s|: ’ i-V ■ S Tl. ' ■* •l - Jk * li|§^ • ; l- r V. * • • ■s' I:-:' ' .4 ;|'y. virv ;; ■ J ■'x' i • ‘ h'- •» K i v.r< »*y ,• .... .1 v. .■■ ,-.r: t* .n.! >.■: ■•■.'■' * .■ .■ :«V :*.• :*<■s.'] '•') . .!■»•• V•• ■'*’ >.? '.M.f.*.'.•■«■• IV.' i - -. - 'j• i-'-1 * ; *,•:...••«•«., r-7>N'.« w»r:vM.r ; ♦. 1 ‘ lipaiplip:. 'Vs'K * ■ « *k ,a *; t > ’ #+l V|.>s * ' '}, x- " I ■*•!" r • -.1 .. < > & v.w *H* , ''*\ S „ * ’f <* * -to,, « , fe«*' *• 4 Jr ’ -»-hChl|' -«4( ■*■« L H % t w" 1 * 5 ’••’ -[iS- W"v *>• , I +,T _ i •<' * ' ifift *. 4K•" . i. v} . *» <• c i‘. f. • ••'A v*4 &•■?:', r ?.whs I ! -£v>; ,v ,#■''=»' \ „ I '4 1 4; ''TfAt W : y'< .k •' % \ ■ »' i -J 4 T i S ,4. ■* * !,;>■ ’:-' s ';- t V;r . ,r « t 1j; ! 4 *iil i ■; 4j■ ■[ j-19; -r^-"vS . ,;'L-;t’«7 ■i '?'i'vHk'’ 1 * *’ -'^y‘':‘ •' ■. .■ • i ..i- -l i.> •■.* • • •&! MW! -fe'i-lvi’ifl ■v*' T : . ‘ 3. '•“?■ 1 .■ ■ : t <’& ’!}* : v 11_ - ~ ~ . _ - s. * |Httsb»rg ' b a co,, . ■. if iron.' ik a. j rio rit ar # a e— ; - PnLlitaHon Offic*, /tyttatrrrf, nearSoiikfidd, doralaf and Enotas Bdltloasdalljr,eoa* . uinluaTiif utcit Sim toUxo hmrof * Momtng JKUfos—sfi£arAtmask lßsdvftSfiaorl2o.per waok fromeanrUra. *T----- •. tooting par aaoem lb adnoee, or Co. p«r -waeft rromeurkn. | • r|RaHriJU£to«&bg!* eoffan.g 3 pr Mttun; Bra cr ••? ■ adnDoa,'. ■ j • awiDVßETifliwa at aamsarni BATta ' ’ * > BATDBDAY MOBNINO; HABCH' 23, 1601. VIfBIPIBITOPTOfiSOUTB. p -. .. Tbit proseriptio? Is ;ih6 opsDl/*avowed spirit of Ms new CoafedortOfaorHderof Mtlrosws v pftptrt—no IrsvilUr wbo bM sejoanwd wiMla I . Malr borders—cm doubt. BaiMsfisgrahoyof -: / some things Mot hove j been reported—4bs vsrjr I fltgmnop Hsslf—•ososd.to nodtrMem lecraL f tblc. The people of Ihs'Kottb, and tbswholk :/';: clvllixrt world with Mem, /|i could not possible be trae In nnpforoof eodotp I with Me ooadmoss of tiiicb ihe/srs Acqaslotei, I cm. not realise thnt iaoh n bubaron . spirit I ;of proecrlplion uMo following extmet fton» lhs ; New Oflsnns Delta exhibits, shonld be the ordl, rwjeTerynlej elate of feeling in nojr comma* Blip nader nnj eupposobte oohdUions. Batfcov ■ Is thfl.wonder loemsedwhen we levathatthose ; conditions, ore not onljj eodared os airelj toler - mi>l* p bat cherished M tho beet, sod je wild jeo* • • tbaeasm excited la their behalf, whose etrena* •**. ooi efforts will be patforlhto jjaske! them per* *■■■■ peiaftl;’ Weqaolefromtbe Delia: j « -»*lt ihau!d fas reoolWotedibetia NewOriescs, i even before ht? weeded; Lincoln’* * > portrait? wm not -end: ea lodlsereet y 1 Ansirisn peddler eame near being hanged for. . 7 : , offering a nlnlainre of the President 'elect for Tha ansa paper alio ; deolores that nop nan .£ who would retard or weaken the aeeeselon ' movement Is a traitor, jicAo sftoutd it driven Jrom ear hotter*. < 4 *" ■ ■ * “I noticed,"isye the correspondent of s New j York papeV'onlyyesterdsy, ia two provincial . papers of this State, a jdireot Intimation that the 1 - .publication of another Interior paper, whtch \ •liUowaeaUaglaaentbjthe Federal Uoion,ehonld | . not longer be permitted in Louisiana. A; Mis* j . aiaaipplorgM eopnaaiee tha with that Oeorga -j D; Preatloa. of the LouirrilteVoaniai, wholi a ( v thorn, in ffset a whola forest of Morns, ia tba ! side of iwoeaeioa, should visit this Motion. *Wo - waatf' sajs the editor, with the peculiar mild & ■ -nanof tba Boatb,:*ioeee aperformaaoa oaibt ■s. • • . tight top* I' P -■ J .... ~ . ■ ' Zbe election o( Mr.,Bherman to the Ohio Sen alonblp; tendered vMaat by Ur. Cbiae'a. no* captaoee of a eeat jtbe Cabinet, Is an event . . which we hear aanotioeed wUh mingled feelings of satisfaotlon and. regreti Ok the haps, oar aatiafaotioß predomiaatet, fornowor thiersaocusor eonid hara bean designated by ; thaStata ofOhlo, 1 well the array of bar wortblaai aonS| to sneoeed Ur. Chase. SUII, when wa re* member that Solent aertioea which Ur. fibertaan • r has raadarad to the country aa Chairman of the Committee of. Ways'end Ueaos, we feel Mere la readon to regtel that bia valuable atrvicaa can* notba avillahlh any* |longer: In that 1 . Important „ nphera of legislative activity where hi ban won the respect and gratilnda of all good men.t Oa the prinoiple, howavtr, of'rendertog honor to whom honor le dae, itiwas wall for Ohio to'aUot Ur. Sherman to tha in tha honor every patriot will concur in. pro* nouoclng it wall dasaryed. The report of ihe vote ia .the Arkansas Coaveb* : tioa seat hare ibe Awociated Press, tad which appeared la the CateiU aed tfaa otbar ' moramg papere, seeiui to be told like that story ‘ which a eertsta ftrmafjiwreported to have told a . neighboring irhich the farmer pats the r- piseo* aa ox which.had bee*vgored,.bnt reyerset the oiraerahip. Wbalirnr iihn pariy who aent the ra* >• port to Pdtabargb bad aay ’tiitarior'view, soeh as thetanaerhad, waeanoottsU; but whether or - aot, we do not like each thief* by teltgraph. -The • ’.Nesr York paper* contain telegraphic despatches from Van Bum sad. Fort Smith,! Arkeniss, and from Naahfills, Teas., and Louisville, Ky., all oflba Sima tenor as tba tbll<|wiag* which, therelors, we * presume wa may accept iw-correetiou of the die ... patch scat hare: j .] . Great axeitemsot his prevailed at Little Bock, Ark,, following the Ejection of the fe'ecetsion ordieacct. . i . • . ‘ A eomproaue his been made tbit the people ■bootd vote oa the first Moudiy iej August nest for eo.openlioa or Beeessiou. : < Delegates are to be seat to Me Border Bute Cou* vcßUou, tad report oa the-reassembluig of the * Coavaatioa on the third Monday in August. The Seeewoetate ofLoeUiana!*tolethe;iaofl«j -ia the mint at Kew Ofleaa*, i#o«t of which wu prtnte property. ThiareederedtWi jutlj liable ■ to U© appellation of ihUre* They Mixed the V. S. Uo«piUl| and teiaed the rick and dieabied oot» - that efcovtejt iheßse!?©* to be barbarian*. fiat ' leme'Of the SccaestonaelhoritiM; of Texas hani . reached a lower depth 1 of dastardly oeaanMs tfcaa toy or tbetr coapatriots. , A { fellewhamed Sberaae, at Un headof a Vigilaoce Committee, • letxedi a Ibw dayenece, a veaMMoaded oil •for the porpoee of aapplying. tb*li|hUboases along . the Golf coast* The heart eiekeae at the thought uf ibe duuten lln) jmajr .occur'to the ahipplef eiong that daigaroar eoaitfor want oi tbeltfhu ilpracat» ia nrenl other plane beetle* Albany. Whet *<.ald.be the objec* ; •/..tioi. if oomo poiliee at liartUbnrg woeldi tabo 8 ; hiltfroa the following: /(,. :. S : -y AflMaa*. bly oil throne of Mr. Jay Gibbose, h aesber froaAibaayeoaatr, ebirjid with bnbery,yaeur> day'repoitedarieoletloato tbo effect thaiMr* Gibbaea "haa been guilty oToffieisi aiaebadact, rendering bite aaworihybt a eeat in tbie Howe, aad febomtd thoroforo braxpeUed.” , . f.v. V Tbs drthr Uo withdrawal ofMijorAhder ; Mthf* oof boot five* at oar l*U*i bat it it bollovod ihil tt eutoot be raoeb 'loaiger dela/- •4; Hit faefasd light are -believed to have Met exbawtadj «ad tha eiocaof orovUioae ialo*.; 80. . ebtata'rfret loatlbe nation thit fortjforwbUe ! H till traea oa bit party itwatajiao of the moat • - active proporaltes for War oa the part Of thoßecee/ tioalaUy and Uo retail faw boot (hit unavoidable { { BimsAioair. h * • la Tbuadaj'a Biiftndk a oamapoadait asqalraa ' "lq nivd totha toim ofMetm. Moorhaad tti Ho* Kiifbtsatbapoatpoaaaaatof Mr. SUntoa'iroU ntMrWD, jtadtrialtoeoonj tba Impcaatioa tbit tba tamporiry poatpoaaaaat mu a (aitTota,aad aqalnlaat to a dafcai. i Hr. MaKalgbt pablbbai tbt faWnflnilninmrfir tbit ikafft*-- **fi«Vjiio Wsr-Tiir Votib.—lfmr*. Xditor* -DfiMfeb t It l< #ot mj eaftoa lo aolloa aaoajtooat ~ ( V'MMCD'lflftUoa«» batuta vtiela of tbatahanetar v■■•fathla noralag'a JDbnatck raotinajroaruquUfiad cadoraaaaot, cad u I laara.lba aißt afroaaoaa la. pmaJoa a»l*taiatha*loda©f atbara, I tabaUU *vappaitaahr to ujr that Mr. Btaatoa'a bill, author? ttlag tba Praddaat to call oat Tolaalatnt hid a f t Imifj ijinrnt irlim tad tapport. Tbtra «ri o/Ua rnoM af policy opantlag oa tha nladt pad con triWag tba Total of Hapnaaatativu aot kaova to : >atbar*aad ltdoaa aatiaoaa saraiaoaabti to allov ■; tkjinmmlittte diaeratloo. ■ ( »*rka raoord aot Wag within nub. I eao aot giro i voatbamaif mad ditaa, bat Mr.-Buatoo oauadi : ap hta bill oa tha day fisad for argaaltlag tba aavi fflrrltoriwof.Colorado»lf«rad%iBdDaootah. Tba: pproprialfea aad other Important bill* wan alao i pftaaagl »«■ that lata-parted of tha aaaaloi*. Tba Maootaajf fa to dafaal thla pm**f (HtgMtisad wrongly u a foroa bill) by tha i utol MrUasaatirr atrateinr, Oofitamteg tha rail* tba wnlehyoa an awara wa: >•••••:■w«nt>owerteutoprtT»L K*©wteg tMi,nuay of raaoaa froa tba wreck; all tba i lapflfUatiaaaattfaawacottld JWiartof the poaW :■ / -e-vi aafanaat for two days woald aeooßplhh tkb> aad i :./ • ; aMfbog** l jauJafiof. Stiatoa'e blfl, I voted with i . Mr.OW.Ut»Sa|>bl» UttUorUj bUfrjhMMMUj [ lbm*4wteSu.MrtUl|i .Web I .Itororfi pmli tooar Son Ik AiMrloa fri nit, on whon I irpd Uut ibtjnt MMlutof » gmu Motel. . *w BkUi.l «Uk or to |>ro»pU7 pw tklj Brtteiui ■■■■: . iMww« Mn.|ikol.( th. Modi of lb. BooUm, p.. aba to vafotabb txaaaob aadftsel*. 1 "ItoTototlUte itni ict>tMtToto,b«t wbn tk. bill I nud tot tt,Md dMSIy n>. Wtan,Uwo»b nil mn Mr. Bwhiu. wu pKpt Unto Ik Tom, *•., HaunMoKi»n.?v V.' < MB. BHEBBAW. ABHISMS HOT BBOKDBD. jUnaiitgannoic. -otivpoiiliu. Ol.ti^VlUabirtljGsMU*.] AUreb 4I« lßpl- Edi. Oizrrr*:—la tH. Sea.ti, ta-djij, Ur. Irilh cUUd op'bUl to the Citizen** Puieoger Roil. *zy4o betid ’o broaeb But Liberty, which parsed ind wzz »at to the nom». Ur. Peaooy introdaeed * bill inpplemenury lo tb. ehzrter or the Pitizbargh tiu Compaoy, which puzed end goe> to the Haase. It-ontbozizM/thw oboin of Sinctonufroia uy port of Alloibioy eomty.; : Tbofoltowiog.weztorli bill* slzo puled: ■ lloa—Mll relztirz to thzzzl* of Izado for tout to tha horoagh of Connotiiritio. - Hotua bill to tnoorporoto tho Girord Czmztery, EHo eoohty. Boom bill niztlra to tbo eloim.or Ohaz. Carton Hooi* bill to enzbio Rlizabstb Whit# to' taoka ti tloteoeftoiofMiortzto. ; Boom bill rtlztir# to tbo Bobool I)ijtrial of Bho loeta, ladiaaa ocualy. • _ BoozoUli oxtondiog th# tint# forooaplatlogthb Bow Outioand Bow Wilabsgtoa pluk md. In tb« Hooto, tho morblo, woo ooooplod olouot mtoziwly to piuontio* petltitmz. rMdihg blllz, znd roceiring report* of Commlttoo*. Th. zitonioon natoa.wu dzrotod to tbo appropriation bill; which •to probably gat through tblz week. Tbo praput for an ouly adieoramnt ft not toigbti rTbot middle of April Is tbz ezrliorl dzz until.] ■: -r ■ e. The FoU* of T«IU. ; ' Perhaps then is no other one of the acceding States which haa oxhibitod in that aetidD soch egregiona and marrellona ibny aa haa marked, the eonrao of Texas. While ahe was yet in dependent, her pneafions impoVeriahed' condition was evident to all outside oheerren,' and bo deeply felt by her public man that they threatened to seek the protection of some strong Earopcan'Powor,'if' tho ITnited. States refused the Stats admission into the Union.' Yielding'to the apprehension that this anomaly oos connexion might indeed occur, and com plicate dor southern frontier with (Heigh ioccnf pation, the ITnited States coneented to receire tha (irlom Btate, and mugo tho lone s(trih onr more lostrons constellation. j Strenaons was the opposition to this doubt ful measure. Confidently did ita opponents predict; that a.war with Mexico must toerita-' hly follow, and as positiiely did aonthem meh and theif northern allies' assure us there was no such danger. Texas was admitted, and we assumed; her.debts, amounting to more than eight millions of dollars. - > What! ensiled ? Mexico could hot brook this annexation of her former province. The war which was not to happen did happen aer ertheless. Perhaps forty millions more were spent in the arduous conflict, and thousands ol onr eoldiera were slain or maimed, while Si many more perished by disease. We planted our banners in the city of Mexico, and were embarrassed by our Tery conquest. We were glad to beg or buy a pesos, and gate fifteen milUoae! of dollan to the vanquished; enemy for largetractaof territory ofdeuhtTui valhei and attHwarda ten millions more for andthef tmneoncary slice. ; Texas was ours—and a dear bargain has eht been ever eiaoe. Huge were! the outlsys oo her behalf in the first instance, and heavy as well as numberiesa have they been Ineachsmn oeediog year.. Seven inOftons of dollars Were paid her for alleged territorial rights in Hew Mexico,; relating to sterile or mountainous tracts, scarcely worth as much as a hnndredf acre form in Pennsylvania. Millions more wore expended to-protset her from Mexicans and Indians, and a Huy large portion of the Vederal army was directly employed in this onerous service. And now, forgetting or ignoring sll-these things;' Text! revolts from that central gox arnment, whose every action towards her has been that of bounteous benefaction, and joins .in a league of rebellions States, only less un grateful arid unwise than herself; -. .! .' ; Henceforth Texts; most' defend herself With a fitata revenne only one-third! of her ordinary expesditrire,'with an empty treasury and a total lack of credit iri any money matt; she dismisses twenty-five hnndred Pedenl troops who were protecting her at the national expense; and voluntarily assnmea the crush ing burden of an annual expenditure jfor this pmpoMialone whose;annual amoantmust h tnmafod up by millions. A., navy for ccaa defmeo mnst likewiae be improviaed.by thi government without an exchequer, unless the fa, content to await tha action of tbeMontir. gomery congress, aiid see if the armaiaeatafof that augqstpoiraf will arrive in timo for her defence: j. The .history of mankind exhifaita innumer able actß of foUy approaching to inanity, bat we doubt if in all that long Ifet there can be found an act of irifotqatfon more stupendous than this—[North American. . , Fact Flekiaa. Qeai Bragff' Of tbe Array of tbe 4< Coßfedarate Btetet» ! ’’ it oo* io eamp before Pieieae, proper log to re enact there Ue ectoe of Cborltefoo harbor dorieg tbe loot Uree booUi. No mat ter howvxieoiive bit warlike prtparailoe* v er ho* fiarce hla profttttona,; Ur. Darla la o taga* clout Bias, and it bool - ood prodent antilhU vnnli/iit piqued or pride of oplsioawounded. He It evidently nasioae to avoid giving Um fiirti blow,—for ho and«r«Undj fuU wet! that while ii la tefa to deop io viol tot terse ihe right oflha Federal; Government to "eoetee eeoverelgn Stole,*? hie own people ere noljat quite op to Ihepolet of readier®# to tuttela him ia wwrefop tht FaJcal Govtmmad. Nov, eofepoM&daptef abandoned, for UemUaerp reasons olreadp in* dlealed—io that cue Mr. Devil Boalbeelege Fort Pjeleoe. Then Mr. lie sola Boat need* reinforce and eupplpthot poet. which eao tulip b« done, os the wap ie open from the tea, 1 ood comparatively nft. ' Mr. Davit, in each event, bob ttorfe oui Ideal.Bletnoer,ne ho *Um< I eat Major Anderson, or he Boat aUaek the forL Will he attack Fort Piekeno ? Probably not, aa the Administration? deriree peace—while Mr. Davit alto evident!/prefer* it, and the Commit elonersi from Uo Soothers’ Confederacy ore bate, endeavoring to obtain * eolutioh of Ue lopeodlog dlfficalilei la took manner at to avoid war. Bat the iaveetmeot of Fort, Piekesa will'boot a great deal ofmooay; and If our Government maintain* it, the operetta)! of the Secessionists io that quarter will prove an ex b nailing tetcn.-faoniag awap with their money a food deal faster thaa their people like to far* niehJi.i : It ia safe <6 conelode that the commercial tod monetary eineecv of tbe Nor U, interested lo the proWettob of our Golf commerce, need entertain aa frati that either' Pensacola harbor or Kep- Wett will b# abandoned bp Mr. Lincoln to. Confederate States,r-to becomeUerendtsvone of JttUre: of marque, and from which private any tally oat forjhecaptareof oar CBtyfotain tmeure aod aienßerc. : England set! oe.aegood example ta relalalag G ibraltar and ll»Ua. Fort Sampler hat no each valae, add ean.be spared; while forte Taylor and; Pickese are ieivintaabte for Ue preteetioo of oar coor merce, udvoti be maintained slavery coal, jdatuloog utoppUee odd relnforcemeoUeaa be pat ioto thorn. Pickenv evidently, woe reV inforced bp the BrpoklyoJ end aow mail con* taibeomo ibroo hundred well disciplined man. — for. if, Yfimt ConpUaiat to Dow. !CHUNa-{hßil W : r ; -. •''•■ ■ '• •- : ; ’"' -l' "■ ' ScntrToniv—MiaHaader, ofSalemr Mass, who studied the pUsticartin Bome, a»a po »1 of the lamented Crawford, hasof late been ri Baltimore and Washington, modelling rev eral busts,! among them; one of her.hrother, Cob F. W. Lander, the waU-fcriown tivil a gineer. ; .. , . ■.,jOio P. ( WsioßT,a portrait painter, of Hart ford,^Connecticut, has been j employed'lw the State of lUtocia to paint the portrait of Preai dont,Lincoln for ita Capitol. Tha appropria tion hi. the.wiHk is $2,600. ' Taaarticls in the “A tiantic Monthly," for ' April; entitied “Tha Beign of King Ootton,’’ iefiom the pen cf Ghulea Franda Adama, Jr. As a proof of howfisll Wuhington is, two thousand twohnndred personadinedatWa iard’a Hotel cn Monday. - Hh«imattomtßhenmetiaml Bhenmatlaml . IttawilHcpoya rtttta>ai» axt.avUnMl appUflitteoa oaly driv* BhcosaCka liroa om part of th* ayatm to UMtharJ Bowatfaa**, wttk AUI waofta. HDM* PBBSTB*. APKiviO OOXIQPATfIIO BBlUllitiq PUeUI «ft*ncof* Jtb* want Md Boat protnwfed dwww .TUa4apl*iMdieatadflrauPAL«m do aNstoaradlcau to* dißH* tkn «iwt&iM.cii%«xßd* ■■dktatoaad kn nnd vtn to dlnv tnan tov* BUM; / Pilo* B Matapar box. : Ust«xMforst. If. A—A foil ati of Hotrg>ai*H Bcny anxio Baacmoa, d^oltopUtetanttcaßi of; fitopa ktotottentandlO eanlfc', ' Tt*a» ftdaayßfi*. by to* tiojf*' box o* daatmaatßj mDorainfetoftwof nrsddnnM raoaljt oltbeiinee. SdSna Br.r.Boiuiaixxaaoo, ' . Ha SO BnsdvtTi Htw-Tort, .laid bj J, H. rULXOH, lifts ilnd, net door fnn Ibi PMOOpi, Aftai lor nttokirih. ntlMlvlel POLITICAL NOTICES. |Tjs*rOß SO£EIFfAPAM WJBAVfiR, 'AST *l the SiVanto wort, HtWaato vffl dM Mnß aa a cftodidat* tor Ebatlff tf. Du baajflWi vUI Dot atllow hlei th* opportaslta ol trftTftrrißxtb*cocatyftadß*logUua aJI, ’ pSlauifa O=!SnERtPC.--JOUN AIKEN, of the “ t^>r Elfklh aNitd, ntuhortb. will b* * ouMidst* fcr the •boTa to th* d*etaLoot th* BvpotlKftaCoas* tyOfoatripikia. 1 - • • • phS-to rra»aUlsKl^r.—JUUN MILLER, of East . Übtrtft CoUlas tovsablpe la ■ caodldt* lor Sheriff. ofAr#gb*o?6oaDt?,aob]octtoto«dadalooof tb*a*eafr ttonQoontyOpOT«nUon. •: • mkirtq ; BU friends of Gen. J. A HkaLßYrof (Wlla* townhlp, napactfejl* w|» hia BOBiOftUoa Hl* pa bile aatvknfaototo hiaeouu? «ndpartf,v*ll>kiiewo.«o*rt?nd sukt? to mat p«bUo napactt-'nllU* bta clslas tosvar? cocaUUntln. At tb* BftKw ÜB*,bt mid** la th* district ntukd to this offle*. - feg.lC ■, : ■ . , • , - - |rS»FORSUfiRIPF—UUGU 8. FLEMING, K.*Clar* t*«ato(peMl|«ittolh*d*cislos*f to* B*paMkn:Op*v—Hoo..zf ; .> : • : .-.fclfcto "■ irS>FOR BHERMF—UENKY U. LEWIS, 0 r BbirpaCSrfe'li * csadldfot* fut Sheriff of AU** lh»nrcoc»ty, satjset to tha JUpablicn Bmlsatto^OM* IfS*FOR PBOTHONOTARY—J NO. MOR -IUOH, cf AUschsar, wIU b* s ctodltots, aaldact to th* tocfaloaof th* a»pqhHcnOaav»sUoa >; nhtlrte ir3»RBOTUONOTABI.-Z. PATTEB -80N»o( Isdlfts* Towmhlp, b * tiaftAl* for ho thoaoUrr, Mlj«ct to tha dadaloa of to* bpobUnn 000- V**UOD. . I ' - ■ • : • : : jahlfotov' iT^»PROTHONOTARY.—JOHN 0. CUR- TlAef AlUfthaavdi/. b • caodldst* for Protooii** torj, aspect to la* dadafoa of th* BapdMicms Ooaat| .Ooavaatlooi ; ' ■ hlfota irg>PROTHONOTARY.- OAPfAIN U •w BATOXiOf Upper Si. Obirtovoihip, *aAft(bavotas of hb frtaad* to obula th* Bap&bftcw anwilanttw for ffrethnototTof Alkshao? coastfaSmUr o! hb bfihtad sot*Uostoghbilh*«MorU*|lyof tnvmU| Ufcoantry sod —lo*lb*o fttl. .fctfcxst* irS»PHOXUONOTAR Y >—D. 0. UULTZ, of * omdldsto fcl sottlaMoa lotto ftboTvcOcs,tabtoc* to to* daetabaSC Ik* B*pato |fc*a Oosvaaths. • - . ; , - • .foUrto , ITS* PROTBONOTARY.-RICHARD. “Vi DAHVtft,cf llaan inarnhlprSfll h* *ropo»bd for lbs sboTs ode*, intact to to* datotasof to* BapmhU fTS»OOONTY OI)Mfi4IB3XONEB,—JOHN MILLXB, K*}-. otttbtor. *Ol to ft csadSAsta for th* shot* «Oc«b mbjsct to tktwdana of; lh« On vnttoa ! ■?. 'i .vi. .. . fog,to JT3*FOR BBBE, w? i cf tti* Third ward. littsSa ijh, sOl b* • e*adfo*to for Ooroaa,*atort tothddvcWoscfth*Brp*blknOoa*tf Ooovnm*. • ohtott Vablit : ktotn. first: gongrbgation or Uv Dtttlftn stoats dtoUßlf Is AFOtIO BAU, 4th &ti*t«*ais ltftik*t *ad bood. rv*btotof*tor«LOlßira T, *E 10U - SBd Tfsß- HtbNASDAV TbprtiUt ui rs>ai* foUytoUtodtoaltnl \ • -S ohOlt totrawatto.Orwtt^l osecMd to V'Sr *mi* ib *ott> hrotuht for sspai* Itotictoa it, ttseH*DWOA*t> rsviau tax, *r« im ssetan 1 tost oblsm to* **b* to* ton? paid nor bttow to* fttlT DAT OP HAT vaXT, brit* silt h* bss*d to to* Martf to* th* BAtC OP PSOffffeTT LIAtLB THKAffTO# TtMM vboshhto SATB ADMTIOIISL 00sn,«U)sUnd to „„ lca , toa-tmrot . HBStY, TBUJUDAT ssS PAIPAV. Sartl A*. 4th «Sd fito* tbte; . . : .■ _ - • • • ...... ' O*»M Off SSBBOItM. ;5 TfcvrMUjr. 9 » » M, MatouotfA.JUrm*aV Jaet:fenM*r. OoMnlDtoesartoK failUirtiiw ir^i?&l£^£T&2SX?£>JB 7^S&'SS^"'Si£ssSi£i. ,^ii ' ral Tratatafta oor •ebook. tjt • wook ► »TTim uT larvfcvwTaUro*;UMaltiiiM AntbMUa. 0» saa^aaic^^&ssaiaffi ■iloflogeiaaoboTaMhi—ailboo Bcaalfeoer ibotmi fagrt— cl 9daaaltoa, «al to tfette* tbatlta loionaU tiUto.KiMM*Tib* lMUta(a«*Mittllr toftto tto wnwwmt hmk *»*«*• or MssatitttatbtfO* *—l:, r v.vJrISSiW ' HfeHßg--. aggpoa m—ttffc [jycbniltmi KMMiraur ii ibi rcnuoi u»BT«wum POBUoisaoot, Tucidar ETealar, Mareli 38lb, 1 la t&i KtttiodM Kpianptl Ckntlii ItUtii rtmt. aw UM aoanoi Hwa, irniweiata a'doch ’ nek>t«.i9 cut*: a»sr laiaaauof from Ihe *eboal»arattlMdoe*. Tb* Room* wtil ba-MwapfUM for tbateatflo! thaieboaL ; MkWW SMtiQutT. itini' UnSSlmneter. rrs* PROPtfaAUi will ■■«aoaivai>A*Ttta ILs*. uffioa «nmKi)KSuo amoi.ito* »* UiftlTVilDtT, O ini; far Ibf QnlUf. flttal ltd «*»• lum MmtiialilMiarQiiiNM awl. (na vww mwttiiOwtwlwit UAMMUIUI. PitwCmrh. Rawh 11. mi. 44 Mar. : atria, swmnmnn. jCfEROiiASTB, SaKKISs; ■ MANtiFAOTUBBU, Mi ctian, eanflod a foil iwoita»Bl of ; Blankßooks ud lUUesco, •tW.fi, HAVBRVi wnifrfWoctartftWitHrti. HSMAY JBRBBN, oaoAn irAfforAomas, | KXtff OOJtffAHTLY 09 BAAD. CHORCH AND PARLOR OMANS, - i lor sviu jizsamd mnimov. had 8 lactw feJfb.4 faM 9 locbw wld** I&SaSb 911 * 16 **'**-* *(vbeiWtio, 'No t>l alOm (i iilt < Intel bl|li, IMI lacU. Mhk 4 (Ml 8 locfcM MOO. No 4-12«tot*,l8fMl high, 9Cm( eischwvtdakf Act deep.-, . TM ibori iloailoni an hr Grtclaa comm (f OMbtt eaara, Uu; «rUI ha ooHMVbal higher. For fortbar (Bfenttlioa, aipefr to vv UUifttm.BMYnU apliaUly JOHfl a. MKLLOB,>I WoodM. IBIT f BSB VO AST ADDABII. JIHABLBS HOFMANN, F. B. 8., M. D., j'-t rpfMM* tf HimM tf (hi Ootltel Orpa* n ihs MMf Mtucubimna, N kM.il izpnn to tb» lutUot* pabtfcbod ft<«orir oe tbo tmtawt tf oil; srirate 'diMMM of Un ault «b 4 ftnb gaaltat cram. AteOk BfnstlM «■ ftw mate M OBMiM «r ICMtvtaUM, fatal D*MiUf, ißfotssttfy fMiVttl fßltiiiiteii sutanfcw: tAaatejrlap&ter as* Mattel adroi* m) Debility. rUdfat tflteudvUfe patefat«r«ktlr*Jrwp» jßatatrb allot, »M htnf poßUtttet t>j aaabdioi lor • boat. vßdcUm iuoftdai— ptf te-Wfiy rti pniff, MM to DB. OOABLBB BOVMinfl, trmmt JMfcal /tltttlrffr tCetOB, UiM ; :■■■■■:, MCteUf> H A,RI Lcnrltfit Bair eu b* obtftfo»6 bj sdof .j Bellingham’a Stimulating Osgueotl For wit by - BIUON JOHHBTOS,Drqubt, . *Dd Dttl*rfoCbote*faaHy tUdld&M, _ earner isUbSeMwAVoortk IU. T>RODUCE.—IOObbIa. prime Apples; to bbts B)ra flow, fmb QrMMfc ■ fi«efc*Drj 4ppl«c tOakiflavibara Vtj 100 bbtfVrtotllo unit IstrefUDnt Vh«r. SbMtrmfeßAtlßuian- IBroMiB*; ftl bU« MJIM Brasil Wblt* feMUQ * Meta 40 40 Hr, ; W dos Hadlsai ViMjr BroOBK ICO 4m Oobbim Broom ItteiMWootfltAMbi' IMblbblißOllolsw ' 'BoM*taOßlsi - MO bat Foiiten 14iirlwj '• 1 MbMHmwl mlw ktubbj fHABR V4lf OOUHBp , - ■ BbtS ;' . IMBKOAiL , SUNUBIRB— 20bbU and 10 hf-bbl* prime Koi l ■•CtiMt; ? •• l»tpW#»4UMWUprim*No.fll»ck««l; 10 4o ndlO 4* 4« »o.» 4* MbUlMaiOMi - ' abtormbtiK i - BbbUßoHßMbn I*JmM»W4»IMS IbfMteW 1 * • T , j* - »hP! - OPIMBBiHM.iaW«trB. /^RANBEBBUSB—I2bbU.in prims order ttßllH ■ ■ e untxaoouni flftr f r JHfttoTtarrittoti.flffotßfejiaba; Hnhmdand Hbbat, Watata. Chpa Kofiaa, A e; ’• Par* lisas flwibrtcH—dlumriafo,*! So. Mfedopsftrdat J . miff BO9HBTB, EPBINQ Sr?tSB. loasto BBAomPtowvnLEarba*, BUka, j BifiSt flsfiffil’ OOBSBTBI boBBffTBI Iwtuk* OathaMk* Shlrtq i j ftMlHhaOnnk IHfovtMsi; ie. Ootto»ssdll*af&o Stobr? of*vary ab*asd (jdftllty; 'V : 'o!ona,a*t*Utl**a4Uo*ll!tto, • UmA Draaa* sad Otor Bata, atsvatstyb*. i ASDCOUAT&T AHnPßDnuaB,vbolßf toasiipgalSfVUlit)* supplied to taj qtuillf.il ii tow prkaa mmi bo&M Beat or vr. r , ;:*ATON, MACROM/i/CO., bh» ' SXANDAKUI UiSTORIOAL ? WORKB.- - PmeolM Hbtorkftl Vorfca, 16 mb. BiscroAbUaUad BtoUa,Aroto. HUdrtohVPftltodßtotorj fl rola firotaTa Hlatory ofOntoa Uyob. ■ Htftoyy flflawpf. r - Mdtby 1 * Hbtoty of to* uattsd Htohetliade 8 vdla. -i.: d* . 1 ' I do Dotch BtpubUe, 8 tala. HdUmVQlitirkal Worka, fctvrnbtolCUl'tt. Thkn* HUtory of to* Prwßcb'BavohUlOB n 4 vj/. “ 'dpv'- ■{ do * •-, Th*iab*trlb*rTifciJ»»l cptood »&*• •MortmcntoTSut •retmiSr, BotaTttctbkobkmaiooiid tb»pobHo *lijtotJr«bto*c*lL • BooltfWMa DUmood «o STittMrriCMd, 00 tb* KtUll of JOBtl Q.VLSUTSK, W»« OU), ill (xnocf ndrtUd to nid Mats in .itnaM to nab* (AMdlac* i«jimds, *&>! Chat* battat JMt claim* acaiut tb* mo* «tli pmaot torn, ta&t bstbtttiatad, for MiUtMat, to JOttN O. VLSINtft, txacttor. ■ ;? r AUnbday cmntj, Mareb 134, IMI. QUTS (}lL| All thd-choi \ OUVEOILt itce brands, FOB Ta bLI USB 1 , • FornUbv kwtMU SJUON JOHNSTON, : I Mi ObClCa raßllf MciictßW, wt eaUhßatd and fqnrib aiiaata ■pfietiU BO'ITfiH •14 (/clock p n TOAEBIVBTBISDAY, s.B. rißoueoM, caia»rdßl|kaajf)llam. MBN.—P*nicflUr attention paid ; A teifctmanaciutaf o t loot* roB Botin* oil iklUk AUiOo** nntfitik to Uof ttetwt BiftrUV MU VQtkMOlfcip.: . J w. w. young, (iiitVlwr to Cutwliht I T«mJ No. 97 Wood Street, tthll. »•- eoxmt of DUteov* Ml*r. rf?IN»OONMOTION£RY.— ;X fl«k Dnp« t ftatkm Prof*, Ugaortc* Prep*, ftoi 'Jr CntsCo«*ksi, IMXHIBik CHUtIkNIU, , v Otmoi trntm, Qitf I*ppa|*4» lih t» • v- . BSTItKB A bkOTßßfia. 'l-mkO WWooi M.tfEMtflCW.—tlooL StUU CO W KK B 7 JANfct UW%Mr naa£*opi» uauifio *o**«|fcnr#»4iWl- 5 «*■ , ... -T White Tub; XS lOPMbbtoUkkfwßlj IMUkfeb UU Umtuc nMw4 wdMwtoby ; : Mkg ! ■ B»W1T tt 00144 W. STOSC WASRB **l PJ6-6000 yard* Irum S to • lack mUIMt i»r «M* fc* ; Mkg 1 i? niMKt B 00U4Wlt BALL PAPERS-The Renfrew Decora tkaaad «ihatat>Utfari«i»br B j " * MABSMAIA.BIWmS at. CEILING PAPERS—Polychrome, Fresco aaifkxal AaeerattoMi far adnaatoi plain ollfatt. |V Mil»f ; «T. F. MaEIiALL * tnb9 ' v W Wood*. PARLOR PAP»KS-Oold, Persian an* B AntataamawUaMii bt - ■mb «t- ir.f.MAaAnALL.«wansi riUIUNn TOPS —l5O UoUtio Chimne; ia f «mr n mum T IME—2SO btili. FMah Ume, rail'd and for ;JUabk> | «mi :' am n. poum. /V(loSg— 20 but. prims tte’i thUdar bj Vf twin | tutor ii.cou.pi>. New Goods!- New Goods! J. BU SH, 84 V!F *H 'B*' A Xf A 3 BRTtWNED FROM NSW YORK, XLj>ta.motfp^*t]dw>tUrat MALTESE AMD BOMITOM BBITi, APPUfIaTIOM AMD UNBM BUYS, I ■ r Sjrr QAAIDALDI ASD WHPAtOUA SBTTA, r ‘^> Collars, Sleeves, Bands/ Edgiogs, loeertiDge, Children's Robes, Bodies and Caps, Plain Lines, Henutitcbed and Ones Linen 1 HeiDBBRCBIBYS, BOflfißT BIBKOMS, ADOHII, raowßßi, BOISE? BILE* AMD IUUSIONfI, HBAD-DfIIUEJ, HSTTS ARDOOirtIBBt, of thdlateitetjUe. : B&RTQA O^PRS. HOOP IKIRfI, For Children, Mi*see and Ladies. TAB RBQIPTIO* smat AND SKtKT ILEVAfOI, COBllflll COBVftTjBt OORIBfIi aOBIBBY.OLOYW, WTO, GINTW QBATATS AMD OOLUBfI. | TIAVBLIMa BAfll AMD POBTMONSAIU, 1 Yankee Notions for the Million! v: v ' 4-r : ' •• *• / •••■ j_ nxu Udba «f 'FtUitafffc tad .vfclplly ud.lb* Pub- Uom Uriim tarttad loealltiwl •taulMlb* atoofc, •bleb •111 te tbiartaUf attars,* tb« isdmiftud sukM H bis olgttttaylaiMUiaMtttbfta. •- • j IID til I toIHOHBIOOMI Mil'll) UuoM.|il■■■• wlalU uniawt e( ~ FT IWLUKBRY OOODBi damaHßiWfisg MifAOM OIL. t j ,H tm m—i—*or»r aw»»rttbMUft»BT»‘ .j '/v --sep , r Jteto atbKttoctimts. •§ WAbLPAPSBI THOMAS FALMEB, NO. 91 WOOD STREKTi Two Doors below Diamond Alley, flat Jtut it calved and now oOers (or tala n BXTKNBIYS ASSORTMENT of " PAPER HANGINGS, pottlirlriDg all tba laUat at)las of 1 Avxbicam, Wall Papera, ' BORDAK*. 'J PA NIL PAPX&S, TIBB BOARD TRIVTB. ! ’ - WINLOW CURTAINS, Ac. All aalcetad exprualy far BPRltf Q BALES. j f&Am of this atock ta rasporlfollr ra (Hettri. ' THOMAB PALMER, 91 *Wo6d street, , piblfcaalm . . .pear Manwadalky. WHOLESALE BONNET AND 11AT STORE. ■* l . j B.H. PALMER ' 18 NOW OPENING AT Vil . « 80. 8 4 WOOD BTBCBT, ‘ A FULL STOCK OF LADIBa’AND UIBBBS’ Boisr NETS, of tba Tulooa atylu sc* (übtoaahle. ' RIBBOB9, BII.HS, TLOWBBB, BUOQK i, STRAW m»BIN8B AND MIL* LINXBT eOOD?,Ao!Ao. ■ •••..!•:! ' f ; BIN’S AND BOTS’ TtMBAILK, WOOLj PANAMA, LEO HORN, PALU LEAF, STRAW ANDOTHB& .. HATS, TOR BALE AT TBS LOWIBT tIABKIT PBIOE3. . ; ’ i 17 fifth fltraat SPRKfG GOODS! WE ARE NOW RECEIVING A OHOICE AMD ABLBOT BTOOK OP GOODS lor oor SPRING BALEA*b eTOKIB, UfflOO. a ALU> ! COUAOBIS, Ac, to vbtcb ba *««U rcapMlfallf lailto tba attaatlon of tba PoUk.baTtac M aanm'MßW STOdfc Of GOODS raeatUp wrbaaad aad acW arrtataj- : ' '' Tbaaals *aa» ol NSW GuODB wHTflai tbasalaA,a. t . ... - Pino Tree T*r Cordial,. 1 Pine Tree Tar Cordial, • rise Tree Ttf Cotdi>L , PioeTne T>r CotdtaL Pino Two Jar Cordial, PineTreo Tar Cordial, .. Pino Traa Tar Cordial, " lor aalo at JOSEPH FLEMING’S, at JOSEPH FLEMING’S, at JOSEPH FLEMING’S, , Oorawcf tba Dtasoad m! Uarkal Draat, Oc-nar of Iba DUsoad tod Uarkat Btraat, mhat’At Ontnaref tba DUeoad aad Mai bat Stmt fkM ANUOOD-i-How Lost, How Bi-.ftt jTP, an.m—Jcittabilabad.oß nest aad EaAlcat Osraof f parnakatbta, or Bn&IaiI S«|> oaaa,Sainat DablUtp, Narrtiaaaaoa, lovolßatary BaMosa aad ißpotaotv, rfasttlas froe B*l/ Absaa, Ac. I| loom J. Ootvarvall, M. D. lei ondar; aaaL ta a plain ttriup, to any addraaa, Matt>aJd,ca racafpl ef t»o ataapa.br Dr. CHAP.J aSUNSfIB Bow«r, MawTak. fcatOßca Box, Mo. AHA , . . . . ahU:d**fain SANDS’ SALT KHECM RSHBDYX Baflinn fraa OQtanaoa sod BraoUva .DGaaaaa abooli at oaca taaott to ibu rtlaaMa aadmaa, «blcb will •parity raaora tba wowtiyaptema of tba— itrtr wilag roeptalaa. No raßady baa am dooasolißcktor tHaaaa»a -of tba aklo, ebativac tana ibarßKFMranM, Mtbk Ho caaaof Balt Bbtsia.RtegßomTattaa,Scald Baad,Bar* bar*a Itcb, Blotebaa, loat WttbrtMd tta inSnaaea. Fraparri aad >old bjA. fi A D.BANDB.DraaMta.IoQ Tclto&atmt,Ma« Fitlu . - Botdalwbf M A.fABNESTOOE A 00, PUtabergb, P*. Bdldataoby DnmlaUtaoacallTJ •,tobTUdlwrwtlF - mo OIL UMB.'-WAMTAD-A MTUiTIUN M SO JL fIIIHTU DINT ot m Oil Veil or w#li*. br a airaoa •m baa a tbooeah baouladc* of tba b*sla*a*.'UTlßt two mml oa it tor lb* lut artbt atoatba laVioup couir. m «u |lr» tba bail of nwweii'AMM Uniil Ibo roitOSaa, 1 KOOK Oik." R.B.~WiuuUv«lKudtnsHet*nitM* Otw farOU Computes. Undan'iiidaborUif aad nslbartlaf. bblMoMi •■•••: i ■ ; •_ ... IWAOTUiuNQOOiII’ANYUvo itmowd ibtlr cßo* to m lit HVoad ilnait bilvna ftnt aedßeoad ■trMtAVttaraallixdinwill baraertv*! tad boaotn »t> loodoito. OSOftQBOOkaOOM mbit IB ~ ■ Owwil AtsaL fi'£MOVAL.-~R. U. PALMBR has re [V mortd lb* Whokmrt Dapartawal of htoboalawto Na.S4 WQODSTRSkT. DUUukrtfitrsrtUOßswluU coo tt mud m "PALUIR’S MiRKBY BTRBRT 808 HR BTOR1." ■ • ■ 1 • • BbWYwBO... NICW WALL fAPJCKO FOM ’SI, W.PrMAaillAbb OPRNB TIIE SSABON with the latest Pa -rlaUa itjiht of Hoorn-OaoovaU<«,o( Viwk;ißd lArictt onabpiDN.fcrVlllai ud To* a tiißm, tl th» rtdaUad. ■ v Bbi> ! • -ffWosdat. SKCOND ARRIVAL I . ibw fliooot* vuicann.oAav.UT* jut opavti iMr rtoak of RIW 000 DA,' aalactsd wllb pt*l can, tad sßUottt oßuauALLTLourpnom fiioMß : NjooJdwa I vvt mwffxwU L A ; ' r - £. - jßaawtg. , i. WAHTKDM>rOOO CO&DS " Wantedtowataet^limitfliUly. forthe de!tr*rr*t U» KdMTOEE-BAEBBVIAOrOHT. foot ef TATLOK mm, math Ward for 4«* Cord*or (Stttn'Wwu o*kj BUt* Bolt*. Addrea* ’ .' WtttCft, f mh«4t -k. PHtobaryb: ; fTTANTED. —The ; aavertiaer wants Boabd4 fjf udii »a* CoomiT.dorta* tbe Samnwr, oo Uml*b»‘ of eons* of UUrallVaja. BHhlb ball ■« toatfarUeof .tkec dty. Addr*m«*M*c.*UM:cfti Omo*. mblfcna.r ; ■TOEANTED— BOAttUEßS.—Several gen- Tf toe! yooßtawoaia Obtain iww* *nd UsnHcgcc InMla ttmt, anegbany, cortn ihleifocr door* from rad* acalj only * tow *Up« from tfae SaipemtoQ fridge. j WT ANTB&—Active BottoeM’filta, totOe; f T Three Pbam la » Cu&l (taiMOfj iftd oobdset Urn bostcoM. Lafitioo Wonoagibel* umr. JjemTvmeott la icood working ord*r. Tor' particular* tonuir* of o*lo HURT S. sfwQ.Bfrfter,ff tt-CUtr *to Enoubb, AMD FiENCB XXT ANTJSD—-10 ions of'Greaw* Batter, bj •• 1. . , . CfRAHE TAH OOBDBB, \ mbit ..! . •> : i • No. HI Second afreet. • WANTED— 4000 bufu'Clover Seed* too bn» TlmoibV Bf«J, by' : X.O QSAFP, mbS. .! I ; < SIT Liberty *t.j DEOOBATIONB, 100 Agents Wanted! r TO OiSTiSS. IDS ,'i ■ [ 'j ! miW AND POPOXAB. BOOHB wbld»*Tt*old ] ; BXOLQPIVKUt p? BOESCMPTION. j THESE WORKSimMo the MOST sale- ABLE BOOES PCBIiIRUBD,' and AgeoUnowlaeOr wploy iitoirtlm \ ■■ • ! j From $5O to $lOO per Month. j - W* gtn oar Agent* lb* MXGLUSIVIt CONTROL of *#r groan J tb*T may agree to c*DT**a for fall pertkalart ■eodCetelogqeot Book*.**t'r—»,lffltnedJiUlj: ,G. W. 110 General 4gent J; Office'Room 3S Girard Boose. | out *** Mr. Uoat *t Girard Uctue, from ISto t*ttd from T tot p.m;: ' teUaf.f . jFot Sale;# go ait- i V rpo-LEX—The well-known ;'TAfVEjRN' X STAND, krpt by Wljf. ¥QRK,Beeoßd*U*et,:nb©te, tETOkiul Bridge TiilaLoa** bu been©ocnplfJ*nd.taToi gbly known br many ja*t* ** * . v*U conducted ttie location being very good fctniromiineraileg bakUem On tba pramleet u • large cbd c nomodlooa brick «üble., i Ixqatxaof WM.IOBK,CD Ibe premise*, N«- 344 Second tie»t,PHtobnigb. * : ’} ' m * ' - mbaiwu ; nOAL FIELD FORBALE-CITUATB ABOUT « mi'MfroiaUitOUT&r Attibanb. and Nonh-dd* ct th« P«oz>iriT4nl>&.&., ud about '.H rudi tbmfrom. farllurlflloniuittooeaapplleatiooto W. H. BUAI* 73 BaJurdU’a batldlort. Grant »l»»t. <. CUrof PlU«bart&. Liro for hale.-i orrai; for tin o& L*»B*toboraforQll,''ioa* battotai lead, adjotais* tbelaaiacf Lewiafetaiicnjar., ud but Utj| 4k' Lba< bar Loft ctor Fleet ItootßtPetlero-Vlekij’e Work Fkop S'; bjr 61 fcet; Pattern Hoctn'M bpU foet Ail toa i»n ; roomaarawetlJlcbtedaiidVeatUatad. , ften ia aiao bow li ttfa bolldtogt a complete wt of Utbii Toole and Pattern, oolufcle Cor iba mu of toe ad* Jaceat coaatrp, which will bo dtapMed *d at rerj low prtcee to asp partloo (Wring fo ai Uxy mi *4 bow be •Old. For Uma apply to :■ ? H, F.Id‘OLOBKBr i AdmtD2Blnttr. : Galena, 111, Hoick let, HBI. ,: mbhamsa • For rent—a stork on market feTasiT.woll Bobbed: and completely faiaiehed is modern style. Kent 14W. f <; I ' Two welMlghted BCUopi*:BooU?,J»loi»rit«r*dao4 flUedop. «llhccßvau>ebteDtritbcaoß Third add ako oo Mutual net. kactflMasStltt. V Aim, as AHB&OTkPK iSTABCUBmifT, with mm for Dwelling attached. last|lfO. ju L Eaten] eocoodetorj Smote, editable tuOfflCUi Kesri fram|4to9iop«r mocLb. > ■ ' i - V B. D GiZZilf, arpar ThtrJ andMatklt att* mhlfclw . or a» 61. Oteriaa Bwl . X2UB ULS OB BCST-liO AOBBB ktflfc a* aitsata la M Caaateee'.Tawptotr. AUeetws*. Oasstjr; FanßisUaafMm tka Ctrr.Smiflej TroatFerTraVlke; let aeraaeiaared; ttacnaofßMMowUaV-fbepiMa la wail ettaated, r iae umtpaeeMtbroKthtoeyUce; wMldmat* a fint< lean at ocftf* no. •. ».:• • .. f i tbe tmerumaaata ares tiama IweUlam. Doable Ban.' Oaniace If osn. and as Qnkud of aboka trait, triea §3O yar ten. Tansaaaer. i- r . ]„ ■« If aotaotl wttftls two waits toeoUee vkl berated. Aaolyto ■ •' '■ b7at’bAlM 4e 004 fetmha • • >•♦ flo.6BVw Fosrtt afreet < Brtvtoa Fifth aad llbertr afTHta* ©9Oll SALK'-AUaNVAUWI BITS fdK A- Co&otrr Seat or P> alt: tardea. eUaaie eat the Haw Wiiittoaßoad Foar'mUes ttdm.lba city. to 6aa te»Mbir,«OQtaistef aemfetu-ef whiea tewe»l Wtffil to tbe growth of w-loxakKita. it lata « biskuataaf aaf* toraaaa baa rjwfwlfTriiitajMa rhniaa aarfatiaa. jaakeoaxtow tato.Oilrler eoadltlsai taaQiapa V'oaa. tbreet«an>ia»t»6«wusa niktrpt .ittill WaltA •tf a«oo4acdar.-TawltoilUßtblH(n(i*M)*udaamftloibtrtan*Ut«ttu. Will bssoldel«s*.crcicb*&f*4fartiunh«ra,ors ascond hind .Kjaaa. also: r«« mi* ssiitYSaßJTtas Lass* aad Wall **• balsa bond oatb* mow i»*)olotetb*obeM. - mb» , Udrs-s J.fc, FlttMßOttQßr.O. eSPLiUnDIib COUSTKY SKAT TOR RCSTI Sltutsd la BbWiOKlrlY, .Oosulsa 6 ten a of Bfrb Q«rd*a Load, wttb a Urea GRBOTIB COT. TIUB HOUSB Tba~ arc uadi ora plaots!>• - 80. iSy* Fourth r rat. ■ OIL LANDS IoRJ3ALB.—Twenty Acres ooKasawba, two miles troa Burstat Perfect. • lualiettUKukrtil. Bbltitna . i■ .z- : : w.m.mu&rat. rpo-LKT—Tho LAHOJfi WAKKROOM and X B4BRMIHT. (TftST.) flu. 61 Voartb elrtst, rtceaUy occuladb*Ta#AfUffialiirwOo. Apply to fcOim j « F.H. KitU». irriftbat. »£>»» BAST— I bat oar «tacy:Brtet fTikk HOOiß,attaartba Übait* street. Mo. *49. IV* tvlraot , . . . JOB. A MIVOGU * ooJT, W « •• f -y Ma. W4O Übarty rtiaat. A UOOt), CUN Va NI BN T OFFICE TO LIT, 60 WATIR BTHUET. wn , ibatah unamr* 00. f OWA FARMING LAND.—Tbe anbscrib- A anoftiffftraalaoa lawraUa Umadx haadrad acres (Solea Unda, dtaalad la Wrlfbl tad Hancock a^acasttoUnaaof Railroad* uvla eoana of eoaatnw. Uoatpad on* tract oalj tvoislto* from Ooantj boat.: tba abort *fl» ba;*oldldv to r axchaapdfar Aralog UmU la tbUaradMahit cocotia*. ■ aoSa- - MdSAIf R AMKAlMßacondat £OK BALK—ThatTOlMdidßoidui Ij wall oo tba'hkkaattttd tbloaattabdca, isakwtUksfc* Btltcb lapaadbW to ooraval, wttb tba u—alia) advantag* ofbalßgalikauoboth •Maa,&ralß6Bo' tUcodantda h Hapla la xooaUocttoo, Beta roaadj I*. moT*«aoltaada»oradaratdalbaaiap otbar BacUa*. ’■ - WaglTtfalllaatnotlaafl to asabU Aaparcbaßr toaaw erdiawv aBBMUtcb|b*B«MAUy «|Qiliigaai*r. bind tad tackfall ottbaaaia* wairaat Ittarßraa eooUlalaf UaltßoaUU Iron ladtaa of Ik* bUR. • art atoadlag. Uatatwl W«at,clTla( i)ftet< l U**QlUß*> paraoa or by lattar. - Bewtag MacblaaNaadlaa.SUk.Twiit, ottte»9*ofleaii> Ittnily on hunt. • '.w.i Bf£ty«A*T i ■ WU-IUYSKL- IfARV/Ui OT UAYOHM 1 RZBBUIRtCSt iIL rtaiarad (or tba sb *f tba Ualtad start* Armr#: ■* book for tba Sooavaa . i VasnpAT sasnoNS: ' i 1 AMMUAIa Of SOUHTirtO UJBQOTIAT;UR{ < --V. aIIIBIOANALVAMAO.mi: : . -I .* : •: (JUMUOM PJTROIrVuII OR ROOK OUtj l • : AMTIZBLkOM paoroetmooibil ' - * I '■*-i RTIToMROv BRAITBWAtTR*S RBTIOiPaOTI : WYAMT dtataaTfOM’* OOUUIRQIAI* ||*W; SRY HAH 818 own kAWYRA; Maw RaUmd! tad Ravtaad IdlU-B. M ww. fall ut Biadlaa, L; hair rcan.ncßart. Yba abaarart aad Mat * AadaUatbß Maw Boobacaabaißat ‘ c. ■. : H.T7M r J? A 0 MtKKH*Bi ■ mbl * H aad t a fifth at, —rttatbaPartgrtn*.^ HOME FOR INEBRIATES, ; ~ CLRVSLAIIO. UlllO* ‘j 1 yora oißCULAßajaiYtHorocLiNro^ aihUto T.T.mtY.M.p^P^oirttar^ NHUB BDRSORIBSR would respectfully e&Q X.tU atrtettar of. brt frrtcda aad tartwagatbftiMrtr - f ;'; ■' Ji . SFf % l PALL AND WINTER I V-; .r- ■'(' ■' * ly '" ; A Tf **y V-'f t vi', tarmtaW IeUMtHUI wt tiaae. aad wada ta ete. ta anar kaatwaaaw.er JMaawuti am amiihuaMtMm- matWnm IiHJK »AL£—An ; Oscillating J3NQIN&, M. ol fttxxit Qt* bora* poweri with oj Unfer BABer ebaU to fa*t Ioa( t&4 ro laebaa 4Um»ter,wilUblr tor to Oil Well, ar. other Ufht vert, for tale chM|v- Inqftlrt tt Go* ©FOrt ItltaiT—Ttoa flT* atonr Brick Btoa* da. fc?& aad fltt, cash. • CUtiffijl BU3IR, Solo ipot for Wb. Kasha A Oofe Pfc&oa, id Own A. , prtK**Ot. l ilapniwdlfiW«m. v mht&ua ft! Hfth itrart,Cdd Paltoaifandtet. MEW AND SJSUOND-tIAND w PIANOS, '*» CICSViLLY i>UW PUICKIi Oi»toctaM»oo4o«.*lMUlCttTCJlqPiljn ' to. Bate t,B»wo.#>«o«*.Oy-o.initfM»«. _ tmtreiafat.. |M» 00 Ooo«Joc«.B<»wix4aoonwleorw*e l m4o *, Stm. *bm* «» 00 OooToet» Htyt AOo, H*» Yorfc,raaa»tal»lyet*ap——-»5 CO Onv 6U oct. Rb*a*ood caoa,«arr»4 datfc, Ac., by BwhoAfoWo V. M Oo> 1 octwrol Raarrood raaa.ol UaaUfeldadjP, _ Aoop- *» °® G»oMCQaAboad?oct.BaN«oo4calM.ftilUroßfrnflM, Ic.fcyCfctthatißf ABaoa. my etiaap. uo 00 Oaoi «coadfcaad oct JUaavood can* fell In* X Grata#* Ao, by CbfcAMt&f Alo*ii-.^..«-«— 00 OMbocMid-boad Cs(oct. Roaavood caaa, rouad eon. . MM, by« aood Haafca makar,— ISO 00 Oaa wfiaoiboad 7 pet (Jprtftu t «o* by ObSckar* _ toe A Sana, Marly o—?? 55 “- Oaa aacosd-ka&d ejj Uprifbt rtaao, by Gilbert--*. lb J» do . do toot, by Load A 8r0.—.. M W do ido 6 act, ty gebarr..-.;—~ JO 00 do do 6X oci. Garaus FUno..— 00 oo do '' do ; 6oct lUbocuj caaa -4. »<”> do do. ; cats m—. 93 00 Tboaa dedroos of parcbadDf aGBIAf PIANO, abould - not foil to call sad axamio* ttra aber* k*. • i JOH2( Ho MSUOa. NO.G wooDKara, UtvaMiJHaaraid «Q«y asd foartii streot. Sola Ageat for (foickartef A boss' Gra&d, aad Bqaar* for nad WaatarnfMagb Tula. ■ . , .. . ;; - nMOdlaT bi6o& fflfn s*iA»roai IfTfTI Wabiaa lastdaapUtodottrfindtpriuiapply of tba aarirated STBIBWAV PlAHOt.wrCbr adatt fad to bo tba BBBY of tbs praaaat dar. eeaaddag both GBABD AHD PQUARI PIAHOBr«od at HBVIOBK paiota. Tbay aro wtmated for PITA %2iU* Pteai* call aad azanlaa bafof*nrebadat oitwhf*. tt SLKSn A BEO, U Vlßh at. tthU' fodaii»alaforBtelßway*aCßrtwtedPfeaoa. tettgmegfl BotUfg & Ctiflttgtg* IHBIIIP.—Tbo DDdaidign^ Mbdtefad A J. AnttfiOH «ttb than la (W badam off 11 ASUTA9rauaa-gAJUr ttfHi moß> to, os tha firatdiy of Jusnur hafe fba bada—%lO bacoa* doetadoadcrUteold aaawaadtfylAof CBBASHYtH ACO." i . ' ! DITIDOUU, . . ; | ■ Bif.Bimfßr • fateMrrSk.lteL A.W.»IIAOjr. niTiß ckxa~*- ».«tTß~.a.».wtt«oiu.» ilnjMMi GHESS, SMYTH & CO., ;• tuavFionmiu ot BAIC.B, TACKS, BBAOB, MO. WareLoasei N0.»1i3 Wate» cfraot, M&3a4 rpEETH EXTRACTED j ; a—» X WITHOUT X’AlKjffßfr BT., sM Ott OViB AfPttim fBIIUT so ’ LECQB Oft OiLTAHIO BATtSST AIB QBXD. :CoUyiiita»lithittNviiaib>ip(aitei(nfefaid tottiMlsdvwtags. -* r *'(aaSMMB nd IkidrlhainifeUifsScfttMriMth mirtctal Bjtt7mcp%asd wnadytaimy to tbs th* aatti md |ntul—uiw *f tbs opwtttca- nFnimr has boas kU by psrao&s bUhiM la a«rtbi;iki(oa> tnry,Mk|iokas«M|icl ayiMM. '> ABPTggAI. tttTßnmrtsi ta tmj ttjU. jjj. OUDR7, Dentist UH \ J3fcßmtfctatt«t. i itv Untol ririieiiAlp: DR> BTBBBIRS Iwl«| temd a psrtaanfcfy sad cymadmaflcs •' : ißos lOAftfth street -.&£• • ‘ (X Uxr 4aari AWt« tba Fa»UiSi>J tKTUOU>;caU tfce ititenUon of iMPnblio '/YytoiMramdttetotflnElfertfcaßSsilaatQrßaad ■' tts -v parfemwof an oftst timcbw cf PSMTBBto* -■ • - Wltbatttoabisy aapsdsttiy o t my msstyto* tbs* atm PbiTB flßfß asthsiaatt H*alBiT, jr6ntf>UmMfctofettahto tltoU&ts fcranltusialtalib: m»spnm ail ■iiMinr-- . latntjrapHttotbt feat MHiSkfWtTMhvSSir ' ■fcchtadm gsM srmyof ibsbstor tostiftviaßsmhs • feittbriMditßSodeemKariUYltm’ - TbapteTtaglntfsrfceUrStetOflllßiteißM >m ft— . npbcrivttb.ffTUflilßMiMlUiMlßarta* peats sbavs tbs nlssaTtb* 0)4 Rats. ... Mftfclyd JOSEPH ADAMS, |- . SSSIZIS, No. 97 WjE# Street, Pitobnigh. - ~ Wiimihw Df.AaM>foDocb« W.BaUoAaCnAt Bottom. EassrilSrwty . • . • -myfcdly 7 A PHILLIPS, BKiU POCjIDBM AID lIRDHCTBnA PaVUBBSB, . GA9 AND OIBAM FITTBBS. MAHOPACrrURRia AHD PRAUXB » GAS FIXTURES, . i : V-'-'i-- ‘ iv:-' Ftuaps rand Brass Work; . OP IVRRY PUGRIPTIOK.- 1 ozx. w£x*xi ptndcpa, of Bna, Oospsr or lrm»wttk tha mart aprmsd ORsb* bars aad Yafna o(iUYtßda,aad warraatad lo tactloA • . BARUriOTORT. Noa UO Water and 104 Froai at^ Bhlfclydnrtbaw. : ' v PgtOUßag.pA. ifUHNITUEE AND CHAIRS, BEDUCSD PEICES. James W. Woodwell, Hoi. »7 aid 99 Third tirtti, * '! i- ' 1- il '*n - ' 111 POUBTB' BTREIIf, A coauanae or ,111 TirUtia tl ltyln u< PUbh', ; . ■] j-umtJiaroa - ' : 'i-> Botals and Prlrate DwaUlngn. tV’dUotdoa >KBpUr atiadrfto,aa4ttayinUaia canMlTpaebadaadbDSad. - . fll«*Bboati«pdUciisU ftmhbadadaßcrtmdfca. . OtUart Makactaspetaal wUhamv artldblsttaUb*. * ' «HUw ir ••- ••• :>r.v ROW IB.9BBIIMfiT fpOi STOP :.IK ti the estaUishsißni of 080. W-; OUBLRY, : i«BDBiBAMQm3n6s*. , m am oantmvku, wttb a gasaral aloak of BcwaHTanUblaf ', aUitibtCßttMnrnS&fSSnar^^Ky • " O. W. JL X"* yM*-“ ** liuro vosl botuo. ’ au lauaat of aaa anida at BeaMamUMat Kt"Oa : , PARLOR, DISING ROOR OR KITCHEN -■i-Vk If.- '^.K ■: So. as Pod oral atrOat. aitogbur, •' Ta. Wit Oeoktae BtoMa.tan trtamnaM'nrnaUi. m,le toaaat ana cWaa. aaUlAa>UlAat* < , --nwwtwtg&sassgsk COTldlßf-ePoMnic fIABPdtkRR ; W W. - YOOKO, (mmww to . 6a«t» • •FT awoiH I XpaUito. B 7 WNd Brartt ii oomr tdaßoad allay. asiErA all kiads at •. • • CUTtIRt, IHIItf . RIVUT OUR** RRVOLTIRI, A* do - jjyilMV mwlbui rt Ota itora goadi ■■ UPKIMO i FASHIONSI • ■ UAT S AND OAP 8, mh9 ' :' IFOOHD i UiaajPßKMioMa-imtw tndßroax? toll O.MJ. II.IAV»reSoSIM>!SSS>Mi rtiß»to«i t toitohtofafcas;issjs»s.T^ looobaxMcniiiiQAMAnraioiPz «M «• KgyjOAP.tobfTiJ] ili 11 in ;£WBs**»gsg- ptmmefl.n. 1861.