The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 18, 1861, Image 3

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Igittsburgfe. <#ajtUe.
omoiai rAFMt or TBM oitt.
HtrsoaoLoaiCAX Observation* for the Qcaetu, by
O. B. BbikW t Optician,sB Fifthßu oorrecltd daily:
• is so*. iussadb.
9.o*oloek,A. 00 ' •*- 38
■lt ! “ •: 76 • 46
. Barometer ...... 293 10
. Elections weiwheldin ihsboroagbss&dtowoahipi
onFriday, for moaifllpal oCicws. Thers «u very
little partyfeettcg manifested, and the tickets vara
generallytnikeiX Thefollohlng are thenamea of the
. incewnfolesadldites intbsdlatrieta designated:
BiaMwaflW—Assessor,•George. A.Powall; Aa*
atitanU, Ale*. M’Claln,Job Warshaai {Auditors,
A. Oartt. J. A. Wolff; Conitahle, M. B. Hartxell;
Jadge, Firit Precinct, X B»Al«km»n; Inspeetore,
Jsmta McDonald, Robert Wallace; Jedge, Second
Precinct,?. P.Adsms. . , v "
Sdqtb ! Pmiirui-JditiMi Wo. H. Barker;’
Bargees, Wm. tt. Barker;'Connell. A. Ch embers, jr.,
James Bassett \ School Directors, Ena Davis, Ja*.
Cready, John B. Martsy, Levi Brenoemaa; Asaas*
sot, Thomas r Csssldsy; Assistant B., J.
BranlT; Inspectors, U. F. Cauldaji J. A. Black
mora; ConaUbl#, James Hadsoh; Auditor, P. S.
DogannA :'••••
MosonaAircLA—Bargees, John Cregso. Conn*
cil, Richard Welsh, Joseph Kepler, Jacob Mas*
sieger, 8.8. Shaddock,‘H.J. O’Kane* School
Directors, Wm.Yoang,*R; H.MsrthsU.r Assessor,
Joba Cregao, .Assistants* M. Lsoghtiu, Jas. Car
lin.: Judge, Thomas Goeghegan; Inspectors,
Wn. Davis, John Kyle, Jr. Auditor, Joba Kyle.
Constable, MnrtlnMyerv.
WxtrPrtTisoaQTr—Bprgess, H. D. Whipple;
Cosncily Joha Mcntj Wm. Hamilton, Jacob Cash*
bsegbVGeorfe Wiuinftil, Joseph Rodgers., Bchool
Directors, Georgs Abel, G. L. Dryden. -Jadge,
Edward Sprung { Inspectors, J. D. Richards, D.
Edvards. Vf; 11. Brant; .Assistants,.
Edward Bpwbg; Tbomee;Cat©on.
East; Bnnmhonait—Borgestr' David Chess;
Council,' David £d«srds, George Rosemsa f John
. Jl’Cord, John FoelL Jadge, Dsvid Shearing ; In*
spectors, A.L. M'Clare, W. Simmebrocb, jA«e«-
sor, AagottAramon. Constable, Charles Kol-
baeker.: ; ’V- j
JBotocon or TcwrEnhiicxviLLC.—Bnrgess— |
Ceo. fU Cochrane,* R., 101 ;John Patterson, R,l
48. Connell—Jos. McDowell,* R • .148; David I
Jtohiosoo,*R.,l4s; Whi. Aston, R«, 56;-B. D.|
Wobds,? R*, 57; Jas. Mcßride,*, D., 93; Henry I
Ksplea,* D;, 95; J*s.Fergtuoa»* R-, 144. School |
-Director*—Davidßobinton,* R., 140; Nath. Bad* I
laeline, Ri, 48 ;G. K. Gamble,* Rl, 139; Hesry I
Esolen,* D., 101. Jsdge of Eleetioss—John Ore* I
ham,* R., 79; Peter o*Baoton, D., 67. Jnapcoiors|
of KlecboDS—Thomas Creighton, R., 61; George I
Wcsteimen, A., 63. Aasessor—TbomssHJrelgbton,* I
. R., SC ;A. L* Joees, R., 61. Ase’t Atusnre—l
Wm. Gpffe,* R., 98; James MeDoweU,* R., 148; I
Thfunss! Pcrgosoo, A., 56. Aoditors—S. U. I
I'repch * R;, 144; 'Thomas P.. Hershberger,. A., I
Ol R;, 53.! CoosUWe, John I
Tii-ioapspo,* R*> 88 V John WUtoa, 69. I
Psttos,* j
r>s; Geo. Hembelright,*69; J.:Mye«,47; Geo. I
McCombs, AO. .'iAssH Assetsnrs—D.;Aiken,*, jr., 1
144; D» Irvin, * : ISS; J. Bolmger, 45; T. Black,]
3& • School'Directors—T*' Ursa: years; |
Ed. 1 Borehfield,* thtee years; Jno.! D..Gray,* one I
• year. Asseror—WtßvH. Baichfield.* i.Twr above j
, . are. the only offices which vwre contssted. I
Cqlmi's Towwsair.i—JosticeofthePeice—Ah* |
are# McMaster,St*;‘Jobn Armstrong, 4% Geo. G. I
Ns*ley 24. School Director*—Msrcua-A Jones, I
S3 9 George McWilliams,74 ;0 J. WooUlsyer,]
45 ; Thomas Dtvidsori, AseessoiwS. 1
Shedwick,so opposition. Atsiflast I
J. 8. Neg’ey, S. Crawlord; ho eppotitioß. Aaditor l
—D.-RI Coon, no' opposition; Sopenrisors—John J
Stewart; 94*; McD. Perroei, $4; John Row, 44.
JodgeaofElecUoas—Thomas Kent edy, no oppo*
sitioa. Jsnhctbrs—David Bortaed; Peter Weber,
/'no oppoaiunw.' Town Clerk—J • C. McKelvey.
•• Coealsbler*'J. Heßzlipe.; r'.. ■--/ i
Ron Georg* P.vQaaW, I
; IU 71; Heery Brooks,lu:l28; WUlrimi Martin, ;D.
65. Aaditom,Willlao B. 95; M. V.B.
M’Aleer, D. 42.' Avsessor, . Wm. Ray, &. 91; P. I
Ivory, ,D. 45;. A wi*Ucl Assessors,David R.Qealil,
R. 87 ; Thomas Gibson, IU 88 ; Alexander Neely, I
D. 43; Jao Fslrlr. D. 37. -Jadgwofißlectioe, Geo. j
Qaailli ft. 88 ; CaajperL Rseli D. 43. Inspector of
Election,-D»vtdH* Casßiagh*a>R. 87; William
Fairfield, D- 36. School Directors; William Ray,
ft. 99 Y A. W< Bachaoßte, R. 80; Robert Morrow,
D. 38 i David Sterritl, 47. Town i Cierk, W. W.
Headley, R. 93 ; S. J; M’Aqley. -D.
wrtr, W; W. Headley, R. 93; : 8. J. H'Canley, D.
39. Repobliesn majority aboet 46. i
. Tuubm’ Aulla|i :
: The Militia towwrip Teaeheri! Aaaocutioh met
.. for the leal tirardaricg Lbe praeat lera, at achool
hooaeffo. tf. The mKoo! wutabjeeted; to : acritical
examisatioa by Mr.i ;i>empiiUr,j their teacher.
The aereral elaaaef pa*aedibinb»deal;tri«*phaat*
I*. and denoaetaud tWf Get that so tip© tea been
frittered away bj thamorllieir teacher. After As
oer.waa.«eiT» i thaUdiee|arhft i
•* ' ”deierra anucb pralae fortheir ktadaeae- The pa-;
®ila tod pareate were addreewd bj eeteral of the
teacher* aid a lettarirem CoaetySaperinteadeat
Douthelt, «3*read,lhwhich' I*«*taieAfh*t other
ea*a£emeot« prevented hi© being preaent, aid
©ateTthe frieod* ofedotaiioi »eeh;«eoeraf«““*
by declaring “that in »© lownahip ia ; the comity
bate U»e teacher© and friend* of edßcatfon done ta
mueb'gnndii* one lero>**in'MiffiiMowß*bip.”
. Tfce'VoUowwg were lien reported by a Comm'ii
tee appointed at a former meeting t : j
Htipltti , lhat weeineerely thfikihi directors
sod parents who hnve'seebndedonr labors J»Jkie.
good work,' sod earnestly hope that sock wilfcster
eontisaejlo manifest a deep interesttherein. ■ ' ■ .
- Uaohx&i That those teachers who, cosealtuig
ifceir dwoeaso aadeomlort more tkinjthb tree ad
vancement of id oettional intere«*-ha?e refosed
to bear their part in ibie work d esar.te lao most
hearty coaleaptof every tree teacher* l -
Jletoltfd, *bat the gentlemanly treatment of dw
• rectotsand leaebern by onr present County Sopsr
iodendent, meritt odr mort heartyappTobation.
Btsoltti* That me thank the ladies [of the-dm*
triet who have, at onr. sarions meetings; kindly
’ farniahed neh feasUfor the «innet man.”
Mifflin, March Uth,lB6l. , i Vram^
C«m(y Deform Iw VirndUy Tdvmfctp.
At a meeting of the tax payer* of Findley town*
ahlpiheld onthe IMfim*., the following preamble
and resolutions were adopted :
WriEsxWTbeCoaoiy or Allegheny having I
become deeply involved bj U*e exttavtgsaeeaodl
corraptioa ol some ©tv ita office we wax I
it ia bteb time that weekodld hire » change jn the l
management of the affair* of the Coaoty, end a* j
there is now a bill before the Legislators to this
offset; therefore •• ' . I
Retolud, That we inatraet oar Senators nidi
Member* of the Horn of Representatives to do I
everything they «*o loneeore the paneageof the I
& 'Reso/wd, That the tax payers of Findley (own-1
' ship are'opposed to the amendment proposed oy j
the Kseeouve Committee of the CeonJy*4orthe ]
election of a Controller, ss wr think thin will |
throw the eyrteo into the Jandsof corrupt offiee
j seekers, and will not iaceomplfth any reform; and
1 we instinct oar Senator and Members of tbe Hottee
to *ota for the-bill giving the Jodges of the' teo
Courts -power to appoint a Controller no long «* he
administer* his office, .
haoivtd, That wo approve of the change pro
-posed U tho bill for' the collection of Bute nad
t*>« «« p?/*™ j? r
ah'u under Uieirlta»k« to eor Seetlore, ud w
able Repreunmlre, Mr.
•ameer to wbieh ibey defeeded Uie Suu Iron the
bribery and cMt»>Uo« of tbe EtUroad noaopoly.
or Polio* PAttiMttnWd>7.***•*•? l *°
mao who gw* ilictr; names' is* Henry Cawby
Hear/ Bbwb. They visited /**»«.*£»*•*
street for tlupsrpos* of deposing of n lo»
block silks, and their appearing* being dee»*¥J
agnieittbam, ibaywawarrented oB Kapwwa of
batingstolen.tb* goods.-. TheyftS?.
the Wert unThnrsday. wight, nndcm Friday W 7
rewired ft lot of silks, valoed stbstwsen fonr.and
fiv# haodreddoUsrs. Theyhsd: bctflfteetr ceol*
when they reached bars, aadUtelr being ehoTt o*
food* was auiguadu•*reason, for.not bringing
the gbode.with thamwThay tell very *xir*otdlna*y
storks u to how they cams lb poawioo of the
of tbsm aUvgfag that; lh*y w»» pfl»--
ehaaed at a asteteUsw.Tork, and tabs to Cteete
call* white tb* other-stews that tbsywar* boaght
Id Cleveland'. ’Tha lot .eoesteteehfcdy: or flat alia
dree* goods, together with silk baoidierthWfr aad
. -aewlog etlka■ y ; y.. ;U^'VV/'---y
- Not being abl* to tell directly dad boaeallT bdw
. aadwherethftgoede wereobtaißcdf'Mayor Wilson
J- will bold the men jaeaatodynatil fe*eaatal&ff*pb
to Cleveland sad Cttcisnili, a* It is not improbs-.
bio that the goods have-been stolen.
..A Btogwlw Twotiwllwe*
'! A' few dtjir steed, ; R*ehal <£aley, daagbter of, •
■; rwpccUblecitjießreeidnJgiaßoetbfllfabaaßlowa
«bip» Washington coiiniy, gar* birth to an iltefiti
< mete ch!ld,UioVepeted/atfter.beiagJamteif.Wil*
! ioa. e etadeat in aUeadiaeantJaflereoa Callvf*.
sooa alter the child was bora, Wilson took chart*
ot it. sutiag the! btf .woeld: prooare ft noreafor ft,
but instead of doteg it aeot to the Washing
1-to* county- poor. bonse* aad toao jftodi
;wspoe*ieibtt iWJileirdeeptirtdob A-wamat
: wwisioea'lbr WifedH** who fat tbameaa
-1 time esme bear to this awl patap at Hara'.
’ koteh Larteeeateg two or three offieare yWed
tbwbotrl lorlbeporpoee arrest, bat
•: ifte (rlsads ol tbe yooag man bad- cVxtently^boon
( ob (be alert and h« mad* good bw escape. Hie
- p tr rnis reside te Chamßeiebdrf, ind bs will per*.
; £ f ps Ml bis face tojneward.
Air«»t*f sßßUirarßor-
TOO «ihtoeid»j»t|o * W »i?ed Wood*, wbo
r(U , reJ aßltd- liim*e]f O)id«r Jisoraat nim«», »p-
Dwred i» CuontlUiltTc, »od ilaird Wtfc«
•- ; ft,..- tbit be »** •«*rchin(! [ut&im father. He had
Ju,.conductor. 'Hiteontradictorj »uto
**°°u Ini lo wepicioM «b»t ke * aon»wiJf,*«il
• Bmlu.roriMtl, ef U.U <air (MW eo«-
it fion»lhtm«) tooujrtHjOmbor dow*,Md
•“i IHob.fDM«*Jor: 1 Hob.fDM«*Jor: Wihrai.M>»PT»«•
ftU« r ;be<pg * ehocnuker.
"f “ «■>« »»«a«r. tat*.
P’T-j'ißiirtha'Malhidrol M*«»<k«'a wborucad
• aadkad
CiHof Alntiato BeGoa>(H<
JttdgtKalUa dolirmdnkajtbj optoioo is tbo
cm* ef this png «nviettd jof u ittompt to
hmwm IV* i t& '
oVtTrallßg th> motion farnnow trUl»
•ltd la irratt of mtowlaf bim to
tvo Tors’ Iffipriooomtat in: tho Weston* P«ali*B
tUrj.’ \Tb»fibber oflhey<ma& o*o,~wbo is a
blgU/ Mptetod dtiieaof JBUir county,«tt pret*
•fit* n torrovfbl witnoss of tbo decision *nd oenUnco
of tbo Court* (
Tbo Sadr tint of lolerort [decided mu tbit
> principal point u.
raised on the trial, of which va gave a report
at die line, regarding.the question of jurisdiction
—counsel for defense claming that by-the jeriedic*
lion chase of the New Coda, (inner which the
ease.was tried,) the indictment should have been
laid in the Coart of Over and Terminer, instead of
the Quarter Seasons. ’.That clause piovidee that
arson, and ail crime* punishable in the same manner
ae arson, shall be tried in the Ojer and Terminer
erelusirely. 1 ■
4 fa» Conit, in their opinion, rale that the csee is
a misdemeanor, and note felony and that all the
cates of malicious borning enuaierited in Section
178 of. the .code are properly to be tried in the a
Coart of. Quarter Besciohs. Care charged 4s
-not an offence. consummated bat only an'attempt
toeommit-atrofienee, which wsis at common law
but a misdemeanor; although the offence attempt*
ed was a felonyr ' 1 ' ' }
.. ' After the opinion of tbe Coart pad .been deliver*
«d, Mr. Shannon addressed the' Bench at tome
length is an appeal lor mercy lb* ha client la the
•entente; be spoke ofbiayduibfulneas; ol the prob
ability that had it sot, beck lor the detectives the
defendant would nevdnhava been led asTar as be
bad bees into _the.palh of errojr ofthe jury’* re
commendation to mercy; ol bis previous unblemish
ed .character, and other fac’a caleatsted to sway
the Coart to mercy. > .
. When the yoosg maa rose for; sentence, be sp-
f eared very maeh affected* Hellos nid to
its that dosbtleas the cheek be bad received at
this time is hie downward career would be a bias'
ting to him is alter life, U be made proper nse ol
it. - He would be takes from evil company and
icmptatiooa, and. have; time toi reflect and form
good ialentions (or the. (attire. ,Tbey would be as
lenieattowards him as tbenaturd ol tbocaae would
permit. The Court then passed the above melioned
sentence. I j
Bold Bu|lsr^i
Os Snndsy morning,before daybreak, the dwelling
ofHr. James Floyd, on Beaver jrtrnet, Allegheny, I
fii entered by a burglar, and robbed often dollars j
lis mosey and a lady’s gold breast pin. The thief
I entered through the frost door, by meant'of an
“outsider,” the mark ol the insiibmeat being visible
oh the head of the key. The party bad evidently
been posted in regard to the boose, as he went
directly to.ibe sleeping apartmekt of Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd, and opened a. burpau drawer containing a
I considerable sum ofmoney. Not Boding the eov-
I eted treasure, betook a parte containing ten dol
lars (romMrs. Floyd's dram, aj>4 carried-it down
I stairs, appropriating the money and the
I parte behind. Tbiej with tbejbieasl pin alluded
I to, waa all that was taken; Mr. Floyd was absept
I from home, and all the circumnancee go to ahow
I that the tbiel had some .knowledge ol the home
I and Ita oecnpanie.j j • ;
A Broth of a HosbutiX.
Baturdry aightJ an Irishman named Tbomuj
£Loberts,'residing emjßenton allloy, Allegheny, was
arrested for breaking in bis parlor door with an |
axe* He was taken before Jijayor Drum, and at- j
leged that whenbewent home in the evening:
things did not look fight about; thnjutcben—there '
was 100 much splashing iasd pc rubbing lor him,
and he.intisted on occupying tlje parlor. His wife •
i demurred,and be went off aojd got M a wee drap
iol the crmlhur.” He reiuraad, full of courage,
j and determined to parlor “whether .or
| bo.” The door wan locked, mod armed ;with ‘mo
I axe be began the wfrk ofj demolition, to the great.
terror ©lj the neighborhood. (Msyor from copld :
not perceive that the circumstances justified the
I extraordinary eoadect ofthe accused, and a fiao of
I five dollars was imposed and reluctantly paid.
BaU Aialait Ike Bastj Übirty UullwrnjrCo*
*i Bitter complaints have lately been made eoncero
iag the neglect of-tire Kasl Liherty Passenger Rail- |
way Compsoj,4a not cleaning ,the strcou uaversed
by them,! according to the tarmi ol their contract
with the city. The complaints of iodividnala are
very aligbUy regarded by corporatioar, and where
there is a studied aud persistent'oegleetoljduty, the
only remedy is the strict application ol jibe law.
: g, 0, Cooper, Street Commissioner ol the Second
j District, has accordisglyicnlsred complaint before
! Mayor Wilson, against | said ! company,! charging
[etiolation of tbe ordinance,- under which they
| agreed to keep clean frofo curb to curb, the streets
I traversed by tbeir track.j Wylie street, Centre and
Pennsylvania avenues spe in a vaiy filthy condi
tion, and if toe company does not allend to tbe
matter tbe penalty wJI by ehlhtced.
Mao. Vanun’s Concert, Friday night, at Concert |
Hall, was but poorly attended, tbe hall not being I
hall filled. Those who-were present enjoyed si
rave musical treat. The lady’s voice is one of I
great power, and clear aed fjill as the notes of a |
nigbtiagale. We have seldom been mote gratified j
that when listening to the aria from HlCfaani” or I
’•Trivial*;” but when Aladstue V\, in rtkpoase to I
an a Mile <)f I
__wo conless.lbat nur [untutored ear was more j
pleased than with the composUiya of Verdi... The I
concert concluded with; the *fdtar Spangled san> I
ner,” which was song by .ibtftsdy dresiedsstb* J
tJoade** of Liberty, the audience rising to their
leal, and : applauding to the eibo. Wo wer« wish
ing that she could ba>e sang Ihstgrandnalioual
air down in some city ofthe yaUlespekecocfeder- |
| scy.jastoßce. ' ■ i !
t The management deserve censure lor the unpar
doaable blander of baving [a concert
without advertidng. We will] engage to (have Con
cert Hall crowded 10 the lostjaeat, to bear a repe
| Ulion of -the same epucert, whenever Madame
I Tarian concents lo (avor ua with that privilege.
' SrraaCD ur.wrra a i’lTcuro*..—A tarn named
Andrew Elliott, who « addicted to drinkin,, made
n very narrow escape the olbcr morning from being
severely iojored, if not hilled* While jnndsr tbe
iafiseacn of liqaor the other! eveniag, had Ceding
that be was enable to reach hi# residehce, be by
eomei means or other managed to climb op into (he j
haj 101 l ol Mr. Robot Henderson, |on James I
street, Allegheny,hod covering himsell; with hay,!
felt fast’ asleep. The leak morning Mr. «•’»
brother, while in the Jolt eagaged in pitching bay
i down to the horse, was *omewii«t aatonUbad to eee
| a man crawl out from antler the bsy and leap from
the window to the pavement, a dmtanejO.of twelve
or fifteen feet. The ibooght then streck him that
he mast have given RlUolt a slight prod with tbe
hay fork. 'j ’-V ' -
. R*mor*t—-The ,Pennsylvania Salt Maaufaclar-
Ins have removed their boriaeas offiee
to the beildiag No. 34 Wood street, (Fleming
Brae*.) where they will hereafter traaeaet their
1 bnmnesa.::■; -.'l/ j:'.
Thia i* on# of-tbe progressive mstOeiiona of oar
rapidly making' ll* mark nmosgst
oarmtaefaetarer*. Tbsyafe now. Basing a very
i asperior particle .ofltatryn* OU, which jwe aader
! stand ta being introdscad very etteaaivelp throagb
i the Weatvfor iilaminatiag parpoees. I It u clear
\ and odorless, pad yield* « steady and brilliant
i fight. Wo congratulate Mr. Coihoae oa haviag
i procured so good a sad vacb a eomfort
utbla aadicommodioes oSm*- •
J?nr Tniat CaawTEO.—The Coart rendered u*
decision on Saturday, on the motion for; a new trial
la the case of J. W. Williams, ceavipled el for
cerv—granting the motion.; Jsdge Mellon stated
that the.Coart did so in' consideration of the net
that newly discovered evidence had been produced
which, bad; It been given beforb the ’Jary, might
i possibly have kafiseneed their decision, and may
| beof benefit to lbs defendant in a nek trial; sad
ia view ot Ua greal naeertaisty of evidence in re
said Ur-handwriting. i Bail for the appearance of
the defondant at tbe nett term Coqrt waa fired
sad gives imHi waoy>t t OpO> ' r? j
Dnfdodofc—WeobeervediUrge arrivals of new
goods at sha corner of Market nad FUth streets,
daring the past weak* sad on taking o jlook Inside,
I w*fe sorprised at the plica M rich ujl seasonable
goods on the eooatsr and thrives. ; Oar fair reader*
mill do wall to examine tbh atoek of tbe Mecsrs.
I 'flogD*. ' Connery boyars will else find the whole
sale department- replete with tbe latest styles of
swytmng comprised Ho tbe very comprehensive
term Dry Pood*, at prlces that cannot foil to please.
■ Kcw Smte or Wati ,jpa»tn.—!ur, Thomas
Palmer, of 91 Woodst/set, near Diamond alley,
has iiovrJn store a very cxibaaive sod fraried assort.
osot of Spring Style# of, Wall Paper,. Window
Shades, Fire Scraeis/dte.vfaiUbl* for pablie sri
private baUdiog* • Mr. Palmar ia onebf oor oldest
Wall Paper datlars, and keep* a good slockns ra
girds style, and vsrlfiy, kef M p^psrjdHowffev the
rnme at'a# raasonsbls prkes* W.e hvg to refer to
rbta advcrtisccßnt,in aacthyr colann;
bawty rio«>ll«te glreo
to this troopo.oß test «orpae»od
•nftbtflff •*•? eun.ln ibU Pit/- TMj •Ppi*j u * k*“
Mom) on Cool WMu,»( tb. eloMotMjMElofblJ
Ksnnii iKU > *u tefrifloj'wblle Ul«b eud 800,
la Sefr aonuiog eerfoTmeocof, b»t>t lb. boaw lb
roue cfloajhUrr. Wembolir and
two Rfltlt liarwi w# wtot brard. Mr. Amlrwwf, to
Ihw eieeneWof *Old VlrgUitf” fe Imtoeoee. Achui,.
of progrftSMQW tl onot»iocoq[fof thll grtnloff-
Donitstw Femeiaw —■Twooetoriooe therec
lire, B«be»Millb«o,1.»»|l J.r.b K.IJr. l
rwJd Fndejbi«M wiabfwrbillia ttaTiltb W»r<,
•bero Ihejr bad bMb : Ibddigin* ln.Jandrjf_|ta»ai
ol “TabWbia.” TBry »«• "P r °' ,h *
olfbl, aed io lba nor«|»*:6«rbar» Waa fioed tbf«*.
doilftiitand her comptaten two 4oNete>
they paid.;;;,, f . 1 " ' j
•*i Judith »dd Aleiander
ttteoe. three end! Datid Bqhlow>B, a col
ored boy. eriatieted at;Unioetdwß lowleiliog* were
each esßUftced to serra; |a the piatieati.ry for
three year»» and wereJodged te the Itaetitattoa oa
MTedaeaday. ; : 1 . • -
Xabtu in TQft Oili Bdiifttis —A coapiay ol
twenty ladies ba*s orgaaitcd tbemsaleee for tba
parposo "of boeriag for oil oa tbel 6ifgcrt:fira»
Cbartiers lows«bip. |Tbo eber«e »f*W O -.J > « b -
Won't the silks lostle wb«a tbew iadiw strike a
tea barrel nul ; r■ /'
: Joar RtciiTtD.—Mbaat*. Hut k- Mib.i bar.
jait received Barper’d Hegskiae for, April. .Part
27 ol CatseU’s llfostrated > Bible j sod Potersoa s
April. : ~ ; ..
Wa am tadebtad to tbaeoartasy lloo. Hob
ftrt' MeKaUht for tba Beport -on the State of the
yiasftotey for th* year eodlog Jana SOib. IBM. .
PiyoacßOEAftno,—ThoCoort granted a Goa)
jeers* of divorce ie the rasa of Sarah Lorntoa «s.
WkUaeof^^ I *”* Csew, desertlob. - . -
Yea Oottte AT Qaarter Beßtooa, ete./
hntt ft>idky«Mro| ■***» kl r*-.
For none vonlbr past tkere have reined ini this
city a family named ClnfltP ■father, mother j and
r two daughters. : One ol (base, -Miaa-Tenw**®®
[CUflin, hen been extensively, advertised as “a
wonderfh! child,” u * 1 natural clairvoyant,” 'aed
endowedby ton* superior powbr, with the artel
healing diseases. Uua Ttauma fa ;e : pretty girl
of tone filieta or niteea ;un ti age—bald, been
andcqnticg -tad inthe bands of ou disposed to
piofit jopoa the credulity ol the people, would be
an apt and fiuiog tool.
It i« doubtless trae that some peraont map re*
cetve. benefit through mesmeric ioflaescet, sod
tbo popular mind being always ready to seize epoa
new. methods oCcoring diseases, it is only neces
sary lor Use iopoetor to mix a little of the good of
•ome 'modern science, with a r largo proportion of
the extravagant,and be has a - pill which the' ig*
noraat and erednloot will not only, ewallo# with
eagerness, bat purchase at the highest Spare.
And shell, it seems, wit the bait prepared by the
elder Clxflins. The uonble of producing a mea
meric'sleep, so ihattbeaabjecl might exercise the
wonderful power of>elairroymnce, was ln
ibis esse, by aenoaneing that Uise Teoaessee was
a “ natural bora clairvoyant*” always ready to
look right into the future and the past—to scan
beared and earth, and hell—and airrata with car*
uinty the iute and condition ol the tiring aad the
dead 1 Boeb, it is positively assarted, were .the
pretensions made by this “ wooderfnl child,”
We have’ liale sympathy lor those weaktmlnded
crestares who ran after fort one-tellers, sndbelieve
in tbe homboggeries oL palmistry, astrology, and
aocb like ; bat we pity the mortal who, wasting
coder disease, and clinging to the hope that; health
may be restored, is led to commit hm or bereiae
to the hands ol ignorant impirics and bold impos
tors. . Miss Tennessee “guarantees a cure in every
esse which the undertakes,** her “clairvoyant eye”
penetrating the recesses of the haman frame, and
her vast curative power* enabling her to heal all
diseases! ; The very pretension tosuch miraculous
gilts shoal'd sump her as a mere idpostor4rbnt a
single, tad cirenmtuaee, recently related ns,
will suffice to prove that the hopeful invalid may'
,be led to believe almost anything. A gentleman
; residing in a lowa on the Onio river,; whose
wife was. fast sinking with eonramptiop, was
induced by her Mends, to-visit the “wooderfnl
1 child’. In this city. The physician of the lady was
: opposed to »aeh n course, and warned them that the |
Ijoarnty would ; most likely cans* hsr death. The
httibai&d didnot sanction the matter, bat consented
in order to gratify the Indy end her friends. Bbe
was brought hltbar, passed Into the hands of the
“wonderful child," and in * .few weeks she died.
Hsr death no doobt resulted from the expos ore and
fatigue of.the journey, rather than from the medical
treatment—bat, her oasa proved that Miss Tennessee,
notwithstanding her guarantee of a care,- failed to
afford the slightest relief.
Scores of people, old and yoaug, have bean dally
in attendance bn the “wonderful child," and the
humbog, however profitable to tbe Claflln family, is
; about played onL Complalnta-of tbe most startling
I character have lately been made before Mayor Wll
-1 too, and on Saturday, with a view of asoerulniog
their troth or falsity, be draw up an Information
against father, mother and daughter*
Tbe information Is made by Chief of Police Pat
ience, and chargee that Miss Tennessee Claflin,
with 1 her father and mother, did, on the! 10th of
March, and at sundry times prior (hereto, nolawfully
combine and conspire to ebeat and defraud the pub-
Ho by advertising that the said Tennessee! was “a
natural clairvoyant/* and was 1 “endowed with sapor- 1
natural gifts io the healing art,'’ and b; this means
'professing to have pot formed wondarfnl and miraen
loos caret. Tbo laforaatioo farther charges that
those.parties hare cheated aad defrauded tondry
persons b; preleodlog to “tail fortune*/' and also to
give directions for the recover; of stolen or lost
goods, etc. i
Daring tbo afternoon the parties were arrested at
Ibeirroocas io tberS&ott Douse, and brought before
Mayor Wilson for a bearing. . Persons professing
a knowledge of the aapernatoral might bo preramed
to geest- the errand of a police officer, bat in thio
esse Tennessee was bedl; deceived, believing the
i officers to be £oea fiJ* cattomers, who were-reeeived
1 very politely with “Come la, gentlemen; one at a
lime.'’ The; declined an Invitation to the! drawing
room, and astonished the •'wonderful child** with a
I warrant of arrest.
Messrs. McCarthy aad Gate appeared lor the
defendants, and Messrs. Katberland aad ftobiaaon
for the Commonwealth
After the information bad bee* read, the eiaml
nation of witnesses commenced :
Miss KsliCed that she knew the defendants;
bad been affi'Cled fur sumo years with sore rjee;
j was recommended to go to the “eleirvojsat
j consulted with her, gave her one dollar, 1 aed she
■•aid she'would cure me is three week* ; ii* lit
at the Scott Uoaae; Mm Cisllia told me how l
felt end pretended to te l my fortune, bar | bed not
then concluded to let her irv tbe core. Weil
back ib about two week*, ii> tpll her that I would
take a eoiiw ol medicine. She told me *be would
cere me for (20 —ten dollar*, in idnice, nod ten
dollar* when tbe care wai effected.' I paid
tbe first teo dollar*, and waa to call and |*t tbe !
medieiee. 1 called two-daw alter, and Mm Ten
neneee waa opt in. Called two day* alter, and
eew her. She then gave me some medicines of
different kinds, with directions bow to nee them,
f used them according indirections.* Hid n cob*
vemtioo with Mr*. CUtiia aboat my dneiae, and
aiao about Miss Tennessee** powers to cere aae.
The: mother said her daughter eoald |cnre a»e.
Three days after, *awMi*n r feaM«neesf the BU
Clair hotel,'‘wSe'reeVebad removed. ftbessid tbe
treatment wan for tbe eyna* Miw Tennessee (Hit
np tbe medieine beraelf. I mad the medicine—
there were pill* to be taken every night, end some*,
thing to be dissolved in water that looked Ilka cream |
tartar. Another Mbeuece, resembling charcoal, waa i
. le be takeo ini tbe moraieg. Daring tbe viaita I made,
| she did aol profen* to bate any anpeinateral pow. 1
! Vdbaeqaentiy abe rcqaetted me to call daily,
[ ahrte.-wfdAcd to operate on me. ! visited her very
| often* bat ant every day. Tbe operation,waa la ;
Ue nainre ol ; aesmeruu, making her head* over :
ni fornbeed. I told ber ooee i bad lost noma-:
I thing, and wished to find it. fcbe did n&lMf me
! what (bad l<»t, bat a.irrfo* what it was} - [Won-!
derfai child !] She said she could Ged {it, bet I
never gSi iu Ilia sow eight week* line* I began
: taking her medicine, and I have e>i( been benefited. |
I I bare not taken any ol her mediciooj for two
week*, bat 1 bare not yet.decided to qeit-her* I
did aot believe abe ponseaaeo any {supernatural
1 power*—my friend* peraoaded me to go there.
Oa croM eiamioau- n the lady stated tint the
i resided in Birmingham, sad taogbl school.
|, Ur*. , sworn—llavo been suffering with;
: broocbitis for two year*; there was n paper banded
| to me, with an advertisement of TetmewMM Ctaflia,
I the “wonderful child,*' t went in the SdoU Ilona
| and consulted with her; a sled to her tbeSsilure of 1
my ease, sad also kad my fortene told, j She told
me sbri coaid cure me np witbont
aby t'ronble whatever. I paid her fivndfillarn that,
day* My mind is ouw no distracted that I
hardly know whether I am A livisg
beiog or onl. Before I •aboulled to her,
treatment, my mind was noaod. Khe gave ins as
high a« nialnen pill* per day, besideiiclitrcoal,.
aaa none while snbnuace. Sbe operated on my
Lbrcftl by robbing with her htads. I afterwards
: became very; intimate with tbe (amity. Tcansneee
i Claim stated to me that she bad Bulbing to do
! with spintuiliam, aa that waa n gift from God;
Ibaiabe waa no clairvoyant, aed her father bad
pBl]l&# “ wonderful child" on the bill because it
woatd bow wonder to tbe world, aadjbe would
drsW n* many people an be could. i*ho said nb*
believe io spiritualism, or anything of 4b*
kind* led ike people might go to bell no that sbe
gotilbnir money, f wan boarding at the Ft. Clair,
ia<t wan to five music lessens. Have
seen dozens of persona coming daily to have their
iortnaes told, nearly all nt ihr-ra went away gram*
bling, and asserting tbtt Tennessee was a bombug.
She*gave me * M lucky •alone”- [the witness pro
duced tbe charm ] Tbdre was s girl boarding at
tbe boose who took Civ Tenarssee 'undertook
to cure her. bbe preleaded to tell whether
deceased friends were in boll or. in. hetvts;
whether nbnnnt Diend# were dead i or alive,
end also to say; whether peraooe would bsye
good lock of not. /
Crona-eiaminfd— Inow board at tbe Spottjloune.
and am a rnesie teacher. .My mlod w*s troubled
about how f should get along, far fore saw Tea*
aeanee Cl»®n.- i
la ehslf—White telling my fortune, she reprn
senledto me that my deceased hasbaad waa is
belli ; • J
The exemiastion dosed here for the present,
Mtvor Wilson pc*tpooli#g the further! bearing of
the’esse unfit tea o'clock tbla morning—4b* dntea*
dants enuring three hundred dollars bail each for
their appearance at tbtttim*. .
We may ndl list, wbntr.ver aaperniifaral gift*
Mias ( Tenne**H» may ponses*, ebe evidently leeks
iboee nataral aeqelremeau which are bach moA
important la a nuclei point of view. ’Daring tbe
examination of tbe wicneisns, she kept fidgeting
aboot ia her chair, at time* amoaiqg herself by
chewing paper into ball*'and blowing them oal of
bertaotttbi and ever and anua mouth
her mother’, wbivperleg, tittering, taiekeriag, end
making hernolf generally repugnant. •: She nod her
mother never failed to cbeekle t»v*y the erednlity
of tbe wUeeaaee as delailsd iu tbeir«wir testimony,
and the Impression which they created bnall band*
was decidedly nniavorable. ; {• |
OH Bskaiigla AllsjglUßy'*leßpoyfjiuaa BnlU
On tbs Sd of Jssoary, the OoaaoUs of AUegheoy
pined *a ordlosaw deelariog that "It vbsll cot be
lawfal for say person to earry on tbsjbailoeu of
macofsotorisg or ’ rsfiaiog eost or eatbob oil wllhla
(be eity HmlU " coder a bury peealty. At that
time Mr. Wta. Maokooea b*d a itUnery te opcrftr
tiua te tee Pirst ward, sear lbs oansl, apd baa erv
dm bem lb* b<ulo«. mmujl.
bomelblol bu bMU Old. f. lb. Ml|bbotbo«l, ud
tb. udlnuow wUt bow b« IMUd, u .all bu Urn
toured before' Mejor Ureo. by Huire. Edwlo
IJrde. Alei. Qleoo end P, JddgoieQl Tor.
Ibe moelly wUI Wo doubt be eoUrod iutieel tbs
proprUtor. bat b. bu .IgoWedbU lottpUoo lourn
Ute eue u. Ooort lor Ibe porpeuof lutte* Ibe toMd.
It* of tbe ordlneoee. Ao oppeelj •* •V 7* n
beoturl* ouleui eieept tb« U »UI tood to .eturj
those who are skeptical upon IbU polnti/<
■ BuiTOU Aoeiul.T.-0«
Melbles Kmilh, * (Urtnm coi!b«*ler, reridinf fa
the Third Wetd. Allrgheuj, 9 libeeleo to t ohiaie.
fol maeser, K be elle|t«,/et tbe unr. of Mr.
Riifere, beer tee’e rerrrdeodior. Twoneoooro.
oled » bum io f/oobdr the u.ero, eed rereeiu
Ldriteootor tbe wej,tfotitbloob lbe.r tweeb,
the beW aad rtf muring bio off
wd oaiftad brgsß to beatbin. Way jW»r* sooa,
after joined by Bogers sad bis sns, and aaotg
theca Qmilb was brsUlly beelea. Ot Ralorday be
preferred a charge ol aasaell sod
ibh- Rogerses,, wbo were arrested tad held tp ba 1
br Me, H. will «fc» «««?•?“
or tbe birggy a* ftooßvae bo learns who they aio.
Ose of tbeiD. Ute esldite a lawyer of »b» ;
- DftATu rso* Oteiwcaia.— Tb* deathoT a sob
of ft**. Janus PieeUay, D. B.| ol M*acHy» te ay
Msaowi BpdftrMrobltu7 bead,
Horn* for tM Frtemdle**. 1
itheladitgol Pittsburgh sud feeling
thentterntty of baying *kerethe
destitute may find M asylum* Mfejormed them*
selfetiato t Boatxj Cor IhepnrpMaolesublishlßf
racb so one* which shell -be celled u :Bo*e ro*
At till tach benevolent wo»ht reqoire money to I
establish tnd ctrry (hemon, w«*otkl Bo * P™*®‘
to the pohlie oar plan, hoping, thad * h *°
solicit subscription! ud dooitioMl they mty meet
with t hearty response- I .
To provide a home lor destitute end Bni«W
children we would make the object or
oorSociety; bet thoueaigh isaUoloreceive al
iemtlet of good moral charaetdr, destitute 01
friends* who lor any reason home to oor cities
tnd desire t temporary abiding plsco* employuif
them ijrthe institution nntit suitable silnitioos
can be found for tltem. . , . . ,
The Question may arise in;the mind or the mad*
er, 11 Whv is this neeessary T when we have al
ready three Orphan Asylum*.” There are many
children, which, for various reaaona. cannot be
received Into the Orphan Asyldm and tor whom
no provision baa been made. The Home of the
Friendless would reeelve all such children as cm*
not be admitted iiaio the Orphan Asylum. AU
children neglected or deserted by their parents*
er surviving parent. These children to be placed
under tbs care o! the manager* o! the institution
by the overseers of/the! poor; ; Whsu ho received*
to detain, maintain;' educate, and eilend to them
parental care uoiij homes can. bo provided for
them with persons ;who will be willing to receive
them* and teach tbem jsooe useful art, trade* or
emptoymenL. , j
Daily do we see many of these jmer neglected
ones, begging froth door to door their daily bread*
who* although pot orphans, ere worse of than
if they were. Many of them with parents
whoso natural afleetiona have hash destroyed
byyieldiog themselves willlagivictimslto the most
powerful of Satan** emiessriea—*WiuoT. Dear
reader, would yop not deem it a privilege, if by
contributing * portion, pi the. metes over whieh
God has made yohrsteirard; you eoold be inalru.
mental in rescuing one of these litUs, lambs, sad
bring them into (he fold of the 4 *fiood Shepherd t”
Ifstuyoo hive the; Savior's pledge Ihtl whoso re
eeiveth one little child io His biht reeoiveth
Him; Giob soul which you shall be instrument
in aavisg thill abine it a mar in joor crown of
rejoicing. • | ‘ ' 1
As the presentation of (acts make the moat pow
fdt appeal to charily, We might give Iminy whieh
have come under ipurjobservalioo* but lor want of
, apace* will merelypreseni one. Some lime aince
, • little bcfy might have been seen begging from
door to door, tnd soliciting from each s
i few cents. He always looked bsngnf, and never
i was half clad, llwould havebeen diffirall de
cide upon the colof of] bit skis'* for he looked ts U
! be Sad ever been* atraoger tft soap and water.
Often he wonld sit on the curb-stone,: watching the
, little boys ptayieg. Anl 0 vrbat ijennlraat did
, that poor aegtecteif One present with the more
, favored children of fortune. Poor child* if enable
to procure money to lake home* his ;crusl parents
would beat bim,;for with k they would proeore I
tbspotson that turns 1 ’ bo-many bnr,es iatoa Ml j
At last both paresis were put is j«|tp s kisd lady
took lbs opportunity o! placing Jimmy in the Uoaae 1
of Refuge. The , lady remained Instil he was
wuhed and dretawl-pwbtn it would have been
difficult to have - recognised him as ibt same
child. He virij- charmed with his new
shoes* tbs drat «ew; ones he ever bad on. He held
: up bis foot and desired the l-dyto look Aow cUa*
tk» vofra wr*. Wfeen, after a taw weeks, tbs saisa
lady visited him* aod buw bel liked bis nsw
boo*, bs replied, rafe, he bu-lf; why atery
ftlUr bass bad tbhimeell!** iA'bod was s luxury
he had never before .bbjoyeJ, \ Although the (loose
of Hefoge may affmt'bo esylsiu for each, It la not
tbeplaoefer dkftirM* whosetouly fault Is poverty,
brought on by violent parents, w For such as these,
we would provide U Christian b«>me; and we cannot
doubt there will he fiinud io ibH community many
kind hearts and ready hands io< enable us to estab
liib and carry on Ih'u work ot live.
The following ere the ntmea rtf lb* Offloara and
Manager* for tbs U<Mne of ih*» FfietUlee*:
UniiJ. Irwin.
Via PrmidiHl-r-i&rx. J. Sckooomekor.
/?«r*/ary—Mrs.Dr. Trevor.
Treasurer—UU* A. Cooper. ,
.i, uauapens;
Mr*. Q. Denny, Mrs- H. flays,
« Wo. Robinson, “ K. Wiek,
“ Dr. Plumer, « J. MiMUlsn,
•• Brewer,; llertoo,
“ It, D. Thuopien, " Dr. Dale,
•• A. Cremer* M H. Childs,
“ N. It. Uogg, MDs A. Kennedy,
» J. K. Braadiog* * • M. Wbiueo,
” Jamaa Leugblio, M M. Hgrn.
** Bands* u 3. Trevor.
Tbe Cooeut rtidsy Sight.
iia«*)iios) been cor pI«M
-tore.tu oor laile ipd grati
fee by Mutant Vartan,
licuia. Kditom : It b:
oro to attend a concert m<
6eaUoa, tbaa tbn ouc gh
**lhe mw Americas Prim* Doan*. 1 * no Friday
evening. Excepting Jenny f,i*d t wty>m w* qiil
needs perhspe always eiCept—llSdame V»rua
rank* among the: bint ie the rcilta of Song. Id
tone reipMUite ii the te|M<ior «l either Madam*
Colson, Bishop, Wale Uay**, ior oven tittle Patti.
While she may enj. «n« ban ib» tame reaps* o>
voice as these, shg-neete U>«m ini ei'emirne, clear*
ee** and purity ol^loec,sail* v*ld, eipraaakie -ol
eealiaeat. >J
I She reach**, apparently-»ith.p*f.tgrLj»m r aee
i wilbotft‘‘th* eo&brfiSTO ao esall,
the highest notr« f : snJ seprfeieikeia'wub the eame
I Uqitd'emoolhaeeq as timed »U*ch muca lesasev*rety
tiah the vocal oems. Kite hiru the mtstrei •ot
j bar eoic* ID ratooaiioß, fl- iibiluy sad etreta ta
every part »f the scale. Wulmni namieg ‘‘Er»
I aaai,”- aad ritriirts from otbrr cip+ree, alt i f
I wtucb were admirably r scented.„lba randerieg r f
I the piece, “Sonesr and yet-.'ao par,** was pecul ; -
| arly sweet auMooeblftg. The memuriee of re
I heart*throbbing effect wiilcot soon pan away,
j Tbat aha waa appreciated wa* atabdaatly ihoil
| in ibe hearty eaeorespbe raealsed daring the arm -
I isgi end she baa dodVdess tbe tbanhf of nil far ti l
I geaarooa end graeefnl response* eitb which she an,
I seer* them. The gam of the occasion waa 41 The
I Stax Bpanglad Banner.'’ W bather It is dw to the
I Bnchaotrecs or to. tbe peculiar, state, Just now, of
I tbe poirsotie heart, or to both, we oarer banrd tbnt
{oatidDal air a* we beard H by Madame Variea.
j Tbe whole aadbeqoerose, and tbe aUdaiieathtulaita
I bars! from hearts 'whose patriotism. If erer slam*
1 baring, waa than profosodiy moved. We ooly re*
I gret Uat tbvre was not a larger andisaoe. We hope
I Madame Vartan will favor oi again and be greeted
1 with a crowded boose, as sh* would have beec,
I doubtless, at this 1 tims, had the bsen gwerally
I known by ear dlittas.
I Tba other part* of th* oooeert was well aad ernd-
I itabiy sustained by tha several performer*. Toar
I ipftoe will not admit of fnrtbsr special aotto*. **•
I eept, perhaps, for the piano and. pianist, Mr. Hjff*
J mao. We ara laellaed to regard tba high tepal*.
| lion of Cblekering and Hoffman as mataallp ns-
I tallied on the occasion.
I Mes«rs. Editors—This testimonial is a frea-«u),
I nor a said, offtrlag to teat aad masteai merit. 0.
Li cross os Koaa—lUr. Dr. Cpatego, sa eai
nut and talsaud mteltlsr of StaabsoeiUe, will de*
llnr * teeter* tbls erealog, te Bieetslor Ball, fa*>
fere tbe Yoeag CbrUtUa Aeftoelatlea of Al*
tegbeoy. SabjoeV-'Tbe Topogrepby sad ULtorio
RealaUeeaeu of Beta*." Tko iatefeel of tbe enb*
Joet and tb* repetalion of tb* lecturer sboald com*
bte* to attraet a Urge aadkwe*.
- Rchotal —Mr. R. H. Palmar bu removed from
jjirkat *tre«i sad is aow i* one ol tbow 6ae iron
froote oa Wood «trut» a*ar Dtembad alley. Par*
ckeurewill bcrS'.Ged good light in wbieb to ox*
•mine bis! new and eiteoslv'e slock of Straw Goods,
Ribbons, Laces,Silks, fee., to wbieb we woeld in
vite altefiiioa. ’ ' ___
: BiaxipATtoir or firPDtirrt.—Tb* eiamiatlion
dr *tsdea|s in tb* Vailed Presbiurisa Taeologicsl
Semiatry; Allegheny, will tabs plus onTswday,
(to-morrow.) Trial scrmoas will bedeUveredoa
Teesday tad Wednesday evcliafa, >& Dr. Prwsly'a
cbvrch, ift tbe Djamoad. |
; A BautAL PrUiTtight ii*t Den
ote Golden, of lligb streei, b*st hfc wtf* eonamar.
cifally tbpt >h*'nuw lie* 1a e critical condition,
laformittpa has bees made bofurg Aldorman Bog.
ers, but w* balieV* Deoals baa not bean arrested.
Attcocp LAifCiiv —a<yoBßg tnan was arrested
at Masonic Uan, *a Tbara<lay night, by dScar
Hags#, upon a charge ol atealtegaavaaiy-fivadol*
Isreffom a citiaeaiof Kooa V»llay,wbo persaed
tbs yoasg' man bilber, caoitd hift arraat, end took
him back for trial.•. •. ■' c >;
Lost Bor.—A lUtle telfow, vaabls id tall bte
Dims, te.jpow ak Ibo Ms>o»V oflte*, bavteg been
fonn* waldarlag aboor tbs strewte. Ue woars a
gingham apron, and baa a woolen comfort oa hte
aaci andAtero jw[bte hands. ;
Hcatt" Poucr Btrsiiifßa—Tb* diy lock.up
eooulnedho leys than twaatyrnln* case* oa Bua-
morsiiogr-tb* fruit* or aigblte
dr«ok*nnMi and dabaachery.' - ,
Pftmr.HT-OfptptiwUwon tbe mmatuiof lb* tlth ef
March, IML RAttii, aseud soa/eljisv. Vr.Jtnm'
Pre*tl«f,te;lhA tlth fssv «f;hteWj.- M ; ' Y\
tteJenairst smkM«IU beheld honw oT hli
father. Ho gl Btslh «tmr.f»f*r(Ho*d«j}at Dr* o’clock
ts lha aftAtaoo* The frteods of tbo faaUrart mpecu
tali/lavltsd to attewl • ?, , (•
' UGNTw—On aatordsr aaoralag.'tehallpan vUvuoUock,
TnOMUnUirt.H*dUlj-c**yure- . .
WIIAOIf i~Oa Batordsy merelafiat ftercteek.oaAUHl
LTBLt htesga
Boanpina lloos*.—That
aad w«Uam«g«d ibvsdctory brick htUdtec, Ifo Ut Miat
stmt, Ims tew op sad (areWwd by Mafe M
Qutstm, whosotMisu •xsmtsatkwref-thsaptttmsnta.-
hy thorn Towns and uwrdteg. fUtarn or tvnaty
usgin gwttfesta aaa tw seeoamodsted with tercnalry
rooms; nodsfnwday boAtdvrn ooa rncuirtsg rooms wtU b*
Ukao. ’ -.»i v. -• V--.. ' -.'mbfelmngdUr^
'>e@. h Niwjtit'»: P»i«»K iMTVuOTo*’’flit
Wnllumi UMi Hub*!*! 0.11 u.J«i» euow
IbelllUeWleM iMM.biell aew. . . ; BhlOtt :
xar-Delroii d; B»o<, We>er Con end Boeea.
Miblo P bniolui wUoegMl fw BM jbbw’e odAnUd
tnub HipUM. No. IJO SBOltbaeld 81. t
Z3T~ Der-mor. —Dr. o. 8111,'- N0, :P«#
tteeaL attends to ill breach#* of lb* Daotal profea
rioo. .] : v ■ '■' ' l
je-Au. nhould not fail to read tho adreT-
Umo«olofr*oliirw*Wb-le>>ew«. ? ♦
aor-BiiMb Food.—Attention is ealled to
Ibb oiuel munlkud «W.lU>
lo oootbae Oolriiia. ' It uu uili*., u*
otu»ooibeeo«loowled«IUiu»Bl IbeooemyeiUeM
owdlrlimof Ibe 40*. Ill*, ewrtelo mill to ell Ibe
Ibeu ol • rbioale oeloi*
-eltaoinKi-BliS*|emiii«.ert,«ai. JoO»i
"jfcttwo 1 Craoeo -k- non.*.’ Of New Terk, on tbeeole
rta far K. aad ateo ,eroprfatrea or th* vutU-rseOWiMd
Unak liriMtiu OotMiti m artfeS* whitfe avpw
HUbarSoald^ESfmfawm-dkte* clout I* umrtmiii
sad coatalsluf, ** U dou»sop*«*orte*ropUteiof ■»
jljSgiMMaSMw mutaanoh. ««»«■»
-assess assssrasssess!
From Washington
[Special DUptieh from our
WAtmimTon, March IGibj ISGI.
The Cabiaet era boo bolding a final aeaaion,
discussing the Port Sumter question. The discus
tion if oT great jnoment. jrhe President haa
requested General Scott's attendance, to answer
objections raiaed by Mr. B!air, and others, and to
giro (alter oral explanations than were contained
la hie official report, !
( Orders are read/ to.iaaue foij the
Major Aadersoa’s command, alter this council.
The Territorial officers for Colorado, Dacotafi and'
Nevada, will probably be, nominated on Monday.
Afterwards the New. York and other important
appointments will be determined.
Senators Bright, Breckinridge, end others, made
a determined opposition yesterday to the nomina-
tion of Bkinoer, aa Treasurer of the United States,
on the alleged ground that hejbad aaid >1 Virginia
seceded servile insurrection follow, and he
was williag to lead iti
This misrfpreeeataUon.willjbe exposed to-day.
He merely etpreaaed an opinion aa to the proba
bility of eervile war, in a certai* event, bat no
wiah whatever. No j doubt it! entertained bathe
will bo confirmed by n large majority.
It baa been found Impossible to leioe the Deceits
tj InatracUone to carry Into effect the new Tariff
before the flrat of April. Bavlaed copies of the Bill
and amendments were seot, yesterday, from the
Treasury department, to the: prlocipal ports, to
guide tbs Collectors, peadlog the preparation o f
fuller lustruetlona.
Recent events seem to render the supposition
quite probable, tbat Msjor Aedereon’s command
may not, after all, be withdrawn. The Cabinet
held a long and interesting council this morning,
and General Scott and other high military men
were eoniolted. You need not be astonished
;ou should bear, within the next lew days,'that
• •• ' j t
the recent report* emanating from this pity., were
ell without toy good foundation, and tbat the Stars
and Stripe* are still likely to weve over the frown
ing battlements of Sumter. . •R*
Special Seislon of ibe Senate.
WasnnroTOß Citt ? March 16.
Sxsatc.— Mr. Rice, of Mina., mißg t to a quea
lion ol privilege, canned to be read the brief aup
plemental report of the House Select Committee on
Indian Trust Bonds, ia which they eay that there
ia not the ai if bleat euspieion that the Senator wae
implicated in tbat pbstraetioe, and tbat abythisg of
seeming rt flection upon in their main report waa
' entirely the result of misapprehension*
Mr. Douglas' reflation calling for information
as to Urn Southern foils, etc., wae taken op.
Mr. Mason moved to lav it on the labioJ
Mr. Dongles hoped n vole woo'd be permitted to
be Ukea on the. resbfution.
Mr. WiUoa did not wish to suppress debate. Hft
marely made the mdtioe as a test question.
Mr. Douglas had heard it intimated that one or
two Senators desired to apeak.
At the suggestion of Mr. FoweU, the considers,
tion of the resolution was passed over till Monday.
Mr. Hunter inquired of Mr: Fessenden when it
Was probable tbat,(be Besate wouldbe enabled to
adjourn. ,
—Mr. Fessenden had no knowlcdgeon theauUject-
He-did bear that a member of the Cabinet had eaid
in a very few days. I
Mr. Mason moved tbat the Senate proceed to -the
eonnderslion of his resotulion ! relative to quarter,
ing troope in Washington.
Mr. Femendee moved to go into executive tee
•ion which prevailed by a vote or 57 against, slier
which tbs Senate adjourned.
From Waiblngton:
WaatusoTntr, March'ls Tbe Commissioners
from Ua confederated States cipecl no answer to
tbcir eommameiliont for ••feral days. It ii un
derstood that tbe matter ol tbeir embassy is Dow
••gaging lb« attention ol tbe Cabinet.
Great weight ie attached, it political circles, to
the declaration! of Mr. Fessenden to-day, in the
Senate, that tbe Administration contemplated a
policy of peace, and tooald Mercian bo aatbority
aoteuietlr in accordance with tbe law, and not
anltl ample time hid been tahqa for an.«x*GUMli£4
of the qSestlOß inatnta bearing.
WanvsQfon, March 16.—Tbe Senate to-day con
firmed tbe nomlsettooa of Nelson G. Isbell, Cel*
looter of Detroit; Vo. C. Bailor, Collector In Cam
den district, North Caroline; John W. tteMatb,
Collector, at MlchUmaeiaae; J. M. Edmond*, Com
missioner General Land OfficeQea. Spinner,
Treoaorer United ißtstee; 0. G. Ripley, of aHnoo
sola. Secretary of Legation to Braisels; and Jacob
8. flaldsman, Minister resident at Stockholm. A
nnmber of Army Appointments; warweonfirmed. The
treaty with the Winnebago Indians of Minoasota
i was ratified.
The Charleston CLenV, of Tbomday. announce*
the commlMdoniog off tbe "Lady Da?is,*’ as tbe first
war vessel of tbe Soothern Cenfedency. She is
armed with tweoty foor pounders, aoder the com
mend of Idem T. B. Hater, seoomied by Ltentc.
Drbtor and ti rim ball, all lata of the Federal Navy.
Wearnsorow, March 17.—U i« said, on good
aatbority, that Messrv Crawford and Forsyth, the
CoaredsraU State Commissioner*, entertain the
strongest hopes or presetting the peace fml relations
between the two govervaenu.
It te intimated teat there are between 6«e and
ten thooesnd applications already furappofotmenta
connecud with the Pom Offieo Department. ' The
•amber of lettere dntlyjtec bed is nnprecedeetcdly
lares, sometimes sit or seven . bendred. Nineteen
clerks ire engaged attendiag i to them, and appli
cations for employment inthe jdeparunevtsol Ktate
are correspondingly nnacrosa.
It hi not yat aacertaiasd thstiey order has been
isned by l4estdenii*l anthority lor Um evacnalion
ol Fort Snmptor. From what ie netaally knowa a
formal enrveeder of tbe poet ie not anticipated.
' O. A. Hall, of District of Colombia, ban been
appointed special poet office agent for Maryland
and Virginia.
Certain triendi of Mr. Corwin eie endeasoting to
Indnen him to withdraw hisdeeUnttionoftbeMct«
lean mission. !
The Seine baa coafiimed -the appointments of
Lisat.-Col. Lorstao Tbomu, u Adjutant General,
Malor Torifcsendj •• senior Assistant, and Wm. A.
Nichols, D. C., Binel Theodors, Tabbet, B«&,
Groan mad Jaa. D. Fry, as Amounts witn tba rank
of Captain.
New OftLMiuu March 16.—Chap Cooper bu
Vtp intmJtfid to tba Taxes authorities. The
Baited SiataOVafioars tad soldtera ware permitted to
starch with traftiporution aad rebsUteuoe oaoamry
to Baa Aotoato, at whleh plan tba publls arms and
property ara to bh dalinrad to tba Texaa authori
ties. . •-
Qalfaitoa adTteaa to tba IStb «UU that tba ataaair
Bub bad rat oread with tba BtaU troops. Theled
oral troops bad araooatad Fort Broire an tba IStb.
Tba* get ©a thefWebstar Tor Sap Wait and Tor
tuga* Bereral baadred State troops :hare aaUitad
for di monlbvto sanra under Ford oa tba'Bto
Oread* ooeupjlog tha carious forts.
Tba ConvaoUoo is dUsoulog maaium of military
Major Meelliyof tba United States army, has ra
sigoad and tendered his tardeas to tba State.
Camp Colorado, pa tba ttortbaro frontier, «u
taken by tba Btata troops, r
CapL Sayre, of tba Confederate aray # has arrived,
and will moittrite tho regiment ofraag*.**>fcr tba
frontier* by order of Praddast Davta./X
There la nothlog further from Oov .RoQitoo. ,
Cka. Porter baa ebartsrad tba Ra*k to traaiport
tame federal troops to Tortuga* and Kay Wait, ahd
tO'Cmbarh them for tba BoruX ‘
. Ricikojtd, March IS.—la tba Convention to-day,
Mr; Conrad adcoflatedlbe-majority report; of tba
Committee on Federal .Relations. Bo oaintalnad
tba legal right ,of tteeMloti, though ha tbonght it
would hare oemi tba proper policy of tba Southern
Btatas to hare mad* a prcperdemand for amend*
taaato tothe Constitution,; whleh ba btUared tba
Norlkwould hare aoeededto them, Basald that
tn a folut© report tba Committee ;wonld propose
each action on tba part of tba Btatas and ha
bad no doubt ttwould Ub acceptable to ibo Conven-
v‘V I; - ': • '•!' .
■ Lodiitille, March 10.—A largo Southern Right*
maauog was: bald at tba Court Hoot*, lut night-
It waa attended with considerable confariaa, and
finally broke up in a row. J ; . s i'' . ~ ;i
LttiTjler *pd,B. O. D*?t*,old «nd prominent
eilitaoa, tba Uttar toirmerly o) Boat on, diedlist
Olfht* ''i • . 1 r
Tbo Southern Pacific .'Railroad take tba stock'
holder* to taka one doller»s worth of new Mock
foraichahtrabtld. ■ . i i
Prreauuad, Va., Mtrch !&.—The. poll* ware
closed at eaaaot to-day. The return* show the
following recallt Whole dumber of vote* 1,641 j
for tqr***inti R7t> | against, eeeestiov 7G3. An
tmmafiMprocenida of l&e sacatsfoabla waa formed
at the float iOf-the polity beaded byab*jed;of
moiie, tod displayed tha aacaaalon Hag, and e*.
cortedlkbvPrybf totherailroaddcpot.. lie will,
•prek al Richmond tw-ulgEt. ... •
: Wmcnmit Pa., March IC<—Dr. J. H. Pah*-
toa, lata Secretary or tha Paaca Coagran, pamad
through here to-day, oa hi* way to Washington.
Ho baa been closeted with tho leading. poiiUclaaa
of tha Stata. The result of hi* muatoa oter Penn
•ylraala ba* aotyattrsnfpirrd.
CLtmaan, March Tbaraday Bight tba
Bepoblicat* ta oaacu al t'olenbc*, had 29 bal
lot* for Senator without a choice, and Jitt ni<ht 21
ballot*, the lut oerreretUe* ajTollowij Jloitna,
1: bharmsa, *4| 2B| Wcbaack, 23j
ilarlaa. 3. Adjourned till WaduraJay.
On***, NcT- March wlaga
eoaeharrlvbd IhU mtoatog, wlth|flM« la spaeWaad
ekht niiiaiiim *~ r ~i~ days and SS hoora from
Itoarer io Musrari rlrar. Thlsls tba qukhast trip
ererjMde.-> !: • •";! f, ;
WawVoau, march Itt.—fa* aieemahipa fireman
aad City of Machasur* aailad tMlfrwith J9O
pgM»|arei»«U* ‘ ' .‘ r -
Arrival of the Steamship Arabia*
New York, March 16 —The Royal Mail jteam*
•hip Arabia. Irom Liverpool on the 2d, via (jaeeps
towOf oa the 3d, arrived at this port tbi* evening,
.bringing- £300,000 in spece. •
The? steamship Australasia arrivoi nt Queens- j
town-bn the same day that ih** Arabia ifh that
haying returned in conirqutnc-j of an accideht.
Her mail* and pitsengera but not her specie, were
transferred to tne Arabia. Copt. Hnckey. ’of the
Australasian reporu that his steamer broke bolb
flange* o! her screw nn Feb 30. h, when in latitude
30°, longitude 3, 46, but rhe coalinatd on her
voyige westward till tbe C6.b under canva<, when
a heavy gale was experienced from tbe westward
and abe pat before it, reaching QaeenMown-on the
3d. During one day abe made two hundred and
. eighty milea coder canvas; Tbe steamship Canada
ivedal Queenstown on tbe 23d inat.
The London money market waa unchanged,
han active demand. Cooto's were quoted on',
at 91 for money.
« aecahtiei were dolt and unchanged.
rhe French Senate had been spiritedly debating
thle ’addreaa to tbe throne.'
Great Britaih.— ln the Home of Commons,
tbe Syrian question bad been under debate.
The conduct of the French troops in Sjiia, was
generally condemned. Lord John Rasself in ' bit
ipeech Oa the qneation, admitted that the occupa
tion by the French army had been uveiu)/but be
tbongbt it desirable that it should termipatc aa
soon as possible. v
Tbe treat ship company had adopted }ho re
port already published.. The (Ireat Eastern will
probably be ready next month for anotuer voyage
to New Ycrk. ]
Tbe Duke of Sutherland was dead. ♦
Feahcr. —Daring tbn debate in the Franeh Sen
ate on the Address to tbe Throne, the PrinoevNapo-
Icon jasti6«d tbe policy of Piedmont, nnii'i ottered
some'sympatbetio words relstlvo to Venice, Though,
as be added, be wonU deplore an untimely,. sttaok.
lie opposed the anion of tbe teuiporak and spiritaal,
power of tbe Pope of Roma, but raid the Independ
ence of the Pope mast be insured. .
A pastoral letter by the Bishop of IMctier*, com
paring the Emperor to Pontius Pilate, bad; created
a great aen'sntion thmoghout France, and the gov
ernment was debating what measares to ta£e in this
matter. ■;
The Paris Bourse was dull 'but steady;; rentes
were quoted at CS fraocs 16c.
Italt.— The siege of Messina, it was expected,
would be commenced io a few daya. Tbe Sardini
ans bad occupied tbe heights oommandiog sba cita
del. It is said that tbe raristaneo offered* by tbe
Governor of tbe oitadel arose from orders given him
by Frnnoes If. Tbe representatives of foreign pow
ers at Messina bad protested agaiost tbe opening of
hostilities in consequence of the damage might
ensue. •
Fearful inondationa had taken pl»co at’ Gaials,
and bandreds of persons are reported to have been
drowned. Immense quantities of grain wetp lost.
Russia.—The Russian government announces that
no government measure relative to tbo peasantry
will be published until tbe 2d of March.
Austria. —A Paris letter to tbe Londci Diily
Newt, mentions a rnmor, winch ia accredited in
official quarters, that Prince Metteroich has just
communicated to Mr. Tbouvenal an impel tint note
frem tbe Court of Vienna, wherein it ia -asserted
that (be Austrian government will never recognize
Victor Emanoei as Ring of Italy, and'if France
withdraws ber troops from Rome, Austrivwill im
mediately replace them by her own army, and il
the revolutionists make the least movement in Ve
netia and Hungary, tbe will cross tbe MitfciO. '
Coukcbcial, Liverpool, Ist.—Cotton opened ac
tive with an sdvanee <>i jd, which waa subsequent
|y lost; sales of the week 63,000 bales. * Bread.-
■tuff* dull and declining. Flour dull; prices eaaier
bat quotations unchanged. Wheat quiet jbut irre
gular, and partially I@2 J lower. Corn ddil; mix
ed 3Gi Bd@37*. Proviaiona quiet. I’ofk doit.
Bacon beuvr. Lard dull, and alight!/ declined";
•ales at W@B6a Tallow quiet.
Latest, Liverpool, fatvrdoy —Cotton ;■ the es-
timated sales 10-diy, are 10,000 bales. Hewitt hi
Co., report tho marital firm. Tbe steamer Canada’s
newa has reported more lone to the market, which
Closed in tbe advancing tendency. Brcadstufl* dull •
but onebeeged. Provisions dull.. s’
Lor* t>ov, Sufurrhiy.-Consuls 918@91| fo^ money,
and 91j@91? for account. Tbe bullion; in tbe
Bank of England has increased £3ls,6oo.'eterlitg
daring the week. American securities dull bat
anebaeged. \
Liverpool, March isf.—Tbe sales of cotton for
the week bavo been 60,000 bales, including 3,600
to speculators and 11,000 to exporters ; tbe market
opened active witb aa advance of id., but'tho im
provement was subsequently lost, andtbrf market
closed at about tbe same rates of last week. Tbe
sales to-day (Friday) aro 6,000 bales, ipeludirg
2,000 bales for speculation and export. Tbe mar
ket closed dnU at tbo following authorized quota
tions: New Orleans, fair.TJ, middling, 6} ; Mo
bile, fair, 71, middling, 6J ; qpinnds, fair, .?$, mid*
dling, Cj. The stock of cotton in port
bales, including 796,000 bales ol American.*
Messrs. Uowilla’ Cirnolar says that tbe; week’s
sdvaoce waa barely h(&l I-, and in some instances
(be advance was lost. r-
Tbe Manchester advices are unfavorable .and
qnoUtiona are nominal and unimportant, maniftif
iog increased heaviness. The market
closed very dull with a declining tendency. Flour
dell and prices easier, but quotations unchanged.'’
Wheat quirt; prices irrcgolar and partially do-:
dined Id(7s)2<J.
.—Tbw f»»TirieataiTk<i elosea'quiel.'BJeFquiet.
Pmkdull. Bacon heavy. Lard dull sod all qualu.
lies doclioed; tales et 54r@56*. Sugar heavy. Cof
fee quiet. Rico heavy. Spirits of Turpentine:
heavy and all qualities havs slightly declined; sales;
al3ls(s3ls Gj. r
Richmond, Vs., March 16—Inlbe Convention;
to*dsy, a delegate pretented a teriet of Uaion m- :
eolations from tba people of Norfolk coabl;; the;'
were wrapped in the American flag.. Several seta
of aeti-swceuioa reeolnUpna were offered»-
Tbe; were laid on the table.
Mr. Gofgia offered an amendment to IbV report
of the Committee on Federal Relation* proposing
the secession or Virginia with a view to ajt eyent-r
aal recoaeirvetion of the Union. It watiordered:
to be printed. .
’ Mr. Randolph, of Richmond, made di; speech;
agaistl the Fence Conference propotiliont and in
favor of secession. . He had not conclnded his re-,
mirks when the Convention adjourned. ’ \
Louisville, Marchl7.—The adjoorneUpouLhero
Rights meeting held yesterday afternoon, passrd.
paanimonsl; resolations presented on Friday nighty
and appointed delegates to the raaia coavention at::
Frankfort, on the SOih. Forfect order prevailed
Mr. Cnlhrte -addressed the Union meeting, He"
counselled moderation, saying that Lincoln.was:
honest and that the North would ultimate!; accord i
the just demands of the Sooth. -' f;
The river is falling slowly, with 8 leel-S inch**;
water in the canal. Weather clcai; metcary 36°.''
Nftw Voaa, March IS.-^An 1 extract of;a letter,;
dated on beard the ateamer Uncle Saint *h°*o ooa.i
arrival at San Franciaco was causiriginatib anxiety;
(here; wan in Acapnlto harbor, on' February 18th.
The' letter reports a rough pasugeup, sod that the
ateamer bad lost one of her wheclsjtad Would not
be able to reach San Francisco anti! the 4th or 6th
of March. She was doe there on the 24th of Feb*
rnaiy. _
. Tai Saraa Ftaa Bout which 1* to beiawarded
its i* print to thadompany nltlog the mojt ticket*
to tba beaeit azhibliion of Prof. Uun bo Jar,
bubeaa exbloitadia McPadln'* window jfor eotne
day*, and Is a magnificent affair, and well.worth tba,
efforts mahing by the companies to obtain IL The
exhibition will be one of the but yet circa by/thb
Professor, aa aavcral uieoted artiata hare' Vpkmteer«
ad for bis btnafit, and tha programme buboes dntjl
extendod. At tho eloie of the the Proj
tutor wilt illnttrato his new Invention for: the
rentloa of railroad cotllaions— -ha baa a
small working modal. Ycuog’f-b'aQd will be in at*
taodaaoa. / .
Bogular Wecfeiy Packet,
For W keeling, A!ulotto, Parkersburg, Pome
roy, Point Pleasant, Onllipoliß, Oydudottc;!
Cailctsburgh, Ironton and Portsmouth.^
TIIK npw and elegoot etcomor i
BAL'Ua Ll6T,o*pt J.lborstoaPoM»ll dßaESfidk
U'tQ o’clock, for Porttmooth and all Utcrmadtat* iutdloga.
ual&ralox, wilt latvo portMuoQlh tof. PUubttrgh vvery
PBIOAY at to o'clock m. for frrlebt or paaago apply oa
board, or to colt FLACKY BABN&8 A Sat**,!
too, Übuty, laitrpoadoeco, KabM*. Luvctiwocvu, >V«ap(T,
Bt. JucKih, aa4 all lQtenn«Uat«' laadlegi—’Tb« ateaiwr
i. W. UAIbHAH, Oaptoia W. W. Mwlla. on f UKSDAV,
theSStb Instant. •(«!>. m. For firlgbt orpuugdapply.ijn
bo«H,or to ;(•
tth> . . FLACK,BAItKES * Agtij-
X\;*T rOß—Tlrt* fins nowJffißßE
atuiDor KMUA URAIIAU,CapU Moutoa Ana*, will (cava,
for tho alwT* and all iutciurdtale port*, cwj TUESDAY
atar.K. Ft*freightorlrtwacaapttlyoD board.orto :: -
1&0R KEOKUK—Tko steamer»JE2*je
'JE UIADKU, Captain T. Roßrra, will lo«v»jEsffla3a
uahorooaTillfi DAT. March ]*th,at4 o’oiocKp. <
fe3S FIiAOE.BaRNKB A O<J.. a*fDU,
& PARRY, 1
6 A ABO N. O I L.’i
ODoa,;AtNA STOEKT, between Canal and Water Wt-rka
..iaiiu* . /■ -■ ■■ pnrtinougn, : ftair^
Important to Families!
Sava Tine, Trouble, end Expense. =i
One pound equal to fiix pounds 't
r«r Sale at Wholesale, by -
Penn’a. Salt Manofact’g. Co.:!
, And hyan fireniata * Oroonv to the Tmttad Katas.;!
.■VF fromotoHJto,fornleby i ! .■ ■■n.-
UtH _ • , W.F MARBIIAfJ^KrWcxvfeCf
OKMEN V—lWbbli. Frtwh this: day
for sal* by table < MnnkT B. OOfiUSA I
r ’ >!
oouaurru or ▲kbitiutiuS hab.l.o ahd
f. APaiu 1 •. i:.! •
W* McCm»i,fT. p.! .
i Eluxii Dicmt,
I 8. |L dctuuv. :
W«. tbuin.
(4j>«n iliy for Ma }'iiUburs\ .i. ix«&.) .■
:' 1 Pitts IOiCH. Satpimt, JUawbltv ISSU ,;
Ttp geoml coarkti remain*,qabt Bod idqtt, %tlii bo M*
of; lmt»jrUut foatnrw a noth'*. ; ttU traaactioe* C*B*rmlty
cciatiuuo quite limit* , while her* ondrrjow* no Pit*
trrtel change. i ' , t
- fLOUE—cootiuoMlAmuM bod lotctlrv. Lot ooChatifed.
SUlee w*tr: j , i
H‘ ' ■ /up*r.! Extra. | !ltx. Fam. ’ fancy
W bblalrpca store. J... ——. $ 75
80 a w—w w «]u „J._ & -I—
!}♦ da w w do ——. ! Sty. ../--i
dii w v d»
w w do
'<o wwda .. ... 1 *i‘. . - _, „
4& »f<o 1
39 »v do ..i_ - txi i —---
;QROOBKI^-~frojfir—fjut l but mxb'nDg*! tolo of 80
ftbd* fct 6@7~, 7 do ib > at le; * dodo fcl7jk£c, »o4T Ml*do
M'K*- tfoliiM )a Mr itijtMl N»ol TUUiiul
giSfc; IS da 4a at 8&&37f; lu dodo lot 37c. Cuffoo firm..
B*l«u( dO it I'kllll^r 4 , SfSdo do;»t |2dO
HJ4c ■
;GRAIft--Oal« cbatluno rr.rj doll tql a&ebuiftad; mIo
ftioffi • tore of 300 fea«b »t ?6c. Ixra InbetlTK, uie of 800
lip»k >Urfa>ffl otoce kt 40c. , j••
:'|RAa»N—ijairl Out Ann *1 prrtkjoi ;<]uo'A‘b>o*; ulo of
8,000 lb«: EhunlJrn 3.100 doot uj 1,000
Jo Puin liijOo. /i
:;01LS—ftolouiSC bit* AlUahmj Hack Oil. 49ir*TUy, at
Hcill do Mecca Luß»ic»tloj? ot i&c, »od& tlu Cutau at CO.
2jfn 1 l<*rd b h-ld ali8 s QVO«s,! ! |
;»K»D—io rjutior MelUf 4tqu&«l bat QPCbugad: MloofS
fbtj» &>*, ahd| 3- da M»lj» gtoff* at £Sc V cvi—t>otb
fromator*. • • !'•'■ ...••• j-'
i] WUn-Kr—dull; ikk> 01. 0 btl* Redtlbd ml 17c; 16 do do
itl7©lBc. ' ,1 ! ! ... ..
:.!BKKDe—doll itKl ImwitW: ut« of |4O »>«•»> fmf it
$1,2% • 6*6* do *t s4jtt; 8 bigi «uu 4'j bnih
Timothy ilf2 40. ; j
<|DKiKD 7UOIT— pkcbrs ire la pnd t*t#i
flJ#of 150 bu*h prlnie it 1j dodoit $2,00.
Apulo*—3»li of Si licib U) «»t> tta'it 7i©B7.
rrsn-siu of io tnirtbu Wh»t« fhK at r*6; *ad o do
it *5,00. -'' I ■ 1 •; r :! •
f jCUICI!SE-dull; lilootW-bw WH iI 10c. ifid 60 do,
•do it D.*. . i. I ;
• BGOi^—Bolter, l* in pool inpply;:nU of 6
;bbUcoffimoa Itoll hC 1 do cbofcoit 16c. 'Kfg* ao*
■fchangtd; nalo of 6 bbU it I0c:7dodo it lie. bad 6 dodo it
? r«s4c. I ; .: •: •;
;• FOTAXOKS—S«IeiT 100 basb NethiDDOCkl fron ituii
'it toe. . j j ■ ; j .
;;BKANS-?il«of&4bwL Small ffblteiiMe ?ba»h.
->TARCU—SilaorlyboiM WoodcUt At&ottfe.
: HALT—Bi]« o! 26 bbU No 1 kxtn it sLtt 9 bbl;
APl'LßS—«leflfj^bbUiiV W>l. (
nunicTAiiv abd vunnKaoiAL.
Tl>e following table ibon tbo coodltlai of thcßtskf (a
itior loadlcgfUtoi: | i. ■ j ■
| .4FKM.
N York, Mar 9 123,705^M 1 88,711,418
24.626 M 3 i14.M1.2M 6.298,314
Uoatoo, lUr 11 64 649,633 18,132,027 4,863,648
H Orl’a, Mar 9 14,447,342 17,698,164
Total..- 247,433444 443,933,710 01,744,694)28,690,649
■'l Chicago MoanMauxr, March 15—-Tbe Etna with Ur
qrpcot date* to tb* 28th, *u telegraphed tbla morning, »#•
porting floor doll aid 6J loWar. Wheat quiet at prarlooe
i|qoUUoa*. Cora m moderate demand with a alight Im
provement. Il*ef *64 Pork dull. 1 ■:
;i Under tb* lofloenre nfth I* a*wi, tad owing to liberal re
ceipt*. ibo Wheat ;iurk»t opened **f» jdnllatid price* d*-
illord falty {{e $ bbsbft!, wllb nit* ofbboat bn>bel*
ii 79j fur old receipt* No 1; 80a for (mb' receipt* No 1:7 to
for Irevb recelptajNkZ; and for old receipt* No 2
:-<-*ll In vtore. Tbe Ttceipt* of Corn were buibeU *od
the mirket wta doll cod %0 lover, Vitb tala* of aboat
;5u oo» Uubeie at 2r*eatpt*aßd.27J4o2f K
’(or do« rtc'ripU MiXod fa mire, end |2 Cor caatl mixed
afloat Bealdea tbfa, Lowetrt, aboctT&JJCO bubal* ware
•old for delivery ua Jib* let aid biltna tb> l*t *&d 18th of
pryalltht* month it bay*** option. |lh*iotei:ig«c* that
i Im g» fleet of boelf vie expected thl* week bp canal, along
- With tbe welWioovn marc tty ot *tarig*-raoCß,feiTa4 ta eo
aaijll drgrre to depnev tho ; market* Tbe market lor o*te
:*h (ttnatl; dan aad bi*ry—tsajert offoettg only Uo
' c'.drcceipteKoMa «inr*—bolder* **kiog }5Ua. Tbe
‘Floor market wu alight)/ rei**4 tad more *eUr*, irjtb tal**
fol about 22X)0bbia*r-st,ls&t,tt lor fcir to choiceapring
‘extra, and s2so&3j3T&' lor low grade; to gpodjtaparfiiie.
.Timothy Feed >u |o good inpply tad at**4/;’at |2,60@
2,75,at which noi« bmj *ate*-' war* code, Cloramtd
- m :*<
■ TbeProtUlea BJtrket liqaietaadialawit aaltrely voml>
ul—iherebeioglhkle or oodsmaod*nber torUea* Potk or
CatUeat4-riTiib;| . ••. I j • ' .
j KrvOuxixx Uont,March I*.—Hoar aachangcd aad
ia Hair detuend'at ss,37fur Sapetlln*. UamPoik ia
‘good demaid, aad tbe market *(e*dy at $lB. Bacon doll'
•od prtcea{nominal at-7l{<slo!de lur B, * ff. ; Lard dolt,
without change,. Uolk l Meat* In moderate demand
iud fur abonfdftrs and Side*. Coffee atudy, fair de
mand at 13: for prlta*: flagariteady, pad fa good demand,
it 6Vi@?cj for folly! lair to choice. Moteaeea dull tad io
■iK.ttfr »opply;prktja aie lover—cbolcej66c. .Cora tieady at
:4Gc for Mixed. i ! ' 1 [' ■ ‘ '
: Tnx following Ua cooparetir* aiilanieatef the import*
!of Fcn-fgailirj Uoc*Ja *t New York, for the weak aad aloe*
’Jan I: ! 1 • • • ! i .
j For the aretfc; • i 1859. •: | IMO. - I*6l.
Entered at tbe port $2,30,6:0 i 5916,884
i Thrown ob Market.—. 2,415.705 j iS&B.d 3jfl*,U3
Since Jin l. ; • | : i .
' Entered at tbe port— jS2S,TBO 945 tlß.T9fi.T(e
Thrown on market.—. 5T,959,»6 29,605,101 18,059,410
lmpor(st»y fiirwr*
i WaRKUKai-pir Ulnerr*— TO til* on, W Mackeovnu
]6{ di> do, Forejth « bro;7dodo, Ware 4 be Hera; 67 d>i{x
'plee,TJ iJorehllrid; Bdo dov Ja* A fittar; 183 bdla paper,
i Jaa Jooec; l hx.ißelkl Luler; 0 tk* fere: Lonl* Millet: 1 i
:ba]»waol,iJ L ilaraball; 3 eke l bbl *fB**Mrent k
CoSu;lt pkg*pro-loci, Smith ATrlmbta.
. - | Imports by ttslirosdt *'i
Pietnocon, ijv. [Wars* 1 Cbici go ,B IL. 'March 14^—
' 4 bbU p. twb) li{ A hhnouek 4 co; l&smpty bbta, Bhud»a 4
' A Vern<T;;S do bottle*, JO Boffuto; 6 bxs ut«,P Q
■mnnU {&• pijpi i| txa, S
kgarmU; 13 MU win, R Townssod;ftO dua tocksia, ft do
tubs, 10 dOa wubbpaofa.K-lgtrtbo A aapty
oltbt)U,o t bbl batter,3o *klpo?atoos, B*<k A Us
sltr; ftO this flobrjKoox A Mc&«-e; 3 bbU apples, 1A bag** * j
bbls potatoes. CloO I Young; 1 Lx tadae, Jaa B Linds*?; IS
lobs pig metal, {John Moorehead; ft half Obit beer, William i
Ooorge; lOttbbSS Oimr. Daoltl WalUcbiM pcs sdodiiac. Me- ;
Whinoaj; Harsj A bbla, 32 hf Lb's flab* Bath A Ltaisr;
7do do j;D Driroi; 1 case. I bi, dboti, 21 pes.tcrap'lron,
ZagA Palntrr; bo hbla floor, Graham A Thomas;! bx tan
drva, A ll.KiiglUo; CdUlla brooms, J W Moore}ft Mislaid,
A Wilton A oil ' [\
Pntjßdsaa asa Cuuun B- B.:—March IS and 14 —l
car Iron ora, HiUaian,. Katun A cm I dodo, Urswy, Wells A
co; 117 bars. 101 bids Iroo. A Qsrtnpee; 40hlbb|* flab, II 11
Colilos; 24rklm bittw.' J Painter; 3 cars ah»rp,'Q Qotdsn;
1 do potatoes. W □ Batter; 3 Lbleefga* 1 do. bo Use,Aivell. ;
Lae Aco; ILO bl)£a floor, Meßtn* I Anfer, SOdooU,J M :
LlpplocoUjSbbUWg*. RS A O Ddoeaa; 3d akt tarty, I
Cn<pA Kb< parti; 16 Lula apple*, V Storks; 3&4; bush - poU> j
lots, UtLiicoek. McCraory A en; 18 pdb hUes.QKUOIT
atmulcar aboftaJ BtmpaooA Nelson; 1 do politoe, J B <
B(tMtbcn:2kgalara,Jaa Dalsell.A son; 3 bdl* bags. 1 baa :
apples, 1 bbleggSijß McCrkkartjfi bblscggs,! dobotnr, J :
Uerbert; 10 kgS whits te*d,‘ WbUtno| A Aiken,
jttivisa aswH.
The wtoihar wascool,|cleodj and soasttM*
with Indications dl now. The rlnrta Oitl la Aim natija
htacoadtUoo, with? fact lath* cfcscnotl by thaplsr mark ;
U«t er*oiog.~.~J.lba-CDly arrival, from baiow tinea oar j
last was the LratsMi from Clndsnati, wUbaioll trip ot I
cotioa..-L.l.T&e Kama Graham from ZantaelUa was due I
l«at night, tail w|il donbilese U fobad at tfaw land lag Utis j
morning! Mia rrtnma,aa uscsl, tomurrcw at If. »■
Tbs Pallia LUt liym Pommoolh is doe this afwnoos.— :
She will returnal 10 a. ■. on Wednesday, berre*ntar tlma..
The dapartbrea ware tba Vcteaoa for Parkarabcrg, ;
Kraßoaj for Cincinnati, J. Hi Omni tor II am pbU,'and. Key ;
W*ft No. a for .Illinois BUer..._-Tbw Dimka lor St, Lost# ! .
ulKwtuk will j>rot*blygetoff to moirow~'.~~Tti*J. W. I
llailman wilt comment* loading today fur Un Miatocrl!
hirer. j* ; !. i
Uapt. R.C. Mason ooThorwlay last (rsdad.ita Coaunar-,
rUltxribe Maribar with gUOtO ’to boot—Clpts, Archar
aud Instobetaicjtheparctuasra. fha Is to Wplaced la tie
LoahrUle asd kUmpbie trsds. ;
N tw osuusB r-The DyKa of tin ioth, aaja i .
Tb« new law of tbaOdsfcdenged'Biatas, repairing item
bo*u for “foc*ign’’ j>6rti lo Uki oaf ckwraocc* want into
lff*ct yesterday, and created no lilUa exdtcn»al and cook -
tneatott tho wlmC. Tba B»o*t important fratore ot ilaaacs*
fo b* tba le+)ar Which tba Gutom (loess cOelata n*wr t*B
to exact. /Tba beats which toood thamselTsa compelled to;.
obey tbiroew Jangled reynUtioo yrftarday wars ua Heoi.
nlbaVCol Eestnstand T. 0 TwittfcsU.fcr.Bl. look; UraL-
Peytons fcr LcnuftvUte; tba J«s. Johnson for NashrQls,and
; the Era No,? tit] Camden. Thais cargoes' hiring to ha is*
r'gtslercd, ;j k '• • V •'
Wo notice that eorae of tba PiUsborgh and Caclattall
. boats bare tetaiyUkasavar (root baraqoites good aaoont
iof toßteviti*- freight. Wo do not know tnw to aocoaat for at card rates the LoobrUtw boats asst sorely bars
tba preference tba Upper Ohio rtrtr packaa, Iscu
! Instance boweWr: tba deception .was gtaring eooagb to
abow,*Vca to tba' oalttated, : tost tberw w*a u ecaMtbtng
: lovteninDeematk*" Tha Empire CU>, eFithborgb bowl,
i had soma boo Tasks Island salt tort leshrelila, of
1 conns at e«n) ratea. fccttb* sack*. instead of welshing from
120toHQ&>«,**lgbed on tbs aaaritga abont fiOOßtt.-OI
coons tha boats wools hhto efcjsetsd to
mrdvi&g sacbjttaamoth sacks, and fopwqoKiUy they
amid not gat tba height. This Is holoos toicaeca oot'of
naaf which coma to oar nadir* call toU tha
aUeaUoaotiboplrseionoftfc* Wasabost Csptalat*too-.
tUilon. - i ;t-'- ' ' .
Thera is aabW lltlla talk abodt gstUag opan oppasttioo
ticket to tha praam Bbsrd of Otnctßcs'of tha.Sffwat ■
Captaloa* lfca, Bala groo ad of cosplatal3 Is,
ihaaeoyoftba Dlraetonars ataamhoatag«ats»aad that
oo tha principle! that a ataa' cannot terra two matters at
coca, they ooght to cease to bs Dinctan or Btssmbnet
fuennun.- RwCeaffciaceUl of frlday toys:
tbeOoatW,>fram WbaeliagJ KaMwfcnVaUsy flrem tfci
Kaoawba, atd hna‘ with hit trlpa,
ware tboonly alrrlTsti ontslds of tba local yackata. ...The
liisaiflod lait Idr PUlsborgb wtfh a fnU ctrgo, iMlodlng
o*ar 700 bales ofeottoa; and IP fcfcdsfcf tobsccoi'tfca latter
ro*hfpi«d frost the Ilazrl D'tLUU~Tfc»lKoteQttosad Bay
City wero noelalogsogtr sad motsstaafroto tbs' Bt.Ckwz,
•nd had ut departed tor Piuabttrgfc st .s tofs bodr Ust
night,’ InthaisToat oi layloc oaar, ibay wUt laswa this
muntlng. M - M Kratoa, from pwmsd op tor
I Pittsburgh, with a foil cargo of 'cottoo, St 9
1 OunttdanuL undegshdlSsy !Urest,tietn Pltto
haiftbi Oostoola ilo.l asd AlUoWit, from Wfcaallsr, Ms
May from NashrlibG Olesdslo anißeptoas, from Memphis,
sad Orest Wn»rn, A. O. Ty»w,ca|y ofUadtom.and Emma
Dao«o,lr<iinNewO»WaßS,srsthsosxthosttdoo. v
CiPCTSiTi; itarcb !opo3«l»
deoaad at f 4 Q 0 tir aopfrtoe; lh*ra to t I Ittto d*a<Ja
•xtra.' Qnft»t»oeb»OK*d; la l»l
ttiodocal*- Th*rato*toodilirtnt»d Jbf WWdi:
12ft bWa at iSRa. Thn* to *r*4 fetoanj toe Otontmd
at Un, an 4 brTltaoUiy attf 80.1 Thereto » ]WW*d
drtuaad Icr Baa» ; afafca »*“ ****,
Tb«ro to* bettor <4m*ftB tor toßik'Pe*, »o 4 *C*OOOJb«
•«r» «oU ait** tU«rt9 at Oe tor Aoatdan. »«4
(ur aide*. M«m Itork doll, with M>*a *l|W T*. Laa* **-
vh*Dß*l add dbil al 9j Onoertoa flm wit* ttalr twaluta
f oarirt uDcbuted. Fjwbtn±a oo Iba caat-qolt*
jflltO.: .-• : _ 1 ;:j, •! j /•':•' <
Niw Y«*k,:U*ich 16—Obttottqulto fln»r alia**! *WO
balta al ISo. Flour Übu »aut aod flrmr HUiOO bblk »oi4
at as advar.rvliif fc BUt»at*B tt*4 l<C®Wo «B:*M d
6 66; aodtfouiitom at |4 JWfti eo.WeraltaaaStad’raartoc
itrtrto&ej: **}« of. 40,000 baah at'aaadtaai** ot ltrHßwait*
kto Club $L *3 whUa Uasadu |i WjOoraflrtß; *i,ooo bo»
eilae) aold at (b@C0o;ai«l80alor B»*r.‘ PurkdoßattlßW
e*lttJ6,*«, >u>d|»26o<at2li far jtrtoa*.: Mrt ***.■
Whiakj dull at U^n^e4
- PmtmrahlUirtti «*1« apufloMt
s;»,«au*svVs<ft&37i *b4 biiej it *1 . WtoU »n •
•M-msbi); <sQO tu>h rt 4 «s It £b£M4o. U<<B .
3iu> Unti m L7i fir new jMfow *fl ml, for csntfttf ~
»Tor». HU<SU far Uio,a*l J*ga)r*al I*l% .-.
«Ui;e._ ; j »: :.; >
C«ITiuOSB. ilwcb ic Uh) t»BlTj;.Obta«td /,. »r- at? mUlagi;. '
dt *7; »Wi4*st 40yl oft. 00fuairtu);*l &-'4&&tr** au **'«
auJ y+Uuwat frt&M. PfniUkmatlßlfcraaa*-P«k ** t**-
.Lif.«vj4: , Ctoi<i» firm at Wa. -WfcUkj CaU
. ~ -i-.~" *•' *' i't L—•’.
7‘ BUefafia’a chawcb. -
JOS. 8. LEBUU&CO., wifihiDg lo ctoae
Uir’f<*Qt offer »■ l r
atitf A tb« LOWEST OAIU PUICK3- Aar «-»• **.
r u i“L».uowitB*iiD«Nr :
I4»tatil; fi r d.!!** **. * f
'" k wVc7T»S^’S! ! , i‘l»:<*^« l > B8 » 9 0» UOBTI
' '
'• •" .£• MV I hr.Kbaalim {: u.. ,•-.>* •'•'.v-i!7:.:-'v»,. ■■ .• »v.
-j intllw Himr ■• •■•> '• »• v; ' T.vt'-v'.s ‘ •
••- v- v.L.v-: *; ■
«* i-bm^ktAltmlHAimmt*}? =». •' • •••••.■• ;;•#.-
- luM&flßft* . Wtt* S. SAYS- it
’ . 4 - T
■ ■ ■■ . _
6 7fi@6M
ft BO
b :& c oo