NENE ~..e........., . , - -..!....-.- -- - • 4,11111 -' ri, NOTICE TO ADVETITINERK. : Notice 1s hereby girvu that hereafter alt IRAN iiI2242 Itlyertlxments reeelv . ed at this offlec , must be liit . .,yrhen handed lu, except In the ease of ojeiiir. advertisers, wltoce ._bilLs will be rendered Quarterly, &a llama]. Adrcrth.ers will pleast,, make a A:tateo4 s 4. as the rule of cash payments for ad `lferllll.mints 6( the character stated, wilt be lode Slay enfereeci. . ) M M E , 'l'he grice oK.our Morning and Evening oil tion.4 t. TUE= CENTS gt the eounter ar Rom ne . vrabove k'nrelt by carriers nt nprErs r cEN'TS per caret We piesent our paper, this morning, in ttew type 'throughout, and we think our renders will Justify us In the pride we feL;l at the Improved appearance of its typogra phy. The typo is smaller than that we have been hitherto using, and wi enable Au! to Ow much more matter In the same space. Our advertisements, especiall , look • Much befor the change , and ur ad- Vertisers w .. be gratified at the skill dis played by f o compositors In givi •,. them the &wired rominence without o ending .the eye by tho glare of huge ty . We - Alin be muabled, by the economy Of spnee ilLtaftlerby it change in our type to get in all our advertisements, hereafteri and we -least wo shall never again bo compelled to crowd -them out. Their elasAfication, 140," under appropriito heeds, is \an; ad_ Vantage all rounit • . •Th c , now type, we may' add, ark from - the well-known foundry of Cola , vs et feLttosrmt, Philadelphia. .. lienoeforWard no yearly city subset-lb— ers- will he taken nt the publication Office; all piper.B will be served through the car •riers. Subscribers who have paid beyond hho prosoo limo will be served up to tho cirph*ion of their' payments by the car eers. Alter that time they will pal the Cilinktl2l ea all others do. - The speech of Mr. Stamm; which we tire to-day, should be generally read. The reader Will see that Mr. Strmsnit was not guilty of the violent language attributed to nor did ho indulge in rude epithets or harsh objargatio ns. The whole speech is characterized by the scholarly, gentlemanly — lmo °FALL Mr. StritiNEß'l3 efforts, and the Sects he preemie have not been and cannot -beimpeachaci. - - CABINET PRACTICES AND OPINIDets. Tho telegraph announces that two Heads • a' Departments have avowed their purpose 'Cob* to , dispense- no patronage through tufaMboa or Congress who tail to give in their sdhssien to "the President's Policy." Do thaw Secretaries imagine that the Presi , doable supreme, and that Congress has no • _lhnetion under our system of government' except. too obey thObeheithfof the Executive? A ptwOr of impeachinerd resides in Con gress which it will be well not to provoke. .4 member of the Cabinet recently do ,dared it to to his opinion dint all the hon . ad, truthful, and high-toned men at the Skinth were rebels; while all the Union peo -,. were thieves, swindlers and cheats. Ho 'AVOW* thole oPhfiens as reasons for pre • 'lering tkgiye hie confidence to rebels ratlx ,(,... ,er Owl . to Unionists. Now thatprospoctive ebeillwaintheCabinetare underdiscussion, -rwvkinggeet it would be a goodthing to send thin member of the Cabinet - into rustics- A MEE t4r'-- A.trietnber of tho Cabinet has - expressed the oPinion'that the Legal Tender Ant is unimisatitutiorml; and oven goes so far as to itaythat he did not fielleye any gentleman, 'spinier' simply as a lawyer "meld take any other view• We do notbn liar "ho to trio rigid man in the right 11111 ' 111711 ERNA TORLILL. , t4O - Union slde the prominent condi 4(„es.-•, .farm ' can be judged from. the -are Gen. J. H. bloontmen. of y, Mr. W. W. Firrarrus, of Lu genets litr.loart CESSNA and Col. ritAi"- , liaX3 RADA.* ist Bedford., and Gen. Jonn W. 1444; of Cumberland. At the present Moment Itlooks ea If the contest was be. tliega ;Zia Ant named two gentlemen. On thademonratto aide Mr. Cimnan, of norY.s;:i*Otatt. t0..b0. the favorite; though - 1 11e7;-"G:W...,Cesit, of Allegheny, 'and Mr: .-AaL4raoitra,„of Carbon, are spoken of. It txrdlhor. remarked, - however, that in 1853 the Inside of the track as has nowt • but 170 a easily die-;' timotd: at. may be that, that discomfiture is ;013."--,#0:.'5-6d!!Pan. him. 5.44 'l7t6Chteggci Tribtine tulle attention to the - *-_-error: of speaking of the recon ,,---s•,.dai: Elaisk :ea 'containing " eight mg : Dania tiVekiiii. ninaticky, Missouri, Ma- Wed. Virginia are ttu3 Insurgent. Sthtes; 4nd ■ Deli.Trtrt . • - • ~, ..... ',717,3ib 664100 .0011;u:di of - colored tnelude3 the free t' 'tho , !thwart: . 'The population of . .exei :IA over gogiiiern StAt..s woo Mt 5,1:11.1002 ",701,9a3 ill, therefore, W 3 five to . -- ,three:Ltuttpuct'Of elght.t,o (our. '~ farina ;Yeurnal demi:meat his neighbor of tho s .,4*.e.kit.,:i* a "howling w 'wean"- ho tigimdt:s toothless jaws" and. in . Ma 7,-COUnao:.47 - 033 . gynumstios "rolls treer - rnd If - it'd - and - tears and soils himself." lirrealtOtild bite foam+ this toothiew, buret tote,l-,thid"lds • gnu* and biting bilnself.l „Burestliresedition deka not end here, W e that this bowling hyena is "cattle-fish," lioeMbliry," a "vulture," and a ...t, - ,43>terkx•Artbsi editor's!' tho „betase'rat - , is : t~icYontftl6b, from Lb*, description; to be t]dnsidelaQ and a dog,under 1,4 wagon Ea) leadt a whOle. moans - ',...2lo..onthra ' aing•hemd„ , bird and fish in ow body, and may bo looked - upon - as WI otgui. entir e macaw *au6n. , 4, r, ` ---timsr,ftteinnati tannineretal - advisee the . . ' Ohto i "Kontaelty; and Indiana) tp Arista as lurialy of sorghum thecotning sea pen mpC lble , and to Make as ranch - ma ; they can fox homo use. It' is tow toler4oly sure that, vorylltde sugar and molasses con bo expected than the sugar ', pradt*g r'egion or the South. The same tdidoe. l3l 4, L ho 'extended to Penney:l'mila. . _ Tb 5.4.5 4.3UTTOrfh3 PmauxurrEn.—lt has' beitioideined'in Vie '48154 that nc; tratfions,Und that tr ho haa any blue ..elet.lies be :rank . get they - dyed. -The t of the rebel uniform, grey, Is not r,eldbited; Vielcaburgbav'ing thus had lieifUniat eu43ational nniforin her re- ~: ~; °Ong-Unction' brio: 3 : be considered nn corn .Z.lizsforterzdvt: - --:. "No ..State,”‘ says ,Treat- - dent Jolißaox, ‘!citn - be * regarded as thor ouglily memaized which hits not' adapted irnPreralbje gibmintoxf for the. rights Of the ••• freedmen.", What Southern State has yet a.daitted "iirrercratc guarantees for the rights of the frefxtraen?” e , BM lb" ak.i'fftt. MN rA • .-.4,.1)AY, JANUARY P, 145 OUR PAPEA an. SUMNER'S SPEECH White. l'iblere.d. :11.5491 , i 171,131 W. 4,923 11 771 .. ... 011017 2`.1, ~16) 1,06P,603 • 11.,.511 HA WC ALIS S I-WIILIT IS I t • bin SeAntamig, of Ohio, who has a rep titation fop being about na Radical a 4 any body, tuul - who hag earnNl that reputation by n tong (course of open and independent action, Luis defined Radicalism, not mental or emotional principle or tendency, Inn in the concrete, in it, practised work ings towards the Iteronstruetion of the Reb a Stet n . lie Jtax'ulv 4 rly stated whnt iralirm in; that' is,-what it exaCibi as terms on is tut h it will viiind,nit bs the adinissipu of Reprocs 'motives from the revolted Statel4 to , rats in Cienrrerip. Pray, hook at thus, e,n ditfOits 1. Extend the riirld of suffrage to eolorisl In, n in the di ,, tr;ct of Columbia. NV, Inter define.- a democrat to ...ay aclhercif to government by the paiople, or favory the extension ,if the right of sof frage to all classes of mem' Aristocrits may aecount democracy liadi,ml, anal it doubtless is in the same sense. that Christi anity Itself is Radical, and in no other. 2. Amend the Constitution of the United Suites in respect to the apportionment Of representation anal direct racist, so that blank politic shall not I. counted with the Priallatien except in States where they are permitted to vote. . It used to be regarded, in this country, an a fundamental principle of republicanoqui ty dun. Taxation and Itepresentation should go together; that Obligation should be the measure of Privilege. This is Radio:Otani: but is I otTensivo only where aristocratic, or monarchic ideas and tendencies prevail. a. Insert a Constitutional provision pro hibiting Nullification and Secrossion. ' For twenty years, at least, there has been formidable debate over the right of a State to • secede. Opinion has been greatly di vided. The most gigantic, costly and bloody war recorded in modern history, has been waged over this dogma. Is it not time to settle it? Ought we to hand this great de bate down, as a malignant heirloom, to the generations following 4. Prohibiting the Repudiation of the Na tional Dcbt, and prohibiting the assump tion by Congress of the Rebel Debt. In it objecticnnblo to ask this guaranty for the national credit ? Is it offensive thus to protect the holder of national bonds, as well no the loyal tax tax payers? Is It tvrong to stipulate, once for all, that the eople of the loyal States 'shall not be called upon, at any future time, to reimburse the moneys expended in endeavoring to over threw the government ? 5.. To provide that no person who has ta ken up arms against the government, or who may hereafter so take up arms shall be admitted to seats in the Senate or !louse of itepresentatives. IB this harsh and vindictive I' Or, is it not rather a measure of common prutionoo? Ought men who have occupied years, and devoted all their talents' in plotting the de struction of the government, and whose hands are red with the blood of its defend ers, to be admitted to seats in its deliberu 1EN.,1,11A hl ie.: .7 —lt may Le that all these suggestions of 1., - tusrsnlys do not inert general approval. Ptay well. They do not necessarily stand sr 101 l together, but are independent propo anima, &me of them, at least, ought to • I,x uth.rt , rl. It is a blind fatuity to huddle the Suites primaturely together, again, without exacting safeguards for the future. Arrimgempts may be contemplated, or may, actually have been consummated, for a new political party, of which Integer Rebel, Copperhead, and Conservative shall be the fractions. To comprehend the affini ties by which these elements are prone t, eoaltlee, it is not necessary- to be an expert in the philosophy of recondite forces. here all is palpable to the sight, and only <oars eat manipulation is requisite to detect and expose the congruousness of the parts and their adaptednisst to each other. BO the loyal Mpublicaii masses would as soon be come ngredients in the charmbroth of a witch cauldron:as enter that unholy corpus that begins to die as soon as It is born, and sends; out the stench of patriot:once with the first motion of life. "Black nphit,s and white, Mae spirits and grey. trtli7gunfl4l:thgly': cOVEROR ANDREWS ADDRESS. We have the full text of tt. Ho does not favor reconstruction without conditions. He Hays: I venture the opinion that the Govern ment of the United States ought to require the Inept° of those strum to reform their Constitutions : 1. Guaranteeing to the people of color, now the - wards of the nation, their civil rights as men and women, on an equality with the white population, by amendments, Impel/table in terms. . 2. Regulating the elective franchise ac cording to certain laws of universal applica- Mon, and not by rules merely arbitntry, ca pricious and personal. ' 3. Arirtulling the ordinancee of secession. 4. Disaffirming the rebel debt, and .5. To ratify the anti-slavery amendment of the United States Constitution by their legislatures. If the States fail to give these guaranty. then he would have the Federal Constitu tion amended to cover these points. But he= gees still farther. Hear him: I believe that I have shown that under our ferleragOonatitution,--: I. An the people of the rebel States must chars In the benefits to be derived from the execution of the national guaranty of Re publican Governments. 2. That our "republican form of govern ment" demands "The maintenance of equal ity between free citizens concerning pad - 1C1437113 and the distribution ofeurvrimoss, calor-ding to caplet!) and (I,ert, and not ac cording:to the accidents of birth." 3. That people "of African descent," not lees than people of the whiter:lce, am inclu ded Within the category of free subjects and dtizens of tile United States. 4. That, in the distribution of political power, under our form of government, "an- SCEST if neither the evidence of right, nor the ground ry disfranchisement," so that 5. That the disfmnehlHement of free cid zen.s fc.r:the muse of "dexcott,'• or for any reason other than lawful disqualification, as by nonrresidenee, Inonaturity, crime, or want of intelligence violates their constitu tional rights., 6. net In executing our national guaran ty of republican government to the people of the rebel Shttes, we must secure the con stitutiontd, civic liberties anti from:Ms:a of all the people. • 7. ThhL.we haven° right to omit to secure I to the new citizens, made free by the Unbar, in war, their *equality of rights before the .law, andtheir franchises of every 'tort—in cluding the electoral franchise—tuxtonfing to Jaws and regulations; of universal, and not of anemia and capricious, application. ! . The Governor makes the' suggestion of 'a generous confidence in the rebel tendons; from which we dissent, but not as broadly the telegraph led veto suppose. The arramercrialVerttured the prediction' Chat- GoVernor Cour= would respond heartily to the utterancos.of Gov. ANDISSW. trust!this full" Statement of Gby. Art easy's confusion will not. induce our cOn- Uniperary to recant. The writer hereof, pow for many years apolitical and personal friend to Gov. CUltTfri, pine the channercial in the expression -of the hope and the defiro that,-upon his return from Cuba, with re stored health and vigor, he will electrify his old and tried friends throughout the Comm , monwealth, by tones as certain and as'tnam ly as those of the retiring Governor of gas atichusetta. LIGHT lIHL'AKING. g Oen. Sctn:veg trade a speech at com m . bits;Ohloi ono day last week, In which ho stated, "You Will find that Congress will stand by the President, and that, the Presi dent will Stand by Congress," and that "all dllllcultie will be oiercome." We accept, this emphatic declaration a s evidence that harmony . and co-openition ;rill be secured .bt`tween the Executive and 1..e1 4 0, sratlvo De partments of the government. , . TIME'S AVENGES. Judge Ttitimnur.t., in his bill for the Pro f.eilirAu of the Freedmen, has adoptod much of 1h working machinery of the Fugitive Slave LaVij thus inalatig-what WWI invent eilits 'fit iiiikiument of oppresuton turn to the inithertince 01(.4161 rights. BIM HADIPSiIIRE The C4Mservatives nre xtriving M mann faetnro an eliffOrkeillent of ltordnratinu ou of the New Itampshirt , Repo/4.1,mi r,ol u Th, Prr., 0. 111 , 1:::.•11 of I iati 1/1•• iutundd•n puiley of A5O/lEW .It2o Tln•c witiv)ut BESS Thf• MEMO -0 1 hat we recngnizo in .\ nil no, Jolla/son, tyet out of di° I 'Oiled Stan., thoilist cat zend he Kintyre !nee riot,' t the thstiugst ishoti wan stnam that the 14 one .11141 10/1111er of 1,4, lute annual inensita-t- h. Congress 1 11(. 4 3:41 tar 1,1 ~mbar ion, and :maws Well for the sue, (1. 1,1 .‘litilltoparation. We plolge 11.111 our ',early 1.01-111tietlekl•Ailld Sapp, in t 1 ail IC, .I..tore harmony 101.1 1111, 111:0 Ir oa t bet difk.rant "aection. of 010011 the basis of univent.ti Utt erly and ',act justice WO." 11 it...t in nut a qualification, then the de nts:erotic supporters of the Proadent have arotolly misunderstood his policy. The same Cons'ention passed the followinir: "It is the sacred duty of Presid.-nt,and of COngTesNi to coo Hint the ordinance• of uni versal &mann-Mutton, writt -n in the blood of our Idol lee I, 111111 Wits, j.PO not by any subterfuge annulltal ur made of no in that is a rant of tho President's p of motoration, any anti-slavery titan I endorse it "without qualilleation." Consolidation of Allegheny. Monett ester and Duquesne Boroughs.. 3lessus. I:in-rnits 7,-1 bare heard several pea Pie trot versing, in our venerable borough, ni consolidating Allegheny, Manchester and Ina. quenrec bomtughs. The matter, by what I on. dendand, is under serious consideration, Ms properly it should Imo and citizens of .tile_ gheny and adjoining boroughs should, by pule lie meetings, disc..s and debate this important ,question freely. The geographical position of Allegheny City and surroundings destined her tc be the greatest metropolis of the West. Splendid scenery, pure air, comparatively clean streets, having all the advantages for tatipping either by rail or water courses, she would, by annexing the two boroughs to her, have a mormrpacious area than Pittsburgh Manchester has already taken the appearance of a city, the nleanlinese of her streets, the reg ularity of her buildings, the eheerfulnosi of her position, makes her attractive and sough) by everybody as a quiet place for residence. lint Manchester never was (twined to be the retired spot for the wealthy merchant or sus rhanie, her facilities for trade, landing or sLipping are too great. Within thesis last four years manufactures of steel and Iron works bare sprung up as if by magic, and dwellings for operators are In continued demand. Thou sands of Manes have been built, whore a few years ago the plough was silently bony In till ing the Hill, and yet, with all this enterprise, with all this magnitude of works, Manchester is hurdle known twenty miles from here. ity consolidation what would she loser Nothing but her came, which is hardly known otit.Mic of ter corporation. What would she gain Everything. Allegheny at preeont in ono of the best managed cities, with gas, wider, good market-nonce, splendid town-hall, large grounds for parks, efflelent pollee and fire demsrtment, and Perhaps there is nut another city In the West with more sound finances; her bonds compromised, and prevision made for their payment, without harassing property /athlete her taxes and valuations at rea,ou. able metes. Manchester by annexing would gain all those faellitiee. She uses, at prose:it, Alit, e ney'e gas arid water, but not to surf. extent an even to trutke the town safe from dre. Toon, is no engine houses or tire apparatus, or fire plugs. Them IN but one school h,,.,., till. Obliging peuvnie to send th. ir c'ilhiren a dist:one of over 1 , ..; tuiles,luring tau bate, cold days or keep them at home without any education. II "consolidating she wootd I. ~ Sr other school house, an engine had..., On. musts. She would be roprouUlteil u. 1.131 ceuriells, and have an efflelent pollee te k a•p cheek evil doers, and her streets Ulu ni nt, • ted. ilaVing large spare of ground no her our. nOrinclilig4, nail privorty nOillit hi Alen, Intl, would Onlitinto lie value, and thou...mat s of houses would be built, and Ina few gheny would bo, Mt she should be, superior to her sister. Pit/lateral*. I write thiScaltitunnication to bring the sail ject before the Peepleand I ask them to give it that attention Whleh Its Importance entitles It too t Contiolldittion ha.s worked well every where andl see hero retools why It should not work as well here. At first there will he se rious dculties tO overcome, as for instance, the adjustment in the now CORSolliblteil nor poration of the debts due by each of the old corporations, tnlt the practical good sense of sopeople trill soon remora them nil In Wou l d y to giro general satisfaction. It not be well for the councils to give the sub ject of cemselldathig the clty with Manchester and Duquesne borough, due consideration, and take such action In regard to It as will bring 'Bully before, Lho people ofDuotiesno I • Mescussran. The lien BaLLeed forlhe War, . • The report of the Secretary of War sent to the house, showing the number of men furn ished under an calls since' April 1, tell, is one of the moat Interesting oxhibiti that the re m.rda of the WarlOgice can furnish. In addl liun to the aggregate results of mob State, it shown that there were furnished under the cell of April /5, lanl, for 7503X1 three months' ' militia, 11114,-T5 men. . Under the calla of May 3 and July 59 and .4, ISM, for 500,0* men, 2,715 sl x months' Men, 9,050 one year nice, 30,...%,.3 two earn' men, all from ,New Turk, - and 657,5* y three years ' men, Under the" mill of July..A lan, for aco,oce men, there were furnished 419,- 1110 three years" men Under the call of Aug. es t 4, Isf£, for MO, o o o nine months. militia, thorn were furnished E 10,310 men. Under the Presi alent's proolamationofluno 115, PM, for militia Corals menthe, 16,3191 men. Under calls ofOet. 17, INKS, and Yob. 1; l eo4, for aXI,OO/1 men, which includes men raised by draft In 1957, there were furnishe4274,Bo7 three years' mon. Under the cull of March . 14,1164, far 930,000 men, them were fundahed,B•4 o2 I three years' men. One hundred days , militia mustered into seri:lee between Aprilos and July 11t,1514,61,612 Under mill of July 141164; f0r500,000 men, there were furnished, 14,:25 three years' men, 7 24 four ycnirs , Men; totattrader that coil 534,tet.1. Under the call of Dee. 111,' , lsei for =XI men, there famished L 51,105 one years' men, 5,076 two years' men, 48,05 , three years' men, and 311 faur.yeara. mon; total under that cu ll, N 11,561 men. The following table shaves the number of teen raised by the several States Aggregate re-. - (laced to 3 ye.r. egg RatO. standaZs.... Statts. -- . I ra. New liturtyabire..... 3405 Vermont. m. , .....,,, MasSociausetts ' 151,7b3, llle,de 15ima1......... 2,711 Connect feu t....; ..• • 5 7.27 n ,ew York -445.568 New.Jersay 111,511 Penrisylvaalia. ISAACO Delaware.... ........ lk,rdi Maryland 0,77. West Virginia 30,t54 District-0f Colidithla liblOt Obi° 517,111 /minim. 185,147 Illinois V.dtl7 Michigan 00,1 IS Wisconsin %tilt. Minnesota.. ...... ... ZoOt ........ ... .. 7.5,,0r, ne,773 tnotd 111 hz ut z•e hz SEEM CIEi=M!FIIE! 17 lw exmeted tlipt the routempinterl order 1-the \Sur Perfirt men t for the muster ma of vc,lnnterr genetal Onleetn frill not be ts.ole,l for the present, till en increase of the army Is er.pectcd In be stutheriScA by Gongresa, and the Government' :tesfres to retain those loonl totionn otheere in eery lee, anti advance theta to such positions, as they hare shown there e.elves vortby of occupying. An application of electricity to the sienghter of the 81111.111114 or rite Intitgiltigg the l':eris 4 t W. , . 4. inentione. {Vire, have 'been laid down, and um belted: with dainty attraction; when buret:lent tfirle brim give for the ratty vermin to attack the moreraux, a u smart Aiwa le cent through the aubterrannao pep page, and avian hum:Wails of victims purleh et each romp. CZNENAL Lew. WAM.scx was In Indianapolis the Other day, en elude for New York. ILsajd to. fritmil that home months ago he tendered his resignation, as a Major-general in the rait edNtatra army, to accept to similar position In the easel of the re.PubllC of Mexico, but Gen. Grant, forveasomr best knOwn to himself, has not seen proper to accept it. - A Walynn to the, Lotilayfile Amon,: publishes n graphic description of the different styleS of 'reeepifeni extended returning 'Onion and rebel soldiers in that section, The former are often mktdermibirrourauders before reaching their homee, - While the Inter are reeelv;ml with the 'Miost bOisterous plaudits o A ut.sxtnO of the friends of the Atlantic anti Great Western .ttatiroa4 has barn elated, to be held at the Court fronsei In Williamsport, on the Mb ofJanuary. The object of tho meet ing seems to be Om Antereat of tiro company to adopt the Nusqueltanna route for the exten sion of the road. Tne total Immigration at the port of Novi' York for the last year wan 193,075, which is an Increase of about Pi.,670, compared With the previous year. A (act worthy of notice lit that Germany wends the greatest number, 6.1,85 i, against 70 0 1'2 from Ireland. TUE Pflttther of railroad accidents In the United States during tint Year lEGI, was 163 mrniutt PIO for the year provintis. The fatali ty, however, In fa favor of Irea, the number of liven lord staring that period belief L ttiPint.t 404, in WA. Tar, largest brick school holm in Adams county, but recently erected In Idurnmaaburg, was totally deeiroyeti by are, on Monday morning. Cattno—tot ashes. nrnoeon Deanna intends asking C trret on" t. to make an upproto Hal Inn so II at he can write a Medical history. Of the war. TnEckt Is a strong effort being made nt Con. Seoul, Pa, for hum location of the Lake Eric Naval lltmot at that place. Tun heading ratirnasi Proposes to lay finir tracks npon their line to accommodate their Immexise trams. Ttt r. loss of life on lake Erie the pant year was 170, an. Increase of 0; ovdr Met (lair. prestrn. the letner, wan ;Wilt to Sing. ',IA; Drinon en Friday. PUBLIC NOTICE 4 . _•e NEONCOINTIE COiVE t r • .At d ”,1•1. mt , • at :I A. ATE, tr, •/.:!‘i TII , N. io hr h, Ll at t, Om. In na• I - n a ,Indldat4 Tht tj Uch pat. la. I, ha l'ot wan:, and , k)on,lsx, la urn the. 4 r. 34.. and In Mr town.hlp, tn.twrvn the l and 6 o'clock. N. lty ord, r o, tbr..nonty rr Cnunnlt WM. J. I, 1.111/12F., 'ha W Iron ANi WANTS. _ A t B , 4 „ ; or hnt i.ra.ol 3 .10 .fra.l) • loP l ' ,- n., nt. 1,0 , 1, al 'l'. T. EWES:4% sner,-..,..r to Ally A EIWITI, Wood al Purchaser for over } , 1"12 lIV e N neoioc et.s in hr.,. nr for Illy Progwrly. I'h.• land In aAJolnlng 'lll. 11. , l; ALE, rt.: odic.., very .1, fr.,:n lo .1. 11. 1,1,111 4 r. II VT 11' AIiTED--SALES.IIE V---trArrEi \IAI.K AND FEM 1.F., to +t.ll I 1.0 I :l 4 ;irrxcs 1,4 4.1.A1: NEW SEWIN4/ 46:. Warra.l.,l fir r nra. Tak.J. ntltrli. Ala a ft.i. I.:NEM:rut MEN to rt , t as IiE II N Elf Al. alt: TS. *tend n.r l Irrulsr, ( . 1. %AIR A tlanulat No. 121 Sup,rior Ntreet, hio. J31:3:41 u Al our Pal'I;OV)."1; n'lt.NTi"-1/01.1..1ii"..411r!1•V1VT I. 11l N ES, three' new kinds, tinter and opp, (red, slor rnlt t Svc yen, Above oalory or inn, romin slop bah!. The ONLY )(octane 001,1 in United , 11. tie.: for ler.. than *ill which an• folly lte , nabl by Box^. Wheeler a' 11i/ova, (hoover & link,. ding, .0 C. and Norhelatr. All other ,heap Machines ore I ion 01i1 , 00.0T0. ("Iroulant /roe. Add,. or call up on SILO IV CLARK, Jthideford, Main, or at No. Oto Liniadwo), New York' No. L'Aii'arter.dre,t M.;Cinclnn , odelp No. io, h 170 I) Illor gn rot oth str l.oi neki , bowl k, bi U.; o No. , iSnaulding's Exchange, Dutra!, N.Y. • WANTED--AGENT';.-- EMPI,O hIENI' FOR ItETUI(NFII FOLIJIEIII ANT ALL OT/11111.4.--Grrat Sale or Jewelry, Mllverware. A.. The Hamilton e., , a ItLAT GIFT LI9 T ITIFUTII /N. l.ur agent(' .r making (row ?Ire I( Thirty Dollar,. per day, and we need atllltnon.. Lat. In rol(, from Europe hare swelled our stork to ev e On, I:1100n Dollars. 'A aplentllll a.lortnlent Watehe, Ladle,' mod tinotlemen•a Jarwttlry of all Yltnla, of the ...ft fleilli.lll.liC pattern, .ell Illy at .1 emelt.. Sen.lZ-1 ern, for rert heat,. aa I yo 4 o ill oteil what Fou arr. en titled to: or int ji fur live et ritheatea. tor I. ; ur .nd a thr..-cetat nt/It1111(orour terms to agent, whirl, are of /he rood 111.era.111.1nd. Now I* your time. Writ. , plainly your name, rit). ',MD y atnt . atatu, 11A.1111.Tt.0. 107,, F. (1., New ork. lialyaroutu, ,beet, Nrw Vert'. 3nl FOR RENT pin BENT, STORES NOS. E AND Z.G.MAIMET ST ALMS), TWO LARGE HECOND STORY RO)11 (WED 53 AND CO MARK LT 9TUT77-:1" k:tzelre of IiI'NLASTELI, , 12Z. Lll & err, Fc9 (..tint strret, r,,..,. PT: TO ILI:T.-Tyro throe story Brick 1101 - 8712k00n e tAlnlng hall .13 oho. ' room • ...he', at totted on Wuhlngton root. throo floont from VTytlo rtroot. Apply to JOH ri I. ItinTdr ogh, corner of dmlthdeld and 11 ator alreota. .pohdtf MEETINGS. THE SIXTH ANNUAL IffEETING of lb.' Morkbolders or the PITTSIWIt , 3II AND lg/112dINt.11AM IV I'l l .n. I•AN 1 .1. 31o.itr 3110h,.01, .12,•ary 10th. a! 11 0 00,11 A. t!.. al , Ylllc4. Oa au t•• [lon ;... I .:".tt .•he r t..alt.- %V A. • 1 , 116'1.Z. 1 'I! AN IX 141:F.T1:N14 OF Tut: h.' c 0 .4 or thr Y. , r N.. ill .?.‘• SIF:to• AN. II I I re NII , II, N... ',TITL. for , I.•• 1 - 2 c..t. of rev. fog A/ nut 11. ~,,, ra. and UM", fort.. p • !II 04.6 0, 110r* y • +7l. P. Plll op• , • ). • WM. 11. Ellll' o ftf, o...rrt.lara. DIVIDENDS • . • • • I ) ITIDEND.-OFFICE OF TII ‘ , ISII N A Tit .!. AI. LANK It? ALLEGIi K -1., I•A.— At 3 immeilug of thy I.lrort.r. of :MA bad Joh.," at, WA • altrltlva4 of EIGHT 1 0L1..1.11. PER MIA ItE W. dt . claro.ll, payable on and all, thrpth Oral J. J. N. 11.1111/t14.1N, sr :,Ames NATIELY•t. }54.3rg.. j Jatiusry 14t. 5 THIS 13 4.11 i 1145 DECLARED A phlflellitl of .1S FAIL ("ENT. fre• or livrern met" T'' ' _l'lTlPlrrt.ll..l.2l.3ry 2,1504 EDUCATIONAL. •. . . wn..hussnunt4 A cADEMI. /LILM AND NyaLM ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL. 14:1,1 1.1 tDDEN. A. 11.. Prtonitral. 1111. NARA 1.11111/KN, Auol,t3lll. Senor Nutt,a ro Aaatmtro ya w 6, obtolutal for oraor. of )t That t ls lo, ta ,,, Mnolollonmunmen our MONDAY. Jarma n, Wl,and rrrntlots. twulvo ureeks. Nu teturlar nrltnltlrd fur 1.-. lb.] Leif a ,u-urrturo, aaad No gfrd.r..... No ate. pc, eir,pt w .c. 1.01. of Oral:tom. Matra n1'11,111013 fl,r rose. Of twelve week.: DtArr , hna. Common Dran'tl.,, SIP; Latta sod ldfirsot Ersitit,h, neb m ade an, $10; Musty, Si!. Every ettno low t to ;mike MI6 • UtotACLIAS School. lat:D• DISSOLUTIONR DISSOLLTEON.—IrIie Co-Partxare ahtp heretofore rxttllng between the underelda• ed under tbe slylee of It. A. VA lINESTOcton sos A at Pitteburgh, and FA/INES - n/IM. 1101.1. & ftt., to Nett York. erased Ml 7 It. men Inullution Mr. &Orr Mut. MG. Either of the ptrtlet nortilAngn In liquidation. ltr.H. W. VA.IIIVEnSWItt. JACttlt 1.. 81 . .ttif . 11 111t:LIVrill. HULL.' -711, ttntloilgh^4 hhrtttht en). (hrth..l .o-partrAo•eir, Awl Ar 4,lllth:tar th Liftl'tl BUM Ni:A4 hAdt, 111 a kty: end orma S. A. FA itzo , Nrrilvipfi 14:11. W . rAms rINII. AA.OII ttcuwAirrM. dent hr.. 1. UV& -.301-3M .1 • • . _ - - Tit SECILETION.--fitze Phirtnership tr fore rst.tlng between the. anderaignea at fitr IV4rltlitl en...t aby Its own Iltaltatlnn Deentonber Mat, last. • JOHN ItAt 4 LETT, I. lilto W . IleAltaCgaT , Wlt. Al4Fll.llin - 11. HULL. JACLIII 1« eICIUWAJtTIn C.ll-I.ATITARICMIIIIL—Thn mulemmlgrml hay.; /to f !'"1". '4:B-fqlrliTZVV3l44"'iirrlWltlanlrdn' the . . _ L ALT (or inanufacturt. o 11111 TE Lnm., RED LIAR .11c.. at th, um,' !rants Ailtlto Lr.lW. , rkA. • .1011 S HASLETT.JM. 11E0. VAIINEMTim,R7 JAL:011 1.. SCHWAIITZ. J•non , y I, 1A141.—)437NU1 IIISSOLUTION OF PARTNIFIII. 41111. —Tho p•rtio-n.l/lp 10-n-tofurroxlstlog oothr,ibo .• .8. JUNE:S.I. GU.'" 1214001‘ 441 by davit Ah room-lit. The hunches. of tlio firm will ho m.rll, J 1.1 Moir no.coso..r, J .1311::•1 T. III:A & MICH /1.1•!1, .11/NE,t, JAS. T. 111:11 IN It ill:MO It‘l.lres, I r!,,rfully n nom- Ltr 1 /IL: t 1 ,1" (7, .r nod JONE. 4, ust rots, . EEC • 11 ,- trnderslp,4: (1)7•A RTNFTISTiII•• r "" 'I"."""'"' `"i` k 7(ll. k✓r „1 lirokk le re. f J 111:, , T. 1.11C,k -k An 1 • .1.1.11F_4 T. 11..1111, •. VI N .I'llAll4. I= I 1112iNGLUTION...The Copartnez•- • lirrelnfure cal.llrtg under IN` trlme • - ItA/tl/ 111t..N.•• kat tblstlny sdridred All 1.4 r.rdy , lath Ural to the lale linn irtlittlesotontake imayourtit ea ./111 , 11 remilloll.ra. 11111,4 attalit'd aald [lnv. If r ',lll 1,. ILltdi for pal audit Ittunt4ll - at ltd• uld .taut, No. 'al, ‘lrect.. N. HAIM, at.I.LIOrf l'ltt.burgh. January I. Mt A ('AIIII.-11n,ing rectiftiril the nillen of I.enthikr uniu.nlor, I hay, thin day ft...wiled tionlaern nt tan 141 f• rnnuntly onruiii,il tny <Kind; nal 0111 annti iinninatly on linnti full annortnnt tit , of LEATIIEV, nil nil other urtltir, In nur line of 1101,4 . rinvinnuern kn. Invitnil to examine my ivek and print-nitwit., tt)lngtellinnrinife. 1 / 1 C1IAIII) BART/. Jantini7 Int. PROPOSALS. .... REsto OIL AND LAND COMP/LIM Proposals for Putting Docyn Fifty Oil Wells. PROPOSALS will be received by the abort Comps. ny, at th putting d o wnti Ps., until January tiLith. livia.,int F I FTY VI ELLS ottithcir land , at Reno. Bidden, will makeproponals as Collowa, sirs ' First—For doing ail the stork and lauding Engines, Fin l, Derrirks and Fixture,. &viola- Fel doing the work, the Conipany supply irg the Derrick, withot machinery. int—For doing lb , work, the Company finding ave thing, ni,wors ma StirOZOSte to put down one or moil wells. 'lids (or olliglo writs prrfter.A. The work taunt be etnuitieuecd as soon as nineties hie aft. 1r01,1•31. are secepted, and petOleCtited cu. 'r fdtir e na lY Or .lAllt :a JENKINS, Sort, PENtrk OIL AID hero, r.. COM LADIP CHINN EYS. rATEATED OCTOIWIR 8, 1861, utrituittcr . PATENT OVAL 'LAMP CHIMNEYS, Manufactured of X ilia* ehlmneyi :oft. Inlerolnd for tho .fint flame. lie thing nil ',rt. of aril FOTt Pitt Masa Works. • LEGAL A DIttINISTILATOILS, NOTICE; . --- Lettera or AtlntlG/MTlltili, parr 4rey to en Ftrantrttpt ktteountlerolgtood on the eotate 4,( I oh. 11111 AM iliturz, Int, of ~..o wt t... 10%11100p, Alleghettv eount). Pean'tt. all rll4 kiteortita thenatelves . Indebted to said, RIM.' ore r,- tettetkett In make Intmedtata payment, and Cato , lin - leg eta' ernin,t Ike preount them, I,roper.y aotheallented. for ~e ettt meat. D. C. I/17147.. .1A311,:$ tt. 2.1V1:11...1%; Inn . .. y Iltal.—.:aB;l4lol'..l' FOZI fYi iliE •. I'. Jinni etc C70.Q4. DIARIES AND ALMANACS MEI= JOHN P. HUNT 8 CO'S DILFir IF:W-I'oll J. R. READS, IS MartL street OAK HALL CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, 63 W.X.FrInE3C SEPPIA.-10-ErP. MMUS Mit AL JEL (Or 11- I DI ES6 That until .I.IN CAM' flth. yr 13.)ne,L;y. amt truly 111 uric garincut (Eons cc/ grad,' math. clothing. El .. 3 r_aXlG - MM . X.."SE' E3C7O 2LE Ta Whfrh we Sell for the Best Offer. Every pana..nt wan ear. I.llr Mid, by ottra,lre. to 'fn., ' , lll, ramie from turlaurr. :tfivr Nil line Cloths and Vostings And r ur t'vtter I. master of the trade. Yr, hr. I rrowto. van will mak.- nrd , r, and war rant antlre, at grater. hatrrar nn r Aral tal:ot a. {till yntr not (err, u• attli Tune patannage • ATTO:OI.TS At La AMES HOWN, IMPROVED CORING TOOLS, 1 , 1: SIN Hls, oil.. MALT AND ortnlit WELL! No. 4tti n'etsi street. Pit ,burgb, Pa Tot la male of :h. very b. , •+1.11:1., AND LOW .110. 11.1‘. %V, II Im,n.r, at .T-nowocrt CDca aila i=t3rlc:lolsll, With each • trr eoodilet npe lat., I /a: ANVIL+, IiATeIIETS., /1E1.1.4 o l \ n. V.. ,N. ' ~,. ' ''Y, lll h 1.13... P+. I 111,41 : 17 . If Ascii xi,. ' av I:EN , iIE.I. !,..ILOV V ~. 1•It /,, I. I.: V 1,1 -: A Y.1.F,,,. .. . ,1 111..•, itl.l'E. IP.ATITEI: .tNt. Irii iwI,TI,OI. Ili of Irbfrb I I,lllln efl.•lstntl, it, 4t.,, cb,31:2, I - - - purnoLlA RIACIIINE. WORKS. R. 3E3C., Tor.I.N AND I it I) IA SIN Klniti till. A 1 r wei.t.s. Particuntr ratrutton Invltant to Pettentenl tro p,moot inent• In J.V. and Joules. trinle of J 0 Ilintt, P., and Mo..r !run. In •tnn.lnr.l Ozer.. and rn - m , .n-rl. Po teal pails con N. or.krenl mai: or trltnraph. an.l I,otnl a pc.rf,..t 111 at all too.. V. eth.o furolftt roma, ,nting. took. Ste., , thou.. wi. ton, It. Ennio, • and machine wort rnextr to onkr. .r.fer...T.,11 imn-.1 to grant 11.nyve• to other ruuluttelu nun s ram . for ItJrin. noprottrulcnt•on r All , ,brOT P. O. • ORDINANCES. • PI 011iDINANCE Amending the 1.1 l'n•attott the OM, of Clter.ontroller. he ordotlmoi awl enartetfity .1e1.4 anti rann , ite of 01.• Mfg of A 11,pieuy, and A • cit.., 11. • •• n.1116.,,1p t Ttt tho irtartle •Nreerta for eelartnt Of peer e,•• the beet eituree to - .. thinr 9 of the entluenee t renting the elSee of (ltd Controller. pfeeret thu eerond day of truary. tee, be stricken out of weld 0111- inner. tentaincit.and enacted Into tow thle. the ith day C.1.211.t.517. Ann, Dotal., tate then,and et,,,behiest d end eleo JANF-4 !err•.le Attret: df ACeenniltynl of tht. Scle,l , Clerl ..r lb. trloer Connell. sfIION rreshlent of the Coaneil. Atte., M. HrtietleNitthei, nett of the Common rennet!. let.lttl MISCELLANEOUS. IICKLES. ton Carr. boll' gels., qt. .on CS hid, No. 1 prime Pirtle.. Iliac .pd In arri, rr ! Vin.. rs:.:,d .(tri i. ELLIELS. • In tr-tbblor. ter do Jo Vai said fur s4le try • SEINAnS. $- Ittll.ll, 11321 tutor. II Coffee Rant; ' • 4i GI A do .• Pow Jut matt, C. and rot .al cted,e Ity- ltancdalcd and Isl4l. Suss, FIF.I(!dUR a 1 15 10,4 - .14.1 No, 135 and ILI armes. , . • A SNESSMENT NOTICE.—The ...mesa for the nradltut ant Darlent of Stain. street Lam born made. and snay bract, at tlyon. In tire. Market butt Do, tern DAV tnir JAN UARY, Iren, after ribl e b day It will be banded over to the City Tree/terve to collection. iterfrAlnu Regulator. 'ALITABLE COAL PROPr.LITIC • rot b•- LE.-7.71. 'acres of excellent eiXity... font rens, altdate rode front rallroan, alike tre.n l'ltteberah; with /la lit of we) to the railroad. Will A lea V I I,i71•11 & 3l7rket,ireot. ttili HALE:—.IN EXCEL.I.ENT 31A\ MTI'VeI.NO SITE r&• • .Nraf roma. lug of a'', fu'• ` 4,l h • a mad rile? rrunt and extrndlng r.aern..l.l-la. Ow,- d Inr uny kand a , f luralneff. 1• ,nu. •'la r ta" Wl'd. 11. II Alt Y. 11.• d. vg & Prim, Pa n.-1 Pain, Drl.-.11.1;1,0; and quarter Vrlfr larlvd Apples YIPS (11..riro; irra o n %pules and Veaela Illun r l. ggs. I.lnarr. Lard and Tallow; an and 1•1,1;1;.... 017111,1 Punch., and TlFlllft {kW.. cl.e.p. f 'nrn Kral nnd Pearl ltsrler anlurn , and Sr•.lA. All 4.1' 1..u1t; 1,1 for etl!f• for ra•la st /nest ruff, by GRAFF & .13A Ng.. :IL I.lnurty 1 % ". 11.1 4 1; f 41,if.t 10 1.111 1, C(411, at Olt CUM.I.I/eIT.I ‘ Sal. a -s t llnonts. 103 ST1;114004 tittles, I...l;seArt• 5t2161./ Carunegnr.; 4 casks and a n lAA. ( IM galv.) rst•wbs Wilt, vintage of I B , Z; I rata anal six tails. 1330 galls.) Catawba 'Vine, rintagt , of 186.1; 1 blak (4figalls.)Vherri anal Curtin. Winn; 4 1.1 , 18. ( 14 1gailA.114ernam Wine.; 10,110 prime Mvans litgArr; Z/vAllAles prim Spin Hall Toba;vo; LII do du Lulu° Nary Tobacco. Pet A. McILWAINE, Auctlone.r. LOSING our BELOW COST AT Ma. CA-. ZiaLII73ITIL'ES . RIETE'.I.TD TrIESTORE, No. 101 MA TiKET TON 111 , 10" S, NECK TIKS, ttnAu Nkatt, SILK. VLNka RIBBONS &G, &G, to quit the buslne t , ifEGULAIL NOIIIINA ; r10NS FOR • tUTICEItB or THE MEIICANTILELIII/IAItY ASMCIATiON fur WS I PIIFSMENT. 1 , 111 ,• ,W, 1 , 4,1.1t0rt A VNT. GEORGE 7 , 1111tAS I( ~,toI •II.EMPIS. , Attortmy at 1.017. StTA. WM. EIMAIL/tt, of UILL Cal KT houn I Et.llGmds, TLY.3II:IIS-It, • E. S. SMITH, Cablder Colon National Haul, JAS. n. I,(TaT, u'l'iri`riTrT.'MrCurtly .1 An. Svey l'lttrlnzrgil too. Cu.. • AI 11. LIN c All , . No. to Ittmtt 00.1, 011.LE/a FOLLANSIICM of If, E. Co., JOFIAII COHEN, Proft , eor, COITO v ns. JAS. V . faCKtNN f W t ent n hell, 'itttven4on 1.. r•TEI - lIENS4,N. rtt Frlrm,rb• Vol. Bank J4Txt N,LIN ATI Nll coNllltrrE.K. BIG Mt BR% WINDOW TIIE 1111.1 BOOS, • • lathe phf••• where lito " MK , ' Atork Dry I:0.1. of Orrynt very kind. Pool.. 81. , 1•A tIn•Iflow: or orory evm.rlption, eau alwayn he ton mt. )1 comp . arinon or ~,13t1t) atm Foci IN re•lorrolly ....11..tte-1. 1 1 / 4 1 owl wt• NEW PUBLICA7I:OI.33 %PUN AU) lEEE= 1 Et 46 43 , CLOTHING Ye denite Inform all pnrwian wit, want &(t1! .1 Coat. WI: HAVE, s(151{: l: IItMENTi J. H. SMITH & CO BORING TOOLS I= NU. 32 Ohio Inrent, Allegheny 3lanntariumr GEUE= .iirr‘ frni 17.“.1.1 it'n.l.trnm 5 anti AI" FIFTH 5 (REF. r • 3 awl 57 k7}'T❑ ST4F.ET ..E1 57 FIFTII la N-G --w ;ID Pt.i/ vs ; IRON PUMPS, r_~~TrL.E} n7T~ Sheet ,Lead, Sheet Zinc, LEAD PIPE, LATH TUBS, SINKS, WATER CLOSETS, 1% ISU BASINS, WASH STANDS, IM - dra Itams. Wor It, of 111 kln , f Work fora Foolotain... nll kind-Gn and T.natlo, /1"..• onpllng, G. Inpn and FlELures, of its. rlption, knpt ronstantly on hand al Ithlv, Wiilliams S Bartle 's El: MI XTII AVID H3IITIIIIF.T.Ii 41'3. PI TTS Hl' II p MED BEAVER STREET, MANCHESTER I: XT TO POST °VFW! N. ll. lon.ln of repalrtn.7 clone All ordvrxl.7 uxall ImancJiate4y ettrude.l lal ,• I num AND BRASS COCKS, Pr NITS r. /I{ V}:::1' Pl'lll.oe4F: 71.1'31111:thi• 11.% TERI Y1):7171:r , A N I'ITTING,, .N1;11 low,t F:n.trna ratrvs Y ,, 1! 100 , W LE'S runixT tr MEI - . FUME!. Sz.lthn.•l , l2.lrrrt, Ilttsbnrgh. Pt. 1 1 1.1:,11115G, GAS kliD STEAM rlrl/4li, IN ALL 118 ~ .an r A f ttm l , lattrztl. r . rg x z t:cr l extrael and practical CAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS, snow Elf ATITSHATER (1., tSETs. iivDn.w NTS, C.11:14 2111,, cm ha 11 , 1 ngs4c. to ordrr. TATE di SEVILLE, No. z FEI , FRAL STIf.FET. And 1.1/SEIITI- l'lttOolrgh LAM VITTING, and Gas 1111ing. FORCE PUMPS, FOR ENGINEERS. IRAN PIPE & BRASS WORK, I= T. T. EW - Mat.x...S., rw •L ~~ 1 165 Wood Pat.burgla, Pa FLUJILANG, GAN AND EVl , Malaur HYDRANTS, IRON PUMPS, 1.1:31 , , ZIN, • LE PIPF.S. WAS! XA. 11 ATFIt CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDS T. T. Etrens, /a 4,144 41 131,,,, No: 163 Wood 16,, Pittsburgh, Pa Ja.2:1;11.1 ( ;AS FITTING. PLUMBING AND STEAM . FITTIND, .YOKE HELLS, Portables & Cigar Lighters. T. T. r.wroci:, ~ . .erxr, to, et ELoen*.) tat:171.1.1 No. Wool .1.. rITTFTICFICIV, 1 BANK STATEliflidsi • - • OFARTERLT REPORT OF TUE u1T1.21 , .N.5• BA NR OF PITTSIII2ItGII. i'l/bltahrd conforrnlty .1121 the 21:21 irvtlon or ILt Nistionzl I '...urreuev Art. .!ItuaScxxci. 43tilmry 2. I=l.. nt 7.204 ASSETS. 1 . ..... Tax*.• and F.,p* . o.chs• Tend[j NOECII ...... Doc r ....... lial,as and Itanlvra W I'spltal Styc/4.. lrystlatleil Ir..ulelltui vltizttne• Haut ..1 .......... ............ ( " Mil YOnd mud Farah;, .. it.llonk..jar.4.l - Th..;mad) he, to Th.. '''° ". '' s '' m'' .:l l Ut . lft ' ..f.' at 1 sad true 0, the " '' °°°'"°.lt r so 7. F. BRADY: 3.-. ra.1,',,, tte ,, rn ad Rdb,:rrthe4 before me tilt ht dal .a.""'"• .1. Mils'it It, \ YIN_ :Votary raid! , t,a,j , ../17th , , -y -- • ..ZECOND AEAUTERLy STATE !E.T ' 0 ), [TIM NIF:IIIANI4% , NATIONAI. ItAN h .r 1 l'IT1h1:1•1!1;11. I I•11 - rFrrntne. Jarvtary 2, - ASSI;TI3. I trt..:,tato, 1,, I t.(1.1 (1!, 1 0:114, 1 • thh r I.vh O.J 5 t 4 .44.' 1... it.trkat .1... p.snt nt If rc,rre,t to Ilt - c bcs - 1 - ;;ruar 1,T.1Z1•4%.":.;".43(tris rA,bier. soorn to fun W. , 21 do . , of , 100n0ry..1.T ,,, . o. : Jlo , Nr. h.. 111711. :Notary P - .- — t4IET)ICAL. i iik . SPEPSIO....• Dr. Strickianws -..--• TONIC In k eloieen.. t retell plebe-ratter of liiiet, - . ~. .. and Iteebe, ekb anti. - lii .' : -fltr :;; I gn ' ag 'i n t7ieTil i gi L -tet t i:i ~,F5,, -. # eel reuse...stem. It iseren. .----. ' d," tale rianedv for tly.perls. CZI w it et Indigo:nen. p..erreus• e . ~.• , . nese. Lone 4r Appetite, ,1 , ".t -1 .- k;.. Atidlty of the Plan:Mice. ~..),,, natal, ety end debility. It - .l` , "Cr)' In not eirboholle; therefore, -..0. ;Ik-, pert lealitrif eultertfurweek, ' . ...1 .1 nen Min atld dr3TI4I3IIC WI, deo. -Ear salt by'all drug- gl.t. 4.,N t ryarbCre at $1 pre bottle. 11, E. SEI.I.E.Ek .4. CO., y rwillitil WilaLEnAt.rt ArateTS. -.- -----_--------.-- ---..... ly_ R. SCK TIIILAND'S Itiellillu ons colletil ItAI.EI.OI la . .... wan - noted to be the only pen- o4b-t i - s i , I patellae known to tom oc- . / Caliphs, Coble, Ittiernettree t ; -- . . 4 , 1.. t bine, Wialoiting cough, , r.e...... - - -:, : Chronic Conglln, Conteelpe. ,L.-_, , ,.1 . „ a Won, Broncliitle end Croup. ..›.. - k1.7.:,`,.., - ...„„ .. Ileing picketed front Honey , bail Herb., It in beeline. :tart- .A 4 fg , . fair , end expecioreting. end 1 . -x-4,„..,...„_,• - ,-A.,,,.,,..4., pr.leolerl eulteble lee ell ---......—..-.... .la.--.. lib wines of the Tarriat and Loop. p,,r e. a in by .ituggiats evert tibere, E..E.ISET.I.EItIt h CO.. Wiliii...nat..E AtikaiT. ort3:1) - (1 1 " e, .7,IIICKLAND'S FILE niii:. ...--" Pin" brtA ert:ED Om, ,„,...,_ rnrolr cf the m 0,4 r.n.e, or - ; ,,, Z.1..... 4 ItLIND AND IILEEDI tit': ipT: tnyg 1, riLEN. It girt. I=ll4:Mate 5 .- f,,V relief, mutt l'irlTi %ra pertna- A,. I l f-, ~;;: It ftt ~, , ,T r .,, , . .t : l:p•t o.l , t , ,t llrertly. 5.. tr. Ci:4- Fur islo by all I /ruit,b.-te, at ft .. 41 tr. coat , . prr ba11... ~. ••••• kidt -• It. 1., E. sr.t.r.Ens - ..t C11... ‘ • Aors-r. El= FAR3Y1117.3.- pitm SLACK,, • llnve on hand n Large Ss•ortmcnt of N,AVINU SW:UTNIIS 1101:Sk: 3Lticr.e STII IV CUTTERS, 84111IF'S AND s-,71 .• DAY No. 2e. .11,1 33 .Ohio : 4 1., Allegheny or!.•1 DRY GOOD l i LVQs. j CHRESTILIS 1117 - Nt•Av EATON'S, 27 "Z"12:'T88 A Large and Desirable Stock of .Q.cloQr:ths; ` 4 nitfl)l(• lbr Pre:-.{ents; nu.? A Intl ling. of I,INF,N ynt - liIEFS In Ern- Trio,nt.,l. • • , .nrk .1, 110r.1,,4 •r. 1 }lnc knf N( ‘ , 311, or s rery tnrk Ynney Cord its,istn, S..ELS-. 73 .2017L1XA4 . 3Elt Full line of 1.4411.,•. Iftsa.... and Children's Ts tan, Fahey :Mrlid , and 6earirt. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. grarfa, Tlea, llirgllgor Shirts, Underelothlu4 of /lair Plain. Co co - ed Bordered, Ilespatllcto..l and nil. Zephyr Good, , a rha,ls ,rnd Capra, e4larf. and , 110.4, and OkatllYir tar. , I'nll.aortwcuC all altos GAITEILY for bodies an't OitBALMOa daRAL SKIRTS, clew styles, Boa tocelvod y. =1 a.:e (~■ia•9T Holiday Sale Nos. 78 AND SO MARKET 'STREET PRESENTS FOR EVERYBODY. Embroideries of all Kinds rI\K SI, I rpri A`SI) OTTO3I A N PAriEtri, ANl,sii K .. • WI.OI.KN Giioll!;lir""n"'EF4. nosiisny A 311 PT lONS. Iti EN AWIWT 13 EltiT'S It NISH • SC iZFS. SCA I: r . i . INI,!: °I3L • raND XL EEVF. 11 t7TTON Finney Good. We Late made ctils department t srEcriurr. We trill be treelvitt.. .NEW GOODS Every, Day During the Holiday Season. rpm w , 121 C ft.).(111 PFX. I M. la PNF.s. L c0M1 . .% IoN% cic/ All triANDS. • I '11),111:- • .20ts AVAT(II 11.111 , 31 N. .11 , 0,1" EL I'.ISES. • N.k?:(11, I übtumurf will EU.I our prl^Pa Lower than any Other House in the City GIVE ITS A CALL, AT Nos. 78 and 80 . Market Street,: M ACRUM, CLYDE & CO. de NEW YEARS'GIFTS. Great Reduction. - IN TUN PIIIOE Or HOLIDAY GOODS itearux az CARLISLE'S, 19 • order to close onl all onr Fancy Articles, we have made • Great Reduction in Price Those who Called to troika — Christmas Preseutst a and supply of I.OO3COSS Bit RILL BI USBI[L AID ACCIPTIBLI to ALL. NIACRUNI& CARLISLE, der,:ur 19 FIFTH RTIMET PRICES REDUCED. WRITE, oRB & CO., No. 1261 X l ,ll`th latre•et, Offer for argi a large stork el . 3ZlOirff—MElO GriCOCOEHEN 1.77.151 93 5r.,0.1 00 • 44.241 47 1.4 1 4 71 =4030 . 10.747 7.1 11.513 S 7 = 31. 70 AT EEDPI7ED PRICES. --- BABGALNSI W. W. MOOR HEAD'S, ss TVEct:i-Isert fat. LACE GOODS, ESIBUOIDEEIES, ILANDEERCIREFS, RIBBONS. _WOOLE2C GOODS, .110t.n. CORSETS. *c.., *c. GENTS• AND LADIES! PrIt2tISIIINGi GOODS. MOEN ISON'S STAD. SID FITS, at .IsS. y3IOOItII AD . S, Matket etrett. $ .3.3,030 OD . 3:11.070 U. 1 ,1) nl 11 4%713 31 . 311,16%_1 • 4,C,T BOOTS AND SHOES LOOK ' '1 .: • moots and :Shoes. -0 ' sr. in 4D , 411 •Ir, '1.04 41 =I A TREMENDOUS STOCK FALL dk WE'ETE xr,GOODS, J. A. ROBINSON g .t, COS, 61 .11arket greet, 5.. - 1 door .0 n/1133}.71`a clood. torn. nni :1'1.4130K 1.1E11E!1" Men's Iland-Seired, 9alr-Tanited KiP LEATHER, BOOTS, O 1 L] MIME DOLLA*AND A lIALF APALIC • Cost $4.1.25 to ;Wake, P , or sale only lit 7 acCLF.t.T.Al4ll`if X1170121L1f., Nue, 56 and 5.7 METH E.TE:LEET. pitsbusgb, CUM SHOES AT HEW YORK ,PRICES. . .. GREAT HARGAIIifi ' • To DBIBTAINED 07 02 FEDERAL STEED?, _ s IN ROOTS AND SHOES. • II:ICES MARKED lialt'Li. Being determined to t4l Trdl.lC., willsent atck; I have ton.reod dot,. the e s • and ten ten per et nt tess o t bon any other hire Indhe two cities. 4:tre tie a esti and you will Le Ntiltlaed. i W. X.' BIeCLINTOE. M redrralatreet, AlleghanY• V. t 2 .—All goads warranted.' ' ! ; , t - : -A-,-- lR TII_E :MONTH. OF .I.4•NEARY. • • GOOtiS 3tAliliF,ll ROW:: :IN , lILEPAILITORT TOTAKLNG STOCK, , And will 116 601.: * At GREAT lIATtGATNS. Cavern. a ea% and Ton win get the Ell F.W144 Aii.; 111:ST 11A)ni A Liin In ..1100TI9 AND ti GR L"l3 OF ALL that t^..ttlfe. found SuY toT u t T ittite 1a8:t8 Market Strinit.:•.4 door from Filth.. r APIES'j 0-E4li'r -• •1 • strssr.s. A. Shoes. itild-.GOit.e.t.fs,.. . 00 rtxr - Fitill; and W3ll, strcc:a. iv nit every1.,,,10., I=l F. H. EATON, I= ATTORNEYS. WOCIIMD - SO7.I3IERSi Ire ekther the First of !;reorrl 8 'lroe4..z-tes ,r ran receive the full booeti the same as It they'll( served the full term of enLlat&a..ewzranuya Solicitor for IlovellrA. Yeuslons and Piy, Ifs STAr.ET, third door below th e Ce.- thedrel. MC M. morm-r-r. OEO. U. coviatia. OFFE3`I'.& coma:emi, CLAIMS, PENSIONS, 'BORN TIESOIACX PAY t and 51111t.lrry Claims of e cTery , er.cri C , 011FC”,41 by the sut) . -sertber, at ful , l(it*g rat,e4 / 4 1;1! torAto , oll other Attorney at ?Air. N. avgziz. omrtinTe2t - 1 sheett.4, and all futon:nit - Um Oxen jr. - arls. -so4:ty °' H C. H . • ATTORREY At , LAW, • r. S. Lleensed Soldiers' Claim Agent. Bnos. Y. ZIATIts. 2 . F0.11 W. SWAM. AriE dc.S9ll:. - ATTORNEYS AT LAW, - : .; • No. SI inalnOrwi Atreet, Plittstoulih, P. • cowl Busldeas; Rzsdnintrig• Title& Converiz, Collection., and all Ithids of Legandur4ead, r ip 13• attended to:. . . , .i..'-• XIERCJILIM ..•TAILORS, ruElsinx G. jr: I AIP, MERCHANT.TAII.AIk:. . . . , . hi.TRIFEST COMB 6P-PENIU Feum . . . . - - -,. •• PIT ibirCl7.oll, r.A., Zak, great pi flksury In Innonlidnlr tObfannlncrout cnettaner.anct Ow public •genvrafly, that his rumba- Ell arid artAngrlnen ts,i fur- the fad season. ara now rumple tcd, hail arbeer, pert‘orMili.tte. ,ol. ". tb• tr,t,1.,,,,, dab Louse, in the Eutern Mlles., Pray tech a ciasstr gntate airan really he recommended, *lll be etercd. which embraces MI Ilmnit lad Most appr(k - td Material.4an4 styles, tho 'entire Ktoek be ing ..t cry largo - varied and . select,'- Itt. felt has • non di co a/ideate Lte.intlting art earl 7 traptetiou. •. In. i tnrertlnecOintoa cloth, and ,Ine silks. Pj woad, warranted (actin Colors, Ana round torture. t3telton Cloths and.otber new coatings, noetatyla .. • .c .etire suit, 4 ., ~, . ~....1 4. , 0r.i,,. ~, , eduieres for Paula and . VEati, i..i .101.51 - np and rrca lag "rear. • ate* .., r ~. 130TS' - '. ' , ' - •• . • DRESS AND _SCHOOL SIIITS, wrtsil. X.^ .u„ S-TAVINGIkiACBi NEE Q. 1 :1 1 1 Tro t P r ? fj`F°"'ATIZ Vb. if k A, P Willi' C 1 FV7-T 1 ita,.vots.g h le • be . ..:Marletur murk at I't4la ..r. • I re out: en for. • I - •er • Y ork nin dn:to I Ye" eetrAtn / for nru •r Tdy Mactune at e -t ~e I 'malt.. 1"..r t-e-1 manufuctortaz dlarbine .o Val.. a., no., Ma man:luring Maritime. fo. 'even Mann( Arming nta . letreu • Tn • Fed, inc f r e ' e n r 'l , 3l en ' e ' ra b at I-7 pa nwre ory County I , nlr Pn Prmutme. for ne-1 3.leUdelca at leuck• County Fulr. I. Premttitu for In, dlanufannrlng .I•lnchine • • Pta.ka ounlTlair. PA. FIKt Prtaidnta forne yn , , ne urlng and Family Alne-hint. at I , ltrletctle'd Fat, 1.1,1 Pre Lama fur levnt 31Antern u n er y am r .11nebtne at PinTuvra Pall., N. Y. 111,4 Prrmlurn for teal dinnufaeturtng and Family dlnchlnevnt litiCielk count,' Pair, Y. Find Pre-Tatum for nest . 51 .naufa. - turinee. and Family Ms.-dine at SehuTtar Countv Fat, y, Find Premium for twat MSc:eine for all reurpovea, at Aneglemey County ' , Air, Pa. pn•nelum for twat ManufsettlrlaE, !Lachine Alle.uhmly County Fair, Pa. Find l'ivollom for b t Ma,hir.o work at .I.llegheay County FM,. Pa. n lad wberti'vr okhlolt<4l. A. F. CHATONEY,, AGENT =ITO =I WV. r. weltarr , r. & I= WHEELER & WILSON'S LOC6-STITCLI SEWING MACHINE. OFFICEs N. r 7 Fifth Street, Misesfree. No. in Main strect, NV/well:3g. Weal. VI mania. No. Z. t , lierrlor Street, Clescland, Ohio. Pikes Opera Ilmise, Cincinnati, Ohio. No. Masoolo Temple. Louisville, Hentnki. No. I! Penney/v.l - a Street, Jal• • • C'RAlkif & CLARK'S ' 526 andl33 Sewing Machines, WITII TABLES COMPLETE.. They Hero, rel), Fititch,lnd, Embroider Quilt. They do Vest. Pantaloon and Coat Slaking. and all k ol:Fasollyl 4 etrlug on the same Machine. no } - . ° . l !rt',"2."V;ol„"&.l.'"an USV;I io , ALI ' mods of t ' latolly hewlng promptly norm. LONO, 112 Grant street, near Fifth. nollllnneol Pre2lll3ll2lOll, Ca. GOVERNMENT SAT:RR Govaammurrseurx AsszErA'lsYQL.AninnsulirElo3. OrrICIL 1 1 /rindTwin, Sth, VIOL Will be solcSat Public Nale. to thr highest bidder,. af the GOVEUNMENT STOICS: MUSE ON PENN STREET. op posite the Fort Wayne Railroad D •pot, to thla e 11 7 7, o- TUESDAY. JANUARY =l, LS.. at 11oicloca, A. 'Y., the following Quartnianaatar•• Stores, vizi • 114 Doolde Emits , 6 to Wheel larosse, Ofree 1 1 6663, , owl. Lead Mane., 2 1 Cooki P ng St ge onow Holes. , 31 1.0102 Slaved, Ii et, alt, Trlos. ' tiLighta Windsor 5341/ 1 Con y Corot.. 4 Leather Halters, 1 Drees , Drill, . 2 Cold (lass/ , Elz,Colopneses, 2 Nickl.l3ltcrit,• 8 1 Clock. , 3 Wagon Tonigust. ns htds.l.lros, , 160 ire. MRs, ICO ihs. 13 pairs Illoge4, 2 Hort. Ilroades. 2 Anrite, . - 2 11. S. Itelicont;• I Dupre., 1 Ilroad a Angrs. / Ada,.,ltrares. 4 Wood riles, - 10 raw Flies, 1 Half Round PHs. 10 assorted 1102010 re, I vale Complasee. 2 thlsidstonesarotoptctr, Lionge,a, .; I.Tlxyre I 1 /fatting. I Claw flartuder,- . I 13raerIng.Ifadfc / I Planes, Chalk Mos, 11 rtanes, assorted, /leading Toole,- 1 Tryer, NaViSaws. • • 34 Wm Handcuff/I.' 6 ...Med Squares. 4 Water Dlopers,,, 1 Saw Set, 3 Ilintentlerows, • • 2 Oil Stones, - 1 Spoke Masai. Awl, 10.Aw1 Blades, 1 Channelli et, • • 3 firmer 1111 a. ' • 3 .sorted TOLL-. Auger BUS. '- 1213 C Tln lt i "Wlol . u m e r rinil b ro:o: . l .!: • ~ 1 pair _tihoetug Nipper., ffi r te l h9 C''' „ • , U,atted 6 Punches, 3 Horse hasps, I Screw Plate, Taps. to, I &march I ITS I 4 . II!:_t •I *;F:.T . : Hand vs reaches ' 1 T..eou Saw, ' 1 COMUS.96 Saw; 1 Tin Cans, 6 StorePlpe Ethos', : 3Lanure Yorks, 6 Roes, Itrandlng Irons, 2 Iron Kettle*, 4 Pallor Needlot, r HollerLtda, 33 Lamps, I Draw Hangs, . 1 ll:meter, I •• dl 6 Awl Handles,. 1 Coffee Pot, 1 6 Ropes. 1 1 V t l o Vdler•srlaccrii I Claw +.l. I Saddler . ..2loloer. I Edge Tool, 3 Axes, 6 Tin Hollers, 10 ItalLs and cbabn. 3 'Wheelbarrows, 3 (:rtorbsne„ I pair Balances.' U./AU:Pp (Th 11.11414.4 31 porrnd IlloWax, ' 11111 :C. Z 4rilt re.. . . 2 11 0.35 a, 1 ;Nista, 11- Rooks; 13 spares, }llpound Lamp Dlnek. I gal. lic ataro .13 pound. Horse ot Shoes. 3 ladles, • I Picks and Hasidim. 1110 Joints Store Pipet, 2:1 Ctwklng Pots„ I Saddles...! Knife, 3 . Shoo Khlte, iaill'". / 1 Se;oTtb S the l ind Soothe Stone, iI Piro Shovel,' • Istp& i ttlea.` M E. Wlrtlzr . B asi,Ett ._ ! 1 Stove r - Ipe Cop... h". I 1 , 4 und Cualt, --,! , 11 Hammerates, i 3! Handle.. i CO Awl Handles, - c Pounds Iron, assorted. pounds Hoop Iron, S Side Harness Leather, 13 I t , . Horsealsas NalLs, I Sheets Sand Paper. alesClarp r e'rr eimi. • Sad A- Q. if. SA • rtzet. C. im:t.7.1=31 SALE OF iROPEIITT Dircrr Rm SCUT be r.old at - 1741g; der, ors THE trrti- DAT tclock: at ta:, at the FA: hr following it dtTritanan altilea.! Ilorati. 1 Cask. 2 italnittaces. • • I Cart. - 5 Inglelota Wheol Harnett. do "do Load -do I do do -Cart Co Term.—Caab, Curren'ey. on,n. CIENER Ja AWA 017M5., eth. LitltL Auction tohigher% bid O i O N tile t enhtrel ar ta Property. viz: 'mad LfentL.DOl., and Deputy Q. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. • - OFFICE, IC* GEIANT STIMET. =I rirrsntritan. PA. . .r.ountici for .Wousipl B c ll . 4ll rrs.offered to from . ato (went dall. Cail whv t Plrcre. Plitsburgb.; ith utsr.larA44..l two awn ilr ....B..llevr 19 . 4 Gt . c . holee $ 994, slap recEii ;v sr Gil. 111" IS LIFIG.I.Sr; =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers