lip* * *• ° « •. i }~ i v- a masterpiece of art, the worth h ■v, *i J j'i ’ll—- it is scarcely posable to e«iim«i» ■■ .* '.'-A' ;-7-- . nine io nomber, weio presented by .Jr i’ 1 ’ 4 li’’ “■ “ t ' i- ! ’ ‘ Kiogrbl Sardinia, to-do&n, r v•. ■. ■ u . rrQko.of Marlborough, b Qtwero hidden,from i _ public slew tOl the viat offjir Joshua Bey i’ „ • ,A| W.*S, •" . c: :i .pnldato.Bfenhtanin 1788,wheabo.waaaoioici ’ " 4 . i i bljstrock with their beauty nndvaltio that bo *■ ‘ i ' £ , recommended their being placed Io n separate " Vlii'Xvl-J c ' ,mom of the lovers of the ‘■■ttiiityijhUK-oi ?-■ pictorial art. ■ ’''P-l;' |.7y. -''V•! ;. { \...Tea Breneb Emperor, berorepnttinu-thedn , isMng stroke to his graat .»ork,i■ • 7 ' ’.»»*«* .j?v\y: * s, Wv. *2* 4 *!j , ;.fy »it - ’:; V-' ■.-.’*■•■ '■•• ••-. .-. :,r. <#,feA . •• „•< - -c % IwV’.t..:,:; * ;. .*4: $!• v *■.' ?$» • •} ••;■-• ■ ' - , '»£ »t * V * £ 3*. . t* J “ ‘ p-'VxM-’ ;-.•■> ■;■!>; vv.i -;s%*s J 4-!” 1 C.l: *:A ,«4k ? ' i »s fi; *’ \ K.,-. wtoi .'K*-:'V-};'J(s py- :•*- »';K J:- f-; ’'S.-'vrf'S A. 414 ir-,' A j' -iisr- ‘'tik:- .h;»¥ ;.*.• %ii -s';:.;-- ;v*': :v •» ,>?•':'';4; v f ;l v! iC?,: 1 ®!:- .• j .- f .; *'•:: »"•*.• * • «j ; *»*,'. i v*. ■ .■ ■• iV -.'■v-'jT.'y;,-; - .' ; y-'.v-,-. . „ V- 1, »'.!.‘r';' . . .V , «;.•< - 1 l &- ■.,V •JV. T'J- i WV V,’ 1 ., J . ’, -IV"‘ , ;. ,4.; 'VS..^!?.‘.’ r ';V!i •;. ;■'-- ‘. -” : * ---■ ■•; ■'+>' ■ iv:.v - f - - , 4 - • * -i« - * <•■ V J , ; * ' . v.a’ : .. _ . * \ - t T ' ■sisJSSs?'.* £*l f j-sssru. - 4V» _.., la -all that wß attii dp; Bat.Uahifcobdadcgo*churth to beam* sssssssssagsss,*; (xUst eharcbee t 1 i "lnfinit- ■ Hu present .io(thit Union uof lobiu. Iymore-iinporteaco then *ll hstbook, tnet, , IhMectim Amelia, -rf the eye* of thopeo " * pl»ofUi»»cediiigSt»teah»Te|b«nso Minded] l % ihwdgsCinga. cotton ineds Out they an I i l- : ■ , eeono good in anything connteted withths ■ OracßtnUoft'ud tie Catos hendeddown to 5 Wby oar fatten, neither the labors of minie ten, the teaching of book contents, or the . <''*■' grace of -God can prepare thetafora better ' , '-world than the Boothem Confederacy. leave tduoeh Kdianal bigots when they «' s' let them work oat theirdamnition withered-' r f-'TneeS. , *l » *■" Indeed,it is tobo *•«. ' - • ngreUsd rthiioleidmg'.'inii&teii of' different 'H, * t^tonitom the Booth are On the stump, id ' ' »oaUngfiecesaion, denottodng the Union,and " 1 ' ,ftld^; treMOmbla « I thunenta, which ment *■ r *"* ' *—— — .1 ~, , CsomoH ss to Tikiso Fu- Clark aunty, Indiana,, •: - Jiowa. Ahondilei Wm. Baugh, and Robert "*»* jwt on iriil,,nfcentiy, ..chatged’i •; te fupliToslaTO»and.Uiiog i 4 huaback to h* master in Kentucky. One /, v?' - 1 toot an to‘quash the Indict menVtbe counsel - foril»defenoeind*Btattf both admitted the * i wd?*l*AS.dtok»din the case of Prigge ra. :-.&y ™.wOM*tonwealthofPennsylTania. 1. That * * - wimwißrhaaariAt to pursue hlg slate Into A“W and take hna bock' to tho BUli whence he eacaped, without pTOYing his claim to him under the Fogrtire Blare Law, 2, fcv-'.v.:.. iv : That the agent of the master had a right to *r;^s> m\ >-“•• .spoitoe and take back Iho slaro without snob _ *o* d.mtafartfangershouldtakeaiU. &OuiklaTefy' f back to his master* and l {S t *fW; totttcxsadopted tho t act of taking him -i,. ••• Ti ,i ..j.bacK as hla own act, then the person taking v ■,;i be the settled law on the subject The motion 1 ; : -toquMh hititg beeh orerruled, the defend. i ants,were |tned aodjacqnittod, tho gory not loaringtho box. The testimony did not show n■■ force or threats wen toed, toget the « negro tef go to the State of Kentucky# i. *’■* , A Ciißrrr Fisallt Du - , j reset) of.—We Jean* from a report, just issued V> ?f?X '■ i bvtho.ConiOMHMof Eolierot the Fcmbertott v ' ; ASill that, the splendid donation of Statesfbtthoirrelief, > r , - "OtainuDg to $05,831, his been final); ell da f , taraed for the relief of the cofferers, end the f ' fnendraiid (Retired of thtr deceased. 000 more death is recorded, that of Ellon Soach. - ? V' -■! who has neper been heard from ainco : that la-* V * ~V " makmgthetotal deaths eightr-eight. [. ■" TPd Committed hare had under their care du ■.. ricg their ramatrationa one hundred and sot euteen families and persona. For two peraOns - iKnraMyioiored, hfo annuities have been par . ■ Chased'ofthree hundred and fifty, and four hundrecFaoUiß each.—iZoton Nan. Oeo. IK Keyur. • Wholesale Dhiggist, 5 k p '* Asm *SO2>ICUrO-DBAM3B, ,» i * : v>'Ho. 140 Wood dtroet, Flttabnrgfa, Pi, S._ 8 3 3 3 TEOBSEB TOR Xttß OOftS OF HERNIA CuwT;' ~ - ORBOtTOKB. Radical Cora Tram. , . ■'• > -Ri tier's Tatent Trtuia. ” i - - FitoVe Supporter Trure. ” Pm*[*aa Uatrl,:ma% AMoataal aaC Salsa! . S* Fitch'rBUver-PlotedBappoiter.. ■" I »S , f-?9 , l l3 f fotitBßD J > P sftaoic “™ < >f Pil«. ,_*Uatic Stockings, fora'eikandTOficosiTeinr. -•% :>H»^'E>i» ; Capß,dbrWe»lt4n6B)oliitr. -Afikle Supporters, for weak ankle joints. ■;..■! 7 * "BalJ#oiojy. B»nil*gos.g' -'V'.; j ■"': lg -: i ' ;1 : . ■; tgßßHjoctißg Syringes;' «I*y omiy Utid of .•7:®-*®?'-p:7 ; :i p* T;;';;® f i which trill,rmE r „«dly-wrtfkl«rpi»'or Roptnre. . „ . L —;*#Sa ( s.fe*»f)T^ f fjo« f Wo.ldOWo4d«t f sign'of the Golden Mortar. y i aarkx laHnuaM»fcr DBirHasa »»i atlsetf stars i ' townoalrlafßrautelMlwyjCTt. :! - /■:' ■>■ ..!.: *t-*c™ Mtawmo ha " ctatoNt »t*jsnfta (sxprMß rant, ■ ~ -e. 4 -t c '~l '- ’ OK. Gko.Q-CaTSKO. --* 1 -.• — 1 ■r ■ ~ ■.- ■■■rreft.!’'. • . '. ; ;• s I®C!A*o*h«».. --- i i }'= r«•; - -;•, -’.< V. -«' r.'; v- - :>i ; j 5 >-'. i. y-.J.r- •N - * w v ?» a-t tf b iWt‘ n ‘‘c 0., * l,B * Bir *' STKKBnr. MiSfctrffffiJlSSSS > ‘'Viotoij" and •*4 ijo aad- 4 >Fowßi floiae; w J i i The “Capitol” ana “Eagje” Cookina KWri«w * I pith *tim EtyUifeulla cr oSS?&S?iSS p “• totjt 'Kiaatt: Knainalacr OritM i»ss» ( s^^*-fijSS2: I U*f, lt» mv u 4 b-ttlfaiPwfaj^lon, ’ iV^npUn,’’ fßloraoTM Th» ■&&» StouaL &HM a«wrjSfeii»»rS 1 awCvSfg^ o ”' r * vLucama«» i fa9tk* au^p*y P fWViitiwYa Z?. JSgESPpawSSp ! ,«aM*»Wai ~(, . •■>*<;,■ lmnuw, : ■ *B4 STOVE WO&US. A. BJt A D li B Y ;: Mttnfretorwomj wi^yol-. CUUU, PAKl«pa ABO ÜBATISQ STOVES, 9BA.TK J'BONTa I'ENDIRS. SU). St o. Sto. Tl 0 * HAVEN ASO N. [ JLJ* I■; BiBDnoTDHBM 0» - COOK, FAUkiOK And HKATING STVOVES. ““ Nsw Bo i U>»*u*nH“ tolfcW ■ •. p.m luvtHa ton. . ... ALLBIt, MOBOBUICK * CO. ' y A®V® ST. . vonsußv, I - rdTSß v Warehouae, fro. 03 Bti Clair atmt. fi&otrttgrmcnt*. P. QfCLBATBB'S PfiiZE HKRiL BUSSf 80AP! Snß ONLY GENUINE, pomesung a ff» jjjdcmqiy UJinr, m Urttaf nl daUateprfoa* nwiTtSydSwr o * l * 0 * UadtfaU»*iu tm luud ng* . . "SowarJ at Counterlhltol JL ““"•»! «•**. 'rt.aa wiadnr.oltn. ISJtOEt ABONBHd ON THfi pr.AW OHrorstwYoas: liiglnJUaßi, fißf CtiUFcrlijr, City Hall fiqnvo comer of Frankfort it, I&fpodt* Clijt CUl).} . H* l *.«tter ■») 4 < jrd * r **» *» tb» apieiNi Rafafary- T!urabt-B4ri)K«.£ijbp M4;e*lta iTtirbrttoilii : H; *—oi RnMari jidaickaiß. ■bo»rw*ar»foiL ' -v *-• .* ' J • oegilyj.B. - • _ BICHAHOSORB IRISH LINENS c -damasks, diapess, to. ' r(WBSUKBS--OP RIOUARBSON’S UN gtg,Badiho»dltra oitittrintMtoflmpiag :~ , Mnmto h :rnihm iinllilli iw>u.ulu.i qwatmasof tofartaraad WteUn llnmrirt itnmuL loOlctad sUkse* um d'AlMßßto tarwof th>«ittajßa Ooa!s. *fll ooL tmUij sttadoos * * avooou tj: b Locu, ; • tncu. SI to**, S»i Vert. 0 JLabrieating Oil, ; A % L w>wpßifckbP2s dctrrs'rsb kAfliVUV,««(ntlj(«bnlißdftr'«bbr . . -► ■.aixa^’uwns./ Aatolhi qalUlT,»| nfar.lo ui&uuhi ttrtifiatc / 00 *»in noiot fn&i« «• ini la J» n» tmt'iotm rwzfmwtlavmfi. XuL J-H-B-ilMto, : ■ °°»n ... ••■ • .- ■ ■ I coiis Mar co*u black * coxa I f-l ATiNQ pofshnsd th» entire interest of U-V m * l “* FuOnn U IH aril of BilUj, M'lUo * rw»l—isaw—asd-ta ftiffctA I «B CTiJtltfac -Orfsfrfas* ttnwifc ibilo? [ 4BoO*fr at tteTo!! tfoaa» of JfcsKaMafftb*t*feSdc*h«r I **/* ~ J “*^itTrnfriTtnwlrhrrnni|finSi^ t^ I; CULVflrfc* udOßes rimfet Is flow*Pfettbsrft ca* gOFr-fIHJBjI BHIBTINQ MUSLINS— .. JajttpMtd.Wynptricr ' ' ana JriaaXinelut a* t iußeupiELo, a co.’s. ■ |]Vflou'attajsa—6°i> bbi» pmutioh, m o»k I , ldr,Yrtuial CMn, (s Iter*. ■ > f- >«2 «*<«•«*•«*» vj X WbanWimiMHlllOHlll' >: .Tlb«rta*l)taStß|T*Ur.. ' ‘ .. -J <£- . *>*’ H.U*M»*iu> M IcrtJTlDf*. i-' ; % «tnu?»«*iiLwoirß, i I .wb.w ' -r . « umiiataiii: UKSTAKHI i amttoMr wtt' saw «m. ' v* ki» jeatndnrtina'u* tdv niintatvwnitMiu uniantninis a ibbcitt— »tiJ3nr good* , ■ ■■-’ q i»A»«DI»,XOTKT« Mgtit tL< BIjAN ttBOUKS— ’ LIMBBI. JonasAUL PA¥ BOOKS.-oaan aoot*, utdmrr dNttfptloa pt-Aoeomi Booka,oa hud oraula tooted ibituwmriMMloin|iiUnnM]ni WUb.W »ilhoaiß*faS«d tMtflM* b» mpuna, wit jG. JOHNoTON 4 00., ' ' ' Bpak Maked* 57 Wood «t i SUNUJMK Drt Peache*, t* |«c« MnrmcnM i rtttd» r • - ' I ‘ v “ • ‘‘V- r..,:-;*/ : r •. ■ i'i - • «BKNoirHi;Dßksftirrinbrnb'bl ' " *' 014 v • IgAUn PICKET A 00 rioNSlQNM£HTS^l2Oobug.Oati; ■ »■'"'•. «»do 1 fro* Ef* rtooi? ! • ; .■ . SWtral7aio4pPLE&^ ■ '•vvft tag* plckipbotTeb, • • »UpßT»MOSTl,fermUfc* ‘ ;\ ' *° ■-.! yimoft.M»Oti»li «L DUOKWUKAT FM)UR-Ssucka, ■ ui»»mr*«nnTos. bm. PrinwCtoref BniD appismo bcr ■'■ ’ lOMbpH&l; .• - ••■ wmt viuov, - r r7s bolea Pearl Starch;, •• O-Job*»pm»»4B<«cb r 1 * ,:& JO tru HvMC&ln, \ < - ; ipa t!U Pain wd OMm Boaatr fer Mli b* _J*m , - QußMoaaotx /iIDEK-5 r bbi; Obompaffue Cider, in rtore V, (ornl* by - J ' •■!,■. J.XtftanCLD am, i -i* 9 > f - - v rwSd. JiOU-i toa. Prune 'nwr.'Bioet-:7.c ; "- Jlr OQPPIHBHUci Pri— (MMfh *«■» fee ah b> i j.t , x BHBiyiE ATOLWORTU,: ■ M ueMsmaMape at; [\uprs COLUQB 'PCftS, v ftnh jappW litlHlHcU. WM 0. 90DXR0V >»EI-» BUMBl*fTlalfa—diriiao—WfcMlfaoe^i, :x-jMU)44 { :bbi U K’l«DCttdff I.Ncu 1 Laid; 3 lugs dojdo; laut^ula ■ r »W««amVnall*.; obi * * T|/f OIiASSBS—2OO bbtl» oak oooperage; w.i JU £obM2ib«*)[aoop«at«k>M L .i <• • rac’d parit'rflJlNr Wav*, lot a»l*to,'v ■: * «m, ,mwifcr**BmK»» t iat«t>k, * . Ctsoq a B-? fahfla..inetorafor-tie * by 14l r • IMUBMmydPI), / EAtt btt». £tr Cora, ne’d lorMhirf ■ m ■ , yimjanj.»oa- -. [jARIN-JSOkegß N°. l Urd, in «to«r£» ■ WSK? ° kV Z^irt. jjg- ItlUbmt}*, 'rassassj?* 'I-.fjT •;-V> ”■ / t [ «• [**■* U^MBOU>»elaißSMiwjuwttssJ~^ ' ExtrsctilK&n. ' ■» “«■*• —•■• T *-“- -—-If -ft ■- amfcittib? the ki ntlfcn;' i ' KWI* - <• GRAVEL AStr DROPSICAL SWKtUNGS, Di»u« UI „. HKbtfßtkUM BXTaACIF BCOnv» ta^SKS?-, ‘ «■* n&££*»S£: W#k«faln»* |HauNM«ff VlfiacL./ ■••■■• Palate timttt*. UwMwUrJtwl—, ;» • Hud* . fj gflj. Orra»ot t • - Smattoaief ihtiac* ' ItafWMMrt' nMliyt Kpeltptle VIU, h i ont tf- which tfu patient nay Exuire* tn " tu ‘ a ’ * • M lasnutf «Bd - ? TUC BCCOkD* or- TOE IRI4BC AITLDIM, . _ AodtbaMtfaacbolr Daalhaby OopjnmUlaa,- - Bear An?t» Wttnen la tkt Truth at tta AnAtltm. TUB OOBtTIfDTIQB O>OB AVffIOTID WITH |l ORUAHID WE4EIIEM, i Baaing UMsUefmadktuUßtrtMtbcaud: \ Which BdmbaUVßxliWßactm' A' rrUi vtu OocmoM im fli «bU«bL tamai ci~ rcmut-rißim, ■ OLD OB tOUfIG. SIKULB. MABBIBD. OB'COKTiM- FLATIfIQ BARB LAG*. ,I» mar ASmißu peculiar tb retail** U* fcjall cotnplatatt bddaUtoibaaai, vtiatiiar Aialac Lora ladiaeracteß, MchlUof *>la(ptUoa»oMß tea 5 -"* 0 DECLINE OR CtsJNGE OF UFE. . ]'■■ Km Symptoms Afore.• ■ . NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. . Takesomen Baton: Ucteanr. or uiUunt Uadiela* far saptonat iM daorerooc diacaae*. HBLUBfiIDd SXC&ACT MUCUU ■ ■■■ CCau ' L*. **CttßT DUKABBB iaall lfatfr«tMM> - : AtlitUeßiMaaa* LUlUorooebut. ,.CUt — »o Im m„.!£s i *^“* u *° rnfiaQac aaj earu* BWclorw of Um (irathre. «A?5S2£ Taja aad tßotß>auau.B;ao fiveorat la tb* due wtfjErS * u Pettme**,Du- uU end worn* i£k? ttd tad bata ditntap ta I l«lD . do . : • CuNWllUt I ' BEOKHAM & KELCY, " j ALLIUUBtir Olrv. I ttr«w«bcm ?«i. hhda. fair to Prune N/o Tft b‘U Prim N OlloUimi j ' /• Wdj bfura Bata'd l^agtr«.; . " ' / WMteiwl/cbSl Tct^co/ J »S? e *“»k» to do •«*«/•!.. 4 r| b«tW*o4« Tnc . «OcaUj,tMxc« ■-'*,; AtT JUo O/ff««; Ulr to / ; "»■ »#>t»<«(«!••ouaucbmfiiM(W • ..Wo do Dl7 T6hbla(Ao(r*OrwDAdvlmJ - 10 60 fmh F«cl4d Cm, > AM 1- .*./ CUNDKIKS—UATS— 7*J W*: SSSffifhT* I "'' CBBt»»-a»ta,ptla., JSSjy^i^^y WD,Tg *f»W|ri> j«»o / aoa«BT DttziiM, t oo L , t j b> „^ MAW hhOfc -1X& talh r>!r ( vrttM ntfdMtMSemv = / • lDOt>buao>lotMM«: ,r—- P«rrr. CorMteb* ' —g” = • »<*■ laopd 431 S>cood«to-t. TW PiSACUBS ANO aPM.KJi_a ton •owUodJo4tm« wetQumntrj,UmUbj -J* 3B MLAUH DIUIBT aCO; IftHUMUW 14N&N EDGINGS' “ ASDIBfUtIKQ*- M I ; ■ ■ BPgcantUKoai 300ai^i®[{»ATFU)UB; **» - ; tnUMK VAfrOOK&UL m ’ ■ • ■ ~t ttAa^TU ,p.RUIHJ6Xr*3O bblfc.KTelluor: • '■•' IT ClHtt*»tPQtomfV, ;■■■ - ■ C^NUttIKS-—3oobtt<,l>irTApp!es; ; &3!B^^lWK%jsS!!s£S?* AGolden -Ka«teU} j i 2 bote * ,ll *ort ia » ..;,:. •: d JV> Wtflwnnw- hHow fcrwUfcy -. *» ; ccLPAgmtPAEP.»4iub«riyrt. Mortailifnr.Bjt it '■ -. ■.!■■■ : rfcAMivtjKKHibn StuUiNQHAPiSS-38 boieaobolce Ureen 4tiwrtiiii,jms rac'd lipraawdar.faawlakT: wit , , UW.MMifw.tliui^n.i.: wssr l : - :H*AOSAL&AItBOCUB. -• - -U--i JUUWtyg. lIF IMTSK UUUIM going off * —" Tf 1 • v -I : • UM»*MQHCYCHBII». OUB fIPBIMa JTOOC wM U op4B*d SUf 1M«, jM: -—amagoMlovj. u*uu*u. >- JjAWN-JJama,:iShcmldpri f *n< _* lff '• !' iwMrgLCT&ZaijSrtj ■. IMAO MUNTBJ 7 £.« tt.w ItD.UIM, .U W»wf%BndO»lia»rM Jb»> ncMtt- • •■• -i ; ! BOttcariKLPagyg. ’ MOliASS£a-100 bbh. New Crop N. 0. ill klnU—.tomtTeps* tfr Milcom, (bn&br ; -iMH'-.'-i --, ; 3 Win * WISIM: - 1 i... :lUHcgVi(. ■ NKSXANIiS, Penilaclus. Card Cobbs, POTlmptirilrf. Pocks! Boo**, Hsatorasdiua Book* Bosk llaiUni, ■*’» ' J - - gmutWoiH sod third.tH. Fglllpp® 51 ®^ Ml .V Ull'H, * 00, B« HUM. rt. 0,3 eeatbat ;M»- >mair e.'Qou.THa. bbta. BCoffeeSojmv O iO Irblj A owSnB«fmr, ' “ . i: **•£•<» „ - _ , imini* »«onur!u. *u • *>Og^«U OIL-8 bbb, 1 —— ■V* . ■ I w«a> to. Tl*fN‘l.-SO bblt. Small White Bean*, lil ' I. t. CInULD t 00:, «** HwalwWaaKWini. 1- HITiUMUHiiiBt i groOMS-'* do,. Fgjojirooa^. :W7■*• UoaWTßCoj'” /IUEBSBI (JUBBaBIJ-ZS boi« FHiaa UR *» J** l ' ; nraaTH, SDITINO THB Pa tist? 'I r-'-^Vy BUT BOHX.WXUi ObRVBSI. i.o.aiitw.ffliuisrttn J ,/iS*BOVITOWROBBP, y* W PwtttkslTist, dost Übsny.' Removal— r. be llsrb i MMond to tiatr Jte« WmfcotoK ; - : ; KjIUK baLE-Go tond and to ] arrive, BPO X bWI GK tTOfl FKT&O&tOM, TInUU, XiltOUß—7oo bbi», E*&a FMxUy , ‘l6nia,V J 3; lOObbtoJbtnVtaay^Miaefttto" I '. T\W-dd "do M>aitooa£WMto:WWt,- J toMkbr-W- E4«BW**«llWoir,f toth tL GLCtt ' IiKATBKB. BKLT nOOIAOOPm aiTKTfI. ke± *«,lorn!*ti SSSUUrty stnMiOpporitobaadaTWooit - r >Tp> mraiTi ■MANILLA, Rag .via BBaw WKAPPIKd HI Pirn, uaVUlAteMnatt &sr ••■•Mi "'. -•' g&in.WPOdftrMl,Plrtifiiinli ' «(| 808. OLOVBBSKKD, Me’d fof tala wtj H- irooxusamoaua, .: • «*• *• •• • • ••"- ■ . ■ mmSyw. T INBSSD 01L—25 bUs Ibrntobl Li H ..aPOTß.o&i.nn. B.OitCTABOO. T lMfr-200 bfclfl. Fp«b Lime, i»M and fbr, JLitoto w air BWiTt dntim A PPLKSI APPIiSI—IS bbltOjeen AP- ««»tjr - , *M, r >, , 7 -ti FBHPAgIHIWi * *A * * I'ifrjNtotnr , , fciuLuu.*ax J A \T f designed ta be the moat i *®Aal AlUraSxta\ that can be iruufc : It is . ; % wncortratrf exfcractrvf ;PuaSarapanlla, » combined with | other substances of still • tive antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is ' *.Xtputed:'tQ:pur9»i*lt-jfeUlioTßd that such a remedy is wanted: fjy those tv ho suffer from-s . . Stxumouscotnplamts, and that one which Trill accomplish their edre .must prove of twimonw* serrice to this large hloas of our afflicted fellow- - ■, citizens, -m How completely this compound wiQ do it has been proven by experiment on many* of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints:— ■■■!' ■ ..r r: SciIOFULA AXb . ScnOPC CoUKiAIJTTS, . Ebuptiom.i and EuCptitb Diseases tlLCBns, • Pimples, Blotches, Tenons, Salt Rheum, . Scald. Head, . Stratum and SrvuiLiric Ar* pcctiohs, Mcacuaiit Disease, Dnorar, Nfcu- .* ualoia on lie Dootouastrc, Debility, Dis- PEPSU AND iNpIOESTIOff, EbYSIPCLAS, ROSE ou St. AxTmiNr’alJittß, and indeed tho whole class of complaints ansuig from Iv?veity : or Tim Bloods * • li - ■ i Thu compound will be found a great pro mater of health, when token in tho spring, to' expel tho foul humors which fester!ln the' blood at that seasonjof the year.; By the time ly expulsion of thorn many rankling disorders 1 ' ! *** nipped In the bud.l Multitudes: can, by) ( tho oiilof this remedy, Jparo themselves from l ! the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous • Korea, through which .the system will strive to:- ,nd itself of corruptions, !/ not assisted todo , tins through tho natural channels of tho body iby an alterative. medicine. Cleanse out the ; vitiated blood whenever you And its impurities '"bursting through the uunin pimples, eruptions, or sores,. cleanse .it [when you find it is ob structed and alaggun in the-veins \ cleanse it whenever it is foul, your, feelings wiQ tell you when. Even whereno particular disorder to felt, people enjoy! better health, arid' lire longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and ill is well; but with this pabulum of life. disordered, there con'be no lasting health. Sooner or later something sB° vrrong, and!, the. great macluuery ol iuo Is disordered or overthrown. 9' Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, tho reputation, of aecaroph"h»pg thmemK But tho world has bocnicgregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone, has-not all Ufa virtue that to claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to bo concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of tho virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. I ■ .puling late years tno public have been mis ted by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla foronodollar. Mast of these have been frauds upon the for not only contaih • little,-if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev- Hence, bitter and painnil disappointment has followed tho uso df the various extracts of Sarsaparilla wluch flood tho market, nntU tho namo itself is justly despised, and bos synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still wocou this compound Sarsaparilla, and intesd to supply such a remedy as shall rescue fee xuuno. from tho load of obloquy which rests 1 upon it. And wo think we have ground for 1 believing it has virtuci which arolrreslstiblo i .by the ordinary run olj tho dtoeascs'ie to intend t ed to cure. In order w secure their complete ; eradication from the sykraythp remedy should \ , judiciously taken according to' directions on i tho bottle. . . «™MTretia ourAMawair AuikXAO in which ther i !l M fufl description* of the aboro and the treatment that should be fol. lowed for their cure; r i' - ! • ; Do not be put off bj onprincihled tote Willi 5 r profiton; ?> «>k* Th» uck . All oar contain u. ( : »-«.fAH»MTOO«.oo,Tr •nUy, < . -,r GUN UR] EH— 1 o«6^ iS'ii f 116 febfe H< O. Bonn ■ • »bth. MartJotcr.H , . ; {•-.; ■ P«ta»Ptaiittlto»[llolM»* ... ■ ! ! 'lf SMtn -:4a-- - -;•• i\ &TF •■• • - - •BSS'ihrs" i < ->■ '--J'■ I ■•■• g • am, =.*?-■•■: - .■< - ■ _ 90OU>l«.laUa«o4 KslnliußllTrtoar. U Hound »fam| «g«U. U« > QQ. . A ■ ;FOMi STOCK attUg «nd Straw ui>, lIAKDWtMP*ttjij : SHmS!S. r ; W '• .fcmlffigffAgLK O UWJiUKS—y kra Batter,- Otwotajgjßsw'u'Si;i :: **” . - ■’uuatio « mront«. sa Übw. m. CfBBSB CONSIGNMENTS— . W 4 ' do •••.’ • d* t- 4mW( l3|fr . \ tie KIND 3 OF DKlj fIOODa ■ ; ! ; MUlaiu loirullxjcM Jtaml aojflece. antmlimuv«.i< market .if A PPUB-7SO fabb. Jfork Sfeta; , A imibUaartaUllai, in frrKl' ctol « OakTJti(.iia-Jo* tec-J le, aala at l«» • ■ . ' >»twm TAN OQ»D«a.I /’'JUBESB.—IOOObciea prime W.R.; ■■■; v IOM bote* Biutarfa SOObomHatUghMEry,' **" 1 ’ - •si!?a»aaf!4s?t tiblii'iloll JiatteTin otoio -.O lot ate by • I*’ v.. JOBKBaOAImkLOACKXVnrttii. jnUUHB 1: CUEBBB t UIIBKSBI •>» Jotivii.ciiimt.D4Co.' 150 bbla, and fcu.JU*f Ur* 7 I 1 lOQtanTjaaffrariLfcatiatey ■»« - ■ j tmoßiaov 4 66.‘ Window . cuhtains-mw pattenu, l«u - 1.. l-.-BWaatat- BW:WADLPAPjiB3-NMrnnd ehoioo Httana,|utreealndli7 im.P.*Ußanu,l. ~ ■ L ; ;.: -v . W-Woed at.; «IW| OROB3 IIAVKN'BNO.ONS AND VW TVS rasa,jaatrad’dbralatr^• . “; w.a.n*v*H, Jail ■ cornar gooa aat Third eta.* WO. BUUAK.—G h hdh. now landing from AT • aVr Socket,[orale hj ! ' ’T‘ taamißnnt»T*oori, ji*NVBLOFB, DIABIBS, Memorandum JUi itofah Doelnto|F«ißookaiOupy E«Uifer«bbj.. v W.&EUTEO,i { .. 4U1 : .: . esnrrWoodndZkMttß.' vV*:-.:J yi-‘ r :*'^i «* yrtt&gmr. fff.?*f’, JMQJiOwJta *a nafadfeaiavfafcblt haHtca I ■!» •* | f .Umfvoum A7ipMata.tnaQiaenUa aa an Ua casue, a tingle box CfaaljbeetoPllli baioften anUtaedforth* meat h T* in * l s***-JacloaJotf ritoodeot Ctatfwnm. ja paetocktj DUrh/wa, eras when advanced to Dyae&u -■ “U*4“*l*o*lhmotSeekadd atreaxtb,debilitating ®?***s: “g* WQltlfat hectic, which generally indicate |5, dyleal Ooagnnptlon, thb remedy fata allayed the alua of BMda and pbjildin*, fa aarerel ten rraU/ilsxud flier-** mttof lataaiaoen. -.■■/. laßcrofnlou -Tatarenkmi, this medicated iron ha* bad tar more than the good affect ef tb&moel taattamiv b*i. ££l fffiUir “»F ««* *•" - The altaodooof temUteecaawaJHaa eMH*ati» ni f n litter, to rarer; raore dtciiU&j— it haa been iorailabl* : wall reported, both w alltTiJihw paio and reduclok Ui» •watUogaaadftiftMWofthaJtdotaandßoseka. ■ lalotaraUtoal. Rmnlt, mailaaeeHariljr h* nneat maedjraod mtontlra, nod It* prosren lo the new aitUeoieat# of the SPaat, will prohibit baoaeoj hieh Tieowaaod naefttlaess.' * Ho naasd j faaimf U*a dlecomel fu the whole hUturr whkbemt* a»ch proapt,happr,axultaUpre dlr*«on;iipU. togaMUcaofatnngih'WiihaoßQaifnldhpaaltien tor ao> ttwaodehoafftl exeadic, Istmadiatelj followltisee. ' . wt op la seel flat Uetal boxe* eoauiaioo 60 plllr price Momtaear box; hraalebp DretgliU *ad dMliwa. Wfll tJZfiXZag? 1 a «•»*». Wholes, Ipct M Walt™ R. B* LOCKS & CO., General Aecoti, te&fliWdA—nwl»r KHMIiU»ADO>'4y H v PKOIS WOOD’S Restorative Cordial ■ AND ' BLOOD RENOVATOR fl ra PBEoimv vtiiat iTa nim» isdkjatis n J 7 *■-<«( to th. Uolo, It u m:> y P »jlng.««Q[|or#tJof and »lr*>henlcg to Ibe vital 0 pywtriK It aim nvivlfleat misstate* aod norm tb* M y ulopd In all IU original parity, aod (hat raton* end W p r*ndei»lb*tj«ura Invulnerable to attack* of dia- H J n«a. Itlaifaa ooljr pnparalloo am offered to U* S C world lo a popular fiiroi nu to bewllbln tberaeb P /* ‘'fall- SecbemkaJljetidekllfalljcomliitieilMtot* S’ A tba moat poweris) toale.aod j*t eu perfectly adapted L 0 to as to art (epo/ertoccorJoace wiih the law tj t,'* t tMnt t €anihaiamtHeOUweakatttamaeti.mati todenp £4 tba dlgeaUra organ* and alley all ortvuae ami other 4 L. IrTltaUoa. It t* alao. perfectly eifaUeratlog la iu J W rtS«t*,aad yet It it oarer follow*! bylMeltodeot 5 Hdepraewq of aplrlu. . It ta.cnupoMd entirely oTtos Z atablea and tboaa thoroegbly combining.powerful L rtj took end teuton* propertks, and cuueqoently can n Mftrlajßr*. toch a remedy baa (oog been felt to be t. edaUeretom la tb* aedlcel world, beta bytb*lk> « m roogbljabiUediaiardicalacleocaaadaltobvallvbo F y bar* raffend from debility, for U need* no medical r tkW or knowledge ev*n to at* that liability fUlova * □ Cl atUckaof divalent] leyitbenagnerded tystatn 0 . oprn to tb* attack* of many of lb* taaat daonroaa u 0 to whkh poor humanity It conataaily tiaUt. : gorb.lU _ f* 9 ■ x *®P lß » M the following: cooraaptloa, broncbl-f - 0 ti*t iadlfMtloa, lorn of apprttt* falntUM,} M narrow IrritabUitjrj ot&ralgK palpitation of IheiL, K baart, awtaoclioly bypocoxSiha, night earats, leo*H p foofi clddlM**end all that claae of eaMa *o faertslly IW total if la tlma,called famt , t wiatma \*t «• or imgalarttlr*r' Uvar denactoeatoor tctwl A » PM)ly>atoiUr*rco v«ler*aboaldbtT*»bo(tlawltb (bra, and all aboutotak*- ateblaapoonful at leatt triors eating At U preventocee* lh « dlfftotlra ehcnW beta toabaoda of all persona of nedaotary hablta, atadaotaatn* knrs,tlterary men. And all ladle* cot accottoard teoreeb elerrko eboold tlmj* bm lb If they mi>\ tW * < fiß r t*anl and «Sdmt noted* acalaat tboaaiPawkkb rcb them of thetr betst)~fcr b««atTeta> aotMM oithmt baalth, aod above trrscatortHea centum* Thm, again, the Oordial it 5 Ta *° • month or tvobekre tbe lh*«ru«bl ftertoTwlib pertart the lattar an.oftao'fh’alnd-mvUh ihtfueltnuhtM bnalßaaß» that! wnubr yoh. they toh eroakl travel l»to*»o arreat their maoqttitaaffy ;.m ar» aortyoar SioC Woo *’ a Beaton* ssga.. ,aaiDMltni ttlfclydftir SEkTIN’S OLDSTANJ) • TBE OMBOIID. : T H BTOIT E. r' T ’■ *»d Lyon Iloted, . lfr-iviNa,TASsNjKttod o p, ‘ I wtonmt bntMlflSft uidMHiM'b'd'cmiuaUu Ua trWdSuMiSTTaS ■Jssj^^aa^aarwai" SB^sssi FALL AND WINTER GOODS, dMIKM hi ronlfsud Ss£“? -‘nS* Jll™.olntt■» £J*S2l!*B 0 ,Yoatta«' Clothing to order lo tbonn Muuor.b; JAMES O.WMT, f. **** y» -•, >, cerate it Pw»madKQtit lt».^ OLLBU'i.TKtt—IO bbla, prime? £O.IL4R&-16 kfjtf.,. . . .. ~':.;; BUOKtrniA?Fbou&--4Dobtn.' ■ '■' • BOtrt) Btrn*tt-T»fciii£d ifiYfi*< uwni.raltbjf «•.-• JOH!t FLOYD A CO, : -■***. Ha ITS Wood ttt£t. Jl.; O. aUQAR AND MQ ;o.*oa*B,;u4i . : - .. i. B - a uot«g*B. «>• otoi— . ; : JQiiin nop»K«oai | bos; Yotatom, ti • sara - . cu».!SSSSi tra auu, «_ _.!’?^ a * a ‘* ,atx> **» gentadj; MOcmlmh. < t "US**? ' i»o.a&Arr,-' i £2 »T Ln»rt,fi! S?uS«^^. b^ Pri “ e A w ,e *- t6tt« goca’i IhwV •■ sssasaf**s-H •. sasaa&p"- , - •—_ : _j -fft&HSTAßaouiß.' *W BPKINQ PJUfJTS - Ginghama; Checks, Mualinsjiinena. Balmoral aittoi MtrswidUr, *ll holori g lUKBOH fjQTB.T* MubltL, PENNSYLVANIA REPORTS— rinrtt, Volama i, ■ y#loa» lit jut'. 1 jarasaa^.l pUTATOBS—I alt Io&4 prime -Keshan* JTj|OA* fcrMUMOL4 JL R.-R.- • •• v" \ -** nigHTacotagg. i Til# BAKttBLS-170 New OU vfiafielri Misty'.' ••■--■ * - i - BOO*EtO!T««*WA»T,> i So-IOT W odW.:] SEAKLAfiH— 2TBull lint Sort! Petri: ••MtwnferMiat? j B.auiriiU)*€o7 -i «■• <»■■.-.. ■ ■ >wmml.aMr.w3<. f lIKANIMO 1x11,2)10111 White rec'dibfealtf •*>** ' /• * k&twmtcbcr ,* J»** . .-?■ TMr«jf*ndWrrTOt»t.-ir i TUHTON.—ISbuIwi in ttoreibr **Je bt n y. . ÜBpaAsmanreoN, , .• . • •» • ■-. lltHwqnammcnmmi’ I prim# N.OrSpg*r res'll —«Ucit«l BvlpfcaraadiPfcoapbolrap. and »fckli{t*JaMoe2 ialtooocDfoiltioxi *ltb to* BdfnßfaA*at v ;tiutTjn*tif *L* Wood »boW.» defiJeocj of. tlrt red glrtnlM. Raddj e*«apl«*tea »ad • tmt tf otof itw kkloTb ■!*»)* lust»tH* of bcatib; *hll* i %hkliMloc***(lcJS4eoc7o{' Ut* nk* utitwMdbrgaiato.;. frrpir*i&a«fif Yroifcfcrot’ccft- K”TO jnjrppwofioppljltrg the red flob*wib»t ** fwilrad that phtora* aloM, *ftj not B«*t ttwdeffffatcf lß*rtnr*M, bQtihat* jßdktaacottMa«i|6aef ot{ (bcM'*ba*Bt«i« fiocMKry to rnistoito blood to-ita obrmal ftaMart' ThJ< E^ 61 * *lUli>td, b** hi»H tv*cb*d ttt Um? “•*®« dbeonnr r*iik*»*oiiibUht‘»*«*ti ■cteatißc *od Important ltorlfcctafa v»U>iofUi>th«tt>afb l bßua ifca.ortaea, atrraitbaa 'i***. 1 ®?.* 11 *? the proermli* Ditbt avMti lofttM* iba n«otaiaatrir>l«>»HchifcaMcnd I/> rretoiLi* lb* tacklc/t r»d glotoW, incre*» Ust ippat (te. rrttor* tb« ; calor.MddoUmiU aktletoi frame wltbfliab.Ti* DiMd - fOMvlllb*fciadii|44kiaiil€lifosis])lMi» •Mtl ib* TbrMter lin wwt, rath te_J lift na. Bnm- Mitft,dit ff** •‘J'ltjF Ui mod lb*ohj* the rural ?*■* n "“ ,; »»*r.RwrViZt .401**, Ac. Ha rfflcacy iaßurked and InvtaaUs'OQt: 1b bo «aw' b<*w«T«,Bretb* tcDaflcUlaflKtartlblc rMMdj.K>oaup{coi«aaaibthonbMrMlp|' : i--. pkiulk tospMim i - to »blell U» Jtollof ri it* MaUn ui %bliliUldtcnnto .aMssisararsagsaßs^ “>• *^ Uto » owtow proatmhm. * Wbiatßtha BUM*t ce&fidc&ct.tß momoeßditf the Blood p«od 5° •» o» •Uwirf, vitality pr energy, ud to tboee Bbca BMthl 6tl«d»y powera art Broitntnl tbroogb <«rtus,eHber of iba miaa orbacj, *ad «• di«n ItOTr daty toMy Jbat fajdlMw of WtainttMaddEmacf ;tt» JFtfaey* or BUddgr' tb(i ' preparation bw aclalja trpoa tba attention oi; •«!»«• cb caimotto over eatlmated. A taliMnl trial brilt ba fopod IbaMttenntßdßr prool iangardtofta tfflcadt that eoold bo aakod lor. With tte above remark*'»od artt! rap nnmerooa Mtlmontala webav* fa lu taror,** offer Uia ■ bl&oo roloo "• to tba coaiideratfcaof tha afflict* 4, ktawier lhatit *iil be Mkoo»lrd(»0 m pre-emlntnt ct*t all other preparation*. ►«» Tbftjr? spoo *Mch thli tibim)* 1* torched. ilio Atuf Ma of wm* will In ml didnd. We forward tba BloodJPoOd toaaypartof the Uoltal £ tt *s* ° r ppon receipt of prtea£sl par bottle. tt fcr.atz bottlee. •- Bejcsrefalln allcatcatotakonobabatihaf ha»in« oar faeeimne if gsataT* area tha wrapper. None other is K'oaloa, Prepared only by, >• k .f|:, i onunca AotpoiiT, ; . a, u'• ; ■ • ( Ba.'4o#Bn»dway;rt'«*Terb f : - AD>laoMbythuB»Bdbymllmf»ct*blaDrßgßkfc > - For by Dft.o 80. B. KBYSER, 140 Wwd«~-Pitta ■gfh- **• -1 •; tfcMirdAwr HKAK TOA* BAT* I'i':'! The amlenbcnfed harlnrased Professor HUMPIiUEVa 1 SPECIFIC BOMffiOPATUia EEMEpIKS la. oor femlllro with tbs most eatUtaclory rexoHs, .tod hirlng-fall echfl* denes In their gsoulnenen, purity, and elflcaej, chewftilJy' recommend them U all persona who wkh to bare kale, t»- ; SaMe. aod efflcadoos remndiea at, hand far prlnde, or do- FtsUeuro. |.. . .1 -:. The Bar. Wau noaraer, editor, of “Tfc» Northern Indo >rodh»t,** Auburn. H. Y.; the tter. E. 11. Cressey, D.D., lector o(Bt- Pilfer 1 # Church, Aobwnij NJ Y.jlhe R*rr. B. I k I Ire*,! Chaplain of th* Auburn State Prison; -Ow Her. 1 Apeneer H/JOea, Rector, Sew-Bedfonl; Mus.; < Herr Alien Etcele, New* York Conference; the .Her. E&mntl Nichols, . EasWleitteed Conference, N. 7.; the BeV. P. £. Pratt, Dorset, Yti; Ihe'Jler. John R. E»ble, Buffalo •, A, C. Hart, E*b, utlck, N. : Y V the' Hon. Neal. Dow, jpiirttaad, He. ; the-Hon. Schuyler Colfax,Booth-Bend, J nil. * tr.e linn, Oeorjte Uunphrera, N, T.lienrjJX Ouok, E#q., £lUlor «f 'The Olilo Bute Journal, Colombo*, Ohio; the Hon. JL H. Orahatn, Motlnej; IlLj the Hon Thomas J. Chase,’Monti, eftiu, Fla.; the UOJuJosepbßanedlct,.UUca, N.;Y.f; Wm, llrljfol, Kvj , mica, N; Y • A. 8. pond, Kaq., Udca/N- T.; t'met.PhrnkeU, Tail, NasorUlo; Yean. - '- 1 „ ugr or bprcifio remedies. « No. i.—Fiw Peter,Oifepistioafnodlnflammation]?. • - . No. 2.—For Worn Taxer, Worn 0080, iTettlnf u>e No. B.—For ol Infants.. .• },■ ■ Se. 4.--F6r Diarrhea, Cholera'lafaataa,' and Btomer OompUlolf : ; -." i-: I-:;- Wa. A—For Dysexrtery.or Coedj Jflax. NaA—ForCholera,CholeraMortals, Vomiting; .If., . No. T.—Pok OoQiia;:Ooli{*, loflneusa, a&4 Sore Throat. r No.CL—For Toothache, Ficfracte, and NmahdaJ ■ No. S.—?o» HeadachyTertlje, Beat and FnQnea of the Heafc.. No. 10—Disroau. fru*-For Weak :aad Der»*r*d Stomach, OoDatlpallooj and Urer Complaint - v j. - ;Ttta F«uii7*»otLi»mß, Scanty, Palnfal, et Semrened Periods/' ' lAoconlMa, pptfuse Xenaea, and Beartn# Down of Females j .;• ... i Ho." Hoar## Ona*h t ßad SreathloK t&i . &o.l&—Bncmaino PaiA—Per Pats. La&aneuJ 2 V- . * - P 4 ChHl Peror/Dumb -'' 4 Minas ayed . ■ P.—For Pile*, Bllaa Blfeedlai latorsai o,—For Bore, Weak, or ladaaw Eye* tof, JUnrr«J e#ht.' -aj.*— rdrSUaUirrii «»':(■• • '■Utrocthtn or profuae 1; r W. C.—For .\tT>i>opini •, : .i . ~ t ihorteolng Its counc., i ■. j.’* • •'{ "Utliu ri'tni,uniam ] • "PSoJery, Croop, and suit trap-; i nrt i Xiaslea.wKd "Eryeliiefafe, the' »d*aaU*n wf dripf th* proper reroediex promptly. U«b -ill>Qa^ind •uchcaae* UrttsMdics.act Uiea d>ann., entlra disease \» often at ooee, and in aU cates ;th«Tlolrnceof tU attack Usnoderatod, thadbeas#short-.. taed, and rendered lesa danperons.' * -1 'v r, . : OuuchaandColds, whlchareof «xh freqwntoecurTn*ee,' •>.*&** Uj the fanadaUen- of dlaassed . : iiDyiprada, WeikEtonaeh. Balt Rheus, and other eX erwptiooalho caMIM apeeifica • whow proper appttetUon wUI afford a eera b alaaSTrm. «T* » tfnd* chronli dUncnUT,t&o& at PQea or Catarrh. Headachs or TematoWeak' mars thap paid foa the caae ten Urn* over. - ' jn : A- ! PRIOR. • °! S *a tnoroete, andßook...;.v .|4 .• CtM of 20 flab; and Bobk, p1ain.,...'4. Cwo«{l5 0, »mbe , pdbokM t andaonlh....„;.i.Mlir % .Case ef ff hoxnL numbered, and 800 k... ■■ an*leni»mb«red hox«,»UhdlrecUoat. ... cants. - Snßtfflettered boxes, withdlrtcttoac..^0ctols. • U*l» case Of 2 oa. TlaU; tor planter* and phyriclaos-„|l8 J,- 4 ' ]ji&&.mancL' ■< - =-i*“ °* DltficnlV, Uhorad to^tNnfcatte^Bt wllhCo^ft.acdRspectoradoo.;pHeck" Kar. the reac t oT Beartot Few, Mmlea, or llercntfab. - ForNeUealatheJlead.BardoettoHioutac.and In Uj# Karx, and fcarw3ie.~- Price, CO c«trta>Sr box. ? * . s??2 cl^r B,lUr < ed and lodarat. ; WlnyDbchama. Ptfwf»ewits^SiJ-;” . rot Bctim, TcrenJ k-L -pauS? “f*??”;?(SGltO tiSj •• " « _ Soniifc Braaiott—mihiito, Ind ' aaasaaasf.ssS i, wiled hpu -Bs l eara.> Prtco; with Uota,|l perbojfc 7.U K : !:- Penens who wish to pike*, thernsdna aider tha profes- > oo&al to seek adricaof Prot Hcicewaira, caa da - •o,athls«BcoBd»Brnaa»a/,daiiyfrntaei.U.u>BP.X ■ or by letter- ; . .-.if:., . • ] ': '■' iiftf veaai-wf Wku kind ynd f i ehooa*. and indoat thwanoant Iff a eamat oot# «r ; byjnaU to onT addwavtt No. 60 Broadway, NmSl i ’too Bc * duly refers jbyjnan or extna| j '# WANTEti.~-Wede*fr#iaafetlre,efadetlxUt. r • torUtsaaleef nor Rraodles iaerery town «y catoandu' : ito.the United Bute*.-.. Addrni Dr.». UPMPTfwyf '*.•• '■■ 'i' -1 K X WmMMI tt*lr .ttMUon aSsF^-ss B 5 bUteSp “ 4 r 1 “* I*”' M *ifci RwSbSK.® CponjjC to.* tot;. To neb a* *nt KVEBORfciKa. froa a » 8 tot,*/ IhelOOorlCOQ, t«V rlffD. Jtxlre lerfe lUpl* fcr eba&Ypar «S2*lS* «** tr *Wle«o *od lttfJhli 10Q»t2V *e. Tr?»‘&nt*Tflt pieoniiWe m> celL Cat*, logon Me t-ftmoa«rtiliaiUb»J.. i :• ■---': v -s •! • • Adilre** Pltubnrgb-and.OaJlUsd Nonaries Zfttbbtnb. P». JOHN HDRboQa.Ji. OCNDWES-lSOibiß. PrimfrPmi Starih; Kj2kbl*:Prtm*RoU BeMor; 28 btanUw W.Jt.VMMe too dot Brooms ' j 24 do* Bert Pohcj Bmcsb«;i too U-bbta » O U<*m4; 800 bbla Prim* WoU Am** 100 be* Dry Applet* j SOObttrbric* Jfejfinieito; , 1 leo boa Prim Flax Seen; SObetatoFtolieMs.- \ • SOtbUCMn VbMtr>4ree , dfbrc*l<>by- U 1 >EApgfVASCoftDlK;nig«»feBri.P ’y^’HiTEi; OUNDRISS—SO kbgs prime iUn]- ■*- iJBDrPKB-6bhI«EUl, Kl«2»-lbbl, ' ;-:i . APPLBB—® bbl* ema, CllAireWßlEa—« bbl*i BSAHB-40toca Whllt&sU redd tonSfww , ~t r i; > } 1 J*» ; JobheritodOroeen,233Lltwtj rf. ALMOKAb SKIRXbTT - !'. . jla cbotc* eoton tad no roacrinttp i rj)‘g. t Jofet iwiltml At K4Y k CO., tft Woadrt. 1 igPNDKIK3--aOU bua fimaU lghirA IuZZZ O frrtrt Acpl«: . ' . ;!TTJt OJ bMi tt Lnt Horalsy, » bbl* Oil km, WHagOßltoj: ; lIOBSE COVEBS. af IndiiKubW ind JBjW ffloii, tbeU»* : qa»lilr, ix ml* atthflodij H»6t».tHpDt,B«.Chfctt. dilg -Jt AH. fm« DLOUB— 3(KT’bblf. Ploor- tlift" LiT*4fl#,la jrtor» VTESS ANDKUMP i*oiur~~ r nwtdm. i W. ,«mli«n lJ gS T ; hbta.Befined Uu , d»yMoy ' ~»«ssßasasa.; [ aTOBAGg JOB BKftT—Ja toft« md Cri f fs -, t r t*' -it'■ |;-/;ir'.;: : f -v- ' ; J : '■ '""' hi V.r m-'^'^'''' « Su OMiaAtaAHEoio. . ~ in99Mffi - --; - MlQur )r"_' " AyHsti^ Atfo«i% AA«coaactl9sa| Bw> Tbo Jofaostavß’AcoCßisiidsUoa frtln . feSSSgSfS'S'!.‘r ll - '(^SffTral * ltia pu«c~ai«n»a«iiT i i' ' 1 . FJbwAftb A Cbosilbtflli firAttfi stoßßtes ii in . fc , *• , sft«£«.sSSi SSSSS^saS^"* PSSSS."SSmSS- «' as^SßsS^:: j-;';\ j r -l- ; V ; .:-.' > J:.I ■*» w|To mbbmi ,_. tg tt : 2ESB£rr:‘?2 . 1 fr«B#ui&vLtr* ibßOoMpaMtetaailSwb^ 1 boijtte* 1 ; "<».-**»“ -.-M *SEa?a-<^!85!®....... (JJSVAK STAVES-« bales; EKlrpS^ l ,^- no* r>«i «;*r K«ywSt, fcr«]. fc, • ", - ' -I MAUMMCIWUft :/ PfS™ flnu ApplM; a; to wiu&s, - - , ..sawsa, > |?tOCBANDSDHnRIfe»_- ~ T !**•<*•*.*XT«AiHDSUMMIIH*;, V ■>; ■ **■**•»» * * JiODQStft A DUiWOWIL ' ' /o i?... : ■■ , - wai—wk - ■*: »U)Ditt i ?» Hb bnbubXX Xxbm ram., boda Obotosaabftami. . v&eoda aracaWknllr,. •OOdo Kztn—lattof»toMkbi' ‘ ' cmr tluxrxKiliuut**,* JX} BBXtnt * DtUTOSTS. ■rtasssassfr J BtoplHlUlA 4 ‘ » nuiruiii BBAki in «<>,. >_ ■ m•. •. BSrSSfJawSw. »o>Qf|Aßunrj '' . 3^- U»n^urf Wlj , fcl|lltwlJi ,»n^»kTUi* w ,j, , »ttPlCll|iw.Mooift bbla. Luaisvillv { | : t .'it* tbraite-fey-r i3.&O4OTiPA*O(Xi :S-4 B H "“-wool. ££ LAIN!} wl 2[f wi «WtM« dBUMOOOBI.'.i —— •-- ; - Bcitoanm, lmj g. SSSIESSSsftSBSSS ' : — JjjpXaPIUWOfIOODBI • . ’ ~ -_ * OO -_- M ? w g OnntM. »DdnSdfc l • - BPiutß-couimi JUttwUibbUrtim, aiiisi*. * ,*■ flft,* i, ■ / ; UAILBOAD, = r To all Point* in theScotti,Wt»t AiJorth-ra». a'lSlfe to CINCINNATIm quick; nod to A lodUaapotii.gL't&aM aadTQilcagp «aiefcartfcnto otfaw rectal •: ? -:r • : •* mtStWI&D TMMX& [ *ABT lUIL U!f*-L**T*# L B iwi Ootcabc* anJ w ■ ■>% Atrltlagat TialtaatpnHa n ~HS T.m . ; ■ • »Tfflh...;. l M^,mo». ■ ' ** flfrrfrmiU a. w !•»*.-* • I tL .** «—■•■■ ....-IKO >. ■ U *. Clac s? Bttt Vf Btasbaa ) Wttl L-tD r. a ! < tan ■ •j ~ . Zj. —nvi m j , . *< s SSS®* o —**>».■ ■’ ,N. fc-tb. Ua. io ClodcntU *■ » ginall go ioto Ctadaetti ; fltoajtiaa Qtfaottilda' train tea HiMktiU w, ~ •■■'■ ttati.Ol&uSpolUate! * * " Ctertn t v TMaa tbraagfr ta CUtaga vlflaMtldauca af tem. i .<• •: ! -aawi«p;»jflwr ,■ JLo*»® Oifc*«o, fcst> jA- ■.aad ftSO a, a;, Arrttfc* at • a. m. mod fcICU- «. 'Ooaßadisc *Hh Mba !*•'• Sajtooaitd'Ctoctaut!.!'Arxlrtag AlQtadtovfcUa ud&Ui.*. V- : •'-j- >•■,•;'? ••• > .'jOoßSttCtjDf wtotnlM for CdßaUu,CSsds&*U,CUta. UaA, Bjjfltto mod lbs JCwt, sad jarttrlsg ttPlrtabumb tSS AV«r *&d &40 r. a. ,AU-tnUsx cka» coaaaetlDw. wMk' UaibU bB PcAcsilfibl* BillKMl ft* FbUablptOa isd tfe* . ~W ktlla- . i . . .r ■ ’■ lAseoßDßfidßtica Wpt Jhm Brighton, fctt. 4. ** mA 434 r.«. • Attire at Oo j :,11.00,♦*.. >-. fctt •* jArrir»BtAUt£htnj ( *ao « - 'too «*. r 'AUtglus> ab 4 Ac&bobj' Access Modatka: . ;L**T* AUfgbesy, -i&OO BOOB,tod ftOQ». M- ' UIpIY»UJK9&sWK; U*r*Scteomy, . 6204,1., ,3AB *•..■ -;-n* Arrir»»tAll'BM«/, fj» 4tt. v s .. *c'; " ALUAKCB iUfIACT TftiLf-Li***A AUHr*%«d B.o# **« A.* ISA *rrt«* fo AU*ftwoy« ItBoAtat'ltfan* All*':".,v gben*m* 384. P. A: aodnrlmto AUI*OCB «7 20r. M. 'A Atfpptoc st »u tc# *stf a*ik*tfag. TtoAcU *Qi be taM for the** trial M r*dOCr4 mm. -~ Tbroogblr»laxoaa>ct tnJa * colbs dmlsad A f’itubirgh u to tad fan ttDtnbsrf, Akron, o«jifcei* • Ohfo,forMt Tmtwb, flhelliy,gmlhuky, S» l - ' P,*™j DsT**! IsAhinpH. ffri£ latilmw lll*. |(g,i iadiafcy, Payton, Cfarincaty i l ' At liste fcrSldaAT. Parted, Cloelnaak'etfi- stel ’ •• *U m th* Hhp AlUbj ISA Balm TWB*. * fe’i. Ooffip«jwtt*lto*oAtnMMtS>. t. • »’' * •••.vTrT* • -..r Mo Atb fk Ol ofi tstwst flttofaltfth sb4 ffnrt.—.■ ; 2ilatw*:-i AfrivMal- 'Artlns st ' Arr W.. r - EITMBUMa. -tSaB 1 . £J? P® -- - ta » S-m ' ' . ’aii toou jb Aiwctsr toChidsaW, LoQjsrUlAOolalabßr • ' iir Coistt 'BoUb ) tbu uvotbsc natL- RnUmiM ' »■ SSW 6ni UtKbatUim kSL ftSnT*. .v - L m stt#wrt«aA HAm&mZAk. . '.u «sS'»!s' - •raJrk^JSSSj{iS!!S , r J« <; * ,ri ' kl ™"“- b f‘p« in 4>‘ >i»:ub«ui6 M . Tarter . , y ito ttaPMiy ■ • Ji, 8 - 11 %ttt-TM)UB-2S et» font, --' 1 .. rracT n jwitti- - - . ->3 -j