'f '/• '! : -•;.-L i -i-- >'-• r. ' ; .■I;-;/" - -i' ' ~ seems ' . i v .‘? W**?‘“-*«n*nrtpprotafeflhe Mends , - S* ,th»T®iiWJn the HorUtern.'aSd *iho Border Mfctoeotntntlfs Journals fc'V (fc*otosltj speak outlatends of anaeasur ? v . • *4 prole* and with their'support lig new j-President mi; bid deSenee lo:the SatUlihga i i.- .of tbs New York UtroJdf Ecprtu, Fhlliadelphla I ms? •■''■■ Richmond knjuittr, Charleston 1 ~: ^, . ..:J«o*jrl . »niloUiCTplolitrofor its destruction i, ••• ..’•. of iheOowmment. la oomrntnlUg' on tbs pa. l «r Mr. Iticotw, lbs New York BWW_ f- - f hJgSlyeooserrelise paper-rem.rks u'm. I Jaw: * ' *VV • 7?.|y fcl *abtlonln a an :• '■. -"iirJtgW !*» dt,atl °» to! dots. M«ilnl«.Srt . . f^ Q sf‘b'estae timothe- Scnth an S\~\ b ? ,ll ! e so unfriend- I [sy£. «*v> ’.SJJSSft edw rt»ineirio'whrd jihad; and ihsr 1 Of «E2s*lK W'fMMWKnSvjiS^l •• • *'■!■• - Wf»-I«Inoola qs^iliitsbihlarihAi 'SjSffiW*?* SSSSHnSS - ‘ ‘ tUnf/t?. ** d *n«h Pdople 'wltl'4ud enough' denouuoe. 'Were 1 the doea p-" - “>an*ni>t opsoto lhelraU»ok,it would bo proof •- i-> ““A'■*aa»«M«lbat What tbs ooca >" - offi;il « f of thToufed ” 'CsßSft.i'SiP't!!??*! protect anddorsad tbs -S! . wlt fl “ d “® reason for complaint, . .So ground lor apprehension. The President d »«»ot»brlnkfrom a deolaratioa of purpose to ?.*!!?*? llwi '«"P t *“«i7ol the CoMUlaUoorbol •: hjjladnigeano birch or imperious (one ; Hsian- Wsga throughout “ perradw it 5m toISU oe» s»r> into ths Aoifirisu hetrL Th> ,-.y> firmbeeo with which it aasaerlo tbo rlrtt* . ' ' 5S,f^ ri ‘ y *' U# FedorolTcornmenK; ', declared porpoao wblob it embodies to pre!^« • i '.•••{ffipftW 1 * d *f«ad tbo Union and (be Cooetilu ,. ' ob, ' ,b> S‘ oecoseiou loflo,_and aiodi ; duly of the Qoveromeat to do •*“di“1l»0 oxutoaoe, cannot fail to Impress .. *”* fho _ moot determined Seoonionlrt with « t''.-; doubtaas to tbs JneUco of bio eauos-iTbo l ' l /-• "-KcbaraolwisUo ffflaaroof (bosddroiu iu pro! 4; 7 d «t*«a“.Uon ' >..V s HdHiees to render eqaal and exact Jus- v ’ : X - ?" 10 *, ? ®y Sjotot fo srory, section, to awry' ' i X' . e . f » l >» Kepablic-aod to admioitter thi ' * ‘P l ' ll of Ue most (boronob ' e, J all y- I® fbls purpose ewfy otberoonelderauon is made to bend. And no «a® who pan understand and Oppredlate snob a - - J-iasolTwnidoubl , mVietX P i Wi " ank * n l •» «' W» *d 1' th® Inaugural eapnot fall io n Safs?. L g» l» fl uenoo upon pubUo son -i Ument throughout lbs country. An mon. of I*' ' “W feel that its sentiments are - U • ala w lt ® only basis " - - *. couatry emr brsart.#ui B |it ae4 * Wh }'? *• * k ® Urns it ' ?.,)!?“‘J *P inl °, f kisdneea and conoU XJ ] S“1 Jd** 4 * “P 6 * juollco sod reflection. . rrn " , " raey’s /y«r. tbs deeolion of whose editor „ ... , ■ Jj; :■ . : i }®«®Nslou and its Inelllulioueis nol queetiousd ’I -’ • • ' I 1 aoy reapeo table quarter, ‘thus speaks of ‘'• ! ■' i Mr. tinoolu’sflrst' official mailfeelo: : “* - ‘ %l/ in reference to (he charader . , ' ;■ , 1 . ' ofonrtuemullonaaodtbe'imposiibillty oflenl v!’ *£. ! .-X .” -r .. ssosealon Wtthont Iks consent of all lbs StatS . -rt ../T, • ; i;v - -!• ">««««. ■-» fowibis terms,“b, i 155 '■.■ “P”., ‘-, . -t Whiak hero been repeatedly expressed by lit the -iA- , jj'-, .vi'-'i r . tc’lVf etatsemennf our oonulry. Ereo Mr. Buchanan ;• S • i'; ; ■‘ft i proolMmed his clesrcoa.ieiioa that It was bi. ‘ lit nvi> S „ - enforoo the lays is all quarters of the <->V*'dhVi'.;., Mt\ >; , Confederacy, as far as he was enabled and em «‘c V •'• '* j 7t T « d lie Constitn ...v-. J : I ' ' a- - , lion, and Mr. Lincolnoonld ant, without no- C . 7 ' ' ‘ IsUsg Ihs his official oath, do I M s.’ “ •, aa"- * ' +r '.' K. ’ T 7 -; , “®‘*I»lo ho thus acows his desire to faith ■, - I.j. - ■ ain J -: k " Stt" i “P wd °P®n him, he makes an , *,«cr ' .r- --J ’S ;* . r oarheet effort to remote the apprehensions or - jUql, k. Ji ./• 1 hi> Administration which hare '‘l ff'-'it'- : -i) - , been excited among a large portion of the peo - Jfi'sq- ’ au ‘“ ! “d it would hare been ' 4 JO ' s.' {° r * n f ® a ® oosnpying Us position to ;* Vi! — ls i j^SH^b Uc * lu,eBo,ui uf,iri p« j ■ j ’:'i 1 ’'-■'i h« .s 1,--,. 1 ‘ * # “ ,d !t*»o been glad if p- ' r«r.iiwwld B ££S 'I 1 ' E,-si''‘ J !-’ TiK d , : t 1 ' -1.,F ?SaSh°| D^B* klch (“rfred a two-third J . ... 1 %,'£ . IJ 1 ■ jVa-;- ’[ ntaiaboA Honssyand prorldee for an amend f* d> ? , K of the.Consulutloa (hat .will forbid one -t C "* K aulhorisleg (be Federal 00 l :A , 3 ,, ‘ J ’ P ’ - - - , "L“*®‘ , ® ln| erferewlthslami l ylntheBialef .. i assemblage of a National toni t l '. ’ s•' <- H* *£* 1 ‘da.* 1 ?' - I" u “ *® oiake snob other ebailgee in ourfnn- Vf :’■* > u “'fttooetaucee may render .!? ’• •**•..*■*,'•i. ” .£<* t ' jdeolrabie and acceptable to (be nation." .1- . , Ti ® Bslljmore «wer-a B*B and ErereU 1-, ’■ 5 i journal—holds Ihe’foirowlng language in refer "• Jkiqa-.> I "V, *• 1 1 I enoatnlholnaugural.- , j*-' 7 ‘ / '*‘^ i | a *r llgoral * ddl T” of Mr. tlnooln, which - l ? f k.-t. ' U •£-" d® l, r *a d a r o this mornieg, is ooa? ■ ! -"X ** * >V ,t«t t , ™P , ™ Be « «4 coosemtlsm. I'ti y 'Kt'* . U-, V. ty , -. jp tt |e firm lathe naliooellty tf the eenlimentsex ;^'l,v '•> 1 JwtoSmTS < ttT^r e S tijr o ®l®®l®* 1 ®® 1 ®* and ooa *- '-''aVX'-L.'*' 1 I, b'r 1;,: of tbsfnlieat approhation of erery conserratire ’ iV-S T. i0^ &>»«•*««»«ta7b" rt f-.ft. ■>'*-Jdis■“Vli'jJ ,Ji *iNofth, and nol.lu any way ebaoxlonx Is lbs to--*, -•‘•’■•kSh.Sdi JX- aOwestoaof Squlbemßlgbb. j ’ '%% -> £ - '; »• loading journals of CinclunaU, Chicago, Boston and fllladtlphla also speak in tb.Ugb i*• *e • V v i* fi * terftlo^P»***eMbßiMßgnril,»Bdexpwfi ' j;'i v .t, - » deteralaxUon (ompport (be «ev Prcsideßii i f ‘t, 1 Vs ~’S -I. '■ i from Missouri and Califorala, probably by Dem -4 . < , / ‘ «•*»•*- Skonld the seceding Senators return, , ( . . ig. • | 4bofe would bo aw opposition majority of 0. l r • .t^r“£ , P t '.V , P T * lum folornsd, a few dan ■ * oiaotbr-front of-the Rich 'x^SS^&a'tS'asK sSwSftwmasa* 1 o anol relalnyoptroommsed . dadbrlhgyont';oMps into Vn Orieaos, orsooe ft---?-- ' ' «‘k«-Boalhirapen,.whoa theßtatej^udedr* tnr I ia wMob Cojil. legraham repliedi “Bir, yoa ’ -wl alllsaro, if yea anpposa Ibey.sr (, eonldfor i'”', jMwj oaths of office sad bessmoifraiion^or I*-..-, ; • » Unfit Whenßcnth n. ; C«llaaqail» for bersons fn leatetbeCeaeral la.!rt 3 - j / -ObnrdmeBt,'and return to theboeoafuttha S/. .' . ***/»•»“» *«S & —. 'N • *BUralahed, andrepuistlouawit#ouUkeoU*bt g ' •etspot eaikelreenutobeoasitAtnuaad wSlvrt .- slewlOaeTer ahkaowledge.'VtAl'. T. Cohoy, '"f-.. .. ' THi erUEciid.f>ropawUou.of l&ah r awinple(eadesms(inKqr«ii%i tbeTnybtoediw - i kpxta, fttabliobed io lSST.lara OOO.OOOyoutig j •"e«S< - >:.flWfflW.'jltg|tßiEgte ffilJilf ■■: !!';.-'-.vvl : l--V .>. .;■* ‘ ■ ■■* i -i-r':'" <• •• If-K-' ' r iii • * \ ' • Hr ■ I'. •' l • Sv. ’ : ’• '|f. .*u r : p <■ $ m : «> & . r ■:.< ' l.j-j.l j'-r. :/:/ v _;•/. * : 1 . I 4 * H j- . ♦ I '■* *" l.ll' '»' M , . Sliiiiil , 1 * ■**• vf ;.i-n jk.' ; .»x.‘>=t. .<.>.•'• { .* .*. ; 1 '■f'- v „ * . ’•■ *T * *• h 1 & * « r ;-r 1 n;-' f'r^^ l\*Ar **• ‘ V * * t *•■**■ W .1 < , \ * •'* .<■ A* s'lw'- ..• I h 1 - [ * J t *- ~ ! * bippCb^o.:: — ',/ «»iTo*. i*> ( PeLliealioa os& r Fifth rfrtet, near K'" £s&&“& ®**Fsbmms •‘f-'. ,;i /:! v."■■: V'.".;- r />».: Ji :.:,f • —*«nn •. ■-■ t ■. mStSmSrtZr* *" b ot !2c p„ ~ 'i.| l' .®*^, l [JHittol|“Wß|l* (CfilMf. (3 PW UBDIK Bra r» r >■ ■ r* ***.” tlpcr nnnnta, inAriiWy u f: it BUgONtßlt RATES , f gxwßßgaaa z THBESDAT MOEHIMO, HABCa 7, 1801 .y/v-V-' :liy P*>v : ilS' ’ff'V; - ! Sedaair fetter.** ' '*■ *•-- * °** #;*«.. the|BepubUeaa:leeders;hsee *ctted-in/’ AetheqiebtlXyfbrseleisssid to ; “* rfr/raellend IsdlffSireet, berlngbeen tar ; "birf by Uig fcwrerdeai BepnbUoane oho were :•“* enough lo lesdthemeclres lo Ibo locofoeo project of Ibo. "Coipn’s: touting, we late-the liberty of addioglo the list of artidu lo be told •I Ibo lime end pleoo designated, lo order la! woder Ibe thing more atirectlre:-Wax Fig-1 mt ’ ■ •**»■ »l«e, of Ibe Commlllee of Arrange-1 neale for Ibe “Balon” Meeting el City Belt; foil length portrait* of Ibe offioen of ibe Bai»? Demooelralioa, who were lo effielti* : bnl dido’nibe original Beoeipt for the'Beal of Ci'y Hell, oilb a fao elqile of ibe Dae'Bill *?"“ “"»•«>'; •*» Pott, aalil day of sate. PeesiDasr Bccnaaaa's Pam Cnaaaa eouaer Cert.. Pore,—The Cincinnati Osret/e thus 10- eerely oapmean on- Ibe exhibition of pally .pile agelnel CapL Pope, of Ibe Balled Btateo dnny, by the lele President of Ibe Boiled Stales: . |. - '.* ■■■ . • . o,eT?V? ee!a “ U . ,, " 4r, .^»-‘ 1 "'. Biel oa ibe 1 ®“o f Pointer/, la aprifatsUlerary Clnb, be S"i.* Cede MfUod refaraed aad informed the battalion that U»» wa» a probability ol the United For,) Bro« comiaf dowa to at -3*,““: Tbio iata; received tfle iefbnaauoa oUmljr, Md With aa evident detenmoalio* to re »»«tax eaehattenpt to the Uat extrema*. were plteiNl aVitbe oaipoeU; extra nude KSS “ d M ■‘V « theirar®*, ready for InvUnt eerrice* To the Gil. retioc drollery in conceded the poet of hoeor T n Fon Be “ d Rifle * "fro detailed ebpickete. 'f d °° , f'“ +**"*«. «» - Oa'Hbadey the iofißeerf, Kewf*. r»otoo and Clapft onhej»oajUo»* wiai a view • O* Sdnday, Cent Nichole aed Col. Fort retorted: Mdoc Mondey, at 1 o'elockP.H.,the BOik leti lor home, it beiag endarttood that Geo.’ Nichole waa going for reiaforcnaeoU. ’ .•>'■ .•'"•i f .Wa hava not yet eeaa Cm; Nicbolai. bat •» lectc .that Cept. Bill ncelred him,u Commietioo-" or on the parlor the Bute, moet oocoorteocilr.' deeooecicg him and hie >mea.u;«titrton;>'lhraet ccing to hire him vreeted cl oacej forther erow *»•» *hc Geeerel erretled hr c c. effleegmyieg b. wb.ld imed fortbe MO Si* JJ “ifi* 014 ®*. rr *i k *’ <•» «i» Grcade City,) *ci mareh down end taka bach the talked aid the PadT cnlproperty., i , . . -.■ The Gelreatan ft'ci/tartof the 27ih eater ; fc , ‘■■,‘*f«» rted « l, *< the Bert will lure.Gilr# "i ?™P*”y <■««> thu city,,bee &S§£i%i3,. Ba L,be f> »»? «'«“ d. U !J?!J"“ ,0,;c '?“ u y“ it Btoeghl that the d*mead*orT*i.*may b*eefeced, erea wilhoet , tha arrival orvolaateeralran olbercoutiaapahcmld the order ot tfae Voited.Ktataa Commaeder of thU mtJiUrjr deparlneal be duregarcTed bv Capt Hill. .Itta aincarel; hoped that the Gnt bfoodabed will not occur U Trxaa. • BM«ntM AbnaiMuia cad ti» rS.5raJSt . [Oormpoixfeae* of tb* N. T. Ivtalac pint j «• WaAiKtoa, *«b»2B/1681. of . Sut « Soerolnry ori#gation at Madrid, wboia vealstaaca to the [?f w * ,5 . fltt by j&l* aad olbart, to uoax £«£ *f PkrcaTbu E2*L h k m Ui!f- 0 ?® 1 P IM *‘ *» o°r dlploouUe - The reader. jJU Uka pl«a#nra la patuila* *oiim £s*??, patriotk aa • .ototrrer of oar aflUra.' sidM: „ in *. " form. Bobtod the bUtk lntrigu* of ISM.'JJ for *i"i M rS® Cal * *® of wor modo without thw old of Congroni, in which the power of tho Iforth uggnndliuuot, H, amonM lb*»l M of momloil it ui to eooqaer Cob. L. IhoColooilndu^r Colon on tboqu««! .tloa of bar admUalon, MtUair oD ; a Smitiiin? p. pabUa with Oaba aadlhTaiiX K.S£.3LSS delirorod np to itorory. Prerldoat Plano and AU c "*b* D * *«W u laitraawoUof thU Boat Urn intrigue, wltloot, I om oitnudod knowing lUoxtant.-How msoh I Mr. I bora of ft nt Oittna Inm not nwnrow n-w : “Tbo power.of niuono u not ilonn mounrad b» tb«r mitorul mroorter, botbf the nmnuhiMioer inipiro, or tho atnonot ol om £ centrotod noon ‘thorn. Wo biro hod to boo,» griowo. ioid fornttoy jo»n_, |o,d with >bieb the qnemjon of domoenuc mrtiutioon hu notbion to do. Porgo oq of oltro noleneo tod tgfromion, S^ML*" 4 '■ • wu> ' d «s | ‘ Iha Coitod Sutaocootdoederlako aor dln)o -• " ,tt "» «*«oo io Kotipe Vlk’t.h Irold|i« cOT6d««e«ol toecao: attar tbmnte ) | of tha cotton Sutra. Cotton ilkior.bolwSrat . ran,, „d bonf and pork, ,od . l*ooi, tad iron, Unbtr,lino*.*t«4ni« nißtfiitiMi 1 - «»■> I” 1 " «■» Vjoo plV™"ra" d e | 5553 .t 0 *" ‘ b '“" •- l 1 *“ «™P«eltt |o •>; that her I I whole natnetiva raatau oa oar commarenl inter-1 I com eta be tu&f nomad. The Cabal j dailra oi; baaboluhed bj ao iatelligeot oraotia- l | tioa, and oar floor, eon, beef and pork willdriro I I * rli,!le 01 ,b> ®P»o«b colon" I Jnmk'i wbeurervacttooM/’ I | £r. Parra murha lorthar, that if tko North, I fbataloia* front a war of eoercioa, allowa tko toli I I ’?*?"* Sooth I, inlet. •pilopoo kar< tko Koiparorol tko Freoeb eaanol I •««!"« tko oauifUkablo aeoIK I . PIROi s vW* Crt*otf« tf.thlMDritt ntwMtoattMdi anintaiumr poum, m. tnw.u >» mina of MHwUM, a»T« J ou» . t"*’ .. - r ’■ -'■ sb » I 'J| * BjuW*, ’ ■> | A too* ■padJb!£ad-tam!aab4»fwaMdy Its* tan at »«n I* 11 """* "> "—»**»—«■—f~- »v— ««—: I famstebt/mcltenj* a I kcalaffiotlcaleotiy th« •tUvtel SaMk HU*PHR»T6» . BFttimO jrpmotffTHlOHof* TQALUY PILLS u, oaf, **“ worrt tan rf .tatbut. tail,* o 4 CpUfe .b» ■MvUtoIRMM, wklOl Staetkxt tLa-Atai» , t < ifniaro Pl ib c , oroilm ,;^ m ito P «ha, nOTa «iM W , St .j IUo- | nchlag^t^g l***y tot **.*° J B ° o> .* l - Ottll* koI«, !aoßii,*»lKl [ J»« to l (H|, a , tk|| , |rat , am.mmua,- l «IB.[rttm.AiUw«. Or. f. BDHmiUrS *OO, "' fclfaUWaT L WT?“* Wnraw w, an experienoodNorw I??* *by*Ww. hut Boothtegflyrapfer chQdrsa | Mfel&ffi fffcfcb greatly tad! Uaba lieihlaf i til hltartmtVn) tM i alley all l* sere to regsletelbe ’ bowel* 'Dspsod *jto It, Mothers,ttvtßgiverest to ycanrivesoadreUff •ad health to yoer J&feata psrftdtlT sals la nTT'ra— '" ffseodssrtla—at la tmcher sot—. hlMtirtit POLITICAL NOTICES. rrB*jPBOTHONOTABY.-JOIIN a. COB- I2MA"S*SrM*'M A "S*Sr M *' ** »***• fcf tnUbn*. 1 CUmSa.* •* **• **|Wt>HeeffOwißtJ MILLERTorKmai CkUIM Jnnhlik I. • cudUu. br IhwU oUlMMirnnlribtjicltoUidHUaapl IfcalUMb* IfcM O&cnty OopyotloD. ; ! ”SS ISBIfY—Tbb tnends of Gen, J. 1 « ■*: °* ®^ Ut * towwblp, mjicUglU vn bk ilk p»Ulo«rtMkSStluini. cm3* 1 **“ p**tlr**UJno»i Man sad uiMf (oaMMUk ■WV •oUU* U> etoloMtoswyeoaSSiSiSrit i£ he nattst la U» district efcUlbd to ibhiofflc* WOODS, of Mm tava*!* aski.tlw sottaofbb trU*o» to bbtsla tboßrpablkaaßonlastloolor&lwrtffol Alkwheny Quqb > ty. Dls txnliMM will sot allow hi« theroportanily of ttMinlßl tb Maly wtaMfli Ihta ill. Tstl'-tnri BUKRIFF-M1 UUU&tUeUUiO. . lt*cin*s tawasbfp,select to the dedstoetf tbs Bspobiksn OoercnUon. ■■■ fsUkto (TS*FOR SHERIFF.— ADAM. WEAVER, •[.tb« Sersath ward, Pluebanb* will offer h!ns»U esacsadldatefarfihetlff of AlJeshfoy cocaty,eatyset to tts Kepcteloeo Coceepthru •• ..-i • • . hltt«fnTT aUBKUF-UKNRY U.L&Vfla, ® r tetrprtorf, la a csadidelo teßbcttffof ;*lle» SbMy cooaly, c&bjegt to Iba fiepetilkaa AoalseUac Odo- 1 •■•■; 1 ■ ■ fell: to [TS»OUUNTY | COM MISSIONER.-JOUN . MILLfcR, £•<]., o|6befer. will tw a caadfcUte feKbo aaoWl OSes, rtttftct to the decking of um> Seuwblk u odb. •:•> i ...... . feSfeto^ B^?i^iyV, NoTAtty ~ CAPIA|N u * Irki- AJpper St CUIr lowuahlp, uk| I be rotes K™S“ , 7 «. —lb. I.Hnalljf i,f bk toe coca try sodseelns them ell. i fesfeaste jra*PiWTUpNOTAHY,-a O.UUM7, of! towMhlp, will e o*»lU«t« t* oofuloetloa to toe shore sabfMt to the dccisioo *d the K»geb llcsn Qpoteclloc. i . f «:to j O* P HOTU ON OTA B V - RICHARD teUbiibor«ofllM l iabkcb«olb. dbektmul ib. bpaUb osa Obareedoa. j*j(hd(o PuMft £otins. (ra>»oTlC* is heiebv girco that in aocord | • IBM • With a petlUoo sis Bed ; hj fettweroos dtlsSso I owolaj propert/oa tins sod Wood streets, so UnHesOce. •ctbodKlßc the ooCstrscUoa of» Pablie Oswer. In cosbra- My•Uhlh.Artcf ffemsfetyssd QtyOrdlatßcrslarWe ttoa to Psblla Pewsre, was talrodaced laid the Oil* Ooao dls, Msrcbltb, 1601. proiUtf for tbs eoßetrnettoQ id a Iroa the Cast Side of oaithflsld etrest. theaee slou L° ' »trs*l,thsocoaloag Woodstreeito oblrlt ISAtO UORLIT. BewJlag lUciUiar I Bum i, tiitsbartb, feti. atb, 166 L Preaiiient and Blanagaw of tba v Onysayfer trsctlag a brides over tba Etrw Me. PjtW'orffb.la tbsOscaty of Al*f b»ffy | here thledsy dedsrsda DIVIDaNUof roUR PffßOfffifr [ •t ll b*psM to thefftochbwld Do “ ““ 4 ttWatas Jjnw TJAW.Trmaw AIURN vr; J l «froalOUniS r byO.W.BnaAOKLßirffff,Ja, sthlatMtersat, cwntr Wflii sad Flfi* ■ Mltlftlff .. J. ..■ ... j i ; JBiid- , atbntißfainu, I —~—^^ SfAflfiSK. JOB rtIHTK AID BOOIBtHBB, I ■ ■ VflSj I CenssMfthlnl and Wood BiruVs. I PimnooLta mitmua 4late. Qwt ■mi. tea fJBRStRUrV.%.* 8 »•««*»««** » P 5?S*f I ®sTsJ*wa»«rt i ooi*oo,ii»tibwrt,> l i ■ tfraginpafiHy .l ntiftduSrlip j jyKKUII ANTtVBANKKKS, iiu;ioriOTim«»a, ua utm, I f»a fiftd ft roll MKMtiMat of 1 - -■■■■•■ Bluk Book* ltd Stitlotery, j.u w. I, lIATKH'I, MnurrfWooJiMlTUrtMrWu T ATB PUBLICATIONS '—~ ( jf*) l ** • Jllumiad (lurs* Doe tor , CTito Vwbh; iiamw,9tfi!t. . /R*err»(|eaofa OooAtryftra. •" ' . . la«noo’« Gotta ctof Ufa. ••■ ' ttMulry’sUtW . - Thi Worki of fnoda Bioev, do >u ruiip Ih» Annul M SebnUto Dhmnrjr, Ot iMt ’ 11 Vortt.lii Indirli Bipncr. \. nyaM fa; Motion udOfalUlKo. I TmbßrownMOztod: YoLL? I/rlwwfa.BtadJMla AaloolUfc. ' - I^aw*sfi>{ir ,a{ ** ?• * Blbor ttoUdrcf fa* Dotth Wklma ta4 OddUin: Snugla, 1 ' ■■ < ' K*r 4 00,14 WoodltMK . N' EW00N8I0NMBNT0? PitODUCB i • SbUtVaMPovk, * • • • • ■. = 101 l tolar,; - I, i : .... . wi»K.ir/Sj«, do 9SS2BUBSSF ID fcbtoehdoMMwjTT: t< J» <*® B««Kbea, i JUoniriidkrwUh i sstudiM* ■ lObbUrnatflaßlß,, : : *‘2l WS?**? 1 «®o& »• »eki, MtrtitowlrtHrttoor, • ‘ '• lOteßraooM,MKrudai«M. - „ KbvthßkteZi”**’ b itm for ah bg ■ ■ ••■ * * • ■ I* a.flmyy, an utwtyrt. |PKINO SKINTS, 1 : I Bljl*#, t f c U(j tackt I All ,binds Of Seasonable Dry Goode. |; aiM ; 0. n«noi> U>V>, re KsrM'ttn.l ! I •XT KWOKOA BLACK ANDORRA ~ I •*.!«- rBAK ‘" ■■■ ■ : ss wS.'SfiMairsffS”-'"*" d BLnimmiti, o«* .I*. <*££? 1,1 w,jj.m. to fell* Onw ; M 4cm fUtM kiMok ; : gtOMCcaaop da . > HtMXMWootfStunk, ■"■'• . l.bax.BM JittUSanr. IsMkML « bUfubM WbLaSSSi SbbWfeiißattu, ifteasa ntmwm TKDSB aw .HUmjKl-JtK JUAMUTao. gsirvw & ISupporter* lithadir^- " ■itomm.mj . ijMaaWM ncwmMcr nan Is uSSVStES'.'L'Ss? *y"“^»«^s?SsS l mvpiMwifef.UltvftuiunlnM - AU njNkitof to.oatl after mataiar fttwa* i »w«. , ,b« w-Mmafiißr, 13 ***•-»» * -- oinuret »Sks»J{rttiHK»!fi *■» ■■««. '« 1 ' OmHtnfc&SSS&SIL/ KrrlQ Cider Vtmw.-for SHACKLETT, STLAIN & €O. IMPORTERS JOBBERS ' or . Foreign and Domestic dry goods Wo. 43 Wood street. FITTBBU&GU, - orrosiTi rr. oaißuja ootxl, Take this .method ol informing their friends *nd merchants,generally,; that they have to offer for the BPHING TRADE m unusually aUraotire i took of FORBIGff AND DOMESTIC dry goods, I and will id receipt, through the BeAAon, of ell tho. choice and deeirablo Stjlea of Ooflde in the Market, ae oor Bujor will remain -in | the Bart through tho entire Seaeon, enabling 1 i k™ !° AUend all the important Auction Salee of Hew York and Philadelphia— 5.." l The; invite the eapecial attention hf tiaah and Prompt Time Bnjere, as great indnce meota will be offered to that olaas of trade. w. & O. /Corner of Market and Flflh streets. giPRINO OALf OOKSI B AX y O U A L IS K I i ts S ? 1IJ T .FltONla JU«.T OPKXKD AT w.«d. Boooj'.ooams firm and Haber ere. w.*o uuaßo'.cwas«u mm and uaur na. w.tt>.Bvovs'.oonam nrr.i and uabsr rj, *A DJ "T' 0 “““ rirru and ulaur ere OUOOSI : NEW GOODS I BV KXPHBSB AND BAILWAV, FBOH HEW YORK, DAILY, BATON, MACROM & CO’S, Wo*. IT and 19 Filth ifreet. ■«* Itabtea mrti. *■l BaU, ofDM Oonri,! **«*• bfflM.lU Mdtti; 'OtalUfc *nl< u< *Md Mtfr CollM, Onnu, Tfe* *« Otaru, QMatulj. Hitti I D&‘Sj£5 r < y* ro "«ra «f Muon.« .ill b.l. ,b. i Rtvftritaaf DnuTHnmlactl • * i fnaah tmbroUarta; • flnnat Eibbcna. ftovtn, Baabaa; ■ J *>»» Botaat* Hata tad fhakara, ?. u tss wffl BATON. MACBOM * C 0... ! »« IT Md 18 mu tUmL IANSI.B88! JAMIIONic Cb. : &BOOOMM to UXUItBLOi A Obbt -■" J M p.o RTEus AND JOBBERS OP Ptrefgt ind DomtiUc DRY GOODS, * f No. 103 Wood su. ! -i “ a “ d Pirwßman.n | Havana oiuaks, 04TAH A GZOAfifl, nAVAUAOICUIS finest flavors. Finest flavors; finert flavors, I «uu W , gSgE?'*™™'. [ . OAIXASOTtrvaHL . i ■* ■9*j r^£±~- Q* L *»*wwmSl »t JOSEPH PLBMINO’3 »t JOSEPH f LEHINO'S, Q»p«r «f l>» Phnom tad J^ALMOI SKIRTS)— BeanlifnlSpring Prist*, Gingham*. Table Linen, Shirting Hulls*, Ac. l aMMwnwaitiaiiij*. OM.JJDfKR-a) bu. Western B#- >7 i-Woof. KSIH, A PPJJSIjI-200 bbh. Choice OTeen ■ •.2*®ii_- _£;vj. ):■ fcMDPlAlMfjw,^-■ ;WHAKTOS'B OBIMINAL MW-Njw 43 ALT—Sop ttJj.KxtnNo.lB»lt,onoon. SW*”“ * htm ** »* w sj&g&r JfSSSSSiKs, ■M H«a»T H. 001X1IIIL j *u*a •^gS*g i i lawn* tnil Benges selling cheep ; " M WMnfaunonn.i HJWgSBM TO ABMYJ tiW .rtaa» utkbda pr i a>Ro| l )ail| *aBBHSSSBR ' lWMdWlfceaawl 2R JB0I&-.1TBIT1 BBASS. 10 neksddl PgttgMUX i m> Hnmaih. 9^C “ T, ‘ ■**> ■a»ir«» Dn.»o»Tß,m«»»Hifc UKKJSB HAUEHUABD £>«V gau »«»« I? i gaaa i Eaffl gS '.' , lia J < I t, t, i-S. :-QW» a>hwttttt«at«. r “0118 '.' A: NE.W? , r LITBRABY PAPBH, r "Por M*rcbl6t o^lB6l, N°w ready—For silaOTejywhere— Price Five vontaacopy. : , OOKTtHT& * ' ; AND fSSS'SwK®*- or - ur«»v»grvrßtß«_ ■• ■ *_•■ °"I!:' ■ J~ *adim i—nil TaiAsuasa’a aoooukt. i.«i; reb.lB-TolmUo«*r fom«fccoßjrt,MiettW ; „ ... . 18m frtnary. jj* J 4 ■ r on tUa actual • IPIHIIi StATIHICNT of Um Xipam iacsned • I*. I*41« Jor. wakh w*fr* , i| a taTfclortqdw; . "» «“•»• *«• „ *J® Vniff»iTHt m*7 Oo fMMt Wtmt... *,*.* *f.\\ ■ 8® ..!!"!!**" im*» vK-as ? s tMUraiunn tu/oa^Vitf "•tSS SSItSbSIS!?** "* tooh ™-i «2 ,2. Att4llort Baltriwl. 122 Hfdw.irboa - ft iwl oa th> food!. vUch ta lKlsdad la tha , fOTacsiaar ovaam tor noaa} s « **• two format warrant* for raMlrtat £'as^gßEE::::::E::p?^|g ! ToM-udMTM»wtthtte amoßQt of Tmnm‘i “ , >a4 do oatiunaiaw n bi w&fomltr.wttb tha Uv.tbt 4062t0n htn flroi *b« f Bdttm %M Meb—a ndullott of El* aaek. JJISSISJtM.*-* rMutto. o! *M. uSSZZXZZSr'"- "”»'*«• “'ll mam*l hci a trtosik* Of hS.ilu' '*• “**'» !WJ». A. HBftjiufl. i .1 ' ■ ''o« M?”- gjg^*jmtgiayuirj.i o ii. w »« l «r»i4>auH« *k JUnh. air* or wiiiiaKoioa:::asSS: gj ES; «m mrr Itlartir. •) boob, cnm p|«r 41, Bortb SHwr. SSESiSt [tout* tan u lb* Coito.uiiSita Mwiyotl or QoMmttont: ut gtbta Bl gyJ?” a Mrwjool |4I». From (^•Sioss , «J**^ S * '|UIK« SIUD TUIE TUK BUBKK & BARSBS’ SAFES }Bu I m^ , giaw6^i»^.^ ,t, *" *■»>• i linu e M , M pmimggiggl ■aimalb, . «*»»«T. LMOrOiD. HHgßW.***. ..i. IWowtSittoain,- MS:.-'tesna ; • - I Mio. »'££•’ to BBBKE Jt BARSES, *t «i«ou»uiu.iwi BirtTiaotr. jaanrf 131 wti.„..>. »■ furniture an#chairs; BEDUCEDPBICEB. James W. Woodwell, ; Hm. 97 lid 99 Third itK?t, m *'a|oßTH; btebbt, comynaa ov< ill Vll (11(1 of gtjlti ud Flatih, OIRUUHL OSHOINt oiaviai; Hotel* ana Private Dwelling* ~!££?S£iSSg&. uia * ,a . l °- »«"»«• : ( .BffaißßW ; CBARC& “T :^2!!BK£SS roa u*»*r ’4 ■• EffgyjfflA A»1) CONBTIPATInii) Sl2K2tofSSr£S ?»SSSSi'±SS *«* W** - KPpOMof bothjaat rac'd. J.L.RKiD.U.tthtr^ UiUUIFIKLD&co' : !.i tnMllltf ■ BmbroidjMd Skirt,, Fionnoin Kl Worked linen Edging and inserting, 'tfmylwwfcrt: iIM. a and 3 Urn and I TNK spots or rat** matt. /Sold «SSIS*: - • ... WM O. JOHBtfTOHAOO, VI A ; ... ~ ,; j O . - 3UM*t;no«iAnt' : ' »»f «4»rtr«KA. iFTr*r mtirnmli - ■ Mgimit, , SSStSIS?" 5 - •! - ftonbr - ■ WM.B,BiiT«*nn. MKMMaamartteMtw' 1 , ** 1 **~> .--i-n.:-. :■■ m£t. KUr^ail.. CMXfttUUMMIAat,* J, , ... HUNT A MINEB. Pahltshera, ' 71 and 73 Fifth street • 4. Ojjpoj ***** or PAUAsc .ftomtuvtpk s^2E££ b “ fc *°- “«>■>«* 1 *■*•**! .BBRTVUt*DILWORTfI. ‘iJ fgB. ; -.., ;■ ia> >ad 133 g»moJ rf- } UAI!iIMB->l()UtioxttLoinfiaubg l ‘ ■■•■; ■*l Xl» 1W bow Baoeb Ralafe* I IMhfbta do’ ■ ■ i I Ifloqr4sxa do • ; i u . r'l Wboxr*ValfiiKUßaUtaß. . ■■]•. ■.- I •ft? I *** „ . hitmu i Btororai, i J : fcU No.a9yooJat,ct>poriugtOtau«— I IKON BATHS, ‘ —“ ~ ' • Ooppar Batba,.- ' ' - • ", -.'i; 'r I»*o4 Baiba. '■••.' :• • •■ Wocklmißaiba, -v.-i.;'.. . I ■ . rroo 81nk*i '; : - • ■ oppMeiDt - .! rjo MftgmiAMTa amu omaww^ Wiai .. ■ODOMH4 ' i half cypo.tt. Uttico lUuSJStrS,^J*fr ; .*k>'RATr*.ob^' (jrf** lll ** J - w.-iiia. ; ‘ y -• ■ “ tad Prt» s&ai" fc, ■ «w " ■SK***AJartawn*' i *H»HIBIKto AU.KIMDB;- 7" L-.? r, •jy.'.-s--.:. , ?bs—^ ■M |jU>£i llM>, *‘ ■Mfaffl. toagdty'-' Bs^® T | * BBants. zsrJsz&ti wstELaar 31 a»re UK»»T » KlBfl. BlHu, «. A UUOIV UONVKNIEMT OfflUK It) JaL I*W, SOWATKBBTCEST. i^V -100 Agents Wanted!i i Ki CAHviga ros ,■.* i MW ASBIMnUB BOOBS f s :*- . twcb'pn sold•:. '..•}• UCMHITM.I BY eVßWßlpnOit. 1; SHKSK WORKiicoWe theMOST S Afe pPEmiißP, >»■! Agents now loonf' From''Tib -.ssothsloo per Month. .. '*#ir Q.^.HCTKT.Oeneral !! • _Offloo Room 3J3 Girard Honei*. j • .JFot Abu & Co j.u. . I~ : : I Mbuwwmh 'l/UR KENT—A J? totUDepttMom • : BAM'LI 'PO.LKIVThe LhtH oecgptodtyTh» Aduu JUprc ©vvaaKfl MOliMtri • --w Ate * wtiiokl '>• ©ff.tß'.ftßßT,'— Ittt oar ttorr - Bttut • fiu> S.Vs®f» ******* ** 4*n»«y - rtmt; - * o/iJ#a, > j*; °l 4; I wo-m«inj,~r«aa. 'I’W convenienrDW KL 'A UNO HOOtK,* Hok Mijrnutb Jlrot, lunrJreii. ■»* tailß •' •• . iat«o ioski IWK SALBiyui Oaciilatios JSNGINE, .fA **“' ®" »lUi ejUmlir IMWtt&t W w*t Jong and to laeto*.d{*ißfi«-, *alufcl# for to tal MUqfin. ■'| J.i 1-:. l»3»jMir r PO-tBT—The • Two-Storied BBICK«» Jfcn®pBß, wlUi Btere hum ud tdao Apsn*«auJS •>Boo4brfckloo (ires lasadUUl/!' Inqqir* >:• 4NO. M. KIBSPATftIQK, ;i I •" • •?;• -• T4fwrtbrtl- •. _Tb*Ua#Towo«oUi*r»* !»»• J-wtUJo*. Dotbl# Btfol m ’'' t -«<. JHcmSo coil. atPnN»o»_„ l&iLX'T* S£S!ffi£ tt ?& l :&*# l * etntu »wth'^f^ufeSf ■ VBIMHO. tilt KOttl of >.:■-•. • ‘ littUmof j ail Mt»U /AUPUAHS’ COUHT rtrtoeToi of iUttbnrcnmlrt *‘ r •> D«w»tarriMXl»* gif duj4“a, *»«e«lor» of JoSim UIPAKLIND, »^i^SttnaiSfißB!B£Sa am&bh*+ ,g ß, S , ® a| o* *t » point or poit xjo tb* fonrtb Kraal, nidi WM»ft>rlftod«.ol tp* ia|cr|ilM t«sgb oath tWaoijrtbiM tfe*r few *sd »T»tootb paretif* (74. T ft) tb • or coat ’ o* U» MW 8401 ml BmCj^tWartSV^SbSSiSiu^ flfly■opo itogtaaa *1 (*. fll° y.) ttittpon ud fin taUb 1 jfag^caffltessasaEssra; l>r** u *ogrnittnofnad H t|t ft) to Mac*of jjfloalog, and ecaUlolo*: flftf*lH ft AORSSocjIW I °? ?* u -T Qn^ K tbopotcfca— miaij tab* I poMocorbotMWlfocnnflrmjiianor o>»^ r U/ tl K| A a ».£7l jo**ftt> W/artoad, rim*—d. tp im. •candor toad utfl •wrtjM* «P ttoprwKmi-to-tegla torn*fcomtba »Wo» «nu oUBan 9 j TO " u,B * «° a»**cr*o *«eL»ftd ariUtoftDiiSimtbn 8» l doEnrgfi2» JkoMbAoUotnttf HK«lMfgl>. KO. KOBK&T WIMOhT 'l s WICIUH IC. BBIK!IUf*M>. : ?y: -4 "locator* of g'f«rUo4, ’ i Conakip, AlUglrej egf hllamtahia l*Uof,fc«bi ! T°WA FARMING IJAND.-Tho wbimb on hfoniittersailt' ho odrad «rrea Oeto kofaiUnM U WrtfcbL**? SiX^SiSS "—?_/: ~ : - McHtatsuUMltjaiatioiaAl : ■ Tj* ? A I ‘ E --ThiU »f>lendi■ _g ftvr doon »bOTar:;-::‘ ; - ; •" piTTSBCRQa THKATBB ; X:I«W «*4 Unmc* Vx. Bmam > -m£* maW " -- ~ ,■ .-«.LU»:_ >tT;«mttttrtM»ttTit <» o* 8»Oo«jMj. TU«o»*H»»lth . • :- ■■■ ■ TM IOtJggMAIfOy Dl gthrefttrathnrf. • 1 B -'8 MHMOINAI ■j -M F*>*uun coo uv«B ou<. iJfflSSS^SSBart • Olad aad am» mto, lh »!£1 *£*?.£ »** j*casivaprioy t a&Bs6k(mmz ' 1 'J22J2&£ am* l>ffß?£J37;fU ewmif* f&cpMUNti* luinid- Tktatjr tn Üba «id»ef IhnltAlbrtMßMt'Mt natojpyttwjyart la tt* meat •teMtiro ttonwrtt. Itramirfarf i*. latUi at etbtc ‘-TTliftT-tiTtrffirtirtm nfpmUrun—.Tim iiMi u g»« fat jUb»qnßwo«<>ifc» of U» «« minu pfcj«icuß* {SraahMf tb»: ztttm a» «ittt«i tmt D/firMMairr or ptszfsn nnu, . s. i UtflafcMinatamolUvTMHAi. Thatvhldml nmtr badKlA •rtKMMoflop.rtorttfCTW V’"" " ■ ; Jon*G.Bl&K3»oo. Xiapqrtart *&d IVtlera la flwti.fluiytfV*,-|fr,-X’ - .toUmbMl:.;. • . HalMHoiamwat UP.fICB, cbSTOil*i>t Wur»f« If Madid. 1 ■ ft ' j [£*ofett»i4tatfrA. : HWAKEKOOM and Pobrth rtrret, reedjlbr iOb.. i: • u.»4to«;it rgufaL PREMIUM GRAND PIA N O -mSSbm .lift Ml fffwi J|UST : BfiCfilVßD, a superb caned .« j {••1 o'ctaVb - ...• I : * B'bt.lU i On/iND PIANO.' or/.auasißiira a bohbv UASUMctusa. I^sissa :ftnuwatasUwffvnwou*!!.>-■ , ’ ■*“*’**■ ,B . i Jtoiut u. Mauttoa. M* Unite oudiS^fS&toS^gJi.j Ko. ea sifth, axßßjcir. v, SS^sE^^^.^ s3?^s SS 1! ; . Tamliaj bf,Tmi>fi ml ftimto fcr(Wr» itroy.>btfyaoldwip^tfcilytaUg« tnrttrninrtirt ftr - - -CBmOtTt JMIIB, fci« . ■ Pri*c» ft Qa.fr Imnr«>»tU»i<»W •. * N B**” -. «Hfm r-nncft>T«Mo»?»«lldtoE. ffirfliw WArap nra •qhb? i o ** ** lJCk< ’ r **• «w>«t»4 ttcanuri Htv lort Piiosi, " * -■■■ to•rrif*toon, ■ >. v -' ; ' ■>.-s.-v.;; • :•. .■: ■ ~•'•• • H. KLiBU* 880-i U Viflkat. j»wl M<4r > nUfc*fltotow»yAgoo^Cfitii > j FtiLaot. ■ A 9500 ; Fi&so for $350. A . 00X1 AT BAOO M&n.'; TBS BDBSORIBEK haa Wioll witt Um kra>b,lij »&mUy*tooUol»,» ifc> Checkering & Sons 1 ' * t oonva *; „ BoBawboDKJAKV»Di»lk»ofc •£ -• *. f. °*« T“V fe~" ''gfejfgg^- fWugmcsg BntUw tc gftangtg. u»aat*M cr.4«tMrv Utt. fCSsIStSMfs? aov — 4cf “4«judrouSlMrtTO ■ r ■■■■■■■:■■ BAVIDCUUV ' , fctr;“3ok. fIDESS, SMITH ft CO., V - - a -_ UtSOfAOTUtBS.or I TACKB, 1 SHADS, *to. Wnrehonsp. rri. lla W nter atxwpt, raessmi i timrogan.fi '}- *! »•* »*4 ¥ laiin.a,A m , [ f - No. 65- Fourth tftrwi/ % % IfHlff ■>*=■* <*x“- . v /Virtrlir atOMGM JtLBMZM, wvm.li «- . . * f ' : Bmt^iiS^’ na ,iSS ’f&SP’ \'- ? JSSg-SE issssu; *UO.tettta, SU’iajH- , „'S frfil'n**, • . *'''£) Ss3? : *V' ,, 4 1 jskskT ■ SKSsss,-- -1 jKwss.. -SSSKT’ 4 WPlMll. Uffly. OkikteSt ,'* ' i l r »Tifi '*" l " l ' < 3 i THB^WCASmOpSoir* Propotlon andProtetfloD ofTrade. ,:■ ,if.rSi ... .. I 1 “ .- isggggggg.v; Zl »ww XB IM TXHbi - T°, wtaUinlunint «| - ' °w* »• nn>UT| t _ - v : :■ lIBOIRIivnnulion . ’ w , *“ " ,D SJ'irZJm, ■- toWu»on«Wn^KSgg»^y^ ■rw'S'wui: ; ■;; =■■ j*?r -i;J ;# Ui : M £s?g£#fcs-- ii; . spHSSSff 3 s3sgß ( * ' - ■ scKsggaiissj i"' \Ts.^r iJanoftwiaugic. ’ .CostoriginaHj $5OO. 'V Q B w ‘h : 4-'