fiillfe f.4y v *:■■■: ‘•5. 'i'./jf-*'-- : j.v **l X{ *. f -.V* v.I 'At i* ft ; <4 ;, * y ’y/y •; \ *■. • si ’ r •<’ ■ y ;!*• <7.•!*.•»!, Villl - • « ■ *. *‘i.. , * 1 ; v : .;uF;yi• 1 - 1 Y K±: r ) \ vs 'i \• u V ‘' 1 " I '.“ , ';' ,J ' ..'I-!' _ -viY''’ v .v‘\ *:lv -.ViV.'fV iyA si..; i •„, u •;:<.>: ,t-i • -i &■' ;- c L, S|. ' ... .. '■' $ vf! ! >- -:* x - -'w v*.*/*^ .v h.*» , ’ ' • » f ’■‘V.r.vj' ,f, 't "1 4-: ::T ;•. .£-.• <’* A ,- i< <: ■■■s '1 ■ '■ | ■ •*.£> .-.’s :';:i • -ri' ■«*■ -t-v. <~r -1 qiW[\ 1 s'Y ■•:' I tfsl .. .-r- v- f **'**•’«' f» -•* •«»{ s" ’ * *\A • * ’.i*'' J s *fy s» I i 'i '»/ '*? !. ; 'v .*„•' .s'.CsJ; ■ :, .s . , ’ »"['*:•• '.•’JM'i'nVi.t'i .••■••’[• V ’ r; . v s h «" /'** •’f *, * 4< > *''*»<»*-•** *' j',; I :'i . • j’ ,c .•'.‘iKUV.i'IV/. ,* - \ I ' 1 I • « "' -jis> t ‘ •• . , 17: : ; ::v jr'’ ' #*, > , ill; -1 ■ . ■v • . r p ; :J • liitteburglj d^aKtlCa a. arpotis a coTp sPIrOB ■ £ » » r »op 1 (tr o Li*. PMhatim OJJitt, fi/li «rc«, nmr Smittftid. PWblieJUkm. .* w f U P to lUe hanr af ™|l3c ? p,r atrt*?t\ ~B‘osle copl<«, J 3 p. r „ " »l>«*rtU,tl I .r • AT RBABONARLg RATKR PITTSBCRQH c MONDAY MOBHIWO, MARCH 18,' 180: Pro-Slavery Conred.„cy_„. Kecugr.l Mon Abroad, ■Most Southern politicians '«o bat log ntlerod eien aaluglo oracular word of boro favorable import. ' As for Eoglaud. ehe is outspoken; and sett distinet ud nofatorobls are the opinions which •ho expresses. The press of (hot country we had already found unanimous in condemning . ° r • peo elaterj power elaiming reoog nitioo.ofnallooel_rigble.eod a place among’ citlliied nations; and now wo dnd the:same oaanimona teles in the Parliament. Lard John BnuelVwho may bo regarded unitering not onlp bio own personal sentiments, bnt also as speaking represeniallrel/ the general iaenti ment of the country, was most uoequirocel in; shewing an ntter atereion to lbs object; in tlew in nny anietery each sehemo ns the on. terprialpg ambition of tbs pro-slntery party at tho Boalh hMp by secession and establishing an independent confederacy, been attempting to carry ohl. ' No other Sentiment—nolhlog bot a like dapttky toward ihera-aud their: purposes of pro'slatery aggrehdiument and nationality -rpertaded any single speech daring thelde bnle. Messrs. Cite, Forlesone, Bnxton, Kin nnird and MoMthon, with Lords Churehhtll and Palmerston, expressed serious tiews on the eerernl point! iosolted in-the debate; bnt mine of Ibese oreb looked towards a recognition of a power a bos a long and oft deoiared pnrposo ud polioy an sory wall known to bo the re-opening of tbo Arrioan elaro trade, though for the pres oat, prudential considerations presail with them so far tbnt they are .willing to deny it, so’that they may fasorably misrepresent Ihsmselscs st foreign Courts, prOtermiltiog their nllimite purposes. Bat the recognition of tbo Southern Consid er.., by Greet Britain will be no imaedtata CT e Qt . wherever repreeentations may be made In that quarter. If |i I, ever to be, It mnet be in the remote future—poaiibly cotompornneOne with the re-opening of the eleve trade Itailf, nndir the protection of the Brilleh flag, int j e*en should the Boulhern Confederacy establish a Foreign Pro-slavery' Missionary Booiety, it would require a longtime to oonvertenoh sturdy unbelievers ae the English. The progress ;of mieeioneriee going among unbelievers, t even with a divine gospel, is but slow at the best; and that a diabolical fai'b, each as they would prop ®fi*ler would be speedy in lie progress, we can see no good reason for anticipating.' \l § ■ : 1 Apropos of the slave trade, Lord Palmerston asserted that Afrioe, at preeent, only requires peaceful development to beoomo an' immensely wealthy aod-prodaotive country. ‘-Tho etrohg endorsement,” eeye a writer in the Tima, refer ingtorlbe debate in the English Parliament, ‘‘given' to tho Coolie system by all the speakers is a very noticeable feature. It can hardly lee doubled that this trade is. destined to be eh- oourtged forthwith, 4ad ihßt American eeees- sion Rod tbe cotton risk hßie been the great BUmnlknts toils encottrftgemeni. John Bull is Rwake—heia looking in cury direction, Rad intends doing bis ptmceL Let onr Beoediog friends remember that ibis debate is virtually the strongest possible assertion that England, far from laoltly aiding them, is .going bard ki work to oppose them, by every means in her .power.'' ... . | Democratic Counsel* Tl>o Foil, speaking of the peace polioy of tile country, and of the eraeuallon of Sample*', •»y*; "If, in addition lo Ibis, Fori Piokeng is : *l*o lo folia*, Ike Border Stales will look upon Ike moat irritating obstacles lo > peecefol ad • <-- jaatmeat as haring been will try to arrange some method of securing their rights without joining the eeeeded Statea.” ! Fort Sampler was yielded under (he preeanre of an inexorable necessity, and not. to pleach and ooncfllale the Border Stales. The President , had not Ibe forceat his oommand lo enable him : lo keep it, and for Ikslrouon, and for no other; ke let It go. Under the clreumataaees there .was no dishonor in the aol, either personal nr national; and -rorlnaalely Fort Sampler la ol no rains whaterer except-as a defence to the Oily of Charleston. The Fat, bowarer, talk) as ir Bumpier was yielded as a peace offering to tho Border Statea, and Intimates that 11 la not enoogh—Pickens moat also ba laid opon the *Uar, and then-" they will try to arrange some method of .urarup 7 labor i 10 il,tr two raoaUoo, bat It .111 bo altogether ooaraiUog. If Virginia wants to secede let ber I “ d° toj if »ba prefers to slap sod bebavo herself, she otto do that too; bat as for thois "rigbla” I ,or which tbe Pejrspeaks she will here to be oonlent .lib what she has. She baa joet as I ““7 rJgto|.»» wa bare, and she Is not likelp l to get any store. Bat irhsi basiaeeihas Vlr*'| glala, or up of Ibo Border Stales, Id'diotalatba I potiop that shall be pnrkned towards (he seoed-1 ■ lag Blsles la regard (o tbs rerenae or the forts t Whit bars these <|aeatlooe to do, with Heir I “right!” j _ ■ D* BrD. Gamut Tbs Washington oorre* spoLdeot of tbs Philadelphia /rente? Jcunul, In bis letter; dated Mareb ld, eape: •Torre lea romor bet* la elroalaltoa that EJ.ard DGizrun, of Allegbsap eoaalp, for-1 aerlp State Booster, will be rtbogolzod bp tbs I sdolalelrstloa la s rerp bamboos mspser." _ fir. <3 Ultra <4 not to ippUunt for nj »p. pololracol; tot Iboofcoaoeo of lochia mu> 00 . ho. * for *ob» good ood booonbfo poililco or# aoa* Ih* asroo for (hat. 1 , v ; : ■-;. |v.- . •■;", ;■ -: -.V : . '.. 1.- ! ■! I ' _ A *KS»Atioa beuus; me New Orleans Cetta of Monday afternoon had a.dispatcb from Washington,. whloh Is in- Ub thefoUoviog head licet WAR VNPENOISU. Tho Army ot Utah and ateav Mexico Order- ed Eastward. WARLIKE POLICV OF CHASE AND CAM- .Chase Will Bale Lincoln'! Admlalstrmtfoi BBWABZf WILL RSTIRS. Chane CliaraoN Douglas with 3Vli s- rt*pi*eijentation. NO HOPf! OF PEACE. THE TRIBUNE ATTACKS SEWARD. Tho 30001 Moat Prepare lor War. The next day's paper took it all baok to be •ore; but it made a first-rate sensation for the lime being. I 5 s * Eepahlio * n Pries throughout the oonulry I take substantially the same view of the ebah- I donmenl of Fort Bumpier which the Qazitts hail taken. It is regarded as a nscessilypiand asa military movement, and not as Indicative of a»y deviation from the polloy foreshadowed in the Prteident’elnangural. Pickens and Torlogae are to be retained and strengthened. They are sery Important, as commanding the entrance to j the Calf, while Sampler never had any other' than a local value, and is therefore of no valno while Sooth' Carolina remains out of the Union. Should she return, Ike Fort will revert to the nation' as before. As for the oolleotion'of reve nae, one frigate at the month of the harbor would be worth more than that fort. The Hohe Su’uadbon or vhe Usited States. —lt would appeir that the Home Squadron is ,o a [ much more efficient elate, nod more nearly ready for service, than has been generally supposed, considering the successattending the efforts of Mr. Buchanan's traitorous secretaries to disorganise and military defences of the country, in almost every department of the service. Tho list comprises 2« vessels, carrying IDO guns and 2.757 [men, almost all ready for instant service, and all but three or four in the port ol Now York. This is the largest osvsl iorco ever concentrated in one squadron since the organisation of the United States Nary. It consists of more ships than the Channel fieel of England. It is obvious that im portant naval movements are in contemplation by the Governments Tea Charleston correspondent or tho Tribunt remarks iohla last letter: • SoijUi Carolina bids fair to becoma lbs “Monlt nsgro” of this conlioeol—a oonataot sonroeof trooblo to all around her, and as she has more slares and lens whites, in than other States, it is but natural that sbeahoold fcsl more fretfbl, and that tho should constantly groan under the painful burdsu of her African taouttbranee. FROM WASHINGTON. ; . WsatnaaTos, Thursday, March H. Thi Cabinet held a special lection this morning. It was understood to bo relative to Fort Soapier. Anajt officers expect tho Sampler garrison be re next week. Forsyth, of (be Southern Commission, ia re coTerlog from bia Itlneaa. Messrs. Crawford and Fonytb have communicated with lbs President, through Mr. Seward, seeking to obtoio an audience. They bare been informed (bat Mr; Lincoln end bia Cabmpt were not oow prepared to receive them. When; be will do eo ia not known; Mr. Crawford •aya be ia willing to wait until the questions now before: the Cabiaet are settled before making any formal demands. A very general feeling baa prevailed sines lbs news that the women and children were leaving Pensacola, that Jeff. Davis intends to mxko bn at* tacknpon Fort Pickens, and thus precipitate civil w “* :Meaira. Crawford and Forsyth aay that be noli* they bare reported the .remit t>f their mission bore.—Times. The Senate yesterday pawed Senator Clark'# aatatitste for Senator Fecaeaden’a clinof Ujo real* occupied by Meftrs. Brown »od Dart*,!orMiaaisdippi; Mallory, of Florid*; Clay, of Alabama; Toombr, of Georgia; Bet jamiq, of Looi •iaaa, at aambori of the Senate, to hare become etea&t, and tberaforo directing tbe Secretary to omit their name* respeetirefj from the roll. . Senator Maaoa Jailed to hare tbe wording oftbe resolution no changed aa to recognise 'secession. It w,*»; patted at a ample recognition of a fact, which nay Senator, from any Slate, for any eaoa*. ii capable of creating. Tbejempty teats oftbe aecediog Senatnra aland, tUll aorjeet to tbe deposition of (heir Slatea aa. tborised to Cli them. And when they again filled, aa we hope they will be, oo Dsritea, and Toombee, aod Benjamtoa, and Claya will be ibeir occapanu—io tecemon itself they wit! bare their urmg ibmb—but men more worthily representing Slates become worthier to be represented.—>JV /V FKorto.; j When Hon. Francis Spinner's nomination as Treasurer eamo op in tbe Sonets, to day. Senator Bright objected to its consideration, and it Went orsr until to-morrow, wbeo Mr. Bright conumplaUa making s speeon against it. Tbo secret of Brisbt'i hostility is, that Spinner in tbs Uoum so ms jssn ago, insisted upon an Inrestlgation of- eeruln watero laad specnlalloni in which Bright and others were sogaged, and wbieb wore carried on un dsr tbsi operation of a law. wbieb Filch, Bright', colleague, urinated and carried through. Spinner's ! nomination, doubtless, will be opposed by the whole I body of jpubUe plunderers, who bars rioted -in ibe ssraral Exacutiro Departments during tho last eight years, but bs wiU be cuofirmed by a large veto, de* spits it kU. Mr. CriUe&deu bas postponed bit Eastern lour, mid so notified tbs City Government ol Boeion. He will | travel Easi, probably in May and Jsnr, when be shall enjoy it better. He says be feels ealied upon to go bjms to Kentucky, and putbte bouse in,order to fight tbe bettle in thatStaie for tho Union, iue declsrcs that secession mast and will be beaten in that and be desires to sssiat jo tbe good work. He leaves for Ksntoeky in a I revious to his departure, it is propu*. ed by his friends to (eodcr him an ovation N. Y. Times. 1 • j • Eieli d«j «ec(a. Io bring forlb nc. cliinilll>A>r office. 'There is no diminution in itair number, etch department being thronged from 9 to 3 o'clock. Secretary Chase found it neeetaary to-day to in erease tbe clerical force from fire to seven, so that apolicatioßs for office might-receive appropriate reference; it being physically impossible to eitm ineaay cfedentiale at present. About ooe-lhird of the German population of tbe West tro-applicanu for consulships.— World , The secessionists are bnay in Virgioia in endesv. oriog to operate on the Stito Cooveation. A vole I will bs token in Richmond on tbo Question*of instructing delegates to vote for secession on tbe same plan as they did to Peleraburg. Pryor .peaks to-morrow at Richmond in favor of secession.— World. : I •i §* Ti- » ®* (f l * Bo **, a personal friend ol the President, who.camo here with bin from tbs west, left for home to-day, accompanied by a boat *>t office seekers from that slate, who hare ascertained that Mr. Lincoln will not make any more appointments from that Stats for Ibe preaent. —Ttuvn. ■ • r The nomination of Mr. Crittenden to-the 8q preme Bench has not beeo abandoned. ; The Brest.: dent tod Cabinet all fsyor it, tai.Soeatora oppose j it decidedly. It is hoped that tbeir opposition will be modified by rcfiecUon upon ibe poller—AT V Times, ■* ’ 1 ® £ 'l£ London Ocf/y Newt (bos potato edly describes (be aspebt of the Pro. Slavery Re bellion in-tbe Golf States as it was Just before tbe iu&uguretion of Mr. Lincoln : ! i jy® *•* the SootboTn Democrat:,, barbarized :, y olsrerpsod us Influence!, enercipg ihslr own leaders. W« im • eorropt and {rain,rune Federal Uoeernmeot to etoae prnzimil, with lbs rebeta Wo aeo s Cougresi at rla wil’s end at Coding itsell linng in reenlulMosr, timet; Ws aoe the lore element of Ifari North plajlog Inin the banda ol the : torj uiciet; of lbo>noUr” : I The laal seoleoee out the troth etaeilp rscJ, III: Wwbtoftoo eorrespnodeot of tbo N. Y TYtiuntfMsreh 14,)5,,s I , “The particular mode of withdrawing hlsiiir A "deemin', force has jet to be. determined. lien geott a inelisalioo, two da,a ago, was Insead them I 111 New kork bjttoaoer, which would eaae tbe t ocecaail, ot paaaiug through Cbarleawn. That pur ppae map, hnweter, be ebarged before the taut order i.giecn. No meaaeeger bat jel been aeut to Major Anderson u regard to Ibta matter, ae tbe new«pjpe» luff) reported.” I [Tag English L*>rd« number fear bamlrod aod | (w*nty.aoTeo temporal* ud thirty tplrllail Three of tbo former, tbo Prioee of Woler, tbo Dake of Cambridge ood tbo Dako of Camberlond (King of f ilsouver,} ore of th» bipod royal. Tbo iplrluul | lord* are twenty-*!* KnglUh aad four Irish prelate* i Too temporal lord* looluda a prJooe, a prluek ooh- i i i »«*J***m dakur, iblriy-fivo mtruaUw, obo i : baodrod aod rareoty earla, thirty-one viaooaot*. aod one boodrod aod aixty-tvo baroais Au. ABaaaa«D oa Paraa,—Tbo Nov Orfeui W* a liutoplaa °r it* own. It will ia»adt tb* North aod gat pormiioa of tbe ebUf Jferthoro | noporU «aa harbor*, destroy tbo Northern Nat*, [ aod biro prlvateen from New Eaglaod to do*troy tbh common* la that loetloo. Tbe 2WM bal bo dobbt that New Vork, Norton aod PfaUadelpbta ooald bo takea at ooeo by a Soatbora army. Tna oldest man in Mr. Lioedn BiU-vAttoroeysGooerali who t« | e*< man to jt ia Ml. Blah. Poi i wkow ego m not elated. Mr. fiat Yttrt . Jfr.Ckata ia 03, which U rolf'. fiftrtb* - Mr.Ctaaron 1* 6?.; in** Cabinet j* Mr, i;6B. Tbo yoaog- HimtstoMloaorai.. iwarduiableCOtk slfo tbf ago of How TiuipßOßHf» jh* South AuDecvtm —Lias or tbb Ssotssios Papaae—-Tit* follow log txtrtct from lb# Colomboi (Q») ffena is s •peeimea .of httodreds of furies equally fslss -Md aboard; wbieb wo Cod floaliogtbroogb odr Soatbero excbangfs: Recently the President vi.iledWillard’e Ho tel, ood tbe Lieuieoiot GeDerelbed twenty sot diere standingeentiotl on the ptremeol lafroat. I. Od thi. the eoMimml of» greii fucobeforo tbe whole world ? ■ ‘ TL« Augujt,(o. ) DUpakh nj f. Wo b»?o rcoe&tlj oecn qnilo > number of Ist lenfrom rmdeolo of the Nwih-UrM of tb»m froo:No* Eogltod-shioh otlodo froolj to Iho politiowl cooditioo of tbe cjoctij;' • They r]) QUerl/ repodiale tbe idea of eoertfoD and war RS rerolling Rod Rtrodoos. They allude freely io tbe prevßlliog depretstoo io btuiiiees, wed io daige to the meu gloomy forebodings for tbe woTkiog desses, If war is forced opoa the couo ir f by the oow Administration., f i Another soys thst “If old Abo iosisls t oo war, It will be opened In bis own household, Rod ib tbetbeetreof tbeirlate Iriampbe Ibe Eepabli otos will celebrate tbe dealhdanoe of liberty. Heaven spire as snob a horrid wake.” Toe reports or the town elections thrangh New Tork States cootieoe to iodieate Republics* gains; The people bare nolebaoged their opinions tinder the pressure of treason. : j m ] Ncwase, N, J., Thursday, March lB6l—Ba r county, on Tuesday, elected 15 Republican Freeholders and 3 Democrats. Mil Dodclas is not dead yet. Tbo St. i Lonit Ut aid has bis oatno op for. President id 1861. Rheomatlßml Bhenmatitml BbeumatUi i! ~ It la wall-known that bathings, elotmanUjandaxton si Applications, only drive fibanaatlsts from qoe part of t ie system to another. BosniiioM, with fatal results. HC I PQRKffi' SPJtCIFIO -uOSdEOPATQIO RUKUMAT 0 PILLS often care the worst and most protracted can v This simple medicated Boa|a Put wit! do mors to eradktfe 1 the disease then qatutllire of erode medicine*, and baa cored wten all other ineane bare toiled. Piles Sftcents per i tw*. Sts boxes fbcfl. : WH* Sd* 0«»»R*1*S UowoaorAtiuo Braernoe, with Dusk of Dtroctfooa, and twaoty different' Etmedtee.ln !fS** taoro f eoc ***' V* dlU«bto plain deea,st; 05.3 boXM, and Book, fa Slagle buiea, 36 mala and 60 Theae ftomadlae. by the alugle boa or ease, ne sent or thapietUflJofsAcftot lur PitUborgb. tnlitoalAwlmT ' POLITICAL NOTICES. CORONER.—SAEDKRtO BKSE, “I«». tMrt wild.P tubanth..lll b.*o.riU,u|,f SSra"i™. b ,Cl 10 d '' Utoa ■»" KrpoblkMOoqoi; —.- • tthltla SUERIFE.-ADAM WEAVER, of lfa» ftenmth ward, Piiulmreh, will off t tbs B»publ(raa Conrantto-*. . fcilfetoaaawT n^»SUERIFF.—JoUN AIKEN, of tho Kltbth ...d, Pllulia'ib. .11l b. . cuildM. ( r lh. WO«>»>iskiß° lJ ' e< *® lh * 01 ,b . Bq/abteu Won. ff^’?,!i l 5 K lf' K ~ JouN MIELEK,uf East Colllu. to.ublp. 1. truditU . fur HlMrllT til lh ‘ c i fc'f'—Tbo friemla of Geni J. ®-iNRQLhIr, of Oolllna tow&sblp. rreMCtrnili dree U l* t«Mlo ~r.ln. IoU, t£bl. UitS'llmu r** rCT *"' l mk, f “ , hUcUlmbi.T.r, caodiler.|lou. At iL- V* Io tbe dletrkt roHilrdlu ihiatfflce ira>MIKKIFF.-HAKKY WOUOK.ofFce „ tle. lO»D*‘!ip, uka UlB tiit— Df b. ff|<.u ,J ; UUo U. StpttUk>n buDloUlo. Kir «b.rlff«l AII«lu,o, (Juoit .111 not alio, him l!in i*i(v r!nnit* bl (xannln. Ut. eoeaty .ttd ’/Cni:..itc' O-FORSHERIFF UUoTIS. FLKMINtT to Ut. d. Wo. o, lb. nepoblicaa CoeTealloo. Ma-to fillKßlJF—lißNMf U; LEWIS, ,7 of; Bbsrpstßrg,.|j a candldale torßheilffof Alto Rhany copnty, aubject to lb* Rapoblicaa ffottioatins 000- ; J'tolLte nS'OOON'IY COMMISSIONER.—JOHN "f "»-'•*«; fa,. U £!*)«, u . a^U• *«W-b of tU RepQtlicßß Onjbtj Ooamtttog. ».s : . / t-iztr. OA PTAIN - ®?** r **• CWr UJWOtMp, nki (be Tote* U)a oooituulon fur RrolhoooUry of Albgbeor eoan.,—the iaflnaity of fcfe Ufl h*oil; bot allowing blo lh» opportault; of ! frater»inc UwfOBBUy end easing (two all. Static O. HUM Z, of (ptbeatwYn office, robjoct \o (be of r he lUdoU lte*o OootbbUoo. f.|4Jp ins* PKOTIIONOTA K Y.—HiCUABU p*NV«ft,uf lUvmt* (ovtrtblp, *lll t*MpporUd br the *U>T« tnbjflcl to ito rto of tt,# IUpuUJ. iJudlic Jlotimi. . bbtorb' thrTyoumj “*2. CUMATIAN AW>CIATIiM fu¥ ALL*. I OUBNT.-T'TXH'MiturUMv IU« Sv 0 ; 0 0 **•» ••■MUNISAF BVRN|So, Uwcti I IStb. »orXOKU‘IuK4iA!.I. ;!’ aodUl.torto KMB|oi«M(»«f Tjckrli, |ii U h»yjk toil iini itorM , Mdal tha tba*. CLalmno I<^rturw j TCS* Wil t UR « RollvlpTf THB I 4j-2 -UfPIUBoI U>* JUtMKDIMI tt»HULAfOH a*. *“**• lor th. (JiAi'nc ptvb-ff «a 4 tjflt. ■lJicubitwt l iimt Ina bwu itint io I da**rm >S3-' t£m wfiti? tUMtCaCatnltwit. IlitO UitilLlt I Mttifcanb, March u. istu td m— »V ta«i.ta»Vm»M». ! THUA. U, MOW,. Pl:Ulur.t). iUrch 11, ik . " SJiai IT?* ’ T.»A*o'«>Ki-un i iKjs Wuiwji, ** Brttlinm, Cownrrvmrw *ut uiSf 7 jtosfSs' on atCOlcego, fit | IWMtaiMfUrXtIfGAI.OLtriROAIV !"■£! S bwT n *‘Nߣ!a!“'‘“' ~,OT "'’ 10 " 1 *; ■?“. l to«s!SSi‘ki 0 "' 3 ’ 10 Mr** “- I .* DOXJ.II.gAWTBfT GUM BELTING AND-GUM GASKETS •bleb vill ftUsi] aoo> rtbnlh^i “i® »w»tcol«l will t*i dlmiobb I?i|{s!u* f"t At IS« !*Athar BUm ut U • DM l. Aun» CT WooH. "blKjw L'KATiIKB BELTING, of (h^STf E^iem mka. aib-Unri*}, all «lu«, whJth will rna wUfebai •wtfaln*,andWilli aparbcl Iwarlni to tbo Doll./ik tV isftr&s “• D ‘ ® u&T.'&sa: JSMOVAIt—Jt XI. PALMtSK h'a,sro. n«k (>4 WOOD BTBICRT. m.Vwfc.lBl, SS Mr “ “ l ’*“ W “»««« KTKtrfToSiM Selected Urj Hide*, aft • 2w D/J nrp*. Mwtcd,• 1 Urate M*llcd Cotiotrx. for nt« bv i * M, ...'. ; . ' •TMUiiaji.sffluitrty.t' T■* ». PUILLtPA. fTRANSPAKtSNT UKKJSNOIL CU)TIi Do* of dia»« wlau*, luomm tit>aL yoofety. - : f.llLißlUlfg, JMtoSSßrttistmrmg. W. At ». ‘lHJlftjs, H Comm- of Market anal *'ifth ttresta. NEW' GOODS! New Good* I Now Goode! New Good*! New Uuodr? NSW stflus or BPR into GOODS JUST OPB.SED AT V.AD.HDOUB’.OQRHIU FIFTH AND MARKET STS, w.a d.iiDauy,oor 'ißu fifto and uarkvt btb. W. A D.QDQOB*, 008 .IR FlffU AND MARKET 6T3. FIFTH AND MARKET BTB. SW WALL PAPKK STORK, No. 107 Market street. Bslwyto Fifth and Überty streets Tha snbeeriler la now opening A NIW ANDLAROI gfOCK OP PAPER lIAIHGIRrGS Bmbracing a completa aaortoant, FOR DWRLUNQS, StOKRd, OPPIriES. - UALLfI.COCfIOnM, Ac, i£hS! C h«» WOnlJ *»»«• the attention >-t tlio S23S£SS " T00 ' 1 »' <*«»*» •ttSS'iTSixS'y oooM - 1 " "**■* -» JOB R. BUOHBB, IOT Marfcst at LANK. ROOKS— °«n BOOKB™HD»a «:-■ ssaSsr^'^'S: WM. O. JOUNSTON 4 CO., mh!B Blank Book Mute, 57 Wood at LKABKB—Ulaoka lor Leadio? Oi m . ia WM. Q. JOUNBTON A 00, PoUtaber*, - alll> . Btntfann tod Prtoteti. ST Wood At. A. Card to the Public. Tm AmpQDt ef bodily ud mental mlfiry arlalng from a orgtact ol mill eomplalnta U Innkalabla, And II Is Ibtre for* of the atm cot Importance that • tlrlel attention to the Mt * ad WflJoy bodily allbm&u should be bad; for lb* body Invariably affect the ulod. DR. MOF r*rs vcoktaule Lira Maotmara.iD i uttar . ****** ,b *y fc * ? * »*5 nafh)r'oard > ba..TSlUUPQaD orra Dißaaaa in an iu diTmiGad on>. ii,, >*tau»r .ffacta ol tb. LIU Hadldmm b.u, lo Ucl, t«„ „ nnlremllr ~p.rUu»d,lb«t Uuj b». bbcom. mil, mub. lUhrf m (bn mat nnj.Wh nod pnLni mod, „f t *ftr offered to the pnblle THESE MEDICINES Dave now boon before tho public for a period of3flTMu and during thattimo bavo main tained a man cdaßacver ini almost KTIBr part of Tm globe for the extraordinary cur- RtiTe properfiea which they poaeesu. IN MART THOUSANDS of certified InatADtsa, tbey bars even rssouao borrmto from tbo very rnoa or am ovriwnt oaiv*, ifur all tli«« dertyUro nostrums of lb* day b*Tojt.r«rtahly ratup. f*o Iwbwd, bat tbeir ] agrtwaliia <|<*ia goal apTrlMit; of | a geallo aop.»tBe. p'cm-V* Ibe lo« naibb. pe .plralko, *f aplaseant diuretic, tor>«o*al«tg lb. ki to»y. ao ,j bladder, eod of s delightful tunic rardiac.ranosg ep|*tiUby 1U« d«naiw*a,>f arliie dlgwlkm. and cb«ri u g wit 6 thel graUfol e*iia|.»> r*un*.u.l h>.ilh In . b w >.m i.r lb* wiio,,.. |l^r b ,ln r„ i the pihenix bitters BodtUf.tefoel.ol (rum Ibalf e.l..:.t*t,u»g pl.w.r uf eieaUoß j Dew lifaead aUeugih, u it »tr» itom ibi tr»y atbee uf Um most dUapMeled cmeliUUoM-e,. iuor. eUoagly teuto ! and more lootedUfoly fortgeretius tbse the PMIc roa talbioff tbe eaaa choice rentable extreotsM the Utter U adlSereet madfeatiom Although really jeeecalbarUctbao the Lira Puis, they ntT#rtl»!f« begin to ctoanee the all- Bfootory canal mocb eoamw; gwrall, UlghUy o{araUsg ; •Ithlo three or bunts, sod ptoioclsg e deciihd mu* of relief to the Head and Ptomacb, end cablleratlng tbe Utod, ena in l«se time than this MOFFAT'S UFJS PILLS!!! Of IK. H.ut.bleK HbuJach. or Air Toni, Ibtu Pill. Min be room! UpMMKU. BHItUIOUU, efflcAcy, MOFFAT'S PIHENIX BITTERS I!! UaTe beeD hsppilj m&l f or the cur. ol Fivn abd Acu«, with ihyabiablx buccinal J ■nuaci cvapuiin. «i|i a book op ctnciu 49*A **U-4*in}lti*d sod propoiU-ocitecatnUir of LIU J^2lKls!Sr D u b,, * , T ty * w,,,,Wu *»«» PrtiSloool | MAd bM|ik->U at-moUIM dlfMtfae tad kt apt (ba istuti ***** On tb« other “°5 ** •**r»taod*oet of bU« csimm frmoaot moms hi ItWMome^uii!often piuMn tmj wrifi iUM4iof tfi» ****i Okfa iCßitlAn ood in doth I Du Moffat's Irffo Medlotnea HI Bkoflil U Uin Is tbs UUI kVMM of mitotts eooplsli •od If pwsmrod Is strictly s'eurdiogtdihrfctlout.s roftnimi truer scout i PILES* PILES! i»JLES* -2. M .. propriatot ol Umm Tatos »©**sd •itb I ** **%[** ** *<•'>: sod that b# u»4 la T»lo w.7r I ! l*:P™ ,e^b " d •Ua»sU»s»boUs«apsi*otlb*J|*i#rt l i **»*fsdldsswbJX I 1 .* ho * mb|k * b* »tt tarsi iotTK* •#t , r hi* ti«4Usabrooi*tad aitubij tn , iippoultL, 1,, «>, ba B ,J MOKPATB | Life fills and Pbocenlx Billers m £2*£ , " , Z?*’ k ' «““•»'» Mil«» M i ?*Z **£ m *-b B » tod crostio* • ff*»w of p«r*; buiibv tils. amH*?* *** • sfM Had; PUTtrutSr Lm Aurora. Humott, Hub«uii, imumuim. hi m. *•** Aniltr. Lsmcuc, tod MiUbnHiT. Mkk in Um _ _ . THE '!• ' LIFE MEDICINES« . UIUI m a»» I ito Ootunna. vim thfir mecy welt koe«a atuarfua, SUvuttand Si* Utadacki.l)2m*u ■ OUJmtgi, D<*ri*ta, th4rtb*r*. JypeiiU. to b* veaMy.euperfat t! l»|lhlB| *w Mbn4 Limb* of the TteUm had baao opon b* I lb* bMallab.iedlseaea,eraproted bf andcaUbl* aetborll* <*■ (hit lafoin tbca>aaiTea,'t» have been romuloUlt carn.l by thee* purely VrgetabU Ifedlcloer, after ait others had beta ftaad yaota tha* ueleoa. N . i Aente or Inflnnimntoryßlienmattsn)! ABTimoiiA cnaosicA, cmcimosic UIIKUHATIM]| T”,* wa,t ' Tbeaa dlaralea, which are aaumg the most palnfal aod. b* btooraut triatiMot, iba ranet iamterita to *h(cb aaifcHu fcanaaity |» liable, are cvup. iptedily and ptrmani%LlL curtd, bjr a proper eonm of the Lin f>ma ai*t Pumi>- tlirma. ■ : ' -f* MOFFAPS PILLS AND BITTERS 11 Bat anaacamry toaaomtratatbamany cabala vbicb lbom partly frgrtabla maritrfrai bav* ba»a aQM » fab bat I*l aa luqnli*, I*by tralhay *o umTittifc |n that* happy cffeeor • I HaeoßM (buy PCfiltr Till BLOOD, am) ifaaartttotaall ! c*qm of diaava la tba ayatam. -B*«oatfbay octpoowfally opoolba mchUom of tU body, and faawva aft tapmrftim at oeca. BreaoaaUwy do not radoea tba ■yttom. bat tavigorala (t —t- oa, rrqtJrlßf bo natratal from piattara or baalamb datlag tbatraporalloQ. . TRYMY MBDIUHESUI Tty trat a Single Dose of the LIFE PILLS!! : TaV TIIBB! BB fATISVIKOI! OEOUBEOIII • ' *ftBPAHET»BT ! 08. WM. B. MOFFAT, : 339 [Broadway, Sew York, Andlor«al«fcfillDraabUtsdHaßteliMOmUtc Prfc* . t ill*. 3ft cenw t*r Ixu; BUlm, SIUO i*r U.UI*. i ' tAhl&lul • !| H AUjvKALSI i. ” ,! BALIfORAU! BALHORAUI vßbuotMfesJutoiMMdtbUAaj. . ■ _.r Rid Glorcs, Comte, aod .other New Goods, •owopaate*. a sauoi Lovi,r« vvfatit :R*to aihmusnnfnt* JJATIIOSA’OIivF" —".. - *^ rnt -- Munu.'enrfkru. rra'asdt atmbotinu c._ Th» lllmnlnaur of m. Day. °U*r ud olorlMN Id (MUM iKluuuUi la odor. mbll-lm aoui> tiuscß i TWO POPKJL4B PANORAMAS. PUB BALB, ON BABY TB&US. iaqolrtlt D B.fKRQDSONi QBOOIftT BTOKV, mb,i 'Oorwef W,u >>a d i IMPOSING STONES, igd othar m.UTUJ tor W,un un>lu».lor «l> UAZrtTiuyrioi ¥*swi£&»MßJsssfsss^ r«BT.t)AY BRRMONB o,Aos,^^i^^!s^,a«?™ 00 ’“ ,, • : , |SJ , ff i £oN^ASa, , S , o?£? K O,L! ■V■ RT EPnuFFiFm*. MERCHANTS AND MILLf NXBSropi.lJe*let LOWEST PRICKS. EATON, MACROM * CO. mb, ‘ _ . _ 1? Fifth Street. Kbe&. PM~rrta. it SBBmB mUERNuTOWI*, llnlint i i ■ „. nl -. ruu.irtb “oi. ,2? l» tan taw.l Cbd.ta.lH in,» miShg: iTtauS^* ' iJSS r.CiVtah. Jl??o#-iSu;-,3Bis:::::aSSSs;: “.15 Jgf tod every hood, too Pier 41. North. Blrrr. . **t£l «r PAStASE : f ISST Ci M■' ■utorMdby iU«*OM T. LAHQfOaD. MaKSS'*''•-rra•**«—.■ ItVSSo. ■ _l : ' SE225&?’ , nCBKE & BARNES, kt Ui, *ild l,UbU«]iAd Hu, Butoto. ■ Amu Win I3t TAlri tb— , P URNITURE AND CHAIRS, iAT ‘ V /' REDUCED PRICES. James W. Woodwell, : #m. 97 and 99 Tbird Uhm, * ' A9O - HI .eTBKKT,i oosttjruto or j ■ Varlflin of Slylti and Flniib, * . • • bOTTABU ft* '?*£ : mM< poxau.poarorricr ALLtGHtar. ' ft t»s ai TBt 000971 T. dsrtsg the Summer, «n»u«. l B# «»o»of the faiwaya «i(b n hilf riJo u. dty.—> “Mac**U«ima OrncK. ; uUjUi^r WANTED IMMEDIATELY--Proposals fer BOIUNQ AN OIL WILL, At New noreoca, Weatoorelaad fiooty. Pa. 66 milee ea»tof Hiubargb.wj tb® nßa'i Ktlirpul lUfertiKi> (rqnl'nl Applf by letUr •* P«*»il7. J N M'CAttTNKY. Secretary, wbliauii , N«« narbc tHI and ttiueral <\> WANTSjj—Active ttasinena Aleo, touko Tbrr« fhanw la • o*l Company, amt cotwJoet the J*®®*** Woooogsbela Klfof. ImprorrmetjC* ta good wtekingsrOer far partlralara (aqatr* of a»I« ÜBNBY 6 KINO. lU bus. Clover Seed; fT 600btu Timothy Powi.ty L.Q. QRAFF, V ‘a: Llbettjtf. ‘ A GOOD, j CONVENIENT OFFICE TO LKT, 80 W£TKR BTRKKT. ‘i _*»* iHAun men ay * no 100 Agents Wanted! . TO CANVASS FOR 1 SVSOT AHX> POPULAR BOOKS These works include the Most sale- A BLN BOOKS PUBLISUNI*. ami Agetita now ia onr employ are making - From $5O to $lOO per Month. We gtre inr/jfrnlj the KXCLCSIVK OONTR*L ol any frumd nay agree to caoraaa Porlall Dartknlar* and OatalogDe of Books, adJrce*. ImmedfAb'l}: G. IfF. lIONT, General Agent Office Boom 3il Olrartl Applicant* toey eee Ur. U cat at Girard Ov&m, from 12 to I and from 7;to 8 p. m. ’ : FOR RENT—A. gW OmcCcoSJSieii Jo the Depot!, lo rest, and Storage If beetled; - ftg BAWL H. FLOYD A 00.. .UP Liberty at. j FpOU KENT—ihe fine new WAKEUOUSE, No. 349 Liberty atreet, patteraou'a Bow, will be retsttd toagi-od l«t Inquire of 1 ®»bU b KODOKBS A DILWORTO. ! To-let— Tije" laimje warekoom and BASSMBNT, No. 61 Pourtb itreet, reci'ctly occaprlrd by The Adame ffxprtwe Co. Apply to fcaaimi :j ilii. kato«.i? nniiaL I OIL LANDS K>R SALE.—Twenty Acre^ 00 mllee Iron Banting Snrtun. ' Inquire at 4& Market at. > ohlll w j WH. UURIUT. ! fft Jin t fj^^ W T~T a, - nr f itorr atlc * Btrre. rtoJ A fO Apply to ■ Ij WATT ft WILSON -!!! Li Nn.»6B Liberty atreet. ;| SO mir^iw A^^i r ~ Vft* * oar 110,1 ****** «VABi» Si, P.,iH a 7* ItßAUcm Liberty atreet, No. 449, in. inirw or /oa.». LsicaTi 00. : **** j; Mo. 444 Übffii atrawt. §Q M*CAT'i^a&«ari HI itifc i^J n Ooataloa 5 aena r»t lA.V* NUCsb The mnnds an planted with ehetee Ae. Kent •IGUperirar. 0 >il at once on ]j a. u'LAIM ft 00, ' - mhl '! No. »Bt4 Foartfa atreat. h U’OK SALE-—An OscUJating ENGINE, A of a boat fir# bore# power, witb cylinder Boß«r*boGC tu feet long mod pp inchee diameter, ealtable far An Oil Well, or oUief Ilgbtiyrortt, Ibr aala cheep. loqnln at G+ l mUOffiu. 1 laSlßAitf 1 AMD FtENCI TO-Uripriig Two-fetoried BrIUKm JVHfc** wiUl **“*» Roo® •»<* Dios Ar*ru.e&l« I Bs *««»od t«k CwtUg* Uoqm, *Ui,b *t>4 j4d atanionto* nw of Wfloty UuQMCoolaliitalt UiDtDojera iaorote -Bito»t* rw**r Uio OruT* Yard*, Second ward, Alls* ***•*>•. Pi«kM*iiA clrtn latte.n*Mj. Inquire of JNO Jtf. KIRKPATRICK, " ?4 r«anb rt. A .vruHK ON MAKKKI' BTRKBT, wall fiolabad sod comptatalr faroUbad Id aiodern atjrie. KeolflW. / , » Two well 114 tiled • iWdOOD ttOO*.«, Ulal, ntr+nd aod BUM ap with a otesfeut entrance oo Third Mod -elri on Market afreet. H»ul|KOauJ JUi. - ~ . A AMBKWtPK KeTAULHUMBNT, wltb'room* fttmtjleo • “ Barcral aecoad itof) .aiubla tar OFPIQIMZ Ri-n. •root $i to flo p*r mouth. - R. 0 OiZ2iU,wu*f n> rJmJMirktuii ahlirt* c i orju Ht.Chu-h* ftZul, V A LU^BLI!?‘PROPERTY FOR SALK.— win to offered L.r Bale »i Public Aocllou, oa. Ths ooTUSRDA?, the Dtb iUj of Aprlt U>B S , HiiiiN f f. l h r^« 0p ‘ “** ‘ bat ver y d«ii»WflU>ror UROUND, bvriDcafivnt oo Bt. Clair atraeCof l»tj (wo *"* • l^J! **** t *»d extending back of : equal width along pQqoooa Wajllo fort to an alky.* : - Txus or Bate One fcorth caah, aad the bale cm la tbtee i wjoal annual with lotareat. ' - _ JoUN IRWIN, pmidcDt ?,; AHpgb»BjFD«p«-Mioa Bri:*raCo. UtllSillss ?SSSJ2K£Sir , " Ul "“*- u-^S’SSwJS bJblj. B> l y , fßlt l Tr,M | la • aoi ehoJ«» ***j*s , **» eotalaj tau> beerier ceadlKjo: See UrtM /h B**’l'wW.tlift■ 8 **’I'wW.tlift■ ruiitr of tmul fruits. T*o Dwell lose, »«UW#, *ed«ood »*•» will dlrld* to rood ednaUt* taio •was 1 A ¥. , P,?f uca »*«•*: op rAu iu coaL «»l>»r*rtL n UU * *P* ioUiwt of sUd Arookl to alot ■• .■ERae**' ini*—rt ct tt«o7E*rooM. ahutm ‘UK WELL-KNOWN patKsixppcsoßf roB rest. i!A!!|l ! n *** r * Uo ° u «*• ** f»o»» in ttweeqnenae oT the **££L&f>s* *£***». tto IttoNSolM Ixmlin*. Tbrwdury brick, ifa roof Bolter kooa 2ft by SSltf H»c &*<;-Cl»Dla*Ruo*a 2& by lsftetj Z?!SS*J"2 4 2 b lt « < *' Hm» Boon SO bjHIU Lorn* bt IffFltterMUbi I !Work«ujs Xtea 26 b> (2 fcet, Air (&• above : roo»t ere veil kod vnitlUUd. •" ow | t ttao , bdUbn • cmariete M d I F*Mabi, raitebte 6>r ike vested UmbJ* {•*■* WQ.trj.wbkb«Ul be J»pu«ld.*-w,fiwSii I£ “*S!?ZZ£Zl'i;’£ p ° rtb “- “ "■■»»“> •» Palm, ltl ,»m> &'m? 1 ” 8 ” 7 - I I LAND.—Tbo aubacrib- A«noflwr fe-rttUon htonbU term* dx hundred km woteelA&da, tittulod la Wrlgbt toj eeentlM. taU. I ft ?? *^° ? * *^^* J* *?M lev for cuh,er excheoMlfor ftrata, lud> in tl>u wwWoto, ow«ta: ““ A ABJlttJ J «■ »»*.•. rw-fif iSTyssSuv.. M«» »ort ITOBlfc. Amt ' itiwt PltU&fgh. WHEELER & WILSON’!, SEWING MACHINE! No. 27 Firm Sraair, Phtsbusob. FA IB 8 or 18601 w HEELER a WIIOON i'wprdedike Pint Prtminrael ike Dnitod States Fain Ohio State Fair Illinois Stats Fair; ;, ’ Wisconsin Stats Fair; ' lowa State Fain _ Kentucky State Fair. Tennessee State Fair; New Jersey State Fairs Vermont State Fair; Chicago Mechanics’ Institute; . lamisyuta Mintbanics* Institute;’ o j Cincinnati Mechanics’ Institute; ; ■ I AHogbeny County Fair, Pittsburgh; I > sac oilier tx*uaf j ft'n, too luuowom to moaika J WK offer to the public WHEELER A WILSOJFS IMPHoVkO BKWINO ftUCUINX, ' . AT JtKDWJKD PRICKS, i : vitb loemw*) cooa.t«oo*(aiU marJ.ta u tbabut Httt&Mt rMiabU Fusllj tewtug Mactiinaiiow in rm. It mw «Uwy if »i4l OO itfkailbilatt Btlleb InpiMßtble tonorardt, with'tb» twoUtl adraattf* of Lelng allka oa botk aWca, forming no rUgac* efcaiacm (b« muter akin—4a Bfmplrla cooMroctioo, not* nMdt Is BowMnt, and morn dnrabfo tbaa any otter maciiioa.^ , Wt(lf«(aUlM(not>Mi!to mbblUpoitbiMUM ordinal? mbi, ttlfeb, toot, MU onllt. ratw, ht+A tack, ml) oa Uwmer mint Itfdribrw, Otrealara, cooUlnlcg teatttoootaii from ladfet ortfa* blah. tilthfC gratia, on application to penoa or to latter. , j tewing Maefaisa Nr*iU<*ilk,Twbt, Cotton *nd OUcro- Btaotly wa baud, ■ 1 _ mifelfdAwP SPJUN(i; GOODS | IITE ARE NOW RECEIVINGA CHOICE „ BILKCXHTOOK ()|r GOOD 3 lor Mr FPIiINQ >ALBa, wh|oU b*r» bMB MlretMt *iib gk*» ifcaaukm! cjrtsuA(wlcoAQJ«)iUbM.laU>* ."r* 1 Bicimeta or aid stvi^k V«llu Falroeu of Pilco, svaPAsa Airr goods ofikakiwU^ jfar® opewd la IhUrJtj. add Vi-oti rMpscirallv nllelim &£ *2225*""“ If* 2 Samuel Gray & Son. I : MERCHANT TAIfcOBS, ; ' »» yi>Tn ! maaspn .BSF™* * «>ao«i,*a, aiTiKoFuu, is rot- WHiW WALL *7A*'-ICUB -HXJK’UI. r: ;. W. P. ltnillll.l, eSiants. ANTED. —The advertised wan*a Boaid- •v wkkb mivlii kXCLCgIVBLY BT SUBSCRIPTION. Sau «f ao Ait. wm »UMS»R. f ■■■■■ I Suppaut« ; V No. 97 Wood Stool. -■-.arm ofDto—Mlto. AMUSEMENTS. PIT TS B OR G HTH * AT R JB *- Unm**A Mmiif OT . Ml «- w .w.ninmoi. L Liu. rn«*Mc»oja. Doowopon M 7: ccrtirtriwMT^ Isuseoae tsmM of lI.OYD’B MIrTBXIU3I.S 5 ■ 88t.., perl***, l fh« Blis of th> rrcUmkx.l Will ISEVj” "Htpprau-h.t*, EUitoplM tstsrtslnswita. (> T. u tympiMsd of first clssa srtbts, wlmid from £<*[»• l« lb. n.l a Obsersa Uw list A«ir6os^ , »S rch - Ct,,rt '' »<*. 0 »■ WsoboU, So PM wTJ.ZTL*}™- O. Uoi. » U^ J -BblH. f r. Usslsr Slbsr- Wlll “- Hojrt'.Brs- hod,kd «oos »»'«>"» «•««•* prs- Tocomusscs «itb tbs Isnsbsbls tarts »f ffianog-rjatißic. EftTI&S ’ GKO. A. PRINCE fe CO’S, Celebrated Helodeons, Frleea frea $l5 to MOO, Int arrtr^. tiNAHLum luma CT yirtH itrMt. "W Ml»w BvJldlac ~ jjJEW PIANOS AT (ITS. CAWI. JUST ARRIVKD, At tbaPplaadM Ni« Plim Wararoom, No. 04 Ptrib IL, “Odd |p«ilom> BuHdlur." •J«aw PUaoa OH ocU Fancy Alatle BUa7aFos At Unusually Low Prices. lOn 7 oeh Boatvooi eaa» t tie-in' n mt i , ‘ Ur ”' SSto?! mkl« tr ft*T«», tucoß * Co, m I °?f. 7 -2« IIQ 5 wot s ' ft»BA«j brOhiohrtn/StCS:.,!*; • „ | °li‘*g2S,V^. u ' r, ““ ru “- fotchula** cheap PJ*an#k §sloiS_ fQUAa* PUtroß, and < !u%RW fO3K ;.i«?7P *«,* warranted lor fiVB )£iS9. 1W eall end exaaioe before parcbaalog elaevb re ' , !H. KLKBBRA BED, M Filth «, _°“ M fa»» *K«»te far BUlawart UnrltaUd ptuoe. business fiotites & ©Oanacs. TThISSOLO HON. —1 ho Co Partnership ■ JLJ, h«.totn. .lining M.HI th. oi„l«r.l,iKd. on j„ Ih. Ihn. 0.0... A .1,1. "■‘"‘‘fry*’ u» *»•*»» litbMitd b»r». b.riiij do knoiudn ot £Tr„!S*r” t “‘ t “• “»r 1 ,*«n»iiAi.iSra£S ( . Bl; ODDBy. Dm,^ —_• J3#tfßßiiaaiLl Ift. ffHK new lieilal Fafluemup. gjm *= MtJNSON. tml.*:JonMd m,fdrtamu r ud ,Oc\t ! ‘ No. 105 ruth atieet, i_( Aftw doors »bav ( the Po.l-omoe,)\- WTOIOiD call tbe aitemiun or the Poblio i 1 "T. to > * ir Wpertuf raelHllwß for tb« m«pqf*ctnw ; fa S. 6to4 “*““ a *“ d <«u»i«. “**• ! i!SJS b *S;* «M»iaoM Seta, tee l m a— 2£2fS™ . h k u “, v 0“*«HT«. «t • etatli .J MagneUo iJjy neea’c Magnetio .'5 ry «*®9. 8 Masaetio I Ary Aaod s 24aRQ6tio WKmaU’• DUim, o! tlx U.lud IMbcteodc 1 JoU.“ niiin-i *> lniufcEtpoblle.aMv ml| H - 1 »Y«CO.UT«J«~t 'l?** KBUJSVU 'HUFttßura bw been the I aox%l stock of Ueoto.FßrtUWag «1>«