~ . . • • Yttsbnr f' , tiro 8 sianLß roOrstitoss. O Nithfida. 44.3e.tha 'atoms eso-blesoe - Bowe ow, eisAeo loner of . • - ,roootiire Masai-46 ROT sdnuertii adieu* or oMtlrato 11vr1i14 f ffetook7 . 4ll.ll . 1 / 1 .dye, or fo r per . .:;11SeellialtdC10011114: t. 4:. . '!illlicisirl/itifiti4i4lie,c444 . l:l4o, Oozing tee et odor, pine leo or . upwards, 111 per ooston,tooolible to 4#11b1101: ' • ; sa l ; .AN ~ I PADVZSZ1111110.11:f 40014.11OLIIII1TES. S.7.MWZre I - TUESDAY MiMO lO7 . MAY 7, 1881 1 4: 11 mTIELY op. viuu• ?WA; _ionzte .d opoiitlon to oomplido, among the,friends of Ilea; i Camerae, that the 1 7 ;.Trerident, to making ; hp his Cehicet, did, not gitie'Litline itintionian lie. Treasury, instead of ..:.'., theVii;,Diputzmot; but acne - bare proved the abalone!' :the Piarldititt i , • retie nil. Al the bead of ttittiisr lisp:tune!, tion,i i p t ameion Is arophatimily , the right Meats tha right place." At iamb it :dais a. Ibta tie iTse Department , .la it4MM in iliportaidbittialt of the public ear- • -aloe:: It eds. eminently. a quiet and prompt ' autn 7 ta aof firm? Ma, draielon,: sound jugs, S . : mentiand f•good bust:len habits. ,To all thee* t . -,._ . _qoaltilse dolt Gen.; Osuierori excel; as the num . turioneat of the istlttritia in his bands 'band. 'britly 'alto - wit And - telcountry in fortunate in . .-itanbigoettured hie' Main at a time and in a platnt to aidi Ostend& ' ;to' call all Ma abilities teen play. I. t l i Pram iii itionlint Of Abe inauguration of the Tresideat, when - the i 'oottrao to be punned ‘,....' toitaidi. till secedeti. fitatea becaine tha great ' . OutattLta before the ablued; (ar Cameron was I...LitionCtiiett:wito at firmly by do President . .." lattiopPort „Of an 'ail ‘" movement ibe sup. 1.0 . ' ititichonof its 11, and he Maintained this 'lnialtiiitiantll itiel . Cablitel became a unit upon tt; In state of the,r4rogre;i4 . ibe contrary, and I ;the _Bitters- at him , froutairlous quarters, the •-: Secretary. of War ha l boot his whole energies, and all the 'energies of the gerstament he eould etstatitillirto' tie Oldie:ent of :the remit. lilt. .ricened in'tbagreit tienictitsteatloitnoir . excatbts '.- thelitiodei Of - the!iiholi iiinityi, end which is nertaintettooomplielt . th'seappreation of the re .. beillei, if there be, no, talk inl its future oten agemint. 7 : 1 1 . ; l'. We are glad to note a , alleging' to aeknowl• itivithese facts at the prtrif some alba. whit haraltirattiforebsen:slow to c do jiatioa to lien. ... Cameroit.- The Nair Toils. t.Tridt# l s. -bateiofor• --- much more .Isolined I to depredate than penile him, is now free to remit his ,energy and firm ' leis sow till, even by those who : -• et first •objectodut that coatis, that the action of the War _Doportmsat l itt, Me at& I days following the Aetna Salaam» waajediesous sad neeenury to prepare the way, ler intelligent Prosecution of poi leynmertisternalthat on: "'late* by maprise.nor ready with the oretwhelmieglote. properly contr.. pad. wlutrewith to bet a direct path, the Question .:,..res *batwom a'cuituthas'etiata with certainty 411 t '"" wiring It; tbe deattaiattoni end en abortive and motderoni attempt it directoom. The, tactic at , hurt demonstrated beyond the - - shadow et a donbt,that the palmy oi the Adminw. - - t i l i n ti t;:f i rr!l i f i a a ra n di e r a ear :ti g ti r is at Z'atise o I t b ;o l r u tTO days put.- 'Masson Chase, glair, and Cameren en. . listed beset and seal to the plan, and bet for the • •-•:• : witistiregel Masai. Setim.d.esd, Welton on this t ti Cabinet', eld bate been a mat. Mr. ' . petal has received such tette ' ' - it r• Palitgalsr end _ appeais trona his o a Sunn i s* have insured his renwathinn to an an /males: dee:rine, and finally Mn. Seward has added . kis andentiting argent to Ib al cla' I a Moak", ' P l re= lm ßalthnoirsani bars bean impartheing Lincoln for sum' ,days tir,Mopen commusibtatiorr, . to mod attpatchos by talimaph through their elk/, and to insure speedy mall houltlai.'This has bum • tnanyeay opposed by Mumble.: Cameron ' _litho was determined Mimes drama* their mesa dueling 'a ~.. ly bolespletipaalshmist the fart illicit , tor them. ' - •,";•t' .- 7.,Zii•-lesidithila anothlit i • paragraph, *. 0012. Vitale '• -7.7 - yorrealiitilts a math d degree of ahreilineal In the islactioa of ateri;" ind,altegether, It bears fall 'and: faithful, ad • trio, testimony to lbe , andl omPtlt , vigor, ability - p ilde with which the - ' strain of the bps meat are managed. . We refer io'theioianue with pleasure ; first, *.*, because-the coven ; tal.l4' fortunate is baring n:1 such nlll3, la ono a plias; at: each a time ; , and sett, becian . goomlon affords 'an op li, portitniti,ef.dobly jualloi to It litribb:llterne ;0!.-and . much •misui ratooti lama. The. preja.. ..:4b3e, ao - widelyi felt 'against: Mit where be war * (, t Irwin: b.7l.l;lart.,whe: ,did not . ander , Mead ' him, will - ow, thank -fortune; ..iell -. sway before Itie ' :enlightened , sentiment'of the litintry; and thiptibilo willisein teepprealsta one mbenelabors show him' to be a true , patriot 1 - :is well-as an etitalent,„ tiantworttiy and . most 'Titiableptddlisierysat.' , 4 1 : The Aid 77-7 to,Auserbany county. —, _ seltthe easeful Situation of &litho ratline of Allegheny mudis to the' late not of Auem• biz, regulOir theilninoielle ff einsof the noun - ty, ptiblishisi in th epohpre. Itls not seceder; • for oto go intUstateynent of US details, u Ir e Cupeot everj one conceded will reedit are. tally to timselfr ' t end' is, the whobt system is - thoroughly remcidelled, ii, would be well ;for -ovary taxpayer tt ole aillysi a Oopy - of the law „for Jodie reformat. enintlei to the moors. fat seorkiute of soy eysteni; espeolaily tine to iarge sad,Artntex!as this, that:'ell"aiiienreed should be Ismailia! with hi Tele bill is careful.; ly tad'otansly . ..alrawn op; and ' we belle,. di -nay:eyeless 'blob tt I unnindten will be, found Out tinProyemont Upon the loose and. .lultbeikettione lt.etiPiirendei,,, 'This law,' while - ft mail* er endrity and 6:cooly Ie milluigesnent offttuklicaluies of the soon . thls more , simple, and in it little while every cliisenoy ordlisitry" dietUienosciiikw. become feimiilar 11th the frouthd. bf lit operations. There (1114 e say !go every one pleas copy of it where bt aed ley his band upon it et y moment . 0211 word more. As de, time Is approsobtvg tottl!e'lioviovittio i elosilOgra, we would ur ,..nestly-iargo.npon the citizen's of the county-Abe , setvottotiot to civil so I ciliated for the in". portent and responeible office of..COniroller, cepttrom aniter.thene : who an dietinittlehid. far 'intelihruncV sintinperler.',bwrinere A blundd hem* loth w very begivah4 of writilail Witold be 'fatal Ito tt. Bat With Wit good niali t tlin'ti*Ct _end visa per._ familiar with fledge, leAmu hardly fail to work sal f rfeetorily' 7 _ • tier . Lansaw hes notified the &craw of the ,IfavY that gurachneetti has iarebased the splendid =scbjqutisi and swig steamers _Alumehusetts and Beath Carolina,' recently employed as __pealretir between Boston and Charleston ; : and ty.' ate :thoroughly. equip. manned with!esPerleneed and bare men, and are ready for wee and arguer:anent ear - _rim Elor.,Ardrewe asks for authority to eseandeskur oronmanden..- The' Secatary of ' - Abe liary;wo!, the Preitalfmt, has such author , They our only he' r- •• red In the seieke as sazilisey to tub Nagy: and must be' cour , Stranded by regularly augmbehmed :nasal of . Beer. .If they are not AUS employed; they • =will be and by the Stele to ply.within"Mas inithusitte waters, to test the . commerce of that JeP;POs' Mel • ' Twit steamer Cimbridge is hourly expxted up the Potoinicvlith the eathm amp equipage of the Atassachuse rents . Gin . Butler hal tendered' the use the mime to the Wax jpereamit„ to be distributed a Gen. Feat E=lne. Thu belonging to the Mae- Fifth segiment will I* used for the encimping - of Colonel Ellsworth% goutres,irk order that his isle may be eel to Work. - Want of something to do has inclined some of thorn to be Dot is tft3e rude. A few of them will be sent home for sets of insubcm. dinstion:thseninbot be:prerb*lced. • Awitag ~ , otit• ormmdallea las pro. Its l , • boxi Le . in _g m mu. tiir li'!in 1 - lagguitilr 1- p. itbdrawP• ,hardespith ' Mill wmostrong: -- - Anoz.-I;ia- ic, Illtanit umas Iwo um 41 peopta 08_` iirLuttvon. V1401...1n5tr.... , • . TIO '"----or-t7bmegi ia,,, Au, willi (474,,!_.„,..0d-vonthg n't4h•-7---,-,--, - 00-y—5,,,1pr,t.f.....,....,..,--..--_---.:, 4,...-:-betopmm..----00".1,i,5,f.-N, '-tTc,......i 4.-,,-.;,-,,,,,,-,-:.5,.--i:. ~4r-..:.,.,,-',--„---',-..;::::-:047;,:tq„,--.,-_,-, ----,.:., '' tie ,---;'-' 1.- ~: ~14-k7&;:=',.4.4.%'- ----,'''',-'3.'-"'' 'ltl".t4' --- ` .U.; OREM LOPPCIVALWANUINGTOM cortioOldrle!ol,tbsPistatititt 43.314) 7 - 1 ,-,WA,itularcar,lday y llitay York ionivem, Colonel ' ilmeartOrreshitbia lattairrival,hsra, and an isulaftkastof follows they are. Oa their er rlrilit ilia tis Pot last'night, half a dozen of them, jam -Goat e e coavrladoo,loardimiving bran! stationed it taa 'door to prevent 'Amami, mien.. '9 „. ,nreashing the plpifaiuk, they politely squired of aura xailikalookinglndividual Inhlack; arbo . 4Peamad to be malting the :arrival of a trend !Hallo, old boy t, bad a kb! here yet !" Od betel meekly %chased the Individual interrogated that "ao inholoary neonatal* ales boa Indulged r . , la, by tbs . graze of God,"-Zoneve, with en impalinit /UM einalandi . "Well.' why the bell bevel ' ye, eh?" After marching np to the Whits llonse;rthere_ they pad:their respects to thaXPresident than whom no clued men in the coantry did more to defeat test fell than this very regiment, they went into their eientere at thcespitocthe."Seventh" bevies made room tor 'Huta by going Into tamp near Georgetown. - Yesterday. Pot being very well sap. plied with bedaand not feeling dispense to pass the night -ape& the soft Bide-oft marble door, after the fatigues of Visit trip from Noe York, they uneere• moolonay entered Melia! of the Ilona of Rem ientatives, where wee itretehid oat the long; bevy . figura of the Meatacheintal "sixth," and the erder to Mum*" having been given by one of the 'as itaniting party, a : grab was made at the heals of be dupe;; i key were dragged from thtdr . 13111, with Xhiscomsding. intelligence that ...as they 'had been dentog Wetly there for the last week or two, now they might alespen the floor or and op sod glace l" ZeUen hales pined 'his entered "toddies la e pleas united to his liking, was soon sound asleep, after heels( bid his *invades adieu in the fallowing etyir, "Well, boys, here we go. If Jeff. comes 'fore merning.l sell beep and about." This naming, having been well rested. they 'were mind with a and-breakfast- after which, not being in the least inclined to ate; cooped up In tbe capitol balding all day, they leashed out of the building to the gene, but hers neountemd the bayonets of the guard, who .told then, they could not pass without a permit from the officer of the day. Scorning the Mee of tirringput to the trouble of hunting up the officer tor. the sake of gating tram him permission to indulge in the Maned liberty of monthly wherever pleased, the w ord was niven, se on the slight previous, to 'remote. s' Over the fences they reap d, and down street they ran, pell-mell, viloopin( and yelling lake so .may Tar. cos. •Th ate sow scattered about, all over (be city, in squads of foar, six and eight-this class of people seidoin travel Much' alone—in search of usecessuiniets," declaring Vitt sultat ie the animal we comet° fight-tow - where are they .Like the Rhode Ward brigade; thie regiment of Elwin firemen ern a . , most remarkable - looking body armee. There are my few small menanong them, and ' no sickly-ones: rTheir marching, Considesieg the little practice' they hare had seder Col. Elissrorth, is sunsully finer but this comes" of being New York firemen, in which capacity they have learned, is their frequent parades. the science of stepping with ;uniformity and keeping excellent time. Meedotrerith one of their number this morning -with *hems I formed an acquaintance raider pecu• liar PirCUZIPIULOCea yet" ago, when hut a boy, and who at that time 'was anintelligent, handaome, on ,son °ldeating parents of great wealth and re • rpectability residincia the, interior of , the StAla of New York,' learned from him that he hid been, to an hi. metalanguage, srprompted r to jam this Zona) tiegiinent from a desire to-do something thagwoald.redeem the pan" PI hare made . but a pant sae of my time mace nest sari yen, in. old neva? said be, feelingly; tsbut I am here sow to fight for the stars end stripes and reedy to go into battle, mien tbough - 1 knew I:hi:101d never come out of it aim" It was both awning and intenutseg to ' see them at the telegraph elfin this toornieg, end at the ambrotYpe saloon. Having business at the former place, I found the spice in front of the counter occupied by a need of these fgbticg fire men, who were deliberating is to the nature of • message. - one of the number was about .to write. The tonieote of the dispatch hating at last been -concluded upon, it was written out and ended to the clerk, with thn polite request that he would timed it out loud, wonstyer, sawn eV) all bear it, end then Iraqi know iVit all right." The clerk, cora -1 :r er ug with the !slyest, read se follows : "We are ho, sung,boa nowt be long, *len there . something rr, do here. Toll all the boys to rig up and COWS en, u. the Colonel ea's irerre off for the Gulfcif Mexico if the rebels don't disperse when old Abesstwenty days .ire up." Oe being asked where and to whom the menage - war to be sent, the reply wee, "Where!" "why, tithe Captain ot thehloody Twenty-Find, of course, thought 'you knew that." - So the clerk wrote "To Ceptala an. gine Company, No. New York,City.'s It name that in the burry of their depertiare r from Gotham they bad riot been' able to get their picture* taken. 'hosier them in their new costumes ' go this: morning the galleries Were besieged. and Luny' poor Whirr sent home to-day, by mail and by express, to eniethearm, mother, and sisters, whom they will probably never geer again this side of the grave, their little mementos of affection, that wilt be so mach prised when they whom they rerpreseit lie buried in a hostile country. Colonel Ellsworth: teems to tie a great favorite with the regiment. He is called by them the "little Colo nel," aid seems like the elerle Colonel" who was so mach loved by the French soldiers of tho oßrandArmy," to have en woe upon th eir affec 'ileum regards as to base them completely ander his control. Bette the subordinate officers of the regiment they seem determined to pay bat little attention, and • this secounts for their leaping the fennel around the Capitol this MOrAint, which Oct ' very soldierly-like feat wee accomplished in the abence of the Colonel. The' nrilth" ‘Ps.) Regiment have refused to drill further in ilie open lot in front of rater quar ters on urarazt of many of the regiment not hoe, lag any shoes, and the shabby appearance of the regimentgenerally. Col. McDowell informs me thua morning that his quartereare now abundantly supplied with ,the best foods so therein oo cause , for coisplaint onthis score.. P. A. G. iVestoni Vizirlnk' Astir , The , following energetic Protest and Call which the citizens of Mason county have got up, sufficiently explains itself: The I:ode:signed, citizens of Mason county, in the State of Virginia, looking;on the action of the Convention of Virginia as hostile to the rights and wishes of the people of this part of the State, and their Ordinance of Beeesvion, if ratified by the vote of the State, as des tructive., of all their moat valuable rights, and calculated to make this beautiful country the ruitryard of the nation, we protest against made the field of battle for, and to suf fix the evils of war, brought on by -- distp• pointed and reckless eke-seekers,. who are now disposed to throw from their own shoul ders thews all the destructive privations and loss of life attended on a servile and mercena ry war, in which they seek to make us the breagt-work, against which we protest, and peopose to resist by-vote and speech ; and with this view for the better organization. ire request It 0 M loth% Daniel. PoWey, Eanme 1 Windon. W ii Tomlinson, C B Wag gonaraohn Hall, Appeals Stephenson, Geo. Ames Caldwell, David George, and John 0 Butler to represent is in a Convention to be held in Wheeling.= the 12th day of May.. 1261, with instructions, if possible, to &Int the adoption of saki Ordinance by a fair vote off the people of Virginia, and if they be come sitiafkd that that cannot be effected, then to advocate, suggest and adopt such other policy as will.be best calculatteedd calculatedto save Western Virginia, be that the fismation of a new State, or anything that will ware our rights. - - The il'Ettook. Virait.eloutt about to Mts. - The slaves are an dement in wean:test which the South seem 'droplety to have forgotten, Information reaches n's that in Louisiana and likoissippi serious apprehensions are ,enter. tat:red: In Kentucky the negrod say openly that this -is a war to free them, and that they will soon be as free as any one; Apropos to this, on the Pennsylvania Centred ,Road our informant was told, near Beaver River, that on last Tuesday, John Brown, Jr., with it Gordo of Catiida runswervida encamped in the vicinity --traveling by night rind biding by day, They were making their way to the 'mountains of Virginia, to mice Beery A. Wise. Thia infer nuttinn la probably correct. The number—em: timated 500--la'doubtleas somewhat exag gerati4._ Our idormind expressed himself per fectly maned at the extent of milady movement Nortb. Prevailing and fierce as it was !at the South, it wag there compartively, insignificant, and one 'of 'the nature or which the Southern people have not had, ma yet; the slightestnppre. Fcczots,P. 1 . :11.A.13, Er, realised notice some days sincearom ; the amnodonista about yer Flaring, that his house-would be set on fire . ff he did`not leave the Tioinitp Tho plucky old gentleman uomediately notified them in return that they would be two wiles to thst bargain, removed his family to New York, and pmpared fora vigorous deknee, by inning hbi amnia to the teeth. 1 Tax Flattery of the N'avy has esent-an armed; vessel to Alexandria, to protect, rotOnnuxfishermen froth. Washington and Georgetown. - MAUVZ Beata:lron Cobi _ * Delightful Odor I sli4at - W. HAVLA% ... • carwor !Nod STd Third 'Wets, :-:;.-'•ii-;.-;,.-..•.•inielif7.03',---AP11-,,7 .ry t.:,;....-...:.- :.,::::::.,....;...;::::::-.-4,p# i*-**=',.--a`°!:,::".:='-':',7':".:----:'" - t , - 1 s':. r r ice_ ' - ~~:~. --,'• ARMY OUBSCRIPTIVNAMBNCY.— 1 .'"..? Alottan....rAutna. zags. !tratheng.:_wires.sse. ihnitheette, bog have soy Itewerter.lDettabe av P 0 . 6.1 - MA . to the Yobbo. to diner. retolorty - 1.101 totexptly. BUNT t 11111t11 hivo liotoi ornobtalore.:lo liff , kria hll Napo..., carp 0.. y. met} bxtA trta. .foloalpthts sill W_ nand. tor. Any.Setripsper...v ttalpt!os 01411theth. it kw moo.** to toorarted noon nib ow, day. thta is on avvellmt .oppiontoll7 Is toot multistate is the Army iv:4lM vitbt4 to Or otter totdbittbabli.- ' .. .. ova . 7 . Ai allaien, :ii_,;, 1 - • -,-.-•.. • : ~.! •.- •--: --- , - 7' . ..iind .. 73'-'lsftli'vrireet, .1.• tot • • • ,-:: • • :-.•!-•.: ... ,aist.tistaiewt,da..... OF. -. cl)111,111 , TTEE, 0N,..119116 DE _____.: Pistil .111 Mai at tbe ditj tivio , y. CU ,Halo • 11ViDT: DAY: from 0 no 1 10 lo Oa mining: sad troy V until Aln tbr stuproboa. veben coo:pities : tor .14 me Dowd I mat It :themselves to . be orgenhod. sit communkA. , Attn. ~ ~., ~. , , J 1.11115 IC 1111111,1 h, Dv..+1.17. thiblu '.llloturis.' um. snag. Isenseenn Conran'. t rnenntraser. Play 4th, MM , tir L r DIVIIIIIND,TIAT JILVAIIIikI et tbe Bova of Ihneetere Shill 0.109 IWI tble der. Mel on u &enema o! THOR! DOLL* nil yel n em Mr hie feetteftA, • ; - /AMU /181111 Y. • En net neceettly. . ' rims OP 11 111111IP AI eV. May 21,1564 Ef.ECTI9N fur Preiddent and Di. `...mr radon, levant the ambit year, hill be held et the Cul of the Allegheny Ces Company; Ilto SS Illamende ea MONDAY, !fay lith, banes the boots of tend neglect p. m. . my. 13.1 . J.O, eIIATES, treetnter; scto _n,benumnmts. .Idineral Mineral Mineral MIN dere,we?al Waters, M* stars, Mineral Waters, aters, i Mineral W atera. Concert Waal. Mosphe Ppeng Wafer, fletetoge Wefts.. , . al.. vat waw -1... u... iGilir. Allotted %Igor, • , All minuted Ire d, 41 t trot? tbelpilogs,, • . r et JOSEPH. FLEA! O'S, at JOSEPLI PLEbt NO'S, ! . at JOSEPII FLEN N O'S, : i 1 Darner the Dialoged end aterket Pt n•et, O rner 0 the Dismeed Bad Market ticaal. Corner ef the Illeseend end Maket Phrset. ttttt mom of ileattuntose Ow& at Plttobeh. Preliaoiott. bloy 1, ISM. Circulation- tO - Duo to -043) Cl Due to •• • .. . 65,009 tt • Fss 70,030 70 1;71117; ...„ —.. 26.1a5 to 116 311) 07 Bill. ►nd Notes 7), Deno by alba Maks I Notes and Ctlecka of Specie It Y501t5......! . 1 84f103 tf. The aborettstomoot is! correct. to! the best of my know). *lgo sod belle. ' ; aLO D. WORM, Oastd.r. Sworn Dean omo Ibis fhb dal of May, itilll, t 11.. 11. 1141.111. NotaY Publio. CeNtiIIINME.N.I3--.1.0(TD) tJhbiee Bacon limn 15001 Moles Beanstow, .. 11905 Choice &woo oaldtrA• ' a bbl. peme 801 l Rotten 5 Bikini Fanny j do • 2 bble Pocked do - so ber. No.-1 Lord, o km, suilti•l• LA fla.ly on; . • 1 11l Comet g Lark. 600 bas Abelled tarok 1 oar 1171 wont di . ' tato., 100 bus 11 as rembta kdo 60 do o ProNfto ....- 4 0 ._ , • 2 mete.Geoes Ned IV; , 5 lads pNenA Crsb OA.: 103 dos N•000k — t 60 boa in lee 1..47 ri: p ub a. Elelirs; 75 do 10 do • lest 601.011 Noah-goo. .113. Floor*Joli reed for sal. by myt . VILAN/1 VAN 001101111., 114 Fennel 0. VRIES!' ARRI UF' SOd b'do No l borg 2.IACIS On; 300 do tlo 2 do do 300 hFOLIo Largo iiselerol; • 103 OW/ No 1 HoMeg; 33 do OottlmorO do 10 do , do 'S; • 100 td-bblo tots l+orfo W r • 6 0 do White :db—on coollsolotot tot bale sl Zagora vim by . my:Af tarps Blond. Jowl I. nous!, a CO. hi al Warr as... Pittsburgh. P PODUCE--50bble prime Halves Peaches; 10 bbl choke flop Butter; 40 keks N. 1 Lard: . 60 bit 1166.6.4 WOOD Coma',; . 100 demo Fiat, Brootan : . 6 bbla BweetClll.l6 tars. 66 . .., ml 7 1 1 L. G. 6111.&66.111 LINA', 61 - JOldlotolikia , I: ' IVEtt. ITIL SAL - PI.U:11 •my saints. SILL 7 LITZ& PILLS For Um Ootoptolot. Ita. Uvor Compliant, a D'lloosoom, I todliosttod illok /I oa,facbo. • Prom ki 11 re 4 by .1811LLIFUI A CO, Wholoonto 13.1 ou . roma Wood owl &toad oto.. AO add toy domottorts generally. . ol'horill Ine. undersigned. here !, the lambew Walton, awler Op BUM, bare els Asy by =owl cow Llp. All those Indrbuil to tblydrm le Mar imolai; at tbely calm, No. albdse will lw cactlobal by law DANUtI. BOWER, J. UAYB EtIWILL Pltubarpi. WY 1.1. 841 111.t.BOLUTIO taco rosandl• ~,,.m D. Z0W111,4, rrnt dlssolnd putomb sW plam• call sad iota V/ Polio" street lbe • rolar psztaer. MMtl 111 I ARDEWS 1 TACIIO.3I b—lor sato b RIOUL&TIO: 0: 13 . • 42 .r. 4 • A k g, • . ca .l ' .- i ~ I g P 2 Z ee . NI m = ... in , Ti A ; • 0 ...:: E • no § ~. 0 t.. , o a Ti- I= . : a pc 1 • N. i • z c I 0 ... xi e A ._, i I 4 t , 8 01 ..,-- al ".'• 11 co - .1 • 1 . 1 - .. g ,„, g 41 II - 1. 1 g ia t:1 i* z ;I ::. . ed 1 tec cs 111 ri ..ge Mr ~. 0 .... ,t ; 4 a EI = ^I ' ti 11 is . . 4 . : 8 - ' 4 , - a a t I r ,, 4 Id 'f : 1 1 ii 1: ° 2 ' 1 ge, g 4 72. , 'l 4 li° 6" Ti 4 . i'm .o e -t' es 11 „, 7, z# 4; 11 O ° . 1 1 : 5 n• • z o Ei p. a. Z 4 o sd • Z. d ; G f,' 7 e N 4 • m a, l. • g g Z • 0 Z. o'l a g 3 ; - . 0 in - gt , 1 • ,„ a - - 2 - z 0. A bo = 6 rg w 2 g 0 44' ,'.4; NEW 11131.1.151E11( GOODS, NOR Mani& To Cosh Boyers, —The Chelpest Lit'over offered in the city. Bonnet filtrboCil ;it &glut Wd;;;Wkw ; Straw nous% tr Boonoto Hair matt:row, ober,. Vidal: lioarolltaa and to ?mato Wounoto; gout scrim. ob m fi r wild.Leolioni,rop and Willow Hots; Matsu - 4 Ode I abuse Hoods; • ,Prench and ?Markin Plawara; • auosza TOOL sillkineW; loiartl-nteud.da Whit* Rohn ?st cefi . , R Err AN K ; XRprfriat.g C!cA Pip! lilac* English Crape; and Borabashins ; AOOl in mu, iinoo or aoim3s.l • „ . ?boo guQd. have ixiiMPluallad far 68, 0 ,1 hE• As ' ° X i ', lag of As war.angt mill be noLi to tub burin, nolE, at small Munn 910 dew lark Oast • - ' i • JOSEPH HORNE . - strut. r • ANO SURFAtIE 1A134: - .LuL WANTID—f. Os Portage YAM. Effiei, BO PE'fra. Ear Pm and salllng Ems of, basKlngett* of E LOEI Basco. ri noxi,a4nurrisnli: Ohio' I' !. NDIA ULOTU , tf. °Nice j.l2l.uk.teA in pbcoo :lei - cud for Isle a! IM Lod* ttanbarl4pot.3d and all et. chdr a. •1. • - „ • . pill 1.1.1 Pa. CIKANUILS-,400, - las:: Mitiskon- rangeso , 1 4 J.• ; iailtrlr . querllty, jut nodfur rat* try • ...--. •!.-• , ' I • • • , . •• rtfrYtittlt 1 SittrYTtlllttS, : 1 ! • . , '. rue! ._ I i • ! - --,: - I it 6 add pit Illyouri rt: ! , boxes Messina Learns; ialtift'd itsvmiin Li/onions, ; I ; IV! sod 133 Wood street. COGUA NUT. 942000 fresh Oseoft No . fa j'as toed for al. by R2lO IN ilmoras34 , j off l4O sae 173 Wood K.l F'RC ORAU&ERS.--250. boxes No,. 1 lint Orsolsrsliat reed*/abb --• soyt i amfuC6 altitirtuant. 110 gain Wood at. DINS SPYLSO.—A prime lot of. Sear Wu Arai , jastrimq f r ado a - • mg I alilatiCsl neorstea, neve 123 Wond Fpti ' ROL tiOI:TRIt-7 . 3 bb!cptiont .1 apt reollot NEW' T ,, ,1.E.E rititi.4oo plmagigeslWilik* ,ININ 74411. JA M° ftot It. d° 11° " th ie n "" t4 61. " . - 4 I- 1 lsi-A,Crudatizieto Attegeritilkuoty. '' li INNELL . Nartaisclia by thiberniriesse age* PillerbrialbeilmiektbeAripaereenrWth 41 PeNINSIN: 3 O3 aull.1141•03 • 14 1 - Icoldcarid ft te Wrely Id by the orr. Monty a the war, Tad :lib: weary dry after the pop Owa ot-lhla aoldhat NadweloCaleiviloiti in Owe Nairn. Palma Um Oran of rolutoon Nem of the =why of Ain. INNlreholi appoint sett:ea of mad 01ty...h0 shall 34 • Colapanint eaumataut.torerve ma Cow or of eaktreencir 4. 1 . meta the dot Proud., in Deortabor. A. .1131 or whit& Worse, abalthowivetedwietipiallaal. hewheior Mho: bustorlt well; atid the quelincd ten of she county .ball. .1 the nyder wooed etectioo on tbe nd hoed*, of POlobe: te the gear one tbooesao eight hooileed alca ei•N• ;Moe and at the wore electleti In *wry taint )ear thereaf ter, elan Co. game qeslined as onos to ems ati cow trullae of WO meaty or • total of th lie sears front lb. ant Newby of De :Ow, thou salt waling, sad wig b N oucconeer Malt Digitalin:l. 4 .t. , W lfr We h No p•rato boogoiDio °oda . Llclred UMW Co Ws Slate, du 4otuate of Allealmoy, say cley Mon:, Mail be eligible to M. cilia* of amour= b,olly &Wog We • cacti:amen In Ace eta atom:4 nor milll ace gest Mow New. Want tberilie gold controller Mall obireye be rani bl• for,. . I . l *in: ii77ollhmetd, and tba County Tnes anon sod Chosialadowele anal be :NON bail Lem for two , Lo 3 portteltoterlog at tbs duties Ida eftvithocou. labilier Mall atter 4bond .to the •• WA lite Cl Nod 101 l mean In therum of lay 1b.... delten,to he awrond ,by the Coact of. Nommon raw of d aianty, .mditlocied 'for Me MUM gettormandi of _ jli Oaths .nod Maloof hie ,chiel &Wt. tbeToontroftei and •fa chief clear Mall also , eoch [Me sad eattairlbe on as • or sMratdos *reflood 1 40Mb:illy to perarm their mad do a, • NNW violation or `which 'had be porton; eald °siker •4 s tage d to be recorded ihi therohndeeetddoe ha mid • ry then sno o d ma inet ii" lftdco b. pl ecu' mcn i e °"ft. 'M T • " °I t r ' icer 'l*th lfe f :l e l juNclelpromodby. with awe ram ao the or 810011.' Etc. 4. The masty of Meant: • or et he Minty liw handnd dollars No Mawr, to be d qovrtetly out of Me I tr ot" , of o•bi alaNtlit sad Ma ..otadter and Lb chief clerk me author aid to admltile . °NW and allannettone c: 'ln dm dlactuirge of Me Oaths of hilr Ca, sod a °Mini violation of raid otthentaalt •• • Nrr Salo•ollow 11 3 31 * fore thein ).ball tic pert ary. • Ilia. fi. inwald owtroner .fian hove atonal =pored. aka and control d. Um amal • of Ithectemt7 word iho wmanniend afoul seta of all edlant or oilier pen= *rho shall mlier.t.pecelvo Or die: Dom the public mowye 05 th• ••••trotir who shall boa ; sige4:lll the manainv moot or melody thereof; and he - 7 0 .7 a.* mall'ill Noel any of therm to wino& on • . Net all ammo or peepervy of the booms :OM • ay hers =zoo Into their Mends or uwitrthelr coatud. and 0 Aril immediately me the elearrery of say ihdaolt or del ogoeet7 tap tette,' aeme to as coanaltalotlers lad torhe i art oti Common Pleas of wit meaty, sod oball tote Iwo . bete ibe mares to Peale it Me public mooeye or p•openy od bruins tho dello. wont party. If laClaw and, not ream d by the comenl4. _ _ . . 001.0. Ile shall came to boi kept a foleituf regular, sot of. books In detail. be double nary, of all to lima rpernUons or the comity embracing a. teeny' anconate coder epyroprf ate titlesoo may blo occethat 1 4., ..hoW disdoctly sod repo rattly all thy pa Pa ty of the vainly, to receipt nod co prodisorm mod ell debit end athounti doe by or to We county, by moray Milkers or othart,th. elolatot , 441 , 444 , 1 nom each wince of leveed. and the catitudlintas In detail and destined by Mammon Is I:heckle* theretf. fie shell prtherthe the forth sod manner of beeping all book. ant papers used -hi :My officer to codoection with the Mad eldorof the toothy, and be &hail, on or before the drat day of 'throaty ,thostilly cocoon nisei. to the tthoetthamers,l a writlng,• detailed estimate of ' tee' ride pis and expenet laths for-Le kitties/de purpoicis at the itheilrfer the Car. not year, inclodlug letereet doe and to_ fell doe on ell law fal detts et tool:panty be thintrintereat; sad the =thud* sluntre 01141;SC : 00e the Aftatuth del at Afenthetr thathef ta; al lath rem Oftassom lama the Taltthdotrhf awl tail! able prop4S9ol the manly as win role it sum sufficient to meet the .sal expenditures, thd•tbe cacontheleneth moan oot bylear contratt or otherelei Inn that the ripeness of the emote to say Year to an amount beyond the bom as thma, se Wort 1114 to aid lat. . •i , • _ Poo T. That be shall, In themboth of I.7thusre lo every year, wake. repeat, voided bythatb or Siff rotation, to the - Coon of Co amen Plus of ea d conety,talell the receipt. end espendnumrof the n6[12,4,1,11. the piecadlog year, in Meted sea ciamidedu required to :the with motion of this act, together wiltas /oil statconot of thellothttal open* taw and nod Woo , I the *nutty, which 4rpert ebb/ boil• opth be publish* , cos time to ter, inch newsmen pub Imbed In mid cottoty et the wart big dbect,to be paid tor oat of the o ugly tresthry, womb pubthabou shoot be la Mellor the* required by the temettywronnd Seel t b of the act of fittesath apthl, Anna .Vattidul the thonelnd a'ght Doodad awl darts four. I Bso I, Shit the cootroner tbs..l hero bit office In a butld• 11 'Llit.'". ' 1121',".61:::1 lb. Tgleu,"l,:buti,°°:l7, tea comodealthers, 'thwart, a cribbed be them, • detailed ratronent of the tacznoto ot soy ofilcar or other pereort baths** hh Pomthelon or nuder hit oattrol funds beim'. tri to the o natty, and thall at ell el corajbetwien the Was of ten o'clock a M. sod too o'clock. 1 . ta., slit ishemarlan nspectlog any of sold &meet. t., any tax smile of the wooly *ma otni lb. sense. : ' I enc. O. that 1.. '.1,011 ectrotiolth, amid sod ischle m all bliss, claim. sod dsouusds grusisotyrr Rested llof rrAlll7. end ell pdwato. berths each Name ebeit don prethot that nate te we metrOlare the If renelthd Mae out or slam* tlon bathe him to the eArreerrross therefor. - 11. tool If be dame it oweseary restart, t eldiect. try rho oath or effirom 1100 of the claimer; sod tthethrtee, tbat the claim Is t• gob ly Om, that the seeptie. arm rrierrl fa Wbkh eginces et cleaned bete beer aurelebed or perf,thed under oval en lbortty. Homey Ilfgerre bud fescartalo erbetbrr any emir or strut or libe 04007 tilatereated tir the alf reader 100110 thy dater uthy winker hut mead or te to receive toy commtedoo, coosideration or gratuity tailed/1g tthreto, ex whet:h. the', 101 l risen soy sralgoo.of the Leval!, se* non of this tot, by Matra two or moth corona. nomad stamen which etoold bete teen fa coo sod It to *Oaf' not tkat thw• bet taco sae sorb <1.4111 or that aoy ea b offlmr sr !rot Is is tnar,st'co, he shat left. to loopiest tbeArales, All claims whs.!, 1,0 .e.OO ' Doi !really des be Walt certify to iltiothonteWners .. [ 830.10. '1 Ast t o Um< ouvlier thell tete se mei the draws of U. cflke miler atom% the conztobeiothr. °reek, county Well stew no warrest us, the thither, ex .o; debt. Wass or Csrussid uhstsoersr, has fortiteel end •pfltaal by, the ocothrollth, th prue.ded for is lb. tol.gcoog thews, se. th, tto lb* Ass off e rots, of Hersh., olliys coo I.lrll4lVa a . h . tbs A Tara marts of !libelee, then I, the azimut. of sett We to be avettaierd by 0004 rem or and ..Old ,- a the lathed. floret! sat Ably csfligl d Asiejasperalth darts tto the comnithdowese. latheatrte emu to belowlts controUrr, sod We ow titleatra ablil ;Le Selland by the commteakenters to the wet:totter for pretested= as fikao se the werrente the booed. ' • , I Obi it. That from sod thee the paeloas of Ude Get all coottects mare by We comeseettonct*etsold reeloty It* Irotiloa an esmeEltore '.o.oolol thane, donate :Mail b. in .011006 met sta.lL I wowell wetly extq their eztentas be died with the asuoliert bot so rotArser 4 all Ire A ssle tor Me peva.' I ban or rseff,lre llf the wet totter ter over one Ilaborre dutleth,balths whey in .de *Oh the_ lowest sod best udder, lifter doe oak*, to te enhotebid ty Ita OA- Croglerstbso Attschel by lite o.thwteetniews, if • hi epprove the parses+ of the protrasie tooled. eh; tdde to lee nthieth by the 000.04100 Molar vial .4 a , Galli blip porersour open es by the oetheilamarre sod the cesbeces sweathth, of bbk.b berms). We ethltal,r eked heap 0 nand, miry be 4011 ow dry Do wart so ts oar matt - acts tht 0,0,00 agreeably theretic Ptheittod abet wo ammonite. loydra, attarthseathe Width,. to lA+ sable l..Allelnge,srurbfaloy Orr asset Item ems, beached duarus, AEI be trothe'uolthajbe ethic then bete Lawn thrstapprthad by tilt arthaijury and the Crain of litherheressout of eellootaty. , 1 .. . ... $34.6,459 62 • IBM .11. That all Restrease dragtb On 011eoptsty Magary by ilos comadastmousetenatilieune.al lloomllo form lb. lento, Muth and eleventh yeetioneol MU &Modal I beacon teretgaad blahs controller, woo MILLI keep *Corral real. ter Wawa:, noting Mel notne,dates and *Manta 61 *nth Me date of payment fitol to *bout and ton. it Ind bawl. nod Med orport toes coonnteolonera, tam ty Or oftener el re genet by teem , the innonat Moabite sm marrantsregb. its umd and tholunanot of money Is Um unary. Pan 11. Tim Cootroller Mail Dav e monody of ail ofn. dal made (sampt his owr) {lron to throw:My, and of all' ' thledeede to red /Mats owned by the Monty, sod of all andista toasted Mtn by or On behalf a tb. mody. end of all becks. docommts mad payers rot B olt LIR to Its gun old seam, and of all bonds or other Obligstroas lamed by ,bi b mibiy, erbenpelts. *Manhood* insid obliged:on, when no paid, stunt be Mensal mosalleal by Mai and airefany find roptlaty dad, a restart of whlch raneellatlon Mull Do kept by him la agana tote print* fog that pupas*. tonl4. Tbs trembler of said cOontyl shall .y no no my 00101 dm county treaory *lnept On warrants draws b, s nod nil, MM. Cm:air Codunteadoers sod Collnim , domed Ly the °marcher Ma. books Shall, at oil Ilinea daring Mane bona be rims to the Inopmnoso of the Con troller, and be Mall repot dolly to Choi contrail r all mo _ pays received by tom for the econty,lbe worn by Ms.= soden what *comet they were pasd4 guts shall Cabtel 111 0110001. *ban pad, my thalamic .marten Or alttlf ilg lamb; be shall all report dilly all moon* paid fan by blur, (Mom the somber of Iliimatiesitl and the ;Arty to orb., poll; and mall drum tbo warlola to the unat,ol4. ter, wbo mall mond dm sense sod MI motalandleg par. rants based t6fore the ondrollmenb * T oros ttni dales of htroillie, - 16111 he pronoted to n aas LI other Cobbs jst "PiO. C•Obtr: Don the Toomey shall .le, Imp a etyma. account of th e timely Poor T i sae Med by both and om cant tbe oraill41:101.1 timely morn by • on JAI,. of. the Directors, t tho Poor *raid anit .i y. m O. U. Toe Co o trollet Mall. It hot rot It nertaromy, at polot S chief elort slam mlary .0014 0. •Ight hundred dollars. .Toss istel, Mb abed, dodo* the Deo-nary or temporary 'memo of ins emiroller, titorm an his duties end dm, in ems of a to: tocy Rohl a Moak is golfed, tat la lb. latter ea wither the coni, ler nor Ws meads Mal to liable, on Lis odldsl bood or ,lothors lee, for ads dorm m neglected, nom ;Menu. month after the alum onorredond the *out ossy;lf the %Aslant Inbred demand It, Ots the applicators of Amy on parer of Ma comfy, ale. clam Me aid Ohm recant st any HAM:ohm the Males of Uncontrolled Mall, near 11$ PIMI L db. on . 0 006 wens*, care dsrolred on the Mull aloes Mr 0 perked elooeding hum annotative wools* unless new Wail:lse be Abaco or me sureties.oaf the all del bond of ad foontoolla Mall spreo to Do hold !Isom oar sad Dond, , , notwlstAtmobg M. proodunt prorlelots In We Mellon, Milmelng Ibism from. !lability, whit/saves:awl shall he male a. record of sold (Mart, nod lb* loffsdiettoo cm landi by the set of tbs toontylret Atoll, one atomised data hundred ad Lorty els, melded, . An Act to Maoism to M Min ;ohne alms oaf Weir anode. 9 moy. to ell nava,' be aaressed- by toe Conn of Cabmen' Plot. of Aliesbentl - mosey. wboomor lb. oal.l amt I may damn the polo*: I oteram to rennin/ It, 61thor with or olunut the rAdlots ,raqulrbd . by toe grit Mehl= of madam. • .." • '1 1 ' '' " eto In Army Lhanty Catatbbhkwoblurrafier elretsd in all manly sloalhbrors ootering moo lbe maim of his ocw.„ goo hood to the hansom outriliblued for the 0.10100 performenos of hie dotleo,ln the mea Of ten lbronsod dot. 6,.. W. 116 two soled.. to W. sPloniftd toy ttosCooll oi Comas. Pleat sod ritOrdal in teen c ®» for ereordiag deeds In mold notary. tn. 00014 or by , Otero( to be t w o M evidence, ae provided la toe third roillott of Ilbliset. 8.1. 17 II at tbs ealsrfee Of theenntiober ion hie clerk 664 Os mrstolesloterso and , tbalyclatik, appointed' molar the twentieth inottou of Me. sot ..of OM Ansonia Of April' on. doomed eight bundled nod tint fi tom: obeli be paid gisettrly oat of the minty "treasory• OW warrants drams. s a d ooob,t reigned; as prbtlied far In the Month teed= of this ach bat all other =Wirier mutt done In or for e Ithar of 6614 oiling Omit be doss by nontnieg, sod alf dm claims proud and soh MI of mopolend by 'bleach &n. 111: 'bat ell dank derol red as ll,e an bIY Aodliots by ths set of April fifseastb, one thonvolod sight hundred ant thlrtydonr. and all points conierrld on them by add. set Mall be perfarnsed and eserrient by the Cooney lIcos• troller sofa am offends manly oceollass hod . *tat. Maw for .0 1.0 tho moody Is or .1.1 b. Made. Add 111 000 e, 00 manta of tbri Treanor Sib the COOsmon wealth ab.II be &added by Ms Auditor of abonots of Pndbogneeki, etc, appointed by lb. Cloort. of Oomintos Plass, ,ionder.tho seta anonydlsss April, msduineatid Algae buodred awl forty Idnr•LO It. IlOpPlrooLlA and tbse; report. tanned by • the smooth Rennet of obit act Melbas the male rffct no Lb* raport of• tbsY.Andttoii wader field . see Of Montt of Atoll, on. thou..ld ebb; b nodred and this ty Imr, made the provisions of sold act In Pi ferenesno appeals frms the Auditor's repots an easeadod to tbe roßond tb•Cmitud• tstonder Ihnset.„ . . -. . , • 1j• • ' r - ' : I 9 :. 11111! . .11 le i.4rlfPf tb6 elicit= of Coinity M " 4 7 tle 19: t hat all them midday •..- Anthers la meld county of Allegheny tie, ihrid the lamb erif Webs mound, sad the gnome i hmetafore elected .se Minna? Awlitore in math chanty shall cease to act as sorb' on .o after the Ant dey of October ; A It.lool. Ito Mohr how performed bt Rid Auaithre he • Itherd of Ithrtmera tub der the act of Aprli Mb A: D. 18311,vitell, star the let day of October . A.D. 1101.1:4 dirtlutfo l by Cifi Could Qur ter &Nkomo! Ned county.. '-' . - , ' - - - , 9th. 23. That the Outntutithinerhe ,old cool In the =Mb of Cannery fa *sob yfier thtll nee far ordinate el the umeinneut tAT/Yeefotabltirecnitht7thidhilliter7Pur• times fits math veal borough 60 tofflohibe Miff Pm Emigre of thePoorensit ages far doliestnfor why thaw foresch borough and tiferoshly thoordlng to 014 form Iptescribed by tbs Controller, 0110 a vertlnathe that the tens charged therein here then del, atareed etconlinsi fa taw. and .hell deliver the same to ibe Cohireller, who:, Moen .110.01 debiy inaliellie propeeentthe th, reel la Its Woken( hie cello and deliver 1i..... In the -Musty Tramorer. • ha shall 4. Ham, br ths whole RtILXIA‘ a Ins thotalived In enth dm p 110.1., from:AMA, listilitiy he MO I hie smiths shell oily lm chub Israel - by iccotantlugir:ll,l64l.lls {b.f.( idler deductlug orb tacos:ethane acmes , I be allowed. awl. , ha Matlficete 'of eloorditent .ti t the t Ibi the tkiy•Kstus matfett of tasectel scracth4o.l4 A O. ~, 0 Dottie m• 100 n . 'mid filth i timadrot cod OS tplout, 4 9MC be Ova to Ib. tremorm SO 4,olrtet4 to the tUtroller, and' elmit•a f lisses the DOI*. IN, all persons exonented. MO ..the respmf 'amoonte es Eisen d ea the Lemke tewilnd by the seld mo. dm. And It dish be the duty of 451 Tremither'ln obtain bilingtitt BMW awl midi thiseconeele stlth the Coutreltn within hem moths olio-Um Onsii, Apenithatter eked lop *hang his .smut. fa toile:alum --, I - - .rho 01. The Treathrerif Mad county \heft ishinedlaieli Wt. the rain Ist of old duplicate, 011 0 et teeth thirty-don hellos by publltattoe to MOlngthis OA amitleaman seam piper pealed In • pekl 4 . 00217 i 4 r Um num . 094 Pht. 4 Ift which Ise 11111 tossed let win Derdt *hook ttivinalep ol efeethut thetrpt In sell theist?: for the Duty°. 0 realties lithihnoilltale poor mid stiller y tegh• eud MI thallattehil penionelly evf by desuty at *II One 1 day In -oath 0 Mth manta. berniOtte,:themblps end .plictot e,PreelMll to the Aral day af Jai, I. each TM tad MON* sod glth rthelpta ta t C k *AT 4th dp, .1011.14th.1011.14the Is the proith oonith/ M 1 the 'abate amount MAOp tlatied m`.4 asibmied stalest hie In Mir '. Maar thlittligo oMC CM Wad= Mir iiiwitrotte,virrn, .seritivAroi .-:-.., ~,, r., .!, 4 , . - . - :,:.... - ....--:•7-: , --.. --- V. 'i t ' j ; f'., - - - • _ -: ' . . _ . ~" '~: - ' .. , fr''-r'ir': Stb3 -RtebtlatifttalS• '''.*- 'las Amon, the posies that leig hoped le Veil dengial eel by the frowner.-. - •••• . , , - ..'. (,_ ~.,- PsteSt It any penoeishall sr liaSitteelend ONO Wen* .41 as Oath or at the Tomato reei aloe befieelaellttail tag lb* fall amount of bis Sane ratan, Dee lb. deducelea, be ibsllfil mai:lW la •Osdathicandltra per thethathlherren, ad WO team may be pad to the Treason r at hie aids, *WIWI he the dedeminued An por7enetasa se thorned& at any thin unlace threerthatie ape the time deeds* above fx the payment thieve.' in the peeper district _ M.= Ithaysalel uthes shah - omega unpaid taint of nal Markt, Ls* • cello" or Isar months after theday find - efuemsid Ix the VD want la tba • proper dank; the Trtharrerebell isuathis warned accompaand by a ached ale of SU sinlada taus to nub datti.taal the Games of tbe Penal. Ifif bY Whom the same sr* dos; dimmed to gairielltioti of lb. costly. satborislng and mratrin Ida to diumact sad nimbi hose the mans aimed be the athatula the .le. therelachnted When. nen tamiatleell, boded. se with der per mum taaddithem thereto, whine shall b. la toil compensation tee stechpalsou De the colimthin thereat.. but thither the Itemorer as* the collector appointed by him al Were thell at say dine liliet• the lame of rat war , rams be ngalsed to receive frittli ecay pose less than the wbcde amens tot site ememied *gaud bin or his property In any one mod, bathdh or tothablp, as tocrourd or 4.- I *deleted by lb dedsctions at nAltkasheralabefon. rs• thied for. The milmter wawa:l-by their...ter shun be napourbla to the ermanne for the taltisfo. 1. ormance ' of the dulles and he the amounte collects:l - by them. and shell tithe. all thepowen coniethal oncallectoreet taxes by 1 ammeter-Met slalom or -Um on of liftemstb•April, owe 1 thetwehe eleht hutherall wet tioneydbor. • gee It , Wbeoevarthe corgi!, ate ofutherelloits dell, end to the Coutregler coder tints* lei .*hen embrace say lazes amused on real mute, the Controller shall within thug deys thereafter an to the Prathossem7 et the Darned Common Miss of aid county a omilfied iwatosent of all sods math for meth ward, banwirh oftolensblp,mb ling Conn tie sionan t +e nuns of the party charged. and • derniption of -the y asearreita sub caree n th e ItrAlso uourptepindgordeall it a and . ? :he w = In • names of to perdmi so charmed, with reapthelth sauxthia. In OM pro so . per Olson In Ll:up:dim fader X end escort, which null rennin a Ileums uti4 y until t oll, paid. sad De Int paidinitof the 1/nad 1 . 14,4 1r1XT 4 rM but ten Meth clan or any mete Sung thereon operate to dited the Uwe( any protected by the set ed . 4h."B th tbA e d 'l nteinthr Ph°)l44l:l6l'°"Trrr , ib l i" 7 : th: Dr l l4 o• "l ficath.erbt r l t h i n4Diagneb e em f tha ilndisaPPU : kth: tho p"su llse r.: to rdati : for ter : both /Won spot the . d thereof ma the psyment of . . . -. 4 - Ti. Slut • seine In th• form as mire Aden 1 . so a ortgoga. In thane of the county of Alleglestif. may we lased whist th les soh tharpd and poem* led toJudgment:. idler a a writ of knorffankis wig b. Weed for the callectloa - f the slum Presided. Treat no bass f facia stall be cant oas year efts the retort day of the writ of mist se. And Profiled, That no Attorwes h. WWI b• sd *ben the amonst• • of the lodgmeat shall-bola OW dollen, and all Uwe eels. tin to th e nth of -len d. 1 taut, so fer se relate to Alio lemur ...my, see ber•br teesaket. • . , Src. 28. Thin the *earner shell melee as a compeer, nth tor his ewelota and the melesa et each den ee Werke as the dance of ble ,mss may require him to employ, the snot or four almond eolith. pee annum 800.27. The Oeotroller wad Comm Worn of add county we hereby &Mho. Ind to oppolut • ealktte, for the costly, -who shall bold hi. aloe tor and duties the tam of throe ram whose es an , shill b• lee hundred dollen, per seem. 000 28 Thet shelter. • isomer shill wear In !he °Mee of Controller of sold oxen, by rtltloll of dumb, temp tualon, onnoval or cleared.% ten iclge. of the Mon of Common Pleas of alert-out*, shall appoint • N enable for• ean to Oil nth vacancy until • euceeseor is den elected sad mddled. banded. That It *nth •sosacy -.car witbia twenty thereof the - clicgther: id election no suction shall be held ton pply theeteorantll this secce;d general election thmendirt, at which time so electron than be bald to sandy nub 0 .. 00 1. " ' MI .0 . Pram for the full teem shalt ,mar et the same Ilex, Feder the ptorielooe of the din section of Meat • „ . tad. 29. That from .d. of ar the fine day of Hey, A.. D. ISO L, 1111111111 DO4 he 1.11. Gr . I.e abtriff •ol Allegheny connty_to man out of the county treasury of sialtouonty, any fast on commitments or tbs... of anjprisoorr own. mitt-0 for var.oy. OMltitOPltook dbord..riy =dna. or anygdminal coalt.q. bat In Ik. of ail nob 0.. be nail be mined ta..rovlre n. the ealwy of tbabllor nom= of one tb0n,..1 doll.. per UM:Ma. to Ito pod qoutoly, and the km.. atm of Oa hoodred dollar. per annum.. tbaniary of ...Ottani y dim, tot. ptl4 In thawme manner. tOO.lO. 7bat from awl alt.r ibe Ono day 01 Day, A D. ladt. liAbell_wet be lawful or spy Mayor, Aldatmaa or Jo•Llce of tba Yea.. the WO. of :Plthborgh and All.. ghooy.to thane Or 0./Tar out One Cop., MUGU" soy be. oleos. for Ultimo? controPtirg soy peraowebargod with vagrancy, &uptown., or d nano! but II aball be the duty cline *amiable or other ninon. &treeing spy Anon lo either of cold cities, total/ him or her balms the Mayor of the p.c.p.r city. •bor doty It aball be to boar and determine all nob can e, sotto Pan of all fats barrit fore antbotivd by low la nob man, the Mayor of tbe city of Ylitab.an nail ownn oat ot tM wooly Siouan ono tboo.ad dollars per annum, sod tho new of noel, of Albabtoa two 00041 ad god dlty do Ilara par apnoea. and no owe, tuba paid onselarly..l no mon of any me Ao acrobly al h Inntudatent ban w.th la hereby reptakd. Mt 131.1 • • • • CORNPLANTER OIL CORPANE. IL 11. DAV lA. Pesaktent.. JOON IRWM. Jr,6fcret.r3 and Treasury,. inoests-11. IL Devi* V. El Nevin. .1. L Wench., Clentcren,.Lebn Irene, Jr. PETROLEUM' ft Nat enmity, hone the none of the comreeny.oeoll Creek, In Venue no county, ...n-Gott) on ben I an f for Ws •t T. 11. Keen, Co's. mybllr Be. 90 Wood at, Pittottiret. W. at D. 1111111 GUS, Corner of Market and Fifth stports. AT COST. SUMMER 8/I.K I AT COST! All of the Neweet OCUAGIeII AND swam; ie.althea A Large Stock of New Styles of CIALIC3OS! JUAT OPINED AT W.l D. 1100131 P, °OASIS mll AND MIRE= 8115. W. D. 1104178. CD L 6 inr:u ASK MARXIST 6?L W. 4 D.WilaUte,oollNfil ;MU AVID MAW= ITS: W. h D. UM Or, CO it , tit vi,ru 1.14 D SUREST S sob DR. SWEET'S infallible Lininient, GREAT EXTERNAL REMEDY 11311PRIIMiTIMJ.12717TsnahLata.1IIM8180 Brier RICA too amst . n. aPitainC,anuissa. OUTS AND WOUNDP PIA . IIII.IIPAUIIIII, AND ALL 11 , 1111011•110 AID 14111 - VOUS PISWW/316. Pt al. of ithlthit fi stoo , ty sell attain moody. sad C 11,14 MIL nom tomostat to Newel ftela th. Tied •11 of Dt. Mohan lust of cloontctiont, the totems bons otter. .at ham two moot to Ols mouth. for wort than treaty eon with lb. moot ottool•httortactats. • . _ As ea A*1•1/11110e Of Pabs, It Is setelesll•l by any presoratioulrelont the palate. ea which limp mat skeptical may b• oominoset by salssle trial. This Usleosst end eon rsoll , r sod radically. litosses m*.l Disosellsra or •very hind. sod le, theassues twos vhses st has bees used /t has never bees Ways to • For Maralola. It milt tff.a4 ituasalata taste in arm cask boyars, atitnuttall , it rail units tat some tater of thailacha La Outs .atllta so sad U wartealal toao tt. • • • . . • .Tootheehe Coo war It autplattantlr. Pa. Dlorrotui Debtlity . ntad General 1 ani s ato:tr:Of sal itet=natti. A tat la dloto t tl u:trt the lamas tboaeo.lt Atratettuas al ;IL aro atalad tartata It to Aludelat oat alma • • • for eitra-as au exams! tooriar. we Alstat r A d tat Is Mal.too La an! Analatat ate loaf. to nos An Mal. anila ot SOL Antraolne tottala At del on It a ll twit And clot tall to grad ImAudlst• n IW. Ann 1. g maga., of Attu .111 ett enemata not Quinsy and Sem Throat. annemetttowsztracti• g..:1415.11, sod datteerook tat o timer Applicatloa o: IA Mamma DIM fan to tun • • • • SPTalas Ar. Aosaaltnes nets obittostAi wA rare , at 00a10010 L lads to omit It ontlatted.. Toe wood am may be toaaart/ At tha Ltobant 1a tOo or dr. nano Annan* Cut& Wonindhlierrytilleori s _ettlan and Scant, rhila tont r to no 'nominal Ins',A r o Inner ot DA. OWlllinri 1.101121 T. Latito nod soratellog dlrseoloos. Also, ChUbta otai, rraste4 Emit, mu! Inner Wiles Awl Siblgirs , Every Horse Owner. ± sbnothl bort tblinotooer st b ob. for Uglily pa at the brit mr,..=,...r..rair4 b on.. 'UZI :o b i% tiro% . roodor so mos orOosblo b MAO IrtnAIMIL (Mir tool bamboo •Ottistuy iistfcmaili le the mode. fat carotin looporboo of Wm Llabboot bars tom nabob islibbt lb* loot two sou!, and many of tboot fromporno -I.2o.bett irtwqrsal• of arc, . . . t'llUilOU. • . . - • - . , . • To avoid I oliaoltion.otoarie Um e Winters a . d Lllineaa of Da. slob= twang . en. l.al e and rio - Steatite daniet's Infallible f foment* . boos In slai Riau of taxis 1 r' " ?'• 11 - 9 ' " ' 'ld ° "" ntrgiraDlON & , : q0.,..' , •Iplairtitli - , . Ilel• Pinorletora. Sowell ua. • MILITAAS GSM - • ,11.1.1:111 ..", 41 11 commit.. tappUbd wttb Otbc.medt>o tba latest NWe and of the boat mania& at tts.talatqa raticat FRANK-ELI ECIE. 'Ef, No; Wood street. Hatt and Ow of thi latest at rya, time on bled , mlittw Art.rrany npous - , , 1108'8AL 111 .12- • & MINER'S. ti r ilta llsanq ear Volantars and Manta; . Hand &X* et Minim knr 0 t. Joseph llobetts -Slats cod attls rattles, by 0:111:-WHcos 1 itolallas a/ Ilsld eltbll*:Tramlatird from ttal Inuttb tobt./Indiuslio Titles end Booker Matto Iknifri: Hold's," Turtle, . 114 DuU of Mir Itfollif...rlfelblel. OI!.. IS AtiREWI• . . _ . Keystona „Stearn ilarrel Factory . ;111.0 mainly's! Meths ssectos Ins , rtstit Sir th e l i ta of Pont smuts. to esrtoln patsala Pt inaklng llatt miss knots. Won not op mown snaentalsr Inuthat i i . NW.% tains snots nno arab' Wozont, an/ AM lOW ISM, to him! b CUL II t tr , lands or Ins' NOS MAW ;tan sod 0111111111 s ID - nth a inmost as, It Is to! ihnot r ortll rooms *bun osslnit lonnieg, - •6 n _ _Alto sorpsettalts WI Snowmen= of Mason or Sock ond OW Ws, no wb t , siotto%ot Orals Ikon stII, to oar mato of Marrs% llut4 es otll Ina Itto OW Interest to Pteglif• Ili tat! 11110 portsallsatalle.n4veU iseszot by • annent.ssonsdvnly One ova inlaid legate- *One nun to ons to ins WWI ; on go adieus/ ens. tool -otrlss• Mout watt, oLto om 011os, ,n0..37 rum 110111.01/1141TIL ' entail/A to Om& &AM ,t• _BULB. PitlxiE LWTTEK; • OAP lb ctlise Swan elder 1 " ! t°1111171. 1 1:=1. - do -116sIlloare aeeu aomuet Liston tot 6616_61 sip _ BraSIDDLIL 03 Warty st . D(AMINED la CLOSE OUT - their st6c6 61,tqg 000D11, • l imaantraiii «aa• . - hotquu4tinollOar 9alke Nick of Q•cda sa the ,:diabW,11411011114;01/"Skildr': WAN• Business f4oll,ialle T now Eke* f v ie • Gool Cts •andOfadoettbs amid . „ photo Blow. Imptootorols to gaol workbag co d er. • mrticatan tnquily of Mil KIN% Hooter. 47 fit Matt ft • &az .55a g Si go Leg.' r k fFLos TO R ;T—A convenient Mee lo =OM Worn OrkooOf Of tat* oho& tor combed by D. Oofbco4l. Ulm $ll2 ISO pr boom. apt; • ISAIAH COPILOT 01.1. FOR ENNT-11,0 bToit Muss. corner Word and growl 'tor %Ply" of iii y. Goa fqO ore Colo, tOoioorkot, and 121111101d112110 _paidt• thi !at a ~ of 11. P. Br-boom 104 J. I t ; Comae= Lt Do otiof •,•• ' • . R. EL DIMS. Cmita& _Fait -Rtinr.,-.1. Cottage : /1.1611.1.01, (s2a4ls4. cootonslog eight saolos.2-21. Tama Ito moor foam spryly of pare loom NW do NW eat of crowd attarbed 'goof *firth fool' Imo oaf obrabbory.' 'The IdloorfolOo Plimollger Railway Oolopasy 'WO fonosztoadlog their rood loofas On admits' mat of dm bow. Arply to !f.0.b.-21: SPARK,. oft fbif prifoloo: orb.•• • (fapP4so ow) P. U. Hum IT 1111h1O. TiIkWELL-ti,NOWN • eaacaiix roue tie, roll maws.' . _ eta baticortaittopsrl y, tiv;Clty 4OD•nvo.111 be Isis.d to • imd Wm% br WM art.% at tat This roaftit7 ftr twos is opegslialL 61c tie lot antra yam, ita4 ts bow awed Lx rum, Is ealwegoeVit of dbl. Me of fts fame props:USD,. the lots ttiettolio Dowlbsy.. • . Tbzubbtotytbick, its mot; Softer boom 26 byThSL antes Beam - 11 or ii arson; Roam :Sty Lt Oar. nooldlai loon 43 by to f..sn'llaskitoda VD by 41; .I.ton" for Loft over /tut Elam; PattbetbMakbes Work Shoot,- by 65 tot, Pbt.tota - loots RS Ifs to At* All tstb about wow orb well Ugbtitd bred vtatftwat.:- - Than Ia atm 00. , la lb. wiminiti . • complatio Of - Wiz, Took and PeUrresogultabt• tor the orun• of tbe ad" ' lanai catufty, which HU to dipord of at buy ,krbyricte bay patio dabbing to porchabb, r Obey abut err be lad. Far tarps apply. to - • • • • • at. irczaeattadm6kst.tar. mama.lßy lama us, PAL . • , ebytya. ^ FOR SAL the vent compiete and veins VA. WerkeirMe Stigmas" Vett Ott. attested war tbe UempfNd Itetimid. IS toll. reset et , Whoollos, 9421 14 cooaletteg of co. • atmatte- tight hens power thee* loth* ow at /000 sailors espactts,cee Still; sillont two OXI gallon Tooke or 811WITWO. two 101* pilot imamate ow ISM pilot Toot, all ended' deems Gem deem Mal. Slam 111 D 6. cam tepidly algae hash. OM WO. Tbe:propeely etahnmet to Ito eltepekstarts eti meet see boo natte”l a tett Ott about Slattern There ie • veto of bltatal mem shaky of an temp ;Witten tb at for feet, utterlytai the premise" — goal Ott b toted to the et lalgy of them 11(1[1.• fairtlew emirate of 'ambattles le lb. tentotte of ItellottsCoal Oil ma now have ao op. pottanly of doing ito to matt adnotate. • toe forth. r gm. Magma apply to the octettlteriat tit SO South hoot Meet, Pltuadelitta. spletwme JOHN 011122101 VOMITORY FOU *az ..strazma zu•siva.- Patantol July 30. 1080. la caw orrma to lb* $11143.• acettdent of tta waserlatity onr say Mbar la ■ a. • PRIMIUDIA1111) DIPLOMA AWIBDID bt tlis Alisirbior Omer Aviculture doers. Siditioliabrn 1808. too Wu szossoirostils. (menu th• OldoutEr . rum.* du Intim coatiordoct tem Combs sad replace to tbslr Gullet rodeo% olibout Warr to ether gout or Bess. Tbo cam Is doable. sod inuelstiog.sorintait dons so sbondsot usperie 4.13 et to too. body of th e afro ter sobseribe daub to el Alves sold by him (As rrotseor Om the MOM. hours by allirl dtaitLol Jaw 01. y. +Watt is culialiid by thy Anructor as au tote. siertntlrs . . INV locutidlal or tem dea 3 RlllO4Ol gh.. VW eight tour/Sod mum of Bile saissaid AO. • Address • 11110331t1331'. 486 tuultto 'Ovum Alligtoffir tat; LALIJABLE TRACT Or LAND In .100114 1 / 1 1 It tee to pace of 1150 - Dr Aent.tWel below rum, °v tads rim: 111 N um ; et amos valuable OH LIMA. he the 111111 A, berhccet et shleb a eaten( of Totems Was lasite Vito 1211prenliosal41 us a two 01.0 re. from 01011404111_ 0 016 Mao Bun Need Datum fur red . esew ; 100 Mutes Alla& and Cluny Ince; roar Dot Ws or OM ta now ewe •00 to good trorkles 01410 00 tO4. 1/111011,1. litle late fa razr deltrahle for taradwor carer es. weer is. and else of acmes. he 0. sr. le. eastuntllooo/10 Sea proprietor 'mold prefer to eelt •. .enr~h hatateet the whale tract. bat irtilmlt H. whole I t dednet tins what huh. the balance to modershe tareesue . • 111:Lille MATO.; atati. froartli street. IVOR OA 1.116,-• trall011011• RAI .a Countrstest fruit (ludas, ofttats NW. • •Sdirtitoa !lead rour tulles from the ells: It 'Rom tenntaldp. coots 31 acres KV of whist ts • sil adaptod to tho growth of 'allots Sett Jr to la•tdsitotolo hu,l.tte Veldt Thee Is good cosdattre, of etudes jou maths, fata besets, arstilloat erste FtWiTtale !sus plootodorlta• witty oUtotoll truths (11 toodorder, Tro Dtrallsgs. • strose. sadsoott aster tho plies., Thr ohm •111 (Urfa to good sdrattats tout Teo elms, sad wit bo tad ether on* half or the wholfs se may be &.4.t Zodtdro of ALIT- CSIdPSIIII., es the gembn, or .1. W. LULL stet st Lsor toh74marn • 99 new mark. lOWA KaRMINO. LAND.—The eabecnb wa for sole on favorable terms eft boodsed ems Choice Lends, emoted In Wflett cod fleeces* cootttfek e4Jmuut. to Uwe of Itallroode . over to course of cooetnu tkrti, end ow bract ouly two Wife from (locate seat. The oboes grill be told low - for bob, or eZebsaged for !.antes Wade to tbL or adlotolog opoublot. • - - • ei4o eteliAlf ilf WEIL 124 &coed et. Urns naLer—Tbat splendid itatodenee, at witb Lags Lot at Growad, troll trametab Ont.= barn sitattab wain two Wont/of walk of t Wliklow = Watt Matt= lbw boon to Labe BbdMUM to at proud oataplod by Moot. Ilitopratt, WM be pol 4 on =mob!. tam. A poly biota went . It Orteti Oft. mir I" • Slarif A COLIMTIIT 00./LT TO ItiNT-10011611/410 AS. of cookfcolstio Orgasm Ostioso Rauh. Gir obuC 8001110 =dot/wool bOtOmo. P•ith 0 sono of euteo land: p ofasatly oLastiol tknetoT.' Clow sloes' mat from Oa 0400 Bookoof •' • odtt • O. mi'L.oo /01110 WOOL INK ZIALII---An theilhiting AC of .boat ev• bone prem., with cllindeirielse Man to isst Wog sad Po dlosutar, selollo. for ma 011 WO4 et arbor *mt. an eete cinsl , - Paquin 41 ii. 4016. A TOP BUGGY. FOR SALR,LOW.-111 - .42. czel mating ardor. try WELL 4, MOD= -- spited , Ris Lam ty amid. eiPsdili nattl- a ra,' vagzottr.r.4.-Ntr%Vir to. a nor on. a. kuan.a do. • • ils tons otnet. Emil sieurr—ittts ew stoey - itilet.Pion; Oa %VP ideate . 4.. t *pity to - • - , - W/11 . ? & Wl4llOll : • , 41 Pa vall-I.lbacts mut. .. . J. W. Barker. Co: 39 Market Brut. WE WILL OFFER ; otiE, , ENTIRE DIMS GOODS .At titie'quale<t 1..0w Prices. Dialog puttbased recettly In New Tot . • FIUNDRED CASES it:otout bill' a lb. coot of manalaisittos tb. good I, aid 1,U1601ot• ' ' "I fivjpoitlonallp Lo Rf ,Pricset pl ME Is nenetsary b kr Ladle* to Call and Satisfy Themaelvaa , ! !th• rftll4 or 11.1 r ciespoem AY.DIE t N SEXES, Successors to A. IL Hotrod Steai Book Bindery: BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, No.. 72 and 74 Third id: Plain and Ornamental Binding, in every I variety, - - . . Ellank Books Ruled to any tr....4lcate pat t I tem Sad aotiod to step desttable host. •'- ' ' - 1 ,16rA1l irocb waranied ta.gl.reritlesbaks. Prlesa at the Lowest pailUIL P. BUS% PM. szspag. F;= TRUSS AND SUPPURTRR MANUPAU• rottx—w. W. Tousa. au $1 Waal streak brat hare to call the lineation of Ow abided baba bat that kr IA the, ally" Ittamatetarn or TrF_Floso Not Stapporte rot ha th e city. • aut:U. boa had au aapartebte ot robin the manateraret . os arid. rehab of Orb tartrhatanb L aad au handh6 thtte at ptirri rsty tar helm dreg arab atm& I -.4,1431 ire r ik.t .Vi to I. r w e Tnrthal.l,7•Wwisl ANUOOD—HoW. Lost iii arcs:!,.—,lestpabilstild, on the Naturr,Tnid. Vest sad Da4leal Cure of Ilpsysestarrbra. orgiailnil 00 4.e•sum Mbitt l 7. N•svassose. Inv4anDay Inaioston* sae Leopotrzey. resalttny ho 4 Mr AMMO, le. By llobrel J:Colyervelf, at. D. Beat umlat mak ID Pat Wilt% ley maned, pod 041d,oct rittipt of two womb, De. CRAY. J ;O. ELME, IV Bowery, Kew York. Paste/Da Dn. Be. USA. steiDdisram PiSTOLS, RIFLEaj-,The:otten: ‘,.11 Nod ethane lo rubel. ' • • • , O Ulls, . lIIPL X s,. PISTOLS, de.-.110., fl 411 , nocticl Wen Wergild Ark. W. W. YOUNG, (acme" tort:oNA it Tammy No. 97 e Wood 'Street, control Dlsmoodalby. FRESH LAKE LAU lISREINGI, ' sod Wllll2 . . 1.. Bummers Extract of Catlett., _ j sy,,aanr reast. ~., . ' ' tCr 33%111.11r GrOoerie., Wlth a I T "'Mt"' baisil wad bt Pis choke a 'wail atiactad, always cm a Iti 4 .P iPr'4 04 t , 0 _ vow: l os/0, 0 . m . ' •. . . - - Alm' inth.asa/ lOU* eta, , Ilcois minim 'atlas wand. 11, 6 2:" A .:;; T a P n E o l f1 E AT *8 1?!. ti ! n - aro 50> as osiam • Be., .• BLO4 11 0, 0 / 0 • ' .1.04)^55. 'Jo - • . Dal SOOES, 'CI B / 1 200E4 WIDIIIKIO/41, am nen onamptbm of rAccomst llookkgslaipl arm& fa °War I P* Ow ougraw, naiad Co 151.7"1,11!rfigirsAt rbecirW NWM atedbeitalby_ rrin 43 ..- JOHNSTON I CO, 50291; Blank Book Maken. 57 Wood at. ' RiTr visht ion m 44.41. Whim r:" kus:s obb: /to Se: ' t 1" W ribbbilalsoiano; - . - 'f7.‘" 1, - 4):;71 - .4,: , - , ...,, . • •. • .. -,:-.1,..p-cii_.77,':7.77.57:Prq1-4:z: s - Ekn TS: - MiTT,OSTR.qq...-TaisATlts, Lomewr Iteastacat, 1 Trinetrpr !Mai imati. Daiwa opiii4t; cestatik artyg. masa . - Dtteafesonutail 1424 ' - • • • „ TammismintimiftearAlunioss, '~at~oa~~us_ic.' ~osic i '^' { , ,; • 0 EAT S T i arucia. ol4 . —Th '' , , • WITH At • COMP4WEING_ onoriirs, .?; . / 1 1. illehlut Storrs'Willls. _ - • • • - Asssetbir IS:teats. us rssonsbosapms rat Webs! • t • "' Cp ARLOTTS' BLURB VWMaWeet,,, till 40UlloreuttorAmbhethrliftstrinags. friptiOPRING2SIOLKOF ~: . . - % ...VX.A.IGT OS I MN - 1 . . Wilkinrelpro3pittst Gni 6:tt rpting tools el U. tratitalid STICIN VII AV PI ANOlli genataltyadmit- •-• &To tottb&llts6 of .WO primot dar ocaspaittos bulk I BAND 'AND :607AltE 61:1608; Ind at'llialt TOIL ! UNIX. 66•3:::611-vattastal to WWI tNM llipses ; I antlemotat totoreparthaidni thumb le.. ::. - ~ ~• I. r .[ Housena BacKosa rgth.ll, • 1 [toblt :;, . Poi•Apatitt ittiterililit's Dacha:Di raccs: i NEW, ANp swot, r 4 - D •• - . AT _; 1 3 I A . 00 17%.011UALL7/t /07,17167 P7l7l2lCga ana Hanna ` n canalcant eared leP. byatnaiLeacoo4 OR-4 micafloos Wallowa gni OD 0da,0% intlinapiroal ten ranad corona. bin own h/ Ildrath Anne ZOO 00 cci lionicand eidnennal denLpedal, to On Sant Cai.ficar Int, !inland, chaap, ; 473 art ilnanoad non man desk, tc., dry Wad= Bnie; Y ZG; 00 Ow I act earn/ Itonecedeate,ot bseatifill b 7 aria et Cr bi* Inc Poritroslain very rb , .6- / 50 , 60 One inaiscHand7 ocLacianroadcaintail Indrawn*" &ci ,by Chicitanat &en nap asap.— —,.... 01000 00. .00:401111706 6% act Banavond assa, fall itan ?ran% aro, by Chicaning IDS 07 Cam sandidharaj 6%, dannrcad Clthe, round ; nen, by • goodiboann Ou anand Lana 7at Upriadd twin, by Utdakor• Log a Coln ontrly 220 00 ; Om annadrata4 Upriabl Plano. by 1 6 00' do do ,0 act 61 Loud 6o 00 ' • int, by 5chnr....... ..— 00 00 , 63( an. (hum= GO 0 0 do do '6 96i. alahocuiy car 76 001 do do ; 4 oGL Mandan/ an— :61 GO DXS• anent,' at melons% a GOMA? PIANO, should; rad tall to call soil ssuolsotb..bov• kt. gOiLDI FL 111113LIBOIL • I - I • • mxstwooommurr, tetvise Diandnd any and math abaci. Ws fix I Chiekaing Sons. Grand, !Janata and Pinadarten Pc Pitabsrah Wetnero "MIL 1: I a e Hi T o Bososss. ASENT-An excellent chancel . tar Sarah, basked teen to wean• snodtabl• iambi feasarlag bualcoikkrequlring hula small oeidukl In its ads'Ds! lieltnerne and proincutetai r. . - --' I ' 1 ! ibis tasauterspre conalefila fbil shalCalkicffi ' Dern/ler i Cotripadtka orating to comics rod bahlikand a irately I dallier traildlog•nataint,ormabeatal alsbliscpuul fliiish.: h3ge, calliugLtiles. for Saws and far roans. ~ Thli Epinal easy ba tinted Of an. color, ft= lb* pared salt* loth* doped black, oft!' .If tb• Wore sod *pedalo j Nam= . at Impute to the vtlett• to Ishk• It Is applied • ' harts= and durgallg sham tacr•Elible, ••4 • 3 ••=7 neural"' tbsi of th• rarest pad mess c.d., otttb• Vane, Wad marble; Yid, u•Ilk. them,le haperioo• to zoolstars, i Nal Ifilt totals tido, stela as desteentai•, damask tat aim , nand put ol lb. pekoe ordisark nesert e . . 1 .le la oleo falnebla fur table and mud stanaelpteces, - vanateetts.and ha en_ ees Masts 14 mho= ot sta. pl. asta ed Thaproeve applyilk dm Ile ettopia,wh ils are articles ansaisled gig to amo • ng • dy seth attardiag b i , leats wall= . /kralansabls.kirtio. Ina pacer* Maws tor mearalsotaxlnastudar the latest for y city or prcoebeent tan In rho tithed Brut , torapsdd to the eirbscriber. *.mall tug/ °nibs artiedes mum red will be nqatryd be lb. mks( Sbo brnlitlaft: t Chcalar• &sing full pertka.l loon lqii as forengsbed to all applic•ats. ; I .. Th e aapiclot; meet aid touity of thle stoui•lord building material tre:akelblag la walk= the =valise, Inderes.l Watts dam)* ihe watt exa=at architects and seleubbe , mm dab ead other algae ':foe pirticaliis addme • i - . - ; .JosatEsolira EquAl44 ,, Einuneled Building Buierlul, qatEeed., • -SW lamas st, Bow :Yorks ! FURNITURE , AND CHAIRS,', n, I I REDUCED . PRICES. James w. Woodwell, 11684 97 and 99 Third tired; ILL FOURTH writ/e.0.m.! lan larletica of Mylei Ind Plana. • /Sot /i and Private Dwelhogs.: iir-A praapttrataatat to. sat dal/walla» Oablost kaiaks =; ••• . Mad with 'may w - ; iles in tla Um: .a . 2114113•!!(' • D svisl4-riat.o.ps, I Bra IS ders and Manufacturers, - t - Pitraitnzian, • ' G-#. sTraiustr 'orryirts, - AND D3ILNR4 ! M3MitES, end 'Brass Work; DUCMIPIION. ben r rococo. !. I . , No: lisb Bomb or: Iran, iittb the tied spriviettlbmsh oral ittld., sad irarrantal COI ca. . 2 I ..KANuiracrowr. ater and 104. - Front au. /114211113dUk1..Pa. GOODS EAN NownotiviNo4oholCS peliuserfeCqd Of GOODS Sur Our 131 , 13130 trlnch hare ban seleaed - whn wore than areal euvockhaturialhhat lbea ta the - Ow ' ,04216-1 P AA~I,~iTYE l 7 ' l l ote,ourinn . Pitmeis Pack - tr'afwaso Aim GOODS crib. aim trir Orton essuni la this city, and wall/ reopeattiny nolieft ma Mil=4ll ttvialsis panes tad Its Put 4ls . t".nultos tki 10F* tor thimpt4los.. fa, , Samuel Oray Son ,11418011 ANT TAILORS. calttao 41- .29 sirrn wratir.T. 66 ILRILS OBBBRS , FOR "TiE wan • I " Lf kiatissi; !dwels n : an d 1 9 ; a riith Shoe} 4 • 1 , 64 :Unialm" Meg TIN lot "OM I 2tedi Meg for Z47*. • 0 119 the Mid Draw tor Wes. i Zetdost"-Watch Guardt styles. Rootta•-•manoaiit3,l,4. 293 6 9 . 1 . 0 9 MIL 119.11 a wd paj.r r ; . ESE clad "Blue Bibbons,', ell width& IZ3Z .• , .. - - , `•-a T nanniu. Atruyisoi, - -•'. - TRAVEI:ai4G igil LILT fi1.,..: AL . 1 ...., .•,.. ~..,...,,,.... . I 'Opllitai Y x?Aunity ~:o. au ktlialia 174, 7 4 ' 14 . 1 4 .7 11 ".. c4l `"'''' ' '. ' 1 • - ''"--, :. , EATON, if 4 . . Cli.uif i CO., 7 t rob 5t6114 • NID W ' 9091/. pr/f// ! I.: I 10 eVW low Corner (It l'eauCand St' Mar stsa kuiscif4l7 4Ttlas pat4ii stipaica:ta fdicsiisiaiefiCr - 'SA= 00000."cOnildighliVie kiOrevielOis sa.bkahtiialooposid ti 6 IIStLIUMIII , WEAI4IIO II ‘'? , Main eiry#4 eel trmittag fa ilkatilty;th **l ° -92. 0 1 t 6 %44 with, atodg,titrisysoela nw i l i n=4". Illifikula,mqt uttp*acaruir - .:.--' -",-. 2..5 l- - - . „.,,... . R-Ll,' - imsg. - ii.B RO 6 TM -. . : ..!- :.. ... ';.i,...!A,„i-ii.,1,71..t. -7 . , ,1..- iisi ",t , _ Nai l ; 42S 2 . - , i 1,,.. 1 . 111 Wood :trobts ~...; .:,: ;L I q,.: ~. ..:01,11,4nre Irina fi t iti. 4 L 2 , . ' - ......... ,l ui s tea fOrA I P II Ges—ibbilth,k-segusay a. dmiw' /,,, . --..t.t., 1," - jummuw....s f r esseetfor fats ' • p ass? ILIMRT manumg: imaraßO OMS) liflT—*Two S U Ns — rr - - , -;- -44 us - -m o at alio ty. , -.. T -c-_. ~,/,, pi..!.10,6W CIPANA:thAr'IP, ' ~_.- - r ',.. • t,-- - . .; :-,•;:. : '. l . .---,., 1 $ t,..." -,ii.fk 1 -,-- -•••' .-, - i 143,1-- -',.,i,8,--:-., VW, ! 1 . ..
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