THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE r. n. PEPPIMA_ A If t pneenp.. RIIPSELL,EfueET•r. (.108TAldAtiNA. Dvuerieges Iklese.w.r.r.- rrnusaNDElr rEJ 64ZSTTR 43:0W A 7ln No. 116 FloTtf PTISYXT, Vitteburgti. TERM: 117111Ver.ere UPITION, by Man, per year OA • 'Evicenec , Eurrurr. do. d'o. • petrel by Carriers. bfootEING or Prim - emu. per CITY ITEMS. Mentembee. • 'The great:Baal rule of dry gaols at Barker k Co. , e,k, Market atreet. . Cloaks, Kaeques. Basques, ftlUag anew than eot, at Barker fr. Co.', 23 •3fartet street. 13;1a et. {heap, at the great closing out sale at Barker 39 Market Street. Sewing Mash Lusa, 'Feed bat a Short Urns, orrered nt a ell,onnt 41,04 warraattd., by W. Sumter S. Co., :; 'Fifth Pltt4burgy), ra. Blankets and Flannels Js good assortment on the north-o st,t corner o .Voarth and tAttrket streets. 14Iceoy Linvz & Baol An Opportunity 1s offered to those seeking a lucrative and sub .stantial investmeta, to purchase an interest to the Superior Iron tem patty, an establishment In Our own midst and under the management asorac of our ablest and most su , essfnl bust item men. Seo advertisement o S. S. Bryan, Imenothereolutan. •Grant, Cloirpur Out tiale.of • lea" Furs. Tho best oPportnnity ever offer d the people pgrittabizrgb;lo Vey the best quality of Ladles' FatikOt theinOstlasbionable styles. Ourstoek Oftoll sots /Judson Lay Sable, blink . iiltibK Gerratili Fitch, Siberian Squirrel Water -Black and prown Sables, Ladles 'Fur floods, Ladies' Skating Caps . , Gent's Fur Caps ,''Collate and GlOret. The °bora Goode will be ireld at a great reduction, in order to closeout . nr Stock. , pon't forget tbe place. Wm. Flem 2nt'e ant class Hat, Cap and Ladles' Fur Renee, 4 )ro; =Mood street .; - I;nalit the Must,torts Abernethy Said. ell, airs what's the matter," said Aber - nttlty, the great English surgeon, to a mince , Thatarlooking patient, who had called to consult dam. .oh, nothing serious," was the reply, tety stomach and liver are out of order, that's ... ' "Do you tell that nothing serious. , said Abernethy; .1 tell you, sir, that when these - two mins are out of order, an you call it, there's not a square inch of the body that is 'not More or lees diseased, nor e. drop of blood • in it that is in a healthful condition.. Noth (, ing can be more true; therefore it is of the very higlicst IMportaxice to keep the stomach ~. and. liver ititt rigorous condition. If the one is weak and-the other irregular in its action, tette •and control them - with Ilostetteeti Cele „Lbrated Stomach Bitters—the moat genial veg. it - Cable Restorative and Alternative that has been administered as a cure for Dyspep , Idiot Disease, It is recommended by :dlatbagulahed surgeons and .physicians of the - , ; •rat6l StataC Army, by *liken of the army navy' by our first authors, by eminent ,tieegyrrien—in fact, by thousands of the most Intelligent of every class, as an unequalled prcrtec4re against epidemic and =stations .35p . .9, and Ue - a perfaCtlytaaoCttOrta.but at the Aimee Aim rgOVrerfal,-;Mvlgoraut and latent lira • 10stetter's flitter% • 4r 00 . d. In/oleo:de :Ind retail at very low rates Drug and Patent Med[elite Depot, 704 . 4. Barketstreet, corner of the Diamond, %air kat:l4 iitrect. Yap' and ti_ —.titer Goods. - the atten lt s with great picesure we . - tr„jj lion of our renders to the subperb titOCIE. and Winter Goods just received by sir. John Weler, ilicCattant Tailor, No. Itv-1 Federal street. Idlest:may. AG stock embraces some of the 'most beautiful Cloths, Casslmerea, Overcoat :ings-and Testings ever brought to the western_ imitirket. Ilia assortment of Furnishing Goods, "•enniprlsing Shirts, Drawers, Collars 'Seek The, Ilandkerchiefsotc., cannot be surpassed east ,erwrat.,. A large stock of ready Made. Pant+, Coats, Vesta and Overcoats, will also be found at his establishment. Persons in want of any thing in the clothing line should not fall to ;give Dr. 110er - a call, I= Tract/cal State Roofers, and, Dealers in Amer/. van fdate ,3inSions colors. 'Office at. Alezan - der taught/R.O near the Water Works Fitts ! ;burgh, Pa; rthalderice; tio. 75 - Pike street. Or fliers imotaPity attended to. All work warrant -. 1, I*d water 1;././..6f., ncpatring done at the short •3t-notice. No charge forropaira,tm:Mded the rottfisruit abused after it is put on. Sweet Lll,ls. • la the pretty name of the princess in the fairy t‘qe - ., and every itutyniny be a Princess Sweet .. !tit, it she cheeses Loose the fragrancebrenth- So¢Odoni; 'This rare easence of innumen slap stomata-la' beeps, removes every blemish %' gives a blush-tow tinge to the 7guli.4, - and .renders the mouth as pare and • th as Militant. _The Vero 'Skating Parki ceasrdisi to-day by a bright and-merry Mb:inn fund be skating will be elegant. Pro -,sidn your 11111e:folks with &pair of skates se, laird from 'Ate elegant stock to be found a, ,Bowle,s, =Wood street. Ile basalt of the latest. insprored patterns. Call and see 22-- Country _Merchants „ 7:Wlli dad fnU. .11nes of prints,, bleaebed and Le. 4,7.l*xystteett:ogitindishirtliiv,ll...inkels, ete,'glngbarns, tichinge, canton -ilrinnels, bar red fkurnebs, pant atufrc ad.,nt Barker & strslarkek street,_ at much less tban eledern iCCEi flikrpgater .Tiobbful; Sb op Haylag:returned after an absenee of three ?rears intlte in:ni p I have re-opened my chop atm allsorta 4/jobbing la tho atrpenar the old dim; Alley, between Smith , eldoitreet nu 4 Cherry - Alley. Orders solicited promptly attended to. G_egirzeitereti. Prabaxtel lc} Eell all I€l3als, , of Canzied Frutag, ' • ya thastrazitl . a3 Oral aa aa74louse West of the atret Allegheny , • jatln =1 -4:inal sale or: (Irk goosls at flasher a, Ce.,'s, 53 lisrketatreel; Dernezaber, the greatest bar talnacrer efferea in . the city are Gulag sold : . Ss Goods, ...-..C10411/goiii stir - y low prtc.l, on the nortileaxt , . - vainaiyousib and 31 arket:strain:4 C. ii6NSON "LOVE .t treiod pm* saves rilne, , —bid aboes'Airer warranted' and - repaired street, 1117 Goods. 4:1 . 611 ;jock of all the lending niabea, at the 'Very towent ,prlees,. on the tiorth-onat corner Forirth ntitlatarket streets. C. 1141180.3" LOVE fieasonable Shawls, de, A full stock, -1 9 y, "; Prices, on the liortll•east corner of al:0'41141'cl :treat, - .Ontite.Ziorthiciolficarxter of Yourtl.l and Mar eitiOct , t''' • iLOViiOV LOVE a 860. ,41iltesp;at the mat closing out eats of Barker Alarket street. ' 4& e Great hosing Outsale of dry goods at Barker k CO.', Ile)firyketrtriet. `The greit tliiisalo & 3arker C 0.,, 5O mar. istriet.! , - • Mallen 2 Sk teet2 Shateolit All •arteties, at. James Bonn's, No. 133 Wood • •::;Atreet. llYees /Limbers Soap . Atcee-try lt. oaly thlrty cents a cake ' Our all. Trade. ~. . ,Seren, .years ago, petroleum Was Isca reel, known that article of American commerce. ' Within brief Period- it has become ppo of Ibn - important articles of one foreign trade, ~ Ulna far,acarlyalt the exported petroleum has keen tokm2 from Western reonsylr auks.. we .resent a table of the. tibilimentt from Phlla -' Adelphla, New -York, Boston and Baltimore In : led sad 156310 foreign parts : . I rT , L ISM. Gallons. Galion.. From Philadelphia 7,760,11.9 1.4710/to - .. Now York ti,V2,974. 14,3:13,7A Boston •• 1,i196,307 /,119,97A " . .. Baltimore " va vi iat l / 7 - Total ' -31,119,400 7.1, , M,200 —[Philadelphla Ledgeh Vrllstatid that tbo intattne for Congreal iluring_theisatyva t r cost more than two I/. • Vona ofdoltaro.lnths onorrnoto and malt lOW iC , C , e , p/Z 19 Irt halt t 4 194avnatd.. VCILUME LXX X ---NO. 7. 01L - I - NTEiJLI 4 EfieE7 Letters received from the agent f the corns pane, tandem the announcement o a strike on the lands Of the Cherry nun and Ittsbnrgn Company, on Alexander run, a stre midway between Stewart . .. run and Wee Hickory creek. The well is now product stet...llly c l over tw,enty barrels per day of se crier oil, gravity 40 deg. Owing to the sucet 4 , 5 of this well the agent gave out seven lea s S in two day., at one half royalty, and had ...mere:3x inquiries, both for oil leases and building lets. One of the directors has geme up to vslt the land and to report on the conalitiorOof affairs. At the !can't accounts the well wei steadily gaining, and pronounced by all rho saw her, as now superior-lo any well on I eat Hickory. The company elm over four bun red LIMA of land in fee, extending over thee quarters of a mile itiong the ran, and the at. k, from prey ent itolientions,-shetild speedily ,e in demand at higher rates than now asked. The 31 . 1{1e1 well No e, the prin. run, hon ugnln commenced 110 creased ltn yield from one Oland! hundred barrels per day. Tbel and Webt Hickory Company ow n ling inherent in this well. A new well Is reported on I,lngl it, Junotlan with Derain run. Th yield 1% tn - o bundrnil burrel4, un us high ns five hundred barrels have not heard the manes of th the Denis and West Hickory Gompl well down, or nearly so, lo the ri..l strike TLIC TAI ON PrITOLECN - WET IT t'LI • 1.0 DE RE DUG/MOE CEPICALYD. The oil prialuerrs of Versango, an• the trade in this ejty anal Philadelphia are u siting in a memorial to Congress for a modillea ion of the resent exorbitant tax on petrolen •. Tim di rect result of a general tax of one dollar on every barrel of Crude oil prvgueed, to crush out all small operators and material" restrict the groductton: In when these was no tax. undreds of wells yieldistg frornli re to ten barrels per day were operated at a profit, and had a commercial value. at 'the then current rates of oil property, of from .55),003 to SOD,000; but now a well yielding less than about ten barrels per day hes little or nO video, Ovsm the fart that it cannot be operatedexceptat a loss. The rates at - the wells on Oil Creek have ranged during the past year from $3.11 to 117.50 II bid, averaging less than $3; and on Pit Sietc from to SALSO, averaging , abOut 11,1 bbL Moat of the small wells, however, heretofore in operation have been on Oil Creek and all along the river, from Franklin to Tidloute. enera%- they pay to the land interest a royal tl of half thnir product. in the M. 40 of a ten barrel Well, therefore, the owner of the land tales his }lye barrels and pays his bl tax to the operator; after paving his tax having $lO left to him out of whiCh to pay all expenses, aver aging from *l2 to $l3 per day, without counting repairs to machinery, whfels is often a large item and interest on his investment. In other words, though his industry contributes to the Government $lO per day, his own profits, not. withstanding all his risks, scarcely exceed the the wages he is required to pay for n day's bor. Such, however, L 4 the liability of all welly to accident and Interruption, that in nine eases out of ten, wells rated at ten barrels will not average, the year round, eight barrels per slay, or even seven barrels; and the consequence has been that under the heavy tax imposed by the Government all these small producers have been driven out of the business. _ . The matter is an important one and demitath; the Minn:Mato intentions of Congress. There is no reason, weteel assured, to apprchendithe exhaustion of the Venaugo region for many years to come. 'lt has already produced up- Wards of nine million barrels, mainly froth a Very small locality, and the product of the last year has been greater than ever before. Some particular sections, it Is true, show a diminish ed product, and there are fewer large wells than formerly; but these, facts do not argue ex .baustron, beingolearlyaecounted for on bust. ness principlee,aml, as all experience proven, in a large menstire susceptible of remesiv. But . the great fact to which the attention 'of Con gress should be:called, is the large extent or gountrY Yieldth " k oil . "... _;/suds outside of - -sago In SO rs age gnantitire—the cast and steady increase : 1 / 4 1 its consumption, and the importance of encouraging itspro duction. Associated capital, particularly, in the form of stra`lt companies, has utterly failed in oil pro,luetion. It cannot compete with individual enter - to - 6.i am!, as the business in; he future must dad its way even more largely - than at present Into hb vidtml hands, it: LA the duty of Congretrt Co to discriminate, iii taxing it, as to encourage its production wherever found, rather than to crufline it by heavy taxation, to large yielding localities. A more judicious system of taxa tion would add very greatly to this interest as a 'watts" of domestic intbastiy and national wraith. Under tho present system, a barrel of ram Oil Creek . ;:though worth at the sell but Ctpaysthosarrie tax as a barrel of heavier oil at Franlriln worth 6151. The tax on refined oil is also regarded as expensive, every barrel paying 65 and over, making the whole tax on every barrel of retired oil upwards of V. be- fore it reaches the hands of the consumer. I= A .I..Errra frorn Fortress Monroe ~tatem that large quantities of the bedding of the Hampton General Hospital have been bought to funds!, hotels in Italttrubre„ Wa-shington and Philtulel- Phis. Fitly cords of iron bedsteads, LOU° mat t sr won° blankets and 6,000 linen sheets, al moat as good as 7110 W-3 (VW Ptili stained by the blood of wounded Northern soldiers, thousands of whom, both white and colored, died upon them—go North to fartliAl lt house of Summer resort. lies. Cu !Lutes :can has been chogen Pre?, Went of limo Lexington Monument Association, in place of Edward Everett... Movement will corm be made to 'raise fonds for the monument, which Is to be a granite column, minnountesl by the minute MILLI with his gun in his hand, in bronze, i feet n . height. One thorn:awl dollars has been4oM....crilasi toy the ancient and Honorable Artillery told the site Ims been given to the a i s -, ociat on. Sor.lizorrn recently wane.'come notoriety by catigating George W. Julian, M. 'C. front lath:ma. He Mot now gained even more unclergging :limn.. O'peratlon himself at the bawls of a Col. 'Mcßride. whom ho tool fro qumtly InAnltetl, oldie Ills superior onleer, at Paducah. The llog=ing SL fhb. cues %cu., lul mini,tcred in the r•trect , of Wu-Mug - ion, and the General contented llint4eLf with poll., courting ids a.. , ..ittilant. Tax ••Itook Concern, " It in mho I. of tip., Methmlists,.irto briglattetl In 17:0 by a art-ach er .Phila.telpitin, on it borrowed =Final of ifif.o. After a ttnie It was removed to New York. ant In ItW took Its present location. Ito awl tal'r.ow I, 01 , 37,10). 1%1 total protlt.4 from bit :to Xiir I, , vretl.l7lsitt 60, and (hone all uo for de nondnational parr.c,'• A cryten from tent Anton io, Taut,, mn the goterntnent comet., tho dotennolont.. of the herd linpOrted 'Komi fifteen g,trart ago from Egypt, excite the euriredtg of hi ranger... They number about 'twenty, are all .iZel anti tiger. some otill unweaned. Only seven of the origi nal lOt are olive, TUB sueeess wit Yell attended the publient lon of the tirftt number of Ticknor & /1014'4 new paper, Gerry Saierdau, am greater than the publisher' anticipate d . Over ten Ihotuetnd oopiea were *oltton the publicat ion day, mot tecond large edition tea.. put to pn:tot iit ontta to supply the continued demand. IN New York there are gang.. of hoy, regu larly organized 'for mealbm cotton front the Jude. on the docks or on drays. They carry bags, into which they cram the handfol they Snatch from the torn palm., and ant the cotton at twenty-are cents a pound to rag-deaMrs. Tux total number of paupers In England awl {Voles on the iutof lust July wou C#l ,t3l, or I to n of the population. On the fleet of July lout year the corresponding number .waa 1 , 11,”77. Of the former nut ber Were able bodied persons, exclusive of "vagrant.," Roorit A. Firron, of Virginia, 1.4 living in New York, where to dLutingulkingt trulon man has loaned him money enough to pay his 113. penmen 'for six months, on condition t h at Its shall stick to business and let polities atone. Air English etdadent at Bonn recently scent to the theatre ,there, and referred to take ilk hat off. lt was rinuoved by a German minden t behind hint, when the Englillunlin turned :nut gave the (Orman a blow with a bludgeon, kill ing hire. TIIERr are eight ivilored Baptist Churches in Petersburg, Richmond, and lartell. ,, der, Vir ginia, haring a . united memberMip of morc than ten thousand. I= • MELAN. note ArCIDEN7.-011 Saturday lu.t , IL little girl, eight years old, daughter or Win. Clark, of Wator township, Lycoming county, was almost killed by the accidental dischat - ge of o gun In the hands other brother, aged 14. The contents of , the gun entered the little girl's mouth, passing through her head. This melancholy accident occurred duripg the ab sence of the chlldren's parents, who had gum, tee visit u neighbOr's.elek child. dieCIDXIIT.—TIIII Upper Dauphin Reg ister says that on Thursday. morning of last week, Mr. Archibald Collier, fireman of engine No. 32, on the Northern central railroad, met, with u serious accident; resulting in instant death. ins tualX was horribly mutilated. The accident occurred near Tr certawn *WI et ion. The inquest exonerated the company from nil blame. On Tuesday night of Inst week, a little son of Mrs. Buckley, resisting on the b lun t. In Johnstown, spot and asverely wounded in the groin, a umn mulled Stanton, who, with Misers, Was. attempting to force nu entrance kite the house; and Slightly injured another of the party. ,Stilinton is not expected to live. ranpr of Young rowdies, in Johnstown, made sin onslaught on the 'barber-shop of a col -ores, man named Claus - shams, on Sunday even ing, tith sit., end during the melee one of them received n fracture of the skull from n poker lathe handsel ChaMbers, and his life is despaired of. • OW Thersday evening of last week, Daniel Fasig, of 31anhelm, while attempting to get on the Cara tit the Yllliway road, slipped and fell on the track, the car passing over Isis arm, anti•lncerating it in taut Intense, He lies in ss very precarious condition. Mr. SA X VCI, Gz.ns., of Lluntington AtitunN county, Ruainatuntly II w del), nun, hylwing thrown from A wagon, aml n .ack of t•nit falling on him. • Tall OMIT oe Bosrox.—Mnyor I,lneoln'h edLgeetutee [la the net debt of the env of lb,- ton bt 410.011,1%.• The Increase of the gross debt In sad !Kit' .&43.:,'L The Inetrave of 'Menial in VW wax 4464,741 ft. Showing the net Increase of the,etty debt Iv v Vvvt‘ V7-P, al 4. THE w 'ITTSBURG GrA:+ ETTE. VERY LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. FOSFFION OF SOUTHERN STATES Sptech of Mr, Stiollabarger, of Ohio, Mr. Williams'fßesolution for Retain- ing Troops in the South NUKES ITOZEI TO DEATH 19 SIIS.IIIIGTO PITT Jill. Dorf,* fecl Drserted pal on Den'• log and is ed to t , Denni+ Run Lt he Pontro TAX ON FOREIGN Supreme Court DeciNiori InoperaThe. run n •ar e,tlme‘t,l sonlo .Tate deo We er4but . 1. hase n nlty of the opecinl Dlsputeh to the rittAurgh Un2,ette. WARRINGTON. January 5,16.71 erzscu 07 3111. Mr. Shellabarger, of Ohio, the kacce,sor of the little dodger, ann. Cox, roes to-day, at one bound, to the front rank of apeakers and think era, on the union aide. No speech dell, °NI this SCSBiO2I, not even that of Thnd. Mereaa has received ouch undivided attention, or has evoked Ouch warm and general applan,. lie spoke at albite hour, bnt the House remained foil to the clone. Member", clustered about him to listen, and at the close, the whole Union side buret out into a clapping of hands. . Thad. ,Stevens, with whom Mr. Shellabarger kid differed on some petals, was the first to congratulate him, and he was followed lay nearly half the Union member, The Neenah was litively directed against the I , osttlons taken by Gar. Raymonv, and its reception may be taken as en indication at the temper in which Congress reassembles. Fearing that the brief report likely to be sent by the associated press may foil to give the features of this speech, I send the follow ing carefu.synopals: Mr. Shellabarger, of Ohio, propo:ed to dr. bate the question, a hetherthe the I tang which could not commence to be n State until it ac quired all the Constitutional qualitlei of a State, could continue to be one alter it had lost them all. it' he debated and made obscure self evident things, it must he remembered that he sr as only Conforming to the usages of Con gr ess (Laughter.) Ile showed, by Constititutional authorities that the Constitution recognized the States- in two distinct characters one was the grog-mph teal State with its inhabitants. In this sense a State may lose it republican government—ln thin sense a republican government zany be guaranteed or given It by the United States. In this .ense parts or It may be taken to metro new States. In another Important con itntional sense, a State is an organized body politic, having defined territory, people. eon stitution and laws, which recognized end ren dered obedience to thel7nited States, anti hold certain resulting rights and power, of Gov ernment thereunder. In this last sem". the State, as a body politic, could be dissolved by rebellina. It was then the sole power of the United States to determine when a incur ne, rethtlean Goren:lll4 , ml nits OstablistisA • PeOnbs , . ay its lacquotQ l nunterrins anthorities to .how t lint ;veil under he law of ... nations there tetutld Stntes win. , people did not ihaultually ohey, first the law of nations, and then their own laws. These people who habitually defied both the intZraatiOnal law, and the constitution end laws of the United Slates. which were the supreme laws of their owe State., wen, people who could not be recognized by our l• mon a. a State, when even the les., rigorous and mere obscure rules of public lea would hiot theta not as not being States. A state in the Union aka... la.o fall t h.. pro,- elites of an infuriation/at Mete, with al:.” the additiiiina. one of beam recognized by and ow. lug allegiance to the United States, and ot ren dering that allegiance. The gentleman from New York, Slr flay mond, had stated that the conciliation deal, only with individuate and not with States, anti from this the gentleman drew the de- Suction that individuals add not States forfcittsi their right. by treason, bat the gentleman should remember that the whole Constitution wits pervaded in more then fifty distinct provisions with what he tailed dealing with Stater. As states it imposes , on them re , troint4 and rnafen right. . nod t Obligor lomf and right* are in...vat-4141c When ever obligations are repudiated by Ct....te, their rights cease. Here, a. in all t:o.rt.rn mentr, Kaman and divine, the enjoyment of rights and powers perishes along With the de struction of all recognized obligations.] hfr. Shellatin-ger quoted and rept•ate.l the de cision of the United States Supreme Court, re pudiating the doctrine that all the individuals of a State tan erase, as individuals, to hare any political tights, anti yet, when united and( culled a state, hold the mighty power of rui k - log Senates, choosing Privddential electors and amending constitution, These State power. are :absolutely vital. If disloyel States on their own runtion, anti without 14•UVII. Of the (kited States can el - erase them, the tiurcrioutent can not survive an hoar Every department of the Govemm t .r,, r„, Lvlature, Executive awl Judicial, Li irrevoca bly committed to the propMdt too that the loyal polltleral !date , ' have eea,tl to exhit In rebel Matt-fete. Congrels Li no - comtnitted by many act-, 'melt an thove of the lath end ZUtll of July t%i, and other revenue and commercial eat,. It h.. cloned rebel porM to all eornmeree. If their port) were the port. of n Male, the United Staten would have un right to Allow any preference against theta. A Inriti net could Mot clone Knuth Carolina nom. and le., e yew York port. open The President, when the war a . and when the old loyal Conetitut lon cost tan, 11,1 r,l °reed into force—lf the Mere overthrop . of the reLellion cO0.11:1T.OlVe them—hot tomtml them a• rot la force by hie proclarnat ion of the 25th Of Slay, leo, and others, ordering orn,ol. 1.1.111613+ to be made and atnended lu Otter dLiregard of the prov intone' in these °hi eq.'''. 1,11,1011 m for their own amendment. The Privielent preNeribed u hat •h o Nd do thin work ; who ',boatel vote at 4.11:ta10n.. foe inctraletS of thin boy. what oath they nlionki take, and u - ho might ill In the convention. Every nun of theme requirements made by the Precidcht wue In deflanceof the term, of theie old cohntitulfOnn. In the rouge proclama tion the President stated expressly that bb. power to Inoue such OrZtitt,. Uf. found In the eonstitutlonal power of the rutted cbttcn to guarantee republican 4. , rcillient. bI Main,. which bud font them. The Ilea Suites Suprenie roort had decide ed the some princlplo In two eases, Um) of Mrs. Alexander and the prize It , levid • ed that these rebel. Staten miide their war as States availing thenvelves of the subordinate allegiance their citizens Owed to the Stator, and that all their poople, guilty and innocent, were by such o war turned Into enemies, but not Into foreigners; henee,nnless a state could be an enemy of the United States and at the same time a governing member of the Union the Supreme Court his denkled that the rebels ceased to be governing States, but did not refuse to be subjects liable for treason. Mr. iihellabarger quoted the constil talon, and the decisions of tile enpreme court, also la large number of legal authorities to chow that where a Plate bar overthrown its loyal, repitt. tient, government, and lost its powers as much, Its oat the exclusive province of the United States, acting through its legislative brunch, to determine when a new loyal republican government has been created, which It Ir hound to recognize and defend. tin would welcome these States hark, and would welcome the boor that brought them with governments based upon general and sincere loyalty, and upon a recognition of the rights of their loyal citizens. If it were ask elt bow loon will you keop them oat if you cannot oecure the, 000rjIlonn, h o would r.rrowfoll, , but Inexorubt), an4wer, forever. Ilefore the COTIVIU,iIII, or the speech the gentleman.+ hour expired, but by LL(1.1111- 111 , 10. consent Ibe time Yr IA to extended, and at Ito elo,us he was aurrounded and enagrutnhtt•d by many ineMbere, aridly general uppin ma: innidlested On the Republkain aide. I=2 The reanlution in the limn»e to-day, espregs. Mu the opinion that the troops . should not bo ithdrawn from the southern titat. till Con irrest ha» luveStinuted their condition, and do ubled upon their iltneas for reatorutton to tiro Union, developed n nearly unbroken Linionikt front. Raymond, Thomna T. DaviN, liubboli tizid linrnphrers of Now IhMino, Wood (An, mil *Wet, wino Ui 0812 Vglign. PITTSBURGH, TU voting h.gaint ft. Tltt 101.0, CISME I= Mi4or C.enernl James R. Stefan:op, Military ben. rnor of Grorgin, I, in town on a &hart fur lough, and still proceed from berg west. COLORED rrorts rnozza TO DUATIT AT A-A.IU Aceording to the thermometrical record: of the Smithsonian Inatitute, ttili has been the coldest day in this latitude for ten year:--the thermometer at the o'clock this morning marking from four to seven degroel below ze ro. A number of colored people at Freedmen', Village, on Arlington liCigts, and in the su burban seetions of the city wero frozen to death. The lee in the Potomac extends down as far as Fort Washington, sixteen mile., be loa the city, and river navigation is com pletely suspended. TAY IMPAZTXr.ST YOT TO Mt !MOLISE ra There 15 not a word of truth in the story - tele graphed over the country that the Pay De partment is lobe Abolished. It was flout to Secretary :Manton and Paymaster-General Brier. It probably originated with some sort headed muttered out paymaster. • OFAIONDS. It I.r-wportrif that when Dr. Craven,Vho I , een the attending ph)alelan to Jog. Pipet: Lt. JrnAlsonruent at Fortress Kourod, notified him that hr told been ordered to report to his Lome for muster out, Mr. Davis burst into tears, and declared he htmlr lost bis be. 4 frh•rni r Defore parting, he presented the doe tor is lib .4,1,1 keepsakes. ttosons TO WII,TYI! osets At the meeting of the members of the Hoare afternoon, held Immediately atter the adjournment, Madden. Stevens, General l;nrlteid, Ili nry 7. Bte , Dawson, of Penna., and Lrooks, of New York, were appointed Committee to draft relolutlona erpreative of the •erne of the old members of the House, at the death of Henry H Inter 'Davis, to be re ported at on adjourned mooting on Tneikiny of next week. At that time a number of elo quent trlbsten tohla memory are oxpociod to be dellvere.l to eenatori and repre.ntati Ted. u e,i enorrreroaxeottaoronY. A turtling a number of collectors or ports on the southern frontier woe held at the of fice of the Commissioner of Customs this of. ternoon, for the purpose of consulting in re-* gaol to the Prop.rel amendments to the rocs e nue lure tor the prevention of smuggling On Lim Canadian ft-ruttier. Among the gentlemen present at t he meeting were Collectors nevelt, et Chicago, and Rim of Detroit, 11113,1 r, rROM 1 iPTZI37I AL lIIIVEN r et SO-011 I O re user rue million and a quarter. The Treaiur) Department I. pn•partne for a new I...aft of fractional enrrency of the denom toattnnr of tlft3, twentyJlyr and ton ennt.. The notes are to Ito of entirely new h little than hoit putt rounded nt .the corner, The rage brought. ugrtinst Orr Wur lep.rt tso.nt Ontrrtlvi:,lcer. by Mr, Lucy Cobb, for robbory and itoprlsonvirrlt, hu• boa: o pert ix,ord until W0.411.-...1113 . I'ommt.eion,ll..llln.. a wit Ing under the dt reetion of the Seert.tary of the Tremotry. ex plains to an inquirer that the rule of the Inter nal 'Re. rune Oftlee; requiring rollrOad eompa n len to dell ICI from ail pa.^ -- 4 .„‘.oll'necotint Inters Thu aura of of gee pet ,:cnt. will built b . . rmfor,o,t , withooi ...mice In the tieet . ,lo2l of ro- • of imitiCe ilia..., exempting for augner. from ouch payment., on the ground that the Department does not. crumbler it-elf bound I y hl. dockion. given in a (Intuit COurt until reallirMed Inn smart of la.f court 1:410. l Pe 1[1204, I lint 1111, d.,1,1011 would be umantmOtiNly renflinne , l by a (1,1114:n..1, of nu_ omit . , Jodi/es. but It lo hoped 11011 bOlf/fP conld be had. Congre... will ha,. modttled Its miner -M.l) ranted Mu which made Ihe tleelelon nerro.ary. In the meantime the department will Continue to collect the tat:. AI- Ihollg I, until the law It repealed, it d. liable to expee.De 40110 fotireclalmat If .•,-t• swell Ire rt• <OM • , . 1 U rr,olikt. Jul alaborato otatrinent by the (-On ion Minister of forrign affair* tnitc.latel Enitligh and publiNhed here in painphlct form. melting the Riles - anew of Chill sig:tinAt 2•11,12. with Jew n( helping eangrc.• to it clearer height into :moth..., opening for the opplieg. lion of the )lOninc Doctrine. DESTITUTION IN THE SOUTH Indian Petition for Lands rcfauEtir ‘ieb tominiv. Inki›Nkt titmur: ] iv Yor.a..lan rm.". Nt adancl on ilenpateli •ity li.fu.rul nwayne, Com mtnnion er of Fri-etimen for Alabama, write* that hr ha. • tureede.l In Mulling. the boom of .alrdnlenee de-titute penman of all einnneni. h, 10. I Het. to about fifteen) hounami ratitni per day The State Commissioner, appointed by the Legialatore, for thnt purpoar. reported dentin tine thirteen thou...and white pennon. alone petition from the N..w York Indlann-t ( ead. In before the I mum boilmi er of Ind Mon, Imige tooley The Mat treaty liquidated all riot. t if then. , Indiana, and reneri int to them 500,nOni :wren of Mad at i•men tweonnin They err to remove oi three yearn. Anil a portion Mit no. /iy a trtuty In 1021, the New ',ark In. Mann erred all their interent In the rearrtution, and In Consideration therourf. the Ilnittni Mute. ceded to them the linteel.• The linthaul forfeit ntl interest in the land. If they do not 'tempt awl agree to nun. e that country Within fire yew,. or snob other time 00 the PreAgieht Inlay appoint It on. provided that four hundred tt nand itollarn nhould appropriate.l to aid in their removal• The claim that thin appropriation wan never made, alai nn not tee to remove tin , ever given, and they nrgnint that no forfeiture of their title ha. happened. and that by nolannotent trent'', the tIII,II , or mogul in unsnurnt, and till forfeiture w alven, if any bad in fact tinommed, and that that depart ment in v., ee,,,,xuizert the , 1.41 title of the 'few York Indiana. • II to claimed that Milt, .16‘.4•11 Thomp4on irt. , ivvrclary of the Interior, NOMA to have /1 IPIII Ila•AIIIIiy the Senate 4.'o , l'llll[llw 014 , 011111. h 11l the thn , 01 lila Government t, a ftera,e.l4, a ith9Ut totthortty of last, anti withont twit,. 1 to ll 11.1tUanit. lintile It it hart _0• the f 11....... ''"" . it et, aultyret In privatoerttitz, and oro_tni t 0 t 4 .a. -half of Mho Ite.tervat ion hat, tut., tatltt ahtt Intlentetl by the Unthal 'Onto , ' al It•tt dol lar.. itt•r it, inter the New Tort Indian. toad, op pileat lon fur the append meet of s amstufs .dom, to negotinte a settlement of ilwit eialen for Indetunity, and tipon a memorial from the itepresemtutlves In (engre.. f N,•,, enneuelsaloner Bas appointed. T 11.• .011* Meiel that this eltelen should be promptly .1,11114e1l On n fair, Just and liberal hail The question under consideration by the Colnlnif tee on Indian Affairs b., whether te previous Secretary Sir. Thom peen Int v dets died that Kansas l , ands bele rug to 1 he govern ment , and these lands ha% tug newt brought to market, the present Secretary is not preclu ded front action In the premises, and whether Meriden., the elkintants must net seek their remedy before Congress. In the Menntliac, it he represented that a person claiming to Ito thvtttlent of one of the nations invidned In this reserYnt ion, I, in New York, endeavoring to sell the interest and tale of his tribe to the lands in question, The New York Tribeene . .. Washington special sley. tom. It. I' t'raw ford, who Is reported to M. at Brow nsvillee, Texas, raising an American division for Mexico, h. a eitizen of Tennessee, tend about a year ago mss dINIIIIteeei the er vice, by court. martia eni charges of stealing Tommy from a num fil l Itogerwrille, Tenn. lie was hl/1121/1 time la West Point a cadet, and was dismissed, I subsequently went to Nlcarre gnu with Weillter, and at or about the outbreak of tile late war, was In the Virginia State peni tentiary for souse offense. If,, wits captain of a battery of artillery In the Union serviee, and fraudulently securest a muster as Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment, and held the appoint. went of Colonel of the regiment,nnel also of a. colored regiment, Into neither of which he was mustered up la the time of Ids dismissal. ills chief of stair was a Lieutenant Colonel of et colored regiment, and inn/ dismissed souse time lust summer by court martial for it greiss offence, it is not believed by those qualified to Judge that Craw ford or 144,1 have reentlted a single man. The Port's Washington divided, Bays: The Congressional Joint CoMmittee on thaeonst rue- Lion agreed not to dtvoige any of Its proceed Ingo for the present. A Ore occurred tits morning at No. Henry street. Damage, 43000. !metres!. The vemmerciat's Washington special says it Is reported that the cotton tax paid at Macon alone for January will exceed 4,5,000,000. - President Johnson expreases himself elect th.,fly to • member of tongress this morning in favor of the immediate admission o f the T delegation. !Illinois Educational Convention WAsnismox, Jan. s.--The State Educational I °mention of Illinois, held at Joi let last W.*, on motion Of the Slate Superintendent adopted unanimously a resolution in favor of the Bu reau of Education proposed by Mr. ;Donnelly, and called upon their representatives In Con gress to sustain ouch measure, and tippointe!, the Prtydrlent of the State !Normal University to coulter with °ducat lonniconventions of other Staten, Similar resolutions have been adopted s i ennui only in the efincationaleonventlons of Mehl an and Indiana. A National Conven tion, t tarot in this elO, is talked of, to take action in reference to polluter edneatiou in the bout ham State& =I Jelson, Minh., Jim. B.—A Ore here 'Mutiny morn Tg burned den storre. Lois, $3).1:00,• cured or 817074. Mesgrs. Dumb., Wood rum, Irot Ria4 dLvc tliaavyr, art; SUS leallot /,91131, SDAY. JANUARY 9. 16 b FROM WASHINGTON. i 7 t,! VOLUNTEEM Bancroft to Deliver the Eulogy on Lincoln. BUMNESS OF 01110 STATE AGENCY. Soldiers' Piational Convention on 224. THE VACANT SUPREME JUDGES-HIP RI Flik fllllll 01 COYSPIEIFORS. Etc,.. Elio.. Zito Ntw Yotn, Jan o.—The Rorer' Waihlngtnn kreelnl nyder fnr tnio , tering out troops, relict en Virginia of all white volunteer troop.,. It is t.tattd that George Bancroft. the h rittn:w 111 to. Invited to deliver a Congrer>lonal eulogy upon Preddent During the year eat elo,ed, the (obi. 'dote Agency in this en), under the Superintenden cy) of James C. Wetmore, RYQ., bar neglected at the Paynianter t;oneral's Fold at the rutted litates Treasury - , for intilvidnal Ohlo °Meet, and soldiers diacharged from the It rvice, and for gold ten• families and Citizen. of Ohio, and andromitted free Of cost to them, nine hun dred and slyly-five thousand eight hundied and alaty-two dollars. At noon yederdny, the representatives of four tribes of Indians, the Shan - nee., Sue, For, and lowa., wore received by the President, in the library room of the EXOOOLIV. Mansion. The Indian>, including their interpreter., numbered sixteen. They were Neyerally in troduced to Mr. Joirnaon, by Judge Cooley, Commit:slot:ter Of Indian affairs. They called on their Great Father, they bald, to pey . their reopectn oinftglve aSSIIIIILICe. of their loyalty and good feeling. The President informed them that he wad glad to see thorn, and they might take to their people his assurance that the Government would act with them in good faith, and carry out all IN obligations to their several nations. In response each of the attar d}} chicla gave the President's hand a convul sivejerk, accompanied by a guttural grunt, which, according to the Interpreter means, am glad." They were not apparently muchAf feeted toward the furniture and .urroundings of the White Hoare, looking upon the whole thing with evident contempt, until they fr. pied a chair, made up principally of the * skin, bead, and bourn of I. huge deer, preoonted to the President by Seth liintuan. The In dians took to thi,curlo..ity with great enlist. Linn The 14 - oricrs Washington special ellipatch ft:iv y Among the prominent names mentioned in relanection with the vacant Supreme .Iminffshlp are those of New - ell, Ilottston awl .1 uti nf . Trigg, of Tenni:Sae°, and J ge Sharkey. of Nii.siwoppl, with the chances seeming in favor of the first. The nppointment of a sub- Committee on Sifturday by the Joint Corneal!• tee on Iteconst ruction, consisting of two mem bers of the hrllllll.l and one of the !louse of linpresentatives to wait upou the Preffllsett of the Übliell 'dates, L• regarded a. very s• wniD eunt of the intention of that reference to the admission of the T(IP. .- Delegation. The foot to rycelvf eollinvent, and 11, is hilt does- ...g general in the Camino( wysl-•• ~tat but that early Xtuavow..-' toe ill e fro m yyt., at least, w be admitted to their seats In Conn - ref.. The 1 1 resitlent I. e %coed ingiy anxious that this should he. done. A soldier.' anti tatters' national eon. t ion La called to Meet In Washington on thy t l .ld Inst., for the purpose of uraiug Congres to pass Inensures relating to the erg nallentlon of bounties time to promote the mutual fy Oran. Of SOldiers and sitiloZw. Ali ienfillt , and pad dler.' OrglMlZlLtiontf tta , . 61 . 1 . requested to send delegations, The Lloyd ncreptanett ease', eels r" . ' 'l l I. the (I,' met 'of Claims 1.-morrow, the aioesj ,• v.oived hying ahput elgiet huntittsl - Illonsann thousatiti dollars The question is whether the tiovernufent Ise cfplally liable for the nmonnt of :hese acceptances Among the able younsei ctuployyd nre• Caleb tmsliltnr, .Tuflgo ihacit and ar....llcolculth, of Chicano When .lf - Lf. leas is and licagan it he rebel Postma•ter General. wore Captureff. there ners reseed du the latter person some st I horefund 'lot lac. Of bill. of exchange on the floth.eldhis, yf,w-e I,v TrynbOfith„ Seert Or) „ f the Thatsery l'lteve together . w ith some others in amount of upwarda of one Sundrod thousand Were sent to our von. liar agent at lomolcon fel eollertlon. They have ryeentiv Isam rtflorlost h . ., blot to thy seerelary of the Trevor, with an motto - yam:at on the Intel by the hoes, of itothsettild, Unit titers• nett. no Duel. to them. It is allegral by persons who know that there were plenty off,mds when the Ind. worn drawn, lot by Tome 171.11. ur other thy have wen spiritedawn, The Henttera Washington special sites It sox appears that 11. 11. NI leder, t!aptattf in the late retry) ...1,1ef., and rets•ells confined to the f nil Capitol prison, is a nerd.... of the reds.{ General %Limier, soil not hi- .ettt. the culprit The man now In ittl•Kelti tot loci-t/fla rt yr -master of sllri,e priotot, and not rysisfo .llfly for thy .11-cipilny of an) part leniar W loiter! w-ifo no , et I Abbe 1.1 - 1...0 lees tlfzi t aftafia major ti -e . rotumandnnt of thf• o f . at Salisbury, IV a Ito w ...ot from the Ind Capitol prison about a a .to Its tor trail, is .t 11l utoler r o ndo.-event to the bitter city, 111.11.1 Ignorant of the t when the ernirt will isc eft:l,l,lod es ..•1 is tot hi. Willy Itt Wit,thillittntl to t‘..eertAitt the et t hr, thepro...yetien tabs• in the es.e. wad us ask for It speedy bearing. hey 0 rites to ht.. friend. In %Vashlngton city that Ise I. very hopeful of the result, and only anxious that the trial may go tee. • Tlty itst of flaht.n.llelnituants for he row and offered for the captor.. of the entspfrators, m o s hem, tlestantapst.ntolryferrei the Wur liepartineet. on Sat urds, clynlon It Is sup. s. posed the noun ill he Onfuittlfratefi Ina 4111:, or Iwo G. net - al tweet send. three inspectingrlierys on tours to flllforynt tailltar,,. departments, MIN week. ti,.. , ' If any tart her reflection of navy, foal ea ism-es run Le made. A ninnber of m4,llctil °Moor% mos,r• od out on Snintany The Voluntrt•r rar neon rt•.tarml •tro. 040 ;%lonit TELE(;R %Pith WHITHER REPORTS, Tlso Cold . faly›.°ll .10,17 I,ta tt Jan. a - Itport. 01 thr weather 'date that thy ahtn-arl, 31.1t,rta- laattat Jer, at Utica. 014 ht deltrel, 10•Ittnt ecru at Hal. aux and Ihttalathlt teu eour.t. Itvlaw rent at 130,tont 1 a . ol‘ halt•a at Pa t 1 thlulphlai raw hh low at IV atthiligtott at i u l clottlt thit morning. In . 44. w Tort. it a.l.tvulty•gret, uno ar1 , : , 11/111.1 Aat• tlegr•at On, a to t wo det • 1 - 1,01 - 0 watt a foli,l.lerahle Ilou of ha- to latltt Ea.( and Naritt Jt11,4 vaU.r• 1 olg ra P•Cln indMs anchor. Jan. A — , t2l, th, void tem • - rf JATIATIry. 1,57. 1t... Isa pc. el . lAA, At. thl+ lon ~f Vfnlnr Ito during the lard four day, lekderklay the thermometer tuktus k ted kkuk, de skus . s 4,1 0 , zero ltk this city. At Bums, the therme ttttt ,trod thirty ,11,•gr,,A below zero. Thla atter itoon the cold I, not to intense, hers. At.o. Jan. A.—A dtsputeit Croto Dayton, 010, state. that the thermometer watt (Metro degrees above zero at mowt. At Wheeling, Va., It nu, tictrim degrees above. At COIUM.. bus, Ohio, It Wu* elgliteerk degrees. At Zaues. ettle,Obiab It was eighteen degree,. ItrfrAzo, JAIL a.—Weuther moderating.. Thd thermometer 1 . 4 eleven degrose srhave. (.I. I M A ILA.I4O, Jan. P.—Thermometer (Mem dettrer. above. Clrar. Wind " ' • lanuy nrocio, Jan. Thermometer fifteen degree 3 above Itrvro,, Ohio. Jan. —Weather clear and cold. Thernlocuete'r illteen degrees 10.101, zero at sunset. Columbus and lauravnle olghteou degree:. Phove. Nam Ilanrono, (31ass.,)Jan. o .—Thermometer nt nutnet, 5 deg, above. zero; wind northeand.. Seems, Jan.B.—Wtod north% net; thormome tor, 70 deg. above. The harbor In being raphily covered with lee. ((C. W ,)) Jan a—Weather clear; thertnonieter Y dog. above zero. (Vt.,) Jan. r.—Weather clear; thonnOinetor ldeg. below zero. llzadtalt, (M 0.,) Jan. P.—W bad north; weather eller; thennomuler 0 deg above zero. I'OPTLA 0, (Me.,) Jan. „, rt ,. , the ,. turaneter 25 deg. below. se. Jane, 11.0 Jun A.—Weather clear wind north; thermometer at zero. • Pour Henn', Jun. B.—Wenther clear and ..oh , thermometer 10 deg. stlrove zero. Cl..tirt Jail. N.—At flannel thy WelltherWllN cold and Oro, tbernadutdor 10 dug. alias zero. rown.te. Jan. O.— TMerluollltt Cr I avg. !oate zernotnumneL Ann Anson, Jan. S.— Thermometer 7 deg he_ low net o; wind northeast, sharp and dry, The ha Is higher titan ever observed here. linturnx, (N. 8.,) Jan. B.—Wind northeast; weather fresh and clear; thermometer at cora. PruznectrutA, Jan. B.—l.aot night was tbn coldest ever known here. The Delaware river Is cloned op below and above the city, and all the ferry . _boatm but one are frozen (ant In their mercury In Went Ilbliadelphia fell to d dearren below zero, and at Chestnut Dill to 11 degrees below. The thermometer has marked ten degsees below zero only five times ninco 18130. lIICIMOXD, Y.. Tan. R.—The mercury Uelght degrees below the freezing point to-night In the vicinity of Drury's Blatt. Floating blocks of leo are piled ono above another, stopped by obstructions In the river, and navigation is crnelSer.i Snags rose litpreetin. From Nashville N tRIIVII.I.II, Jan. B.—ltiveratill ,oven fret on the Shoals. - Cotton dull at. 4e, rein the highest Mimed, Transactions for but little received. The bridges no the Nashville and Decatur Railroad, which were damaged by the late fruebet,orr now repaired, and will he ready to-morrow for the pas.ure of trains, and through freight will he rcect vi Ile, Nth 4,10,6 RESTORATION OF ABANDONED LANDS. Report of General Howard. Hitch (1) IPi TO °Sri IN THE I;OITa. s.J:ka nary tl.—The fulled' Mg was cement:named to the 110 use today: To the Nouse of /0 - prssenlnfeers ,-- In answer to it resolution of the Ilea, of Representativei 0' the Nth of Ihs-ember, b.r.5. directing the Su pebinl rodent of the Freedmen's Bureau to In form this House u het bee may real estahrsoized ander the net of the 17th of July, as the enemy's properly, lil t the little of which by that act a its s est/si he United States, had been allotted 10 freedmen for a and homestead, order nrsald Itepartment uf the Government; and if mo, w Gelber the sante has been restored to rybet owner.. and the people of color ordered off, by authority. and n het her the abandoned planta tions had been occupied and thus restored; and if known to the sold Department o r the Barn,,, to state under ulna pretense of 1111- theritv ptsua•rly onem ested in the United States " by OW cOnlisentiOn of enemic , not an traitors' property, um not only taken from the tufted state: but nu ned tongtiered en emies, I have the lamer to submit the follow ing Information. A number of pieces ofprop -01-IV, 'stirred and comiesned lintior the art of July 171 h, nrekteetipleit by freedmen, tin der the supervision of this Bureau. The records of the MIN, 'to not show, howev er, that only such properly has been actually allotted to them for homesteads. No property of this character occupied by freedmen, hae benn renderest to former owners. A large num ber of abandoned plantations hate been mum pled by freedmen en the Slide.. of South Caro lina and Georgia. A few plantations of this character have been actually allotted to freed men 114 homesteads, under the pros isle. 01 Gen. Sherman's Field Order No. IS. - . The rerordo of this oilier, chow that no plan tations so awarded have been restored to the former ow nerd. Many plantations occu pied by, but not allotted to remit:nen, have born re attired to the former owners, but in ouelreases cre boo always been taken to prevent soG'cr.- la a g resulting from ouch action. No property vested in the United Staten under the confisca tion of the enemies property, bins born taken from the United States and bestowed on con quered enentieo. Evidence that property has not been libelled under Art of July, 17, 18G4, or if libelled, that proceedings against It have been ditonlosed by the United Stales Courts, is always required before the property in the hand. of the Bureau is restored to the former owner, It Is proper, however, to state that the amount of property held us enemies' property, and the amount actually allowed to freedmen as homesteads, is u s cry email proportion of the entire amount In the handaof this Bureau. The real property turned over to It at its or gantrallon was seized for the most part its ahandomat. It was ininndeti not only to allot this to freedmen, but also to use It as a means of revenue for the latter purpose. It bad already become exceedingly useful and satiable to the Bureau, and measures lied been initiated to u portions for the former purpose, when, on the se 16th of August, inst rue. Gone were received to th, etTeet that aban doned property should be restored to the for mer owners viten pardoned. tinder those in structions the Bureau has parted with the pettier part of this property. Its tenure upon it has been rendered so un certain that steps taken to allot It to freedmen have been countermanded in most and Its revenue has been so curtailed that It Is not a self-supporting institution, Respectfully submitted, O. O. Bow sun. Muj Gen. Commanding at Washington. .fare Aar oth, The hot-rotary of tho Trou.nry tMlnf rom htunlohied following etatoment of an r Of lutornal reverum, show Intl dim_ run) In finding office, who onu take the tuot outh. Vrrice. r. , RtVITIV - rE, DisTßicY or liEOllOl A. At•urnr flee. IN, IK.z. ssu I aro rOtr.t ruin,' to write VQU In rolS lion to the repeal or mon ideation Ot the It'+l oath, sas fat /1.1 II rlslats, to Internal 1,V1.11110 Offie , r". ul lattsit asset•ors in the south, ru stars., I have labortal tootitloongy to find competent Men who emild take the oath for me.ystant, and I foiled to find any fttich, incept in a single invtanetb In any di-tylM coonpritting t wenty three of the mot popolotel trottntitot in the State of tkatrgin. I hat e organized my di.. tart by allowing my lo.ddstdot.• to take the oath oi Olive and alfegitotee, mad proceed to the n ;::eharge of their dutle., trtoding tollon u„,„ ,:ty Me for their payment as direettsi by the t morale-inner of Internal Revenue. • • - • . • Many of Ll.O men are much reduced In el, eininalasee.; by the war, and mama in Impera tive need of their pay In orgies- to provide (or their famillea, and indeed hymn of them will to etaapelled noon to rerign their place.. in or der to engage to home 1.n.1ne , ..1. that 1.111 yield theta ready tin.lnoy arhlrh tollve. I 1101ilat latled unless aotnettan:,. done thin ;natter Ito modfutol7,l shall be Coistile •ssens tua in ui) litstriet. If Congre.... a null itowl.fy 'lie math a 4 far us it rotates to 'mien.,-of the tute7iiiii Revenue ;apartment+ down i.ore, I “M sure It NA clUid IN. regarded everywher:', and prove to be a patriotic 1:11.AU re in which Irdb North arid South are equally intere.tod. sOineitilug of thin khiii"ln door. I ate at loss to toot, ...hat we aro to do. 11,24pect luny, 1 , 11411,11 .1 /Lnvcsa. ;:el .00.1 ..• T.. 11...11r. I tl.l'. off r,„n„...y. 110111: FRENI II 11 ANTED - 1 , 1 MEMO, The Ex-Rebels in Paris AFFAIRS IN VIRGINIA. es , —11 o• eorm.oooft...l of thf• lOtolon iff.4 ,o or, . rt.; ,o),, 7Al:tr.:lt:al Da- Rat., In 111. ta.t •Ibloololo, to lil. ftnVon , fftf . ”l. .4f,lstre , l that tty Fr otit fore, to N.ntru. on. M 1)4 , rirrly rrin f.r-rd ur witlkd t. Ith on mrldki 51ar.hut IMramr, r +hall I, t triton to Ib. rm , l hoot rop.t vri,.. +Mk r‘ 11l tl , Nt boy our army A letter rrow fans John Slbleli 1- Inrma .iniet!). in Part.. ills family goe. vie) lilt 11. into islet). Mr. Mason, 1s in London. Jacob Thotaspn. and J. I' Ili ajar are also there, and John I itreek in ridge La ' , buret, - es plied beau Littman with his family. Major Mu, formori) ngent for the pureit:L.e of army to ne nn felienory, is la Part.. Mrs. Gwin and her ileughter, me sow real ling In London. A Itieltutond letter way.: The .adjutant Gen eral of Virginia reports that he Issnoti central.- Slone to oillecra in thirte-ittree eountit, far the enrollment of the militia. Only one of thes comities hail reported favorably, all the oilr err refusing to enroll volunteers, or making no return whatever. The Adjutant General nays he applied In (Rm. Terre for arms for the tail his, but that °Meer rola he had no authority to tsar arms loran; purftetse whatever. The report of the State Trenemrer says that hr boa In hi. Charge t= 37 ,Wi in Confederate Mates Registered lionds on dopoSit as banking s,nrlty for some of the banks of that state, and that of twenty-two banks enumerated 4, ItittLonly four held such seeuritiee at the time el a te A t u of the rebellion. The Valversity of t"d r i , st.9o.s in Confederate " - ea , '" Notes, and owes n debt of 05,0. U. al Itring the Last t v. cr scars the annual salary of the Pt °lessors in the University was .11109 each. Gov. Picrpoint informs the mamie of Vir ginia the eadicetlon of their taxes due the na tional government will be proceeded with . . The Got ernor recently_ bad an Intel, low with the secretary of the Treasury, when the lat ter stated that he had no pow er to postpone the collection, though he has directed that no sale, be Inane at &cheat by the tax commis slonerS for non-payment. A dispatch from Washington says the civil COart ft have recently tried 'several persona for lb't Of estates cleeeritel by rebel owners and leased to them by the United Mates Uoverument, and rendered judgment against them. Damages and costs have been adjudged against others proven to have acted during the war us aeduts, and spies for the Union armies, and through whose supposed tufortuntlon the rebel fanners were despoiled of their cattle and, forage. SOLDIERS' ASYLUM DISCONTINUED. Andersonville Neon Garrisoned. FALSE RESORT !GIFT FIEF JUSTICE COOL Florida Planter, and Freedmen Sea Yona, Jan. it—The rribunc's Washing ton despatch says It in considered certain that Congress will grant a petition for the transfer of all hospital buildings at Point Lookout so, at least, n temporary asylum for 'while+, laid sailors. Andereonville la now guarded by n garelwiti of twenty men. The cemetery li In the Immo- Mate charipc of u Union man mimed IL A. Walton. There Ls not a particle of foundation In the report that Chier Justice Chase asked for the pardon of young Ketchum. flu has not direct ly or Indirectly expressed any wish in the Pr l t qa u etAlal Inspecting 0111cer of the. Freed men's Bureau reports that General ro . ter, the military commander 1.11 Florida, has beenivy ted by several of the *planters, that 11. ^. 099 they are permitted to shoot the negroes v wit ever they choose, they will leave the Suite. Quite a number not having received the re quired o t he rspermssi have already emigrated to Texas and tas The tnspecting ord. err also states that notwithstatiolhag reports to the rontrary, tho harvests in the Statue men tioned, with some aid from the' Bureau will be i a piy safficient to the support of the ' colored p °pie during the wtnter. he War Pepartment hos Just issued an or, d r assigning a number of °steers of the Yet- n BOSOM] Corps to duty, MA assistahts of General Baird, Assistant Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau for the State of Louisiana. National Respect to Lincoln. ASIIrtiOTON, Jan. S.--The Select committee to devise suitable means to testify national respect for our late President had u meeting this morning and selected lion. Geo. nancroft to deliver theeuivgy is February next, in Pint tit ZalTki ttrUAQDI deC/iatC4 • THREE CENT PRIC XXXIXtbfONGRES—SEIOND NE.moN Mr 11ayrnond. of New York . , introdat....l a bill for the appolottroadof n Coorol,.a.ator 14. pl., chtL.... a Aita , nod erect ft post Dille.• i o 1.11.-.4lty Now York. Mr. Steven , , of Pent,ylvanio. Intrild,o,d bill to authorire the build ing' of 3 In ilit . iry and postal rail road het a:Washington 0101 New York. fir. Garfield, of Ohio. Intr&lueed Roth were referred to a St! 111111111.311- tee on the subjeot Mr. Morrell, of Vermont. from' the tee on Ways and 3leans, repO.rte.l n bill autho rizing the is•nie of bonds for funding the 1.. 0 ,4 of the Lofted Slates. It antliorixe4 the Seen.- UM to basun six per cent. Chin howl, Indefi nite In amount, to fund all the floating 41411,1, intert at payable in Europe to be flee Orr 311 , 0 that intere+t-bearing note , aa legal tender when due, fir. Williams, of Penn.ylvania. offered A. re ..olutionwhirh Iva, passed •In 0 cote of a i mlto.t , _declaring ft, the soln.a. of the 10ci,.• of Representative, that troo, ,10.01 not be from the late .oroded suite Ila ni the t a o bon's, of c.a.:m.4,1101 .11.1,01 knot Berland their further pre...ettee lon, nov...orsi. lo' on a.OO 10.. 1.1 Sir. Strong, of:Kentucky. 0 re nt lons woo. ootopt on the Vie,ltlont for information it. In what ,tajot, If tilt. have been taken to Mrs. Ituritldoii.7. child. tali en to the ...urper Mn vimilittn, muter the preto,lllll 1,1 tusk In¢ it 0 !trine, Mr. Rio., of Multi... int rod need n bill for the Ill.po,ltion of 1101.11 e irlllli, is homestead* in the Stale, of Alabama, 1,0111..1ana. A raAns..... and Florida. a hieli 3 O 0. referred to. the Committee on Pn1,114. Luna- Mr. Elliott. from the l 0111111i11, 113 Eroutt men. reported 0 hill In atm noi the .oei .•-.1 0 1,.. li,h u Bureau for Hai re tb tof not refugee,. . . Mr. Ray mondl, of Non York, in t ro•loco,1 oill to amend the .rs oral art. of C. r.•1411,-.• to naturalization, nail n, ot I.• r rul 3.11103 un Mr. s rt.furzerl to thi. l.tbartattt,y. ,1„_ a V a .qiiller, of Pcnn.plrunit,, in tro.lnir.ln trill whirl, was referroga grant Iluz port .ion. tilers of the war of nl2. On motion of Mr. Ort 11, of Indiana. it . W., cc. solved That the Commute on torn men, in quire into the expediency of making an appro priation, by Congress, for the emnpfin ion of the larben . at Michigan City, Indiana.• Mr. 'Orillaresented the reselni tone of the Stale of India l' na, in reference to the . : 'merit, rem.° of European power, in the affair , of the Republic of Mexico, which was reforred to the Committee on Foreign .Xffalrs. On motion of Mr. Ancona, 01 PennAylvan fa. it no.. resolved that the Committee on Bung ing and Currency, be requested to inquire into the expediency of providing by law fat the demptioo of trautilattsl, defadttli and worn out fractional currency bv the Crilted mates Inter nal Revenue Collector. or : other Onnuelal agents of the Government 011 ...%veral col leetion districts of the country. Mr. Stephens, of Pennsylvania. int refine...l :t hill authorizing the building of a mitttar) 101 anti c ootie railroad from Wa...ll3lnr , tto to N• 1 . . Mr. Garfield, of Ohio, aloe, intro.) twoii a bill for the evtablishmetatofia tuilrottol beta wren WaNhlngton and New Tor k, 00,1 to ronNtitute the Name a military highway ituil p.,pile route The) siert , both referred to Thu Ael..,lCommit tee on that Inibieet. Mr. Moorhead, of] PronNylvinia, intratOved bill to ineoMornte National Laboratory and Mining Au... Mutton, whirl. wait reloorrtoti to tto• Committee on 111n,00.l Mr. Francis Thommi, of 31amirool, intro:lured u bill prorlding for romertainlng nod adjusting claim.. against the Government for the Minty or det.trurtiOn of properly by the military du ring the lute' rebellion which o - n, reforrol to the tolnln gine un Mr. O'Neill, of Permit. int rodnemi ii bill whirl, ttoo referred, grunt in an bounty to Nob - lien. ootonotten anti riuminON, tint of Knell, or their heir, proyltlinuthut thrive who intern! Into non - Vine ton Or atterllie Lath du) of April, 1131. and Infers ttie Lout of Aprll, lertsi In e , ric for one yen , or More, Aran have a Inanity of three hundred dollar-. di:dueling the amornit alrea.l2, r. r,'.. mi tered pre vivo- to the Mt 11 of Aprtl, 1031, three hundred dollars. Thrace n holintereit knit u the 13th of April, IS6I, and tile 'Ali of April, for leter than one eear. rine 1 dol. Tboße who ;not to have charged against them the anion tit of their 11,1 twaun ty_ Thole ha have been promoter] Irma the minks to lie rommiN- Nliitoul Mlle,' to have the Name bounty . , and in vane of the death of the soldier, i.Oilloan or ma rine, the bounty to bepa)able. tint; to the a hlow.Nieoud, if nu widow, to LPN ehildren if to their guardian:. thirg, if no widow or children, then to the. lather, 11 no father, then to the Mother. it neither frillier nor mother, then to the brotherr+ unit iiiterr !Shan introdue..4l n I,LIL.tor the ,prOttl: t ion a the navigation of the A.ll,th4..iopt. river. Whin., navigable t ribald roft,r. red to tlw COmmtttee on Road', and 12:1m11... Mr. if of lowa, int rod tired a bill which retread to the lonoit Ito* on Judiciary. to Neenre the benefit of the writ of Ihihtao. Cor ti., to prr,ort. held tin Asa cputrary to the ron,titratou of ill, VII iteit •Matea Mr Smith°tiered the followUlu,ol rtutiiir, which at. to Eceoturd, Thitt the 1 . r.-6 , 1..111 Nymniu , i i,t , to this flout., if in Ilk °pillion nOtiineoiti patitile with the public interest., atiy,.eorre. pensivnee or other ittfortitittion to the 110.- ucexion of the ttorernruent In regstr4 to the kidnapping of the child of nil American lady in the city of Mootui by Finn, .trittrper of that ite l ,lltale, the sow:tiled errip4l,ror, hotter the pretence of hooking .00h child n prigoe, ald hether the Culled "tali, has been asked to interfere with u e iew to hare /he Until re ..tirrvid to it. parent., and what °orlon,. it itny. ha. het, taLten upon the .111ject. 731 r I'My ofterett a r...ollttion. uhfi-In not rikr,l to, that the "unroll Lev on b to,trltetml to fm in ire lota the expe.fieney of :m1114,1271312 the i‘eeretary of the Nary to rte. eept fiom t tie eity 01 l'ltilatiolpitia. op bettidf of the Uoverornent, the title to 1 , 11c,,,1.:13,,d. prvo . hle for the male of the tfxktlnkr N'ary At -, 1 at l'hilailelphitt. lt. kati lA, II mu lie. conei.t on, ly with publie clam!, and report by hill or othen.ts, : Paxton,. re , olutioos of etentile. on -übjert.. were • Ni•tv follow Inc, .11101 Mutsu rent. am eery high and the means of educating u010r...1 ettlhirea Limited; therefore. That the Usuranit ter CM the of Coluntbla, bee In.trxtrletl to emigtr,• Tot,, th e expdient, of impost nu n special tat gr .outer vent. on rill rental of 1/1111.11,461 bur,,,teed dollars per atinntlit, to he hpliliett independently of the local 1/I.trict •ntlharities, Mr the education of colored Children.. and to report by bill or °them Ls, The Ilouse pa.-rd,, bill, heretofore olTeresl ity lir. Ward denouncing polygamy, an ilk.,d, decla ring that tts Vain sister. slavery, It 'ghonlit he expelled from Thu territorie. , of the tiepub. Ile, shonlil resfulro the whole pour} of the Government to do no, and direet In; the; lagni ring Into the rondurt of certain government oflicial. in Utah. The House remalveVl Itself Into n sparial Com mittee of the Whole on the Shit.. 01 tine:l - talon. when...llr. L.nthatu arguing that the rebellion woo never by State I inesit an it,. eooki carry it. lie thOrefore pyotested :matron authority was extended only tot fast as Ito power 1.1 1 0 t 0.., of the oaprer.alna that States Were out of the Union. It all, a portion of thu•peopte who inaugurated u Government auta o "oni..tie to that .1 the Culled State. Utivertunetit. The The States of Virginia, Ten:l6sec anil;Arlvatt stl Were no more in reln:Mon 'when .rebel horde.. tperatvd to them than wore the State , of Mar) laud. rvonns2,lvanin; hentuekv and NLl,ouri, when they were in,toleti Una •-• In 41milar eirctuaivaLnc.o, ' Ile announced that he na- in favor Or restor ing *lute Governments be tq j es 4,1..4 before they were overthrown lit the rehellion;sahleet out , ' to. Belt changes and conditions ai make them conform tv the pi - vil:tit :date of the National Government. lie repented that he would admit the Southern reptesentatlyee, hat the applicants must ire boy al nil the time tort all Ihr tiny, and they mast talie the test wth. It, however, would trot boa liar to further In v ertluat loos. He must also be oat it.lll.ld ns to Whether the constituency were so Meleittly awl whether the States from which they conic could support a republican government in harmony with the Government of tbei. nited States, without the rapport of. the military- au thorities Each applicant kir a 1...31; o g I edam' on his own merit. applicant uchas ahatltlei should be admitted. Restoration, he t rottener, had been relented anti questionscompitealed, by the civil power being , nsestablielnettoo soon with the whitew - aehed rebels. - Air. Blaine, of Maine, preseated n reSointion which was referred to the Joint Committest on Reconstruction, nrePOSlng to - amend the Con stitution, so that Article let, Peetlon ()Maze a, shall read as follows to the first Iperied : Representative and direct taxes shall be 41- nortioned among the bCreral States which may lee included within this Union, acteitT..7, - - tiparrespective number, which shall by deter mineablefaiting the whole nuniberof petsons, except those tO political sights or privi leges are denied or abritailisd by the Constittf- Lion or law, of any ytate, on ;aceount , Xd rimy or colof.l . Mr. Blaine having ob tabled the floor sup. ported this constitutional amendment; paint ing out the grave objection to the . atticoihnent, which proposes orepresentation .on suf [mgr. Should tath adopted the POOO.O.St inequalities would result among and between the loyal States. California,. with realvely ❑ larger population than Vermont. and the tame number of Representatives, would, on:the suf frage bawls, have nearly three: tltnes a-4 many members ot thin Rouse, and ..VeW !York, with eleven times the population of California,: would not have Ave times ns manv ItePrx.sen halves. Indiana, with only .eight per cent: morn pcipulation than Massachusetts would have fifty per cent. more Reprenentut Mr. Maine pointed out other re and contended that all these would be avoided by the adoption of the amendment proposal by him, which wouldulluPlY deprive the sOuthern States of a representation Mised on ther ate genes until then egroes,wers enfranchlaml. It would tense the tedatiee repreeentation of OW loyal Staten Just as it is toslay, and minoring Otto evil would not precipitatebtiotrn of groat- Cr magnitude. hlr. Shellabarger proposCete :Rebate the cO l i n ld n , co l t question whether State whic.hcould not coins menet, to be a State until it acquit , constitutional [month...sof State. Unite to be one utter It bad lost. them, ell. H i ; showed, by- constr o on .,,L at , at t i h th c or g iLthl lv t h t i th eal e constitution recognized the Stateijin taro tils tlnet characters; state, with its inhabitants. In this newt° -a State May lose ILA rc publicangevernmpnt may be grtarantemlorgis ea try the !linked States. In this sm., Vats of it may he:ltaken td Makin a new State. in another Important cOnntitlitional sense. a' Stnto is an organized body politic, having do fined territory, people Constitution and. lawSl st bleb are recognized by and tender olanlienen to the United States, and behl eertaiMrighte and powers of gevertiment thereruider. in tilts last sense theßtate, as a body politic. mmla be dissolved Ityrelmition. It was then the sole power of the United States to determine when I a new RepUbllmlnlievernmenlovas established 1 by Its people, Etc Quoted numerous authorities to stow' Mit ccvu under tai iitls vi attttS4a - 14ezt • - r I ;W, WEEKLY GIiMETTIL • Ai I.l+ , , ..t.poor' not huh., ti` law. of nflnnn., wad (ball. lz It Iwo . 71.. pooplr who habitually Ord tali. 11..114 •rnAtloll l .3 lowaoll tltr lon-. Sot Ulu Vitiled, `':tat.., .Lleb ri vg,,rt Inc of O.•• AMU , * a rat pooplo tvatt.l not I , rieoo, Iced ty tow 111 as a mato, all. -nova', to. los• e g . ..rous on.l Icon: ob-ettro alt, 01 public lair oul.l blot tla ollt• Its not bolas, Stine,- wh o a., or oldigat ionv aro ro• ptal 1 i.e.! by :Stoat% the 'r rllll. con-r. Thora I. hi nit anvern— .l iv in, on),yrdelt• cf ndt.., pvtit-ht..oahobz tta: tiostsu ~ I l all rortignlzeti 1101 tlr shellittutruer itutitisithe rcilorend t.I Ihe 1 . 0114.1 Sl:ll4, antiiretue Court, re. pint tat Ina the Ili etrine that all the Inflirldasll4l ofn , fate ran eints.e u. Intllvitinaltl tflhavn nur pd it.nnil rights and et when united anti call isi hob/ the and inviter of teak. Inn •!lenslton, claw-ling Pre-iltlentiar Eleators and umendinp their 6'olt+t 'tut/Oils. Slate pow_ era are absolutely vital. If disloyal Stales, on. their own niotliat runt without IraYlni: the tittlnt exereise thYtn: the tiovern inelit CRIITIOr -11 r, 1,1. :t3l hour. Every der, A n. went of Ow G., ...rm. (1,..' 3:1,1 Judieletl, i. roulltint..4l ft. the pr. 1., -et lou 1/.$ state& hive c.,ase.t In es !!!t !n rebel distriets Vr Shritaburger quoted the Cmtst itilation, Lr ticci.ioll of the srupreme Court nod a large a umber of I. I nut horttles. to .shoo - Elm!. 0 here has .nverthrown Its 1.3111 republican government und lost its pon - er na I , uoit, it was the prow lure kt • the Untied State - . art lug t !Iron !th its tlez,a - mitet livI) 3 new /oval gOVArtlMellt too been ere:tied t;ltielt It - as lummt, to res. , - • ,Lnd defend, Fir would welcome theso states tart, and would wean me tite now %rd.* brought them Wittlnvneota •based upon tteuerul sincere loyalty, nod upon a ri,ozot t lon of the rights their loyal cal :AMY. fbe were asked,' boo long will con keep them out • if;you cannot ,seen re these ensulit inns of their ret unit' . be wOuhl sorrow full w, but ihstontbil sll,l4 er, "forever !” • 11.. fore the conelu.don of hi, ~ .p.ieeh. the gen b•ina n's hour expired, Intl by nanhitnol, eon- In' tune wit, extended, am( at tin •nrrounded and eougrAlnlated 111K11, 1 / I bOre, MUSK general alpluaii. war tua15114..1..el on the 'Republic-an nhlr s . Th, t omtn It ter. then art:pie :tad thq ttoti.t. .I,•‘+, Th. Pr, .1.1 en+, pro tem.. Mid before the St Iti e, it ten on teat fon from the Mayor of %Vit., inMon, t rnie-tedttimi the renialts the IX eleet Int, In ttr rite, on the nui/jOet of sing nurfruge, nbieh was Orilorml on the tattle. Mr. Mormin prenootrdn memorial from II Nen York t introbor of Commerce, u , king leziAtillon to protect NOrtliern ere.lltor4 (rd the oprrut lon. Or southern ntlitutel of limit t lon 14 hick nn• ;efnrreit to the COMalltteo Julllefur3 • ern! pet Pion, of taldicr• in rhe Mtn srftl , , u -king for un equalization ut.ini; Lou at) la •re ',tiered and referred. N Mr. Juht.•on pre-ented the crodentinla 0 Thmilatt llont, senator elect fronothe Mato of koutsiami, which n en• °Merril tome um ',pp, I he MM.,. Mr. allliannitall offered a resolotitin calling on the President fur infohnution int - emir:l to tits of an order from the eamtuanding oat s California, forhlilding- the eltpor tat ion of arms over the (matter, Snit whetnei ite!: order Wllls not a violation of , neutmlit, tom arils Mexiro 1 , 1 , 11.4 adoptzd. Mr. Cres4wri I Crfferid it resolmtoo,-which wlt adopted, nailing for information as to Why the', roinruission authorized to invOtigato the, claims of loyal stare-ownera to NmpensatiOir for rolored volunteers (icing I.e.:Vico to Huta hail hot liven appointed. The scoot,. adjourned at 12:10 t rt. , .lan. e.—Thertuonset, here L. len 11 ° ,1'1 « shova zero. at tgulen 'eland fourteen Itejto., Burlington, twz to below, Montreal, tuentv-one below, tray twenl7 helott, Albany) fifteen behove, OttWalt, C. %. Itortnnelor thlrly-one, blgbe4l Over knenrn. 4n be r xeatber reports indtento vary cold extending trot] far east IO fur west. I rum Fortrrevt Monroe—Grueral tivott . , Health. F.•rm:, MS. 3LIIII/:., G mon. r lai., it I'll%an ni trolls Key Wmt. .11, t vl.Oll I - I-la.-d , Aub - , Calurett InTant, ry •1., IF foldnr.-,tnn. rul Snott's lyealth i<foMprjv fug. A rn • I.lkou •lir crAonolcrl him on New I;olvemor Co: hum:milted. St :NI , Sri, Januaryo.—Major IL:nuersl.l. 1 1 / 4 ..N rum inauxonated i;overoor of °lgo, at, Columba. to-Say, at t!Welotqc. .t Itnltrond Coop de niotn. The cOrporation known as the:illitraukk and Minnesota railroad company litta,risen from its stern wittaid, i . _b!: :l'ylt V*" ..., 0P":4 , ..r, how ever long it may st are eludenecti the resume*. lion too: place, the corporeal existielleolltf thn rcsurreMed bird Ims - but 'lately; been model manifeet to the World at large. , The aCW ar ganizatinin is headed by it. M. Alexander, wolf . known rem his prominent conneetlOn with the Penny Iv ant:. Central and other railroads, and is bucked up by .such men as J. Edgar - - Thompson, President of the Peruasylvanla. Central, Jay Cooke, of "NattOnal Blessut • fame, and other rapitallsts, WhOie name S . nify 'qui:sines:l" wherever they g 0... It has n]- ready been stated In these columns that by a. deeree of the United Statee Circuit 'Court, held - in this city last summer, the. iiiilwanker and in Crosse read upon paying a balanOS of tt03,000 due on the Ilronson rind Soutter mortgage, and giving a guarnnty to apply the net claraings ofthe road to the satisfaction of the Judgment known as the Chamberlin and Horan] Judgment. It was not supposed that,....AN k! the old company wee be able tor - also the re- ' • q mired amount by the time reqUirmi (Jan. ith) -, until a fel. Clays since, when the :fall amount. • . I was depoAted In the bands of thd clerk of the . elnlrt. making the decree. ,' The funds necessary to.constiminate this ef- ._ _ . feet were dOlibtleal advituceil by the Penusyl-' reels central Railroad Company; or by ail.: .. , leading owners thereof, whose nutting appear . .., on the list of Director, What combination Ls .. 1 likely to be trade in order to render the section '. 1 of i oiul In question sufficiently profitable to in duce these capitalist, to :dock and run it, Ls as yes .1 matter of surmise—the merit prontable connection being a freight line of propellorsi to • ' Erie, or a connection with the Pittsbnimh et. Port Way tic Rued ut Chicago. This last would r. 5.., sire either good win of the Northwestern .. hail - way or the construction of a new route " --- -...a from Milwaukee to Chicago.---ilyweroixe Se' 101- ..4. . . tin Na turday John Ilanl,y alias Cooper wen from Drtroit to Concern Creek, and proceed ett to the house of his brotherdrhlW, Win. Lynch, a well-W-do farmer in the Vicinity, and foam{ his sister, Men. Lynch, engaged la wash ing. reelina tired, he sat down in a chair and fell asleep. Me remained asleep • until about 12 o'clock, and when he awoke, lie conversed with his sister. lie then drew a revolver, which be had provided Vim-qt.:IC with, and deliberately dust id her, hut missed his mark. Ile then erizeil an awe and dealt the unfortu nte woman a fearful blow in Aliff head. Thn -harp (nice Of the Instrument Bruck her upon the britltre of the ntoe—havlng.latien inning around nigtrWayn--ttil almost SOvercil the The lifeless hotly fell with It dUllitOrMitf at the feet of the murderer, and he,"4 if -idled with an additional tit of deiiperatlon: Immedln ately thereafter commencettent Una" her body with the same weapon. This wastrat.tmtirely acre:, the breast In a diagonal manner, tothat when found that heart wan perfectly bare. IL is thought that the murderer rartat ItareStruek ntri, ural blowy in the hat er,regionilt. oat blow 4,r Ihr Rae Colattt not have made to lerriP/O ii nd. hile this tra, galnz on. one ofltrs. Lynch's shilqr,s L. being airseat from the home—ran out und Informed several' work men, who were. Malang a scb t riltOmse In the iv in Y, that hiS myther dottnurdered.. Th... , men rushed to the sane of- danger and found that the taformatitm was top true. The. trout door of the house was Icieked, bat the.% vent to the hark door and them beheld the manures entorqina from the jolneei with the' hod runlet, t of death in his haul,.'.. The weapon :trt Idro,elf sore literally covered 'With the 3.• t warm 140.1 of the unfortunate victim. llt says she killed her father and mother ly Ireland. nmny years ago, Und that.-he has been te.ots , ,o ever dire to fall her...//etroit Tri WI mocalor. Mil o'clock., ISA BELLA, .crorkilthagtitor of nosh mot 311.7 A. Wlghttorn, a.,"ed thlticca year* and 2toozit4s. • Funeral TL - I.6DAT, the rth ni.2 M.. Crum the rerblente of her Dafruts,. Barvausty ntrevt. Allegheny. The Mends of thhiilcllJ air meetrolly InTlted toattant ' TT IFLINALE_ CEMETER ru— lan] and moat pletureriLne 0114 nr'Bel , nl7 4 4 nate on t Ito unlands, Immediately tar . tll.ol'Aile City. on the 'New Brighton Road. I Won, anln . tO beleet RaY.a3 Lola vitt apply anthn E-npretate .. ent , r °Mee, at tlat Cemenetz. c .. Title Deed.. F i gy. , Fnd all other bcntners OW attended tom WannouNeor the sand erslamed, cOtne L e rnd Leacock street!, Allegheny. GEE. A. KELL becretary,!utTrenntre.e. PP.O,T4l r ;rfq: (oh IHALL CLOTHING EST,IBLISIIIIEST, drire larma all perNral *Alt Tharuntil JAI , Z1.7A111"1411. we ToneAly. sal truly. ptll arty garmettt jtont our large ItOlk OI rea4t, wade elollaing, at seix_ax.imlmwmor eic.=w=cb }r.rerY /NMPut tareto, ade by onriel re.. La IC you prefer our eluttarT, mAde from me.2s ncc a we have Ibit line of Cloths and Vest44. - r,s Ana OUT CUtTtT 1: we • For the trawl:rt.-fere will mae. to order, S ad war. rant attire et tlentatton, at ;Otte below. oar- *Ml wit] yfoknoi ailor svwstliyour.pateotagee • y $ Ja H SMITH fii cQ TV74I I.taaSlo S tllEprilkt. 11111=111= =EIS 1111 EM mi=mma A Horrible Hurder.4 Ea= faTNVE.E•r.. CYO:4c = Whieb we Self kor the Rest Offer.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers