. _ ESTABLISHED [N \s L 78 6: ''" eatmumum A SCHOU% . Ocanuatios MBECITANT, .41#11.• Delta re's aiza Rams ' ;ciiistiatoj, a., - mom' ria.ll33 Liberty St.. .' 0. GRAVY, Corium:4m Idunaawr, and No.2B3l.l.Eitiver4 • A I.aakv. .4 , - 111 x mcsmrafteasmaromnim: '* - 110.14ESALFt 4111i0aS RB, - . _ ~,. , t„Nir„ Wood sad Water Streets, , . ::. .NITIMI3OI3. Pa. , . leapt t LOCI& • ..70Elar 8017BEI as Coo O',,X• • 13 - 41vE '9lt 9 . 0 X R - COMMISSION 1118011ANTs, Cornet at Smithfield andend Water Streets, ; raoatimas-, .znrAirowns. - WIWI* GRAIN i r sol PHODIIOII No: Liberty street. • • a rms ro—memsma l , ascraus Ritialrantracc ' raZr:l3l=l{, - /c P2 r 4 dpsa d : k aaknn J. o:4oqcoutica Cbdatti*lnuilt c amuse . Wetr.,fts Wobita I Baxter, libuirood 64 Paulin," A 11m1.41:1•Itimang 1=1:4 Il khrdsed • Oreneam, Plolatlelpt* (Minoan 41.; A.ll. Calla, Now Toak. it EIDGIBBL79ti 48213WAFIT, Vaimission Merchants, " 07 WOOD STREET P t ' 'nANITIit L D .& :0.0.., '-''s i , T4 A. - - ' ' ls haat., ?' 4cichalialsil!ni' :&,Fortwaripa_g ors , ,L5. , . , :;-• v“ - • ' '-' kza ilrhi Dc4ftut° -- r IStPLN . RESERVE OILFZEIR, "ir - town. kozni. 1250 ...‘.- ' 4111"b i lD: "113 ' ionise I . Liza On, pFied MA klu .'V 'W." pr “ od . cpx Oman?* Jug user. -.-::*:- -iiim 141 - And ', 1 ... - iragugan, fA. •-•-: %idyl '-. `` 7 ' . ' ."'- " . t. • ,! • 01774" lit-1311,IIPAILD, • C:'; 011(1414(4.8.81 0 N ••• 5:11: Cll OIL& TB, • AND Datti;lll4 lN ie.Corrsi, iaRAI24 P/10741JCZC. . 343:140.n7. 11 5te•t , eirmeosa ea. s'gnice 'iras'a noun. tor Baker..tad s.mlu am, • mmemtis m load . Porthattar sttstatook paid to MU" orders for Iforchoodlos g enerally. tottkl • ataninou o # 2l / 3 WICA. • - Wqrto "' 6)141-1SSt0 41 -• 114710 HA DI 8 • - • • TIMILERS IS PAP/ AND 8186, ' • • - *A b4- 4W 34 , 1 rqrtha 04 49 , hieikoning Eire 'Brick and Pot Oleg, ... I le.. .149 sktd 151 Wood Semi; war efitli,littsburgli. WV , *M O S N ,8,3 , 1t 111,0 7 6.. PU N ' *O h t 61" 1 1 OX1,14". " ktinrit , ',"nariiirgra g lit a r" l r :e,9 m m 1' kW 8 bsttalse, tido, Proviidoitalirodiace I-'-" aosjaberty attest, Pitt:burp. pts. • FU4rD 00., 00kII11111103 111111,01[&Wear Plow, (in& and Prodas• GeneraD7l k 59 tS67.. _~~~_:~ -I.lllitsburgli Qoacite. Grp 111IL7 ANDWI3XLY El I. Ft ILIEI L IC at O 0. . rims mm. MOM litrirlia, e Et 1.; 'scrim.] SATURDAY MORNING. APRIL 20 'FROM WASHINGTON WAlrEtilranon, April:l7th, 1861. The Oovernmsat has eatanliehed a Military De- . partmentflutown se the Department' of Wutileg7" 'mil, and commanded by C. F. Smith,' Their head= goartere are G street, near the War, Department. I visffed the new Department to-day, and found the cot manding officer .and captains, lientenanta and sergeants all vary buy preparing for the de tense of the city. Caput Talbot, who is now Assistant Adjutant General is attached to this department, and to one of its moat efficient officers. It will be recollected that Talbot wan Major anderiotea Finn Lieuten ant it Orate,. . The defenses of (hie city ate to be. effective and vignette. Batteries wilt probably be placed an all qua ;bluffs surrounding pie city, while the vol unteers will remain on active duty as now. _ ' A costpaay of artillerista were sant from the city down to Fort Washington yesterday, which has been partially gariteoned for the last . three months. The fort ie ten miles below. the city, and com mands e narrow portion of the river. There are now five hundred regular troops in the city, Melodies forir batteries of artillery. Two of theneare stationed at the lower end of the city, where ;the arsenal ui located. Attotber—hlsere dere bittery,-whieh did effective service is the Mexican war, is located, right,at the Long Bridge, connecting the city with the Virginia @bore. In the daytime this battery is stationed at the. City 'Hall 'Ultra. Georgetown Heights are to be imam*. Sliatelylertified to prevent their falling into the )uutili of the Beceselonists, who would le that event speedily reduce Washington to sabee.—Dispatch to Ctn. ffseette. The artillery have been stationed on the height. in the elaburbs, to defend the nvenaes leading to 61; city. The bridges are thoroughly guarded. Trooptiansetationed in the Capitol, Treasury, Pa tent office, and Post. office, and in all prominent parts of the city. The President's Mounted Guard (eightymne)'teedered theirservice to the War De. pertinent yesterday- The Georgetown Mounted Guard will tender their cervices immediately ; bat neither company will be accepted at present, as mounted men aro not required for immediate ear rite. If thi Disonioeists should take ponces= of the heights around Wathingtoc, and plant clown there, they can maim upon the surrender or the Cepitellie a condition precedent to inivolg it from destroMit o, nukes the :t.Government anticipates their movements acd take, .posseasion of three heigliitet This anglefact shows to the Uaton men of the border States the utter absurdity of their remainteg is a doubtful position. It may not be net:emery to cros• these Males to reach South Carolien and Georgia, hat it is uoquestioeably the duty of the Government to , brieg the defenders of the Capital through Maryland, and to locate them on the heights near Washington, if the city Bed the Gotternment are to be need. This argument receiver; additional strength from the fact that both Virginia and Maryland made a fair conces sion of the District, and were paid therefor ; and it will be remembered tbet when Altaandria wu retroceded to Virginia, it was deem without el ecting iainglo cent in return. • Flying rumors are out to-day to the effect that the enemy proprento march to the beaks of the Potomac, on the TOW& ship, opposite this city, and there, with bee* canned, destroy our public buildinie; , Soothe - Ai:a here intimate that there It • more. meet on dependent somewhat on ffie result of th e seta' ton theOlisgisia Coaventhan, erlichliany beliers will Deletion f..e eseestioe. The Treasury Department has Wetted an order directing the name of Pint Lieutenant Rogers, of the Revenue service, to be stricken from the roll, for hewing, awhile in command of the cutter Henry Dodge, in violation of hie official o•th, sad of his duty to the Government, surrendered his vessel to the Tenseuserping authorities. The boldly amused attitude at the free . Stales, and these:Dentine acid! party lines, carry terror into theiranks of the conspirators; and away who preached secession a week ego, are now connote. ed that it as all wrong. The filled tauten of Cong eeee e to meet bete on the Foqith of July, is a - terrible blow to the con. @pi:atom to the Border States. The question will be prestnted to them whether they shall be repro seated at la kabinet/on or Montgomery, and if the Union nice have any pluck or brains, they will compel - the Secessionism to choose betweee the two. It is believed that the Convention passed a secret secession resolution last night, which the conspira tors will not nabmit to the people. This is open revolution ; and if there are any Union ins, In obit State, obis act will give them • chance to show their mettle. Fortran Monroe, in ■eticipatlon of &tusk or surefire, has been Rat in estate ofecon plats defense, sad, 'inlets ofieera and men are dialifecied, will be held at all bistrdv.—Plisfo. Press. ' Lag more than 600 men, appeased at the War De partment, were inspected and took the oath. The long hsidge misnaming Wuhiegton with the Vito giniaahose a daily patrolled by drigooni, and it ige artillery it stalioned there m to to sweep the pierige. Many private cilia:nil of Washingtoo nave raised the ittnericui 11 tg over their residences:. The .NatiOnal Hotel was the first to rams the colon per manently —Y. Y. Tribe's. /t is believed that several secret agents of the -fillonirmary government left hare yesterday and toidai for the Booth, with all the Information as to. the Intentions of the arlininiatration which it wee possible for them -to obtain. The administra lien 44m:bikes aware who these individuals are. —.llrilY. Work!. tkin`most reliable news is that the Convention refook to secede by • majority of setae, and will probably resolve to preserve armed neutrality, re fusing transit rby Northern .or Southern troops apps" her soil. The advocate' of this policy hope to:form a nudes, around which the border States. may !rally, and propose an altimatim for recon ittrocion.—.CfrpatcA fo.Cdn. Com. The seventh regiment will be stationed in the Capitol, and the sixty ninth in the Treasury, on their arrival hero. • A Icompeny of Marylander called upon the President to.day, to urge boo to reinforce Fort Ideffenti at once with a gamma sufficient to held fit avocet ell attack.. jr will be done, at osierd Man. Green Adams, of Kentoeky, was to- day • cciml i nimionen a Siith Atialtor 01 too Trelaary DSpaatinent. do reply to an inquiry from himsouri, a* to his pUliey, Mr. Douglas ha Jost telegraphed the following deprecate war, but if it mutt come, I am with my coontq, and for my country under all circumstance., and to every contingency. Indi vidual policy must be subord Mate to the public nifety." Postal Regulations Explained, WASUINOTON, April 17.—The Postern° De partment has prepared circular instruc tions in relation to the recent passage of postal laws; &o. It is therein explained that cards, either blank or printed, and-blanks in packs , gee Weighing not leas than eight ounces, and packages of seeds or cuttings, not exceeding eight ounces in weight, shall be charged in the postage at the rate of one cent an ounce, or fraction of an ounce, to any place in the United Staten under 600 miles, and at the rate of two gents an ounce. or traction of an ounce, over 1 a thousand miles, to be prepared by :stamps. all packages, except seeds or cut tingei must be so packed and marked that their ;true character may be seen. Dfaps engravings, lithographs or photographic printli on rollers or on, paper covers,, books bound or unbound , phonographic - paper and letter envelopes are to be deemed mailable matter, and charged in the postage by the weight of the package, not in any case to ex ,ceed four pounds. at the rate of one per cent. 'aninince or fraction of an ounce, to any place in tile United States under one thousand ;miles'.; and at the rate of two cents an ounce or ; fraction of an ounce over 1,500 miles, to be plated by stamps. ilfutuntsts ft cairns & (Mango CgimIuRTNEASIIIP. The undereigned eu..xie,el ILA. tilt DnRSON with them ihe business MANUNADDIJILISO NAILS, TACKS: BRADS, Au., an Atm Om de) of Asnosey Nat. The biomass velll be con :dostadlandsi the old name and style of OBIASS. MINSK , *co. DAVID C 1118,3, U. D. SUBTtI, R. W. WILSON. tobrisary 45,1901 Day, J ' idDIMOUN n 11258 SMYTU et CO., k.O 11ANUIACTUURS OP NAILB. TACK% maims, etc Warahause.No. 11S1 Water Rtreet• . .- • fia..lad • 1 ' ... . riliTiatUflOGll.:Pa... ' A - tr.F.GIIENY II s - • :S.-I the IMaltiet Oaurt. Of •prll T.rm,1831,41a rias Die matter of the Report. Barrels, Ancor the Coen: 'Widener* to establish Dish and Low Mawr Lime to um Atlngheny, trormagebela and Ohio hirer?, to tbe_ricizity of Pittsburgh: Ant .now, to •It, Iluch 90, U6l, tt appearing to the Clown that the Outtaniseloaers, appointen by tole Ointri under to. provision. of Me Act entitled "An Ant to. mat.. Deb knob andlow water llom ha the Allegheny . Mono. gullet& and Oil. Wears, In the vicinity of Ptttaburgh. In alnagbany county, epprcerod the 1410 day of AND, 1818, him. completed Melt surve• and determined the balta and lobate./ the Dom or low and high water mark along i ttut mill riven, act, ben ranged to me made correct maps and plow of the mime. with gm immesary dreacriptlone and eaplanations to perfect au& ntandhag thereof; and that they here mammal the zame,noithentioeted by their 111. epactire Montana, and that of the entwine, to this Court, penrld.d by .44 Act: it to Usersnyon mimed that the ro Odaniaotary of the District Omni realm end filed map. nar plans In his odic*, for pnbllo Inspection and esanalnation. mad that be glee notice to the Legal Jour. rtal And in et least Ulm daily newspaper* pubinhed •to the City of Pfttablargb, That, on A ATURDAT, the 410 day of Bey nett, the Omits will bear goy objectiomwttlah may be' m.G thereto by any pawn or parka who may con. shirr themselves egrieved by the edoptton.of the same as madded ry saki •rd.. /root the mourd. Altair D. ARMSTRONG, apes .4 Pro/board:ore Dieted Mart BUBINEI6B CHANCE) 40§. S. LEECH le CO., wishing to dose choir prompt barium. oSer th.l prudent Amok. For rl.urlW LOWNST QUM PRIORS. Any ono lobbing to rotor Mb NAG NOCNNY BUOININIA ham dm op. pottoolty fur doing ou, by muttog urarebonoe, panto. ,ent te•Mock.oo4 Amin Um good .111 of Um boom. tumor Ur most MOM* WA11.111.100863 Q I LIONRYI IMAN/1T ANL RIOT Low to • good truant. Imailno or Muir au% N 0.241 Liberty M. IrArtiros kr . AN . HOOD— How Loa; How lis t lti ANY Kona .—. To rt pubiLatad. on the Hattans,Ttan swat and Inalni Cana Sparmatortb,a, or B.to load Weak; sw.Oknwsi Ztsmotwass, Insoluntasi Emissions and LOPlnsosy. malting (toss Nelf Abs.*, AA By Hawn J. Cattvirsti, L. Boot anchir In • plain envaop, to mkt eddraas, [oat paid, on raosipt of two swaps, by Dr. 0111$1 J.O. KLINE, 11l Bowery, New Teak. Mot efflot N . I,o6o. tahnzlswiram FAIRBANKte bOALISS.—The widerstga ed baring bean appointed Ilo'• Apnt for Western Pennopont• for /AIIII3ANILS• • STANDARD /CALIFS, doornail unnecsourg to ardor Into any a/Aoudad t of tbolr wetly to thy bars lowa the um of thirty yes.. Th. catalogue erobraose woe thin, ratiettaa, on will,* anything from • don dollar to • lonomotrrecan bo•algbed. Tot aale M tnonnfoctorere' pima W. W. TOUNW, 'ammo:a to Cart•rl,lkt I Vaned. 17 Wood et. not-ner Diamond aliey. W immix nicrwzicat O ma rows. MID LIVER POO. Lt. --z:pc is Irate& *ad usbaritog Pasant= at QUILOTO A, Ilnolamt.) b•nr kJ:l4l4lOu S t an:odd" I=tyrks t =r4 dertetts tbar airy ur IlMediantilt/bl..ll..tardaY. Ch bla• Vithi Q===i==f2=M MST elllrtllll6,lloll le do to London Itel HI do to Louden. E. Steerage *dam Skeet& coal kw nix Months.. KO Pomona forirr g ed to volt. Havre. Itantbunte. m aNlsehl7Z altirturghetr W etr e lt e r " tny heatma the tenanted tate* to Beer Vora • c" Nroat Unmet)* or Qasallstoolt nallo. ;ad VA Bt tram Llnirpool San float Queetorono OIL Air Went &arta for sale on Amend. Ireland. &Mb ad and *aka. rhos Measure hats superior areondoodatleae For one fart. GPI n - perleened Burgeons Tnre kwa atmotlebt 0.1012 gallons. and hare Patiott Ilrfts deal allot.ma ea boom /Ogle O. DAL% ngeot, IS Done:llra, MT.. or .. I AMU TrIOnIP.IOII, sem% mbl.S.tf Hu Llberty Urea. rittalutrrh. lONA ORAPI - VINES AlDEszits to aid in the diseemination of :lb. near rat tattoo of NATIVII GRAPSB, bra Woad Um andantino& to .ant the sooty for lb. We of Do. raaqa calabrsted ifftwt ! ootribtlactor Delavrana Liam, oto, at - • , Lowest. Catalogue cent (wen .100 to rarairtal at dos dna& of 01681 ILL & CO. o 5 Warty atreal,flttabtosb; sad at the Drug &tote of Baca. boot & Keith Patera street, Altreatay nth' ortter• vat+ mai may tat moo. • , Dr.!Gtattt'a Illustrated Catalogna, or Do'spiota llama of Oro Vii., coatalsolos • Noah Information .. pi:madden wad 'ramrdtt arasappoorl to peat, forakbad for one dies each. 'apetm ' • OIL, WELIL TROLL—To Mainifisetacters of florialr TerabitM.. for Oil Wells, and to edam sjorminsiem af superior quality Otitar Irisate ere making aD our stock of o Empyreal Iron" silk nirthro hir neuenoe to lit. idiom et ening tool. for Libor oil sal., and rn shall hereafter be preened to mongol/ sokylk the dement for that purpose. for 'LIM It has bleu Mak mai sod pronenand of ths mot inert:toe gotelitit Nat Werehinies te sow adjoining oar worre wayne,etreet. , SAILS!, OWEN a 00. N i t :MONA 011. . , Dawahotand by tie Pao% Malt lattleittlllll4 Co. Thom Illmialnator of the Din Moira:o olorlassoula anatioloal andwagnela ta`balor. Dobitunly an baba. wal kt ,is tythe P. S. IL Co., at tbyit alas Do ft WOOD SCROD; mb Wen .• Wawa not sod Pewee sow, WI ban; mama tease Watsr situ; to the itn , An bowie 'aloha= cos woks G. Wayne whinrell ode ouislatipqw kmattat be trammeled. /limb ""sr ' aUs C°' 1p /htlOVAe+-191 PI M wolf Matt is owe silo O• 1.1,41a0TU*12113 OCIAIYANY two remora their alto tt.• No talt. Woud fittest. tosteretit flat sad Emend stmts. trbatt alp4at ♦lll be aeeh►l tad %mimeo at tott.dut, , , (MUG) ISOLLIOUtt mhN Its " • " • aturtal Amt. I.IIUTTER 1 BUTTER 1-5 firkins • Fro Eh. DL Partvd Datttr,bst rettpe2ll2.precar, • 2 bnla prime • • ' ' 2.202-1 bbl freeb roc • ." , !/1/1%11111.40 bbleareen App/or • • 12 blone tos by What'll-TAM ClOtiDlll. 4%210 • • 1125ealie . VOLU~ LE LXXIV--;NUMBER - 19.1. 1111111Ia1111 ___ PiallaCleiwhia ewe ap.• I..ifio I.4l3ltaNlllloolle N;11.4 Casew BusrkoproOW dB • • •to nous. Capful s2lo,loD—Arota SIO34 ; DW: • . Will mak* 03 Q. of Luounirook 'NAN &Orli:al Vatted, on ovary ANA•rlort of 14:1 4irdimmik lirmaaosoblo rowel procilaso. I. . BODES. P. K1N1% ,. W. BALDW Proiddat. Drasoraso—jar Blow. I. L Cork Z. B. BoAtha, W. Brroon. e. B. Wm, Joot i rs & Irma. o.l4mßia;Joha (Norm B. J. ilagarges, !kr., • InAmtemunownawl. .1. Q. 007,10 - 1 onnrr Third sal Wo;Ol aorta i f r. ALLEGHENY LNI3I7BANC COINIPY OP PITTSBURG :,; , r' i • • Orr/az—No. 37 Fifth, Street, !.Moakt 'INSURES AGAINST ALL 'KINDS OF JL, MI AND BASINS AIMS MAO JONES, Proddeoo4 :OTIS D. . blot** Spa P a r noldeu AIP t D. It LOOK, Domoloss, Dort WILLIAM DRAT. AL DouolosA—lsast 1 Jones, 0.0. Boom Mimi MIA% ci t Le ow. Jam A. Mooch B. L. DoSock. , John D. Mord, cut. Adios Jacob, IL P.ll . •• • SopATOISio Dota. 11.. ALL. Snap ., U. n.l• . : i se , Citizen's Instizitnee company .t Pittabnign, _ . . . . S ... _...._ OM*, cor.Muket ilk %rat • trietic! (IBM Roca& WiL BAGALTY;Drosidutt. 8111011 .Soa•tirl• INSURES STAMM/ITN AND . P. KNITS': i • =arm aipdosOLcso and - Daroaso In.thrtlon ORa &Athos sod San* ta Sims Laos ozolTayotoF . ondlbei - Naiiption of lb* '. ; . ' utie n spills! Roo ioulDßlosoiD.l #. l c. , r ' Wro BoAsloy, ' if on.T.R. Polio, Soa.'lL COO*, Joe. Pork:Jr., ' 13. Z oir, - - 'ft thisbanth. B.l.Jouto, .. . Copt..B.l3.lronis,.Cakirotl.lr., Primes SoDpn, Sld. Sk.r. , otta'S.lNlitortb. W.O.lohnotoa, John ebliton;: ' ;orally Posies , .. , , • deaCtlyd , . -: '-+ . 1,, 1 :-- - 'Mt., RaruM .8110''7nittna•! tatirtußC.. INSURANdR CO. oz NORTIPAIREEICA: ' c.a',ll4rito'irig—thyitfl.:...4oo4o)..± ! Ameis, Jentutry 1e..18511.—...:-.—...4IAPAN 11. Tames Purr, Seq; ~ 41.11.11101 . 1..0 , . , 1111, pin, TATE' INSURANCE CO. OP THE 5 • OF J. PENNSYLVANIA: PLIILLIALP ... :1 .. ~. i , ....r--,:ts,,,r = - : 4,...i..... ,- • - outrgeta - IY. 4..1tEL81114 Wawa' HAT,PEI, arty. ,,, ; ~.... -t:- ~ , i- P mOest.' • HARTFORD PIRE . .INSR el4oE,' co.: EllatI081:1l: z •-:, •:' .3 • . 7 ' , „Ineotpurated,ll4o7,4344ol* '',_ . ...;- . Amu 'Sky 1, 18.50..........-. . : • 164 63.f.,- , T...0:-.122a, 0. 1 . - ,i 1 . a PRTINGPFN; rgiiiii.,:. 7- 93.1tsursoce la the eboveruhlet4::__ lll Clrt OD be obtained by ay pilnitto# le,' — i r :' -,: , . 1, -,..., • • W . P. 4 .90Wii,Pra. T ifalai r et.i;NA 5,- -kheth" nitNilirt Plata 11111614 . 4411191r,A : By the &thecae Mutual: In s atiate ee , 4 .1 . Oa 1011013 100110134 e. Limitedor Perpetual tlerchin64333,l,are t._ to Toro or 00.110733[.. - 3 ' ; Office N. 303 - Widelhe 5.U300.:. i - 00/14 F.24610.-A5an51403,605 04;%34trivittai NI blkner_ ?Int lionGwou Isopror4ptpertlertpi,Wcitth duable the mn0trzt........--...--:...,..1.....4113315,000 60 1 Grcauld reat.3Arat 61•68.-....-......-.-...- -....: -MC 601 Prom klailrosd Of* 6 per cent. klortgap taw, $30,000,661 . ..... .......3- .. . ...--..... .-.... VA% 00 Wry of P1i11ade1i;b433,..6 per 63,0C1c33.0.. ..........;,.. 80.000 00 Appigheny =pay 6 percent-Pc...FL - E. Loan" 10,000 OP Colhamil I. wal ce333..1-..-....-- ....-1- . 2,631) 00 iluntlo,d.36 and arced Top 11,3013bdu KW/v.4 3 , 4/ostrany, [o6rtgago 1,010 00 ihnumivaaLk itallsoul Co's -1.000 QC Mock of thelleitauct Mutual Immix :low S t ock of Tin 1.050 00 Stook of NI. iare LL. d. kisuram. Commercial it.nk do- i,14, 01 lifeobtalte Bitlk do - I,OLI 10 Onlan K. insure.. Co'. • 1 166 03 Brno lieneivahle, Madame -16,70 19 B.& necoonte, accrue! - 6,11.0 (huh on hand and In twode of agents- ' , u,srs 16 • • CfLEII TlliaLn, Treadmill: . • DIABOTOId—=.I3:I2 Tingley, doom 60phouj .Thomp. eon. Robert Eton. itedertck Wth f idnu 11 er, O. Allo meon, Boob W. Tingley. John R. Worrell, Minh/ill 11111. EL4Oirnutyl.. Lathrop, %obi Tolstoi, OWL Irrtd't tennis, Jacob T. 1100110,.. CL B. Wood, Boilltiso*...; J.. O. IVOuel ware, John 110Fel4 Plitsturgn. , B. 11.1111iClielktil J. a. 0J) iihirthicut corner third sad' ..torn inpnaranolp •P PITTSBOICGO ' 1:11:311.1 3 / 1 DADA. ClOalni, Secesttry._ Capt. a. D. COCULLAN, 01160Tli A4612‘- • 01/107, Kb. 92 Wings* 'met; Mania Coes. Ytti • ap ratre.Ptubburgb • • Issurd againsi .11 hadasubb Y 31144 il iW il2l4lll%thiod . • Dxnaors. iabb, lea boom to the can Nt*,.meiwo swiiity, out wto'-estry yrasybow araiiberraiwoeutint Ltr th• Citaindltr , l4•lo . 4y91 Ur . °Prang predelitat 63,000 CO. t.lOO 00 Op. Loconnu, 1,8011 003 Predam ...... ..... 'WOW SO Vette .1. BM Dt•evatikL...........4 MASA Ail '6,llo.tht 01332.J21. WtZ4 ktatagatt Natbasdel Hato. nat., I D.LI AL Loa& 11.13m1. 0:1 W. Bleketpro, Clans Over, 6 Millet, Jr. G. W. Jackson, tdokaley, A(ek►ndv Speer, Arkky, t. 120 J. M. 6010011:1W1 indoZll2lltl *gamin Loss qyfire /Pranklts Hire lawarafes• Oei .at PIIIIADSLPEHA,:' Offne 435 and 437 Chestnut et.,inoar ,filth. . Ella lament of Aisne, January Lit, VIOL published ' agraam. bly to .1 act of namorubly, being • I • ; , tau mantas., euviy wene....--smsasto Seed Lanus, (present value $103,21361) wet 129,9 F, 76. Tamparary. Lome, on ample Collateral/54% R 9,17,1 , Stocks (present Woe . (8017 79) cart 82,736 Note. and hells (0 - . .23,1/19 The out) Prato from Premiums .h W aati Maide by law en tram Wake ■t' awmlatd. lnanzannee wade on oozy Jewelption .Town arid Conatryow rates as low so orsrant , with leonit Wou y. Woltz incoriporation, • period o • Atilmr : peas, thoy haw pold Looms by Are, Woo. amount oirowittrog Misr Itialoineof D01iar5,111.4414 aEortlnk eidlostowl the attranishow of „raocoi, as volt so. floor aolMy ano ficoto Wawa to molt with preciptams all ; • Lomas SI rtaty .. 1 . ; Looses poll dark% Um year Ma 005,806 AT • Inuorosa— , ./aAnAlatkuockm. Mut Ao , oA.robba Wagner. Dori/ IL Brown. gamma el mit, LON lowoh gdward O. bale. Cow W. fliettakiAlim AIWA. ellakil.la BANCHIIII, f'reolloot: ,CDW•111) O. DAL];:Trodden,. Brat, A. B, 84:51 - gayt pro cc.i. , • Atle LIANDIILII 00 N. Ap .e, (tam Norther& ow. Wool end "M•ti• Dfillss4lft it mai 6hltll ifisurvine Company h.npmst.i try Ulf Lvdatnra OrPnar4/00L0a4 536 : 0530, S. E. Corner Third and IYii,i4o , P.1.111./.I:O6LPEILL • 1416/N1 INSURANCJXSoit Mart&,Cs43,!ou74 to all parts or Om world. INLAND 1N3t11441 . 16101 on 00.344 bi.tvarlhCan Law and Land damn., to all porta of. tidos. nits uffSIIIZANC,E3 00 9erttoLoMl4 gteCrlati,oo iNam,Dmainni UMW, 10. A.S.4ZT9 OP Ma CO 11PAAT; , 1 Coltrat Statterraositry Not.. and lotacrat d0e.4210,063 al rtaladalpala 6 Par o a o t.. 67 houiloonla lute t7,9 66; 16: 00 1t0cemb1a....... 111,9112• Dona% llortgagoo ma Rost Mato 65,103.66 Plum., Whoa! p-t coot. bloalogo r atkoCe Tenoesaeo ntana 6 per cant. Loan 61,060:66 Stocks to Pena,. R. 11.. Or 400 itllM,lo.,L(ko+ 16,60160 Balance doe at 40.10% Frasolnans on ltarloa Potlehn, balsa at and Wl.t dotty dna too co Oman on Wool awl la 26,1t10, 6, I wnht Hartlb. /4mmd .11.0atider, nttophllctsraajdiug. J. Y.Prol (J - I s tgry 8= _ oci, , EL. Junco Itroo ' ke. ! . Bencorklatraln. i , T=.1.1 . Ln ,. ,..!.! ,T...bra,.7 , , i Jamea BAJornmnd, _ Joannak . .,l Itytt„ 7 i John D.B.lmpti., Ptttab's, D. T. blarina.ll. .: . ARM,. Pyttici.l. ! Ct. LUND, Vfoi!Dredist, . A. LlADlthil i , igant, 06 Wounr garft.i, ettratoriih. Doha 0. Dar* Janne Traquair, 140.1 Lam Amy.) r., James U. Wald, Willlcu 0. Gadvdg, Jcavb 11. Ikad, De. It. 2d. Mut.. ralf, Georg* 0. LSpre, Llogh C Chula gelle7, UUU Lisscsa,Bocraw7. P. Lt, ap2.ll4—lace/3 .Dentistrg. iegt o - rTClitw tn 1 - 1 1 trir nin,ip.l -- 4R - ' - ' DL - C.B. Wr.E,BBINEI a U.N tEI ON, banes formed a partuotehlp mad °pried .1,1 ark . . ai t' *- No. 105 Fifth strer,„'l ' • - (A few door. above the Po t:Olnoi,) ' Would eel the allardlou of thi vutdlo todbile roperlot feo ,