I , , L / ... ... __ i , ,_ ES'TABLISIIED IN 1786 _ ______, , ...--) emiuttosunt -- arc SIONtOt. , ---------- ;• Tr (LGRAllT,Gmatestate lineaastr,and PRANK TAN GORDDR, N EW I i la. ANDOSANDIAII soars, PRODUCE AND 4 WC ..' ...Pra. 9 €K 3 Lt likrauts COMMISSION MERCHANT. Parton " pall ' ' rirrearmatae ~- Dealer la Pew, Drowse. ends, Hotter. Laird, Cheats, Perk, IL . L 1/80 , allaRailk.. , I ..,,,1 wiz Woundser, Dried and Mum Rafts and Produce morally. de ki I assesson raransaol, m9 f mrim- 1 apard Partner. zawa auh Afilinarz ea& se asitypeejul. t Al l Mt a 41WII is (IP oVr_ z N. mays ..... ,e„, ~,1 1 00 0118011110tr aMt, Warehouse, No.ll4Secend Street, Pittsburg h. ma , imam rank 1 Wholesale ' Grocers Kramer A Rehm, Pittsburgh IP. Sellers A Go, Ningbo. h I .• lint 9 Means & Golan, do i &niter A Dilworth, do tines ode liinteger,Perbent, a ea. glee t. Heed and •Water Streets. !Eras asosuul, of the late Arm uf D. a U. pi' Liosold 1 .i. WI Clo , Wellerille. 0. 01171 1 rAdIY ' ' ?WISHNER PL and rota L ...... . ..... . . ....... toad MISOSILLS, Ja., Pittetegh-...CILY SIIBOCLI.I. Pitteb'gh rola aItDONALD & ARBUCKLE, Brief ./ Jar - Ltd' L. I:LOUSE OA COo ' WHOLESA LE GROCERS, Produce and atm W. 0 I,IIIIALS CROONER set to i Woo onaJobteen In N. 0 Aim Mallemaa °2' ltled Pagan and Byrum !lour, Ilatt " ,./ilso. "" M ,,, w 4 I comMIB3ION MERCHANTS Mr. % Lula Co. , N 0.253 Liberty et., - 1 --- COPLIOP of - Smithfield and Water Streets, oddly PI rteu Lubin rl 'PO 14ygyd. e ,E ~ PITBINUIRIM, MINNA. '. ulcer Lanlillne.- ... .. ..-.......--- ....... ...........onin ettirh; JL Frew 11,0111,ZURS & -7111.‘170111 1 8. 1 - 4 LBIZIKErr ec SLILY TON, A leice • 3 P.P. urnoLEsALE GROCERS, Produce Deal- sat, Li • Fdarerdaty sod 0011011. Meertiontee. •, err and Om mission Merchents. leered tMe DIALER LW HOE D, GRAIN sad 16001101 (moony. Jame F ilm, NO. 6 Sixth etiset, ett - No. 349 Liberty street nolLly Pittsburgh; /.. N rt e . w Una RIM to-RitchCrch, hicerrul h.Cot debar Joe. nos. WILL sa--..-.4.--..-:--.-...lits - A' '''' ' of t 1 ( Dilworth, Teo , dor, Orono ili Hickpittrktossi. Lew* Weal LITTLE & TRIMBLE, . Oman ny Ifyissi it. Pi a 00, dm &wirer A Dilworth. do, URN, a, Co., Dt. Lettli J. manes a co.ea Neut. a Andwit u.s. l.Oicisesttlnuei 1017L1OLESALE GROCERS AND COM- nr=7 a 8 Manse A Co, a s Weirder A ihtruar. . 15 haraNtLI I TV MINSION MIIROHANTe, Driers le Produce. n-.- NC Geer* PLIRD•7 II KuIe. Latium% Oen D DLL?. dr. Mawr. itaeoo, Cheese, Rich. Carboa and berd µ.7 ,otr, ithdordeba d'Orerreeta PbdWeithisiOrchhtan hiluNiews,... oil, Um, Mut., Oulu, Cliniulf li US; shd Arran lea. 11011 J . 14 As 11... IL 001110, New York. ...LI MAsersoruain generally., --- - ,-- EDOERTON & EITEITTAEtT, .. 1 . 2,2810 0D G irr-.Prr/DIIIIROB ~.. Wholesale •Graters & Commission Hardiest.% ' 6 3•507 " 1----- ''' I. " r ' sm '''' •••• .... 4" 5.0,00 illal &J. WATSON & 00., 107 WOOD STREET. At • Wholesale 43 roclera, AND DIALZIA IN -ai 00.,.... ii - i -- -•••••%-•-•-••••-i--- 1, .... 1060 . Rope, Oakum, Pith , Oils and Pittsburgh • J. • R : 'CANFIELD & 00., iManufactures, Coasititsatort A.•Worwardieg dieroberits, AO. lad WATER STREET, AmittbobedsDiebasta Above iheithleld. Duill:lydl PlitilliDlUll Pa , WESTERN Jaatior.E.olinsE, _yar/LLIAM ILAciALEY, _ MM. LARD, 802.0. atOUN, /LOOM, PURL vipgar. T er AL r.wt chm,c)o3sEt a 701* ale. htdrlbittalstes, iliberbiA Liteedat Iced OIL Dried DUMPS., p..„*.L..i , ~ t troll and Produce generally. Illah is ass -0 Wood avert, 23 rob- henna '/ t 'BOR.,' ..nil wad Ida Frost Street, ._..„.. _ DAIILDPB 00i,, ' , W ' I rirrsroaan, re. ,•''',',“ - PITTSEIL7IOI, Novae, Illustrated it m0ig,..,......._ . .....,.......„... seta cent...-............•.0dZ015Z------..ionla inui.l. 6 r * ,:r.,::::_ o CULP & iizarozak , Toss. wow. s BON, Grocers and Coto. al ' -. U adman swam:ft Agouti tor the ads of Pig In* - COMMISSION MEROIIANTS, 'OO4 i l lm. ° 4 / 4 . 2113 LL ol l l Whit. Dimdstrgh. %Odra AND DIALER IN , (1 B. JONES, WHOLESALE ORO. ___ J rl ( .l....„,,_____ FLOUR. 13•ELVOIN .dr , puojuucir,. a eatt mat Boat Ifornlsher, Dealer In Prods:4...lnd / ' '''''' , 'Y 1 lassvaitoirs., N 0.141 Water street, near Cherry Ao. 843 Liberty ..... i, PATerglttehorgh,Pu. ;0 25 ' PPTTNIttlikOB PA. ~..a . „, iiiim. nor ,w r ...., ".1, 3 , ... WI% P. 8111 / 1 1........4.............—..............10.1111 4 . oaoetaotly on hand. Partleal r attention paid to Mug S HRIVES & DILWORTH, WHOLES/US, onions for Ai erchruediaegesenell . y. oreclyd kJ larennt,Naltle sal 1.12 Elecond etrret,flatereen Wad ---, and Isid,Pttlabargt,. lIJALIVEL B. FLOYD & CO., 0 , aummusioN muumAJ , Th, sou ROTS . WasSandro..---.....CLUsAiI flint's I L And /salon in No , °Enda and Prod.,» Geuerelly, JORN FLOYD & CO., WHOLESALE Au la u gfAirry amardty, ne e , pe. B. IL ppin, 1U- ghtsamiendCbaindednet Merchant% N 0.171 Wok! and IMGRITTISP EMS.% PA. eettyd IMlliberty Mame". lets ... i t. C. marmot = -tofu. alumnus. Ilann NADI caspvirlcs fi -sow. 09MMISSION MERVII ANTS, Auirte IN pAisa AND RACK , -.! • And Agsati th• Me of .f.ifahooing Fire Brick • and Pot Olay and IC * , W0 .. 0.1 Slawit.: tier IMO; PI 11‘..Wmpping Papa...l Maashialanes. pagan. Cania paid Ice Sags. maim -- • I ' IsPittsitisit I lro rt irsi li tCK,"' "" ; 00AMISSION MERCHANTS Provisions& Produce Geniiieltri N 0.30,9 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. Matigguns; - 111101LSOWN, ' Wholesale DrOggist, Offirben 00 Menntectarerand Agent Iler - Theyees loth' end' PlaNlittnrect. N. 167 uhay'sas s a Pico► burg., P. 1.60176 TAIIIVESTUWE & (30., ale Drqsgbie. iad blaoallealme of White load. L,.dis.k tk4 Lltharge, cantor Waixi Yd Trost ra ntio. barrA: d uma 118 . 116111 ..........e.4.....4.•«—ake5a urns. RAUN A— REITZ% WHOLESALZ AND litallbrogptmoroirof LUmrty sad al. Mgr eta, rituthogit. 4 ,1 ,, •• • O.SEPII IMMO, (SU I ESSOR 'AO L. ala= t 4a= Miam acted i pier "a rorkure, eterictzDarya rau, litielclaa t eharlat Periaircemed stl articlw pit , a s ui ßr u F ll4l°6l - 117 . c 9 8.1 " 1,64 aion i; 1.. .1.6k11. • GEO. G. RYSER, DRUGGIST, J./ :140Preall ocrist, oFßocort Arm* ilia Virg!. ALMA, PllkkhriA. 0101; P. • SOOT''. W'udemiaa; - Dauer -in tr-Anorh palmy o'6o • sad promos ha. SO lamp iareiVillt.burgb. Neat B3s , l „ afitgents. • • WILMA W .12LALlit let P MISSORY NOM, Sonia, Idartgagto and ocarinas for mead. - can able cram procure Isamu my Agscom an meow . Than Canon to 10100 inaaoi to good advarnass; al/yo dad drat and clew paper al say oils% be ' An niamtaiennoic oast la rindlicanlaciaL . • 016einalarr MIX% Where OnnolzaL litoburg ANN 4 .110LBLI48 CI AIM 0.1•1111111!i • 1e.4.111111M. SHO/1 it 4 UUTORtNiteri; " •COtiUtiStdat . . igitit ' &atm! tiWellOrfiti . ; A.Or, /Nab. Botta., Laura 012, Pot .Barda. G Dried laalt, and Prodne.• -- =liy. Nat brands Family Naar 'alarm 'as band,. for tb• We of 7 1 mi. caletTal.l Patealaa Pori titatel Bfai:1111 %woad Miami stA„ betaraea - 11PotholasallaSellata.," Pa. . . apPlyd OilliZSZ - WABSILOUSII.--filliltY ()OLLIII3, foroledtag CloolalMost Miatotomt,ord Loos! to Moue, Maur, Lot* ..Itiotroto 'rattan goooodly, litool olorto•Wotoratatotoirii. ~ - AIM E:MM,S= -- _-_- .4-011 a H;; ,, ,ULLOR,; Ne; 81 !MOODICE, u. Wawa Dionalmir sall*Nol Ntre_ Igint: bar CHIOESALNO a flOtrintiNo run g NO NON ll , HAJUJNII . NOD , NALODNINIS Tod 0 Alt. 1 U1 11 10N10114•641Dhibetli itaileistilleloal Goods. • i- ,, IIELYJUKIVIti iST MTH I • Intrilltiaidlo w = d lkt apair d NUMMI PLUIOBoad 1:111t NIEDILUir,Li.. /I= Akawaisstonaes AMMONIUM, Deans laYsxhe sail lositrarsta, 2131,11/di, 'MAIaWebN 'UM 1.110. sad rof Nab sod 1111airi hstrenemots.- lik Tao BANIKIRS MHO& sho DAWN kAgags OCLIB Damn Plsaas. ultpspn Mira AUfasess. 1.1111 wmitinK inkir a 5 "nourancF *lents. JNO. .18:1WFADD&N; Agent Metropolitan. 11.'44 and Comobeedi4l twonsages Compao,se, AUXlK,,.Ceeretriy Allegheny 4M • Uri*:*P,,r - JONEtVAgent Nona - America, it:a of VesrigleuL,sur Ito!tkird looonoboo O ts;nwear it; , ' Qb:6IIISILs- REA;-Zecretary Citizens' bum retie Oa, comet ltarkirt and W•tor , IitARDINK O R,OOIIII.NiAgont for frank- - 10.14 ara lirkkuieoleCOoppOst, iraod ied third drama; •jdt. GORDON,/ rr'waseva raWt- ----.- • , algik '0841“.- I: 1Lh................;. LD & In, (moment to MILI , t riaol 7 ll4 4 l . la , to n... of LOVik Dealer 'in Staple end lanol . n Ya d = oso of the menu dot% No 11 arl9 tal4. PA4MICE, Na 106 Market dtreet, / c atikria-anumqk Rai* arm Tetna , !.Otalhai. Sts. Do :eitT S. DAViSonummioe tO,Tobti Abbinthos, &der to Bookkagatkaint &a .N. 0319.4 , serartomesortf Dimmed slim Piegabe 1.0413/ NM. O. JOHNSTON & 00., &oilmen; - :Riot twat siresawt... rod Job Motor% Vol d Obult, Thaftegb, Po. • ' • • •We Aikir , k oo ., -- BOOKSELLZIIB.IND STA son . No. 44 Wood Mt.; mit door to tie eon • • I I : :1" fahlterl. , 111=211 'W. J. CJIAIBW-N la. urn; *ivir IND' PIINTKII iLFartirOnyurr.: • -• -4 OpppfmdtsOdd-Foillcrivailbill.L. o ts Work:done fiwr the tracts. p,FLIANOBURst — s FTS WING' x Ls , pitiobaced by vass-aortaisi.uo Elta, ,• • ; • ,, Pallailltl^ , ' WOLltillLet*:usettrail, IR aisipsla. 'BBLS~'aAfTW:::~QE!;.~¢Ot;~s w , T ~~S "Y~'..rt~ i s:;r►.:~t~ eau T. •lustrto'dThr imagraccalaw •• WATT A WILSON, WHOLESALE °NO VI Oceomkoka Marekao— to rod Nate.l6 Pro duos sad Pillartorsi! Masorlhotorro, Ka 968 Utor tr etrori, PlUbborigh. jas sofa A WELL. LEE h CO., iVEOLEsIILE rms, .. rnxt.....3 Clemuninka htsmbaail. taPittebart% 41asthetorft,No, S Wood smog. b l.4 w tyre Watermad haat ss, Pftiaborib. guns. adavos. Mibeif wuotam t l4 • grows, Oosusidoa liarchutt• Prorts4lo, " w ance and Plu•burgh Nan l aid 50.116111Mmty PitilArib• 1.1 AGSM LLOBERT DAZELL 1 CO.; WIIOL& BALI anon% diersodides sod Ponrerdtree ea sad Destirsbareadueeeod Pittebrosb klesureeteurs Aa MU liberty street, Ittraterrsts dart :18A11111 DIOKKY do 00., wlloy.• RAIJC Orme*, Cbamilinalmikauft,aad Arlen tn . Frothice, SO 'ldea Mort. 0•1118 V ront Meet, Pittab.rsh. 1311YDAIICEI LINBEED N OIL I Ail B. S Q Y D A Bli_ll4anotatrand X lll • Dif4lor lo LaNsEcir.ip OIL, RAW ANDVOILE . ID, OIL 43 • IL 3,, ho. '131.40 Ise orders lases tom Owed al the .tuna ot Mr. w_. Yossloy, Wood; stmt., sad Moon Jobe 41374 A oc. lawny .c Moo tyr LAI, and notion of /14141r11D FOR S w tat at Owe pleay•D4 roo4lvo prompt ot.tooilitio. elcurnmer.:4-,....-4 nacKOlfrosu, Ui mensia dt co., Corner kik* and °Were Streets, 'Via CIO Water Worn, u R O//, P A. ' IVIANUFACTCRERS OF MACKINTOSH tUnliPHlLLrlittrltOrsUrerticrer uselLtal oftititt VALVES a old am, est boaftlyl. t el Milks*: of hro.cireisay and of Um DentrddaYerre onpirlrrwl to do boa" Tadao& rod , Utdr,mort thlettro;truetor tbM prompttora ad the duramer edam morh4 so seta petite petrooste. Ire °grapiest atesUra to orre,ANOltD VAIN! OECtL• Lanett INGISILS,O° cortardoi aderategeo t...tOrore anaudeed to Wade° or Jtagiora Are Boom ultierrOttes Emma nod dad Ilta, To Led. 04111117VVIWOUILI9' i W.OVlndei Olacto. to JOliti . Clainnigtat,) MANUFACTURERS arid Impairtere . et sad Tante Cacao, 4atipbal and Denial 11. ammonia, Clansllatilla, Pebble Tad* an, lie. lid Wood mesa May Iti apealal attentioa tithe mesalactaribi of Mollyenamek Bopp/saw% Le. /abides and Raven V lrtati pane. sad deapatola • ika) incaltri. • • antilaairaaasuud. a co., el Penn et below blarbury, Pittsburgh, Pa. QTEAM BOILER MAKERS AND MEET a„, Eros Workers, Oranohcirment Ilarnblint Patent Softer, Lecomottra, T o end Cylinder Boilers, Chimnys, iligkidts; Mtn lidde Plf^ Comieneen, mat Pate, /Nor Pu, Um Yeerts e .t.ffe Boatel, eer- Alen, Bnib.' Wort, Bridge Irons, dam at tba abort., tn. nee. AU *Hen from . *dletance pn•enystly attended te.. Aga • CO., Perk Packers &nor oillarkstaii6 front latklyd• .futnttuts, • t •— • - •lZiiiiiiii4T - Ciiiii:iiiiiiGl-1:: ru INITI3 akMAND emits, WHOM:SALE AND RETAIL, Itmtrming tang My,* et .1? IXT XI X. 7 X T 17 11 El . ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY AND WALNUT. ' Nanabwor 1 PARLORD; own= AND DINING WOKS. ' - 110 aor te NEW Tout A S AV PHILADELPT+, Watiowolu,l9oa. If 9ND T 9 Timmu St lakatt . • . • PHTUDEGII. PA. Ms*. tons. tURNITURZ ANA-, Of Zrory Desearii.tion. /1407011T—ter iffi,bdedes ligifseed Pass. Anwbee WinkolllB—As.. U 4 40 liallifield ILj TraMBOAT CABIN IrtrltNltUßZ—We as 4oestuatly misahatartss ITIIIAMBOAT odd® MATRA and Welts the stesetket el Owe tateremel la lanOeteit bents: - • a i l inill . - etheer T. 11. TOMB • Quack Nostrums. THE NEW YORK I ZSAY BOOK says; ; .a. ne. magaity ii r Weahea, Oak Wel, Flair , Tooke, Hair OW, and the antobeetame ymmeratica• width I am tam Witted!. WOW eight owl errtnsesgent, hyper. bolinailm4 Ontario thim as yr we pleaded to ette•sbow. I dow was, and newspaper biedingson task preparatloW, tare all ittembwas ot theint est.; to oss awn, • te,* pass* say, 114tbal they do no berm _oars Let:. wasra on, man on,..swarr Olnk MAW iii wi• wed, make ay, whoa le Wendt. and white dint /Ow Walks. dis *tidbit chamfer of toe.. and whhtt thew °NUN, em haraisid with sow. Weida.. term, sod ant& et by vol lasagjasul old of both mai Such. Is not the sbaractw of fmlholne Wood'. War Itaderatilire This gentitleen Gomm Wl F.. ore s :itb , s World without any •!h h Olathe Xiiimbisinianirdr atty odor amonading a Warding alithPlowi iiriet • dank, Werth., air , ItWaratise—whst It es pescimly- 000 ea 58. . allot it iota Hay Pmeilawriiumes Eel, Reetotetive, • d 11•40 1 1‘iii•TOW MOW •I•• Wiz wt 7 Wan., apply b .f. hag elm; for ti - May blo that too will emu worse 1 t• 'twee &ma primed itird of on Yawm olt en. Rem bet!, Wood's liestarsitte tot tat Bak I. th• beit artki• /x• It Will, by Natal e's own Process, Restore liltnylialr to, the Orlenal Coich, iittilieste Hair Airo*ini=da, tidi mare lb.. Natat Will remotest mite ail Itching, , WW meow all lattif, I Will wan all aimpticate—eirea WOO Baal, Will make the liter dolt and Gl.. , Will make Me oldappear ygg again, Will prawn. doe Ookt of to old age, Will always haw tt sad Its FOWL Loci Is aloof the rest Uhl Mehra for th• Mir now lo INO. lienalhotwed to 0.1, WO4D * CO., .M .old Wholaed• sadintlilt, K W444 Broattwey, *ow Toth. sod 111 Usti. et, IC Loofa, D tied W nAdingh by Or. 000 i. genes, 5., Lee . snerners a 00. sad ail Dreattleac lawildlyi OTIOS TO CRODB CARBON OIL CO N LIICTOSIAL—Tit• Baba ibers we well footled M. othr WOW. Wilmot WWI. mad. oil kw eels, to dot with Own. Ttal bate past. the beet w... eb. Ana • Mrs In the city Gm that gamboge,' They will remits, more nod dalllar to order, or sell ia emnatimkon, whine liberal edonaws. They mid ten receive and •tor• rased cal, arid nellVi oommhrion, whim Weitiod. To Denim I. Clinton On, w• think we can *lir meddle. my math to their mins*. WO DAM' DIONIIT A 00..60 and 11 Water a, N" - - KINDS, illinutarnnirs ===:=2l —.Tam I. male—....rammo L mos V. 111.:T01:1110 • CO., b. , the pmeat NOLIAMS, in, Trieh Limn Cloak!, &a awn. 1,9dm0. • Pealed hoolkily .17•1411•4 Nocturf , .•• 3/I;totoarr , , ' 1 r -1 , PITT'BI3IIIi.4.II, TUESDAY' NIOIININ - G, F*Biu l Aitir 12, 1861. Stan Soots. AND POPITLAR'BOOKS-H • 088240 : 11 p.tonoaLTALILIIMCas Ocal, Petro. =4 Woe DCEITILIJID OTUL Parton's LIU of 'Jacks . = W. vols. If .7 . ReTlewl 'and kflEtiltudel: Myer old. cat. Carlyle. Critiadosid Idiriolliumboos Lean. do;, , The Work. Lsratk Murat& editkro, I !sots temp of UM, ama* do 214, Wort. at re.* BALM. •do DO. Mseaubey's Isdsr /mays sad Poses. Lewes' bushes or - Wpm/ Life. Barton's Las Regkas of Ottand , dhies. Bosnia chljumlnet of Ws. Iffotsrs Whims nod Oddities: New Edition. :Mom Brown at Oxford: Hopes and Tessa by t4 mabor of the Heir of Bal. etyda 2 vol. . Blanes !Wet Bloatsph - las. Emma Pratbaley Gram Greenwood. /ha Obsjal Of t. Mares Wilde Paeola blos goid: New 11411 Jon. Morris' !Natoli blob Sod 'do .421 ' ' ' KAY d fbt,.os Wood stmt. TWD. IMPOICFANT, BOOKS from the preieoltekisw A Yield...Dm% reesdred A • Perwirrsil History of Lord Boron, from impoblisbed Autublogrsphy 61 Dr. Alersodnr Osrlyle, Minister of Iserwit, a ril hielisonalsof the N ew ol Times Jamas W. aril A dinoi Alsraridos's New It sots , 'Moorish.. l'ihsehtagi by Jsrin W. New Ts lAterentrsi by •ddison. Aisio, new supplies of tbe following good books: Overa it troth: by Two Brothels. Hymn' of the Agar Pre rod cerise. lieseseoesiOnudorx of Lira Gorso's Illimorit-t, or Natural CI tsts47. Recreations of is Country Patens, !teed for esto iIUDISRI E. DAVIN, 4414 . - No. 0.1 Wood st. R - IVERISIO 1 lllE NEW ArD BEAUTIFUL EDITIONS ui tbo 810111811 AUTHORS. NI ACADEMY'S 1184Alfil, d rois OARLTLE•Si a do do L AI/INS WO EIL 4 dJ HALLAird Illlddi Ages, 3 vols. do Coast! otiousl History. in poss. do HI of Hagfish Lihrstons, kr•ssi IYIBRAELIII Carl Ilse of 'do DA KrObre MPH P.l AMMON. • Tn. et:ma mba mum/ or Washington 111•Iale• Wmks, beanlifally , plittled oa tinted paper, trout the same plow.. the enealled N. o Nalhatsl Complitta, 21 vol.: cloth and hatc.u. 1 • BULWEII'II NOVEL& 2.e English Llitlon—oesekistatn RS vela, half nal,. . • Deaurrel 000tsa.—This 0p1a04.11 edition of Monies Novels, Illustrated y the masterly hand of 1. O. 0. Ickark.l, I. oost almost comalsted. Bahamlptlon• remind. , Ameba atteotka4lese to hooks of velum:tent valtie Good edltains of 'good Welts mostantly on band and me_ eolvlog. D• VIII' BOOK ITORBr _ _ 93 Wood stint. A PRETTY LITTIA LIBRARYtTen Volume.; in • hoe: prier, $1 CO. Ijrlibin'i Trip to the Bea Itharc Little eerier (or Little People; The Illeekborry (lir My Grandmother; My Llttlaheboohne to. My Beet Mond: . . • Boyne'. Throe Tractor.; The Little Partnere, etc., Braelde Neer Omni Irsiglieh Mary. AUNT 1111AOIra LIBRARY—Ten Volumes: taloa Bi Oa Moreland tier Oonetne; . Jeoriatitir; Or, The Goat Illttake; Old MOM; Lint* Boording &how Cil, Oar Btrthdey Trip; , Happy Cbristme; 1.11110 An A MO of Palma Moirdiaanaied IMO; 1104riale Abort the bible,. Charlattig 11 , 101'06ra, of 'pretty Pirtnceo They are entirely tam for *ate by dr=y J. L RIAD, 'booth et . IST WIJOKS! NEW Rocas! The Goer p,p insa parstloa; or, Rol el:option broireth blab: by RAY, Mr. d uo Berne Ba ll ade on Poem. by RUM.' ClilberVe MO*, r. Flatbedge. Poorer. bib. mod glad! Brier Blogriphle, by &mad The Qom. of gnat,. • Roily in ?ninon by Arthur. Toll o,Alagae of Alpo. Women of litorth Mn, oho hire Mien. The WM, Elepbont. For saliby I J 47468 L ILIAD, 74 Fourth et. PUCKET DIARISS FOR 1861. PET' tOIANS. VI - B M° LIIIII POI PSI Plane/M/4'llB D BOOK OS' PRAOTIOI BON IsSl M3I7.IIHOLD ILIPBSIBII BOONS FOB ISO ALMANACS TuT .1. la es/obi eon NAY I CO, lb Weal street. pENNSILT NIA STATE REPORTS .I. c.4y. V kme VZ.ltist twelve.' l y H Al 7 .....,__ it • .1391)".ku THE TIME,S-- .TM LIN or A kr. J•ction: hy rkrtolt. 01 hares Thilkl•Thruogh tit* Baakevrd Akre 10214.- texas .1 .41kIwy Jourroy Thh.gh 4..8. k tw.mary. Ltis vf 04 Job k • Ikaltioko. For sale by HOBERT B. DA V 10,. J. 14 173 ..1.4.1. ibtuattonat . _ .___ p EN -1- tri-trTuVE -- , • miNcoo. ,ITKRICT. NEAR PENN, T Will ro-Opso ou LON DAY. O. LI Jay of IiIEPTINER. flb pee aerslaa of O.r mouths J. NI NEMEC an& 10 Ptlueli toots t -,sboti) ` JOU 1 QA Win 1(44.; ANUFACTririt RROFBOOTS andenpme4t....o arra, littabargb,l%. imealre. JAMBS li. 11111i.Dsk CO.: non oorros stmt., ALLMICIPV . waviactizasu or SEAMLESS BAGS, MID or OSN.A.BT_TR,GI - taphole to incthwa wide. Ordoes left at 11. Childs &Co 's, 133 Wood stml, Pltiatiprghortil n celre alteellon. ippIiNGERV P \o •oo,v - 90 6 0' 0 1 / 4,, GIN GIN A6A rsamitznAir, .A. 13 Ecz.rr. DELICIOUS TONTO STIMULANT, ESPECIALLY designed for the use of the Medical Orefittlen pod the remily, heeled 'Rpm , medal the peeled "431114," .Arldeatle," I.IPIt . "IMATtePPN" el., Is new *A..4 by allor. the preethwet ph yettlawl, ebewlet• mid et exedwere, es tioeme. Me( ell ht Wes belrietic medelool qualltlea (toeldsed Mumbe) ertiteb'baksag to so old sod pore Ulu. Pot op Is even bottle. toed Add by all druyelete. (tear; Or; Olio . II gCI PAS, ISO W. o-1.1., •teql. letabllebed le 1118 I Selo Pruprleton,, ocAPIT Stead etre.. N. X. FOR LA PISS ! - FUR S! FURS! FURS! of all kinds and qualities FUR GLOVES AND MUFFLERS! RATS AND CAPS, M'CORD CO'S., Woods PITT1581;r130E1 , PLOW WOIIIEB. J. C. 11 WE L Ireroare to 44, a sat.,sad 1111LNIMAOLCIlke, ALI . . PLOW& - PLOW CIASTITIGX, Cotton ilorapors, Cultivators, die Adapted to the various Soils of the Northern, Weetein and Southern States. StenneeetoiT, Wareboon and Otero Corner Duo 00000 Way, 110airotte Street end Om Ont neon ogler, (role threi puree all the Eta Depots ) , dead, PVITHIII11011„ V.taL.U.iLB LAO liedPituVi4flliLl7 _ _ In Steam and Atmospheric' Hammer. LETTERS PATENT were grunted on Elnpt. gth, 11100. Themes Arch, for is very ramie end tithelent impromenent Infitaate and Atmomberle Hemmer.. whereby the foil emote of the hammer le obtained, nor Met. ter *hat t• the thieknota of: the mem of bail to Wham inened—tbenhy enacting. greet Imam of whit *here large piece. of metal are to be vended upon and • oortine poodles eating of expel:No. ' The entsial hers are owner. of mid pat Ont, and at 4011. rous of setting rtahte to ma mid 'improvement, la *ell es territory ender Mid patent. *model of mid Improiemmit la left at tbe oft. of If Belavrell • Clostilt Alton. at lUr,oeya , corner if . 0 rant and Dimond Mose vhar• valves ion.* may cell 1.114 ••0 it, end Inns also.tim te rmed' flomegoale, AO. P A. ar24117111„ TQOtlAAllesoe,H If reeport, Armstrong on, P. IMaiii CLOAKS, OURNip:IN, Wonl•9 owl 04itoo PLAN 116L11. Rich All. Wool M. Da Elkitza $6 ARM sT.ltorowly ss2.nl $l4.- Also Dow !wool pg New Anil Dentrabla Domsatli and 13!. pi. tlooda. 0 1.10180171.01 f IL, 114kat d PRODUCB; &c.-50 iiusseti;', is tail 'LAX smith bbli fresh Mai, kOWBUTTZR. Ibnz TURIEWM 1 ierlt Pilaw MUTH2OI:4O 8. W. , 16 0 4. hue, Dgoojto, • . au3 ban DRY PRACITILEV las• Web, 1 PRAM VAN Goma; dao . tuon.dm EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, Nr Irk by wawa, Elk OATS, ROM aDTLIFOILTIV, Sig Mort, at. - DOLL BO EE—fi bat. choice Roll Mit , trr. tot oato by JAI t. L GRAM, 2811 Liberty et: FIREtBI-1100 boxes prime W. R. Cheese-. N./ 1223 1:14 VIVA 4 00.1 V UriS R it&D-10 flake j ust read tor oda by ' MM. COMM, D RUID APPL!,I- . 150,1m5. for sib by { lirti4 'Crtt4.*ll#B4l=eloll4? t'ITTSB - plittsbitrg4 Qoattit t) TOBLISILID DAILY • r WkiILLY Br 1 S. RID .1) ? Ac C tins nun. afar siutnno.4. TUESDAY MOOING, FEB; -12 pro, lbe Dolly Pitt (..o•gb Duette) • 1.• SHALL Ir PASS t A Pew Other Reflections In R 44110111 i. ` s Hill Knntled "An Aet tor the Collagglakiirl of the Tonnage Mules.. L If the repeal of the Tonnage Tax is 'de manded by the purest int/only and the &vett good faith on the pa , t of the Commie/WOW then rr SHOULD SR norrestmr AND lIHOODDI TIONALLY HILIVALIDI The page of 111 Act like this, which professe,s on the one aide, to demand end receive a compensation feAfloing justice, and on the other.aide to offer askide rations tO influence opinions in various districht, would be wrongritt itself; and alike diegisioeful to the legieliture ivflich etacts, and thCCom pany which proposes. 2. The preamble misrepresents, by glean& men t ofthe reasons given by the Supreme Court for its opinion that the repeal of the iA3( was unconstitutional. Tla following *welkin a part of tho' opinion of ,ho Court: , "The amount of taxes proposed to_ p, re-- loosed islayond cakulation..-It cm oily be conjectufixi. It would be mealy incnaied by the tax which would Of Course be !origin the property about to be : sold to the Company. Jedgingfrom tho increase during the last five years, and the Constant augmentation 't:lttrado and travel along the route, it would, seem reasonable to believe thet in five years years from this time it would be double its present amount. But conceding flat* tax to be released will handier amount fano mere per annum than the sum paid in 113$6ktim amount, according to the admission :of - the Rail:tad Company itself,. would be $ 280 4 188,21: per_ annum forever. This sum is more than: equal to the interest on $ 5 , 6 00,000 Ei per cent. the rate to bo charged the purellitior. In other words, the Act of Assembly prelims to give the Railroad Company • oonstien equal to $5 000,000 for $1,500,000 and thus give that Company an advantageequal to $4,100,000g over every other bidder:_at the sale." 3. If the further statement of the Pream ble that the whole tax "now falls indirectly on flour, grain, cattle, iron, and other pro ducts," is true, the Pennsylvania Railroad Couipany. is =Leif:ally abusing the,' power granted in its Charter, which provides that ' all tonnage, of whatever description," shall pay the tax. The remedy for abuse_ is to be found in the clause which provides for forfeit ure of the Charter. 4. The proposed change in the paiments for the Maine Line is no benefit, whatever' to the State, but merely offers to use the .money to lei taken from the State parent of the Conipany's debt to the State. 'lle MX itself added to the sum now agreed to be paid, will afford as large• sum applicable annually to the reduction of the State debt, and will have the advantage of continuing: to be paid _until the debt is'extinguished, and then remaining' to support the government e 5. The tax was impala; to protect the pub lic-works, owned by the ate in We, linos the decrease in revenue, and depreciation in value, which might be caused by a vital ; and to compensate for injuvies t i e result torn its erection. In connection with other:taxation, and expected bopefits, it was dtiviedi to be • a reasonable charge for valuable privilwativuited to the Company. The depreciation caused by the erection of the Road chartered, and Its ac tive efforts to destroy the Main Line, has been greater than was anticipated, and the Tonnage tax, when the Main Line was sehl,r9reasnted the difference between ito c,eit Or s onsinal sal naiad the price it brought ' tax was imposed to cover expected *predation only, it falls short of beitig adequate temniteration. The Main Lke Coat 1 53 9, 00 0,004.Wir501d for • $7,500,000.00: "If inopesstiaA. ',AT the tehalita Ott sefikirol- CoMpang, slid enjoyed birtm ; theui' 'fact that.their net profit in 1860 has been $2,296.. 49340 proves that the monopoly of tleit:ratte. through Pennsylvania is more valuable than could have been anticipated, and that the tax falls short of an adequate compensation. If imposed for both thee reasons, who can say it should be repealed,-or ought to be complained of as unjust or burthenaome to the Company? 6. 'bite acceptance of the Charter, with all its conditions, undeniably constituted a con tract. The acceptance of each sumeesive modification of the Chartermanyof which were made at the solicitation of the Company, and especially that modification which changed the tax front 5 mills to 3 mills, was' a new ratifi cation of the contract. 7. The Company in that, it urges the repeal principally on pretexts which concern others, for whom benefit they are greatly solicitous, admits the fact of the contract and the justice of the tax. The Supreme Court, in its holding upon the disputed sections of the sale bill,con firms the right of the Legislature to impose the tax, and shows the wrong of releasing it with out full compensation. . 8. .The 6inslS of the Coinmontrealth wore in good faith pledged to her creditors, and the proceeds of their sale, or their revenues; - Onght not to be divested, but shoidd be most sacredly devoted to the see of the creditors. 9. This Tonnage 'fix will in a few years amount to; half a million of dollars per annum; if the sinking fund.fOr the payment of the pub lic debt is deprived of it, the suns must berated . f m direct taxation. The people of 'Pennsyl vania are now heavily taxed, and to place a new burthen of this amount upon them for the benefit of any corporation, or under the pre text of aiding certain special localities •or, partrnelsibranctiaa of . business on industry, would be an unjustifiable act of oppression up on every other district orpirmuit. The Tonnage Tax, added to all other taxes paid by the Pennsylvania Company, amounts to lees ad-vakrem,,than the tax paid by Bank ing corporations. The Beek of Pittsburgh, for instance, pays to the State absolutely,lifty per cent, higher tax on its capital and profits, than does the Pennsylvania hailroad - Compa ny ; hence if a change is expedient on the ground of inequality, the Tonnage Tax should be increased. 10. PRRZSYLVAITLIVB sex:installs require the utmost economy of her resources at all times, but if ever a time occurred when to dissipate them was especially inoppOrtnne and wicked, it is now when, In theproldenoe of God, she : is likely to be called on use all her means in arming for the der of the Union. 11. The repeal of this tax cannot be legiti mately called for to enable the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to reduce its toast charge's, and foster home resources of the State, until these charges have first been reduced by the Company to the lowest paying standatd. nit this has not been done, is shown by the im mense profits of the Company over and above the tax, and the extravagant expels:litmus it annually makes. Nor can its repel be alleged as necessary to enable the Compady to corn, pets with rivals, forwhilif its rivals are banki rapt, the Pennsylvania Company Made during the year just closed. $2,296,402, increasing its earnings over the periods year F:57%316.27. Nor is the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in its present attitude of :resistanos to state in its collection of the tax.. While.. having abundant means to pay—one which entitles It to favor. 12: If the benefits prOmised by the friends of this Bill, to the local tatereatsof the Statejus. tify its psalm; then &Irritates of the BUM dim from the Company for the Maine Line, would be equally justified, and then an appropriathin of half a million per snnum from the State Treasury might be sustained 'on the same grounds. • 13: If the tax is repealed, the Company should pay into the State Treasury at Imelda) stun of $1,500,000, named in the Act for the sale of the Main Line, if not the same named by the Supreme Court. 14. If the tax is repealed, then the amount now withheld and which has probably • been collected from the "Local Trade," belongs to the lead shippers, Ind should be paid hack to them. tlr a CO, 66 Wonld. FANCY lIHMIA 15. This Act fixes by contra t ct, witli , the Company a certain Freight Tan g for loch trade which islargely hi. excess of the rates champed to people-of other Mates, and thus 'puts ft inefron out if the power of theLegids. ture to prevent diectiminations injorioos he' Pennsylvania interests. ' ' The Towage Tax was not imposed on' the individual shipper, or hi. !nigh% but onthi Company. TIM Ca of bight mein ;no* eatie s taptoprtiort the isz4.o of dimiur , -Aitimiii&brdb• dOpisi o th4 11 ,'... . . • • • 1 EL GF P~ITTB P! - ' but by the. Company out of its gross earnings.' and bears no closer relationship to the rate of itsgrowl earnings, and , bears no cicservelation ship to the rate of freight than does the salary of the Company's oilers. The coupling it with higher or lower rates of local freight, is merely an artifice by-which to secure here.. pt si The Proposed induction is so trilling, as co Soul giVeri to the tiotnpeny,, as to be unworthy. of consideration as an in:. distement to peas the Bill. 10... The insertion of the word grosah. in the pretended anti•discriminating 041%A:a the Billimakes it grant nothing. I It simply, means that the Company, r imer charging ; cents from Philadelphia. to 'Pittsburgh,' , shall not charge lase than 90 cents front Philadelphia to ; nor shall they charge seem than 90 cents fora ehorter distance than between Philadelphiaand Pittsburgh. The Company may charge Ow aame "to Cincinnati se Pitts, .burgh, and, the effect is to carry between Phil- adidphia and Pittsburgh. far. the Cincinnati merchant at just half the price the Pittsburgh ma ant pays: The operation is the„eame to poin east of Philadelphia. If the Legislature meths, to prevent 'any future hiteference with distilimination against_Philadelphls and Etta. burgh and the local trade, the Bill does it of. fectaidly. ET: "'And furfer, all shippers of western prod i n uete, under Waugh bills of ' la4ing," &c., le T e ea ' and makes the. Stain a party to the iinj ' now being done to-the steamboat int.:Teat iof t ^- Ohio , river, :thy compelling even the owner Of's steiner'of heidekatietbe privilege Of iflapphigthis . pioducelia Pittsburgh, to 'ship 'boy i)aostin which theigents of the R4read Company ate interested. In other Word; it is making the State a party to the disezimina tiorai of the Company against steamboats-in whiO their agents are not part owners. This discliminition is now the subject of loud coat i:, phi t, and tuts banished transient western baste' f m the port of Pittsburgh. 181 he 4th Section is, First, like the whole . hilt! kn evasion of a constitutional provision ' in t hat it proposes ti do Bit certain railroads indirsotry what is forbidden to be done direct ly. ; pccoud„ It offers, seemingly in the spirit of athid for votes, a portion of the money to be faked from the State; to ten other corpora- tionk'which are expected to aid in getting it. Thita s7oo,oooided over the 230 Miles of roa d proposed to be built, is-but $3,000 Per mile, a little over half enough to buy the iron. Fottil 'rhese roads being all branches of the Pen h• Road, it is-but another mode of getting- the State's money for the Company's ownhiggrandisement - O.! The repeal of the Tonnagef Tax by a Republican Legislature would be ruinous to the pkrty in this State. Thousands of honest voters every where believe that the Republican supremacy began an era of economy and hon cstylin the administration ofpublic affairs. If the first important measure is thus to destroy our hors, and show that our. public men aro mon' j polding than their Democratic prede cco.4ws, to the sort of influences which appear on CT . face of this Act, then the doom of the party is seated. . 2)1 , Finally, venturing on a minor reflection. The usage of- this Act will greatly embar rass f bur worthy Governor. His honesty is welliknown. A chest timebefore his election, he iii Said to have defeated-the passageOf the prophisid Sunbury and Erie Bill by his advice, knotting that for a Republican Legieliture to pats ut, would destroy the party. lie has for yeark:expressed himself opposed to a repeal of the Thnuage Tax. On this gained, in part, many voted for him: If the Legislature should pass th is Act. his position will be exceedingly unpleasant. Unwilling to oppose his political friends, he may dislike to veto it. On the othezi baud, if lie signs the Bill, enemies will say lie lima been "influenced by the Penney'. vanix Railroad Company," a slanderous ini putatiumwhich will be exceedingly unplea stait,land which may possibly be - made even agairhit the Republican Legislature. A Tax P-ayca - or PCNNATLVANIA. Fort Mustier. I Weihave been favored with a perusal of.stiiim portant and ietercsting private latter, froth a num lea .dl4aeCh ea.ot.rost tioutteroo a friend hs this city, which 'gives - a graphic tiescripfion of state Of affairs in that important post, and flatly emstritliqte some of the statements in reference to it whichl Nue roceetly appeared. Ito principal pee sages stokes follows : "FORT SIMMS, B. O. Jaoaary 27, 1861. "Ott p l resisit status may be described as the Intl Wore:i6e .41orno. The papers will tell you many boo AMU. us that are utterly and entirely false. We ace'yet receiving no fresh provisions of any kind from- Cbaileaton. A quantity of beet wu sent some days ego, bat u no arrangement ha. yet been made with the suthorities, ms ant it back, saying to Oov. Takeo,, that if we were to be furnished at a riyhr, We would make the customary atrangemetite in town. Nut if it was soot as a civility, or courtesj, we destined to receive anything. The papers here publiilefaleahoods every' day. Teat we are receiving flub provisions is fair& • that oar boat hots fired in to by pi battery on Sullivan's Island iota fideti; ii and that ftlejor Anderson is a Secession equally so. And thus it goes on. -We have no way of milt ing kn'o' wn our position, except through . 'Nestling-- tom Wepre, to all intent, and purpose/L.:in 11.1 per fect a hate of siege al if towel ,war prevailed. No boit le'aves our fort for'town, or epptheches it, with out a whim , flag. All communication, except our matte, Ss cot off, no it has affray. beer. 81000 11111 copiedl this fort. Our provisions ate mooing short, and we have low no sutler or coffee for the officer., and liwlntia are on half ration,. We have not moues of anything but floor end pork to for say length of time. Oar wOutea and obildna base for New York on Wednesday. It Is better of 'they should' be away. Our ult. are all up, and w t are avaita.*.da proves, rueals.• I( the Oritte den resolcuona or their equivalent do not pus, this en tire *nth is gone. This fort Ju cold and death. We have ineutlicistaluel and food, and nothicg but salt ala . to breathe, which I despise. Bet a soldiet's life is elWaye gay,' you linow." Froth the tone of thb letter, it is evident that no suppllids sad reinforeemeots could have been received previmisha the time it woe written, and the rumor in regiid toaseintance from the Brooklyn are, there fore, Mirellabte. Two other fact. are apparent— that thhigairleou Ls already sufferleg from the want of a sufficient quantity of nourishing food, and that, while - they consider en attack by no means impro, bable, they are prepared to resist It as effeotually as possible.—PAita. Prom' ttorntra at Ealn s: S r OYER, JR., ATTORNBY AT LAM, No. i:139 Fourth of , Lowrie's Law Building, ; . pniTsußon.P B. IP. LUCA 9, 4T702! yl/1 , AT LAW, 5511 . 051e5, So. TY Omni 5C ir ... TITTBIWROLI. Pi lamin. 4. PV1111.6011.....« .......... Letup p:latter, Pa. pIIRVIANCE & COVETS', 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Pittsburfit Pa. Ofiloa In Pihlloll'o corner of E ft b and WO el .ireeta, atal nolitdly . nAint,m MARCUS LTON d ACHESON M/ 149 /omit. Knot, PittebnO C. B. M. SMITH, • IL • ey au4 Corinne/ler at Law. I. MLR RHIOVLD TO KErgiki'S LAW BUILDINGS No. 13 Diamond Street. Next door to Eli, Peter'. Clbarib TuPD l . 3 § • ATTORNEY AND 001:INSELOR AT LAW Orka, N041(18 Fourth stratL Weer WAAL • entLAAWYIv Pirmspangt Pa • G "'ERIES--50 hida.prime N. 0, Sugar; FOlibla Rained White Sags; 1001ilAs prime N 0 Illolurgw, • 6011;bal Runp., • . % lOW Caro% 100!a1chesta Tem . wAll raers id.* a. Oroarien, Weby R. ROBISON a W. bags Chemins in store fur •obl by WATr & WILSON, RD LOW, It. .13/ 1 4N 8 . — al We. Small White Beane, rt. , :tba , by J. B. CANFIELD m M .4 9 • Pi dsvot ow W ood. BtiAiNS-40 bite. Small Whitelree!d (entitle bYI • J.B. LI(I9ATT • • • 101 l Wain said nit • • at. SELLING I SELLING! SELLING ALL PAP= awl Bolltddfle,al:the old stood, 07 Woods,. G 4 I=l CIOAL Olt. 1 VIJA.I. OIL 1-50 bb]a. Once- A./ .11.012.41 No o=lol4 . I Obis 0.6 Il ', 4kW ea 00610 d—fur sale by JO- , Jolts nualL6 a motion thm C ICIVBRIIEEP-44 negi Sprit b 7 • .2 I LAUSICILT iiiturroN. a Shall a. • - P RIME currou otinsa---coob. - . • . • • • . /R.VING. co2iam - tev o tdrikic PIRO lOW:FRANCO PORIP*RIOR. stwontl refieht• Near... 4 etuttte•lt.., I •!th•Cht7 fhw ‘oft, tept-eeopet I title ett) ey the eubtetelber, who ts repere4 te 10,1),14/11eitICOChinnObel. .1P" , " in•Mt - 1 •••• f.• ft, Mee as pi fr, has thowo Insqrsou. ft. be eo, ul;4 a 4.*,vg!..+1 10th. sofa, Of the Company, nod the 'pew tneuetlf stfuxiti Of the hunte. . • : i: ! •:1 J s 0i B frrtlippss, "' o..fi ' '' ~ 00 P., 0. It)11 rirt el—J. ..._ _ ....._ . etztLatltatplatil I , irtv Atrutt. 41. tit lIIIIUKANCIN 0041' 1 4 W:lr e ' ' N0..149 Cas.txur tritist 0rp0.it.:2.01.01P6°."7 • C.043Fn0,10u—e..0.304.6td. . Will .iiiale all Itlndiof luturatiet, et Ar ftrittnal LLANAtt, ou erery 4eAcriptinn of Propprty br hlltrobalritti et rsirpoosble mite of prorAtem. + I: t. , . - t..'l If. • IWRISKS..I. BUM.. Pr Flt . t, ~! W. BALDWIN, Virolrrttdd....l! I". o .ootoalZ , ugsii•lNiy.4: g. :11. 064. Lig. gligtW‘. ll,- . W. Er 0.. i. P.B. galrery. Jawr,b S. CIRO; C.Abetitlife, Jam 0,,,,,,,5. J. mews., I. 14 Iler. ! i P. NUONBFAIBLIterrtrtru : J a.Poriiri;q4ime, ' ' , . mro4r Ttali/ i n l w., 1 1.,#, 2 ,t, , /I , LLEGEISIitINEI !inset! opecip ,, , _ II prit swain; 'q . „ , , Orrice —No. .27 Fifth. Bitik . 141ta. ANSORES AG/1111' ALLIUNIi OF Yllt.ll AND MARINE 111 KS. AAAO' JONZA Presl4l.4 Jortht; I,tmoittiv Ince Prukkuttlxkl BoOK,KKI. ,y; 1 , 7 iornar, emoona I I Dizscress—i,ao vr .litatey,. O.A.p FL 0 Om, John WII h , B. L. F.ihnErAirelt. Abu D. WOunl,Vord. Adam Aiwa , P. FRArllok,. ChotA WUILto Dom. IL. Vire, Mince Duo !along iisontnet. INSURANCE CO. o PHIL.4II J. Ineorpirste4ll7o4 A6•6l4,Jecoary 19.1862. ... 87. • Talaus Pori, Body. , Q. COVEN; .1 1 . .• TNEOLIMAIVE CO.. )0F THE STAIE OF PENNBYL 11/116; PUILATMLAIIA: , Incorpoilted;' l7 94-06016L.:-.17169,969; • *meta V•brzurl 1,18691 • 2•1112 T IXOIIISIIII E 986 19... —, Wcwo Efa rill, Sees. ! deal. FIARTFORD Fl IN,SORANOE iscorporsted, 161.4-.l6paal-.4. 1,50,966), .., , Asecoo May 1,1960_ ..-• Too. C. Arun , 86ey, I 11. - 111INT1;4916Nli 0661. • • notanaroOto la Las abovauldand Itollobio oOior,iacleo, can be übtalaid bl sjopticatlon to . . itizan's born Company 'of rittitt)rdh, Office, oor. BI- ritstlik ?7eter Stioeie (11 SD Itooa;). • • :, , W. SAGA LEY, Y clout. ~, , . - Buougl4 go., Butrul*.l.• INSURE:6 OT 1111111,048 Milt oAttfiplitl. urroo melon Lilo. an Daolugo In IthiNaolgatiOn of Mt fiontbem mu:lW lith,n, Luis win fueieulo, and Use II viot.fon of tho Ern. 4:. ! , t ,, 1..... oliOloo. Lc uo aud Boone by Vico DLISCIVIII: .T.ll. Efuloo, , lJui, M. g Ootr, • S !B. arbigi L . 0 Yonug, ' J. Cl El ulds4ll. 7..... . Mel, ' '.I DOI] 8: pjlwartii, o golpton, • , kintluy:t ?Onion. do..lo:lyd • Wen Bmglley, • lli J•bs. Park, Jr., ,U. 111 F. Jam., . en• Francis Dollars, R. ! Indlunnlty A •r.rkllr Firs PAIL 4 1 Office 435 and 437 ==!! bI3 to lux woe of 4. Muctigag“, amply Elsa(pribou vaL Taal - wary Won, au orl Marl.(prement,ralvA Mae* and Cash . i ss...lliii ouly Prone.. In s VI-smear. 1 of ou deride by taw ore/ oen 1.. WE reatotEL , . , it.i..••••• L oa,k. •o, • y eterviptioet of IPropuirty, do . ern laud Ociuutry, et ra au low as are cteuelsyett'.wllle *curtly.. . 1 -'1 , I Blow their Intorburatt 0, a period a ;thiro , tiril, Ulay harm plate • Lamm by firm MAE. emoodeut o.Mweueetus lbw kUjiousqf Zobearr, y tfloollty, elibletie*, E. aefereuatagnol lutormuom .IEBII. duper ley ~14 Asp, iiik.Eo toot weal //romp all IlablllOtou ,-; . ' Wets SY rill, ' ~ 4 fa, "uiigro PUS dqrfog trio yo ISSN i,• ID, or . lonuipitu—ub..ls" Cum .litoriSpod bierloSkiteke Weidor, /mid S. Brows ; i bilMati I. LERE4emob W. Smith, Sd.o.-.lo..Dide,Al .W.O. G•l'S'ade. OLLAILLES-.BANOK PEME.ilimb. . : EDWARD e. DAL; V YE" Meut. ' i WI.. A z 811113.; Seoregr Qin% 0c,,, ~.4,L.j.. vely6 0111.Nortbsulcor. Wogs • ' Tata Ad' -r- Lwt tiastfa..ax9,..; By the &chance Mataall InsuraneE Comfy,, DC puicAn'ALritx , Op Uatidlup, Littetorarr o t:: . ud,Alav i tadir, Tarlatan, OffiCe No. 308 Walnut iStro l ot. Ajeso . se,loo,6lol,..Asarra 5003,609 9a.-I;are*d al hal ova! Inn Pdottglitooo lmpro•elolt7 Proper* worth • doulda the aneotet.-- ' ,-...1..5155,000 00' realm. Ilailroa,l 00'00 per concllottgaso Loan, i ; Mg of Phllsdelphy 0 per cent 54000 00; Allegheny county percent.Penres. R. 10, Io,oog 00, 0411.1.1.0 batch well seta red -.- /.... fluntlaadon and Broad Top Alcuataln Railroad r. Company, mortgage ..... 4;000 00; Peopayleula Rahroail Oo'a Cdock-.- 5,00 g aef S t oc k Soc of Ma Reliance hlatnal Insoraace'Co..J.- 24,40 00; k or 0..4 in. ' LOW 'O5 Meek of Delaware. 111. B. !neonate Co / 00; Olontnerctalliank_. 4136 la; lialumice Boat du ...... 1411 Oak% Id. luannence Cole gulp ...... .; .00 Rogunemblo, bualneea ...... -..-... 35 1 ,:7 Book Account% accrued 'alerted, etc .42 6 )2 thiel, on NSA and In hands of I 5 'IS 1143,5 as fie oust istsotari;Ttsiss.its Dito , ooloto Stogie,, Hint Ellapbsio,WM W.Vbto mo, Hobert Btooo, ftedork..k Worn. WO Xueon, l o.', rectoori Boo). W. Tiogi•Y• lobo R. Womdi..l4llll Er, L. CZ. ismoa, Lolkrup,ltobtaland, Oh*. Le ' 7 irK bionfig, Jacob T. Bunting. O. l Wood, tlsoltb . .fto4o,' Jos 1r B.oodrord, !oho M. ell,l •• ittobung.w, ••, ,•1 , - '----- 4. k N; Bieiotkj.y • , I.lFi'Agopt .• -.farads • , , ~ ela ware Noy cthca, S. E :1(312/N3 aysi .4411 part• of the • .L•rett= qrscaAs 11, Drillleg Una ate, BOW &ales Tram Philadelphia INV Peallailtanlalkatt Bllb BacateableL: Bondy Notticaos Naas. Baßroad ei Teatteema• Stat. E I Paid. la Pea* B Balatkee doe .t iv Platelet, latatiat Cub an hand atoll ; . 1 sircifoot►62 ‘ trlnitla A ; 1/111116.m Bleren.• Bonnetol 81•1$60 11 lkitmod A. bonder. • 1 ..I.PenhOota, , ' , l IbinagAdiNcePankttsq. Story Ala, _. . JoitA R. boon, 14•141 ! . ,I=4l4 4 t r ' l i ,H. Jean .t, i!, • • I Speacct aim ,II Milian 14 re,h, i NAarrau C. M a, .!?! ; l i Tams O. liana, Robere Batt Jr.:: ; 111/011aza 0. Lady*, . Jr.* P. Jaws *1 j; ,Th.,, v b n. Bat, • Jam. 111 ; Me 1.14,1!, Dr. &M. Unstoo, Joshua P.. 116.06. F . Goome . G. Lao*, :oho D. ge•op11, PlMb's, Flush °mfg. D. T. marg., .i "Arica Halley, A. B. Donor, , i WY. AKTIN, PreNdett. •-. ; TH.08.0. HAND, Pk. Prat NagarLTlßlliA, Secretary. I • I r_, P. A. MADEIRA, gear,' , 4, , 1: lyd—no23 No. 06 Water atm*. Pletabooto. .1 _t ..,. L L . 1 , Wairtern , ineurunce up:3ll , .., 1. ' r pITTABURGN.; ;• . ' 010888 DARAIE Pr•GA64I.. I. U. GORDON, Facrot..7.• . , 1 ' I. '' '. ' Ow. F. D. 00CURAN, Gomm' Ajpro. j , •• 'I 01110111,N .02 Weer Woof, 1,44,4 • Go.'s rains,6ona6, ap gabs.Plitobaoo. 1 ./ ' ~!. 1; ! Wail / Lire . igastistsll kinds of Fire WO iii4rin ' i AtilkS i i.v.i. twin yui 'colmsainuffyi amid ow are do 1,0,, bp A II.'" s atat tgAcr 'i' 010, 1 714. ow/ At 4 D .,..7.:r . p?: .'lll. 44.1 ,1•: '' Ll W l= " astmacd.. as °feriae Ms , protettion to ash irAr PWr. t• Of inutred. MARTP, oCrroaskao, 2664. . . -I, i etook AD:7Ol3Ols ... ~.$ ,04,0 Cr, 1 . !Moiligaia.. - :—. .... ........ ....... ......,.t. ..... .. },160 co • tutee is corm Late of Inagua, P. w. AORISON lITEI AT LAW laitlyd apa lyd—no23 OCke Acormate, Primal= Not.“—. ~' inteT. iinalll7eflizeountr4.. ............... 111.07 a' 7. .... 1. 15.24261'S l . ~ P 112010115. I fkargatDareir, I Wm. liteloinbl, , IL Millar, Jr, . • I Nathaniel Holmes, Mrs. NM..lth,, • i: t .,,,Thopos, .Darlil al: Enng.l • I , JhearalleAnlay, Wllllam 11. Smith A,. O. W. Ilklatani. r ;7 Aadrow ArlitZ . D4 Ol )-.. i r. hs.: aciitniitiAirry. . • • 1 Lubricating Oil, ~t•T TIIeLOW PRICK OP 2.S ' 6EIVTSP!)I ... , 4, 4 GALLON. cortaltally on hand and f r rid. by I.'. 31:4X & &1. non% . A. to Um gtiallty, we ta'anijor..eil olIiaillito: IiI• . 1, . PliTltilifl;ltk U 7, ifea, , • MainiS. VI . C..l . 4.ll:3awriar Cloolii—Tho Imbriontlog Ott MI aro canna *lnn von sr* Eno to . .ba ►o. bets fur due yarrow, iro bovontotral., Tax L. 11.11/. A. EU if 004 .1, . .. .4*W. ' .-. ', -... 1 .. -.•... '. Vf MC 1 ..P 6.11 . warlb V, ; iii: 71, l ' al_-;.tii.4 EDUCID PRIORS! OALIOOII3 tali% 'Ari! lettiatiata pt , iXOß4lliartifi VWJUM;N LX.XIV---NUMBER :63. 'ttteura~ecr or 'XIII i ViTT (Jr NEW TORE. EMI . N.Y. JONltii, Acc , Waff.r thisulPfai gothttuft. ;mast Loeb lair Firlo ■Hans.. ettreapti:** Art imDELPHI A i l II•. tteSttlnt ea., 'l3ari i Fifth. i T. rry let, ltee. lab l#lettre• LI,. befog . tea....._ A/11AS be I e $103318 dl ) ttat. 1,02,RE 1.4 plle Oullatmerl Et-1 il I,le. ..... •• ' /X CO. tkotowoo to 1. rhoottx ~ Jr.) IMPOZSIIIII AND Dlt•Lial lb . HARDWARE ARD.,CIITIERY No. lei Maiket , L ,Stirat; Pli o reatiliGt6 - Pa. - tatylfont _ _ _ CALDWELL;* BRO.. BOAT rauxuautiOt AND Rusin*, Llmoiaud Mawr Cordwg ' Oakum, Tar, Tar, Pltdi,: TuipikulhOdua, Ligbt sad Hain Benny , : wo. as wizio. mid Z 7. F 6-h i leraly.-011 uente' Drees Hata' Ilan • large - stock of Bents" and Youths' Baft Hats, Gents'. Youths' end..Poye Cap% Misses' Beaver gate, Ladier? Yineittiri‘s and a . gentral ammtmeat daolr not iSi turzeuuess acoa;Te Wage , ... 1.16 P). ittfa6B 61 4441 ' 4l 06,eas 00 46,000 00 01,000 00 2001 IQ 64606 in 20,106 61 JAMES M BALPIT: . • lose ...bunt to obi. ptlion• we. 11.10 IT DWVINGS end 111.mumiCIATIONM tar all Idols buildilopt, Rad oopatinti,dii 41,0 efecitlaN m MIMI, • • omar oN , ANDszsoN 111211% between Liocek and Ik:blame lama, axis [west min..* niek•boteil • . - E.•%! .a. Ito e • • copeonsani to Errs=Jr disslion 1 v4.4.-:P. , VVIIOLNSALEDIALKES NORNICIN y y /SUITS, NUTS sod SYMMS, CONTSOZIONSIS ItUdditi; /IRV WORXL 310 - IYOOD nod do. 118. ISKOND .14 . 81817, eccope_SSASSITII . Hotel, Pittatagh;Ps.. ; • • J 718114 II EN S. KING, • ROK ER, for thrills or Nita*. of Metall Ouboa 011,./kkarbaigh• I:l•xidx, ht.cair, Notes, t. N. tits ecopesuittce dismd makfugeoutrsets,make . 4 No. 47.5 t. I lair . P11'141104 Wall Paper kr liT A LTER . P. atelmsnALL, , , Itopiaterl' Tv awl Dealer, si Wood Dims, t•immulierhuitiist • arid Diamond Alloy, lithely May L• Ansi oil 4112•08110 aworMf • noost of ow, rerrktlatirt PIPZEILISOiNGBArt Por ion, Urn; Dftrrir. Booffl!•114fClganOma: Mod.% Ir mot vorfoty allowed prkro ki - - kirks,. .4Vrank. • Ft varEpslat ANtoNerzeATiox-40c If ,Porbspi itherrir no ow, lacer Midget tk/alorlhos arm affmrali sa tkierimplr. as it Kowa Try or mica( .Igf Won.= um& a +Amu* usid, ifoom um 044, rod Meaty artrillora. Abr. • the araketa Crocks/4 kr Um ...m. p.p.,. ; Vrerk ifoppllto of bell toot InWilL = ', ,Pe , , . 1 . 1 ..kkaD.71. Ala Knot. ' sso or , Aos 0.60 t :JO - A 01114 DOLTINIi cuatwor ,pettAwittiouyigid u at lourl,ll . !fa than &sealers to . aattly 01110itgi 60E10,11 W' LIAVEN T v . PRIXIIIIIII MA • nor Waal alba Tidal Mc- • " IT (JUNK'S 'ISIPMAVED Ila&SAVibto neouLatias, gixaals by nun IL Mar 2000 tiP -/4: 3 x. *Mira* WRAP `~:~I =' ~-~: ~lSLtllantous . ~atbL'= 01MR ' I 85 Ci RA N ./` Na.itOTItiCIAN Votirtoa BROM:1W . Duquesne- Labitrty e...near DUE tinderkiittied; — haviog ptirobilad Otr, DVtaittattlt ?MORT fecei Ttettiyitlit i ldOih. tine to toanattetoto DlAClHNlBToaartwas.totirlt , y . 0o the r'aua'4 Ihmin " iP 14 14"STMEMO. X.P.lf 00140. J 111.1.4 that,-j.ldi: I. W. CIE AD WICK 80N... , A Paper a;3l d : R:lig Noe. 149. and 150 Wood Street, 4/0 - Pirapping Paper al asaariet PA:, tartri' platten router price paid ia tam be ZNimt, REINI4.I( GriZUWJAI -as ..-, `, hLANONACTORIBII OP ALMA= „. !ROPES 4111111' fi 'AND DiAtais Plana tufo. idises an 4 &me awn. raw. AO. %V ♦ RS ROOS!. Q 119 ODN. PENN AND Wilatlenr& Two Equaria &bor., P W. iO. R. R.IPPoWO 0r18.2¢0 ! PPITIRCROAIP. w ialtlll. . , GALLAGHER, mime ♦ cogh, MS S a 171ST 33 33 214.. DTAASI AND GAD DITEDIDITDDPLINDIDIt • 13INISIIERS or ALL KINDS or DRABS Wass, end ciesierito tiSB nirruzi,a o : Zar•OFFlO/1 AND WARDROOMS,' • ith NO. 124 wool) stlek Sr, icoi• E.tov Ow AiihtmtlicA l i Woo/ saa moisoirr,./ loiLDßar rzourrior ousolso Vire doom from iiirFoandry, fiformogibils .11,LL fitflata xr. 4. vcr . a a z. CIII DRZIII O 6 HAT% , In ersi“ undige• sad allood,niti. phlomot J. B. illerman & , . FA813.1 NABLE 13/12 , STOMA; No.i 15. WtoOD STREET.It! 10JIN PEON, u yru,Err PR.E111:11d. it A, R ST 0 R-K i - No 8.5 Fifth St.. mat WlHR 4 delifienel 113.1.4.• floe own Moot PRISM LB& tr HAIM BRUSHES. Tocrrit cud NAIL 11111110111 k which 1.111 ts told cheapar say.sztairstibliths mem latherity. MR nod examine thsstook.„ viruaseass sp e .irtmUDINCARra Practical -Xathographer.. Nog. 17 and 19 - raiii et; • HAM DIPLOMAS, etiow LA Dins. BONDS,OZIOMPIOATMSOP,KOWS DILL FISADS, DRAPTPolike' *awl, 8. •INV• P. • 18 nam.. to, I.Nsotil Lae,' I MioORTZB, •prp • • • • HA' D jlicr 11. Corner Liberty and Bt. Qlaie,Steeete, s jat.lly "amuses, PA. u r itb11........_J1fp V. 1 - • WILSoN, CAgn Mal NYIUKT, PAM • 00) Wholeside rfattleks 0 Fab IG N-Ac mcontr..r.urrxcr DRY GOODS, . , „ 1., , blo, Wood dtrse Zd horse obeys . DI. o. t * Adair; prrratimunt. FITZPAT/Lll,ll. • CU., FIRST PREMIUM Gold*Pen Idanuf•oturier,a.' COIENIR rovani AND AADAAT TA, Gold reua and Gold atuyllrer POOCH13141,11!bolusla Paul sod Cart OiBS►OLLL IMPAIR/G, J41011.1/0. JA,Gam.lig - fle•111)1110. , •1 1- 2 t : • Dacron, Lard, Dried Beef, Mesa aid Rump Pair, - NO 12 Fourth atrent, n Marty, Plipbersb. W . - Ir. id A R 9,11 L An!nilioatis the snivel et NEW WALL PAPERS, BORDERS, La, No. 87 '- W1:)D &eras? It E X 8 X , DICALBA IN - PIO METAL. INDIUOILL SCRAP IRON, ROR/Ir CANADIAN GLASS • SAND% Arrornos—covisa or PRONT afro 6yPP¢~Oly QT 12r 0 U 0 W:0 R,K. KJ • JAMES OVVICJID, ~. „ CORNER sir Aria,wriis aikietzt ~ 11LNTDOCO AND . 111.1k10 *CM% It, partials. Wootton to all orders for work In bto thao. _ ... •'. IIiAIYNTSX3 And MUUMUU of Ni Undo' finilliiill A . ?ninon - - - - . 8/11110.15r : JOBAIIISON, •. nICALER 1$ PURE 1/1111G18 ‘4I),OUXU -1.:, /OAI Perftimery.3Ani. Goods; Ilturnint 3Plarid. Man. einem. La A*, of stFutl.7 Da,* 9witislOiluch M ‘ PRIM: • ••• • .CORIVER ONIMPIJSZD. ARV MR= 82111.,-, P/TTMAGH; Pa. SirPretcriptions carefaly ....psemkg,ol aD Aannillr pc81:10 II ILLERALLLN t CO. W ALL.. 1 1 / 1 1111,,& is U,. • 80 Fourth week Putoiniti:. P.a.; Tln LABllita AND and mry drartptioo 111 . 1 77_ inTaieft psarDio QT Dram wild tad' bosh i ; . ~pprgpueil'tp' fNi6i~h~ ' iA 7 :fret , Mf`' 44 i , . r►re►eed~e;r~; •.0 1