Si! : s/r | A •i--- B j- : J.. . ■ - V 1 1 J >.. •gV:| : l " T.■ ■;■ V v r. i. *. l ' r. •. r-;v>w .. '-j*. ■ : . • * \;: \i* •, . * ' , • ; .s'. .- it. K K*.. .'I. V.'.v.-.Vv .;vJn-.S; i.v), ■J'f A':'; ’■ §gg§ggf; *'t"'*-i : i [ - ■ & i'h’n?s^'Ci' ’ -I^/‘P 1 -c; V *'>?,; 'l< * , f •::p>psp;PtoP p"' pS SPPSP:P?#P P; :S:i pplsp|s *4 ,'jS ‘ *' i « § % ' 1' 'V ' v;U. :!-• • -VI ,M :■;,:; . *.]> ■ iliitslrarjj iajtUt. ? —lTbiddib » co., mttii ii» Minumi- Ptllicalio* Offli*, r;ftk tlrtrl, mar SmMfleld. Momißi ttd BdlUonidiUriCM* up to iHe hour of pabllemUoa* ■ Mentiv JMUkm*— ln fclnse#, or ISc. p«r | Voak fiuca c*rrUn. r . - * .1, ' BoaHmg fifitfo®—s3p*c uumn Is tinao* of 60. p«r «a*k from eartlan. ;; HWy capita *3 P°r Manm; It* tt\ more, SI SS; tm or cpwsrdc, $1 per ftssos, toTuUblj bt idran. ~ [ V; I WApVjBBTIBItia At BIMOSABtI BATES j ( ' PCTTSgDJROH; | VjSoNDAY MOBSISQ, MARCH 2S, 1861. SufUu‘>^Pi«gnuolTmaoai f body know, that leoe thu ■ year ago f Btalee were regarded aethe moet purely alio Btitee In the Union, ud that lb. preeeaflender, ef the loewlon movement i(n etnoog.lho foremoet of Ike damooritlo ■. party, ft wde (here menthitoar Northern democracy followed ,o tamely, and obeeqoiouly. ,/Ihat parly , U i llillf government within itnlfjmidfi, aplof a comparatively few pilrielint, ibid in enirmoua mallllnde of plebeian,. The firet wee the governing elite, ud leaned ill Ibo order, and d ecree,both uiotheprrroiyiel bad the poll* oy of Ibo government, The other did the work •ad the voting fender orderi It wu i political pamdoxYfor while it win oiUed 'n demoonop, and nooompliibed It, end, by the uniter. eil eaffrige In the North, and • tolerably fall, tboagb reatrloted, eaffrige In the South, it wh netertbeleu in oligirobj to ill inleit, ud par poeee. Ia tbit party tbero were two dletioot eutrej One wu aide ap o( men who not only onned negroet, bat who nf'the Inetitatlon of elareryabeve eterylblag elee, whether Coutl tutlon, Unions lew or the morel Hue of man kind, ud ’wu ready to mike eterylblag tin bend tali, coaeervaUoo, etrengtb, perpetuity, 'lad rale.' The other wu eotnpoied of i greet maltltade who blindly followed •maobloved party Bine long after it bid' eeuid to be whit it wad la the dfjri Of their father,, ud did the bidding of the ,live-holding lord, of tie party —some becaaee It promiaed political promotion to do «o, ud other, beoaue they were gronly deceived. Tha extreme timeaeu ud eabservlenoy of theplebeluaof the dirty, eepeoiilly In the North, enabled the patrlolue to aohleve Iriamphe that they did not dream of it the ink Thlepertlle devotion to their view, ud end, win effected by, giving high officer, fat contract,. ud uy amoant of plodder, to ,aeh men in th, plebeian wing u thtiy oould ue— pliant men, each u Fierce ud Baohuin, and the hoat of falthfai lervanla of the oligarchy who held under them. la the meantime an organization of mis •prang,ap la the North which bade fair to dispute successfully with the oligarchies! democracy for the Bailor/ Id the government. Douglas, with the spirit and air of a' gambler rather than a •talesman,.made a bold attempt to separate the plebelsas from to hie part/, and In this he was so f*r successful that the power of the latter wae broken. Douglas did.bat lit tle for himself, bat he did a good thing for the country—belter than be intended. With the master* of the demOhraoj the motto was—"ltefe or rrno." They didruls for a long time; but the soeptre at length departed, and now they are engaged, with desperate and devil-. Ish energy, in the other part of ; their vocation. Democratic professions are laid aside, and dem ocratic ideas utterly and openly discarded. The relgo of humbug has glren place to a reign of terror, and treason, Insolent and audacious, tiarte op and bids defiance to the government. Dei our democratic friends conalder the oonss - of their fidelity to alavery nndita in ■ uresis. See what'a viper you have been notxr- Dhlng by your votes for many yeara! Seeyonr 'late leedereltrnqsformed by a fair poliUcal de feat into a tend of traitors! They now despise your friendship, and construe your pleadings for noa'Ooercion into CTideoctl of eubmlsalon ood eowerdica. The more joulebor to cancil iote- them tho more ineolent, domineering und dieting they become. Like oil bragging bul lios they only need to bo firmly olid reablnlely confronted to meke them book down. Ton boro oftoo lenso frightened child retreating from o iwoln ond muttering gobbler, end loagbed it tbe eaenmed bfirery of the feotborcd cyront; ood yon boro won (hot lime bird lower hie oreei end ran for life when o men eppoetid. Juit eo would It be wore the entire North to rite op end tell the eocoeiioDiote thoi this Ireheon eod thue oblregea most etop. They would wilt down it dooe. They ore Uke epoiled children; ond you demoorhH ere the eery people who did It. . : ‘ We went no wer, tor thot le o greet eelemUy end ought to be Urn eery lett reeort; but let ne heir In mind that the ettltnde of wer eery often preeente wer pend thet eo long ee three rebele •ee element! of weehneee end Ihdeolelon emonget ne, end en long it they beer worde of eympelby for thetneeleet end their bed eeueo, eo long will there be feerfnt; dinger of the calamity yon ■ depreoele.; WHO IB HIBKSI Thi Dublin Hatton u letter from Per-, u, iu which it ie tuted tint M. Miree end John Eedliar ere one end the eeme pereou. We Nippon per reidetewill remember thet Jobs Sedlier wee on Irieb poliiieiou, whole fioaneioriug leodeeewe were eo irrepreeeible ee to |i*e him e eery oneeeUblo conapieuity eeeerel yeere ugo. He wiain Parliament, tod eleo, 11 we remember might, held e pitee (« la CUM) in the Treuury Deptrt meet. When hie, frond. were diieoeered, it wee reported tbit he committed .alcide, lor jl ie eer teln,eo the police eeid, thet he dierppetredi but muy tuppoeed tbit he only diuppeired tejohn BuHin, hiring rendered tint nemo ineligible Tor the. mecemful pirfonriunea ofrlwt pin oltbe pleyoni the worldie greet eUj|e which he mint lored end bed bcetetadredi. Slruuge, il it ebonld be true thet the etere direction were: ,rit Sedlier—Enter egeln teMireel But we ere eUirincredolooe!; lleteemclamenc Ire Knhleoehli htfe- There ie e good old Scoteh prorerb arhich hee it that “There ie see 'great loee without pome rme’ (tlB," which ie ! likely to be periled in there traublooetimet.;; Order. is for enppliee ie the hiyheet circlet of feihioo here, eeid, undergo.. e great reduction, red the enme degree of retrenchment Ie rennief )o en. equal tetio through the dercendiug ectle of domaitic eitrpre genee. Low rente, end mote mod eel ertabtlah meote ere the rage in New York thia end '. In ehort, if .wemey credit.ephareceonatelwe nee, economy le to be tht foihion tor a while* ’-Thin, il ' tree, will compceaato for much ol the e»ill brought upon the country by the mad eplxit of eecearion. Mm. Coawru’i mireloa to Mtrico will do much to mrengthen end conSrm the liburei gorernment now tpparentlyeetebliehed in ihet leulydletrucUd country. Freedom ol religion'end' of political opinion; icomblied with eecurlly of pernn end l>roptrty, wni drt* toit lhoneende or eelerprining menlromthitend olher countriee.andthoeinau gural, la era of proeperity, end render nngntory. all ett'eninta at Slibueteriag oh the purt of our am bition. frteddhpf theiGollStalea.—,. . Tsa North Amurfamssyslbsßonbwy ABris Byroad brill be opened Utrongh lo Erie daring the prteeat year. If any poerible way can be diiliti forifloiag to, Ute Allegheny Talley road ought to be pnthed on to an lntereecUon with 7 Uet goad with the lent poeelble delny. for wlih : out that Pittsburgh win lnerllably lore the Urgent and beat part of tbe'trnde of the relley of tho Allegheny. Cold Weetner on tile Utidean. ' Lut week lbe weather van nnttrttally oorere on the HadMS.tht thermotaeler on Wedneodey morning. In tertral plactn between Bodgon and Albany, fen to flwe and six degreee below aero. Therinrfretn NewTork to Albany wad foil Of floating too, In acme plaoee Arm from shore to .barm In othoro fluting wUh the tide. Will Dobocku orßail-ErutU bm ikaaldor mutett U Sonlhwrliootdowa Ikon iiuth ulmtkwer* ia ptrful Arruwjiy, al lb» MddiH ■ of Ihi* Adouiittttuo*, » lk»y htrmoiij i” ' ... eo.ihMr icMrd'Of to ib» Paniiliauan, IM D«siDcr>U “iro la parfect' fiinaoiiJf’VwitK tip : *. i: nM olii»bniUß ■ptboVohM.Ud «•«»••» '•iibtto Whotnf oar Daaocnlf liuof Xa«ft*J^ootu« iste el heart, and it ia eapposed tbet new ippoinU neats will be made at once. Scott recently ordered five compaaiee of United .Stalee troop* to Saa Francisco, asd tbe forte are tb«e abaadaotly eblo to reeiet ell altaeu. Tbearmy officers ia the department of tbe Pacific are believed :to be eteoaeb Irieade ol tbe Unioo, with tbe exception of two at present auiloaed in fTtabe who»e reeigaaiioßS are daily expected.—A>. f, World, i Waetiißoroiv, Tbartday, March 21,1801.—Tbe statement iaj' tbe lltrald tad other ptpert, that Mejor Anderson ie ordered to withdraw from Fort gamier on Sitardiy, end take paetege la ure ateemer Colombia for New Yofb, is etterly oe-; (bonded. No seek order, or any other regarding.; hie traoefer,i baa beea given, and none can be i*- eoed ontil approved by tbe President, who etui bolds the dialler under advisement. There ie reason to believe, from iatimatione ia responsible qoarters, tbit the Provident will not finally decide laia qaeiiioa until Monday next, tboogb argent considerationa may affect hte pretest pnrpoee. (Vfaen it ;ie determiaed, trraagemeate wiH be made fur trantportisg Major Aaderaoe'e oommaad where it may be ordered, wUhoal impoiing apoa him tbe utk of negotiating with tbe eatbontiee of Sootb Carolina, at bu been tbsardly eeggesUd. Ha baa nothing to do wilß tbe pita or mode of withdrawal, aad when the Administration ia ready,, it will select ita own; time and way witboat con eoltiag any bnt those immediately connected with that defy here. a The eea«alioa oorrerpondeatset Cbarlealoa have overabot tbe mark ia loeir foollab Ka r. Tributu. / f : • • J TrßoaeTxrxc to >i stizco. , ? ' The deeiga of the Mceeaioaiete ie to eeixeaMrit iho litbmoe of Tebaeatepec, H poevible, nnder tbe pretended great which Mr. Benjamin proeurm tbroogh Mr. Boehinsa’a iaffoesee.; They intend nlio, to make n demonstration npoa the province aeroae the Rio Grtcde, tied, tboan'in.the North This scheme wu concocted nVear age, partk tbe dieanioh co&fpitaey.—/V. r. frUunr, . BZAvra or jm> oc «ctnw» , jadg# tfeLcu cUrttd lor bone to*ds>, tboagb Bot eniuoJj rgcorertd. To* W*m Qunorib*.—-Tbi following grtpb from tbo' Boulhern(B. C.) Oaordum llr loetrnfeb ibo mßnoeoeed At Ibe Bontb Co ioreoto boetlllly iowtrd tbo North: •! "In Vermont Agenerol order no bent re cently to ill tbo eoloAteet ralUlery oompenleiy to oeoeribln who of Ibelt oiobere would bo nody At a moment’i wornlng, to toirob oo lb; Booth, And to eipel nil nob aa don aot willing to do 00. A few won found who refund to boob ormo ino wor ogolnot tbo Southern britb* no, 1 but their plooee wore more then eupplled by olhere wbo tblntod for tbo blood of olote-' holdere. ; In one ioeUhor a lleolentnl resigned* rtiber tbooioln lnoo unholy a oraetde, when kb wu formnlly preneoted with a wooden ewotd iw drtUlon end eoolempt. Io tbo Mellon wnr when ill tbo StAteo weneAlled on for eolanteery to light nfonlgn foe, Vennont lent no ooldletb to bn oounlry’e botilee. Bot oowebeie rend> to fnrnleb enough of them to eloqghler thoeo wboa obo dilute tobobor own oooilrymen nod bHthwi*** ' A, • Tble In pure Hollon, eo for no wbbore on in foroAllon, from betinnlng to end. Wo do wel belleto Any eneb order woo erer ruL—fr. X. Tim*. J' " ' ■■■ ; .V . . Tfl«BocTH»»* La**.—There n»m» nlmad#nuadl#(TOfkrdl#gUm diipanlrflM *16,000,000 loaa of ctaC. B. A. At#* day# in it «u lUltd actborlltlltolg: ttal H«* Or ifM omtlulUK k»d lake# Ika wbola otnoqtt »l (i«Mlpraalam;; bat Ja tb«N«» Orbku Ontcal st tbk 16tb, «• B#d • eoamaatoMlo# an)#* Ik# *topi# to aaa# for and tad Itk* Ik# •crip Xfcira #rt fa itavrltar a»7«,'wb» o#BS#t bar cm bead, tadu If I# lota #P#B Soattar* foil*,” prompt #olio» akoaldtaltk##. PaMiblrlkcwrUtr at »kU »PP##t, »llko#|b#p- HMCII# •ollpoiUd, kkd »ottakrd IkW IM Src taoait h»d bin ttkn •» *aak • taidwa* prmlm- TnSt. Irtttl* BtfmUkm (Doagtes Prsßlft- Ttryj'pnobrs lnto President Lincoln for pw doting Bhtrnron M- Bootlr uf Wteeon*i*,vwha im in prison Urfbr tapingto rescue a fagMve The graph copied at Ihe head oft&is atiaekshOßS that thepardon wssrigtted oaths2dlasfr>H i seems odd that.iha Stpublkea, should not ktvn I reflected that Ur. Buchanan was Pnsidsnt oa [that day. and that it was bo wbo pardoned F. Tii&, „ 1 . *~r I MonTLABD a*d Viaeixia.—-Tbs coaoixaioa l era appointed by tbs' Maryland hecesmoaisfs to | confer with Virginia have promoted tu elaborate j eommtioteatioo to the Convention nl thot Stott. I They declare that they represent tbe sutimaatof the prtpla of Maryland (tbt Baltimoro American I uys they do not,) and that Maryland , will go with j .Virginia, forweal orwoe.; No aetioa.hts yetbeen j taken ohthe paper by tbo Convention. . .>: '■ Tob doming Fast Advises no seesiflß of Congress to repeal the JtorriU Tariff!. ' The ohanoes of repenllegit at a regular tension: w« so poor that advowarbs do well to eau for lan extra.— lf. Y. IW&. ; I Tnc Hariford Courcnf recills lbe .circumxUaes I thst the CWiuaWa», pabli«bed ia that city siw *m» y tan ago, in •pwkiaf oMho-gmtOaiiies [ eats, decided a few days siaca, said that the cirion would not probably bo givan for tiro with.< CoMrosmowol the "Soatbero Heart” according to the Confederate Blandard-o*e part etch: salt- I petro, gna notion and irifle whisky. Necessary to I ssiit off: The first drop of blood abed it coerotim, \—Cin. Qaz. /..'y/', ■ I ASouTHKnH paper compare* Mr. CriUeadeaead I Jeff. Davit. Wo hard ho donbt that Mr. Critten den is hi earnestly devoted to.hia oooatry as Jeff. I Davis is to himself — Prenitc*. ■" Rheametlaml Bhramatiaml BhoomaUsm! It to walfckoowu that tattings, dtatmants and atorol application!, only drive Rheumatism from one pert of the I system loaoothar.. BoauUaaa,withtatalmolts. UW PQBIYB* OPKCXVIO HOMOPAfHIfI BHICMATIO PHU |o(tsn cure tbe wont and most pfrfnetad caasi Tbfs alspis medlcsted fltraaaPni win do ssors to andlmt* I tbo disaess than qaanttiiae of erode madlcfu—i tud' has IcondwtnaUotbarmaansbavafUUd. FtlbeSSmutspsr I box. Stxboxeaforgl. I H. B—A fall mt of HDxrsasrfe Howoaor&txio Bnczne% [with Book of IMractiona, and twsnty dtffcwnt BsmsiHse,ia I largs rials, moceeoocsss, |S;ditto,to. pitta css*,t4i eamaf I fifteen bous, eodtfdok.S* dtagle Sox«s,» cents ssd M | **?£*• Remedtes, by tbs stalls boa or cem, rr# watby I mall or exonim. fres of tbifiqto cay edfrMa.oa StaepSTaddresa. Dr. ; | Ba Mt ftroedway, Hew York. I Sold by J. H. fULTOH, fifth etrrit, eroocul *** item I tbe Port OflVoe, Agent for Plttaborib. mhlfcdiwlmt. POLITICAL NOTICES. irS*FOR BUERIFF—HBNRY IT. MWIB, w of gbarpeburg, *• a cendldsta tbr Sheriff of Alle> gh«ny ; county, rubjeet to the BepubUcsn Hoadntata« i Ooq. TOPttoß. • ■ • • VS»FOR BUERIRF.—ADAM WEAVER, the Seventh word,PliUburgb.wlßribrhlßmtl m a candidate for Sheriff cf AUsibfnjr county, saljferi to : ths.Bepebilcsa Oouvattoa. fcltocoeWT: frs»bHBHIFr.—UA&UY WOODB, ofPoo : Um towuiblp. saks the votee of bla frieedi to;obUta tbs BenobUean noaleettoa tor Bberiff ol Jtllcaheay Oc«a_ tr. bU tmriTW irfU not aHow'hlm the opportunity cl I ttavawtot the oocatyeud eeelm them eIL i«3l-wa«to irS»SUERIFF.-JOUN AIKEN, or tho Bifbth word, Pitteborgb. wilt be acaeeldeto for tke I abovS offloe, euhlect to the dedsfoo ol the Eepublieau tone* tytatownttou. . mbfcta IT3*dUERIFF. —JOHN MILLEK, ot Kaat lw lHwtj,OonUato»Mhl^l«.t.o4kl».Jir|li««l IbiEepo. Qoenty Cbareutlow. j ■ mnnie (rS»FOR SUERIf F—;Tb« Iriend. of Geo. J. IhS' 8. NIGLtr, of (WllM ltiworfilli. «p hia Oomtastlon. Hie potato Mrriee* both to bis country oud party, weU-koown eoergy and anxtoty to meet pebtto immcL entitle hie elalutokveryeonelderaUoa., Attn* w^,at , raeldM la the dktrict eotiiUd to this office. : fc£:to i I- ’ • - • irs»fOß SUKKIFF-UUQH S. Wof u'a«l« (umublp, iolKt to U» i “ tok ; “f EtpttbUem Oo>v»Uoa. 1 •_ y**- frig- FOR PROTUONOTABX—ISAAC Unr Eo*l»» Sowmfcfp, «JU *» » cujttftte tor ProtooooU»r, «abj«l to »• »***W|f“®*' mtisß toMfcto. PaOTUONOTARY—JNO. MOB auoff. OfAlkftaT, wiu U • CROdttWo. Mtyoct to ott of Iht B«paHMoo CboTtalioo. uhllXC jfs* lw 809.0 f loiluaTMmblptii • cuAdMi iff fto tboaotiffTi Ht)Ml to Uw dtctiioa of tbo iUpobUesa Oc** wettoo. wn**a_ irs»paoraotiuiAßY.—joun a. our- Uv TUtOf AO«th«B]>cilr ( to ftcaadU«to(brProtb(Ke> Urj, •übjtc! to i6o d>cU»a of tbo Obm»J OonTiottan. • ••••• ; »»**•- rr3»PROTaONOTARY.- CAPTAIN 11. Iw JUTOS.o* Dppo» 81. CUtr towwkip, ato tborotoo of 'fete trirado to ofetala tte lopabllao agtoiooMcy ter Protboaouryof Atkflooy coo»>'' U»o ioßraity of to UrtESTiSolkrtrlag U» Uwoppftosttf of toigtf U» cocatry oad —,wUl Wttppctl*! fer tbo ftbof* ofßoo, wtjKt to tbo decMooof tbo torwjbO i ma tborwtkxi. JOMf l?S»OOUIiXX CUMMISSIONRR.—JOHN: ttILUK. KaqVet Bb*l*f,willU» »bow o OommUb.«m wl'rt «»• .*■“ •< , m . A fall li Kqalrad, M IwwIUM d l.port "mtSii”*" **' tbo«. 11. muiatifcOtoiwM- »3^&£^jsss!ss£J'& At ttfc will teifct latl amtlsfto tt» !>«■•■* *»sf I *■—ypjMlf «tanwrwt ftf. I ffEtwrlt. . •.■■.. ■ *te» —fc, ITS* PROCLAMATION. —Olty of PiU»- Ite? tmrib.te I, OSOaOI WIMOM, M*»cr <4 MS hua «jo« 808 om»cti» t« t« ■»£ "LHSs?lSu£a Masrlatebttlte itbbl «txv. boo»» k«t •“••tjjyjßfSSSWft toamm. bolkUop ct pogutj, £JS HdaUlU>>>tlß4«*nirnDDtTlM fJtIUBT or HOB (Id, tafc» Bh» tt*Baanßnfc ■sdaltt. for (1m it— ihttii«t ttllP tBI flUfllM 90 Jidfttud, vUbfhttbmßrtLL UinilSo,iCnMMy »U»Om* Dfbtßdtßd tbtMtlof IfctCttj Of Pttti* lub *»> wn^W fyS»T ~0 RVTaBHfOHD VtUIBOTDIjUt i/B »AVtTrrrt tut>L. ca tohdiv ituuu HfXo’ftfaefc. • ‘ • • OrtTTMiBCKIt'i.OTrtCt. i ' PRUtorftb.Mmh S. INUj (rs»AU. PERSONS who hath neglected to U»t nUi b»oo*b* fcr nP*U btfalmsjif { (bt OBADIMO AMD PAVIBU TAX, •»• b—B®*iBwl that ttftlnt Ibt Mtßt u» faUj ptM ea .Mar* tht PIBBT DAY DIMA! NAXf« Writs »M btJ—|rf totbt Abwifl totthtBAHOFPAOPBBYf MAlLlTgßßlTa vbovUito BAt« ADDITIOVAtt OOftt, «Ul ttUm* to IhltDOtktlmnwdUhlj. grnownt •*»* j ■ ! - •••» WM. BIOHIAUM. Tiwwrw. ITS” W*£hmlEaME2tef EdSuool# AllMfam Vp«otr to tiM nuto*’ lutittut> bi biU tt M'iiiribit. *Wj mpDiViaUlUMlial HUAMuttwClUi »<1 I ' , oiSllOf IXlXOtl**- ' ~ WtdoMdtfi if o'dotk, |kßi ftrrt, OffMdttUon §moo^MSSnm PrtiUwC Ad*lzto»fc» ®#t. ;3'WhWt, of KtMbanra;•■W*e«jß4««Ua». - "ASJffiSSi^SMJ*B™ i« i:sa's;si:ssi» iSSS£Ss : Masßfi&i lactiißtt, v« cenlUUr l#its« lb# »*& ttae>#r #» Ttubw ml ftitsOa «oo< mfcSt4lw:*ltr rysSltoJlCKfifi ir TBS FUriLSot IMPTH WABP PU*UO SOBUOI. ' TueidajETenlns. March UGUi, *^* cto *~ Mtto AMttttftmtntf* U AftOViOTOBBU. aad ctb«r% cto fiad a fall MKutsint of Bliak Boalulid lUtlnery, at W. ft. HAVEK’f, cantor cf Wood and Third rtmto. -niUOll BIUDBIt BIBD9I U , . . ■. AAm lot of . cmßißinpai imibttaltMbeUoiel ; ; Wood and Tin Bird Cagoa taiijou*LUa«itr. dirt Minn «ahn ' . Agf»dml«U—laUartaw MATUoaft 6urt ~T~ ~ ’MasabatßiadfcytkoFa&a'aAaltlftMteetnlaf Oo« 1 Vbtlllwlutar «f fmrniil nflrnUM mli»inri*TT J “‘ 1, “r KI, *‘“ u - -e«6‘“ ‘ ,assaaißi‘ IL LEABC3—Blanks Tor LewiEg OU W«IU at OH tmuiouh nnwtr wm** “"‘HSZasnsjb&Ba-*. : '• » ■? ESBDBANCE AGENCY, AC. UIOIII, «0. »» W.obD HOMBINSUBANCD COMPANY, . .Of th« City of Sc* ric. ETATBHEMT irf (to OotxUUoo ofU» nMjto lbi>t* ou f - ftn fc ft-* WOO^CO . ; LAtTiiatior uawlr MtujKn »• .2 Rml K«bu« told by ** 9 A ktnDR tof QS i - -- - «ii mw* 8. Anon si of Catfc d*pattthstea-M.^......u^... - ®“,409 10 4. Ascent q( ton xtwri tinted* tod . .HortjtiuMoeooaUtsUac lb* fii»t U*n ®“ - - ' ’Oil Ml butt, oa 'filth diari bIM IIW(M , A ; *b»soo* jenrtlßtarwtdwaaßootog 009,003 03 :®. Anoutot Loans os «kkh laia&Skannrt .i UaspsU eltfcin soajaw-w.4"-* 4 *® o ** .T. AMsnt4n*Caapi»os«klcbjß>&|B»a>t> . h»Tmho»«AM«*w»i 'l-Ntma •• ■i. Aaaut of fitocki o»l«< lj tko amu/. •MVt of ujr'ftkU «• p»;o»Oolt«l But»,cr otOB7 looocpocotedOtty of Uic CoUarf BUSM, or cf tnjr othar daaertpiko, apacihfes lh« somber of itun.iai lb« > p«rMAß«ikaiYdMortboasßß'^ BStrtt, , v . Far IV. Mkt fit. !%*» W too Ooottemtol iuk 10,000 oo 9,10000 lnOocn Skchu<> Bouk-.10.000 «. 0.000 go too UttcopoUtu Sank .-WOO 00 M,tOOOO to forttum*-.—. t.u»oo' *.OOOo tOOt-ltkbolM Bonk 0,000 00 : MOO 00 - i tOOFMOlartluk 1,000 00., M?» M . Brookljo OitJ Wctor - 11.'v-i.. « , EoSSi....-;. Ul0,00)00,10.i50 00 ! MaooktlßtkUßtxPir . . _Owt BonOi y -H,OOO 00 ! : hOM BooO«..J4»tOOO o(t‘M,tOO 00 " 1 Hoith'OferoUtt aiitu" safe Omu BaodkltOtQOO 00 7.810 oo SIO.OOO 00 AIB.ICB frj 9. Anomibf BUek bald tj lb*Ceaip*Dj “ Oollattral Uecurity far LaajM,«it& tb* uaooQtlotaedooMtb . parabd(urkat?a)Qa>~~~.*f**~«»~”'’v~ 00 10. iwoogiof 9>fai«a>oto«ilb»Btoekoflb» Oompboy railed ii doaaad tntpaW-rNvua . ‘ .. lL Aaaaftt w( Prontom H.twnnbalJ..—— °* 18. Abooctt of Utona 00 fomfcnoou i»a4« - • -bjth* Company, dM«a4tt*f*id....~—— 82,703 67 I . Apumnt nf Premium! mwiiUrrfri tttt f ~ I . , iom imm! it .m~ - »■ [ . Amta’nt of all other property—. : > • ' 1.4W.4W 94 - taiKP-TBIrUAIIIUTUtSOrTniI 00MP4HY. L AnoOotof LcnndaooodiißpoM..—l 5. IBBQBI of th* (Batata fer’kwoa whlcb or* ■ - taaall or conUotod tythaOMSpaor 82MQ0 8. t noora during tho yw, ha?*U*D paid- -tv Utfi&l W 4. AttOfßl of Uam dortno «•• jaar,-which , |»«Tf «ws4 Km«»HUI— : 110,488*0 6. Amount ol Loom dsrtaf lb* jmr, whkb . „ aroaooUatod.ttoclndadlßaßiwar toRo.«). O,TW 00 0. Anowt of law dartag tba ymr, rtpo^tto to tba Comfits? aad ootActod apoo, (»o- • cladod 1b Mfl««r to Ho 4>w— * *M *0 f. Anowttofttia Wrlloodadodarod......—l6o/100 00 6. A moo aI o< iHTlAoodadoeUrod, dooaod o*> paid",. —Hoo» j 9. Acaooat of Dlrldaoda. (altbor ntb or ocrip.) dodarodaad Dot yoidoo-.-.~~~~»-H«B» 10. AnovatolllMMj Borrewad^odibab»Uh tad IDOBBI of Mcarlty glua—~—Wodo lUAnlpf allotborarttlßg data* agalaol ; tba Company, cootaaiodei otbarwto»»~~:> iKJS Ofl fOQKta—THH IHOUUA Of fH* OOHPANY. 1. Amooai of Oath PjamJnraaracair.4.—— 040.(77 00 Amoßb*oftß»bPia»f«ma«opoiU**H«Bad j A •tdfc*-. . M»> I 8 l Amooatot motion NUao iikw t>y iba I , Qmpafiy, H|tS3 09 8. Aaoootlf 03 4. ioont ol IfiUraa* Moeay racatmd from , tba Ib«wtSMfiUof IhaCocapWl—~ S7jtTo 70 0. Aantotof racoMot.lbaOoßpaayfaoai w; fU^Q-^IS?i«tTUBmrfTnBOOMPANT. 1. Aboobi of L.nn mU darla* tta jaar.~~. 630,800 90 X LoiMptlaOßtlac 46* yaar. wtakh tectaad prior to tba y*ar, » y. 4MB to HipasMO iMtd Oaiiog tbo yoor, tattßdtag-Oannlnfeaaaad l«i P«*d to • Iba Ac*»ta aad OSorto ot 111* (Xmpaoy - IMA I ] 0* , X Anoea»ofT»*»apaid by tba Company 81,064(0 . 0. A»cnp»cfanotbarKxpwi»aa»dKip*tt:tt tan* of tba Oompaay— —•—— oM** i 6 - 1. Aonaat of Pronlnory Jtotn originally (bnttßg thoGoolUl e> Ibo omnp*By..Ho»* , *, AaOßßtof nid HotaihaUby tbaOimpany p a* part or tha wbalaof Iba capital tlwiaof~S«n>a FOUCIU IBIDfD AtfD LOABVB PAID BY p K. O. LOOHIt, Agiat, nbSfctwao* GO Wood mt. Pltuirargh. RPdANs' count SALE.—By rirtuo of M Orl«r cl ll.a Qrf&W Corn I cl Alle*a«>y a»nty, ■h»»* »h* tiulf (bin) aboat Cfclrty’fc*t! tbaata aoothaardlf and par alia! W» Obcrry aboni llUlyfoorfrat lb«ea*«*t. vardiy ptralM »itb rgvta air* t abust ihlrty fa*t; tbaaca aocfhmrdtj paralM with OtMriy alloy a»*ool hat to Poartb atrad Oa able* lauactad a tnMtoriad BrickßoJUlo£,«ilUt>t* br cfflfta- Tnrt carSau Ona-Uilrd eaah oo coaflrtpattaa of tale; baUanUonaasd hvolaara* equal taalalmuu, trttb lot** naLlobaaactuadby boad tad aortcaca oa tba p««alna. UAHOABBT R. BLACK, Kaeontrtx, Ac. f>ATCNT CONSOLIDATED BUBBEB IT ULTIMO, a m* aad « parlor *rtld*,oa htodtDd lbr«tob* M. DM LAVOI, ■hg* • MtiUrtiH /'I 081 BELTING AND GUM GASKETS 1 JT itMA vfil aUsd >OOP Ttbn&beU vfthbat Utnf •gaetad. ad the mnrm eoU vfll set dlmltiUb tt*pU*tlli ***** OaJJtttoMonirf M. Diffiot, iaub*rtj *c, eppoatto bod of Wood. .. mhtfclw LEATBE& BELTING, of the best Eastern ■taka, aak4*Bß*d, aU ahwa,wbkh»lU tail vilboat «tr»vbtai. aad *tlh a paHact baartec to to* pail*;, at tb* LMlbSilara of H. DM LAMQB.SSLlb«t7aL l cC>pcalta baadofWaod.. mhtelw s r Avi.nS , saw«/sir —*7 " B ; HUGH M. BOLE,i Oatsar'afTotat Aim. 00 AUatbtar Rirar, aaulbi Pant, WJUecaUaaatonaamfafitßrabta Superior Steam Engines, ; 1 orunMitoorftf, WaaUsil»art*rtoaTmfa».d*>*, bylafw Ma ek!aa>faa4 iaaraaaaSfacUtMa tor dots* wark. ; All Work Warranted. a- 4 ® •a^.*Utt.-.rt Stoeu M B | )LEi . Point AUay. New .Goods! New Gbods J. BUSH, 84::VIFXH TTAS RBTURNKP FROM NEW FORK iR,: wills mot •»»<««, «l SPRING 'GOODS! WtUI,wB will eft, t-i dm, ihtupcUlhnu iaaOuwah (dtuii ■r *arto ir “Sbaia Piente md Quick Salas." Laditi will find a full assortment of itani tßumiMee, bottoms amdoobds, MBSOIDBRBD.JACOSAt AMD BWIfiR B*llB, 4 name* and noaiTO!) sani. : APFUOATIOM ABD UMI9 BBT^S, ' GAUIBALDI AMD TOHPADOOB SITTB, Collam, B!eere», Bands, Edging,, Ipaertings, : Children’s febe*, Bodte« and Cajis, Plin ; Linen, Hemstitched end Onus Linen HASDKBRCUIWPB bowikt ribbomb, rucucb, PS.OWERB, , BOUNBt lIUIIABD IHOSIOBi, ■ * BBADDaaaaai, sbttm amd ooinsaa, of the latest styles. ' BSBTBA CIAPSIB, HOOP SKIRTS, - . j ■f- For Children, Bi*ses end Ladies. THB BBCIPTIOM BKiat AMD 08IBT OOBIBTII OOIUMII CORIRT* 1 notiaHT, anorse, wins, OBHI*'OBATATS ABO OOLLABB, ■ : TAATALIHa BIOS AMD POBTHONMAII3, : i| j.. . J "I; ■V- ABD \L -... j,,.;. . Yankee Notions for the Million 1 > • AMpka of FUtetarib tod ftetaity tad tba Pab* itoaflmaral&fSidtottUwdaiaalaa tba atoct. wUcb «*« is tu. «LJ«I !>,!■« All (WHAM* ' . ; lADIBIJ OOItBOBBI COIU AIU loliwoUvlA* i». Bvin, i aASfclniti :■ jC/ ®i Zrai* wt. ;H A,R! [jwHm grifda ti bHiImI by whig Betitngham’e ; Stimulating Ongoent) Tousla ty SlilOS JOHNSTON, Drafgtoi* sad DjealertaOboica Family Madtelbea, corner Bmtthflrid and Fourth eta. WALL PAPER STORE, Ko. 107 Market atraat. Betwaea Rftb and Liberty stream. the *nb*»lt*ciinoir opeojßg x ' A NHW ASP LAEQB BtOOS OF PAPER IIAKOISfiS! . Kohnetof a coaplata aawrtmeat fOEDwnwHaa. ..'••• STORES, OFFICES, 4 OnUAOBta, Ac, to which he would rapeetfattf inrltf tba altaatlon of the PaUic, having an tsllrt lIV STOCK OS OOODO tocootly carchsMd bev utlflsf* TtoM to nst of HEW OOODB wOl find them by looking throoth oar MRoruAeat. W. & I>. HIJOVSt, Corner of Market and Fifth atreata* NEW GOODS 1 New Goods! . " New Goods 1 New Goods! New Goods! NEW STEMS OS - SPRING GOODS l ' ' JCBT OPENED AT , -W.AD.fIOaOP,OOaSkB FIFTH and market STS, W. A D. HOODS’,OOAMIB FIFTH ABDJ HABER STB. w.AD.aoaoa’.oouwEß fifth and market sm W. A D. HOODS’, 00EN1R FIFTH ANDMABKET SIS. ■ibis ' - 8,130 18 6,600 00 Baton, Macrnm & Co.’a, Nos. 17 and 19 Fifth Street SSAROB, 1801. NEW GOODS! NEW GOpDU DBEBITBIHU INOS, N BW BTT LBS; BahroUartS Coitus, SM. to $&; , EabroJdamS ud FU>n WU,Me to |l* Xmbrotdarrd Handkerchiefs, Greet Bkrgti&r, BnhroUrrad Hot**, Welate. Cape, Valle, B&Oee.Ac 5 . *Po7« l)ms Cambric nanBy Bofawt D. Bnl safer ml, hi o puis envelop, tony kkhm ptUpai4,oßrmlptof Ivarturnbrßr. OH4A J O.KUNB, ltt Bowery, Raw York. FcstOffiu ~ - . . : ’ phthfewtaa CANOS* SALT RHEUM REMEDY jjfeflHtn from OoUnacca and -Iwptt?o..-DlMMai ■ttoold at «oo« i Matt to (Ms ralnablo modlrtaa, which »>U *paadOy roaonito «w*t #yoptooa oflbeae di*sTea«Ui* eouptalnt*. Ho retold j Pm itet Asm ao moch fcf WMM of the akin, wbitivar l«rm (toy o»j mowj oii tta. com of Ball Bhiom, BtegWormTottar,Bento bu*! Itch, Btotcto* An, cou too* WjUWttd lu UJOtoM. Pirpand and add by A. B «D. BABBS, Dfn*ght*tU> hlluiinitHiv Tut. ' ' sSdSobyß A.fAHß*BTooKAoo w Wmbo««b > Fa: BotdaUoby PrnCTWjr*owalhr. mhgtaiwrwUr NKW WAlib hAPICBBFOK’a W. P. HAtlSUAlrl* /APENBTUB BBASON with (he latest Pa- YJ rtaUnatj tMofSeoae C'acoratko»fcf Tturt tat 15,rt0« m/nUriar* tor Vlllaa and Town ttaoMltOOd. . V..-11-f-VttAW-''•' •*• ■ WfaMA S T « U 00 :W OB R. * BV JAIIKBOWBBBI ABD HABTIO WOIBBR* PAPH BANG* Uada forntahad ' • ■ i t ofdero Uft at Ha.© Ccogma street, *t* docra frost W*a,crn» M-w* Wn« Hpir itorMte.9lWoodal, will to promptly atwnded to. w. r ■ aha ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT forrentinj rnha «!>UaoMOOodrHo«MO.W»ITWoo*I Second arkival HEW OOODII ' (OBOBnIID t 00. tin Jail cpmi IMr rtflclt of MW OOOM, BHIUCiHT MW f«10M I • ; *M» i^IBANBEBBIEJ—IJ Bbls. in prime order gwiiioout* jcsupn. :£_-| nriyraiVS.QOOCOBDS WAVE 801*T5.~- W Wuiud to eootiwt, lnaiiduSr. »<* tbo diiirwrit Ih, Kinron BAR ML TAOTORV, .bet cf *R*WB STRUT. Math Wat* ft* SAW Oorf# of (lw» WWU o*k rinn~mt AS BP eotßtr,iD«ta|iittb* 2oqk oil** “S .‘SSSSf.II. rr «£.•“*»££“ ■ tor 0U Cornual**. DwUn'Aod* borla# m»1 *i4tß*«un€. nhiMoMa " ■' ANTED.—The ailvortuier lie i* TSX Oeoant dario* the 3Bm»er, a ofMTxteof ibaraUvaja. wltlim hall iMJW* i “* AMnmvtUarQkimtOirtc*. >■' ttara-««»_ WANTED— BOARDEB3.—BOTeral ig<;n -tMl>asagßea canottaln rooms *od boarding o» bM> IUM, ilrtabrej. nortn 4-«** tromS*)- wal, paly slew steps from the Bospsaddo Bridf • . WANTKD— Active Businew Men, totako Thru Slum. In i OodOomrnnjr,nna conaorttj* tastoesi IhmUod UoßOßgikel* Riwr. ImproTeHSota b.r^^rt'nnnrto. WANTED —10loriit of UreAso Batter, by VRANK VAN QOBOBS, WaUI Second ettss*. WANTED —1000 baa. Clovtr Seed; • too bo* Timothy Seed, by i mm . "■{ iffUWlfc j 100 Agentß Wanted! : •1M CANVASS fOR ‘ nsw AND 70VVLA& BOORS JOS. B. HUOHEO, 101 Market at THESE WORKB include the MOST Silit- ABLS BOOKS PUBLISHED, sad Agents now td par ssploy are tasking From $5O to $lOO per Month. 1 { r W. «tw oor i«mU U>. MtCLUBIVB (»NTO«l, ol ’ mood Iber may agree to caotsra For foil panfcolsrt end Qateloga* of Book*, eddrwr, Immediately: •• G/W. HONT, Gen Oral Agentj A SMALL FARM TO-LET—Containing .tool 21 nn, iltn»t«l on Ih. Ohlo rtnt. ln Ok.r ttan Towniblp. opootlu M.attmUr, .Loul non roll, »ol ■ b.U fiom PlU»l;-r(h. Thtro la . frame e.dlUf on the premises, end IwO bearing Apple end lonlloa blag wi> good UnJa**: OotlwpnuteMia* DwmdcMoiaiKiWMbrick «UM*. iMOtnof WU. YORK, on Ibe pxbml»M,No.34sa*onil tmt, PUUbnrgbT -- • mbiaUlra L AS> JUkT OPINED, ITBfthßtmL ifcSORTMIHT of Enqubb, AID Fbkicb THOMAS PALMBH. 91 Wood street, ptf uutaood Alley. which are sold ‘-j EXCLUSIVELY BY SUBSCRIPTION. OfHoa Boom 3U Girard Homo. *B-ipDUcnU ni.J in Ur. Hciv .t 01r.r0 Hon*, tom ia tot uSlrtm 1 to 8 p. n r fal«a« .-ffot Salt if Co A«t. ;fp*Vutt ' MLE.-10HM Wfl •* LIABI tobonbrOU, loai bottom Uad. B**r*la»».JrHa «• Ptunoa, la wbkh tbm in ttow’.oT th* oldirt iod moat H nnio«itolrtowlilß»«l'*.Md ** wta ; oa.ttla «t>KUy aad la lb* nalabboibood U from tlx to tomtet udnry«xt*ailT»,*U}hUl*Tor!E*'tha totouaa' oU. Abo.* BOOB*. TABD«rffOAßpls,*fiD* WallO* Wntr it Ihidoor. and aPanacn thaWll. ,J lWilu4tiB> ttit Canal. and »boot M mUaa from' PitUbarjb* aa&abont om milt Wow Tamtam. Aar fort bar Information aa to bad to ealliaco* D.I W. A A. 8. BWU I Poorth atrtot* Pntatortb.oroalbatbbacritor. _ tiiT*.. mblMmsn • p. t. iut*. SPOtt BAiiK-i HAWDSOM BLXB■■ »J* A BH UoQDtTy Mol at * i oli ttj BoL HildasftMd roar mUw lro» U» dtr.-io »*} wWeo t* «•'! ******* ■ to tt» north of nnodi litlli. HU to »&!*}> ***** ?I?SL U»JStttjri4o* holt Tmi to tootf eoodoioo. rfthoUo s«&“>*• »*“ h * vjfSiSfi^ais.^ **SSStSS ■ g»Trmn.iryt. ™il*AlK pk. tl mlt*» *"**“ *“ ,ib ■**,(& OK ft if-M'l l *lso IOKIB Vf LAHOa to M-OmsdlM* Tpwyltfy. /L. U mllM (roa t** ®‘ ,^9 -“S|“;? 0 5 h f , I SS» I lf , wSi soicniof dwov Usl> To* |)ic» m vtu *rikp**»«Uirctt4!iUmjUc*; voaldnrt* ‘KJSSSSSSSXb. r™» r% Ou>Uc*Bou*»kad*aOi!eiAidor AoU»uulU trie* |3O *7r^K>T?»ttwB»l*(»wok* lb*lUoj»w.b*raUd. Afttii fft B* H LAIA Uwi yjBIVg Wo.aS«A>o«rthitwrt._ For rsnt—a store on market fttßßKf, wall dabbed aad completely fnroUhad to tuodcro itilti Hat tUO< , . Two ••ll llftiM BOUOOL KOOKS, Ulaly P»b«rad atd fitted op. with ecawßlent tnlruct oa Turd eed aiao «e roMBa nsssffisswsk I ssu o,.^i» hra ,4 Ih , rJ «„ k « nhllrlw •■: or at fit. Out tea Hotel. rpUBWBt.L-tt.NOWN POffiRIZ roUBORV ruR RBIIV. Tba foltovlac nioparty.eltnated la IbeCUy of o*Ua*,wlQ b« IntH to a *ocd uamt tor a Una of year*. at a low reot. Tbla Poandry bn two It operetloa to the Ml fifteen; jrmrm, ead b bow oflered to real, la •“* daathof Ite toner proprietor. tbe_lateKleb©le»OawUa*. Bqtto.B«^ Beclea. Boom » by 34 bat; Claala* BoomShby 1* iMft MooMlbc Boom UftjSdlMft VU*W Boom SO bydt; Lam* Ur toft over. Vlmfc jtoom; flatter*'teetwVWorfcfitey* by 61 fcaft Pellet a Bomb 24 by U teat. All. to* atote room*an>wellU*btedbadventilated. - .. : . Thar* Is el*> bow U fee baUdia** * cospteto eet of Latha.tsoteaodPaUon>ai«m«bteto iba wants of -the ad* lvaet eoaotry, whkb wUI bo dtapoaed of at vary low prime io aay patriee deatrlfig to porch***, m th»j mast sow. ba •oUL pi*r utma apply to • a.».irOLOaß«T,Afimlel«tT*toc. Gslru*. 111, Merthleft 1101. 1 ‘ mhUJaee TrAUJABLB PROPERTY FOR SALE.— V Will U bOr«*d lor mleat PabUo Aoctfc>n,oathe PnalM, oa TOBBBIT, the BOa day of; AprilowL •* boar of three o’clock V, ibatroy deetrable GROUND, betloc e boat oa flft Clair etraet of tot* toe teat aad right loch**, ead exUadloff back ofequai width aloe* Domna* Way 110 tot to aaeUey. •• - • • Xnntirtttc One Liuth caah, aad the balance lath roe aaaal aaaaal Bayß*ata,wUh lateraet. ! w JOIIN IBWIN, Pmllaat nhlfcwalawtopO Allfh*oy Bospaaelea BH^yaOo. fT mtUCfict. ’ : faffljmtf 1 OIL LANLS.fOR SALR.—Twenty Acrei oaKaDawha,twoalla«froaßarota*Spruc*. , iaqaliaat.4l ftUrkele*. • .. ■hlfclru .:: W. M. kiPB&AT« TQ-LET— The LAKQJfi WAKSBUOtt and BkBWBBT, (?Bk27d 80. M’foorth atnet, reouUj ™ ta “°* t,tn 7.‘S: It nto.«. ia iwm HiCT-Tte Bn Bß , duatad wUhta two mtoatsa* walk trf lh* Wilklaa- Mr* Bsllroad Statloo. Tba boosa Is targa tad ftolatod U Bodarestrto otpt—ctoocc^adby;Hoars Tboapooa.~. WOI to sold on reaaooaMi lama.'- Apply a W. A. AHDB&BO9, datilfaaHT AfaMaa^»O<^w.a«ir-olb^ laaaotlil ■dnata*» of tote* oUka oa both aldM l fbßste*Do «tdff»orcholooa ttoppdkrrirta la slaptota «ouoCrßcßbo,Monfpaadyte wrtiiTnant. andmnrt >w -” —r •DablatbopafcbaawteMW Ordtoai-y aaaa*ttUrii,h«n, bll, qkltt, CMtor. fated and toek.all ob tba aacta marbtaa, aod vamal ft fair thraa r^mUr*eastatelß*laainDooUbrnmla4iaaefltoklgbs •at Btaodbfe toliM Vwt, ftirim priCMkAQ.» wlUUtets yMinj rratKoß'appneatioo ta panovov by lattar. i OpctonudOtfoon- TiayfodAwf WMsBBMinB. f nUB till BtiOHl B£K would nepeotfolij call Xtb**UMUoa«f hl« Meads t»4 coalman to ta at* : M!OAIfSLBBBi JAUlkOn#^ 0 EcocaKX] TC JU. U'Cunxa * Ca. % JMPO BTBUS AND JOBBKBB 0*! Finlgi ud Dtmulis -■■ DRY GOODS, %ru£~iHMUfc ■■ ■ ■ | ..'HPr I Mfcte4 raaw»M^ FALL AND WINTER GOQDS* tk newm( Uetlsn* la Vanin toft Doswtffa:flood*,hr Otaiiemm'tJprarti. AbO|*?«Qa* ntwi| of Boy** and. IToutUP; Clothing Hot comallf oa fcaad»aoa md» to orttr la Bn nr* JAM* a watt, ■. -mSI ■ ■ ■•.•.•> eoma of VacoaadgfcOhtraHi ; , CONCraTHSSir ■ } ! ; BY BEQUEST* . i. Positively for Tliiee Hlghts Only, Prior to thrlr cp*nlr j URlbVa^BUow. UONDAY.TUASOAt ASDWRDHRBOIT RWMROS, March'SA,'s«ta*.*i!b. | LLOVDSHIHSTBELS. CARD TO THI PCRIID—Hr. ihyA l wlrtMlP «a- Beaaeea that at the raqaaet of aatearaae teariltete «to were anl.aea ot wttateilaf the Mtaatnivtot bevecmarim Uoßsaetoptoiaceleat vteUtoc *Ttmfira»ka bee bate to* dtued to tenets ttrceefpttr leefiw, to Ike psrposecf *tvla£ n>b|. "jjrttfcJSti ««7. IP«uc«U. «w»l DcacuL eotlfledi 5 I, 1 JOtXPHJtHDHIfIBBBTEBMI.. >» Dtoia. Im * rimii. ptnffi *“• To ecmctode who ; l : Bt*»ai« AHOoaiiHMt v : RlMbtr. Mr. Brcatrd ; I i^h_ PtanosicJßmltt 1 TTNABB’S PIANOS I-SB<»-ggam| IV. UltNlirftOOXbl .btuilililliiirf ami arrlrtac.asnmf whleh are fell flrend, Cemd aao rwa ' f - CHAELOTTB BLDB8,; Bole tost to Wat- Baaba k QoS Pleem, ead Oe«*e A- Prtme B Co.’e Imprarad BetatemWt rnhSmae l Cl Wlftti wreeftCdd fallowr BolMtef. Rw. A:NP SBCONU-UAN PIANOS, ■; A T PyMDIUI 111* P«IO»«> 00. 7 lost BMMtri <»» b, Rtr«», Altcot A Uar-t Bt*«a«tt °tta W«ssassg£!£2» » Ctet& ocl. ott, cantA M. Ac., tp Ota T oc. ami EoßWooAtiat,ol btttlUtlAtdl*. ' br cnooltbt bttl R«* Tork otiin.Ttr, tbttp. *-a M OntiteotMiM4lMl.B«tt»ooaettt,.nlllret.(tßß Ao, by Oblektrltt A Boat.»er, cbttp..—ill «> Ota toitAirod oettotaroid CM*4tU taß !“”■ O^^BAStSTo^DprUbipjaa.bjr.BMcC'^ Q M & attsafe=s=|s t S TboetMnoiil mntoißf e OBlif HWO, ntoeld aot Wltooalleadeiaadoelheehoreto. jobsx eusuwi. MO. O WOOD WBBKTr: _■■ . . betwaeelHemeedeUaj.eedfteudke&Ms . flola -Akaat : for Chkkarlac * BqßsrtKaaofcrtn, far PUtetorjhead WnUraPwayW J^^^B SPKINa ttlOUttOPff&fcM jt'lrfl pianos! nft ril JssA^siQSfssssess^p^ fßlOlfit'iTUy ere weneetedtoflTßbMk**. fteeae • mbU pnteapaufcrßtetgw^eCertyriedPleeae. *«aiittBAj|oitow*CtMjgg. /'‘tO^PXfiTilKßSHlPr—-Tho tmdaraignaa lj oModriad AXABDRUORvUbduB bbht tariMß •Tl “AHAtAMUjARAM.AOj« Ibt Ctrl day; of Jaosan laat. Tba b «!"S”S 1 tot f |.ojhylb.^»B.Bjß < m»M t gmg 4TO ;; !J. I"- : ' BiV.BHTTBp* ; } ' B. W.WHAOM. sitf>oamea~A f.nni~e.w.wneo»~*i i°ew QHKSS. SMYTH A CO.. nails. TACKS, BB&DB, Rto. W arehouee,;No. US ihtot, TBBTH EXTRACTED J^awi WITHOUT PAXNiVB BY tSI CAB AM AfPABATUd WBXUtY SO . DEMOS OB OALTAHIO BARBBY 111 USD* OoMwmttortetfcadmwhmlheapperetarceabettmd ] tattetMtedrestece* r. ' I |judteef|eefletoß left tamr OuaUtoSarehed thehtoetk tttreeteAbyajjrcioam.Kirl erereedy tototl&eetotb* .x the eetetp and patokmaM .ef the upeiettuw ibdiw heebece mid by paceoeaietaraeted le emerttoc toecete Irary.haHatßokaewladceef tef premee. < ■ > AEtlVDnAl*TJXXaia«rtad.tee«mjatoto> I S. OUDRY. DeotUh lalfi ' < ' lateftnfflhUMto.. gjgi ; »wr. Patti ftruenllp. ggg^ X>R& STEBBINB Sc MTJNSOHi : bailti fcntad a partaarAlp tad oyaaad at cStaa ; HO. 105: Fifth RttMtr ! (& f»ir dom »Un tt» PMt-age'a,} firuOLD can the attention of tboPoblio V? ttiriiim** 'fr- r** umnioi Of *a SSS awinout.nmot t» a* (rtwmiliaatetoidiiitooTraC; . ESkwkSSESsSS: !!H®S®3§i&iasSßSs TO S E Pit ADA US. ■ aiasiut. No. 97 Wylie Street, KtUburgh. : mniw tli’ite bollock, Dr. Btikdt, thntna Bahbm.EM»H«ma. : -aqMly JQAVIS * PHILLIPS, i BRASS FODRDEU iRD IMOMCTDIBB*, OAH AND BTEAM MAHUrAOTUUBa AHD DIiLXU IN GAS FIXTURES, ! Pumps and Brass Work, OF IVKRT SBOUFTIOW. oils* Wfili 3£>Xrb&¥B, u of or lro,«itt ih mi beta and Vafm of all ktßds,«od wan*»*«l »r»w» ;: fAdtoßi ■ •» - :i MAJHJrACtO*T» No. HO 'Wotar ond 104 Froat Bt, ahlfclyfcwTaow 1 ■ - HTOBUfcUHt Va» FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. AT ~ - REDUCED PBICES. James W. Woodwell, i Hoi. 97 Hd 99 TMid ilnet, •; u» 1 ■ ■■ i ■ in: FOURTH BTBEET, i-"- ( CDfIBRIX*'OT .V'y ill Yiriitlu tl Mjlti Bid PUiih, , ■ tcmnAvo* ..' • Hotelai and-'Private L BwalUoga. 4VAU ordar* promptly ittasdad to,ttitba fonltur »«*>*< snA iwB«A. ■ gtwabcatt aad HoWa farßUfcad atshort nctka. . Okbtett Jtate»Aßp(M wUharey Artkto l»UaUaa. ■ . lw*lySl ■ . ■• . • ■ i .■ SPRING GOODS! VtT E ABE NOW BECEIYINQ A CHOICE _I.»_*Sp8»LSOTBIOCKOIOOOOa bnlK» tiLOiiiki4 b>ra tan HbeM aUk WMUuoal .n. urn imin BICBBEIt OF rmto'tlD .mi cffloofl^MablM ■ Fairtuas of Pilot, lb*T:aUl soarUl AST GOODS tfUukteljn. M» epaad to tkfc dlj, «afl mil (■BMlWlJ.rihll ■ aariyaaiimaovpatreoa tad aaaatar ttmlna. . Samuel, Gray & Sou, UEBOHANT TAOOBB, - ■aitte . .dtsSkt. PITTARPRfIH. Pa