, * 'S/ 'J i 1 £l.-. >j v "''•.'.-.r'V'tV ■ <. : x" ' lit*. • t'“ ' f "J f \ I> , * - f.- <»-• • ■*-'*.'* r !■: , * 1 J -.V. . : V * V. i I -'.S' 1 ’ *• , ; 4 T • n < ♦ • * :• /■:. .... • ' \ ■ . 1 .v ■+’ Ji; .» ‘j" i . ... . w> ‘. W '■ ' * ' ’* t V* ’ v f * - 1 * * :^:5-4V4:i.‘V * »t < 4 ’ ♦ • *f ’* * i *3+ 4 -r» . 1 ►* k S •• ?'7*f WJ*’" nv ~ L r;x !i ;-. ;.•/;' 1 ;•' ■ : + <**■ itr.v^ ■\f ;:{■■■ A-, > , 1!“* t**S ,*M ,i >F m ,*,2. 1 .C&V., «i:. /■ ; ’‘i. J j:‘; Jj tv -’v-" i ;•< -■ ? ? . « r 4 ;* T^w.l '•'*fe: ’*■! •-''# ;' v^; 4 - A*' j ‘"-if ■ t- • ■)> $' ■ \h ;,.. .;. •■; t-flX^^’V ■; •$ ‘ s, ,-. ,.\ i r-v » . • .’«■<* v »,» * •■;; : •■•'•.' -. V-, \ ’• '’J 1 Vj,V > • 1 'v 4 ~ .... ~-f ~■•< J Ai . -: .„• li. ~\ ■ *?• ' f \ • V J - I*^ **< 4 , ■ i .V : ' __ I 1 iiiil (Vtii'LV-K' i f r 'r , ' f , * Yr -v - I ** r „ S *? ■» „ * *-!£>■» 4 —nY V Y '-'•'fc {.> v J , .1 1 * + H - ~J_ - 1 . n > ~*'i f -wY A "S J { V r r . " L * J < * ! * ~ A ’ -> i~ a'rnaiAi or iBB OtriT' }S :tPPBBPAY yOBHtSO, dMRBQg 7 r i - v - CITT4FFAIRB: r .-V V : it«no»otoVic4fc Qlwwnllon■ for fo* : yst 6haw, OpHcteftifiSFinb fll ftarraotsfidaily 8 1 "iwotw. or an abb. • .'..-.9 o*{SiMk( ■. . •. -21 • ■ ** * IS » 00 30 ‘ 32 > ■» -Barometer .......... 10.20 Mwtto< y ~ fTbo Hurtie*lixra\B<)eS*ty bald sregnter meat* * fooChair, aa* .l*--..lUifWftJfc.' Secretary: Member* present, Csmmni|a,B©ed, Mar- MTH/Gardpa,.Wardtop, Bacon tad Bijn [. > r exhibited .i beautiful •variety of cat 1 -' ; .fipwan, .cmbnebg ~Jthodod*edroa . Artortam, :, AxtliftMftdUurrAibab Asalaa ladies Fionbnndat :«■.■ CattUrWfttSftwlttyiCtaaa ladies,Alonsoes Ado- V'tati«’'rtaHatG«naiaißV(aeed!tß|)dark;tearleV ; wltlrbUek stripe*; Pats ala, different colors; Abut. . ritaft.-Strious* Jaamiaam Stiren. Mytfsffora* ' >;*:■ Ateo WftombefolKeoi’aßMMt tad Rambu :> 1 apples, andnoe bools of Rochelle baehbeny wine. . ; Mr».SaaoeU exhibited eome beaaufnl eat flow *•: ■ Triumphs da Luxembourg, Mediate Breo*,La ' ; v -:' Jdartytei Abalihoa, Re»bt!du and Canas-Wer* xewtixy. ■■:•■■ Mr- jAwaff exhibited a vary elegant hoquet, one _i xftßfjUo*tb*anuf*LweJuva*?eree«B. : >' ;.v/Hr.Csmmtagaataoexhibited a-veryfiae boqoet - M 'cbfttee tad vara flowers. , f. -• /-^Tbiprospect.for/acroft.oJ frait dcnngfoecom ■t’^iqrskSMd*:*as informally diseased* aid tba gvu ~-i,> lira! frnprskatea prevails that the peach- trees' have : v:< b*cft.aebsdJy- I tejured by froef that -ibsM mill ba ' Nbetfei? btoMQBSr Soeialfjuraad lo.Uk« this subject into wa v':-' : r-frrtfepa 11 hair ■ aaxt nesting, to be held ou the • were-- requested to; - oritf bnncbaeoffnut trees from. all eeeiloaa.ol '>^ * ud report upon. " : of proteetiag tbatnala of trees '-'tNi-’-wdlalao-eetoandated' at asxt aieetlaf, together t with the aabjaht "low baadi,*’ praalaf, etc. ' : >Mr. r tbaUitMaua| be bad *. r exhibited•wa*jp»pe», J lae taryfiaeatate of praa •: enralloa, which oceesfaaied aonejraaarfc.- .Be - coefd tot tbea iafom the Society arte the baaaer - of preaerviag jbemy bataa bebadao plnplo|leal ' MCrata,’be would bow ji*u that |ba grapes bad bss» kept la aaad, bis nrdeaer having triad the axpSnsiwet arohoar Us knowledge. TbentieecefraJeatf exMbiUos wuieaUad op fsr dlabenloa. / Mt.Coatialafa was cppotsd to tbs sxbftlUoa la > - Joes, and would not be able to naka say dUnlay. ' Mr. Beaoett woeld aake a display If the azhlbU 'ilonwssbsld. J . Mr. Wardtep> opposed tht-axbibtUofl. < -It ilatar . •. - farad with tbaaxbibttloaio tba Cdlp and wasaarar eooaesifena'apeenalerjrMlDiof slow. - i : • - Mr.AnaonfsTortd iba Jona diipUy. Ba did •. V obtrsgsrtshaxhlbUfen a failure,, simply baeaaae ; , It war wot prnflubls. \i Hs thought tbe aoaa axblbU tld£7fc»& proved entirely aaeesaafOL ■ MnXboz'vu la favor of a Jena azblbltlOß, but r : nataaa a eradltablai dlspUy waa-'mada'ba dld.aot ..wtohiorttovo.la.tlw nattar. lt rsquksd agreat 'amount or labor, and meaner* mult work- and eoa tribute If they wlsbad to nsat with saoeatS. Ha : : :;r aaggartaJ u-poatpoaaanat of the whole suldaet an. t.-v/ :til tbanut maatlag, which wsaagrsad to,ond tha ' r Society adjourned. - ,« v The ffrlt af Habeas Cawpwa—iMpeetant - • : ' t!aee*-' -• i ■ • - "* ■■ •• MwitJ*y». c*xo inTOWUi, u iaporUnt pria ‘ cipl. oi l*, ami ap La th. Sapno. OaorVlnfDn Jo3g« Waodnrdt XhsßpMa. ui Slxoßf - BbUao tot a writ ef hataumpu'bt.lht aiaaof tkiHk U. Wilaas, sawcaalMd tattaloa ,tmhr county priica. Mr. aud. tl. ip- I'.pßmtteaßbatuJf »f ti»Dtltrict^AOanayafClm aa«Myi aal ito dnoßituaaa nra ka talla*: i' - WOaoD. «aa unstad InXiaaoaitar ta MlMr * efcam ■rv of Uiawpia^tad. tra.Mll fool ty tka-grud 1 that «aa po4M(> kr»u aiiutH uil' - .ukn laCtatar aaauy.ta Mira* ckarf*ef anas," ■ m 3, tin, tat wn tom. Qiot. IktciowtiHnart . . satn tbaMtatrtap kaou late ta taa« j- caitCT ooaalyv Wad aaiioaaaietad af kMaapplap, • ‘r aaa waateßßaad la«»port iKlfcaoonatpiiriao. [ 1 ot-Tianraite'-fclfta okjaot at tk» praaaal apaHcatloa i: U roteanaia wtialhartha CoMt te Iha powar to. '..■■■ reman Ma ima kla caallaaaol toXaaoaato all . utokla la Ctelat ibr.liial branoaC-'flteater vta b. aaaUcuml, iba oaamnl atata. to Ik. Cdur lha cirmmutantearm n|aa«lada'pn»(pMianfatf aa< tba Court adjonte ottn XtUap. Important Owltfaa* - ; ;■ ;A -point ofoo&itfanhl* tepartno* las jut been ■ dodded fcjlßl* Ho»of,Jadfi bKalke« la-Jte Cent v. of Cobub« PU»i,latb* 6Upp*t *oi €h»- : ■*6m» Hood, laymlafl slasicban. :.lb« pUioUfft: i : lots:In the boroagb*f MascbNtar, Tilubla i . m»Wj':for tba and vblcbttMj yield. borcngb be*bMslofor»:sxartl*?d tfearigfaf .of: i*lllox br . ; ttottmu lbff: Oaietiott •' tbadatadaQtta&ovad unsold lerj* qualities of ;■ ‘iand> a»d gravel Tran rib* street flpovtthfeh tba , - (deiaUff»Mott sbat.of- tmpui vu • tbra bmght against C«Od i ■! tor"4be Jtt4** :VAbU«o; oviiflg: gieepd TroottDf onaotmtof alley, sr* entitled totbeeeUj >. > to Owottdletof neb stmtor alley; and the el# ©H , v^;::r > vboroßSb"-bis.;&<>:o{!tir'.Hlbt'tb«nift'-ths& aright #ll otlMl mU opoaUae .ifp.Mcamrj.lo; 4 f'keep.H to repair lor .tbs pirpo—of Ut«s* The rv'xity or boroagbcaanotetasVßliibeetoßCf traveler | etherniteriel'therein; for thhpirpoea of: * vruhiag nwrehaodlse ofvUiber ealhorise any eae ) v ! ,alseao*odaf.«adlbeoinMrer:sttfifeiotca&jasteia «& action: of irespstii agalartany oneentartagiato i v sub stmt or iaUej, la froaf of Urn; betwixt the line -ofbl# lettad middleor cues>m;«bsro]biimt(tiDlier.Uaißflibarbatir«att 12 snd SO* - It la batored to b* ary tail. ■ When tbenoUipio taorer 12, a is was! to sake j-ibitworowaaodattadditioa.tbo*: -’ 1 ** «. ' i "17 1 > 7 '' , 47 jm •* <7 < - 116,413 h .\v Koir f tb^e cjut bo sTiidadi tad the-melt obtaiar v "•» l * , T - - l *•-*? T 17 , * 7-. .A v ' >’L-.-.-s• :' - : *•' "■*•'---■! f ~ v -1 „ f 116,413 : - -TbutfadoM as follows; la aeUipljiaf bj’7 aid ■ iktTigklpf,tk»etu surtti -• plUdi■■ TbM ;s&•*** 63#‘aat dowa 3 r7ißari 66, eexrt s>62* ' • tmi \ tßt’ tid r, M,««, ion* Af.hdtt**!, ~ V «rrr5,«,*4i17,55,««t dowa 6 „Jt«m»oiire . >.;iMta*'aoWtfflt tu> t4d«d D«to 11, whiehHMldoiM. Ii :'W««llc« liiimcxla . ' ug iwo luKtxf 6,na »>d ollfth# (l ctriji*,.” ftiillwHmti am BilMli. WtthiotKi paetareak there «aa*»: . i ally Urge asaberof penoas kdlad bjrbeleg im, ■ s“ orpr.bynUroad tmit la addjtianlotbeee lately - .reported fay u;w»iddtb* following r. ' \, of csn«Oßi«f wctt, o« (b* PnU7lvtiU C«itnU r: RiilroedynaYOrer a ieu um« 4 WhiUkv,Bt i . completely atrered fat*head(rata;kitfaodgY.^Hiemnilaawerej*bot • «d to lb* metioa ‘betse« wbm ihr CoroMT tiru Ob Friday ararniaf,MiYL.H.Wfcittorf ol Pxed» \ Moat«* farakeeßum oa th* Saltittofe; aid Ofc» Railroad, WMlemiUjkilfod. at Rowleeberf. Mr* ■ ,W. wuatcßllag. m thedeckoftb* «*r* aedepos. - peaaiafffhpwik* .bridge aeroee Cheat mer, M ;:>.«UcuachiMlutftU3ifoa|ka traek.'Birheid «u acreied foot* bi* body. t filr v Ad«iOU»|*4if»Jfre#p«cUb!er~ r CtnMMwpdtlljifbri . *Lut,at Kit XHiomat J •- ’-v - - * IHtctmd. t^sSKs^ HMTokOttr-w. w -'■• : ■"* feafiOHUtf *far * m 7|£L 'll huahadTSS (S ; nJssi'-*" * SM.oriXftubZ.r " imjhul, t«r fifb.Vflsfas'judge c Mrs. Ida-’ MTMkIUM P/AjubstaW etfterm la >lOl o» bbL als as eetioa of ajaetnsnl.' VUMUfEi date' tkauadlviibdfourth part ef-tbel lot rf ground o% Wood stmt, now oewpisd by. Atfsll, Ce# i A aad R.li. Allan. U eppaarvdbal Qaorga Aasboii, tha father of thedetodant, waa ttrtoa wa«ad,aadf raised two fluaUlaa; The present defandantp whoia aaoo of the aeeosd wUa, puAuri this property, 10. 18d8,ffwn Wm.Of sham,- and granteda parpatsal iaase to e Hr: ;Baekar, reserving, to, him. aaifagroond raat off!,lo();lii,lBt6 r ß*ekaT as* akaed tba lease to Haaa A BUloUj ln .1829, the prnarty was sold by tne Sheriff on a jadgowt of the Baek of Pittsburgh; end waa puiehaMd’ by lha Bafikf leNov. 1829. the Beak eouvaysd H to Qao.6» Aashata, a eon by tba first wife, rsaarvSng tba grooad tint: IfltlkfT, Qaorga.&Aasbals eonvsyad thrss fourths to Oliver Aaahats,' Mrs. Linford (tba preesat. real Ahibfcts; to 1848, the property, with the ground :reot, was sold oa jadg meat to Robart Wood*.r Priof r to this, howarer, la 1847, tba Bank rs-oonveyed the groand*reat to Geo: Aashati. In 18M, Trust as of-Eva An- KhaU, #ifeof Beprge S, Attrhnii, jr.j xonvayed: bar tatarest ta-Al/redpVfUliea.and.Augnelas Anshut*; sad caasdate, Aaguste» and William conveyed It to Adfradp tba present ld the*hieanUm6, is !MVifc *&d Mrs:idaford ooavtyed Ibair lotaraat to CbrbtUa Aasbif*! b.lB47,Chrism*tMoovayid U to Br. Idaford, and ba, by bU last will, davisadlV for tba .baaafit of hU wlfo, to TnuUes; of whom Frauds Behm It tbe survivor. -;. ;: Thadafsaaa claim thatCbepoiMfofcrrigbt'dldaoi pass from thattby the Sheriff's saia; that the ground vast only can ba claimed by the plaintiff; and for tharmara, that Tf.the sale was valid,the property was purchased by the Bask’ In trait AorhnU. Couusal forplalaua; Oeotge P. : HamQtbn, E«d.; for Robert Woods, and dob* MalloaiEiqa. Cowrtof: BaloraJedgaaMellon,’Adamejiad^Fitfce. ■ < Islbecaia of Chulaa Ptvtd Crabim vs. SsavalUood, aetioo of trespass to recover tbo velua of ajjoaauty.of eaad amlgraval ufcea, by pamlssioß 'Of'the . Borough authoritiaa,. from tba street* ironbag.oa pUtotiSA* property,- in the Bon ongb ol Manchester, the jury rendered a vardieft ta levor of Slipper for $75,t and in' far or. 01. Gmhlm r0*825. ir i\\ ■ r Jamas M. fiterhag' vt^Jimes-Dennott t acoaa for real f - Verdicr for platadfTfor rJ7o* I .George Balph vs. Filxnmatoo> A Morrow; actios for services, resdered. lor dafeadaat* : . Joseph-Bush vs. -E.-’Merrlaas; aotioa oa a Bssehwfo'siian. >V*rdlct for plalntlffTor sfo: ' - Michael Kiro vs. John McGowan and others; as. Goo of -trover.'sad- coavanioo - for some' household farnUure.OnUl*l. .r-- " Sba jury Jrtsls in this Court will probably be eon* eluded to-dey, there being but.two cases oa foe Hit,. an follows: - - • KoT l2t John Stoop u. Samuel H. Lueti. « . 124 F. AW« Fieher va. Niebolsei Dlraag. If the mareaatiia community .ht geoeral expsrl- tea#'difficulty la proenriug a nffiotent aomber of smalt notes (end larger ones, too, for that maU«r) to meet thiir aeoeisery dtoaads»pertko larty oa payday, when one suit needs aakeohaoge for aaployeee as we da, then tbey most be ready to ask for tba Issue of small notes by our own; Banks. Blooa tba taspaasloa of: tba Beaks la 4hU Btate, OhlcvlndUna-aad Koatueky Smell notes have been •orted eat by cor Brokers, and tba smell Gold befog locked ap by .oar. Beaks,- wo are getting lalo a worse position than ever,-, for mekisg cheage noder dv* dollare. : i . ■ ■ ■ •••• • : - H Wa aragtbdJoraaa petit lona In eircoUUoa, prey ing the Legislator* to.pau ea Aei eonfarrlog- power ea our own Baakato Issoa aotea of a leu deaomU aetioo tbea five dolls nr, to meet the pnbltc nsoesii tUs.— We hope they they give foe matter some ridietfon..'- • '• .. Attesipled Baiglwr-k BoU Bcottadral. • Oo Tueedey evnlng, betwon uvea and eight o'clock, Welker, wife of Wm. Walker,: chend ter, street, 1u the Third Ward, Allegheny, left her room for tbe purpose of oloilog the sbattan for the night—her husband be-’ log eheent at the time. .After closing up, sad while - paatiag ihfoagh thrhall* she beard a noiie io tba dlabg room, aad imagload that a eel bed got into thwpentry. . Bh* walked la for the purpow of chas ing Tabby away, end wts Irlghteoed almost to -swooaiag upowseeing a men rush out put her..- Me had gained eoeest to: the bouse through the hell door, and,had secreted himself in the pantry to await tbe retirement of foe feally, after which be weald bare ao donbt robbed the dwelliog. Thom -wuno male-penoS-preMßt ezoeptlog Ur. Ackley, aa ag*d gtatitman, and the thief bad: no diffieulcy Samaklag'hia.eeeape. He ta desonbed aaa Tow set, heavy,miSr boVhte faataraa were not dlicemahle. . HotDtariVbwtDeaAOrawk* Oa Taseday ereutlg, between aight.aad nip* o>etc(aA,0 > etc(aA, a ;ealTed Bren, aad stated tbalnoertam young mao, boardiag ate boot* on Robmeon etreet, near Baudotky, bad anker committed hl* room'bid been eetertd aad locked on-.Ura-iasidtt.bya burglar. :lo either eaee U would hero bees bad enoegb, end officer* Loag and Tyiefwere aaatdowa to lavesugato the matter, Oa^reaching the room, tba officer* rapped vtgoroaaly, bat lande all Aaa alleat aa tba grave. It wta thee determine*! to force tbe lock; aad baa* weal the doa^, -A- aceae of horror presented iteetf, sad aeoffiee^TylerMclalm«i <, de»d,’ , officer Loag promptly The vooag :aaa bad ukea aa otaidoeeoT poteoaoua whisky; which he had vaiafy endeavored, to retain by aaiotkering it with *‘a doaea zaw.’* -L-Bo'then. Was ao - suicide; and if the jOaagmao keeps on ia WpreiuthibiU fa* witrfctvff ao oedasioa to taka bit own life- ['• .Wadejitate duvet 4b* attention; of oar nuliri [ to Ibe adrffttiaaie&tof Jfatri. Sbsefcfott, McLain [ 4 Ca,to’aaoiher eoleun. - tbit l« One of oar Itai [iof Dr; Qood* HoatM;.tb»7 ar* Baking all tba aeeetiary arrangemraU tedo a mocb larger Spring toad* tUA«iael». and bar# ewj, (aeUU/ for.sup. pljloftbe trade vith Dry Good* and Not bar* on lb* Boat Camable tarot, Having a raftldent boyar ta the aaetatbay are aekblad wore Ibalr liberal eapUal la panhetlog at the Important Auction Salea.tf xfo* Torfcand Philadelphia. We are tore tbat WaiUro mareha&U «itl do wall to etaotoa their ttoek and prieee. With a eontiJarable taring to freigbi, tufeltogap«o»aodoicbeng«—now decidedly Id ?frvtrof Pituborg b, they «Ulcarlalaljr fiad'iteeono* lay toboy totbi* aartiot, . */V' -' ' . .-’TT*—7*. m 1 " 1 I :;• ~ . atJcflferwn* " . .TbaSDDoal CoatMt at' Jtfftnoa College, Ceoool bpr&Ukee place on the 3?tb bet Fcrlbeoceaetoa --alnyi .* highly iolcreetbg cue—we bere'tbe fol bwiog programme: ■■•:. ■ •: r ' :.. Seleet OnUoa-Hibtif Poairy, lTagb W. Bojd, fttnbaA*- Seteoi Archery oTTeII.O. R;Bl*ta»v.AfleghaojCity. 15*1ay—The Datl Llfo of Hu, Robert A*Clerk,M r Vejtown,Pe, Eai;<- AUeily la.Natan,. J. 0. Oildcdli Wuhlogtoe, 0. -Octgiasl;'OraUoa—The BeHgtaa of> 18Urk # Rrsoklla coanly* Original Oralioa—Becoa, i PlolOy sad RuV Stephen o,'UTaadUit, PUttburgh. LplseaMloa—Should Ihs Jodkfsry be eboteoj. by tbs [Popple directly?’ Affirm: 8. T. While, Caaoaiborg; | Deny: J. J.Campbell, Ciaoatborg, Dnnuauo. Accidcht*—Aedrew Jaaiaoe, of Shortcreeb towaahip, Hamsoe coaßty,: Ohio, toet •a ieterwtlag titUecbildbetweeolhree tod four •jean old* Saturday last* is a- noet abockiag mao* Mr* Mr. Jamteoa wea baoltag bar Area a etaek, aad #aa biaaell oa ibe vifon building theiotd- Tba cbild' bad been playing about the: etack t aad eanoUeed, tbe .lmia oae crawled under tbe wagoayaad probably wae I; lag betweea ibo wbaela. TbeUata waaouriedytudlhe bled wheel ol the : wagoa paaaed over one tblgb aod obliquely aeroia ; the caber,.craibißf both; tee child Jived but a few aiaatec. > Pum Litskabt «io to reeeipt of a programme for the txhlbitioo of the Puna Litera ry Soetoty* for (bo aid of Kauai, to bo given nr the ovaoug of the llib last ; at Coacert U»U. “ The entertainment will eotraut of eesaye* decimal lone, dcbite, dinlognetj etc. IfaePTyrant of Kjra coo” wdl ho produced by rrqowt, togeiber wiib tbt "Now Footman,” both pfecea betng admirably cut. Tbo exhibition pronmoa to bo tbo'beit over givofl lo lbo city, aod wo anticipate a fall hall and ft Well ploaood aadtaoce. . i ]-. s LAiciur or g»l pasted* Catba. | Hoc Woods Was. committed tojaU.jMterdajjby 1 Major Drum, to staffer. a farther* festria* f apoa a j charge of etesliag. irUcJasolelotbiof'; iiom Mr*. jUcbel £. Jose*, poner of JSisl.Cuminoayid Ohio tiraol. A silk dreas, i mcrifto drew, sod. other articles tro-miefiagi bat.ibo girl ittfbbouly reruM* toteU where tbeyeaa bo had, while; she does, sot dteytfco iaicaajr - , 'Kicm»c*t.—Araea aimed Jicob; Smith, ol Coaemaogb lowoabip, flomereel coaniy,. left for put* fliuowe,oo tbe SSd. of Febroiry left, to comptaied by bis atep-daoghter, takisf with bin alio oao ol bm cbiMre9«t4mil bot. fimUh.ffM a farmer, ovalag a food Isrm, wflielocVed, aed wnrftsy ta hiacircaisitaacee., He learfeeibeblad him a wtlo aadaia cbildrea,.r-His paremear tu t dtofbter of. hi* «iT«i be. a 1 foneer marriage; sad tired la bid family. . | 4. 7 ; >• • Pitmoaon F*iui.r Coilm*.—The present ■ Urm of this well miaagcd ie*titatioß,|Rer. I. 0., Penhlßf, A. President,will elftitr os i with the «*aal literary eiererte. la the oveatag a literary contest-will uke place, la which: eetpraJ I oftbO paptle will participate, aad a tiMr cap, trill bd BtvsMOd tbo eaceemlai coatesupti The Rptlsf ] iny iriJl eottmedee oa Wodseedijr, ibe 30tb of i March. _7: , j I Jarcnui Tun***.—For sometime past, a bob- I berofbeya bate beeaiatbe habit of ueeUof beef Moagoei, ÜBveto /from tbs batehw vsgos of rJsa, i f Osrdser, pf .iba fieeradrverd, AUetheoy^afterloed-1 I lag forwbet Three of ibeUdtweresnwtodya*. | I terf*y,aodtek*a before Mayor Dram; Tbdyi»*T«R»! i yo«Bjg, sad vert dleebsrgad apoa. prcmUlflg to'do j better la/ater*. fc» <7omi<4 by M«ctr* W 4 tok lfaU Jlsjortirr ■ ■ ma*,M«ek6,lWl. 1 iosth‘ wi*bto Mtbmiabmla or irsil ttMt lliosU «#k« »rr«fetueau tofe«H U tsuadodta*'- Tiarre i* tl£ a»Sre*tOß*>|Btekl t*y of bMatifriif oM'i w«*f ;♦«>i riyofadlitf nlMiotbett—Tk»t>BiMf . MOUr, ScanCaranb—Grbu*klll Im (ortba, eratUcn of. lb« a»w filth Prttfctlariaa chatch, : 0» th* taraar «C W*M*rn4 W»b]«£M»r»tr«*u,M.l thrlftth la*.,Jit.iM»» 90 latt mi«afth hbjCftl Icitia aMtfcM&feupteUd.to haconaUl»4‘l>jr| [npwrtwaan, |I , *• Jboiriui, im teri A>t Ik* [»«•«• «IU«. ul ibauiJwifm TktptniMtoUk Snsllfiofai. v .sprlmg Trade*. - JL ofocaaa rtaamab im -aotono* lr,xboat tottmOoefoom Wa&t?iua, . ' - The f'Roogb'a RaaCompuy,*.’about half amila above town*.Denham ,A Co.,at Watk*r»* bnck yard, also near tows; two campaftisaat Jatbra; aad several other compaale* ta -aad anmad'Wallanlle, .are aetively.eagaged fa preliminary work. :. .Tba big welfai Bmuh** Ferry wai«tia»d!’for twealy-faar boars oa Tharaday, aed it was estima ted to yield - Mveatp-iwo barrel*.': Mr- Roseaihal ba* dtspo*ed of bta oee fonrtb interert in thla wall: lor|10,«00. . . A enrraspoadeat writes [tkat aotaa forty or fitly od lease* have been eiecaiad oa tbe Virginia aide of .tba river wtfoia tha pasti fow weeks; - " • s - ~ - Mr. Reese, of Alleghcay eity, commenced bor ing on the farm of Hoe) Beck, ia IS’orthfiald, Sum mit coueiy, oa Monday. Ha tbiaka tba indication for oil arc piomlatug; Ur. A: U.- Whitaker, of Bcdford, hu aerag.of tba adjolaiag farm of Mrt-Fall, and'is forauag a company,iaUd will commence operation* soom The oil fevkr u ragtag eitesaivaly in Bedford/ i ■ Tui Orn Favaa av oU. ai eitsmaat baa reached Washington: A company bks beeo orgaabmd &r that and >stock to, the amonfit of sloo9 for Ih* purpose of bor fog for oil. . . A aits Aas been selected on the farm of James HamQton, one mile north of the borough, and operations have already been commenced. • - Goiho into Oruanoir^—The rolling mill at Kuuanieg, which has been lying idle for a Bom ber of years,foebout being repaired* and vat into operatiou; It is a most estmaiVe establishment, aad will give employment to a Jsrga - aomber of haade. ho mueh for lha proepacta low ao flstler ingeiaca the Momll tansbiU-baa become a law. . gaaiocrs Acciaurv.—Twp mmaiftaagaged la a pit near wera.lfngbtfullr barnsd the othar day, by. the asploetoa of of powder, with which a epark from a blast accidentally com municated* Aa ora miner, the name day, aeaMbe buds plaeo, had bis fees aad aav eml fiagara taken off, by Iba prematura dir ctargayablasU • _ r • ■ florlain aflna.—A man named Eilat Brook, hosier Crawford eooaty, jru foal village last weak, lie was a Krmmßußffenilve man, bat of vary in temperate hahUri Ipbad lately thraateuad to taka hit pwn lUe. Whin fmod ba had aavtral scan upon his naek and abdomen, which he had svldasUy mads with aa old knife his person. . LxcTuac oa Commeleisl Law; by W. T. Dana, Ecq., before the xl sate* of Duff’s. College 10-day, (Tbureday) at half pan fores o’clock. Subject, Guaraatae Contracts. Teekun il Dabeau, Bbermsa va.- Roberta, Wain vs. Waltars,:aad other reoeat lygal decision*, highly latarestiag to basmeae maa, will ba reeited. . Accioairr.—Conrad Bchlegal, a* lad thirteen yean of age, bad bis left bead eras bed - and lacerated by foe teeth of a cog wheel in tba rope works of Mr. Henry Gerwlg, of Allegheny eity, on Monday morning. Ssarucch.—W. C. Harris, the young man ar retted here some time ago for stealing postage stamps from the Post Office at Richmond, bas been sen tenced to,the penitentiary for three years. PAanonsp.—Preeideat Buehanan baa pardoned Washington Cline, who wsi sent to the penitentiary foam Wbeeliog, e couple ol yean igo, fur pissing counterfeit coin. - * * Dean—Tbe.Rev.- James Ralep, an aged aud promtaeat minister ol iba Baptist Church, dild last week atbre reeideuee, aome twelve miles south ot theelty. * ■ • _ ■ • • Covaitwaav Lopatp.—A aoeond commitment for lareeny was lodged egainst-Wm. Boniface, by .AIL Teylor, for steahag a bridle- from John Broadway* Wave a was let ibid tbe Beaver eaaal oa Wed nesday taal, aad BBVigitioe will be resumed.ia a .few.days. ~ ■ : .. . 0. • Babls, Water Cur* aad Homeo pathic Physician; also agent for Rainbow’s celebrated Truss for Ruptures. No. 110 Bmithfield 8U -J . yMF* Dr. C.* Sill, No. 348 Penn street, alteodi to all breaches of: foe Dental profol aion. | * should not fail to read tbo odver* Uanwl Vonl, la Mm'« p*wr: t |Qrßu>oD Food—AtteDUoo ,jb called to. tbts mca« noivifehl* eml artmtlfij p«»perattns,edTM Uied I* enteber eotuee. It Use eatlrwij *•• dlenivecy, end nnst not be eeetuended «Uh a&y of tfa* esmerou iwteot cwdMxweof tketUy.; It 1* • orrUia nta*df fat »U foe JHiiauiiillel.ewS et eruliy thweteitoeawllteJ —«t bug >uadlog-Hrf weska,eßoeihe,eed years.. Better' *r*,trv 10 ... • : Meewa. Ceuaou ft Prro>v. of K«w Torfc.er* tbefol* uau fcr 11, *od eteo propdetort of the weriftreaewaed Pr. IiMV lininu Oospua, sa article vhlrimn Matter obaeld have la ber i»dlcia*clee»t ta cm* ef aekd; ead eoatelelug, as It dom, no puegerteer opiate el say klad.lt caa be rdtet eyeo witetbe etseat eosftltaoe,eed wtU te loead ea tavslaebte spec lie la *ll caws of loteaUle /Jiu aaf, (M»iM ; edveniMarint. fermteby ttJKb R.ABTBIE ft|ial,llt V«dit. PUtbaisb. fo ■ : MITjdAwIwV *. i**et TOOODSIDS A PARRY, - BxrmEaaiNDDSALrRSis O A A B o N ai:X.;|- ote .STMA STUBKT, Utwwa Oaaal aod Welw WuH >au» , pitTamaoii, Mi- SAPONIFIER! Important to Families!' i S»vo Time, Trouble, tndExpent*. t TUC 'TBB best PSJ|WmaB&et ARTlCLE|pf||B ioV SOFT SOAP! On* peoad ftful to Six poudr POTASH!! ywModWlilwihily Penn’a, SaltManufact’g. Co. PITTBBURCH.PA. ladoyollß»natfeaWqrooanlttttoPftnoftß«ffc . JJO YOU WANT WJIIBXERB? DO YOO WIST WBUUMI DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? ' : DOT(JO WIST*HD«IiOBII BEUINOUAM’S OKLIBSATID STIMULATING ON6UENT, For the Whiskers and Hair.; The eabeeribtre tofco pteoanro In oaoMadag to lb* 010* cacao* tbo United MUUt, that tb*i tava obtained (be ftnocrfor. nod are now enabled toctfartotteftweteoo. pablky tbe abora Joatljr celebrated and world renowned aitlcla. THE BTIMULATJBQ OSQUBNT !• prepared bytie 0. P. Ptumoeas, no eminent pbyitden of and la warrantad to bring oot • thick eat of• ; WOIBKEBB OH A MUBTACBE tblauUcte k ttaeolyc««of ttw kiad u*A by U>* fMMb, *sd I* &**m «ad Paris U I* laasivaml oa.< ’. - •••!' It UftMUUtt, tctmoaM, - * T*t fttfaoUUlf , cal, aaoiMa#, fM'ttitoa*-. ecwpoeod, acting tm if b» uact* upoo im root* MMing * bMatf&l cron ife:of Inarias t te!r.~. If appUM to lb* nip, flvtU MraMUUto.Mil c*OM toapttof n toplatodim bald not* a ftt» growth of mv hatr. •! Appuad acoeriUagto dlrauoavtt wtiFftoia rt&orttwf A«*r dork/aod rufapr i grqr h*tr U U* original color, karinfll toft, MWwth and I drxibfe: M' lodbpMtotla artfcla- to Mtojr CMtlaataVtaato; Md va&to om «Mk*> w tbrv booid 00l tor aay fnortof»wi towUhoat H, - .. ?b»iabaerffcanaMtb*a&lf AgMtoloribaaitktafatba Paltod lUttyio abtoill wtoi Btotomutoi.. i ' vFrtoa Os* iMLu > bboX<*farnl» bf alt Sraottoi and Daafer*; or * bos tf.iba .•Kkwcanl/' (wana&tadtofcara tit* 1 talnd aflfct,) will b* net to any »bo datitoit, by sail <4baeCJ Manly pat bad, os raeript of• pric* and rritrit. |llB, Jlpply tooraddreic : ■ v " fIO**OTUHtO*U*!f*CO,, i Itrasslats do,' : : •■■■•. •• BAfftUiaai «twt. gwTurt. • cuTbßU*®rriu!i hahowmihi ■ \%f W. YOON< V{sacees*orto Cans >sfT • ywo A 97 Wood iimfi eonwr Statwid alliVi IlMlir to imbdi«{,. •?.. •• CCTUitT, - '’-'.'KNIVVB. ' • bazoo, «M*ou, mruEsT • hum, wtrtaMl of Um ibm goods constant)/ ea fcsad.. r-- '• ’! » ■ 1 ■&* . tTaSEFISU—ISO Lf bWa. 'Whit*Fi*h; ; , 'mJ IS hfbW» UksTcool; JWhKiMj B«rrlat; 7 - • b M ; BWIT B. OOUJIOL ;, ‘JAnUtOKa.Uwea tWt«J Country; ■:?-< TQIBATHKIti'ANI)' HUSKP PELTS—O JD «es> raflms i;m> anw Wt**o«u*ii»t tom OBKUS-13 bbla. Fi»x SmkJ; - ' ~ ; :% M -, ,j ■■a+tmutm-I. PT^ to ’£*VrV%LIZ« ■ JJOJTBKHS bbltßnuor. , _ w» tußurn.otmm. T».Ut,U SOIXKH-0 bblkchotM 801 l jut *,piniu* 1.. . Mri WiUon,'Of Mkataohnaatu, taovad that whew foe fleo ate adjoin bo tilKMondey. - . i ... , MNHuoter, boped:U woald-not be carried, ** he aad others ware aazloas to . get botte, aad, if possible, iatenddd lo start next Monday. Mri'WQion said Kamadv the motfoa on thasoilc- Itatiin oCsavcral Mkvhad.no idea wbeft the Babats would wa able to get through with Us bnalnesft*. ■ ‘"f '.' / w ‘ Mr. DUott?of Rko - Mr.;Donglar :U| coma to tbe oondnslon that U waeapwqprMhatAbaaawaMDeasaga; ■' ; WUhout:'ditpo«Mg. of. th* tba Senate wsntlite Baaeotlva saalon, ana In a abort lime ad joaraad tilllprmonow. \r . I&terestlDjf from Washington. WsiuiflOToa,Fab. fl—Delegate* from Indiana aad M&iae severaUy paid lhair respects to tbePret ideal (bu moraiag.' ia reeponw to - tbetr greetiog he made a brlef-jiul evidently utisTactory address. Tbo enmbitqalhai ot ,tbe. new Cabmut: officer* fast* baeft elgaed-bjlho Preiideat, and Secretary •Sawanl wu foe first to enter apnu the dutieeof his office et-the Slkl* Depsilmenr . 1 It was axpaeted ihatiEt-Bteretary Dlx wouldw eats bis offio* to-day, but at the rvqowt of bis sne- ObsM, holds -over tUI to-morrow. .WhsaMe. Dix e&tarad on bU duttM tbh Traatury wu UleraUy baekrapL Thar* were resignations on his table from foad*parta*nte,-wbleb there wu no nteisi > of paylog, . exceeding $1,606,000, fishing bountlev unpaid amounting to nearly $450,800, aad treasury sales overdue amounting to about $550,000 —4e all $2,700,060; all :of wbleh have bt*& paid. - Yesterday tbe aeeounta were stated, in expectation of Mr. Chue’s eatraoe* on bis duties; and they show a balance (a tbe hands of tbe Treasurer of the Belted States and disbursing officers, applicable to the current expenses ofith* Government, exceeding $6,009,000. This, wi(b l tbe currant receipts from foe cos to on, amounting to $30,000 per day in cola, -U ls IfttieVed will enable the Incomteg Admioiatra. Uon to aattain itself, without ealllog for further loans, for a considerable Jaegth of time. - WAsniauToa fiTV, March 6.—Oa or befuro the 4jb of> March, Li|iib General Kcoll pod olben. re cetvsd telegraphic despatches cautioning them to ba on tha look oat for powder plots at tbe Capitol, in eoisaqueac* of which searches were diligently mad* th* police at the building lo satisfy those' wbwhM eximioiuoa that there waa ao-dfaager from enmbustibles. . Jhq heail* to-day animmously confirmed the W. Bswar«f t as Assistant Secretary of Sute tobis father. The President also aomiattad Norman B> Judd to ba Mtnieter at Boslo*. > : r. that *x-Beostor Crilteodea will be ap pointed to tba vasaaey ia the Supreme Court is gen .eralljr b*Hev*d, but not certalu. Th* nomteatloo wu mad* to-day. . All doubts u to Mr; Cbasa's aoeaptaocs oT the Secretaryship of foe Treasury are removed, accord ing te. a sutemeof he bimwlf made to on* of bis friends to-day; . TbaVannirtl dalag&lloo eallej 10-tUj on General Seward, DJi, toil Batai. {leoeral Bflottiioada '' wblcb he-thanked Vennrat foi 1b J 863. The i California d< rpccts to Mr. Lin i oolo* i Foot K»a. cUwo 4»t*t ib« • There tin moderate bo*f awe delog by jobber* tbn* far tfaUveek. 2b* niiktt I* (wbipi lew Active then tilt week, end price* ere generally without ebaegi. i Dariog the preeent week, Fort Point, ti the vs* lnae*;»rJB|*|rueiM4 faetbor, hne been occupied for the firrt Uae by United Stetnt treopfc , Tbe-flopreoe Ooarvta .the ewe'of Fremont ft. Flow), bu decided tbet the bolder oMJatted State* petes ted lend*, voder the Metises grant*. poiteWee elltbelesde. ■■ - ■•i 1 The Governor bu Mat to tbeLegliUtore tbenam- Ur of firemens* io potetMioo nf thy elite—btiing feetweeo dWnod 50Q maskeM, *hot-guos nod ’riflii,- generally oat of repair.! i • . \ ■ From ell pert* ofibelitete fevoreble account* ere rewind of the ptanUo|g operation* tbit *e**oa, the breedtb of lend tows in wheat beta* mutftr greater thenlatt yesr. ... . The DegUiatare be* done nothing important thi* : week «b the Seoetorlel qoMiion. i There bee been ea alliance formed between the I Breck|orldge eod e portion of.tbe'Dongle* Detno i crete.;. Fifty-fire of ibeee faalonUte met In ceoeoe io beoramento laitevettkng. Theywere let* then e majority of the LegUletnre which be* io both Uooea 115 member*. ; Tb» failon movemeot il to fevor.of Dennr, eod feU friend* eipeot materiel io create to the finion Democratic atrength. It U ap parently eboot eo even, chance tbet oo election can take piece tbt* ttnioo.ai after nominating a Breck inridge Dongle* eod an oppoilog Dottg lu Republican Candidate, there i* danger tbet one ooaJitloa party will have a majority in the Senate, end the other n majority of the Amiably, eo that QoJolbtCooveeUonoenbeeelled. - Tbir Pooy Exprto data* raoolred from lb* Atlan tic St*to*, via ;Fort Kearny,'-.are to gtooay new* on tbe Vhfoo qßeatbo. : AtlpUiire .of the people la 800 Franetieo will join laa Daioa eeUbniUoa oa the JJJ, and boiiaau *HI btgeaerelly rtupendedv Thr atearear fnne«t»4tonr the* {forth,: bring* Victoria diUi to the 9Ji ol and 61 Ore gon iptbaUtb.;- \ .The’ Bribes ColonUlAeaetnbly wae prorogued by lht Gprernor, ootbu6lb of February. J . Tb* price of crown l«nd* utobaredaeod to 4». 3d. par nor*. \ that* had been aeriona trouble* at reinewhbost.ibecoilaitioa of datiea nt tfimllkf ■»e*r*!. \i r\ Previaioßf vara tearce and tha wttfbar very coif. Tba a aw* froa- Oregon ia of very Itttf* unpaid lance* Gold ha* been di* covered ihtbeSbokan country. ' : Tb« Jndiaa diet&rbucev prerwady referred tk prove: to be nothing star* thanVfew.peuytheftx. •j- Avraaojrj March A' meetlog :of tba eoouaittte and frea the eottntry, cambering- about tiro' hundred and hfty: aod rapraaaottng twenty-four eoantlM, «u bald hire leal : A virertaa of roolotlonx wa* adopted, expreoisg the ntaoatvou fidrere In Ben. Porearoy and the otbar mambara of tha Oaperal CommlUai, folly endowing tha ayatatn of dietribnUng all inoaaya and anpptire for tbnrt- Uaf. of Kanaaa real to them. They regret-that conflUtlog ttataacn inhere bean aaat from: Laayaa wonh.antb«y oonilder it taai have a tendency to atop tha lappllpa whlcb are yet drargently needed, and riteed with Ihe.fbUowing:--; ; BMmd, That It U tba mom of .tfcli;CoaalUee> that foltaad of tha groin exiggeraUen befog ettrib ntad tt Hyatt and romaroy, tba 'reltreptaareulioni are greatly attributed to tba nation of tha recant dlxpatehaa rent f rare Learenwor tb. . Wa baralha drbeeeftngi of a mau. meeting! of Jellmpo eoanty,nlno andoralng Gen. Pomarof.aad. tha Committee, and deeeunricg tba action of no me of Ihg.hiUießX cfXearenwartb, who bare andaaT ored tb atop tha fappß*v‘aa thay rente, by mlpeprd* eentatioan of agroaa cfenreetorv Forty toaa ware ehippedon Saturday for-Wvia dotta aod Topaka/at both of which piece* fall noraware eentiyeetexday and usdxy totba.awne polnt*. Tha a*uWUhmaat of there depot* vrillbe a grail confort to tba teUlara in. •oulbern'ani wertere Ka*Me.• -j'Onli - handred ( undnlnetj-fi?* ordarf'arara aadantil dofcibck by different loetl conmUteeb or by itha ganmt eoaniUre. Tba rtth lor i .ftw day* puthu Mttiara,#uih to gti tbeir crept in, and mtut hare aappltec ind •are ji ordar to do mil But Hula aead pared io the waata kun fir been recalved, and it baa lo be dixiiibatod In. vary |«>U IffDtrxftDiarcßt March; ft —Tha "Sent* with ditea to tha I6th| nrrlred ticaai % v Col;-Kali kt& TAr. Stnwiit > , r 'eaniractoiii on Jtha rooiaJ caret with It# viThay report boaloeM ia Now : Mexico ha axtrarealy Jail, v Tbay ny that aertther tbe regalarKtrlpt br tbla uait >Ul;be madaiax no dangaffioatba Indiana Unow tom* : They report cold vwaathor in •SanUTdi and rebra now hid (all«Q there tbif winter, threi ererknoam before. Large nb«h)»tra.>f; Indiana warereeß it Fort WUVbat wero blandly; v ‘- v vC6I. i ;>".: - '.••/ ; ■-..; x : ;V : --.•" -i":. . Sjcmm, IMI coaruliosio-dtr. Mr. C«i»fOcdcdbld, tMßtitoi treditta* JMU*efe»u*««anio», M fcd ra J nlltiaa :tn *• Batdtt BUU*tf&»MrilatWS3r iij; «lc V> nprnt rn - Uu ntjacl «i. It* ,M«reid» of tin "“«$ Bum byiteGoHnaai.„, ' *TK tMU. W Loebtud/offiited u • abnluCb, iutncu*f thß cMiniltw, i> rkvof thtuaftln poiicj lodicaud by tl« Prendat, Bid IUiJ«« tin of iitmiou on the Soatb, to report adordiaknen b/ Vitroio shall mne thapcrwrfnbedal* eptedtij dsdimbcratif la-" conrtitnboo ftw-Thar • protection of tha ngbu in BeoslMertejr of the *!ava States, and aaeb rrw Bulm u ini vdliaf to to, ;;Mr- Harris of Amelin, offend an uulni&L la. straoUog tb* to report. In effect, that— ltb pUifi that It if Lincoln's purpose, (o plnDgathstoanUy Into civil wary by* coercive po!.; wbic&Vtrgbia will resist, Resolved,: that lbs. X*fblatornb* roqueted to msketbo prtedoa of aMBVt&d provtdo the wceswyforons, WrtJrlttnadrepal nvory attempt of thr.Faderal w ffcorUy to kafokaeoatpy nsd-pouast tbo property nod plate* of any. of. tho, seceded states, or tboaqihaf may withdrew, or collect Imports In th* same, 1 , , * * ‘'Mr/Gdggi&refti a ienaa or reenfattosa ifainit eoeretre toetnreo emnloyef.bif|h« Federal Goverjua#ot.Jbr,Un v coHectlpaan- revenue, etc., declaring Uut Virginia will t*pel‘‘-«ebattempU f / tod requesting of the bonier slsvs States in pffoetinfVplab torvoAlßf tbaSoaUi. with tbehopnof tta*oring;Jt)imooj,io>Uie Umov and of-reforming: 4he United. 6Ute#opoothe bug of the Conetitnltan ,eo modifiedas; to protect tie tight* olrpenosa and property istheUrnlone* (or all time, aod teat In the evenlof the secession ot Virgiaiafrom lb* Union, th* government property in Vttyiniaoa|bt tobo retained; bj berea well for the delease ot her ciitxens and tbeir particular locations, as for the> purpose* of general defenre; that wfuleVirgiqia, i. member of tha,Union shewill aassmeoe boaule altaade to the government, bat; be' prepared to^repel: aby attack made noon ber*. ' The debate wbiefc ensued exhibited tbe:c(fect of the UanctWal toneme extent. .. -TbeUoion men, rneludiog'Cox and Goggm, urged Jhat aomo feUoa :w*» Docesssry, for all ibe prevtoni effort* of Virginia have failed/ Tbaj want the opinion of the Border Slave State* before determin ing, fiat contemplate no onion.with the North on eqaaturms. .--i . Mr. Dorman, of.Aoekiodge, though regretting Mr. Lincoln’s position, thought,the..Uau>n men ■honld work harder than all to oppose-coercion. > , Tbe Beeeesioniate dealt the Inaugnmi many bard blown, bnl tbe Union men will oppose all hasty action in the Convention, tod ptihapspreieat the panuge ortho ordmanceof eeceesrpn..:.. There was mnch excttementdarmg4o-dapte pro ceedings of tbe Con veolioe ? hat itsdpnragd wuh-. out action. The Sceeaaibuate’tra in better spirit*. March s.~ , n*'Ga£/MVUnion, aaya that the inaognrakie an one ax it wished, nor aoeh ae will probably conciliate satisfy those whom tbe Presideot'spelka of ai satisfied in the South. .. v, r 4< > Tbe tbe positions taken are a declaration fif war, laying down tneee which wonld redaee tbe -Kcnlthere eectloa io> tbe aoqoeatioeed dotnioroanf the North,, ea a section.' i . i; iTbe BtehmoiidifFlig,conservative, tayi that the polLsy Indicated by tbe, aeeldioc;6tetet Kill meat with stern, onpkfdiag raaiaUnce by-ths salted Spath. 1 ■. J". - Tbs £«girfr*r l iee4siiol&, f 4ayt that no aetion of *onr eonveatioe can now maistata p*aes, aod Vir ginia moat fight. • ••*• ■• Tbe Bichfitaod Difpdtck remarks that, every bor der State odghttogoeol'withinthanaxttvanty- Coor honr>. ‘ i < - ■ ’ - * iDespatehaa from say that tha.in nagnral la .ncsived with Bnlverial dtiaatixfaelion, nod rnalitanee to eoarsioo ia tha feeliog of nil par- iSt. Louis, March.‘'G^Tbe 2 ConveaUon met at ten ci’eJoch. Tba variotui resolatrou deelmirg co-operation with'Georgia* were referred to the Committee of Seven,^appointed yesterday to report epoo the,.coDonnU:ationorCommieaioner Glenn. :The reaolnUoea in reference to tbe coercioo ind eeceaaion co-operation of .Border, Free aod Blare States, were referred to the‘Committee otrFbdcral Belalions, - • - K * .1 Among, other rveolntioas wae ooe by Ex-Gov ernor -Stewart, that no overt'act haa.beea eam mitted by the Federal > Government- to jnslify nitheeoQllifieation, aeceßSioa errevolnlioni Also, ooe by Jedge Orr, that we have the best government tn tbe world and Intend to keep n.; ** •. A. reaolationi appointing ■ a committee tO/cen aider tbe reeoieUane looking- to tbenmeedment of tbe State ConsUtnlioo, was tabled.< A reeolatloa re&rriag tbe> Fiendenl** Inaagural to Committee of: the Whole, after a debate, was withdrawn- Adjoarned till ten o’clock to-morrow. Liaoeevin, Msreb d.->Bs.Presldeat Baehanaa' arrived here tbu evening. T&ere was a large mili tary duplay, and be was warmly greeted by the Mayor. Mr. Baehanaa made n feeUog response, in wbieb be said that nil political upanlie* had been furgou*n, and be woold now retire, a friend to the fttendiata, the widow tad the -orphan. Be eloaed with a strong expression of Union eaniimenta. pony nrprus •llh Sma eixa- MoarrooHcnr, Ala., March A.—The general opieioa regsrdiDf Lincoln’s iaangaral it, tbstil-a a declarauon of war. Tbe Coarenuon was in secret session during most of the dsy, and again to-night. Dbtkoit, March o.—AtLnaeing, on thn receipt of tbe lasngnral yesterday, the Legislature look e rs- 1 eeis to hear.it read, and 100 gnns were fired in honor oftba seotimtnteeonnoiated. . Mibwavcßß, WUconiio, March 6.»A fire at Berlta.;lbta morning destroyed the ■to reef Carp arts A Andrews, Karst’* Hotel, and tha dwelling Jboasa of: Mr. Fox.. Loss sSo,O9Q—iatared. for $12,0^0. March ?C.—The Republican preo hens srd greatly pleased with the Inittgoral. The DemocrtUe papers coesider it csrlam to cants the accession of the Border Rules. ■ • Bo«toh ? bfarth G.—Tbe Boyal Mail, ateamship America sailed at 9 o’clock tbie moratag for Liv erpool. She uket out no specie. New OaLCAiri, Msreb G.—Texae bas ratified the wecessioe ordinance. It is reported that Uws*ton l 're«i|e*. TJOR OINCINNATI AND, w JD LOUI&VILLk—Th* srlsodid »tMiS(vJUM|HK J.U.robD.CMwo J. A Dsv*«ar, will end leteneediM* ports on PATUftDAT, 90i teataet. for InJf bi, Wplj co bond w to mbT , . : fL4CK.BaBttOAOO.Aita. |?OR KBOBUK—Iho steamer iJEfiIA X? DUDBM.Cspteia T. Boevs, Win teaveifißK as abuvs oollOßDaT.llsrrb Itib, at t ofcn , ' FOR OAIKO AND MEMPilla . ia*~Z —Tb* staaciMr. AROtO BAXOW, Qs&tetO toll Mull, will kart aa abort cb Mk a* o’clock p.».v * *ta ■ ' i WiACC;BnEW«Btoo;A£QULAR-TUESPAY PAOK-iJEK^ jLwIT VOB SAtfESVtLUL—It« doe rHrwiOBHK BMa«rEMjUOßAfiAM,inptllonoi for the above endalt.tetonßMiate ports, every TtJJtepAT at 4 for freighter Mssece apply an boardterto^■.) r eel- /- r fuck jXhMßTocLlrta.* H*gal*rWweJtiy.P«ok«t I For Wheeling, Marietta, Parkersburg, Pom»- roy, Point Pleasant, Qallipolls, Oykndoctoi :V Catleteburgh; .iro&ton and .Portsmouth; ’ T’lllE now and elegant steamer i IB* n. A balli t usr.oapk J.iWtoo s«iii.|fl|H| will fonts PUtsbergh STI&T WnOSIdDAT MOStUutfo, at 10 o’clock, foe Pomaoetti end all tatsrasedtate tandtoga, Betnralafo wilt leave Portemoath POtabnixh VEIOAY at U o'clock m. tor tretgbt er pevace apply cv board.orlo null ■ rtAOgyßAmJßAOtf^qgtV WHEELER & WILSON’S SEWING MACHINE! > No. 27 Virra Btuit, PimanoH. FAIRS OP 18 601 WHEBIBR OS. WUBON iwirded ike riniPnmlßD it tfti Doited Btstes.Fair; Ohio State Fail} Illinois State Fair, Wisooniinßtate Fair; : ' lowa'State Fait; Kentucky State Fair; •: • . Tenneetee Stats Fair; New Jerftet State Fair; Vermont Stats Fain- ' r Chicago Mechanics'lnstitute;. ' LoaisvUle'Heohhnlcs’.lnstitate; ‘ < Cincinnati Mechanics’lnstitute; - -- AUogheny County Fair/Pittaborgh, ... • jadoUxQoatfygtfcywofcagwrottatewattaa^ mi offer to' the public WHEELER & r YT' wiLaotra mrsovao aunna suenuw. at xaoocicraioDt »«ssssssv^sta»sS of-MM «Dk* M Mb w~ttinifcbil»M BMvtMnl* bad awe* dnr*M* b ttv»6ol tMraeUou to : ;»*n Mitt,b«.: S 3 jMjebu;c«lk*«n» Mrbio» ui. vtms* Uteibm agtewasssassNii# , '. mi, tmiMnu Jfl ftANU£B~-200 bzs., JHublm . ©range®, tUCYKta JkfiBOTHSU. : ttM 8» Wood peppedt»g>«Ouafc>Bjsil - T AKJB fISU~ISO packages-WAita VW &J 109 fp tM»*5 Tl Ao Q«msce wawnd fee Hi* bt - MT BPIWT H OOMJ«L iWttten Fieh £ « to tWe *l™ «a tnjj WALL RAPISR,WINI>OWCURTAINB, Tf YOU WANT BTOUIMN AKOII.COM J'roir.iomMiuiiinspMtf »» ' , oely n « Mile troca —- 1 l. 9t& te - • » fl Ud«-vv4oU ' —'6;wa& 40 do >w. do —f . 6 00 A sm& 7fo «» . -ii.' ':t b.'rt • QBOOEfiIEA-HjoU note swell Missel prink ttfo HdwflllltWiWWl Osdo etsscio Bo do •) OTK* f-QaSk-M* ** 16 4oll * •“* Agoroif . “*J?T < ? OTBr,O «»*»«ted4m*nd; asfooCHQ buhial HSfoSi do do «|4,te; to ao chalce af stmetby alao terooddsmaadiwsteefWtewk-at lisf! '-. \- -r.o BUTTAH AE KOOMatfew 1a foirAsfokadwhda vatea. arnnnchaaiEwfceafoot ebaskrtaa Botlei Umhdodo' at 14« BfcaJlfbt.do at H’je. .< iff* gSkliiMS; SsOfA U>b»tU©UUc. . W*F«W||«BWS "OBEKB44—enchsaced wttb nlfobt atoek ia marhal- soli 01 #l : te l V Jt a»'loc,sndX(f^J J s^iJ. n^sr l, U : POTATOE£r-M*ofoobask uSsfromuarei^ie,and 1 cmHsabanaoeSodtrack—Ursu prtntal : * <”APPtESHa.moderate reqoMt; aefo ofi» bbU at 11,W i .•.*-■> . ' WeUSATrrnafoiOr.dO^WaJUclibtf st! prices ranging frml«Ktel&vaad’9dodo3iU7H@lro > ' - BAOON-ancbaaga? and qofot.. : Bala ol QOO ba Sboolders and Ptals n«ais at 8 and 10>£c. ri; y . v . • DBIPI) PAAOBiS-asfootSO bash at sc 9 qoilltftl^dbdoatgktO. ' ’•:?*' .;.• .| , \-.. ■ fiEOOM COBH—hsleof 1.000 lbs at tbs rite of |SJ w foe. . 1- LABD—SalsoflSkrgscae&LiyatiOcfllb,.' r »lan—SafooTBbatrEblsHo3 llacksrilkt |5.76. , BALT-balMotS&bbteHol BxtrsatSLtt ftbM, .COBH—rery UoJK ‘tslaof 160 bub Eer from store ot 40c tp bub. ;' • - •> 1 . . ;, . BOHSTAUT AND VOOnKBOIAfo ! CwciQO Horst Uiastv. March 4.—The . ion foal price of Exchaagafor ibo day wu7gt csot pnnb Tbs demand was light, boesver, and pardMsra. avated dkposed ifpoa . sibts to well fora decUas.: Tfa beaks peldlcnsfooMra 6!Ce; but roendlota woold not bring-store OH^d.-ißte'banes, esemtd dtspoaed to r ke

Tb«n is a good enquiry ai Bguree a UUk below Ibe vfowe of aellere, sad tbe tetter not being dlcpoyed to prem Uvir eiocka eo tbs market, tbeie to not modi bosb neea doing.: Tbs only sets reported teddy wea 100 bbfo "Eagfo Prulrfo” Extra at $!,«. '| •* Wheel—BrcWpteM,OOO bos.' Usrfcdt at theopealngda* dlaed Ic, tmictueedSrmatUTfl for No 2, endBlcfor Mo l rprioglaetere,nod«r tbsacUfe.demand Irtimputlee ebo feareo tbe bad state of tha roads wonld{cnl!off 4ke rectepta bvtoie they oonld.au praaset ecdsri. - Mia (neteda 4,187 boa No 1 at Bde del (eerlyk ®0 bn doatScU dal; 2,000 boa Ho 1 all Mar,bay«e opOona 89Uer8&0[buNoXatI7e Is &60 boi do at I\% OBO tma«ab stale del; 410 boa at92a Ht, 1,000 boa dost Go d«L—lfleatiaeL, : ■' ' Hiaxxr, Match; L-Abont luo bead ot Beef Oatlfo war* and naulyl sUwefadfoso •sd ot dm log tbs peat nu, si *i>adj rste< rsagteg frsn |7 ths tetter lor sxtrs'qaaluy. Ths bnik ol tbs sateaweraatfronts tof9tearJoo aarkst cfoeeddolt. Tbe follonlsgantba particnterecd the mien made pottle tedajmi tbeAvAoayardi : I ' V-2S Cbvter co,I Abrsbaiaa A——o QZU OS Ohio sad lillaole, McQuld A 8 24 Maryland, Beott A t C6Gbeater co, Jtlmble A 8 S> 2iobeets«to,.Bo t yo 28 Chester 00, hsooedy A t &S\C 44 oblo,JuMcfilteo, 8 £&BU 61 V»iP Haibaway^— B tt9 78 Inncaster end Onto, P McFIUen. MM M 8 Ottf 110 Laaeaster and Dal,Oocbrsn A MoOaDTteSiS 120 Illiaolk Mooney A Balt U........ 9 «y^2 U Vs sad Ohio, B *' £» > &oaerkaca,UUman A Praar.;. TUt>g bOllliooU,B Chaise -11 yT^U^ 80 Ohio, Aol) A Voslter~~.-. 7- Si £ • 87 Janey, falter A Urt*.- i-i- --,,,, 7 ■ tuu 88 OtMHsr co. Than Krlckbnd^^.;. M TKtefit? 37 Vs, B 8 McFUUo .J fOSsW IlLuamt cOrßildoairtaca A 8 &i 87 Ohsaterco, U Omm— , •• 1 iUnBli 45 Va, B Seymonr. B 97 lUlaete, Aiaman - A Wsr&lc. y..-—V-l-.- .... 8' 84 Lnocsetereo, g Bamaken.^.. H ;4w MM L- M .. 8 400 11 Berks co,B <3ooldy T Ss USsrtaxo, A ghosrtre; 7 144Shatel^‘":';' . '1 : ‘ ffoksatoaowqwarayamiTsd and aoldat thn Arenas yard, U*MBn glfttogtt for EpHager*-aads2B;to f4O (or Cowa jmd OMv*s.> Of Hogs salsawsra light, and moviycoafiudto some 13(0 hand sold at iahotrayard at' for Hull fed aad *7 to $8 for oorsfod, tba oat IQO Ca, and tbs hmu>i« rstber doll- §bMm.groat: v Cuctflo Uiiur, March 4 U7C bbte.* Uvaet dell and a shads fowac. Bates ward: 40 bbUlteete’ ■pifog extra at |l£& d*U 100 Mills* do at |4J{S oa track; 800 M>Ugood spiiog extra at gkto del; 100 hbte 'Gbstewcnh* do oa private terssc 100 bbis ‘U Jobiwa Aeb* at $ 1,00 del; 100 bate ‘BooosCu? dost giy© AekTOOtob lew grads da at gk9o deb 40bbte do at |3,7« del; 40 Ute goodsoperat BkfiOdcl; 200 bbls Boathsn! JUlaola white ' • • - Wheat—Baerivfd U 607 bn. Maiket quiet aod Inactive. Bak* were 4,000 tm old reedpte No 1 Ppnag at 79e Jo vtorr. 1,000 bn tram receipts dost 79e ta skm; b!000 to old rs esipm No 2 tyring la store; 7TO bo ffasb receipts do la aura; 1,000 w for seed at |1 00 Qorn—Bseetved bn.. Market Mealy. EaleawaA: TOO bo fresh receipts Mixed at fa Mor4; 8 000 bo dost 2724 e Inesorsjia/kiO bo old te6etpu store; 9>fiQQ ba do at 28c la store; 6.000 tm mixed corn for BaoMtr44Mba. Btendy.- Bafaallb bagsHol at 4Sooatrack. i h •• ■-•/•o ;: . Ber ley—Received 6C9 bn,' Mirk«t:qafot.i Balm IM beg* prime a|4oedek7B bags (air at 40e,' v ; New Voik, March 4-—There Uno change! ot Importancs ,0 .f 0 . , %Ki“ w, ■ Thaanpply of oepUa! U abaadMtbn eall at COT gt amt ea tarotics collaterals.) Paper costlatm In ssflt sappiy, of chqlca character, and is Tftmd at G@l W east.-Tbataqatryforgorerament new lomandlreacdry Notea la leas scare, ana qnotatioassraaoareMy mateteloaiS. Tba eoopMi atoek aoUat 92B,aa| the rrektetedalM. Al tbedmeUa nrarkeattad ak Tnasaii Notes far I 2» I ••• ’ The weeklj steteaaat ofbaab anregsa areaeatx lhf re •alu which bare been aattetpated by tboee who hare wstch •d the movesas&teof tbewhsk. Tbs nmecasse,theGcv*- ecnmaal negtetetioa, has axpaaffodthsloaiia, ■ante tnlo Ote flaPTreasary. eoatraded tba spade fme. Thn merneaUte morems&t techatnaka hu shown bnl tlßls duagadutag ted wedk.*» Tba amaga ta n rMogoimto knas,and a (slUagooa la the specie reeetVe. rTha’bggm gate tobbs today are sbost-gIUOOO,OUI, and: the epecte Mas te ahoat $33,000,000. thte wl Iba tergsly tn'rriaiil this wuh from tba Bab-Treasairy dtebnnaafrnU and by the w|kk la reported to have XMXOllQlorikdo.Uwr4. . > .Is ■ t (. «a MluWm U .mawrellY.UWK.otif Uu anUUa oflb«Uak.ofli«it.YorkCH,ftb33u4]|jttfc2..-- ; ' M,£L nbithl. 1 ■, | Spod. — 31.0M*a M.M0.«7 ds_^£m3*2J ODcoiav.il..— Marti ivvcit.—_ 9VOJMM smvaa tM- ijxajtn Biw oiuid Hum, UudiXiV.noui.HVu(rf ut tiUJMtvaibrbipeillVk TD. MiDW-tU'nUi ™.D,«ObHt -ll«Krt U MI-U bMJ.MtptES u. Mqaotatl, Vm—sraUMte ,t ,Us!tt«rwdpi,4a. ■lll, lb. Wkc i , darto,lD. «,0M bvtv doll ,1 JOJio. tra;M.U. IV.DnU loci U lou, nd UHa fur EhatUmvl Dldu nil elm UJm; VMI onki nt bba. nn Mint ftrin, a. .mV. yDDfc,4.II ud tv. drand .UttlD—-ntOe te IUdUUd, Coral.|oMd. ta;]w “oor.6cD«mplj kn dot. tapfctl < DDH DcuVd alSSi^JnS 0 "- 11 Ode, too—. T AOBR-Aow iron are, JcQsWAJLaaibi 81 bite apokaa. MeWhtnmry, |lara A cot a, ears WAAWEaaiatacfctiai maty bbls.Rbefoa AVaraart 1 bt turdw2w,J Woodwelt; ttbbtespplak J-Qraalartl coll leatber.'Q'B PoffstettiT: Matab jiabtHUfot-lT'bbtectk J Pauoni 1 bx,ldMU«;' I car c«tfo, p oorest; l do do, B B Itestq Ldo do, W Ljona; t carborw*M khxrpa;l do do, JwTatuhldo do,W <<****«K J 1 „> lmporu by fttvtr. -v.WBBELtNQ—par 8 0 Bskv-tot 'Uaee, )trd;iot cml boat S Ooegrarei4 MtUikaa Aoa; 4 bbts wine; Leal* Bateasmb tocmw 24 dodo, McDonald A :Arbnckle;ll toee*h«o;T empty bu. B A Pshhedlocfc * c Ctnbam A Tboar.lQ bbtevipbe^TJfiar bbte, 10 dobokas. Ado * Am apptoa, Oatp A Shoperd; 2 da were» Thoa E meal,Bcsltes,das Braden;77 ska foed,S I : Oaabfo; 27 aka barley, 48 do corbe ls do i toes, ownera on beam. *bo Wfotbor jottorfoy wao rxeaodlojlj cmpHsmot Air* VM o luoi* now WUa* la lb* for*fart of Undo;, vlib taoceuMotsateofirioa. MM ~vnaftt»c«ulnatt « nndi IIOVI7 fcul «u*3l!j foliaasfoordft.ot'l2ftottr tfeo ptor not wtroaoonmtebrfiwJ |bo rmlor pMbu.^Tb« BopOlljrJttlrffotarflw ontiSa BolteHo « tor VnokUa fooro Uw ool* flow took baft raft iMli buta* toMrattoUrfdotetood fr*a ' foot In* yMtatdaj.fo til pooUjvtliefctt tor tittbvUfc ttte on olof or iMMrruv pepitf*rktM»ar, ftula 80100, Oapt.-DotaU' te tb» oext twotarpactoi for fclut* Pbfo. (havilttotoffeoftatotrOo).cterbi.JtaQmK :bcr»»teorati*nm.t&t«WM»3XWtf««t» torch fl~> Boor Ttryftoil oaftWfcite ftHf» l»hoiiaoliiofntt»*t|*lOflHO; onpttflaolo «0m •t ft M.WtooOtela nlfcar tettßr Outtuxkuf tbo aor» ku io Urm for twLud sloo£l Oft for white. C&Q* tbo Jotter mo.-ofteo povkrte la: w*ter*te«teionfor*xtra. Wbtolhop-ftnlhnfol*oteoota.w» UK»BX B.UUUUWK. . 'jj jrotwain* wa .roaMiwrir WitiMiif '-v-‘ " .*TOin>lMMMlWftW«lrjf:-' V - p Tiulwn tnwnrtf 7*?sj ; 'W.tju*aaii&; \Tm * _ l . Js. 1 “ 1] ■* ,'I v' * /r -> " v ? r’X? -r " i c v*3s6*ii ,|i? j , ' r I ULBBOIiOnn-&blil£Beiia«dinttoe{ur \J aa*w ’att -••mmaaiatwrbooi U)V£K 9£Bi>-S bbl*. tort for -muw ■ - to n»Ayg.oiiujML TJDpLpBOWLrffS . , Tonic, biaretie, AtfTVflYmimC v xL-y..y »•■■,. ■,• i ; ABD. ■.■ ■••.: >■. INVIGORATING CORDIAL. J fDRB ROLLAND' SIR, 1 ’ ;; FOB 'SfEMC’AL % ", Arm vslxva ms tras. tJDOfcPHO VOLET’S ‘ PORK COONIAO , - BRANDT, - t b*crqiaUt7 t wHbhße*rt!fic»t»«i*tb*boUJ«wCtt '• i \n- i ■•,; -fcil ma] cn tbvtcrt/ ' • ÜBOLPHO WOLf&?FQK£ POBTWINS, ; InpctW u>4 touted bj blmaetC jmi Hfrferft*itlrtb>l 9m, ■’ 4 (»ra... i.-.-i. •adpfitotoilfluUly*:;; • TJDOLPHO WflLWi PORE SUCRRY - ' WINE, : ImtobdUkl bottW bj (M( tta'MiMU'Pvt'Wln. nooLPflo woLffra pure Madeira * ■J.i, . t ;.. i '--i -WINE. • ■'i «tV tarns to iu InM»tM- ■ DDOLPno • wowfirpu re Jamaica " ■■■ [ REM, ST.. CROIX REM, SCOTCH , AND IRISH WHISKY. I ill IbaUwnlmpccMaatattM by UadlmuM I"”* '■V" .. i.: .. ■ ! .. : jorainniia.:.. : I unliUUmrmiiiMlOD u>ma,iq juuium > UKgaW, IMLABD," ■ -Apitiii 'jtotun. - LAUK-4UPBRIOR OQFPM JUUi 1 MSP «M£2LT I K Q> WOB S B. ' - " ! ’ PinilVAQtt. *■ PARK, artiOHDT * COr . MANDPAOTDBKBB OF SHXATMN9, WaMKB* *OLt qOWJTB* * MMBffl 'OTT liai BofraW) »l>lwt>dlltataUi>pnttlionMlktßtb]tioltwt«tha ■ i (mindKtiil m bfluualloa—vO) iDar («•>.■**.'*■.■ ■: tei» longaua tin tot«iucpu «p°» n,««M>»n, ■ 1 ' MU udktattkt* jtai WUtK: - ■ . . TUinliuunptntiu;ii ik>vnacut«fcis.eraw * AltaortnprinadMiliUlfiirtßlk njU3>Ml*B«> Hlhnil.llillni tutal MU) MtWU JKMtI •UUiouefcMea. '|i "i ■ UICMMcf CrMUrj »nj lnuUMla;CUt)m,Mnaat U nMna iMtUsMfrMuiaihiftiMK' ' ; Ito ViM •Ulm. * U la n eU a»dv4ttd*d natty. ' ffiZaiOHIiTnOSBfSf AKHRU. . . F OB1 ** crown* * rs* BoW bj Dnjhdata UuwtftMat Om «3ST i * * HiIBPTB-Ittlll Dm—haih oyf : WE.i.DiTCnuaai iiaia dyb 7 Mao* WorU/ . ~ -?:■ All olSiera*r«ttnlmitationy »nd*onld - teiTCUtf.irimvtfcttanpilikab. - - oSAT.’ MD, , —j-- ‘ **«HM ul atfuil«nn at ttv*. *KkM UMhwlts-' . . > KrTtoOxtatrociklß. ■ *.!■:■..■ ■ ' '....VT-i' nrrnH enuu im crruwu k>n tn. »•»* - - tkn tenlMiiiadalstSt SalrafUiyalra arikfr v “irafl^BAniaiMnßmßTiimdmaAvHt n III liiinil ■inlMmiiiM ftl li • tejuft IntWEliMt.hrtmrw bat ttotty EJ^2S22Kr 4 “ ; *•<“'»*«»*_*» - '^SoialaSSSSrottonatfßit Cittfß>U,trAne'! *■ 'w |bttuar»cyOa>ltlMn. - tb«bcanttd*d- • - - N. HOXiMBS * BOMOi Ftrtijijud Baantli BUI) *1 Ktitugs, BiirmaiTU oi BnoKT, ' SAMSKDSSfAMR ttWK% WuWUtSw^rinn^nnr wSiOßnojtotM, * oimfir BAD. BOAS BFIXB COHPAJPT. v 1 ,~-g- BAH,BOADSPnuScHAIBS ’.A**'- \\Sfrf . . . i > AHD BOAMrtKMt” ■ ' "X 4 Corner of Water Btreet m 3 Cteß ' ' * mitiyrti vmmmt, mV*. | Bom***** IbMmnhMk ilhMniir,! I *. fat a UStoor, M»ld;4«aßt, lonoatUr&U tog*a;ll«k« •to floor, U II e0,23<10 pot*- JOBM a BKC3W: ' . lra» R«lll»«» tw» Tl»llli T>lll PWli . •¥1»48B Ikitten, ' c. ' -%SSsj »«»»..• . i No. M Bfc ‘fKir/ft'i?' ;1g ■ ■■■!■ '-iWlilWgr:> , v »nrjHMNfeV .-\ a - rocadebs juiD-aucannslnt-i --v ■-i£';■■*- ' •‘ ir«ri' umirn ■*- - „ „ C. Pi-fljMatwV- 5 ■; - - - papse manufacturer? 4 - ; . ‘ ■ j c , ~i '' v: v ,sj W RAPPIW® riggg>|NM«|i mmtMrjfmt+fM wmMUHtm&z?. X*mi gr,"C 9Si ■" - Awl