iilittsbuta zutpota !!!) ttOtOtatoite, r. sad Itisaliggilaltiesis 4•11 r. eau - I .t arti=Ll LAI - Sows up to Me hour of saw. liiiioilear Irdthro , par mama la ralvaisca, ar 120. pr ooniom4 Jannalap por mono la adnotr, or as pr week Irmo fillip .Sdialon—,Sloalkeoploa - p por •411111.1114• In a r email St teal it'apinaia al per awns; latulabla la MUM& • , ai4diraniiisili i firit LUASOJIAIIIII RATia , ._ ,_.. . . WEDNE3Die'liOltrylio3..'iii: 23, 1861 !ilit:Tlig,..lh , puhlhian _, Couoty- Ixecutiie Ng) , egmtilthr, "111 meet up on Tel:rumor. . the 24iii isnt.; at b a..xn it the , olio of Mai , . - .,tbf.,,f ,8,„17Y5,. The memberi are eaniestly . , requhsted fo Wood. _ . ' ' • ~-”,:Tliak M. M.ing L 1.% oludpv . on:, TO6:l:l6tioir;siotetari:. 'Maud Irina' '/W4esthe uglier the Free BU' dime that 4iey us_ asked to:suromitor their dslibe "Mel, expressed tomiletbitur fa the face of In salt lattrista, u pries of :bit preeeria; Om the _ifalon mach an ladluensable neosestly to themi , and is it of so flu* , libel 01: . tki - !..border abbe Dtatesi that IlidlicAttiforAsp eatatialsaa to Baer loos thsli hoseirbienimmt and prinolpiss for its p afford•Tto treat It as a tuber of eeseadary importance, • this( to be tularemia , or destroyed as caprice, or tribleu pulp pride ntsy diet* t b the Co.. servisba of ilassry to be set shore the Rational Coutitution itself ? b • pretty this logetid to talk about inaltbicompumissa and onosslons, when half a s *Up Plus- Biatee.are I 4 oAen -rebellima igibmt.Det intiteriky the government and is f, k ii' l ai-a k ,'„0.,; 0 .1 0 , outi. g .. Nisbet the laWiiia* expressed: constitutbinil tights of oar ottlsaas' Do' sot wont !boars itnaiituai thielopplisielipuiluinimone is ii' is unels•--see that sooty movement of this kind osi toicaungo:Die neat. "iuo_ hive brottigW4ilts trouble Open the Medea, and in- Whiled • reign of terror in the Botta ? 'Do thrOS Imp WA Our"' dalusetistioit of ibis isorkseskness on Disport *LOG North readers it h*esibia Om be cossenative mem of the South to 1iak.". 1 41 1 4 wing Abe mmluen la their L...4411s mot *kr that, had ••est of 14180b1 1i "f10 10 004 from Allegheny : 000.47114105UT0 ita;hae o 0 our Pak. n roar of a:ta ut:Oa would hive risen from lb. camp of the fimModomfmatloo 1' See I Oboe . fellows arta FresikD . Militm—rte dip is oars! Ws shalt noon' bus` every thing our own -- -•41 /744.;i74,1 dithib ni Mien froitera 1 1 11 1 *itio Midst of s conflict In tidal imr ;tottyotahly tits ia calmness sod oonrace. Su. talaAdiettastitatioar 'lsaiah. -the itojesti of Lb.iimeifaaff hit watchword tiit—" Ths lit?' for Ilia-la no Una to thooo te t te° ftini It. to *ll4 It, to taadoilt atl ii ptlbti by maktagir tie guar dtafeK.taiiiit or of twood*: While at the , sata9avwe vrataati Aoki', is the polladionl of ftudom. If wo would net:btoir our admire bin Orator tor immanent- illio fraresatg, and reatieWiiar •Oeealitottha a coatompiibia thiip, to 1 14 4 41 0 1 4 6E044 wader fiat, Ist as act p o i shin #r Manny into It. Zha o.' !Wowed to admit Um word to Ito sated let4l'Ftlitaitonolikti,:oxiondo: TsS ; Bsostmoir...4t iissldeitt, from the sal. toltillesti, of siwa sow dolly amiss frost the Met IkStlibSeilos firer has pissed it. 4111.016.1110:4111 . the iris/Alps , l`liaptaketlks, obit le sot star so itrosg, se It lib tit y OM 111/ • simentsoost titmice!, Sweiripistasieri sad the gesirel Wool sail tamper,. alibesel still -very tot; Ii much letp?ond Tbs - toossylreey. - lel. plots. hi /alai too ler.. The!liisSerie ere appals/I et the doom beton they theq lebi.i. haTO tuned. oat ell expositeAloas- belts.sad all lbekil9Yeet othightliabig-tbeJlortli lots sub. seheitos belie bpi .111swpfilliteet-' ;'' Hosea the intomatly whkiLafirse thew is the gme*.eimelting atteatyled revelation mid ways:4They'relted_linely _upon Bachman oilier ie eo-epeate With *tab levititlold Ida hand freatopposing,thein.:;, they did not iimhdpate whets as Mites piestat Um Indigestion of thalfittle Isee's'ooMitart emmirmittritterni the gay of-Idecolke adeetiar?iii4gli, ;With tro outelity.that he *fro. of the government against them, they emaid, aN UV pit thit , ia opening Uteri them'. le not-lobe weadared otobondorkthat Utej *Wait Aran plueglig lito it;' end we look for gnotagfoldeteele, !remade Woe forward, of a desire to mtlelt op armee sad mope from the perils of their Emblem. - - - . lif i iliaoa o3llui a , W i istor bore, as promptly_ .es If. Osikilitr decided' sad mpbstle dismal to i, --. -tbe krosad takes by Senior eastiasa, ea More. dap, is-hear of. Ike. Crilisades:Bigisr spoor°. ai1104 , .!: We are ustioldioglyuppoood to all ewes at slMprielliii; 'Sider "Wilitist elriSeislineti, some from shoe swear they may, aad la this we are backed by tier sigma asitalessai mail mud of the Espubliosas of AUegbetty county sad ;et ifeeterS' Peswaylvaalai and we lbfaii It ti t d - ,bwatimut ilttlit fa say, of slowly , sibs' vb . . ..111teleAPattiosylv6ibi.' Z. ,ir!Ohoolo Oil, Won, la tine eolamie, evil out rouuour bilt.bppOilog tbeis delusive allsiopla aVuesseetifori" lad "oompriiaitie," - _ tb4vle..tesed ,set Saw ttipsSt'iltim. .WI base wily, to idd hie every day's doiibipmouts but . striestbets oar 4:sovietises - be ibis rtsrard. ...efippisi cortioliod, balmier. that Gem Cam ' SaIi4NSUISS !hie coarse, has idol tilts tea'7weity - " 1 111 ' . '" 4 .1" :4 141 ha feats to bit Ids inty- 11. is sad :metaled by the'peovot 'motto.,; . . sr liiiiii bit j n oiiiioal !ion ie. fasts and ob. muiSoi, iii: - Woot. - bloc But stile dolag his ibleassilowe,, mil-desire Joliet aoCeitiiid our de; *WogAloilitik,! . to hl. slows,' -Tie sire we look at It tiro We are snowballed -tits,. this is-so '• Ikea tifreiiiiiiii.d4i'itiiiimit' 'ir 4i. i:l ,- -: , - , , , , -,- airmwit Is worth vatii - mr It • atait' demonstrate tbstlait by 'bowleg that It bee vitality op:4m6 ~ to oiodlool,* Ibtflf sad to put . doss the rebellion '' NOMA 1 1 11 4 11 0flif;, :( 1 1 *M0 1 " 114 illi k re !r i ! ' . illa *11e.91" , 11l 441 iirige!ilin sot telf:',liiMixs -,-. alsSed kit iliiii*Witiniesillted by of rats. Nilo; ifa_baye7akkees..."•- , .4,,,,,,, ~, ~,. f, . - Nirimpjttleaawilvss.—We awlonasaittbot itialobaCer:Sullkovaero, who lately MOW la tM *IAA *kW:4mb il*Waihigh4o, vary *Ws: thud Oflbi r rookillwili * 144 00a•:. -kottiesaiehl thet the worklegart la the Net* kid iothleg 4.• do ead , wove ap Is epos rebel: dos ”Briid rebtobir aad t eys trod - resist; um, it alai cold tii Wioplil at hi tr. ouoi Ibiy would wit be aatiowomb hod booms tin envie' IR tha *ilk that lb. Noribm ..worklagamie tie ouffeldall the` tleopeot 411wroes oa amnia o the soolsolos it anti Goiania. Athos flaassay.—The Judge of Task who Mai itittt trim hoatio* to the aaltath . alhargid Uo Gamut Jury that alkyl who Re w U. arm or asaatualtion to .8.04 Is Oki at Imam, la trot, sa soma vows itapabilasit^ lodic', bat * or *a' IL If:Diablo( Omit: sad 'lma • • lis sisi obalreaa> or, tr.. ma walla Nati boli4ll4a from 1868 - 10 1860, sad thirst bi CattaatUat at Arrangements at the antfilNaallatilptavlallaa ablak mil al Clia tea la VW ; . ' • .. .1" to or K--thei oaliko - vcr.--'711.t. B*.oak>iot "161*Ift: pro 11417!°- .itoo--/' eoalostiol Govern "IPIN"' it( °el" a glitotioa' ll* itti L croosAMl.' $%• Col ~ ....totloo to - - 4tootostrlo II tim ---- si.aintioz. -11." ur"°, tbdtkig • :-Isamits.--t&tgoild.!!' , , loun'lb . -,„...• r -' _ --,* "- - tt.i . .tit RP' Sit .. . ' INGTON4 '.- . No sipsetaiksh if jPIAIIIMIIieed hem thstFrititlimi: will be attacluid by South Carolina troops. Thejthniiw its itrength, and Trilfersois - Haifa, dho in military and; political authority with them, has , advised against the experinient, ae one which trill keel.* a large- loei-of life, and most fail in,the oi , ,iect if =menial by , raw troops. Communised, the stars and stripes are likely to float =molested. , I The prompt manner in which Governor Pick!eme followed the advice id . Messes. Deets, Hontsa. end , ., others, by allorsiag „. klajor Ande rson seam to ap plies; eibligta a'neacilive tendency there. Thar elon mike ylelds the point of treating him as a public aditiy: which has hitherto been then.... ' An intelligent gentleman, just returned from, an eitsalled trip through North-Carolina, report' the Holm mailmen' to be immaturely in the uceird- - G, had that the planters and othere near the SoUth Ormoline line are setting out at eacritlem end Mov ies away. I donee appraimaied is entertained last snap jtidg- Meat should he fah& on Virginia. The election] for defecates to her Conisatkat is entered for the' th of February, and tbir meeting sized for the Ifah.; It b doubted whether the oessemary notice can he stirred in remote entitles, with Irregular and is &onset mails, and where the Union feeling la strongest, in time to call out a full expression of the Make seetimeet. ;The Seausionista Resin tains, altd aloes llama.of railroad, and -am ruddy don. elintrste their strength. It was more than i month aftestla Pnitidentin elation before the 'rotund of Mend ,dielant.ematia could be received,, ebiett decided the politica' eomplatioit of. theEitate. i . 1 Mr. fiewardra spina is now freely circulated under ,Soitints India, to ' disabuses the Glee iinpreerioas which come of these very men excited against him and thk Republican party, by dela”, "rale and wicked Misrepresentations. I About forty unarm anti. aortae were seised by the rebels at Pensacola, some of which any be Pound more dalliance in the tear thee 'in float. They ilea apprnpriated 112,000 pounds of minim powder, 4,000 puritans of market powder, 61:1,,GX1 thirty-two pander shells, aid large itrantities or; tither civet.—N. Y. Trill. ii Late lettere hunt Springfield, Illinois, authorize me to State that Mr. Liacoln has cot ntade any tinder of a Cabinet appointment to the Hon. Sei nen P. Cone, of Ohio. 'thesis( been telegraphed floss diffannt points that Hon. J. Kenedy More. bead,..Rejmeentative_ in Commas from- the Alle gheny district, and Hon. Thuriow Weed, editor of , the Albasy Eveung.Journal, had both started on i skit to the President elect, it will be proper to' _ add thit*y, are ',supposed to be. engaged is an Effort to reconcile file difficulties growing out of the recent anequtvOcal offer of a place is hie Cabinet, by Mr. Lace's, to Mr. Camerae. , 1 1 , 43scret, and 'confidential agents of the Treaiury rtmeat left this . city on a few hoar* , notice, g, for the purpose of inveettgating esame lerw7i: D g defalcations South and West. What en I f ' Great rejoictog ia manifested at the withdrawn ol orator Iverson, Sho will no doubt vacate his seat ' marrow ' on necosat of the act of immediate ion, passed i by the Convention of his Math An °Meer of the easy, just in from Key West nd • Pensacola, who paned through Chairman, lad reached bete` last night, informs me that the People of Miesimpki, Alabama, Georgie, rued Flori da are secretly metal secession, but they are con trolled by South Panama politicians, who lead in their .eunacils, and mast. thereare, submit forl, the aim. - He found Charleston in arms and eager for the fray—troops4youedins aid blue coniedes abundant. , It, having. been i ansonsced that Jadge Hemp. lit% of Tens, iafeeded-to deliver a coneerratin ,ipeech, he espniely authorises a contradiction - thereof. He has heretofore bees a eousenative co. tide opeatiosiet, bat * been drawn into the secretion 1 Coatiiired secesition does sot seem to affect the dew loan, and, it ;mother be made it is thought -that it will be taken eta rate a 17,4 above part {, It is nadentoodithat . the Pomace depart Meat will elect the same rigid obedience to postal leers, En pain of • withdrawal of the postal service in }hoes Staten that have seceded, es in the cads of ' :oath Carolina. : I A letter from de - officer at Fort Sumter edam at after Car. Pintas* demand ler a earned= on Ow Iltb, Major Aiderson called a council of Nur. t was unanimously voted "nevelt." , ; ' .This platen end to the reports in Gm Fort !and' thee Jeannie atm= the Moines being a 'MCIIIII69- Ist 1114 the I.kelihpod of his leaving the Fort Until he is ordered to - , N. V. World. I , col. Aldrich, M. C., a Miasmas, received letter to=day frot&a 'member of the Minnesota Leg- Maar", stain that epee tbe receipt of the deem rirlititOr Auderefie's sanest exploit is charging -rim Moultrie to aerates, the Lagarlustre peeeM an lot changing the Issue of Toombs coast, to 1%6 of *edema. ' ' Letters receivid here from. Char Macon . [give loamy aecoeitiol: 'affairs Mem. 81avekoiders;who enwerly had to p 0 • tax of seventy-five eest6 cc eieh of their sieves are tow taxed extese asthma ite 'oath. .1t was:;ie we, that ex Gov. Aiken immolated fifty thinned dollars, which halal - 4mnd um authorities hi could sot pay, because b bad kot the mosey: The reply to this came waif that istscoold soft hie sic; gars; aid it le reported dolt be Sold part to pay the tax, sod moved moat of the others to Vinton; MS felt for Rorope hirwlf. As- Other sweetest u that one bookseller, were cited our thoisasd dollars each. They retitled to pay. The reply was: , rYour books see worth Me moo alk,s• “They am' worth a grist deal neorser re speeded. the dukes. - They packed op their stock Sad left Cbarlestis plasm here a day two Sixes en ramie not ch. Senator Huter bu determieed to retire from the cliairseasehip.Wr tea Committed on Foliate . kis will asiternacelia withdrawal is a taw dayi. It is Inederateett , that tbar Ps:aiding well While Mir nuns of Capt Annstroir from the list of the Miry We awn ea that offeror , ' °Medd orpnit is Theis is'ho doebt that inalnations have hewn Halts the eosaaawler DI Qs Gall or Howe plead ha for a opoody Otero of some or the vetwals, an that station, their praisers Owe erg beteg regained Wise the arannew pf the liberal party is, Hausa. Chase hen not been offered a plats in Lincoln , . Cebbeete. This is easerted upon the beet authority. Cameron net aurrawfored the isvitaticie of Lincoln to a piaci is his Cabinet, nor in be likely ro at pntroot. Ti. Nsw Basis or COLtraorame.—The Wash. lateen oorrespoti4sat of the Herald telegraphs sh.follOwe: . , !The new projait for pa/Assist all the slaves la lb SWIM of iDelaware, Maryland and Min Matti for alasty-teas millions of dollars, sad ,aus- Ain" Win tras Pam% as euggstried In my itlis latok la the //meld of the 14th inst., Is attract lormaoll Missiles here, - and is ban Diet/ tlinl f av orably discussed by the leading preens I Lie Imantry.. , TIM Republiessa Mew it as le ; and although they ars; •• • body. tIP• inkier/Dr cm:144140w property In man; yet they um willing to yield that petal Many of them add to the above aimed .811611 those of Arkan ell, Ts= sad 14lIstsas. .I bon bards lugs hastier of Southern gentlemen Mama' the rib. fat faverably„ 'hesitsting o sly at lltif mode of dkupoelagof the eleven after they Lee fres. Ma hi Nortberners reply:—Let them remain, And' pay thus for their labor, asd leach them the priaciples of self-reliance. Other! as, :—Lit them be emanotpited gnidaalty.,Aoother clue, M1'604449' slavekeldimi, democrats and repub liCans, say :—Colonise them in Central America, (upon lie phut propelled by Mr. Blair, of. Min Conti, and Settator Doolittle ' of Wisoomin. The lost. propositivo. is feat beemulag popular`. But the- proposition suggested in Ilia - resolutions latroduoed by Mr. Fullerton, In LIM • New York Assmnbly, au Friday last, to Vladually_entanolpata the slaves of Dee border Steam in a masser that will prove satlsfsolory team slaveholders, and vend them to Bitytl or 'lair's, sod that. tbs general government reran t l,e .4ate the owsere astisfaetorily, la very well re imd here; sad saber that or Seamor Lao ttleiproposilloa, alluded to, will soon be prn iehted in some form in one er both brazens of POAreelL i • - ... .. 1 MITT =MIT is Otscauksaap.—Disiel Webster, lit:the elosiog plumage of hie great argument 1'1 , 1033, demonstrating that the Coostitution .1s tot. a . 00lepaot believes the. 84W—dm dame , epoch of *Malt lit. Madima wrote to him, "IL Mashes niallinastion, ands:suet hasten so stela dolimeht of seoeachni"—held this totems, dellb• .Disorder and!'Disorder eonfuslon indeii may rise; SMOG of commotion and contest are thresteeed, sod perhaps avian* ' With my whole beset I arsy , for the sostlaussos of the domestic' pesos Mod quiet of the Menetry. 4 desire most ardent ly Cho restoration - of affeolion and baromay to p e 11(its parts I desire that y Liaise of the Whole country may look to this Government lb soother sentlmeats but times of grateful roe t and mulehmsst, E... But .1 moot yield, eve to kied Dollop, ibi eases of the Oonotitutlonj lie (rue glory of the amtatry, and the great tenet it blob 'we hold id our!Made for suecutedlng ages. If thi Conalltutioh 'Matta bi toslntaleed with. put easetiag thus of eommot los and itoe kat, however unwelcome,. they mast Dome."! We Calmat, we must IA we dare not, omit IC do MHO wilt*, fa oukjudgmeat, Dm safety of! the Valos reqpireis :Not repardkri of corurgoticio, frforurt yd suet ersorgsroers ; suing lA. ItasOrds !hick surrostidths i disgsrser ofpublie dray, it silts: ' 08 A MICF..° III.' i -' 41coinasrciner at Pembroke, whose letter wo publish is Metier °alums, gloss soma lie, sous' of dee 'ecstasy of Via Prasldoot Hamlin. It Wets last the figielOsete reporttbat Mr: Ham. naked sops Mead la his vela., sprung imolai, tact Oast \leather vas soma Africa Hamlin. Ills sisadfalbsr. s t palrlot of ths rssolatles; took . I buoy to smolt a part of his sloe oklldrea after thes,seems: seallsoal", . - And Swope% &tolls Asia lamb;Ainnelsa `Hatillti,' sad' 044 tee nautili wars doldpoiletai whisk fop, elf Ids ware obliged to cony to the pm. ?he old geetleiolth Could hardly haws satlolpistsd bat partisan milli. Would, is after Years itts pt to foaling missal/4i►of oollrolfood upon I 4 o• - • eesplastrif sbson who hem th• auluokly wise of ltMaa 4. 11 ter Veers day Is wet sport etthertleadt rot tko Write oil ornegrease by the east. The rates Wei year wars vt7 low, Al iltstheilli, - Tees, ' y were Item 00 ta 'OD 'par per east, lees Ibis, ;set yiiir c et P.Priberer. lis:s. -rottery ' Made that -woothtiPoo. list Year,: list leis „year* fir gloc, asi erdesmot ;tout Pit tp - spx.etordimi . l g.. Wiser ereeterly.so:per oath" ehtaiies the _ . - - Tut steanter*....foluis, Captain ;Unfit'. *et last trip to Florida . ; hakamonget her.Fretglit; tligtnt boxes of merehantirao initked .!fE, t M., Fromm. lima." On assorting the freight whim teiring Fernand,na the top of one of the boxes came el; and the - eiintrints were rased to trailed Slates mall bags. The o bbb r two boxes were thee opened and found to enutain Elope of the same sort, and the oupporation is the greater part of the Florida mail was stowed away in them Captain King obey properly stalled the bone. up, brought them bSek to Savannah, Sou debroped tbesio to the postmaster. Who are E. it M. lf—Stfranneh Republican. Toe SUIP CIIMPINEL To Commorron Csisseni— The , ll' Republican of Mondry mention's the arrival there no the prneeding day of tear ships and one bark—ill froin Roropeso &de—which bad been prevented frees going into Charleston harbor by the sinking of three vessels in the ship channel by the nothoritier.' • A Ltriret boy kneeling at his mothers kneel to say his evening prayer, asked leave to pray is own word., and with a child—like simplicity mid— " God bless little Willie, and don't let the bolsse born op—God blase papa sod mama—God bletsiine and make my boots go on easy ia.the morning.r. Tne Flare Mantra.—Mr. Bosslby, of the Lon don Times, who was billed by the Chinese, Will live in the history of Journalism, as he Is the first correspondent ors daily paper who has recei'ved the crown of Martyrdom while engaged in his pro fessional duties in a distant land. A emu) cake of gold, worth candy 2 50 . 1 NX), he. been dto the Bank of New South Wales. and th e go ►s reef from which it was obtained dl, it it timated, produce SIOA,OOO a year . for zany, yea to coma • To. . 'el ty United States soldiers , who were eompelled kneader the fort at Baton Hauge to the State nthodtles of Louisiana, hare gone to Bt. Loaf,. been 011 CD i 0.. II •Y ..redo[. tea 2lst Instant, et 114 Voloolt, MARY Sa X, Meet daughter of the late IltaSad Lulu, to the ISM yo of her ego. Tim f of lb. Meetly ore"stod to pitman M. towel, f the fiefdom:oo(lw mother, tie !booth Arm. Mtn.= naiad end Great mitotA TOM (Wednesday) 110101 IN at 10 eoloolf._ Sleepless, Crying. Teething Chndsen. All know how °visional are them eccomparilments of babyhood, end most lotelltgent pereone know, atm, OM oemequenot to heath, awl olteo Lfe, from the me of 'en. dynes, conflate, and similar baby d nes usal to quiet Num. lIIIMPURNTIiv BPILCIYO 11031110PATUM BABY'S PlLLB,(eplemmat eager plll.)which yen may drop Itit4 the what, at am Urne, gin /0.1 everything to be dralnal from medicine. They term cadinsent, alloy tie irrifehlaw of It. &Mg, Naos Colin and BMW thwpfainft, sod Pri'dirci notural and q aid magi without the dleadventagee of ' ar opiate. They have been mild for years, end ap proved by all who me them or abhor dodos. Price,26 mole perMa, with directions. Eli boar, $l. • N. B —A full eel of Lluxritares UOIIIOSOPATaIe &vino? with Book of Dlrectloon and twenty different Remedine,lll We. MM., mimic , . rem, PM nit+, In plaid reso,s.:raw, of Ahem bowie, and 61 Pion!. home, P.i aims and 60 mots. Than liomodm, by the rlngl• boa or ovok m• win by moll or osurran fere of aliorms. W ow, oo r0M.1.4 oil the prior.. *Mirror. Ur . NIM OT:11 .; Nu. 5172 llrood oft, N, w gold by J. M. FULTON!, Vift• ...et, ea.un 000 r - hum lbw PmlUmo.. hirput lor l'ltt•barTh. J .14J6 ol r Wiswum, an experieno”d Nurse lad Wetted* Phye b... &,othlea elray (..1 ablldraa hethleth ',blab vastly 11.111teb • the pe. ee. tealitleg by wheeled the game, nduelei all 4n aruslion-:-.111 alley an paht,litel le sole la rertlate the eeerel. ttieetel gpao It, teethe., u tin syte teat to ewe... a and 'roller and health to your Infanta Perfectly It all mt., /Ye ed.alleposeet le mothv entente lattaleeteT Vibltt !Rotten „.. JOHN 11.. GOUGH WILL MIL' VIER A LIM MIS AT CITY HALL, MAHKOT SQUAIIH tIN Friany R van I e Q. Jan uary 04'5f 00'. MUD I Ent • • TEMPERANCE. 6%; I wean t I 00114141`0C• at 7%. 'chat Yin.* 20 tnat, to be het te nuttily bleola owl Wen Pawn, Litman how. anti el the dew lan LIAM] • LWSHICHIF.—HARRY HUHN?, of OW* taw meta tuts IL6 won* of Ala ft i1.04V fit olttela Ow pabtleati sotalloolkte tor ate, of Allegton • Owe q. Or Wane. wilt sot lOW. him Ileo ovate-nett, at tramline neat-wog ead wane nom *IL Jell mew IT.TSIG A LED PRUPOIA LS will be received ...or at Hot aim J LAw Cootrollor, otottl gate rdor,i too. 26, at 8 o'ck.olt p. m oopolol•O lb. 0 14 7 - •kb ST•• TICLINIKILY sod BLANK 1i0014.31 tor U.* otoo. totecookittil Prob. 1, 1111. Old,ten ocoosopoo, Volt 141. teltkoosts ploy of lb* glad..., (boy parpom I. torolth, 0a941. ItUttoll4l, 11411.WCe, Coattolor. (WWI OF VHS MIIPTINELO. Ca" tbell,►4ll", litb ot Josotory, Mt, ErV I Dit N D.—The Trustees of the Pitts haryb Goo Promo., tom Ibis d. &daM.d tr Dlol dead of TM DULL &NI Pitt 81111118. IbSI pibl poos 01 lb. Compooy. oot of lb. troths or. the WA Ns blooths, popbto to totoksbh lord. to .olocktu4Scro tboletrrol roproorotative. tb. OSk.. of IL. Octopoof jattlettr JAMS re en SIAM', r. ."'SKUOND ANNUAL NXIIIBITION Or TUC PITIIIBUROU AZT .11111800IMMOI7 • WILL OPEN ON W7I;DNM:BUAY, n*.oakm her I filth. IN• iatgeorr GALL. Cerra. ,P4slala said 4. ir Isl. • • 141 OLDS* of 7210AY. OIL INST. Oallary apoo rm. 10 a. la. 4p. e. and 'me ital. thaavaatag. A•halla.kaa Y 6 opals. 13.4".4 Tlatts LO cesal. 1.1.419:41. Al"anglall Vll.lll 1 . 441,1641.Whei1, Pitiobarnb, Jas. nth. : I •TEIE ANNUAL, Mantic° of the Rtockhblder. of lb. Ikekeey Valley Ite/Imed Cow ploy be bald at tka M.. of tbe (kmpaey. Doti. of Wuhlairtoel It awl Malberq alley, nth ward, enter bank, da 41:111aDAY, Oa sth day at fabraarj/.1A131,i al to ceelaek a as. • lelateeasel of Oa again of thaeoaqyail ala tad. emd Medi. 111 6,14 Vreei. dud Board of alaiyadera fur the easedag yew. : jallalttelixte JAW tig GIBSON. Pwerstary. Owes or Meeereartiut Nereartor 1.. , 0411re • Ptttabereb, dormer" loth, 1661.. f erns Directors of the Monongahela New man) OMAR' il i tr 116 vi rr en a tt d aptt4 Wa l d the Bo oleo ot the lent Ole Nearby made be the Ned. b01d... or thew bepl reprerearatlaa, ea to Orr Walt* hot, le beatable feede r at the °Ma.o, or the Treesorect Hy order of the Board. Jett:told W. B. 00P BLAND, ?nuttier. 11.1:1N011 SERVED UP EVERY' MORN. lOW by W.BOHACIL Linn", Js., ,t hie Haetanrant.