The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 08, 1866, Image 1

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cusrA.u.sw; 71L . 1.11,
ÜBL/RnEDP TIIR (13.ZETTEAS,1 , 1 , 7.1TI:o.v.
.. •
.10. N 4 klurej rIlL,Lur,;ll.
3tOtr±rsxc Ei•tr,N, to z.,:r
El - 045N, ~ • •-• •
Sf-rf - ti'd try cariter., liftr • a,:sfr or }.Ve117%,. 0,.r
.t;11Y ITEMS
. .
• Graduated
- 2dercantili. , Colloga.,.PitLsburgit
71..t'tiler S. Dickey. Tar.mtum, Pa. '
.intricA M. watio.iiaaa, Pa.
finAt, Mount t'ernon, Ohio. •
A-h, Mount Vernon, Ohio.
i 7. ll.fdAhr, P.rie City, Pa. .
,Andrew Paul, 11,1aunn, Pa ,
It•harteri ILIIUII , Monut /plead, Ohio.
.Inntore A. liartif, , , Itoehe.ler, Pa.
- .Tecinfain JI. Lipton, I.4l , Gralie, Ohio.
• - ',Wm. P. Cana, NnuAVoncorfl, Ohio.
• !A. C. Colfinv,.Grecillairgli, P,.
•:. -..d'f•iTorge It. Lybarger, Monroe MINS, "id ..
1.). Irwin ?riven, Indiana, In.
• irAfinteioV; kennel, Alesandrin, Ohio.
' Ohio.
,t•lantuell,!rel-linitn,llllkindinrch, Pa.
...-•-•Sittiniel h, MeNaughloa, Little innriz, Ark.
. - -.'llfelierLiisrartvi - olit, York (fa
ow Yory, li. Y.
••••1-'. • ;Salnliel C. lit:Mee, Freeport, nt.
iJahn A. Nirlsol, ° l . l °. •
Unrcing, liftiple Grove. Pa. '
CIS. Fumy, Whreling, {Vest Filltirda,
, whom pawed the usual scarcldng a t
.llUlnallou , Of-tlva College natinfactorily, UP
alto 104 no doubt, hereafter distinguish
..11ienn.eirtn+ by an hnnoruhin proficiency - In
binlintn•e. Ca l gratinata_ was awarded the
. bninftgailliplonia or the. College, no a credo o-
•t Blot prodoiocy, of lila tudiistry, and of
.14.tiremidatr deportment during, lila canr.ra
, .
'34 - t-st - the !tlesstrlons Ahernethy Satil.
.. "Will, air, what's the matter," sold Aber
' slei hi, the greet English marginal, to a unlace
.. v i gis-lordrier, patient, who lueleraled teeersal
-. •-..hlia. oth, nothing serlous,e Was the reply,
1 ,
• 1113(strnuneli and liver one ord'of order than:
• .a11.1...D0 you mal that nothing sole 'said
'[..4:beirlethyt "I. tell yen, sir, that wit these'
'•'• IWO •
,argittm lair - out' of or.lei, as - yea call it,
there's nut a square. melt of the body that tA
. abeinoie or Less disensmi, :torn drop e • blood
...,..itii.L.thtit . is led healthful conaltlon.' , Korb
'... Ing Olt - be ' more true; Atterefeie it h. of the
`....e.ATtiglir6t:tin•pOrtitiled to keep the At tench
••.siid liver In it vigorous condition. If the one
-i is - wea.k and Um other Irregular iri itsaction,
- .tilale . aud coutrol them with I'lf/stetter,' Cele
- :hinted Sternlieb fritters—the most genial tog
: clable:.ElestoratiVo aild Alternative that bra
eier becn•allealnistercul as a cure for Dyspep.
..11. and Liver , i)):100:40. /2 , 13
. racpmmonded by
.. - 41Stingtilshrel sdrgeons and. Phi - Ad:ins of the
- - 11.inllra States Army, by otficers of the army
stud navy, by our first authors, by eminent
clergymeu,dn Gait, by thousands of the most
--Intelligent or every ebors, unequalled
' protective agatnstegidemie and malarious di
inntsmi, and as a perfoudyluneenous, but at the
Sittne time pcilrerfial, - invigorunt and rallra.
Are - liold.lvllolelialo nnd re;al ntce lorr r,ite4
..A.rbanal . cg.'wlirvg and rafeutMedieltke Depot,
01hrlirkett st . rent, corner of tit° Diamond.,
A'es r -Fourth
• Watt mutt vs ...ter Goods.
irwlth great pleasure we call tho moon
cmidora tho subpart, stoekof Full
VilntliCtiocala n lust *calved by Mr, Jolm
:•',..Wohlr: l l o , , Ccliant.Tallo4 No. 123 . Poderal
Ilia atricir erhbiticeS` thine of the
beautiful Cloths, Casslmores, Overcoat
j.-into and Vesllngs over brought to tho
. wostern
I ;.• .Markot: ainlortmontOrYuraLshlng Goods,
Sentnerislog-Shliti, Drawer.., Collars Neck Tles,
' • ltandlaarthlefs, an., cannot to surpassed mai .
*west. ..A.,-large stock of ready made rants,
....,fioattyYmts and Overcoats, wilt also be found
Mitabllailmont. Persons In want of any
to the : clothing lin4 should not fall to
Wei.= a colt.
*Thomas W. Parry & Co.,
Trltalical. Slate Roofers, and Dealers in Asneri
...east Slats; oftztrions colors. Ocoee at M
er Latlgnlin's near the 'Water Works Pitts
' :bitrg,b,Das. flosltianco, So. 7S Pike street. or
scant pitntipft attended to. All work Inn-rant
.eayrater proof. Lc' Talking done et the snort
tip charge COi-repalrs, provided the
.zoof 13 rot - abused atter it Is pot on.
ffireet-Ai r wik'
_lll the pretty nante tar the princess in the fairy
:talc; and•Ciery lady may be a Princess Street
:Ups, if sdiecheoses tot:L.3am fragrance breath
' ing Bosodont.. This rare essence of iminmei
- '-obleartimatie herbs, removes every blemish
from the teeth, gives a blush-rose tinge to the
gtithitand .thudera the mouth as pure and
as zuttnfant. • •,
Tiro Mks: tax
balia , a:thia4lo-durbY
`,:Stlibarac,ira - dem .
bo elegant. Ppy
f-IciritialOpue Polka with a pke of S k tate c.
homtbo Ulagegt 'stock to bo found at
3r0.1.%W00d street.. lie lutsail
latest inairored pattern. call imul nee
...Carpenter Sobbing Shop.
'tenni:led attar an alliance of throe
lathe army, I late re-o fined my shop
- for ahem - ix ofJobbing in the carpenter
it, the old fitfind, Virgin alley. between
. 4104litre-et nail Cherry Alley. Onl am solid tell
promptly attended to.
, Jli our stork of winter dress goods, ahawLs,
blauketa deartals,.te„ at a still further mine.
tiorrou fdrmerprieer. Remember. wears now
Oa; the Mirth east corner of Fourth and Mar
let Streets.
C. Maws Loss L Bao
I - French Merinos,
r;.• , ..1kt00y1, heary,kkal double,twllled French me,
iinp.Cor one dollar; it - is a bard-pia. Ilemember,
•.Ir. IS to bo had only on the northoast eonacr of
f'r Fourth and Market:streets.
Georze 'Striven
preifered to sell all kinds of Canned Frott
-as cheap awl as goest.eut any House west of the
isohnt.itns. .No. 77. Fettered street Allegheny
Clti• ! Jatthe
- Icelatrines end rtinures„
oleienseortmentjttht opened, on the north
eafleoruer or Fourth end Iddrlrof streets.
' . 7. C...11a7z0s Lorz 1-gne.
Goo!' Moral.
et Itch Ist lame 431141.11 hicClln
for4,s.hhoets 8113 Vairsaniod and repaired
Irce._'. PC.Flderal
2ttinkets and Illatsets;
- -Cheap . , ist the great eltk4lng, out sale at Barker
SO tarot street.
` Sackg nes. Basques, eke..
,Stelltniat loss tbun cost, at Barker it Co.'. 7.1
Xarketstreot . • •
-•!2 Federal Street,
.I.a selling Boots and Shoe, 10
Vert.vnt lesS than any other Louse In the too
• - 921Pederal Street,
7 , .:47,Fe11eral street; n'rederal street . . McClin
teelVo r4oettiiuse,.92 Federal street.
: 'McClintock.
"Itt:Eideral street, Allegheny, is ncli log .Itoots
stral...Shoes exclusively for cosh.
tiryGoods store is on the north euit corner of
Tonrth Son Market streets:-,
, .
- - McClintock's,
- react4l criCpct, is selling off at prices ohleit
*Fit onlsh Ivalug.d.cra.
brisk /Good*,
larap,, et the great. doling out tine of Barker
sa Market N*ol.
ALI10,1)1.4-Hint eale.ordt - stoodsnt Barker &
SO /leiter etieet; .. • .
The ;alit abalitalei at Darker a C'ea, 7a Mar
•zredertil street, is Tipt
alkit)tictor g 50..
4nd exandnetliolloota and shoes at IT/ rodent
Mates% Skaters!! Skates!!!
. tit:Jame : l Bow u , k , , No. 13.3 Wood
, stregg; -
flaviier'st lairbOrs Noap
; 3.4ciy—try it- Ouly thirty cents a cakm
:••••••"-. .
V . ro
rimy sect has recently kpng ttp
aGpimany under tho mimeo( "Cogitants.,"
- 1 . . 4 113ey *lame- Elbe.' cs!ablished a magaainc,
Clifdelii.bears . the following motto : "Our
:. - knoWlettge is one faith; our dignity is our
1 .161-Wity: ourworebip is life; and our re
: to reports from Arkansan
tketw Istat - proset• tt only. ooe cjervrnan of
tio.k.p . l4;Oopal Church in the uriii•o
ditties in tho whole of the Sho;•.
" 11Z=p
etiurol. of the Inh•
-ate States, met id ➢Axon,
14th. Tho.oponing sorinun pr,Vll
- IT Rec. Dr. J. S. Wilson, of Atlanta, in
nilvorntect tit' establisinnont of a
Preshytorian Churchlin tho South • ontiroly
dh.oonnrtotl innn the Church North. We
find quite n lengthy report of the irroooed
it., in the (113V -r.-r, fr4nt which we gather
some mans of I ,, oneral intorost. The
ettondertnyg then penin; of the so..tsion
WI. rather meagre, others mime in the sue
cc-tiling days, fait the: Iliqbest number pres
ent at any time• was forty-tltrea minis:ors
and twenty elders. The Rest. Dr. Goarg. ,
ID ;AI., dl)r Clthlllibill, South :Carolina, was
M(HiOrtit. and IL It. mu,
teinporary (Jerk, Itclt. Or. S. It. {Gilson, or
Gcsirgia, e1f,v4.1 stAte.l Clerk,
and' thillter. Dr. Willi:tin Diown, of Diet,
mono, Virginia, permanent Clerk. The
incmbers of Idle Aue lnbly appeare I
to he br. J. I.eightozoVilson, Dr. Nail, of, fir. E Mi4insippi, Dr.
Kirkpatrick, qfJi Caro Linn, Dz. nod.
A. Dr. Jacob IL Mitchell, and Itev.
Dr. - amytll, Of Charleaton. !toy. IL At,rti
',m,. of the Presbytoey of libuiaville, m ay
present tin behalf of the “li.Otuiiky IS aril
Of ,'tkL for Pritibyterian Daatar3 in Cho
ottili," to aids the en-operation of the ft-s
-aunil,iy. Dr. Palmq, :Nev., orient - la,
irr,r,ttaitled a report tin a nosy Hymn Book,
in hich ho stines.l44orevised. copy of the
hot k had been' deto*o&iita*totton In
May Last, tlttl - supSclite4 the itppointment'nf
a :lelc iranntittee. the report w.e;
Ix r 111:,.. It was suggeSlAl and urge I that a
t; rf r book should olso be preparod by tho
same txdurnitteo. The report of the Can2l
- on Foreign Missions conveyed but
little information iii tiegard tb the missiona
ries tanplo34sl by the . I:wird. Six thous
and dollops Was asked for the support of
the Indian Mission. ; The !viva on Dairies
tie Missions Was mainly nindo up of sug
gxklions relating to the dirdet teaeldmt of
indhriduals, theinlifiiing Up : of retthlo,k,rip
vied WWI broken dosrn churt . , Ales, and the
Instruction of the or the relief of
ft:eble eburehes the. SylitilllClF 171 . the (fro
Church of Stotiond
The sr evelleS follotringlllk_lentation of
these reports trero orgicCinckit doleful
character. 1)r. Itoss niforriri,,io._ the de,
fund Confederacy, lice saiitiok sub-
- ,
mission to thedlspiMsationl4:',
not:tmly—to ciuoto-J!beetanstit,lS Of'dkal,
and nitat we cannot help, find like
Sob, 'The Lord gave,' tho*l..duith taken
away,' •' what then.? , ,.."1 ttanitatheilt
under his sovereignty? Nor
beam name of the; •Lord.! ..."'ffe also re
marked that "whatever we May feel in re
gard to the agency helms been please,' to
employ, it is only n lied and a stall' In the
hand of God to punitdi us." llc thou pro
ceeds to show the rcleten why the rels.ds did
not succeed, bemuse they • lived to make
money to buy elsvett, to make cotton to buy
servants to maim cottgia, and t
pTot . :ectis were sPint t`iu s the usual
indulgencas and refinements tf pleasure.'
The Committee on Pnbliattion mported the
deatruet ion of the oti).ei4' atutall tttt contents,
including the books : watt urged to .
cure the political I onaHspocially adapted to
their people, and not.., lrnstto denominations
in other sections, The report on Theologic
al Seminaries showeld a sad 'state o,r atraim
in regard to finances, Thamostinterosting,
and coo might say amusing discussion, was
to find a name for this Smith - era wing of
the Presbyterian Church, as!it seems quit,
evident train the beNgerent tono of the As
sembly, that a Cation with tt hrorth is not
seriously - thimpigh - t — ol at tho present, If In
deed-ever- It.wna, i .prctpaEtl to ecill the
bixry the "Ueforrued ProalAr.uthinehurCh."
the "Fred Presbyter/mm(111=10 tha "l' in -
stitutional 'Presbyterian Church." Dr. Ito ae
prEfpcscrl "The Presbyterian tJhurch South;"
the Rev. John Miller proposed "The Geo
oral Assembly of Presbyteries of the United
States;' Dr. Kirkpatrick propo4Jed "The
Second General Assembly. of the Presby
terian Church." The name finally chosen
was "The Presbyterian General Assembly
in the United States." The Assembly ad
journed after a few days' seSsion, to meet
next year at Meraphis, Tennessee. The
Presbyterian thinks that In view of their ,
dependent stand, they' will surely not pre
sume to appeal for aid from th , sso from
whom they have separated; taunt would be
ungracious in them to.ask help to 'mild up
a .Echismatim.l organliation.
—lt is gratifying to note how generotly
the '.''Week of Prayer" recommended by
the Evangelical Alliance, Is to be observed,
ecntime.ncing yesterday, throughout the
country. Doubtless touch good will be
done, and its oltr.ervanca will tend to in
create the spirit of union already leavening
the various Evangelical Churches of the
Protestant. denominations In this country.
It Is also one of the pro essive signs of the
age,*terling to hasten
the long desirdi nor
when the watchmen will see "eye to ey."
on the walls of Zion. In connection with
the services of the "Week. of. Prayer," the
3fetltc,dists inaugurated yesterday the Aar
vitvs of (this) the Centeunary year, of the
ntroduction of :112thOdiS111 WO, this e-Jun
—Some hien of the massive prop irtions
of . the .Methodist Book (7 0 ,,E 4 , at N ew
York, tarty - ho atieertainocl. from the filet
that from the year lt:slit W lttriO...—the form,r
beine.The year when the Concst , rn des
troyed by tire—the following. diaborp•ro,uts
have been made ontaide of the, busine-ei of
the Concern. MN-it:end. to Animal con
fereninareos,4s7,oo; amount trantiforrod to
the Citicinnall Book Concern by order of
the General Coriferenee in laid, 8105,103,:ii;
paid expenses of Delegate; etc., ft,3,031,00;
paid debts of local newspapers $27,117,31;
paid Fancily other bills, by order of the
General Conferenee i 1 2 ,001 7"i; paid salaries
of 'Bishop.? nd traveling o x pers., itiK),324,-
4—making a total of titi3B;o32 !MU,*
that report was made the Book Coot has
paid en the salaries and expenti. B oftitist i _
~eips, to the witlows,of Bishops,. or General .
`conference expenses, and on dividends to
Conferences $135,176 59. In addition it paid'
-the claims of the Chweb, South, and tho' .
Wit of their settlement, to Gat amount of
V. 74,411 72, making a grand total of *1,017,-
• e 99 fait - I
—The IN:me York' Oi ei; vi , r claims to
the tirAt roper to introduce intcl its columns
the Department of religious intelligence
for the various christiun denominations.
Withent questioning the Chilirl AI;(1 think
he derartinent of the is !well aonuccf
tcsi and evinces a liberallf7 to the different
.scetu that is truly
--The bran new envier of Bishop Con
roy, of Albany, New York, is:about four
feet long, gold gilt, ivlth most elaborate
The criScopal 'ring is of miutsive
;;,old, with a large snphire itt. the centre,
testing lone , the stun ',Of $ 1 . 600 . Tidy IS
surrounded by a circle of
is =said a. Mw t:ongregstional
riturch is likely to )•,e iinfninfied In New
York city - , chiefly out of the Independent
McthAlist eongremition, recently under the
ore of ' Prof. 151attison,;, who hha returned
to the Methodist Episcopal Church.
—A correspondent of the American
Prevbyterinn writes from Elmira,' N. Y.,
over three hundred rise in some meetings
for prayer, and the number of 'eonversions
ranong young men is truly wonderfuL
—The Christian Eifirirter !(I.Tnitnrian)
thinks that Bishop Potter'sconcletemition of
lorertte singing Is just and the iffholo thing
bus become a scandal and It *as time 14
was SU
111 - r „.
' 4 13 en i
• .17-9
, ,; , :4 „ a
6' - I
CAI7 A 44 ri r 4
Aq . A 4 13 - A 40
r.y 1,4 tttempt was made t
r, ;mere the sucker P +l+ from a well rocentlf
on the ,mith • Y.lrm, on Cherry
. et a tulle top ti.e meek. The two or
Ilk", Joints of the p.ta were blown oat WI It
inert Corer; and the prrmturo of mei
Int 11;51 It it tw nco,,et y lit chain down tie
till it .turangemuntt were eiteedlly ma le
Inr ireetrlng the MI, u hick COOII began to
at the rare of a barrel in four ntinotev, am'
let pt on llowietz all alt:ht and the neat day till
oor Informant left. It IA rated at :gin or 400
hartul , of oil a day,—mine say 509 or mo - c.
The t•ii La of it: .le!.treca t.rarrity. The well W..,
nun!: into the third t.and toe:: at a
almt 1.1.11 frt . t.
Thl.: welt In owned I.y Martin Connolly,
Mynllall and Man - hinavy of this city a .•t
and Vanato...:ain of 1/1I Ch y.
Itas occasioned ounnldikra , ,in
moll on (lion,. Run, and dose own:no lot •r
-r... 1 in that me in notch hotter spirits.
1:11.0i171,C1Ire tray reerovsal on Satunlay of a
ri ry hisiolamite xl rike having been made on a
chaff Ft', am near Linn L. nun. We are with
out part iculam but rumor mita it 41,Wri AA a
five hundred barrel a s•II. It repo•-bal
I a Well belonging tti the Dennis lkim anti
Ws ni Ilo•kory Oil Company lira iudrsm•a••l from
one hi:wired to lb.'s :stool red hartels p. i slay.
The tus•at protnialusir field for resumes :Mire
oil opetitllo. at I.sllositss. The furnsei • ni
gh/11C: Deon Is nun lii at this phlt•e. Tile well,
en Leon is nun la at tlibs phis,. The well, on
Oemsisi pious all strike oil at• slopth of tiro
buisslrtal Wild forty feet. Evers - , .., t the run,
alisrh Imam put (lowa to the proper depth,
ass struck oil in paying sista:tittle, Ph,
ells on liti. lanai ate pro Itielsm fr•iva thirty to
three hundred Irarrein each.
reecerning the yield of oil It rruty lei r(~
metki...l that the wells proiluee daily stool
5 flAtarrelte ittlo l the :nest AL:ezeillance ore. , no-
OSA! pollinate of the Pittele Creek two 1110,10
nen cony be relied Oita. near Cu, troth. S...un
We!% - it t 112 KW 1)0joilz ytt t. ethers hsr o
bet r p 1 ... Wed thathnce, the opt of the
hiet i esluess mon kept up the qus.ltity it .51
the ounce ns tiffinefly. The amount of oil pro..
by the main moll., has so often 1,1,
MA(lll>y the press that I v. .11 Pi I.le. co IP
littihieetom state then. 1 will only 511 . 1 lo Pi
one or IWo wells which Or Gln - t 1.1 l
of Cr:. int: wells iin.l Which are over too
trieht ..1.1. No. 51 or tile "Poole Welt" yiehls
it ....rrels per of eottrle, lv
the well of l'ithole.
The Fisher 'Well, (No. 1101 about
Iv rrolo. No. IPI 1110.11.1.1 en Fttrez 1.1 11 , 00, I :It
110 0 - 21 .01 5 . NOl. 50, 51 :toil 6r lloluvleo far.ll
testi.: and p.sted4ll tiff. No 11l
Mot. 3 nom, is r1 , ,,0111 . 11 by the hollierintee.l.
.0.1, Sr. Fllbteil av pompilet Met Po Si
f, mop, snit 1,1.10 bell to pi ove Weil
of the 11. st els,s.-11.11..1e
'The sule.tonee the oil new, f tve^ January.",.], Oven by the Ltee.•
The late frorshets have mn•le river trsiisnor
tali, 0 lit ely, brit irmaming basis - ea a retene..l.
Thole is, therefore, a 140,, fin:111111y or oil In
the tames, but 110 o f no eddy of
getting to market. The amo c unt it Oil
IS estiniated at 40,0,0 leirrels. Tao pri
ces nor crude ore 7,ilirrl,Su at Rum:, an 11,U to
S,lO at the Pitholo
Near .tone, the on! ~ [bloc new Islip' In,rea,se
of theCitckawasillia well to isl lasrrols a day;
awl the steps taken by the Iloilo Curl:many fu.
tide immediate sinking of fifty new wells.
The k tieeka well, 1 , , niPes from Ttla..vllle,
courys, Istri elf, and Is tile only p:oluriz;
v.ell as yet on Cliereti Run.
lln tbe haul of the Parker Petroleum ll,mp
Imi role.
new n ell reem.tly street:, is pumpl IS
Tho oil in-minced upon It og
etionronda fifty cents )0.- barrel snore tliarsith e
oil o hen delivered. at the Ti.usville
ntarkl.t:oming to its greater den,ite. A•nset
F 4 holes have besm conk on IS,‘lsion Vlst call
sid v. Well are now producing:. On the nodes
side of the creek It wells liss'e been sunk, lad
gee of these hove been worked. The oil it o
Ite11:7111, ore Mil , ' above Pint •r, is
grov 11 to ill. a large villege, to (1.10
piltllk nn.ti 1/11,1 oil-transimrting pipe trim
hole I,lMb here enters, et tae. 031 Iliss-k Rail
road. Soule efforts are being made In reArtiCl-
Ude Mit wells in that vicinity.
sLatrur, sillne the lire, threatonS to more lip
to 31111er /urns.
On Bennulaiair Run, the follow - tag slatP:llra
of 11311nreels total - id Ott
from which Lllo usual ZS Join cent. LIIOI,I. ot."
Isarrls :
Per May, 1.0,1.
NO,lO, primping and 11°,1117... . . -
story Well, flowing .........
hr. - ...zeft:.llltil s .....
11,11mtelnitlaWoll, towing. .
. .
ct at
Rent ern , Union Telegra,2ll tlowne,
racy Ilerman
11 rn. Wank
Codlngton " •• .•..
The Stevenson, Ism at - Petroleum euatre,
)ulna thu t -,ritor7 of the Itounehod - Itu.4 Pr
t talcum Company, and to Lh. DOl.ll t Ix tu
t( )I,i lately.
Ihe Ocean Well, O. struck on the drat
oi , m.temLez last, and la now dus - In.; u , out
914. ; n.rrelF.
71u: Artie, of No. 01, romrnen,...l 11, to
~.out N., ember, and is 11.,n prod u,tu
a:rout W./ hart els.
O. T.: ,truth nn the L - 4.b of. tho o.toto thoath
nod tows now ZO barrolo per day. with Itto , o,
valve still tn.
o. pumping And flow bout Jim,
we, kr, pr. - lac-en :about Z . ..., bar.
pump:. 01 barrel.
11 pumpirm al barrel&
No 19 is 6 tryposoll to yield rib >to trrrnty r
Thirty-six new wells haver reenn/ly been
00311‘ to a graettor or lena depth, and one of
w Lich has y scl been eLentione 1.
The demalty of the 01l prof iticei an this farm
Ls from 4.5 hi, and sold at 'Same per anrre:
The riot of snaking a airell horn in a..out 6 LOST,
exclosive of the price of Imoe. Tat. coat ;may
now rcfunew to sell any, but they may tn•
obtained on the adJo.ning tr act of tlse
holt Ccinpanv.
TL • ht'Llin - tock Ferro h 5.537 producing well-.
No. tit tubed on ChrLstraus day-, pampa 1131
Mown et/Gut to berretta, (Mil promincn to noselt
ILO or 1:500 barrels. Density of the oil, 47 :le
gre v 10 new wells will be tested within
thirty dose. So far nu unproductive
Le.,;s to 151,0 W. Toe Cortifranyln b. 511
xf the oil no far is 400 barrels 5104. Taeir
illait Iwo enehed u depth of 75 rent. it t,
smut hula. The woe: 10 delayed fur want of
The Tarr Farm Is the only locality where
et , leg has hetet generally a 551,1 la ten wolfs.
It was dope hero by mutual ex:nom - lent; the
lend lr.terest bearing half of the expense.
The old holes wrere stopped with fie,/ lags,
anti with the insertion of artesian pipe
Outside of the ordinary tubing to sufficient
depth to prevent the entranced! :surtics, water,
hay had the effect to revive soim• old wells.
Among:ce ikons thts improved on the lttoud
Faro, uretio. Maple Grove Well, now immplag
GD Oda., the Painter tiO WM% the r twin., end the Welkms All these except. the
and wore preciously exhausted.
On the Tarr Farm the Cornwall well hay been
rviveal, the Sterling well likewise , aad Li now
i uotning
sill yst is
doily. The Pratt and
; umn Willett LS year old, Ii Clow
follIllp:/Ag fifty barrels daily. The Crouch well
pumping tilts: to nixty barrels—cased Theold
and noted Phillips and Wo.lford well. have
110 cm ire Oren eased. These two wens tt cra al
t t and the proprietors, It la quid,
were ercr troubled on his account aniti/ tx.rth
, e aacd.
be Jsco.sortt well, reached ro.l row mouth
eloo r.
0.1 1.4 Lose pLutioliog sty fr.ll-1,1, Toe
T.. 1. lout: C.o's well s pLooping ,00st y bar,L4.
T given oblige.. the to ea, U.
es so. ua We line.
The ' , cork of Hunting,tun county 14 - 0 agita-
Ling for a railroad from Newry to Pattrins
lt would be a Lranch toad connecting
with the Pennsylvania tend , and would puss
through that part of the county. known UPI
The C. S. .11ollroad mat Mining fte g toter nog..
• gep to the opening of u new railroad Anne star
tirg from point on the Lebanon Volley hail
read, end passing on the nouth nide of /hurls
hurg to an eligible site for a railroad benign
aerton the finsquehantrel; thence op the lieh,
low Breeches creek, through and near a eerie%
of iron ore deposits opened at int,rvals along
the foot of the South Mountain; thence across
the route of the Cumberland Valley Railroad
the vicinity of Eleipperisburg; thence west
to the Bontingdma. and Broad Top Railroad,
on the waters of Bloody Run; send thence on,
via Bedford, to a connection with the PlLLY
bcrub and Connellsville Railroad on Will,
set eh, twelve miles from Cumberland.
The Des Reface RAVI MI. says that an orgwn
irs•tibia has been completed in that city for the
(e.-euttm.tlon of a railroad from Pee lifeinm, to
Council Bluffs, to connect at the latter gasket
with the Union Pacific Railroad. The name
of the corpomtion is to be the "The fowls
Brunch of the Union Pacific Railroad Compa
ny The following gentlemen were
ele ."
cted Director% viz: B. P. Allen, I'. 3f. Cos:My,
Y. W. Palmer, J. Id, Tuttle, T. K. Brooks, lloyt
Sherman, C. C. Cole, Geo. ti. 'Wright, F. It.
West, F. Y. Spofford. At a meeting of the Di
rectors, the following named gentlemen wore
elected no otlSCoro of theCOn10:1111 . , viz: P. 31.
Cosally, Seeeeteay, R. West; Tt4eienrer. 'lnc
moot energetic Measures will be taken to
push this enterprise 20 nllnnplOflOn.
IT IN onthrnatt eel) , stated that State Senator
,V i serer 11. Lott trig elosed at nontroet with
the Atlatitle and t;rta t Western Railroad Com
pany, ty a bleb the letter company agree to
fateltieb at WO,OOO to MIMI the road from Erie to
Clitlip noel put to runningorder to,-
fore the-ciese of tin y , ,if WIG, for which they
ore to receive 55 per taut. of the earning. and
allow the control:lnd management of the road
to remain In the Lunde of the original owners,
or Ede pert let; and that the road Is not to be
operated detrimental to the Interests of het,
Toni Iluvenport Gazelle hunts that tho North-
UM Line racket Company nre preparing for
llext'teeponco freight Mutiny. on an ”Xte
Si re twain. They are building barge,. to carry
grain in bulk, nod also earn for there exellettve
e,to he run over the railroad fret. NI ontrotle
to Renkuk, olive the river la too low to 0r0,4
the rapid..
A CCYFTIIITTIOk train was pat Ilpon the
Creek . and PiUloic ItaJirnad daring
lest wick. The work Sr, progre,King
A large number of , grader/I aro beint 414-
cLarm d, their aerviet•ii , awning no lung , r re
efhel grading upon the upper p ,rtion
„il,„ Is am all arm°. tiviro Iva!,
enOtlgh io 1:10 2 P47 thc cast'
Our Special Dispatches
1110111 WASHINEILT4.
treuence of Patronage iu
lab Ci ILI: 8153013 cori;sl
Itreenstructioa Committee in Session.
Report Oil Freedmen's afralrs
2K.rutions from the Army and Navy.
Flto., .17:t40., Etc).
Jolla Minor Botta has come nut in a card In.
nylug that he has sought to prevent the ad-'
mi,lon of the Virginia Slumber, Ito says: .
I have maintained that ovrry'lleprasuntatly4
ennstitutionally elected, orb° waa prepaiono
e..tuply with thu requisitions of the tlonstitu
ti,li allit lawi was as fully entitled to take (sin
I. any of those now occupying seats in
either lion.. To have taken any other ground
would horn been to admit that tloiStates lato
iy in ri bellion had boon out of the Union and
emommently that tieCtIiSIOSI was lawful and
oi,titutional, a position that nobody will
,m , poct Inc of occupying.
e•VIR .11,11 b1 . 1141NK6 51. T. ert,,uncv.
The story of Eta attempt to remove Senator
t.tmater's appointee, Mr. Paltry, from the post
on:ets Is entirely unfounded. Nothing of the
sort wus ever proposed, either at the White
Holum or PostoQiec Department. Mr. Sumner
amonc those who hold that a breach with
the Prevident is neither necessary nor probs.-
hie Ile has espies:.•d this opinion aince lay
late interview with florae,• Greeley, IM
ately after that ;tenth:man had returned front
his interview with the Pr...ed.:tit. It Is under•
etoogl (bat the President A.A . pressed to Mr.
Great; lids desire to avoid any rupture Ivith
the party.
No teem than foorteao nannies ern already'
lI an on tho Spook era I hat for elaborate hour
- r ,,, be./. lira C.ontnithao or the Nrloan, ot
licoonAructlon. Amon , : tte , o an , Itouturnlf,
1),r,0n, Conkling, Sri:l°2old, Voorhee, and
urrcrrErs I rst.c.,,ca
Ali mien of the Cabinet omphatieully dopy
lila: the President 11.1 any ordors stnp
idipointments uitsn the reeomiliondatioll
nt Congire,s, or that either Ito eir they !tare
pITTOSeaI C11(1...I king Can 7rosaincri Who ask for
1`. 1,-, mi:it s nit to their inted 4 . 2
pal t ry t'
At the same lime it is undeniablo that
they term to lonk forward to a potsilhiii con_
tingiine) in ithittli ihey might regard 'mobil
mode of exerting ingtienee as proper. TOO
leermtly said toe COlViurrative NOW
England Senator that the only Mistake tin had
thus Car mode in his administration WI. in
riding tiuneral Cart Sebura to the South to
ytt stigate mutters for him.
Prring the week ending te-dny, too Mil/104 0
sr n hundred and twenty-three thousand,
zpni hundred and ten dollars inNstional Mink
r w a in
were Issued to the banks. The foetal
tee irk eirculatlOn houpwards of two bemired
and fortz
new rttoWile - Aar. "As craror•t. tirtiacg,tr
1 . 1 - o following, pungent Ifirmatou of South
. entern theology hasjuat been prom aP;ated by
Major General Thomas Armed relt,ta non to
the Unite...l states having been put down, the
l'rt •lilent, on the glib day of May last, Issued
hie Proclamation of Amnesty, declaring that
re , d , tuues having Ceased In all quarters,
he Invited all the States In robelltnn to rec.-sa
fari, t, and restore eirll authority, thus pro
clnaning the magamminilly of our‘lorernfriOnt
towards all, no matter bow etiminal,nr hoard..
erring of punishment- Alarmed at till• imi
cent and Impending peril to the ea. IV. , In
a bleb he had embarked, with all lit. heart and
mind, Oral desiring to check, If posultde, the
am end of popular aperrobstlon, and grateful
appreciation of the 121341131.11.13111UA poliey of.
the Ids egforts to bring the people
of the United States to their former friendly
mt national relatinns with 020 another, an
11601 V klual etylillg himself Bishop of Mebane.,
fornetting Itts ntholon to prene.ll "Proem on
rettn, mat Good Will tovarl.. Men," and be , .
Mg animated with 1160 Mant , aptrit whin,
tho:o^,h I 6 nardatlon beguiled the mother of
roan In the NlMMis.lorl of the drat evil, them.
by entailing eternal toll am/ trouble on earth,
hsucal from Latin.] the shield of his oCace, his
roan Ife,d of the 2i of June last to the clergy
of the Epi.opal Church of Alabama,dlreetlng
t t ni to omit the 051.211/ cost ornery prayer for
Preeldent of the United Stotos, end till
others In authority until the troops of the
United States had teen removed from the
hefts of tho stn to et Alabama, cunningly
justlf) ing the treo.onable cause by plausibly
presenting to the intrala of the pooplo that
clell authority not havinz yot boon reitered
in.Alabams, there wits no occasion for the um
of prayer, 43 such prayer WICs illteflCl,l for the
civil antliotity alone, and av the military was
.the (nay...authority In ALthartia, it ITIO maid
f stly improper to pray for the continuance
of military rule. Tpis man, in hi+ positl.l as
ri trarher of iell.;lon, charity and cool-fellow
..hlit ell h hie brothers, whose pare mount duty
.1. :art, wino Id have been eliaracterip.,..l by
fi:rok nem ant freedom from all ettaiting, ILI..
look advantt of 1t.,, ranctity of his 1, ,niion
to mislead the minds of those n.o naturally
regarded him as a teacher In whom they could
I J est, and attempted to lend thArt bark into
the labyrinth of treasrm. For the -covert and
cunning act he woo deprived of the privilege
.1 citizenship In so far es the rie,ht to onlela LC
no minister of the Gospel because It Imo evident
be could not he trusted to officiate, and confine
his teachings to matters of Religion. In fact
that Religious matters were but a somndary
r onside, allot) on his mind, lie having taken an
r or ly opportunity to subvert the church to the
.Im.titention of his treasonable sentiments;
and it ls, moreover, manifest that err far from
ant I . t tabling the name political views es IlL4h
cp Wilmer, the tpcople of Alabama are hon.
n.,1 !y endeavoring to restore the civil authority
in that State In conformity to the requirements
of the Constitution of the United litotes, and
to repudiate the vete of hostility during the
past font yearn, and have accepted with a loy
al and becoming Hydrir the magnantmens
trims offered by the President, therefore the
restrictions heretofore imposed open the I.:plS
copal clergy of Aloha= arc hereby removed,
and Illshop Wilmer Is left to that remorse Of
conscience consequent, to the exposure and
failure of tbs?diabolical schemes of designing
anti corrupt minds. .
Icy command of Major General TOO.IIAII,
WI. D. Wutrot.a, A. A. G
Tr...‘1 1 501 1 1 - .,1511.C0AT10N &OM,.
It is proposed week to Introduce In the
Pertute, o resolution discharging the Itecon *
strurtlon Cm:indite° from the Mnisideration of
the erodenlials of the • renneesee eenotors, and
referring them to the Jodleinry Committee.
The friends of the motion say they tun count
twenty-foor Toles in its favor out of the forty.
nine members who compose the Senate.
The Joint B.reoristruetion Cenrimittne Met
yesterday in the room of the Senate ravine
Railroad Committee. All the meinlier* were
present eiteept Bingham, of Ohio, and Griller,
of Kentucky. They passed a rnaillit ion that
their pro., eeill nen should ha. kept sveret, and
Alit milli:fig ogon• hut Indnig, In 'Lee:Ter e l con.
iersation Well developed ileeidislly radical
ideand adjourn Oyer to Tuesday next.
Indleat lone today are more MlM•ftli ,m to the
presentation rif u Arta front by the
In both • House and tienato rID thu ,ghlect, of
trout Timm:rut, Jieit ill, tile other rebel
r EMIMFM'A 4Yeatas.
An o (the Freedmen's Bureau who
was recently cot by General Howard to In
veritigato inn ens pertaining, to freedmen's
jiltdrs in Sent vorolion, ocorion god Florida,
Azlliturrort, January 7, MN.
i% J.; AIZ.Y
L"'/ ,, reported to the t:..•
alien. ht th.. 4. SIM , •8 II ..32. that
, f 0 t ),,,, a) , mum, ion to Inaelft.lte,l
fret , tither NyAtem, 11. It 7,,,n1 rule
. men of intelligence In the two first-named
exprets their determination to vo-oper-
Late with tAr Vreetinti,V3 linic au in its otrorta
to elevate the condition of the noxro, and la
and preserving harmony , hotween
t two • rare..
In blorido. the same good feeling doe, not
&sec., to er.ielt, a number of the whites having.
;notified General Yoater by letter that unle.s
~. they were allowed to whip and shoot negroea
',Whenever it suited their fancy, they would
leave the State. Their request not being ae
''Celttl to, large numhera of the planters are
: .. -emigrating to Teta., Where they hope to
unreatrielEd liberty in the exercise of
honlanirirg efforts in behalf of the Afrb
The mime officer In the course or his lour
Andersonville, where he toned a small
garrison of es troops guarding the stock
lido, which still remains standing, notvilth
llitanding the' threats of the rebel soldiers to
limn It. The cemetery PI also In good condi
and under charge of a staunch Georgian
.Unionist, who VMS for several months Maoris.
Out d by the rebid authorities for his loyalty.
The disbursements and transfers by the
oTres.nry Department last week, limannte I to
°linen million aro hundred nod afty-ieren
thousand five hundred and twenty-five dull
°lntegra or TOO VELECOYIIN'tI ntr110•
This War Departmont, yesterday Ismail an
order, dhreting tormdy-ilve °Moen of the
Veteran Reserve Corps, to immediately report
'ln.person to Mnjor General Baird, Assistant
Commissioner of Freedmen for Louisiana, for
assignment to duty la said Bureau, to replace
°Moors now serving on such duty, whose ser
vices may be needed with their commandos or
regiments, or whOsevommands may be mus
tered out.
Another muster out of gurgeo. am% &stied.
dnt eurgeonenfiefontears, wan ordered yea
ternny by the War Department. Among the
inumber are Surgeons Annan°, J. IMIDITH, Or
Vldo, and Anstetant Burgeon' John Metter, of
rnlatlnUT 11111111111 . 210T01.
ThOTO a-us rednerneel last wank, at the Trean
ury,over 84500,00; In Legal Tonder Notes; iv" ;
elo In Geld tertillented, (P 11,84.1 In Fractional
Currency, and /109 Cortlfleatos of [llliObtOd-
L.D. ' , MI THY CLIA2II.IL 11'.11.617n0
Th. , President yeatorday Issitad4ho - potnnt
granting forty-Elv° thousand aniciffOf land to
the Central rapine thydroad. tt
naroara run* ina Wo iiinkifinn.
The French Lestntbrin here.tticlut the story
tolographett over the conntrY:frOia N. Or
leans that the Liberal arm,' AS shout to he re
inforced by a division Of *Pecan veteran
tmaps recruited fret; our ittinY on the Rio
(:made. The Mexican Legation, on the other
hand, n hether they credit the rumor or not,
will not ..ay they don't believe IL The friends
of the Air.r.iCatt Government pronounce the
whole slot y a rus, to help the sale of 1110 Ros
ie:v.: lone, e !dell I. dragging ralll. , r heavily on
the M.,
Per.ertets from the re:filler army during tte
rat.t two or three months hare been untetat
Ir nutliTtews. and IA ar.cem vi the dumber
ceivcd hub Its rank by - recruiting. Asn gener
al role Omni two thirds of the men enhated
ohlen the ric-se of the war, de.orted afLer re_
ceivier; their drat payment, and the remainin g
naer the needed payment, and this state
of affairs to awing principally to the laclr of
dhelpline for Which the oftleern arc rcipon
It Is an acknowledged Cant that many of the
three months wohmtimr regiments, raised at a
moments notice, at the beginning of tho war,
were better diselplisosi nrganisatifuns than
.wino Of the regular regiments now are The
nary it alma losing largely from this muse. A
fat. Clays ego, seventeen privet. and One tor-
Orth° Marino COrpa, al.3tione; at ad*
point, dex-erted, after reeeirist,s PaY.
Capt.. ft/chard Sleade, of the Nary, a brotitn.
o:Genztal ;Meade. who, U will Do rernembered.
!Ms court martlaled and suspended for two
evw, for lasing, the gan Jacinto, and .ho has
, I:l6ett lcutairtuning the Nati: Depart:nest for a.
mr oration of his senteltee. was the Initiating
emu,. of the late order from the Department.
orotilhitin= Naval °Meer,. from visiting Wash-
Inclon *II bout titer obtaining the consent of
th, Seeretary.
]l./)or tomer/al Torttet.. uf cavalry fame, Pt to
hr tuartled ehostly to a wealthy lady lu
furd, Del/twos..
!, ,, etu eel 11111cit , on, formerly of the Nes York
Tribune, end author of thy Setteakal Debt •
Nettonot Mes,Mg," MIA been elected Seerfitary
Hof the Arne:leen [foam Labor Leozno Hyatt
quarterZ at Phtletlelpitts.
Most of Mao Congressmen hare rotru r ned, and
both Holmes will he pretty full to-morrcre...- '
Them l not a partiClo of foundaticri for the
report that Chief Justice Chase asked for the
pardon of young Ketchum. lle ha, neither. M.
pro, soli (11n, 11,. nor iroltrortly any wish In the
G. n. it. Cloy Crawford, who is mid to be ad
taming to the aid of the, Mexican Liberals at
the timid of an Ameridan division recruited In
Texas, in a citizen of Terme:wee, and was a
year or two man dismissed from the service by
court martini for stealing money from a bonk
in liegersolile. biz wits appointed to West
Point originally by Andrew Johrema, then a
member of Congress from Tennmeter, hut was
dismitsed before he had completed MS couran.
Ile z as one of Walkees tillihnsters, and at the
onthrrak of the War was an inmate of the
xinfe penitentiary- Subsequently Is was made
a Captain in Tennessee, rind procured u fraud
ulent appointment an Colonel of u negro regi
ment. It is not bettered hero that he con have
railed n moo for any service, Liborsi or. Napo.
Flit in Ike Coal Medi Sflll Burning.
If-ADC - IPM Jon. G.—The murder of n Miss
ITut t In Germantown tosday, Clinton , . great ea
ett.inent. That is the first murder ever corn
Tnn t.-il In that village. The tiereased was over
resenty yeans of age, and resided lltollc. Sire
u• fenini with her throat eat from 0;1110 ear,
and her skull (metered. The (tinnier Inuit
‘tace beam volltutitted I)ntßettll six ntle %Oren
o'elerk. tier nano left her at six o'cloek, No
tine to the murderer has yet been discovered
The reordered women lens repet cd as hur
ler; been quite rich.
The fire which lies been raging for some
time in the erstl sheds of tho gas works, near
this oily, and which had been ulinctst
gni/died. broke out again this morning, and
neveralf,hourand tons more of coal will be con
sumed. The lons in total, there being no testa
A mmttlig• of the hymn Walt Circle was held
last evening, at whieli Ileaolut ions Were passed
to be forwarded In the Congress now in session
at New York, elating the Circle had sent node'.
Otar tiIatittO4Y,IIITIJ condemlng the notion
of g one of their members, is Mr. Baker, Sit pre
sentlr.g himself there ow a Baprosentative.
Inaugural Address of the Governor of
:two Tote, Jan, 6.—A Boston dispatch says
Gov. Bullock was Inaugnratml at noon to-clay,
In bill Inaugural be congratulates the Legisla
ture that they are assembled for organisation
under the auspices of a national peace, and'
refers to the sacrifices Of the war, audits debts
and burdens bequeathed, but the question of
t. permanent and consolidated Republic for
North America has been solved, and the free
dom of all races secured by arttll9 and Organic
law. The aggregate tlebtof the state amounts
I C, tag tr4We er' t 'r ern
e, the G • or
says there Can be n.s a
o doubt but that now and new means fortransportation be
tween the West and East are now absolutely
needed; our Masi of prosperity and growth
are the parallelaof latitude which connect the
young idol rich empire of the mining and stack
produelett Country around the lakes, and still
beyond. Thema:pleat 31sissachusetts connected
with the manufacturing and commerce, must
have more • thiwoughfares through which the
ettrrre tIV of her tr3de may puss to and fro, be
tween Use Atlantic and; Butintud boundaries,
or they will at uo distant period Much alike
her wharves and her workshops. Let en avert
the dayin which 'me Commonwealth shall la ,
come ehiefly a school-Louse for the West, over
timaliall leave silently and too noun,
the marks of dilapidation. Any policy which
in not
eel - 11141 to secure to Ilya New Eng
land, having a proper share in the lieuents of,
this new opening era of the West, ho assured
will tint receive the approval of the next gen
Nat. Tyler A...Ala - m.41 mid Discharged.
mamma, VA., Jan. 6.— Messrs ,. and
Coleman, alio were arraigned before the Hoe,
of Delegates on a charge of tromnatlng a
breach of ttr decorum,liavu peen dlreharged
after o timmugh investigation. Mr. Tyler was
ummltlisil by a unanimous vote, and Mr. Colo
man was nenuitted by a majority yob). The
rare of Mr. 'Pollard Is postponotlft 11 Monday.
Fouiids7 Burnt et St. Lents.
I.olr/g,'Jon. foundry of Ifollirlar
t Collis, on Carr stroot, watt partially d( Niro) oil by tiro tills morning. Los, i4 l 001, in.
sitrril for 4C,Olff.
tz _ z~ ' _
. e._ ,_. .~...~. _., ek_w.,
~.~...~.., n..~~_c_,:.T,i~
;,. 13,i
4.4lstorher Coot Mine Explosion
Resignation of the Italian Cabinet.
And-English Moment in Au itralla.
s.. Jan s.—The steamer 6V , rl
Thin, from I, lverpeei, December .21., PEI I n a
donderry, rri,
There 1.. no 1/OIILIO LI news of Inr.,,rtane'
The Fen {III trials and lel InnS ocintlnuel at
Cork. I'lleCntrerty , , n..nelttal being the only
one thus far: Jeremiah uow•run and ThOlnas
nuge.nn WerZ eentenn•,l respeeti rely to live
and ten years penal ser,ILI/ii, trial of
CiiArh'S f,1111er1.V.).1 lit... :ilO ~r ottre, ,
Ing, and es Weld, wit iris en roue •cting him
the Head Centro In New 1 irk.
Anot her ea..] mina exrd.,aion nee- Mpether
tidrilln, killed.. persona and Inj L z red Unsay
Cotton easier and i lower on th., weak for
Amorlean• ' hales wook, VC) hole..hole.. N uw
Orleans middling atllliod. On Fri lay tilos:004
we, fifteen tlonourul lu.lec the market cio
lug with an upward tendency. Breadstuffn
dull and nominal. Provisions q and 4 wittl y ,
except lard, which was easier. C oiNols olomd
Friday tayrxigo , 7 , 4 for money. Bolted States
live-twenties, 68(Oilli4; Eric sharer, 5.(M.1•1 , '„;
Illinois Central, igiiriCP C. Bullion in the Bank
of .England decreased a148,M0.
Fcasoc..—Notices had hoea fronted warning
the students that If they neck to disturb ootoe
In any way, they will be brought icifore the
Council, and will be liable to perpetual (IMP io
nion from the Paris University. The Bourse Is
flat at 68f. Wc.
Pt/Mr.—it is reported at Morino° that. the
Ministry had tenaloma: their resi,mation. The
provisional budget vitas under dehate t» the
Chamber of Deputies, and W. meeting with
some opposition.
The 7 says: The statement from Now
York that the Civilian Envoy to that city
thought fit to giro a banquet to the represen
tative of the Mexican republic, has not tended
Wit Loudon to increase the
sympathy enter
harlot'. for the Chillies in their diaputo with
The Time, says: The present contest la the
colony of Victoria, if carried much further,
must Inevitably nssnme the form of a conflict
Ls:tweed the As.minbly nail the mother country.
The cattle plague Is reported more favor-
D. 17 1 .0 Mars' city ai r ticle nays n pnrohaso of
L'AD,OOO of coosols for the Court of Chatic:,-
Winkelp with the circumstance of the
nut having adopted an advance on rate
of discount cam•cil English funds to be steady.
Yesterday morning there Wilt, a rise of 4 Ant
the' improvement wits not maintained. This
date and January Eh the market will he lia
ble to he Intlucacoll oceasionahly by arrange
ments in tVitilleCtiOn. with a lnrgoamoootnfec
curities to Is, deposed with the:Court of Chan
cery on account of tiOW railway billet
Fonds on tharaith showed an improved tone,
notwithstanding the drain of gnidl to the Con
tinent still continued. Consols fractionally ad
vanced. The discount demand at the Bank
Watt eomparatively moderate, and la the open
market there was a diminished pressure.
Pacific Railroad Government Bonds.
Ntw Tea[, Jan. G.—The 7Saud telegram t.. 1111
the counsel for Semmes will to-day ask the
Pre- (dent for the releakre of their client, ttpon
the idea that having Woe Per ol . 4 t , en.ral
Sherman, both as an Admiral and General, he
ennnot by olurtrvi f9r !irtTtbinuprior ty
raid paint°. •,-
The Cherokee Delegation, beaded by Chief
John 11.. a, arrived at Weehington yofterday,
for the priepoen of arranging treat ice thee tv
ftem-d to convotrimate dering the v - Wt. of•the
lodine Cortuntastoner to them recently. Of all
trite-, which shied with the rebels. the Chem
tee le the only one not represented. Tivder
day, the t mato'la concluded between the
Choctaws, Bloch Bob'. Baud and the Govern
ment, by which the ttecrotary of the Interior
ti nuttoirized to sell hunts held by those In
diens in 1111114.., the proceeds to be applied to
the purehnac of new homes for them in the In
dian Tn.vitory.
The Walliingtort special gives on ac
count of tin Arnerteen enterprise for the de
struction of the Spanish blockading flen.d.e off
Chilton ports by means of torpedoes. The
eelmme was suggested by Sear W. Kenna.
Chilton agent, who nonelvod lettere from high
officials of the Nary . Department to a promt.
.oent engineer la the city formerly nmenr in
the F e .. w
eral aerstro,
'eo invented and slaps,
the Inc.itifneterro of ell torpedoes
' Government In the we,. The
used by preparing t expo
e'er Inner at Mex.., " con.truction toe
-01110.1. An roller frit — it 1:on
wsloos was qtron to n prOttr..._
taro In New Turk_ "4e
A atturner told by the Cievcruitient !mu--
smetlotioand subsecutictitry-rareliPmeed
Chilton agent, int* iltted out. A' ship 1n14.1.140
pOrChar.rd 31. teuder The tarp were do
livered on board, regular clearances for Chl
l!nn ports ei.tained and carrying the Chllian
flog, and maaacd dry crew, selected for the
pernete, the vt. soiled [Mar. Several
n lel, have elap sed, and In a short. eViitu news
of the moor,. Or LOAM, or the ua , zertakii:ii:
alit be received.
The {For lrra Weabington sperdal sore' the
matter of the issue of the g3vernment bonds
to the Kansas branctrof the Pacific Railroad,
pending before the Treasure DepUttnellt, hhe
be, n decided, the parties bolding the construe
tioabends claimed to be converted Into goy.
ertlinc at bonds, do not gee them, tho lair ad
viser of the Treasury Irepartment deektiog
that the bends wont be batted only to the rail
road company under the low, which:does not
relieve the company from the obligation to
convert them; deciding at the same time, that
no injustice is thereby done the holders of
et t iltr construction or land great bonds, 43 they
Cr,, fully protected beams, the company con.
net helm any first mortgage bawls under the
Oct of felt, until all these outstanding bonds be
ret treat.
tiwan waehlegtovi—lireenstruetionCloos.
tter—lianitary,42eistmlimida Diseove
tinned—Udine Delegation Arrived.
WASIIIMOTON, Jan. 0.--The joint Committee
on tncenstruetion nait twiny in one of the
Senate Committee ReOrns.
Ser.ntora Feasenden and Johnson and Repre
sentative, IVoshburne of Illinois, repaired to
the Exerritive Mansion, and remained with
the Preahicat about an hour.
The General I.nd Office has received inform
al len that the ogle.. sof the
_Register and flu.
rel. er of Lamb., together vrithall the records,
took and papers, wax, onttrely destroyed by
o recent fire at Stephens. Point, Wisconsin.
The amount of Certificate*. of Indebtedness
Issued during the nenk nutting to- ay, to WO,.
COO, and the amount redeemed aras
The, e vete also redeemed .1.51,073 of Legal
Tender Notes, and upwards of IK3,0:10 of Gold
_ -
Tho U. S. Sanitary Gommtasion, baring- de.
ellncil to cnutintle boymiii the lot of ilannary,
the CollnetionOt Mold lea si tuatuni,for Back ray, end Penonn.the Goner%) Secretary of
the Ar.iieritun Freedmen's Aid Committee, will
itieniu 4., until further notice, the claims of
eolorird soldiers Owl thou heirs. Appl Wetter'.
tAmid 1,4 addreinied: to Jacob It. Shepard,
drneral Secretary, Washington, D. C.
William 1.. Llano, om, C. S. Naval Coritriintor,
rrivialy stationed at the Nov v Yard, hes sent
In his resignation, nod It u: in probably he Lie..
Zhu Indian delegation from the Numonta
Agency, had a brief talk with nu; l•re'sidunt
Ileeging at aearesavorth—Presi•
dent's Polley Esiaorsed.—Freedsuezes
Eights Adv.:lrate&
mcetlng,lattendcd by many leading men in
illferent parts of the State, was held hero
last night, to bear Genctal Lathes views on
reconstruction. A resolution was adopted
endorsing President Johnson's administration
of piddle affairs, his theory of the reconstruc
tion policy, as announced In his Stemmas, and
pledging bins a hearty anpport in his etforta
to perfect reconstruction anal harmony be
tween both 'callous of the country. Moy also
resolved that the then
t ty upon which the war
was conducted tinder o late lamented Presi
dent, adopted end unotained by President
Jolintamal right' and status of
the States lately In re II km were not suspend
e/I nor destroyed, Is troth corcultntinnal and
commendable. MO Meeting endorsed the
'proposed amendment, to the Constitution,
'making actual gut:Crime the Muds of represen
tation, commended the freedman fur tawni
ness and loyalty during the rebellion, and
favored the passage of laws , State and Federal,
to proteet them from opprosalon, and guaran
teeing them the fullest , enjoyment of personal
Freedmend righte of Koperty. Also, that the
's Bureau is thieful and neeessarY,
until the rights of the: freedman are placed
beyond Jeopardy.
A man, woman and, three children were
badly burned, anti two other children burned
to death, In a stgall IlreOn the levee lag% night
Adams Express Pare Robbed
evo 11.tmin, Jun. 7.—The safe of the Adams
Express Company, en touts from New York
to Boston on Saturday night, January Gtb l
Ann rifled of all its clontents, with the ex
ception of two parcels, which the thieves In
their Marty overlooked. The extent -of the
loss has not yet hoesascertained but Is sup
posed to be not lea than half a million of dol
lars In money, and bonds signed B. Sanford,
Superintendent Adams:Express.
Laren.—The amount Stolen from the iron car
of the Adams Express Company, on the flos
ton mail train MI Saturday night, was, as near
as It can be ascertained. at present, about -fif
ty thousand dollars. The cur was probably
entered awhile at the depot. at New York. The
thieves pried off the loth on one door of tho
ear, also the looks to two of the Express Coln.
Jumps rafts. Eighty thousand dollars In
greenbacks'mni sixty: thousand clollara in
Government notes, wont left by thu Oderes on
the .00r of the cur. They got out with their
plurlller at it bridge. Officials of the Compvay
are here lnrestigating the matter. The robe
bery was not diseoveredfuntil the train arrived
et this {qty.
March on Fire-allortne Burned-
Tony, Jan. The dOrigross street Metho
dist thdrch t &,k Oro ; from the heater this
morning, and 'a - undamaged to tho extent of
about nevus hundred dollats.
About noon to-day tho residence
.of C. D.
liishop, in First street, was almost entirely.
.itu,troyed Lynn', whichForiginated from the
sumo cause. Thu loss Will amount to about
The itiormainot..t is t r im th•grvo.4llclow
I 0-1
• •:
Revenue Stamps "Conn te rfei
Gen.Sweeny on Fenian Affairs.
Crew of Steamer Indian River saved.
Naw Tone, Jan 7 —An etteresi re freed upon
the internal Revenue Department, by the
1,1.10 of large , quantities of counterfeit cigar
hue stumps, has Just been brought to tight by
the authorities of this city. Three persons,
named John Filch, Cherie.. Metscherli eg,
and a printer, named Illomke have lest',
arrested. The tatter admitted he had printed
about 2,1X0 of the stamps, and destrdyed the
plates, but it wan afterwards found, and its in
graver has been apprehended.' Bionike Mid
Mel...herding have been committed to the
County Jnfl by U. 5. Cionimissioner Osborn,
and leach has been admitted to bail.
It IN supposed that no less than twenty !of
the 'Antra hove been Manufactured, and _mil
-1 t.,e• of the stamps printed, and that the fraud
w ill amount tolgo,v.o.
.Tan counterfeit startip
is about one-eighth of an inch wider than the
original one, and the• paper on which etas
prin telt, ball an inch longer.
A me Int, of the fldherelltS to the Mouton
dent rine OIW held in Coopers Institute hist
night. Loiters were read from a ~umber
dint a - ngutsbea uentlemen andfrUldresies were
math , W Minn . ' Cullen ' Bryant an I others.
Mr. Bryant said that the committee had deter
mined to rood the Itesolutlone , find then ad
journ until come Other evening, When Uitt
e of the prominent men now, detained
by business in W.htngton could be secured.
The Meeting was adjourned subject 10 the
call of the chair. • F
The Herrlld's Washington special telegraphs.,
The delay in providing for the trial of Seir
Davis, 110 becoming the general topic of mare,
nation. The foiling is becoming general thlit
ho should he tried or liberated.
Two new organization 9, under the National
Banking system ore Islinueuthorized et pres
ent But one was mt.lejast week _
The snit brought by bertnin parties to re
strain the city government from defraying the
ezpenses of the late election on negroStiMage,
is Likely to affect Seine individuals neatens
antly-. The counsel for the petitioner is the
head of the I'm-empties Bureau of the Land
°Met, • The charge has been made against
hint for neglecting his official duties while a
salaried employee of the Interior Department.
The Secretary 1n... the mutter under advise-
Tice Pension Ilnreau at Raleigh has bemire
opened and an agent appointtat
At his late interview with the Pentan enh—
mention, General Sweeny stated that months
ago ho advised and urged Colonel O'2/tat-An
to open a correspondence with General Phil
Sheridan, for the purpose of placing him ;at
the head of a Fenian army, offering hitn,kolf
to take any subordinate position under him
provided the latter would accept the leader
ship. General Sweeney has issued a card :to
I hebrotherhood to the erect that he rte. - dined
the first invitation to attend the Fenian yin
green, not recognizing Its loyalty, and fearing
insult and misrepresentation.
On a second invitation, with assurance his
presence might do much to restore peace spa
harmony, he waived his objections. Ito says
his apprehensions were net unfounded, though
his arrival was greeted with apparent warmth,
his efforts at conciliation were met by certain
parties with insalr and outrage. Re was do
pounced as not a Fenian because the eireleicif
which ho is a member decided, as a comtill
ment, that no pledge should be required ;of
him, though ho signified his willingness to
take It. Ile says there is as clement of ills-
Cord, composed of memberS from thp Manhat
tan District, who haverlone and will do every
thing to aide truth and prevent union. tweet
al the price of Ireland's ruin...
The steamer Zodiac, from Savannah , bronitht
it part of the crew of the steamer Indian It'
er before reported last. " were SliVer — irtie
crew consisted of a cOlOgylof over sixty mon
who went out to Indian Rigor far the purpose
of settling and putting up fish and turtles for
the Notthern markets, Several went aboard
and ; were lost,
the elenmety.
The Tribune' ti‘ letter from sit o
Executive Council is In sea.l ,n but all the Metri
bare are not present. Mr. Blair, the now Frits
ident boa been sworn in. Nearly all the Cana
dian Chiefs of the departments aro In Mon.
treat The Gm-arra:nerd has decided to hate
Canada well represented at Faris la IS 7, BEd
a sub,rrannittee of the board of Arts shd
Manufactures for Canada Mist, has Ada ,
gested to the Minister of Agriculture to hold
central fair this year, at which selections could
ho made from the prize goods for sending to
FROMM MIMIC! 01 ITS lanai gams,
Seditious symptoms in P Vrgi
Sew Tone, Tan. Et—At the se-salon of die
Fenian emigress to-day, the number of dole
--as greater than yesterday. The Naar--
Waal ...,. - entite end those against 0.341.
a. llW ' si 7 - 7ttipieries aro to be Rt.
bony - KIN% mutates of impar-
Testis:Wed on Th.. M were read in the
toot dttenments from erre, ' "'bates weie
Fenian Congress yesterday. The
eomowbat stormy. Gen. Sweeny was press,~
and was charged with not being en initiated
Fenian, which charge be did not deny. Ira.
portant despatches were read from Ireland,
giving flattering accounts of the condition of
affairs . there, and making earnest appeals for
prompt action.
The Parts correspondent of the London
Nnoseaya: It is generally thought that France
and the Malted States will, in a friendly way,
hit upon a phua for giving fall scope to the
Monroe Doctrine without hurting the dignity
of France. The French government In thin
arrangement a - ill make a_ great point of pre.
coating a repudiation of Maximillan's loans.
A letter from Richmond says: Grayen and
Floyd counties are reported as retaining ell
their negroes without rentnueration under
the plea that they have not been freed in els
they of these counties. There Is no military
The red, white and rod cockade, worn by se
cession sympathinere in 1630, is again coming
into general tae.
A letter from I - tomato:l, Terns, Dee. s
say - s : The Twenty-tiret Rentricky Voluntee
Lieutenant-C.oloael Swain, the Forty-sccond:
Illinois, Colonel Millwood. a detachment ofthe,
12.- - al United States colored infantry, and the
116th United States coloree. infantry, Captain:
Sloan, on leave of absence, with fragments or
ether regiments, which have been mastery& !
out of the service ' on the Rio Grande, are on'
their way home, via Nett Orleans. The Ztir
Corps, as an orgimization, Is to be disccmtizi.!
ued, and the colored troOpa, permanently tee
the service., are to be put to garrison placer
along the coast. -
The heavy assesennent.9 Trade by 'the LibertV. !
leaden:, or parties assuming to act for them,;
have drawn large numbers from the Walls;
near the Rio Grande across to the American.
side, and the banks at every ferry crossing
were lineal with fugitives. These parties ap-i
pear suddenly In town, and levy from five to:
ten thousand dollars for the Liberal canoe.
A dispatch trot. Washington says It is stated':
on the best authority, that General Grant Is
not in favor of the Immediate reminds:don 0f,, ,
the rebel States, and espnased himself to that
effect, in a recent conversation with a United;
States Senator. The sentence to his report on
the condition of athirst:a-the Southern States,
which was interpreted Stsmeaning tinttnotith-:,
ern delegations ought to Ite received without:
delay, was not intended - to convey any such :
A dispatch from Washington says: A list of
MOAT Generals of the army to be mustered
out of service, was prepared several weeks ago,
tatt has not yet been acted upon, and a strong
movement is made to prevent further dlstnis•
govern' Congresolonal Commit - teen aroln ses
sion to-day, and among them, that on seem
Despatches from Washington, any that See.
celery Stanton baring officially Inotiftod the
ComMittee of his declension to pronmince en
eulogy on the life and character of President
Lincoln, a meeting bus been cants' to select
another person.
The Committee of fifteen, on Reconstrireiton,
propose to seed a special .commiasion to the
South to inquire into the condition of affairs,
with a sten otobtaining properinformation to
lay before Congress.
Secretary Seward knew when be left here
that Maximilian had recognised the United
States Consul at Vern Cruz.,
The Cionzteretars Washington special says:
There are indications that the Tennesse mem.
burs Ifillsoon admitted to their seat e
s, 1.3 a
concession to the President.
Gen. Webb, Minister to Brazil; left for Nini
Terk this morning. ills friends predict : that
he will bo transferred from Brazil to a first.
class European mission.
It is et/Media an evening paper that .a
r ie u cy of from ..50,000 to 4,180,000 exists in the ae•
counts of the Auditors °film at Brooklyn.
John Lynch was the late Auditor. An hivesti.
gallon of the affair Willie made at once.
Fart& Examining Board—La,, Smog
Gang—Rebel Applicant for Back Bat•
miry Refaced.
WAsrasadrox Crrr, San.7.—The iVtivy Depart
ment has ordered a hoard to meet. at the New .
York Navy Yard on the 7th of February, for
the examination of applicants for the °Oleo of
Assistant Naval Constructor In the naval ser
vice. The hoard is composed of Naval Con
structor S. M. Park, B. F. Delano' and Edward
Ilartt. It will require twe million dollars to
reestablish the light houses on the Soutliern
coast destroyed by the rebels. '
Advices received by the Acting Commis
sloner ot Customs represent that the smug:
sling business has been tea great extentahan
dental. ,Dnring the last week over four huts,
tired applications for clerical appointments.
wive nveived at the Treasury, .
A. 0. P. Nicholson, the former Senator troth
Tentieliseti, having made application for his
cOmpensation between the Min -be left the
Senate In ityl, to the period of his expubder,
his petition has been refused by the Secretary
di the Senate,
Fire In Rutland, Vermont.
Dr TLAND, 7.44. lire, broke out last
night in C. F. Richardson's livery stable, adja
ent to the Rutland Heroic( building. The
horses carriages and sleighs were saved, bat
the building was consumed. The Ifewrid build
lo was not, injured; Loss thirty thousand
lars. the North American of-
Ttni thertnomeler suttal this
licgrees below sect/.
- •*1 -
- •
•-ro• 4, I
Tt • ,
,rft ers
Fingh' •
In Cluw of te6 and up..ant
Ti;Lrfr 1iE.1711134 REP4R - TS.
no 7 The wcaatherbss been ox
t I with light anew saittalla,
At tmerh.e the thermometer was aro dakTreww
la•!ww a".l nl aria G the whole day thri Mar
awl F late remained lent zero.
J:1.11 r u.—The weather -Li b1t
.. .
I . owri.a an, I Me.,l Jan. 7.—The weather is in
tensely rpld hen r;
• thermometer tea. dqgreee
beltiw zero, with edownward tonaleney.
0/WII:NATI, Jan. 7-9 r. x.—Wrathor Clear.
rr,:d end windy; thetwzoineter, Id deg. .
Tess, Jtm.,7.—Coldest. day of tho season;
thermometer .eren degrees below zero to.
oh:4r_ •
A rx AN v. Jan. 7,10 r. v.—Weather 'oleir snl
rel., during la t, twenty-four Ifon£3,, TOe
mervilry b.. ranked from :3 to 10 degrees be
cainsuo, Jan„i„,...Wnath . er clear and told.
Wind northina.• • • -
Cdsratr.ta, 0., Jai*, 7.—{Yeatlier cleat' and
very cold, with indlattiona of snow. • '
Y.r? Amato, Jan_ 7.—Coldeet - ilapp
thll' year
Thet - unueter r degrens be-lowan/11 etas nrora.
_ .
tag; 140 spew:
Iterrrecenn, Jae. 7..z-Toslnp• has r been the
coltlestday of the mason. There lees a Might
fedi of mote t to morning. The thernerfeeter
indltailes seven degrees shore zero. • -• .
Sr. Louis, Jar.. 7.—The weather la clew and
cojd: Lots of ice in the river, tind.rerp Seed
skating. ,
DiTCOIT, Jon. 7.—Weather clear inn' eold.
mooing herd. Passengers ere crostingenthlt
ice on the river today. ,
Prusoccente, Jan.,7.—The ireather - tostler e
has been the coldest of - the eeneo illtr.thers
mornetor ranging from tee eight:d.fereee
above 'zero.
rrinirsoton, Vg. - ,Jah. T.—This has been the
coldest day of the eessonithe thermometer
at Entorise Wing 2:30 degrees below Urfa.
. .
New Ir,sysz, 4911. 1'...-Mhermometer
m., seven degrees below zero. It . I:MS be
cold day here.
Cluat.csvos, 11,114., Jan. 7.—Tbe thqrmOme.
ter at on stood at koro, and at 19 D. it.. tea
( Inees below. , . - ... . . r , : •
• . • ..
Witr-eases *galena pddinindin-IPireen l 4 ll4ll
tionfleented Property—Cothedenl , In
rfter..ol7 of Fallen litebels--Paddotta--
Ptlie Cased.
Naw YOIII., 'Tannery T.—Dispatched r flea
Washington way that about thirty commanders
of vesiels A.-strayed by the Alabama have al
ready town ormuneued as witnessed for • the
Government in I the approaching trial of
Seta - Ines-
The Covernatent has realized, within the
la-Ratwo years, the sum of six million dollars,
the proceeds of the cardiac:tied eaten, sager
and-other property in the Staterd i lAippL
A movement is on foot lathe Southern States
to m - ect. a Memorial Cathedral to the Canted
mato dead. It is preposed to build a house of
range for the wrtlowaof fallen heroes, 'anti a
college for their Bonn; the Ise placed
under the Jurisdiction of the Convention of
the Protestant Episcopal ehurell in tto United
States. 5
Pardon applicatits apped . rod in '.ineteaded
roan at the White lions° to-day.. The
cations of a dosenpr so important .
wore granted. Mrs. Jane Moore, sentenced tar
wail robbery, wns'also pardoned:
Twenty-fon.r important prlzocaso eons
up In the Supreme Court on Monday. 'The At
torney General has engaged additional etlllll-tet
to ammo them. Important points of lawn*,
Monad prize law are involved. : • -
' From Northern Itexteek:'' - - 2
'WAJSMEGTON, iIIIIIIIII7 7.-01114a1 nowntrani
thehity of Chihuahua up to December At has
been received hero. Preordain Juarez has en
tered upon hts new term withont any oppoar..
-male= Oa area WM' ° n 9 (1^—.1114,
es protest against the. ertenSion e l r tern,
and , wont ores to the Trench We- afters.
neglnee, a very earcessful officer, had been sp.
pointed" General-haChict of the - CemtraParray
in piece of the lamented General l")_ste: W.h•
was assassinated by Oilier of
hEinfs %mas F..tplecia,- "'kolas Barely',
Diego Alvares and Jose Callahn mat bona
promoted to be Major ..nerall (dr POric 4l 9
and meritorious, services.
An nnfounded4umotProralledatCsltlnahni
that the French trottia-marrn To that plate.
Frcen New Orleans:,
Naw On Lassa, a.—Cotton dull eta de.
dining. Sales. 2.5t 0 bales at MSS. Cr 011 1 .14235
Tile Pi-=Purte learns from gentlemen rileent•
ly from the interior of the State Matthew freed.
men positively refuse to make new contracts.
to go to work or leave the plantations' 'This
!attar reply to the Owners of several' largo
plantations where the freedmen were co:Won:-
ably located. and it was thought were enttfely
••• tinted. They werp respectful and .PeaCe
ful. new as their reason thatthey
now expect a proclamation that will material,
ly benclit Noir condition. •.
The river continues to rise.
,Death of Prominent Clunk Mum,
TonortO, C. W., Jan. 41.—Dled, yostordarla
Toronto, 'Hon. P A aldwin, of tit UoysiZtarz..
mco: nuig.Lrate l. AaLOCITL
boy, well-known wealthy e
iiessrs. Galt and Howland am both t . i.Meot.
tending. to Um business of reciprocity:, .
Ives's nr=antue.
-Viewßua, San. 7.—The !iron to kill Atlas,
with eight feet water on the shoals._ • ' •••.
Cotton steady at fortystwneenta; bettike feel.
lag; no improvement in gootatioas ;habit
—sage sorter or an Old Lad,ylM Ver.
....oder was entunitted
A bold and horrible - ittGereian
this Morning, about seism Malec * ,
town, TWenty-second Ward. Mary Was.,
elderly maiden lady, residing on queen Street,
near. Green, was found dead In her sittings
room, wi th her throat cut from car to esa
Miss Watt, who was* upwards of 111 year! of
sge, bag resided there for a number of =
She owned the house and bit, swim's - 1m
to be 'pretty well eft. She was rather ralierly
in her hits, however. A aster, a widow,
livedwith her_at one time, but she dint. and,
then Kiss Watt was alarm far several yam*.
Abort a year ago Elizabeth Lippizia a lady
about sixty years of age went to live ,b.litte
Watt. She wasmorning absent during the- day batsr
method in the house during th night.
Thit about ho u se
six tA6ielr,
bibs liao
Lippincott left the. huse.-pas e e
A little boy
having called at the house to deliver smear
into, ending the door locked, called his
eliughes,_'who reached. the presolsesilk
w minutes. He entered by the back door
a - hien:was slightly ajar. In the front sitting
room s horrible sight was 'presented, to, view:
Miss Watt was lying about the canter Of the
apartment She was dressed in a nursing
gown. - The floor about her head
„was .eavereij,
with blood._
Sergfta.. t;Extkartnel Dickitem,_of the Yoffie teente District. who lives but a short distant*
or, was notirk, and proceeded at once to ttui,
spot.examination of the body was rhea
mada, Orer the right eye of the deoeased.was
a large braise. This was sufficient to hare
rendered the old lady insensible. '
The assassin was not indistded, beware!.
With some verr &harp instrument be had in
flicted a horrible and deep gash in thethreet
of 1110 Watt. The cat was a clean One 1144
reached from ear to ear.
Phmder appears to have been the matte ft.
the commission of the atrocirma deed. flOma
of the bureau drawer!' In the emend, story
room were found open, and papers of vszlert*
kinds were found scattered about the floartlear
the CLircrent apartments. Soma of the halal'
in which the papers had been kept were kb*
found- , _
The murderer left nothing behind by whibik,
'a clue to his Identity could be established.
Even the weapon with which the - erittle W*
committed was taken away. Pt= cattails
trucks - In the back yard and in the adloie!eg
of it Is supposed that the dead escaped thle.
was. • .
Jbe Internecine:l of the murder gam ores&
in that' section of Germantown, and crooked
quite an excitement in the neighborhood:The
house was taken possession of by the _pate*,
and no person was allowed to enter It.
This is the first murder which Lute %Ter bat=
committed in Germantown. • „
Coroner Taylor will investigate the
this ittlerawaii.—Phitacierphia.Bulkiin of ago*
, .
-giving TAT United States haa 00,IXO priblio - Soh
A scho from everyjtve persons.
land and Wal lar
es have 46,000aehools, anda=
lar for every 7.311 persona, while in Scotian&
one seeenth of the people go to whoa.
... .. ..
HARDING—On Sabbath* mathl 101 l
coalong; !dm. SABAFI,HARDM6, e of-Jaa:
Itardlar i, St., deceased *ln tha Olghtl4Nre.
The *laid/ et the fandlyarereepotttatritt
'riled to attend tho toneral, on Stocalay. Oti
inst., at two ottock, nun the residence ot her
daughter, tam Sarah Zane Itotd*F4, ?41144'
dock's Yield. - • -• •.' -
. _ •
estwasi v meritag Jimil , re6o.ll.n.
JEA.l`itZrzr.. Tema or um, .
The Amaral will tate plate tTcm tba'taelglt
her bashand,' N 34 o. Dlamand" street, at S r ce welt,
Fubcraraerrtee at 1% e'el ':"
t_ : , c,s 1, 1 2 :% a zs9Bm
1111.1.D6LE CERIETEMZ---A..rbi.,...
ra a-, d meat picturesque place ofeDoltnro, Aii- '-
date on tno uplands, immediately north of Allepeni -
City, Orkihe Sew !lasi:lton Rod. - Pereoes,romet...-
to aelecr.florlal Lota win apply atlbc MtlmMatc.Q.,
ears °Me. lie ebe Cmtry: Tltle Ikeda, renrda
and all other tautness will be ittendt4 to sf-tht D
Warrhualta of the underal)roed; corner or, Ped _
and' Ltwock ttreels.
' ' ' : - -
i. . :, L. , ~ eir.q . ...A. KELL'S,, -...-
becretary aml.T .
/7.311 M. ; .
JOIIN It. & 110111:10Cli o ; ,
`Stineesiore to /no.
NrESEIMIEN AND 11.0DISTS; • ntltbeiti,
SotiUt attentlim loaner ex tnaire etdbk of =Ulan
ornamental trace. evergreens, clap) eLnenaungtetn
lumen npnts.
l'lttatni la rgh and Oakland Paisenger Cara ran lo,tttit
DreennOtnet. n , nry Aileen minutes. - -
K.Eir ;', TO LOVE; 'OR,_.IIIM S. 111.
• LECTVItE oNPUTNiutouIf•AL PASC/NAT/0 - 20,
E,th Edition. J.t Out. II tench. you to cha.runttio , s ,
you into; how to redeem att-sylog corovataorts.,4o..
It eoutatn , many secrets - worth keeßing.' rrlrei TS'
At .1.• GREAT PIIIVATE'W..a.I. - for MAlt..
MED otsUIIOWN PERSOSS. , Evet7 -1,11"."aboold
i`rtmilLOr`.. Stud piles Lawr or htith.
tor RI oi T,
MINI:It C 0.... Solo Agenh., , t2ll
CLE.Vailtstreet, suit xecelf by tetutn:'
1tc....10.1 envelope.
alae zecoli`tay'ellt AVOIty •
«.-1., ,