The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 08, 1866, Image 3
l hC si 1tt,51,1111 =I „._ kW; ; ;1.; P.(1)(1 SPEECH OF HON. CHARLES SUMMER •••:.:tte, n: ..11:711, e•.' ellf.l 4 :Crat' (S. N.. 9.1., the fr. 111. , It.. •!. ...r , 11g1tio:r. I , y 1•,4 -,o 't . it l'uni-tt , l,-r. V. •.1 vurrt•Ll Slt tLi= l'h trzr. , r; • krl to 0111 vi th, ntl, m% 1...! ( - ...”1111.111 '.•.1 n.I I i,rt.-1,1 , 1 , /11, ii.tht+ r(• ,11 thc 4:ay. 7, the 714/114,Linutfons of clat t. toad d'a -01. If 1I e y Cooco-- o t ,1 11 1.1,11...4.4 41111 St tt.,r. 1,, t rev.. 1; l-I .1 . to 14. Jlf-t Ind I rh01: not lc .'t, r'.•.l Iran ton I eforc 1.• •• .• • • ed.. ..: ...told Inc 111, 111 . , :4 1.1 i• 41••• ..1 fa/ IL, plat ... !!I h. 144,114,1111) .. 11 . 1 - 1 0 of the ot the , 4 1 1 ". All MD , / nrlntit !hat tho hill of no codeag d o. 11 ,• ,111: poro ..... ~I; ;do d o-- ....the.; le,. Ina , . • • :L. the law. at I. a-t -oda, a , 114 .. re., d - .•..; •ct ce 1, In le• .1 oply t.. c:frry lout sod loashtn; I'o' ;..... 101 ... : /•.1 cmot patio... hicl. ne.01.01.• e. ode.. rtl 11.141/1: 1114 11.,. 1•11, 1111.1.:1••1 4...1ta• i 44 1.1. frceolran. Su. 1i h. oor the t. et,ullve content ol th.• -.tater, In cluding the Icily", 00.1111 0 Ai 14,11 , 4'11V 11 1 .• •• ••- 4 114f 4 e1 11,r1 , 4 lq.,111.• rad 10,1111 al I IL , . 1r• on f s,oft or--.0....•"1 . 1.1- 1410 Inc 11,1111 /4114 Jinni/stem In clot, .1- Too.' /,, /1 1 , • 1 DUD Irntatalal 111, N...., ,-• 1 I /./.•. any In .Iy.coll 11 al, 4/..r.1 -T I 11D-I 1../I tied ru.d. g e We Are solt",kol} P.. 1 •1....•.1 11.• N./ I.r 4/Dr Dag_ 1101/1/4 an lon‘g a. 11,,,,,,.! 11r//4 wv must tie, , (Intl it L e. ,l re,ro ..k ...1 But Ile perrorinaoce th rana/ • be intent-led 1,, ;m eth., I,•:,-,al all, 1.,. It ~.. Intrusted to the old slave musb•rs, coldlttcre,l agalest Litt. slel 2-, It must le• perform...l hy the national torevent a lit The p o t hat gave irv,•4loM in/141 al, that ft 44 4 .410141 13 . 4141,4tnit4011. Ti!i+ i /seer - o,lton to rea.e.t. It lsa n41.41/rilllT 11l till' 1.,kul pl., of lti•tery In tilt Ifrdiall 14 0•±1 110,1 1 11,. 1.." - Ing. Tarte of I:eglan.P., grottos, °moor-, and State...torn, Iturkr,Connzno fool Itronghant, at anet.e....l‘.• period.. unit... fu declaring, front the exlierience fa tile Itritish Weal. ind.e,tle t t whatever the slave' te.wrs usulertook e t a d o - for their slaves was always ...tret t [einem , end tied whatsoever re,ght Its phonlble form, IL always wanted "the execntive petrel plc." Marc receetly the Emperor or 1:11-cda, • . wise. ordering emauel puti,M, declare,' t hat all efforts of his predecessors It, thi4 d Irectioe had failed because they had been left to "the ttpon- Ltarietnis Initiative of tie ,proprietor..." I might say much more on this head, but this enough. I assume that no suet, blender wlll bo made on our ',girt; that we shall nut lours to the old pre,priotors toe Undriterfarfco hut freedom to winch we arc pledged, and thus break oar own promises and sacrilice a ' Mec. I bath already alluded to vlnattelpation In Bessie. But thin exan.ple it worthy oar doep - cat study, unless Wo• imm,osely reject history. • .611 knew that In Mel the Emperor, by solemn • proelamatiori, gore free.lom to affirm . ..l of twenty-three million serfs; but It Is not goner . - • ally's liLuown by what sipplotamitary proct..ns this frectiOni was scoured. I bare in my hands btu official copy of this groat actamblisbed al St. Petersburg, by ad, lob ft is declared that the serfs, alter au intact-a Of two yearn, aro "entirely tlisfranch Under Ibis - proclamation, a now sot of magistrates was rrnatlturerl, with - ' . lifecla court, and "Justicce of the peace" In coon db.. trkt, to superintend the working of Ute f ads. mutton and to exatitipu ot the spot all nu,. boas arisloglrom emancipation. Title pr,,vl sion was tint unlike our Bureau of Freedmen, which is thus vindicated by this example. lint the good work did not stop hero. Tin Emperor did not leave the fre.alfooh entl protection, handed over to the tondo: In.: refs of their former owners. it) a careful series a "I'regtll/StlOns" fteromitanytng the proclama lion, prepartml with Inlln Ite care, and divided Into chapters' and sections, the rights of the freedmen ere secured beyond question. • hold it copy of 'this remarkable ttoounac et in - my hand. Bern it is, a model for our I mit a lion, : 'These "regulatirms" begin with the formal : declaration-Unit the freedmen, by the act. of emancipation, "andoire : the rights belonging Ao tree fanners ." The-language is general - . It is 1110 "rights of rfroo farmers," not l e talit.particulars, -but in all 111Irtletllars; not Merely in exemption from the authority of their masters, but in complete enfranchise-. meat. Surely hereis ail example for us. The "regulations" then proceed in formal . • words to ax andstssure these right,, civil and political.- • These righter are not felt to infer , -core or to future digens.ioni but they are ..itively declared - with all pm, sible By one iselltai the freedman Is secured In, all his rigtde of , finally and rights ef• contract, as ' • l'The articles:of Alio Civil Coda an the eights •• • - - ohtikatiOns ',of the family • are extended to the freedinen ; cfmleotiontly they acquire the right, SOM.:it:the authorization of the proprt etor;to • centraet .rnarringi, and to rakeany , arransinnent whatever enacorninp, their fatal safairsi they can equally enter into end.obllgatione authorized by the Taws, • as Weil with:the fitnter as With irldivldush,, - en :the .eteidttions... - tattlished far free Vsrusera; li they catuseribe themselves in the guilds, and „ • , exercise their trades in the villaget,• and they - . .CAMICKI.III/ undo:lnduct factories and establ kb •••• •,- month of corraxterce,” • , • ' , Surely here to atrexamPlo for "all= 'Sebt{.oll tun freedman is secure,' bit rights Cr property. Lie may acquire and al ..js,,,este'prOperty of all kinds, according to the • anti heoldes, "the Tins...Sion of • , Abe Imumet ; 't ou which he has lived is guar `.aniced: to biro'• - on 'certain conditions. nuraly hero is tm example for lea. .By.ancithernectiou the-freedman Is secured .cOMpiete equality Ilia aosirts, ua . •- • ~L io Audi hg-re the right of action whuther • Civilly • or-crlminally, or columenee• process, . and to ruiSs - erpersonally of by attorney; to make totnptaint, said to defend his right., by :all the nteannknown to the Law, and to mmear wifricsi anti as bail conforntabiy to the common • law... • Mark theca words. lie may appear "at wit-- . head aid tax 411," 1 , SurMy here is stn example • - By - the' other freedmin * lssecurod equality inP olhehrolrights, according to thu meastmerof_suclifights Lin Russia, therm • - t'fin the Organization of the towns, be shall • • be.entltictlto :take part in- the meetings and • electionit - for the. towns, and to vote on town ••• ,affairs,and to exercise divers functions; and '• be alien also take part in the assembliewfor the dlstrlet;_and'shall vote on district affairs, and Cheerio the chairman." From etttlid - ..previsleme on this head;it trlthat the freedm an enjoya righ ts to choose ocal oftletra, .and to'be chosen in tarn. Ourelyhere is attexarnple for us. . Ep still sbother section the. freedman is se-. vend equality at, schools and in education; • _ . • ; ; —"Ha may place his 'eldidretrin the establish lAmeets for. public education, tel embrace tai, .. , career of Instractionor the scientLen career, . 1 ,•;Or to take +Africa In the corps ofsnrveyora." Sure/y, here again is an oxample forma. i Then,again, for thegeneral protection of the F ' - freedman , it ix provided that he "cannot loss his rights or be restrained in their exercise, except after theJudiroent of the town IN, '' , , ,frortlinik to Ilxvil rule!, and still further that .;.‘ - i be Peannnt be subjeetisi to auy punishment, or Otherwise than by notice of a judgment, or a co 'l cording to the legal decision of the town t, }, • . which,-ho belongs: , .Surely-hero again LI an 'example toms.. - lli :--• ' Thu:, does Russia by careful provisions, sop. '' - • phunentary to the act of emancipation, secure ; t - :her freedmen - 1u all their rights; first, In the lii ....;right of family and the right of contract; sec `ll - , „ Malty, - in tile right of property, including a • • i ' ' homeniciull thirdly, in complete equality in the courts; fourthly-, iu equality In political rights; L. i.lifthly, Inequality at schools and in education; •.,, : alid.linally, all these safeguards aro crowned is by declaring that they,cautiot Lisa their rights prailshad except after' judgment accord , ''. ',lug tot:lied rnlein.thris completely fuldlling `,lfni requirement of our fathers,-thst "gotarn, „meat ;should he a government of laws and not t• • - I:trust that this 'example.. is none the less •io , ' • worthy.of-hnttatlent because 12.19 that of an enlptre,Arhlch Is not, "'opposed to sympathise .:-.• ..--• With Ihiceal'ldena„ Surelitrepublie'-cannot tt, ' , ,1- , 111 this respect lag 'behind an empire . Besides, ~- all" th at :If 0 near abuses that the, experiment , ,!, . tea Wen bliceetafuL itllearly •an experiment ;ea:Umpired aheOmplettdi :by tho - aPirit of '.insilre . :. • • t .y. 34yd/hag= is icleariy'rlght teerod klllabilll, anti- pressing - it to av. The (ix-gum queer tor - it'le •Irresialibia - It la essonilnl to , comfl„tltinanalliallOY. W % ithout ottinnelpai . ._-. lion will be olqy. hag {tone,_ It is our duty to ' . •.• Vie that . ilia. wholly done,.Slavery 17111.41,0 ',ll b)little4'mot In fornit; only, but In sahatance -, -IND that there shall bo no Muck cole, but al l' '"; atital hti ecituillorforc the last% - - ' , AS to the power of COILTICIIS over ibis guns -4 .. Von I Cannot doubt it. Bly colleague aim uies the power Without protaiaiingto.trace it to any 4 ' rtailrular ketTC. 4.... _it Tufty be atalittary power prceticlfls the proclamation of emancipate.; ; • . nnillittatto authoritwis herefearittulettsnwto '',-11s la filo"_Pistrlct of Ohl urn hio, uric. muy he In . - pursuance of the, cOuttitntional ;amendment, • which pravidex. that. Congiws may "enforee . the amentlntiat by ;appropriate logialatioin" .. .. . Or It atutp be to carryout the guaranty of a re publican form of government. There are taeasurca of shy own, olrenly in ' kroduced by me; now on your Mine, looking to ::too came result as the pending hill, Which pro . ' ;Weed specifically on the two latter grounds. One of these Is entilital "A bill supplyi ng op prOpriate legidation• to enforce - the amend - Anci.t, cram Constitution." From this 1,111 1 ',tend the eention,n • Sze. 3. And be iffi,rthrr enecZed. That In tar . Cher enforcement of The provision of the Con ittliallOirproltibiting slavery, and hi order to remove all relics of thin wrong (rota the. States Iwborothe conttil ut tonal prohibition tidies of it In hereby deal:wed Clint all lawn or cart team in kWh States establishing any ollgarehl . cal pricllvp,.. and any dinlincifort of rights on • - neeorrit of color or rare, aril hereby annulled, r„ilinliallytersems 1.11. ouch - Stute-Inra recognized • "-aFtokitatt before the law; and - the penalties pro ' - tr. the last section are hereby nettle op .', .Vlleable to any violation. of this provision, • which Is mode in pursuance of the ConStito lion of the Unit od States. ,• Sze. 4. _And f farther mewled, That in 7 for., Aber enforcement of the provisional the siltation aforesaid, the Courts of the United .Slates in the States aforoaahl shall have exclo ' -MCC jurisdiction of all-offenses committed by persons not of African descent upon permns of African descent; also of all offenses cora- Tratted by persons of -African descent; tend al ye, of all ceases e nits mid demands to which • Loop person of African dennent shall be a par . tv: anti li iii LCr,LY declarott that all noel; NM Mil = =HEM MB I f. I =I Irr t r•• 1 I•r•, I,la ,/,‘• /n1),11.1. t". 111.1 111 i • •. 1 to: INN •• • •111113 . •`,l/1 ..1.41•• N •11l11.1:114. 1 ,1 111 1 1 1 1 1 . , 1/, .. rt . 1,, r•r • Irr) • •r 1 lengnrt Ihr•:. r • • •' 1•1 11',1 1 1 1 1 1 11, •::-• • ,1,•,1 on, ,4; ... : I, • ••:.: Illy I ••••:.....,••: ••4•1:1L1 (1,1•1 211 1•1,1. Iltit 11'11111r,- 111, 1 111 , 1 1.11, 1 11 /111, 111, 1.1 1 tti1.1.,,. tn.- tt I •1. 0111 :1 11 1 1 . 1 1/- prt . ,— , .11111.1111 1.1,111,1..1,11 ul•I•h• r •••; 11 1 1'.1 1111 I , r- It.• I‘. l • ulll, , ut t•i::,•• 111 i• 1 1 ,1 Nl , l S 1 /1 1 ., 1 1 1, 1,1:1111 a. 1 1 he • r ,, : , ••• . : , t , .1 t !..1. 1 1 1 111111111, t 1., h of 1111,,,,11,,„1 11,, ccpUrit, 1.1), 1“6-itIvo, 11a.• • ;.. I ;:iiztr.ita.• • 11l r• It I r I . nr r rs r, - 1. rlrr, rrt 11;irrIr Ihr . I rrl/rlt•rr 1 4 `ld rt'r. 111.'11l1 Si ,I. th, r• • • •••,tt - I:t •!..t. .• •• •rt f t Ott , : t• I. :t.t I , Z.. 1 t. at , ; st, A t I . r. Ity 3,1 t 1 t !tic!. It, ti.• 1.1/ V, 111 11l /Kith ttf nut! t.l 111. l't t•-,,:i.111 1 , 1 Ike I . :it•t• I --Ent.. '0t1.,1‘.•-• Int ttl. N 5 f•• 171 1 .01 4tts t•rntint• tt I.etrot new the tit tle 1 Lois , 1,, veliNe ler it. 1. contentin) f NOW I.y that it I, ale..itr.l to that it 11..111/1/ iie - 11) , rvtoult naiteled lax ...I:rat:- ehleal preteslal, ftll4 whleh r u , h .fr all pert ielthrt toe in tlie , ' . rit t•t, y. .A.- maletable preport loner It. t at. fni 31 0 4 , ill WM 4,110/Vs tillt v.:n..4,4 of the get ereed. e hr :tri$1 a 11'1.11:lean for“/ ln,ztt. tit, this pl , p,lti.,tl 1 hope to ht ch rot at to early tta). Ilere 1. of the grea,ext ~ee.tleem of ehr /11-tert Anal now sarr lht. bria•f no low of the ~hied proposa d to tie neconipllslost, I um brought to cousidtr tab.• prom lent of such 1a.,1%- last 1011 ; sll hon. It In to) duty to ospo, netted newittlaln of the robot States, •••peolally as naninis Joy:Ott land th e treanont o trolttion. On till. hoot I shall ti tt•itiUrt•f the 1, I possoasi. an. In the onileat Or lo bring as bat I.say wit lon reasonable proportf, o as , I shall whine. , wily al small part of what lasts littoral under toy nee; lan It will In. twine than isnough. In bringing It font sal the , thilioulit ' sat .election and nbridgemont. I shall begin. - with swooning; rolid int; to tho insult ion of the robot Sintos gonerally, mud shall hon primeval to consider the ditiorotat tit at I, .aera,Vil Ana new, lined, to ha , the rebel States ge tt er_ ally. I I:na now On test itneny which hat • found n. way to the r Llie , at ills rogard to tar gon•nil condition of the. South, which will niminar,• la Witil m sera, of letter. I. .1. 11 orr,,, Kr 4.. , a business agent of. olinraelor :and above question, v - ho law t ruoi , led through, the rebel Stages. !lir onion tan lenttous with his cinpinyors stogy singat:arisla ors of ob servation, and are aexpreaa,eraal wtth great , Of mtg( , I can only giro as tow os tracts, "In travt.liing about, as I ha•, r. from on . • Lion °llia: comitry to the tailor, I have boon able to wangler° opinions, and, us you know, I have lanai populist% null favor.thlo opportuni ties for escort:lnd:Ca the views they hat -,• :al eoginani. I Igo wideinor,sl to ten .o Ili- t tiers from which they have not. d, and Hutt lla fmat V. theta' mutt tho ir p tarp°to n.r the future, if than bine ono. In glvinr. nt) opinion now. It Is poop, to •ny i lint 1 lisvtaken o ter one .15.1.vittuni as w oriteriou of Ih, vi Lido, sod hat a. points! them wily by no. opinion,. I and they 'am re generally at:treed uon. Nonni, burr aa , y ..r. t". statoment t 6 ,•!. thoughts end. mato*, . opinions, dod as. than 'anal conclusions are 41eriv.el ream, my experienre anti olererynt lon among. thou], anal o they be confirmed or daaniaa,l by others, are, lair 1111 , tgadiag, my honest and sineorel convict inn, • • ..... • While I am chic toSay that thee have at, h• tip their mind. float emancipation In a hi. t, UUit hat In he avehtell, I s: in ohlige , llaatale ray came.: lon ihnh r, Lr c „, rern 0-1 lint Is, the .!net rine of to rtgat. It Is deeply rtune , l t lam ever :Imo", lila al. TI., 3 are 1V , 111 , i13 t4llitg,i the that the clivtiiilon of this eoautk) la Loth right train u unntilt Introulpolnt, and polit le an measure Nll expetll , ,ey, They hvve simpl, changt , l their !lase frum the hattlerlelil to the ladlot lo.t, ballet hob uv they very frankly ad mit, that greater tnutoplia /await them there than I ei etoilti ever hope for la the fichl. In aliment el house haat, the.olth worn 1 ,, ,- Salerut e uniform, whirl. Is .1 with pride to it aalLntaettau to all rman, So tvr tlam repenting of the slant! tiny tool:, they glary la It. 'they regret the result, aral their non-sneeess, R ti+ true, hutnot one Inn thnu .nnd will they 1411 , 20 in the Wroll7. • .. • • ,„ argue that at trait ninety-five in ire ry two 'hundred vote. at theNowt L, are sure to he thror n its their fa% or, and I Ite3 - eats now rule /be Union Ity giving. up, trtsielt is .•heaper tissue to.peralat he 'hei r Idea of It rote gov ernment. That Idea, heavy,. as only laid sudde fora time. Every hey ut thr south Is • helm; r•ducatell its the ladle( that the relations the ninth ttn.slay mast:dear towani the North are the nat.- as those of flung:mt . DC Veuer lo toward _inner:a, tar of Poland to frte,sin. Vary hid their time. They have adopted for their motto “l'atiessm. and ...hustle the eerds " The nnsake, w, firr from being 'stsJtt•butl." .filteust t 4.1e1,1 It "Slot to rule in the Union than tO nor,,, is, h.. Confect crate at My. "Ton eau depend mum it that the couthetn State, in 'the thlurs• will present man nnthl, tumultuous front; their lee...tiers lens Sht-la well In hand. And this what raint•ty . nine in everylaindred of the Olen, Le amou and Children believe nieces-0y as to the situation to-day: fist, that Ilan Fs:urn of right 1,01.0.4 , ,1 .and ultrayli pOsacasull the right of ewerl-Ono; secondly, that tins war only prevel that the North vies the strongent; thirdly, that. sle,ero slavery was and In ight,•but Inas been by the war. The hoothernersare to., smart not to see that slavery 1a dead, but many of thi•ns hope as long as the black mee exists Isere aisle to hold it in a coedit Inn of 11 , "tree' serfdom. • Ail except the:negro will Ist killed in czar uny or aDOLIter I>p euLlneipotion. The polity of those who will eventually h ens a te the lead, era here at Ilse South, is, for Um present, to accept tise•beat they can get, to aequier•ot in anything and everything, but to strain every nerve to regain Use political power and ascend: ancy they ]sell under Buchanan. "This they believe cannot be postponed long er than up to. the next Presidential election. They will do all in their power to resist torgrn suffrage, sand to reduce taxation anal expendi tures, um! would attack the national debt If they taw any reason to Aselleve. repnilintion pOsn•lble. They will continue to assert the tn fcrierity of the African, and they- would In tim-f Itost , lblC, Procipittate the Called. COoLt es info's forelmrwar, believing they caul,' then ent•Sert, and Obtain their Andccenden••••. They . la 111, STlOrtor them, take any oath. yo may etti“Le to he adept., and break In.' 'as n a,•• rttelj, and without scruple. in One word, pre Die flare. planed themsel vr, to re.oloio ate No. oxiimen to ale North, arid thrt gelteret ion. ILL Ireet, rtivolys hate the N en orthern poople, Lc] the boyit are being eilmteLl ID Llo. 'slueidea. "On the Whole, looking at uw hi/at r ftwn ou sides, it amounts to just thin. lf ortlwrn people • are Content to he 01 , , by tl,o f‘outhernen., they viii c. - fat 1111, In u.l l ohm; If not, the first' chance they fret the, will again. I venture the pre ¶l,l a•lthi% five years they' will either be In Le fighting 00 Agate, If the Urn:, , 1•11 . 1 be: S . ,* England I" to her if , , ttlliOh:y IA to ha-mar.v. For 30,e 1 /1t to. ,, tras,ler, who he. I . econ I; ra creed the Golf States, thua write,. In n 1 , 1 . 1 m 141 letter to inyvelf The former masters ft:tidbit r, moat erne', remorseless nail vindictive eplrlt tOtrurd the - coloredpeOPht; Lb. pmts : Where theren,ro rnirnt soldiers, 1 saw COlerred W6lo en rent,l In the most outrageous nunner. Tlicy hays no rights Unit are respected. They are killed, and their bodies thrown into ponds or nirei-holes. They are mutilated by hiring earn and noses eat oft* , • • • • ' ' (if courne snob n people already talk of re. , puttlatlair the national deist . To the quomtlon, "Would it 1/0 tale, to trust White men- at the Snell; with the power to repudlate.the national dch n'yitlmen in 'gray unifOrrit at in m re plied, "Itimndiete I I %horrid hope they would: ~h ipped, Anil 111 own it ; but Inn not so fond of a whipping, that I'm going to pay a expenees while ho . !given ft to mq. Of court.° them e are not ten men In the whole kouth that would not repudiate I" Such It the eptrlt Of these Stateg. `lint n tandldnt , , for Congrits In Virginia undertook to speak for the rebel States no follow.: "I entoppoPed to the Southern fillites being towel at eli for •the rectemption of t nix deht, eh her direetl, Or Indirectly, and, if elected to Congre., I will oppoee all each akeasure., and 0111 cote to reileul all laws that knee here! fore bi en pasted Mr that purpose; and, in dn. log en, I do not punchier That I-violate any oh' Itrottlono to which lilt Smith wattretriy. - {Ve e never plighted //or faith for the retleinp tine of the trot I.lle people will be 4;le tit/yin n lth 111.00$ for }tire to corny, even if the wee debt b reptillated, IL will be the ditty of Ille government tot•upport the maimed rind tlipahlvd toldlero, and V.-LI KO,/ .111 if the Untied Sitite.v GoverninOnt rettitlren the Solllll to 1/P for the ,opp o ..i, of I ram, t.oltilers, we ~ ,I tott/il Irtolnt Mot tilt di. 10/11,1 eotittore alould he nottnt.ilne.ll by the United Stitt, Gni eminent, without te;oti d to the, itte they tool halt., In the nat.' A. lute writer, sylluwlthlan feu days turn( d from nn CX/ellhil, tout In North .4i i 'lnn, ,onth Ott'Oltrut atilt Genrttin, 0,1 rah;, illIjk: , 10 II 'Will yollr rcrorl . 0 ill,. t, tith o. , trltT , l to t to. .1, I, naLional delot ~ g nl. to a bey6:l,l f lan ri6oh of any hand. V6I I r0,,,1 It a ory 1,66,101 11161 mr4• u uli 11.11. , In: .0.11111 ipt Olt With!, 11,•1' p•lt raft , 1 the 1.60110 1111 . 1”1,.•ra •Pf ILIII:111,••11 ne•ii,a , ni bpi 1,."11111111.11 Oa .6r lii' fi 6f ',1.. .rat lon.- kl dollzr, to I. , 6,!‘ tor oroio•. 1 y d.. 1 to a,: awl r . 1 61,-,,, 06r0pu1..41 “rol 166•116.,” t 11,1, ~h•, 1,- ir ". l, ' ;;. 4 ;o 1 t! , . , t1 " :1. ' .1. Lt:g'" =I 111 M II , pt.••‘.l:3r prl ..• • r. 1,.• .1••11 • • .. I. t • alz.l et. .1 • i II 1,111 1,11• Illetr 1.0.• agr r• r r 4 1k:111111r, ••'d it 1,1 t“ 111 ' 1 44 .1,,11 11,' 11,11 111,1 1'01! y, 21,/•I th,r I • 1r I T. b/tII.AI 1.111, 5 , 151 , 1, .” 11 ! `.l• 1"" , 1.111 11„•,r 1 N 1,011 1... 11 7‘ll 111., 1 1 • 111 1 11,' 1111') 1,1/ 1 / 1 . i , ht r .11 1.1 1.. 1.••,, t ilk 1., 1...".•r `ll • Li rti 1.1.• t pro- hootl,cr',sate lett , r R )1., - ~ I• VI; o Li... ,t,t1r1... F.i on nit), the,' ootir, it to r •• u to protect the • fl ithoot that , ocoorM the u cp t Len, lu,r%Vr ill bou.tage I O.• 111 in I ant alrtiti) 11,.11 the logo l..tnel the - Inies la 1,0 tit tilt' .11,11" hore ht. .O•In 0f 4.1g0. some het) • htraoraloary Ct. 11,1 lip I.rt•Olint, lii''lo 1.1•k...•0••in To 110.1 minlit exhlhning 1 ad I. oilier niel ..itorit pre • LIII . C.VIL(IIOUt. Vlrgtniu. tin) "1111.4 art. r,/. ft.hing therni Millets are no Mnger higr;tig there; l.ot thotrallorom.... kill that lu nh:+• i the n•ln.l lion ...till till,. the . with tt.. malignant breath. I/0 not, 1 rut rnr.t 31,1, all., ,r it to oh, ti irginia ph, N ort h arolina lloro I itn , u.) is tho tn: hi- w •••k I, c seen I.itevernittoot ...Meet. ail , ' Itai•• I.e. n WOI% ire one of theto to• re poll 1 hitt it P. On( eat.. to o , ni- MA. ?hurt.; that lit., ly of to ills—. not ell-t; that 111, •ici far (r ,,, n net , : inx) rcluo, are w tiling to w..rg, Mit that th. h are typ0...v.4 to nituttoral.••• Lal4.L,p atol .ty thall,. 1.••• 11tIV , ..) to hc A hlte too la a i l lluw r.tdotit of North Ctinetiot . . ••11x11 )nti, .ir, thy nn:y thircit , llo( all / I•al• p al i. that i• tin., and 1 Intr." te , ..ant. I:tit r• ~, a mts Tnt. , ats if UM thing otherw itnirnhat Ow Gas nrataani I „ In rr tzurd Unton men. bath flaw. and via , •• 111., rod taunt - ft ft. Union 10,i1 V Lit, 1.11.1 than tla-, tat- 3 It IN It. condition of N.orth to bat; •nt Ith 1.1.1-. t.t.h..r t. ann., .. Tv. r , ~.en school tt.ttehent u 1.0 i. r r• • . +r 1.• Tit (rum IVilinitglon to F•, t •lt • 11, o • n for I tif.•rir 11 • ho• If ....II') 'lint IL. 3 N ri iml.l mil be lid to t mnoti 1111 stratiii, Tint I r.•t urn 11, It itit.inglon, - milt: if thvy worn Into Itriy .ml.l )1 tn.x lnn!,llin wan 1,. skr 14,1 It, •01111' 11.fiirt Mr. /*Li, it/Mon .1)3 tilt St LOP 110 11 14 in Vayem•villo a negro trr. e!rung nti 1. 1 the huh.' 411. Ibe public 4.j u tie :eel r,••• . • b., I) -I:he:l:tabu*. (rem a elvll unle r cevul..l • 44,- I:plated Lry tier. A 'III 1...._1en pup. Leak. tb• ). /1. t.. b. la: 11A. 4 Ghve-a: ••.,. 1. • • I (bee •. :•41 , .It fuyi tit *file. burr , • ent rbtln 1.1/.• I ul b lie repert, 1`..011111, from 1114 r. In i 4. reammen? .•I 11... • . • 7brror.ull of 1 hrir rl4llt ill, , the h.-.fr0... have be.alst sot only by the ei•Ulaag, bul ab.o by tie' rs, Il :LW borttira there. ..Tx w• hthrre...» wen. tied up an.l hto,llp lett 1.1 the ttheritr, the 44 a taito.ll:o4. there. • !niter negro, were th..l end 111.1..,1, and it-re 11, .1,1? nt. allay lip and pro. rat...l t!... t,d 11, fell with th,r, ••‘ II I tete. exerehted t he atitte.rity et tonteN 011 the :terrine% nhtt punished thorn at t noir. will with wueh aevertty am to them 000• no• tit “It teporte4 thot :tette'. ha., !wen 1i1t.4 In the tonal cruel • - • •• • • Rut boxp alert, Ttri.r nighti I e piled lildli; lint wily pain 1 he a rt, by Herb tin esiiii,/ttonl root North t 4rnliny paqa to !Z•111th ‘'.‘rot Ina, 41 ere the led Imony I. If pmedlde, f,p licit. The apish , MC. reml n'tnte, till relol of heart, nppoan In thn nell Mlow u I el-. 4er teem Wade Hampton, trldeti I do not .tuft to, ,untr. It also appenol In the frank opmedi of Jame. 11. 1,11,111.14.11, In the L'oo.el':3tlon,ftvm 4 lit( h I trod NIA eatrant: •• I hull, I. I hat when our votes or • adm i t ti.d Inn „ tl•nt congress, if We ore tolornidy wise, ere rdi'yt.iar slenste shorn ofeono., o , s on s , Ire a have our Pall - lolum.4,lenig new not to be reported. ll'i•Orilt hare our on it wo 3: t, II tire true to our:se:les We nos the y I Ind; wPl:oow not What is .lit 14, our futon,. Ole we not in a rendition to uerept • lint w e rat not ilrtpt Arc we not In .1 . 0.11110 h v. here it is the! art of Wiwlolll In Wad nail giro what :lune( avoid giving? I believe, ar 4 nrelt us n r art a people an sorely, if are guided whdetn ire will, in Ito li:winning •if toe next Presidential election, wheth is all tlu.t Is I: nor. n the Lonstltution—f., $llll,l VOU talk. of the Lidistltutlorl of the retool 4totes it lie nee the l'rrrlclehtlal elnrth/n tied 11s, -dotro of the .pulp—l better° thou tor tow, hol.l the 1-I. l ,rart• or pen er." Tkat Idr. Campbell spoke orrnrding to the sentiments of the prevailing p. 111 1 ,713101 i• 111. /Tien l'y st private letter which I hove reeil: C. et! front n Government eilleer there, who I 4 An .It tinted as to kne-e the rent (sir:ditto:: of I read extracts only: "The ern:echos In Coat entlon and Log:sla t:ire ore dottlfth.p. k 11111.11.1 111 poi, hi, I It, Ind ult,. pervading all !Kitten of these 1.11 e.. Sir. expressed it exactly. Lit tas do what we hoer to do, Its little as We tree 0 , 1//g , d tn. get 11,11, Congress hottiehow, , till th •0 pity .11 the wire One or two miner in. tier. hi I his vomit:et:on 1 Mention as Allowing how the lirt en( ..,(da. 'i. 'roe el••• lion Of Tor ntber, of C 00,0•1 ion. .• I. Foptorrther. The fas in 000- ut• -1. •i oat. work, I hon.looo.t. 1,0001 . 0 •Lt in • • • ir's• pr...000•110g• of ,t Ti, , . tnn ,t> of thorn 111•1 hot tuko tho ll(ll#,.ty 1,211. • P • • • nf n !lot pr•h•riort l'hh , rttl.t ion f (~”:rt• co 4 , 1 till ht cil tiny nom lonsthil With I! 0100. to on, trii - iitilchy • ~ co , oti ht.toi.h: • •:rhitieot Li th..i I 'I:11. vt, i.tranct, • it. 11 .1113thr 1,3- ,111. - 1, I liwan I In: plaut..r. 13, , If 11111.411, laid 1111.1. /HIV,. Mail% I •It.,rt• mrnestly in t4,t that wt!ttingl , late are in Inn •,( "fir hun , 11..1 an‘l , 1;41‘1:. ill,. II 1:11 n IRr MIS mo.oll. 1,, IL/Tr...A1a...111• of tlio luct,• I he oirtl iI -I.M • /I. •if • • VIII. In 1.10 3 trolll I, 3l lnAtni3t (JAA, I .hit, 1.1104. erre. rol ;nr , 11114 tivtilkil -11,,11,,111.11 • • r Ti .• .c..t...• o. r• ut • 1.. • ; .• tit,4l , •r r•ro -r h (1 /trot snlllllgo4, pharply h. feelA of tho LCgiciatlare,Actildlt item to de. filqlnntrtirtlon. It the , tute I. refit... 4 Prtmlitullou In lha proeent , Congo, , , and t 1-4 M• the Stnlo YeeplAh I Pre; Iti Llock (pole, It, getterol furtlop4 nod coin hol)re tails ode, Its spit - A.ln accepting tt• CO, Ittn.Anini littlen•lturnt Hod refm•litic the no- To Intent of ntckmato7l onlinance..t if In al wool, Allot 61, ,how,, Mot the brng rewpfnli,el poll -1•01000 of ILE, Sudo how. thorough! ir damaged the Mtnto Iry taking her nrclt,grf Linton, tOPI Imye oh.° kept }tor from coming tu, thOre v 11l I.p n revoltltlOn Jn 1t,,. stopr to a. .et then two monthr. The rebel,. no promptly per/Intnt by the I•etiratlent wllt Invel no ntleh coinninCten,y from the prep!, 1 fyrlvelbi, rim turight It rinerV eve , ry , eloy -If the mate authority It to a.. rerogniced, Wel the l 1r•..• nt hcglAbsturi, triumph.. 1,) for elk: the 0 the 1 . 0 t3t). I pot lelporo very rth ant roarrenmerinenre , r, yr v ed p'e ore n.vll v nought they er, net loom. n e . COLIN' N . (It tent, they 6now ,p1it,11...1 AA (or Id I.c expected, end are open to ithe roe- Iron. I US tent infrtenetron men! ..rtmo fro,n tpp tin rvn.rnt, throLgh lA. Enti , lory, out intebol Lt thir (.0(10o4 !ebbing or flare o,r. t.e re 1.• l• IPA 11,,- part crl ill , treed eO Plor o. the Lau lc ; <go:, "pow 1 , 10. Lulled FLtetee and no 1.01.14, 1,111 an, MEE! fiEFEMIIIIIIIIIIII SIGN ARTISTS AND HOUSE PAINTERS. I • I, g.r {- nil (II q../1 rfe .II “ •• ,• It, 4.1 , • .111.1 trt• ...:•,r, //, t r. it h rit lti`- -- i1.1.1.41T1 If. I= BE =CUM =II ; " IMIM ME r for 1,.!i MIMI ME DIM =IIIEIM PAI TEES =lll I= El= =1 SPEC ?1! L. L NOTLES. ES I. ) MEM l. I EMI MEE =BE 1.111 -1 k: I. •i. 1 I'S %, 11 •••• '• ••••' • 11 1 .1. %11..1:...t Wll4 I.IIPr MEM MI F I, A r• IP I. Fh A Ci. • PIT 7 Nltt ItC DI MAN' IVOlthS HUBBARD, BRO. & CO PIII..NT (.1i(11' •.i) •Tra tat/ ••TI'L I 1.• W•/. /•• cry Ir ••1,• .k./ /.,///1.•/: I• NIS 1,/ ay../ •••1•1:1‘ , /•••. tr.• I • 1 ,. .• IC 11 I\•• •••-11.0 , 1\ I•••.`, // • a 1./ 1.:/ /I //I • I•I I: •• 1 ' ‘ r-1 , nr1 . 1, ..n6lLr ,t. •I.L• HM. lIA ILA II I LI. & Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers. Now. 20. 22. 24 nod VI Tenn ostreell. 111., log r..4f or.-. 1 a lar, t‘r.l, and (urn' 4.1,1 It with 11.. ft- 0ppr0,..1 tt.orliln. rt. we •re p tO a • ry clt 0r.1541... •.f /11.I.:Ile• la the to encl lora, .1 .or• t. o .1.1. r. t Ole ..•ootti 11111% I! etr,t . 1 Wit:, ;ma: II FDA, 1111,, N. env,: to f t Lyn,. l• ',ASK:, fltt. 0'111.1.1, et 1.11.15., I 1 , 2 , 4 I \lt so.l ...le tia.foroelorer e of ',ON III! I I• I.N ' T ;ILIA, 11,1,0,, lf I.Aitt: hi COPPER MILL MID SMELTING WORKS, =I PARK, PacCITRDY & CO. VA., fat Int. n• !Ml' /11Sh, 17rrn , . • I I , •: 1 • 1•1:1,11, • t,i•l• Kit in 11 - ,,Atn, I I'l 1. . 11.1 In •111•Itn. •1•V I. ri it —.l 1 , 1 It r. ra Mr! a ~n, 'IIS 1 ' / /I IT NI 111 v. A. • +,,•!. , • 11, at lil NES at, r, W‘ri.. I••• IA n n•ittal , 1/IttA • L•rh. CI -I nut ordnr,, nt • op,••••• rut 1.. an, d• ••••••••.1 1.• la 11• T •• r . C.' 71.4 IlolilF LOST-- itt.,,i..111'11. -Just ru1d1 , 1,...1. In t, •• /• •I • 1,1. t • Irl/ • -I, rruta. A I.Y.CTI' t ',NI 1111 N sTI /I/ . TitEATAI r an tlt adtnal nr•• ,d• icr,*l naltn-a., 1 ny , duntan, • n , . I, anal 1.11,1 t: and 1,. , :••• - .1trIhnit. t. Marna, r, st, rah: ,r1•••1,1,..... I 11,1 , , and I ntal I . ls,•fral da. rt•- lultir 11411,, / I Ar., 11 , 11Ent J., CY / “.• 1 / 1 . 11i .0 , .11••••••(11, •••:••••,/, '• •.A a Watt,. ns, /,, • , xn, .1.1.1•••••••,, 7••••••• dntid, nn: Anvil arr 1(..t•• / ! 11) 3li , a tit !1 ri•i:ttr:its, ••1 I,• . 1 II n 1 • ••• - In ,••,• nvldn,rn an l A , ng t, n•ateda .1 ••• In•alta In • frar •1•••. artnr r. mg 11,, u-nedlnutlue and I , r, Fn/.r••• Indr. ;•211;•••'Lt!n•c r . oly; 11. r••••113.554/1, .1. I• tn J• •11 I,ull.dr. . t N. V 1iA11.1,1.t., . ` ice . P. Sa. D..A.rte EEL r HELLE ST VI , ORKS 3FI MX"XEri. rrN.'ir; ,V6T: • //rt . Nn ..41 'V. A TEI: STIIEET tup p.. nonivsoN. REA 61. C 0.., (Sue— to 114,mi snom, WASHINGTON WORKS, rounders & nwehfol.t•, Plltsburch. 1:t T AND ST All , I> gler .11 111 }NI.] V.SiiIN FIN MILL 11. - -t 1,1:A PIN .41.1 ETI aII .1.,..11,,timi• 011. TA and 5T11.1,, 1.1"11.1:13 >ll lIION WORK. 414 . A nt, fi.rfiIYEAILLP'S PATE NT 1:0 ECTDR, for re«.lln,l..llure. ir' JOIE (Ol•t1 B A1 h ti --. 0., ---- Ileaufv,lurrni of 'MON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, It All.l Ni.. WIN Ds ow GI tltl.l Ar.. N... 91 and 1.4. 11111 ID , THEET. Wood •nd Ma .1,1. hn.. on I .n 1.1 a ..flt.ty of nvw f.” , ..01.d ,Iltnle tor all purl I•nrticulax atti ntlon rml.l go • neloslug Grave 1 .1.. dom. al N 4 I. 1“.1, 1.•1'\(1 MEN. Al.o. nra. and tr. aimo ut it Ilk- Sad S 4, nal Add r,... Pt. J. :401.1.1N alt, Howard 11,1,c1.11.1,5, ('a. st.l.2y _ SENT Pamphlet cf Ind. nor Importance to the old. and t D r a t tuarrild end 4nyle, Of both ov.nes.. wlll ft.. , Idtv..s!ug. with •trhr, 1 1. the ro A . IiIND/I/Cli. CU., Iran n. lorM:l,d.tro. • PIANOS, ORGANS, &c. ( ;ET THE BEST! JIRAIMIIGR V, 11E14 1 . 1,1R1C, SCHOMACKER & CO., PHIL' .1, JARDINE & fiONS. ROAR ONIA N. GRA Y, and CUM:III3IGS & JENNY'S, N. 1. P IST C) . The Easy & Co.'s Cottage Organ, .1.11711..t.V1 R C'.1.," OR Q . P. rn , • , l Ist lb.. 1 , • judf.•• the mr.l In irt.tno Ett of Mita Lk, 1 In the worl•t. 111 PiVile•• ho". 14“ ••perl., •• p•••• 1 r, purti• ••1 A of I•.n. thorungli work mail•Illp. .na 1.. • • • rfraii I, 1..,1 141:1• thr r,nlr, . . . rill` •INI y 3 ea,'. 'I I an, Ira a or ”rgaa.. It y a la.. .at sr ran, tra al of 114 1,. dn. and Fla af at. a.anual .al—bas.. a r_ur t a I,a a mat b n• 47. a diraa, ?la. 1,, F.Alr. it YIP. awankal qr,t prt tulvin ag.r [vs 4.11:4-1.1.91 , .raan. •nd all roraralftare, for a,' ar and la•atalr of t OTa•. . . 11t.. , . /101 tl• • moil, nlltor Inhtnnrnolqn. 01 rtery ion for ond 1 ornol Man.!, red LiOn•d lon, Not Wool lon gunrantrool. Mnalral VT nrl. ty, conntnntlyl,lll 1.0 n.!. n 1 11. on-11 • I ..I•11,00.• and forol•lool on n00111,11(06, ~►.~nELtxt satin, X... 1!:: St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh,' Pal '` ON' lIEE G lIECEIYED. THAT ELF:CANT 4TOCH SIP CHICKERING PIANOS, , d prannally I.' •uh.crll.r.r. attains a re rat 'rt , li the. Yu.turl'• SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS ° lOl 'WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARN, CHARLES C. MELLOR, NI Wnod Str..rt. Mtn E R Co. rcrt' 1 , 11 , 711 EET, Do 'es RE-PLATING. /11111:S, S.t 1: Vein 3103 i t: 1 =I lo I'l'U SII.VF:11 F.'l'^. W )TEEN. 1,1? h^. It F. Ft h MUD • • r• t. .14 1,,341.• ANI , W t t r r , )l I. I. 11,,T. ~ 7 1!.: v. ( , lINNVEI.I.. 7.i. , 131 r Str.., DENTISTRY CPA PH AILVIIIN 11)eittinl, ‘.,T A 1 , , 01. 1.. /:,41).;;•:1:t1;S..12 MEM • 11(tt 1: ,•:. • I I. I ,c SVC I. i 7.11. -‘9...1%.T32C •"1C717- .1.. A! . •1 (I j;. ~. 1 1.11',411D ID.II tll.FT.lf AND Z.H•1.•••1 , ,•,1!1,1N, =9 TIDE I.II*I.VG EWIt'ELJETO k ,, 1 I , Ur us INIVI I :S ISt, %I I, ,I Mk! s 10,••,, I'l LECTURES. vi *At( Lau:4l2V SsE Ci 1 0" 1 - IM. /Si GEORGE VANDENHOFF, Thy f clebratid PramatiNt and Author T L. Tuesday Evening, January 9th. Dr- 1,•cl: nr Oce / I 1 1 IN I C. c I I:ccrt II c',113:,•:: • •T):k ck SIC , T , - 1:11. 11:1.11 k • ELI :v: ThurAday Erening: Jan. 11th. 141 Sc'T , 1 , , I , . • m .1.114.1 It, art, :c. ::f 1101.1. Iccolt ,c A NI , nil ...........I 1.4:17 • 'lllli 5-Ic"1:1111..';17141/11: 1 . 3. - 1 IV 1 ,, I• •• ••F: ATIi VIC VI , : I. I NI , 111 , 1 . 31:1 , 110c \ 111 , .-VI 3- IC khl - ,E1.1 .11; II It 3,1,114337,,, I IcccSNYI 1... L'c , ccc , tumit. 181 AUCTION SALES. LAIME S 4LE OF United States Ordnance Properly. T. A 11 1 43.: I Ni kl. ...tan arts i• I n n, • r sr•turrkto • rrta,rer, Inrn 11,rut.•••• : 1••••• I,dir SuArt. nn•l 1:16.• .n.l 3lr• d r• •• I tar,. nr... and r.palrnd Nnu.k. I. an.l 1:113•••. ~. 1. ••rdicg an I nth., • r,:••! . sl•nr:•'. ninr• ' r• :1... ' • • •• I !• 7111...1.•and It., tirtrri 1. I•n•••••• trlarr,lsr trud•rrorr? I. Inf.4r) A... 4.1 r...0.ut. , ad Cal alrF 11,1 ry .4' 11.. r.. 1,1•111• Ir•tle., .tarrl-e••rut,s, .tr. ..,4.11..111•ntet.. •4 t. 1.. 1,4,1 a . tutl.trt MC. and = t• .4' ...ought Iron parts Inn ..4. Mail I t.,rt.g. n rfr Inn. F.t - rap . t. 4.4 ,-retp Wrought Iron t. 41• ant!,or. ELI T•pr. f In [vu hl Iron a v.l. s 1 , la ad Dr.—. 7 (1 A, - A I.l l ge apprudag.• for mart.( , earlder.. iarr. 1.4 o , rtlllery Inlrd•nuryli• and F..orip h.( 1...• sad l'ur. •• , wr• . reza.,•3 pr.pcn, te.t 4.• uft,r tin .ale Tr OEM NIEW vows., HENRY H. LEEDS it MINER, Zi.u.cttlicazo.42.oz-as, Offices, No. 93 Liberty Street, To be sold 1 Anetlon on wr.DNESI,A T. TII (TIM- I. A 1 mot 3 . 1111/ A V t WP.NINII,I, January t7lb. and 1..1,, ad a o•eloet earh ening. at tae 31133,41.:.L -1.111: F (. A 1.1. LILT, No 348 Ilroadway, neat door to Tlaco 13Cvutz.toz- C3ree,l4.ox-7, ANCIENT AND MODERN OIL PAINTINGS, Th tor the moire eolleett.•n of the late Mr. John Itcm• r. Monier. W'r stehe atm. rount, T-. 0. ropeletng in all nearly lan ltenutne Marla of 11.. 4410.1. 11.1. eat. av 111 alTned to eon nol.s.en as • ram. opportn for the ....Imttun or ene picture.,taring the lame., rnA (Ineat collection VT.', t hitolle•I or uff , red fne •rd. In Mir mottle,. Theist.- owner. Mr. Monter, formed the ortnetgmf imrt of It from the year 1a1)0 unit] 10:3; otetnre. Id. mg been ailed atom. ISO. tenni or the title were too rhemed eartenially ble3 Ir. Raropean Arent. 31r. 11.4”0ta, during the trouble. In tran c e, the tdanesbeln, the taro 11:I selection or the Lab:MM. during a perhyd of lift) always born eatOasned the heat repro...Math, Clattery or the. i /id Stonier, In the ntt...l !tales. Thner.kmnootherpirtureaembeared In lid. cataloe, It mmprlaing the cutler collection or lhe late Si r . g llonter only. The aalr 'rill be jensl tl3.. and without . ..acme. Th. I mat t leaved on and after TUESDAY, Jan• oar, :di the Cintlertra am shove. Catalog-ore may he obtained at the llallerien. at the .•g e or Mean.s. E. 11. Lel/LOW A (1./., No. 3 line str. et. or at tht other of tae Auctioneers, No. 39 Liberty ^Meet. ( ntnicruca can be obtained at the csine, of TRIM PA r 11.1.NR, INSURANCE, RAILWAY INli 111 I. 117.01, 11.8.—TVENDAT EvzsiNta, Janutu - y VOLat :Si, o'clock, alit he soli on acconA fluor arc Nall, (Coign. llgdailltilleld street +3110,,1 r sehonge hank atnck. (Moen.. do do )1 no %.,tern luturanrc Cu. I. 1111•hurgh, Allegheny and Manchester hallwa). •I, fttl.,.t t e 141 Cowl/any. 110 Au Cherry Itun Ilaiiinllll (o. ...11 4 1 do Monongahela /loner, oil Co. , ri. wan. hue c)11 Cu. 4t. lapel./, 1111 ('n. d.. II onto Nock till t'o. "hots Lh, tut c oo 1 - tilted 0f...0 tit co. A. MeII.WAINE, Auction. cr. 1,1111 It 1101. SE AND LOT IN •1, • F 1.0111 (I AWL-- EILNE.tiIIAY A VT/11 ‘ 1.- to N .1a ituary Both, al 2 o•rittett, will he 1014 un the ort ittlt • to the eetrettt nerd. city of Pittottnirgh, 11% It el , 111 11111 CH It(tUSE. on Linton .treet. tng 31!13 per Ype .lio T. fi el (roe, ou Linton eAreet, althlu one-balr t •vt-untt, and eat-ending txtek 6,1 In Iluneent.lre, I. 1..1e ponltlrr. Tenn...11,21e. For rot r par Iteuint, en ? ttlre of I% N A-MEE, or CITY IMPROVED PItOPEIITY AT TRI'STY:I7,I 1 1 11.r.._ on ertmAl" A rrEit fool .11. Janne,/ litth. al 2 4:fleet, ,ot tire pretalres, ,VCI/1 t. 014 t•ltt t of "metre, TIIULL BRICK ac la anti:(, Ob ,Horst oily Itttteteett t'tet . o2ll.l and T Licit tarot to. The 101 l are IS feet front , e/ eh and ou re. 1 In depth. Terme. one-third cash, hllttliee hi one and two •A. apiLwAiNr,Auetb,...,r. NDNIen'AL ELECTION • Crri or ALLgoIIY.NT, to, in accordance with an Art of Assembly dated Itiarchl3lll. 'John Morrison, Mayor of the City of A Ileithony, do hone toi..y Proclamation That, on Do .yeund Tuesday In January, A. D. Mal, being the ninth lay . +or the trunith., the duly qualined •otatre wind of sold eft) will meet st the several plecei itoldinK elertlops In their respective wards pent precinct*, itrld elect ballot. under the erect elen• of cold Act of Aauembly- line person to verve 121 Directors sti thy, Two pcnions to fleerre a. of the Pont-on• (or the tern of two pours, and one for the ten. of threeyars. Untie Mae day, In aceordance with the further pr 0.121022 of cold Act, the citizens of the . Ylret Ward will elect by ballot two persons to erect es uninbersof the trivet Council-use for the term of three years, cud one fur the term of one year; and four persons to to tetnibers cif the Common Council, And two heri•on 141 be School Directors. en , dud not mid elect by-ballet two pi emus to be no in of the Petrel - Connell-one for the term of thrt e year., Bud one fur the term of one year; and font perrons to be Members of the 1:012M02 Council, lee pen* to be Scheel Directors. ided Weed will elect by ballot two persons to Ire tor naives of the Council-one (or the term of thy , r year.. and out for the torn of one year; tool four in n mu to be weinie Dere tilt Common Council, toot t Ireeron2 to he F/chedgrltireeters. !north Word will rivet by ballot two persons to he dw be rt. of the Meet Council-um/ fur the term of ive Pere, cud one for the term of ono rear; and four pereorr, Is , inc nu inhere of the Common Connell; t 1 ree lo rig,'" to Inc 11e110011/Iruetora-erwo fee the I. oft hree retra, tin.] one tor the term of there ) • thr Meth:4n to be held no afore.lil, un 11.,D I. on, •12400A1 - , A. D. Dee. lo ln •of tile Virst Ward w 111 into At the fl 4. 1141- 24 vend Went will vote at the I' rebeel 1140tre 1/1 :10.1 ward. I / le, lurr et tier lot per tunet of the Titled Ward, I. m 00.... all 1231 pert id aal.l ward lying Fr. rt r s end Ftreet, will vute at tiie !'clot, lieu,. i nn li, Y./ruler.. er the :id Precinct of the Tided Ward, u 1, tr, el Mir r)041 part of nue] I) log eurt er ail. ) .11uldie ben,. tole 41 1.101 Irontre 1 l'ololl I t.“ tri.r.t, en the corner of Itiust er . ...end 4•11 44. 11.. I-1. vier, or the 14 Preeinet of the Fourth 11 .1111. 0141,4 10,042 n 211 that part of meld ward lying h...., lair, 0 111 %o'er el inn Llnglue House, co./ n. tarte I.oreek Ittel At/dr.-roil n.r ta. 'Io.. I tit.- rt of Fourth Ward, nLL I/ lnrn,den *lt that er wirrol lying east ./. I /...1 eq. , 111 F rd.. ut it., Unita, eurner of ur oil. • ../.a. niel 201, sl 2 01, 11, • i ‘ r 1 . ;i4 n rrr, 104 tr: l 440/ 1140 •• ..f ibe Feld elt) et ...h. F ie. • . . Dart, =mg =II 7111* LOT I. F.rt -0v front. by nn Ilun de'd rut ..ep. "ItAPE,' AllllOll. VIII* IT LI Ar. .111 be given on Mr Arrl: a. r I hO, R. II R BT7ITL7. F.l I- , rut.11 , ,1n ware awl I:. 11 . Artnl 1. - ; OR SAL.F.:••••••REFLNER ntunE nit WORITK, 1.1.1 PITT TOWNSHIP.— We offer then! works for lode et every low prin., for Ih! puse of nosing 'withoutana of the ronnen. Th. y nit,• repseltv. fonts...a, for turning pot Letworn nu awl Ka barrel. maned 01l weekly. Ti,. reel r.tete I. very valuable, comprhang the en tot Nu., of !intern lots. lying between boundary and or Ilson streets, and [routing lb. Allegheny Val k. IL U. The ork• ere In perfect der; Imre w Tinting capacity for ELMO Litrel. Crtale 011. and nprelo•o, (Cr noting AM barrels Refined 011 In rren. Torsendon given lira 16th, or Jtatuary Lit, 144. Apply. for further pertlrtilant. to • Illtkal ER, 111.1th.1. • 00_ Lea'esze Way. corner of Munroe[ no= 1:weo F — OR SALL. • THREE STORY( BRICK ROUSES, Noe. PA and 21., oh the eat alde of 11 ,- F -.ST COMMON, ni sr Ihr corner of Ohtu etrevt, aud tlnhtheal throughout in a vuperlor rnencer—dulatied with every modern eotorethenee and Improvement and at fethnt In perfect order; one of the chant,' and local desire - Mr altuatlons in Allegheny. Posseasloo on the let of ..Delp Lehi. Enquire of JAMES SEMPLE., Vial Estate thokir end lueuraneo Agent 01 - Muf No. S.:Federal St..•Allegliony.. I; on SALE. • WM he told TO-DAT aLreduccd prices. Thla Watt tr oltuane Weetmoreland county, Penne., on the l`fOrtb-Western EcanNylearlis Rantoul, about 1.0 veinsr Aeolic., 1.11.,_ end Contains [lto etre twee of OA 1., TIM y,,,ed F IRE and veil. complete WATER POWER. For further pertlenlara Ingetre at the Law and CLelm r A.LIF A FILE COUNTRY HOME Foil SAM - %situ•lml on the Pentoyleanta Rail road, kkne-half roue from IVllklnaburg, andonly three minutes walk from llos loot) granted Station on nett' rvlttl. caned EDO EWOOR STATIfiN; a LOT or containing It acne Lie ;keret/eat three 0r,,, ('oh }'..met; In n Frame Building J at - wilb In room, nod cellar underneath: 'hearing Fruit Ti,.,, W at. r and cons/ tanners. Ttate grounds will .1 hands°. ly. For Nether information call on JAMES S. KING, no; slt No, tab Finn street. O - HALE.--=A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY RFAIDENCE, ettnated In Cortina t. waohlik• fenntlng on the Citizen, namenger Roll about Oh feet acme width on the Allegheny It re% containing about Oaarr./ af Imoi with law k (ionic, wink eleven well du Mho" room.. alarm. from. tali e, carriage Ruse, wash house, coal houre end other building.: a variety of fruit Ireea. This mi. 11 7. will he sold on eery reasonable tones. Pot ien. Oven the Orrt day of _April, Mg. For fur ther infortneti o n enquire of i. it. TOWER, detr/If 14.1 Estate Agent, 1114 Fount- ,;(on MALE.--x am authoilzed to fifty at r hf land. altuaird In Chanters Val- Icy, only thrt• and • half tnllcs from thecity._ and three-P orths of • mile from the littsborgh & Stou t., nv.lto Railroad. biN property to well tatted for mardenin• purpo. Ben. bring all bottom land , and protected on the north by. a hill and haring a •mttmna capornrc. It 14 Ire& • larded for a country roaldnace, haying • font on two public road.. JOHN IL BAILEY, de= Y ALUA BILE DIAIVITFACTURING PROPELTY FOR SALE ru n ningflNUßANL —Winced on Cent?. street,. thteugn to hatingProotllo a front on Centre OtiVOt of lii feat derth. len feet; upon which Is erected•TWO STORY RRICK MILL, .Englite and Boller all eomplete and Inoo4nod., /woo, two Dela Dwelling bowies. leliare on the premise.. dot 'ORR W. IScREE & BRO. OR MIX.. O I LALOATILR LIHSWKD FACTORY AND LOT, I Dlnologlmm, to,. for cart.. Apply to At J. W. arE.E & BOO., lltrrolorham. or A. CAPRI( Y, No. en - oath strtat. PlOrbt:rgb. MEI CARPETS OIL CLOTHS, &a. REDUCTION IN PRICE OF C7ALT , Z.T.33PDEI, reeparstory to tutting our Annual Inventory, and Pr1t1.1:4781747g than ;Z e e ' s 'o u r ( our choke sad curet:W e re stock of Carnets, Floor OH Clothe, Window Shades, Damask, Hop and Lace Curtains, Cur. niece, Taiscla, Loops and Bands. rnennae our customereto oo d,, noLI DA y SENTS peturun• of rshte pt o eery,o o ,ls t m,, horse. BIeVARLAND & COLLINS, 71 awl 73 I , lfth street. de:l Next How, to the Post Otter. FURS. Funs: rtrits: Puns '"- - LADIES, AIISSES AND 111ILDREES P I TT3E;t43, D.O Largest awl Ist Naplete issoimezt Erer Offered in thisrArartiet, AT triact4c`c>xt.ra db CICV,I9, Ot No, 171 WQ.W aTEEET. Pittsburgh,. R p rt? 11. 1 I gal -I , 1 i I trAt 11, I it ,11.1 . 1 Z -.bun • h.,: I NE= -n. in". -i ME MMM , L. , r./711,1.1 p. i•• 1 r ll • r., rty r I Irm• f ,, Tr 10. I=l ";.• 1.•r.1 and ; • rll. r., rht 1.1 I n par I iI r r1.a,•••,. 11,,r1r. 4. II I H. 11. A.l Erlate. Srterrl 0A.1., 0.41. .4ND I.AND FOR Thr ••ry FA1(..11 m Flltstr,lb • our.' runtalcitor rr.“l front..., ..a the rl,lr z: 1111... heir a Lull, 11. In art t.f "met rnerrbanta llt t 11A1. ntlng on the rly• r. deep vat. r all tt .• t:t lln water nt nt,t , a te.. than ' h It t t th %rhea the tit er its I,Jw- Th. “( the I.r) 1,11.1 quality of river .ot -1010. aJi IF, e.4.l.•ravr. und. • rood fro , lug. watt .1 rr• 1.”i•to .r., IslflcK I VIV F. 1.1 rN4; It' leap. frau, Han, framr sinhirfvt • r:L. gut unit tv.,, Te 1..,..eut 1 L. r,r, • r. I nd %1 Turnpl runs ..f L.- I in, •luzlnn, nt. , •• In thin l• 1.:t.. lo oult 11.. purt•T For 11. T. PVl* I, .1 V. 1.., AK. ul. No. 161 }our, t on ,itr LIOL'SES for su le by s. N. RR BUELL IA SIORS, BONDS AND REAL fSTAti, , 11:F711. BURKE'S :11:ILDING Throb. b.tb•ry lb,. I, • bbutaltblug roboubb atlb ,uQ cnC Two /dory Id ed. how, enema Water etre. t and War ally. fronting dn fleet dannvo. Alligheny. Contaln• le room. Mel ds. wash rnenn and bath room. T• o sow, lartek looter, No. VS Laeock street. AI. nt It, ilge In kitchen , and hot and co in water. k a re. h •as ...ow.- three .101.7 brink . ' , lna e I l•rant etre, Math street, Pitts -I.or. L. tr anedtat, N....5a10n given. T. 0 Ones dont. .. belek dwelling on Liberty st reet, A 1 . n. • .1..., dl-laude aatof the Cast Coo nl a. 1 entnlna ten roonsa. 10l 1.1‘101.1. . . •t" , ") br.rl e. , -1 1.1( SUSandu.l., -treet 124 1, uu NALJE. 4 VI ELL PrRNISITED TWO-STORY. ELLA-DE DWELLING, Itr~lig CIS Its 11; A 1. , .1: , ,T0RE•10.011 WITH ONE DWELL- I NO 1101'SE. trlll be gltet• on the lot of April nett. 'the ;sroprletor will elther sellor exchange for et.uulr) Frupt nub caay. Inualre of H. TOWER, No. 161 Fourth street. • . . ML Het' T,.141.r Rroler. and J InTtturanßA P ee Agro E. t, am., ten P.ll tet Federal atrwet. Allegheny. 1;0 SALE--One Engine, 1.1, Inch a eltntn..ter. 1 WI 6 Inch Choke. I fret hoary Fly It. I -1 , 1. 1.4.1 a. . f..rec pump, (41 ..,fet, valve, puteut yarning. Thl.. engine Is n. er:y urlar and I. ~taperlur workman...hip, t he ea. 1 ...go being hear). A 1.... 101.11 EN ts IN ES, rylltuler. 21 nett ,ottable for wells. use 1. .0., the et h. r. Let. 014. Ilttle need. 3 .I'll I , OMI . I.FTE SP.TThI)ERIIIrIiIIIOOING. chaise bull anointed trur,is, baring tool, lug, ropes. tr. A , so. feet of 7, 1 1, Inch Xublhg• herein, rod., lc. Thirty lg learrriu Roue Charenal. I lOW of [wrap llocen Iron. Ebbt rt. Wood. Tani.. :4 fort diameter, tf kV staves, capacity. 1.10 barrel, Ape], tiT.AN USED R.El.l.'n,Elty . alel,:tro:2l er at Trodurry, bear :7p ‘ l - 7ii 4 r7,.1r-irki‘so. El= I= W. J. .1 HALL PATTERSON So. 141 'Fourth fit.. l'lttstmrgh. ro. frri4cllEß eiC,c IFJ'''rI4:NCE CO I:=1 • =SIM SE Pi I (.4 . rg.'" ~7IARTEB 1809 . PERPET IA I WM I RTW:raMM=M I= r• r 11 -Inn. I. 82.45:.41993 I'. nitC I. I cl 5.,, II 111/.1• • !Inn/ I std. I I/r,ol. It. ~/1.1111. 11Ir., I. W.,. 1:1 , 11//2 , 1•, I 11 I II 1. DAN, KE.I/. /, A 111/ , 'DALE VI,. Vr,./.1/ of Svc p, trul .1 Is. Ot /1,1,1 J orper Wood at/4'71.1M•rt• AAD MARINE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA Eglill= Apart., - - - 51,1.10,000 HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMP'Y SEMI ILO - 1'1 , 1,a - tiny ran n.. .n thr annto-narn,•l all4l 1,110,1 , t nnynnlr.. JONE, Af:eNT. f... 27,tr....t. WESTERN INSURANCE CO., OF I.lrThliVitGli. It. MILLER, Jr. P ,sed.nt . mr3l. r. HY/111E1;T, Seenteary. °Mee. tio. S.l Water , panK Ware horn,.p etate, Pltt.hurg h. 1.(*(1/ Insure ripathof r:// kthas of Fre Warle. Jtheks. A Homo Inotaftaton, managed by Dirertor• An are we( I tnotrn to Me ae.3 Leh° are .14.......ntherl by and Itbera rn masn- M;sl , n-arnrfer trhict, they ha, aeou4.l , n• ttap the test prolertig.. b. 14 , 4 e orb,. deelre an imred. E Miller. Jr.. • Andrew Arkley. Jam., McAuley, Alexander 'peer. Nathaniel llolione, David M. keol.3g, Nirnlrk. lteca J. Thom., George Darsle, ' J. Hark, aulybell Herron. John It. McCune, C. VO . Warta.. tny3o WM. P. ITEMBEILT, Secretary. CITIZENS , INSURANCE CO., OF PlTlSBM2oll.—Oellen, corner Market sad Wa ter Artrecta. t•crobd noor. WM. EAGALET. Preut.“. WM. A. SHEI . AItI), Secretary. Inaurca meanaboata and Cargora. luaurea agalual lot a and damage in the navigation of the So..thern and We.tern Uteri, and, and the navigation of the he... In.urea againt loss and damage In - . Nt in. Ilvel, ~ • S. Si. liter. ,ainut I Rea,. ' John Slily)los. Jae. F•art, Jr Janwo Si. l'oorker. Al .1., Juhn.,,n. tl. flarbaugh, It. F Jot, w, J. Caldwell. Jr.. lion. T. 4. llow, John S. Dilworth, Barri, Prr,ton, Wen. A. Codger, I:..wire lilnirhani. . Arlolrl pEOPLE•S INSURANCE CO E N E. CoRN WOW) ND VIPTII STI3 ARINE INSURANCE. DIRECTOELg. Wm. PlOlllpa. Capt. John L. Rhoads. John Walla. : Samuel P. Shrkrer, John E. Parke, , P. klaneon Lore, rharlra S. Bissell. , Charles Arbuckle, Wen. Van Kirk, John F. Klrkpatriek• James V. Terrier l John Glyde. W3l. PIIILLIM, Peed/eat. JOBS WATT. I Prte4l4,o. W3l. F. GARDN'EII, Sercrld(lL ' pillar ALILEGIIENY INSURANCE CO., PITT.IIII:IMII.—UEIev, N. 37 Firth ecteet. teal Work. Insures ...lost all kinds of Pim .d Hsrine 1:13ko. ISAAC /ONES, Presid...f. JOHN D. McCORD. vv. preji,g,o D. 21. BOOK, Aserctary. • D111.C70118. haw Jones. r John D. ileCord. C. C. Hassey, 1 Copt. AdankJleotol Harvey Chilthl, i 11. S t. Sterling. Capt. h. C. On,. John Irwin. J. i 25 I.actrt g i : ' r.. C. FAlmi.stocr, I Robert 11. Davis. OILWORKS, Brci . QTAAIDARD Pot:role:mamas 3Ellerflackx-sr. CLARK 8. SUMNER. Works and Olllee. Collins Township OTTICZt. Prrrsarnou—N WOOD BTRMET. Thsae works have We largest capacity In the coun try. The brunt stands the highest In Lateeolintil Ii la Elftope.lbr quality and fire test. and the oft put In weft seasoned barrels, prepared t spechdly for cavort. Manufacturers of BOILER 9, STILLS. TANKS and Improved Borba* Tools for 011-Welt. TWNHAJEtp CREEK PETROLEUM CUMPANI. Ofdee Car. of Penn and Wayne Streets. Thls company was organised on the 9th !nat. under the Pensisfitaata is o_ and 31anufacturLag Lau. The territory of the company - adjoin. the land, of the Dankest] Creek Union 011 Corupany, of this rite. Capitaltetnek., 4Zid.ood Working Fund Par Value of each Share I 00 fTlegr President—% A. Jo O uNsru ite s. t‘ccretary and Treasurer-11. W. RITCHIE. • H. A. JOILNSON, HIGDON.: ' , DANK 831 - DXX. JAM= MULLAH LL CM/ff. W. C. Kum. - ' FI. W. HITCHIS. SUPERIOR OIL VIRINES. Were conslrocitnw, on 4 palm-styl or will imp on band, ou e ox=,.lEllyci-1:571314 • . ifITII Mlll A COI OR MOLAR ; ROM. liFt barite puttto stading engines Ibrjals_Durpooe to call and see thena l 2orner , k . or THE en, 91.141 LL TIE"' R ory. co. COMMERCIAL OIL WORKS: PURE WHITE BURNINC . OIL Constantly on band and fur sale AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES IL V. & J. 11. 19AWYER. AMES IVILIiINS 7 - .... 111 DSIONDB AND DZALE Mt, rth St CRUDE AND REFINED OILS , ears Bloch, Duquesne any, Platmtturgh. Sag - Sprang attention Crest to tile We arid ship Luna of Petroleum and its products. Consignments isn , Pertruily soilettreL Postollice Box ieds24.7 - HENN, No. I ST. CLAIR ST., Plttsburah, Forwarding and Commlsogon Wortiiant Crudeeaer to 0111. Illumine Wig, Lubricating, Petroleum 01le, tee., constantly on band and for sale atthe lowest markstprieet. Consignment* and orders sollel ed. _ . Con s i g nment* . T. 4. ITAILINO WARING & KLNG, COMMISSION MERCHANT* • AND BROKERS IN • PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, And Dealer* In Iteannig _E BONDED W - PHENIX WAREHOUSING COMPANY ; Foot of *lttattn' and Ilarrlson ntrentt Idrooltlyn, 21. Y., Storage for Refined PetrotelgOr • In Tanlot and Barrels. See Orentar , : Aka. nuke, No-4113EAVElt STILLLI. 2. „ , Tort IJITDE'RTA_ILENG. ALEX. AIKEN, No. 1,1 Yoorth strert,tlttnlo.rsh. Pa- COFFINS or. ti I.or - }=3..11 , 1 every desertptloo of 11171E40 ForrilstiLoM Oral, ~roralshed. open doy arle alori sALITIMIZOI RIM hr. 111,1 d err, 1).1... M. Jzicobue, 11 . 0 ... .reroh 11. +I 6111:4110 ..... Tiowelnu witzTE, I,7 zielortair-ca-nr, , comn Rooms at.limmester Livery %table. Como , ' of °lloneld and rtiers street!, /GT,Orders- frord - MlCE,hdirtitr and iloaltf Pt attended to. • - defrltivale (1000 A :! . .11:TS«3,000'1Cocoa Wilts 114.11‘ e:,l lcr ealr by t , • ligYNIElt A. UAW., Ja4 -.7 2,4 , 1. I:Saudi= VI Oodzirycl• , "E ;%; z , l FRANKLIN lin ter • 'mini k• n,n.l n Train rnr II•• Station -1,, et tlei , ) at 1 . 1 an Ac - ••4t aw•letl-rt, :-1...ece.4 &ally ,nx , .pt r ....49•Ing et ell "italic,. be , - tw. • a 1,1,,0r1. tn•l nn TL, 1 hurl 1: 7 re:a NV a t ..a ane. err Ire-. an ritt.o.,, g h at 10:111 • M. ItvturnlnF. rttu-tlntati at 12:50 r. • t..! Atli% •at %I all'•,tatat at '.o‘) Y. N. 11, tur) arrlt. Pitt.lonrph Agfonnos: 11a, I . •. he 2:W A. W.. Fino 7 . 13t1.•1; 4•M A. Y. 11 al • • . Slat lon A ecommodatiOn 4:10 A. N. ~.•lat hen . —.. 10:05 A. a. ...... • I 50,..t. Alt••••••• ar“c sn.l Emigriut r. a. 'need :station Arrnminodattein.. 1:10 r. a. E pr....• Plltehn reelk et Sr... M .... 12:33 P. a. An Act nt ~f the ma in olor ,len t i l.. Company IrIU pa,. .ab tr t.,.fnre re.schlng the Depert., 14 • b.. .... and , r baggage Lo sAY ..Ite 0... 410 Penn street—open day sad night -where .11 order. for the cnoverticnt of pastiche • r• •tcl r. Ire{tion. lIA/flenorr Expre-s arrive with Philadelphia +•m, gin. -In rasr the Tamm y will bold respon.lble gage only, sad fur .t. amount not vs.... Paint, hlnn. W. It Agent. At thr Pennce n A W leanial'entral Pailrood Pcs...ruger *ta- t h n. on I.lbr y M1n.11111,,2013 Affects. 11===i1 = wrrsieu n, co-alicam 1.1 MISA NI) I 1141.1 N - N ATI IL\ 11.ICOAD. TV COLUMBUS And all the principal t 'tt tea. RIONDAY. NOVE-IlitEt Trains will leave and arrit, at the UNION DNY(Yr a. touotrt: Deports. Aerie.. btkil . ...;,C0 K. . . 12:55A. K. eitetibe,nrille .11:00 " 10:101 S. P. SCULL, Oral Ticket Agent, 'Steubenville 0. iolL D. Sil/TIME:SPAM(' Ticktt Agent. Union Depot, Pittsbugh. prrrssun( - W fit - E - Z IG C1 11 1 1 „ FT C10 . Wl4 - 11 RAILWAY, AND CLE r'ELAYD rwrssunon RAILROAD. EMI Winter Arratmemettl... 1865. On sod After Ng:member 19th, 1569, tenth ' s will nut NI follows,'T11: Ltareo I For . For i''.l /kr ," PIUs/ma - 9A. , Chios i Clowlama.' Whe4lo,&. F.zpres. ' 230 A." 1.1 .1:50 A. N. - Fah's/. ....... .1 135 2:30 r.-st. i&Xr. K. Express .145 r. Y. I 5:136 P. K. Mall 7,(Li A. K. I 6:122 , A. AL . 6930 A. if. Far tirwcutle And E.rh• ... . .... •.....;.....6:49 A. IL Itrtnrotno. Arrive at Fitioboutia: P., Ft. Ni.. & C. R. W. —1:l91 . K.; 9,10 r. ri., 11:91 e.., .03 r. K. to A P. U. 11. —11:15 A. N. 3:31P. K ,_. 9:30 P. K. ACCI..hI3IOItATION TRAINS. Leave Allegheny for Ni.w But4terozo - 9:03 A. N.. 11:90 At K. 4 - 21le K. And S:W P. N. . Hocztcra.ra-7 . -tr. r. w. NSW CA,ms--2,Z0l P. MI • • • . E....01.A1 7T -10:33r. ff. P.M. Returning. arrive'At Allegheny: . P., N . t C. R. W.-7:20 A. M., : 12:12 A.. IC, AAR A . r.. 4:30r. M. and V.:.23a. It. OECHI} Oa ti• siTtehd.kag...rotars_ A. Q CALISELBEE I Y, n 09 2 , F. R. ?Mat. di eral Ile. ge kg?! . PITTSBILIEWn CONNELL , VII.I.I - iClf. Maggligal Winter, Arrangertient, On and slier MONDAY,. Oler °amt. :lothisitt, The trains Int; leave the Dkn.., Water xtrerto, a. ouow.: ` 9°l ' °° "` °f H of/I° Lama Andrea II ' Pittrburph. Pitteihra. m.n to and from Uniontown. 7:IS le it. SMII r. IL. .i.`zpreaa. '• " ... SAD roc. IMCDA. rz, Ftr co 4t McKeesport Acr0m . .......11:00A.At. gl • - A. K. Send • • lint Braddock's•• • ... 7:CO Al XI- /a.. K. Second •• .. •' 4:41r. 05., a:0 P. K. Sunday ('Doren Troia to and from McKeesport 1:corOG iftwa..x. For llctels apply to . A, J. SHANK; Agent. , W. B. d•PDVT: ftet- CEO • ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD. aggigiggia CHANGE OF 7 Ott and u sites SIONDAT Not. attfir.DMICIDIP t ruble will 111 i n at - ranged to run . rO/101/A: . MAD. TRALV—Leaval rittabyrgit at 1:421A. L r arriving at Kittanning at PC A. X. Leaven Rlttalt• Dina fit Pio r. 0..• Arrived at Pittsbargli M6:10 P. rt. EK PRESS TRAlN—Leaves Kittanning at POO u.arttv lag at Pittsburgh at LI a. V.• Learnt Pi M tsbargh at r. m.. only - log st Ehtsaning at iOp. at. ACCOSID IODATIONTRAIN—Ltarea Rods Works I.t Pan A. at., arriving at Pittabargb One A. t' minetas bsres Pittsburgh •at I:4D r. arrlrlng , at HUM at :I•_..S P. Y. F. WRIGHT, Supalniersutent. MEDICAL. Hwu.nnzi,s HOMOEPATHIC - SPECIFICS. Have Trovek from the most ample erpetitheallit elm the entrees, simple, etrmleat tad rellahle: Theyar, the only medicine* perfectly adapted pormiXt —.O simple that mistake, earn:tot be made th slaw them; so harmleas as to be roes tram clittset,"l3l.3 AO tinclent as to be always sellable. :So. I cures FEYFAIS, Congestions, griiitssoanst-MW__,. Hon ... . ....... ..•. ..... ATIlt Roan Fe, i 4 DIARRHEA of eadrea oestbalta.. • • 1)1 TEM . . t.MPIng Attt,d H/HoN • c 1 N K. 74[7 : 1 7 ii.Y•fiit . 471::::::: u s coutt b. caw. aro.cinus, a • NE ITRA LOU, Toothacht. .he •• iihnuAeuE, Sick. Ileattsibe Si . 10 • DI ArEPSIA Minoru Stomach-- 1111 ' 11 •' surrna.a...w.l), and palnifol • • LI:V(4l2ln t•a...;; . WitTes. N ;a CRoUP. boar. cough / MALT ItLIEV3L Erysipelas. Erni>. ttAn• all rhea rnains N to • FEVER AND AGUE, chill, and le Fever 3: • • PILES, Internet or exterall., •• OPTHAI.MY. sore, ittllAMeCe7es.. 19 CATARRH, acute or. ristrosaln. PING COUGH. i tA; '• WIN'O patumsl.l4l ugh r 23 • • AS co THMA, Oppressed .tr. •• DISCIIAUDESAmpAIred Rea: a • " GENERAL DEBIL/TY. ,41121 • •• 7 , lloltst* and Scanty Secretions.. a.. 11 , `. - SEA MEKNES Hain % or Alralss•finN .................. • •• INFAMOUS DERILATY‘,......_ „. 11211..lon0avoluzitIV.,,,,P9Fr • 2 •• FAINFUL. , ,PKRIUDS, OM , WIIb saiMitivairaz•g4:l,l: lIL •• rime 14.14". 3. 1 DI74IIEXIA. eieerts , ed thrae 107 TAMILT c1a 4 r..44 Cares or In morocco cases.; , . Vete of large es. rocco boOk.. .1. S ICI Ca. of 31 boos vur. fioll.frand loot ; Case of 10 SA , se• ' EL FILLTOt • Wboiesale Agent, l'lttetrargb•• sr F. MIXER. Sinfthntld oteeipiost„t a. asitarlret 'greet, for of the Dntond.' lltbbargb. W. 1 .!. EAS.I. rederalSerieli. Al -1( ghenr• - No. 47 WOOD STREET g== MUSE OF F °Br' )EARS fI ACTICE' Glees me s knontedits svidom aegatred,by-Phyal. clans. -31 y - longrestetruce In tilts etty, and the amount n t ',silents treated annually—by' arth.t•netetent- Pri'llklilTlatTli:EAr 'SeMmt• tutC el/ eltfertrea artehm. therefrom; art. em la a *Duck shorter t Imo than heretofore by mv7l4". KR VEGET. ABLE REMEDIE+. • .11edielnes sint t =YAW - or the. Eaton. All letters must contaln a stamp to pale returnpostage. Correspoudenee^tteld.sasnxt.: O(Lice, b.S - 8.121Thr1E1.13 STREET ries, AdoireSs, ' J. w. , JaL'hly ' • ROM PATlttattrgbrA, pRAVATE DINEASIE.Ey'' OFFICE I'ENST , E7I2,IErT, near - Tlata. .•. • • . . .. . . }orti.•. uit...or Iku,4l:te.tyi of priva ic tut ore, it ;ram tvo to lour amp, by in cutirrillay.; and eats 11 . 6t1=ttit. ' Ala°, t±eraihal , Saaal - taam.aVl , allothr_t ttlAanat.a of tac aco:tai organs andltalrjafeatattiO7a tatravarratnott orutoney refunded. • :,.,. : . ()11 , c bours—: to 10.0.. ac.Uit to a,. and pp: t it r. ,.... Addrem lettt.r4 :W., t......Pa reort stroq;,-,,, t ,... zwi7 ' DRAUGHTgiNV 2 I . DRAEGIITING AWEICAI7:: . - • 3E 3 lstaxt:t elmx vI i r nee `to. u WIT meld - • RAILROADS. a A 43 ! 1 •V 1 51 t n . . Pr ••- 1!•14 • r1:,1 M. it T1V1,1.V71 • • A 1• AV, n. -It! ,• f. Le, 10 tiar ,, t,urr,• for. . w. v klic•- I;JA r u.; New 11=1=1 ',Eft's,: Al Loa.. I; sr.* aL e ~,.{.~,. ~ ~.. . V‘)l l i . l:kg• l't 6.t I 1 40 4. N. 1.1 ryalf.. 5. 1 . 1111 1.1 - I'll, t• 1..•.• • • 3 •• , Nrit, ta 11.1,1 • r 1. -Intl: Rein lltt9- ~ I. !:,•• ME =I 111E1 ‘.l 1 IN} -1 =IZEIM=I N...SA* .• w.. and New York. •I*. .• •11,- 1. S. Si t ..N151.111,.‘ r•s,ept. 1. , •. • r as regrila.r atatio•. • t. ••. , 1111Ch, cont ,, ct.tal 4'1,, • .., It *1:1:. train.; h, on tilt , Int.l.hoy,. I. ra.rt. an.t , ani, italrn 1. ,\ — holly at 7 10 A -I..pv. ng. at I, l l, gular.tallon, ••• • k., ,, ,rta, mitt 1..1.1t Ina ~loat, .11 It tr,•,...n 11... Indiana Branch, W.4t. t /WI at..l /1.• - t•la,.1•ot, itran,lt 1.,.1 At , raw for WoJl's • • r• at 6::g • • a •...I 1....XN CICCht MIMIZCI THE GREAT SHORT LINE ROUTE IM=! (INCLYNATI Lotrisvmix,. NDIANAPOLIM, WET AND sOUTEIWVST c= MEM ST, LOU/S.