- 444 ; /to att MAT [1 4 . 1 11161-:- . - • ••riCITY - - APPAIRI3 I I I' strezoio4)uel nitn (mu for As; - bi ,o • B 'Ethawit,f,*".ra • ' 407, - _ , . - pawn. 00 nu rot m ➢sdt• , ' .. . Co Lea e' 4i. - ,`'i -, .Bannastar I 28 8.20 " rll3l/ riUiraa FOR Ilia COVII*4 ir*, 11116 *Ol7l or •mmrsug cwitsqp. 'f -- Ch . fhl . !tl:01. : of ail 1 West '; : every , arnsa*st at 4 o!clall ik et . the Leaner Aboaof Ake Pint l'itielitiriWt Clutch is Ibis ,citrv e , FM The the moan sal aw awe Meads who . 'feit .; ._.' ing semi), davit' defiled it to thus day dart -:; : • -:- lese"artil yank All its cordially (suite d to toewitheept thiLord heap the buy, tbailwatOrain , :.,w.s . ketb but iii -yaiiiP ;,. , . 11 . 'i!' ; -: 1 ..' :, . • wasp stump gait& 1,. 'itittlitris from ii. Lowe; First Lieniedeat - :or the Fart Pitt Gisrds i ,.tbit'thi :Allegheny Went,: ;!.* sanattters who lett home witbe4:bang , tudiaimed, '•''• ' ' sad iiiiii l iidoiristin toiii: in, as 'atm/ •_:,7-... ,- I:.ptedbiiimant,'end they, coffer grew , want' of props? cleats,: They-wenrideisa,ta s aes their .:','Lheitleltithitig . ..et Flintse;ni=tliey iionid he* yak. .--, - ;b:nniiiblinlesti air. raraished Weallt i amidiately - : ~" '•;- at seathiag Hanitburg. ',This than- "ay Lst -"-- '':- th e Yost Pitt Gns* nt? tale witamit ' t 4., i;.;berlag c '-• ' s bees israithed with tray shirts prof : ththeir Afetialtnii;•• They tali e°o have thi l Wite abirth,. Awing rfo , ehmege f . Sentinf.the nom' setWbrete aOTlded With lel tileaketi," isaih;( this Ili-. r ;• ~' - - ;Inge at Llesb. Lows ) 'were coarse( enlingb to , nacos meal through ft* ; ~,, ' " ' 'i•' = ' , I -;....; - Tbit - weather his ate" seer, cold a late;•• Mid 1 .. ihres,a w tour inches of ono fe ll on ridgy ; and "- 1 , ;• - • s , Friday --sight last. The '' quitte r' are very poor, ._.• : - ...,,sad the roof, seinstrly 'ail leaky. Thine pt MIS 1! :Wog dawn to 'slaty "on straw ender such eisium '"...: :weans! A:salsas'? tram Leacawer was tinted cat of the camp deed avian' dial fr osif exposure l ',.---, " 'These are sad truthe:ind call is thander tote for reform :, .. Lieeta Loss iiitiatithtteisnt- :Gallagher ' Wil (7ildiCheritoars companies are in the 'sante Cos; ! ' dittos elate Tort Pitt 46111111Waltd is . tset,iall the :ereitanise connected with the Twelfth', and ;Thin. 's..'.' leseth• Resistants (Oats.' Caunybell- and linwlen ate'levt 'bath u they left here last .Wednesday wfth, -Tame whip -named ta - Lene:lana.fally :"..•••-• ;,-;elothed,wete lock)? Indeed, aid eninhitiCaitir good ease end hareeigitti'Elleo complaint Whitmire, ts insdienaainsh thiletritedliere; ha they have: been , esisithainatmare dorm to „hr i le; the 1 eills.coalitained el esetifled:.:":" AA few *lees "hark% who are eadiebbring to make themselves rich by speestlitiat "yen thisepewitles of the isl ,dtere, wont to be inug,,end; will Be isles' they_ mend Oar Sity6 . .., .', . -.„• : ;1,-, :1 :1 1. ~ Th/e sneer and thine Fddiyaght-tanderid the quarters fa campus unerenhertatds that the eare de sated es 004011 on Saturday "wrath& MAI* pm. anion of tar eharehai,•sehool !noses ; and ;other awes la the nelghboehood,whete th ey could L bw" area to keep abase frost freezing: -•. ;; ti. 1, : - We with lei addarat Liget Lowe in lata Ps hire of abience, for the palpate of apytelleg Ito the gaterosits rut cuisetni -is behalf:at bthpan piny:. lie only ash" for eewstyanar eartsfrwhlch are- itheolitely .:necessary: ,to ;•.Abe , : h' ii :i i'.. - aid comfort of the men. -;" He aye . II he bad mossy eaeogb lotaiald procure Sheet based ' .y and it Is buirestenteble to seypowthat the ithat sill be forthcoming et asea; • All casaba :at ;Tarter A Lowi's clothing. ; torsi '69 1 1 entiadaid t achik street . , - will ~b it'..thankfitily ':. received: !• r.. . Las' . will bait to %lee the on laud' - sinning; sad prompt action is acceesery,;- , ..1 ,-I';s ; IYerlied: id'Tei the 11 iced iindar :01hYstt.ti of i Ll itetoetter. Delleinestdest Baritteess' The volunteer eemialiee not 'tacit • --- vista:eat previously formed, hue • : .theslmeofthioetorGoeam, bt.ei .. - 11411.001101.111g i7ffiColl:, Dol.; Hine Belts. . i '• • • - Col., 5. T. McCombs: •- " - •• Major; ausea Barr. -•-• •. • • ; I 'helot Major; r: watimos:. Tb followies , ere the names of the - • ofllean; irltlethelr petition" Is Ale ream , - Capt. Armstrong. Coutosat7,ll.. , • BBaja., c , • -s s . Y c D. :“: _ Sasaki% "• - r , 4 8. Mori • • • -- Caatvrell. — : • w JI - • Jitla• Dix“itesiiiii Min D L' • ' tk. "1.117 ' . L. Dix, wtio Mutsu* galled h erataitht to woitatott,, to - - 1/filit Goo - herpitali for the Art - of thurillff 'fir r'"l2llbig wiila to a trued in /1 blear Win ee : rirnli t ets' seppiyie • • • , .. 1 7- -t- --- o t p ie a... re - g the Peanniegua Pail ''' '' r 1 , the following, • ' mr7l / ltali 14th , omelet which will beipubjireedad is: Loeg night abirohisuide r' bleulied ea . bleached maths, roar and *lilt ' or fi feat - , • soma:kis whim at the nine , &a . ' idUi `01.•.' wartn gtlol drewere, woolen-web and huOltie uhier: na . ... yor all Mr articles, ialiegitiaatitlese will be Cana.. Q.:. f i r: 2 2 , 1. 2. 11,2 i piece should be loathed nlyasta.” The brines of tt W evr= l. Plan itt •, . Iturieburg are • 'chill in Cleila ..a . the e rn . ; fit i p of owlets will be Jelavertail 'to , ; lear n . t d n i n ity * by dae ' Per w t?e: l4 neva' ' taniad Ilia '' Sram momoboootto v i t ihisagb :Baltimore with th its 19th alt. - regiment in th e Ovvfihiit there o n Ph,Othoi. of the trona , stair • P. Letel' 'I F I , T 111411 " 2. *ille ttntiet, 'nudge the list itierk -1 , Ina =tied It Ws litty,.ead, ii„ read y a • -..-- - 01"vbra the thigelieelgitedi vatig at 161 II atte s tifeettear _amnia tile will be wweastlweeby iet Oat to• ' 151" burin regretted bete' Ilia- al aegis w e , far gm -' ' sot oo ares itr ana Hefir a lurre gad killi t r efil. nr ell baited to tliii teak: bar° " ytor ha bee Pm!, . , seekermit,k,itim .......nP larentedie reliable ( Virghtta. siil—wr.z.,=t,Prid tut...wow., .make fend Chithnnfillerfs" Inamll4. has ....ao4iottid Yttra'll-11 -• listed la therhitipilsktry.- Ttur - ob INA ---- deeht - li Z: , g 1 4,ti: t ft r be 4 o v Lu s id ettheurage,:the (teZeseekeee-e - IMO' efirlarioneetinarghlt r°"l thR "Ag° 64 in' la that ablitlty mad thilitatiktki ft/bir'dil"" , naiad States Dlirtdat Quite •, ' N a mfa it ' af ft P--8 4 0111 Jafig• Sanisaassl 1 ; . calif mu at slam ceafra t , ' rail 134 always pima ' rililt.l; theibete -i. iitaidu Were adiltiro u i antra a ee an below hlw - - legall rin : lectiflaV-aisit the Court ins lueldii te' "afmata elm Its) wag dleifitargeil shin i r ar .eed a . - . etiargef " I t i t s a' o almai4 ..„ m hvii ilw , mill Oiehlu7 -- th:ii - . Dlifidert grim -- "- I . 1 10o :' , 4 vogues ready reeaPp.w.Camaaal,o, ' lf"... that '' - jeieee , ; - ..natiew. Coart adjoarruir --"""'"*" el witt reoreleg.-, . - , ! alit Ivii_olbek Thuds, ,; • ' , 1 -' i Den flige= l ,7: f lmall Mviciv* '' ', -, • '_. -vmstalte.th of tbe bliss u brew - grWon7ll,s"iLtitiar.,a: 1 •--. •:',;• _ .cd to lite fiee States. His ate . ' iri4 - a i m -...m ' ith all logaketa and t o CIIIISI allir i eil NI 4 • - "bark thlesleer howlioattiennan.w Dan; and he mudi„ '• _ ilium returning thanked. yet." n it oit ;1 1 ' ~ • • vioui moulted tad ONG a. ith l a • = in Girths C ' Pe All la v il , ii • 'oloberlead river be uw gigot i - swap from : blot. Aga °voted parr * ln grid .''h ot la , , • *c a rom bet bout, fettered by aehther. lite clot id t a t d wa ziri s mei -itestilal op lade iblit gam* 01 °4 whim the clerk va l i -finif. : D e l ti n itli nnetknr •' M. vfi the eters sad s t rips D ' if ir l i erziall 11l Peete; ., - - -- , • ' Pi ih st bhp go . • -- "us et Ketheataanialetiti, .02 , Bee . I Gt . 8010111, nenaltwat attains br sli Methodist geiseopil Chards died i t ' ' e 1 • cel Yridejlest a ege t ie bß e f ' i t af ., v ,, , maa i le t i 1 i dle r :la w : 4 . bA , Vi t e n unt il's' in tk r a il t nn i 111:: •.1. °1- r a - ill tb• Sabbuti " l -4 Pre meet whesphnita 47 ~.. ~___iil 1.... 4... h. al It befit:: in-withs he ,047,;,=11:11. Done iollow I.lfurlPl4l!'riiiltatlP°olllVhiataarrovitutil,abirill=tylifin;bialit-tnathiliv=.nki--4. gre w. a i l: .. um s c%rebitlall bia death wall be V --w ei n vit - eit s . •. dugout, Ea G • I'. • euar oas H . Telar to iht Mae.' * P idt.sein Vtllefttesi., thy i g h h i l imits . if t - o y •••••• Tiler , 4 , t hth COOS ' 1 ,611(87 Ullie ' Illa Wel / 9141‘141 PUY ' Dear Mu Mug. Tb vi,O4OP eamt•••4 Arcot. Gin NIA C4t ;V l'. *war \ i • . well 'provided, ,„ 4 .„ ir , th ,,, ..;...zre. Still also , • aid good health. c.., To "' .."" r"141liell gat terms or -thie'l,6l•o-ii.,,,:a0, ... t ill iiiiitratal - • i slatted theiti-pereeriegy; tuft oitioliti• 'Abblesedi who huh% the mu proper, did" lligalea ii *III COTO , t h e Gloom, and quetterwl. : -They bike,. ;- -., , . ~. , i" hi* ephrujit am, ‘-• -- -•- - l---1 " ` - t- • - - Testae Leto.-PB,Aisi Z. , m, - Mischa; In aid( ro w 'il, Caw ell or orornool;7 d it te tra*maned d e ll en is that - - , 7 t.', ' , : •; , - Provideace i r n slit 1 bnnlbla - ralitrti"",ll" divine ,••-=,,,,,-.. • the gib hist.; es ilia i r ot hi an Testi s ig, h Th ap alm a l h ile . zt al . L.. .. : ,... preear, whew all tid si will be esugeded ' - '..A I,'' 9""'s vi will lifi bald lli ellitiatherthel, ',a-- Coastal:wrap -Tbettaitortitie4Phfillth , -jr., at th e beadlitart , aneyof loaf headttid w a n ~.. _ goug e ,Wtot _shoet'itt lanthOrittrudl ieu i mi ie.'titi pe * ; pure of Weil , elves. ii eel Illy D . 00 parr. watch otter that JohitiAr i I locals eAter Ws Ant ht. Daniel, Athubele p tstpioble. ..,Pe:/is.l.. raidigilite bees ep * l ed ire : • - , pit -dump w ill W no 11 ,4 whim/ ....Wt.: ` which Intone • stamp's Jitt P [ late - bellidiad li, Mn • • ' but la at_preer i Thit , . . ' l ' Y idateemooth 1- ;,'".--• " 17 +: PrlPLiingll Tilt btawcir: Gil Ili le a new ritlieeOige r i 1 - - ' faSnetrin AU • • litriuredultill - a- t" .:- OPIPbIIII Miiters- .4 Ulttatillillti'Arj 11...i.,..Pt1it Mr 1411114011124.11 es Bahian* :if usita'" -- ....' : - = Cloaks Lightildit - --- --' - -- , -i- -' -'-----" I. r , '''''• , , '' ... ' ' ,-.7r31 ' - ' Ger.-071pr( did threity - ed tit ttr Z• , • sedgy frau Cl :laid .4 .176 , .., - d'iig„i , 00 .6,- , p -, w ...... 6 . 4,041. ~...., ~,. ~ _ !II rril ' „,' i --- -:', - ~',..... , „. , . 4 ~ , ., , c. , ',, 3 , ;;...a...t -':.:;':- P ~.„,--..,,,; ,„!:::!„-1,10.1i,:•• ;.7.--.1:;-*„-t-- 4.,,,-.., tt-, . . ' 0; :-''.;,-1-:.'4..4',J.-,',';:!.::::-';::...,..-,i 47 4 Mtntle. Ageorbaldh s2ol44ll",inallittid:tbf•teport of ml , 011 ,44;ompimi, umaisi fee Atop 4 4-4 41 138002 tigerd to Alai&stk . at, i CLOT, smir '_ /icia:Banuskil Ws FilstA,,tp:tlWidbai raids , rs tbr - 11117 sivl tidbit Twists 'IA hOp Mc- CLUU 'this If another members Bit than these who hiten'alraialf lipase dialnitonpeak, I will au a few Words: .loarilkilly:enaoras the elegant Whine Pialkno - thin &mast - by bli personal friud,.ldr. derartsailder,lihd las Just noncesnmat hit nu I km. nenu C 1.," -11foo - Ansa Intl/lately and, well: Hht piutcation by stekieffir:for -taut long years hat wiikarimar tilurfieur the putould - autllintaticacof Many et Us junior mimlaus of tha-profinalon. I blew blin.whaas In. health, before hie fatal malady attacked him, Willie of study inire ' bateau was abisdy &Toted lo legal Mimic% but he eet apart portion of each lisj for Unwary studies and the ennidecy of. the , modals! languages; In which he became_ proficient: ,1111 - petion wag tall and delicate. ly, formed; / Whim, was feeble, readeroaso, -. Probably, from intatissi - and prolonged devotion tO - hid bootee -- t:haveoften said - to- him, lain,'iratnillidliiimanyCitudent." -Ills Inter noun, prohaskolal and personal,;:was that of a po llen= and a Minima, /Inlets morally and eon atkatisaallyntuneit from those baths which often beset the yeeng, and morn'especiallj those whoe, to blest with powerful and tote= - health and eoristi Hur babiu seed ambition had his beilth paint: teed, woul d eneuriel hin : the trout rank Wins. piofeaalon ;" .„:. Place he waif prostrated, on -hie Ilia of langnisb fig. be ideated himself - 40 literary penults- ad - scientific attainments:" We cutreePstides. and I& letters breathe - aid *4'4 Ids stalU' contri butions to :the' periodica/litelltrill "therday, ickarmuy and , valuable.:--zifiCirai a fine and Op *ens inher,.lThe cone of=ha writiep wee mend *pa inatnacticer they larsiihe no sentllunt which ritertlity...would.-caseelt-thej tinter no syllable !which the djiog Chriniu need - wlsh to recant. - Thotigh . men and froffenng, it etemed> ea though kin mind pined streugth as he grew weak; that his mild was quickened by bis body', pain, and n'onriehed hylin boars -abstinence. What won der if an thelong lapse of years oraufforieg he had felt or— eapremed ampullae:et -Calm sod re ,slued; bandanna with the firmness of a troll. What wonder thrisigh a dreary period -of ,fifteen year', when hie tabirnacie at clay wee slain y eaumbling to , ploces,that bird of paradise, the soul, sbriald, flap its wings against its cage, eager toy. be nideiati,lo,resnme cities _seat. The latest literary effusions of our departed (dead exhibit this' iiiiiity t hiatheybreathe tabinissioe too. They were, :Written cecina, sheen anise, and amnia, Whose sell collides, seem nut en echo of - the harmony' and - peice which reigned within his beano. . ":71-talieve I- aid be suffered with 'the firnineta ira, Stoic: I recall the Woyds.- newts a Chriitirn. / shoindhasei said he enacted with the patient . res ' :with the calm and heroic fortitude ,of Mans none bat a soldier of the Cross of Christ, I 'liken! -armor was borrowed from the arsenal 01 filtansen,.cmaditaia the grim siege of death 'ref Mean mortal year., without repining. None hut 'a 'Soldier of the Croce, whose weapons are of can endure for fifteen yeans the 'elan advance of diasolution, and rho sad dentin.. clan of sight, and no muscle fuller, ao , moan enn uis*, -no murmur escape: Such, I believe, was Henry Clay Moorhead, the subject of these re. mark., who was +wheeled in *ffilltion ' and patient through saffering. He is gone where bodily sutler. lig haacined, and wherothe weary AM at, rest. li lThe Conte dirinti that - the }sport of the' Cesilitions'befentered et length upon f!,i.ial , A , teliPrlttlO. *tint tircinti*D.Ptea.- I, . A'tbaitattlailialle Latter. Thrifolbliiibik letter was reeeived by a well known teitheeiicnii In this Olty, Nom a customer in Nub. :itte," Team., :' : .. ~ . ~: - ili %, _.• , -1•1• .-- • Nasavikke, April 30, 1861. j• Mwstax , —=---; Gawp i .Youra of the 26th Inst. leimmeleed.`deollaing to:ship 'the crackers ordered, Oder prima atom of WWI: I know of ncthing to Prevent it except there suirts to lot of 'balite= thiesi?.it Oloolneed.. thet ,mlgbt probably, areal thew Matt thiw should It be my, loss anti not yintre. - ..: I did not suppers It necessary for you . to make it b tretional matter between. you and yens customize "..becahmioar,ltepubliesa - abolltloo party ore.li the voineiilim of the government and hero commenced a war against, the Southern' States. ! It istritally Impossible for tem to entdugate the E Oath in.r starmethem out by refusing to sett us. few meek. We have got plenty Of.crackers that are aortas ere, bit they era not units so good as yost.. -I liltship you anything you went from hero, even wan a minion.- If 144 one to spare. I have 'no doubt hottest all sad barroom ea VIII forever cease ,between the.. North and Booth, after be _ 44., fight, is. ver. a crl ., thi A k. we are. tho alp. grieved party. We havimover - mked scything but spotlights In governineet,- Mod for the North to lit outioinoerns'alone.f• The fim that - we use black-ma for servants and the North use poor whits oaks Might nor to be a just cla/glof s var. We debolt a poor Liebman or Woman; or Dutchman, Is as gobd as &Ewa.. The only diffeienee In the w eber, that* know of, In whoa I#o Irishman gets 9 1 d i sielt hits turned oat to diee vagabond and we emipalled by law to take thereof the black man. o_ek or r ail, old or joung,lentil ha alga of old age. Mb le e: most unalunzas war. - I em glad you did • -• Ales w . ont* Of our patriotic ladled desirCto Mittel thilesetv,eri melee inthe - manufacture of ra• }r , . iaiiieliteas notions indispiitsrahlo to s soldier's kit, I se submit the following Mode of making what are termed "work bac.," together with a list of the most proper contents of the -11111310 ) . furnished to us for publiettbn! .a4pertenerd officer of the tothe bag 'Shoed be tosdirrir dark calico, doable, with computmenti'• for each article so as to be readily got at; ;It ehottld'cootairr t r One near mood pointedecierors; One paper coarsetteedless Nos. 4,5; • One hauls gailypititat thread; • Oae spool coarse white : thread; . 'Three deastrprectlalialhirt Mutton.; Vire drieen suspender humor; ',One pair of .bost; i- Oslo pieie of grey twilled.tape - ; . . .Two pietist :of white tape; Half paper of atone pine; .-- -"Woolenlarn to darn stockings, and domicil nee dies.f • • t Unplugs's, Tavensbip. tptabllo meeting was held on Thuraday,blay 2d, toinnletri bona -. Limit Thomas Riddoo. pre sided r Bash Ilogihmy , and James Rigby were Piesidents and T McKee and David Attar prayer by iter:TA.Williame, the following' Preamble and naohttiOni *ere adopted • • • Wtuasaa,^ A neither or' the States 1 . 1004 their notionz, rebelled against, itbi,Pederal Gomm:men and , commanwid by , smelting -her roma :with anted fortes, and,' r.• 1 ", 'Manias, Wi consider' ourselves la 'danger ',of ' being attacked by thellordii Slave Buttes; therefore, .2evolood, That the Millais of Snowden township, both old. and young, enroll 'themselves- aa a home guard, with ,the understanding Quell who are able and,Willing to *moll to any other company going into more aotiresemlee shilLbe it liberty to do ea, and AMU hen one beet. wishes" and prayers. • llipsocime were matiEby liwv. Williams and : Dr. Tii:laingety then moo forwird anti Aligned A* roU toi the, nanaberpfilfty.two. '-':Oatenroir erne Logien Car io former dale, Aunt old:tie Was consldered honorable, the caps wont by the old became emblems of Loaor. Pen itently, cepa beeline the badge freedom, for twee. were-deemed. honorable t Who meine not free,. aid, 'when It ilsee rtinaanamitted. a tip was presented: to him„ : whieh bit was permitted to weer to yablie. The cap of Liberty was called Pnlnai ant was le the Asps of r sugar loaf, bros.:l.:it the - base and sading era cone. -It It wai broad at tbe base to sig nify : that Praidon stood i on the broad basis of hemanity. 'limits up to a pyrateld.-ho emblem bf etersity,-to slum it eight to fast &rarer. , -- Itb temple, for Liberty ie itaelf le the greatest ornimenternine.' It ass none or the gilded trap pima of the ham or devotion*, 'tad is white, an dyed;.-sbiewing that it should be 'mutated by fee= Aeon,' chgem,.or tyranny.' ,iDtrntpurtirr Flax Jer Wnetatsa.--On Sunday about-4 o'clock., the Eagle Mills„ satiated kialween the lower puniniaol nth ward Red ttooth.,Whitellug, and at piesent owued by' . U. .psearetas csight,fire..ami• the building sod ealitents wets tautly destrnyed.F The India were !oily lately rt. in reptit by,thn rum, and 'a large farce ;lax for NOW :tip* been engaged io the gianufactare of railroad spikes dad Die articles. Thelma. hi not leaf than $40,000. It is not known bow the fire orightated. We tears, that the bind ing was pearly. if Oct' gaite r • Shard of School Directors of. Pitt Townehipi generintly paid, their "teachers their salary for the moth of Sprit, in per 'money. This le the proper epirit,iod the example eboold be followed by other Nude. The Pitt- township tuchers, . promptly apprechtiosi Oa act, return their tbenlur to the BOafd. . .1 Taints.--Tire eolintean of - the Erie Itegimest sow at temp Wilkinivailtoowiedge the receipt of • quantity of-Attu, generoutly- bestowed on them by Menu. 3. Painter & Co,;tabirty Knot.' Anti to elinelLßeeightesa, of Allegheny, for one dozen of the lime, made with her owe•lands? for their expand benefit." The nidieni4:, apmaiate the kiedeenot 'the dents. j .. rArZip cue —Atteeliorr meted to the advertisement or 'Heir& !dimwits another tailuien..lThey 'offer an excellent oppiir tatity.to the friends and relatives otoar volunteers to supply them with - reading matter while =airily ftizi Items; arid so doubt there Ira Mall *hi) will. snit tlismealati of it ao Laved their friends in' the . Goon Mork- - We-ire pleased to see that. the boot end alined ciders ardhos behind other branches ot trade, aa-alr the- principal establialittinata: now elm TOilock port rdiy night excepted) atld:wiU eenthitio doing n until the-first of Sep. , . A B o az row salTutra.:—Vossis:llnot.'A .oalde," si.oomplais sustioil sad Ailll- 7 .6001i-for. the us of .the - Notauteeir, and ItoialGAlMOutiiptad W tbirdViclpllie Of, %hi dt . ip offleer of tb• ft- army. PO,* Waal". Dcw triad 4.4.6 L'5..4... Ra r d ' 8 ' 1" bac.° qam4;4;llo4,...va.aris !up; wi rd 1.0-111141:104544410iirs s z , -ieii: bie~ ' ci.:i: off+.. (Cleemmoneems et ths Manual - timMtiel - .. = ;4 C tFuthoes9.. MAY 3, tll - i , 4 04 . 1 . 14 4itsThe !ftbil-Ohat / [ l° 4 tii Cilp'Tiplor,'ier Catalina,*arrvetlo t Comp./RAIOOM MiMtp,ylist eveirgi - and left early this Martina it Calm °Unison,- near Lo Mild; Hermitian :- comae. The .FollllA.,Rets went yesterday to Camp Deaniemr. -- - -- Thole:ter Camp. tt is niulentorid; iewhere O. V. - 14. wil be conMeitrated; to be mastered into U. 8. - Miriiii aid tbaratigbludr illeid.-td fora envies, is ItatiVe Mperatiosso Gen, Bice_ , 1••• st lan is there is command.. -.--- ' "-'' " ' - ' '. i l i - The-Camp - .it Clawslaid,Mill irobebly aM be° ea up. 'There are 5,000 mis now. In Camp Jackacid, at. this city. ~.. New regiments are being rapidly e l l formed. A more milet digipliseMbeieg onto od here, Which isArecarsary. mithoegb such 4 s bodies titan" have behaved in' a highly coma - able manner,- ...' ; .-- . - . • ' - .: tier Legislative is n o doiog mach at plus •• I. An effort has been mlido in it to reform the Co ..'' minstrel Depertnatult of the 0. V. M., bat with • aecomplieblig anythl4 directly. A bill So pray for the relialet thiraomlias oftnei Ohio Voles by atitborlairit county Commissioner to I ej * for that parrot", hu bien.plased. j ib j I f The Senate has pealed a Joi n t r lat' a,to • ourn Iffandayocat,' 6.h mat., t tha goo reembatii not mauves to an adjearinient iota Benue agme to an immediate Iwo of the 4Pa • Works of tabuttei=whicti, for a samba Of post, havdeequired Jailer approprisuciai bey. idtetr revenue' to Iteopthedit op. ' Thbi Is tbe-o importaat. qinstioa the 'Aisembly hare now , to 'pop. ' Whether the too branches car settle difference' on ltis somewhat doobtfitt. " olTio hu offered 7b;000 . melt , reeitoriee to • • President's 'Hut reqtrinitl4..-Ai whole alas • r called from all the bt sq aid bee not leer thee 250 companies esgagart an drill.'': Ito says tee' Ad jutant General.' 4• , I ,• - - It Fer the' Leglatassare. 1 Oa the Putitsugh Daily °usual Enivois 1.441. - thatgli it may ap strange at , this woo t:of intense military 'emir mint, and at a . period mi early, tolotrodueeprolit ii matters,l dente to bring boron the publie nig la candidatelor Assembly from the district between the rivers, that sterling and trail known eitissit,Ssat sis Casowicir, of Collins township. - Mr. itltuAwle is very widely known, and wherever known I* lidos and esteemed's' is sal,of co static intiogrity, keen I F_ •oepitoo, ' und . Jedguiroi, estetistre reading; 0 olio applloation.;a : With web a man in the hal of our Legislature, oo whin:mot aomiptlon stolid lid favor, and no unfair legislation pus waispoe'd.l he a warm friend and.admizer of thiman, asides st - trgp.oltisso r feeling the vast koporranoe of having men known to be good, at Harrisburg, I dash e to, place Mr. Chadwick'. name on the record. ,rtai.—Two bodies ind:a stable op Poplustful, ,Sizth ward, belonging to a Mr. Wilson, were rile- Pally deatroyed by fine yesterday mom! $, !theta 4 o'clock. The origin of the tire is not' poeitiVely know., bet It I. euppoled to have been the wont of au iacendiary. - I Peer Cenci wsraareser. Appointment Ott.., 1864-Bth I am Instructed by the Peet Mister Cleeoral to aokoon ledge tbo rtoript of) oar letter of the 2%8l t, and to my dug he Mabry approolafee tha. petrlotio sad liberal offer of 1b.:P.4611Am of Pittabargb, to hi to newmape • to lb. Wave ten now eardna ender war to wt. debate. or the ovietrylart Its Cowie* provided inch paper, can be vont free of postage. the Post Manter bee mat regret* tbet be minuet comply -erftb - yonr requell , iy mains th e order sithattoted Is your letter._ He tits ari. tbority allow lb. tramwrtat of 112111bliyi f. the tie except on dm tense premdbed by lam. • bowther, that math irko may be &Meth to bin the rulers soldbormal Peamylvents,orm Inm ein 1 to melt therewith, of MIA libidinal ann liberality el Pithbarab pthiletteth I am reapectraby, , Jews Namur tint Altai Zen Newer Ow 8. 1. Von PO3llBO/ST, P.M" Phisharii,h. Arrivals at the LIP TO 8 0171.0131 0118111.1311.oariof • HAW ice. W Baltiort, Camp Wllklw IA kilo.. • , do 1. RlC..noody .do W-0101.b.A110 eo 81 Scott do A - 11,ockoy Ilroib J../liooo do G Sort do • B Y MIAIn. PA iCAIIImaa. Wad. I Toe* Caap Wittlos OKAY. Otadar. Ps Cantsell, PA .. • • A D Buboes J Arm rieweastle U B W u. oe tangy. Almon, Cor JOUMI01•6 . J NeOnddless 0 P BAbiler, Ewa J halth d 3 Brim. da T Scott. • ISSIVVT Anitorta OT Ginn, Ptila MOTT BOIIIIT,43orsor D. S. D. 11WW4D, W Weetadwan W J Darts, Port Airy T Warm, fruiloo J WfUloow, Yt Plana J Dm/hefty, llDlGSsysloars T wa.r. Ilartldaborg JAI LanimiN.ClosilliDd J Altoona 11/018103T Gana, T A Holm Pglctosbm a Dan!.. . / Cron, IClttaoolog • D P itrodtmd do G W Bwthold do Of Vex, Wu& 0 -All ae 11 gum,.3dentllv l A J W uton,Dooltasotro I. W Soso. Bra cattle 1: W H Korn,' Camp Scott 1, 11 • Ibowso A boy, Od lb B mod :do • a H timis A funny, Pa J P Donau; Wbeellog W lIEIt, NY • Idescitbarg J Y Hither, PhITA T It Watt, fatrobo Bl Emu 11.11.4 • I Copt .1 II Staektoo, PI Loafed wdefb Edam; AMA Ue'llookr,boland ✓Poddrod W Boo s, W I tont, Pete If Ursa T Ultamtlloa, Ideal G Dl:tomer do J - Ilhoolna, Lamson O W Mate, Crootelisval• AJ Loom .'do If Pcolib,Jotkostuwo A Id ohlon, Koo eby W Cork do I W Clatolrh lady ' • 18 Doff, Dayton. PA • . atkatarOp:tait, :•4wal 'an!, • Clgi.on.oda., C : w shaunift. e Brlol;Thiftidb:rt aw Us/414 kb Yesbollnit. JP Benue, P. . J.Doino , I OallOger,Wertmorolond J 8 runs, Bk6seipOrt • J Endl•ld do • R P Otoek , II 8 Does, ltilawoo.roll.g. T D Ziamesoodo, GrootoMy . II Obalfebt, WIDIAmsI.O rig r ., HABBe 00Thb—LIbef slum. win .7 Lando,. Ilartie•urs W I Oalubsp, CAro **door/ , R Boyar - do W P Patten*. . UcG:aagblio, Mon 1p .8 T 11.11, Cabboosborg • W 0 Akio, Meteor T Connor, IllbAr Soo. W DBnbb JO OsIdool1„ Ifercrf W, e.k.b, N.,. Lily - liultimo, Conboosborg PURIST UOTE,..Corsow DIP . r dun WJ W 11194111. Plan -1. Dr.. 11.1 Hada:Did, flinlited J2l - Pittorr. - . WO Mouth Campboll . Cosopboll. !tuna Nebo T W BNI, Eiw PI tleo . • AO Ono; It utho, - dwo • I , • 1 Hn M orr, Lod • 1 0 B•Loodinv • - do W Joan, Carlos • ' I J Walter= sod 0 Ilasamolly, Bpsingdato ottani) lIOUBD—Lloron . 11 • • =ll.l 11 M ll.r. trolostoro - .. • B-Lloonkutt,Oolorabou A Y Nikon°, Cronin B Johnston, Nellnoport ",- J N 01411, D /now, Trnallior . C NATIONAL 1102 • -1rn10.1.41. 110 Diald, cl.k sauna a Ts, fur, Clixisaati. 0 • RED mos norm , I ti !ir bo tif i tl e xo 64ra p. ilamot 0 A. Oook. Warielis • Potb.Ooolovitio • - W E '4•ol4 , LowlWowo.• W Rose sad eloosl6Toroodino 4 L 0111040 '/Idkatd Pa 7 Dcety, titiao 4 • W Illtodgon, do -3 D addlooo • Bootoo,' Wads . W Jaw* WB 3 88:18W, tifialustitto Wac • Vett ,er lionogolDo • O k, nits ' a.stottocypirstomi* 4 UoWdlond, ' do D W•rnil M 6 OstbcoMbs - 7J do il COWL;-011 appeal* bolt out 10'okt%; •lf ' LIMN 0, oldtsc Omens" of Vow- Jobs rot Ylft 11.Porry ha Atm I'M loaf of bor or; -' , '-' - i a i . Us friends of flro kadly . ire,tei um' l tirl usa ill l f.. - anal: trim Ow visiOnro of bor tioroo,ia. ZOrt.' 4 : 6l ' • . Allrefroty aty,sl AO Obit TOI4 YORNIN .- f ' ' ... .' reiriitlittlPaillti jl '7l4 — nt,...m2 . trz ,,, %= g 1 ,„,„L e ,..... 4 „. t,..,..... bOal van with taw mat ~,,Abta ..-. rani watnel 111.18 withowt h Oral, arAtAttll atittlit_Wils =A I X a larwernrtit irAi n4- .4,74 .4101 r . aVtte fa 'ono. -wound', Brum. inaimm lika- is Mikan tallness , ' powahtiwinwstbosivi e t. 611: oroir de r i trirViirro d rgr s esAstwi l l = 1 4 9 4%4 1 161 — . 11 1 ,4 . 11 7 ,: rr 4 ',','.,, -1 :':•:;` -' 1'),':. - .'; ' ,: ; :',1* -. . : '', - : ::-j;1 1 : : ::: ' '' . ~ . .tf, 5 ..,- _ ,:-:::',;:,:_.-- a P,, , ". ? ,•;, ? . - ....;•..-.- - ,- , 7- , , , ,j, i :: : • I ' .Ip._:,:ii-jtvLl;s:74Mgls'ii,:f•Wkte,,--fr.' MiOMVINIMMIMM z 14 =>-11 THE' PiTEST` NEWS RECEIVED AT THE' DAILY DAIETI E. oftice.:l . . .I:., W llO / 11 1 11 ..MA.Y. 6 . 1 4 11 . &watt taiwardsd Alipatehat I.4....lutarday, at Annapoltr, Wattles. the Kmaahasstte sad attar. troops it hii einanudid, and glatnitlllta three dila to taki poi! sod= of the 'Baty Haan, at tbs Inaction of Mt Bilden!' 4t Oltie.laad the Balthita:te a-,Washlagton ItiffrOwla, atilt )atitee from 'Hakim» and 'wit; sigotivaws.hoition. : „ Genstal Batter Oepoided; and Informed General ti,Catt that tae wodld ; haat raligicnte tertian en the Oisued today". —"" • - Sixth Mistachr is The .. Subunits Regiatent 'went Op th" road_ • i early this innini. - Thin noventest hi m de to co-curiae withi!the Peentylvanis troop' ow lri idivutelig upon' Gni ore, on the other side. 1 Gov. Bockisghant, f Consectient, arrived here ton day. The Tweet •Righth Wasson of Brook. lyia eed one companyiot the Thirteenth New Yora Regiment wired to the City tonight. -., ;An order has bison laved prohibiting the abeencer Or the troops fruit their qsartirs after balf-pait bias , 'o'clock .et - eight unle ss on special' duty. .. There is more unctuous than heretofore, with the . 1. Hew he maistahl Umt sae a lee plielettiratioo of the peace. IWIMMIGION, ay 6.—Thi 14i:tidal.) , of War, to • eider to . abcforoorodate the travaltipg public; has di. rented the opealig of a militery , rotate betarelin Washington and I Philadelphia, by . way of Anna. , pots, two dailyr.reins, these from the North Tearing Philadelphia at lb} o'cdoek Is the morning, and It at night.i i ' •• • • . • :The President as appointed Lint. Nicholson ali intim end Inspector of marine corps; vim Taylor, resigned. • 1 The govemment bat declined a cceptin gc more than ens intattnent, of three . menthe velentalve; (rota Michigan. It will, bowever,irscidesi two regiments under the regutretmati of the latest proclamation. ' goo. Leeches, a 'Thee: has booed a protilama. inn raying than the soversigety Of Virginia hexing brierr-dennet; ber t itertiterial rights assailed; bar soli threatened with I tutu by the tiothaines at-Wish bne*, nod avail enlace unlined which ~ c ould balance the people of the Nuthern•States„ it there. tote becomes the "num date of every damn of. Virginia to prepare for the impending millet. To this end, and for these porposes, and with:tin 'deter. onnetiori to noel Listalloti, 0 overnor Letcher author- Ails the commanding general of saint, rotas to ball and canto to be mastered Into service from time to time, u the phito exigencies May require; tach to additioul emitter of volonteeirs u be may deem . . LATESt rt.= EUROPE. Arrival at dm City of IMllistioro. 'Saw You, MAy B.—Tbs mama City of tam bu orrivod, , with Lloortoc4 dates to the 24th Wilma ; prospectus bee been issued at Liverpool. with oCaeatial support. tar • oompasy to rue a Iles of 11811011111 hose whit port to New'. Bassos. - ,itioother Oompany ha. beau formed fat Obarleetoo, and the Uttar atotts Its firOt steamer In'Jaly. ' :The House of Commons bairejseted aim Barkley tined motionifevor . of thilmllot by 115 msj. . .1. French fleet bee been ordered to be fitted out to eon's" the French troop home from Syria. ' A ammonia! treaty betas** truce and Solemn ,ie sald to have beim signed. , ..- ec . Prince Napo! ,at the heatano of &family cum ell, has abandon the Intention of going to' Eng land to seek lads soden from the Duo D'Aoctalts. j.: !Reales are quoted at tBl 600, the Beene elos nig firm.[ :The Italian Chambers, bye very large majority, hive agreed to iconsider Garibaldi , . project fu. .arming the co try. The military voted forihe 'remolutioe. . ' .The correspondence between Cialdini and Geri baldi has berm published. Cialdini reiterated his *Muddle, but objected to Ganbaldife last — act. Garibaldi characteristically defends hit polities , The latest from Turin to the 25th ch. state" that . a perfect reconciliation has taken place between Garibaldi, Cavetir and lialdini.. ' i-The Indeyendence Selgo &tiara decidedly that the negotiations betweea Paris tied Turin for opus. leg Rome lathe Italians, approach &favorable con ciusion. It is stated that the Pope' to more than ever resolved not to quitileme.' ' : The Southern *Winos of the garrison of Mondo ri We protestedegainst Ctaldieits letter in Gari baldi, and weriantade in corierqusoce. The affairs at Warsaw are unchanged. It is denied that Spent intend* to reject the offer of an-incorporation of St. DoMingo, and it is as serted-Wei klaysrequests a Sp a nish , protecoarate. Liverpool, dpr 24.—Cotton firm and advancing ander the news of the Africa. ': ' The 'ales of 'bar days amounted to 55,020 bales including 22,000 to 'peculator* and exporter". l MiddliecOriesne fi. .The Manchester marks were quit, hut , prices bad advanced partially jig} le some UMW foT • Broadstore dell and comical •owilu - to the doe. weather. glut dull and prices qualm. but rllletle. tiOns unchanged; salustifte@els fld. Wheat is steady at fall pleas; red 11e 6c® 12s sd; white 12s 6d @laid!. Corn very dull non offered at 6d@ltr, • derdlne. Principal Hotel K Lan NITER. ' Third add Woo atirati PlOll.lllOll. P Wantland, WesS J A Leman. lioll4e` Eagle ml# W el Pnanliegtan. Pan nenJlClllll.r, • • GI 0 almillee • ' d ° D noblemen !do don All Mehlemont, 7. DU*WM, P. C B Wit.oa r Cansonab aiddb.Chistilld 1./.6treraa, Womb J'elramity do -- • • • D Dula.. g... I. is rid', a. ? X Bra; Earbeeter r itoteirt, Detroit Craw fad, Pan nom 111 George. Clikego B Heletaad, Oki SY Si William, Kittens • Way ma Irßle raoPilliTZll. J IrClAlrwlLJAEtitton FL Mutll2,o . IL A toFFUL,.P,LAn • 0 Bacon,CIFFTI 10 Gahm 211• F •Isa • • • t a oedaa • tady,trA. t Willlack Up et (Ade a Eli Many strem. eicnirron. Lll=3 . . .. _... . • ti Swinged, Pa I : W W McGarder.Wltedi T Jenkto, Benly's;7 t .1 .1 !Vogt: Pi% inn la Wm !snag. Enron ' ' 1 J Paw; Johnstown Yin Patin do 4 . " Wien Potts Qo Via LiTingeied i IA Miss lil Shod ' ' I J Baron * lady, Itt ~ . J A Weller, Medlin - •••• J buret • . , 'Provision* staid,. Bear qulati Potk staatiy; Ba. 8011 heavy and eared at 48.@4V0 for long middles. Lard bury. - . Chanel Cavoir and Mattaldl bad an latantor today. . lb* Slog of angee• his n0e1:4460 mit Sin ,ACool2oil I Cousiazilliopla state that th. Pate Nu at mono* sad imps to BartiaL J Mater, Pa Okror, P. 1 . 1 J r Waalla.Orijoadeg 0 P Way, Pbtla' u Lrul 4. . _ Sr. Levi,, May 6.—Four fall regiments of velve teen hare bee, mastered into Hie United Staten *entice, and the AM, is being farmed. The third and (earth regnant& and put or, the second, are eacireped be the anima grounds. .Tbe 'Ant qa ad u Jere:sea barracks,l2 miles below this barracks, and put of tba second are stationed tt the Mateo Hospital, about a' mile below the arsenal. Several bruldiegs outiide this email wills are occupied by the U. S. troops, and .bean tart breastworki, planted foe. lone cannon, have bean erected, whiel command tie tactility. General Ligetha,i ben elected Col. of the third rdgiment, and Gen. Schaftner Col. of the sib. : The Lee/Satan wu la mierefeassion on Satin, day. Nothing rein:own of its proceeding. ' There an reports el riots and' other. diatorban.. cgs in fit. Lonis,lwhich are Boating about &bemoan try,leit they NV seinen false. :The city, quiet and orderly, and Ithe utmos t freedom of speoth villa le all gaugers. • • ' • ' plant wlod puied over the city yeti. wedgy, damning several bowman a considerable eatelii, forcing lint Steamier, front their amorists, cad the wharf boat. Ito Sir as ascertained alt lives were lost.l . W h ' • ILicilibers,AWo P WW I '1 r.. . 1 . j• D Ekity,Ebnatur 17Collin do. - If Dia.. 0 . I A I:Woo, 0 i .I.ondlll 1.0.0 ,' , 1 J Weirwaro,N Y W a Roalay, rnai.i J • thplh,Pliilly I 1 JEI Rtswalloo k ady, C , 1 ' I 114. X .1 Shatly,To•O•l 1 J a Rfaikland. Weesk'd 4 IT•ll•ldirts, Pro ' 1 1 Milo* r... ~ 1 .0 RW,Oertundll.• R X...4.11'. do , , ... '.., ,•, . , I . . itreakt•Tiow lkir.o notalt.ol4": . 1 , • , R Colielt,Ctatitex.ll • : R 7 flacter. Ink CI Um W X DolcElsock, SI Al JAY f wls; Waal c t Daujw 0 W NSA4II4 PC tie ens D. X Itai.Eht, iNklelt4 co 1 Conway, do .111.4t10, . do ; D )4.0.4•4 'do .1N 004 . do. ' t DV, Perryop o l is II kr!"" k " 4 " ' ' „. 'Foam 8 / 1 11/1,1 May 6.—A gestlemai who his Jam attired flood Fort Washita, Idiots imelligenne from that post uP to May Ist. The Milted midis troop., encoprislog Ili companies a cavalry -aid out. of infantry,lin all about 600 inee, wee* prep.- riiir to vacate the fort. Oo Thursday . last the fort was turned over to Got. Hanle, of the,Chick. auw nation. Capt. Merlin aid his command, from Fort Smith, arrived at Fort Washita on the lit inst. The U. troops at Fort'Cobb were ex pouted topic M ' ose of Washita and then march for Fort L eeee nisfortb. , $./drint„ toot o f Trh. ,tu•WWww. , ' X Wilson II alV4parif. OW:Fr J LlfeCur•ll, Um wu JIC fratdmotuipr, 0311,' 7LOOd(14; TIOY•11,10 T .1 Logan, l'lndr• J Monism, Walblogtos . J I Buotnr, 7.4e•u1• I Lidopion. Wm& •0, 8 Smith:CUT - • ' vrsiecion. NOT“taira I Turin, Nol Fayette' • cusoi way: so laic% 114 Pl/101141Gli. • .1 P Her Wuhl: on. 1' M Muth:, WAllsrlipo, 0 11 ItgooNs.jiasTo t - .- Flamm; • C Ii • - 2 klcOcurnils- W Omer, Wuris - 1 kIVII•y.-11nukvilip 4 D Um...4=r 11cto ill KW*, KUU•uI d • T TIITIOINJ no N 111 X•snr, Sta rn er train , 'Et :Kepler, Obla • 1 ir NUL //rural • I EA AndroorLl Mum w 0 Cbuotedyk,ll Pit -- SwlibdaidutOldt i datriX ;,••••••=d6 '1 I.- -- 1 I L WUlLusidu All•glIen 7 Um, Creidlicw,lo . I .111•110••, Put1011!or i . , 1,,, I Dom. .do • ' Li Or MUD, Glone.l lII.' I W W MULL Ells bab 100 N.B. glo• It ti NO.III, r..Ur iUder*Unii: . 1 .1 . IA 0 oilieblo•i.11eX•o•pp l I Jalenton. W•Xlingt w To.•:PL biali. sinod. , norprioLT I . . ft Idaidiod,9rill Vollopi 6 Bel. , --I ,do - I . o•l4.llloh•ds o spd.W ea X Xither,l%. ' . 1 H entoptatiti..tioloo P • J Jorlitoo. PIMP* • - A' PPINF V. , am i Tor W H Oolotj do t - 2 Crab= ,J 401' . - 1' Waom:ek.l ^do • 0 0 C.A Minim • T•Woltirtoid - 5 do 14 C)onfrewX. du .• 11 iltiolosboto do: 1 Y ftothOusor, do L W itditoih Toitlo Cm C ClisithowL I _ u Coudaslum, ,, i ISr•le• J Fly'., I .:_ - d° ' J ; 11 Wiwi, Wwtas Ow, ia oi Poterr;.VoLogoo 1 l• 'pi th . /L,wk •r. Pil 1 - - . Del., May 6.—Soon attar Suite, Bayard's email, on riatorday, a placard wet ported . on a telegraph pole,ianonacing the arrival of Jis. A. Bayard, the Prince of the Inosr cant or K. G. C. The secessionism apparentlY inspect that an attest will Ins 'wade on the Sinster,ittd it 'is thought he wilt tale stew to Preiant :Company B or the Delaware Blare waii•tatuitai. ed into the service of the piton; and other compa nies are filling 4 rapidly. ' ' • ;DALTIIIOII. Mg 8.-The plunge of ths train offer the lislthnore k Ohio Railroad has nOt been ilitentipted by 13.8. troop at Ms Relay 'kloolie. They are esgeged In fortilying their polities. Nothing definite is known with milord to Philadel phia sod the Northern Central 'road', eieept that the work; of reconstructing and repairing the bridges is activity progressiog. '1 . The U. 8. moulting office was opened on Balti more street thin morning, lei the stars and stripes "were displayed: , ' Sr. Loom:Kay 6.—Gen, grotta fitigide Of Mie mart volunteer laf itfi, weet into encampment to., day at Lindellfel Grove, le the 11;/, bran imburbe bt ! the city; in aecordenc• with the order of the Ad. , Jetant General of the State,: . ' Masumarotri. hind, 1881..--The twenhy deb , given by Presldeal Lincoln's proclamation expqs 1i: 0 036 1, 0W. anidi ring the *analog week other im. portent movernents will ho mad.. -,; Elleweithor I ''.,crares' are ordered' to aunt lror Alusadria on godly. This carroborates what: 1 1 . wrote you of the firet'point of atta ck. . There will be no tattle there, as most of the SOCCONIOO LTOOPI are said to be Withdrawn. ' • - ' Thema:obis orlerefortheSiithMauachset Aidimillt are probably 1 49 rot 4 1 • 313 !" , * . bil port the'Zortaroa. : _ . —The object ol saising.Aleusdria is, sot oily to get penance of the Cutout -Howe, bat to open Me canal therefor the penile of Cumberland coal, Which le Is the beat cosi 'buried ia :lueoluntives and steamers. 1 ,1 hew diet gentlemea have repre sented-to the President within aloe days the ne perused et tide Cate end its pimemelos. Ii I. sot .gederally ; lmaerktbst the battalion of hi ssuibtueus Rides, which sailed with 'collider dors from Annirpolisosent red/Horne Fort Mc- Henry. Two or three days ado Gen.:hcett wrote to Geo. Buderi thanking Mar for reinforcing the tort. At that time Gee. Butler:bad lot Me fort, baying berm controlled by orders freer Gas: Patterson bat Wang this letter for pared* Mon, Mr sail off. the battalion t comilding of tee Worcester and bi 3 Hold's companiohuid into. Wing two Entered and filly min. ~ ;;. The Rhode 'Hoed Light Artillery are ordered go to .4 leziedrin on Manley with the ' Zooeves, to The Poroidcot and GM 8010, WWI waited epoch .triday, by HOO1I;Of, -Wilms, sad - ether - urcistitsent our citna;,aid urged groat Jame tO. order, tbo of too gulf obapis in OM' city,- iti'order prevent the demoralisumeAr Among the veeesh.proutteset srrivale ta - gesati4 ,Mtßids, of AdOeiredialatfd_r who In ud4waall. Pao: vigriAr lHt - . .„! -1.. =MZ=I BY LAST EVENING'S MAIL. 'IL',-;..•-:; , ',Li•: , ..7;:: , ..,:ie,,,,.*.'.:0.-:,....;-,•:4!-,4:,.',i, • - • •-,--74- , 7=x-,...:-.......4-.- , .... -, -,..:..,; ~,..,,,,,,,... ::•:;!r ,.. ., , it - ii•!;.:- . ! - ••••: 7 1'..;:'....?•• • '•':':'":-7,....'; - •, , . 1 ..': - :*:;;•'fi••:.: 1.,...-. , this - Knead 1 Accetifsely the netts- Chit are 6rdered, sot to Aimandria, bat to the Iteley.Hoese, to bold that portieli,ol the Baltintersr Ind. Ohio rallicied. Thais teem reliable: , -.The object is to open the railroad for the pangs Ot the Western troops titi likshhigton midi if , aer„eisor. to Mir. PeOs Ferry, from white the Beceisaianisis era el-._ ready paid to be retiring. .. . _— Genemit' Butler ' ad, an interrime with Gam! hoom, who asked-heal bow long it would take • to ave the Bleb ready. :filiesral Dirtier asked, oHow loos would you think r General Scott said, "threat Claw ,aseeral BotlairrePUsd thatlits Would have 'dam there to-morrow to time for mewling prayers, to whieb .oenenal Scott tanednglyasjoined that these volunteers wart getting almost as bad Ai imolai& i The War Department has issued an order; mai ns what is to be kaolin sa the Daparmoisotof en apolii, to embrace thecity of AnnatialM ond the pie of railroad from that city to Bladensburgh, Within saves miles of this city, and twenty-one imiles on each side of yid road, which iccludee Baltimore, and the same published order makes ,Brigadier General B. F. Butler comenander of said . )depirtgastn. The witbditeral of the Virginia troop, from Al izendrta indicates theFF General Lee has got wind of the intended talliter7•tienkonatrotions on the right ;L i nk of the Potomaor . and that b. L eonoontrathog avail/ibis troops near. Richmond, In eepeotetion bf an tuna upon got. elty.—Benda'. Pm York I COMMEJCUJAL RECUR Of Anurrasvus Fon. MANDL! AND APRIL. Ww. PICONALT. P. P. R. Ciairsat, 1 Juan max; R: Patina!, _ 1 S. L Ncemov, • pirranumas nz,Lautzvi. IR•porfeespiestatty firths Pitinurtgi Gautteil `Prresiviat, Mona: Mai 0, ItZL Bolters use atteoet entirely eucenth•l today, which ,ttlay bit attrittotatl to th• unfavorsole condition of the . 'meanie, end IM abet that Mond., to usually oil. of the &Ohm* eayoot the Welt. The to oiretoeote to the losdlog :pot. trees 0517 halted aod"alittoet tzeittelvely of . lc./ tb man', wallet meet Inmate upbeat thaysostethtt ohmage. EL01:18—le males Went daseend, utele price* remain ltsti bet ittketanged. Wee lora gaper. f Ititra k. lem, Intey 5 00 rare M 1221 122M1=1 .... 6 76a6 CO •—•• 6 1600 00 . IiMEEM • —6750000 —5W.0600 Ultool l / 1 168-Bo6ar dolt boluaehaetted; Rah at 10 M. t rtTa llI ;a::1111 . 11 . 111e q'kq arlT4e— t d bb ot ir 1:151.0 • dUIT-10fatr eltqcoatt . aal• o o r /5 busts Paaattes, prima hstvre,ats9,lll; 15 do melee at 52,50 and 40do At. km at 75e POTATO/s—ln rood mutt and Ilrm: Wm et 200 Lash Arthattooeto Meteor. at 50.175 do Ueda at 65c125 do d 0 at 81=03 do common at 51e. . ofalM—O.u■e.y;.al• ollao boob from &petal do Gem More S&L Coro nnehan eel; sole of 6o boob prime IYellow and IBS 07 Shelled at 43.2—both Iran btore. 1a10121.r0r7 4611t0 It • good aappiy I 0 market; rala of 6 0414 at 70;10 do (oat 754. r. ' - • _6ll6ll4—dall tat* a occorplaz tooditory; Ws of 3060 Ra gboaldara and Platt( llama at 7% sod I0}(0. ••' • • . tIOSMIkts &mud oiathaagodt Ws of 10 halt OWN No Mockaral 115 SO; 16 Oa Wblta rah at 11.46. BRANS-10 tar tkomad; gala of IS bath White at II; 17 ito az imam figara. BUTTL6—vary doll, while orlon Imaalfot a declllflog taaaaarj; wilsof 600 At troth Ball atIIISW. - 131610614-4alat load 6014 oak. ot 40 traa W R at Ira. BROOMS-44a of ID dos common at WM" dos. MlONlGleAttlr MAD 011011ffileftellAi... 610,410 nova en Guth Mane, Ely 4.—The eml markets today men mote mum, end Wen rated ,bigher. Beside. the oval shipping /mead, then ne *tad beitibry by the holden of cuttelon7 o tb. fideoce Is nicb continue* on the nue. • the /loot market opened quiet; bat owl pi tons Improstal ;tanned by potties deelroas of tinkles Yeatent IfAbhsage, • • . ere wore Ores. end the trunesctions soloontod to' bet I GOO hale-Y 111,7606.00 for lak pot spring "Mee • re.wns 0 good Impulse lot wheat 'end the matt ruled trot st serstattlay's outalae quotation.. with eshe of atami pox° bushels at 033.0)94).fic. foe Irwl Opsing, sod pea deeding leo: oprlog—entJectio.ft etorep. At the now the deeding was rattier tame, end the outudi hone could• not le obtained. tkon we. In saute ...quiet. end the metket ndretowl %ade, with stk. of shout 100 003 bushel* et /1140 lot hirer f 2.4Y,a for Wear Mel 0110.0 Ono; for River hilted In store—la to x !thongs. Oct. were la good demsod and Arm At 1k to wore. Aye Wes mold-et-41a to non. !Why ea. preened. ?lathing Idolos to Prtvlstous MISINONaggi-Dcatioa, April GO. 1661.—Prom the Net. ;to the thirteenth inst. there...l considerable sotirity ittltse AM/I*i for Mining Shoes From the !mordant to the Vflb net., the irtill•Ct4.ll Vet* eery I tith Yesterilay and Fay Mere hut hese • merited change. kestrel of the had , Ina earl* are again in mend, Led nom hen. been and* at an AdTlll2Olll ore? the lowst peers of the smooth. pt:t .pper rentals. at the very low price of 19 to log eta. . But SW demand .or expect to freed MK end for W arpoeta Innwt site it, Cl? long, an opoesd tengeary. • ULU DOMINO AP= ...... 601 Natlostal Montt Mori& Toltec LOU! 6 ' 1 1 210 66^ DT. C IO W Co —. 1,001 .--.. 17 KJ The gramote from the Whoa an geseislly wet. riblike' eery. Tram Ke eau► paha, ea lean that the Sarah pre" dal a the Paishotah and bacon ora 126 koa l a which TS toss wait le mattsrcof the Waver fall.; oar 9 LOWI; St the 11.4.L7, 1k• man stamps mere number tegaimly ram antral ml.. lam ormasatty Improving In !Meta. Al Pat. age LW the Manes mama spina from the 4/n104140 tors 1(94 sump. 49 barrel Wean reetablo &boat 90 tram Crank ] tambour N tans. no tierce ha he tow Ingot mad? ottiptoset. The 1.1. Royal. ml.. salt proaskee talons ' shipmate 'daring 1801. The Mamma stamps mill onto , Imam mark IP May. • *manes 4. Ct.ra rete tr Camila of BOA alL—Tha Ismael pareetaag• of stamp staff wee 2 2144160 taitete—sot 111610. Tha net etralop mere stated •411112,371A0, They Imre 3144.14106-11 s aide:moor was shsaged to plant. The irteartArrons the Ontonagon War ma not recithemL. She moat ..port or the Railhead Co. Ithows a available sorplaa,Jett.l.l6ol. $10,223A0, sad SOW Pra. pate for the mama year. lee Sawa". Co. bad Oa the Ilat tab ,1001, an evallabla maybes of 62.221.96. Dan, r zi eons!, VW171.1.1, 014111 lii2Zlt, Kay i —Tbero war &duellers of 1840- to MUNK today, bed tie robtkat :cloud with& douttorard truclaory,oirbut toms Warw. Ma mart tram Niiv-Irork. About 20,000 burial* dandy! Ural MCA/WU for nos In otoroSilo lot NO la stowed :Wu ddlorsod iv bag. Oood saloyier for brought In 691 a dalloairal. Flour war dull and not quotobly lower. bolarorsois• 'Ala owe trportrd Vaarigolit pAtrall 'lldblot dead brelibloi country extra.—tbuottuel. laporis by RI?., Livg6vlcls-9.r lemo:o Ombrus—ln be& mµ It do boum,o2 do door,l ks lard, •etirsto taa, d bblo pork, 41 rolls Iralbor, 1 Os areerlw, t WA. L NV a bb'. MC.y d do better, I.k ...d, V do sambas 10 do rap, 40 do ears; 3 1:11r 31 all bbh, 3. • Poters: 30 Ora potatoes : 4 alio rgr bar 1. 110411esd: deli a.m. Icbolors 2.2 11111 /1 dl dis door, Twat:off A 0 0 Or: 00 bbl. do. 6 Llodoesr. id plow Mop, la a re, Paimlt A so; lot b b rad.. BA Oder: 110 0014 oil, Jam DoleollA sant 32 dodo. Oro J Thar: 1 bbl dour, A Ploy& 14 Wm pm:ohm, W de:11b; 133 Ike cam; 21 poteros.l2: do mill food, 0 'l2 122 doolol. a • blot itiob ; 14 bead male, lot I. • trade, aroma oo bawd: 4 bb. MEL 1 Mr bailor, A P Mulab 101 eke cons, B leglA; vittEntsp—pw 0 0 11002-11 bbla oU, Wm 111 a booms 323 do eo, 60" bbd.. ..aced, Clark. • eo: 12 Woo hemp. Drone A 1114pstrkty 1d able solar, Um holy:2 do ego,l bag butter, M B.rrhoa:6 bp Waal * 11 empty kg., . , P0LT611011211.-ply Sallie 1. 1 41.-1 . bba 1061aco; 12 bp. Jolla along§ bale.: au, Jona Sawa; 24 bale whisky. I lealbirs, Edo av 01.2 balladeer atlas./ 261. rpm Oast* to; 2do ma. P Laarcaaa; 12 11/ a brooms, al ll'alam; lot aatarlaa. /3 a Pattotaosa 20 all bath Mai Deist co; 312)0 hat lumber, Jaa 1111111agert la empty 114.. Tiw.ltoore 6 bbb egp,ELTOrtas it Mime: 1 bale as, Wagon. 11a66 my a aol, 2042 cara,l2 do boaaa,6 lab achatliall, Loa a ea,,• bk." proms. Leech a Balalllllo/01 a bal. sap. •.k. mdat, Vita Ttlaitqa; /0 potatoin. Jos . • . , Imports ay Illiaroaao Pinszeiad, Yr Warn • a Couooao• B. 11.—May le— mma pee Comm, Woo lOyor a ansoo be t e elom. Woo We , Chneboooo2oo DOW do,. l lama, fob. do ee; IG3 do do, '2 81.11 CI4 10 slis rage, 11 140,7,41 Weld a ee DID empty ell Obla, Cooboosy ell co; IS toes pig wall, Jobe 111ooteaW 1 bbl bettor, ebriver t Dadoetb, 60 bt bblo dob t .loo ;House 10000 Obi. door, ebomaker t Long! bbl tattoo, 01.0;120to bacon, /Scion am.:— • • • Mamma aID CIATILIIM 0. It—Stay 1 sod 3.=1. bbl butter,ll do am LIM. A WANE 1-to alts I B bl 4 0 . 10 bbla Oar. Myatt, EMI a to;-11 aka nr,-11400udleas, Jamison • totl2 nu cloves, M 417 n. & cot 8 eke cons, 4 do boanaaas A Masan 1 bn brush.; J Kanamly; 100 bbla lona, John it booth; 100 do do.II 11 Illon a to:1 car pota tom, 0 Dints tabs beam 1, 0 0,00 5 bbl., B 4 Atabody. 161 seals., Livingston, Copolsa4 A co; l bbd, Eat Orr, d 1 aka Calp A &mown; 10-bse cbano,J D Usvii; 10 do E Usealvbsn s 1 Maw 'cotter, Clothtii & 13111,12 fobta bump', Pala & - 8611113 A 23 do do,tbstg a bra; 84 Inv tuba, (bun limn A co, 0 be he &Wawa% MIN; Ain...bury & co; 1 bbl ca. tobacco, • & U Elton; gbpt.c.thyt,ilaltawels, Pasnia The weather petards, wu Or — revalues leagriwieble. thereinto' in atm Ng content rata- dollop the roared., The near 1O rearing Mamas rapidly as Wino:m.4lMb het limo 13 feet Iv thichatmel by Umpier matt Wit wren. tog Then wag apt a ale ph snivel or I:Wpultare 'aside from the nolo: peahen. arid Ma *beef penults a decided. ly dull oppeinowo I The prompt steamer Zama Oretierodilas. krire LN hian at Ilterkick thlinnang for Zurirdlle 140 sitlone mediate pilots. Mr. Wilson bee popular-clerk mongers aid trappers receive smug alteritlori: • The javelin stiomor Hassell, Clerk Lest, le ready to mine plastern and freight Mr Porte. mouth awl all lotentedlau potato. gee Mane tomorrow 10 af r. Prettiell•' 1 TlNllerdiltAPßll3 MIAMI ET& • CUICOM Mita) 6.llouruncbanzaland m laltdetaand. Wawa 2400 blear. Codu "nada at dec. Clia. 911 a -, Whiang unchanged. Nothing bai been dans la Proldann. Game. nee unchanged and Masud Inodereta , Three la no dump In loamy matters. Nectiana on New Tart 11340 premium to liwataety entroukg. and ) , (,a lailltm fir Ohio and IndUkala WOODSIDE t PARRY, REVINZRZ AND .D 211.1411.8 ClUi. • Njt v. , ikasent, li, lea as SO Libeil ealio Lau esneub ber let bed or LATENT- UONSOId OATS I/ 413118Z/1 liguntta, • ph :and impeder &Okla, co habil anf Joe owl. ev • - • - . DO LAMM OIL LlaSlak—aks idn for Lea 6l 2 Oil or Oa IqtatiOns, Oil *ri L l !Cl? NY ounron A Oil. Pal bb.n.' • opt Plintsts.ll7 Wad 75,0007 b Ituon,ShooldOri At ouitteitiiii - :; , •ARlift..3o9l.lbutra. DttOVISIONS L 400(00 MAIN 10,040 ISM 200001,11,401111 Raoul' 111=1,1 zidelksoid • swung. a- towoMl4 - - - . MUNI VD tweed BDMAJIN:-.-91 11nooklero,lo!ti "SATLUM6 . 44 irr 41 041114 11 M, Z==== • I . Fro Foxes OrManliAblild Wali'LeCkg• I iceratima Dmarterrt;l "' i • Apell Mt. UM, STAM PROPOULS.for faraddrag map loci, and keys a, news Mode, to be Meditated for Me loam and Imps CoMasediret-ths. IMMO Ilimeerealikidltenkbacerred at lat Department mill pine reelect a, sa. the teeth ria of Je1Y.0451. . ' • . It belog desirable tueliitain lincke mid kep of s newton antadiesi, and invelita apreesly for the entelandm me of 1 the United Butts maili,bs modal le preemies! ter bidden% the Dipartment mating. for Its selection on the remits of aterhseived *kill and Wit. Witkile di* aomialik.l4 now lavited, they eroded.. It la deemed nenenetry Otkly•to MM. that • mall luck Wall he itlytieckbp, and ths; ita other principal relpildunieneseirpaulgoecaralcifentam, etrength, denthirinf,apiol itramsefrechbea, Med fampfekii mak • l _ r Two kinds of mall locks and keys-one of beam nOd Um Ober a -Iron-admiciP blimp end Colelge.C.lo4 ....K entredniesd propel& Inborn specifyiieper stay, thei pits of each Iron lock, mob Pm fur mom, each imams lack, Obeli bur key tor watisi _.. ..," .• iv Papeete sam,plea or panto of mob kind of loam gran, .9" . 4 . Am !Satrap Ps Permitted Silk the repair; cue otonch Matta ample !mina* he livekd op satilletv, debed, - and einotarto bp open dr tunivited, no this its Im., terns! .tractor, may tally be eximeteted. Ivey Mengial abduld be plainly marked with. the bidder's name. _•• ....._:.• The lochs *Bust tboalif not he patented, nor. Mouldtheis Internal ponetractlon tie *libelam pablicly known,!cr be similer to soy lake berintotoie neeM and they toast ,b, warrants! not, to any sty, to labium mit teeters...alb eim patented bursatlon. , Tbe- 'oboe sampleelpim enrented• l*bliPTerla all be admitted to • beard of emonlnerk to terecamtileloomt by the Poetznaater Gernernkaoe the of examining and re:cattlemen Menu and, edam tbe ftmmanteroenerataimil Max it to be for the leant of tbs Departmentto Naga the propoials end teccOniner itibmittsetputer gbh adver, tieement, mamas wilt, upon pp report of the Maims% be entered intOoessioa papprialmble, lath tee enecientul bidder Mice. Locke are mlopted, ist furnishing eimileriocka and bays for km pare, ea they may be required and ins• dead; with the right, the part al the Pommister tarns reel for Me time beam *stead sod exatintui the mama 1 in force for an adds term of foot yews en &MO so- Ms In writing, to tee' ,tractor, co Pm thin six essithe, beam the termination of the Prat term of four pace or seta expiration of the Snit asteroffser year*, tamale.; elth soy other party i lr . fornithlng similar or Mama lock, loa m m and tem.. led teamster Gernerst may determine. The contractor umeteltrell.44 be able to furebib, If re. aired and °risme:46,9o Ease lotirs and MO braes key; within three month. fie the Ca of entering* Into ems a, and tea, 30,010 iron mks and SOW, ism keys, within eight teonthe from imeb lam Mot the Pentamater Genet* will referee the right to' Mama ordltanish; se Me Smite or intestate of lb. venire me, demand, tbe qmalithenal the locks sad keys Above apsdned, with e propertl.ll4e allOorallco of time to halal them. • - „ ,-, . All the lotto fleet:Jelled by the coarartor' mat beireS: rnatef to keep in good4rorking oder for tee peen, In the ordinary as of the we lce, when sce siMacted to oteka 'Meta; each ea tiecoAp i le . alive, during that time, to be replica ate melba wittareS chugs '•"; • • lb. contractor all be to deliver the ham it hie own expo..., at tb. Post *PI M Department. Weakdoston, 0.0. put rip on atlas, IforeLeg seperate bandies of; eve locbe'.ab, ant rietnelpl peekell In wooden bored; eoutake • lop not more lb= gob bummed locks each The keie pm to be delivered to an agent of the Vepartmsat, delft arid smaally authorised In each cam to take charge alma crsa ~y the some from the coo traatoes factory to the mat. earn; where both sods and r•Ma are to beef* •-w. and improved before they shill es paid for. The contractor will be nquirsd ten give bad, with Mean .ocoflty, in she seem of taut, PM thmeand daises Imam , faUbfat perforanee of • tbstoatreet made pat, ban a to ' famishing the sepia mdendiand guerding the matinfens lop of the mall lake and keye ate doe pilau', integrity sodcue. No proposal wilt therefore be considered, If brit accompanied with • mitten pareate tram the propped mettles, ( whom respaailbillte ...let be Salida byi the pestmester at the pine of lair readeence.) that they al teams revocable oolbs required bond, to. the faillmeot of she manna by Me r Meanie bidder soth prop:eats be so. lied. ' • • , to &ailing oo the prommie Mal Meartalk ibenTortitis ter thermaimay deem liespediva to sass the Mega lock of a.. bidder and the:Mon tank a anuatim. lie therefore rearms the riga asontraelleg with afferent indleldnabe rewash differeat killdeer lour in he sOM mita. •-• Propeals shoed. he !carefully mated, admired to O.' Postmatter Masai, and endorsed on tbe . eavelfip,./tems eattfor Jfal locilai.. ' "-,,. '"•• ' i • ••• '• ' - - - ' " "', • -',- - ''' • ?LUAU; - 072=222 ` STATE INSPECTOR, or DOMESTIC I i nIiaTILIADD ZJII .IND. coT - ALIAGIUNNT: ;Ong CUTLET. Odloa, No. 114 corium !Diamond Allay and . . 'Algritrdere bft with Jilespb bess,l2 Unwed etreetowlll ite UAW= of theptrnlers respectfhlly albd to the following stunt of ibit to non) tielon from Pardon's Diens: ' &peke U, pager:EL—yrs:tinniest shall expert, or lade in exportation. froos ttesPort of Pidtrefiplyabi, eny dutltkd - spirituous Iftwie, bane, tb.logienoo - ea' atorentd, begin tureen shall . bins berm Impend sod otarkedelerortlieg, .to Igw, - stieh panels nett bent and pay ten dealers for envy barrel. sod twenty pollen kw nay double banal Sad tiontheed moan Disk it non contalaingsen. Itgoor @Deepened be Wert, to bericarered by the taws:tor not* said, for the city and minty el; Plillideletde, to the tun of the Poor of add thy ant easisty: Sedan 14, meta—All lepers sold by Inspection at lb* Pal of Phtladelptda; aball be Impacts( and ganged by the impactors of eemsebe plisteled spines, appointed aa afornakt. • , hermit •Z, psi. Stdb.l , -Any person who Moll hooter cot es Inventor or deputy losocceor of donteselo distilled' mitts, ID the city or remedy of, Yblllidelplde. set bolus bunny whatnot for MU pcintree, Midi, for weer; mob Moue, forfeit and p. 7 tad mei of Minty donate, ormlulr for the IDIOM the Orminuounith and Member boll for en awe ot my puma gong for the isms; and MM. IlleSine, fermented guilty at a tubdeutemor, ond Wpm coinktiou themormlull for may .goof oftwise, coder an impriarmunnt lii the mind) 101 l for e period of Way days. Peal= M. pop Mkt j o Strory.puson wtto Moll monk, fen, Corp or wandede 7 himself or nuke' the brand murk, or my Dumber other mart of my rub InepoetwrB or s mock or number liiinattlen thereof. upon my sr* cis subject to tospectlinfor v,ow any auk or abler Meet coninning witch srticlefur MAU fundhilently Idler. delete; conceal or enue any thermion mark. duly =de, 'bah kw. every such *forme, to deemed goltly of a othdessemar, and be punkbable by:slim son mcerding three hundred' dollar., or by hopilsorrment Dot emending six mintbs, at the discretion of Unman hiningfrandletleit of thoollenue. Inchon IA page 4411—dtrery pram who Moll countor• Ink tarp or futodedentir mown nom my allidentsbks to impeellou; or num edy MIA or rend costa :dug math article, the brand souk ansther mark of any Inspector, or WWI fratidtdentlr alter* deb. or emu any mai mule, or null inuillnleatty Imprrie the broad meek be other mak 9 , sitYbuirmer. - ,tipcs dally ouch snide or ..m.; shell be deemed veiny of • utnememor, sod MAI be posbduble Iy. One oat mending ;hied inuidmi donors: I • • further ',applause. t Malin to Ms frmyestlict of Ilquora • ~pro the not day et AptilidesSC Thal all doetwalo diodlled spirit. for eldest the pert of Philadolphia, whether kir szportstion or albumin. dull be Inspected and gouged by the duly oppointed Inspectors of do:2mM dlotlited mint., or Moir gayeties In the warm norm, provided by laW,Asin It any caber psalm shall Ire OpiCiILIOD liquors, be or trmy stall. Sir every such atoms ts Herm to elI the fl Ind penal*. eel *nth Ist the Illth It useloo lathe Auto( tbe of, fipul, ISA , an Act sothoeilluti an Oceretwor to unarm% on Inspector of Domestio Dimling non forth. aunty of itlieshesys r.dion LBe tr. ens, by the Smarm it Manor Bem. resurmilm. of Ma molds of Items Ina* •In General Asunibly met, it lehonby try Ile aw Monty a the some, Thu /h. Ormacor is hereby author ised to sppolut an Inspector of Domeetto Dietilled Liquors far the county . of Aliewheur, Mum duties sot =wi Iton .hall be the Menem Moserif the !Departure,' doutenfo diettllad Num for tho lily and sunny ot Planalptda: TM ondorsqined Ir4ertor,belog obligated by bean heady and bound ander asters penalties for tho faithful perlunmanee of Mu duller; Inteedi •teost risinctfally Int drub ta enforce the • .., to secilone sal all Won laws ap pertaining to the • • • of ' catudio liquors. Karat . JOllibl BUITLIT. - UDOLP = 0 IiIiTOLFEI'I3 3 0 CO 66: 2100 3 11 0 26 1 16 61 50 81 00 200 27 00 48 00 1 CO 10 23 II CO 300 i TO 62 0, 62 1 30 00 I 19 It 02 cqviATio SCHEHTI SCHNAPPS, Tpni ANTI- INVIGORA BEIM ITISE UDOLPETO WO Imported sad bottled beat quality, lOW tail' UDOLPIIO WO Impoded WM4 Irith big cerU 1.41 lIDOLMO .. .. ,-.-..,. --..-• ..,, ~:' .-. •, __- IL Imiorted awl bailed by bloaiiall, Ihe um es ort wi n ow I I UDOL P UO WO FE'S 'PURE MADEIRA WINS, Imported aa bottled y blamed, for prlnteand walk* MIN the bait *leo ever anal to the mad. ot boo. 1.1 , thie. !bb b waryarkted patiactly ewe-,„. • UDOLPRO -WO FR'S PURR 'JAMAICA RUM, ST. ROIX RUM, SCOTOII_ 1 AND TRLIU WRIRKY. All Moab.* Imputed and birthed by blmaelf„Warrantad mo• mid of the. be:M h os/lay. .; err: . - - ~ • --,-..... '' ;., To Tay trastaa.; ~: ' ICU siikemy repqtation N • moo, my aboadloi im 'a otembaut of thirty yeara rtaldance Is thi city of Now Tort, that what I plods* and trailts lb with my 'mat my label, and my cectillome, te corral. Md. wah be celled open t 9 .5.01 pottbuer. PbmikVsos wbo aao?Wkwa Mel Llquom In Matt puttee, should pr. the prideniote to lime ankiew i for sale ha all noticeable Droggisteand loath...maim, , 4 --- ULKILPIIO WOLIN, Side ilsoufactwareo4 Inportar of the &Disdain Atoms* . ikboappa. , 15,!.,;/ and 27 Baster street, Nrw Took.; ferule by _ 1 . i MGM). A. IC Itliehit, . . ~ . N 0.14,0 Wood .teat: ===l For Wheeling, Pdttriettn; Parkerabt4, Pusan. roy, Point . Oyandotte,l . Catleteburglti Ironton and Portemouth. . TILLS new and, • eletnnt - eteemer I tumult LtaT,Catt J.T.n4atanitateell. *al &.r} Plittbargb 'UM 3 WILIMIS1114: at 10 ea:bailor Petuat ta 4i , tan taftrcatathata touting* Baturntag, lama' Crrt.mteth for Pltatbatgb . ovary FRIDAY sail tiatoett - ta '• Per tretabt ar pumate-sppl, ca ! tank ca ta . PLAOII. BUN ZS a W- 4016 :starid . Woter Wittt trIVILICUIGH. UASKSTB obeli withoof biftog diollolab Its otlabill• of 111. PI LANG% • --foltiw .the.bestEagera 116 vul m wallow to Um pw, IS Uzi Llbity et., wafts • - m)6lw IIDEOULAR TUESDAY PACK=A-00 rr ron zoistinur,4t. nil, .roamer 6SIBLA ORAIIAJI, Copt. Hams Ann .17rn1 WIT 4 kr, th• above 444 tit 441“1444 Ws pot% wary TLIII4DAT: at. tor En4/64.4: pumas ants ou bowl, or to se 4 i; MACS. bitltl4ls a CO.. WI. 1, st.;Loull. - IST. LOUIS, KLOlitltt v ii=i DODLINOTOY; jj tame,. DA OKOSOI,WINONA. LAAR CITY AND : flo• stwarAr SAW 14111% l kup,,p41#rpoiliktiokys .bon on TDIe ' DA F• 4 o . 4 o%.ostrfiliPPll. l o tdird or m istase.. aver, Qlu-Davolu-4stbbiLtfvvito.moki Lobricaillegoll mit reed by tbr Apetc - • - .on sal 00aDlig II &moil " Psl.ll.*lllll 00' ", z Ix* landing from st'rtkan Petri tar ode Irif - - • t Va fillUXB ' 11-11Plyardifttbit igtioAtaebabsts k tmaiebt " 4 / 11 # 3411441 *- ' ,-,.. , .. : - n r. : .. ?; ..;,-.„ 1: -.,-„.. ii t ; . ! ...,..: E . - ..-::. ,- , ,,, :::..:27. ,,, ,i, ,, ::: , ,jc..T.-44 . -.. - ; - -? . -:' ~,r,,,,,::-....,,,i;:.•:„....,,f-,vi,:::::iii,..,6,f-:. I,±rnattsTrys Diuretic Y S P E'P T I DIG • CORDIAL OLLAND GIN. DISDICIAL - =ATE van. FE'S. PURE. ,COONIAO RANDY, < hlnnelf, inarantedinure It Ow • la terennunq on the bopno, and nal en Me E'S - PURB PORT WINE, htmeeli, pat lop tor medicinal sae, cm tine ballet warranted pure boa quiallt• YKet3 PURE_ SMART camboatis PrrrMprl ~~«"~~ n .~ ~ r .~ :~ ~~{{ ;T ~a Y NL^, , , i ;!`.. 24#41ierABotiMi` tan sualtuion-0971,art44L16 ti M fic L T trz fa W , C) ; • - PLTIPSSVOIPth , i PARE; erccritlAt A: Co: '. MANITYMYTURELIS . OrSEISATinIiG ' ..?- °Bailin...aid'•BOLT COP • • YBOOD CIOP •-s: ti ,; PIS NOTTOII4,tts4.I stip pott,T sysitn:Aider, a . ,: . Mack Imivrilts' int I/44W iii t ALB , YIN it -..1-;;; illiet 1110 N. Wlll.lkAi.‘ Cobs* 1;.1 11 ,1104 *or • ';''; ; ;Z;- . .1.21. Vsebbus sad Tools. ": - : './1 ;• ••• ,--. ' - '',Nil.:- .-- ' ,1 ; , -. i : , WiireAcm,Ne. 141 And 404 LW 51,1* Poky" 6-- 4. burgh / Pe _...., , Plt ttonts;ll.7."; -; .;•-• • Opittetts lor ofrlttpot eit ittnitibitt«t,4:44l, ‘ AeradAwle, , : -r, ..r, - , -..,.....,- -i. : - , ~.., alrrimicusi ikir;untast - lourzwiusaiiii".. • Potafaa to Plioaihhi; Whitildirl WI - • ! onoibratararizatimmbi`lt'unio+rsimiawits;, uvott,stienitstestatibbOnnaltisltdneWsofhltdog WO . ~ .1 . .. geots,rezthig AIL rolhisit'allip'patin. mak lb --' ..,•,' ,XT• tongallieth• Aavai, , TiArekt 'elettflasObas, 11 ' ','-'• - irtilers,orttoroombraiNiat )141Irt sad Awittl(t 01 loss.. ~.,!:f: - tdr ,44 L -Pww,Wil 1eA. 1 4 on 0P1141..,, ,:;-, i ..i''' ~ ,.l' ' ,'. TbisOlostas monist) nil, :Of pirwViora: o r s-eta e -;,- " ~•.., , stii inOstixOtiocsdes4ontotisolts:PbownintioNsw Nastand,andhois Vim* iited 4/4.1, - :er•frnit loom to .-,,„-•,,,, Ws bellow It the best ind sitisst-nwty ft.,,'; CR wiz.% In -.' f .:• - • attessisotnosidetient INWTOW It Ctintiroorttither: , s nine ttom Wotan' at trot so <4b. , es"" ' ' ''- 11 lifb Ala health on be sottoolbl Wah3Fl lattleubon - 13 1 , .: 1 is rut Os *stet Livid. - r. ' ' ;--,, • 111111wo Of Bootee, an sold win 7 Isar Ia _On COO , .. Snow It bas old sod weintrted =OW. ;-•' f. ' -, -1 ; 211101 ONLY Pt OMITS A BOTTLI. __. . tri•Nons pontos anlisstbs WOOS* WWWW bb PI& 1 , [IIII.B. Yaw. ton to ontsblaniota, '• '' , i • , •••-;, Bot/..Yrytbnittu throughout tbo nZ;3...,. ,• . • ~ Memo. . taturtriara Kanii4t,Agent tor ...bs •- ' ; -., •;• -- ' , I;. ' l 7=4. - . ..'i •-.- • - HAIR irra—riAls rsirulttilli'DlrP,;... -,,,: r: . ' sll6 w. EIATOgIiSLOWir ilala DIM ' INs OristinaZ Oa • Wii Os 'World/ All others nismer, bs stabled, tryou wad, to maps, ..,-- .i ~ • DILLY RID, ok. imigr matgo bilk bitapity no 1. i 1 ifteubi ilia isuirst 'an* ir r :rigiogio,inattil• bay fora's/Wl:a sio • ; . ;'' - '1 .• , ' PritwottIINDALHAWD =Lb pi p blo Ono& 'alto wca.B:miteutsi enr.. - tm*iliferAtetippues. ..- • • • tinnt biss nude Id tbs - WOO blolObrost,i ot Win. AM A.' BATIMP.L3WI3 ILA In DittiOndwill sioolot not - I'l ot be dlstin &Wad WO noun, and Is woloro not to , ..r.... I = . 4ltr ua lasatitoor . r=ptal i taratbs t =dt "ills t uTe,l3l :4 ill (In 1 WirnWntOW) WNW ' . *lino ' tam ott tnnairny,' Nan'Torkit ;,- • ! ' ' ';', ' '' na4 ln all eitko tonl towns of thi Mittel Stati4blDntik j4to ad Ploy OW& %Woo ~ . 'Op VW gannino Ws Oh la= tb ald rassin*•• 'teal Tint on torskieworsub f- e -;;•iL -; &WOW' - •-• WILLIAM A HATCCINIO34 ' - IstaTOWtent' •• ' - - '•- 10 , Bo •striet. No Tort. z ..BATOREORIIynoA AND'irotrpyss siiiv Thei en iltilidittrilie ind thujbTe Mut to 6 eLersq-sinttentniupieelibd—oastainktnii of the Led; indeed MuL ittecmfr Ilehmept ',bent theie Wage inD properli and And WI nu.? ie need arra. Idt.n BA= EtAfibiserice 'COMP, deillr. j t,l!"•Pit taliticitunr to - rtreer;*o. - d Kam:m=l7 ;{, • • .110,0 43PIK m ES, 011 rpS • ANDBOAT I SKIKES. Cornet . of 'Witter saittri :Prtaltiftoll, OEI2I GOCELFI4,I4 41,1ELQ.. ammonium Iron' WWI Es, liei Pnigiffiliiir, • 'Window Shutters ; - Window . Guido &c, 91 ekomuseria sof go Alletliest . W.Al32lllfaAja PrraßtaDMi P A . Iluiccalurd mu*, of zoo Villain: 614 icoI•PIDIA caltabb. In all pupae.. Elict4c*,6lDmillosPida *D * l s dbutzwilliu.Lus. Sabine doup chortnottes. ; pouf `E! ittsburgh St?e). Worksi- - : Jorims.'mov - Ellac' co 4 IiKAIJUFACTURERS I .OVCCAST filltEL; Sprin:Plovt am a: 8.. e‘ser SPROTe awl AZlAoE3.oonojtalOtailitrat-sur4 .-ala I • 1711011011.. N- N. ELol.rairaar7 7 asoais. Foreign inn ManeAtte Pits oiFfrrioars: , BiNg soma AsD arson, DcF: IT inturl fritinnini+4o* irsxbnettidvainsm'onininciph tdriviD ant the tattilittates. ,-1 • apialy • 33:1IENBIr11;Ntwr caw P CO r at 4ll4 s " a AND !natal Dr4/24.?•1644. -13i2 - • sy, et ft". 4 1 ;.4. 71004,11" ' • laud writos stun.' —ROBINSON; MINI . :4r..!MILLIE% • - rotaitozati.'Atu iidaiurnsioxii; wAl3.ristOr G'l"o*7,l' voTeu:s. Plttsbarsh,t '.Pentria4'"l mace, !foam nark! SI 5t.461. • :IffiaotactAre ktndioffltesai ttichtia Crungs,Relrosd Werk,l3terso: &wit Ind Wm( /ma Jobbing wad B•patring dgesoa 112, nOlO. EWA/3ft --- *Az-LC" • No. 59 (DraraleiliinritelldlniV 1 rrEBBMKta. Ti . • B. H. ft C. P. Zil4ll,'. PER" g A N PA 0 T 71 gi t ; S BODE. rani?, OLP, =Mit AN]) AIL iIiDS oT ;NV, AO& r/ 3 NIG: APR'EL. Mx. trauma Limo NOM.Wtxdloreit, •Iltreet. Pittab Tl iiJlPa. SilrCiab or I'm% far :WNW fr ATI' TUBtii - • 1.44 01416.1 ':. j rittstatii;mrias 4 ' Tim PortableVirbittgadi.' " liisrlt4Top - was Magda. .- ..- F • Lad PIA. -: d • ' itiCapialem .1 J: . INpodwis, ItratterW. 4- lm r0tt.404: Woe uPI p.plet,atow, rte.t'9 .4.14 noire th 14.1. VT , muou 7u BE riNGRET,M that .tills to flie'eoloymetit of health lo flute iittettlon te told t,_ stowtr to the prows Wk.° IF so IseettobiiMe taw, des. lavabos living, habit*► At ladotssee,_ esposts,"to. @addict ch ogee of teloperstart,eaCaegled ortheleettob%* * Itots ej imams of dbeete—ortrflt a bietodderorot tidal matedbo.. - ... Takes Opel the lodhtetion .olt attack; II aadtlded sill nllO,ll - .0,, =flaw pasta lb. Wood, restart a Odorous emoted* led thoeccoghly neme vote the apdtrat,tt le seineeLßdleauria7 7 * Iltsperol ' mkt by A. a - a 041dlitpd, Pk Folbstatreetatiw YttL Saki to by II fAIINISTIKErr kl:lo, — Pittehotto. Pa. bold elto Thestrotetegeoetedly,":. . , .leAdlentidtir G aut ERISS--500 f.tzi choice 'SO Midi prima to chola 0 . 13asar„ icce Obis prima tt 0 N o Galt pada-tat ..; btla &atm , Byrom -160 bar* ltadoad . ' dI 'Peniim , l33rttx dot, ictottuotlypidootz.: • CI do Voltam OIL • : • , 150 Wagon/ 1% 13. P;lattani in al Ibtaria ita I att - -• , 111talatat• Otocati: Mao& Ilacoad_at. , CHILELD 4! - IllOtsi* • t• • •• 47' • tr n, 44 l.**iii4 VtOr e o l Ati.loB; ; Til VIAUNTI*1113;:1 , "e!i . c earfl:4b*lloofttit4l'lltilML-, - ISIP *S I 2"K-4)1 ?!Li ; DarVcalt -11 20 : tutzumus tfitir....Por tail/ : • orya EVOr. 'PAPIVIX IAbniVIL 1711)3131ISSIOL-2 bl?ls.-fresh Flop pfliapr %.0 •11 Obis (rat' Bal. - • • - I.l4erward see by , II'uuNALDNAII6OOIaII,, st: tear Wood. UND ri&s-30,bbIa 4a .R78 ,, P, 1 . owl_ :pp wigs Deist leactisk, „ WATT a WitiON. WI Watt W41144,1'1X;13 *WALL. PAPXIt I briir , Nish Prim ' • LeMitid. 2 . 1 "* 14- ' as!moinbitr.• 'ea it0 . 4,41171/acast._ • • 1, 1\175W utt 14k ANS t1U0111144121 Atacipod 4.1 IFtr;ll3ol2i .4 . 000 Ilan iriTlit tile*bs sayi N inliti ve 12 1 7 11 104.1.12 111:Vill9R emmiattot+lll" ILJUTATOS-Unq narkwiTieoluirauxiikin *9l. bi atip by ty,liporlittbrit ca;;" 2lf RURCIIFIRLD,& t;O:. ntilttintS sanStnair,. n4lliosBto?6'OapDlloltt_.-' • at unusually low mina. LAtiK. 44 01:11.00.1 -sas2 • olv.s. ()WPM rigrarl4o,l',4)l4l4 lora WAVE& Libartyst , , Q4A,T—,lo9l#l4ll4.Extrit 0.4 ..t s,z, - Vt4Tl',4i WiLllOl4 • , ay,11,-,1z0,:r .1 runi,-50 ibbbs.l. - -'O. -Wkiite 1 -. - • _ IlOrtagikt_Vaus dr. fee 11 - , :GA s -7.^ WAIT& I¢lp • ' AO! --. lee 4 Ml' _ . - LESIYz: I -9p'!ielid tree&idut faiN4ls2,l L W-119 lEEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers