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YesrsMK • . 1 Id' e ! iff a 1 g ... llgn Ili .11111 0 OltD ri, 111 acidic; A1t4.7 I 11:-.74.NLV IN tAtiTil r u si e s o Teo* ise A• 10- 7 . 1 &i:tZ siti :- ' ~,Ampitooniioirfloatlit ... x , , * ' - 4 .,:0i1z v.***vms ll d l } l T,loP 'Ks s .fillr."- Wiri ' l ' ' ' iw illrn a k r IA LitUr,-,40.) bbb. LOCanWait sa. _ 0 1'. '.- --. -- ', ~ "' i 'pax rumel ot. '• ;••• t.mit I .' • ' 4 . • . IWT,Fia••••9 lir!. Asa r-Vistor• --- • . . ' .. t , t , switemo . of" I.L. 1 tibL Xilla Parr o lZ ug. i.,: or '..1. 154 1141 . r c l ajnagt.„ K1i7.... `Al vswe aoh, ,: , • 1 . _.: - i •• iv, 0..0.a.w.L, ..:T..,f.f.).v!,1:13•1V0V-, %._•.'''' - or a MPktil k i •.; . •'-:• .r . - , iv--ti ..7.c " - '''H''.. ' ' ' 4 O ' ' -'‘ .: ' 110 . !:A l ilti l --_,.. - ~. • .•-v , 1 . ~. . . ' ii., _- ' -,* '.. :'. . ' ' ' i,' -.2 ' - "7 2 ;7; '''.• 1 11 -,.•,-; • .1 : '... ~ ,- :• ,.-:,-„- . ..,...,-,-ti, r - --. . - . f,.: -.. :-...,-..,.',:;!..-,-....:---..-., P '':';•, ' ! ',..':^,, '*,- ,*. - ~:: •- - z - :-.: - ,., - ' . :^;A "4 ,-, ,,,,,. - .--,,, w. 1 4 . 1.7?1,q - .^..--. ':' .. -..•- .. -,;-• - . - , ,, ,!.._:. - ...--.4 - ,Ti... , <" .. ~s. , - r . - 4 . 1 k„, .. ..-.,. .... - . ,:, :, ~ -., _ • . • • -•- -, . ""-' , ': - ' , "l, .I;. ', 1..- - - - ' - IMIIIM • )1 , ~.:_ !mg. ,411.11 a"" trim 0/ as_atara n. iiit4;7l3 186i—The people of thir ciryhaveheea -Maidle4 b 7 the sewsisewl i Eastern. eat of cow' frilin eft= -lute been town of Five thoaeee d , The t , 47 g ellitae . • 'Oefne.'",l lea -,immmiri as saftto tutre _ apPeoedWegCsdailY. of r ig 7° 4 ofps Kaiak lids `.0 1 4 11 RaLivu eight - •'l4luldirei eano" - eaVaiii,nattlaingtetimaa Pmer nw r i the t "7- - 'iazbenOtoseg witatens. he bich ty smut 1- Ito,Ytifou ~ A writer = pet#cl pom .t cr be bard tfim vole% alesedn .. .P° ' ttadee the minebei i b rlrittiee -72 e 71 r. tO be eltdee 4tift°ll l Am ' t i c g earcti roe their Bert, *me laying to discover children,_Aad nr T ninitell he aboalt"eiribiell ca n e d neh thenel ia to dl = MIS Celt not dAuon. remark - i eth im • y unsettled and dia. 040 7 1 4 1 0 I state, with thehourly prospect of titer revolution biegiat out. &benWm :fit kept a time prisoner 44 ' O _,TIT 22,1 Lereeles *Mont aitarPeft.ol'7A - 0 - & — w ; toyhas mei re r e - th , tb a ° ; l4°ll a g a i li t eat a'sery feelkg CalltMA greater part of gambling Ziffmelnae„ - sad 4 .laraid l.t.. e :, e l i= Ae be be bed to 63allimele154 at ." 9 the tribunals of fdliggleveredled else ere de. iidfail4 3 M sa idgT mff — to formed of conndant%bla " to which every z h i f.....t.f ri ei rarertheeret is subjected. bria* mem tte It`i * s ee to ea i ttusti in no _ try swap to al d o es anything a i exist Is Is US me am Of Pent. The Praddwtr ..... hama i gambler, who am mid em , without a_ioli s tbo nn ts :prib plte n Mi n 7 "" nl eyer oney r— gon most tith= _moibindy ine _ or. Pt& gx 4 btaa the country keep himself moos standing Y. mer ely will of the pop. forcibly Lr rewit n t.'n't %we, lodger, and a 0, aistisa. wm ; ii therzi - logo lobe footsteps of th eir all n illodd ". eas WaUCr;". —controlled by bribery they :commit Ta and - diehoneetY -- meveir k . de l a swi nd l es such au , extent are (ran ds; _ carried that ,theilbeve b ecome a ° l ° word me street& - = ' noir . 'wad' reins - was saved, - " A - short time -Wore the _expitation of the late AdminharatiOn, Major Delafield resigned Ids Prot ea commi b daut> at Weal Point, end through he blidell; Gen itiot*liii4l4ifprpf.4 in his stood. EP!'.' lo‘hitrihoTitory herd* the latter:had Ws. iiiiniSthis ?Ohio; ithaddrillnistamM hailed that there Wien foga— meet of which waiddhhen been toplace West Point in the binds offiseassitaastei and at the ammo time; tiirm - ;sli the_complicity of tra itors .. iplhaw ;York, a morenini . t waa.to tomaila Is! wilarathigtherd flookthelute• The • - .1115110 kt 4410 , :kt was hoped w ould to the traitors Z illl64' immediately Dalatlekt .istegrePhed tadsenthis red t.amign bel= e thot he Re was direct jul tt resnuis . ii - eamdanailehirh be Immediately CO. thisl4 oroughlY - !' 00 Ich" Angothej 'traitors. ; Ammar Joneses or Tawaseess.-7.211e =the following: "it has been dated that while the crowd at -tynclibtag,Vc;iraiisicening at Andy John son; and offering *IT tarIOUS indignities, one men pallid blames. It a:brills gentlem an, howls thaw st theillas, says that An dy' s - we% was follow attempted it , but Andy diewaPistot and would have shot_ him *lithe instant if themes present 6 haiknot intapaed: 0 Informant was on train was And . fort tionsiderabla -this side of nand he says , that the y Sou e Zoo. lithough 10 , o ted t: e ra s Populace Etvpim. pot4t., ..14fteitha,t, Wspoleent or Canard might ha ts Oinked. All honor the Uwe and- the true," t , t ' - 7rr the Utmcold CoMpani which 11„Wi r th_the_ Fifth fdesschadtts Begancet are 100 mu , Wets, sore of one man nod ha ' thed escendant Bati , who gave the woad ot.cod • mind at Concord Bridgec on the 10th of April, 1175 "Flee I fel l ow;soldiers! for God's sak e , ' • Mayor Wass oud, orbideago, taegraphea therGrorernor sc r ot_o. reW . days ago, deli#DE , /rehiao arms , e nd t r :r i Z s b e i reply that sell none, lend hid 27 ,000' 1 ; Manchester Tea Print vitrorimarri now filling an order for an Indio* flag, for 4,000 down. of Ohre:,t'sisesir Ara the oPony Guard"! has been etadedin Philadelphia; no mentberkd inches in height. which is to , be over;fie4-4611111 ~■ ;m11.4141 1 Otittus & abate • Tv3SOLUTION OR ; PARTN sPWP.t—' ... ~.15 Tb. partoorottla• 11;1= oa4tioll Nio_ , Ct. .-: ,auoligaal • tilltiads, .d "ld emmasdeg of Ur ,: =atilarao atlllo.' OWL' Tbo sloes °Waft loao la JOtiN,IO_IIIIWOUDY; .lons lot ncoomand to • eat Imam Edell NW isoalatora . , 'i , • • - ilko licalacsoor lona !mammal= ollli.lorott Was tklitoad,No I Idled iddindiwboldlidvialmabor Ildid to Alp Cada la ltridatkm. ID - ( i i iiiL -• : i;L : -._ - Pliotaosta Ape* jettioa. Ramon ,777. M7LICVIINTHI:LIST Ur APPlelttalliThei 107ddi so thoi4 1 /idb tbr Mori glibroo • - • alloodts berg Wow, '• • Meta 04ikhd:thor dod2o, E 3. MEd. • -'llllndepr Amdlosy, dm , do Iheltor ind Id do do ilied.b.o Jobs ookk,, do - TIM do,l,ll4tomh • CtitoorJokmooltd. bodio, Oidalsoi Goolv, rardosi ' do do . , Deli da.re_'..:!ll do : • " de ...l•Pe' • . • Glool POI% •-• . 2 . domoo • • Otto( Gordp;"..` • ; ldi l .d tu tr7 %rotor.. ..4.F 'dkr id dd lao*didd rtn"..:o - •-'=2"ll. Modlon. LoOnmedim dor 3 I want Itritufty • ". • 31 dw ildoemmail kototilp I,llllodiallho' do 4121 0. wd.dbrehrs, •••%,17 , :•. Pow AO . ••• . did Id fitiallogl r.:: •" • doo•Vh.' • loimrio tangle" • do . imod,Piad-argb 03641•114:4 , " se r . da ilyor.loiro, do SI dm bioLoodlOPm raid. do , PILISIOdre. dre-Ilard .r. - r;e4Mir dotdm id do do Plisimad Word. • id de da Lalimoy, do do 40 Madam Ponied do - IA do , do g tr4r 4, 11 , 14 . r . of.l.4l ,_ grxds, Id do do . Cilklmahltrp. gkhe I =i 1444Jmed1.1corpd,• do . Uhl do 1i3d.11 W 111.44, do, ' 4tl do do do' ;•!,', • . Ist do do kb do On fldualoorli ham. do Ed do do ActoMorlhfffi, do CM do A 11.4150 pas. kb do Pl.l3•Oarzb p I poke, Lows, r :do - 111 earl, PI Alodiconoliorsmodd 4/1 do ALIO., idtfill worm. Erol-Sdihm no d Ucodindi sin 110.1 akeity, .12/O.11144•141 or Midi "rkiffednirc, AM* -- • 11 4. OP I PM CL "' - Odell Oa* - • :411 w-a041.1d Ap .118.Thoundcaija- Almon bre sppolloxo &Se gm W - • • ilxr 1/41.11,1•11r 1414 4111 ' „DWar i nfi 409.61.11= ' IMMO. 141 lbw m be* imod NW Xdrty "OM Ina MAW* oxtrac ass. QM? c's . I .XX - mime frau • AMY •• • b••••• 012 •••=..._. _ii.r7lt. X 4, iv, Cirt irel• n n t mob • 1..1 4 , • - 11 Woad K. orzuw 111 13171111/11/31118 CSrICB TOS. S. .14;011 it CO,, lobbing to dab • tho 101/111rC11.8 /al l a" i.WIA* Om °WA 1 DWI itis maid lama Ito cr.oualtro.,‘NalpOw Womoinis, ie.woo *or ow win aMr bomb b dt ea mow Almons DM aASIR rt. • b•oW traart. 140 Inir tare dim X.. Lthorty M. l' -- fi , : ' 'k : :.j'.',i - - 1 ' . 4 . :', - ' l '';':'";.': . ' . .j''6 3 L . :': --. .i•`::4;V'' - f ,- ;''' , '-'" '.: .•i -- ..i5i, ~,,,:t:,;d:,,::.:.:.ii,,.,,,::.] t. f: . I .46tathi'7EXtoi*thUitaizat IGULTDIVILLUILII RIN[DLEII/IXOWIR", Dl.tieyieat*ntlß. t:: - . . START PORN :AND BOWS& or -E- NIT I-N. I ft:f111114!1:M)311(aMlbialt - olbses - Van M!ME9 - :,4,6•3•••;clicaawrt - Nis.toak.• ts. tins me mai «waded la ow Tail at, cuy Poi obi. Mar 011 y Prisons 40 &Won flosses. L'ad vidOUy Hosplials; Alms How" go _ 4 Used ei—=the Elokle l — , gAstar," Blabolas," &a. Itsed 634--46 e Ilauding House; dm &el_ ifudfig'-iisorti_g bin 60,000 Piiv ate Fsmilles. Air.; Si. ichat tAe People,. Prat sad Dealers say ~..• ..-411 toe mama I boy* loon ' ' " . - lirjl tfoo n tio% tta 4 Mit t. suft Illoa. loaf ostaailf :mtibastoi of fa* boom for thaltototoroofoofsftwbaro. ar/ a too of tonallaorsoffroo mm tt o triof tw o b .t. and in MO 14,0 WWII. aat • ;loa%IT if allitos Supt vidoinuticionavois witlvraubh aged bo so lama . atm, •Ofotaa . Itttoestatorse-Wo lit s' oli tt . to oar sotadhorfoo.. ff, s toa *art Ito so egtOo tt.: , ..111 lot Wed lot lbw t f sato. 1*41 . 0 ‘.4,1= 4 " 1"81 I 'Lai'm.. %7 l .l = l o r It 1. is osier A.,4,1"0" . taroo thimuntiarNethis i(!) Omits,. :NOUN 9111111311 aid ilmniAmi . midastsoisil afforsoni to ttnat Yeast, wire Um woe dvv ter mos orals luta:4 bred $lllll. t. . 0110.1 Strad. -•- . - , imam . lIWCIIIIMPAR—VOto Waslsotor wawa woLow Filamialla 4sokal nseow -Wo sea = 9 sal tatioatffio lila ad Mks nasal OXI4 w alba 064 mu salmi= 4Po patios to Wawa Nat *boa n la VW at laws Sue Iwo haul la klteasa or allar.--Warterw UMW 2 aim • 11112 . wean tsars Ort Ma Unto •41 pox* sot It to fano • Motto lostammt.r. • Gulag EMS. DAttilt, Carltootoo, AVM 8E4141:110-7ourproustbsea Inseam filo NON. leer.- Samba. ,asat Votaindlasosar t0t054.40.7. , =Eta& root r a". plist". Pay Maws. ro &rimy —Rats .Rosahes &a Datriiy litot, MON, &e. To Dtirr , Y—Bed Bp. Foßettr4:--Mottie, Flaw, Ask, &a To Dpergi—MWl uhlotL. tb Destrtv r —lassois on Ilso4 and Ports. lb Datrog-- 7 -Insict4 os Mamala, dm &a To Deihop—EurP form And @pollee of Ver diMmUw's" Eat,floaat, olte.Extedaater ihUmatriator 'Coates's" EleadO Powder for Insects, ehtiteri. - as ire. thwit. maw a. llttebsei. IL &.*.hasstock. Sall & 9.16 . witsa, ait Oleo Oda SoWawa. & Hart 111811.1Asoa & foible& • nrra,..tizia... .. Ptivazrze... .......&,....., .. ~.k.. num& & Qualm, !.D °oft, .', OW . /Miss &W. wt.'. Taste. &Stria. MVP& Co. . Popo & Itillpsyl. . " Cavil row; y Wet Aigoas. . Malan Ilbselaker ttlo. IL A. labarlaelt Oa into*, Ilfabssdi Oa &mi.°. Geedlda init.& raw. Jr.& Berriye. 4.4 4144, Jr. inesTinviitaii, Angt- 61 Dalian* elltall tad llamas frern3l7.ts E=2=23 "1 tipe sb 4em~ubmufr al! is. Mr.- ass &I Sans. arresu an. fauna. 111 AID ss mats IMO rcarramnrs. boos. Lost; dkO, . fitar Eal4Estrrakere-11, AllWzoissais Disvotres la terrodtks AIIUTAIL Inaxia6f.79ll,airsz7froarissmi , - Wpotertdi alteati In Wsw 'Twit City Pediadslphia, Pa. _j: ~.~ llR==! All the principal Cities and Towne in the United Statia. 8.1 Fahnestock & Co., Principal 'WhoWile and Mail LOUIE AT 7121211710 ii. CUT and o=l2l. /1111p0ovirrir Clams can c.a.. shier. Or Mtnr ado ttowl-Or 11 ilia., Tigull), , to 6atrld, arra w dWal.b Dadeasj.4o *DAR! B. 001174111. .Z=E maimemas 11E=f= *HEELS WILSON'S it E S 'EWING MAC#INI E. No. 27 Yina Stun pasTaiitai. I iAiiisToi 6.860 r - wszipx.rir!. *warded the lint haillaiit tie-, UNiaai, § tatos Fair; .. , Ohio State Fair; 1 , . o : Blinds ifftato Fair; Wieconeize Stat,e fair; -.-- _lowa State Fair; = -' -Kentucky Segel Fain ' Tennensee State Fain" New i Jereay State Fair; 1 . ' Voimantl• State Fair. . 1 .. .. .. .: ,1 Chicago iffeehatual lint tote - ' Lonisrille"Midhanip?' Instildi.; M. , T • 1 thnohinatild Institute; Allegheny-Co y Fair, Fittabugh, sod sabot Coady Soo =waft to risattos. 137. offer to:the pall° -WHEELER A -VT 4'W/MOST I : 71 pry ND mom! KAMM web Inboard coaDdsiaoLlits as ss tliii bat Sal mad niiibiidheilly loolos Iktschloo soor la ass Al on squal— ly Intl au Ito tbktest saCtbiaoststotos amass the ado mita bspasibts to atuass4 attb Os eitootisl sdrantags aiming aka co lidayloradpg so ridge or chalet co Os land., stdo—is *opts la torransotioa.lt=l Is akossmotsasdawas dem* dos May other Ws ybrsMl ld tbstriaoto Ito obobis es yarebster to see t+6=Nomaltitcb.44ll4 get. ;tabs; Wad sod as tbsobas sM wont It Oar Wes fslob: I • , 1 i Claudatiotoststabaitssatsbobas from urs. or thsalgto rot stisdlsg, Sastsod-Witoi, Orbit. gokotrio . will to lab obbolgyst^sa sppikstbay GI puma or by Utter. llevtaillbabins IdositohaUlt,lrd, OCASOO sad 00 COD. itiatb LC band. i ,marklrlas, . , . Wit MINIM. • aal ar ailid• # • a ft a I. . No. _6s:ll" j ourt32 Streinf. {-ctuAirsrts...l.m.fiss.a.. • 11P,EN DAILTIPPM , TO 2 O'CLOK, .u. onosivathisday wad Saturday arialag• Was Nay &A Id Samba dratalwa- I to!, debar. sad Max No. nuator Ord Saltay IbM,reas 0 tOS cfaiook. ' plapaaft• raostrad °tall. •tatti '0.6 INll,tbao oaiDolbri sod S. aftrlderid, of th• snail *dared Woo • Yawata , imolai' Dicamtaa. Lula* 4. toot alatatad wal-ami sadly, a:lamas:al o.cemka,.l4l:• the Pant •.• argaT. lag. at Oweste dais par tad- tr.. , 1 , .. In El not dralmautOaylkaut to atii malls at to. Ma. .ycattarre ptiactpaload bean tbOama lataratttram Matra,. dassoChans mg Daqlmber,Uatoyuroadlog hicks paryttla out tristahut .tb• dapadtor to cull or suau to. Pm. , Mt mato*. At Ibis rata, okoy arm aoutd• Le No than 111 P•1161• 11 klultts the aarnsataat afar sums col b= l .l loaassuatillat tti• o . 44.14.11a1aaa5! se:.. vtluailturuldrall grassa,us • thecasa. -' ' 1- -• • ' •iprissinal-asospi ALM:J. t . A .0.3 7. Inniam4:—....6 . .....9,1D. Nardi, , ino smut. , ii. . Ilasiauals la labs fL..tolloak, '. allots liantoma . n — a•a . ddlld. Janus S. Utley. ilasaadia Vodka Aiiiimi.ger• ll .l. 1 , &kali Alektid•n, - Jellaa...Vaetallis, . Ow a.: atadatta. Seam Stack. 1 • Jobs ll.lllallot. . 'JOU IL Clutilabl, I him, 114/61.1, Alamillearrla , I Jabs addratudt, Charlie& Oottoo, ,:. Water i. Ilanuats MUM Doughis, Joke Oct, Jotakitans,. tory Mug e. , • ..• • Jobe ;Wawa • • U. • Ma aitsllmalarriorr, lititsmat.llsran. I Stamm r Sp•ar. • ' ' Paw 11. Utoker, ' i Wllltszolli.ftbatartr. , - tile d Ma" ; -. law Wfoluk..r. Wllltaa IL LAW,' i iti 4014 Yloght: laradory sid , rtalarer..l Alai? • 011 TOD Keyser 'Wholesali3 Bniggist, muoicuin Brol. 140 Wooi ~ ~J 1 ..f,„ Lii li ..OSS.S .OR 1 1'4_ ........6 ~IP II ERN IA ; OR RUPT URE Marah'i Radical CareTruital Aitiefs Patent Trust. 1 , "itch's Supporter Truce. • l l Self-Adjuatirig Truss • , Dr. Sanning's Lae* or Body! brace, fur the Co. et Promotes Uteri, Pls., dbildolleal and Dolma Wtakomata ' I . Di. S. S. pitch's Silver-P4ted Supporter. ; ; i Ptle Props, fur the s upport twat cure of Pilet Eleatic Stookingo, f an b-tk and varicose veins.; Elastic Knee Cam Or weak knee joints. . i Ankle Sepportere• to. weak ankle joint.. Siteperwory 'Kindly'. i Self-gjecting Syringes; also, every kind of I S yringe.. ~ Da. Kiriaa tute &Luria 'noesr itdoh wilt :edit .:211y ourallernia Or ntlptute, 9frebd.at bie Kruk Sto4e, NO. 140 Wood at., ' 1 z sign of the Golden Mortar. I , . Da Rasta i/•... , :vit... to codwof ODIONIODISCIOIII and. ass • Istateetats lot; Dalt IPllltalt and &moot ovary sateltlag witelm•• alual support. .1 • ellfittlllloll.lllllll,l4spEntto 11 dON ale 00 0111EIDS,ar mildest put of • wry suportor Lod. ale be tad Itso dr • worm ewe; wetrwat so farm runs, p7a a ressiltstat ol Tea Dolan. • Addreoe Aaago 11. assets . • ' ' Na 140 Wood ort.vitivearoe. Va. ,'- ;11/frAourrita ,Ouia Fr Da. Scrivapc...-1 e . arl or, Da dawack. some MN ago to on. of ha debt to Petsbui pa st lb. ‘ll/0„ et Ifr. &law, lio. lel/ Wood at roiaii assaisilospannti wttit load dims. ow. bt 1., y hop sad tb•broarldsl tax: owl COMA to be twat del mood. Ottaattaws wbon 1 ....'trod , t suptetotsad lead , sad mutat . m lards otoodillsol t I had West ream sad* great mano r ad am onottlyldsbllllmod Dr, alma onecrawl tat disult,”Patents Taste and wklasaarall Pride %Wall Dom ens swath I bars Ow nconwal 11 - 40 vaz 54y mom r - rWelater, sad Ohs tart Ota Dowry 1 - ow ten lam ' lo o s . toasty, Dalt, tolamblo, wens I too viii • tame Doe asp petalatbis 11l PO WW O . Ellabutrat:dotwol 27,1101 D. I Mama local pa la also. *wale" ems mar the, Mr Sorb tors wain!, mamma sod +meows well, Aortal toothed Olt moil brello. art, Wittrau W. ALiadlilDLll, molding 0113 Aso Me se elkeasuy 44, dal lowsl4 we iffy test I balm tam a team am mareatt, and pain la the breed OW about debt yaws. Dora Dm w Oil. of Ibis Ilmo 1 hoc. hoC gonna .I.lllll rut r. rowsloo ol ghee 1 t.l.d *Toro amtraml twold Yew calms redblorr trot bold el My astsse • 1 bona of Doctor *Lomb!. .Putlow it Mae" Oat astolett Ito 000 twarwalle that It bad alma 1 tow DO ' catatoeto la la •to April, 100, 1 tak • gnaw eat, a ' Mapstad IMO a vitae* Move, dillt..tp of rapine., cad Idea Me% ltball let PCSUOU4 CO bell era COO. SOW lo ta. toss for two =alba i I amoral day bloods idr e ltd to as raerPuto to WI blob probe at Mop taw 11 boa dame NO proartad bath** cal to* won Whorl 1 ands up leo send to watt to mews roomy War &tms or modellos, Not weal toes dm ammo, Ilts dr as, Oa I had Ome so katt , tat that 1 bit tompoully 0 Manse altar 'flays sauna gm la awl ttabeeto I lialodaaoll to giro Dallte leo midlelso a tar= sow, away two taws . .11. am is and brake, r Dabs lua tbs. ma illol Worth of Dr-ore...Ws soda I alma.•• I autweitatlauly ato Mid ill bat made • watt raw of ma •Iwe a lesaltod I andantes my .09 bank asst uldot of uaoeMWtlpa .Iw*sly to Dt. Prtmacke Wodklos. 1 ooloy hatrw.o4,l to 44,11.0.4 M, 11161, Pisa •1, has dos . at twarly peel. 11l prams try lbw taw of Dr Iketock's lambi" masedlea, goy amid. eat twoleat to (mil as beats OM Oils to selo pato - I ha, Dal eirktOt twerp penes. Id tall 'AS blm, as I tam Oa Ouleed coal tam labia .tra ders.w I. 40, pawn else tug la lemertia Delo No hen am all pa too at. my plots of beders, et Weald. LOW{ Illsrelelst, Is telo dram . al a te Pn*.i,"cNfalTl=attspiold")Or. - • • : • pagioaar. IL EIVIIIGR, (30MBUSSIUN--11 ad. Primo Fred" Moll , . - • 1 lat Timothy D Darr h eal; 10 key Comb Loll 1 :I;4 6 .•fit . "as, arra.: I , 100 Ltd ltrabOround I yelkwri 111 store for ado et 110 IttatodlW. IPS . . ~ 1 i gaols VAN manse. - -- --- ILIDEOL-1001.1p ma belooted Pry flint; I°° (4..6111".*; • gist teSl kW ode by, • 26°Sta" DII PPZEIVIASSAC OII 1041 BOP Wady di j PitQUUUS.--300 boo. Potato* towing,. Ilas.b . 1 A bhli Roil MAW; '• i . DO bas ebok• listiss iretchag '• ' ."A bbla Onme Appbe4 ! 1 i Ibr oh)* bl 012 140 Onlll,lllll Maly it. 0110108 POTATO; BEEDIAINOB.-100 11.1 boa tartan% Dsllsb 001 M feu* Albert; 100 Lam tiiitar..lor sae •. I • ; • . LI C 1.00.401. 2 83 Liberty it. sli-50 bble. loigO Mackerel; e9l .bb Melte. Oa. II Norttr.O • 60 01.6444 Wob—lo okoo for Pon b 1 BtOitN a ILIAILPATRIOIII6 I one 192 Liberty et. 0 BSSUS--I3 bbl& Flu Seed; 40 Ws pow r 0•00-4 or sas by • • ski La N a Nnes: I. I Ha OMIill sL i ——- - - i B •KA011,11/,*-47 bags; , ' g' Ratit -41 WV; ' tits gion—s Dry Pilot; ' MIAIIIIIIIIIB-1 malt i 1 I OM teadtag tram at'r 11l 4111 t, tot late t 7 1 , . HMI AR WRIT a CO. TOLOWER VAS • shmi sod tomtits! INIOKO 4311,-31Y wsrarnoribmat, fur . I ; T: a: TI tole. oak 000perage; J iota-bets Ask eICZ; WA pet Oh Ulm Cora bY • obi LAUD A I. U PION. MIA At mew Lim. LAB% in bids , firkins in Am WIN tbe Mtn lor bolaly mi l ler limb by I • JACIIIIO • T./ WOUND,' M. It lamb 46•01. ems Liberty. pIiA.TUNIis ANL). tiIIISP PZILTS.--45 aiiilhationc I WU Aar 14! to. DOD WAt yto.* "Irrt"9"Fhlbr "I L - 1 , 1 _ .- 111.111IAB WOW I 00. 4:119 AND-111310 Pak. •• - rat JACIXION viwmaro, w. 1f Paertimbosilomigi Matt 13ONi'-6 &assess -Comb liouey, just nur.l4„ Oslo or,. go Welly • llr J CU • ••1151 , 0 • an. 01.4 ie. haw CULLING VAPKRS— Polythromet Frew I sal rani eineratoo4, tor NA e "Mintiti outosi l° b i bi = moo . Ar n 7: 113 ,-. • - ; • • ' , . ". ' ' • • • • === Yr ~ ~'~ - . ~ .. .. . . . ..: .t.flapstilliarctus , • A -42iLia-io:the Public. -.. IT el ,`,--.- , -, '.•.:1, ,, .- . ! -, ~, ...t 44 44 timid irate otiose* *dreg Dm** ".10ct, otninti camplatatalit, ine and ft to tiara; fitro *I tbO cannot, latratanot that* airie aitention to Dm Ifaot pit , :must 62,6164,ifahty idtmoim, shoe/ b. t...x srr 46114 at tni tail 4ridibly , Mliti thi'24l2l. DB. WI. VAT! vnesznamesiwittaimoisca, M awry 1124anne Ltax7 ' heivilii, Itirriti•iiii iti_ionnbly need.hat*TRICIIIPDRD Dumas -In emir ell ite ammiks , 5,... The edierM of ' the 1.4* Medichaa 6.4. lit teat, Won mi orailly atperleaced.thst they hoeitne lullsontal • ibhsdn lb. moot ow, or* mid mud. otimotonnt ttor offload to the 621iikt .; . ', •1 , ' •. Bare THFISE '• 'MEDICINES i are now been before the public ' for it period ' of 30 runs. and during that .timb bare main tained a 1110,11. DU*ll,O.Ollll . ill. almost • MAY PAST or Till CLOD! for the ei*rdinary cur itive properties which they Omuta. 1 .l:a MANY .TEIC? Ei.I4IDEI 1 eorttfled tnatiainn, 124 Ports e le *Do= anoraimui fromo the Tory Tian or AI sun , alio: 1111 We Ideropthe - nostrinia of ,tha daj Ira inm46,1.4 ramp., Po rost,lndOed, bon thoir offing in arloldj and Infinity rated. that it tiao ; _eptandoll *car teas this mtrocalona to those who wen • sauna:Ord urf the healthily photo fophicol priodpioa upon which ore am:T*o246d, and liP olll hith ; t l •Y mmt•llo o4, / tout; It mute to their tneni• toot end eetidide solos in partlytagtho 92rinp end than. toile Of lite, and :indnlng them Idth iimeared ton* *ld .Igor, Mai :hey weeilndebtal for their rime. I' ' -': ' • ' ;—*..." --. '.. ', H 'MOFFAT'S LIFE PI LLS!!! ire composed of Vzozrancy Ini t ouceimers I! innomitioa *in Do aeCertilaittbyloaiiientit tom hoer prominent qtmlittas are duo* of on actin Ond loorchhis, :though piatectip' MOO and sin met. deleopent apeateak of * learn inconle,pronicting ;the inionelbia preptration; el ;* plesaant diuretic, inotiori4l226 112: ktdoe7e end hlsdder;, - :.:m of a doll/MUM tonic taklac, eieltlik apixogt• bi the ',demand" of ends /4.4104 and cheering thontlod 121111 ithatilthithi mote of nom* I boOlth *bah 1a one of the mad folklione %Opp of mi . eateflN THE PIUENIX BITTERS 111 80 dolombitild*ox Mek inaolebtag flower of mottles our . UM and dustily, is It into hum tll l ,. ion edam of lb. mad fllialdatef comaltantecni thee urines took nil:mon hamotiatalk lorligontlas t -Palo Gam Wales the eameibake iraidelfe ea ea the latter, la adlaereat omitting& - Although nod ler esdiertto taut the iIYW Pam, Um nurulltdreo best to slum the OP watery most mach saner, conereltrallahtly opentlag 'within three or four hawk:sod picrfork a decided sumo of relief - IO It,. a. 44 iii 4 Ponenh, sod "h ilergi n lb° Idled, ern la len time thee i•lf . . I DSOFFAT , a. LIFE PiLLSIII . In Affeetlons of dienead.Slels Headache Or IfertrourtHeadaelte these Pills will be found to pant= Lb, nuteirtotisnolf ofAlmel , s, - ~, . , MOFFAI'S PIRENIX. BITTERS'.. Bravo been 4.ppay.flied forthoicure of Fine AND Aaui, At 1 INYtafaß6a SITCOM! • 111it.4101 1 9 COS PL 11 WTI. • 0 A noon tsr 1./ V - - • roll.rialaird and pit parboilts gosnlity of bibs apoo tha oteroadt la Wawa nkaphate foL tbelnruco.4lol3 of mood health—lt svonslatoa digestant and h.ps ost osoalin frOas utotradlons Shan than Y. dell• rhar7 ort4.. thn half le tonotoofly wills's Os tho other Mach.. 'ovorlhaadan. of bit. MEMO o.itt4ot Smote to this dloossalh, old orb. pampa very admen Woo.. di oars, obi.ao s.tlsaond - In deals , Or. Moffat's Life etediotnes!ff about! be taloa la On 111/AMT MO a of annolsiola and It porametnd In oddly vordioo to dandle. 101 l ' !OMIT= IMOTACtilial PILES! PILES!! PILES! a.• remedy for Ibis moot 41stressing and ...floats Is:Wady, M. Villa/00LS Lin 111•D101dliti dom. a diorloct and aosOnotic rocoonnoadruiors. - .It inafell•kaorra to hot deeds W thYdtl Wet she foram proprietor of mbar valor his Manama au Memoir -*Mated onth thb crooplalnt Lm oprardiof lifirft e deo End; aod that hie trnd In taperer) randy preecribal wittito Um whale c.v..' tba teteria Mdse. lona.. N itoitla trhal th. 11.41da0 which is MM. Cfered to lho pohlle, and ;in Ile car. In. ref, ant tfrors altar bla moo., had be. Penotorneod or tools losprobabio, bat absolutely hoponthha by sop bona. moans. Fitiabtugb, Pa • We PAW and Phownl , Bliterslll Cod Inostuti thnroajghiy cinema g the tint and two and notische, CO craning a flow of an healthy bile, lustiio of the: nate eimerria inerofsice Lae or &trine. Univac tit, littn•cait, iitivismassw, Ts.• tax, •mml7. Lamm*, mod !anticline, which an the puma tempt/ma of Deeprpele, rseuh, at • natural cottitottehre of !locum ! - - - - - LIFE MEDICINES! for ihtscu. an. LITIII Ooiinum. th•ir rotor wan ts-mu, srarodants.art pi:A - gralreht, PH" rood OPPrudo. X.4,Outdagas, DUrt oda, Lon of Apprilit, ore act Doric...U.4 to lbe tutly fllpetiOf to asythlog ern brtorkofterri ro toe • _ _ MERCURIAL DISEASES home. ohm. tonidost4Ms berme-omit. Impaired by lb. 0.114.13. ba• al )1, , C0.4, gall dad ttoe• Ism • per Com tee, se thee otvet tett On to Of 4414•61. from the system WI the etitcte of &Com ry, In Italy ectut them the mem vow. ettal prepetationa el Boman teltle. SCR,O4 LIIIA! __ The m . Ol hateible Moo 'al &et/61d, le which the /ace, Bowe end I.lmhe al the victim bed item:, peed .pm by the insatiable teems I.s - !Tent:4Blolle antietrity .4 the refineve thommgeol. to bee. bee tempettmle toted ty theme nuttily Vegetable Medicinal, alter .(I .then aid hams Mead memo tams melees. Mute or inflammatory itheumatlaml AnTattoila ennomic • a is uzunwrisp Thor dweerl,.bllb an eustont4ont paabg, MI , by itoorant tnetwomt, Ito aims to tee p h relieving hesambity Le liable:us Vann, dud perma.sesty mook hi • Voce mane pf lb. lye Pttt+ood pimp. Iltam4l. . MOFFAT% PILLS AN BITTERS-111 Bel It I leaceseesoro7 to etrooters ; te the cesoy mow to which Uwe portly vegeta/AD sowleeit:e. hetet... pm h 4 tut let we legolees Why troth.) 4o mew., le their behtly effech7 beceseee they ?UM IT TOR K4)4 , , aoi that repot, all ave. of Of oesie le the system. Remo. they *4l poworyetey upon 4b. oxsethreee of the beat Nod now. 511 lawarlisee u owe. Ilacasee they 4o pot nolo. It. wows, tea (011(r ate It —ts,o4 regale - mg no reettslol hone pleaeore 4.4 toelonue doting Melt operstkee. TRY MY iREDILIBIE•nt Tty but a &ogle DO•• of tee LIFE '.PILLS !I 4010811 eft SiTISFIIGIIII B 0011111),M ' DR, WM. B. MOFFAT, 335 Broadway. Brew York. hoe to ode by eat Dent:gide awl Wleeildoe Desk,. Nice Pink VI mew per ens; Illeterkill 00 yet Welk tettettlenet UM "mamma. !lUWDII/L : as A 0001451.5 11101111111•14 Tuft .• 14. co.meceg. 1...00.101 names Ittlioaeareh Sleet Weadsotee • 4 OotettitoUes.oOttwatell t114e941. sod toeselea et W Webs etoateWsta. newt be Was tete 57 the most .0110.11 et ant Um. tete weld patettlre le re. ekorg o ll i a ,..pettne and eo w eertict 7 1,u rk i. (4: 1 8 .1 . 4 snarls lioree4eate Wi 11007 ll MtM otter oellat or milrees tete fewer. set •b 6110010.• 0, B. le Well WWI 0.... eted the Masofteln 7, ego. 192_5;nlott fusee. Mow 7oth, sod Well by coat • esselaes 'VW to) i.eole battle. whel4exeli • SUNDRIBB— WO bozos 'ergo:Sod brands 51 bed 10.1 leap Tebetea W nines apple. tread Oreote sal Wl , lea Einem - lb lamb 'Yemen I &O 101 P Obldee Sly Sabi Idler e, bia Iter marled wide 110* 750 bleed do Whelp,/ alebe; • #OO Ws While Swab • $l , O bee Dried Appian , ! lb tame wise Rues 11.1 u tub% et dta OseteM 116 a Werbboo.d.; 100 leo R 0 Foie; • 10 bble wleupelwi4d 10 de bite 1 Ian:10M • I 10 6o burls Ull ek. NO Ter, (lenle bed#o4) 100 des sobertel Moons-1e etere:Re• by IMMO! gainaratataaa. • • ! eel 103 Liberty QUNDKIK9-150 b 33& ptitoo Rio Coffee; Ij 341 top T Dried Practero.llld •e iec 'll9 . SI do 4 0 dons lemillo &ph warted. from% Ice% to I 3 lorb; IL tole Posy Oulu OB; ?I bozo. Palma .04 , , SO Wise N. Mort • Vo No 1 eosp; • 10 do Star Cowl's% 93 bt bare SW Collator, Ow sob try' • ; wares 1/1430N. mid No 283 Lamely et, TABLE LINEN!!, 1 .TonaliiNipkioi Ciseh. Diane?, Sheeting Iduelin,Tillow Linen Sheeting, Pillow Linen. Furniture Calico., at .ot . DI UNbIIIES--14 sacki Feathers; Mack. thrj hoodoo. o poolol; • I do . proud, I do toy Paws,do ; Id. thy Apollo, 'do 1 Do, Olaf um botoolLogi I Leh. Como: II balooCottho oe conolossioli oo o4solorOlooectod la.nh. tor 0010 17 opll ; ILIUM DIOBEY O. 00, G ROOERIES-7 5 htitts; . fait to prime N.O. dos terrl 0 *dreg NI 11 0 11 0, ..r. 100 Ill.:Wow T LION p.ll smd Tag. ,• .• • I 11auks do do dO • ; 90 bbl• Crmdted Basin; bbyl (A) CAIDOMI6 I I I II 20 do 11•000 fM wo , Elevult . • 49 do (0) Wog NI! prs—t. Igor. tee Fial•TH, ' • • • • 'WAN • I EUITAITILLOITT, • j . • • 191 sod 193 Uhn/ SCi • 7 sisen an ty d patio:EA amnia MA ~ western—Con. .1.11 Wotsr and 61 Imil•L p , RODUOZ, &o.:-- Po'fllTOle.-4153113 rprINIVIIIIIII • BIMINI-3 mut. elan • Mtn • HON MIT-4 N. 1.1. VIM riot 011ABBSIBIIII—IbblalION.; ,0411f-15 0 01tc. , HODBILI a BILIVORTB, WO • 1 . MD tarty oil. $2O 000 ';,22" u n wit.. t, •WIIS OWS3 SOX to 1 10(03 , rooldoil " 1 " " 1"."' " "4 ;4. wan. •, *Oa 06itO 01 • ed. t7IM. NI Wig Nia WALL PAPSR—Idado ec ilLc 14. "I f lrTraiallitto nwaea u. sp-szvi c c i z . in an s i gai j m to.= 4: , QOM =Z=Z=== 1 .-' i •:: : .....,:,,--- T 8011/lILD & CO'a -' 7...-- '7 7 -7-7. - ------ Z47:?':fii':ft'i'i _ .: ~5 - ~ ~~y.~ fAk. I .1041111. ; - YOUNG , 13/10THER5 t 'Du ueene'`'Foundry,' Lipecqr ftt.. near Outer tksset Pit. 1146, PILiTatiCIVILI.Paj er _ lIMILIINII. 'IIL sad . 1101,L1110 MILL ituageoa 94 \STINGS. or awn daerfp- MOM PIPN,BOILNILGASTV/03,T10N PRONTIL Gum DAL% WAGON DOM:3;OAD AND DOG IKONS. GIATINI AND - OBATE tRONTN floe OJCIE BOXES, iv, dm. ois baud sad Ibr tab km. • . ~.oeders leek erlin W. W. YOUNG. centered Wood street sod ,Otstoood ea I Nemo tempt suestlicet. • lohlt • ms.. p Yuufictam varli,et7 Lt (10013., PA EILOIL AID UKATIAGI STOVES, ORATE E NTFeRp:3. PEN DltatS, Aco : m. Bro.. Solo "Pri)prietai kr the celebrated PI ra:Avr 043 liUglelNil AND_SNOVICEINSMNO • - .IIIIAAJIVIIIINT3. Office and Sales Racal, NO. 4 Wood Street. PLITdBIIBOII. PA. I . latlr . =myna. D'y llk V - E N *it S N, • D MANUFACTURED; OP COOK, PARI,OII and 'KEATING , -4S T - 0 V , E. S Warehouse,. Vedend Street, near New Sus pension Oridae, OITP. We oak the attentkro of dialers Wont largo ricrintrat of 0130ktog sod Hariting Stour, or Nord and Ora, ankh as Sc. Whir at Mr kora prior Thor wiring ralf U l 7 will am it to duet adrantogo fo She es • rtal and Minato oar rock before uncaring stratum. Oast Iron Boar Irontt,bon Minna, aeries, tiollor Wordy . Wagon Poif" Plain aid lisnoi Orate Fronts, Fendore, eto., osatlap of 411 lilt!da made to order. - Jyttklyd• cc L . D. Ds NAVIN; • 808. ELMICK 0••••••• HAUCK' & CO.. ^q - 117ND Ft Y. N3WEii PMSBURGII;PA . . .. . . . VTarehotuse.'No. 2 St..arlitir street. ILJUANITFAOTIIIte Si OF. 1100 K- PAR mi, LOB, and L ROMA NG rrtOW, P4riiir iuut g lichen Unseal Hollow 'Wirs,.,so.l Steel and Otos Moil la, &Altos ni g . NM earitoP. Mill Ossrlog, * Water sea Art's. Pipe, s, Id Inm Do r Irons, W Ir . Bons, Poor Mettler, Pet, lesja, num.., Car Wises* 141404nd Outings geol. ally.. Alas,Jobniorg and IllothinsOutin Ands usorder. Patsalsd Portsb . ls mills, .116 Sumo or ores Pa. nolt6sta ~ OtLAT Zs 43 , 0 0 .1 4 4 t. * 4 e 13188EILL & CO., NO. 235 1.113 innr STI4EET MANUFACTURERS of oil kinds of Cook ox lug, Parlor and Ileallen. linnaaa. Cooking hang.. IN. and Oumeoun hastnnled Orate Feenta, 'cedars, he. to. Ito eelaterated Mil Cooking Stove*, Vlctury , and "Triumph," •nd Wood Cooling 8 10 T 0 . "Black Oak" and "Forme Ilome." The "Capital" and "eagle" Cooking Ranges, with laydrUaillo or Open Boilers, 'which vs Tama aaWalvely ro one 11l ltaa chy and Tidally than may ollur Wove The. Wary Finest frauuneled Grates Umlaut tte math. hwrebyre. Pim. Wading nu twain will pleas twv this la toirtl /Lb., lb& new and hawatilhi Parlor atm. • "01y avian," Om way lalaa-Ltoprowawato the ..y of Parlor Mora cow utast Toptlor wllh Man, !ha "Vs Mora, Resift Bk.& LioubAry Maa, Prankh* Mao. islennem.Top Wood anktag Sart. • BARK IILLIIR.IS. Irons, HAM DOILZRA, OVEN DOOM, Masts and et Pampers, PLUM RINGS, Okla Pipe, Vault ilio4l. 1041ULDittiNZI AirD At beg orravesurad for Me Irath-llouse Mat G rieno G. um • Jamb Oral., Illtelaa U.lO. Tea RAttegoq...g. Tim publlo to call and examine incozffiott ribOutionnsnto. 'IMLOII ELEONEfiIa ON ull'EC ILTJROPII: AN PLAN. ' MTV Or NOV YORK. Siege Rooms, Filly Cents Per Day. City Ball equate corner of Frankfort at., I Otipelt• City Kahl Melds ' a• they may to ordered, In the illations nolledatt There 6 .• Rattan's Shop and nab Room. attached to the Rotal .N. —Bevierwre of tit armor. avid Illackmen, who say we ate MK. oe:7:tyd R. TN Proytietor. was ARDEIOer IRISH LINENS, DAMASKS, IMAMS, 0. fIONSUMERS OF RICHARDSON'S LIN -16219, and Übe. &draw ol °Welty the OICNIIINII OUINA, ebthld • . thet the ankles they mare mooed. wl with the lull named th. Ilree, 7. 11. ICLIARD&A, SONS w OWDIti, as artarsouw that, °whom and durability or the Wood. Mt. anal. h twalaroa woontially wwwwary, as tam qoarmittasot Wart. awl daactir• Lwow art Wawa attar ma. end waled with tha tam of B.= Mt by blab Una" who, tryipwdlow of Ma Wary Om lallictad ante on tb• Awed:.a 000sntwor awl the mambo , maw of lb. ganolop Gooda. Dot owdlly ahead= a tradasw so profitable, while parchwho can ba hotaratt with Ooobof.worthlp charse ts. • J. alma:a■ a J. ac coca agent& SI Endo Striet. Now Yak. 1' S. CLELVSEVEI PRIZE.. MEDAL HONEY SOAP! TIDE ONE GENUINE, TN:wafting& free Lather, hallos sod delicete pole moll for ibeppell Mob sod teed*: Wm mill be Fond auto. dor tosoy other. Bevraier of CountecrWitia F. IL ower. eelebrate4 kiosk, • roko Aned*or. doe ea floneseer Soaps, eteo rleixo‘emooe T.. 01.4 Powder, dote Teeth mad Ouse. io be bed .t.ll neyeedebb. drag end tepee item to tbellulted MOO. Illesobectea to Loudon. Aboleeale Vepdt,Noi. al sad 311:47 stmt. NO. Tort Welted J.C. ItalteTCH. 4 v,ro,v•••, GIN AS A. rtmetioarAL nera:ri. TUU Di t LICIOO3 TONIC rumored., ESPECIALLY designed for the use of the /Wks! it.fariotl asd lb. Ron. IF. bsvlng .b.....111.4"01.....bw1etk.. .111011- ost.,..flobolippsr el.. b bow gado..l by all of U. proml.st pb skis., thaw tsts orasoobmsors. es ram sll o 4 tome ilatriulio amikloal 4. 110 . ( 4 . 0 ° bad Jloystle) whteb ladoog ba so alo .4 purl Cp. Put op to gout ball. sod sold by ell grix<ro, Dr. .0 U. 111.41.11., 140 Vr.od si /Wag. A. N. smiriastailxt. Vole W 0.19 Brood .154=1N2 itqm.41.1.4 is Iris) oc*tly EVICROREBNS, FRU IT- TRlrak &tab ill we Inoild 48411 tho ottoottm , of r mos oho Oorotallog Abet groos.to olth flthootolot Iffetitiol" Two, ghtuNt, ho. to ozr ottoman. coilecilow tototolotoll ell leo p.l. Ip.l hardy Talolloil, r .11bIlOWE 1l ay Op; .c., Attrition. Patch. Orbits. Boated elide sod Nor Poe Lava Hoot Jnoitots. lAN 0.401.0050n0a ISOh, Ub tight 800. Lltotioto Arbotoltoo. tot OM Mhos* AlOon Ittai woos plows of lb. Pltotho Atha/Tito* ood ',odic:l:4lW. as homy vOlto Goo Wooled& ix BMW. ......d booty. A 150.10,000 ppho. huh sod Qom RCM of goal Olt% god May of •1110 OM. !CO tn.*, tolitattl► log to Are, et tlo ottobrotot Salo da Cbobroy . Clbort7. , Itootypooo (toot too to too hot blitb., to vikt=r 6 l sod .toppool U altottod $0 lOW dot Mom of Velem^ motet h... 0 On tow. hot, tor plosUoit 19 tholll2Malkaolfolgba.lborol, yaw low ran- • • Roloroooto Um. Jo4t. W1 , 1t105..1..b0 Pula, 11. '0h0...L.14 Woo. liolsoo. ltr Atop y. J. JOool. • • 1..W.1 b ow? addooso tbtoogh Weil.. Pootalhoo, Alto. ' shown otooty, h. promptly alloodol to. : •• Pluthortre flodg• iota hotooty, Otootod oh Wlllitho avoatot. welt Wont. o volt Into lb. Mott Melly Paws. ger Molloy Switch; now to But 11..thotty. lab 11-2 InhorttoT Y. JAIS. 11113=lt! . FRUIT, ORNAMENTAL.TREES, apil sa. at. to Montag theake ue the petite to Mar gettromert, falba te to Metall) **WOW. I would can Obeli eiteollem to my very large emit of TAMILS for tb.t. Tail. 0 7 . N; stock el Apple * ,Otaadaho sod de 64)1'864 rid ObiliTir, to rimed& oaf I ban over refs!. All or Its met sepreved urlllll4o, rooibl by pare= bulb( a fall knoirledge of tbe ba d eo.l every art Oleo to bore rt., lOW tioe to amine. Oi Apple Tram lo os e bere 160.00fe-340:0 of .blob ere Ono-rear tide, • le $ lbel. To sock ea weal SVlEDAllititt bleat II to IP W e ll the 100 or UM b... Floe yoebt be Oen. 1121. loop Staple. ler ebb* per . 104 11311. Ott» hots Alimicilli red leglbh Web, rif lON ~ At. trieterletttra, pea glee as • all. Om. leo. met Rat co Bpplliallou. arilreot Plttebetst airt Valance Na_rwiee, PliObargiy Pa - tett:rev? /OEM 11113RflOCEL fa. Labri tiling:Oil; • j A T THE LOW pales OF 25 OENTBPEEi A. °ilium, coostoo os hennas/ tio ht • a. o. .1. u.uwirm! ; to lb* Vitality, yr iirta to sae moat bettacare • ' Panscrio 'Not: VOWS. Nowt D 3.11.1 1 61/Tell 0001*-4be Lubricating, all moan 'Altai . frozaloa len Ong to to the bra dr DIV parries Ir. bar" rm. oaf. • TauD. R. lbs.. • tl ' , ' • By Wm. Sot • PrieS. COAL. MDT COAL, ISLACE '&4O 41 1 HAVINO pord en uited th e tire interat'lif • ter t.b pu ow, 1 do Oros a &Toy, Wide 1: , I am aro prvoroll to tire* to trot Wow cortoottroo sad Oa olthrro• p o d`oatui end etcdsity tormrsity. wpm lot goal Ity_ a s apt oom., et ACI an• 00111 la Ism* or mall ttotas. • Orates omit Om - op tb• Po* al" IA eta Toll Ham of Us Moms rlo EMS% Rork. Id Vora; VIII be attootiat to ettb prooo tom: • 1 i . 7111 Oral Wor and 011ot tau dad to Matta Mutant, ' open abets ib• bloornobeto Ittibra. • I Allgood ;AWES H. saitaiv. BUM VIELU & CO. aro now fouini . Bleacial MUa ins Ter, cheap: lar ilWitn • • - Softericaoh high Linn!) 3, inks - stm own &L ion ewsP. ALT-200 bbls. Na 1 Zen tali In 1.3 in sae ' wanes smanalnxi '" l ,t'f i!.,li' rH..{.•_.!4:.::•::,,," IcitilW tatICIAVE. Eil, '. faa con.:tauticard - disease. a.cerraption i oi the i bfood,ity which' this fluid becomes vittmeth , weak 4 the -.facing in the circulation, it pervades the whole ,bod,y ! and may burst out. an iliseaseJan any part of it. No organ is free from its attaelm, nor is there one Which it may not deitioy. ' The sera tdous taint is variously 'cringed by mercurial • ' low living, dis oirlacd, or - unhealthy. : iillpurP air, fi lth and.. filthy, by ilie . *ea. and, ' atsive , all, by_the ' inf ection. What- l ing .efer ► belts _DP64 . , it • hereditary in th e con- . stitutitei; descending!. parents to children unto the third and fa generation tt* indeed. it seems -to be the rod of filni who says; ..I will visit the iniquities of the fathers - upon -- their children." ; '' ' ' - ' ' • I Its effects commencel brdepcisition frien the' blood 'of corrupt or ulterous matter, which. in' the lungs, liver. and ' tertni s ia termed ; bi l is. tubercles; in' the g ' • 4. and On • t le' sarflice; minions sores. T • foul cot- ruption, which gender in the blood, d ep the energies of life, so that scrcrfuthus contrt- lions ,not only suffer tram-scrofulous cam pbtints.'.but they have far less power to with stand the attache. - of: other . diseases recsir , e- quentlY vast.- numbers perish . by disorders which, although not scrofulous m then , ' tire, - are still rendered fatal by this taint • ' the , I n system; Most of the consumption irtd de- . eimates the human family has its origin tly in this 1 scrofulous contaminafion • and y destructive diseases of the liver . kidneys; brain, and, indeed, of ail the organs, arum from or' ".are aggravated by the same cause. ' 1 One guaver of all our people are scrofulous; their persons : are invaded by this lurking in " fction,l and their health is.undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system wernust renovate the bided by an alterative medicine, and in ' ymemte it by healthy food - and exercise. Such armedierne we supply in 1, , • I 1 AYER'S . . . . 1 Mliollll Extract of Saisaparilla, the twist effectual remedy which the medical skill of can times • can devise for this every- " k.llmo prevailing and fatal malady. _ It is,com rined front the most active remedial, that have discovered for the expurgation of this foul i.-order from the blood, and the rescue, of the system from its destructive _consequences. dlenec4 it should be employed kir the cure of . hot only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions }vlrich arise from it, such as Earr - rive. d Sklar DISEASES, Sr. ArrutexTr ,Futz, Loan,: or ERYSIPELAS. Prurtms, P MMES. BLOWUPS, ELAIIIS and Boma, Tenons, Term' BLOWUPS, and SALT ItHECH , SCALD HEAD, RINGWOIDI, LDIEHHATISII, SYPHILITIC and - MEILCURiAL DIS MISS: DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA: DEVILITY. .and, . ' deed; ALL COMPLAINTS MISSING resort VTTlA [ran otr. barons Moon. The Pop _nitre belief lin rr iMpirrity rof thi Mood" is feend.ed in truth: ~,or scrofula is a degeneration of theblood. The particular purpose and virtue of Otis Sarsapa rilla is to purify and reerate this vitalfiuld. , without which sound ~ . It.h. is. impossible in contaminated cons4tutions.. Aier'S Cathartic Pills • FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF .A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so'composed that disease withinthe range of. their, action can rarely withstand or evade them. Their penetrating properties search and cleanse, and larigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and ,restoring . its healthy viudities. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. hca only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but alsp many formidable and dangerous Alseaseen'The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American' lmanac, containing certificates of their mires and direr ' tions for their use in the follmrieg complaints: Costiveness, Heartburn, Heedaehe arising from disordered Stomach, Nausea indigestion. 'Pain in mid Morbid fraortum of the ' Botools. Fkaukie34 Loss of Appetite, Jaiendire, and other kindred -complaints, arising from a lost state of the body or obstruction of its functions. • AYer's Cherry Pectoral, lIIMELL & CO. • NOR TUE RAPID CURE OP" Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Boatseneict, Cronp,Bionchitis, Incipient Consinp• tioh, and for the relief of Contatinitive Patients in advanced stages - of the disease..• • ' So }ridee . fi ide is theld of its nsefuhiess and so nu merous are the cases of its cures. that almost every, section of country abounds in perm= pub. tidy known, who hare been restored, from alarm ing and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its nor. When once tried, its superiority over every otbeiimedicine of its kind is too apparent toescape obserration, and where its virtues are known, the publie no lenger hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrtist Sven the community hare failed and been :discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, Conferred bene fits on the afflicted they can never forget, and produced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. PREPARED DV DR. J. C. AYER & CO.,' LOWELL. MASS. • ILL VANN =TOGS IXI., rituamps, Aprs, m 14141 bY II Ps.Uistm and Palm •rary.bere. oalklyetkief TUB ONLY DISCOVERY WORTHY Or ALIT ODXNUANCE. rollt RESTORINO The Bald and Gray. • 31 tiny, since the Great Discovery of 'Prof. WOW:onm .tempted not only to habits his Iterairatlim, ben pelifew to ham dlecarered something that would pea once results 'deeded; but they hem all mar end gem: being maenad away by the woodestut maid eta Moats !preparation, and hens twee tend to kin the Mild to its neaten swey. /bed the follemins: Maine, AptlllBthi 1811 t Pace, 0 I: Weis t One tient•-7b. letter I wrote rata bleit.anermaime yore reloshanaillramberedles and *blab yea mien publadieddliaa, .!!-Mitsday sad.rdeaveliem, ghenyla• to enusementaig the Odteac men !!Tlie Weskit. slim fieergtdlairtof my • ; area nitia.,•• mated Jetta. sinedelsaliem smeedailli Moira all Mends eciebilimt dgdosi betreterceee. Yteayebe og good opue.a4 et run! tame_ SUnachfis goorarnir ismia47.4Aryluit , B "*.tat% soit. arty nok* gtaripost,vion , d o ngstkisbek, thansw* teased aey eldsheregand Me mom why ills sot geber . Ily tree, M Mtge sub. Mabee tt Risk =d lr . tglerg a itte Man en =comer Mas i. ebb thewhiakere Me amen made Ida Alps lm lbw Mtn lb.* hien In the medal of a greet cumberattenterelsom all gene of Noe tiogiend, soling me Him hair MAI Me. theme to be good: Lithely ill so mach steel tha'neasaw tare Mai edb of etallocis romp:muds ea well as tide, lit lesh ine moue been lamely Mediated art hem amid sot may' internist', good eamt, bat to Ames in Lipsey. I ham sat 1 mod Ray et your. Reitaratim of say samant was monde. and yed my bale I. ai! good ae am, sad betettebr bey...zealot.' It with =Mcßae as i sin now and read • gray bath, my bead or at my teeth eat taperer this beta wed you • Ikea of my UR Sawa dr; Me get yea. ! .1. iondred yew tom at two quart battles laid Mu ear, for whet, I em nay veleta% I pm It to es 7 Idea& and thereby Induced them to try Ir. onwy,wel • nattletter bid sod Mee parehmed eat said It WU. anf meat emcom I .111 auh es • favor, that Yew land ma a tent by 'shish I rut dimmer Read la the Resterstles, sold by many, I Aar, without authority from TM a Pim mil . cle will sears nercem. sled I bailers same good *Sods do sot !alum le tamed by the impure artitbe, arta% mime the inseam of Me good. I deem Kay anty,as tvesttaim, 0 limp pm spindled of the amtterme etket ea hel.ressl seem all who tagMele at seems onebetea a St W clatetle Malta 1 temals, dem dr, you% 00.0 If mak It= Paha.' o. wootimar grr-.l•cald autatat7 to OM* yea A great Weak* sal tee Ws loom to the volt& the wonderful at well *a tbie sompected rasa I We MN* sued Arm man au bottle ot yowl:tate Restorative, alter Rettig meal kind of itedmatims szteat, bat witheelt see ems sad Aiding my heed nearly destines of hair. I eras fleetly. Wand to two bottle of your Ildr Restmati Now, make eed !balite eandel me to saamints to vase weer fey rod this that I awe Fames a new and Matti*. area% .4 bale, which I peoneseace etrtnerßail tlesehthe oil feel Wr t will theefors four mailalete reeplamead tlite Ismalsable remedy lb elk Rho e•rilled tees aessi(ly ogle. lespectry years, avert...lMM Moa.. P.a. This testimoold on my apptsbatimi Mr year Wm , • bandletas (se yea animism at) he leMdlcallite Inn If yes Ulna, It worthy. • plate seem the tea, !,..wregem • 114;a0Ittor.and aothlog. . I Wes IMMeßatliteili pat IM 26.41* mega.msdtam Abe emol.lahlal half sidataest Estelle %rasa Odisrper hotelr,theardlena bands pelmet 10000gat testaisere fay. Orthatithan the small. nestle Ihr Met dollant j.l bat* the beveled& • Rau* 40 per, apt Wen taltiMpetlos, aint retails tor pa bottle' ,r) 4100Datinta.Pmeneeten, Iteaseleniyateel'eat.,! Mid aIeAM SOM. at., LoalA Wei ated poU by se pee eatiteur ley a. h. Irsharetode a CM,' tote,Dr..oans 0:1•Iesr, IL genes a 024 S. A. Thai; wee* a Ca aCeleph Made& Bicemt.lotsiMon, tam FOS sta.r BY ,1 110DODIUS tDILWORTII T• 49 Llbutiluat 2041 A• bed Lila - • • .; • • • • • rom.riguti;•-- • DRY UOVDS 911&4P I 168 PAR 110110 at Ile eqbtrataat DURO HIIIILD 100. aro *Ulan Dry Doi* II moat. , cheaper than any beam ran do that.taha* ell Min Its .11 • II; :'"" • DRY APPLIII—Usador PACOON&i.ifibl•P, NIIIII-100 real—in afore fa sok by , 104.1&111 MIRY & 004 WtOKLNO , -TOBACCO-50 .10lb. , bal .0116-20 bbls. Linseed Oil; , I :14111:11s BR WM& Ott, Sxr s b7 ets • 1 1111L8011.161 shorts POTATOKS--500 tme. Bed Poteteen aoo ben V eilinse:lol 100 kg uggir l6 . 1•01.* 1 • • mum TA GOIILD11;114 Beetalll. ATB-10Qc1bnn. Oisni in stere'l'or:sale • by - • • easituqs.noln a co; - - _ Q imot*9obne. GAR CU t .HAMS.I I . inpop *9O beme.W . 4l,llftselebi ' 1.11 - 1414thiti - , Irinuesati3Frollest .itttESl TOR 011. W&Lliti on lulutifur - .:11111110ar T AO io LIGATURR—Of a su dnua quality; at lL allUVlLlMaruivia rosbairialsho /soIiROW Depcl,l, of , «;„ J. 411/ IV?! TAU' "WIRWILS-106 3tinnAlit ..,.. 4>,..:; , „:,.. :....!, •,'.i`l'...',t',.';','-,.'...,-:---e•:!..'...-',,71 • : t 1 , -.,.. • :1.-I - J:l7-...i.. -- :r..- -, :, , ..: ~ , - • :- . 1 ::. : . ..r-.._ - :.31 .- ; - • . r. - ,_ -:-...-.(.1-., a; rqrsusvcit - Api MAILWAY. 0RA210.11 01,iiSt"3rinllia =LanFaLtift 1 (N and :AR : , _ _ 4l CentaT. Oa. *pat the llll/6611,1 'WI." lb° D.6"14 " ""Iiro" Boat", la MIA. Iwth..". 4,66rageaitateg ChatapoLtas.l. twee ... ata ; leottO„,„' Arrives et I I FA Pairing 11/hYAL'D . , TOUIPP - iilithhtoo. rm... tun 4 it: , 1it464/7, Whs. ie. i libil P. er.. - 16PO e. a 1 '10.36 P. th 1414 eat. } Prornows telling' r 0 SG p i flarlokal c WM* MOWN r Wier W.', Ili int 1 0 . 1.4 MONL" fai/taall*llt Po . L. ........... , N. P. The m& to Orkego Vp ihionatte to pick es ma Fort Ways*.•l -- ithebareh, abeettOl4 mai ameaseett Barri ' atil andbargalk - Ne ekassa el an beroevlitietagi sad -ClollonetLl Loom Ardette at gotta 66 Arno. at Anil*/ at pint isql 00 LIM OINC2I INIrAPOLIa g7./01111.1 101 it a Mb a or' 41a0 pett . ,1 MOD p a ; lkte p m tei 4 111 ,131_ , 1, fl oo iste. 1 at rts le water to Manual, LaMothe, iambus ta ia o eit poin 4k6 that, tool* , rote. log Woa d Illoptholt to sI I KUM Into. Leos ' A .N Arrant at *motet oho at T. PITTSWO, ittiCille WELLItig, MILO yr, Hum' I 100 • m the 0 BOW •or 4.10 ant P. 14 aet ' 1260 pat /06 st" 06 Pft — 647 Pti t. 4.6. go 430 a e, la ase - INS set 936 a m 023. is 4.90 pll4 AA go 8 ; 0 1 '' 414 O lt '' ..... ' The /00 a. a eat 1230 e at. Soho emote With ?raw of 0.0 4s: ha Leeteeltie, laorseter,br. 4 .0 luta° a, at nate elorealansishombei . altorlae • go ettoWeralla I Thrace. 11/hota ao be. prontrea at the SOW Dap«, rutdoriM Jona sp~frimummatp,Ase, WI Mltrilflitt, *pat , At ten Cologne's Ohlre in Freight 160 1 4 6 0 1 e01t ell 1/ 14 611112115,0t0ra1 Skis ago/ r r i r 0101/164. Ohio. 1861. . ! .;,, TEM 1861 PITTS EISIRIAII,ArTL w Ara cttleAs4) To All Points in-tlieEpulb. West a-Ziettlew° o - erainra asitaieasmsaly TOI& 70 CINCINNATI .tut gala :to and IndlanspoSL to. Lode and (Star catcher than *New RD IVAINt WART ELPII3IILIIIII-., Lime Pittsburgh—. lox is - I I Antra et 0T105105..1.40 a. ■ KW* data alunettiom PIA Sellsfontahrs sad Cler Isadjeolanibm pad Chrotroatt Sredta. V _ Arriving * Inctlartgolii--r— LAP IP• • r St Loul - Sit a, it . • t r ateetonetS r. , • I Mimeo 11 N. 11—The thrall to,darlungtl Is Ma same as tg Aka*. ‘1110." Trains collet roads 'met st CoOnnto*, sad rim*. gm ell go Into otooduatt together. 1111411103Th1N—Leinee Plttatergh...--.121.0 L ■ Anhui* ,Onnunts...l-.. SOX r, ■ NMI* Owe ounnecttots ansbors. ' I Arriving* IndrrA. 64.0 s r a L. ' 640 r Chadentall . IWO Al la S. 3....-ThallateManciatudi is the ant as by Stenben. .Id.. Trainor** both Ito& meet st Quasi and pawn. gen all ,p Into Cincinnati together. .11.7`;h1=c=15VDtra2-ilusbargh_to Cia!in Trains throat to Chlusgo *tout ebsitgrof us rt. U. L SLIM. TLIIIII--Lterm ItO a Arrives at P. , „LAST WARD nun's. , , Lotto Chicago,73o m . At. sad 1 - 141 r. *miring at . Lima, 210 r. a. and EA 4:looalistbir, With trains tor . Halts An t ‘ l° • s t Cnegn• l •I° CSOSoCURS ;la baths 'olur.. , 6Snatbas, Ondnitatl„ art. hind, Osßslomal thet.andstrirlag at Pt. tsburgt 210 i,621 Ir. IA sad I= Ir.z. , auldrg clam ono*. SON wi th ttataleoll'Pesirsyltanla SallrOad ltr the Zad^n , tiliAlkatusti(snd Philadelphia. Acconsaiodatka Test* from Beds*, Whet, Allegkss, ler fire SAlttout 240 I. sat, Pad ti• Malta at do 11.20 - lama do , COO - 1210 Ante *Allegheny, 1110 210 - Allegheny add hammy Aocommodalloa Lams Sil.tts.q. =Oa woo. sad WO r.t. Attires at Stooomy, a. 7:14 Lars gertuotor,4.22 Anima at Altrgheny, 621 r. b.* ALLIASCS *AUKS; TRAlN—leltes Attlaom at co saa antes In Allegheny stll.oo Ax. Limn All.. Sheol * sod arrived le Allison It Y. a., ppta shalt stake* kr latentortaral tam 1 •1 1 1 14 Tick to silk )hir sold for tht halm tannerd rum! Thstlgh Tints mama as &lOW_ ' I At illionsit. St4kfrattO CM its OWS.lisd A Pittaturgb P Baal atomise, lona Let 11111tinharg Altron,Doyahrg • At Mandell, OW, for Mt, Term. Ebony, Smulat,y, Tr. At Cr*** balls'AirmL ertnnei.Ootemloa. Clacton.. U. Lots, Dt,, Ingsnapodle, Bt. Lon* Loylnitie,l etc At Pond ,500. Wls*, .11sadraky, ram, gittlenatt. At Wm guillkthy 4.6 lhp . mo,Cluchtnatl.ato..ato. At gt.Waype Wry** Ind,,St Gott, and Mier borte ht Central laal*** llll ' at Plymouth for wore., At Wan** Str itlyadla on tha Ilex Albany sat Salt m And iiittilsatn . 2 for all pants to !Mutts, lon Wltoestit sod 1111mtmota. Ps fecrfber heattrAtlon and &mop Ticket. opply to - . I ,T. STIWAST. TO* Agrott, , ; 1 . Pameagar Stalkm, Plurbtagh, 004)705 PASS'S, Skint Agent, Passespo Steak* Alleghany. Through Tickets ode at all the Tkket Ogler of the Company re tha Int of the road, to all pa-fa of the Patted gut., „ , O. O. DATIIIAWAL. split : (lateral PairrenteroteenblUtsbureh. aso I —DU mei 16/1 a Iran AMMICAI: V t . a spa . TUB PUNSYLVANIN • ORNIRAL RAILROAD. I MUT DAILY TRAIN& .... Oa sad sttar MONDAY, -April-1601, Mt mamma MAIL sakUthuat um meav a imr-stutaisrirt swaths olicot podgy) al 2.-10•Aa., atcalattaaaly atiatadpalt L. vow, coamaeltaa se Usniaban with wag direeAlar WU. mom aatarranstal.Philadalpala fa a:00 w. M. .- t 2111.113110Dati SIDI= TRAIN , loam Oaßy at OM A A,mappnag matiatlidadpal madam, =Alai Maas am- Inetaat at.fllartiaborgllar ltaltkoma, Lai Narita& ha fall. Again or . itlol2lolll / It WV A. A . f aßrisr cue it rm. ta. sad= dattykailptiat at ROO A A. atopphat &all at OarnmaraA lAtrllSAMatuo. tont. 011UtaaaklaRitaaa. Maxon, AA,aadAntrtta toptli at'l • Ilia Atatitorla Ataiaimoilatik Testa 'fear AA trai in LL t faxao) pt tll r. tif , dappaag at MI sada" rat. r NA Vadat 2g Ma, IRA Paassager Am Wattled, Dam daily nu , PasOa/1 MMO am. PUP ot on .t. ...' vas sad nuts my as tar saoonetalogl. , #llll. Jlmamdf•Wa. Tnist Ist Wall'a Manna Davao &Or (attsptihastaa) la OM A kt. ' • ' i baud acaguaodsdesTfain forWalrskopeaterratially ittobusoglid,Tesandmirall'si*, kiggs:,ll (emst. Banday) sttlrtas. - - 1,1111,,,,donTeldstoi11•11';81Alloolosieksill (=apt &Malls! eat. • • • 4 - ligtersioig wigs to Plitibagzi as Iblk,o-11:1. Egssa /2 11 1 rag; Ma, ILO A. 54 Ism Um MO a. 5; Johnstown Secomagals,s,lloll.l.s.4llist Waits Stag, deassaggslalloghlgrid• is; geddrd - Agsgrg 4 .'"m" - abodallas411,01:11-111dri31 - 611,ffitiltba Scsosoaxdst,, • Wsli'llbStmilocoonscalaglos,eds NM. . lo Midas !or Bislessi, Sad balsas mos, at 11,111. -/SteeglOttstsbJobastows Msesnoodslicak aad Itgossi Trales NIS MI sirog ivied Rot. ,PlLUbsrgb igessallbsUbll,tall,slptoss at sTI siotloss tbs tftidM ,WlgCbandlittllsSagol, loos dans (Saadi, -, sesesod)rogriS...lll4l.3l,loll:4o s.ll ispnlgtgagga tilas.ss. , lllstsoodat .11111 .I.oosas, lidllalkad,igglysstl,.l44os..lt.aad &lb rag: - -TM One," ratio VII dad. It Essligs_to,l2adr . la,otsullagtorlfsalitg! 'SS lbs P0r247h 441111, . =dos lbs utoMknois won habne WIWI beans!. _ - *a gadiabst roses. • Tbs lload hos,sodsgui atom gobd. a•ON.y bsstoss dad. Ws csa prom, gpsod sad so all *bp Ongslids 1,4 .1M131,01,!F P4rat , " 1 4 -• • • Alit* - • •- thw Tatt.—...r1132 10 ; II 11 • Tti chkud loin casini pbls,llidtbaort sad 11s. Took. riessl lla .mai sS lsls tiokatria d cgoz , matte err sa tko ratekssassa dislassgsrL, the Compasylas lg* i; :14,2 011014.-ta ollosg,the Compsaralll bold lb, .- settss steagio,bls 3 lllbsgsms olds, sad for so 11. 8.-As thasitsaWs . extalOyee to cam, •• lgisomprsabd Dad*, to sad*, ma bsPog:ag poglasSossl2l to S;cesdi pgraggier 'Sod basaiss.' , - foit.Tlct•WW on r grawattowat. , is thel% ilLit,kmmon'w &sib:Tom Many sadlirsag Mel Q.UNDRIRS— aj Howe nr.o.tillr: • 110 bbrii.' Balsa war; .I', *ism Pia4tatlas ruoc 111100 Ironed trim iv !ft 97 111_471*1,11"1„,m ..ICO ...:1; „ 17 , -. ief do c, • ; - - • T°oll 6°ds • • • 66 csaylmiss dd • do ,do 7 d. . • 211 44 " . " 1 : 4 • •'• • ;•-! : • , 800 bbrallstrs 46:Otani r mfif rapt, IN ages sill** all 07 :1 - 34.111 • r CO. g R0pite4..:.40.0,101,1,6.4pp 40 do Youtboho, Dry roechor Irptoddonosalii - lOrgoltroi Ity Yttdol Batter,. 7 Drooroonoc bedo Woo v Vole Draw Swim dr, do do• `Sado lisidloas loaryarommo U 0 los Cornice DrOoam 711 taw Wood? 11t004... , 31:41 bldo N 0 Medorroo, sea mesa gain .Odd ibtaterli to otrtor. MO boo Itrodo — Palicoo-to with* 1,, m 136 • , tlj ' • PRAM V2NiIOIID2II, •• • idackerel; 16164blallo.aLitpllakorN, bfbala Whits Ill; 7 ,16014-bbletiont;_ . SO 'Marini; . a t leulyes,E _ IirANILLA;Rig tad tftraii WRAPPING 1 131.11.' 'LOW Etaini; anq 'Whir Barr l!Sc,inti'y b Tr Pori ilo.lbr ari lee stir I=rd Br War TNIV %8481ift-i-OLARIVS,`4nr !pots or' birndigirsatOs piper 1 * Woos Idtepaft4 talttiesi Wat," or do vatkirletiorce.—ldoid ar non • - • • wit.e.,loB&STODi &CO. &Owe' Jc&Prditses. rt. We Mad A 1 :1 1 / 1 Y1111 , 1&$-20-bblcand 10 bf-bblitiTirbne , -. se.curaurat,(: - . •-• • : b4 l / 4 Owl It eiv4 -. .Solsk Nan. do . , 43. .• No. 3 - "Ala , Stein, Potstom - . , 2 !Alt Yon_ bbtt 'WU 'l' tilde pried apple" . vatltt . •.GULP a sis.aNtig. A LL KINDS , • , ,tt, -- ;oIFSPILIitivitCMOBLf . • C 4 itioscararriu matie , allaii t` IV 7 i — sitaf riacsaa.• Oe WNW rosiki , •-• • ti LlD&r a • i i - s.. • Day Irbil, Toma l l* iiitimaret by •:. wa6Bß-BUTTIMANO. = .E4ll# Ohms Itotillitherillibisi Aim retry , ' 11161114444 , slat • Jll " I'x ix,4-4 good Mg."1"1116 DARK}, PRAOIIIO-1 bta - The anti . -- r njungoas L) • , qtacilf Irßint-41) - ads y E C• .• • t _ monaleawituni-, C::*'~r::~v~ . mootitni • ' , A • ,41. .•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers