jM INjXAr MORNfNO, MARCH 18. ; ~k Th* of the- C.h, con * t. u* the following whicli shows the existence !' of .on irrepressible slavery question m Vir s;ui»: - - :. ' "7 " ' ASOTBEBBABGAIH. Wei hear ji confidentlystated that a novel arrangement is now on foot between a class ~ < pf submissionists from Eastern. Virginia on the .. - 000 part, and another class of sabmissionists from JVestcm' Virginia on tho other part, by - . .which the'mutual conveniences of these gen . tlemen, when called hereafterTo 'the task of settling accoonta with their respective con .■ stitnencies, can be satisfactorily adjusted. .'Too arrangement is in this, viz: TheEast oro gentlemen bind, themselves to sustain an .ordinance of submission repugnant to their slavo holding constituencies, on .condition that the Western gentlemen will agree - to opposo all movements m Jaror of extending or increasing the tax on slaves. Tho manner in which the arrangement will dovetail with The personal interests of delegates, can be easily divined. Mr. m A,** of thoJSast, on returning to his con r\ stituents, will be taken to task for helping to vote through aisubmissionordmance. He wfll answer: A majority of tho Convention was —decidedly opposod to the passage of any ordi nance or resistance whatever; tho passage of anon*xesistanci ordinance was inevitable. I could only choose between proposed ordinances . of non-resistance. Intrinsically'!, found no ground of preference for one over the other ■ -- J 0 * br drag the prefereaco to; tho ordinance forwhieh I devote, I wu enabled to secure; , .an incidental advantage. I obtained the eon tmualion of tho present oxemplion Grom taxa tfon of slaves under 12 y ears of age. i JJr.Vß,’’: from the West, when called to aocouut before his constituents for voting I : down a proposed ordinance for tho increase of , taratnn on. slaves, will answer: I was .obliged to permit the delay or this question, r f , . r ‘ h ? P“ , P o «;<'< Beenring a greater object v metease of taxation is only dolay- l"* tho P° wor at «ny time to accomplish this intension of taxation, and had 1 insisted on orging it at this time, I should ■«. ! C “ b^ l “ jny efl ora to “preserve tho fnwm Had 1 insisted on sn ordlnsnce for . .I. tsxstion, I coaid never have obtain ; !ed aid from/Eastcm men for the passage of an 'Oramanceofnon^roßistimcc. * ■■ Wo are told that thia plan pf campaign has xaro adopted for. its explanation. BlMßSimiO boBBIBPOBDIHOB.—Mr. L. B. ““nine- of Cahaba, Alabama, his written a ■ jrawoosly nbuoTe letter to the editor of the Niahville (Tenn.> Democrat, We extract as - .follows: | . A* “mething has been said in the papers of your Btato about North Alabama, in this roro lotwn. gning off with Tennessee, I, and all here; say we wohld lilts to seeher try it. We can bring her right at the point of the bayo net, and if Tennessee sympathizes withher we , am conquer her too. Such- people as yours could not stand a moment against the chiv alrous and brave people of South Alabama and Mississippi. More than this: if anyof your Tennesseeans come down here expressing their Union sentiments, we intend to treat them to .a dress of tar, ornhmented with leathers, to go - homo m. If our country did not furnish you a market for your meat, your hog raising State would ho reduced to starvation and bank ruptcy in lcs3 thah twelve months. Wo were willing to abstain you, and trade with you, tat your own action has reduced you to tho lowest pitch of degradation, and forbids our countenancing youjany longer. After is atappyriddanoe,tadweam.woUquitofyou. , ... -no editor of tho Democrat makes a spirited reply, fiem which we take the following, as be -10? pertinent to the foregoing: .You have no men to spare from North Ala bama. _ Loot at tho consos, and yon will find that half that population are negroes, and tho balance are cottoh lords and their noble sons, but few of whom! are willing to risk their naue.and elegant bodies before the month of a cannon. You are calculating without their host. Wo have no disposition to hurt you. We would rather take care of you, as a father takes care of a enujy son. Wo hopeyouwill not compel us to do you any harm. Bat wo cannot bo Toned to adopt your traitorous o--p - and if you attempt to “coerce Us,” you willfind out whether we aid cowards or not. borne of your newspapers talk as you do, or we should net have notoed letter at all. North Alabama is true to the government “* °® r 'frtlu»a; .They stood ride by aide with the noble sons cf Tennessee in ail our strug gles on the field; We an attached to them: they arc our brothers; they love free govern; ment, and Tennessee could not stand an idle spectator, and see such noblo patriots slain bo caiise of their patriotism. 1 hey know their ' frwod 3 , ' many of! them are our tclaltvcj. While Tennessee might not, or a Blots, tako any sueh a would he im possible to prevent jour citizens fiom going to the aid of theirioppressed brethren. Dr. Creo. 11. lieyser Wholesale Druggist, MBDICIHB OBALBB, Ho. 140 Wood Stxeec, nttmbnrgb. Fa. V f ‘f |j I I TROSSES FOR THE CURE Or HERNIA OR RUPTURE. Marah^[Radical Pure TraßS. Ritter's Patent Troea. . Fitch's Supporter Truss. Self-Adjusting Trtisg. ' ,J)f. Banning's Laca or Body brace, for tbo Car® ef Proujaaa Ctrri, piles, Aodomtoal sod Spinal Weakofeaea.[ Dr.. S. S. Fitch's Silver-Plated Supporter. , Pi!o Prop 3, for the support and caro of Piles. . . Elastic Steckiogs, for; weak and varicose veins. Elastic Knee Caps, for weak knee joints. * AnUs Supporters, fnj weak ankle joints. i SaßpenMiy; BandagM. . Self-Ejecting Syringes; also, every kind of j Syringes. . . •- ; Da. KtTiiK haa also a Trass which will radi cally careHcraia cir Rupture. Office at his Drag Btoro, No. 140 Wood stH •siga of the Golden Mortar. V*- KETSKBpvMcribeo ta cmmql COAOEZO DISEASES lod. bM.lMtnmottb far DKAPBESa s&d olmottevery dlMm nqabisf fßcehsaloU sepport. -OALYABIO BATTEBT or BLEZJTEO. JdAONETIO HA .OaiEßSifcr stedkel parpeu, of » very nperfor kind, will be ant free ef ; czpren expreet res% epoß o remiUeoee of Tea DotUn. AddreK i Dlflsoln.gitwm, Mo. 140 etreoLPiUabargb, : ttS-jlsornn OnM nr Da. Scnxscc.—l ' •» Df. Bchenek torn* time *go io one of hia ?.. PiiUborgh, at the office of Dr.Ke)W,Mo.I4O Wood at, - Ho *■* matnJag patient* with Imgdbeoae. One of my loss* and the bronchial tnbe*'.wen band to bo bedly die ..Anaed. . Oflcolimeewhon Icoagbod I blood • 'and matte* tn'larx*Qoo&lit)ea. Ihadntabtawoatoondn ■ ■■:'• gnat floogha-obd.MM greatly debilitated- Dr. ; : PfMCrtboi faC me BT«O> TWIP» *»* TMmtUfwMfbaa After toklorttea ammonth j I n»n «>br recovered thil I do notepii ■nr more Mood ~.or matter, and the-ooegh tu* nearly lort me. J Ifr* | a Co- InmbUoaooonly,Unity towmblp,Ohio, where I am vcJI . known. Yon may pnblleb fhli'if goa wtob-. • 27,1800. . HtxnxEoou, • If. B. Bloos theoborewei Wr.Koeb hee entirely > noomW.aod OQoUaao well, having regained bla nmat . ■. MO. . ■' '• •. I t&'l, Wriiuil W. Auuson, residing on *ua fctrMt, Al>gtaa J ell jr, A> h*i»br cerUiy Haul ban . - twa l n£nr;fftaisanreeoaibaae pete'io lbebreMl tjr .Unit el,Tit During lir.»bcl.of tbiatlaul ***** a»l ftawal deMliij .ail riroTcico of IplrlOt I olid mrj nMtesn I erniM b«f cliiot Dollilo* look hoH ef m» dT Doctarft:UeccX’."'PrLXOllJgl£CP, M lbatttbU e mt,i bvl no codU«» laji. ; la <|>rll,uail w ■"■■sagfxsrzfe * ■—**- *° B. Ibatl .lacco -1 w I - *o tt»*«uAor«b Du£2? . I felt f odnoad to giro Dr. BehtncVe medicine a tor triaLand J Bo*. tart» Oeo jrarj tfttrmerdt. lvaUgood beMuLbrl :>teklaglem tb*n «*n dotUnf worth of • Dr. achenc***ucdu I > clom. 'Z nnbmitattog ly «tir« that It boa made a perfect ot to*, I as a vail mao, and lattrtooiemv good I •' • bntltband vtgor.of amatltoUonwqtinly to Dr.Bcheock'a I .jnodMa4.lenJoybaJtor*weltbtod«y.Fet>4uLiMLtbanl I ban 4m»* fcr twenty yaan part. It peraooa ka»v Um I 'TAItM or i^.~|kbafick l c tawtlmalilonßMdiM. thn «oai4 i BOttMlUtatoeaUoaUaiDblavUUCbtbtaplKo. J fed I • :> v4ft». oywy ,pa?*B toj call on him, m! bat* um | •. to know ifcoftdaiakt b«r* aUtod eaa «U oa oto m ay plan I , ofbqtfßta« > atWn tl.fat«r , a.M*cblaWi|laU»tad>y ( or>t I •. aKiwJdwjeegADaatmt,Atkghreid!/. I ■ ' Dr.Soboock'allaaidßai aroMldby - I : DE:O£O&OEn.BBTSXIV r J*ss iMVcodat BKLXINU— banoriur Oak-Tanned Leather BaWBK. " - g, Pwlor mail Retting gtetM, Couklw Ruiml fia®aadOohiaion Kttaud*4 Grate Front*, Femlm,*c!S Tb 4 celebrated Coal CalkingSteves, and “Tirlunipli. w i tad Wood Cooking Bt?era, ■ i “Black Oak” and “forest Home" 1 ' Tho “Capitol" and “Eaglo” Cookineßamrnn. wlta »iUi.* Hydr«ulloor which .re a: orn hi iwii T.l y lu u*, Uuo.nyoUKfßwtp. “" .‘“'W* *Wo«r “• T™?’ yin«rt Knamelert Sraten Su ti°JZ ££’ P ”“" ‘"'f dte * «" «■**«• Alfca, ttu DOW md be*our o | Pirior gtotß, I “Olympian," ! OTS2aL* toS " mt '° , " M,UU,a “’“J"' PutorSto'o SSSS^'strAss C*OU«o»* AND FIIBHACU. ot 3^i^7 v^B^f ut / ar *RuVffoiae that it non M tur Jttxb flrtU*. K ttcb« Unlii, Tm KeUleZelc. «c. a ABO HBATIBG STOVES, GRATE FRONTS, FENSERg, eco. &c. Acc. * fwpnototof the coiebrated PATENT GAS Buatijxa AND SMOKE CONSUMING _ _ ~A ARKANGREBtiTS* [ Office and Sales Rooni, No, 4 Wood Street. STOVES D: o « II A V E N & S O N , • ; | MASUPAOrnRERTOP I COOK, PAKLOIi ami HEATING stoves. : Warchouso, Federal .Streot near New Sus pewioo bridge, ALLEOSKNY CITY. I . ! attention of. deelore to oor large aesortoreat “f. roT *"“3 “3 o*l. which will And It to ihclr odroaUg* to giro Da w Mil and exastloo oor Mock br&jroporchmtlßgtlaoftfaere. t OuUrco Boon Fronts, lion flailing,Scalol Hollow Ware, j Plaie and Fancy Orate Fronts, Fenders, ete., . ,-j . Caxtiagsofall klbda made toorder. • Jyifcljd ■ . D. D« UAVBN t BON. * ALLEN, McCOBMICK * CO. —~ valley S'o.undmy, j_ PXTTSBURQU, Pa: Warehouse. No. $S 8U Clair street. I TLT.4NOFAOTURBRS OF COOK, PAR ■fuL toa DDd USA. INO STOVKJ, (Wlrf .□ J s ltd,CO MmtSsteiiniim*“■t 8 “3Ulaelloal 1< EoUl, g Sa2‘ *S o**. Wwlar ud Actlcao Plp^ f** wo*, OtJ Trwu, Wiiw .Anti, ggnr KtttlM hi bji, njofetvau-'WbPea, CooplicjJ atwlCa*Uo*« iBgAOd Muhin* Oaetiogt mad* to order *•**?£? J^>fUble with Steaza or ders* power. BCUZOCIO , • . jßctos&orfi astwustmems F & CLBAVBH'a PBIZB MEDAL HO.IEY SOAP.' GENUINE, possessing a free •ad creaor lAtbor, • luting end dullest* perfatots rte£w^tS lUmlj “ d teaJ * r ’ iln » n o t Counterfeits! wtebrstod Windsor,Olje*. fto Vi B J.V. RIOU4RDBUS, SONS A OVD IN, M oftb ?*" nbaoeM * trf do»»wii»joiti»oiqe«. TbiaeaoUoe la roodond Mnotiallf wetmry. aa lam qnanttUwof Inferior aod dafcctln Liana an propand! witb tlw oaas at EIOIiIRD. rv;VV Hu"** •*»» regardiaasof U» lsJet* U«f lafllctod alikao? Uia American eoaaaaer aad the mas otto taran of lha fveolaa Oooda, will not nwdnr g whil* patvbaaan can bo Impcwd os wUhQooda of awortb In* character _ ' J. WtTLU)CK«AJ. IL LOCKS. I I Aawita, 8* Hnda Stmt. Raw York. ■ T?VEBOBEENS, FRUIT TREES, Ac.-® . dj Wo wwld coll ib* attention of who nroSE? tecorottof their giocnde with Omtme&ul Etercrerw, Troaa.Bbrnne.Ae, to jor extendve ailleetion;toten feet, far planting > n tb«la i aeditteDetAbborboud,'M wry low rotee/ ' * Jadga WUkinf, John Porker, B. L. I I Pobnestock.' Wm. Hotioce, Dr. Denny. J, Janec. 1 I . Lctter * t ®'°sT•' ,dro " tkroogbWilkin* Poetofflcw I j gbony ooanty, Po, promptly ottendod to. • I J Plttebnrgb Hodgo fora Komry, o'tnited on Wllkfo* 1 1 oveono, eight mlenb* wolk fnm the tut UUrty Pmwo- I I 6er Roilwiy Swlxbi nesr to Kost liberty. I I °>M‘AgmfcwaaiT j WM. A JOB. HPBDOCK. I SFKDIT, ORNAMENTAL TREES.IB ; -: bosks, Ae. S i I n la retQr ?l fl E to tbo poblio for thofrentroom. I J hitnenoeo Itomily ixtondod.l wonld call tbdr ottenUoa I I to my rwy lorgealock of TRBICB for ibla fail. I I of Applf,year, (itautoid ud dwort) poach and ! | Cb«ny terosaodoonythtog I boTootornteod. All oft bo 1 meet ewrefod yorietteo, wroognt by perrona boriog a toll | kaowlodgo of tbo bealoea, ud orery cor* token lo h»ro I overy kind trno to name. ~ | | 0« Apple Tiwa obmo vobavo. U0.00C~5d.000 of whkb l KSiteKS- 01 ? - ’ firwo «to 8 foot. To aneb ao wutl [ EVEBOREKNB, from 2to 8 fret; by tbo 100 or 1000. bar* I . Bl i7 Ur * e *» •*»**, \*T I IS* K* American and AngiUb Ureb. per I 10O,$&, Ac. i plcM giro no a calL Oote-T logDeo ooctfrM oa appUciUou. ' . I nttebnrgb asd Uakland Horaortu. PliUbnrzb. I Po. mb7atewT . JQHS MURDOCg. JaT I EW OUNSiUNMKNT OF PKUUUCE— -85 bblg Meoe Ppk, | lObbl^Pmbiollßotter, MbtuMwdce Dried Paacbo^nOtea, 80 do ; do Pjfcd do ' 60fr.'XfO W abbottf, I ano locko cboteof Dried Applre. so boa Small While U^m, JO btlo choice Cider, | .Ado Snoot Coro, I 1 F?? p/to<» Albert and Nokbaneock PuUtoea 10 bbla Pmb Xgga, .ICO do Vnni IpplM. toinln, 1 lUoosoTioib iMm i ' 25 Ibo G«we Peatbera, I JO bbtePliot Hominy, ! ICO lb« Dock«bo«t Floor, !□ ncko, So fc'lv Extra Pamlly Floor, 1 to tli* qa&iUj, we refer hr assexod certificate: •• i| u « i ..1 - Mttna. B 0. * J. U. flitm: o*oU-Tb« Lubricating on w* a» grtttoc from JAb, UX COAL, SLACK 4- COKB. HAVING pare bawl tho entire interest of my lata ] partner* to tbaflraiof Bdley,M’Sftla A Oo ? lam n-nr prepared to farUab to oar iormet ctutomeot tsS tbo eWitwot PHtaLarsb and rie'bltr eeberallr. a nm lor quality of OOAL, KD f OOAI* SLACK and OOsk laLrjtaorrasllqaaaUUM. Orders Best tbroogb tba Pert* oSoa, Ufi at tbalell UJam of lb# MoatagthtJa Brtdr*. cr at tbeWorki, will to altar tod to with proai&toaM.■ •: Cuat Works abdOffledaftaatad Is Sooth PilUtmtat oaß aqaarasbora IbaHoKtigabela Bridg*. • r ; - }• •• - James m. bah,*?. C UNDRIBS—r iack Pears; M . 0 1 Mck P**i*d PBAdlt3, l i ■. I 30«ckjUtrpo*Jtf PaAOHfB; ; b» J - - . rnblB •■■ .If'! I|AUI|,DtCBty k 00. iRESU BUTTER AND KUGS— I.T 4 bob prftbogofl Bdtte/ t 4 fct»l» gg,p, frf n | t [ 6 tb'« inch 801 l BaUer, IQ bblt trab Im, - To»irlr#for«*teb/.--wv- r . Phn, . n UIDPLB, 183 liborty it EACK LKATUJfitir--4Jf: a superior quality; fdMo, DHL? CMflfr, of mfeai rtf* on h?*l it i£i JOUiAßOtbor Depoi ot-*!! ' J,tU PUILLIPS, ftZ7 . \ ttfra* 88 81. flair t. ; HfiSS.ANI) KUMHFURK, rorute ty “JifIKBOR jB TOWKUBfTD, POg , r .-I . 'B&UfoctUiitm^iHarLlbwty, SEEDS— 13 bbliCplds Seed; V ;V~ - -J , E.H DATJB. »3 Wood at. - JJKAUTIFJJVMEW WALL PAPKKS, . W.P.MAaJQALL. ;bu», Rje;lso bn*. Oata; OObUDEittfc 400 bo* POTATO Wj »fl*by ♦ Pto. ; '■•’• L.q,Q|UW. Vlt ,i. 6a flnrt floor,nd «■> • ablft ; ; JBAIAH DlQggy ACO. Tflllf FBAUHBB4-200T5E: 1 / tattnrvfomlsbjr! mus uiunmoKirtaa flkummw menuinlunmt^ “ moSLTqoaOIBTkATgD - CompoandTElnld Extract Bacba. . * Foahlat nna rpadSc BmnnOr lor -DISEASES OF TIIK BLADDER. ■ ■ - • AloaAtA 1...,.,- GiUygL AND, DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, aiiSthS^oaegsfS'iStr'Ji’s o ' *»i a>- WaTBRV ' n. eo la th* elaet of fUietaes, aad expeUlog dU PtAtonovi, Dit aeieni team out Hotter. PITKBPROn, PA. STOVBS- thocbl»«B op*'* TeoestiDß WBO HA VE, BBKM TUB VICriHQ OF QUiCKS and oboharepaldheary rare to be eared lu m »ho« Uma.hare fouzdtney vereTecMredaod hat tbs »o mtttir ef . now nonu »t|,aDij»o. or • Dic “ T, ° I Y» V T H b * I ff*?T WblOtX 111» | CkAUFtCiTUS OP CURBS with MDW, kDOWD w"“° * f°- *“ ““d'« I AltD'jpAlfß, I „ Priee |t per bottl«< lorilx ftirflS. CtaßDOuratiteedt v' j 4 .IdanstD ol th. dll or rhUade'rhia, H T. asureiLDTlwbo beinc «nu avoni ! ... . • hloihitrtet.ab*re ßaoe.PhllsdeiphJa. I Addrexa litters far awnHAf[■; | J H. T, iiELU&OLD. Chemiet. I Sjot* Taoib et, twlow Gheetnat, phlia. 1 1 BEWARE OP UIOkTBBPEITsI 1 11 AAD VnpAIBCIPLfD IVCAICBS, II l endrero- todUpoee and -outer’* ar- on tberepntatloQ attain*!br ,lf 1 Melmboid'a Ueoaine PrreanU m*. II do do Bxuant ttnetin. || ‘r 5° dd har«a**»uu, I BULD ay 8 ' 0 ” 8 *waa W*ah. [JEOKHAM & KELLY? ALLBUUINY ClfY, AndsJl DrerfUtasrorywheT*. Aak frr Uelmbold *. T*k* "* "* ** Jh,y« PANCY DRESS SILKS, CtOhKB, tlOllNl IOU?j-Wooleo and OoUon PLANNBLd. «J SdVi*** 11 ■ l, “ *“' l k ““»* | r °l“‘‘'»e Haw ana Domuuo atnl Blm UOODSI NEW OOODST Dow alio aa, staple, opening Dp«rior ._ . • Soft-Finish Bleached MuaHd& I *&a Irish Linons, at -j j BURCHFIELD & CO.'S, ! I O-irnwynorth M*rkM *i*i a INO'AJtIUSBEH. OLOTIIINO, FI B hio» . *v«nik»»oiuMoM^a Jl: ! >. * a. phuumT fl BOOEBlEtf—1«00 bbl«. N. 0. Molaa,® VJ prim# footk coap»r**v ™ rBROTnKM. ; fcll - No i 39 Wood «t, opporft* gt. Chart* liotoj; 50 PKIME new ORLEANS 7i bbda dhole* tf 0 BU9AR; fcJJI.S!* <*<*» ” 0 MOLAjfflß* oak enrp.^ ' WAIT* WILBON, ! SB3 liberty XpANCy SJLKB soiling very cheap at **> dUKuUfIKU>A'OO.’B; Lawns and Borages selling cheap at mh4 MORonrttip s oa*a; LKA.TUEtt BELrJNO, oak lanned, o( tlje UftrttDrd tol* qaw(l7 to Um btstv* *sj othM-nuka. »ird)oerc!* ifcL. w »« d2 *tt-CWr«t. , . Te3a [_ i i.« p>mt.un, Willi 6 t f l^- 16 bb|> - **• w telB W*TTk WIIJOS.Ho. Ki f.l'bf ty .t! 600 r BUS -{ ,R,aK BAKLKV jok rooM M'OONALD A ARBUGBLK,- I jK* i 2UUt«o\ L'RESII BOLL BUTTER—S bbk prino X’Ja** rac'd by railroad for rale bj r : nKNttT n. ooLityg; Dbrwi 3( W, baa. Dried Apples *ffg_ WATt A WILBOW.SU>. ess UUflytj • DOTATOES—4OO ba*. N»hannock», Peach **> lo ***** *°* “ 1# fcj 1 i. .o.OßirT.giLihM.^; I) * CB ' * )av “* Sugar OoK d *** •• •' - ‘ RVOX A PARK TO,BooLiberty tiJ TS, A SS lj ““' mbssand _ P»M : gNOXAPAnRKR.tOU^rtT tU y lrcdfi Cocoa Mutajotfc BHf MBtt * BROTneka, Hit. S 3 Wood tf, ! ~ oppMltoytaarlK a oZrtJ LABD-4 bbla. No/1 Urd; 3kog» do do: r«AI «d caulgunKii, for «j» t>* , . ' .. j.H.:uaawtT a ■' JB-CUliriKtP^OO, ifkrtAWUElHlW)iMepaina Oraneoi V nptrbripitlJtrJattttttftirMbfc* - * Uo : • '‘,'i Motnwu,--:, ** 9 - BtClurt—Pottt N£W iiKAf LARPi in:bbls» and ptUla, tIM (Mtd lor boUty Ma.(Qf Mb t)« te , a • ; iAOBWfIJfc TJWrffWfR. i *»«» 1 Lflarty! BLAMtk BOO&tf, Memorandum JSooiu, .«■ .*«**.**»•'s**&•, oa fauxUt nn » ■ j , UAVJB’.foWoudH.. ; A iiNOLD’S oelobrated Writing and Copy- jo*lHKMorMb tj UOOBRT B.PAVIB. - - i ■ 93 Wnodttml kRIEi) APPLES—4O socks cboico Ohio r DrM ApplM,rteMbral*t*! ••- : v /.0 uqoittboo, jta ■ I T6W»»cr rad front rt. Eu us —o H>l» Fresh Jsggj, ju»t reooivod ferutet* ££LtuOwn * COi - J6WfcbfMdyj#ioolrti.. BOSTON" KA PiiHU ANQINUS—4O: caeca M* ll . ) W.P.MABgIIAtL.n I Wiiefk. RRIUB OUTTINQ CIIBEiiE-fiUO boxM W. B. n 4 Uiatalfe lor tote br , nun ..■.■>!, „. i,»,uaattu'«t /^lb—2o bblo. Carbon Oil, i i 01U>l*I«afr»k»tl©* OU.fcr «l* try ab» ; r. HMWET WALLPAPEB, WINDOW43UHTAINS f f 4a,»|*UJt«lo,JaW»tof/o/W«.W ITowJit; y mid ■ -..W.IIJiUBaUAH-, '■ idutt—3bbls.£gg»forsaloby • .i,• ifcia WAi^AWnjow.Sauurt,^ "U bbla- Pearl Homin' by i:ftU : ng»BT n.GOj IPUJVEIV SKEINS bMi. iuet yeo»a for by J ; DO •: ■■: TTKHTiy tr.OOLtTffH IAIS—24O bua prime Cots,reo'dlur sale by 'fatfl . Ji--r « fUL«Pr,L * flf)/ IfllttMit-IO Lbld. Cu Mlvbjr ■ abl lit! BUT »ONB WILL OUffPldS. PANOV HTIAWLP, O.HAHAOM LOTK.T4 UarkiWH New Spring Dry Goods, a UABBON JJORCfIFiELD & CO. are soiling Flannels, Blankets, ! Shawls and Do Laines. ' ■ uie KINDS OF city COOPS - Nlln( ii bw ai Usj cm b* (mnl u; (iKa. ->»? anilflOyLOVß. 14 Market «t Whale OiJ DIARIES, Memorandum JLSi eooi% Book* and Minute Bookiifcr'iilabr }: . W.B.OAVRN, J*»t ;• : . (OTBor Wood and ThM Tt», • L> EMOVAL.—F. SELLERS & CO. have II nnofed to tb«ir Nsw.Waftfaoeaa, BT aboraj W*>m, Anfl oppotito to Ua PHUtarrt, fort Waiaae Ohloaao lUUroad Pryot. - oolfl! A KTICLKS OF AGREEMENTforronting J%. proprrtr,rartoa*fomf,‘Mlofrdandtof *aJ#b7 ■ • .' Mr . wTa.JOUNBTOS AOO, ; ‘Ms ■ ' ataHw>wM aWd W n' Vml at - ’li'LODß—7oo tbli. Kitra FAn>i]y * i lonu l u JC 100 bfcta Extri "Pfeittof Ohio,*' . . 1 1004 a do LAMplBf QgHirTOW.gglxHtrt. i FACKIfIO—AII thicknesses, LAOS JT lkatqir, bklt QooKB. coppir Elvira, to; Jo,fcrialeat 333 Llbartr itnot, optxatta had of Wood. . btmwrMM - M. UR lanqj&T: If and Straw WRAPPING Xi .Bh» and White,noaott Coardc, Tm Paper t .*e»fcraalk tow it Un Piwr and B«| Wara» hoowof j .•>'.•••■•:< -M CtMDWIOK a BON, ‘ '• : Wo. HI Woodttiwt,Plttthgqttu i r ABD OIL—B bbla. to ume- on steamer Li K«rWf*t,for Kbby teg .. •• - 18AUU PIORIYACO. ?BATUISKS AND HUKKPFBLTB-8 ?tacktr*tb«nt l tel* flute Prlte, now Uadlnc froa' •Pr Prloia Ddoaa, far ate by 'i •PM" > i%, - ••••••. t»4unpicket a on. •; K(\ BOH. GLOVERBEED, rac'd for Bala yy-bf ■■■■■■ •!: WDOnklD * ARBUCBLK, m! Mi.?-.:? '•■■■■-.• •,- I . > tU. Llbarty tfc '? ARD—ISO teg* No. 1 Lard, in stare' for , 1.0 Qturr.aamwuygt. 9KI| UIUXS.Unen Salted Country, oy Uuo 9^ ulor Vinegar, for m&t a.ovVu&a, Ayer's Sarsaparilla A.corapoaniiitmniT.'tlvii-imV i„ fc tferaotf uTcctoal. Athratire that r;i:i Ik* iti'nde. is a coccoitratvxl ■ extrru-r oi so combined. \vitli •rher huL-Jant-c-s of still Srcattrr ft?tenUiu‘ |n>n cr A < to jifford ca vfke± uTt? „ ipi»idoto .for t!iu JU'ii-i, , 5 iiirpap.'tiilhi is reputed ti>,cure. U i. iulii ml Uiut-such a ..nauudyi* b> m!.o > u tfcr frtvjn otruntoui romplniitLs «u:d llmt onu tvbieL tfill ■tuicoiupiiah thrir curt* uiu.-at prove of bnmcn&c scrvtct* to this bfri:r*rlnas of o-urnHUcled fellow. ntixrm; llow eomptcti-ly this oom]K)und will do it has been proven by experi-nr ut on many of the worst cases to be found of the following Complaints: • • ~ ScubyuL.iL and Scrofulous Couplainta, Euui'tionj .and KnumvE Diskasu-s Ulcuiw, ttni'LCA, 1 iajtcues, Tumous, Salt Xlju:en. Scald lEua », Syphilis and Sypiuutic Ap- FECTIONs, J EHCURLVL DdsBASE, UttOPSY, Nec tui/iiA. ou' *ic Douloureux, Deiulity, Dys i’El'AUi ANII. IvniUESTION, ISUYSIPLLAR, R<)HE on St. Anthony's Finland indeed tl«? whole clatis of cuin|)laiuts ariiung from Xhpouity -op THU HIaOOD. . . , rhls. compound will bo found a great pto» motcr of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester''in the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by -the aid of this remedy, spare thcrasel res from the endurance of foul eruptions and dccrous sores, throu ;h which the pystem will Jtrive to nd tuelf of corruptions, if not assist ti to tlo tlus through the nataral channels, of i ho body ty. ai t alterative medicine. Cleanup out the vitiated blood whenever you find its hdpuritics bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you-find it i 3 ol* structed and sluggish in the Veins; clcnnso it whenever it is foul, nnd your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is wit, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing tho blood. Keep the blood healthy, and nil is well; but with this I pabulum of lift* disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later pomHhtng I must go wrong, and tho great machinery of lue is disordered br overthrown. * j Sorsaparitla ha*, nnd deserves much, tho j I reputation of accomplishing the-e ends. * Hut I tile world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of, it, partly because tho drug alone has-not all the virtue that is claimed f«»r it, hut more because many preparation's pretending to be concaitratea extracts of ,it, contain but little of tho virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. , | During late years Hi# public have been mis- I , largo bottles, pretending to give a quart 1 of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most, of these ltnvo been frauds upon tho sick, for j Uiey not only- contain little, if nny, Sarsqpa- I nlla, but often no curative properties whatev- I v f ‘ »’ nce ' bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of tho various extracts of sarsaparilla which flood the igbkct, until the name itself is justly desnUcd.Tmd has become • synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still I . ' vc compound Sarsaparilla, arid intend I ' . “ppiy such a remedy as shall rescue the I . jyime from tho load of obloquy which rests I ■ *!• And wc flunk we have ground for I . beueying it has virtues whldi ore irresistible I ’■ jf ordinary run of the diseases it is intend- I cd to cure. In order to secure their complete I eradication from the system, tho remedy should j>b judiciously token according to directions on I the bottle. j riIEI'ARBD BV ; nn. j. c. aver * co. _ , .LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle | Six Bottle. ,or «: : Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral has won fur iteclf such arenoirn for the careof Ctt-ry variety of Throat and Lung Comp Lint, that Jr is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of Its virtues, wherever it has been cm plined. As it has long been in consunt iuc tnniiighout tltH Kcctnm, wo need not do more than assure the people iu ouulity u kepi up to the best V t i vcr , “ !fn i nn( ‘ that «t may bo relied on to • *‘ ,r ““a' fvhef ull it has ever been found to do. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, Fon toe ctms op Costtreiins, Joniulicr, lndtrje&lia n, llnntlcrtj, Foul Slonvtcfr. Enjxiptlas, Headache , Rheumatism, Eruptions iu:d Shin Disease*, Urer (toutj&uui, Ihojis-j, Tetter, Turnon mid &U Rheum, irorau, Gout, Ncuratjia, as a Djmi.r Pill, and for Purifying the Shod. .They nro m> Dial the most sensi tive can Ukc titem pleaseuitlv, and they are the fmtly r ph^t m 1)10 W ° rlJ f ° r the P ur P® wa of B Ri» 25 coats per Box; Five boxes f0r31.00. .Great mimborsofClergymcn, Physiaanx-SLitcs. mrn, and wnuieut |Ksrsonagcs, have lent their nhmes m ccfli fy the unp.nrallel.Hj iwefulnw* of these repteduv, hut our apace hero will not pennit the iiiHvr.iuti uf them. The Agents below named fur njiih urn tin our American Alma iac in which thev pfr given; wuh also full descriptions of the above ■■rgiplnmlK an,| the treatment tint shoulj lie fol. i-»Wih| for Ihctr cure. |)«j not be p,,t ojf by unprincipled dealer* with nil!* l' r SP 4ra, “ ,M make moro profit on. Demand AYKUK.tu.d laU no other*, 'rhe sick vran t the best aid tlit-re u fur them, and they gho..M have tL fj All our feinnlic* arc fur sulu by . *^VAIiit*BTOCK A tO. PllU&flrfta,Arsot*.*ttdmolcS by *ll Drcoriet* end D**l«re *rery o bWT gUNDRIBS }K> fahda. If. 0. Bojmr, "M hhta. lUflud Rtuin MO “ prim PUntaUoa Molumc H?: »*orted brand* fljrows • 800 toff* Rio Coffac; 9 ■93 pocket Java Oedm <» b*za koortad brand* ItobkceoK 'SSoutr* do do UOtkir cheat* Tgcdj Draoo tad Black T«ue ft MeaUybax* do do do da W boka Redo Poap; 5 “ Cumin Bap; O * Olaaa do M " MoaUCtedlra; a • Starr do i. ruaiif rilour. Inetorandformteby J*gyhf ATWIU* LRU aOO A FQLL STOCK of Bag and Straw Tt mu. rtm . Jssssre"- OUADWICK A BON, ■ ho. 161 Woo»l rtrect, Plltobqrgb- CUNBRIES-9 kegs Batter, _ d« baa WMfe Bras*; i ftbbla K K t«, Irrah; bbU drrva Apple*; 10 do’. Hcrnlai—4* ule by -*** • L.O o&«rr,3K3Ll|»rt*at. APPLES —SO bbla. York State; ~ 1001 Mt Tartan kind*. • : IMBecdL'et ekotc# - ohte Applet-Jot* rac'd tor tale at W°< ~ prank nt* onnpim. . pUSESB! CHEESE! CHEESE 1 V/ ntaliilviitboiiiiot. jonw a, OAwrirtD * re [ARIL—ISO bbl*. and tee. Leaf Lard: LflOOkefaLoaftittd'farafttaby jnU ' It ROBISON 4 CO. WINDOW CURTAINS-new pattern*, yf WaUbj W.p.kURfttTAT.L. ; Jw , SVmlit NEW WALL PAPERS—New find choice pattern*,/oat reeeivod by W, P. HAKMIAtU Jw . 87 Wood it.* i(|f) GROSS HAVEN’S NO. ONE AND •\JSJ TWO PKNP,Ju*t rac'd br m 1« by • ;] W.B UAVKN, »» cornar Wood and Third at*. 0. SUGAR.—6 landing from La • * d«IT : ;; IfIATAn DIOKRTaoO. BROOMS —125 do*, assorted Cora Broome, Jor Mia by WATT* WIUWIT , Mi •: j. Ho »Uh«»trat. • 'OR SALE—Onhand and to amvo, 200 fcbUGRUDI FKtBOLMQM.froa Kmawht. Vlrrlal*, W.ILUOttRAY, - ‘ '♦* ttrtti i \\iX Mckß choice Ohid /.tachft, Balv«,fer Mfe by »i i r - X4MifßraflmpTow t 6Brtth»t u D' MOTT'! lPills^iro: An APERIENT AND STOMACHIC Pio *£?? tf purified of tixfgta mhd CfcrUm b» We^tT*» *&** »t bM bn& oX£^^ t^ «■"» ta «* «* th. ** I S * r ? oa * Afflictions, Knucli. I Hf2**i y **’*P ,, *» c °tt» t, rntion* Diarrhoea, I Dl«Jml 0 r WwijChloroHi, Liver Com- Itlfi»«s3,J£s “*“* PimpK. on L ” l i nil I' *l»lbirU»B«iU of into I SS!“ cr ‘ f “• “ouiwed Ounlootlon'of wnonourf not. I _ ® b ** P'oTtd anccowitU to ui a«bmt which node* I cnpUoq nor sttemtloa would reader credible.— ] tm»w “* a ,r^ rfa *MW»ndd*6ly rweppaaird in the ] lijß? i jB ? rvtcnKd fr «a protractaHravel in a I V tJ #1 *“ l *“*“«• of thta Usd in' I f eofferm, emaciated victlmi©!' apparent' I «b«artioD, critical chaatwTaad I £« < » 0 J' Uc V» m ® r . DcrT OMand dyspeptic averaloutoair I *&• l*y«Wan tot* no sun a. I “ aervou# Al&cUoss ol ail kinda. ano nr retains Cusil- I 01 *M» preparation of I 5™ ®“*“f****"*!* P° “**“«»• nollfci a^oidcii. I h*atin!»* ,tpiiiC| without being exciting and liter i **“* geeiiy, regularly aperient, even in the moi I CMm ? curtlvtmem, Without ever being a natcic I POfS»U»eiorinflictlagadißßgrceahieeqnaaUon! E I among others, which oakea It I *>***sM> and permanent k remedy for /V«>. I 2S«„ W i hlc £ K * l ?° 10 ®*® rt » dUtiw t aud apedfle I loc«t tendency which Lreuthem. I m 1 * 7 ’*'?.*".'*! lnnwoerahle aa are lu munw, a single box I habltT?' 4 h “° ru,Q anfft-red tor the hasltnoi cmm*. including iho attendant thui^rj o»°o alien advanced to Dyamlo emaciating, and apparently njoliguant, the •I^Uh.Teb^«j o .j|, , i ß ci ß ive»,,.la«to:Uhlt ! ». . ■ „ „i~° *‘! cal * >4,D, » lu * ®* Utah and strength, debilitating I : romttn-ut hectic; which generally Indwote in ' clphml CouaumpUou, this romwly haa allayed the alarm oi • Z£!%CJ£Z! “ d "■*- ; lo iicfoftilotM ‘TnIK-ixalmii, this medicated iron haa fcod > tar U»or» than tu, guai efl«i Ot the bnat cautiously bal* • Kof,a r ;ii°“''' **** " ,uh ”‘ “> ° f ,h ' ,t *»" < , “ tUDt,ua ° f fatnlltea cannot be too confidently iovb aB-cting them!^ 1 r * tors »U«» la the com peculiarly . & ilheomatiam, both chronic am) inflammatory—ln the Matter, however, mor* deddedly-it haa been invariably iw alltTiatJng pain and reducing the •weliiftge and atUTuesi of the joint* aud uuaclea. in Intermittent ruvorait uio.i neccMwirily be aercat rwnedy and eseigetlo rretorativa, and lia progren in the I W*i»» will probably be woo of high renown and tuefointas. ® h ”^ Ter diecorere J in the wfaule LUtory , •uch.ptompt.luippy, and fully n *fl*i** > Got H appedte, completo digratfos, luid ofrtrtngtb, with au uaoauai diapoutioa lor ao *®»«*Utol»Litow|un«. . Pnt up Is o«a fiat meUl U>xm couuluUig bo nillw price beS?i^rto^,/ Cr tU* J6l,y DrnggUte. and Oe*tor«f Will PtSL.?Si tU KKMUI. »«. iput «, Waun> R. B. LOCKE Jt CO., (icsonU Acotß.* aofta>wdhwerwtir, .» aaw HKiMi>wav. n v. i* k o jp. wo o i>’a Restorative Cordial AND BLOOD RENOVATOR fl T 8 PHKCIhKLS AVI! AT ITd NAJdH INDICATES k .7,. to tbe taste, it ta rem P **J* n g» exhHeratiug and strengthening to tbe vital H Pf’J/r !f bUo reluatatoa and m*ws tbe r Won! la al] Unoriginal purity, tod Urn* restores and ft renders tbe system Invulnerable to attacks of dU> J }* *» l he ««ly preparation ever, offend to ll» C world la s popular 1 form so as to be within (be reach Sof all. 6v cbemlcaJl y and skilfully coroMned aa to lie thwjno** powerful t»mlc.aiid yet so jperfoclly adapted Oto aatouct iwper/te accordance wuA ihe laam-fN*- turc.and fitnct ioQ'AsMetoeaiexJstoaaacA,and toot op to the organs, aod allay all oerwna and other tmtalisn. It is also perfectly exhUenOlng la IU 8) "fficM. end yet It is never full owed-by Ussttadsoi 1 0 depression of spirits. It Is composed entirely oTvee ] ri eULitee aud those UiOroogbiy oumliliilng powerful | 3j t J O | ) propeiti<«, and consequently can ” fnch a remedy hsaloog been bittobo i s desideratum io too tare Heal world, both by tbe th» * m roughly iklllpd ia m'diral science aedaleo by all who I “ «a*o*urrered Irom debility; for it needs no nwlicsl P : ,. U ‘.? r D f» ® J B'‘ev«B to see that debility follows ) *1! attacks of dja-awe; and lays tbe tmguardod syetota ( openi toUio attack sol many of tbe moat dangerous b 0 Jo which poor humanity t, constantly llabtoTflaeb, C rorwtampKv ae tbe following: consumption, breaebJ -0 lodlgcatfon, <‘y*prpaia, loss of appetite, faintnow, jj nervosa irritability, umralgts petpiutkn b f the £ < : ! 'XP«x»drfa, night sweats, tan- G P | climate and water; tfoce/all tra- Vatsra shoald lure a bottle with them, and all should take a table spuoninl at least ;twfoiw eating Asitprwvcntsccw «rg«ikit shoald bain toe banus of all persons of sedentary batdta, ifrtsms min fatera,literary m«n. Aud all ladles not nccaMdHwdtcfmiich Merrfae should always ase It It tbey vt'bthey wlh find an ißteoeble. pleasant a&d rffidenl reaady against . * which n.b them of tb«ir boaotr—for iawatr can aw*)* 1 wiUiOot beetlh;sod hrsllh cannot exist While the ahoTeinrgularitlreconunuo Then, again, the Cordial is L • IWk *° * mtclb or two before the »7 b>rdial and Blood Ueoovator as the remedy which abonldbeelwaysoabandintjmeofiKed. 1 • M a . J . WIXJD, Proprietor, Mi Broadway,flow Tart; IH Msrfowt wtrwot. Ma; and sold by all good Drag gista.; PrkwOneDollar per U>uio. e w '< “ hIJIOS JOUH3TOI., auJ%lyd.tli]w cornor Puilbbeid and Fonrth rta. SEETIN'yOLD htl’ANl) in TUE DIAfIOSD, Thomas stone j Uto Ctwfc of ttta Red Lyon »»«»>, i ; : rEOPIUEtOR. LTAVINQ TAKKN and fitted up, . cl Intpn.lTtaNitA, Uiw tbosubacriUjffltSi ' «ritprvpMio-) to * e«ntw>uuj tiu lncud« wUJi the W i-„ m % xM»£*£ I ' UU, * C "‘ ~q Bo^X^r° p .yM? y 0,i,, - , j j a g ! }i 8 ‘°4 , !Ky |T TUESUbaUHIUKK would respectfully call rJckof *• UBtkm vf tla m. BU'fTEK—IO btile. prime; No.;i k~». B£i)KWH«*r H/>U!S-3W r. .J!Pr W ™ rTER -™ !•«•*»( 14 kip is r»r*Uab/ • • • Jons vLovn a oo; No. 173 Wood itrwt. Nw i-ojuJFn LANKA W hhd* N O.SUOA iw3>r.U as 4 1«> bf b to trrlTe th<« veck bj «t , be inM At • Tory gn*4t iti O. SUUAIt AND MO- U N. O. UOLABaKA. N't* Crro— »m*r lUllaoce— all of w. left will ellue; by . JonNi nopßm 00. TJKODUOE—4IX) bus. PotatocH. r — CiD Wl—lo bf>U lUetiflad Ctdsr. JW PBjOBSS-.J(lobnidiftlce, 88W5Eft3i*" cAI sut *' fw^U^ 011 * 8-1 ” 0 *'“• Kwlockj; aurao*p TO^ .'■■SKsb6»~ ; CIISB«K-60toi«wk CtOfcß—l bt>l Or»ts I* ' ■ 1 ll ! »»AKKf«WaOKI)BB. N KW SPRING PRINTS - Oingharaa, cirocka, Muslins, Linens, fJalmorol Skirts, oxtra width, allcolon. C HABBOH LOY*. 7* Morkol it J>*£NNBVi,VAWU KEPUKTH— Orml, Vulam* 2, i y**/* Volume la,joii rccvirod l*y KAT *CO.£6 Wood« 1. —r7s kO)»tj J. U. Williama’ Prime X 0-twtit Totucfio, arritlu# for Mia by ■; i! ii WATT A WILSON, : ... 1 No. g» Liberty ttrwt. ' jomoKs-i Car load nrimn Nr^n- J. 6oeUfcfMlßito.*p,R,R. I! , TIRHBT fl-OOLLINfI, OIL UAHK£LS-~170 Now Oil 1 Barrels, aud« tor Hm'parjnMvtti ttorpfur mlo fcr; .tKMBRTOtf A BTMWAHT,. . ■ .u : - s- ,•; . .. HO.IOT W-'odat. i >LAKLABU~2u casks first Sorts Pearl- bj» J D.OANfIBU> AOO, MO -| '■• ■; •• • '1 yiritatmfccw Wcoj, •. BW NS—5O bos. Small White rco‘d for sale ■*9 • Liquetta 00., - *** ••••■ T&WaifaodMrroatVt. ; 400 tiiga Lend reef’d and for sola > l»y ;! , *»• .L. ■ BWt? n. r*)T,r,TNH. ’ I riyrfOSl.—ls,bale* in store for aala by ' “«?H*nßtcniNsoa... r>i '• ..llSBpcopilsdA ]|< rirrt at* (ornlitj It2l ' Mid*. primoN.tO. Sugar roipd ' BmT&wujm;! Tbe attention cf JUvwUJis Phj*fcl»u» v Clr'-£>m«D, Bdto lifle. Mas, and the Pctxic {roerall y,-!*» itejwctmllj eolkdied' to the merit* of thUcht in leal prep-ration. Balptmr and Phoipb*ili.'iixl vbWbJt identical in iu compctUdoii with the Hematic Gefctt£c,cr«d Mood In a!) dimers accOtapaLfolwith j; J OH Bill TV, v pale countenance and beSToa*.dvriiPSt»a»Dt, itaJyvlr* ufo, the Uoo4 »bow a deficiency of .tbojnid global** Roddy oanptexiun and • reap tint*, I tbq ekw, I* *lw*>4 lodlcktis* of health; white a-pale, jrax-UAeailn amfroonbtetuuite— evinces a deflricocy;of lb* red nle* a diseased organism. Tiep>ratfobsof IroMbarebtce glvea for tbt parpoM of rorpljln* thered globaleei bat«* cot>teßd that Iron stare, aulpttar Plion-, poors* aJooe, will not meet th« deficiency injssecy nu, • bat that a jodick>tiacos>biuuioaof<, i aif I Mao, element* i* nrceaaary to-natore lb* blood to It* oo'jnti standard. fbls PJjOfo tew before attain**!, ha* Hen reached ln: tb* Blood Food, and Ua dbCDTery ranks aacneoflhrihcet ■dantifle and important tf the age. Staeflcctaib \ conk p a p Tiro it ] *r* to soften the cough, brace >th» neirer, rtre lilhcn 'lbo #y*tem,*ll*y the prostrating 1 night sweats h ctho* the pby^Mdmentalenem,aei£h thebloodbylrertoiteg tba lacking t»d global**, increase tha appetite, natcro tbn color ,andclothe ibo akelelan Hank with Aceh. 7bf>Blodd Food will bo round a »podflcrlu;all throale'Olita* !51 c V ,k *t ThTOM or bongi.iach as iiMpt, »«*• ot-great BUllty in clearing and strength* vtcai regans. In Hgtpati*, Liver QmjJatti% Drvpif, Kptlepn, raralytiti Za^Ua, Gratvl, #.TDuj* ItoSu?iferand lu efficacy la marked and el *‘*? r dtoeaere however, are lb* bewfidri eUwtaof Ifab remedy eownsplcoou* re la three | " r PBaiiiß i;o g p'LAißtis ; to rnbteb too mja ooi up tioMo, ,ca »bkh torn) kkinlo Onm tukun, WktUt, ifc. t.prdo|ly (hog illMooia. aanloi *rp»ttt&, and nerYuos prostration. W« l ave the ntmest coitQdanca m i*coamewl|t»/tb® Blood Food to all who may be.conscious oT a Iren of vitality of eo*rev. and to tboeo whose menUl or 1 uilly pdwf» Are Uuvagb ceerttw. either o/ the mind tr bo«j, end tre dretn it oar doty tot*/ that In all cam of Hralnex and Emaci ation, mtii In all dbeasea of Ufa* Kidneyt or .Bladder: this' preparation has a claim Cpon the titration d luffmrs wbtth cannot be over «Ur,sled. A faithful trial'will be foend thu most eonvtucing pror l in rigvJ to Ita l * fflracy Uml C4>uM bo saLjvl for. tVJll* t* «• ebet* rematkjL*ud wiib H«- nooorous trsUtnonUll «.o have iu lie U»or,*e cfforlbe ULO OU robo to Ibo consideration otlho edict*d, knowing that It will b* a*:kn«wlnl K od a» preoniloeu't rmr allli.tbt-r rreraratloiw. or ®Ocln«. In point hi urefalnosa. Cfrculeta glrlog the Theory which this Remedy Isfoomlod, slit, rertilb' CatM of rrtnarkable rnr.*, v ll lw sent In* wLen'drelred. We forward the Blood Fdodtoany put of the United BUtes or Catiadea, upon receipt of rrka-H per boUl*\ t& for six twlilta Bo careful lu ell cues uptake nobs but that hariuK our slgaafore njon the Wrapper;.None other is genuine. Prepared tjnly by i! CnUHCH 4 11UFOBT, ■ . , ... No.-100 Bread war, New ft**. And sold by them end by alVrrepectßhle'llniEclsta. K^.“*J? b,Dtt - OKa “• KbVBKE, liO Wood st, PiU* bereti. Pa. t ? fel:lydkwf HEAE TOT SAY. : The undersigned haring used Pruroaoh llUllPiniKTlL' BPKCirtO HOkKZOPATIIIO SRMEDIHa In our. famlUr* with the mwt satisfactory regatta, andi haring full confli deaes b their genuineness, im'rtty, and Efficacy, eheeriully enforamend them to all persons who wish to hare safe, re* table, end eflleadous mnedleti at haud -for private or ilb* prsllc BM. ; y Ttie Rcr. Wm. nnsmer, editor of “The Northern lode* jeti'lent," Aulrurnl N. T.; U.e Ber. JL iH; Cremey, h.n, lector of Bt Peter's Church, Auburn, N: Y.; the Rer. It. I; irre, Oiaptaln of the Acburti Buie Prison; the Her. rj., Eilltor ol The Olilu Bute Journal, Ooluzobo*, Ohio; tlic Hon. 1t.11.. 'lndiana, Mrtttne, Uh; the Hon Thoma* J. Ctiase, Ifnnti* tII", PU.; the Hon. Joseph'Benedict, Utica, N. Y.; -Wm. Urbb.l, l>q n Utica, N. Y.t A. A Pond, Esq., CUca, S. Y. ; ‘our. Plunkett, LIST OP BPGOXPIO REMEDIED ' • f«-.. I.—For Perer, OongestlftO.Aad laiiainmatlon, i N-*. 2.—For WormTever, Worm OoUc, ; Wetting the Beil in N-«3-F, r OoDc, Crying, Teething, ajjd Wakefulness ot N«. 4.—For Diarrhea, Cholera lafkathm, and Summer Oumptalota. i : r ' ;, ;j ; . No. A—For CWlc, Orlrtnga, Dyseotcty^nr Bloody Flux." No. A—Fur Cholera, Cliolef* Morbos,rVomlti!ig. . . No. 7.—Far Oooghi, Colds, Influents, and Bore Throat. Na 2—ForTwotb-ache, Faewaehe, and Neuralsla. ; No. ft.—For Headache, Yerilgo, Heal And Fullnixa of:the Head. No. 10.—Drsesrei* Ptlla—For Weik and Deraaeed ft*>mach, Odnrtlpatlon, and Uvri’ Complaint. No. 11. -F<» Faaau laaaocuumß, Scanty, PalnfaL or nuppretsed Periods ' No. 11—For Leucorrhfla, Prefcan Meraee, and Bearing Down or Females. ■;■ No. 18.—For Croup', Buarse tSxigh, Bad Breathing No. 14.—flitT Rosea Puxs—For fcryripetai, Fj-opUons. rimptM nn the Fact So. 18.—RBspaarto Piua—For Pain, lAmenem. otkj In the Chest, Back, Loins, of Lbaha, ;• A.—Fur freer and etgaa, Chlfl Fever'bomb Hlanunace*! Agues. •* . j * -;j P.—For Piles, BUna Biredlitg, Internal o.—For Bore, Weak, or Inflasmd sjg, Weak, o* Bl'wrrd Bight '• Cutarri., .v = •[ mu-m lion nr prcfiue W o. F»ir tvlioopfn, - • :• ■Ai.rterdne it* ruuret ' '• : i( ! In nU acute «U*ea«*. wch : rn ’! i l)Ufcl , u | Dysentery, Croup, aari. erore Uyu lUtrai m fearlet Freer, U'eaalca, anil KryriiHrlav the fclvantase of string the isob rt-ica. and In al.l such caaea the-aj-edfle# *it like a charm. P re ,lb *” e u oflm arnslod at onerjand In-all taiw U;e violence of the attack Is mu3erated, the discaso siiort cne-l, and rendered lea*dangerous. *Mch are«(;*od» freudent occurrcnfe, and which so often tay the fouiuUUon otdlseaafd Im.«! may all be at once cared U the Fever anti o*m*ih Plii« • -t J Lrfu°’ LI .V^ I ts “P 1 * I,l '*. BJ". l r »3j« DeWIHj, Wui. IrrcjfuJarUlta, old Ueadachea Sore or Weak' Era. Catarrh-- Ball Rheum, and other old eruption*, the epeclfle# ‘Pl'Qcatloo will afford a coreln almJtreere Iceunce. Oflen the core of a single ebronlo dlffiooUylfueb a* i»i*i»rria, Pd« or Catarrh. Headache o!r Female Weak u«d, ha* more than paid for tie take tea times over. PRICE, < * *1 1 Case of M riab eomplete; to morocco, and Sock .to Case of hi rials, and Book, plain,- , ' a Cmc of 16 numbered boxes, sad Book, , ‘ ” o C***? *»f 4 boxes, numbered, and Rook. f HiikJc numbered boxes, wluj dlreerioni ’ 25 cents. Single lettered b*>xo, with dlreeObM. h jk) cent*. Urge CAM of 3 os. rial*, for planters and physicians...*!B AUO BPSCIFICS. - Fl ' , « Acthw* oa Pstbiwi—Orortewd, DlfflcnlL Labored 0 cm(j )ir box!*' 1 WlUl ® 00g!l **£? Price, nnrni.- DlidaiTSß from Ih, K*r, Uw remit of Bcxrto fertr, IJleaalea, br MemulaJi. Knr N'-bala the Head,HardnemafUauini and Karin* 1h U,o kora, aodKaf-adia. Price, io Ti *1 ,R Knl»r*ed (I Undo, Enlarged! tod rnJorxt r‘t,T,,>rw^-fc*» *"«WnCT nod OldCleeifcßcroftUowOacltiy of Children. Prfee, 60 eenti per boz.v ■ J , er Herroaa Weakne* U« remit of Stckoen, bc«nira Mediation, or S* Ua.wiln* DUehuxn, i Price, 60 eexda per bo*; * r n«l»to«}T ; -.*ialdAeetimal*Uotrt,TßitildBweiltnia.wlli P-*My Bocretloo*. Price, CO con taper box. i‘- *M* BwiAcawi*.—DeolMy Bcknoo, TertJeo. Kaaota. perboaf* Kcknai fru “ rl ~~ ' Look orer the Ust; mhka up a 4m PRAMR VANOOftOEnfntHeencdlL JUNDRlKS—sokeg3primoLard; Q BUTTHE-ibMaßoHjßdaß-ibMj '[ >■ «?^~ 20 bbU Orwr, CBASBfBBIESi.(« bbliq BB ASB-» tap White—Jact ree'iffbr nla by ' 4 „ ’ U'CONALp A A&BVOKLB.' ’ lM« Jobbwta awd Orocwra, SM Utarti at- SUNDBIES— 34 sacks Dry^Pcachea, 1 sock DAT PRAOOB9, PSAI.U), :i 3 MCki DRTPSARS, do « do FKATOIO*, , i! SISUKMP PBLTB, { ',i >n (learner Uay Poke, fa arrive for soTp by «»>« IBAUQ DtCgBT A 00 , L—-25 bbls. Refined this day rcc’d b/ ilia^gTlL^OLMgß. CTOBAQE FOK KBWT-InXoftalond hj lor, coßveaknt and aalo, at 60 and 81 Water »L fel& - ■ ; IBALAg DIORgY A ca ; I TJ.REBN AI*PX*ES—7S bbfe, choice Fruit, VT fortalab, > L # o .* “ hi w ÜboBT rir4u pAatJD PEACaES— SO bus. choice. L Ikrtoleby ■■] ■'■ ■ ■• M 1 un.aiuir.m ut«iiT.i. ‘ LICLASSES— ZOO bbla. Prims N; O. M'o i.TX lum toe’ll per>tV lmplra otl£fcrIn -i?*J i RJUUmiTitoo.' HUKBB COVifiKS, Of India Robber anli qntlltj, fbr ,aal»«t Lbe l&dU. ttwpwr jtia j.jt p. PinLUPg. Wbito Fufi, TJdoU(}nioc,r«c3r»d fcmtebr * tlB UKMUTUQQUJTf. ' F YOU WANTbTOUH IN AN OILUOM M lIKMIIt 8. KmQ.Br»t|r.«t( CUlrn. SUGAH— 50 bbla. B Coffeo Sn K arj SobbbAOuflMßoKAr,' ’ -- 1 ' • , ‘ .1 . ; •» “f• *» ■ :_ • i Ksnntn i BRoruru > hit Ho.H WK)dit,o W idui4. 0 ; At* —-L_ ****** Tf.'OOMJMW.- SALi— jOObbla. JixtraNo. 1 iSal^Tncon •tamMiftMifc Wirt * wilbqb. •■•-• SMUNrtr'a. i bTAVEH ANU TIMBKB—3OOO IJ*"”’ ’ ,Utk * *«<■«■. In turn *» m] a fc r > ■■: ■:■ ■■■■■ . IfAUaDICtCTVISfi in Loft ana Collar toTeU>y -g Phu •:■ TBAUS PICffBY 4*oo |UIKU ttckifartalo biM "*•- - f ' . \v* fcWUWH««W, ! SsilMat* | •;.• H * •> Mil riT»*Bcaau, rr. Win* *duc«a o hailbo&d, - To nil Puin'tain th*BonUi,We4ASorth-*e«t TIMS TO CINC'IKKatTm quick, and to ' CUM*. *uo«tott», .J *SSTVAZD..TMJJS3. .. FAbtualLLlNE—Leam PiUahu.rh jho a. ■ m'*.. i Arttraa a* a. ■ . cooeeetioca with ttoUefoslalca aadQere* s laud, tXiluzaboa and Clocionall flisda \ i . *nj»lii«»t -13S r. « ■ J:.u; I*lo,. u X .. OockuMl uUom CP** H, rttiai' ItbnllT ■ Making rioeecoß«rtiqna re abora. " ■ ■ i - iX,. . > ■ r : -Ss2sr“i~ «> *- ■ h. b.—to. uo. to ,11.! Itplp, on koto n»« gcraellgoiato;Clßdna&tt.tog«th«r. >v. J* . Blewpleg Canioa Ihii Iretwboca Pllubareh to Ctoem nail, U IndUtopollsaud toChkagr., , x]‘“ w Trelna ihroogb to Cblrago 4v tt&Mit change of Care. , j JUStWA&V r*JMA , Lasse Chicago, 6JO A~ ar.aad RKfp. ■. Arrtfimr at Lfana,.R2Sf M. end 3:10 Ai M. .CdvDOcllog wtlb Uatos 4* ' Dayton awL-ClndcoalL ArriTiog at CrtalliDe, 8:46 r. ■ and &1C a.», | - . ■■■ -•/ • '•* • »* Conw-ctlng with kralnk fcj Colaßibas,CiKiußail,cie%*. land, Aoßaln and the Jtrefo sod arriTtug at PI tshorgh '£%* aiLSCitIMO rjfo AU duklt|| ckwe csrumtloui with trelar on Pnibsylvaitla Hailiuad for Philadelphia and th< Eastern cities, i . ‘ ‘ Aceommodatfoo Trains Brea Federal atmL AlMbesi For New Brighton, S.U Ju and fo-0o r. m. •> at do i “ “ Leave, du • fcM «: ljtho “ Arrlveat AlleghtnyihSO <* » Allegheny a*d Aconomy Aecommodatfoo: Leave Alhgbeoy, 13jOG'tMion.atid &0O r. ■. Anise at Ecvbotny, Li-0 r m, 7:00 *• Lease Economy, l ft3oa.«, 3J»B u Anive at AU'gbeby, .7:25 “ *BS • ALLIANCE JdAUEET TRAlN—leaves Allimcre at AOO k.M. and arrises ib Allrghsny at ILSOa a. Dim Alte glteny at R3O p. b and wtltm iu Alliance at 7SOf. w. stripping at ail bUii<.n»for t a'sengenand maiketing. TJckeu will be euld for thrre tTains at rvoucvd ruts, Throogft Trains ccmcctaa foUowa—l At Alliance, sritli train* oo the Cleveland A PUtabafgfa tl Bead. j i 7 At DrrvilJo, Ohio, u-andlkoD Mfllrixbcrg, Akrcn,Coyaho(a •- Falls,etc. ] --s il 8.M8.1d, Ohio, tor Mt- T«noi>, CWdoto., T» Wo, Detroit,etc. • . , Sprlngfleid, Ooiattboa, (Bactnua n, Xenia,Dayton, IndlwjMxJlk, Bt Loela, Unlcsille, etc fur Springfield, Bandoaky, jDaytoc, QpdnnaU. ’f f Di F to »* ClncinnaU, eao, ate. At Ft. Wayne torPern, Ufoyotte, likL, fit. LotJa, and Into * ."E 1 — 1 * ?S f JL l ? "rnrTThmVriMini ■■ n■ NoTen.Hr VAib, 18S0, TralftaAMKggßlßffijSt ™£Zicoi» W b», bSLISSoT “• ‘»" nsu v . «tabnrpk«nd IVAkHvLw. «*wa wSJS.S kSSS “!!-''S * Pl S;; «»pn liflpa - fcOopni : - p Of a* O Tn A "* Tr * l ” tor«fwdiSi l ? ,ll ‘ “ L>l “‘* ll >!4Uo “ i» p™^to. ut«, rt«,: for toito., V. WILLLAMBTKWART Aseat 1 Attoo Coopj.J.OfflM lj tolghl tI.AL ! ■ MTllffl®—*l TlekUipw, «plß4f mi», . . i„- . ClMtl.pA Ohio iloo_wia-i%ui aulto^,~ TUEPENNSYLVANIArairjB.a^I ocHTBii. haileoal). . „ . _*iauIOiHTTUAINB. ■ . UAir nor. 2flto, too THaouan KBSMg Th# Jotaatcsrn Awxnmmdstfcnt Train IreiM m* " ZMtS: •“Tuvp'r** 1 111 p ' t “Kr 5 0 u nttam.-.-ex f-lO iocomiai)dotoii!uß SgSffiSsS&SSS* . 53» traveling publio will Bod it wnktix to iWr i?*.**. “bJtoJ’ftSoSSlSlS STS 2; no,com ed on any other rent*.' The Road is baflaated withmwS^wi toS£rtto£! i™ i "“«j.opo»»lSd remain u AU wbo B*y bear this Road »y-tr patrew ssj;'" nuTlClt.—in Care of lore, the Comoaas will vutw. 0 8UU ™’ ?» *J bbl “-^ oi,;o A PP»«; ■i ■ ■ : . > ; tOLU,sholeoQiW. i „ 30 "O twl—ittMtb, . ... ’ ■ ■ i I •ua.aß,!. OWDRAND SUNDRIES— A I £AUUT»UTBA.iRPBtIPS&rtN!B: r •J _ i?ii L , M®n*> <•»«. TOlotlJuiMJltfc* ! EODOKEa A DILWOBTU," **» ! 1 l'~ - > ■ r; ■ • WLairtyrt. jgLODRI FX.OUBI *»!*!• BvtiaU'a XX bn limit*, ! AT) do' Cfeebo BokexVfKßnx* 800do6rMA.Iiad|r t : , _a>; •, [COIP4aUKPAftH.M3 Utigfti Mt. i. P KOI) IJ0J&---150 bus; Small White Beans; i3Jin(nis»4ppbßaUrr, f ' SMitoiW • ■■*»mtSEs, •. • IssSS SbtlaKoli[i3l]XTXß, ' iaffiasii*! hh t,iKET^ -“J ; llsS^«l!Jgs!h-. J»Ss^pys *.»!»b, i || L 0 E? ES * BJSHAOE3, , i»wm, ud Vbkt eti«*la, ' »"*• • •'■UwM.twr.lcw picM, 1 ' u BPBcnniiLD * «t«n- 5»4 UIS LAINK,* *wf .. . —-- -1 •-!-• • 'BPBm7nMl>l oat »te7TrS£s, , s l S: ■ sss&i&s&sf f* •*rar»«« •■•"■• ■■ :J •—_*•* C. PBILUF»- > £ wtiPitiNa quods r —■* £2 ,■ »i j t> uoßcnrißiaVoo bmftlmdjeoaaMaMd.reedTtocqfevoooM. * b * : OPKN THISMOMI*g, / ■ t Blw*«iM , Wina,iri < hli«m,; " NflwPnuto.Clnmiea'ana Flotdclb. I*** 00631 * mU ttcnJ mrj6m4m. ■■■'■■ kU JJJJSW PKINTSj NKWOIKQUAUa, " r ' IriA Uaa> i ! ’ ,- hi . rt Bo»Qßia,6hawb. Cloatiu to. j •i. ftimwos Um.n inwi. UALUOR&L BK.IRTB, ;?ijyj;-; [ : la;r^r4r«nlOTMijT>iyd>wa ■- ;:■ {. > f •.: . BUBQHfXnB* \ sWl.l ' fame 801 l fornlrfcp: * ••}•} UflflßßAOOti - '■■■. ■ i ; ,r; •' J* .. V.r.z* , x ", .