ ferl lo Mitt . rml.o,ne and t.O A.• NI• 14. AV A EIN-; A uet 1 one, . NEW PUBLICATIONS 'sruscrunk: roo 101 it P.lPfltS 11 O:AMES J. I'. littiO. DIARIES AND ALMANACS DIARIES ?'OR =NM J. R. Fourth street CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. lof 1.1.1;11'S i'ARILET STORE Va. !..1 Erin rth Steer, Mosaic and Apuninstor =I Embroidered Piano Covers, SHEEPSKIN MATS, , PE~,QEz , :Ad.sooss , HEM CI'ION 424 PIUCE of lItI Is I IP A 1 S. r. k "01 estcl,Vry sto,F•l, Carpet., Fluor Oilcloths, NVlndow Shades, lhatuntit...ltup anti Lace Curtains, Cor nice:, Tansels, Loops and Bands. . . • 1,....ting our iAttnn.-. to mold lIRLIDAY sE NT.s o r VI ell., tit :value It 01,h , rr nia4vat , •ca JIet'ARIANI/ eOLLINS, .71 alvt 73 Fifth 111..1. to the rnrit Offlno. 'PROPOSALS.. ) uNo OIL• AND LAND COMPANY Proposals for Puttin.c , Down Fifty. Oil Wells. 1'1u,14,11.ti unt t f reef+. od ey Ow nluu t COUP , - tio•ir trait, at Ikon, l i., Until Januar* . :nth. for.pot tins due 4.1 'FY rt.i.s matheli lam!, t Etch. 111thh•h.• utlt btalte vropoml. a. !olio vle: First—F• r itothr. mil the ...I t and Mattlug Enelues, Fuel. Derr eti• arts Vllture , • " tweett—For thongthe curl, the Company eoppty tog the Ito !obi, u It boa t umelaneey. TtiM4—Fom dole; Its nork. the Compabt [oling overt - 01nm. tit stleitfate Cu put down Our or more wells.. fur Dr. (rived. Tbr work mast nr denttnented • Pn soon a. pearl Ira- Mr after prupo.al.are am:opted, pad tirmo-cbted on . vd•t :MS 4.1.4)F 1 . .41 Ist,lkt until rnmrtetrl. :144. 11.toodleut.. • OR .1A11.1.4 Kt NI% 4 .IEN t, • lttat• AND Co, Reno, Pa. I= IMPLEMENTS. DUUM;k4 on brmti '7t Isarvr, Assort meat of 111(M1V1NSI 1101:Sr. -At‘).4it.c.-.‘7 , 14,3 41 .fihi. 0- DISSOLUTIONS. Co. Partner. „, etak., Mine tuel , Cela the uadersliv, • . •,.it• r , ty , ,••••• SI3I{•,IIV IIiNON, has tnl coutunt COnwut. .1.11 rre-.4.1,• • .! •.. cry, ItrrLe coal,e rNav,n.l. I th 4”, s. • rtt, N'Nf :A.NIIIIOV FLNOS:. 71, lt.:—Jas:lw , it • 1.1%50LUT10N1..! 1 11 4 . '• sP usl.ttug Ih , rn r • or 11. A.V at PittO.orgl, A. 11N.. A N4•w it, ow. 112.ullatixt I , r, r • E. it tbr par tie,: 4.r.0. rAtIN _; A.C.30 1.. 2.1,11NV..11ri L. A1:11f13 . ..11 - 6 U. 111.1.. L. MEE 0-rAIZT , I7II , IIII'. - (..ttat.: . <l a ,t% 11111.1 - .... t. I.t. 1 t , "" ". A. A at:/111 . rs 1. ii4.1.-Jat-atrtti I)ISSOLI7!O2i.-„,-Trwtile P th r e , r, b . 11.! the hiVr;'tfl.Y.VANlg. 0'11: LVAII Nt!TIIKS " al .' : Jr . Alt N ArIt£LAUF , jA cctil FOAM NUT Z. lIIIIIIMMIII MEIN • TyISSOLLTION . ,111 X. —The pa J!•• lwmtvi:kro .tla ..r • J. ,!•• tO.• • is Tht• with° horn will L.. f.f.ANIF.. , T. 1:1:M nAr VAS. T. 1:1:ADY. l. 13r,.. 17. i.r 4,,t JOHN P. HUNT & CO'S 18 6, ELI ET 111•4,N, f. • • rr .1.•;-riptims •rf I arum EMI STWAIV .AXI , MB —s; ,-I...IPTNTR,TrIP. —The 3m.lets.lgutil hat•a th.l. tAirr7,. ••- cur mann eSeturrot 1.11T1.:,,PLE. RED A Lr Wbfle Ldddd JWorta. 713: 13.‘ I.a, \ ' Pk tig..•A7 ) : 47 JACOB A CARD—llaring rest:rand a irt m oon of Learlier I In 'ocelot. have •thls day resumed Istr,lne, at the “ore recently orrupled lit nu' scoot. and vrtlr keep sonstatals on Iland a full 116,itrt.Irtit of 1.1:ATIliiI. and ad other art Isles In nue-finest trade. ', pornaasott. art mspectlltTlY IttStted 10 tucliattit. iitt stool/. And prlonalsoforn buying o ß lse lC wlivre. - . - LIAltl) BARD. Pit istmargh; Santulrp Ist, tiro! ' Jall:lv4 PIANOS, ORGANS, &c. C ET TUE BE S T! .BRADISBUTiIivNEIV YORK. SCIIO3IACKEEOS; CO" PIM:A, JARDINE BOARDMAN. 4/1.41 - . and Cti deiSENNY'S., PI A T® • The Estey & C 0.74 pottage Organ, .4.1E/h.SOLE/Li.:_4l.lcOßG.l.r. rronnuneed by the host jto , t,gfa to be [he most pert, t lit,trunten of thlti.,fand it the world. , (tor ('tans , have not Full-Pilot . tan to power. purl , nod ettallty of tone, therfOtlgh Irork-ntausidp, and The - • American Ctrgan •• • • ln fhlly renal to tbn best manufnetured in the ePofryg , • The ••Entey &Co.'s CotiMile 0 4 14 00 " I , 44 ra to the Cottage or :Parlor' Vrtrann. s Br a. patent ar rangtmun of the reeds. the :Well/lon of patent manual ttrtTstop tustrtunent - ha. OS tnneh power a pip trbutith 4 tryno. At, the iate In diana State Fair. tt was anyarded the first premium ot er n twelve-stop Organ: .a li d all competitortt. fo r . ~ner and twenty of tone. Urns,: nod unman blltir• Instruments, of every r. pt ion. for Itress and cornet llntls. at reduced prtees. snr‘faet lon goat:Sateen. nn of evert varletr, conntintli I, 1, hl •1 ~t lonrest rash alto I•lterontLfurntslnnt on applintatt,o,„ BARB, NI:. i 2 at, Clair Stre-cr . t, Piitsburf, , b, Art, OV BEING nEcEn.Ev THAT ELI ONT STOCK OF CH ICKERIN G PIANOS, rrt. , .11,‘ r-roally Ipy the ,ol..srribrr. r C 4 11% i'lt to-thy Factor). SEVENTEEN' INSTRUMENTS " st.tunivrrn • FOE FIVE rEsics CHATILEe:C. MELLOR,: littileki, - 110 ENE 53 FIT% STREET. Frit ' Alir*.s FOIS Zac.caggii*.Es :mamas. GOVIKRMIENT - SALES. G OVEIIINDIEVr SAtE OV ST9ItES 544,426,r Qt.i.anirw746a2233 . 6 1 - 11171(35, - r * * l•l2Tont.l , nti. VS.. Jam- nth. 1%2, NVIII be sold 1 . 01410 Sa)a. tniltr highestl , l3llrr, 1 -r a this rl;o ° .'an T i r , EnnA.T. t 221. 13%. a ' t 11.4.'41c/et:. 6. 111.4 Iv; quarterlalster' • More+ rte: SW non 1150 Itnnk • 1 6 rannbr.... 6 at-ta Wirral "tamp's,. 3 ItilTec 17311 w, 6 Crier 13.--ks, • Isetv44 Flat, Tar.. at, Lead 'farm,. 1 Square, n o k.,' rmln 11. S. Tani , Cooling Slos - r. 1 1 hand Wrenn.. 31 ttelre Stove, 1 2 Iland Wreathe., • 31 stool:, • I Tenon Sas, - I 1 Tani, I .srapa4s ES I. laid a Wholow Islisb, TineCart+, 1 4 - WrrrCtonto • 1 6 Vino Eitaawr. 4 healipta , 2 111annat Fork-4. I honor Drill. ' a 110 ea, ' Cola 2 Itrandlng Trans. 1 pan Cuinparse,. 2 Iron Keltlea, larinto 4 Canna Ntedles.• 2 Nod: . •.; 110iler 6 I bans, 15 loantp4. • Clock. ' 1/raw Gang, 3 Wart/ Tonrue4. • I tiaddlorc narrator, V, OLP. Ltut, 1 I • 1 , nossr, 150 3.0114. 6 3,1 riantllrs, 1411 114 a. rnlTen rot. - 11,{Akoz. ' 14,,,-., , .„.-, • 11 1 0 50 n. - 111, S. 11,11nara. • I Slaw Tont. 1 114.111ress. 1 Sa44ler's * ilrni6 4 . 1 12r0a.1 sr 1 Palge Tool. 3 Mtg. rn. I Ado. Tln Llanlers, • 3 Itrarra. Itt Ball, 0011 Cltaln, 4 AV owtl W4l,•eltnsfrolora, tr, saol'llllo3 Crowbars, • Una 0,1 , 1.1,2 n Balances, to 045045(1 d nommen, 11 Latnprelllnnar6s, 226.1 r Compasses._l !a' 1...1.11:11.10... tourplrfe, 14 plreca Zlnr. • • 3 I.onger. •." •I 2 Ilonks. rialrrt. I Toarr Iron, 3 nooks. 4 gram, 1 - 3 110 , 12.4- 6 41 13 1tw , • Claw Ilawaner. - ,bond Lamp Hari, Dna., tag Ron, 1 gal. Neat ;font 44114 1 balk I,lnr, • 25 pump]. 1riatie.31364 , , Manes. • 3 Ladles, • as.sraitSl., 3 l'lnka and 11aa,71,4. n r atang Tonto, ' 1 . 'llO ,701.2.1.4 Store 1•11 ors, Try,. Co.klng P"" I 3 V tOt-r, " 1 55 , 311en , 6 11•0111, 17 110.4 Sawa . 1 Shur EVIL,. A nap, ILandraff-. 12 Spa•ler, ' 5 araort44l Squarrs - ,1 715n0,466„ $ 4 {)'ale . Dippers. 1 nr3 ;henna Snatkr. 1 144-1 - 21tr'Strar, 1-4 - rta-t. 3 1101101, ts,rett•. 1 rfre Sliner-1. 3 011 stones. 3Camp Nettles, 515 a, r: . 3 Ital.rs l'ans. 1 cwt. rwend Ir A. Maar, ' Nr11710w3.011 Itrusl,ps, 1 1 ltannenrl. 0 Slave l'lpc Caps, I Itraen nits. . pn410,1 CnalL, a ssortt ,1 111,-. • - o 23, , 05 Ora Eno, , .511anr tbannoT 11011110., 13 a -sort.-,1 Awl dandies. 1 1 unre. .- • 421/ ',trawl. Iron, itstort r.. 1 I Cllorlling 'l_ 3, prowl,: 1 104 7 0 2 '1 numb Ittro arr. I . a. Sta._ Ilarars, Loans. , 1 01.. , 111,2 3:1114-rr, • la Ito. I pairrtweer, • ' 7 2. - 110rta SAO rapt,. 3 1 1 c17611, 1 , . Tallo 4—(a are. 1-111,11. = A.at. NI . . I'. S. 1. EINEM 4.,,ALE OF r==MM= 1.1,1:11 - QVa1WZRATA ., 1;i1. tit:sr:l:AL', OrrlOo. yrasrun,if Jan. oth. 1364. Willl, ~,al.l al ratillr A Ilan. to I la. lifahrNt Oli der. on TIIE BFI [ PAT - JANI7AIII% .+t , an..1 . 1.hr FA11. , 411011A1 , 5. the talto.~ln - (ivy trillataa Prop , . . •' 15 1f0r., , ,• 131004 ' • SIN Warm.. T. Cart, • Antli• I .lo Cprrv'ner.l - - - •• • i 0. CROSA. I.leteg enl;.:sll4 SEWING - MACHINES. wm. sx - 3EATER Co., * NVIIEELB - zocri-griverr -• SEWING J•NAOKINE. . rlItNll pAT, i. OFr 1-11110-irt,yt. rui,hurgt, M - "No. t.4lperf , r :12,11, 4 Itvelauct. OkW. _ Iaf;',4IP, O I,I,!IEVA i jr(L ' hr trk t. :litnek. 7 _ I.Vtertatn, Ind. (0 - 0;i: rq7irq. van na rt - ~ D A St - Boat FtrV,:t
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