Di T . iot oft ,•-•_.---'-",nictart" , poe• -:---t-lplii • biolßßloll'in Iti; '7:t-'4 411011 a• &I* '• lid hal ads* to i n-Jo ...- that to qt :, ,' • I • - ((Wads and (ben ,-••'" -le Waft tamer • -.-c-'•• Ju stlail - 441 'folk tt?ein: • him& the Mac* Nor ; 1 seem..... lawny— JR- Nentaskr eiiitee ..r•••,, 'vibe • .3.,„ tad. ,-: - .• -gm th - e•-' *4'4l ~.. - ' 600,0 t timi .- are `...'" ,e A, _,,_._ **mesa.. amounefi - the 1 /4 311 :aidt,:- ;' veto __ r ti ; the PaartiZaniOnt.tpeo.- .....-z-,=_AtVw:,_-71',44 iiyirkirbil" ~....or4 - 7.F5.......a i'leir of *$ 'Len , a0*11',,A.1.,,,a'r----, in 78R-rwhal / ',,,,,,i...._....gra11-4 1 y ped04,ourtli,•uttir wo,-. itcabsow,7o4 tau/ 7- -• •,„, to -tek, due. .-rocato ley bt ow een -;it- „, get I,•t- tittiC-4. la law 111411511 .7 7-' 1 ' '-'.--- _400(41 -7 .841_ wo ~,,x6 of . „ .ts 46: 0 0 (41 of omen ' .t. iheee,-cliblk• and - 1: '..: detowomi 6 f1;0_,;`"" so tteNoight' scalar go* sjui 7 rirdo done ia Th. ;A . qltarsiradromtwonegiiii.d. ( , • t tbeill!* tack can • . ,* - has a nd tintr i. sum *e * • uuminaeitY, 1 41, 3 , ,1,/. ,_,'" .0101; -1311° tor., , ,-, the: 'E l•e r e been 76eato - fifirsmon, ked4l4l t clt men be be Broolug cot is = n• ~ • • This /wits 'dont betiixi'lailF"wpoottito. in .10 1 bai Wi th dfli- ` "twomonthe .. AitTpiati Ints_4,b,ll.ll.o*.To ..._,_,...tilita to Boa biota-not-1107:: Ili ilia smapm-...." ,w-r=pbwbo l i , bki a at their b = ktix.riiid ,_ 40 ,„,,,,,th.„,th,„,__i0as 7 _ fors line,.74,..butZsid. $ delay, and 11„,„ay New .."'.,_..., up - 01 , b)V.,____ 0 11F:timpils not ,• 4/141101 Win trna.,,,....a. - n; = 1 IWO r ..,.ty to -lowlier ••"•"6"LibiAl*- 3 tun ...—,...-• ' I know 'but 014 - • On Win 4 . . knot al ! =, no' dawn 61* -7 illas at • - 47 .---- but l' kat that _ ;* , ..*:-,.,* -, - . ._. -* - _ -__ „„. an 1-1. „miaow 1 1 1 3' °u 'Y . I = sok 0010.,f„ Ti m an 1 ga t ant Por ' ' ! eunnigre ; ""-- I enact -:".. 7 -irotekrating- un . °f .ytairlw ic;iigiliwirst _,-...bpok- si)d. L—vhs — d a q i ; but lxli o a be ps py k '- - 4".t?*.t,__YOU.....„t m a ii i in; . Do. „ tha t 70zie - •• : m., ' , "", - i - N 71 1 0 51 1 0 . IC bi "- ; :i =m o l t - . of the 13 °0 oft of tea " - them' Imola- .It Info - Biliatkin "imbue. -' or bi '! l f f ' hla appears too. _ --, -- solisituout rue too••ff au" mow Ton!'" carreirsdant of the I% "Tintes:,* writes thus fun Washington , : • "ea :I hid a conteriatitini wth the Banta ry dila - Navy on.thiaseq.matterlad eight, I as giro' Yea perhaps 801 1. 1 ! "Plinatkla of . - the unfo r tunate affair The whole ealuntli F believe, is part . of the legacy of treachery so d _ inoempteneyT bequeithed to na by the last The Carfareof ,the lib and skillful Pl= of FloPlial: 111 miliiciato was to plies our Navy-yards tmder old and.tumid men, vitamin bye!, while all their under, offieens :were to be Eseassionista. This wan the ease at FUnswola and Noilblk. The Aa - nthdosticnk number, had only been .in - low= ahr weeks when th is ocennel—ell "thitormAistudend • traitorkto_sterY poise" abut' antonslons of thteu be provided end. the raid &Ulu to pruned that the Bonier *Wm - were loyal, =lithe t e am n:eta:Ay of sthringrip utlesaks - • bY vigorous Maumee (a fear sinss seen to ha ' , weak, hat very pardonable tben;)then.b 4WD: - a Commodore at the Nhrtsik loyatit and honeek - botWhoifitinAlity, or the titulary of whoa uulot - deetesp maid n ot be known: These were their dillianitles. - Notfoli / Navy -yard is not allagnisible position ; award ' ingly,Commodue Nacanlay was onlerot - tb twin theifenfule into the strum;< and to thake tions for getting* math of the , material oven posed. out, as well u -4' shipping, and, in thelast enongtosey,todesto:y all that he anild not defend or ova. Hu die chafed the Bret order brio& tin:o4f Ito 1131 d frightened;by his:,young! Ott•:. 4 "ilnrtown ; • • .12 1sli sliambirlaad. ailtishbald -• .111111V11=14)1 ---- --'.itei.h.: assalrlo4 ' 3' - -' linTe+l39 ; 44 11 2: 1 ; g s / s. nu °n 14 _1 ',.'• ,'' ''' '..eltlzge6.,alriali=ne_47 maws of an J2* -,..‘ , fin* Ort. -- j o t • whelp WIN US; - ' ,partmebt with men - eteitued all. the A in hirconfaske and • Wm; to f e h utte d ''',,,-• .. -' eallij wers h.i. or th e en#l' •.- 11A , ,,t. •.- _; :,' 47 .• •'• oat Of the -- t h e f eu * se,- . --, *we. is substaatudly. mum This 1 I - hava - salmtatal count, llamiV ° V ia if ever sik diem 4.- minor einemattaams,., Mactala . 7 • eavea eflablinl4 . 4 7intet de Commod termine: than: , The callal‘is—an— /11/18P/Itniagssi - ' The la aware - of. ilaraumbe , -- ;alone lan /a. r nfmov er °asan cam a w -wmurw" are. , , - Thee h ;liana , thou la vw .rolds. gam. "c- tsder i ' maapaptairail_ . •by lla deetrae=Wni ti'iebelithe oontowthin ...t. befom Mir • =Tie,' of the = • . ' doze.' The moat Wog" ainin / ~ „..a jimpots. could have tdader".- '-'7 tioaahly by. bold ilia skillf ul .•-• ,• , You will' h te , of ether each disgried uosortil al 'As ''''fs -•• 'teds—bsrsasollto=itnonn 44thIlatde pada; t ` -' •--,;'' , hi. O m logo= main in - 1 1 -- `. ! *min sassy •75":.' " / i - jicitigijfir etaiiirgi ' -1 , i. •.., - ..iiinsmcluk, ... _ - ~ , 7 4 . - , , 1: SG-4Se uadasianad. ht . . ' - D IS8°141 " ia. motto' ninaTin% - n an S pe . I isle e nr . are aw, 1... adz e , b a azto% ,r- ~•:.- i e,, - 13,eopeifinainiap• AU lb°. si lote_ '' ''' - '- - im sum mufti War &MO rui C. .'" ,;,..,: a pakcauvid.' 'no badous a • -r; ," - „ taasiornorknonL..4-,- ~ . T. 141/11, ns ii 4 • : ; •t-•,- ,eitti j i liana, - ;; . _ I asouiTlON Of ~ PARTN ~; rt u. AUt i tbe bintare =KIN I, et th ,._ re N , -- ono , 0,-i-afida discinro Urn pr km '.. . 1 - - a 3 ' .F. Owes of Its. 0mpt1 1 ._4„ . ........", ta. '' 4- - -, =l=lo,o93lXliCei=. _ . en , . iyad , 17rmilorinta i tr wimirt lasunskip ___e_Tiattio .. , . , Vas oid giall so lge s : uodusiZ:= i ‘,_.- _ - -1 - 't no 1101" -,--;_ ~-4-aitetruurra&W, / '' ' ,- iitsaitaak/aal mann EIRBAPICJY,. 13CALIVEL-Tlietindei=- -. '14 , 11014 .•14.cm pppolandL SArtllial i a /AO Al t D at J 01134 It mi: b aaatot lak :car o 2 rocai r l .134. • abiltallailletk •• OA, lkit• 07.3 •b• UN or tabu 141011. :Ttal cora:lm, •••bAlliM• WAS* Vila, ,I•ostioa. mildk •dlladA,lglto== . C l .ltar to • icainaltv•cma ba 111.111.100/1(1,s000ms. i•Cortintial72.7 - • 709 & LILOfI X Co., 14 - o:Lins'; u pram* baidgmk Obit at lb& Kama ill anis at On LOWIIIM:111M mow isitaits maw MS 611=•ITIIIIILLIMI vutild bpi •Ur co. •.q1ta ." 11•4 " Lra s in ."l4.4 ll, litar" .6 of 'be mot maw PUS WV le poi lareL_ . P • I oM dirrabiciia.ui Laws et 111 1 .1 10. 18— ,5 20 IRA. litra ramilyikar 4.?. w. snra4 , v, : .. T 7, 4we man 'Mt/ 5.14111 ..t . ..45 - :;`-' o• { ' - i ••• ,''' - I 00'111141Wawr 'rip. OMES/17 Sough ow. cloy gam . ,-- r .... 1 • . . 1.010,..4 tw ir l .. intwi r '..._ 411•4411181LU4 Shia A MW - INFANTRY ja Missidnry TneetLe cm axtYßf. ad Ye totem el Or 170•11BOSM. t i tV ir = ot '• L la aud MUglo By P. Ilrio2. IA.IIB-41 demo linnts Ea sarreit, AZ. wow oa 5 4 # 00111 . Ito .Tha la • ; gm_ 16.--astoe• crl • IMP 4aiveNikeatfilro Vbfirlib, tr ay e WALVIS imaxemikl4lll Wad et. - ftfeta Alli.LL ILi is* if? SORM7A Els!9oß, /Moonlit - V. P. illilUVAtiV Void serail. 4 gllin'mas—lootaisaminuk, , kOLL BUTTERA-9 Da NA l DM Mg ma Desse r iaoAWNl Ise bah In, i 4 . 4. aniginnzi• dn.. Dora Othime W ' , 11, • Alio:Jarvis:rib-no' , 't 14 . 11.1TA8Y •P-:. b". 4 ria 67 . 3 Prmi t , al • .4413 I eiri Si_ TOM--_=.6_licithle`Chl,Rul !orWt P* It=i; acalatiAWallniligkiktU*--/00 . .. • : . :.... ; ,<7 11, VC:, TittAvis.4.4 .-. '' ' • ~ 4-., :A , ,,, . .., •:: • '••:.:•', ,••,••.• • .!, ..,--, I SEM VAST Alla&" , ss2i-ta 7.4,41 $ $ .17 Vosma _Este' z minator s! =3==EZS ', - e4m4.1111/44N.ilIMIDIMT AIOWN ." -tosiureitastaiiiis . sysar Nov, AND 5P501N8,.491 Xr- - :'-t1f:0.1. -- k. ~~.:~ "Si , A haIIMMS/4 M=t==l MM!!!= .1/84.• Cul taw Omoo. Xludb-•41,0311, reKi, ammL trod by.—;-City ft w.. edel, *44 Med Homes, &a Died by es.' ctly ffstels—stAstoe," "8 . • Nicholas," /14. Used by CYi Ika:rdleg daunt &o. rhath—mort i4e 60,000 kritsts Famllisii thi 441 iegiik.: • Preas siiit Dealers soy mil= rime los toomilot two tottally silianied Igo tosi•Aw the,florrirboat., ssecargoi • los von Ittturatbayirsad Witt it. and lit toe wog tbsitemitist SA* air =we la %Urinate. • - Mrs IL Knit • • red be pa 'Mawr. U ttormar 13011661 ;111121- 1 / • • imatiktevierseest It a”. boa cm* 1111‘ we melt Irol t t.l.iiii==r arilmr gaol dismad impa,thliyaNay.ll(o.6lyo!„ Quota! -11Wit0ieN111d 1114111Voiroo lOWe kessiszeilisi ol . ll yam. mode. ase Tos si t racuiatrZlit iiHetitg ,Calla i. N > • WI , HW/Mia sag Wm .rinuail ear ow mime `a ms woo' Wet s VW • gentles alispois. Ilan lbs. wil• lateirlklare 4 bus !roll rtsbge at ^42MirPr caw 210, 3 ; , wir =MS On us WI ar.s.4oasio Inge n alrita len iiPah ttban sat horn pm tattoo. doels Wawa. • 431041 &MIL Dales‘Ogdagtok o. *MARI! illCWllo—trcritiWall IsPlint; Irmireariker wows wt. sat% liassbak pm& iteourvalyiklUtem. Wiattpar. MIL - Ranh% &c. lb putt Mohr, Ita. . nesbni—:-.444 Bags. oy--Motis, Visit; Anti, La n'Agimf--mesqlo3in. ' lb iliiireirsitotp_4?" Plaids and Fowls. lii,Vatiteuteels on .Ashislo, &o. _ • To "Mani—Sur, tam asd. valise oi Vet- En= "OahuTlV* Bat Roach, act..llstanothator. . _ scow:ewe Elsodto Fawd# r Insults. Mfti t pfr.. Ala 111.0* . 414..261W1ta11r it 1 1 ,11416114 Askilltrikoksis ItiasirAssosi. . ;' Mg*. Wes. tont"•ll46 2 ;.:`•• . pi= Mit lixemiOsnA-417 Inart#ilsia"" - 0 2 wimi' 17 i , *1".'""`: j* 4 ' • , as. is oasitiv Yuan. 'sad Togros , • F. j'Atike#4. 4pip: pxgroviikotv, ruelnieflo.llloA: tillin**Wal lltibilli re i r=l i g." r a tisTrosA_AL__ " & ". . . Inm - sr a Kan.', • .. - r ...... rni.........., ._ - MIL i met* &OA A a IS • C‘ -. ... A Mir, : , WAN., liaabaeildemr. P.D Orr. Nall DMa• di Oa Pas falel. rArser a Illevis. rep,. u. MAW. 411. =YAW : . Omni Fax. a: .1 4 11411 4 61114 Pa' ormad: a 01;6 .1 6,11111106 . W3ItMIIIIIIZ' LID *MUM Seam NW Osa Bonal 4 Q. OS al All tlut Beinciptitrielas iuid IOVU in the United States. 'OITTSBIthItOII, - . . ' • • • ••-sagArc kk-th -Prinoip l WhaisalosiA IM3i= 'mum -1,.'. co•leehr'o'g..% Omen r Drirs,)-4• lEFORY: .631175., ,S~ l~dr~. :r'~::us~_ : i .. . •> 122321=9 ifir; t ifihOiti4i „ti_ oningi WNEE.& WILSON I S SE.vi! .ol • • • A 1 . Mil MAtiiINEI ,, ' No .27 m:rit iisiim, lits Tao. 40or: - itit ,WI , . . . . • L 1.441a ,495,...,V721 .. liritiltil .tkit. VIM, Pitminti i (kilted pilaw Fain' , - , .'' -; Ohio '" — i' .' 'lllinois . Efate Fair; - Wiikaiaiiii - StiWrile; .-- - lowa - .11: - . Kentucky State Fair-. aola: i lain S tate Fair . Now Javeis Vermont State Fair L .., •-• ~,, io Mechanics' 'wait titi '•• '-': i •:: labbialir Maohinice Inatitaia; . 1 " - ='(Thitionati liforlanice laatitaio; Alleihehy" Comity rair;Pittaborgh, imaiourocauty rata% rornanaroapio Ipara..,, 'IV'S taw 'to - tha - pubho WIi6I7LgR: .1 - -Tv '! sir ii.soaris IMPSOVSD lIIIING • MAMMA .-. .: ... . :-. , • • . n'd 111011011 D rum-1 ~_ .' - ... • , qui:bit...4 noindinee bits corm • tho 1 ,0 4 and =id MAO. Isindy eleidnilleehine non bi a ni.c a ngunb ly well on do masa and abuse Wets, tee lade. Week beVebade ier introit; ederibli ted ege attain; aldte onbote . Aldan Fonds' no • eldp dieln oo the amen eidn-le "Mph. in- eandeenda*lr ia =l:ks ooneneept;ned Bore tunnel tbs. eny ethos .. , leneee NI beencontiond enTenseie the Orders teem l l . == f tr u oirli b e ,:.-.° sh Onadeni,ondelMercetneonlide from WWI of Uri blite - ,' on enuednevAllot West, ies prise; do., edit be tab — tidied ' en sentlendkni in person nby Utter- - inedng Inieldne-Idendlen.diln,Tnid. CbtiOn and Cann. ets• en i Zl:liFer/ .. .-,1.. . , . . r.: _..: i , Idle. 10711111111. DUleikit aiLVIOI6I/1 SA* ii 1, Li 80.; 115 Fourth &Kiw .. i. . --,--*.onAierisisn IR OM, ~ nPIiA DAILY- ISOM 9 Ta u g l . ooll , -. N., •isa am Weeds, 104 Istasiss 1 rum Ila Ina to manitotar, irsoto Ito • d • from ma !mbar emit &Allay arrows a too d .. • wits iresilof at szt some lot Ist thss 00 Mash sad .It2llvidos• QM* volts daohnd Midas • par, Is tom sad Osestslss. • : i Wood. Lae Lode I Latiand swilLoi Lugi.l.-M4i Loassilmr. Om IL:C: L• 1 - win , lest, st„ *twist. , ails per (sot. a yew. Istarsiktt sofdrsvo pacts stand to • stsSitot tie ow peWriii itlidyliLsni boon ilimtmeti tress tin OM lariat Jim aid Docisaberoximmading.4•ltis year Lib,' eat ticatitoi tti; &pint* to WI at L. in its p.m boob.; ill thts esti Loco Idit dosias ts We dm IS ho.saPit la Os sigo,l* h elm anon Kw name L Tim , . I SOW Cisisidii we MOW. Briavii, Wes is• zoo. atiagetartw vas. ea inuc•“ o,l4 .sA o agPi. , , . i ti oat=esoscas amass. s. . I Jams 171: liesti., , I ' loss IL Attssoss. , rellitillOOt• - /L. IL Pollock, IL L i ' issue Ilsidtess, • sss:s Itgat 1 , Briery, Jobs I.l,lllstsibiss, • 0. Staslim., rex It liadoerk Asocs4ll3laci, 1 'obi 1111141kr„ • Jabs 0.1.1. , r lkiit. ) . Mario A. emus • op minium, or dui LOutice; 4464.14iniet • , Maio Donlai. % . Soho 011 , lobs Inas. , Usury I...Alssaml 1. John Basso- ~, Jobe IL iiiimiivr, .11/lliiis S. HIML.• . Allawsizi rpeat. • Pew 10. daslor, Wllasah&Schtssrts, , ...!. = ri I.oU Chvidiii• Trio. • '. Assfr•arisai nistusts.. o lZUELlta • ourso9 00.1 Geo. 11. Keyser ; Wholesale Dr ug g ist, . • MEDICINE DEALER. MO, ASO Wood Stumm, Plttatuntsb, Pa. TRU R 8 FOR TOE 0 R. OF BEKAA Me444{istaical Cure Trues. nki l ses Patent Trua, Eiteh's Supporter . Trues. SeltAibustang Trues; Dr. Danning's Lace or Body brace, for the coral of Protons meek rues,stebnetsesns send Ftslommos. _ 1 = Dr. S. Pitch's Silver-Plated Supporter. file,Prope, for the support and cure of Piles. Mad*Stockingsi for weak awl varicose retina. Elastrlanes Cam for weak knee joints. ,atiklcSnppoitare for weak ankle jointa. 131 4 8 P.trLry7 Biudnee• Silf•lfloaing. Syringes; also, every kind of Da. Karest has also a Trust which will nuli cagy cure Hernia or Rupture. (Moe e.t. his Drug St'ore, Mo: 140 Wood et., sign Uf the Golden Mortar. Da. ZIMSIII. pralcias to clangta. l ol.o D 1114413 at t laatnamta la ia sad &mai mai filoNat nqabtas arelaosappo 011.41rADD3 Dania! or t IOrIIO maws Duo DA CIT. for etallala puTS: a inn aordar Mae, ED Oa bloat arm ilinthou mew rami, epos, realitaaaa ail Dia adDama ; , f DR. k uID. 110 Wad Waal. • ...lemmata OCRS sr . Dz. Somicc - - 1 • baled. Dr. act.. moss Its..go la 000 d bin OW. to PLit"&b,. dDT. 11.0., W 0.4 at, raio smaasistag parJaatm al. Wit dim... Om cd Itlappadtb. broactobtl Lat. two Loa. to. Maly dm, Mad; 06.•attor at. 1 coatlmd6a:.A%actoad.4 Woo alt sum, to tarp towaltl.a. 1 bat marl. nod facet' • coub, aod ••• vmably . Di. Oct.. procraact ••• Ihr Orr,. • ISlair co Tome aralM." sad at bdclaol Lbw ma walb I lam to bor raw.. Mat 1 do aot ope. lay more blood co wpm a. Liao.. 11•• marl, WI su. Ulm La Imablar cotuty, Dotty toe anblyr.Ottlo, laws 1 ...roll laws. Too wry Tott.l. lea lf raw. PI themsb, • art. 17,1600. Yuma ima. DMa teaaeeata mitt.. 11r. go. bo. Wanly mnaced,us nyaload bit awl Agri, WItJJIIIW. LLIIWIDII2, residing on km. Mr..., W 7, do Saab/ ° CM wylas I ban ba. • •allaar frng ware catch sod p.a. 10 tba breast sae aboat watt yr.. *was lb. .004. ot Abler I Sall bid amcoisl 6.1411ty Lad dborrlm d wtd. I foal are,* Wans I scold nor a, bat moth!. 1,..a bold cif ay I Ward of Dcelor Woo.. "Maolt. bat 1.0. M. ca atmle.ocally tt lad coma,l WO so malltbwit la U. la a prnottso (oak aomen bat, N. st*.tattist eens, a abbot maga, elDrallY ri batarabater tadl baba are snotaapea pp that lan cos to my ram tor two cmatbo. 11.6. 1 of ray 1...1 mbo lo maavAtta wry tags Whisky Wry k vital U. W elcom. war.. Wcomard ma c0m.1.1.17, sad Wad Lo ma. so IWO olkb!lt wall taw lb. clam. m di& bad M. OD Ltaa W. compbt. y lOW nod./ wand tb..PltwabllMplloolo I latlodsaal to ac. Ov,l.mat les mod.= • b. Cria. N. lowly Os root 110.501Pda. I am la good foal* 111 alp. bat Lb. Ni dcamg wt. of Dr-mi....W. 5..34. W. I emboat•Wirly fat. that µ not tear • *elect can r al ma I am • sal ma, Lod t my goal Owl. NI atgare at roan lama .aunty to Dv_ . rcrele. amtlclan 1 wloy toil.. MM. 611., Ml 1 Saw doo• a meaty mars.. -1.1 pram tow tb• ream th • rawd....boy waLli at .gala. to call co blab 1. Wits it We alma 1 hal 0110 adlitlat inerr pal= to WI m llta, ow I Sal. Wawa am! Sob. to lL Nadal:ma .117 g•Mili la tr. 16.1.1.• br. Wt. cab WI. sr MI Int Plan of b... at Not. IL istaell, Mari tOO4 1 2 0. 1 .1t0r 1 11. " =7. 4 g0:r . y A a= 764. Dll. amount Eiiira. - IGO .cs Weed r (10141.0116610 N-1 bbL prime Froh 11 1"-4401146stiti lo km% Trte , a; F. 11108.11106" t&eary el; sa. liamcoo.4 lbeea 1 US bbl 1141044100100 l lye I loan to 014410.101.414,41114 4s. PUNIC TAP GO •.a. a ibitag. Ira IDES.-10W prime Selected Dry V AA. ICC 0 roys . 250 plan Cry Vat [I ad reed tor /Alb BFLMOICI liAll/A13013 CO .011 • ' IDS Warty DIOLIULIII.-3W bus. totstoer, 10 warp. Lard; ► bto Roll Maori las bm cm:* maw Pram j bsit al MY tines A pp4r. I . •sb. by WI • Ch 011A11.11111 CfIOION POTATO. 51161)111 , 1(4.-.400 bra lansush 4111#1A 110 o . l* hlsial o3 bai Ilerst—ker mai try ' • °NIA VT, US LOAM wt. 8 N—ZiD DbL. Lige Na. 3 Mackerel; 60 bbh, llsllu lluf lll , karl ' SO kik& Whits Iritb—fn dam b anis W LAWN • IJILIMITILICIS, • LSI LW 1 PI 111orty 6KUS-13 bblz. flax deed; • 40 Ws Mom L 11.4—lbr ado AJIBILICT 11/1. waa SA O — • • bagr, • lAC I6-4 ? UV; G il DiDga-4 VIATIIIII-4 mac bra WAN bum err mb by Ma , laillYllol=l FLOC, VABII.B-:-7 duo and .maybad beielbtal arlaclo. lar oil. by UNMET TLC IMAM) UA .-3O bbli. WI liw a p.n.. brwobr a =jamas*. 111 waive sad II heal M. "Atgla-200 . .bbl OWL 000130 W SoOMAS* askcorn., N l.lllllat SAM • MO st. RW LRAV LARD, in bta , firkin sad 'Mk WWI." .1116 Z ghl ' IS Potrib arm( sow u 05.. lit-TUSKS AN a 411$114; tab --e mite wuw• t tab arkeiso k asw *bi* ham PM. 1110, . 7 ON • - miaow to. • 0• • ~.ri ". el !LOW PAP ma ram! acrah, 40. fir "oar - I I M=E ! : - :;.1•Ti::: : '..i:: .. Z;:,.' - :'S - 4 . g . * - VITZ 'State Mar; 'State fain El= OR RIIPTURA. 'las AND M a r t j am • " a faraalarraraartuairis• jr-tPZ Mai a wad. METE . ~_ _ — _a .. . ;~ftttueol~: &Oar& 'to the Public; , " I.siseanda itteditinflif 6114 11Pleila MOM Malta olds, and It is Mar' bisstassdmodisiptses Mist a mid gismo* tom* Optima moo shoSid bsd: for 14111 lof Ms, badd ImMdsbly atom 41•Bgna. Da. MOT. rilllyldiSMlLll LUIS MEDWINMItI issSi tastioss 'bars do, Kati We thi usothiisTalusenzo. ova% MUM Is *Mst all Its Mrstildod ammo. wow, awe. of Os TitsllmUchm. Mom.% fad e ssa so stsissmsl l , sapsoMmed,lMM Mel horn tacoms Icily stab UMW so. as most awe, info and potted mods of Mumma ISM oltadbthapablb.- .. .. .. .:.. ..TIIESI.._ MEDICINES nave-noir been before the ;pallet - foe it period of SG Yemen. and dieing tbat time bide main tained n, man .Clanegegt in: tilmost rimer , Peet or Stilt GLOit for dm extraordilia l 7 'CO' 'tire tieopeetimnbiebdhery poems& .. - 3 1 +1: :.. xis ma TEtotyistiem , 4.42. 54,catlelad betateart they boa area Altar= germane (FM lb, gray mot .1.11 =TWIT Owl, liter all the dewily' salaamed . • day bevelaratiably RAILED. Ea rasa todeed,bes , fi ery bientably end kW* 7 b...L. clewed; that It bib sternly Yet then' Erma* ao Sate 'be 1.40- atoil wilts the lts Wk.. toptii* Wadi, IC Ind& 04 to. coo . . a" 'hike . itakh they , eotoioreeatty Ira It yes to tbeir used. hit Fla eentibte eetlaii ha l pastlyhis the wings and thaw sibat' .11ba and eadhleg thato with mewed taw met Tiger, that they Willi Indebted to , tai! mama . ', • MOFFAT t il. LIFE PILLS !!! Are compiled . 'et ,%riii . adinis inemninsime TX' OUSISTILT.IIIf am bar:awned by oasimata fatal. Their piatelogetawtellthe di:litho& of en tette sad eterehies, *wet berticely .111 sad eareobble obtlepot British of la patio sop!ethaprottAteg the tioteehle preteratioza el, • a pleaesat elan*, lavleatetlog the liable,' awl Weida; 'IMO • dellthttat 111.,:ibio..antlea, nailing 'pipet" by Os - &wads of settee d end cheering the Watt with that lateen* woo oli ritterkbat butth which la ow of the teed tetionoes basso vietirbotere; , . 1 ' THE PI ENIX‘ BITTERSI Bo don ml wad }sno r ted; oluotthing power el cloths/ new lib and stoner, ult iFisioirom tbe very oho of Os food dilapidated Casitialloo-osll tools wanly toole aid moo tansoliehely bolgontlos than the MU& tow tattling the sofa choice. vegstoble 'strode ea the War; to &dilatant WallsgieS. Although reedy We cathode Ittan the Loa flu; they sorenbalos beets to cleanse do all .a.gt awe mem paardly WSW/ oraati,af throe or for bony sad producing a decided sem of nalicif u3* o d syt 11.,.ftdostlikvatIng Wad. mu enema Ilia • ,dOITAT'B LIFE KLupil Is /Mallan duo Iliad. licks flowlholut or Nrrvoles liforhavebeh lbws MU will Oa Wood ry pewees Übill Mope sanitary echary. ISOFFArti PiIQ3NIZ iITTERS - flare been happily used for the care at Fine OW Acme, Irith xaveatraLs lIVCCIIdi sirt.rope co PLAINTS. AND A WOW: up UlDffIL tr ► ••11.1atsd and propottlosato •11w0r:7, 0 11 , , ns app. to do* if always rioted& Ito. l he prob of mood Obolaira dlgestko sad tope the lotted kao an aft , Oetiola Won them to • 44. dory aT6lla.lie bogy Woos:IWO solo Oats ether Lod, is Ortobnedases of ho. afbeye Impact noses la the ateatich. and Wan promote. 1.7 Pon& labVlf . r evaeoditch eoceedsoe god to !loth Dr. Moffat's We Oredletnest ll Pohl be tale Is the taws Moo of Bilious comylbiols and if potoostoO is oddly • shod log to dlirni/oos. VOW • soul - PeinFS I thb rLhlEosts PILES! Mey the 113WALII141f WlLrlolllddeism•diadct and oohs* rodatoesdidiolt. It ts iretallso lo be t • dreds Is tall dty that the Woo proprietor .1 thaw Woo hie hifdirtnee Ina himself efarted rah ocoiptalat for errata of thirtrllse yews; sad that he trod is oda ~7 Pad; preorlbed oltatu too Wedsoomposof the WWI& Wefloo. the honor el tooth Pied the Medici=• slab I. Doer (AP to lyie Wale, sa4 he was In • very 1 , f41, Was, df.“bbhoolnig.lpd proooonced 'steely havestabli, ihddately ' dapto : ddo, Inman Meas. 11KOTP/PAI: 43 Life l'UtOutd ?WWI Otero!!t onzonism. tharadadld•WiNg Of • 11114 Cad lotota•ebsoald mating a Arm of pars. WOO, b ah WOW of the •••15 les gam wed; riAmila Lee or Arrems-Iliutiont, immxistiv, MTH. 11111111161101 X, which or. the gawp "motet= of Dop.pda, nehtb, as • natorsb, Q‘l4 . 9r ?' 1. 0 ; LI_FIE MEDICINES •0401 rug. co.pms, with thidrrostO 'Want - &undone. Whist end df:d_ .fiffal&f**: rdo shut O p p atler dIOW. 040.04 Werlbsts, Lou Appetite. oro admodedgot to C. vastly sapid& t& wything oar toffs Wend to doll:Mit MERCURIAL_ DISEASES. 14001116 Impaired by the hUdlduwsns elhisacesv, had tbs. stolkinee • per bet goo. es dm Urn las to outlaw from do eysusa all the effida of blartgry. Ipn stole moo. than the amet pos. Wel prepasatione of II soporific,. ' • SCROFULA.! Tb. !web. Cam..l Screfolo; In rahiri tho ' bece, sons and ILltsteiof the Wiles hod how potted atom by ter'lsadlabis &goo, so proof by sodesialdeendbonty of the folforso 0.41.11701, to tap. boss eptaputa; &Mod bf Wee lewd , InceAble rt.owass...,e9r ett..a.m&re beat Pond more dna fookss Mate or lollatolnatory Cheignathial ASTUILOBIA 01111110111 0 /4 Oft pinwale stur.vaAvisa it Thies are &mood tbs.'s *OW sdid. by Ipersat Outwit; the mold isiaterata to which sathrted bassos le Mb% an mum, epaiday and profooftif moth fry • Fork Cameo( the We Pala .54 Mort MOFFAT'S PILLS - - AND - BITTERS 111 ,".. h than to onstorsta Ufa may MOB in 44.1b9r.,11Vehotablo adobe. boo boo awns Io& bid ha ea m9f410. Why so tbey s.oanasu In . their happy Obeid • 'emis the kilt! Tad fiLfyop,sed dots Matra all eareafor dhows We robin. • - &MVO nig pavorrally up= Oft frostions tie tory. sof nauipail hererium atom • bosom dry do atd redo* Ow odds. hatlorigOnta it -rues weer sc. rwrah... l est" proem. 11 , b. 4. 1"" Tat MY NDR Iii Try tr 4.. Moils Dose of the PILLS II TOM '7 aBM SATIIIVIED tl FMC . I Gagman+ Paisrosti - . OR WM _ _MOFFAT- Etroaeriir. New 101 Omega Led YiEWd Dimkm NCO arms: Illuars, it 410 pie Asd ilisal. by PA% li oie imblt4ad Boa imp mous UV MAGNUM*. . . ••I £Oll4 Mau . to•Pto AND LAIIA,TI4. f•••• . 2 .1% , tun . n nneopwa r s ,t ok= =le at 01:lotio soap spot bp Woo tab by itfo own nita•t•Att tax Vt••• • •• 1 4 litisalV• t stmt. It Is enpuriot tog ....wasIGI sob" to r SA. 611,TX111101 Inier allsont W So, ma a wane t hat. It Insoltato Wit gut mltor o. OWL*" too ■otholoGGi l ril. L. allialMll94. obi nl at th. Mall In nod drinker i rrelfr "4. 6inti beuM tedbinntis • SII N Dal W 5- 100 bows - ftesottarbrands 5 add Ica liadr: tO wwWw l also ppinilyasiPiri-F0•14 Widow MON, Lb lamb To ois, to t or (woe 011•Twidt lobrisol MX ) SW widansil Pus Wong • . SW boa.. do Wisdow Glow ice tee Wlll6 Ileddad LW two DrlrC I pig . • 16 twins. prima air 011 bass tsbK 60 dos Thistsic SS dos Waibboadd.e ' lO ttlr I t l6gl l isd Alois VW 11 • • w . issd 064 • • • • , 610 N7 - 110i.M ,, L . 11Wiwitg). sowima.t. ; 142 f." "19'1 • 4" 1011 WWW • urqpisliCoxis l i e aptur lllla. _ • SUNDalgs-15u bagiyarno Coff L do: do P 4.31 • Id,. IA tolls laatts ROM_marted. from %I rb 1%34* - 111 34/10•41:1141 TI ham fain ODA 00 bO.lll 011.1 NO 11 .44 3/ ,dd Mae apidlor. SI bt ban Star Clmithav, 113 r doe by W.1,74611/1130,1R. • as. "t! . • Iv& T ABLB LIN tl, Tows* 11TH Crash, I)14or, • )14, Pillow Masao. ! Linm i Pillow Lulea hilaitord opt, .ot ! . llOl2/111Z 0 6.03% NURI 113— 1 4 stoke reathenr, _• • : tj sera* ortnethiNe.4. o . 4 : M 1 . • “Ila • peat !, Ide Dry Part. d ' ..1 r; Ded•paiat, do ' • a ; 97 Ulda batra Saga 1 tato Ociaat; • tam Cetica coosigtoaat; as Wawa Glaaraal to Fritts We aal• KU • • ' DICILLY •AI Rog* RI lES-75 to fair to Floss )1,,I), ice B. ide is 0 *Arm •it Web oraekeer ice de awn* Orsede Wert_ WO 'dam. I is, do wmeths do so Crudeed hprg 100 a (4) Colo dogoni do Wood to Woo SW Wee 16r Id Oa. (111)0efts fteeie-1s I i. 1141,1 0 .11 guava= uk, : • • SI ow IssUbisit (o) DRODUCZ, &a.— • 114 Yr follor-11)) be Wu. III; 11111111.-3 socks re II Rh 14; MY VW: • Olt SSSSS 11.116-2 ems chakal 0.111.-1.103 Wu. '“ 1 • • &Op:Mall DiLwor,.. 7140 I.4.berf7 $20,000 7o 1,6.t--th , „ r v i rml. tbs motif, hi eau Arm 0,9:0 to 1 1 - O X O . ruwai erg tkna m ftre malinhr _ • UR NRW WALI. 'A ' WA7 4411 -cr . r 7 Whom Is • POI Viost.atehlk,i!!!pile . s sa-10 ( It= ikff higa by :OHS It. a tx) , nes ono* mat ruM. OWE ^•;: 7 ° 3 114C1 + I SIPV.P ai k Duquesne --Foundry; Liberty at. near °titer Deiont h. E. 2. . , . wreiwimattpi. '-". " g- lx is r our. stictuNto-uur 81.11ST"sia' ROLLING iu IFICBP.A9S C 862.1 2 ,764% ofxwp daub - Ok3TITO;,TIRS 1/1014 . 61.aaAT1 ISOXIMIAD'10101)00 AND. 913AsxvitRizirceo 8 1ort.oucespxagi 11 c..a 1 rik7 4 *lib W. st.'llitriati,einpir ir«.3.simit Pi c teii r . 1 Wcovikowvesttimeion. RAW T.N . A %. 0933 WOB.llB. . . .13 A- 41 L. IC 1r W . nalockti..acry wilily a • • • PADAAMIL AND U DATING !'sT.OVES••• GI. KAT IC • .WI42CON Tel: FEIN D 11S, Sole Proprietor of the celebrateli.._ — pAraNr girt DONNING AND &vomit coma:itlid • °Mee and Wee Boom, • • No. -4 Wood. Street; PlTTanUtou, PA. arrolrEs. - sizovias. .D •E 11- , A E N . 8 ON, D •• MANUFACITUMB Or' COOKY, P*11.1...01t. and HEATING, Warehonse, - Foiderrd Stiee t, near Neer Bar P"a" bears. *MOH MT CITY. We fok lb" attend= of dollars to oirt logo onnolmont of. Ooolitag tdd Jlantlag horns, for Ina non OW, into ors sr. W llac st lb. land Flom. Those •I.lting ono nit, ow4ol find It to *Air solriontogo to en at call silkosomino ont. WEN* potato:lns awn boon. Omit Iran Bons" Wont", lion manna, Halos Ilollow Wm" Wagon Bow, Plain and Fanor Orate Fronts, Fenders, eta, earespollar Mabee& Cooler. /IMO • : •-•D. Ds naves a son. ALLEN, MCCORMICK & CO., WaIUNDRY, - Prrresusaa,tPa. , • • . • VirOrihoune. No. .152 St. ,06.1-IC , Sitreet. ANUFACTURERS PAR- Lbit. and IIIVOINI•lirrOVC3, Pular sod KlUtoo ,1.40, W." e 1.4 Stood au* Mao. 8100 l 10, ROWS 'M136111141, ISM ,qoarlog, Wottaf Sal Arthur Pim Sod Ir000,•04 Ude'. Volt. SUM, 11.65 e Hord.., Pot linguae. Car °poplins, ono I...Notioto oily., Macy Jobbing sod 64WiP mode to .4.. P.t.¢l.lPortab.ls orlib Soum or, Llano Polar. noltdool • ' o ss,AT Ica &two t.o. 0 4 • • BT S 94tPT. 4 c9.i tro. 235 LIBIDRTIC swiszraGT IVrANUFAOTI.FRERS 'of all kinds of Cook all los. Pala . and Mating Mona, Cooktug Magee, Tito sad Common lenamtleMsto rronta, leaden, Az. Ia Teem ketated OW CoAlur ”11440r7" 194 "Trim.nph," sod Waal Cooking Stoves, — Oak" and ''Forest llama." ' no "Capitol'? and "Engle" Oooking_Ringes. ebb giber Mitydratillo Open kgonerso wbbit are wore aztembely to nu le th. My pod Odell, azy <Aber Reeve The ',very L l l.tveort , Waunielegt Grated, Italia:, b. ewe sayibets. Vince bulhlleg /Los Hottest plruse teu MU nah.d AUP,tb. are sod beau Ural Parlor atom. "blyppian, " the very Isloot llopotifei*et tg tbe we ol pulpit Stoves ism extant .nett.[ ellttSkistA, Tee &mi. Darn" L.:10/01 Pranktla Mows, Xstenacevlbp Wed Clookity De... BARE MILL% Wefflujtous, HIM mamas. °Vt. DOOILIkEhods and rokeii, 1 of Pompey., FLUX BINGLS, Eton Pip., Twill Illus. ASUMOUSI COULDitoNIL LCD FUZNILCIVS, Lto bed itilvangersvot fo• to, Wathelkaus dad U rate tu up ' MOO GSM'S active 4104P3, Tub ar:tlee,eu eta. Itterobrio eve reepftdallt - tiorltid arid Waal,. ear extensive re sulkOinvlas Ottazgortt fibberOltintAttS.; naiLog fotorlaua ON ,I;Eric rLAN, Rif Single Boopil l Fifty Cr,op Pct Day. My Hell Squaw° corner of Frankfort st. Oppeeta airy tthlll • - gee* as thow way to °ranted, lo the opookowlLALiDfl. Wire lit iv Boaxwfa iihq? eed Bath Booms studied toile hotel • . N. B-41oviare of R - unaews wood Flastowou. who say VII LVIP fall. - " alicEummorra . RISH LINENS, DAIL:MKS, DIAPERS, sta. CIONSOHNNtgO# NICiIIARDSON'S LlN ‘j KllS,ast Mose &Woos of obutoins am tinNOIN I Wank ameld e . tbet the cuticle. thee V.A.... .eel' cd with the Nil name of the Drs. ,y..s.GVIARi/SON, hOhlt3 a OWDZI, le. e 11 ,11 natic cr au; ', lknitneems mai Oninhg!tyof the Goods. We mutton, Woodmen eicenhatly - Whintryoutterne nuentitimof lefechm and defective 'Limos sr* seem% after won end mad with/ heme of al= $Ol4 RI bush ammtel, wbo, teprilece of Mott initul thus tam est allteen the 4mptscen consumer sod the manufes. ta the genrilhe Goons. mitt nut ne4lly stand= e Wham stpoth44.4 mbrfe. mammas othibe hopped as sith Goods ofwot.tr. • ,• . • • . • • • • -J. PIILLOOIII I 4 . p., LOOES. • Whirl • - - agurrlt Si kids Street, if.. york. .- . . • —r.3s:Criii‘Virall .• ; . Pant .IBEDAL ROUT- SOAP! INW ONLY -oENlNNE,lioskialsg a free end y:Lether n testing ant Collate perfume, oreent tor ch aff ed bench mid tender skin viii be found eatr dor toys,. other. _ Elruritro mf, COntriterfetta t P.P. Moods aisbnal !huh, ron Windo. Glom A.. sal &salon . Scut.: Om fiepouli r gshtomb Monter, for the Teeth end ens.. to betted at all reepectebte drug end lam donee thearelted Mice. ~ . . . Illsodecton le London. II •-- Urn, Non 0, and 13 Day etreat. *ow Tat. - - . , • . • ,J,Ch EWVATON. neenh, Gra 44 4Fiat airrOter; AGsia SUID DELII3IOII6 TINI08111111pLIIT.•: ' • VSPiClALLltilasignod - Cro nisi oft the Jo *aka noska• OW. Rirpay,birrtap. super. ..hi(Ow walla' wOloo," "Arinborkbr-410d1.' ao=kboopps." ern, to now porlarord •bY 01 (hi swordsrs; one:slot. ondowniorwourbOorrorwora- Non W or. tom traria* wodwinal:nriobria Nod auntie) w blob belong to an old and pore glw POO up r o goat bottle. *WI ofd by all &unto^ errwrrb. !Act . ' alb 3. [UM, 110 Wood Varptr• • isamod.d 11 n..BINATE . 2 1 , c3ktv ". • i dtS UVERGREENB, FRUIT - TREK 14: 1,. 1 W I IV* took, ad the attentka of • tacitho o:h w oworittlar their grodada with' Ortudatiatsl tdamototata; do, to aw /yeasty* oollontkat oowi.Ulai 111 0* prlndlsl,ol:dr trattedeta at Idiom Now. damn, Awnotta, Scolato, twitn o e l „ s. t "t T t i al k te mlack, 1O tksVearjdbi ?ltoM4o m Orono' ortbalt lv aAbltif i o. gh t Boo:o oOPA de‘ l 7. B Poum O mend 4•017.-Alm.lo.rPplo:P"mea .. of lOW taw, 0tanyzt . 41 . 14181z. i ., , , d 10 . treat. o t osnatra . 101 to Wart' lb* owereoWt frOa' mita Av. soa . taAtu varker.viciod 011 nlatyptd an dirotak .I{d par donna. Eno Wawa& of Ittengtatita, totems (too 1.. to W. kat, dor ploolisita iMloollllollltiabbOr llo6 4 'Of to* itnadvesew - Ms. /add* lath* Juba rarter• 111 •!••• fahanotoeltitWoo 111olown. Dr: ay, J. Vitas. • Watt to awn *Wow th gh Miklos rottoldwit,./Alta 0..n7 notaly,At PrOOTOY 10 '' *A — * • fo Rltadaiddit nor pas flianory, ato aa .WI too isnottnntajat Vat tttia the Mod Minty raw" ! pr Palls, With, pa; Tau Liberty. atifirchirloir •.!! ! ' WU.. igKuortuagp.,— .*lsort.'ifir.N.44llNta:Vitzgeti •fit .nrlntstat Maas ,th the puthe be tsar pithoo,p, blOwtto Itherally Waded, I ...l all their aUslOas thultriry tiffs st.Xt TIOIIIS fae Oths •- MX o &EON IfOrathioduid aso dorsifjPosth bird. foaaaaaafainflit,romporrsoa.4 AUG! Ms -I,==ol virlotleiancajthi psrya4 astrths*O2ll ot , the : tossthow. sue # l O 'ail. WO , k r - f. over kind Was kk i 5 i, , • Cl Apple Trio Memo Aro Iwo liejO—lplipo stab orelbrwmat olds, from ea , Oa. Ito' iamb 'Turman% trom'S ta.ll Met.e7 th• 100 or. /C Ce k .Ibso.id:q et.. l o in Tpl4nUtar ~ hedt. plomo iglvo m " 4 " 111 raiga4 0131111111 .16ubrietittinir A T Tag LOW PRIOS (W2SOZNTS num; amtibu, on teaut sad tr ads Z. ti.lawirg 410 Mr Tildity,vs‘rdlria =hod eistilestm • hiralmaragov. tf.1501. Wawa B C. aJ; 11.1lionsu Orido—The labeiradzi 011 yr an idthir Cross sou in toil tos *stool for Oar pspeiT i trr brew and. RA : , UT • - coit., , lnrk CO*.. • igaLc.A'co—scp. , 1011AVING4nrithileargttrio igdphiff,pl ma , my fat potion is the Armor' 84 1 01.1kW4 1 00, I sat asor plaparal IS farad' So oar amass eascsamas sad las,slasons of Pitidounto and rfeltaftrpbusuf, sort quality otoodiONltr 00At, SLAM sad 0011 i la or mail wisallq" ditaoronst thresta O. Pout' alas, st *oral* Elasso at otoldoono, gotoloibiditika' al Um Maly WU ba ossoodat to nun ro, pidoon=i t - . 1 004110401 and OM= iima.4 Is Waal, it (i sown Om do Idnoesidska*!ndfc - : Biltangt.' BUIWO• 1 CO. are 11 P 0 ' 0 ellint lifeiknhed idnisakti " r um lnch Linen • rismatokinoro amp. , ',v., Na .l Rani NO ALT =OO !'7- to aoofe; be „.w eitu a ,eshijiforptiale , , - , _ - - ' • -1.! 1 r Scrofblit,:,or 3Elnel Evi4 .....fitudowa a........pita thi blood,. by. sabich thin , fluid lemmas. "'tin weak, *and pooy. Bel i bm die cirmdetimy it pervides• th e whole . 430 Cosy b r ine !tut , f m disease at ani,part o tt.l No,organ is from its attacks; nor bithere one it ma i not destroy. The se/ afghan talatilinahmsli caused by mercurial diSease,. lowAiviag, ,dis; - ordered or unhealthy thud.: t intpur, air , fil th ••• and filthy habits .; the•S'g imiOs. rind, above all, by the venual- Infectica..4:Whaer ever be its origin,. it , is band#o2Y., the con!- ' stitution, descending ttfmatkparents to Oliildreis -; unto the this' d and fourth . ,ixuleedi, iterma it scans to be .the . rod of Him ir 'Says,'" • will visit the iniquities ef ..the ; _ , • ' uPott their•childien.'!.., _.....-..; . . ... -. ..- . • 1 Its' effects commence by deposition from th e blood of corruptor Salcercmeieratter, Which, in : 'the lungs, timer, andintenthl°Sit termed, .tubercles: .in the glands, ewe ' ; ..imil My: thewarae, • eraptions or sores:: foul mar. .rupticm, which, genders in the bf00d..,7 the energies of life, so that scrofulous constit Rona not only suffer . froth screfulatis ~. • plaints, but they have far less_ rio*.. to v x m a: - stmul the' attacks'. of .other . disn•-, 2 1 goodly vast numbers perish. :by -*so which, although not scrofillousin thow7stature, I are still rendered fatal by this taint" in ea . ' system. MO:st. of the convamPtion :which ' 1 ta2 l , _ moans the human family has its origin direct] -' in this scrofulous contamination; and man destructive disea ses of the fiver; kidneys, ' , . and. indeed, of all the organs, arise # 1 : 4 1 1 t - am aggravated by the ramp cause. - ~,, • • One quarter dull our people are sircifelert - their persona are invaded by this larking sii , 'Lydon, and their•liealth is undermined by i ~ To cleanse it *ism the system we must rinova .. the - blood by as alterative medicine; and : . vigorate it by healthy food and -en . • 'finch a medicine we supply in ;. ' - • A" . 51 - P., 1i,"4 : ',:.:"' - ,1 6 , Compoand Extract of Sarsaparilli ,- the most effectrud remedy which the Medi 41 skill of our . times can devise for this , cv whereEvailing and fatal orsalady:_-It is - , Lined m the moist active eemethalli Ai: have been if vered for the eimergatime of this foul disorder from the blood,Mad-the mime of the' system from its destructive conseepeneM, Ilene it should be emplciyed forthtoure 'pi not only Scrofula, but also them other after• tines width arise from it, such as A 7 -. and SKIN Fonsass, Sr. Arrrnorcr'S F • ' , Roan, or Enystrrass. Pumas,: Penn ,: BLOTCHES, BLAME anaßonaTumonsan't* and SALT Ithrux, SCALD READ, RIIIOTTDIIY. , RHEUMATISM i ?met:tarn° and MERCllp*.Disr. exams, Dnrsiwr;:Dviriwrits. - 1/auterr s-, I and, indeed, six. Coathi:stiors, =meth snort Vats- TED Olt fermis Hume. The popular-bad. in ~ impurity gate btood" is founded in troth,' for scrofula is a degeneration °Mc bloriod.i 'The particular istorpees and virtue of this flanstip's.;: rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid; ; without which sound heSill!. is t9:4oBllElniin' contaminated constitutions. , Ayer's Cathartic PLIN FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY Inste, are so composed that disease within the rotor their action egg rarely withstand or evade ern. Their'penetrating properties eenieb and eleanie, and invigorate every portion of the hum Min- ism, correcting Its diseased'action, atutrestseing - its healthy vitalities. As a consoretnie of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find health or energy restored by a remedy at on so simple and inviting. Not only do they cure ihe every-day invaplat i ll 1 of every body, but also many formidable dangerous diseases. The agent below_ named is pleased to, furnish gratis my. American Almanac., containing certificates of their cures dad ditee tines tot their use . in the_folissing ,complaints: Carfireneu IlemmteN UsaaaeAe artang from .:ordered 'Stomach, Nausea, /sidigatitos, , Pe 'res' disordered ondNordid /noel:son of the Smbele,4f ' latatett Lose of Appetite Jaundice, and other kin complaints, attains from a low state of the lady. or obstruction of ita functicms. I • Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,' . YOU YOB rumor compus .1 , `•I Coughs, Colds, Inlinensa. Hoarseness, Croup, Btonchitis, Incipient ConsuMpe tion, and for the relief of Consumptive rglleuts in advanced stages of the so wide is the field of its Tindall:MS tad so nu mesons are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of coup ni abotrols in persons tidy lotoom;'Who have been restored front• alma. ing and even driperittr &senses of the lungs by tit use. When once 'crud, eta rape:deo over Ivory other medicine of its kind is too apparent toMope . obserratkm, and where its virtues are known, the ' public no Meg= imitate what spigots ta =4114' for the distretenug and dangerous a ffor ds= si the milmonaly organs that are Incident nicer er tm '- While many inferior remedies thrust rt the, rommanity have failed ' and been Oat'. / ban gained friends every trial, conferred de; fits on the afflicted they can never f and produced cures too numerous and too re= tde to be forgotten. I t , , rtY 4c. PARYD BY , 1 DR. S.C. AYER cip., LOWSLL. mkas. . I ... . . 11. A. PA LUMMOX ei Len. reneroms.ssew, .ssj s k z by en Druggists Lei Dpaleee ',meant. mien 0113111 LL £ 00. B. /11.111.100,Prupdelor, ONLY MSC OVERY vow or i f uT CODF[Dpat rollll , RESTORING 4 The Bald and Gray G . Many,eider th e ti; OreatDisoo afri Raw a 'An' WOOD,have attempted pot run ti, WOO Ith ' nt but proton to hem dtarrowared ronetklopthat intl. thot duce Melte idondthiro hut they ben ellswas viol wow, bend added away by thO wnderhil reddlen trot Routh preparadooorsol Inn broth Weed to!Ninth! krirtlonte reagthus they. Ind th e tolloWter. ' ; 1 t & " ' DO% Ohba. inetl 11104111611. Pus. OJ. Woos Oar then—The Ithwe I wellthOoo ho 18th cooonned your oreltuthe Usk Reetentlowthed whki . you hese pont/bed to Mk tidal sod elandwellb Lou given the to unmans. itheirke touthies the tette to Out ow. The Worlds ant Bub le it • Pot of my lebitallse ern wee. ow stated ter the commeekettar, weak Is tt wool ett therein tootalark *hob okra wiry Irds did egar tithe to tro ip pod wan end ot ustarra colodl Welling awl do answer lindens, heg l idy hook la ens liatinthas In any step of say Me toe ty pan tottomoostat;o o ft mod between:berth the eine it tree of my 'Akin* sad the may nue erhp it le an daterally truth Is that the eel. slaw to .Wed off. In lier.eplutthe of the lice, Whew Dode trees goOd kr wl the Lae tor.thee these dou with the whlrkw; no ththit. gill folkows u othrth. I ben both td the reesipt grennasurother et ' Iron •U puth ot Now todlaud, eddeo roe it. my moo tea dung to be death se there lalogs•ch fend tat denektuthe tare sad ask dr earl coonnuds on well le lid, It W. so doubt. been body !mink& Ira . two robe, ai rtna. withouthay good death hot to dwolute tenth. , NM wog und, any or • your Iteeterathe or run nerd te r Ingle, mouth; nut rano heir less good leseeroad bob. theadwoll It idtheurodeb mans tics old ' end on egad kakis ay twin ma n ny boot to earthe this beta Waldo sloth of my bak takaw r g the pen week'. I loathed 'tun Wear oftwothowt Isid ohm for 'kith. len son 000.,,ni Aroma. rug tunh Wools tufo te Pry tp awful tothotinl mill after kin sod thin parthoded sed Wed i. _OW loth need mores I will ath se a krob theism Mane a test by whkla Tun disarm thud le the Itertheneat kid roue. Ilse, withogegothortntrom yew. &lounged. will Muth wee* and Irwur wtowegrothegens de oat tollow,the Whore le newelttythethouneri n tr ia lkh now doe lanoter of. We dad. I lan d y snow betotorso. to keep you apprised of tin toosed as ay beirwe I anon ell trio n • ote at misdeal, esidakeo m opinka d Tikeleteretßlto.! I tetetbyteer OS. Ram . " . Wrath Bpd, Ity4Ro t 3 T ~ Pew. 0. /. Wane' Dear Rtr—l would potato tioo• Poo iratitlootko not to lotto Imam to •904, lb.. wooderfol et well as the ouetpected molt I MN' NMI from %nod ose bottJe or soaßedeßestotetteig Atter wing awry , klad et lemeeetheaszteat, bat *ORM .00 , ags. and Bodied my heed antlydlowthete of kaki 1 ood badly ladoced to try • bottle err your , flair Xrdeorstk•- Now, otadde' sell Pada cetapef Ise tteaupopee to oleo, evve seer reed thIe.I.MLI Doel peeler/1. Des es= 1 ero. ot bete, shkti. Otesonielloteee Pi Wm nue Let lest inA. - .1 triptbenteder• Mohawks to erpoppeend Ude hmlueble noted, 10 41. win alsil i oi w the sethal li rof ti, 710ott. On 11 . DWI • p. B. tottoi ßli sVot OW eerrulera r ge t tdo Ida* Oa see at urns st) U , Too took It watts s phot none[ 46, .P., , •111,-11 soto•toolood lei wawa , I, - I Thy Rottordin It oat oo hi Wall ot 3: 1 " 14 lepe. rams aid welt the mat UP , 1 10 2 fat retells for one dotter yet bottho the asthma it Ind treat ise coat men la preputles Ws the own, Weft 1,, • m *ere watt the largo tedido 5 SOO: 49 P l O. path. mar II 1544: Pli Low. 0.7. WOOD • IltooommodUil., Rol Itt Minn stmt. et Look, ithirtiodeldnesoo Doggekts wad Pithy Othlethallros. • . ". 1 ~.3 il tXII4 ii 'WIWI" 0, R. 1 . 101 .• 110 “ a 0 0 4 41 .1k' i,... Dr. 01. r. 0. mum, R. R. leneto • CP. B. A. Ihdo onto* it 0o ../ost. fleteloa IttesVallesehatee• R. poi aeltyddhl.' 04 titthig py -.. s -. 1 ~,, . HO - 4 DILITOM dal {Anti gnat tot Dbl. tett Drawl!' 2 4 ' 'MOM liVilV4. 4 _., D RY,GOODS UHICAP L. toa pia moan' re lei 'gni* BUGGIrtrLD iOQ ass awn Dtl Gat& U amt. than nay hailie Cis do that Mum edam , at Us • R net: z• • DIY APPI3II-11 - 1 1 1100 • Jittibfg; , ; .. 1 .114 puts-4x . start it. ,y o s. - -;. • -MAUR SMOKING - TOBACCO-40 I C.ll •Ovinuegm'oillaitAscog ' lb' We by • , ; Ql lr—?/) bblit. Linseed 4 blids VP: grew oil, tir Wm by , • su,a WitaoLtS • mt. DOTAIVS-rAcK) bus. Red P it s4:ksu bas IlestmilOckr, ' f 414 idpikj aoa nests gas saws . lust vstseoltftsilaisiesiliss 0/LT37400: 1 1)- • 1 14.P.MA“- 10 Meats 10_ . • 'II Mnr , • - WllkaTial &reit It RE: RO 14,,WXLIA.antiusd. ; _ JomxlviyilLlAl I a - aar . LKi►xeia ppsica• ' „ otountinAMiattion. &•40111101q4K1 JAW , Oul *two* .- - ,', - i-4 , 4 , ::': , ;':'; - : .- rti;,,-; 2 .,._ : • - •:. ,:fi:,,tt_'kT.,...g!;.,.,,i:',:',•,..;,i-':..L;..2i-ii..: MIN ~ .. •. ,:31 . . ~!:.;;;*(' 7 •:: ''. ' , 7 4 .- : .. ' ' ...,..................... aLairrasiliallA. . ..' . • all Ili/M : AILIIII: • 0111.1 tall DlIf 1"231il[O?!s". 'li: inCiftif:ellos 1.1 mk. , -ail/ - „.. oimmi _-.-Apth.-11,,,, - _ _____ ____ •,,,,.... 0 .0.,, t d 11.,.0 -7-r- .. '''''''''',4o4 .l 46lo;;k:klij3iNvimit .. A . /Tr8Bo:1i % aLura:D..... - SOLIDO - cameo ," lall s. it ' tie 4.'ss - ARM LAE.' 7:101a11. Ma) t'_ a. lest a a 10.2.1 r. it. 'sO aat. Psessaresdestriss to go I. sudesay.thae. odium t,sma4 w. 4,, astaterand.aiss tap peacreu to ash at Si- 8 71 . re. kimi io 0.:2 as tort Myaa. 4rvi bit tailesoutall ilaila to aa.arDl lall In FOAM* alaiafau Amid. aanaiestCnitie Lass sit • • ~ . ~. .:; so-clasp Id tuataras.' liiistersh sad atichnlati. ~. Team *resat as setae at Ames.,--Ards* al ?rms.!' adValeit MIMI INVAPplati XT. LOW IVA pSo HAsi p aet ..... 2 ,. ; ~,._..„ _ . .. i Tais esitals arles• to aseitaill, - Irelreadllkaisais id' as -pities* lastia; ttrui , eils %teat ' rceits.: Opisedid likatiltsihni ettelsidas all tasks Twee 2.- . ~ , ~ . _ _ ~ •. - nesters% set fthaiso Later .. _ ' arise : arriemsaa aides at d raw s . 1 Artisans `SITTOtrO, 11013111104. 3a ILIS/14' lirttlaiVa latism•Ed•isli 'ttlia'saif - tlOssa baton I'M ai la r la_iio; l % - , - ,Bia . plit, Itail sp as WS. NI A ianoieleis s ser- , 11.13, s ai ~ ..!1: 2 5 a _al lea% a is :e y, tilers' ^ltestils , isr ' . -.. . ltbsite is. is ad =WS +Lambs mead with balsa of Cl.ta R. 11.-ix Lewd P. Lamaist, AC: ;.. ' . .. - Stit 410.1=trata illeditat all Malawi repaints:: ilsi .10. W , _'. , , •—•L ,t -, ' •' ' - -2 ' - "'"a1t,..." 4 " 4 fzir ! -t 0 P r lr. 42 ‘ ,1 * /.124d7 ........ • .7'7 - - h 101 I STSWarf, ?Skit Aset Ire Await Isarosasiapsa • ' ' .‘• - - ' X ItalltAlT, liset it. ;,At as Oro tears obi heed Itatke, ass. ' 1.1. iffilliAllsatral Mori a pse s . TUB • 1261 Prrminuiteit , frie vvairos a, CUICAGO &CALI-ROA-U. ToaliPointsln the6eath, West L North - west- MUMS ABILLIVOIItIiet fillhlE TO CINCINNATI as quick, and to ludiasuatab, OIL Idob and Chime odder Mom by talotlerrwtF warwAsp nAnva us? limes utis,:uwearittibmtl6, 200 a. a tlatLt don edeheeaone .119 Ibilokaahre awl 41.79 we, aaouhae.m orrtnsest Isso d.. sewoos----t2D r. ■ Li* a Calor, * 'l2O - .r. a H. u•-2be dltideiriatl Y do nme se ta 91.0101 bile, Taloa oir Dab made mat at Colombo, arid purr gem 01l pinto Obartamati Kaiaks. Maid! 101.111-Irrera P. a • 1 Antra Chealloa.—• baling dose ocamsectione enigma lnirang bellaapolls.. 21/1 a. to eadata " " Okada tl 810 a. N. IL-The Minato Cladotabb lh. ma* lakl Sallb 01 " rade. Trains at lk.th roar aort at Ccbrielrna mom graven go lake elsdnaufkbroelber. 8 01 1. 1 01 Ows en ads Min boa i ' ib to Cads anti. to Indlaarrille mai MIL IOOO Oa , Tram Mama to Cidagoartoatrekoop of Cara higu, igadlll--taaaed 200 Lem Aedavv, TM 1. u. mad Oral LiraVaol. I. sal Mbar I. Carairdog will trains to /4 We i C 4 0 0 * Antal*. fit &Nana. *to r. - cortrettiviairrin cotaiaimatrarrau, - iihm. laud, lathdo WU, 120 ftd. ana. ' d aiAM rlatag_ at 11.1.6071911.1.60719 510 a.a.,110 Lir. MI 1 a saki. Aole oonnoo. Mona vue Vitas as Perate;badir roe Ur Madam dam, 111 illentown aid Mialelpide. darrannidadlon Trable,tran 044 Th etrrea Allegilaae 1.71.0 alightia, 940 a s, szo r antra at do -11110 424 Antra at Alleg9ear.ll,lo. r• 110 I. Alleglaay sad darranarledea baba Lova Allekbeny, 1200 aron.aad MO aa. *nine al borniray, 1-12 .lanrelleamienh 020. A. a 4.23 . Anil:l,l6lMb gibes,. 0 . 20 sussiogr 1/111.1/1-Leinse Wiliam at ROO U4,1,1111711.1a Afttway at 1100 a isr. Lamm alb. 11 010 1, 1 4 =5 I[ sad.arsltal to Alborg at r• ar pplekra slatkoaceoliatikersabd marketing. Tirane VIII he sold to Sea Mira at ledvad MAIL Won* Tothacciniedia *bow- • la Adana, VIII toast 4. Na Clinebvd PlUeben• • • 4 1 °" 1114 / 4 0 9w! a W ° 1 1/ f 11/°Th t' °; & Attez e wa n b a • 'ito l lere=•4•3•llL-Winvelkiftuwfaadvekl, ado, lireredUde 94Vtn lal rese b , .W . 116% CApentro, Cinchus• Zia* m - Si. Lodi, LAtirrills, eft for to Spit: 014 eb,40.0. 4 11 .4 0 a for 41ftrbPAZI. afftsati. ete. tl 111. Ways. ke yaw, ion., 81 Lags, oat We Welds prate OMAN LW= sal Illtade it 10mtm11 ill dirliam MA lka £12507 sod Bake "64"tdc"Wwwmitfikft.$41P°fttv 1 I td 1 111 . 14 ula su , T f o e e ten ve tua Islkosr u Ne4Sgnbi,, 1 Through Tlatete tor obi at ell **Mat 011iarol gnanzarig on Ms Ills if tbefilledi o0 4-1. UATUN .Ibdad . Mau , • , Ana ocw.ra PwelmwrAwnosettwesiss -16•1.-4.1Umme.ider.ueep.ma0e5g1pliA,....e T ug PEONSYLVANNSwiIiwi t 4 / 4 11, PAT,* mg list.„ ,1211109ar ram TWA boo the Telm Busks avX= Wept nettee a. v.. Voc i ;a4st Mass comma la utore. sad era ev ridumg 11/0 •1010• RU UM., TRAM lanes dilly 410 aollefalad tiara •WWsitkilorra Minn &IMMO. pletlara; lituaebriglar lanhaiod anbang to Mk* dairdaror Mamas at 200 a a. WS 211.1 T LENZ Mem tar illialsadify fesadadlonday) et •AS •.; .sal at 11lereees% LAW% Jame - 101ninon, a fsn • ill2,4l.ltralia &cored arbtogia Plkik t ,Tbe k•allaveolseesenotalks Sub rwe. ea, (of adt llorelekbat 2. it;atorsang Nati Willa* mares. S Ira reeleet ' , ma I(z9 Prasofue euar•Sad, Mom deal ( eeces••= 4 .)) ihte 1 . au'es " 10 ' Vviesad maw, se ler sedating:mak. • • - /Int Amnsol peg 171.1piirj UR* Vhsvn 4411en• seva A dl aout eltestap fte.l.3r. • , - Trido Ibr Wien etidealeetestig• ham/ Snail) &ULM tofr actomeobtlw'rreta Ste Weile •••kuolagoo watt (amp. Boaday) at *le _ lUpitt,idsume•sevleatelbe I•B•lriluievisivip•• .Wrtenteg ter PlUileervkeelollovvaeal* =:_ j t &l S. s e m = Assepeimiulve OM a. v.; Samoa "Vetre IRO= Avow oadatkia, eat: Telni Want Ptelke aixeaadaike. t. • :level* Wel* Aeutuveaselm•a• tribe forllderrakr ladimm avurce aleindlle leuneule• 3••••••• Muomedleeext 10 Tabu 2 1 •3 W _ WOLIN& Indeed IN& ;1113birel sa aromas aith. ackamnimikaa=llldly (mosidom Arsone pi 111. 11: ampnwatir. tits Es. Atomih• Sew= *ye Mobergh • *rad* abbot, snerout•Miamee , MLlelessele.llluie to Tee treußespellabli•l IhreilzeiN• SUM WOW, te ortfo‘lo tuna; by dr Feeeoltvedi efirWsitlioiNmedoUng ear dead Wave aelic t i v o Lwilar ureu icadatraembi vti alidoeref J. 00 011111 Nevapeeeleeseletuiveid I°o l t b° ' * l °F °l. 4 P 5 !e. g . s+ z " ' 'ye ear Beitueove. •f• ..11•1ndeeph1e:........111 - viillriligarli*A. 46 • • - /e,OeseluN4 ORA N••••• AMR , it!llaad esti ev• Tea. relmiu•P•leiusol &WOO ‘ llll4 &WS is eorrieig afeembe Womb. akddas OM lealleuvtopeftemswer Vev*l2v °riling/to •IP 011•11.4.1iars et eve Caopeay - I aim nevalble kg.envoi bealii 4517 sat undo:47. :la momatimart - 049517 vdifprotoad tem lb. Da•ve Al vamp .col beueeillossu live* peoveMe• =WeaI:PIP. sionidienne se , aTlWAlT i alamak Al Itre 222 iorraso /lsikr,7o Lauri ardessit de I:lMt7 Ins Cloak ' • • • WI modal besipi • ..as Ala Tuft; easSy baps 4o• 4 ° • Sit4Ppmes-9, - - • •Torftr"iTiralasi I lam= radar tomb, 'D,RIODUCVre••••:3T6ObbIi. prime Apple • .X..440P4 know,,itorikapitak_ mai lr,Welc • -. 4 4 mu ~um Ppsebr 'looter moms Ititni 1110117 , „ •= 2bbbPda6 is s EO h t . &Ma l'iserenors Mlles Ocomit 7111torall woodier las waits jail Nal psi rmo atryt -11Z.130 , A2Abb116110.4Uritif . „I:bibblaltall fhb; I labble Trout --- SA 4 0 ,-SAANS: - 1 Albtailalstanstfordne , ned Saiishtfy -- • . _ , . 4 *45.; ttilmititAioLund. 1C;11: • ;lag =Cites*, 11.62Piti 0 744.12, !ppm', Illne sal tidts . l6o=4 lOW% immy ! b . lol =alla i rr Api ht Woad itniamebinik. TNlE'llltatlSl - 13103.1tK'li,'4nk 'rota or ' , 2, - • dmon ail biiiiiim. poi irtirogi blabs*. • owl Islimift• auntie napkin* la %Wow ate moo mi Oke .i,-..W1LG..10111112011,1100,',...' l i .. a ,:. e t, ~.• :Item Job What% IT Wboilstmest, - ' . 0#415.401b1,41131:10 . 0 talcs •. - -. 2,: , . , - , , 7 , ..,, _,-: l 4 116 0 itabilillll496liflitiliAllaikialCr , ~.,-; ,10 kr UAW: IN ..:Aliis.. Io t a --.. to • ...• -' 7 , , 7.' 2 ,- 'z . Mitt TOMO*-7: - ::.;,:-7.1.1Pbkinigh giiiii !-:' -.. ' .', I libli Itoll flqiirc r ~,,,.‘ 1 4, , F.1. ,ti Dad AOKI -• • --_--. - , isitllr- i' ,- . , ' , " ., ', ,,, V1t14 I *semi: uamity gic.,... 1 • = LIMN i - ~•,,:.:- .-.--- ,- •, _ - ; .;.,-- •:. ' s C' 1 1 ,: i fig :'. ..!: ... .:: . 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers